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No. 4405[Reply]

ITT: female figures that you looked up to or were inspired by, but turned out they were either pick-me's or betrayed their ideals for one reason or another
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No. 21965

>Naomi Campbell is the biggest example of a female celeb that helped pedos gain access to underage women which never gets talked
Wait, what?

No. 22055

It's known that a lot of female celebs worked with epstein and helped him gain access to other women but it never gets talked about

No. 24600

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Maybe not completely lost, but this is upsetting.

No. 25823

Who is she? I don't recognise her.

No. 26594

PJ Harvey

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No. 4526[Reply]

A place to discuss and vent about pickme or fake self-serving feminist behaviour you have witnessed or experienced, online or IRL, to post cringe screenshots or memes, theories and tinfoils etc.

This is separate from the tradthot general as it’s not just for discussing particular women with particular belief systems, as there are many kinds of pickme out there. However, trad-thottery can still be discussed as it is classified as pickme behaviour.

Pick Me General #1 >>>/2X/627
Handmaiden Thread >>>/ot/398608
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No. 24512

I'm calling you deranged just like you asked

No. 24534

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Pickmes + sex only serves men

No. 24542

And all the guy has to go through is being able to thrust and keep his dick hard? Oh wait that is difficult for dudes now since they cranked the nerves away in their dicks watching extreme porn every day and now women are competing who can numb their throat or stretch their asshole or unnaturally clench their muscles because it’ll make them better sex goddess cumsocks and of course if you don’t debase yourself in that way you’re JEALOUS A HOTTIE STOLE UR MAN. I have no patience for these women anymore I just hope they’re getting their catch of man they deserve and that’ll maybe break the conditioning in their minds. Here’s your reward of male inflicted trauma that you asked for so so badly!

No. 24605

>few put in the effort to develop their pelvic floor and suppress their gag reflex and stretch out their asshole

No. 25936

Sure, understandable.
I won’t lie I am also just sick of women online either on this website or in other spaces who are fujo coomers who can’t stop talking about men sexually, whether it’s the weebs gushing about their precious uwu boys fucking each other or being libfem dick worshipping normies. Just be fucking normal

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No. 3791[Reply]

ITT: Post screenshotted pink-pills specifically relating to troonism, non-binary and genderspecials
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No. 23984

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No. 24008

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No. 24144

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No. 24496

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No. 24498

kek this is interesting, didn't think about it quite like this before. I think many of these insecure guys see TIMs as men who are openly admitting they're failures (correct), and probably like the security blanket of trooning out on standby for when they completely give up trying to be a useful and functional human being too. they're worried their porn addiction and low self esteem will reach breaking point one day and need to know they can at least hide behind a gender identity and score some victim points when that inevitably happens.

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No. 18424[Reply]

a thread for those who are considering to take the blackpill feminism, or are already blackpilled on radical feminism or feminism in general (does not mean being anti-feminist though). share your thoughts on why and how it's possible to avoid the blackpilling, or if being blackpilled is the only solution for women.

Previous >>16240

Don't infight and ignore any handmaiden or retard that comes to argue.
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No. 24450

There is no biological basis for female pedophilia. Moids are naturally pedophiles.

No. 24451

How do u know ?

No. 24453

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Wow such a cool story of forcing yourself into sex

No. 24458

>”AFAB child”

No. 24468

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Since I expand my bioessentialism to women, sex and inequality of hetero sex. People are dismissive of facts so they are shitting themselves over it but it's literally accurate and it all is also reflected in female pattern behaviors and psychology. Their sexual anatomy is their female psychology only difference is sexual orientation. In piv and hetsex a woman is in inherently feminine role due to her biology and sexually only experiences feminine emotions in the whole body since sex is about the while body not just genitals therefore clit orgasms are even more useless than penetration especially did alone not other human using your body. It literally fucks up with your nervous system cause the energy release is incomplete and it women it can't be all centered in one point like in men cause women experience arousal in their vagina and cervix too. I would also say that "vagina girl" is also a "mouth girl" cause the body opens on both sides and the vaginal stimulation is about full body opening and submission. Women's heterosexuality is about male pleasure cause if their biology and so it all seems more psychological than solely physical. When you try to research women's idea of porn for women you find things like "I crave his cum more than life!!" "Sucking his dick and he's moaning" shit and it really doesn't need a comment lol. Male validation is I think also the main point of female heterosexuality. They have sex for male validation and nothing makes het sex equal or makes up for women having to do violent inherently humiliating acts like dick sucking which I thought is a psychop but atp sex having is a psychop cause dick sucking is literally just reflected in female psychology that is a reflection of their biology. I got so many insults and arguments about these specific acts while constantly giving proof of how sex looks like even brining up women's confessions that they suffocate during it and all is get is being treated like I'm Hitler. Just cause I hate the idea of me having a degrading sexual role cause of my biology and humans logic and morals seem to be based on the biological gender roles cause why they see one violence as bad but other they can't even comprehend that it's violent. And female subjugation is just natural so when someone tries to express why they don't enjoy womanhood then get told the reasons aren't proven to be even true then that's gaslighting, I won't even mention the sexual harassment after hating on Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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No. 11642[Reply]

>A person who conceals or masks their gender-critical views, especially from friends or within trans-inclusive spaces.

Thread for cryptos to share tips, vent, and talk about why they're crypto and if they're going to stay crypto. Have you managed to peak anyone by being crypto?

Any celebs you suspect of being crypto? picrel she kept her daughter from trooning out by letting her experiment with androgyny. jolie has also actually left the western feminist bubble
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No. 24067

Tbh, I think the best course of action is to just ignore it wholesale. The more they harass you, the more you should just pretend you don't see it. They get bored quickly anyways.

No. 24073

Agree with >>24067 on just ignoring them, they usually get tired after awhile. I'm surprised you even got away with the forced transition explanation because I've seen so many troons shit on detransitioners for simply feeling like they were pressured to transition and didn't use the word forced.

I think saying something like "I don't draw trans content because I'm cis and I don't want to speak over trans people/misrepresent them" also works. This goes for any left-leaning related stuff but as long as you wrap your reasoning in wokespeak (like trauma as you said, making it into a privilege/representation thing, or just asskissing the group in question) they'll accept your explanation.

No. 24077

Some scrote in my husband’s workplace does misogynistic shit like hitting on women while drunk and he’ll get into heated arguments in defense of trans rights. We don’t live in the west but international circles are still full of tranny supporters who simultaneously hate women

No. 24095

I know this is a lot harder in non western countries but can you report him for sexual harassment? Hitting on female staff (while drunk) should get you pretty much immediately fired

No. 24332

"they were bothering transgender people!" oh that's too bad… guess what I'm doing in my free time?

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No. 22845[Reply]

A thread for documenting and discussing the issues of the surrogacy Industry and the harms it causes to women and children.
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No. 23734

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>Two pregnancies were terminated for various reasons
this can mean that either there were birth complications(which are common with surrogate pregnancies) or they were sex selective abortions, cause this man specifically wanted a little girl.

No. 23751

>went through the surrogacy process by himself and lived to tell about it
yeah, cause he wasn't the surrogate. funny how this post neglects to mention the mother in all of this.
>his journey includes two pregnancies that were terminated
he didn't go through any abortions, all he went through was the impatience of waiting

No. 23761

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repost from the MTF thread, Here is a TIM using a woman as a surrogate to have his children, and then pretending to that he's the "real mother"

No. 23762

What the fuck, the true evil in this world and specifically dirty predators like him is making me tear up. I hope that dirty piece of shit will suffer every day.
I really wonder what is going through the surrogate's head? Insane

No. 24211

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I came across this really sketchy chinese surrogacy page on twitter. I also noticed that it exclusively uses European-appearing models in their cover shoots.

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No. 5459[Reply]

I have been getting more and more frustrated recently with the "radical feminism" some people in radfem communities practise. It's especially apparent here in lc, since we have anonymity - though I have ran across it in radblr etc too. Women saying INCREDIBLY misogynistic shit (cockbreath, dick worshipper, e-semen brain pick me….) to other women they deem unpure, "gender traitors/sleeping with the enemy".

I truly admire women practising separatism or 4W and the like. It is not for me personally (not yet at least), but I respect their choice and dedication. However, I cannot see how the borderline psychotic hatred some women have for like 90% of all other women is feminism. Hating men and male violence is more than justified - but some "radfems" seem to put way too much of their anger into women who choose to interact with men in any way. There are women who deserve criticism for doing vile shit for male attention, but having some lame ass boyfriend and posting on lolcow is not one of them in my opinion.

I'm just so incredibly tired of running from male misogyny to female-exclusive spaces, only to find out the same shit with a pink bow on top.
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No. 23652

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If you think like this you’re barely better than a tranny to me

No. 23653

I'm convinced that anon has low IQ.

No. 23663

I feel like she is completely unaware that she is implying that women aren't as logical or intellectual as men are, considering she botched the explanation of how a europeans with good access to quality education would score higher than people from the global south who have high rates of poor access to education, let alone good quality education. The two aren't comparable. But i guess men would probably exert more effort into getting a high IQ score over women because they care about that stuff then women in the first place because they are narcissistic and think IQ means anything. I've never seen a woman wave around her high IQ unironically or even know what it is.

No. 26090

The nonas who want sex workers being arrested along with the Johns. It's just misogyny at that point

No. 26091

Extreme naivety on their behalf, to assume that the right to arrest any and all sex workers wouldn't be abused legally.

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No. 5945[Reply]

A thread for music, movies, shows, books, anything created largely by and for women!
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No. 22386

I love Dorothy Parker!

No. 23389

nonnies do you have any recs for female (preferably all-female) gothic bands/artists?
would love recs for any alternative genre tbh - metal, rock, punk, noise etc.
double points if they're (rad) feminists, sing about misogyny or women (in a lesbian way or not)

No. 23409

Check out the punk/ska band Bad Cop Bad Cop. No idea if they pander to troons but they sing about misogyny.

No. 23516

No. 23517

7 Year Bitch - Dead Men Don't Rape

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No. 23143[Reply]

I believe we seriously need to uplift female creators who spread anti-manosphere messages in order to counter the online wave of misogyny

Here are some examples I thought of :

> BurbNBougie (Youtube link : https://www.youtube.com/@BurbNBougie)

> Princella Clark (Youtube Link : https://www.youtube.com/@TheQueenMaker)
> Tree of Logic (Youtube Link : https://www.youtube.com/@justtree411)

No. 23150

I can share a few of my subscriptions.

Childfree For Life: https://www.youtube.com/@ChildfreeForLife
Hasn't uploaded any new content in a while, but going through her older stuff is a great affirmation for women who want to remain childfree. Content is her reading Reddit threads about the difficulty of motherhood, comparison between a childfree life vs life with kids, struggles of childfree women being 'pushed' to become mothers by relatives and friends, and similar. She narrates it with great intonation and a pleasant voice.

trolleybolley: https://www.youtube.com/@trolleybolley
Semi-political Youtuber that has made fun of tradwaifies, fake feminists, serial killer fangirls, manosphere content creators, and other clowns that deserve to have a finger pointed at. She is very obviously an intelligent woman, the only thing that grinded my gears is her being a nepo-baby, so she lives in a bit of a different world.

Melanie Hamlett: https://www.youtube.com/@MelanieHamlett
A big hit or miss depending on how much libfem stuff you can tolerate. I think she has the right ideas about navigating interactions with men, but also for some reason excludes crossdresser males (trannies) from her analysis, and supports "sex work". If you can look past it, her content has a lot of valuable information in regards to self-confidence, not giving the benefit of the doubt to males, healing from trauma, daddy issues, pick-meishas sabotaging other women, healthy friendships between women, holding women accountable, and other such stuff.

Chad Chad: https://www.youtube.com/@thechadx2
Super light-hearted content, with less social commentary and more silliness. If you are feeling down and need a little pick-me-up, I recommend you check her oPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

No. 23151

I know about these women as well, I think chad chad and melanie hamlett are both libfemmy, which is kind of inconvenient in the longer term. I guess TrolleyBolley is the one whose worth it the most alongside Childfree for life.

No. 23195

I really like chad chad and she's so funny but I'm already dreading the inevitable video where she's gonna make fun of gendercrit women

No. 23211

Jess De Wahls
Textile artist, makes radfem-inspired embroidery artwork.

Sarah Vaci
> https://www.instagram.com/lordvaci/
Drawing and painting artist, is making a series of 100 portraits of detransitioned women and telling their stories of how and why they detransitioned.

No. 23484

There's a whole thread like this on /m/ why not add it there??

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No. 23102[Reply]

> Really like how moids can't stand it when the shoe is in the other foot.

> These are the same edgelords calling women snowflakes because we 're disgusted with rape jokes

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