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No. 26160[Reply]

A thread for blackpill feminism. Discuss heterosexual dynamics, female psychology, and the flaws of the feminist movement here.

If you disagree with the entire premise of the thread, you have no reason to enter it. Remember that entertaining disingenuous liberal feminist debate is running around in circles.

Previous thread >>24582
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No. 27736

ok so if youre a lesbian or celibate you dont have to endure that psychological terror of sucking a dick

No. 27737

you did retard

No. 27738

Wait so I was right month ago when I said a pregnant woman or a mother comes here all mad?

No. 27739

we can criticize what we want.

No. 27740

damn i was hoping it was male kek it'd be funny if you had to raise a sex pest

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No. 21342[Reply]

Thread for when you're at your peak and need to vent, scream or sperg about troons, TRAs, or related topics but don't want to shit up or derail other threads.

In a world where women are shunned for standing up for themselves, banned from using the word "woman", have their prizes and scholarships given to men, get told to shut up and take the girldick, that their same-sex attraction is transphobic, that their kids should have their body parts cut off - it's hard to not go insane.

The fear of getting cancelled, fired or shunned by TRAs and friends around you is weighing heavily on a lot of us, lc is one of few refuges where we are allowed to be honest. So go on, scream into the void about troons all you want.

Previous threads:
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No. 29075

>"gay they don’t mean he is exclusively attracted to men. They mean he is also attracted to men."

The term you want to use is bi/pan, buddy.

No. 29963

Is 2X dead? I’m sad that I posted about wanting to meet other argentinian transphobic women and I wasn’t able to get in contact with them in the end (my bad, lost access to the throwaway email I made for like a week kek). I’m going seriously insane. Why is there nobody like me around me? Oh my god. I’m scared to not find people to befriend with similar tastes, and I’m terrified of how I’m for sure gonna die single and alone at this rate. Nearing 30s and nobody I could trust with my deepest secrets. This SUCKS.

No. 31491

Since 2X is rather inactive, come hang out with us at the Gender Ideology Hate thread >>>/ot/2121106, nonnie.

No. 37330

This is why I hate conservative trans haters as much as I hate TRA shit.
This was a 16 year old girl who didn't want to identify as a girl because her dad was a fucking rapist who was just about to get out of jail.
What Nex needed was a support system and someone to help her get through her trauma and find a way to get out of her shitty home situation. But instead this grifter trump sucking psycho puts Nex in the same category as predatory pedophile AGPS by putting a big fat target on her head for likes and retweets.

As much as I hate troons, dunking on them is a fine art that's best done by radical feminists. Not by soulless right wing social media grifting assholes who are just as complacent as trannies in making life hell for women.

No. 38308

Sorry for the necro but if this topic isn't going to get a new thread does anyone know where else can I vent about troons in my personal life without being banned for blogging?

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No. 24582[Reply]

Previous thread >>18424

A thread for blackpill feminism. Discuss heterosexual dynamics, female psychology, and the flaws of the feminist movement here.

If you disagree with the entire premise of the thread, you have no reason to enter it. Remember that entertaining disingenuous liberal feminist debate is running around in circles.
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No. 26683

Women will be talking about their traumas and men will always be like,
>men get raped too!!
Yeah.. %99 by other men. It's so obvious they're deflecting because they ignore male rape victims until it's time to bring them up to one up female rape victims

No. 26684

i no longer get offended over shit like this because this is what i expect from them, they have no empathy for women or young girl children not only because they have low empathy also because women are weaker,just like how you don’t feel sympathy for a small insects and you don’t think twice when you step on them, this is just how human nature is esp male nature.

No. 26686

I feel sympathy for insects

No. 26687


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 26922


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No. 6015[Reply]

Have you ever tagged a public place with a feminist message? Wrote over troon graffiti with your own thing? Share it here! Sticker ideas and designing tags also welcome and encouraged. Help spread the good word
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No. 24595

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Use quotes from celebrated trans academics too, then nobody can dismiss them as just a terminally online minority.

No. 25090

Unfortunately, I live in Canada where everything is twice the price

No. 26593

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don't know if this is useful to anyone but i made a mockup in mspaint that i can scribble in 5 seconds that hopefully gets a transphobic point across

No. 26678

That's sick, I'm gonna start tagging stuff with that. Perfection nonna

No. 27347

This is good, I'm going to start carrying a permanent marker for this symbol

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No. 26579[Reply]

thread for dicksucking defenders to stop shitting up the blackpill thread and be dicksucking defenders here instead

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No. 3744[Reply]

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No. 25554

nonna I see you I hear you and I love you

No. 26082

Normie here how am i supposed to be liberated when I still crave romanctic interaction with males?(never had it which makes me want it more)

No. 26242

i highly doubt romantic males even exist anymore. zillenial and zoomer males out there are not only emotionally stunted but are also complacent and put zero effort into relatioships because they prefer hookups and value casual non-commitment emotionally distant forever-gfs more and thanks to dating apps enabling them, it looks like it just gets worse from there. im tired of craving romance at this point nonna, it just seems nonexistent anymore.

No. 26249

The 3DPD route healed me, getting a qt 2D boyfriend or reading cutesy corny shoujo/josei romance mangas gets me all bubbly without suffering the flaws of scrote. I'm extremely jealous of lesbian/bi nonnas

No. 26444

They never existed you dumbass. Why dont you go ask your grandma on how "romantic" her husband was kek. Relationships back in the day consisted of either grooming, domestic abuse or in some cases both. You are romanticizing a past where men treated women like chattel.

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No. 7420[Reply]

A thread for discussing the cancer in society that is pornography.

>pornography is the orchestrated destruction of women’s bodies and souls; rape, battery, incest, and prostitution animate it; dehumanization and sadism characterize it; it is war on women, serial assaults on dignity, identity, and human worth; it is tyranny

-Andrea Dworkin
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No. 26246

female-terrorism on tumblr is the op
https://www.tumblr.com/female-terrorism/752860509184851968/porn heres a link

No. 26247

Ayrt, that post is nearly a year old kek.

>so calling women engaging in consensual sex degrading is Misogynistic

This just in; defending degrading yourself is degrading. Die mad about it and vent on a relationship vent thread. I'm not here to tone police and be nice; this board is about critical discussion of women and female politics.

No. 26434

Is this pro or against porn? lel. What girl thinks to recreate porn scenarios from being exposed at a young age? Did the author of this not realize this is pretty coomery and pornographic? This glorifies porn and IS porn. How come when brainrotted pornsick people try to make arguments against porn they end up accidently making porn?

No. 26580

You've completely missed the point nona. The girl's hair is the same blue color as the girl in the porn video at first, then in the last panel she dyes it a different orange/red color. The point was that she looked similar to the girl her stepfather was watching porn of, and she dyed her hair to try and negate that.

No. 35009

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No. 5038[Reply]

There's an /rfg/ thread that shared some good stuff but it hasn't been used in years and it's not only focused on resources. I thought it would be nice to have a place that compiles material related to radical and gender critical feminism. Content that has inspired, influenced and otherwise helped peak you. This information is not just for personal use but for anons who want quick references when they need help peaking others with reliable data. Examples of things to post in this thread:
>Links to ebooks, pdfs, news articles, videos
>Research studies
>Screencaps of stories or comments (posting someone's personal opinions/experiences is okay, but preferably when what they're discussing is backed by data)
Please use this thread for posting resources, summarizing their content and optionally sharing why they were helpful to you. Brief comments and questions are okay but try not to have extended discussions here; take conversations to an associated thread (i.e. article about prescribing kids hormone blockers can be discussed in trans threads, statistics about femicides in PP Revival, etc) so this stays clean and easy to browse. Asking anons if they have recommendations for resources that address certain topics is okay.
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No. 19754


Double post, but you mention she's "male-identified." One way to neatly bring up that male violence is an issue that predates culture is pointing out how common male violence is not just across the world, but across primates. Evolutionary biologists Richard Wrangham and some other dude wrote "Demonic Males" about how male Great apes are violent not only against other male apes, but against female apes too. Richard Wrangham seems to be against violence against women but he's not a feminist. There's also "The Bonobo Sisterhood," about the importance of female solidarity in the face of male violence.

You should think of a particular issue you want to talk to her about. "Gender identity isn't real and is making it harder for us to talk about sex" is going to be a hard sell for most people because we've had years, of propaganda telling us that trans people are the gender they say they are and that it is equivalent to a hate crime to bring up their sex in any meaningful way outside of their transition needs. Women are especially likely to relate to people they're told are vulnerable victims of male violence, and the "trans women are the most vulnerable population on the planet" meme has been extremely effective in convincing women that they need to go mama bear on anyone who MTFs feel bad.

The pillars of the critique of institutionalizing "self-reported gender identity" are as follows. You should focus on getting her to internalize these pillars before moving to a more direct criticism:

1. It is not just culture that affects sexed beings, but our bodies. There is an unequal burden of reproduction such that one half of the population can walk away and another is tied down for at least several years. Recommended reading: "Ejaculate Responsibly." Short, no-nonsense book on why treating women as responsible for reproduction is unfair and impractical. For other aspects on how female embodiment affects women, try "Period. End of Sentence.: A New Chapter in the Fight for Menstrual Justice", another short book on how period shame causes millions of girls to miss out on education, work, and power. Finally, there is the difference in physical strength between men and women. I can't think of any books that addrePost too long. Click here to view the full text.

No. 19980

Apologies for asking to be spoonfed here, but does anyone have proof academia in general is pushing for trannies/sexual revolution in general or have done so in the past in the West? I'm merely asking for an argument I'm having, thanks. I have a friend who tried telling me it wasn't academics at fault for spreading it, but I highly digress.

No. 24371

I'm unsure if this is the right thread to put this, but does anyone know where I can find the documentary Not a Love Story: A Film about Pornography? I have been searching for it for free with no luck. I'm okay with buying it but I figured maybe one of you ladies would know where to find it. Is there some sort of website with feminist documentaries I can use? Thank you in advance!

No. 25083

The Radical Feminist Library (g drive)


It's not me who compiled this treasure chest, I just came across it some time ago. All the books you mentioned in this thread and more are available here as pdfs.

No. 25637

>Firestone's major work was 'The Dialectic of Sex', which tries applying socialist theory to women's issues. I'd tell her to ignore the Freudianism in it (it's from the 60s after all). Firestone is an engaging writer and she brings up issues of hetero-coupling quite accurately for a non-separatist het woman.

The thing is shulamith firestone is transhumanist, and I have a hard time understanding how radical feminists can embrace transhumanism without also accepting transgenderism.

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No. 22361[Reply]

A thread to discuss ways in which we uplift women and put men in their place, in order to create a better society through little actions. It's easy to feel overwhelmed and hopeless, but the little things do count. I'll start:
>every time a woman i know enters a relationship i remind her that a pregnant woman's highest cause of death is her bf/husband
>never buy or recommend any media that is neither written by a woman or doesn't have mainly female leads
>don't listen to music by males
>make sure to mention male crime statistics in mixed gender groups (in front of men and women) when possible, do it naturally, like "oh that reminds me of something i learned in law class"
>when men complain about anything, i like to describe them as "very open about their feelings", "senstive", "emotional", etc
>when men are visibly angry, i ask them why they're feeling so emotional
>always give the woman the benefit of the doubt
>never give the man the benefit of the doubt
>stay celibate and never date or have sex with men, only get them to give you money (they are not good at sex and not worth using for that)
>i never make friends with men. i avoid more contact than necessary (basically work related) and refuse any invitation to go out unless there are more women than men at an event
>donate time and money to women's shelters
>i do not argue with men, i simply ignore them
>stand up for women and take their side during arguments
>i do not do favors for men in any capacity, i just shrug or laugh if they struggle with something
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No. 22395

Cheaters deserve a violent and prolonged death. They are subhuman and should be dealt with accordingly. I will never stand for a cheater, regardless of their sex.(alogging)

No. 22404

>Only be a mentor for women
>Take positions of leadership. This will put you in a position of power to uplift other women, encourage women, and piss off misogynistic males

No. 22419

Nice thread. I had to vote representatives for my uni's student council and I only chose female candidates. I want to read more literature by female authors. I only buy second hand books but if I come across a recent author I like I wouldn't mind buying her book brand new, most second hand sellers in my country are men but the most important book shop in my city is run by women. I buy my tea in an independent teashop run by a woman as well. My family is quite big but I try to bond with my aunts and female cousins, male relatives are pieces of shit anyway. I'm straight but after I ended up my first relatioship 1 year ago I'm happy to remain celibate and I don't see that changing in the future.

No. 24335

I do most of the things above, consume media made by women. Vote for women (men always show favorism for other men, good or bad) etc,
At my job when a guy interrupts me or tries to argue I keep talking until he stops making noise. Because when I’m in the right, my colleagues or boss agree with me, the way I handle the situation. (I do the same with rude women, but men complain the most and are entitled.)

I’m giving men no-to barely any opportunity to mess with me or other women, because I can play the same game as them too.
And I’ve also thought about helping at women’s shelters.

No. 25513

>always give the woman the benefit of the doubt
>never give the man the benefit of the doubt
It took me a lot of time to see I was doing the exact opposite because of my own internalized misogyny. I tried to act "neutral" about this soon to realise not giving the benefit of doubt to men saved me from unpleasant situations with strangers. I could also give better advice to other women about men. Also, being more empathetic towards women helped me being kinder to myself and notice mistakes most women commit in extremely similar patterns when they're too young, mistakes of trusting other men of course.

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No. 14399[Reply]

Thought it might be fun to have a reading club here, for books on feminist topics, if anyone is interested? We could pick a book and go through our thoughts on each chapter every week or so.
If this sounds good…
>Any book suggestions / requests for the club?
>What would be a good reading pace for everyone?
>And share any good books you've read recently here too
99 posts and 17 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 24782

not a book but her blog https://trustyourperceptions.wordpress.com/ is worth reading

No. 24801

According to Robin Morgan, Solanes stopped identifying as a feminist as well cause feminists "refused to give her credit", In reality most second wavers were her offering her book deals or some position in women's rights group, but she wanted ridiculous salaries and authority and they clearly couldn't give that and so she blamed them, after a while she identified as a "punk biker" and voluntarily returned to prostitution

No. 24937

This is not true. You can look up several statements by second wavers who say they found her distasteful, scary, and very hard to get along with. Also to imply that a schizophrenic woman in the 70s is in any position at all to "voluntarily" go into prostitution as if she had any say in the matter after being rejected and kicked out of the only social circle she had is an insane thing to say. You can stan Valerie without making shit up and pretending that second wavers (who even at the time already had a shitload of infighting and could barely stand each other) all unanimously and supported loved Valerie. When the truth is that barely any of them wanted anything to do with her as they saw her as a liability to be associated with her

No. 25054

I'm basing this off Robin Morgan's biography and It really doesn't contradict what you said either, 2nd wavers wanted to work with her, but her mental illness and immaturity ended those chances

No. 25477

Is the link down? It leads to nowhere to me

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