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gender critical and female politics
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No. 1821[Reply]

With the admin's verdict on /2X/ (and pink pill related topics as a whole) announced, where should farmers who want to discuss female politics head to?
The current options seem to be:
>New imageboard
>Migration to other, existing imageboards
>Migration to Reddit
As far as the first option goes, we may be able to create a space on https://8kun.top/ or https://endchan.net/ using their board creation functions. The only downside is that both places are also home to all sorts of unsavory males (virulent racists, pedophiles, pornography junkies, manosphere users, etc).
We could also create our own standalone board/site, though we'd need someone with the proper skills for that. Post any thoughts/suggestions on /2X/ migration here.
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No. 3717

Okay, where are the links then?

No. 3718

if the invite's expired, feel free to ask for a new one in the chat!

No. 3721

No, it's mostly one butthurt anti-gc/pp anon falseflagging like a lunatic.

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No. 1[Reply]

This is a test-board to assess if a female space for politics will be sufficient in giving everybody what they want while removing some tension in /ot/.

This is not currently permanent but, it can be.
If this board works out then I will make it a permanent board next year. For now you all have the choice of posting in the /ot/ thread or making new threads here. It's your choice.

No. 2

/ot/ rules apply for now. If you have rule requests or any complaints then you can post about it here >>>/meta/11760
Don’t make threads targeting specific nationalities, ethnicities, or races. You can discuss policy and government all you like but don't racebait. It is a global rule violation, this isn't /pol/.

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No. 4405[Reply]

ITT: female figures that you looked up to or were inspired by, but turned out they were either pick-me's or betrayed their ideals for one reason or another
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No. 24600

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Maybe not completely lost, but this is upsetting.

No. 25823

Who is she? I don't recognise her.

No. 26594

PJ Harvey

No. 31497

Latereply but me too, also the clips of her being offended by being associated with the feminist movement make her seem like a huge pick me. I still love her first two albums but it put a sour taste in my mouth.

No. 37868

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i used to love her music but can't support her anymore after reading about how she supplied her husband with young women to rape in front of her son. absolutely vile

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No. 17556[Reply]

I've noticed that in the GC community, rf and adjacent communities there are plenty of women who talked about having dysphoria (and some are detrans). So I've made a thread for this topic.
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No. 37835

Since you guys are talking about it.. The main thing I hate about not being a guy is being unable to experience what it'd be like with a beautiful girl. I know I can still love a woman as a female and I don't have any reservations about that because of homophobia or anything (I've never felt shame about it since I was a kid), but ideally I'd be able to penetrate her. This is also the reason why I wouldn't want to be penetrated, it just feels unfair that a man is able to experience being enveloped by a woman while I have to settle for being the female. I've always wanted an equal relationship which is why I've always gravitated to the thought of being with a woman. I would never even think about actually being with a guy as I was growing up, only recently have I started imagining what that would be like because I wanted to understand. The only things that really matters to me are mental compatibility and pleasure in a relationship, but because we're stuck in these forms, it feels like men are a different species from me that would get to experience something I can never have if I had sex with one.

No. 37847

NTAYRT, but now it's my turn to say "Are you me?"
You basically laid out my entire story, as well, including being autistic and feeling male-brained, the frustration of recognizing attractiveness of some men, while identifying as a lesbian for years, etc.
Tbh, I'm kind of at peace with my celibacy atp, but I sublimate a lot of my sexual frustrations through art. I found that creative outlets helped me transmute sexual energy into something higher and ethereal (as woo-woo as it sounds).
I hope one day you find peace, nonna. You have my best wishes.

No. 37852

My dissatisfaction with my position in heterosexuality made me realize that female physiognomy embodies the same traits women experience psychologially in sex. So femininity. Hetero relationships are also based on the male desire for the woman, string desire. Women want to be the source of male pleasure. And I have no pickme or sexual submission in me, therefore I have no sex drive. Wanting to please dick is always pick me shit because men are bad. It's humiliating. I can't be like that. I'm so unsatisfied with everything in life due to my dysphoria. If all I can do in human sexual intimacy is serve because of my biology then I do not want it, I hate this shit. I don't wanna be a servant. Female pleasure is non existent to me and non external genitals are like nothing to me. I have nothing down there. Only external ones are a valid pleasure to me.

No. 37853

Autistic women being able to talk about their dysphoria causes by not wanting to be submissive, gross and feminine in sex WHEN. we don't want to suck dicks, swallow cum and be jizzed on or kneel, it TORMENTS us. Let us speak(ban evasion)

No. 37854

man you described me so accurately

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No. 6960[Reply]

A thread for non-specific topics related to radical feminism and pro-women things. Let's vent, talk about our rights, our health, the porn industry, the makeup industry, sexism, misogyny, gender role madness etc. and share our resources and stories.
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No. 37823

That’s exactly how I feel too. Her life alone was worth more than every TIM on this hell of a planet. At least she’s at peace now

No. 37836

Wait what the fuck she is actually dead????? I thought she was just gonna move?

No. 37860

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Sorry I'm ESL, what does this mean? Are they being based or not?

No. 37861

I'm a native English speaker and even I don't understand this shit.

No. 37862

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No. 37647[Reply]

There have been many "Radfem General" threads on here, but I have never seen one for nonas who are not radfems.

What are your reasons for not being a radfem, and what issues do you have with radfems?
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No. 37803

Every single time I've posted anything that a radfem didn't like, I've been accused of being a moid/tranny. Radfems really are delusional enough to think that they speak for all women and that the only people who can't stand them are troons. Even troons are more tolerable than radfems.

No. 37804


>Radfems will cry about "pornsick moids" one minute and post yaoi shotacon the next minute.

Many radfems are actual pedophiles. Germaine Greer is a perfect example. Greer is a known pedophile. Germaine Greer published a book that was just pictures of prepubescent boys: https://www.smh.com.au/entertainment/books/im-not-germaines-toy-says-cover-boy-20031018-gdhlyf.html

>Andresen, who shot to fame as a 15-year-old in 1970 when he appeared as Tadzio in Luchino Visconti's film Death in Venice, was furious Greer used a photo of him taken on the set by David Bailey.

>"Adult love for adolescents is something I am against in principle," Andresen told Britain's The Guardian newspaper. source

Greer writes: https://web.archive.org/web/20120118164400/http://www.abc.net.au/tv/enoughrope/transcripts/s946782.htm

>Finishing the current book is more difficult than it should be, because I just can't let it go. Working on it has been the best fun in the world, because it is a book of pictures of ravishing boys. Ravishing pictures of ravishing boys. I know that the only people who are supposed to like looking at pictures of boys are a sub-group of gay men.

>Well, I'd like to reclaim for women the right to appreciate the short-lived beauty of boys, real boys, not simpering 30 year-olds with shaved chests. The real snag is that everywhere I turn I find new pictures of absolutely outrageously lovely boys, and it's too late to get them into the book. But I keep downloading them, scanning them and printing them, just in case, and just for fun. source
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No. 37819

I don't think she's a pedo, just trying to troll males and turn it back onto them. But I guess it didn't work

No. 37848

The average scrote is more tolerable than a radfem

No. 37850

Not sure I agree with that one. I've definitely dealt with some insufferable radfems who gatekeep how women should live their lives but I still would rather deal with her than most men

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No. 35690[Reply]

Final warning: report and ignore rulebreaking posts and ban evaders or this thread will be locked

A thread for blackpill feminism. Discuss heterosexual dynamics, female psychology, and the flaws of the feminist movement here.

If you disagree with the entire premise of the thread, you have no reason to enter it. Remember that entertaining disingenuous liberal feminist debate is running around in circles.

Previous thread >>33686
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No. 37864

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Before you bully dysphoric women on this website or women with "internalized misogyny" realize that we just hate being the same gender with these retards

No. 37865

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And only dysphoric women are truly masculine and non submissive and that's why they aren't okay with the female biology and are deeply humiliated by it, or have no sex drive because to have it as a woman you have to identify with sexual submission and shift psychologically to femininity in sex, surrender etc. That's why I lost my sex drive the more masculine I've became by rejecting all remains of pickmenss and identification with being sexually submissive. I don't relate to the female sexuality, but I am sexually stimulated by being feminine, submissive or brutalized like any other women, not because of my own preferences, but because of my biology. So I simply don't have sex because I don't wanna be that.
Dysphoric women don't fit into the feminine-masculine sexual polarity bc we aren't okay with our biological femininity, so we find no satisfaction in it, the thought of dating men makes us dysphoric, bc it is inherently gender conforming, same with sex, so all women who have sex are feminine. While we don't wanna live from the female pov in sex, In many positions the woman can't even see what's being done to her, while the male sees her from behind. The only time I was okay with sex, is when I identified with sexual submission as a woman.
Women's identity is their receptive(feminine) role in sex, I'm dysphoric about it, I don't wanna be the one who let's someone into my vagina in sex and surrenders to dick and male pleasure. Hetero women identity is also being cummed in, bc that's how pregnancy happens and sex exists bc of reproduction. So their identity is making the dick cum. Women are empaths in hetero sex. They empathetically get off on causing male pleasure. I don't wanna be in this role. I'm mentally too masculine leaning.
We hate our biology because we don't like being violated, we have a mental blockage against this submission. It's not like we have to realize that sex isn't violent, we just have to get over it and chill, but our brains CAN'T.
I relate to other women less and less and it's so confusing… I often forget that they are biologically programmed to be submissive due to the identification with their receptive sexual role and a pursuit of sexual stimulation through it creates their minds.. while I have natural resistance against it, but I am so different that identifying as a man atp would be a relief to me, no more compariPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

No. 37867

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they all look so mid it remind me the picrel

No. 37869

The woman who slept with 1000 men in one day posted a picture from that day, and one man was standing, holding his dick to her mouth, Jesus sucking dick is so degrading, all women who suck dick or get fucked from behind enjoy submission. Men provide women a container to express their sexuality in securely, submit and serve. Those acts have the same exact psychology as bdsm, not beating and bondage, but the woman being like yyy I'm your slut, I wanna suck your cock you own me moid, and overall being a sub, hetero relationship is a full time bdsm dynamic sexually with woman as the sub. Women are the feminine energy in sex, and men masculine, psychologically, because of their biology therefore women embody the feminine mental traits in sex, while I can't. I don't even understand how hetero women live like this and regularly give blowjobs, sex will never be normal to me. Imagine going about your day knowing anytime now you can end up with a dick on your mouth. Hetero intimacy is a woman being the source of the man's pleasure and getting his validation as an exchange for her deep sexual submission she has to experience psychologically as if she is those mental traits and that's just not something that my personality cam be capable of therefore I lost my sex drive as a woman. All women who can't identify with sexual submission, experience dysphoria.
The most popular music for women like Lana del Rey is about being a sub in sex for example too.
Definition of dysphoria:
Dysphoria (from Ancient Greek δύσφορος (dúsphoros) 'grievous'; from δυσ- (dus-) 'bad, difficult' and φέρω (phérō) 'to bear') is a profound state of unease or dissatisfaction. It is the semantic opposite of euphoria. In a psychiatric context, dysphoria may accompany depression, anxiety, or agitation.

No. 37870

>Men provide women a container to express their sexuality in securely, submit and serve.
To women who don't enjoy being sexually feminine, living in that container is like living in a cage psychologically, cage of femininity. To dysphoric/autistic/ non sexually submissive women, womanhood is a burden they have to bear 24/7, it's a weight, it's a job, sex is a job as well. One act even has "job" in it's name.

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No. 36210[Reply]

What is the 4B movement?
>4B (or "Four Nos") is a feminist movement which is purported to have originated in South Korea in 2019. Its proponents refuse to date men, get married, have sex with men, or have children.
"Female separatism" is another term that could describe this in English.
Discuss ways women can support themselves and other women while decentering and ignoring men in their own lives. Some starter questions:
>Are you 4B?
>Have you talked to any women in your life about going 4B?
>Do you plan on moving in with women instead of trying to split cost of living with a boyfriend?
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No. 37724

Americans are generally too much of attentionwhores. They'd only latch onto it, because it's popular, not because it benefits them.

No. 37735

gnostic christfag here, another thing I like about Jesus except him being volcel is also that he essentially said to leave pagans alone and to only speak to those who want to listen to you (which is exactly the opposite of what the church did throughout history…). And what I like about gnostics in general is that many of them thought humans should stop procreating and they were allowing women to teach the doctrine

No. 37738

>women who live without men are more creative
Geee what a surprise. Maybe that's the reason I always felt that once a woman I knew entered a relationship with a male it seemed like she lost her personality

No. 37840

Do you think the decline in birthrates would continue enough for the world population to fall to at least 2 billion people? I live in South Asia and I can't stand the amount of people who live here. Why is there so many people?

No. 37845

I wish but I'd not be so sure. As long as welathy men are in power, they'd never allow that - the pyramid they're so severely benefitting from is entirely built and held by insanely cheap labor, provided by billions of people. So the more borderline slaves they get - the better for them. Not to mention, that low birthrates as a concept are in direct conflict with male's reproductive strategy and therefore his ego, his entire human being. It's incomprehensible to a man that he's being artificially prevented from having more, more and even more of his offspring, his little extensions, symbols of his ownership.
We're entering truly dark times, because world elites will do everything in their power to provide themselves with an endless sea of human labour and the easiest, shortest way to achieve their goals would be to strip women of their rights yet again.
The only scenario where world population becomes small is that of a worldwide matriarchy where women control reproduction, male population is forcivly brought down to 5-10% and are treated as slave cattle, straight women magically become mature human beings and stop being obsessed with Nigels and their "innocent baby boy sons uwu" (lel at that, this is the least likely option out of every single one I mentioned).
It's truly bleak, nonna. Just like you, I hope for the best (low human population would be a blessing), but I'm preparing for the absolute worst.

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No. 11642[Reply]

>A person who conceals or masks their gender-critical views, especially from friends or within trans-inclusive spaces.

Thread for cryptos to share tips, vent, and talk about why they're crypto and if they're going to stay crypto. Have you managed to peak anyone by being crypto?

Any celebs you suspect of being crypto? picrel she kept her daughter from trooning out by letting her experiment with androgyny. jolie has also actually left the western feminist bubble
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No. 37775

>'You're making me uncomfortable' should be enough to shut them up.
If they were normal sure. If they started talking about how brave and stunning tims are and I told them to avoid the topic around me for this reason they'd suspect I'm transphobic. They're both the type who expect more from anyone who's a straight white man to the point where one of them is black and hates herself enough to positively compare white tims to black women all the time. I'm a minority too so I'm sure they would try to start shit with me over this. What I'm doing right now is ignoring them online and accepting to hang out with them irl less often but not only for this reason, I'm too normal and out of touch for them these days. I used to be the one initiating conversations online and once I stopped bothering they didn't make any efforts to compensate and I know other people around me like my relatives and coworkers aren't TRAs and don't talk about this topic.

No. 37788

One of my best online friends is. I’ve known her for over a decade now and have some amazing memories with her from calls and writing together and whatnot. She’s one of the most positive people I’ve ever met and other than the troon stuff is extremely well adjusted. Amazing job, long term relationship, can carry on a conversation well. I really adore her, but I do feel guilty for having to hide my views from her. Idk what else can you do?

No. 37807

I'm convinced my close friend is crypto while I am as well. But I'm too scared of asking if she is because there's a chance she isn't. If my suspicions are true, she probably feels the exact same around me. I'm just going to very slowly post more and more radical shit and hope she does the same until it reaches an explosion point.

No. 37818

Your friendship is rather self-serving, isn't it? You don't care if she ruins her health and shortens her life in the name of a goal that can never ever be reached. 'It hurts me seeing you abuse yourself' is a tough line to say, but it needs to be said at one point.

No. 37834

I care but like, she’s so deep in the kool-aid it won’t matter. In that sense, it’s her life and I can’t control what she does in that regard. I used to have problems with alcohol and a friend expressed she was worried for me, but at the time I didn’t give a shit. I only changed once I really looked into myself.

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No. 19663[Reply]

Vent about scrotes here! Share your experiences with annoying, terrible, worthless men you've encountered. Post screenshots of men being awful. Talk about how you avoid shitty men and why.

-Please do not respond to scrotebait. Taking bait will result in a 3-day ban from /ot/, no appeals.
-No femcel sperging. An example of femcel sperging is 'kill your father to even things out'. Posts in the vein of 'Aileen Wuornos did nothing wrong' 'rapists deserve to die' are allowed.
-No racebaiting as it derails the thread.

Previous thread: >>5125
741 posts and 120 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 37760

Should I get a bottom surgery and rape my dad

No. 37761

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She's not even POC lmao what these inbred northerns coping on? Do they think anyone who doesn't have the same mutated features as them is a POC or something. That woman is more white than half of europe.

No. 37779

No. 37801

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African moid is seething because his younger sister doesn't want to cook like a slave for his brother. African moids in the comments are even telling him to beat the feminism out his sister.

No. 37802

I'd love to know what chores he fucking does. She probably does all the cooking and cleaning while he sits on his ass all day

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