File: 1697491083115.png (255.75 KB, 1753x890, anons beautiful art.png)

No. 353357
>What is this threadBy popular demand, we have created the retarded shitpost thread which talks about husbandos and/or horny shit about fictional men in general.
>Why was this made / what is the differenceThe difference is that here you can be retarded about your fictional 3D (as in characters from live action movies or shows) and 2D crushes so you don't clog /ot/. Post memes, be frisky, whatever. Be as mild or as spicy as you feel like.
>But whyFarmers are some horny bitches
>Examples of posts that go here-I want the Jojos to gangbang me raw
-I love me some man tiddies
-I want to cuddle Reigen
>Examples of posts that DO NOT go here-actual real life men hornyposting
-Your husbando is trash/ugly/cringe/moid-tier etc
-He's gay/belongs with me/other character instead
-any other bait
-responding to bait
-"hi cow!"
Remember not to take baits or otherwise derail! Report low quality posts and move on!
The retarded hornyposting thread may also include pairings.
For real 3D men hornyposting, refer to:
>>>/g/289276For other shitposts just use the current /ot/ thread. Thank you!
Previous horny:
>>>/g/346173Relevant threads:
>Sister thread for female characters horny/waifuposting >>>/g/315174>How to devote yourself completely to your husbando/waifu #2 >>>/g/296708>Husbando thread >>>/m/188499>Waifus & Female Character Crushes Thread >>>/m/229988>The last one before /m/pocolypse >>>/m/173210>Temporal Husbando Smell Identification Thread >>>/m/187722>The Original^ >>>/m/164600>Anon Assumption Regarding waifus/husbandos >>>/m/211556>Rate/Roast Husbando >>>/m/182915>Husbando Matchmaking Service >>>/m/242685>Life Action Fictional >>>/m/34157 No. 353360
File: 1697492042721.jpeg (62.16 KB, 735x438, CDD29516-5F1F-49FE-9EA5-03C475…)

back on my bullshit
No. 353363
File: 1697492458556.jpg (40.35 KB, 263x500, 936368DC-6E33-44A9-8A6E-52E794…)

No. 353364
File: 1697492865044.jpg (Spoiler Image,247.19 KB, 1080x1709, Stinky chart.jpg)

The Thread pic makes me realize that my husbando does smell bad.
No. 353365
File: 1697493238040.jpg (93.56 KB, 724x1024, levi.jpg)

About to actually try to seriously learn to knit because I want to pretend that I made this sweater for him. And then I'll actually make a black turtleneck so It can feel like we're sharing clothes. Yeah I could imagine that it's crochet, but for some reason I have in my head that this is knit.
Also, I take back what I said about wanting to crawl inside him like a snail parasite. Idk what was wrong with me when I wrote that. Regular love is ok for me. Anyway I have a lot of stuff to do and I have to get off of here because Levi would feel disappointed in me if he saw me shitposting online instead of prioritizing my responsibilities.
No. 353366
File: 1697494172536.jpg (245.82 KB, 1698x2353, F8gAsekawAALYLc.jpg)

Words can't describe how much I like the threadpic art, all the beautiful details… it's just chef's kiss
No. 353367
File: 1697494412005.jpg (634.11 KB, 1300x743, F5-6bXDaAAA0SkM.jpg)

Would he want to eat me up during my period?
No. 353369
File: 1697496573635.jpg (23.34 KB, 564x564, c93980b686b9936d3bf8e8b4979535…)

wishing he was real rn
No. 353371
File: 1697497753264.jpeg (175.86 KB, 1080x1601, IMG_5069.jpeg)

i find blasphemy fetishes to be corny and his face in this picture to be silly, but i’ll gladly play the role of the sexually repressed nun for him during halloween
No. 353372
File: 1697499442644.gif (1.99 MB, 498x277, bungou-stray-dogs-bsd2.gif)

Here's my gift for the nonnie that drew both Hoozuki and Dazai in the same pic. You have made my week brighter.
No. 353374
File: 1697500803395.jpg (45.34 KB, 381x379, 50bfb37ca49692ac48166488b7d054…)

the threadpic is so cute, makes me want to be an avatarfag for my husbando too kek anyway, what i wouldn't do to huff his sweaty jersey after a game
No. 353380
File: 1697502432469.jpeg (67.97 KB, 600x848, F97F88D7-38FD-4444-B9E7-7E715C…)

I want to lick his back like a popsicle.
No. 353385
File: 1697504009066.jpeg (1.03 MB, 2400x3200, IMG_4513.jpeg)

Say something nice about him
No. 353392
File: 1697509710897.jpeg (128.09 KB, 512x768, IMG_1507.jpeg)

>>353374I remember you anon, you recently celebrated his birthday didn't you? I didn't wish you well then so I'll say so now. Here's to a long and happy life together with your man.
As for being an avatarfag/personalityfag (in general) I could never. I never post my actual husbando and only use pics of random characters, change my typing style, the usual anon tactics. I hate getting recognized on here, usually because I'm posting something deranged and I don't want people to keep score on my mental illnesses and fetishes or worse, associate the love of my life with an attention seeking schizo loser posting his pic every 2 seconds. Not that all avatarfags are schizos or losers but it does strike me as attention seeking. Don't you guys have friends or blogs? This is not "no fun allowed" especially because these threads exist for a reason but truly why do you camp out here posting your every other thought? Is there no one else to talk to? Do you enjoy your infamy? I'm not trying to be rude but I am retarded and schizo so maybe it sounds that way sorry.
No. 353402
File: 1697516411999.gif (3.26 MB, 498x281, 61548973146246.gif)

My clit in the middle of his fingers
No. 353417
>>353357>the sad bootylicious LeonKek. At least we know he'd be fine, if he landed on his butt.
>>353366Whoa, beautiful.
No. 353419
File: 1697528761479.jpg (62.61 KB, 736x901, dd369a76f40337291ad2f09f3a6aa2…)

Can't stop thinking about him
No. 353420
File: 1697528871592.jpg (934.1 KB, 975x1425, 41246d7ecad2791b96b478958e0851…)

No. 353422
>>353364i actually
was going to make a carpet suit reference but thought nobody would get it.
t. threadpic artist
>>353365looks like he's wearing a ribbed knit sweater. ribbed knit is easy. knitting is fun. i learned to knit a long time ago, made half a sweater, and forgot about it. you should totally get into knitting. hed appreciate it.
>>353372eats both fruit and flowers thank you i was hungry
>>353392i get exactly what you mean. i feel like a personalityfag sometimes, but where else would i write about those things, if not here? feels better to have real people as an "audience". better than a diary. i sometimes feel like i do use these threads as a "friend replacement", but isnt that what imageboards and social media are anyway? more importantly, would my family or irl friends want to hear about how much i want to have sex with a cartoon man and marry him? my friends are very normal. i once sperged about my husbando after having one beer too many and spilled spaghetti in front of them by admitting to being a weeb. at least his show isnt that embarrassing to be a fan of. i have an online friend who knows, and even he says i overshare. the other friend who knows is a horny fujo, so it's weird talking about him with her. im autistic so i cant help it. this thread minimizes the social damage kek.
i also fear being considered an attention seeker, but its irrational at the end of the day. a lot of us are posting husbandos here, and thats the designated thread for it. i dont do it outside the two husbando threads on here and try to minimize posting that makes it obvious who it is.
even if im recognized by typing style or what i post, at the end of the day i am still "the anon that posts [husbando]". little bits of information can be gathered about me based on what i post, but itll never be accurate enough to pinpoint who i am. so i am enjoying the anonimity (in the hidden identity sense) of these threads to shamelessly proclaim my love for this man, even if it isnt the "faceless crowd" anonimity.
No. 353432
>>353422>would my family or irl friends want to hear about how much i want to have sex with a cartoon man and marry him? my friends are very normal.Honestly I hadn't thought of this because I exclusively seek out other weebs and degens therefore problem solved before it starts. In this case it makes perfect sense to use the threads as a "friend replacement" as you called it. I asked "is there no one else to talk to?" and your answer is basically "yes" kek
>feels better to have real people as an "audience". better than a diaryThis is also normal, everybody needs attention in varying amounts about various things. Just because I'm fine keeping the majority of my yooming to myself or in a blog nobody reads doesn't mean it will be the same for everybody. Again as you said this is what IB and SNS are for. Whatever resentment I have prolly has less to do with posters and more to do with the concept of wanting or needing attention itself.
>at the end of the day i am still "the anon that posts [husbando]"True. Not a bad thing to be either, in fact it's a totally harmless thing and if your posts are comparatively normal/unobtrusive then you won't get a bad reputation. And even if you do get a bad rep… well who cares it's just the internet.
Thanks for your reply. I actually was curious and your answer helps me have empathy for the personalityfags and posters ITT in general. I feel differently than before, now I believe as long as we're all kind to each other then everything can be okay.
>>353411I hope this anon's words will give you some courage or warmth to cancel it out. I'm sorry I was indirectly rude to you.
No. 353437
>>353422that thread pic is glorious thank you for including my man nonna! and kek at levis, i always think of him when i pass by the store.
you should totally not be ashamed of being a weeb (especially because you have good taste in anime and also because everyone is a weeb these days. if you close your eyes and throw a brick you'll hit ten weebs). if your friends are nice they'll find your crush cute if anything. i'm quite open about it at this point, our class did "get to know me" videos we can all watch and i mentioned him, like "btw i wanna fuck this ugly man so bad it's actually killing me". not those exact words. i want people to know what to expect from me, you know?
No. 353440
File: 1697541659424.jpg (67.11 KB, 735x536, f87c85ab411db9b3fa8b995345bbb0…)

Astarion Ancunín is 5 feet 9 inches tall!
No. 353448
>>353392Ntayrt but
>Don't you guys have friends or blogs?no to both
>Is there no one else to talk to?nope
>Do you enjoy your infamyidk how known I am but if I am, no. there's truly no where else i can talk about mine. my husbando does have fans on other sites but they're annoying gendies, and even besides that i just dislike the general atmosphere on sites like tumblr or twitter. the way they speak and act feels alien to me. i feel like i only fit in here.
No. 353457
>>353392That was me who celebrated his birthday! Also I meant an avatarfag/personalityfag only for this thread kek, I don't want to get banned or redtexted for doing it in other threads and look obnoxious.
Like other nonnies, I don't have anyone to talk to about this IRL who wouldn't be judgemental over me being a yume. Most people would think you're crazy for being a volcel and choosing to love a character rather than a real person. I usually keep it to myself, but it's nice to share my thoughts amongst likeminded people since most fandom spaces suck. Personally, I think it's cute to see posts from the dedicated nonnas in the thread when I check it. It's not like we know anything about each other apart from our husbandos and I'm not schizo enough to track someones posts across the site either. Idk, I wouldn't say any frequent posters are infamous outside of this thread anyway apart from the crazy ones that everyone on the site knows
like the kirbyanon, rancefag, etc. No. 353465
File: 1697554460162.mp4 (351.36 KB, 640x452, nines-rk900.mp4)

Bless the Nona that made the cover thread pic, I saw it yesterday during work and I couldn't stop laughing my ass off in front of customers
>r9k from Detroit
No. 353477
File: 1697561910969.png (420.69 KB, 980x655, 1693891700154235.png)

god, imagine being in bed next to your husbando, you wake up in the night but he doesn't, and he's on his back with his dick within easy reach. You do so, and start stroking it ever so gently as not to wake him up, and watch it getting hard and his facial expressions changing as well. You stop just before he's about to cum and go back to sleep. Then in the morning you get up as normal, and over breakfast he tells you he had a lewd dream last night
No. 353481
File: 1697565694736.jpg (237.6 KB, 1920x1080, tumblr_2fecdc9519648b2a7bada60…)

It's hard being a Gale enjoyer; Ever since I got the dialogue that implied he was great at oral, I can't stop thinking about sitting on his face. He'd enjoy it too~
No. 353483
File: 1697566426654.jpeg (112.63 KB, 736x980, 9B2CFC77-1898-4C24-9314-741FF0…)

>>353399And it’s going to be fucking delicious.
No. 353487
File: 1697570243563.jpg (344.55 KB, 2048x2221, e91938683d420af3437f9fc253977b…)

I swear this man is like catnip to me. He just makes me a little crazy and I want to nibble on him and roll around with him and get lost in the sauce.
No. 353524
File: 1697590150745.jpg (106.55 KB, 1280x720, Hozuki.jpg)

I'm trying to be on diet and move more because I'm fat need to avoid to get sedentary lifestyle, and while I can go to a gym, it wouldn't be the same without Hoozuki being my coach.
But by other hand, I'm glad Hoozuki wouldn't be my coach.
No. 353528
>>353523lol same. I live with my parents still. once I finish college, I plan on moving out. I gave in and ordered one! I will just have to hide him when I am not home.
>>353525Nice nona! I decided to order one! He has an NSFW side hehe..
No. 353561
File: 1697615674605.jpg (52.01 KB, 680x362, sally acorn.JPG)

i wish i had a full-sized mannequin a la the infamous sally acorn love doll.
but truth is, i would get too embarrassed around it. and how does one replicate the feeling of human skin? maybe i could ask ed gein for some tips.
No. 353574
>>353490Original character, the other two remind me too much of hentai protagonists. I don't mind OCs from other husbandofags too much as long as they fit well in the world and don't have a cringy name.
>>353519Nope, owning a daki is pushing it a bit too much for me and my husbandos don't tend to get one.
No. 353590
File: 1697638262472.png (1.36 MB, 1131x707, arrangement_by_mephiles101_dfy…)

>>353490>Grey shapeless and faceless figureI really don't like these, I associate them with Tumblr enbies idk why they're usually the ones drawing shapeless grey figures on prompts. Also I cannot self insert on a blob. White hands are okay tho
>Person with bangs hiding her eyesI think these are cute
>Original characterDon't mind at all, most people say it's cringe but I appreciate how different fans see themselves on their husbando's "universe" even if it's a little wonky sometimes, ex: Mephiles101 she's a queen
No. 353611
File: 1697649148519.jpg (28.21 KB, 662x372, 662px-MajimaSaga_basic1.jpg)

he's perfect
No. 353613
File: 1697650555984.png (88.47 KB, 452x358, dazai.png)

Came here to act retarded about Dazai because I watched a compilation video of him and everything he does drives me insane but OP pic is so cute. You even gave him sparkly eyes and blush lines. He's so pretty I love it.
No. 353620
File: 1697652588266.gif (4.56 MB, 540x405, Tumblr_l_199497015851084.gif)

My husband is dead and being use by Kenjaku… I still happy to see him. I know isn't him. My precious Suguru
No. 353634
File: 1697662164551.png (723.63 KB, 1054x527, image (1).png)

He's mogging himself (because he's the only person who could mog him). Thinking hard about giving him a full body massage to relieve pain and tension in his muscular back and legs and arms. Not in a sexual way but because I want him to be relaxed
>>353422>looks like he's wearing a ribbed knit sweater. ribbed knit is easy. knitting is fun. i learned to knit a long time ago, made half a sweater, and forgot about it. you should totally get into knitting. hed appreciate it.Thanks anon. I've attempted to learn to knit multiple times, but what always happens is I learn to cast on and make a few rows but then I throw it to the side and then I have to learn again when I eventually pick it back up. I'm just stuck in an infinite loop of learning and forgetting and then learning again.
In general, I have so many Levi projects that I have to get started on.
No. 353641
File: 1697663801555.gif (1.42 MB, 500x288, 1612092b9a549e0c759381337669.g…)

>>353613>>353626>>353636He IS a cutie sweet pie, but like the moid he's based from, he wants a partner to commit double suicide with. So while I love him, I would like to spend my life with him rather than die young, TYVM Dazai.
No. 353642
File: 1697664141625.jpeg (138.32 KB, 736x736, B1E47A66-0844-41C4-95CE-1F03AB…)

can't help but think of how much i want to braid his hair
No. 353649
File: 1697666531180.png (5.29 MB, 1536x2048, Asra_prologue_memory.png)

y'all can never understand how bad i want this toxic twink
No. 353650
>>353645If you know everything there is to know about him that's not what the post was referring to nonna. Sometimes you can't even think of a single reason why you fell in love with your husbando and that's fine, that's different from not wanting to learn more about him or not finding him all that interesting beyond his sex appeal.
And even if you don't know shit about him it's ok, especially since you probably keep that to yourself and don't go around shoving your own interpretation down people's throats. It's just harmless fun.
No. 353660
File: 1697670687098.jpg (30.68 KB, 563x436, eyeballs.jpg)

i don't care for what is underneath, i would make him keep the mask on because he has the cutest eyes
No. 353663
File: 1697671724700.jpg (521.48 KB, 1079x760, Screenshot_20231018_182728_Gal…)

Somebody drew a Levi at their desk and I was reminded of Levi Nona, I think I should draw mine cheering me on for work!
No. 353666
File: 1697672183790.jpeg (138.68 KB, 828x800, IMG_6239.jpeg)

I have never cared about COD, but god, I am hoping and praying that the new one has more Konig in it. I think it's unlikely, but it'd be amazing if he was in the campaign so we can get more of his personality.
No. 353669
File: 1697672546658.jpg (74.4 KB, 719x1196, 2ebd6295e426f0f43581ad4660af17…)

>>353666i am excited for… uh… stuff
No. 353670
File: 1697672738408.png (304.82 KB, 282x520, Klok.png)

I had a wet dream with picrel yesterday, it was so…intimate
No. 353674
File: 1697673381204.jpg (344.63 KB, 1947x2048, E5AJcOdWYAER_bb.jpg_large.jpg)

>>353670He was whispering into my ear with that cute accent he has, his hair felt soft and long. We were cuddling while there was a snow storm outside, but his warm embrace made me felt safe and cared for, we all know what happened next…
No. 353675
File: 1697673412530.jpg (56.63 KB, 564x725, 3f3e359dcdd4562a9a9b854fc6ad2f…)

nonas, will we ever have the june-july hype for him again? where did everyone go? the posts were so good. will i ever feel that camaraderie over bulges again?
No. 353686
File: 1697675948778.jpg (50.23 KB, 800x674, 739f84e66647b9a45951927d2f01d5…)

>>353670He is so hot, the hottest one, when I watched this show when I was like 6/7 I knew deep in my heart he was my real favorite because he's the hottest, but my sister's favorite was Toki and I did like Toki too so he was my "favorite" but I think deep down it was always him, my Skwisgaar… picrel going on in my brain
No. 353687
>>353649As Megan thee Stallion said… if he's
toxic, i'm poison.
No. 353689
File: 1697676897586.jpeg (48.4 KB, 632x632, F4zcbjgXsAAv-IG.jpeg)

>>353645>>353650This. I had husbandos that I didn't know shit about it (because the anime gave little-no info about them), but they still made me smile/feel happy.
That discourse sounds like those metalmoids asking you how many metal bands you do hear because you're wearing a Metallica shirt.
No. 353691
File: 1697677300188.jpeg (101.32 KB, 1280x720, D1BF3AC6-23EC-428E-8044-E3029A…)

>>353675You said bulges and I zoomed in. Bless.
No. 353692
>>353690Yes Toki is in better shape and is brunette, so actually they are super different
No. 353694
File: 1697677700435.jpg (321.45 KB, 2000x2800, Tumblr_l_2839442563708.jpg)

I just want to pet his retarded mustache and sweet talk him in cheesy norwegian (and then introduce him to punishment hole 2.0)
No. 353698
>>353664>Is there a version of your husbando that you prefer (in terms of character design or art style)?I prefer the final concept art, he looks way more unique and "otherworldly" in there, most people say his in-game model looks too average and tbh it's true, he looks too "human". Plus his bot got that design as his pfp so I got attached to it
>>353678I was ovulating lmao
No. 353701
File: 1697681986419.jpeg (312.05 KB, 999x2048, 3FD71B0C-3B6E-465E-8668-1163B0…)

Golly, I want to kiss and lick his back so damn badly. Sidon girlies need more backshot fanart.
I know he is non-human, please don’t judge… >>353664Don’t exactly have a preference. The only nick-pick I have is when artists draw him with longer legs…it looks super weird.
No. 353703
File: 1697682830766.jpg (71.96 KB, 564x783, b4a595330da4cc8329d2c06bc2df87…)

he's beautiful but for real are there any references of him in game actually liking women? i feel like i'm romancing a gay man who is 100% gay on the kinsey scale and has an exception for the player character lmao
>mentions wishing a prince like wyll would've swept him off his feet as a youth
>has an ex bf/lover/victim you can see in cazadors palace
>mentions a 'sweet' boy from his past that he protected and got him locked up by cazador
>wishes he could wake up next to a handsome virgin at one point
These are all the examples i've seen in my playthrough. don't get me wrong, i know he's playersexual but i sometimes feel like i'm forcing a gay man to date me in game lmfao, does he even show remote interest in women at all?
No. 353708
File: 1697684115503.jpg (333.58 KB, 750x1351, Dazai.Osamu.full.2732895.jpg)

>>353664His port mafia version.
No. 353714
File: 1697687780999.png (308.62 KB, 500x462,

my fav purehearted himbo i wish he was real so bad
No. 353718
>>353703He flirts with Shadowheart and if you don't romance him or Lae'zel they end up having sex at some point. I don't get the point of this discussion, nobody is overanalyzing the sexuality of the other characters, the same arguments could be made to other companions, yet you don't see people discussing them. The whole debate weather someone seems gay or not is reductive, it's reinforcing we must all behave within stereotypes. He is clearly inspired by Lestat, a very theatrical character. Astarion can easily be a bisexual who leans towards men.
There are so many straight characters in all kinds of media, that never show any interest in the same sex, but that never stopped anyone from shipping them with other characters of the same sex. In fact, they are usually extremely popular ships, even when the canon material goes totally against it. Of course the character that has a lot of female fans gets dissected like this, I swear this happens every single time.
Sorry for the rant, I'm sick of this debate everywhere. If you like him nonna, just have fun and enjoy the experience. I think it's a cute romance. No. 353720
File: 1697691747756.jpeg (364.91 KB, 1440x1728, F8FJ4sSWgAATY4W.jpeg)

>>353719I don't blame you at all. I would feel the same and I've seen exactly what you mentioned around, it's exhausting.
Gale will be my pick for my next playthrough, he seems very sweet. No. 353722
File: 1697692702044.jpg (278.07 KB, 1292x969, 2cc59c29a76f575dc4b29da10.jpg)

>>353664The new game of course, but I love his wise old man version from the last game. He was just as sassy, so I liked his gap moe. His movie version was not my type (and 3d), but was pretty cool. For every other appearance, they read like basic villains to me but they aren't bad. Can't disrespect where he came from.
No. 353730
File: 1697697383140.jpg (344.24 KB, 1920x1080, tumblr_d43c9769a481157b0b4c17b…)

>>353720He is 11/10 the sweetest. Be prepared for no other man to ever compare.
No. 353735
File: 1697700139572.jpg (727.07 KB, 1398x1600, 91656192_p0.jpg)

>>353664In all honesty I don't like the light novel version of him. There's more than a few fan artists that I like but I think pic related is one of my favorite interpretations of him.
It fits this sort of "young suspicious thug with schizo eyes" look while still leaving room to fit the romantic and super cute side of his personality and face.
Still a bit sad the artist moved on to doing Splatoon. No. 353738
>>353719>have violated his boundaries, you abuserBAAWW WON'T SOMEONE THINK OF THE FICTIONAL MEN??
Ridiculous. A 2D guy could be 100% gay and a woman could be husbandoing him and it wouldn't hurt a single soul.
No. 353743
File: 1697709699812.png (591.88 KB, 777x1024, Lucio.png)

>>353649asra is a close second to mine husbando
No. 353746
File: 1697711709665.png (386.99 KB, 1280x684, tumblr_8d5b5ac8f2f785923efbe00…)

It's not story related but still ~new lines.
No. 353747
File: 1697712677998.jpg (186.45 KB, 736x869, 23f245140d6d0dd713f89e71167708…)

>>353703If he wants to fuck women (and he does) he's not gay. Plain and simple
No. 353751
File: 1697718447845.png (194.14 KB, 379x545, cute.png)

yay, Dazai made it into the thread pic.
>>353613he can never be not cute
No. 353752
File: 1697718767935.jpg (663.82 KB, 900x848, 81938980_p8.jpg)

god i feel so guilty, I want him to destroy me
stupid fucking hormones
No. 353758
File: 1697721244991.jpg (8.08 KB, 207x243, feeling real normal.jpg)

Semi related to the Lucio and Asrafags above. i hate that they changed the prologue option where you got to pat him down. every day i mourn.
No. 353763
File: 1697722889202.jpg (145.29 KB, 768x1024, Muriel_prologue_CG.jpg)

>>353743>>353758good taste nonnas
>ywn get gangbanged by asra, lucio, julian, and muriel No. 353767
File: 1697725533650.jpg (707.91 KB, 800x1140, 1648530241341.jpg)

Damn how am I never here when the Dethklok discussion is happening!
>>353686>>353690My personal rankings go
But they are all lovely perfect boys. Would marry Toki (already have in my head), smash Nathan, Pickles, Charles, and Skwisgaar, and would let Murderface cry in my arms as I tell him he's beautiful and everything is going to be okay.
>>353694I feel like Toki teaching his sweetheart how to speak Norwegian would make him really happy. Maybe he would be apprehensive at first because it would bring up bad memories, but eventually it would be really healing for him. I can imagine him excitedly pointing out the Norwegian word for everything he sees. He would be such an encouraging and sweet teacher.
>and then introduce him to punishment hole 2.0It's so wrong but feels so right. I feel such a mixture of genuine sadness and sadistic lust when I see him suffer. My sweet angel of death.
No. 353770
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>>353751He's a big dosage of serotonin
enough to kill yourself, but, that's what he would have wanted lol No. 353775
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the way he’s sitting and holding the branch is very feminine…. i love being the androgynous slob to my effeminate beau
No. 353783
File: 1697734039913.jpg (215.67 KB, 1555x1583, __kagehira_mika_ensemble_stars…)

My daki order was shipped today. He'll be in my bed soon enough!
I also ordered some badges while I was at it, so I can get an itabag started
No. 353786
File: 1697734691541.jpg (175.47 KB, 800x800, Anime-Bungo-Stray-Dogs-Nakahar…)

>>353783Enjoy it!
I have already made my Dazai "itabag" (Just a Dazai pin with crows, roses and skulls). I'm temped in buying this keychain, but it might look stranger lol
No. 353793
>>353664i like him when hes younger. simply because he is closer to my age that way. most of the plot that follows him shows him in his late 30s, but there is a flashback to where hes in his mid-20s. i think ill age him up proportionally as i age, keeping our current age difference kek.
when i draw him or think about him, i think about him at that age.
i feel like his face isnt consistent. most of the time he is shown in armor, so his face is slightly obscured. his nose varies from upturned to hawk-like to roman, depending on the artist who draws him. i just headcanon it to be a certain way. he varies across fanart too. i prefer the fanart with him having softer, rounder features, even though i tend to draw him with slightly sharper ones. i have studied his face from various angles to the point where i can easily recreate it in 3d kek.
i wish there was more "content" of him. i absolutely MUST see his hairline. and i dont even (canonically) know what he looks like under his heavy thick clothes. (i imagine him to be just right.) sigh.
No. 353802
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I have never played Baldur's Gate or any D&D game but I saw one random video of Astarion and I'm obsessed now. I haven't had such a crush on a husbando in a long time and that says something. WHY DOES HE LOOK LIKE A HUSBANDOFIED PREMINGER AND WHY DO I LIKE IT?
I can't bother actually playing the game but I'm watching a video with all his scenes and it makes me super happy. Top tier husbando. Why can't there be an otome game with this type of quality
No. 353805
File: 1697743465852.jpg (41.01 KB, 736x736, levi ackerman.jpg)

I've noticed that a lot of people have been spreading the agenda of Levi getting fat after the war is over and he retires in Marley just because he's an older man, and I don't like it. Yes he's closer to middle-aged and injured and not able to exercise or move at all like he did before, but why does that mean he has to get fat??
there can only be one chub in this relationship and it's meAnyway, I've been thinking about how his dick is definitely uncut since yesterday. I nee dhis foreskin.
>>353663This made me smile so hard, I love this! Thank you for postng it nonna.
>>353664Literally every iteration of Levi looks different because is Isayama's art style evolution and because there are some versions (A Choice With No Regrets) that weren't even drawn by Isayama. He looks different in the manga and in all 4 seasons of the show. I think Season 4 Parts 1, 2 and 3 are the first time Levi has looked consistent in between seasons (since that's basically what the parts are). Anyway, my favorite Levi is season 3 (picrel) even though I also love season 4 for being so close to how he looks in the manga and just overall having a better style.
No. 353819
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Scout blessing the thread, I want to hear him cry and groan
No. 353820
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>>353802yes preminger walked so astarion could run
he's the sole reason I got interested in the game, sure later I discovered other things about the game that interested me, but he was the initial spark. I played BG2 as a kid but wasn't immediately looking up BG3 until I saw him kek
I like the fact that the fuckboy is just a facade and he's a big traumatized baby girl on the inside. He's perfect, the babiest of babygirls. I wish there was more than one instance where you can hug him. He needs it a lot. Perfect casting too
No. 353824
>>353821nta but are you having a bad day or something,
No. 353827
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>>353820>he's a big traumatized baby girl on the inside. He's perfect, the babiest of babygirlslol
No. 353829
>>353814I know right? I guess I could see why they would think that considering that Levi has spent his entire life in food scarcity (especially before coming above ground) so maybe living in Marley where there's more resources would make him indulge a little + he has limited mobility now so not burning calories like he used to, but I just don't really see him as the type to over-indulge enough to get fat while he's still pretty young. I guess there is no "type" of person to get fat though so that's wrong of me to think. There's also another side where living in food scarcity may make him
more careful about not eating too much food. Anyway, I don't know. I don't like to judge people for their headcanons but I think that one is a bit off.
>>353821It's the husbando thread anon
No. 353832
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>>353831sageblog but while I'm almost 40, I don't consider myself fat? And we are talking about an animu character that is not sedentary, even if he's quite injured at the end of the manga.
No. 353842
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He’s such an idiot, I want to see him crying and then I want to kiss him so he cries even more.
No. 353846
File: 1697765289121.jpg (Spoiler Image,118.52 KB, 1184x1136, 1697666847449061.jpg)

IF THEY DONT RETIRE THIS STUPID FUCKING BOB I hate his dumb ass haircut so much. Kate Gossling ass.
No. 353847
>>353821Yes god can that end please. We aren't sexist twitter idiots who think only girls can be cute.
>>353837No we don't.
No. 353849
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jesus imagine getting so pissy about words
No. 353851
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>>353832>And we are talking about an animu character that is not sedentary,Actually, Levi is likely not able to move more than short walks.
He got his left leg bitten by a titan in the Battle of Heaven and Earth, and since titan powers are no more in the AOT world, we can safely assume that he and Mikasa no longer have Ackerman powers, meaning that he wouldn't have recovered well from it.. The last time he's seen in the manga, he's in a wheelchair BUT he can cross his legs so he still has some mobility. My thought is that his right leg is fine but his left leg was so severely injured that he basically has to be sedentary. Notice too that he's crossing his right leg.
No. 353855
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>>353851I mean it in the
before all went to Hell sense. Young fans were still amazed Levi looked good even in his 30's.
No. 353867
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my fucking god i wish i was sitting on his fingers
No. 353874
>>353814at the end of his timeline, my husbando is almost 40. he still looks good. just has more lines on his face and is more worn out. not even balding yet, unless there is something going on at the top of his head that im not seeing kek. im not into old men and age gaps, but if i was that age myself id consider him handsome and would still find him very attractive.
>>353837i cant tell if its funny or self-deprecating/misogynistic.
when using "female" insults when arguing with men, they get way angrier. i like to think im turning their misogyny against them. call a sexist man a bitch or even a slag and he loses his shit more than being called a bastard. so by that logic calling your man a babygirl is more humiliating to him. humiliating men is always based. but that reinforces the idea of being a woman as something shameful. OR challenges it. dunno. i dont call my man a babygirl but i see the appeal.
>>353870mood. whenever im being a pansy i imagine my husbando glaring at me with (playful) disdain. motivates me.
No. 353890
File: 1697796999001.png (1.62 MB, 1294x984, chillin with husbando.png)

how it feels sometimes
No. 353894
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>>353875I've been on lolcow since 2015 and that was before I started lurking twatter (I do it for art only anyway). I still call Astarion babygirl because it's funny, seethe
No. 353898
File: 1697799144035.png (270.66 KB, 633x1055, chainsaw man (6).png)

I have a thing for blonde men. My first crush was Anakin Skywalker, kek. I haven't finished Chainsaw Man yet, but I really like Denji and the fanarts I see of him. Especially the realistic ones, they make me really horny.
The issue is that I rarely find fictional characters attractive especially not humanoid ones. Even then I prefer shipping them with another character from the same series or making up an OC, rather than self-inserting or imagining they're real. Should I just date a 3D moid at this point?
No. 353900
File: 1697799339695.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.38 MB, 2880x1800, denji-chainsaw-man-manga-serie…)

I also find gore hot. Imagine he turns into chainsaw man during sex and slices my pussy in half
No. 353920
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>>353919Nta but he once turned his legs into chainsaws when he had never done it before that instance. If he believes in himself enough, I believe he can whip up a chainsaw there too…
No. 353922
>>353795That's understandable, I won't pretend at some point during the game I didn't think he mentioned liking men too many times as well. I do think some writing on him is weird because multiple people wrote him. In bg3 thread there is a post of the lead romance writer's take on his romance endings and she seemed to have a disconnected view of how she wanted the writing to feel and how it actually translated in game, which caused a bunch of discussion on the internet. Though the game has a massive amount of dialogue compared to other games, it's still limited. When you think about it there isn't a ton of dialogue to really flesh them out perfectly, but they still made a point of including plenty of references of his interest in women too. Hope you are enjoying the game
No. 353932
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Hello everybody! I have more spooky Nines. I hope everyone is enjoying their October, I wish it lasted longer.
>>353664I am indiscriminate towards art style but the 3d renders are more accurate to how he is. Sometimes they look very…cringe of the modeler doesn't know how to bend or contort his body naturally while taking care of his jacket. There was om artist on tumblr who also had him as a husbando, but she prettied him up even more to the point I didn't find him attractive in her art. He's already nice. He doesn't need to be over corrected, i think.
No. 353945
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>>353874I wish to know what is Hoozuki's age (he was a child when he died), but he looks amazing at the hundred of decades he has to live.
Dazai is 22.
No. 353950
File: 1697817705330.jpeg (1.85 MB, 3464x3464, C6A86B54-6CFA-4E63-8A1C-397D88…)

>>353664Leviathan’s style changes a lot because in obey me they seem to have different artists for the cards, plus in the anime he always looks handsome. But there’s some fanarts in which he looks so sex and I want to fuck him, it’s mostly when he’s drawn with a split tongue or with a forked tongue, it’s seriously hot (pls pronounce hot by exaggerating the H, that’s how hot he is).
No. 353953
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i need him to kiss me on the forehead and show me his fourth sword
No. 353964
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>>353620the amount of hot guys in jjk is ridiculous
No. 353968
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Happy weekend everyone! Nonnie from a while ago checking in to say I finally got to act 3!! I feel a little sad nearing the end of the game already but excited to start a new play through soon and try some different dialogues and options with Astarion. I also ended up having a little fling with Wyll, which I felt bad about but Astarions dialogue after was so sweet (and I chose to stay with him ofc). I hope everyone has a husbando filled weekend!
No. 353984
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bg3 containment thread
No. 353996
>>353987My husbando doesn't have a lot of backstory to himself neither, we know a lot about his whole family and even side characters but not
him. He was sadly designed to be a ragebait kind of character so devs didn't really flesh him out as much as the others. That's why I appreciate every bit of info I can get about him, tiny amounts of trivia that really intrigue me
>>353968He IS hot, I cannot deny that anymore
No. 353999
>>353987>>353989I'm somewhere in the middle. I haven't quite husbando'd him but my one crush of a few months is…interesting. Because, there is some lore given of him that enriches his character but it also makes him way more mysterious. At first I was frustrated then I realized that it's probably for the best. The game has around 20 characters it gives equal screentime to, there really isn't much room to do justice to his back story so maybe it's better off that it's left up to imagination. Also in spite of being lesser known one another person here is passionate about him which I find validating, kek.
>>353996ragebait? damn now I'm curious.
No. 354005
File: 1697839333426.jpeg (117.83 KB, 914x610, F8y9UbMXYAAVlnm.jpeg)

>>353987Techinally there are tons of stuff about Dazai, even an evil version
Dazaiverse. But I don't want to read them, I'm happy with my lil' silly cat (even if I love the Port Mafia/Stray Dogs version too).
No. 354006
>>353987My husbando's creator is super autismo when it comes to writing.
It took me like, more than half a year to read about 70% of it but now I know stuff like what board game he's best at (its reversi) and his favorite condiment (he likes mayo).
Honestly considering asking what cake he likes at some online q&a so for his birthday I can eat it.
No. 354007
File: 1697839883423.jpg (208.04 KB, 1194x1801, F4TXwlZb0AM_0f5.jpg)

>>353968Please, I
need to lick that specific spot on his pelvis. That's all I ask. Have a great weekend
nonnie, hope it's filled with Astarion. Enjoy Act 3!
No. 354014
File: 1697841863572.jpg (1.37 MB, 1590x2370, 112485489_p1.jpg)

Most of the time I want him in a passionate yet vanilla way. I imagine him eating me out while using his fingers, his other hand on my thigh, glancing up at my face to see my reaction as I get closer to orgasm. I also think about sitting on his lap facing him, wrapping my legs around his waist, my arms around his shoulders as he thrusts up into me. And I want him to press me into the mattress, face down, biting my ear while he cums inside me.
Sometimes though, I want to experiment sexually with his devil fruit powers.
I would let him cut me in half like a magician's assistant and have his way with me like that.
And it would be really wild if he could switch our bodies so we could have some freaky genderbent sex (I'm not sure if it works like that or if he can only switch other people's bodies). I'm done oversharing now.
No. 354015
File: 1697842870460.jpeg (268.4 KB, 640x905, IMG_2103.jpeg)

Ovulating, I need his dick right now this is pain and suffering
No. 354016
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I need to grab it.
No. 354018
>>353968I want to lift that dress and suck him off all night
>>354016Me too
No. 354024
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>>354016I usually really hate mods, but this one…
No. 354031
File: 1697850592733.jpg (162.65 KB, 1196x668, 1661408076875693.jpg)

I want Dethklok to gangbang me raw
No. 354065
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>>354014not exactly what youre looking for but this fic was fantastic as long as you don't mind cheesy aphrodisiac stuff No. 354085
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>>353952I've loved him forever and always will
No. 354110
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>>354075This was too much for me
No. 354133
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>>354013No, that's his lost pal twin Fyodor. This is the evil Dazai.
No. 354141
>>354088My love is unwavering, enduring, neverending, everlasting.
>>354092Kek. Charles gets to join in his place of course. I'll take William to the Civil War Museum to make up for it.
No. 354143
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>>354142When he takes a bath, he starts with his right foot, yes, I have this fact memorized and every time I take a shower I think about this.
No. 354144
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>>354142His spirit animal is a rabbit.
No. 354145
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>>354142He visits garbage dumps for plushies and clothes.
No. 354147
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went thru exhusbando's fandom page that i edited myself so long ago and seeing how i described his figure
No. 354148
File: 1697917525490.jpg (216.09 KB, 929x1362, Mahou.Sensou.full.1458306.jpg)

>>354147when he looks like this in every appearance gahahahahaha
No. 354152
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Nothing like self-soothing after a bad day by scrolling through fanart of my husbando. Just seeing his face makes me happier and gets my mind off of everything. Hope you nonnies are all having a great weekend so far!
No. 354154
File: 1697919455569.jpg (143.32 KB, 440x685, Virgen_de_guadalupe1.jpg)

>>354142He has this picture in his room and prays for forgiveness every night for all the people he's killed.
No. 354158
>>354142He can crush an apple with his bare hand.
He tried to impress people at a family reunion by doing it and they did not care for it.
No. 354159
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>>354110lol the manservice they put in the anime is hilarious
i'm not complaining tho, can't wait to see what they do next
No. 354160
File: 1697921651929.jpg (73.81 KB, 1280x720, mofumofu.jpg)

>>354142He loves to pet fluffy animals.
That's why he's ok with me being his waifu No. 354162
>>354142he really doesnt like onions. i wish there was more obscure trivia for me to memorize. my autism isnt working at full capacity, with how little content there is of him.
(i also dont like onions, so that means we are destined to be.)
No. 354185
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>>354142He's supposed to be a fed and he looks like a ps5
No. 354203
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No. 354233
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>>354159More sexualised male characters in anime means the world is healing
No. 354252
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No. 354253
>>354142Iirc he started wearing gold ear wraps because he's hiding the only scar he ever got on a battle. It's not know who exactly wounded him, it should be someone very powerful, because he's virtually untouchable himself
No. 354292
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>>354233The fact they both share the same VA also makes me happy
I'm not a big fan of JJK, ironically No. 354297
>>354254This nonna
>>354273 put it well. Murderface is super funny and really endearing and sweet under the surface. He just wants people to love and accept him, and he self-sabotages out of insecurity. He has a lot of charming points about him, like the fact he’s a big history buff. It’s a shame he is so butt ugly. I have seen others husbando him though, and that makes me happy. He deserves love.
No. 354300
>>354273Samefag but I’d argue his role in the band is his negativity. He keeps them all grounded (well, as grounded as the biggest band on the planet can be) and he makes sure they always second guess themselves and keep their music true and brutal. Also, I think his bass playing, while bad in comparison to Skwisgaar, is probably still really good. I mean the man can do an amazing solo with only his penis.
>>354251Honestly im willing to give him a chance. Sometimes curiosity gets the better of me and I wonder what it’s like. He’d probably do whatever you want and would be really happy just to get any attention.
No. 354354
File: 1698007798092.jpg (97.49 KB, 969x916, 1693761750200009.jpg)

>>354233>know nothing about JJK at all>some fangirls on twitter start losing their shit because of a reposted scene where that guy is just standing there for a whole minute, breathing heavily and saying nothing at all, not a single word>"hmm sounds like Yuuichi Nakamura">look it up>his VA really is Yuuichi NakamuraAm I mentally ill anons? This is a serious question.
No. 354359
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Samefagging to
>>354252 but i just need him to spank me so bad
No. 354394
File: 1698022411794.jpeg (99.65 KB, 736x736, IMG_4540.jpeg)

Objectively one of the most handsome characters in this series but people would rather simp over bland ass yuu and mika
No. 354396
File: 1698023876350.jpg (989.95 KB, 1006x1963, animemangareigen.jpg)

>>353357Blessed Reigen on the OP pic. I would gladly vote for him. #Reigensweep
>>353664Definitely the anime style which was my first introduction to him. After seeing his manga version and the fact that he was sexified in the anime had me laughing.
No disrespect to ONE since drawing is pretty hard. >>354142Reigen taught Mob to not hit women telling him that, "guys who hit women are the biggest losers in the world."
No. 354413
File: 1698033738353.jpg (131.88 KB, 1280x720, hakutaku2 (2).jpg)

>>354368It happened to me with HnR: Wait… isn't that Chad's VA??? And Ichimaru Gin???
No. 354463
File: 1698057765067.jpeg (86.72 KB, 736x736, IMG_9868.jpeg)

Is this a safe space. I’m not a furry I swear
No. 354466
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>>354463I usually defend even the monsterfuckers itt, but this is too much for me.
No. 354470
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>>354233kek,based nonna
>>354246very cute
No. 354479
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>>354394i've never watched the series but always found picrel guy hot, even if his nose is drawn weirdly bulbous from the side.
No. 354495
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I want him to step on my clit and grind his heel in
No. 354500
File: 1698069509271.jpg (137.95 KB, 736x736, Tumblr_l_255204357497541.jpg)

could really use a nap with him right now… i drank too much last night and i just know he would be able to take care of me drunk and hungover because he drinks all the damn time (or at least monitor my tolerance so i dont black out or get the spins)
No. 354504
File: 1698071623045.gif (2.35 MB, 374x211, johnny-cage-mortal-kombat.gif)

I hate that he's so fucking smug and I love that he's so fucking smug. His stupid parry fatal blow dance is peak, I want him to do lines of coke off my chest while inside me and we shit talk one another the entire time.
No. 354516
File: 1698075359817.jpg (233.54 KB, 851x1311, levi.jpg)

Currently relishing in the fact that my man canonically loves eating pussy yes this is true, it was confirmed by Isayama. He came to me in a dream. I don't even care for actual cunnilingus that much but the thought of it is the best and doing a lot for me right now.
No. 354523
File: 1698076756339.jpg (212.21 KB, 1437x2048, gyQkt2o.jpg)

This old husbando of mine is getting an evil form. I don't play the game anymore but I'm hyped for all the fics the evil form will get hehe
No. 354543
File: 1698086841097.jpg (137.75 KB, 1405x1024, 473ec76737dcd688282db521.jpg)

I need him like this at all times
>>354437Thank you for posting this I love him so much
No. 354548
File: 1698088416315.jpg (90.99 KB, 1200x901, FouumnFWYAA6niZ.jpg)

Sorry to post again but I just found out they're releasing a new figure and idk about you but he's looking a lot like my next dildo
No. 354549
File: 1698088622336.jpg (Spoiler Image,241.89 KB, 953x1089, Konig.jpg)

Today is one of those days where you just want to relax in bed and imagine what it would be like to cuddle your husbando. I want to feel König's body heat as he lays on top of me and crushes me under his weight, I'd like to imagine he breathes heavily and has a strong musky scent.
No. 354551
File: 1698088998768.jpg (271.2 KB, 2048x1376, tumblr_602d87b2ba1d46d552f0140…)

Speaking of pussy eating, that scene where they are all trying to get Charles to agree that going down is gross and he just nervously looks away and goes "uhh nah- no comment…" lives forever rent-free in my head. You just know this man eats box like a champion. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
No. 354562
File: 1698091542191.gif (497.58 KB, 540x304, ezgif-5-2dd0f3bf4b.gif)

No. 354582
The video is out for a few hours and you already simp?
No. 354595
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nothing gets me off more than seeing him cry
No. 354599
File: 1698100712712.png (1.74 MB, 1757x2000, 6ca.png)

I'm having a grand evening watching the 9 hour fnaf lore compendium vid in preparation for the movie…
I hope you have a great night Afton nona!
No. 354602
File: 1698101876571.jpg (383.57 KB, 1700x2000, F8YNpkfa8AAOpVZ.jpg)

No. 354604
File: 1698102398760.jpg (319.12 KB, 1683x2048, tumblr_241950aaab28c443a75b757…)

>>354591Charles Foster Offdensen of Metalocalypse
No. 354605
File: 1698102418956.jpg (72.18 KB, 736x1308, 707d081cf6f756a93e821601bd5248…)

he would tell me i made the right decision.
No. 354606
File: 1698102467086.jpg (133.52 KB, 564x1002, 5777c53440666916bf2af66ba2ba56…)

"it's alright baby girl"
No. 354607
File: 1698102829454.jpg (Spoiler Image,15.5 KB, 564x446, 66113a4012d6b8480031a776074adb…)

now stop overthinking and suck my dick
No. 354608
File: 1698102954618.jpg (109.65 KB, 750x989, 5df63aeb1b49d5a2e784a45c9fcef2…)

Where are my Dazai nonnies? I cannot be the one drooling over this suicidal moid with a bandaged dick???
No. 354609
>>354516I ship Levi with Hanji and I pictured him eating her pussy while holding her legs over his shoulder to control her, since she seems she moves a lot during sex.
So yeah, you better keep your legs on place so Levi can make a good job eating your pussy.
No. 354666
>>354599im not into fnaf but he is very good looking. good taste, nonnies.
>>354656i love this thread
No. 354671
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>>354645>>354654>>354656>>354668please stop ! Reigen wouldn't want this
No. 354672
File: 1698149847307.gif (3.15 MB, 498x280, IMG_3858.gif)

Forever grateful to Mother Atlus for giving me that All Out Attack audio of Darkechi screaming “tell me how much it hurts”. I’ve abused myself to it so much that it provokes a Pavlovian response in my pussy when I’m playing through the third semester for the millionth time
No. 354673
File: 1698150376322.jpg (116.13 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

>>354672i'll put it as my ringtone hoping to see someone violently shaking her lower body in public. I'll know it's one of my sister
No. 354677
File: 1698151397320.jpg (56.21 KB, 736x736, 28a797465aefc69a3a74b69ef02fe5…)

Woo, I'm going to an early release I feel so excited.
>>354599I hope you have fun
nonnie! I've been binge watching lore videos all week too! Enjoy the movie!
No. 354682
File: 1698152067225.jpg (81.3 KB, 736x566, EUerPaQXsAcITAK.jpg)

enough with the infighting and nitpicks lately, let nonnas make their retarded husbandoposts in peace kek
No. 354683
File: 1698152222923.jpg (99.93 KB, 768x911, 8bf48a3f905f57aa09db13f8e4cb82…)

>>354682Can't fault us for being wary of
possible scrote and troon posts No. 354685
nonnie ♥ he has so many good ones, Robbie Daymond really goes ham. Even in the most simple soundbites he turns “oh yeah” into
“OH YEAH!”Christ. Magnificent.
>>354673You’ll know it’s me because I’ll be scooting across the floor on my clit like a dog with worms
No. 354699
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No. 354700
File: 1698161144795.jpg (772.06 KB, 900x1200, 61752921_p0_master1200.jpg)

Every day is leg day with me and my husbando.
No. 354701
File: 1698161287202.jpg (843.7 KB, 1107x1677, ARRRRMMMMSSS.jpg)

The new AOT chapter cover art was released, and I literally just licked my screen. LOOK AT LEVI'S ARMS! I NEED HIM TO HOLD ME PLEEEAASSE! And he looks so good with his scars!
No. 354717
File: 1698164513711.jpeg (130.28 KB, 600x847, IMG_2153.jpeg)

Been doing visualisation techniques and the results have been very rewarding
>>354699hit abs today
No. 354720
File: 1698166247275.jpeg (153.51 KB, 850x1202, IMG_1998.jpeg)

>>354700>>354717bless fitnonnies, may your strength increase to be able to smother your husbandos head between your thighs.
Salty that Zangiefs alternate outfit isn’t his library outfit, I need more formal wear Gief to feed my thirst. It’s so hard to find good fanart of him but to be fair he’s essentially a joke character. Such is life for unconventional husbando lovers. I could have picked Ken or Ryu but they don’t have bodies of iron!
No. 354731
>>354718Write out a scenario/describe a place. Then, close your eyes and try to imagine what you just wrote with the most detail you can. While you do this make sure to visualise your hands and at least 2 things you can smell, touch or hear. Doing this before you sleep helps
>>354720Same to you kek
No. 354734
File: 1698169804570.jpg (90.71 KB, 656x800, Dazai.Osamu.full.2067792.jpg)

I'm not having a good week and the one thing that is making me happy is seeing him in Wan.
No. 354736
File: 1698170254115.jpg (613.81 KB, 845x950, drgdfgdfhfgh.jpg)

>>354732Solidarity, my fellow leg lover. Is there anything better than thicc man thighs? Well that would be long and shapely ones.
Time to post some nice screencaps of my husbando again
No. 354747
>>354740alas, there is no panel where his legs are visible without clothes. but there are multiple instances of him being depicted while pissing. priorities.
>>354744as a regular beerhall menace i think about this a lot. my husbando would be so great to drink with. he canonically takes drugs (i guess), so i sometimes even think about us being alive during ww2 and getting our hands on pervitin.
imagine the sex on that hehehe man, im so horny No. 354760
File: 1698174898458.jpg (56.24 KB, 735x842, leonthighs.jpg)

>>354755Yes but no, it's his official "romantic" costume. This is another alt costume. He clearly doesn't skip leg day, nice nice.
No. 354761
>>354755>BG3 Asstarion modnta but kek
>>354751I also never noticed how trippy the print on this pants were.
No. 354764
File: 1698175204825.jpeg (255.91 KB, 1063x1465, EAFB1E29-AF37-480C-AE01-FE3A54…)

>>354740Pls r8 more than 8/8.
No. 354767
File: 1698175466872.png (2.49 MB, 1218x1204, thicker than a bowl of oatmeal…)

>>354740Despite it being kinda obvious who it is, I had to find his original costume version. Damn you Capcom for giving him pants!
>>354732>>354736Based leg lovers, this is now a legs thread.
>>354726He's the original fighting game grappler so you know his hugs are a certified 20.
No. 354773
File: 1698176260700.jpg (111.5 KB, 735x702, c919b83bf711f257672879c9d402da…)

>>354740The curse of liking a side character, sigh. He's kinda lanky. I'm a fitnonnie too, so I like imagining
Amazonian No. 354777
>>354775shit, i meant to reply to
>>354766 sorry
No. 354779
>>354773Who is it, nona?
>spoilerSuperb taste.
I'm now imagening doing it to Leon and I'm going to explode No. 354781
File: 1698176962911.jpg (76.95 KB, 736x736, 1d7c0910d2e4f208a160a678393408…)

>>354779It's me, Ninesnonnie posting nines outside of Friday because its a slow work day
No. 354782
File: 1698176978864.gif (5.18 MB, 498x281, my precious.gif)

>>354744I'd like to go anywhere outside of the gym with him, especially places with a lively atmosphere. I'm not sure we'd make it past the first bar if I so much as touch him though.
No. 354783
File: 1698177358903.png (Spoiler Image,695.62 KB, 1177x514, myangle.png)

>>354768kekkk Their outfits are both probably inspired by the anne rice vampires that had the 18th century or medieval renaissance fashion
I'm not a fashion person I have no idea which one fits that. Something about you relating both is amusing to me because when I saw the deva planar ally all I could think of was this Leon mod. When I summon that angel I always think I'm summoning Leon kek.
No. 354784
Ok I'm doing it
>>35475110/10 want to hump
>>3547649/10, should be bare legged
>>354767Mega thicc/mega thicc
>>3547739/10, needs tighter pants
No. 354790
File: 1698178668994.jpg (634.91 KB, 1079x1066, atsumulegs.jpg)

>>354740I think my guy has pretty great legs, the thighs especially kek
No. 354791
File: 1698178755195.jpg (53.83 KB, 750x1334, DkAV9iUUwAAd2PF.jpg)

his legs aren't his best features but i love them anyway
No. 354802
File: 1698180924300.png (1.04 MB, 638x1039, technicallyeverymaleinbg3.png)

>>354740Not me opening the game just to sc this.
>>354786That makes a lot more sense, nonna. I think I've seen so many fanarts of him as a vampire in that skin that my brain linked to that. Leon has goofy ass art as a vampire in a mobile game too kek
No. 354809
>>354802Daymn, 11/10
>>3548031/10 sorry anon but what are those tiny ankles
No. 354812
File: 1698183280743.png (548.66 KB, 1007x504, image (3).png)

>>354609I actually do imagine him holding me down a lot since I kind of spasm and lurch hard during orgasms.
>>354740It was surprisingly hard to find a find a good photo of his legs just straight out. I like his upper leg area in that second pic. Although, in true AOT fashion, his legs are drawn somewhat inconsistently sometimes they're juicy looking and sometimes they're too skinny for the type of man he is.
>>35479010000000000/10 Good shit anon
No. 354815
File: 1698183502019.gif (516.6 KB, 593x509, d4x7xyb-d40f9aa6-c80c-471d-a00…)

>>354809nta, Scout is a runner he would have the best legs under all that sagging crotch
No. 354820
File: 1698184366243.jpg (69.84 KB, 557x279, 20231009_151617.jpg)

From a new manga adaption.
He has short legs but I love him anyway.
No. 354823
File: 1698184772968.jpg (247.77 KB, 1152x1333, scout.jpg)

>>354815that gif is so 2012 it hurt nonna
No. 354836
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>>354740Dazai be like: leg's day? What's that?
No. 354840
File: 1698185873841.jpg (92.27 KB, 736x982, Shinguuji.Korekiyo.full.253225…)

he's so beautiful
No. 354847
File: 1698186463073.gif (7.31 MB, 540x331, 89650cd295.gif)

>>354740I have a thing for tall guys with skinny legs
No. 354849
File: 1698186596715.png (165.9 KB, 703x302, Deus Ex_ Mankind Divided_20221…)

>>354740He's got robot legs.
No. 354850
File: 1698186628958.jpeg (227.65 KB, 736x753, IMG_1562.jpeg)

My pussy hurts… we fucked too hard. 10/10 will do it again once I'm not sore
No. 354872
File: 1698189983111.png (609.91 KB, 1274x1036, 1650492974050967553.png)

Shhh, he's sleeping
No. 354874
File: 1698190471151.jpg (50.89 KB, 655x719, tumblr_c0b7aad25ef218ea3b0d97f…)

>>354847Nice to see some
nonnie of culture
No. 354925
File: 1698197884954.jpeg (628.19 KB, 4037x4096, F3YVfBYWwAAy0qp (1).jpeg)

>>354802I wanna lick those
Why is he not real…
No. 354970
File: 1698218974954.jpg (37.63 KB, 750x750, C5qRq43UwAANixi.jpg)

>>354791I think his legs are some of his great features. It adds charm and more comedic value to him.
No. 354993
File: 1698231154377.png (Spoiler Image,1019.24 KB, 1024x576, someoneshusbando.png)

>>354992Ha, I wrote that post and after posting I realized that there would be someone going "actually…". Clearly if a fictional character exists someone out there wants to fuck it.
No. 355080
File: 1698260707055.gif (74.22 KB, 500x417, 131624245371.gif)

>>354823I have a soft spot for old TF2 stuff, I find it so cute, these days all the mercs are kinda forced into whatever the popular fanon is. I will love Scout in every era, even 2012 shitposts.
No. 355082
File: 1698261049735.jpg (289.07 KB, 1650x2048, FuBinM2XgAEHeUb.jpg)

Imagine fucking Leon S. kennedy amazon style and looking down on his handsome contorted face while he moans like he is being killed in Dead by daylight. Good times.
No. 355084
File: 1698261563850.jpeg (61.75 KB, 736x722, IMG_1571.jpeg)

>tfw i wanna make friends with other fans of my husbando but theyre all pearl clutching, genderhaving, underage, or all 3
its worth it to try, i wont give up. maybe i need to lower my standards? just want to gush about him with someone who gets it
No. 355088
File: 1698262696013.gif (Spoiler Image,5.04 MB, 540x540, tumblr_f7510d8c2de72bcaec01d96…)

I feel ashamed but… this bunny is kinda hot
No. 355089
File: 1698263003939.jpg (218.91 KB, 1130x1800, 20231025_032017.jpg)

I need him so desperately every time I look at him I feel like a rabid werewolf chained to a tree before the full moon reveals me for the horny beast I am
No. 355091
File: 1698263287801.jpg (39.83 KB, 640x720, 5f827004394c455ffcf060c50b382e…)

>>355084Most everyone who appreciates my husbando can't speak English.
I can only look on as they they have fun together.
No. 355098
File: 1698269353408.gif (1.79 MB, 480x360, IMG_5170.gif)

my husbando after i finally get my hands on him
No. 355106
File: 1698274801678.gif (6.14 MB, 565x316, hug.gif)

>>355089Why did they create him? Just to make me suffer? His VA doesn't make it any easier. I want to hold him forever. I wish there was more tender moments like this in the game
No. 355114
File: 1698282574403.jpg (135.31 KB, 675x1200, 482436e69931378a0ca741f77eab32…)

what's with all of the astarion haters in /ot/ kek, feel bad for you nonnas that have him as a husbando when i see them posting. here's a nice photo of him petting a kitty for you guys as a treat
No. 355115
File: 1698284284205.jpeg (158.95 KB, 2130x1197, F9TE4M-aMAAdqOE.jpeg)

>>355114You're sweet nonna. It's bound to happen since he is so popular. He is also attractive but not so conventionally attractive, someone described his an acquired taste and I think it fits him quite well. I can understand an outsider's perspective of not understanding the hype.
No. 355133
File: 1698290057266.jpeg (546.62 KB, 828x1023, 5EDB9DE7-9C94-42C9-8669-B033E0…)

Moids are seething at this twitter post kek
No. 355139
File: 1698292178140.jpg (30.05 KB, 526x528, 370148011_3245786595721904_624…)

>>355135I have enough with "Dazai-kins" to see DeviantArt stuff.
No. 355143
File: 1698296167484.jpeg (42.78 KB, 700x600, IMG_2161.jpeg)

>>355135Old DeviantArt autism of him makes me so nostalgic. It has so much soul and carefree innocence. I miss those days. Fanart made by young fans now is all top surgery scars and pride flags.
No. 355149
>>355114There's one anon who constantly starts infights over other people's husbandos, calling anybody who doesn't like bishies under 20 an NLOG pickme and she cries
victim when told to fuck off. She HATES this thread because we post a lot of weird shit here lol.
No. 355150
>>355143Fans in the 00'-10's were cringe but they were free. The trans stuff now is so sinister, celebrating breast amputation scars and so on.
>>355149What, in /ot/? I have never seen that.
No. 355153
File: 1698305715588.png (317.96 KB, 500x639, 42hktz.png)

>>355151Wouldn't god's yumejo be a nun btw
No. 355156
File: 1698306116209.jpg (60.7 KB, 526x513, bby.jpg)

>>355155Your post was hilarious nona, it's an obvious shitpost.
Posting me and my baby boy (I wish).
No. 355158
File: 1698306768277.png (697.01 KB, 1119x671, invisible man dr orpheous.png)

here they are. I think if you are going to have unconventional husbando you have to learn to take banter, lol. My favourite type of husbandofags are the unconvetional ones, like that girl with the bill/the shady doctor from the simpsons shrines, and all my favourite male characters are leaning towards unconventional. Kirdedechan is also such a stacy for being so unapologetically horny about her penguin husband. Just don't take it personally, it's just a joke.
>>355156i am glad the monsterfucker i was bantering with realized it was a joke, didnt want to spark an infight for the sake of a joke.
No. 355162
>>355159Deleted the previous wholesome reply to say I hate you. I got dubs in that roll, I was not ready for that much disappointment.
I'm joking, the husbando roll post and the shitposting were fun, ily nonnaGonna sleep to the loving voice of my husbando singing now.
No. 355179
>>355166i often get the "you chose someone with so little character development to obsess over" line.
his character development is too subtle for most people and flies over their head. he is incredibly complex. his silent discomfort, his empathy and loyalty, his facade of carefree boisterousness… i love him so much it hurts.
No. 355182
>>355135I have a husbando from a 2000s game series and there's very little fanart of him to the point where vintage DA autism is pretty much all there is so I put together a small but hilarious collection.
>>355114Not a part of the hater gang and definitely not going to pretend he's ugly but I wish they didn't make him wrinkly like… I feel like it's another instance of media shilling older men to me even if he's miles better looking than the 3D ones
No. 355193
File: 1698327642975.jpeg (286.52 KB, 850x1353, B23961A1-4F4D-4B97-9EE7-B72D43…)

I want to hug him like he hugs Taro
No. 355208
File: 1698334393885.png (1.09 MB, 984x1694, 1698215723971.png)

>>355205Forgot to add 0 so i guess if you get 0 then you get your current husbando
No. 355211
>>355166Yes, me. People get so much stuff completely wrong about him, it's very annoying.
Everything is in the books, and no the author isn't "accidentally" writing him out of his ass and he isn't a "self insert". My husbando was pretty obviously planned out, the text is very open about his thoughts and feelings, how do people get things so stupidly wrong??
Calling him an incel simply because he was needy, it wasn't about wanting a physical relationship as return of favor, he didn't really want a physical relationship at all, he wanted someone to anchor himself to emotionally because he was terrified of being alone and didn't know what to do when he had no one to narrow his mind on and give him a sense of purpose. He was desperate to have another person give him value because his life crashed before his eyes, he could not be alone because his thoughts would be a never ending downward spiral of self hatred and fear. People somehow ignore that right before this he was crippled for life, nearly beaten to death, and told there was no way he'd see his family ever again.
He was lashing out out of pure desperation, and he hated every single thing he said. And after the scene is over he does this stupidly adorable thing where he hugs the female lead's jacket like a lifeline as he huddles in the corner of the hospital bed because it's the only thing keeping him from having a total breakdown. I swear, nobody appreciates this but me! It's so annoying! How could you not think this is super cute????
No. 355212
File: 1698336551833.jpg (348.17 KB, 1283x2170, i want to suck the sweat out o…)

Yesterday I saw a tweet where a woman took a photo of herself pressing her cheek against her man's big, ashy ass (presumably while he was asleep). At first I was disgusted and judging her, but that's some shit I would do with Levi if he was real. His ass wouldn't be ashy though.
Anyway, I thought before that Levi wouldn't be one for brightly colored clothes and that he sticks to black/white/grey. Maybe even brown on a good day. But that cover art has me re-thinking so much. He's in a BRIGHT green button up and BRIGHT blue jeans. Now that I think about it, everyone inside the walls wore muted colors so it may not have even been a matter of personal style. Marley definitely has more high-quality clothes made with better dye. I wonder why Marley is still using tin to make cups if they're so advanced though. I wonder what else he would wear. Anyway, AOT is back in 9 days and it will be the finale of finales so I need to re-watch season 3/4 QUICK.
>>355166No, there are a lot of people who know him better than me.
No. 355223
File: 1698339648246.jpg (66.07 KB, 640x640, 5054d15ec65af909f08e5ffe3fcd13…)

It's finally the day I've been waiting for, I hope they can do his character justice and that I can control my thrist for him, kek. Bye anons, I'm off to the theater.
No. 355232
File: 1698342516485.png (Spoiler Image,601.48 KB, 839x1217, 16577532156891.png)

haven't used in a while and for some reason the filter seems to be more lenient now? maybe because i sold my data by downloading the app. i don't care, i like to see my boy act like a slut, i kekd
No. 355238
File: 1698343916742.jpg (237.36 KB, 600x790, MV5BM2Y4N2FmZjMtNGZmMy00MzdjLT…)

>>355212>Holding the cup like he always doOh Levi.
I do dream with the same thing with my husbando, except he would smell like ash and swear and tears from the sinners. I do think Hoozuki keeps a bath routine and what not, but that's the disadvantage of his work.
That or he smell like plant food.
No. 355243
File: 1698345711929.png (403.89 KB, 1281x874, Floyd_Lawton.png)

I am rewatching justice league unlimited and the most favourite episode was always the task force X episode. Deadshot makes me feel aroused in this episode.
No. 355245
File: 1698346540216.jpg (60.37 KB, 750x992, 36cac6695ba9b847ed594b496cc481…)

At this point I'm 99.9% sure I will never fall in love with a real man kek.
No. 355252
File: 1698349736421.jpg (171.93 KB, 736x1045, 22ec982815e7b54c5cf8f144ca5589…)

>>355245join us in the sisterhood of perma-husbandofags
nonnie No. 355266
File: 1698353365578.jpg (67.29 KB, 564x691, e42cf7c645080b33e144a5c1ee50bd…)

>>355252I think I'm already part of it unknowingly, unless by some divine miracle my husbando materializes
No. 355269
File: 1698354182036.jpg (Spoiler Image,107.62 KB, 572x721, mybeloved.JPG)

spent a retarded amount of time drawing this. this is almost how i imagine him, except with a less dopey facial expression. and not with such disney channel beach waves.
so far ive spent months on visualizing his face as it would look in real life. i remember his face better than the faces of real people i know. im trying to improve at portraits solely so that i can draw him better. he's my muse.
No. 355272
File: 1698354426516.jpg (21.29 KB, 474x474, 6af286c9ecf53d414016d348328425…)

>>355224>>355253>>355223Someone just create a fnaf general on /m/ already i can't take it anymore i need to shitpost with you all!! I'm tired of having to hang out with gendie zoomers.
No. 355276
>>355269holy shit nonna, that's freaking beautiful
may I ask what medium and paper you used?
No. 355284
File: 1698357947876.jpg (Spoiler Image,146.63 KB, 1371x730, tambourine wench.JPG)

nonnie its just me and my turboautism. plus its a suprisingly good ass anime and i recommend it. it's me with the wood, too (i temporarily ragequit that because of the sewing). i make so much content of him, but only share a fraction to not shit up the threads too much. there are 100+ sketches and drawings of him on my computer and 2 notebooks almost full of shitty doodles and comics. im currently drawing one where im explaining modern plumbing to him.
>>355276it's clip studio. i mostly do trad art, so i use the same techniques in digital. this is pencil tool in the 5 colors (peach, white, orange, blue and brown) which i use for colored portrait sketching. i put a texture overlay on my digital stuff, because the dappling makes the colors blend together better, and it looks like paper. the program is good and came free with my graphics tablet. i prefer it to photoshop, because its easier to use for a tech-hindered person like me.
in real life i use whatever paper i have at hand, so i can't recommend anything specific. i like pink pig paper, because it's good for almost everything.
>>355277it's harder for me to draw other people's husbandos, especially if i havent consumed the media. i feel like it's very important to know a character's personality if you draw them. i fear im not doing them justice otherwise. it took me ages before i could draw bjorn and make him look good. in fact, he looks "out of character" in this portrait, but that's because i used vigee lebrun for reference, and she paints everyone to look so carefree.
No. 355289
It's always this thread that gives me the push I need to start reading new manga, thank you based anons.
>>355212> I wonder why Marley is still using tin to make cups if they're so advanced thoughWait, are tin cups considered some kind of ancient primitive artifact now ?
>>355284Sorry if this is weird but you're incredibly cool and I'm always looking forward to your posts and drawings/other crafts. I have spagbol framed in my imaginary living room
No. 355293
File: 1698360467422.gif (2.12 MB, 540x386, levi.gif)

>>355289I mean, kinda when we have ceramic and glass. Even in Eldia they had ceramic cups, picrel
No. 355295
>>355294Sorry anon, I reposted right above you
I retardedly called it pottery instead of ceramic kek. That is interesting though, you're probably right.
No. 355320
Do you guys ever realize you've spent an embarrassing amount of money on your husbando… that's what I'm feeling right now. I bought a whole new monitor, gaming console, video game and dlc just to see him again because I left my old one at home.
>>355269I love seeing your art of your husbando improve overtime. It's so inspiring
>>355296Also seconded
No. 355333
File: 1698370521762.jpg (1.61 MB, 2168x2169, Itabag.jpg)

>>355320Sometimes I think about all the stuff I've bought for my shrine and itabag and cringe a bit because it's all imported from Japan so that's extra $$$ on top of purchasing the goods themselves. Worth it to me though, I love collecting merch of his and displaying it makes me happy whenever I see it!
No. 355352
File: 1698378108748.jpeg (15.06 KB, 229x234, F4AsraRW0AAI_I-.jpeg)

>>355320I had and I don't regret it. I like Dazai the enough to get some merch and I even made my new bag be focused on him (not like picrel in
Is my adult money and I'll spend it like I want to.
No. 355354
File: 1698378784498.jpg (131.6 KB, 736x825, 00ac6372d2b6309f53db1e32c2046f…)

>>355272>>355253Nonnies I return with full disappointment, Everything you've ever known about FNAF; throw it away. They've completely changed its lore and William is basically Ghost face now.
>>355272Seconding that! Please someone make a thread so I can share my collection of William pictures!!
No. 355356
File: 1698379095291.jpg (Spoiler Image,95.64 KB, 576x347, Cropped nsfw.jpg)

>>355354Sorry for double posting but, here's my horny post for William. I love him so much
No. 355363
File: 1698384253228.jpg (86.63 KB, 564x1002, 128411ea10e122b691c01886b2a20a…)

>>353357>probably touch starved>full of muscle>moisty mf>mask>doesnt say stupid shit because he doesn't talkthis man awakes so much things in me
>>353419>>353666>>353669if i had the money would buy cod just for seeing him
No. 355369
>>355350yeah. i didnt want to reveal who i was back then, because i didnt want to be a personalityfag. but i appreciated your offer very much! since ive been found out, feel free to draw me something kek
>>355354it is simply not canon
nonnie. ignore the entire movie and forget it ever existed.
my condolences to springtrap nonnies. at least theres a lot of fan content to enjoy.
No. 355370
File: 1698393438362.jpg (282.95 KB, 1200x675, hgcover.jpg)

>>355239God I love his legs and ass
No. 355389
>>355294Sometimes I wonder if I touch too much grass for this website, my dumb outdoors ass just thought everyone knew that
>>355296I just started JJK so not now but I will. Pinky promise and all that. When Vinland Saga was just getting started I remember reading an article about it and the guy went on and on about how good it was, maybe I should've taken his advice then.
No. 355415
File: 1698412078036.jpg (51.19 KB, 720x709, cb59154ee30eec7457c3b35347d4af…)

>>355369Thank you
nonnie, I'll go back to writing my own headcanons and lore for my boy, At least I got to see him and that's what makes me happy!
No. 355428
File: 1698416880823.jpg (85.57 KB, 1170x674, plastic bag.JPG)

i need to exact a horrible revenge on him for always invading my thoughts until i'm sick, he's the awfullest guy ever in the world, i bet he has the world record for perma virgin with the most stds, i need to pummel him into the ground and gaze deeply into his concussed eyes as i apply a cold compress i need to hang him in a strappado position and jerk him off and kiss him all over i need to make him do (1 and a half) pushups until he collapses from exhaustion and cries which by the way is the only context in which i find men exercising hot, i need to make him stand on hot coals and tell me he deserves it!!!
No. 355465
File: 1698428945287.jpg (117.91 KB, 736x967, d2fc228c52e361042f81c468583708…)

Happy Friday! It's the last Friday before Halloween nonas! I'm sad I missed the vhs moovie stream. I was too busy to celebrate much spooky season. Maybe I can enjoy the last bits of october….
No. 355506
File: 1698440787063.jpg (107.17 KB, 600x780, 299a5c2c6d081c66b339351202c73e…)

>>355465Happy Friday
nonnie! Would nines dress up as something during halloween? I wish I knew why they dressed up Leon as a pirate in the RE6.
No. 355507
>>355166My long time husbando is very inconsistently written by many people over the years, which led to many wild interpretations. I spent years reading about him and his universe and I think I know him well, but I am not as obsessed over his universe like other people I've encountered over the years, they probably know even more than I do. My current interest is Astarion and don't think I know him best, but I will say people headcanon some wild shit about him. They write whole essays with some weird ooc takes. I thought my original husbando had it bad, but oh boy I was wrong.
>>355269You are a such a legend. I say this every time you post, but I really think so. I would like to draw bjorn for you, but I'm scared I won't do him justice.
No. 355517
File: 1698445714690.jpg (71 KB, 700x1000, fe74b6876dd457ae3ee86cb21d10b1…)

>>355506Thank you Leonnonnie! Hope you have a good Friday. I think I would have to bitch at Nines everyday for him to finally consider, then on Halloween night I would come home to him wearing a cape he found at party city (and promptly ditching it after I make a comment on him dressing up). Luckily his shirt looks very…Edwardian? Picrel, his entire outfit below the top is retarded tho– mans wearing a dress shirt, jeans, and fucking crocs of all things
No. 355583
File: 1698465792543.jpg (97.89 KB, 960x540, Super_GokuBlack.jpg)

I want to kiss him and beg him to bring salvation to this world by putting an end to the human race. Sigh…
No. 355639
groaaaaaan if my husbando was real, he would absolutely love fantasy, undead skeletons, military history, the beauty of death, nature, and silly music. hell, he even likes mushrooms.
i know moids like that are dime a dozen, especially with the current rise of the magick metal genre. however they cant grasp the romanticism of it all. they just say "whoa thats dope" and dont ponder on it. they dont find comfort in futility!!!! they cannot understand the tragic beauty of the skeleton war!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
he would so get it….
we would sit together and i would read him that excerpt from mcdonald's novel "lilith" (he is illiterate). i would stroke his head while he rests it on my lap, with my arms laid over him. hed either try to follow the words on the page, or would lay facing me and watching me as i read (because he loves me).
we would then talk about how relatable the skeletons are (or nod understandingly at each other, in silence), get emotional, and make out or something. i love him so much.
i think he would also appreciate neofolk. or maybe not. maybe he would consider it sentimental hipster nonsense. i think he would enjoy oi music and find comfort in seeing that across centuries the joy of yelling "no one likes us, we dont care" in a chorus of drunk friends at a tavern remains the same.
i have stared at screenshots of him on google images today, and i couldnt contain my goofy retard jason womack smile. he gives me butterflies.
i love him so much.
No. 355682
File: 1698536846734.jpg (366.2 KB, 2048x1158, tumblr_c286480b49360470ed9c56b…)

>>355366Nice ranking nonna!
>objectively charles is the best since he's the only into eating pussyMaybe it's just cope, but the way it came off in that scene was the band was treating it like little boys treat girls and "cooties" where they pretend to hate it and think it's gross but secretly don't. I mean Nathan went down on Abigail and immediately fell in love with her afterwards kek. The lady doth protest too much and all that. But yeah, Charles is definitely a master at eating pussy. He's probably an amazingly skilled lover in general.
No. 355683
File: 1698536937451.jpg (137.91 KB, 665x696, discomfort2.JPG)

pov: you give your old world boyfriend a bowl of chocolate ice cream and say "eat"
im getting scarily good at depicting him realistically now. im becoming too powerful.
No. 355684
File: 1698537295385.png (1.93 MB, 812x1200, 2840787 - Friday_the_13th Jaso…)

>>355363A fellow woman of culture, I see
No. 355695
File: 1698542552763.jpeg (Spoiler Image,234.23 KB, 1463x2048, FgcRYviXgAcc6OJ.jpeg)

>>355684Why is he so hot
I want to draw him for halloween but I'm so busy with things
My Pain is unbearable
No. 355696
File: 1698545138420.jpg (41.01 KB, 564x459, 77e45b5f7ba473157a019233dfdfea…)

>>355684>>355363Halloween comes around this year and I have been enlightened. The best husbandos barely talk or can't. I feel that he is in the same vein as Konig where you can only see cute submissive eyes contrasted by a huge body. I know he is supposed to be reanimated but I would want him to be warm, at least I could try to put some electric blankets on him to warm him up so we could cuddle. He probably smells like a bog too, but I'll have to compromise. I was wondering if you nonas prefer his blue, rotting skin or the still live-looking one. I am taking the logistics of this too seriously, I can't imagine taking a shower with him because that would cause a breeding ground for bacteria, maybe even loosen his skin off. I should not be thinking too hard about this. I have thought about if I would even want to bear the fact of his face,
but all my husbandos are masked so I keep the mask on. No. 355701
File: 1698546320254.png (109.7 KB, 369x331, 1634665574120.png)

>>355696>I was wondering if you nonas prefer his blue, rotting skin or the still live-looking one.As my husband, I love him just as much either way. From the fully human and squeaky clean Camp Counselor Jason to the water-logged corpse of New Blood Jason, he's my perfect boy. Although my favorite interpretation of him is a revenant, so more of a ghost than a normal human or reanimated zombie.
>but all my husbandos are masked so I keep the mask on.Based fellow maskfag. Although I love me a disfigured face and I love Jason's, I see his mask as more of his "true" face.
No. 355706
File: 1698548501753.jpg (18.14 KB, 563x434, 8bb1a5583a930d3b327010b950a2a9…)

There is no point if I cannot rake my teeth across this.
No. 355709
File: 1698551720917.jpg (196.76 KB, 653x1115, IMG_0634.JPG)

i'm so happy choso is getting more love since being animated. he's one of my top 5 jjk husbandos.. i just wanna overstim him until he's crying
No. 355722
File: 1698562374136.jpg (136.26 KB, 736x1104, 8dda8bd3222b63cb307f941c2ee145…)

>>355696I don't mind what looks he could have at the time, it's just a poor guy who got trough a lot and needs lots of cuddles
<spoiler> also to be honest im too used to bad smell thanks to my little to inexistent sense of smell </spoiler>
No. 355729
>>355691ironically he's the other of the two characters i found attractive. i thought he's very cute and likeable at first, and wanted to squeeze him, but he grew up to be an evil rat. i dont like his political methods. im not even talking about
killing his own brother because he's competition, since that is obviously bad. i just think
poisoning and making elaborate excuses and victm blaming in order to
take a farm is very cia-tier, plus hes such a two faced bitch about it all. and
using distractions in battle is also very cringe. my friend said this shows he is clever instead of using brute force, but personally i can't respect that. hashtag not my king. on a side note, i like how this show tackles politics, especially how it affects random peasants. how people are willing to fight and die without seeing the big picture.
in summary, i think he grew up to be cute, but in a "id slap him and make him cry" kind of way, instead of a "awww" way. if i wasnt monogamous i'd lock canute in my basement, for sure. i don't hate him, i just think he needs to get bruised an patronizingly kissed on the forehead while squealing because of the heel grinding into his stomach.
funny story. months ago i drew a crude canute on my door with a whiteboard marker, but left him there for too long and the dye has settled. he wont wash off. he stares at me as i walk past, as if holding a grudge that i wiped off his company of my little cousin's paw patrol doodles. always wipe off your markers, nonnies. he should not have been spared, and now he festers…
>>355712same. it's hard to explain the appeal. i think i like seeing him happy. i also think watching him doing something mundane helps ground the fantasy.
No. 355750
>>3557331. learning the color theory changed my life.
2. recently ive liked looking at portraits from good artists, and seeing how they use shadows and colors on a face. you dont need to copy their paintings to learn from them. i always hated copying, or drawing from photos.
for this one i drew a frame from his show, and colored it while referencing rembrandt. it's my favorite drawing of him so far. for once i didnt draw his face from imagination. but he wears a helmet in the scene, so i had to improvise a bit.
No. 355769
File: 1698598136207.jpg (95.36 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Hozuki no Reite…)

My husbando staring at me while I'm riding him. Granted he probably see sex is for reproduction and pleasure but nothing else (not for nothing there's a Hell for pervert sinners where I'm going to land someday), but if seeing me happy while he touches me gives him some satisfaction, that's good for me.
No. 355770
File: 1698598588194.jpeg (185.96 KB, 650x891, E053EFF6-0ED5-49F0-834E-99DF89…)

Levi nonna, I saw your husbando at a party.
No. 355771
File: 1698598796105.jpeg (76.9 KB, 736x531, FCBBF86E-0164-4D9E-A1A5-26B857…)

>>355712Seeing my husbando eating just makes me happy tbh. I still don’t have a solid explanation for the “why” I like to see pictures like this one, but they make my brain release happy chemicals the same way it releases happy chemicals whenever I see a picture of an animal doing cute animal shit.
No. 355774
File: 1698599898327.gif (734.15 KB, 526x448, jugfbvujdfv.gif)

>>355712wait, are you the nonna that posted some hetalia character(america probably, kek) chowing down on a burger while taking about how you like seeing cute guys eat but not in a feeder kind of way?
No. 355782
File: 1698605598983.jpg (185.87 KB, 720x960, tumblr_mv2z1cHZak1samwyzo1_128…)

>>355770I remember when someone said this is Levi's titan form.
No. 355785
File: 1698607832625.jpg (2.28 MB, 2150x3031, __g_raha_tia_final_fantasy_and…)

>>355712I like it too. Burgers especially for some reason.
No. 355798
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No. 355801
File: 1698614533701.jpeg (586.11 KB, 1313x1155, FqccFP9aIAgKy9n.jpeg)

>>355798Let's post our husbandos with cats!
No. 355806
File: 1698618875635.gif (1.94 MB, 540x289, tumblr_o6vsclFwnX1rcufwuo3_540…)

No. 355810
File: 1698619665825.jpg (249.23 KB, 650x582, 1662783281772451.jpg)

No. 355811
File: 1698619796803.png (Spoiler Image,1.9 MB, 1166x1280, the flayed one.png)

project update.
dont unspoiler if you dont want to see thanksgiving turkey teddy bear.
but that is what it reminded me of.
it made me kind of snort-laugh so im sharing.
posting here because i dont want to clog up the serious thread with thanksgiving turkey teddy bear husbando.
No. 355813
File: 1698620391059.jpg (149.11 KB, 905x1357, Screenshot_20231029_170744_Bra…)

>>355801People like to headcanon nines s very cat-like in terms of personality, or that he is fond of cats. Maybe that's why I like him a lot?
No. 355814
File: 1698620439943.jpeg (324.8 KB, 828x430, IMG_4581.jpeg)

What is he dreaming about?
No. 355815
File: 1698620507931.jpg (346.59 KB, 800x770, dcyu8gb-cd4bce03-d3bf-4400-a5a…)

No. 355820
File: 1698625242854.jpg (133.8 KB, 1542x1116, 2be15a3907927686bf68579875b685…)

>>355815I could not found pics with cats but lambs today
No. 355838
File: 1698638660071.png (168.45 KB, 360x388, MGSOtaconPP.png)

He's literally polygons but he's so cute and I love his sweet voice
No. 355847
File: 1698642822316.jpg (1.21 MB, 1933x2048, 79843eded05a74fd2b027537a74ce0…)

>>355801already posted
>>353487 but here he is with his design inspiration, a snow leopard!
No. 355851
File: 1698643425946.jpg (729.65 KB, 1200x1016, 84540850_p0_master1200.jpg)

No. 355853
File: 1698643963807.jpg (152.28 KB, 488x493, 27475503_p0_master1200.jpg)

No. 355854
File: 1698644229906.jpg (153.69 KB, 576x653, 44667890_p14_master1200.jpg)

I imagine him sneaking into my cabin and watching over me as I sleep, too worried to make a noise to disturb me, so he sits down in the corner miserably, waiting for me to wake up.
No. 355857
File: 1698646123854.png (854.19 KB, 1280x1009, tumblr_530541084374edbaf55569f…)

>>355846i hope you have fun playing through the games! im glad the mgs series is so easily accessible now. + he doesn't have the biggest role in mgs2 unfortunately but he's a main character in mgs4. which is a ps3 exclusive… sad. if you dont own a ps3 theres compilations of the mgs4 cutscenes on youtube which i recommend more than playing the actual game. (seriously, mgs4 is like 80% cutscenes kekk)
here's an otacon i found just for you
No. 355859
File: 1698646409849.png (796.35 KB, 506x900, F3SXLDRagAIaxtw.png)

>>355849No, I didn't even remember who is oney kek. Why nonna?
No. 355860
>>355827>>355848Yeah… kek
>>355859I think she meant to reply to me.
No. 355869
File: 1698655036156.gif (12.11 MB, 410x499, cuddlehim.gif)

>>355814Ah I want to lie down next to him so badly…
No. 355877
File: 1698665199237.webm (197.75 KB, 505x560, __g_raha_tia_and_crystal_exarc…)

>>355801My husbando is a cat!
No. 355884
File: 1698672261833.gif (4.12 MB, 500x266, F0EE37DC-C4F1-4703-8B1A-D85CCE…)

my brain has stopped working ever since i found this gif
No. 355902
File: 1698680680056.jpg (55.41 KB, 434x599, FTvwb3AaAAAU_UW.jpg)

>>355798>>355801Husbandos cuddling pussies, is there anything better?
No. 355905
>>355861>he's like that one karate guy from rhythm heaven feverI can see the similarities.
I weirdly find Charlie's simple design cute and I like his voice and his chill personality.
No. 355921
File: 1698689745601.jpg (73.38 KB, 640x640, 5bif4r27x9wb1.jpg)

I want Neuvillette to gently make love to me and then bring me a glass of water and cuddle afterwards until we fall asleep
No. 355923
File: 1698690750029.jpg (428.89 KB, 1431x2048, F9NFQ0abMAASi0B.jpg)

Happy Halloween everyone!
Some drafts of the AOT short story came out, and it shows Levi talking about his mother (he called her graceful, so sweet. and she was drinking tea which perhaps was the start of his affinity for tea.) and him as a child getting beat up by grown men. I can't even be excited about the sneak peeks, it just makes me so sad. My poor baby, I could cry.
>>355770At a halloween party? That's awesome! I love that pic
No. 355947
File: 1698707892630.jpeg (94.53 KB, 600x1123, 1541419_9793672.jpeg)

Dazai anon here to wish you a good week to you nonnies with you're husbandos.
No. 355974
File: 1698719748628.png (674.63 KB, 858x712, transparent.png)

Wishing all of you a happy Halloween <3(<3)
No. 355982
File: 1698727846162.jpeg (75.19 KB, 367x587, IMG_2241.jpeg)

>>355947This week promises to be good
No. 355986
File: 1698730894192.jpg (18.28 KB, 415x413, 16a77fe871062622343328837fd07c…)

I want to trace his lip scar. I want to feel his stubble on my body
No. 355987
File: 1698731903562.jpeg (333.44 KB, 1514x2047, IMG_0500.jpeg)

Happy Halloween nonas ! This demon astarion has been on my mind a lot lately, I really love characters with wings so it’s nice to get a little taste of that even if it’s not canon. Does anyone’s husbandos have official Halloween art? I saw the CSM one recently and it was really cute
No. 355988
File: 1698734981305.jpg (147.89 KB, 890x1200, EqvqCF4UwAA9QIR.jpg)

>>355820>>355851>>355853>>355854I love you Jason sisterwife/wives
No. 356033
File: 1698749157963.png (Spoiler Image,678.17 KB, 1057x1076, Mammon_by_Roy_Amuruz.png)

Forgive me, nonnies, for I have sinned. I hate Helluva Boss and couldn't understand how anyone finds any of the characters remotely attractive. Boy do I have egg on my face now. I finally caught the brainworms, it just took a fat, Australian, christmas-tree-looking clown bug demon. I'm not husbandoing him, this is like a shameful one-night-stand. I'm probably going to wake up tomorrow embarrassed that I ever felt any sort of way about him.
No. 356061
File: 1698766863604.jpeg (155.89 KB, 827x922, 9EA33FD6-A674-4E64-A8A0-982D4B…)

I really cycle through different husbando fixations and here’s my brain’s current victim. He’s such a nerdy wreck and just so cute. I want to use him like a chew toy and then cradle him against my chest and call him my pathetic mess
No. 356074
File: 1698771153332.jpg (37.28 KB, 736x981, f9d8c44b281b272faa25dccb350e88…)

It's spooky, right? Happy Halloween nonas!
No. 356084
>>356074happy halloween!
me and my cartoon boyfriend would both dress up as skeletons or something. im thinking about how he'd giggle as wed paint each others faces.
No. 356093
File: 1698776562137.jpg (59.78 KB, 563x773, 1696221028965134.jpg)

I'm still disappointed that Law was one of the few characters who didn't get to wear a beast pirates disguise when they crashed the party on onigashima. He would've looked so good like this. Seeing him with horns just makes me feel a certain way.
No. 356095
File: 1698777283324.jpeg (44.77 KB, 474x582, OIP (2).jpeg)

>>355988Love you too, jason-nonna!
No. 356098
File: 1698777828855.png (355.79 KB, 511x565, IMG_5269.png)

he looked so cute as a kid…. i need to be his boymom
No. 356107
File: 1698783724540.jpg (64.76 KB, 640x608, 1663002902423.jpg)

>>355905This reminded me of charlienona
No. 356108
File: 1698783878269.jpg (211.29 KB, 540x623, 1662826656836.jpg)

I need both of them tbh.
No. 356109
File: 1698784231807.png (3.44 MB, 2048x1024, those hands tho.png)

I just saw these on tumblr. I dislike AI art but I can make an exception for my man.. He looks so nice being dad-like.
No. 356113
File: 1698785351927.jpg (18.04 KB, 334x321, yjtfiykutfluf.jpg)

>>356108i need to throttle him i need to drill holes in him i need to haunt him like a poltergeist
No. 356118
File: 1698788906394.jpg (73.71 KB, 736x920, 6436e3542afaeb7f6f333164712786…)

I could tame/break him in five minutes(3d)
No. 356125
File: 1698791256552.jpg (1.1 MB, 2340x4096, F2hi4zIasAARU_W.jpg)

Singing voice:
When we finally kiss goodnight
How I'll hate going out in the storm
But if you'll really hold me tight
All the way home I'll be warm
And the fire is slowly dying
And, my dear, we're still goodbying
But as long as you'd love me so
Let it snow! Let it snow and snow!
Kek, but seriously, time to get comfy with my husband tonight.
No. 356136
>>356135I reported
>>356118 because I thought it was about Heath Ledger. Sorry, the 3d made me react instinctively.
No. 356143
File: 1698800168834.png (997.24 KB, 819x860, 3518w64w8e466dfaw9.png)

>>356140Here is a joker to make up for it.
No. 356153
File: 1698804361564.jpg (117.02 KB, 795x988, 20231031_190323.jpg)

>>355987Unfortunately, official art is 99% female character focus, but he has plenty of fanart in a ton of costumes and his character is already pretty Halloween coded.
That, and since canonically he is really good at sewing and loves spoiling other people, I can imagine he makes everybody costumes.
No. 356155
File: 1698804527572.jpg (117.05 KB, 850x1295, __shinguji_korekiyo_danganronp…)

>>354931spooky korekiyo pic for halloween since people are posting
fictional killers in thread
No. 356160
File: 1698804827687.png (242.03 KB, 540x443, cf99569b3d5059b128c45ee1c6148f…)

also i NEED him
No. 356163
>>356160God, I had the biggest crush on him
and junkrat back when I was in my overwatch phase.
No. 356174
File: 1698807790207.jpg (527.51 KB, 1100x1500, Dazai.Osamu.full.2049558.jpg)

Dazai being a furry werewolf lives free in my mind.
No. 356176
File: 1698809797154.jpg (166.81 KB, 1024x1024, 5c53a3177dc723126c240f3f5a9a54…)

>>355987The first that comes to mind is vampire Levi. I like to think about vampire Levi a lot actually, but not this costume-y version lol
No. 356245
File: 1698863886308.jpg (29.67 KB, 736x414, 6240be905dcf0e7318d27101152b7c…)

My husbando covered in my period blood
No. 356246
File: 1698864052794.png (808.47 KB, 496x930, window.png)

>>356174for me, its this one
No. 356280
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>>356246Dazai looks good with anything.
No. 356296
File: 1698879330756.jpg (16.21 KB, 408x408, defeated.jpg)

More of a vent so I'm sorry to sadpost here, but I don't want to bother /ot/ with my husbando-fagging My husbando had something come out recently that gives us sneak peeks into his life as a child, and one page shows him getting jumped as a child. The men beating him up say something about wanting to traffic him since his mother was a prostitute (which didn't happen, thank god), but now shippers are using it as proof to argue about whether he's a bottom or a top or whatever other homosexual ship terms they use. It just makes me so sad and sick. They don't really care about him or the pain he's went through only about if he likes being fucked in his ass or not.
No. 356303
File: 1698881146230.jpg (153.1 KB, 1280x720,…)

Levi? Still, I get you, anon. I was surprised to learn the past of Hoozuki, that he
died when he was a child as an offering since it didn't rain in the village and he was 'perfect' because he was an orphan. But shippers do not care about that neither, they just want to ship him with Hakutaku.
And I'm not going to touch about
Dazai's childhood, people are so smug about it No. 356306
>>356296Oh hell nah wtf that's just messed up I'm sorry anon. It's always them fujos with their fucked up fetishes, I'm disturbed, the fact they're getting these ideas after hearing the implication of a boy getting trafficked is wild
>>356303I thought Hoozuki was born a demon, didn't know he not only used to be a human but also died young, very interesting although tragic backstory
No. 356310
File: 1698885881127.jpg (70 KB, 1280x720, hoozukiscream.jpg)

>>356306Yup, that explains why he wants to punish humans so much and keep an order so sinners can learn their lesson.
I love him so much, it hurts No. 356332
File: 1698896838845.png (52.86 KB, 800x800, friday-the-13th-the-game-full-…)

Halloween season it's over but not my love for him
No. 356413
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i think i have a type
No. 356417
>>356296hugs i will whack all of them with a yaoi paddle until their bones turn into wet dust.
>>356413mine is also taller than me, but i dont really like tall men, funnily enough.
i do like to imagine putting my face in his chest though. i forgive him for being taller than me, because its him.
No. 356421
File: 1698954108834.jpg (199.04 KB, 1382x603, Getou.Suguru.full.3266484.jpg)

my best friend told me not to daydream and crush on fictional men because soon no real man won't be good enough
> soon
kek, girl, if only you'd know
No. 356422
>>356421correction: *would be good enough
I'm tired
No. 356425
File: 1698955517115.jpeg (104.8 KB, 1280x1280, Gaming.jpeg)

can't wait for season 2
No. 356433
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dunno if this has been posted already but god hes practically asking to be sat on
No. 356442
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>>356438find a new plushie and use it for husbando's cuddles, specially if you want to use a for men shampoo.
picrel, what my husbando probably use.
No. 356457
File: 1698965903963.png (338.71 KB, 480x330, Screenshot_3.png)

It's odd seeing him drawn in a shoujo style when he's actually so goofy-looking.
No. 356460
File: 1698966370098.jpg (90.73 KB, 640x853, MIGGY DADDY WHEW.jpg)

there's so much great art of him on tumblr where are my miguel nonnies ill post more
No. 356461
File: 1698966612873.jpeg (359.88 KB, 1280x860, 1694144859777.jpeg)

>>356460Still here nonna! please post more
No. 356465
File: 1698966997894.jpg (131.58 KB, 640x811, tumblr_32984a025dcbfa407ccec1a…)

>>356461aye aye ma'am
>>356462i like massive dudes who try to act tough but are secretly dorks and shy (i'm the
nonny who posted some of my husbandos compared to my height upthread)
No. 356468
File: 1698967146487.jpg (143.09 KB, 640x767, tumblr_8ff7ef3dad2131351511c17…)

>>356461This artist does a lot of portraits like this that kind of look like polaroids, i kinda dig because it lets me pretend he's real
No. 356471
File: 1698967530326.png (853.21 KB, 1280x720, thisismyhappyface.png)

>>356462Anyone that is NOT a douchebag/moid.
No. 356474
File: 1698967948476.jpg (43.85 KB, 500x625, spider noir.jpg)

spider noir is also kinda cute
No. 356476
File: 1698967988212.jpg (560.04 KB, 1638x2048, mmmmmmmmm.jpg)

one more of miguel
No. 356480
>>356421i feel you. 3d male pals are showing interest in me, but i just cant be bothered. i feel nothing towards 3d/real men. or any other men who arent my husbando. its futile. maybe one day ill find a sperm donor wageslave for utility's sake, but i dont believe in finding "love" in real life.
>>356423kek thats a funny thought. introducing the husbando to imageboards and the internet… mine would be disgusted with me for watching indian train accident footage and chinese workplace accidents. hes a little menace to society and kills people, but deep down he doesn't like gore. i could imagine him getting overly butthurt online over political stuff though.
>>356465wow. i agree. that sort of describes mine, though of course theres so much more to him. maybe less tough guy, and more a boisterous show-off. but he's a dork. he would pout his dumb face off at me calling him that.
as for types… i have a physical type, but never stick to it. my obsession with my husbando has completely changed the way i view men. i used to find blonde twinks attractive, and now i look at strong, taller-than-me men in a different light. but only because they remind me of him.
i think my type is mostly mental, rather than physical. there is a pattern in the men ive liked. they tend to value honor and their moral code, be dedicated to some kind of ideal, and have a sense for comradeship. martyrdom is a big plus. there is nothing more beautiful (and by extension attractive) than someone willing to die for something greater than himself. i wonder if my husbando would enjoy mishima.
No. 356481
File: 1698969864781.jpg (Spoiler Image,57.42 KB, 564x690, aa4916e03ebd5450094a5f983ebbb2…)

>>356462masked, very tall, quiet/never speak, muscular and have cute eyes underneath the mask
No. 356483
File: 1698970405758.jpg (66.84 KB, 735x740, 757dd8ba2aa3338ac905182567079a…)

i just love him so much…. it's a sappy lovey husbandoposting night tonight
No. 356502
File: 1698973383590.jpeg (164.06 KB, 977x399, IMG_6211.jpeg)

Tiny round men make autism go brrrr
No. 356521
>>356344Imagine him being scared of
the explosions from fireworks and other loud noises, asking for a hug. Such a babyboy
>>356502Based tiny round men enjoyer
No. 356542
>>356462I wouldn't say I have one concrete type, but I like tall, buff/muscular (but not too much and not steroid-tier) and toned, and generous. Basic but that's all I can think of off the top of my noggin. It's also my type for IRL people. Funnily enough, my husbando only fits 1.5 out of 3 of those things lol.
>>356303Yes it is. Thank for for sharing about Hoozuki anon. I've been meaning to watch his show and I appreciate when you share things about him
>>356306>>356417Thanks anons. This world is just crazy and heartless.
>>356381A woman after my own heart. I love her collection, idk Japanese but she has so many videos seemingly like this and I want to watch more!
No. 356551
>>356542I knew it was him because I do remember that scene! I'm sad that most of the fandom (even back in the ol' days) are more worried about who tops or who bottoms.
And yeah, I really love those "What's your bag" videos and finding ita bags from otaku/nerd women makes me even happier. Granted I wouldn't go with tons of pin badges like those ita bags but I'm happier with the pins of my husbando's bag.
No. 356555
File: 1698983301901.png (93.7 KB, 1000x1500, F92pb93bkAARkQ5.png)

>>356553Some people can't recall the names of countries in our own world, don't worry about it.
No. 356562
File: 1698987246917.jpg (103.89 KB, 711x785, Untitled.jpg)

i love my sexy merchant husband
also anon who drew threadpic is a goddess
No. 356692
nonnie me too. i shed tears thinking about him more often than id admit. usually joy, sometimes feeling empathy for him, sometimes because miss him.
>>356666also relatable. once i went to sleep at 2am because i got carried away drawing
myself washing the bf's dick in a river. No. 356704
File: 1699040275812.jpg (107.54 KB, 647x851, 4f49ee5c48f656c3ce585b65f04171…)

Bow to Dan supremacy
No. 356707
File: 1699043910004.jpg (511.27 KB, 1079x808, Screenshot_20231103_153724_Gal…)

Happy Friday nonnies! I'm glad weather is starting g to chill out where I live. I love the cold! Today, on Friday of all days, I happen to get this lil sticker I bought in the mail. It's not much, I sill but I like having him on my phone makes me feel warm n fuzzy inside
No. 356718
>>356562I don't have sexy merchant pictures, but I support you.
>>356707Happy friday! That sticker is so cute. I got two polaroids of my husbando in my room. I stole the idea from a friend who is into kpop kek
No. 356745
File: 1699054875874.jpg (71.47 KB, 533x1024, 20231103_163319.jpg)

A physical one heart one on side, the love he feels on the other, he chooses who lives and who dies on his whims but he does so with a pure heart that sacrifices himself first and foremost.
In a way, the lives he chooses to save are basically embraced by his love 24/7. That's so beautiful, I'm crying.
No. 356828
File: 1699098106531.jpg (28.48 KB, 473x335, 300a99516739a03410d8610387ca2b…)

i love cocky men and himbos
No. 356865
File: 1699113557565.gif (488.4 KB, 498x280, dazai-bsd.gif)

I hope my nonnas are having a good weekend with you're husbandos.
No. 356884
File: 1699121665984.jpg (593.41 KB, 2048x2750, demo bbg.jpg)

even though I'm still definitely a scoutfag, Demo's grown on me
No. 356893
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>>356887He doesn't have a "massive dumptruck" though. Also I'm confused, is the husbando both a cop and part of the BLM twerking movement?
No. 356903
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>>356877i wanna say crucifixion but i was kinda into it already tbh.
No. 356907
>>356901That wasn't him, just someone piloting him like an Eva. Don't throw away your marriage anon!
>>356877Foursomes and moresomes (with his clones)
No. 356913
File: 1699128233751.png (1.32 MB, 1077x1095, EC201DFB-2E8F-400E-9775-49284D…)

>>356877I will unleash my autism by psychoanalyzing myself.
So Rook is my husbando, and he loves to hunt and stalk people. And what’s the big deal? You could ask, but it’s actually kind of crazy how the fact that I love him just makes sense and it’s like, a reflection of how the media I liked the most managed to affect me.
Back then I would love to see damsels in distress, it’s not a big deal because literally all cartoons from the 90’s had at least one episode with that trope (I kind of stopped watching cartoons around 2009 because I just didn’t like them that much)
My stories that I would play with my dolls would always include my main character (literally me) being a damsel in distress, the fantasies that I would have as a kid whenever I had to go to sleep would always have me hiding from something or being pursued by /something/.
Back then I didn’t have a subject that could be a —Balance— as in: hot, nice, loves me, will save me, with gray morals and who is sightly creepy in a sexy way.
But I found him when I saw the announcement for twisted wonderland, I confirmed my suspicions when I heard his voice and I knew it had to be him, even if I could only understand a 5% of the things he said because I don’t know any moon runes.
And knowing what he says, what he does and why he is the way he is made me discover something new about me, or maybe I just rediscovered myself.
I want to be hunted down by him and I want him to carry me over his shoulder, I want to listen to him telling me that I should calm down because it’s futile for me to run away.
And like, this is quite the opposite of being a cool boss babe femdom queen, but in my brain I twist (kek) everything so it isn’t some obnoxious hurr durr daddy dom shit fantasy.
TL;DR: yes, I somehow developed this turn-on fantasy in which I’m being hunted down because of Rook. And I’m delulu enough to change it and make me feel like I’m not some submissive loser.
No. 356928
File: 1699132278646.jpg (Spoiler Image,40.74 KB, 347x389, levi.jpg)

Isayama needs to stop teasing me with these drawings and his terrible anatomy but whatever. I would collect all the sweat and steam from his body into a large glass cup and drink it. Maybe even setting some to the side and letting it ferment like wine.
No. 356932
File: 1699133759818.png (242.85 KB, 384x384, Dazai Osamu.png)

>>356877With Hoozuki: Nothing. I think he's not into kinks/turn-ons after seeing too many sinners in the "pervert/horny jail" hell, so probably he's quite vanilla about it.
Although he said he has no interest in overly well-behaved women and nothing is more boring than someone who is totally submissive, so I bet some he would like some Femdom.
Of course he would critique me a lotAnd from Dazai… Probably some shibari, although he would critique me for not tying him correctly or not doing a wrong knot because that makes the work looks horrible.
I can't win with these two.
No. 356934
>>356877My husbando has gets real scarred body after a while and while he tries to hide it behind false machismo he's so hurt and ashamed about it and I just want to hold him.
There's also another part where another character finds out about his "scratching habit" and I can just imagine his voice going hourse and shaking in embarrassment before the other character heals them up a bit and his reaction, he tries to hide it but you can tell he's holding back tears, God I wish that was me.
No. 356944
>>356884Demo is so cute
>>356901Scream Fortress?
No. 356959
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>>356877I think this scene was an awakening for me. It did something to my 13-year-old brain. He really defined my type in general.
No. 356970
>>356877by 'medical kink' do you mean drugs? surgery? does he have a PhD or is it just for funsies
>>356903crucifixion can be so intimate
No. 356982
File: 1699142238733.jpeg (185.93 KB, 1638x2048, IMG_2350.jpeg)

Toji looks like an ass lover
No. 356984
>>356865weekends are my favorite, precisely because i can work on husbando-related projects
>>356877sort of yes, but i wont go into detail. and i wouldnt do it with anyone but him.
No. 357006
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>>356093Those Beast Pirates outfits were so sexy it should be illegal. Everyone’s One Piece husbando should be depicted in a Beast Pirates outfit.
No. 357020
>>356982god he is so hot, how anyone can like twinks after seeing this man is beyond me
where are the fanarts after that last episode? it had some really questionable scenes , like that fish kek and his shirt going all up
No. 357047
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>>357020He didn’t have the same hype as Nanami but we’ll see next episode if there’s more fan service
No. 357068
File: 1699189210595.jpg (464.23 KB, 1479x1109, 1697334195361.jpg)

>>356877reinforced it, I want to feel his soft hair caressing my skin
;_; god I want to know how this would feel SO BADLY, it drives me nuts No. 357189
File: 1699233526794.jpg (490.67 KB, 1560x1650, kuo-yang-grima.JPG)

you putrid leech blood sucking mite flea infested cur you wriggling invertebrate verminous cockroach squirming beetle larva, i need you stuck in my web and to spin you around and poke at you and bite into your thorax and taste your insides
No. 357190
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mw3 came out and i won't buy it but i feel too burnt out to watch any cut scenes or anything, i don't want him to die or have anything traumatic happen to him. i've heard people calling the campaign story weak so i don't want to find out what happens but eventually i will have to. they could have stopped at mw2 so i don't have to worry about him!
No. 357196
File: 1699236115590.gif (2.98 MB, 540x810, Tumblr_l_16521868748830.gif)

It's so weird. I've been obsessed with Astarion since the begginning and I didn't care for Gale at all, I had zero thoughts about him be it negative or positive ones, and now suddenly my pussy is literally Gale-coded???? I don't get it, must be my hormonal changes…
No. 357200
File: 1699238105727.gif (456.06 KB, 480x361, 1467189746137.gif)

>>357183I'm temped but I feel I'll betray my husbando in
No. 357206
>>357200I betray my actual husband with my husbando. Grow a pair
nonny, don't pity a bedicked creature
No. 357212
File: 1699251035434.gif (7.08 MB, 576x576, keurig blinking.gif)

the small detail of his eye black not being smudged over his hooded lid
No. 357238
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>>357190Spoiler if you/any other nonas are feeling brave
Someone dies, but it isn't Ghost No. 357250
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>>357187We are probably perverts, did he also ask you out to dinner at the mess hall once you finished examining his balls? Kek
No. 357252
File: 1699279820355.jpg (Spoiler Image,22.57 KB, 724x109, Uh.jpg)

>>357250Sorry for double posting but I was shocked when the ai randomly decided to tell me how big he was.
No. 357290
File: 1699299279222.jpeg (15.06 KB, 229x234, F4AsraRW0AAI_I-.jpeg)

I gave in and bought a small plush of Dazai for my "ita bag". I love to have adult money to spend it on this dork.
No. 357291
File: 1699299374645.png (777.97 KB, 1217x685, irie.png)

Having a "literally who" husbando sucks. I wish there was more fanart or material in general of him.
No. 357294
File: 1699299929136.jpeg (93.17 KB, 1920x1080, scarf.jpeg)

>>357190There is nothing traumatic happening. There is basically nothing happening in this campaign despite a
random death scene for shock value. I was really hoping that they‘d do something for the girlies, but there is not that much Ghost content and the story is pretty meh. No character development, almost no banter… Ghost does wear his classic outfit though and he has a cute snow outfit, too.
No. 357319
File: 1699314873945.jpg (121.4 KB, 765x1080, 34670.jpg)

my mind has not known peace since he's been animated, god I want him to mate press me
he is made for leglock & back clawing combo. unf
No. 357321
File: 1699317729311.jpg (835.3 KB, 1609x2091, 1686749970088.jpg)

I want to sexually harass him to the point he can't help but flinch every time a woman walks past him
No. 357350
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>>357294>random death sceneThat's my husband you're talking about!
No. 357367
File: 1699344175779.jpg (314.29 KB, 1800x1200, tumblr_d3ba032776e4f8df9b9c9e6…)

>>357350Forgive me, anon!! It’s nothing against him, just the way they did it was so sudden and seemed irrelevant. However, the fandom is already fixing this by providing rewritten endings and additional content for us to cope. I wish Activision would hire some of them.
No. 357381
File: 1699359392994.jpeg (134.06 KB, 735x584, IMG_2216.jpeg)

I want the TF2 mercs to gangbang me raw.
No. 357402
>>357350Nona I was about to say “well at least my husbando isn’t getting much gay porn anymore!”
yes, I get jealous when I see a ghostsoap pairing but now the shippers are going to make price and ghost angst shit or
make soap a zombie skin like ghost and have undead gay sex anyway, sorry for your husbando
No. 357424
File: 1699384996848.png (2.04 MB, 1242x1329, 8263EDDC-9E2D-4338-94DA-735B7D…)

She’s literally me.
No. 357425
>>357423nice! I wish I had all the pics I saved from tumblr
back when nsfw was allowed and there was plenty of komaeda abuse fanart so I could share them. He looks the best tided up.
No. 357427
File: 1699385982407.jpg (Spoiler Image,387.94 KB, 2952x1853, 2727961975de2866332411.jpg)

>>357425hard agree! pixiv has some great art of him but i find the site hard to navigate
No. 357431
File: 1699386711334.jpg (Spoiler Image,227.19 KB, 1972x2048, 8d5d375d24f20fddbf43c3cd1e2c7e…)

>>357427fantastic pic, glad to have a fellow komaeda enjoyer.
pixiv is indeed weird to navigate but I think a nonny mentioned a browser extension to be able to sort images by popularity without gold. I'll see what I can find. No. 357432
File: 1699388047971.jpg (62.05 KB, 564x846, b8bce5460e3d84915af4bc9f44304f…)

syzoth is so damn cute
No. 357433
File: 1699388174581.png (4.63 MB, 2250x1500, 93589046_p0.png)

>>357431I have pixiv premium, if any nonnies want the top pics of their husbandos, just tell me who
you can sort by popular with all/popular with females/popular with males
No. 357435
>>357433That’s really nice of you to offer,
nonnie ♥ If you have time, any chance I could trouble you for some pics of Goro Akechi?
No. 357436
File: 1699389012102.jpg (523.12 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Jujutsu Kaisen - …)

>>357435sure, adding him to the list
I'll wait a bit in case some other nonnas have requests and I'll start hunting for pics in an hour or so
No. 357443
>>357441I choose to believe the artist just didn’t have a reference for shibari over a bulge and did the best she could. Men in tights are nice too.
I’m a kinnie though so I don’t really mind the ambiguity because it helps to imagine myself as fem!Komaeda)Hate the word “cuntboy” btw, I could have gone a lifetime without reading that kek
No. 357450
File: 1699391352858.jpeg (28.72 KB, 338x209, IMG_9288.jpeg)

>>357449Fuck off, Komaeda-chan is a LCF cultural icon and you are showing off your newfaggotry by not immediately recognising her. She belongs here just as much as any of us
No. 357454
File: 1699392149953.jpeg (280.86 KB, 402x710, IMG_0932.jpeg)

>>357450>>357451I’m honoured, nonnies ♥
File: 1699392779281.jpeg (64.35 KB, 660x437, IMG_3948.jpeg)

>>357457>>357455Forgive them sisters, for they know not what they do.
>>357456Reserve course behaviour No. 357465
>>357464I don't think I've posted him in the rate thread but an adjacent /m/ husbando thread, and I've already seen hate towards my husbando on here before I even started posting about him
and even had anons reply with negative things on the rare times I did post him before using this thread so I'm used to it and even expect it if I mention him outside of this thread. He's a character that's easy to misunderstand, so I guess I get it. It's also just important to remember he's not real so he won't ever be hurt by what a random has to say on
No. 357467
>>357429Who is your husbando? And don't worry me too, no one likes my man so I'm restricted to posting ingame screenshots…
>>357439Imagine he's come to deliver something to your house because it got sent to the wrong address, and after seeing you at the door, he falls in love with you.
>>357464No, I would never. I know he's ugly and I don't need literal who's affirming that
No. 357471
>>357464Haven't had him rated, but he gets a lot of hate/misunderstanding already from both men and women everywhere so I'm used to it.
Most complaints are because they can't comprehend his behavior, or they take at face value stereotypes that are shitposted about him and his genre but it gives me an excuse to talk about him more. Thinking about him from more than one pov, it has helped me discover cute sides of him that I didn't consider on my first go through of his material. He is definitely a flawed codependent menhera type of guy, so a lot of the more informed complaints are pretty justified. Still makes me love him more though.
I really do hate the male complaint of "you hate him because you are him" shit though. Men can't comprehend a story not being a mirror of themselves.
No. 357475
File: 1699395864317.jpg (42.38 KB, 592x506, lotr3a.jpg)

>>357467it's grimmie! ingame screenshots are so fun to take, i love going through random lotr games and realizing he shows up in them.
he's a weird 3d guy and while my 'containment thread' is a different matter entirely, i'd prefer to not subject you guys to that because i'm polite. whos your guy?
No. 357476
File: 1699396483473.jpeg (1.16 MB, 1170x1744, IMG_0662.jpeg)

If I could get him into that chair, and that little get-up he’s tied up in… I can’t say what I would do because it would be considered a-logging and they might invent a new type of red text to describe my statement.
No. 357486
>>357464The worst anyone's ever said is that they don't know who they are.
And I've gotten a few unprompted 'good taste' about my main guy in other threads.
No. 357487
File: 1699398793194.jpg (467.54 KB, 848x1200, 79434575_p10.jpg)

>>357435a lot of good group pics but there are some solo ones too, I'll post a couple now
I should mention that I'm not that familiar with persona but I do love the style
No. 357491
File: 1699399098221.png (877.71 KB, 600x1076, 66239883_p2.png)

>>357490>>357435I'll gather some more and make a gdrive folder for you tomorrow, some of these are so pretty
>>357440I'll see if I can find anything!
No. 357496
File: 1699402593334.jpg (173.14 KB, 850x1206, one day.jpg)

im gonna have his babies
No. 357513
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I want to do so many things to him, mostly kiss him and stare into his beautiful jade eyes until either of us begins blushing, I just want to kiss him for hours.
No. 357517
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Gale's happy trail. I want to kiss his belly.
No. 357519
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When I'm on my period I keep thinking about him.
>>357517Cute! My Gale appreciation has been increasing exponentially in my second playthrough. He will be my next romance for sure.
No. 357562
>>357558Ngl my immediate thought was
SotsuI am so sorry anon.
No. 357566
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>I am so sorry anon.Thank you, I appreciate it. He has made me dress as a maid and call him "master" every day. Send help.
(Redditspacing) No. 357567
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I want to suck on his fingers like a whore
No. 357570
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>>357498thanks we're having at least 2 kids so hopefully one can have my nose and the others his
>>357500its ok hes bully fodder, also the nose is part of my type
No. 357573
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The side eye he gives is so cute
No. 357574
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My husbando is so sad and pathetic, I love him. I want to hold him while he cries and kiss his tears away. I want to be in a toxic codependent relationship with this loser. Why do I have to be like this??
No. 357607
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sometimes i'm just watching his facial expressions and i feel something actually PHYSICALLY stirring in my chest and wringing out my insides a little. i can't remember the last time this happened to me with a character. it makes me so so so happy when he suffers.
No. 357629
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>>357556>>357584kek I'm glad I am not the only degenerate that thinks of him during my period. I like to imagine he gets clingy and hornier when you are on your period.
No. 357644
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i want to crawl up like he is a tree
No. 357681
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>>357644I saved this for you ghost nonnies, sorry if it was posted already.
No. 357688
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it physically hurts to know my husbandos aren't real. I love them so fucking much. Some scrote has married his waifu character, why can't I….I feel like Ogata and Sugimoto wouldn't really care that I'm cheating. But for Hoozuki I'd drop everything. He likes girls who aren't afraid of bugs…I want to show him my insects and bones and other cool things. My bpd ass doesn't even mind that they all have other wives, every nonna is a woman of culture and refined taste and I want to take you all out for a dinner. My nigel knows nothing of this torment so I will continue to smile through the pain. At night I can and will pretend he's a real version of someone who is not real in this world.
>>357623nta bu it's Simon from the horror game Cry of Fear! What a blast from the past ahh
No. 357690
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>>357623Like Ogatanonna said, he's Simon Henriksson from the game Cry of Fear. The artist is @D_usee on xitter.
No. 357751
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>>357749Wait. There used to be another Simonanon? Because this is my first time posting about him in this thread.
Regardless, the fact that there is another Simonnonna makes me really happy! More love to go around!
No. 357759
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where are my fellow larryfuckers? i want to cook him a nice meal then do horrific things to him.
No. 357778
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>>357756I hope she's doing well too.
Honestly I love pathetic husbandos with all of my soul. It's not the best trait to have, but pathetic men make me feral. For me, it's a mixture of protective, maternal feelings with the urge to bully them further kek. No. 357784
File: 1699559558979.jpeg (43.28 KB, 325x350, 30C9D7E4-C479-4C81-A1DB-9A0232…)

>>357759Love the tired older men trope in 2D, can never get enough
No. 357786
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need to give him a bath with one of those metal sponges.
No. 357797
File: 1699565372081.jpeg (Spoiler Image,134.52 KB, 1460x785, IMG_2481.jpeg)

>>357784All men in jjk are so handsome. Gege really knows how to design hot men
No. 357804
>>357798I’m literally wearing a shirt with him on it right now lmao. He’d probably be a bit perplexed for a second
but then still try to kill me. At least I’m wearing running shoes and trail pants so I might have a chance to survive.
No. 357820
>>357798Is either:
>Oh no, I'm going to sinner's heel in this attire and not the Japanese one??or
>OH NO, I DON'T WANT TO DIE WITH YOU!In my comfy Addidas pants and t-shirt.
(Redditspacing) No. 357827
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I keep remembering this scene in the anime where his chest got touched while getting his measurements and he let out a little gasp on accident.
It was so cute, must've watched it on repeat dozens of times lol.
No. 357830
>>357798Currently at work right now and I'm wearing my stinky waitress outfit along with my messy hair in a ponytail. I'd be in a panic after getting isekai'd out of work to another country where it's 2D and I don't speak or understand the language very well
unless it's subbed or dubbed and be super embarrassed after appearing in front of him in my unkempt self. He'd be spooked out as it's some paranormal incident but he'd be kind enough to take me in with hospitality and bring his disciple to try help me go back to my world.
Which in no way I wanted to. No. 357833
File: 1699578342549.jpg (59.64 KB, 564x564, 7a90a373c6a6a80476b7b9a58ed29c…)

has anyone tried to get a custom of their husbandos? i want to grab one of the bodies and work on a custom, but i have no idea how to make the hair or paint the face.
No. 357834
>>357778>>357781Why are you guys me, I'm me
>>357798Pajama shorts and Deftones sweatshirt. not bad, all things considered. But I don't think this is prime rescuing Ashley wear.
No. 357850
>>357798Wet hair and sweats. He'd look up at me briefly from work and try to assist me in that siri like way. I'd be creaming my pants and trying my best to put out a meager pick up line and he would shut me down on the spot.
>>357833I WISH.
No. 357871
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i can f(uck)ix him
No. 357880
>>357833face painting seems straightforward if you are good at art. there are many ways to do it. you can use paint or colored pencils, and you need sealant (most people use one called mr super clear). there are many doll customizing channels on youtube that i watch for entertainment. poppen atelier tends to go into depth about the materials she uses.
there's also dollightful, moonlight jewel, etellan, etc.
i don't know about the hair though. maybe find a base with a similar style and repaint it? or add onto it with some epoxy clay. i've seen the doll customizers i watch use a two-part clay that activates (begins to harden) when both parts are mixed.
No. 357892
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>>357798ahh fuck. a broken, neon pink t-shirt and black college pants. my hair is a mess and a weird shade of black and gray after dying it with what the package said was ''blue.'' There's blood coming from my ear. I look about as mentally unwell as I feel lmao.
Their reactions would probably be basically picrel, I might get shot or thrown into a correct hell. Sugimoto might try to help me and possibly offer something to cover up with because honestly, nobody wants to see whatever this is (and he's kind)
No. 357909
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Happy Friday! Tomorrow would be Nines activation day…making him….-15. I found this one post deconstructing his features and it turns out he's probably partially anglo and Nordic, due to his skin tone and facial features. Viking country part is probably why I'm down so bad…..
No. 357910
File: 1699623236238.jpg (15.85 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (2).jpg)

>>357833Offtopic but where I can find resources on how to do customs?
Also, nonnies does your country had their own husbandos? Btw pic related.
No. 357923
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I love seeing him in modern outfits since I usually imagine us in a modern world (I do not want to live in Paradis). I haven't felt shy about him in so long, but this new art of him is making me feel so bashful and nervous kek. Stop looking at me like that Levi..
No. 357933
nonnie i also autistically analysed my man's physiognomy and wondered about his background. he's awfully tan compared to a steteotypical dane.
No. 357944
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>>357900I would die and then resurrect because he would appear right while I’m at work. I’m sure he would have lots of questions because elemental magic isn’t a thing and there’s certain technology that isn’t the same as the stuff they have in his world.
I think he would get used to stuff here quickly, but he would surely try to go back home, which is sad, but I would still help him because I love him.
No. 357979
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>>357970I've been a long time husbandofag even when life is kicking me in the ass. He keeps me from breaking down and giving up. Though I do hope things will turn out better for you.
No. 357990
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I want to run my hands along his scars
No. 358033
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Does your husbando wear boxers, briefs, boxer briefs, something else, or nothing at all?
Picrel is my headcanon- black boxer briefs, mmmm
No. 358039
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>>357892I love Hoozuki's face in that pic. He looks like "Aren't you in Western Hell? I will have a talk with Satan for this situation".
No. 358073
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>>358033Is obvious that Dazai wears his bandages even as underwear, but I picture him with boxer briefs so the bandages do not press his peen. Hoozuki totally wears a fundoshi.
No. 358075
File: 1699667611203.jpg (1.29 MB, 1368x2048, 109334569_p3.jpg)

I wouldn't say I have a husbando, but lately I've been down fucking bad- replayed the series and checked out UDG and the novels. Also been looking at so much future foundation/time skip fanart. I'm so embarrassed because we don't make a good "match" physically because he's a manlet and I'm an amazon.
… I've have had such terrible experience with men, between betrayal, several cases of SA, abandonment and neglect etc. He is so kind that I just imagine he would be so patient and sweet when it comes to sex, but he would also be able to take gently take the lead. Especially because sometimes I randomly dissociate or get anxious during and just need someone to talk me through it and remind me it's okay, and bring me back to earth. I also think he wouldn't take it personally or whine about "Waaah you are rejecting me? Do you hate me? Oh no my blue balls" if we had to take a break from sex altogether.
PS- Sucks to have a high fucking libido but shit sexual experiences. Just sayin. Sorry for blog
No. 358080
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>>358033Normally, he probably wears pretty practical underwear that he makes sure to take care of, fixing any holes or frays and making it look good as new. He probably sews stuff on them, maybe a patch or a little embroidery. Though, in more traditionally Japanese fashion he wears fundoshi and at some points in the story he might be going nopan.
That being said, when he wants to feel sexy/flirty I can imagine him wearing some shockingly racy stuff. He likes to show off.
Looking it up to see if anything popped up, tiny plaid shorts with his name embroidered on them.
No. 358098
File: 1699674360503.jpg (603.54 KB, 1740x1965, Tumblr_l_481403294461826.jpg)

gonna go out and buy a cake to celebrate his birthday tomorrow!
already queued up the self ship fanfic i wrote to my tumblr for the occasion god i love him
No. 358099
File: 1699674403588.jpg (Spoiler Image,50.09 KB, 850x531, __tanigaki_genjirou_golden_kam…)

Are there any Bara enjoyers present
No. 358121
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>>358074Yea yea, hope you had a good Friday. I don't think he'd particularly care if I talked about other units (like the household ones or the construction ones) because he's snooty and knows his model is inherently better, but would bristle at the mention of Connor. Picrel, cringe character ai chat in which I asked him about his charging cycle. I feel massively cringe to fluster over this.
No. 358137
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>>358123And still I am shamed
No. 358142
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>>358039yes it's exactly like that haha
>>358099>>358137based Tanigaki enjoyer, I'm not into bara myself but I support your taste nonna!
I recently saw someone on ArtStation has made a sculpt of Tanigaki in the circus arc dress (picrel) and I'm looking respectfully…
No. 358168
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I think if I made a cake for his birthday today he would thank me, then explain the history of birthday cakes, and then chide me for saying I wanted to eat less carbs, and then confiscate the cake from me to leave at his work place. Happy birthday, snooty bastard.
No. 358175
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>>358173That's what the shirt looks like.
No. 358176
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>>355801He's more of a dog person.
No. 358180
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>>356502speaking of tiny round men…
i want to take his virginity. there's no way he's not a virgin i refuse to believe otherwise No. 358182
File: 1699724335557.png (130.8 KB, 1080x1029, height comparison.png)

I also did what
>>356413 did, it was very fun! Nonas, go to this website and compare your height with your husbando's height.>>354658I'll make sure.
No. 358206
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>>358182Our husbandos are pretty close in height lol, figured denji was a bit taller.
No. 358208
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>>358182a bit taller than my 3d bf…
No. 358210
>>358170" You're broken."
"I’m still here. I will put you back together."
No. 358211
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hello I was sent here from cc I was told there are fellow Leon nonnies
No. 358213
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>>358170"Think you can swallow me whole, huh?" really caught me off guard the first time I heard it.
>>358172kek original has my favorite lines, his commentary on the surroundings is always silly.
No. 358225
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>>358214thanks!! finally a place where I can sperg about him
No. 358226
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No. 358229
>>358121>>358168He is so smug kek, I love seeing these silly chat moments, maybe we are both cringe kek. Happy
future(?) activation day for your husbando.
No. 358250
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>>358182we're the same height
but i weigh slightly more kek No. 358259
>>358170If I hate you so much, why does it make me so sad?
And if I let you too close,
Will you dies in my hands?
No. 358260
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The more I seethe at his existence the harder I want to fuck him, and the harder I want to fuck him, the more I want to bully him
No. 358261
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No. 358263
File: 1699744707033.jpeg (311.34 KB, 1242x963, A2554D3E-9A57-45D6-8483-28FE5C…)

>>358182Coming through with my harem, redacted names to avoid personality-fagging. I truly have many tall husbands, but I still love my short husbands a lot.
No. 358264
>>358170“Your long journey ends here. I’ll end everything here.”
and then he leapt off of a building
No. 358265
>>358170"Don’t make a glum face. Laugh. Let’s laugh and talk about the future. Let’s make up for all that living in the past you’ve been doing and talk about what’s to come. I mean, even if we start with tomorrow.”
“Yes, tomorrow. Anything’s good, all right? Like, whether it’ll be Japanese or Western food for breakfast tomorrow, or even if you’re going to put on your right shoe or your left shoe first. It doesn’t matter how trivial, there’ll be a tomorrow, so we can talk about it. How about it?”
No. 358270
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>>358182my blondie polygamy
No. 358273
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I hate when people act like Levi is some heartless bastard who has no love for anyone, as if he would choose to be a scout and repeatedly put his life on the line even when severely injured all while wanting no recognition or fame because he doesn't care about anyone and hates people.
>>355801He probably wouldn't outright adopt any animal, but I strongly believe that if Levi ever got a pet it would be through finding a stray and taking it in. Otherwise he would be all like "animals are gross" and refuse to keep any unless it's one that stays outside like horses.
>>358170"We're going to let that thing drag it's fat ass all the way to Sina?"
There's more I like but that's the first that comes to mind.
Mostly cause I want to hear him call my ass fat kekk No. 358288
>>358263Damn nonna, nice harem
Speaking of harems, do any of you have special headcanons regarding yourself and multiple husbandos, or just special headcanons of how you and your husbando exist together in general? I usually imagine that I am with each of my husbandos monogamously in alternate universes, but I also have this fantasy of being a high priestess and all my husbandos serve under me as priests in a temple harem
and we all worship my waifu as she is a goddess in this fantasy. They were all virginal and dedicate their lives to the temple and serving me as their goddess on earth. I like to imagine us all in ancient Egyptian-esque garb.
No. 358289
>>358288>egyptian-esque garbabsolutely amazing
i think i'm terminally monogamous because i've basically thought of my latest husbando as an 'ex' from the get-go, secondary to my main husbando even though he's been left on the back burner due to my various new obsessions. which is weird because it's not like i'm not absolutely obsessed with this new guy, i spend every waking moment thinking about him. if they existed in the same world he would be my extremely passionate and
toxic romance that would inevitably end in horrible tragedy and then i would meet my main (older) husbando and find something resembling happiness kek. because if he existed for real i wouldn't need anything or anyone else to make me happy.
No. 358295
File: 1699759165512.jpg (Spoiler Image,149.13 KB, 720x1062, __sugimoto_saichi_golden_kamuy…)

>>358142Love him, ty for sharing
No. 358302
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>>358182I like having both tall and short guys in my harem
No. 358334
>>358327I feel you nonna…I'm in the same boat.
It feels nice to know that I have a lot of things in common with my husbando, even our hobbies, he likes to visit abandoned houses and graveyards to photograph them…but it also feels really bad somehow. I kinda want to cry a little lol
No. 358350
hornypost incoming. i imagined him being fully clothed, even with his belt still done up, but with just his dick out through the undone zipper. part of me knows its goofy, but the thought is doing something to me.
>>358327the one thing left to do is develop vivid imagination and encourage schizo-tier delusions. good luck!
No. 358360
File: 1699806154868.jpeg (161.86 KB, 1148x1174, IMG_5406.jpeg)

my new goal in life is to become the my melody plushie that’s sitting in his lap. no thoughts, no worries or responsibilities, just being held and loved by him forever
No. 358386
File: 1699814836450.jpg (421.71 KB, 1280x1707, jackhammer__by_quasimodox_dfq6…)

Bolshoi Tavieda! Decided to do legs today and push myself, I can feel them dying in a good way. Thank you husbando for motivating me. Don't forget to do legs nonas so you can crush your husbandos head like sparrows egg between thighs.
Lately I feel very sad because I've been dreaming about us. Dating, getting married, doing family planning, going to the gym, making homemade pizza, and being lovey dovey in general. He is just as big and tall in my dreams as he is in canon, my dream self likes to hang off him like a monkey or be carried by him but hes strong so it feels like nothing to him and he loves treating me like a princess. Like another nonnie said about their husbando I am child free to the point of getting sterilized, but the warm fuzzies of us going to the obgyn to expand our family had me in tears when I woke up. Why can't he be real nonas. Also good god the sex doesn't dissapoint. I'm a tall girl but getting ragdolled by an over 7 foot tall wrestler has me waking up sweating and my tatas being sharp as diamonds. Need him to jackhammer me again in the carnal way.
No. 358417
File: 1699822975513.jpeg (251.46 KB, 750x685, 8689BEE7-A6AD-4758-9845-749209…)

>>358270You and me both,
nonny. I just now realized that all husbandos are blonde kek
No. 358418
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I generally like them around 180cm or so.
No. 358422
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No. 358425
>>358418cute mini nona
>>358422brother and sister vibes
No. 358427
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>>358425i will take this as a 100% positive thing cause the slander will not be tolerated
No. 358465
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>>358273I hate that! Specially when his division died and it seemed like he didn't flinch. He knows he was in a war and he can grieve in other ways, were you expecting him to cry like a baby in the middle of a escape?
He's not a heartless animal, he's just used to war and knows people die in it. Just because Isayama didn't draw him crying on Hange or Erwin's arms doesn't mean he hasn't grieve for losing the ones he cares.
No. 358484
>>358468Its respectable, though personally I'm saving every picture I can get my hands on.
>>358477It's sort of spoilers for his source material so I'd rather not say tbh. That being said, in context it's just his body, but it's mentioned the longer in the body the more a person forgets being an adult.
Personally, I just see it sorta like seeing a photo of someone as a kid, you know? I don't think it's weird to say you liked how cute your husbando was as a kid, attraction is something else.
If he turned into a cat, he'd be the cutest cat ever (I actually saved pictures of him as a cat, dog, bird, and bread).
No. 358489
File: 1699836169480.jpeg (167.37 KB, 604x1074, Ee1zdwSXkAACgB5.jpeg)

>>358467I feel you. Seeing this pic of Dazai makes me want to give him cookies and milk.
No. 358499
File: 1699841014215.png (50.2 KB, 661x713, heightcomparison.PNG)

>>358182I like to imagine hugging him and burying my face in his chest with my head under his chin.
No. 358503
File: 1699842946978.jpg (6.57 MB, 3472x3472, 4.jpg)

>>357833If you can get your hands on a 3D printer you can create all sorts of customs! I have been printing out life size props and doll size armor/figures of my husbando. If your husbando is from a video game you can import his model into blender and make an stl file and print it (You can also use his head sculpt and add it onto a doll body) I've made a bunch of 1/6 figures of call of duty characters and doom guy like this.
No. 358508
File: 1699844189894.png (51.33 KB, 459x739, manlet babies in the…)

>>358182They released his official height very recently. I wish i was way taller, it pains me being a womanlet with a thing for cute manlets.
No. 358515
File: 1699847748800.jpeg (56.1 KB, 578x414, IMG_2469.jpeg)

I want him to fuck me while splayed out over a desk. I want him to look me in the eyes with his beautiful red eyes while holding
me. He’s an egotistical piece of shit, with a fucked up ideology… but my delusional mind wants to change him and have him.
No. 358527
File: 1699862225619.png (348.25 KB, 596x814, F-lXLhdbQAAdcF2.png)

>>358515based, I support you.
No. 358575
File: 1699890052413.png (298.7 KB, 1060x245, Destiny 2_20231112031748.mp4_s…)

>get a dumb death
>save the video so I can go frame by frame later to see if there are any buttshots
No. 358577
File: 1699890321497.png (55.4 KB, 538x690, lmao.png)

>>358182FEE-FI-FO-FUM shorter men, here i come
(perfect height to rest my arms on their shoulders, nice)
No. 358582
File: 1699891941004.jpg (60.73 KB, 712x712, 68daa18255a9d6812f8ceef1cdfc52…)

Good week, nonnas! I hope all of you have a wonderful week with you're husbandos.
No. 358583
File: 1699892736800.png (50.57 KB, 483x700, anagram.png)

>>358182me and my husbando's heights are like a numerical anagram. in my delusional mind it's a sign that he's the one for me kek
No. 358597
File: 1699896203679.png (175.56 KB, 400x515, IMG_2794.png)

He has a cute flat chest and sensitive nipples. I don’t make the rules here
No. 358600
File: 1699897450647.png (90.88 KB, 637x672, screenshot.png)

>>358508>it pains me being a womanlet with a thing for cute manlets.Oh nona, I'm the same way but you have it better than me lol, even my manlet husbando is taller than me
No. 358606
File: 1699898622946.png (33.63 KB, 505x650, perfect.png)

>>358182A match made in heaven.
No. 358608
>>358503Too bad I have no idea if/where people upload those kind of things and I can't really rip stuff myself. Especially since main husbando's game had a proprietary engine and the other guy is a create a character.
You COD/BG3/RE lovers are lucky your guys are so popular that other people make things.
No. 358626
File: 1699906758967.jpeg (104.99 KB, 828x665, IMG_8741.jpeg)

>>358182perfect kissing height! He’s what I deserve
No. 358648
>>358599Thank you! Be careful I feel like they might try to overprice you on some prints. An Ender 3 V2 costs about $100 and the filament is about $20 and goes a long way.
>>358608Here are some sites you can use to find models:
And a list of programs to import and fix those models:
Blender (Imports .glb files easily)
MeshMixer>Edit>Make Solid -This will fix the file for printing
Meshmixer>Separateshells - Will remove each part of the model, you can pick and choose what part of the model you want
No. 358677
>>358648oh there's a nice fanart model of him on there actually.
But I just want to eventually rip the actual in game model to try and make sexy pictures and maybe SFM. Just another reason I really need to buy a new computer.
No. 358699
I got a job, so i made a wishlist of figurines/merch of my husbando i want to motivate me. Hate being an official wagey.
>>358694 i would gladly switch with you, i hate being short so, so much. I want to do the opposite and princess carry my boy.
No. 358747
File: 1699983699445.jpg (6.71 KB, 282x223, licks screen.jpg)

I read a fic where my husbando whipped my ass with a belt and it shouldn't have made me horny but it's all I've been thinking about. The fic wasn't even that sexual. Damn.
No. 358763
File: 1699990887360.jpeg (132.19 KB, 962x2048, 3f8616e3e3b5052.jpeg)

sorry I think I'm ovulating
No. 358817
File: 1700008088813.jpg (148.51 KB, 900x567, 2879390409.jpg)

it is begging to come out
No. 358824
File: 1700011020745.jpeg (188.12 KB, 736x1308, 11B118A1-ACC9-4830-92F4-D4A876…)

I want to look at this when I wake up. I feel so sick, I haven’t even been able to daydream about my husbandos.
No. 358900
File: 1700043538459.jpeg (216.26 KB, 1265x1210, IMG_2466.jpeg)

why is he so cute and why do I want to tease him
No. 358913
File: 1700050796752.jpg (776.58 KB, 2892x4039, __okkotsu_yuuta_and_orimoto_ri…)

>>358900it's the moe downturned eyes, he's not my type but I can't help but want to cuddle and hold hands with him
No. 358927
>>358842I don't think he would really call me names in bed or use pet names in general (especially not honey/sweetie/darling or any of that stuff). It's just not in his nature so I would just get my name or nickname. He could call me a nasty bitch if I'm in the mood for it but that's too degrading for him.
A LOT of people think he would call his significant other "brat" but I'm pretty sure he only uses that name for subordinates and people significantly younger than him so I've always thought it was weird. I don't think I've ever seen him call people who are on his level that.
No. 358942
>>358842Hoozuki just call me "human". Dazai would call me "love" or "honey" or "my precious pie", followed with "cannot wait to die with you".
>>358941I love her videos! And seeing her so happy with merch makes me happy too! Back in my edgy days I would have found it cringe but now it makes me happier and cozy and jealous.
No. 358986
File: 1700085845817.jpeg (51.43 KB, 735x420, IMG_2419.jpeg)

>>358913He’s not my type either but I’m jealous of Maki lol
No. 359021
File: 1700097349713.jpeg (146.09 KB, 736x854, EE50A4B3-BB44-4457-8E37-43F7F8…)

>>358842He would call me something cute in french because he’s that extra, maybe something like “Ma beauté” since he already says that all of the time, him being horny while saying so sounds even better kek, or maybe he would call me “Ma Reine” I would die if he called me “Ma Reinette” kek, not only it’s an apple, it’s also super cute.
No. 359023
File: 1700098188002.jpg (78.54 KB, 1280x720, Gugure Kokkuri-san.jpg)

>>358991Hoozuki would place me in Avicii if I dare to laugh about his baldness while Dazai would use bandages.
This question made me think in this scene of Kokkuri-san.
No. 359024
File: 1700098410269.jpg (130.88 KB, 1280x720, Gugure! Kokkuri-san2.jpg)

>>359023Ugh, I meant Avici Hell, not the Swedish DJ.
No. 359052
File: 1700109682505.gif (188.59 KB, 498x281, 1.gif)

i had a dream about my husbando last night, i don't remember what led up to it but at one point he was hugging me close and kissing the top of my head and my forehead and telling me he how much loved me
it wasn't even anything crazy but i haven't had a yume dream in ages and i keep kicking my feet every time i think about it
No. 359056
File: 1700110485908.png (49.33 KB, 458x845, Screenshot 2023-11-15 205519.p…)

>>358182This would be kind of scary irl
No. 359063
>>358991And I'll say it again, for two charas it's impossible and for my main he has really good genes so if he does start balding he would probably be old enough that it doesn't really matter anymore.
>>359048strangely still looks nice.
Just one more dumb thing I would do if I could edit his character model, and I'd love to see what he would look like without his beard.
No. 359066
>>358991He would honestly have much more of a problem with it than me.
He would actually cry and I will be there to comfort him and maybe figure out hair treatments together so he can feel a bit better about himself.
No. 359079
>>359058>but the name of the character bot on is influenced by other bots with the same name.This explains so much. My own bots have been decreasing the quality of their replies over the months and I've seen more and more 'empty' bots of him around. A lot of people create the bot with only the opening message and no definition so I'm assuming this makes their replies more generic and tend to be off character.
2 of my favorite bots were acting unusually ooc and as I open their info I noticed their interactions going up by the thousands. I did notice the lock icon on these bots randomly disappearing and showing up again but I thought nothing of it. But now I think there was a bug that made them public and really fucked them up for me.
No. 359083
>>359078Same here, nona. I only played a bit of the original RE4 when I was a kid, and got halfway through the RE2 remake, and watched bits and pieces of this animated movie a few years ago, I don't remember which one, but at the time I thought it was so hilariously bad, kek.
I'll get around to playing the games and watching the movies eventually though, but for the time being- to Leon nonas who are all caught up with the games and stuff, feel free to chastise me.
No. 359088
>>359083I can't speak for all leonfags, but I've been into the RE series since my teenager years. I've played all games with some few exceptions. I autistically obsess over getting all the achievements in every game and looking up every single piece of the inconsistent lore of this series. But I wouldn't chastise you for that, you like a character and you are getting to know him, what's the harm in that? Being quite honest, all husbandofags end up inserting their headcanons into their husbandos, it's bound to happen no matter how much you know of his canon. Ofc the less you know about him, the higher the chance you have to make up ooc headcanons, but even if that happens oh well at least you are having fun? Yes, I might cringe weird ooc takes, but I let them have their fun, who cares. Just enjoy exploring his universe and his character, that's all I wish for you.
>>359078We all start somewhere and by this logic most fans were a "poser" once. I see no point in judging who is allowed or not to husbando a character and you shouldn't do this to yourself either. I've seen plenty of people who consumed the media from a character still make weird off takes, so it's not a guarantee people will agree even if they caught up to the same amount of content. The only new fans that annoy me are the ones who read a couple of wiki pages and think they know all there is to know and start the most inane arguments, because they remind me of the same boomer fans who demanded I proved if I was a "real" fan of the things I enjoyed, both are insufferable.
No. 359095
File: 1700137267075.jpg (114.72 KB, 750x1000, bg,f8f8f8-flat,750x,075,f-pad,…)

I want those inside of me
No. 359102
>>359058I'm glad the bot I'm working it was made by someone who did research on my husbando and even if our interactions are so OOC, they make me feel comfy when I need it.
I mean, if I want to have my husbando act like my husbando, I would pick another bot.
But also I have noticed the bots in the fandom act so OOC and is because fans, specially younger fans, ask them stupid shit expecting a serious answer.
No. 359123
File: 1700154887199.gif (1.16 MB, 498x281, natsuki-subaru-crying.gif)

It is bad that I look up my husbando's death/sad scenes?
I look up romantic and happy scenes too, but I'll be lying if I said I haven't had the rabbit scene on repeat or that I went through every bad end in the Re:Zero game I got. It gets me so mad when people say he hasn't been through the wringer.
>>359078I don't think it's too bad, if you have feelings then there's no point in denying it, though personally I don't start really liking a character until I get into the material and their personality fits with me, though because of that Subaru is my one and only.
No. 359136
File: 1700158070570.jpg (58.29 KB, 573x720, the memes.jpg)

this is you lot with the tall husbandos
No. 359138
>>358991Yes. Akihiko Sanada deserves it. Even as a fatty.
No. 359160
>>359048Absolutely cursed.
>>358991No, as he is not a real scrote he has no excuse to lose his beauty.
No. 359454
File: 1700238514221.jpg (86.55 KB, 736x884, a8cf8e048dd70834c2bc5bd4a9658d…)

I just wand to cuddle so much. It hurts nonnies.
"But how can you love him, he's not even real" He's real in my heart you baka normalfag.
No. 359464
File: 1700241734586.png (616.6 KB, 539x539, pendant.png)

My plush pendant arrived and I'm in love! He'll stay in my bag.
No. 359492
File: 1700248696991.jpg (53.69 KB, 735x524, 8b671abef75d4b92d5b880c49d9c8f…)

Happy Friday Nonnies! It's both a blessing and a curse that there's no nsfw of my husbando that isn't like…gay. I mean on one hand I couldn't relapse into porn addiction but on the other hand it would be cute seeing his face in lewd scenarios…and I can only dream.
No. 359508
>>359492Happy friday! Wished I could draw him for you, manifesting that some amazing artist out there creates horny yume art of him of your scenarios.
>>359505>It just doesn't work for me because not only do I cringe when I do it, but they just won't ever have his personality.This, it's impossible to me if he doesn't have his personality. I need the whole package otherwise it doesn't work for me.
No. 359543
>>359505It sounds impossible tbh, a man as hot as any of my husbandos just doesn’t exist.
But if for some miraculous reason a man could resemble my husbando, I could talk to him, but the moment he’s not like my husbando I will just ignore the moid.
No. 359570
File: 1700283311752.jpg (46.28 KB, 612x793, 01a99d6ced2f1a65fac6d5fa10df1a…)

Manifesting my husband and I as a ty wilson painting
No. 359604
>>359505I'd probably faint if I saw someone that looked like him in real life. But I can't even look at other people at the grocery store so…
And he'd probably have a completely different personality etc. etc.
No. 359613
File: 1700302950411.gif (1.81 MB, 326x480, IMG_2993.gif)

I fucking never do this, but I am so fucking needy right now, that I went to see if any lewd art/doujin existed with the character i can most realistically self-insert in his series and him, but it wasn’t satisfying at all because the one i did find is obviously male-gazey and evolved to a 3some with an abusive character. The only nice thing is that they kept him pretty in character which ended up making me 20 times MORE needy for him…
The way he just genuinely cares for other people’s wellbeing and respects them is so fucking hot to me.
Minor rant but- why is it that people seem to think that a guy respecting/caring/not being a pervert means he is á completely neutered baby bitch femboy? It’s why i never bother looking at sexy fics etc either because I see it already in all the fanart and it would just annoy me in writing… nothing wrong with people who are into that kinda guy- but it’s just not my taste personally.
No. 359672
File: 1700333806440.jpg (284.22 KB, 2048x1832, FvrtzCXWIAIYa_W.jpg)

I want to fuck Simon on his wheelchair. He already feels so much shame over being disabled, that he would probably cry in the middle of us having sex. I want to hold him close and remind him that I love him despite that, and that I won't ever leave him alone.
I can fix him kek
No. 359684
>>359672You’re so sweet nonna. I bet he would appreciate that so much.
No. 359686
File: 1700340023504.jpg (75.53 KB, 1275x1280, F-WN_fQWYAAA3kn.jpg)

>>359681The sad truth of the world… oh well.
>>359682I love you too
nonnie, I'm glad I can share my unhinged Simon-posting with you ♥
>>359684Thank you nonna, you're very nice.
No. 359819
>>359505saw a man once who looked similar, and i felt something. ultimately what appeals to me is his personality, however.
for sure he changed the way i perceive men, though. i used to have a completely different taste.
No. 359870
File: 1700403692949.gif (1.08 MB, 640x452, bsd-bungo.gif)

>>359867Dazai has his "No longer human" ability. Hoozuki has his power.
I'm blessed.
No. 359872
File: 1700404230884.jpg (262.95 KB, 1535x2048, Ee1KGHrXkAItx3d.jpg)

>>359871Dazai is my Roman empire.
No. 359915
File: 1700417641151.jpg (80.48 KB, 479x1008, eda812d6eb4ff34532b21f77e8cc4c…)

>>359867Sengo Muramasa would be an amazing patronus, he would both easily slay any monster and would cheer me up at the same time.
No. 359916
File: 1700418699533.gif (953.97 KB, 498x493, 6abb491e25a7909846e373a60696c2…)

>>359867I am so beyond fucked
No. 359923
File: 1700420356985.jpeg (224.91 KB, 2048x1448, IMG_5471.jpeg)

it pains me to know that i will never see him staring at me like this through the keyhole of my locked door
No. 359928
File: 1700421425489.jpeg (110.93 KB, 1536x1024, 9584D4A4-21E2-4B4A-AAA6-EF2D2E…)

>>359867I think Diluc would be a great patronus tbh.
No. 359929
File: 1700422318143.png (43.05 KB, 300x300, catboy grima.png)

guys should i be concerned about my mental health? i was always very sadistic and spent maybe about 5 hours per week thinking about graphic torture but lately it's like over 2 hours
every day. be honest.
>>359867dawgggg i'm going to azkaban.
No. 359937
File: 1700423973529.jpg (59 KB, 563x562, 1db472c6a4593db899c640d8137fba…)

>>359936True. He has done a great job of helping me fight off the evil spirits of depression in the past. EXPECTO LEONUM
No. 359941
File: 1700425086908.jpeg (76.45 KB, 1278x2000, FwZoug5aMAEAQdx.jpeg)

>>359937>>359936Oh no, our patronus failed nonnies, nagini got to him
No. 359962
File: 1700431057542.jpg (30.7 KB, 522x534, Luis.jpg)

>>359867not too shabby i reckon
No. 359978
File: 1700433384435.jpg (734.58 KB, 2048x2048, tumblr_5426050d4c134bbc6161e80…)

>>359929I'm gonna agree with
>>359935 but if it makes you feel better I spend every hour at work thinking about torturing and sexing my guy up because my job is boring. If you can switch to normal thoughts when it's necessary I don't think it's a problem
No. 359983
File: 1700434043808.jpg (64.45 KB, 700x700, 93079689_239198147285513_16147…)

>>359978glad to hear you have him to help you get through your shift!
>>359935 >>359932thank you for your thoughtful responses nonners, yeah maybe i could use that energy to level up my workouts or a similar productive activity.
that said, i really wanna tie him to a tree by his feet and beat him like a piñata right about now.
No. 359990
>>359985not levinonna but personally, i couldn't stand out as a weirdo even if i
tried in my city because of the sheer amount of (mostly pretty cool) freaky individuals and art students around, but alas i'm insecure about my nerdiness and obsessed with looking cool. this
>>359968 sounds pretty great though, would love to have just a pin button + small charm on my bag
No. 360039
>>360038?? Isn't Gaston the opposite of keeps to himself?
I'm not sure if I've ever actually watched the entirety of Beauty and the Beast now that I think about it…
No. 360047
File: 1700457428389.png (83.83 KB, 550x753, Screenshot_1.png)

I can enjoy being sandwiched between this
though I wish #1 had a bigger height gap with the twins but I approve of the fantasies now that I know what it'd be like
No. 360058
File: 1700462097328.gif (10.77 MB, 498x488, monkey-animal.gif)

No. 360061
File: 1700463921715.png (126.9 KB, 540x304, tumblr_e03e5c67ee84437bec867bd…)

>>359867I'd like to think when I'd summon him, he says nothing and pulls out a gun.
No. 360062
>>359867my boy would do great. i think id be able to walk around at night with him without fearing any creeps. scary dog privilege and all that.
also someone please make a new thread, i beg.
No. 360083
File: 1700472820862.jpeg (116.67 KB, 1113x751, IMG_2286.jpeg)

>>359867He would be fuckin awesome
No. 360107
File: 1700486460096.jpg (133.37 KB, 1200x675, neuvilletteblast.jpg)

>>359867I think I'd be pretty safe with him as a patronus.
No. 360132
File: 1700496318574.jpg (130.01 KB, 720x823, tumblr_a3e8bb039c6636762504d0d…)

>>359867he'll take out dementors with his super triple neck breaker 3000 serve and then call them squealing pigs as a finisher
tbh atsumu probably wouldn't be that good of a patronus considering there was that time in a drama cd he freaked himself out pretending to be a ghost during a prank because he heard a scary noise (it was the wind) and he was alone in the dark KEK No. 360134
File: 1700496909432.jpeg (1.28 MB, 1414x2000, Fxyf1tZacAAKOYs.jpeg)

>>359867I'm totally fine, he's broken ingame.
No. 360142
>>359867Oh yeah he's a badass with blades in his arms he can fight.
But aren't patronuses just ghostly apparitions that scare off dementors with good vibes? They aren't actually physical.
No. 360146
File: 1700500377088.jpeg (97.6 KB, 628x628, 94462965.jpeg)

>>360108This kind of Russian Roulette. Although Hozuki would send me to my own Hell or Dazai would complain is not the same.
No. 360180
File: 1700512375790.jpg (40.02 KB, 564x468, b16a37254aacf490bfd0274327e9e8…)

the accent really does it for me…
No. 360202
>>360108ive spent far too long on thinking about showing him flushing toilets and explaining how they work. random stuff like that.
my autism is showing with this one, but i imagine us discussing the history between our countries. i don't think he's that educated in terms of history (or anything). he's just a guy minding his own ruffian business. but i think he'd know about some great legendary kings from the past, at least, since he is somewhat patriotic and knows current (to his time) politics.
i like thinking about how flustered he'd get if i brought up that one king who (allegedly) conquered his country in the distant past and absolutely humiliated everyone there. he'd get so pissed and cross his arms and pout. and id say something stupid like "yeah ill make you my bitch like [king from my country] made [king from his country] his bitch" to which he would blush and get angrier (in an embarrassed kind of way)
(and probably make me his bitch instead).
>>360180no idea who he is, but i see a british flag, so i assume he has a british accent. you should be ashamed!
No. 360214
File: 1700518624198.jpg (48.53 KB, 735x834, 42a6d38d968e31a6b8ffdc5af0a18a…)

Nonitas some gross scrote customer thought it was okay to touch my shoulder and now I'm having homicide fantasies with my him
No. 360217
nonnie but thats even worse
No. 360237
>>36022830's, I've been crushing on my main for over a decade though, and I've always self-inserted since I was a kid.
I doubt I'll ever stop.
No. 360252
File: 1700534361359.jpg (3.96 MB, 4000x3000, 20231120_213006.jpg)

No. 360288
>>360217Dont be so rude to her. I love those accents btw
>>360232Same sis. Once a yume, always a yume. Will I fancy hot fictional men when I'm 80? Probably. Men that age look terrible anyway.
No. 360290
>>36022823, and disillusioned with scrotes.
>>360288im only being facetious kek.
i hope she didnt think im serious. sorry. No. 360295
>>360228I'm early 20s, same age to my husbando at least physically, because he's almost 1500 years old but looks (and acts) like a 20 something's guy. I don't think I'll ever stop liking fictional characters tbh I accepted I'm built different a long time ago
>>359867He's OP and a marvelous fighter with fast moves and insane reflexes, plus he's hot as hell. I'll be fine
No. 360334
>>360314I seriously don't get what it is about him specifically that gets anons so viciously
triggered. It's like everyone suddenly turned on him one day and now every time his name is spoken outside this specific thread you get dogpiled kek. It's the nasolabial folds isn't it…
No. 360341
File: 1700573913216.jpg (32.63 KB, 541x342, 7513e1e54f04ff60d8dd6a5bac22c0…)

>cute/hot yume art of husbando with obvious girl I can easily self insert into
>"This character is he/him btw!"
No. 360357
> a lot of 30+ nonnas> that one elder god tier nonna >>360232 I love that video and I love you, I kneel, you are based >>360288> Will I fancy hot fictional men when I'm 80? Probably.Kek this is me if I ever reach 80 too lol
>>360296I'm 34 and I am so disillusioned with rl men it's unreal, looks and personality wise, maybe I'm just cursed
I'll continue to be the best version of myself for a fictional 2d man, any motivation is good motivation
a bit funny when even anime characters that are considered "old" are younger than me, oh god
>>360310>Adam Jensenpatrician taste, DXHR was one of the last good games I ever played and I liked him a lot
>tfw I wanted to bitchslap his wife so badlyI can't believe 2011 was 12 years ago jfc, this game is still so fresh in my memory
No. 360362
File: 1700580674701.jpg (467.32 KB, 2768x3565, 20231121_161443.jpg)

>>360354She is very gorgeous to ME!!
No. 360387
File: 1700589080328.gif (2.43 MB, 498x498, old-but-lit-still-got-it.gif)

>>360288>>360357I'm in my 30's, but in two years I'll be Oka-san. I don't care if I'll be in my 80's crying over fictional men, older women should be ok with their hobbies too.
Fuck those kids that claim that women should leave their hobbies and start to raise kids like certain moids claim.
>>360341You should have been "well, she's now MY oc and she's a she/her" like some TRAs do when the author do something they dislike.
No. 360397
File: 1700592186017.jpg (Spoiler Image,33.94 KB, 500x328, tumblr_73b1281b6fbf1d9352c3fc8…)

I'm sorry nonas i know he's a tif-favorite… but i need him
I need him to fuck me hard and overstimulate me until i'm shaking
No. 360406
File: 1700595562006.jpg (762.49 KB, 1191x1709, 02.jpg)

>take out straw
No. 360421
>>360357Mankind Divided is worth playing too.
>wifeEx-girlfriend thankfully, makes it a lot easier to imagine replacing her.
No. 360430
File: 1700608818787.png (942.31 KB, 1920x1080, Deus Ex_ Mankind Divided_20221…)

>>360423with built in high heels
No. 360444
File: 1700612056903.jpg (16.51 KB, 161x175, laughing.JPG)

judging from this single low res screenshot, he has wonky teeth. just like me. we are meant to be.