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No. 442232

post here if you have a passion for fashion

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Pic: Dior FW 2006

No. 442244

File: 1730452581484.png (3.13 MB, 1788x1416, Nonnies burden.png)

for the previous nonna. The feather bag is from Olga Berg to go with the pink heels.
I would personally go with some with texture but then again I would also wear a pair of VW x Melissa dragon ball heels so my taste levels are questionable at best

No. 442246

Where is the dress from? It's beautiful

No. 442247

Celestial Virgo Mini Swing Dress By Zimmermann.

No. 442418

File: 1730527702386.png (1.26 MB, 974x1086, Au-Revoir-Les-Enfants-•-Max-11…)

I'm watching a movie about a French boarding school during WW2 and I'm really liking these cape/jacket things. What is the exact term for them if I wanted to buy one? They make me think of Madeline lol

No. 442423

capelets? cloaks?

No. 442526

File: 1730586333893.jpeg (441.42 KB, 813x1120, 009C15C1-ADA4-4A75-9F24-B7C19D…)

Try “nurse’s cape”

No. 444037

anyone experienced with an individual capsule wardrobe? meaning not just basics combining, but using your own style?

No. 444060

Depends. What's the limit on the number of items that can be considered a capsule?

No. 444067

File: 1731381580542.jpeg (667.89 KB, 1125x1320, 40745DDC-FACF-4DEC-86B5-BD618B…)

I don't have anything to contribute anon but I bought this dress the other day so know you have a Celestial Virgo anon buddy somewhere in the world.

No. 444071

Woah… Virgo sisters… wish we could meetup haha

No. 444088

>not owning stuff you don't wear
>making sure it's all vaguely cohesive
these are basically the only components. i saved a ton of pictures on pinterest that were "me" in a bunch of different styles, identified the most common items that would allow me to recreate the most amount of the looks, only bought the ones i didn't have yet (gradually! so i could test and adjust). it was sort of like doing character design but on myself.

No. 444277

I have what I consider a capsule wardrobe because everything is blue/pink/green/white/black. It's all also 90s-00s styles. This means I can mix and match with ease and constantly thinking of new combinations.

No. 444396

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Does anyone know a good dupe for the ROC troupe boots? I’m struggling so much to find one similar. I like how they don’t have a giant heel, and how they fit tighter to your leg. $200 is just too steep of a price for me

No. 444478

i fucking hate the retard making every fashion thread now, fuck off with your disgusting misogynstic scrote designed """couture""" as threadpic and cringy "post here if you have a pssion for fshion". """pssion for fshion""" cringe rhymimg like this should be banned and your face cut off with a matchete for this, you should be scalped and made into meat mince for this shit(a-logging)

No. 444488

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No. 444515

Sorry that I will not be of any help about the ROC dupes but I happen to have recently purchased my first pair of leather work boots for 200€. If you are sure about your choice and the boots are worth it (authentic leather, reputable shoes brand, extras such as wool lining or gore tex), you may want to spend all that cash. The boots of your picture look amazing and you could wear them for years if they're the right quality. You could also find online resales of the exact model you're looking for. Good luck anon

No. 444521

Threadpic is cool, what are you on.

No. 444522

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Piggybacking on this to say I have also been looking for boots like this for the winter, but they all contain pleather, even if they're mostly made from leather. The vintage ones always cost hundreds too, which is too much of a risk to take when there's usually no way of knowing if they are actually completely leather, regardless of what the seller claims. If anyone has any recs for boots high quality boots like this (ideally mid-calf length with a medium heel) that are 100% leather, please let me know too.

No. 444821

> it was sort of like doing character design but on myself.
That’s what I greatly enjoy about it too. And it’s good advice, thx.
I just can’t really decide on the character haha

That gave me an idea how to merge special items from different decades. Maybe li find other limits to work with thx

No. 444822

To be realistic anon, you're going to have to spend hundreds if you want what you are looking for, new or vintage.

No. 446466

Does anyone have any tips on choosing between clompy round toe boots and dainty pointed toe boots? I’m torn

No. 446473

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No. 446487

I'd say it depends on your personal style, what kind of clothes would you be wearing with them?

No. 446546

i prefer the dainty pointed toe boots, they look a bit more feisty and determined or cute, feels more independent, like you entering the place and choosing, literally pointing at the direction. whereas the round boot feels more like the as if they just look a bit more feisty and determined and cute, wherees clompy round toe boots feels more like the roamer, the chiller. ofc depends highly on everything else. go for how they make you feel, independent how they fit to clothes or other see you. how you feel yourself

No. 446629

I’m allowed to wear whatever I want to work, but I’m trying to break free from just wearing comfy clothes and step into dressing like an adult who has a job. My image is mattering more but I’m too autistic to figure out what looks good. I basically wear slacks or midi skirts most of the time. I’m 5’7 with size 8 feet and I worry that clompy boots make my feet look big.. I do own combat boots but I feel like a little kid when I wear those to work. I love the way pointy boots look on other people but they always seem to come with very high heels which I wouldn’t be able to handle. I feel so retarded typing this out because everybody else figured this out already somehow

No. 447058

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Where do you buy your jeans? I want to invest in a pair of good quality jeans with no elastane in the fiber content. My issue has been that I have a long torso so most pairs I have tried on are way too short.

No. 447062

Big toe box is healther for your feet

No. 447090

Seconding this. Your feet will be much happier without pointed or narrow shoes. Do round toe, more bang for your buck.

No. 447895

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I can't believe Chris-chan core is trending in the year of our lord 2024. I'm seeing The Classic everywhere. This truly is the darkest timeline.

No. 448310

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Zimmernonnies what do we think, I like it but I worry I'm too short to really pull this off

No. 448327

it looks like a beach cover up, you can see the print through the fabric because there's no lining or anything

No. 448328

Yeah that’s exactly what it is

No. 448338

the print is cool but this is massively unflattering imo

No. 448363

Yeah that’s what worries me, it’s a bit shapeless..

No. 448396

Looks like something an older lady would wear.. which isn't necessarily bad but if you're on LC you're probably not older than your 20s or 30s.

No. 448401

This is hideous and looks like 100% polyester temu shit.

No. 448411

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If you are short it will look like cult garb

No. 448421

Highkey I think it looks bad even on the model, it's an interesting design but the cut itself is so blobby yet flat.
How do you feel about getting a cover up top and a wrap skirt?

No. 448441

it reminds me of a retro hair salon cape

No. 448454

I like the idea but the execution is really mid. As other anons said it's very shapeless.

No. 448513

Ok since the consensus is that it looks like cult robes and I’m not very tall, how would you fix this? Take it in at the waist? My mum really wants to get me it and I can’t convince her it doesn’t look good on me.

No. 448522

Girl that's a $700 dress, nobody should spend that much on something only their mother likes. Why are you doing her bidding in the first place? Wear something YOU want and that you won't need to fix.

No. 448526

Cause she’s my mommy
Nah jk she’s just very insistent about it

No. 448535

Well I will say, I don't think it's as bad as anons are saying and I think it will look better as is rather than trying to pull the waist in or something. Baggy is nice in hot climates so I think it would be very appropriate for like, a resort holiday or something. It's just an extremely expensive dress by my standards and I wouldn't spend that much on something I didn't absolutely love, maybe your mum is rich so it's nbd.

No. 448536

It is exactly for that purpose, its going to be very hot and she thought I needed something for dinner and stuff

No. 448540

There are billions of options for warm weather that aren't as ugly. Is your mom jealous of you and wants you to look frumpy kek?

No. 448547

Sorry nona but this reminds me of a hospital gown, that with the shape and the little tie up strings.

No. 448549

No she just really likes kaftans and sort of ethnic-inspired (idk how to say this without sounding racist) style. She genuinely thinks it looks good and thinks the print really suits me. Kind of a lot of money just to make someone look frumpy but now Im paranoid I'll look like fancy Homer upthread lol.

No. 448656

Kind of a weird story if real honestly. Who insists on getting her daughter a very expensive dress she doesn't even like?

No. 448658

If you're forced to wear it tie some decorative little lace scarf or something around the middle, maybe it will help modernize it. You could DIY some ribbon that looks like the ribbon on the neckline and put some gold clasps on the end to match.

No. 448661

Anon should just tell her mom no or not wear it. It doesn't make sense to drastically change exactly what her mom likes about it if it's about appeasing her mom.

No. 448664

I read the thread from the bottom, clicked to see the dress and burst out laughing, its literally so ugly

No. 448668

File: 1733429723150.webp (17.88 KB, 392x280, young-woman-who-forgot-sun-260…)

Nonas what kind of colors do you think look goods on someone with a very pink skin tone? Think sunburn-pink, but that's the natural state it comes in. A skin condition runs in my family (I personally lucked out and don't have it) and I'm trying to figure out what would look good with it. Hair colors range from light brown/nearly blondeish to dark brown, if that helps.

No. 448709

File: 1733444615551.png (2.92 KB, 317x210, i think these are referred to …)

I would avoid light colors because they'll draw attention to the hot pink skin color. To distract from it, I think darker but very saturated colors might work. You don't want to go unsaturated because it will make the skin look pinker in comparison.

No. 448725

Green is the opposite of red, so wearing green would help balance out a very pink skin tone

No. 449302

File: 1733715158688.png (210.66 KB, 473x415, boots.png)

I got these boots years ago but I'm finding that most of my clothes dont match with them. What would you guys pair these with? I like to wear them with a black dress, but it is a bit repetitive.

No. 449304

i would pick a dress similar in color to a tone on the boots and pair it with a black belt

No. 449316

Brown corduroy. Lots of buttons, button front skirt or button-up shirt layered with black turtleneck. Emerald and other dark shades of green would look complimentary, too.

No. 452306

File: 1734210932124.jpg (48.43 KB, 483x640, Dress.jpg)

thoughts on this dress nonas? bought it for an event but I tried it on and it was giving "mother of the bride" vibes to me… Irl friends are torn

No. 452314

I think it'scute. I'd personally pair it with a thin scarf but it depends on what how you wanna look like and the event too.

No. 452315

This is a dress for people insecure about upper arm fat. I’m not trying to be mean, it just is.

No. 452321

Literally bought it because I thought the sleeves were cute… I hate having fat taste

No. 452327

I personally don't like the look of sheer black panels on any dress.

That's kind of a reach imo.

No. 452371

I also immediately thought it looked like an old lady dresses that covers their arms so it's not just that anon. I think good styling could save it though

No. 452396

i think it's cute. I can see how the sleeves could read as frumpy/older though. As someone else who just likes more modest/elaborate styles, not out of insecurity, I feel your pain

No. 452403

I'm going to try things with my makeup and maybe wear my hair down to make it look less old lady dress but this dress is kind of hard to style irl because the fabric and the beading is a lot. Formal wear is so stressful for me kek

No. 452408

I think it's pretty! at least in the picture you posted. It has a nice silhouette. If you are overweight I can see how it might look a bit frumpy, but if you are built like the girl in the pic then I think it works.

No. 452409

Yes hair down will help massively.

No. 452529

People are calling this frumpy and old, but I almost got the opposite impression, it's like a 15 year old girl's homecoming dress. It's got just enough "risque" elements that a girl might like, but it's covered up enough for a parent to be ok with it. It's really not ugly though. It looks comfortable, which is most important.

No. 453735

File: 1734418678855.jpg (56.95 KB, 960x960, 1000003589.jpg)

i was looking for good alternatives to Docs and found this brand.
highly recommend, great quality

No. 453925

Lace up shoes that have zips on the side will never not look cheap and tacky to me

No. 454882

they have other boots and shoes, silly goose

No. 455494

File: 1734642454089.jpg (268.31 KB, 1000x1000, 4365756875.jpg)

Cute ring or nah? It reminds me of a chandelier.

No. 455627

Unfortunately all the ones without side zips are ugly and expensive

No. 455740

>$200 for boots is expensive
sorry they don't take temu coupons, nona

No. 455762

Yes, $200 is too much for ugly fashion boots that will be shredded by the 10th wear. I can see how spending that much monthly on credit card interest alone would distort your perspective though. Good luck with that, enjoy your side zip boots while they last ♥

No. 456045

This is fugly. I hate the whole grandpa sweater bs.

No. 459573

File: 1735185764744.png (177.72 KB, 252x568, Captura de pantalla 2024-11-16…)

Sorry for being a philistine, but could any enlightened fashion-savvy nona tell me what the kind of lounge pants from this advert is called? They're clearly straight-leg / drapey, but form fitting on you ass

No. 459574

it looks like she just ran her finger up her crack and pinched the fabric with her cheeks. Very fashionable.

No. 459575

if straight fitting sweatpants fit like this it means they are incredibly thin and will disintegrate after 2 washes. it's honestly tragic that they thought anyone would be sold by this picture.

No. 459578

File: 1735187234688.webp (13.19 KB, 243x300, i (41).webp)

Yes, they must certainly be very thin, but this is totally a phenomenon that happens on purpose, and not just with lounge pants or this kind of fabric. There's something going on with the seam… Really I just want a term to describe this kind of article without mentioning the butt kek

No. 459582

Idk man, it just looks very trashy. It just looks like she's constantly digging in her ass in public. I'm very confused.

No. 459583

Not your picrel exactly, but I've seen athletic wear with this kind of effect be referred to as "scrunch butt"

No. 459605

File: 1735193263679.png (221.21 KB, 330x873, fgdg.png)

I mean, it's kinda the same trend as with those wearing palazzo pants like this, right?

No. 459683

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do you guys like this shirt i embroidered

No. 459882

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No. 460026

So you hate men but you married one anyway, or you beat other women's husbands?
Shit's ugly.

No. 460257

I beat your husband and he loves it

No. 460548

File: 1735348658879.jpg (7.23 KB, 287x194, shoe_help.JPG)

nonas can i get some help iding these type of shoes? im pretty sure theyre some kind of high top hiking shoes

No. 460602

I can't find an exact match but imo they look similar to some vintage Dr Martens, the 8363 model for example

No. 460615

File: 1735351818429.png (400.44 KB, 859x613, Screenshot 2024-12-27 210936.p…)

The picture is small so trying to identify them is really tough. i've seen similar shoes through searching platform hiking boots though. I agree with the other anon, the yellow stitching is hinting doc martens, but the shape is more typical of timberlands. They are also currently selling shoes that look similar to the ones in the pic, just missing a few details.

No. 460643

Tacky and looks cheap. Hope you didn't purchase it.

No. 460689

You can't, he's not real.

No. 460803

File: 1735371561483.jpeg (227.27 KB, 1170x2004, IMG_7541.jpeg)

I want this dress, am I crazy

No. 460805

Yeah that's a huge waste of money and it's not very cute. You can buy real designer for that price.

No. 460807

>ugly ass church girl dress
>am I crazy

No. 460820

You have to be kidding me. Delete tiktok from your phone. I'm just taking blind guesses as to where you picked up taste this bad.

No. 460824

Isn't linen a strange choice for a dress that's supposed to look neat and clean? Linen is going to wrinkle a lot while wearing it. Maybe it's a linen blend.

No. 460825

this is the kind of dress that looks cute and aesthetic online but irl there's a decent chance people will think you're a mormon. Also if you want to spend $250 on a linen dress there are way better options out there, this one looks a bit cheap/thin from the way it drapes and wrinkles in the other model pics.

No. 460833

i agree, for amount of fabric used it just might be the lowest quality linen for this price plus what about the production costs? the simplest good quality linen dress in my country (where we have own linen production and piece is actually locally produced) can cost around 100$, for just a simple slip-like strappy sundress that barely hits your knees

No. 460864

If I saw you in this I would think you’re a terminally online red-scare adjacent Musk worshipping tardwife. I wouldn’t take that home with me if it was free.

No. 460895

You're unmarried because you don't beat your men, Nonnie.

No. 461002

Thank you for talking me out of it. I initially thought it could be a tongue-in-cheek, southern gothic church-prairie dress that I could look cute and creepy in, kek. A look like that could work for a photoshoot or something but that wouldn’t translate well IRL. Even then, I could find a higher quality costume piece for something like that. Thank you again for saving my wallet and dignity kek

No. 461003

File: 1735412444818.png (129.57 KB, 585x751, Screenshot (8).png)

I want to buy a good quality pair of trousers like picrel but I don't want to waste my money. I like the ones here (from cos) but they're made out of a lot of polyester. Is this just standard or where can I find better quality ones that may actually last me more than a year? I don't want to pay over 100 for bad quality trousers.

No. 461004

Learn to sew. The trousers you want aren't even tailored, so you could sew it easily.

No. 461005

NTA but this is such a weird suggestion. It's like if someone asks for a restaurant recommendation and you say "learn to cook". Sewing well takes a long time an money to learn, she just wants some pants.

No. 461011

>Sewing well takes a long time an money to learn
That's just what the fashion industry wants you to think. I could make those pants in a couple of hours. Let me guess, you don't know how to sew either?
>if someone asks for a restaurant recommendation and you say "learn to cook"
It's more like if someone who only eats out asked how to save money on food

No. 461012

Thanks nonna but I don't have the time to make myself a pair of pants from scratch. Maybe someday.

No. 461061

I’ve wanted to find some too, like in a light wool blend I’m guessing. I’ve had a hard time finding it

No. 461808

She said it takes time and money to learn, retard (and she's right). You already have the skill (allegedly) so saying you can do it in a couple hours means nothing.

No. 464846

Does anyone else feel just…completely uninspired when it comes to fashion in 2024/2025? I want to update my wardrobe but every time I look around, there's just not a lot that really calls to me. I don't know if it's just myself and my preferences that changed, or if new fashion itself is just kind of boring. I absolutely loved and resonated with "tumblr indie" fashion of the 2010s, military jackets, floral fit-and-flare dresses with heels and tights, Alexa Chung's style, quirky twee stuff in general. I remember seeing outfits and feeling excited to wear them or putting them on and feeling genuinely "cool" and now it's like nothing sparks joy or feels 'like me' anymore. I'm in my 30s now, and when I look at what the younger people are wearing for inspiration or more "alternative" looks it all feels so boring, too. I dunno, it's like nothing feels fun anymore.

No. 464847

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Glass half full counterpoint: the shittiest eras of fashion (late 70s, late 80s, early 00s and now) always precede an aesthetically pleasing one.
>I absolutely loved and resonated with "tumblr indie" fashion of the 2010s,
Good news, fashion is absolutely gravitating back to eclectic well-made pieces and you can pretty much do what you want, if you know of a good thrift store. By the time it reaches the mainstream, the quality will depreciate and all the good thrifts will be gone, so it's good to act on your instinct now. I like it, far better than synthetic/cheaply made trash and Kardashians everywhere

No. 464849

Honestly just thrift on vinted, it's always worth a shot, get your mensurations and ask sellers if it fits, and check for the composition (coton or linen as the main fabric). There's sooo much options. If you're an american nonna, you should have plenty of options at those massive thrift shops places, those types of pants were quite popular and you could easily find a very fancy one from a dead granny.

No. 464900

I really hate a lot of the basic mainstream styles. Everything's either npc clothes or some flash-in-the-pan microtrend. The athleisure has been going on for too long. But online, there's so much variety it's overwhelming. It's never been easier to find inspo or some niche indie brand that makes exactly what you want. Emo teen me who had to make do with whatever was at the mall would love the current fashion landscape kek. Sucks that literally everything is made out of the worst materials imaginable though. Lately I've just been using pinterest, thrifting, and ignoring 99% of trends because they don't matter. With the trend cycle as short as it is right now, you could probably just start wearing your tumblr indie dreams and within a few years you'll be trendy.

No. 465473

Dressing in whatever you like is 100% bound to get more compliments and attention than sticking to boring fast fashion normie trends that look outdated a month or two after you leave the store.

No. 466303

What would you wear to a jungle-themed costume party?

No. 466323

IM A STAR ass dress.

No. 466331

I’d wear a safari outfit

No. 466333

kek nona

No. 466334

File: 1736346590143.png (464.86 KB, 655x960, 1000058457.png)

No. 466341

Leaf cutter ant costume with a giant leaf prop made from poster board. Unrelated ive never been to a party

No. 466636

Full outfit of mismatched cheetah prints with a giant black fur coat and some chunky jewelry

No. 468703

Can anyone share any pages to Japanese fashion bloggers that post their ootd that aren't posting those bland, baggy clothes?

No. 468720

I haven't used it much, but https://wear.jp/ seems pretty good. It's a fashion lookbook platform with a mix of everything, including bland, baggy clothes, but I know that you can search for specific brands that you like, and find interesting profiles from there. I think you are also able to search for tags and stuff as well.

No. 468725

Wow this is perfect. I had no idea this existed, reminds me of the lookbook days. Thank you!

No. 468728

File: 1736634786084.webp (Spoiler Image,140.01 KB, 1200x1200, 1_Screen-Shot-2021-01-13-at-09…)

sorry but it reminds me of the dress belle delphine shot her rape porn in

No. 469155

Eurononnas, what are good websites to online shops during the sales?

No. 469198

I love Stradivarius, it suits my style. I’m too poor to buy handmade stuff so I don’t really care and I don’t do monthly mega hauls anyway.
Pull and bear and bershka are good too, but they dress funny and I think Stradivarius has better quality.
I love using Vinted too where u have been able to buy real wool sweaters for cheap.

No. 469201

There’s also Abercrombie, Subdued, UO, Monki that are not bad at all. You probably know them too.

No. 471297

File: 1737055820306.jpeg (179.3 KB, 828x948, IMG_9255.jpeg)

this coat/dress thingie from a brand called linennaive, i badly need one

No. 473540

File: 1737350542063.jpeg (95.91 KB, 736x1308, IMG_3632.jpeg)

anyone know what brand this is? people are trying to gatekeep it I think…

No. 473624

Necystudio, it's on taobao

No. 473826

bless you nona.

No. 473860

Kek, nayrt but I wear a lot of long skirts and dresses in black/white and I get asked if I'm Amish. When those long jean skirts got trendy on tiktok I was wondering how long it'd take for people to assume those girls were Pentecostals

No. 473864

I started just looking at photo books and magazines for inspiration, having the physical thing clicks in my brain more than looking at a Pinterest board. I
Do you sew? Those twee 60's-inspired shift dresses aren't too difficult, and imo it always feels more exciting to wear something you made yourself.

No. 473945

same I also love vintage clothes, long dresses and more "modest" clothing in a non-religious or tardwife way kek. I find making the rest of your outfit a bit more edgy helps, once I started piling on the jewelry and got a shorter haircut people stopped with the mormon accusations

No. 473951

Ayrt, that's what confuses me so much because I am visibly "alternative" (nose piercings and tattoos, short black bob, lots of jewelry). Kind of think maybe nobody knows what Amish/mormon people actually look like.
Your style sounds extremely cute and very similar to mine, I hope you always find good vintage maxi skirts at the thrift store.

No. 474123

File: 1737444691267.png (558.58 KB, 485x867, Screenshot 2025-01-20 203542.p…)

Someone please help me find this skirt, I am absolutely obsessed with it. So cute! Tartan skirt, tulle hem with big bow at the front.

Picrel, it is only a snippet of a scene in Skins S3, E3 worn by Emily Fitch.

No. 474124

File: 1737444734913.png (490.71 KB, 453x817, Screenshot 2025-01-20 203419.p…)


picrel, front

No. 474134

File: 1737446192709.png (1.12 MB, 828x1792, IMG_4463.png)

Id recommend google lensing it to find similar skirts. That looks like an every day school uniform skirt that she added a petticoat under. I feel like you can buy a skirt like pic related and put a petticoat under it to have the same effect

No. 474135

File: 1737446217298.jpg (104.82 KB, 736x1104, 87738ed467ebf5c37b07282edf0673…)

I have this skirt for you, it is a tweed-tartan fitted kilt and regardless of your age, it's more appropriate since troons have co-opted the flared/short kilt for the foreseeable future unless this is a cosplay/sex outfit

No. 474136

samefag but sorry my model kind of looks like Dasha in the face

No. 474137

This is way more elevated than what I recommended I second this!

No. 474142

File: 1737446872767.png (1000.41 KB, 1384x1037, great_scot_scotland.png)

Ty anon, your kilt is very nice too

No. 474309

Thanks for the help! I am going to buy so many different skirts, they look high quality.

That said, anyone know where to get good quality petticoats? I’ve been looking on Amazon, and the reviews say they’re a ripoff or poor quality.

No. 474319

File: 1737480689247.jpeg (90.95 KB, 480x640, IMG_8950.jpeg)

If you're wanting to wear it with a petticoat, have you looked at the JP brand Jane Marple? Their skirts are made to accommodate small petticoats despite being pleated, whereas a lot of kilts are going to look weird and overstuffed/lumpy if you try to put an underskirt or petticoat underneath. Picrel but if you don't love this particular design they've made hundreds of these "plaid skirt with lace or other trims" style skirts over the years, you can get them for great prices on Mercari JP via a shopping service.

No. 474420

Wow super cute! What other J fashion brands do you recommend?

Side rant:
I’m a dummy when it comes to fashion, I’ve only been wearing sweatpants and hoodies for a majority of my life but I’d like to dip my toes in and discover my style! So far I like feminine, dainty things so classic lolita, twee fashion from tumblrs early 2010s era (hence why I’m watching skins for fashion inspo kek) and ngl I like coquette fashion too… probably too young for me and risqué but idgaf and will walk outdoors in pink ribbons and lace!

No. 474432

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ayrt, my childhood dream job was actually to be a personal shopper kek so I'm super excited you like that skirt and want recs! I wear and collect lolita, mostly older JP brand Gothic pieces, and I mix my EGL pieces into my "casual" wardrobe when I'm not wearing lolita.

I think you'd definitely like Jane Marple in general if you enjoy the sort of cutesy twee look but want something a little more "grown up" than coquette. You might also like the brands Fint/an another angelus and Axes Femme for affordable tops and sweaters that are easy to style, and the brand Blue Rogue make really cute skirts and dresses in a sort of historical style. Go on Closetchild's website (Japanese Secondhand store that ships to the US) and poke around under the "casual" brand tab! JP casual brands make a lot of styles that are cute and "ladylike" without being too stuffy.

No. 474436

Did you make this image?

No. 474437

I did not! It's a 2019 brand ad Fint put out for their fall/winter collection, I just thought it was cute and gives a good look at the brand's style.

No. 474440

Different anon, but seconding >>474432 recommendations, some other brands you might also be interested in are Pink House and L'est Rose!

No. 474454

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JM recommending nonna, since we have a lot of J-fashion people itt I am imploring somebody to buy this weird embroidered Jane Marple skirt. I love it so much but it isn't my style, it's so charming and odd and needs to be paired with a plaid beret and granny boots.

No. 474488

Does closetchild ship to Canada at all? Also thanks for brand recs! So excited to go on a shopping spree. The plus side of not buying much the past ten years is that I have a lot of money to spend and work towards my dream wardrobe! I want to mix and match low quality machine washable clothing and dry clean high quality stuff. I have this beautiful rose coloured cape coat (vintage Laura Ashley) from the 1940s gifted by my MIL, and the Peter Pan collar dresses are going to look so good with it.

Tbh I’m so out of the loop with fashion brands I was going to buy cheap frilly stuff from aliexpress and YesStyle. So glad I asked here first

No. 474535

Vintage Laura Ashley, I'm so jealous. That coat sounds amazing.
I think ClosetChild should ship to Canada? They ship anywhere EMS does (they typically use EMS for bigger packages). It usually takes about 2 weeks for my packages to arrive to the US, just to give you a rough time frame!

As far as laundry goes, I'm not going to lie, I never handwash or dry clean my lolita and vintage (except for coats). I wear relatively plain pieces in black or white, so it's easy to just bundle pieces into garment bags (highly recommend) and group according to color and then wash on delicate and cold with mild detergent. I hang dry everything, but aside from that you shouldn't have to worry too much about being overly careful and precious with laundry. I'm so happy we could help you find clothes you love, enjoy your shopping spree nonna.

No. 474544

Closetchild 100% ships to Canada, anon.

No. 476796

File: 1737913647667.jpg (42 KB, 474x712, OIP (1).jpg)

what are some nice summer gnc clothing options to dress for a hourglass shape body? i can style winter clothing quite well but i fucking suck at styling for summer, my fashion style is alt(not too much) and gothic but i dress masculine most of the time but im open to wearing feminine styles too
i posted in the wrong thread sorry farmhands

No. 479230

File: 1738435261833.jpg (31.37 KB, 500x341, d99d397a905caf744ea764bb5fd7f6…)

Where the fuck do I buy clothes that are cute but not polyester slop? Even so called reputable brands sell that crap.

No. 479233

Where are you looking? Have you tried second hand clothes?

No. 479237

Most shops on the high street are a mix of synthetic and natural fabrics, I have plenty of fully cotton or linen stuff from stores like zara or weekday. I just check all the labels before trying on. But I'm sure you can find brands exclusively selling natural fabrics online if that's what you're after.

No. 479254

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The exact style and colors doesn’t apply but this silouhette is really trendy among both gnc and non-gnc women. This is what I usually wear in the summertime.

No. 479258

Yeah, I've tried secondhand and it's a little bit better. I live in the middle of nowhere so there are no thrift shops near me. I tried looking on Ebay but can't find anything and half of the things on there are from Aliexpress dropshippers. I've checked out Depop but it's full of people reselling Shein or obnoxious scalpers who buy things for cheap and then resell at exorbitant prices. Vinted was a little bit better and I actually got a few nice things from there but again, full of people selling Shein and those 'pro Sellers' are just scalpers. I've been wearing the same clothes I've had since I was 12 because it's impossible to find anything cute AND made of good materials. It's pretty hopeless >>479237
I know there are some brands out there that make clothes using natural fabrics, but the problem is that I don't find most of the clothes cute…it's a lose/lose situation unfortunately.

No. 479259

Do you like Japanese fashion? If so, I would recommend checking out Mercari JP. Lots of cute, cheap stuff there and a lot of the stuff I've bought has been 100% cotton.

No. 479423

File: 1738468265583.jpeg (272.61 KB, 685x964, IMG_0469.jpeg)

Does anybody feel self conscious about dressing too… much? Uniquely? Idk. I don’t wear anything insane, but where I work nobody dresses in any sort of thoughtful way (I don’t mean this in an insulting way, I understand a lot of people aren’t very interested in that sort of thing, and these people are all scientist types so they have more important things to do than think about what to wear) but that means I tend to stick out like a sore thumb everywhere I go at work. Last week my (boomer) boss took one look at what I was wearing and started calling me “twiggy” for the rest of the day and it was really embarrassing. the outfit did not look like picrel I just thought the pic was cute. (The outfit was not crazy it was just a tucked in houndstooth mockneck shirt with black high waisted pants and black neutral dress shoes. I put a round belt on it though and it wound up looking 60s.) I also have a short pixie cut which is an uncommon hairstyle these days. The way I dress just tends to naturally wind up looking very 60s because I gravitate to color block and plaid and high waists etc so I sometimes worry I look like a weirdo trying to dress like a historical costume. But I really like these things and I can’t help they look so retro.

No. 479507

File: 1738501041613.jpg (543.73 KB, 2048x2048, 1635195403421.jpg)

That happened to me, although I was more embarrassed than self conscious.
I used to dress really flashy and experimental but after going to college I started to associate it with being terminally online.
Didn't help that most of these people looked greasy and tryhard. A lot of them didn't have any fashion sense just poorly imitated things they saw on tiktok.
I still dress the way I like and coordinate my outfits in my own way but I stopped caring so much about always "looking the part".
I actually thought I went full normie but I still have people pointing out that I dress "unique" and they like my style, so it's not that I gave up on individuality.
Hope you figure it out, anon but sadly you do need thick skin to dress in a way that stands out. I was getting harassed all the time during my teenage years and early 20s. Good luck!

No. 479522

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Nonas, I'm tired of dressing the way I do, I'd like to change it. Any recommended styles that are comfortable, look stylish, aren't childish kek, and make me look put together? I love my hoodies but I feel retarded leaving house wearing them all the time. I prefer muted or dark colors, not fan of showing skin, and comfort and practicality are the most important factors.

No. 479523

What's wrong with a hoodie?

No. 479525

tbh I'd say just go on Amazon and shop around for some lightweight maxi or tea-length dresses.
comfortable fabric, one-and-done outfit, if you want to make it look like you're trying just add 1-2 pieces of jewelry and a pair of nicer-than-average shoes. I have 3-4 dresses in rotation that are like this and they are basically adult loungewear that I can also run errands in.

No. 479527

Don't buy clothes from Amazon, most of it is aliexpress stuff being resold for 10x more.

No. 479554

get into maxi skirts. seriously.

No. 479558

This is the real answer. I've worn jeans/shorts + hoodie my whole life and recently a cute, quality sweater or shirt with a long skirt makes me feel cute and comfortable. Even wearing a skirt where I live is enough to get attention because it's so unusual- I get nice compliments from older ladies. Just watch out that it doesn't look churchy, unless you wanna be churchy.

No. 479560

i'd say the mark-up is more like 20-30% but idk what anon's body type is. In my experience if you're not an 'asian sizing' small and 5'6" or shorter, AliExpress isn't a good place to start. I'm sure the same dresses are on both but Amazon definitely caters to 'Western sizing' more.

No. 479564

do you have any example images of long skirts styled in a work appropriate way as opposed to casually?

No. 479599

File: 1738521237012.jpg (190.22 KB, 1044x1165, 02993949294.jpg)

I'm sure there are much nicer examples out there, but I think something like this works.

No. 481556

Does anyone have any tips for wearing sailor style clothing without looking like a weeb? I think it's really cute but have no idea where to start.

No. 481563

File: 1738909263196.png (1.02 MB, 800x1032, sailorinspo.png)

I literally have a whole trove of inspiration for you anon. Honestly, i actually recommend entertaining j-fashion for some sailor type pieces, you can find some that aren't too weeby.

No. 481564

Wow, thank you anon! I am actually looking through Japanese second-hand sites currently, and I'm thinking vintage Japanese is probably the way to go. Shame there isn't a bigger selection though, maybe I'm just not looking up the right terms.

No. 482295

Hasidic wife aesthetic ok work I guess

No. 483258

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Am I delusional for thinking a blouse like picrel would be cute paired with a dark high rise denim maxi skirt and platform loafers? Both are from old lady clothing sites, but I think they'd look good if styled the right way.

No. 483266

This is such a cute blouse. Go for it.

No. 483309

File: 1739216969227.jpg (3.49 MB, 3201x2681, Picsart_25-02-10_16-45-29-106.…)

I'm really into this sort of french sailor marine girl style, i wish it had an actual fashion name or something.

No. 483317

"Nautical fashion"

No. 483526

ugh I struggle with this same issue anon, and I also hate wearing shorts. Picrel is all I ever really find when I try and search these things on pinterest.

not delusional at all! I love that sort of mormon look (and I mean that in a good way), I think it makes you look smart.

No. 483536

The one on the left is potentially cute but with a maxi denim skirt? You trying to look like a bible belt girl?

Old Lady blouses tend to have gross shoulder pads in them btw

No. 483544

Shoulder pads are fastened by a single thread or seam usually and you can cut them out very easily. I’m a serial thrifter and it’s what I’ve been doing for years when in need of pretty blouses.

No. 483556

That stuff is extremely easy to find because it's a staple in asian fashion, just search sailor or nautical. You might have more trouble if you want actual good quality pieces but those coats were a dime a dozen on aliexpress last I checked (I know because I bought a bunch kek).

No. 483558

File: 1739257933686.jpg (71.85 KB, 510x647, charm-patterns-nautical-fashio…)

There are lots of 50s patterns that fits that style. I love these.

No. 483928

File: 1739336698180.jpg (1.02 MB, 1878x2818, 82874783847483.jpg)

No kek, I honestly have no idea what those women wear as I'm european, clothes don't really have religious associations here like they do in the US. I just like vintage fashion and feel most comfortable/look best in long skirts. Picrel shows the overall look I'd be going for. These are the skirts I currently have and would consider wearing with it (I was wrong in saying denim maxi skirt, they're more like midi, the brown one is maxi though). These are also the shoes that I have, I was hoping that them being chunky platform heels would lessen the chances of it looking frumpy. For the blouses, I've had a look elsewhere since, and it seems like there are a lot of vintage Chinese silk blouses in the same style, so I'll be going for one of those instead. The one in the middle is the listing I am currently looking at, as the long sleeved one on the left is unfortunately sold. I also have a 70s tooled leather bag like picrel and would wear it with 60s style makeup, which would hopefully help make the distinction between just into vintage fashion vs religious. Thoughts?

No. 483969

That looks amazing, go for it. I genuinely think you're one of the best dressed anons on lc.

No. 483976

anon your style is amazing, so chic!! i wish you'd post more inspo pics/collages

No. 483983

Thank you sweet nonnies, I'm still in the midst of developing my personal style, so I'm happy to hear that it's going well. I'll definitely consider posting more in the future if you're interested, but I usually spend hours and hours searching for clothes that I like as I'm very picky kek, so I do struggle a lot of the time. I mainly take inspiration from 00s/90s/70s/60s fashion though and buy most of my clothes from Japan, which would be my biggest tip if you're looking for unique pieces, even if you're not specifically into jfashion.

No. 484003

We need to bring back shoulder pads ASAP this pathetic wimpy silhouette has survived for too long.

No. 484035

Based. Shoulder pads were peak and I’m tired of pretending they weren’t

No. 484192

There's bible belts throughout europe anon and they absolutely have long skirs associated with christianity too. But I get your point.

No. 484377

this is the closest I've seen to my style in this thread and I just wanna say nonna, I love your style so much, if that's not too selfish to say kek. It's really important in my view to add an element which offsets the vintage, e.g. the platform loafers for instance, which can temper the religious or "vintage lifestyle" associations– and I think evolves it nicely so you're not really wearing a costume or trying to history larp. I love the vintage and the secondhand, but not the rockabilly or the Bernadette Banner stuff.
I am wondering about accessories. Do you have anything in mind for jewellery? I could see a delicate watch going well with this type of outfit. Also, I want to compliment you on the skirts; I especially like the eye for texture that you have generally, in the embroidery, and the silk, and the pleats. I think that's the key to what you've got going on here.
shoulder pads can add a more masculine look for women (which I love) but also be surprisingly feminine depending on the outfit. like in her original post >>483258 if it's tailored properly, it can really accentuate the waist but also complement your posture and look more elegant. I much prefer the idea of building up silhouette with clothes as opposed to changing one's body as well.

No. 484402

I think that is just hipster fashion. They like quirky things and the photo might have come from Lookbook.nu

No. 485584

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Hey nonnas. I want to bump this thread because I really like fashion. I’m not into couture other than looking at some collections and taking inspirations, I’ll get into that when I have money kek. But I like dressing up, it makes me feel nice.
I have recently been into more relaxed and neutral, minimal fits like picrel, they are easy and you look neat with minimal amount of effort and even money. I have found a new love in cardigans this year kek.
But I like eccentric styles too! I’m not really a hater; I find Lolita, goth, alternative fashion interesting, I wish I experimented more when I was younger kek.
What are your styles nonna? Let me know!

No. 485586

I’ve bought a plated long skirt that I really like, but my mom said that I look like a jehova witness kekk.

No. 485590

I'm so mad that American women have to deal with this. You need to reclaim them.

No. 485591

Am I tripping or does that picrel look ridiculous. Like none of the items work together.

No. 485594

No you're right kek, it's poorly fitted too.

No. 485606

actually looked up that designer and love her designs but damn that's expensive. im way too stingy to be stylish i think

No. 485626

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Not me being roasted kek. But I do agree that the top looks off, i didn’t focus on it too much, I would have preferred a white top.
I like picrel too.

No. 485630

File: 1739625104329.jpg (68.08 KB, 572x800, French-Light-Brown-U-Neck-Bow-…)

Where can I find old school style sleeveless dresses like this? Brand recommendations? I'm in Europe btw

No. 485633

Hi nonna! This screams to me “Uniqlo”! Try searching there.

No. 485634

There might be Korean or other Asian brands. But I’m not familiar with them and I’m scared of buying from these sites (yessstyle etc..)

No. 485827

File: 1739658040128.webp (24.65 KB, 576x721, 31528248.88.webp)

kek nona idk what the other anons are talking about. This is so cute. I loved your first pic too. Maybe the crotch of the first jeans are little oversized but that's the only thing that bothered me. I've been leaning into this style recently. Lots of wide leg pants with cute tops and chunkier shoes or sneakers. I recently got a pair of these doc Mary Jane shoes and I'm so excited ab it. I feel like it fits me personally, its slightly a more "masculine" style but still feminine idk what im talking about but I have been feeling confident in my clothes

No. 485915

File: 1739665492477.jpg (244.37 KB, 2159x1079, imgonline-com-ua-twotoone-Easd…)

Speaking of Dr Marten's, is it even worth buying modern ones anymore, or is the quality too bad to be worth it? I always go for the vintage ones, but I'm a big fan of some of the shoes they recently released that are based off their older styles, plus they're more accessible to buy as hunting for good vintage listings can be a pain. I'd still buy them second hand though if I did, as they are expensive. I am aware of Solovair being better quality, but I don't care for the boots, nor do I like their other styles either.

No. 485922

you have the most hideous style. wide leg pants are ugly and so are your manly shoes.(bait)

No. 485926

Since you’re so confident show us what your top tier fashionista style is nona

No. 485931

Have fun breaking your ankles in heels

No. 485936

Manly shoes are cool and hot, but those aren’t manly shoes… they’re granny shoes. Or child dressed by her grandmother shoes.

No. 485975

I just got the two-strap version of these in red and I love them! I was looking for something practical but cuter than sneakers, these work really well. My ancient worn-in boots from them are my comfiest shoes so hopefully these wear in nicely.
can't speak on the longevity but I tried on the left in-store, the materials seemed good quality and they were comfy. The only issues I've noticed with new Dr Martens is the "vegan leather" can crack and peel, and the giant platform sole they use on sandals is much softer than the regular boots, almost like foam, so it starts to peel and wear down very quickly. Honestly if you avoid those two things the quality isn't terrible. Maybe they're not the sturdy work boots they used to be, but on-par with other "fashion" shoes around that price. I also never buy them full price though kek.

No. 485995

The ones made in England are still worth it. I use a pair as winter boots and they still hold up really well after 5 years and the soles barely look used. The ones made in China are crap and won't last long.

No. 486105

Mary Jane’s are so cute nonna! I love them too. And thank you kek. I’m 22 so I think that translates into my style.

No. 486106

I bought a pair for 120€ on sale. I got the platform ones, they make me have tons of blisters if I don’t wear protection though . I’d also never pay the full price for docs.

No. 486218

Kek, you can tell anon dresses dumpy and frumpy as fuck like those dated lolitas.

No. 486229

How do you dress?

No. 486245

File: 1739732729763.jpg (Spoiler Image,14.12 KB, 267x372, 56789.jpg)

Lolita is a very serious and important style anon. Do you think this would look good with a pinafore and a petticoat?

No. 486281

KEKKK. I lost half a lung.

No. 486754

File: 1739824726498.png (1.09 MB, 1136x675, rfilcerwiufnjwirnv.png)

I just browsed this brand's site, and I adore their stuff so much!! Does anyone know if they restock consistently or where to get a skirt like this? This is like a dream piece for me, I've been wanting to learn how to sew just to make a skirt like this kek, but it's sold out. I'd appreciate recommendations of brands that make non-frumpy/hippie long skirts in general, actually.

No. 486833

muji & sister jane come to mind

No. 486890

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No. 486901

Wide legged pants, some docs or sneakers, and a plain white tucked shirt makes me feel unbelievably sexy. Fuck the haters anon I see your vision.

No. 488595

European anons, what are some clothing sites/apps that lets you sort by material? Or stores that sells natural fabrics only

No. 488602

Vinted and ebay both let you sort by material

No. 488604

On Zalando you can filter by material. On Vinted you can too but idk how that reliable that is.

No. 488606

What can I do to better understand which clothing looks good on me? I have a general idea of what works for me and I have looked into Kibbe, although I’m not a big fan of the latter simply because it is created by a man whose sense of style seems consistently outdated. What are some other resources I could look into so as to make shopping and styling easier?

No. 489516

Thank you! Your comments finally pushed me to get Vinted and I actually really like it. I hearted a bunch of items last night and woke up to a shitload of Polish messages offering an even lower price than they were already selling at kek. I know what I'm doing on payday

No. 489752

where are you from, nonny? since you use the scandi/ee vinted, so i'm curious. be prepared for that if you like items from poland, especially from resellers. they really are obsessed with selling as much they can, have insane prices (they psid 1/10 of it for item max) and they are cancer making platform unusable even here. also on social media they all give advice how to evade taxes and have whiteknight armies (and even criticizing cancerous reselling/scalping of everything is literally verboten)

No. 489920

File: 1740279192029.gif (3.56 MB, 400x224, 10004254354687.gif)

I fucking hate being a deep autumn half the colors look like old piss, puke and shit and I always look 40 years old, but if I wear actual cute youthful colors I still look like shit. I'd have to bleach my skin, eyes, and hair and hope to become another season to look decent. How the fuck can anyone look cute in dark muddy poopoo vomit colors? It just looks serious and uptight at best

No. 490165

File: 1740300409914.jpg (182.18 KB, 736x1308, 6cf7bc1d5934fc432237348154ad3f…)

something about this outfit scratches my brain, though im not a streetwearfag nor do i wear long skirts that often…

No. 490166

Don't wear dark muddy poopoo vomit colors it's a fucking meme. Wear colors that make you happy.

No. 490168

No offence but that's literally how gypsy beggars dress here

No. 490169

It reminds me of when I need to throw on some clothes to go grab something from the store real quick. Just putting on whatever clothes were nearest with no care kek

No. 490170

not gonna lie i also like their outfits sometimes

No. 490171

NTA, I'm not sure if I'm just a blind unfashionable normie but whenever I see those analysis videos where the creator is like "as you can see, this person is wearing the wrong colour season" it always looks completely fine kek

No. 490173

stop believing in seasonal color analysis snake oil

No. 490175

Nta but there's got to be some truth to the seasonal color theory stuff right? Even as a kid 20 years ago, way before that stuff was mainstream, my mom would refuse to buy me clothes in black or ocre yellow or whatever saying it looked awful on me.

No. 490181

It's true that a few certain specific colours can look bad on you, but colour analysis tries to promote that you supposedly look bad in everything that isn't one limited palette, which is bullshit.

No. 490190

Sorry, what does scandi/ee mean? I'm Danish and we used to have a site like Vinted here but it was sold and merged with Vinted. Thanks for the warning, I'll try to be careful!

No. 490201

Not the anon but im pretty sure it means the nordic & baltic countries. Also theres no filtering sellers by country on vinted, but apparently typing a city in the search bar, like copenhagen for example, will show you items from that city only

No. 490255

Ahh, Eastern Europe ofc kek sorry and thank you. I just woke up when I wrote that and was reading it as Scandi/Scandee. So does that mean there are other versions of Vinted with other countries?

No. 490289

yes. france, germany, netherlands, italy and spain (plus few other countries) have a separate platform, which isn't integrated with the other region

No. 493148

i'm very perplexed by the concept of daytime looks vs night time looks. like is that an actual thing people do

No. 493160

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No. 493224

This is endearing. It looks like an 80s take on 1890s sportswear. I think I like it.

No. 493499

File: 1740750847638.jpg (209.63 KB, 714x976, 761890df396ca16b68aa6bce708f26…)

It really does look like the 80's version of a Victorian bicycle outfit. Just needs more practical footwear.

No. 493603

File: 1740769665523.jpg (74.18 KB, 736x981, af0c0b0747945573ae4ad95057bca6…)

nonnies how do i make a long skirt + big sweatshirt combo look like picrel and not frumpy? I was planning an outfit like this for vacation but I tried it on and I was so disappointed.. My skirt is a bit shorter tho, if needed I can take a pic of both the skirt and the sweatshirt! Thank you kind nonnies

No. 493627


No. 493718

I think it must have been directly inspired but it. I really love the outfits.
I thought night time just meant club clothing.

No. 493962

Any recommendation for someone who hates showing skin (my skin turns red kek) and doesn't want to boil this summer?

No. 493970

I’ve been liking Sellpy a lot. If you live in Central Europe or Scandinavia you can look there. It’s a very good secondhand website.

No. 493972

Don’t pay attention to who created the Kibbe system because he stole most of it anyway and it’s not a new concept. These archetypes have been around since Old Hollywood, so if something from it resonates with you, use it. I’ve found Kibbe useful for sorting Pinterest and finding things to wear that look good on me. I’ve also found color analysis really helpful, but if I’m gonna be honest there are no shortcuts so it doesn’t really matter what ‘system’ you follow or not. The best way is always going to be trying things on until you see what fits, many times over and over throughout your life. The rest is just trying to help you make sense of it and plan outfits around what you already know fits.

No. 493977

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Dark autumn isn’t just dark muddy poo colors, that’s just you choosing to wear that. I don’t know how you can look at pic related with no blacks, whites and grays and say it’s all just dark and muddy? Just pick something happier that you like lol

No. 493984

all of these are pretty dark tbh, esp the top section and all the yellows are piss toned

No. 493988

I think it was mostly done decades ago compared to now. The idea was something like how some types of makeup looks, usually darker, bold and heavier/less minimal styles, were more appropriate for evening wear because it would look too stark and garish in the daytime

No. 494020

No they’re not? Literally the first thing you get when you search dark autumn outfit on Pinterest is a woman in blue jeans and a pumpkin orange sweater. If that’s muddy and dark then you need to see a doctor.

No. 494068

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I am so fucking mad that catholic nuns have the coolest habit ever. I'm not even joking. I love their religious garb, I think it's very unique and almost futuristic looking, yet flowy, and the form and colors are beautiful, but laconical. I love older nun habits with various colors and the neck wrap, too. I wish I could dress like a Catholic nun just like I would with normal clothes, but even I would feel weird about that, plus I don't particularly want to offend Catholics. I seriously wish It was divorced from it's religious meaning because I just care about the aesthetics. Are there any dresses or clothes (?) that have the same qualities, but wont look like I'm on a mission? I go to karaoke bars and sing nu-metal, I can't just pass as an actual religious person.

No. 494108

Do i have brainrot or would switching the pants to a nice flattering jean pants or jean mini skirt fix the outfit?

No. 494110

The shirt is the worst part. Looks like a mini potato sack

No. 495366

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Recommendations for a kitten heel flip flop like picrel? I was going to buy these but a couple reviews said the little caps on the bottom of the heel fell off after walking in these so I don't think they're good quality

No. 495530

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you can get a pair at walmart for $4, and then stick one of these puppies on the bottom for the same effect.

No. 495600

Euro anons where do you buy affordable underwear?? I don't want to pay 20 euro for 2 or 3 panties, they're just small flimsy pieces of fabric stitched together damn it. I thought asos or zalando would have affordable sets of basic underwear but nope

No. 495636


No. 498206

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opinion on bliss foster?

No. 498266

I watch his videos as background noise. He's balding.

No. 498490

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What could I wear as a shoe + outerwear for this kind of dress?

No. 498500

Maybe a sleeveless cardigan in an earthy tone or a muted blue-green tone? And for shoes, something flat and simple in white or a color that compliments the outerwear.

No. 498506

I recommend you don't wear them

No. 498509

Depends on what you are going for?
For something boho, I'd wear boots, a hat and many accessories. Probably brown.
If you just want something light and beachy, I'd wear light colored heeled sandals

No. 498512

I bought it for a vacation beachside lunch and dinner but I didn’t realize the weather is going to be a bit chillier than what I thought it would be and it even might drizzle

No. 498659

I think this is a sandal dress

No. 498667

Nothing as this is a barefoot and pregnant tier dress

No. 498698

Anyone else have a hard time going from wearing too much black or other basic stuff to trying to add color to their wardrobe? I'm a deep winter and the colors I'm supposedly compatible with are many that I just never wear. My thredup cart still gets filled with black and grey tops

No. 498729

Sandals and a cropped wrap cardigan that sits just below the boobs where the dress flares

No. 498805

Same here nona, I've decided to just embrace the monochromatic look and introduce texturally interesting pieces to my wardrobe instead of buying clothes in colours that I know I won't wear

No. 498845

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my cousin gave me a dress that looks sort of like this (except it's light pink, and it isn't wool so the material looks cheaper/more stretchy and tight ; if it was exactly liek picrel i would wear the heck out of it with no hesitation)

I think it looks good on me but to be honest it feels way too sexy/girly. Also it's really tight. I like it and I like my body in it, but :
1) I feel a bit naked
2) It feels a bit bland that way, like just a tight tube with off shoulders collar

But I don't know what to pair it with to make it less sexy and more interesting

>a jacket will ruin the off shoulder look

>sneakers will just make me feel like I'm in middle school wearing a dress for the first time
>??? what are my other options?

Is it simply the type of dress you don't wear on an everyday situation and save for dates and such?

No. 498851

I have never seen this type of dress look good on anyone. It always looks trashy no matter how it is styled.

No. 498852

>Is it simply the type of dress you don't wear on an everyday situation and save for dates and such?

No. 498869

Throwing random shit at the wall, a collared shirt and tights underneath?

No. 498870

tbh I think it looks good on picrel, but the fabric is nicer than my dress (and my legs aren't as long as hers lol)

No. 498882

Thoughts on patchwork / quilt patterns on sweaters, dresses, skirts? I think if the patterns and colours are coherent, they can look cute, but if not they will look like grandmas reject sewing projects.

No. 498889

these shoes are so cute!! i've been eyeing at these exact docs for a while

No. 498918

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Were you the one who posted the green patchwork dress earlier nona?
As for your question, it can look cute sometimes, but it can easily seem like too much due to the cluttered nature of patchwork. It looks far better on long skirts than anything, paired with another fabric (like denim) it might look a bit old fashioned since that was in style 20 years ago (but 2000s style is coming back so you might be able to pull it off).

I also think you need a certain style to pull these off? If you're on the shorter and curvier side you might do better avoiding patchwork as it can easily drown you. Dresses are harder to pull off but a friend of mine would wear this plaid/checkered/tartan patchwork dress and it would look good on her, she was really thin and had very childish features, cropped hair, so it fit her overall 'style'.

Quilt sweaters I think need to be super muted and paired with something simple like jeans or leggings with boots or something, preferably leather and not anything fluffy like UGGs or god forbid vinyl, plastic, stretch fabric.

I would say skirt is the easiest, those long summer skirts/old school tiered ones you can find in flea markets or second hand places. You also have to accept some people think patchwork is frumpy simply due to association, but that's true for a lot of patterns and fabrics so it's ultimately up to you.

No. 500479

Wetlook leggings, boots, and a shift that isn't seen through the material underneath.
Or perhaps a mesh shirt/turtleneck/blouse with similar colored tights/leggings. Adding a belt could also be a nice statement piece.

No. 501441

Nah that wasn’t me, I’ve been seeing patchwork pieces everywhere and found one with red/blue floral plaid motif and instantly bought the dress.
I’m medium height and curvy, the dress is quite baggy so we’ll see if I can pull it off. I fell in love with it since it looks like a piece strawberry shortcake would wear as an adult kek. I think it has a certain bohemian-ness to it and can come off as kitschy and hippy if paired with the wrong accessories. I’m more into cutesy twee style and am slowly building my wardrobe to reflect that.

No. 504322

What's a cute way to cover up my hair (to protect it from the sun). Caps or bucket hats seem most convenient but they're too sporty for my taste but summer hats look too beachy. Any ideas?

No. 504377

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No. 505201

Pinterest is falling me when it comes to fashion inspo. Does anyone know any better alternatives?

No. 505209

what are these called?
if you curate your twitter and tiktok feed enough it can replace pinterest

No. 505748

They are called bandanas.

No. 505751

There’s cute bucket hats like froggie bucket hats. I saw a cute girl wear a green frog bucket hat with oversized overalls and a green and yellow striped shirt with converse sneakers, very cute and fit her vibe. She had a bob cut and cutesy features. I probably wouldn’t copy that style inspo if you don’t have childish features otherwise it’ll look jarring.
Ever since I saw her I’ve been inspired to get a bucket hat with frog details myself

No. 505840

No offense but I really don't think anon would be into childish things like frog bucket hats.

No. 506002

Don't buy one unless you want people to start asking for your pronouns kek nonbinaries go crazy for frog hats

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