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No. 1265906
Have you found out that if you express anything about a cow inside their thread you get banned or dunked on? Well this is the thread for you!
Do you want to rant about how much you hate a cow without disrupting the thread? Go ahead!
Do you want to sympathize with the cow and talk about how it's not too late to change? Do it sister!
Do you want to talk about your life (blogpost) and compare it to the cow in question? Here's the place?
Express yourself etc. Have fun!
Post your pessimistic, optimistic, negative, controversial, rude, or relatable takes.
(Also this is not a thread to complain about threads, bans, or mods, do that on /meta/. However you can complain about the fanbase of the cow or the people who dislike the cow here.)
Previous thread:
>>1142485 No. 1266710
>>1266700>defendingbecause half of the posts are autism random no-context pictures, edits of her, and nitpicking if you think disliking that means defending then you are too retarded for imageboards.
Lol imagine spending your free time editing pictures of belles vagina or eyes, literally mentally ill.
No. 1266793
Liz Bruenig is absolutely fascinating to me. As a worker she's had quite possibly the easiest career progression I've ever seen, and in a competitive vanity career no less. She's never had to engage in any real struggle, she never had to wonder what she would amount to and how, she never has to think too hard about how and what she can do to change the world because she moves in the right social circles and has a large following of nobodies who also serve as an easy source of validation when she is feeling insecure. She married early and so never had to suffer through dating and has kids whose rearing she can easily balance with work because she's paid a hefty sum to churn out one think-piece a week. Appearance-wise she's inherently incredibly average but surpasses most americans by virtue of being not an obese with diabetes sores. And there's really nothing wrong with being average if you have literally anything else to offer beyond your body.
Despite all of this, she makes it incredibly clear through her actions that she's deeply insecure and probably quite unhappy. Has the ease through which she's coasted through life left her unsatisfied? Is having an ugly husband really that miserable? It's puzzling tbh
>>1266523>>1266662Nothing that already hasn't been said ad nauseum but I think it's a little bit of selfposting and mostly a small group of literal children (i'm talking 11-14) who haven't had any experience with chronic liars. That's the only excuse I can come up with for why multiple people are still uncritically swallowing her bullshit, given that it's passed from absurd to soap opera-tier at this point. A cardiac arrest, really?
No. 1267329
>>1266631OK "anon". Will you post your usual tinfoil hat pics? Maybe some little racebait/a-logging ?
Go eat a sandwich or something.
No. 1267358
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>>1266700Kek the SECOND the new thread was made an anon posted “no new milk from this cow” despite the fact that she literally jammed a whole bag of pick n mix up her twat, filmed dungeon port, sucked the feet of an obese YouTuber etc…
The state of this.
No. 1267433
>>1266382Taylor is incredibly boring, her thread has one or two WKs, four or five nitpicking insaniacs, and one or two racespergs. It really doesn't have any place on /w/ anymore because she is barely weeby anymore, and barely milky. She's boring, she's had a lot of filler migration that she fixes every few months, but ultimately she's only guilty of being a tryhard mommy blogger at this point.
Belle is milky but her thread is a trainwreck of again, WKs and nitpickers. /w/ in general is pretty rife with those types.
No. 1267601
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this woman is jill in the future
No. 1270645
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I kind of miss Vicky's delusional spergs/lies and shoops (like picrel).
No. 1270651
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This pic is funny
No. 1270751
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>>1270666Some Ed Edd n Eddy characters are hot.
No. 1271152
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>>1265906I genuinely really like this outfit. What a shame she’s such a disgusting person.
From the Nemu thread.
No. 1271255
>>1270645I deeply miss these shoops, classic Vick was the funniest
>>1271244No it's an old pic
No. 1272662
>>1272542Then you have the ones saying
>Why doesn't she feel bad for the animal why does she only care about wrecking her car?>Why isn't she going vegan RIGHT NOW if she's such an empath?Like she is only allowed to do one or the other? Fuck I love animals but of course I'm going to be more upset about totaling my fucking car and potentially dying.
Also I've been in a bad accident before and the airbags didn't deploy on my side. Have any of these anons even lived in the real world before? They try to play detective but just prove they're as braindead and childish as she is.
No. 1274529
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I unironically think pixielocks thread conserves the most oldfag energy in this website and besides the few unintegrated newfags, it is one of the best threads at the moment. At least for me it is the only thread that makes me want to come back to this website, /ot/ doesnt make it for me anymore, and the cesspool happening in /meta/ right now is making me abandon all hope for this website.
No. 1277741
I know it's a super unpopular opinion for the thread because so many people these days just think any woman who is a raging asshole has BPD automatically, but I honestly think Jill's BPD is as much a product of her munching as all her other "illnesses" and serves as an excuse for her in the same way in her own mind. Anons are so quick to say "she's mad here, she's being bitchy here, it's her BPD!" when really she's just a spoiled brat from birth. There are really good examples of cows with glaring personality disorders, as
>>1277152 points out since Kathy is a perfect case, but I just don't buy it with Jill. I have met too many spoiled brats from her area who act exactly like her to trust it all being beepeedee, unless every rich kid from PEI also has it.
No. 1277975
>>1268820Omg I thought I dreamed that thread. It was so long ago now…
Does anyone have a link to the archive of it?
No. 1278315
Out of bordom I've been binge watching Chris Chan's Documentaries, I started with the newest one (got annoyed at him being called a "She" but got over it) and I decided to start from the top.
A lot of people hate Barb and are softer on his father, uh..they both were shitty. Both were kinda deadbeats and the child they did "care for" they didn't give correct care. But this isn't my unpopular opinion.
I feel like regardless of if the internet found Chris Chan, he'd ended up the same way, probably worse. I think the "trolls" keeping him busy, kept him from doing darker things. Some of them were VERY cruel but it's not the autism. He got his parents personalities which are very shitty. When Bob was defending him from when he got kicked from the gameplace and was mad at Megan for some reason,, it showed that he's just as shitty.
Also, he got a lot of his racists/homophobic views from his dad I believe. It wasn't JUST trolls or autism. I honestly enjoy how chris talks, not his voice but the way he strings togeather sentences and some insults. It's very childish but sometimes he comes up with something thats strangely "good" I can't describe it. Had no one "trolled" chris, I legit feel like he'd ended up raping a woman on his own or ending up in jail, waaayyy before it happened.
No i'm not saying the "trolls saved him". I'm saying someone like CC with parents like he did, with his autism and shitty personality, would've found fucked up people OR done something fucked up on his own. I also hate how…smug some of the trolls seemed. Like you aren't a cool good guy because you are trolling an autistic weirdo.
the whole "bluespike" shit was so disgusting and everyone involved needed to be investagated. The whole thing is so odd.
I have very little sympathy for Chris because I genuinely believe his personality is to be a disgusting entitled sex pest. I hate how Barb is seen as so evil but Bob isn't. Both were shitty parents. Sorry for the rant, I don't have anywhere to put this. No matter how much people try to "Softly" justify or explain with happened with Barb, I believe even if she was like bob, he'd still did what he did. She is weak, she's old, loosing her mind and they are isolated. It wasn't about Barb, it was about Chris needing a nut, feeling entitled to sex and loosing his mind from isolation.
No. 1278410
pedo troon as some people had the unfortunate experience of seeing on /meta/ this morning
No. 1278593
>>1266435>>1266449Late, but completely agree with these takes, especially about her thread's demographic. Instead of focusing on her actions (the bdsm, pedopandering, rape fantasies), they focus on nitpicking extremely normal parts of her.
For instance, someone was nitpicking her NOSE CRINKLES when she winks and her back rolls from posing. I'm not even a whiteknight- I used to read her thread on PULL and on here about her beginnings and how milky she was. Now, it seems as if her thread only attracts women who want to nitpick her completely normal body and scrotes who get off to humiliating her.
Her thread is borderline unreadable.
No. 1279413
>>1279297Yeah, though I agree that it was a dick move on LurchRyan's part, I have hardly any sympathy for her. I asked a scrote to move in with me because I thought he was hot; I'd known him for a month. It was horrible. He was disgusting and unclean and a cokehead.
Cohabitating with someone you've known for less than a year is retarded and if it blows up in your face you deserve it for being a retard. I don't feel sorry for her because she has a cushy safety net. Your experience was much scarier,
nonnie, and you probably didn't flip out about it as melodramatically as she has, talking about angels and devils and shit.
No. 1279772
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>>1278593i'll never forget the septic tank post, that gave me a major kek but also convinced me that the thread is filled with previously unseen levels of unmitigated autism
No. 1280416
>>1279772KEK what the fuck? This is insane
>>1279889I thought one of them was supposed to be (c)rap-chan?
No. 1286753
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Shayna was really pretty when she was skinny. She looks like Natalia Dyer from stranger things.
No. 1287324
>>1286753Weirdly she reminds me of Leftcows Dasha in that picture
>>1286755ayrt, I honestly can see thinking she's cute so I guess that makes more sense. Her voice isn't bad either but as I said before, can't be bothered to sit through all her screaming even if what she was saying were less cringey
No. 1288613
>>1288587idk either. i’ve never posted this anywhere because i avoid cow boards but when. i was 15 (in 2014-2015) i saw luna on fb randomly because she had a ton of “friends” and inevitably someone i knew would have her added, so she’d pop up in recs. i remember being horrified and not understanding why someone would make themselves look like that. i legitimately could not understand if she was a troll or just a severely mentally i’ll person. her posts screamed bpd and i promptly forgot her.
flash forward to lurking lc for some reason a couple years later and i see a luna thread. i was not in the slightest surprised. but i couldn’t and still cannot understand why she does
that to her face.
No. 1288701
>>1286753She was fine. I think anons like to gang up on Shayna to feel better about themselves and like in many threads on /w or /s if you dare suggest that the cow is average, pretty, anything other than absolutely hideous looking, you’ll face backlash from the screeching haters kek.
If she took a different route, got a good hairdresser, went to gym, and ate healthy she had the potential to be attractive. I’m afraid that ship has sailed. Something is wrong with her as her makeup wasn’t as bad as it currently is. It’s like her brain-hand coordination is fried. Either depression or weed
No. 1288888
>>1288886It's the tranny who is so
triggered,he can't even quote properly anymore.
No. 1289815
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Why the fuck are the Kiwifags on Lucindas thread there so creepy? This post just reads groomer to me. I prefer the hateboner anons to this weird shit.
>>1288903Yeah her initial threads were really not needed. She was a spoiled girl who lied, she was a cow that belonged in a general thread imo.
No. 1291401
>>1288758To your first point, I agree. In my opinion, neither Shay nor Jill were attractive when they were skinny. For Shayna, I thought she was unattractive both then and now, but in different ways. Maybe in some pictures she was
marginally more attractive than she is now, but skinny!Shay was ugly in a scrawny, rodent-like way as opposed to the Yaniv grin that she pulls off in every picture. As for Jill, I thought that her features looked too big for her face when she was thin. Like, weirdly bulbous or something. I honestly think she looks better with more weight on (though not as much as she's got now) because it fills in her face and makes those features more harmonious.
No. 1291513
>>1291504ayrt That's really touching,
nonny. I hope you're doing much better today, and of course, that the woman you speak of is alive and well <3
No. 1296588
>>1277741To be fair, I do think that most of the people with years-long threads have a Cluster B PD because someone usually has to have engage in some notably shitty behavior over a long period of time for a thread to sustain itself (ofc there are a lot of exceptions to this), and if they are failing to grow out of it, especially as an adult, then chances are that it's just a part of them.
I think Jill has Histrionic Personality Disorder rather than BPD, same with Taylor (the pet hoarder one), Lucinda, various minor cows on the pro-ana thread, etc that regularly get called BPDchans. The munching, shocking self-presentation, and/or regular one-person dramatic sagas really make it come across as excessive attention-seeking rather than BPDshit, but in general, lolcow has always had a tendency to speculate about BPD on nearly every thread (unless the cow claims that they're diagnosed, in which case they're totally faking, lol) as if it's the only thing that can can cause chronic bad behavior.
>>1288707Neither of them were very attractive from the start, but they've deteriorated so much that their old pics look gorgeous in comparison.
>>1292281Crumps is an insufferable psued trying to make a living off of writing about insufferable pseuds, but his agonizing self-involved purple prose really elevated his recent blogpost into a primo piece of drama imo. Really just drove home how empty and uncool the entire post-left influencer ecosystem is.
No. 1301664
>>1301569Most cows won't restart from 0 because
1. They'll lose an established following, even if it's 5 people
2. They'll be found again
Cow threads have an inverse effect where the cows decide to piss off the haters more instead of growing up and when they notice everyone got bored of them they feel bad.
No. 1302100
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Shayna is literally making me gasp with the pictures she's posting recently. Sometimes I think anons are really harsh on her, but the fetcon pics are rough. She looks horrible and I'm personally horrified she wore one of her skirt belts out in public with her gut sticking out.
Does she not have eyes? Look at her tummy jutting out of her clothes.
No. 1302108
>>1302100Do you have a higher resolution photo,
nonnie? This is really grainy even after clicking on it
No. 1302115
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>>1302108This may work. I still don't know how anyone who isn't blind can go out in this outfit. There is literally no need for pants/coverage since she's so fat her skirt can't cover her vag OR ass…which is the whole point of wearing clothes.s
No. 1302171
>>1302129Ayrt and yes it does
>>1302166Her grift definitely goes beyond OF though. I haven't been keeping up on her since she moved to Seattle, but she clearly hasn't been evicted and it's not cheap to live there. Farmers always dunk on her for begging for money from her Womacks, but that is literally her job. Its sort of comforting to know she won't face real hardship no matter how fat she gets, because moids will continue to bankroll her as long as she is somewhere in the realm of their fetish.
No. 1302197
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>>1302188>I really doubt most of the people going to “fetishcon” are that amazing looking themselvesShe's positively a Stacey compared to them kek.
tbh I don't care about Shayna at all but I'm living for fetish con proving, beyond a doubt, that polyamory and bdsm/kink is for uglies who have to go to extremes in order to manage orgasms in each other's presence. Normal people don't need that shit.
No. 1302201
>>1302188My point is that she isn't dressing to appeal to farmers or normie women, she's dressing like a fat whore fantasy for men with fetishes. She literally pees in diapers kek It kills me how anons will post about her gut and homegrown fupa and reminisce about her teenage years when she is financially benefitting from her appearance. I have a soft spot for Shayna, she was always just pathetic enough to affect me. It was probably because she was living in Oklahoma and sadposting between white zin binges
and I could fix her, idk. She is never going to clean up, lose weight, and get a real job (as is everyanon's helpful suggestion), but at least she can stay afloat, you know? And she seems like she can bear it, because she craves male attention just enough to want to appeal to the third rate moids that normie women find objectionable and rightfully refuse to touch.
No. 1302204
>>1302200kek thanks for trying to defend my honor
nonnie but it's not that deep.
No. 1305225
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No. 1305486
>>1302297Basically what
>>1302304 said. She's the most popular/prolific cow on the board, for good reason or not. For the amount of milk that she produces, I honestly don't understand the rate at which new threads are created for her. Yeah she's hideous and gross, but there are many cows on this board of a similarly hideous caliber; and yes, I know it's infiltrated by malding fatty Twitter "sex workers" who have clearly exemplified their ineptitude by complaining on Twitter about how hard they "work" despite the dearth of shekels and attention they acquire from their "fans" while seemingly having enough time to seethe in the Shayna thread about how much they hate her.
I just don't understand why these retards can't STFU when there's no milk rather than regurgitating the same nitpicks every time. The fact that she has the highest number of threads on the board in spite of being one of the most boring cows as of yet is enough evidence for me to believe that we should start banning "sex work"/OF cows (ie cows who are only known for creating shoddy porn) to reduce activity from jealous hamplanet twtards because I think the drama boards are suffering from nuisance posters. Hopefully whenever the admin "finishes" those updates they claim to be making on the website after which they can hire more jannies rather than let the board fester with summerfags, troons/moids, and twtards
No. 1305545
>>1305486What I find really funny is that Shaynafags will talk about how horrible her life is and how she's a shut in loser but she's been on what, like 3 trips in the last year alone? She's going places.
Currently there's discourse about sex worker hate in that thread but honestly I feel they're all just salty sex workers larping as non sex workers. How can anyone pay this much attention to her? She isn't interesting. And the Vivi drama is a stretch too considering if it were anyone but Shayna they'd be upset that someone was trying to force a woman to have sex on camera when she didn't want to.
No. 1306023
>>1305486There are so many anons who openly go to the thread just to post that they are better than her, as though the bar is set super high. It makes me wonder what could be up in their lives that they need to make direct comparisons to her to feel better
>>1305987I could totally see Kathy ending up in a filmed public confrontation someday
No. 1306100
>>1305486I remember some anon mentioning that they open her thread in the morning to read updates like a newspaper. I think they've been going on for so long that at this point some anons are just emotionally attached to her even though she's boring. The ones who drive the threads are unhinged though.
>>1305569>witty, and so much smarterBut I thought she was diagnosed with an IQ of 65!!! Could she be lying?
No. 1306943
>>1305486As a casual reader of her threads, the biggest appeal for me is how fast they move. If I'm bored and just want to read some stupid shit, I can pretty reliably find new replies there. She really never changes, any criticism made about her now probably wouldn't be out of place ten threads ago, which is boring for a lot of farmers, but it also makes it really easy to read even when you haven't kept up to date on them because you probably didn't miss anything that hasn't happened before. Shayna also tweets constantly so you never really have to wait on her to do something, like I've never gone to her twitter but I assume everything she tweets gets posted in the thread for everyone to react to the same way they reacted to the previous million bad tweets.Truly the junk food of /snow/ threads.
It's also just funny seeing the OF freaks shitflinging in there, you're absolutely right that it's primarily populated by other failed twitter whores.
No. 1308836
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No. 1309596
>>1305569youre right
nonnie and you should say it. i really hope she is not dead but i know she is suffering. i hope very much she gets better
No. 1310645
>>1307526NTAYRT but it's weird that someone with a dying thread has so much "fans" among farmers.
Feels like bad astroturfing.
>>1309596Try to hide your Twitter-speak better next time ""anon""
No. 1313563
I don't get the Belle Delphine thread. It's such a shit fucking thread. I tried to read it but you must be fucking braindead to think it's entertaining. It isn't. She's just some twitter sex worker that got big.
None of this is entertaining. Sure, it might be milky if you're dying of thirst in the middle of the Sahara, but I feel like your average cowfag would not give a single shit about any of that. Why? Because the picture stealing happened so long ago (yes it was incredibly wrong of her to do, she's a shitty person for that) and the herpes thing is like… okay? Personally I just don't find herpes entertaining. Like sucks that she's got it I guess but really? You are all entertained by some ugly-ass butt herpes for weeks? Also, the pedo-baiting is gross and weird but reposting every fucking update she makes on social media because she has pigtails or whatever is not fucking milk. She's a fucking twitter sex worker with an onlyfans, uh no fucking shit she's going to be wearing that retarded shit. Moids on twitter consume lethal amounts of anime every day and, well, you know anime. She's pandering hard to unfavorable scrotes which is what every sex worker does in general. I'm not excusing it and I think it's gross but come on you retards, it's not entertaining in the least. God, she's so fucking boring. You have to be retarded to regularly post in there. It's like Shayna's thread except more psychotic because they'll bark and snip at you and call you a fucking whiteknight for pointing out these blatantly obvious facts. Also I've never posted in that thread before or posted about it on /meta/ so inb4 all the YOU'RE A FUCKING WHITEKNIGHT REEEEE, I'm not. I don't like her but I hate milkless, pointless threads more.
No. 1315122
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kekkk. Glad to see them sassy farmhands doing their job, clap clap
No. 1316391
>>1316348I already watches a video on creepshow art where they claim we done and harrass people. The point is is doesn't matter what actually goes on here, when people see that we
talk about troons they'll say whatever they can to shut us down. However, maybe it's too much doom posting, we aren't that known or infamous as Kiwifarms. It's just if you can say/do anything to take down your "enemy" and it actually works, it makes me fear for any spaces. This wasn't just about a dox it was because Trans people were involved.
No. 1316594
>>1313563I tried checking out Ironmouse thread in w and it was very similar, dumb nitpicks and vendetta. Everyone complaining that she’s too old to be playing a young character (why? That’s what being an actor is) and that she’s a bad mother without there being any actual proof of that, she apparently has an older teenage daughter that imo doesn’t need her 24/7. Idk sounds to me like Anons are just jealous that didn’t think of doing what she does and jealous she could get scrote money without even showing herself. And keep in mind I never even watched any of her videos, I just checked the thread.
Most of w seems like dumb vendettas to me. I miss that one Rey impersonator milk, she became a boring horse girl but she was like the only milky person w had.
No. 1317022
>>1316594I just think it's fucking disgusting how her (and most vtubers) are pedo-pandering with their
>uwu look at how high pitched my voice is and how tiny my avatar is!! im also so short irl guisss im a little baby hehe!! nooooo im not thattt young hehe!Shit. They're all grown women who should know better.
No. 1318460
>>1318446Pixielocks is literally the Shayna of /w/ as evidenced by the constant derailing and simultaneous lack of milk
>>1318454More than one anon can disagree with you.
No. 1318607
>>1318460How can you call pixielocks the Shayna of /w/ for not having milk when she's been starting shit with people daily and has her did larp. Belle delphine's thread is the most similar to shaynas imo
Speaking of, I'm suprised shayna hasnt tried to pander to weebs yet.
No. 1319201
>>1318719>>1318607>>1318759NTA but Pixie is not that milky. Like Shay, her behavior is highly predictable. Sure they both get into spats on Twitter. But that doesn't constitute milk IMO. I don't see how people can find someone doing the same terminally online shit everyday to be entertaining. It's worse that both threads are constantly getting derailed, and I suspect it has much to do with the overlapping communities—probably people who have interacted with either cow reeeing about how they're so
toxic/BEE PEE DEE à la sex workers and Confetti Clubbers (it's pretty obvious). Almost every thread in /w/ and /snow/ has devolved into shitflinging and autism, like editfag in Belle's thread and the yellowfever weeb in Venus' thread. The only thread I keep up with on either board these days are Altcows since every other thread is either stale or infested with unintegrated spergs, and even that thread is going stale because all they ever talk about is Snake/Skat/Kaya.
>>1318607You don't read the Shay threads enough then. There's nothing in her constitution, besides liking pink Hello Kitty shit, that even aligns her with the weebs. She has no interests outside of smoking pot and Twitter.
No. 1319234
>>1319221I agree that her body isn't as bad as some anons make it out to be. I do see why some anons feel a certain way about some of her flaws, but I honestly think that some anons are too harsh on Lillee. She's socially and emotionally (maybe even physically) stunted by years of neglect by Laur. Even on KF, it's not Lillee who has a thread but
Laur. Most issues that Lillee has is a direct effect of Laur's influence, and Laur is probably one of the few cows on this board that makes me so upset because of how much she took away from her daughter. It will take Lillee years to even touch the idea of having a normal, independent life.
No. 1319685
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When I see nonnies talk sbout how the drama boards are not interesting anymore… All I can think of is, perhaps we've all grown up and matured, drama isn't as fun anymore as when you were in highschool. Discovering the other boards counts as a lolcow graduation in itself.
No. 1319694
>>1319684Man… Why is everyone so new
Anyways, hellweek was a thing that farmhands did where moderation would become increasingly more strict and mods were really active and present. It made everyone act more in line with the rules and anyone who didn't integrate or broke them was immediately banned. A zero tolerance policy
Man I can't believe I'm saying this in the past sense
No. 1319705
>>1319693I've been here since 2017 yeah and at first I had one particular cow, eventually moved to /ot/ and /g/, over time I was turned into a
terf, now I pretty much only look at MtF general. I sometimes wonder how many have that same path.
No. 1319981
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I unironically think momokun is hot. Idk shit about her as a person but she looks nice. Some cows also are really not as bad looking or fat as nonnas make them out to be. The posts are so dramatic and the pic attached is just a perfectly normal photo of a normal human kek
No. 1320773
>>1320752I notice it a lot too, or girls who are obviously thin by mainstream standards (16-18 BMI) but not exactly full anachan, and anons will rip on said girl calling her fat.
Also I know that /w/ is already a dumpster fire of newfags but the gyaru thread is another level of cancer.
It’s obvious it’s the same 4 people trying to ”cancel” on who they deem “
problematic” but LC isn’t akin to twitter where people legitimately care about shit like fatphobia.
That isn’t to say you can’t talk about cows who are racist/sexist etc but we’re literally just here to laugh and discuss, but not lead a moral crusade.
No. 1324826
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I don't get why this dude and micky moon get constantly bumped on /w/, they don't seem thaaaaaaaaat interesting.
No. 1324827
>>1324020>It just makes him seem more ridiculous for trying to take over this janky ass site in his attempt to be King of the Autists.kekkkk
>I already know of one tranny IRL who has fallen for Keffals's dumb campaign and believes Null is some sort of Hitler for trannies lmfao.Fuck. It won't be too long since this shit gets translated to spanish then. Rip
No. 1333590
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No. 1333597
>>1333590I seriously feel like
I want to kiss her just by looking at this picture gahhhhhh I hate this so fuking muchhhhhhh. Never felt this for this ugly retarded bitch before. Self obsessed narcissistic twat
No. 1338259
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Sometimes I still keep up with PnP and I thought she was doing alright but this is fucking hilarious.
No. 1340061
I think many anons in the Pixielocks thread are either young or sheltered. An anon brought up that a lot of zoomers aren't actually "mentally ill" but just immature and many anons went on the attack, but I frankly agree. The brain doesn't stop developing until 25, and by the most liberal definition of the word the oldest Gen Z'ers have only just turned 25, and much younger are the core TikTok group. The reason that Jillian acts out the way that she does is because she's been coddled her entire life, so she's emotionally immature. People like her are a dime a dozen and I've seem them myself as I attended an Ivy League university
not trying to sound smart nonnies just giving context ♥. And I know this one has been beaten to death already, but I don't believe she has BPD either because she really present with many of the symptoms. Again, I think the population of that thread is young or sheltered, because a lot of the explanations they dole out in favor of her PD are fairly mild things like smoking weed and giving people the silent treatment when they upset her (or being rude/overly defensive) and dressing like a rainbow. None of these constitute a BPD diagnosis alone, and psychiatrists
in theory work hard to obtain as much context as possible before making a diagnosis. IMO there are worse cows on this board for whom I've never seen as many people call them BPD, and especially when BPD is just a modern-day version of a hysteria diagnosis for women it's so wild to me how quickly anons will call other women BPD-chans.
>>1338277Agreed. Also agree with
>>1333683 because Caleb is ugly and a groomer, now he can reap what he has sown.
And honestly if you want a better idea of how a person suffering from trauma usually acts just look at Alice, Venus, and Nika and Jaelle. They all vary in horrorcowness (some more than others) but the underlying sense of trauma/un-wellness is pretty similar
No. 1340356
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>>1340061The reason nonas found it insufferable is because its a Pixielocks thread. Not a "is mental illnesss real???? DAE" thread on fucking reddit. Theres no doubt zoomers fake illness all the time, we dont need someone to post a fucking book about it, the fucking existence of Pixielocks is enough evidence that fakers for attention exist.
people dogpiled on that nona cause no one gives a shit about her opinions on zoomers, its derailing regardless if its correct or no. and she keeps doing it again and again and again so i dont see how you cant see that the issue is ruining the fucking thread? not that we all disagree? PIC RELATED; THIS IS THE COW WE ARE TALKING ABOUT, YES WE KNOW FAKERS EXIST
No. 1340365
>>1338259Kek, and to think I just read she “is no longer a cow”
>>1338270They did.
No. 1340436
>>1340430You're right
nonnie. It's already a proven thing anyways from the haydur thread, the anti-os, the sex workers crying about shayna being a nazi or sex workers flexing about their bikini cafe jobs. At the same time, most of these lolcows hurt themselves more than lolcow can ever hurt them. I just have a hard time feeling sorry for them because all they have to do is log off, touch grass or/and stop being cunts. With so many of them being sex workers too, they really do open themselves up for heavy scrutiny on their bodies since it technically is a commodity they are selling, but at the same time I don't really think someone being ugly or fat is good milk or entertaining.
No. 1340441
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The person who posted this on the pixielocks thread was probably well intentioned but also it just made me think of all the times I was told my depression and adhd wasn't real and that I should just get more discipline.
No. 1340690
>>1340061 Maybe I'm too autistic to understand if this is a joke, but what makes you think Brown?
No. 1340722
>so i dont see how you cant see that the issue is ruining the fucking threadNo, what's ruining the thread is people who cannot hold their (metaphoric) tongues and just report the user for derailing rather than arguing with them for 50+ replies. Again, I don't think Jill has BPD, and many other anons would agree with me. Saying such isn't necessarily armchairing
though armchairing usually follows and there is plenty of reason to believe that Pixie would be lying about having it, especially when considering that she has the resources to doctor shop if she wants a particular diagnosis plus a history of doing so. You can't slap a term like BPD onto anyone just because you don't like them/think they're mean; it is an actual diagnosis with an actual meaning.
No. 1340985
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>>1265906Cows are the silent jury in the trial of humankind
No. 1342974
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I don't feel like she was told I think she still lurks lolcow and assumed it was gone for good kek.
No. 1343028
I mean this genuinely- none of the cows worth watching are milky anymore. Luna, Lillee, Shayna, Lucinda, Slutcasino, Shane Dawson and co., the pro ana scumbags, and Elaine have been the only interesting cows for a long while and they've died down in terms of interest significantly. The only milk now is sporadic bursts of insanity like Lurch being a foot fetishist on Twitter for a few days or Elaine carving Joshua Moon into her thighs. Lucinda was the last one and she is non existent, so the already dead /pt/ and dwindling /snow/ have essentially no appeal beyond the MtF thread now since that has very steady milk. I wish we could focus on someone interesting like that fat guy who was caught eating hotdogs and making turkey noises, stabbed his dad, and tried to sue rogue internet man
No. 1345952
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Searched on duck duck go on accident and found this, wtf? Who did this?
also I guess golden kamui is the most representative topic on this website at the moment
No. 1345955
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>>1345954are people actually using this when lolcow goes down? When did I miss this
No. 1345962
>>1345955Pretty sure a
nonny in the kiwi thread made it due to the worries that we'd be next to go down. No idea if anyone is using it though.
No. 1348163
>>1347931Oh definitely same
nonnie, but also I'm grateful that I'm not a disgusting loser kek
No. 1348516
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>>1348456It’s just cause she has a smug looking face like she’s smelling caca
No. 1351073
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She's only on the farms because of her retarded husband really, but Hila Kleine's clothing line and general style gives me the vibe of a 40-year old facing her childhood abuse trauma with the guidence of some really quirky therapist. She must at least have some issues with not getting enough attention earlier in her life, her instagram makes me uncomfortable.
No. 1352789
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Fucking tired of the racebaiters on Jillian Vessey thread
No. 1353812
>>1353798Agree completely, I love how once he unhinged his leech self from her arm it became so clear he was the problem. I have been irrationally hating Jake for years and was right all along, Kaya is absolutely thriving without him and I hope she continues to succeed. He was literally sucking the life out of her and people thought she was "lazy"
Also loving how much he continues to fuck up his life without her guidance. My favourite cow turnaround of the year.
No. 1361670
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the fact tuna threads exist and remain very active is insane. ive been lurking her threads for years. i didnt get it at first. shes not interesting and lurch is braindead. but now that im older and have worked shitty jobs and moved out and had shitty landlords and shitty everything alwayss. i lose my mind with tuna shit. she buys new nails and expensive fucking fenty makeup and complains when daddy doesnt take her shopping even though shes a grown adult. she doesnt have a job, has done nothing in years. just squats and contributes NOTHING to society… and then buys fake nails again.
all her threads are the same, but thats what makes it more infuriating. lurch is a pedophile with no job and shes a junkie thief with no job. they get to live in New York nodding off and stealing every other day. You're not a teenager anymore, stop relying on your dad and sephoras shitty securtity. If they put a fraction of the time they spend ebegging or stealing into an actual job they could actually pay rent for once. Its BONKERS. Her threads have aged like the finest wine to me.
No. 1366758
>>1366742It doesn't matter how Vangelina acted on her stream if she's also flinging shit without any regard for the repercussions that would come out of the slapfight
That was the whole point of
>>1366475 No. 1366831
>>1366754Where do you think you are?
I think anyone who feels like their last righteous cope is "the people on lolcow are losers" has sunken quite low lmfao
No. 1366840
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>>1366754girl this is low quality bait
No. 1366853
>>1366754I've said before that I think alot of people drawn to cows have had their own moments where they've been tards in similar ways. That seeing a tiny bit of yourself in the cow is part of the draw. But then I think most have avoided going full cow and that's why its interesting to watch people who spiralled over the years. Cows double and triple down on the same old behaviours. Its like seeing how bad things could've got if you hadn't caught yourself sooner.
Or some just treat it like an online soap opera to catch up on.
No. 1367241
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>>1367010i agree! but not only that nona, she also surrounded herself with only yes men. she has no friends other than her mom
in the old threads she changed friend groups constantly because she was a shitty friend. but nowadays she has no idea how insane she comes across cause she pushed away anyone who questions her. so now shes alone, depressed, and more unhinged than ever.
No. 1368104
>>1368045>>1367425i mean, are you new to her threads? check the old ones. the Japan trip and whatever are nonas circlejerking about absolutely nothing.
but jill finally starts acting like the retard we all know she is publicly and now the threads are shit? seems like youre either nostalgic for the boring nitpick threads or like you havent followed her threads at all
No. 1368128
>>1368104Except I never said the old threads were any better, retard. I just said that they're shit, and they are. You're quoting two different anons; reading comprehension clearly isn't part of your skillset.
The only difference from her old threads is that there are more users now so they move faster, and the fact that nobody doubts/is allowed to doubt her BPD anymore
No. 1372118
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>>1369275Same. Cows are friends, not food.
No. 1376914
I haven't visited the Lori thread since Kevin's court drama kicked off because his antics are really the only reason I ever read at all, but now I feel so weird because one of her reply guys an anon screencapped is someone I have met before in a context that had nothing to do with internet shit. Bizarre feeling.
>>1376755Agreed, I really genuinely want her life to get better
No. 1377036
>>1376280I still cannot understand the point of the cam-girls thread, such a dull thread filled with blatant vendetta. How haven't the mods just shut that shit down by now? There has never been a single drop of milk in that thread every time i have passed by it, just a bunch of pathetic bikini baristas seething by the looks of things. It's just a boring version of the onlyfans thread and that thread is really funny sometimes.
>>1373669I feel terrible for her too. I don't think she deserves to be mocked, I will only go to her thread once I know she is gone back to her home country to get help. I just want her redemption arc to happen, she is not a bad person to me, just a broken one. I also hate anons who nit-pick her body too, idk it just seems really mean spirited considering even a bulk of her nasty coomer moids abandoned her when she became too depressing, says a lot anons who continue to mock her and find entertainment from her suffering.
No. 1378525
I'm a traumatized edgelord too, but fakeboitherottengirl has pickme taste in horror movies. You'll simp for fucking A Serbian Movie, show it in class, but you don't like "Audition"? I don't see any long manifestos about "I spit on your Grave". "American Mary" barely gets an honorable mention in a reblogged list. MS. 45 (Angel of vengeance)? Nothing. Has a degree in art but never mentioned the movie "M.F.A." or even watched it. The only reason you don't like Salo is because it's not extreme enough, not because it literally has naked minors in there, so much for being such a RF. You think the animal cruelty in Cannibal Holocaust is a plus, even though the movie is boring af with or without. And suuure, you're not fangirling about Manson with your tinfoil that he's your grandpa. Oh don't forget, your obsession with Shirley Temple is creepy af. You're so kind to other women right, as a response to trauma? Yet you admit you abused and gaslit your sister for years. You somehow are such a massive pickme that you think fatphobia is worse than rape. You want Aileen Wuornos to come back? She'd laugh in your face over that. Yet at the same time you use it as an excuse to let scrotes simulate rape on you and cut you. You still protect your uwu so mentally ill nazi father, while pretending to be such a leftist. I don't understand why any nonna ever sympathized with you.
No. 1379956
>>1379944I was once dared to watch the movie when I was a teenager for €20,-. A Serbian Film is pretty OTT, especially notorious for the inclusion of the
Newborn Porn scene. The director claims it represents how Serbian people are fucked from birth to after death, but he spent most of his time outside of Serbia on his daddy's dime and knows jackshit about the hardships in Serbia, then comes back only to slander the country's name with a pedophilic goreporn horror movie. The plot revolves around a retired porn actor having to get back into it and being forced to do fucked up shit, including to his own family
that son you saw in the beginning gets raped at the end by the father and she thinks that because it was so outrageous and OTT, while including the retired porn actor trying to get out angle, that it is anti-porn. Considering the director's other work, no. He had no other intentions or ideas other than wanting to make a movie about the most fucked up shit he could think of (and since it's as scrote, let's be real, he gets off on it and there are probably lots of scrotes who watch it as porn), like Tom Sixx who created the Human Centipede based on a joke he heard.
Don't watch it again, it's not worth it.
No. 1380140
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I was really hoping Dylan Mulvaney was a troll. I’m not terf-y tbh (I simply have a different philosophical standpoint), but definitely fed up with some of this bullshit.
Some anon suggested that Dylan is an industry plant, so I’m believing that now.
No. 1380473
>>1380145>>1380327I haven't watched it either and I'm surprised I never heard of the director or series until recently, because I did know about the Soska sisters (American Mary was pretty based, sad that they're apparently some sort of cows too) and apparently they starred in one of his movies at one point, disavowed him and don't want to be mentioned in the same sentence as him ever again (sorry kek). Here's an excerpt from someone's blog
>For some backstory, Lucifer Valentine is the director of the infamous Vomit Gore Trilogy (there are five films now) that depict really graphic scenes of women being mutilated and legit vomiting. Think a pretentious horror movie version of Lars Von Trier that’s very fetish pornographic-like. I first discovered Lucifer Valentine years ago right when I turned 14 (I will be 20 next week). At the time, I didn’t think anything of his controversies (re: allegations of sexual abuse and him just being creepy). I was fully immersed in the eating disorder scene of Tumblr (given that I had a battle with bulimia at the time) and was recommended to watch his movies by a friend, given that his movies revolve around eating disorders. I knew they were made for adults but as a horror fan, I thought he was pretty cool. I wish I had better judgement at the time but I was also young and at an incredibly vulnerable age. Despite his movies being borderline pornographic, we became very close and he would always contact me asking if I’d want artwork from him or if I’d want to star in one of his movies when I turned 18. I was estatic that a director I loved was reaching out to me so I did anything he asked. There was one instance where he asked me to purge on camera while holding a box set of one of his films. I obliged to his request, despite me being 14. I realize that asking someone underage to puke their guts out on camera is not illegal and I’m NOT insinuating this - but it’s another story if someone much older than you with a vocal puke fetish asks you to do that. I later found out he asked various women, both underage and of legal age, to do these things. While I was in various VGT related FB groups, I spoke with girls who told me very disturbing stories about how he groomed them. They told me how he scouts female fans right after they turn 18 and manipulate them into starring into his movies. Most of the women who are fans of him have eating disorders and throughout his films, he depicts his fetish for women having bulimia. Pretty fucked up.As I’ve gotten older, I’ve left that part of my life behind me. However, there have been some pretty disturbing allegations against LV on Twitter in the past few months. This twitter thread brings into question the safety of the actresses involved in those films. As someone who watched all the behind the scenes features, all the actresses looked very incoherent when talking to LV in the middle of shooting. People are speculating that something very sinister was happening on set and I believe it. This comment on YouTube really unsettled me in particular:“I’ve met people in the sex worker industry saying he is an absolute monster and breaks contracts and goes after minors. They were genuinely shaken up and scared even mentioning him.”Even more disturbing, The Soska Sisters (American Mary/See No Evil 2) starred in one of his movies way back in 2008. They completely deny that they were in the movie despite them being credited. I had a friend who reviewed American Mary years ago and when he mentioned that they starred in one of his films, they begged him to remove it out of his review. I also heard that they were stalked by a LV “hater” at a horror convention, asking them for his personal information which brought them to tears. I hope that more information comes out about him and that we find out the real truth. It must mean something if all the actresses that starred in his film have gone without a trace (no social media pages or anything) and that the Soska Sisters, who are very famous in the horror community, have disavowed their involvement in his films. I just hope all of his victims find justice and peace. I’m still trying to find mine despite being groomed at such a young age. No. 1380781
>>1380473Thanks for the rundown nonna.
>>1379944 picked my curiosity but browsing through gross pics of abused women on Google made me sick and I was unable to keep searching.
He's a stupid edgy mood, with a ridiculous edgy alias (Is he a 12 year old on Vampire Freaks or what ? Kek) and belongs in jail.
Abusing women under the guise of ~muh art ! I'm so deep !~ is still abuse. God, I hate scrotes.
No. 1380928
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>>1380781What is even more baffling is that there are lots of radblr orbiters apparently who are into this kind of shit. I'm not against all edgelordism, I don't think you're a bad person if you like horror movies other than the Exorcist. I understand being into gorey movies, there are lots of revenge movies where rapists and other scrotes get their just desserts, which you can think is cringe or juvenile. However these types are always into movies where the focus mostly is on women and children being hurt, involves actual nude minors (in the case of Salo), actual animal abuse (Cannibal Holocaust), actual abuse of actresses (SVD), or just completely OTT subject matter (A Serbian Film etc.) and they're other wise boring movies too which aren't worth watching. It's like they want to watch women, children and animals actually suffer, I just want to watch scrote pedos and rapists suffer, we're not the same (picrel).
No. 1381035
I don't really think Ironmouse is a cow or care about her that much, but I have read the thread a couple times out of curiosity and I can't get over how gross the viewers of hers who stumble upon the thread are. Like, they're not simply mad at the idea that she might be different in real life than she is online, they're raging at the very idea that she is a
grown woman and claim there's no proof (in spite of the video of her saying she has a ten year old child being a webm in the thread) because they are just that incensed that she might not be an underage girl. They just go ahead and say the quiet part out loud with no shame. Their fantasy is that some little girl is sitting there entertaining them day and night and they are so into deluding themselves about it that any threat to that delusion makes them freak out. What a sick bunch of individuals.
>>1380783She just treats DID like it's some gender identity thing, she uses it completely interchangeably with her stupid nonbinary shit in terms of how outlandish it is and how she will tantrum if others do not validate it
No. 1381965
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>>1380783 Since it was mentioned on Jill's thread to write about DID on here, I'm going to. I'm going to keep some details vague despite this being an anon board just in case this info I throw here does get thrown around on other parts of the web I don't want to have myself exposed. Major blogpost, so I'm saging
I know Jill and many other tiktokers DID is bullshit due to the sheer fact it is my own boyfriend who suffers from DID. He doesn't even touch social media, and I haven't even attempted to ask him his thoughts on what bastardization is going on since he really hates his DID being brought up at all. It's stupidly complicated and he only has one alter, they fucking hate each other. I don't even think I could fathom how hard it is for anyone else who actually has DID. My boyfriend did get an official diagnosis due to his alter and doctors there were even baffled. We can't even find professionals in our area who study and know DID at all, so getting help is near impossible, therapists here aren't exactly trained so they can't do much either except help with any other mental issues that aren't DID. There are several details I know I don't know about my boyfriend's life, but both of us agree his DID probably stems from his birth father, who is physically
abusive and heavily addicted to drugs. His mother also has untreated bipolar disorder, so that certainly doesn't help.
When it comes to switches, thankfully it's been over a year since that has happened at all, but it would take a huge physical toll on his body. He would often faint and/or get excruciating headaches. Sometimes the switches just suddenly… happened. It's so strange. Once some of his longtime friends even saw a switch happened they didn't recognize him anymore. Physically he looked the same, obviously, but the way he talks, walks (hell the POSTURE for some reason) general attitude, taste in food/drinks and even voice would change, we also found out his handwriting changes and even tolerance to cold showers. (My bf will never ever take them willingly, only hot) It's incredibly strange, and I know he wouldn't be offended by me saying that because he's been very loud about that and how much he hates that this is something he suffers at all. I also want to note, yes, his alter absolutely retains whatever knowledge my boyfriend has. But whatever his alter does, my boyfriend will not remember a thing, but his alter remembers things my boyfriend does. It's weird, and seeing how bastardized someone like Jill makes this disorder makes me so fucking sick. It is not a quirky disorder, it's so fucking serious. And I realize me posting all of this won't convince people DID is real, and honestly, that's fine. It's hard to believe it over the internet (anything I've found that seems genuine at all I take with such a grain of salt because it's so complicated and under researched) I didn't even think anything like this was real until I met my boyfriend and it started to actively ruin his life for awhile. It's wacky as fuck and complicated. Jill and all these other bitches can genuinely go fuck themselves
No. 1384449
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I can’t believe Foodie Beauty is pulling a full Kanadajin3. What in the hell is up with these women from progressive, Western countries leaning into hardline Islam. I really wish Chantal had a thread here because her current arc is shaping up to be even milkier than her time with Nader
No. 1384459
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>>1384449western women do this after a random muslim guy on Facebook messages them "hello beautiful you are blue eyes yes I love you yes very much" and their whole world is changed
No. 1384460
>>1384449Chantal loves
abusive guys, just like most love self steem women sadly they confuse narcissim with confidence
No. 1384475
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>>1384468He's beautiful.
>>1384471I'm already in shock. Good suggestion,
No. 1384726
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>>1384639I wish there were updates on this polycule. Any news of them stopped though once it was reported that one of the men beat the woman's newborn child.
No. 1385405
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>>1382030Moo for me too. Like you said, I don't really care that she photoshops, pretty much anyone who posts pictures online for a living will use Photoshop and make their skin clearer, ass fatter and whatever. At one point she was too fat to get aways with it, but it looks like she lost weight so it's hot again. Good for her, I guess I'll go back to lurking her threads again. Stopped caring when she got obese
No. 1385838
>>1384694know how you (and LJ kek) feel
nonnie, my mom was similarly emotionally co-dependent in a very unhealthy way, often I felt like I was being treated as a child, a spouse, and a mom. it's fucked up and I feel bad for LJ because that's absolutely what is happening to her and what can she do when it's the only life she's known? I also wish she'd get away and just be a chubby short girl working at a Starbucks or something.
otherwise I feel like Lori Lewd from /w/ is actually quite pretty, both filtered and not, and is still really skinny. Her thread is full of insane nitpicking and I never see anyone get redtexted for being deranged over her fat rolls, meanwhile you can't say shit about Belle Delphine on /w/. It's weird but long story short I feel like the shitting on Lori is over the top given she's just one of a million ethots. The shit with Kevin is milky though, but talking that level of shit about her appearance is crazy to me.
No. 1387264
>>1383976I'm not going to lie, I feel a bit sorry for Heather and that is part of why I follow her thread. She's milky in the way everyone is milky, i.e. lazy, too idealistic, unselfaware, etc.
Basically, pretty normal. She might have bipolar or something because sometimes she acts maniac from my pov.
No. 1387355
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momokun looks like an ugly turtle. I'm surprised nonnies. Her body was ok before all the lipo and plastic surgery. ngmi
No. 1387872
>>1387630>a fashion icon that part is always wild to me because she has zero fashion sense. you can picture the dark/light academia moodboard she got her clothing from and it's so funny. her big event outfits are so random and horrific looking, I don't know what she's thinking. she doesn't have style. her clothes almost never fit!! she doesn't know what her hair looks like, ever. she can't look in the mirror and see what she looks like? she def has some kind of self-image dysmorphia.
but yeah, totally, I would also like a job that only requires me to produce 2-6 hours of content
per month and pays 300k/yr. don't know why she even bothers with trying to do acting, Anna seems happy doing shit all with the rest of her time.
all the dumb shit is from Anna, but
only dumb shit comes from Anna. Dasha has some neutral projects to look at and a lot of them are homages to something, even her movie, so it's like you're not even really seeing her so what is there to get mad at her for (maybe that's her trick). Anna's actually sincere opinions (and occasional shitposting when it suits her to call it that) about serious things she posts on twitter are all she has to show and all of her opinions are dogshit. When she tries to clarify on the pod you find out her opinion is even worse than you gave her credit for. Plus she has a nasty and haughty way of conversing with people which is maddening because she's obviously dumb as a brick, I understand why Azealia Banks immediately turned on her. I think she cozied up with incel-internet dudes because it's not hard to be smarter than those guys and it makes her feel good about herself.
No. 1391683
>>1388329pixie is bigger but is shaped better then Shayna and has always looked better/cleaner then shayna. Now that I think of it shayna has always been crusty/dusty looking. At least Pixie had a cute face when she was smaller (jowls and all, who cares about those).
Anyway, am I the only one who can see Katherine Harlow going full on
terf? Every other day she's talking about man hate and yes I know she kisses TIM as, but so did Phobe Thicner. I don't know. Maybe she'll become anti sex work, her hate for scrotes seems to be building up and seems to be geniune.
Shayna is the only female cow, I think will never get out of her pick me-isms
No. 1393917
>>1392379I won’t lie. I just scroll past it at this point. Wish there was more control over the nitpicking cuz the tit spergery has been going on for years. Let it die. PLEASE.
Speaking of shaynasty. I realized recently how long I have been following this cow. The threads are always a hot mess. The infighting and nitpicking is so so high but god, they are some of my fave anons too. She doesn’t care about them but bitches about the haters sometimes (aka us and sw Twitter).. Like the other anonnie said… autism cat nip. Shayna is just a train wreck that I can not stop watching. Trying to slap mental health diagnosis on her or call her privileged due to her upbringing doesn’t cut it. She is just a hot hot mess. Like… a bomb made of hot Cheeto dust, mayochup and ghost pepper spice. She’s up in that air head. No coming down. Hate that I have spent time watching this go down… yet I can’t look away now.
Also have been thinking about Luna. Girl was fucked from the start. You could easily find more Luna’s on any junkie Reddit or even in your own area if drugs are big enough. She’s sad to watch. Like sad… at the same time she does the weirdest dumbest shit that it’s hard to feel bad for her. I would normally feel bad for a person who had a life like Luna but acted like her and act the way she does? No. Between shayna and her? They are biggest train wrecks I have seen and can’t look away. I stopped getting mad at them. Stopped feeling bad for them. Now I can’t help but laugh at it. Aboutta block lolcow from my browser. These threads ate my brain I think
No. 1396127
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Belle Delphine is pretty as far as cows go. Yes, she's a shill, but it's not like she's ugly. She should have embraced her height instead of embracing something that doesn't suit her as well (uwuness, smolness).
I also think that Taylor R had such a modelesque face before the fillers. I can she how she modeled for Chanel and such. She somehow looks girl next door, but I've also never seen any other white girl with a face like hers. Her face is very unique to me.
No. 1397336
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>>1397320Yumi has a way of being quiet for a very long time and emerging with barrels of milk.
No. 1400491
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I saw a video of dasha's boyfriend and my instant revulsion surprised me so much I started laughing and then had to make this but it's honestly too stupid to post even in the leftcow thread
No. 1402979
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>>1401051Robert is that you?
No. 1406226
>>1396127Pre surgery Taylor was gorgeous and modelesque. Even after the fillers she’s still pretty despite looking botched time to time depending on the filler injections.. I just don’t get people who call her average or unattractive.
Her husband is weird but at least he’s rich.
No. 1406270
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>>1406261nahh you cant convince me these two have the same type of beauty. you are coping and probably looks like the bpd low self esteem egirl
No. 1406897
>>1406439Madison Beer and Belle Delphine both got their fame from
the internet and would be nothing without their swathes of online simps, sorry to tell you
No. 1407940
>>1396127I feel like this is who grimes is trying to look like. effortlessly ethereal.
both of them have botched themselves into being almost unrecognizable, it is so sad tbh
>>1402979ayrt kek was waiting for this reply. notice I'm not in Blaire's thread wking I'm in the unpopular opinion threads 'cause yeah, it's unpopular. like I said I have a female bff so similar to this it is uncanny and I just like her. considering how openly of a
terf I am it even feels weird to me but like, she's not doing much wrong. we have the same views on the troon shit so she doesn't bother me.
No. 1407978
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I don’t keep up with her thread much mostly because I never check /pt/ anymore but tbh Luna’s hair looks pretty good and healthier than it has in a while right now and anons sperging about how it looks horrible and ~soooo dead~ are nitpicking. The rest of Luna is a hot mess don’t get me wrong, but I actually think her new hair works for her (at least in the most recent photos, the red looked a bit clownish at first).
No. 1413361
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Since they do not have an active thread here anymore, I thought I share the fact that tammy slaton is getting married tomorrow to her fiance caleb of a few weeks.
No. 1413556
>>1413538i made a comment about her being tall, I thought it'd be understood that it was in COMPARISION to everyone else. Plus her pictures/apperence sadly enough is the milk. Tall women are great, This may be unpopular but so are chubby/fat women and they dont' deserve hate just for being those things. A lot of the time, the pictures/videos from her porn, there's little else to talk about but her apperence. She DOES look large and tall compared to the women she's with. Plus her baby larp etc.
Though I understand it. I just think people's opinions on some
aspects of certain female cows looks doesn't mean that EVERY woman running around with those things should be hated on.
Like Shayna's breasts are unfortunate but if she was'nt Shayna, flaunting them, and being a disgusting retard, I'd never ever pick at a woman with that issue.
No. 1413560
>>1413558Oh whatever, Shayna's gross and her apperence is apart of the expereince/milk. Whining about Lille's leg hair is retarded, I'm not in her threads. You can be a feminist and pick at women like Shayna who are known woman hating retards, who'd sell their own mother for a ounce of male attention and 300 more followers on Onlyflops.
People can Mock Shayna all they want. You can support women and want the best for women, but there's also a limit to that shit. I feel using Shayna as an example isn't the best choice.
No. 1413723
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I'm posting this here because the Holly/Projared thread hit limit.
>I'm so sorry actually I lied I actually liked it(because I need to keep my income)!!!
I don't even doubt her story but why does she do this? I know she's mentally ill but she should have put some thought into the consequences of posting that tweet BEFOREHAND and not immediately afterward. She makes it sound like she's being threatened directly by someone when in reality she's only threatened by the possibility that her income could be affected. She needs to stop doing this wounded bird "I'm so sorry please don't hurt me" act because people are just going to think she's lying and trying to manipulate them. It makes her look ingenuine and I don't know if she understands that.
Like I guess being cancelled sucks and all but she keeps coming back to the internet for validation when she can't force everyone to like her. She really needs to do some self-reflecting in her own time, she recognizes the whole projared thing wasn't healthy, but is she going to learn anything from it? She's still salty as fuck about being cancelled like it's even what matters in this whole sequence of events, like her ex husband may have been raping her and she walked into the arms of a slimy scrote that pretty much pumped and dumped her, but after all that all she cares about is empty platitudes from twitter randos.
It's pretty obvious that the only way she knows how to get people to be nice to her is to manipulate them, which may work with friends or family but isn't going to work with thousands of strangers on the internet. I'm sure she's exhausting to be around irl but I still feel sorry for her for lacking any self awareness at her age. It doesn't feel like she's changed at all.
No. 1415683
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>>1415677Thank you anon, I appreciate it
No. 1415686
>>1415675I love you anon and you are
valid, cows are cows for a reason, and your life is not hers, hide it if you need to because at the end of the day e-drama isn't real except for the people involved and you're not, so if it's causing you distress just don't read.
No. 1415858
>>1415675>It just hurts to see mental illness being used as a reason to not believe someone was raped. There's one angry anon in the thread who is either Heidi, someone who knows her, or a moid. They went straight for REEEing and kneejerk reaction even though marital rape is so common, and only recently outlawed in many places. Literally the most believable thing, she only spoke out about it because at the time everyone on Twitter was panicking and doing their goodbye posts, seems the site is still going as of now but I understand her motivation.
Anyway I would be suspicious of some people in their thread because the reaction seems unnatural, I think it's a samefag with a vendetta personally.
No. 1415889
>>1415858>even though marital rape is so common, and only recently outlawed in many places. Literally the most believable thing,I said basically the exact same thing (that it's very common and typical and therefore believable) and some retard responded calling me a moid for saying that "it's normal so it's fine". Like where did I say that??
Anyway yeah I had to take a. Reak from the thread, I've been a staunch Holly hater from the start but what she's talking about is not the wild, dramatic story we need to be suspicious of that anons seem to think it is. It happens in many marriages, she isn't embellishing it or playing the
victim, it's so easy to believe because it happens easily in reality too. She might only be posting about it for her own benefit but I don't feel an ounce of suspicion with regard to the story itself. But she's an imperfect
victim and anons responses bother me.
No. 1418247
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Anisa is the reason I found LC and she used to make me seethe because I had a parasocial crush on iDubbbz. I think those two are still kinda dumb but they’re leagues more functional than when they got together. I think the mildly alt style suits her really well. The basic bitch style was extremely unflattering. I know all of her tattoos are just traditional flash pieces but I like them a lot too. The short hair is a lot better for her face shape too. Also I’m happy she got rid of the tits, they looked like they hurt.
No. 1430976
>>1430751I think we should refer to it as a "belly curtain" henceforth.
No. 1437745
I wouldn't say I was one of the obsessed anons, I just found some of her posts relatable; and imo what made her an idiot were things unrelated to her proana-cow status. She gave me big Kelsey Osgood vibes the way she was going about totally converting to Judaism u guise
No. 1440659
>>1440612Theyre really not all that milky tho. At best they make you roll ur eyes. In her early threads there was so much milk from her and skeptic (him and his ex wife/Her old history when she got an LC mod to remove her threads on here)
Now the only good milk is coming from preggory especially with his pathetic community posts and leaving his partner after a cancer scare lmao
June has been boring tbh
No. 1440678
>>1440659I agree and
I think she's cute but anons don't wanna hear what we all think
No. 1440719
>>1440695>they wont even have the financial safety net of celebritiesI don't feel bad for them because so many cows become cows as a direct result of refusing to get a normal job. They can't let go of their e-celeb status (god forbid they lower themselves to working retail or in an office or w/e like the rest of us), so they do extreme shit for attention/e-beg/scam/do porn/prostitute themselves. Or they become terminally online NEETs with absolutely no comprehension of the outside world.
Some are genuinely too mentally or physically unwell to work, but most of them just think they're too good to work even though it would do wonders to make them better people and leave them financially secure.
No. 1440747
>>1440745You need to get off this site
sis if that doesn’t make sense you don’t belong here you baiting newfag sped. Dumb piece of shit bitch, I hope your worst fears come true for ruining this former sanctuary
No. 1440765
My real thoughts are that everyone who uses this site is cow worthy but they just chose to stay anonymous
exhibit A)
>>1440747 No. 1440770
but also does that include yourself?
No. 1441595
>>1440695This is a thread for real opinions and people are attacking you for yours? Wild. I like you
nonnie. No one has to agree with you (I don't know if I do or not) but it's always great to see people being nice or empathetic on this hellsite.
No. 1443753
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Kiki is honestly slaying in life. Pretty and skinny NEET who spends all her time playing dress-up, eyefucking herself, hooking up with guys and shitposting online. Um hello dream life.
No. 1448653
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>>1448320Say sike rite now
No. 1450028
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>>1450016>I am growing more annoyed at this new generation of "farmers"now that you say it, there's some "generations" when it comes to lolcow farmers and lore. First gen was from like 2015-2017 which was the gen that probably was the ruthless times and came /cgl/, plus males were allowed as long as they didn't announce themselves. Second gen was from 2018-2019 when GC, PP, and KpopCrit threads were allowed on the site. Third gen was the
Nonny gen 2020-2022 which made it the pandemic gen too, and things were really fun and lightheated although the raids were what dwindled it down. Now we're in the start of the new gen, and the userbase seems to be shifting again to accommodate people who come from twitter and tiktok. It also feels like a "silent generation" of some sorts since the core userbase has really quieted down and people don't use threads as much as they did before.
I also feel like the overall cow behavior of the internet has shifted. We don't get cows like PT anymore, everyone is hyper aware and with a sanitized brand, cyberbullying is frowned upon, and nowadays most of the things that are cancellable are simply just cringe and not the milkiest.
Trust me I'm a scholar when it comes to lolcow history kek. No. 1450044
>>1450028AYRT. There definitely are still cows out there that are less anger inducing and more cringe in a schadenfreude way (e.g. Cyraxx, Lucas Werner), but they're becoming rarer for sure. To find those less hyper aware cows requires looking for people who have 1. a small-to-non-existant following and 2. are extensively online. CWC was not particularly well-known when people started glomming onto him, for example. People with larger followings sort of have to be sanitized to maintain their internet presence, which is one reason I kind of dislike the minimum follower rule, even though I see why it's necessary.
>>1450036Agreed with this. LC started in 2014 after Stamina Rose shut down and was still /cgl/-lite. 2017 had a definite shift and 2018 became strictly "no male" (I think this is around the time the previous admin came into power?).
I also think the Twitter/TikTok overlap started slightly earlier too, like around 2021, when admin announced that she was "hiring a new admin" and started becoming more hands-off, so there was no incentive for newfags to integrate. We haven't had a hellweek in YEARS at this point. How many anons even know what hellweek is?
No. 1450051
>>1450028I talked about a bit here
>>1446769, the banner thread is a fun cross section of the site through the years. You really see how the userbase and culture has changed
No. 1450072
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>>1450056I'm trying to remember but I kind of have alzheimers in my oldfag age kek. I remember someone posting about making a comfy drama-free alternative to lolcow(as in just general discussion and no cows), it wasn't really necessary per se because /b/(board that was split into /ot/ /g/ and /m/) was bumpin back then, but anons just wanted a imageboard that was defined by being for women and not by being for cow milking.
In hindsight making an anonymous website that is blatantly for women was not the best idea because it just attracts trannies, incels and male trolls, which is pretty much why cc gets raided WAY more than lc, and also why asherah's garden had to be shut down after nonstop gore raids. Maybe if someone wants to make a comfy site for women they should just make a plain forum and at least make it a little easier to moderate and track users.
No. 1450082
>>1450072>I kind of have alzheimers in my oldfag age kekayrt same, every year starts to blend together. I also left for a while and then suddenly came back to /b/ being split up. So I guess that's why I missed CC's creation.
>also why asherah's garden had to be shut downwasn't the existence of that also always on shaky grounds? I remember that a scrote helped set it up and the ownership had to be transferred or some shit like that. If anyone wants to make a comfy site again, just pls don't involve scrotes again if possible.
No. 1450691
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Lately I've been wondering if Jillian reads Khale McHurst's comics. Khale went semi-viral on tumblr years ago when she was depicting her struggle with ED and her bumpy road to recovery in I Do Not Have An Eating Disorder (I'm sure some anons recognize the title), and she has also released other autobiographical comics such as one about her struggles with her polyamorous ex and now with the current one depicting her severe PTSD from several accounts of sexual abuse, being victim blamed by her mother and generally the lingering shame of being homosexual after having grown up in an extremely religious household and community. She suffers from flashbacks, prone to panic attacks, self harms and has a clear cut phobia of men. She has the past Jillian wishes she had, she has the emotional scars Jillian wants without having to actually go through it all. I might be overthinking it and Jill probably just steals her ideas from movies, but it also wouldn't surprise me because of the way she relishes in other people's suffering.
(Context for pic rel: Khale getting flashbacks after accidentally triggering herself a couple of hours after her wife's cousin spouted misogynistic bullshit while giving them a ride)
No. 1452698
>>1452673Anons love to get mad at her for posting sexual fantasies about getting raped and molested as a toddler and then saying that it's ~just a kink~ just so she can post pictures wearing diapers and stretched out children's clothes.
She also tends to interact with disgusting moids like Pedo gray hair who molested his daughter and buys his daughter's porn as well. And with Ellen Dressel, who stole a baby's pacifier and then used it to take pictures of herself semi-naked.
No. 1455852
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Compared to a lot of burgers Shay isn’t that fat it’s just the XS clothing and terrible angles that make her feel so much bigger.
No. 1455879
>>1455852She looks like the average southern American woman who works at Walmart. I can see the uniform already
but yuh, average
I think she's still clinging to the time she was thinner
No. 1456281
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I don't understand why anons call Grimes, Dasha, Anna etc "anachans" when they look like this
No. 1456385
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>>1455852>Compared to a lot of burgers Shay isn’t that fat Yeah, just because she doesn't look like picrel, it means she is hot and skinny. /s
No. 1456579
>>1456289Apparently all you gotta do is call someone else fat
>>1456293That said idk why they call Dasha an anachan. But I don’t follow that thread.
No. 1459151
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>>1450044imo cyraxx is probably one of the best examples right now of an og lolcow, he has all the elements: autistic dedicated trolls, extensive terminally online history, genetically fucked up to point of being almost pitiful, blissfully arrogant, can't stay offline for more than 2 seconds despite ragequitting constantly or getting banned for being disgusting, and the frequent overlaps in the real world when the police get called and you see the confusion on their normie faces when they see him and listen to his spergouts. plus the fact that he somehow has managed to shack up with women despite looking the way he does, and his family is the epitome of american white trash incest carnival show.
No. 1460639
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Say whatever you want about lolcow but at least I'm glad this site ain't choachan
No. 1460827
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>>1460803That's literally happening on the /m/ thread right now, some choachanners are camping. They posted lolcow on their website so they're basically raiding us now.
No. 1460843
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Ok this one made me laugh kek
No. 1460876
>>1460843>>1460829this looks like something a boomer would post on facebook. I didnt know some of our farmers here were literal boomers.
Top quality meme if youre over the age of 50.
No. 1460941
>>1460876Over 50? You mean gen x, Nona. The baby boomers all died of COVID.
No. 1465137
>>1465122oh and another thing, same anon, I think i get the most mad when anons talk about their own expereinces that Shayna threads brings forward. I know, they shouldn't be reading Shay's thread but it genuinely bothers me. She doesn't care she's called a pedo, but that she's called ugly. I'm invested because a lot of people aren't camwhores but women in failed
abusive relationships, or know people, or have been through those things. Maybe years ago I'd want Shayna to get it togeather, now i don't. Maybe i need to stop reading
No. 1467379
>>1333641>Anyone here who doesn't think he's a misogynist just needs to go listen to any of his previous streams about women. He's playing up the "I love my mommy" angle and trying to appeal to the edgy radfems who are really angry about trannies right now.>>1332828>He is only sucking up to gender critical "white" women just so he can possibly mold them into his trad wife fantasy. The only women who will date him are lib-fems with no sense of self-respect. He is fucking trash and I hate him as much as i hate keffals, they can both rot in hell. I wish I could create another me and slap the shit out of myself because I read this shit and was thinking, "nnno Josh changed! Nooo he cares about all women, he just has some fuck up weird views". I'm retarded. I've realized that the trans conversation for me is very important, even if I don't always comment on it, It's something I feel strongly about. I watched the Kiwifarms shit very closely, I realized I was cheering for this fat ass not realizing that he's said many of times that certain people, are benefit him and I'm one of those people (
POC), I saw another anon on Crystal Cafe say this back when the site was down. I just feel really stupid. I still believe the site should exist, I also believe people should say what they want, but I'm learning to listen to what these idiots are saying.
They aren't joking, when they say extremely misogynstic or racists shit. You aren't exempt because you hate troons and they do as well.
No. 1469052
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There's some kind of scrote or tranny haunting the Grimes/Musk thread.
No. 1471063
>>1470925id feel more bad for her if she wasn't such a horrible person.
youre right that her life is INCREDIBLY bleak to witness as an outsider, but whats worse is that this is the life she chose for herself. she pushed her family away to pursue sex work and they still offered to pay for her education, which she also refused. and for what? so she can play out her pedo diaper fantasies and cry on twitter about the newest fupa replacement thats broken up with her.
i feel the same about a few cows actually (shay, jill), in that i'd have so much more sympathy for them if they sat down and were honest with their audience about their lives. instead of just lying, and manipulating the truth to make everyone in their lives look like villains, and crying constantly to their twitter followers about the often justified hate they get instead of taking even an ounce of responsibility.
No. 1471552
>>1471209Her family are literal drug addicts, her mother lives in supported accommodation for junkies, like tf are you talking about? Hardly possible to be dealt shittier cards in life than junkie parents.
Shayna's family is rich at least.
No. 1471906
>>1471209Luna is a terrible person, but
>>1471552 is right. Even if she didn't have an obsession with Courtney Love, the chances of her not turning out a junkie were low. Shayna literally has no excuse
No. 1472208
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I'm so tired of seeing nonnies blogpost about their own rape or sexual abuse stories on Shayna's thread, and wish mods would actually ban them.
I'm just here to laugh at Big Shaynus larp as a little girl baby bimbo when she's anything but.
No. 1472210
>>1472208samefag but Do I believe she's a genuine pedophile? No, but I agree she contributes to pedo fap fodder and that Ellen is a pedo or should at least be on some registry seeing as she actually works with kids.
Still adamant she's asexual and only going with it because it's the only way an ugly pick me like her can get a crumb of male attention, plus pretending to be a baby gives her more of an excuse to just have someone do everything for her because she hates putting effort into anything.
I'm just so tired of seeing essays of this shit.
No. 1473064
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>>1473043Pnp stopped over sharing which she kind of tried telling Shayna to do but Shayna is actually retarded and has no friends except for online kinksters so she won't listen. Ariana is still delusional and very obviously a full time stripper/escort/prostitute now but she doesn't post about anything except for working out and flexing her johns money.
No. 1473282
>>1473064>>1473047Yeah didn't she and Doormatt get married
>>1473061 very recently? Also I thought in the past PnP had problems with keeping a stripping job down. Her life is obviously a mess but it seems to have improved somewhat and she looks good, so good for her. Shayna could really learn something from her
No. 1473308
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I'm convinced Phoebe Bridgers is still redeemable and with the right intervention could even peak and become openly gender critical within the next few years. But I have to acknowledge this is unlikely because of her handmaiden fanbase.
No. 1478592
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At least she can now admit we were right saying she looked like a crack head kek.
No. 1478600
>>1478592She used to look like crackhead T'Pol
junkie Vulcan > sober Human
No. 1479541
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>>1478592wait. i hate when people compliment cows but now that she has no thread… she actually looks good, i did not expect that. honestly fuck her, but the whole matt stringing her on for years, then marrying her after a huge breakup, to then divorcing her in less than. a year. as much as i hate how she used to behave, that sounds fucking awful mentally, id relapse so fast. she spent her whole adult life with that man living with him and being his wife in every way except legally. to then being completely by yourself as a hooker who looks like jigsaw from excessive plastic surgery… i dont know, from the bpd mess she used to be i did not expect her to be doing fine and now im low key rooting for her.
fuck that mail man. i 100% expected her to end up exactly like charms, with the same soycuck while destroying every inch of her body. spoiler for horrific
No. 1487963
>>1478592I had a bit of a soft spot for her. She seems like someone who could have lived a decent life and developed her creative talent if she hadn't been raised in shitty circumstances and developed a personality disorder. It's been years since I read her threads but she also seemed to have a hint of self-awareness too.
>>1487952>>1487904Who's count-incel?
No. 1488057
>>1488029Whiteglove/Mr Cool Ice/Count Incel doesn't have her own thread yet but she's frequently talked about in the vocaloid thread
>>>/w/195091 She admitted to posing as somebody else to defend herself, which is the sort of thing that can get your post history revealed. I'm curious where this'll go, maybe with active admins now we can get the first reveal in a while. that would be really fun
No. 1488131
>>1488129Is heather the girl that some
nonnie said breasts looked like a "baby butt" which was the most retarded nitpick i've ever seen towards a woman with perfect fine breasts/clevage? Then yeah, she's very cute, I think I complimented her once because I often see her threads. She seems to be a serial dater/hopeless romance, but she's definetly pretty
No. 1488164
>>1488144I've only kept up with the first two threads when she first became a cow and I genuinely found her a bit amusing and endearing but i didn't sperg about it like some anons did. They took it a bit too far which ended up with me losing interest in her threads.
Her style of typing cracks me up and shes got some intentionally and unintentionally funny posts here and there while looking like an absolute horror cow - that's her appeal imo. Usually I can't stand anachans and girls that larp as edgy but there's something about her kek
No. 1494179
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No. 1500003
anon i hate to say it but you might be one of the only people to have thought that about jack.
granted, i can maybe see it with his older videos. he was overall a lot more cheerful and easier to like back then.
No. 1503737
>>1500044Me too
>>1503566This is so true, it's too bad she's been my favorite cow for years. I still hope she gets herself together some day but at this point she's a lost cause.
No. 1504266
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>>1504184Not having a thread isn’t going to save her, but if having a thread is actually making her worse then yeah it’s a little fucked. I don’t use her threads bc it’s pointless but I’ve loved her since she tweeted she watches chicken run three times a day and I’m a child so her poop tweets make me laugh too. She’s so funny in a fucked up sort of “kids say the darndest things” way.
No. 1504472
Her manager and sister posted about it.
She is a disgusting pedobaiter but i do feel sorry.
No. 1504546
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>>1504471shit…this must be real. pour a juicebox out for the realest child-filter using autopedophile on instagram!
No. 1504862
One less person making themself look young to please the pedophiles.
No. 1505869
>>1505814She didn't. She's always had some kind of "handler" or caretaker. She's never been independent and she already had an existing following and knew there was a market for gross dudes who were probably waiting for her to turn 18. I feel bad for her too. She's always used her body for money [mother really harmmering the marketing during the early lolita days] and she knows online is easy to make money.
I wish she could get a normal job, even in person studio, real sex work with regulations [which do exist in Japan due to extremely strict decency laws], but be with other women, friends. No skeevey pimp. Theres tons of independent OF sex workers too, whatever she wants, but away fron men and on people she's forced to rely on. I think that lack of independancy is her biggest setback. Its like a girl who can't stop dating.
No. 1506620
>>1505869>>1505814>>1496577i wish i could feel the same way about venus as you guys do. objectively i understand where people are coming from: she's a
victim of abuse, narcissistic abuse at that, and having grown up in a household with a narcissistic parent, i know what that's like. but at the same time, it's hard for me to feel empathy for her because sometimes she does incredibly horrible things and i am not entirely sure that it's just some subconscious reaction from her upbringing that she needs to just simply unlearn and work through. i do genuinely think she's a mean spirited, cruel, two-faced person who exhibits a lot of inherent narcissistic qualities herself and she's been giving so many chances, more chances than most people who are survivors of narcissism, and each and every one she has blown out the water. the way she treats the people around her is a big sign that something is wrong with her, plus the fact she's continuously lied over the years about communicating with her mom while boohooing to her fans that she's "cut all contact", her alcoholism and rampant drug abuse…i don't know. i don't particularly care for her at all and any sympathy i had for her when she initially left her mother has evaporated over the years the more and more she spirals. i just watch her every now and then to see if she either gets deported, thrown in jail for doing something stupid, or finally manages to pickle herself from drinking into oblivion. i know this subject really riles people up but i've been following her off and on over the years since she was a young girl and her mom was making her post all those videos. i think sometimes culturally we are just afraid to admit not every abuse
victim is also a piece of shit as well. not everyone can be saved and i think venus is a prime example of someone who doesn't really want to be helped.
No. 1506623
>>1506598Me too! Hes listing all this insane shit and all I could think about is how lame he is for
still wanting to post.
Also, not wk, but hasn't it been years since they've been in contact? Maybe her millionaire family stepped in, helped with therapy and meds and viola, a almost normal person now.
Im concerned his new gf is even remotely interested in this, let alone the effort he takes to keep posting.
No. 1508161
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Felice was ahead of her time, being a Killstar insta goth before that was even a thing. Her aesthetic was cute even if she's a horrible person. Sidenote, 2012 fashion was truly something else.
No. 1508281
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I stopped following foodie beauty a while back. It reached the point where the trainwreck wasn't fun to watch anymore. Felt like she was just leaning into trying to piss the haters off. I couldn't tell where her own inherent awfulness ended and the put-on offensive act for views begins. Being awful pays.
Checked in on her after a while (kf) and I wish I hadn't caught up. The cat she'd been long neglecting was rescued by someone. This elderly cat had a bunch of overgrown nails that had grown into her paw pads piercing through them. Couldn't walk right. Needed them removed by a vet. 5 of them and a bunch of antibiotics given the state she's in. I'm not even a major cat person but I can't get over the thought of an older animal walking on that for months while people even desperately superchatted her money begging her to take her to a vet. In vain. The neglect of an animal.. recorded and monitized for at least a year of the most unnecessary prolonged suffering. A problem that could be fixed in minutes, she milked it for drama and ofc took peoples concerned superchats and bought herself take out with it instead. Clickbaited about whether or not she'll just get her put down. Hehe guys will I kill her today.. stay tuned.
Never thought I'd sperg out about a cat on here but fuck me she's beyond being a cow to laugh at.
No. 1509210
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Honestly, Kiki Kannibal, I think is actually really pretty honestly and I think she should go back to blonde hair, But NOT much milk or much of a cow anymore, The last big milk spill was, Spurgchan and her being caught at Walmart in live action, She rarely is online like that anymore and posts honestly
Lady Gaga, Shayna, PlasticNProud, And Dani / Gabi Victor from, BGC8, Are my favorite cows so far, When it comes to their milk they give and drama overall, But if I had to pick a favorite lolcow, It would be, A tie between, Shayna and Dani Gabi Victor because these twins are almost 40 a act like teenager's and their so embarrassing at their big age
I DON'T care what anybody thinks, Bindi Irwin & Her Family, NOT including Steve Irwin, Are NOT good people and are, Celebrity LolCow's who only care about fame & money, Rather then actual Wildlife Conservation, After seeing their feud with, Bob Sr Irwin, And How Terri Irwin has fallen out with pretty much every one of, Steve's own family members… With their fake cheesy ass smiles, All they do is milk, Steve Irwin's Legacy, In my opinion, The whole family seem's so weird and strange to me
No. 1509802
>>15081612012 UK Tumblr scene was truly something else. I used to go to those meetups and genuinely thought those people were the definition of cool. So fucking embarrassing but I like how it used to be a big thing but somehow we've collectively managed to bury it and forgot about it completely.
Most of those people are now crackheads, sixth form dropout losers rotting away in basic customer service jobs in their hometowns and trannies.
No. 1510019
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She's on other boards but not here so I'll give context first but I need to rant. Bryony Farmer (precious star vlogs) I started out thinking she's just a munchie. Spent years documenting her invisible illnesses. Then started making period vlogs where she sometimes showed her period blood and discharge. Made a vid on how trannies can buy pads and then use food dye to imitate having a period.
After a few years of living at home and vlogging from her bedroom her parents buy her a flat. She starts fostering children. Shows them in vlogs. Discusses their behavioural issues, acts overwhelmed immediately. Discusses their parents drug issues. Talks about how she can't deal with the childs moodswings and how she needs more free childcare to be provided by the government even though she already has some. Offloads the kid on her parents at every chance. For several days at a time if she's on her period and can't deal with it. Social services get involved. They tell her she cant have the childrens faces in vids and that she can't air out their families information online. She should've stopped fostering at that point imo but later she brags that she's being paid 1300 pounds by the government for fostering. Girlboss selfmade entrepreneur.
Comes out as gray/asexual. Announces she's going to be getting IVF to become a single mom. Tries to get the NHS to pay. They won't, complains about the NHS after years of already wasting their services with her munchie shit… cool. Mom and dad pay. Gets pregnant second time round. Has morning sickness, not enough to ever get sick but she thinks about aborting it to avoid feeling sick. Doesn't do it. Rings up docs and services and acts like she's dying. Has her parents push her around in a wheelchair for a while because.. feels dizzy. Munchie heaven. Gender reveal party.. its a boy. She didn't want a boy so again she thinks about getting an abortion. Decides she doesn't want one given how invasive it would be at 21 weeks.. but tells us she thought about just killing the baby after its born…
I'm in shock at how she went from a regular munchie to this. Massive spoilt child but now with a child of her own. I've seen women share their stories about pre and post natal mental health but tbh this is her personality. World revolves around her. Everyone owes her and she has no ability to deal with anything not going 100 percent her way. Coddled to death by enabling parents who are elderly and always waiting on her hand and foot because she's always in a health crisis. I was concerned when she was fostering and kept rejecting the kids so soon. She acts pissed off by things that you should anticipate come with the territory of pregnancy or parenting. Signs up for shit she can't handle. Why did she have this child? She's done nothing but complain about this baby since its birth a few days ago. Its all about her. I'm just waiting for the munchausen by proxy to come next.
No. 1510045
>>1510019Used to watch her period vids back when she was a teen because I could relate to terrible periods, but she seemed to enjoy it a little too much. I feel like her period issues catapulted her into munchiedom, like she got too used to having sick days and lazing about. Stumbled upon her channel again after years and I'm shocked that this GIRL is fostering. She comes across as a girl, not a woman. Like the government is passing off these kids to some random 15 year old girl who wanted to play mommy for a little bit. She's what, 24-26 now? And she still seems like that wannabe-mature little girl who looks down on her "immature" peers.
Gorl, if you want to be a lazy NEET, fake anxiety or some shit. It's like she's taking the hardest route possible to get those government handouts.
No. 1510183
>>1509905They're definitely the real cows. She's gross like
>>1509965 said, but hardly the worst or most interesting person online and just does the same shit other coomer-pandering girls do. Honestly it's creepy as hell how the anons in her thread document every minute detail of her boring ass life.
No. 1510589
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my unpopular opinion currently is that i think this is shaynas last year of camwhoring. i dont know whats next. likely a tuna saga. as in hooking a few times and some new addiction to get her mind off shit. this 7 years of sex works are seriously showing on her and she can't even pretend to herself that one day she is gonna get rich off this shit anymore. she is not as naive, the male rejection by ugly moids +huge decrease in sells and customs is something she is way more aware of now.
>>1456281>>1456289this is not unpopular this is just not lurking.
>grimes had an ed old livejournal where she explained she had being ana chan her whole life>dasha literally fucking has an ed twitter account where she posts her food and bodychecks for zoomer attention. she has many hours of podcasts where shes calling taylor swift fat and how being ana chan in your thirties is based. hell, her myproana account that she never hid is likely still there.>anna also has many hours of podcasting saying how skinny and cigarrettes and shit she is.they might not be what you think is underweight but are still openly anahchans if you cared to look. the fact that they are not spoopy anachans doesn't mean they aren't taking xanax for dinner.
No. 1511953
>>1511921I agree with
>>1511937 you shaytards are a diff breed
No. 1514128
>>1514083I don’t think she’s a pedo either. I feel bad for her at this point. The only thing she actually does that really deserves severe criticism is the fact that her pets aren’t well cared for.
You know who is ACTUALLY a reprehensible pedophile, and also isn’t living paycheck to paycheck having to beg scrotes for money? AELLA GIRL. I wish the shaytards would migrate to Aella and make her life hell. She’s literally a pedophile freak who rubs elbows with elite fucks like Elon musk. Please shaytards go ruin Aella’ slide, she actually deserves it.
No. 1514168
>>1514128i don't think she's a pedo in the literal sense of being attracted to children, but her posting her rape fantasy tweets about drugging and assaulting toddlers is kinda hard to excuse.
i can't feel sorry for her, honestly. she shows 0 self awareness about why people criticise her, and instead chooses to cry on twitter about how hard sex work is bc everyone hates her. and let's be real there's a lot of sex workers who are into equally as heinous shit but still manage not to have rabid hate followings, purely bc they manage to keep up nice personas online. shay meanwhile cannot keep up her nice girl persona for one second of her goddamn life
No. 1514190
>>1514154If shayna was a scrote doing the same exact thing you'd be calling her a pedo, she dates Ellen even if you don't think shayna is a pedo, then Ellen for sure has proven that she will steal pacifiers and post about it for scrote attention sexually. That shows she doest care about kids in kink, someone she dates directly does that. I can never feel bad for Shayna and it makes me wonder about the current state of lolcow where people are handwaving gross shit. Us shaytards are retarded but shayna is very gross and
No. 1514248
>>1514198Because it’s called lolcow not righteousangercow.
> I have a hard time believing any of the shaytards' antics has to do with protecting children or caring about her petsbecause that’s not what this site is for??
No. 1514285
>>1514074Why do you feel bad? She is incredibly privileged in the fact that she can quit anytime and go home. Her parents love her very much, i will never forget how fast her mother was willing to buy her a new bed when she found that that shay was sleeping on that retarded childrens bed. She probably loves the attention nonnies are giving to her to some extent. I only wish anons would stop harassing her though because it's really cringey.
>>1514128I definitely do hate Aella way more than shay for sure, i literally cannot read her threads very long because she actually makes me angry. I kind of follow shay like i follow amber, i am just checking in to see if their cycle of self-destruction has been broken yet. At least shay can somewhat redeem herself by vanishing and changing her name, Aella makes me want to a-log to fucking bad.
No. 1515892
>>1515888Same anon, also, whats that sex workers name? I believe her gross twitter handle is "Cocksleeve" or something, India White (correct me if I'm wrong), or something? Anyway i do think she's in that thread/was in the thread. Probably the person constantly calling nonnies "Sheltered" trying to badly blend in but ALSO defending kinks she has. I remember in the past threads her being kind of edgy or some shit. The only post I feel may have been Ellen or somebody thats in Shay's circle of life online, was that, "Do you want her to kill herself? What about her animals?" post. Probably was a coomer/sex worker.
anyway, yeah rant over
No. 1515998
>>1515932>a human excrement KEK I had never heard this expression. God, I love the farm !
>>1515888I think her thread is fill to the brim with failed twitter-prostitutes (Vivi for example), hence the massive retardation and imperious desire to "call out" and "cancel" her. It's a shame.
That thread needs its own personal hellweek asap.
No. 1519714
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Vintage milk but I was wondering what Ember Whann is up to and she’s really pretty now IMO, like LiLo meets Megan Fox. She’s still pretty much the same loser otherwise though
No. 1522365
>>1521742 is about taylor nicole dean not that weeb
No. 1523211
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Luna should do meth
No. 1524322
>>1523676Is trump anon the same as
>>1509210 ?
No. 1524393
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lolcow names work surprisingly well for (real) cows
No. 1524658
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the way some of you get so fucking triggered over anime is so cow like lmao. I thought only male weebs took weeb shit so seriously. I wonder if the people who seethe about it are secretly autistic.
No. 1529957
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>>1529697Pretty sure besides your usual drama mongerers who treat it like celebrity gossip it's actual CCP shills (You'd be surprised at how far they have spread are online) and unironic tankies trying to discredit her. A lot of North Korean defectors sensationalize their stories to make more money but they're embellished details that don't matter in the grand scheme of things when people legitimately get tortured and abused in their totalitarian dictatorship. They come from a culture where you have to lie to survive and that has to rub off on you, not to mention how trauma affects your memories or how common it is to get years mixed up from your childhood events and the language barrier of relaying the story to an English writer. Like it doesn't really matter if she claimed that her father was sentenced to 17 years at a prison camp when it was actually 10 years, a child might misunderstand details like that and in the end that's still a horrifying story. She was 13 when she defected, I wouldn't expect her to have everything down perfectly.
I actually had to go check out her thread and I'm pretty disgusted with farmers posting Venus-tier nitpicks and a-logging about her looks. Imagine having to pick on a North Korean defector of all people to feel better about yourself. Also her retarded anti-woke pandering is pretty clearly fed to her by her fundie ex-husband and she kept exploiting it for clickbait, that's something to actually criticize her over, not for escaping human traffickers.
No. 1530383
I'm glad the Varg thread is locked. It was an infighting racebaiting mess.
>>1530342Me too. She's messed up but the 'friend' attended her birthday party what, 2 weeks ago? That's just sad.
No. 1530386
>>1530342>>1530383Don't understand the boohoo poor Jill mentality this is the most milk that's been in her thread for a while. I can't wait for her to shit her pants about it. This is probably going to cement her retarded DID LARP. She'll never give that shit up now that she's a real "
victim" in this situation. She's gonna milk this forever.
No. 1530838
>>1530342Maybe if she wasn't so obsessed with friends as aesthetics who exist to validate her, she could make friends that actually cared about her. I've had shitty friends like her and I really don't feel bad.
>>1530295I know Micky was obnoxious about her, but the quick replies are still weird to me. I guess it's too much to ask anons to just report a shit thread and move on lmao
>>1530439Had no idea about her friend though, I do agree that anons saying the thread should stay up is sus.
No. 1531414
WhiteGlove is not evil. She's just some obese autist with a bad temper. I genuinely don't believe she's a danger to anyone but herself, and she's got some completely insane A-Loggers that threaten to rape her day in and day out for being a lesbian TIF. I agree she's a cow and needs a thread, but until her A-Logs calm down and stop scaring her off, milk will not be present until she gets fed up with being quiet, unprivates her shit, and gets into an argument with Radblr or something.
It's also odd how she claimed the OP of her thread was Tranny, and he admitted he was, so it was a vendetta thread. She's among the more paranoid, timid cows so the fact she was actually right is unnerving in a roundabout way.
No. 1531771
>>1524869her thread is shit and it's all old posts. Anons don't even know how to make threads anymore. It's fucking retarded.
>>1530295So ancient milk.
>>1531178Nah, probably the same anons who try to make all those dead threads active with shit milk that we've had pop up lately when they have no business having their own threads. Here's some examples with the same type of vendetta posting style and some of the screenshots have the same type of image names/automatic save files names.
>>>/w/209658>>>/w/226471>>>/w/278737It's very telling exactly the reason anon keeps making these threads. Seems pretty race incentivized tbh. All these random threads with old milk in each one every time they were made.
No. 1533840
>>1531414Out of anyyone in the Rogue Internet Man circle who should get a thread it shouldn't be whiteglove. They
want to be a lolcow, so a majority of their milk is just stuff they claim they did when they didn't. For example Wendidiego dropped the child murder doxx and Whiteglove jumped on the opportunity to say she did that herself. She's a mentally ill lesbian trying to sabotage her own life, that's not milky it's just sort of pathetic
No. 1534041
>>1533883>>1533920For years I thought Jill was a boring cow, never read her threads because it was all anons bitching about her consumerism and ugly fashion. I never thought she would become the cow I check back on the most.
If she wasn't such a shitty spoiled brat I might feel bad for her the way she threw away all her opportunities so she could be a fat unemployed stoner who pretends to have multiple personalities and tries to get everyone who criticizes her cancelled while she desperately clings to this rainbow optimism persona that she clearly has come to feel trapped by over the years.
No. 1534250
>>1534154For the ones who make money from the internet well it's bc they make money. I think they tell themselves they're big celebrities and even celebrities have their haters. And if they went offline many of them would have to work for min wage because they have no skills.
Even the cows who don't have online "careers" (i.e. Luna) make money online by e-begging and for it to work they have to make friends online and share sad stories.
No. 1535476
>>1535460Pro porn stars do it as well because whorearchy exists everywhere in that "industry", even amongst the men, but they don't
typically put it all out online like the e-whores do because they have scrotes managing whatever coomer image online for them. Behind the scenes though they talk shit like that and it's hilarious. It's a massive cope for all of them.
No. 1537032
>>1537029She was very funny to me in the "it's just a social experiment" phase of boobiestreaming. like who do you think you're fooling girl lol
But that was the only time ever she was funny. It's not much of a lolcow if you only lol once
No. 1537145
>>1533840Agreed that she shouldn't have a thread, her thread is dead anyways because the moment she got a thread she privated everything and people were scared she would DFE because the moids raiding her thread revealed themselves too soon.
Due to this, I think she absolutely does
not want to be a lolcow.
Also agreed, because everyone says she wrote the ED page because "her name is on it" when there's overwhelming evidence it was either Madiicakes/Karen or Jason Metloney pretending to be her to provoke her.
Wendi or Madii should have got a thread, not some morbidly obese 19 year old lesbian-in-denial
No. 1538425
>>1538414Samefag, just look at this fucking latest post
>>>/snow/1800430nobody got anything out of reading that
hypothetically the moon might fall out of the sky tomorrow
No. 1538443
>>1538414Maybe I'm biased due to my own GID, but they really don't deserve to be compared to a mass shooter. There's a difference between having panic attacks & suicidal thoughts due to a foreign-feeling body, and being fucking evil.
There needs to be an autosaged containment thread for the Nashville discussion, or ban it outright.
At least they banned pooners, pooner "art" is so fucking misogynistic it should have been banned since day one.
No. 1538545
>>1538462not her but i also hate pooners, they barely resemble a caricature of tifs. for 90% of tim memes you can find hundreds of them that look exactly like the deformed wojaks, but pooners dont even look like a caricature of an ugly hairy woman on testosterone. they’re just a pink creature with tons of characteristics tifs don’t have. pink skin, the eyes, the lips, the ears? why not draw an ugly hairy balding tif in a binder instead, it gets the point across much better).
the current tif thread pic edit is funny and i wish there were more like that. it also doesn’t help that most of the pooners are drawn by inbred coomer low IQ moids using “irony” to make up for their lack of art skills.
No. 1538578
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>>1538462I dunno, maybe drawing depictions of women with gigantic asses and vulvas bulging out their pants seems like it's misogynistic, I wonder why? Keep in mind I think this is a good example, the left being a bad pooner drawing, the rest at least being funny and not actually sexualizing, save for Aiden but at least it's accurate
No. 1538661
>>1538624Yes, and? I'm still female, aren't I? I feel bad for accidentally shitting the thread up with insomniac ramblings better fit for a vent thread post. I'm so sorry, genuinely.
I gotta stop being a cow recognizably, tbh.
No. 2264170
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I think discussion of picrel might be more at home in the post-leftcows thread than the radfem /snow/ thread, especially since the latter seems to be entirely tumblr sperging and Jen seems to be a lowkey Trump supporter. Their podcast has been called the Britbong version of Red Scare as well, which they took as a compliment