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File: 1740764616651.jpg (55.32 KB, 500x500, tumblr_57dced687d1f638a37550d7…)

No. 2423171

ITT: share uneventful, mundane, or just downright ordinary events and thoughts from your everyday life.

Previous thread: >>2397894

No. 2423179

Whoever keeps changing the OP so they can post OT stuff itt is weird kek

No. 2423181

i feel upset because i love that tortoise who couldnt make it to the toilet in time i love this awesome image but i feel like i need to leave lolcow because i am an addict.

No. 2423183

OT = ordure tortoise or what?

No. 2423185

That's not even tortoise shit that's just a bath mat

No. 2423186

you enjoy ruining my fun?

No. 2423189

File: 1740765092754.jpeg (809.07 KB, 1125x782, C1CA9386-DC42-4F66-95BB-4974BE…)

Darn I was too slow to make the new thread. Picrel was my choice for tnreadpic.

No. 2423190

That might be tortoise poop, I did not notice it when picking the picture. But sulcata tortoises are forces of destruction and having had mine destroy my bathroom on a mundane Tuesday, I laughed when I saw this pic and decided to use it.

No. 2423191

I'm sorry. I've lost my sense of childlike wonder and imagination.

No. 2423193

Why is he taking FOUR croissants for ONE plate? Some of that better be for some friends.

No. 2423196

Hamsters have big cheek pouches. She will take them so she can save them for later.

No. 2423197

he looks quite rotund, i wouldn't put eating four past him. little fella's got no neck.

No. 2423199

>male hamster
A fat fuck taking more than he can eat
>female hamster
Taking extra for friends, saving some for later
Kek I love you, nonas

No. 2423200

Off topic. Anons keep posting stuff here that fits in other threads and get mad when they're redirected to other threads, so "thoughts" was added back to the OP.

No. 2423203

Croissants are mostly butter and air anyways. I refuse to fat shame the hamster.

No. 2423206

File: 1740765567573.png (291.21 KB, 1200x1420, Era+of+cruelty_e06c52_12298775…)

Stepped waaaay outside of my comfort zone to go join a yoga class that someone invited me to. Drove thirty minutes to get there, but couldn't find parking so I had to park far away. Ended up being three minutes late but when I got there, they had locked the doors and put up a sign that said that class had started and to come back next week.
Let this be a lesson to everyone: Trying is stupid and it's better to stay inside and do what you want all day, because at least then you won't waste a bunch of gas and time. Ignore everyone who tells you to get out and do stuff, they're just haters that can't be happy indoors.

No. 2423216

Samefag. The reason I didn't put this in vents is because one, there's no emotion of anger attached to this, just smug satisfaction that I was right again, and two, this has happened several times so it's become routine.

No. 2423223

That girl Caysseigh is literally the worst.

No. 2423237

File: 1740767125791.jpg (8.88 KB, 199x254, 1000037962.jpg)

I would like to announce that I managed to masturbate successfully while on antidepressants. It took two hours but I managed to do it. I tried to think about a few different men but somehow I could only successfully do it while thinking about my ex who is a piece of human garbage that emotionally abused me but I am still attracted to his body. He is a skinny and malnourished vegan with abs because he exercises like a maniac since he hates himself and his diet consists of bread, vegan yogurt and frozen pizza and I like the fact that I could carry him on my back. He experienced twink death at the age of 26 and now his hairline is receding. I still think about him.

No. 2423238

Happy for you nona. I hope your ex slips on a stray hot wheels car and his spindly little bones shatter though. This just makes me think of how much don't wanna go on antidepressants Id rather be miserable and cooming

No. 2423324

I just remembered being completely obsessed with the barbie of swan lake movie when I was 6 years old. I wanted to dress like Odette so badly on Halloween and they even had a costume at the store. My parents never bought it for me though. I remember seeing the neighbors daughter in the dress and I was so jealous and seething kek

No. 2423326

Kek I love how these moments stick in the back of your brain forever. I still have a little ember of hatred for the girl who stole my wallball in 3rd grade. Natalie…

No. 2423333

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Going out for brunch with my friends tomorrow, been months since I last had a good eggs benedict with salmon! They are also serving pancakes that are inspired by a seasonal treat here that I just know I'm gonna scarf down like there is no tomorrow! Good food and good company, what could be a better start on a saturday? If I get home early I might also bake some protein muffins and enjoy a good book. Maybe I'll finally get some reading done now that my roomie is gonna take back his ps5 to play monter hunter

No. 2423352

I still remember the girl who I hated in preschool that pushed me off the jungle gym. I ended up breaking my arm because of it and she didn’t get in trouble. I still think her bowl cut was hideous and if I saw her today I would tell her as much. Fuck you Megan

No. 2423377

nta but cooming on antidepressants is possible, you just need to wait a little for your body to adjust to them

No. 2423379

File: 1740774675099.jpg (61.11 KB, 536x718, IMG_20250131_040726_014.jpg)

i love this threadpic. i love tortoises

No. 2423386

True I am on antidepressants and hormonal birth control and it is possible. I have to work harder for it since going on antidepressants but nothing much has changed just that I don't want to masturbate as often as before and after I do and have an orgasm I feel much more satisfied - maybe because I feel like I accomplished something kek. Now it is maybe twice per month that I really want to do it. I was already dry while only on birth control and never had an orgasm before while having intercourse with a partner so nothing much has changed tbh and I am much more emotionally stable

No. 2423394

Happy for you! I spontaneously went out to brunch a few days ago and I won a free brunch from the restaurant. God I love brunch.

No. 2423416

Brunch is the best! There was a period where my friends and I would meet up for brunch a lot, to the point the husband of one of them started calling us "the brunch bunch" kek

No. 2423485

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Well. I just finished the show I was watching and once again I feel a void inside of me.

No. 2423513

I think I have a cold. I already feel a whole lot better than before but my nose getting clogged and dripping is so annoying

No. 2423526

ive had 3 hydration IVs this month, started drinking Gatorade every day, i already carry my water bottle everywhere but i still feel dehydrated as hell what gives

No. 2423538

Idk what Gatorade is but if it has caffeine in it, it makes you pee a lot and actually dehydrate you.

No. 2423569

>Idk what Gatorade is
empower yourself

No. 2423581

Do you think this was a weirder experience for the tortoise or for the horse

No. 2423588

I need 20 minutes of intense head to cum but it's worth it

No. 2423633

Have you gotten your blood work checked? That sounds like early stage diabetes or kidney failure.

No. 2423691

File: 1740786552548.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.64 MB, 2814x2787, 1000005189.jpg)

ive been keeping track of the days on my work calendar with stickers instead of crossing stuff out like i used to and its so fuckin cute. spoiler for personal pic

No. 2423698

This is really cute anon. I can never stick with a calendar even though I would be better off if I did. Maybe I should try this.

No. 2423701

I love your calendar nonny, it's very pretty!

No. 2423702

So cute nona. Me encanta!

No. 2423706

I'm gonna try to wear more dresses and skirts this summer. I have a number of really pretty ones in my wardrobe that are waiting for their chance, but since I rarely wear them I always feel like some sort of…impostor(?) wearing them and like my friends are gonna judge me. The whole reason I stopped wearing them is because of how much I hate my body so I always think they look off on me, I'm normal weight with a slightly wider body type so I keep comparing how the clothes fit on models and my really thin friends. But this summer I'm gonna do my best to learn to kick this negative habit!

No. 2423707

I love cute shit like this nonna, thanks for the inspo nona! Gonna do the same with my calendars from now on

No. 2423709

No. 2423745

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My roommate came home in the middle of the night and accidentally woke me up. Usually I just go back to sleep when that happens because I find those little "home" sounds comforting, but this time I was just about to fall asleep and it startled me enough that I'm now too awake to fall asleep.

No. 2423753

Go back to sleep, I'll keep watch over you

No. 2423775

My friend is very kind to me. She's very sweet and innocent. I wish I could protect her from the horrors of the world.

No. 2423837

Why is Windows forcing me to update to Windows 11. The current one works fine.

No. 2424093

Had a friend growing up who was allergic to peanuts and I accidentally fed her peanuts on several occasions. One time she was sleeping over at my house and she somehow puked in her own hair. I remember my mom washing her hair out in the sink at like one in the morning. Sorry mom.

No. 2424098

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Gatorade is a sports drink that's like if someone melted a popsicle and diluted it with water from a garden hose. Idk how burger athletes drink so much of it, it's yucky.

No. 2424099

Do you not see the poop to the right of the bath mat

No. 2424100

idk why but i have not been able to stop watching this tom cruise oprah interview lately, its obvious that he was on coke or something but wow. i wish i could feel this way.

No. 2424110

>but wow. i wish i could feel this way.
lmao but same, god same

No. 2424112

it's giving "i can't take her anywhere"

No. 2424129

Powerade is better

No. 2424144

yesss, love me that blue one. Hits so good with a spicy mccchicken

No. 2424150

Came to the conclusion, after some deep thought, that being alone without a relationship is a good idea. For me. I wanna do some pretty lame stuff with my look and I kinda don't wanna be challenged on it. If me and my dog wanna wear matching shirt and overalls, I'm going to do so with flare and a smile. Not really interested in changing it up to meet someone else's tastes. Compromise? Fuck that. Me and my lil' fella are gonna go to the park and share shredded carrots under the shade of tree on a good day.
Maybe decorate my room with stupid shit. Really embrace the freedom of it all instead of seeing it as a negative.

No. 2424158

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I am dropping out of college to focus full time on neeting and drawing. I made up my mind. I am telling my mom tomorrow when she comes back from a vacation, she will beat me.

No. 2424169

I’m sorry nonny, I feel for you. Just do the right thing, I hope you do, and that you feel better. Neeting isn’t good,

No. 2424170

>Neeting isn’t good
It will always be better than being a wagey. I wont miss college.

No. 2424204

I wish I had at least one coworker that could match my freak so I can have someone to talk about some wild shit with instead of being surrounded by normies that gives me a weird look and tell me to stop listening to "those weird podcasts".

No. 2424218

i mean if you can make actual substantial money then thats great but its still good to take even 2 classes just so you get out of the house and have something to fall back on

No. 2424219

Yes, but how will you survive?

No. 2424265

Honestly, if you aren't taking advantage of internships and other undergrad-exclusive programs, college isn't really worth it anymore anyway. You can't live on your parents' dime forever, but it's okay to do so for a little while to figure out where you're going in life and reevaluate your options. You can also go back and finish your degree at a later time if you so choose.

Part of why being a wagie sucks is that people don't feel any kind of personal meaning in the work they do. I used to hate my job until I began working at non-profits. I hope you eventually find something that speaks to you in the same way, maybe through your artwork.

No. 2424268

I like Propel, especially the watermelon flavor one.

No. 2424283

Anime was a mistake(wrong thread)

No. 2424289

Mom's wallet then suicide when she dies.
Something that made me decide to drop college is finding out that a person with my degree makes the same amount a wallmart wagey makes in the USA. Like whats even the point…

No. 2424292

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I just remembered that my ex had to use an orthopedic cushion at age 27 and he started to go bald. He would look like the oldest 27 year old martyr while sitting grumpy on his orthopedic throne while he was venting about his knee pain and would talk down to me because I ofc was always the one that wasn't good enough or working hard enough kek

No. 2424295

I don't understand why any of you put up with that. I'd have him in fetal position with his own dick in his mouth like locked in the closet for weeks until he learned to behave like a normal human being. Women who put up with negging STAND UP

No. 2424346

>mom's wallet
not dad's wallet? shame

No. 2424352

Who tf is the nona who keeps coming in here and giving nonas crazy diagnoses. Someone will have such a mundane issue and all of a sudden you're on your death bed.

No. 2424364

I downloaded that finch app to give myself some motivation to complete small tasks today. Feels kind of pathetic but I hope it works.

No. 2424377

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No. 2424382

advanced scrotefoiling

No. 2424384

File: 1740837181518.jpg (176.22 KB, 1500x1500, 7162QSM5TxS.jpg)

thinking about whether i should bring this to college tomorrow, bc morale and friendship or whatever but its so yummy i don't want it to run out since it was expensive too

No. 2424388

pls share but i dont want the cherry ones

No. 2424404

I played MKDD for forty minutes before turning it off again because I'm too bad at it and it's no fun playing if it's not my uncles version where he achieved everything already.

No. 2424419

I want to bake but I'm not at home and I just hate rummaging around other's kitchens to find ingredients and having them hovering around saying "oh that looks yummy!" or whatever takes me out of the zen of baking that I so crave and appreciate. For me baking is a solo sport.

No. 2424421

you can tell apart the flavours? amazing, it's all just sour sweet to me

No. 2424432

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Sometimes I want to shave my head and just wear wigs. I don't hate my hair or anything, I actually think my hair is really prettyeven when it's damaged, I just want to have everything, be everyone and do anything.

No. 2424447

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I wish I could get a pixie again, it was so much fun and very practical, cutest look I ever had. I could wash my hair at any moment and it would dry super fast, and as the curls were closer to my scalp it looked hydrated and bouncy all the time. That hairstyle made every outfit look unique and cute. God I miss it. Too bad I live at Tangamandapio and society bullies any woman who doesn't burn her curls into a long silk press, literally no fun allowed. I still remember people looking at me weird, insulting me or asking me if I was sick like??

And my texture changed so much since then, I used to have curly hair but it turned wavy. I bet a pixie would look absolutely gorgeous with this hair texture reeeee

No. 2424513

please do it please do it please do it

No. 2424543

Don't you feel bad spending your mom's money indefinitely like that? Obviously she loves you, but at a certain point it's taking advantage of her.

No. 2424610

I went to the gym yesterday and went too hard on the hip abductions so now my ass and hips hurt.

No. 2424624

oh kek i just realized, all the cherry ones were on one side and i just never got to them

No. 2424652

Do it nonna.
I love this haircut on curly women.

No. 2424667

you didn't save me any non-cherry ones…….

No. 2424683

Hair thread: >>>/g/369903
Food thread: >>>/ot/1949746

Mundane Shit is about mundane eventst

No. 2424702

Isn't it usually a good thing if the muscles hurt a little after a workout?

No. 2424709

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I'm not religious but I can't help but turn to god in those moments when I get hit with the period shits ten minutes from home and I have to pray to every higher power imaginable as the struggle keeps getting harder the closer to home I get.(belongs tmi thread )

No. 2424715

File: 1740854806446.jpg (90.12 KB, 750x1000, bg,f8f8f8-flat,750x,075,f-pad,…)

I just found out that my leopard gecko, who I assumed was a dude, is actually a female. The first and only FTM I will ever support.

No. 2424716

She was never a man she was always a woman. Don't insult her by calling her a troon and don't upload pictures with that hate symbol.

No. 2424720

If that was true, then why didn't HE ever correct me all the times I referred to him with male terms? Look anon, I don't like it either but unfortunately I have to accept my child for who he is. Now if he was a MTF then that would be a different situation…..

No. 2424721

you mistook the sex of your own pet and then further insult it by calling it trans? ew, the gecko deserves better

No. 2424724

>Deleted the post to change "male" to "dude."
>Still refers to women as "female"

No. 2424726

File: 1740855455276.jpg (25.24 KB, 561x366, 20230104_154200.jpg)

worked with my bitchy coworker for the first time today and it was as bad as i expected. i've worked with more experienced specialists before and none of them were as entitled as her. i'll have to work with her two times a week this month ughhhh fml i hope she goes on vacation

No. 2424729

Who knew female geckos were women.

No. 2424734

He's already getting the best. I just scheduled his double masectomy.
Jokes aside though, are troon pets really a thing people do? I feel like I've never come across it.

No. 2424737

Yes and tbh I do enjoy the soreness but now I'm debating whether or not I want to do cardio today

No. 2424739

Samefag, I enjoy the soreness because it makes me feel acomplished. I didnt realize how weird that sounded until I posted kek

No. 2424768

I'm watching the first episode of Secret Lives of Mormon Wives, and I'm realizing that what I thought mormon people were like is wrong kek

No. 2424773

No. 2424776

Saying I'm watching a TV show is mundane anon. Plus, I'm not actually really saying anything about the show itself in that post.

No. 2424783

The most shocking thing to me was their soda drinking habits. Genuinely that much sugar is sinful on a soul deep level.

No. 2424788

File: 1740858409297.jpg (110.1 KB, 975x1300, 36442472-female-nerd-at-the-la…)

Shut the fuck up you mini modding ass bitch GODDAMN

No. 2424791

my post wasn't about the food itself it was about me thinking about if i should share it, dumbass

No. 2424818

My dad's a deadbeat
those are the risks you take when you have a child tbh. I dont feel bad because i was her choice in the first place. Its like getting a puppy then getting angry you have to take care of it for the rest of your life.

No. 2424827

You are genuinely retarded and you're lucky your mother's a doormat

No. 2424865

What's interesting is that Mormons are supposed to avoid caffeine… but the Church of Latter Day Saints also own huge shares in Coca Cola.

No. 2424873

The Coca Cola corporation produces caffeinated beverages as well as non-caffeinated beverages.

No. 2424879

File: 1740862129209.png (48.91 KB, 1582x220, mormon.PNG)

I hate how the reason that mormons can't drink coffee is because the women were tired of cleaning up nasty tobacco spit after the moids had their meetings so they retaliated by banning the "substances" that women liked during their meetings: coffee and tea.

No. 2424920

>wah wah how dare you not want to be a wagey cagey slave for the rest of your life
not my problem, hope this teaches you not to bring children onto this world unless you are rich

No. 2424966

File: 1740866286677.jpg (63.26 KB, 736x736, 1000133716.jpg)

So I was home alone for a while and I did what everyone does whenever we get some privacy I sang for a while the thing is that my ear has been plugged/clogged for almost two years at this point, and that made my ear feel less plugged/clogged?? How?? Should I do that more often then? Will this help me cure that shit?

No. 2424972

File: 1740866636873.jpg (375.61 KB, 2560x2560, 81b2B68+5tL.jpg)

nona… you need pic rel. likely you have a huge thing of earwax in your ear if you arent having pain with it just the plug/ clog feeling. warm water and one of these, if it still doesnt come out with just water you can get wax dissolving drops. its easy

No. 2424977

I went to the ER recently and while I was waiting for my paperwork one of the nurse was bored and cleaned out my ears. I had big chunks of hardened wax. It felt so good after. I had the same issues as you.

No. 2425004

Does this happen if you don't clean your ears with qtips? Honestly kind of wish I could have this happen to me because it feels so relieving but it never has and my ears are fine. So how do you do it.

No. 2425009

I have very leaky ears even if I clean them almost daily. I usually clean them with a soft cloth after showering. I sometimes use a qtip when there's too much build up. The nurse suggested I get them clean at a clinic once or twice a year or try this >>2424972.

No. 2425011

I'm mad about how much money I spent on books I could have just got from the library this whole time. I don't know why but after being a kid the concept of using the library just disappeared from my mind until recently. Before anyone says just pirate I prefer trying to find an official copy first then use piracy as a last resort.

No. 2425017

I usually clean my ears daily with q-tips and peroxide, tbh, this happened after I got an hyper-mega-uber-strong flu that made me half deaf for a few days, in theory I mostly have mucus on the inside.
I've tried washing my nose and such and I feel some relief/can hear better but it's still weirdly clogged/plugged.

No. 2425034

You're probably causing an overproduction of ear wax cleaning your ears this often

No. 2425053

File: 1740869804333.jpg (32.76 KB, 736x1055, 1000133749.jpg)

I'm fucked.

No. 2425056

I just followed a stretch tutorial on youtube, and it really felt awful on my arms. I was straining them the whole time. Maybe I have short arms or something.

No. 2425057

If you have tmj that can also contribute to the clogged feeling. I’ve had tmj forever but suddenly started dealing with the clogged ear symptom and had no clue tmj could cause it. It might be worth looking into if it’s not a wax or mucus problem

No. 2425065

Twitter is so shit I'm getting ads for Cheech and Chong marijuana. I don't smoke.

No. 2425227

Got mcdonalds. They didn't have mcflurrys so they gave me a strawberry smoothie instead. Gooooooooooooooood I'm pissed. Not reallying on them for mcflurrys anymore, I'll just buy cookies and cream ice cream.

No. 2425232

Standing on business.

No. 2425247

i had such a cute patient interaction today. this lady was so sweet and she completed the joke i was making unexpectedly it totally brightened up my entire day. i forgive her for making me gag from the poop disaster but that wasn't her fault either.

No. 2425256

There's only one thing I like at McDonald's and it's the frozen Coke. Three times so far, I've gone through the drive-thru just to find out after ordering and paying that they were out of the Coke flavor slushies. Why the fuck didn't you tell me that before I paid, assholes? It's basically a scam. I'm basically forced to pay for a nasty cherry slushie I don't want and then have to give to one of my coworkers. Assholes.

No. 2425258

>brighten my day and have poop disasters
I work with animals and I have the same experience

No. 2425270

i'm sad my pup is getting older but he's also gotten so sweet and cuddly. Like if he hears me sitting down on the couch he'll come running to cuddle up and he'll tuck his head behind my back.

No. 2425286

Old pets are the best tbh. They just want to loaf around and be petted.

No. 2425289

Mormons are quickly becoming the new Catholics, where they have a shit-zillion absurdly stringent rules, but don't actually follow the majority of them. The rules exist purely as a pretext to judge other people in the religion kek.

No. 2425296

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This happened with my leopard gecko, but in the opposite direction. You can't really tell what sex they are until they're around eight months old, so I basically just took a guess at mine's sex for the sake of picking a name and picked female. Sure enough, he not only grew up to be male, but also unusually large (which is weird, because he was not advertised by the breeder as being an extra large morph). My friends all have female leos and he's so much bigger than them, like almost double the size. (Picrel not mine)

No. 2425312

File: 1740885289309.jpg (209.04 KB, 850x1200, 1675859917405.jpg)

I am going to drink a coffee then draw all night.

No. 2425320

File: 1740885521588.jpg (2.57 MB, 1968x2624, 1000001872.jpg)

Your guy must have some giant genes in him! Maybe the breeder didn't think he inherited the genes for it. I think giant leos are awesome, they give me the same feeling as looking at a really big plushie.

No. 2425330

What are you thinking of drawing, nona?

No. 2425345

File: 1740885980657.jpeg (763.54 KB, 1125x1054, 14C4CC1F-DFFD-44A0-86C7-40CC29…)

Jealous. I have to get up early and work on my assignment due tomorrow. I’d rather draw.

No. 2425353

This is going to be me starting from next week. I am enjoying my time before i am forced to stop neeting. God i hate being poor.

No. 2425376

I want to work on my figure drawing and construction. I struggle a lot with it.

No. 2425501

He's also really docile and does great with handling. He just sits calmly in my hand and lets me pet his head with my finger.

No. 2425611

This threadpic just made me laugh so fucking hard, what the hell

No. 2425627

I need to know if the tortoise bugged the fuck out and broke their actual bathroom, or if it was a decorative toilet for guests KEK

No. 2425632

Ordered a bunch of oversize t-shirts with cute prints. Figured since I am completely unable to curb my life-long hatred for my body I might as well lean into covering it up. Maybe I'll also start wearing a paper bag over my face, who knows!

No. 2425635

You should wear super long fake eyelashes so they stick out of the eyehole cutouts kek

No. 2425642

Of course! How else am I gonna signal to the world that I'm a woman? I should put a bow on the bag too, just in case plebs are too afraid to look me in the eye holes

No. 2425712

>hit it off with a Guatemalan woman at a concert
>try to use my very mediocre castellano skills
>switch to japanese midsentence because the pronunciations are kinda similar
I was very drunk in this moment tbf but it was so embarrassing.

No. 2425766

I'm sorry anon, idk how mcdonald's is always out of SOMETHING. It's been hours and I'm still seething about the smoothie. I tried to convinceyself that it was good but the banana flavor was simply too strong.

No. 2425860

Warming up my hedgehog.

No. 2425864

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Please post pics if you're comfortable with it, I love hedgehogs. I've thought about getting one.

No. 2425900

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I love my cat but he's so gross. He constantly sucks on his paws whenever he's not in the mood to play and then his mouth starts drooling while he cries at me to hold him. He's ridiculously clingy and follows me everywhere. I think it’s because I’m the only one in the house who tolerates him enough to hold him. I can never get him to stop, he'll suck on one paw, wipe it on my clothes, suck on the other one, and wipe it on my clothes again. Then I have to change because I end up smelling like cat food, dry saliva, and occasionally poop because he doesn’t bother to clean his ass properly after pooping. If I don’t hold him, he’ll chase his brothers and choke them with his paw while still sucking on it. I don’t know how to make him stop. I thought about using garlic-infused oil but then I remembered it’s toxic to cats and I definitely don’t want to risk that. I tried cone collars but he would just jump around like crazy and crie non-stop so that didn’t work either. Right now he’s outside my room banging on the door while his brothers chirp to each other. Not picrel but he is a ginger and sometimes sits with his tongue out

No. 2425921

Maybe he is just stupid and baby-like.

No. 2425941

I almost cried reading this I miss my cat so bad

No. 2425955

Sounds like he was separated from his mother too soon or rejected by her, and now you’re mommy to him.

No. 2425958

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Saw the thumbnail of this video and thought it was a beautiful muscular woman on my feed but I clicked on it and realized it was a dude! I'm so disappointed nonnies(wrong thread)

No. 2425965

Are you sure it's a dude

No. 2425969

I hate when I have to work or do something later in the day and it's just lingering over me. I never know what to do in the earlier part of the day and end up just wasting time. I'd rather have things to do in the morning and get them over with.

No. 2425973

He’s had a fuckton of plastic surgery and cosmetic procedures done to feminize his appearance but yeah, very beautiful guy

No. 2425980

>very beautiful guy
He looks like any typical gay guy who is young and he's using a filter. Or this is pre-twink death. I bet he isn't over 25. Why do you guys use or view tiktok if you can't see filters? No wonder I read so many depressing posts here. Imagine living in a world where every pick me and fag who is desperate for attention are "beautiful"

No. 2425986

Disgusting faggot

No. 2426003

Why are faggots so annoying

No. 2426111

Just found a hair in my sandwich, I'm trying to decide if it's a pube or not. I just dropped it too, might be a sign to not eat it.

No. 2426114

don't eat it

No. 2426116

me replying to this this quickly is also a sign, you may not want to waste ingredients/money but you have to be above eating a dropped sandwich with hair in it

No. 2426121

It's OK anon I already threw it out. I was gonna eat it after dropping it though tbh, as unlike me as it is.

No. 2426159

its ok nonnie, we all have our lowest moments, mine is eating my muesli cereal even after i realized there were ants in it that i just picked out because that muesli was expensive and delicious.

No. 2426182

I once accidentally ate ants. Didn’t realize we had a problem and grabbed a cookie off of a plate and ate it. Went back for seconds and saw the ants. Explained why the cookie tasted a bit weird but not awful enough for me to not get seconds.

No. 2426245

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This year I FINALLY remembered to order the annual limited edition tea based on a seasonal pastry in my country, I even ordered two bags! I usually don't care for gimmicky teas and drinks, but I tried this one at my friend's place a couple of years ago and I've been obsessing over the thought of drinking more ever since because it was SO GOOD. So excited!

No. 2426275

Just laughing about the thought that one day in the far future anime will be "ancient art" that they have to study in school

No. 2426282

Decided I'm gonna "work" from home tomorrow. I'm still absolutely exhausted despite a calm weekend, I'm already a little bit ahead of schedule so I'm gonna tell my supervisor I got some really bad period cramps in the morning and just take my sweet time doing what I need on the project the rest of the day.

No. 2426286

I know this feel, luckily though I have Monday and Tuesday free so I can just continue working throughout the weekend and those two days, I need to actually finish some study material and it's kind of a pain in the ass but I have to do this or my boss will get all annoying about it.

No. 2426292

what flavor it is nona?

No. 2426306

File: 1740946729948.jpg (444.26 KB, 1000x1500, vegan-semla-buns-crosssection-…)

Semla! It's a seasonal pastry here in Sweden, it's a cardamom roll filled with sweetened almond paste and whipped cream. Whenever any place tries to make some sort of drink inspired version of it they just end up tasting weird as fuck, but this tea brand has found the perfect balance in the mix of flavors of almond, cream and cadradmom

No. 2426316

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there's a lake next to my apartment building and sometimes i like to go out and watch the turtles in it. i didn't realize there were so many turtles until a couple of weeks ago but now i make it a point to go past it when im out for walks

No. 2426319

Cinnamon tea sucks. I thought I would like it but it almost made me gag. Sad.

No. 2426323

Yeah I can't imagine pure cinnamon being palatable wtf lol

No. 2426334

I just saw Casey Anthony on social media. I didn't even know she was free.

No. 2426349

>see spider next to me
>try to grab it real quick but it runs off
>decide to go to bed
>bout to sleep when I feel a bite
>the spider came back to fucking bite me
>I swear it looked me dead in the eyes before running away.
I swear that spider came back for revenge, havent seen it since. Not even mad tbh.

No. 2426350

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i drank a whole pot of coffee and gave myself a manicure and pedicure

No. 2426353

File: 1740949931353.png (3.56 MB, 1319x1568, 0d3499a7-68ea.png)

I actually saw a picture of him yesterday. I was arguing with my moid friend aabout wheter it was a woman or a man, and i am glad i won. He's sexy as fuck, why arent straight men like this? also whats his handle

No. 2426355

Omg nonna he's so cute!

No. 2426371

>He's sexy as fuck
I really question farmer's tastes sometimes…

No. 2426373

He has rickets

No. 2426374

the average normie woman dates bald guys who dont wash their ass and you are have a problem with my taste? at least he's fit and has a full head of hair

No. 2426375

The animu grill disease

No. 2426377

He should do a JoJo cosplay.

No. 2426386

Who said I don't have a problem with women who like bald guys that don't wash their ass?

No. 2426387

Faggots make me gag on impulse. I agree with >>2426377 though he'd probably rock a Jojo cosplay

No. 2426389

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Listening to Work Bitch by Britney Spears while I get my steps in

No. 2426391

you were talking about having problems farmers taste, so it kinda implies you dont have a problem with normalfag's women lack of taste

No. 2426392

No that's not what it implies kek, what.

No. 2426395

sure lol

No. 2426431

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Finally ordered new glasses after a very long time of my prescription being fucked up!!! I'm so excited.

No. 2426435

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His shooped thighs look like weiner

No. 2426436

I want to be this cat

No. 2426460

This is great for glute bridges.

No. 2426467

I was looking at a site on my phone and it opened the app store to an app literally called "show wifi password". Motherfuckers tried to pull a quick one over my head. And it was just a site to see fast food prices!

No. 2426478

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I was comfy drinking my mint tea and reading some internet drama that became semi viral in my coutry and a guy who i used to be friends with irl and would sex pest me when i was a teen was part of the callout. WHAT THE FUCK. Apparently he raped a tranny and then him and this girl thats being called out drove him to suicide. HOLY SHIT. It was insane scrolling down and being hit with his ugly af mug. He's also apparently a serial rapist. He used to harass me and was obsessed with me, he even put a knife in my throat and told me he wanted to rape me in a car. HOLY FUCKING SHIT NONNIES.

No. 2426481

Get adguard for your phone nona

No. 2426529

I will never understand the tastes of fellow farmers. Never

No. 2426531

Whats your taste then

No. 2426540

Damn that’s scary. You’re lucky I guess? I wonder if he just hadn’t raped anyone yet so he didn’t follow-through on his threat when he knew you, but then he actually did it one day and kept doing it…

No. 2426547

I can't stop thinking about the anon who ate a turtle

No. 2426550

He actually told me about the rape. Which is probably why he deleted his whole side of the chat from facebook(you have to do this manually btw). He didnt told me it was rape, obviously, but he told me he had fucked a guy. He did this, i am pretty sure, because i was a fujo back then and he was trying to get into my pants. Absolutely wild.

No. 2426553

Wait ACTUALLY he didnt delete his side of the conversation. I can actually expose him.

No. 2426560

This week i'm actually gonna do it. I'm gonna stay off social media and stop wasting hours scrolling twitter and instagram and reddit

No. 2426573

No. 2426585

I woke up by the sound of something ”popping” really loudly and then after like 30-60 seconds later another, smaller one. The first one mildly sounded firework and the smaller one sounded like a popper. I looked outside and didn’t see anything but when I saw the (silent) blue lights a minute or two later I immediately got nosy and looked outside. I don’t know what, but something had caught fire up the hill opposite of my apartment. Luckily the fire department is close by here so they were already on it, but because there is a lot of trees on both sides of said road and a parking lot right beneath the one on our side I got REALLY FUCKING NERVOUS while I was watching them put it out. And my cat, like my supportive little hero, sat in my knee the entire time staring at me and purring which help me calm down a bit when I assured myself the firemen had everything under control - cars were calmly passing by and they themselves were pretty casual as they walked around putting it out. The fire seems to be out now but they and the police still have their blue lights on and I don’t have any any blackout draped so I just have to wait it out.

No. 2426594

Okay they turned off the lights now but I’m still a little too wound up to go back to sleep

No. 2426613

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I don’t know why but the more I look at this pic the more it makes me kek something about Trudeau is so funny and then you zoom in on the other people and half of them look so fucking awkward

No. 2426615

what does it feel like to be an honorary homosexual

No. 2426626

I wish my mundane was this exciting.

No. 2426666

It seems that holding your hands in front of you was the key to looking non-awkward in this picture, kek.

No. 2426667

File: 1740970541894.webp (41.29 KB, 640x640, post118127115_748844049233157_…)

I was having a normal mundane neet day reading the new chapter for my favourite lolcow universe until i got hit with the realization one of my ex friends who was obsessed with me and tried to slice my throat was a tranny rapist, amazing. This is his mug btw. He became fat since we stopped being friends.

No. 2426673

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Lately I've been thinking that I want a desk that will let me sit cross legged, this desk seriously feels small as fuck. I should get a chair like pic related or something, but I'm pretty sure I would still feel very uncomfortable using this desk.

No. 2426679

I have always wanted one of these chairs so I could sit like bottom left in them. I try to sit like that in a regular desk chair but it makes my knees hurt. If you end up getting it let us know if it's comfortable!

No. 2426690

idk the guy in the bottom left [who?] is making me laugh

No. 2426695

was feeling sad about how stupid and lonely my life is, then watched Manifestelle video's to feel better. it's nice to see a woman openly talk in women's favor, though i disagree with her on some things of course. patriarchy is the ultimate reason my life is so retarded (from a conservative culture), like many women. ugh.

No. 2426699

bachatota drama?

No. 2426836

It's almost 10am and I still haven't really started working yet, probably barely gonna get anything done today and I regret nothing

No. 2426957

I'm going to the store

No. 2426970

What are you buying

No. 2426972

Do any of you also enjoy listening to Josh Johnson standup videos about current events? He's funny without affectation and looks like a kind lesbian which is endearing

No. 2426985

Pizza, ice cream, lemonheads

No. 2427001

This sinusitis is killing me, I have had a headache and tooth pain for 2 days straight and it won't go away.

No. 2427020

That sounds so good

No. 2427049

My instacarter just finished shopping in 3 minutes. She wasn't fucking around.

No. 2427051

I see female instacarters in the store occasionally and I don't think I've ever seen anyone more locked in in my life

No. 2427058

unironically there's probably fashionfags on TT dying to have the style of this cat

No. 2427073

Tried some wax melts that I got months ago and wow, those things are strong. Had to put it out after about 15 mins because my nose is tickling. Perhaps my room is too small.

No. 2427094

(null)chimpburgers - yawning sneasel - AnOminous "tranny trashing"

No. 2427096

lurk moar, ctomeez@gmail.com

No. 2427114

File: 1741016286926.jpg (40.77 KB, 411x548, btr.jpg)

bought big time rush concert tickets kek 10 year old me would be proud

No. 2427118

Watching Anora, going in mostly blind.

No. 2427125

Had starbucks from 2 days ago in my room. I am now drinking it. Wish me luck. (I'm gross and IDC)

No. 2427129

Aw, have fun nonnie.

No. 2427142

Did it have dairy in it?

No. 2427153

Cute. I live in the south, so the main turtle species is called cooters (lol), but they're very shy so you have to stand very far away to look at them or else they run away.

No. 2427154

Making some study material for some kids while listening to my favorite work playlist.

No. 2427158

Are you a teacher?

No. 2427164

Ate my breakfast of cheese, now I'll draw.

No. 2427185

File: 1741019635004.jpg (13.92 KB, 400x400, 1711807073936.jpg)

I just want to scarf down handfuls of nuts in one sitting. Peanuts, cashews, macadamia, almonds… and eat many bananas dipped in unholy amounts of creamy peanut butter. what is wrong with me. I eat well. I exercise regularly. I just had a big lunch, soba noodles and veggies with a lot of smoked tempeh and a side of salad with tahini dressing. breakfast was pretty big too. I had over 60g of protein today (which at my weight is enough to maintain muscle).

No. 2427186

Ew. No

No. 2427188

Yeah, but I work for a company that teaches after school. It's quite cozy like this even though I have to make the material myself because I hate the idea of stealing pre-existing stuff.

No. 2427189

No. 2427193

Why are you eating women Tf eat chicken like a normal person

No. 2427201

It honestly sounds like your body wants more protein. What happens if you give it more?

No. 2427229

I wanna have sex

No. 2427230

Ominous comment.

No. 2427255

Praying and hoping I hear back from this job today.

No. 2427257

Highly unusual

No. 2427259

I can finally breathe. I crave the sleep I didn't get for 3 days. Don't wanna refill my water bottle though. Lazy.

No. 2427268

That's a lot of conclusions you jumped to. You sound like a boomer having an aneurysm over tiktok filters. It's a casual comment about his appearance in relation to other guys, not the end of the world.

No. 2427270

60g of protein is way too low if you're actively working out

No. 2427278

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Watched an infographic video during class that was so boring it was probably the first time I've genuinely "nodded off". My eyes felt so heavy and my head physically recoiled back multiple times, it was like the video was never going to end

No. 2427282

Today I saw a teenage boy at the bus station freesyle rapping for his mom. She looked proud, too. Kinda endearing lol.

No. 2427290

Kekkk that's actually very endearing she must be a good mom bless her

No. 2427310

I wish teenage boys did this more often instead of bark at me at bus stops

No. 2427347

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Samefag, they just sent me an offer!!! God I'm so happy, everything feels like it's falling into place.

No. 2427353

Aw, that's cute. I saw a kid on the bus the other day making silly faces at his baby sister to make her laugh.

No. 2427359

Didn't do any work at all today, I just rested and occasionally poked on the laptop so I would still be logged on the work server and went to the store. I spent the rest of the time lying on the couch and watch youtube all day (and booted up the ps5 the moment I was "officially" off work). I usually don't do stuff like that, but I was so exhausted today I wouldn't get anything done anyway.

No. 2427374

You did it! Good job. Are you going to do anything special to celebrate?

No. 2427397

File: 1741033642168.png (34.67 KB, 841x267, luckreading.png)

I was bored so I made a daily fortune reading spread sheet. It'll give you your daily luck level, the lucky color and unlucky color and a 3-spread tarot reading. I might revamp it so that it gives you visual tarot reading with each card rather than text along with changing the lucky color to images of flowers.

No. 2427400

samefag but the arrows represent whether or not the card read is reversed or not.

No. 2427401

Also got a job offer in the past days and it´s gonna be the most money I ever earned I´m so happy. Congrats nonna!

No. 2427408

I'm gonna make a milkshake to treat myself I would've ate it even if I didn't get the offer though kek. It's been my only craving for days. Homemade whipped cream too
Congratulations to you too!

No. 2427534

Nonnies I don't eat fast food and avoid animal products but I am craving taco bell or something. I won't die if i deny myself it but I might enjoy it. It also might fuck up my stomach. Is it even worth it?

No. 2427537

I was feeling nostalgic and decided to watch old videos. I remembered this anime club video from years back, so I watched it again. I didn't even like Haruhi Suzumiya back when I watched it, but man that dance was fun back in the day. As cringe as this video comes across, it's filled with soul and sincerity from their weeb sperging. It was a simpler time.

No. 2427539

File: 1741041498316.png (23.04 KB, 465x416, hehe.png)

old man kept honking at me to go into oncoming traffic. fuck off wallace, its my life that gets taken if i get into an accident not yours. it sucks to be in a rush but im not risking it if cars keep coming. i wanted to be so petty and hold my horn behind him once we were at a red light together but i got scared.
picrel me and the banner were typing at the same time

No. 2427540

Are you sure it will mess up your stomach? When I was vegetarian, I thought going back to eating meat would make me feel horrible because that's what I saw everyone saying but I was fine. Maybe just order 1 thing to treat yourself.

No. 2427547

i dont think i can be okay eating meat but a quesadilla with the little cheap veggies sounds so good. but i just think ill feel guilt. pretend i bought one for you instead nonnie. ill just make something at home later

No. 2427592

i fucking hate this stupid feet pose. makes people who do it look like speds

No. 2427608

I thought this was gio scotti at first

No. 2427698

I got layers and I hate the way my hair looks now. Can't wait for my hair to grow.

No. 2427755

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My fren went to buy pizza, its raining and we are going to watch the Uma Musume movie! i am so excited. Last month was absolutely awful so i am glad its over.

No. 2427786

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I just scarfed down an entire burrito after my fitness class.
In my defense, it’s 6 pm and all I’ve had is a protein shake

No. 2427787

do you usually eat your burritos in half? kek

No. 2427792

Yes actually, I usually get full by the 3/4th mark and the remaining 1/4th isn’t big enough to warrant it as a satisfying snack/second meal so it’s easier for me to just split it in half and eat it as 2 small meals.

No. 2427797

Wanted to take a shower, discovered I didn't wash my towels and it's getting late. Oops.

No. 2427802

If you really don't give a shit, shower and towel off with a robe and wear it around until you dry off, then put on your regular clothes and put the robe in the laundry

No. 2427810

Just took my medication and I hate it cuz I always get a little nauseous

No. 2427811

Thanks for the advice but I don't have a robe either LMAO

No. 2427834

Yoasobi songs go hard fr

No. 2427910

Just woke up from a nap. About to brush my teeth and then go back to bed. I saw notifications that some reddit moid obsessively left hate comments on a bunch of my posts because a comment he made on one of my posts got down voted. Unfortunately most of his seething got deleted before I could see it. Tomorrow I hope to practice knitting again. I gave up on it for a long time but I feel determined now.

No. 2427913

Stood on business and fucked my sleeping schedule.

No. 2428071

Man on the train next to smelled so good. Like sweet watermelon candy or juice or something, he must have used his sister or wife's shampoo. More men should use "feminine" scents and products. The male ones smell like shit

No. 2428118

I never thought of men smelling like that before nonna and it sounds so cute and good.

No. 2428281

Been listening to Shirley Bassey on repeat this morning

No. 2428345

File: 1741100081116.jpeg (120.19 KB, 604x604, IMG_3925.jpeg)

>accidentally has the pods case of my wireless earphones go into the washer
>doesn’t retrieve it until its in the rinse cycle (it was washing with the pods inside submerged in water KEK)
>takes it out
>cleans off water
>water still coming out of the thing
>disappointed but knew this was going to happen eventually since i almost lost it outside a week after i bought it kekkk
>flips it upside down for the water to drip right in front of the fan overnight
>no more water dripping from the inside out
>headphones magically charge inside the pod and it’s still miraculously working
Lucky girl syndrome at work. Thank goodness I’m not paying another 25-30$ for another one

No. 2428401

Technology these days is surprisingly waterproof. I had an old macbook I spilled water on at least twice and after letting it dry out for a few days it always came back on. 10+ years later, still works. The only thing I think is that it kills the battery so you may notice your earbuds have less battery life

No. 2428415

File: 1741103815194.mp4 (9.92 MB, 1280x720, reddit why are oranges orange.…)

Just got banned from reddit again. This is like the sixth? time this has happened. Ironically, it's because I was using a VPN while logged in, and they're cracking down on those by demanding I prove I'm real through my email, but I used a temp email years ago so there's no way to access it. RIP my favorite account, you survived so many transphobic comments when all other accounts got banned.

No. 2428444

Hilarious except for the sexism

No. 2428453

Before I quit reddit I used to just use the same throwaway email every time I got banned, just put a period in a different spot lol. Never verified any of the accounts either.

No. 2428498

I'm nervous about a presentation that's tomorrow. It's stupid because we can do it sitting down and it's a group project so I only have to speak for ~3 minutes

No. 2428517

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i was able to secure the apartment i wanted to move in to, thank GOD. if i didn't get this one i would've had to live somewhere that has reviews saying there's bug/mold issues.

No. 2428546

geeking out so hard over fanfiction my head has gone light, I'm holding back a squeal, and I have a spring in my step fuck I feel GOOD

No. 2428568

File: 1741114353461.jpg (41.9 KB, 736x736, 1000001521.jpg)

I put on lip balm like every two hours but my lips are still dry as fuck, I hate my life

No. 2428584

What helped me is putting facial moisturizer on my lips and doing a thin layer of Vaseline to seal the moisture.

No. 2428587

File: 1741115411633.jpeg (423.05 KB, 1600x1600, IMG_1604.jpeg)

Vaseline lip therapy is a life saver, you just need that. I tried every chapstick and it never worked, I just put a layer of Vaseline in the morning and it stays the whole day kek.

No. 2428590

Did my quarterly call with my dad, I haven't seen him since I moved out 10 years ago but honestly we have nothing in common so that doesn't matter. But he's too autistic to have friends, and he had a falling out with my aunt after grandma died, so I'm the only one that calls in to check on him.

No. 2428591

Share the fic nona

No. 2428598

File: 1741116064087.png (359.5 KB, 1230x1154, Screenshot 2025-03-04 at 2.20.…)

Depending on the lip balm, some actually aggravate the problem of chapped lips so you buy and use more. I think carmex is one, but it depends on the ingredients in it.

No. 2428599

My mom was scrolling through my vacation pictures on my phone and came across a screenshot of shayna's disgusting brown fungus nub fingernails that I had forgot to delete after posting. She was very concerned for whoevers nails they were kek I told her it was just something I found online and didn't realize i screenshotted. So embarrassing, I need to remember to delete everything immediately after posting.

No. 2428600

File: 1741116098516.jpg (41.51 KB, 564x592, 1000001000.jpg)

I haven't seen Vaseline in drugstores in my country but I can probably get it online, so I'll try it. Thank you for your advice nonnas.

No. 2428602

This must be why I always gravitate towards the oily balms. Some lipbalms just sit on top of your lips, the best balms sink in to your lips. Moroccan Magic ftw.

No. 2428617

Neither does mine nonna, I ordered it on Amazon!

No. 2428620

File: 1741117094616.webp (22.84 KB, 1578x1578, IMG_1605.webp)

So I wasn’t crazy!! Thank you nonna.
The one that I used was this one, it was like applying wax, my lips were so chapped, despite applying it every few hours.

No. 2428633

Try aquaphor

No. 2428634

Your picrel makes me desperately want a hotdog

No. 2428644

Waiting for my ice cream to melt so I can eat it.

No. 2428647

Got ants in my laptop again. I don't know why theylike in there, but it's about 2 ants a day that come out of my laptop

No. 2428654

I believe ants are attracted to the heat? I know that’s the case for cockroaches and other household pests.

No. 2428655

Aw fuckkk, at least it’s still working

No. 2428678

That's just a milkshake now sis

No. 2428750

I can tell by how you type that you're stinky and have no friends.(retardation/bait)

No. 2428772

i bought some tiny marshmallows and roasted them on a candle. it was fun

No. 2428776

Awww, I used to do that when I was a kid. Thank you for reminding me Nona. Maybe I’ll try again.

No. 2428835

I used a shirt to dry off yesterday

No. 2428841

sometimes i start a fight on here but realize i don't care enough to type out a response and i wonder if the other nonnie feels like she won

No. 2428944

did you spill food or something sticky in there?

No. 2428945

The ants ragebait on here when you're asleep.

No. 2428956

Nta, wasn't drying your hair with a shirt better for your hair anyways? I've been debating on either getting a microfiber towel or just using a random old t-shirt for almost a whole year already.

No. 2428966

File: 1741132342200.jpg (3.05 MB, 1920x2715, 1000020447.jpg)

>Anon wakes up to check LC
>IP banned for alogging
>check laptop
>queen ant crawls out

No. 2429023

I’m sick with a cold and on the train to uni right now and can’t stop coughing. I’m trying to suppress it right now but the tickling feeling at the back of my throat won’t go away. Coughing is so embarassing especially post-covid

No. 2429156

I am so bored and as a result I am also horny

No. 2429204

I'm disappointed my guacamole came out subpar somehow, I really wanted to enjoy monching on a big bowl of it.

No. 2429207

I screwed up all my school stuff and I have about a year until I can go into the program of my choice, so I thought about calling my school and asking about a partnership they have with a Japanese university to do a study abroad semester (since their normal one already passed the submission date). I'm kind of nervous, but I really want to finally go. I'm hoping it'll work out and I can make something happen with them, but I'm nervous since the Japanese site about the program hasn't updated in a while. I thought about taking money out of my 401k from my dead grandpa but I want to stay for more than just a week.

No. 2429264

I just remembered an incident where my sister bought my dad a massage gun, but it was damaged. My dad still insisted on using it and had my sister use it on his back, even though it was giving him painful electric shocks to the point he was exclaiming in pain, until my mother came in and stopped it all, kek.

No. 2429337

Just nailed singing Bohemian Rhapsody in my bedroom. I haven't listened to the song in ages, just felt like doing it and played an instrumental and sang along to it. It's actually low and works for my voice, minus the "for me" high note, lol. I think it an easy song for me because when I discovered it for the first time when I was a a teenager, I listened to it on repeat nearly every day, it got ingrained in my brain that I can sing it on command, I watched tons of videos breaking down the vocals and singing styles and transitions. My ass legit studied this song I can get a degree in it at this point. Glad to know it wasn't all to waste and it worked.

No. 2429350

I miss being a child at the pool with my friends and their families, getting at least 4 people to go up with me on the deep end platform and doing a synchronised dive enough to cause a tsunami.

No. 2429442

My dad just changed his sheets for the first time this year.

No. 2429444

No. 2429447

I keep getting along really well with potential partners and keep struggling to get girls to like me and want to be my friend. Maybe it’s because I know men like me going into first interaction, whereas with girls I’m not sure how I am being perceived? Anyway I met with a girl today at a coffee shop and could barely focus on what she was saying because I was so anxious kek. Then I spoke to this guy on FaceTime and I was talking up a storm.

No. 2429458

My neighbours have a cat and three dogs and the theory that cats see themselves as whatever they're surrounded by/don't know they're different is true because it often runs around and poses like a dog

No. 2429545

My cat figured out how to open the fridge door and ate half of the Costco salmon filet I was defrosting. Idk whether to be impressed or concerned his breed is supposed to be retarded

No. 2429547

What breed?

No. 2429569

Did your orange cat get his turn with the single universal shared brain cell?

No. 2429579

I'm really, really happy to have a community of weeby female nerds that are all my age, of all sexualities, some fujos, well-adjusted, capable of holding a conversation and have similar leftist values to mine. The world around me is going to shit and turning more and more dystopian to the point I sometimes just feel like giving it up and ending it all, but this coven of likeminded women is keeping me sane. I have no idea how I got so lucky that I stumbled there but I'm glad I did.

No. 2429580

I want in

No. 2429581

My cat turned into a lazy bum because of me then, damn…

No. 2429584

My cat likes to sleep next to me so when i am hogging the bed he starts meowing loudly next to my face until i wake up and move a little so he can lie next to me. He's like a husband except with a full head of hair.

No. 2429593

I'm going to cry this is so cute. My dipshit wiggled around until he's taking up 2/3s of my bed and then complains if I try to scoot him over kek.
United are we, nona.

No. 2429611

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having a job is fucking awesome i'm just sitting there doing nothing being paid for chilling drinking coffee and browsing lolcow

picrel showed up as i was typing this

No. 2429615

kek i did this so many times at every jobs i used to be in.
Truly the best moment of the day.

No. 2429618

I like it when I wear my straight hair in a braid and then take it out after a day and it gets temporary curls.

No. 2429622

Whats your job nonnie? If you dont mind me asking

No. 2429669

Turns out that my recurring depression is due to undiagnosed adhd. I got tested recently.

No. 2429679

Damn posts in the pm/early am hours really represent anons that have dogshit for brains. Is it EU or something(bait)

No. 2429687

Seeing people I went to high school with at my uni feels so weird. Like I was supposed to never see any of you again, you being here feels like an error code. I don't hate them or anything, it's just funny to me

No. 2429835

I'm going to be seeing my stoner friend later for the first time since I've given up weed. I'm determined not to crack and have any when he inevitably offers me some. Wish me luck nonnies, I don't want this monkey on my back anymore!!

No. 2429855

Hit my lowest weight today so I’m getting Wingstop in celebration

No. 2429921

mine just lay on top of me. i try to scoot them off so theyre next to me instead but they just keep creeping up until theyre fully on top of me again

No. 2429931

My new scrote neighbor has a Makima sticker on his car and puts his trash can basically in front of my driveway. Both of these things piss me off equally.

No. 2429942

Theres a nona at my community college and she got banned for not posting screenshots..

No. 2429944

key his car, slash his tires and spread his trash on his car

No. 2429981

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It’s dark and cloudy here with on and off rain. Whenever the weather is like this I get so sleepy, I hope it clears up tomorrow.

No. 2430057

being a kid at a pool is peak childhood bliss. I remember spending hours with my friends making up games in the pool over the summer. It's not the same when you're an adult

No. 2430059

Stay strong you got this nonnie. Don't break your sober streak.

No. 2430061

that reminds me of a game me and my sister would play called "surfboard" where one would swim under and crawl on the floor of the pool while the other stand on top of the crawling person.

No. 2430064

It's so rainy here today. It makes me want to curl up with a hot drink, a book, and a cat. But I have to work instead, so those will be my post work aspirations.

No. 2430120

Can't wait until you're home and relaxed nonny! What are you reading?

No. 2430192

I have 29 open tabs on my browser, one of them is a folder with even more tabs I don't wanna count because they're all recipes.
And I refuse to close any of them because "I'm saving them for later!", like some sort of tab hoarder.

No. 2430216

It'll bite you in the ass when your computer/browser unexpectedly shuts down and you don't remember what tabs were most important because you kept the not too important tabs up.
I've taken to dumping it all a private discord with each channel sorted to a corresponding topic.
t. someone who lost 50+ tabs throughout various Google account browsers because I tripped on the computer power cord

No. 2430263

4 days from now, the sun will be going down at 7pm.

No. 2430291

thank you! I don't know yet. I have a stack of books I've been meaning to start. I'm too embarrassed to say what they are kek.

No. 2430294

This makes me so happy

No. 2430299

That's clever! When I worked at a place where we used slack I would send important links I wanted to check out at home to myself through there, didn't know that was an option on discord so I should check it out!

No. 2430367

I cannot stop thinking about the turtle on the pic thread. Would she be injured? Would she be feeling bad for tossing the toilet? Is she feeling sad?

No. 2430401

my experience with tortoise (more than the average person but not a professional) is that she is probably wondering where the food is at

No. 2430411

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I accidentally lost my house keys. Now I'm waiting to be let in by a family member getting off work in another hour. Shit sucks

No. 2430412

Playing games for a little beer-money so I can get stuff I don't need without feeling guilty about it.

No. 2430419

damn and you're on a upper floor so no breaking in to your own house huh? at least you have lolcow 2 browse

No. 2430431

You didn't scrub your exif data Samsung using nonna

No. 2430437

My coworker tried to help me get in with a credit card. Lol yeah, the lock was not having it. At least I'm out of the rain. Top floor, best floor.

No. 2430441

Nooo. I'm just trying to live my non tech savvy life.

No. 2430489

Is my upstairs neighbor vacuuming at fucking 23h30?

No. 2430496

I wanna eat some ramen but my housemate insists on cooking healthy stuff every day for the both of us. I want slop!

No. 2430504

Nta but how do you do that?

No. 2430527

Back inside my own apartment. I'm going to clean the kitchen, make dinner and smoke some grass.

No. 2430532

I always try to imagine it's an emergency so I don't rage, like maybe they spilled something and can't let a pet eat it or something like that.

No. 2430536

on the way to uni and almost every single one of my classes is midday-afternoon except for today which starts at 8.30 (i missed that class). why on earth do we have 3.30 starts some days and then at the start of the morning? it’s retarded. apparently the teacher for that class will completely fail people if they don’t manage to make it to classes

No. 2430542

A guy I'm speaking to texted me that he doesn't use instagram, whatsapp, tiktok, iphones, etc because he works in cybersecurity and knows that all of those companies track data and information. It came across super schizo so I jokingly made a video pretending to call 911 to perform a wellness check. He went into defense mode and I was like dude I'm straight up just messing with you. He proceeded to tell me that I come across as a crazy person because making a whole video was doing too much. I told him that that is my sense of humor and it's just me being playful. He goes, "Yeah, but a whole entire 1 minute video? Are you a crazy person?" I just said I wasn't and he started talking about some weird shit. I'm going to block him I was already doing charity work.

No. 2430549

my upstairs neighbour used to vacuum at all hours of the night, for hours at a time. but she was an actual meth head

No. 2430550

doubleposting but some older woman on my train with a face mask was death staring me because i was occasionally coughing, when she got off she had her eyes locked onto me so i gave her a stank (wtf is your problem) face. she continued staring and then stopped at the train door after exiting to just LOOK at me… not sure if she said anything because i didn’t take my headphones out but if you’re going to make it so obvious you’re judging random people i’ll make it obvious right back!

No. 2430560

I once stumbled upon an interesting thread about consciousness in a bondage/leather fetish forum by accident but now I can't find it and it's driving me crazy.

No. 2430575

You were doing too much and weird for this. This is like underage tiktok user humor.

No. 2430585

nta, but really? seems like something that was common for a while on some apps, like snapchat. all my dormmates, who were far more normal than me, years ago did stuff like that. i didn't though they seemed like they were having fun.

No. 2430586

Not to defend him but I definitely wouldn't take your joke lightly. You remind me of the obnoxious people who looked at me weirdly for not putting my whole face and identity on the internet.

No. 2430588

Isnt faking a 911 call a felony?

No. 2430595

NTA but it's not that deep. You don't send goofy videos/play out fake scenarios to friends/situationships?

No. 2430596

NTA but you should definitely report it just in case

No. 2430597

I like how the paranoiacs among us immediately got offended kek

No. 2430602

If you're actually calling 911 to do it then yeah. Pretending to call someone in a silly video is not fake. Are you okay?

No. 2430603

If you do something annoying, don't get irate when people call you annoying.

No. 2430604

It's not that deep but I believe most people hide their true feelings behind jokes.

No. 2430606

It's called "teasing someone".

No. 2430608

I would have found this cute if we were getting along and it was a playful joke. Not sure why everyone is giving you shit.

No. 2430609

>You remind me of the people who boolied me
NTA but why do so many anons on this site take random things absurdly personally

No. 2430610

>annoying a moid is looked down upon on lc of all places
Who cares make that faggot paranoid, hope anon tells him that she’s secretly a glowie that’s been sent to monitor his retarded behavior so he can later be sent to Guantanamo Bay for torture

No. 2430612

Again most people hide their opinions behind light jokes and teasing.

No. 2430613

>A cybersecurity professional told me that he takes his cybersecurity very seriously.
>It came across as super schizophrenic!!!
>Then I made a video to insult him under the guise of a joke, and he got offended?
>Everyone else is the problem, they don't understand my comedic genius.

No. 2430616

Agree like yeah he's paranoid but why make a video about it lol. Maybe that's just what teenagers do though

No. 2430618

Kek, are you him

No. 2430619

I wouldnt say its paranoid to not like op's joke, I worked in marketing and social media before and deleted all my socials because it was already too much stress being on insta/tiktok 24/7 for my company, didnt need that on my free time too.

If op's situationship is actually doing real cybersec shit and not mallhacker stuff he actually needs to have his socials checked on a periodic basis by whoever he works for which is not only inconvenient because if you forget a handle and they find out you can get fired but also theyre gonna look at your private life, i get his point.

No. 2430620

except my point was "it's not that deep" kek. maybe nonna has a weird sense of humor but it's better she outed herself sooner than later, plus she clearly isn't into the security orientated mindset he had either ways.
maybe someday she'll find a guy more on her wavelength.

No. 2430622

Sorry not everyone finds your shitty jokes funny. People will think you're weird if you want to remain anonymous and the guy was probably fed up by it.

No. 2430625

My friend teases me for not giving out my number all the time. It's just a joke. Relax. The irony of you guys calling nonna an underage snowflake tiktoker when you're all losing it. Just goes to show you are too prideful to handle any lighthearted teasing. Must be boring

No. 2430627

Why defend a moid who is actively telling others that he’s a retarded schizo? Not even the schizo nonnies in the tinfoil thread are that scared but of course this prank hurts moids who actually have illegal shit to hide so its suddenly bad and mean ITT

No. 2430628

>Implying someone is schizophrenic for not having social media.
>It was just a joke!!!

No. 2430629

File: 1741219395483.gif (363.73 KB, 400x300, 1000033429.gif)

>anon: makes a dumb joke that pisses a scrote off
>lolcow for some reason:

No. 2430630

Except it's not paranoia or schizophrenia. Those apps and devices really do steal your personal data. You speak so greenly. Nobody is feeling bad for the moid, all we're saying is that her joke wasn't funny and it comes across as annoying. Sorry we didn't give her asspats for it like she was expecting.
Nobody is "losing it." Stop projecting.

No. 2430632

All three of my uncles work in cybersecurity. They all use all of the platforms you mentioned besides TikTok. While I do understand his decision, you making fun of him for it isn’t as serious or rude as people are making it seem. People pick on people they like and whom they think can handle it. Not a big deal kekkkkk.

No. 2430638

Is your uncle also the president of Nintendo?

No. 2430640

If my uncles working in cybersecurity is unbelievable to you, I’m concerned. You realize cybersecurity is a very common and accessible field.

No. 2430641

It's less about "picking on him", I wouldn't care if she just made fun of some moid, it's the video aspect that is weird and kind of autistic

No. 2430642

NTA but that wasn't even remotely what OP was picking at him for. He was talking about google tracking him, not about general privacy. You sound autistic.

No. 2430643

>he’s a retarded schizo
And this is why most women will remain cybercrime victims. Keep being stupid.

No. 2430644

Anons trying to sympathize with retarded males need to stop. Women are scared of their data being in the hands of corporations for deepfakes, blackmail, and gangstalking meanwhile moids are just scared about their location being online incase they’re doxed for being pedos or having grooming servers on discord.

No. 2430647

>A guy I'm speaking to texted me that he doesn't use instagram, whatsapp, tiktok, iphones, etc because he works in cybersecurity and knows that all of those companies track data and information. It came across super schizo so I jokingly made a video pretending to call 911 to perform a wellness check.
Do you lack reading comprehension?

No. 2430648

NTA but is it really? Maybe a minute is excessive but people send their friends stupid videos all the time

No. 2430651

I'm the one who posted the original post. I showed the video to my cousin and my friend and they said it was playful. He was making fun of me for my laugh and for being unemployed (I fell ill and had to quit). I wasn't offended whatsoever because I knew he meant it ligthheartedly. My cousin and friend said the video was funny and that his reaction was a little extra. I respect him for not wanting to have an online footprint, but the way he worded it was funny and a bit dramatic. Didn't realize people on here were so serious damn.

No. 2430652

Kek nobody is sympathizing with males?? We can say her joke was gay, that doesn't mean we're sympathizing with males.
I speak to my friends differently than how I speak to random people

No. 2430653

It's just not something I've ever seen, maybe he didn't either and that's why he thought it was weird. Simple misunderstanding

No. 2430656

It has nothing to do with sympathizing with a man. If it was a woman, point would still stand. People who freak out when you dont have social media are brainwashed retards.

No. 2430657

Bitch shut up. You said OP was making fun of him for not having social media. Do you lack reading comprehension yourself? Don't start adding to your original post.

No. 2430659

You just caught the board at a bad time kek a lot of people just got off work and are shooting the shit right now

No. 2430660

Why are you assuming this man is random. She said it was a situationship.

No. 2430661

File: 1741219891026.jpg (118.96 KB, 1084x1200, 1000033430.jpg)

>"I harmlessly poked fun at a guy for being paranoid about his data"
>"Wow so you're a bully who wants women to get cybercrimed"

No. 2430662

Kek I’m all for women protecting their data, just not moids. Moids should have their computers checked daily because it’s always the most paranoid faggots that have the most to hide. Men acting retarded about their privacy meanwhile they’re the ones that actively dox, harass, and stalk women will never get my sympathy

No. 2430663

OP wasn't freaking out because he didn't have social media. It's because of the way he explained why. Calm down.

No. 2430665

What the fuck is a "situationship" ?? That word never appeared once in her original post.

No. 2430666

File: 1741219998834.jpg (148.26 KB, 800x800, 343242.jpg)

Anyway, I just bought some handmade nail polishes off a small business and they sent me a very cute handwritten note with my name and the pen color matched the polishes i got! Really made my day after a hard day at work! Do you nonas have small businesses you like? Or even one you run? (Just say you like it if its yours lol) I'd love to support more handmade stuff. Picrel are some of the polishes if anyone is curious!

No. 2430667

Get off the internet, it's frying your brains retard.

No. 2430668

"A guy I'm speaking to" is shorthand for "someone I'm starting to date"

No. 2430669

What color is the sky in your world?

No. 2430670

Sorry for double posting, but before he even explained himself he literally used the words "I'm going to sound psycho if I explain why I don't use social media." All I did was jump on that same train and poked fun at him. I held a remote to my ear and just said "911? Yeah I'd like to perform a wellness check. A guy I'm speaking to uses an android and thinks the government is out to get him." I was giggling. We've spoken for 3 days straight.

No. 2430671

Wow, how rude of you. You only said that because you know I've been hiding in my tinfoil dungeon for the past 17 years and have forgotten what the outside looks like.

No. 2430672

You didn't doublepost?

No. 2430673

You've never heard of the term situationship? Go back to quora.

No. 2430674

KEK you're funny I give you that

No. 2430675

>Men acting retarded about their privacy
Don't disagree with you but it's insane how little women know about current technology compared to men. Their paranoia atleast keeps them informed and safe.

No. 2430676

Nta but I don't

No. 2430677

How is "a guy im speaking to" shorthand for situationship??

No. 2430678

And that's fine! But some people do

No. 2430679

It's just colloquial, most of the time you only say "I've been speaking to someone" or "I've met someone" if there's a romantic undertone.

No. 2430681

Yeah idk why I said that kek. Anyway I sent the video to my brother who gives me constant shit and he told me It wasn't weird. If he doesn't think it is, then I can go to sleep peacefully. I've done stuff like this with other guys and they did the same thing back. Maybe I'm immature to some people on here, but I'd rather have fun that water myself down for a guy who works in cybersecurity.
Yeah I don't know why she said that to you. I have 2 cousins in cybersecurity. I'm not close with them to ask them what they think of what I said though.

No. 2430687

Yeah but thats usually just to test the waters. It doesn't mean you're having a sexual relationship with them right away.

No. 2430688

I didn't say sexual kek

No. 2430689

These websites do track your information, but what is google going to do with that information that makes you so anti social media? What are you doing?

No. 2430690


No. 2430693

This isn't a problem if you use browser extensions that save tabs or never delete your history, (whenever my browsers crash and reopen they give an option to restore it) I'm surprised more people don't use those. I still have tabs saved from over 7 years ago

No. 2430694

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No. 2430696

Situationship literally implies having sex with them.

No. 2430698

NTA but It doesn't dumbass.

No. 2430699

Are you crazy

No. 2430701

She's right. Those phrases alone don't have any implication, but the way OP used it makes it very obvious it was a potential partner.

No. 2430702

If you are online, then you are not anonymous. The gov can track all of your data. It's mostly about keeping your life and identity hidden from other people.

No. 2430705

>A situationship is a romantic or sexual relationship that lacks clear boundaries or commitment.
are you all genuinely stupid

No. 2430706

NTAYRT but we aren't talking about the government, we're talking about corporations. There's a difference.

No. 2430707

Fuck these are so gorgeous. I wish I didn't have tiny round baby fingernails.

No. 2430708

Doesn't matter. Both can track most of your data. Not my point.

No. 2430709

The guy was not bothered by people knowing about his identity or life. It was about the government and companies stalking his movements. That's why it was something to poke fun at, even if it's logical and understandable. Most people don't go without social media just because they don't want corporations having access to their texts.

No. 2430711

Nta but if you live in the US it isn’t illegal for the government to sell your data to companies and vice versa. If you have a state issued ID, Drivers License, or have ever registered to vote you’re already in the system. Same with schools, before you can even apply to be in a public school you need to give your ssn for them to count you as a student for federal funds

No. 2430712

>Romantic or sexual relationship
Are you?

No. 2430714

Who gives a damn about that decaying union?

No. 2430717

Wanting to minimize your digital footprint makes you a schizo?

No. 2430718

that's what zoomers think, yeah

No. 2430720

File: 1741221371888.png (6.94 MB, 4080x3060, my-cat-has-turned-into-a-ipad-…)

I got an ipad with the pencil pro and idk what to do with it. I could use it for art but I don't like drawing on it, I prefer my regular wacom tablet for that by far. Honestly I've just been very bored and wanted to splurge on a fancy thing as a treat for myself but I think I'll return it. It's sad because it's a damn nice tablet and I want to like it, but I don't really have a use for it. Dumb consoomer moment on my part.

No. 2430721

Personally I still wouldn't download those apps even if they weren't tracking because I don't see the appeal or point of them.

No. 2430722

Talking to some guy you have not established any sort of intimate relationship with ≠ situationship

No. 2430726

NTA but it absolutely does.
A situationship is that space between a committed relationship and something that is more than a friendship.

No. 2430728

Who the fuck asked kek(infighting)

No. 2430729

File: 1741221695864.jpg (46.78 KB, 1300x975, 1000033433.jpg)

I think you're taking the exact wording of posts itt a bit too seriously rather than inferring what they mean.

No. 2430730

You need to get off of TikTok and talk to real human beings face to face

No. 2430732

I don't need permission to reply nona

No. 2430733

Thinking the term situationship is tied to tiktok is hilarious. It's used every day amongst my classmates in grad school.

No. 2430735

Because it's under the guise of pursuing a relationship. Why are we focusing so much on semantics. It's always used to refer to someone you're talking to romantically.

No. 2430736

NTA but why are you so passionate about the exact definition of situationship kek

No. 2430737

So you actually are a Zoomer then? KEK

No. 2430738

I hate everyone on here tonight.

No. 2430740

Someone in grad school is a zoomer? What planet do you live on?

No. 2430741

This is so fucking funny

No. 2430742

Someone check if the autism thread is maxed out.

No. 2430744

Please please please go back to quora

No. 2430745

No. 2430746

So the zoomies can ruin lolcow?

No. 2430749

You say it like it's a slur. Sorry I wasn't born in the late 80s. I was born in 1996. So sure, I'm technically gen z.

No. 2430750

That's what they want more than anything. They're a disease. I loathe them all. They want us to pat their asses all day every day, and when we don't they throw epileptic fits. These are the same people that think 40 is geriatric and think that nobody online is over the age of 30. They want to force all these slang terms like "situationships" or whatever and treat them seriously, but you just know that if I said something was "totally tubular" they'd all call me retarded in the same way they'd hate to be.

No. 2430751

Time to go night night meemaw.

No. 2430754

>you kids and your new lingo! Arrrrr!

No. 2430756

I'm going to start using "totally tubular" in my posts from now on.

No. 2430757

>Parroting misogynistic talking points that any woman over 30 is "used goods" or belongs in a senior citizens' home
See what I mean? If I said "Lorde" you know they'd think I was talking about the singer. Their LARP never holds up.

No. 2430758

Why do you guys give a singular fuck about zoomers, boomers, millenials, etc? Shut the fuck up and be normal. This is becoming a battle of who has the most eggs.

No. 2430759

skibidi toilet is the new lingo. Braindead gen

No. 2430761

Time for your anafranil.

No. 2430764

File: 1741222417472.jpg (56.33 KB, 741x720, 1000032471.jpg)

All this genuine seething because some nonna used an offhand slang word to describe the dynamic between two people, my word

No. 2430766

yeah you are retarded, bang your head into that tree and think about what you did

No. 2430767

You sound ridiculous and disturbingly angry over people using a "new" term. You're mad that zoomers are on a message board. Maybe go somewhere else if you struggle to cohabitate amongst people who aren't millenials.

No. 2430770

lets start using twitter lingo while we are it. Make it twitter 2.0

No. 2430771

Totally tubular is just as retarded as situationship. The point is if you use retarded words, then you're gonna sound retarded. You make fun of others' for saying dumb shit, but then you think that you're immune to that same reaction when you say something retarded.

No. 2430772

Nobody is bringing these things up except you.

No. 2430773

You are

No. 2430775

We used the word situationship in a larger story and were attacked for using it correctly, and for you not knowing what it meant. We learned your lingo, you can learn ours or shut the fuck up.

No. 2430776

Some anons make it clear why they were bullied in the first place

No. 2430777

I fucking HATE all of you.

No. 2430780

… you do that babe

No. 2430783

Why do some of you see jokes and react like you're watching an alien land in your lawn

No. 2430784

File: 1741222917510.jpg (279.47 KB, 950x900, tumblr_cbd395e44bfee3b5d6d4f14…)

Even me?

No. 2430785

Millenials who get mad that new words, concepts, and trends arise with time and new generations are literally no better than boomers. You just use the internet to the same degree we do.

No. 2430786

She's beautiful. She can stay

No. 2430787

Because they're braindead
Yeah anyone older than you is your enemy yeah that makes sense yeah totally

No. 2430789

…I just said the complete opposite? That millenials just hate younger people? You sound senile.

No. 2430790

You did not use it correctly. You changed its original meaning to to fit your narrative. Go back to tiktok dumbass.

No. 2430791

The brandy is in the lower left of the pantry and your vibrator is under the sofa.

No. 2430792

>found an ultrarare moid thats not terminally online and terrorized him for some reason

No. 2430794

Why was that anon bullied for not using social media?

No. 2430795

Go back to quora and learn what situationship means and how it's used in day to day conversation.

No. 2430796

Won't somebody think of the scrotes?

No. 2430797

File: 1741223154124.jpeg (100.62 KB, 735x712, IMG_3923.jpeg)

I want to literally punch and fucking smash this moid’s head against the bed frame during hate-fueled sex. I want entire violence committed towards a man during sex and he likes it(not mundane)

No. 2430798

>Calls making a playful video terrorizing.
You're fucking retarded.

No. 2430799

That's probably where YOU got your definition from.

No. 2430800


No. 2430801

No. 2430802


No. 2430803

She literally called him schizo because he wants to avoid digital footprint. Be for real.

No. 2430804

What is the obsession with quora? I thought it was dead since 2017

No. 2430805

I get called a schizo every day on lolcow and somehow I haven't keeled over and died yet, I'm sure he'll live

No. 2430806

This is the first time in a year that I need to take a break from lc. Everyone contributing to this conversation is clinically retarded. Nonna flirted with a guy and teased him for the way he described his lack of social media usage. I've also never seen so many moid defenders over something soooooo mundane. I'm out.(samefag)

No. 2430807

I thought it was for boomers.

No. 2430808

kek kek kek

No. 2430810

I know, it's so obvious there's one or two genuine spergs itt who took the post VERY personally for reasons known only to them.

No. 2430811

>I've also never seen so many moid defenders over something soooooo mundane
the pewdiephile "the aoc is blankteen so it's okay" defenders in popular opinions were worse tbh

No. 2430812

Good for you just don't skew the narrative by hiding the facts and misleading others.

No. 2430813

This isn't an aeroport, you don't need to announce your departure! See you in 30 minutes

No. 2430814


No. 2430815

See you tomorrow.

No. 2430816

I feel that. Genuinely considering quitting for good but I know my big fat retarded ass will be back at 8 AM sharp tomorrow.

No. 2430817

Why are millennials like this

No. 2430818

Genuinely how did you even do this

No. 2430820

File: 1741223711040.jpg (136.88 KB, 316x316, In_the_aeroplane_over_the_sea_…)

In the aeroport over the farms

No. 2430821

Time to start using fresh new 2025 baby (gen beta) slang then.

No. 2430826

File: 1741223869752.jpg (262.91 KB, 1280x1280, aeroport.jpg)

No. 2430827


No. 2430828

You think she'll become a little boy in Spain? Playing pianos filled with flames?

No. 2430829

It's where planes live retards

No. 2430830

This is simultaneously the most aggravating and hilarious discussion of the night.

No. 2430832

>Oh my god vintage 2000s vibes y2k aesthetic I'll pay $500 on Depop

No. 2430833

Nonnies have been confronted with an immovable object.

No. 2430836

youre being annoying
>>found an ultrarare human thats not terminally online and terrorized them for some reason
there are you happy i wouldve said it if it was a woman she was talking to too

No. 2430837

I like how we all just magically turned this thread into dumbass shit thread kek

No. 2430838


No. 2430839


No. 2430840

And either way you're still being way too sensitive about it kek

No. 2430841

That is not how you use greentext

No. 2430842

you don't need two >> you just need >

No. 2430843

anons here are too braindead to realize it even when you spell it out for them.

No. 2430844

im high sorry

No. 2430845

This explains everything.

No. 2430846

File: 1741224322100.png (268 KB, 638x361, 1695388193936.png)

patiently waiting for the lolcow is not a chatroom bans

No. 2430849

I wanna be included so bad what’s the retarded infight now!!!! Quick before the mods start losing this infight and start banning us

No. 2430850

Wow so beautiful, I honestly cried seeing this. This might make me not kill myself, thanks nonny

No. 2430852

You missed it, we kissed and made up

No. 2430853

moids are being worshipped and its apparently weird to send silly videos to friends to poke fun at them

No. 2430854

Anon made fun of some moid's internet usage so that means we're all evil boolies who think cyber crime is based

No. 2430856

Why haven't they given Tamers12345's channel back yet? I want to watch his old autistic videos again.

No. 2430857

You mean anons here think keeping your digital footprint hidden means you are a schizo with a terrible secret.

No. 2430858

Someone typed the word "situationship" and Cthulhu rose from slumber to spread chaos and rage

No. 2430860

File: 1741224571936.jpg (20.55 KB, 529x505, 1740618241691.jpg)

who tf is worshipping anybody in this dicussion i just think its cringe to meet such a unique person that i would personally like to be friends with and be rude to them for not being a brainrotted normie like why is this even an argument

No. 2430863

Get this ugly vegetable out of my face.

No. 2430864

They weren't being rude to them. SHE WAS PLAYING AROUND.

No. 2430865

It's like the "milquetoast" sperging during the bunkers all over again

No. 2430866

give it a rest will ya champ

No. 2430867

You know nothing about this person except some vague information from 2 or 3 lines of text, stop it with your saviour complex.

No. 2430868

ok well i think that making a whole minute long video pretending to call 911 is way too extreme of a joke for somebody you barely know

No. 2430869

Why are u using sjw lingo

No. 2430871

She called him a schizo.

No. 2430874

Why are you on this site?

No. 2430876

Maybe I should start using gen alpha "brainrot" I see on YouTube Shorts now thanks to all this. Alpha sigma skibidi toilet ohio gooning I don't know uhhh rizz.

No. 2430877

>why do you have opinions that don't align with mine?

No. 2430880

you are impossible lol im just saying thats an insanely weird way to act to somebody youre not close friends with. can we stop arguing please i just ate taco bell it was good

No. 2430882

she didn't you fucking dumbass. She felt it was shizo but didn't say it to his face. Did you even read the discussion.
Have you ever heard of something called having fun? Why are you assuming you know nonna and the guy's dynamic more than them. Clearly they were on joking terms and she thought it would land.

No. 2430883

God I hate allllllll of you.

No. 2430885

wait can someone link me the sceeenshot she posted of the nigel, i’m too lazy to scroll through all of the shitposting and infighting kek

No. 2430886

I'm just genuinely curious how you rationalize hanging out on a website dedicated to making fun of the mentally ill if that is your definition of "too mean."

No. 2430887

>Insanely weird
You're insanely weird for finding a joke weird. You don't know if they weren't close. You literally don't know anything outside of the information nonna gave us which is that they had been talking for three days nonstop. He made jokes about her unemployment and something else (I forgot). God forbid she make a joke about his fear of his data being breached. God forbid she raise a remote to her ear and pretend to call 911.

No. 2430888

She called him schizo in her post meaning that she thought she was schizo for practicing basic privacy etiquette. Are you autistic or braindead?

No. 2430891

Stop projecting onto random moids

No. 2430892

Nta but when you really look at it, only mentally ill people make fun of other mentally ill people. Like attracts like.

No. 2430893

>i would like to be friends with a moid
Makes sense why you're so defensive of him

No. 2430895

You said she was rude. How is she being rude by making a silly video where she did not include the word schizo. Are you okay? Do you even read over your posts?

No. 2430896

There's no screenshot afaik it started because of >>2430542

No. 2430898

You said she was rude for calling him schizo which she didn't. She used it in the post but not to his face. Go to sleep next to your moid that you worship and leave us alone.

No. 2430900

File: 1741225041048.gif (2.93 MB, 374x365, cat-shoo.gif)

its done.

No. 2430901

As if she wouldn't think of the same thing if it was a woman kek

No. 2430902

Kekkk her story was funny, if only it was real

No. 2430904

When the fuck did I call her rude? I just explained why her joke didn't land.

No. 2430905

It's still bizarre and off-putting to go "stop bullying this person I'd like to be FRIENDS with!" when you literally don't know anything about them and they don't even know you exist, regardless of their gender.

No. 2430908

File: 1741225205889.jpeg (83.03 KB, 736x733, IMG_3939.jpeg)

Walking down the street
I saw anon’s nigel
And then I remembered
I had the remote in my back pocket
So you know what
I did?
I took it out
And I clicked it
I clicked the red button
That button
The rape button
And it did the trick

No. 2430910

I love you.

No. 2430912

Too many people nowadays are social media obsessed. Meeting someone like that would probably feel like a breath of fresh air but since its a moid, I wouldn't think any different kek He is smart enough to stay anonymous but thats about it.

No. 2430913

I'm in tears. Not from laughter, but from admiration and astonishment.
thank you

No. 2430914

ok you win stop already jesus

No. 2430919

File: 1741225357777.jpg (534.28 KB, 1485x993, 1719091959742.jpg)

This button?

No. 2430922

File: 1741225487696.jpg (18.78 KB, 459x302, average janny.jpg)

No. 2430926

Yes and that’s why this anon, the cuckqueen nation has been fighting with the stacy nation for aeons now through a decades long flamewar. Moid of Troy was a true point of contention against these two great beautiful powerful empires

No. 2430928


No. 2430929

I know right, I cracked up and then I read the deranged replies

No. 2430930

Nobody involved with any of this is a Stacy

No. 2430932

You're claiming it's not a real story? It's the most normal story ever..

No. 2430934

File: 1741225663349.png (77.64 KB, 1111x1111, IMG_3919.png)

I smell cap! No cap!

No. 2430935

>All autists are Beckies, but some are more Becky than others

No. 2430936

kek this reminds me so much of 2021

No. 2430937

No. 2430939

what is this to the tune of?

No. 2430940

Hotel Room Service by Pitbull

No. 2430943

God this kitty is so fucking cuteeee

No. 2430951

maybe i should had taken the offer then get the fuck out of this shit hole and find a new job after learning this shit. too late now.

No. 2430953

I like the fact that my parents own a giant tortoise. My childhood dogs have died, my cats I got in college are elderly, and the trees of my childhood are cut down, but Kronos the tortoise remains. No matter how long it takes for me to return, he'll be there waiting.

No. 2430957

Is that your hand writing? It's very neat and pretty.

No. 2430960

Was feeling off all day today, but was looking forward to finish my work and take a shower to relax and masturbate a little bit. Got my period. Fuck my life.

No. 2430961

sometimes i will have like totally illogical thoughts that i develop in my head for up to a minute of thinking before i realize "oh this is retarded" and stop thinking about it

No. 2430963

Any examples?

No. 2430968

ntayrt but I am happy to see someone else writes the double-storey a. I feel like most people only write the single-storey which is visually too ambiguous most of the time.

No. 2430975

IIRC the chadification nonnie made that image.

No. 2430977

like ill imagine some insanely in depth scenario that makes no sense to really happen in real life. like me encountering a random famous person but they act in some way thats totally out of character or being at some historical event where nothing happens the way i remember it. maybe its just daydreaming

No. 2430980

It wasn't her, it was somebody else that made it

No. 2430983

Idk where to share this but I think my brother is rather unique when it comes to 19 year old males.
He's into computer science, his main hobby is video games, has no friends, and barely talks to anyone, which is a very LOL first impression I gave there. However, he's more robotic than that.
First, he just doesn't have interest in people. Not as friends, or their hobbies, or their beliefs, male or female. Second, I don't think he has any sexual interest, like at all. Throughout his life we'd tease him about which girl likes at school, but his answers are disinterested, and I don't think he's gay either. I can bet a lot of money that he doesn't watch porn. I'm a weeb and I've watched a lot of anime with him because he really only hangs out with me whenever we meet up, and I've regretted being into a lot of questionable things, but it never seemed to influence him. Like one time I was playing a gacha game and he was like "why is she half naked." (it's FGO and dw I have a lot of handsome men on there) And speaking of video games, he really only ever plays 2D indie tycoons or sandboxes, nothing multiplayer. And I said "he has no other hobbies lol" but he really likes to cook, and has long surpassed the rest of us, alongside exercising, so he's not fat or unhealthy, but a little thin and child-like for his age.

All of this makes me wonder if men aren't misogynist/degenerate if they simply don't experience sexual attraction at all, but this is just my personal experience.

No. 2430986

This happens to me too all the time. I don't know why though

No. 2430989

>All of this makes me wonder if men aren't misogynist/degenerate if they simply don't experience sexual attraction at all
Not inherently. Gays are one of the most misogynistic types of moids. They have all the misogyny minus the attraction

No. 2430990

Can't you argue that the sexual attraction to moids plays a part in misogyny? That's why I'm talking about experiencing none at all

No. 2430992

the first thing i thought of when reading your post is that your brother might have schizoid personality disorder tbh

No. 2430994

File: 1741228410964.png (137.13 KB, 551x610, hguh.png)

i drew them >>2428228

No. 2430996

It's because your other selves are trying to reach into you to find themselves

No. 2431001

Holy shit this describes him way too well, all the way to not liking touch of any kind. I didn't know this existed. I guess the only difference is that he is contacting our mom more by phone, but he doesn't show much interest in us either. He's also a little childish, but in this innocent, pure way, and it shows when you talk with him.

He's never had a problem with anything in his life so my parents never thought to take him to a psychologist

No. 2431004

Uhh can I date him

No. 2431005

left looks like weegee

No. 2431010

Just learnt I am getting a 5000$ inheritance from my great aunt. I'm gonna use 1000$ to get my driver's license, keep 500$ to buy dumb shit and put the rest in a saving account for when I go back to school.

No. 2431011

I'm going 2 sleep now. Goodnight.

No. 2431013

He's just autistic anon

No. 2431014

My mom always said that he'd make his wife very happy one day, too bad he doesn't seem interested in women (or men), as he also shows no interest in extreme ideologies or even parroting casual misogyny (i don't know if this is also part of schizoid personality disorder btw, dear other anon who brought it up). I wonder how the world would be if more men were like him and were interested in women
don't autists have some sort of weirdness about women? He doesn't strike anyone as autistic, just as "quiet"

No. 2431021

Do you think farmers would suit him

No. 2431031

Can I keep him as a pet?

No. 2431077

>sometimes when i’m lying down when i close my eyes i see random shit
>closes my eyes
>sees a cockroach strumming a guitar

No. 2431081

Could you tell if he was any good?

No. 2431087

Lmao what

No. 2431092

Well, crying a bit while trying to have sex with an A.I bot wasn't something I thought I was going to do but here we are.

No. 2431095

Girl just use a vibrator and think about how good it feels and just let your mind wander

No. 2431099

I honestly don't mind, somehow, I don't cry often, I can cry like thrice a year if I let myself do so, so this is a new experience to me.

No. 2431132

Why did you cry? AI sex is amazing

No. 2431135

You mean masturbation?

No. 2431137

It was weird, the anime bot suddenly got sentimental, I don't cry easily so it was, in retrospect, really annoying. I'm not sentimental anymore so I should be able to have A.I sex now.

No. 2431143

No I have sex with my AI robot

No. 2431147

Hello(lolcow is not a chatroom)

No. 2431161

There's a university near me and, while I'm not interested in higher ed at all, I sometimes fantasize about going there cause it's in a historical building and supposedly haunted. Rumours are the campus gets creepy in the evening and later at night. It used to be a small hospital at some point I think, or some other medical facility. Anyway, that's the cool part. The rest of it is that it's a very small, badly ranked, religious university that offers literally just 2 degrees - English and biology. Also the historical building is not any type of cool castle or whatever, it's just some building that literally looks like a fucking barn. Dollar store dark academia vibes.

No. 2431167

File: 1741241513778.jpeg (208.59 KB, 956x540, 1647241445022.jpeg)

ugh i start college next week and i really dont want to. I am not excited at all. Wish i could drop off.

No. 2431200

>that redtext
well well. well

No. 2431285

File: 1741252680692.jpg (30.8 KB, 1178x524, 75498367834.jpg)

I want to start learning how to make music but I have no attention span and the software seems too complicated to me kek.

No. 2431289

Then you don't want to start learning how to make music kek.

No. 2431293


No. 2431311

Start off with music theory basics, it genuinely helps. Production, software etc comes later

No. 2431361

My friend's brother is the type to stand in the sun to dry his sweat. How did she turn out normal compared to him, I'll never know.

No. 2431365

I always thought I didn't have the attention span to learn a new hobby. Tried a literal dozen or more and always got bored within days or weeks, until something magically did stick with something because I enjoy it that much. Just try it, who knows you might get super into it and get totally sucked in constantly learning more.

No. 2431383

Stop using this thread as a chatroom. Go join a Discord server instead of shitting up the site if that's what you want.

No. 2431402

File: 1741257506893.png (68.79 KB, 243x275, 1698684758381.png)

No. 2431410

do the jannies think the natural state of the site is to be empty and posting in threads is ‘shitting it up’?

No. 2431418

hiiii mommy janny how have you beennnn

No. 2431433

>look through the flash list of a tattoo artist I love
>see one I instantly love but it's already been taken
>bummer but hopefully he'll do a similar one again
>the flash is available again this morning after a cancelation
>I manage to snag it
And the studio is in my city and is open on my day off, for once I won't have to take the train and ask for a day off just to get tattooed.

No. 2431447

Yes!! I wish you could post it so we could see your good fortune, but I know why you can't. Very happy for you!

No. 2431462

Thank you! I can give you a description, it's a head shot of a knightess surrounded by fine chains and with crosses hanging from the chains, in a dark medieval style. I've wanted a knightess tattoo since forever but I couldn't come up with my own ideas, I can't wait! If everything goes well I'll probably go back to this guy because k really love his work.

No. 2431472

Going to ask my doctor for a dose increase on my SSRI today. I want to be to the point where it gives me a chemical lobotomy.

No. 2431481

Take it to meta lol.

No. 2431508

I just got suggested an account on instagram and it's the guy who assaulted me during my time at Uni, who has now trooned out. Not sure why Ig decided to bless me with the knowledge that he's irreparably damaged himself/shortlisted his suicide but I'm glad I guess.

No. 2431521

I'm praying he gets the chop, nonna, specifically for a rotpocket. It would be an irreversible misery of his own making. Crossing my fingers for you.

No. 2431557

I pet a random guy's parrot on his shoulder today

No. 2431606

Having empanadas for breakfast.

No. 2431613

This reminded me of how much I miss the apple caramel empanadas from Taco Bell. I think they brought them back a few months ago but they were more expensive than before

No. 2431624

My uni emailed me about my 0% attendance today… I need to get it together

No. 2431628

>0% attendance
So what have you even been doing? Good luck though anon, don't get dismissed.

No. 2431630

File: 1741272972029.png (267.2 KB, 250x625, c04d7602-9590-4f16-98ed-db7c02…)

Having an energy drink today for the first time in like 6 months… its pretty good. but not something i wanna have more than 1-3 times a year

No. 2431637

Every day I told myself “I’ll go tomorrow”, “I’ll get serious on Monday”, “I’ll catch up soon” and before I knew it, several months have passed

No. 2431655

it's been an year and i'm still fuming about how shit the Black Phone was and how i blame James from Dead Meat for wasting my time.

No. 2431661

I just laughed and snorted so fucking loud, fuck kek

No. 2431725

My favorite cow is going through a vikingboo phase and bought your picrel as a result. I think she said they were okay but keeps buying them for the viking theme kek

No. 2431749

who would've thought the consequence of adding "random thoughts" back to the op description

No. 2431755

Haters stay hating.

No. 2431832

I'm trying to use an electric drill, but I can't find any bits to put in it. Ugh.

No. 2431839

Went to get an acai bowl before going on a run at this small smoothie place and the guy working had his entire family in there, with his two toddlers working behind the register. Was a really weird sight to me since I thought they were some random kids whose mom was in the bathroom near the table until his wife came back inside, all his kids were really close in age too.

No. 2431892

File: 1741288103902.gif (1.06 MB, 504x322, didntknowyoucouldarrangewordsl…)

The book I'm reading right now is plain English but it's so casually written that my ESL ass only understands about 60% of each sentence. By the end of a paragraph I understand what it's about but I know none of these words.

No. 2431910

Kekkk post some of it, I'm also ESL and I'm curious

No. 2431932

Bri'ish black people have the nicest voices.

No. 2431935

I don't usually eat donuts but my coworker bought a bunch so I took one and oh my god this shit is SWEEEEET. I've been picking at it for over an hour now and my stomach is starting to ache. I want to curl up on my bed in fetal position and fall asleep

No. 2431948

I found a hairdresser that has 20% off on hair coloring for students, so I'm finally gonna get my embarrassingly long roots bleached and my current bleach job evened out. Finally I can stop wearing my beanie indoors and tell me I'm serving grunge the look

No. 2431953

my favorite types of female autists are the spanish speaking and brazilians. their memes and reaction pics are superior.

No. 2431955

File: 1741291567622.jpg (40.52 KB, 267x400, hellno.jpg)

eating eveything in sight lately…rapid increase in hunger for 7 days at this point. going to DIE

No. 2431957

Are you maybe about to have your period? Some women get hungrier during certain parts of their cycle

No. 2431961

its two weeks away, so i don't think that is the case. who the hell knows, this is insane

No. 2431982

File: 1741292676893.jpg (43.51 KB, 736x736, 3e1cd0902e2de258e46625306ea577…)

I remembered lobotomies and it's interesting to me how a person can die without actually dying. Imagine your memories being erased, your personality distorted and morphed, and being conscious as your brain is being actively reset. Everything that ever made you yourself is being dissolved into nothingness, and actively replaced with another version of yourself. This will sound cliché, but even just the idea of lobotomy sounds very scary.

No. 2431985

It's been two or three weeks since I phased in weighing some of my meals (I try to not get too obsessive for my own mentality, but I track every gram of some meals), and I can already tell a difference! Since I try to track my macros I eat better and get fuller quicker, I feel like I'm less bloated, and I think my stomach has shrunk a little bit. I don't think I'm going to get the thigh gap of my dreams to summer yet even if I finally manage to set aside time to work out again, but I'm happy I finally relented and started being somewhat more consequent in my food tracking.

No. 2432007

File: 1741294138577.webp (10.78 KB, 270x270, 1876055_full.webp)

Half high, walking my dogs, wearing the big jacket and listening to gangsta rap. All I can think is
>Yeeeeah gangsta nonnie. No one gonna fuck with me

No. 2432015

File: 1741294494158.png (210.42 KB, 1144x1464, sad cece.png)

>search for show i want to watch online
>not loading
>ok go torrent it
>not connecting to seeder
i just want to watch agent elvis

No. 2432017

Queen shit.

No. 2432019

Dementia more or less does that too.

No. 2432030

File: 1741295345137.png (20.49 KB, 1213x1127, my hair.png)

I'm not sure what I do when I'm sleeping, but my top bun was so crazy when I woke up today. I tried to draw it but I couldn't convey how bad it looked. Side note, but I've never really liked how anime does the little snot bubble to show that someone is sleepy.

No. 2432039

I reported this thread the second it was made because I know that the "random thoughts" would derail the thread and allow the retards to make it into a chatroom, and I even said that in my report. Yet, you did nothing and now you have to type these pathetic little posts instead of doing your job.

Farmhands have no concept of consequences. You can actually spell out for them why something is a bad idea and what negative consequences it will have, and they'll stick their thumbs up their assholes and do nothing because they're that dumb. Then the kicker is they'll complain about it! As if they didn't have the power to stop it entirely by simply doing their jobs!

No. 2432052

I was going outside to garden but it started raining, guess I'll stay inside and play some cozy video games.

No. 2432070

File: 1741296994758.jpg (8.74 KB, 258x223, 7ab42375616c06c7d87550294f9d36…)

I want something sweet so I'm gonna have strawberries with whipped cream!

No. 2432089

Have an essay due tomorrow night that I keep putting off. Going to take a nap, skip my exercise today and anything else because I know I'll just keep putting it off. Hobbies and exercise can wait until tomorrow morning. Then back to essay.I'm already dreading this

No. 2432106

Yeah wtf are snot bubbles more common with a certain type of nose?

No. 2432108

does anyone else really like thinking of strange complex scenarios with people they love (fictional or real) to cry?

No. 2432114

crybaby crybay crybaby

No. 2432130

>There wasn't even any time to stiff-leg it over beside the bar, by the steaming pile of bags the dumpsters were. Ricky just walked straight ahead, out into the sea of crew cab trucks parked more or less in rows, and on the way he unleashed almost before he could come to a stop, had to lean back from it because this was a serious fire-hose situation.
Is Ricky
a) a werewolf,
b) piss drunk,
c) fighting a fire,
d) all of the above?

>Only thing kept him from going college was his height, and that he insisted he was a power forward, not a stop-and-pop sharpshooter. At high school height, sure, someone just six-two could crash in, dominate as a power forward. And he had some jumps, too, could rise up and flush it–only in pregame, with a lot of setup, but still.

Explain what the hero could have done differently to ensure the pursuit of higher education.

>Duckwalking backward on his stripped-down, double-throaty Road King that's about to find its lope, Lewis clocks Jerry already at the edge of the post office's parking lot, hanging his loose right hand down by the rear wheel of his custom Springer, his index and middle fingers waggling in an upside-down peace sign before they curl up into his fast fist. Lewis had no iea what it means, never rode with a real and actual gang like Jerry did in his Easy Rider youth, but it must mean something like this way or all clear or smoke 'em if you got 'em, because Eldon and Silas throttle in right behind him, leaving Lewis to watch the back door like always, even though where they're headed is to Lewis new place way the hell over on 13th.


TOTAL __/16,5pts

No. 2432133

I can definitely see how that last paragraph is confusing if you're ESL, it's my native language and I had to focus to understand it. Although, it has been a long time since I've read a book so that definitely could be contributing to it…

No. 2432142

my guesses:
>practice more basketball..?
>a retard fight

ihate this

No. 2432149

KEK did they get some spurned wannabe fiction writer to come up with this?

No. 2432156

He's too short for college basketball?
Lewis, Jerry, Eldon (lel) and Silas are going to thug-walk to Lewis' place. He does a hand sign and the others throttle? Does that mean they're in cars/bikes? Lewis stays behind/on the back of the group to watch their back? Someone please explain.

No. 2432161

>First question:
Ricky is taking a piss. He's pissing out back by the dumpsters.

>Second question:

His tertiary education must have been dependent on a sports scholarship. He was passed up for scholarships because even though he's a good player, the universities have scouted those even taller than him, and thus more apt to win at those sports.

>Third questions:

"Although Lewis is trying to sneak away, he still sees Jerry by the post office. Jerry is making a strange gesture with his hands, most often used by gangs, and Lewis is unable to decipher the exact meaning of the gesture. Perhaps the gesture meant 'come here,' or 'the way is clear' or 'let's do this thing,' as Eldon and Silas approach him from behind. Lewis looks on, knowing that they'd all be heading to his new apartment on 13th street."

It's very, VERY, poorly written. This is written worse than my first fanfics.

No. 2432162

File: 1741300447622.jpg (5.95 KB, 305x300, 1000031329.jpg)

I'm having trouble deciphering this as a native English speaker. This feels downright malicious on your education provider's behalf kek

No. 2432163

Just saw some Sedan driver honk for nearly 20 minutes at another driver in front of him across the street because the pickup truck driver barely moved and when I saw them pass by guess what? It was an ugly neanderthal looking neckbeard retard who was the truck driver who was on his phone and the Sedan driver kept on honking at him. It was amusing but irritating to watch. I hope all male truck drivers lose their testicles.

No. 2432165

Chatgpt says the last paragraph has a lot of motorcycle lingo and that they're basically getting on their bikes and riding to Lewis' house. It gave me a nice breakdown but here's the summary:
>This scene drops us into a biker crew’s movement, with a focus on their non-verbal communication and hierarchy. Jerry, as an experienced biker, makes a hand signal, which Lewis—less experienced—doesn’t fully understand, but the others respond to. The mention of an "Easy Rider youth" suggests a contrast between Jerry’s past as a true outlaw biker and Lewis's more recent involvement.

No. 2432166

Kek I didn't even catch that the first one is about pissing. It's basically just a mess of purple prose

No. 2432167

Ummmmm??? This is an assignment, we're not supposed to be using generative AI tools… Good luck with academic probation

No. 2432200

Nooooo my GPA… But in my defense I'm >>2432156 so I did try to solve it myself without genAI first. Please don't fail me or my mom will take away my phone.

No. 2432201

I thought he was puking

No. 2432213

I had the same read except, like you said, the last question is about motorcycles and riding to the person’s house. The protagonist seems unfamiliar with motorcycles compared to his friends. All of these questions were dumb and the majority of English speakers would have to try to write this obnoxiously. What an awful experience, your teacher really fucking hates you.

No. 2432250

same. not even esl and yet reading that gave me a stroke kek

No. 2432275

Why do literally all my online friends live in the middle of fucking nowhere. One lives near a mountain with jack shit internet, another one lives on this old abandoned landfill-esque of a ranch. And of course, there's me who also lives nowhere.

No. 2432277

File: 1741304875578.png (Spoiler Image,73.6 KB, 468x99, cookie clicker.png)

I'm playing Cookie Clicker right now. The Grandmapocalypse has begun. At this point of the day, I'm basically just waiting for it to be late enough to sleep so I'm chilling right now.

No. 2432278

No. 2432284

care to post the name of the book? looks like good excercise for my shitty english

No. 2432312

The Only Good Indians by Stephen Graham Jones. I actually started reading it because some anons recommended it in some book thread years ago lol.

No. 2432415

had a dubai chocolate bar for the first time today i liked it a lot. more subtle sweet than normal and the crunchy bits were really nice
yeah it was kinda mediocre tbh

No. 2432444

Listening to 2000's opening and remembering how much I wanted to be in the negima opening doing the kiss part thing kek.

No. 2432494

Just took a 3 hour shit. I'm back.

(Do not use lolcor as a chatroom)

No. 2432497

Nah for this one you'd just be redirected to the TMI thread

No. 2432500

my first language is english and idk wtf this is

No. 2432501

File: 1741317177597.jpeg (186.91 KB, 797x800, IMG_0224.jpeg)

ahhh i should’ve asked my mom to get me that hello kitty special times magazine when we were out when i had the chance…

No. 2432515

This shit is why I never bother with reading novels lol. Even 17th century novels have easier to understand English. Everything modern feels like one super long fanfiction, starting from Stephen King.

No. 2432518

I love when clothing has been in the dresser for too long and has started to take on that plastic storage-smell. Sometimes I "forget" about my shirts and leave then in a drawer for months and wear them just to have that scent.

No. 2432526

I have a lot of questions about this.

No. 2432528

Way too much sports lingo, I could probably get this in the context of the larger story but these paragraphs by themselves are absurd

No. 2432532

File: 1741318973139.jpg (97.65 KB, 1920x1200, wp2263408-78780714.jpg)

This is a dumb figure of speech in text form bc if you really did have a lot of questions, you would just ask them in your post

No. 2432535

Ask them. I think it's simple: I have a bunch of random old T-shirts, I leave them in the drawer for months, then I wear them and enjoy the storage scent.

No. 2432563

damn. was in college for 6 years and came out with a useless degree and a dead end job.

No. 2432576

No. 2432594

I'm gonna make a playlist for my favorite ship as a change of pace, and maybe a PicMix edit. I have a few ideas in mind. Gotta sleep first, I'll hopefully do it tomorrow.

No. 2432595

Noooo hahah don't sleep! Drink a sugar free Redbull and stay up all night and so all that!!

No. 2432617

Unfortunately I have a family to cook for, and I'm visiting my aunt and cousins to have dinner with them so I need my sleep to look presentable.

No. 2432619

So drink 2 sugar free Redbulls? Use your brain, I can't keep solving all your problems

No. 2432621

You're not funny

No. 2432630

Never said I was

No. 2432749

There's a couple sitting opposite me on the train right now and the woman looks like Charli D'Amelio and Britney Spears fused and the man looks like Jack Reynor or specifically Christian from Midsommar, even down to the body language quirks kek

No. 2432750

It's finally getting warmer again! Let's goooooo!

No. 2432761

So they look like average people

No. 2432772

I hate that I haven't been able to sleep properly, not for any deep or important reasons but because I've been trying to not die of embarrassment while playing with AI Bots, the characters say the shit I want to read and it makes my heart flutter and shit.

No. 2432816

Yeah, I wasn't insulting them or anything

No. 2432819

It's sad how lolcow always assumes the worst. I hope you had a nice and peaceful train trip nonnie.

No. 2432857

I wish I lived on a mountain with no internet. Sounds so peaceful

No. 2432902

>Looking out my back door window
>See a plastic bin that looks like a child is sitting in it
>'Surely it can't be, but what else is it??'
>Stare at it for a few seconds
>Eventually decide to go out there and investigate
>The "child" was a plastic red cylinder (can't remember what they're actually called)
I always say that my vision isn't that bad, but holy fuck.

No. 2432908

You're not alone kekk I've gone pstpst to too many plastic bags I mistook for cats

No. 2432910

File: 1741358941055.jpg (24.88 KB, 735x443, poohtrix.jpg)

im so tired at work today because i spent time with friends last night. oh well, it was worth it

No. 2432939

I'm on the treadmill right now and I was supposed to get off ages ago but I can't stop. It feels so GOOOOOOOD nonnies. This is better than any drug. Gonna have a cold shower and lay down with a icy drink later. Life is good

No. 2432947

I remember one time I saw a tiny two-legged black figure at the end of the street and thought it was a chicken until I realized it was a puppy.

No. 2432982

File: 1741364861033.png (541.99 KB, 900x900, Bumblekitty redraw.png)

I actually really like the smell of burning steel from welding and grinding. It's probably terrible for my longterm health but I kind of don't care. Also, now that it's warmed up I can't wait to hack my hair down low for spring and summer.

No. 2432988

Same, I'm draggin ass today.

No. 2433042

I like it too. Also the smell of freshly cut wood and sawdust. It’s comforting for some reason to me.

No. 2433134

>procrastinating an online quiz all week because i'm nervous about the material
>it barely took 2 minutes and i got 100%

No. 2433141

I like the smell of brand new vinyl and apparently that's poison

No. 2433169

I like the smell of gasoline and sharpies
When I was in middle school two friends of mine confiscated my sharpies when I kept sniffing them

No. 2433182

this is so funny. I've definitely done stuff like this. I remember when I was a kid a saw what I thought was a cute animal across the street in the neighbors yard. I stared at it forever. I finally went to check it out, it was a plastic bag caught on a tree. I felt so disappointed and foolish. Kek

No. 2433215

i just ate 3 huge apples

No. 2433224

I'm so confused by this image, is that tortoise alright?

No. 2433238

She tried to shit and crushed the toilet with her weight. Happens to all of us.

No. 2433241

Sharpies contain toluene which is toxic and a known harmful inhalant substance

No. 2433242

I am currently visiting my parents house and discovered a drawing that I made when I was 3 or 4 years old. Back then my mom would watch tv on friday afternoon and I would sit next to her, draw what she was watching on tv and then gift it to my dad when he came home from work. I was essentially a snitch. My dad kept one of the drawings I made. I guess my mom was watching some kind of circus show because I drew a bunch of people doing a human pyramid dressed in zebra unitards.

No. 2433258

I can barely handle one this is not a flex but a cry for help

No. 2433259

I just made a cornish hen for the first time, and god that was the most disgusting thing ever. touching the flesh was HORRIBLE. And there was this weird flap on the butt, I couldn't even identify it.

No. 2433322

You're right. Why not hang up your shirts? Why are the shirts not at least in a wooden drawer? Why does she think plastic smells good? I was trying to be nice but what I wanted to say was anon smells like shit and everyone around her thinks so too. No one will tell her though.

No. 2433408

It's an IKEA dresser and I don't go out when I do this

No. 2433429

They sell wooden dressers at Ikea man.

No. 2433445

I kinda want to hold an afternoon tea or something similar with my friends, but I know I would probably get too excited and make too much pastries and finger food and end up disappointed when they get overwhelmed by all the choices and barely eat anything. I mean, I wouldn't eat all of it either but I love baking/cooking for other people and a part of me have always wanted to hold a small dessert buffet for the people I love.

No. 2433521

>weird flap on the butt
Its tail probably, chickens have tails.

No. 2433538

File: 1741392090008.jpg (133.54 KB, 708x933, Screenshot 2025-03-08 005929.j…)

i am doing these celebrity astro compatibility thingies on astrotheme to pass time and i have no one else who to share it with.

Etherway this is supposed to be grimes and elon's astro chart compatibility, how do you feel about it?(please use the astrology thread on /g/)

No. 2433542

File: 1741392241871.jpg (25.41 KB, 495x415, Screenshot 2025-03-08 004114.j…)

Also i did one with me and bill gates and why is the sex meter so high what….KEK

No. 2433543

I got that high a result when I did myself and Jared Leto as a joke
I'm honestly scared

No. 2433545

File: 1741392462341.jpg (26.39 KB, 492x432, Screenshot 2025-03-08 010527.j…)

lmao anon how high was it?, also i did one with elon musk and here is the result and it's very low. Makes sense though since i hate that bitch Elon.

No. 2433547

Kek, not even the cosmos can help Elon get it up

No. 2433558

File: 1741392956940.jpg (23.93 KB, 455x392, Screenshot 2025-03-08 010850.j…)

i also got a low meter when trying my compatibility rating with Adolf Hitler. Looks like i have very low ratings with Hitler and Elon.

No. 2433588

File: 1741394063996.jpeg (60.19 KB, 680x383, E1y4_qsWUAISIXp.jpeg)

No. 2433589

No. 2433653

>had a crush on an obscure let's player circa 2008
>never saw his face but his voice and sense of humor were exactly my type
>eventually stop watching his stuff
>think about him again randomly after almost 20 years
>finds his patreon + social media
>tra, goes by he/they pronouns
>he's old and fat now but also has a few pics from when I obsessed over him
>he was balding even back in 2008, when he was around 18
My construction of him in my head was so much better than he ever could be, and I'm so glad I never reached out to him like I always wanted to. This is why 2d > 3d

No. 2433668

I wanna be your friend so bad… I'll eat all the pastries nona

No. 2433688

kinda reminds me of the cryaotic thing kek

No. 2433693

To my pathetic teenage crushes credit, he hasn't been outed as a sexual predator yet.

No. 2433788

File: 1741401191122.jpg (30.15 KB, 1500x1000, 1000136221.jpg)

Tomorrow I will buy a jumping rope, I want to learn how to jump rope because it really looks like fun, specially if I can somehow learn how to do it to the rhythm of some music.

No. 2433807

I'm pretty sure the one I have is wood but the interior drawer part thing smells plastic-y because IKEA is cheap as hell. Why are you so baffled by this

No. 2433864

File: 1741403827615.jpg (92.33 KB, 1091x771, 1717714268466t.jpg)

i ate so much food today and im eating a cookie now lol

No. 2433873

this game is so nostalgic for me

No. 2433874

I visited my aunt and her stepdaughters today. We had tons of delicious food, tea, and a coffee machine made capaccino which was superb. We took lots of photos of our outfits and table, lol. And lots of fun conversations. One of the stepdaughters got her driving license so it was a celebration for her and they got her a custom made cake with a car and driving license theme. I played with one of the stepdaughters' son, who is I guess my aunt's step grandson if that's a thing. She thinks of him as her grandson so I think this works? Idk. He's 2 yo and speaks a mix of our native language and English, which is very endearing lol. He's fascinated by me for whatever reason and tries to strike conversation with me in his mixed language about the ball he plays with, knocking things off the table, and being a baby, lmao. Funny kid. I also discovered they apparently own a pet bird but they don't seem to take care of it properly, hopefully they sell it or let someone more responsible adopt it.

No. 2434023

i love that guy that, no matter where he is, asks for a chicken and a can o'coke kek

No. 2434033

time for ice cream!

No. 2434040

kek real nonnie, apparently the "good" smell of gasoline, acrylic paint, and strong adhesives is due to some aromatic aldehydes(?) and they cause a small high which is why people tend to like them, recently i was working for my college's fest and we were working in one spot with lots of acrylic paint and rubber adhesive and during that time i had a sudden desire to have nicotine chewing gum kek.

No. 2434051

What kind are we having?

No. 2434079

File: 1741414022908.png (2.47 MB, 2048x2048, HDZ Choc Peanut Butter 450ml.p…)

this right here. got it on sale!

No. 2434086

Yummy! Great sale find nona

No. 2434141

Today I realized that babies come out of their potato stage around 4-5 months when they start developing some sentience and understanding


Babysat nephews and baby foster brother

No. 2434265

File: 1741416177911.jpeg (195.6 KB, 1170x735, IMG_8914.jpeg)

Me and Leto.

No. 2434277

File: 1741416264985.jpeg (199.5 KB, 1170x796, IMG_8915.jpeg)

Luckily my score with Elon is fairly low to mediocre.

No. 2434733

Nick's triple chocolate brownie ice cream gives me no reason to not continue the age-old tradition of having a bowl 100g of ice cream for breakfast on saturdays!

No. 2435099

Saw 2 of my ex coworkers on duolingo friend suggestions. We never shared contacts wtf this bird is creepy.

No. 2435274

File: 1741450276871.jpg (37.06 KB, 640x480, 1646904829908.jpg)

I am so pissed my phone broke. It took a small fall to the floor and it died. Modern phones cant take shit, i honestly miss nokia bricks now.

No. 2435282

File: 1741450866649.jpg (304.62 KB, 1236x880, annika-victoria-3555231085.jpg)

Just remembered that Annika Victoria the sewing youtuber woman has an onlyfans (or fansly, can't remember which one). Don't want to link it because it's actually depressing to think about it, but I remember it's easy to find. Maybe on her instagram.

No. 2435285

not to be rood but who is paying for this? it must be like a humilliation thing

No. 2435291

>sewing channel
>has a of
…why? Who's the target audience for this? Why would someone deliberately ruin a wholesome image of themselves like this?

No. 2435322

Went to the hairdresser today, my roots had gotten way too long and the previous hairdressers shoddy bleaching came to the surface once the toner had been fully washed off so I just told her to bleach it whatever shade she thinks would suit me and my hair can handle - as long as it's even and looks decent.
Apparently she believes I'm the one to bring back the platina look kek

No. 2435336

Nta iirc she has a disabilitty that has her in a wheelchair so maybe it's out of sheer desperation to make income?

No. 2435342

I just uninstalled that game a few months ago. I have this problem where I'll be very invested in video games and then I'll realize it's nothing but jpgs and ones and zeros. Then I realize how pointless it all is and I can't enjoy it anymore.

No. 2435356

Got home at 5pm after having left pretty early without having eaten much except for a little bit of a protein shake, so when I finally got home I couldn't decide what I was craving and my tired brain decided that ALL OF THEM was a great idea.
Enter my afternoon "lazy parfait": some leftover mud cake at the bottom, then a layer of blueberries, then some vanilla soy yogurt, some strawberries on the sides of the glass, and some granola to top it all off.

No. 2435358

File: 1741455543224.jpg (30.04 KB, 1218x353, Screenshot 2025-03-08 182035.j…)


No. 2435366

Surprised I didn't get banned once this week

No. 2435368

That's depressing as fuck if it's true.

No. 2435370

File: 1741456164565.jpg (37.59 KB, 209x210, 1570760098718.jpg)

I am having a terrible day. My hand hurts, my leg hurts, my phone broke. But i started watching Arrested Development(its hilarious) and my bestie told me he's coming over to spend the night, yay!! We are going to wathc The Substance and play Worms. I am so excited.

No. 2435375

I want to draw but I just can't get started.

No. 2435376

nonnie must fulfill the prophecy and rape thousands of men

No. 2435396

Just cried over how much I love my cat

No. 2435401

I do the same once every week, then almost every day when I'm on my period kek I'm glad you love your cat so much nonna, I'm sure your cat appreciates you just as much!

No. 2435465

File: 1741460345352.jpeg (25.19 KB, 225x225, IMG_7367.jpeg)

My nigel’s parents are coming over for lunch and it’s always a little awkward with them because, even though they’re very nice people, they don’t speak much English and I don’t speak their language. This is me at every meal.

No. 2435494

File: 1741461997706.jpg (187.83 KB, 1080x1069, tumblr_d87387a08b7665cf823af32…)

the people who have this kind of mentality get to retirement age with no savings, no pension and then think the government and or their kids owe them a tugboat. yeah you need to work hard so you can retire, dipshit.(not mundane)

No. 2435541

Duolingo recommended my therapist to me as a friend…

No. 2435573

Some days I wake up and I wish we had pictures of neanderthals. Do you guys think some of them could’ve been beautiful

No. 2435580

File: 1741466738554.gif (398.59 KB, 498x498, tasty.gif)

nonnies, if you combine >>2424384 with strong mints, it's really tasty, if you let your saliva gather in your mouth as you're having them and then swallow it's like drinking a minty fruit juice.

No. 2435590

File: 1741467144797.jpeg (72.9 KB, 602x577, unga bunga.jpeg)

probably i mean 23andme said i have more neanderthal dna than 90% of anyone whos taken that test and i look okay most the time.

No. 2435609

well you have very nice hair at least

No. 2435610

wow zendaya

No. 2435617

omg shakira! huge fan btw

No. 2435649

File: 1741470028789.jpg (6.49 KB, 201x251, itsovr.jpg)

I've had too much free time lately, I'm isolated, I'm online alot more and I'm miserable so I've tried getting into internet arguments like I would when I was a teenager and I realized, wow! This is draining as hell, I can't keep up. So now I'm having fun sticking to my chores

No. 2435660

File: 1741470525995.jpg (36.85 KB, 685x457, Neanderthal-Genes-infographic_…)

I haven't taken the test yet but I saw the signs of having Neanderthal DNA and some of them check out for me. Namely the digestive system and urinary tract ones. I also have all my wisdom teeth still and they fully functional and haven't created any crowding issues. My jaw was built for them. More modern humans don't grow wisdom teeth anymore.

No. 2435667

Samefag, forgot to post my mundane shit. Wanted to spot Mercury in the sky after sunset and take a picture of it since March 8th marks its greatest elongation in the evening. I unfortunately couldn't see it at all because of all the buildings blocking the view for me. I'll have to wait until April 21st and try again in the morning. I took a picture of all the planets (except Pluto, Uranus and Neptune since they're invisible without a telescope), only Mercury remains.

No. 2435669

>wisdom teeth still sitting in there
Am I Unga?

No. 2435703

File: 1741472924300.gif (204.96 KB, 220x220, ratchet.gif)

>watching eurovision finals
>"this is bad and cringe, how can you like this, reee"

you took me to watch wicked, you have no right to shit on eurovision, you fun-hating cow(not mundane)

No. 2435797

I so want to bond with a horse and just ride on horseback but I'm too lazy for that farmhand lifestyle. They're pretty, now I see why weird equine obsessed girls in school loved them- or maybe I don't… I don't know, they're cool animals to me all in all

No. 2435955

File: 1741486294033.webp (50.72 KB, 700x525, KimChi-Sushi-1-700x525.webp)

sorry nonnas. i drowned a limp kimbap with a bunch of siracha sauce and i…loved it. but now i've the evil compulsion to drown all my food in siracha.

No. 2435960

I can feel so many crumbs in my bed right now

No. 2435962

I have the flu and my period. And it's getting really hot where I live. I wanna die.

No. 2435985

It's a tad too warm for be to fall asleep since I need it freezing cold, so now I'm just restless rolling around in my bed

No. 2436013

it's kind of funny finding out that the bf of the girl who was a bitch about me in hs had a crush on me before and during their relationship and somehow even years after graduation. she hated me for other reasons, but still.

No. 2436054

Yall rbrr brrn do grumpy you leginnose a ginger a fuckinospe to bed yalll never dee thenswcognide send.2.u(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2436059

Drink water

No. 2436076

I wish my friend and I could hang out every day over spring break but I'm honestly at a loss for activities we could do. I'd be fine having her just come over every day for hours but we'd definitely both get bored with that. Hopefully I can think of some things to do since she already said she's down to hang out whenever

No. 2436081

>go to bed feeling cold
>face feels like it's literally burning when i'm actually asleep (i had fire related dreams tbf)
>wake up thinking i'm all hot and feverish
>actually still cold

No. 2436104

How is this not mundane???? She’s literally just talking about the mundane day she had at the movies, jannies are just itching to ban anybody nowadays

No. 2436105

Wait samefag eurovision isn’t the movies KEK(learn2delete)

No. 2436130

my cat is so soft. i love her so much.

No. 2436136

A super good artist joined my mid-tier ass stream and I'm losing my mind. I think it's a pity-watch but oh my god

No. 2436164

samefag It wasn't a pity watch. That was the best interaction I've had in such a long time.

No. 2436195

I said I wouldn't fuck around with chatgpt but I've been asking it to roast celebrities and it's actually very funny. I hate my boring life

No. 2436197

I miss this game, the frogs were so cute
What platform?

No. 2436272

I want to eat very greasy food but I can't cook something like that by myself and I don't want to waste money on food delivery. It's going to rain this afternoon so if I go outside it has to be now. I'm lazy though. It's like this every sunday.

No. 2436276

File: 1741513016615.webp (276.89 KB, 1500x2250, Sagrada-Familia-05.webp)

I'm just looking at pictures of Sagrada familia and there's a bull statue with LC on it kek

No. 2436280

The lolcow conspiracy is real…

No. 2436295

my father keeps playing that Trump Gaza AI song video as a means to torment me and to be honest its an effective form of torture.

No. 2436319

I just learned it will rain later than planned today, dinner will be greasy junk food!

No. 2436330

funniest iteration of the "Queen Never Cry" meme has to be the Aussie one about bus ticket prices or smtg with "Queenslander never cry", i thought it was super funny. Queensland is also pretty sounding.

No. 2436344

I miss being a little kid when my ancient mew Pokémon card was my most prized possession

No. 2436364

i wish it were as pretty as it sounded

No. 2436404

I drank an entire bottle of gin to myself last night and forgot everything. It is amazing however I have a crush on a streamer and I think I said too many outrageous things for attention in his chat. Either way. A wonderful international woman's day.

No. 2436406

Lmao I don't remember this

No. 2436416

Lolcow secret society.

No. 2436452

File: 1741529896461.png (827.59 KB, 1228x719, Schizo.png)

Made this edit for lc. Back to reading third times the charm?

No. 2436455

File: 1741529976239.png (826.36 KB, 1228x719, Shizom.png)

Original as well

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