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No. 2423171
ITT: share uneventful, mundane, or just downright ordinary events and thoughts from your everyday life.
Previous thread:
>>2397894 No. 2423189
File: 1740765092754.jpeg (809.07 KB, 1125x782, C1CA9386-DC42-4F66-95BB-4974BE…)

Darn I was too slow to make the new thread. Picrel was my choice for tnreadpic.
No. 2423206
File: 1740765567573.png (291.21 KB, 1200x1420, Era+of+cruelty_e06c52_12298775…)

Stepped waaaay outside of my comfort zone to go join a yoga class that someone invited me to. Drove thirty minutes to get there, but couldn't find parking so I had to park far away. Ended up being three minutes late but when I got there, they had locked the doors and put up a sign that said that class had started and to come back next week.
Let this be a lesson to everyone: Trying is stupid and it's better to stay inside and do what you want all day, because at least then you won't waste a bunch of gas and time. Ignore everyone who tells you to get out and do stuff, they're just haters that can't be happy indoors.
No. 2423237
File: 1740767125791.jpg (8.88 KB, 199x254, 1000037962.jpg)

I would like to announce that I managed to masturbate successfully while on antidepressants. It took two hours but I managed to do it. I tried to think about a few different men but somehow I could only successfully do it while thinking about my ex who is a piece of human garbage that emotionally abused me but I am still attracted to his body. He is a skinny and malnourished vegan with abs because he exercises like a maniac since he hates himself and his diet consists of bread, vegan yogurt and frozen pizza and I like the fact that I could carry him on my back. He experienced twink death at the age of 26 and now his hairline is receding. I still think about him.
No. 2423333
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Going out for brunch with my friends tomorrow, been months since I last had a good eggs benedict with salmon! They are also serving pancakes that are inspired by a seasonal treat here that I just know I'm gonna scarf down like there is no tomorrow! Good food and good company, what could be a better start on a saturday? If I get home early I might also bake some protein muffins and enjoy a good book. Maybe I'll finally get some reading done now that my roomie is gonna take back his ps5 to play monter hunter
No. 2423379
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i love this threadpic. i love tortoises
No. 2423485
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Well. I just finished the show I was watching and once again I feel a void inside of me.
No. 2423691
File: 1740786552548.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.64 MB, 2814x2787, 1000005189.jpg)

ive been keeping track of the days on my work calendar with stickers instead of crossing stuff out like i used to and its so fuckin cute. spoiler for personal pic
No. 2423701
>>2423691I love your calendar
nonny, it's very pretty!
No. 2423745
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My roommate came home in the middle of the night and accidentally woke me up. Usually I just go back to sleep when that happens because I find those little "home" sounds comforting, but this time I was just about to fall asleep and it startled me enough that I'm now too awake to fall asleep.
No. 2424098
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>>2423538Gatorade is a sports drink that's like if someone melted a popsicle and diluted it with water from a garden hose. Idk how burger athletes drink so much of it, it's yucky.
No. 2424158
File: 1740810435119.jpg (71.65 KB, 842x960, 1689193155513326.jpg)

I am dropping out of college to focus full time on neeting and drawing. I made up my mind. I am telling my mom tomorrow when she comes back from a vacation, she will beat me.
No. 2424169
>>2424158I’m sorry
nonny, I feel for you. Just do the right thing, I hope you do, and that you feel better. Neeting isn’t good,
No. 2424265
>>2424170Honestly, if you aren't taking advantage of internships and other undergrad-exclusive programs, college isn't really worth it anymore anyway. You can't live on your parents' dime forever, but it's okay to do so for a little while to figure out where you're going in life and reevaluate your options. You can also go back and finish your degree at a later time if you so choose.
Part of why being a wagie sucks is that people don't feel any kind of personal meaning in the work they do. I used to hate my job until I began working at non-profits. I hope you eventually find something that speaks to you in the same way, maybe through your artwork.
No. 2424289
>>2424219Mom's wallet then suicide when she dies.
>>2424265Something that made me decide to drop college is finding out that a person with my degree makes the same amount a wallmart wagey makes in the USA. Like whats even the point…
No. 2424292
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I just remembered that my ex had to use an orthopedic cushion at age 27 and he started to go bald. He would look like the oldest 27 year old martyr while sitting grumpy on his orthopedic throne while he was venting about his knee pain and would talk down to me because I ofc was always the one that wasn't good enough or working hard enough kek
No. 2424384
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thinking about whether i should bring this to college tomorrow, bc morale and friendship or whatever but its so yummy i don't want it to run out since it was expensive too
No. 2424432
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Sometimes I want to shave my head and just wear wigs. I don't hate my hair or anything, I actually think my hair is really prettyeven when it's damaged, I just want to have everything, be everyone and do anything.
No. 2424447
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I wish I could get a pixie again, it was so much fun and very practical, cutest look I ever had. I could wash my hair at any moment and it would dry super fast, and as the curls were closer to my scalp it looked hydrated and bouncy all the time. That hairstyle made every outfit look unique and cute. God I miss it. Too bad I live at Tangamandapio and society bullies any woman who doesn't burn her curls into a long silk press, literally no fun allowed. I still remember people looking at me weird, insulting me or asking me if I was sick like??
And my texture changed so much since then, I used to have curly hair but it turned wavy. I bet a pixie would look absolutely gorgeous with this hair texture reeeee
No. 2424652
>>2424447Do it nonna.
I love this haircut on curly women.
No. 2424683
>>2424447>>2424432Hair thread:
>>>/g/369903>>2424384Food thread:
>>>/ot/1949746Mundane Shit is about mundane eventst
No. 2424709
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I'm not religious but I can't help but turn to god in those moments when I get hit with the period shits ten minutes from home and I have to pray to every higher power imaginable as the struggle keeps getting harder the closer to home I get.(belongs tmi thread )
No. 2424715
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I just found out that my leopard gecko, who I assumed was a dude, is actually a female. The first and only FTM I will ever support.
No. 2424726
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worked with my bitchy coworker for the first time today and it was as bad as i expected. i've worked with more experienced specialists before and none of them were as entitled as her. i'll have to work with her two times a week this month ughhhh fml i hope she goes on vacation
No. 2424734
>>2424721He's already getting the best. I just scheduled his double masectomy.
Jokes aside though, are troon pets really a thing people do? I feel like I've never come across it.
No. 2424776
>>2424773Saying I'm watching a TV show
is mundane anon. Plus, I'm not actually really saying anything about the show itself in that post.
No. 2424788
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>>2424773Shut the fuck up you mini modding ass bitch GODDAMN
No. 2424818
>>2424346My dad's a deadbeat
>>2424543those are the risks you take when you have a child tbh. I dont feel bad because i was her choice in the first place. Its like getting a puppy then getting angry you have to take care of it for the rest of your life.
No. 2424879
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>>2424865I hate how the reason that mormons can't drink coffee is because the women were tired of cleaning up nasty tobacco spit after the moids had their meetings so they retaliated by banning the "substances" that women liked during
their meetings: coffee and tea.
No. 2424966
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So I was home alone for a while and I did what everyone does whenever we get some privacy I sang for a while the thing is that my ear has been plugged/clogged for almost two years at this point, and that made my ear feel less plugged/clogged?? How?? Should I do that more often then? Will this help me cure that shit?
No. 2424972
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>>2424966nona… you need pic rel. likely you have a huge thing of earwax in your ear if you arent having pain with it just the plug/ clog feeling. warm water and one of these, if it still doesnt come out with just water you can get wax dissolving drops. its easy
No. 2425009
>>2425004I have very leaky ears even if I clean them almost daily. I usually clean them with a soft cloth after showering. I sometimes use a qtip when there's too much build up. The nurse suggested I get them clean at a clinic once or twice a year or try this
No. 2425017
>>2424972>>2425009>>2425004>>2424977I usually clean my ears daily with q-tips and peroxide, tbh, this happened after I got an hyper-mega-uber-strong flu that made me half deaf for a few days, in theory I mostly have mucus on the inside.
I've tried washing my nose and such and I feel some relief/can hear better but it's still weirdly clogged/plugged.
No. 2425296
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>>2424715This happened with my leopard gecko, but in the opposite direction. You can't really tell what sex they are until they're around eight months old, so I basically just took a guess at mine's sex for the sake of picking a name and picked female. Sure enough, he not only grew up to be male, but also unusually large (which is weird, because he was not advertised by the breeder as being an extra large morph). My friends all have female leos and he's
so much bigger than them, like almost double the size. (Picrel not mine)
No. 2425312
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I am going to drink a coffee then draw all night.
No. 2425320
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>>2425296Your guy must have some giant genes in him! Maybe the breeder didn't think he inherited the genes for it. I think giant leos are awesome, they give me the same feeling as looking at a really big plushie.
No. 2425345
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>>2425312Jealous. I have to get up early and work on my assignment due tomorrow. I’d rather draw.
No. 2425864
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>>2425860Please post pics if you're comfortable with it, I love hedgehogs. I've thought about getting one.
No. 2425900
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I love my cat but he's so gross. He constantly sucks on his paws whenever he's not in the mood to play and then his mouth starts drooling while he cries at me to hold him. He's ridiculously clingy and follows me everywhere. I think it’s because I’m the only one in the house who tolerates him enough to hold him. I can never get him to stop, he'll suck on one paw, wipe it on my clothes, suck on the other one, and wipe it on my clothes again. Then I have to change because I end up smelling like cat food, dry saliva, and occasionally poop because he doesn’t bother to clean his ass properly after pooping. If I don’t hold him, he’ll chase his brothers and choke them with his paw while still sucking on it. I don’t know how to make him stop. I thought about using garlic-infused oil but then I remembered it’s toxic to cats and I definitely don’t want to risk that. I tried cone collars but he would just jump around like crazy and crie non-stop so that didn’t work either. Right now he’s outside my room banging on the door while his brothers chirp to each other. Not picrel but he is a ginger and sometimes sits with his tongue out
No. 2425958
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Saw the thumbnail of this video and thought it was a beautiful muscular woman on my feed but I clicked on it and realized it was a dude! I'm so disappointed nonnies(wrong thread)
No. 2426159
>>2426121its ok
nonnie, we all have our lowest moments, mine is eating my muesli cereal even after i realized there were ants in it that i just picked out because that muesli was expensive and delicious.
No. 2426245
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This year I FINALLY remembered to order the annual limited edition tea based on a seasonal pastry in my country, I even ordered two bags! I usually don't care for gimmicky teas and drinks, but I tried this one at my friend's place a couple of years ago and I've been obsessing over the thought of drinking more ever since because it was SO GOOD. So excited!
No. 2426306
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>>2426292Semla! It's a seasonal pastry here in Sweden, it's a cardamom roll filled with sweetened almond paste and whipped cream. Whenever any place tries to make some sort of drink inspired version of it they just end up tasting weird as fuck, but this tea brand has found the perfect balance in the mix of flavors of almond, cream and cadradmom
No. 2426316
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there's a lake next to my apartment building and sometimes i like to go out and watch the turtles in it. i didn't realize there were so many turtles until a couple of weeks ago but now i make it a point to go past it when im out for walks
No. 2426350
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i drank a whole pot of coffee and gave myself a manicure and pedicure
No. 2426353
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>>2425958I actually saw a picture of him yesterday. I was arguing with my moid friend aabout wheter it was a woman or a man, and i am glad i won. He's sexy as fuck, why arent straight men like this? also whats his handle
No. 2426387
>>2426353Faggots make me gag on impulse. I agree with
>>2426377 though he'd probably rock a Jojo cosplay
No. 2426389
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Listening to Work Bitch by Britney Spears while I get my steps in
No. 2426431
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Finally ordered new glasses after a very long time of my prescription being fucked up!!! I'm so excited.
No. 2426435
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>>2426353His shooped thighs look like weiner
No. 2426478
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I was comfy drinking my mint tea and reading some internet drama that became semi viral in my coutry and a guy who i used to be friends with irl and would sex pest me when i was a teen was part of the callout. WHAT THE FUCK. Apparently he raped a tranny and then him and this girl thats being called out drove him to suicide. HOLY SHIT. It was insane scrolling down and being hit with his ugly af mug. He's also apparently a serial rapist. He used to harass me and was obsessed with me, he even put a knife in my throat and told me he wanted to rape me in a car. HOLY FUCKING SHIT NONNIES.
No. 2426613
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I don’t know why but the more I look at this pic the more it makes me kek something about Trudeau is so funny and then you zoom in on the other people and half of them look so fucking awkward
No. 2426667
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>>2426626I was having a normal mundane neet day reading the new chapter for my favourite lolcow universe until i got hit with the realization one of my ex friends who was obsessed with me and tried to slice my throat was a tranny rapist, amazing. This is his mug btw. He became fat since we stopped being friends.
No. 2426673
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Lately I've been thinking that I want a desk that will let me sit cross legged, this desk seriously feels small as fuck. I should get a chair like pic related or something, but I'm pretty sure I would still feel very uncomfortable using this desk.
No. 2427114
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bought big time rush concert tickets kek 10 year old me would be proud
No. 2427129
>>2427114Aw, have fun
No. 2427185
File: 1741019635004.jpg (13.92 KB, 400x400, 1711807073936.jpg)

I just want to scarf down handfuls of nuts in one sitting. Peanuts, cashews, macadamia, almonds… and eat many bananas dipped in unholy amounts of creamy peanut butter. what is wrong with me. I eat well. I exercise regularly. I just had a big lunch, soba noodles and veggies with a lot of smoked tempeh and a side of salad with tahini dressing. breakfast was pretty big too. I had over 60g of protein today (which at my weight is enough to maintain muscle).
No. 2427278
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Watched an infographic video during class that was so boring it was probably the first time I've genuinely "nodded off". My eyes felt so heavy and my head physically recoiled back multiple times, it was like the video was never going to end
No. 2427347
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>>2427255Samefag, they just sent me an offer!!! God I'm so happy, everything feels like it's falling into place.
No. 2427397
File: 1741033642168.png (34.67 KB, 841x267, luckreading.png)

I was bored so I made a daily fortune reading spread sheet. It'll give you your daily luck level, the lucky color and unlucky color and a 3-spread tarot reading. I might revamp it so that it gives you visual tarot reading with each card rather than text along with changing the lucky color to images of flowers.
No. 2427408
>>2427374I'm gonna make a milkshake to treat myself
I would've ate it even if I didn't get the offer though kek. It's been my only craving for days. Homemade whipped cream too
>>2427401Congratulations to you too!
No. 2427539
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old man kept honking at me to go into oncoming traffic. fuck off wallace, its my life that gets taken if i get into an accident not yours. it sucks to be in a rush but im not risking it if cars keep coming. i wanted to be so petty and hold my horn behind him once we were at a red light together but i got scared.
picrel me and the banner were typing at the same time
No. 2427547
>>2427540i dont think i can be okay eating meat but a quesadilla with the little cheap veggies sounds so good. but i just think ill feel guilt. pretend i bought one for you instead
nonnie. ill just make something at home later
No. 2427755
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My fren went to buy pizza, its raining and we are going to watch the Uma Musume movie! i am so excited. Last month was absolutely awful so i am glad its over.
No. 2427786
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I just scarfed down an entire burrito after my fitness class.
In my defense, it’s 6 pm and all I’ve had is a protein shake
No. 2428345
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>accidentally has the pods case of my wireless earphones go into the washer
>doesn’t retrieve it until its in the rinse cycle (it was washing with the pods inside submerged in water KEK)
>takes it out
>cleans off water
>water still coming out of the thing
>disappointed but knew this was going to happen eventually since i almost lost it outside a week after i bought it kekkk
>flips it upside down for the water to drip right in front of the fan overnight
>no more water dripping from the inside out
>headphones magically charge inside the pod and it’s still miraculously working
Lucky girl syndrome at work. Thank goodness I’m not paying another 25-30$ for another one
No. 2428415
File: 1741103815194.mp4 (9.92 MB, 1280x720, reddit why are oranges orange.…)

Just got banned from reddit again. This is like the sixth? time this has happened. Ironically, it's because I was using a VPN while logged in, and they're cracking down on those by demanding I prove I'm real through my email, but I used a temp email years ago so there's no way to access it. RIP my favorite account, you survived so many transphobic comments when all other accounts got banned.
No. 2428517
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i was able to secure the apartment i wanted to move in to, thank GOD. if i didn't get this one i would've had to live somewhere that has reviews saying there's bug/mold issues.
No. 2428568
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I put on lip balm like every two hours but my lips are still dry as fuck, I hate my life
No. 2428587
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>>2428584Vaseline lip therapy is a life saver, you just need that. I tried every chapstick and it never worked, I just put a layer of Vaseline in the morning and it stays the whole day kek.
No. 2428598
File: 1741116064087.png (359.5 KB, 1230x1154, Screenshot 2025-03-04 at 2.20.…)

>>2428568Depending on the lip balm, some actually aggravate the problem of chapped lips so you buy and use more. I think carmex is one, but it depends on the ingredients in it.
No. 2428600
File: 1741116098516.jpg (41.51 KB, 564x592, 1000001000.jpg)

>>2428584>>2428587I haven't seen Vaseline in drugstores in my country but I can probably get it online, so I'll try it. Thank you for your advice nonnas.
No. 2428620
File: 1741117094616.webp (22.84 KB, 1578x1578, IMG_1605.webp)

>>2428598So I wasn’t crazy!! Thank you nonna.
The one that I used was this one, it was like applying wax, my lips were so chapped, despite applying it every few hours.
No. 2429593
>>2429584I'm going to cry this is so cute. My dipshit wiggled around until he's taking up 2/3s of my bed and then complains if I try to scoot him over kek.
>>2429581United are we, nona.
No. 2429611
File: 1741174103638.png (55.44 KB, 300x100, 39.png)

having a job is fucking awesome i'm just sitting there doing nothing being paid for chilling drinking coffee and browsing lolcow
picrel showed up as i was typing this
No. 2429615
>>2429611kek i did this so many times at every jobs i used to be in.
Truly the best moment of the day.
No. 2429622
>>2429611Whats your job
nonnie? If you dont mind me asking
No. 2429981
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It’s dark and cloudy here with on and off rain. Whenever the weather is like this I get so sleepy, I hope it clears up tomorrow.
No. 2430059
>>2429835Stay strong you got this
nonnie. Don't break your sober streak.
No. 2430120
>>2430064Can't wait until you're home and relaxed
nonny! What are you reading?
No. 2430216
>>2430192It'll bite you in the ass when your computer/browser unexpectedly shuts down and you don't remember what tabs were most important because you kept the not too important tabs up.
I've taken to dumping it all a private discord with each channel sorted to a corresponding topic.
t. someone who lost 50+ tabs throughout various Google account browsers because I tripped on the computer power cord
No. 2430411
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I accidentally lost my house keys. Now I'm waiting to be let in by a family member getting off work in another hour. Shit sucks
No. 2430619
>>2430597I wouldnt say its paranoid to not like op's joke, I worked in marketing and social media before and deleted all my socials because it was already too much stress being on insta/tiktok 24/7 for my company, didnt need that on my free time too.
If op's situationship is actually doing real cybersec shit and not mallhacker stuff he actually needs to have his socials checked on a periodic basis by whoever he works for which is not only inconvenient because if you forget a handle and they find out you can get fired but also theyre gonna look at your private life, i get his point.
No. 2430620
>>2430595except my point was "it's not that deep" kek. maybe nonna has a weird sense of humor but it's better she outed herself sooner than later, plus she clearly isn't into the security orientated mindset he had either ways.
maybe someday she'll find a guy more on her wavelength.
No. 2430629
File: 1741219395483.gif (363.73 KB, 400x300, 1000033429.gif)

>anon: makes a dumb joke that pisses a scrote off
>lolcow for some reason:
No. 2430630
>>2430627Except it's not paranoia or schizophrenia. Those apps and devices really do steal your personal data. You speak so greenly. Nobody is feeling bad for the moid, all we're saying is that her joke wasn't funny and it comes across as annoying. Sorry we didn't give her asspats for it like she was expecting.
>>2430625Nobody is "losing it." Stop projecting.
No. 2430643
>>2430627>he’s a retarded schizoAnd this is why most women will remain cybercrime
victims. Keep being stupid.
No. 2430652
>>2430644Kek nobody is sympathizing with males?? We can say her joke was gay, that doesn't mean we're sympathizing with males.
>>2430648I speak to my friends differently than how I speak to random people
No. 2430661
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>"I harmlessly poked fun at a guy for being paranoid about his data"
>"Wow so you're a bully who wants women to get cybercrimed"
No. 2430666
File: 1741219998834.jpg (148.26 KB, 800x800, 343242.jpg)

Anyway, I just bought some handmade nail polishes off a small business and they sent me a very cute handwritten note with my name and the pen color matched the polishes i got! Really made my day after a hard day at work! Do you nonas have small businesses you like? Or even one you run? (Just say you like it if its yours lol) I'd love to support more handmade stuff. Picrel are some of the polishes if anyone is curious!
No. 2430681
>>2430672Yeah idk why I said that kek. Anyway I sent the video to my brother who gives me constant shit and he told me It wasn't weird. If he doesn't think it is, then I can go to sleep peacefully. I've done stuff like this with other guys and they did the same thing back. Maybe I'm immature to some people on here, but I'd rather have fun that water myself down for a guy who works in cybersecurity.
>>2430640Yeah I don't know why she said that to you. I have 2 cousins in cybersecurity. I'm not close with them to ask them what they think of what I said though.
No. 2430694
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No. 2430720
File: 1741221371888.png (6.94 MB, 4080x3060, my-cat-has-turned-into-a-ipad-…)

I got an ipad with the pencil pro and idk what to do with it. I could use it for art but I don't like drawing on it, I prefer my regular wacom tablet for that by far. Honestly I've just been very bored and wanted to splurge on a fancy thing as a treat for myself but I think I'll return it. It's sad because it's a damn nice tablet and I want to like it, but I don't really have a use for it. Dumb consoomer moment on my part.
No. 2430726
>>2430722NTA but it absolutely does.
A situationship is that space between a committed relationship and something that is more than a friendship.
No. 2430729
File: 1741221695864.jpg (46.78 KB, 1300x975, 1000033433.jpg)

>>2430722I think you're taking the exact wording of posts itt a bit too seriously rather than inferring what they mean.
No. 2430764
File: 1741222417472.jpg (56.33 KB, 741x720, 1000032471.jpg)

All this genuine seething because some nonna used an offhand slang word to describe the dynamic between two people, my word
No. 2430787
>>2430783Because they're braindead
>>2430785Yeah anyone older than you is your enemy yeah that makes sense yeah totally
No. 2430797
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I want to literally punch and fucking smash this moid’s head against the bed frame during hate-fueled sex. I want entire violence committed towards a man during sex and he likes it(not mundane)
No. 2430820
File: 1741223711040.jpg (136.88 KB, 316x316, In_the_aeroplane_over_the_sea_…)

>>2430813In the aeroport over the farms
No. 2430836
>>2430796youre being annoying
>>found an ultrarare human thats not terminally online and terrorized them for some reasonthere are you happy i wouldve said it if it was a woman she was talking to too
No. 2430846
File: 1741224322100.png (268 KB, 638x361, 1695388193936.png)

>>2430837patiently waiting for the
lolcow is not a chatroom bans
No. 2430860
File: 1741224571936.jpg (20.55 KB, 529x505, 1740618241691.jpg)

>>2430853who tf is worshipping anybody in this dicussion i just think its cringe to meet such a unique person that i would personally like to be friends with and be rude to them for not being a brainrotted normie like why is this even an argument
No. 2430882
>>2430871she didn't you fucking dumbass. She felt it was shizo but didn't say it to his face. Did you even read the discussion.
>>2430868Have you ever heard of something called having fun? Why are you assuming you know nonna and the guy's dynamic more than them. Clearly they were on joking terms and she thought it would land.
No. 2430886
>>2430877I'm just genuinely curious how you rationalize hanging out on a website dedicated to making fun of the mentally ill if
that is your definition of "too mean."
No. 2430908
File: 1741225205889.jpeg (83.03 KB, 736x733, IMG_3939.jpeg)

Walking down the street
I saw anon’s nigel
And then I remembered
I had the remote in my back pocket
So you know what
I did?
I took it out
And I clicked it
I clicked the red button
That button
The rape button
And it did the trick
No. 2430913
>>2430908I'm in tears. Not from laughter, but from admiration and astonishment.
>>2430905thank you
No. 2430934
File: 1741225663349.png (77.64 KB, 1111x1111, IMG_3919.png)

>>2430930I smell cap! No cap!
No. 2430975
>>2430957IIRC the chadification
nonnie made that image.
No. 2430983
Idk where to share this but I think my brother is rather unique when it comes to 19 year old males.
He's into computer science, his main hobby is video games, has no friends, and barely talks to anyone, which is a very LOL first impression I gave there. However, he's more robotic than that.
First, he just doesn't have interest in people. Not as friends, or their hobbies, or their beliefs, male or female. Second, I don't think he has any sexual interest, like at all. Throughout his life we'd tease him about which girl likes at school, but his answers are disinterested, and I don't think he's gay either. I can bet a lot of money that he doesn't watch porn. I'm a weeb and I've watched a lot of anime with him because he really only hangs out with me whenever we meet up, and I've regretted being into a lot of questionable things, but it never seemed to influence him. Like one time I was playing a gacha game and he was like "why is she half naked." (it's FGO and dw I have a lot of handsome men on there) And speaking of video games, he really only ever plays 2D indie tycoons or sandboxes, nothing multiplayer. And I said "he has no other hobbies lol" but he really likes to cook, and has long surpassed the rest of us, alongside exercising, so he's not fat or unhealthy, but a little thin and child-like for his age.
All of this makes me wonder if men aren't misogynist/degenerate if they simply don't experience sexual attraction at all, but this is just my personal experience.
No. 2431001
>>2430992Holy shit this describes him way too well, all the way to not liking touch of any kind. I didn't know this existed. I guess the only difference is that he is contacting our mom more by phone, but he doesn't show much interest in us either. He's also a little childish, but in this innocent, pure way, and it shows when you talk with him.
He's never had a problem with anything in his life so my parents never thought to take him to a psychologist
No. 2431014
>>2431004My mom always said that he'd make his wife very happy one day, too bad he doesn't seem interested in women (or men), as he also shows no interest in extreme ideologies or even parroting casual misogyny (i don't know if this is also part of schizoid personality disorder btw, dear other anon who brought it up). I wonder how the world would be if more men were like him and were interested in women
>>2431013don't autists have some sort of weirdness about women? He doesn't strike anyone as autistic, just as "quiet"
No. 2431167
File: 1741241513778.jpeg (208.59 KB, 956x540, 1647241445022.jpeg)

ugh i start college next week and i really dont want to. I am not excited at all. Wish i could drop off.
No. 2431285
File: 1741252680692.jpg (30.8 KB, 1178x524, 75498367834.jpg)

I want to start learning how to make music but I have no attention span and the software seems too complicated to me kek.
No. 2431402
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No. 2431630
File: 1741272972029.png (267.2 KB, 250x625, c04d7602-9590-4f16-98ed-db7c02…)

Having an energy drink today for the first time in like 6 months… its pretty good. but not something i wanna have more than 1-3 times a year
No. 2431892
File: 1741288103902.gif (1.06 MB, 504x322, didntknowyoucouldarrangewordsl…)

The book I'm reading right now is plain English but it's so casually written that my ESL ass only understands about 60% of each sentence. By the end of a paragraph I understand what it's about but I know none of these words.
No. 2431955
File: 1741291567622.jpg (40.52 KB, 267x400, hellno.jpg)

eating eveything in sight lately…rapid increase in hunger for 7 days at this point. going to DIE
No. 2431982
File: 1741292676893.jpg (43.51 KB, 736x736, 3e1cd0902e2de258e46625306ea577…)

I remembered lobotomies and it's interesting to me how a person can die without actually dying. Imagine your memories being erased, your personality distorted and morphed, and being conscious as your brain is being actively reset. Everything that ever made you yourself is being dissolved into nothingness, and actively replaced with another version of yourself. This will sound cliché, but even just the idea of lobotomy sounds very scary.
No. 2432007
File: 1741294138577.webp (10.78 KB, 270x270, 1876055_full.webp)

Half high, walking my dogs, wearing the big jacket and listening to gangsta rap. All I can think is
>Yeeeeah gangsta nonnie. No one gonna fuck with me
No. 2432015
File: 1741294494158.png (210.42 KB, 1144x1464, sad cece.png)

>search for show i want to watch online
>not loading
>ok go torrent it
>not connecting to seeder
i just want to watch agent elvis
No. 2432030
File: 1741295345137.png (20.49 KB, 1213x1127, my hair.png)

I'm not sure what I do when I'm sleeping, but my top bun was so crazy when I woke up today. I tried to draw it but I couldn't convey how bad it looked. Side note, but I've never really liked how anime does the little snot bubble to show that someone is sleepy.
No. 2432039
>>2431383I reported this thread the second it was made because I know that the "random thoughts" would derail the thread and allow the retards to make it into a chatroom, and I even said that in my report. Yet, you did nothing and now you have to type these pathetic little posts instead of doing your job.
>>2431749Farmhands have no concept of consequences. You can actually spell out for them why something is a bad idea and what negative consequences it will have, and they'll stick their thumbs up their assholes and do nothing because they're that dumb. Then the kicker is they'll complain about it! As if they didn't have the power to stop it entirely by simply doing their jobs!
No. 2432070
File: 1741296994758.jpg (8.74 KB, 258x223, 7ab42375616c06c7d87550294f9d36…)

I want something sweet so I'm gonna have strawberries with whipped cream!
No. 2432130
>>2431910>There wasn't even any time to stiff-leg it over beside the bar, by the steaming pile of bags the dumpsters were. Ricky just walked straight ahead, out into the sea of crew cab trucks parked more or less in rows, and on the way he unleashed almost before he could come to a stop, had to lean back from it because this was a serious fire-hose situation.Is Ricky
a) a werewolf,
b) piss drunk,
c) fighting a fire,
d) all of the above?
>Only thing kept him from going college was his height, and that he insisted he was a power forward, not a stop-and-pop sharpshooter. At high school height, sure, someone just six-two could crash in, dominate as a power forward. And he had some jumps, too, could rise up and flush it–only in pregame, with a lot of setup, but still.Explain what the hero could have done differently to ensure the pursuit of higher education.
>Duckwalking backward on his stripped-down, double-throaty Road King that's about to find its lope, Lewis clocks Jerry already at the edge of the post office's parking lot, hanging his loose right hand down by the rear wheel of his custom Springer, his index and middle fingers waggling in an upside-down peace sign before they curl up into his fast fist. Lewis had no iea what it means, never rode with a real and actual gang like Jerry did in his Easy Rider youth, but it must mean something like this way or all clear or smoke 'em if you got 'em, because Eldon and Silas throttle in right behind him, leaving Lewis to watch the back door like always, even though where they're headed is to Lewis new place way the hell over on 13th.Translate.
TOTAL __/16,5pts
No. 2432142
>>2432130my guesses:
>b>practice more basketball..?>a retard fightihate this
No. 2432156
He's too short for college basketball?
Lewis, Jerry, Eldon (lel) and Silas are going to thug-walk to Lewis' place. He does a hand sign and the others
throttle? Does that mean they're in cars/bikes? Lewis stays behind/on the back of the group to watch their back? Someone please explain.
No. 2432161
>>2432130>First question:Ricky is taking a piss. He's pissing out back by the dumpsters.
>Second question:His tertiary education must have been dependent on a sports scholarship. He was passed up for scholarships because even though he's a good player, the universities have scouted those even taller than him, and thus more apt to win at those sports.
>Third questions:"Although Lewis is trying to sneak away, he still sees Jerry by the post office. Jerry is making a strange gesture with his hands, most often used by gangs, and Lewis is unable to decipher the exact meaning of the gesture. Perhaps the gesture meant 'come here,' or 'the way is clear' or 'let's do this thing,' as Eldon and Silas approach him from behind. Lewis looks on, knowing that they'd all be heading to his new apartment on 13th street."
It's very, VERY, poorly written. This is written worse than my first fanfics.
No. 2432162
File: 1741300447622.jpg (5.95 KB, 305x300, 1000031329.jpg)

>>2432130I'm having trouble deciphering this as a native English speaker. This feels downright malicious on your education provider's behalf kek
No. 2432200
>>2432167Nooooo my GPA… But in my defense I'm
>>2432156 so I did try to solve it myself without genAI first. Please don't fail me or my mom will take away my phone.
No. 2432277
File: 1741304875578.png (Spoiler Image,73.6 KB, 468x99, cookie clicker.png)

I'm playing Cookie Clicker right now. The Grandmapocalypse has begun. At this point of the day, I'm basically just waiting for it to be late enough to sleep so I'm chilling right now.
No. 2432415
had a dubai chocolate bar for the first time today i liked it a lot. more subtle sweet than normal and the crunchy bits were really nice
>>2431725yeah it was kinda mediocre tbh
No. 2432501
File: 1741317177597.jpeg (186.91 KB, 797x800, IMG_0224.jpeg)

ahhh i should’ve asked my mom to get me that hello kitty special times magazine when we were out when i had the chance…
No. 2432532
File: 1741318973139.jpg (97.65 KB, 1920x1200, wp2263408-78780714.jpg)

>>2432526This is a dumb figure of speech in text form bc if you really did have a lot of questions, you would just ask them in your post
No. 2432819
>>2432816It's sad how lolcow always assumes the worst. I hope you had a nice and peaceful train trip
No. 2432910
File: 1741358941055.jpg (24.88 KB, 735x443, poohtrix.jpg)

im so tired at work today because i spent time with friends last night. oh well, it was worth it
No. 2432982
File: 1741364861033.png (541.99 KB, 900x900, Bumblekitty redraw.png)

I actually really like the smell of burning steel from welding and grinding. It's probably terrible for my longterm health but I kind of don't care. Also, now that it's warmed up I can't wait to hack my hair down low for spring and summer.
No. 2433169
>>2432982I like the smell of gasoline and sharpies
When I was in middle school two friends of mine confiscated my sharpies when I kept sniffing them
No. 2433241
>>2433169Sharpies contain toluene which is
toxic and a known harmful inhalant substance
No. 2433538
File: 1741392090008.jpg (133.54 KB, 708x933, Screenshot 2025-03-08 005929.j…)

i am doing these celebrity astro compatibility thingies on astrotheme to pass time and i have no one else who to share it with.
Etherway this is supposed to be grimes and elon's astro chart compatibility, how do you feel about it?(please use the astrology thread on /g/)
No. 2433542
File: 1741392241871.jpg (25.41 KB, 495x415, Screenshot 2025-03-08 004114.j…)

>>2433538Also i did one with me and bill gates and why is the sex meter so high what….KEK
No. 2433543
>>2433542I got that high a result when I did myself and Jared Leto as a joke
I'm honestly scared
No. 2433545
File: 1741392462341.jpg (26.39 KB, 492x432, Screenshot 2025-03-08 010527.j…)

>>2433543lmao anon how high was it?, also i did one with elon musk and here is the result and it's very low. Makes sense though since i hate that bitch Elon.
No. 2433558
File: 1741392956940.jpg (23.93 KB, 455x392, Screenshot 2025-03-08 010850.j…)

>>2433545>>2433547i also got a low meter when trying my compatibility rating with Adolf Hitler. Looks like i have very low ratings with Hitler and Elon.
No. 2433693
>>2433688To my pathetic teenage crushes credit, he hasn't been outed as a sexual predator
No. 2433788
File: 1741401191122.jpg (30.15 KB, 1500x1000, 1000136221.jpg)

Tomorrow I will buy a jumping rope, I want to learn how to jump rope because it really looks like fun, specially if I can somehow learn how to do it to the rhythm of some music.
No. 2433864
File: 1741403827615.jpg (92.33 KB, 1091x771, 1717714268466t.jpg)

i ate so much food today and im eating a cookie now lol
No. 2434040
>>2432982>>2433169kek real
nonnie, apparently the "good" smell of gasoline, acrylic paint, and strong adhesives is due to some aromatic aldehydes(?) and they cause a small high which is why people tend to like them, recently i was working for my college's fest and we were working in one spot with lots of acrylic paint and rubber adhesive and during that time i had a sudden desire to have nicotine chewing gum kek.
No. 2434079
File: 1741414022908.png (2.47 MB, 2048x2048, HDZ Choc Peanut Butter 450ml.p…)

>>2434051this right here. got it on sale!
No. 2434277
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>>2434265Luckily my score with Elon is fairly low to mediocre.
No. 2435274
File: 1741450276871.jpg (37.06 KB, 640x480, 1646904829908.jpg)

I am so pissed my phone broke. It took a small fall to the floor and it died. Modern phones cant take shit, i honestly miss nokia bricks now.
No. 2435282
File: 1741450866649.jpg (304.62 KB, 1236x880, annika-victoria-3555231085.jpg)

Just remembered that Annika Victoria the sewing youtuber woman has an onlyfans (or fansly, can't remember which one). Don't want to link it because it's actually depressing to think about it, but I remember it's easy to find. Maybe on her instagram.
No. 2435370
File: 1741456164565.jpg (37.59 KB, 209x210, 1570760098718.jpg)

I am having a terrible day. My hand hurts, my leg hurts, my phone broke. But i started watching Arrested Development(its hilarious) and my bestie told me he's coming over to spend the night, yay!! We are going to wathc The Substance and play Worms. I am so excited.
No. 2435465
File: 1741460345352.jpeg (25.19 KB, 225x225, IMG_7367.jpeg)

My nigel’s parents are coming over for lunch and it’s always a little awkward with them because, even though they’re very nice people, they don’t speak much English and I don’t speak their language. This is me at every meal.
No. 2435494
File: 1741461997706.jpg (187.83 KB, 1080x1069, tumblr_d87387a08b7665cf823af32…)

the people who have this kind of mentality get to retirement age with no savings, no pension and then think the government and or their kids owe them a tugboat. yeah you need to work hard so you can retire, dipshit.(not mundane)
No. 2435580
File: 1741466738554.gif (398.59 KB, 498x498, tasty.gif)

nonnies, if you combine
>>2424384 with strong mints, it's really tasty, if you let your saliva gather in your mouth as you're having them and then swallow it's like drinking a minty fruit juice.
No. 2435590
File: 1741467144797.jpeg (72.9 KB, 602x577, unga bunga.jpeg)

>>2435573probably i mean 23andme said i have more neanderthal dna than 90% of anyone whos taken that test and i look okay most the time.
No. 2435649
File: 1741470028789.jpg (6.49 KB, 201x251, itsovr.jpg)

I've had too much free time lately, I'm isolated, I'm online alot more and I'm miserable so I've tried getting into internet arguments like I would when I was a teenager and I realized, wow! This is draining as hell, I can't keep up. So now I'm having fun sticking to my chores
No. 2435660
File: 1741470525995.jpg (36.85 KB, 685x457, Neanderthal-Genes-infographic_…)

>>2435590I haven't taken the test yet but I saw the signs of having Neanderthal DNA and some of them check out for me. Namely the digestive system and urinary tract ones. I also have all my wisdom teeth still and they fully functional and haven't created any crowding issues. My jaw was built for them. More modern humans don't grow wisdom teeth anymore.
No. 2435703
File: 1741472924300.gif (204.96 KB, 220x220, ratchet.gif)

>watching eurovision finals
>"this is bad and cringe, how can you like this, reee"
you took me to watch wicked, you have no right to shit on eurovision, you fun-hating cow(not mundane)
No. 2435955
File: 1741486294033.webp (50.72 KB, 700x525, KimChi-Sushi-1-700x525.webp)

sorry nonnas. i drowned a limp kimbap with a bunch of siracha sauce and i…loved it. but now i've the evil compulsion to drown all my food in siracha.
No. 2436197
>>2433873>>2433864I miss this game, the frogs were so cute
>>2436136What platform?
No. 2436276
File: 1741513016615.webp (276.89 KB, 1500x2250, Sagrada-Familia-05.webp)

I'm just looking at pictures of Sagrada familia and there's a bull statue with LC on it kek
No. 2436452
File: 1741529896461.png (827.59 KB, 1228x719, Schizo.png)

Made this edit for lc. Back to reading third times the charm?
No. 2436455
File: 1741529976239.png (826.36 KB, 1228x719, Shizom.png)

>>2436452Original as well