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No. 320422
This thread is for the discussion of transgenderism / trans ideology from a gender critical and radical feminist perspective. It was originally created by Admin as an amalgamation of the TERF and Transgender threads.
Gender critical and radical feminism define
gender as sociological (feminine/masculine) and
sex as biological (female/male).
Woman is defined as an adult human female. Radical feminists seek to abolish gender as it is used by patriarchy to oppress women socially, reproductively, and financially. They strive to preserve women's spaces (such as restrooms, locker rooms, and health care providers) and areas of artistic and intellectual expression separate from men.
Trans ideology posits that one's gender is self-determined based on one's feelings and defines
woman as the characteristics and behaviors traditionally ascribed to females by society. Increasingly, transactivists are conflating gender and sex and asserting that a person can self-identify both gender and sex.
Gender critical feminists strive to maintain the distinction between gender and sex. The conflation of gender and sex erases the biological reality of women, eliminates women-only spaces, and disestablishes women as a protected class. Existing laws and legislation currently being passed around the world allowing for self-identification on legal documents do not differentiate between gender and sex.
The acronym TERF (Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminism) is used primarily by transactivists and their allies to denigrate radical feminists and other women who express gender critical ideas. Transactivists portray TERFs as violent oppressors by virtue of their ideas alone.
Posts of related news and web articles are welcome. Posts of photos, videos, and blogs of transactivists for the purposes of discussion and critique are welcome. Please refrain from derailing, infighting, and ad hominem attacks. This thread is not intended for the general discussion of feminism, sexuality, misogyny, or misandry.
https://fairplayforwomen.comhttp://www.feministcurrent.comhttp://4thwavefeminists.comhttps://gendercriticalactioncenter.wordpress.comhttp://gendercritical.blogspot.comhttps://genderidentitywatch.comhttps://gendertrender.wordpress.com Selves: The modern LGBTQ+ Movement Is Run By Philanthropic Astroturf And Based On Junk Science violent crimes committed by transgender individuals
This Never Happens and clinicians concerned about transgender youth
https://4thwavenow.com Channels
Elly Arrow Berns Brennan / Ally Missandry RadFem Lloyd Parker threads
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TERF thread
>>>/g/67378Transpassing thread
>>>/ot/214811Trans women thread
>>>/ot/203215 No. 320427
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No. 320428
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No. 320456
>>320416Thanks for the insight, anon from last thread!
I've also noticed them increasingly adding trans side characters without any explanation to shitty German daytime scripted reality shows. A couple of years ago they were just played for laughs, and now it's "visibility". Not that I think the former was good, but I really wonder what the intended audience thinks about random hons thrown in the background of their brain-dead shows.
sage because I'm embarrassed I watch that crap
No. 320509 NHS’s only gender clinic for children and teenagers has criticised a new ITV drama that shows a transgender 11-year-old trying to commit suicide as “not helpful,” saying it “would be very unusual” for a child of that age to attempt suicide.
The mini-series Butterfly, which begins tonight, stars Anna Friel as the mother of Max, who slashes his wrists as his parents struggle with his wish to identify as a girl.
It features Mermaids, the controversial trans children’s support group whose chief executive, Susie Green, was a series consultant. In a recent interview, co-producer Friel said: “I can’t even begin to thank Susie Green enough for all the help she gave me.”
Green, who took her own son for sex-change surgery in Thailand at 16, has claimed trans children are attempting suicide in such large numbers because the Gender Identity Development Service (Gids), the NHS gender clinic for young people, does not treat them properly. She told MPs three years ago that Gids was “a service where there is a 48% suicide attempt risk”.
However, Gids released figures showing that among the roughly 5,000 young patients referred to the service between 2016 and last August, there were three suicides and four attempted suicides — less than 1%.
Gids says suicide among such patients is “extremely rare.” In a statement about the show, it told The Sunday Times: “Suicidality in young people attending the Gids is similar to that of young people referred to child and adolescent mental health services.
“It is not helpful to suggest that suicidality is an inevitable part of this condition . . . It would be very unusual for younger children referred to the service to make suicidal attempts. More positive narratives . . . are important.”
Gids said the ITV drama had found it “difficult” to depict the “complexity” of the clinic’s work. The programme-makers visited the clinic early on but it is understood they parted company over differences.
In interviews, Friel has endorsed the claim that almost half of trans young people attempt suicide, though not specifically in the context of Gids patients.
Michael Biggs, associate professor of sociology at Oxford, said: “It is highly irresponsible for Mermaids to try to mobilise these tragedies for the purposes of their political agenda.”
Green said high rates of attempted suicide among trans children “are real”. She cited a 2016 survey for Stonewall, where 45% of 594 trans young people said they had tried to take their lives.
ITV said: “Butterfly is one family’s fictional story.”
No. 320541
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>>320456You should watch "Lindenstraße" then. They have added a trans character for visibility, but he's played by a male actor who doesn't try to fit into this role at all as he still is a beefcake with super masculine features. It's unintentionally hilarious, I don't understand why they didn't pick a actor that suits better. I guess the casting director is secretly gender critical lmao.
No. 320573
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Just your daily reminder that TiMs are deranged fetishists.
Warning: image is deeply unsafe for work, or indeed anywhere else.
No. 320591
>>320573Wow what in the actual
fuck is this? Is it from fetlife? They’re like, robot tr00ns? Disgusting.
No. 320626
>>320575{{greentext|>Would you stay with your rich tranny husband for the money?
Yes, I can't support myself and i'm useless.
No. 320656
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They have their own subreddit and it pisses me off how they keep invading our spaces and making it about their mental illness. And of course it's the top answer.
>>320573I feel horrible for the children in that server being groomed and corrupted.
Allegedly they also post hard CP in their NSFW channel? Hopefully they'll receive more attention soon and something will be done about this/them.
No. 320845
>>320509…so this woman took her 16 year old son to get surgery to make his penis into a vagina?
…at 16? you would need help at such a young age to take care of the post-op, no?
is it really ethical (read: not fucking creepy) for a parent to help their child with er, dilation?
i can't believe people turn a blind eye to this and don't question it. i guess it's because people in first-world countries are pressured into being silent if they dare to question it at all. it's disappointing that we live in a world today where such innapropriate things easily take place between parent and child and nobody questions it.
No. 320848
>>320845They're probably not helping with dilation, a 16 year old can manage that easy.
nobody should be getting anything cut off when they're that's fucked up.
No. 320883
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I saw this on my fb timeline and just…smh
No. 320898
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They really know nothing about what they claim to be. Its so transparent.
No. 320915
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>>320898lol this guy. I posted about him couple threads back. He actually named himself after the main character from a book he wrote pre-transition. Dude is completely delusional. He claims everyone treats him like a woman, but that's probably because after one look they automatically understand he's completely retarded and panders to his delusions out of pity.
No. 320929
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>>320573not even /r9k/ robots deserve that, many of them are children, fucking sick
No. 320942
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Twitter has a verified account to cape for troons
No. 320962
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So now they have moved on "But you consider black women to be women!!" to "But we have more in common with you than disabled women!!"
Black women and girls experience every bit of sexism that all women do.
Disabled women and girls experience every bit of sexism that all women do.
Men and boys who want to be called "she" and "Avery" cannot relate to us, they will never know what life is like as women and girls.
No. 320971
>>320875Creepy as fuck. Who picked the name Mermaids, anyway? Mermaids are biologically impossible mythical creatures with an inhuman lower body. The most famous mermaid story is about a teenage girl who used dark magic to give up her voice and change herself into something she’s not, whose new feet bled constantly as every step brought excruciating pain. In the end she doesn’t win the prince’s love and dies alone. Of course Andersen didn’t foresee the trans trend but I bet that if this story were written now in 2018 many TRAs would consider it transphobic propaganda.
This is an organisation which targets and lures in vulnerable children with false promises and vague threats (if you don’t transition there’s a 50% chance you’ll want to kill yourself!). Was “Sirens” too on the nose for them?
No. 320977
>>320898>You got to have the Barbie dolls and My Little Pony figuresThe funny thing is, those were the toys I rarely played with. I actually enjoyed playing Final Fight on Super Nintendo more than anything else.
>You got puberty where your breasts grew instead of your facial hairKEK I have PCOS which means I got small boobs and some peach fuzz stache.
>I got boys who constantly wanted to prove who could punch the other guy harder in the shoulderI had friends, male and female, who played these types of games.
I must have a defective vagina, right? I toootally want to be a trans man deep inside. I must be one of those eggs.
>>320883Unisex stores already exist, dumbass. Just stop paying attention to the signs.
No. 321006
>>320915I love how they're like "I'm a woman and that's it, period. Deal with it" when all is said and done, they're dudes and there's nothing they can do to change their very being. They're dudes born with a peen and nature doesn't give two fucks how they feel like inside or who they want to fuck, they're male and that's all there is to it.
Nature doesn't care that a few poor people look the other way and call him ma'am cause they're afraid of losing their job because of a troon fit, or that he changed his name on his passport.
>>320883Those people really act like there's a gender police out there, and while I agree that some people can be shitty, nobody ever really make much of a fuss if a girl is trying to buy a man's shirt or a guy to get some boots, if it's within his size range.
Went to Ulta to buy some makeup the other day and the cashier dude clearly had some on (more power to him) without having to be trans.
>>320971Yeah exactly, if I recall the original tale, the little mermaid gives up on living as a human and returns to the sea where she belongs and transform into foam, and has to atone for it by making children laugh or something. If anything she tried to be something she couldn't and had to face some punishment for it.
No. 321027
>>320962This is such bullshit. Blind women still menstruate. Still get pregnant. Still experience discrimination based on the two previous facts. Still have been socialized as female from the first second of their birth. Still experience delicate hormonal fluctuations linked to their menstrual cycle each month, which can cause health issues. Still were discouraged from doing maths or climbing trees or playing boys' games or cutting their hair short as kids.
Trans women don't.
No. 321043
>>320977Are you me, anon?? I also played with dbz toys and the snes. My friends had barbies and it was awesome because we played with those toys together.
( i also have facial hair because of my puerto rican genetics. oh well)
Same with the play fighting. Both little kids (boys and tom boy girls did this)
They really have no idea that you can't change your sex at all, because a woman is complex. She isn't high heels and makeup. She can do anything she wants and still be a woman.
No. 321046
>>320898Holy fuck I want to scream. If this isn't fetishization of girlhood, I don't know what is.
>sleepovers full of hair braidingliterally what the fucking shit this is some sort of uncanny movie representation of what growing up as a girl is. In the real world a lot of girls got ostracized due to petty social drama, had stupid fights with each other, got gossiped on, when puberty started the sexual assaults and molestation came with it and all that not so cute stuff you ladies remember from when we were kids. And no, being a girl doesn't mean that boys won't beat you up. I learned that first hand.
No. 321050
>>321046This! A lot of girls turned 12/13 and were creeped on by opposite sex boys who just realized their friends were girls or older men who are pedos. I never met a girl who had a rainbow, hair braiding childhood…
My childhood stopped at 14.
No. 321053
I apologize for blogging- literally got my childhood destroyed at 7. I fucking wished sleepovers with friends and cute frilly dresses and everything these perverted fuckers think young girls and teenagers enjoyed.
No. 321065
>>320898I don't even know where to start with this fucking retard…
>he believes movies are real and all girls have a childhood made of sleepovers, hair braiding, rainbows and unicorns à la "women always have it easy REEEEEEEEEE">more gender stereotypes about Barbies, princesses yada yada>he believes boys don't punch other girls as well>he believes women don't get facial hairThis has to be a one digit IQ coupled with some deep autism and no social interaction at all, there's no other way
No. 321066
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The game is rigged.
No. 321070
>>320962The funny thing is that TiMs are so quick and happy to call anyone who disagrees with them a "transphobe"… but then turn around and say something actually misogynistic/homophobic/racist/ableist. They imply that black women are lesser, they imply that disabled women are lesser, they attack lesbians and call them vagina fetishists, they reduce womanhood to sparkly dresses, big boobs, eyeliner and high heels and throw a fit when they realize that being a woman isn't living life on easy mode but quite the opposite.
They're like an alt-right trojan horse that somehow infiltrated the left.
No. 321072
>>321053It's okay, anon. I'm sorry that happened to you. Most farmers here can relate. A lot of women in the world can relate.
These disgusting tr00ns think being a girl is all fun and games, but when the world is ran by creepy ass men who want to sexualize girls as young as possible, it's impossible. They are fucking delusional.
No. 321105
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>>320883Had to google what “gaffes” where, and just…is this supposed to resemble a vulva? Never saw a cameltoe that was actually the size of a real fucking camel’s toe.
No. 321141
>>321120After having met other gendercrits irl, including a very vocal one, I've started to speak up. Of course I don't go full "Troons should kill themselves", but I openly say that there are issues with transactivism, that transbians are homophobic creeps, that being trans is a mental illness because it's basically body dysmorphia, that transwomen don't belong to female sports and female lockers, and that making kids transition is nuts. Oh, and that women definitely don't have penises.
If someone wants to cry about it, I let them cry. I won't bend over backwards to someone who lets their feefees step on logic ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
No. 321150
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I am so fucking confused every time a tranny says that TERFs reduce women to their genitals/sexual organs.
Obviously our biological bodies (which include a vagina and breasts) are a massive part of being a woman and a woman's lived experience.
But how the fuck do trannys say that they don't when they say if they don't get new porn star breasts or a "designer" vagina they'll die? As if once they get their desired "sex organs" they're suddenly 100% women? How is it possible to be that short sighted and so oblivious to your own logical inconsistency?
Fuck trannies. Fuck transtrenders, fuck "trutrans", fuck FTMs, fuck MTFs, they're all selfish mouth breathing retards.
I don't care about the "good" ones (like there are any). I don't care about the ones that agree with radfems. I just want them all to fucking go away.
No. 321158
>>321070>>321074I know too many right-leaning people who openly shit on feminism and see no problem with sexist, racist, homophobic, ableist “jokes” but when it comes to trans people suddenly it’s
>oh yeah they’re totally legit, they can’t help how they’re born and they’re not hurting anyoneand of course
>lol ugly feminists are just threatened that transwomen are hotter than themLike I’m aware that trans ideology is inherently misogynist and it should come as no surprise that people who are sexist and anti-feminist are pro-trans, but I hate that these people can “redeem” themselves as still being progressive and open-minded by paying lip service to transactivism in this way. It’s a misogynist double whammy.
>>321120It would be social suicide among my friends, definitely. I’ve questioned the transing of gnc children before and they reacted like I was an ignorant moron who didn’t know what I was talking about. It could get me fired from my job, too. My (surprisingly gendercritical) father is the only person I’ve been able to talk openly with on this issue, and the rest is all online.
No. 321160
>>321120I personally don't out myself as gender critical. I don't really think that's effective since after getting branding as a TERF people will just stop listening to you. I just act a bit clueless and try to ask questions that will challenge their views. Transgender ideology isn't logical or rational, it's very contradictory and it isn't compatible with feminism or Marxism at all. And by sneakily pointing out those contradictions with some level-headed questions, you force the other person to critically examine their views.
That only works with people who aren't fully immersed into the trans cult or are total libfems, though. Luckily most of my friends only support transgenderism because they think it's just like the gay/civil rights movement and never been really exposed to true gender critical ideas.
However, I'm still wary of being too critical. After all, I don't want to lose my friends over some stupid discussion about transgender people. It's not worth it.
No. 321171
>>321158> I know too many right-leaning people who openly shit on feminism and see no problem with sexist, racist, homophobic, ableist “jokes” but when it comes to trans people suddenly it’s>>oh yeah they’re totally legit, they can’t help how they’re born and they’re not hurting anyoneReally? Because the only support for troons I see is online. Either your regular tumblr left and the only "right-wing" people who support them are 4chan users. Underage or early 20s anime posting idiots (anyone with an anime avatar is a piece of shit 100% of the time). The actual men I see IRL are definitely not on the troons' side, and they don't think that we need "feminine penis" (as 4chin put it) in women's restrooms. The only thing with normie men is that there's a bit of schadenfreude to be had with troon's beating women at sports because "men are not better at anything" narrative annoys them. But they do not seriously consider troons to be women.
You need to differentiate between internet "libertardian" right and off-line conservative men. The actual convervatives will spit in trans faces, the super conservative arabs will throw trans off buildings.
No. 321172
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I wanted to figure out the ratio of MTFs and FTMs but I found this instead. Going to spam some graphs I thought were interesting.
Ultimately, my conclusions are that (non-Asian) POC transpeople are at most risk probably due to conflating factors like being more likely to be poor and un/under-educated. Which is something I already figured, white middle class troongrammers are full of shit tbqh.
source: No. 321173
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>>321172Also apologies for these fuckhuge collages.
No. 321175
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>>321174There's a ton more info in the full report.
No. 321185
>>321178I think trust is a matter of personal opinion, and I encourage you to take a look and decide for yourself. I'm inclined to be less skeptical of the data as it was a large sample size (~28K respondents), and despite being taken anonymously, the numbers don't seem to be as alarming as most transactivists make it seem (i.e. transwomen are
Actually a lot of the data showed that trans/GNC people's rates of things aren't too different from that of the general populace. Which is the opposite of what most other transactivists would like us to believe.
No. 321188
>>321171I’m talking about people I know in real life, mostly coworkers and some family members. I don’t know their exact political leanings, just that they like to make fun of feminists, SJWs and “lefties” in general hence my assumption that they’re right-leaning. I doubt they know enough about the trans narrative to know about “female penises” and shit like that. Most of them seem to see it as an extension of the gay rights movement which they’re mostly on board with despite mocking gay people on occasion. They certainly see it as more legit than feminism and anti-racism because according to them, sexism and racism are no longer a thing in our country and everyone is equal. Some of them use this as justification for making overtly sexist and racist jokes. Only trans people are exempt.
I think some of them are secretly enjoying the fact that feminists are upset about something and see it as our just desserts for getting too uppity. One guy brought up the sports issue (including the female athletes who were seriously injured as a result of competing against TIMs) as proof that men and women are equal now and didn’t feminists want to be on equal footing with men? We got what we wanted, according to him. Being pro-trans gives them an acceptable outlet for shitting on women while looking open minded and woke at the same time.
No. 321231
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This dog is a literal TERF and should be euthanized as soon as possible!1
No. 321241
>>321189Tbh I'm obviously left-wing but I'd pick right leaning men over troons. Let me explain why: at least conservatives don't pretend they're the good guys and are pretty straight forward when it comes to their intentions. They think women belong in the kitchen, and will say it out loud. Plus, when you disagree with them, it won't be a social suicide - actually you will receive a lot of support.
Unlike troons and the SJW side of the left, who want to be "the good side" so bad when they actually love censorship and will send rape and death threats whenever they disagree with someone and behave like the lowest alt-right scum, basically the devil in sheep's clothing (or like someone else said, an alt-right trojan horse) and will face absolutely no consequence because they're "the good guys" - and disagreeing with their views will make you a social pariah. They also think that women belong in the kitchen, but again, they won't face any backlash for it.
No. 321245
>>321236True that. Right-leaning guys only ever step in for women's rights when they think their access to "their women" will somehow be hindered, eg when lots of refugees entered Germany the right was REEEing because "They rape our perfect women!!" when really they're just mad that someone other than themselves is raping us. I think you can be centrist and be fine with saying that women have periods and have babies. This whole pronoun bs is only big in the US anyways.
Apropos periods, I bought some period panties yesterday. Googled it, and Thinx came up first with their ridiculous "for people who menstruate" shit. I bought from a store that was "brave" enough to use the word "women" (Modibodi).
No. 321253
>>321231Here's the link of the thread: know that some of the responses say that dogs cannot perceive gender, and regardless of the tranny context, I would like to share my experience.
I've adopted a dog from a shelter. I wasn't given her history, how she ended there and so on.
After taking my little dog for walks and socializing, I've noticed that my dog was very wary of men, she would start to squeal and lower her head. Even more so if the man would have any long object like an umbrella or a cane. I presume she was abused by an older man because that's when she's scared the most, and interestingly the dog experts in this thread claim that it's highly unlikely. I heard a similar story from a friend working at a vet where the dog was sexually abused by a man.
Sorry for derailing a bit, it's just that I find it curious. I also don't like to think what my dog when through before getting a proper home.
I wonder if any other species can make the distinction between genders and what it could be really based upon.
It would make an interesting counter-argument that even an animal is capable of grasping biological facts.
No. 321268
>>321262> I know that dogs can sense, for example, when women are on their periodYes, horses as well. I know that for a fact.
> It would make sense to me that they could tell women and men apart, based on hormones or stuff like that that their noses can sniffThis seems so obvious to me, especially after seeing my dog react like that. She doesn't even need to be that close, as soon as she sees the silhouette she can tell.
Then you have these experts in that thread claiming otherwise. Maybe they're right, maybe there are other factors that we don't know of yet.
However, if that tranny in question was on hormone treatment for a longer period, shouldn't the dog perceive her as a "female"?
I wish there was an unbiased expert that could shed light on this.
No. 321276
>>320898My girlhood consisted of sexual abuse by a next door neighbour as a young child, a traumatic divorce with an abusive alcoholic father who would put my sister and I down for being females and 'burdens' on him financially as he had to pay child support for us, my best friend being raped by her own father at 11 years old, being harassed by pedophiles online because I was naive enough to tell people my real age, and getting bullied at school and ostracised for made up rumours about me being a slut when I was 12 (I never even kissed a boy until years later).
But yeah it was totally wonderful and carefree because I got to play with bratz dolls and have the occasional sleepover right?
No. 321287
>>321273Thanks, anon! I will.
She's really spoilt now and gets a princess treatment. She's still scared of her own shadow but at least she seems happy most of the time.
>>321276I'm really sorry that you had to go through that. These trannies have the nerve to claim that we have privileges in the same way that incels claim that our lives are easy mode.
The fact that they consider playing with MLP figurines and dolls in secret as something worth complaining about and base their victimization on is quite telling of their vanity and narcissistic nature.
They are men, after all. They will never feel vulnerable the way women and girls do. That is why it never even crosses their mind that there is so much more to being a woman than a twisted caricature of femininity that has pillow fights and sparkly nail polish.
Fuck them honestly. Their victimhood is made up and intentional. No one in their right mind would consider their complaints seriously.
No. 321290
>>321273Thanks, anon! I will.
She's really spoilt now and gets a princess treatment. She's still scared of her own shadow but at least she seems happy most of the time.
>>321276I'm really sorry that you had to go through that. These trannies have the nerve to claim that we have privileges in the same way that incels claim that our lives are easy mode.
The fact that they consider playing with MLP figurines and dolls in secret as something worth complaining about and base their victimization on is quite telling of their vanity and narcissistic nature.
They are men, after all. They will never feel vulnerable the way women and girls do. That is why it never even crosses their mind that there is so much more to being a woman than a twisted caricature of femininity that has pillow fights and sparkly nail polish.
Fuck them honestly. Their victimhood is made up and intentional. No one in their right mind would consider their complaints seriously.
No. 321295
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>>321291find some new cringe content to discuss cause seeing you talk about the same shit like it's new is embarassing tbh
No. 321302
>>321301Just as autistic as seeing anons go 'omg dogs are terfs xDD' for the third (and maybe fourth) time.
It was barely funny the first time and it's not funny now.
But if you like discussing old news, please go on
No. 321306
>>321302I remember seeing that post before once but that anon maybe doesn't lurk here that often and just wanted to share something.
Just ignore it and post something ~fresh~ and interesting yourself.
No. 321331
>>321120For sure. I was so happy to find this thread and read about others who share my concerns.
For the last couple of years I saw more and more people around me becoming trans. And I felt like l didn’t fit in, for not falling for it and being afraid for women’s safety.
Also I never dared to speak my mind anymore about these issues and try to avoid it most of the time.
No. 321343
>>321120I sometimes wonder if some of my virtue signalling mutuals are actually gender crit but just trying to cover some tracks? I don't know if I'd ever shill for delusional troons on my personal social media. I'd rather say nothing at all.
Any anons know where we can find local gender crit/radfem groups? Can't find anything on Facebook but I'd assume everything is private.
No. 321435
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Whatever if it’s to be ironic what he’s saying, I hate this fucking world
No. 321461
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No. 321476
>>321435lol this is fucking ridiculous. i checked to see if this was satire or something because i don't want to believe that someone is actually this retarded but no, it's another delusional mtf.
i don't care about trans people who just do their own thing but the ones who desperately want to be a woman while being misogynistic irritate the fuck out of me
No. 321477
>>321120I think most people here are that way. And a lot of people see the trans movement for the bullshit it is, even if they don't know anything about radical feminism or gender critical feminism.
I generally don't share my gender critical views as often as I'd like, but sometimes I just stop giving a shit and will like gender critical tweets and shit, not caring if my followers see.
No. 321503
>>321120A lot of people are like this. I'm out in the open in certain spaces and to my closest friends, but not like.. on social media or anything. Most of my peers are extremely pro-trans and pro-nonbinary but a growing amount of them are also starting to realize what's up. Nobody says it out loud though, you just find out during some private conversation that starts with "You know I'm not a transphobe or anything but this is just really…" which evolves shortly into "You know what? Fuck trannies. I'm glad you agree!".
I don't know if I'm alone with this but I've noticed that the most aggressive non-trans TRAs are almost always straight (or "pansexual" but that equals as straight anyway). My most gender-critical friends are lesbian, gay or bisexual.
No. 321504
>>321494Most of them are likely friends with them out of pity. They even brag about how much of a good person they are for 'reaffirming' their troon friends' identity all the time.
>>321503I wish I had more LGB friends who are gender crit like you. The only two gender crit friends I have are straight.
No. 321507
>>321494Honestly, I really believe they don't think they're the gender they're saying. I just don't. They know it's a sham and despite how aggressive they are with their "DON'T MISGENDER XIR REEE" attitude, they know Aiden isn't really "male". It's just like the story about the emperor's new clothes like someone mentioned in an earlier thread, everyone just praises them for nothing and plays into the delusion because they want to be "nice" and "respectful".
If a FTM girl was left alone with a creepy ass MTF that started molesting her, she would most definitely see him as a male and herself as female. You can see the "h-he wasn't real trans!" debate starting any time some tranny is incarcerated for killing someone.
No. 321509
>>321494One of my oldest friends from high school went from being a gay dude to being trans over the years. I generally try to do the pronouns thing, even if I'll see that friend as a dude ultimately. We rarely talk nowadays, so it's sort of a moot point anyway.
One of my other high school friends is pretty gender critical, like me. She told me about some dumbass fakeboi who tried to work with her for a while, and we talk about trannies and fandom bullshit, because we both still participate in fandoms.
No. 321534
I'm so mad right now…"16 Vancouver women facing human rights complaints for refusing to wax transgender woman’s male genitalia - one is a single mom working from home."
>The anonymous individual "JY" has filed 16 separate complaints with the Human Rights Tribunal after being refused a Brazilian wax from businesses that only service womenEither I get unwilling women to touch my dick - or I get to sue the shit out of them. A win-win situation.
But it get's worse:"JY had also talked about being a trans woman online—in posts asking for advice on how to approach a naked ten-year-old girl to ask for a tampon, and whether it is appropriate to show a young girl how to use it."
>Note his anonymity is still protected.>Note he is still being allowed to legally harass other beauty salon owners. No. 321559
>>320509>>320875Gender identity clinic accused of fast-tracking young adults
Tavistock Centre launches review amid parents’ fears over pace of transitioning decisions
Sat 3 Nov 2018
The Tavistock Centre in London
Britain’s only NHS gender identity service for children is reviewing its operations amid claims made by a senior member of staff that it is failing to examine fully the psychological and social reasons behind young people’s desire to change gender.
The views are shared by a group of parents of transgender children, who have raised their own concerns that the Tavistock Centre’s gender identity development service (GIDS) in London is “fast-tracking” young people into life-altering decisions without fully assessing their personal histories.
In a letter to the trust’s board, seen by the Observer, the parents say they fear “the GIDS team is being asked to engage with and assess complex and difficult cases within a highly constrained time frame”.
They continue: “We have specific concerns about the situation of those with gender dysphoria in the age group 17 to 25 who are referred to the [adult] GIC [gender identity clinic], where they do not receive the complex psychosocial assessment offered at GIDS: for these young adults there is little exploration of the family or cultural context of their still developing gender identity.”
Continue reading at No. 321569
>>321534Fucking CHRIST. These people are goddamn predators and they can take women to court for "human rights violations" for not touching his dick? This is beyond sick, it's absolute lunacy at this point.
>One of them, Shelah Poyer, is a single mom who works out of her home. JY was willing to withdraw his complaint in exchange for $2,500.>If JY is demanding similar sums from the other 14 women, he stands to receive as much as $35,000 for dropping his human rights complaints.This greedy fucker is only after money or sexual services. What a fucking pervert.
No. 321592
>>321534There was a similar situation a few months back where a tranny from Saskatchewan was threatening to sue a esthetician for refusing to max his male genitalia. When he was asked why he didn't just go to a male esthetician he said he "wasn't comfortable with them."
I'll try to find the post.
No. 321593
>>321534>not touching someone's dick is a "human rights issue"Not famine, not war, not homicide and rape… but someone refusing to wax your dick.
Fucking incels
No. 321624
>>321552>The procedure for providing a man with a “Manzilian” is quite different, using a different kind of wax and a different technique.yes, there is.
>Once JY recognized that Shelah Poyer had legal representation and was going to put up a fight, he withdrew his complaint. No hearing took place.Seems like a cash grab. Wouldn't be surprised if the amount of men who fake gender identity issues for their own benefit rises.
No. 321626
>>321613I dont really know much about the people here
>not americanBut holy shit the part where the troon threatens him is extremely unnerving and inappropriate. You can have professional debates without devolving into threats and violence
No. 321627
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>>321613The top comment lmao
No. 321631
>>321613Trans will never know what being a bio woman is like.
If a women tries to speak she is often not taken seriously, brushed off, men speak over her, and she definitely wouldn't be able to successfully threaten and intimidate men.
No. 321633
>>321623lmao root for conservatives taking away women's rights yeah that'll show us!!!
this aint the way
No. 321637
>>321557I used to go to a women's bookclub that got overtaken by MtFs. After a while one of the women restarted a secret women's bookclub held at her house. We didn't advertise it or tell the MtFs about it but at some point they found out and asked what we were doing. We just said it wasn't a club, it was friends hanging out.
I don't think they believed us but they couldn't do anything about it because it wasn't officially a club and didn't have any membership or branding kek.
No. 321643
>>321557I used to go to a women's bookclub that got overtaken by MtFs. After a while one of the women restarted a secret women's bookclub held at her house. We didn't advertise it or tell the MtFs about it but at some point they found out and asked what we were doing. We just said it wasn't a club, it was friends hanging out.
I don't think they believed us but they couldn't do anything about it because it wasn't officially a club and didn't have any membership or branding kek.
No. 321656
>>321580This bitch should have her own thread, tbh.
Anyone else notice how many of these YouTube "skeptic" chicks seem to fetishize trannies? Why?
No. 321666
>>321660What's the difference between the leftist and the conservative party if both will silence women on any matter?
If the leftists are willing to push women under the bus for virtue signalling just because of a minority as you say, who's to tell that they won't do the same for another trendy cause any time soon?
At least with rightists you know what you're dealing with and until they deliberately call for murder of women and advocate for removal of rights, cutting of funds, then they're better in my book.
Most political parties are strong on words, and weak on going through with their plan so I don't see a huge difference between them tbh
And I am immensely disappointed with the left and the state of it in my country for various other reasons, the shameless push of transwomen are women narrative being just one of them but important enough to tell me how much women are valued on both sides.
Besides, that's my opinion. You're free to disagree with it.
No. 321675
>>321672Sometimes I'll be reading a comment on Reddit and even if it's not talking about trans issues at all something about it will just seem off. So I go and check. Every single time I've done this it's been a TiM.
You're right, anon. They just have a very distinct something about their personalities that is instantly recognizable.
No. 321686
>>321666>What's the difference between the leftist and the conservative party if both will silence women on any matter?I don't feel like the leftist party in my country (Germany) silences women. Quite the contrary, over 50% of their representatives in the parliament are women. On the other side, only 20% of representatives of the conservative party and 10% of the far-right party are women. Maybe in your country the situation is different, but I just can't think of a scenario where it genuinely would be better for a woman to vote for a right-leaning party.
>If the leftists are willing to push women under the bus for virtue signalling just because of a minority as you say, who's to tell that they won't do the same for another trendy cause any time soon?>who's to tell that they won't do the same for another trendy cause any time soon?Well, because leftist parties historically supported women's rights.
But I definitely agree that the left sometimes seems to not care that much about women's issues, but personally that makes me want to be a leftist who stresses the importance of women's rights, not support conservatives.
No. 321688
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No. 321712
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warning: extremely repulsive and horrifying
No. 321727
>>321698I'm sorry, anon, but your criticism of the left is rather strawman-y. For every stereotypical 'SJW' who only cares about fat acceptance and queer theory there's an edgy alt-right /pol/ regular. For every TRA there's some old dude on the right wanting to make abortions illegal and politics a men's club again. Overall, I'm very confident that the left does more for women than the right does.
But yeah, you're free to have your own opinion and I definitely get that you feel alienated from the left as a woman. Whatever, we're kinda getting off-topic.
No. 321748
>>321343There's a post going around on radfem tumblr at the moment where people are posting their general locations and @ing people who are near them to connect. I didn't think there would be anyone near me, but there was. Might be of interest for you? I haven't been able to find any groups near me either but I know of a few individuals now and that will hopefully lead somewhere.>>321623anyone who does this is fucking retarded.
No. 321751
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I don't even go here but this really pissed me off. I can't even get a breast reduction because it's not "medically necessary" even tho my boobs cause me constant back pain and bad sleep apnea. But facial feminization surgery should be covered by insurance because trans women don't feel uwu feminine enough. Fuck that.
No. 321760
>>321751>over 600 likesYeah, f uck this shit. I need breast reduction myself and i'm saving up for it because i guess a woman's extreme discomfort for something she is born with is not medically insured.
Having any kind of trannie surgery covered by insurance will just make more trannies (normal people who likes girly thing probably) come out of the wood work. fuck that.
save up for your shitty surgery like everyone else, trannie
No. 321761
>>321751What if this was said about people with body dysphoria (not trans)
>Oh im a female who cant leave my house because my face is so ugly. Plz give me unlimited plastic surgeries !!Absolute insanity
No. 321835
>>321833Not to mention they always look worse (if that's possible) after those surgeries. You cannot obtain a woman's facial feature because you are not a biological woman. Even the 'ugliest' of women still look like women. trannies get butthurt when you mentioned they'll always look like men.
Look how much surgery robbie (blair white) went through to look like a blow up doll.
No. 321902
>>321796I think it is quite funny.
It could help other people to see the ridiculousness of self ID. Of course it could total backfire and then we had real pedos claiming that they are underage or what ever.
No. 321909
I was browsing through American trash TV on YouTube when I came across a preview for this Dr. Phil episode. Daniel, and his mother Rose, say his sister is grooming her 6 year old to become transgender. Of course, we see her forcing the kid into being a drag-level pink princess. From the preview, I’m going to take a wild guess and assume Daniel is a gay man, so it’s extra twisted to see his sister call him a bigot for pointing out the truth.
I don’t live in the U.S. so I don’t know how to view it, but maybe an American anon has watched this one? No. 321923
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>>321909Screenshot from a video they linked as being related. Look at this beautiful woman. Tbf, he's not on hormones (because of illness), so hopefully when he snaps out of it he won't be too damaged by this shit.
You can see some snippets from the show btw. It's basically his mum bullying him into becoming a girl.
>Little boy likes colors>Little boy moves in with his mum who has a step-daughter with lots of princess shit>Little boy is interested into the princess shit>MY KID IS A GIRL!The "professional" on the show apparently believes that of course the parents only want the best for their child, but the mum literally showed her kid a video about a little kid transitioning with pills and everything. Like why would you do that to a kid? He's SIX.
Dr. Phil apparently believes that the child of course cannot be bullied into it. Of course not. Especially if he doesn't believe that his mum will still love him if he presents as a boy.
No. 322004
>>321923Reminds me of a blog of a transgender kid's parent that I came across.
>The boy was adopted into the family as a small toddler>The adoptive mother had two biological daughters in the family>The boy starts having behavioral problems such as aggression, mutism, delayed development, neurological issues>The mother realizes that the boy likes being with his sisters and wearing their dresses>omg my adopted son is a daughter after all!!! >The mother starts socializing him as a girl at age 3 or so, tells every kid that comes around that "some girls are just born with a penis">The other daughter refuses to acknowledge him as a girl until the parents basically force her to>The other daughter starts being depressed about "not being a real girl like (the son) because she has a vagina and not a penis">The mother writes about her "sweet little princess" in such a melodramatic munchie way it's unsettling and creepy>The son often has anxiety due having to hide his true gender all the time, gets bouts of severe depression when someone refers to him with his birth name>All the adults (health care workers, teachers) play into this delusionAnd for everyone who criticizes the mother's actions she writes a reply along the lines of "You must have such a hard life with so much hatred in your heart, I'd love to give you a hug! Haven't you heard of transgender suicide rates?!". The mother clearly is either extremely naive or just.. unwell. I remember one post saying something like "Of course you can't know if your young child is going to be gay or lesbian or bisexual when they grow up, but gender identity is a COMPLETELY different thing and needs treatment as soon as possible!". What the fuck?
No. 322136
File: 1541705610451.jpg (68.58 KB, 554x1199, DrccoqJUcAEDuli.jpg) thread made me think of you guys.
If people do this shit with race for attention… People are naive to think those wont do it with gender for attention as well
No. 322219
>>322185Exactly. And that's what scares me. I remember being 10 or 11 and hanging out with my mom's friend. She had two boys and my sister and i made them (not made, but you know) put on dresses and have a tea party. we had a lot of fun and played video games later.
None of us grew up to be trans
it scares me so much that people can't let kids or human being humans. i honestly believe we are not meant to be trans and this is a shitty agenda being pushed.
No. 322221
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This particular transwomans "journalism" seems obsessed with videogame characters nether regions like wtf No. 322223
>>322221oh, fucking hell. I hate this bitch. I remember watching Jim sterling's stuff years ago before he became such a massive cuck and sjw and this bitch was always there.
He looks awful irl and is obsessed with blue haired characters. Also, he's always going on about the trans agenda and how Destiny was supposed to have a trans character. He's insane and uses his mtf trans bullshit to elevator his status in games journalism.
No. 322230
>>322225My bad i didnt realise otherwise i would have put a warning ty
>>322223yeah, its really funny because hes the living argument that transwomen are just agps-his obsessions are just crazy
No. 322367
>>322350Wow, he is unmistakably feminine looking and passes as a woman completely!
What a farce. And we are supposed to believe men don't use tranny loopholes to harass women.
No. 322389
>>322367A friend who is a beautician says waxing female and male genitalia is completely different and she for one is not trained in waxing balls
To take the job would be unprofessional.
They know someone who did have a passing trans woman present for a wax without mentioning their differences and the female waxer did it because she was too embarrassed to say no.
This Jonathon Jessica person is clearly harrassing these women for kicks. Picked private probably illegal operations to pressure repeatedly
No. 322393
>>322350Truly more of a woman than us filthy "cis" women.
Fuck, I'm agreeing with Ben Shapiro in that video up there. Why the fuck are we mainstreaming delusion?
No. 322403
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>>322350Handmaidens, I fucking swear…
No. 322430
>>322185Exactly. I'm all for getting rid of gender stereotypes. Pink = girls blue = boys type shit.
But when a boy acts like pink/girl stereotype you dont declare him a fucking girl and chop his dick off.
No. 322435
>>322350My lord. I'm reading the article and
>providing intimate body waxing procedures to male clients in the Vancouver area>Vancouver>check his bio>from surrey bcWhat the fuck he's from my city
No. 322438
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No. 322451
Not sure if I can post this here? If not, just delete it. If you google that pervert's number, you can see how last year he was asking a teenage girl if he could use the girls bathroom. He says nothing about being trans. He tells her that he's a guy and he wants to use the women's restroom because he is forced to wear pads (due to being a fatass) and apparently man give him shit for it. a lying fuck, could he really not come up with a better excuse? How would guys even know he's wearing pads unless he's changing them out in the open?
No. 322453
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No. 322454
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No. 322457
>>322453>>322454Perverted men would
never use the trans label to prey on girls in women’s bathrooms, though. Literally never happens. Stop being hysterical and making things up. Everyone just wants to pee! /s
No. 322463
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>>322221I just checked out his ED article and he tried to pass this as an empowering, feminist article.
No. 322469
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>>322466Yeah, all those pointed questions about women being naked in changing room and touching hypotetical little girl.
You know that guy is jerking it thinking and asking about all of this and thinking about doing it.
No. 322477
>>322445He's unliked and unsubscribed from all the little girl videos and channels. Good thing we have the archive.
You can't hide your tracks from us, Jonny :^)
No. 322482
>>322454This sounds like a fucking alien from mars asking a human for advice. He should be in a home
>dry up underwearExcuse me?
No. 322483
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>>322469He sounds so excited about seeing naked women and children. He specifically asks if he'll see a vagina in the changing room and focuses a lot on the age of the people he's sharing the bathroom with. Try to tell me that he's not fetishising children and women at the gym. This is excluding how he fetishises periods and using sanitary products. How the fuck is he still allowed to live?
No. 322494
This 6 month old warning post about him is starting to circulate again. The women have been aware that he is the same person who is suing working class female estheticians. guy is a psychopath and I'm so glad he's getting exposed.
No. 322588
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Chelsea Manning has those post surgery bloodshot troon eyes
No. 322591
>>322588He doesn't even remotely look like a woman lol
>>322583Noice. I'm fetching my popcorns.
No. 322596
Man like, when I've used gyms I've done it after work and changed before and after so I'm not super familiar with locker rooms. But from the times I've spent in them, there isn't…….a ton of nudity? I mean like, maybe briefly when you take your towel off post-shower to change but at most it's like 20 seconds? We're not all swanning around naked, cooing over each other and giggling? Even when I've been there with friends, chatting while we change or whatever, it's brief and we're mostly looking at….our clothes, not fucking laser-focusing onto each other's crotches to glimpse a tampon string or whatever the hell????
The disgusting way this dude cloaks his obvious boner and fetish for little girls and periods in this saccharine "concern," his ~just wanting to be helpful uwu~, this obsession w/ "bonding" w/ women in the bathroom like we're throwing parties in there……….it's like, join a fucking book club or something if you want that? But then you realize he doesn't want that. He wants the fetish. He's just such a fucking slimy lying scumbag about it. How fucking gross do you have to be to think a little girl would ever want some strange man's fingers """""helping""""" her put a tampon in
No. 322602
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>>322456Archives of this link here for anyone who didn't notice the archived copy option: related. This creepy motherfucker is a good for nothing predator and nothing else.
No. 322603
>>322594Let me tell you this– /r/Drama is one of the most malevolent, cruel, coldhearted online communities you'll ever find, and even as a supporter of free speech it appalls me that Reddit would allow such a vile, festering hub of bigotry and sadism to exist. You think [slur]town was bad? That subreddit, if you pick up on the dog-whistles (and many don't even bother with that– say want you want about Stormfront, at least it bans "n[slur]"), will reveal itself to you as Reddit's number one hub for the web's most hardened Nazis, Klansmen, Fascists, and Gamergaters. You'll notice on the sidebar that it encourages members to be as dramatic as possible. That's intentional. They encourage arguments in the comments section. That's intentional. You know the Three Minute Hate (it's from this underrated book 1985, give it a read, it's scary how much it parallels our society)? It's like that, they want to stoke the flames of reactionary rage so they continue to dogpile every progressive and minority who enters the subreddit, normalizing these evil feelings. They brigade from subreddit to subreddit, having an entire cabal of mods spanning hundreds of communities, gaslighting lived experiences of the oppressed and unashamedly bolstering Reddit's homegrown white supremacy movement. They've kink-shamed hundreds of people too, some even… to death. I fear that /r/drama may be producing an entire army of Dylann Roofs and Elliot Rogers, and I highly suggest that nobody dares visit that horrible subreddit, lest you potentially fall victim to its corruptive aura.
No. 322606
>>322454>>322453I remember when I was around 12-14 and some girl my age approached me online, sending me messages saying that she doesn't have many friends and would like to get to know me because I seem "cool". She instantly went into talking about her hobby, swimming. Only focusing way more into intimate experiences regarding swimming suits, changing rooms, showers and saunas at the pool. For whatever reason it made me really uncomfortable, so I didn't reply to her as something seemed way off. It took me some time to realize that this was an adult man pretending to be a young teen girl to nonchalantly steer the discussion with actual young girls to his personal fetishes and sexual subjects because it turns him on. He had been called out by multiple other girls for doing this sort of stuff.
This person is just like that. He's the exact same sort of voyeuristic pervert as the man trying to get pre-teen girls to talk about their swimsuits. This information should be spread far and fucking wide.
No. 322628
>>322620From what my male friends tell me, it's exactly the same in the male change rooms. Self conscious guys might change more privately, young guys focus on themselves and old men might walk around totally nude because they don't give a fuck. Why do males and fetishists in particular think women would behave in any different way??
And his whole "bonding with women by asking about period products" is so fucking creepy. Who even wants to "bond" with a stranger in the washroom????
No. 322630
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No. 322631
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He can't even hide how perverted he is
No. 322632
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Last one. Because women totally talk this way about other women!
No. 322646
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>>321909>>321923Here's the full episode on dailymotion for anyone outside the US: take: The mom is transing the kid out of spite, to get back at her parents for sending her to a pray away the gay camp. That mullet on the stepdad is something else, whew.
No. 322648
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It keeps getting worse!!
No. 322653
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>>322648The audacity of this creep suing women when he these kinds of skeletons in his closet. Sorry for clogging the thread with this dude but more sick shit keeps coming out
No. 322660
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I guess my first mistake was expecting better from the Undertale fandom, but of course Susie can’t be just a GNC girl, she has to be trans.
No. 322669
>>322664Toby Fox released the first part of a new game related to it, anon.
No. 322672
>>322618>troon we've been posting about sadly putting his dick away reading our posts about what real changing rooms are likeI keep thinking about the fact he thinks
>women are on their periods every day of the year>all 10 year olds are on their periodsAlso if the stories about pad-bonding were true, it's
only because the women's stress at seeing a big ugly man in the toilets was mitigated by the assumption he was just an extremely unlucky woman
Because why would a man need a pad (because incontinence, which also seems to be a problem with other period-fetishist troons)
No. 322673
>>322652Because thats one of the things they can never experience as a male. They dont understand how many women have been shamed for getting their periods, the pain, all of it. No woman openly just lifts their legs like a dog and change their tampon. But this sick predatory fuck has a fetish for it and hopes its true
TRAs reminds me of furries too much. When Kero & co shit went down, more furries were concerned about how the world would look at them than the actual issue of the men in their group raping, torturing and murdering animals.
Trannies and handmaids more concerned about how anyone who does anything bad arent really trans, the real ones are only good and quiet
No. 322675
>>322672He claims to be intersex and have functioning sets of both genitalia.
He's lying. There's no intersex disorder in existence that will give you a functioning dick and balls and a functioning female reproductive system capable of menstruating.
No. 322698
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Found this ironic.
Well, he found his attention.
No. 322705
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Wtf. He apparently used Twitter to get into skyping with teenage girls about pop bands.
No. 322801
>>322794>not thinking someone who would mutilate their dick and put on a wig to pretend to be a woman isn't mentally illYour boyfriend is correct, anon. I honestly believe 100% of trannies are mentally ill. You cannot change your sex. A man liking pink or babrbies isn't a woman. A man thinking outside the gender norms isn't a woman. They're still a man.
We would be in a much better place if men owned up to being men while liking traditionally femme items.
In some countries, forcing your child to be trans is a way to erase gay people. the whole 'i'd rather have a daughter than a gay son.' situation. It's both extremely sexist and homophobic.
No. 322807
>>322794I personally know two mtf that have always been cool with me and have never been inappropriate or disrespectful to women in my friend group. Both of them share similar backgrounds: they were effeminate, nerdy and sickly(as in chronic illnesses) as young boys and both were abused.
So for them, I deeply feel it is abuse and trauma that made them this way. Quite a few times, I heard them express that their life as a woman now versus their childhood self is like night and day. It’s like they want nothing to do with their old life and trauma, so they reinvent themselves as a new person in order to cope.
No. 322811
>>322801>>322800Idk guys, i don't think he's right. I think they're just impulsive idiots with fetishes. Think about it, males are already way more impulsive than females and engage in dangerous, dumb risk taking behavior on the regular. Almost all men do. It's a real problem for them in comparison to women, and I wouldn't say the average man engaging in risk taking behavior is the kind of mentally ill we think of when we talk about this kind of mental illness, but lots of average men do dangerous, embarrassing, retarded shit a lot. Either because of male culture, or their physiology, or both, but it really seems that men trooning out is mostly just a very specific extension of male retardation, just with the added fetishistic element, which is obviously very powerful for men too. Sure, some are gays forced or pressured into it, but they're not the majority at this point.
No. 322821
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>>322483Fuck, this reminds me of this one Korean tranny youtuber who made a vlog about how he went to a women's bathhouse and was disappointed that there were only middle aged and elderly women. This is why anyone born male should be kept far away from women's spaces regardless of whether they're ~real trans~ or not. TiMs will always think and behave like the men they are.
No. 322848
>>322807And you know what women have to do ? cope and get through trauma on their own. We dont turn into men or get respect suddenly by pretending to be men.
This is why men will always be weak, and definitely weaker than women. They think changing their identity and 'starting a new life' will make them go on easy mode. You cant become a woman to try to escape your past. And women already have it so damn hard, but fuck me if trannies get all the asspats and privilege of men still.
No. 322854
>>322794>>322811I get where you're coming from, anon. It doesn’t feel right to call the obvious fetishists mentally ill. Being a self-entered emotionally abusive misogynist and watching way too much porn isn’t mental illness. Where I come from, mental illness means “they can’t help it, we should help them and not stigmatise them” which in the case of pornsick narcissists would play right into their hands and make it even easier for them to abuse victims. Back when I still browsed Tumblr I saw people use self-diagnosed personality disorders as excuses as to why they simply can’t help being abusive and pressure friends into forgiveness and putting up with the abuse because otherwise they’re being ableist. TRAs are already claiming suicide and victimhood statistics from black sex workers and troubled LGB teenagers as their own to manipulate and pressure people, so they’re not above this sort of thing at all. I do believe many of them have personality disorders, but mostly the kind that can’t really be treated because they’ll never admit that there might be anything wrong with their way of thinking. They’re just shitty people, through and through.
Though I do feel that “gender” dysphoria to the point where people want to mutilate their body should absolutely be considered a mental illness, and it should be treated with therapy instead of hormones or surgery. Fetishists are only claiming it because they want access to hormones and cosmetic surgery and I’m sure that once these are taken off the table, many of them suddenly won’t feel a need for therapy. I think the majority of TIFs and some TIMs have a history of trauma which leads to them hating their body and believing that their life would instantly improve if only they could be the other sex. There are a lot of similarities with anorexia.
TL;DR I think people who think HRT and SRS will make their life better should be treated as mentally ill, but perverts who just want to get access to women’s changing rooms to “””help”””” naked 10-year-olds insert tampons don’t deserve any sympathy whatsoever and should be treated like regular sex criminals.
>>322807Sounds like most TIFs.
No. 322865
Can I just rant about trannies in Korea for a bit?
The most famous one, Harisu, claims to be a woman but he didn't even know abortion was illegal in Korea. He retains all of his male privilege and doesn't give shit about women at all. There was a woman on instagram telling him he has no idea what it's like to be a woman and listed all the misogyny women in Korea face on a daily basis. His response? 'people probably treat you like that because you're a cluster of victim complex and negativity who doesn't watch what she says. Oh, you get sexually harassed? Before you complain about that, you should reflect on how you appear to other people!'
There was also a time he was on Japanese tv and he mocked gay Japanese performers, calling them ugly. He also shoops his photos so fucking much he looks different in every pic. He's absolutely insufferable.
Anyways, thanks to that prick serving as an 'inspiration' to other trannies, there's been a huge influx of Korean tranny youtubers now. They all fucking say the same shit: 'oh I knew I was a girl because I liked playing with dolls and putting on makeup tee-hee<3' yet they'll deny that being trans is about stereotypes. They all just want to be the hyperfeminine submissive waifu they dreamed of having before transitioning, and have no interest in the lives and struggles of real women.
It's like being a woman doesn't even really matter to TiMs as much as how many people they can brainwash into accepting them as women. They don't care about the truth; just how many people agree with them.
>>322827The fact that he's considered to be one of the best passing trannies in Korea tells just how much men fail at looking like women, even the smaller effeminate ones.
No. 322878
>>322865Yup, sounds like a man alright. In the end, women's rights and women's issues only affect WOMEN. Even trannies have no say in stuff like abortion rights and getting unpaid, or overlooked for a job because they're a woman.
I'm surprised korea is so accepted of this tranny asshole. As femme as some of the men can be, the women definitely look like women in korea and a man in a dress will always be a man in a dress- anywhere. Trannies who claim to be 'women' but can't understand women's rights and we're fighting for are the worst pieces of trash.
No. 322888
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i know nobody except for me at this point uses pinterest for gender crit stuff/this is slightly ot but im fucking pissing myself at this reply on a comment i made saying "LGB" instead of LGBT.
they also sent an email to pinterest staff. what is these people's problems?
No. 322901
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A student senator at UC Berkeley abstained from a vote supporting transgender rights last week, then took a moment to explain her thinking. Now, more than 1,000 people have signed a petition demanding that she resign from student government or face a recall.
Hundreds packed a Senate meeting Wednesday night to insist that she go. On social media, students labeled her a “horrible person” and a “mental imbecile.” Her campus political party severed ties with her. And the Daily Californian, UC Berkeley’s storied student newspaper, ran an editorial critical of her statements and refused to publish her written defense.
The uproar began Oct. 31, when the Queer Alliance Resource Center asked the student Senate to pass a bill condemning the Trump administration for considering a legal definition of gender that would require it to match a person’s sex at birth. The proposal would change the federal Title IX civil rights law and potentially remove its protections from 1.4 million transgender people, according to a New York Times story last month, based on a leaked memo. At UC Berkeley, the students’ resolution also urged the university to step up support of “transgender, non-binary, and gender non-conforming students” and the campus groups that help them.
Isabella Chow, 20, abstained.
Reading a five-paragraph statement explaining her decision, Chow told her 18 fellow senators, who all voted for the bill (another was absent), that discrimination “is never, ever OK.” She condemned bullies and bigots. She said she abhorred stereotypes. And she called the LGBT community valid and loved.
“That said,” Chow continued, voting for the bill would compromise her values and force her to promote groups and identities she disagrees with.
“As a Christian, I personally do believe that certain acts and lifestyles conflict with what is good, right and true,” she said. “I believe that God created male and female at the beginning of time, and designed sex for marriage between one man and one woman. For me, to love another person does not mean that I silently concur when, at the bottom of my heart, I do not believe that your choices are right or the best for you as an individual.”
Chow’s politely worded explanation has set in motion something different from the ideological debate over free speech that engulfed UC Berkeley last year, as left and right battled over whose speech was more worthy of protection.
This is more personal, raising questions of whether judging one’s gender identity is the same as judging someone’s race or ethnicity. And there is no more likely epicenter for that sort of debate than UC Berkeley, where student action on civil rights — from free speech to sexual assault and harassment — is part of the campus culture.
Continue reading at No. 322971
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>>322865Christ, he looks awful, too. Even after all those surgeries… as Austin Powers would say: that's a man, baby
No. 323119
>>322865they want women solidarity but dont give a fuck bout womens issues because it will never effect them. They will never be women. Just men trying to set women back once again
How did korea allow this to be popular? Just for novelty purposes?
No. 323146
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No. 323152
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>>323146They're so fucking delusional lmao
Maybe she's salty because you threw away a 10+ year relationship to live out your AGP fetish?
No. 323155
>>323140Blame libfems for this shit
>>323152>>323146Nah. Its almost always the other way around. They are on their laptops on reddit asking if they pass while other women around them are working out, eating right, doing yoga etc. So they have to lie online to boost their self esteem
No. 323157
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>>323151>>323152Also, not to say, but there's a very high rate of attempted suicides among the wives of old transitioners. And they are completely oblivious as to why their wives are shattered and destroyed.
No. 323159
>>323157Holy shit what a narc all I'm reading is him bragging about himself and how inconvenient his wife is for attempting to kill herself, taking away the attention from him "struggling" being trans. Of course he'd post on the MtF subreddit, too.
I hope she left him. Shithead.
No. 323163
>>323152do they delude themselves into thinking we're all desperately jealous of them to soothe themselves because they know it's not actually true deep down, or what? i bet they think everybody they pass is staring at them out of jealous fury or such intense attraction that they can't look away. kek.
why would we be jealous of something created 100% by surgery and pills when we have it by nature, without having to try or ever think about it? we have what they're paying money to get/what they fetishize, it makes no sense to be jealous of them.
No. 323168
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>>323159>>323157He's undoubtedly a narc. Look at this poem blaming and shaming her for leaving his crazy ass. Everything is about how
he feels, how
he's the one suffering, it's all her fault, blah blah blah…
No. 323169
>>323152Being brutally honest: I have met lots of cis women I am extremely jealous of, of different races and ages.
I have never seen or met a single trans woman I felt jealous of. I just haven't.
No. 323180
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>>323175Here he is, in the green jersey. He goes by Emma Rose now.
No. 323191
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>>322630>>322631>>322632>>322705UGHHHHHH I'm so disgusted by this…!! Seriously, this creep needs to get fucking locked up!
>>323146>>323157They are delusional, a straight woman will not magically become bi for you just because you are transitioning while dating and lesbians don't want your dicks too!!
They should just date within themselves, but then again they are raging delusional empathetic pervs…
No. 323214
>>323146>My wife is jealous of how I look better as a woman than she does!!Jesus christ.
>>323157>If anybody should have been suicidal, it should have been meHoly fuck how can one say this? It's no wonder his wife wanted to get away, that line alone shows how entitled and narcissistic he is. He doesn't have an ounce of sympathy for his wife.
How do these people not see how it can completely screw you over to realize that your long-time partner turns out to be an AGP pervert? Oh right, because they're purebred personality disorder mental cases who see their suffering as the worst there is because the society doesn't like their fetish.
No. 323226
No real women is jealous of a troon because we are what they want to he come and it kills them inside that they can never be women kek
Reminds me of a troon that posted in lipstick alley that "cis".women are jealous of him. The ladies on LSA were not having it.
No. 323241
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No. 323247
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>>323157I know that the Kardashians are pieces of shit, but lord, I felt so sorry for Kris when she was crying her eyes out while meeting
Caitlin for the first time… He also pulled the "this dress looks better on me than on you"-shit.
Reading through this guys post history is so sad. There are so many family fathers transitioning and all wives want to get divorce/can't deal with it at all. But obviously they don't see how they're at fault. Also kek at that lack of self awareness…see pic.
No. 323252
>>323247How do you even avoid the types of men who would do this. Avoid IT guys? kek i want to laugh but this is just sick. Cant troons just date each other and leave women and children alone
Cant help but think of his poor kids
No. 323254
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>>323241Around TiMs, your future's grim
i can't think of a good rhyme No. 323278
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>>322603no one is this retarded
No. 323337
>>323328I'm pretty sure estrogen doesn't change their skin or scent at all. That's a sexist meme. It really just ages them, makes them gain weight, hastens balding, and gives them erectile dysfunction.
>oh yeah they should identify as a lesbian now?No? Their husbands are still 100% men. Crazy men who're ruining their bodies and forcing their wives to play along with their disgusting kinks.
No. 323341
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>>323340Saw someone post this once here. Estrogen doesn't make them more female; it does this.
No. 323363
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>>323341Reminds me of this kek
No. 323365
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Browsing r/mypartneristrans is so sad. Some of the women are completely delusional, but can you blame them? If you're young saying just leave him is easy, but some of them were married over 30 years already when he came out to them…
On the other hand all the people talking about ftm partners are super young.
No. 323377
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>>323341It's honestly hilarious how TiMs think additional estrogen magically makes them into a kawaii girl with big tiddys and wide child-bearing hips when the effects are basically as this image shows. Saggy overgrown man boobs, more abdominal fat buildup and shrunken muscles. And that's not even mentioning the mental effects it has such as mood swings and problems with focusing. All the "before and after" images of HRT are always manipulated with angles, posing, lighting and makeup, sometimes even surgery. Pic very related.
No. 323392
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what does this even mean
No. 323413
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Since Fahr's thread is dead, I thought I'll post this here. The mental gymnastics are very worrying to me.
No. 323425
>>323146>>323152They're so self-obsessed. Maybe the wife is stressed because her partner is transitioning years into their relationship? Maybe she's tired of being in a relationship with a manbaby who immediately assumes his wife is jealous of his new look? Maybe she's sick of having her feelings invalidated? Maybe she's realised that she wasted years on a man that aks reddit about his wife's feelings instead of just asking his wife?
>>323157>my wife tried to commit suicide>I'M shocked>If anybody should have been suicidal it should have been ME>I'VE thought about it>I have to be the strong one>I feel like shitIt's lucky that the wife survived otherwise her whole family would probably have had to endure a eulogy by this psychopath about how hard he has it and how she didn't think of his feefees.
>>323392>dykeI don't think men that are attracted to women have any right to "reclaim" a slur aimed at lesbians.
No. 323430
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>>320573holy SHIT, I went to high school with one of the users in this screenshot, he had to re-add me on discord the other day because his account got banned, "bc /b/tards raided a server I was in". I fucking KNEW he was one of those r9k faggots who drank the tranny koolaid. apparently starting his DIY HRT was amazing because the girl hormones finally let him feel feelings and he was able to cry or some shit. I stopped talking to him regularly after that + one conversation where he talked about wanting to neck himself because of his dysphoria and his fear that he will never pass. At least he's not saying anything degenerate in this screenshot, I guess.
I recognise one of the other users through my friend too, though I don't know him personally. Small fucking world.
No. 323480
>“Shouldn’t you have transsexuals in the show? No. No, I don’t think we should. Well, why not? Because the show is a fantasy. It’s a 42-minute entertainment special.”VS apologized after everyone came out and denounced them.
>>323413My brain tells me im a tree. can I get out of paying taxes now
No. 323513
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>>323377At this point I'm wondering what's even the point of HRT and surgery when vast majority of the time it seems to make very little difference. Imagine wasting all that time and money to….look exactly the same?
No. 323561
>>323550Not only that, but lane bryant tailors to bigger girls. If they want a show, LB can create it and nobody would be bothered. The troons coming out of the woodwork trying to claim VS is another thing. Because grown men want to take another models job based on them being trans remember watching this vid and how the words "deserve it" came up. They deserve it. Being born male.
No. 323617
>>322456this person is a sick freak, kill it with fire.
Why do men have such a childish and perverted idea of what womanhood is like? Fucking troglodytes.
No. 323632
>>323341Literal soyboys.
>>323395There's only one rule. One- to be a lesbian. And men aren't in the equation.
Leave me in peace, you nasty ass cheesedicks.
No. 323652
>>323513because autogynephiles like this guy don't need fancy clothes, just the bare minimum markers of femininity for their fetish. ever notice how troons always dress like crap, in things real women would never pair together, like a tattoo choker, pointy heels from a crossdresser store and cheap dangly clip on earrings?
it's because their fetish just needs wearing panties and a skirt. and obviously, this guy and pretty much every single agp away from internet angles, the troon smirk, and photoshop could never hope to pass.
No. 323669
>>323652i was watching a fighting game tourney earlier and my fiance and me kept talking about how shitty this tranny was dressed. he was wearing a plaid green ankle length dress and a green cardigan and it looked like shit. it wasn't even frumpy in a way any normal person would be frumpy, it was like chosen but looked like he just stole someone's xmas tree skirt.
he also kept making peace/heart signs at the camera and was overall cringe. got bodied too.
No. 323716
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No. 323766
File: 1542021171857.png (680.08 KB, 548x1162, troon gang.png)

Sickening moment a transgender girl gang and their mother-of-four friend, 22, batter a man at a central London station, kicking and stamping on him in 'heinous attack' after a 'minor row'
Gang unleashed 'severe violence' on man at Leicester tube station in London
Attack was launched after 'minor provocation' Westminster magistrates heard
Four defendants admitted violent disorder and will be sentenced at crown court No. 323859
>>323157Absolutely disgusting.
Also, how do trannies not see the irony in shaming their wives as selfish for leaving them when they transition? They're the ones dropping a bomb about their gender identity on someone who did not sign up for it? How do they not see that completely disregarding your wife's feelings and going through the transition knowing it means you can't stay together and you're brutally fucking her up psychologically is the fucking selfish thing?
Why can't they just be happy dressing like a girl without mutilating their bodies? Most decent women would accept their husbands being into girly shit. But that's not enough for these people, you also have to be a-okay with their Frankenstein body and if not, then you're magically the horrible one.
No. 323860
>>323169This. I'm overweight with horrible skin and I still have never once seen a tranny I think looks better than me. Even ones like Gigi Gorgeous who are put on a pedestal for their looks. Nikita Dragun is the only one I've seen whose ever come the slightest bit close.
The thing is trannies are held to a phenomenally lower standard when it comes to looks. If a tranny can successfully pass for female, they're showered in praise. If they pass well enough where you'd assume female right off the bat (which is extraordinarily rare and almost never happens) they're treated like a goddess even if they're not even particularly pretty.
No. 323978
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This was in the actuallesbians sub on Reddit. I'm sick of this.
No. 323979
>>323978As a lesbian, I find this absolutely sickening! No lesbian would ever be attracted to dick even if the tranny in question actually looked almost like a woman.
I wish I could use a flamethrower on these freaks.
No. 323988
>>323978Jesus Christ I fucking hate these people so much.
Thank fucking god that the only people that find these freaks attractive are other delusional trannies and loser, closeted men.
No. 323989
>>323978> lesbian sex is superior> ESPECIALLY with dickare we just ignoring the literal definition of words for their benefit and comfort, now? lesbian sex has never and will never involve a dick, this is some fetish shit. they go on about bi erasure and then try to scare lesbians into fucking them by dangling the "transphobe" label above their heads.
why not just be with each other? why are they so insistent on bagging an actual lesbian, or a straight guy? do they get off on that? smh i'd love to see the reaction if a gay man were to say gay sex is superior with vagina involved, he'd be laughed off the sub.
No. 323998
Doubling up with some grade A delusion.>i’m a trans girl and it’s honestly so telling that the only lesbians who ever find me attractive aren’t cis, and the only cis women who ever find me attractive are bisexual. just some food for thought.>just to clarify, this post isn’t trying to say “cis bisexuals are more woke than cis lesbians” at all. the point i’m trying to make is that cis lesbians and the cis lesbian community as a whole (YES even the radically trans-positive sections on tumblr) refuse to address their transmisogyny, whilst cis bisexual women don’t need to do that to seem Woke; they’re capable of finding trans women attractive/dating them/etc whilst still holding deeply transmisogynistic views because they Can and Do read trans women’s traits as masculine/male. my point was that all cis wlw need to sort their shit out and y’all are refusing to do it. y’all refuse to call each other out and the only thing you do to for trans women is put on a fake smile and say “this includes trans women!! trans women are welcome here”. because surprise surprise you gotta fucking Make us welcome; you can’t do that on pleasantries alone. fucking do something for trans women.>i want to mention that this isn’t just an informational post, it’s a call to action.>every time a trans woman makes a post like this, we are opening ourselves up to being targetted by violent hate groups such as terfs, and sure enough, this morning i’ve woken up to a handful of messages calling me a sexually violent male, and replies to this post calling for me to end my life, etc.>i knew this would happen, and i made this post anyway. why? because what i had to say was worth saying despite the dangers associated with a trans woman daring to criticize cis wlw>we, trans women, have to constantly endanger our lives/jobs/well-being just to talk about the ways in which cis women treat us, because terfs will harass us and lie about us and occasionally dox us. don’t make these sacrifices for nothing. change how you act. this isn’t a criticism, this is a call for you to be better people.>the fact that terfs so easily found my relatively untagged post just highlights how y’all aren’t doing enough – these people must have found my post through following your blogs, and they’re only following your blogs because you are not vocally trans-positive enough.>start doing your bit to help trans women today. it’s not good enough to just say “trans women are women 💖💖“ a couple times a month, internalize it. believe it. read up on literature and social theory that trans women are writing. participate (but stay in your lane) in trans women’s discussion and conversations. go out of your way to learn more. you have to do this, because if you wait for us, you are waiting for us to open ourselves to the danger of malicious hate groups.Tl;dr: Have sex with me and tell all the lesbians you know to have sex with me, otherwise you're literally killing people, that's the tea sis.
Oh, by the way, the post has 25,610 notes.
No. 324004
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>>323998A picture of the transcel OP.
>Autogynesmile: check>Retarded outfit where nothing fits at all because you have no idea of how women dress: check>Retarded pose because you have no idea of how women pose: check>Aliexpress dd/lg heart choker: check>Weird hair: check>Calling yourself a lesbian: checkA prime example of a troon
No. 324007
>>323998>lesbians refuse to address their transmisogynyaka, "put aside your own feelings and prioritize mine. validate me."
lesbians aren't obligated to do shit for you. people can't force themselves to be sexually attracted to something they're not, end of story. why do they get away with this kind of manipulation and aggressiveness so easily? again, the blame rests on women for "killing people".
funny how they talk about how they were born trans, but somehow think lesbians can just… ignore their nature, just to make them feel better.
No. 324011
>>323998"i’m a trans girl and it’s honestly so telling that the only lesbians who ever find me attractive aren’t cis, and the only cis women who ever find me attractive are bisexual."
I agree. It's so telling. It tells me that you're a fucking man.
So this is some longass bullshit that's saying that lesbians should be forced to like these lumbering jackasses and their dicks.
Also terfs are violent towards them apparently and they're risking their lives speaking out. All of this is apparently happening but there's no record of all these many deaths of trans "women" at the hands of women.
No. 324012
>>324009It's also particularly hilarious how he tried to go for a high waisted skirt thinking it would give his body the illusion of a thin, feminine waist… but he forgot that the trick only works on actual women, and ended up looking like a fridge instead.
It's not even high waisted if he puts it right below his nipples.
No. 324014
>>323998“Stay in your lane”
How ironic
No. 324027
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>>323998>>324004Totes not a fetish guys.
In case anyone wants to have more laughs at this narc, No. 324038
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>>324027I was not prepared for this outfit…
No. 324074
>>324004>>324038Where the fuck is that skirt? This guy has a barrel body and it just looks so bad… Like he seriously looks like he has some disease that gives him a huge male torso without any definition whatsoever and then stick legs.
>>324027What is this makeup? Who wears eyeliner without mascara? Does this guy not own a mirror?
No. 324079
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>>324038but you're a man, hon.
(tfw lesbians cant even have their own safe space away from men. wtf!!)
No. 324087
>>323994Right here anon
>>323341 as you can see, they will never be women, just fucked up men.
>>323998>entitled mentally ill man orders lesbians to fuck him or else its misogyny because he calls himself a woman>20,000 lib fems hold him like simba with praise while demonizing wlw for not liking dickI hate this.
No. 324089
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>>324074Exactly lmao, that's not only just a male body, but a very unfortunate looking one with shit weight distribution. Huge box shaped torso, no hips and unnaturally thin shapeless chicken legs.
>"B-But there are box shaped ciswomen toooo!"A woman without a tiny waist is still way more feminine and delicate than any troon ever, pic related
No. 324141
>>324087I hate this too. I don't understand how women can claim safe spaces and not be there for each other after everything we've gone through in history and STILL go through.
Men are garbage and the handmaidens who demand lesbians love them are sexist and horrible. I don't like dick and lesbians dont fucking like dick. Period
No. 324143
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>>324135>>324139A collection of comments from the thread.
No. 324178
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>>324143It figures he has this on his FB pics. I censored it because the girls depicted look way too young and creeped me out.
No. 324409
>>323998>participate (but stay in your lane) in trans women’s discussion and conversationsTroons always shove themselves into any women space and topic, will talk over women, will make women issues about themselves, but women must stay in their lane my dudes.
I bet this dude was going to say "stay in the kitchen"
No. 324559
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>>324004I've seen that look before.
No. 324652
>>324610I think guys hear that some women, because of hormones and blood flow, are sometimes more orgasmic in the early stages of pregnancy and just assume it must last all the way through to the time the baby comes. Also that whole thing about sex being able to induce labor. They're just dumb enough to think that if it works for some women it will work for all.
Most doulas will stress heavily that it's possible but not a given.
No. 324667
>>324652>>324610i think it has to do with a sudden spasm in your nerves while having the baby but i doubt it would be like an orgasm.
i had my child naturally into a water bath with a midwife, and while that shit hurt a fuckload, it does also feel kind of weird (?) but in like a spiritual way, like it was the first time i felt like my instincts kicked in.
(also before anyone bitches at me, natural childbirths are just as safe as any other way when working with a good midwife. most maternal deaths occurred due to lack of knowledge and poor or non-existent aftercare) sorry. i just got really annoyed at the pregnancy thread on /g/ with all it's misinformation and bawwing about how women need to use modern medicine etc.
No. 324719
>>324667Tbh i'd prefer to go to a birthing centre that just has female midwives who listen to what you need rather than being stuffed on a bed
>>324712being on your back makes it easier for the OBGYN (in history, used to be men)
No. 324755
>>323998I'm bi and I would never fuck a troon. Troons are instantly a turn off for the mere fact they are troons.
I want my penis and vagina attached to mentally sound ppl.
No. 324814
>>321637lmfao you just know they're REEing to each other/online about how transphobic you guys are
>>321751I'm anorexic I can't leave the house because it makes my body dysmorphia worse :( please gib free liposuctions
>>322583you can practically hear his heavy breathing through his messages. this is why the death penalty should be imposed.
>>322640Please be the change you want to see in the world queen. I'm not Canadian but I'd be on that shit in a heartbeat if I was, parents specifically need to know about this.
No. 324823
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So the Mumsnet thread on Jonathan Yaniv has been taken down.
This was also the highest google hit on the story when you searched his name.
No. 324827
>>324823He can try threatening legal action as much as he wants but KF won't take their own thread on him down kek.
It doesn't matter anymore. The cat is out of the bag. Women have begun warning each other about this creep. Men underestimate how much women warn each other.
No. 324829
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No. 324838
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No. 324841
File: 1542221113914.jpg (10.25 KB, 275x155, 1534079974343.jpg)

>>324838>"most sane people agree with me">"this is a fact"cope.jpg
>those poll resultsThis kills the troon
No. 324862
>>324838Facts are not the same as 'muh fee's fees' opinions
And rofl at those poll results.
No. 324925
>>324906Every genderfluid/enby I’ve ever talked to has been a huge hypocrite. I have a particularly bad one on FB and I had to mute her because her daily nonsense was driving me crazy.
>“Women don’t have to shave their body hair! Down with the patriarchy!”~*one day later*~ (not an exaggeration):
>posts makeup-less selfie in tank top with one arm draped over her head, prominently showing off armpit stubble, captioned “Feeling really masc today! He/him they/them #nonbinary #genderfluid #boy #pastelboys”And naturally when you ask her why she has to be nb instead of just a woman who doesn’t like makeup and shaving it’s the same story of not identifying with 100% of sexist female stereotypes and not liking to be sexually harassed by men. You know, because us female-identified women love that shit.
No. 324974
>>324921Ew that's so uncomfortable.
Is your friend actually ok with him transitioning?
No. 324986
>>324906The whole gender fluid/non-binary thing is such bullshit.
Legit, no man dresses 100% masculine and no woman dresses 100% feminine.
>omg, i'm a woman who hates makeup. I must be non-binary!bitch, shut up.
No. 325003
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No. 325055
>>325007Should have had mtfs in that meme too. Since they base their ideas of femininity around just porn of women.
You cant even bring up the topic of sex trafficking without liberal feminists REEing about how bad it is to shame sex workers or how sex shouldnt be bad….. when its about sex slavery..and sex trafficking….
No. 325073
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>>323247This is "melanie" kek
No. 325169
>>325073kind of passable because he used cropping and trans angles, but irl? nope nope nope. they will never pass irl, when they open their mouths or display their entitled, nerd boy attitudes.
look at that uneven, crunchy hair. petition to buy the agps some deep conditioner and olaplex? i mean, if you're so obsessed with being a sexayyyy blonde sissy gurl because porn made your brain as fried as your poorly bleached hair, at least try.
as per usual, troons would have killed themselves instead of whining about it on reddit hugboxes if they had been born female, because they are weak little manbabies that need the constant validation.
No. 325176
>>325171>no one on 4chan is hsts. they are all agp.>you didn't fry your brain with sissy porn, you did it with trap porn.are you saying there's a difference between a sissy kink and a sissy kink? lol someone's spent a little too much time on radfemblr. hsts and straight trannies are
equally disgusting agps.
No. 325213
>>325176imo, trap doujins are about wanting to fuck the trap and how taboo it is, which is why it's weird for guys to imprint on "trapcore", sissy porn is about internalized self masturbation.
hsts are annoying, but in the same way that gay guys who barely bother to hide their disgust of women are, because there's an enormous overlap.
i don't really hate gay trans, i just feel immense pity for them, because they're the ones that actually bother to physically transition. i just want to shout "it's ok! just be a femme gay guy! you don't need these chasers!"
i wonder what they think about transbian tankie dickgirl culture? i don't think these two groups hang out very often, haha.
No. 325251
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No. 325258
>>325169Women are stronger than men in general. We go through so much shit every single day of our lives and we barely complain. Tr00ns are men in dresses. They look like shit, never pass, and need constant validation or else they sudoku.
Men are weak.
No. 325368
>>322901I felt bad for her until ~one man one woman~
What if she were asked to vote to support LGB rights? This whole thing is a mess
No. 325390
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Oh, take a guess at which "women"!
Departments of Diversity were a mistake. WRC announced its decision in an email, which came after the center evaluated responses from a survey. Survey respondents opposing the production consistently indicated they were concerned that the play centers on cisgender women, that the play's version of feminism excludes some women, including trans women, and that overall, "The Vagina Monologue" lacks diversity and inclusion.
Modifying the script to the play written by Eve Ensler is not an option, due to copyright laws, the WRC stated.
"We feel that making this decision is in line with the WRC mission of recognizing and celebrating the diverse representations of women on campus along with the overall mission of the Department of Diversity and Community Involvement, in which the WRC is housed, of supporting and empowering minoritized students and challenging systems and structures that perpetuate inequities," the email from the WRC said. "We truly believe that it is important to center our minoritized students and this decision is in line with this mission driven value."
No. 325393
>>325214Lmfao, RuPaul drag race is somehow transphobic to TIM? Now look at the other side we have loads of 'straight' TIF who are into the show, so they can say 'boy can wear makeup and be feminine uwu'.
Usually these TIF keep saying how 'gay' they are in every single sentences, equally annoying another side of the coin
No. 325395
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>comparing declaring yourself trans and attempting to change one's identity, even down to policing how others treat you, which is an inherently self-absorbed course of action, to adopting a child
No. 325397
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>>325395Some of these points are interesting, though, tbh.
No. 325408
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Stacey Pool, 30, formerly known as PC Nick Pool, was jailed for three and a half years in 2017 for grooming and possession of child sex pictures No. 325418
>>325411reducing us to walking uteruses again. joy.
they insist they're female and just as much women as us, so where is the issue in "female body"? deep down, they probably know they don't have one and never will, which is why they get so butthurt. now women have to be excruciatingly specific just to not hurt their feelings, which they put above ours in our own spaces. sounds like typical men to me. i swear the word "transphobe" is used like a weapon.
we genuinely can't have anything for ourselves anymore, not even a play about… vaginas. if this was flipped and women wanted in on every single corner of their spaces, we'd get all sorts of abuse and victimized crying back.
No. 325427
It’s a really shitty time to be a gay female lol, I have to hold back so much when it comes to my queer social circle…all these fucking ’uwu I’m a boi’ bitches are just mentally ill with an overload of internalized misogyny.
I think that’s what bothers me the most about it tbh, like you’re that disgusted by females that you can’t even handle a pronoun anymore?
No shit you don’t identify as society’s definition of a ‘girl’, that shit was just created to sell us shit.
It doesn’t mean you’re a fucking boy, why can’t you just be a neutral person with actual interests and talents, why does your gender have to be a defining personality trait for you?
Even after they start hormones they never shut up about shit or seem happy, they cling to any negative comment instead of living a stealth, normal life.
Sorry for venting, obviously I’d never say this because it would make me seem like an asshole, and I do still have compassion for them as human beings, but it’s the truth.
No. 325431
>>325427Just read through most of the thread and realized you guys mostly talk about Mtf’s, sorry if my post doesn’t fit
Luckily I don’t really associate with any of those, only one from when I was 17 and funnily enough they’re a ‘lesbian’ even though they were a gay man beforehand? And claim they get their period…
Idk how anyone can see that level of delusion and not equate it to mental illness
No. 325472
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Comic Relief are getting a surprising amount of pushback from GC for choosing Lili Elbe. No. 325475
>>325169This reminds me of that one Blaire White video where him and his favorite handmaiden JG went around to ask random people which one of them was trans, and most people pointed to Jaclyn. However, you could see they only did it to "be nice" and not hurt Blaire's feelings, because even in video he was clockable as fuck with the caveman browbone, the monkey philtrum, the overly PS face, the broad shoulders and gorilla stance. And let's not even bring up his voice…
They just never pass, ever. A dog can't be a cat.
>>325171I've been lurking on 4chan after a long time these days and I was pleasantly surprised to see that outside of /tttt/ they hate troons even more than they hate women and black people. Every single time troons are mentioned or one of them comes in the thread and discloses themselves, the anons there have no chill and straight out tell them to kill themselves and that they're disgusting. So the troons always migrate to /tttt/, some of them to /a/ (you can spot them by their obsession with "loli" reaction pics) and that's it. I thought we were aggressive towards troons, but on 4chan they say even worse things. There goes TIM's delusion of women being evil terves and "the only ones who hate them because we're jealous teehee" lmao
No. 325481
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No. 325483
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No. 325529
>>325483you said correct you if you're wrong so, here goes:
you're wrong.
From someone who was brought up christian: Eve was made out of Adam's rib but she was still female.
However, Adam was made out of dirt… So if we're saying this person's logic is sound, then this proves that all men/mtfs are dirt goblins.
You know what, you might have a point.
No. 325538
>>325399On top of the stupid false equivalence here as other anons have said………adoptive mothers AREN'T the same as birth mothers and that's okay? I have pretty extreme endometriosis and it is likely that I won't be able to conceive, so I've spent a lot of time thinking about what adoption might mean for me. And right up front, you confront that you will not be having the some experience as a birth mother, and that birth mothers deserve their own spaces to discuss what they go through. It would be insulting and stupid and painful to every single person involved, especially the child, to pretend otherwise. And a lot of that onus is on me, if I become an adoptive mother, in terms of respecting what the other parties will go through. To say nothing of how exploitative and abusive the "baby trade" often is.
This asshole, in turn, should be working to accept that he is not female and that female people deserve their own spaces and terms. But it'll never occur to him because men are coddled babies who'd rather force women in impossible positions than risk not getting what they want.
No. 325565
>>325557Yes, for the most of insane contents. But a while back we've seen posts from a while back about an FtM threatening suicide because women with breast cancer are more of a priority mastectomy operation than them. Or the ones that go to harass shop owners.
And they definitely try to redefine words?
We've got a surge in FtM for the past few years and they're milky most of the time.
No. 325568
>>325551We dislike them as well, but they're way less threatening than TIMs. TIFs are female, are socialized female and therefore don't get as bold and threatening as their male counterparts.
For example, I've never heard of them redefining the male body or talking about their "boy vagina" because 1. they're still scared of men; 2. men don't take them seriously and aren't scared of them.
Granted there will likely be someone who does it, but they're not enough/not as vocal as TIMs.
No. 325569
>>325551This question gets asked every single thread
We have an entire thread dedicated to ftms on /snow/
No. 325573
>>325551Assuming you're posting in good faith, check thread #7 dude. We're getting increasingly fed up with them.
>>325567It's worth mentioning that Blanchard actually does support transition for AGPs whose dysphoria he deems severe enough.
No. 325576
>>325397If an adoptive mom tried to enter pregnancy groups to talk about ~her pregnancy~ and REEEd at anyone who pointed out the obvious, yes she would be delusional.
>mutilating your body, pumping yourself full of opposite sex hormones, and getting extensive surgery to satisfy your body image issues is equivalent to being a parental figure to a child that isn't biologically yoursw e w
No. 325586
>>325570That's why I said:
>Granted there will likely be someone who does it, but they're not enough/not as vocal as TIMs.I tend to avoid troons in general and again, TIMs are way more vocal, so that might be why I didn't hear of that.
The term boi pussy is as retarded as girldick anyway.
No. 325610
>>325604Lol not really, I've heard of them talking about front hole a lot, we have shitload of Grindr screenshot to prove that.
If you know fakeboi thread. One of them referred to herself as 'cunt boy' and being all edgelord NEET trucum.
No. 325744
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More stuff about JY coming to light
No. 325750
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Posted this in the dumbass shit that isn't a vent thread at first, but finally got around to bringing it here since it's more on topic:
In the disgust at MtFs, I think a lot of GC people seem to overlook that many FtMs are female pedophiles.
I think it's because there's a lot of crossover between fujoshi and shotacon fetishists, who go on to become fakebois, who go on to actually transition.
In Kale/"YaoiGoddessKeale"'s case, they're a huge shotacon who used to draw the stuff in public during their early, early-2000s fujo/fakeboi phase. They ultimately doxxed and stalked an actual 13 year old boy at one point, and talked about almost getting a criminal record over it. They have a thread on KiwiFarms detailing everything.
No. 325752
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>>325750Another example is Kayce Murray Dygert, a self admitted pedophile who self identifies as a "MAP" (minor attracted person). Used to run an IG for autobiographical furry comics based on being a "MAP", but deleted it after facing backlash. Still put out a "paraphilia alphabet book" that included pedophilia (and the "little girl lover" symbol) as an art project under the guise of "sex positivity". Hasn't been kicked out of college or faced any real life consequences for openly being a pedophile, despite several calls being made.
Once posted a comic about owning a jersey that read "SHOTA", and being nervous about someone seeing it.
I have a feeling this shit is pretty widespread, but people don't talk about it as much for some reason.
No. 325783
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Looks like the troons and handmaidens have been reporting Meghan Murphy's tweets to Twitter. No. 325790
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The Her app has like 20 different gender options and this woman hating fuck is still poorly attempting to trick people. Why the fuck is Liam so set on being a liar? (“Lily” Madigan the tranny who is somehow holding a woman’s political position and can’t politically debate for shit)
No. 325801
>>325397I think he thought he was being really smart with this one but it doesn't really work because mothers of adopted children know that they are not the biological mother and they didn't conceive that child or grow it in utero. Some adoptive mothers may lie to the child and others about being the bio mother but this is usually for social reasons and not actual delusion.
We call them mothers because it signifies the social role they play in relation to the child. I don't think you can say the same for trannies, they fail miserably at socially acting as women and end up falling into an 'other' category in most people's minds.
No. 325834
>>325397This is a false equivalence.
First, people are willing to call adoptive parents mothers because of the social role but they are not the child's biological parents. If they were to insist that they ARE biological parents, especially in an important medical context, people would point it out and they would not be monsters for doing so. Just like how a lot of gendercrit women were once fine with calling ftms 'women' casually, but drew the line at using it in a biological way.
Second, "socialized childless" is a retarded fucking attempt. If socialized maleness isn't a thing because of this stupid analogy, then I can go get a spray tan and say it doesn't matter that i was socialized as white because i don't appear white anymore.
Calling people delusional when they're delusional isn't unreasonable, even if it's uwu mean. It's not delusional for a woman to adopt a child so therefore we can't call anything delusional anymore? Ridiculous
Same with the rest of it. hurr durrr nothing i do is harmful or delusional because if it was an entirely different situation then your words would be cruel!!!
No. 325885
>>325730This. Furthermore, I am not a woman because I identify as one. I am a woman because I was born as one. I do not "embrace my gender identity" because "gender identity" does not exist.
The term "cis" is a tool of oppression used by trans activists.
No. 325886
>>325551Radical feminism does not exclude TiF's
They are not discussed as much here nor in social media because they are not the vocal majority in trans activism and because they are not a widespread immediate threat to women.
However, cultural shifts and legislative changes made on their behalf do undermine women's rights. The primary court battle over bathroom legislation was filed on behalf of a TiF student. That this case became the focus of trans activists was probably no accident. A case about a TiF avoids the issue of males entering women's spaces for nefarious reasons.
Did you read about the Brown study? It was primarily about young TiF's.
>>325557>>325568Terms to do with reproduction, pregnancy, and childbirth were first changed in midwifery and lactation groups years ago to be more inclusive of TiF's.
No. 325894
>>325395What the fuck is this person going on about? It's a complete false equivalence, parental figures are not the same as gender which is ABSOLUTE and biological. Or is it implying that motherhood is an essential part of being a woman despite numerous women not choosing or not being able to have children? You don't need to give birth biologically to be a parent for fucks sake.
>>325397No, they're really not. This is stuff adoptive mothers hear sometimes. However it's true that an adoptive mother does NOT know what it's like to be pregnant and can't relate to it, but it doesn't make her less of a parental figure. But as for a woman, you're a woman if you're born as one. It's not a role that's assigned later in life like parenthood. This person is just being hyperbolic and comparing an issue to another unrelated issue like they're linked together.
>>325481I think I hit my peak trans again
No. 325896
>>325886One thing about TIF is that they most seem very hypocritical about women's right things, they would complain about how gender expections are harmful for women, rape, discrimination, etc. However a lot of them tends to conflates between gender and gender roles when it comes to themselves. They want to have cake and eat it too and I found that frustrating.
And the whole trying to redefine biology terms to suit their needs is a further erasure of women's problems.
No. 325964
>>325961That's the reason why I peaked in the first place too, I thought I'd never be in doubt of transgender people because there's nothing to think about. Until this current wave of TRA in the 'western' media, having them trying to get into women space, people claiming to be trans to get away with sexual assault etc. As well as how fujoshi on Tumblr starts saying they are gay men in a very forced way.
The saddest thing is that it is infiltrating my country at the moment with people who wants to be even more 'progressive'
No. 325965
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>>325928There's this model, Madison Paige, who could've simply been a qt butch. But noooo, we're in 2018, it's "non-binary" duh.
What's funny is that in 2014 she said "So far I know I am a tomboyish girl who enjoys rocking menswear and skateboards". Then the era of genderspecials arrived.
No. 326093
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>I look great
Why are they always so full of themselves? Is it the male entitlement?
No. 326100
>>326097They're severely hung up on gender roles, so once they start thinking they're a "woman" they let themselves start crying instead of repressing it.
It's the same reason they all start admitting they're attracted to men and then claim estrogen caused it. What caused it is actually their latent homophobia loosening its grip on their psyche.
No. 326130
>>326089Beat me to it.
Troons are in full force trying to shut women up.
This is utter bullshit. Males doing the absolute most to shut women up that don't agree with them and their "girlcock"
No. 326135
>>326093His head is massive jesus that 5head. Troons never pass with those ape-like skulls.
I honestly think they are so warped in their troonery that they actually believe their a BOOTIFUL ladees so they can jerk off to themselves in the mirror.
Men getting off themselves by dressing in the same strick gender roles they forced on us.
They probably think "welp if no hot ladies don't wanna fuck me I will become the hot ladee and fuck mhself." But that is never enough is it.
Totally not a fetish you gaiz
No. 326140
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>>326130I doubt this dude was the one who reported it, but the hypocrisy made me laugh
No. 326149
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>>325965It's fucking sad. I'm not even a lesbian, but seeing these women reject the fact that they are female because of the stupid trans/nonbinary trend is disgusting.
I saw this on my Twitter a few days ago, and this is totally unsurprising. When are people going to wake up to what a fake phenomenon this shit is?
No. 326162
>>326092Terf Hunter/DJ Gripper, a racist troon who bullies women full-time, is claiming responsibility
Also down is Gender Identity Watch
No. 326166
>>326149yep, tumblr. i've had so many friends who trooned out shortly after using tumblr. around 2012 is when the genderspecial era started arising in the furry community shortly after some dumbasses felt like protecting otherkin.
i honestly don't think the genderspecial era has it's hit it's peak yet.
No. 326195
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I just joined a Discord server and watched someone get ripped to shreds for saying there's differences between males and females and half the people there were saying "biological sex isn't real"
I want to die.
No. 326198
>>325955Same. I was trying to explain radical queer ideology to my mom the other day, and we both came to feel that the loss of 70s/80s androgyny really laid the groundwork for all this.
Case in point–Grace Jones! I remember the first time I saw a picture of her. I had no idea you could be a woman like that. Thank god I internalized HER and not…….everything else. The whole queer scene WISHES they'd come close to her level of attitude and individuality.
No. 326199
>>326135>Men getting off themselves by dressing in the same strick gender roles they forced on us.This shit right here. Fuck. The hatred is real and runs deep with them.
The way I see it, with how popular mainstream media pushes trans, the more people care less about them. The more is pushed onto shows, movies, music etc the more people are pushing back and not giving a fuck. Like that doctor who claimed anime encourages kids to become trans. Got dragged on twitter for saying something they all admit to when they're anonymous on 4chan
No. 326405
>>325483ABSOLUTE blashemy! Francis kill this clown
>>325565FTMs might be annoying and BPDish and whiny but they don't actively kill women and rape girls and masturbate to used tampons. They're like a little bit of sideshow entertainment compared to MTF's truly horrifying, disgusting and dangerous antics. Plus I'm sure pretty much any woman can sympathise with not wanting to deal with all the baggage that comes with being a woman.
>>325573I disagree with Blanchard on a few key things but I also support transition for AGPs, starting with castration and penis inversion!
No. 326407
>>325750Wasn't that crime statistic that showed how MTFs retain male patterns of crime also showed that FTMs have increased violent crime compared to cis woman controls? Is it because of the testosterone or the massive comorbidity with personality disorders or something else entirely, do you guys think?
But yeah also wouldn't be surprised if the vast majority of FTM violent/sexual offenders were bi or straight ("gay twans boiz) but don't @me
No. 326426
>>326097In the case of my friend he's gay and incredibly mentally ill; depressed to the nines, and his parents are brits so everything is very stiff upper lip. He's being doing a shit tonne of drugs, and frequently talks about wanting to neck himself, but refuses therapy, and doesn't see the point in it. I definitely think he's one of those weebs who sees the cute girls in SoL anime and thinks transitioning will fix all his problems (he wants to forgo all the gender clinic requirements – at least a year of RLE, mandated therapy sessions and whatever else, and just get his titty skittles and surgery to make it all better).
I haven't yet confronted my friend with the screenshot (I've shown other mutual friends who aren't down with the tranny thing though, including his best friend, who wants to just ignore it and pretend he never saw it because "that's enough thinking about how fucked up the world is", and is an absolute coward,), but I'm considering doing it, just to tell him how ashamed I am of him and how he's a disgusting, lying scumfucker, because I thought he was a lot more reasonable/rational than this.
>are men psychopaths? Considering there were so many people actively participating in that server, even if they weren't interacting with the self harm/HRT coercion/hardcore cp, and doing nothing about it, I'd have to say yes.
Generally speaking though, I think an element of it is that expressing feelings other than angry, hungry, or horny doesn't fit in the "Act Like A Man" box, so men in general repress that shit, but in >current year and considering how """woke""" we are, I think that's a hugely bullshit excuse compared to a man raised in, say, the 50s.
No. 326434
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old but hysterical tumblr post of some delusional coping tranny
>and every trans woman vanished from the world, never to return
if only
No. 326436
>>326097>>326100Agree with second point in that it's self-imposed, I have a male friend who freely admits that he cries almost daily and is generally sensitive.
They just meme themselves into psychopathy and then blame women or muh biology depending on what they want to argue about.
No. 326451
>>326446Even otherwise liberal men are shockingly homophobic. They feel an immense amount of shame and self-hatred over any sort of gay urges in themselves.
Hence traps.
It's a fantasy for men because they can have all the gay sex they desire but they don't have to take responsibility for it, because they were "tricked" into it. It lets them indulge their gay desires without needing to confront the fact that they want to fuck men.
No. 326454
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Haven't posted here in a while, but saw this and had to vent/get some sanity.
Well, there we have it eyebrows=women. Who knew it was that simple?
No. 326506
>>326497When did the idea that taking care of your appearance means you're gay or a woman come from?
From the pre-twentieth century lit I've read, young middle to upper class men took good care of their grooming and fashion.
No. 326507
>>326460I read an academic study once that managed to conclude that three year old girls had a preference for toy cooking pots over balls or trucks
Bias is overwhelmingly a thing.
No. 326516
>>326507did you guys read the monkey studies where like, female monkeys would play with the 'boy' toy and 'girl' toy about the same (i think the boy toy was like, a car that rolls, so just, like, a more interactive and engaging toy and the girl's was like a primitive doll thing), and the male monkey also played w it about the same, but preferred the truck for like 2 more seconds? they also categorized like, tearing up the toy or beating the shit out of it as 'playing with it', iirc. these are horribly designed studies and the funding could be better used to study dogshit
from this, ofc, they concluded that there's some kind of female/male brain that makes anything - human or animal, that's dudely love trucks and hate dolls, and so, everything gendered is so because of innate preference blah blah
No. 326635
>>326446 be honest, I can't understand this one either. There's a specific type of guy out there:
>not aroused by regular men>aroused by women>especially aroused by traps, crossdressers, shemales, et cetera>also aroused at the thought of becoming a woman themselvesI guess the last two parts go together, but it still doesn't explain why some guys have this overwhelming erotic fixation of becoming a woman (or at least, becoming the oversexualised parody of womanhood that exists within their heads). And I doubt we'll understand any time soon, what with the trans lobby kicking up a fuss every time someone mentions AGP, even though five seconds browsing your average troon forum will tell you it's a goddamn fetish.
I think the main takeaway here is that male sexuality is completely fucked up.
No. 326668
>>326635its a humiliation thing and an obsession with transformation, submission/domination and having power they can never have (female reproductive power). theories about the male "death drive" and how it influences their sexuality are incredibly fascinating, you should look into it.
plus of course Blanchard's pseudo-bisexuality theory.
No. 326669
>>326451A LOT of "progressive liberal men" have massive amounts of homophobia despite saying otherwise. When drunk, they make homophobic jokes. When someone even implies of anything related to homosexuality being pushed upon them, they are absolutely mortified. It's laughable.
But the trap fetish in itself is very often comes from the place of hating women's autonomy and wanting something to replace them. Hence why traps are usually extremely slutty and submissive. Tranny chasers associate troons being just sex machines who want to pleasure them in exchange for validation of their gender because that's how porn usually displays them.
>>326628>That's why it's completely ridiculous when trannies give playing with dolls and liking pink as a 5-year-old as "proof" for being born in the wrong body. Their parents simply allowed them to play with non-stereotypical toys. The ironic thing is that these "I was trans since childhood" people often WEREN'T allowed to play outside of their assigned gender stereotype. I've noticed that a lot of the non-AGP perverts had conservative parents who would freak the fuck out when they would display any sign of gender non-conformity, like that one bible-thumping mom that was posted in the previous thread saying that she tried to "pray the gay away" until she "realized" that her GNC son was actually "a girl".
No. 326680
>>326635It's because they have a hard time applying their obsession with women
to a woman. It's the same reason a lot of men hate/resent women. A mentally healthy man would say, ok I am obsessed with women, I love women, I should cherish them and have them in my life. A mentally unhealthy one thinks of ways to hurt the demon who has possessed him/internalizes it and becomes the woman.
See also: Women's jealousy can be turned into admiration and friendship. But it can also go too far into obsession and skinwalking.
Not trying to excuse it or sympathize, just thinking about the different stages of obsession, admiration, and how toxic it can be if not dealt with correctly.
No. 326708
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I went to check if Mallory Ortberg had detransitioned yet and was instead greeted by this beautiful queer couple: "Daniel" and his girlfriend "Grace"
No. 326725
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No. 326735
>>326454He barely upgraded to unkempt woman so … better than most trannies.
I doubt he really pass IRL but honestly the biggest thing helping him is that his jaw is rather small and he doesn't have extremely big features most men do (nose, sunken eyes, prominent eyebrows, etc)
No. 326746
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Did anyone see this TIM getting crucified on twitter for admitting to having male privilege prior to transition?
No. 326764
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>>326748Seems like we're finally getting back on track
No. 326789
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>>326748>She was advised to keep parents and other teachers in the dark if a pupil claimed to be transgenderJust. WHAT. What the fuck just IS this madness? You have autistic kids doing irreparable surgery and messing their body with hormones and you don't bat an eye?
>The teacher, who has her own child, also believes many of those who say they are the wrong sex are simply gay but would face bullying if they were to ‘come out’. By contrast, she says, transgender children at the school are idolised by other pupils.>‘From talking to these girls, the thought of being a heterosexual female is terrifying for them, but being known as a lesbian is also unpalatable, so they become transgender. >I think as lesbians they would face more bullying but as transgender children they almost become popular.’This is so fucking sick and this claim was backed up by the ROGD study. The society is still so ridiculously homophobic that the most extreme form of conversion therapy is more acceptable than simply being gay.
>Carol says transgender pupils at her school sometimes adopt the names of trans YouTubers who have found fame online. >There have been times when a group of pupils who are identifying as boys all use the same name. Ugh. This story just gets worse and worse. I'm surprised it got published though, normally TRAs would be fighting tooth to nail to get anything opposing them censored, especially in the UK.
No. 326817
>>326748>A therapist might have good cause to believe that the trans-identifying teenage boy in front of them hates his body because he was abused as a child and feels vulnerable. But they can’t explore that possibility.This is so unbelievably fucked up. Speaking as an abuse survivor, it can fuck your mind up about your body in all sorts of ways, and I'm sure lots of other people here know that. It's why so many abuse survivors have eating disorders or mutilate themselves through cutting, and a variety of other things. Not to mention that the pressure to stick to bullshit gender stereotypes is making these kids, especially the girls, hate their bodies. It's no shock that the article said most of the students claiming to be trans are born female.
This shit can't hit backlash soon enough. There's gonna be a whole lost generation 20 years from now of people who fucked their lives up due to the trans lobby.
No. 326842
Has anybody else heard of My Genderation?>founded in 2012>My Genderation is currently run by Fox Fisher and Owl FisherKEK sounds about right and lines up perfectly with this post
>>326166 same year, otherkin.
No. 326855
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>>326764Shit. Troons love to insist that they're "the progressive ones" and that whoever disagrees with them is a literal nazi, and yet their analogies with actual nazis are too many and very uncanny…
They really project their shit behavior onto anything.
>Lesbians are vagina fetishistsThey are literally the ones with AGP and bimbofication fetish (plus a lesbian fetish, like many straight men)
>REEEEEEE transmisogyny!They are literally misogynistic as fuck
>REEEEEEE nazis!They love censorship and hate freedom of speech, will send rape and death threats in reply to innocent opinions
>REEEEEEE bigots!They're against science and biology like the dumbest of flat earthers
>>326817>There's gonna be a whole lost generation 20 years from now of people who fucked their lives up due to the trans lobby.Exactly. There's gonna be a wave of mass suicides never seen before, and possibly a significant birth rate decrease since they sterilize themselves.
No. 326908
>>326864god what the fuck?? i wasn't expecting to see straight up porn gifs. ffs. there's more to being a woman than being submissive to men… holy shit.
we don't base our lives around pandering to horny retards. most of these porn gifs were created for people with sesame seed brains.
No. 326940
>>326824>>326825Jonathan Yaniv clearly hasn't heard of the Streisand effect. People are screaming his name more than ever before, lol.
Also apparently the troons are trying to take down 4thwave's website now.
No. 326969
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"A woman in her 30s is charged with aggravated child pornography crime after she had a large number of pictures and movies with child pornography on her computer and hard drives.
The woman is resident in Luleå and according to the indictment she has held 13 656 child pornography images and 302 child pornography films. This happened until 10 July 2016. A computer, two hard drives, a USB flash drive and a reading pad have been seized.
According to the prosecutor, the offense should be judged as coarse because 1 000 images and 2013 films, with a total playing time of about 30 hours, are judged as serious assault material so children are particularly young and used in a hänsynsläst way.
The woman has admitted her crimes."
Which "woman" in the photo do you think it is?
No. 326970
>>326969Here's 'her' youtube favourites: videos
"Feminist MYTH Busted by His Excellency Warren Farrell - Why Men Earn More - MGTOW MRM"
"Sweden's Rape Culture - Part 1
Sargon of Akkad"
'She' is also subscribed to various other Trumpsters as well as 'Deep Stealth' on how to pass as a woman.'t it great that men like this who so passionately hate women are entitled to legal recognition as female? And if you don't agree you are a Nazi (even though they are themselves an actual Nazi)
No. 326973
>>326969Idk could it perhaps be the giant one with the creepy smile who is bigger than even the bearded dude?
I am so mad at media for not even mentioning trans, just pretending this is a woman like any other.
Btw I always wondered if skelettkvinnan were trans as it was an unusal level of crazy for a woman.
No. 327001
>>326999Kalvin garrah on YT is also a perfect example of this. Deeply obsessed with distancing themselves from womanhood/lesbianinsm/gender non-conformity in order to gain the respect of being a straight man :/
No. 327067
>>326970>man has cp>committed crimes involving sexualizing children>subscribes to mgtow, sargon and other mrm>tries to pass as a woman>is now called a woman by msmVile subhuman. I still cant wrap my mind around how these sick men loathe women and want to skinwalk as them are PROTECTED by the very same women they hate
>>327042Because most trannies and tras are incels.
Incels will dehumanize women as menstrators/bleeders because of hatred
TRAs will dehumanize women as menstrators/bleeders because of 'inclusivity'
Same bs. Different tune
No. 327092
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>>326746Contrapoints actually commented in support of them, then he was forced to backtrack and made up a weird lie about merely supporting a unique opinion in the trans community. The threads connected to the original tweet is a disgusting mess of denial but this comment above was a gem of tumblr logic. Sometimes “enbies” are more infuriating than the TiMs.
No. 327377
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Stefan looks real rough here. Proper jigsaw. He’s been getting even more delusional lately. I used to watch him and actually enjoy his videos before I realized what he was doing. Now all his surgeries and procedures feel like an insult to my existence. He looks fuckin awful though, no matter how many thottie photoshoots he gets done.
No. 327435
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I wonder why they don’t refer to men as sperm havers or dick havers. Associating women with periods is now transphobic lol
No. 327455
>>327435good, good, the more retarded bs like this they pull, the more people will reach peak trans.
This shit might be accepted in SJW circles but normies are not gonna adopt this orwellian speach.
No. 327602
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No. 327615
>>327042The mod of IncelTears, the most popular subreddit for making fun of incels, posted a big spergy post a few months ago about how TERFs are just like incels. It was extremely autistic and didn't make any sense.
This is a good sign that TRAs and incels have a huge amount of overlap. Usually when TRAs accuse TERFs of something it's pure projection. Like when they call us vagina fetishists.
No. 327619
>>327042a LOT of trannies are incels, like mentioned before in this thread. They can't get a girlfriend because they're unable to get over their hate of women, so they decide to BECOME one and have a delusional fantasy of replacing natal women altogether. That's also why AGPs are so rapey and predatory.
>>327435>MenstruatorHonestly. They just HAVE to take the core essence of being a female (being born with a womb and other female sexual organs) and turn it into something that sounds like a fucking slur. How is trans right activism NOT misogynistic again?
>>327616Well anon, we need a NB prison of course! It's 2018 for gods sake! However you DO realize it's transphobic to claim that nbs would ever commit any crimes, they're all soft cuddly rainbow unicorns that would never hurt another person! /s
No. 327639
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>>327602better photo attached. He murdered his client at his own apartment, and carried a sword and three knives.
No. 327762
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>>327735So you have a man who thinks he's a woman promoting an industry that makes its money off women's insecurities, and both he and Rimmel come out looking like they care about women.
Makeup companies sell their products by implying to women that our faces aren't good enough and telling us to buy their products to fix that, and then pretending they're SHOCKED, and APPALLED, that people would focus so much on women's appearance online and call them ugly.
But if that focus and the belief that women should cover up our faces didn't exist, Rimmel and other cosmetics companies wouldn't exist. No one would buy their products.
I'm so fucking tired of corporate pseudo-feminism/companies pretending to care.
sage for kind of OT.
No. 327780
>>327765>prayingdo it urself, anon
nah but lots of people are retarded. you'd really rather have your own son killed than wait and see if he realizes what a dolt he's being?
No. 327802
>>327720Imagine being so devoid of character and personality that you change your entire identity because of a cosplayer.
Not because of someone who is your hero, has done great deeds for society, impacted your personal life greatly, but for an online fame whore.
I highly suggest you both commit sudoku. You can't be sane if you stay with this person.
No. 327838
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>>326746So, this was a response on that post. Lady has a son and she's trooning him up at 7.
No. 327842
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>>327838Holy fuck. I should not have looked at the rest of her tweets. How can a kindergartener be "non-binary"???
No. 327844
>>327842To quote The Wedding Singer:
Sandler: "Who said that?"
Kid: "Everyone's been saying that."
Sandler: "Everyone? You only talk to your parents."
If a kid thinks they are trans, guess where they got it? How does a kid even know what the word means? I swear half of these parents are sickos who wanted the other gender and are trying to force their child to "become" it.
No. 327883
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No. 327910
>>327906Just side effects from the perscriptions he's taking most likely. His body is reacting thus all the sickness
But you gotta love how "men have periods" but normal women who do are just "menstruators" or "bleeders" like you cant even say that women have periods anymore
No. 327913
>>327910So, he's on a shit ton of meds. Gets queasy from the insanity he's doing to his body and he calls it a period. He just… decided that that's what a period is. Getting a fucking period is the end result of a process a woman's body does. He has no parts to carry out that process but gets a headache cause his body is a chemical dump.
Ladies, he just redefined to himself what a period is. Is that what we're doing now? Redefine a woman, now redefine a period. Is he gonna say he ovulates too?
Is claiming they're having periods something they often do or is this one an exception? You have no idea how confused I am. This is like me claiming I can produce sperm.
No. 327961
So…I'm 19 and unfortunately still in high school, and transgenderism is a topic I'm too afraid to talk about irl, so I just follow the liberal crowd. Anyways, my school's infested with TIFs (and the occasional TIM who likes camping out in the girls' bathroom -_-), many of them are as young as 13 and are either straight females or are lesbians. Sometimes I'd like to ask them why do they feel so much internalized misogyny/ homophobia that they feel the need to take such an extreme route just to get by in life. And I firmly do believe that if gender dysphoria is real, it most certainly cannot be cured by transitioning and finding other reasons to hate yourself.
I have a cousin who's a TIF and managed to get botched top surgery through her job insurance. My entire family is practically harassing me for her phone number (and idk whether or not I'm willing to do that). I feel as though her getting a girlfriend only concluded that she was 'meant to be born a man'. Continuing with the TIFs in my life, there's a freeloader who's completely perverted and lazy, and 100% believes becoming a man will solve all her problems, on top of that, she and her other group of TIFs are a self-hating group of people that make me wanna graduate as fast as possible and get the fuck away.
I dunno. I've never bothered to question trans ideology before I found this board and several others. Yes, I'm ranting but I really needed to get this off my chest, especially knowing that many of my sane friends would leave me in dirt for disagreeing with them on this specific topic.
The whole thing is strange and gives me a headache. Time to go back to calling people their rightful pronouns :)))
No. 327996
>>326969Jesus Christ looks like this dude I know who's 10 seconds away from trolling out and wouldn't stop pursuing me even though I told him I was gay
why do they all have neanderthal jaws and retard smiles
No. 328000
>>327720someone else said you should transition but as a detransitioned woman literally don't lol
find literally any other way
dbt helps a lot I have no dysphoria anymore (aside from dysphoria about my voice and facial hair because I fucked myself over with t)
what you will lose years of your life to is tranny bullshit. just don't. just live your life dude
No. 328004
>>327837you're an idiot who has either a) never experienced dysphoria or an eating disorder and/or b) knows fuck all about psychology and/or c) is clinically retarded
personally I think all of the above
No. 328012
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>>328005Yeah it’s not a fetish, huh?
No. 328013
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More shit proving it’s all gender roles
No. 328017
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Always begging too lmao
No. 328020
>>327831Anon what the fuck is wrong with you? The past 8 fucking threads we've been talking about how society pressures people who are gnc to transition, and how it would be great if people could accept their natural gender… This person is clearly trying to do that why would you shit all over them?
We're not a fucking exclusive social theory debate club. Your whole response sounds insane
No. 328025
>>327377Stef has BDD and no reputable doctor should have EVER put a knife anywhere near anything. It's gross how people support the surgeries when it's clear they're just becoming an addiction to achieve this.. twisted image of what a woman looks like. No amount of forehead shaving or jaw fracturing is going to make you look like "normal" woman since you already didn't look like a "normal" man.
Should have just embraced the face before the knife.
No. 328026
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>>328022>But this mindset of “I’m not like other girls because my interests are ‘boy-coded’ or “nerdy” and that makes me better than them” was not only damaging to my progress in realizing I was a man, but also misogynist. WHAT sort of mental gymnastics do you have to go through to say this out loud without realizing the massive amount of hypocrisy at work?
>I didn't feel like other girls because I had male coded interests!>Understandable>So it was misogynistic to tell me that I'm not like other girls and I'm better for that>Yes, true>And also damaging to my process of realizing I'm actually a man because of the mentioned male-coded interests even though I JUST condemned gender-coded interests to be sexist and damaging to young girls!>Wait what????pic also related, another page from that comic. It's like she's trying her damndest to create a really bad example of a fetishtic trans person filled with internal misogyny to scare people off but it's apparently 100% serious.
No. 328030
>>328029>>328026Why all FtM on Tumblr are all like that, telling girls that they don't have to follow gender roles, but see themselves as men because of that very same thing. (Also they hate 'sexy women' art in media because it is objectifying, but somehow think that those 'are you nasty' or hot gay slash fanart is fine)
Can I just vent I'm so annoyed by them.
No. 328031
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>>328026Also from the Tapas page. It's crazy how they can acknowledge the basic feminism 101 but just… work so hard against it. The whole chain of logic just crashes when she says she resolved the issue by becoming a man. Actually what?
No. 328037
File: 1542792984887.png (42.86 KB, 849x297, 15yr.PNG)'m seriously worried about the age range of people in these subreddits. There's another 15 year old who commented on this post, and then there's a 32 year old commenting.
I skimmed through the users who commented and of course they have autism and some mention having conservative parents and repressing liking feminine things.
No. 328047
>>327913It's like me saying "wow periods are no joke" because i'm hungover. Yeah no. You can have cramps and nausea for a myriad of reasons and not just periods, shocker.
It reminds me of that TV trope when a woman in a show suddenly puking = preggo.
No. 328059
>>328052Sounds like he had Aspergers or was autistic. Most of these people do not how to act appropriately in different settings and just dress however they like as long as it's clothes.
I had a troon friend who had Aspergers who showed up to work in his uniform, but it was always covered in dust, wrinkled, or had dried up crusty liquid on it. He knew as long as it was his uniform, it was fine, but didn't get the part where it needed to look appropriately clean. He got fired shortly afterwards, even after getting yelled at by his boss a few times.
This is why most troons all dress like each other or characters, rather than developing a style that looks good with their body. They only know how to mimic.
No. 328073
>>328012lol the customer probably just thought he was retarded
>>328013>no visible feminine featuresGirl's probably 5'4" with a hairless babyface and child bearing hips lol. Also if I saw someone wearing a he/him pin id play ignorant and just refer to them with female terms for the meme
No. 328094
>>328030I really can't bring myself to experience the same hatred and disgust for FtMs that I harbor for MtFs because I know the place they're coming from, being a masculine woman, straight or gay, is tough as you don't have the same amount of say, beauty guru/actor/etc role models that effeminate gay men have. Most of them are just depressed young women who grew up being told that they're not like "other girls" and every trait of their personality was being underlined as "not female". It's especially tough if you're a lesbian and girls find you attractive, but always pick the man. Of course shit like this was going to happen. It honestly shouldn't surprise anyone that the girls who would've been just butch 10 years ago are now cutting their tits off and taking hormone injections as the TRA movement gained more traction.
I remember watching a documentary about some trans kid that straight out said that "ever since I was like 7 years old my friends told me that I'm not a girl so I kinda just went 'Well I guess I'm not a girl then'!". The mother was just nodding to her daughter's words. Then proceeded to froth at the mouth about how the medical professionals aren't letting her transition at age 12. It left me with my mouth hanging open. This story repeats with every fucking "transboi" I come across, one of them even had a history of witnessing their mother get violently killed in front of her, she even mentioned that "she wished to be a boy so she could've been able to protect her mom".
I'm just rambling but it breaks my heart to see girls take this road. Of course some of them are just mental cases who latch onto any trendy movement to be popular and they're the ones who photoshop topless photos to have a male chest and call everyone with TERF tendencies a "lesbian pedophile lusting after them". Those types can go straight to hell for all I care.
No. 328104
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>>328052>walking kind of hunched over with both of his hands balled up near his faceChrist, the mental image I'm getting from this sentence is too much
No. 328120
File: 1542817747411.jpg (74.92 KB, 860x484, image-1361800-860_poster_16x9-…)>This man found so many pictures of cross-dressing Nazi soldiers from WWII that he had just to further investigate the topic. [He published a whole book about it.]And from another article:
>Sometimes soldiers seem to be trying on what they found in the wardrobes of villages that were invaded by the Wehrmacht.So creepy.
No. 328123
>>327883>>328012I can't believe that I've lived long enough to see tans-"women" romanticize menstrual cycles.
Even the first period as a 13 year old is painful and anticlimactic.
No. 328129
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>>328104Don’t forget about the mask! I’m certain he was wearing one of these.
No. 328133
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I'm new to this thread and GC discussion but I find myself growing increasingly frustrated and mad at trans people trying to co-opt the ~female experience~ and women's movements. I never realized how sexist and nauseating trans ideas of what being a man or woman is. It's just gender roles with a pink, blue, and white ribbon on it. I used to be very supportive of trans people and the move toward inclusive housing, bathrooms, etc. But I can't say that I am anymore.
Anyway, never in my life with I say "menstruating people" fucking hell.
No. 328142
>>328134i'm sick of hearing about them getting "periods". it's a joke. no uterus, no period. end of story. it's purely and utterly delusional to think otherwise, and the fact that they pressure and manipulate people to go along with this stupid shit…
they'll make fun of our periods until they can find a way to magically change the symptoms and definition and take it for themselves, as with everything else. then we'll be just "the gross bleeding ones" or something.
No. 328144
>>320582>>320681It's fucking disgusting and the hypocrisy astounds me. The article says multiple times she no longer identifies as male and it came from PTSD due to sexual abuse. It says how she feels like a woman trapped inside a male's body… and yet they still call her "he".
So, a man who says he's a woman trapped in a male body because he ~feels like woman~ MUST have his wishes respected… but a woman literally trapped in a male body after she mutilated it in a misguided attempt to come to terms with her trauma gets called "he" still? I've seen how detransitioners get treated by trans people and their allies, so I'm not sure why I'm shocked tbh.
The writer of the article is a piece of shit.
No. 328148
>>328133What's the point of saying "men" and "women" anymore? For these people there's no distinction.
>>328134>Being a woman is unique to women. What makes a woman a woman is self-identification as a womanAnd what is a woman? This simple question can send "Leah" and its kind short circuiting.
No. 328152
>>328148>Being a woman is unique to women>What makes a woman a woman is self-identification as a womanso woman is just a meaningless word. woman is nothing and anyone can be a woman at any time for no reason. in that case wtf is even the point of identifying as a woman? itd be like saying i identify as a bandersnatch.
there is no logic to these people's thought process.
No. 328168
>>328134>>328148>>328152A woman is anyone who identifies as a woman which is anyone who identifies as a woman which is anyone who identifies as a woman [ad infinitum].
>>328142It won’t be long until they start claiming “transgirl periods” as the superior, sexy kind of periods and introduce new terms for actual menstruation that further diminishes women and reduces us to involuntary bodily functions. “Bleeders” is just the start. Be on the lookout for TIMs claiming that transgirl periods are better because there’s no bloody mess and their holes are open for business ALL month long ;))))
No. 328173
>>328168So the whole agenda is to eliminate what women are and how to define women. Women can be anyone! All you have to do is call yourself a women and bam! Youre in the club and death to all other "cis" women who dont bend to our will. God I pray this trend dies soon
Also, yeah, they already do. Some mtfs will claim theyre already better because they dont bleed like those nasty gross natal women ;) (despite desperately wanting a womb and periods and pregnancy) sour grapes runs deep.
No. 328232
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OC - this is so retarded I don't even know what to say.
>Just split people by skill level and everyone has fair competition.
Why are these loons so adamant about biological differences not existing? Also MUH TRANS STRUGGLE IS NOT ADVANTAGEOUS, oh fuck right off.
No. 328254
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>>328241>>328232Lest we forget about “Fallon Fox” vs Tamikka Brents; his fans were calling for Brents’ blood, which I can’t get a screenshot for as GenderTrender seems to be down.
Men should never compete in women’s sports.
No. 328311
>>328306>Certainly he should accept the consequences of his acts, that he rendered himself infertile through cosmetic hormone use.I don't like Blaire but you sound like anti-abortion idiots who say 'women who get pregnant need to accept the consequences of their actions (and be forced to have the baby)'.
We don't know if he's infertile. His doctor in the video wouldn't have said what he said if Blaire was infertile for sure. Just because you put yourself in a situation doesn't mean you can't do anything to change it. Like wtf.
No. 328312
>>328306>that clickbait titleLol
I believe in the video he says he’s been on hormones for around 3 years. Is it
really possible to gain fertility back after all that time? I’d have a hard time believing that. Can any anons weigh in?
No. 328313
>>328311Why not?
Gay males who identify as female cannot have bio children without exploiting impoverished, poor women.You're not a radical feminist if you think surrogacy is a legitimate option for gay/trans males. Accepting your homosexuality/dysphoria also means accepting its (physical) limitations. He just wants to play god for his own selfish desires.
No. 328316
>>328306What do you mean 'why not'? Sorry, could you tell me which sentence you're referring to with that?
I never said I supported surrogacy, I didn't even address that matter. You're acting like he doesn't accept the reality of his possible infertility situation. And he does. I watched the video and I don't think he necessarily will be paying a surrogate, but even if he did that's not what I'm talking about.
Me criticizing what you said about him is not the same as me supporting his potential decision to use a surrogate.
You are treating his infertility as a fact when it might not be and acting like he can't accept that he's infertile when in fact he might not be infertile. That's my only point.
No. 328330
>>328306What a stupid faggot. I imagine this will happen to a lot (if not all) trannies sooner or later. The regret that they mutilated a perfectly healthy body for …what?
I hope this moron doesn't reproduce though.
No. 328356
>>328248>>328245Isn't the whole idea of being trans that you ~feel~ like the other sex but you're trapped in the wrong body? You know, the wrong body that is GIVING YOU BIOLOGICAL ADVANTAGES
I love how troons see biological differences when it benefits them ("I need fake porn tits or I'll die!!!") but turn a blind eye and yell at others for seeing them when it doesn't benefit them and give them more victimization.
No. 328386
>>328311I don’t think this is a fair comparison. Pro-choice advocates have never denied that pregnancy is a potential consequence of having sex. Their stance is that forcing women to go through with unwanted or unviable pregnancies and denying them safe medical intervention is unethical. TRAs on the other hand are claiming that puberty blockers and HRT are completely reversible (see that Vox article) and actively downplay the sterilizing effect of HRT. They’re fighting for the “right” to chemically sterilize both children and adults, on the taxpayers’ dime to boot, but then they turn around and cry that they might not be able to have offspring? All critics of HRT are saying is “well yeah no shit” and that they’re not entitled to rent some poor woman’s uterus for 9 months just because they made a bunch of bad decisions. Women aren’t publicly accessible baby incubators waiting around to fix narcissistic men’s mistakes.
I think a better analogy would be women who get huge silicone breast implants and then when they find out they can’t breastfeed (and formula for whatever reason isn’t an option), play the victim and demand access to other women’s healthy breasts to feed their baby.
No. 328405
>>328386to be honest though, the woman who cant breastfeed and cant access formula would have a legitimate need for the milk or the baby will starve, meanwhile troons dont NEED children they WANT them, and are willing to explot vulnerable women to get what they want.
also, imagine being a child and having some agp tranny as your "mother".
No. 328407
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Jonathan Jessica Yaniv continues to file DMCA complaints and win them. He got this original artwork removed. It's more troubling that it was removed for copyright than for the usual bullshit reasons. Kiwi Farms thread is fourth in the search results for Jonathan Jessica Yaniv.>>326825Archive of Gallus Mag's response. No. 328440
>>328436Sadly I don't think it will ever blow up like, say, lobotomies did. I don't think we will reach a point where we look back and go "Wow can you believe we seriously did all that trans stuff? That was crazy."
But I do think we're going to hit a point where the whole mess starts being gently cycled back. Non-binary shit isn't going to last, for example. I give it five years before people start quietly retiring their non-binary identities and we stop hearing about it. I see us quietly going back to seeing trans people as basically cosplayers who should be treated with kindness and respect, but within reason. Like right now if a troon wants to barge into a woman's toilet with a full beard having never touched HRT in his life he can, and handmaidens will cheer him on. I don't think that is going to last. I see it going back to troons being allowed into the bathroom/changing room/other sexed space of their choice but only if they've put the effort in, with HRT and possibly surgery. The anything goes approach that troons are pushing for is eventually going to wear out its welcome.
No. 328476
>>328405Imagine being a
little girl and having some agp tranny as your "mother"…
No. 328478
>>328453Most media that does that is pandering so hard and it's beyond pathetic
>>328476It should be child abuse. Two men cant raise a child anyway, but especially a damn tr00n.
No. 328485
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>>328478WTF anon there's a big difference between two normal, mentally stable gay people raising a kid and a crazy self-mutilating troon raising a kid.
Just. Fuck you.
No. 328512
>>328137I wasn't GC either when I started coming to these threads. They will make you realize how fucked up the trans movement is real fast.
>>328436I do indeed think the world will hot peak trans and I don't think it's going to even take long. I live in an extremely progressive area where I've kept quiet about my views on trans people, but recently I've been slightly more open with a few of my friends about it and it was like the flood gates opened. I found out some of my friends who project themselves as allies are actually also gender critical in a lot of ways. I think a lot of people are just keeping it to themselves out of fear of backlash.
I've also noticed that the more exposure to the trans movement people have, the more they start to realize how sick these people are. When they start to learn about things like ~girl dick~ and fake periods, they start to understand that these people are fucking mentally ill.
The transmovement also demands way way waaay too much despite how new general acceptance to them is. Keep in mind that most states in the US would gladly shut this shit down if it weren't for federal regulations (although, those are also horribly sexist states sadly). Eventually they're going to take it too far in the public eye and people will start seriously having to think. It's already happening somewhat. People may be fine with bathroom use, but most people are absolutely horrified at the idea of putting children on puberty blockers. In fact, all nontrans people I've talked to IRL about this think it should be illegal.
One thing that also helps is how rabid they are to their allies. Everything you do is magically transphobic and you have to include trans people in EVERYTHING. You can only alienate your allies so much before they jump ship.
No. 328520
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>>328518kek go back to radfemblr, faghag
No. 328527
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>>328500When will
you realize
you're trash?
Gay men literally have nothing to do with us. Let them be happy and stay in your own fucking lane.
No. 328529
>>328523I hate to admit it but you're right, it is mostly women driving the troon validation wagon.
I don't understand why though. I hang out in a very libfem and handmaiden heavy circle and over half of them have admitted to me privately that they don't like troons very much and feel scared of being ostracized if they are anything other than perfect little cheerleaders.
No. 328541
>>328321>>328313… You guys seem to not understand how surrogacy works. Yeah, it CAN be exploitative, but if you go through an ethical agency (which most couples do) it's not. Surrogates through ethical agencies get paid 30k+ (on the low end) for a pregnancy and they usually don't allow women making under a certain amount to do it to avoid exploitation. The woman carrying the child also always has final say in all health decisions regarding the pregnancy and has the right to abort at any time within the legal limit. I have a friend who was a surrogate and she found the experience so fulfilling she plans on doing it two more times. She wasn't exploited at all. The way you guys talk about it makes it sound like the surrogates have no choice and it's some Handmaid's Tale shit or something.
That being said, there are people who do shit like pay impoverished women overseas like 2k for a pregnancy. That is abhorrent and absolutely should not be allowed.
No. 328542
>>328532how do you want me to say it, sarah?
>>328537I'm not a guy, I'm just aware that gay men are shit. they aren't allies and (white) radfems need to stop whipping out the #allmenexceptmuhgaybois card for them. I feel like all the gc women who do that are former libfems who retain a bit of that handmaidenry. they even excuse tranny shit when the trannies are actually gay, it's pathetic.
No. 328548
>>328542Most gay men support feminism though, and most gay icons are women. Generalizations about men aren't literal, you tard.
Non-troon gay men haven't done anything to us. You're clearly just using misandry as a veil for homophobia.
Anyway, kill yourself.
>>328523>>328529You wanna know why so many women are (in public) pro-troon? Check the OP:
>According to Funders for LGBTQ Issues (FFLI), funding specifically earmarked for transgender causes began rapidly increasing in 2012; by 2016 it outstripped the funding for gay, lesbian and bisexual combined (a total of $13.2m), at a cool $22 million total in funding, specifically earmarked for transgender causes.Because a popular consensus was artificially manufactured with tens of millions of dollars. And this money specifically targeted progressive, feminist, pro-women circles. Women support this for the same reason so many women supported gender roles - not because they made a genuine choice to, but because the message was browbeaten into them by wider society.
If you like, you can read up on past PR campaigns that are now in the public domain, like De Beers and diamond rings. That' the kind of thing that's going on today with "trans acceptance". Or Bernays and his "Torches of Freedom", if you want a specific example of men infiltrating and subverting feminism for their own scummy ends: No. 328558
>>328550Stop using "handmaiden" unironically you autist.
That retarded show doesn't even use that word correctly. Historically a handmaiden was just a female butler that tended to the lady of the house, similar to a chambermaid.
>>328555They think they're the only correct person on the planet and that they're the only "true" feminist, anon.
No. 328560
>>328541cool story sis, renting wombs and buying babies is still unethical.
What if the bio mother gets attached and heartbroken over having to handle over her child because the couple paid for it? What if years later the bio mom gets regrets and starts missing her child? etc.
You sound like the people defending prostitution and claiming it can be ethical too cause the women does it by her choice and only fucks people she would fuck anyway and gets money for that as a bonus. Barf.
No. 328564
>>328546[citation needed]
>>328554[citation needed]
>>328550Guilt by association fallacy.
>>328560What other women choose to do with their bodies isn't your business, anon. If a woman retains the right to an abortion, she also retains the right to be a surrogate. "What if the bio mother get heartbroken over aborting her child?"
Also, people who can't handle the baby being given away don't sign up to be surrogates. It's that simple.
No. 328571
>>328560>>328566Read this article: often view what they do as helping out couples in need, not as selling their wombs.
Like I said before, what other women choose to do with their uteruses is none of your business.
Also, sex workers literally use this site. Ask one of them about it.
No. 328576
>>328560>What if the bio mother gets attached and heartbroken over having to handle over her child because the couple paid for it? What if years later the bio mom gets regrets and starts missing her child? etc. That exact same argument can be used against adoption. Do you think voluntary adoption is unethical too? Also, it's a scientific fact that if it's not the surrogate's egg, they're not that likely to feel like the baby is ~theirs~ the same way as when the baby has their DNA, hence why almost no modern surrogacy agencies allow the egg to be from the surrogate. The surrogate understands what they're signing up for. They know from the start they have absolutely no claim to the child. If they regret the decision afterward, then that sucks for them, but "THEY MIGHT REGRET IT" is a terrible reason to ban something.
Women are adults with agency capable of making their own decisions. You're the one who wants to stop them from making said choices because you don't like them and don't think they're capable of making the right ones for themselves. That's the true "barf".
>>328564>>328571>>328572This so hard. No one is providing any actual reason why surrogacy is so wrong that it shouldn't be allowed. All they're doing is treating women like children incapable of making decisions about their bodies.
Anyway, we should probably stop derailing before the mods get annoyed.
No. 328586
>>328560>What if the bio mother gets attached and heartbroken over having to handle over her child because the couple paid for it? What if years later the bio mom gets regrets and starts missing her child? etc. That exact same argument can be used against adoption. Do you think voluntary adoption is unethical too? Also, it's a scientific fact that if it's not the surrogate's egg, they're not that likely to feel like the baby is ~theirs~ the same way as when the baby has their DNA, hence why almost no modern surrogacy agencies allow the egg to be from the surrogate. The surrogate understands what they're signing up for. They know from the start they have absolutely no claim to the child. If they regret the decision afterward, then that sucks for them, but they knew that going into it and "THEY MIGHT REGRET IT" is a terrible reason to ban something.
Women are adults with agency capable of making their own decisions. You're the one who wants to stop them from making said choices because you don't like them and don't think they're capable of making the right ones for themselves. That's the true "barf".
>>328564>>328571>>328572This. No one is providing any actual reason why surrogacy is so wrong that it shouldn't be allowed. All they're doing is hypocritically treating women like children incapable of making decisions about their bodies and pretending they're somehow so radically different from antichoice people using the same arguments.
No. 328587
>>328571There is absolutely no need for commercialised surragocy
If someone is truly desperate for a child they should adopt one of the many disenfranchised children, the only reason someone would want a surragote is because it’s their genes that they want to pass on rather than actually care for children
I would also like to point out that there’s quite a difference between commercialised surragocy, and say, your sister or a close friend offering to help you out and in return you make the ordeal of pregnancy/childbirth less stressful by taking full responsibility of finances
Not everything is ‘my choice so it’s okay’, not everything should be available for purchase
No. 328602
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>>328531>that spoilerUh-huh.
Are you that spergy K-pop stan from like 4 unpopular opinion threads ago?
No. 328610
>>328587How is adoption less exploitative than surrogacy??? That makes absolutely zero sense. In an adoption, you're dealing with a heartbreaking situation where a woman is pregnant with her own child that she's not in a place to take care of. A woman giving her her child up for adoption is infinitely more likely to regret it than a surrogate. Not to mention, there's a high likelihood the woman didn't choose to carry the child to term in the first place if you're in a state/country with restricted abortion access. With surrogacy, the woman is voluntarily signing up to carry a child for a couple. She's not a woman in a horrible situation where she has to hand over her own child to someone else because she can't take care of it.
>>328595No one is ignoring that fact and people have already stated that hiring impoverished women overseas shouldn't be allowed.
No. 328641
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>>328464The economy? I don't follow or I'm missing the context.
The majority of the parents are motivated by "what about the children?!" feels and are being brainwashed by TRAs and misled by profit driven entities that trooning their kids is what is in their best interest when we haven't even begun to witness the damage puberty blockers will cause.
So many parents are a tragically naive with a muddled understanding of gender (in the sociological sense) and feminism that makes them even more vulnerable beyond the fear that drives them. No. 328657
>>328133>That screenshotHas anyone else noticed that every time a TiM is speaking for transmen it's ALWAYS when they can belittle and take over femininity and natal women?
>>328436It's already begun in a way. Baby steps, but that's how everything begins. I believe that in 10 years tops we'll be thinking of this as some awkward phase that everyone wants to forget about. However the price that has to be paid are all the underage detransitioners who were fucked over by their munchie parents.
>Keep in mind that none of the men's bathrooms have been changed!Yep, that's how it always goes. It's always about doing everything at the expense of women. I hit my personal peak trans when I realized how inherently misogynistic the whole trans movement is. Just think about how much they achieved in just a FEW SHORT YEARS worldwide, and compare that to how many decades women have been fighting for their rights.
>>328516Someone in one of these threads said it best, you're better off refusing the first request because there's no last request. There will be no point when they will say "okay, we're satisfied now, thanks for all the help". There will always be more.
Also don't fucking reply to the obvious bait/false flagger shitting on gays and being violent.
No. 328662
>>328587You're still paying money for a kid that came out of someone else's vagina. The only difference is that the mothers of kids up for adoption experienced hardships that forced them to relinquish the kids.
Which is better to you, getting a kid from a woman who is stable and willing to give up the kid, or getting a kid from a meth head in jail who was forced to give up the kid?
Lmao paying for a surrogate is okay as long as it's your sister or friend? Having a third party like surrogate matchup companies helps regulate the process and make it more safe. They also screen women to make sure they are mentally able yo give up a kid after the birth.
No. 328664
>>328571No1 curr what ~sex workers~ have to say on how ethical commodifying (female) sexuality is. Go back to tumblr with this crap
>>328662How about adopting an underprivileged child instead of getting a designer babby cause you need to carry over your genes? kek
Surrogacy is selfish as fuck and comercialising uteruses will never be right. You just proved that it's all about getting the highest quality of a product which is an actual human being.
No. 328668
>>328664Ok cool, so getting a kid that was ripped from its mother's arms by cps is morally better to you than having a woman choose to give you her baby.
Reading your dumb crap makes me
want to be a surrogate just to spite you.
No. 328680
>>328673because people dont usually waste up to several hundred thousand dollars to concieve a baby naturally with their husband.
some mentally ill tranny shouldnt be raising children anyway, let alone having one themselves. i always cringe when i see some "uwu inspiring" article about an ftm having a child, especially when the person has already taken male hormones, as that can have a negative effect on the baby. i cant believe people are selfish enough to endanger the health of their child just because they want to pass on their genes.
>>328662 mean youve never heard of trannies going to thailand to get the surgery done?
No. 328683
>>328680I'm not saying troons should have kids, or that surrogates should be working with them.
I'm just saying that it's none of your fucking business and that women are going to be surrogates whether you like it or not, and there's nothing wrong with it.
I hope more people become surrogates and sell their white designer babies to gay couples! Suck on that.
No. 328718
>>328541renting out someones uterus and paying a woman to be a literal baby factory is still extremely unethical (literally and philosophically), whether or not the woman """consents"""". NO ONE is entitled to having kids.
I bet you're pro BDSM/prostitution too
(derailing) No. 328720
>>328573>>328571im a sex worker and I think that comparisons between sex work and surrogacy can absolutely be drawn. you people are complete morons who are incapable of understanding that the choices women make do not exist in an uninfluenced vacuum.
there is literally 0 need for surrogacy, the only argument is "b-but muh genetic line :(". no one is entitled to a child. genetic parenthood is not a right.
(derailing) No. 328750
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God what is it about men and not shutting up about their dicks… OK hon.
No. 328751
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>>328750They are such a sexist caricature of women. Nice lip fillers hon
No. 328752
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>>328751>>328750Sorry for the sperg but I'm big mad
No. 328753
>>328752Don't be, they're just attention starved perverts who are naive enough to think that the world cares about their first world problems.
Just let them chemically castrate themselves and just be glad you're not self obsessed to the point of madness, like these people are.
No. 328756
>>328751>>328750Hes going to age terribly.. yikes. How do they cope when they do? Will they detransition and realize its too late and theyve permenantly fucked up their only bodies for a trend? Was it really worth sterilizing yourself for incels to comment how much real women are less than you on your selfie
Do any one of these trans think of the future??
No. 328757
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>>328750>>328756>>328752Let the transfags enjoy their little dress up play time, all of these Trans thots you see will detransition back into beta men within a few years, just wait til the regret, depression and realization kicks in. Also the guys who say transwomen are better clearly never had sex with an actual woman, a fake caricature manwoman with a bacteria colony peengina is the best they're ever going to get.
No. 328895
>>328886Yeah i noticed that too. Their whole argument stood on
>ummm excuse me but transwomen ARE THE FANTASY VS WE DESERVE TO WALKThey're pornsick guys who believe that because some other closeted guy fapping to 'shemales' or anime traps on pornhub makes them desirable and the best choice to represent a fantasy. Not fit, hot women in cute lingerie.
But KEK the comments weren't nice. Ive seen a few agreed but there were plenty who called out their entitlement because VS is a private company they can do and choose who they want. More and more people arent buying the "trans needs to be represented everywhere" push.
No. 328922
>>328886VS is a fantasy. A fantasy FOR WOMEN, not men. The target audience is not chaser gay/bi men or trannies, it's women. No woman or girl actually dreams of becoming a tranny who needs to take pills and inject themselves just to look female, and either constantly have a dick hanging between their legs that they need to tuck, or a disgusting "nu vagina" that requires dilation.
The reason trannies latch onto VS is because we "cis" women look glamorous in it. It's a fantasy of
us they've been chasing, not shemale porn. They wouldn't touch the brand with a ten foot pole if your typical r/transpassing or AGP hon made up the model lineup, or even the few trannies who pass, because that wouldn't be "authentically female" enough to them. They'd complain about being delegated to "the tranny brand". They'd see it as a mark of shame, because they know in their hearts that they're not women.
If I'm wrong, and they truly are women, maybe GG and Stef should start their own lingerie brand, and team up with Bailey Jay and Blaire White while they're at it. Why can't they do it themselves? If they're their own fantasy, it should be no problem representing and supporting themselves.
No. 328935
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I found it amusing my antenatal record had a checkbox for male/female, as if males getting pregnant was even an option.
No. 328993
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Misgendering or deadnaming a trans person is now against Twitter terms of service
No. 329021
>>329004>>328017That sounds super insulting especially to actual women who have breast cancer surgery and had their nipples removed to get rid of all the cancer… Most of these women get nipple tattoos by skilled artists, but they have to do that to save their lives.
This actually pisses me off.
No. 329025
>>328094Ftms piss me off because they feel like traitors to their own sex. They feel as if they can't be 'strong' without pretending to be a male. Or they can't have a determined or aspiring personality without being male.
It's like they think liking video games, being physically strong or have courage is a male only trait and it's really pathetic and sad.
No. 329027
>>328752The tr00ns trend will die down. No real man wants a tr00n unless they're a faggot and no real woman cares about a tr00ns feelings. There are more moderates out there than extreme Lefts and we're just waiting for this shit to blow over.
Real women will always be better than a smelly ass, hairy tranny with a festing hole and plastic bolt ons.
No. 329028
>>328915>>328917I hate how their whole idea around women is shoes and makeup teehee!
I rarely wear makeup and my tits are so small I fucking hate the feel of bras anyway. VS has a certain look and brand, and although I am not interested in their clothes or lingerie, I respect them as a company to choose the models and have whatever image they like. Troons are up in arms about not being chosen even though they are apparently such a 'fantasy' yet there's plenty of normal, non bra wearing bio girls who just watch the show for fun.
I'm not a girly girl, but I enjoy watching it every year. I feel like Gigi was salty because she's that narcissistic that she felt she could worm her way into the show.
Just like how the dumb bitch prances into a middle eastern country and expects to not be discriminated against.
The entitlement honestly.
No. 329029
>>329028They want so badly to be validated it's pathetic. I imagine VS will have plus-sized models walking down the runway before a trans.
I think it's funny that they always want to attach themselves to super sexy stuff like VS, but you never see troons clamoring to be photographed for Lane Bryant or Sears. They don't want visibility, they want objectification.
No. 329061
>>329023The only reason why video games were considered a boy hobby in the late 80's and 90's was because when Nintendo was launching the NES they couldn't put it in the electronics section due to the traumatizing video game crash that ruined the whole market's reputation. Instead they picked toy section which was tightly divided into boy and girl sections so they had to choose which gender they would market it to. It's the only fucking reason despite them being popular with girls alike before the crash. Imagine basing your gender identity on marketing ploys.
>>329059It's a shame that the only media outlets writing about this stuff are sites like the Federalist you can't really link to any "progressive" people because they'll just dismiss it as hateful alt-right propaganda. Shouldn't cosmetic double mastectomies on women be traditionally performed after receiving long-term testosterone treatments anyway? These kids' bodies are still developing, I can't imagine the damage these quack doctors are doing.
No. 329070
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>>328013>>328017>>328022>>328026i feel like those panels about binding say everything about ftms. but yeah, no internalized misogyny at all.
No. 329074
>>329070Off topic but images like these make me feel angry. Angry because I live in a country where it's hard to transition and I don't have the money for it, but if I could I'd 100% do it.
I'm tired of being hurt and abused for being born this way.
No. 329088
>>329074Seek therapy pls anon… if you had not already
>>329083Exactly, I assume what she meant is 'i feel like I can do anything now that I feel like myself' but it reads like man > woman, male > female
No. 329090
>>329070That's so sad. If you feel like your boobs are holding you back, I'm going to have to assume that your experiences have been really shitty so far.
>>329074Hey, how old are you? Don't fuck up your body just because people shit on you for being female.
No. 329096
>>329088I have. Therapy doesn't stop people from treating me badly because I have this body
>>329090I'm 20. What am I supposed to do then? Activism will change how people treat the next generations of girls, if anyone, not me.
No. 329118
>>329074Don't fuck you your body anon.
Cutting off your tits and taking thigh flesh sausage sewed onto your vulva will not make your a man, you will be still he female no matter what.
You will be fucking up your body for who? Males who don't matter.
Don't fuck up your body. You will regret and you can never change your sex
No. 329152
Not trying to derail but I would be very thankful if any of you that struggled with this would tell me what steps to take to feel better
>>329099>Fuck the haters and become awesome, obviouslyI try, but whenever I get talked over, dismissed, harassed or someone pushes my boundaries just because I'm a woman I lose the will to do anything
>Don't for a minute think that just because you take hormones and cut off your boobs men are going to accept you I don't want men to accept me, I just don't want to be the focus of their sexual desire anymore. I want to be treated neutrally by them, not acknowledged
>the most common reason for why men have a problem is us, is that they hate how much power we have over them.I hate that as much as they do, it's not my fault that they're wired that way.
>>329101This is just not true. Of course I'd still have all of my other problems, like everyone, but I wouldn't have the "woman" bagagge anymore. No one treats men badly just for being men in real life.
>>329106>>329126Only the people I already know would recognize me, but the health problems are something to consider.
>>329118I don't want a fake penis or to change my sex, I just want men to leave me alone.
No. 329163
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>The tr00ns trend will die downIt's not merely a trend when it's being legislated and codified.
I'm assuming you're simply inattentive or naive and not a troll.
No. 329179
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>"If a MtF wants to fuck me am I allowed to refuse?"
No. 329182
>>329152I don't think your therapist is doing a very good job if you still struggle with being a woman so much (maybe you are not telling them the whole truth…? Or maybe they suck at their job, idk). You should seek radical feminist/lesbian communities online and irl and take comfort in other women's strenght.
You will never become a man, you will be a weird in between for most people and you will fuck up your help.
Maybe I am projecting cause as a twenty year old victim of abuse I had similar thoughts as you, but shit got better and I am so glad I just toyed with the idea of going trans and never made serious steps toward transitioning.
No. 329214
>>329152>I just don't want to be the focus of their sexual desire anymoreYou can't. FtMs are still perceived as women, and get their fair share of fetishizers. I would post the link if I still had it, but somebody once posted a Tumblr blog about transmen receiving creepy DMs on Grindr. I remember a guy asking one of them if he could "fuck him in the pussy".
Once a woman, always a woman.
I've been there, anon. I was uncomfortable with me being a woman, wanted to cut my hair short, changed my pronouns… nowadays I'm a feminine looking lesbian who's actually proud of being a woman, and thankful that in my country you can't just go and change your sex. We don't need to change anything, because it wouldn't work anyway. Men will always acknowledge you, but you don't have to acknowledge them.
You should probably switch to a therapist who's actually good at handling BDD and low confidence, because there's the key. Also yeah, quoting the other anon who replied, maybe seeking radfem communities could also help, but it starts with you.
>>329179I don't usually speak like that, but this is one of the rare cases where I would actually tell someone to commit sudoku
No. 329220
>>329214 my post due to typo, it did not save and I am too lazy to type again but ftm should not go on grindr just as mtf should keep the fuck out of lesbian only apps
does not justify bi/straight men creeping on them tho
No. 329244
>>329240The shit about how you don't have to touch the dick is so common and so annoying too.
Like first of all every woman alive knows it's just a line. It's like "Just the tip" or "I'll just put it in and then take it out right away." It's a lie.
But even if it wasn't a lie, maybe I want to be able to interact with my partner's genitals without being disgusted? Maybe I don't want to lie there starfishing and pretending the massive veiny elephant in the room isn't there?
No. 329247
>>329152You will still get the same treatment. Men are dominant. They are dominant towards themselves.
Maybe OT, but my boyfriend is short and has a very soft stature compared to a majority of other men. He gets teased all the time by taller, skinnier, and stronger looking men and it makes him very self conscious about his own appearance and suicidal at times. He always expresses his wishes to be born a tall skinny white guy because of how much better they're treated by other men and women.
Like another anon said, FTMs are still seen as women. Those stories about those FTMs who can pass are one in a million, that's why the same handful of ones are tossed around social media all the time because it's so rare, it's not realistic. You're still going to be desired by men. They don't care. On top of that, even if you let them know you're trans, you're just gonna get an influx of fetishists who want to "experiment" and use you like an accessory for their self fulfillment.
I spent a few years rejecting all forms of femininity to try to escape sexism. I called myself agender, used they/them pronouns, cut my hair short, and only wore unisex clothing. I wanted everybody to know me as myself and not a female. It did nothing, but stress me out even more and I also got a fair share of fetishists.
I know it may be difficult for you, but please understand transitioning will only draw attention to you being female even more and create further stress.
If you are able to, drop as much friends who talk about trans activism. It will bring a weight off your shoulders.
No. 329259
>>329152You know there is a thing where men seek out ftms and pretend they’re “gay” and pander to the ftm for an easy fuck, happens a lot with conventions I guess
Ftms are just vulnerable women to them
Transitioning won’t stop men I’m sorry to say
No. 329263
>>329059>Parents report such outbreaks usually followed “binge-watching” of YouTube transition videos and excessive use of other social media that affirm and advocate transgenderism.Maybe youtube was onto something when they started to flag trans vids
>>329163Its a trend that so many are on board with trans everything. The trend will die down and people will be more vocally opposed without caring to be labeled a transphobe or terf because those slurs hold no weight. Calling out the hypocrisy and violence of trannies will be more popular since they ARE violent (kill all terfs/transphobes/forcing people to have sex with them) while needing to be coddled for being only misgendered. Enough has to be enough you know?
>>329179…enough is fucking enough. Responding to another anon above and i hated reading this.
>dont ask and dont refuseJesus. Trannies want to rape women and then blame lesbians for not liking dick. More of this shit need to be aired out. No wonder theyre incels and cry about not getting dates
No. 329284
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>>329265It’s so fucking bizarre and worrying how platforms like Wordpress and Twitter go out of their way to censor women and protect sexual predators. I have a hard time believing that a significant part of their userbase asked for these rule changes, so it’s more likely that the order came from the top down. Shareholders?
Anyway, here’s one lovely response to Graham’s tweet:
>cutesy anime avatarcheck
No. 329287
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>>329284CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK cheeeeeeck!
>Joined June 2018>10.9k tweetsbig ol' fat checkmark. their feed is just dozens of overused memes. it's so pathetic. He's just trying to be one of the Special Boys.
No. 329315
>>329270Troons pushing for a get-out-of-jail-forever card because theyre trans. They can rape you, molest kids, murder and anything else really. But nothing should be done, nobody cant bring it up, everyone should ignore it against because… theyre trans.
The victims were probably transphobic altright bigots anyway right girls uwu #killallterfs /s
This movement needs to end, companies need to stop pandering and governments need to stop letting the patients run the asylum. A while when I had FB, I saw comments from sickfucks on an article talking about tras and the lgbt, pushing for pedophilia to be in the LGBT because
>kids are aware of their bodies at a young age to be trans! >they can consent to sex too! No. 329329
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can nonbinary-identified people exist in a valid sense or is it just a cop-out from gender no matter how you look at it? the arguments i see for NB identities are always “intersex people exist!!” which is disgusting and throws intersex people under the bus for their agenda imo or “other cultures have third genders!!!!” which more often than not is some really weird transphobic/homophobic shit used to oppress GNC people in that culture. i have a close friend who is super fucking devoted to being NB and i want to respect her existence but it’s just such an obvious self hatred over being born a woman and being subject to misogyny lol. what a fucking wack-ass imaginary argument for it to have this much internet clout. postmodernism needs to be put down. sage bc i’m a little drunk and i’m not sure how much sense this post makes haha
No. 329333
>>329329Enbies are retarded just like troons for the simple fact that if man/woman is not a feeling, being "none of them" is even less (and dumber).
NB loons usually present as guys with makeup and girls with a pixie cut (and girly clothes). That's pretty telling.
No. 329435
>>329263My point is that it won't blow over because it will be supported by the government. Undoing laws is infinitely more difficult than passing them. Self ID, in its various forms in various countries, will validate the delusions of subsequent generations and be the basis for even more laws that deny biological reality and court actions that silence anyone who dares to question the gender narrative.
Departments of the US federal government now find themselves in the position of needing to define "sex" when its definition as being biological was always agreed upon before. But self ID is a state matter, and more and more states are conflating sex and gender identity. Some are allowing people to identify as neither male nor female.
And now that the World Health Organisation has reclassified gender incongruence as a sexual disorder rather than a psychiatric disorder, society will be under even more pressure to accommodate self ID legally.
No. 329487
>>329315>The victims were probably transphobic altright bigots anyway right girls uwu #killallterfs /sThis sounds hyperbolic but I’ve seen it happen with a distant acquaintance of mine. She was a young (~17 year old) lesbian pressured into her first ever relationship with a non-op TIM and apparently tried to put off sex with him for a long time, until he forced her. When she confided in her friends about how traumatic this was for her they said that the only reason she didn’t consent in the first place was because of transphobia which is not a valid reason to say no, so technically it wasn’t really rape. I’m practically a stranger to the girl in question but the rumours of her “transphobic rape claims” against the poor oppressed TIM (who I’ve mentioned in these threads before because he’s an abusive piece of shit who for some reason gets coddled by people I know) still got back to me through the grapevine. Last I heard, she’s still with him. They’ve apparently convinced her that she was just confused and needed to re-evaluate her sexuality and feelings towards his female penis.
I’m not in the UK but when news of the Rotherham child sexual abuse sandal broke, I saw a lot of so-called woke people online insinuate that the white victims were all probably racist anyway and they only felt bad for the Pakistani victims, if the latter were acknowledged at all. So many people pay lip service to feminism and women’s rights but as soon as the male perpetrators can claim to conveniently be part of an oppressed minority, the female victims suddenly don’t matter and probably deserved it. They’ll still scream about victim blaming when it’s convenient for them, though. It’s disgusting.
No. 329490
So most trannies in western countries are super creepy and annoying at best and flat out trying to destroy women’s rights at worst, but what do you guys think about trannies in other countries, or trannies that aren’t SJW pornsick freaks?
I live in Japan and last week I was riding the train and clocked a 40-45y/o tranny sitting across from me. He was a bit harder to clock than these western troons but I could still tell from the brow/jaw area especially. However he was dressed actually decently, nice cardigan over a blouse and knee length skirt, black opaque tights, classy heels, nice bag, looked generally clean and well put together. A world of difference from most western troons who make themselves look like blow up dolls with massive lips, boobs, and mini skirts with leather chokers cat ears and fishnets or whatever. Plus greasy hair and bad makeup, or facial hair.
I didn’t feel as much disgust/fear towards him as I normally feel towards trannies bc he actually looked like he was just trying to blend in and live his life not shove it in everybody’s face.
No. 329537
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>>325783Meghan Murphy's Twitter account has been suspended for misgendering Jonathan Yaniv. Dave "Danielle" Muscato is crowing about his achievement. No. 329581, after reading this article. What is the truth I'm unironically confused. They say they need all these surgeries and hormones and it was make them happy, or at least ease the pain, but then they say "but it still probably won't make me happy but I'm doing it anyway".
And what is with the bit where she mentions her doctor father supporting it. Why bring it up?Does he even work in that field of medicine?And what did you think how he was going to view this, remember the era that he grew up in?
Whenever they say I want to "pass" I feel like it's not they want to look like a women but instead they want to look like a gorgeous/beautiful/their ideal. And if they don't look like whatever female they aspired to be it's chaos. Why don't they admit they don't want to be female, they just want to look like an attractive female without any of the struggles or supporting women.
No. 329582, after reading this article. What is the truth I'm unironically confused. They say they need all these surgeries and hormones and it was make them happy, or at least ease the pain, but then they say "but it still probably won't make me happy but I'm doing it anyway".
And what is with the bit where she mentions her doctor father supporting it. Why bring it up?Does he even work in that field of medicine?And what did you think how he was going to view this, remember the era that he grew up in?
Whenever they say I want to "pass" I feel like it's not they want to look like a women but instead they want to look like a gorgeous/beautiful/their ideal. And if they don't look like whatever female they aspired to be it's chaos. Why don't they admit they don't want to be female, they just want to look like an attractive female without any of the struggles or supporting women.
No. 329586
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WoLF, the owners of Gender Identity Watch, are suing Wordpress. : It has been brought to our attention that Wordpress change their terms of service page, sometime after the 16th of November. Here are the terms of service as archived the 17 Nov 2018 18:24:07 UTC.'s the same page, as archived the 21st of Nov 2018 21:58:10 UTC. hope WoLF's lawyer is paying attention, as the WoLF operated blog was taken down the 16th of November. Oh Wordpress, you dun goofed.
No. 329587
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Anons should go read Lily Maynard's blog and save their favorite Snowflake Book covers before they disappear, too. No. 329588
>>328993>non-consensual slurs T-T
>>329025They have really internalised the idea that only males can have subjectivity and because they have subjectivity they assume it means they have a male "soul". Which directly suggests that they believe all the women around them who don't transition have no subjectivity or inner lives.
No. 329598
>>329592Well said.
I am going to start a twitter account and terf out, that's a start.
No. 329599
>>329152(sorry for double posting) Im the reidentified woman who just replied to your other comment. I've found being outwardly butch in the way I dress and present- I don't wear makeup, I have short hair, I dress in very androgynous or men's clothing- has made me nearly invisible to men and its fucking amazing. I dress a bit punk too (like 80s punk, think heavy boots and ripped jeans covered in patches and oversized t shirts from nasty mondo movies) so I try actively to make my look say even more "STAY AWAY" and it largely works. Once in a while a man will try me and I'll either ignore him or tell him to fuck off (also stopped artificially raising my vocal pitch for men) and they do. I'm loud and I take up space and I'm not afraid.
Of course, I get shit on for not being feminine, but more by other women than men (mostly just stuff like "why don't you wear makeup anon you'd be so pretty!" and "you should grow out your hair you look mannish with it short" and shit like that). I also carry a pocket knife or box cutter with me all the time and it makes me feel so much more confident, I know if a man harasses me I can protect myself (I do martial arts as well which I've found to be genuinely empowering).
No. 329613
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Can we go back 25 years and have a do-over of third wave feminism?
No. 329645
>>329599>also stopped artificially raising my vocal pitch for menI want to unlearn this behavior so badly! How did you manage it?
I guess I learned to be a whiney little girl cliche as a kid and I can't kick the habit, my voice is naturally low around my friends but I hate the way it jumps up to politely rebuff men when they catcall. I know it's a type of survival mechanism when you're alone in a dark street, but I don't want it anymore.
No. 329648
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Seen on tumblr, shared by a mutual… who's a lesbian. The handmaiding is strong in this one
No. 329652
Anyone have any pic ideas for the next thread?
>>329644 I feel you anon. Back when I was engaging with bdsm, I'd always feel disgusted and ashamed as soon as the climax started to fade away. It wouldn't have even ended yet, it would have reached its peak and started to wind down. The disgust I felt with myself in those few seconds was almost as intense a feeling as the orgasm itself. I used to lean submissive and radical feminism really helped me to get over it, but now I've started getting into the dominant role in gentle femdom which isn't exactly healthy either, but it's a lot less extreme and I feel a lot less shitty about it.
No. 329654
>>329645Its something I really had to actively work on. I didn't just use it for men either, I used it around all strangers and anyone in authority too, because its a submission thing and I was (and am!) terrified of being assertive or coming off as aggressive.
I started with small things like dropping it for just the bus driver, then dropping it when I ordered food or bought clothes, etc etc. I couldn't drop it with everyone right away and the hardest was definitely unlearning it for authority. I still struggle with it and slip up when I'm really anxious but it's a lot easier to just speak normally now. Working on my social anxiety in therapy was useful too, cause it helped with the thoughts behind the need to appeal to and be passive/submissibe toward people.
No. 329673
>>329537Jonathan Yaniv, who still uses his real male name on many social media and claimed fear of being “outed” as trans as the reason why he had to stay anonymous during the lawsuits. Wouldn’t using female pronouns for him on such a public platform as Twitter also count as “outing” him? I’d argue that Meghan was just respecting the boundaries that he himself set~
>>329582Yeah they never want to look like a female version of themselves, they want to look like a hot young sex kitten or anime character. See also all the middle aged TIMs who call themselves “girls” and always dress like colourblind teenagers on their first night out clubbing, never like middle aged women.
No. 329679
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>>329672Very (pleasantly) surprised to find this critical comment being upvoted, especially since the pro-trans comments are getting thousands of upvotes and all other critical or even just confused comments are in the negative.
Also I don’t know a single actual woman who refers to her own genitals with the word “cunt”, though I suppose it may be an Australian or Scottish thing or something.
No. 329757
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No. 329812
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never heard of zombieland saga, it's some anime. but within the past couple of hours i've seen nothing but shilling of this anime. you know why?
one of the characters is a 12 year old male who has a female persona named lily.
and of course the official english twitter is catering to these people. the japanese staff haven't confirmed anything regarding lily. even japanese fans of the show are confused.
No. 329845
>>328529>>328559Women are raised to be empathetic to the point where we put ourselves at harm. Plus also the fact that if a 6 foot dude in a dress wanted to beat us up for looking at him weirdly in a bathroom, or for any other imagined offense to his fantasy, he absolutely could. I only keep my mouth shut about these issues because troons can and will get violent and I'm small.
>>328757Absolutely this. As much as it frustrates me in the meanwhile, they will always live in the shadow of biological women. They can stew in their salt over the fact that they just have a rotting hole in their body and the only men into them are probably anime trap fetishing fags.
No. 329903
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>>329812that account is official as fandom urls with official in it
though the crunchyroll/horriblesubs translation of the episode was really biased with their wording with certain scenes
tumblr anime fans call every trap trans even if theyre just male characters who like to wear womens clothes and thats that
japan probably doesnt even care about trans issues
No. 329993
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>>329957Do you feel this way about Miranda Yardley who is regularly welcomed to speak at GC events?
Pic related excerpted from No. 329996
>>329812>>329903Why do SJW weebs never get past Google Tranlslate level Japanese? 男の娘 is otoko no ko. A play on words since otokonoko means boy and the kanji 娘 means daughter. It is literally a name nerdy Japanese crossdressers chose for themselves and it stems from the trap fandom. It’s a straight up fetish in and anime trope with the focal point being the character IS a boy. It has nothing to do with trans representation.
>>329823Yeah, it’s true. Actual trans people are treated like a joke, comedian or alien. Trans women are not considered the same as women at all in Japan. Even when the pretty ones get on variety shows and are praise for being cute, the hosts will constantly talk about how the guest was a boy and show pictures of them presenting as male. I’ll never understand why trans weebs imagine Japan is more accepting of them.
No. 330047
I hope this Jonathan Yaniv thing continues to attract attention and that more “brave, stunning” predators like him are outed for what they are. My libfem friends are all still convinced that This Never Happens, that blatantly misogynist/predatory posts online are all made by trolls to make trans people look bad, that gendercritical feminists are just being overdramatic and making things up, etc. Apparently some people really need to have their nose rubbed in it before they see the truth and I hope this helps with that.
>>329715This. The true hard-to-swallow pill here is that they’ve spent all that time and energy caping for people who hate us and are actively trying to censor us and dismantle our rights. I WISH trans ideology were harmless and won’t affect my life, but I know that’s not true.
>>329996Weebs always think Japan would be more accepting of them than whatever culture they’re currently living in. It’s kind of fascinating, actually.
No. 330198
>>330191It's interesting, in my experience when MtFs are bad they're really bad. You rarely get one who's a bit of an ass but otherwise OK. The bad ones are always cluster B nightmares, with some pedophilia or rapist histories thrown in.
And then, yes, you have normal ones who are just like any other decent person, except they're trans. There just doesn't seem to be any in between though.
No. 330255
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>transphobic lesbians, aka people who wont date you
how is trans not the new homophobia?
No. 330269
>>330191All of my personal experiences with MTFs are awful. I feel like they are really openly sexist gay men larping as women. They dont seem to understand a thing about growing up as a woman or the female biology while they're at it.
they legit think (at least the ones i met at cons..sadly) that putting on lipstick and wearing long hair = female. that's it. And even then, their understanding of being a woman is zilch. A man will always be a man.
No. 330323
>>329487>which is not a valid reason to say noThis is what pisses me off with their cotton ceiling bullshit. Saying no is always "valid". Not wanting to have sex with a person is a good enough reason to not have sex with them.
Making someone have sex with you to be "morally right" screams of corrective rape. It's the same logic used. "You're not conforming to how I want you to behave sexually, so you'll be fucked until you give in."
No. 330523
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i never actually had a bad experience with these kinds of people before until recently where my friend- an actual dysphoric lesbian- got into a spat with a non-dysphoric “they/them” ftm asshole over something as trivial as shipping/characterization in a fucking fujo groupchat (lol). they were rude and infantile as fuck, referred to their mother as a cunt for daring to misgender them in the past, threw a giant shitfit when my friend didn’t walk on eggshells around their tantrum-throwing ass by suggesting trans people have gender dysphoria and essentially turned the entire group against her bc they felt victimized bc someone dared disagree with them and that automatically makes that person transphobic :(((
i don’t have a problem with trans people by default but why are so many non-dysphoric retards giant narcs? how do they function in real life without getting triggered into a coma?
No. 330544
>>330537Wish they'd put the same effort in shutting down actually hateful websites like MRA and Stormfront… Ah, wait. They don't. Just like they spend their energies REEEEEEing at lesbians who won't date them and radfems for having a different opinion instead of, you know, spending that hate and violence on the men who actually kill trannies.
Inceldom will be the death of troons.
No. 330549
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>>330548>rather than actual homophobes, sexists, and racists.Why would they feel threatened by their own lol. Troons are among some of the most homophobic, racist and sexist people going.
They are threatened by women because they see women as their competition and think that plastic surgery makes them women. Its really pathetic when you think about it.
No. 330645
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No. 330690
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>>330652I mean that's not even the worst one. r/transpassing is the gift no one wanted
No. 330692
>>330680I wonder if anyone's ever tried to use their own logic and worldview to expose the horror of the cotton ceiling concept in a different way:
example (not my actual opinion): The cotton cieling concept is
problematic because it implicitly places cis lesbians higher on the hierarchy of desire than trans lesbians. By focusing on rejection from cis lesbians, the implication is that being with a cis lesbian is more valid and more highly prized than an equally validt wlw relationship with another transwoman! This comes from internalized transphobia that many able-bodied, white (no citation needed) trans women practice in an attempt to climb the hierarchy of gender set up by the white patriarchy. In order to dismantle this toxic institution we must destroy the idea that cis lesbians are more desirable than trans lesbians and actually emphasize trans women as the most desirable partner for trans women!!!"
I feel a little sick now lmao
No. 330727
>>330680WHAT? I'm a lesbian and was thinking of enrolling right in that university… the fuck. How is something like this even allowed?
Guess I'll go to Berlin instead
>>330721Disgusting. I unironically want people like him to kill themselves, sorry for the a-log but when you're advocating for rape you deserve no less
No. 330739
>>330721Incredible. It's so bad it would make the average dudebro blush and say "c-come on bro that's a little far." This is so unsustainable for them.
>be transwomen>regularly beat and called names, everyone makes jokes about how undesirable and ugly you are>eventually rightly convince everyone that this is cruel and a human rights violation>average person treats you better, fewer beatings, some people even compliment you and say you look good>never had a compliment before >never had social power before>so inexperienced with compliments you convince yourself that people actually think you're better looking and sexier than a real woman>so beta and underpowered that you think the world and all women should cater to you>call women "cuntscum" and go full fascist>jordan peterson, magdalen berns, and other charismatic individuals point this out to their various audiences>everyone slowly starts to hate you and call you names again as a retaliationreally nice job lads. it hasn't even been a decade and you've botched your own civil rights movement. better luck next time?
No. 330752
>>330739samefag but say what you want about the decline of feminism into the current libfem mess, but feminism doesn't even touch the level of botchery that transwomen have crafted for themselves. Even against all odds, even against the full wrath of the patriarchy, even despite there being billions of women with diverse goals and opinions, feminists have managed to create something marketable enough to be politically significant and widely embraced for many decades! Even with the constant cries of misandry, there haven't been enough insane and violent misandrists to snuff out pop feminism forever. Even despite liberal femininism's major shortcomings, it's still much more common for the average first world person to believe that women have basically equal potential to men and deserve basic rights, than to have extreme pre-feminism views. That's nothing to sneeze at.
Transactivists, on the other hand, despite having male privilege on their side, despite being much smaller in number and therefore easier to organize, have managed to put out such extreme and vocal vitriol against their own allies, that they may soon reverse any progress they've made towards public acceptance.
I reckon women are much better diplomats, better at negotiating and compromising, better at understanding where our adversaries are coming from. Doing any of that makes most males uncomfortable, it's all or nothing and might makes right! Except that doesn't work when you're a small, underpowered group trying to get society to give you more power.
No. 330773
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>>330549lmao at the super edited photo. Why bother when everyone's seen what he really looks like?
No. 330786
>>330692this doesn't even resemble their logic. If you think you're being clever, please know that you aren't.
TRAs wouldn't agree that the cotton ceiling implicitly places cis lesbians higher on the hierarchy of desire than trans lesbians. They would say they 'focus on cis lesbians rejecting trans women because it's caused by those cis lesbians transphobia and they're fighting transphobia in general. After all, a lesbian is a woman attracted to other women so if you call yourself a lesbian, and you truly believe trans women are women, you wouldn't reject one for being trans.' Some also believe transwomen are female so they would also fight against people saying 'I'm a homosexual female so I don't want to fuck males'.
No. 330815
>>330786OK how about the old guilt-and-shame tactic they love so much: Honestly terfs can all die in a fire for all I care and I love to see my trans sisters calling out terfs on their transphobic faux-lesbian bullshit but why is it that the terfs you guys RT and call out always happen to be white and thin?! It's almost like some of y'all can't help but reinforce colonial beauty standards. you thought we wouldn't notice that you able-bodied thin wealthy white trans women are focusing all your emotional labor on able-bodied thin cis lesbians?! Then I see that half of your girlfriends are thin white cis lesbians and I put two and two together. It's almost like white trans gals are looking for an excuse to favor white cis AFABs instead of focusing on TWOC. It's good that you're calling out terfs but ask yourself if you're spending the same amount of energy on uplifting and caring for your sisters. Shame on you for spending your energies on nasty ass fish terfs instead of the
TW who actually deserve it. You need to do better.
Lol this is difficult. It's so obvious that the goal isn't actual justice or equality, but dominance and revenge, so even trying really hard to use their formats makes my terfiness apparent.
No. 330940
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>>330938I know people make fun of /lgbt/ and call it /tttt/ but holy shit I didn't think it'd be this bad. Literally every thread is about TiMs enabling each others' delusions and posting anime lolis. They hate women so much they're constantly raiding the one FTM thread too.
No. 330955
>>330777I know him irl, looks like your average fat reddit trans with balding greasy hair. 'cute nerd' clothes. Describing himself as autogenephillic. Whether it is ironic or not. Post memes on Facebook.
Said that he'd be trans anyway even without societal influence.
The thing is, he seems a bit on the sane side and more open to discussion. Open for criticism and seems like a transmed at least. So judge on your own accord.
No. 330991
>>330529Same. Some people aren't attracted to me and that's fine. Some people may even not be attracted to me for dumb reasons but that's even better, cause it's a bullet dodged.
No idea what trannies are trying to achieve with bullying people into dating them. Peens or vaginas aren't an acquired taste. All it's gonna do is that people are gonna give out excuses like "Yeah sorry no I'm not feeling it" but let's be honest, there's no way on earth trans can change most people sexual orientation. It's not gonna happen. The people who didn't mind still won't mind and the people who do are just gonna keep dating who they want.
No. 331011
>>330940Ah, /tttt/. Once in a while I drop by just to gently remind them they are - and always will be - beta fugly mentally ill men. They probably cry themselves to sleep, but hey.
No. 331068
>>330968See pic related
>>331063KF has got him pretty thoroughly doxed and dragged.
No. 331080
>>331079>>331076Feel free to bump the /cow/ thread, god knows the board could use some quality discussion to offset the youtube drama bullshit.
>>331071False DMCAs probably.
No. 331089
I'm still kinda rattled at my friend being like "you wouldn't have any scars if you had top surgery xD" a few years ago when aidenism really peaked
why is it ok to 'misgender' "cis" people
No. 331105
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Does anyone have the impression that being transphobic is now considered the worst thing ever, even worse than racism?
I've seen multiple facebook groups saying "No transphobic people/terfs allowed" in their bio, just transphobic. Like, if you want to give the impression that you're so woke at least write down "no racist people, no homophobic people, no misogynistic people" too, why would you only care about transphobia? Troons are 1% of the world population and face much less discrimination compared to, say, black people and women. What grants them this special privilege given to no other minority?
It reminds me of the wannabe counselling blog saying that they wouldn't give any help to terfs because they are "bigots who don't deserve any help". What about racists, homophobes, incels, rapists, nazis and the such? If you're gonna background check your patients to avoid "bad people" why wouldn't you include them too?
No. 331108
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Does anyone have any new resources to be added to the next OP? I'm going to keep the suspended Wordpress sites and Twitter accounts listed but with a notation.
No. 331109
>>331105I have a tinfoil theory it's because there's some very rich powerful people who are pushing this in strategic places. Realistically trans women are the answer to a lot of problems for men:
TW want to be sexually objectified, are pornsick AF, love performing femininity, can't get pregnant/have periods (which is a huge benefit because it has impact in business, law/politics, society, personal) AND relegates real women back to second class by eroding all their rights/spaces/language/awards/etc - all without looking anything less than super woke. It's the perfect solution for a world that hates women being equal to men.
No. 331111
>>331105By judging people for their race/ethnicity you're judging people based on something they can't change. It's a bad thing to happen and most of the time racists remarks are incorrect.
Being transphobic on the other hand you're calling people out of their delusion. And they don't want to get dragged back into reality how many of then are either pornsick incels or fujoshits.
No. 331124
>>331109There are medical companies making huge amounts of money from "treating" TiMs and TiFs. Coincidentally, these companies are also investing heavily in "trans rights" campaigns (see the OP). From their PoV it's simply an investment with a strong return. Troons are ideal patients because they never stop needing medication and there's a huge number of surgeries to sell them. It's no more tinfoil than the phenomena of companies profiting from prison contracts, then donating to politicians who support tough sentencing.
Of course, undermining feminism for a quick buck requires that you hate women, but it's not like there's any shortage of misogynists. The fact this stuff also appeals to men for the reasons you listed is how they're able to sell it. Companies profit, men get to be sexist, and never mind that hard-won victories from decades of feminism are being dismantled.
No. 331128
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after seeing the troons I know go on and on about how convincing sneaky looks, it feels good to know that my suspicions were valid - all angles and shoop. i kind of want to show them but then i'd be witchhunted for being a TERF
No. 331142
>>331125Thanks, anon. We should elevate all of the GC Wordpress blogs.
Does anyone know what happened to No. 331144
>>330991It's just the exact same mentality as douchebag men who think they can truly "change" lesbian or asexual girls. I feel like it's a gross universal fantasy for them to make a lesbian straight given how much they hate-love lesbians.
>>330984Being trans is the new trend. She'll grow out of it most likely, just try to be cautionary if she starts talking SRS/hormones. That's irreversible self harm.
No. 331176
>>330984I'm in the exact same situation with a friend I've known a long, long time. She's all in on the trans identity and started with all the stupid doublespeak: 'my uterus owning buddies'. I barely know how to interact with her any more and it's sad.
>>331125Very interesting, thanks for posting.
No. 331194
>>331154It's definitely more than "for the lulz". Sneaky's been caught on stream watching sissy/forced feminisation porn: him and his girlfriend have done a whole bunch of crossdressing photoshoots that are basically softcore porn. She's a professional cosplayer who does his makeup and edits the photos so he looks passable. Sneaky is a certified case of AGP if ever there was one.
No. 331202
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>transpeople make everything about them
>wonder why people call them attention whores
also-how dare they come for barrowman!
No. 331206
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>>331204Speaking of which, its ironic how they out themselves again and again
>post talks about rapists>TRANSMISOGYNYCant believe I used to be part of their little cult, so glad I woke up years ago and that others are too.
No. 331208
>>331128They all look like the men they are when the angles are not calculated and there's no photoshop kek
>>331202Like, what has one to do with the other???
No. 331214
>>331209Nothing reinforces gender roles like trans ideology.
Men can't wear dresses! If you like pink, you're a girl! If you played with firetrucks as a kid, then you are a man!
We're going backwards with this bullshit.
No. 331228
>>331202John Barrowman is fucking adorable , and has always been open about who he is. So they're saying only trannies and women can wear dresses? I actually dont gender clothing, but apparently trans want to do so.
>trans deathwhat is even the connection here? trannies are the worst.
No. 331230
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No. 331242
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I just dont know anymore, im tired.
No. 331246
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Here have some more stupidity