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No. 312419
This thread is for the discussion of transgenderism / trans ideology from a gender critical and radical feminist perspective. It was originally created by Admin as an amalgamation of the TERF and Transgender threads.
Gender critical and radical feminism define
gender as sociological (feminine/masculine) and
sex as biological (female/male).
Woman is defined as an adult human female. Radical feminists seek to abolish gender as it is used by patriarchy to oppress women socially, reproductively, and financially. They strive to preserve women's spaces (such as restrooms, locker rooms, and health care providers) and areas of artistic and intellectual expression separate from men.
Trans ideology posits that one's gender is self-determined based on one's feelings and defines
woman as the characteristics and behaviors traditionally ascribed to females by society. Increasingly, transactivists are conflating gender and sex and asserting that a person can self-identify both gender and sex.
Gender critical feminists strive to maintain the distinction between gender and sex. The conflation of gender and sex erases the biological reality of women, eliminates women-only spaces, and disestablishes women as a protected class. Legislation currently being passed around the world allowing for self-identification on legal documents does not differentiate between gender and sex.
The acronym TERF (Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminism) is used primarily by transactivists and their allies to denigrate radical feminists and other women who express gender critical ideas. Transactivists portray TERFs as violent oppressors by virtue of their ideas alone.
Posts of related news and web articles are welcome. Posts of photos, videos, and blogs of transactivists for the purposes of discussion and critique are welcome. Please refrain from derailing, infighting, and ad hominem attacks. This thread is not intended for the general discussion of sexuality, misogyny, and misandry.
https://fairplayforwomen.comhttp://www.feministcurrent.comhttp://4thwavefeminists.comhttps://gendercriticalactioncenter.wordpress.comhttp://gendercritical.blogspot.comhttps://genderidentitywatch.comhttps://gendertrender.wordpress.com violent crimes committed by transgender individuals
This Never Happens and clinicians concerned about transgender youth
https://4thwavenow.com Channels
Elly Arrow Berns Brennan / Ally Missandry RadFem Lloyd Parker threads
>>>/ot/221232>>>/ot/231926>>>/ot/248302>>>/ot/267773>>>/ot/281458>>>/ot/296475TERF thread
>>>/g/67378Transpassing thread
>>>/ot/214811Trans women thread
>>>/ot/203215 No. 312423
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No. 312453
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The illustration in the OP was created by redkatherinee. She received hundreds of death threats after posting this piece satirizing trans activists' depiction of radical feminists. No. 312460
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>>312453Actually she received
No. 312468
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>>312460also this happened
No. 312469
>>312453Dont expect tras to understand satire. Any critical comment or thought about them is LITERALLY KILLING THEM AND ITS RAPE BUT WORSE
They took it as her wanting to boil them alive in those comments when its was just a metaphore for how they see themselves as the victims of evil murdering terfs. And they unironically victimized themselves
You cant even bring up therapy as much. Its always
>think youre trans?>get on hrt and get srs>no money? gofundmeDo you think these newer generations are going to be as sjw and liberal as this one? Im wondering how long the pushing of trans onto the public will last
No. 312484
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I never posted in this thread but… lol
God I fucking hate Twitter.
No. 312485
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>>312484I forgot to add this piece of shit tweet got 21k likes
No. 312487
Oh, no.
A mod just redirected the conspiracy loon from the Transinvestigation thread back here. They were ousted (also banned?) from Gender Critical a couple of threads back.
>>>/ot/312161 No. 312492
>>312487>>312488It was in thread #3
And they were banned
And redtexted for ban evasion
No. 312498
>>312496they really aren't, but ok.
>>312490really? i thought there were like, no male mods anymore? i'm surprised if there really is an AGP mod. normally they can't restrain their narcissistic rage in the face of 'terf'dom.
No. 312500
>>312498i think one of the mods is just a fucking idiot.
also, no, i disagree, many posters in the thread get heavy invested and then will argue with bait and get tilted super easy. they need to calm down a bit and spend less time in the thread.
No. 312550
>>312484>cis privilegeNah B. It's just like
>>312485 says. Nothing about being a woman = privilege. Women are still denied jobs they are qualified for over hiring a man. Women are still told they need to be less emotional when they are expressing a point.
Women are still considered 'used goods' in some countries when they are raped.
Men are trash
No. 312584
fucking degenerates. They might as well say the average moderate American woman is a pedophile
No. 312618
>>312489Wtf they used her actual hair color, which means this was supposed to be her, not her character. Troons are fucking psychos.
>>312498Are you talking about Funk Brothers? I don't think he's a mod, or an AGP. He's just a sissy (similar to AGP, but without the skinwalking).
>>312504Yeah, she was 15 or 16 when she drew the original image.
>>312515>>312556Yeah, them reporting her is actually the reason she deleted her blog, because they knew where she lived and she was scared for her life.
No. 312665
God I hope she's alright. Leave it to troons to do shit like this over a comic.
No. 312683
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>>311969From personal experience and from what I researched on childhood development, a 2 year old is absolutely not capable of a) a thought that complex or b) forming a sentence that sophisticated. Point blank. And we know Jazz isnt super advanced intellectually.
At 24 months old children can form 2 word sentences. Pic related are the kind of questions 36 month olds can ask. (I use months because from month to month, development changes).
Jazz asking that at 2 or close to 3 is impossible and a damn lie. At 6? Maybe. But not 2 or 3. If the mom will lie about that, how trustworthy is she?
No. 312695
>>312465lol. And the characteristic foul smell that is documented in medical papers.
>>312618I also hope she's all right. Russians tend to be very cold and practical, and they probably think lesbians are better, a lot better than troons. If she's still in a bad situation, I hope someone from an LGB friendly country marries her or something.
No. 312715
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Private Eye (respected British satirical newspaper) made fun of Lily Madigan.
No. 312728
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>>312698Looking through the comments for fun and see this literal retardation
No. 312755
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I love Redkatherinee's art.
While a lot of tumblr users are just dumb I'm thinking some at least are pretending her art isn't satire so they have an excuse to hate and threaten her for being a vocal (through her art) lesbian radfem.
No. 312757
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There are still death threats and posts about throwing her into acid up on tumblr, yet "reasonable" tumblr users pretend that radfems are just as bad and should make Red apologize for her art. WTAF
No. 312765
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>>312470>>312489An artist draws "trans people boiling alive!!!" but it's more cartoonish rather than an actual depiction of violence, no blood and no gore.
Troons instead redraw it with actual blood and gore. Disappointed but very not surprised.
So we learned that a woman stating biology should "kill herself" or be violently killed with her intestines left hanging out, cool. What happens to men who state biology, may I ask? Because it's almost as if these lunatics think that the only people "antagonizing" trannies are women. I've never seen any of them calling out men… When it's actually men who kill them.
No. 312774
>>312750Hmmm how has he not gotten his a$$ kicked by some concerned boyfriend or parent?
Like I dont get it they say they're in such grave danger all the time but they're really not
No. 312775
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The anguish is real.
No. 312780
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>>312765This piece is gory, but still clearly satirical.
I think I found my Halloween costume.
No. 312794
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>>312778Sofia is her OC, so their depictions of violence against Sofia are personal.
No. 312820
>>312468>>312470>>312489what the fuck? especially that second one, thats so messed up. someone actually drew a depiction of this womans mutilated dead body because she drew a cartoon comic that goes against their beliefs.
can someone explain what pedophiles have to do with radfems and terfs??? did someone overdose on their daily hormone pills kek
No. 312829
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>can someone explain what pedophiles have to do with radfems and terfs?Don't forget Nazis!
A few more were posted on KF. No. 312853
>>312831i never understood the "let me pee in peace" sentiment troons always have. i know for a fact that me and many other women are uncomfortable knowing that some male is in a space where we are vulnerable, but apparently we dont get the right to go to the bathroom that was fucking made for us in the first place in peace. im willing to bet that the number of women uncomfortable with the idea of trannies in the female toilets greatly outnumbers the actual number of trannies, and that many people are lying about it so they dont get branded a transphobe. ive had some very liberal friends admit in private that they were uncomfortable with this as well.
have you guys ever noticed that whenever they make a transgender/gender neutral toilet they usually end up converting the womens?
No. 312856
>>312829They try very hard to connect terfs with any group unanimously hated by society. Particularly if it's a group that has a high overlap with troons, which pedophiles do.
They've tried to connect terfs to incels too. In fact they started a few months after radfems started pointing out that TRA rhetoric sounds a lot like incel rhetoric.
Basically it's projection.
No. 312872
>>312856It's ridiculous since troons are the ones who are at disturbingly high numbers into fascism and pedophilia; meanwhile radical feminists are obviously against such things.
But if you link the term terf together with nazis etc enough times it works on dumb tumblr kids who just ape whatever their dashboard says.
No. 312879
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I've never cared for Emma Watson but she's as obnoxious as JK Rowling. No. 312888
>>312883Yeah, I know. She can't act for shit.
But all the virtue signalling is making my blood boil.
I've just watched this video on YT with Kellie-Jay and hate how biased it is. Trannies always put themselves as victims and completely twist what you've said and wanted to say. Mostly though, it's the other women that tolerate this and shame radfems that I utterly despise. I can't believe feminists decades ago fought tooth and nail for voting and other rights and these women now are putting it to use like that. And the media is clearly on their side. It's just making me feel hopeless.
No. 312899
>>312896> her Beauty&the Beast and her "m-muh feminist icon"barf, she was terrible in that movie. The movie itself was a disaster and I couldn't watch it for longer than half an hour.
>>312897wtf, I love JKR now.
No. 312901
They're so condescending to her. I'm not sure what I've expected.
No. 312923
>>312907Wow really? There was the pubkic outcry? lol
>>312892I kind if doubt that after all her
>anti trump! >save the refugees! >yes dumbledore was gay and poc! sjw pandering…
No. 312929
>>312923>anti trump is sjw panderingsure thing buddy
I kinda hope she retcons one of the hp characters as trans, or the stupid fantastic beats franchise gets a trans character. It would be so milky
No. 312939
>>312929If you have to mention it publicly at least 10 times every day, then yes it is.
She's not american and there are far worse leaders out there, so why does she "care" about him so much? Hm, could it be because of her retared american fans…?
No. 312960
>>312939because her retarded american fans are the only ones that actually care about her kek she doesnt really get to choose whether to pander to them or not she has to
>>312956im from the uk and most normies who go on about him only care about him so that they can prove how "superior" we are.
No. 312979
This video made my head hurt. All this fucking pseudo-intelligent blabber. This dude got help from Riley J. Penis and Hontrapoints for the video, of course. I'm so tired of pro-trans videos from lefttube.
There's a really good comment, though: too tl;dr for most people, but I just love seeing smart gender-critical women in leftist spaces. Even got quite a few thumbs up and people agreeing with her. I hope more leftists will start to be more critical of transgenderism soon.
No. 312984
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>>312979Also, look at this little weebfurryshit lmao. Judging from his other comments and profile, I unfortunately don't think this kid is trolling.
>do you really think that cloaking your transphobia in feminism will save you from the fists of gender neutral trans wrath? think again you clown. transphobia will never be tolerated No. 313010
>>312994It's insane how careful you have to be when you find out some trans person online is not who they make themselves out to seem. I have majority trans activist friends and I remember once warning then about a certain user a couple of them follow and they all got suspicious of me. I had one DM me asking if I was transphobic for speaking negatively about this person. Like for real? Not even a week later another friend of mine who happens to be trans warns the same friends about the same user and they all reacted promptly and announced how they unfollowed them and praised them for speaking up.
It's so fucking frustrating.
No. 313169
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I just noticed this comic on the sidebar of /r/GenderCynical (the anti-GC subreddit)
I don't see how this makes radfems look bad? Oh no, mom doesn't want her minor to take estrogen! How irresponsible and evil!
No. 313222
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anyone else sick of having female friends come out as nonbinary? maybe that’s my cue to meet new people but i just want fucking girls to be friends with, not girls who decided they’re not women anymore because they have short hair and feel uncomfortable with performative femininity. i hate having to bite my tongue because i like them as individuals and don’t want to shit on them for their obvious confusion and self loathing. it’s always people who have had some personal trauma related to being a woman, too. it’s depressing.
No. 313227
>>313222Yesss! I sure am. I have been friends with this cosplayer for about 8 years now and see her all the time at cons. At the last big con we met up at, she was like 'i'm finally so happy. i came out as gender fluid and it makes sense cuz i hate wearing dresses, even though i'm a girl.'
These people are retarded. The entire gender fluid and non binary trend is just as fucking stupid as the trans thing, even though less harmless to say the least.
No. 313254
Curious what others thoughts are on surrogacy as I haven't seen it discussed before but it is something that is becoming more popular with gay male couples and transgenders.
In the article linked below a gay couple filmed their surrogate in labour without her permission for a TV show and while she was screaming in pain made comments about how she should have waxed and that she had a huge vagina. comes off to me rather exploitative and they just saw her as a means to an end.
No. 313273
>>313222Yes I hate it. It sucks to see other women try to distance themselves from their bodies. I did the whole nonbinary thing for a year and I know it's because I felt pressured to by other trenders. I still have one of my closer internet friends still caught up into it. She surrounds herself with other people who are so deep into labeling themselves and defining their labels with stereotypes. I saw one of her friends making tweets like "omg I'm becoming more comfortable with being bisexual by listening to MCR" like I cannot relate to any of the "omg I'm soooo bi" shit she spews out.
Anyways, I recently noticed my friend added "she/they/he" to her social media pages and I know for a fact something is pressuring her. I feel like any time a friend of mine starts to reveal how they're giving into these trends I feel less close to them.
>>313159It's tough anon, thank you. I calmed down for a few months to avoid any more drama, but it's hard not to continue.
No. 313274
>>313222I have legit trans friends (truscum 4evah I guess), but as soon as they veer into activism talk or try to joke about people who are not down with TRA, I tune out, make an excuse, and leave. There is a late transitioner with a history of engaging in sexual harassment in my wider circle, and I make it very clear s/he's not a friend.
We as women are programmed to care take everyone in our vicinity, but trannies and genderspecials aren't puppies, they're grown ass adults with mental problems, and we don't have the qualifications for dealing with their shit just because we're the "caring" sex. Their issues are their issues, don't allow them to burden you with them. You wouldn't trust yourself to caretake someone with schizophrenia or cancer either. They need to take their suffering asses to a professional, and not expect feminists to heal all their feefees. If they try to unload all their problems on you, drop the rope.
No. 313319
>>313312It's honestly unnatural imo. I would rather see a het or lesbian couple raise a child than two men. There's something really not.. right about it.
I may be biased cuz i was raised by my mother and grandma, but still.
No. 313331
>>312572Tumblr used to be a place where you could talk openly about stuff and didn't have a SJW brigade in each corner waiting to jump some poor fandomfag who said "
problematic" stuff once in 2010. Nowadays the good days are long gone, but it's still relatively niche and i guess she drew stuff aimed at tumblr tervens to have fun, but it's really hard when they collectively decide to dogpile on someone like that.
Which makes it worse, since they're a buncha grown adults dogpiling on a teenager. Why in the fuck would any of these people who sent her 10,000 messages with death and rape threats or drew gore of her think this is okay if they're an "all-loving" movement? All-loving till someone disagrees so battery, murder and rape are a-ok? kek
No. 313364
>>313222One that's not really a friend, more like a mutual associate "came out" as NB. Looks just like your regular young woman, albeit with a shock hair color. I got the feeling that she caved in under peer pressure as so many people around her are trans/nb and she felt like being cis isn't good enough like anon here
>it’s always people who have had some personal trauma related to being a woman, too. it’s depressing.This.
>>313254>“If I was a surrogate, and I had known there was going to be an audience, I probably would have waxed,” Lewis said on the broadcast. “And that was the shocking part for Gage. I don’t think Gage had ever seen a vagina, let alone one that big.”Jesus fucking christ these assholes. Disgusting.
No. 313382
>>313375Loony troons.
The best part is the ad they're protesting against is pro-women and not anti-trans.
No. 313383
>>313254Fuck surrogacy. I'm so glad it's completely banned where I live. The annoying thing is that our big LGBT organisation wants non-commercial surrogacy to be legalised. What about women's rights? I really don't think there's a way for surrogacy to be not exploitative.
And I doubt men usually don't understand what pregnancy does to the body and the risks.
No. 313392
>>313391surrogacy is inherently dangerous to the surrogate mother with a shitton of risks and side effects, only to have the child you carried for 9 months taken away. how is this shit not illegal everywhere?
and even when its voluntary, someone is still exploiting someone elses body to have a child. if you cant have a child, dont have a fucking child. No. 313399
>>313394usually when youre pregnant you get a baby at the end instead of having to give it to someone else and having no legal rights to see the child you birthed. its easy to say before you actually go through with it that you can do it, but pregnancy hormones and maternal instincts happen and many surrogates end up getting attached to the child.
read the multiple accounts written by surrogates who regret doing it. especially with close friends and family, something like this can completely destroy a relationship.
No. 313402
>>313394>How is it explorative if a mentally competent woman gives her informed consentBecause women aged 18-30 (or whatever the typical age for surrogacy is) are often very vulnerable and need to be protected from couples desperate for children looking to exploit them. No one has the right to biological children.
Also, no one is pushing an agenda. Finding surrogacy morally wrong is a very common stance in a lot of Western countries.
No. 313403
>>313399Hence informed consent. Read the accounts of it going well in addition to the negatives.
You’re acting like these women didn’t know they would get to keep the baby or something.
No. 313410
>>312868I've seen it for real in a bar once. Men and All, private toilets, so basically men could use both in a hurry but women had to wait more.
It's kind of silly but it's a stupid design imo.
No. 313411
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"trans" is just mental illness
No. 313441
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>>313411It really is. That's why they commit a shocking amount of sexual assault, they actually are worse than cis men. There's fewer of them, fortunately, but they're utter sociopaths.
No. 313443
>>313383Remember those two "gay" (pedo) guys who got a Russian surrogate because they wanted a baby sex slave to farm out? Lolcow farm remembers:
>''Being a father was an honour and a privilege that amounted to the best six years of my life,'' the American-born Newton, 42, told the court.
>The abuse began just days after his birth. Over six years the couple travelled the world, offering him up for sex with at least eight men, recording the abuse and uploading the footage to an international syndicate known as the Boy Lovers Network.They started to molest that baby days after he was born. I don't know why we can't be like China and take these monsters down with a quick neckshot in spite of providing them with a comfy room for the next forty years.
No. 313446
>>313375The staff responsible for the publication they were protesting against were not working today, that's hilarious. Trannies are such narcissists they never check anything for accuracy.
>>313370There are some men I would trust, but none of them are trannies. Too many autopedophiles amongst them, and they dress like little kids because that's the age they are attracted to. Where are the parents of the couple of grandparents that let Stefonknee play with their granddaughter btw?
No. 313463
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>>313434you'd think but most TIMs are like this
No. 313478
>>313443Theyre both getting max sentences thank god. I just cant completely ban surrgacy in my mind. If you cant carry but someone you trust and love offers to help and you include her in your family (as much as she chooses to be), that wouldnt be too bad? Its just commercial surrgacy that makes me uneasy and can understand why its banned in alot of countries.
>>313444Trump does not care about trannies whatsoever. All he does is
trigger them but that doesnt last and they continue to invade and infest our spaces like
>>313463 pointed out. Pence does but he also hates how women arent quiet incubators for men. So idk
No. 313483
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This is the advert that Metro published, which made the troons throw smoke bombs at the Metro hq and blocked people from leaving the building.
No. 313487
>>313463>>313464YIKES. The first one gets a sexual kick out of dominating and invading female spaces and the second one has OCD which makes him hyperfixated on his gender. What sort of a quack doctor would let these people transition?
>>313483I'm speechless, these people are basically terrorists and a danger to society. Fuck their "human rights".
No. 313489
>>312750He is so gross
I’ve been going to the same gym for like 5 years and have literally never seen a woman parade around naked taking selfies, at most it’s a gaggle of middle aged women getting dressed while discussing their vacations or some shit
No. 313491
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No. 313519
>>313491Gotta blame women somehow while wanting to be one
>>313500Its cause of the feelings over facts mentality. The most masucline man can feel like a woman and self id. Because all feelings are valid and proper therapy is transphobic
No. 313536
>>313497Let's hope the journalists at Metro write about it. I haven't seen anything in other newspapers.
>>313500It's allowed because people don't really know about self-id and what it means, unless their are indoctrinated by troons which a lot of "woke" people are. Troons are trying to smear women speaking out as anti-trans bigots and silence debate because if the average person learn what self-id is then they will be against it.
No. 313547
>>313222There's a lot of them in the fandom I'm in. They're decent enough people to chat with, sometimes even good people to chat with. But yeah, so many of them are "nonbinary" or use male pronouns (and you just know if someone is telling you what pronoun to use, in reality, they are usually the opposite). I respect the pronoun thing to avoid unnecessary drama, but it doesn't change the fact that I still think a lot of them are young women with internalized misogyny and are likely closeted lesbians, or bisexuals at least. I'm also in my 30's, and i'm not gonna say I have all the experience in the world, but I've been around long enough, I've had to deal with my own issues. A lot of these young girls are facing the problems almost all of us face - the struggle of being a woman in a society that still loathes women. So, they claim they are men or nonbinary.
No. 313570
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>>313550May I ask how you stopped being racist? I went from libfem to radfem to alt right to nothing now. I have no ideology. But I can't seem to shake the whole race realism thing off, and I can't stand how much GC coddles black feminist women (and gay men for that matter). The whole Womanism created feminism thing just screams WE WUZ KANGZ to me. You get comments in GC all the time encouraging this like "when black women are free, everyone is free. Center black women in feminism." That was a comment in GC and there's many like it.
I'm not centering anyone but women, girls and myself. This thread btw I'm racist comments. Pic related, revisionist history. Rosie was a white woman.
No. 313574
>>313570Personally for me, what does it is looking at the straight facts and statistics about how black people, particularly black women, vote.
Black women have been doing their bit, voting for the most female-positive laws and candidates. I admire the conviction and the willingness to get shit done for women.
No. 313582
>>313570You're mostly in the right track, anon.
>I can't stand how much GC coddles black feminist womenIt's the low-hanging fruit in the oppression olympics and I'm sorry to say but most people currently engaged in any sort of activism is guilty of trying to compete (to varying degrees, and for a variety of reasons. I believe libs do it in earnest and GC do it as a rhetoric tool because most people agree with the libs, but I digress) and black is the group who has most recently and predominantly been enslaved and discriminated against, so they're the oppressedest. Black men can still be criticized for being men, but black women are the ultimate gold medalists, so their words
are worth a lot more than anyone else's in the current debate.
Also this
>>313574And all of this is just to reiterate my point: most activists are either dumb, cringe, overemotional or all of them at once (or
will have some other characteristic that will make you hate them and everything they say). You just have to distance the group from the ideas, consider the ideas by themselves, then either adopt them (the ideas) or abandon them. You don't need to join the group, just occasionally work with it for ends you both have in common.
>race realismAgain, consider the ideas, not the group. If you stick around the group you're bound to spend too long in the echo chamber, get no challenging information, and adopt their racist meme ideas.
I've been getting into "realism" (in this 'race realism' sense) regarding everything, from race to sex to genes etc, I think it's good to examine reality instead of denying it… which is what most lefties currently do and believe, that people are blank slates filled in by socialization and if only we had equality, everyone would be equally as intelligent, as affluent, as likely to get into sports or compsci etc etc as one another.
Which is… simply not true. A lot of things are hardwired into us, but that doesn't necessarily mean they have to stay that way (cue transhumanism). And that doesn't necessarily mean anyone is inferior or superior, inferiority is a value judgment and values are in no way objective (see: moral nihilism). Nothing says that whatever results we might find from this 'realism' need to be interpreted under our own current values.
I'm not sure what point I'm trying to make anymore, just trying to give you some guideposts lel, but you're probably right to be somewhat racist in the sense that most black people will do what you already know they'll do, just try not to let your feelings get in the way of your thinking too much.
>Rosie was a white woman.Nobody even knows who she is anymore, that image has become cultural symbol. If someone's saying she was black that's revisionism but just changing the symbol to represent current ideology is not.
No. 313594
>>313570I don't really understand your post. How does GC "coddle black feminist women"? Aren't they part of women and girls who you claim to center?
The Rosie image is a girlpower meme at this point but was originally placed in a factory to encourage female workers to work harder. It's not of any specific woman. No. 313604
>>313570Not her, but I'd recommend getting into Marxism, seriously. It's scientific and rational unlike the conspiracy theories of the alt-right. Understand history, capitalism and everything that led us up to this point. You'll be suprised how accurate the Communist Manifesto is even today, 150 years after its publication (while e.g. Mein Kampf is just the crazy rambling of a racist old man). And not everyone on the left is into identity politics, most people I know think the obsession on minorities and trans people is rather ridiculous and regressive. And while there's definitely some chauvinism on the left, socialist movements have always been in favor of the liberation of women and there's a lot of great female Marxists (Rosa Luxemburg, Angela Davis) too.
On the race realism issue, I think it's fine and even important to recognize that some cultures are different to others and we aren't all 'equal'. But it's also important to understand that most people aren't inherently bad - they're a product of their enviroment. That doesn't make certain stuff okay, of course, but it's not something rooted in nature. And there were/are people all over the world of all ethnic backgrounds trying to make a positive change.
No. 313605
>>313599so.. they want hrt and srs, for it to all be paid for by everyone else, dont want mental evaluations from professionals, use their mental illness against other people as a shield from criticism but dont want it to be treated.. do you fix this?
No. 313607
>>313594Yes they are. Which is why this quote is ridiculous "when black women are free, everyone is free. Center black women in feminism."
They coddle them because they tend to say things like:
>"Feminism should work to secure the rights of all women, but many white feminists have failed to invest real effort on behalf of women of color. I do not blame women of color for their disappointment and resentment, although I think it's also worth noting that many remarkable women of color have identified as feminists and been involved in feminism." how is that comment not coddling and belittling towards black feminists? It's basically saying "Um white feminists you're fighting for women's rights but you're not doing advocacy for black issues, you need to help black feminists more. Also, black feminists are sooo brilliant YAY cuz they participate!" Fuck that, I signed up to help all women, if black women aren't helped enough then so be it. I'm not going to center any racial group over the other. Advocacy for all women and girls should be enough
No. 313610
>>313483Anyone can fill out the consultation, not just people from the UK. You have until Monday, so please say no to sex self-ID.
Does anyone do gender-crit/radfem on IG? @adulthumanfemale
No. 313611
>>313605WHO thinks reclassifying gender incongruence as a sexual health condition is the fix.
I don't understand why this change hasn't received more coverage in GC media.
Gender incongruence, meanwhile, has also been moved out of mental disorders in the ICD, into sexual health conditions. The rationale being that while evidence is now clear that it is not a mental disorder, and indeed classifying it in this can cause enormous stigma for people who are transgender, there remain significant health care needs that can best be met if the condition is coded under the ICD. No. 313616
>>313582>>313604Thank you, I'll look into Marxism. I know of Marxism Anarchism and that may be it.
Also, I don't resent black feminist women anymore. It's just to either we need to baby them and give them special, extra help OR they are brilliant feminists who do valuable work for the feminist movement. It can't be both. I mean I suppose it can, but your definition of brilliant and valuable is probably much different than mine.
No. 313647
>>313643You don't need to treat people like humans to breed them.
Also, slavery built the foundation of American wealth, which is why slaves were often expensive and there was an entire war fought over keeping them. The issue is that while slave masters were given reparations, and people like Benedict Cumberdatch still benefit from the wealth generated from owning slaves, the actual slaves and their own families remained in the underclass, and still do today (deliberately, at that).
No. 313651
>>313647>You don't need to treat people like humans to breed them.People? You mean women?
>Also, slavery built the foundation of American wealth, which is why slaves were often expensive and there was an entire war fought over keeping them. The issue is that while slave masters were given reparations, and people like Benedict Cumberdatch still benefit from the wealth generated from owning slaves, the actual slaves and their own families remained in the underclass, and still do today (deliberately, at that).Ok, I'll consider that and get back to you
No. 313723
>>313483Props to Metro for not giving into insane virtue signalling.
>>313499Agree. She only frequents expensively places where she never has to deal with the gutter trash that are perverse TiMs.
>>313500Dumb as rocks plus people always give sociopathic men "the benefit of the doubt", and TiMs are even more sociopathic than your regular violent man.
>>313604Sort of agree, this whole trans bullshit thing definitely has a capitalist/corporate push behind it because these lunatics will need to be on big phrama produced hormones forever, for the rest of their lives, and that's a lot of money at steak.
No. 313750
>>313743Edgelords clearly.
Remember when scene kids existed and all called themselves Sarah suicide or Natalie narcotic?
No. 313812
>>313727Sadly businesses won't consider that, because in their mind these things don't happen and when they do women just shut up and take it. (Until they don't.)
>>313804Ah okay, thank you anon!
No. 313822
>>313540What an interesting read. Everyone go read this woman who went undercover at the Pro-GRA conference. Some parts which are pretty lolworthy
>He said the TRAs need to build allies in mainstream women and children’s organisations so it looks like they care about them.
>Apparently small acts like helping to campaign about period poverty or retweeting the local branch of Women’s Aid will make a difference and result in some reciprocation. They want to make it look like they care about Women's issues so they don’t appear threatening lol
No. 313861
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OK its a little tl:dr but the basic gist is on a rather terrible comments section over at the mary sue they are arguing about trans and this one transwoman is arguing they are biologically trans (the first few comments) i cant-like can someone put this into laymans terms for me?
The article link if anyone is interested No. 313891
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>>312715This is awesome.
His whining aside, his blatant lies and retconning are unbelievable.
No. 313912
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>>313911Engaging in our right to gather and discuss has a cost!
No. 313914
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>>313911The event has been moved.
No. 313922
>>313909honestly how
triggered do these people get lol
if someone made a wifi hotspot called "women are men" or "men are women" i'd probably have a quick laugh and forget about it but 'oh nooo' this is abusive because it has the word trans in it!
would it be considered inclusive if they made the wifi name "men are transwomen"?
No. 313939
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Self-Iding totally won't be abused say the troons.
Do you really think men in wigs will storm women's bathrooms, lol you're so paranoid?
I'm afraid of looking for a job after I finish my STEM degree because getting a job is really tough if you're a woman. I can totally see companies hiring TiMs to make it seem like they're diverse and have "women" on their team when everyone knows they're men.
I just want off this planet.
No. 313974
>>313971I'd like to set it up myself, not for petty reasons but I'd like a genuine place where any non afab would be banned on sight without being labelled misandryst/transphobic so we could have women topics without fear.
Another thing I really wanted to set up was a afab lesbian dating site also using the non gendered crap as an excuse because I know I'd really need it. Dating is hard and I don't even live in a SJW paradise yet lots of trannies have infested bars, organisations, and events. It's a nightmare.
No. 313978
>>313967Not sure how I feel about this. On one hand, I'm like "oh hey, something good to come out of this administration, who would have thought" on the other hand I actually want ftms in my spaces even less than mtfs.
Out of curiosity, what is everyone's take on ftms? It seems we barely ever discuss them, but my experience with them has actually been far worse than mtfs. It seems the bulk of them suffer from overwhelming internalized misogyny and toxic masculinity envy.
No. 313980
>>313967> The Trump administration is considering narrowly defining gender as a biological, immutable condition determined by genitalia at birthCan't believe that I love Trump.
It sucks that you have to side with someone who probably views women as nothing more than baby factories but on the other hand, I just really hate trannies.
>>313978I hate TiFs. As you mentioned, it's intense misogyny multiplied, and they've betrayed their own sex.
You can dress in an androgynous way and have predominately male interests without cutting off your tits and changing pronouns. What a way to challenge gender roles.
And they seem to overcompensate lack of being male in being violent and aggressive. I can't sympathise with them at all.
No. 313982
>>313967wtf I love trump now
also love that totally unbiased, totally not sensationalist headline.
No. 313986
>>313978I feel like we need more discussion about FtM here too. There are a few case of transgenderism that I'll let pass but most of the FtMs now are kind of annoying, or just sad cases. It seems like lately we've got too many transgender people, both MtF/FtM being clearly mentally ill or not well-adjusted people trying to find and easy way out. It's a big issue on its own.
>>313979You underestimated 'smol gay bois' presence in places like Grindr. They can get super obnoxious and do yell at gay guys for not fucking with them or other stupid reasons. Although many of them are just shitless scared to actually go an extra mile to ruin actual gay men lives and will just scream on their tumblr and get
panic attacks. Or resorting to bully 'terfs' instead.
There are also overcompensating masculinity all previous poss saids.
No. 313989
>>313982>>313980>I love Trump>has sexually assaulted multiple women>has appointed a rapist to a position that gives him power over our rights>has straight up said he wants to jail women for having abortions>wants to cut funding to women's healthBut you know, as long as he hates the troons he's clearly on our side and deserving of support.
In all seriousness, though, please tell me you guys don't seriously like Trump now that he's doing this. Your hatred of trannies can't seriously trump (no pun intended) all this other shit. I would gladly share space with a tranny if it meant I got to keep my rights not to be an incubator have blatant misogynists and rapists in charge of laws that effect women.
No. 313995
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>>313967this might "roll back trans rights" or whatever, but isn't this also the opposite of what we want? this will just strengthen gender roles – it reinforces the walls of the "act like a woman" and "act like a man" boxes.
>biological, immutable condition determined by genitalia at birth that's just called sex! fuck me are you anons absolutely incapable of critical thought?
No. 313996
>>313971sorta unrelated but i joined a similar kind of group on facebook, but it was definitely meant for women. i remember a year and a half ago when troons started getting more mainstream recognition i waited for the moment some trans activist would felt like being inclusive and inviting one in. i haven't checked the feed in a while and i'm sort of hesitant to, the last time i looked there was nonstop virtue signaling.
tbh an AFAB issues place would be pretty neat, but i feel like the FtMs will just try talking about taking hormones and ebil terfs whenever someone tries to suggest a safer alternative
No. 314000
>>313995>biological, immutable condition determined by genitalia at birthits just quoting the article…
To all of you, don't start shitting up a sane thread on here with trump sperging.
No. 314004
>>313978No one takes ftms seriously, they're not a sex pest to gays, they're just a curiosity and a laughing stock. TiMs otoh are often huge and have the same or higher violent crime rates as other males. Ftms hyped on test can still be dangerous though. If they won't leave you alone, call the police. Some fat tumblr softboi was just arrested in Thailand for defacing one of their ancient walls.
>>313967>>313980>>313982I made this comment
>>313444 , and Papa Trump came through a lot sooner than I thought, lmao. Hilary just gave some damning evidence about Bill not abusing his position with Monica, it's less than two years before the next elections, and the dems still don't have a viable candidate. They still won't take Bernie because he doesn't kowtow to their corporate interests. Better the devil you know, I guess. We can make an underground railroad for abortions and plan B, while letting Trump and Pence take care of the troon menace before their eight years run out.
We know the Trump administration is bad news for women, but at least they're open about it. I fucking hate the left with their
>99.97% of women are actual women>but we can't discuss a single fucking thing about women>without giving all of our attention to that 0.03% of really loud and entitled (wo)men >who will not stop being a fucking nuisance >and if an actual woman dares to disagree with anything they say>they threaten to violently sexually assault us with their dicks>like the insane male sociopaths they are. No. 314005
>>314002>>314003because it's equating gender with sex, when gender's a bullshit concept in the first place, used to enforce those dumb rules about girls and liking pink and boys and having short hair and being into cars.
sex is a biological immutable condition determined by genitalia, gender is just a patriarchal tool to oppress.
No. 314014
>>314005Gender roles should be challenged but it's easier to challenge them when you don't have trannies enforcing all the gender stereotypes to claim whatever they're trying to mimic.
Gender critical means that you're critical of the gender roles that are imposed on you which is the result of your sex, not your imaginary gender.
No. 314020
>>314005The large majority of people have never had a gender studies class and do not understand the difference. In some languages, it's the same word and the terms are used completely interchangeable in many others. As it is now, because sex isn't legally defined, troons can change not just their names and gender, but their actual sex on their birth certificates, which is a scientifically completely wrong, a problem for those that are the children of these abominations because suddenly they've been fathered by no one (in Canada Morgane Oger is screeching about how he is his kids' "biological mother", those poor kids, kids have a right to know where they came from, and that right trumps tranny delusions), and it's also often a way of hiding their criminal history, including their sex offender registration.
>>314008Is it at work or at university? She's a menace.
>>314007 No. 314024
>>314008Sorry to hear that anon. Keep on distancing yourself.
>He was a little mentally off before his transition, but after her started T he became absolutely insaneNo wonder, adding an unnatural amount hormones isn't something the body is meant to handle. T makes you aggressive so it's gonna fuck those women up. This is dangerous!
No. 314026
>>313978>toxic masculinity envy 3 years ago I would've disagreed with you, they used to be mostly sad but they've become much nastier. I'm starting to think they don't have the guts to be aggressive unless they're LARPing as uncaring seme. I can be sympathetic to their issues with feminity or female sexual characteristics, but I'm not going to give them a pass for being assholes or downright abusers.
>>314008Sorry you had to deal with that, anon. Hopefully someone gets this situation under control before it's too late.
No. 314073
>>314072I pretend. My social circle is full of troons and handmaidens so if I was honest about how I feel I'd get death threats.
But I've spoken privately to other women I know and when nobody else is around we seem to agree.
No. 314088
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snowflake FTM trannies and SJWs are what is wrong with the world
No. 314109
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Men, lul.
They love preaching in their hormone voices about how their surgically altered bodies are more attractive and how their mutilated infection dick hole wounds are better than real vaginas. I'm tired of hearing these mentally disabled men claim that they make better women than actual women.
No. 314150
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The main pro-BDSM sperger on another thread, who was also homophobic, turned out to be a TIM.
No. 314152
>>314150Why do they even browse this site? Can't they fuck off?
It's not like people here will indulge their sick fetishes.
No. 314156
>>314150I loved how he triumphantly said TERF like he thought that was some big gotcha that was gonna win the argument and make everyone do the performative
>What's a TERF>OMG I never knew about that wow>TERFs are evil!>TERFs are worse than Nazis!>I love troons, where are my medals?shuffle.
No. 314169
>>314152You know why, it's a female space…
I'm just glad the average lolcow poster doesn't tolerate them.
No. 314183
>>314150>>314152>>314156>>314173I was one of three people accused to being a troon in that thread. The other person accused didn't bring up trannies at all and I didn't bring up kink at all. I didn't even say anything protrans, I just asked someone if they were a TERF based on the fact they said LGB and not LGBT. Then I pointed out the irony she was getting self-righteous to the point of telling other anon to die on behalf of the LBG community when they were excluding trans people because, whether we like it or not, our position against trans people is not the general consensus of the community. The third person called a groom wasn't even part of the conversation and made a completely unrelated post about how they were worried about the children of people who regularly browse here.
And now this anon is coming here complaining about the "tranny" in the thread, when it was three separate people accused of being a tranny, none of which even said anything pro-trans.
The autism is next level and I am genuinely impressed.
No. 314187
>>314183I was the fourth anon accused for being a troon for disagreeing with something unrelated
Sometimes I worry about anons here
No. 314188
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did the troon really just come into the gender critical thread and write an essay
No. 314190
>>314183three? how did you figure out it was three? there's no usernames attached to these posts…
no radfem would ask "TERF?" after seeing the acronym LGB, try harder
No. 314194
>>314190Unless kink anon and the anon who said they feared for the kids of users here were the same anon, there was three. And then there's this anon apparently
No. 314195
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>>314109We owe Gigi one, he's capable of making so many women reach peak trans all at once. He's doing radfems a great service.
No. 314199
>>314193Oh my god, you guys are just being ridiculous. I post in these threads regularly. I'm (>>314099 and
>>314008). Can we put an end to this now before this thread gets derailed too?
No. 314219
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>>314195i regret visiting this video
No. 314221
>>314219Kek, the delusion and wishful thinking…wow
It sounds like a robot who hasn't even transitioned yet, because if he did he'd know how pathetic and disgusting fake vaginas actually are
No. 314223
>>314193Oh nice hi yay Im famous :) Im the pro-bdsm anon.
Are you the troll who said the thing about the y chromosome? Because it's a pretty ridiculous ad hominem to throw at someone when you have nothing better to say.
I am a female and I only took part in the bdsm discussion. Later clarified that I dont tend to get involved in trans issues as you have to walk on eggshells usually talking about that topic.
It's a discussion that sparked from someone else and I didn't take part in it. I dunno how that affects your math.
You can keep ranting about my posts I suppose. You're entitled to your opinion. But just wanted to clear that up to give you more accurate information and help you sperg more!
No. 314225
>>314219Sometimes I feel bad about not accepting trans people, but then I read shit like this. This is some high tier mental illness right here.
>>314195I didn't watch the video because this shit legit enrages me, but one of the comments references him saying his situation is worse than miscarrying and I actually wish severely horrible things upon him if that's the case.
No. 314250
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>>314219Hey, he's right. A "natal" can carry a life, max 8 fetuses at once, while their designer vajayjays can carry over a million lives at once (including mold)… kek
No. 314257
>>314236comments regarding them in womens events always end up being
>this shit is wrong>men are better at women at everything and women should just give up lolIts bad enough that women who are active in athletics get so much shit for being weaker than men. Now men want to take away achievements too
I hate this. Let women work out and compete in peace. fuck
No. 314268
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>Women comes in third(I think)
>Calls her a loser
holy shit I hate this.
No. 314270
>>313640Because men are the ones oppressing women. White women (usually) are not the ones oppressing black women. I'll pay attention when it's a specific issue of white women being shitty to black women but until then they can fight for themselves. Same for other races, you can't act like a jerk and complain about how people shouldn't 'tone police' then expect them not to dislike you and turn their backs on you.
The day black women stop holding "early feminists didn't care about black women!" over white women's head is the day I'll give a fuck about their particular struggle.
No. 314299
>>314272One really gross part is he's comparing it to when black athletes couldn't compete against whites and saying she's no better than whites who wanted sports segregated. As if bigotry is the only reason for a woman to complain about competing against a troon and there's no inherent major physical advantage they have.
How do non-transpeople not see what's so overwhelmingly wrong with this???
No. 314329
>>314316Whenever I point that out to someone I like to follow it with a suggestion that a person could be trans-species. When I'm inevitably called ridiculous I say "that's how people sound when they say you can ignore biology because all that matters is identity!".
I spoke to a TIF the other day who seemed to genuinely believe that she was a threat to women in changing rooms etc because she was now a man. Like you can just opt into a male body and male socialisation and become a rapist! Trans people really give bad impressions of gender…
No. 314336
>>314315Not a black radfem, but she basically points out the hypocrisy of the race/gender thing., I used to follow a couple of black radfems who would call troons out on their shit, but it seems like they've been deleted by Twitter. Here's one that's still active. No. 314347
>>314323mine was unfortunately dating a man who trooned out a year into our relationship
leaving him was the best choice i made in a long time.
I didn't expect to see his face on the internet after I left, but null from Kiwifarms actually posted a pic of him hanging out with the site famous troon Buffalo Bill at the beach
No. 314377
>>314371Trans belong in lgb as much as asexuals do, which is to say not at all.
Transgender isn’t a sexuality, it’s an identity issue. Why should they be lumped in with lgb people as if lgb is the place where we dump degenerates?
No. 314390
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>>314373pic related is an official still from the movie. they kind of portray it like a joke, one of the "funny" lines is literally "you didn't have to chris brown the bitch" and they refer to her as "real fish" smh
No. 314401
>>314371Learn to read, dolt. I have established my anti-trans position several times. All I have said is that the LGB community as a whole is in support of transpeople because that is simply a fucking fact. Our views do not represent the majority of LGB people whether we like it or not.
This was put to rest hours ago and you brought it back to argue against a point that wasn't ever even being made.
No. 314442
>>314401>All I have said is that the LGB community as a whole is in support of transpeople I find this really, really hard to believe tbh. I know the T is pretty much officially added, but it's not like the community as a whole got to vote on it and come to a consensus or anything. Obviously vocal tumblrites support troons and troons themselves loudly and invasively promote themselves as part of the community, but surely deep down most gay people don't think they're the same. Any sane lesbian must hate them, at the very least.
It's just difficult to be openly opposed in this climate so we can't really know who genuinely accepts them or not.
No. 314448
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This tweet is such a big lie. The only time they are uwu discriminated are when gay/lesbian rejects a trannie. And do they actually expect people to take their cult seriously. I would have understood if they act normally, w/o attacking anyone and anything while playing victim card all the time. Come on.
No. 314463
>>314268I wonder what it will take for people to realize it's fucking bullshit. Next troons will want to olympics to be opened up for them. What's gonna stop countries who give no shit like Russia or China to send out trans athletes under the cover of getting back more medals ?
"Oh but there will be extensive testing to make sure they're really trans" But what about athletes in bumfuck countries who are gonna realize they can throw away their life as a male if that can afford them a shot at feeding their family ?
And I bet with more self ID bullshit, it's then gonna deemed transphobic to request that (trans) women athletes go through SRS or hormones.
All that's gonna be achieved is women being pushed out of sport all together once again. Tolerance is gonna give a plateform to the never opressed again and who's gonna have to bend over backward ? Oh wow what a shocker, it's women again !!
No. 314483
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Lush is going full Tr00n now
No. 314484
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No. 314485
>>314483>>314484They did some troon shit a while back too, that I can't remember. I've never bought from them, and from the looks of it, never will.
Also, that quote about being "strong, resilient, and used to retaining our dignity" is amusing. With the way they threaten suicide, endlessly bring up suicide statistics, and act hysterical in public. Yeah, real strong, resilient, and dignified there.
No. 314522
>>313971>>313974Using the term "AFAB" is capitulating to gender ideology. A person is not assigned a sex.
>>313980Why would you hate women who are only embracing being trans as a response to being oppressed by patriarchy?
>>314377>>314479When T was added, its community was very small and the majority had been living as gays and lesbians.
Originally T truly meant trans in both the community and medically, not the umbrella of infinite spectrum of special genders it is now. Transsexuality and Gender Identity Disorder were added to the DSM III in 1980. In subsequent decades the terms for diagnosis and treatment were changed to reduce stigma, which brings us to the current year which sees WHO removing gender incongruence from mental disorders. The DSM discussion groups have been discussing reclassification as well. 6 isn't due for a while. Worst case, it will include new diagnostic criteria for children and adolescents validating their medical transition. Best case, the backlash will continue to build, and it will maintain problems with gender identity as a disorder.
No. 314549
>>313967>>313995>>314005>>314020The author of the article confusingly used
sex and
gender interchangeably in the first paragraph. And in the context of the article,
gender refers to gender identity. All of the direct quotes from the DHHS memo use the term
sex as exclusive to gender identity.
“Sex means a person’s status as male or female based on immutable biological traits identifiable by or before birth,” the department proposed in the memo, which was drafted and has been circulating since last spring. “The sex listed on a person’s birth certificate, as originally issued, shall constitute definitive proof of a person’s sex unless rebutted by reliable genetic evidence.”In the context of legislation, the term
sex was always understood to be defined as biological sex, and
men and
women strictly referred to the sexes. They didn't need to be explicitly defined. By the time Obama was elected, transgender ideology had taken hold, assisted by PC culture, lobbying to redefine and expand what those words mean legally.
No. 314602
>>313967>>314549The memo also cites protections of sexual orientation as an overreach.
Is DHHS seeking to dismantle those protections as well?
In their memo, health and human services officials wrote that “courts and plaintiffs are racing to get decisions” ahead of any rule-making, because of the lack of a stand-alone definition.“Courts and the previous administration took advantage of this circumstance to include gender identity and sexual orientation in a multitude of agencies, and under a multitude of laws,” the memo states. Doing so “led to confusion and negative policy consequences in health care, education and other federal contexts.”Protections of sexual orientation and gender identity are not necessarily contingent on the definition of
For example, the EEOC interprets protections against discrimination on the basis of sex to include sexual orientation and gender identity. It considers discrimination against both to be "sex discrimination based on non-conformance with gender norms and stereotypes".
Codifying the definition of sex as "a person’s status as male or female based on immutable biological traits" would not negate or nullify the EEOC's reasoning. interprets and enforces Title VII's prohibition of sex discrimination as forbidding any employment discrimination based on gender identity or sexual orientation.While Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 does not explicitly include sexual orientation or gender identity in its list of protected bases, the Commission, consistent with Supreme Court case law holding that employment actions motivated by gender stereotyping are unlawful sex discrimination and other court decisions, interprets the statute's sex discrimination provision as prohibiting discrimination against employees on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity.Worth noting, the EEOC's interpretation has not prevented cases alleging discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation from being defeated in the courts, and SCOTUS has thus far declined to hear a case.
No. 314668
>>314484>troons calling anyone or anything "extremist"Now this is ironic.
Trump, hurry up and do the thing.
No. 314693
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>>314681I'm laughing hysterically at their "shareable" galaxy screenshotted version. Is it really that serious she's gotta add an ~aesthetic~ to it? KEK
No. 314710
>>314698Because if someone's words (or lack of words) is violence then it's justified to respond with actual real violence.
Or in other words, when women saying or not saying something is violent you're allowed to punch them in the face. We know how much they like hitting women.
No. 314720
>>314710True. I suddenly remembered this
“Men often react to women’s words—speaking and writing—as if they were acts of violence; sometimes men react to women’s words with violence. So we lower our voices. Women whisper. Women apologize. Women shut up. Women trivialize what we know. Women shrink. Women pull back. Most women have experienced enough dominance from men—control, violence, insult, contempt—that no threat seems empty.”
― Andrea Dworkin
No. 314797
File: 1540231102361.png (41.34 KB, 424x463, Venn_gender_id.png)

>>314779Here is a venn diagram.
No. 314852
>>314848Humans are a sexually dimorphic species. Anyone who claims otherwise is an idiot. We are not anti science here. However just because there are differences between the sexes, doesn't mean women are lesser or should be treated lesser.
Men have denser bones, more muscle fibres, less nerves and fat under their skin. Men have larger lungs and broader heads and a higher centre of gravity. Speaking of course in general. So yes, in physical sports, particularly contact sports, males have an advantage over females except in their centre of gravity. This is why we have male and female categories in sports. Now that isn't to say there aren't women out there that are stronger than 'most' men. They exist, however they are rare. Their existence proves the rule.
No. 314856
>>314848>Because I know a lot of feminists say that women are as physically capable as menBecause I know a lot of feminists say that women are as physically capable as menSorry but where? I don't know any woman who denies the physical differences, in fact most feminists point it out frequently to justify why we're at so much risk from men, why we're afraid of them, and why they have so much power historically.
The gap in strength between us is massive. It's not like, the best female athlete is as good as the 10th best male athlete or something. They're as good as the 1000th best male athlete. I don't feel even the slightest bit bad about that, we can give birth and although that has screwed us over in many ways it's still a form of significant power to compensate for our lack of strength. It's good sportsmanship to separate men and women, and it doesn't diminish the efforts and successes of female athletes. Plus, I do sports that involve flexibility and being graceful so we sure as fuck have an advantage over men with those things.
No. 314887
>>314879Look out for my edge, but men
are expendable in my eyes
No. 314889
>>314879Men start wars. Men encourage wars and violence. They are historically known to use violence to take things by force.
I feel no real sympathy.
No. 314898
>>314879I am more moderate in my view about men, and I do feel bad about them. Some men can be good, some are just entitled little shit.
I'd rather look at it case by case.
No. 314903
File: 1540240596501.jpg (766.87 KB, 1080x2158, Screenshot_20181022-153552_Red…)

Thought you ladies would get as good of a laugh out of this post from r/transpassing as I did.
No. 314906
>>314895I feel empathy for them too despite not being from a military family.
But hearing about rape in the army, rape victims during wartime does make me angry. I know it's #notallmen but rape during war isn't just rape but often involves torture and prolonged gang rape and bloody murder (not that it doesn't happen outside of war just that it's more large scale and systematic).
Though, during my law studies, it was interesting to learn about lots of man on man rape cases that went on during wars, sometimes even within allied groups. But that's something women can't do anything about if it's a taboo and men are unwilling to talk about it.
I mean, war is something that's been happening from the dawn of mankind, and when it does happen, having men willing to defend your country and die for it isn't a bad thing in which case their sacrifices are enormous. It boils down to men starting wars but I wonder if we had matriarchy if things would have been that different…
No. 314909
>I mean, war is something that's been happening from the dawn of mankind, and when it does happen, having men willing to defend your country and die for it isn't a bad thing Ever think that war might only be happening because it's men in power throwing their dicks around?
Even when women have been forced to act in war it's usually with a huge force of the patriarchy behind them.
I honestly believe the world would be a more peaceful place had woman been the historically dominant sex.
No. 314910
>>314693But if you're trans but not the sex you were born as, then what are you transitioning to? rofl
You are born into the sex you are born into and nothing will change that, hon.
No. 314911
>>314892I am slightly GC-leaning who also frequent fakeboi thread. But that's more of a cow showcase than discussion. (And it keeps getting invaded by trucum, sadly)
>>314893>>314897Almost forgetting that eugenics used to be 'left wing' back then.
No. 314912
>>314906>>314909Samefagging, sorry anon, I realise you did wonder if. Still just pisses me off.
Women have historically no where near the backing of violence that men have.
From what we know alone, history would have been more peaceful with women in charge.
No. 314913
>>314909I agree. We need to have a mass genocide of men tbh, so women can be the greater sex by number/percentage.
Look at shitholes like India , China and South Korea where there are much more men than women. Now look at the numbers of violence against women by said men.
the same men who will fuck women, get them pregnant, but pray for a male son. they will abort female embryos and then complain there are not enough women. Men need to be wiped from this planet by a large number.
No. 314919
>>314913Honestly we just need to stop making men… stop raising boys… only have girls. 1 man can easily provide 1000s of offspring. And while biologically you wouldn't want to create a bottle neck, the population could easily get by with 1/8th of the men that exist today on the planet.
Pipe dream though…
>>314917Hardly if we have to deal with them claiming to be women in the meantime. Eroding our legal rights.
No. 314928
>>314917Not if i have to deal with those freaks invading women's spaces and trying to focus on their rights and not real women's rights, like pro choice and victim blaming.
Transwomen are worse than regular men somehow. All men are the same, really.
No. 314931
>>314929This. The mentallily of rape is purely a man thing and when i hear about the horror stories of gangrape, i cannot even imagine a group of women being okay with dominating and torturing a man the same way a man will do to a woman.
the fact that group/gangrape is so common in the military, esp back in the day is horrifying. It is purely a male invention. Look at the stories of Comfort Women that Japan wont even fucking acknowledge happened.
The more we call out this kind of behavior and correct it , the better it will be for women who have suffered.
I'm with the other anons that we need to stop having male children altogether.
No. 314934
>>314929I truly hate Game of thrones, because it's a very badly written story, but I'll never forget the episode that made me want to stop watching.
Basically, Daenerys and Drogo (sp?) went to a village and started burning it down and raiding it. Drogo gave his men permission to gather all the women and rape them before killing them and i remember Daenerys 'saved' a woman who said 'what was the point? i was raped three times before you got to me.'
and that hurt me.. like a lot. To think a lot of men thought nothing of that hurt me. They always just murder men right away, but rape women before murdering them and that kind of fear doesnt exist in men. At all.
No. 314945
File: 1540243026271.png (29.16 KB, 457x312, non-women-identified…)

No. 314967
>>314951None. There are probably mtfs who will claim its true because theyre still pornsick men. Its always men trying to convince themselves and other women this is true. Violence is sexualized
>>314815George Orwell calls it.. will women be required to wear bags on our heads to stop
triggering transwomen of our existence
No. 315006
File: 1540248108287.jpg (567.71 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20181022-193223.jpg)

>>315005Fuck forgot image
No. 315053
>>314891I think it's just going to be sad, tbh. It's a small enough segment of the population to go….not unnoticed, but underdiscussed, but big enough that we're here, noticing it as a trend. I think there will be a weird generation in geek and fandom spaces of FtMs in a few decades who end up inbetween, and hopefully there are able to find some peace. I don't know what that'll look like–the detransitioned women who accept being butch lesbians are crazy admirable and doing the closest thing to that rn, but they're coming at it from such a different place. I don't know what "girl who likes makeup and dick but contorted herself into thinking she was anything but, lest she be a boring sad cis girl" will become. But society teaches women to be sad in silence, so….they're probably mostly go unnoticed. If there's any backlash coming, it'll be all about the poor sad MtFs who didn't know what they were doing, boo hoo hoo, because men's feelings are most important, always.
No. 315085
>>314848We do acknowledge biological differences, we're not blind to reality unlike trans activists.
Observing our difference in strength is the same as observing how different our organs are. However I'll always petition for women up to the task to be included in activities they can participate in (Like being able to be a firefighter if they do possess the physical strength)
I think for example Trans men shouldn't be able to participate in women events because the hormone gives them an edge. If anything there could be trans events or mixed events without letting them into women's sports.
No. 315087
Something I've noticed with some trans people are that FtM usually stop calling themselves trans after they transition. Hormones, top surgery, done. I am a man and will refer to myself as such.
But MtF almost always continue to call themselves trans after they start hormones and get top surgery, even bottom surgery. It's just bizarre that they don't stop.
In my mind, it was always that transition was the goal. Moving from one to the other was the desired stopping point, there was no more need to call yourself trans after you had done it. At least that's what people around me did. But men continually add "trans" to their title, as if transitioning wasn't the goal at all. It was just the act of being, like they're still just playing dress-up.
I've noticed tons of these people here will never fully transition or drop trans from the act. It's just adding more fuel to the fire that they don't even want to transition and just live best of three worlds, men, women, and special snowflake.
No. 315088
>>314848sports competitions and fights push the differences between peoples physical capabilities to the absolute limits. that's kind of the point. many professions and hobbies however, do not. it's important to notice the difference and not paint it all with the same brush. patriarchy and stereotyping dictates that because women are on average are weaker than men, they shouldn't even bother with jobs or activities that require significant physical strength, even if many individual women are indeed strong enough for the job, and even if they're not trying to directly compete against men pound for pound.
>>315085 's example, it's not inappropriate for men and women to be firefighters together, as long as they can both physically lift a person and rescue them. the woman may or may not be weaker than her male coworkers but it doesn't matter as long as she's strong enough for what her job requires her to do.
competition between the sexes is entirely different because men's physical and chemical advantages would become immediately relevant.
it's like if you're 5'7", it would be stupid for you to be banned from playing basketball, but it would also be stupid for you to play against a team comprised entirely of people over 6'.
Saying "any woman can do literally anything that any man can do" and "no woman can do anything that men are good at" are both delusional.
No. 315093
>>315087that's a good point. they're the ones always claiming that they're real women and there's no difference between them and biological woman, so why don't they lead by example and just claim to be a regular woman? if they pass so well and they believe that there's no legitimate way to tell the difference between the sexes, that means no one will even think to correct them, right? i think subconsciously they realize that there are 2 possible outcomes if they do that
1) they pass, and now instead of being special and oppressed and unique, the world just sees them as an average, probably ugly woman. no one compliments their terrible makeup because the standards for women are higher. men and women treat them worse and make them feel small and stupid, and not in a fun kinky way. hell, they might even get a taste of their own medicine and get called a typical cis straight girl with cishet privilege lmao. and that's all in the highly unlikely scenario that everyone mistakes them for a real woman.
the other scenario is
2) they don't tell anyone they're trans but people can tell anyway, and make it obvious, completely shattering their hopeful delusion that the only difference between them and a "cis" woman is the identity marker.
No. 315108
File: 1540260208363.jpg (313.84 KB, 1242x1805, m89hBQZ.jpg)

A TIM finally answers the question we’ve all been asking them! Wow, a woman just IS. All our problems are solved! /s
No. 315110
File: 1540260411566.jpg (171.43 KB, 1234x1599, SvSprtJ.jpg)

>>315108And what does this womanly woman-y woman look like? Oh….
No. 315118
>>315108Women don't wake up every day and "feel" like a woman. We
are women, but we "feel" like a person. That men think that there's some special feeling that goes along with existing in this body is peak male.
No. 315123
>>315118This is what tr00ns will never get. You are BORN a woman. That's it. You don't wake up feeling like a woman or doing 'womanly' things. You just are.
I will never sympathize with TiMs and MTFs for this reason. You cannot change into a woman by putting on makeup and a dress. It's not how that works, and frankly, it's insulting as hell.
No. 315138
>>315111He hits all the trender talking points: a woman is whoever says they are, bothering gender and biological sex are social constructs, penises are female(and vulva can be male), xx and xy mean nothing and there is no such thing as sex characteristics…oh, and he’s a furry too.
I saw first his account when was fighting with older ”transmedicalist” transsexual MTFs who were being viciously attacked by the trans brigade over not siding with that Rachel Mckinnon ogre. Quite a lot of old school gender dysphoric transsexuals have come out to denounce trans women competing against women in sports, as well as speaking out against GRA reform.
Nothing like fat, bearded, anime-obsessed, 5 different mental illnesses plus unemployed men(gofundme in Twitter bio!) who make no effort to resemble a biological woman terrorizing sane transsexuals who have tried their best to come to terms with their condition and who don’t deny the biological, physiological and societal differences between males and females.
No. 315147
>>315142>>315138Since they experience/d gender dysphoria they probably aren't 'sane' by our normal understanding of the word but they can certainly be more sensible. From what I've read and experienced first-hand it seems like the 'trans' grouping is itself granular, the divide between those that experience dysphoria over their genitals and those that just 'feel' like the other gender should be the most obvious grouping (moreso than mtf vs ftm). I wouldn't be surprised if the original dysphoric group is now outnumbered by the latter group. I don't personally have issues allying with the first group if both parties advocate the same things. If this TRA/Radfem conflict continues the way it is in the UK I wouldn't be surprised to see splintering within the trans community once they start realizing how disparate their outlooks actually are.
>>315144libfem vs radfem thing
No. 315149
>>315144Did you just compare BIOLOGICAL and SOCIETAL differences, as if they are the same thing? Women “not being into engineering” has nothing to do with lady brain and you know it.
Fuck off, teenage robot.
No. 315160
>>315144it depends on how it's presented. if someone said something like "statistically women don't gravitate towards engineering as often as men" and had evidence, i certainly wouldn't REEEEE. if they said something like "women who do man things like engineering are brainwashed by feminism and can't actually be good at it because their true nature is to be a stay at home mom only" that would be fucking stupid and also completely fucking different from saying that mens physical and hormonal advantages means they shouldn't fight women in hand to hand combat lmao. again, there's a huge difference between women and men working together in the same field and competing directly against each other in a physical contest. in the former, biological differences don't always matter. in the latter, they matter a whole lot.
>>315157yup. if i'm not in a situation where my sex is relevant, i pretty much "forget" i'm a woman. i just feel completely neutral. the only reason i know i'm a woman is because of my body. if i was a brain in a vat i wouldn't automatically guess that my brain/mind belong to a woman. i guess people like you and i are just genderfuck or voidgender.
No. 315162
>>315144I've always agreed that there are essential differences. If I can generalize men based on evopsych or biology or whatever, logically the same should apply for us. It's just that no matter what generalizations I come up with, men still come off as worse because of how violent and lacking in empathy they are. And there are always significant socio cultural factors that influence whatever natural inclinations we might have, and men have much more power to influence things like that.
I could buy that women are less likely to be interested in engineering - maybe men prefer ambitious high earning careers because they want to be 'providers', maybe it's true that men have better spatial perception, I don't know since I haven't really researched it. It doesn't really offend me to imagine we each have different things we excel at in the grand, overaching scheme of things. But it's a trend, not a rule, and doesn't have any relevance to individuals. I 100% reject the idea that women should be discouraged from going into engineering, or that women are incapable or inherently inferior at it, just because they aren't the statistical majority. It's something that can easily change over time, like women getting degrees etc.
No. 315180
File: 1540280981904.jpg (350.52 KB, 1242x1860, THtV1x4.jpg)

There’s that magic word again: violence!
Transsexual respects women’s concerns= violence!
I’ve seen these unicorn gender fucks accuse transmeds of being transphobic misogynists(exact wording) and saying the transmeds are offering trans people up to executioners because being gender critical is GENOCIDE. Then, the all-loving, totally not crazy rainbow gender tries to dox the transsexual to get them fired and also find pictures of them so they can make fun of their looks.
No. 315185
>>315180Transmeds are also extremely retarded, so idk why you're complaining. """GC""" trannies aren't allies, they're what shows up in the dictionary when you look up "cognitive dissonance". Let them fuck eachother up.
>also find pictures of them so they can make fun of their looks.I don't see what's wrong with this aside from the fact that the dude calling him out has no room to call anyone else ugly. People itt do it all the time.
No. 315232
>>315108That's basically the situation that would make anyone hit peak trans.
>Women can have penises too! Representing women with vagina imagery is transphobic!So what is a woman?
>Whoever feels like a woman!And what is a woman? They will try to deflect and not answer, because they know very well what the answer is in their mind. Long hair, skirts and makeup. It's so easy, and yet it just flies over the heads of thousands, the same people who defend transactivism so much.
No. 315271
>>315249now that is just paranoia.
troons coming into the bathroom and creeping around is reality, but there's no way they can hide cameras anywhere in the bathroom.
No. 315325
>>315144I mean the differences proposed by men are kind of bullshit you know? Not too long ago it was thought of as a fact that women's ladybrain would overheat if they were to go to university, now they make up the majority of graduates. Now men think women can't into STEM, nevermind that you get harassed out of it if you do go. We just need to give it time, changes like these don't happen overnight.
Meanwhile differences proposed by women are "women are human females that produce eggs and have a womb". Do you see the difference?
No. 315376
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>>313222i almost feel like this is about me even though i'm sure that's a common occurrence. i fell for the trans/nb meme years ago as a kid and everyone has known me as such for ages but ive finally come to terms with being a lesbian as of a couple months ago
i've talked about such feelings to people before and have tried to officially come out a couple times but pussied out bc i feel like people i like will stop being friends with me
No. 315424
File: 1540323455807.jpg (572.15 KB, 1080x7951, w.jpg)

This got posted on a trans subreddit for pity points, not realising that it makes HIM look like the obnoxious one.
No. 315436
>>315428I also don't like how they think in extremes when it comes to gender roles.
It's not just girls like skirts but girls like to cook, clean, pink color, and their ultimate ambition is to have children and take care of their hubby <3
Likewise, with TiFs, men are strong, independent, hate girly things, aggressive, macho, and testerony.
They're trying to enact some Stepford wives dystopia. It's crazy and regressive.
I've noticed that some trannies try to make it seem like it's not that way at all and that it's just their way of expressing their repressed femininity or some other bs like that, but ultimately, it boils down to that.
It must be terrifying to base your whole existence pretending you're something you're never going to be instead of, you know, just accepting diversity, breaking gender stereotypes, and proving people wrong.
No. 315442
>>315436>repressed femininity that's still part of the problem. i'd believe trannies more if even just one of them wanted to be a female without the need for femininity. not only does it ruin their idea that being a woman is a feeling, but it makes it obvious how much of a pull for attention it all is. it's all just to make them appear how they want to
others if it was just for them, they'd just get a sex change and move on with their lives.
it's just like any other plastic surgery, only it carries more weight.
No. 315472
>>315442That's the issue though, isn't it? You don't have to be feminine to be a woman. Women naturally have certain aspects that men don't have because biology, but not all women want to be have longer hair, wear makeup and dresses. etc etc.
There are tons of women out there who are a mix of both femme and masculine. Tr00ns rely too much on extreme gender roles. this is why i dont believe real trannies exist, just people who cant be themselves without squeezing into a gender box. It's annoying as hell.
No. 315576
>>315123It's absurd how many people think that putting on makeup from a Barbie play kit or a bow in their hair is what makes a woman. I'm not trying to be that person, but women go through so much shit, as do men but another point, and makeup and skirts are the least of what makes us a woman. We aren't a Mr./Mrs. Potato head, we don't snap pieces on and off to dictate what we are. Boiling women down to "hurdur makeup and heels and pretty things!" just underscores how fucking little they understand gender/sex.
Most of these people scream that dresses aren't just for girls, but the extent of their dressing up to be a ~transwoman~ is putting on a dress and lip gloss. Like yeah nice transparency there, fetishists.
It reminds me of reading something online ages ago were someone was transitioning into a woman and had so many complaints about how men and women were ~so mean uwu~ about how they looked. How they felt unwomanly and gross and it was society's fault that their makeup and hair weren't on par with cishet women's hair and makeup. Like yeah, fucker, welcome to the real world. You're held to a standard of presentability like everyone else.
No. 315593
File: 1540341305980.jpg (55.97 KB, 750x716, transcarrots.jpg)

This image showed up on my Facebook feed kek
No. 315629
>>315623Good point, anon! In the end, biology always wins. You cannot replicate a real woman. You definitely cannot replicate a real vagina. Everything transwoman does is a cheap imitation.
Like you said, even if you put carrots in a can for peas, you will immediately know and taste the difference. No fancy label will ever change that.
No. 315681
File: 1540358359489.png (447.14 KB, 526x804, repostbeg.PNG) guy actually advertised his anime screenshots with his GoFundMe KEK I can't believe people actually donated too
All it takes is one single article before voting season…
No. 315755
File: 1540382567022.png (89.89 KB, 620x750, pcos.PNG)

>>315754Oh look it's the "PCOS means I'm not female" meme.
No. 315756
File: 1540383032548.png (60.09 KB, 627x518, whatthefuck.PNG)

>>315755Checkmate, gendercrits!
The whole thread is just gold, here's a link to the OP tweet. No. 315759
File: 1540383490517.png (252.67 KB, 587x671, carrie_cooper.png)

Another pedophile "woman" caught.
At least the comments are sensible.
But imagine the audacity to not even attach the trans label to this rapist.
We're talking about a man that penetrated a child, I think 7yo.
Poor victim.
Here's the tweet: No. 315760
>>315759Also, they're still not sure whether "she" will go to male or female prison.
How many victims need to suffer until the authorities realize that this is madness?
No. 315793
File: 1540393762472.jpg (183.59 KB, 1080x849, IMG_20181024_170914.jpg) me if I'm wrong, but doesn't that sound exactly like when mtf enjoy the peaks of being a men even after "transationing", such as being a violent asshole, but then cry when somebody makes fun of them wearing a dress. You can't get both sides. I bet that little boy often is awful to the other kids, if even his father say he's so stereotypically manly, but then they should accept him running around like a fag?
No. 315807
>>315793>But what I do know is Sam is a goddamn fireworks show of a human being and I won’t let that be dulled for a second by this restrictive bullshit that’s been choking boys foreverOh yeah, gender roles were created by men to keep women in check, but it's the uwu boys who are hurt the most cause they get laughed at for being a nailpolish sperg. ok.
A sane parent wpuld not let their kid embarass himself like that without warning him that children might be assholes about it.
No. 315818
File: 1540398525424.jpg (84.12 KB, 540x805, IMG_1540397059319.jpg)

>>315754I keep seeing enbies posting this on my feed. Sex =/= their "gender identity" crap. Humans are not those other animals. Feelings are not the same as physical traits and sexual defects. Gee, who would've thought nature isn't perfect? That nature, gasp, makes mistakes? None of that means your entirely feeling based "gender" is valid. Can we stop distorting and misinterpreting science to support an agenda?
No. 315834
i don't remember if i posted here before but i recently had a change of heart regarding these issues.
before, i wasn't a sjw per se, but i accepted everything without even thinking. i was like "sure who cares!" but it turns out, i do, i should care, and it's important.
i still respect trans people who make effort to integrate into society properly (having surgery, taking medication, respecting people, not yelling about everything, especially respecting women and our spaces) but i've recently become very tired with this constant, non-stop transgender propaganda everywhere. literally everywhere. i'm not from usa, but americans are having a lot of problems regarding planned parenthood, and these feelings of mine started when i saw trans-women (yelling entitled man in disguise) in the comments screaming about how trans women are not included in issues regarding birth control pills.
excuse me? like, what? this isn't your fight? even if it was, why are you yelling at women about it? we don't have to include you in our own business. i shouldn't have to think about your fake pussy every time i talk about my vagina, my period, my ovaries. it took literal years to reach a time where we can even talk about women's issues freely. and it's not even done. we're still fighting on basic issues.
and referring back to what i just wrote, i'm sorry but most trans-women just act like entitled man still. they keep inserting themselves into every single argument. i saw a "non binary pansexual" (basically a hairy ugly neet dude) insert himself into a women's call-out post for a creep near our school, saying that her narrative and her way of talking excluded non-binary people. fuck right off, dude. she had just gotten assaulted and was making sure everyone knew about this creep guy near our school by posting about it on our facebook group.
all in all, i'm sure some anons might say i'm even late to realise all of this, but i'm here. and i'm done. i don't want creepy non-passing dudes pulling out their "lady dicks" in women's restrooms. i don't want to include trans women in women's encouragement/women's career workshops. your fight is different. i'll support your right to exist and live your life as a legal citizen protected by the same rights, but i'm not gonna just welcome you by sacrificing my own fight. fuck off.
i used to watch the youtube step santaji, i was very interested in her journey, but she just turned out to be addicted to plastic surgery and transness is her only feature, she just talks about petty snowflakey trans issues and it's all just that. also, she kept getting surgery after surgery, for a while she was stunning, now she just really looks like a weho gay getting lip fillers every other day. i'm really close to unfollowing.
No. 315839
>>315834>screaming about how trans women are not included in issues regarding birth control pillsWhat? I can't understand this, why would a MtF take birth control pills? Wouldn't that be harmful and cause undesired effects because of the androgens? Why would anyone risk the health complications when they don't have the same problems as biological women??
I was the same like you, and I still believe adults can modify their bodies however they want and I won't shame them for it, but seeing what's been happening in sports and how some people abuse other people's tolerance made me aware of the issue.
No. 315844
>>315839What it boils down to is they have severe mental illness and society is catering to it at a disturbing level. Ffs there's transwomen who will put jelly on pads they wear every month and call it "their period". How more people aren't stopping to question why we're encouraging this shit is beyond me.
>>315842This was how I reached peak trans myself. There are some trans women who are genuine allies toward women and care about our issues, but the movement as a whole is just harmful at this point. There's those who want to simply exist safely, but then there's those who literally want to take over the female world or be catered to to a ridiculous degree.
No. 315850
>>315846Yeah but some forms of birth control (usually recommended for endo I think) contain androgens among other things:
>With increasing age, androgens stimulate hair growth on the face, but can suppress it at the temples and scalp vertex, a condition that has been referred to as the 'androgen paradox'So basically they could not only get health complications women suffer but also boost their male traits. No clue about how other hormones common in birth control would affect them though.
No. 315852
>>315839in the cases where i've seen, they were mostly bothered about not being included in the narrative. it was like op saying "women need birth control pills!" and the trans fucks saying "well, when you say women, do you include trans women?" like i said, reeking of male entitlement.
>>315842my eyes started to open during women's march. i was bothered by the arguments you referred to but paid no mind to it, thinking that it was only a minority. lately i'm just done.
>>315846honestly, when looking at these things from this side, these all read like a fucked up fetish. "acting like" women. yuck.
No. 315866
>>315834yeah i used to use female pronouns for trans acquaintances because i thought, "i know he's not a woman but it's just a casual conversation and he seems to care a lot about this. what does it cost me to just use a preferred pronoun?"
well, as it turns out, it costs us a whole fucking a lot. it didn't stop at casual pronouns but went right on over to female reproductive rights, female safety, female sexual boundaries, etc. don't fuck with anyone who has a lot of requests but no will to compromise, no matter how seemingly small their requests are.
if most troons had said something like "hey i know i'm not actually female and won't insist that i am, but i have some personal issues with my sex and i really don't like being called 'he'" then i for one would have been fine with that. but that's not what happened. they got a taste of what it's like to have control over women and they wanted more and more, and they want more still.
No. 315873
Oh god, one of my friends drew a short magical girl comic and a transwoman friend of a friend told her she should make at least one of the four magical girls trans if she "wants to be a good ally". When my friend said she can't force herself to imagine any of them as trans and doesn't see it as exclusionary because trans women are far less than 1/4 of the female population, the tranny told their mutual that he couldn't be friends with her anymore because she keeps transphobic company. I'm really hoping this makes them both hit peaktrans.
>>315852That's so overwhelmingly insane. Do they want them to say "ciswoman" instead?
No. 315874
>>315866>well, as it turns out, it costs us a whole fucking a lot. it didn't stop at casual pronouns but went right on over to female reproductive rights, female safety, female sexual boundaries, etc.That's how it goes, you give them a finger, they'll soon demand the whole arm. It starts with just "It doesn't cost you anything to use correct pronouns!" and soon it's "Couldn't we just call cis women 'womb carriers'" and coercing lesbians into liking "girldick".
>>315873And here we see an example. They start making ridiculous demands wanting to make literally EVERYTHING women have about their male ass.
No. 315882
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>>315874yup. some men out there have a need to control women that's so deep and neurotic that
nothing will ever satisfy it. in cultures where women submit to all patriarchal commands, do the women get treated like perfect princesses or noble upstanding citizens as a reward? hardly! they just get more commands and punishments for more and more trivial things. it reminds me of mommy and daddy from The People Under the Stairs abusing the shit out of Alice even when she was absolutely subservient and quiet. the goalposts get moved again and again. there's no moment after your subservience where these men say "you're finally a good woman. you've done everything i asked. thank you! that's all i wanted." you might as well refuse the very first request because there is no last request.
No. 315885
>>315879This. When I was 11 I had a phase where I would only wear boy clothes and tried acting like a boy. To add onto it I was uncomfortable with my body since I had gotten my period a few months before my 11th birthday and I had boobs. I grew out of it real fast once I accepted things. Sometimes I still wear men's clothes, but I am a damn woman.
This is why I am so against children being thrown on blockers and hormones. For most it is a phase that comes from puberty, society's treatment of women, and a variety of other factors.
No. 315891
>>315866>they got a taste of what it's like to have control over women and they wanted more and more, and they want more still.this is so fucking true. and the more i think about it, it makes me angry. there's so much fucking history behind women just working and trying and giving everything they have just so that the next generations of women could have a better life and now we have women coddling these horrible men still. this is incredibly sad and angering.
sometimes i'm wishful and think that this trans explosion is just a phase and will pass. i cannot imagine a future with these monsters.
No. 315894
>>315890It's not a symptom of mental illness, it's being a man with the biology and socialization of a man.
You realize mental illness needs to be diagnosed, right? You cant just slap the label on anyone thinking or doing things you dont like.
No. 315905
>>315883They are mentally ill though? I mean, no one in a right state of mind would honestly think they are born in the 'wrong' body. It's a combination of mental illness and not knowing how to deal with gender norms in society. Instead of breaking boundaries, they are converting to a lot of stereotypes.
Imagine of people like Prince and Bowie did that. They would be worthless. They did a lot as male singers and helped open a lot of doors. Instead of doing similar things, trannies want to push back women's rights by decades.
No. 315930
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>>315866>"hey i know i'm not actually female and won't insist that i am, but i have some personal issues with my sex and i really don't like being called 'he'"If you think about it, being trans is really just a joke. It's "politically correct" to call what's very clearly a man with long hair/a wig on, a skimpy dress, high heels and badly applied makeup a "she"… but everyone knows that he isn't a "she". Even kids can see that. Even SJWs and handmaidens… and they're the most dishonest of them all. I remember a video that was posted here where a bunch of people met some blokes and girls and they had to guess which ones of them have had plastic surgery. There was a tranny, and when the handmaiden on the other side met him you could see it in her eyes that she instantly recognized that person as trans, and she started gushing over him and saying "Oooh this girl is so beautiful" etc, and she was lying through her teeth the whole time.
It's like in the tale "The emperor's new clothes". Everybody can see that the king is naked, but they have to lie to not offend his ego and avoid bad consequences.
Tbh I would hate it to have people constantly lying in my face like that.
No one thinks that transwomen are the same as actual women, not even handmaidens. They might say they believe it, but in the back of their mind you know they don't. It's a collective lie.
No. 315974
>>315903I was referring to when anon said
>Plus everything you're saying constitutes being severely mentally ill anyways.The things I was saying were just misogyny and entitlement, standard male traits.
>>315905I just dont buy it for the majority of troons. Some minority of legit dysphoric people exist and yeah that's a mental illness. But a sudden influx of transbians and enbies and whatever is a bandwagon trend and lacks legitimacy. It's having way too much faith in them to assume they a) genuinely think they're women (as opposed to just exercising their power as men to demand we acknowledge them as such) and b) genuinely struggle with gender norms (rather than just liking the idea of being stereotypical hot girly girl while enforcing gender roles in the process). They are men who get off on being a woman or see being a woman as life on easy mode, which is crazy in the colloquial sense but not literally mental illness. Dysphoria isnt even considered a necessity to be trans by trans people.
No. 315976
>>315908you should watch it again for halloween anon! watching it as an adult it's not that scary, but it feels like a mashup of different archetypal fears and impulses that people have. like everything is exaggerated and surreal but in a very familiar way.
>>315818even aside from the obvious exploitation of intersex people, the question is "Ok? do you have any of those traits or conditions? if not, why do you believe you aren't the sex you were 'assigned'"? i also like how they snuck in "you could have a male brain and heart!" next to actual medical conditions. or what, did she get a brain and heart transplant from a man?
>>315917 they want it all ways. gender doesn't hinge on biology but also biology agrees with us too and there's no difference between us and real women but we're also nothing like you nasty cishets because we're special!
>>315974i think you cleared up what you were saying. many troons are not mentally ill in any way, and are just opportunists, but some mentally ill men wind up being troons.
No. 315998
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A handmaiden I follow posted this to Instagram and it rubbed me the wrong way because a butterfly is genetically a butterfly. A “trans butterfly” would be a caterpillar with paper wings taped to it whilst proclaiming to be a butterfly. Sage for dumb shit. I’m just tired of all the trans hashtags all over social media right now and this was the straw that broke the camels back for me.
No. 316030
>>315930>There was a tranny, and when the handmaiden on the other side met him you could see it in her eyes that she instantly recognized that person as trans, and she started gushing over him and saying "Oooh this girl is so beautiful" etc, and she was lying through her teeth the whole time. I don't know how people can see that and not realize it's fucking patronizing and ridiculous. It reminds me of people gushing over that progeria kid. It's like the uglier you are the more people are compelled to gush over you because they have to prove themselves that they weren't thinking how butt-ugly and repulsive you look.
It's real life virtue signaling you're not those people who think "Uh that's a man".
Just like "protect trans women at all cost they're precious magical girls uwu", who the fuck would say that about a grown adult woman ? If they truly want to be women then why do they encourage this kind of infantilizing behaviour ?
I'd honestly find it really insulting to be clapped at and awwwwed at whenever I did the bare minimum. Whenever I looked like a bag of trash, nobody ever came to me and went "YOU LOOK AMAZING GIRL DON'T LET ANYBODY TELL YOU OTHERWISE" hell nah I got mocked for it.
I think what a lot of us despise about the trans movement is how men wants to suddenly become women but can't stand the heat, that we had to face since our early childhood. I'm a latina girl, and as such I had fucking hairy armpits and hairs since I was a kid. I got mocked for it, called a tarantula and boys would flip my dress and point and laugh at my legs. But now it's a dude who has to go through that and it's the end of the world ??
I'm also fucking sick of men comparing their trans body to mine. Yeah I'm hairy. I also have to wax my chin and lips regularly cause it's ugly. No it won't ever ever make me the same as a dude with dick and balls. Rather in spite of that, I'm still a woman and proud of it.
No. 316032
>>315998I've seen this before and I was also confused. A caterpillar is a baby butterfly. It would make more sense if the butterfly was a moth saying it's a butterfly and the snail kept calling it 'moth'
I get they were using it as an example because caterpillars change form into a butterfly, but ultimately a caterpillar is just a younger butterfly.
No. 316035
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I've been close friends with a guy that started transitioning recently. The thing is now his sex drive is off the roof. He insists to show me his "Trans Lesbian Cum Puddle" Discord server where other TIMs just drool all over each other, it's disgusting.
He keeps offering to help me with any sexual favors I need. Yeah, no thanks.
No. 316036
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My state is a joke please just burn it down
No. 316055
>>316036I'm so sick of these ugly ass men in dresses.
>>316035Maybe stop being 'close friends' with a sexual predator and deviant. come on anon, love yourself
No. 316065
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>>316009What the 'reality' image is implied to be showing, based on the title of the other panel, is 'the reality of transphobia'.
The left image treats transphobia as a legit thing, thereby making the image a comparison of how the mentally ill see transphobia vs the reality of transphobia. The image implies that the snail on the right, who is stating facts, is exhibiting transphobia.
Look at the shitty drawing I made in MSpaint. Because of the caption on the left image, it is implied that the right image is a depiction of the reality of Hillary Clinton's Satanic Rituals, not the reality of what Hillary Clinton is like.
The snail in the left image is clearly wrong. The left image therefore also implies that the 'mentally ill' are rather rational in the sense that they realize that insisting something is what it was before, even though it isn't that thing anymore, is irrational. And even though their analogy doesn't work because a man can't become a woman, but a caterpillar can become a butterfly.
You ought to re-title the work 'what the mentally ill think radfems believe' and 'what radfems actually believe' or something.
No. 316069
>>316035Love yourself anon and get rid of him on all social media, along with others like him. It's hard, yes, but don't give into him trying to shoving his life down your throat. You'll feel less stressed once you leave. He's probably got other gross things he's hiding too.
But that's your choice, by all means, give us some milk if you decide to keep being close lol
No. 316084
>>315839I think it's because it can be used as HRT?
Correct me if I'm wrong but I knew a TiM who took bc as HRT.
No. 316085
>>316030The thing we all have in common is that we all get our period - some girls at the age of not even 10. I know that some are fine, but others (including myself) are in a lot of pain every single month. I feel like it robbed me of my childhood. That + growing tits and feeling goddamn uncomfortable in your own body.
The only thing boys need to do, is to start shaving and that usually happens at a lot older age.
I'm really tall and was always bullied because of it. I never truly got to feel 'girly' just because of some shitty guys at school.
Yet nowadays you have guys of easily over 6 ft wearing heels and pink baby doll dresses and demand us not only to accept that, but to compliment them on top of it. It's just not fair.
No. 316118
>>315144As everyone else said, nobody here would REE at that, no. I'd even concede that with socialization out of the picture women might perhaps still flock to what we already flock to due to sheer preference resulting from biological factors. The real issue is that while physical differences in a sexually dimorphic species are undeniable, visible to the naked eye and a direct result of nothing but biology itself, psychological and cognitive differences are more subtle, complex, and difficult to assess.
And let's be real, we live in a civilized society based entirely around peace and mutual collaboration. Evo-psycally speaking, women are much more fit for the kind of complex, highly organized we have. Society
is becoming more feminine, but that's because typical female behavior is… exactly the kind of behavior that functioning in such a society requires. The kind of peace and general well-being modernity attempted to bring about and for which we still aim is the kind of system that benefits women and weak men. The only thing males
could still have going for them is the number one virtue in this era of information - cognitive ability. And thorough IQ testing seem to indicate that there's no significant difference.
TL;DR incels, MGTOWs and other weak male collectives should join forces with us to bring Chad down so we can finally have our boring Last (Wo)Men utopia
No. 316143
File: 1540468089268.jpg (460.52 KB, 1052x1920, tumblr_pduzrrMOLm1r8kohxo1_128…) makes me so mad. Why do men always have to talk about their dick, even when they're larping as lesbian women?
No. 316149
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No. 316154
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No. 316159
>>316154Nah, white men are the worst offenders when it comes to trans shit. Have you ever seen a black male who calls himself trans lesbian? It's always middle-class white dudes, while Latino and black TiMs are mostly homosexual and don't care about erasing women's rights.
Also, I think it's important to point out that the trans right movement is mostly led by literal heterosexual white men that have tricked people into thinking they're an oppressed minority, imho.
No. 316166
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>>316009Yours is funnier but here's another gud'un
No. 316182
>>316168Nta, but that's just pathetic. You can't accuse anybody those point you don't like of being pol.
The majority of americans are white, therefore you'll come across white trannies more often. But this doesn't mean black or asian trannies don't exist or are "better" in any sense.
Like I stated before, it's
american men that are the main offenders in this case, trannies barely even exist in all the other white countries in the world.
No. 316205
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>>316182I mean, 18% of Americans are Latino and 13% are black. But probably more than 90% of trans lesbians I've seen are white, meanwhile most black TiMs I encounter (even on reddit) are homosexual.
Tried to search for some statistics on the relation between ethnicity and transgenderism, but just found this disturbing image. But tbh, I don't really get why someone would be bothered by a post calling out white men specifically unless they're male themselves.
No. 316212
>>316210Yes. That is you tenda. Trying to relate everything back to white men. Funny how these posts started peaking when you started posting on Reddit again.
How many times have you threatened to kill yourself now? Lol.
No. 316230
>>316209Christ, he's so ugly.
Wtf is wrong with his face?
No. 316234
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>>316233>>316232>>316229Sorry I missed out a word, should have said
>Twans advocate speaks gibberishAnd true like this really doesnt make sense. I suspect its all made up.
No. 316244
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>>316234Ah, yeah, drunk men… notoriously radical feminists…
No. 316246
>>316245Also she says in the replies it happened in a very busy city.
You can definitely just go around in the middle if a city, force a woman at knifepoint to get her vagina out, and then go on your way. That happens often.
No. 316268
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Even when I just want to take a break from trannies and learn something new, I still bump into them.
No. 316270
>>316234Of course, women (terfs) are the problem, not violent drunk men
Is this person actually a fucking idiot ? This is legit another way to victim blame
No. 316273
>>316143because they're not trans, they're mentally ill. Women dont have dicks. Women can have body image issues, but it's always very different than what a tranny has issues with.
they're always men trying to power trip. it's disgusting.
No. 316275
>>316123Idk I think that mother is actually horrible and part of the problem.
You have no way of knowing that man in a dress is a troon. It could have simply been a man who likes dresses. There's nothing wrong at all with a man liking traditionally feminine things and wearing feminine clothing. Gender roles and stereotypes are the backbone of the transmovement and we need to be pushing more for the idea that it's totally acceptable for men to like feminine things without it making them any less male. Loudly proclaiming any guy in a dress is mentally ill and you hope your son doesn't grow up to do that is actually pretty disgusting and plays right into the transmovement's hands. This is the exact kind of shit they WANT to happen. Not to mention it fuels male misogyny because now this poor kid is going to feel like he can't enjoy, relate, or empathize with anything feminine in fear of it meaning he's mentally ill.
The right thing would have been to say "It's a man. Men can wear dresses too. Some think it makes them women, but doesn't. If you ever decide you like girly things, just remember it doesn't actually make you a girl."
No. 316283
>>316234Disregarding the fact this is clearly made up, it's amazing how men will blame women for literally anything.
>drunk man harasses your friend>"those fucking feminists"Also, why did it immediately go from "are you a man or a woman?" to flashing his "vagina"???
No. 316285
>>316205OH GOD
I really fucking hope he was arrested. You can see his dick through his skanky panties ffs.
Also, kinda new to these threads so pardon my ignorance, but what does TiM mean?
No. 316300
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Just came across this on my fb feed. Actually no, us women fighting for our reproductive health don't owe these men a goddamn thing.
Also got love the phrasing of "you better do x" Do it or what? You'll threaten us with violence and then claim victimhood?
No. 316304
>>316300>Civil rightOf course I’m outraged
>TroonsNot the same and stop grouping them together. They always lump this shit because they know Troons can stand on their own without currying to blacks even though black are conservative up the wazoo
No. 316306
>>316292this is true, my ex was supportive of the trans movements (let them use the bathroom babe whats wrong with that, theyre not mentally ill they just wanna be in the right body blah blah garbage)
caught him looking at craigslist/backpage/meetup/grindr/etc looking for mtfs to bottom for behind my back
dont trust men but especially dont trust men who support the trans movement because theyre just as pornsick as mtfs
No. 316320
>>316308Anon, its because women are expected to mother the entire world, even in our own movement. And TIMs are the biggest babies of all, so of course they scream and cry for attention.
>>316313kek. Female biology is only oppressive when it comes from ciswomen. When Awesome Trans Gals have their "period" then its empowering.
No. 316330
>>316302>I'm a very, VERY kind and patient woman but she should be careful because if I was the ghetto and mean TS most of LS likes to portray us all as, she probably would have been slapped. it's not cool. at. excuses.
> It's sad that some cis women are really threatened…ugh.> Probably because I'm drop dead beautiful.> As a woman, you should have more tact and class but you don't….but what you lack I have in abundance. You'll never catch me behaving toward someone as some of you do toward trans people.This dude reports a coworker just because she told another man that he's a tranny. Not only did he insinuate that he would hit her, but he keeps shitting on biological women. He also reports anyone that he disagrees with, lol
It's hard to tell anymore whether it's real or just a troll having fun.
No. 316334
>>316293What is happening to the uk.
>>316302Im reading through it all and this one stuck to me
>only demons get violent when the truth is told about themHes upset that not everyone is kissing his ass, encouraging him to punch those evil gossiping cis women and being told tbe truth - that women can tell if someone is trans by looks or voice or how they move.
Does anyone here have coworkers who are trans?
No. 316337
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I'm so livid.
Someone wake me up from this nightmare.
If anyone told me a decade ago that we would be referred to as menstruators, I would have laughed. No. 316341
>>316313It's sad how this post is a sarcastic joke but it's actually a fact. These people don't give one or two shits about women. They derail every discussion about women's rights to themselves because they see their issues having more weight and importance. You literally never, EVER see TiMs campaigning for women's rights, hell, you never see them even talking about TiF rights. It's all about THEM and their male entitlement.
>>316337Even the original study uses the term "women", not "mestruators". Jesus fucking christ the UK media is far beyond salvation.
No. 316343
>>316337Most of thr replies are calling them out. Few are liberal handmaids saying shit like "well some women dont menstrate! Menstrators isnt a bad word~" they are desperately trying to erase the word woman/women arent they?
>@RedQueenRising>"Menstruators", "Bleeders" (lovely), "Uterus havers", "Pregnant people", "Womxn". The bizarre gender terminology make modern Liberals/Progressives sound like '70s serial killers: "Woke Tendy Bundy" No. 316344
>>316343yeah, I loled at that one.
But if you twitter search menstruators, the comments are terrible. So many, "But your gran doesn't menstruate, so not all women menstruate".
Also, "NB and some men menstruate".
Fortunately, you can see that such comments don't get many likes but they're numerous and if we allow this, it can become the new "normal".
No. 316346
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>>316343But I am having a blast with the #GuardianSongs on Twitter.
> The Menstruator in Red> Fertilizer, I Feel Like a Gestator> She's just a devil menstruator, with evil on her mind> You Make Me Feel Like a Natural Menstruator> More Than a Menstruator No. 316354
Went to the menstruator tag on Twitter and found this handmaiden. The delusion…>CW: transphobia/transmisia>Menstruator (a person who menstruates) is an effective, gender neutral term that is INCLUSIVE. >Implying that ONLY (cis) women menstruate erases people who are non-binary, gender non-conforming, trans, etc. >It costs £0 use inclusive language.>In a social and political climate that is currently OBSESSED with enforcing a gender binary, it's imperative that we include marginalised people in our language.>We (cis-women) have GOT to do better. >Fight for your sisters, non just your cis-ters, ya know? [fist emoji]It's imperative (!) and we GOT to do better! Always a "cis women HAVE to", god forbid some of us don't bend over backwards to men in wigs and play along with their delusions
No. 316359
>>316334lol yeah i've had like 5. i'm in a global troon hotspot. is there anything you want to know?
slightly related but my new boss asked me if she/her pronouns are ok for me and i was like lol yeah, she goes "me too. it's just because i'm proud to be a woman yaknow?" took so much to not reply "i just use them because i AM a woman, no matter what way i feel about it"
>>316343the thing that gets me is that LOTS OF BIOLOGICAL WOMEN DON'T MENSTRUATE EITHER, yet somehow they bravely survive the horrible erasure they face when someone makes a statement about the majority of women who do.
>>316344that's the thing. your gran doesn't balk at a playtex ad all "why are they talking to me like i still have a period? ignorant motherfuckers!!!" If using the term women when discussing periods hinged on all women having them, we wouldn't be using it regardless of troons. their stupid argument applies to our side more than theirs.
>>316354it must be so exhausting for people to fight for ideals that have nothing to do with their true opinions or facts,but simply the social fear of being perceived as a horrible person with a bad opinion. i wouldn't be able to sleep at night.
No. 316365
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>>316337SOme of the tweets-so fucking tired of men telling women what they should/shouldnt find offensive or put fucking agp assholes in the same brackets as women who have reproducive issues
No. 316367
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>>316337WELL WELL WELL how unsur-fucking-prising men still get to be called men according to the guardian.
No. 316373
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Is anyone watching naked attraction right now? There's a non-binary pansexual on and some trans men. One of them doesn't have nipples. No. 316374
>>316367holy shit. they couldn't even pretend it's not one sided. and fewer men have actual prostate cancer than women have periods.
i mean, some women have prostates! get over it! i WILL show up to the prostate exam i'm entitled to on the government's dime and idgaf how many cismen get uncomfortable! they can't have a space away from me!!!
No. 316384
>>316373the main girl's intro clip is so miserable. why couldn't she just have a tomboy phase while at uni and then go back to dressing in a more feminine way, nooooo, instead she has to change her whole gender identity, ffs
like i understand not feeling comfortable with being regarded to as a woman and rather wishing you could exist outside of societal pressures and judgement specific to being a woman, but like how is claiming you're actually not a woman despite obviously presenting as one helping with any of that?
honestly shit like this just really cements gender stereotypes, it's literally the opposite of useful or raising awareness to a good cause
No. 316399
>>316384Exactly. Instead of trying to break the society pressure that all women face, regardless of how you look, they want to throw being a woman away and live as a 'man.'
what they fail to realize is that being a transman, real men wont accept you either. So nothing will really change. We have to change how women are viewed in society from the inside, not trying to pretend the problems dont exist
No. 316400
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New theory; current queer culture is because too many people were called a fag by 11 year old trolls and started to just believe it
No. 316471
>>316366Alt-right has always been pro-trans. Whatever supports misogynia is their thing.
>>316367Yep. This is the best example there is. Amidst all this trans fuckery it's WOMEN who are required to give up their spaces, it's WOMEN who are destined to be called "menstruators" and "womb carriers". And nobody sees a problem with this because who ever gives a shit about women. It's depressing.
>>316379Jesus christ those mastectomy results. That's a refund chest right there.
No. 316475
>>316473it could be argued that THE essential tenet that makes the alt-right alt to the usual right is biological determinism. Race and the jewish question are the two things but most see the jew issue as downstream of biology also. A "catholic" is a jew if they have Jewish ancestry, a man is a man and a woman is a woman. Women are biologically different to men and suited to different things.
>boipucci meme and glorify gay TiMs for being "better than real women". Look at fucking Blaire White. Most alt-right guys are tranny chasers.this isn't alt-right this is a grouping of alt-light, anti-sjw and /b/ degenerates all of whom an alt right person would like to see in a camp with a pink triangle patch
No. 316485
>>316366I love how their basic arguments are always >“it costs $0 to use correct pronouns”
>“Don’t call somebody by a word they don’t like, it’s that easy”>“I don’t care if you consider dude a gender neutral term, don’t call trans women dude if they ask you not to”>”if somebody asks you to call them man/woman/they/it/whatever just do it, don’t be an asshole”But when women ask to be called woman because they find menstruators offensive they freak out and refuse.
No. 316488
>>316472>>316475It's hilarious seeing alt-right spergs come to Lolcow and try to cozy people up to their hypocritical, retarded, confused "movement".
Most of you people talk about ~*degeneracy*~ being bad, but proudly revel in "trap" porn and all the other shit you claim to be against.
No. 316498
>>316485I really hate
> “It doesn’t cost you anything to just be considerate!”because the majority of the time they’re actually demanding that everyone bend over backwards for them, completely change our language, deal with feeling unsafe in our own spaces, put in extra work or travel time, etc. I’ve also seen it a lot in oversensitive tumblr munchie types (“I don’t like how tomatoes taste so I’m going to tell the staff I’m allergic so they have to come up with a special menu and prepare my meals in a separate area with separate implements because it’s just easier for me this way UwU telling the truth makes me anxious UwU it’s their job to be
considerate of me UwU”) but with TIMs it’s risen to a whole new level. They expect everyone (well, women) to play along with their delusions in the guise of common decency while completely disregarding the feelings and wellbeing of the women they’re bullying. “Misgendering” is literal violence and a hate crime because it makes them uncomfortable, but if seeing a dick swinging around the women’s locker rooms of a gym makes women uncomfortable then fuck them and their feelings. Their personal boundaries are sacred while ours must be flexible and subject to change whenever they want us to.
No. 316504
>>316489From what I understand, the important difference between gender critical feminists and anti-trans alt-right Jordan Peterson types on the trans issue is that cg feminists want to do away with the concept of gender altogether and just have biological sex, regardless of orientation, interests, fashion choices etc. A man can wear makeup and cry during movies all he wants but nothing changes the fact that he’s a man. The difference between male and female behavior comes from socialization, not whether someone is intrinsically masculine-brained or feminine-brained.
Much of the rest of the world however believes strongly in gender roles. Whether they’re pro-trans or anti-trans depends on whether they believe that gender and sex are linked or not. If you believe they’re linked, like Peterson, then trans people go against nature and are “degenerates”. If you don’t believe they’re linked then that supports the trans narrative that someone can have a gender that doesn’t correspond with their body. Gender critical feminists reject both of these stances because they reject gender altogether.
No. 316508
>>316500>Outside of 4chan The entire thing started on 4chan, there's no divorcing from them. They also still support trannies who regurgitate their talking points, like Blaire White, en masse.
There is no message or goal to the "alt-right". It's an echo chamber for disgruntled, entitled white men and the teenagers (and handmaidens) they manage to brainwash. They have done nothing for anybody except kill, ruin their own (and others') lives, bring shame to their families, spread hatred, disseminate insane propaganda and refuse to self-improve because actually living life is a Jewish psyop or something.
>>316502Yeah, you're right, anon. These people have proven that they're what I described at best, and a group of unhinged, brainwashed domestic terrorists who advocate killing for a flimsy internet ideology at worst.
No. 316521
>>316461This genuinely made me sick to my stomach and I had to look away. NOBODY can say that it's self defense to curb stomp someone, bullied or not. "People like this should die" =/= death threat and 100% does not give the right to almost murder someone.
This is a man. This was attempted murder. This was vicious.
No. 316609
>>316603They're starting to sniff at bisexuals now, because bisexuals like both sexes so it's not as validating for them as forcing a lesbian/gay man to be their validation station.
The funny part is if a bisexual says "That's cool, I don't find trans people attractive anyway" they still throw a tantrum.
No. 316618
>>316610i can't date trans people cause they're either fucking multilated or insane.
i'd never want to date someone who believes you can fix or even help dysphoria with plastic surgery. your brain simply cannot process those cosmetic changes hormones or no hormones.
No. 316731
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No. 316735
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Well I like Shaun quite a bit less now
No. 316736
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>>316735the "bigot" he's referring to is Magdalen
No. 316748
>>316735>mam abusing selfid to get access into womens spacesI mean. Already, there was an incident where man have hurt and raped women, only to call themselves women and recieve hormones and fight to be transfered into a womens prison.
>>316488I think those anons confuses being alt right with being conservative. Ive always thought thaf the altright was just a joke of the right (being rather liberal while pissing on liberals) versus conservatives who are anti trans and not liberal at all.
In the states, Ive also noticed how many impeach trump commercials are there lately. Do people not know if trump actually goes, Pence takes over. And hes definitely not going to listen to "We #WontBeErased" chants. He probably drafted that anti trans memo with Sessions.
No. 316778
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>quoting chuck tingle
I really hope this is a parody.
No. 316814
>>316778>Sex is a spectrumIt's legit science and it's not. These idiots will seriously try to defy biology and logic for their agenda.
>I mean. Already, there was an incident where man have hurt and raped women, only to call themselves women and receive hormones and fight to be transferred into a women's prison.These men need to die
No. 316824
>>316819(Hopefully this is okay to post) I crossplay and cosplay male characters a lot. It is much easier to do shading/contouring as a woman and even fake facial hair. I see theater tropes do it all the time as well. It's easier to make a woman look like a man, but like you said, near impossible to make a man look like a woman.
Apart from our smaller bone structure in general, women are typically softer looking with smaller hands and larger eyes.
Men always look like gorillas to me, which is why it's easy for women to cosplay the bishonen type guys from anime and videogames.
No. 316898
>>316778TRAs with titles on twitter sound less credible to me. Considering how most universities pander to them. Not to mention, this whole sex on a spectrum is said to include multiple species as examples. We read them all the time
>sex is on a spectrum! Look at this animal! Or that animal!Not humans. And we are only talking about humans. Nobody gives a fuck if a frog changed from male to female. We care when men do trying to convince us that they belong in our spaces.
No. 317137
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No. 317291
I'm not sure how much we've had on this topic but is women pretending to be intersex an actual thing?
This girl has a TIM partner and claims to herself be intersex. thing is she doesn't seem to know anything about genetics makes weird claims what do you think? Does this make any kind of sense?
No. 317292
>>317291Also this a second example, even weirder to be AMAB intersex with a 'contralto'
voice, but identifies as a cis lesbian who constantly posts 'lesbian strong' memes
No. 317343
>>317291That reminds me of this video, it seems real convenient that an intersex woman was on-hand.
I don’t believe her claims for a moment. This whole movement is people trying to be different and unique.
No. 317359
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>>317291This person is whack as shit. What baffles me the most is that they're not only completely blind to their hypocricy, they also openly embrace it.
No. 317366
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>>317359>Trans women who are identical to born womenSo… none of them?
No. 317380
>>317351i mean, it just shows how serious they take their life in general. it's all entertainment to them and they want everything to cater to their delusions.
meanwhile every person out there who has a sense of reality and professionalism knows how silly this looks.
No. 317396
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The time where a trans activist said they prioritize insects over women
No. 317604
>>317520Troons want to replace women, not become them. They hate us so much because of their natural maleness, yet the womb/vagina envy twists their minds into making them think they can not only
be women, but
as women, shit on biological (read: real) women in the same ways men shit on/threaten real women and it's not only okay, but that they're being brave just by existing. Troons are failed men who couldn't man properly so they think they can put on a dress and eyeshadow and literally redefine women/womanhood, while at the same times silencing, excluding and erasing actual women. It's like some fucked up conspiracy theory.
No. 317607
>>317605Exactly. They hate us because they think they're superior (probably literally only because of their size&aggression) but at the same time they know no man can ever do anything as amazing as creating life. It must be like a fucked up cycle they're always spinnimg around,
I hate them, but I want to BE them, but they're stupid and emotional and weak BUT I wish I could carry a baby so bad uwu.
No. 317617
>>317612Men think size and aggression are indicators of superiority, but in reality they're not at all. Aghression is only ever destructive to social groups and the only way aghression benefits men is to either out-angry other men (for dominance) or to intimidate women. Without their size and rage they're literally glorified apes who can't figure out their own feelings or logic without help, so they hang onto those two traits as if they mean something and let them definre their manliness. Absolute retard logic. Men only "want" us if they can own us and be perceived as above/superior to us in at least some small way. Every man has some form of inferiority complex to women so they invented the patriarchy and erased women from history, stole our ideas and pushed us into what they lime to call call "our place" in society because they know they could never feel satified on equal ground as us, all because
we carry and have babies and nothing else compares to that.
All the hate women get from men, the patriarchy, all the bullshit they do to make us think we're weak and feel weak and stupid and uncomfortable is all because they feel inferior to
us and it eats them alive subconscioisly from the time they first realize it.
No. 317640
he is big and oafish though. because of his manly proportions.
No. 317659
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Cislords swerve
No. 317663
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>>316829From what I've seen of Laci, she's been pretty understanding and open to discussion with GC feminists throughout the gender debate. I haven't seen it, but I just found out that she had a stream with Meghan Murphy a few months ago that might be worth watching. Ironic that Shuwu tends to kiss her ass.
No. 317715
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Get a load of this male socialization
No. 317724
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>>317638>>317636>>317639>>317657Taylor Swift is 5'9" and she sure as heck doesn't have manly proportions next to Ellen here or a massive head. She looks like a woman
No. 317728
>>317715Trannies showing their male violent side as usual. It's amazing how they never address the fact that tranners get killed by men but they focus all their violence on women just because they use words to express concern over their own rights.
Fuck them.
>>317659That's a massive dude but I'm quite tall (5'9") and broad shouldered myself and before this trans pandemic I didn't care. I have short friends that often "complain" how smol they are, and I was never bothered by that. In fact, I do think they're smol and qt. Now, I became self-conscious about my height and bone structure. I'm working on losing more weight to the point of starving myself, and I desperately want to have a dainty figure. I know that despite my bone structure, it's clear that I'm a biological female, regardless, I just hate the fact that someone might consider my body non-passing or mannish and even consider a tranny to be more feminine than me. I never wore skirts or dresses but now I'm browsing through stores for some. I know it's downright stupid, it's more of a vent, I guess.
No. 317731
>>317705I had a TIM say this shit to me before. He literally said "you don't know what it's like to have to fear for your life walking down the street at night". Keep in mind he's well aware I'm a sexual assault survivor.
Also, around here it's even more offensive to hear this shit because trannies are so coddled. The worst stories my trans friends have are always shit like "the girl on the drive through intercom misgendered me!" and they act so fucking victimized by it. I honestly want to just scream at them to read the story of Brendon Teena then try to tell me their lives are so hard.
No. 317741
>>317715So when an aggressive hulk like that kills a woman, how wonderful to know they'll call him Cathy and not name it for what it is, male on female violence.
Love that he's encouraging weak minded women to attack other women women too. Nothing worse than not doing what a man tells you to do.
No. 317743
>>317705> he and someone else say that no women gets killed for just being womenDo they even know about femicide stats across the world?
Female newborns being killed in India and China just for being female, not to mention in central and south american countries where women are being killed randomly just for being a woman and outside. Like, no other reason than that? Plus, it's something that's happening on large scale, enough to classify it as femicide as opposed to lower rates but still notable in other countries.
Their ignorance truly sickens me. I can't feel any compassion towards trannies and their supporters.
No. 317754
>>317743It's not ignorance, it's denial and appropriation. They want to bump women down to second class, while the troons get to be spoiled and pampered by men the way they think women are
now, play dress up and then cry about not getting their way. They have no fear of being raped because thave penises and man strength/size. They can take E until they grow tits but they will neger be real womwn and will never truly experience womanhood. They want to steal our identities, wear it like a cheap dress and then wallow in all the coddling they get for being male while they cry about how no human ever has faced as much pain and fear as a troon being misgendered, or a troon not being 5"0 and Asian, or a troon not being catcalled by rich guys in supercars.
No. 317763
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I love this
No. 317766
>>317678Oh yeah it does. Men commodify and consume every part of women they possibly can, yet women have no desire to do the same. Girls as young as 13 get told to cover thwir shoulders, legs and backs at school because the male teacher and students can't focus on anything else, yet men and boys sag their pants to show off their sweaty asscrack or walk around shirtless and nobody cares. You can buy shirtless magazines at any 7-11 yet it's illegal for women to go out with exposed nipples, because women owning their bodies&sexuality without giving a man pleasure or money is a slight against them and a show of power that offends thwm to their core.
Every problem in modern society is based around men and their inability- or maybe it's an unwillingness to drop their fucking egos, stop chasing orgasm after orgasm and stop treating everything like a "me vs. him/her/them".
No. 317767
>>317728They get more angry at women because a) they envy us for being female and b) they see us as the gatekeepers to their "womanhood". Us telling then they're not one of us reaffirms what they know deep in their hearts.
>>317724I thought she was 5'11. Which just proves the point even more so.
No. 317772
>>317765They’ve already physically attacked a UK newspaper office for running ads for both sides of the GRA debate and the fucked up thing is that I can hardly find anything about it. They literally attacked a
newspaper and I can’t find any news reports about it. Google is only giving me results for TiMs being victims. It’s fucking creepy.
No. 317859
>>317831>>317841>want to make women disappear for a world with only cismen and mtfsHonestlu, that Gigi gorgeous "im more of a woman that biowomen but i want to have a baby uwu" video is enough to see it too. Its horrid to think that these mentally ill men want to hurt women that much but at the same time, theyre such a small part of the population. And most of them are just in it cause its trendy.
The next trend will be probably transracial or transanimal or something.
No. 317923
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>>312419I told a sissy to remove a photo of my friend on pinterest because she was uncomfortable with it being used in that context and this is the response I got. Why are men so entitled to women that using us sexually without our consent is considered an acceptable way to express gender and asking not to be violated is intolerant? Sissies using photos of Lolitas without our consent made me reach peak trans but I feel like I can't discuss this with my comm because they all follow the same ideology and I don't want to be ostracized. I am sick of Pinterest sissies trying to appropriate our expression of femininity without sexuality for the sake of getting off (Btw his Pinterest username is merrymaid579)
No. 317930
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>>317923This really grosses me out. Not the first time I've seen one of these people create spaces solely for pictures of kids to self-insert and/or sexualize, too. Why do so many not even draw the line at pictures of children??
No. 317931
>>317632good fucking lord. lmao. when did TIMs become so mainstream?
anyone who tries to say someone passes or not needs to watch a video of them first. it’s so fucking easy to clock a man because his mannerisms are either just that of an effeminate gay male or uncanny valley mimicry of a woman.
No. 317932
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>>317930tfw men see girlhood as a sunshine and roses fairy tale to fetishize rather than a complicated and often traumatic experience
No. 317933
>>317927I checked the board out of morbid curiosity and yeah, no. I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt that
maybe he just liked the photos and they made him feel nostalgic for a childhood he never had, but then I saw the vintage underwear ads that used photos of very young girls in bras and I knew what was up.
Piece of shit belongs on a watchlist. These freaks never fail to disappoint. Every day, I grow more and more transphobic.
No. 318144
>>318111This, I watched the video and I laughed at "women aren't visual uwu"
Yes, that explains my old porn addiction.
I think women are just socialized to be ashamed of sexual feelings, thus the thing we're raised to accept is men being attracted to us. We're trained to find men acting upon us as inherently attractive on its own and shame at wanting men or having standards.
For raw female sexuality, look to socially rejected fujoshi who don't have to save face since people already see them as gross. That shit is pretty visual.
No. 318162
>>318144fujoshits are only rejected in the west anon. they're fine in japan, and actually a huge boost to japan's commerce.
i do agree with you tho, it's just another one of those "male and female brains are different!" ploys.
No. 318192
>>318178Never ever let men claim that part of you. As women, we are different in many ways, many good ways. I truly believe men are jealous because they are hairy and violent creatures. Women are more thinking and logical than men. Not to mention, our fashion is awesome. We don't have to do anything to be a woman except be born a woman.
Be proud of that, anon. Men will never claim that space. We just have to fight against them, as we always have.
No. 318208
>>318158Despite being str8 I can't watch a lot of het porn because the males/sex acts are usually visually unappealing.
>>318173I've had that experience like twice in my life. It's scary to me and not really super pleasurable. Might just be me, though. For me it's similar to times when you get too high/drunk but all you want to be is sober so you can regain control of your body.
No. 318260
>>318169Yeah, same. I never truly hated my body (having small boobs helps) but I hated being treated like a girl, so I’d wear boys clothes and cut my hair very short and be delighted when people mistook me for a boy. I’m straight, but most of my interests were considered masculine. I’m also autistic and spent way too much time on the internet so if it were more of a thing back then I’m sure it wouldn’t have been hard to convince me I was trans.
>>318211I’m absolutely sure that the overwhelming majority of these people wouldn’t be trans or even “genderqueer” if they didn’t spend so much time on the internet.
No. 318264
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They continue to be more and more repugnant
No. 318288
>>318250I hope youre doing alright anon. And Im sorry, I hope your dad gets thrown away into the trash where he belongs. How can anyone say that their child deserves to be raped as a lesson? Thats below animals and scum.
And to think that trannis believe all girls are magical princesses playing with ribbons and dolls growing up is pure delusion.
No. 318304
>>317923I'm not a lolita but a lot of my friends are and I observe from the sidelines and godspeed to you guys with the sissies. The original lolita fashion was created for girls to express ultra-femininity that was frowned upon and especially hated by men, which only made the fashion more popular with girls. And now there are sissy men getting their rocks off on it and screaming bigot when they're told to fuck off with their fetishizing. It's disgusting.
>>318144>For raw female sexuality, look to socially rejected fujoshi who don't have to save face since people already see them as gross. That shit is pretty visual.I was just thinking about this. The "women aren't visual/women don't watch porn" meme is meant to signal that we aren't supposed to like sexual stuff because we're expected to stay pure and virginal. The treatment of fujoshis is a pretty good example, even the translated name "rotten girl" came from the fact that men on 2ch felt that these girls are ruined for consuming sexual material. Nobody gives a shit about men reblogging big tiddy pseudo-lesbian pandering because it's the status quo but a woman enjoying two beautiful men meant for the female gaze? Inexcusable! Either get back to the light romance novels with implied sex scenes or only enjoy watching porn your boyfriend likes!
No. 318370
>>315930No one sees TIMs as real women, except for other TIMs (maybe, since we've seen how troons can be hostile towards other troons and will ridicule them for "not passing enough" or stuff like that). Everybody is lying, but in the back of their mind even the most fervent SJWs can clock a troon right away.
No. 318382
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People on Twitter piled on Sarah Ditum today because she noticed how ridiculous Travis Alabanza is. He's claiming to have "lots of PTSD" now because he wasn't allowed in the female changing rooms at TopShop. Why do people continue to support narcissists like him?
No. 318385
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They're actually killing lesbians now
No. 318392
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>>318382Yeah I wouldn't want this thing anywhere near girls, either.
No. 318396
>>318392>15Disgusting. I have no idea how old this guy is since his wikipedia doesn't list it, but there's no way he's below 18 let alone 15.
Disgusting, creepy pedophile.
No. 318403
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>>318385I wonder if they will claim Rivers isn't
really trans even though HE has been a trans activist for over 2 decades. You'd think a murderer this notable would make more headlines or trend… No. 318407
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>>318403>That faceI THINK LESBIANS SUCK
No. 318486
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>>318407fucking KEK
This pic just lets you know how trendy it is to accept troons. It's sort of frustrating to see less than 1/4th of the reactions on this photo are the laughing face.
No. 318520
>>318363I don't even believe they actually think they're concerned about their "safety" anyway, it's all about invading female spaces and having power over them.
>>318369>(Really interesting, the same timeline also saw an increase in awareness of the negative health consequences of HRT and hormonal birth control - leaving pharma companies with expensive labs and production facilities with reduced market for their hormone products. What to do? How to sell hormones?) This really makes a hell of a lot of sense and confirmed a lot of my suspicions. Thank you for the insight anon. I already knew that trans organizations have a load of money running through them but I hadn't drawn the connection between these things.
>>318385>inb4 "h-h-he's not really trans! TRUE TRANS people are made of flowers and sunshine uwu" while still supporting TiMs who make violent threats towards women No. 318595
>>318571>>318562keep telling yourselves that
>According to Karine Chung, director of the fertility preservation program at the University of Southern California's Keck School of Medicine, transplanting a uterus into a human male would not be much different from transplanting one into a female, as "male and female anatomy is not that different."[13] The uterus would either have to be donated by a willing donor or be tissue-engineered using the male's stem cells and then implanted into his pelvic region.[14] Afterward, the standard in vitro fertilisation (IVF) procedure would be followed to insert the fetus into the male's newly formed womb.>A uterine transplant was performed in Saudi Arabia in 2000, from one woman to another, but it did not result in a pregnancy.[15] This advance drew speculation about the possibility of a male receiving a womb transplant, and bearing a child from the transplanted womb.[16]it's only a matter of time
No. 318597
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>>317659Decided to go to this thing's twitter and found an interestng thread
No. 318598
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>>318597A surprisingly mature kpop fan vs a braindead army lol
No. 318616
>>318486This is so disingenuous. Nobody’s saying that trans people deserve to die, just that they don’t “deserve” to swing their dick around in women’s spaces.
>>318599>cis women don’t endure the same violence and oppression that trans people doCrime statistics say the exact opposite.
>>318600Feeling uncomfortable at the occasional family dinner is worse than fearing for your life whenever you have to walk to your car alone at night, apparently. This girl is sheltered as hell.
No. 318622
>>318602Exactly this. I stopped feeling sympathy for the trans movement as a whole when every time a woman talks about her struggles as a woman and some TiM has to jump in with "well what about MEEEE. It makes me dysphoric if I can't relate to this."
I'm sick of these men thinking we exist to validate their identity.
No. 318642
I know this doesn’t entirely fit this thread but I found it to be very important information regarding the disparity between men and women within health issues with decent articles surrounding things like how contraceptive pills and how the menstrual cycles affects our brains throughout it.
I know a lot of the women here don’t believe the in female/male brain, but I really don’t see why this would be the only organ that isn’t affected by our sex specific hormonal balances - which I would argue make a stronger case against TIM’s who say they have lady brain as they physically cannot, just like they physically cannot have vaginas.
Anyway, I’ve rambled but here’s the link: As I said may not have much to do with the thread but I found it both interesting and enlightening
No. 318643
I know this doesn’t entirely fit this thread but I found it to be very important information regarding the disparity between men and women within health issues with decent articles surrounding things like how contraceptive pills and how the menstrual cycles affects our brains throughout it.
I know a lot of the women here don’t believe the in female/male brain, but I really don’t see why this would be the only organ that isn’t affected by our sex specific hormonal balances - which I would argue make a stronger case against TIM’s who say they have lady brain as they physically cannot, just like they physically cannot have vaginas. I’d also say it’s not a bad thing we have different brains, for one it allows us to make better use of both hemispheres of the brain.
Anyway, I’ve rambled but here’s the link: As I said may not have much to do with the thread but I found it both interesting and enlightening
No. 318644
I know this doesn’t entirely fit this thread but I found it to be very important information regarding the disparity between men and women within health issues with decent articles surrounding things like how contraceptive pills and how the menstrual cycles affects our brains throughout it.
I know a lot of the women here don’t believe the in female/male brain, but I really don’t see why this would be the only organ that isn’t affected by our sex specific hormonal balances - which I would argue make a stronger case against TIM’s who say they have lady brain as they physically cannot, just like they physically cannot have vaginas. I’d also say it’s not a bad thing we have different brains, for one it allows us to make better use of both hemispheres of the brain.
Anyway, I’ve rambled but here’s the link: As I said may not have much to do with the thread but I found it both interesting and enlightening
No. 318645
>>318595>artificial wombsYes, they are a decade to twenty years away
>artificial oocytesYes, they are for all intents and purposes already here
>artificial spermatozoaYes, they are for all intents and purposes already here
>artificial in vitro inseminationYes, it is already here
>men getting transplanted a uterus and being able to carry and give birth to childrenThis will never be a reality and it cannot physiologically and endocrinologically be a reality in any shape or form.
The closest you'd get would be CRISPR interference and artificially created humans. At that point though, the human would be neither female nor male. It would be something that we lack the definition for at this point in time.
No. 318654
>>318649Ovarian testosterone is indeed at its highest during ovulation, but it's negligible in volume. Estradiol also increases and sees a sharp spike during ovulation, that's the agent that affects behavior and mood. Testosterone primarily affects sexual attraction and arousal.
Men do not have t7-estradiol receptors in their vagus nerve, basal ganglia, and striatum. Their t7-estradiol receptors are in adipose tissue primarily and white matter secondarily.
Regardless, there is nothing wrong or bad about female behavior. Women have had explicit selection pressures and evolved thusly for a reason. The men (and women) that use endocrinological and neurological differences between the sexes to prove whatever point generally don't really know what they are talking about.
Men will never be women and vice versa. The very fact that transgenderism is even a thing signifies that we are living in a decadent society in the process of collapse.
No. 318664
>>318656Oh anon.
Thankfully I live in a city where they are scarce. We could never be friends anyways because we have zero in common. The ones I saw at uni are definitely transbians. I'm not into programming,lolicon,or my little pony.
No. 318670
>>318645Only makes will find any way to artificial create life to find a reason to kill women off no doubt.
Womb Envy is a real amongst males.
No. 318678
>>318674>>318670By that logic, the chicks that mutilate their arms for skin graft in order to create a Frankenstein phallus are in reality representative of female nature and penis envy.
For radical feminists, you sure enjoy projecting. Trans males and females are severely mentally ill, they are only representative of extreme mental illness and shouldn't be allowed to vote, let alone affect politics or societal discourse. Anyone that supports this charade must be wittingly complicit or mentally/morally insolvent themselves.
No. 318691
>>316140i have a TiM friend who is similar. he refers to himself as a woman and butch lesbian, but he passes well.
he's pretty vocal about how dumb the infantilizing "twans girls are all tiny anime schoolgirls uwu" thing is and that it's pedophilic and creepy, and makes people take MTFs less seriously.
and if he does have a fetish for dressing as a woman it's not obvious. he dresses masculinely but does some traditionally feminine things like wearing makeup and wearing girls' clothes which makes me think he's just a guy who likes to be feminine and went too far.
No. 318711
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>>318642Thanks for the link! Lots of good info in those articles.
No. 318773
>>318727I think part of the issue is that whenever female/male brain stuff comes up, misogynists like to use it to justify their skewed perceptions of social behavior. Or place too much value in it, like all women are then doomed to our brain difference forever, without noting that many of the differences can be improved by working on them. Like, women are better at empathy and social skills than men due to our brains, but that doesn't mean men can't work on their empathy or social skills to reach a level even higher than the average woman.
I hope that makes sense.
No. 318783
>>318714These people are mentally ill, this mental illness is not exclusive to males or females. It's not a facet of male or female nature. It is a complex mental disorder that begins during embryogenesis or prenatally.
It's disproportionately a male mental illness and there are several hypotheses on why that's the case, but it's suicidal to try to untangle it or even approach it in academia.
You have no idea how pervasive it's become. You cannot even tangentially embed transgenderism into your research in neuroscience and I believe it's the same -if not worse- in other disciplines.
No. 318787
>>318481This video is… Just insane. I have no words.
The 3 fat freak parents. The old mom that stares hungrily at the kid while it's talking, almost as if wanting to make sure it says the right things. The story of "just knowing" you have to let the child have its way at 8 years old, immediately going along with it as if a kid that age knows what is best for itself! Why do you think children take so long to mature, our brains grow more slowly than our bodies as children. If we let them raise themselves, they would come to harm. Lol at the special names too like Fiano and Gax or whatever. Just looking at the parents, you kind of KNOW that they exposed them to something. This does not happen in a vacuum, in my opinion anyway. Why do you think it's more widespread now? Modern people are lost and confused, it's a symptom. Not even moralfagging. It's obvious. Troon shit is every bit of a symptom as high suicide, overdoses, fascism and communism returning, witchcraft, pedo and child porn epidemics, marriage becoming obsolete.
This modern way of life has got people really fucked up. You can tell by looking at these parents that they are freaks and they want their kids to be freaks, it's a badge of honor to them.
No. 318791
>>318787I completely agree.
It's a symptom of moral decay, decadence, and social rot. We are in for some hard times.
No. 318793
>>318656I dont feel bad. I only feel annoyed that there aren't enough people against trans in female only spaces and that can't see past their own politic agenda.
Cis men will support trannies because it doesnt affect them. It only really affects women, and they could care less for us.
I'm just really tired of being with a friend and hearing them go off about 'transphobia and i just wanna scream it really doesn't exist the way they think it does.
No. 318875
>>318793Cis men outside of niche internet places cannot tell the difference between a tranny and a flamboyant homosexual. Cis men -by and large- despise and are disgusted by flamboyant homosexual men and trannies.
Cis men would probably beat/oust trannies on sight if they knew they would get away with it.
No. 318886
>She points to recent research showing that alcohol-addicted women have better outcomes when they’re in women-only treatment groups that also educate them about the gender-specific elements of their addiction and women’s motivations for drinking.Shit like this is why it is so important to have women-only spaces. Why is that so fucking hard to understand? It pisses me off whenever I see some "women only" event and it's also open to NBs and "currently or formerly female-identified persons". I also believe transmen shouldn't be allowed in women-only spaces. It's like, you're a "man", right? Go hang out with the men, then.
No. 318897
I know this doesn’t entirely fit this thread but I found it to be very important information regarding the disparity between men and women within health issues with decent articles surrounding things like how contraceptive pills and how the menstrual cycles affects our brains throughout it.
I know a lot of the women here don’t believe the in female/male brain, but I really don’t see why this would be the only organ that isn’t affected by our sex specific hormonal balances - which I would argue make a stronger case against TIM’s who say they have lady brain as they physically cannot, just like they physically cannot have vaginas.
Anyway, I’ve rambled but here’s the link: As I said may not have much to do with the thread but I found it both interesting and enlightening
No. 318963
>>318886Trans people need their own spaces tbh. I don't like tr00ns at all, and think they're mentally ill, but they need their OWN fucking spaces.
tr00ns trying to push themselves onto women only spaces is a huge issue. if you're trans, you're not born a woman, so why are you trying to act like it?
Women only spaces are incredibly important, especially since even though women make up over half the population, we are still heavily oppressed and discriminated against on the daily. We need our spaces for our mental health.
No. 319007
Again a tranny who murdered somebody and now uses "B-but she wouldn't accept my new identity" as an excuse. only reason I frequent kiwifarms is because they do post about these things and lately it feels as if there's one incident of a troon losing his shit and either killing or hurting others every single day… Like somebody there wrote:
>I wouldn't be surprised if they kill more than get killed.I still remember I thought it's unlikely that these things happen on a large enough scale to affect womens crime statistics, but now I'm no longer so sure about that…
No. 319021
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Troon comes to the soul crushing realisation that taking HRT won't drastically change your shitty life and living as a 'woman' isn't all rainbows and and fairytales and striped thigh high socks.
No. 319025
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>>319021'girlhood', this mfer looks literally no different from the 40 yo bassist from 'the used'. god, they're so fucking creepy.
No. 319028
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>>319025He's 100% another fetishist. It's so disturbing to read into how these men think and see the world.
No. 319052
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Look at these stats. You can read in black and white that it's the sexually confused girls committing all the suicides, and the delusional AGP TiM fuckers are making it out to be as if they were the one at most risk. No, I don't think a 30+ white dude in a dress is at the highest risk of suicide, But I do believe he's at the highest risk of killing someone else.
No. 319055
>>319021"It's so hard being a materialistic vapid girl, but I've made sure to spend what little in can on brand new kinky underwear!!"
This man is a transvestite plain and simple.
No. 319086 op tr00n gets pelvic exam and doctor put speculum in their troon urethra instead of their penis pocket, "it's just like every other woman”
Bullshit. I bet the doctor was in shocked to see his multilated hole and trying to figure out what the fuck is in front of him.
No. 319098
>>319086I honestly feel sorry for doctors who are forced to coddle tranny delusions or risk being fired or sued. Imagine going through 8 years or more of medical school, having "first do no harm" pounded in your head, taking courses on ethics and watching for signs of mental illness in patients and having to assist people in mutilating themselves. You fully know that you aren't helping them solve their issues and want to refuse to help them maintain their gaping, stench-ridden pelvic wounds, but you can't.
This "help me hurt myself" model of medical "ethics" sounds like a doctor's hell.
No. 319127
>>319121Wish gay community would be on board with us too. 'gay ftm' are equally annoying and full of delusional shit.
I'm not a fan of 'all men are shit' mentality, and this is something I wouldn't mind seeing.
No. 319194
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Daily reminder that massive women look more feminine than TiMs.
No. 319197"A transgender woman was sentenced to 18 months in a women’s prison for sexually assaulting her daughter before her sex change."
>sexually assaulting his own 3-year old daughter>only 18 months>women's prisonWHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK, CANADA?
No. 319219
>>319217If someone mentions this on Twitter there will be a hundred replies from women with short hair that they GeT MiSGenDereEd All ThE TiMe. They look blatantly like women, but people play it safe with "sir" because it's better to call a feminine man sir than the other way around. But this apparently disproves the notion that all women pass as female
>have man's haircut and clothes>try to look like a teenage boy as much as possible>I-i get misgendered all the time!!!It's a completely different topic to the one at hand: Which is, any cis woman dressed as a woman easily passes as a woman.
No. 319221
>>318135>>317930>>317933Men: Sexualizes young women and children
Men: Also thinks that female childhood is sunshine and roses despite predators such as himself existing
No. 319222
>>319219I knew a TiM would who go on rants about how trans women try harder and dress up and do their hair and makeup every day to look good, while cis women just walk around in sweat pants with a bare face. He'd always say stuff like that's why trans women are better and men like them better.
I didn't say anything because I didn't feel like getting decked by someone twice my size but I always thought, cis women can throw on some old sweatpants and go around with no makeup on because when we do, we're still recognizable as women. Half the time TiMs are decked out in sparkly dresses, six inch heels and a pound of makeup and still get called Sir.
No. 319227
>>318595Except that the body would also need to naturally produce the hormones neccessary, not reject the womb, draw nutients from the mother to pass through the placenta, and finally, start an organic birthing process ending with vaginal birth
It's like juggling 100 plates at a time for 9 months if you wanted that to happen. Never mind men are lazy and wouldn't be bothered with all that. They may implant wombs for fetish purposes, but they certainly won't be viable for birth. Maybe they can experience a fetish-related miscarriage if they're lucky
No. 319229
>>319227Horrifying thought: There's nowhere for said miscarriage to go, so a man-with-womb would carry whatever dead thing around with them until it could be cut out
Just a pure horrorshow, guys
No. 319233
>>318599>cis women do not ensure the same violence and oppression that trans people do
>cis women don't endure violence>oppressionI'm just gonna take a stroll in the street at 2am in my underwear and see how it goes.
I used to have a cis male friend who would go for literal walks at midnight outside, like every day. I warned him it was dangerous. Eventually he was held up with an imitation gun, but kept doing it and is alive and well today.
No cis women has ever
considered taking a stroll at midnight on a regular basis. I wonder why that might be. Maybe because of that violence that we don't endure. Maybe women aren't stoned or set alight on a regular basis in third-world countries. Only trans people experience violence. I feel enlightened
No. 319250
>>317728Be proud of your height. Being small isn't the be-all and end-all of femininity. Actually, I see more shorter girls wishing they were taller. Just some minutes ago I scrolled past a discussion in a Facebook group where people talked about random encounters with celebrities irl and when the subjects were tall women, everyone pointed out how "beautiful, tall and elegant" they were. When you're tall you can stand out and try more modelesque looks. Who cares about looking "small and cute" after the age of 20? Plus, as the other anons said, a man will never look like a biological woman no matter what… let alone look even better than us.
Embrace your height, because most people will like it (aside from insecure manlets, wannabe Shoeonheads and troons)
No. 319252
>>319248My guess is what the other anon said, they think their life will magically improve and they can start afresh with their new identity.
Plus, most guys think life as a girl is like in their animus, or the idea that is perpetuated about women living on an easy mode.
No. 319279
>>319273no it wasn't. stormie was the one that started it.
anyone else so sick of the "HITLER TARGETED TRANS MORE THAN ANYONE!! WE SUFFERED!!"?? and making the holocaust all about them?
No. 319286
>>318265That, and being black. (Race is a more complex identity construct than sexual orientation, but only because society made it that way.) Like stop comparing them to being trans, trans literally would not exist at all in any way without everyone agreeing on a ton of applied concepts.
>>318250I grew up with a girl who's dad had 2 daughters, treated them and their mum like shit and say how he'd always wanted a son…she's now TIF and on T. I'm so sorry your dad treated you like this, he's a fucking asshole. No one deserves to be raped, wow.
>>318620You should photocopy it and post it everywhere.
>>318875Literally this. Straight men that attack/kill trans people are either hate-filled because they thought TIM was gay or hate-filled because they were tricked into thinking TIM was female. It's not actually because they were trans, per se.
>>318958That is proven by how many women adore drag queens. Like they're men performing the femininity that women are scared to perform, because it's not seen as progressive for females to like skirts and makeup but is if males like it. Extra points if the drag queen is actually super misogynistic.
>>319279I honestly read the other day that the Nazis burnt the largest collection of trans history in the world. Please end me
No. 319322
>>318265I got into an argument with a regular customer over this bullshit. She told me i should be more sympathetic towards trannies because i'm gay and i told her that had nothing to do with anything.
It's like, the gay community only accepted trannies because they were such a minority. Now that gay people and the community are pretty established, i don't know why trannies are accepted. They need to be put into hospitals.
No. 319326
>>319109Same, anon. Same
>>319197RIP, Canada. They are onto becoming the next Sweden. Fucking vile
No. 319369
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This racist sexist says lesbians did nothing and that men did all the work for them. The woman hate in this is insane. Just delete lesbians from history. As a straight woman, I've never been more fucking furious for lesbians specifically. I used to just not be informed and I thought ignorantly that gay men and gay women suffered the same shit. Clearly I was wrong.
No. 319400
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why do i still bother with /lgbt/
remember when it wasn't 95% tranny threads? that must've been years ago, now.
No. 319420
>>319021So you need money to be a proper woman or ~*girl*~ or whatever? Sorry to all the females in third world countries.
Also, I hope it‘s okay to vent a bit here.
I‘m a crossplayer and have been told I‘m androgynous looking quite a few times (tall, thin, small boobs, a bit of a big nose for female beauty standards). It was always meant as a compliment to say I was a good crossplayer.
But the other day, I heard some people behind me whisper „she‘s so tall!“ „maybe it‘s a man?“. Mind you, I dress VERY feminine, have an obviously female body and long hair and all that stuff… I like being a woman and being girly so that comment kind of stung, because I‘m very conscious of my height as is. A few years ago, nobody would have called me a man just for being tall. I really hate this tranny trend and kind of don‘t even want men to wear dresses anymore now, though I know that‘s just insecurity on my part.
I just hate how it feels like men dictate what makes a woman a woman simply based on their superficial standards.
No. 319437
>>318265I hate how an important point made by gay rights activists is that being gay, lesbian or bisexual is normal and they were born this way, and trans activists try so hard to make similar points when they actually need plastic surgery and hormone injections to be themselves. Which is the opposite of being natural and being born this way.
>>319286Nobody in my family was raped but he would say that if it happened to us we would deserve it way to often for it to be normal. Clarifying this point just in case there was some confusion. I hope your friend is doing ok, I find it kind of funny how she and I had totally different reactions to how we were treated, but that's still horrible that she felt she had to transition.
No. 319439
>>319086I don't think I've ever even
seen my urethra, and I have looked at my own vagina plenty of times. Just imagining what it must look like down there for a doctor to confuse a urethra with a penis-hole is enough make one gag
No. 319447
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I know that this is a minor complain in the grand scheme of things, but is anyone else pissed by transpeople and trans allies claiming all well-written characters as trans….? It happens especially there is a girl or woman character that is treated by narrative as more than eye candy and is either not stereotypically female and is critical of some aspects of girl/womanhood.
I've seen people do it to NGE girls cause Asuka hated being on period ('I bet she is talking about special transgirl period that one gets from HRT!') and hating the thought of ever being a mother, and Rei's whole storyline is about escaping the reality of being built to be someone's perfect, submissive girl and finding herself.
Yesterday I was feeling horrible and I looked for Inside Out fics as this is my comfort movie… I've stumbled on quite few with the premise that Riley is REALLY a transgirl. I know that fanfiction is for playing with ideas but it drives me nuts because there is a larger trend to headcanon girls/woman as men in drag. Let us have our characters, goddamn it. As annoying as it is, no headcanons or autistic screeching about not making the rules will change the content of the actual movie/tv series.
No. 319454
>>319437being gay, lesbian or bisexual is normal and they were born this way
Not trying to pick a fight here, this is just something I genuinely don‘t understand. Can someone really be born straight/gay/whatever? Do babies have a sexuality? Personally, I think it‘s something that develops over time (during puberty maybe?)
Unlike your sex, people are born with that and it won‘t change because someone’s delusional or even just doesn‘t know shit about basic biology.
>>319447If they mean that statement seriously, way to misinterpret a movie that was made to be understood by children!
If that‘s a self-indulgent head-canon, way to be stealing represantation from lonely young girls that struggle growing up! Keep talking about how oppressed you are!
No. 319456
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>>319454I wish it was a troll but it's more likely not. When the movie came out, a lot of people came to the conclusion that Riley is meant to be trans/agender/bigender/whateverthefuck cause her emotions are not all female when other characters have emotions of their own sex only (even though it's obvious that Pixar made it that way to have some male characters on screen and mix things up a bit in general).
No. 319459
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>>319456Sorry for my sperging about fandoms no-one cares about but check out this fuckery>character: is nongender conforming for whatever reason, this is a plot point>random tumblr blogger: OMFG THEY MUST BE TRANS, I mean of course not acting like a brute does not mean someone has to be trans, BUT WAIT, ACTUALLY IT DOES No. 319466
>>319462…While ending it with a statement that they most likely are a girl, more or less.
The person was responsible for the above mentioned trans!Asuka headcanon (purged it from all versions of the blog kek) and agender (I think, can't keep up with the made up genders) Rei. I don't think she Kaworu as anything kek (why not if you insist on this idiocy? his love goes ~beyond sex and gender~ after all).
Way to misunderstood the message of the series while acting like you are super progressive and understand the characters better than anyone just cause you want the them to be genderfucks like you.
No. 319470
>>319437Due to studies being gay is
partially a genetic issue and certain people are prone to becoming gay during puberty, and it's existed ever since the early ages of human history, can be observed in wildlife etc so I think it's natural enough to be considered normal. Above all it doesn't really require third parties to do anything for you except treat you like they would a normal people. Transgenderism on the other hand.. you have to learn to use unnatural pronouns and fascistic neo-talk, you have to think someone is something they're clearly not, they require mechanical, life-threatening plastic surgery and hormones to "be who they're born as", there's literally no biological or neurological proof of a man having a "lady brain" or vice versa. That doesn't sound one bit natural.
Trannies hijacking the LGBT movement is the worst thing ever, the vapid TRAs have normal people going for that "I knew this would happen if we allowed gay marriage!" bullshit, even though most cis gay people want to drop the T themselves. These mentally unwell motherfuckers aren't just making a bad name for themselves, they're ruining what gay people have fought for for decades.
No. 319475
>>319473samefagging, I just remembered this post by pronounrespecter:
"troons find shinji relatable because he’s literally the definition of an eggmode transbian:
>mommy and daddy issues>incel creep (he masturbates over sleeping asuka)>cowardly beta and a chronic failure>perpetually jealous of his vastly more impressive and brave female colleagues (a literal god and a prodigy)>vaguely bi because kaworu gives him the validol once>his feelings towards asuka are literally a mixture of inadequacy, envy and burning sexual desire>he wants to fuck rei while also seeing her as his mother figure>he essentially murders both rei and asuka in the end>according to some interpretations he turns asuka into an eldritch amalgamation of both women he’s been creeping on, a “perfect waifu”>he chokes that amalgamation in the endthe best thing is that anno specifically wrote him as a critique of disgusting incel NEETs. this has been your rare weeb psa because i have actually watched evangelion. bye"
makes u think
No. 319477
>>319424No anon, she was CLEARLY a trans man. Everyone who was gay was actually trans during Stonewall.
I shit you not I've seen multiple posts on social media saying this and being popular.
No. 319479
>>319475shinji is a 15 year old boy. he's not a NEET or a tranny, he's a confused, parentless child.
sorry, but we don't need
more projection to argue against tranny projection.
No. 319482
>>319479No one's saying he's neet, dumbass. Just that he's a representation of betafags, which anno himself has reaffirmed.
Neets and trannies are also mentally ill betas by default, so it does make sense for them to identify with him.
No. 319483
>>319466What would you say the message of Eva was that they're missing?
Sorry if this sounds concern trolly, I'm just interested in your point of view, sorry for derailing also
No. 319498
>>319492You better be reporting the 10 other posts who have been discussing this shit for 2 hours.
Nice to know animu spergs aren't even off limits ITT /s
No. 319696
>>319662There are definitely third genders in many indigenous societies but they are still recognised as their own SEX.
I think there probably were trans people at the time because in the early 20th century a strong idea of gay people was that they were "inverts" so really the "wrong sex" rather than the "right sex, wrong orientation" and then eventually "right sex, right orientation, all is good". Look at the Well of Loneliness with the character calling herself Stephen and basically being a man in a woman's body sort of thing.
It seems that the trans movement could be reviving that thinking, interestingly enough.
I am sure there are genuinely trans people. But I am also sure that a lot of people who are GNC or transcurious these days are not actually trans and are instead being swept on a wave.
I am transfriendly but the thing that makes me gender critical is that I am gender critical (lol) and I think a transwoman or a transman is not exactly the same as a natal female or natal male. I can't see why it's such a horrific deal for people to acknowledge that (and plenty of trans people do. All they want is for people to kindly respect their preferred pronouns and that doesn't hurt anyone.)
I feel unfortunately that the category of woman is being erased just so that we don't offend anyone. And that bothers me a lot.
No. 319702
>>319670lbr though, trannies are the biggest sexual deviants around. so many of them are public exhibitionists, furries, pedophiles, get off on deceiving people
>>319460, you name it. we used to accept that cross-dressing males were fetishists. the way trannies have managed to rebrand themselves is commendable, considering they haven't toned down their comorbid fetishes one bit. maybe it's because sex posi "don't kink shame me" liberal feminism is all the rage right now too.
No. 319705
>>319691This post made me curious, so I looked up that actress. She did an interview mentioning her trans shit:
>"I thought (FtM) was my only option: 'I don’t feel like a woman so I guess I’ll be a man.'" >"I was still so uncomfortable with myself and my body. I was like, 'I’m presenting as trans, why am I still so unhappy?'"Poor girl. I can't believe her parents signed off on top surgery. She's clearly going to regret it - she's not even taking Testosterone. So now she's just a woman with no breasts.
No. 319706
>>319691This is so disgusting. So now trans have invaded media and so many kids/teens are gonna watch this is think it's normal.
'i dont feel girly or like wearing skirts.. I should get surgery and go on T."
fuck this gay earth
No. 319741
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peep the Autogynesmile™ on this freak No. 319742
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peep the Autogynesmile™ on this freak No. 319750
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"I only get misgendered because of my voice!"
>big man face>man shoulders>yaoi handsSure, 'Amy.'
>>319741>game devwhy am I not surprised lol
No. 319770
>>319753 Fa'fafine are "men who are like women" who dress and act in feminine ways but are still identified as men. Traditionally they take feminine roles but may also do masculine ones and fulfil men's roles. They often stay home and take care of their parents. Outside Samoa it seems there's a full range of fa'fas from those who live as men, marry and have kids, to those who do the full gender reassignment thing.
There is a girl who I assume is fa'fafine at my supermarket. She has a girl name and long hair, pierced ears, a soft effeminate but not camp male voice, a slim young man's body. It's hard to explain… they seem much more "comfortable" about it than many young white transwomen I have seen. This fa'fa seems to feel no need to overcompensate for not having a womanly body. But she definitely is presenting as "she" and I wouldn't feel right calling her he. She usually wears no makeup. Now, if she is a fa'fafine then her feminine male identity will have been accepted since she was very young. No need for hormones or angst.
No. 319780
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i browse this site every once in a while and i am so glad theres a radical feminist/gender critical thread on here–I've been on this boat for like 6 years now and wouldn't go back
pic related is a "transwoman" saying something fucking crazy again. this particular one lives in my hometown and im terrified if i ever have to see them at a public event for god knows what reason. same persons also a pedo No. 319790
Okay, I suddenly understand even more why male troons are like they are with their fucking anime crap.
Someone on tumblr linked to this anime-themed "erotica" (urgh) site and look at this lesbian section :, underage, incest…
I imagine they start out fapping to this and brainwash themselves into wanting to be uwu futanari lolis IRL. The fetish takes over.
No. 319815
>>319789I utterly hate that the tranny used one of my favorite works by Bach.
How dares he to use such masterpiece as a background for his cheap entertainment for the microcephalic masses.
He should be burnt alive just for that reason alone.
> music by Zoë BladeYeah, no. It's straight up butchery in the beginning and then shameless plagiarism with no credit either in the rest of the video.
Nothing's sacred to these deranged freaks, not even Bach.
No. 319884
>>319780looking at that link… every. fucking. troon. has some sick fascination with slime girls. it's obviously supposed to represent girls covered in semen.
>being part of oppressed class really fucks you uptoo bad white trans women are the least oppressed group and STILL more safe in this world than females
No. 319892
>>319789Wow, getting chubby in the face, and why is his makeup so lopsided.
I'm never going to subject myself to half an hour of his tortured troon voice.
No. 319915
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Just why? Why is this tolerated?
What's the point of this subreddit? Fuck it.
No. 319916
>>319789I have never watched any of this videos because every screen grab is so off looking.
I clicked that video and barely got to 5mins.
This is a whole GROWN ASS MAN dressing and acting like this?
Which this still puzzles me.
I've been browsing cross dressing forums because that's where alot of trannies begin LARPing as women.
No one can fucking explain WHY dressing in clothing designed to over sexualize the female form for male gazez and act like sex starved porn stars.
Some stop at cross dressing and some fully troon out.
Many sites day if the male stops at just cross dressing in his free time and acts like a normal person "that's all so fine and dandy, don't judge" "oh it's not sexual" which I call BULL
If they troon out it's also fucking fine but what these males on the troon spectrum cabor explain WHY do a fucking male want to dress up as a woman to "feel better"
It's literally womb envy.
Women don't dress like males to masturbate to, they just ate comfortable.
It's only males who go to steal the sisters underwear to jerk off to.
It's only males who cross dress in their free time to "get away from being a man" " to be feminine" "be soft and blah blah insert girly bullshit here"
It's mostly males who want to cut off their junk to fashion it to MIMIC the NATURAL Woman's genitals. (TiFs are less than troons I believe)
It's only males who have period fetishes.
It's only males who take drugs that mimic female hormones to grow "breasts" when it's really gynecomastia. (My male sibling has gynecomastia and he is fully aware of it and wants surgery)
It's only males who have pregnancy fetishes and uses enemas to inflate their stomach (eg zinna Jones (Satana Kennedy nsfw)
I can add more
It's only males who do these fucked up things and they never can explain why because it's at simple as their are disgusting human being and should be shunned from society.
But they make bullshit excuses to justify their bull because they are physically stronger than myself and could kill me easily.
I have a friend who got assulted and raped by her ex who won't stop harassing her.
He cheated, faunted the new side girl, assulted my friend and nearly killed her and came back to rape her. He may get away with it and I feel so fucking helpless. She might drop the case cause the law is in his favor.
MEN can NEVER be WOMEN. End of.
No. 319927
>>319915Yeah, 5'9 women with deep womanly voices and slightly broad shoulders are attractive.
6'2 dudes in dresses with deep male voices who have uber-broad shoulders while having no hips aren't.
No. 319982
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>>319932Same dude said about filming a porn if two troons and a woman in a locker room in reaction to that autumn troon who showed his shrimp dick in the woman's locker room at a gym.
No. 319987
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the fucking face blurring makes me suicidal
No. 319990
>>319915I really hate that /r/actuallesbians is mostly shitty memes like "DAE flannel and short nails XD" and not actual discussion about lesbian life. And while every big subreddit usually has easily digestible memes at top, I do also think 'transbians' are partly at fault for this. For them, being lesbian is
literally a meme, just another set of stereotypes they adhere too. I feel like most memes are posted and commented on by transbians, while most posts actually discussing lesbian relationships are made by women.
Oh, and nearly every fucking week there's a popular post about "dae love tall women?" with troons commenting "hey girls i'm 6'5'' who wants to be my gf uwu". Rarely ever there's a post about loving short girls. Troons just use this subreddit to get validation and indulge in their fetish.
Anyway, if you're looking for a lesbian subreddit for actual homosexual women check out /r/truelesbians.
No. 320060
>>319691 christ the amount of internalized misogyny in this show. Fuck.
>>319741Why do they all look like Chris-Chan? The muddy brown roots and shock colored hair with that AGP smile.
No. 320078
>>320060>Susie provides a side of feminism that really represents that you really don’t have to be female to be a feminist.That makes no sense whatsoever. The whole idea isn't feminist at all. It's impossible the escape misogyny by identifying out of womanhood.
That article and Lachlan's comments make it all sound so confusing. But on the show they never mentioned anything about genderqueer or non-binary. Susie is basically a girl who's being bullied because she's a tomboy. There are some very uncomfortable scenes but at least they're not trying to push the idea of gender identities on an impressionable audience. I hope they don't have Susie transition next season or change her pronouns or adopt some weird identity.
According to IMDb, Lachlan used to go by Riley Watson as a child: No. 320113
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>>319661>So as both categories, trans were the most targeted ! It make sense ! Did trans really exist at that time though ?Yes, google Magnus Hirschfeld and the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft.
>Hirschfeld had coined the term transvestite in 1910 to describe what today would be called trans-gender people, and the institution became a haven for the transgender, where Hirschfeld offered them shelter from abuse, performed surgeries, and gave otherwise unemployable trans-gender people jobs, albeit of a menial type, mostly as "maids".>>319670I actually posted this excerpt a few threads back. It's from this paper: (you can use sci-hub to access it). It discusses some cases of trans-identified individuals in Nazi Germany, it's kinda interesting imo.
Homosexual men were definitely the most persecuted LGB group in Nazi Germany. The camp badge "homosexual" (the pink triangle) actually only included them, lesbians were not systemically imprisoned. Some were though, being labelled as "asocial" (black triangle). (Prostitutes, beggars, alcoholics, mentally ill people were also included in the "asocial" category.)
So while I don't think trans people were persecuted in Nazi Germany, they were endangered, especially TiMs who could be labelled as "homosexuals" (even if they aren't). But I doubt Nazis cared if a dude liked wearing his wife's clothes sometimes, hell, there must have been some Nazis with a crossdressing fetish.
No. 320160
>>320155It didn't even take that long for her to start shilling trans statistics that don't apply to her or her child. Your child isn't a black sex worker. As if he has any clue about whatever she's spewing.
Oh, of course mom is a Christian, too. The conservatism is strong in the trans movement.
This reminds me of those parents who do the whole gender neutral "no cars or dresses in this house". They're no better than the ones who go "you can't like this because you're a girl/boy". I have no doubts this mother threw away every single slightly masculine thing her son wore and played with, because girls only like pink and purple and glitter.
Girl likes playing football? Forbidden, stay on the sidelines and be a cheerleader instead.
No. 320163
>>320156I remember I use to work on the check out self service and this person called me over, I was so deep in my own little world and not giving a shit about anything, I hadn't noticed that it was actually a tranny until I went up to it and it looked me in the face, I didn't even know what to say cos it was so creepy. I served a lot of rich housewives and seeing a man try and emulate them was hilarious to me. I stuttered and repeated myself twice cos I was so taken aback lmao. It definitely noticed. Thankfully, this is the only tranny interaction I've had in my life so far.
Any other Australian anons, whats the opinion on the tranny situation here? I don't think its actually hit yet but I'm in Western Australia not "progressive" Melbourne or Sydney. Also, the people I know are normal and don't have time to think about trannies.
No. 320166
>>320163Live in Adelaide, it being the fucking weeaboo capital there’s a decent amount of tranny’s here. There used to be a ladies drink and draw here where one would go and every woman there would be visibly uncomfortable and start leaving while making excuses.
There’s also a lot of pandering where pretty much ANY female specific event has now become a ‘female indentifying’ event. Also from all the tranny’s I’ve been near I find it deliciously ironic that being on hrt causes male pattern baldness.
No. 320177
>>320163Aus anon here
Hasn't his Tasmania yet.
No. 320215
>>31969117 year old girl gets breast implants (reversible surgery)
>Gross! She's way too young for surgery! Where are her parents?17 year old girl gets her whole breast tissue removed (irreversible surgery)
>Yaaaas queen slay! They're old enough! Being trans starts from childhood! No. 320227
>>320218The absolute state of their delusions.
>TERFs are just bitter because we're so much better at being women than their butch asses could ever be!!Yes, a 6'3" stringy-haired manjaw that refuses to exit their house and dresses up like a Halloween costume is what we all are jealous of. You got me good there.
This gem made me howl with laughter though:
>There's truth in the fact that there's still a lot of sexism and misogny out there, but it's true that women are becoming outmoded by modern standards. There's a reason why feminists and a lot of women at large are literally scared of the idea of sex robots and virtual/robotic GFs. There's unfortunately a lot of women out there that have nothing to contribute except being physically desirable, and if that's all you can do, like anything else, a synthetic more functional version will come along sooner or later.Another proof that these people are just misogynistic incels who took their woman hate to a skinsuit level. Imagine actually thinking like this.
I'd brush these people off as being provocative trolls, but they're not. The good thing is that they're often the type of hikki AGPs that would never take their shit out to the real world because they burst into tears and have a panic attack when someone talks to them outside and calls them a "sir". I applaud the girls who took the time to write the very informative and elaborate replies in the thread, it's sad that their male entitlement makes them immune to facts.
>>320225Yes it is. Your breast tissue gets removed. Some women get their breast tissue removed due to high risk of developing breast cancer but replace them with implants, but of course they're not the same as having your natural tissue there. Implants need to be renewed every now and then and you lose your ability to breast feed when giving up your natural breasts.
No. 320256
>>320187Yeah, but tbh UTAS is a shit hole that let a child rapist study in postgrad, and they let the sex worker alliance show up at market day. Not to mention that Tasmania only legalised the homosex like 20 years ago. I reckon it's just a generation of confused girls trying to protest the extreme conservative views held here.
No. 320264
>>320160>>320155There's another video about this kid, and he's definitely a victim of homophobia and gender roles being forced on him, even violently. At around 7:00 his mom starts telling about how she was so afraid of her son being gay that she tried to basically pray the gay away, googling conversion therapies, physically abusing him every time he was being "girly".
This is just a conservative Christian mother not wanting to deal with having a gay/gender nonconforming son.
No. 320281
So I had a 5 year high school reunion yesterday (fml, I'm old) and this guy from my class has gone full retard and is now a troon. I didn't really keep up with anyone outside of my closest friends after graduation so I didn't know and had to hide my visible disgust when I saw him. He was a pretty normal guy, played soccer and lacrosse, never would have expected him to be such a freak. He showed up wearing a mini skirt, tank top, leather heart choker, and thigh highs…. you could see his hairy chest and super muscular arms. It was disgusting. Keep in mind this event was at a country club with a dress code, but no one said anything to him because ~discrimination~. He came up to me and 3 of my friends wit his annoying fake ass troon voice and kept calling us "girlfriends." He sat at a table with us and talked the whooooole time about being a "girl," talking about how much shaving sucks and shopping. Meanwhile the rest of us were catching up, talking about our careers, graduate/law school, etc. The worst part was when one of my friends got up to use the restroom and he said "oh I'm coming! us girls can't go to the bathroom alone teehee!!" He seriously ruined the whole night. I never thought anyone I know would be this big of a fucking freak.
No. 320283
>>320230It's hilarious how they think in all seriousness that women are "scared" of m-muh sex robots. All women that I've met, including normies, have just laughed it off and thought nothing of it, if anything, it's pathetic to them and they're glad that men who choose a robot over a real person are welcomed to exit the gene pool.
>>320155Listening to this kid talk it really sounds like he's being fed his lines. It's like an adult who's trying to speak like he thinks kids speak like. And yeah, of course they're religious homophobic people.
>>320160>I have no doubts this mother threw away every single slightly masculine thing her son wore and played with, because girls only like pink and purple and glitter. This. How come the child "trans girls" are ALWAYS super, SUPER sterotypically girly and only enjoy "rainbows, cupcakes and sunshine" (like in the video). They never act like a real little girl would, especially when they're like fucking 9 years old and wearing princess dresses and tiaras. What girls past the age of 5 do that anyway? My best guess is that it's because they don't even want the kid to realize that they might be an effeminate (and probably gay) male after all. There's a reason why so many trans kids have homophobic/conservative parents.
>>320264>At around 7:00 his mom starts telling about how she was so afraid of her son being gay that she tried to basically pray the gay away, googling conversion therapies, physically abusing him every time he was being "girly". Oh look, I was right. They decided the best conversion therapy is to just make him a girl altogether so at least he would be a straight girl instead of a gay male. How is this progressive and brave again? And what the fuck are they doing interfering in a 2-3 year old's development anyway? This whole document makes me feel sick.
No. 320287
>>320283Samefagging to continue venting about the documentary:
>The mother tells that she punished her son for acting like a girl (yelled at him, put him in time out, even spanked him) and tried to pray the gay away>The son starts talking about wanting to die >OH MY GOD THE TRANS SUICIDE STATISTICS WERE RIGHT HIM WISHING DEATH UPON HIMSELF CAN'T BE DUE TO ME STRAIGHT OUT ABUSING MY SON FOR BEING EFFEMINATE IT MUST BE THE TRANSGENDERISM This is simply awful. Where the fuck were the social workers and child protective services when this was happening?? What quack doctor thinks the solution is for the bible thumping mom to get her way by fucking up the kid for life?
No. 320304
>>320266holy shit i had an ex who trooned out who did the same thing. the fucking overknee socks. the ones with fucking stripes.
he wanted to be a sexy dragon lady
No. 320306
>>320281Ugh that sounds so annoying. I'm coming up on my 10 year has reunion and I never kept in touch with anyone, but now I'm worried about people becoming tr00ns.
Sorry that asshole ruined the night for you. It's crazy no one can say anything to these mentality ill people because 'muh opression'
No. 320311
>>320264This is so freaking sad. Why is this legally allowed? I've always considered myself a liberal person, but I'm 100 percent against making kids into tr00ns, especially because they are going against gender norms (which is a good thing! Wtf)
How do people think this is okay? It's beyond child abuse
No. 320318
>>320309Yes, they do.
I'm 100% sure that in the future people will look back at this whole trans-epidemic the way we look back at people in the past who believed that the Earth is flat. Once something knocks some sense into the world, the books will refer to all of this as a form of conversion therapy and/or mental illness depending on the cases
No. 320330
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Man, Kim Petras always looks so awkward. I kinda feel sorry for him, he seems like a decent person. Also, he never seemed to get a feminine figure despite having no male puberty and doing estrogen for years. (TRAs claim that the way your body distributes fat changes when your on HRT.) No. 320366
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>>320340yeah and it's just bullshit too. i dressed like absolute stoner trash, wore 0 makeup, and had tangled unstyled hair until like 20, had no help from my mom or anyone, then i decided to try styling myself more feminine, so i watched some videos and spent a little money and i looked genuinely put together within the year. not fashion mag tier or anything but way better than the average troon. it's really not that fucking hard. you don't even need to be creative. you can straight up copy someone's outfit if you want. troons just won't do it becuase some of it involves tedious chore-like grooming tasks. that's why they all have super grown out roots. they thought dying their hair would be a self actualization magical girl transformation sequence but it was just a boring chore and now they don't want to do it again.
>>320330the thing with him is that it doesn't even matter if people think he techincally passes or not. if he was a girl he would not be considered pretty. people make fun of jojo siwa's appearance but he looks blocky, haggard, and harsh compared to her. i mean come the fuck on.
No. 320377
>>320256Is that child rapist the same one who was attending the campus gym and ended up with multiple complaints against him because he would stand around watching girls exercising?
You could be right about the girls, I'm not sure because I never knew any of them all that well. But I do know one girl came from a very conservative christian family, another was from a Jewish family and a few others from abusive households from what I was told by friends. I do feel sympathy for them, and I hope that they turn out alright.
No. 320393
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Does TJ Maxx have some kind of shop policy to hire trans people, there are a disproportionate amount working at the one I go to. At least being in customer service they all look well put together and are polite.
>flirt with cute butch lesbian cashier
>notice only after I leave store that she was dogwhistling her male identity the whole time