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No. 481805
•No sperging (i.e., encouraging extreme violence or poop-touching)
•Keep infighting to a minimum
•Try to keep GC/PP discussion contained to this thread
•Ignore any post that is off-topic (racebait, homophobia), or that you suspect was posted by a troll/scrote
Gender critical and radical feminism define gender as sociological (feminine/masculine) and sex as biological (female/male). Woman is defined as an adult human female. Radical feminists seek to abolish gender as it is used by patriarchy to oppress women socially, reproductively, and financially. They strive to preserve women's spaces (such as restrooms, locker rooms, and health care providers) and areas of artistic and intellectual expression separate from men.
Trans ideology posits that one's gender is self-determined based on one's feelings and defines woman as the characteristics and behaviors traditionally ascribed to females by society. Increasingly, transactivists are conflating gender and sex and asserting that a person can self-identify both gender and sex.
Gender critical feminists strive to maintain the distinction between gender and sex. The conflation of gender and sex erases the biological reality of women, eliminates women-only spaces, and disestablishes women as a protected class. Existing laws and legislation currently being passed around the world allowing for self-identification on legal documents do not differentiate between gender and sex.
The acronym TERF (Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminism) is used primarily by transactivists and their allies to denigrate radical feminists and other women who express gender critical ideas. Transactivists portray TERFs as violent oppressors by virtue of their ideas alone.
Posts of related news and web articles are welcome. Posts of photos, videos, and blogs of transactivists for the purposes of discussion and critique are welcome. Please refrain from derailing, infighting, and ad hominem attacks. This thread is not intended for the general discussion of feminism, sexuality, misogyny, or misandry.
https://bannedbytrans.wordpress.com | | |, Writers
https://culturallyboundgender.wordpress.comhttp://gendercritical.blogspot.comhttps://www.gendertrending.comhttps://janeclarejones.comhttp://www.lilymaynard.comhttps://thewitchofwentworth.tumblr.comhttps://trannosphere.tumblr.comInauthentic Selves: The modern LGBTQ+ Movement Is Run By Philanthropic Astroturf And Based On Junk Science
http://www.genderhammer.comreddit Resilience Project violent crimes committed by transgender individuals
This Never Happens and clinicians concerned about transgender youth
https://www.4thwavenow.com Channels
Venice Allan Arrow Berns Brennan / Ally Missandry RadFem Radical feminism in Korea Lloyd Long Murphy Parker Woman's Place, Art, Comics, Memes
Feminist Heretic Feminist Struggle Paley / Mimi and Eunice Katherinee Draws Badly Snowflake Books Untameable Shrews
https://violetdioxazine.tumblr.comWoman Adult Human Female
https://www.standingforwomen.comPrevious thread:
No. 474474
Last Pink Pill thread
>>>/ot/444100 (includes links to previous PP threads)
Last GC thread
>>>/ot/454392 (includes links to previous GC threads)
"TERF" thread
>>>/g/67378"Transpassing" thread
>>>/ot/214811"Trans women" thread
>>>/ot/203215"Crazy trans lesbians?" thread
>>>/ot/116018"I hate the way this website treats Trans* issues" thread
>>>/ot/113748"MtF General" thread
>>>/snow/867400Radical Feminism thread
>>>/ot/373459 No. 481806
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>>481805Throwback to when a scrote send this to a mother of a murdered girl.
No. 481807
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No. 481810
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No. 481815
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Seeing women who have been fed the TRA mantra ("cis women", "usually I do say people with uteruses") show hints of hitting peak-trans warms my heart.
No. 481849
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>>481847>Paul J. Wright, Robert S. Tokunaga, and Ashley Kraus, “A Meta-Analysis of Pornography Consumption and Actual Acts of Sexual Aggression in General Population Studies,” Journal of Communication 66, no. 1 (February 2016): 183–205. are some masterposts with plenty of sources, including all the points on pic related No. 481865
>>481810A porn company trying to convince people to watch more porn? Wow, who would have thought.
Also, why is necessaryspeed4 able to keep posting here, does she only get banned for 24 hours or something like that?
No. 481911
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what mental illness does toppdyke have? (other than being a self hating bisexual pretending to be a lesbian)
No. 481922
>>481911 Wow she sounds unhinged.
Also just in general, there's nothing fucking wrong with being bi, just stick to dating women without denying your actual sexual orientation and no one would care. You can actively choose to only fuck women without it being some political lesbianism bullshit.
No. 481938
>>481913>>481923Toppdyke had so much cow potential but other radfems are boring prudes and didnt milk the cow.
Someone should make a account pretending to be a 16 year old lesbian,befriend toppdyke take it in the dm's let toppdyke expose herself as the creepy predator she is and then screenshot it.
Toppdyke also has a very creepy history with young women/tennagers, she goes after 18-21 women mostly, is rumored she slept with a 17 year old girl and she mostly goes into the dm's of 15 year old transmen calling them ''COCKWORSHI1PERS''.
No. 481956
>>481946I think toppdyke was the one who made that post….?
I wasnt active on radblr when larps still had her account.
I dont know much about larps other than the fact that she was okay with a white supermacist and harassed people,when she left radblr some people speculated that she became a mod at lolcow.
People who use the ''We are the same gender,im a homosexual so its okay for me to have sex with a child/teenager'' are disgusting and make the lgbt look like pedos, and the fact that fellow lesbians/gays dont care also makes it worse.
No. 481960
>>481957Yeah most of them are fake and project alot. They call women slurs like ''bihets'' ''cockworshipers'' ''troonfems'' and then most of them end up being exposed as the same women they criticize.
Do you know anything about raidz?she was also a radblr account that didnt seem very liked but there is no info about her and her account is deleted.
No. 481962
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This is how toppdyke looks like.
This photo is also a couple of years old so she is even more haggard looking now.
This is also the same woman who claims that she sleeps with 3 women every day,and writes cringe-worthy wattpad-esque stories about hooking up with girls.
No. 481977
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Ah, yes, we all know how men are not allowed to enjoy things now, they're so oppressed. And of course, they're a tranny.
No. 482031
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I'm unsurprised but saying a penis is male genitalia will get you banned on ResetEra lmao
No. 482039
>>481956I'm enjoying the radfem tumblr milk, because I'm always seeing them getting into some shit, especially menalez (aka former kawaii blogger rnortal) for some reason. I've wanted to post about them for a while, but I was worried that some anons here would think I'm just a libfem/troon vendettaposting or something.
Honestly, if TRAs could pay attention, they wouldn't be trying to argue that "terfs" are bigoted cishet tradwives who "don't understand biology" (lmao). They'd just point out that their opponents can't even hold a decent, self-respecting community on a site as easy as Tumblr. They're the literal definition of "radfem spergs", and probably how the rest of the site sees farmers who use these threads.
>I dont know much about larps other than the fact that she was okay with a white supermacist and harassed people,when she left radblr some people speculated that she became a mod at lolcow.Wild if true.
No. 482046
>>481956>I dont know much about larps other than the fact that she was okay with a white supermacist and harassed peopleAny proof of that (or at least more details)? Especially the white supremacist thing. I've read her blog a few times and enjoyed it a lot, that's such a shame if true.
>when she left radblr some people speculated that she became a mod at lolcowAre Radfems on tumblr aware of lolcow? How does even such gossip start lmfao
No. 482047
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There's a log in Death Stranding where a character rambles on about neo-genders and troons are upset about it.
No. 482053
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>>482048My favorite part is the fact they cant even acknowledge this is one of the first, if not THE first AAA game that follows their narrative to some degree. They just blow it out of proportion.
Bless our aphobic king Kojima.
No. 482067
>>482039menalez is so fucking annoying, she it always stirring shit with someone. i don't understand how anyone can follow her the constant drama is exhausting.
does anyone remember that norwegian girl who was married and found out she was a lesbian after sleeping with a trans woman, then dated some mutant looking redneck from america who was always having gold star battles with some other group of dykes?
No. 482068
>>482053I don't know shit about vidya but
>"This might literally be the worst thing Kojima has ever fucking done, and he once made Big Boss go on a date with a child"According to this person aPhObIa is worse than pedophilia? These people are so sheltered it's beyond belief.
No. 482076
>>482068But anon, anything an author writes is 100% their own opinion, it's not as if they can write fictional characters and situations they don't personally agree with, nope!
I mean I think
triggering genderspecials and aces (who aren't LGBT/kweer) is fucking hilarious and I love Kojima for adding this to the game, but there's no way we can guarantee it's his personal views unless he explicitly says so. All these people have autism Istg.
No. 482080
I miss witwitch's blog because it was the best one for radfem and anti-pornography resources. She had so many great quotes tagged by topic. any other blog on the tumblr feel the void?
No. 482128
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No. 482150
>>482130I just saw a video about a few olympic athletes being banned from competing because of their hormonal makeup
>>482113With that being said, what about intersex individuals?
I'm only asking about this because there was a specific example of a female athlete being inspected one year and passing the "test" because she had female genitals, but failing subsequent tests because she had a y chromosome
I'm not trying to start any drama, just curious
No. 482174
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No. 482178
>>482150Intersex is something different entirely, but in general I'd go by testes and ovaries because that is by definition what separates male and female. So even with a Y chromosome I would still consider them a woman. Even if they have increased testosterone or whatever. I have no idea what the hormonal balance of an intersex individual looks like.
What condition entails an individual having ovaries and also having a Y chromosome? I'm curious
No. 482192
>>482189>Issa joke>As if the proof of all the scrots who use to "joke" about hating Jews and blacks ended up actually going out and buying Nazi flags and joining the KKK isn't enough proof of how these "jokes" work>As if joking about sexualizing toddlers is okay>As if there aren't scrots out there who will take this seriously and actually fap to toddlers>The fact there's documentaries on men who molest actual children and justified it because of pedo jokesThe "issa joke" thing would be
valid if males haven't proved to us the lengths they're willing to do for these "jokes", they had their offensive joke rights taken along time ago when they stopped being able to handle it without it evolving into something serious
No. 482194
>>482189saying its a joke like porn of infants/toddlers doesnt exist
joking about it only makes it harder to address how disgusting it is, eg: your scote-logic comment
No. 482203
>>482077I dont mind menalez except for the fact that she uses being ''black'' as a sjw points tool instead of a race, especially with how she is only 10% black at max.
She seems to view south east asians as inferior because she always talks about how people view her as south east asian and how she finds that insulting.
No. 482205
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I found a rare picture of toppdyke's stripper years.
Reminder that this is the same woman who calls girls/women sexist slurs like ''dickworshipper'' ''bihet slut'' and tells them to get raped.
Why the fuck are there still radfems who support this crazy bitch who is a sexual predator,lies about being a lesbian and treats women like disposable sex dolls.
No. 482248
>>482178To my knowledge, she didn't take an x-ray so they didn't look into whether or not she had ovaries–they just made her strip and a bunch of doctors stared her down
They actually did this a lot when testing like this became big news
Just a vagina rather than a penis–but I'm sure a condition where women who do have a Y chromosome can develop all typical female parts
At least, according to a quick google search, there is at least one girl who has had that happen
No. 482277
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>>482190I'm curious as someone who doesn't play vidya, how bad is the misogyny in his games? I've heard a few times that his games are generally misogynistic but he did apparently make one of the most important characters a woman and I've come across a few female fans of his games online. The "Quiet" and "Mama" shit doesn't look good though for me as an outsider.
No. 482292
>>482190>>482277How the fuck is kojima antiwomen?
His games have a lot of fanservice but they are like the only big AAA titles that sexualize not only women, but men as well, which is a big plus. The Quiet backstory thing was 100% retarded (especially since it contradicted the series lore) but that's all. Also name other game than MGS2 that features a heroic female soldier with hairy armpits.
Kojima doesn't seem antiwomen but rather libfem (women can be beautiful/sexy and strong uwu). His games are by no means radfem heaven, but nothing to get offended over.
I sincerely hope that the ladies of DS have well developed personalities.
No. 482339
>>482305I'm not a libfem just because I am not
triggered by a ridiculous game series full of sexy characters of both sexes, which are also pretty damn memorable and full of personality.
I'm not saying MGS or Kojima are perfect, but it's not like things are either 100% radfem approved or women-hating.
I also honestly believe that it's weird to shit on MGS/Kojima when there are plenty of shit games which don't have any of the redeeming points (strong plot and well written characters in general, everything about the Boss, Olga and Sunny Gurlukovitch, Eva/Mama being allowed to grow old and still remain an important player in the plot, Meryl growing into a non-sexualized badass… and yes, sexy guys are a plus if you want to have sexy heroines. It's harmless fun for all. Did you know that Raiden aka MGS2's bishonen protagonist became a thing after Kojima got a letter from a female fan complaining that she does not want to play as some old geezer, but an attractive guy?).
MGS is known for being both too serious and too silly at times. I would not mind to see some features/scenes go, but it's hard for me to get offended about a series of games that allows you to buy a figure of either a soft boob Quiet or soft ass Snake. It's so fucking stupid it makes me laugh.
No. 482344
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>>481978>>481979>Woman World (collection of strip comics about a post-apoc world without men),>Women world has troon chracters though…….How ? like If there was a specific plauge that wiped our male humans how the fuck did MTFs somehow magically survive
No. 482351
>>482277quiet is a pure bait character that was used to cause a shitton of tinfoil from peacewalker.
MGS actually has some really awesome female characterslike the legendary OG Boss, sniper wolf, meyrl, amanda, Dr. Strangelove, Dr. Naomi hunter.
I've played a bunch of the games.
No. 482359
>>482354Honestly hating on Leah is overrated and stupid.
If you compare leah to actual
problematic ratfems like toppdyke,larps,raidz etc. Leah is the most normal one out of all of them lol.
Leah may rage on her videos but she is NOT a hypocrite and lives her life by her words which i respect that.
Maybe we should focus our attention on toppdyke who is 41 and uses underage girls like sex dolls.
No. 482367
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>>482277For me personally MGS is a series where the sexualization doesn't really bother me. It doesn't happen exclusively to the women, and if you can look past the occasional cringy shit the female characters are actually quite well written. They often have really important roles and multi-dimensional personalities. There are also quite a few female characters that aren't sexualized, and LGB characters that don't feel like forced pandering. So yeah, I don't think Kojima is the biggest offender when it comes to this type of stuff.
I haven't played Death Stranding yet but the female characters seem pretty sensible, I think Norman Reedus is gonna be the only one with his assets out in the open.
No. 482378
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>>482371Yup, he seems more gay than sexist. And aren't men in DS able to be pregnant? Or did I see that wrong?
There are loads of game developers who are way more
problematic than him.
No. 482387
>>482382Yup its things like these that make me embarrassed to call myself a radfem.
Because radfem's will defend any
problematic woman as long as she says she is a lesbian.
Solanos was also diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia and thought people were out to get her.
But i do give her credit for making radical feminism popular (even though she was against feminism) because sometimes it takes extremism to gain traction.
No. 482435
>>482407The Quiet thing I cannot comment on as MGSV is the only canon game I haven't finished. You make me want to look up cutscene movie, but I hope that after DS I will be in mood to go back and finally finish the game from start to finish.
Paz's death was presented as fucked up and tragic, not titillating (which would make it offensive in my eyes). The protagonists were trying to save her when when the bomb thing happened. Everything that happened to her and Chico in Ground Zeroes was meant to portray the inhumanity of war. I do not see your point here. Are stories not allowed to touch on atrocities that happen in our world? Again, it's not like terrifying things do not happen to male characters as well. Otacon was groomed and statutory raped by his stepmother, which fucked him up for years.
If I wanted to criticize Kojima's portrayal of women is that too often they self-sacrifice for the greater good instead of making a difference by fighting til the end and coming out alive (Olga, Naomi, The Boss, Paz, Eva though at least she was old as fuck, Quiet… oh and Emma, which I would consider the worst character had she not been a deconstruction of the fetishized lil sis type of character) It's not that noticable unless you think about it, though.
No. 482446
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Ok I know this is 5 days old so will sage but what happened this time? I mean, i know about the first reason he left twitter but what happened this time?
No. 482460
>>482382No one ever said Solanas was a lesbian though? She quite clearly states she's volcel in the Scum Manifesto. It's also pretty clear you shouldn't read the scum manifesto as theory (like you would read Dworkin) but more as poetry or like you would read the Dadaist manifesto.
Also didn't Warhol steal one of her plays while she was working for him? Not denying she was batshit crazy but I'm no fan of Warhol either.
No. 482461
>>482460I haven't read the whole scum manifesto but the parts I have have resonated with me. It's very dark and cruel but it's coming from such a real place of pain I can't hate it.
It really is a piece of art not a game plan. To me at least.
No. 482499
>>482285nta but a my boyfriend has some right wing views and some of the stuff he believes in makes me uncomfortable at times. He is very anti-refuguee and although I've explained to him that being critical of the procedure and being worried about the impact of bringing refugees in is one thing. He believes that Syrian refugees live in mud huts pretty much, have absolutely no skill sets and can not imagine them to even be relatable at all to us. He thinks that since I couldn't name a Syrian city and don't know much about the full history off hand that he is right.
He also insulted me by saying that I am a racist because I use the term poc and said I'm a white girl that advocates for people who don't care because institutional racism/sexism isn't a thing
No. 482510
>>482499i'm not white but using the term "pee oh cee" is cringe, even to me
it feels like being called colored in a politically correct way
No. 482591
having a bf that doesn't see inequalities in society plain as day and want to see them fixed is pretty dumb, and generally that's too 'sjw' or 'cringy' to anyone but men who are on the self reported left. if it's not apparent to a man then that means he's callous and/or stupid, and why would you want to fuck that? just being pro-choice is nowhere near enough, and generally they're only pro-choice insofar as that they're terrified of becoming a baby daddy and having to fork over $300 a month. fiscal policy that is not progressive is hugely harmful to people, ESPECIALLY women, in what we know to be a very, very tangible way, and not having progressive economic views means your male is a massive dumbass. men are some of the biggest bootlickers for the wealthy and most men you'll come across who aren't on the left are generally going to be covert or vocal social darwinists that could not care less. they are very sympathetic to that viewpoint in general, even when it doesn't benefit them, that's still where their loyalties lie.
>>482367>>482339kek of course this was a scrote.
No. 482632
>>482625no. anon and her bf are just idiotic and don't know what left, right and center mean.
>>482623suuure he does. there are leftist arguments for gun ownership (i don't agree with them in the US) and a lot of people on the left arent cool with illegal immigrants. at most he'd be a centrist just with those but if he's out here calling himself a right winger willingly and he's so stupid that he thinks Syrians are living in mud huts, you're overestimating his competence and compassion, i can almost guarantee. if he didn't identify more with right ideology, why would he call himself a right winger so willingly? no one in America would call someone who only believes in just that a right winger. the overton window in America is hilariously skewed to the right, even chapo tards (most of which are pro 2a) wouldn't consider this right wing. most centrists are right skewed, so he would easily be called a centrist or center leftist. why would he choose to identify as something that is known in America as being much, much further right that what he claims to believe? doesn't add up. don't buy it or your male apologia.
No. 482642
>>482563I could never get into GTA but I've played two of the Saints Row games. I didn't have a problem with SR because it's obvious that the world they live in is a dystopian nightmare where all the bad things in this world are exaggerated. It's also possible to make the MC female.
>>482591>fiscal policy that is not progressive is hugely harmful to people, ESPECIALLY womenThere's so many components to progressive fiscal policy I don't see how you could condemn anyone for being either for or against it without further definition. What if someone believes in the welfare state but not universal healthcare? What if someone believes in increasing the tax burden on the middle class while not taxing the elite?
What if someone agrees with it to a certain point but understands that it can be taken to the extreme?
No. 482644
>>482634did you comprehend literally anything that i said? it's like you didn't even read a word of it. nearly no one in america would consider him a right winger for being pro universal healthcare, pro maternity leave, just because he's pro 2a, but against illegal immigration. are you going by twitter's hyperwoke echo chamber that has practically no bearing on reality? even then, they don't consider being pro 2a a right wing position. most democrats are pro 2a, and plenty of 'leftists' are pro 2a. gun control is not being NOT pro 2a. it's far too embedded in american history for politicians to come out as anti-gun in america. it's basically political suicide in america and is not feasible. he would not be considered a right winger in america, so his willingness to call himself a right winger suggests to me that he shares more in common with them than that if he wants to be identified as it. are you defining actual political terms by what two retards on twitter say to you and not what real life politics in america are, or what? in REAL LIFE everything in america is skewed to the right, that's why we can't have centrist policy proposals without them being deemed socialist. no politician, no party, no anything, is considered "far right" for curbing illegal immigration and being pro 2a. for fuck's sake, obama deported massive amounts of people and is pro 2a. he's thought of as considerably or very left by most of the american populace. and again, being pro 2a is not just a right wing position.
>>482642>What if someone believes in increasing the tax burden on the middle class while not taxing the elite?that's literally not progressive fiscal policy. neither of your examples are progressive, not even remotely, but especially not the last.
No. 482693
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Am I reading this correctly? If you don't like the social roles associated with your sex then instead of trying to fix it you should just run away and change your gender since those problems are clearly just inherent and males can't ever peacefully be friends like the animu girls can. These people are supposed to be the progressives, this post had 500 notes so a lot of them seemed to agree with this.
No. 482698
>>482693So, the progressive solution to fixing the shitty social norms built by/for men is to just switch to another gender, based on fantasies about that gender made up by other men?
Why are they like this? Why couldn't they watch moe anime and be like "Yeah, guys should be nicer to each other and stop giving into pressure to be as violent as possible to "be a man"."? Why is it "Why couldn't I have been born a girl? I must actually be a girl on the inside omg"?
No. 482797
Right after i wrote this one of my friends had a bad experience with a crazy gay guy trying to pick a fight with her and kept calling her a ''bitch'' ''cunt''
Men never fail to prove my point.
No. 482816 guy murdered his wife of 35 years and said he did it while he was sleepwalking, even though it was in the middle of the day. The defense didn't hold up thankfully and he got sentences to 75 years, but this isn't the first time I've heard of a man murdering his wife after a long marriage. It scares me that you could be with someone 10, 20, 30 or more years and he just decides to kill you one day. I don't trust men and I never will.
Obviously there were probably warning signs, but still…
No. 482838
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Incels come to their senses
No. 482942
>>482941The boys who want government mandated rape slaves and claim women are incapable of internal monologue or sapience are the less misogynistic of the misogynist bucket.
We can’t go extinct fast enough.
No. 482944
>>482941At least incels acknowledge they're shit, mgtow is cope and shameless, they have no issue demanding to shove "women are evil!" Propaganda down boys throats, basically incels are self aware at least
Then again incels often admit to posting mgtow stuff so obviously it's intertwined with the same people
No. 482963
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I am simply blown away by how delusional this woman is.
No. 483009
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>>483008Oh, it was older than I thought.
No. 483029
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Why does it rub me the wrong way when a band full of straight guys posts shit like this? Instead of using a more general term like transphobes, they always target women, and more specifically radfems. Tweet is from Sam Ray of Teen Suicide (American Pleasure Club) who’s pretty much a minor indie-celebricow in his own right.
No. 483081
>>483047Some of the loudest anti-terf people I know are straight guys. Yeah, so brave, shitting on women you disagree with and calling for harm to them. So progressive.
As an aside, I've recently started getting back into fandom communities - what are your thoughts on drawn smut? Is there a line between 'healthy' erotic art and unhealthy art? I've always been pretty critical of hentai and a lot of furry porn while cutting fandom drawn porn some slack, and I wonder if it's an inconsistent way of looking at things.
No. 483095
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Based Ray
No. 483117
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what is wrong with men
No. 483120
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Men: non-monogamous women are literally the pinnacle of evil and deserve all bad that comes to them
Also men: men are being FORCED into monogamy by GUNPOINT
How the fuck to they justify this in their heads? At least women who think vice versa take points of men being unsatisfied via comparing their currents to their previous. Men literally just want women to only have eyes for them but also want to go through women like food
No. 483126
>>483120well yeah
to paraphrase the classic of projection
scrotes aint shit but sluts and tricks
No. 483133
>>483125Lbr proobably a fake story. I bet if anything he heard of some girl at school having some medical issue and he knew of her or something. Then he just dreamt up some weird power fantasy after to flex on 4chan. It's all around pathetic
>>483120They want women to be divided. Only women they'd have as their moms and women to fuck. I love that they shoot themselves in the foot too by claiming that they're all sex obsessed retards incapable of loyalty and love.
No. 483137
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>>483081"Straight" in my experience. They usually jerk off to trannies, so they cape for them. Of course, they'll jerk off to actual women too, but will be nowhere to be found on womens issues. Fuck men.
And here's another quality article, from the dipshits over at Penis News. No. 483142
>>483120I swear to fucking god I hate polysexuals. They're just projecting their ultimate horniness and saying monogamy is a trap and everyone was meant to have multiple partners. Sex addiction is a mistake, please go to therapy instead of pretending fucking your friends/randos is the most natural thing.
The worst part is I've seen both men and women try to frame polysexuality as the best thing ever.
No. 483145
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>>483137So they took something good and sending a strong message to young girls and have made it all about gender specials. Fucking of course they did.
No. 483149
>>483145>>483148Yeah, I hate to admit it, but the show itself is okay. God, the publicity surrounding it is pure garbage though.
Also, tonights South Park episode was about trannies in womens sports.
No. 483159
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>>483029I've literally only heard of this band from they/thems on tumblr. They know where their bread is buttered.
>>483081I've been getting back into fandom too lately, and i find the constant gender discourse really weird. I think there's a line when it comes to art. Depictions of intimacy/sex/naked bodies in and of themselves don't bother me but explicit, fetish-y stuff does. It's hard to put into words. Basically the porn vs. erotica thing.
Speaking of fanart, I found pic related a few days ago and it honestly left me kind of speechless, but also really sad for the girl who made it.
>>483145I would have way less of a problem with this character if they hadn't cast a gross misogynist like jacob tobia, on a show that's supposed to be empowering for little girls. does he even have acting experience outside of this?
No. 483166
>>483081>>483137The loudest and most aggressive "anti-TERFs" are either straight men or tranny chasers who want to validate their fetish as some form of wokeness. The straight men usually don't even give a shit about trannies, they're there just to take the chance to hate on women in public and being celebrated for it.
>>483095I love how they always straight out admit that "fetishizing moeshit made me realize I'm actually a cute girl inside living life on the easy mode, tee hee" like in
>>482693 but get mad when someone else points it out.
>>483145My exact thoughts when they outright mentioned "This is a world where almost all of your mains are women" and then just make it all about muh trans bullshit.
No. 483189
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>>483159>>483163Speaking of Islam, there's a recent "controversy" about a film called Hala, its about a young girl in America whose from a traditional Islamic family and her struggles to fit in
now the film isn't outright anti-Islamic but it does show a Muslim teen girl actually going through normal understandable questions of faith and romantic desires but apparently that's enough for woke twitter Muslims to dismiss it as just Anti-Islamic propaganda even though it’s written by a Muslim woman No. 483191
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even though its hasn't been released yet it gotten review bombed by a bunch of people giving it a 1/10
No. 483204
>>483198It's so retarded, when people are anti-Christian and tell about their negative experiences of growing up in a strict Christian household/school, majority of people don't bat an eye and most applaud them and cheer them on.
These people just automatically jump to the people who applaud those criticizing their negative experiences living in a Muslim household with xenophobia. Like, please think of the person, not the crowd. They're so worried about their motives for agreeing with them. Allow the woman the freedom she wants and support she needs.
I honestly hate people who bring up their dumbass denial about the religion being anti-
x because they chose to ignore the bad parts, like please, this isn't the time to do that.
No. 483244
>>483233a global decline of Islam might not result in peace either, for the case of a lot of Muslim countries is that Islam is at times literally the only glue holding the various ethnic groups of that nation together
for e.g in the country Pakistan theirs growing ethnic nationalism in the Punjabi,Baloch and Pashtun groups, a similar thing might happen with in Indonesia,Niger,Kosovo e.t.c
No. 483293
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>>483258>>483278So I'm wondering where the jokes are. They're not even exaggerating now. There are athletes exactly like this.
“But there are all these disadvantages of competing in the 100 hurdles, you know?” explained Telfer, and she enumerated them.
“First of all, my height, how tall I am, is a disadvantage, because the wind is hitting us so hard and the taller you are, the harder you fall, basically,” she said. “There’s wind resistance.” Telfer is over six-feet tall, but if you attend a WNBA game you’ll find she is hardly the only woman of that height.
Another disadvantage: “The fact that the hurdles are so close,” Telfer noted. The distance between the hurdles is smaller in women’s competition. They are six inches shorter than in the men’s races, but more than half a meter closer together.
No. 483302
>>483156He starts off that way, but even he's not as much of an ass as Catra, his second in command.
The actual final villain is his clone/boss, Horde Prime.
No. 483409
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Imagine never leaving your room to the point where you think almost all women are never fuckable
No. 483411
>>483409 this pic is all around retarded but also
>>only when hornyWhy yall fucking when not horny wtf
No. 483413
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>>483410"I'm desperate enough to post on incel forums about suicide, but not desperate enough to get a 6/10"
>>483411They most likely mean desperate in the most out of touch way.
No. 483414
>>483409The girls in the second row are as good looking as some in the first though, and the bottom ones are really cute. They just aren't perfect and are using low quality cameras.
Is this what men really think? Good grief.
No. 483423
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>>483419Because most of them are straight up conservatives using feminism as a "I'm a liberal, but…" shield
No. 483428
>>483419>on twitterI expect there are plenty of them on here. I try to avoid left vs right arguments on here because I don't want to tread on the ban/safe line. I also don't have the energy to argue with dumbasses who say stupid shit like
>Its really gross>say racist shit to impress men and get attention>call it out when you see it>hating trannies doesn't make you a good personIt wouldn't surprise me if there are others who do the same.
No. 483432
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Hillary is shit, but even a broken clock is right twice a day. I wish this'd help kickstart people getting sick of this shit, but sadly it won't, until some left wing darling has the guts to speak up. Which won't happen., this confirms my belief that After Ellen may be the only good LGB site left.
No. 483449
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this is depressing to read. the doctor is a monster for taking advantage of this man instead of directing him to actual help
No. 483479
>>483460>Tulsi GabbardHahahahahahahahahahahaha
She's in a fucking cult and as conservative as any right winger. Why any Dems support her is beyond me, unless they just haven't looked into her AT ALL.
No. 483487
>>483449They have a rectovaginal fistula! It literally is shit leaking into the gaping wound. This happens all the time and these monstrous “doctors” are allowed to torture these people with little to no consequences. If “gender-affirming” medical procedures are vital to trans people, why are there no standards, dedicated research, or resources for the poor emergency room doctors that end up treating the steadily increasing disasters? With all the money and dominance the TRAs have, why are they not investing most of that money in the aftercare or legal defense of trans
victims of mutilation? You know, the trans people actually at risk of dying? If you want to see the phalloplasty side of horrors, look up the case of Cayden Carter, who has endured over 30 surgeries.
With all the side effects and inhuman results, isn’t it quite obvious that nothing is natural and harmless about medical transition? They can not claim to be “born this way” like LGB because there is medication or surgeries required to be LGB. Trans is the only minority on Earth whose identity revolves around being cut up and dependent on drugs for the rest of their life.
No. 483489
>>483487I want the Hippocratic oath to do no harm to tied more tangible laws.
Did you perform a surgery to remove some genitalia?
Was it strictly necessary for their PHYSICAL health?
Okay then, you lose your license. Do it again and we'll throw your ass in jail.
No. 483593
File: 1573822228685.jpg (51.21 KB, 306x505, 21042024-7688731-image-m-10_15…)>German 'socket sadist' who 'persuaded girls as young as 13 to give themselves 230v electric shocks on Skype' faces 88 attempted murder chargesImagine putting your fetish over women's and girl's lives.
This one was posing as a scientist, offered money and kept reassuring them that it was all "safe".
No. 483601
>>483449>One of the pictures looked sorta like mine with a huge gaping hole at the bottom and I told him that doesn't look human>And asked him if mine would look like that>He told me I would not>And now I look liked thatSo this guy didn't believe what was in the doctor's portfolio because…the doctor pinky promised it wouldn't look the same?
These are not smart people.
No. 483607
>>483593This is why young children/teens especially young girls need to be educated about predators and pedophiles.
Telling kids things like ''private area is a no-no'' wont help instead you have to have a serious one hour conversation telling them everything about predators,pedophiles and how they groom children.
Yes that one hour conversation may be a bit shocking to your child but not as shocking when your naive child gets taken advantage of by a adult because you were to scared to educate them.
Educating children about pedo's and predators should not be taboo.
No. 483616
>>483593People need to be made aware of internet scams in general. Grooming is half of this, but the other half is people not being skeptical enough of people and things on the internet. Sounds like they were bribed into doing it because he claimed to offer them money.
I've seen women get taken for a ride in similar-albeit less physically harmful-scams.
No. 483642
>>483639Gay people aren't a hivemind.
It says no homophobia right in the OP.
No. 483647
>>483642I literally said that i support
lesbians but i dont support gay men.
Cant you read you gay scrote?
No. 483669
>>483662I just wish they'd do it quietly, they go a few days without jerking and need a big fuss
That and some of them think they become magically more attractive to women cos semen holds a magical power that when collected makes us wets ourselves in their presence..
No. 483673
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>>483639Always with the gendered slurs when it comes to insulting women or talking about something they did wrong. It can never be just something like asshole or piece of shit, it has to be bitch, whore, cunt, thot, or hoe everytime.
No. 483689
>>483676NTA but I've seen plenty of men talk about 'the power of semen retention' from the same viewpoint as pick-up artists see it. It's about building up testosterone and becoming more alpha so that women flock to them. I think it requires a level of mental illness for a guy to believe that shit.. yet there's no shortage of men buying into it.
If a guy gives up porn cos he worries about the treatment of women then good for him, that's not what no-nut is about tho
No. 483691
>>483686This is such bullshit and you know it.
Both the right and the left are pro-porn.
The only people who are really anti-porn are radical feminists and a few christians.
No. 483692
>>483602I've been more bothered by the amount of girls who have posted memes or joked about how they're flashing their titties to their guy friends during no nut november as if it makes them one of the guys. I don't blame camgirls for using anything they can to promote themselves but then the pickmes copy it and it spirals from there, I've even seen some of those autobiographical 'quirky girl' comic artists on instagram make jokes about it.
Openly reducing yourself to wank material for your orbiters is not a normal friend activity and I hate that middle schoolers are going to see this stuff and think that it is.
No. 483699
>>483684>>483689Even if you don't lose weight while exercising, it still improves your health.
>>483692>flashing their titties to their guy friends during no nut november as if it makes them one of the guysI usually don't throw this term around lightly but THIS is truly some pickme behavior.
No. 483705
>>483698Nayrt but I think that was their point, that things can't be summed up as simply as saying any political group is a hivemind?
People who only ever see things in extremes just sound mentally stunted to me.
OT but I'm worried that now these threads are so difficult to follow, after the GC and PP merge, that only the most extreme leaning people will stick around. Echo chambers are stupid and make us all stupid.
No. 483707
>>483692If a male friend told me he was doing no nut my response would be "stop oversharing"
No man needs to tell his female friends if he's been masturbating or not
No. 483716
>>483708My concern was more that no-nut as a pick-up artist technique is a load of shite and guys will only take it out on women when it fails to make them irresistible
I guess that men partake in nofap for various reasons (some positive) but for some its more harmful when they buy into the more outlandish claims about nofap benefits
No. 483725
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>>483668I swear to God some of you anons on this site
No. 483782
>>483781Maybe because being a doctor is a thankless, debt-ridden, constant treadmill of a shit deal. And maybe women tire of constantly having to prove themselves over and over to be taken seriously in STEM only for opportunities to be gatekeeped from them on the basis of their sex, which no doubt will get worse as the market becomes saturated.
It's not a mystery. Women don't want to be miserable.
No. 483785
>>483782I thought sexism in real life, professional positions was pretty minor compared to online but as someone in a professional field… finding meaningful employment was hell. I’d go to networking events and introduce myself to men and on more than one occasion I would have them shake my hand and then turn around and walk away or excuse themselves. Some of them unironically wanted me to fuck them for job, and my friends had the same experience (going to corporate events and having their potential interviewers either grope them, ask them out, or hit on them in front of people in incredibly sexualized ways).
It’s really insane that this is how the process for women to find professional work is in 2019. Like I still can’t believe that it’s common place and no one says anything or does anything, and reporting it goes no where. Universities, corporations, hospitals love to pretend to be inclusive but this is how women are actually treated in them. With disdain. You can be the brightest woman with a resume full of accomplishments and they’ll still treat you with skepticism.
No. 483786
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No. 483789
>>483145Of all the gender specials they could have picked they chose the one who told playboy he was mad dont objectify him, that women are "lucky" to be objectified and seen only as sexual objects and how desperatly he wants that.
Great, fantastic choice of VA She-Ra. You don goofed.
No. 483830
>>483786this is terrifying, as if I wasn't already scared enough of men
>>483820my ex masturbated 3 times a day and watched porn every time.
No. 483833
>>483832I didn't know he did until we were already in a relationship. it deteriorated quickly. trust me if I knew the stuff that I later learned about him I wouldn't have dated him in the first place.
maybe I'm just a cynical man hater but I don't believe there are any non religious or non asexual men who have access to porn and don't watch it. some watch it less but if they say they don't watch it at all then I believe they're lying.
No. 483838
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>>483833I do think their are some men who don't watch Porn for moral/religious reasons
CM Punk,Steven Crowser,Derrick Jensen are all men with radically different ideologies who all don't watch for their own reasons
No. 483840
>>483487it isn't a rectovaginal fistula because he doesn't have a vagina.
>>483648calling a gay man a faggot is literally homophobia.
No. 483841
>>483838that's what I mean. I think men who don't watch porn have a reason not to (religion, no sex drive, blind, no internet etc) I don't know if any men exist who have a normal sex drive and access to porn but just choose not to watch it. I personally don't believe they exist, but I could be wrong.
also when it comes to religious people like steven crowder I don't know if I believe they don't actually watch porn, because I grew up around religious people and they can be very hypocritical when it comes to practicing what they preach. I do believe some of them are honest though.
No. 483843
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>>483841CM Punk has a normal sex drive and access to porn but doesn't watch it because he's straight edge, even the author of the greatest webcomic in the world is Anti-Porn
No. 483844
>>483647>>483656But why specifically target gay men when their shitty behaviors are something all men do? Cowardly men hitting women? That's not gay-exclusive.
Just say "men". The guy in the video being shitty has nothing to do with who he fucks and everything to do with the fact that he's a man.
Shitty male behaviors are universal regardless of race, religion, or orientation. Singling out men of any one type just splits hairs and attributes the problem to things other than its actual source–
toxic masculinity in a patriarichal society.
No. 483845
>>483843it's great that he doesn't watch porn, but he's still refraining because of the lifestyle he adheres to (in this case straight edge) which is to me basically the same thing as not watching it because of religion.
but I don't think there are guys who don't have any obstacles/reasons not to and just don't watch it because they don't have interest in it but still have a normal sex drive. that's just my opinion.
No. 483846
>>483844nta, but gay men are often exempt from being held accountable for misogyny because people often believe that being gay means they can't be misogynistic. in other words, they get away with it.
and some times gay men are misogynistic in a whole different way than straight men, like they think they know how to be a woman better than women do.
I'm not saying all or most gay men are like this, just that they can be.
No. 483851
>>483845Don't wanna be the anon that brags about her nigel or some shit but my boyfriend doesn't and no, he's not lying. He's not religious, asexual or anything, he's just turned off by it and has always been.
He's the only man I ever met that doesn't watch porn tho. Most of them proudly announce it or get pissed off if you suggest you are uncomfortable with it and call you a prude
No. 483867
>>483846I think some gay guys try to pull this card, but basically everyone I can think of, who doesn't excuse misogyny in other people like straight dudes who just honestly dislike or mistreat women, calls them out on it
there are a lot of
toxic dudes out there and being gay doesn't mean you're woke, it just means that you should have more empathy for others
like that one guy who made fun of this hired help who was installing something in his home, he made a bunch of racist comments and, without thinking I guess, put it up on social media
No. 483900
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>>483891Speaking of that, here's a scrote looking at anime foot fetish pics on DeviantArt right in the middle of class. The OP claims he does it for the entire two hours. No. 483901
File: 1573879293387.png (Spoiler Image,1.71 MB, 1300x2918, caught.png)

>>483900Another one caught looking at hentai in the middle of math class. Scrotes truly have no shame. They'll even look at porn on the computers in the public library with little kids walking around.
No. 483907
>>483782>>483785This exists in all fields of work though. When people are inevitably forced to get a shitty, low paying job because being an e-thot didn't pan out there is that same gatekeeping with the added bonus of more exposure to sexual harassment and abuse from the general public (ie asshole customers, creepy handsy middle managers, stressful kitchen enivironments, etc.
) I haven't worked in a more "professional" environment since I did internships in hs, but I think it's pretty disingenuous to suggest that kind of environment is more
toxic than lower paying or entry level jobs.
No. 483984
>>483900>>483901Oh man, there's a guy in one of my classes at uni who does this. He sits in the first row, too, so everyone can see it. He's such a stereotype with his gamer laptop and waifu key chains though lmao, it's hilarious.
>>483905Maybe tmi for /ot/, but I used to do shit like this in high school. I'd just draw porn in class regularly and share porn with friends during lunch breaks.
It's just high libido + no self control + pornsickness. Maybe for some it's exhibitionism too. Idk, I hid my porn from strangers so it wasn't that for me.
Regardless there's no excuse for acting like this as an adult. It's time to get some self-control and keep your horniness to yourself.
No. 483993
>>483984That stuff is so normal now, and I think it's why we need more early education on healthy relationship boundaries for kids and subsequent education on the realities of the porn industry. It's crazy to me that some parents want to stop their kids from even learning about consenting to hugs in preschool in case it corrupts them or turns them gay, it just means that when their kid eventually does see noncon painal on an ipad in the playground they're going to be even less equipped to understand it.
>>483933My bf is the same so I believe you. I'm not here to boast about my Nigel but I spend a lot of time trying to break down how he ended up that way despite how porn-obsessed our culture is today. I know it's foolish because even rapists often compartmentalize their actions from otherwise wholesome lives, but part of me hopes that I can work out some sort of formula for basic empathy towards women in case I ever need to look for red flags or have a son.
In his case both of his parents took care of the home and kids but also had their own working class careers and encouraged the kids to have weekend jobs instead of being entitled brats. He has sisters so he grew up hearing their female experiences and perspectives. He was taught humanitarian insight (the effects of poverty or drug addiction etc) and so now understands how this ties into the porn industry and he shows high empathy overall such as when interacting with waiting staff, homeless people on the street or animals. Also he never got into anime but instead relatively egalitarian stuff like Star Trek, which seems like less of a gateway into porn, and grew up at a time when kids didn't literally have pornhub in their pocket so his first experiences of seeing sex scenes were less violent. There is also a lot to be said about watching for red flags in who people spend their time with, with his friends being mostly decent themselves, but maybe I'm wasting my time thinking about when he could just be low testosterone or an exceptional actor kek
I'm aware that focusing on upbringing excuses to people to blame their parents instead of themselves and sets a dangerous precedent for judging people for something they can't control, but I'm still interested in the anthropological view of empathy. Contrary to all this, my
abusive porn-addicted ex came from a feminist household so maybe I'm just looking for patterns that don't exist to reassure myself that this one won't suddenly turn into a monster. Either way it seems learning that women are people in early life still counts for something as most of the decent guys I've known have strong willed mothers or sisters.
No. 484028
>>482498The funny thing is that the "
problematic" stuff he's done/said is so goddamn tame. It's the LAST stuff these SJW's should bother with, yet they just love attacking their own more then anything else, it's hilarious to watch.
No. 484032
>>483786what the
actual fuck. So they'll straight up say this shit like this then cry about women not wanting them.
checked out his Twitter more and I guess he just shit posts. Like how he'd go full nazi for a white girl. But that's just a retarded excuse to say fucked up shit without accountability.
No. 484069
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Lmao what the fuck is wrong with men
No. 484079
>>484078Yeah and I fucking hate that men act like porn and masturbation are intrinsically tied together and that not wanting a man to watch porn is the equivalent of putting a medieval chastity belt on him and forbidding him from having any sexual thoughts or feelings ever. How fucking twisted do you have to be to be completely and utterly reliant on pornography to get off? That's like me stating "your diet shouldn't consist of Mt. Dew and Doritos" and someone responding "Are you fucking kidding me? Do you want me to
starve to death you goddamn bitch?!?"
No. 484081
>>484080Your making it too obvious that you are privileged.
Most women do not have the privileges to be able to avoid men and most women in 3rd world countries would get killed for doing that.
No. 484097
File: 1574029037925.png (8.8 KB, 984x55, hmmmmmmm.PNG)>TL;DR I'm 25. I'm fat ugly amd short. never a girlfriend or kissed still a virgin and no attractive women like me>Every girl i liked has rejected me and friendzoned me and everybody tells me my league is fat ugly girls even my dad told me date ugly fat girls or to get a hooker so my life sucks. >I'm practically invisible to good looking women and I also don't have any friends here and I've lived here for six years I only have friends because I keep tabs and visit my once in Colorado but my family can't help me with attractive good looking women because they're all overweight and married overweight women so they settled so they're not the ones to get advice from>If i lose weight and still can't attract a good looking woman then i wasted my time I don't want to lose a hundred pounds just to have to end up dating an unattractive woman still or a woman who is hardly plain looking or average and its like all i am gonna hear is this.Most incels are clueless when it comes to their looks match, but this fucker knows.
No. 484106
>>484097incels: why won't women date fat manlets, those conceded stuck up bitches
also incels: no super attractive women for me to date, only average ones wwhhhaaaaaahhhhhh
No. 484143
>>484097Fat guys are always the most bitchy and shallow when it comes to dating fat women too. Whereas skinny to average women are constantly being shamed to consider fat dudes as dating material, fat men can't bear being told that maybe fat women are well within their league.
Out of most male stereotypes, the obese guys tend to be the most vocally entitled.
I don't feel sorry for them. It just goes to show how they view women as objects and signifiers of their social status. They don't want icky yucky women who look similar to them, they want the hot models that all their friends will high five them for and be jealous of. They don't even consider that maybe the woman they're dating deserves better than them. Even most fat women I've seen tend to deserve better than the majority of fat men. Fat men are gross slobs with no sense of fashion and even worse hygiene.
No. 484149
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This he/him lesbian discourse on Twitter is entertaining.
No. 484163
>>484149i personally feel like he/him lesbians exist…but for all the wrong reasons…i see a lot of people using 'stone butch blues' (a novel) as an example of he/him lesbians being around for decades but it seems this lesbian only adopted masculinity because she was demonized for being a woman in love with other women
where is the power in that? why would you encourage women rushing away from themselves?
No. 484165
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So Leah Tverly is apparently 30 years old, I thought she was 23 or something
No. 484169
>>484157But I almost never see Black TIMs. I don't even live in a White area either.
Do you have any statistics? I looked and all I can find is statistics about trans murders, which is mostly Black men.
I guess it's possible that only the white TIMs get media attention, since black ones would just make white people hate them more. But even then, all the TIMs I've known IRL have also been white.
No. 484171
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>>484163I definitely see it the same way, however the troons/enbies discussing this topic are butting heads for opposite reasons, pronouns and gender validation. Some of the points the enbies are bringing up are really gender critical, like they're almost getting it, but then they say the he/him identity is practically a positive thing.
No. 484174
>>484169According to Ray b studies majority of Afircan American/Hispanic TIMs were homosexual transsexuals (HSTS), while majority of White TIMs are commonly AGPs
there are occasional expectations of upper middle class blacks being APGs but they are not the majority
No. 484389
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Lolcow level nitpicking
No. 484392
>>484389Lmao. We need to shame footfags and other fetishists back into obscurity.
They're getting too bold.
No. 484483
>>484462im not even surprised tbh. i used to lurk that sub for the milk, and i swear every second post is written by a cumbrained man borderline raping their wife and then screeching and circlejerking with all the other posters about how their wives/girlfriends/husbands /whatever are all evil
abusive cunts.
the women arent much better either tbh No. 484488
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The delusion
No. 484493
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>>484488jesus fucking christ even asking if they're a looksmatch. are there any studies that show men's idea of average is insanely warped? if you go on their communities they literally will post pic related and say 4.5/10 for pic related because no styling, entitlement, etc
No. 484498
>>484493her features are kinda immature.
i dont really like rating though. it doesnt make sense
No. 484586
>>482277Massively late answer but as an MGS autist I can say: it's pretty bad. I love these games, I truly do, but you have to be fucking blind to not see the misogyny. You can go "uuuuh but they're BADASS FEMALE CHARACTERS!!!" but you cannot. Go Past. The. Misogyny.
Since I'm a retard and I have nothing better to do with my time I put a game-by-game (excluding pre-PS1 Metal Gear's, I'm not going to dwell on that) list of instances of misogyny if you fancy reading that. I reiterate: I LOVE these games, I grew up with them, but also I have eyes. Spoilers obv.
MGS1 :
even if she gets to be a StRoNg InDePeNDAnT FeMaLE ChaRacters, starts with being a character whose ass you ogle at in an awkward cinematic, and this ass wiggling is noted by another male character and this is how you remember her. Like that's a plot point. You end up following her in the women's bathroom, where she pulls out a keycard from her bra/tiddies. Also her low-poly PS1 model has defined nipples. Thats a thing. When she's mind-controlled (long story), she moans and grunts "oooh, make LOVE TO MEEE" to the male character. It's not Technically Her since she's mind-controlled by a man, but Kojima still put that in his game. She ends up marrying a shithead (the real ones with know the joke here) who was nothing but a useless waste of space and multiple time put her and her team in danger, but he's good-looking under his balaclava and saved her life once, so may as well fucking marry him I guess.Sniper Wolf :
formidable opponent, still has a coat with a V-neck so deep here entire boobs are almost out. In Alaska. In February. I know I shouldn't even bother because have you seen the game? In either the remake or the OG game, the camera pans down into her tits as well because that's just a bonus at this point right.Others :
grouping them in here because they don't have physical appearances in the game even though they're here, but both Mei Ling and Dr. Naomi Hunter have cringe-worthy (I mean as in "I'm getting debilitating secondhand embarrassment from this" not in "haha furries") conversations where they're just horny for the MC for no reason, out of the blue.MGS2 :
Olga :
I feel sisterhood with her because she's out there walking to the MC with armpit hair and she's not quite hashtag problematic. If you knock her out and send a picture of her unconscious body to your binome, he'll go "this is not what we need… I'll still make a backup of this one."Fortune :
walking around in basically a bodysuit. But also she has a railgun so she gets points. I don't remember anything particularly bad about her.Emma :
as an anon pointed out, "lil sis" type character. Has a… weird? Relationship to her step-brother? Considering their family history I have words to have with Kojima.MGS3 :
Land of the free, home of the InDePeNDAnT FeMaLE ChaRacters huh!
InDePeNDAnT FeMaLE ChaRacters, runs over a guy's face with her motorbike so +1, introduced with a closeup on her boobs + walks around in a military suit open on her chest + bikini top like 10/10 spy gear Kojima you sure did it. Also gets physically assaulted by a dude she's spying on, it's implied he tried to sexually violate her as well. The Boss :
maybe the least hashtag problematic of the bunch but maybe I'm real biased. Her suit still is open on her chest and you have copious sideboob (does it count as sideboob if it's the inner sides…?) during the whole fight with her. I KNOW it's plot-relevant because she has a scar and yadda yadda but mother of fucking god.MGS:PW :
Paz :
maybe I will NOT talk that she acts and looks like a schoolgirl during most of the game even though she's way older because I want to save myself the trip to puketown. Also there's a sidemission where you can date her/it's implied you two fuck (tbf you have the same mission with one of your male comrades) (but also when you spent like 75% of your game thinking she was 15 it just gets Gross sister).Strangelove :
canon lesbian of my heart, I can still see there are huge cracks in her writing (writing her low-key predatory towards Paz and another female character, but I like to pretend it's just not there, for my sake, and because when she said "inside every woman there's a universe, and we are able to sense this in each other" I felt that, as the kids say.Can't remember much for Cecile and some of the other female characters of this game which is a shame and I feekl like a fraud.
MGS4 :
Death is upon us.
EVA again :
tldr she's old, and her coat is still open on her boobs. Do you see a pattern.Dr. Naomi, again :
tldr her shirt is open on her boobs, DO YOU SEE A PATTERN.B&B Corps :
now this one's foul. The B&B Corps is an all-female fighting unit and tldr they're traumatized to shit, as in one was forced to torture her family, one had to eat corpses to survive, that kind of things. When you defeat them, you are treated to them seductively crawling to you WITH camera shots of their asses and cameltoes, and they end up finally falling asleep curled on themselves like babies. It's WAY more uncomfortable to witness than I managed to convey here. It's genuinely disturbing. And it's only after that that you're told they're horrifying backstories and it feels like a massive cop-out, some kind of sick "hey! These women we forced you to sexualize you sexualized? They're traumatized to hell and back! How do YOU feel? Aren't you ashamed?!" etc etc.Already mentioned what happens to Meryl in this one. Though it gets bonus points because
Mei Ling becomes a ship captain and she looks dashing in her uniform. MGSV:
Oh this one's foul x2
Quiet :
you already know about her. OF COURSE her outfit is a fucking cop-out, you guessed. She has em-ba-ra-ssing scenes of dancing around in the rain like some kind of weird stripper, and you are """"gifted"""" to an excruciatingly long and drawn-out scene and men waterboarding her until the light leaves her eyes and getting ready to rape what they think is her dead body. She comes back from it and kills them all in an extraordinary bloodfest but still. Fucking still. Did it warrant a fucking attempted rape scene.Female SKULLS unit members :
their suits have the boob pockets. You know the ones. The ones hentai artists draw when they don't know how fabric fits on women's chests. You KNOW the ones.Can't think of much more I'm getting dizzy from all the fucking autism I'm displaying.
Honorable mentions:
You can use porn zines to lure out/confuse enemies in multiple games.
You can find "sexy" (bikini/pretty tame lingerie) posters of women in multiple games. In MGS2, you can jerk off to them (not explicited) and your binome will cal you and ask you what the fuck you are doing.
Mistral, from Metal Gear Rising… which I'm not going to get into because TeChNiCaLLy Kojima didn't direct it.
Sunny :
pure, absolute angel. Didn't deserve anything wrong. Tiny light of my eyes. If I catch the sick motherfucker who wrote the line of the 10 yo boy calling her "hot for days" when she's 10 yo too under the guise of Patwah he's getting the electric chair.TL;DR if you want to skip all of this MASSIVE cringe:
Yeah Kojima has a female character problem. You can go all day about how they're StRoNg FeMaLE ChARaCTeRS which, in a way, is true, it almost feels as if they have to… make up for being powerful characters by being dressed in absurdly revealing clothing, being introduced in demeaning ways or being face with fucking sexual violence. You can go on and on and on about how the men in MGS are objectified too!!!" but I mean. Who made the game. A man. This is a man's power fantasy. It's like the whole "superheroes set unrealistic standards for men!!!" thing. And whereas, for exemple Snake's weird clothing is barely addressed and a constant in the game, never jumping out at you in a meaningful way and not being a character trait that people
actively notice in game, the woman-hating jumps out. SUDDENLY you have Meryl's
ass wiggling in your screen in slow-motion. SUDDENLY the B&B
are wriggling and writhing and moaning on the floor and getting ass shots. SUDDENLY the camera
pans into EVA's boobs. SUDDENLY
Quiet gets almost fucking raped on-screen. It almost aggresses you. No one ever goes, in-game, "Damn, Snake's tight little reptile ass tho…
bites lip", you don't get long panning shots of Snake's muscular torso.
It's obvious Kojima has a Woman Problem. Even if he gives his female characters "agency" (they don't have agency they're pixels on a screen), even if he makes them strong and able to fight.
It's really funny to me to wonder if the heavy homoeroticism of MGS is intentional or not. Does he has so much of a Women Problem he didn't even realize he discards them in honor of a very Bros Before Hoes type of vibe? Or is he aware of his Women Problem and the homoeroticism is just another thing he piled up on top… Makes you wonder.
No. 484587
>>484586samefag, OH my fucking GOD this wall of text is way bigger than I thought it'd be
AND I forgot to sage.
No. 484625
>>484569I really don't want to view those comments. But are men really still trying to convince the world that Chris was right/innocent?
It's amazing that they'll defend a man who killed his pregnant wife and kids then whine on the internet about how women don't want to start families with them. Like women aren't even allowed to be caucious for our lives because that hurts their feelings
No. 484660
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sorry if this is too lighthearted for this thread but…seriously?
No. 484671
>>484625>But are men really still trying to convince the world that Chris was right/innocent?They know better than to outright say it, but their words betray the sympathetic stance they have towards him. They're sneakier in their phrasing for the fact, but some are still ridiculous.
They're still calling Shan'ann "bossy" and a bitch who "pussywhipped" him. That he's a man who finally "snapped."
This is how ridiculous the comments got:
There was a part in the video where the officers investigated their basement, which happened to have a lot of their stuff in storage bins. The officer commented about how it was so organized.
A male sperg replied to the officer's comment and basically accused Shan'ann of micromanaging the basement space! Poor Chris couldn't do anything with the basement like turning it into a mancave with a pool table, kegger, and other shit because mean Shan'ann would've chewed him out.
Completely ignoring how Chris couldn't
afford a fucking mancave because of all their debt, blaming Shan'ann for having an organized basement (how DARE she!), implying Chris had no space in that giant house for himself, and acting like it was a justified buildup for why he murdered them all.
Of course there's comments about the house itself, which are usually gendered comments about the decor ie. "What a cold house." Men aren't criticized for keeping a cold home, that's an insult tailored towards women. Implying Shan'ann was fake and didn't try hard enough to keep the house happy. Even though there's tons of videos of her trying so hard to do just that, where Chris acts like an uninvolved, clueless dumbass. And like god forbid putting up mass-produced decorations that she liked and were accessible to her (granted their budget) makes her a hollow person.
Male commenters in general being hyper critical of a woman who can't even defend herself over shit that she shouldn't have to defend even if she were alive.
No. 484674
>>484625Within only a few months of the Watts murders, there were two other violent, high profile cases in the US. A similar story to the Watts murders where a man murdered his fiancee on Thanksgiving, although her body was never recovered. He's believed to have murdered her with their baby in the same house. He was also cheating and possibly wanted to get the fiancee "out of the way" like Watts, and also the Jayme Closs kidnapping, where an adult man stalked a teenage girl after seeing her at a bus stop, murdered her parents in front of her, and kept her captive for months under his bed until she escaped.
But men still feel slighted when a woman speedwalks ahead of a guy following close behind her late at night, because that's sooo offensive and generalizing and NOt aLl mEn
No. 484684
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>>484681this is what the Scott Pilgrim song guy looks like (the one on the right) looks like
he also posts on /pol/ btw
No. 484690
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>>484684I'm pretty sure that guy is actually just the one who made the video. Negative XP is East Asian (pic related).
Nevertheless, he still ain't white.
No. 484691
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>>484687three of the biggest figures of HWNDU were an Arab man,a mixed race woman and an Asian guy
No. 484711
>>484676>>484668Unfortunately pornography is only a tiny tiny part of the problem
Easy porn only exists in the first place because of easy on-demand accomodations in every other facet of life. Men are addicted to porn, but they're also addicted to video games, social media, and even useless information addiction is a thing.
The problem is never going away
No. 484712
>>484711I should also add that all men have narcissistic addictive personalities and are incapable of evaluating their lives from a broader angle
this is why this the problem will only continue to get worse
No. 484730
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why do we hear of any FTM Transathles, like are there any modicore female athletes transitioning to men and dominating male sports, also are there any sports where women would have a clear advantage over men?
No. 484732
>>484660this feels like justification for my unpopular opinion post that men aren't heterosexual, but femininity fetishists lmao
if THIS is enough for you to "question your heterosexuality"…. you're not a het dude my dude.
No. 484736
>>484671Everything the scrots say about the Watts murder is stupid and false and coping. I remember a few months seeing an article on the daily mail of a woman who had been at an amusement park during the same time as the Watts had a family vacation. She described Shanann as loving and doting on her kids (not cold and bossy) and Chris as a creep who was irritated/agitated and looked bored (cold and bossy!)
This was months before the murder. So literally scrots are just projecting as usual.
No. 484748
>>484732From the context of users clearly trying to suck up to a troon I assume it was written by a libfem woman (or more hilarously a transbian), a straight man saying that would be ~
No. 484756
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Why marry someone that you hate? Why admit that you have such little sexual desirability that you'll be willing to pay someone to rape them?
No. 484759
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Happy #internationalmensday ladies!!!
Btw why won't you just shut up and listen to the menz!1!1
Half of all posts seem to be from (indian?) handmaidens and the others are neckbeards reeing about evil feminists supposedly being triggered. Goes to show just how many "problems" men really face lol
No. 484816
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This was painful to witness
No. 484831
>>484821> but I'm scratching my head as to why a man would. That's not what they're saying. They're saying lesbians should be required to take pregnancy tests because "trans women are women and since lesbians are attracted to women they fuck trans women, so they could end up pregnant". Absolute baloney, obviously.
>I can think of plenty of reasons why a lesbian that's not even sexually active might require a pregnancy testTbh I agree, I used to nod along with the "I can't possibly be pregnant I'm a lesbian" argument but artificial fertilization exists? Also rape?
No. 484846
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What's the census here on r/AgainstDegenerateSubs
It has an intresting history as it was a sub started by a rightwinger but was taken over by radfems, the users of this reports porn/nsfw subreddits who break the rules and compain to reddit admins hoping to ban said subreddit No. 484868
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>>484866>You aren't allowed to lump my degenerate fetishes in with other degenerate fetishesCan and will.
(bait) No. 484884
>>484868>Homosexuality is a degenerative fetish!Are you living in the 50s, anon?
Also who cares what two adults do? As long as it’s consensual.
No. 484923
>>484921I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you aren't just a troll trying to start a helterskelter for your own amusement, and reply to you.
Making your voices and alternative opinions known is one thing, but don't go out to start a turf war on a subreddit that specifically meant to combat the "growing problem of radicalization on social media". Take that battle somewhere else.
>>484867I hope they can accomplish something and maybe even see eye-to-eye on a few things. People don't always have to agree in order to work together
No. 484925
>>484909>a lot of radfems out there are batshit white supremacist femcels most of my online interaction with radfems is on tumblr and not that there isn't crazy people and drama, but i honestly have seen no outright white supremacist or femcel shit in the two years I've been interacting with that community. I don't know why the vibe on reddit is so drastically different.
Can anyone who does radfem twitter/fb/spinster etc. chime in on how those communities are?
No. 484940
>>484925i wouldnt call them radfems but on twitter this subculture of "trad x rad-leaning" has come about. i dont think they are actually feminists as much as they call themselves that, i think they are literally just trad/alt-righters who hate trans people
i will say that on twitter, a lot of rad fems have basically welcomed these people into the fold… which is fairly disappointing.
No. 484985
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>>484981No i think trans people should compete with other trans people and leave women the fuck alone.
And tifs use their trans privilege just as much as tims do.
There was this Tif who ended up beating all the girls in a wrestling championship because she had a unfair advantage because of her ''enchantments''
No. 484987
>>484949Wasn't most of that shit the singular homophobe-chan who keeps going on her sperg fits here? No one likes her, and she's also not a feminist (radical or otherwise), she just happens to hate trannies.
Please correct me if I'm wrong, I just haven't seen any neo nazi shit in these threads that didn't turn out to be her or a scrote.
No. 485083
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Sometimes I wonder why I haven't just blown my head off yet. I know I'm being dramatic but I'm so tired and have no hope. Things seem to be getting worse.
I wish there was a definitive 'next life' so I could be a man. I dream about it sometimes, even though I know this is the only life I get. But just imagine people liking you, people listening to you, people seeing you as a human being. People not immediately writing you off. Does anyone else relate to this?
No. 485087
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>>485083I mean here is another thing that amplified these thoughts for me today. Just the fact that most people write you off before you even have a chance to prove anything…I don't see what the point of anything is. There is no way to change these things. No amount of wishing and hoping it will be different will ever change anything. I'll always be 'woman' (read: worthless whore, bitch, etc) first and anything else second. Regardless of what I do or say, everyone's mind seems to be made up and you can't win. You can't fix this.
No. 485091
>>485088I don't want to start a fight here but my point is that it seems like almost everyone is. I used to have this naive viewpoint like…other groups that experience prejudice and hate might be more sympathetic to different types of prejudice and hate, but that just hasn't held true. So if anything it makes me feel more depressed and alone.
Like there really is nobody who is going to come and disagree with those things. If you're a woman you are completely on your own and everyone hates you and doesn't want you around. I guess the difference is that most women are strong enough to accept this and move on and I'm just not. I aspire to be but I am not.
No. 485101
>>485091The only real sexist thing I struggle with is playing videogames tbh. I'm afraid if I lose or am horrible in the game I'm suddenly fitting and helping push the stereotype women suck at games.
I don't think the whole world is sexist, maybe more in some countries and communities than others, but I think you should be more outgoing and not as easily shot down. Speak like you have something important to say. I had to really grow a backbone from going from a mute to a shitposting fuck-all. But I do have a lot of close friends, I think the problem is confidence and being convinced people already think this way before you talk to them, it creates a self-fulfilling prophecy.
No. 485105
>>485101I don't know I just keep to myself mostly now. Most of the things I am interested in are technically 'male dominated' so I just keep quiet and enjoy them on my own as much as possible. I mean before I knew that this type of misogyny was rampant I was fine being outgoing but now I know what men think of women and I think life will be easier if I don't engage and just try to keep my head down. Even if it's painful and I need to be alone.
>>485102Yeah I really like my female coworkers and they don't fit the mold he has laid out here. But people in that thread were literally calling women 'snakes' and saying they're these evil creatures.
No. 485112
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Look at him and tell me there's a god
No. 485116
>>485105Remember to take it with a grain of salt. And spot sexist studies that are just satisfying their confirmation bias. There are literally 2 guys who wrote a bunch of research papers for publication companies they suspected had a liberal bias, and not only had their ridiculous papers published, but got awards for them. They did things like, reword Mein Kamph, replacing the word "jew" with "men" and they got accepted. Don't accept that all men think you're shit as true just because it's the bandwagon opinion in media atm, and look for logical fallacies because they are rampant. This happens with psychological studies as well, it's a very, very feminist field. You have to learn how to read the study and see if it's factual and how they came to their conclusion.
Articles about how "men hate you and think you're trash unless you're a subservient handmaiden" are cherry picked. You could make Trump look like the greatest guy with the same tactics, showing how proud he was they have the most women in congress in history, and just stuff like that. Men are humans just like women. Charity Waters is created by men and they make thousands of wells for villages in Africa, and share the most depressing and empathy inducing stories you'll ever hear. Ocean Cleanup was created by men and they're trying to clean the entire ocean in the next 5 years. Men have gone out of their way to save strangers who were woman from other men who were
abusive towards them. People are different and they don't automatically assume all women are trash. Find guys who like their mom, they're usually the best ones.
No. 485122
>>484586Stop being autistic it was obvious meryl and snake had a thing and she was the daughter of his commander
quiet was purposely created to be objectified to fuck with everyone pushing the chico is quiet theory.
Guys and women are sexualized but tbh all these female characters are more than just their appearences dude. Eva is a highly sexual woman but she still kicks ass and has agency over herself. I also don't get where you got your naomi and mei ling stuff from
No. 485145
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No. 485235
>>485120That line tipped me off that it was a scrote. They can't resist framing feminism as some massive, all-powerful anti-male cabal.
I wonder if we're having some "redpilled" visitors from r/AgainstDegenerateSubs.
No. 485236
>>485206>ShortGets babied by society because despite the amount of women who handmaid short men and how much body positivity men get society thinks they're oppressed because a girl on tinder said she liked tall guys once
>poorGet babied, people assume you're hard working where as when women are poor it's assumed it's because of bad life decisions
>BlackBlacks are only hated by the alt right, the very people who have the same views as you about men's being oppressed
>Mentally illIt's a known fact mentally ill men get millions of better treatment than mentally ill women. A man being mentally ill gets quickly treated and has the world catered to him, mentally ill women are assumed to be faking for attention
>UglyLmao ugly men get millions better treatment than ugly women
No. 485238
>>485206>ShortBlame women for not dating you for being short.
>poorBlame women for not dating you for being poor.
>BlackBlame women for not dating you for being black.
>Mentally illBlame women for not dating you for being mentally ill.
>UglyBlame women for not dating you for being ugly.
I fixed it for you, anon.
No. 485239
>>485238Wrong reply
Meant for
>>485236 No. 485240
>>485083I think he's a super christian fundie. Hence his use of handmaid and helpmate. And those guys don't like that women are people with rights and not slaves anymore. They also can't comprehend couples not wanting kids and poor women not wanting to stay poor. If she gets with a rich man instead of working then she's a gold digger hunting men down for resources. If she doesn't, she's hurting society by working. It's insanity.
>>485115How long until someone leaks confidenial docs of some of these drug companies that say trans is a huge experiment. You can't keep pushing this and expect everyone to stay ok
No. 485255
>>485236>Blacks are only hated by the alt rightlol
Go outside and see the real world. If you think that certain groups of white people are the only ones capable of racism you are incredibly naive. I'm not condoning racism at all but if you think that white people are the only ones that hate others for their race, religion or nationality, you're in for a big shock.
No. 485276
>>485255I can't believe how dumb progressives are KEK
They honestly just want us to lick their boots
No. 485288
>>485282Women had to fight for women's spaces so that we could safely exist in the public sphere (and so we could escape male violence, as with shelters). MANY teenage girls are going through this right now; I personally know mothers who don't know what to do because their daughters and their daughters' female peers no longer feel safe or comfortable in areas that are supposed to give them privacy like the locker room. One parent pushing for their one child to go through with a socially and medically dangerous decision that has no backing showing it truly helps anyone (and despite 80% of minors recovering from gender dysphoria naturally and spontaneously with zero intervention) causes dozens of other children to suffer.
And parents are cornered now because of how TRAs throw around accusations of bigotry and misuse the 41% suicide statistic. Despite that this is because of the fact that almost all transgender people have multiple other mental illnesses which are what actually should be treated, suicide is used as a threat against parents who want their children to hold off transition for surety and safety reasons.
No. 485321
>>485282This will push more people to homeschooling or online schools. This wasn't so this boy can pee with girls. Those adults actively fought for this boy to change and be naked with other girls.
And why is it
always mtf that do this shit.
No. 485327
>>485321I just don't get the logic, if he wants to 'be one of the girls' then how does he think upsetting a bunch of his female classmates with help with that goal?
Couldn't even soften his voice a little while being interviewed, kek
No. 485328
>>485321They're 1% of 5% of men that are gay
How is it that such a small amount of men can wreck an entire movement of a much larger amount of women?
No. 485334
>>485331someone should start a td ~truth blog. her reaction to it would be hilarious.
while we're on the topic of radfem tumblr what do you gyns think about thestrippershateyou? male troll or severely mentally ill woman?
No. 485342
>>485334There are already three hate accounts for toppdyke but toppdyke has no shame or consciousness whatsoever so she calls every criticism of her a ''troonfem troll dicklicker''.
Toppdyke seems mentally unstable i goes its all those drugs that she did when she was a stripper whore that fried her brain.
No. 485344
>>485334''thestrippershateyou'' is just a pro-tranny,pro-prostitute libfem.
She has NOTHING to do with radfems and seems to hate them.
No. 485363
>>485331one does damage control and one doesn't, TD calls people dicksuckers in all caps ala an early 2000s forum troll who hurts women's feelings(mostly TiFS but also people like necessaryforspeed who develop permanent butthurt about radfems and seperatism after). she says foul things but it's easily preventable just by blocking her. she probably has an anger disorder or something, but she's older and been through the mill so who knows what makes her behave like this. again, easily managed just by blocking.
people don't like menalez because she's in constant damage control mode, will steal posts in a histrionic response to being blocked, and goes out of her way to look through your blog on her alt accounts to get around women's established boundaries and look for a way to cancel them. She keeps track of her vistor IPS and I've seen one post about her finding a woman's social media profile against her will, and that woman deleted her facebook and tumblr soon after. her inability to control her reactions to online drama causes her further self harm, and lack of management of her personality disorder is frankly concerning. of course people are more interested in talking about a woman that manipulates people and tries to erase receipts of her questionable behavior.
No. 485368
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posted yesterday
why are trannies and their supporters so delusional?
No. 485373
>>485363She's been getting into online drama since she was just a basic but popular pale/kawaii blogger, aka rnortal.
I remember her captioning literally everything she reblogged with "similar posts here". I also remember her being discussed all over those kawaii Tumblr "gossip" blogs.
I was actually surprised when I found out she became a radfem. She used to be a huge libfem.
No. 485379
>>485368There is
one way to be a man, just one simple thing that unites every single man on this earth. It's called having a Y chromosome. That's the one way to be a fucking man, anything else you do doesn't invalidate that one truth. God.
No. 485396
>>485395Anon, they’re anomalies for a reason, they fall
outside the norm
Maybe I didn’t word it the best way beforehand, but it’s retarded to define a majority by a minuscule minority
No. 485402
>>485374I guess everyone hates the taste of their own medicine. Im calling toppdyke that because toppdyke is hypocritical and calls women those exact terms i called her….and even worse.
Toppdyke loves pretending she is of some moral superiority over other women by harassing rape
victims and underage girls so im going to call her out for being a stripper who abused drugs.
No. 485434
>>485413And of course it's only directed towards gay men.
I bet a lot of the same trans allies (e.g. Greg, shuwu and the like) who previously attacked terfs will defend "tehms".
No. 485456
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Why do men find stuff like this funny?
No. 485464
>>485282God that greasy fuck reminds me of so many gross boys i went to school with, there’s no way in hell I would’ve changed in front of them
Feel so bad for her
No. 485506
>>485388Males with that are still males since they'll never be able to produce eggs but some can still produce sperm even if they're literally born with a vagina. People use intersex conditions to try to show le sex is le spectrum but it's really not, it really is a binary of if you have a functioning Y chromosome or not. Even ultra rare things like fertile XX males happens because they don't
really have two X chromosomes, one is so deformed it functions as the simpler Y chromosome.
No. 485516
>>485502moore is a good example of a Blanchard's homosexual transsexual (HSTS) archetype
>The homosexual transsexual type corresponds to what is known as early-onset in other sources, while the autogynephilic type corresponds to what is known as late-onset in other sources. Homosexual transsexuals are proposed to be motivated by being very feminine in both behavior and appearance, and by a desire to romantically and sexually attract (ideally very masculine) men. Autogynephilic transsexuals are thought to be motivated by their sexual desire and romantic love for being women.[31]
>According to the typology, autogynephilic transsexuals are attracted to femininity while homosexual transsexuals are attracted to masculinity. However, a number of other differences between the types have been reported. Bailey states that homosexual transsexuals begin transitioning earlier in life,[25] :162 generally before turning 30, which accounts for their supposedly better adjustment. He states that they are also more likely to come from poorer, non-white, or socially marginalized backgrounds,[25] :183–184 and, by definition, are exclusively attracted to men; whereas autogynephilic transsexuals are either attracted to women, exclusively or not, or asexual.[25] :162 Bailey also argues that autogynephilia tends to appear along with other paraphilias.[25]
>Sexologist Anne Lawrence, a proponent of the concept,[32][33] argues that homosexual transsexuals pursue sex reassignment surgery (SRS) out of a desire for greater social and romantic success.[26] Lawrence has proposed that autogynephilic transsexuals are more excited about sexual reassignment surgery than homosexual transsexuals. She states that homosexual transsexuals are typically ambivalent or indifferent about SRS, while autogynephilic transsexuals want to have surgery as quickly as possible, are happy to be rid of their penis, and proud of their new genitals.[31] Bailey argued that homosexual transsexuals are unlikely to transition if their appearance as women would be very unattractive.[25]
>According to Bailey and Lawrence, transsexuals who are active on the internet are overwhelmingly autogynephilic;[34] and the two kinds of transsexuals rarely interact with each other or appear in the same spaces.[25] No. 485517
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Insightful critique. You can feel the teenage egoism and sheltered life
No. 485767
>>485517love the way men CONSTANTLY strawman everything. ever notice that shit? interact with a male and they're always strawmanning to act like they're
No. 485954
>>485878Good news is you don't have to. Just after her last full feature documentary someone blackmailed with something, and she dropped off the planet.
>>485892>>485895Y'all are talking about Stefan Molyneux aren't you? He was allegedly eavesdropping on his wife's therapy sessions and airing her patient's dirty laundry in his podcasts. God help me though, I still find his daddy/daughter minecraft videos adorable.
No. 485961
>>485954An anon who seems to have deleted her comments mentioned that he wanted his daughter to become a great revolainity philosopher but he also thinks that all feminism is bullshit
it honestly seems like IRL doublethink(the acceptance of contrary opinions or beliefs at the same time)
No. 485965
>>485961Eh, I've never heard him say he wants anything for his daughter other than her happiness. But then so what if he wants more if he wants more from her? She'll grow up as her own woman that can make her own decisions. Especially since his most controversial position is you should always distance yourself from ANYONE that's
abusive, even if they're related.
No. 485971
>>485471Neither of them pass to me. I haven’t heard anything
problematic about Hunter but I have seen a lot of creepy people online drooling over him/her. Indya has said/tweeted some super ridiculous things such as “trans women are biological women”
No. 486109
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I saw this meme shared by a couple conservative tradwife accounts and it depresses me. These women really think romance stories are as bad as porn? There is shit in porn that sends women to the hospital and fucks up their bodies for life. What is in a romance novel that a man “can’t even do”?
No. 486127
>>486109>rom fiction teaches girls that it's unrealistic to expect a healthy, well mannered man to be a loving, respectful partner who will love you in a lasting healthy relationship What a cope. Those trad wives are miserable that their conservative trad husbands are the exact opposite of what they hoped for. They wanted some handsome 1950s husband but got a porn addicted misogynist that whines about women including their wives on social media while those trad wives are stuck doing everything in the home and go to work on top
>>485954Someone blackmailed lauren?
No. 486160
>>486109Holy shit what a horrible image macro. Men numbing their dicks over women being abused and expecting their girlfriends to give them anal is comparable to women expecting their boyfriends to be decent, caring partners? Fuck this narrative and everyone claiming that female erotica is "just as bad" as porn. Come back when the majority of women are watching IRL porn in which the woman violently pegs a man in his ass and makes him forcibly eat her out, then you might have a case.
>>486127This. It's soul-crushingly sad how tradwives are coping with their awful husbands like this, when they ask them to do the absolute minimum for the relationship they're immediately gaslit into believing they've been "brainwashed by romance novels into having unrealistic expectations". I hate how so many women buy into this meme too.
No. 486189
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No. 486221
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No. 486229
>>486226>falling for the racial bait-and-switch scrote defenseFor as progressive as many of these types claim to be, why does it seem like they never even listen to the
women of the race they try to defend with this tired argument?
And no, boomer aunties who still invite pedophilic uncles/grandpas/nephews to family reunions, and intensely male-identified pick-mes who think it's their duty to defend Stephon Clark (and other men like him) even though he was a racist, misogynistic piece of shit who would've never done the same for them do not count, just like how tradthots, female Trump supporters who show up at rallies with shirts that read "Trump can grab my pussy ANY TIME" and "redpill women" don't count.
No. 486240
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>>486237>>486226you're she's always been a libfem larping as a radfem and her "feminism" has always been superficial, trite and ultimately insincere, the music itself wasn't remotely engaging or powerful.
No. 486241
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>>486240She talks in that Pitchfork article about how women used to make comments at shows about how can you be a feminist and a stripper. Damned women, thinking for themselves and questioning her lib fem shit.
Also, I never much liked Bikini Kill. I'm not just saying that because of this interview - I really never got into them. If I'm gonna listen to 90's chick bands, I'd rather listen to Hole, even though I know Courtney is a massive bitch.
No. 486248
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>>485517It's horrifying to see people who hear anime and think 'cartoon porn of children' using an anime teenage girl to represent themselves/their views. They're making a character with no will of its own promote child sexualization. I guess it would've been too on-the-nose to make an anime little girl mascot that promoted lolicon being legal.
Maybe it isn't a coincidence that they're using her to represent themselves, given how many trans like anime and want to be underage anime girls.
No. 486265
>>486221Adam Savage is a smug, prototypical ~male feminist~ who doesn't deserve my time of the day. I wouldn't be surprised if he was one of the closet AGPs who fantasize about dressing up as a woman and feel ~terves~ to be threatening to their fetish.
Anyway idk how many finnanons still browse this thread but there recently was a slight turmoil in the online scene over here. A semi-well known twitter account (venlaolsen) that supposedly was kept by a 25-year old lesbian was outed to actually be owned by a 30+ mentally ill straight guy (ukulaitinen), after he honest to god faked her suicide to milk for sympathy points. What makes it notable is that using the "girl's" account he tweeted/re-tweeted a lot of anti-TERF and "trans women are women!!!!" takes while creeping on "fellow lesbians" and posting inappropriate, pornified photos of women with slimy captions and straight out sexual fantasies. He also posted tweets applauding himself as this fictional lesbian and used some anonymous girl's photos as his own. After the lie was revealed he tried defending what he did by claiming that he actually ~WAS~ this lesbian female and his actions were totally warranted because he's "pansexual" himself. At this point I'm just waiting for him to come out as a tranny and redeem the golden ticket to defend himself against all controversy. I fucking hope it happens because it would drive so many people to peak trans, these nutjobs do the converting job better than any GC activists could.
No. 486282
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>>486265Holy shit that dude needs some serious help. I hope he lied about being a father too.
No. 486298
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>>486293You really didn’t expect at all? Kek
And stop saying she. Just because you errr fooled and like him doesn’t make him a woman
No. 486389
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Has this been posted here yet? I think farmers would have a great time reading it. No. 486397
it should be noted this was written as a satire of woke bros who proclaim to be male feminists but slide into violent anger when they don't get the sex they feel entitled to.
it should be obvious with lines like this
>IF YOU ASK HIM WHERE he went to high school, he likes to boast that, actually, he went to an all-girls school. That was sort of true—he was one of five males at a progressive private school that had gone co-ed just before he’d enrolled. People always reply: Ooh la la, lucky guy! You must’ve had your pick. Which irritates him, because it implied women would only date him if there were no other options, and because he hadn’t dated anyone in high school. One classmate junior year had a crush on him, but he wasn’t attracted to her curvaceous body type so felt justified in rejecting her, just as he’d been rejected many times himself.
>"You’ve turned your loneliness into this, like, fetish necklace of martyrdom. And all of us,” they gesture around to other picnickers, “have to sit here and rubber-stamp your feminism. If we don’t indulge your wallowing, we’re being callous and, like, complicit with some diabolical global conspiracy that’s keeping you from getting laid. But if we do, then we’re ‘disingenuous’ because none of us will fuck you ourselves."
The actual plot arch — male femenist incel gets radicalized online and goes to shoot people was pretty predictable though.
No. 486406
>>486293I feel kind of sorry for the current generation of hsts guys like this who got transed super young because most of them would have just grown up to be normal gay men rather than mutilated transwomen. I'm sure some of them are happier like this but it's not ever going to be most of them. It's depressing.
>>486401what did courtney say about her?
No. 486427
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yes another boring ugly gay dude who hates being gay being lauded as hero and savior for "bravely" embodying gendered stereotypes No. 486480
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does anyone else feel like the mods on this site are incredibly precarious at times? I was reading through the blaire white thread (which is where this screenshot is from) and people kept bitching about how it was derailing into nitpicking blaire's looks, even though the kelly eden thread is almost entirely dedicated to bashing her looks and I've never seen the mods tell anyone to stop. it's the same with other threads too, like how people used to bump the altcows thread with kaya's acne shots all of the time. other anons complained about it, but a farmhand never stepped in.
it's funny how nitpicking only becomes a problem when it's about trannies.
No. 486571
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I was really surprised to see this statement on a twitter of japanese musical of all places. There will be women only and an all gender bathroom for the men? Anyone know if the bathroom issue is a big one in Japan?
No. 486588
>>484730propably sports which need a lot of endurance instead of burst damage.
I guess most competitive sports are rather focused on the latter tho
No. 486596
>>486398>>486451ofc you can still be a feminist as a mother thats not what she's saying. she's conflicted because having children at all is not a feminist
choice because its primarily still the default for most women even when culture still shits on motherhood up and down
No. 486689
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where do I even begin
No. 486706
>>486630Exactly. You can tell its a male larping because he never goes into detail when women do say no. Like they collectively forget the moment after a woman says no to them that they get angry, launch all the "bitch, whore, cunt, slut" insults and threats immediately after because they hate that women
can say no. But no they want to blame women for just existing in the same place.
No. 486744
>>486709>>486709My god, the scrotes have taken over EVERYTHING
>fandoms >sprite comics and roleplaying forums>fanfiction and literature>fanart>puzzle games
>and now true crimeWHY are they invading all the female dominated spaces and forcing themselves in it? WHY is this happening?
No. 486762
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This is one of the cringiest troon posts I have ever seen but it ended up on my feed from a friend liking it.
No. 486764
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>>486762In the og tweet it's accompanied by three more images of him getting money from people for "making bathrooms gender neutral"
Woke people are cucks
No. 486884
>>486862That's how it is in places like Japan and Korea but there's still the problem of them placing cameras in the toilets to watch women too. The problem can be solved if lib fem handmaids would be ignored and people stopped giving tras an inch
>>486837How is it near the 2020s and men still don't understand how vaginas are muscles.
No. 486940
>>486764I'm always so confused by the people who donate to all of these gofundmes. Like, why? Do you have literally nothing to spend your money on than some loser with a
victim complex?
>>486689>radfems are too stupid to get to the root of the problem>which is that men are raised to think that they're better than womenThis person just invented the concept of male socializtion without realizing it lmao. Maybe if she would actually read feminist literature she'd be able to put those problem solving skills to use instead of playing handmaiden.
No. 486942
>>486744Because they have to insert themselves into everything. Just look at how scrotes come here to troll. Of all the imageboards, they come to a small female oriented one.
Makes me think of their bullshit about women "invading male spaces" like gaming so women can "attention whore". Literally everything men say is projection.
No. 486947
Almost all of the "classic" fiction has only male characters, and even when there is a woman she has a really small part or is portrayed horribly. And anytime a feminist/anyone criticized it they'd come up with a million reasons why women shouldn't care that there are no female leads, or why there should be no female leads period.
Then when that movie came out that had an all female cast men everywhere were
triggered and losing their shit over it.
No. 486949
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I hate listening to scrotes critique liberalism because it's like watching an autistic kid socialize. Both can't grasp the subtle nuances of the situation so they take everything literally. "Men hitting women = Women hitting men" is no different from someone autistic thinking "my door=employee only door". That's the only way I can describe it literal autism.
No. 486962
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Is Anita Sarkeesian getting Pinkpilled
No. 487031
>>486989I think you'll find incel behavior in all races/ethnicities. One thing that unites men, is their hatred of losing control of "their" women.
The more women waking up to their bullshit, the better.
No. 487049
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Why do they have to make literally everything about themselves?
No. 487071
>>487068One google search got me multiple studies fam.>It found that 14% of the transgender and non-binary group had a diagnosis of autism, while a further 28% of this group reached the cut off point for an autism diagnosis, suggesting a high number of potentially undiagnosed individuals.
>These figures were primarily driven by high scoring amongst those whose assigned gender was female at birth, supporting recent evidence that there is a large population of undiagnosed women with an autism spectrum disorder.>Individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) or meeting the AQ cut-off score for ASD were over-represented in both the transgender and nonbinary groups. The key variables differentiating the transgender and nonbinary groups from the cisgender group were systematising and empathy. Levels of autistic traits and cases of ASD were higher in individuals assigned female at birth than those assigned male at birth.
>Autistic Girls : Gender’s Silent Frontier the study it's referring to:>August 2018, 48% of children and young people who were seen in GIDS and whose parents com-pleted the social responsiveness scale (SRS), a quantitative measure of autistic behaviours in chil-dren and young people, scored in the mild to severe range (n = 2073). Ten per cent of female-bodied young people scored in the severe range, as did 7% of male-bodied young people. Taken together, these aspects signify a rapidly shifting context in the profile of many young people presenting to GIDS, which has prompted much discussion within the service and more widely about how best this group should be supported.>Parents reported that before the onset of their gender dysphoria, many of the AYAs had been diagnosed with at least one mental health disorder or neurodevelopmental disability and many had experienced a traumatic or stressful event. Experiencing a sex or gender related trauma was not uncommon, nor was experiencing a family stressor (such as parental divorce, death of a parent, or a mental health disorder in a sibling or parent).Autistic people often develop hyperfixation traits and have a stunted understanding of social situations and feelings, so they're more likely to become obsessed with their gender being the root of their problems. I.e. Autistic girls might be more aloof (problems with impulse control for example) than the neurotypical girls who have been socialized to be docile, which adds to the gender-nonconforming nature.
No. 487091
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>>481805just read this article and the mom here makes so many good points about how relentlessly people gender children and just misses the logical conclusion of raising her child to just be a person regardless of whether they're male or female. How is it helping your child to raise them as an "other" instead when it's so clear and easy to see that we could just stop forcing pink on girls for one second of our lives?
> No. 487096
File: 1574685610352.jpg (193.71 KB, 1080x1130, IMG_20191125_133619.jpg) jumps in front of a train while holding onto his 5 year old daughter, she miraculously survives.
Pic related are some males' reactions…
I know I really shouldn't click on anything news related anymore because the comments will always be disgusting, no matter what happened.
No. 487111
>>487096I see basically the same comment on every serial killer vid that I watch
"well he probably murders women because a woman cheated on him in the past and broke his spirit"
No. 487114
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>>486989I was curious so I went to check out this place and went on the romance forum, and damn, you're not wrong.
Fucking based.
No. 487255
>>487096>>487102Man cheats on woman
>"It's not right to judge him, he probably had good reason. We don't know what was happening in his relationship, she was most likely a terrible person and deserved to be cheated on. Perhaps her breasts were too small. Men have needs after all."Woman cheats on man
>"She deserves to be murdered by him and it's totally understandable if he kills their children too, or even becomes a serial killer. That adulterous harlot is the only one to blame for any blood he sheds from this point forward." No. 487269
>>487049This shit right here is so god damn annoying to come across.
[picture of something/someone that just happens to have pink and blue in it, no matter how small]
There's this new feminine-looking Pokemon line that has pink/blue/white and people are head over heels and headcanoning it as the "Trans-right" Pokemon.
Well, that was
before their Pokedex entries came out, and it turns out they will beat the shit out of you if they feel strong emotions and loudness, something that a lot of transgenders are. Hahahaha, get fucked troons.
No. 487289
>Desperate women denied abortions in Kenya 'are using COCA-COLA to kill their babies' shit is disgusting and depressing. Imagine being forced to give birth, and then kill that same child all because you were denied a rightful termination.
Infanticide is fucked up, so just imagine the dire situation you'd have to be in for that to even be an option. Nobody does that shit for fun, especially not
multiple women and girls who are denied the right to terminate pregnancies (especially if it was via rape and/or CSA).
The whole thing is ghastly, but this is honestly one of the most enraging parts of this article for me:
>In 2017, under pressure from the American 'pro-life' lobby, a 'global gag rule' meant any organisation that so much as offers as advice on abortion will be barred from American aid.
>As a result, Family Health Options Kenya, just one organisation, had to eliminate free outreach services and close two clinics.
>Abortion is illegal in Kenya unless a mother's health is in danger. A 14-year prison sentence threatens anyone who carries out an 'unauthorised' abortions.
>In 2014, a Kenyan nurse was sentenced to death after being found guilty of carrying out an abortion on a woman who later bled to death.
>This means doctors are unwilling to take the risk, amid religious and political pressures, too.Pro-lifers will read this article, blame the women and call them evil child-killers (as if infanticide is something a large amount of girls or women would ever be happy to commit), and
still defend anti-abortion laws.
Meanwhile, a male serial killer or school shooter can murder multiple innocent women and children for no reason, and it becomes "Ok but his mother was probably
abusive and his childhood was most likely rough. Society was just too harsh on him!! Ever think of that?? Have some empathy".
No. 487337
>'american boys project' wants to flood your instagram feed with diverse trans men
>As our society's relationship with gender and the language surrounding it slowly begins to shift, trans people are finally being permitted to carve out an authentic, multi-dimensional place for themselves within pop culture. But while the roles for trans characters in movies and TV are starting to move beyond token stereotypes and bad cliches, there's still a whole lot of work that needs to be done and a greater diversity of non-binary stories that need to be told.
>One person putting in that work is photographer Soraya Zaman whose "American Boys Project" is helping to expand our perceptions of the trans-masculine community, presenting viewers with a diversity of trans identities and experiences, while creating a safe space on Instagram for anyone who's ever felt like they don't fit tidily into culture's strict conceptions of gender. Identifying as gender queer themselves, Soraya says, "Growing up and not having language or people to relate to and correctly explain how I felt in relation to my gender was hard. It took me a long time to come into my own sense of self. So the project is very personal in that way." The youth of today, on the other hand, are finding new language and new means of forging their unique identities online. "I think its really exciting that the narrative around gender is changing and I wanted to explore that through my photography," they say. "It makes me happy that young people might not have to sit and wonder why they feel different any longer and instead have a safe No. 487339
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>>487337Some passed well. This one, however…
No. 487381
>>487325I've debated quite a few prolifers and what it boils down to these people are so delusional that they genuinely see early term fetuses as no different from a newborn baby and will fight tooth and nail to ~protect~ them. Even if it means sacrificing women's lives to back alleys, forcing rape
victims to have their rapist's babies, and all the other countless horrific things that happen when abortion is illegal/inaccessible. If you bring up back alleys, they genuinely think the women deserve it. I have seen them leave comments on stories about raped children who weren't able to abort, saying they're so thankful she wasn't allowed to ~murder the innocent baby~ and that aborting a rape baby is worse than the act of rape itself. These people are subhuman lunatics incapable of rational thought.
No. 487401
>>486762Good for that manager. Imagine working with this AGP creep.
>>486802It sucks that most normie straight people (i.e. most people) think that being trans is the same as being gay/bi, or even being "extra" gay. I've noticed a lot more homophobia from people who used to be more accepting of LGB people because they think we're all into the trans rights narrative.
>>487381Pro-lifers are either scrotes who feel threatened by women having bodily autonomy, women with internalized misogyny who believe women's only respectable role is motherhood (these women are sometimes infertile themselves), and people (mostly males) who worry that their mother would've aborted them if she'd had the choice.
No. 487480
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No. 487489
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>>487339WHAT IN THE FRANKENSTEIN IS THIS???????????????????????
No. 487659
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>>487566This is the comment. I mean, I agree with some of what he's trying to say.
>>487322>>487311The funniest thing about pro-lifers to me is that they don't even do things that would realistically prevent abortions. There's a planned parenthood not far from my house and they always stand outside protesting it. Do they actually think a woman who is planning on getting an abortion will see their signs and change her mind? Doubt it. You know what actually prevents abortion? Good sex education and access to birth control. But prolifers oppose that too. I don't think it's even about actually preventing abortion for them, I think it's about feeling like they're doing something good. They have a martyr complex.
No. 487678
>>487659I don't see any western women talking about how we're as bad off as women in India or Afghanistan or Chad. Of course we have it that much better than women in those countries. That doesn't invalidate the sexism that women in western/first world countries still face though. Because we're still treated worse than the men of those countries are.
This is the same shitty tactic people use when you discuss abuse. "Oh, your dad was mean to you and called you names? Well, my dad hit me, I had it so much worse!" Just because someone somewhere has it worse, it doesn't invalidate how someone feels.
No. 487696
>>487659This is such a load of shit. No one in the US is hailing Chad as the pinnacle of civil rights. No country in the world is holding a long-impoverished developing nation as the gold standard in equality.
The examples he lists are also absurd. Abortion has been constantly challenged and restricted since it was legalized, and made much more difficult to get in several states, with long waiting times, forcing the woman to undergo an ultrasound, and severely limiting the number of clinics (Oklahoma has 3 clinics in the entire state), not to mention Alabama and Georgia where it is all but outright banned now. This guy knows or cares nothing about the reality, just that "it's legal, so you can't complain."
But because countries exist that are worse-off, no one in the US should work to improve anything. Sure.
No. 487699
>>487678I saw this one post that pointed out that even women in worse countries get that same argument thrown at them. I can't find it anymore, but I can describe it.
Those women are told "You think you have it bad just because being gang raped is a very real danger, abortion is illegal and domestic abuse is common? You are privileged, you get to go to school and live something of your own life. Look at your mother's maid, she's the one struggling." and then that maid is told "You think you have it bad? You're privileged, you have a job working for a well-off family. Look at the girls and women from much poorer villages, they don't even stand a chance. They even suffer FGM", and then the women from those hyper-impoverished spaces are told the same thing. The cycle continues until you're not allowed to say anything, unless you have personally suffered every single horrific social ill known to womankind.
The truth is, these people don't care about girls or women in any place, or in any society. They want us all to shut up and accept injustice, and that's just the truth of the matter.
No. 487701
>>487696Not disagreeing with you, but the abortion bans have been blocked in Georgia and Alabama, for now. I think Ohio too. That won't stop the pro-life idiots though, they'll keep throwing money at their special interest groups and they'll keep fighting. Not to mention, it's already hard to get an abortion in many states anyway, some only have one clinic.
>>487699Yeah, you'd see a version of that in action with "progressive stacks" at things like Occupy Wall Street. AKA "only the most oppressed of all of us is allowed to speak", even though the whole thing was about Wall Street and wealth inequality affecting everyone.
Naturally, misogynistic men would grab a hold of that one to use it to shut women down.
No. 487716
>>485300I know this post is six days old but this is some fucking stupid shit, I’m
triggered. What you’re talking about is fucking gang wars. Gangs are typically ethnically homogeneous but since when do they represent the sentiments of people of that color?? Don’t use this to insinuate that all non-white groups are out to get poor innocent black people. Fuck all the way off.
No. 487806
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>>487549weird self post but i support the sentiment
No. 487845
>>487826GNC women are still female and we have common ground there. I think the biggest hurdle with young people right now is that they have to learn that it's okay to disagree with someone or even not like someone, but you can still respect her and find mutual understanding if you're so inclined. I see this struggle a lot when GNC women argue with women who perform femininity - everyone is so insecure and angry and instead of coming together we splinter off. I think "feminine" women need to accept that they have to think critically about their choices, and GNC women need to have more understanding that not everyone can or wants to be GNC. Sorry if this is autistic.
>>487840She needs to learn to be if we're ever going to make progress.
No. 487849
>a feminine straight woman would feel comfortable in a lesbian space?>She needs to learn to be if we're ever going to make progress.Why? Why should a straight woman ever even enter a lesbian space?
>>487832>a butch woman who gets misgendered a lot has trouble entering female only spaces bc the women there assume she's a man. And culturally many people assume masc women have "man brains/thoughts" as if she cannot understand the female experience.I met many dykes who looked like men at the first glance but as soon as they opened their mouths it was clear that they're female. Lesbian women supposedly being mistaken for men is a myth.
And people who "culturally assume" that any woman has a "man brain" wouldn't accept any lesbians anyway.
No. 487852
>>487832>imagine…comfortable around each other, just on the fact they're both femaleLol yes, easily. Given that neither of these women have a fucking complex about their sex… Why would a GNC woman even seek out female-only spaces if she is
triggered by femininity and choices of other women, especially a woman who thinks she has man-brain kek. Vice versa.
If women want a female-only space then why is straight/lesbian even a deal breaker at all. See lolcow, lesbian or not, fem or otherwise (bar the Aidens and homophobe-chan), farmers don't feel uncomfortable here because women different from them exist. We just all love a scrote-free space.
No. 487859
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Opinions on this faggot? Never even heard of this dude before onision. Another one of those podcast having weirdos that thinks their opinion matters, dick masterson.
No. 487860
>>487858Bruh now that you mentioned, it's totally a troon
>gets misgendered a lot>the women there assume she's a manWhat kind of woman can't prove that she's not a man lmao
No. 487879
>>487549I wanted to love this but she sounds like she’s literally trying to
be Leah Tyverly
No. 487902
>>486989>>487114black women have long been pilled, I've read Lipstick Alley (black women's forum) for almost a decade now and they've always been based.
I think lolcow farmers and lSA denizens would get along
No. 487938 warning…
I really don’t ever want to have a son. What the fuck is happening to boys these days…why are they all so evil? These kids are TEN
No. 487946
>>487938I wanted to say do you think it is the incelpill movement and porn but thought that was too tinfoily.
Sage for blogging but a kid about 12 - 14 in his school uniform with all his friends made an obscene gesture in reference to fingering me when I was just walking home minding my own business. Are they all just gonna be like this forever? They’ve always been like this but they used to be rightfully ashamed of it, they used to at least
try to be different. The internet has made men even shittier than they where before.
No. 487950
>>487947Can’t blame them as they’re just trying to be good mums in doing so. Not all little boys do this, surely there is some way you can stop this happening aside from extremely regulated internet access
My mother has really strict protection on the internet, but my brother is still a fucking asshole. I’ve never been able to access lolcow at my mothers house because of this kek
No. 487953
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wanted to watch a video on tv meal history, instead got a comment section full of "hurr durr women be ebil by not making homemade meals for 7 hours a day and wanting to go into workforce". this however is my fav exchange: women only try to kill themselves because they have been told they can do everything that men can!
No. 487955
>>487947males will argue for curtailing people's freedoms based on ~statistics~ yet ignore the fact that they commit 99% of violent rapes due to their own nature. testosterone literally fucks with a person's ability to empathize with others and makes it easier to be a violent cretin.
males are holding human society back and the irony is they've convinced everyone they are the arbiters of civilization. what a joke.
No. 487956
>>481805>>487955Statistically men should all be fucking exterminated kek
Statistically crime would be 99% over
>>487955They know this deep down, that’s why they say otherwise over and over again 24/7 whenever they can. Men are a stain upon the earth
No. 487983
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People who think they are smart are pushing this idea that "TERFs are the female equivalent of alt-right radicalized white males" but it just shows how little they know about what they are talking about. What does fascism and racism even have to do with this? Radical feminists aren't conservative. They do realize a lot of radfems, even some of the most popular radfems on tumblr where this post came from, aren't white, right? I think they get this idea because there are some """"trad"""" girls online who post about their hatred of transgenderism but it's always just the standard right-wing talking points. That doesn't automatically make them a trans exclusionary radical feminist just because they are women. It's funny how I've never seen a critique of gender critical feminism from these types of people that either wasn't filled with blatant lies or didn't demonstrate that the author has zero idea of what they are talking about. Also, she was obviously laughing at the ask because it's something really dumb to send to somebody out of nowhere, not because she finds a trans serial killer funny.
No. 487992
>>487983It's ironic because I've actually seen more TRAs be racist than terfs. Throwback to when someone posted that screenshot of a TRA saying that black women who are critical of trans rights are hypocritical because there was a time when "black women weren't considered real women" (which is bullshit anyway). So essentially they were saying black women weren't allowed to have opinions that clashed with the trans rights movement.
I've also seen TRAs compare trans bathroom controversy with the racial segregation stuff that happened in the US.
But yeah, terfs are totally the racist ones.
No. 488032
>>488023I definitely think there's truth in this, kids don't like to have things shoved down their throat. You can tell them a billion times not to talk to strangers, and they will still do it just to rebel. Kids inevitably reach phases where everything their parents do and say is cringy and they automatically reject it, parents who demand certain careers and lifestyles out of their children rarely get them.
I think the best thing to do is to keep on going the way you are, mum anon, it sounds like you're both pulling your weight when it comes to parenting so it will probably be easier to spot it if you see warning signs. Encourage his hobbies and interests, keep him occupied with healthy things, even if they're "boys" things. The worst thing to do is to get him a phone too young, kids get addicted to that shit extremely easily. But yes, keep at it and I'm sure you'll raise a good son.
No. 488074
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I was going to post this in the Western Vocaloid fandom thread but I thought it would be more appropriate here. Saging if too weebish. I am absolutely livid. Popular utaite, Japanese Nico Nico Douga/Vocaloid singer, Mafumafu released a new song called 女の子になりたい I wanna be a girl. It’s an upbeat song about a boy fantasizing about being an ultra feminine girl like in shoujo anime. Whether it is just for fun(Mafumafu also sings songs about wanting to be a super cat and other silly things), about escapism for repressed feminine boys or gender confusion could be open to interpretation. Songs like this are not uncommon in the community and crossdressing or gender-bending is a regular gag in Japan. Mafumafu also shows off his high-pitched “girly” singing voice in the song. It’s not serious at all. However, the Western fan reaction was so disrespectful and disgusting! It was expected that the Westerners would automatically push a “____ says ‘trans rights’” meme but now comments for the video are filled with “Mafumafu IS trans” and using she/her to refer to a Japanese man who has never claimed to anything but a man.
They overanalyzed the shifting pink and blue color scheme of the animation and say it is 100% meant to be the Trans Flag. Some of them even claim the ability to use a feminine vocal proves he is actually a trans girl. Commenters that have called out these rude people, no matter how careful they worded their defense of Mafumafu, have been labeled transphobic! Certain TRAs, like in the screenshot above, were repeatedly attacking anyone who was not going along with their fantasy. Now they are taking “Mafumafu is trans confirmed” to reddit and various trans threads to spread this rumor. Saying things like they always suspected he was trans because he has cute image and made songs about being a fucking cat. I’m so sick of this.
No. 488075
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>>488074I'm glad that person is calling them out on their bullshit and is getting supported. The more weebs that are wising up the better.
Gives me flashbacks to the DR/Chihiro tumblr drama years back when the trans trend was starting.
No. 488094
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>>487938>>487966>>487972These are making me feel pure despair about wanting to have children, especially cause I want to have a daughter in the future. Why is the world so awful? The poor kids don't deserve to be warped and traumatized by pornshit.
No. 488100
>>488086The tradthot thread is still around, anon. Here:
>>>/snow/782532Lauren Chen, like the other "conservative" women, all thought at one point that they'd be special once they got into a movement composed of misogynistic, racist men. They always get reminded that they're not.
I can't find the video anymore, but I remember at one point her boyfriend low-key defended pedophiles and said something like it's "too cruel" to castrate them and that they can't help their attraction.
She probably feels like shit, but this is the path she chose, so I don't feel too bad for her. Maybe with enough reminders, she'll finally grow a spine and ditch that collective. If the internalized misogyny is strong enough, though, she'll just continue being a doormat to shitty, bitter men with inferiority complexes.
No. 488106
>>488101I used to think that motherhood itself was a patriarchal institution that was one of the main causes of women’s oppression and the feminist ‘solution’ was avoiding motherhood both in theory and practice and even now I do recognize the ways that motherhood can be used as a tool for control, but now the basis of my feminism is motherhood, cause it dawned on me everyone to ever walk the earth had one. its the first and most important human relationship that is formed, taking the very future in your hands can be a very radical act. Being a mother doesn’t have to obliterate who you are, it can catalyze the growth and expansion of who you are.
Which sounds pretty unfeminist because all of this has been strongly linked with the idea of submission. Even tho the idea of motherhood as passive is as insulting as it is erroneous. It’s a great trick they have played, convincing us that mothers don’t have power (unless, of course, her child goes on to do something awful, then it’s her fault) and I think we are handicapping ourselves throwing motherhood in the bin.
No. 488108
>>488106Last sentence reminded me of the true crime series 'murderers and their mothers' where grown men have raped and murdered women and it's somehow their mothers fault. They overlook absent fathers or even blame the mother for getting beaten in front of her son.. then downplay the role of the father in doing all the beating
People are so quick to point out when mothers aren't perfect
No. 488113
>>481805>>488075Stuff like this happens all across the globe on a daily basis. Intelligent women with potential get murdered by absolute losers every half minute.
Men are the single biggest danger women will ever face. Rabid coyotes are safer. They must know that it takes some real cognitive dissonance to ever try to spout they’re oppressed?
>>488098This makes me happy. Anon I bet you’re an amazing mother, You make me feel more optimistic about the prospect of having sons . We need to widen the gap of piece of shit males vs normal ones, and whoever said that drilling feminism into them too intensely will cause them to rebel they’re absolutely right. Teach your kids to love and respect everyone, themselves, teach them to stand up for the underdog in any situation whether it’s a woman or man or whatever. And most importantly DONT LET THEM AHYEHERE NEAR AN UNREGULATED INTERNET SERVICE!!!!!!!
No. 488115
>>488107People that get offended at the prospect of castrating paedos are 99% guaranteed to be a paedo. You can still live a normal, happy life as a eunuch. It really is the very least they deserve. Perhaps we should say “don’t fight against Muslim extremists, they can’t help their beliefs”
Men seriously overvalue their worthless balls and dicks and the balls and dicks of other men. Theyd probably be happier and more content in the way that Male dogs are. I honestly think so much as looking at violent porn and enjoying it should warrant a full and complete castration.
No. 488118
>>488107Men who want to fuck children and justify it because "a bloo bloo i can't help it" and also have retarded anti-women "trad" views are not better than men who want to fuck children because they are hentai-addicted communist furries.
They both need to be castrated, sorry, trad-chan.
Fuck off with this alt-right "If you're not with these scrotes, you're with the other scrotes!". They are all cancer, and so are the women who whiteknight for them.
No. 488149
>Men who want to fuck children and justify it because "a bloo bloo i can't help it" Men? Ok, "bro". Not fucking with someone before they do anything is informed by principles most people hold.
>Theyd probably be happier and more content in the way that Male dogs areLack of sex hormones corresponds with depression. Vets care about population control so they blow smoke up owners' asses. Fido would be happier with his floppers.
>Men who want to fuck children and justify it because "a bloo bloo i can't help it" Not what you wrote initially. Won't bother reading if you're that "fluid" in conveying the situation.
No. 488166
>>488163Anon, I agree with you. Majority of pedos are men (and the majority of men are probably pedos) but I'd wonder what we'd do with the very few female pedos since there's no penis to remove.
And is molestation of little boys by women as bad?
No. 488168
>>488086Lol I don't.
That disgusting bitch continued to defined the New Zealand shooter who targeted muslim women and children and tried to throw it back saying "but what about x?"
She and all the other trad thots can fuck off and if you sympathize with them it says a lot about you.
You probably were a tradthot yourself standing up for le redpill boyz until it got too hot. Many of you in this thread are suspect, especially for the comments in previous threads.
No. 488187
>>488174>pretend left is better than right on pedos, because some anecdote about someone having a centrist opinion of not mutilating people for developing all fucked up>get told>aaaa scrotes cop outbitch more
and enjoy your sex positive "allies". Right side of history, here we come, choo choo!
No. 488192
>>488149>Not what you wrote initially. Won't bother reading if you're that "fluid" in conveying the situation.Nothing I said before contradicts anything in that post.
I'm sorry you can't read, but please go defend conservative pedos elsewhere. Try Reddit, they love that shit.
No. 488227
>>488225I'm not going to bother reading much of this, since you've already proven yourself to be here in bad faith (and also very low-intelllect, considering you couldn't understand what anyone who replied to you was trying to say), but you sound unhinged on every level.
We're not going to support your pedophilic far-right husband. We believe in castrating pedophiles. This isn't 4chan, get over it.
No. 488233
>>488215Because the goal isn't to be appealing to women, it's to create a society where women serve as cattle that can be bred, but also "expire" and need to be replaced every few years.
In their world view, the only
valid society is one where men are the only recognized humans. Only their satisfaction matters, and women are to work as tools for that goal. They really don't think we have feelings or desires of our own that don't fit into that design. If we do have those things, it is inherently "wrong", a sign of a "degenerate, sick society" and not supposed to be there.
It's a twisted ideology, on every level. They even try to back it up with evopsych, but watch how fast they lose their temper when you remind them that men's sperm quality dips with age (18-early 20s is their prime), and they are far more likely to create autistic or otherwise "
problematic" children if they try to reproduce when they're not young.
No. 488235
>>488233That really explains it all. Thanks for putting it into words.
And yes, statistics are always holy until they don't like them; then they're 'feminist' or 'Jewish' lies.
I also get the feeling they're over exaggerating the anguish and difficulties for single women in their thirties or older, or are they correct in that regard?
No. 488420
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>>488418The pic of the guy actually castrating himslef and then placiing his cut off penis in a container that looks pic related, its been posted a couple times anytime castration is mentioned
No. 488476
>>488387Lmao that’s not even sort of how development works. Top coomer logic tho. Basically the same argument they use to say it’s okay to want to fuck 13 year old girls. Get a clue.
>>488224A castrated pedo can still harm a child. A castrated rapist can still assault women. Just being back the firing squad and stop giving them 20 years of protective custody.
No. 488523
>>488168>You probably were a tradthot yourself standing up for le redpill boyz until it got too hotHoly assumptions, batman.
>defened the New Zealand shooter Literally didn't know this about her, she just rides the YT algorithm hard in Canada. If that's the case I certainly feel no sympathy for her anymore.
No. 488579
>>488574Men: "don't get jealous of me looking at sexy girls online, you fucking insecure woman"
Also men: "eboys need to stop putting on these displays for women, I detest them getting any attention"
No. 488609
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>>488604I remember being super weirded when I first was full grown adult men in their 20s and 30s who were relentlessly mocking and picking on Justin Bieber and ranting on how much they hate his guts, when he was literally just a teenager
No. 488612
>>488609The same men will go on and on about how jealous women are of "hot teen girls".
Most complaints men have about women is pure projection I've come to realize.
No. 488617
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>>488574 It drives a lot of men insane when the usually "feminine" standard of youth/beauty is applied to their gender, and it's probably because they know that they can't compete.
We've been going through decades of these standards being pushed on us, and are routinely told by society that we're hideous and worth less as humans if we don't match it. Many of us have already had a head-start since puberty with excessive pressure on self-grooming, skincare, dieting and makeup so we won't be treated like garbage.
Meanwhile, most men have ignored all of those things all their lives, banking on the idea that we're somehow biologically hardwired to actually "like" dadbods, wrinkles, bald heads and body hair (and that the most we can ask for is lots of muscles). Or, that we're "just not visual creatures!!1" and we won't notice they're ugly, old and/or fat, as long as they have money.
The average guy has no skincare routine, and the most "self-grooming" he does is going to the gym, getting a haircut every once in a while, grooming his beard, or other facial hair if he has it (usually in a half-assed bid to contour his unattractive facial features), and buying expensive clothes sometimes. They wouldn't even know where to start if they went through 1% of what we do to be considered attractive.
Also, I don't know who this is, but he was one of the first results when I searched "e-boy". IMO, they only scream "Gay" at these sorts of guys because they don't know how else to mask their jealousy. That still works against them, though, because they're actually (tacitly) admitting these men are attractive, just that it's to
other men, not women (as if they themselves aren't men acknowledging that another man is attractive, but super-objective, non-sexual observers who can totally, definitely speak for us as women). It's pretty funny.
On top of that, the constant insistence that we all want 35-50 year old bearded men with beer bellies, or grotesque, exaggerated embodiments of Greek statues (which were also, coincidentally, sculpted by other men) isn't just cope, it's kind of homoerotic in itself. It's almost like they're projecting their own latent homosexual desires onto us.
No. 488654
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>>488617Lmao I’ve actually seen posts on redpill/Mgtow forums that young girls (late teens-early 20s)are biologically hardwired to seek out older men (late 30s+) but that society “shames” then into not pursuing it.
No. 488655
>>488574its not a recent trend though. men have always done this. see the vitriolic hate grown men showed to people like justin bieber and boybands like one direction, or any other musician/actor who was/is popular with teen girls and young women over the last decade. also its a bit ot, but i distinctly remember that when the lord of the rings films came out a disturbingly large number of scrots i knew were screeching their heads off about women finding orlando bloom attractive because he was too """feminine""" lol. ive even seen some going as far as saying that teenage girls who are attracted to these more well groomed young men as opposed to fugly hairy beer bellied dadbod fuckers are some sort of pedophiles.
>>488617 summed it all up perfectly.
No. 488664
>>488654scrotes who go to 3rdworld/eastern europe to prey on young girls
trigger me like nothing else, I wish they all would get killed in horrible ways. they are so deplorable. and this gift of god has the gall to complain about 30 year olds trying to go after his 45 year old ass when even they are too good for him.
t. eastern euro chan
No. 488666
>>488654I had an ex who'd say the same thing about not wanting to date women with kids (even though he's divorced himself and has a kid) that whole thing about raising someone elses spawn, how paying for them makes you a fool
After we broke up he quickly moved in with a divorced mom of 4 young kids. These guys might bang on about all these standards they have but they're bullshitting, living in make believe land
No. 488670
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>>488654They have no shame.
No. 488676
>>488654>I get loads of offers from 30 year old women with kidsCongrats, young women like you enough to trust you with their children, shouldn't you be happy…?
Also hilarious that "30" is used as an insult. Does our casanova know how people that age look like? Just a few examples: Nina Dobrev, Lucy Hale, Lily Collins, Lily James,…all very cute looking - unlike any dude in his 40s.
>>488672Just yesterday I had a fight with my mom (just playfully) because I refuse to see George Clooney as hot. That guy has had grey hair since decades and somehow somebody decided that everybody should lust after him…just look at him, he's so average, all his fans must have been brainwashed.
No. 488691
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>>488686He got just what he deserved, and I hope his sisters laugh themselves to sleep every night. She even admitted she just wanted his money and he had obviously promised her a lot of luxury to get her to marry him. Really funny how they think marrying for money is so horrible but marrying just for looks is okay.
>>488687The guy even thought she looked young enough to date but bailed once she told him.
No. 488696
>>488617Sort of related to all this, but there was a thread on /tv/, of all places, about balding not long ago. And some of the dudes on there started bitching about how getting hair transplants or using Rogaine or whatever is "shameful" for men, which led them into talking about how women can "use makeup, change our looks" and all that shit, but if men do it, men get mocked.
Maybe men should look at their own sex then, because they're the ones who do most of the mocking. If a man wants to get hair transplants or use Rogaine, I'm not gonna shame him. Losing hair is fucking awful, for men and women.
No. 488734
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>>488617Thats because the majority of men are bisexual or bi-curious but pretend to be straight.
At first when men mock or hate on good-looking,attractive,cute or feminine men..might look like jealousy but the more layers you peel to this the more it looks like male sexual frustration and confusion over their sexual orientation.
Most men will either have one of those two reactions to a good-looking or cute man.
The first one is being panicked and projecting their own disgust and shame on to that man
1. ''hAHAha he is gay,faggot,looks like a girl….he looks like a twink eh…he must take it up the ass…thank god i look like a real man''
The second one is more honest but they still deny having a attraction to men.
2.''Im not gay but he is cute,damn i just want to hold him..and…im not gay I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND,IM STRAIGHT''
Males of course are going to deny this but just look at male-only spaces where men are isolated from women for a couple of months/years they start raping other men.
just some small examples like:prison,military,segregated schools,segregated religions etc and many more.
Men are visual beings and most men are ugly (lets be honest) because they dont take care of themselves so when male's see a male who looks good,takes care of himself and is cute, most of those men start questioning themselves and their attraction to that person.
There is a reason why men are so obsessed talking about gay sex,joking about it,talking about dicks,being disgusted by vaginas etc etc.
You'd be surprised to find out how many men are on the downlow.
No. 488737
>>488732>Huur durr not all men.Yikes when you try to go #notallmen but just end up looking like a dumb scrote because the majority of those young boys in third world countries are being raped BY OTHER MEN,THEY ARE BEING TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF BY MALE TOURISTS AND MALE PIMPS.
Your gender is so degenerate and mentally ill that you even rape your own kind.
There is more male on male rape than there is female on male rape.
Men commit the most rapes towards women and men.
No. 488742
>>488737I wonder if it's the same person as
They really want to try and turn this place into Reddit. Derailing anybody pointing out what men do to talk about the 0.0001% of women who do the same things, and trying to imply we're somehow giving them passes (we don't). Just pure intellectual dishonesty.
I really wonder, why don't people like that "anon" ever have anything to say to the men who comment gross shit like "God I wish that were me" on news articles about female pedophiles? We're not the ones trivializing it, men are.
Why do they only care about this when they want us to stop talking about the swathes of male pedophiles? It's suspicious.
No. 488755
>>488742I was binge watching a bunch of different pedo hunter channels lately where they get a decoy to act like a 12 year old online and grown men groom and then arrange to meet them.. I saw some 'what about female pedos' comments under the vids. Eventually one of the hunters responded and simply said no women had ever reached out to any of their decoys even though they had teen boy decoys. He said that he'd sting women too if they did show up but he hadn't come across even one
What really bothered me was it was the videos with the worst content (in terms of most disturbing chat logs) that had these comments 'oh he must be protecting women by not stinging them' like wtf
No. 488756
>>488747Do you have any reading comprehension whatsoever? Holy shit.
Men are the ones handing free passes out to pedophiles (both male and female), not women in this thread (or anywhere else) who rightfully decry pedophiles and point out that the majority are male.
Go and screech at men. We are not the rape apologists, your objects of worship are.
Here's another thing you just made me realize. Even women who supposedly have rape fantasies (which is a misnomer, as no one fantasizes about being raped. Maybe rough/possessive sex with someone they already want to fuck, but it's by definition not rape if you want it to happen) somehow aren't commenting disgusting bullshit on actual news articles about women being raped. It's simply not a thing. You literally never see women commenting shit like "Wow, I wish I was in her place :/" or "Where was he when I was 12??" under the umpteenth story about how a woman or girl was abused and traumatized. Why is that?
Men are always on lock when it comes to being shitty, low-empathy beings, even to their own sex. Crazy how that works, and even crazier that you want to come and scold us while letting them slide through without a peep.
It's almost like you don't care about children at all, and there's another agenda you have here.
No. 488778
>>488655>teenage girls who are attracted to these more well groomed young menSomehow it never occurred to them that Teenage girls would be more attracted to attractive teen boys near their own age range rather then ugly 30 year old men
>>488676>Just yesterday I had a fight with my mom (just playfully) because I refuse to see George Clooney as hot. That guy has had grey hair since decades and somehow somebody decided that everybody should lust after him…just look at him, he's so average, all his fans must have been brainwashed.The smae logic as my above comments, most of his female fans tend to be older women near his age range
No. 488816
>>488807As another farmer mentioned, men are more visual, which must also mean the inverse, that women are less visual. What I'm wondering is what came first. Are men lazy because they can get away with it, or are women less visual because they can't afford to be? This probably also ties in to the culture baiting early. The moment women of
insert country here started thinking of things beyond pleasing men was the moment the men of
insert country here started importing other women.
No. 488829
>>488816>or are women less visual because they can't afford to beThis, imo. While I don't think women are as shallow as men and can have more varied tastes, most girls do care about looks but are silenced and shamed for daring to have standards.
Men hold commitment and marriage/kids over women's heads in order to forcibly chip away at our standards. Originally they'd do that by not letting us be self sufficient and making us rely on them just to live via legal means, now they do it by fear mongering about ~the wall~ and gloating about how miserable and pathetic we are for reaching 30 and being unmarried and childless. Creating a massive pool of hot, young and desperate women with no choice but to settle for men far uglier and older than themselves is the male gender's ultimate goal.
No. 488866
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>>488841>>488861kinda similar but what are y'all thoughts on Derrick Jensen?? even some of the most extreme manhating radical femenists like him
No. 488879
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>>481805Wherever you go on the internet there is incel sperging, whenever women may be, they MUST remind women of their life’s “purpose”, must remind them “don’t forget about my penis ladies, don’t forget that you are replaceable decaying matter!” They are like dogs with a bone. YouTube may as well be /pol at this point
No. 488886
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>>481805>>488882They thrive off the thought of a woman somewhere seeing it and panicking/feeling depressed. It makes them feel better about never having been attractive in the first place.
Also check out this book I saw on amazon kek. Do they realise women set their age ranges to be in line with theirs give or take maybe 5 years? Unless they’re looking for a free dinner or a sugar daddy lmao these guys are tools that will die unloved alone and forgotten No. 488890
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>>488886Here’s the guy who wrote the book; Troy Frances. I think all men over 30 have some form of reverse body dysmorphia
No. 488891
>>488886They obviously want to worry women scrolling through comments but infertility just seems like such a weird stab to make at strangers
It's like they think it's the ultimate nerve to hit? I know plenty of women opting out of parenthood lol
No. 488902
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>>481805He’s so delusional. His blog is so full of cope, all he ever does is pat himself on the back. No. 488922
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>>488909I couldn’t listen to more than a minute, he’s literally a british Roosh. All these PUAs are milky as hell and they all say the same shit to different degrees of degeneracy
Pic related is Julien Blanc, i added a spoiler because he’s extremely greasy and gross No. 488937
>>488925The left don't want radfems because "REEE TERFs" (in truth, they hate actual, non pick-me feminism).
The right don't want radfems because they just hate all feminists, and even if they open up to us, it's to use our numbers to actually take away our rights and human autonomy.
There's no winning unless radfems can slowly convert the left. Considering how many former SJW types are hitting peak trans lately, it seems like that's already happening.
No. 488947
>>488940Yup. It's because they don't deal with the retards. They weed them out immediately and find the men truly care about and cherish them. I believe a woman with low self-esteem can find a good man too. Problem is she gives the
abusive idiots a chance every time, and it never gives her the opportunity to find someone who actually loves her.
No. 488949
>>488925That’s a meme that keeps getting thrown around by new “””radfems””” who are usually salty because someone told them they aren’t rad enough to be a radfem. We have brilliant women like Catherine Mackinnon, Gail Dines, Julie Bindel… even Cathy Brennan who I heard is a cow.
We don’t need to water down the movement by trying to be more popular; we’ll end up like libfems. We already do work with others, we don’t need to play into right wing traps.
Radical feminists are revolutionaries, and if anything I wish we would find more ways outside the system to do something.
No. 488965
>>488949>Catherine Mackinnonworked with conservatives
>Julie Bindelworks with liberals
>Gail Dinesalso has occasionally worked with conservatives
No. 488990
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(credits from the ''reddit hate'' thread)
Necessaryspeed4 is a confirmed troll, they've been shit talking radfems and then pretending to be a radfem.
It looks like necessaryspeed4 are pretending to be a caricature of what it thinks radfems are.
Im guessing possible tranny,male scrote or mentally ill woman.
No. 489003
>>488990>>488990I remember in a radfem thread on here maybe a year or so ago there was a supremely
triggered scrote who relentlessly posted trying to get sympathy for male issues and he was roasted to a crisp…I’m convinced that’s necessaryspeed4
No. 489094
>>488902So many of these pua types claim that they only go for super young women because muh fertility yet they'll openly admit to not wanting marriage or kids.
>>488962 you're right - they're only attracted to naivety and less life experiences because it's easier to manipulate. Gross. I wonder how many of them just straight lie about their successes too
No. 489210
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this might be somewhat controversial here but what are y'all thoughts on Vegan Radical Feminism
many vegan feminists argue that since cow milk and eggs come from female animals, they are undoubtedly feminist issues and one can't be a proper feminist unless their vegan as well
No. 489230
>>489221>>489214this is what's so disappointing about 'radical feminists'. if you can't see the parallels between the two, you're dim as shit. you don't have to be a vegan to see the similarities. human males are the ones, for the most part, exploiting these animals and causing damage to animals. male entitlement and their sociopathy affects animals in a particular way, and they subject especially female animals, to a specific type of abuse and torture. that's why we see female animals raped and murdered by men, tortured and raped by human males, etc. men have an even more overarching sense of ownership over FEMALE animals, where their interaction subconsciously with male animals seems to be different. that's why they tend to empathize more with male animals or feel a sense of competition with them. it's not just veganism but animals are abused and tortured at the hands of males, generally, in every respect and field. just because you don't want to go vegan doesn't mean you can't recognize the similarities. the exploitation of female animals is literally all boiled down to their ability to nurse and reproduce. obviously both female and males are exploited and abused but females are UNIQUELY exploited due to their anatomy and ability to reproduce.
however, i don't think it means you aren't a feminist if you aren't vegan. it's really stupid not to at least understand why it's a feminist issue though. it's very sad for both female and male animals, but in the case of cows, for example, their misery is prolonged due to their anatomy. like another anon said, female animals being raped, forced to suffer and breed for the benefit of humans, and especially the men that put these practices in place and own these companies, is worrying and should be worrisome for so called 'radical feminists' that seek to get to the 'root' of female oppression. that 'radical feminists' don't feel for the suffering of animals that share similar anatomy to us and see the way human males exploit and harm them in a similar light, is pathetic.
No. 489241
>>489236maybe they aren't people, but we are animals. males interact with them in a similar way and use and abuse FEMALE anatomy the same way they use and abuse ours, both financially and literally, sexually (both personally and as part of their business models). our reproductive anatomy is uniquely exploited in the same exact manner. being that women don't benefit financially from livestock and the management of it nearly to the degree that men do, i disagree. men have stake in forcing them to suffer, carry children while torturing them by forcefeeding them shit they shouldn't be eating, causing extra suffering and female specific illnesses every day, etc. sure, women consume animal byproducts and meat, but collectively, men have much more of a stake in the exceptionally horrible way animals are exploited. animals are tortured unnecessarily because of the male profit motive. for me, it all ties into male sociopathy, greed and power, and the way they seek to control female reproduction for all animals.
regardless, women benefiting from another female's anatomy really isn't right imo either. like women who breed dogs, that's a uniquely feminist issue regardless of who is exploiting them for profit. animals aren't people, but they suffer as we do and aren't alive to serve us, we just want to believe it's their place to serve us. i don't think animals are not deserving of dignity or respect. that being said, for many people, being vegan isn't feasible, but RECOGNIZING that things are not right, at the very least, is an important and valuable step.
No. 489243
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>>489019That was zaze12. Retard linked here a post to an incel subreddit that he himself unironically posts on and didn't even think to change his typing style. Go in his post history and you'll see it's the exact same typing style.
No. 489244
>>489236i think this anon put it succinctly. like i understand why you would connect the dots and get emotionally invested but even the cutest and most intelligent animals aren't humans and feminism is about human females. also you could spin this issue and say that male animals also suffer - male calves getting discarded, dog fighting, bull fighting, rooster fighting, wow there's lots of animal fighting, meat bulls getting buffed out the ass etc. you are projecting your emotions and human concepts onto an animal for who these concepts of sexual exploitation etc do no exist.
you can treat animals with dignity and respect and still consume them/their products.
not to be a male defender and frankly idk the gender ratios for meat industry bigwigs but men also are more damaged by meat industry, the majority of butchers are male and it's a horrible job to do.
>>489237for me it was chickens and goats kek
No. 489247
>>489244>but men also are more damaged by meat industry, the majority of butchers are male and it's a horrible job to's funny that you mention that, because slaughterhouse work and rape is heavily linked.
>A 2010 study by Canadian criminologist Amy Fitzgerald found violent crimes including sexual assault and rape increase in towns once an abattoir moves in.The University of Windsor professor compared statistics from 581 US counties to prove the link, and says labourers become desensitised to violence. She ruled out factors such as the influx of young men and immigrants, whom communities sometimes blamed.
>Prof Fitzgerald said it wasn't the nature of repetitive and dangerous work, but the act of slaughtering an animal that was to blame for the increase in violence. "The unique thing about (abattoirs) is that (workers are) not dealing with inanimate objects, but instead dealing with live animals coming in and then killing them, and processing what's left of them," she said.there's a lot of research on this (obv not just what i mentioned) that tends to show the same, increased rates of rape and dv, on top of developing PTSD. you are right though, it's damaging to males, but who ends up affected by damaged males? males don't tend to internalize like we do, kek. not even close.
No. 489254
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>>489251I'm fucking sick of all the "if your feminism isn't for x" bullshit, feminism is for women. That's all it needs to be about. That's not to say other issues aren't important, but it's not the job of feminism to solve literally every issue on earth. Most women are too scared to speak up against this and the endless intersectionality rollercoaster.
No. 489282
>>489247i don't doubt that, however, women are kind of a collateral damage here? the main outcome is still damaged males who probably weren't jumping at the opportunity but rather live in a hick town with 0.2 prospects; guess what unemployed men who feel hopeless and not in control do? that's right, rape women. yes, they are still accountable for their actions, but they're kinda the front line
victims here. love sounding like a mra lmao! i just don't think any aspect of meat industry is a feminist issue still, this is probably the closest but the whole slaughterhouse aspect is 2ndary to general male nature of taking everything out on women that you pointed out yourself. also if you want to go turbo galaxy brain, you could say that you are blaming women consuming meat for women getting raped by slaughterhouse employees.
and that is not even talking about like fur mills or beekeeping or whatever beetle they crush up to make red food dye, they have 0 connection to feminism whatsoever.
also forgot to include geese used to make foie gras in my exploited male animal list kek, that one i didn't know before!
>>489267obviously disgusting and wrong and animal abuse but again, i don't think animals possess the concept of sexual abuse thus rape does not affect them in the same way as human women. whatever outliers decide to fuck sheep aren't a reason enough to include those sheep in feminism, by that logic you should also include sick fucks who love to be penetrated by male animals and human male rape
No. 489285
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>>488898>>488890lmaooooo first frame of the video. Buy some fuckin sunscreen grandad.
>>488902he's 32??? jesus christ, I thought he was late 40s from the video. this is honestly hilarious.
No. 489292
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this guy is in a tablet ad on facebook and i see it EVERY TIME i scroll the app. the wig is fucking atrocious.
No. 489296
>>488106 is pretty much what I meant by "changing our views on motherhood". the biggest blind spot of radical feminism is just accepting the patriarchy's definition of motherhood and throwing it away based on that, and not redefining it for ourselves. mothers will exist whether patriarchy does or not. what is radical feminist motherhood? it may not be anons reply, but I believe there is such a thing. I'm lesbian and don't plan on having children btw, but I believe (single) mothers could be a strong ally to us. more so then pornsick libfems or the alt right anyway.
No. 489340
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>>489243>0 karmalol this cow got a lot of personalities.
I was thinking of confucius08 who is pretending to be a gc guy punching walls.
No. 489341 news story is so horrifying to me.
An 11 year old girl gets raped, endures the secondary trauma of undergoing a rape kit and recounts the events to the police. Not only do law enforcement fail to follow up, it happens
again, two more times, less than a month later, by different men at first, and then the same ones the third time. One of the rapists (22 years old) was investigated, and he claimed that she pretended she was 16 and was "willing to have sex with any men in the house".
The girl gets arrested, charged with making "false accusations", and is placed in a juvenile facility, one report claiming the sexual assault report was "unfounded". This is in spite the rape kit once again proving otherwise, the testimony from one of the rapists, and a police officer acknowledging in an e-mail that it happened, but that she (11 years old) was "promiscuous" and everything was "consensual".
Imagine getting raped as a child, and then doing everything you're "supposed" to do. Telling your parents, getting a rape kit done, telling the police what happened. In the end, you aren't protected, the attackers don't get jailed, and
you are the one that gets in trouble.
And you just know this isn't the only time something like this has happened. Who exactly does law enforcement headed by males protect? Because it's definitely not little girls or women. Scrotes will scream to the heavens about "muh false accusations", but are dead silent on cases like this.
No. 489361
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>>484586This is beautiful. I just had to reply because I'm a MGS autist as well and I wish there were more people who called out the series on it's mostly awful portrayal of women. Without deflecting it with "WELL, THE STEALTH SUITS SHOW SNAKE'S ASS!!" or "RAIDEN WAS NAKED THAT ONE TIME!!"
The best female characters Kojima has made are Olga and The Boss. I just want to highlight why they are really well portrayed because they need to be recognized.
Olga: A fucking badass soldier.
She goes to very great lengths to save her child which is something you see a lot with the strong women trope but it doesn't feel out of place because she is introduced as a super bad-ass battle-hardened soldier who is loyal as fuck to her unit. To the point that she tells her dad to fuck off when he tells her she has to back off because she's pregnant. After her unit (basically her family) perishes, she gives birth and her child is taken hostage hence why she is so desperate to save her child because it's all the family she has left.Olga's daughter:
TBH, I don't remember anything bad about how Sunny was portrayed but I don't think about MGS4 a lot. Now that I'm thinking about MGS4, I know this was meant to be positive but every adult woman in that game is sexualized so much. Since you mentioned Mei Ling, I could not help but remember how the moment you get to see her again you're treated to the camera being shoved up her skirt.
The Boss: The Boss is probably the best female character in gaming for me. She's definitely my favorite at least.
She's a really good example of how women are more expendable to society than men are and how shitty war and capitalism are. She was (secretly) the first person ever in space and almost fucking died in the process. Nicely inspired by the story of Vladimir Komarov as long as you ignore the fact that Kojima doubled up by giving Komarov story to another boss. Although to be fair most people forget this detail as the boss encounter is really brief. The Boss' story concludes with her as the scapegoat to the government's fuck ups, and only like a handful of people knowing that she made the ultimate sacrifice to save the world. A real ultimate sacrifice, not like settling for a lab-grown diamond or her motherhood (the government already took the last one though).I'm currently playing Death Stranding and it's actually really tasteful so far. I'm only past halfway through though but there doesn't seem to be any real gratuitous sexualization of women so far. Seems like Kojima is focusing more on men this time (you get to see way too much of Reedus).
These aren't really spoilers and I won't mention character names but I'll keep them tagged since the game is so new.
A character is stripped down to her underwear which immediately I rolled my eyes too because it reminded me of how a character in Peacewalker is stripped to her underwear and given a really stupid reason for it. But no, it actually is pretty sad and has a clear purpose that was established very early in the game. And it's singlet top and panties which is really restrained considering that they could've easily had her in her bra and panties and could've gotten away with it.A really small one and closer to being a spoiler. But a character
touches her tit to point out that her body is producing milk even though her baby wouldn't need any.Those were the only two things I picked up and they aren't
problematic and I think they are perfectly justified.
So good on Kojima.
Although yeah, I haven't finished the game yet. Will report back when I'm done.
No. 489362
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>woman points out how tricking a lesbian into dating a tranny is wrong on a moral level>UHM TRANSPHONEyikes at these twitter comments
is twitter just getting progressively worse every day?
No. 489365
>>489362That thing was just wrong.
It's also bizarre how they paired up that lesbian with a man who looks like her except he has a giant fucking adam's apple.
No. 489369
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>>489362This makes me so angry… The amount of support the tranny side gets is disheartening.
Also, appearantly women having an opinion of their own is not a possibility.
No. 489378
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He's not 100% a man because he's a "very soft person." How can people beleive this sexist bullshit?
No. 489383
>>489254Also, it's not even good at understanding of intersectionality. A huge part of the point Kimberle Crenshaw was even making was that black women need to be able to talk with specificity about their experiences, and need particular words for it – libfeminism and especially trans-centric "feminism" just erases meaning so nothing ends up meaning anything. I'm a WoC and I never feel included in libfem spaces because it's like a soup of words with no power – but in radfem spaces, I feel actually connected to other women, even if we have really different experiences, because everything we talk about is actually grounded in the real world.
Related: graphics like that are fucking catnip for men and I'm sick of seeing them use that rhetoric to shit on women. Tired of male cousins using it to shit on white women like that will make me stop seeing them leave all the dishes for their mami to do. Men are terrified of women truly joining together and realizing what we all have in common.
No. 489390
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>>489361MGS autist you're replying to back at it again with more unnecessary commentary:
I had completely forgotten the naked Raiden part even though I've played a little bit over 200 hours of MGS2 and I think that's because the MAIN difference between Raiden walking around covering his nuts and any sexualization of the female characters is that he actually has agency. You are controlling him in a way that makes him progress to a goal, you're still advancing in the story. It's a bit played for the funnies ha ha's but it's also shown as like a real down shit time for him, as in he's straight up not having a good time as they'd say, whereas any and all of the female objectification makes them basically eye candy wherein they have no say and no way to combat it.
I'm absolutely with you on your commentary on The Boss and Olga (even though I still side-eye the design team's clothing choice for The Boss during the final fight, even though I know her chest scar is plot-relevant I know enough about man-made games to see a cop-out when I see one.
Ain't it surprising and so unexpected that the most well written female characters and those who depend the less on males
fucking die.
>mfwI'm tempted to experience Death Stranding but I managed to massively injure my arm so I can't game and I refuse to suffer through a youtube playthrough…
Your "seems like Kojima is focusing more on men this time" gave me a little chuckle, because the "men times" is how we managed to get the least amount of female objectification in MGS… maybe one day Kojima will be able to give us plenty of female characters with on-screen time AND no awkward sexualization… a womon can dream.
No. 489397
>>489346And having zero karma in multiple subs pretty much shows that you're a troll.
>>489390>naked RaidenI think a lot of video game design process goes like this:
-Sir, the plot and designs for the women in our game are getting…rather demeaning
-What's the problem?
-Women might not buy the game
-They are not our main audience but still important so OK, throw in some pretty guy. That will appease them.
See also: V in Devil may cry 5
(It didn't work to appease me, fuck off sexist game designers)
No. 489413
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Dear lord
No. 489424
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>>489362The troon response to not getting a second date
No. 489463
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Ugh I hate trannies and chasers. I swear to God they're all just pedophiles getting off on each other. Pic related is a 20+ tgorl who looks like a child. Several of these men have little or no ties and literally look like children.
From all the porn and fetishization they're just autogynephiles and pedophiles. Not women or even straight, just their own class of sub human monsters who larp as children.
No. 489484
Also remembering that necspeed wrote a post in /g/ about wanting to fuck and pimp out a retarded man will never stop being funny.
No. 489490
>>489479I feel like TRAs get tricked by the "progress" trap. The idea that in the west things are just slowly getting better and better for lgbt so any progress associated with it has to be good! When people (including homosexuals) used to jump at the opportunity to send their loved ones or themselves to conversion therapists. Just because it looks barbaric now doesn't mean it didn't seem like a "perfect medical solution" at the time.
I remember a scene from the book Maurice (fiction but by a closeted gay man from the same time period) where the protagonist was a gay man pre ww1 and he voluntarily goes to hypnosis to cure his "problem." he doesn't even want to stop going/paying until his doctor basically tells him it's pointless and rarely actually works.
alan ginsberg (garbage human im just using as a point of reference for lgb care in the us) was forcibly sent to the psych ward to avoid imprisonment for homosexuality in 1949 but somehow magically in the past 60+ years homophobia/gender norms were cancelled and nobody getting care now is effected by this at all? Or the aids crisis? Even though these are the generations that raised the ones that are now passing out hormones to kids?
No. 489497
>>489425>>489427>guess it's her loss she won't get to spend time with an 8/10>proceeds to publicly shittalk this woman for not texting back immediately>vaguely implies she might be transphobicKek what the fuck. How is this even real? "Jen" sounds like a typical entitled man who goes on one date with a woman and thinks he deserves all of her attention, while ignoring every sign she doesn't like him.
"It was such a shock, she gave no warning, other than not replying for 8 hours"
No. 489499
>>489427>she didn't reply for 8 hourshmmm what could last for 8 hours
work, school, sleeping
not that a typical troon would know about any of that
No. 489536
>>489499He really revealed his
abusive tendencies there
If they did date he’d be a piece of shit and probably threaten suicide a lot
No. 489562
>>489548I've noticed this weird thing as someone who just naturally has a fat ass as this became a thing. Normie/straight women compliment me a lot and assume I get a lot of male attention from it but I'm not anywhere near the "ideal" not very thin/'m not very feminine and I don't lol. I also don't dress to accentuate it but women still notice and say nice things to me.
I've even have normie women compliment my unshaven unibrow because they saw i had the theoretical potential to have "nice" eyebrows. kind of backhanded but like i see the beauty in it lmao
men basically ignore me and I avoid drunken men so i have no other interesting data
No. 489581
>>489571Funny how that's what incel types say about women.
>>489574It's so weird that body types become trendy. Just look at what women were considered 'hot' just a few years ago and they'd be berated for their bodies now. Did easy access to porn make the trend or has it been steadily building up from JLo?
No. 489596
>>489582They're only concerned for selfish reasons, none of them give a single fuck about the ethics of rape on tape.
But whatever, better than nothing ig.
No. 489774
Interesting blog post. I always took issue with liberal types insisting feminism is "too exclusionary" (while hijacking the meaning of intersectionality to make it about men) and insisting non-TRA feminism is "white feminism", but this phrases it more delicately than I would, and says a lot of other things I agree with.>“Postmodernists engaged in name-calling, including charging feminists with being ‘essentialist’. Somehow it was said to be a bad thing that we organize around our oppression as women. Those of us who have grown up as girls and women share similar experiences of oppression around the world because we have been raped, we have been starved, we have been brutalized, we have been paid lower wages or no wages at all for our work. We have also been humiliated and dehumanized. Sometimes our children have been stolen from us, frequently we have been left to live in poverty trying to raise families on almost nothing. In spite of this, revenge violence against men is rare. These things have happened to us because we are women. The extent of the brutality will be heightened if we are a member of a despised group: colonized, black, lesbian, prostituted, disabled, old, poor, or a member of a class or caste that puts us in the lowest category of the society.” No. 489776
Can somebody help me out with studies that show correlations between porn and sexual violence, or how it makes men think women enjoy being raped etc? When I google I just get results like this one, fuck Psychology Today. They're always peddling lefty bullshit like this.
No. 489778
>>489776Your Brain on Porn is basically a treasure trove on porn articles/studies. Psychology Today is a cumbrain apologist wasteland, lmao. Hope this helps, anon:'s a lot, but here are just two I found that may be good (they contain links to the original sources as well):>The findings showed that active and passive sexual violence and unwanted sex and pornography were correlated. However, reading pornographic material was more strongly linked to active sexual violence, while being a boy was found to be protective against passive sexual violence. Nevertheless, some effects of viewing pornographic films on passive unwanted sex were also found, especially among girls.>Sexual violence perpetration appears to emerge earlier for males than females, perhaps suggesting different developmental trajectories. Links between perpetration and violent sexual media are apparent, suggesting a need to monitor adolescents’ consumption of this material. No. 489849
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>"The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became the truth."
No. 489853
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Is it worth it lifting weights or was this an extremely weak burglar?
No. 489859
>>489853She's adorable. I'm here for this. Glad she's okay
>>489849No matter how many times men say this, it will never be true. this is so depressing. women are women. xx chromosomes makes you a woman. you are born a woman or a man. that's it. Men need to stop wilin' with this bullshit. I will never, ever pro-trans, especially as a woman.
I went to a party over the weekend and got to see a tranny in the wild. Apparently he tr00ned out while married to his wife. I got to speak to her and she looked pretty depressed. I feel bad for her, because we all know even if she divorced him, he'd still be the poor
victim No. 489907
>>489859Men who aren't trans or don't give a shit still push this narrative because it makes women uncomfortable. Incels want to be women and in mgtow circles they think transwomen are making those ungrateful western whores lose their western privileges and rights so they'll support it. It's depressing learning how much hatred men have for women for just being women and existing. Hope that wife divorces and lives her best life anon.
>>489867Definitely worth it. I'd say that owning a gun too is worth it.
No. 489999
Do you guys think it's a good idea have a thread to compile good shit like this
>>489853 ? I remember that thread about women who achieved things at an older age or posts about the Gulabi Gang, etc and basically… cured me of "dysphoria".
No. 490043
>>489849The only solace I find in instances like this is that the general population will see how insane trannies really are. I don't even need to hand out my imaginary GC pamphlets to the average people, all they need to do is go outside and see this sort of bullshit happening and they're done. It's too bad that the people deciding for the privileges of "trans people" don't give a shit as long as the loudest minority will sit down and gobble their balls. They don't have to deal with the consequences because like
>>489989 said it's never about shoehorning females into male-dominated communities and forcing males to see females as their equals, it's ALWAYS about women letting men in dresses into their spaces and giving up the female gender in general.
No. 490083
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I don't know if this belongs here but I followed a weird comment on byefelipe to this trans person's profile and I'm really disturbed by the mix of selfies, futanari hentai and uncensored photos of his children's faces and needed to share it somewhere. His comment was about how #notallmen are bad but it's sad that not all men can be as good as him even though he's trans. Everything about this profile is unsettling, even the fact that he only follows one person.
No. 490113
>>489792Bench is not a good predictor of how strong you are while fighting You might have noticed before that a lot of mma fighters have small pecs. But if you think it is impossible to be stronger than untrained men sure:
B: 92kg
An untrained average man can only lift half of that. Also the average man has not trained martial arts for years or has any fighting experience. I have experience fighting someone 20kg heavier than me, got a mild injury, but I won. If you happen to live in a country of powerlifters, I am sorry for you, but most men over here are allergic to exercise and either stick thin or fat. Even the bodybuilder I dated for a couple of weeks was weaker than me, because his martial art was a meme and he never worked on strength. (I do not like how braggy this sounds, but anon was pretending it is inpossible to be stronger than the average slob)
>>490106Yeah the amount of men that actually work out is ridiculously small. Many that do workout half-ass it anyway. So leveling the playing field can help a ton, but expect pushback from men around you once they catch on.
>>489852I am single, but currently not looking. You'll find a strong gf dw gl
No. 490117
>>490113OT, but can I ask how often you workout and for how long, anon? I want to be you haha.
I'm already stronger than small men just with very casual exercise on my part and genes. Just wondering how much I'll have to ramp it up.
No. 490118
>>490109Tranny mod mad about terfs probably.
Women’s websites shouldn’t have too much feminism, it gets in the way.
>>490106Kek if you think the average man is a 90lb limp twisted genetic abnormality who’s not eaten protein in six months, sure.
Women have not suddenly gotten stronger and men have not suddenly gotten weaker in a way that would reverse men being the larger stronger sex. Wishful thinking is fun but telling women they’re strong enough with a basic three day a week gym routine to beat up a random guy will get some girl beaten to death when she tries.
No. 490119
>>490117Frequency and length don't matter as much as the actual program. If you are just starting out begin with starting strength or candito linear, if you google Candito Linear you should find the PDF for free. Once you're done with that move to 5/3/1, Texas Method, Juggernaut method or Sheiko etc. Personally I am a fan of the Cube Kingpin, which has me lifting 4 days a week and also includes some strongman stuff.
Recommended martial arts: kickboxing, muay thai, boxing, wrestling, BJJ, Sambo, Pankration. You need this mainly for the sparring experience, since during self defense classes you don't really spar and you never have to deal with actual fight or flight feelings.
If it is an option to you and you can afford it, also take a couple of Krav Maga classes! Since during martial arts classes you aren't taught to kick someone in the balls or bite someone in the neck, and obviously you are not going to fight fair if a man assaults you. But remember, self defense classes are not good enough on their own, you need to learn how to control your fight, flight or freeze response.
Warning: you will get a lot bigger and muscular if you do this in combination with the right diet, I had to say goodbye to lolita fashion because my lats don't fit into anything anymore.
No. 490122
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>>490119Have you heard of the musical duo 'Deadlift Lolita' before? Reika Saiki is still able to make it work.
No. 490123
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Not to be mean, but her outfits seem a bit ita. If she has better outfits out there and I am just not finding them, please correct me.
I could probably get stuff custom made if I really wanted to. But am still not sure it would really work for me, I don't have a cute face like her that can save the look.
No. 490139
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>>490123>itaFirst time hearing that word. It's clever. You learn something new every day. But yeah, it does help that she has the optimal Japanese babyface. Sorry for getting your hopes up.
No. 490145
>>490119Tyvm, anon! This was super helpful.
Luckily I'm actually quite fond of how muscles look and I've never had a cute, small frame before to lose anyway. And having trouble with shirts is but a small price to pay for the benefits for sure.
No. 490160
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No. 490164
>>490122You know he fuckin her good
Hercules cock meets lo mein
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>>490160Jfc the absolute retardation of literally everything about this
I need a drink.
No. 490172
>>489993idk what you're trying to say here? "Reddit is only misogynistic if you say you're a woman". No shit, that's because men think the default human is a white male, so that's what they see you as.
Like the fact you think criticizing a game over the inclusion of women = "making a big deal about gender" is kinda sad. Reddit is a shit hole, the only subs that aren't are heavily moderated and female-centric.
No. 490178
>>490174Yeah it's not like postpartum is thought to be linked to the massive hormonal shifts of pregnancy and birth..
I've even seen men blame weight gain on having 'sympathy cravings' while their wife is pregnant
No. 490200
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>>490185>>490190I think you two are confusing some stuff. Big and defined do not mean the same thing!!! In natural people it is mutually exclusive, including for men, not just for women.
Basically you got to choose, do you want to be defined, or big and strong? Why should you even want to be bodybuilding tier if you mainly care about being strong and being big? Having cheesegrater abs doesn't help you be stronger in any way shape or form. What is the point of having such low bodyfat that you lose your period? Because that is what bodybuilding means, where do you guys even get bodybuilding from when the whole time I have been talking about STRENGTH TRAINING. Are you going to tell me that the women in pic related look weak because they don't have a ridiculously low bodyfat percentage and aren't bodybuilders, lol?
No. 490210
>>490118Agree, we should not ignore the size and muscle differences between men and women.
But everything that benefits women's health and evens out the strenght differences is excellent. Don't forget cardio - running is the best defence in many situations after all.
No. 490218
>>490214Oh no I'm not the body sculptor instructor anon, I'm the one with the bodybuilding friend. But I see your point.
That's good, so I can hope for better results!
No. 490229
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Why is it always mtfs?
No. 490433
>>490378I hope that woman is at peace.. Fuck. I hate reading that. Gotta love how only men were crying in the comments too
>women can be bad too! How do you know all those 8 million searches were men looking up rape and snuff to jerk off to!! It is always men.
Is castration even enough?
No. 490437
>>490160>Snipping my foreskin off as a baby is JUST AS BAD as having my clitoris partially/wholly removed and labia sewn shut, all with no anesthetic and done when I'm the age I'll be traumatized by everything and have a longer path to recovery! The entitlement of men will never cease to amaze me.
>>490174The pinkpill thread was always full of pickmes who only came in to complain about their boyfriend being annoying and otherwise they'll be up at arms licking male boots. I hate spergy radfems too but at least they don't ree about lesbians like the homophobic tradthots in this mess of a thread.
No. 490457
>>490378Not even the first time this has happened. Last time a female gang-rape/murder
victim's name became the top trending search term in India, it was an eight-year-old girl. This also happened when the Burning Sun scandal broke in South Korea. Men are broken.
"People" aren't committing these crimes or looking to jerk off to them, India Times.
Men are.
No. 490599
>>490597The PUA guy identified as a former nice guy. This is someone who has struggled with authenticity from the very beginning. He described his current position as "being able to manipulate women and get what I want." This is the most you can expect from TRP and PUA, the ability to appear different than you really are and successfully manipulate women. The guy also said that despite his improved success, he still hasn't had a normal relationship in some time. He basically said "I love myself."
The MRA meanwhile is the big
victim. "We feel harassed every second of every day of our lives" he says. Bizarre, since from looking at this man (typical scraggly neckbeard) I know he doesn't get regular female attention. At best, he is offended on the behalf of others. This man literally wears a skirt onto the show because "hypocrisy." A great example of how MRAs are a hilarious caricature of feminism. I wonder if he genuinely defends crossdressers, drag, etc. or if he's a reactionary like most MRAs seem to be. Just using the skirt as a prop to win a debate. The quintessential hostile nerd.
Feminist ally dude barely said anything except "porn is bad" and "men have oppressed women for too long and that should stop."
No. 490601
>>490596>>490589 and
>>490587 didn't even say it was a mod. Besides, that doesn't really change the point for the most part.
No. 490603
>>490601>using plural >agreeing with "mod" postSeems about right
>>490599Isn't contra a proud MRA?
No. 490608
>>490584>>490585>>490589>>490594Admin said “What’s good”, lmao. It’s your first warning, take the hint. She's getting tired of your shit.
If you guys don't watch yourselves, you'll start getting autobanned for having the words "tranny mod" in your posts.
Pro-tip to admin and mods: If you're really so bothered over this that you'll come here and get passive aggressive, why not just start filtering "tranny mod" to "daddy's good girl" or something? That way, nobody will even want to type it anymore, lol.
No. 490609
>>490608It's not filtered but I know words like
victim and
problematic are
No. 490610
>>490603I was the one who wrote
>>490587, I agreed with the overall point. I almost deleted it and changed it to "this, but that was admin, not a mod". I didn't because I didnt think anyone would give a shit or nitpick a one word reply. Guess I was wrong.
No. 490622
>>490596No one said it was a mod sperg-chan lol
>>490608are you hoping you'll get made a farmhand if you backseat moderate/kiss ass enough?
No. 490628
>>490445I feel bad for any intersex person in this weird time, it used to be that people barely knew what intersex was but now TRAs are all over it, using intersex people to score Twitter debate points.
It might be best to just validate his new trans identity, use the new pronouns etc, so that at the least you don't leave yourself open to attack but you wouldn't put up with that attitude from a girl so don't take it from them. Call them out, make them watch mean girls and call it internalised misogyny if you have to.
If the friendship stops being worthwhile you can ghost away knowing that you did more than the minimum, but nobody is entitled to your friendship or to make you feel shitty.
No. 490643
>>490622I'm doing neither. I'm mocking the situation, autist.
They claim to not have a tranny mod, but sperg out when people think they do because of their decisions. It's funny.
Don't think admin would appoint someone who calls them bothered and passive-aggressive as mod, but stay tilted.
No. 490667
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The fucking entitlement of these men. You're invited to these because you're close to whoever invited you, not because you're a woman. Holy fuck.
No. 490681
>>490643are you dense?
>>490667Isn't this the chick with the tranny husband that calls herself a lesbian and trooned our her two sons?
No. 490833
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Who else can relate?
No. 490834
>>490826Many cultures there tend towards misogyny and/or segregation.
But in fairness with this situation, 8 million out of 1.3 billion is less than one percent.
No. 490843
>>490842nta, but I kind of agree with you here. I have a Sikh friend (raised in India) and he's very respectful of women. It's a more modern religion which may contribute.
But tbh I've yet to come across any openly lecherous South Asian guys irl. I know it happens, but I've been lucky. Perhaps due to only meeting them in a post-secondary institution
No. 490907
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An example from today of how fucked in the head Indian men are: this was posted on facebook by a director in response to a vet being raped and murdered by 2 truck drivers after her scooter broke down. Literally the kind of shit you'd see on the worst anonymous incel sites from demented neets but being posted publicly by an influential professional.
No. 490934
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TIM wants straight women to stop dating any straight men who don't like girldick
No. 490937
>>490907This man is a rapist and an idiot: the "government" already have legalized this via women being socially conditioned to prioritize men's sexual needs, be attractive, give in to all and any desires, not say no, and so on and so forth.
If you
still can't get any sex despite all the above, hire a fuckin' sex worker. The "solution" is never rape.
He should be ashamed. I hope he has no daughters, but I bet he does and recites this exact bullshit to them.
No. 490950
>>490934Never seen an actually attractive woman (or any woman) screaming over and over about how men "want them" and how attractive they are.
However I kinda agree with their point that if someone is blowing up your phone it's weird to suddenly change their mind. Men have no standards truly, so I think they balk at a trans women with SRS because they know they can't bully and manipulate a trans woman like they can with a cis woman. Since it's another aggressive bully, regardless of the packaging.
No. 490968
>>490934>Don't date any man who wouldn't date me!He needs to just admit he's trying to make his cringy, unattainable "cucking cis women >;3" fantasy come true and stop hiding behind this social justice shit.
What woman unironically refuses to date a guy specifically because he wouldn't want to date other people (let alone other
No. 491020
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>>485892Here's another batshit insane MRA/anti-feminist, Mike Cernovich, whose "career" is only made possible by leeching off his successful exwife, which is all made possible due to the feminist movement. I wonder which other of these MRA types are complete hypocrites?
No. 491197
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No. 491203
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We're smarter and stronger than you.
It would be trivial to kill you, remember that before you run your mouth, TERF scum(you guys threaten to kill yourselves over "misgendering" dont make us laugh!)
No. 491210
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>>491197Heres what he posted before he deleted
No. 491216
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Man I sure love having a uterus and ovaries and a vagina that naturally lubricates and cleans itself. I'm really fond of the fact that I have narrow shoulders and wide hips. It's super cool that people can tell I'm a woman even when I'm wearing jeans, a t-shirt and a sports bra.
Golly gee willikers, it's going to be really nice to spend my money on stuff other than grotesque surgeries and horse pills. Maybe I can spend it at outlet stores that always have my size because I'm the average height and weight for a woman. Maybe I can spend it on taking my girlfriend, who is attracted to my female body, on a date.
No. 491219
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>>490728If only Prince were still alive. I would love to hear his response to the radiqueers on twitter posthumously misgendering him lmao.
No. 491226
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>>491221>>491222Don't run your mouth TERF scum. We'll bash your fucking head in when the day comes. You're on the wrong side of history™ :)
(Violent males proving they are violent males, imagine our shock.) No. 491229
>>491224Yeah, that's the biggest tell that it's about misogyny in my opinion. I hear "kill TERFs" way more than just "kill transphobes" these days, and I almost never hear anything about TEHMs. All three groups of people are committing the same transgression, so why is all this negative energy specifically focused on liberal women who do it, especially when 99% of the people assaulting/killing troons are men?
It's a mix of misogyny and jealousy, plain and simple.
No. 491235
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>>491234Because violence is all that you scum understand.
Yes we'll beat your fucking head in. No you can't stop us TERF scum
(Proving yet again they are violent sociopaths who hate real women.) No. 491238
>>491234Fear is always the best way to get what you want, amirite anon?
It worked super well for the Nazis! /s
No. 491241
>>491240>>491239>>491238>>491235>>491236TERFs aren't real women sweetie. Stay bitter and alone while bitching about your superiors.
I bet you're the best chef at your mcdonalds job or whatever while we rule the stem field
(So now the salty scrot with the flaccid cock is going to preach what a woman is lmao.)