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No. 106778
Ashley Isaacs / ghostxperfume thread #11 –
Wheelchair edition!
Tumblr: Tumblr (2): & anon-enabled (both)
Twitter: public
Current events: Ashley dishes on her father and it’s not that juicy. She continues to answer self-sent asks on her Tumblr, but also shockingly answers non-self-sent asks! Finally, we continue to investigate ED Instagram lolcows because Ashley has started to bore us!
Previous thread #10:
>>99602thread #9:
>>94146thread #8:
>>89979thread #7
>>81899thread #6:
>>76718thread #5:
>>66250thread #4:
>>40939thread #3:
>>34685thread #2:
>>32362thread #1:
>>21279 No. 106782>>106784
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Holy fuck that fucking OP picture
I'm dying
Based anon
No. 106784
>>106782woah, should have spoiled that, I don't wanna
trigger anyone. how ableist of me.
No. 106887>>106964>>107007>>107018
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Her askbox link is BE KIND TO THE WORLD. yet she's this much of a cunt. God damn.
No. 106896
>>106894in reply to
No. 106905>>106911>>107261
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>>106904I imagine if you did push her down the stairs the result would be akin to the end of the movie Death Becomes Her.
No. 106920>>106921>>106940>>107261
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>>106904I'd just dump her beside a river.
No. 106921>>106940>>107261
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>>106920Or shove her out of the car at the side of a road in the middle of nowhere.
No. 106929>>106932>>106992>>107026
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This ED girl can't believe her previous account was deleted. People actually post pics like this wtf.
No. 106930>>106931>>107261
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How I imagine a surprise family visit looks like
No. 106932
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>>106929This is all I see tbh
No. 106992>>107019
Her face reminds me of OrganizedLikeJen's.
No. 107007
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>>106887"just because it LOOKS like i'm dying from a crippling disease, doesn't mean i'm unhealthy :-)"
uh, yes it does..
No. 107013>>107016>>107028
>>107005She'll continue recovery by herself. She's determined as fuck. Fuck, if I lived near her I'd offer her my spare room and let her and her daughters stay until she could work out what to do.
Yustas sucks with $. Dump the fucker.
No. 107018
>>106887is she still actually in denial?
i thought her "sorry for my fat" picture captions were being ironic. does she really think her physical condition is ok?
No. 107038>>107080>>107081
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This girl huffs aerosols and posts pics of her doing it on ig. She's also one of the skinniest people I've seen on ig. No. 107040>>107042
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this guy again
No. 107048
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JESUS WEPT! I never thought of that. Mon dieu! Oh god, this world we live in…
No. 107050>>107051>>107052
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she got forced inpatient from the looks of it
No. 107061>>107068>>107075
>>107057>>107058Wow, that's really embarrassing.
How do these people manage to post pictures like this? Fuck, I can't even stand to post a simple picture of my face before freaking out and deleting it minutes later.
No. 107068>>107069
>>107061I know! I'm the same!!!
She was doing the crying thing two years ago. No. 107076>>107079
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>>107074Hit the nail on the head as to why I think Ashley doesn't want to recover.
No. 107081
>>107038Ugggghhh she's unbearably annoying. She has like 200 sad face/crying pics…
What is the thought process behind that?
"Omfg the world is ending, I want to kill myself…but first, let me take a selfie"
No. 107099>>107101>>107103>>107104"I asked my mum if I looked fatter and she said 'No, you look thinner' and I said 'Thinner than when? When I was in hospital?' And she said 'Yeah, probably' which is absolutely the most
triggering thing ever said to me, because now I know that if ever I AM forced back in to hospital and forced to eat again then I won't look thin anymore, I won't be thinner because of the food. So thays just destroyed every single little tiny chance I did have to start eating again. "
SO IT'S ALL HER MOTHER'S FAULT. Clearly child abuse.
No. 107101
>>107099If someone is in recovery are there therapy programs for the people that have to take care of them? I imagine they'd have to be walking on eggshells and censoring a lot of their own speech for fear of
triggering the person in recovery
No. 107112>>107121>>108013
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>>107109small cuts dont bleed like that hahahahahahaha bitch, i used to cut pretty bad and it never bled that much
No. 107119
>>107116>pedophileshe doesn't even know how bad EDs age people
she looks like an elderly woman
its a honest mistake
No. 107122>>107123>>108151
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>>107121Seems she shops at one anyway.
No. 107130>>107140>>107146
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in order to look really special and make people feel sorry for you, you must have at least one post with the following sentences copypasted: "anorexia ruined my life" (at age 16), it's a "living hell", it's "not a lifestyle or a choice", "it's not pretty or glamorous"
and yes it might be true, but they always use exactly the same words…
No. 107153>>107160
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I blame Marilyn Manson.
No. 107158>>107163
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No. 107170>>107173
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Is Yustas a shady character or simply an autist? He's hesitant about Erika going home, he's spent their $ on fuck knows what…
This person - how can she not know there's already a funding page?!?
PS I blame Bill Gates
No. 107214>>107218
>>107198I've been a psych in patient and hate the idea that if I ever have to be admitted again, people have phones with cameras. The privacy issue really worries me.
As for Erika's relationship with Yustas, she needs to get the fuck out. It really is a case of being wrong for each other. She needs someone supportive, but you don't even need a "romantic" relationship to get support. I'd concentrate on getting myself well and get some independence from men before thinking about getting involved with anyone for a while.
No. 107224>>107227
>>107218I'm really not sure what the rules are for phones. Last time I was in was mid 90s and we only had a payphone. Hopefully I'll stay out of there forever, but I wouldn't let it stop me if I knew people were allowed to use phones. It'd be an issue though, like I can imagine I'd avoid the social areas and hide away behind the curtain screen of the dorm compartment.
It was so long ago, we were allowed to smoke in the communal area!
No. 107267>>107753
>>107255I was a moron and briefly landed myself in an IP psych ward a few weeks ago. They had a guy who went around asking smokers if they wanted "gum, patches, or both." It was also a locked unit with no outdoor area, though, but I imagine it's probably the same at most places now.
Oh, and personal electronic devices and anything with a camera were considered contraband. They had phones and a restricted computer that you could use, but you definitely couldn't keep any of your own shit.
No. 107273>>107279
I'd probably stuff an e cig down my knickers and have a sly vape in the toilets.
There's only one locked ward at the place I was in. If you're not sectioned you're not ward based. I was voluntary, so it was easy to go outside. The psych part is stuck right at the back of the hospital grounds near a nice park. I used to piss off and climb over this wall and spend time in the park to get away from the ward.
I stashed some extra sleeping pills from home under the matress (not for OD, just because I needed extra in there), but they disappeared. The cleaners must check for contraband.
>>107269I'm photoshoop retarded, but I suspected some kind of image manipulation on the pics where her legs when she's wearing black leggings were made to look thinner. They look a lot thinner than the ones where she's in her underwear.
No. 107276>>107279
>>107269also on her upper arm is a bit blurry
idfk know why, she's already skinny af
No. 107279
>>107273>>107276I'm retarded, I just noticed the wonky wall behind her arm and how weirdly the sleeve seems to merge with her arm, and also how it's way too tight to fit the rest of the shirt.
That's some weird shit.
No. 107285>>107304
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>>107269Blurry and bendy walls/tiles/lines next to the green marker.
No. 107288>>107291>>107299
This one looks odd to me. She appears to have hardly any abdomen area, but her arms and thighs don't look as skeletal as they should if she was so thin around the stomach.'m amazed she still has breasts. Her hands aren't all bony either.
No. 107319>>107321>>107325
>>107255This is weird. I've been in wards where they confiscated your cigarettes when you got in, and if you were old enough you could go smoke twice a day (under supervision, when we were at lunch.) but we weren't allowed any calls except to our parents, and only once a day. We weren't allowed our phones at all, in any psych ward I've been in, which thank god for that.
I guess it's just a little different everywhere.
(Ash doesn't even look
real to me anymore. I'm too high guys.)
No. 107321>>107323
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>>107319So I dropped my pic
No. 107329>>107333>>114861
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>>107325Haha yeah no razors, we weren't even allowed shower curtains. Also no makeup and no pens. :,( I was in an under 18 group next to an adult ward so the rules were different for eaCh of us. They also kept the
real disturbed ones in the same building.. I think they are what convinced me to never be in a ward again (well so far, haha.)
Sorry to ramble.
Ash remains the spoopiest. That's not a compliment.
No. 107333
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>>107329Mostly because of her ghoul face.
No. 107334
>>107327Personal blog ahead!
A lot of times people <21 – particularly girls, as we tend to look younger – are sent to the pediatric wards instead of the adult wards.
It happened to me when I was Baker Act'd twice at the age of 20, at two different facilities. I didn't speak to anyone, but everyone I observed was 12-16, mostly ages 15-16.
I was there, a grown adult, as the doctors were asking me in near baby-talk 'what my parents think of my appearance and means of expressing myself' and 'if that causes tension in my family' – which, hilariously enough, was referring to my (natural!) black hair and tiny nose stud piercing, as if that's a huge rebellious statement – 'are my parents divorced,' 'what year of high school am I in,' and no matter how many times I insisted that I was a sophomore physics major in university several States away from my family, they just kept on nagging me about THE FAMILY ISSUES THAT PLAGUED ME or even 'what my family did to me to make me go to school in another State.'
Then I had to go and watch a bunch of early teenagers waddle around in drug-induced hazes and get out their goddamned colouring books and a bunch of whiny girls talking about how they self-harm their tiny papercuts because they don't think their daddies love them, and how they totally tried to kill themselves fifty times already.
It's really fucking unbelievable how abysmal the mental health care here is. I wasn't even committed for a good reason, just 'suspected of being suicidal' for the most ridiculous reasons. The same type of thing I mentioned has happened to other people that I know as well.
No. 107339
>>107338It was so lax when I was there. Only razors, alcohol, drugs not permitted. That didn't stop non ward based patients smuggling stuff in from the local shop though.
Don't know what it's like now. I don't want to find out from first hand experience, but I'd be interested to hear how it's changed.
Oh, there's the no smoking anywhere on the hospital grounds thing now. Up until the smoking ban here you could smoke on the premises outside and in the communal area inside the psych unit.
No. 107571>>107608
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This girl has lost a ton of weight over the years and used to run a blog about her struggles with anorexia, but now denies she has an eating disorder at all if anyone questions her.
No. 107608>>107651
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>>107571She gained some weight since last year, she used to look way worse. She always said she had orthorexia not anorexia I guess because anorexia is too mainstream nowadays on tumblr. She isn't a genius and she used to be very pro-ana, but I don't think she is a lolcow.
No. 107675>>107677
>>107390Omfg I remember that shit
My first IP I had a migraine the whole time
Caffeine withdrawal sucks
No. 107676
>>107674are annoying*
Soo many annoying rexics
No. 107706>>107710>>107713>>107714>>107717>>107725>>107733>>107734>>107741>>107743>>107752>>107764>>107771
I don't get the Erika love. I feel like the only reason anyone likes her is because she's pretty. If she was some black girl struggling in the ghetto, no one would give a shit. At the end of the day, she has an eating disorder, and is just as narcissistic and self-obsessed as all girls with EDs are. Her instagram is 95%+ selfies, some of her crying. She is far too old to be acting that way. I think it's funny, she wants Yustas to "play the game" (live in constant chaos, build his life around her, drop everything at a moment's notice for her, etc) and he's NOT PLAYING RIGHT. And that is why she hates him. He may be a douchebag, but good for him for not being sucked in to that mess. The true victims at the end of the day are those poor kids who get bounced around like ping pong balls to whomever has an open bed and some room to spare.
Erika is just as mentally ill as Ashley is. Maybe she's a nicer person at her core, but it must be frustrating to live with someone who needs constant attention and validation and care.
No. 107713>>107730>>107733>>107752
>>107706i dont find her pretty
i think its just that she is a average anorexic suburban white valey girl with ~issues~ and with heavily romanticized eating disorders
No. 107717>>107740>>107765>>111270
>>107706Damn. No, it's not like that. My kids have never bounced around- this was the first time I could manage to trust anyone with them. I do not separate well, not because of over attachment, but because the world isn't always fair and I'd like to protect them from anything I endured as a child. Don't even touch it. That is a disgusting presumptuous opinion. I made sure my children were safe when I went into treatment, you really want to poke fun at that? Fuck off.
And Yustas, for one, he's just not used to being an adult. He had a lot thrown at him. Manipulated? Game? No, sorry. I have stood by him and accepted some pretty hard to forgive shit, addictions (non chemical), and you know what? I still get excited to cook him dinner and surprise him with stupid projects. Don't assume things about relationships, they are not all equal, we are different people from different parts of the world. Yustas was born in the USSR and it's a big-fucking-change for him to come here and be thrown into adulthood. I vent. I'm allowed to vent as you are allowed to criticise. I just wanted to throw some words out there. One thing that seriously pisses me off is bringing my children into criticism. Don't go there.
No. 107733
>>107706Oh look, an influx of trolls.
>I feel like the only reason anyone likes her is because she's prettyNot everyone is as shallow as you, dear.
>If she was some black girl struggling in the ghetto, no one would give a shitAgain, that's what
you think.
> She is far too old to be acting that way.What? Blogging about her stages of recovery? You expect it all to be happy, happy, joy, joy fake crap like aly_realrecovery? It doesn't work like that.
She doesn't expect her husband to play any game. I don't think it's unreasonable to ask for
some support, and it seems that there isn't very much coming from him. Yes, he has his issues, but the coldness he's showing towards her, even it's because he's not good with emotions, isn't good at all.
Her daughters are victims? You think they LOOK unhappy? The love they feel for their mother is so evident. Jesus, every day I see mothers dragging their kids around, swearing at them, not giving them any attention and they don't even have eating disorders to deal with. Erika's doing a great job. They're healthy and loved.
>Erika is just as mentally ill as Ashley is. You what? Ha. Yes, both have eating disorders. One wants to rot, the other is fighting to recover. You see, big difference there.
>it must be frustrating to live with someone who needs constant attention and validation and careHow do you know Erika needs "constant attention and validation"? All she needs is care and support. Marriage is all about supporting the other in the union.
Congrats on your ability to agree with yourself.
>>107713>>107714 No. 107734>>107736
>>107706wow ashley at least you could try being less obvious. Took you literally 5 min to post it on your blog pretending it wasn't you who wrote that pile of shit.
deep down you know erika deserves all the love and support
and that makes the bile inside you boil
doesn't it?
pls quit being so pathetic
No. 107743
>>107725Tagged as #truth.
I wish I could say I was surprised… but at the end of the day, it's Ash we're talking about.
>>107706> Maybe she's a nicer person at her coreYeah, a big "maybe" on this one. /sarcasm
No. 107752>>107755
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>>107706>>107710>>107713>>107714>>107732and there i thought, you couldn't embarrass yourself more than you already have, ashley.
this is way cringeworthy.
No. 107753>>107754
>>107267Pretty sure restrictions considering personal belonging vary between different wards. In my experience, at the ward I was in, the patients that were considered a danger to themselves couldn't keep any personal belongings, but then people like me who were there voluntarily and weren't self-destructive could have phones and even laptops. I had both and my internet usage was never monitored in any way.
Similarly, the ward doors were locked 24/7 and some patients were only allowed outside with supervision, but I could come and go as I wanted.
I guess they used this sort of system to motivate the less cooperative patients into cooperating. /slithly ot
No. 107754
>>107753not OT, i wrote of my experiences up there ^
fortunately i've always been in a rational frame of mind where i knew that if it comes to sectioning vs. voluntary in-patient, voluntary is best. i'd hate so much to be sectioned. ward based eurgh.
No. 107762>>108010
>>107755She won't though. Erika's got the love of her daughters and that's stronger than any pissy attempt at knocking her spirit.
Phone call didn't work, so an immature comment here won't do much. Sorry, Ash - you die alone :(
No. 107764>>107769
>>107706This is what I meant by this thread enabling Ashley. She's so predictable. Sometimes, I feel bad for her but then she does this stuff. Wow.
Go back to your chair.
No. 107778>>107793
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>>107773Usually anons will say they're not Ashley if accused of being her so it's pretty clear that was her…
No. 107782
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with ~professional glitter glue~
No. 107783
>>107772Please try to be less fucking obvious, you god damn rattling wheelchair corpse. You're a self destructive person that's mad Erika is getting better while you continue to wither I your pool of ceaseless misery and pain. I'm not a fan of Erika, but she's trying to do something better for herself, and that's at least something.
You're nothing but a nest of lies and you don't even need a trip to identify yourself. We all know, especially when you post it on your blog 30 second after it was posted on here. Faggot.
No. 107799>>107810
>>107793So why don't you admit you weren't Ashley if it was jut some random anon who said that..?
Oh wait.
No. 107805
>>107793Sure sure. It's just your pathetic attempt to discredit her and make people side with you.
You always say shit is different than we perceive it to be but you never show up with proof. Shut the fuck up you retarded shithead.
No. 107814>>107818>>107819>>107822>>107846
It's not Ashley who wrote that about Erika. I discovered Erika's instagram because of Ashley. I don't doubt Erika loves her kids, but she's kidding herself if she thinks her behavior isn't traumatizing to them. I grew up severely abused, and I made it my mission to give my kids the best upbringing possible. I wouldn't have had time to have an eating disorder, because I have a child with special needs, and was too busy trying to deal with her problems.
I understand that eating disorders are a mental illness. I think it's wonderful that Erika is trying, and she looks better. I hope you make it.
But I don't understand what makes her better than Ashley. Both have eating disorders, both cause a tremendous amount of stress to their families. They spend far too much time looking inward, and not enough time looking outward at the world and people around them.
I hope you recover Erika, and can be the GREAT mom I know you can be. Your babies are beautiful, and they deserve the best.
I hope Ashley can recover as well. It doesn't seem likely, but every life is precious, and I hope by some miracle, she chooses life over the hell she has sunk herself in to. She deserves a chance, too.
No. 107817>>107854
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>>107810She's in treatment. She's eating. She says she wants to change for her children and be a better mother to them.
Please tell me how this is not different at all to what Ashley or aly_realrecover (who continues to lose more and more weight and ignore treatment) does. I'm listening. So what if she posts pictures of herself on her own fucking Instagram? All she talks about is how she wants to gain weight and not be a walking skeleton as much anymore. Don't expect people who have been sexually abused to never be sad or damaged, bro,
By the way, I really don't care too much about Erika. She's obviously a person with a lot of demons who probably hasn't made all the right decisions in life. But I think that she's actually making a real effort to get away from her eating disorder, even if it's not quite perfect I gotta say she's doing more than Ash has ever done.
While Ash chan continues to make videos at Target and embrace her
triggering appearance.
No. 107819>>107832
>>107814Lol wtf? That post is nothing like the original one you made dude. She
knows her appearance and what she's done has been terrible for her kids. That's why she's trying to get better.
You just think you're better than her, you're acting pretty high and mighty about it tbh.
Oh and by the way, please point out to me all of the plentiful accounts of 'ghetto' black girls with eating disorders. Oh wait…
No. 107824>>107826
>>107823Lol yup, this just in, an eating disorder is something to you choose to have in your spare time, just for funsies.
>>107821How old are you? This isn't the yahoo comments page. You don't need a name, that's the reason why it's anonymous.
No. 107828
>>107825Lol and you are telling them to step outside their own perspective….
Bitch you don't know shit about what it's like to have an ED/mental illness. Go back to your "kids".
No. 107836>>107837
>>107825My parents are great people and they didn't always put me first. My dad battles with alcoholism and my mom struggled through 3 divorces.
You have to realize that people aren't perfect and they won't always do what's best for their children. That's just how people are. When you have a mental illness, it doesn't just go away when you have children. You can try to be the best parent you can be to them, and still you might fuck them up anyway.
You're being a judgmental asshole who is too proud because she raised a retard and scorns Erika for not being ~perfect like you~ but doesn't see anything wrong with Ashley languishing on her mothers recliner chair while she wastes away before the age of thirty all while contributing nothing to her mother, not even love. Gtfo
Also, grandma-chan here confirms that Ashley furiously f5s this thread 24/7
No. 107840>>107858
>>107832How about you educate yourself now your kids are in their teens. Feeling a bit lonely now they don't need you?
Read the youtube comments also.
No. 107843
>>107832??? I've met quite a number of black girls who had eating disorders for different reasons:
1 was sexually abused as a kid and had an eating disorder all throughout elementary, middle and high school
1 was really depressed and had body image issues
1 was in an abusive relationship
like… wtf American black girls are affected by all of the same mental issues as everyone else who was born and raised in the U.S.
No. 107846>>107848>>107849
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>>107814TWIST: Grandma chan is actually ashley's mother and ashley is the child with special needs.
No. 107850
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>>107849Stop, stop. Too much lel.
No. 107853>>107855>>107984
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Basically ash and her moms relationship
No. 107854>>107857>>107859
>>107817"who continues to lose more and more weight and ignore treatment"
Erika has been doing the same in the past years. But anyway I wish good luck for her, I honestly hope she will recover.
No. 107855
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>>107853although Ashley would probably say otherwise
No. 107859
>>107854Yeah, but my point was about the actions of people right now.
Not a fan of Erika either but just sayin I have to admire her for getting help. That's all.
No. 107876>>107923
>>107832Please kill yourself.
Eating disorders among black people is not that less prevalent, it's just that among African-Americans going for actual mental help is discouraged or not even considered because the mental health community is very central to helping white people.
Self-harm rates are also higher among black children than white ones, and autism is more prevalent in black boys than white ones, but I bet you didn't know that.
No. 107881
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>>107832i love how tried to make black people look more oppressed. but ended up tripping on your words and saying all black people are poor and in the ghetto.
this is like tumblr trying to show how NOT racist they are and failing miserably
No. 107883
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>>107772cant we have a erika circle jerk somewhere else? i want to laugh at girls with EDs and how delusional they are
No. 107887
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Ashley is the only one assuming that these boards are a competition between her and E in regards to where they stand in relapse/recovery, when that is not at all what is being discussed and evaluated.
The eating disorder is just one more aspect where Ashley's rotten personality is shining through, and since she is preoccupied with and trapped within her ED world, there are obviously a lot of overlaps.
Ashley was the one who brought E into all this, and it doesn't even matter whether or not she or grandma-chan posted that, because the fact that she reposted it on her tumblr applauding it speaks volumes.
No. 107911>>107915>>107916>>107918>>107922>>107948>>107980>>107990
I'm going to say my peace and then be done.
To the person who called me a judgemental shitface…look in the mirror. Everyone here is a judgemental shitface.
As far as what Erika posted on her instagram about her photos…I feel like this desire to be liked, to be pretty, to be approved of, just feeds the problem. You shouldn't care if others find you attractive. All that matters is how you feel about yourself. No matter how beautiful someone is someday they will be old and wrinkly and gray. You need to learn to love who you are, not what you look like. Once you are no longer worried about whether or not you look fat, half your battle will be won.
This website is internet bullying at its finest. I hope every person here takes a long, hard look at your life and why you are here. People who are happy and have fulfilling lives do not spend time on the internet saying horrible things about people they don't even know, photoshopping their heads onto skeletons, making fun of them. Your behavior says more about YOU than it does about the person you are making fun of.
Ashley if you read here…you shouldn't. What a bunch of internet strangers think about you should not define who you are, or how you feel about yourself. These people don't know you, are never going to know you, so why do you care if they approve of you? Ditto for you Erika, even though your comments are more positive, your self esteem should not be based on what a bunch of strangers think about you.
Turn off your computers, power down your tablets, turn off your smartphones, and go rejoin life again.
I wish you all peace and happiness.
No. 107915
>>107899SIX brussel sprouts kid. SIX sprouts. Important detail you forgot to include there.
I didn't know she was a friend of that child. She's a friend of the other child who's in recovery, but I forget her name. She's "sold out" now though, so Ashley probably defriended her.
>>107911Fuck off then. Bye.
No. 107919
File (hide): 1432414039083.jpg (55.32 KB, 480x480, positivity.jpg)
God dammit. Life is sweet!!! :)
No. 107922
>>107911Take your sanctimonious, racist shit and leave. People here have tried to help Ashley. You'd know that I'd you'd read the threads.
Anon was right, if Erika chose to be mentally ill, then by your logic your kid chose to have special needs. Ridiculous.
No. 107923
>>107876This exactly. It's not because there's a lack of POC suffering from EDs, it's that the subtext which revolves these issues differs from culture to culture. Sometimes that means that seeking help or even admitting you've got a real problem is seriously stigmatized, which later reflects upon the statistics gathered on the subject. It's the same way boys are often ashamed of having an eating disorder and so won't seek treatment since it's a "girl's disease" – which I think is slowly changing now, at least
Eating disorders are all consuming and they don't discriminate based on things like education, status, or race.
No. 107928>>107932
File (hide): 1432415178639.jpg (15.9 KB, 587x125, 1.JPG)
Meanwhile…aly's still deleting negativity from her comments (ie people telling her she's not gaining weight because she isn't).
No. 107932>>107970
File (hide): 1432415286129.jpg (27.04 KB, 285x607, gaining.JPG)
>@pia_1911 6 hours ago
Are you all thinking it will help aly if you all are saing 'you Look every day smaller..' An something like this?! It's very hard to gain. I'm gainig not very fast too. I belive aly that she's gaining stay strong @aly_realrecover
yeah, ~stay strong~
No. 107948
>>107911~internet bullying~
You don't have to read this site you know. But glad your fucking off. Bye racist grandma.
No. 107952
File (hide): 1432417401850.jpg (58.44 KB, 500x370, image.jpg)
If Ashley hadn't posted here and created a blog solely to interact with us the threads would have died a long time ago. She's a self-milking lolcow
No. 107970>>107972
File (hide): 1432420517335.png (460.12 KB, 262x1152, REAL RECOVERY b4 shot.png)
>>107932Are you blind? She's CLEARLY gained since she started her ~real recovery~!!!1 (see pic for proofs; it's from near the beginning of her Instagram account when she claims to have started recovering and gaining)
I hope she does have to go to IP and they don't put up with any of her shit there and she's ACTUALLY faced with having to eat 3,000+ calories a day.
No. 107980
>>107911Weren't you just attacking someone ITT, then acted condescending for no reason, then spewed racist bullshit while trying to show off how "not racist" you are? You are literally no better than anyone here (you insulted a mother recovering from an ED that almost killed her, what the fuck?) and the fact that you took the time to type out that bullshit lecture is just proof you're fucking delusional.
I feel bad for your kids if they have to deal with someone as neurotic as you, lady.
No. 107984
>>107853Ashley's portrayal of her mother:
Ashley: You wouldn't be able to do these awful things to me if I weren't still in this chair!
Rebecca: But you
are, Ashley. You are.
No. 107989>>107991
File (hide): 1432424706284.jpg (58.75 KB, 448x473, Nofun_robot.jpg)
Ashley needs to be put down like the rabies-infected screeching demon she is before she hurts any more people. Expunge the ghoul!
No. 107990>>107994
>>107911Bye, bitch!
I hope that person really leaves, but I'm still posting this for future reference.
First of all, even if everything here was bullying, it still wouldn't be bullying, because for something to be "bullying," it must involve an under 18. When only adults are involved, it's called harassment. You can go ahead and Google that.
Second, it's not harassment to gossip and talk shit about someone on a website (unless you're doing it on the person's own website). Posts here aren't sent to any of the cows' inboxes. They're not intruding into people's lives; people have to search for them. If they read these posts, they're choosing to read it.
No. 107994
>>107990Why are they even here? If they think this is bullying that's all this site is
why go on here?! It's like going to pot hub and getting offended by the porn there
No. 107996
File (hide): 1432425458130.jpg (80.66 KB, 426x639, 10154324_10152414825833176_395…)
>>10799210/10 this gave me a really scary chuckle irl
No. 108007
>>107891I haven't seen TFC post anywhere after she was called out for being a
triggering autist.
No. 108067>>108069>>108072
>>108023NO i was a deep cutter
and if anything it made it look like i wasn't even bleeding
you clearly NEVER cute before
No. 108075>>108081
>>108023lol no, test that theory, cut yourself and put it in the bath
water washes dirt and junk off. blood aint like fake costume blood, sweetie
No. 108086
File (hide): 1432439727575.jpg (73.74 KB, 800x800, bpd4.jpg)
No. 108093>>108103>>108130
File (hide): 1432440045925.gif (659.66 KB, 300x180, 5554855 _ea2192c43a72f66d3f131…)
>>108082oh you mad
are you who i think you are?
No. 108103>>108105>>108112
>>108093Doubt it? I've commented once about nine threads ago.
>>108094I'm not edgy. I've never cut or anything. I just have a basic grasp of human anatomy and physiology and I like making fun of people who are being all righteous in their ignorance.
shrug No. 108105>>108119>>108127>>108172
>>108103>i never cut or anythingthen you dont know
>I just have a basic grasp of human anatomy and physiology>physiolgylol, then prove it. link your "facts" and dont make shit up
No. 108112
>>108103exactly, you have no proof
faggot :^)
No. 108119>>108124>>108126>>108127>>108172
>>108105You… You want sources on shit as basic as 10th grade bio? Seriously? I am so sorry the public schools failed you so badly. You poor thing.
Here's a basic Wikipedia entry on vasodilation, you can start there:
>Vasodilation occurs in superficial blood vessels of warm-blooded animals when their ambient environment is hot; this process diverts the flow of heated blood to the skin of the animal, where heat can be more easily released to the atmosphere.The issue in the bath is that it's a warm environment (and thus, vasodilation occurs) but the heat cannot be released into the atmosphere because sweating (which cools use via evaporative cooling) doesn't work underneath the water. It doesn't work particularly well when we're just in humid air. That's why we sweat more in humid environments. There's a page on MIT's site that discusses that neatly. Being submerged in pure water means it doesn't work at all.
Here's a little thing from the Cleveland Clinic about being in a hot bath: that doesn't manage to clear it up for you, maybe you should try heading back to school. Just not whatever one you came from, that place was clearly terrible.
No. 108124
>>108119ya, so she is purposely trying to make her cuts seem worse by taking pictures of it and she is a attention seeking cunt
No. 108127
>>108105>>108119she is taking pictures of herself cutting
its already attention whoring
because she is trying to show off how *~damaged~* she is>>108103
>>108023 No. 108128>>108139>>108235>>108237
File (hide): 1432443903992.jpg (57.2 KB, 500x354, heh.jpg)
a picture of her BF
No. 108151>>108161
i really hate people who romanticize cutting
and dis including her bath pictures
this is obviously fake blood look at
>>107109she clearly is using cheap dollarstore fake blood. real blood doesn't pool like that
No. 108155>>108156>>108221>>108252
File (hide): 1432447819889.png (556.32 KB, 720x600, 101010.png)
crawwwwwwwllllinnnngg in my skin
this blood it isnt rrrreeeeaaaaaaaallll
No. 108161>>108162>>108163>>108165>>108167>>108171>>108172>>108297
>>108151Yes it does…
Y'all need to look at more self-harm pictures. I'm quite sure she's not using fake blood at all. Some people bleed more than others, and yes, blood pools.
However, she obviously smears her blood around, probably to make it look worse than it is, but she's not using fake blood. (For an example of smear, see the blood on her cheek in the bathtub picture. Also )
No. 108162>>108173
>>108161how is it not fake?
fucking stop defending yourself
No. 108163>>108173
>>108161no it doesnt you dumb skeleton :^)
nobody is buying your lies
No. 108167>>108169>>108171>>108172
>>108161Actually, I agree with anon, but I didn't want to be the first to say it because, you know, the usual.
>fucking stop defending yourself>no it doesnt you dumb skeleton :^)nobody is buying your lies
I was really into that shit when I was like 14, and my cuts weren't very deep but they sure as hell bleed a lot.
No. 108169
File (hide): 1432450601486.png (171.33 KB, 500x489, crawlinginmyskiiin.png)
>>108167>agreeing with yourself4u BBY
No. 108173>>108174
>>108162It's not fake because my blood does the same thing. I think the blood pools because it's where the edge of the razor cut slightly deeper or something. I mean, it pools when they prick my finger to test my blood too. But fuck…
>>108163>>108165I guess I'm recolapse now. Better start working on my photoshop since I currently suck at it.
And lastly,
>>108171Good point. I just wanted to correct people with their misconceptions about blood, but what's the point? There's literally no value in knowing this stuff.
No. 108174>>108178
so shut up about it
No. 108178>>108182>>108183>>108189
File (hide): 1432451515051.jpg (217.69 KB, 1015x598, SIX.jpg)
>>108174I made two posts about it, and yes sir!
Hey look, questtorecovery's "must be six" bullshit has spread to her cheese cubes.
No. 108182>>108184
>>108178i didnt even say you were all of them
i just said that everyone going on about it needs to shut up she cuts for the asthetic and how ~beautifully tragic~ it is
No. 108184
>>108182Ah okay. I thought it sounded like I made many.
>>108183That's cool too, but no more blood/cutting discussion. Too much disagreement and arguing!
No. 108219
File (hide): 1432473431132.jpg (55.82 KB, 552x571, six.JPG)
and the crackers.
No. 108236>>108244
File (hide): 1432479892762.png (513.74 KB, 1090x550, dumb eyebrows.png)
No. 108238
File (hide): 1432480236031.png (550.21 KB, 600x610, drug addicts.png)
a friendly reminder that EDs age you faster than meth
No. 108244
File (hide): 1432481639213.jpg (38.29 KB, 599x588, bawbaw.JPG)
>>108236You made Emily cry (again)
No. 108245>>108247
File (hide): 1432481770037.jpg (44.93 KB, 587x572, bawbaw2.JPG)
and again…
No. 108247>>108249>>108252
>>108245Honestly, imagening how this picture was taken is cracking me the fuck up.
In what scenario is that even on your mind when you're crying? I'll admit i used to cry a lot more when i was her age (she looks 15/14?) but even then i, and I thought most people, when pushed to the point of actually crying would be to preoccupied with, well, crying to fucking pull their phone out, open the camera app, take a picture, like i know it's not _that_ bad but it's still a process. And then posting it on the internet? Haha I can't
No. 108252
>>108247i like to imagine how she took this pic
>>108155like her pose means that she hit the timer on the camera and posed like this awkardly waiting for it to click
No. 108256>>108267>>108356
File (hide): 1432483978094.jpg (54.28 KB, 596x604, 1.JPG)
Bitch can't even cover the fresh cuts up when she's taking a nice picture with her dog.
No. 108261
>>107847honestly ashley is the abusive one treating her mother the way she does and putting her through all of this
parents who actually care about their kids and have to watch them kill themselves slowly don't deserve that
No. 108291>>108319
>>108264They're too busy taking down anti-proana accounts that get reported for "harassment".
I reported some of her pics anyway but don't expect anything to happen, except maybe one of those stupid "your friends are worried you may have a problem" things replace an image.
No. 108342
>>108319Fuck, my spelling went out of the window in that post..
>>108326Pretty much the same haha.
No. 108356
>>108256Ugh why… Why do people do this… Just pull down your sleeve why :/
I will sorrowfully admit I have posted pictures of my sel harm on tumblr ears ago because I thought it was edgy. What a stupid fuck I was. It's just unneeded and doesn't help anything and just made people sick or more competitive to cut deeper. So stupid, man. I'm still cringing.
No. 108374>>108431>>110564
File (hide): 1432502744602.jpg (6.61 KB, 300x168, spoopy.jpg)
>>108326Some of these anorexic girls have got bigger tits than me. I don't know how that workds. They have to wear bras and I'm in vest tops?
>>108367I still laugh at it.
No. 108476>>108477
File (hide): 1432512855770.jpg (104.66 KB, 619x841, image.jpg)
No. 108546>>108882
>>1085402. I know of several places that have minimum %IBW that they wont admit under. She might not be able to fly out to a place like ACUTE to stabilize. Many anorexics wont go to hospitals to stabilize because they don't know how to treat severe cases.
3. He probably gets disability $ as her caregiver.
4. She might have a deductible she can't afford, although if she's on disability or medicaid then idk about this. She's going to need a lot of medical care, and I wouldn't be surprised of insurance/medicaid didnt' cover anything. I have a friend on medicaid with a 40k bill from a treatment center. It happens.
5. Many caregivers aren't savvy enough to pursue this option
No. 108561>>108572>>108575>>108634>>108637
Silly anon, doing the Ashley look is easy
All you gotta do is suck in your cheeks and darken under your eyes No. 108573>>108574
>>108572yes but i was going for the ashley look
don't ask anymore, i sucked in my cheeks and look like a fish
No. 108575
>>108572>>108574Lrn 2 sage in email field, anon.
>>108561lolcow stinks of selfposting recently
No. 108576>>108581
>>108572it was jk and since i smeared my mascara and did the freaky expression it looks nothing like me man
i wouldn't post a pic that rlly looks like me
No. 108581>>108584
>>108576Being ~recognized~ is not the issue.
Personal life stories and revelation of identifying info disrupts the purpose and flow of a clearly anonymous board.
See BMI-12, who-the-fuck-is-J, and grandma-chan.
No. 108656>>108659
>>108655why you so butthurt?
that's me for one:
>>108362and i wanted to see some funny OC. not that the results were as good as anticipated.
No. 108815>>108820
File (hide): 1432569888452.png (59.28 KB, 763x581, uhoh.png)
What's up with Ash?
No. 108820
>>108815Losing friends for being shitty. Not getting things for free. Arguments with her mother.
>>108759Anon who posted her pic here looks healthy. Not a wannarexic. Why is she getting so much hassle? She reminds me more of Scamanda in that pic - the sucked in cheeks and "natural pout". Don't be harsh on anon.
No. 108849>>108850
File (hide): 1432572868209.jpg (655.3 KB, 919x989, selfpost.jpg)
>>108830Still don't get this, but w/e.
>>108846idk why, but those plastic spoons really piss me off. i wonder how long it takes her to make sure that it's EXACTLY level?
No. 108853>>108856>>108858>>108892
File (hide): 1432573289988.jpg (100.52 KB, 1019x570, calorees.JPG)
>>108850Thanx ;)
I wonder how she feels when she brings herself to tip the spoon onto the plate?
If she doesn't want to gain how is she in recovery?
No. 108877
>>108451>>108452you can see who's sending you anons on your blog if you install StatCounter. it makes it a lot easier if you enable email notifications for asks, that way you just line the "time sent" up with the time whatever IP address was on your blog and there you go.
as far as finding out the IP of an anon sent to someone else's blog, i think you're shit out of luck there.
No. 108882>>108883
>>108546some people arrive at ACUTE via air ambulance, so i don't really believe she "can't get there". And as a social worker, i know i could get her medicaid and medicare if she doesn't already have it. A hospital legally can't turn someone away for inability to pay, and lets just pretend she has no insurance (fucking nonsense, the ER social worker would apply for emergency medicaid and it'd be approved), but lets pretend she racks up 40K+ in medical bills. she can always declare bankruptcy and start again…and again and again, because this is the US. the only debt bankruptcy won't clear is student loans.
Can't file for bankruptcy if you're dead though.
The media coverage on her was awful and truly only served to further stigmatize eating disorders. typical.
No. 108898
>>108895You wouldn't be able to do anything to get rid of their accounts though because they're being ~supportive~
I agree with you, though.
No. 108904>>108908>>108918
File (hide): 1432577046595.jpg (107.14 KB, 800x857, food pyramid.jpg)
>>108900It's a guideline based on the food pyramid. It's not "this is all you're supposed to eat". It's "this is how many nutrients in this amount, do the math for how much you actually eat"
No. 108905
>>108890Maybe you only want one serving. Maybe not and you'll eat more, or less, who knows. The point is she's eating exactly one serving for a purpose. Not because it's all she wants. SErving sizes are pathetic anyways lol everything's low cal when you change the serving size on the back of the box. Even pasta seems low cal per the label
when you eat…… ONE SERVING
No. 108916>>108917
>>108873Do we know where she lives? some places are very "tube happy", and by that i mean they tube people who really shouldn't be tubed. Some places have a protocol where if you refuse food/supplement x amount of times, you're tubed..regardless of medical status/weight. There are definitely girls who refuse just so they can have the ED "status symbol" of the ng tube and post pics of it all over social media. I see this more from the UK/Aussie girls as for some dumbass reason they are allowed to keep electronics with cameras/internet access on the unit.
some places in the US allow electronics time at night, but most of them don't, and for good reason. and most ED programs in the US don't use tubes. If its really necessary, they'll send you out to a medical hospital to be stabilized until you're ready to come back sans tube.
sorry, that was way too long. If i knew where Aly lives, id have a better idea of what she should expect from inpatient.
No. 108920
>>108917Milano specifically
>>108918Yeah, WHAT?
No. 108955>>108956>>108969
>>108826I'm not a wannarexic, thanks. I imitated an anorexic for fun.
Never have been one. I'm not an anorexic, or a fake one. I'm healthy as can be unless you count low blood sugar.
No. 108960>>108969
>>108956Awww, an actual anorexic. How cute!
Go the fuck away btw
Nobody wants you here.
Average weight, baby.
No. 108965>>108969
>>108957Agreeing with this.
No fat on those arms. Case closed.
No. 108968>>108970
File (hide): 1432583146909.png (20.84 KB, 630x230, sp.png)
Her arms aren't fat at all but self-posting is embarrassing and continuing to identify herself too.
No. 108970>>108982
It'd be great to be as thin as Ashley. No, really. Imagine all the fun clothes you could buy in the toddler's department. Toddler's leggings don't make you look a a twat at all.
>>108968I posted my hand. FOR ATTENTION. Anon called them nice. You can all go back and check on my hands if you like. I'm bringing up my hand again and I'm not at all embarrassed.
No. 108974>>108976>>108978>>108980
File (hide): 1432584128896.png (21.34 KB, 518x280, transgending.png)
BREAKING NEWS: Ashley hates niggers but loves trannies.
No. 108976>>108979
I also like how she makes it an incredibly unsubtle reference to herself with 'YOUR BODY, YOUR DECISION!!!' Yes, Ashley, transgender people are exactly the same as you starving yourself to death.
No. 108980
>>108974Her hair looks more wiggy than usual in that tumblr profile pic. Has she had it dry cleaned?
>>108975Ashley's a genetic mutant, so yeah.
I'm staying out of the ~transgendering~ argument. It bores me too fuck.
No. 108984
Why would anyone even care what she thought about transgendering? Oh, self ask nvm. I guess she needed to put the YOUR choice thing out there again.
>>108982Thank you. Please feel free to tweet or fb the picture. Let's get this thing viral!!!!1
No. 108994>>108999
>>108986 to be Mary-Kate
Perfect weight, eighty-eight
She's never good enough
No. 110564>>110585
>>108374I don't even wear a bra bc I'm flat as fuck and 19 lmfao
I'm not even an A. Probably an AA.
No. 110585
>>110564why hello there, i'm flat as fuck too and 21.
i wear a bra bc i don't want people to see my nipples. that's basically the only reason
OT but i don't think i can do boobie tricks, the sad tiny bit of fat that makes for my tits cannot possibly be squished together to make a cleavage of any sort. even drag queens get nicer cleavages lol wtf.
No. 110627>>110687
File (hide): 1432607630060.png (45.96 KB, 544x371, jackiesstillhere.png)
~*her last remaining friend*~
No. 110813>>110897
>>110754followers ≠ friends
To me the whole concept of "followers" is more like "spectators".
It's like walking/performing on a street and getting stares, either for doing something fun and creative, looking unique, looking ~trendy~ or ~pretty~, or looking like a freak accident.
People will want to look and follow your act, but that doesn't mean you automatically have friends.
And just from having observed her react immediately to our posts almost always, it really does seem like she invests too much time in refreshing these boards, I can't imagine there could be an actual, substantial relationship going on as well.
No. 110895>>110910>>111697>>111950
File (hide): 1432657326002.jpg (111.59 KB, 1016x604, oo.JPG)
edgy as fuck
No. 110902>>110911
>>110901That and the fact somebody like her couldn't have a permanent friendship. It's not like she could call on someone, they'd have to go to hers or she'd have to rely on her mum for a lift.
With all her mental it'd be difficult to keep friends anyway.
No. 110917>>110921>>110926>>110939>>111298
File (hide): 1432660071953.jpg (361.29 KB, 607x659, chickensout.jpg)
>>110911Had to delete this last time because it made me non anon. It showed my name and I don't want to be an attention whore.
Anyhow, aly's not going IP
No. 110923>>110925>>110938>>111390
File (hide): 1432660332735.jpg (18.92 KB, 595x124, ash.JPG)
I think Ashley has a sock puppet account. Or maybe someone from here, idk.
No. 110924
Something I like about that comma.
Well spotted.
>>110921 No. 111159>>111161>>111164>>111165>>111192
File (hide): 1432674692017.jpg (417.51 KB, 960x1280, asho.jpg)
She really needs to go to the hospital.
No. 111220>>111733
File (hide): 1432680663018.jpg (87.46 KB, 352x299, 1432674692017.jpg)
What's the puffed up thing under her nose? Is it normal face fat that just looks weird because it's the only fat on her face?
No. 111230
File (hide): 1432681698764.jpg (12.3 KB, 463x83, fat.JPG)
No. 111232>>111253>>111305
File (hide): 1432681827468.jpg (37.97 KB, 685x236, ha.JPG)
F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5…etc
No. 111257
Gia, talking about Ashley, for people who weren't around for that drama:>>31127
>>31128>>31131>>31133>>31134>>31135>>31138 might have missed some but Gia basically refutes
No. 111270>>111271>>111287
>>107717The USSR was 20 or so years ago, a lot of people are fine and living 'normally' k
now. What on earth are you talking about?
No. 111271
>>111270He was probably born at least 20+ years go.
If this is to start a US v. Russia wank then take it to /b/
No. 111298>>111300>>111302
>>110917Well color me extremely un-fucking-surprised. I was waiting to see what excuse she'd come up with to get out of going inpatient or to a similar type of program where she'd actually be heavily monitored and would have to eat her food instead of just photographing herself posing with it. I bet the most she'll agree to is some outpatient appointments so she can continue to do what she wants unsupervised.
I'm just kind of blown away that she seems to have so many people conned with her "I'm totes recovering and gaining lots of weight guys look at me eating all these rich foods and REALLY RECOVERING!!" act. Are her family members and friends all blind and stupid? I don't know, maybe things are just really different in Italy with regards to ED treatment and how it's handled as compared to in the US.
No. 111300>>111738
File (hide): 1432685605343.jpg (111.14 KB, 595x166, Untitled-1.jpg)
>>111298She followed up with this (pic)
No. 111305>>111319>>111488
File (hide): 1432686555281.jpg (30.99 KB, 1280x361, IMG_20150526_224144.JPG)
>>111232We believe you, Ash.
Pic related.
No. 111398
>>110938Nice catch. I was trying to do a bit of… parody? Probably giving myself too much credit there though.
>>111393Oddly enough, no! She deleted the comment though.
No. 111742>>111939
>>111697They've been friends for a really long time. Most likely Ashley did something shitty to her at some point like she eventually does to everyone. If this girl were mentally healthy she'd have left once Ash showed her true colors.
The only ones who stick around that long after being mistreated by Ashley are seriously damaged. Either low self esteem or mentally unstable. Like Jackie who still kisses Ashley's ass after the "I cut that bitch's friendship bracelet off" drama. Erika was even at risk of going back because of her tendency to stay in toxic relationships but fortunately she got stronger and got away.
No. 111743>>111744
>>111733Thanks. I've learned more about anatomy in these threads than I ever did at school.
>>111738All those emojis piss me off so much.
See this?
No. 111744>>111754
File (hide): 1432740068750.jpg (19.59 KB, 466x221, yeah right.JPG)
>>111743Image didn't post…
No. 111793>>111838
File (hide): 1432744457857.png (15.06 KB, 747x216, quepasa.png)
>walking down the street
>suddenly see a skeleton wheeling its way down to Target
>mouth agape because holy shit a skeleton
>it sees you staring
>turning its wrinkled head toward you, bottomless pits for eyes hone in
>the jaw separates into a ghoulish grin
>"QUE PASA???!" it belches out as stray flecks of vomit spew themselves from its rotten teeth
>using hellfire itself to propel the chair Ash wheels away, cackling to herself while taking selfies and cursing her mother
No. 111838>>111843
>>111793This needs something about her breath being the foul stench from the bowels of hell.
Otherwise, A+
No. 111843>>111847
>>111838i apologize anon, i need to improve my descriptive story telling skills
also i'm
tw: hungry (kek) <3
No. 111969>>111988
>>111939She definitely has some kind of mental issues otherwise Ashley wouldn't be drawn to her. Ash discards people once they get healthy. And Jess has stuck around for at least a couple years.
You'd think if you had a friend with a pattern of shitting all over everyone close to her, you'd maybe question your relationship or you wouldn't want to be around a toxic person. If someone always talks shit about people behind their backs to you there's a good chance they're doing it to you as well.
It's not like she isn't aware of Ashley's drama. She liked Ashley's repost of an anon talking trash about Erika and her kids.
No. 111993>>112093
File (hide): 1432756582050.png (207.03 KB, 768x457, autismspeaks.png)
She supports Autism Speaks, so she probably thinks she's being ~*a good person*~ by being Ashley's ~*friend*~ even though she's ~*mentally ill*~
No. 112010
>>111985Because sooner or later anyone with half a brain will see through Ashley's facade and she needs minions. She's good at manipulating, hell she even fooled a bunch of people
here of all places when she came asking for help, but only someone who's totally lost their mind or is retarded doesn't catch on eventually.
No. 112040>>112042>>112047>>112089>>112215
File (hide): 1432759479484.png (595.75 KB, 744x496, teamashley.png)
>>111983I was just going to do Jess & Ashley. Then I stuck in TFC although I couldn't find a full body pic and I think she's sitting in this one. I decided to stick in Aly for good measure. I think I got their heights about right.
No. 112042>>112537
File (hide): 1432759612243.png (245.07 KB, 315x428, alyashcomparison.png)
>>112040Proportionally, Aly is smaller than Ash.
No. 112045
>>112021>>112016yea at her "before" pic, she looks skinny fat at most.
to be fair, some people's bodies react much worse to EDs i think,
like some people can be a healthy weight then drop dead from electrolyte imbalance, OR some people can become to spoopy skeletons and live forever. its curious really
No. 112062
>>112054That's so true. I hate that there's a lot of self diagnosing going on - I know that not everyone has access to doctors and that it can be helpful for yourself to name what you have etc. I self diagnosed myself with anxiety because I am constantly anxious and it's a problem.
But I keep that to myself and tell people only that I tend to get anxious. That's it. You don't have to make a big deal out of things that might not even be true.
But oh well. Jessica isn't that interesting anyway (although I don't see many people being married at 21) so she probably has to make something up.
No. 112095
File (hide): 1432762018793.png (303.28 KB, 766x458, jesssss.png)
Jess went on a diet but didn't exercise which is why her legs were so skinny but not the rest of her and why she was cold, then she decided she didn't want to be on a diet anymore and got fat and now she's pretending she was ana for snowflake points. Jess go ahead and try again but lose weight with diet AND exercise this time and your legs will not look so disproportionate. U gadda do some squats.
No. 112096>>112099
>>112089She's a wannarexic. My guess is she wanted to lose some fat so went on a calorie controlled diet, which is what most people do. She lost some weight and thought she'd diagnose herself as being "restrictive" because she restricted calories…which is what you do on a normal diet.
I'm maintaining what I lost by restricting as in NOT EATING 3000 CALORIES A DAY or something like that. That is not an eating disorder.
Idk, this girl just pisses me of for wanting to be so edgy. You can tell she hasn't been married long because she writes MARRIED in her "about me" blurb and still posts lovey dovey photos. Give it a few years…
No. 112098>>112118
>>111981She fits into OFSED - maybe atypical anorexia. People use a BMI of 18.5 as the cut-off re: "healthy weight" so maybe she was hovering around that? Idk.'m so tired of people acting like anorexia nervosa is the gold star of eating disorders.
No. 112253>>112274
>>111981Wow, holy shit. Looks like she should have stuck with ""anorexia"".
Those massive thighs look like they're literally made out of cottage cheese.
No. 112285>>112292
>>112283hm, are there romantic pics. because i just know she would have taken hundreds if there was a BF so she could show off that a man actually would consider being with her. if its just a few selfies with him, he could just be a friend thats she lied about.
that or he has a tiny dick and wants a anorexic girl to make it feel bigger
No. 112296
>>112292that sends off red flags
i bet he just made a pity-friendship with her
and she asked for a selfie. then she turned around and tried to mak it look like a boyfriend because a guy actually was able to be within ten feet of her
No. 112366>>112372
Jess and TFC are by no means stunning, but I think if anyone were to come across that image they'd look at it and think "wow I'd rather have a tiny bit of chub than be a disgusting meth skeleton"
No. 112372
I actually wrote
>>112366 before I saw
>>112303Maybe some people really would rather look like a dead grandma.
No. 112384>>112386
File (hide): 1432787179743.jpg (52.71 KB, 640x640, zithead.jpg)
look at my sweet ~*Z.I.T*~
No. 112459>>112466>>112474>>112477>>112501>>112536
File (hide): 1432796743723.png (124.63 KB, 512x726, Screen Shot 2015-05-28 at 9.03…)
Oh boohoo.
She knew what would happen, there are enough people who were born without the ability to have children.
No. 112466
>>112459And the crazy train just keeps chuggin' along.
Does she realize she could, you know, adopt?
But Ash won't recover so there's no possible way she would get approved to adopt a child. (Not that I would honestly trust her with one.)
No. 112477>>112483
>>112459Oh please - "the one thing that made a being a woman real.. That made a woman powerful.. To create life.."
First of all, Ash, an ellipsis contains three small dots, not two. Your writing is appalling.
Second, I hate to break it to you, but the ability to "create life" requires more than just a woman. Good luck trying to make babby with no sperm.
Third, if you really think that being able to bear a child is THE defining feature of a woman, basic biology would like a word with you; if you think it's the defining feature of a powerful woman, history and the real modern fucking day world would like a word with you.
Also, boo hoo, actions have consequences. You knew this could happen if you starved yourself enough and you starved yourself anyway. Mental illness or no mental illness, you can't deny that you have SOME agency.
No. 112484>>112485
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No. 112501>>112505>>112506>>112529
File (hide): 1432813446993.png (66.23 KB, 501x450, Screen Shot 2015-05-28 at 1.41…)
>>112459I really wish she would stop saying that trans women and women that aren't able to get children aren't real women.
No. 112502>>112504>>112531>>112616
File (hide): 1432813537170.png (50.09 KB, 705x306, Screen Shot 2015-05-28 at 1.41…)
That's not really interesting but I always like it when people screenshot that stuff so I thought I'd do it.
No. 112504
>>112502If that grandparent comment is another attempt at being a snowflake, I hate to break it to you, Ash, but tons of kids are cared for by their (often retired) grandparents so that their parents can go to work and make money without having to pay for childcare.
She mentioned that her infertility is permanent and she's mentioned before that the muscle loss in her legs is permanent. I mean yeah it's obvious her body is fucked, but I wonder if she'll ever talk about any medical exams she's had, if any.
No. 112505
>>112501>being that is alive reporting inSorry, but I don't starve myself until my ovaries shrivel for the same reason I don't stuff myself until I'm a planet and have five labia for a crotch.
If she's so worthless since she can't breed anymore, then by her logic she ought to go die since she's just a waste of space. Of course she wouldn't, because deep down she knows there's more to living than reproducing. Her problem is that she doesn't know how to live. It's just easier to blame her lack of control on her infertility.
She's irresponsible.
No. 112531>>112644
>>112502Ketchup fixation = inability to menstruate :(
No. 112532
>>112507Yeah. It pisses me off how over here women can get £1000s worth of IVF treatment just because they're infertile when people with cancer can't get drugs because they're "too expensive".
Still, let's keep the little ladies in their place. Motherhood is what they were created for while the men rule the world.
No. 112626>>113000
File (hide): 1432835915872.jpg (246.17 KB, 1394x396, unnamed.jpg)
really sad
No. 112630>>112644
i wouldnt say it lubes up your throat, but bulimics go crazy for condiments because the food kind of soaks in it and get softer, thus easier to uh.. eliminate.
No. 112634
File (hide): 1432836442259.png (9.18 KB, 355x85, kreeplord.png)
New creepster?
No. 112642>>112646>>112686>>112737>>113644
File (hide): 1432836710090.jpg (51.94 KB, 750x562, ashtoy.jpg)
>>112437I'm sure someone would fuck her.
No. 112644
>>112630I still kind of like the interpretation in
>>112531Because then it implies something humorous about why she is eating the ketchup.
No. 112717>>112739>>112832>>112862 is going to ip again and this time it's one without tubes. she's freaking out obvs.
it's fucked that these treatment places use tubes and get women/girls hooked on them when it's really more effective to just take away privileges and readd them as people finish their meals.
tubes should just be used for cases of refeeding syndrome, that's what almost all the literature on ed treatment says. tubes and long ip stays breed institutionalization and revolving door patients.
No. 112750
File (hide): 1432846080323.jpg (12.48 KB, 250x250, tunes.JPG)
>>112742They certainly make it easier to breath if your nose is blocked up.
(sugar free!)
No. 112888>>112890>>112896
File (hide): 1432853716946.jpg (136.31 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg)
this is slightly off topic at this point, but this is the swelling constant purging produces. It doesn't really occurr in the cheeks, but rather the glands and jaw area.
No. 112972>>112974
File (hide): 1432861728529.jpg (53.77 KB, 491x392, facepalm.JPG)
Ashley dappled.
I wonder if she'd ever dapple with transgendering people?
No. 112978>>112980>>112981>>113018
File (hide): 1432862242889.jpg (80.04 KB, 640x640, littleoldlady.jpg)
>>112955This picture was taken the day before her 14th birthday. Poor thing is already aging prematurely. I really really hope she gets better before she looks like Ash.
No. 113000
File (hide): 1432865135274.jpg (17.65 KB, 280x280, 1420850619470.jpg)
>>112626>we end up decomposing anyway,(so why bother trying to get better?):DDI see what you did there.
Excellent life advice, ash.
No. 113018
File (hide): 1432866787421.jpg (86.59 KB, 600x905, f896edf18fd8bfd65899c59a11d4ba…)
>>112978OT but OMG she looks like a young Joseph Gordon-Levitt
No. 113027>>113042>>113049
File (hide): 1432867669930.jpg (109.46 KB, 640x640, 11265744_1398624347131783_4708…)
>>112955It's…interesting how she's fine with eating complete junk like poptarts, yet this is what her "dinners" look like.
No. 113049
>>113027I'm gonna guess poptarts are like a safe food for her…something that fills her up but isn't actually that caloric, and probably keeps other people off her back.
Also her diet looks a lot like mine growing up…I didn't have an ED but I had working parents in a poor rural area so I was left to my own devices for food a lot, so I usually went with endless amounts of pre-packaged junk. The only veggies we had would have been from a can so I would just eat cookies and chips and toaster strudels til I was full.
No. 113347
>>113346Awaiting the link ;)
I was checking out gummibear the other day. She'd started eating better things a while ago, but I notice now that it's all crappy cereal again :(
No. 113353>>113377
Oh dear. 7 kids. Sad.
> Girls, it catches up with you and it's a nightmare!Oh, man No. 113354>>113387
File (hide): 1432919069682.jpg (90.48 KB, 990x405, fucker.JPG)
Him again.
No. 113377
I'm so grateful for having a normal mother.
No. 113387>>113415
File (hide): 1432922823334.png (530.91 KB, 552x633, wut.png)
>>113354she is a mother of 7! this can't be real. someone's trolling.
No. 113399
>>113394Yep. Anon who posted the link said it's the friend of gummibearprincess who died.
She was 38 and has 7 kids.
No. 113403>>113405
File (hide): 1432924419714.png (103.13 KB, 410x613, sad.png)
She thought she had more time, apparently. Sad.
No. 113410>>113417>>113422
File (hide): 1432924834175.jpg (91.45 KB, 921x531, like this.JPG)
>>113407She should've known better to stop posting pics like this.
No. 113411>>113499
File (hide): 1432924937882.png (502.49 KB, 1022x613, glamorizing.png)
Wow. Considering the people who followed her…this type of content is no bueno. But I guess her thinking became irrational towards the end.
No. 113415
File (hide): 1432925356625.gif (974.72 KB, 350x185, tumblr_n8de0tlol61skn2pno1_400…)
>>113387Is one of her kids … SammyClassicSonicFan?
No. 113416>>113459
File (hide): 1432925407170.jpg (45.58 KB, 521x409, 1.JPG)
I'm guessing these are implants?
No. 113514
>>113502She mentions renal problems.
I think the swelling is the thing that makes her look younger than Ashley. You don't get to see her skull.
>>113499Yeah, but there're going to be some who think she's ~heroic~ because she died to be skinny.
No. 113517>>113538
File (hide): 1432933736308.jpg (107.22 KB, 455x604, deadskinny.jpg)
No. 113523>>113526
>>113520Don't feel bad, I did the same.
I guess my race disqualifies any mental illness I might be suffering from currently :]
No. 113570>>113575>>113590
File (hide): 1432937894395.jpg (78.58 KB, 569x548, 3.JPG)
23 hours ago, questtorecovery had only THREE sprouts on her plate!!!
No. 113571
File (hide): 1432937942665.jpg (70.38 KB, 578x591, 6.JPG)
No need to panic, however…today she was back to SIX.
No. 113590>>113601>>113604>>113608>>113670
File (hide): 1432939740142.jpg (219.27 KB, 1021x606, ohgodonly3.jpg)
>>113570>>113574>>113575People, read! Kek. So we have an explanation. Now someone please explain to me how cutting out veggies/fiber helps at all with recovering from a stomach flu.
No. 113606>>113607>>113609>>113611
File (hide): 1432942522322.png (873.08 KB, 1440x2103, Screenshot_2015-05-29-19-11-12…)
Poor dead lady's instagram makes me feel so uncomfortable. She was very proud of her bones and I'm sure she inspired an army of proanas (and those fetishists, fuuuuck… the bone pics make me a little angry tbh, buuut her disease killed her, which makes me feel pity.
No. 113608>>113613>>113616
>>113590Wouldn't the lactose and fake sugar from the diet yoghurt irritate her tummy as well? Or do the probiotics in yogurt make it a good choice?
No. 113609
>>113606This shit needs a
trigger warning, just threw up in my mouth
No. 113619>>113633
>>113612Wait, is there a Mumia Abu Jamal ice cream flavor? Or is it Mumia Flava themed? XD
Has anybody here ever imagined what a hybrid of Aly and Ash would sound like? "This joyful child just finished these 24 giant, LUSH Krispy Kremes, no thanks to my mother, who made me take a taxi. Enjoy delish foods! My toilet is going to hate me, lolol"
No. 113630
>>113611She was proud of her legs. I found it difficult to feel pity for her. She liked to show off her body and my only sadness is for her kids. She should know better than to post those pics, especially considering the usernames and the comments of people who liked the pics.
She's dead so no longer suffering, but shit, those kids have no mother and they're so young.
No. 113635>>113650
File (hide): 1432945122601.jpg (121.62 KB, 1011x597, pft.JPG)
This made me think of Ash. Okay, it's wrong if people go up to her and ask if she's anorexic, but if you look like that on a beach people are going to be curious.
Also…that fucking fetishist.
No. 113670
>>113590Kek, "taking it easy".
Having 3 Brussels sprouts instead of 6 doesn't impact the stomach one bit.
No. 113691>>113743>>117408>>117413>>117414
>>113611In her posts she mentions her teenage daughter is the one taking those revealing photos of her bones. I cannot imagine having your
child do thinspo photo shoots with you grinning and flashing your body parts at the camera. Horrible. That is inexcusable, period.
No. 113743>>113744>>113771
>>113691Right? And she keeps saying things that imply that her daughter likes her bones. What the fuck even is that?
"When Emileigh is taking pictures of my bones!"
"Emileigh loves me and my bones!"
Like what the fuck. Is it part of her anorexia to imagine her daughter loved seeing her mother emaciated or what?
No. 113755>>113786>>113901
>>113744Definitely. Physical brain damage plus delusion. She must have totally lost her mind. I've heard of psychiatrists prescribing antipsychotic drugs for anorexia, maybe off label? It makes sense because in severe cases their perception becomes so distorted it really is like being out of touch with reality the way someone with psychosis is.
This woman only developed anorexia seven years ago and died. Maybe because she got it later in life her older body couldn't handle that kind of stress. I wonder if the fact that Ashley started young might mean her body got used to enduring chronic starvation from an early age and adapted somehow. But even she won't last much longer. Usually the famous long term anorexia cases die by their 30s or earlier.
No. 113783
File (hide): 1432962033889.png (22.12 KB, 707x318, whoasksthat.png)
I feel so bad for her kids.
No. 113791>>113924>>113952
File (hide): 1432962571265.png (21.31 KB, 729x228, elissa.png)
No. 113798>>113799
>>113793the joke
your head
No. 113800>>113824
File (hide): 1432963438525.png (22.71 KB, 526x396, elissa2.png)
this is missijulia's 14 year old daughter. this is what i'm scared of for erika's kids.
No. 113831>>113834
>>113799so the whole fish
tw thing went over your head as well.
besides, which one is it, are you saging or are you this grandma chan?
No. 113834
>>113831Racist grandma-chan is too busy running around talking care of her kids to be
triggered by fish.
No. 113901>>113977>>113993
>>113755They prescribe it a lot, there was a study going on on a unit in one of Ottawa's larger hospitals. IIRC, they're still prescribing olanzapine and studying it. Also, dr Bissada is a nasty prick. I'm totally not biased or anything, LOL.'s not just there, but this is an example where they're prescribing ALL the patients olanzapine. Not for any delusions, though (those kind of go as the brain gets starved). Of course antipsychotics make anorectics gain weight and "feel calmer." They make most people gain weight and feel calm in the sense that they're sluggish as hell. The happiness part? Maybe from the brain getting more nourishment from more eating and weight gain. But if that's what it takes to start recovery, it's not useless. The side-effects are troubling, but that could be said for a lot of drugs.
That lady's kids will be fucked up for life. I hope they're doing what ash is always telling us what we should be doing: seeking professional help.
That shit with her thinking her kids loved her bones is nightmare fuel.
No. 113924>>113960
>>113793Someone had a humour bypass.
>>113791YOUR body, YOUR choice. Heard that somewhere before.
No. 113928
File (hide): 1432982077252.jpg (11.71 KB, 150x200, image.jpg)
I had a dream last night that both Quirky and Ash died of heart attacks.
No. 113952>>113962
>>113791Holy shit. How was anorexia NOT the reason she died?? Of course it was! She may have had heart problems, but they were almost definitely inflicted or worsened by anorexia.
Poor girl is going to develop an eating disorder just like her mother with that attitude.
No. 113962>>113976
>>113952I kind of admire how they're dealing with their mum's death. I think I'd feel a lot of anger towards her initially. Idk. Must've been one helluva dysfunctional family set up. Did she even have help looking after them?
As for Ashley, I stand by my theory she's a genetic mutant.
No. 113974
>>113965This reminded me of an old wife swap.
What’s more Jackie is an avid “sun gazer,” staring at the sun twice a day for 8-10 minutes at a time. She believes the practice suppresses her appetite, allowing her to consume fewer of the earth’s resources.
So Ashley is saving the world. Duh.
No. 113993>>113996>>114002>>114035>>114064
>>113901i could not be more against giving olanzapine/zyprexa to anorexics. i did a study at NY psych institute, in exchange for free treatment (medical monitoring and therapy) i had to take a olanzapine or a placebo. I got olanzapine and id never felt worse in my life. it made me gain weight, but i wasn't "happier", i wanted to kill myself and i couldn't wake up in the morning to save my life. "sluggish" didn't cover it. i had to drop out of the study, or i was going to have to drop out of grad school. fuck zyprexa, terrible drug.
and yea, doctors prescribe antipsychotics "off label" too much. every inmate on rikers island is offered seroquel, its absurd.
No. 114051>>114056>>114388
>>114035I don't think zyprexa is what necessarily makes people gain weight, it just gives them a huge appetite. My brother is schizophrenic and takes zyprexa, he eats all day long but when he goes on vacation with my parents he loses a shit ton of weight cause they're busy visiting places and shit so he doesn't eat as much as he would at home.
So yeah, you're right, they can't. They just stuff patients with olanzapine so they can coerce them into doing what they want more easily since it makes people much slower, I doubt they use it only to increase their appetite since there are much better drugs (with less side effects) to do that job.
No. 114056
>>114051All of the anti psychotic/anti depression drugs I've been on made me gain weight because as
>>114051 says they all gave me the munchies. I'd wake up in the middle of the night and stuff my face with cakes I had stashed in my drawer in the hospital (not ED). I found that after a while you lose the increase in appetite, but fuck yes, they make you want to eat.
No. 114069>>114102>>114110
File (hide): 1433011834247.jpg (77.67 KB, 516x404, atleastihavechicken.jpg)
Oh gosh, we're back to being harassing bullies, I guess.
I think the sad thing about this is that it makes Ash's brain damage very obvious. We already know that she doesn't know what "confession" means, but this shows she doesn't know what "coward" means either.
Mocking someone in a wheelchair is an asshole move, not a cowardly one. Though we mock her wheelchair because she's the idiot who put herself in it.
My favorite part of this is that she says "apparently there is a group of anonymous users on a forum" as if she doesn't F5 this as fast as her boney finger allows.
No. 114102>>114103
>>114069I thought she was perfectly health though?
And who's said anything about the wheelchair?
No. 114110>>114111>>114116>>114126>>114348>>114535
File (hide): 1433015985857.png (105.9 KB, 501x660, Screen Shot 2015-05-30 at 9.53…)
>>114069Oh, look whose back.
Just search for the word wheelchair in this thread… we didn't say anything really.
I don't know, Ashley just became boring. I'd rather talk about Aly.
No. 114125
File (hide): 1433017881808.jpg (64.56 KB, 537x399, image.jpg)
No. 114126
>>114110Oh stfu, Ashley. You're just too boring.
As for your wheelchair and ~disability ~ my uncle has been paralyzed from the neck down for three decades. He can't even get up to do selfies in department stores. We laugh at you because you're a fucking clown and not because your leg muscles have atrophied because you refuse treatment.
Sorry there's not much talk about you going on here but you're so incredibly dull and not at all special as you seem to think you are.
No. 114143
>>114140Yes! Usually everyone gets supported from all sites as soon as something happens and with Ashley it's completely quiet.
I mean I know she has tons of followers but they don't care about her, they only care about her illness. Also, she doesn't really have friends anymore and stopped posting pictures of things people sent to her.
No. 114200>>114204
File (hide): 1433023776303.jpg (11.26 KB, 377x61, she didnt miss you.JPG)
Yeah, I think the farm was ignoring Ashley too. Thread was stuck on page 3 for a while.
Looks like a few people aren't paying her much attention recently.
No. 114227
>>114204So creepy.
>>114220I don't understand why Erika keeps on being brought up. It only makes Ash attack her when she's discussed here.
No. 114358>>114473
File (hide): 1433036384414.jpg (61.22 KB, 640x480, image.jpg)
No. 114388>>114391>>114537
>>114051Neuroleptics are the devil. Especially when used as "chemical restraints." I've never experienced it, but I've witnessed it.
I support prescribing them to people who are prone to florid psychosis, but I feel sorry for them for having to take them, with all the side effects and that one one.. was it seroquel? That was shown to cause diabetes. At my county's CMH, a lot of the schizophrenics have to go in and get the shit injected so they bypass the pills altogether.
So many psych ward patients are so drugged up that they never leave their rooms. I was in a hospital where they weren't neuroleptic happy with the ED patients unless they also had BPD. They always get it. A nurse told me that the ED patients were lucky because they never got the "bad" patients as roommates, because they never left their rooms, and the ED patient rooms were locked for hours after meals.)
I'm surprised that Remeron/Mirtazepine isn't pushed on ED patients more often. I gained 20 lbs both times I was on it. One doctor claimed that the hunger goes away at higher dosages, but I wasn't willing to find out. Veterinarians prescribe it for pets who won't eat.
No. 114481>>114482>>114485>>114495>>114529>>114531>>114535>>114569>>114603
>>110823>>111981Oh hi, the infamous Jess here. Stumbled across those anon tumblr asks and remembered this Ash dramu over here on lolcow.
WaveAlso not sure what that owl IG account is, because it's not connected to me. Surprise, lots of people have the name Jess?
Not that anyone cares, but I never claimed to have anorexia. Sure, I tagged anorexia recovery on tumblr, but that's because the symptoms of anorexia are closest to my symptoms with EDNOS (because professionals like to make catch-all diagnoses that aren't actually descriptive). And yes, a BMI of 17.8 is underweight, thanks for the professional input of what my weight is ;)
If you couldn't tell, that post is rather old, and I've been doing other things since then, so 'grats on lurking through random tumblrs. Way to prove you've got a fulfilling life.
No. 114529>>114632
>>114481right, because the BMI is completely accurate in determining whether you are under- or overweight.
judging by your pics, it looks more like your lack of musclemass tipped the scale in that direction.
>the infamous Jessis that what you're trying to be? that's sad.
No. 114535
>>114481Lol, no1curr fatty. Protip: don't come her to defend yourself, it only makes you seem like a pathetic, attention seeking twat. Or were you too busy sucking Ash's shriveled up skeleton clit to lurk before you posted?
>>114110She's just trying to get more people to feel sorry for her. "Oh this awful anonymous forum that I JUST FOUND RIGHT NOW is making fun of me for using a wheelchair! abloobloo!" When in reality she's the one who put herself in a wheelchair and this thread is obviously focused on her damaging and self riteous delusional behavior more than anything else.
No. 114537
>>114388My child psychiatrist must have really hated me then. I was at a normal weight but talked constantly about how fat I thought I was and how unhappy I was with my self image.
She prescribed me both seroquel(sp?) and remeron. I gained 40 pounds and spiraled even deeper into depression and self loathing. (I still haven't lost all the weight and I still hate myself. BDD anon here.)
sage for OT
No. 114569
>infamous I don't even remember a Jess being discussed here.
Was that the one who was desperate for some "before and after I went on a crash diet" attention?
No. 114603
>>114481"Way to prove you've got a fulfilling life"
*obsessively likes every last thing that spoopy skeleton posts on tumblr because ~~ana goalz~~*
No. 114852>>114897>>115052
File (hide): 1433119056700.jpg (507.24 KB, 1026x612, bikinis.jpg)
Miss Sprout bought bikinis but still feels fat in them. Full caption:
"Here are my bathing suits I got yesterday! I was literally so excited ?
I would've never even glanced at the pink suit before I relapsed, because my body type would've never looked good in it. But my mom saw it and said "you never know until you try it on", and thankfully it fit! So now I'm set for the hot Texas summers. It'll be a challenge to wear these but honestly, I don't think I would feel good in them if I weighed 0 pounds so I'm just gonna wear them like any other teenage girl.
Hope yall are doing well!"
This girl is annoying as hell but I really feel bad for her and her mother for having to put up with Sprout's ED and her brother's Down Syndrome. And I think her mom is single?
She's been posting new stuff like Frapps (albeit the mini size) and some different stuff in her grocery hauls like Trix cereal and Cheerios which made me think she may be actually making steps to recover, but then she admitted to starting to restrict and revert to a lower daily calorie intake. Maybe having only 3 sprouts will become a thing now?
No. 114858
File (hide): 1433119845247.png (57.25 KB, 900x705, 3074154 _d1048a708a9a092dc9474…)
>>114855breakin the rules
No. 114888>>115052
>>114886I am more bothered by her habit of putting a random blob of nut butter on her plate. What the hell does she do with that? She also never eats a full serving (2 tbs) of nut butter. She's said those blobs are 1/2 tbs each.
Her mother should sneak into Sprout's stash of pb when she's asleep and stir in some protein powder or something. Anything to get some extra calories in that girl.
No. 114897>>114906
>>114852i actually really like the pink bikini…wonder where it's from?
>>114873judging from the photo that was posted a few threads back of her by the door with the wheelchair in the background, i have no doubt that it's because it is a mess. just from that small shot alone, we saw heaps of shit piled up by the door with just enough room to walk through. i figure the whole apartment is like that.
No. 114905>>114925
File (hide): 1433124824634.png (104.14 KB, 412x610, wtf.png)
Who the hell is this chick giving sprouts girl advice on how to be a better anorexic??
No. 114925>>114937
>>114905hard telling. i can't keep up with half of these damn girls anymore. there's so many of them out there.
>>114906should've known. none around me so here's to hoping i can get it online, but thank you!
No. 115052
>>114888I cba to look through all her captions, but recently she posted about how whatever she eats has to have x% of protein, x% carb etc. She isn't only obsessing over calories, it's all the nutritional content she thinks about. Maybe a full serving of peanut butter would have too much protein.
>>114852She can severely reduce calorie intake by leaving out 3 waterlogged sprouts! (In her head anyway).
No. 115111
File (hide): 1433169307644.jpg (21.85 KB, 481x328, 7.jpg)
>>115110…what a bitch, lol.
No. 115122>>115125>>115126
File (hide): 1433171576417.jpg (352.92 KB, 1029x616, cps.jpg)
Was lolcow even mentioned? This was posted an hour ago. Seems someone got CPS involved. Was it an anon from here who did it? Sprout seems to think it was from Instagram, but I don't think she's ever given out enough information about herself for someone to be able to contact them.
No. 115134
>>115133Good question. I think FL social services are probs overwhelmed with elder a use and Ashley is an adult and her refusal to get threat meant might be seen as a choice.
Is the anon who faxed a report still reading? Maybe she/he can follow up?
No. 115138>>115142>>115274
Just posted on Sprout's IG:
"Ok, so here's what happened.
To all of you saying that it can't be someone from here- The cps guy blatantly told me it was someone from Instagram who called. That is such a violation of my life. Yes, I put everything out here for 5000 people to see. But I make it clear that my mom is aware of what's going on, that's she's doing her best, I'm doing my best, and I'm working through this. I am literally shaking with anger right now. This has always been my therapeutic outlet and now an idiot ( I'm 99% sure I know who it is) who is just as disordered as me decided to take that trust and safety away. I literally have nothing now. I have no friends and tbh I can't trust anyone until the person who called decides to buck up and tell me it was them. I just want to know who it was so I can trust everyone else on this account again.
I am fed, I have plenty of food and water and I have a roof over my head. I have a closet full of clothes and tons of electronics and books. I am well taken care of. It offends me beyond belief that someone took the time to decide to interfere. None of you (Except the one person who I met in person that I love beyond belief @muscularmermaid and the girls from treatment) know me or my mom or my situation. You assume and fill in the blanks in your own head, which is totally stupid to me. Only asses assume.
This may sound very arrogant, but imho, this was not well intentioned. We all know how competitive these illnesses are, and I believe that the person that did this is trying to get back at me, either for my weight or calorie amount or me not being in treatment.
Both my mom and I were shocked. Now she's late to work and upset, I'm upset, and I honestly feel so alone and frustrated right now.
My dad may get called, which in turn, could result in him filing for sole custody. So even if this was well intentioned, it can very well have screwed up my life.
I will no longer post on this account until whoever did this decides to grow a pair and come tell em. I won't be mad. But i cannot be open and honest here anymore until I know who did it and their reasons for it. Continued ⬇️ This is awful and I'm feeling so many emotions right now- shock, anger, sadness, hurt. I also love the fact that some people told me its my fault- that I brought this on by posting on this account. The only thing I have posted is basically that I have an ED. I don't think that warrants anyone calling child protective services, do you? Yes, my mom and I have fights. But that's normal for a teenage girl. Same with my brother. My mom has done everything in her power to help me and I know that if she had a magic cure, she would make this all go away.
Whoever did this, please tell me. I won't make it public, I won't say who you are, hey, I may not even respond. I just want to know so I can trust using this account again.
I thank everyone for the kind comments, messages, and texts/calls. For now, I can't use this account. I don't want to have to watch and over analyze everything I say for any possible interpretations of abuse or neglect.
Thank you to everyone who has stuck by me. I'm always just a message/text away."
No. 115143>>115145
>>115142I was going to post something like that. She just isn't getting the point of WHY someone should be concerned.
Maybe it's the best thing that could happen to her in the long run. She isn't dealing with her ED by herself.
>We all know how competitive these illnesses arespeaks volumes
No. 115149
File (hide): 1433173731063.jpg (54.75 KB, 249x171, sprout.jpg)
Until you return, Little Sprout, we hope your quality of life and health improves. ~stay strong~
No. 115151>>115152>>115162
>>115142Her underweight stature might be an issue, but honestly, I think she makes a good point in that a CPS agent is going to see she has food, water, and clothes and say she's fine. I really doubt they're going to do more than talk to her once.
However, if her father does sue for sole custody, the investigation will help his case. No idea what the issue with her father is though.
No. 115168 only removes children when it is necessary to protect them from abuse or neglect. This happens when there are no reasonable efforts that will keep children safe in their homes. With a court order, CPS can remove children when they are unsafe and the family is unable to make the changes needed to keep them safe. Depending on what is going on with the family, CPS may get a court order to remove children or it may remove children before getting a court order.
Sounds like CPS thought it was pretty serious.
No. 115172
>>115162but mental health is another ball game really.
people tread around it. no one wants to be the guy who intervenes on someone else's kid, because they are fucked in the head. thats just insulting to the parents
im not saying its right, but it happens.
the people closest to the issue are the last people to grasp the severity of it
No. 115173>>116892
>>115133"why the fuck is CPS immediately jumping on Sprout but it's taking an act of God for APS to check up on Ashley?"
Assuming Ash hasn't been deemed terminal.. id imagine its bc Sprout is a minor, and Ash is an adult. CPS responds much faster to calls about minors under 16. Its all underfunded and understaffed, and it varies by state when it comes to response time and how much they give a damn.
However, most states have 2 phone #s to report abuse. 1 for the general public, and 1 for mandated reporters(doctors, teachers, psychs, etc). I happen to be a mandated reporter. Im in NY, not FL, but if you guys feel that it might make a difference, i'll call the mandated reporter line for Ash, give them my license # and info, and they might take it more seriously. I believe it was said a few threads ago, the more reports made, the bigger her case becomes, the more likely something will be done about it. If the general consensus is that a call from a mandated reporter who's willing to give APS their license # and explain why they're extremely concerned will help, i'll do it. But i need specific info laid out for me to make the call. Obv i have her name, but address, and any/all other relevant info to illustrate abuse/neglect. I suspect mom is her rep payee, and if she's not getting her REAL psych/medical help with that $$, that should put some wheels in motion, bc it'd be considered welfare fraud. Sad they'd care more about welfare fraud than ash's life, but whatever works, i guess.
No. 115175>>115178
>>115110Why are cows so thirsty for us lately? Raven begging our attention again, Ash eliminating her ED competitors.
Little sprout, if you are reading this my mild OCD gets very happy that you have exactly six sprouts all the time. Its beautiful consistency just like the OCDelicious pics that Aly takes.
No. 115188>>115192
>>115176Possibly. It'd make a change from the 70 stone teenager/obese benefits stories.
>>115184Definitely this. He probably wouldn't pander to her BS like her mum does (understandable if she has a Down's child too).
No. 115240>>115248>>115383
File (hide): 1433185656380.jpg (103.76 KB, 500x667, tumblr_nndgmdfbej1tpkttho1_500…)
I don't know if anyone here has seen her around, but there's a girl named Amy (littleamycat on Insta/Tumblr) who's at a BMI of, like, 11 and constantly glamorizes her ED – saying she feels positive/her life has improved since she lost weight, she "doesn't even feel tired", etc. Also used to post thinspo of herself under the URL teenie-tottie.
She has/had thousands of followers but was extremely public about her issues too, including mentioning the exact names of her treatment team. She even bragged about how she's "really good at hiding things and lying" (faking her weight and not admitting to anyone that she's overexercising and not eating) so I made a throwaway email and linked someone from her team to proof that she's lying to stay out of inpatient. She remade all her accounts after that, oops.
I just hate when girls are offered a shitload of help (she's been with ANITT in Scotland for a year or two) and take it for granted and lie to people trying to help them.
No. 115250
File (hide): 1433186977311.jpg (165.86 KB, 1536x2048, image.jpg)
Saw this posting on Erika's account lol
No. 115253>>115254
File (hide): 1433187155276.jpg (264.08 KB, 1536x2048, image.jpg)
Ew, she has a lot of sick followers based on their names
No. 115300>>115304>>115307>>115308
Here's something pretty fucked up, since we're going in that direction. I went to school with a girl who so obviously had some kind of eating disorder (kids called her Skeletor, natch) but who always insisted she didn't, of course. She was very nice and quiet but also worked really hard and I think she was 1st or 2nd in her graduating class. Then she went to college and apparently stopped talking to all of her friends, and no one ever heard from her again, until she died a few years ago from pneumonia. So I'm gonna assume the ED was pretty severe and weakened her enough for pneumonia to kill her. When I heard she died I went hunting for any trace of her online to get an idea of what her life had been like since high school, and the only thing I could find were her entries in this suuuuuper fucked up diet forum, where dieters do "80/10/10" vegan dieting with 80% calories coming from carbs in raw fruit and the remaining 20% from raw plant-based proteins and fats. Except in her profile she noted she was going "90/5/5" which I assume means she was trying to survive on nothing but raw fruit essentially.
Real sad that she died, she was a really bright and nice person. Her profile on that diet sight offers a lot of insight into how fucked up the disease is. And I think the fact that she closed herself off after high school (and I'm not even sure she held a job after she graduated, her obit didn't say anything about what she did after college) speaks to how isolating it is. No. 115307>>115310>>115311
>>11530080/10/10 is not fucked up, though. Not even 90/5/5 if done correctly. It's also more of a lifestyle than a diet - the thing is that every diet can be unhealthy if done incorrectly/ restricting/ etc. You get the idea.
I feel sorry for this girl, but please don't go around saying it's fucked up when you have obviously no idea of the concept! I'm happy and healthy and eat 80/10/10 and so do a lot of other people.
No. 115339>>115390
File (hide): 1433196230672.jpg (13.46 KB, 410x84, twit.JPG)
Sprout's had daddy issues for a while it seems.
No. 115342
>>115341Since my diet, there're things I avoid like ice cream and cakes but I think that's healthy? Not a ~fear foods~ thing. I avoid fried food, but there's so much you can eat that won't make you gain weight.
I hope you get to deal with it. I get exhausted even looking at the energy others put into planning.
No. 115345
File (hide): 1433196598635.jpg (18.53 KB, 580x110, twit2.JPG)
This makes me think eek
No. 115361>>115365
File (hide): 1433197816445.jpg (54.39 KB, 473x570, lol.JPG)
There you go, Ash. A mention for today.
No. 115392
>>115341True true
The food becomes everything, even more than body image
The ocd aspect of it takes over. The first thing I think on waking is -food- followed by -I'm so fucking tired of this I don't feel like the rituals I'm about to do for 3 hours-
No. 115399>>115401
File (hide): 1433202450397.jpg (34.86 KB, 376x500, 10769221982a12829646800l.jpg)
She looked better before her ED
No. 115401
>>115399A lot of them do. :/
It's sad…
No. 115416>>115460>>115957
File (hide): 1433203608858.png (564.6 KB, 600x600, a1.png)
>>115411shit meant to post this one
No. 115425>>115429>>115437
>>115419yeah. i've seen it mentioned a couple of times, but it's someone wanting to make it known or they think they're being funny by bringing it up.
the only way it would be relevant to anything said about her would be her having issues with him
because he was gay. i don't think that would be it, so we'll just leave it be.
No. 115429>>115437
>>115425i'm getting the impression that that's
why the person who brings it up keeps doing so? in which case that's fucked up. we know the girl needs help, that's enough.
No. 115446>>116168
File (hide): 1433205685623.jpg (89.13 KB, 938x578, e.JPG)
>>115437Doesn't look like she has an issue here.
No. 115475
>>115437i understand your intentions.
when parents separate, one can handle it pretty badly (been there, done that), especially given the situation. it's a unique one, but not uncommon. peers can definitely be cruel when it comes to such, which can add on to a lot of things.
but unless it's something she has specifically said or even acknowledged as being the case, i'd just let it be.
>>115460it's amazing what 5 minutes fiddling around on photoshop can do. just ashamed i have more. :/
No. 115524
>>115507Don't worry, anon. I do, too. That or "pound".
Referring to it as "hashtag" is so foreign for me, even though it has been a
thing for several years now.
No. 115626>>115679>>115703
File (hide): 1433235447272.png (18.78 KB, 583x113, Screenshot 2015-06-02 at 2.25.…)
>>115605If I was in charge of Sprout's treatment I'd only change some little things and it'd make quite a difference.
No more 'Weight Watchers', 'Lean Cuisine', 'Light and Fit', she can have her frozen dinners and yogurts but she can't just rely on brands that make her feel skinny. Probably swap the yogurts out for Fage 2% and the Amy's Light and Leans for the full-calorie Amy's meals.
Also this made me cringe.
No. 115699
File (hide): 1433254644069.jpg (10.81 KB, 180x240, ootd.jpg)
No. 115737>>115741>>115751>>115838
File (hide): 1433265930168.png (61.56 KB, 709x422, Screenshot 2015-06-02 at 12.25…) one claims in the comments of questtorecovery's photo explaining everything that her mom got a CPS call the same day as she did.
Looking from her posts, she does the same thing quest does, which is posting low-calorie stuff as meals and "fear foods". 90% of it is individually packaged.
ally_beats_ed isn't a lolcow but she commented on the situation, see pic.
No. 115741>>115761>>115784
File (hide): 1433266540075.png (573.29 KB, 603x610, Screenshot 2015-06-02 at 12.34…)
>>115737She does the serving size stuff too. Here we see exactly 3/4 cup of French Toast Crunch, which is 110 calories. For breakfast.
Confused as to why Ash would pick her along with Sprout to report though. She doesn't even have 50 followers.
No. 115751>>115761>>116083
>>115737the other person who got a call is friends with ash?
I guess the creepy phone call in the night is ash's weapon.
No. 115761
>>115741Ew, I hate those things. The crunch is awful. I must have ~sensitive teeth~
>>115751She says she's up all night. I'm an insomniac but I prefer to read, watch films or make crafts rather than make phone calls to places to fuck up others lives.
>>115753Her ig's still private so looks like Ash, I mean the person who called CPS, hasn't come forward yet. I didn't think I'd ever say it, but I miss her Greek yogurt and 6 sprouts.
No. 115762
File (hide): 1433269795399.jpg (13.9 KB, 628x56, eilish.JPG)
…but we haven't heard the last.
No. 115798
>>115784an orthorexia would not be eating sugary cereals.
>can understand weighing everything on a food scale >but 1 serving of everything seems oddwhat ? if it werent measured in servings, then how would your weighed out 36.7 grams of cereal or 128mL of milk be relative to anything? we get the calorie count from serving size thats on the label, so its easier to just obsessive over serving size
No. 115927>>115933
>>115915She's like the love child of Sprout and Aly.
Also why do these "recovering" girls always post pictures of food? It's kind of sad…
No. 115930
>>115915Holy shit it's all carbs with a side of carbs.
I never thought I'd said, but someone get this girl a Quest bar. She needs protein.
No. 115933>>116043
>>115927I found her because she'd commented on one of aly's posts!
Oh, she DOES eat Quest bars. It's a requirement. wonder why they take pictures of food. Maybe looking at it makes them feel better for eating so little. Miss blueberry at least makes the effort and does little faces with her food, Quest and Ben & Jerry's certainly get 80% of their profits from ana chicks if Ig's anything to go by.
No. 115935>>115941
She's very into presentation, as are 99% of them these statistics are fact, not me making them up)
No. 115954
File (hide): 1433284696035.png (543 KB, 1025x536, Screenshot 2015-06-02 at 5.37.…)
Diet Coke is recovery
No. 116145>>116156>>116158>>116165
File (hide): 1433306973493.png (489.16 KB, 609x615, Screenshot 2015-06-02 at 11.48…)
In other news, shinebright_4life has a mini Frapp, possibly in memory of Sprout.
No. 116179
>>116161It's weird; so many ED girls are willing to live off carbs/sugar and use fat-free products despite all the documentaries you think they would've seen telling them sugar is the devil.
Not saying they need anything more to restrict, but it's a thing I see. I never see girls eat almonds, pork rinds, or other low-calorie-but-have-some-fat snacks.
No. 116181>>116186>>116256>>116283>>116319>>116347
>>116165I work at Starbucks and the only people I ever see get 'mini' Frapps are the girls who are waif thin and probably have EDs, or a mother getting one for a young kid.
Everyone else who is above size zero, even if they're pretty skinny has the venti S'mores or Caramel or other secret menu bullshit with extra whip and a cookie straw.
(It's not goddamn coffee, it's dessert.)
No. 116256>>116300
>>116181whether you need the calories or are already overweight, no one should be drinking venti frappuccinos. i mean unless you wanna consume half your daily calories (or more) in one beverage then be my guest.
and dont tell me "boohoo muh occasional treat" bitches drink this daily
No. 116257
you can't make someone -want- to do something.
and even when they have begun to gain weight doesn't mean they want to.
No. 116304>>116337
>>116300oh you poor soul
there's so much better out there that's way more delicious and healthy…but to each their own.
No. 116319
>>116310a venti (24 fl. oz) mocha frappuccino prepared the usual way (with whole milk and whipped cream) is 520 calories.
It bugs me when people refer to drinks like that as "coffee" Yeah there's some espresso in there somewhere but it's mainly sugar and milk and more sugar in the flavored syrups.
I have an acquaintance in her mid 30's with some mental delays and she drinks one of those every day like it's her daily coffee. She even says, "It's time to go get my coffee." All of her meals are from the mall food court and she weighs almost 300lbs. She lives with her dad and needs extra help but he just ignores her. But anyway, enough of that tangent.
>>116181I'm 5'7" and 125lbs and I can't see myself ever ordering a venti frapp. If I'm going to treat myself, a Tall is more than satisfying. I am far from being considered a "waif" too.
No. 116321>>116378
>>116310Frappuccinos seem to be the rage (I don't know, I don't ever drink there since I just brew my coffee at home), but from what I can gather on the site, the "lights" can start at 180, then the others can work their way up to 640, all depending on the size of course. (a compiled list of drinks that are graded along with the nutrition facts about each drink)
I'll never understand the craze over Starbucks. I've only tried it once and got sick to my stomach from drinking half of a grande sized frappuccino. Just way too sweet and nauseating.
Sorry for straying this thread OT some more. :/
Anyone have any updates on the girls?
No. 116347
>>116181Cookie straws are a thing? How do i get those, that sounds awesome
>>116340Prizes are ridiculous. And they are calorie bombs. But i agree i love my occasional caramel cappuchino
No. 116358>>116363
>>116340No idea. I get that they're packed with calories but what the hell were you expecting from a frappucino? A liquid salad?
Imo they're nice every once in a while, I usually get them at the airport whenever I go somewhere which is like once every few months. Just like all other junk food.
No. 116363
now you're making me want one
No. 116366>>116368>>116376
>>116340I can say I do prefer Costa Coffee over here in the UK, prices aren't that much different. But the iced coffee drinks, they do a hell of a bigger selection than Starbucks too, you get more than you pay for. Plus, I think the coffee is nicer? Costa should be everywhere me thinks ~
Do wish the UK would start doing green tea fraps and all these funky ass drinks going down in the states!!!! We NEVER get those here :(
I mean I went to Turkey and they were doing kiwi flavor! They never do that in the summer here :(
No. 116371>>116377
>>116369SAME! The Nero's right next door to Costa here, and if Costa's too packed I go without rather than go to Nero. Their coffee's really bitter.
One downside to my nearest Costa, on Sunday they let this corn again christian group upstairs to sing Jesus songs.
No. 116376>>116380>>116381>>116465
>>116366My country has Costa too! But aside from coffee art they never do anything special. And it's usually for rich daddy's money kids here because it's kinda pricey (loleasterneurope).
I went to Hungary last year and they had a Starbucks, I wanted to try it but my boyfriend dragged me away because it's a ~basic white girl coffee place~ and he's 'not gay'.
I wanna try it for the hype if nothing else, but I'll be making my coffee at home aside from that. Too much €.
No. 116378>>116384>>116559
File (hide): 1433356162159.jpg (73.73 KB, 595x548, update.JPG)
>>116321The joyous child is still gaining and looking at food like it's a dog turd, recolapse girl isn't posting, Little Sprout is still private, Erika shaved her hair off.
No. 116380
>>116376Really? You're lucky, only at Christmas time when it was dead (no queues) did I ever get a coffee art! The guy did me a pretty heart, so sweet. Shame I drank it up.
Nah, I see SB as just a coffee shop. I hate the stupid 'basic white girl' stereotype thing going on. Even LUSH and it's bath bombs have earned themselves a name over on tumblr and I just… no, no.
Next time you see SB, just go in. Buy yourself something nice. Good coffee, also they charge extra whenever they get a new blend btw. So watch out.
Euro :(
Y'all expensive aha
No. 116488>>116556
>>116388>Be real about your struggles. You first. ;-)
I feel like those healthy eating, all natural people who post diet coke aren't trying to be high and mighty, they're just dumb and/or ignorant. Same for my pet peeve, which is when people who claim to be all about #cleaneating are posting processed foods and Walden Farms shit, which is nothing but chemicals. They're not snobs, they're dummies who think diet foods = eating clean.
No. 116559>>116563>>116565
>>116378Little Sprout has not posted anything on her instagram.
I guess she's sticking to her word that she won't do so until the person who reported to CPS comes forward.
No. 116591>>116592>>116620
>>116588Well I hope her bunny's okay.
She might lose someone close. She had someone she's close to? Ha. As if.
No. 116673>>116688
File (hide): 1433402348245.png (552.91 KB, 610x606, Screenshot 2015-06-04 at 2.12.…)
Little Sprout's back…maybe?
"Hi guys.
I'm honestly not sure what to do with this account.
I can't seem to wrap my head around the fact that someone from here, my safety net, my diary, would feel the need to call CPS and potentially ruin my life. Is having an eating disorder neglect? No. My mom does everything in her power to help me, and someone accused her of preventing me from getting better. What if CPS decides to side with the accuser? What happens then? Have you not thought of the possible consequences of your actions?
If this person would come forward, and be honest with their intentions, I would feel so much better. Until then, I feel like I can't post with freedom because I'll always fear that someone will over analyze my caption and report it.
I am so hurt and disgusted, just because the person who did this isn't brave enough to tell me that they did it. I have no idea of your intentions (to help or to harm?) but I'm asking you to please step forward and tell me, so I can have some security back.
This was my place where I had friends, where I felt able to share my feelings with people who understood. And I can't do that anymore.
Anyway, I'm not sure where to go from here. I guess we'll see how the investigation turns out. I need the support, but I don't feel able to be open anymore. I'm sorry ?
I thank you for all of the support and kind messages and comments. It truly means a lot.
Anyway, I got these bars today from @megmo7 and they are so good. I highly recommend!"
Her night snack looks to be a bit higher calorie, maybe she's eating a bit more so she'll look better to CPS?
No. 116702>>116726>>116758
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dying to see Ash in one of those
No. 116758>>116786>>116811
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>>116702Ash spots a friend at the beach
No. 117060
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anyone have the full video for this?
No. 117062
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Susi Bram is really not one to question Ashley's motives.
No. 117082>>117121
>>117074I agree that it isn't necessarily bad for her to get help but I think she questions the person's motives. She perceives it as retaliatory concern-trolling. She was also pissy when someone told her mom that she should be in residential treatment a few weeks ago.
>>117061"Bokman"? ->Pokemon? Hmm..
No. 117192>>117197
>>117178>support Community>pet peeve #triggered More like a community of enablers.
I highly doubt there's a significant amount of support when 90% of your followers names are "dying_2b_skinny" and "vomit queen666" and follow you for thinspo. It's amazing how thick the delusion is.
No. 117197>>117217
>>117192Even if they didn't have such names, they'd still be enablers.
They cheer her on for eating sooo much and being inspirational when she's definitely not eating enough. They never tell her that she needs to challenge herself more.
No. 117387
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Unless she talks to fetishists for gifts/food.
No. 117408>>117448
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>>113691Oh my God, she's fucking awful. How could she talk to her own child like this? She was a monster.
No. 117462
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No. 117463
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No. 117653>>117694>>117837>>118159
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>>117649You realize that you're using an image board, right?
No. 118082
>>118018Yeah, but seriously, who cares. There hasn't been anything interesting happening with Ash lately. We still have the Aly thread and if something comes up, we can still make a new one.
It just doesn't make sense to start a new thread when there's nothing to talk about. We could just do a general ED thread, though.
No. 118476
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What's going on with this Racheal thing? People kicking off on the fb page.
No. 119283>>119669
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Is anyone familiar with this one?
No. 120880>>121014
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I wonder if she's aware that people feel feel exactly the same as this when she chose death.
I wonder why her mother doesn't take her to see him? Maybe her skeleton status is a secret to the family?
No. 121622
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From over at /cow/