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No. 145748
To stop the whining in the aly-surrealrecov thread for MOAR ASH PLIX, I'm making this one. Also hoping the mpa skels from aly thread start to discuss their issues re "fat" people here instead.
Latest news:
Ash is now wearing specs
Ash still posts sickly pink kawaii pics on her tumblr
Mental health videos which were her project never happened and her iphone case business went the same way.
Tumblr: Tumblr (2): & anon-enabled (both)
It's here. It's for you. Enjoy.
(No amazing PS header pic because I really cba).
No. 145749
>>145748Previous threads #10:
>>99602thread #9:
>>94146thread #8:
>>89979thread #7
>>81899thread #6:
>>76718thread #5:
>>66250thread #4:
>>40939thread #3:
>>34685thread #2:
>>32362thread #1:
>>21279 No. 145973
>>145969This is jackie't remember her ig url, but she looks more retarded in those than her tumblr profile pic.
No. 146007
>>145970But ash DOES harm others. Did we forget about the phone call and how she went out of her way to post
triggering comments to girls who were struggling? Ash is still a monster, she's just on her last legs and fading away.
No. 146023
Gia-'s former minion. Wised up to her drama and cut her out of her life. Used to drive her around to buy binge food.
Erika- best friend. Wonderful person. Ash flipped out and tormented her with rude anonymous comments and phone calls when she decided to recover from her ED. She's doing quite well despite her struggles and you should all donate to her: and probable autist. White knight. ED status debated. Gets mad if you mention her dead hamsters, so do it.
Jackie- challenged woman that Ashley is able to manipulate. Desperate for love and affection. Stupid as hell and incredibly sad. Born in 1979.
Eilish/Sprout- ED girl with severe OCD that Ashley intentionally
triggers. Used to eat precisely 6 brussel sprouts. Recently made the decision to gtfo off of Instagram and work on improving herself. Good luck, Little Sprout!
Jess- wannarexic white knight. Pretends to be ~*so disordered*~. Wants an ED so badly it hurts.
Important: Jess does not sell owls.
Ashley's creepy lover. Possible Canadian.
Adam- Ashley's bunny. He's ten years old and will outlive Ash.
Yustas- Erika's useless ADHD husband. Total piece of shit.
Rebecca Isaacs- Ashley's mom. In her 50s and has a Five Finger Death Punch tattoo. Waitress. Possible ED.
Peter Pratt- Irrelevant. Not the father.
Michael Isaacs- Ashley's deadbeat father. Useless.
Ashley Finch- Fake last name.
No. 146024
>>146021Your eyes stop changing at around 20 and then people usually go farsighted at middle age.
If Ash's eyes actually changed that much in her 20's something is not right.
Maybe Ash's eyes have always been sort of shitty but she's never bothered getting glasses until now because she wants that look. The optometrist told me I didn't really need glasses (but my vision is not 20/20). I told her I wanted them anyways because my work paid for them and she wrote me a prescription.
No. 146034
>>146023Can anybody explain to me the Erika love? It pisses me off when mentally ill people that can not afford to bring children into this world decide to have fucking three. Those kids will be so fucked up but, no, Ash and Aly was way worse because they post ~
triggering content~ and dumb teens might get anorexia.
No. 146041
>>146024*in each eye
The eye doctor recently told me that eyes are more likely to plateau in middle age in terms of needing glasses for distance, and then the need for reading glasses increases instead.
But you're probably right that she may have needed glasses earlier and never got them until now.
No. 146044
>>146034From everything that we've seen, her children are her life, and she does everything for them. She isn't just ditching them with other people and going off to party, she's taking huge steps to battle her past and get better for their benefit.
They look healthy and happy, and she does lots of things with them. I think those children are going to have better lives and grow up to be happier than pretty much any other kid you point at and choose.
No. 146060
>>146042I bet she had them so she would have people that unconditionally love her. Breastfeeds them until they're 3 years old because she wants them to be dependent on her as long as possible.
>>146044Never thought she neglected them. Yeah, nah, those kids are fucked. It's not just the ED is the past relationships and abuse. This is a very mentally ill woman who should not have had children.
No. 146062
>>146034>>146050>>146060I don't understand you people. You're verging into those retarded anti-natalist arguments. All of us here are probably fucked up in some way. Would you rather have never been born at all? If you answer 'yes,' then why don't you just kill yourself? Because it's always better to have lived at some point than not lived.
I don't fucking get it. She wants to have children and she's dedicated her life to improving theirs. It's not the most ideal circumstance, but she's genuinely trying and sacrificing a lot, which is more than lots of parents can say.
Seriously, if you're going to pick on anyone, pick on those brown people that spread their legs and shit out a bunch of children that they don't take care of to get more money in welfare. Don't pick on the people who are making sincere effort to improve themselves.
(use /b/) No. 146072
>>146062All of a sudden you have kids and you're a saint. I'm going to judge people for not being responsible and having kids out of selfishness instead of being both emotionally and financially prepared for it.
>brown people that spread their legs and shit out a bunch of children that they don't take care of to get more money in welfareErika is poor and begs for money on the internet. She is literally the same except she's white.
No. 146089
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So anyway, what else has Ash been up to?
No. 146117
>>146074This seems like bait but I'll take it..
Erika can't stay inpatient because she's broke as hell and up to her ears in debt. She can't afford treatment and everytime she goes inpatient she racks up more debt.
And she can't get a job because her physical condition still doesn't allow her to work.
But if you'd actually read her IG you'd know that she is doing her damnest to recover and to make things work for her and her kids. Saying that she needs to "woman up" is downright insulting when she is working her ass off for a better future despite all the odds being against her.
Damn right I mad. Don't talk about things you don't know shit about. She may not be a "perfect angel" but anyone who's capable of basic human empathy can see that she is a good person.
No. 146129
>>146097>>146092Nah, this doesn't seem like Erika. Seems more like a white trash single mom that feels entitled to endless freebees and pat on the backs because she brought some doomed kids into the world so she empathizes with Erika.
>>146117This might be Erika. At least it sounds like the same person that brings up her boring ass and posts the fundraisers.
No. 146133
>>146121That would be the shittiest manga ever.
Or the best.
No. 146163
>>146129If that's Erika it doesn't sound anything like her writing.
I'm actually a huge fan of Erika, really rooting for her (I posted a link to her fundraiser once and also donated once) but I actually do worry about her kids. I do believe that she was in a better place when she had each one and did not struggle so much financially at that time, but I also think she's a product of severe abuse and was probably not emotionally ready to have a healthy relationship with an adult male, let alone have children. I think that it's clear she is a very loving mother and that's really important, but I also think that because she doesn't have her own shit together she's nurturing an unhealthy codependency on her kids. Notice how she'll say that the oldest will do things to "make her feel better"? That is her kid feeling like she needs to take care of her mom. And as the child of a parent who needed to be "taken care of," I can tell you that that is a situation that will fuck you up a little. Even if the youngest doesn't remember the period of inpatient counseling, both kids will grow up dealing with her patterns of dependent behavior unless she works to correct it now.
Sometimes ya gotta hide your personal shit from your kids. Boundaries, people. Boundaries.
No. 146190
>>146188Fuck I really like Professor Layton. And Assassination Classroom. And Flowers of Evil is my favorite manga.
Fuck you Ash stop making me feel gross about my interests
No. 146203
>>146034Yeah, I'm super happy for Erika at the moment because she looks great and seems to be doing great, but does anybody else remember that dingily-lit aerial photo of her laying prone and naked on the floor, completely spoopy, breastfeeding her child and using them as a prop to censor her genitals so she could post it on tumblr?
That was narcissistic and disturbing but it was obviously at her rock-bottom and thats the kind of fucked up shit anorexia will make you do. But we kinda have to remember all the fucked up shit Aly and Ash do is because they are still currently in the grip of serious eating disorders themselves, whilst Erika has had the chance to redeem herself. Though I do agree despite her mental health problems she has been a good mother and is a good person, unlike many other members of the ED community.
No. 146250
>>146163Not to mention a large percent of behaviors are learned from parents…
Ive heard of girls getting EDs when their moms were simply dieting (because even regular diets can project fucked up thoughts like "my self worth is found in my appearance". My mom has BED and i had ana)
So i cant imagine what its like to have an anorexic parent…
No. 146269
>>146240It probably helps a lot that she's pretty, but she does seem to have a really kind personality as well. I also like that she doesn't fixate too much on photographing/detailing every single meal she has.
I waiver between thinking her writing is poetic and thinking that is sounds like someone who doesn't natively speak English. I can't tell if it's on purpose or if she just has a poor grasp of syntax/grammar that happens to come out flowery-sounding.
No. 146285
>>146269Erika's pretty, but a lot of people think aly is too. The reason I like Erika is because I like her creativity and she does sound like a kind person. I didn't like her around the time she was on a nosedive and posting body pics which were basically bonespo. Her motivation to recover for real changed that.
She's written before that she writes as though she's brainstorming. Shots of her journals are the same.
I still don't get why she's being brought up here as much though. She IS actually trying and bringing up two children.
I'm not fangirling, I can honestly say I'd support Sprout the same way if she threw herself into treatment. I can't say the same about aly unless she changed that shitty attitude.
No. 146297
>>146024Yeah sorry that is bullshit. There's a reason people who wear glasses need to get occasional checkups and prescription adjustments. It gets progressively worse, for some faster than for others.
>>146269She sounds very Northern European to me. Swedish to be precise. Many people I've met from there have had their grammar almost on point, but you could still see awkward sentence structures, mixing up singular and plural, using the wrong words to clumsily describe something. It would always end up sounding close but no cigar.
No. 146402
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>>146400It was a thread about Ash. One of them claimed to have seen her in real life and claimed that she was acting immaturely and barely clothed and was going out of her way to obtain stares.
No. 146404
>>146402Oh wow..
I'd stare too tbh.
I remember when she was hamtarochan on /b/ so she's probably always been set hung for attention/recognition.
No. 146422
i didn't catch this untill now. but does ashley have any teeth? it looks like all gum
No. 146423
You're an idiot.
Its already established its the heart from 'in live and death', an album by the used. The original album art is by Alex Pardee.
No. 146427
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>>146423can you post said picture
because i traced it and it looks more like a bone to me..
No. 146432
its just horribly drawn onto her arm
i got it now
No. 146433
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>>146400>>146402Ash wannabe Emma detected.
From same thread, yes I noticed you. Well done on your spine bones or w/e. JFC.
No. 146434
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>>146432If a decent tattooist had done it, it would've looked something like this.
No. 146443
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>>146434>decent you could have chosen a way better picture
either way I'm not that big a fan of this particular Alex Pardee work so I guess its always gonna look bad to me.
sorry for further derailment.
Either way isn't it a danger to tattoo on someone so frail, might there be more risk of injury or not healing well.? It seems like Ash is never going to get the help she needs.
For anyone that has or had an ED, does Body Dysmorphia end at any point? Is there an ideal image they can finally see or does it keep getting more and more unattainable until you go ghost?
No. 146456
>>146445I love Alex pardee.
Dude is pretty talented, but the tattoo has butchered it.
No. 146500
>>146443>For anyone that has or had an ED, does Body Dysmorphia end at any point? for as long as you're sick or continue irrational thinking, no it doesnt end.
the only thing you can do is get therapy to help teach you the thoughts are irrational, my self worth =/= my body image, etc etc
i recovered from ED years ago and have been healthy weight but still have dysmorphia though its usually just a little voice in my head that i must dismiss
No. 146501
>>145748i keep thinking thats her forearm/wrist which i think would be much better placing for this tat.
but no its her humerus. ha ha
No. 146507
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She actually looks kinna cute here.
No. 146511
>>146129>>146155I am neither erika nor the racist-chan.
I wish admin would introduce post ID's. I hate how everyone always screams samefag at people who share opinions, it adds absolutely nothing of value to the conversation.
No. 146839
>Ayden/Aiden (Aidan?)>RyanWhat the fuck Germany?
No. 146854
>>146847Yes, I am. But
>>146844is all I've posted in this thread.
No. 146915
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>>146844and you're fucking disgusting
No. 146922
[pics of ash]
Is this you?
No. Her name is Ashley.
What are her stats she is one of the skinniest people I've seen on here maybe because she's so tall?
I really want to know her stats. She looks like she is at deaths door. I bet her BMI is sooo low.
That's gross
supposedly she's somewhere between 4' 8" and 5' 1" (ive seen people say different heights in that range, but none taller than 5' 1")
light-of-the-moon [to anared]
Perhaps some opinions are better kept to yourself…
Just saying.
Ashley is such a sweet girl, my heart goes out to her. I wish her only the best
She is beautiful in my opinion. Now and before
I just wish she would get help. Yes she sees a 'therapist' but I honestly believe she needs different means of treatment.
Who is this girl a celebrity or? And I don't think GreenTea was rude it's pretty obvious she isn't healthy and needs help. We are all entitled to our options I don't see her as thinspo but Im sure she's a wonderful person and she deserves a better life
I actually have an Ash folder on my computer :/
Breaks my heart. She deserves recovery, just like any other eating disorder patient.
I'm amazed she hasn't been sectioned under the mental health act. Even as an adult when you are a danger to your own life, which she clearly is, you are sectioned whether you want recovery or not
she looks thinner than a holocaust victim :/
i've wondered the same thing myself. this "therapist" she sees can't be all that good if they are literally allowing her to kill herself like this.
don't get me wrong, this is how i've always wanted to end up looking, but it is a total suicide mission & i'm under no illusions about that fact.
she needs to be in a hospital.
I've seen her on tumblr. Someone took over her old URL and made it a hate blog
What the hell? Why would they do that? She's obviously already hurting, fucking dickweeds. I wish her luck, she seems like a sweetheart and it breaks my heart to see people struggle like that, even if it's where she wants to be <3
She truly disgusts me. Inside and out.
This is her current Tumblr: She has a pretty lengthy history on the internet. While she is, obviously, very ill, she's also proved herself to be a generally shitty person through her actions towards others. Being sick doesn't make you blameless.
Not disputing how sick she is, but she also seems incredibly immature for her age. I have seen her in person about 2 years ago. I should have been struck by her weight, but I wasn't. I was struck by her obvious immaturity while out in public, as that is what actually drew my attention to her.
I've heard she's not a very nice person so I'm not defending her. I think the hate blog is taking it too far though
Omg. Was everyone staring at her like wtf?
I used to follow heron instagram, but i've never heard about the things that she's done…
What kind of bad things do you guys mean?
Anyone that buys her the junk food she has on her Amazon wish list she has had for years is to me constituting to this girls death.
Yes, everyone was staring. She seemed to be going out of her way to obtain the stares. She was barely clothed, and was being somewhat loud and obnoxious in her behavior- modeling/posing type of behaviors. I would have smacked one of my kids upside their head if they were behaving like that in public.
No. 146929
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How many people have YOU taught how to purge?1?!!1one
No. 146930
>>146922RE: "dilEmma"
>desperately attempts to be Ash>publicly rips on AshThis girl is a special kind of neurotic, isn't she?
No. 146933
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>>146915Why does she keep posting this cringey tmi shit if she knows it's getting SS'd?
No. 146948
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>>146943I doubt it. There're selfie body shots from last year and I can't imagine she'd wear there (pic)
No. 146973
>>146944hi, dave
how is your fucked up skeleton fetish?
No. 147007
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>>146507Hamtaro-chan is that you?
No. 147057
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>>147053That person doesn't exist. How weird. Ashley with eyebrows. Headfuck.
Meanwhile, idk if she meant this comment to be funny, but it is. Ashley ON A MOPED.
No. 147169
>>147144In my state, you have to have a motorcycle license to ride a moped, as it's considered a motorcycle due to the engine size. And to have a motorcycle license, you have to have a motor cycle permit. It's very similar to the car permit test.
I've seriously thought about getting a Vespa as an alternative to a car, but I'm too scared of getting into a serious accident.
No. 147292
>>147211Is this supposed to be you bragging or something?
Putrid piece of shit.
No. 147300
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>>147211you prolly smell like petrified shit LOL
No. 147358
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>>147349true that. If you're going to shame people on the site, it should be because they're harming other people with their bullshit, not because they partake in disordered behavior. bulimia is crazy, no getting around that, but to shame people for harming themselves through addiction doesn't really do shit. flexing your muscles over how vile a person is for their addiction. did you know that junkies sometimes shoot up in their neck?
No. 147458
>>147455It's crazy drivers not giving a shit about cyclists and people on mopeds and scooters that're the problem. My partner's nephew had a scooter and was pushed off the road by some twat in a van. Fortunately only a shoulder injury, but drivers in the safety of their steel cages dgaf about space for anyone on two wheels. (Live in a city so there's always heavy traffic).
I'd hate to think of Ashley on a moped even if they allowed it. If Florida drivers are as insane as ones here, they'd be acting a dick just because of her appearance.
No. 147461
>>147458Omg, I ryped road instead of rode. Whoops, sorry.
Yeah, there's no way she can sit upright and maintain awareness. She'd have to be recovered and we all know how she feels about getting better.
Interestingly enough, getting a moped is extremely easy in Florida. If you're over 18, you don't need a permit or license or anything.
No. 147471
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No. 147482
>>147471I'm the anon who wrote the bfs nephew scooter incident and live in a city. I'VE SEEN PEOPLE ON THE ROAD DRIVING THEIR MOTORIZED WHEELCHAIRS!!! They even have some kind of waterproof tent around them. They're batshit insane and speed around IN THE ROAD. That'd be Ashley 100%.
>>147479I'd say the latter. I can't see her being a big reader at school. Too busy getting her titties out for stickam.
No. 147483
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No. 147564
Holy balls, I only just realised that her tattoo is the top of her arm! I thought it was her forearm and she bending it somehow.
>>147542Ha, there's been one of those dealerships near me for decades. I remember when it only sold normal wheelchairs and people flocked from all over (!) to get a wheelchair, but now it's got all these fancy motorised ones. Some of them look like tanks!
No. 147593
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I wonder if Ashley and her mom have this kind of relationship. Does Ash "rent" Krispy Kreme??
No. 147656
>>147593So basically her mum is sick of waiting and is how helping her dumbass spawn kick the bucket?
Seems like just smothering the kid with a pillow would be quicker.
No. 147950
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>>147593Exactly as someone else has said, this isn't a family being "accepting," but rather being manipulated and giving up.
I understand that EDs make you do screwed up things, like shop lift groceries and hoard food, but this is just too much. Even more vile than that popcorn puke pustule. D:
No. 147966
>>147941OH MAN I was reading someone's Instagram (wish I could remember who it was, might have been the same person you're referring to) a while ago and she said the same thing, that she was in an inpatient ED program and was basically just allowed to purge when she wanted to. Or at least no one was really stopping her from doing so. She was purging even while she was on 24/7 one-to-one observation. She had been sectioned, but she was continuously LOSING weight while inpatient. She said she had lost something like 15 pounds since being admitted and was at her lowest weight ever…I was really shocked. I hope I'm not conflating multiple people's accounts here; it was a while back that I read this, and, like I said, I can't remember who exactly it was. Regardless, I don't understand how "treatment programs" like that even exist. What kind of professionals would just stand by and let people purge in front of them like that?!
I also remember reading someone's description of being in a residential program in the US, and they said that other patients would often just purge in the hallways or outside and shit. Seemed really lax. And pointless.
No. 148133
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I hope she's okay.
No. 148140
>>148111Castlewood eating disorder clinic, located at Monarch Cove?
My God, that is just way too blatant. Reprogramming center confirmed.
No. 148220
>>148169Says it's related to the one in CA.
Anytime an article starts mentioning Michelle Remembers, Sybil and the False Memory Foundation, it's usually out of maximum damage control. None of the actual events sound too implausible, especially considering the fact that she was alone with her father.
No. 148350
>#7: You’ve heard of this directly from past clients? Or you’re inferring this from things people have said here? Castlewood does not brainwash people. If you have no Major Trauma, you have no Major Trauma. They are not in the business of creating it for you – what would they have to gain? Castlewood, Mark, Lori, Emily, Sam, Nancy, etc… they all are truly concerned about each individual client and helping them get back on the road to life. If that includes helping you with anxiety, that’s what they do. If that includes working through sexual trauma, they do it. If that includes dealing with past bullying issues, they do it. Nothing is a “just” at CW; there are no comparisons. No one’s past experiences are more worthy of treatment over another’s. “Brainwashing” a client into creating false trauma does not serve them whatsoever.You have to wonder what the point of brainwashing them would be in the first place.
Then again, this place seems a little TOO friendly, they allow phones/laptops so girls can disorderly Instagram all their meals. Hell, they allow DIET soda.
…Can I live here?
No. 148390
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>>148350>You have to wonder what the point of brainwashing them would be in the first place.Turning them into sex slaves for politicians with a skinny fetish, of course.
No. 148434
>>148402When she eventually dies she should leave her body to medical science. She could have some info in there that could be some kind of breakthrough.
I know we say she's nothing special, tons of skeletal ED patients, but the fact she keep going on with (relatively) little bad effects compared to people who weren't as "severe" is remarkable really. (NO, Ash, that isn't a compliment).
>>148428Possible CIA agent on this board ;)
No. 148454
>>148220>None of the actual events sound too implausible, especially considering the fact that she was alone with her father.I take it you skimmed the article.
" On the last day of the hearing, Anna took the stand. For many hours, Tom says, she described a litany of traumatic events she claimed to have experienced. But now, she told the room that she had been abused not only by Tom, but by tutors, coaches, babysitters, even policemen. She described, Tom says, being a call girl by the time she left middle school. The memories of it all, she believed, had been hidden inside her alternate personalities. Tom’s lawyer asked her how many of these personalities she possessed. According to Tom, Anna started to list them, but lost count. With each disjointed description of her past, Tom says he increasingly felt like he was staring at a stranger wearing his daughter’s face. He couldn’t stop crying. “My little girl was so sick and so easily and completely dismantled,” he says. After the hearing, Tom says he tallied nearly 100 people whom Anna named as complicit in abusing her throughout her childhood.
The judge concluded that Anna’s testimony was too inconsistent, too contradictory with the other evidence presented, to be credible."
No. 148462
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Do we know who this is? It couldn't be THE neckbeard, could it? (He legitimately admits to shaving his neckbeard in one of his selfies.)
No. 148468
>>148462Neckbeard looked a bit chubby around the face iirc. Hm…might see if I can find that pic in the past threads when I've got more time to kill.
(Also doubt he'd want to smell her "hair" ick).
No. 148478
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Hmm…she's reblogged him before.
No. 148484
File: 1438414080327.jpg (49.74 KB, 500x375, tumblr_nhfiwvSLBr1rc6x5po1_500…)

Possibly neckbeard? He's got a chubbier face here.
No. 148489
>>148353Please be trolling anon. :S
Seriously a dangerous attitude to have, because it means those who are abused in a facility are less likely to come forward.
There's a reason vulnerable sector checks are needed to work with the mentally ill.
No. 148654
>>148454No, I read that whole thing.
People don't want to believe that horrific things happen. Sounds just like what those Hampstead whistleblower kids. And things described by Ted Gunderson in the Franklin Cover-up, or Brice Taylor, Cathy O'Brien.
Terrible things happen because, you know, "That's ridiculous! Who would believe something like that?"
No. 148664
>>148489>>148491I (and, I'm sure, many others) can vouch for this. I've unfortunately experienced several (non-ED-related) psychiatric hospitalizations, and I've witnessed and experienced some pretty fucked-up shit. No one except my own mother believed me, because the people running the show were ~respected experts and professionals~ and they would never, ever do anything like that, ever! I even posted a "review"-type comment online about the most awful treatment facility I was in, and the egomaniacal, control-freak Dear Leader of this cult-like institution responded to me in an extremely patronizing way, denied that anything like what I described could ever have happened, and implied that I was a pathetic, delusional failure for not having been "cured" by her program. Apparently the fact that I had some really serious issues with the program was all my fault and only happened because I was too far gone for them to help me. Too bad, so sad.
To be clear, I'm not schizophrenic, I've never hallucinated or had delusions, and I wasn't alleging that anything really far-out happened, like that I was sexually abused by hundreds of people or forced to take part in satanic rituals. It was more along the lines of professionals blatantly lying to my face, being extremely manipulative, using very inappropriate threats, letting a lot of important shit fall through the cracks, denying me access to medication/care for prior medical issues unrelated to my psych conditions, etc.
Anyway, not my personal blog, no1curr, I know, blah blah blah.
No. 148781
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>>148709Nightmare fuel. Thanks.
Once again, I didn't know ANY of this shit about Castlewood, and I'm so glad I didn't end up there. It looked so nice on the surface. Too nice, really. Who knows, maybe it would have been fine. But reading about their "Internal Family Systems" therapy and all of the people who discovered ~repressed memories~ scared the shit out of me. This is definitely the first time I've ever been GLAD that my insurance company was an ass and denied me coverage for treatment.
That place is probably run by reptilians. They're everywhere. Fucking Illuminati.
No. 148851
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>>148782That would explain some things. Or maybe she's actually a reptilian-human hybrid. Either way, I think she's trying to bring other girls with EDs into the Illuminati fold. David Icke should get on this ASAP!
As for the rationale behind Castlewood's "brainwashing," it seems that they're trying to alienate patients from their families, fragment their personalities, and divorce them even further from reality. These tactics would leave the patients vulnerable and suggestible, making them easier to manipulate into joining forces with (or becoming sleeper agents for) the Illuminati.
No. 148990
File: 1438479481195.png (1.14 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-08-02-02-37-24…)

Oh no :(
No. 149001
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No. 149020
>>148979She says she has severe ulcerative colitis, but that would not have gone unnoticed. People with severe UC bleed profusely when they poop. I know, my mom has UC. Something about her story sounds off. You don't just wake up one day and
surprise have UC so badly they are going to remove your intestines. Sorry but that sounds like bullshit to me (also she said Mai stayed with her overnight in the ICU…also unlikely. Most of the time children are not allowed in the ICU, and certainly not overnight).
No. 149031
>>149020Severe doesn't necessarily mean as severe as you describe. You're literally using your mother as a yardstick to measure everyone with UC against, which is frankly stupid as fuck.
I've got hereditary UC and aside from avoiding certain foods and having painful shits every now and then I'm fine.
My dad has UC too and he can't eat spicy Indian food but lives normally otherwise. She could just be referring to a lesser degree of severity.
No. 149094
File: 1438490109959.png (189.4 KB, 658x320, Screen Shot 2015-08-01 at 9.20…)

Pic related made me laugh way too much (is that header new?), and then
>>148979made me want to cry. Erika has been dealt such a lousy hand. It seems really unfair. Why is this shit not happening to Ash or Aly? Granted, Erika's a few years older than either of them, but still…she's come so far and seems to really, really want to recover, as compared to Ash, who I still don't understand how she's even alive.
I knew a young woman a while back who was anorexic and also had to get a lot of her intestines removed, but I think the issue in her case was that she abused laxatives. Not sure if Erika did any of that. This girl I knew was only like 22 or 23. We fell out of contact and I don't even know if she's still alive at this point. I just can't imagine having to deal with something like that (or having a stroke) happen to me at such a young age.
No. 149140
>>149094I've mentioned before the woman I knew who is closest in size to anyone I've seen. I wonder how she's still alive (still see her around). She's 41 or 42 and her ed really kicked in at 19. Once I saw her undressed (trying clothes on) and she has this huge (!) scar down her chest. She'd had heart problems as a child and had loads of ops. When I was friends with her (5 or 6 years ago) her kidneys were giving up BUT SHE'S STILL ALIVE.
Are there any studies into how some patients suffer more physical complaints than others and why?
No. 149146
>>149144Yeah. It's fascinating (to me anyway) how some people survive the damage they do to their bodies and then others are wiped out in a short space of time.
Can you imagine the medical notes they've already written about Ozzy? Oh god.
No. 149172
>>149031There is something off about her story (I'm not saying she's not ill). Mai for starters. In the later pics, she mentions still being in the ICU.. I guess I don't know much about hospital protocol, but kids and cosmetics seem weird.
I also know little about UC, but my family member has it. It's not a "severe" case, though, and it's pretty well managed. It does seem odd that suddenly she needs a colostomy, but who knows. Maybe she thought the pain was related to the ED or refeeding?
No. 149186
>>149172The ICU thing's thrown me too. The two units I've visited (UK) were for critical patients and the gravely ill. Most were hooked up to machines, unconscious or in induced comas. There's a pretty sombre atmosphere in there, and visiting times are very strictly regulated.
I can't imagine a child gluing papercraft in one or a patient wearing a wig and make up.
Those units also look very medical and sterile…not sure of the word… whereas the pic of Erika looks like she's in a side ward and I can't imagine being critical one hour and having to have resus, then being fit enough to get dressed, do face and wig and play with child.
No. 149192
>>149172Another thing, over here as soon as you're admitted to a medical ward you hand over your clothes and shoes and have to wear a gown if you haven't brought your own pyjamas or w/e. Yes, they even give you paper knickers if you were brought in without any to change into.
You get your stuff back when you're discharged and they bring it to you in a Property of the NHS green plastic bag (similar to when you're leaving prison) and you get changed into civvy wear.
Unless you're on the psychiatric wards where they force you to dress in day clothes, you have to wear nightgown, pjs, robe. It looks weird how Erika's all glammed up unless she was being discharged.
No. 149252
>>149238IDK, some people's bodies just seem to be able to tolerate that shit more than others. Maybe their ~natural weight~ or ~set point~ or whatever (if that even exists) is lower than that of other people who end up with more complications at higher weights. It is scary, though. I've read stories of people who have died in much less severe conditions than people like Ash, Aly, or pre-recovery Erika.
Some of it has to do with behaviors, like purging and abusing laxatives. "Just" restricting isn't generally as harmful to your body as if you're doing other shit to abuse it as well. But still. There does really seem to be a lot of difference in how people are affected by being underweight/anorexic.
No. 149264
>>149236A person here
>>148338 posted Erika's GoFundMe link under the name spoony and then I scrolled past on the front page saying "spoony needs to stop posting here" and I was like "wtf why is somebody in this thread pretending to be me".
I don't even know if that is Erika's real GoFundMe or why they'd link it under the name spoony so don't click it.
No. 149313
File: 1438539754477.jpg (53.18 KB, 781x323, update.JPG)

I don't get this. Is she saying she needs the money now for living expenses and not medical bills? How come she suddenly has the insurance when a few days ago she was saying she didn't know how she was going to pay for even taking her daughter to hospital when she fell?
No. 149327
>>149313I guess its a bit sketchy but fuck man she still looks sick as hell and frankly i believe her. Even if she ISNT having seizures, strokes, and UC complications, shes still very underweight and should not be working and should not Have to be frantically running about taking care of her kids.
Tbh im suprised they havent been taken away…….. That would wreck this poir woman.
No. 149332
>>149327Yeah, but it's the kids that're at risk if she's blacking out at home. Did her husband find her and call the almbulance? Idk, I'd rather I knew my kids were safe and be in foster care than have a 4 year old suffer because there's no money to eat (apparently) and her mother could be dead on the floor for days.
I know I sound harsh, but it's true.
No. 149686
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>>149680Wow. Fuck. I feel so bad for her. I don't even know what to say. She's now going through a divorce while all these health problems are happening, too. I really hope her girls are okay, but I imagine they must be traumatized as fuck by now.
No. 149704
I don't think Erika is lying but everything is filtered through her own perspective which is the case for everyone. It's going to be one-sided because it's her Instagram. There are some anime here who won't be satisfied unless Erika posts her medical records, or pics taken while in surgery.
>>149332You think the foster care system in Fl is "safe"?
No. 149712
>>149693>This is fucking dreadful, all that effort put into escaping this disease only for this to happen. Poor Erika.I know. It makes me furious at the world for being so unfair. I don't even care if she's lied about any of what's gone on with her. It's obvious she's worked really fucking hard to recover - she's pulled herself back up after being on the brink of death, faced setback after setback and kept on going regardless, and yet the problems (health issues, divorce, crazy family, debt, etc.) just don't stop coming at her. Then you have people like Ashley, who has decided she's too special or whatever to recover and/or she wants to keep starving herself until she's the #1 spoopiest skeleton. She harms other people and doesn't do shit to help herself, and what does she get? Strokes? Seizures? Major surgeries? Nope, she gets to sit around all day being selfish as fuck and getting sent ~*~kawaii presents~*~ from her stupid fucking followers. Erika's in the hospital and she's still thinking about how she's going to get a job to support herself and her kids, and Ash just gets to wallow in self-pity and anime while being supported by her mommy (who I don't believe is nearly the monster Ash claims she is - I'd love to hear HER side of the story). Fuck, I just feel sick to my stomach right now.
No. 149733
File: 1438562408490.png (39.76 KB, 562x506, souniqueandspecial.png)

"i'm too special to get better but i can't explain why because no one would understand"
No. 149755
File: 1438563459109.png (927.47 KB, 956x480, erikahospital.png)

No. 149766
If there's ever a time when Erika needs some financial help I think it's now.'m not well off at all right now but I'm going to send what I can.
No. 149769
>>149757Dude you need shut up.
You ever considered that she's publicising/documenting this as a WARNING against people thinking of starting on this route? These pictures could save so many people from the same fate.
More people need to document their own struggles with recovery btw, let them see what the face of an eating disorder is really like instead of pale, delicate, carefully angled Tumblr girls in lace panties and cage bras with their extensions hanging down to their butts because their own hair is already falling out.
No. 149803
>>149778I tried, no dates. There's also the possibility that the two photos could indeed have been taken at/around the same time and Erika just chose to upload that second one now. She posts old photos pretty regularly. I don't think it's beyond the realm of possibility that she used a previously-taken photo for her latest post and that she didn't intend to deceive people with it or something. Or, the "Bye guts" photo could have been taken more recently. Not that much would have changed since then, anyway. She may not even have gotten out of the hospital bed since the first photo was taken. Whatever - she's clearly in the hospital with two IVs, a nasal cannula, a pulse oximeter, and a blood pressure monitor, which I doubt a hospital would do to someone who was just faking.
She could be lying about a ton of stuff, but the fact that she was so deathly emaciated a matter of months ago and has managed to restore a significant amount of weight since then still really says something, IMO. In the same span of time, Aly, for example, hasn't appeared to gain a pound, and Ash isn't even trying.
No. 149807
>>149801To be fair, depending on the type of stroke you're having, they don't really do much but throw aspirin at you and monitor you. If she DID have a stroke, it definitely wasn't severe enough warrant anything more invasive, or she wouldn't be selfie-ing it up. But if she's getting her guts cut out instead, she might've thought her symptoms were stroke-like and that's why she went to the ER in the first place, and once they realized it wasn't the cause of her problems, they investigated further and found the real culprit.
I'm curious who took the far away pic though. Yustas?
No. 149810
>>149797It looks identical to ones I've worn in the hospital before.
>>149801More like "I may have already had a stroke and I'm waiting for the doctors to determine what's wrong with me." She didn't claim to be mid-stroke during the photo or anything. Things don't always move fast in hospitals, even in fairly dire situations. Doctors and nurses are often busy as fuck and are trying to attend to too many patients. She's probably been just sitting/laying around for the majority of the time she's been there. Yeah, it's a bit weird to have someone take a photo of you in that setting, but zillions of other people do it. I don't know, it doesn't seem THAT fishy to me. Maybe a bit attention-seeking, but who on Instagram isn't?
No. 149818
>>149811The Erika supporters should get busy donating her fund is only up by $10
Put your money where your mouth is
No. 149831
>put your money where your mouth isI am the one that donated last actually.
It's a pathetic amount but I'm not horribly well off myself.
I definitely going to donate more once I'm financially secure.
No. 149834
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>>149830They have a lot to be jealous of.
No. 149949
>>149020I can see her convincing the doctors to have Mai stay if she had no where else to go or to prevent her from being home alone also how would Mai get home?
I stayed in an ICU when I was 12 because I went into the hospital with my grandparent and she was my ride home
No. 150003
File: 1438589056150.jpg (89.7 KB, 1905x1080, hi hello this is me.jpg)

>>149924I'm sure she thinks that. Or, that she'll be there when she finally croaks. But she won't. She's far from the world's first super-spoopy anorexic, nor, I'm fairly certain, will she be the last. She isn't ~the most extreme~ or the most anything. She's just making herself and others miserable when she could choose to (at least to some extent) do otherwise - it's pathetic, not remarkable.
>mfw she actually turns out to be immortal and I have to eat my words (and they make me fat) No. 150096
>>149882I dont doubt she loves her kids
But i did see one post where she admittted she had the second kid when she was in a bad mental place, and that she was kind of using pregnancy as a coping tool
No. 150159
>>150156Thanku bb :* It didn't change I just thought it was fuzzy instead of fluffy oops.
…Her mom was taken off to the psych unit by police? The drama
No. 150161
>>150159I prefer fuzzy cats.
No. 150179
>>150172No clue ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Why doesn't she get disability already? Idk how the system works in the US.
No. 150210
>>150200I'm guessing she was admitted through the ER for something (and given her condition, would not surprise me. She comes in complaining of pain/feeling faint, they will admit her). They kept her overnight and released her, which is why she is recycling photos. Decided to make it into a big drama fest to drum up sympathy, and more funds for her gofundme account.
I have no doubt Erika is suffering. She is obviously mentally ill and struggling. But it is not cool to lie to people about it. I was glad to see Mai is going to Brooklyn with her Dad to go to school. She needs stability. Hopefully a job is just what she needs to take her mind off the histrionics and self-absorption. She has way too much time on her hands.
No. 150225
>>150182I hate to say it, but…me too.
>>150220I want to believe ;_;
No. 150236
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She gave $25 before.
No. 150244
File: 1438623366546.jpg (13.2 KB, 263x74, wtf.JPG)

what the fuck is this comment all about on the pic of erika in hospital with wig looking sad?
No. 150264
>>150248True, but I don't know if it was ever confirmed that she did actually have a stroke - it seemed like that was her suspicion, but she didn't post anything about the results of her MRI/CT scan (or, if she did, I missed it). Maybe things just didn't turn out to be as bad as she had feared. I know I freak myself out about health shit all the time (OMG PAIN IN LEG = BLOOD CLOT = DYING) and it turn out to be nothing. I just don't go to the hospital because I'm a poorfag and am terrified of getting myself into debt. Someday I'm sure I'll die because I choose to ignore something that I
actually should have gone to the hospital for…
No. 150273
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No. 150274
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It's too complicated. I can't keep up. I used to want to know Erika irl, but even hearing drama after drama I can't deal with it. Writing convoluted messages and giving people reason to worry or doubt or whatever doesn't help.
>>150273YEAH! I was happy that my browser sent me to that tumblr by mistake last week. I thought anon had deserted it.
No. 150284
>>150278Yep. I don' think Erika's lying, but I do think she's being maniupulative. She's also all over the place right now. In the hospital, having surgery, suddenly she's going home and saying she wants to work???
At least if Erika divorces Yustas, they'll all have Medicaid. I don't know if Erika has ever worked, because she would be getting SSDI (federal disability that you pay into). At least she would get SSI.
No. 150287
>>150278Tbh I'm not sure why people are suddenly shocked by the inconsistencies in Erika's stories. I still support her for trying but the dramatic exaggerating is just one of her ongoing issues and isn't news.
There's examples people have pointed out already along with things like changing her height from 5'4 to 5'6 (on her MyProAna account, where she portrays a
very different image of herself, wealthy and proud to show off bones and not all that concerned about her kids). She's also said things like she's technically on the autism spectrum solely based on her IQ test or that she's immune from a BPD diagnosis based on IQ, which demonstrates a lack of understanding of psychometric tests. Not to mention denying her ED will affect her daughters because they're "too smart" for that.
The surgery/brain tumor stuff is just one of numerous inconsistencies but I don't even think this hospital visit is suspicious. She's been giving sporadic updates so she may have been medically cleared without needing surgery or had her tests come back okay, she hasn't confirmed surgery was actually done.
BUT even with the dramatics that doesn't mean she isn't sick or genuinely trying to get better, which I fully believe she is. She just has a tendency to embellish sometimes but she's not malicious.
No. 150289
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No. 150292
>>150277Mai doesn't strike me as autistic either. And one sure way to get an autistic kid to freak out is by bouncing her around to different people, and having to witness her mom being in and out of the hospital.
People shouldn't make excuses for her. What she did was wrong and she should own it. Being mentally ill does not excuse lying and drama. In that case every scammer and liar should get a free pass, because no one in their right mind pulls that kind of shit.
No. 150307
>>150293I know four different autistics. One is low functioning. Has weird speech and sounds like he's deaf when he tries to talk. One is high functioning, extremely bright, and amazingly skilled at bowling. One has Asperger's and is super sexual . One time he cammed me and was totally naked. I said that it was gross and logged off Skype. Haven't talked to him since.
The last person I know is midly autistic. He's the younger brother of the guy that is a crazy good bowler. When he was a kid, he used to get scared over everything and freak out at little things. He's doing better now and is a pretty normal person.
No. 150311
>>150307exactly! so mai can be any of those things…
also guys, lets not forget erika's is not a native english speaker and she often writes in elaborate flowery language. so we might just be misconstruing her words a bit.
No. 150344
>>150343No posts. She probably just lurks sometimes.
I haven't posted any ss of old posts because. like you said, she was in a different place then.
No. 150377
File: 1438631735487.jpg (542.77 KB, 1080x1920, image.jpg)

Why does this girl live in ashs anus?
No. 150388
>>150377Those piercings.
That terrible tattoo
Those lazy eyes
No. 150394
File: 1438632581880.png (41.34 KB, 365x551, byefelicia.png)

Self explanitory. Wonder if Erika is reading here.
No. 150406
>>150394She reads here, she has even posted here in the past.
I'm not surprised she's deleting her account. If I was in her situation, I would too.
No. 150410
>>150394Still no mention of the medical lies. Typical melodramatic "woe is me" shit. Always sees herself as the victim. Edeltraud can't start Kindergarten because she's only 4, but I guess Erika will figure that out eventually.
If she wants to win back her fan base she needs to explain why she lied to the whole internet about having her intestines removed.
No. 150440
This is all just really fucking sad. I am guessing that she did read what was being said here. I honestly don't care if she has BPD and was lying about most of the shit that was going on. I still feel bad for her and her family, and I want them all to be okay. At the every least, she seems to have demonstrated that she really wants to recover from her anorexia, and the steps she's already taken toward recovery have been, IMO, pretty impressive. It's not even remotely easy to force yourself to gain weight after being in such a dire place as Erika was in. She really seemed to want to make everything better so she could be there for her kids. Maybe being off of social media will be a good thing for her, but I have to admit that I liked being able to check up on her and make sure she was still at least alive.
I don't think that she was "scamming" people by asking for money. She HAS got to be drowning in debt at this point, and, unless she was lying about everything she said about Yustas and her family, it sounds like she really did need the money. I'm not generally a fan of "e-begging," but if anyone would be in a position to do so, it would be someone like Erika. At least she wasn't asking for people to buy her gifts and useless shit. Sure, she could have used the money to buy…I don't know what. But she really seemed to be just scraping by and barely being able to feed herself and her family. I hope she gets the mental and physical health help that she needs and that she gets on some government assistance programs. I'm pretty sure she'd be able to get on disability without too much trouble, although that does involve months and months of waiting before you get any benefits (even if you don't have to go through any appeals process and they just decide to give you the benefits right off the bat).
No. 150456
>>150440I don't think she was scamming at all. She truly needs the money, but… I hate to say it but medical bills aside, her financial problems at this point are due to irresponsibility. If you know your husband can't manage money or pay rent then either he learns how or you take charge instead of acting surprised and helpless every single time he runs out of money. She could have sought help from social services much sooner, food stamps, low income housing, anything available instead of relying on crowd funding and putting their children at risk of being homeless and hungry. Not a wise decision.
I'm just glad she's seeking help now. I really hope she can turn things around for her daughters' sake.
No. 150472
>>150467Ok, but sending her off to hrr dad and taking her away from her sister is a little cruel. She's four. She's still a toddler.
I'm not saying she's not being well cared for, but I am a parent myself and if I did not have my son, I would be absolutely heartbroken.
No. 150490
>>150483I think most likely she went in because she had something wrong initially. Going to the ED department and being emaciated = admittance. She probably had a thorough work up and the doctors started saying that she could have this or that, and she took it an extreme level instead.
There's NO way she would have major surgery and then be out the next day. Minor surgeries are done outpatient but abdominal surgery is one week guaranteed in the hospital, plus 6-8 weeks of recovering.
No. 150496
>>150470Erika here, one post, the kid thing is just hurting too much. I am usually all for criticism, but yes, Mai leaving is breaking me. It hurts. It really hurts. She will be visiting at least once a month, her father and I are on very good terms and he's more than happy to be a part of Mai's life. The school system where he lives is fantastic. She deserves that. I am divorcing my husband and looking into moving further north, somewhere less expensive, ideally very close to my ex so that we can manage some sort of co parenting.
My mother apparently lost it on my adoptive father for not having enough money and no life insurance..which would leave her broke if he died and she insisted that being in his 70's he's on deaths door and the world revolves around her…she threatened him physically and he called her doctor who called the police and enforced a 72hr baker act.
Medically..I don't like talking about my pooping habits. It's a little embarrassing for me I guess..I'm eating a lot more and a lot of new foods in recovery, I'm not used to changes. They suspected a stroke upon admission, but during the bowel X-ray we found a serious impaction and infection. There are no words for the pain involved and yes I had been having blood in my stool for a while, but I also have internal hemerhoids from pregnancy(totally love talking about this) so Bleeding was t abnormal. I was put on heparin for one reason or another, I was very incoherent throughout the stay, mostly due to stress, malnutrition from a twisted intestine and a whole slew of sleeplessness and illness. I thought about posting the actual imaging, but the doctors don't just I've them to you, it's more of a request basis and a royal pain in the ass (ha). I think a break from it isn't necessarily a bad thing. I have a lot going on and it does suck, yes. I will be applying for disability as soon as I recover a bit. We don't qualify for other government assistance due to Yustas's citizenship status. We are ok on food, I utilise Aldi (very inexpensive market) and local coops. It's the other bills. Co pays etc. I have insurance through the marketplace, my kids have Medicaid as they are both citizens and that was never an issue. Traud had some dental work that was pricey, but well worth it. Previous poster was correct- it is pre-k. She loves kids, loves school play, she will love it and it will give me time to figure out working further in the future. I'm not mad, just a little hurt. I named Mai after the song "Komm lieber Mai", Edeltraud is a beautiful name with a strong personal meaning, my family is German, though most moved to Danmark.
I still am not BPD, just diagnosed with PTSD, Panic disorder, Major Deppressive Disorder..and a few other non personality disorders. :/
I don't come on here, but I was DM'd this thread. I'm pretty busy irl, I don't lurk mpa, no. I loathe the idea that I ever did. I don't want to post a ton and be seen as attention seeking, I was just hoping to show all aspects of my life, personally, bluntly, and openly. Sometimes it's not all sunshine and flowers. I know a lot of you are great people, I'm just in a position of great emotional stress and need to take a step back. I will not fall back into anorexic or disordered tendencies. Well wishes, and healing, Erika.
No. 150512
File: 1438637853421.jpg (10.44 KB, 240x45, mpa.JPG)

>>150496You need to change your password or something because someone's using your account to browse/lurk.
No. 150517
>>150499I am doing a bad job of not posting once but one more thing..I promise ._.
I never wanted Ashley to get bashed and I still for the love of life hope she can pull through. I forgive whatever happened with anything and STILL miss her non disordered talks. She is a person under that. She is young at heart and I knew I had to cut ties to recover. I still care about her, she's a living, breathing human. She's someone's daughter. Jackie is an amazing woman, I don't know the disordered side of her, just her. I don't care to dig around, I'd rather get to know someone from them. I truly hoped maybe..maybe my ig (mistypes are usually my autocorrect being a hinderance, sorry) helped save some girls struggling. I wanted to give hope. My daughters weren't my saviours from illness, they were my inspiration to live. They showed me love and forgiveness and most of all innocence. They love everyone unless proven otherwise. They are amazing kids. Typing that alone makes me feel so much better. I want to stay focused on living. Mai is excited about school, my ex gave me an iPhone back when they first came out and we were still together, he continues to keep me on his plan so that we can talk/share/FaceTime etc. we will have that when she's in school. I'm so excited for her opportunity to go to a real- honest to god amazing school that is utilised to teach kids from all walk with great care. Not only will she be in a great school, but I can get my finances in order and become the mother I want and need to be. I'm not nearly as complicated as the Internet makes me seem, and I can papercraft just about anywhere. I spent time in the icu and pcu, I gifted papercrafts to the kids on the oncology floor. It's simple, it's complicated, it's what you make it. The only important thing here is living life. Happiness is a side effect of love and care.
No. 150518
>>150516You're probably right.
HAHAHA way to go, idiot.
No. 150524
>>150520When she said what her diagnoses were, one was BPD but she disagreed. She said she thinks she's autistic. I agree. I mean, who sends a message to someone saying THEY'RE TALKING SHIT ABOUT YOU GO SEE IT when any non autist would know it's not a wise thing to do. Maybe say
something but not send her to the fucking thread when she's ill.
No. 150534
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Someone who mustn't find enough ~dramu~ here as it is.
She deleted her 2nd account, or changed the name back to forestcat or w/e. This was the post. Not sure why she'd be "terrified" of being diagnosed manic depressive, but hey ho.
No. 150558
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Revenge… -rattles-
No. 150559
>>150517aw, well, I'm sorry to see you go and I really enjoyed following your story. You don't owe anyone shit, but having to "prove" yourself is unfortunately always a side effect of making a story public. A break from social media might be helpful! If you decide to come back I would just totally ignore spaces like this one. Everyone has an opinion and wants to share it, doesn't mean you have to hear it!
Good luck with everything!!! I hope we get an update from you someday.
No. 150577
>>150574Ha no, this is fucking PULL behaviour.
We're supposed to only be selecting the choicest of cuts for cooking, not desperately grasping for slithers of threads to pull upon.
You're a bottom feeder and probably from PULL tbh.
No. 150588
>:)The emote says otherwise.
No. 150603
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>>150595So is this. Whadayathink? The mouth needs a bit more work I think. Like make it smaller or sth
No. 150640
>>150634Recovery from Laparoscopy
When your laparoscopy is completed, you will be observed for several hours before you are released from the hospital. The timing of your release will vary. It depends on:
your overall physical condition
the type of anesthesia used
your body’s reaction to the procedure.
In some cases, you may have to remain overnight.
Generally, you will be taken to a recovery room. While there, you will be checked for any reaction to the anesthesia or the procedure. Your vital signs will be monitored.
When the effects of your anesthesia wear off, you will be discharged. However, if you received general anesthesia, you will not be permitted to drive yourself home.
After your laparoscopy, you can expect to feel slight pain and throbbing at the surgical sites. Any pain or discomfort should improve daily. Your physician may prescribe medication to relieve the pain.
It is not uncommon to have shoulder pain after your procedure. This occurs when the carbon dioxide gas causes an irritation in your diaphragm, which shares nerves with your shoulder. The carbon dioxide may also cause some bloating.
You will be told not to lift any heavy objects for about a week.
Typically, you can go back to eating your normal diet when you feel hungry.
You usually can resume all normal activities within a week. You will need to return to your physician in about two weeks.
No. 150642
>>150640Not Erika, just chiming in. I had an abdominal laproscopic procedure. It was ountpatient. I spent 5-6 hours recovering and I was out by the afternoon. I checked into the hospital at 8 am.
I had a LOT of pain from the C02. Mostly in my back and shoulders. The painkillers helped that and I was back to my normal self within 3 days. I had a tubal ligation as I didn't want any more kids.
No. 150647
>>150642In her instagram photo Erika said she was waiting for a ride home. This was 14 hours after the supposed procedure. It is true you can be released just a few hours after SOME laparocopic procedures. Having your intestines removed is not one of those (google Colectomy. It says 1 week hospital stay, and an additional 6 weeks recovery time).
"You'll stay in the hospital until you regain bowel function. This may take a couple of days to a week."
From: No. 150670
>>150666I also AMA'd after the heparin nurse told me she'd kill to have to take shots in her arms because of low bodyfat. I just really, the whole thing is
triggering and stupid and I already feel like crap over my mom hurting my dad, my husband being him, there's a lot to it. But again, poop talk isn't fun. Haha Erika's full of shit- literal puns and whatnot. Just…I'm really going to miss Mai, I'm scared, I'm scared of divorce I'm just fucking scared. A shitty blockage really is the least of my cares at this point. I haven't been single since 2003. I'm just scared.
No. 150674
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>>150656no way anon she is gonna live forever
No. 150690
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>>150677>>150680Go back to your chairgrave, Ash.
>And poor little Ashley cried, "Boohoo, I want to have my intestines operated on, too!"Seriously, did you ever read Madeline as a kid? You're just like one of these salty cunts who got jealous after Madeline got attention and presents after having to have her appendix removed.
No. 150691
>>150685I was only given blood thinner shots after my c-section and I had those cuffs on your legs that inflate, just like you.
As far as I know, if you're on blood thinners like Warfarin, they do make you stop it a few days before surgery. Getting it afterward is a lot different than being on it long term.
No. 150695
>>150688"Some forms of lying prevalent in people with BPD include the following:
Faking a medical condition in order to reduce responsibility."
No. 150718
>>150700 Do you know anyone with Munchausen by Internet? Maybe you don’t know yet. Here are some clues to help you detect a person faking an illness:
– Near-fatal bouts of illness alternate with miraculous recoveries.
– Continual dramatic events in the person’s life, especially when other group members have become the focus of attention.
– The claims are fantastic, contradicted by subsequent posts or flatly disproved.
– The person would not be capable of posting if they were as seriously ill as they claim.
– They describe their misfortunes with inappropriate happiness to attract more attention.
– As they don’t understand the disease they are faking the symptoms are exaggerated like a caricature of the illness.
– They will blame the lack of sympathy from group members for causing their condition to worsen.
No. 150728
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>>150683>>150690uhh what? how salty are some people here thinking everyone who thinks erica is lying is ash? please
No. 150827
>>150289>armchair diagnosingfuck off
sometimes cunts are just cunts
No. 151033
>>151032Can't really answer that. I was the one who made this thread because people started wanting to talk about Ash in the aly thread (and the thing about hoping the ed bragging would find a home here instead). I wish I hadn't now that this all kicked off and won't be making another when it sages.
Erika probably gets mentioned because of her link with ash, but that was so long ago. I honestly didn't think she'd figure as a major part of this thread but didn't understand why there were people wanting to talk about ash when there's really nothing more to be said.
Two theories:
- Erika fans made their way here because of connection.
- Boredom at lack of Ash drama.
100% regret making this thread. Lazy bishes can do their own next time.
No. 151050
>>151043I'm not stressed about it, anon. I know making a thread isn't hard, but the people complaining there was no Ashley thread need to know it's a piece of piss.
Tbh, I feel bad (not stressed or suicidal or w/e) because I really wanted to leave Ash alone in her twilight months. Also didn't expect the ~dramu~ surrounding Erika freaking out, but y'know, idgaf what people do with their igs.
No. 151077
>>151033> hoping the ed bragging would find a home here insteadYeah, that didn't really work out for you, since bragging didn't relocate. The annoying "ED HERE!11" got called out by a farmer, one apologized and promised not to mention it and I think the rest kind of silently agreed.
Ash was the only one who wanted another Ash thread, tbh. Kind of glad that the focus was stolen from her pathetic existence but it's a shame that this cowshit ~dramu~ occured.
No. 151086
>>151083Why is that bad?
, I'm not going to expect everyone to have strong feelings for the lion to not make any jokes at all. So if I wouldn't expect it from moat people, I wouldn't expect it from lolcow either.
No. 151153
>>151144>DidAshley DID horrible things to Erika.
But right now, other than Ashley fuming over no attention and her mind is on death's doorway, Erika has nothing to do with Ahley recently.
So Erika/her fans self posting about her ED is irrelevant.
Did Ashley give Erika her ED?
Did Ashley make Erika have a stroke?
Did Ashley indirectly/directly send Erika to the hospital?
No, she didn't. As much of an asshat walking/rolling proana Ash is, keeping her thread alive is irrelevant a d we could have a dedicated thread to Erika in /b/, that's it.
Sorry to seem rant based, but I'm coming straight out and saying it.
Plus, wouldn't it be good for Erika to disassociate herself with Ashley by not posting in her threads?
No. 151173
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>>151170Erika's fanbase came from Ash, though. Jackie, theforestcat, Emma, all came from Ash and are still friends with Ash. There's so much overlap and lasting drama that there's absolutely no point in separating them.
No. 151275
>>151273I mean yeah duh, but people will continue to post about it when they see it for the first time or something
I read like one article of it and was just disgusted and didnt seek it out anymore
Just ignore it
No. 151301
>>151279So this thread is still exploring Erika.
I know whatever she writes has to be taken with a pinch of salt most of the time, but a couple of years ago she commented on mpa that her husband was very, very supportive. Perhaps trying to put forward a good relationship image, but she blames him for (red text coming up)
triggering her ED so that's…um…not supportive?
No. 151306
Maybe he supported her development of an ED.
No. 151310
>>151308Her later posts on Instagram sounded as if her psychiatrist convinced her (or helped her realize) that Yustas had done something to
trigger or enable her eating disorder.
No. 151324
>>151310But she claims she's been anorexic since she was four years old. It's not fair to blame him for "causing" her to relapse. I'm sure he said things that were
triggering because when you're that sick literally anything will
trigger you. Even if it hadn't been a stupid comment about her breasts it would have been something else. She has to take responsibility for her actions. You can't control what people say to you but you can control your reactions. People with EDs need to learn they can't make everyone around them walk on eggshells.
No. 151329
>>151324So true. I always feel like the mental anguish that people who love people who have ED have to go through must be awful. You are watching people whither away and there is nothing you can do. You try to help them, they refuse. They sabotage all your efforts to help them. I would think mentally checking out would be the only kind of survival mechanism.
I see it with addicts, too. One can only drag someone to rehab and AA before they just wash their hands clean of someone. We'd like to think that if you love someone enough, you'll keep trying, but everyone has a limit. At some point you just have to let go to maintain your own sanity.
No. 151427
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Why is it always this "deer in the headlights" face? Is that really her best look?
No. 151435
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My question is when she got so bad at makeup.
No. 151436
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No. 151465
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No. 151466
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RIP Sweet Angle
No. 151525
>>151519Adhesions can cause blockages. And she said her guts were twisting, which could also be explained by it being an adhesion.
She said some of her intestine needed to be removed. Blockage and scar tissue is "some of her intestine". Like, you can argue that it sounded more severe than it was because she didn't give much detail, but that's not lying.
No. 151543
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It was nowhere as serious as you guys are making it sound. I was scared shitless(punny). I have disgusting swelling and almost no pain. It heals incredibly fast but I'm fine. I don't even require bandages at this point as the air is helping it heal faster. The heparin was to prevent dvt…which is actually extremely serious. Having a locked up bowels that need attention isn't anywhere near as deathly as it sounds, unless of course you have an allergic reaction. I was born in Daytona beach FL. My grandparents are German. ?. I don't know why I am replying again…the kid comments are just really stinging. I did not plan my pregnancies. I never thought I'd have kids. My anorexia developed at around age four as per documentation due to sexual abuse and a mother with weight issues and a bio dad who was obsessed with it. My kids are awesome. They do kid things, they don't have an alcoholic mom passing out every night or a physically abusive household. Anorexia does some *really shitty things to your head. Yes. I regret my past. I do not live in an anorexic or bulimic or restricting or wtf ever mindset anymore. I may however, eat too much peanut butter, but my doctor is totally cool with that.
No. 151546
>>151543So you're saying what you've put them through is okay, because at least you're not an alcoholic? You realize you have an addiction yourself, and it can't be healthy for young children to watch their mother waste away while being bounced around to different homes when she's in and out of hospitals and treatment facilities. I don't understand why you minimize the impact your actions have on them. This is traumatic, no matter how much you try to rationally discuss the situation with a toddler and special needs child. You can't justify it by saying it's fine because at least you don't hit them or drink.
And desperately trying to win back lolcow's affection (frantic attempt to avoid abandonment) isn't helping your argument that you don't have BPD.
No. 151558
>>151543Well, I'm glad you're doing well.
Please excuse the salty cunts; they're just vicious now that Ash is all dried up.
No. 151574
>>151556But when you make your story public. post pictures/info about your kids, and set up a fundraiser entitled "Mama's Hope For Recovery", your kids automatically become part of public discussion.
I am a parent myself and I understand what you're saying. My advice is that if you don't want people talking about your kids, then don't share info about them anymore.
No. 151584
>>1515811. ignore this thread
2. keep doing what you were doing before
3. fuck the haters
No. 151597
>>151581Do ittttt
The web is a great distraction whens it not being a shithole
Again good luck
No. 151640
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>>151627>>151630Ooh, ouch, sick burns. I'm sensitive, d-don't make me cry…
No. 151696
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>>151666>none of you are doctors.YOU DON'T KNOW ME
No. 151703
>>151654Half of the damn diagnose is something most people experience at least once.
>feigning illness to get out of responsibilitiesAre you saying people don't normally do this? LOL. Now granted they don't make a circus act out of it and post it online for everyone to see, but every single attentionwhoring tumblrina has done this and calling in sick to get out of work is not that uncommon either.
>muh high/low self-esteem periodsEvery young woman ever has had this. Feeling ugly one day and pretty the next, when you got your hair done, is nothing unusual.
Fucking armchair psychologists.
No. 151709
>>151705>>151703She doesn't seem like it.
I worked as a receptionist in a public mental hospital (my country still has conscription and those jobs are usually given to people who do civil service), and you can't just go off a list. If she had it, trust me, you'd KNOW. We've had a girl who would always try to run away from her ward, get pissed out of her mind and start walking down the railroad tracks (still in service, so high chances of becoming a human pancake) threatening to kill herself. Someone always had to go chase her down.
No. 151728
>>151726Specific Symptoms of Borderline Personality Disorder
A person with this disorder will also often exhibit impulsive behaviors and have a majority of the following symptoms:
Frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment
A pattern of unstable and intense interpersonal relationships characterized by alternating between extremes of idealization and devaluation
Identity disturbance, such as a significant and persistent unstable self-image or sense of self
Impulsivity in at least two areas that are potentially self-damaging (e.g., spending, sex, substance abuse, reckless driving, binge eating)
Recurrent suicidal behavior, gestures, or threats, or self-mutilating behavior
Emotional instability due to significant reactivity of mood (e.g., intense episodic dysphoria, irritability, or anxiety usually lasting a few hours and only rarely more than a few days)
Chronic feelings of emptiness
Inappropriate, intense anger or difficulty controlling anger (e.g., frequent displays of temper, constant anger, recurrent physical fights)
Transient, stress-related paranoid thoughts or severe dissociative symptoms
No. 151731
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No. 151842
>>150496You're obviously BPD and ashamed to admit it, your constant sob stories and fake persona are a dead give away. Lolcow is not a support network, you're just funny tp laugh at now.
"though most moved to Danmark"
Top kek we know you're a native English speaker.
No. 151889
>>151839OK Sherlock, I'm curious - how did you deduce her location in the hospital from such a spare photo of her in a hospital bed in front of a nearly-blank wall? Have you ever been in a hospital? They do this crazy thing where they move your bed around to get you from, say, the ER to the ICU, or the ICU into surgery. The beds even have
>>151543Fake incision marks from a fake laparoscopic surgery, amirite? (I have scars in nearly the same places from mine; they only kept me for like 12 hours after my surgery and they gave me a blood thinner to prevent DVT, but hey, I'm probably lying and have BPD, too)
No. 151903
>>151840I think this too. I think she's sick and had surgery but is also BPD as fuck
>>151842this pretty much. annoying to see her come here again and again to bawww' so people can tell her 'oh it's ok :'c feel better princes'
I have BPD and before therapy I also engaged in annoying attention whore behavior but not to this retarded extent
No. 151906
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>>151889Get your panties out of a bunch, it's clearly not ICU due to the lack of ICU machinery behind/next to her and the fact people don't go to ICU for a few days and then just get let out. Pic related ICUs have a lot of stuff in them and yep I know, I have been to one.
Sure, she might have had that or she could have cut her stomach but obviously someone who is as delusional as her wouldn't do that amirite?
Inb4 Ash, just someone who can see through other mentally ill peoples BS.
>>151903Amen, sis, I can see the attention seeking behaviour too.
No. 151915
>>151903I don't know why people insist she's not a lolcow when anyone else doing the same shit and coming off anon repeatedly to desperately try to make themselves look better would be fair game.
Remember when she was like in love with lolcow and writing those long heartfelt thank you letters here because omg you
saved me (yeah the exaggerated idealization doesn't scream BPD at all). she thought lolcow was the bee's knees when her friends were being dragged through the mud but the minute someone is critical of her for valid reasons suddenly lolcow is cruel. Hmm.
No. 151939
I believe she had some light surgery, but I don't believe that she was in ICU. Definitely not when she was all made up and not when she was being prepped for surgery. Who took that pic anyway?
>>151936I was bashed way up in thread for describing the IC units I've visited saying different in different hospitals. That pic
>>151906 is just like them. People there are really seriously ill and need INTENSIVE care. If you're in a hospital where it's all relaxed and you can put your wig on and make up and make things with your child in ICU, I'd wonder if you'd really entered a creche instead.
No. 151942
>>151941Because Erika could never exaggerate the truth and can do no wrong! Didn't you know that by now anon?
/s just in case
No. 151946
>>151940The odd thing is there is absolutely no explanation for what happened to him. His lungs filled up with fluid and he had to be resuscitated. Doctors don't know why. He does have a bad heart and has had a bypass and a replaced heart valve, but his heart is as ok as it can be considering.
He took it as a wake up call to lose weight & eat better, as he also had a blocked carotid artery a few years ago.
No. 151950
>>151946Yeah, it took cancer for my dad to quit smoking after decades (he started at 10!). Fortunately he beat it ~arm strength emoji~ and I went to vaping instead! It's like you know what you do is bad for people, but until it affects you or someone close you don't really think it's going to happen.
You gotta look after your body. It goes wrong sometimes, but it's a pretty good healer if you sort your lifestyle out eh.
No. 151954
>>151941I know ICUs aren't empty. I was just saying that you can't see shit aside from Erika's bed and a tiny bit of the wall behind her - you can't see whatever machinery her tubes and wires are hooked up to, for example, but it's obviously there and is just out of the frame (unless you think she's, I don't know, staging this in her home or something?).
I'm honestly not sure what would happen if a person went to the ER with their little kid, was admitted to the ICU, and didn't have a way of getting their child to anyone/anywhere else safely and immediately. The hospital wouldn't just tell the child "sorry, no visitors allowed" and kick them out the front door on their own, but I don't know how they
would handle it.
No. 151980
>>151728That sounds like Ash, not Erika.
>>151842Just because some things are too horrible for you to believe happened, that doesn't make it false.
No. 151981
Erika is slightly different than Ash. Erika wants to get better for her kids. They are her motivator. She has hope.Ash has nothing and thinks the world is out to get her.
No. 151990
>>151986I'm down as BPD and I've only got 5 of those things on the list and definitely don't crave attention, seek attention, and I'm not a clingy as fuck person (the antithesis of tbh).
It's different with everyone I suppose. Idk why Erika would deny it if she had the BPD diagnosis. It's not like she hides the multitude of other disorders.
BPD is too readily diagnosed imo. Bipolar is as well.
No. 152013
>>152011What quack diagnosed you?"No single test can diagnose borderline personality disorder. "
Hence why no psych would ever see you once and say you have it.
No. 152016
>>152003I have a hard time believing that Ash & crew are diagnosed borderline and Erika not.
>>152013I had multiple sessions but they did not require a hospital stay.
No. 152025
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OMG so fucked up
No. 152030
Just to curb the bickering on length of ICU stay:
Here is a study by NIH putting the mean at about 3.8 days. That means some people stay longer (and there is likely a shift in the mean toward length b/c of long-term cases), but plenty of people stay less than that length of time. The internet! No. 152056
>>151990She's been very defensive whenever someone mentions BPD and is in total denial despite the fact she meets all the diagnostic criteria, every single one. My guess is she's afraid to admit she has it because she's terrified of being like her mother, who also has BPD.
Her mother allegedly enabled and contributed to her abuse. Acknowledging the BPD would be admitting she's more like her mother than she'd like to think she is, even though they both act out very differently so that's not something she needs to worry about.
>>152020She really has a poor understanding of psychometrics for someone who's been through so many shrinks. Her excuse that she's exempt from BPD because she's too smart is nonsense and an insult to people with BPD. The fact that she thinks her IQ alone is a diagnostic test showing she has autism is another sign she's not educated in this area.
No. 152108
>>152093A lot of shrinks
hate dealing with BPD. There have been too many cases of borderline patients getting way too attached/stalking/generally being resistant to treatment and some therapists avoid those patients because they're just not equipped to handle them. It's hard enough for Erika to find treatment as it is so a diagnosis might do more harm than good in her case.
No. 152163
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From Erika's old tumblr.
I love people who take online IQ tests on the regular and assume they are representative of one's intelligence.
If you were intelligent, you'd be able to deduct that of course you are likely to score higher the more often you repeat a test.
No. 152166
>>152163I think Erika is bright, and highly creative. She seems to have a gift for art. It's too bad she can't pour all that self-destructive energy into some kind of artistic outlet.
I doubt she has an IQ of 170, but she's probably smarter than the average bear. Many people who are extremely smart suffer from mental illness. My family is plagued by bipolar and depression, and we all have high IQs (130s).
No. 152182
>>152163I'm pretty sure she said that she's been tested by psychologists. Not "online IQ tests".
>>152167They were idiots. One point is well-within margin of error of testing. The actual margin of error varies by the particular test itself, but is typically around 5 points.
No. 152192
>>152166If she was 'extremely' smart she wouldn't post on lolcow and do fake accents on yt videos, she's 'smart' at best.
>>152182Why would they test her IQ multiple times as an adult? Smells like more BS.
No. 152232
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>>151473Her husband, presumably.
You can see a man's shoes in some of her thinspo-esque pictures.
No. 152264
>>152192>Why would they test her IQ multiple times as an adult? Smells like more BS.It's called a neuropsychological evaluation, which is done with many tests for mental disorders such as autism and also for other neurological deficits, or simply as a baseline. I find it extremely believable that Erika has had multiple evaluations of this nature since she's prone to strokes and her disorder itself causes fluctuations in her neuro-thing.
You people are getting way ahead of yourselves with this shit. I believe everything Erika is saying; however, you need to take it with a grain of salt and understand it's from her perspective. Same as we can tell the real situation with Ashley and her mother from her perspective, although it seems the complete opposite of real.
No. 152293
>>152289Yeah it just reminds me of those anorexia fetish porn sites.
Or those VK pages of males creepily fawning over deathly emaciated women.
No. 152294
>>152232Looks like a skeleton dog
Jfc why doesn't she just end herself
No. 152345
>>152165Could be from her stroke or listening to Yustas speak all day.
Anyone remember how she claimed to have DID aka multiple personality disorder.
No. 152368
>>152345IIRC, she vaguely explained once that she had DID, but didn't have different alters. I'm not sure how one can have DID without alters, but I'm pretty ignorant on the subject.
>>152013>Hence why no psych would ever see you once and say you have it.Oh, you might be surprised. And even if a chart just says 'possible BPD', anyone who reads said chart treats it as a BPD case.
No. 152513
>>152232Holy fuck that's sad. Say what you want about Erika but she has come a long way since that photo.
>>152439I'm guessing that like 95% of farmers have some sort of mental illness that isn't "just" depression or general anxiety (not trying to trivialize those issues, just saying that they're quite common) - not necessarily BPD, but something.
No. 152529
>>152368I don't remember her ever saying she has DID. I only remember her saying she has dissociative episodes. It's hard to understand WTF she's saying sometimes, but it sorta sounded like out-of-body experiences when she got super stressed/anxiety-attacks?
Mah googlings find this which is one of the types of "dissociative disorders:" No. 152580
>>152529Yeah, that's what I remember. I don't remember her saying anything about the alters thing.
I can get dissociation with anxiety, and (for me anyway) it's like you're not in your body. Not out of your body, but you can't relate to being the body. Difficult to explain. Everything around you feels pretty much the same, like it's all unreal and a film being played out and you're watching it from underwater or sthing.
Not as dramatic as it sounds because in a weird way you get used to it. It's annoying but you don't freak out about it and just accept while it's happening.
No. 152711
>>152580DID is NOT just having dissociations. I dissociate (and also 'depersonalize') from some '
triggers' like people screaming loudly at me I suddenly don't feel my body/feel far away etc. DID (Formally known as Multiple personality disorder) is the disorder where you have "multiple personalities".
Also what you described is more like depersonazation ('un real'/can't relate to being a body/film)
No. 152716
>>152446>>152439>>152513I honestly never disliked erica a lot but never really liked her either. I am BPD and I recognize these traits:
- need for approval
- need for asspats in general
- weird attention seeking posts on social media
- exaggerations of her conditions/state (I do believe she is ill though)
I'm not
Dignosing but she really does have a lot of BPD traits. And with her family history (BPD mom) and abuse history/eating disorder this becomes even more likely.
I hope Erika gets help for these behaviors as well as her eating disorder. BPD has been a lifelong battle for me and will be for Erika as well if she gets diagnosed (I got told I had 'traits' at around 17/28 and diagnosed officially at 19/20)
No. 152738
>>152711I know what DID is. I've read so much shit about MK/Monarch programming, watched youtubes of people who "claim" to have it, read "When Rabbit Howls", "Sybil Exposed" blah blah. I get it.
I depersonalise AND get dissociation. I didn't say I get DID. I can't explain how it feels, and yes it's more than I tried to explain. My psychiatrist said it's dissociative disorder, not DID. I get depersonalisation as well and it's a different sensation.
I was saying that sounds what Erika has, plain ol' dissociative disorder, not DID. I don't believe she has Dissociative IDENTITY disorder that involves altars.
No. 152802
>>152711Stress related dissociation is literally one of the criteria for BPD.
>transient, stress-related paranoid ideation or severe dissociative symptomsShe doesn't have DID like she claims and really it's strange she knows so little about mental disorders considering all the treatment she's had. In the context of all her other symptoms it's most likely related to BPD and not a dissociative disorder on its own.
No. 152803
>>152802same anon you replied to. I agree with you completely
I posted here about her BPD stuff
>>152716 No. 152811
>>152802Symptoms of one thing (depression, anxiety, w/e) overlap with the disorder thing. I'm this anon
>>152580 and this is me too
>>151990. The dissociation is one of the 5 things that apply to me on that list.
I don't think it's a stigma as such having that diagnosis, but it pisses me off if ever I say it (tbh this is the only place in years and years I've ever done mental personal blog)/have said it, people PRESUME I'm neurotic about abandonment and being alone and shit, when really I prefer people to actually piss of, lel.
Anyhoo, enough about me :D Erika meets more conditions than me on that list, so don't see why she hasn't been told she has BPD.
I used to think the wig thing and the way she used to write was her acting out some alter thing, but with no disrespect here, I find Erika's mind way too messed up to try to figure out.
No. 152813
>>152811 (me)
Also - does anyone understand all this Orion business she used to write about? Orion keeps me safe or sthing? I used to think that was an alter thing until I realised she wasn't DID after all.
I was always dubious about the times she'd take a pic of her sat on the toilet or in the bathroom with a faraway look saying OH I'M DISSOCIATING SO HARD RIGHT NOW. Sorry, but if you're in that state taking a selfie of a vacant look on your face? Um… y'know?
No. 152836
>>152813Yeah, like what?
IMO I think it's munchausen. Her starving herself keeps her looking frail and ill, more believable when she claims an illness or checks into a hospital for whatever. Munchausen folks love being in the ER and in a hospital bed. Her being so dangerously thin allows those visits for whatever the fuck to be more frequent and she gobbles up the sympathy and being ill like a drug
No. 152872
>>152865They like the attention, the head pats, the sympathy. Perfect scenario for the attention starved hypocondriac.
One can always hope that karma catches up. No one in the hospital dying of cancer is having a good time.
No. 152881
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and when you can't show your boo-boos to a doctor, just show them to the interwebs.
No. 152902
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This would not be a good idea. I really hope that when she sorts herself out she gets her tubes tied (if she can conceive again).
No. 152915
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The SHOW YOUR BINGE HAUL thread on mpa is disgusting. I can't look at all the chocolate without feeling ill.
Anyway, a question…
You know how Emma here was talking about purging, and the people on mpa discuss it freely without it seeming to bother them talking about puke? Am I odd (non purging person) to find stuff like this really gross? Why do they want to talk about puke? This was Erika's purging bowl. I can't even type that without wanting to heave.
If she comes here reading this stuff, I hope it reminds her how disgusting binge and barfing is.
No. 152916
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>>152881>>152899>>152888>>152894You're never too old to cut words into your limbs.
Your children need to learn how to read anyway, so it's a win-win.
No. 152918
>>152916>>152881Fucking spoilers, please?
No. 152919
No. 152925
>>152916Jesus fucking Christ, this is sickening.
I'm pretty sure it says 'nie genug.' That means 'never enough' in German. It's also the name of a rather popular song.
No. 152940
>>152902I was wondering about that. Unplanned pregnancies happen but when it happens multiple times it makes me question whether it was a freak accident or just irresponsible. I've seen women with like four accidental babies so it could be worse but still even with failure rates if you're using birth control responsibly it's unlikely to have an oops baby more than once.
Her first baby was with a gay guy right? Was he closeted at the time or was it like a drunken experimentation or what? Makes me wonder if it's tied to the impulsivity of BPD with reckless sexual behavior.
No. 152946
>>152940It happens, however it seems to happen a lot more with people who aren't using birth control properly. like the idiots who think the pull out method works.
If you take bc and your guy uses a condom at the same time, it's nearly impossible to actually get pregnant. come on now.
No. 152956
>>152952I got pregnant 10 years into using it. So yeah….be careful.
Tbat said, my boyfriend and I knew the risks and I didn't want anything hormonal. He also tried getting a vasectomy but the doctor didn't want to do it because he was 28, not married, no kids.
We were ok with having a baby and I don't regret it. I love my baby more than anything in the world. But my advice is, don't rely on it.
After I had my baby, I opted for a tubal. Best decision ever.
No. 152959
>>152921>>152916This is disgusting. Who does that? And she had children?
Listen, I used to be a cutter. I am bipolar, and guess what? I did it in places no one could see. It was my secret. I don't understand people who cut in very visible places, it just seems to be a pathetic attempt at attention whoring. And for a parent to be doing it is even worse.
I am discovering now with my own kids that genetics are a bitch. A lot of mental illness is hereditary, and I hate to say this Erika…but you will be watching your own kids go through this shit in another 10-15 years. The best thing you can do is STOP setting a bad example, because your kids are watching and learning everything that you do.
No. 152960
>>152946Don't know if she was underweight at the time but apparently unplanned pregnancies in anorexic women aren't uncommon because some of them mistakenly assume if they're not menstruating they can't get pregnant. Or they take the pill too soon before purging. Lack of education and awareness. Anorexia affects fertility but it doesn't guarantee no babies.
I did know one woman who claimed she was taking the pill perfectly and got pregnant several times. Even if that was true why wouldn't you switch methods after the first two pregnancies or so?
No. 152993
>>152928>blut I see what you did there… sehr klug.
>>152972I actually like her (though I do think she's cluster ii af and also I find this BPD and disturbing behavior talk interesting), but her stating that your intelligence level is reason for why you can be diagnosed (autism spectrum) or excluded from diagnosis (BPD, her kids not being scarred for life) has always really bugged me.
No. 152996
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>>152940He had already come out as gay to Erika before they procreated.
No. 153005
>>152974I thought the withdrawal method was only something old time Catholics did. That's why they have so many kids. I've gone 20 years+ using either the pill or bf using condoms (I'm old, not someone who started sexing insanely young) and never got pregnant. Never had a condom "split" either. Can't people even use contraception properly? (Answer obv no).
Can someone who knows their medical shit explain the seizures she was having pls? At first I thought she was having epileptic fits, but then I saw that video and it's something I've never seen before. Hey, thanks in advance :D :D :D !!!
>>153001I get too bored trying to do IQ tests. I haven't got the concentration, so I'm probably some kind of retard.
No. 153011
>>153005Modern day birth control is easy to get a hold of, either in the form of pills or condoms or other methods. People are just too fucking stupid. There is no reason for unwanted pregnancies in 2015.
My friend's younger sister (at 18) got pregnant because she seriously thought the pull out method worked. Why do only stupid people breed it seems?
No. 153016
>>153011I didn't use any bc because I hate anything hormonal. Also I didn't really care a whole lot about preventing and I was willing to accept what happened. Worked out great for me and I asked my OB to have a tubal right after my son was born, so I'll never have to worry about getting pregnant again.
Not everyone who uses the pull out method is stupid or unaware.
No. 153020
>>153011Because educated people know better lol.
For real though birth control failure could theoretically happen to anyone yet the unplanned pregnancies I've seen are disproportionately uneducated poor women. Sucks for the kids. And for society in the future as highly educated people choose not to have children or wait longer while the stupid ones have way too many.
No. 153021
>>153019Initially, my boyfriend and I did start using comdoms. Then I was on the pill for a year. We got used to doing it without condoms. Got really sick and diagnosed with autonomic dysfunction + hypertension (not due to bc pills). Decided I was done with hormones for good, ditched it. Decided I didn't like condoms much since switching to the pill.
After 10 years, I ended up pregnant and was very ok with it. Had some issues during my pregnancy, but nothing too terrible. I actually quite liked being pregnant, but I knew I did not want to have another kid again so I asked my OB if I could have a tubal and I had it done. I don't have any regrets.
I'm also in a position where I can afford a kid and I enjoy being a mom very much. It worked out for me.
No. 153026
>>153019I guess it just annoys me when other people say "oh well you must be stupid, har har har".
No, I am not dumb. I know what happens when you don't use protection. But I also didn't mind being a parent. My son is very well cared for. He's always laughing and smiling, and he is my pride and joy :)
No. 153027
>>153021You knew that at some point you would've wanted to get pregnant, so it wasn't a stupid decision to not use contraception. Erika saying she was hoping for an "oops" baby when she had two children (one with autism), a shitty second marriage and mental health issues coming out of her ears WAS stupid. She can't afford to keep two now, imagine if she had a third as she was hoping?
>>153022I find it hard to imagine they'd have sex. What was he doing with her if he wasn't into women? Fucked up.
No. 153032
>>153027Yeah, you're right.
Why would Erika want an oops baby? attention? I mean…babies are little humans. They need love and nurturing and Erika cannot provide that for her kids.
No. 153094
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>>153005yea i went to PP and they said condom is only 85% effective. pretty sure thats because of human error…
No. 153098
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>>153064At the time she wrote that about the oops baby, I think partly she saw breast feeding as a weight control/loss aid, so…
Self mutilation pics really piss me off. Someone on ig is hacking away like her arm (actually not sure where it is on her body) like it's a leg of pork. Really severe shit. I report it evert day and it's still there.
No. 153110
>>153076>>153037Some women like being pregnant because 1)some women actually get relief from their depression during pregnancy. The hormones, I guess. 2)They love the attention they get from being pregnant. Everyone treats them extra nice and with gentle care. 3)Babies need you! You are 100% in control of them. It's once they get old enough to say NO that there becomes a problem. Children by nature worship their parents, and someone who is an attention whore will love this stage of life.
But alas, they do grow up.
No. 153112
>>153110Still amazed Erika managed to get pregnant twice, despite accoridng to her, suffering from anorexia since she was 4.
Wonder if she also made up about being a mute when she was younger. How do we know now what is truth and what isn't?
No. 153240
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No. 153309
>>153240>>153144Erika needs to stop blaming everyone for her problems. Her mother may have been crazy, and she may have had a shitty upbringing…but so what? So do a lot of people. No one is picking up that razor and carving shit on her arm. No one is making her starve herself to be pretty. That's all her. It's very common for people with BPD to blame everyone else for their own problems. Sadly, NOT owning up to your own role in your own problems, is not going to help you recover.
It's not her mom's fault, her dad's fault, her husband's fault. It's Erika's fault. She has the ability to recover and grow past her personal tragedies. It seems she's attached to playing the victim role (woe is me…) and that is not going to help her recover and have the kind of life I'm sure she dreams of.
No. 153368
>>153112Maybe she means anorexic behaviorsmor thinking since age 4. It wouldnt surprise me really. Kids that undergo pain have to learn to deal somehow….
And its not like she was underweight since age 4. She obviously has been at healthy weight in other point of her life… Havent you seen the pics.
No. 153391
>>153379Okay fine, she's recovering. Therefore people need to stop bringing in X, Y, and Z because she has to move on.
She not going to move on, and will just keep coming back on the internet for asspat if people keep saying,
"Don't worry Erika! This is not your fault! Blame your parents/husband for your upbringing!"
No. 153449
>>153430I agree. I haven't posted in a week and I'm seriously disturbed by this thread. Some people here went WAY, WAY too far. I wouldn't be surprised the really disgusting posts were made by
anorexic sociopaths who get off on destroying people.
I wish this wasn't lolcow so this thread can be deleted, this shit got really dark.
No. 153511
>>153488Considering all the exaggerating/attentionwhoring she got from her last hospital stay, I'd say she's far from recovered. She has an addiction to "positive attention" and will stir up whatever is necessary in order to get it. I feel like the internet is a bad place for someone like that. It just feeds the narcissism, and makes her feel like she has to go to great lengths to stir up the drama necessary to keep people focused on her.
I don't think she needs "positive support." It's her journey, and her journey only. She needs to spend less time online looking for head pats ("positive support") and more time focusing her attention on the real problems she has going on in her life.
No. 153554
>>153511It doesn't sound like she has any IRL friends/support except Yustas and her kids. IG was her only social connection, and now that's gone.
I just feel bad for her. That has to be so lonely. And it's hard to better yourself without any encouragement. Especially if you have a lot of self-hate like she does. I really hope this doesn't fuck up her recovery. She's made such progress.
No. 153604
>>153554So much this.
Erika doesn't have irl friends or really anyone for that matter. She was never narcissistic? She never took compliments well..we DM'd often and she was never anything short of kind and caring. I received mail from her that was all hand made and with a lot of thought. She just seemed really lonely. As for the pictures she posted of herself, I personally loved to see her face brighten up my IG stream of self motivation quotes and food pictures tbh.
No. 153619
>>153570I thought it was on the answer phone lol so I have no idea why people believe her she's the exact kind of person to lie about that.
>>153604Yeah she was she couldn't resist coming here for ass pats and plastering herself online.
No. 153622
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>>153176No, but the wanderlust account is another ig account I can't believe doesn't get banhammered.
I'm talking about keeps flip flopping with private and public (private at the mo).
Don't click the spoiler if you don't wanna see gore. YES, this is a
TRIGGER warnin'
No. 153630
>>153619The only reason the call even became a thing is because farmers really really want to believe it was ashley. I don't think it was made up because Erika just posted about it in one post on IG and avoided talking about it otherwise, despite farmers fucking clamouring for her to implicate Ash. She didn't encourage attention about it.
I don't know whether it was Ash. I 100% believe Ash is capable of that and not very many people have Erika's number so it could be her calling from her mom's phone or something. But I think if Erika knew for sure it was her (or made it up lol) she would've given more hints or just outright threw Ash under the bus.
No. 153634
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>>153622Why did I click that omg
No. 153660
>>152952>Of every 100 women whose partners use withdrawal, 4 will become pregnant each year if they always do it correctly.
>Of every 100 women whose partners use withdrawal, 27 will become pregnant each year if they don't always do it correctly. used the pull-out method for 3 months and ended up pregnant. A couple of years later, my husband's bare dick spent about 30 seconds inside me before I stopped being retarded and grabbed a condom. Guess what? I got pregnant again! I've been sexually active for 10 years and have NEVER had an accidental pregnancy while using condoms or the pill.
IMO the pull out method is like driving without a seat belt. Some people never get in an accident, some do but don't get hurt. Some people get in accidents while wearing a seat belt but die anyway. But, statistically, you should wear the god damn seat belt!
If you can afford it, get an IUD. They almost never have negative side effects, they don't screw up your hormones like the pill, they're waaaaaaaay more effective than just about anything other getting your tubes tied, and you don't have to get a new one for years.
No. 153684
>>153467Huh? Are you stupid? The whole point of recovery is for yourself. You don't recover for asspats or attention. And like I said one important thing for recovery is not only to stop blaming everyone else but also find a way to stop seeking attention obsessively. It hurts you
Also TY for understanding guys
>>153486>>153488 No. 153822
>>153815There's worse on documentingreality, like that girl who cuts her face. I hate that ig take down accounts that're anti-proana and anti-pro self harm, but they let this gore slide.
BTW, who's the person that made the youtube Ash is talking about on her tumblr?
No. 153823
If you can deal with the gore cutz, please report the pics. She's on public again.
No. 153837
>>153823Tried to power through and report as many as I could while still keeping my dinner in my stomach and not on my keyboard.
This girl has a boyfriend and talks about having to cut/bruise herself + b/p when he's not around or before he gets home. How does someone like this have a partner? There's no way in hell I'd be able to deal with someone this self-destructive. It's disturbing as fuck. And loving them would be terrifying. What a fucking nightmare.
No. 153841
>>153839I just read that. I can't decide if I think she really feels that way or is trying to get sympathy for supposedly feeling like she's to blame.
Messed up either way.
Also just read;
> i hate myself, i want to scratch the skin off my face, i want to set myself on fire and laugh while i burn to death. i want to cut myself to pieces. i burnt myself last night but it was only tiny because i had to pretend i accidentally did it while cooking. i wish i could have held my arm on the hot plate. i can't wait until i snap and cut again. it will be amazing. i will watch my muscle move again and i will go further into it than ever. i will finally see bone. they said i hit it once before but i didn't know so i couldn't appreciate it. i plan to sever a tendon, not a big one, just something small in my wristThis stuff is so nauseating to read.
No. 153848
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>>153823Her skin is so fucked…
Her arm looks like an 80-year-old's.
No. 153852
>>153841>bryony1511Electro convulsive therapyinsurvivalmode@aliceemily_x i've been having it since 2013 :) they started by making me have it involuntarily but it actually started to work so i have it as maintenance now once every 3 weeks. it was really beneficial to me, it changed my life completely.
Imagine what she's been like in the past if ECT changed her life. Two years of ECT and she's still doing
No. 153899
>>153895If she can cut that deep she could easily off herself is she wanted to.
Not sure what I think about assisted suicide for mental illness, even though I really support it for physical illness.
It's amazing how she can find motivation to carry on. All those drugs, disorders, ECT and she's still at school. Her life must be so shit. Epilepsy too. I'd sever that fucking artery and go.
No. 154004
>>153812heey, didn't see your post
hive mind
No. 154134
>>154124Piggybacking myself.
Do any of you actually know how generous this girl is? She has really low self esteem and feels guilty for everything. She spends so carefully it's sad. This is just sad. You guys just can't shake that someone could really be that different. Erika saved my life when I was at my worst.
No. 154158
>>154139You type a lot like Ashley.
Your post sounds so predatory, yuck.
No. 154174
>>154124Listen, I'm sorry but, no one told her to delete anything. Or at least, not a lot of us. All most of us were saying is that she needs to stop bringing her family into her shit, stop blaming them when she's an adult now, and to stop posting on lolcow or any other sites for asspats,it's gonna be hindering her recovery.
Don't come here trying to guilt trick, and realize Erika is a grown ass woman
No. 154180
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No. 154195
>>154180Oh, wow. Her skin does look a lot better. That's pretty great. =D
I'm scared to get my hopes up though.
No. 154207
>>154200Ashley is
triggered by fish.
No. 154209
>>154207Nevermind, it's coming back to me. It was a random anon in the board who was "
triggered* by fish. Not Ash. Screenshot to prove me wrong?
No. 154210
>>154180She looks so horrible, I almost feel bad for her.
No. 154226
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No. 154229
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No. 154235
>>154226Sorry, but I still don't see a problem. When we were gossiping about Ashley it was because Ashley was scamming people and being an asshole even to her followers and it was painfully blatant. Erika is really, really trying to recover and is nothing but kind to everyone, and you newfags tore her apart because you think you know everything and you all have degrees in psychology, apparently. (Lol, Munchausen syndrome.) I don't blame her for deleting her IG. I was happy when she made it private, but she was definitely way too liberal about adding people, unfortunately.
The one thing I agree with: she should never have gotten involved on lolcow.
I wish her all the best and hope she's not still coming here.
No. 154248
>>154235agree. people keep bringing up "WELL SHE LIED ABOUT HER GUTS BEING REMOVED"
just remember that she is mentally sick. i know that doesn't excuse some behavior but she never did anything that terrible.
when my depression gets really bad sometimes i cannot think clearly and believe things that aren't true and start acting kinda crazy, so i can't imagine what it would be like to be as sick as she is/was. she could've just been scared and freaked herself out thinking it was the worst case scenario and since she is someone who shares most of her thoughts on the internet, that's how it came out? it could've been any number of things.
but i really don't think there is any good reason to be attacking her so much.
ashley on the other hand.. there's a reason she officially has a post here and erika doesn't.
No. 154262
scratch "people keep bringing up" cause apparently it's "ashley keeps bringing up"
No. 154264
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That's because Ash is lurking.
No. 154266
I actually laughed when I saw that person (Ashley?) mention in this thread that even Ashley doesn't come here anymore.
That's a good one.
No. 154268
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Hi, Ashley.
No. 154273
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>>154124Tell her not to be sad.
There will always be people willing to lick her wounded butt.
Same goes for Ash.
No. 154283
>>154226Sooo Erika being
triggered by Ashley is talking shit when Erika was and is actively recovering? okay. Erika was always nice and very protective of Ashley.
No. 154398
>>154387I should have responded in one post, you're right.
>>154396Not Ash, this is too funny.
No. 154428
I never thought she would end up seeing that video, but yeah. I made it, it seems to have trafficked some people to her blog.
No. 154445
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>>153822>like that girl who cuts her faceyou mean her?
No. 154492
>>154445Yeah, her. Out of all her gallery of mutilation that one freaks me out the most.
There was an account on ig which was deleted where the cutter was really into blood letting as well. She ised those IV things (not a medic, don't know technical term), and let the blood flow out. LOTS of it. Every day a new pic. It was genuinely scary and it takes a lot to make me wince.
No. 154567
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warning: bone
No. 154703
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>>154692Sorry, I know, it's just a thread where BPD has been discussed extensively.
>>154694Been there, done that (many times), no BPD diagnosis or anything similar. Dat medical students' disease, tho…
Again, sorry to derail. Back on subject, I can't believe Ash actually tags food photos like pic related with #binge. I have never actually discussed this with a person with bulimia (or AN-BP subtype), but I always figured that binging (and/or purging) would be considered shameful and private. It's surprising to me to see someone openly flaunting it.
No. 154724
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>>146443Body Dysmorphia never ever end really. Because it's impossible to achieve and is never enough and put on some weight equals fail and fail equals death, that's the point of this ill. She probably knows that she looks like a gost and it's not pretty people get scared about her look but it doesn't matter since she hasn't achieve the point of her body that she feels happy with (and she never will).
If anyone is curious and want try to understant this ill, I recomend reading this: this one too: No. 154727
>>154724> anorexia 101Thanks…
I aree with all except 4… How does the authorknow what any other anorexia sees when they look in the mirror. How do you know i don't see an obese person? Of course to an anorexic, normal weight is obese but still.
No. 154729
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Pete Burns has body dysmorphia. That's why he keeps fucking with his face.
No. 154746
>>154727Because she had anorexia herself and she recovered, you can read her story in this blog.
I have a type of ED too that's near anorexia and I don't see me as obese, I see me just normal but as the text describes, some parts of my body just aren't small enough (and never will be). Fortunately I'm doing therapy and it's slowy helping me have a positive body image about myself and finding the paradoxes about EDs. I started to criticize my own ED when I compared myself with my thinspos and discovered that I weight less than them in proportion and still feeling that isn't enough, so I knew that there's something really strange and wrong. Like, my "thinspos" where thin and beautiful and healthy and I'm thinner but can't feel beautiful and healthy like them.
No. 154773
>>154753Thanks (?) hahahah
>>154756Yep, my english is poor, sorry anon.
I see some parts of my body kind boney and ugly and little specific ones just horrible. Sometimes my head want me to belive that those parts are horrible because they are too big and they supposedly are this large and horrible because of my weight so maybe if I lost just a little bit more that part will be the way I want and will not be something that makes me feel sad. But I know it's a stupid lie and now I know this is my head using my body as a metaphor for my life (if I do everything perfectly right I will sucess and I'll be happy, but humans do mistakes all the time and mistakes are ok, I can do mistakes and also be happy too). When I reach the goal I became happy for a moment and then the cicle restart again because is not enough. Now I try not to focus on this and try to find things things in life that bring me joy, when I look at the part that bothers me and see that "monster" I try to ignore it and look to another side or place that isn't me. It's been about 6 months since I stopped losing weight and fortunately I'm not morbid like Ash or Aly if you want to know.
No. 154881
>>154689Fucking watch Girl, Interrupted and learn from it.
>Susanna: "Social contrariness and a generally pessimistic attitude are often observed." Well, that's me.>Lisa: That's everybody.As in, the symptoms of borderline are very vague and don't diagnose yourself with it. If you've seen several psychiatrists like you said in
>>154703 then you more than likely don't have it. Get over it, move on.
No. 154885
>>154881girl interrupted is a HORRIBLE representation of BPD, don't ever base your idea of BPD on it…. Lisa is more likely BPD than Susanna.
and yes, if none of them said It I doubt it.
No. 154895
I think she deleted this picture
>>154180 because some people started commenting that she looked healthier and that she was gaining. It's morbidly interesting to see how repulsed she is to health and life.
No. 154952
>>154706And some parents never care at all. Some people are worthless, and some worthless people have kids.
>>154567>>154445I wish I could spend a minute inside her mind. I understand some degree of self-harm and attention-seeking, but this this is SO extreme, it seems like it shouldn't be possible.
>>154798Go back to the Aly thread, ana-chan.
No. 155048
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>>154798Follow Em's cue and get yourself an ass cushion.
No. 155063
>>154895Regardless of looking less wrinkly around her mouth, she still looks jaundiced as fuck.
On another note, I was wondering; how come you never see first-world anorexics with those big bloated Africa-bellies that actual starving people get?
No. 155078
>>155063That's Kwashiorkor:
>a malnutrition disease, primarily of children, caused by severe protein deficiency that usually occurs when the child is weaned from the breast. The child does not lose weight as dramatically and does not look as sick as a marasmic child, who lacks both protein and calories. Some now believe kwashiorkor may relate to bacterial grain contamination and occur when the newly weaned child begins to ingest grain products. Eventually the following symptoms occur: retarded growth, changes in skin and hair pigmentation, diarrhea, loss of appetite, nervous irritability, lethargy, edema, anemia, fatty degeneration of the liver, necrosis, dermatoses, and fibrosis, often accompanied by infection and multivitamin deficiencies. Because dietary fats are poorly tolerated in kwashiorkor, its treatment includes a skimmed milk formula in initial feedings, followed by additional foods until a full, well-balanced diet is achieved. Doesn't really happen much in the "developed world" in general, probably because of the foods we have available to us.