File: 1588620464981.jpg (404.56 KB, 743x1000, victoria bella morte.jpg)

No. 772841
>Kicked out of her latest flop house for stealing from her roommates and using too much TP, was meme'd and shamed on facebook >>770314
>Hooked up (or started something) with one of her roommates and mistook it for relationship by posting about him meeting her family and updating her status to "happily taken" .. it was over within a day
>Stopped by lolcow to drunkpost in the AM while dropping some knowledge bombs about how bullying is wrong and also about how to kill yourself >>769627
>Shamelessly and publicly leads on depressed man with substance abuse issues, he calls her out, she drops him, and then vagueposts about how to ~treat a lady right~
>encourages people to get a note from their therapist to come get a tattoo from her
>still maintaining the lie that she has a British accent despite moving to Canada at age 2
>still posting screencaps from thirsty old men showcasing her perceived desirabilityPAST MILK:
>Met sugar daddy Ulises, who owns Jet Set Global, a sketchy event planning company
>Ulises is as delusional as Vicky, match made in heaven
>No more Ulises posts
>Now constantly thirst posting all over Instagram and Facebook
>Vicky now apparently is a fire eater as well
>Livestreams just to take selfies and to eye-fuck herself into oblivion
>More thirst posting, desperately needs to get laid
>Gets posted on r/instagramreality, 18k upvotes, 341 comments
>“Online stalkers are generally mentally ill people with issues upstairs. its pretty widely known in the psych industry.“
>Inks a whole-ass phoenix back piece on a customer, shaky af and disproportionate
>Posts video of her home, reveals liquor stash and blames it on her friend Jackie
>Shakes her photoshopped ass in her Instagram stories, just wants to show off her Tesla leggings though
>Constantly posting screenshots of random DM conversations. Usually random thirsty men that most women would ignore, but ol Vic will take any attention she can get.
>Still claiming to be fully booked for a year, while also offering last minute slots for “got inked”.
>Has to remind men that she’s turned down many billionaires and rockstar’s proposals, so you don’t have a chance. She’s sooooo picky you guys.
>Did a shitty editing job on a recent photo which gave herself 2 retinas in each eye. Someone commented on it saying “the editing on the eyes is crazy” and Vic chimped out, reminded everyone her eyes reflect AMAZINGLY. It’s called sunlight, you jealous cunts.
>Trading ink for car rides, shack renovations, anything that Vic can’t afford because she’s a broke bitch.
>Muh INTJ personality~
>Took a bath in Oxiclean and then tried to claim that it wasn't "labeled properly" after she apparently poisoned herself. Farmers have speculated it was a lie to cover up missed appointments, or that she just got so drunk and made a fool of herself and needed something to blame it on.
>Has been caught stealing other artists work. Traced off of her laptop and then (poorly) tattooed on her victims. " High-end, custom tattoos"
>Despite charging $3000 per hour for modelling, decided to volunteer as a self-proclaimed "hot merch girl" at a show that hosted less than 100 people. Wore the same crusty outfit that she always does.
>Her been attempting to stir up drama with random women from her past to justify her bad reviews
>Claims to be booked solid until the end of next year, while simultaniously e-begging for clients/appointments on Facebook every other day.
>Claims to be wealthy and a person who "has lived in many mansions" and has also been caught begging clients for deposits early through facebook messenger.
>Is constantly sharing screenshots of guys "hitting on her" trying to prove that shes "wifey material" and not like other girls.
>May have created sock instagram accounts to DM compliments to herself and then post them.
>Is still single and can't even hold down a man 10 years younger than her.
>Her younger sister is getting married and Vicky claimed she wouldn't be going to the wedding as she doesn't want to "steal all the attention away" from her sister on her big day.
>Is the proud owner of the lowest rated tattoo shop in a 50 mile radius. Was nominated for exactly zero awards in her local readers choice.
>Started dating someone nearly 10 years younger than her after being painfully single for a long time and thinks this is something to brag about. >Frankie the self timer photographer has gone MIA since boyfriend appeared.>The Google page for her scratch shack blew up with a slew of bad reviews from previous customers. This included the couple who had their deposit stolen after Vicky ditched an appointment, claiming to have been kidnapped.>Shingles has responded to almost every single review in a predictably unprofessional manner, accusing the customer of being a lying stalker>30-something year old scratcher who works in an unlicensed ‘tattoo salon’ comparable to a shack, blames clients for poor aftercare when her inability to tattoo competently results in permanent damage>Former MySpace ‘scene queen’ with a very poor grasp of Photoshop and After Effects>Narcissistic attention whore and self-proclaimed international cover model and ‘real life Final Fantasy character’>Incapable of talking about herself without making claims so outlandish only a total idiot would believe them>Claims to be not only well-versed but Ivy League educated in psychology, astronomy and quantum physics despite never enrolling in post secondary education and/or never involving herself in groups dedicated to those fields>Posts embarrassing videos of herself flailing around with a dollar-store katana because she is a ‘sword fighter’>Fakes an atrocious British accent>Outed by admin for selfposting and samefagging hundreds of times in her own thread, pretending to be people who know her/dated her in real life>Tried to DMCA lolcow and Kiwi Farms, claimed the Attorney General of Canada had to be involvedAll images property of Victoria Shingleton. All use of images constitutes copyright fair use, e.g. for purposes of critique or parody.
Facebook: Facebook: THREADS:
>>>/snow/218886>>327539>>336817>>431342>>485956>>512412>>541833>>592255>>647324>>681790>>706367>>735710>>761425 No. 772844
File: 1588621306192.jpeg (136.89 KB, 784x1061, EBA37A83-46C3-46A6-BCBB-678EED…)

I think it’s perfect. Straight to the point. And I’ll start by posting Victoria being rude as hell to her followers and them being lame ass thirsty dudes with no self respect!
This is from her “congrats on not getting deleted from my friends list post” even though all the people “thanking her” are old and not even from Canada. Who does she delete if this is who she keeps?
No. 772845
File: 1588621879831.jpeg (128.1 KB, 828x882, 81A96CD9-9C71-449A-8498-FCC12F…)

Here’s the screenshot. It’s a song about wanting to kick people’s asses because of course Victoria shingles isn’t a bully. “Slit your wrists, I’m going to kick your ass” but says she all about mental health awareness.
No. 772868
File: 1588635877924.jpeg (77.07 KB, 828x610, 2FB798E9-FDF7-4771-8008-E73401…)

The only thing cringier than a congratulatory “you’re still my friend on Facebook “ is Vicky’s using this opportunity to bait her next young boyfriend.
>>772865And absolutely. What a shit, tattoo artist she is.
And how terrible of a person she is.
No. 772881
File: 1588641872001.jpeg (1.33 MB, 3072x3072, 2BABE930-4261-4B67-9127-CDB92C…)

Does she have MySpace hair because she’s balding or is she balding because she has MySpace hair?
Also went back to the first thread to see how many times she said she was someone else (lost track at 18 posts) and found this one of her arguing with herself over what she smells like. WHO EVEN DOES THAT.
Saged for old milk, but this gold was hidden within her sperging.
No. 772889
File: 1588644153908.jpeg (98.16 KB, 828x1269, 09B92911-4D7D-4A30-84B3-E8E3BC…)

First of all shingles, nobody in their right mind is going to marry you in your current state. So unless you marry someone you can manipulate…. like drugs addicts or young boys( you seem to like both) you won’t have the chance to get people high against their will.
This would just be a meme in any other instance, but I wouldn’t even put it past her. She so unstable, it’s ridiculous. Getting people high against their will is actually a crime, but her white trash wedding I wouldn’t expect anything less.
Again, she’ll be alone forever, but she’s an idiot. YOURE 33 YEARS OLD.
No. 773125
File: 1588726781994.png (925.39 KB, 1577x1280, JcdAmO2ESJ.png)

It's always so cringey when she posts these convos to her insta story. "Haha look how funny I am guys"
No. 773130
File: 1588728360949.jpg (76.82 KB, 1280x960, IMG_20200505_182526_170.jpg)

Victoria has a crush and wants to let us know about it in the grossest way possible
No. 773146
>>773130Didn’t she learn from the last guy that she shouldn’t announce these things right out of the gate? I wonder how long this one will last. For a girl that says it takes a lot for her to like a guy, she sure guy hops.
And this is the most disgusting, childish post I have ever seen. I don’t want to think about Vicky’s mush mouth and rotted teeth but here we are.
No. 773147
File: 1588733398299.jpeg (91.72 KB, 802x445, 3C53977F-9425-4227-8479-7AC55A…)

How can one person be this stupid? I don’t even know where to start with this one.
No. 773148
File: 1588733627789.jpeg (50.42 KB, 828x344, 1B3F4885-E530-4FEF-B57A-C45DD3…)

I’ll put money on it’s this guy. He’s a “woe is me” poster from Ontario and looks like a walking meth line.
No. 773226
>>773205May hav even altered in a session or it’s photoshopped in the first photo.
I’m the one that posted this photo in the other thread and it’s definitely the same tattoo. I got it from the girls page.
What icky did to make it look better, you’d have to ask her. She is known to photoshop her work.
No. 773227
File: 1588776603653.jpeg (142.33 KB, 828x1077, 3573EFB9-72F6-4C0B-A710-026526…)

I get this, but why is it always someone else responsibility in Vicky’s eyes to deal with her mood swings?
She made a whole post about “ if I hurt your feelings it’s you that needs to move on, and if I hurt you you’re the one that needs to tell me ahead of time”
Now learn how to talk to me when I’m angry. Instead of “maybe I sure learn how to react better when I’m angry”
This is why icky can’t keep a dude.
No. 773270
>>773223That’s ok, you can tell from the little piece of vignette under the rose that it’s flipped but still the same tattoo, still healed like crap. The two flowers are different but that just means there’s a total of three hideous flowers on the poor
victim. One of the flowers straight up looks like a preschoolers doodle.
No. 773274
File: 1588795180156.jpeg (296.14 KB, 828x1106, 805BAE05-8CDF-4FB9-B83D-B68E10…)

Here’s another tattoo of ickys. It’s about two years old and healed like this. Looks like a prison tattoo done in the early 90s. You get what you pay for and when a tattoo artist is constantly and consistently giving out 50% deals you should be weary. If they are a beginner, sure. If they’ve been in the game for 10+ years this is NEVER a good sign. Of course artists will do this once in awhile. (Friday the 13th etc) but every month?
Also, thought I’d leave up the captain. Tattoos are not for mental health relief, please seek a proper therapist. IF tattoos really do help your mental health in some capacity, do not give your money to someone to puts down women.
Do not give your money to someone that tells people that if they slit their wrists and killed themselves their loved ones will not miss them.
Do not support Victoria Bella morte tattoos.
Miss Victoria tattoos or whatever name she is going under.
No. 773276
File: 1588795623942.jpeg (209.02 KB, 886x833, 58E7F02D-A384-42B9-AD7A-3B7CA5…)

>>773223I found the same side of the tattoo. When Vic took the photo vs the tattoo now.
It’s photoshopped and it healed awful.
No. 773295
>>773283“Accept me in all mind states.” But she doesn’t accept people In their minds states? She’s so quick to call people mentally unstable.
Her last boyfriend she stole from his friends. Do you accept that “mind state” as well?
It’s called boundaries and not settling for
toxic behaviour.
Icky is mentally 16
No. 773312
>>773295>>773283It’s worded strangely, but the image is saying find somone who respects you when THEY are angry, not when Vick is angry.
Not that that changes much. It still means she’s expecting people to always control themselves without reflecting on her own behavior at all.
No. 773317
File: 1588806198877.jpeg (73.23 KB, 816x415, 92B12779-B4B5-44A2-B69E-2E6F93…)

Victoria answering questions on quota about relationships is hilarious! I love how her go to is to blame the woman first. She’s been answering these questions all day.
No. 773321
File: 1588806762540.jpeg (40.07 KB, 828x346, 94A563C4-7A65-42E1-83B2-CD2091…)

Well she would know. The dude she already wanted to introduce to her family is laughing at her online.
No. 773323
File: 1588806981601.jpeg (56.72 KB, 736x345, 6C08EEC0-EADD-40DE-9E71-71CA28…)

I’m not a doctor, and I can’t diagnosis someone that Vicky claims to be able to do. Over time and the collection of data that’s in these posts about her, if I was going to I would say borderline personality disorder. This girl is all over the map.
Being in love shouldn’t be “dreadful” and if she was a mentally sound person she probably wouldn’t describe it as such.
This sounds like an answer of a drama filled 15 year old girl.
We all know she’s full of drama, lies and she’s a stage 5.
No. 773328
>>773323yeah only someone with a shit ton of drama (that mysteriously follows them everywhere) would describe being in love as ~beautiful and dreadful~
it also highlights the fact she has probably never been in a stable adult relationship
No. 773362
File: 1588818011595.jpeg (107.97 KB, 828x430, 487428E4-7139-4C03-8AAA-D88FE4…)

Healed hand “tattoo” by icky.
No. 773364
File: 1588818328186.jpeg (286.53 KB, 828x1300, DE02A297-A5B1-4A4A-94E1-44C3A1…)

I know she did this on her exes wife and blamed everything on her. Publicly shames clients. So professional. I’d love to know the whole story here
No. 773366
File: 1588819178735.jpg (98.7 KB, 1213x1279, IMG_20200506_193859_277.jpg)

Victoria is tiny and deadly like the murder hornets
No. 773374
>>773276the way the smaller flower on the left healed, just wow. and it looks like she may have added a bunch of other shit to fill out the arm and you can't really tell what most of it is.
>>773362this looks like henna art you get on the boardwalk in the summer. not sure how long ago she did it, but seeing all those faded spots shows she has no idea how to put ink into a hand.
>>773364huh, she has quite a few anemic clients. out of all the things asked on a consent form, i've never seen one that says 'are you anemic'. assuming that's true, do they just tell her beforehand or after she's done?
No. 773439
>>773386She likes to think she's both.
The woman practically thinks she has a Jessica rabbit body.
She thinks she has a big ass and tits with a cinched waist.
Her jump from tiny to thicc is the same logic she applies when she describes herself as being super athletic and fit, but associates strong abdominal muscles with 'being manly'
In reality:
tiny= her being a stumpy short midget
thicc=chubby and bloated
Athletic/fit=likes to film videos of herself flailing around with a sword like a neckbeard cosplaying John Wicke.
No. 773441
>>773374If she knows that being anemic is an issue, due to bleeding and fainting issues, why doesn’t she ask before hand? She’s apparently had so many people have this issue and it doesn’t come up on a consent form or in conversation?
The thing that makes it worse is this was done on her so-called friend and this friend ended up marrying Adrien, Vicky’s ex.
So she clearly knows nothing about her friends; doesn’t bother having a conversation with her clients about health concerns and makes it an issue online.
Some clients wouldn’t even know to bring this up.
No. 773442
>>773386>>773439I think she just wants to be "desirable" in a generic way that appeals to the most men. If you read any discussion where men talk about the ideal woman's looks, it's always the most basic shit like "curvy, petite, works out but nOt tOo BuFf."
She stresses that her body is totally not manish even though she's so in shape. This really seems like she read a bunch of /r/AskMen-type discussions and just applied them to herself.
No. 773446
>>773442Oh definitely. I also think this is the reason she won't let go of the damaged blonde hair. Men will generally try to hook up with blondes because there's that stereotype that they are easier or some prefer them to show off as a trophy. (I'm talking about the type of men who drag knuckles and read penthouse)
Vick likes to think she looks like a blonde playboy centerfold, when she looks like an alcoholic groupie of an 80's glam rock band with her fried Jareth scene mullet with bad extensions.
No. 773447
File: 1588864565434.jpeg (339.19 KB, 1250x899, 66E5215C-C79E-4A01-8880-891FC8…)

This doesn’t seem like just a “client” issue. This seems like a tattoo artist that doesn’t know what they are doing. Why would a client purposely do this to themselves.
Granted there are some clients that are not inclined to listen and blame the artist, but it seems to happen to Vicky a lot. This tattoo was done on a girl named Sam.and she is covered in tattoos, but all the sudden she treats them like shit for just this one?
No. 773448
File: 1588864756134.png (1.7 MB, 1318x980, 3DAF3FC8-2732-4D02-BC52-20E85C…)

More old milk, but to bring her tattoos to the surface. Hers a photoshopped tattoo and the healing. Victoria Bella morte tattoos states that this was also a client issue and the client did this to themselves on purpose by picking themselves
No. 773455
File: 1588865799254.jpeg (229.94 KB, 827x1412, 55F17E96-A009-4113-B0F6-518AD2…)

I wonder what ever happened to this poor guy. It was the last posting from he told shop before it got shut down and she started working out of a spa.
The tattoo where the lines “didn’t have to be perfect” because working with a fucked up foundation is always the way to go when you’re tattooing.
Poor guy probably put down some money for his next session and she knew full well she was closing down. Like many before him he’ll never finish this / never see that money again.
No. 773461
File: 1588866489246.jpeg (76.08 KB, 762x636, 0C0340D6-EBC6-478D-A638-E267D8…)

I find it hilarious that Vick would share this. This is literally her anytime people take a photo of her and they don’t let her edit the hell out of it.
No. 773467
File: 1588871419292.jpeg (393.03 KB, 1536x2048, B78F8A77-13D0-4DE9-8D9B-A39243…)

This is a tattoo she did on another artist. (At the shop razors edge she stole from) on the artist rod. There’s no finished product… because there probably isn’t any. Either she got canned before she could finish it, or he realized it was trash.
No. 773474
>>773462>>773468 and icky has no concept of colour theory or how shadow and light work. she seems to do an awful lot of highlighting with white ink to try and fix her lack of knowledge.
i guess she hacked in something that looked like a children's colouring book and after realizing in her iq 9000 brain that it looks crap, she decided to hammer in more ink in hopes that it'd actually look better. then she probably suggested they'd come in and get it fixed later, because none of her work is actually finished.
No. 773494
>>773492Did Vicky have a drunk rant here saying “I forgot what he kissed like until recently”
If they’re not married yet she probably thinks she still has a chance
No. 773550
File: 1588898952899.jpeg (305.73 KB, 828x1489, E0032365-10A1-4B19-BCC8-2ED80D…)

She is so delusional
No. 773558
>>773456She’s kept one of my thirsty male friends on there that likes (but never comments) on every photo of every girl he sees while he has zero intention of getting a tattoo from her and lives on the other side of the world.
But sure, she makes room for her clients.
No. 773562
File: 1588902879006.jpeg (123.28 KB, 828x763, 124C34BC-83E7-40F5-B905-667AF5…)

>>773550She’s been with someone for months, but was posting all over Instagram and Facebook that the relationship she was in for a day ended? So she lies to her followers for fun? Or to make sure her thirsty followers still send her dick pics. This girl can’t even keep her lies straight. She one of the fucking dumbest people and needs a real hobby.
No. 773563
>>773562And the meth head was telling her to pick a guy like a month ago and she kept leading him on. This girl is on drugs.
And if she does have a boyfriend is she sneaking them into her moms basement through the aide door or the window? 33 year old child.
No. 773564
File: 1588903538030.png (867.83 KB, 828x1792, 6DB6E558-63C1-418F-9B1B-9A1724…)

She was seeing someone for over half a year guys. Very serious business. The older she gets the shorter her relationships get. Who gives a fuck who he was, he got far away from you Vick. So he’s obviously better off. I love how she’s saying “I’m very private” as she blasts this guy with all her personal info.
And she goes on about being in long term relationships last over three years. All being when she was a child / in her early 20s. No MAN in his right mind is going to stay with her. And she knows it.
Also, this dude is sending her a message saying “I know you don’t mess with relationships…” and says don’t believe everything losers wrote online. When she’s the one that says that shit. “Unattainable”
No. 773631
File: 1588940946673.png (796.66 KB, 1280x2295, nKhYCvsKMhpei3RM.png)

She can't not talk about herself.
No. 773637
>>773631She can’t not talk about herself and knock other women.
Of course other women are weird because they go against what Vicky believes. She’s such a loser narc.
How about women that tell people to slit their wrists, hate women and destroy other people’s body and rip them off are weird?
No. 773668
File: 1588951078989.jpeg (198.73 KB, 828x1515, 94DF5F42-21C9-49E2-92F6-D755C5…)

>>773550Vick: people don’t know who I was seeing last year, I like my damn privacy.
Also Vick; posts him everytime they leave the house together, makes highlights of him and holds onto them forever and writes statues about giving him massages.
No. 773677
File: 1588955260115.jpeg (150.24 KB, 828x825, 74D27583-B784-434F-82B1-36A8F6…)

Finding out who her next fuck is that’s going to toss her faster than last weeks leftovers is one thing.
Most of the stuff we post here is screenshots of shit she says that has no validity in the real world and it’s good for a laugh.
What I’m more concerned about is why she puts this garbage on people, thinks it’s okay and then attacks the people she puts it on.
No. 773707
>>773564lowkey love the fact we bother her so much lol, seems like she is always making these statements about herself (like she's private ha!) to self-assure/validate herself, despite all evidence to the contrary. It's kind of like when Tywin said "Any man who says I am the king is no king."
Vick if you actually valued your privacy, you wouldn't be so fucking active on social media and this thread probably wouldn't exist.
No. 773709
File: 1588963792576.jpeg (202.79 KB, 767x1469, 180EEB7F-33D3-49A8-824C-0A42E0…)

She’s so private she has two facebooks to flash her titties ones a “artist account” but posts mostly selfies and memes?
No. 773712
>>773710The only thing she cares about is how many men she can get to drool over her. She’ll live off of her parents money until there’s none left.
If she’s actually entitled to any
No. 773772
File: 1588986850218.jpg (653.66 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200508-220902_Ins…)

Sage for nitpick, but I find it funny how she feels the need to post the saddest looking nails ever to brag about them growing (even though they are still short). And of course she calls them claws, because it makes them sound more badass.
No. 773875
File: 1589049059530.jpeg (194.63 KB, 828x1318, AC31AB50-6B27-47D8-BA18-143357…)

Says the woman that calls other females whales.
Says women that have sugar daddies are weird and sex workers are all mentally ill. Keep that illusion that you like women alive, Vicky.
No. 773877
File: 1589049256623.jpeg (29.05 KB, 570x190, 920D7D8D-DE46-416F-87C1-72F28E…)

>>773875Victoria: women should embrace their bodies!
Also Victoria two weeks ago…:
No. 773890
>>773550“As if, I’m hot”
Does she not realize that you have to bring more to a relationship(and the world) then your looks?
Even if she did look like her photoshopped pictures, it wouldn’t matter because she’s an awful person. If you’re ugly on the inside, you’re ugly.
She has the fucking depth of a pencil.
No. 773893
File: 1589055508862.jpeg (105.49 KB, 828x699, D3318DB9-8DB6-4B09-B084-EE3141…)

Been seeing someone for months but keeps herself “single” on Facebook so all her thirsty followers still tell her she’s pretty.
No. 773906
File: 1589061888627.jpeg (221.68 KB, 828x1150, 1576444397532.jpeg)

>>773896Old milk, but the memes she posts crack me up. It's usually some cringey relationship or iamverybadass shit that only a teenager from 2007 would think is cool. She even uses words like "ghey."
I bet she's one of those "high school was the best time of my life" people.
No. 773910
File: 1589066880877.jpeg (287.02 KB, 828x1021, 39CD4AB8-53F3-47FC-9F23-DE94E3…)

This is old, but to drive home how sketchy and how much a liar this girl is.
She made up a contest, tattoo tour and secretary a few years ago and told people they could win a free tattoo. There’s no vbm tour and if you search these dates in her social media bushes at home with her cat.
No. 773919
File: 1589075176259.jpg (80.76 KB, 1038x1280, IMG_20200509_183057_018.jpg)

No. 773920
File: 1589075406763.jpg (119.42 KB, 782x1280, IMG_20200509_184222_330.jpg)

I like how she adds this clarifier about being drunk lol
No. 773925
File: 1589079536863.jpeg (42.21 KB, 828x317, 5C5E81F7-20F8-4925-B5F7-21AA31…)

Icky thirsting over men online is so cringey.
No. 773927
File: 1589082203649.jpg (78.03 KB, 1280x898, IMG_20200509_204156_379.jpg)

This is from a self absorbed question she posted on Facebook asking what 3 items you'd place in a circle in order to summon her.
So now she's accusing her ex roommates of stealing toilet paper. I wish they'd come to lolcow and give the full story.
No. 773929
>>773927“I lived with” she means she used for a place to stay when she had no where else to go.
I really wish they would come tell the story. I want to know what packages she stole lol
No. 773930
File: 1589083432728.jpeg (70.06 KB, 828x399, 3D73C513-ED48-4B33-A20B-A9DDAE…)

This girl is on something. Now she’s comparing herself to Nikki sixx?
No. 773931
File: 1589083519109.jpeg (85.41 KB, 828x552, 7DEB7459-2B45-4474-B69A-8D7F91…)

“I’m not like other girlllllzzzzz, please pay attention to me”
No. 773934
File: 1589086026923.png (275.44 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20200510-004540.png)

I'm fucking dying. She literally just used her "sharp tongued wit" to give a geography lesson about Northern Ireland to someone who currently lives there. fucking kek
No. 773945
3 items to summon Vicky? How about a mirror, a camera, and another mirror
>>773940Doesn't "British" refer to the United Kingdom? England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland.
No. 773962
File: 1589120482547.jpeg (216.92 KB, 828x1401, 8328361B-1CEF-408E-84ED-F3B6CC…)

Why Vicky can’t keep or get real men to date her. Imagine she had to date a full grown man with a job that couldn’t blow smoke up her ass everytime she spends 10 hours doing her make up and gluing fake hair to her head?
No. 773973
>>773936From what I understand it's a bit of an identity conflict in Northern Ireland. Particularly the Protestant descendants view themselves as British. Others Irish or Northern Irish.
So basically she has an opinion and everyone who doesn't follow it is "cleahly uneducated"
No. 773978
File: 1589134671246.jpg (220.11 KB, 1571x974, PicsArt_05-10-01.06.17.jpg)

Sorry for the double post in the thread requests, didn't see there was a new Vicky thread.
As you can see, Vicky is clearly not bothered, and her and Kayla (dollar tree trisha Paytas) have been buddying up to fight da haterz!
Sage for random Vicky spotting.
No. 773979
>>773978Vicky brings up her “haterz” at least 4 times a week. How is she still trying to claim she doesn’t care? She always goes off about psych papers she reads online, you think she’d read about her own obsession with hating other women and this thread.
“Slit your wrists, were all waiting”
But you don’t care. Okay; ick.
No. 774009
File: 1589144863707.jpeg (219.64 KB, 912x814, DE0E3826-F2DD-4D66-B0A4-287644…)

Photoshopped tattoo at Vicky’s shop and when the client leaves and take their own photo.
Victoria Bella morte / miss Victoria murder photoshops her tattoos. In the not photoshopped photo, where the hella is the other ear?
No. 774030
File: 1589149282078.jpeg (99.7 KB, 828x607, 9D318087-F03A-4342-B2E5-DF1A73…)

Victoria made the Monroe piercing cool…. considering ick thinks she is Marilyn, that makes sense she would believe that is her pea sized brain.
Also this “let’s talk about meeeee” status are pathetic.
No. 774057
File: 1589157212925.jpeg (118.04 KB, 375x1137, DB320641-9BC0-495C-8572-8AB7BA…)

Without photoshop / with photoshop.
Tiger eyes Victoria Bella morte did at her shop that is closed down. Specifically because she has no training. She should get a job using photoshop. She sure loves it
No. 774058
File: 1589158084789.jpeg (131.62 KB, 600x1016, 53C5A233-A567-4A9A-946B-C7F503…)

Three years later this girls tattoo became a blowout mess. Miss Victoria murder tattoos don’t last very long. This is why you NEED an apprenticeship. It’s not just how nice it looks day one.
No. 774059
File: 1589162925780.png (1.51 MB, 1934x1280, BikerChickVic.png)

Victoria always seems to change up her personality a little bit for whichever guy she's chasing after. Like recently when she made videos badly lip syncing to rap music that she's never listened to in the past when she was trying to attract the Canadian Fred Durst guy.
I think her current crush must be a motorcycle rider. Expect more motorcycle awareness/enthusiast posts from Victoria.
No. 774060
>>774059Also there’s been some posts and comments about smoking pot, which I never really noticed before.
She has no real personality of her own, so it makes sense. She just wants to be the the most desirable.
No. 774087
>>773934She’s not wrong here, Northern Ireland is it’s own country. & feeding on who you are, your political and/or religious beliefs, & often familial roots, locals will say either British or Irish.
The problem is she refuses to even mention the words Northern Ireland. She also only lived there until she was two so she really has no ties like she wishes she does. Her sole purpose for overusing “British” is apparent that she wishes she could say she’s from England. Like it’s painfully obvious. Not sure why being from Northern Ireland isn’t unique enough for her persona lol. She has always attempted Victorian looks & tattoos tho. I think she also used to be a groupie from some metal band from England, so maybe that’s another factor why she wishes she were English instead.
No. 774091
>>774057All of the comparisons break my heart. These poor people spent so much money eager to get a beautiful tattoo that ends up a monstrosity. I cannot fathom what they’re probably going through. I’d buy clothes to cover my body regardless of weather and stress over saving up for expensive laser or a cover up. The tiger one is especially sad. There is absolutely no definition. The way obsesses over suing people, it’s as if she is taking her guilt out on concerned people who post here to have a voice knowing damn well SHE needs to be sued.
Photoshopping self times photos and calling yourself a model is one thing, but HOW is it legal to photoshop your work?
No. 774114
File: 1589194138160.png (433.19 KB, 750x1334, E9F40B22-0C72-45CE-BA0C-AE509A…)

Oh my god Georgia you are SO JEALOUS of the dainty anas. The venom just spews around, I can imagine her huffing and puffing with anger and envy as she looks at actually skinny anas.
No. 774227
File: 1589225492526.jpeg (186.67 KB, 828x1224, 34901AD1-4EEB-4776-AC0E-7A68AF…)

I know lots of people that use self tanner and don’t have nasty finger nails. The fact that there’s a tattoo artist using her “professional” page to tell people she’s proud of herself for keeping her hands clean, is disgusting. She should be shut down just for that.
No. 774243
File: 1589230351015.jpeg (174.56 KB, 973x1258, 22729E77-5512-43B0-BD68-7FCC4C…)

Photoshop (for dimension) vs no photoshop.
No. 774250
File: 1589234200863.jpeg (814.89 KB, 2048x2048, 55397F0A-FE44-4015-8ABC-4E75F6…)

This one has been posted before. Left is what Vicky shows the world she did, right is after another (more talented artist) fixed it. The tattoo lost all definition, the line work was non existent and a lot of the colour faded.
No. 774254
File: 1589235248418.jpeg (55.18 KB, 398x425, 23CBE55A-A9B4-4035-A065-054CBD…)

More up to date version of this mess she put on some guys arm a few years ago. The line work is atrocious and it looks like a prison tattoo
Victoria Bella morte tattoos
For those searching for a tattoo artist. This ain’t it, sis.
No. 774259
File: 1589236791174.png (3.86 MB, 828x1792, 39BED565-F314-4040-BAF3-4CA70C…)

Besides being a terrible scratcher, the placement is always weird with her tattoos. Thats what happens when you trace your art off of a laptop screen and just stick it where the client asks without customizing it to their size or anything else. This is a mess. Another client photo. Glad these are coming out.
Hopefully ick gets a apprenticeship after seeing these.
No. 774264
File: 1589239031038.jpg (468.22 KB, 1428x2020, PicsArt_05-12-12.14.07__01.jpg)

So Irish anon here. Just to clarify on the whole Northern Ireland thing. So from 1801-1922 and after centuries of Britains colonialism the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland was in place. After many uprisings and wars Ireland gained part independence, partitioning the island to form the Irish Free State (which would later become the republic of Ireland) a free and independent country and the Northern Ireland (a region within the UK, but not in Britain). After decades of catholics fighting for equal rights & awful sectarian violence where many civilians died the Good Friday Agreement/peace process came into place. This resulted in a ceasefire, peace & citizens of Northern Ireland to gain special treatment that nobody else in Ireland or Britain could do. To solve the problem they gave NI people the choice to decide if they wanted to be a citizen of Ireland, Britain or both.
Based on the fact Vicky says she's British it's presumed that her & her family are unionists/loyalists and are British (which is their right to be). I did a little digging and had a look at some groups she's in on FB and found some posts. She's in Unionist groups and it's safe to say her and her family support the DUP (political party) who are renowned for attempting to deny the rights of catholics/nationalists, believe in creationism, anti abortion, anti gay marriage equality, think climate change is a hoax.. which based on some of the shit Vicky spews.. is not surprising.
Also apologies for the long ass post, I've been a long time lurker and this this is my first post, please don't absolutely roast me if I fucked up. I just couldn't sit back and stay silent anymore cos this bitch does my fucking head in. Also, her accent is fake as fuck like everything else she posts online.
I attached a screenshot of some of her comments on the posts including defending Katie Hopkins (British journalist described as the most hated woman in Britain & outright trash person).
No. 774266
File: 1589239310150.jpeg (194.43 KB, 948x973, 475F5A51-65EF-4536-9170-04C12D…)

Her tattoos always end up looking like prison tattoos. It’s like a year later .
No. 774267
File: 1589239482087.gif (705.72 KB, 275x181, 1552454223020.gif)

>>774264Sage your autism, this isn't a history lesson thread.
No. 774268
>>774264The only thing I know about Katie Hopkins is she did an interview saying she wouldn’t let her kids play with poor kids. Or with kids that have names that are locations. Even though Hopkins has a kid named “India” the interviewer called her out on that and Hopkins said India wasn’t a place.
So… yeah… I can see why icky would back her. Ignorance supports ignorance.
No. 774273
File: 1589242102226.png (1.19 MB, 828x1792, F8DC8A2A-2346-4C99-B7DD-926217…)

Victoria Bella morte tattoos
Client review I’ve never seen before. I wonder what what this is?
No. 774276
File: 1589243419623.jpeg (32.27 KB, 275x275, 31779A01-8C0A-4C81-9B18-3EA970…)

>>774273 That review had to do with the infamous “Elvis” that another artist had to fix
No. 774281
File: 1589243555497.jpeg (49.16 KB, 828x202, 70F46AE4-9E51-40BA-94A6-212C1F…)

How Victoria Bella morte deals with clients if they aren’t satisfied with her work
Stay classy
No. 774288
>>774264So she's racist bitch too, lol. Figures.
>>774286The screenshots were good (thank you for sharing) but the wall of text history lesson was not needed.
No. 774290
File: 1589246880577.jpeg (214.78 KB, 796x1022, BDC839D9-A41B-47AA-BB24-9E6916…)

I feel like she could be a decent artist if she cared enough to learn.
No. 774291
File: 1589247522190.jpeg (176.34 KB, 790x1065, DB461337-6F8E-4E44-9716-896D90…)

So …. there’s been a few posts about Victoria being a thief and I thought I would just add to that.
A few years ago Victoria stole this fur shawl from a party in Toronto from a place called cherry colas.
No. 774315
File: 1589260828113.jpg (65.24 KB, 650x528, zFaux-Sheepskin-FF-05689.jpg)

>>774286AYRT, no hard feelings anon we were all newfags at one point.
>>774291That looks like one of those tacky ass fake fur rugs. How suiting for the qween of ~billionaire suitors and many mansions~ I can't recall if this has been posted before, do you have receipts? That's hilarious lmao. Also loving the hardcore blur on the waistline and arms, totally not hiding a shitty photoshop job!
No. 774362
File: 1589291353284.jpeg (156.25 KB, 828x790, 1FBFB7E7-821D-4F8B-8699-F4D170…)

This girl is really up at 7am(stayed up drunk again) posting this crap to her ARTIST page.
Honestly, there was a part of me that felt sorry for her before, but at this point she’s so unlikable and rude I don’t think she deserves happiness.
The day she dropped by attacking past clients because they didn’t feed her ego when she ruined their bodies. Calling one woman’s husband a blob fish and stating he had JUST hit on Vicky.
Saying people should slit their wrists.
Lying about being kidnapped.
Telling all women that they are jealous of her. Being a racist, a thief, a scam artist. Publicly shaming sex workers.
What is there to be jealous of? She is the epitome of what all women should aspire not to be.
Vicky, you live in buttfuck no where with your parents. Your career is a sham, you’re 33 years old and have nothing to show for it besides a shitty reputation that you will take no responsibility for. Your hair is fried, teeth are going to shit. Women your age are into their careers, families and have moved on. You haven’t. People arent jealous of you, you’re a spectacle.
No. 774363
File: 1589291430694.jpeg (154.19 KB, 1080x674, 237ED71A-C51F-4769-AA7C-8AAE3E…)

“It almost looks like I know what I’m doing”
Does it?
No. 774365
File: 1589292061014.jpeg (55.64 KB, 249x425, FADC648D-DBF6-4B79-A6A9-E65228…)

More scratching tattoo work from Victoria Bella morte tattoos! I wonder how Vicky blames this girl for how this turned out.
No. 774367
File: 1589292465231.jpeg (266.81 KB, 1440x1424, 2BCAD6AC-40EA-4CAE-8376-2FEE77…)

Victoria Bella mortes photo vs healed client photo.
This is terrible. How is anyone going to be jealous of a girl that thinks it’s okay to
Do this to people bodies?
No. 774420
File: 1589309100935.jpeg (324.29 KB, 1219x1114, 9A3815C6-B7CC-4E5C-90B9-B9ABE9…)

>>774315The pic Victoria has with it is in summer of 2017.
The girl with the blue hair is in a band from small town Canada that has done pretty okay for themselves.
The guy wearing it( same night as the blue hair / Vicky photo) is the blue haired girls boyfriend.
This was 2017 at cherry colas in Toronto. It’s a small venue downtown. Vicky took it from the venue.
No. 774457
File: 1589316882522.jpeg (182.71 KB, 828x1035, B97E4862-1A8D-4C18-BCF0-50002F…)

>>774250Here’s the caption icky put for these roses. On a girl named Laura that’s a medic and “amazing person” so I’m assuming it was still the clients fault?
No. 774458
>>774436That was pretty defensive, u ok anon
I'm asking because the anon with the allegation clearly hasn't integrated and comes with news that hasn't been documented before. So, they might be someone directly involved or by association. You can relax now.
No. 774459
File: 1589317885623.jpeg (231.89 KB, 657x997, 5C705F9E-DDE3-43F8-8CE4-831600…)

I know Victoria likes to say that she started / perfected the diamond tattoo thing.
She clearly always photoshops her, so here’s some from a girl I know of that got two from her.
Victoria Bella morte tattoos. Photoshopping strikes again.
No. 774462
File: 1589318381292.jpeg (166.88 KB, 1059x703, A0B23B8D-6CD0-470E-BFA1-999865…)

Photoshop vs not photoshopped tattoos at Victoria Bella morte studio
No. 774465
>>774464>>773276^ it’s the same tattoo of you look at this.
& I took it straight from the girls Facebook.
No. 774478
File: 1589323794190.jpeg (124.36 KB, 792x672, 3B80A5AD-98F3-4279-9043-FDF757…)

This girl doesn’t know how to take a joke. And I’d like names of anyone she’s ever beat up and that’s why “bullies do it online” now.
I bet money she wouldn’t say “slit your wrists” to anyone if she wasn’t behind a keyboard.
All someone would have to do is pull or blow on her nasty extensions. She cares too much about how she looks to start a fight, first of all.
Secondly, she’s going to say something to the wrong person one day. Unlike Vicky I don’t condone violence, but she better be careful of her mouth.
There’s a reason she doesn’t leave her house anymore and come to show in Toronto. She’s stepped on too many people’s toes.
No. 774481
File: 1589325127577.jpeg (93.68 KB, 635x792, FFEC9BBA-CC35-4D77-A7AC-6329E0…)

I love find old Vicky milk that goes against the person she’s pretending to be today.
So now she’s making fun of people’s looks and saying they look like burn victims? She’s such a soft precious angelic being.
Oh Vicky.
No. 774486
File: 1589326480938.jpeg (109.35 KB, 600x471, ADBB9E61-8919-485D-BB11-B8B1E7…)

No. 774492
>>774491Well I’m from Toronto and use to hangout at the bovine, cherry colas, the opera house etc. Places Vicky has been. She’s a groupie. She’s slept with at least two guys that I’ve heard that had girlfriends. I guess they play instruments so her “moral compass” was thrown out the window.
She would bum smokes off of people all the time, get people to buy her drinks, always say she going to pay people back.
She was an energy sick and would get wasted and would need a babysitter.
She hit on every dude, she would walk into the room like she was the queen of everyone. It really rubbed people the wrong way. Her whole “ I would never steal another woman’s man” is definitely more of guilt because she’s skanky when she drinks at least. I’ve never heard of her coming out sober, so maybe she’s a whole other person. Who knows.
I don’t know her, so I want to be clear about that. Being in the scene and seeing on of her exes play a show I’ve seen her. And people talk.
No. 774524
>>774514You can tell she thinks a lot of herself and that all the men want her when in reality people seemed to be trying to get away from her. Definitely very intoxicated. I’ve only seen her a couple of times.
She most certainly does not look like her photos. She looks like she’s 5 feet tall. I wouldn’t say she’s fat but she’s wide if that makes sense.
No. 774533
File: 1589337632810.jpeg (167.08 KB, 640x724, C8C6EF8D-310A-4623-AC3E-1DCAE4…)

While all these tattoo posts are being posted of updates and how Victoria’s tattoos “heal” I thought I’d bring this milk back to the forefront.
Miranda smith is a tattoo artist and tattoo shop owner in Ontario. Her shop has a perfect 5 star rating and her work is phenomenal. Vicky tried to attack her online saying she was a garbage artist and because she has a black out sleeve Miranda can’t know what she’s talking about.
So Miranda left this message on the status Vicky made about her.
Miranda has fixed a lot of Vicky’s work and I think it’s a good idea that if you’ve found this thread and are looking for a CREDIBLE artist in that area, Miranda would be a better choice.
No. 774535
File: 1589337902122.jpeg (68.16 KB, 720x960, A581EF74-55E6-441F-834F-528A52…)

Bella morte exclusive
No. 774554
>>774492I’m from the same toronto scene and can confirm this. She slept with a friends boyfriend (lead singer in a band, not the first person this has happened too) and I’ve also heard story’s about her fucking a few Local Married dudes (All guys in Bands) just a really easy lay who doesn’t care who’s boyfriend anyone is, very much a Groupie. Doesn’t win you a lot of friends in such a tight knit music scene.
Also can back up that she is super Loud and annoying to be around, dress’s like a pirate, stinks of cigarettes and thinks the Whole room is hers, constantly going out of that phoney accent. Few redeeming qualities, no ones impressed Lol.
No. 774586
File: 1589375405119.png (171.89 KB, 904x770, Bildschirmfoto 2020-05-13 um 1…)

Vicky and some dude discussing who's more powerful, Zeus or Odin.
>"Marvel is a fiction fantasy world"
>"It is however very much a favourite series of mine"
No. 774610
File: 1589380279470.jpeg (303.5 KB, 828x822, D0B8995E-5CAD-4C05-88A7-181913…)

>>774550This is Miranda’s art! So where icky ever thought she had a place criticizing her, I don’t know. Artists sometimes get blackout sleeves to messes they make to themselves cause they’ll use their own skin to practise during apprenticeship. Vick wouldn’t know what because she’s never had any training.
No. 774611
File: 1589380487103.jpeg (59.41 KB, 828x446, 6FCADE87-D0F2-42B1-A03A-B3B347…)

Wow victoria. Too bad you also tell women they are mental ill if they don’t agree with you, to slit their wrists and die, call them whales and cryptkeeper face. OH and sleeps with married men. But keep pretending to play that role.
The fact that this is a status of a 33 year old grown woman is sad. She obviously feels like she has something to prove. All those years of being a shit human is catching up with her in karma and guilt maybe?
Or she just has to remind her neck beards that she’s a good person at like 8am… instead of making art?
No. 774614
>>774554We probably know eachother then! I feel like everyone knows of eachother, at least, in that scene so the fact that Vicky hasn’t made any friends shouldn’t be a shock to anyone.
She is a thief, her hair looks rotten, her accent is fake and she drops it a lot if she has it at all when she’s drunk.
If anyone has ever seen rock of love bus, imagine the drunkest stripper on that show dressed like a 17 year old trying to drunkenly fuck Bret micheals cause he’s in the band.
No. 774620
File: 1589382767854.jpeg (141.38 KB, 820x753, 14FD9A20-8A5D-45B2-9598-6B892C…)

The fact that Victoria found this funny and that she keeps these losers on her friends list says a lot about her. So this dude is an internet troll to the point that his family won’t use their real names?
That’s awesome. Full adulting over here.
I truly believe Victoria loves this thread because she’s also a shit stirrer. What she doesn’t understand is fully functioning adults don’t like drama. And that her name is now attached to this drama page with her awful tattoos. I wonder how much work she’s lost from people that googled her.
No. 774639
>>774611She always tries to post shit like this. I also find a lot of these type of posts to be like wannabe queer bait. Like she's straight as an arrow and says that, but she's always calling other women hot babes and putting thirst emojis when she talks about them.
It reeks of trying to impress the boys.
No. 774690
File: 1589405025620.png (911.67 KB, 696x673, strippertranny.png)

>>774363that is so unfortuante. I was so sure it was a drag queen/tranny stripper.
This is how my eyes interpreted this …uh… work of art Vicky graced us with
No. 774705
File: 1589412716696.jpeg (111.08 KB, 640x661, 7FD9B4F4-16F7-459F-8741-8F6845…)

>>774514Are you talking about this photo? She claims she was singing with the lead singer yet everyone looks horrified.
Just icky being drunk trying to touch up on dudes.
No. 774728
File: 1589419279372.jpeg (26.5 KB, 828x218, B8A1DFC5-78C8-42EE-A6AC-53796B…)

Remember when victoria told everyone she was a professional photographer and bought a photography studio? I wonder what guy she was saying to make her wanna pretend that.
No. 774730
File: 1589419480184.jpeg (96.3 KB, 397x771, 93D7B4BE-4151-4C3D-9F52-4E50B1…)

>>774554Remember the site : “isanyoneup” ? Vicky was out on it as a band whore. At least one of these guys had a girlfriend but she didn’t care, cause well… as much as Vicky says she unattainable and wouldn’t fuck another girls man…
No. 774746
File: 1589424262338.png (904.46 KB, 1090x662, trophies.png)

>>774730I had to google who these dudes were and now I'm just laughing.
No. 774747
File: 1589424672899.jpeg (80.83 KB, 481x980, 85B27631-259C-4940-A50F-F5905B…)

This doesn’t look like someone that is singing with the band.
It seems like someone that is harassing the band.
This sums her up in the Toronto scene perfectly.
No. 774748
>>774746These look like the young kids / neckbeards icky fucks around with on Facebook…
Make sense.
No. 774749
File: 1589424806900.jpeg (108.1 KB, 1068x465, F8526285-B4B7-42CA-8BB2-B80C57…)

When her brother doesn’t even take her shit
No. 774751
btfo by your own pedo brother
No. 774753
File: 1589425101635.jpeg (181.96 KB, 640x781, 84B8F165-3608-420F-9FF6-EC9D66…)

What you get when you get a tattoo at Victoria Bella morte tattoos.
I love how her profile on Instagram says “I don’t care what you think about me, as long as you’re thinking about me”
You should sort of care if people are thinking and saying you’re a shit artist. No wonder you’re a broke ass bitch. Good luck getting a job that isn’t tattooing out of a spa in butt fuck no where.
No. 774761
File: 1589426080693.jpeg (115 KB, 828x681, 93E398A6-20BC-4FA4-8CF6-EEEB72…)

>>774730She interviewed asking Alexandria when she did the fully loaded radio station and partied with them after.
I would put money on she slept with them both that night. ~unattainable~
No. 774765
File: 1589426658762.jpeg (125.63 KB, 785x660, DE6D1AEF-9EFB-4F1D-AB5B-27C0F9…)

It’s public knowledge Danny cheated on his girlfriend with ick.
No. 774809
File: 1589461001371.jpeg (176.6 KB, 828x1277, B46C787C-5673-4C9A-96CB-48B83D…)

“Not that it bothered me”
This is high level bothered, Victoria. You don’t verbally attacked people if you’re not bothered. What about that Yale psych knowledge? Put it to work
No. 774811
File: 1589461698773.jpeg (172.6 KB, 828x1262, 5ED60250-5750-4D87-939C-E342EE…)

The fact that she smokes at all is disgusting enough. She cares so much about her looks, but I guess she can just photoshop her teeth white until they all fall out.
But to actually post this. At two am? Does she just stay up all night drinking, trying to convince people how desirable she is? a 33 year old woman posted this…
No. 774817
File: 1589462862003.jpeg (187.94 KB, 828x1184, 9D40B287-CD44-47E4-B622-A1E0D7…)

>>774809“Not like other girls, emotionally I am male but have lady parts… please date me”
No. 774823
File: 1589466290851.jpg (84.7 KB, 775x1280, IMG_20200514_072411_919.jpg)

>>774811Lol she posted this as a follow-up
No. 774825
>>774823She finds the most mundane things chivalrous such as random dudes lighting her cigs at a concert or a bunch of guys catcalling her in a pool hall.
What a low self esteem.
People offering lighters is like a normal thing when out clubbing or at a festival. It's not a 'metal' thing. Men and women and crackheads alike will let you use their lighter if you ask. She acts like she waltzed in and a bunch of guys just pulled out their lighters at once. Always exaggerating. I'm surprised she didn't try to say that she was walking down the road on a rainy day and a bunch of guys threw their jackets down to save her getting wet shoes.
No. 774837
>>774829Ah but anon that's where you are wrong. She's not just beauty, she's brains too. Also don't forget about her amaaaaazing John Wicke Kill Bill samurai skills.
She just has to boast about EVERYTHING. That's why her bio always has a list of a million exaggerated achievements.
Tattoo artist, model, covergirl, sword fighter…it goes on.
No. 774840
>>774837Right she also stated she speaks some Japanese, she does hair, she’s a chef and bought a photography studio.
But lives at home with her mom and is broke.
No. 774934
File: 1589508407571.jpg (105.25 KB, 797x1280, IMG_20200514_190544_374.jpg)

"Please hit on me, metalhead men. I am single!"
No. 774951
>>774817I just don't understand her joke.jpg personality
she's the RIGHT AGE to get this joke
he attached a video
and yet she still manages to miss the joke every. damn. time.
No. 774953
>>774928Agreed. Screenshotting thirsty sms from neckbeards and Indians and posting them is cringe.
Who's even proud of that?
No. 774959
File: 1589525324470.jpg (158.16 KB, 885x1280, IMG_20200514_234751_390.jpg)

Says the person who calls other women whales.
No. 774996
File: 1589538465073.webm (1.23 MB, 720x1280, missvictoriamurder_2020.5.15_8…)
New Victoria video!!!1
No. 775019
File: 1589543165214.jpeg (132.92 KB, 828x1440, 061C9C0E-6911-4B9F-9299-7C9D2F…)

How is this savage? She’s a 33 year old taking photos of her hog body at her moms house to impress neckbeards. … and she posted this at 5 am. So I’m assuming she’s drunk again, or just just stays up at night and sleeps all day. Considering she acts like a 16 year old dropout, probably both.
And that tattoo on her stomach is exactly why people shouldn’t get tattoos by Victoria Bella morte.
Funny how she “called out” an actual artist for having a black out tattoo when that’s what she has all over her torso?
No. 775021
File: 1589543952066.jpeg (44.43 KB, 823x227, 95215E5E-42ED-4CC8-82D7-F11FD9…)

>>774959Vicky: embrace your body type
Also Vicky:
No. 775022
File: 1589544098659.jpeg (54.62 KB, 828x225, 57938393-E907-493E-AE99-EE9181…)

She dated another guy in the Toronto music scene, she left her and started dating someone 10000x prettier than her with a real job so she blasted him online about abusing her.
No. 775024
>>774959This sounds like she’s trying to convince herself more than anything. Considering she’s been drinking everyday and sitting on her ass trying to find another neckbeards to validate her, she’s gained some weight. (The new video she put up, confirms that)
While I agree with what she’s saying, drinking jack Daniels all day and eating those nasty meals she makes is not healthy.
No. 775045
File: 1589556748169.jpeg (31.28 KB, 422x261, B52B2B40-DDE5-4C24-808E-6D671E…)

>>774059Oh lord…. now she’s a master of motorcycles… even though she doesn’t have her licence, has never had a photo with one( cause you know she would) doesn’t even own a car and takes cabs everywhere. The delusion is real.
No. 775046
File: 1589556827242.jpeg (232.2 KB, 1005x1048, 51D49DD2-D179-4D8C-B8F3-5B58AC…)

>>775044Never forget.
This doesn’t exactly scream “unattainable” or “self esteem”
No. 775048
File: 1589557032576.jpg (80.7 KB, 773x1280, IMG_20200515_083611_409.jpg)

Haha what
No. 775054
>>775048She doesn’t even look human there’s so many filters on this.
And seeing the background, that looks like too much of an adults house to be any of Vicky’s flop friends houses ( if she even has friends left) so she’s living back with her mom for sure.
No. 775060
>>775048I think she's trying to say in poorly worded English 'I don't know how I look like this when all I do is eat' or something of that variation implying she eats like a horse but still looks amaziiiing.
Serious Jennifer Lawrence energy.
No. 775061
>>775060I agree that’s what she’s trying to say, she’s probably just too hungover to make the English.
And I brightened up her photo from 5 am and I would say this looks exactly like a white bread carbs kinda body.
No. 775062
File: 1589561749438.jpeg (195.45 KB, 828x1792, 60E6FE1D-90F3-416C-8571-EC8C75…)

>>775061Forgot to drop the photo.
No. 775099
File: 1589573636134.jpeg (129.92 KB, 828x1148, C6A9CD0D-64D4-4587-BAB4-0957F0…)

She posted this crap on her front page.
There’s a reason she didn’t turn the lights on for this photo. And for someone that doesn’t have a professional website, you’d think she’d take her social media more seriously and not put up an up close video of her tits and vagina. She also has spoken badly about girls that have fansonly, yet she puts this shit up for free? It’s seriously confusing.
“Zero editing” but there is a filter and she’s in a room with no lights.
She’s lucky most of her followers are as dumb as her.
No. 775100
File: 1589573755979.jpeg (58.76 KB, 828x336, 87916D77-7483-4D65-BE6E-08EA77…)

>>775099But here’s my tits up close while I stand in a closet at my moms house. I’m free, not like these other girls.
No. 775101
File: 1589574132697.jpeg (40.38 KB, 828x297, CA72200A-9471-47C6-BEF4-71A2D3…)

Vicky has never exercised, as much as she talks about it. There’s no way.
She’s chain smoking, drinking, sitting on Facebook looking for a new boyfriend and disappointing her parents.
We’re literally in lockdown and this girl can’t even pretend she’s working out.
She also wants to pretend she’s so perfect she doesn’t need to workout cause her body is just naturally perfect.
She’s a ham sandwich that smells like cigarettes.
No. 775108
File: 1589574857188.jpeg (37.06 KB, 828x262, 3DE43C92-E551-4925-A00C-915DBC…)

She’s seriously one of the dumbest people
No. 775109
File: 1589574976988.jpeg (78.63 KB, 828x535, DF94E952-956A-48B6-BF72-34EA3F…)

Why on earth would you post crap? You’re an artist but can’t even post something worthy of looking at. It’s just a black blob like all of your tattoos. Had nothing to do with being needy, it’s just some people can see through your bullshit. You’re a hog body at best.
No. 775113
File: 1589576278337.jpeg (83.22 KB, 828x558, C5143955-2D7F-4BF1-B562-627E7A…)

Victoria is drunk again! Nobody “wishes” it was photoshop. People maybe wish you wouldn’t photoshop your tattoos and rip people off.
This video you took isnt photoshopped, you look hammy and you’re in the pitch black. Wonder why that is.
No. 775114
File: 1589576414125.jpeg (78.62 KB, 473x700, 70C1B07A-1BC1-40DD-A2CE-6EEA5F…)

No way does she photoshop
No. 775117
File: 1589578468599.jpeg (115.31 KB, 827x761, 0D17C3D2-D6CB-4208-991B-DD5F53…)

“This app that we share photos, you sound entitled when you ask to be able to SEE the photo.” Is that what she says to her clients when they ask to be able to make out what their tattoo is even though they pay?
No. 775119
>>775118I have a friend that has a fansonly and she’s naked but she makes art and paints her body etc. It’s actually amazing.
Vicky wouldn’t understand that. She just flashes her nasty saggy tits for free and puts herself in a pedestal because she’s not asking for coin. Good lucky living at home Victoria.
No. 775136
>>775135Of course, not saying that Vicky is ALWAYS wrong. People fuck up their tattoos themselves sometimes.
It happens more often than not with her. This was also done on her one time “friend” and the artist that redid it pretty much said the og artist mangled it.
No. 775142
File: 1589589660796.jpeg (84.37 KB, 828x420, 70E04B2F-C70F-4F85-81A3-CF9EFA…)

Vicky’s everyday life. Just eating and not paying attention.
No. 775152
>>775136>>775135It does look like that because it probably is- it happens so much with Vicky because she seems to absolutely hammer ink too deep and tears the shit out of people skin. When you brutalise layers of skin like that, it freaks out, scabs, way easier to become infected, it's a whole mess. I'm not surprised given she's incredibly arrogant and what, self taught I assume? Super common for scratchers
>>775142Love how it's flown over her head that this person can't even tell the difference lmao
No. 775161
>>775114it looks like she pasted her head and tattoos onto someone else's body. that uh, dagger or whatever on her leg is very off center.
she sure loves to shit on women who do any form of sex work but thirst posts edited or obscured pix which she could probably make some money from, and since thankfully she's not currently fucking up ppl's skin, that's something she could likely use.
No. 775173
>>775114Is she…. Sitting on a plastic sheet?
Look at her right leg, looks like there's been plastic put down before she sat on whatever furniture that is kek.
No. 775175
File: 1589627140256.jpg (131.82 KB, 1222x1280, IMG_20200516_040522_856.jpg)

I am very excited! We haven't seen Victoria poetry in a long time!
No. 775185
>>775175Wow. Something like this has never been written before. Be put under pressure to become a diamond? Wow. A true pioneer.
I swear this girl just copies and pastes poems together she found on live journal in 2007 and kept in a notebook this whole time.
No. 775186
File: 1589633853392.jpeg (74.16 KB, 828x486, 415BC368-D1D4-427C-A713-3EC1BB…)

>>775175“It is what I have learned in life”
There’s so much wrong with this poem I will argue that you haven’t learned much.
No. 775188
File: 1589634299147.jpeg (161.68 KB, 828x1121, D210FF7B-6645-4863-8E64-2FCC29…)

Icky socks are cutting into her legs cause she’s a chunk(not just the thighs) and she posted this on Instagram but deleted it from Facebook?
No. 775191
File: 1589637911696.jpeg (36.54 KB, 788x231, 9F8294A5-B9C3-4DDE-82F4-CBE859…)

So Victoria said the tattoo artist Miranda smith was a shit artist and had no place telling Vicky how to tattoo( even though Miranda fixed a bunch of Vicky’s scratcher work) because Miranda has a black out sleeve. Yet people think Victoria Bella mortes work is a blackout cause her work is so pounded into people’s skin it turns into a black blob. The real reason she did turn the lights on. She’s a trash artist that brings down other women artists.
No. 775192
>>77517My poems probably aren't what you'd expect intellectually-wise
I'll marvel at the paryoxismal luminescence as I gaze into my cell phone screen
I'll play with the immortal settings until it takes potato quality images
If you find me in a party situation, where I'm cheerfull and very, very British, you may not notice the delusory intellect hiding behind my ice green eyes
But my sharp tongue will remind you
As I get inked a malformed liger into your unsuspecting skin
While dressed like a tomboy
To see if you're true or fake
Kill yourselves stalkers
You look like jealous uneducated whales
Your husbands are mine
Once I can get a ride to your house from one of my many mansions
No. 775198
>>775185Every fucking line is a separate cliche. Even the "are not born, they are forged" bit is all over google for different things (men, sailors, heroes, strong women…)
She just put together pieces of inspirational facebook memes and called it a poem. I guess this truly is what life has taught her, as she also pieces together her tattoos from random google images.
No. 775199
>>775198I feel like she may plagiarize a poem, put it in bing translator to French and then back to English.
Good enough.
No. 775201
>>775175ALL of these are facebook memes/standard inspirational quotes with weird Vic twists lmao
I feel like her stained glass metaphor wasn't good enough for Vic, so she tacked on all that nonsensical bs at the end.
>Shattered to become a stained glass masterpiecewould have been enough
>For the sun always rises after the moon and tomorrow is a new dayhas me howling
No. 775238
>>775109Wait just a fucking minute!!! Did Victoria Attention-Whore just call someone else NEEDY??
This woman has less than zero capacity for introspection.
No. 775239
File: 1589656231871.png (3.77 MB, 828x1792, 178A375D-4E63-4D25-9386-F7375D…)

You can have any eye color you want with the right filter.
And this girls teeth… no amount of filter is covering the gingivitis
No. 775275
File: 1589666100397.jpeg (110.54 KB, 750x875, 9B3C84BB-A2FB-49A9-9B19-9F0E85…)

>>775239Oh she’s way past gingivitis. The next stage (after you ignore it for so long) is full blown periodontal disease, which is when your gums are so enflamed that you start losing teeth. Smoking only speeds up the process. It’s going to be hard for her to take thirsty, finger-sucking Instagram videos when she has no teeth left.
Also, she is wearing circle lenses. “Dark eye day”. This girl can’t stop lying.
No. 775328
File: 1589674476778.jpeg (148.44 KB, 762x1436, F34327B5-14B3-48D1-80A5-971C04…)

“Do you know who’s to blame for corona ? Carole baskin.” Dear lord. She really is like a drunk aunt trying to be cool at functions. Like yes, you’re about three months late on the joke.
I can’t roll my eyes any harder when she tries to be funny. The sticking her tongue out, licking her her infected gums makes me wanna drop dead.
No. 775349
File: 1589679885645.png (1.48 MB, 828x1792, 54FA2D82-CEE8-450F-BB67-C0E873…)

This girl is pushing 40 and thinks it’s a great achievement when dudes ask her out over Instagram. Why would you even post this online… for the who knows how many times she’s said the same damn thing.
And didn’t she just say she’s been seeing someone for months and post it in her stories, now she has losers asking her out through her DMs and that’s respectful? This girl has a few screws loose and her self esteem has flat lined.
No. 775358
File: 1589683280975.jpg (123.73 KB, 1240x1280, IMG_20200516_193842_558.jpg)

>>774809She also tends to edit any comment she makes that is longer than a couple of sentences. This is a recent funny one. She just had to make an edit to slip in how unbothered she is!
No. 775426
File: 1589729156556.png (4.1 MB, 828x1792, 9B9965A2-5739-4C7D-AD81-B44E1A…)

New Instagram video on instagram. “Video games are for kids grow up they say. No”
I don’t think anyone is putting money on you ever growing up. How about move out of your parents house and take responsibility for your shitty actions? I’d be more impressed, and I think your parents would be too. Adults play video games. But when you don’t “contribute” anything else it’s sort of sad.
Also, stop showing off your black gums. Fix that shit
No. 775433
File: 1589731085100.jpeg (58.64 KB, 828x294, 04B9DA20-1C90-4D88-B02D-75CE25…)

“Mabye” nitpicking here but it drives me crazy that she has to make a new highlight for every fucking photo she puts in her stories. Like she can’t have her face disappear in 24 hours. And what’s “renovatio” is she saying shes making renovations to her body or is she trying to insinuate she’s renovating one of her many mansions aka her moms house?
No. 775434
File: 1589731607689.jpg (67.65 KB, 640x961, 1uibyc.jpg)

>>775426First thing I thought of when I looked at that screencap
No. 775446
>>775433I think "renovatio" is the Latin word for renewal.
Victoria is making big changes, you guys. Circle lenses and a new $20 weave.
Monumental. But she's still gonna highlight her weird tongue in every video while trying to be seductive @ 35 years old.
Gotta work hard to make those old senile men, drug addicts and naive 20 year olds slide into your DMs I guess
No. 775447
File: 1589736531128.jpeg (96.83 KB, 827x770, 3B13ACAB-37B2-4422-8D98-6081EE…)

>>775445Didn’t drop the photo.
No. 775448
>>775446Renewal of….? Living in guelph, too many filters and attacking people online pretending she’s unbothered.
She’s the exact same.
No. 775454
File: 1589740478052.jpeg (22.12 KB, 828x270, FB00DBCE-D1AF-4404-AC14-65E972…)

She wants to talk about how respectful guys are when they are nice when she turns them down but keeps guys on her list that publicly post this shit under her photos.
Most women with self esteem would delete these guys( especially in your mid 30s) but I bet icky will keep it, eat it up and probably private message him. I’m second hand embarrassed for this grown woman. Cleaning out her list isn’t for “new clients” she just wants guys to thirst over her. And the fact that she books clients through this Facebook and this type of behaviour happens is atrocious.
No. 775456
>>775454Stefan Skywolf aka Stefan Perras is the exact kind of loser orbiter who thirsts at Vicky's photos. He's a dumb muscle jock with no money who cheated on his last girlfriend with a personal training client.
He's the type of guy who would have sex with a catfish, even if he was disappointed.
No. 775460
>>775358yea this what i'd be doing at five in the morning in my early 30's lol.
>>775426 the fried hair chunk sticking out of the extensions, and where are her super thick natural lashes, it looks like she has barely any at all.
No. 775465
File: 1589744573425.jpeg (149.69 KB, 828x667, FCDCE2D0-0E13-47F7-B50D-B37CE2…)

Looks like someone maybe changed their review. Sounds like Victoria Bella mortes professionalism right here.
No. 775469
>>775468I don’t know what her rock bottom is. If she was just hurting herself, that’s one thing, but she’s stealing money from people knowing full well she has no idea what she’s doing.
It’s disgusting. What makes me more angry is this person is going to be attack and belittled for the next 17 years for speaking the truth.
No. 775470
File: 1589746616721.jpeg (39.67 KB, 828x402, 91FBED62-9112-4A65-A7AD-AEE1B3…)

>>775454Much respect. This girls self esteem is in the garbage right next to her non-existent talent. Doesn’t she realize how disgustingly vile this is? She really doesn’t care about anything but being “desired” she’ll blow this up in her tiny little brain that he called her a model and they had a great laugh over his brilliant emoji he crafted for her.
No. 775472
File: 1589748497285.jpeg (181.52 KB, 725x1570, EF8A9837-07CB-4998-9335-8E6110…)

How this 35 year old woman has been spending her entire day. Trying to be funny, but instead looking like a damn fucking moron.
Guys are hitting on her, I guess. So life is good.
No. 775473
File: 1589749101648.jpeg (167.57 KB, 733x1504, 01ED5A22-A1C7-4CF8-97E4-4DC2A5…)

teeth are looking fucked, ick.
No. 775482
File: 1589755225604.png (2.11 MB, 828x1792, 1145332F-9A54-4459-95F0-47312B…)

An Internet personality test once told me I’m INTJ so that means I don’t express my feelings but tell me exactly how you feel or I’ll walk away. Does she know anyone with half a brain cell looks at this shit and laughs at her?
No. 775484
>>775482of course 'fuck us well' is the first thing, followed by giving her attention
very INTJ of you, Vicky
No. 775494
File: 1589759500928.jpeg (143.25 KB, 560x696, 85EF2D34-7D6C-4BDF-97D7-D799B4…)

The type of dudes Vicky is really getting asked to hang out by.
No. 775568
File: 1589814429057.jpeg (45.68 KB, 827x189, 05EB2D4E-534C-468E-9B97-A58817…)

Vicky posting in the “red hand rising” Facebook group again.
This girl is next level stupid.
No. 775583
>>775568Some people are born with HIV, so is their life less valuable or sick people in general?
I’m confused about her racist, uneducated comment.
As many times Vicky says she isn’t a bully or racist, I will never believe her.
These are the kind of comments people should not support, and should not be giving their money to her to ruin their bodies . Her inflated ego had gotten so out of control she thinks she can get away with saying shit like this with no consequence.
Victoria Bella morte; “fuck your aids”
No. 775586
>>775469the only rock bottom for vicky, that i can even imagine, would be if her selfie camera stopped working and/or she lost her social media accounts
so it'll probably never happen
No. 775590
File: 1589821594579.jpeg (168.88 KB, 828x633, 7559EE58-FFE4-49CF-80DC-4C7552…)

No. 775592
File: 1589821721821.jpeg (189.89 KB, 799x1227, 905B1DA1-F7A6-4BA7-8F6E-7ABE17…)

This page is also pro trump / hating on Obama.
No. 775593
File: 1589821800374.jpeg (22.33 KB, 645x156, D25A5CF9-2D65-418D-8953-4E288B…)

Vicky: I’m not a bully and I don’t believe in violence.
People out in the street….
Also Vicky…..
No. 775606
File: 1589825291058.png (125.34 KB, 1080x1267, Screenshot_20200518-140540~2.p…)

Looks like she's an anti-vaxxer too!
No. 775627
File: 1589834224122.jpeg (103.04 KB, 828x825, FE9C3F8F-9455-47F5-9BA7-0D42B2…)

>>775624Like this can’t be normal.
No. 775636
>>775590Since icky wants to take her facts from the internet… here we go…
“”In the Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey, it found that
36% wouldn’t accept an Eastern European as a close friend (rising to 38% for 18-24 year olds);
52% wouldn’t accept an Irish Traveller as a close friend;
47% wouldn’t accept a Muslim as a close friend (beyond the over 65s, it again is the 1824 year olds who are found to be most intolerant);
A third of 18-24 year olds won’t even accept a Muslim as a neighbour in their local area – again, this is higher than the other age groups, aside from the over 65s.””
Seems like what the article was saying is there is a growing problem in Northern Ireland with racism. It also seems like Victoria’s values fit in line here. “Just send them immigrants and their aids back. PRO TRUMP”
No. 775637
File: 1589839515413.jpeg (164.8 KB, 828x1193, D83B629C-69D7-493D-BB14-0E59FA…)

Um? Did she not notice before posting this that you can see her whole weave track? She just threw it over to make it bangs.
And that eyebrow looks like a drunk person drew it on with sharpie…. cause well I guess that what happened.
No. 775638
File: 1589839658394.jpeg (93.27 KB, 828x917, F68486E5-9F06-408C-A3B5-B8C807…)

Keep those standards high, girl.
No. 775643
File: 1589841737495.jpeg (69.46 KB, 1200x680, 21BF5A16-38D0-4165-BE4D-9F859D…)

>>775638Saged for no milk… but this is Vicky’s future.
“Baby girl”
Less hair though
No. 775652
File: 1589844786902.jpeg (143.99 KB, 740x905, 1552B54E-DA49-46E9-8EA4-565A91…)

Girl is such a fucking narc! Holy shit! Dude said he was embarrassed to ask her a question. Clearly uncomfortable talking about his skin issues in public and of COURSE she thought he was hitting on her.
Not everyone wants you victoria. You look dumb as fuck.
Everyone knows you’re filtered to fuck anyways. Doesn’t matter how much water you drink when you drink equal parts alcohol.
And never wash off your makeup, hag.
No. 775663
File: 1589850931267.jpeg (36.29 KB, 827x147, 2AACB944-9D33-49E1-816A-8062DE…)

Vicky; I’ve watched many of Yale lectures on YouTube, my iq is higher than Stephen Hawking.
Also Vicky: “air born”
No. 775664
File: 1589851084884.jpeg (36.79 KB, 828x202, 804F95B9-0D9B-4831-B5B3-93AE41…)

Victoria, stop pretending your midget ass has knocked anyone out.
And stop pretending that you aren’t an online bully with this language. You’re almost middle fucking aged.
No. 775720
File: 1589885982512.jpg (134.82 KB, 920x1280, IMG_20200519_035753_940.jpg)

Posted around 5 am.
No. 775728
File: 1589890863716.jpeg (699.82 KB, 1125x1815, 99D4A194-4FA2-4B6A-8FDC-2CA266…)

Congratulations, you’re as smart as Trump
No. 775729
File: 1589891142333.jpg (121.59 KB, 1171x1280, IMG_20200519_052245_592.jpg)

>>775637So now two people have asked about Victoria's skin care routine because she used a filter on this video to smooth out her face to the point of looking unnatural. I don't know what's with this dumbass answer but I hope she does reveal her skincare secrets.
No. 775748
File: 1589896094660.jpg (71.79 KB, 1280x805, IMG_20200519_064606_902.jpg)

>>775720This is a reply to the post I quoted. It's crazy that she thinks we are all jealous ex customers of hers. I live on the other end of the continent from her.
No. 775761
>>775748Um? Does she mean stalk her online here or in general?
If she means just online, asking for your money back or trying to ask why your tattoo is infected isn’t stalking.
If she mean on here, i don’t think anyone is stalking her. She’s someone that hurts people and she’s an idiot. That being said, I’ve never had a tattoo from her. Nor would I. she’s a trash artist and trash person. I don’t associate with racists and / or woman haters. I don’t know many people that are looking to get a tattoo out of the same place you can get you nails done.
No. 775780
File: 1589907834285.jpeg (159.25 KB, 828x1301, D5D13838-BC01-4742-AFB1-F54DAD…)

Victoria hasn’t been making any new friends it looks like.
No. 775784
File: 1589909053863.png (673.23 KB, 872x3046, whyisshelikethis.png)

She's really afraid of people thinking she's a tranny but also wants to be one of the guys so badly
No. 775799
File: 1589910846534.jpeg (167.03 KB, 747x735, 8BF005BC-9ED7-4C5B-BAEB-530E70…)

As someone from the Ontario area and hearing the horror stories from people about Victoria I would advise anyone looking for a tattoo artist to really do your research. There is a reason drama follows her everywhere. She doesn’t care, it just elevates her celebrity status ( so she believes) this is a person that doesn’t care about anyone but herself and how she looks. She truly believes her shops of her tattoos and herself are true.
She’s mentally ill and should not be allowed to tattoo. The more I read about her blatant racism, spewing hate against anyone that goes against her beliefs the more irritated I get.
Please do your research. She is someone that does not clean her shop. she is too drunk and lazy to do it herself. Or broke to get someone to do it for her. Thankfully her shop has closed down due to her own immaturity. I feel for the spa that took her in, because they are guilty by association.
Please do not believe Victoria Bella mortes lies.
No. 775804
File: 1589911259022.jpeg (214.81 KB, 828x1182, BC3DE092-3299-42BE-BDA1-40FCD6…)

Don’t forget to mention yourself Vicky!
Can’t thank the essential workers without bringing up your own shit.
People treat you the way they do because you’re an idiot and call everyone mentally ill as soon as they call you out.
No. 775810
File: 1589913686136.jpeg (123.62 KB, 828x857, AC6F0448-709B-47D4-9534-8D866D…)

“Important stuff”
Like contact lenses to fool the neckbeards into thinking she has “icy blues”
And how else would she steal other people’s packages?
No. 775811
File: 1589914521994.jpg (137.69 KB, 837x1280, IMG_20200519_115444_024.jpg)

It's time to play everybody's favorite game of spot the difference!
No. 775813
File: 1589914786034.jpeg (104.32 KB, 828x735, 8060F9D8-88E6-4F42-A57D-151723…)

“Some people”
I couldn’t imagine being tattooed by this mess of a human. Keep smoking, drinking and washing your hair with Clorox. I’m sure you’re going to look even “younger” in two years.
No. 775891
File: 1589939358451.jpeg (29.39 KB, 828x202, 8CB57CCD-292C-44AB-BC94-81EAAA…)

Anytime Vicky is losing an argument. Keep digging that hole girl. She wants to attack people by saying they are mentally ill or drug addicts.
I really hope she leaves this pandemic with nothing. Or I guess less than she has and loses the last clients she has left.
No. 775892
File: 1589939826640.jpeg (102.16 KB, 760x633, 2A19DCAC-11E3-4F54-97C7-EE9D57…)

Never forget…. the time I’ve photoshopped herself terribly into a google image and tried to convince people she was in Spain…
No. 775893
>>775891Well, she's trying to convince people to buy gift certificates when she's a non existent business.
You know… kind of like how she tries to convince people to buy that she's a Playboy model when she's a sack of rotten potatoes come to life
No. 775899
File: 1589941759109.jpeg (100.51 KB, 652x577, 2AD31786-99B4-4582-9FE3-2A3B2C…)

I think Victoria should shut the fuck up and not talk about things she knows nothing about.
No. 775938
File: 1589962490986.png (1.1 MB, 1280x2073, KingSizeKowalski.png)

These are the men calling out the other men on Victoria's Facebook.
No. 775980
>>775978She also went out of her way to call this person “chap” when they clearly identify as female. Think what you want about trans gendered people, but I don’t think Vicky has ever educated herself of the subject… like anything else. Knowing her and her trump supporting ass she’s probably against all the LGBTQ community. She’s always on the wrong side of history. She’s a racist and she’s not winning any brownie points being a bigot.
That being said Vicky is trans aged.
No. 776010
Don't forget trans-employed
No. 776061
File: 1590007702221.jpeg (179.16 KB, 828x1035, AD97B11D-F99D-4907-B4F3-892D35…)

Ick posted this on her stories on Instagram. All of these words describe her perfectly. Competitive? She literally tells people she had looks before lady gaga and Megan fox.
Angry? She told people to slit their wrists and that their friends and family wouldn’t miss them.
Jealous? Every girl is trying to look like her and sex workers are mentally ill trash.
Lonely? Sitting online all day finding new men to validate her.
Insecure? See above
Bored? See above. And she’s 34 living at home without a real job and makes up hobbies.
No. 776062
File: 1590007796973.png (1.47 MB, 828x1792, F700105F-C221-41D8-9B1F-0FC41F…)

This is mostly definitely not you. If anything you’ve gotten worse cause you’re an ungrateful thief.
No. 776074
File: 1590012302120.jpeg (77.14 KB, 828x350, 1E287E79-A595-48C2-9BD2-87A22C…)

>>776061Imagine constantly telling people how many times you’ve used violence to solve problems, and then say you’re a good person.
All while comparing yourself to Bruce Lee.
This girl has never been in a physical fight in her life. Even if she were to start one, all you’d have to do is run. She’s got smokers cough and she’s a heavy drinker.
Unfortunately for you Vick, some of us have seen you out almost passed out drunk hacking up a lung.
No. 776092
>>776074I really can't believe this is an adult posting these things. It reminds me of a middle school kid who fought a bigger kid one time on the playground and brags about it constantly because they think it's cool to fight people.
And how is Bruce Lee tiny? Kek. He was around average height, completely ripped, and an actual martial arts expert.
No. 776104
>>776092She is correct. Size doesn’t matter. What matters is strength and stamina. She has none of those things and she knows it. She’s been smoking for at LEAST ten years.
Her YouTube classes aren’t paying off well if she thinks anyone would intimidate anyone. She’s a chihuahua. All bark.
No. 776124
File: 1590026280367.jpeg (63.7 KB, 762x462, 3C90BA86-504F-4AF1-AEB0-659A69…)

If this swamp creature came at me trying to pick a fight I would probably think she was high on pcp and gun it anyways.
No. 776132
>>776124If she actually managed to land some form of hit I think the real pain would come from being touched by this grease beast that looks like she reeks of old cheese, stale sweat and cigarettes… I can just picture the shell shocked, thousand yard stare the taken men she tries to cling to at party's must harbor.
Imagine scrubbing yourself raw after, tears mixed in with the long cold shower water as you try desperately to feel clean once more. Clean – a
trigger word of its own - ironically because each time you pass through the cleaning products isle you're reminded of that patchy haired, chemically burnt scalp. Nightmares plagued with flashbacks of plaque coated teeth and gingivitis gums. You're at work one day and your coworker does their best impression of a British accent to compliment the water cooler joke, and you break. There's no escape. It's the Ick that just keeps on giving.
No. 776167
File: 1590058345102.jpeg (6.35 KB, 267x189, download.jpeg)

>>776124"Swamp creature" made me think of Old Gregg and if she keeps this up, she really will be drinking Bailey's from a shoe.
No. 776193
>>776085She never leaves her house. It’s really rich of her to say anons sit behind there keyboards like cowards, when she does the same damn thing.
“Slit your wrists, we’re all waiting”
I guarantee her dumbass wouldn’t say that to me out in public. Too bad she’s fucked too many people’s boyfriends to ever show her face in any other town of Ontario besides buttfuck nowhere population 75.
No. 776199
>>776193I can't remember if Guelph's a college town, but Cambridge is, and it's super close. No matter how gross, catfishy and legally - in all but name - retarded she really is, there'll always be a yearly crop of perpetually drunk guys willing to fuck anything with an actual vagina.
No. 776200
File: 1590081577199.jpeg (136.14 KB, 828x882, 6A4BD4D2-4F19-4905-B60E-6E2494…)

The fact that this person let Vicky tattoo his knuckles… I wonder how long he waited to get them lasers off? These already look blown out. And those are just tattooed, she’s not wearing gloves with her nasty finger nails next to his hand?
No. 776205
File: 1590082948572.jpeg (135.74 KB, 598x582, 1B5D2843-EC4E-4E64-B867-286EE2…)

>>776203This guy.
She messed up his chest too.
Whatever happened, did he just lazed it all off?
No. 776237
>>776200>>776205these are really bad. her use of white to compensate for poor black and grey work is really obvious and makes her work heal badly
im so glad i wait til i was older than most people and got decent tats, at 18 i probably woulda gone to vicki and regretted it forever
No. 776241
File: 1590099001341.jpeg (57.9 KB, 658x404, 9126F628-6CA5-4E90-B670-7B8E90…)

>>776237She developed it all by herself. …
She can’t get any ink to stick, let alone developed her own method. This girl is such a lying sack of shit. Jesus Christ.
No. 776256
File: 1590107611633.jpeg (174.33 KB, 827x1025, 7F0C952A-9B78-4601-A49A-FCADFC…)

Wait…. didn’t she say the person that got this didn’t take care of her ink and that’s why it got infected? Didn’t she say this girl had anemia and didn’t tell Vicky, but all the sudden when Vicky gets a good shot she took care of it. Whatever fits Victoria Bella morte and her narrative at the time
No. 776316
File: 1590155670140.jpeg (108.44 KB, 1107x1015, E2BADB8F-363D-49BC-92F8-E82B17…)

Love finding old stuff that shows pattern on Victoria’s work ethic. Taking deposits and no showing. But she’s “grown so much” seems like she’s been doing the same stuff for her whole career.
No. 776318
File: 1590156923250.jpeg (164.29 KB, 828x1366, 2F907A40-D181-4520-96EB-2E58D9…)

There’s a website you can see the “popularity” of someone’s Instagram. It would be nitpicking if Victoria hadn’t shamed other Instagram “models” on the platform saying they buy followers for clout. Saying how pathetic and desperate it is and you can tell by how many followers per like. Well… she had a 33%, 267 average to 7000 followers.
Such a celebrity though.
No. 776398
File: 1590178177166.jpeg (124.82 KB, 828x1055, 5ADF6122-96A5-48EB-BCF2-1388BD…)

Icky posting about how unbothered she is again.
No. 776400
File: 1590178462059.png (4.4 MB, 828x1792, F8D3B77B-6889-4DFE-B305-F22973…)

Considering this “tattoo artist” has lived in two separate homes, hung out with a bunch of different people during lockdown it taking it seriously at all she should probably not be giving any masks to the hospitals. I’m assuming “someone awesome” means her new crush, if that’s the case she now has a new person in her parents house. Unless her desperate ass is already moving a loser in with her to her moms basement.
I mean good for her for putting down the booze(maybe) and helping out. Or trying to.
No. 776508
File: 1590243726792.jpeg (20.7 KB, 828x158, 9CEDFC95-5ABA-4D60-AF2F-EF4015…)

A comment made in a post about people patrolling an area in Northern Ireland. Surprised that our INTJ Queen always wants to use violence to solve any problem. Even if the “problem” doesn’t effect her at all… since you know. She’s a Canadian citizen.
So far victoria Bella morte has said “ blow people up, shoot people, I own a sword don’t bother me, I beat up so many people even if they are bigger than me and find me in public and we will see what happens”
I’m not sure if her mental health has gotten worse, but it seems that way. Seems like she really wants to harm people and if her parents are reading her social media I think they should get her help for her violent tendencies. This is not normal.
No. 776510
File: 1590244301994.jpeg (27.67 KB, 822x200, 6E4296D5-086E-4E54-8037-049C7A…)

As much as I don’t believe she would hurt anyone, you gotta wonder sometimes if she’s going to just have a mental break and attack someone because she has this idea in her head all females are jealous anon
No. 776531
File: 1590252165732.jpeg (69.08 KB, 828x278, 7A53E9D9-5B14-4825-A91D-4859DB…)

>>776508This has probably been posted … but… it seems like she’s been threatening people’s life’s for awhile now but also saying people are threatening her yet there’s never any proof on her end ever..
Just like her being kidnapped… seems like she’s a recluse making up stories in her head while sitting behind a key road threading others.. it’s actually quite concerning
No. 776536
>>776530Do I think she is physically capable of hurting someone? Maybe not.
Do I think she’s paranoid enough to hurt someone, possibly. This is a mentally unsound person. All I’m saying is I wouldn’t want to be left in the same room as this, probably unmedicated, delusional person. For various reasons.
I don’t know if I would want to be left alone with a person that talks in circles about her stalkers breaking into her home, makes up stories about being selected in a cab to be a part of isis etc. Do I think she’s a violent person? No. Do I think she’s so unsound that she would think she’d have to defend herself against things she has made up in her head? Yeah.
No. 776537
File: 1590254199595.jpeg (176.98 KB, 828x1341, 210B1555-BD27-46CE-ABD2-AF459C…)

New Vicky filtered videos. She put this on her artist page. “Thinking of someone” cause the “unattainable” queen has yet another crush.
She’s so orange, looking like tan mom.
No. 776539
>>776537Those colored contacts again, fucking kek. Natural eye color not icy blue enough, I guess.
Someone will mention it and she'll call them stupid because her eyes just magically change color so ~brilliantly~ and they're just jealous.
No. 776540
File: 1590255918041.webm (3 MB, 1280x720, 100401807_2679046255660962_706…)
This is hilarious. She's trying to act day dreamy like a fairytale princess or something. This is so funny.
No. 776542
File: 1590256899931.jpeg (101.71 KB, 754x623, B21BA179-C062-4A38-A52D-879B0C…)

Totally not a narc
No. 776557
File: 1590259852872.jpeg (39.69 KB, 311x421, 1AA95DFC-9800-4DED-ABC4-284927…)

>>776542She’s giving me Donatello Versace vibes. But the white trash version.
No. 776565
File: 1590261256444.jpeg (225.75 KB, 828x1327, BC30D800-AF84-4E18-B305-204DDA…)

Pardon my ignorance, but can face slimming filters really slim your face this much? That looks like a female orange face up against a mans white hand and arm?!
No. 776568
File: 1590262390443.jpeg (36.93 KB, 251x316, 7978BDE9-9287-45C2-99B1-DAA36C…)

Another instalment of Victoria Bella morte tattoos where are they now.
A wolf tattoo she did on another tattoo artist in Canada.
No. 776571
>>776539they must be cheap b/c they have no dimension to them at all and look like something you wear at halloween or for a costume. also idk why she likes drawing such a high arch, you can see where her natural brow is and it looks dumb.
>>776568embarrassing, it's so dull and flat.
No. 776572
File: 1590263332767.jpeg (141.6 KB, 828x605, 51C6C396-D2D3-4EC7-8A32-870150…)

Victoria Bella morte studio jerky video vs healed a couple years later. Adding more white DOESNT solve all problems.
No. 776583
File: 1590268811882.png (2.18 MB, 750x1334, DEB78B5C-93F1-4E56-B5C8-728933…)

Another healed piece that looks muddy as fuck
No. 776585
File: 1590269740786.png (3.42 MB, 750x1334, 90B83E9E-3E05-43F4-9BA4-701763…)

And one more that faded into nothing
No. 776587
>>776545h-how does this even happen?
d……did she fake tan only her face/neck?
is it her make up?
how the fuck
quick tip for any pale anons who can't seem to un-orange with fake tan and don't wanna end up looking like icks: you need one with a more violet base. some brands sell color-additives you to customize your color, too.
No. 776590
>>776588I don’t even think she likes herself. If she did she wouldn’t lie about her accomplishments and talents all the time. She won’t even spend time on herself to go out and do the things she lies about. Like an apprenticeship or teacher for sword.
She just loves the attention her filtered / shopped photos gets because she’s so hard up for male attention. Even when dudes send her dick emojis she eats it up. That’s not self love.
No. 776591
>>776588I think one anon described it perfectly as Vicky "eye fucking herself" with these little clips.
It's so creepy lol. Imagine going out to get groceries, walking by and seeing this clown alone in her car doing this.
No. 776602
>>776530Agreed. She is literally the
>teleports behind you nothing personnel, kidtype of neckbeard. That said, she absolutely seems trashy enough to have been in booze fueled, hair pulling sort of catfights, but she's never gonna have some sort of actual sword fight.
No. 776620
File: 1590279268796.jpeg (322.38 KB, 1243x1569, 6F217829-C717-4496-8641-61042E…)

My favourite Vicky milk is her photoshopped pictures of herself. The amount of filter on photos with the hashtag no filter on all of them is insane. She’s always saying nobody takes a good photo all the time, but when has she taken a photo out in public that looked anything like her ‘shopped photos? How she believes in her brain that the girl on the left looks like the one on the right I have no idea.
I used the cheap wine guy photos cause that’s the last time she was spotted out in the wild, in 2020
No. 776622
>>776572adding so much white only really makes them look okish brand new. that white wont hold especially if the artist doesnt know how to pack ink properly
another think about her work, disregard the quality of the art itself, but is how badly it seems to 'sit' on the body part its on. Its a really important but underatted aspect of tattoos
No. 776628
>>776623I think she does it to look more "casual" and aloof. She's clearly hyper aware of her angles and spends a lot of time posing for selfies, but also wants it to look ~super natural and chill~ because she's such a cool girl.
There is a video on one of the older threads (at a bar, I think?) where she realizes someone is recording and hurriedly pushes her hair in front of her face. She definitely doesn't want to be seen with her hair back or not flowing around her face.
No. 776697
File: 1590329763599.jpeg (144.27 KB, 1064x1629, 944D4E36-89EE-4A09-82F2-E8095C…)

This is a victoria Bella morte update tattoo that was featured in a magazine called “tattoo’d lifestyle” I wonder how the magazine would feel knowing that they feature “tattoo artists” that have no training and heal like this.
This guy is a bodybuilder and commented on her photo saying “this is my tattoo” so as much as this mess doesn’t even look like the same thing, it most definitely is. He is also friend with her ex, adrien, so I’m assuming she’ll just say this guy didn’t take care of it.
No. 776719
>>776697Wow I gasped. It wasn't even that nice to begin with, so I cant even understand why it was featured.
Vick if youre reading this, I seriously wish youd explain why virtually all your 'high end' tattoos end up a blurred mess. Can you really say its because the canvas didnt take care of it if it's happened to basically all your clients?
No. 776790
File: 1590359055587.webm (1.17 MB, 720x1280, 100839795_334306344202268_7706…)
"Glistening from the warmth" lmao
No. 776850
>>776790Vic is my favorite Mary Sue
She doesn't sweat
She ~*glistens from the warmth*~
No. 776891
File: 1590417326573.png (983.33 KB, 1125x2436, 16E1D18B-CC43-472E-B561-3A294A…)

I’m the “crackhead” lady who used to follow Victoria and no not a crack head well not anymore. Anyway I tried to be nice to that girl I thought she was beautiful and wanted to get a tat from her since I have friends in the area. She got pissed and blocked me just because I disagreed on a link she shared about photo shop. Then I found a meme about her and shared it and this guy wrote me.(subjectfag)
No. 776893
File: 1590417441485.png (687.05 KB, 1125x2436, 54884567-0C27-4FDF-9E47-4B1519…)

No. 776935
>>776894Well I’m sorry if anyone called you a crackhead. It’s uncalled for but sometimes we all just get a little confused by anyone that would converse with icky. I’m actually sorry that we got on ickys level and said anything about that.
Was she leading you on?
No. 776937
File: 1590427301861.jpeg (333.99 KB, 828x1410, 33B2B1AD-3000-4078-9B44-50BC42…)

I think these icky stories and updates on her terrible tattoos are really starting to get to her.
Maybe it is some people’s business when you treat them like garbage, fuck other girls boyfriends, disfigure people and steal money.
No. 776972
File: 1590439402709.jpeg (292.67 KB, 1459x1901, F7C6B585-5CC9-4538-A6DA-DE7162…)

Another blown out lifeless tattoo done by (and photoshopped by) victoria Bella morte studio
No. 776982
>>776937Vic: mind ur own business!!!1
Also Vic:
>>775590 No. 776987
>>776982Vic: mind your business
Also Vic: if you’re a stripper or work in the sex indeustry you’re mentally ill and need a therapist.
No. 776988
File: 1590445773803.jpeg (82.83 KB, 711x371, A93FBE92-0EA6-46E2-9171-417D20…)

“Mind your business……”
Considering she has 96,000 followers on her artist page on Facebook and has under 200 likes on her last selfie.
And 8000 followers on Instagram and 20 comments on her last photo.
No. 777012
File: 1590455089367.jpeg (167.06 KB, 828x1006, 0DCCC620-DB0F-4237-8C50-6D1EE1…)

One more to beat the horse dead.
“Mind your business”
Next time you get drunk and jump on Victoria, can you tell us why it’s okay for you to put your ass online for free but women that charge are worthless? Could you also let us know why you hate women?
No. 777023
File: 1590459105131.jpeg (298.68 KB, 828x1109, 4997CAE2-BDC5-4923-9D20-651674…)

>>777018Imagine paying $30 a month for sexy photos and getting this?
Vicky, you look like an old Russian hooker on some backpage site and you want to judge women for charging? Okay.
No. 777027
File: 1590461224703.jpeg (92.95 KB, 741x396, B9171DAC-6AED-4198-A4DC-81E651…)

>>777023But didn’t you know all women in sex work are mentally unstable? And anyone that doesn’t agree with her is clearly an idiot.
Living off your parents, disfiguring people and spreading your legs online for free is completely mentally sound.
No. 777030
File: 1590461643500.jpeg (187.95 KB, 828x1090, 2B4551CA-ADC3-46B8-BB78-8BAE98…)

Don’t worry, Vicky. Nobody is ever going to have children with you.
And we all know you hate the LGBTQ community.
No. 777031
File: 1590461807731.jpeg (84.04 KB, 828x803, 0E98593B-2A64-4B09-9379-FBB940…)

Does anyone know ickys family? Are they all crazy racist, bigots? I’m actually curious
No. 777047
>>777027>>777030wtf are these nosense libfem takes, are you new?
She's right to criticize sex work and teaching kids to twerk, apparently she's not completely hopeless
No. 777051
>>777047I have a feeling some of the anons capping her fb are probably from her area and not lolcow natives. Which is fine, happy for the milk, but yeah.. you aren't going to find many ppl on this board who will support tranny hour at the library just fyi.
Then again.. the fact Vicky opposes it does make me question my own opposition for a minute lol.
No. 777061
File: 1590488301747.gif (707.85 KB, 191x191, 1559985173179.gif)

>>777059Lolcow hates trannies
No. 777067
>>777059With you anon. Also pretty sure there's just the one person on here who keeps turning the thread to "trannies" and needs to get back on topic. We don't care.
I have some serious critiques of the SW industry but I think it's fucking rich that Victoria thinks she has any place condescending on people who are paid for effectively doing what she fails at so hard. My theory is that she's threatened by other women, particularly ones who look good in decent lighting without 36 filters. She just wants to feel superior to other women and thinks sex workers are an easy target. Must be rough being so mean and stupid at the same time.
As for drag queen storytime, this is just yet another dumb Vicky moment. Libraries across Canada offer drag queen story time and it's completely G-rated. They read kids picture books and sing nursery rhymes lmao. Victoria is just too fucking stupid to research. She's like one of those old people who reads a sensationalist headline and gets all worked up because they don't understand the internet or how to check the accuracy of something.
It's the same reason she shares bunk articles about Muslims and Sharia law. She's an idiot but she thinks she's as smart as an ivy league educated doctor.
No. 777073
>>777067There’s never been one mention of “trannies”
And I think by throwing those words around you lose credibility.
If you’d like to stay on topic, I think trying to keep people away from getting tattooed by Victoria is number one priority. Her being a bigot, a liar and a shitty artist would help that. Throwing around “tranny” makes you look as bad as her, just my opinion.
No. 777081
File: 1590500830034.jpeg (37.45 KB, 374x550, 788E0C6B-8DF2-4BE3-AD20-A12EF5…)

“AINT no trannies allowed on my board”
No. 777098
>>777079This board is/was notoriously full of radical feminists. There was a huge debate over it last year actually and several of their /ot/ threads are now banned topics. Radfem and liberal/leftist ideology are not mutually exclusive.
But Vicky ain't no radfem, she's just a plain racist with internalized misogyny.
>>777096But she's a man on the inside!
No. 777102
File: 1590504271279.jpeg (116.02 KB, 740x840, BFCB1760-21B5-4E03-A6A1-F7E3D3…)

Vicky uploaded a “throwback”
No. 777176
>>777073>>777074>>777079>>777081Damn, you guys are practically lining up to announce that you're newfags, aren't you? No sage,
and you're sperging about people saying "tranny." This is an imageboard, not Twitter. Learn 2 integrate.
No. 777203
>>777176Who cares …. who’s “newfag” do you you get points for how long you’ve been here? I’m legit curious because you seem very concerned about how long people have been here. You’re clearly the same person going off on everyone over and over while the rest of us have moved on.
I came here as a “newfag” because I’ve actually been in the same room as icky. And I didn’t know I had to be here and know all the rules seven years in before doing so?
No. 777226
File: 1590547870831.jpg (93.54 KB, 960x631, IMG_20200526_214412.jpg)

Let's all please just get back on topic.
Remember that time Vicky said her farts don't smell? Remember?? Let's all come back together for what really matters here..!
No. 777366
File: 1590619503288.jpg (359.91 KB, 1080x1470, 20200527_194237.jpg)

>>776537She posted this on her insta feed, and pic related is the comment section
No. 777370
>>777295That's weird? I had the displeasure of being at a house with her ten some years ago and she was definitely trying her damndest to have an accent then. She kept bragging how it "gets thicker the drunker she gets" but when she got sloppy she was full on Canadian.
Maybe she picks and chooses who to use it around like the drunk dumbass she is.
No. 777373
>>777368Anon, please. Opening them all the way would obviously be dangerous to anyone around her. She would end up blinding people with her stunningly beautiful eyes.
It's a public service, really.
No. 777379
File: 1590626170553.jpg (74.58 KB, 1280x1217, IMG_20200527_173643_485.jpg)

Rofl is she for real
No. 777454
File: 1590652909265.jpg (80.32 KB, 807x1280, IMG_20200528_010025_983.jpg)

Vic is my fav cow. I'm so happy I get to experience these moments. We got icy eyes Mary Sue Vic and ninja sword martial artist Vic in a 24 hour period.
No. 777455
File: 1590652941218.jpg (37.77 KB, 690x460, shia-labeouf-all-my-movies.jpg)

>>777379You're making him proud
No. 777478
>>777379she posts this yet also loves spewing her far right and bigoted rhetoric in her ulster group
used to think she was kinda just a silly ex scene girl but she's actually a fucking nasty person
No. 777556
File: 1590712935223.jpeg (126.51 KB, 827x676, D9355486-8B7B-4B7E-AC64-3C13E7…)

“Calm of mind focused and pissed off”
No. 777561
File: 1590714132629.jpeg (48.25 KB, 828x221, E316AC89-EAEA-4BB7-91C6-BE09C5…)

>>777556I honestly love how victoria has made the George Lloyd situation about herself and her dangerous martial arts skillllz. She seriously can’t help herself.
No. 777707
File: 1590810450160.jpeg (237.53 KB, 816x1632, 6F809C73-51FD-46B1-A7D9-FD8920…)

I went back and re-read vicks mental breakdown in the last thread and checked out a few of the girls she pulled out of her ass to bully on here. The fabrications are pretty easy to spot if you do 0.1 seconds of digging on almost anything she said.
No. 777741
>>777707"I never once insulted your weight, you fucking whale"
Kek. Beyond delusional.
I also noticed she made her IG private for like 3 hours yesterday.
Would be sad to miss out on the milk, but it's the right choice after all the embrassment she's subjected herself to. I would want to hide under a rock.
I knew it wouldn't last, though. She doesn't "care" what type of attention she gets as long as she's getting it. Her whole life is built around it. Says that right on her bio as though it isn't a hallmark of narc personality disorder.
It's too bad that most narcs get more and more miserable with age, ignoring all the wake up calls and doing mental gymnastics to keep it all about them. This hasn't gone well and it will continue to get worse. Get your popcorn ready folks, this dumpster fire is just getting started
No. 777743
>>777707wait she just
invented a website called in order to "get back at the mean, ugly bullies"?? and it's actually just an innocuous commercial website that sells literal catfish? i'm dying over here, that's really above and beyond. I love this cow.
No. 777750
>>777707So she understands the concept of projection in general, but doesn’t understand that making up a completely fake website (the most thinly veiled and easily disprovable story/website at that) to try and “expose” and bully a “stalker” (again, a past client who spoke out against her years ago and likely isn’t even on this thread). All because she’s accusing them of doing that exact thing to her? And then to be so absolutely out of her mind to say
>sounds like you’re projecting your bullshit onto me I’m no Ivy League psychology major, but this is A1, classic narcissistic projection/deflection, and she’s not even good at it. Sad.
No. 777753
File: 1590863908045.jpg (92.44 KB, 854x1280, IMG_20200530_113721_926.jpg)

I noticed Vic took the "single" out of her bio between yesterday and today. It used to be either above or below the "From Broughshane" part. She also said she wasn't going to be on insta/fb for awhile and posted a meme about someone you love being far away so maybe she traveled to meet a dude.
No. 777754
File: 1590864140181.png (1000.66 KB, 2365x1280, NinjaVicAtHotmail.png)

No. 777876
File: 1590948846488.jpeg (167.21 KB, 827x1402, 3FF1CF75-632C-4CA3-8FB6-7D0A01…)

Nobody ever said angles and poses didn’t matter? I love how she posts shit like this to argue the fact that all her candid photos look like shit.
No. 777888
File: 1590951478659.jpeg (178.32 KB, 755x900, 71886622-7EE8-4349-AEBB-8F4A12…)

>>777876“Angles and poses. Definitely no photoshop.”
No. 777910
File: 1590961033367.jpeg (247.19 KB, 827x1261, 1068A708-3724-49EB-A9BE-6D0BDD…)

New icky photo. She’s thinking of making swim wear and bodysuits. This is so ill fitting and just a bunch of strips stapled together. Girl is looking wide. She’s only about 5’2 I couldn’t imagine how she looks in real life.
No. 777911
File: 1590961146696.jpeg (47.55 KB, 828x202, 723A5565-32A9-4A27-9F97-6A01D9…)

>>777910“Less editing “ Her tits look painted on. I hope her new boyfriend that loves so far away isn’t too disappointed when he meets her in real life
No. 777913
>>777911>significantly less editing>those titsok
>>777910>I'll make a body suit / swimwear lineI'm cackling, her fucking suit has garters?? wow so modern
No. 777914
File: 1590962224394.jpeg (177.18 KB, 666x979, 4944F3C3-2F4C-4BC5-BB4C-1A4808…)

>>777910It shocks me that well into her 30s she’s trying to pass this off as the same person
No. 777923
File: 1590964424848.jpeg (Spoiler Image,687.25 KB, 1242x963, 4580816C-6389-4BFE-A3A8-7E858D…)

>>777910She forgot to shoop out the inner sides of her gut. I think that’s actually a first. She always put so much effort into the illusion of an hourglass figure. Also please don’t be a seamstress, Vik. You obviously had to photoshop it due to a lack of a hem line lol
No. 777930
File: 1590965154474.png (4.98 MB, 828x1792, 8D7FE920-1A18-45CA-876A-02AC39…)

The boobs are so photoshopped! Holy hell. And this is so poorly made and doesn’t fit her it’s not even on her boobs? This looks like a wish ad outfit.
No. 777950
File: 1590968654656.jpeg (90.3 KB, 827x461, 85D53793-41D0-4967-A67C-BF270B…)

Custom to their body.
The one she is wearing isn’t even custom to her body. It’s literally hanging off in spots.
And of course it’ll be more expensive. Here’s another one of Victoria’s scams. She’s never made custom fitting clothes in her life but now she thinks she can charge people up the ass because she’s broke and photoshopped an “outfit”
She’s so stupid and thinks making clothes is easy. She already has a terrible reputation so here goes another venture she can take to piss people off and steal their money.
No. 777961
File: 1590972252638.jpeg (186.25 KB, 828x1355, 5C8AA542-D4ED-4DB3-8F51-C0F8D8…)

For someone that isn’t bothered by “haters” she sure seems to hangout reading our comments a lot.
No. 777969
>>777963She looooves to make women feel beautiful dont you know.
All while calling them mentally ill, cryptkeeper face, whales, saying shell steal their boyfriends if they piss her off and telling them to slit theirs wrists cause nobody would miss them.
No. 777990
File: 1590981723304.jpg (96.55 KB, 804x1279, IMG_20200531_201849_753.jpg)

>>777923She answered this post lol
No. 778022
File: 1590987542847.png (1.04 MB, 1078x2777, 33467899.png)

This is hilarious. There's so much going on here. Victoria saying she's in magazines, threatening men who try to buy her by force (???), saying she slays on cam and doesn't use it as a crutch like those other girls (what), bragging about how nice her ass looks, there's so much here to process.
No. 778070
File: 1591014736329.jpeg (84.54 KB, 828x470, A43CE09E-CFAD-477A-8274-95D448…)

Vicky has turned down 100 000 to show her ass though guys.
No. 778072
File: 1591015034548.jpeg (33.15 KB, 828x202, 9ABB5CC0-E98A-4B43-A907-549DB9…)

>>777910So she put this selfie up on her artist page and dudes are leaving comments like this. I wonder if she’s ever embarrassed by this stuff? She can’t keep anything professional by leaving her vagina off of any page
No. 778074
File: 1591015374690.jpeg (244.03 KB, 827x1440, 06C3378B-A819-4EF9-B476-0C1952…)

Victoria is pretending like she cares about non white people now. Just two weeks ago she was saying immigrants are bringing their aids over the Ireland. And now she’s telling African Americans how to protest. This won’t age well. I’m sure.
No. 778077
File: 1591015816608.jpeg (48.13 KB, 828x401, 9F91D639-18D3-4967-87CC-374253…)

mic drop
Thanks for saving the planet by making your half ass Facebook posts and flashing your pussy. Definitely drop the mic cause you’re “brilliantly worded “ Facebook post.
No. 778079
File: 1591016698677.jpeg (146.27 KB, 827x962, A0E692AA-C8CD-40F5-B684-1DB143…)

Victoria Bella morte agreeing with a radical and a bigot. I guess that’s what happens when you are active on pages like “red hand”
No. 778081
File: 1591016891931.jpeg (25.72 KB, 828x202, A893FFA1-2451-48B7-94E6-FECB3B…)

Victoria Bella morte talking about migrants to Northern Ireland. Somewhere she hasn’t lived since she was two. Seems like a weird thing to say about a place you don’t live when all people are equal.
No. 778082
File: 1591016971201.jpeg (188.14 KB, 828x1245, 21DEBB42-86BC-4D52-A9C5-FAA05A…)

“Poison darts”
No. 778087
File: 1591017845471.jpeg (155.68 KB, 828x666, 2D08513A-3566-4075-8DE0-360EF0…)

Victoria is also a supporter of trump
No. 778090
>>778022If you put the pieces together, you can see black fabric hanging down over her ass. But the sides are so high that it would have to have a thong back. So it probably looks like a ridiculous loose jock strap from behind.
Also I find it hilarious that she thinks five elastics cobbled together would be expensive custom work. If this crazy thing doesn't stretch, you fail.
No. 778104
File: 1591024574848.jpeg (171.6 KB, 600x600, DBE5E657-FBAC-4C48-9C51-B872DE…)

>>777910Looks like the was photoshopped to hell and back.
No. 778105
File: 1591024784236.jpeg (109.12 KB, 828x699, ECEDFDCA-8989-4671-BF37-BAFF2B…)

No. 778121
>>778120I laughed at that too. Like boasting at the length she can throw is cringey but easy to lie about. But lying about being able to throw it in shape formations is so stupid, it's like the motorcycle handstand lie.
Im suprised noone calls her out at all on lies like this. Go on Vick throw the knives in a star or heart shape. Or spell your name, fucking liar.
No. 778124
>>778116She's just a "cool" anti-sjw
I don't think she cares enough about politics to form opinions of her own
No. 778133
>>778077I love how she thinks she’s so brilliant spewing bullshit when it’s actually
problematic as fuck. Making statements like I don’t see colour or there’s only one race the human race is actually racist believe it or not.
No. 778137
File: 1591035399542.jpeg (55.01 KB, 828x251, 6417CBE5-DE99-4600-AE5E-5A0D4A…)

>>777910So the girl that says she won’t do makeup tutorials cause women just wanna be her. Also keeps bringing up 15 years ago when scene people all dressed the same and “dragging” females for wanting to dress like her and she’ll post people so everyone can laugh? But she wants to dress women cause she wants the to look beautiful?
Keep your stories straight.
No. 778139
File: 1591036894577.jpeg (478.08 KB, 828x1638, CBD86D8C-7672-4276-A763-06A4E3…)

Another cringe half assed attempt at showing how much she empowers women.
No. 778141
File: 1591037882528.jpeg (43.58 KB, 746x218, 016649E9-43D5-4452-BB9A-01E3EE…)

>>778139“I looove to make women feel beautiful”
No. 778142
File: 1591038448928.jpeg (39.37 KB, 828x219, AB3F78BF-893A-428E-AF02-9E7B60…)

>>778133She is totally
problematic. She has a bunch of uneducated neckbeards following her that listen to her words. While people do cross illegally to just lump everyone together and say migrants bring their aids and it’s not a personal thing…. well…
No. 778181
>>778167She's a walking identity crisis. She's been in Canada since age 2 but has a British accent. Drinks and smokes all day but is super healthy. Couch crashes but is super successful with no job. Turns down millionaires but can't hold down a relationship beyone a month or two.
Her 40s will be great….. for us to laugh at her.
No. 778225
File: 1591054079711.jpeg (179.71 KB, 1312x986, 7C75B25D-995A-4214-8820-C8EE41…)

>>778181If she’s posting photos like this, speaking in a “British” accent and going on rants about being able to throw poisonous darts 8 at a time at 40 I’m finding her parents on Facebook and telling them to call a psychologist.
No. 778238
>>778125Sage for sewing sperg but there's no way she made this or has the ability to make them custom fit to others. These types of bodysuits are usually made of various width bands of specialized elastic and you need to use the right type of stitch so that it can still stretch and the stitches won't just pop. Where is she getting the materials during a pandemic? Fabric and elastic shops have been running crazy behind even shipping orders because of the demand from people making masks. Supplies I've ordered are taking up to a month to arrive and in-person shops are closed. And how is she going to "custom fit" these to people without being able to fit them in person?
She's never even mentioned having sewing skills and she brags about every single thing she thinks she's good at. I wonder if there's a girl she's jealous of who is a seamstress and she's trying to one-up her. She'll usually brag about how good she is at some specific thing when she's trying to make herself seem better than another girl.
No. 778244
File: 1591056698556.jpeg (64.17 KB, 1000x1000, 8E98705D-5D06-45D4-A03A-78F10D…)

>>778238Sage for no real milk. If you just google “bandage bodysuit” there’s so many things that come up. This is actually nice and is only 34$
You know ickys would fall apart( if she even made it) and she would charge $200. Cause it’s “custom”
No. 778296
>>778238When you put it that way, I wonder if she took the materials from whoever was making masks that she was trying to claim credit for up thread …
Just because these suits require skill to be made doesn't mean she didn't make it and it isn't ready to fall apart or a total mess off camera… I mean, it looks like a total mess on camera. I'd expect more quality from something bought off Wish lmao
No. 778314
File: 1591101090143.jpeg (63.09 KB, 828x1402, DE9A43CB-76BA-40F3-9C7A-EADCEF…)

I’d put down money that she didn’t do any research on this and will be posting throughout the day.
No. 778334
File: 1591117741060.jpg (54.56 KB, 750x723, 78197327_242605207069709_83910…)

>>778082Vicky, please post videos of you throwing 4 poison darts with stunning accuracy into different shapes. Also post yourself doing a handstand on a motorcycle, do it at 60 kph and we will all look so dumb for questioning your talent!
No. 778525
File: 1591214244223.jpeg (99.21 KB, 827x569, 1F1020D4-6007-4517-90DD-724065…)

“Y’all can have this mess” I guess that’s all you have to say when you’re uneducated and have a racist father.
I thought she was rich? If she donated anywhere for everything going on in the world, you know she’d be posting all about it.
This girl talks so much shit. Telling people to slit their wrists and people immigrating bringing “their aids” over. She needs to shut her fucking mouth and read a book.
No. 778532
File: 1591215801674.jpeg (153.45 KB, 723x776, 8260A718-69F3-4641-A8AB-652BC8…)

>>778525Considering Victoria follows and likes Tomi Lahren(a lady that compared BLM to the KKK), trump, has made countless ignorant comments about race and has been called out for being a racist in her community( like the dirty) she should probably sit this one out and go be a racist bigot along with her father.
No. 778542
>>778525Condescending, uninformed bitch. This isn't an equally matched fight between two sides. It's an organized police force against black people. One is a chosen profession that has lost all credibility and trustworthiness through its own actions. The other is a group of humans who are being punished for the act of existing. You have no idea what you're talking about.
You have never once posted a picture with a black friend. You don't know any black people. You have done nothing to support or help black people. Come to think of it, your entire clientele was white trash too. Have you even met a black person, you fucking hoe? Shut your stupid mouth.
No. 778552
File: 1591222149045.jpeg (44.24 KB, 828x218, 0FEBAE1D-08FD-4888-BF9E-797F65…)

Sorry for the double posting of this, but just a reminder that three weeks ago before all the news coming out of the USA and riots girl was saying shit about migrants and their aids and hep. She only ever speaks up about issues if they’ll get her views cause she’s a narcissist. She doesn’t care about anything but herself and keeping Northern ireland( somewhere she hasn’t been in 32 years) “clean” of any people of colour. Get out of here. Victoria Bella morte is a plain racist.
No. 778554
File: 1591222513992.png (166.38 KB, 828x1792, 9B843D17-E3C6-47E7-B334-0E08E0…)

iM hELpInG
The only thing this girl has done for any cause, covid or racism is post a photo of her mom sewing masks and said she denounces violence on both sides. I guess all that money she got selling all her many of mansions is going towards smokes and booze. She’s really showing her true colours and it’s great. She’s got a big mouth but nothing to ever show for it. That goes for ever aspect of her life.
No. 778556
File: 1591223840891.jpeg (63.73 KB, 828x278, FF602EB5-D71E-411B-AA8A-111A8C…)

>>778554She’s sad guys. Victoria is going to stop racism by going on racist rants and then use her plastic sword to walk her block in buttfuck nowhere Guelph to combat the riots, give up after realizing she’s an idiot and get snacks.
No. 778557
File: 1591224545407.jpeg (86.24 KB, 828x640, 27A091B8-4919-446F-BE53-BCD10C…)

>>778556Isn’t it funny that when people of colour are under attack using violence isn’t the answer because that’s what Martin Luther king said, but when she’s ever under attack she pulls out her sword and attacks people with it. (Not like this ever happened)
There’s been so many accounts of her saying she’ll kick people’s asses. So…. where’s that same energy for yourself, moron?
No. 778559
>>778557>the cops were not impressedUm I'm not from the same country as Vick but I'm fairly certain any cop in most places would arrest or at least detain someone with a weapon trying to go all vigilante.
Not only that but if she could so called 'handle it herself' then why the fuck did she call the police?
She's such a fucking liar lol
No. 778569
File: 1591228875948.jpeg (147.43 KB, 828x606, 0ECA0201-9B8E-42B6-B2BB-947101…)

She’s back in her red hand Irish racist group liking posts again. Including this one.
No violence tho
No. 778588
File: 1591236850856.jpeg (132.17 KB, 828x1056, ED20D5EE-FE4A-40CE-BBB3-FFA568…)

This is so embarrassing. Lol. You’re 33 years old making posts like this. Enough said.
And I’ve seen you in public and you were the laughingstock, nobody was fighting over you. You were a drunk embarrassment. Exactly why you don’t leave Guelph and come to shows in Toronto anymore.
No. 778590
File: 1591237083672.jpeg (93.71 KB, 828x582, A9B65AC7-1CF0-4526-99BB-49F7E3…)

From the girl that was just posting about BLM to more important information. Vicky, Miss unattainable, has another crush on a guy she found on Facebook.
“Ladies I don’t want your man” YOURE ALMOST 40. And nobody is worried about you around their man. Promise
No. 778592
File: 1591237586095.jpeg (81.16 KB, 828x495, 6ECD622F-18EB-45DC-9C25-844DCA…)

The racist apple doesn’t fall far from the racist tree
No. 778596
>>778588Imagine being such an embarrassing human and actually thinking anyone else is jealous.
This may come as a huge shock, but we, too, could bathe in OxiClean, fuck people's husbands and fail at tattooing in order to end up in our mother's guest room.
You were also "high school yearbook" age literally half of your lifetime ago, so there's that….
No. 778598
>>778597Don't know how to sage. Not a regular, just another person who knew her irl
And definitely wasn't trying to impress you but good luck with your raging yeast infection
(newfag) No. 778601
>>778597>>778591just hide the thread sis.
>>778598just type "sage" in the email field when you post and it won't bump the thread
No. 778672
File: 1591273492272.jpeg (138.23 KB, 828x1317, 98DB3106-882D-413B-B2C4-7FDE06…)

Imagine being 33 years old posting stuff like this at 3am. “Flattered none the less” that some dude said he wanted to fuck her in her DMs.
Every chick gets nasty, disrespectful messages in their dms.
I guess it’s not disrespectful when She eats that shit up. It’s actually gross.
No. 778674
>>778592is this deffo a relative of Victoria's? I know her brother is called Laird, but this is an old dude. Dad? Uncle?
that group is a cesspit
No. 778702
File: 1591288028080.jpeg (45.75 KB, 780x190, 28F069AC-E095-44AD-B991-A62CF5…)

Yeah… to answer the question her bro was named after the dad and they’re all known to be racists in small town Ontario.
At least her, her pedo brother and her dad. I don’t know much about her mom and sister.
No. 778733
File: 1591297942921.png (104.15 KB, 275x271, 91F35407-457E-48A6-8524-C0B95C…)

>>778590OH GOD lol vick never change, to this day she delivers classic dingles milk
No. 778813
>>778774Didn't she say something similar to that - minus them commenting on her being a totes famous 'inker' - back when she was really really kidnapped? Or am I misremembering?
I'd swear she said the cops were impressed by her badass ninja stylez, or that they wished more women were stronk and capable like her.
No. 778882
File: 1591385328932.jpeg (53.4 KB, 524x174, C92E9B87-FBFA-45BA-9260-77B972…)

No. 778888
File: 1591386285013.jpeg (83.5 KB, 670x432, 2B177E86-3E28-44DB-ABBD-A7AE3A…)

>>778813When the cop offered her a job cause she was throwing around her katana. “I don’t know if he was serious or not”
Things that never happened.
And she denounces violence guys.
No. 778892
>>778882Nice try, slick vick.
No. 778930
File: 1591403185919.jpg (66.73 KB, 1280x939, IMG_20200605_172546_027.jpg)

This is a Facebook group for Pokemon Go players who live in Northern Ireland. Lol just why?
No. 778935
File: 1591405647277.jpeg (174.85 KB, 828x1240, F11207BD-476B-4C38-BA38-E63C17…)

Icky is still crying over the “good ole days” when she was a scene kid on MySpace
No. 778954
>>778930good god she's an absolute moron
Vic I'm sure there's a Pokemon Go page for your area, why the hell would you join a group for a country you're not even in? you can't participate in any local events??
No. 779136
File: 1591513367810.jpg (96.38 KB, 1247x1279, IMG_20200607_000105_917.jpg)

I dunno if it's because I'm as drunk as Vic on a Tuesday night but she looks cute in these new heavily filtered 2 second videos she posted on Facebook.
No. 779139
File: 1591515386656.jpg (145.92 KB, 1008x706, vick pokemon.jpg)

>>778930>>778954sorry, not milky but -
i believe she has taken over as owner of that page and made the group a couple of days ago. the last time the page was active was back in nov 2018, the first post since vicky resurrected it has a womans ugly black handbag that i assume is hers in the background.
there's only two profiles in the group, one of which is the fucking page lol so i assume the other is her own fb profile.
No. 779152
File: 1591534581420.jpeg (108.86 KB, 828x849, D368DB98-451E-4B1B-A2F0-2056E2…)

>>779136She posted it close up in her other page. When you sober up let me know how you feel. All I see is a Donald trump combover, so many filters her nose has disappeared(she’s almost 40, so makes sense she’s want to buff some stuff out), and some weird side smile showing off her huge horse teeth.
No. 779162
File: 1591542540380.jpeg (43.07 KB, 464x339, 0BC98F15-5CA8-4968-BFDD-75B353…)

>>779136If someone told me this was ick was she was younger, I wouldn’t even question it.
No. 779163
File: 1591542953774.jpeg (69.2 KB, 828x563, 0A296A86-2B30-4566-A5C1-FFE8CD…)

How many times has this girl purged her friends list on Facebook to make room for “clients”
Yet she always gets comments like this from weird guys that don’t even live in the same country. Worse, she’s 33 years old and responds to them.
No. 779170
File: 1591558596049.jpeg (80.45 KB, 828x666, 527604C3-8261-4E41-A9EF-6BB140…)

Vicky: “Instagram models buy their followers how pathetic. They have like a million followers and 400 likes”
Also Vick:
No. 779186
File: 1591567112875.jpeg (56.42 KB, 579x800, F1585C29-8B2D-4D08-B751-38E090…)

Oh …. no. The amount of airbrush. Her nose is almost gone. But at least there’s a couple things real about this shot.
Her weight and she can’t even photoshop that blob of a black tattoo on her leg her did into anything.
No. 779187
File: 1591567398825.jpeg (11.02 KB, 276x149, 6AB7DD98-1932-44D8-A90D-058339…)

>>779186 Victoria Bella morte tattoos. That healing process. I wonder if she’ll blame the client. Kek.
No. 779188
File: 1591567897880.jpeg (103.68 KB, 828x380, 144A5583-2EBC-433B-8ED7-66F259…)

“Didn’t your mother ever tell you not to believe everything you read online”
Says the girl that has countless articles she’s shared on Facebook that are now blanked out from not being factual.
From the girl that spews crap about a place she reads about online about a place she hasn’t been to since she was 2 years old.
We all know she’s talking about this thread, and too bad for her there’s receipts because she’s posts so much nonsense.
Hi Vick!
No. 779191
File: 1591568487280.jpeg (100.6 KB, 828x918, A2D5A92D-69F7-466F-B0BF-C5D163…)

>>779188“Don’t believe everything you read online”
Posts whatever crap fits her agenda without even reading the article. No. 779193
File: 1591569507886.jpeg (169.1 KB, 828x722, C80DA8DC-1F13-4243-84A1-6D004A…)

>>779188Didn’t your parents ever teach you not to be a racist and kind your own business Vicky? Oh wait…..he runs a pro trump page(even though he doesn’t live in the states, calls blm the kkk and hates immigrants.
Yeah nvm
No. 779194
File: 1591570383189.jpg (92.54 KB, 1280x1179, IMG_20200607_155102_575.jpg)

>>779186I love when she pretends like she just woke up like this and isn't trying super hard to be seductive. You're sitting on a bed in a t-shirt and no pants, Victoria.
No. 779196
>>779194I know she’s trying to come off as humble, but suggesting this photo can only be “sexy” if her tits or vag are hanging out, says a lot.
Also, I think she’s incapable of saying “thank you”.
No. 779198
>>779194I’m not trying to be sexy you can’t see anything!
Spreads her legs open on her moms new bed spread with the bottom part of her ass hanging out and side crease vag so you know she’s not wearing underwear.
That “all I’ve been doing is eating and not working out during quarantine” is starting to show Vick. How’s that super healthy heart rate and bmi?
No. 779199
File: 1591571058265.jpeg (126.48 KB, 827x734, 48286917-6FE5-4C7F-8FAA-748518…)

Literally everything goes over this girls head
No. 779203
>>779200Girl exaggerates everything in her life cause she insecure and boring.
Like being proposed to how many times? By billionaires?
She’s a 3000 per hour cover model?
If a guy likes two or more of her photos of course he’s gotta crush.
No. 779204
File: 1591573420453.jpeg (57.11 KB, 726x386, 1EFAAB93-0436-47B7-BBBB-2DF124…)

>>779188Commenting on her own status. Looks like she’s concerned about being cancelled further than she already is.
No. 779208
File: 1591574869301.jpeg (59.3 KB, 828x399, 7FA082E8-AA6B-4DAA-BFD8-50B348…)

>>779188Vague booking at 33 just sounds like “please pay attention to me”
And everyone keeps commenting like she’s talking about the state of the world right now and she keeps saying “that’s not what I’m talking about”
The only thing the girl talks about is herself, not sure why anyone’s bringing up the government like she’s ever looked at anything but her own photos.
No. 779210
File: 1591575612499.jpeg (194.23 KB, 828x1568, E0D6AF75-0A94-48D3-80B4-B6C91D…)

Anyone looking to support Victoria Bella morte (studios? She got shut down. Figure that) tattoos. She’s in a red hand rising USA group reacting and liking posts stating “we have a limited time before the British traditions are lost” because of a black lives matter protest. Keeping that British tradition white.
Bitch you don’t even live there and haven’t left Canada since you were 2
No. 779211
File: 1591575690544.png (5.13 MB, 1829x2622, kellyj.png)

Just a reminder that Victoria does mass Facebook deletions of female accounts and says it's "to make room for new clients" but these are the dudes she keeps.
No. 779215
File: 1591577920267.png (424.77 KB, 496x692, 3BF605B2-06E7-4929-A139-D45ADB…)

>>779188Nobody has to make up “conspiracy theories” about you victoria. You literally told the internet once that isis tried to convert a white Canadian woman in a cab.
No. 779216
oof. Dude looks like a massive dweeb. Probably lives with his mom. I’m sure vicky will count this as a true proposal for the count.
>>779215Yes I’m sure an isis member told you, a woman, their diabolical plans.
Too young to know what you were seeing? So are you admitting to being a retard? Like…isis and terrorism doesn’t make you think “hm. Perhaps I should tell someone”?
Every time she tells these isis stories, they just show how stupid she truly is.
No. 779218
>>779216>I’m sure vicky will count this as a true proposal for the count. Anon I am laughing.
Also in the comment section of that ISIS post someone called her out on them not revealing their plans to a woman and she got all huffy and said there was another person in the limo or taxi with her.
No. 779226
File: 1591580355461.png (45.78 KB, 478x528, F61F0FD4-58A6-4493-9C14-B5CA47…)

>>779218So because the isis cab driver was talking to a man sitting beside a woman, which he would also be sharing this information with just from proximity you know BEING IN THE SAME VEHICLE, he shared top secret isis information? And she says the cab driver was trying to convert THEM meaning he was speaking with them both. Is she dumb? Oh wait…
And of course there’s video that no one has ever seen but Vicky in her imagination. It’s totes real guyz.
No. 779228
File: 1591581505684.jpeg (99.96 KB, 567x966, 92598690-B5D9-420D-B397-D09017…)

Another instalment of Victoria Bella morte tattoos, where are they now.
If she’s willing to disfigure her best friend like this…. that line work…
No. 779229
>>779228Is this Jackie? Damn anon, you're good at finding the tattoo
victims. There's a few accounts I lurk to see if they'll post any pics showing Vic tats but I haven't been as successful as you (assuming you're the same anon who has been posting all these tattoo pics lately).
No. 779230
File: 1591582329803.jpg (43.99 KB, 1280x784, IMG_20200607_191203_261.jpg)

Victoria's delusional levels of self confidence have always been fascinating to me. How does one become this self obsessed?
No. 779239
File: 1591591414955.png (189.15 KB, 500x480, KTmDthf.png)

>>779237Um… what are you talking about? Watches don't need to wrap around a wrist. Are you fat and dumb? Watches can absolutely float in front of the start of a forearm. If you think you're seeing sloppy use of the warp tool at the bottom of this watch, you are a jealous hater! This is the way expensive watches look on THIN, fit babes (who are thicc in the right places tho!!!) like Vicky!
No. 779265
File: 1591620899823.jpg (89.8 KB, 784x1280, IMG_20200608_054253_377.jpg)

Why is she so desirable?!
No. 779271
File: 1591624271364.png (275.81 KB, 828x1792, 9DA711DE-AB67-4C89-8656-D9F380…)

>>779265The next post after that one. The fact that she thanks creepy dudes for slipping into the dms cause it’s “super sweet” is pathetic and shows how hard up she is for male attention.
No. 779272
File: 1591624484174.jpeg (92.43 KB, 828x499, D3AE3235-E4D3-4201-AEA6-E700B2…)

All she has is time. And nothing else. That’s why we’re only seeing filtered photos of her face over and over ….. and over. She has no hobbies and in her owns words has just been eating the whole time.
No. 779286
File: 1591630082351.jpeg (255.09 KB, 828x1056, 52CBA898-D3DE-4816-8492-FCEB68…)

>>779281This is victoria in Mexico, a country she’s never been to.
“ From 2016 to 2019, the number of foreign tourist arrivals to Mexico registered a steady increase. In 2019, the Latin American country welcomed around 45 million international tourists, nearly 3.7 million more than in the previous year.Apr 24, 2020”
She’s literally the dumbest person. This is what happens when you never leave Guelph and hangout with children all the time. Is the violence in Mexico? SURE. But she really needs to research before spewing her racist hate against anyone not white.
No. 779292
File: 1591631694918.jpeg (400.09 KB, 828x1519, 2359310B-2E52-4BA7-9F63-AA87AB…)

Considering. She’s openly called someone of colour an ape, called the black lives matter protests a zoo, goes on many rants about immigrants and her and her father shit post in that racist british page… she may not want to post the “N” word on her personal / professional page as well.
No. 779311
>>779286I love when Vic tries to single-handedly solve global issues by completely oversimplifying them with zero understanding.
Crime in Mexico? "Just completely abolish your current government and police force, duh!"
No. 779316
File: 1591639149867.jpeg (119.13 KB, 828x748, 340C1054-7BAD-43C1-8C8D-5BA013…)

>>779239Vicky bought an Apple Watch so she can see who stresses her out. Dear lord she is too much
No. 779334
>>779292lol @ the irony of her posting memes about "keeping your business private" while whoring out 24/7 on multiple social media platforms. you can tell that vicky can not even conceive of what an actual private life would be.
she would wither and die without her fb/ig/snap/etc and the attention she receives from all her posts. it is literally the only thing keeping her going lol.
No. 779364
File: 1591670162624.webm (1.26 MB, 400x400, 103392985_327786138212114_3187…)
New sexy lingerie video of Victoria!
No. 779372
File: 1591674016568.jpg (111.31 KB, 1178x1279, IMG_20200608_203759_585.jpg)

>>779364On this video she captioned it "no editing or filters obviously," Then this exchange happened. Wtf is she talking about? Sometimes ppl who post pics and videos that are edited say "no editing" ok I get that. But then she says that sometimes photos and videos without any edits are labeled as having edits? I've never seen that. Ever. Nobody has ever posted an unedited pic and then said "edited with Adobe whatever." What is she talking about?
No. 779373
>>779372I don’t think that’s what she’s saying, anon, and I really don’t want to be sticking up for her but..
I think she means all the ones that everyone thinks are edited, are not.
And all the ones that are edited, people say they’re not edited.
No. 779385
File: 1591680010031.jpg (102.95 KB, 1243x1280, IMG_20200608_222021_115.jpg)

Uh oh. Did her long distance internet boyfriend ghost her?
No. 779419
File: 1591709115799.jpeg (116.42 KB, 827x903, BFFBC914-482F-4B70-9506-72121D…)

She “made” part of the outfit. And in the comments she said she made the dress. Okay ick.
Her face is getting really round. I believe this isn’t edited for once, she looks awful..
No. 779420
File: 1591709628784.jpeg (29.78 KB, 718x222, E871F3D8-E5FE-468F-B18E-2EC680…)

She literally has a crush on a new dude every 15 seconds. There’s been at least two this year, it’s only June and we’ve been in lockdown 3 of those six months….
Her last public boyfriend was a guy Lakota younger than her the washed dishes for a living.
No. 779422
>>779364>>779419Am I crazy or does the middle of her torso look super blurry? Her necklace disappears around the cleavage and her hand gets blurry when she moves it over. It looks like a filter to me.
Either way, her "posing" videos crack me up because she always stands still like a statue. It's so unnatural. You can tell she's hyper aware of her appearance and doesn't want to risk a bad angle (or the filter coming off).
No. 779484
File: 1591755256795.jpeg (156.76 KB, 828x707, CC082CEA-0CF7-4FF0-86AF-3B6537…)

I hate to be the one but being a scantily clad blonde girl that only talks about herself online isn’t “setting trends”
And who ever said that “ I bet you want to look like all the other girl”? Nobody?
Another page from the book of things that never happened. She could go to a cougar bar and see 50 of her.
And tattoos? I bet she wants people to believe she’s the first girl to ever be covered in tattoos and everyone else copier her.
No. 779485
File: 1591755442075.jpeg (79.01 KB, 828x534, 992EBA13-29AD-4D21-B35A-8B7C5F…)

>>779484Oh and tattoo shops in Ontario opened! Expect to see more white trash tattoos on morons that don’t google artists first.
If you’re looking for a tattoo and are smart enough to google her first victoria Bella morte is racist, rips off her clients, hates women that have any different of opinion of her and you’ll be lucky if she shows up on time if at all.
No. 779486
File: 1591755509457.jpeg (51.24 KB, 828x278, B9F355D0-7A15-42F1-B943-D5B884…)

“If you don’t love me, you’re just a jealous hater and you should slit your wrists”
No. 779489
File: 1591757280287.jpg (146.88 KB, 1000x1280, IMG_20200609_194703_262.jpg)

Oh man what is wrong with her? This guy replies to her status agreeing and sharing a personal anecdote and her response is, "Yes but let's focus on me." She is my favorite cow.
No. 779496
File: 1591761269443.jpeg (45.49 KB, 795x216, F3864CE6-A8A8-4B81-A89D-F61FF0…)

>>779489I can’t tell if this guy is just speaking about the status she put up or slyly dragging Vick. Either way. She should read this guys comment. And then read it again.
No. 779500
File: 1591764008949.png (1.73 MB, 1280x3173, Fly.png)

This status used to say "all badass and shit but I still freeze when I dig someone."
Then she changed it to how her ex-bf blindfolded her to see if she could… Idk flail a sword around blindfolded?
Then she brags about hitting and killing a fly with her sword but she was too inexperienced to split it in half.
Keep the milk flowing, Victoria.
No. 779512
“I can decapotate flys while my icey eyes are blindfoldeddd… ISIS saw my skillss and wanted to recrute me but I said no,” she typed with one dirt-stained mitt, the other plunging into an open bag of Cheetos and rummaging furiously. No more left; she would have to call her mom to drive her to the store. She reached for the bottle of cheap whiskey she always had on standby and swigged the last of the dregs down. Furiously punching her mother’s phone number into the phone, the smell of her ancient black booty shorts wafted up to greet her, a complex mixture of yeast and mature cheddar.
Finally, her mom picked up the phone. “Vicky, it’s four in the morning,” she said wearily.
“I don’t care mom, I need Cheetos and Jack Daniels,” replied Vicky, furiously gnashing her grey-tinged teeth.
“This is the last straw Vicky, I’m not coming to drive you around again while you take selfies. It takes days to get the smell out of my car.”
Vicky foamed at the mouth, her Jay Leno chin quivering with rage. “Fuck you, jealous bitch,” she snarled. “Slit your wrists. I have an IQ of 260 and a billionaire proposed to me yesterday so you’re lucky I’m even still talking to you-“
She stopped, realising her mother had long put the phone down. In a rage, Vicky, threw her phone across the room and tore the Cheeto’s bag apart, fervently licking the scraps of flavoring from the packet. She would have to cook for herself.
"Time to make some Brittish yorkeyss…" she typed into the void.
No. 779518
File: 1591797633916.jpeg (14.01 KB, 411x249, E560B57A-64F4-498F-B848-F77B9D…)

>>779500So she can swing around an object blindfolded in an open space? She’s not even very steady with whatever she is holding. Does this look like a sword to anyone?
No. 779527
File: 1591806833849.jpeg (145.82 KB, 828x601, F9B3DB34-B6EF-4347-893D-C3AF6B…)

Red hand rising USA group that Victoria Bella morte and her father shit posting that black lives matter is a terrorist group. Kek. She’s not racist guys.
No. 779528
File: 1591807011542.jpeg (198.75 KB, 828x1133, 640658A8-7E23-4EDF-AA69-870632…)

“Must be nice they are that salty” sorry am I missing something or is she just attacking her haterz again out of the blue cause she’s drunk?
No. 779529
File: 1591807493953.gif (1.05 MB, 320x180, 601F22BB-EACF-43E8-8E51-BF6B65…)

>>779500Her flailing that sword around blindfolded, like it’s some grand achievement, reminds me of the scene in Tombstone with doc holiday. Where he swings his shot glass around like a gun.
Of course Doc Holiday and Vic are apples and oranges. Only comparing the hilarity of swinging around an inanimate object while drunk.
No. 779534
File: 1591809287259.jpeg (165.24 KB, 959x958, 8C02977F-3E2C-4DD7-AE07-DF75C8…)

They’ll say it’s photoshop.
No. 779535
File: 1591809483541.jpeg (234.8 KB, 770x1079, 7E7BB628-13F9-40F8-BE90-942BA0…)

>>779534So tattoo shops in Ontario can open this Friday and this is what’s she’s doing?!
“Very little editing on me at all”
girl stop.
No. 779536
File: 1591810267859.jpeg (54.75 KB, 828x268, BED49744-4773-4A14-B8B0-C0EFF4…)

>>779534Reminder…. This is a 33 year old
No. 779543
File: 1591813410873.jpeg (112.06 KB, 828x770, 16CB1C82-BEEB-4665-9F28-D86BE6…)

How many more years is this girl going to say she’s going to Vegas? She literally never leaves Ontario.
No. 779552
File: 1591815990693.jpeg (1.14 MB, 1125x2089, B2340802-8053-48E5-9B83-AE7136…)

>>779534What the fuck am I looking at??
No. 779556
File: 1591817214511.jpeg (21.22 KB, 828x202, 0624D7F4-B146-4792-86E0-7F4F56…)

>>779534Someone on her shitty photoshopped space photo asked her to “fight”
And she said this.
Story of ickys life. The only thing she has time for is photoshopping herself for neckbeards and putting extra letters in words.
No. 779563
File: 1591819342479.jpeg (223.72 KB, 1080x1350, 48A895B5-BCE6-41B2-BBB0-036882…)

>>779535It’s a knockoff zero suit. It’s on Ali express for $75. Good to know her government handout during covid is going to good use.
No. 779578
File: 1591824644735.jpeg (147.53 KB, 828x617, 334D43B3-FBB8-497E-826B-A7370D…)

>>779534It still baffles me that there’s people that dick ride her so hard and comment “ you’re so creative” when she just googles space ship and glues herself wearing Ali express into the photo
No. 779606
>>779528Pretty sure this is her being paranoid. Because this guy’s comment is similar to things said here
>>779466>>779419This is what happens when you lurk. you have no idea if your followers/friends are legitimate, or if they’re farmers.
No. 779623
File: 1591843314215.png (1.86 MB, 750x1334, D28B5F5D-3590-492C-939C-45775A…)

Likely where she got it.
No. 779630
File: 1591849387266.jpeg (180.76 KB, 828x586, 84CB4994-E2C8-49FA-9C1A-80AD58…)

Damn Vick is so fast she can kill kung fu assassins now
No. 779646
File: 1591856500234.png (483.08 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_2020-06-11-16-22-08…)

No. 779703
>>779535Vicky captioning a selfieI'm often asked how is it possible I'm so hot while being 100% surgery free and with such minimal editing?
Angel/devil emoticon
People ask me that all the time. More than once in my life by someone other than myself. :)
Don't worry if you forget this, I'll post the exact same thing again in a day or two
Oh and FYI my eyes are naturally ice grey, I know that's exciting news to you and impacts your day so I'm just going to put that out there for you
Love this picture of moi. Who knew I could look so sexually appealing despite owning at least four xl t shirts?
No. 779718
File: 1591895350930.jpeg (22.95 KB, 207x318, 4A4054E0-2B6B-4BD9-8A6E-AEE212…)

>>779534This girl has the personality of a wet napkin. Why’re you going to take all this time to photoshop yourself into a spaceship with a katana and spend $50 on a bodysuit just to stand there like a fucking blowup doll. Making this face?
She should have spent that time and money at a hair salon, cause her mop is a hot mess. Unless she intended on having blonde, brown, yellow and orange hair?
Hair salons in your butt fuck town open tomorrow, ick
No. 779732
File: 1591905631818.jpeg (96.87 KB, 828x481, 1A4EF187-2A1C-408C-950F-BC158C…)

So icky keeps referring to herself as “salty” and put a salt emoji in her Instagram bio.
Definition of a alty is “the act of being upset, angry, or bitter as result of being made fun of or embarrassed. Also a characteristic of a person who feels out of place or is feeling attacked.
Doesn’t sound like some is unbothered. Seems like someone that frequently lurks here. And probably lost her new internet crush for being a drunk mess.
Or doesn’t have somewhere to scratch out of because of her terrible reputation. Only time will tell!
No. 779736
>>779718Agreed. Apparently a sought after model who gets paid thousands an hour to simply wear her own outfits, yet only knows two poses.
Standing rigid like an imvu character or pushing her hair onto her cheek to disguise her fat face.
Also I think she's picked up the term salty from internet lingo and doesn't quite understand the usage yet. She should go back to saying things like 'epic' and 'spicy memez'
No. 779773
File: 1591919294531.jpeg (160.49 KB, 655x819, 8F4FE5C8-C881-4CE0-97E7-BA3B8A…)

What you order on wish.
What arrives.
No. 779819
File: 1591941591226.jpg (72.25 KB, 817x1280, IMG_20200611_225847_166.jpg)

Is she tattooing out of her mom's spare bedroom?
No. 779835
File: 1591966518588.jpeg (39.19 KB, 828x343, 1C231BAA-1FAB-4754-9FB5-94DDE6…)

>>779819If you don’t know where your tattoo artist is tattooing from, that’s already a bad sign.
No. 779836
File: 1591966943784.jpeg (248.88 KB, 723x1135, D46C9FAB-300C-4298-9D13-7821AF…)

She posted this at 3 am. Reminiscing about the good old days of MySpace again. Almost 40 and can’t move on. I wouldn’t even be surprised if she still hung out at high school parties with children talking about all the bullies she use to beat up with her sweet martial arts moves.
No. 779868
File: 1591995628084.jpg (35.41 KB, 348x500, 427226_135839899892001_2754146…)

These older photos of her, while super edited, actually show how much she has fattened up and aged since 2012. The brunette hair looks way better than her bleached blonde shit she has. Her thigh tattoos also look a lot smaller her showing how much she has beefed up.
No. 779881
File: 1592007959883.jpeg (136.23 KB, 828x803, 8A36D31B-A688-42EB-990F-67CB65…)

>>779871To catch anyone up. Sorry for the double post as this has been posted before.
It literally says on oxyclean: “ Inhalation of dust may cause irritation to gastro intestinal or respiratory tract.”
She’s so stupid she thought clarifying her hair with it would strip colour…. even though you can go to the store and use a color remover or get a CLARIFYING shampoo. Cause you know tons of those exist. Considering this girl tattoos people and can’t read labels, and use to work in a hair salon or whatever she claims, she’s dumb as a rock.
No. 779882
File: 1592008218633.jpeg (39.92 KB, 828x219, DD753C9E-4469-4EED-9418-1EE733…)

I imagine her sitting around bringing up memes from three months ago with a bottle of Jack Daniels hoping her neck beards are stupid enough to forget someone else wrote these.
And 100s of people have copied and pasted it.
No. 779885
File: 1592008673679.png (2.25 MB, 828x1792, 09C09A1B-ADD1-4BA0-82A6-754211…)

>>779881 KEK. It literally says right in the back “avoid prolonged contact with skin. Wear gloves”
She tattoos people.
No. 779898
File: 1592019296226.jpg (78.63 KB, 844x1279, IMG_20200612_203345_465.jpg)

>>779819These people really don't Google their potential tattoo artists?
No. 779902
File: 1592020046785.png (1.8 MB, 1280x2264, InnerDemons.png)

This guy constantly tags Victoria when he posts these art pics. Again, this is a reply from a 33 year old woman lol.
No. 779903
File: 1592021314544.png (1.84 MB, 1280x4168, DifferentShops.png)

There's a lot going on here in this screenshot but Victoria apparently works at "different shops" now.
No. 779935
>>779903Considering tattoo shops were legally allowed to open yesterday in Guelph, I’m going to assume she has no clients and nowhere to work out of.
It doesn’t make a lot of sense that she said she didn’t want to sign a new lease at her shop, yet she has all these clients some that fly in to see her and now she has nowhere to tattoo from?
Sounds like you tattoo shop got shutdown.
No. 779936
File: 1592047604436.jpeg (156.26 KB, 827x1171, B297AD87-F160-4110-9B3C-EE6876…)

This loser 33 year old is really posting emojis she made of herself on memes of Ariana grande at 5:30am because she stayed up all night drinking again.
Vicky, we all know you come on here, you’re not a celebrity. And put only repost the stupid shit you post.
You don’t really leave anything up to the imagination.
No. 779947
>>779903“I prefer my time spent with them over them working” sounds like the most controlling thing I have ever heard.
So she’s rather her boyfriend quit their job? Or be a completely low life loser and work so little so she can have all of their attention?
She’s the type of girl that doesn’t let her man hang with their friends for sure.
No. 779954
File: 1592062795555.jpeg (82.47 KB, 790x467, B42A6BCE-7FB1-4190-94B2-24C54A…)

Stumbled across this and I’ve never seen it before. This is from that fashion show ick did. Not making friends, i see
No. 779957
File: 1592064156311.jpeg (186.28 KB, 715x665, 43BCCD03-467C-42D8-9507-4A91D2…)

>>779903It confuses me so much, how much she hates in sugar babies, strippers, only fans when she posts photos like this?
Her legs spread wide open and her vagina right at the camera, her making out with and being felt up by other women(even though she’s straight) and being hit from the back by the men in her life.
He page is a soft core only fans page but for free.
No. 779960
File: 1592065225798.jpeg (128.81 KB, 738x1219, 0D7F974D-6A2A-4C88-A932-22B701…)

>>779869This is her hair unedited. Probably before she used cleaning products to get the purple out.
She’s not going to have any hair left by the time she’s 35
No. 780007
File: 1592096857020.jpeg (73.41 KB, 828x405, D901CFA7-725B-4DA6-8417-91D705…)

I love that Vicky gets on quora to answer questions strictly so she can talk about herself some more.
No. 780057
>>780056Same goes for 'mental illness'
Probably just dumped her or she moved on to someone else and then used this excuse. We all know how Vick likes to call others mentally ill.
No. 780084
File: 1592146768962.jpeg (69.93 KB, 609x647, 81427C33-A02E-4613-BE08-8839C0…)

Victoria Bella morte and her dad in the red hand rising group calling it “only black lies matter” these two are white trash. Her pedo brother too
No. 780100
File: 1592155605671.jpg (88.55 KB, 974x1280, IMG_20200614_102545_978.jpg)

No. 780102
>>780100She uses self tanner all the time, but she pale. Depends on her mood and filter I guess.
And how many times is she going to tell her followers she has “natural eyeshadow” how could anyone not know? So much interesting info Vicky! Really learning so much.
She’s so dense it actually hurts my brain. Guess she has nowhere to work out of this weekend.
No. 780106
File: 1592157605501.png (408.9 KB, 828x1792, FD66D658-1DA1-4174-8880-6476AB…)

>>780100>>780100She drinks a lot of Jack Daniels to the point that she barely gets drunk( or so she says) and she’s up shit posting on social media until 6am. She’s been smoking for at least ten years and bought an Apple Watch cause people stress her out.
It could also be genetics or a medical issue. This bitch is really cheering for herself because her eyelids are brown?
No. 780111
>>780100Someone call the local news to give them this breaking update.
My god. those tattoos look like something you'd see on a 2000 year old mummy.
No. 780123
File: 1592163422634.jpg (19.75 KB, 852x480, 1.jpg)

>>780106I remember looking this up years ago and found it was pretty common. The skin around your eyes is a lot thinner than the rest of your face, so eyelids/undereyes tend to look darker for a variety of reasons. Allergies or lack of sleep are common causes.
Vic reminds me of a conceited teenager who thinks all of her features are super rare and unique.
No. 780153
>>780100God it must be so painful for her to wake up, knowing she’s painfully average. She’s in so much pain over this fact, she has to act like having eyelids that are a different color than her face, something to announce as if it’s special.
Congrats on your thin hooded eyelids Vic. A rare trait to brag about indeed.
Also lol I love how she filters her face so heavily, her nose disappears. And how literally her hair and skin are the same orange color.
No. 780265
File: 1592231010502.jpeg (76.85 KB, 960x936, 298222E6-69B0-4ADA-BBA4-5688AE…)

Saged for no milk, but I found a new meme of Vicky. Kek
No. 780332
File: 1592259992137.jpeg (124.99 KB, 750x844, 3E8FD3D3-AC00-49C1-AB67-803623…)

Sage for tinfoil, but I was looking at her cousins (or whatever family member of her) spa. The one she was tattooing out of very briefly before covid. I’m about 80% sure this is vicky, unless it’s someone else’s puffy alcoholic face. Also, most lash and brow before and afters on their Instagram show more of the clients face (I’m positive vicky would have objected). Anyways, if these are really her ~naturally long and black as fuck eyelashes~ im in hysterics.
No. 780362
File: 1592270287649.jpeg (26.1 KB, 275x183, 81EC1649-DE0F-4F0F-B1F1-6C142C…)

>>780360I brightened this unedited photo of her and it does look like her eyes are brown.
No. 780364
File: 1592271181083.jpg (189.51 KB, 1273x1280, IMG_20200615_183137_063.jpg)

This has been edited 11 times and she's still going. Every time I hit "edit history" there's a new edit.
No. 780375
>>780364Haha! You can tell she’s just googling “outstanding Black people”
I can smell the Jack Daniels on this post. It doesn’t come across as sincere at all. It’s actually a weird jumbled mess.
No. 780378
File: 1592273844961.jpeg (154 KB, 828x645, 19BB9A8F-491A-4A11-B36B-FA98CA…)

>>780364Last time I checked Victoria Bella morte has said that using violence against protesters in 2020 was a good thing to do?
And in 2016 she was calling protesters apes because she’s a trump dick rider.
No. 780381
File: 1592274665233.jpeg (149.1 KB, 828x718, 539CBC2C-697F-4920-A037-0F89A8…)

>>780364Her and her white trashy father are still shit posting about China ins there racist red hand rising group as well. There’s also promoting hate and violence on posts. She might wanna sit this one out
No. 780384
File: 1592275177416.jpg (72.52 KB, 949x1279, IMG_20200615_193824_945.jpg)

>>780375You are spot on lmao.
No. 780446
File: 1592303579961.gif (849.83 KB, 276x277, unnamed.gif)

>>780378>fuckin' apesyikes
No. 780450
File: 1592314582357.jpeg (225.21 KB, 828x845, 22CB0BD9-12E3-40FE-955A-3680A4…)

POC are stereotyped but they are scary because of the media and black on black violence.
Oh man Vicky. Really. Sit this one out.
No. 780453
File: 1592315317203.jpeg (114.76 KB, 828x731, F781E289-010A-4618-BEB6-4EC9BC…)

Remember when kneeling for BLM bothered Vicky as much as the murder of a black man? You’re not fooling anyone ick
No. 780455
File: 1592315875824.jpg (136.58 KB, 1031x1280, IMG_20200616_065554_291.jpg)

>>780450She just woke up and is arguing with someone about monuments now.
No. 780457
File: 1592316527367.jpeg (192.6 KB, 828x860, 4527548C-DF4F-43AD-9DA3-02D569…)

>>780455Yeah guys. Even whites were slaves. You might even say “all lives matter” and of course! All the POC need are statues that’ll make them feel better! This really goes to show how little Vicky knows about issues she talk about.
And in her and her dads little british racist group, hes posting this. And we all know the racist Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
No. 780464
File: 1592317504530.jpeg (128.42 KB, 783x690, 91E2B437-293D-4D2D-ACD3-C161A8…)

>>780450This has nothing to do with putting up statues, this has to do with the defacing then in Britain. She is commenting a bunch in her dads racist Irish Facebook group about people of color and their defacing and thoughts on the statues there
No. 780474
>>780384holy fucking
oof batman
how is he a personal favorite vick? you can't even name a successful black person without google, don't you see how shitty that is?? can't believe she posted this.
No. 780481
>>780464>Red Hand Rising USA is dedicated to preserving the Protestant / Ulster Scot heritage of America, a heritage that is the very backbone of this great nation.I looked up the page out of curiosity and I'm pretty sure I'm on a watchlist now. It's literally just Fox News-esque racist boomer memes and whataboutisms.
They're Canadian anyway, why are they so active on a group supposedly for Americans?
No. 780504
File: 1592329148291.png (570.32 KB, 1125x2436, 5B3CA324-675B-4F43-BE10-5632E2…)

One of her racist neckbeards.
No. 780533
>>780504I wish these idiots knew how to fact check, or that they took into account the higher rate of arrests/charges/false reports against black people.
Here is what we know:
•the amount of methamphetamines found in Floyd’s bloodstream (19 ng/mL or .019 mg/L) is “within the range” of some patients’ “therapeutic or prescribed use” of the drug. it’s an exaggeration of the scientific evidence to claim Floyd “was high on meth” before police choked him. He also wasn't drunk. Regardless, drug use does not excuse the level of force used. •he did not dress as law enforcement. He dressed in blue and claimed he was with the water department at one home. He did allegedly hold a gun to the
victim's stomach but its unknown of she was pregnant, and they did rob the house of jewelry and cell phones. This was in 2009 and he was released from prison in 2013. He has had no charges since then. Did the police know about this & did it influence their actions towards him? Does it justify the level of brutality?
•he did not have rape charges
No. 780545
File: 1592342919233.jpeg (289.16 KB, 828x1347, E78B9805-AC91-423B-9F7F-9F0022…)

Guess it’s safe to say stupidity runs in this family. Imagine being an immigrant yourself and telling other immigrants to go back to their country.
No. 780576
File: 1592406049792.jpeg (87.11 KB, 828x491, DC6CF453-445E-43DC-8295-9FB0EF…)

The is RICH coming from Vicky. I better I could round up everytime ick has ever called someone mentally ill for not agreeing with her and fill an entire novel book.
No. 780694
File: 1592443562101.jpeg (109.52 KB, 820x536, 546F3479-69D5-41BA-B54C-F29E6E…)

Yes WE did, says the girl that hasn’t left Canada her entire life.
Imagine hating yourself so much you can’t just accept yourself the way you are?
No. 780703
File: 1592445708099.jpeg (166.04 KB, 828x1226, ED47F02C-B8B2-44D5-ABDA-3FA02E…)

From their google listing and Instagram, looks like glow co, the spa ick was tattooing from, is opening again. Haven’t heard anything from Vicky about taking appointments. Guess she has nowhere to work out of anymore. Even though it was her decision to close down her shop. Sure Jan.
No. 780704
File: 1592446305238.jpeg (377.43 KB, 828x1792, 336EF9D7-F027-45BD-9842-3DEC72…)

Vicky and her editing strikes again! What the hell is she drunk rambling about now?
No. 780719
File: 1592452964564.jpg (96.51 KB, 853x1279, IMG_20200617_205923_910.jpg)

>>780704Mark "King Size" Kowalski strikes again.
No. 780752
File: 1592488527362.jpeg (42.44 KB, 827x254, 5E889C4C-D10E-4323-965C-A7BD25…)

>>780719“Aww you’re so sweet”
I can’t believe she keeps these thirsty, disgusting dudes on her Facebook. We all knew her self esteem was low, but Jesus Christ. Any woman with any sort of decency and self respect would have deleted this guy along time ago
No. 780761
>>780704"To engage logic and not the ego to conduct ourselves"
Her writing is like someone's bad but self assured essay from grade 8.
And if it hasn't clued her into anything about herself while trying to grasp the concept of an ego… Well, it might be time to get back to basics
No. 780765
>>780704She put this status on both her personal page and “artist” page.
She also has an Instagram and another tattoo page on Facebook she hasn’t used since January 2020.
Why does this girl need three Facebook pages, two she just posts the same stuff verbatim on. Her “artist” page she never posts any art, announcements on her studios/ where she works from. Is she that much of a narc she needs to post the same filtered photos and bad poems on that many pages
No. 780830
File: 1592516614016.jpeg (57.04 KB, 239x566, 8D8E4942-85C0-47F6-940A-21F22D…)

Vicky tattoos In the wild. The black blob artist strikes again
No. 780831
File: 1592516702373.jpeg (111.01 KB, 828x855, 3DF61F98-91F0-4444-9628-778736…)

>>780830The side tattoo of the same girl, not a Vicky picture. The client took it and you can see how much the line work sucks. Not surprised this is a blob now.
No. 780903
File: 1592536832754.jpeg (130.7 KB, 828x552, E11CAFB2-E885-433A-A3DC-E0C88B…)

Vicky reminiscing about having a job.
She hasn’t hasn’t made a post about how hot she thinks she is in like… 48 hours so we were due.
Does she not realize that dudes in butt fuck now where only see like 3 women a day and it’s not special to get cat called?
No. 780904
File: 1592536935520.jpeg (80.23 KB, 828x456, 3AB0E683-128F-46EE-830B-FA13F2…)

>>780903This woman is almost 40. She’s so unattainable guys.
No. 780906
File: 1592537150014.jpeg (100.7 KB, 427x949, F3BD61EA-7131-4536-ADD2-43C715…)

>>780903 Ickys unfiltered final form.
No. 780911
File: 1592537841915.jpg (92.1 KB, 1280x1184, IMG_20200618_203453_361.jpg)

If this were a woman who corrected her, Vic would've deleted the comment and blocked her.
No. 780912
File: 1592537868779.jpeg (181.38 KB, 828x852, 18AD2E8A-B172-4DFE-9A35-532BB1…)

>>780909She’s made 6 edits so far in 25 minutes. Probably because this never happened.
And if it did, she makes a status everytime she gets hit on. It’s pathetic.
And from this response, I’m assuming her crush got sick of her shit already. She’s probably using this status to me him jealous.
No. 780916
File: 1592538248384.jpg (62.03 KB, 1280x745, IMG_20200618_204221_277.jpg)

I'm jk guys I'm not going to do this! But if I did do this hopefully men will laugh at my joke! Because 90% of them will probably understand my reference because men watch Dragon Ball Z! Please hit on me!
No. 780922
File: 1592541559225.jpeg (172.77 KB, 821x978, 811D70D1-1F2B-4C1D-8D1A-203B38…)

The same cow who hates on sex workers and anyone with an onlyfans took photos in her MySpace days looking like a washed up drunk Vegas stripper
No. 780966
File: 1592571654479.png (2.02 MB, 828x1792, 57EF43A9-8A82-4293-8A4C-6020F3…)

Posted at 1 am….
No. 780968
File: 1592571797514.png (4.14 MB, 828x1792, 5336CF0B-72B2-491F-978D-64D49C…)

>>780966…4 am.
She’s such a narc. Any filtered photo of herself and she just sits around staring at herself for three hours. Over the course of 3 hours she posted this three times. She should really just date herself
No. 780972
File: 1592574079859.jpeg (94.49 KB, 828x615, 88237195-5C56-4DDE-8610-AB8B9B…)

I’m pretty sure she just pretends to like dragon ball z because that was cool in the scene days and she still wants to attract that same kinda man child.
No. 780983
File: 1592578160272.jpeg (126.61 KB, 828x1013, 239F75FA-2835-4666-8BA4-F7F4BE…)

And you’re probably bothered if you have to continuously posted about how unbothered you are
No. 780990
>>780966I LOVE how she said “if I had a son this is what he would look like” instead of EVERYONE ELSE who laughs and says “lol it’s me as a dude”.
She’s incapable of joking about being a dude, except when it comes to personality and interests.
No. 781007
File: 1592590704775.jpeg (78.57 KB, 828x308, 4D80F49E-7182-4453-9D66-859283…)

>>780903I love that even her male followers are like “don’t be proud of this” kek
No. 781009
File: 1592591010918.jpeg (395.48 KB, 1810x1700, 60C655EA-6FB2-4E78-82C7-2E0644…)

>>780903What shingles thinks her final form is. “Bitches will claim it’s photoshop”
No. 781014
File: 1592593293028.jpg (438.1 KB, 1018x1007, Screenshot_20200619-150008_Fac…)

>>780966Hide your wives and daughters, victor is on the loose
No. 781038
File: 1592600150320.jpeg (188.8 KB, 810x946, 5E369900-6FC7-4FCB-88F7-E83AEB…)

No. 781039
File: 1592600225294.jpeg (154.38 KB, 686x1014, 9C773942-A1A8-498D-BEAC-CF64C6…)

Oh and that time she modelled a stitches winter jacket for Versace
No. 781051
File: 1592602964414.jpeg (185.09 KB, 828x918, E4B678AA-5110-4C07-BEBF-451092…)

I’ve never seen this tattoo by Victoria Bella morte before. I hope he got one of her $100 off deals for this garbage.
No. 781052
File: 1592603018395.jpeg (39.83 KB, 703x216, C52A3EFD-D615-43EE-A532-B49EFF…)

Icky. Always fixing other women’s crowns.
No. 781093
File: 1592615190563.jpeg (88.69 KB, 486x718, C6E14EE3-B76C-4FC2-BE29-5924D9…)

>>781076Well I zoomed in, but here’s the back of ickys head at the show she wouldn’t stop trying the mic off the lead singer. This is her nasty nest even then. And she’s trying to hold his hand. Because she’s a band hoe. She’s always walking into rooms like she’s queen shit and thinks all men love her. The stories are true
No. 781094
File: 1592615502917.jpeg (172.86 KB, 828x825, B43B21DB-9B03-4474-8FB2-9143D0…)

She’s one of the kinds of attention whores that will make out with women even though she says she’s straight and let’s men take photos. Only fans girls are low lives tho. At least they get paid
No. 781098
File: 1592617855681.jpg (90.12 KB, 807x1280, IMG_20200619_184959_589.jpg)

This is so embarrassing.
No. 781101
File: 1592619398510.jpeg (129.14 KB, 828x498, 34A0E803-4210-49AD-AD6F-4ED2E7…)

>>781099Considering she puts up photos of her and her men having intimate moments to be perceived as sexy to other men… I would say she’s never been in a healthy well rounded relationship. Dudes slipping into her dms is “sweet”
No. 781102
File: 1592619458349.jpeg (108.63 KB, 548x1015, 3146636C-C3CB-490D-A680-0871D3…)

>>781101Healthy relationships and $0 onlyfans
No. 781194
>>781126I thought it was just the (red?) lighting at first, but you're right, kek.
She'd look so much better with a different style. I don't get how she hasn't changed up anything in all these years since the Myspace days. The crispy damaged hair and Hot Topic outfits are so unflattering on anyone.
No. 781403
>>781357You mean besides the personality transplant?
First I'd get some matches and light a huge fire into which I'd sacrifice all the hair extensions and clothes (I'd do a banishing spell on those infamous black shorts too)
Shave hair and start over or pixie cut. Remove all personal access to kitchen bleaches and $10 toners
Throw out makeup gun set to whore and have eyebrows professionally shaped by someone who knows better.
Purchase a basic wardrobe of proper fitting pieces and a clean machine washable jacket
Nicorette and dental care
No. 781425
>>781408She's too short for loose pants. They'd only make her look frumpy. I think A-line dresses would save her figure.
Grow her hair out to shoulder length and dye it subtly with a rich color. Loose curls.
Fixed eyebrows and a toned down arch to make her look younger.
Eye make up for hooded eyes. No fake eyelashes.
No more overlined lips. Maybe a petal pink lip stain with clear gloss.
No. 781458
File: 1592785357682.jpeg (43.42 KB, 828x357, C84D9234-0F3C-4BDE-BC2B-1D6F5C…)

That self esteem is struggling
No. 781474
File: 1592794402370.jpeg (89.38 KB, 666x1441, E57480AD-7087-4D51-B39C-646F65…)

>>781425I’m going full face app tune down on her look. She needs to grow up and mature her look
No. 781513
File: 1592829163805.jpg (98.19 KB, 782x1279, IMG_20200622_053146_599.jpg)

It looks like Bella Morte Clothing is back!
No. 781522
File: 1592836535882.png (2.43 MB, 828x1792, 913E6ECD-4F22-4821-846B-477F4D…)

>>781513Side of the jacket. Her line work always needs work. I guess tattooing isn’t going too well. Hopefully the tattoo crap finally dies.
No. 781525
>>781521She’s curvy in all the right places? Goddamn Victoria, you don’t even try and pretend to be someone else. Okay, I’ll take the bait. Even if anyone did photoshop her photos( which Doesn’t happen, you can see the comparison on her own pages? Not that difficult) did we also photoshop her calling Africa Americans apes? Protests a zoo? The multiple times she’s told people to kill themselves? Called women mentally ill as an insult with no proof? I didn’t photoshop her into a fucking spaceship. Her 34 year old ass did that herself.
Jealous of what? A terrible rep and burnt hair… 34 and nothing to show for it?
No. 781527
>>781523Oh god Vicky. It’s only 11am. Put the alcohol down and spend time moving out of your moms place.
How many packages did you steal to get kicked out of your last place you were squatting at?
No. 781529
>>781014Wow, being male does wonders to exemplify the look of autism lmao
>>781101If this isn't a clip from a B-grade twilight remake I honestly don't know what I'm looking at
No. 781530
File: 1592837616744.jpeg (259.84 KB, 815x974, 22019498-3C0C-4796-88AF-007068…)

>>781523Sets trends…. and she gets all the attention. So looking like a washed up stripper is a trend now? This isn’t really a trend setter, she’s just another blonde wearing nothing online with her pussy pointed at the camera.
She also looks a lot older because of the fake tan. And the only photo shop on this photo is the one she did to it. Or sorry, you did to it Vicky. You’re almost 40
And the reason you get so much attention from dudes is because again, your pussy is pointed at the camera dudes online slip into dms all the time you’re not special
No. 781531
File: 1592838090465.jpeg (245.33 KB, 828x1576, 1800107F-4112-4C8D-8265-DDB543…)

>>781521This video was taken before the pandemic. Maybe in butt fuck Ontario this is icy nice hair, and curves in all the right places but her hair isn’t even hers and it’s cheap. And it’s yellow. It’s been yellow for a long while.
I doubt your tattoo is nice if you don’t even know a simple colour wheel.
No. 781533
>>781523Vicky, I can't believe you didn't learn your lesson. Last time you did this, you got caught pretending to be a dude who played beach volleyball with you and said you had "nice tits"
I would personally never recover from that. I would have changed my identity.
No. 781535
>>781523Anon just made it look like she bathed in the past week. She couldn't even fix her to look under 40 despite making her look like she has hair. Still looks like an STD fighting for a balding Brett Michaels on Rock of Love.
Vick looks so outdated and bad, anons want to HELP her. That's pity not jealousy.
No. 781536
File: 1592838637245.jpeg (192.8 KB, 1093x900, DD061AA2-3B2A-4D50-9F2D-5DC445…)

>>781534This is icy white, or at least the extensions are. The really top of the head is so muddy it’s turning green. Yellow and ash make green. So Victoria, I don’t know what kinda alcohol you drink when you do your own hair, or if the Clorox is seeping into your brain but this is not nice hair
No. 781538
>>781532This is definitely 100% Vick.
Seriously, you want us to think you're a tattoo client but you are going to talk about how her hair looks in different lighting conditions lmao.
Hi Vicky, did you come back to tell everyone to kill themselves? What a sweetheart omg.
No. 781549
File: 1592839378524.jpeg (225.87 KB, 716x838, 92F059ED-1182-4AF8-8FDB-3764A7…)

>>781521Imagine pretending to be one of your own clients online to talk about how much attention “Vicky” gets from all the men while Vicky is showing up at a water park / amusement park dressed as a pirate hooker
No. 781552
>>781548Yep. This is 100% victoria. So I guess tattooing isn’t going well cause everytime good old victoria is having a bad day she jumps on here.
Too bad she’s a racist, tells people to kill themselves and other terrible things which people can also find on here.
They can also read that she steal deposits, she takes people deposits and doesn’t book them appointments for years. Which there is also proof of. And that she has stated herself that if she doesn’t like a woman she will sleep with her man. She’s even made an comment about making out with her ex that is married now… cause she’s such a positive role model right ?
No. 781556
File: 1592840142676.jpeg (34.58 KB, 828x202, EDC3EE0C-F609-4323-BBE0-763E11…)

>>781548Positive figure…..
No. 781560
File: 1592841037399.jpeg (145.84 KB, 986x704, 1C775ED1-944E-4477-BE7A-4D667E…)

>>781558A little throwback from the people that were kind enough to let her live for free. The fact that she’s been accused of stealing multiple time’s, even from her old hair salon tattoo studio. And from clients. Where there’s smoke there’s fire.
Also a huge racist. Got those receipts too
No. 781562
>>781558It's Victoria because 100% of her remaining followers are too dumb to find this thread.
They're all dumb men who like photoshopped tits and ass or local idiots who wouldn't know a good tattoo if it beat them over the head.
None of those people know how to Google
No. 781565
>>781563It's Victoria. The ellipses give it away along with quotes she uses all the time like "I start trends, I don't follow them."
>>781532I've also seen nearly this exact same post on her Facebook before.
No. 781567
>>781532Who cares who’s she’s dating, considering her track record he’s a loser, child.
People that aren’t racist don’t call the protestors apes.
And don’t say that immigrants all bring their aids. If this isn’t Vick, you’re just as fucking dumb as her.
No. 781570
File: 1592843161473.jpeg (381.28 KB, 1610x1344, FA340EBE-AA6C-4B1D-AB5C-B0206A…)

>>781532Her dad is just as bad as her. Posting stuff before even fact checking to feed the fear in BLM and and an all lives matter guy cause he has never read a book
No. 781575
File: 1592843760676.jpeg (57.21 KB, 828x246, 2E00C369-19A5-4C0E-98B9-141C3A…)

I want guys to eat me. Why do men pay so much attention to meeeee
No. 781592
>>781589I like seeing her dad's posts, it really explains a lot about her racism and complex about bring the most British potato in all of Canada. Also if anons are posting caps I don't have to go into the shithole that is that Red Hand Rising US group to check it out.
Also if that is not Vic in the comments it's a very talented troll. "Deep-seeded" "awhile" and especially "Florressant" is what convinced me. She's a special brand of illiterate.
No. 781593
>>781589The only reason it was posted it because “not Vicky” said Laird wasn’t a racist.
When he clearly is, and she’s in there liking and commenting on most of his posts.
Just just to reiterate it for “not Vicky” but won’t happen again.
No. 781596
>>781521yes I'm so jealous of this chronically single 32 year old woman with no stable job or living arrangements, 7k followers and a $50 cell phone camera.
If only I, too, had the ability to clip plastic hair onto my head, angle a camera lens at my polyester covered vagina and post screenshots of the resulting men in my DMs.
If only I was the laughing stock of the Internet and a raging narcissist who can't handle not being able to control these threads.
If you stopped being a horrible con artist, racist, thief and a catfish these threads would have nothing to talk about and die out.
But you can't go a week without making a huge ass of yourself online
No. 781604
File: 1592859229302.jpeg (96.96 KB, 806x841, 8651388D-9F7E-4DCB-9E3B-968973…)

Not a bad tattoo artist? This “gem” and the placement says otherwise.
No. 781608
File: 1592860747192.jpeg (67.93 KB, 828x325, E81F314B-A384-4CFD-AC49-5135D0…)

>>781540 Ick has so many clients she’s begging people to send her referrals for sweet dealzzzz.
No. 781612
File: 1592861298908.jpeg (74.5 KB, 642x440, 704D8714-6CCB-40C4-B063-6B4D13…)

More of ickys “totes original art” remember this? Well it hasn’t aged well
No. 781613
>>781521She stalks former clients and gets her “friends” to post on their social media. She tells former clients who have every write to be upset with her shitty tattoos to kill themselves. She’s one lawsuit away from never tattooing again. She should stop squatting in peoples homes and get her own damn address. She IS a racist. She is a narcissistic bitch who only “likes” you if you shower her in fake compliments or are a creepy neckbeard.
She is nearly 40 years old. Lost her business because she’s a talentless idiot. Owns literally nothing and her once “ok” looks are fading.
No. 781616
>>781608We give discounts to every person you refer but don't refer anyone that can't look after their ink
So in other words, don't refer anyone that is going to complain about the tattoo when it starts to fade and bleed out
No. 781618
>>781616For someone that super booked, and can’t even take her client that’s so close with her they know every detail about her life to come on here and white knight for her, she sure does give out a lot of deals.
Funny how she hasn’t made any announcement on where she’s working, if she’s working or anything at all.
No. 781629
>>781534> FlorressantLmao. Never change vicky.
>>781532>dating someone for awhileI guess a month is a long time when your last relationship lasted 12 hours
>She only puts 3% of her life on social mediaReally? Exactly 3%? You sure do know a lot of specific details about vicky. I can actually believe this statement tho because all vicky talks about is herself.
> She talked to me and gave me advice on very sensitive issues in my life atm, helping me through themAhh yes. Vicky the Ivy League psychologist.
>I hope you all get yeast infectionsWell, hey now. Didn’t Vicky, the psychotherapist and warrior of women, tell you to be nice? You shouldn’t stoop to our level.
Ya’ll…just admit vicky is super talented in everything and totally not fat.
No. 781637
>>781613I am legit shocked that no one has served her or sent her a Cease and Desist because slandering (and threatening) her former clients online is a ticking time bomb. I'd 100% support review anon if she ran a GoFundMe to sue Vic.
>>781592The entire family is a train wreck. Her Dad is a racist asshole, her brother is a pedo, we all know what she is. I feel legitimately bad for her Mother (who she has put down online before) who has to put up with her daughter's nonsense. How upsetting must it be to have two total failures as children. I really feel for her Mom in all of this.
No. 781647
About a year ago, either review anon or someone else went to Reddit's legal advice sub because they were thinking of bringing a lawsuit against Vic but people there said it wouldn't be worth it. I found this post a few months ago. mention Bella Morte Studios by name.
No. 781651
File: 1592875066752.png (905.27 KB, 1280x2361, ApologyAccepted.png)

>>781523>you all wish she would tone it down because she steals most attention away.. This is the attention that Victoria "steals away" btw.
No. 781658
File: 1592876361491.png (822.22 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200622-213715.png)

I love Vicky, I hope she never changes
No. 781661
File: 1592876707749.jpeg (171.85 KB, 683x1227, FD2511E0-E421-4F17-A9D0-FD9AF5…)

My fav Vicky “totally not photoshopped” photo. It’s about as believable as the client she had here earlier
No. 781669
File: 1592878615036.jpeg (126.37 KB, 828x935, 84DEEC08-BD62-4421-82E1-0545AC…)

Victoria still using her time wisely, answering those hard hitting questions.
No. 781675
>>781669The answer to that last question sent me. I can’t breathe. Help.
>how do I tell someone I love themVicky-
>tell them “I love you” No. 781681
File: 1592882540801.jpeg (39.49 KB, 828x202, 884039E0-5CCE-4E35-9DB1-5F9759…)

>>781548“Deep seeded” oh man, yep. This is Vicky!
Remember the “air born” times. She’s literally ricky from trailer park boys. And she hasn’t done anything to anyone? Ask the women in Toronto she’s slept with their men. Or the people she butchered with her “art” and bullied them online.
No. 781689
>>781678I'm amazed that after all this time and her old posts getting labeled, she STILL thinks she can get away with white knighting herself. She won't even change her MO, it's always someone she knows coming to defend her and in particular defend her appearance in great detail. Because obviously everyone who knows her or has seen her in passing has a vested interest in making sure people know she's actually skinny with icy blonde hair.
Her lack of self awareness is a blessing.
No. 781732
File: 1592920750152.jpeg (378.71 KB, 1626x1246, 391A1E44-CEF1-4463-B9F5-F298A5…)

Some guy tagged Vicky in this photo on his page and she’s really out here saying this is her…. she’s the worst narc
No. 781735
File: 1592921175856.jpeg (57.79 KB, 583x328, 53807CB2-4488-4655-A3EC-CD2961…)

>>781732This is a play on red riding hood, Grimm fairy tale. She’s really holding onto that fantasy that’s she’s so famous people are drawing her for comics now
No. 781736
File: 1592921496782.jpeg (100.52 KB, 822x960, 82E7C299-6426-4FAD-9BEF-E26A6C…)

What victoria does at 230 in the morning. She’s like that thirsty, drunk aunt hitting on all your friends
No. 781746
File: 1592923817150.jpeg (126.22 KB, 569x823, FDDFE486-C77F-4CD1-9D1A-776FC0…)

Starting to look faded as fuck. And this girl is a sex worker and advocate. Think what you will on the subject, but she just unknowing put money in the pocket of a girl that says all sex workers have mental illness.
Why you should search your artist, or you end up with this crap
No. 781760
>>781754I think vicky was just bullied in school a lot and then peaked in her teens via MySpace and it went straight to her head. She stopped developing mentally at that point. She became famous on her looks…so of course she puts her appearance on a pedestal.
She’s always talking about beating up bullies and gets so pissed anytime someone jokes about her being a guy.
>it’s just muh PeRsoNaLitY I’m not a MAN No. 781771
>>781767True. Do you remember that article she was in about where Scene Queens are now? It was a while back. Pretty much all of them had either stepped back from social media or evolved/matured their looks and rebranded. She hasn't changed a bit.
I think you're both right that she peaked a decade ago and it went right to her head. She has no concept of growth because in her head, the idea of perfect is her 18 year old MySpace persona. I think she's in love with it.
No. 781792
File: 1592944814466.jpeg (516.22 KB, 2397x1228, 73ACFD5A-7FC5-410D-B748-AFDFD3…)

This is old, but I’ve never seen it before. People in the comments calling icky sketchy
No. 781816
File: 1592962421733.jpeg (20.31 KB, 784x191, EF957BCE-7451-40E9-9BBA-089A98…)

Ulises from jet set global is back… or he never left. Think this is her far away crush?
No. 781847
File: 1592977529656.jpg (100.79 KB, 807x1280, IMG_20200623_223431_804.jpg)

I just found this post from October of 2019. This guy wants some really complicated William Wallace tattoo and he wants Victoria to do it. He's saving up in order to get this done by her. anon, now is your chance to save this poor guy from Victoria.
Also, bonus lols at Victoria's Brit sperging.
No. 781872
>>781792So it's supposed to say "Liebe" which is German for love, but it kinda reads "Ließe" which is not a word. Or LieBe? Why the middle uppercase letter??
I bet Icky is oh so smrt again and totally knows German and uses that secret ultra-German ß letter. So sophisticated. A lot of non-Germans think ß is read as B while it's actually an S (a ligature of ss, typography germanfag out)
No. 781893
>>781847I love how she's TOTES A BRIT YOU GAIZ yet doesn't seem to realise that scots are also ~brits~
almost like she's an ignorant dumbfuck who thinks being english and british are the same thing, but that can't be the case, surely
No. 781894
File: 1593010555368.png (525.91 KB, 1080x1562, Screenshot_20200624-104754~2.p…)

This is telling.
Vicky, it's true that everyone makes mistakes. That said, if this is the closest you can come to making an apology for what you've done to people, you haven't learned anything and you don't deserve forgiveness.
This type of blanket statement doesn't release you of responsibility for what you've done or the reasons you're lonely now.
Smarten up. Quit destroying people's skin, stealing from people, catfishing men online and bullying people. Get a real life. Then you can post shit like this without looking like a total idiot
No. 781917
File: 1593031476331.webm (768.54 KB, 640x584, 04653080_2570755379841280_7714…)
Here is a very orange Victoria showing off her gum disease.
No. 781922
File: 1593034766866.jpeg (171.31 KB, 1125x998, A4940291-1B40-4EA2-8326-42E4A1…)

>>781917You’re all jealous
No. 781924
>>781922God her face looks so uncanny. At least her eyebrows are improved from those Disney villain monstrosities.
Nice warping at her throat tho. Totally not filtered tho hashtag unedited
No. 781940
File: 1593039952635.jpeg (111.89 KB, 828x1792, 85E37EF8-7AC3-4E46-9C29-4BE81E…)

Double post, kinda. Different still of the video and I auto corrected the photo because THAT TOOTH. You need to quit smoking. I know you’re reading this, Victoria.
No. 781945
File: 1593042169171.jpeg (Spoiler Image,34.33 KB, 445x304, 7083992B-71D8-428C-9BDE-386A9B…)

>>781943Saged and covered for pictures of teeth after smoking for 20 years.
She may want to take a look… cause the gum line looks similar. You can whiten your teeth all you want, but that doesn’t equal health
No. 781963
File: 1593045351215.jpeg (79.63 KB, 819x497, 548E04FA-DA72-4812-B187-E6D1F8…)

“I’ve been living in Canada for 30 years, but I’m not Canadian.“ Jesus Christ. She’s in her red hand group telling people to go back to their own country. If you hate Canada so much, leave.
No. 781966
>>781548can’t tell if advanced copypasta
>>781549another quality portrait by frankie
No. 781970
>>781963>I'm not Canadianl m a o
30 years isn't long enough to "be Canadian"? Your ID is fucking Canadian. You are in fact, a legal citizen.
It's one thing to maybe say "oh yeh I'm Brit/Canuck", but to outright deny the Canada?
No. 781974
File: 1593048591395.jpeg (210.65 KB, 828x1402, 1753C3BB-71D6-4359-AD4F-269774…)

>>781474So she was just on here pretending to be her client that knows a surprising amount about her, even though she totes doesn’t always talk about herself. They were complaining about the photo anon did colouring her hair in an app… and look what Vicky is doing now. Totally wasn’t you though, Vick.
And yes. Darken you hair or you won’t have teeth or hair by the time you’re 40. Which is soon.
No. 781977
File: 1593048961584.jpeg (262.46 KB, 828x1283, EC106456-D3DC-4C93-9877-E9ABB7…)

>>781963Did victoria just say she wasn’t Canadian? She posted this… which is a fucking Canadian / Ontario drivers license. Is she were ever to move in with her dad in the UK, how fast do you think she speak in her real voice to be “different” there?
Also I’m glad this drunk is too broke to actually afford a car. She’s probably kill someone
No. 782001
File: 1593068589825.jpg (88.49 KB, 817x1280, IMG_20200624_215945_955.jpg)

This guy is a massive douche but Victoria is such a huge hypocrite. I'd like to believe she'll stop attacking women but it's Vic.
No. 782007
File: 1593071507808.gif (730.08 KB, 255x205, 3F9AD029-3D0A-4F7D-893F-B35660…)

>>782001Vic… full hair… my sides…
No. 782021
>>782004I was going to say this. Every photo where she looks good with the dark hair is from her either wearing a wig or more recently using the face app so it looks really full and dark.
The quality of her actual hair is thin and terrible so even if she dyed it, she'd have to leave it the fuck alone and improve her health to make it grow. She'd most likely have a few thin areas where scalp would show that dont normally show because blonde hair hides that shit.
All of that aside, she'd still look loads better with black or dark brown.
No. 782038
>>782004Agree with this. It would be patchy, cause she does it herself and her hair is so fried. More so in some spots than others.
Also, she would get sick of it and not being able to play up the bimbo fantasy for her neckbeards. She’d throw Clorox and bleach at it and it’d all fall out.
No. 782199
File: 1593156038907.jpg (183.59 KB, 935x1280, IMG_20200626_001853_769.jpg)

Hoo boy here we go. Can't wait to read the intelligent discussion in the comments!
No. 782259
File: 1593177144070.jpeg (180.38 KB, 739x1472, CFEBF1DE-1365-4653-AF7D-320BAE…)

She’s posted “don’t hit on me if you have a lady” crap so much. Yet, everytime she makes a mass deletion of her friends list to keep “ only clients” she end up keeping douchebags. The type of neckbeards that would specifically do something like this.
Whatever feeds your ego i guess
No. 782401
File: 1593236966644.jpg (85.95 KB, 783x1279, IMG_20200626_224423_681.jpg)

This shit again lol. Does she not realize that this makes her sound bad? "I'm hard to keep around" (yet brags about being fiercely loyal), and a guy has to be ~legendary~ to date her. This makes her sound extremely flakey even though she's trying to come off as oh so unattainable.
No. 782402
File: 1593237727494.jpeg (140.63 KB, 936x603, 6BC5A8DC-3D32-42D6-AD39-40D681…)

>>782401These men are as pathetic as she is.
No. 782406
File: 1593243078425.jpg (94.3 KB, 904x1279, IMG_20200627_002939_167.jpg)

I think her internet boyfriend is gone. She went from "Don't hit on me" to "Don't hit on me if you have a lady" to "Hit on me aggressively because I can't tell, tee hee." 3:30 am btw.
No. 782423
File: 1593262105986.jpeg (32.78 KB, 828x202, 3CE5075E-D0F1-4037-A19D-071D52…)

Victoria’s brilliant input on any situation.
By the way the statue she’s talking about is Martin Luther a German professor.
“ when embittered by his failure to convert them to Christianity, he became outspokenly antisemitic in his statements and writings. Recent historical studies have focused on Luther's influence on modern antisemitism, with a particular focus on Adolf Hitler and the Nazis.”
So makes sense Vicky would want to make it illegal AF to deface it.
No. 782425
>>782401“Im hard to keep around for long” just sounds like “I’m too immature to pick a guy that isn’t a douchebag and if I do get a good one I’m too self absorbed to make any compromises for anyone” she’s 34 years old and hasn’t been in a serious relationship in her adulthood. She’s the common denominator. She might wanna start watching those psych YouTube lectures again and maybe reflect on if she is the issue.
She’s been through two guys already this year. … it’s June… and Ontario was in lockdown for half of those months
No. 782474
>>782433I think she wants a relationship AND neckbeard attention.
And she acts like she has super high standards but is really just compensating for the fact that nobody can handle her crippling narcissism for more than a week or two.
I guess he'd have to have legendary tolerance levels to put up with someone like that.
No. 782487
File: 1593297165168.png (1.56 MB, 828x1792, 74F7A7DC-2449-48E4-98BF-FFFE23…)

>>782425Funny that she posts this in her stories after this anon post is made.
Her exes didn’t fight with her because a) they were only together for 12 minutes or b) she’s too drunk to remember.
She literally just sits around all day convincing people through DMs she’s the perfect girlfriend.
Know you’re reading this, ick. You’re still the common denominator. Dudes have left you, as much as you’d like people to believe otherwise.
No. 782501
File: 1593304604400.jpeg (304.03 KB, 828x1439, DD238F31-B865-459B-B9EE-A03D6C…)

There’s six of these edits over the span of 10 minutes.
You know she’s talking about herself here. She thinks she’s a celebrity and she’s been cancelled long ago. She doesn’t even have a damn shop to work out of.
Tattoo shops have been open for like 2 weeks in her shit hole town
No. 782502
File: 1593304771287.jpeg (62.19 KB, 828x366, 757948FE-8702-43FC-8C5A-D9BB22…)

>>782501Going on cancel culture rants on Facebook.
So much bravery. Only pioneers have dared.
No. 782506
File: 1593307809643.jpeg (123.78 KB, 828x603, B44F464D-CE18-43F7-8CA9-78E41F…)

The majority of people agree with him? Does she tell herself that cause she’s a trump dick rider?
No. 782508
File: 1593308617395.jpg (172.31 KB, 974x1280, IMG_20200627_184150_539.jpg)

Lol she changed "black men dressed as white women" to this. The movie is called White Chicks, not Lighter Coloured Women Persons. She is shitfaced right now.
No. 782509
>>782502Imagine having to repeatedly announce that you have a great personality all the time.
Why not try just having a good personality?
No. 782511
File: 1593309235768.jpg (101.38 KB, 838x1279, IMG_20200627_185247_642.jpg)

Apparently Victoria has work tomorrow.
No. 782528
File: 1593317541686.jpg (140.12 KB, 810x1280, IMG_20200627_211049_285.jpg)

These comments are hilarious.
Some guy: Politics
Victoria: I, I, I, me me me, also me because I and me and me and also myself. I should be in politics. Me.
No. 782530
File: 1593318513914.jpg (108.23 KB, 1016x1280, IMG_20200627_212417_222.jpg)

Victoria is being ~censored~
She had to like her own page 3 times!
No. 782536
File: 1593321523769.png (1.8 MB, 1280x3781, NonPromiscuousFuckboy.png)

She must be trashed. I've never seen her edit so many times that she goes back to the original. Also, lol. Where to even start with this. She's so unattainable yet sees multiple men at a time while being dismissive of them. Really making yourself look desirable there, Vic.
No. 782537
File: 1593321986205.webm (2.54 MB, 720x900, 106289727_662364231048669_9174…)
Yeah her internet boyfriend definitely left her. Better luck next time, Vic.
No. 782541
>>782528Fucking hell, she really thinks she's too good for politics because of how unbiased and loving and perfect she is lmao. Nevermind her complete lack of principles, brains or ability to shut the fuck up about how great she is for ever half a second.
She's like a fucking caricature of herself at this point, you really can't make this shit up.
No. 782549
>>782528"Mabye not"
Oh Vic. Never change.
No. 782562
File: 1593348041959.jpeg (130.78 KB, 771x1042, F3FC8482-139A-45CF-B1C4-0298E9…)

>>782560She has so many filters on this photo every detail is faded or completely disappeared. It’s starting to get comical how many filters she puts on one photo. It doesn’t look cute, she looks so creepy. Her eyebrows are all the way up at her hairline and she just has nostrils with no nose.
This has been said over and over… but if you have to tell people this many times you don’t give a fuck… YOU GIVE A FUCK
No. 782564
File: 1593348314822.jpeg (75.19 KB, 828x383, 02D97F87-CE27-47BB-9C4D-A0C089…)

She has more important things to worry about guys. Like staying up until 4 am to shit post comments like this.
There are lawyers out there with three kids and husbands…. but Vicky’s even more busy.
No. 782587
>>782562Bad contacts, bad tattoos, stiff hair and unflattering facial jewelry give me major Dahvie Vanity vibes.
As if Shingles isn’t cringeworthy enough without that reference.
No. 782589
File: 1593360876941.jpeg (42.99 KB, 828x227, 05576D1E-97FA-4C9E-AF01-B93720…)

She sounds totally emotionally stable.
Imagine how many hoops this 33 year old makes guys jump through? Just so they can be her babysitter when she’s too drunk and photographer
No. 782614
File: 1593375401112.jpg (112.41 KB, 816x1279, IMG_20200628_131259_706.jpg)

She really has no idea how relationships work. ~The One~ will magically be able to decipher Vic's confusing ways. If a guy isn't willing to play her mind games then he isn't the one. All these writings about herself make her sound like a terrible person to be in a relationship with. But she's acting like a 15 year old trying to sound super unique but it really just makes her sound like she has major personality issues.
No. 782635
>>782614Newsflash: men aren't here to service your weird fake INTJ wet dreams.
She acts like she can get a man off the Facebook marketplace, pay for him in odd tongue selfies and expect to have her every need met.
I suppose if you think your farts don't smell and you're the hottest thing around most men become disposable.
No. 782639
>>782614The way she talks about relationships is so superficial. I've never heard another single woman in her 30s talk about dating this way.
>I put up walls>it's hard to keep my interest for too long>~the one~This is all high school shit. Do you have similar values? Agree on children? There's so many bigger issues for getting into a relationship, especially in your 30s.
No. 782641
File: 1593390012741.jpeg (117.65 KB, 828x451, 6EC2A707-E8F0-4AB1-9A3A-AA1BEC…)

Victoria… the voice for the voiceless. This girl is too much. Talking about how cancel culture has gone too far isn’t a taboo subject. This girl really thinks she’s revolutionary ..
No. 782673
File: 1593405873002.jpg (156.77 KB, 818x1280, IMG_20200628_214314_429.jpg)

Rofl "when you look like this"
No. 782917
File: 1593547183165.jpeg (136.55 KB, 828x961, 365256B1-F232-41B6-A741-37D5E5…)

Either her mom is talking in the background or she’s at the spa she’s been tattooing at not wearing her mask. Mouthing the words to post Malone songs in overly filtered videos is way more important than health and safety.
No. 782918
File: 1593547408858.jpeg (117.25 KB, 806x834, E0CBD62E-1B0F-4B86-9C20-57D0FE…)

Someone sure is …. filling out
No. 782921
File: 1593547512524.jpeg (123.04 KB, 828x940, 888CA853-D831-4991-AD69-CF4662…)

>>782917She said “work life” in this video so the salon she’s scratching out of may want to talk to her about what the masks are for….. cause she’s just sitting around with it down posting these pointless vids
No. 782925
>>782921Touching her mask with her yuck hands, too. So hygienic!
Also wearing costume lenses to work at 32 is embarrassing.
No. 782927
File: 1593551126600.jpeg (164.82 KB, 828x1312, B55E97FC-321C-4015-9967-A8BFDA…)

Those extensions are looking…. something. They’re so thin and you can see her real hair. That’s not a good look… you might as well not wear them at all. I don’t get it, they’re not fooling anyone. I would never let someone near me with a needle having these filthy things hanging from their head. And for a highly Sought after artist she sure is doing nothing. She posted like 5 of these over the past few hours. She was giving out discounts the entire lockdown and couldn’t get anyone through the door.
No. 782941
>>782921She must have been drunk while she lined her lips. The fuck is going on with her top lip? Also kek at her skin and hair being the same color as the wall in the background.
I bet she’s stoked about the mask thing. Hides her moon face and Leno chin.
No. 782989
>>782927Her calves are bigger than her thighs damn talk about a porker ..
Also tf this sid the sloth looking shit lmao
>>782918 her eyes be looking ICY alright, like da movie ice age
No. 782991
File: 1593606489200.jpeg (62.67 KB, 828x511, 18D6028A-8592-462A-B9E6-A56FDC…)

Thoughts of a lonely 34 year old female at 2 am. I’m guessing she meant for this to be funny…
I’m actually worried for her well being.
Tattoo shops have been open for a few weeks and she has nothing to show for it.
No. 782992
File: 1593606986502.jpeg (66.76 KB, 828x508, D8D64983-5863-4770-9B45-1F64FB…)

>>782991>>782772She was just saying yesterday that she doesn’t give a fuck about relationships. She posted this at 4:30 this morning. It’s a guy checking out another girl and his girlfriend makes him hold that girls hand.
It also concerns me that she’s up shit posting at 2, 4 am not sleeping and then tattoos people. Thankfully she’s probably lying about having clients anyways.
No. 783032
File: 1593628931465.png (10.38 KB, 473x121, vicky.png)

No. 783044
File: 1593637757074.jpeg (54.55 KB, 828x368, 13CCC60A-847E-4A79-A36D-2D2517…)

Oh Jesus Christ. Of course you would Vicky. I bet apple even ask you to at one point but you were totes too busy.
No. 783045
File: 1593637857137.jpeg (46.57 KB, 828x333, 56EBDA7E-6123-425D-B767-04A5CE…)

The loneliness is running very deep. Ick is now talking to men on Facebook about leaving her phone on vibrate. Girl, get a job
No. 783046
File: 1593638154805.jpeg (32.48 KB, 756x245, 2E5E7F78-08AC-409D-8ECE-646FD5…)

>>783045Working her ass off… posting the same selfie video 12 time’s and trying to get her male Facebook friends to fuck her
No. 783047
File: 1593638351154.jpeg (135.86 KB, 828x853, B7A26AAE-52EA-4095-B49C-7D4268…)

>>782991Wait did this 34 year old actually change her status to reflect the fact that She’s dating her app? Kek
No. 783144
File: 1593674064715.jpg (123.38 KB, 813x1279, IMG_20200702_001140_929.jpg)

Ahh we need a new thread! Meanwhile, this is one of the comments on the status about Victoria dating the male Siri voice. Cringe. Victoria constantly putting it out there what she needs in a boyfriend. But she totally doesn't care if she's single forever.
No. 783290
File: 1593725345572.gif (1009.32 KB, 995x1150, highkek.gif)

>>783144She has no filter or discretion. This random guy doesn't need a lengthy response about how she conducts herself at hypothetical parties with imaginary boyfriends. The only way in which she has any creative merit is coming up with new ways to talk herself up. Totally private person, guys.
No. 783327
>>783305This is how her tits looked when she played beach volleyball with that guy who came to Lolcow to inform us that she was hot.
Oh wait, that was Vicky
No. 783358
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>>783290 I know she just fucked up the editing (shocker) but did she really not notice that it looks like she has a dick?
No. 783420
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Riveting. Imagine having this little going on it your life at 33 years old. Lonely woman’s club with the “perfect bmi”
No. 783422
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>>783420Gotta slip in that no man has touched her in soooooo long. I think he was saying her, but can’t give up a perfect opportunity to over explain herself and what a virgin she is.
No. 783449
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>>783426Gotta take a jab at women just for good measure. Random women and immigrants just bring their aids everywhere according to icky.
And Victoria you’ve fucked women’s boyfriends all over Toronto. You are the random girl.
No. 783457
>>783449Sooo funny. I remember back in the day, one of her favourite repeat statements was that she could count on two hands the number of sexual partners she'd had.
She stopped using that line about 10 years ago lmao.
No. 783460
>>783422Imagine being in your 30s and being this horny on main, constantly posting disgusting finger sucking videos and soft core porn of yourself, all while preaching what a ~pure untouched virgin~ you are. I genuinely think she has a delusional disorder, nobody in their right mind is this out of touch.
Vic, I’ve seen Craigslist prostitutes with more online composure than you. You seem desperate and sloppy af. It’s gross.