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No. 832421
Instagram: [private] [inactive]
Twitter: [active] [new SW twitter]
>Formerly known as angelhair1996, howl1996, junkhun, funeralhome420 and lunakittenxxx (to name but a few)>24 year old heroin addict, scammer, liar, thief, and former ““sex worker””>Begs people for money online to buy drugs under the guise of it being for food/medication/rent/necessities>Refuses to get a job or do anything productive>Has every self-diagnosed mental/physical illness under the sun>Started dating her 40 year old boyfriend (hereby known as Lurch) before she turned 18, calls him “daddy”>has a following of impressionable young girls who she has convinced to “help” her during this “tough time” in her life>Romanticises the hell out of her addiction but rants on the internet how vile it is to do so>”I’m not trying to be Courtney Love!”>Tries to be exactly like Courtney Love>Bleats about harm reduction while being the antithesis of harm reduction/seemingly having no grasp of the concept whatsoever
>Loves to share her grimy life on the internet, including awful photos of her cats laying in filth and used needles>Squandered a large inheritance from her grandmother within a year and lot the property she also inherited because she didn’t pay tax on it>Claims her mother “stole” her inheritance money from her (she possibly used the inheritance to pay her mother’s rent and considers that “stealing”)>Always “short on rent” or otherwise in need of donations >Overdosed on heroin twice in less than 12 months, even that didn't encourage her to get clean>RIP ROGER (aka Lurch’s dad)>Tuna and Lurch couldn’t pay rent because all their money came from Roger’s social security so the e-begging ramped up to 100>EVICTED from Roger’s house>Tuna and Lurch “temporarily” move in with Luna’s mother, who is an (ex) addict>Brings along moldy, nasty stuffed animals and complains about not being able to move her other belongings (claims she lost 90% of them when she got EVICTED)>Continuously tries e-begging along with selling nudes and shitty art in lieu of getting a job>Her “abusive” dad continues to buy her useless shit from Amazon>Posts pictures of her and Lurch looting graves like it’s no big deal>Claims to be homeless for bonus sympathy points in spite of living with her mother
>Luna and Chief have made themselves at home in her mom's one-bedroom poverty home and seem to have no intention of leaving.>Still milking her ex-gf's suicide for struggle points.>Seemed to be gaining weight rapidly for a while- some farmers speculated that she may have been on methadone.>Still abusing benzos and posting pill porn, probably hooked at this point>Still sending begging messages to facebook "friends" >>>/pt/607983>Still buying cheap shit on Amazon and asking facebook "friends" to buy her stuff>Still churning out sloppy drawings, has recently produced some particularly mediocre poetry>Still taking pictures of her filthy plastic crap, filthy grave-goods, filthy clothes, filthy nails, and filthy face>Still complaining about how horrible her life is, failing to understand that she brought most of it on herself>Roger is interred in a filthy box in Luna's mom's poverty home>Got a pancake voucher >>>/pt/612955>Was banned from FB and called out in a nail shaming group>Has lived with her mom for over a year now>Her dad's apartment caught on fire; Luna spread ashes on her face for maximum sympathy points>Has started to brag about starving herself>"Found" a bra in a dumpster>Started posting nudes again>Then began a “sex work” career, taking grimy nudes and videos and selling them through twitter for drug money>Made premade videos, one is called PEE DRINK >>730829> Looking more and more dead with every photo uploaded for her “SW business"> Anon leaks a ‘commission’ video where Luna calls her dad and says she’s got a stable job, asks if she can live with him for a while, then hangs up, takes her dress off and masturbates for the camera. Dad sounds supportive and happy for her as she uses him to get someone else’s humiliation fetish rocks off >>758647 WARNING: SAD AS FUCK >>758661> SW CAREER IS OVER >>760386> “Online acquaintance” of Luna’s turn up after being sent the dad video >>761016, insinuates Luna has sold videos of her shooting up in her legs via her SW twitter. Shares screencap, looks like necrosis waiting to happen >>761037.> Tuna and Lurch defy the odds and reach their six year druggie-versity >>761830.> 3rd OD, seems like all is not well in the loveshack >>762698.> Happy 24th birthday, Luna!
> Luna's mom got taken away to inpatient due to mental health and drug abuse >>795390 > Returns to sex work >>805775, >>810203 > Lurch’s twitter is found! >>810263 > LUNA AND LURCH ARE GETTING EVICTED >>802600, >>810637 > anon drops “lurch gyrating luna’s ass” and “full intercourse” vids that they bought last year but didn’t leak at the time: >>811491 >>811554 > Luna uploads a video where her and Lurch yell at a social worker for kicking them out and not “the old person whose life is basically over” aka her mom >>811724 > electricity gets shut off >>813209 and luna continues to refer to the owner of the apartment as "her landlord" despite admitting on facebook that they're not supposed to be there >>813354> EVIL TOXIC MOM arc turns into THE MHA GASLIT MY MOM, A MENTALLY ILL WOMAN arc >>813340> the apartment door lock has broken, luna and lurch build pathetic, sad little barricades out of… whatever they have laying around, apparently >>816475 & >>815981> the cops pay a visit >>813338 and find drugs, paraphernalia and a weapon (a knife). charges are filed against Lurch >>819990 & >>822424 & >>824442> as a result, lurch now has to submit drug tests on the reg, and luna allegedly actually detoxes from heroin as a result (while still using methadone and/or weed, other opiates and/or benzos (which drugs she is and isn't clean from vary a bit from post to post and also how much you believe her)) >>821718 & >>822657 & >>823499 & >>823823 & >>824260In the last thread:
> Anon uploads video of Luna shooting up that they’d previously shared screencaps from. Shit’s horrifying. >>824650 Posted on the other farms were also pictures of Luna’s legs from march 2020, equally horrifying. >>830603 & >>830633
> Luna keeps claiming to be sober >>824858 & >>825465 & >>827008 despite still taking fucking Xanax >>825462
> note: sober, not ‘clean’! She’s against that terminology! >>828345
> Starts getting called out by some of her instagram followers >>825485 & >>827075 & >>827083
> Still claiming to be sober, still posting about all the narcotics-level medications she’s taking >>825872
> Apparently, Dad Luna got “tucked up off us ass” aka relapsed >>825466
> Says she “won’t go into detail about it” and then immediately proceeds to go into a lot of detail >>825577 & >>826232
> oh no! Seems like Dad Luna is DYING >>825993 & >>826190 (spoiler: he’s not)
> posts her life story in a bojack horseman group, also begs for free shit >>826093
> tries her hand at interior designing, 1 free Xanax for the person who can figure out what colours her plushies originally were >>826214
> Despite luna and her dealer boyfriend using around her (recovering addict) mother for TWO YEARS while driving her out of her bedroom to stay on the sofa so luna and lurch can get fucked up in her bed, luna feels it’s “like a slap in the face” to see her mother high around them when “they’re working so hard” >>826257
> Despite not being legally allowed to be there, Luna keeps buying furniture >>826397 (including a chair made for toddlers >>827595 )
> Simultaneously posts about buying CHEAP clothes and junk and HAVING NO MONEY qwq >>831992
> Fried her hair >>826806 & >>827689 & >>830470 and figured out face filters >>826640 & >>826915
> is making ART again >>826876 & >>829935
> Happy 25th birthday, Luna! No squished ice cream cake this year, only e-begging and whining about not getting enough GIFTS from her (allegedly relapsing and/or dying) parents >>826897 (except dad is apparently fine again?) >>829901 & >>829930
> Wants to go to couples’ counselling >>828230
> Dad apparently wishes luna was aborted >>828434
> gives ‘advice’ to someone on snapchat re: sobriety >>828609 and takes the opportunity to sneak in being angry at her friends for not BEING THERE
> Continues being outraged that landlords want you to have an ID and stable income to rent their places >>827001
> Meanwhile her only income is Lurch’s stimulus check, which she makes sure to constantly freak out on reddit about >>828072 & >>828074 & >>829345 & >>829767
> surprise: luna RELAPSED after ALMOST TWO MONTHS SOBER >>830307 (coincidentally just after lurch’s last hearing >>829524 and the stim check arriving)
> Lurch was apparently attacked by pitbulls from insane neighbours, totally not while stealing >>831109 luckily he’s an ATHLETE. Apparently the owners then proceeded to threaten luna with a shotgun (and proceeded to doxx them in case luna dies, bc it’ll def not be of an overdose but being shot by RABID PIT BULL OWNERS) >>831529
> Turns out luna’s psychiatrist is no longer AMAZING AND A GIFT when he does his job and prescribes medication rather than not doing his job and being a therapist and/or just giving her Xanax >>831232
> wears a mask with lovely-looking stains on the front >>832072
> misses her ex from seven years ago, even though she’d ‘be dead’ if they saw each other again (?????) >>832402Not mentioned: the copious amounts of farmers still arguing whether or not they’ll get kicked out soon. See
>>830562 . Luna has now been alive for a quarter of a century, apparently still has absolutely nothing to show for it except dirty plushies and fucked up legs.
>>>/pt/558885twenty one
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>>>/pt/734529Twenty seven
>>>/pt/767687Twenty eight
>>>/pt/795757Twenty nine
>>>/pt/824552 No. 832429
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She has posted so much throwback content on her instagram. Many genuinely cute photos from when she was a teenager. So sad to compare how she ended up
No. 832431
>>832429You wonder if she ever looks at her own throwback pics and wishes she hadn't fucked up so bad.
She and Shayna are eerily similar in this regard. They were alt kids that got greedy for attention and turned to terrible men and horrible failed bimbo addiction lifestyles to fuel their need for male attention.
If Lurch hadn't paid her any attention at all she probably would be doing something with her life. Then again, she might have hopped on the first dick that said hello to her too.
No. 832434
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Big fan of a shitty 'brand' attempting to scam Luna into buying their overpriced crap under the guise of being an 'influencer' and Luna shamelessly attempting to scam them back to get more chinese crap
No. 832440
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>>832434So has she stopped pretending that she is sober?
No. 832443
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Thanks for making the new thread anon!
Chances are that this therapist actually existed in the first place? I don’t understand why they would tell her that she could see the therapist once and that’s it, seems like a waste of time for everyone involved.
No. 832446
>>832434">least i got the one thing i wanted lol"
Oh, boo. Acting like all she gets from her dad is an iced coffee.
No. 832448
>>832443kek I can't wait to see what drugged out shit she wears to this appointment. "I'm not taking new patients but I'll see you once" is usually code for "I have a ton of patients but I'll do an intake session to see if you're someone I can actually help". If the patient is obv a waste of time they have am easy excuse to refer them out to someone less in demand. Luna will fuck this up of course.
Thanks for making the new thread OP.
No. 832452
>>832440Weed doesn't count, obviously. Or her pills.
I feel like she only likes her art when she's high. Just like she only thinks she looks good or her makeup is great if she's under the influence of something.
No. 832491
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Who wants to bet she's gonna get that Channel blouse in a month tops? For CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP, of course
No. 832520
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lol never change luna
(not like you ever will)
No. 832530
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Luna is still bitching on Reddit about how her ~evil~ father claimed her as a dependent on his taxes. Girl, get a fucking job and then he won’t be able to.
No. 832534
>>832529same! I was like wait didn't she just spend a fuckton on peak pro lol?!
>>832530she's really dumb. I guess she must forget that money spent on heroin doesn't count as far as living expenses
No. 832574
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the thing matthew bought her was the $70 chanel sweatshirt (apparently) and the other things were the septum clicker, nails, and maid outfit
No. 832575
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No. 832675
>>830307Lemme point out Luna DID NOT do dope. She was just saying she's upset she ruined tattoos she "loved" with her old trackmarks.
Current trackmarks wouldn't require a band aid, let alone one going diagonally across a vein. She just stuck it there to play with her ugly Amazon band aids for babies while pretending to be ashamed of old tracks that no one can even see.
I know most of you have never used IV drugs, but Luna doesn't know how to shoot, let alone using her non-dominant hand into a vein I guarantee Lurch took out of commission years ago with his bad technique. She started on her arms and doesn't know how to mainline. You can tell from the skin around the band aid lacking tracks running up and down the vein and the lack of Luna's tell tale lump from missing veins that she hasn't used.
No. 832677
>>832431Fat ugly bitches "turn to terrible men" because no decent men want to date them. And the men aren't terrible for accepting attention from a female when they rarely get noticed and often show the type of guy they are from the beginning. Tuna and other bitches with low self esteem just latch on anyway because they're lonely.
Tuna isn't getting beaten up or forced to do anything for these men. They're living their addict lifestyles and she's choosing to jump on the bandwagon. They'd be doing the same thing regardless. She's really not the mistreated, misunderstood flower she tries to portray herself as.
No. 832682
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Sis is looking HUGE.
No. 832684
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>>832682Seriously, what in the fuck is going on here.
No. 832687
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>>832682Sweetheart… your shirt is too small…
No. 832694
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>>832684That's one of dem trackers however outdated
Also could be one of them
toxic energy eradicaters they're still in the first
GO also obligatory bots this can't be real she's like really attractive tho from like probably a guys perspective i suppose? Idk not gay etc nonsense but look I'm gonna be honest , and mean,..
You baa LOOOOL go put it on
Search electric feel on YouTube machine it's a song, you think it them but it be y O u
Qt squad roll out brought to you by
>>832682There's so much to unpack here. She went to a therapy session with someone she's never met, dressed like that. Plus she's saying she loves her NEW therapist when she said earlier that the therapist is seeing her for ONE appointment only.
Not to mention how nasty that building she's in looks. How would any sort of medical office space have walls that dirty?
No. 832737
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No. 832738
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No. 832753
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No. 832756
>>832737she's literally ripping off another artists and putting it into her shitty drawings
and it's basically the same drawing over and over
No. 832759
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Couldn’t help but laugh when I envisioned Luna baking French pastries lol
No. 832761
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Oh uh… girl haven’t you been with him for almost a decade now? I don’t think he plans on marrying you unless you inherit some more shit
No. 832763
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No. 832772
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Either try not being a fat fuck or choose an aesthetic that doesn’t fetishize youth. Another option is to just stfu but that’ll never happen
No. 832773
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what is it with obese chicks and pretending they have no appetite? girl don’t eat then lol do yourself a favor
No. 832775
>>832761Bitch, you can barely afford some lacemonster from Amazon. You couldn't afford a $250+ dress, much less even fit into it. Lurch won't even marry you and it's been this long.
>>832773Spoiler: it's the drugs
No. 832777
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>>832769>>832771A few threads ago it was discussed and sort of assumed that she doesn't actually know who Daniel Johnston is and only has a tattoo of the character because Kurt Cobain once paid homage to it.
No. 832785
>>832777One of her past usernames was “funeralhome1996”
Funeral home is the name of a Daniel Johnston song so safe to say she knows who he is. Her art style is also pretty much a direct rip-off of his
No. 832790
bad xannies?
spoiled food?
so many fun, fresh, frisky possibilities for new rochelle’s glossiest “it” couple
No. 832804
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>>832744this recent drawing is one of the worst
>>832771yes, we discussed this 2 or 3 threads ago and it was unearthed that she mentioned Johnston as her favorite artist in one of the interviews back when she was a tumblr royalty
No. 832820
>>832434Daniel Johnston is rolling over in his grave due to Tuna writing that his anxiety monster is saying "no one can HERE you."
Yes, Tuna, tell us how you and your bad grammar and bad writing had so much pOteNtIaL
No. 832823
>>832518Her ED clearly consists of not eating for a day/few hours and then binging on fat kid food.
Hey Tuna, that's just called intermittent fasting now. Your ED always involved eating a lot, despite your "starving" hours.
Taking food away from anyone makes them lose weight. Anyone. Even "slow metabolism" cows. There were no fatties in the Holocaust or in famine locations. People who get bariatric surgery lose weight from eating less. No one is on a starvation diet all the time and stays fat because "that's just their body". You're fat now and you were fat then. Your eating disorder lie is bigger than your fat ass.
No. 832824
>>832574"Love when dudes buy me shit", says the fatty who tries to pretend to be a riot grrl (among other things she isn't).
The only dude that buys her anything is dad and Lurch steals for her.
No. 832825
>>832577It's legal in the sense you can smoke it now anywhere in NY where people can smoke tobacco.
Cops are told to only intervene if they see a direct exchange of money for weed. Basically, they're expecting people to buy it from someone they know or bring it in from another state and then smoke it, but they just don't want cops to do anything unless it's a clear sale on the street
No. 832851
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>>832756she definitely lifted Daniel Johnston's art style, even the coloring she does is not uniquely her own style.
Here is some of Johnston's work.
No. 832869
>>832836yeah but kurt had actual chronic pain. luna just idk dislocates her knees sometimes. kurt was dealing with chronic respiratory issues and severe stomach pain.
but now that you say that, I honestly cannot believe how unoriginal Luna truly is. she got the blonde hair 2000s style clothes from courtney love, she got the drug abuse origin story from kurt cobain, and some of her tattoos are just drawings from famous artists.
No. 832925
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No. 832954
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we are due for another tumblr dump. sorry can't post myself, essentially limited to working with an iphone 5 right now. tuna cant wipe her ass with these nails without getting literal shit in them, pic related
No. 832965
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>>832954Ugh do you think that’s shit or blood under her pointer finger?
No. 833000
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can't believe my favorite piece of Luna's clothing made a comeback!
No. 833005
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Update on Luna's wedding situation, among other things
No. 833021
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>>833006 in florida you only need to know what city it was in and you can do the rest online. shes full of shit this isnt the reason she isnt getting it. Over $50 hahahaha suuuuure
No. 833037
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>>833005luna's problem is luna
No. 833061
>>833005Basically the only issues she didnt check off on were ones that either A: are directly eliminated due to her drugs of choice(downers) or B: you need to actually suffer severe mental illnesses to even experience.
The therapist is gonna get steamrolled by this strung out heifer giving her whole biopic, possibly be given a pity seroquel script then let outside to wander again and complain about her circumstances before shooting up in ways so dumb its gonna kill her before the drugs do if she doesnt drink Lurchs piss again.
No. 833118
>>833005Literally all of these "symptoms" are caused by chronic drug use.
If she'll be given MORE drugs because of those "symptoms", the system is completely broken.
No. 833120
>>833021from personal experience, ordering a copy of your birth certificate in florida doesn't cost more than $30, and it was that price solely because i requested expedited shipping.
we all already knew she was full of shit, but i figured i'd share.
No. 833121
>>832804>>832737>>832744I’ve never been a “omg lunas a great artist” anon but I did enjoy some of her older stuff bc basic bitch does Matisse/fake outsider art will always be a little charming to me but she’s really really down graded from a not so hot place to start with.
Like fresh out of middle school teenagers on twitter have full on merch stores now, it’s not hard to sell art in 2021 or even in 2018, luna could have gotten some financial independence if she ever wanted it but she doesn’t and never will and her one sad girl theme and shitty style is lackluster at her age
No. 833122
Saged because no real contribution and general rambling, but I just have to say it:
While we can all agree that Luna is still a fucked up human being who's done shitty things… I'm actually really proud of her for no longer shooting up. She's started posting more and seems to "actively" (lack of a better word It's still Luna we're talking about so don't take it too literally) make some sort of "effort" to get her life back together in some way. Like is she going to take her therapy seriously or will she treat it like the day camp outpatient thing back then? I don't know. But I'm still glad she is going to therapy.
Judge me all you want and call me a white knight but I just have a weird soft spot for her. And while she is far from being a productive member of society or some would say decent human being in general, deep down I'm still rooting for her.
Ever since she stopped shooting up she is posting selfies again and at least somewhat put the slightest bit of effort into her appearance compared to before. We're actually getting content and real milk from her. She's actually drawing again and sharing stuff from her past and reminiscing back to better days.
Is she still a cow?
Is she still a junkie?
Probably? OK, no definitely.
Is it still an achievement to stop shooting up, after hitting literal rock bottom? (I mean just thinking about the dad phone call thing… )
Fuck yeah.
Sure she did it by still doing a fuckton of other drugs but it's a step in the right direction.
Under all the crusty make up, CHEAP amazon clothing and behind the track marks, I truly think there is still a creative girl who wants to share her feelings through her art with the world. A girl who got groomed by her mom's drug dealer, who was the match to ignite the dumpster fire that we see now. She wanted to be a Heroin addict, yes, but honestly if it wasn't for Lurch enabling her in that regard I don't think it would've gotten to the extent we see now. When she met him she alienated herself from people who wanted the best for her. Wanting to be a Heroin addict or not, to have a fucking middle aged guy enable that weird fantasy and definitely also use her as a walking wallet in the beginning? Yeah that's fucked up. At her age and with her background she probably should've known better, but could she even? To even want to be addicted to Heroin because of the aesthetic, there definitely has to be something wrong with you. Luna is the embodiment of wasted potential and missed opportunities only furthered by meeting the wrong people at the right time.
Sorry for the long ass post, I'm already trying to keep it as short as possible. I have a lot of feelings towards her as a cow and person, that aren't only black and white. So while I will definitely get back to actually writing about her as a cow and her shitty and embarrassing adventures, I really just wanted to get this one out as well.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 833147
>>833144When it comes to junkies there are usually two types of smart and from what I've seen. It's either that the person is academically smart and they usually start using or become addicted because they try to cope with things related to their field (like half of the people at any given university are addicted to or use substances to cope with something). And of course socially smart/ street smart whatever you want to call it. Those people know what they are talking about and generally seem wise beyond their years, often times simply due to experience. And then… there is Luna
Who dropped out of Art School after one semester, never had to suffer any actual consequences from her addiction and definitely doesn't want to learn anything.
No. 833182
>>833167Roger was the worst but she's treated everyone in her life like shit if she can't use them for something.
Her Dad is the worst until he pays for her stuff, her mom is the worst unless she buys stuff, Roger was the best dad in the world but she treated him like garbage and just used him for a place to stay and access to pills.
No. 833200
>>833182It’s as simple as that, the importance Luna places on anyone in her life is directly correlated to how much money, drugs, convenience and material crap they can provide for her. Anyone with pills to swipe and a place to crash at is placed on a pedestal and becomes Roger my Real Father or Lurch My Amazing Boyfriend. Anyone who tries to help her or puts their foot down is worthless to her and becomes The Mean Social Worker and My Evil Junkie Dad.
Being around people who treat you like shit if you don’t give them things is such a soul-sucking experience. Good on her if she can stop using heroin one day (and I don’t think she has), but I won’t have sympathy for her until she also stops using everyone around her.
No. 833210
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>>833206Being a more successful junkie than Luna is really not as hard as you make it out to be just by reading the first few sentences. For the rest… if I want to read about being a junkie with style I'd just read Kurt Cobains diary
No. 833229
>>833206Sorry but how much do you have to suck to compare yourself to
Luna out of all people?
No. 833251
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>zero support
>pays my phone bills
No. 833264
File: 1619449274418.jpeg (171.53 KB, 750x359, 70FD284D-A4E6-48F9-9D64-79F0D4…)

>>833251This comment on that thread made me lol.
No. 833283
>>833251With what money is she going to pay for her phone bill besides begging?
Bitch has no money to her name.
No. 833479
File: 1619574202594.png (625.18 KB, 1073x1480, Screenshot_2021-04-27-21-37-18…)

This girl lexi told me this was her side instagram supporting Shane Dawson(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 833540
File: 1619640416488.jpeg (487.53 KB, 750x942, 8F182537-1A8F-4D01-9733-32E5E7…)

>>833469She apparently wore them to therapy. I still can’t believe she leaves the house dressed like this
No. 833543
File: 1619640892276.jpeg (393.19 KB, 518x918, BC00CFDA-617A-4135-95B5-77067C…)

Uneven eyeliner, messy hair, thin ass leggings that accentuates her cellulite, cameltoe, backwards necklace, random stains on the crotch of her pants, pizza box on the floor from last night’s feeding… so gross
No. 833546
File: 1619641748335.jpeg (470.1 KB, 620x1064, 05E10EE9-A931-4757-A6EC-20F4E8…)

Another Tumblr selfie. Wtf is up with her legs? Like why are they so spotty?
No. 833550
File: 1619642861422.jpg (333.9 KB, 1080x1469, 20210428_164610.jpg)

the CVS vial initially caught my attention.. but looks like bitch might be washing her hair in the sink with some good ol' V05 shampoo. bald saga coming SOON.
No. 833552
File: 1619643624110.jpg (132.95 KB, 1077x1725, PSX_20210428_170010.jpg)

from amazon, this review should tell you all you need to know. this is definitely the same shampoo, her picture is mirrored - she probably used her front camera. also weirdly its like $6 on amazon but definitely about $0.75 at walmart.
No. 833556
File: 1619645108540.jpg (234.1 KB, 1080x1920, tumblr_53b3db1ef8da3202a80817d…)

>>833540posting this full pic because god damn. this bitch is WELL fed.
No. 833558
File: 1619645495189.png (362.6 KB, 630x796, Screenshot (278).png)

>>833546>>833547>>833549How is that velvet? It looks like cheap chinese cotton, and a thin one at that.
No. 833563
>>833560or Lillee Jean, kek
delusional has a look
No. 833579
File: 1619652020587.png (94.86 KB, 610x248, luna.png)

No. 833615
>>833543Must be grease stains from all the pizza she shoves down her throat because
muh no appetite.
No. 833628
>>833579Soooooo he's not "dying" anymore?
We're switching it up kek to yet another relapse?
No. 833642
>>833546>Wtf is up with her legs?Biden bucks. Everyone knew they would spend it on that. $1400 to look nasty as hell.
>>833556She looks like a fat bottle of pepto bismol that
causes upset stomach.
>>833596I love you, anon.
No. 833644
File: 1619675162842.jpg (940.91 KB, 1080x1868, Screenshot_20210428-224512_Ins…)

when bae steals you flowers
No. 833690
File: 1619719008321.jpg (345.53 KB, 1080x1815, IMG_20210429_195526.jpg)

Luna mentioned who is the sucker giving free tattoos to heroin addicts. Poor guy
No. 833691
File: 1619719515689.jpg (492.46 KB, 1080x1688, IMG_20210429_200438.jpg)

No. 833696
File: 1619721993039.jpeg (733.09 KB, 828x1400, 2381498C-26FE-49F2-BBA9-B2A3C0…)

“Most loyal man in the world” kek
No. 833699
>>833696He looks like a homeless man that just scored a cigarette from somebody that just wanted him out of their face.
What is she proud of him for? Making sure they don’t run out of drugs? Stealing everything they have? Not having a job ever? What?
No. 833701
File: 1619725299102.jpeg (1005.69 KB, 828x1393, 8482B619-3B42-4089-8160-2F2C4E…)

Some more graveyard trinkets just waiting to get thrown into trash bags once they inevitably get kicked out again
No. 833703
>>833701That drawing is cute. Lurch doesn't deserve Luna lmfao.
>Some more graveyard trinkets I really think she got them from a thrift store. They don't look damaged by weather. Or maybe I don't want to think that the plate with a quote actually was found on someone's grave… because that would be heartbreaking.
No. 833706
>>833704Because she stole the tester bottle.
>>833705Kek, I can see Tuna being in Shayna's thread
No. 833709
>>833696>most loyal man everKek, she must have forgotten when her hobo was all over Tessa's titties and slobbering all over other women's FBs.
>>833706Without a doubt to both of these things.
No. 833790
>>833733I don't know how many other ways I can say this: Her legs are clearly from OLD missed shots. As in 2+ months ago. That's what they look like. These are not new at all. They'd still be more red if they were from a week ago and still be scabby within a month. This brownish color is essentially caused by deep tissue being scarred from all her missed shots. Irl these would also be slightly raised or you can feel a slight bump under the skin where the discolored spots are. These are not new tracks at all. I get this is Tuna and we all know she lies all the time, so I understand why there's so much speculation about her using her "Biden Bux" for drugs. But her old missed shots from months ago isn't evidence of anything except the fact that some anons don't know about iv drug usage, which is great. Just stop talking out of your asses like you have legit evidence of her drug usage instead of a tinfoil based off of a lack of knowledge.
Also, she's turned down offers to exchange dope for bottles of Xanax/ Seroquel
No. 833808
File: 1619807486930.png (5.1 MB, 1242x2688, D5433F94-2EB6-4B41-813D-2972BE…)

Wonder what she’s talking about
No. 833809
File: 1619807700921.jpeg (579.28 KB, 1242x2311, F312708E-6A2C-4E59-B346-93895B…)

‘Thighs caused haiti’ again
No. 833818
File: 1619818391358.jpg (390.26 KB, 1080x1356, IMG_20210430_233233.jpg)

No. 833824
>>833808Probably somehting like Lurch doesnt have to do piss tests anymore, so he can start using again and she can start stabbing herself in the thighs again.
I'd say def something drug related otherwise she would have spewed about like like when she found the Air BNB that she was "~*~probably going to move into!!!!!!!!!!!!~*~"
No. 833832
File: 1619832354971.jpg (127.16 KB, 1080x501, IMG_20210501_032519.jpg)

No. 833833
File: 1619833187249.jpeg (300.78 KB, 750x468, 391D97FC-DF4B-4B3D-B12B-4EAF06…)

No. 833834
File: 1619833210047.jpeg (382.74 KB, 461x906, 164A9903-E4EF-462D-8950-F60781…)

No. 833879
>>833703"lurch doesn't deserve luna"
i'll never understand the anons who act like luna is some sort of 'uwu soft broken innocent bean' who is being manipulated by 'big evil lurch'. she's just as grimy as him, just as shitty as a person.
if anything, the two are a PERFECT match.
No. 833881
File: 1619879194644.png (16.46 KB, 653x392, Capture.PNG)

This is going to be amusing. Luna's spent her entire life talking about how special and unique her name is and how no one else is named Luna and the news just hit trending Twitter today that Luna is the #1 baby name of 2021.
That's one of the last few unique things about her that's gone down the drain. Now her only claim will be being conceived in a methadone clinic stairwell.
No. 833886
>>833879>i'll never understand the anons who act like luna is some sort of 'uwu soft broken innocent bean' who is being manipulated by 'big evil lurch'. she's just as grimy as him, just as shitty as a person. You said all this shit, not me.
>if anything, the two are a PERFECT match.Nope, she could be with a junkie her age who isn't a groomer and has some hobbies. Kinda sad to see her worshipping his disgusting ass. When has he done something for her like the drawing?
No. 833892
File: 1619883031845.jpg (100.29 KB, 1080x1466, IMG_20210501_172943.jpg)

No. 833906
>>833886There's only the one who goes that far with the simping.
>>833886Really, what difference would that make? She doesn't deserve any better and even if she did, swapping out a zombie junkie for a younger model seems pretty pointless.
No. 833908
>>833906>There's only the one who goes that far with the simping.Are you 'hi cow'-ing? I'm not sure if I get you.
Lurch is one of the most disconcerting creatures on the farms and Luna is kinda cute IMHO. And young, at least. IDK how she can fuck that man, or even be near him. I guess drugs help with that. Not trying to white knight for her, but I still think that she has more to offer from the pair. But I guess she's happy with Lurch, or at least comfortable.
No. 833912
>>833908Nta but i always find it weird when anons think Luna is the
victim or she's an angel, when she made her father in law sleep on a dirty mattress and developed bed sores, and probably still keeps his ashes in a box, says her mom deserves to die and more…
Maybe lurk the old threads more.
No. 833918
>>833912Bitch I've been here since thread one. You can both be a
victim of a groomer (I mean Luna as a teen) and a shitty person. Those aren't mutually exclusive terms for anyone who doesn't think that
victims can only be perfect uwu angels.
Anyway Luna chooses Lurch everyday, so nowadays she's mostly a
victim of herself.
>>833916What do you think drawing and writing shitty poetry is?
No. 833919
>>833908>not trying to wk but she's kinda cute and has more to offer. Well done. And yeah, sitting on her ass playing nintendo all day and doing the same handful of drawings she's been repeating for years is definitely more valuable than Lurch's dealing / hustling. Great read, anon.
>>833912I know right?! Imagine thinking this scumbag deserves better anything for any reason. Roger deserved better. Rlyblonde and her mom deserved better. Even Luna's own parents deserve better.
No. 833921
>>833918thank you. how fucking hard is it to get that yeah, it's possible for shitty things to have happened to luna, and yeah, she's still done shitty and unforgivable shit herself? how fucking dense are people? what luna did to roger puts her in the bottom level tier of humans, AND her childhood was sad and messed up.
it's like the whole argument of people absolutely hating her dad and wanting him to rot in hell for being a junkie while other people only see him as a
viiiiiiiiiiictim of his druggie daughter. no shit, someone can be a shit person and still get used by his possibly even shittier daughter jfc
No. 833924
File: 1619901439804.jpg (1.3 MB, 1080x5603, 01052021222940.jpg)

triggered I find Luna minimally better than Lurch. At least she's entertaining.
>>>833912>I know right?! Imagine thinking this scumbag deserves better anything for any reason. Roger deserved better. Rlyblonde and her mom deserved better. Even Luna's own parents deserve better.Pure whataboutism. You might as well say that Jesus deserved better than Tuna lmfao. Also Tuna's parents are shit and their junkie daughter is exactly what they deserve.
No. 833965
File: 1619921291380.jpeg (497.65 KB, 750x1092, F5E0B946-B1AB-41D2-AC30-5BC19C…)

the longer you look at this picture the grosser it becomes
No. 833981
>>833939Lurch definitly groomed her and he is a pedophile. But that still doesn't excuse any of her actions and does not automatically make her a
victim of the world she created for herself.
No. 833987
>>833981It does. You can be a
victim and a bad person at the same time.
No. 833998
>>833981some of you are retarded. Luna comes from 2 addicts and was groomed by another when she was a minor. She can be a complete asshole and still a
victim of the circumstances she was born into.
No. 834011
>>834003What's the problem with that?
Victims are not saints or angels and tuna is proof of this. Get off your high horse.
No. 834040
>>833821You would think with how many times she regurgitates her tragic backstory she would have "thighs that caused the earthquake in Haiti" down.
Why does she need more acknowledgement from random people on facebook about this anyway? Like she said, this happened in middle school. Not trying to say it wasn't cruel, but she's just turned 25 and still brings it up whenever she has the chance. Meanwhile, she has a ~totally loyal fiancé~ who's more than happy to jiggle her thighs on camera for her. Is there no way she can reframe her thinking about her body past being 13 or is this a BPD thing?
No. 834045
File: 1619977980824.png (582.69 KB, 523x510, Capture.PNG)

>>833924Someone needs to put this poor thing out of its misery with a blowtorch. There's no amount of washing that can clean it at this point.
I physically recoil at the very idea of even touching some of these nasty plushies but she slept with them on her bed at one point? And one they used to plug up the hole in the window from the window air unit back at Roger's place and never washed it when they moved.
What is it about Luna that makes her absolutely blind to her filthy surroundings? It's a wonder everything isn't riddled with bedbugs and lice.
No. 834122
Anyways, if you want to talk how you feel about Luna here's a thread for you
>>>/ot/729850 and let this one alone.
No. 834135
>>833941TUNA claimed Lurch came to see her fat ass as opposed to primarily being there to make money… the same Tuna that exaggerates everything to make herself feel better and is always constructing a narrative that will paint her in a positive light. Now I know for sure Lurch was coming over primarily to sell diesel, not coming to see a chunky kid pestering him about her desire to be an aesthetic iv drug user.
>>834045It was such a bad idea for Tuna to picture her new childish plushie with her collection of plushies that look like they were recovered after a disaster. The stark white just shows how filthy the other ones are.
No. 834147
>>834021she got it (in an inexplicable way) a long time ago. Like 7 threads back. Lurk more
>>834036Lurk more, it's literally in the previous thread
>>834131What's with the newfags ITT? She got fucked by Lurch for a video recentlish (that we sadly seen) and mentioned in a diary she wants to become sexual again.
>>834146Okay, all of this is the same person, right? Maybe browse the threads instead of asking to be spoonfead ffs
No. 834148
>>834122God, thank you. Can anons ITT please calm their enthusiasm when sperging about Tuna. We get it, you're the superior junkie to her/on the verge of relaspe whenever you visit her thread/reminded of that dark time on your life when you were just as nasty as her, she was the next uwu baby picasso with boundless potential until lurch entered her life and ruined it all, or she was born a mentally challenged spawn of satan himself. We don't need to go over this every thread.
>>834045It's honestly kind of funny how you can tell which ones are new based on how clean they look.
No. 834151
File: 1620051044803.jpg (777.75 KB, 1080x2340, 1595837484850.jpg)

>>833965kek this is what the computer looked like when she first got it
No. 834158
File: 1620059477766.png (92.41 KB, 719x801, reddit.png)

No. 834192
File: 1620095285105.jpeg (263.57 KB, 750x735, E9A5896A-2294-4C99-A90D-1F7622…)

A portrait of the modern American family. Kind of sad
No. 834200
File: 1620110159597.png (334.73 KB, 592x852, Screenshot 2021-05-04 023446.p…)

From kf.
No. 834201
File: 1620110228327.png (273.72 KB, 1367x687, Screenshot 2021-05-04 023511.p…)

No. 834203
File: 1620122679823.png (Spoiler Image,613.77 KB, 1073x958, Screenshot_2021-05-04-05-59-58…)

new post she posted on her spam(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 834213
>>834206>>834200Actually, this is when she could have used this as a marketing opportunity if she was a legit oNlInE "sworker". She could have said, "I don't do meet ups, but I have some content you'd love and can make customs…"
But Tuna just puts the guy on blast so he'll never buy anything. She really needs to ask Lurch for some hustling tips.
No. 834302
>>834222You need an ID to make an onlyfans, and she mentioned here
>>833696 that she doesn't have one. She will probably never make one, since she's been waiting on this ID for the past 7 years she's known Lurch so that they can finally get married. I don't think she's in much of a rush.
No. 834319
File: 1620187697517.jpeg (271.19 KB, 750x777, 6E0C2776-2821-43F2-B738-F803B3…)

No. 834384
>>834372she isn't "clean" though anon, she's still taking masses of benzos on the daily.
for anyone who has never had a recreational benzo habit, dependency builds fast even at therapeutic doses and it lingers for a long time post-WD, and the WD syndrome is debilitating at best and deadly at worst. I recall her saying she "never had a physical dependency to benzos" which is fucking impossible with the doses she takes and the duration of her using (probably several years now, possibly even longer). she's delusional and the benzos definitely aren't helping, they warp your perception of reality intensely, lower your inhibitions until they bottom out completely, and fuck up both long term and short term memory.
I wish she would just be honest and say she's off opiates but she's been calling herself sober all this time whilst having the fucking gall to post grotty aesthetic pics of handfuls of pressed xans which she justifies as "just taking 2mg (one bar) a day to relax uwu" which is still a hefty dose even if she wasn't full of shit.
she probably DOES think this means she's "sober" because, again, delusional, but it's really shady and dishonest. she's doing herself the worst disservice at the end of the day, but what else is fucking new.
No. 834414
>>834384>>834319She's really going to fuck up her sobriety very soon judging from her obvious obsessing over opiates via posting and reading drug threads all day. She's one of those aDdIcTs that believes opiates are part of her identity and that she's not interesting or speshul without them.
>>834372 You're an idiot if you also consider taking Xanax you're not even prescribed as being clean.
No. 834422
>>834372what is with this faggotry lately? Saying "not to white knight but" doesn't excuse it.
>>834384And she posted at least a few pics nodding recently. She cut down or stopped for a couple of weeks at best, and stopped the gap with benzos and probably some other shit.
No. 834510
>>834463Agreed. She also hasn't been using at all. People who use don't need to read about it on Reddit and reminisce since they're out actually using
And to anons who think looking half dead in pics is a sign of being on dope… it's not. Tuna can take those same pictures taking Xanax and smoking a strong indica. You can't tell sobriety from her wonky eyes being sleepy.
>>834443She's definitely not a sw and nobody is buying Tuna content. She doesn't even have to do sw since daddy pays for all the fast fashion shit she nEeDs
No. 834749
File: 1620427326812.jpeg (61.14 KB, 1125x513, 0266A7EF-030D-4087-B666-2FB015…)

Talk To Transformer once again perfectly captured the essence of Tuna off just two sentences:
“ ugh i want lolita dresses so badly!!!!!
i’m at least gonna get one when i marry matthew >:-( the obsession is real. we’ll go into all the gender fetishes another time.
anyway, i want to show you my ultimate polyamorous lingerie collection. i want to thank my boyfriends family for letting me into their house when i was thirteen (weird, i know). they are really sweet and have amazing parenting skills. ive been going over to their house and staying with their son since i was ten. whenever i had to go to school, they would drive me and pick me up. we used to do a lot of drugs together”
No. 834928
File: 1620568833092.png (10.58 KB, 486x177, luna.png)

No. 834962
File: 1620585777277.jpg (217.69 KB, 720x1210, IMG_20210509_072025.jpg)

Covered in filth…
No. 834964
File: 1620586029883.jpg (49.49 KB, 720x495, IMG_20210509_072412.jpg)

No. 834966
File: 1620586866525.png (47.97 KB, 907x317, luna2.png)

No. 834972
>>834966huh almost like abusing drugs totally wrecks your dopamine and leaves you depressed or something?? who knew there would be CONSEQUENCES!
also, no way she was admitted for an eye infection alone. she might have an eye infection, sure. but its either a flesh eating organism or theres more to the story…
No. 834973
>>834963Kek her AND Vicky with the eye infections.
Imagine being an adult who is so grimy and unhygienic that you give yourself eye infections.
Disgusting retards.
No. 834976
>>834962I’m so curious about the story here, she looks FILTHY. And I mean rolled in the dirt filthy, more so than her usual grime. I wonder wtf happened she’s literally caked in dirt on her skin and everything. Also nice IV access point, my ED never goes for the first knuckle unless truly desperate.
I’m so morbidly curious to see this eye infection
No. 835006
>>835005I thought maybe she was hit by a taxi and was thrown and rolled and rolled and rolled thru the streets of New York and thats why she was so dirty and in the hospital.
But apparently nope.
I also dont believe she has an eye infection. Maybe she poked herself in the face with a needle.
No. 835018
>>834964Too much of a priority put into being a disgusting trashy heroin princess rather than making a life for herself. She’s covered in filth at all times, has toilet paper flying out of her ass, blood and dirt all over. Is she surprised this happened?
I also would assume she’s probably pocketed used makeup. Her entire existence is an infection waiting to happen.
No. 835043
>>835012>>835020Clinical pharmd here, they don't just put anyone on a drip. They aren't harmless. She would have needed fluids for some reason. First she said eye injury then she said infection. So I think
>>835006 is closer to the truth or she got it scratched and they started her on vanco and zosyn because she let it get too bad before seeking treatment and it scared the shit out of the attending. Absolutely nasty. That is… if we can believe anything she's saying.
No. 835045
>>835043You're wrong. In the US it's very common to require an IV if you are admitted to the ER. Because if there is an actual emergency (you know the reason they are supposed to be there) they need instant access for medications/blood draws for tests etc. In fact, it's standard operating procedure and you can be discharged with referral for refusal (because you're obviously not that bad off).
It has a weird placement because I'm sure she told them during intake that she was/is an IV drug user so they chose that access point to avoid her scarred veins.
No. 835048
>>835045blogpost but i've been to the ER (in the US) for an abx resistant UTI and they didn't give me a saline IV.
just a shot of abx in my butt cheek and a single hydrocodone pill to "help" the pain i wanted to kill myself over lol
No. 835062
>>835043>>835045So I want to say it probably largely depends on the hospital system and the state, but I’ve worked in the hospital for a few years and can say that at least in my area an IV is mandatory for any ER visit as a precaution should you turn emergent and they NEED access to you for emergency meds to be pushed. The policy figures rather start the IV while you’re mostly stable than try to find a good port while you’re crashing and waste time.
Back OT, I do believe Tuna that she got a nasty eye infection because they live in filth and she always has those talons on. Was it the nails? The dirty pillows/pillow cases? Her cat? Her cats poop? Her makeup habits? Meanwhile I’m dying to know more or see what her eye looks like. Can’t be that bad honestly if she was discharged the same day.
No. 835106
File: 1620694291028.jpeg (733.08 KB, 750x1061, E2C20F4A-C7ED-44F7-A8C5-C49AE3…)

There’s no way she can wipe her ass properly with these things on
No. 835120
File: 1620705372434.png (2.87 MB, 1370x1708, lurchtrade.png)

keep seeing this meme pop up and the dude reminds me of lurch so i did a thing
No. 835161
>>835106nails like these aren't cheap
where the fuck is she getting the money? is her dad funding her etsy habit too?
No. 835232
File: 1620792707031.jpg (287.76 KB, 1242x1552, tumblr_272ccf4c2279da8a15a8133…)

Taken from tumblr. Is this how the dress is supposed to fit? Aren't your tits supposed to fill out the looser, top part?
No. 835233
>>835232she posted an Amazon listing picture of it here
>>832491 and it sits very differently on the model. she's too wide and too tall for this dress.
No. 835319
>>835232She clearly just took it out of the box because it'll be covered in Tuna grime within a week
What a weird look for a huge linebacker to be dressed like a toddler. Her pAsTeL gOtH aesthetic is hideous and confusing anyway, but for someone so statuesque and manly, this is the worst style choice ever.
No. 835380
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No. 835570
File: 1620913219681.jpeg (649.38 KB, 651x1089, F86E5E0F-1311-4C5F-8B61-C0277A…)

No. 835571
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No. 835572
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No. 835573
File: 1620913349594.jpeg (453.03 KB, 641x1086, B623826A-15B3-413E-9ECB-19DE9A…)

No. 835609
>>835570Why is depression monster encouraging? This is a hole in Luna's art world lore. Or is depression kinder than bpd?
>>835571Imagine going to therapy in a Chanel blouse and either a designer or a repro bag and telling your therapist how poor you are
No. 835620
File: 1620922730498.jpg (179.6 KB, 1080x1151, 20210513_121749.jpg)

Today in both Luna and Lurch being sober.
No. 835622
File: 1620923069496.jpg (336.65 KB, 972x2193, 20210513_122409.jpg)

No. 835638
>>835623Medfag and used to be contracted with the local methadone clinic to run labs on their patients.
Lots of addicts would come in complaining about their clinic refusing to decrease their dose, I’m not 100% sure what the “reasoning” is but I can tell you that methadone clinics are shady as fuck and just want to keep milking their strung out cash cows. Not decreasing dosage = guaranteed revenue.
No. 835645
>>835638Also medfag with stuff to add. Agreeing with what you said
>>835643. Especially them being shady: their whole goal is to KEEP YOU on methadone forever, absolutely. With methadone once you reach your "stabilizing dose" thats it. You stay on that forever UNLESS you're switching to buprenorphine or naltrexone in which case they will help you taper to get you on the new drug. No other options unless you're experiencing major side effects and apparently thats not lurch's reasoning. Everything I just said is a summary of the ASAM guidelines if anyone gets bored.
No. 835655
>>835643lurch wants to start using again, he doesn’t want to get off methadone so he can get clean
the doctors aren’t idiots, they can see him making zero effort to be a functioning human
if he got a job and took a shower and found a legal place to live, maybe they’d start talking about cutting down
No. 835659
>>835645Thanks for that clarification; Methadone treatment is its own universe.
By and large, junkies gonna junkie
No. 835673
>>835620First you usually have to meet with your counselor or the doctor at the clinic to decrease your dose. You can't just call or demand the nurses at the window. 3 months is definitely not long enough for sobriety for the clinic to safely recommend decreasing your dose and try to get off.
Also he can transfer to a clinic in another state so wanting to move isn't a
valid reason to get off.
But if you're sober for more like 6 months, the clinic would feel better about decreasing your dose. You can choose to leave anytime though. He can also just call his insurance and request Medicaid stop paying and he'll be put on a financial taper. Trust me, after 2 weeks of being dropped a milligram every other day, he'll be crying and begging to raise his dose again.
NY clinics are very easy to work with from experience, but if you're not rational and sane when demanding things, any clinic will push back. Lurch is a big boy and Luna doesn't need Reddit's advice when she can literally call the clinic director or file a complaint with the state since they run the federal program. What dumbass crybabies they both are.
No. 835684
>>835638As a current methadone patient who's been at clinics in CA, WA, FL, NJ and NY, I can assure everyone clinics aren't even a fraction as shady as the patients like Lurch are. Clinics try to keep patients because they fully understand the rate of recidivism. Most opiate addicts can't stay clean without medication assisted treatment. And Lurch's 3 months of sobriety after being at that clinic for years isn't going to entice anyone there that he's doing great and doesn't need methadone. Clinics encourage people to stay sober by monitoring them thru monthly random urine analysis tests and required counseling appointments. If Lurch was doing so great, he would have take homes more than the one day a week they're closed on Sundays and everyone gets a take home. Thus "liquid handcuffs" argument is the biggest bullshit when Lurch is the same addict with drug/opiate handcuffs. Clinics prefer at-risk patients like Lurch stayed on a program than taper off, start using, then come right back in 2 months.
The gruesome twosome aren't moving to another state, let's not kid anyone. The most they'll move is from their squatted in apartment to the streets.
No. 835687
File: 1620932880270.jpg (278.51 KB, 900x447, Screenshot_20210513-150726_Dri…)

This is the handbook for any methadone clinic in the US. Lurch can choose to taper, he's a dumbass.
No. 835745
>>835620"he had extra because he tries not to take the whole four a day he's prescribed" lmaooo okay luna he's def not selling his scripts
she's on r/opiates they all knows she's on some dumb shit
No. 835753
File: 1620967717859.jpg (205.75 KB, 1064x1346, 20210514_004704.jpg)

She also had to mention Lurch's car accident.
No. 835775
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No. 835815
>>835814binge/fast/binge cycles are literally a recipe for weight gain
just eat like a normal person, luna
No. 835917
File: 1621097654521.jpeg (127.05 KB, 750x496, 9EB691A7-F925-499B-8B02-BA4E9D…)

from kf. def not weird luna lol
No. 835921
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No. 835926
File: 1621101383417.jpg (268.11 KB, 1039x753, Screenshot_20210515-135300_Chr…)

Little update to the methadone Reddit thread.
No. 835952
>>835921Complaining about neighbors bringing people in when she's fucking squatting. You don't officially live there.
Also they're fucking dumb picking fights with people in the building when her door doesn't even close or lock.
No. 835970
>>835921Funny how lurch, a well known thief and abuser of elders, suddenly came to this 86 year old guy's aid. Never did shit for his dad, but a random guy is worth risking his life over to intervene. Just went over to his apt "to help".
Major tinfoil, but shit doesn't line up to me. I feel like lurch was caught stealing and some guy chased him back into their squat, while luna screeched that the guy doesn't live there so he can't be there.
No. 836062
>>835921There's so much made up shit in this story alone. Once again, singling out the crackheads when she's probably worse than they are.. and it's government housing, who the fuck would have $800 on them at any given time or even stashed in their apartment?
350lbs is half a Slaten-sister. Ain't no damn way some obese guy is going to start swinging and force his way into their apartment to fight Lurch who had to play The Hero instead of minding his own damn business when they're not even supposed to be there either.
No. 836094
File: 1621202933335.png (39.4 KB, 719x288, mememe.png)

No. 836095
>>836094Luna loves to talk about herself especially when she is able to frame herself as the
No. 836130
>>836129sorry, samepost, but there is likely a long waiting list for the place considering New Rochelle
bumping them up the line because they were squatting feels like a no, also Luna antagonized the social worker when they relocated her mom
but stranger things have happened I guess
No. 836247
File: 1621300579306.jpg (166.07 KB, 841x1140, 20210517_211234.jpg)

Luna shares more information about the methadone clinic.
No. 836248
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No. 836322
File: 1621343969364.jpeg (182.59 KB, 750x675, 6885E86D-B4B6-4F0B-94D6-7E5CF6…)

ding ding ding we have a winner
No. 836363
File: 1621355880717.jpeg (365.5 KB, 750x955, 01FD04B2-14DB-4395-87CE-4043A8…)

>>836322“But I DO know the whole story! My precious Easter Island statue boyfriend would never manipulate or lie to me!”
No. 836387
>>835801This is exactly like Tess Holliday bitching about how fatties can be anorexic.
No chubby bitches, your disordered eating habits of not eating for 15 hours and then binging on fat kid junk foods and hating your body is not the same as you being anorexic. You're not deathly ill and at risk of dying from starvation so you won't be getting the pity party from anyone but other Fat AnOrExIcS.
No. 836531
>>836530 >>836507
My god if you care so fucking much search her wayback to make sure she never mentioned anorexia no one else gives a shit or is gonna go through the effort to prove it. You're the ONLY person who cares whether or not she explicitly said it. Enough sperging. She was an early 2010s tumblr girl OBVIOUSLY she was exposed to pro-ED content and is clinging to the glory days when that was huge there.
No. 836538
ITT anons freak out over the interchangeable words "eating disorder" and "anorexia".
>>836530 is right. Luna has never claimed to be anorexic. She has claimed to have "struggled with an eating disorder" and makes oblique references to restriction sometimes whenever she's too poor to eat constantly.
>>836531>She was an early 2010s tumblr girl OBVIOUSLY she was exposed to pro-ED content and is clinging to the glory days when that was huge thereNobody is saying that she doesn't pretend to have an eating disorder. She's just not stupid enough to use the word anorexic when she's that fucking fat lol. She knows she ain't fooling anybody by pretending to be waifish, she's insanely tall and at least 200lbs.
No. 836539
>>836531>My god if you care so fucking much search her wayback to make sure she never mentioned anorexia The burden of proof is on the person who brings a claim in a dispute.
>no one else gives a shitThere is at least one other person that clearly does care about fact checking
>or is gonna go through the effort to prove it.That's on you, not on me. Maybe don't come up with bullshit claims if you don't want people to call you out on them.
No. 836569
>>835924>>835921Lurch and Tuna are the types of white savior idiots that think they're doing so much good in their
impoverished cOmMuNiTy that they squat in, so they force themselves into every little incident and fuck themselves over.
That's what they get for not learning how to mind their own business.
No. 836630
File: 1621463395169.jpeg (275.29 KB, 827x1282, 2EB90155-3F99-439B-B765-233639…)

Her legs….. omg
No. 836631
File: 1621465349961.png (1.02 MB, 1234x796, $20 lip balm.png)

No. 836644
>>836630She needs to invest in some tights, not lip balm. No one wants to see that nasty shit. And why are her lower legs so short?
>>836641Check the last thread for why they're like that.
No. 836649
>>836630Nice to see bitch got the latest iPhone since
No. 836652
>>836630Christ almighty the state of her thighs and how massive they are compared to the rest of her. That can't be normal can it?
>>836570>>836639Didn't Luna say that Lurch used urine from her mom for a test at one point?
No. 836665
File: 1621481173258.png (Spoiler Image,953.49 KB, 1000x1070, 045CF314-C342-4F50-BD54-358EEC…)

>>836633she looks just like the image results for stage two lipedema but with jarring scars. Obv not trying to be a google doctor- her lower half has been a horror show from the jump- but god they look horrible now
Spoiler for doctors office pics
No. 836684
File: 1621497650094.jpg (426.7 KB, 1280x1749, tumblr_61bb9d23e44e6354bc00b28…)

>>836644>She needs to invest in some tights, not lip balmBut then you cannot wear those uwu toddler frilly socks
>And why are her lower legs so short?I am also confused. Doesn't seem like a weird perspective but maybe I'm wrong.
No. 836698
>>836630>toes pointing inwards like a retarded j-fag tuna, trackmarks, scars and cottage cheese aside, you are obese and huge, you will never be a uwu cute smol bean, no matter how many frills and pink pedo shit you wear
>>836649>latest iphone but starving uwuher electronics make me irrationally angry, this fat bitch is always whining that she's so poor and everything needs to be cheap cheap cheap and gifted and she got this fucking iphone?! wtf I hope she drops it on the street and it shatters
No. 836713
File: 1621513419210.jpg (408.45 KB, 1022x1920, tumblr_373c48945b7232aafefff18…)

Bet her legs are covered in filth, feel kinda bad for the therapist to witness this.
No. 836766
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No. 836790
>>836630Caption: Fat, dumpy woman dressed like a toddler stands in front of mirror admiring her rippled, mottled rippled legs.
I see this with a lot of fat people like Tuna and it always baffles me how the upper thighs of fatties smoosh together while below the kneecaps, their legs flare out and don't touch at all. It's such a horrific look and makes it look like they're waddling since the upper leg looks attached together and just below the knees is apart and moving around. Tuna the waddling cow.
No. 836794
>>836684Tuna's scarring is normal for someone who misses every mainline attempt. And because the cut dope sits under the skin due to the bad injection technique, the bumpiness sticks around for a few years after using. Luckily with regular use of a scar-reducing leg oil/microneedling at home, she can get rid of the scars and bumps/ripples in 2-5 years if she's diligent about it.
Not all of the nastiness on her legs is from missing shots though. A lot of it is her just being fat and having cellulite from her lack of movement. The only parts from shooting are the dark scars and you can only see the lumps and bumps from missing in person if you're viewing it from the side. You can't see the bumps from missed shots in pictures or looking head on, but anything that's a large round/oval-ish dark scar is a bump irl.
No. 836796
>>836722White saviors are also what people in the hood call do-gooder white people who move into the neighborhood and try to feel like they belong as they do their best to "clean up the neighborhood".
This is basically the same description you gave, but the children don't have to be from Africa and the white saviors don't have to be Madonna. Any white person who moves into a non-white neighborhood and become immersed in their version of bettering the hood are considered as people attempting to be white saviors.
No. 836798
>>836731 that's exactly what I was referring to in
>>836790 I wish there was a name for this type of look. It's like the Penguin from Batman.
No. 836804
>>836639This is at ALL clinics. Some of them are more lenient about the watching part. Like Washington just makes you remove everything and then sit in the stall and pee as the stand right outside the door. Same with CA. But NJ and NY usually just have a partition they can glance through every few seconds. And no, you can't just put pee in a bottle on your waistline because they actually check the temp when you turn it in and your waistline can't reach the same temp as internally. Plus staff would easily hear you transferring from your bottle to their sample cup and glance in on you and your fucked. Being deceptive yields worse punishment than pissing dirty.
You can maybe Mike Tyson it by buying the fake genitals with a tube sticking out into the cup and the warmed pouch releasing the liquid, since that's the only way to appear like you're peeing it out.
Rehabs do not do monitored UAs. They'll just hand you a cup since they know you didn't bring in fake genitals and a tube connected to a warming piss pouch. It's a federal clinic requirement that differs slightly in the set up from clinic to clinic, but clinics like in NY, NJ, and PA are much more diligent on glancing in on you.
Out of the 5 states I've been a methadone clinic patient at, including the one in Harlem, NY, I have yet to meet a patient willing to haul around a warming piss contraption every single day for 3 months just to get 1 take home. Even if they successfully got their 1 take home, they'd have to keep hauling around nearly 100 degree piss every day until they get clean to keep their take home, just in case they get their random monthly UA. Then bring the whole fake genital/tubing/warm piss pouch contraption every 3 months for their monitored UA. Not worth it at all, especially when they can just cop when they want, just like Lurch. Why jump through hoops for a take home every 3 months when you can just not go to the clinic when you don't want to and get dope instead? As long as you don't miss more than 3 days in a row, you won't get kicked off.
No. 836832
>>836766I hope her therapist tells her that this is shit that kids do and to grow up.
>>836821You're nasty as hell, anon. Just because you didn't have that experience, doesn't mean the same thing happens everywhere else. It's obviously not all clinics like that anon said, but many of them do monitor people.
No. 836842
>>836832Sorry I hurt your feelings but I think you took a wrong turn and ended up at lolcow.
>>836804This anon said ALL clinics so maybe you better learn to interpret a little better.
No. 836872
File: 1621559775664.jpeg (569.29 KB, 2048x2048, 55D285BD-7FAC-45D3-9DC2-E197DA…)

Tuna has a doppelgänger. They both even claim to have restrictive EDs. I posted it earlier in the pro Ana scumbag thread because subject of photo A is posted there frequently, but I think it belongs here too.
I know it’s an old picture of Luna but I can’t get over the resemblance
No. 836971
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No. 837162
File: 1621722054317.jpg (438.07 KB, 1080x1543, IMG_20210523_001850.jpg)

What is all this about? Searched for #lunaslater on IG and it came up with this. Was posted on the 13th of May. Has this been discussed before? I'm relatively new to this trainwreck Luna, so forgive me.
(There's repulsing Lurch messages included in their IG post, but am not sure if they're fake or not so not gonna post em.)
No. 837163
File: 1621722530099.jpg (506.98 KB, 1080x1343, 20210522_182614.jpg)

>>837162 or you could NOT be a faggot and post the screenshots but sage? its literally SO EASY you JUST did it…
No. 837164
File: 1621722633408.jpg (636.29 KB, 1080x1337, 20210522_182632.jpg)

will post the rest cropped together as best as i can following this
No. 837166
File: 1621722750638.jpg (231.65 KB, 1793x1434, PSX_20210522_183217.jpg)

valeriea is the 1 like on the post
No. 837167
File: 1621722867301.jpg (259.44 KB, 1482x1185, PSX_20210522_183417.jpg)

anyway, i do ultimately agree, anon
>>837162this shit is most likely fake.
No. 837171
File: 1621723676066.jpg (374.14 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20210522-183907_Ins…)

>>837169its literally nothing. tunas post was 13th may. no idea who the other dude is (corey duffel?) but that post was 5th april
No. 837182
>>837169 said, it’s not fake. “tessa” is a farmer that catfished lurch 4 years ago. lurk moar.
No. 837259
>>837245I don’t mind seeing the Tessa saga reposted because it was hilarious. Highly recommend others go back and read.
My favorite part was when he went on an entire journey to buy cocaine just so he could actually get hard enough to take a dick pic for Tessa. If I recall, he even sent a picture of himself on public transportation like “going to get coke so I can take a picture of my cock for you, my princess Tessa!!!”
No. 837312
>>837259Omg! Lofl, thats the best! So much gold and then we have a dumb tuna flopping around trying to scam money off of the internet and she didn’t know he may have used it for his Tessa dick pics.
>>837261 Tessa. And then luna started trying to keep succulents shortly after. She had no idea how we laughed because she is fucking completely clueless.
Was his navy seal post after the tessa situation? I can’t remember the exact timeline but that gave me a giggle too. If I met him in an alley without LC then I’d probably be scared because I’d think it was the end of the world and stone started coming to life, but since I’ve seen him on here I’d probably laugh at his long, expressionless face and call him Lurch. These 2 are in our very worst dreams.
No. 837316
File: 1621828452999.jpeg (361.29 KB, 750x909, EE729009-F966-4661-86B4-8FD9E2…)

unfortunately it doesn’t matter what your wpm is when a majority of what you write doesn’t make sense
No. 837317
File: 1621828531100.jpeg (277.55 KB, 750x781, D1465130-8784-4D4E-AE45-6A124C…)

at least she’s not totally oblivious to her situation?
No. 837324
File: 1621835918459.jpg (259.49 KB, 1080x1037, 20210524_015803.jpg)

She really is looking for asspats tonight on reddit.
No. 837364
File: 1621869977074.jpg (Spoiler Image,169.62 KB, 720x1181, ew.jpg)

Posted a pic that looks like she fingered herself while on her period, idk why someone would post something like this.
No. 837384
File: 1621878342105.jpeg (803.66 KB, 750x932, 452CA99E-37B4-4D2E-828D-FCD3A2…)

What is that supposed to be in her hand? A knife?
No. 837415
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No. 837417
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No. 837418
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No. 837419
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No. 837428
File: 1621900380722.jpeg (235.46 KB, 828x1374, 6E53D704-E828-4EB8-AB9D-D72382…)

>>837419Meanwhile fatty posted this just yesterday kek
No. 837491
>>837417>i've been doing a rly good job not eating… I have zero appetite>>837419>liquid coming out of mouth and asslmfao really Luna? Sounds like she's still eating but her junkie body won't let her keep any of it down. Hardly ~
No. 837566
File: 1621979155761.jpeg (123.02 KB, 750x389, BD19D32E-8AAB-4B45-AF2E-EC4D37…)

Question was “What is your biggest regret caused solely by your addiction?”
No. 837676
File: 1622059406415.png (286.7 KB, 588x979, Screenshot (333).png)

I think she looks skinnier in that photo, but that maybe the pose, photoshop or something else
No. 837681
File: 1622061504928.jpeg (1.46 MB, 1242x2202, 9B104B1C-1807-4114-97E6-46ABEE…)

We stan a lumpy queen.
No. 837702
File: 1622082312348.jpeg (360.04 KB, 750x860, 528B0CA5-CBAB-4B7F-9F4C-27D2C3…)

No. 837729
>>837724>>837702Let's be real here- Lurch never forced her or pushed her to use. This was her dream pathetic aEsThEtIc for at least a decade before Lurch came around. If she was such a legit addict that wasn't into it mostly for edge points, she could very easily cop. No real opiate addict would ever say they can't cop for themselves. They'd walk across the entire state of NY for dope if they craved it badly enough. She most likely doesn't cop for herself because she doesn't know how to middle man like Lurch so she would have to pay for dope, which can't be bought with Daddy's Amazon account. And since she also never went with Lurch to meet the people he cops through, she probably realizes how quickly and easily she'd get ripped off.
She uses when he's using because he either brings it home and she claps her hands like a toddler excited to play, or because she sees him clearly high and wants some too because of "muh mental illness/ cotton eye Joe knee/ depression/ parents/ internet bulliez/ big thighs/ aesthetic".
I'm positive Lurch would be more than happy to use without having to supply her with dope and shoot her up. And if she had dope that she didn't share with him, he'd easily get his own.
Also her "forced solidarity sobriety" is her attempt at showing true love and joining Lurch in not using for his probation requirements. As in she chose to stop using to support her statue.
OT, but Tuna and Lurch should have been featured in the movie Dope Sick Love, which is on Amazon Prime now and perfectly depicts how pointlessly over dramatic some addicts like Tuna are.
No. 837759
>>837702sage for blogging a bit, but I used to use with my boyfriend, not H of course but we did hella drugs every day and I remember being young and dumb as fuck living with him and all I wanted to do was enjoy my artsy aesthetic and get my bf to buy us drugs every week.
Its pretty addictive to just live in an image you've created for yourself, be safe in your bubble at home and let your partner do all the dirty business.
I place my bet now that if she sticks through and gets proper sober, she will actually realize how retarded she is being with lurch and dump his ass. Its sort of hard to see the person who buys drugs for you in a bad light, as they are like a savior in your addicted eyes. But the moment the rose glasses come off that person becomes super gross.
(no1curr) No. 837843
>>837702Kinda ot but how it is possible to not know how to score? I live in EU country and here you can get any drug you want if you know how to use tor browser.
Is it legit difficult to score in US or is this just Luna being useless as usual?
No. 837848
>>837729>Let's be real here- Lurch never forced her or pushed her to use. This was her dream pathetic aEsThEtIc for at least a decade before Lurch came around. If she was such a legit addict that wasn't into it mostly for edge points, she could very easily cop.If Lurch is the only person enabling her drug habit and without him she would not be able to get drugs, doesn't it prove that he is more or less responsible? Not to mention that he is a dirty groomer.
Also, are you implying that Luna has been dreaming of being a heroin addict since she's been 8 AT THE MOST? That seems kinda extreme even for her. If you were right though - IDK how sane it is for someone to decide to become a drug addict after they spent their entire childhood daydreaming about it.
No. 837877
File: 1622150434009.webm (1.33 MB, 702x1280, 1622145961850.webm)
A look at Luna and Lurch's squatter basement
No. 837883
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No. 837884
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No. 837885
File: 1622153525643.png (350.46 KB, 677x1167, lunaaaa.png)

No. 837892
File: 1622155421479.jpeg (Spoiler Image,391.77 KB, 750x938, AAA4CF4D-0358-4E30-AECE-3D0F2B…)

caption: i haven’t worn makeup in three weeks so my eyes would heal but i feel pretty good today and idk why i decided to smoke in the bath but here i am with a genuine smile and no makeup
not this coming week but the week after i should be going to get some new ink and my bridge piercing and i’m totally psyched
No. 837893
File: 1622155447258.jpeg (Spoiler Image,388.44 KB, 750x926, 2F180423-6E96-4955-8F21-B4B5FA…)

No. 837902
>>837884You know what, this was actually sort of okay and had more self awareness than her usual stuff.
I know she’s hopeless but I would love to see her get into an NA cliche phase. Chain smoking, writing about her life, telling stories about how cool and hardcore she used to be at meetings …
No. 837915
File: 1622169244988.jpeg (257.44 KB, 750x945, 601B34F9-25DC-4351-AF30-C900A4…)

let’s see how this goes
No. 837916
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No. 837971
>>837848She's dreamt about being a heroin addict since her young teens when she realized how all her favorite musicians were heroin addicts and she aspired to be one ever since.
And Lurch bringing back the drugs she asks for doesn't make him responsible for her using. Every addict is responsible for their own drug use and life decisions, unless Lurch has been forcing her to use (which he doesn't).
And grooming is such an overused term these days… just because 17 yr old Tuna pulled a trailer park move by throwing herself at her mom's dealer and asked him to shoot her up doesn't make him a groomer. Also, if you're within 6 months of your 18th birthday, you're actually legally allowed to make your own decisions on having sex with anyone over the age of 18. People need to understand that actual grooming involves much more than an older guy responding to the flirtations of an insecure fatty who wants to be an addict.
No. 837973
>>837902Uhhh… this is not an okay "poem" at all, especially when she suddenly starts with badly generic rhyming towards the end. It's as cringey as the basic "I can't fly" woe-is-me line she throws into everything she writes.
Based on the typos, you can tell this is mostly just stream of consciousness writing with no editing. Tuna isn't a writer at all.
No. 837980
>>837976Absolutely this. Especially since she went out of her way to pick this psychiatrist since he previously gave her a script for benzos. She's simply throwing a tantrum because she's angry he won't give her benzos to hElP her.
>>837920It's also important to note that Tuna doesn't know how to hustle at all, other than her dad's Amazon account.
No. 837981
>>837976I don't mean to be a Debbie Downer for anyone who's rooting for Tuba, but she's clearly not at all done with addiction and far from the path to eventual sobriety. She's constantly on Reddit reminiscing about her addiction and obsessing over all the things she misses about her time larping as an iv drug user. She does absolutely nothing to fill her time besides online shopping on Daddy's Amazon account whenever she's not sharing her war stories about heroin all over social media. She talks about how she wants to go back to using heroin "occasionally" while her legs are still riddled with scars and lumps from all her old missed shots. She's already back to her painfully obvious drug seeking behavior with her psychiatrist that makes her "sad" for not listening to her hints and giving her benzos. She's pointed out even in her shitty poem that, like a lot of self-obsessed heroin addicts, her whole sense of identity is tied to being a heroin user. And she hasn't changed her situation and surroundings at all, which essentially means her version of sobriety is entirely dependent on Lurch's ability to stay off dope.
Tuna, you're 100% going to relapse as soon as you get the chance to be with a free bag of dope.
No. 838000
>>837971He's been coming to Tuna's house to creep on her long before since she's been anywhere 17 or 18. Literally admitted to finding excuses to visit Tuna Mama. He admitted to it once he was in the clear. IDK why do you discuss if it was grooming when that was clearly Lurch's MO
>People need to understand that actual grooming involves much more than an older guy responding to the flirtations of an insecure fatty who wants to be an addict.People need to understand just cause cow bad doesn't mean she's to blame for every bad thing that happened. Also bold of you to assume you are the only one who knows what is "tru grooming" and what is not, especially when you don't remember all the facts
No. 838007
>>838000Why do we need to keep beating this conversation over the head?
She was already using drugs before she met him. She wanted to get addicted to heroin.
He was already around and doing drugs with her mom.
Druggies flock and cling to other druggies.
Neither of them can do better than the other and they both saw mutually beneficial advantages in each other to keep getting high.
It’s not fucking rocket science
No. 838033
>>838007wild thought: it's possible for all of this to be true, and for lurch to still be a fucking groomer.
saying he's a groomer and luna was groomed doesn't excuse either of their current or past behaviour, it's possible for luna to have been groomed while also 100% having responsibility for her current life
No. 838035
File: 1622231644757.jpeg (764.2 KB, 1242x1665, 170AADE4-EF78-439A-8A63-CF52E9…)

Idk if my eyes are bad in my old age, but this is supposedly new but it looks like the crotch is stained or discolored?? Idk, more crap she pulled from Amazon.
No. 838145
>>838107could be both. she's said she's had an eye infection stopping her from wearing makeup, so who knows, maybe she made 1 good decision and didn't wear it on that eye.
and we know her face filters are struggling to keep up even when she goes all the way
No. 838181
File: 1622304076595.png (49.72 KB, 897x449, luna.png)

No. 838250
File: 1622331397743.png (65.93 KB, 1321x451, drugs.png)

No. 838252
File: 1622331494089.jpg (288.96 KB, 1022x1920, tumblr_2a0b6f5ba1f244d59f6b7fa…)

No. 838314
>>838252is it the filter or did she genuinely apply her highlighter like that?
>>838310>>838313now anon, not many people know this because she absolutely never mentions it for pity points, but our dear beloved tuna was actually conceived on the steps of a methadone clinic
No. 838352
File: 1622393876946.jpeg (122.18 KB, 1080x1547, D32B7F99-98FD-48B9-8782-808FA6…)

do you see it too?
No. 838356
Idk why its so funny but it is.
No. 838365
>>838361Bless you, anon. I'm not very good at i-spy.
Anyway, who remembers that song…? "Do your tits hang low, do they wobble to and fro? Can you tie em in a knot? Can you tie em in a bow?"
No. 838377
File: 1622408333547.png (75.51 KB, 913x515, kind luna.png)

No. 838385
>>838250Is it normal to be on that many different meds??
I heard seroquel fucks you up and makes you feel like a zombie
No. 838399
>>838175Lmao I was gonna say it looks like a tranny
So anyone think they gonna finally get the boot in June or are they somehow the luckiest illegal tenants ever?
No. 838407
>>838367Of course people don't smile or sound happy when a fat, grimy, mentally ill slob dressed in toddler clothes approaches them.
>>838367Lol what other cows did?
No. 838419
>>838181>food, pads, cat food, litterBut you'll spend Daddy's money on jewelry and fast fashion clothing instead of on those priorities? If you're using toilet paper in your underwear as a pad, how about you not buy a Sanrio bag and instead buy some hygiene products.
>>838252She looks like a walking zombie. How can anyone not take one look at her passing on the street and not think she's either a drug addict or mentally ill? She has to reek of cat piss.
>>838352It took me a solid minute before I realized. Imagine hanging out of a crop top that's nearly to your waist.
No. 838469
File: 1622449427242.jpg (297.94 KB, 1080x1035, Screenshot_20210531_092334.jpg)

>>838359they're not, it's these underpants from Amazon, they constantly came up when I searched for any underwear that wasn't a thong, and she gets everything on Amazon
No. 838470
>>838407Nourisht0flourish and Eugenia Cooney.
>>838395>this is a sign that her psychiatrist is dumb as hell. I think he's just one of those immoral pill pushers, Luna specifically wanted to go to this one psych that is "good for her", I took that as "the one that overprescribes whatever you want".
No. 838477
File: 1622457009653.png (143.48 KB, 493x361, Clipboard02.png)

I was rewatching something I loved as a kid and holy shit, I KNEW Lurch reminded me of someone.
No. 838494
File: 1622472579049.jpeg (544.67 KB, 750x1086, AADCAA24-404B-4F28-B863-A21BBB…)

this photo lowkey frightens me lol
No. 838514
>>838352How much you wanna bet that she's been wearing those panties since this image five days ago
>>837676>>838498Her eyes have been drifting like that since she started heroine.
>>838506You clearly missed
>>838352 and
>>837681 . Her hair is a stringy mess.
No. 838534
>>838506Its not thick, its poofy because its so damaged.
Also. Does she actually have a dead front tooth?
No. 838593
>>838469no bullshit, this underwear is really comfortable
sage for ot
No. 838610
File: 1622547817335.jpeg (24.39 KB, 250x424, 359F75B4-A7D2-4D1F-804D-65FA80…)

No. 838641
File: 1622566073355.png (363.24 KB, 537x905, Screenshot 2021-06-01 124823.p…)

>>838612Nta, but here's a bigger size.
No. 838666
>>838641Lol, she apparently hates it and doesn't want to hide but she used to share pictures of her with a needle in her arm, and contort her arm in selfies to show off the gaping wound. If it wasn't Tuna, I'd say that the realisation of what she's become has kicked in, but I doubt it has.
I find it hard to believe Tuna has never gone with Lurch to score. Didn't she used to go to a methadone clinic? She would recognise faces, and ask them for contact details to score (cop). I'm presuming Easter Island Head has a phone with contacts? She could have easily saved a few to her own phone… She's not that fucking dumb. Every junkie has a way of sniffing out junk,even if they are scammed along the way. If she's even failed at being a junkie which ~uwu~ she so wanted to be, then there's no hope for her.
No. 838709
File: 1622601142309.jpg (Spoiler Image,653.1 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20210602_032757.jpg)

Ok, so the first pic is her legs 3 years ago compared to her legs now. Massive weight gain and scars from skin popping/injecting drugs terribly. Users of 20/30 years don't have scars that bad from shooting up.
Horrifying. I think they look even worse contrasting against the frilly toddler dress. She's trying SO hard to look pretty, innocent and uwu but she just looks like a chunky scarred mess.
No. 838730
>>838727I agree she can easily find connections. I'm not sure she can pay them.
>if she has boobshave you seen her boobs?
No. 838758
>>838461You sound as familiar with clonidine and kicking opiates as Tuna is.
Your blood pressure raises while kicking so her dose of clonidine is simply meant to diminish the restless limbs and help you feel more normal by leveling out your blood pressure. Taking the relatively low dose of clonidine 3 times a day that doctors give while kicking certainly won't kill you. Clonidine is the least dangerous medicine that will help with opiate withdrawals. In actuality though, it doesn't do much unless you're actually in the throes of a bad withdrawal. Even then it barely makes a difference. So Tuna claiming how much it helps her after she's already kicked 2-3 months ago is definitely psychosomatic. The only thing it might help with is her blood pressure from being so fat.
Tuna isn't going to die from clonidine and she isn't doing anything beneficial for her non-existent kick. Even though doctors like to talk about post-acute withdrawals like you'll be suffering from quitting opiates up to 6 months after kicking, you'll only be dealing with mental issues like cravings and depression and boredom. Which is everything Tuna is experiencing and also NOT helped at all by clonidine.
No. 838765
>>838482Maybe she's scared the dealer will post pictures of her on lolcow and everyone will know she caved and got high, kek
She'll probably blame her own anxiety on being unable to cop, but it's probably more likely she's lazy and doesn't know wtf she's doing since she just larps as an addict just like she admitted her "love" of baseball is really just her larping as a sports fan to seem more appealing for Lurch. She also must now know that she'd get ripped off by someone like Lurch offering his middle man services only to hustle her and leave her with nothing, or if she's lucky, rip her off with a batch of heroin heavily laced with fentanyl and other fillers. Like most opiate iv drug users, Tuna most likely prefers a ratio of more heroin to fentanyl, as she's mentioned before how she likes how busy and productive she gets on heroin, whereas a batch of dope cut with a larger proportion of fentanyl will make you lethargic and constantly nodding/ aka feeling constantly blacked out.
So I guess Tuna "can't" cop since she knows she'll get ripped off and either end up with nothing or end up with a mystery batch of dope. Since she's not much of a legit heroin addict anyway, she'll be totally fine continuing to abuse her medication from the psychiatrist.
No. 838793
File: 1622665031612.jpg (483.02 KB, 1078x1344, Screenshot_20210602-161545_Ins…)

She really took sad girl aesthetic pictures during her therapy zoom meeting. It's all for clout and Xanax.
No. 838819
>>838793samefagging but I've only just realised what she's doing
>using an iphone to take a mirror selfie in a tablet during a therapy zoom callwhat the fuck? Her therapist must have noticed, why can't she just screenshot
No. 838850
File: 1622674534949.jpeg (570.85 KB, 750x1022, B031B248-9E5C-4C06-81A5-EC8C6D…)

caption - “therapy zoom chat but pretend you don’t look like shit”
her obsession with her appearance makes no sense to me since she almost always presents herself as a dirty, unkempt whore. you would think someone who is hyper insecure about themselves would put much more effort in their appearance, right? the amount of brain damage she must have to look in the mirror, completely “sober”, and not only think she looks acceptable but to also post pictures of herself on the internet for everyone to see is astonishing.
No. 838897
File: 1622712744342.jpg (293.97 KB, 720x1195, Ig.jpg)

>>838891Still there. She never really deletes posts on IG, I appreciate that lol.
No. 838902
>>832421I'll bet her therapist lets her do this kind of shit to have a (
valid) justification for diagnosing her with narcissistic personality disorder. Since it doesn't have this "uwu I'm a frage lil angel and can't handle my emotional emptiness" cliche like BPD has, Luna certainly won't like that as people diagnosed with NPD are basically labeled as shitty with even more shit on top. No one thinks narcissm is cute and it happens quite often that BPD is falsely labeled as NPD and vice versa.
No. 838909
File: 1622728275564.png (45.27 KB, 680x325, Screenshot from 2021-06-03 09-…)

>>838902I actually think in addition to BPD and NPD, Tuna matches pic related in every aspect. (source: Mayo Clinic)
Sage for speculation.
No. 838910
File: 1622728479449.jpg (140.96 KB, 1502x1127, 5f7227a7f435127f05b95bbe8df9d6…)

>>838909The pink car is so her kek.
No. 838927
>>838897My bad. I guess it all just blurs into indiscernible pastel vomit at a glance
>>838911Imagine not having one single friend to let you know about your nip slip, she really has burned all her bridges
No. 839050
File: 1622771104653.jpg (268.93 KB, 719x684, IMG_20210604_024056.jpg)

I mean, yeah, she was still trying to be Courtney love (the hair, the dresses, the tiara which Courtney wore) back then but at least she was cute. This was a few years before she met Lurch. She's gone downhill a lot and so quickly. I think she was always gonna be fucked up, (being conceived on the methadone stairwell kek and having a junkie mother) but I think Lurch was her biggest downfall. I don't even think he likes her all that much anymore. They're both rotten. I wonder who will die first…
No. 839083
File: 1622776865581.jpg (310.78 KB, 1080x1867, Screenshot_20210603-201335_Ins…)

This is the third time she's posted this picture. The last two times were as the final picture in a series of other selfies. Four months sober, huh?
No. 839100
File: 1622779750175.jpg (Spoiler Image,126.35 KB, 717x402, IMG_20210604_050635.jpg)

Spoiler for gross but wtf?
No. 839106
>>839100this is fake right? looks edited and she almost always writes in lowercase
maybe just wishful thinking on my part lol that shit is nastyyy
No. 839128
File: 1622787823564.png (41.7 KB, 715x192, Screenshot from 2021-06-04 02-…)

>>839083This bitch wants eyelash extensions? Where does she think she'll get the money? I guess Daddy will pay.
No. 839205
File: 1622826162456.jpeg (115.45 KB, 750x520, 9EC310CD-FF7B-48A6-B769-797360…)

uh ok luna
No. 839206
File: 1622826276509.jpeg (731.43 KB, 750x943, 0AC52DF0-C403-4A92-8C01-6F03BB…)

caption - “ loves when clients buy me a, a lazy oaf dress, b, rly needed to get new skincare stuff cos i’m basically out and having that skincare routine has helped my mental health a lot lol”
she posted a few pics of various skincare products as well.
the lazy dress really suits her
No. 839207
File: 1622826380935.jpeg (476.15 KB, 750x931, 12D7FE8F-7C42-4A91-8866-46F7E5…)

legit looks like she just got off the short bus
No. 839208
File: 1622826510984.jpeg (618.06 KB, 750x1066, 3D71D9C7-F777-4815-BBF1-B1B383…)

received some patches to make her clothing look even more retarded
she posted other shit on tumblr but I can’t be bothered to screenshot all of it right now.
No. 839245
>>839208holy shit that looks terrible kek
the way the fabric folds under the patch and the knot is tied on the front…stitches be looking sloppier than her split ends
No. 839262
File: 1622838673376.jpg (64.45 KB, 719x486, IMG_20210604_213102.jpg)

Fuck all, love.
No. 839265
File: 1622838886174.jpg (395.04 KB, 719x1335, IMG_20210604_213306.jpg)

What's with that face? She actually looks at those pictures, thinks "uwu I'm so cute" and posts them, regardless of the fact she actually looks mentally disabled. Like she needs a carer.
It's also a very punchable face.
No. 839282
>>839134yeah getting lash extensions is totally what someone should be doing after they just had the worst eye infection an ER doctor has ever seen. Definitely won’t be a problem having objects that trap dirt, makeup, and dead skin cells glued directly above your eyeball.
Also upkeep tends to be around $200-$400 a month. Sure, there’s a lot of variation in price and some cheaper options (no volume, partial sets etc) … but the point is, this is a completely idiotic expense to take on when you’re both unemployed and squatting.
Although, tinfoil but I’m starting to suspect they finally called that lady they berated when mama tuna was moving out. There hasn’t been any uwu I’m about to be homeless talk or complaints about shitty 250 sq ft apartments being shitty for awhile. I think they might allowed to be there now.
I’m sure they’d qualify and I’d imagine the organization would rather just make them official residents than have to keep dealing with squatter and eviction bs. Squatters are more likely to destroy shit and evictions cost money. Probably not worth the effort (especially with Covid) and expenses to kick them out just so a different pair of junkies can move in. Might as well keep the ones that are already there and just make them official so they aren’t a liability for the organization.
No. 839306
File: 1622845747579.jpg (4.32 MB, 1080x17281, ZomboDroid 04062021221107.jpg)

>>839302God that plushie looks so cheap. I know it's nothing compared to "landscaping", but still.
No. 839324
File: 1622854329807.png (124.54 KB, 1158x1070, luna1.png)

No. 839325
File: 1622854385733.png (898.53 KB, 2400x806, cheap.png)

No. 839342
File: 1622861485233.jpg (Spoiler Image,325.86 KB, 719x866, IMG_20210605_034613.jpg)

Spoiler for - well, I don't think it needs an explanation.
It's pretty obvious that she wants to be small and petite and ~uwu so smol~ but she's built like a man. Broad shoulders, chunky legs, small floppy tits and a big flat arse like an elephants, all stuffed into these "cute" pink clothes that have an almost childlike quality to them. I'm not saying don't dress how you want, but she simply can't pull this aesthetic off. Imo, it just doesn't suit, ahem, larger women.
Just how dirty she is also and her scars etc. It looks awful against the pink. She's never gonna be the cute lol flower she wants to be. Never.
No. 839345
File: 1622862023926.jpg (592.59 KB, 1563x892, IMG_20210605_035855.jpg)

Sage for tinfoil but this is a card Tuna wrote Lurch, the right pic is a card Lurch apparently wrote for Luna a few years back.
Is that the same handwriting? Did she write that card to herself?
No. 839363
>>839345Lmao at it seeming like lurch couldn't come up with one genuine compliment for luna
>you're the bestkek
No. 839384
>>839342Its because Tuna is stunted from drug use and probably a learning disability and was raised on tumblr during the babifuckdoll/nymphette/smol sugarbaby trends from when she was a teenager.
People wanna blame Lurch for her obsession with bimbos and bimbo adjacent shit but anybody who has followed the threads knows that comes from her stunted tumblr days, shes pretty much looked forward to suffering a fate akin in Anna Nicole Smith as long as she gets to feel like shes a main character :tm:
No. 839420
File: 1622911098989.png (Spoiler Image,746.95 KB, 1020x755, ed.png)

No. 839456
File: 1622926615358.png (110.95 KB, 1356x653, lipo and boob job.png)

No. 839479
>>839469her hair would be a terminal length for a lot of people even if she hadn’t fried it
honestly given how she’s destroyed it with cheap bleach it’s kind of amazing it’s as long as it is
actually trimming off the ruined bits would give it a chance to grow more healthily
No. 839498
File: 1622954430323.png (664.39 KB, 681x1426, Screen Shot 2021-06-06 at 12.3…)

no haircuts since 18 though…interesting. i'll never understand why people out themselves like this. i mean this was only three threads ago
No. 839535
File: 1622991358007.png (35.61 KB, 1155x328, thinspo.png)

No. 839540
>>839205Don't you have a not-husband you're supposed to marry any day now? Why is she constantly going on about her exes?
>>839535I doubt that's helping her at all when even Lurch couldn't stop her from eating an entire icecream by herself after she locked herself in the bathroom to do it.
No. 839550
>>839545It's not meant to help, that's why
>>839537 referred to it as 'meanspo'. It's pro-ana. And kek at reading so much into it. Are you new here?
No. 839574
File: 1623027330984.jpg (172.13 KB, 500x618, tumblr_5ca002c5c9f32c953e618c1…)

No. 839592
File: 1623036885307.png (586.35 KB, 1260x907, Screenshot 2021-06-06 233312.p…)

That towel is fucking nasty, but who's surprised.
No. 839597
Looks like another eye infection waiting to happen
No. 839657
>>839282You must have missed out on the numerous comments a thread ago asking why they're not kicked out and the subsequent answer and screenshot showing anyone in NY state has "squatter's rights" 30 days after staying somewhere so they can't be kicked out. Then Tuna started procuring all of the ugly child furniture to toss in her filthy room as some anons started thinking all that furniture is just going to be dumped when they're evicted.
One last time for the anon who missed it, Tuna and Lurch are NOT getting kicked out due to the fact that they're squatters/tenants and can only be removed through the extremely backed up court proceedings for evictions if the housing program takes them to court, which is costly and not guaranteed.
Similarly, a quiet neighborhood in the Bronx has about 6 dudes who went into an empty building and started living there, selling drugs, and having prostitutes and clients frequenting the building, racing ATVs up and down the street and throwing parties, starting up the electricity until the property management noticed it and turned it off again, and they can't even be evicted now due to them being there longer than 30 days and the backed up courts. If NY state can't kick them out, Tuna and Lurch definitely aren't going anywhere without them choosing to leave.
No. 839658
>>839306"Inhale, outhale…"
I bet Tuna outhaled with relief when she saw her new painting is so unique and different from every other "I keep trying" drawing she does
No. 839659
>>839657They don't live in NYC proper though. So I don't think the
rule of squatter's rights after 30 days apply. More than likely, the courts are just backed up, slowing down the eviction process.
No. 839682
File: 1623104517434.png (730.52 KB, 1018x749, cheap.png)

No. 839684
>>839546I get the feeling you're being facetious but honestly yeah if she could learn to love herself (genuinely) then she could get closer to knowing her true self and not the idealized cartoon Sanrio bimbo she thinks she is.
>>839550It's clear that's what it's supposed to be. In her search for better mental health, pro-ana garbage will not help. At the end of the day, though, it will probably be one the of least harmful coping mechanisms she adopts. And no, unfortunately I've been beholden to her bullshit since her threads started in /snow/.
No. 839687
File: 1623108974255.jpeg (402.35 KB, 750x979, CDF748EF-0649-48E0-AE12-044CFA…)

I don’t get this bitch. She consistently goes out in public wearing outfits that “show off” her gut, nipples, cameltoe, and scarred cottage cheese thighs, but this is where she draws the line? Huh?
No. 839688
File: 1623109144620.jpeg (302.8 KB, 632x645, A7673652-0A89-4E68-A9FE-E34F03…)

also wow that double chin… guess the meanspo hasn’t been working
No. 839689
File: 1623109938353.png (81.61 KB, 780x398, Screenshot from 2021-06-07 19-…)

Yes, Tuna, because you are the sickest and the most damaged UwU
Sage for stupidity
No. 839699
>>839659Applies in the state as a whole IIRC.
Sage for non-contrib
No. 839750
>>839712such first world problems, i know. it’s gross. idk if she even realizes how lucky she is to still have a roof over her head. granted bpd isn’t exactly a walk in the park, but fixating on how it’s the “most painful” mental illness doesn’t accomplish anything…
>>839748im sure she’ll bring him up again when she needs something, whether that be money or attention.
No. 839760
>>839752I respectfully disagree. I think the fact that she plays dress up for the internet every day makes it even more obvious to her audience that she has an overabundance of free time and needs a job.
I don’t believe she is trying to be manipulative for once. She is a highly insecure woman that needs attention and validation, especially when it comes to her appearance.
If she was pretending to be an “influencer” (god I hate that term) and trying to shill products, I would agree with you.
No. 839781
File: 1623183585818.jpg (371.83 KB, 719x1180, IMG_20210608_211916.jpg)

"we were hitting it off rly well" - is Luna going off Lurch or what?
No. 839849
>>839821Have you seen her towels?
>>839592How can her hands ever be clean if she dries them with
No. 839910
>>839781honestly i wouldn't be surprised if she meets someone new there. people in inpatient/outpatient programs are typically in very vulnerable places mentally and often bond over trauma.
sorry for blogpost but it happened to me and quite a few others i knew when i was doing an outpatient program. they were very strict about not dating others in the program but that didn't mean it didn't happen.
No. 839957
File: 1623297517002.jpg (Spoiler Image,231.89 KB, 1022x1920, tumblr_874d7d8691e37bc401465ef…)

New tuna blog just dropped. Seems like it's ED-centric and I haven't had too much time to look through it but there's some self harm stuff, heroin stuff and a lot of self hatred. Be warned, this is pretty bleak.
>tw self harm
>stupid me got touch up razors for my brows not intending to use them for self harm and literally used them the day i opened them
>also yeah my therapist wants to see me twice a week now loool No. 839958
File: 1623298323795.png (789.32 KB, 719x1038, 20210609_090903.png)

>the tags
No. 839960
File: 1623298832531.png (83.53 KB, 1058x624, lurch is a dick.png)

>>839957wow, i was scrolling through and found this gem. why does she act like lurch is so good to her? i get anons make fun of her weight 24/7 but for her "fiance" of years at this point to use that shit against her when he probably knows how self conscious she is about it is foul imo.
No. 839961
File: 1623299165461.png (4.76 KB, 535x178, luna 1.PNG)

>>839957i wish she'd stop getting herself in the worst social circles
No. 839964
>>839958Can we spoiler that kind of shit? Yeah I’m obviously a little bitch but it’s fucking gross.
This new blog is cringe af. Classic bpd move of taking pics of your self harm scars for the internet to see. It’s a shame or something that she can’t put this energy into something positive. She says she wants to get better but then does shit like this. Hopeless case
No. 839982
File: 1623311957175.jpeg (1.43 MB, 1073x1736, 36F6A47B-CA47-4ED0-9545-CA2903…)

Luna took a trip down junkie memory lane and as expected, her precious memories are laced with a layer of grime. The pills in the bottom of a dirty, blood-soaked purse is what really did it for me
No. 839983
File: 1623312061839.jpg (94.35 KB, 393x853, IMG_20210610_090101.jpg)

The dirt on her ear stretcher thing is really sending me
No. 839985
File: 1623313152314.jpg (134.5 KB, 1080x1025, Screenshot_20210610_091922.jpg)

No. 839986
File: 1623313750666.jpeg (519.63 KB, 750x952, D8AAE0C4-DF27-44F2-8B53-B550B6…)

any crazy bitches from westchester recognize this room? this is where she was signing her outpatient forms. im so curious
No. 839991
File: 1623315594810.png (773.28 KB, 828x1792, 843CAAC7-AE9B-4773-8BEB-5E3056…)

>me and my fiancé
>nobody wants me
>posted immediately after the post about the guy she met in the waiting room
Maybe she is looking for the next host to glom onto.
No. 839992
>>839989Lol dont worry, luna is the world's most unreliable narrator. Ever since I heard her retelling of that social worker incident vs the actual truth in the video, I can't take any of her claims of abuse seriously. Luna manages to make herself the
victim of every situation regardless of what she did. Imo it's likely she said something nasty to antagonise him now that she can't do that to her mom daily, then got upset when he responded negatively. Doesn't say why he randomly started calling her hideous.
>>839991>ate ice cream and Chinese takeout >drank probably less than 2 litres of water over a whole day and brushed her teeth>wonders why she isn't losing weightThis fatty logic holy shit lol. She's not even trying, she's just doing the fat person thing where they pretend that they don't eat anything, but they can't lose weight due to "starvation mode" and normal dieting tricks don't work on their special bodies. Keep a calorie journal Tuna, your drug fried brain can't seem to remember all the junk food you're eating.
No. 839995
File: 1623328929718.jpg (346.2 KB, 1022x1920, tumblr_6b17ccf310a7a4d11b750b3…)

"can’t sleep since 4 it’s 6:30 having one cup of bolthouse farms strawberry banana drink 130cals
why does it already feel like i failed the day lol i should probs fast the rest of the day
god i need to buy a scale asap my body dysmorphia is so bad i have no idea what i look like only a scale will tell if anything changes"
No. 840000
File: 1623338438023.jpg (446.12 KB, 1280x1929, IMG_20210610_172014.jpg)

No. 840005
>>840004how are lace boyshorts granny panties?
Like i get the hate on this girl, she brings it on herself, but some of you people are just pulling at straws.
No. 840006
File: 1623339642233.jpg (322.88 KB, 1080x3465, ZomboDroid 10062021173925.jpg)

She already posted so much it's hard to keep up
>should of
>hundreds of reblogs
Is that what anachan brainrot does to you???
No. 840010
File: 1623341702692.jpg (1.13 MB, 1280x12636, merge_from_ofoct.jpg)

My God, there is so much bullshit and I haven't even reached the bottom of the blog
Some highlights:
>she DID get those expensive Lazy Oaf dresses (featuring the hideous one with hearts on titties)
>she was close with Tai even after her suicide (wtf)
>some luna lore
Sorry not sorry if the pic dump is imperfect, it already took me too much time and I'm not uploading those pics one by one
No. 840051
File: 1623363101654.png (26.65 KB, 806x306, uber.png)

No. 840065
File: 1623367867443.jpeg (153.52 KB, 750x862, 246ECE83-5F77-420B-8C8B-9DF5BB…)

wonder how much longer this pro ana bullshit will go on for
No. 840109
>>840075She is too old for this shit and that aside, it’s totally unnecessary. objectively she is overweight and unfit. She couldn’t even do 20 squats for gods sake.
Had she started a blog where she kept track of all her meals, calories, workouts and even bodies she aspires towards and dropped all this “boohoo pro ana I hate myself cigarettes for breakfast” shit, it would’ve all been above board. She could have kept her blog and gotten some engagement and accountability.
But she always has to be histrionic and hysterical and get maximum sympathy for being the saddest baby angel. She can’t just go on a diet to get to a healthy functional body; nobody would feel sorry for her then. She had to characterise it as her being in the grips of an eating disorder instead.
No. 840110
>>832421By going for the most extreme and damaging way to deal with her weight it means when she gives it up and goes back to how she always is that will look like the right decision. It's classic drama baiting and not wanting to seriously change her life long-term.
She is definitely too old for all this.
No. 840126
File: 1623421404108.png (352.42 KB, 763x716, Screenshot from 2021-06-11 10-…)

This bitch.
I went ahead and looked up all the products and added them up. She spent $68.78 on all this stuff.. She claims she had a gift card but I'm not buying that.
No. 840131
File: 1623423649713.jpg (892.35 KB, 1080x2277, Screenshot_20210611-110004_Chr…)

>>840126She might've had a gift card if she "returned" shit she stole from there. It would be on brand.
No. 840132
>>840131Bitch doesn't have
valid government ID though.
No. 840139
>>839498Tuna's towels have more shit on them than a shoe polish rag. It's like she doesn't wash her face or shower with soap and water… she just appears to splash water on and scrub the filth off with that towel/shoe polish rag.
And yet despite the heavy black streaks on the towel, she somehow always leaves remnants of black eye makeup on her bottom lash line and takes "no makeup" pictures while in bed, somehow not realizing how it makes her eyes look like they're drooping more than usual
No. 840150
>>839960You also have to realize that she probably said plenty of shitty things to him to warrant this kind of argument exchange.
Remember Tuna always paints herself as the
victim. He might not have even have said that, and could have just told her to eat healthier since she's well above a good weight.
Plus, why tf is she complaining about him saying that when she's looking online for "meanspo" and filling her online and irl diary with pages of the same insults written to herself about herself? I wouldn't put it past her to start an argument with Lurch since he doesn't want to say her meanspo shit, then he finally caves and says some mean shit when he tires of her incessant bitching, resulting in her posting about him hurting her feelings.
Not saying Lurch is a gem at all, but this is Tuna the Liar. Dad is evil, Mom is evil, Lurch is evil, and they all don't do anything for her and she's all alone, but YOU can help by sending her money or plushies.
No. 840163
>>839995Tuna could fast for the next 3 months and not eat anything and she'd maybe be a normal size then. She's really just rotating between not eating much then pigging out… aka the fat kid's version of intermittent fasting. She really doesn't understand the concept of consistency.
Also Tuna, your weight doesn't matter. Try taking pictures of your body or seeing how your clothes fit. It'll be a much more accurate representation than the 5 lbs of water (or constipation in Tuna's case) weight she gains and loses daily.
But of course Tuna fails at everything, even losing weight.
No. 840180
File: 1623448540212.jpg (81.42 KB, 511x960, tumblr_20c7a3fb44ca2fdd4e941a9…)

No. 840207
File: 1623483677622.jpg (221.02 KB, 1022x1920, tumblr_8fc869ef4835fc8294ec791…)

The dress look a size or two too small for her. She must've gotten it from depop (also her howl1996 account there is gone).
No. 840220
>>840164>implying that's the only thing you can blog on tumblrAnyway, if you don't know shit, then keep your retarded "reblogging a picture is attempting to pass it as of being taken of you or your ~fiance~ despite the op being in plain view" takes to yourself. Along with the "Nooo Tuna you can't, I'm the only trve junkie!!!!" sperging.
>>840180The tittyhearts are the worst, who the fuck came up with this? Also, it's true that the dress doesn't compliment Luna's body at all.
No. 840225
>>840142Here in my state squatter's rights and gaining a property as legally yours only happens if you've lived alone on the property for 20 years continuously.
>>840180The design is terrible but I'd imagine your breasts are supposed to sit within the hearts but Tuna's dangle somewhere along the dress waistline so it's even more unflattering.
No. 840240
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No. 840275
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No. 840316
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No. 840317
File: 1623597352226.png (1.14 MB, 1148x1526, grooming.png)

No. 840325
>>840316>accused of romanticizing itMaybe because the accusations are 100% true?
>>840317So you told your groomer that you were supposedly groomed? Normally I'd believe the
victim, especially when they were a child, but Luna has never ONCE mentioned this and she spills every sob story in her life without hesitation.
No. 840326
>>840317Im loving how she's focusing on her hands in these "body checks" because they're the only part of her that isn't visibly flabby.
Body checks are for the sake of actually seeing how fat you are, this performance art is bpd as fuck and its obvious she's trying to force herself into a community she doesn't belong in.
New performative cut marks on her thighs too, making sure to avoid her stick and poke.
No. 840337
File: 1623605689259.jpeg (448.49 KB, 750x1087, 4441AB78-8D41-4756-A7C8-4483E8…)

No. 840340
>>840337Jesus Christ, the only thing that would make you feel better is working DBT and getting your life together
the lamictal is just a tool to help you do that, not a magic happiness pill
No. 840349
File: 1623613224052.png (29.88 KB, 795x201, xan.png)

No. 840366
File: 1623627799266.jpg (450.42 KB, 719x905, IMG_20210614_000857.jpg)

I'm sure she only owns like 4 books and predictably they're about drugs and/or mental illness and are cult classics. Everything she buys, consumes, wears, posts, is just based on being an ~uwu sad baby junkie~. She probably doesn't even read the books she has, she doesn't seem to have a real interest in literature, she rarely buys books. And there's absolutely NO WAY Luna understands Naked Lunch, not with the "cut up" technique which Burroughs used. It's all just for "the aesthetic".
No. 840428
>>840316>>840325To be fair, Luna's right, though not necessarily in her case. She's definitely romanticizing drug addiction, EDs etc.
>>840346A dress, apparently. But tbh it looks much more like a hoodie…
>>840354I was going to ask how the other blogs didn't get deleted despite having 400+ reblogs. I assume the owners were smart enough to tag their posts something that gave them a plausible deniability (ie #skinny, #weight loss instead of #proana)?
No. 840469
File: 1623704585964.jpg (280.01 KB, 720x1216, Dirtyfeet.jpg)

No. 840527
>>840459I am retarded, legit misread that as indigenous, especially due to the reparations comment. Thanks!
>>840469Looking forward to the next inpatient saga.
No. 840536
>>840469Proof that no matter how many baggy pastel fat toddler clothes Tuna uses Daddy's Amazon account to buy in an attempt to appear smol like she's "swimming" in the clothes, Tuna will always be the sloppy, stained, dirty slob shuffling around in public in house slippers. I'm still shocked she believes buying huge clothes will make her look smaller. No Tuna… that's not how fitting works for fatties. Large baggy clothes will make you look like the unkempt fast food porker you are. Neat, clean, well-fitting clothes will create a better silhouette for your doughy body.
Wearing clothes that say Lazy Oaf while looking like a sloppy, lazy oaf is just hilariously ironic, but I can't complain because at least Tuna is finally letting everyone in public know what kind of sedentary bum she is.
No. 840537
File: 1623769867663.png (19.7 KB, 801x168, screencap.PNG)

Since when does Luna look at gore? She's trying even harder to seem edgy lately
No. 840566
>>840548I totally forgot that Soren existed so I went to look at the thread for old times sake only to learn that Soren actually an hero'd. Grim as hell. Although I wouldn't be shocked if Tuna ends up trauma LARPing. She will take any excuse to be a lazy lard ass and self made
victim without fail. I hope it happens now. Tuna has been dry as fuck lately.
No. 840570
File: 1623790789656.jpg (23.62 KB, 564x126, wow.JPG)

Very original take, Luna. Literally never heard it before and certainely not from Courtney's publicists lmfao. Too bad your feminist icon is a racist misogynist and more. If a scrote from my favorite band said that feminism gets a bad rep cause feminists are ugly, a girl interacting with band members backstage should expect to be raped (and not ask him to help her since she got herself into this mess) and that man and women are fundamentally different etc., I would still want to spit at them and not go 'fuck yeah woke king!'.
No. 840571
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No. 840572
File: 1623791061907.png (18.26 KB, 528x185, Screenshot (360).png)

>>840571Hmmm, I thought he was the one who cared more and bothered Luna?
No. 840581
File: 1623792451236.png (1.44 MB, 868x1108, homelessdrugaddictathome.png)

>>840572But Luna you already have a homeless heroin addict at home.
No. 840600
>>840572has she been lovebombing Matthew at all? my bet is she hasn't been attracted to/getting attention from Matthew so now she's romanticizing the last guy who showed her attention, even if it's someone whom she never met.
i don't think this Matt and Luna thing is gonna last any longer, especially if they really have been sober from heroin. That's the only thing that kept them together. Presumably, Matt was also with Tuna because she was young pussy, but she's only getting older, fatter and uglier, as well as being dense. she's dead weight to him, so imo i think he'll be abandoning ship rather than her.
No. 840683
File: 1623876920965.jpeg (135.24 KB, 750x541, 93D0E3B7-7AA2-4F2D-9E54-C9DA5B…)

No. 840730
>>840723>“i’m giving off every visual cue i’m an addict why don’t people trust i’m not using”.Yeah. Tbh I doubt I'd clock a random ex-addict on the street from just the brain/body damage like you said, for me it's her dirtiness and trashiness that sends "this is a junkie, stay away" signals. She goes out and about like this
>>840469 then cries that people think she's a junkie. Unwashed, stained dirty clothes, long sleeved in hot weather.
No. 840754
>>840683Well… tuna has a point here. She doesn't have her life together and it shows but it's the result of untreated mental illness. It doesn't
have to be drugs.
No. 840766
>>8406837 weeks ago, both of my siblings died from an OD.
They were "sober" too, Luna. They told us they had been sober for the last 2 years, and we believed them whole-heartedly.
Turns out, "sober" just meant "not using opiates" but still using every other drug in the book.
GET WELL, LUNA, FOR FUCKS SAKE. You're only hurting yourself. You junkies think you're so clever and like we can't see it.
But we can see it. It's clear as day.
(sage non-contributions) No. 840767
>>840766Same fag, but if our family hadn't been so willfully blind and completely invested in the new paradigm where they were sober, we would have been able to see all the signs that were right in our fucking faces.
Luna is doing the same thing here, trust me. It's so painfully obvious.
(blogposting) No. 840771
File: 1623958097266.png (23.41 KB, 600x156, Screenshot_2021-06-17-09-00-45…)

No. 840775
>>840774You're right. I don't know why I'm doing this to myself. But I am shutting it the fuck down right now. I can't watch this continue any longer.
And I accept the ban if I get it, lol.
Thanks for lookin' out, anon. Peace.
>>840754It doesn't have to be one or the other. She doesn't have her life together because mental illness, drugs and she's just a shit cunt personality-wise.
Not sure why she's doubling down on the sobriety lie when it's so obvious.
No. 840784
File: 1623963074495.png (149.64 KB, 1288x1236, Screen Shot.png)

No. 840789
>>840784Jesus, where was Lurch during this? This is a new level of fuck up but not surprising inside the drug world.
This should be the nail on the coffin to finally move alone with her dad.
No. 840793
>>840784I’m just going to roll my eyes and say that this could have been prevented with a $20 lock. But its Luna so this could be a ploy for more shekels and trinkets because I have a really hard time believing what she says tbh. And she loves to be the
No. 840801
>>840784This is horrendous. I don't often feel sorry for Luna, but this is one of those times. No one deserves sexual assault. I hope the scrote who did this gets his dick electrocuted.
She wasn't too clear on the circumstances but it doesn't sound like it happened in her unit if it was stopped by a random walking in. Maybe in the laundry room or something? If so, having a lock wouldn't have helped her.
No. 840803
File: 1623969485854.jpg (1.65 MB, 756x12338, Screenshot_20210617-171329_Tum…)

For someone who was just raped, she doesn't seem that bothered by it on her Tumblr. She seems more focused on dyeing her hair right now and contemplating nipple piercings.
No. 840808
>>840803I was about to post the same thing, down to the rest of her posts. I know people process trauma differently, but seriously what the fuck (unless those posts were queued, but Luna doesn't do it). All of this makes me think her rape was just as much rape as the sexual assault she never shut up about… or that she's actually prostituting herself and the client didn't respect her boundaries. Which is still horrifying and awful. It would make her reaction have more sense. If she offers blowjobs in condom and a john forces her into one without it, that still is rape, but if you already expected to have sex with a stranger (and maybe are used to doing that on the regular), your reaction may be different than that of a random woman cornered and overpowered on the street as she was going around doing her business.
I know that I sound awful, I felt so bad for her until I saw the barrage of her usual shopping bullshit… I legit thought anon photoshopped the rape post until I saw it on her blog. If she's just dissociating or whatever, I'm sorry for doubting her in any way (even though I usually never doubt
No. 840815
File: 1623972441695.jpg (591.73 KB, 1080x1897, Screenshot_20210617-162349_Ins…)

I dunno, with Luna's history I'm hesitant to believe anything she says as more often than not her claims are outright lies or extremely distorted versions of what happened. We'll see though.
No. 840816
>>840814If it happened, I hope therapy helps her cause she's not processing it at all. Not to mention she's also in danger of making "babydoll rape
victim just like Courtney uwu" her entire identity for the rest of her life. Good thing she has someone beyond Lurch.
No. 840832
>>840784I dont believe her. Shes lied so many times before about so many things. What about her "dying father"? Coming from tuna, she probably thinks lying about rape is no big deal.
Maybe she traded sex for xans and even though she "didnt wanna do it" she still did it willingly.
Its tuna.. She blows everything out of proportion and lies.
And NOW shes been sexually assulted a "few times" in the past? I thought it was just the one time someone touched her butt at a concert?
No. 840839
File: 1623977886456.jpeg (217.58 KB, 1061x1445, 6A1B218D-96C1-4236-B66B-551657…)

Whether or not it happened she sure is loving the attention.
No. 840841
>>840834It's not on the
victim to stop future rapes, so kinda shitty to pressure Luna to do that. The situation details seem really fishy though.
>>840815God I hate traumacore art using stock quotes. What's the point of expressing yourself if you just repeat what
victims are supposed to say according to most reblogged memes? There is zero original thought in all that "why did you hurt me!!!/don't touch me/i'm dirty/i was so smol". All of those are thoughts that a
victim may think, but tumblr reduced them to stock phrases.
No. 840843
File: 1623978337813.jpg (171.69 KB, 1080x1889, IMG_20210618_030434.jpg)

what's that about twenty dollars?
No. 840852
>>840834How was it "not long enough for a rape kit"…..?
Such bullshit. Disgusting to lie about rape.
Who runs and immediatley posts ALL OVER online about it, writing shitty poems and telling people to go read them but doesn't wanna go to the cops or do a rape kit or anything like that?
No. 840853
>>840834i want to believe her because gaslighting an alleged rape
victim never feels right and even her digressive chainposting can make sense to me because in traumatic moments i've gone on tumblr reblogging sprees myself to get my head off it so a lot of her behavior, while definitely attention-whoring, isn't abnormal enough for me to completely write her off. but at the same time something is really off about her reasons behind not reporting. i'm not judging that, but why wouldn't she remember a
single thing about someone who apparently had fully penetrated her? inevitably she'll be giving plenty more details, exaggerated and embellished, make herself the perfect
victim for her next ebegging scam, and the truth will be completely lost in all her weird little dodgy junkie white lies. which is a shame, she could be going through genuine trauma that for once isn't her fault and everyone thinks she's crying wolf as always, but that's on her completely
No. 840855
>>840803Why doesn’t she mention the person who walked in? I can only imagine Lurch coming since he lives there, so is he acting as a John to score more dope? Was he in the living-room while they were doing their business in the bedroom? I highly doubt it’d be another resident that’d enter the unit this fast, people usually keep to themselves or call cops if they hear anything inside another resident apartment.
Me thinks she doesn’t want to go to the cops because it’d reveal that Luna and Lurch have been up to shady shit including being a pimp for Luna in exchange for a few bucks or benzos. For $20 she probably agreed to something like a handjob and the dude started coming onto her. And don’t get me wrong, it IS rape and it sucks big time.
>Can’t wait to get my nipples piercedGood luck with that Luna. They’re probably one of the most sensitive area you can get pierced and take forever to heal even by being clean and careful. She’s just going to make her tank tops even crustier with the bleeding and gunk that it’s going to attract.
No. 840870
>>840801Wait wait wait
She says she was raped and she feels violated and never wants to be seen by a man again but she still wants to get her nipples pierced so she can wear tight shirts and no bra so it can "look hot"?
No. 840877
File: 1623995094438.jpg (164.59 KB, 720x1212, Ebeg success.jpg)

Posted after this
No. 840886
>>840853>something is really off about her reasons behind not reporting. Because her real reason for not reporting is probably that the attack happened when she was doing sex work like
>>840865 said. Also, she's a prostitute, a junkie and a thief, she's firmly on the other side of the law, breaking it every single day.
I wish her to obtain safety first and foremost in her life. She has none. The drugs and clients are a threat to her life, she doesn't even have a lock on her door, she drove away anyone who could protect her.
No. 840899
>>840548>is the Soren phase incominglol it's a hell of a coincidence. Sudden interest in gore, desire to write tumblr
victim-porn. She's throwing everything at the wall and seeing what sticks. she was implying she had an abortion/miscarriage in this cap
>>840803 hours after she was raped, picrel. A ghost attached to her via umbilical cord is the least subtle imagery I've ever seen.
She's being intentionally vague because it didn't fucking happen.
>>840815 she drew this "i was raped uwu so sad" artwork incredibly quickly. Impressive that she managed to blog about her rape, window shop, draw the line-art and colour in the span of a couple hours.
We've never seen anything to indicate that Luna does irl sex work and she's always mentioned online clients. Why the fuck would she accept $20 to do anything with someone offline when she gets more than that for a half assed solo video from her online clients?
>>840843She threw the "I'm only worth $20" line in to make her
victim poetry more impactful. And she doesnt think being raped is impactful enough on it's own, she has to relate it to all her previous trauma.
>my grandma and grandpa died, and I was rapedlegit surprised she didn't mention the methadone stair conception story, or how Tai's ghost was watching on in horror.
No. 840901
Like a lot of people, I generally will always take an allegation of sexual assault seriously.
But come on. This is Luna. It’s much easier to believe that she’s been in an emotional tailspin since coming off heroin and has been desperately seeking validation in any way she can: bragging about ‘sobriety’, creating a pro ana tumblr blog and larping anorexia, shouting about her self-loathing for the ass pats, etc, and this is a last ditch effort for sympathy and attention.
Yea people process trauma differently, but for someone who claims the mental health issues and trauma history she has, I can almost guarantee you she’s not having an acute stress reaction as would be expected after a rape. She’s not demonstrating any disassociation, shame, guilt, terror, self-blame. If someone were to over share in this situation you’d expect there to be a lot of high expressed emotion at least. It’s unusual she’s made so many drawings about it so quickly. And that they’re so cohesive and typical of her usual style. Traumatic incidents are difficult to process and bounce around the brain chaotically in the first days and weeks afterwards. The drawings seem too calculated and again lack genuine emotion or reflection. Drawing out situations of sexual assault can make the trauma more tangible and that’s too much in the immediate aftermath of an assault. I’ve never seen that before.
It seems like a surprising amount of people who post here have genuinely very good hearts and want to believe Tuna. And thats exactly what she’s banking on - good hearts - for the attention and sympathy. She’s gross.
No. 840907
>>840899"Tai's ghost was watching on in horror." I know I shouldn't laugh but anon that was funny.
This is all very sad though.
No. 840910
File: 1624020808802.jpg (110.3 KB, 720x1194, Lmao.jpg)

Her search for a new man continues, I guess.
No. 840915
File: 1624022093902.png (115.26 KB, 540x1319, screencapture-heavenlykitten19…)

>>840850That was my thought exactly before she even mentioned $20, but once I noticed her blabbing on about shopping as usual
>>840808. Plus, the whole "I don't want to do THIS". Maybe I'm nitpicking, but it reads like she was fully prepared to do something else with the stranger. Here's the full poem, btw. As always amazed with her being able to get female simps even though usually, she hardly replies or cares about them.
No. 840916
File: 1624022185171.png (103.85 KB, 567x1172, screencapture-heavenlykitten19…)

>>840915and the 'esting disorder' one. Forgot to mention in the previous post, but why aren't we hearing about Lurch being so kind and gentle and supporting her during this horrendous time?
No. 840917
File: 1624022845496.png (4.52 MB, 1920x6425, screencapture-vox-the-highligh…)

>>840851>Exactly why wouldn’t she get a rape kit again if she doesn’t want it to happen to somebody else?Rape kits don't lead to the perp being caught and the procedure can be incredibly traumatizing for the
victim. The issue has been discussed ad nauseam in American feminist circles. You can google more on the topic, but here's one website to check (beyond pic related):>>840870>She says she was raped and she feels violated and never wants to be seen by a man again but she still wants to get her nipples pierced so she can wear tight shirts and no bra so it can "look hot"?I know, right? It's like she's aping all the traumacore
or if you prefer, basic psychology textbook rape cliches while not caring if it makes sense with everything else that she says. Or she's too traumatised to make sense, but it's hard for me to buy it.
No. 840941
File: 1624036086479.jpeg (111.69 KB, 750x276, 54554E4A-86EA-4DFD-91F5-6DEE6C…)

five second rape
No. 840944
File: 1624036282953.jpeg (120.22 KB, 750x408, 88C4B529-ECC6-4431-8371-B1A404…)

I do hope she goes back to school, but I can’t help but laugh lol
No. 840945
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No. 840947
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No. 840952
>>840944jesus, her whole life is just sad rn. she was raped likely by a sex work client who likely fetishized her cause she's an obese white girl, meanwhile in her mind, she thinks starving will make her small.
and she thinks she's a good writer, is social and good with people, none of which is true, so her dream job is just… not a reality for her. furthermore, she is "sober" which to her means hopped up on a cocktail of different pills and pot, which isn't sober. it's all so sad. where tf does she go from here
No. 840954
>>840952Step one: Dump Lurch, of course. Go live with dad or find some kind of sober living shelter. Take a shower and scrub with a loofah. Cut her hair short and start over, it's too bleach damaged. Go to the outpatient program (or find another one) and actually try in therapy, actually get sober, and do trauma therapy to process the rape (if it happened, and I'm inclined to believe her). I think actual art therapy would really benefit Luna, if they offer it. Get a part time job (currently she could have her pick of food service or retail jobs and even get a sign-on bonus as long as she's washed, shows up, and does SOME amount of work. They are likely desperate enough not to fire her even if she's slacking off 80% of the time). Possibly take some community college classes. She's still young. If she turns things around and works hard, she could have a semi-normal life in her 30s and beyond. Her art is not horrible, if she was sober and in a better mental state she could start progressing again. She likely will never make a living in the fine arts (unless she's willing to draw furry fetish shit kek), but she could do local exhibitions, have a side hustle doing commissions, and maybe use it in some kind of career like graphic design or working at an art store (if she could learn not to steal).
No. 840959
>>840915This poem feels contradictory to her other statements. When she first said she was raped, she implied it was violent, she kept saying no but he kept going. This poem is retelling the story of a non-violent rape where she went along with it entirely out of fear for her life. Where she didn't stop him, felt uncomfortable but didn't resist in any way.
>does he know what he's gone to me?I'd fucking imagine so if you were screaming no the whole time and a stranger made him run off the moment you were interrupted.
This story is more believable than her original one though. Luna is nearly 6 foot and weighs 300lbs, unless she was frozen out of fear, I could see her being able to overpower a man.
>>840941>he barely penetrated meWhy is she writing poetry where she underlines how traumatic the experience was, but then underplaying it and saying it wasn't a big deal to anybody on insta telling her to go to the cops and not let an active rapist continue attacking women on the streets of NY?
>>840945Then she pulls this racist "a generic looking black man did it" card. She doesn't give a shit about minorities, she shittalks hispanics all the time. This is disgusting. Only way it'd be more obviously fake is if she accused Some Puerto Rican Guy of doing it.
No. 840972
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No. 840983
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No. 841001
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No. 841015
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No. 841016
>>841015She fucking destroyed her hair. She must have just bleached it and instead of just doing her roots she did her whole head.
That shit is melted and crispy, its all definetly going to break off now.
No. 841031
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>>841015Look at how her hair is literally melted… she definitely put it on her whole head.
And she’s such a cunt to someone just looking out for her. Never lost hair my ass, you can literally see how her hair has thinned and how broken and melted the strands are. What a vapid bitch.
No. 841038
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No. 841043
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Dump his ass Luna
No. 841048
>>841043Lol she was talking to Peter early on in her relationship with Lurch too. It's in an old thread - Peter dumped her, she shacked up with Lurch extremely quickly, Peter came back and Luna was crying about how they could have worked if he didn't dump her, but now she's taken by another man.
Don't know if she'll actively cheat on Lurch, but she's always had this weird thing with Peter. Moreso than even Tai.
No. 841056
>>840952Yeah or probably because she's a scarred drug user. Ever heard of a woman/couple called"fuckmeat"? Reminds me of Lurch and Luna. A filthy couple living in a filthy flat who shoot up heroin and smoke meth. They record him shooting up in her pussy. They are like 40/50 but she calls him daddy. Anyways, they get off on fucking strangers and catching diseases. There's literal videos of the diseases on their genitals. Anyways, the people that fuck her are mainly young to middle age black men. They obviously get off on dysfunctional junkies and meth heads who are riddled with diseases and are extremely dirty and declining. They specifically get off on not using condoms and talk "dirty" about catching STIs, they record it and post it to porn sites. The man of the couple takes payment, records it and makes sure "nothing goes wrong" and clearly gets off on it in the process. Possibly what happened to Luna but not as extreme. Maybe was willing to do full sex with a condom and they took it off or refused to put one on and forced it into her. Might not be the case but there's definitely a fetish for white junkie women who are rapidly declining and are willing to fuck for super cheap. It's sadly all over porn sites, there's even that crackwhore site. Sage for derailing, tinfoil and blogging. Just where I see Luna and Lurch at some point.
At this point, it's just depressing.
(blogging and derailing) No. 841057
>>841043Interesting. Pretty sure they built up each other in their head into some perfect soulmate because they never met. Online relationships can give a fake sense of deep intimacy or compatibility. Not saying the guy isn't better than Lurch, cause almost anyone would be… but he's not as wonderful as Luna imagines.
I wonder if Lurch would even care if she cheated? I can tops imagine it in a "you're mine PROPERTY to fuck and pimp around, bitch! How dare you fuck somewhere else?"
No. 841065
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>>840964>>841062>Luna has potential to be a decent writerLiterally where? She's either aping tumblr trends or throwing stream of consciousness cliches. Her biggest problem is the fact that she believes that she's genius level talented at writing while having zero reason to think so beyond a high school teacher being polite. She has zero achievements and also doesn't put any work to become a good writer. Maybe she had some potential as a teen, but now she's so far delayed it's not even funny. Not only because she hasn't worked on her prose (or poetry, whatever) but also because her mind is rotting.
No. 841066
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>>841065anon thought she was 'losing her mind', but she was copying Ginger (and Soren? IDK) making those aesthetic lists of things they relate to
No. 841068
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>>841062For real. I genuinely think she has some kind of intellectual delay.
She stayed on the bus one or two stops past her usual stop and somehow got lost? How long has she lived where she does? She didn’t think to use maps, ask for directions or look at signage around her. She just sat and cried til the next bus came. She’s 26.
No. 841078
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Slightly OT, but I saw this headline about the free money that up to 40 homeless people in NYC between the ages of 18-24 will be getting and totally have the feeling that Tuna and Lurch have been or will be thinking of ways to lie about her age and living situation to try to get more government freebies.
No. 841080
>>840808Luna isn't a prostitute and that's clear from her thinking someone is rude and disrespectful for messaging her to meet up based on her "online sw" larping. She will never be an irl SWer on any level because she has the same attitude as a spoiled, entitled child. Plus as long as dad is alive, she'll be fine financially and all her basic needs and more will be met.
I also don't believe she was raped. However, I do believe she was making out or boning some dude in therapy and someone walked in and she got in trouble and will spin it any way she needs to so she feels less guilt and doesn't have to tell Lurch she fucked around behind his back.
Tbh, even of Tuna was walking alone in the middle of the night down the worst street in the world, I don't think anyone would pick her to rape. At 5'9" and well over 200lbs, what kind of rapist would risk be trapped under her if anyone or any cops walked by? This rapist would have to be larger and heavier than her to even want to attempt to overpower her. And they'd probably end up vomiting from the stench she emits and the grime she's coated in.
I hate to call people liars especially about rape, but some people really fuck over the credibility of real rape
victims and I truly believe that's what Tuna is doing. I'm 100% sure she flirted and hit on a dude so she could feel desirable and then regretted it when caught fucking around.
No. 841082
>>840814Uhhh, actually addicts fight back. They don't feel as much pain as people that aren't high and unless they're completely nodding, it's not common for heroin addicts to not fight when they're fucked with, whether physically or emotionally. In fact, addicts in general are very combative. So even if someone saw old scars that aren't track marks (since they're not in a line) and knew she used to shoot in random spots on her legs and clearly doesn't anymore since they're not fresh at all, they're still not going to target her unless she's laying on the ground like a fuckable corpse. Tuna will never be considered a potential rape
victim because of her height and large body size being seen as a possible difficulty to overpower and overcome when a rapist can easily pick someone smaller and well below anyone's weight and size class
No. 841083
>>840834Wait… it happened so fast that a rape kit won't find any of the dude's fluids or any of his DNA anywhere on her?! So he raped her, as in put his dick in her while she "froze in terror", did this for 5 minutes before running off, the person who walked in didn't do anything while she's sooo traumatized from her it-just-happened rape, and we're all supposed to believe that there's no evidence, no witness willing to step up, no surveillance anywhere nearby, all because this was a super quickie… come on, Tuna. This is the dumbest lie I've ever heard of.
Makes me want to read about all modern day 5 minute rapes where a witness and the
victim saw the perp, but no evidence or signs of rape exist. Is she really telling the world there's a loophole for rapes where sticking your dick in for under 5 minutes will protect the criminal from being sought after or found?! What a concept. She should write a book for rapists called "How to get away with rape" based on her life experiences of all these rapes where no rapist will ever be found.
No. 841085
>>840903Tuna will never be a prostitute, but nice wishful thinking that she might have some sort of negative consequences for her spoiled baby, wannabe addict actions.
And police don't have to lift a finger or treat Tuna well. Any rape
victim crackhead that's even a hooker will get a ride to the hospital and a rape kit done, even batching crazy people. The DNA taken can be matched to past crimes using the DNA database and if no one is found, they'll still enter the results so if the dude gets busted at a later crime, it's on record what other crimes his DNA is tied to. Tuna chose not to report this because reporting a fake crime is illegal. Once cops check the abundance of surveillance cameras in the surrounding neighborhoods, they'd realize Tuna lied so she can convince Lurch to be around more to pRoTeCt her fat ass and then Tuna's in trouble.
No. 841087
>>840901I fully agree with you, Anon.
Everyone please remember that Tuna thinks she's dissociating while she's posting tons of makeup-heavy posed pictures staring off into the distance or holding her hair slightly off her face, while talking about herself and her struggling with this supposed dissociation.
Tuna is attention hungry as always and it's sad how many ugly fat girls I've known in my life who lie about rape and abuse to get attention and pity because they can't get attention from being themselves. Tuna just sees these lies as a means to an end to get what she thinks she needs mentally. She doesn't care about the impact or the truth of what she says, she just is seeking the "right" response and will say and try anything to get it.
No. 841088
>>840916Her stream of consciousness, never proof read or edited, 5 minute "poems" are horrible. She's really into writing fiction where she tries to get into the mindset of an actual
victim, while just repeating verbatim the same basic shit that people with addictions and EDs and other traumatized
victims have been supposedly thinking since the 1970s. It's like she just read Go Ask Alice or Smack or some other young adult fiction meant to be impact young people and discourage them from the stereotypical "bad things". Tuna is all about the lack of originality.
No. 841092
>>841080>>841085>Luna isn't a prostitute and that's clear from her thinking someone is rude and disrespectful for messaging her to meet up based on her "online sw" larping.IDK, that guy was a typical asshole that would DM a nun asking for sex. I imagine some sw can ignore those kinds of people since they are in demand. Luna probably wouldn't though, so I have no firm opinion. Maybe she is an irl sex worker, maybe she isn't. Time will tell. Her reaction to the rape only made sense if she was expecting sexual interaction with a stranger, but maybe everything about the narrative is BS.
>She will never be an irl SWer on any level because she has the same attitude as a spoiled, entitled child.It's not like being an IRL sex worker is some noble achievement
No. 841097
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No. 841110
>>841080some of you are so deluded, i swear. Do you really think a junkie rapist is worried about the chick being fat before they rape her? Watch 600lb life, most of the women were raped at some point weighing 400lb +. Also being fat doesn't make you strong?? It's not hard to overpower a fatty they have shit balance.
Take your reddit spacing and scrote-tier logic back there. Some of you hate tuna so much you let it make you go full retard.
No. 841125
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No. 841128
>>841125"Everybody wants"
No tuna. /You wanted this/. This isn't an everyone thing, this is a you thing.
At least she's reflecting a little bit honestly but it still comes off as an idealization still.
No. 841136
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(already posted)
No. 841143
>>841133no anon, being a fat woman makes you stronger than a man, didn't you know? kek
tuna is the perfect person to rape because no one believes a thing that comes out of her mouth. There's a reason people like her are targeted.
No. 841168
>>841143>>841110>>841092She's not an irl sw because I've offered her opportunities for double dates with a client into fatties and I didn't know any other fatties near NYC. All she had to do was make out with a female for 30 minutes for $500. This was literally right before she stopped doing drugs and was begging for money online as usual and complaining of no job and saying g she's a sw. I hit her up with the gig and said Lurch could come for her protection, too. She declined and said she's never done irl sw and would never because she's been uwu "raped" before.
Also, no one said fat people are strong. But the attacker has to be able to consider if they have the strength to push off a large obese woman in a clearly public place where someone can easily walk up (now in 5 seconds) and can also try to stop you. This imaginary rapist that some of you assume is a horny crackhead (which actually isn't a drug that'll make you horny) is picking a
victim that they might have to physically restrain heavy ass arms and limbs?! In a public af location?! Doubtful.
And Luna's description of a generic-looking black man is very reminiscent of plenty of other famous cases of shit that didn't happen that coincidentally always ends up being blamed on a vague shadowy black man. But Tuna is sooo progressive she won't report it for fear of another Emmett Till situation. How kind and BLM of her. Kek
No. 841181
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>>841163How is anything badass about being a scum of the earth? Anyway, I meant that if Lurch would care that Luna cheated on him, it would only be if he had this gross territorial macho mindset where 'his' woman is his property. I don't see him being heartbroken over Luna stabbing him in the back, loving someone else more etc. If she cheated just once and didn't endanger his access to her money, he wouldn't care at all.
Anyway have an old tweet that wasn't posted here. A cake supposedly purchased by Lurch. Maybe the ice cake they ate together in one go.
No. 841189
>>841015Serving those Taylor Dean vibes
>>841043>>841057Lurch would probably let Luna go without a fuss and find someone new in no time. I mean they've been engaged for how long? And he still won't marry her and seems totally disinterested in her.
No. 841192
>>841183You'd be surprised to know some people who lurk are addicts and some people know Tuna and Lurch irl and some people, gasp, are irl escorts. Some people also hear of opportunities where a certain type of woman is being sought after and pass on these contacts to other sw's that match the job. It's extremely common, in the vein of sw helping another sw.
I actually figured this wouldn't be handled well by anyone rooting for Tuna's success, so have refrained from saying it for a few months. But it's my fault for seeing this "I'm sure she was with a jOhN" (btw, most sw don't say John) bullshit and trying to share the reality of her situation while not compromising my current relationship with her. Pretty sure she doesn't get sw offers often and I'll take whatever ban you wanna snitch for instead of losing my farm-to-table milk from the cow
No. 841206
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>>841043>fuck consequences!!! if you CAN do something, than you SHOULD!!!Either this person is retarded or a farmer incognito subtly egging Luna for more drama
No. 841212
>>841183Wtf are you even talking about, I didn't cowtip at all and made no mention of anything we discuss here. It also wasn't milky enough to post your precious proof here because it wasn't worth possibly losing contact with her and fresh milk just to show everyone she said no to an escort gig. Also, I'm truly baffled about your nonsensical references to last minute hand jobs and drugs no one has.
But in reference to Tuna the addict, she turned down me giving her 3 bottles of Seroquel and 2mg Xanax in exchange for a bag of fentanyl-free dope because she said she has no access to dope of any kind and has never copped on her own due to her aNxIeTy. At the time she said she had just kicked because her "fiance has to stay clean", and only uses if her "fiance" has dope. She also said she didn't know how to tell if dope has fentanyl in it and I had to explain to her about the free fentanyl test strips given out at the Needle Exchange. She also said she never personally goes to or interacts with a Needle Exchange due to (again) her aNxIeTy that her "fiance understands" so he even picks up all their Needle Exchange supplies while she either waited at home or at a nearby store.
>>841168>>841192>>841211>>841212Are you here to convince us that you're a bigger cow than luna? What are you even trying to do here pimpchan. kek
Post receipts or go.
No. 841252
>>841214They already have their own thread kek. Not as cowish as Lump here but cut from the same cloth.
>>841222yeah exactly. That and or this guy ghosted her with purpose in the first place and would be horrified if she showed up.
No. 841255
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>>841252It's also funny she romanticizes him so much nowadays when pic related is what she had to say about him 4-5 years ago
No. 841298
>>841296Anon, believe it or not: People lie on the internet, especially anonymously. No one knows if it's true what
>>841212 says, because there is no proof, not even a screenshot showing she's talking to Luna without even disclosing the content of the conversation. She claims she doesn't want to ruin the relationship between her and Luna, so no screenshots will be posted - but she still tells us specifics out of their conversation? BS
No. 841310
>>841298Without proof all they've provided us is a white liquid you're telling us to drink and
promising us it's milk and then getting mad when we express doubt.
No. 841354
>>841256she does seem like she's been pining for other men lately. hopefully she'll pull a Taylor and run away with an outpatient brodick.
>>841298tbf, what would be the point of someone lying about Luna rejecting an offer to prostitute and trying to trade drugs with her? It's not particularly salacious and makes the farmer look trashy.
No. 841363
>>841354have to concur with this anon it’s too dumb and specific to be a lie like it’s
barely milk
No. 841385
>>841296Except we are better than you because we know how to sage.
Also post receipts or go away. It's really that simple.
No. 841403
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No. 841420
>>841363Don't think it's a lie but it is a repost. They've told this same story a few threads back and refused to provide proof of anything then either.
>>841403Why is she depressed if they're suing? Should be easy money if it all happened as she said, right?
No. 841422
>>841402That anon is right tho. If you are gonna write all this bullshit, why not just drop the caps if you so desperately want to prove farmers wrong? Not to mention OP is a cowtipper who only knew Luna exists because of those threads. Seethe some more.
>>841412>is she really gonna go after a dog and not some supposed rapist? Luna Luther King is willing to accept the collateral damage of police gunning down the wrong pitbull, but not the wrong black man. She's a great
POC ally.