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No. 340492[Reply]

Blog: http://www.suiprincess.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/suiswan/

- Former German "Gyaru"
- Has some kind of identity disorder maybe
- Her identity at that time was Himena, some Gyaru with a prominent nose
- Left viatnamese boyfriend/photographer/luagguage carrier and two cats to fly to America and hat a shotgun marriage there
-At that time obsessed with Monster High to an unhealthy level, suddenly likes Horror, has image change
- Husband moved to Germany but break-up in 2015 I think

She left Himena and now became Melanie Martinez.
When confronted with her creepy obsession she gets really defensive and simply calls her lifestyle "Cosplay"
It's even more creepy because Melanie Martinez must be like, almost 10 years younger than her and her music is aimed at an much younger audiance too (At least that's my impression.)

Anything to say?
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No. 589476

His German is still pretty off but he insists on using it even online, while yes you must speak to get around it seems like he just fetishises the country as he likes to make himself appear to be native speaking when it just doesn't quite stick

No. 589704

Pictureanon here
I wanted to post more pics but my phone didn’t let me lol
I honestly hope she will stop it with Melanie already as it’s just getting tiring at this point. Tbh I’m totally not a fan of Disney so i unfollowed her a while ago…
I wish she would go back to only posting fashion

No. 589712

Oh gosh I remember!!
She did weird cosplays of the Stranger Things kids and only posted about this and IT
I can’t get behind her obsessive personality. As soon something isn’t trendy anymore she lets it drop like a hot potato

No. 590959

she was best during her early gyaru and swankiss days. sadly she deleted her blog a while ago

No. 591873

agree. I loved her fashion instagram. The swankiss phase was really interesting, I even like her everyday fashion tbh

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No. 345113[Reply]


Druscilla Ryan has been a well known smut writer in emo bandom for at least 10 years. Before that, she wrote Harry Potter smut. She is best known for My Chemical Romance, Panic! at the Disco, Green Day, and Fall Out Boy fanfic. She is the author of the famous Panic! at the Disco milk enema fanfic.

-in 2007, she was 20 years old, but spent all her time on a website called mibba, where she posted smut knowing the website was primarily composed of minors.
-she also was an active forum user on mibba, and very good friends with many minors. her best friend was 13.
-she was also engaged to a 16 year old at the time. thankfully she came to her senses and ran.
-she thought she was in love with Brendon Urie from Panic! at the Disco. if you click on the livejournal profile link, that's the last evidence of that phase.
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No. 375236

How were the 13y/o patents okay with a twenty something year old living with their child?

No. 375532

Are there any reciepts?

No. 377169

I remember her when I used to be in bandom. There's a ton of cows and snowflakes in bandom that I know a lot about (due to various interactions and just gossip in general).

There's another girl who stalked P!ATD and even pretended to be Brendon Urie while texting Ryan Ross (former member). The stalker is still active and as far as I know, the band knows about her and doesn't care.
If you make a thread on general bandom cows, I have a lot of tea.

No. 391264

i forgot to check this thread once i actually started getting replies, but yes i definitely will make a bandom cow general

No. 589539

So looks like someone came forward as the kid Druscilla was arrested for raping


Druscilla has changed her facebook name to Druscilla Parris, is she feeling the heat?

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No. 343931[Reply]

Why doesn't this guy have his own thread yet? He's becoming a major lolcow.

He ran a youtube channel for vegan drama where he made up half of his stories. He claims to be vegan while buying chicken and beef flavored ramen and eating cheese and sour cream at restaurants. Now he is promoting the idea that you can eat steak once a week but still be vegan.

He got called out multiple times for his shit





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No. 549546

what drug are they even on?

No. 549587

combo of drugs, maybe speedball.

No. 553194

VC uploaded a video on his channel about his relapse. Not sure what drugs they took but his brother called Alina a "meth witch" in his recent video. I'll post the video of his stories from Instagram maybe some farmers have an idea?

No. 565852

HE got himself addicted to shooting heroin for the past supposed three months plus shared crystal meth and Xanax with his tacky, average, and ugly gf- who is trash all around.

No. 593481

This lolcow and his GF are supposedly broken up, but she's always at his place. Looks like they're both still using too. He's lowered himself to live-streaming walks to starbucks, vape shops, and the same places in LA while he e-begs his mostly female audience for cash and gifts.

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No. 583235[Reply]

NCZ/ninjacoachz, as the subtitle says, is an admin of Behind The Voice Actors, a website cataloging voice actors and their roles, as well as voice comparisons. The problem, of course, is that he is completely unable to take any criticism of TPCi, even going so far as to delete posts criticizing their dub!

You see, one ongoing debate n the Pokemon fandom is the debate between the 4Kids dub and the TPCi dub. Most people now prefer the 4Kids dub (the only show they dubbed you’ll see this for, save for the voice acting in Yu-Gi-Oh), as TPCi’s dub lost any advantages it once held over the former dub (notably that TPCi’s dub has now replaced more of the Japanese music/OST than the 4Kids dub did, see:

And has gone back to visually editing the Series like 4Kids did…also see: https://twitter.com/pkmndubmusic/status/985937165862490113

However, there are still a few people that defend and/or make poor excuses for TPCi, and NCZ is no exception.

But NCZ wouldn't be deserving of a thread here just for having poor taste. The issue is that he is paranoid and trigger-happy. Examples:

http://archive.is/30Nts (Even though they have different opinions, NCZ still sees fit to ban them!)
https://web.archive.org/web/2016032...oiceactors.com/video-games/Pokken-Tournament/ (NCZ stressed over negative comments about the current Pokemon dub, as an admin he should be uPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

No. 583236

this guy……..
he's an oversensitive snowflake

No. 583237


this is probably more suited for /snow/ if not another entirely different website.

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No. 580390[Reply]

Is anyone here familiar with this drama channel? I've seen a lot of people comparing him to John Kuckian for months.

He has another channel & exposes scientology:


This wanker angered a lot of youtubers in the drama community when he posted videos about a woman named Jen Gerard (owner of a pupular cosmetics company) and said she sexually harassed some guy.

It got exposed that he was contacted by a man who stalked Jen for years and bloody helped him stalk her. she sent him a cease and desist which he ripped up on camera on twitter. she also served him with a subpoena & had to honour it in 7 days and did not comply.

He said gross things like she should go on tinder if she can't keep her sexual desires to herself, if her stalker was going to kill her he would've killed her already and produced fake documents of previous employees supposedly sharing similar experiences with her.

many channels called him out for it and he lost it. proved he's a pathological liar and a sociopath. he even outed youtubers that suffered from addictions in the past becaus they criticised him.

his current endeavours are him claiming he is suing a few drama channels. he recently doxed one of the channels he says he is suing and used info from a gossip forum.
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No. 581918

I totally agree. BTS no longer is liked or supported on GG (maybe due to her sudden twitter thread against it despite being on it for years and coming back within like a week) so I wouldn't be surprised if she came here to try and get some people on her side/hating mango but honestly, no one here gives a shit. We have people like Onision and Vicky who give milk daily, mango is small fish comparatively.
It's also suspicious "Manda" never returned

No. 581958

And drama channels start beef for a living. Manufactured drama is never that interesting which is why we don't talk about Youtubers too much outside of a select few like Grug.

The OP reads very much like the stuff this woman is saying about him elsewhere:
>married to an attorney who is at least 35 years older than him
>uses this to his advantage whenever he gets called out
This isn't even milk yet it's in the OP as if it is - this isn't fucking GOMI. She has a real thing about the age gap in his marriage and also about having a free attorney on tap.

All these beauty/drama youtubers are backstabbing bitches but they do everything with such polite words and longwinded explanations. Peter Monn losing his shit because Steven used his image in a thumbnail, then going onto one of this chick's streams to badmouth Steven for revenge. They're all messy bitches but at the same time incredibly naive and they're constantly backpedalling at the same time. It's pathetic to see and none of it's really milk. John Kuckian is the only true cow among them and even he's not that productive of milk.

No. 582492

This whole community of youtubers are hilarious to be honest.
The Kukian thing happened and they all sort of pretended to "come together", but in the end they all find ways to attack or turn on each other. The drama videos can be fun to listen to, but their interpersonal drama is like a whole thread in itself honestly. Petty Paige is probably the best out of all of them.

I liked watching Mango's videos at first, but he gets really cringy. He would have segments of himself dancing for like a minute before the video would start. Honestly dude no one is here for that.

No. 583275

I'd be up for a general thread about them if we get to to talk about the meta aspects like this.

No. 583602

I'm a little behind on who's mad at who right now. I've only been watching Paige & HFTT (as awful as she is on social media, her videos are always really well put together).

I stopped watching Peter Monn after the whole pedo drama thing. His videos aren't that great, I hate the drama channels where they clearly just sit there and ramble without a script. It's too annoying to watch (Sanders, Rich Lux, etc). Mango seems pretty prime to take over Kukians spot for most egotistical youtube drama channel.

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No. 336110[Reply]

old thread >>139506

New thread for lol streamer girls that suffer with the "give me attention disorder".
there are a new wave of streamers and with the old thread, half of the topics are not relevant anymore. Usually these girls will cater to specific audiences of wks in the making and autistic kids. They usually come in packs and are either wannabe loli kids (ex. LilyPichu) or wannabe instagram hoes (ex. Pokimane, Emiru) and the leftovers are usually "bros" who are actually sluts in disguise.

These girls are very money and fame hungry. Often attracted to popular streamers or pro players.

e-thot pack


>excessive makeup
>usually has a fake voice
>takes lots of photoshopped and filtered selfies
>terrible at the game and gets carried
>mid or support mains
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No. 540828


Sage for correction and double post

No. 540883

Banana you put your email in lol

No. 545773

Surprised kaypea isn’t mentioned? She started dating santorin when he was a minor

No. 545777

Well damn, getting dumped on a trip sucks.

No. 545951

Aren't you that chick that constantly sucks sneaky's dick for no reason? I watch your streams from time to time. The last thing you want to do as an up and coming streamer is out your identity here while throwing shade at titty streamers.

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No. 524328[Reply]

I'm surprised no one has made a thread about this attention seeker already.(shit thread)

No. 526682

she really isn't interesting
she has like 2000 followers on instagram, i don't think she's worth a thread here lmao

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No. 518176[Reply]

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No. 527456

some people grilled her on twitter awhile ago and she admitted that she does not put the body positive label on herself anymore

No. 527458

I know anon. I know.

No. 527460

Not who you replied to, but I assume you(?) were implying she's still trying to shill body positivity just without using the phrase itself.

No. 527470


She does whenever she tries to get on her moral high horse to put people on blast

No. 527516

New thread for you guys


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No. 528927[Reply]

The shadiest model of all time(shit vendetta thread)
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No. 529297

No, because there doesn't appear to be any milk except your claims that her dad is yakuza.
You seem really jealous that she's living your VA/Lolita Model dreams, please get help

No. 529320

If you think just this is crazy check out how far down the rabbit hole OP goes.
I can't even get over how hilariously bat-shit this is.

No. 529380

Jfc shit kek kek wow
Its so verbatim it’s almost copypasta

Tbh I actually thought this was an interesting subject as I read through it, and the yakuza taking over businesses was interesting, and sumipe being involved with shady shit was cool but this thread is a fucking mess, no summary in the original thread post and instead it all dumped in multiple samefag posts making it confusing and not in the proper format.
Also, most anons are westerners so it might be hard for them to understand unless they’ve spent time in Japan.
I would’ve said “post this in international” but admins got rid of that section for some reason.
Perhaps this should have been posted in “thread requests” on pt just to plan with other anons and be able to post the thread in an organized way.

Gotta say OP, you’re a passionate one, but type “sage” in the email field pretty please.

I just want to know why OP is so against this specific voice actress, I can understand hating yakuza as a whole and being mad they’re banking on Japanese lolita. But what has sumipe specifically done to contribute? Has she personally harassed or done shady illegal shit/practices? Or is it all sumipe’s dad is an active yakuza = she is automatically guilty and shady of all of his and his gangs crimes. Bc there’s lots of people whose fathers are criminals or in gangs, and it has no reflection on their children if they’re not involved in activity?

And takemoto was arrested with less than a gram of weed in his pocket? He admitted he smoked weed, and had mentioned smoking weed and had smoked for years??
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No. 530111

Man, I remember when this guy claimed that she was evil because she was "Korean". I wish we knew who he was, he sounds like a better cow than her. But yeah, this would be a good thread if it were arranged better.

No. 530634

Sumipe sperging pushed far to the side, some of this shit about the yakuza is kind of interesting. But I don't know nearly enough about Japan to gauge whether any of this could even have a hint of truth. The stuff about Gemma Cruel, Dakota, and Yuka looks like it could make a bit of sense.

No. 524465[Reply]

Other Aliases: Seren
Real Name: Unknown

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sensei_aishitemasu/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/seren_sensei
Tumblr: http://sensei-aishitemasu.tumblr.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Seren-Sensei-651740511679676/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/senseiaishitemasu

Here's some background:

>A very angry and annoying SJW bitch who gained traction in 2015 for her retarded rants about white people, such as bawwing that wearing box braids is cultural appropriation even though she appropriates japanese culture for ~aesthetic~ (lel)

>Deems segregation the worst to happen to black communities, calls for integration and separatism, says white people are "white devils" and believes they're not human.

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No. 532175

nope, not a mistake she is literally using a Japanese name, while attacking a mixed poc musician for taking inspiration from black musicians. pot, meet kettle.

No. 532189

This thread reeks of vendetta

No. 532204

The op reeks of it I agree, but to be honest this girl does seem like a piece of shit the more I read. The whole cleaning at mixed poc and then using Japanese culture is pretty hilarious

No. 532381

She's trending pretty big on FB and Twitter right now.
She will probably disappear back into obscurity soon. I don't think it's so much a vendetta as that she's begging for attention and doesn't see her own hypocrisy.

No. 532566

ngl this is boring. how is she different from any other sjw?

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