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No. 2080574[Reply]

Dana Christine Hare, from Florida, now living in Tennessee, age 31, is an ebegging, drug and alcohol addled polyfiend with a pattern of inviting live-in "partners" under the guise of equality, only for these arrangements to collapse in predictable drama and social media call-out posts. Still legally married to Matt Hare, alleged rapist of almost a dozen women, Dana now lives with her current partner Eli and young child of Matt Hare.

New milk:
>Dana tries to prove her sobriety by taking a drug test >>>/snow/2074250 , more drug shenanigans >>>/snow/2074263 >>>/snow/2074338
>claims people are showing up at her house >>>/snow/2074277
>admits to using AI to generate her "educational" video scripts >>>/snow/2074528
>defends the decision to not change her daughter's last name that she shares with a serial rapist Matthew Hare >>>/snow/2074641
>claims to be friends with Blackbear >>>/snow/2075309 >>>/snow/2075380
>photo from her wedding resurfaces >>>/snow/2075825
>the dental surgery happens >>>/snow/2075876 >>>/snow/2075877
>TikTok response to her saying the n-word >>>/snow/2075980
>Eli responds to the shitstorm for the first time >>>/snow/2076850
>mother of he year Dana keeps getting wasted Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 2091577

Seriously if my dog has cancer, and I have a daughter I’d be pretty content fulfilling those two endeavors instead of getting a …. Ferret? I would want my dog to transition to the next life peacefully and I would be spending the majority of my day with my daughter teaching her a new skill. I would not want to add 2-3 hours to my day trying to find enrichment for a ferret and cleaning the cage daily. There’s going to be ferret poop on her drawers. I would never want to expose my daughter to that, these people don’t deserve kids man.

No. 2091648

Dana is a spergy retard but tbh i think she's better at taking care of animals then her own kid. The ferret looks healthy and have what it needs and it doeaent have to concern itself with Dana making disgusting porn.
Animal abuse, especially of the ferret, feels like such a reach tbh and very reddit "person bad so everything they do is MEGA BAD!!". Th on the other hand is the person really suffering under Dana's care and the talk of ferrets just mudding the waters and she can say "lol no lies so everything you say is wrong". It's not Shayna throwing a cat or luna letting her cat rot away refusing to take it to the vet.

No. 2091669

She put a possum up her ass. Too many Dana stans on here lately.

No. 2091687

It's funny how she casually acknowledges all her taxidermy but conveniently glosses over the only reason people are disturbed with the taxidermy thing in the first place. No sane person is going to shove a decapitated animal head attached to a buttplug up their stinky tattooed asshole. And if they did they certainly wouldn't post it online for the whole world to see.

Obviously the ferret isn't her greatest offense and no one is saying it is. However, it's also incredibly irresponsible of her to get this ferret when she already can barely manage her current pets (lost eli's cat), household (absolutely filthy), or finances (in thousands of medical debt, finances a ps5, etc). She's proven herself to be incompetent, irresponsible, and impulsive again and again and again.

No. 2091734

Dana is like a hoarder of things, she collects bfs/gfs, so many items, pets. Her impulsive control is so poor.

No. 899110[Reply]

25 year old Julia Zelg is married to a 62 year old, pink haired, heifer who has an extensive criminal past and is currently going by the name Eileen De Freest Zelg (Sellge). This is one of many name that Eileen has been known to use over the years.

Eileen's Wrap Sheet

Dob: 2 oct 1957

Known Aliases: Eileen Rita Defreest / Eileen Rita De Freest / Eileen Defreest / Aileen Defreest, Eileen Grey, Eileen Braden / Eileen Rita Braden, Eileen Vanarden / Eileen Van Arden, Eileen Ashton-Ryder and very likely: Eileen King.

Current name: Eileen De Freest-Sellge (in her IG)


1990 - married “Alastair king”, a man in NY - LIC # 22701 (possible nationality fraud)

1998 - 22 may 98 her company in NY go Bancrupt, chapter 7, case# 98043700
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No. 2085560

If there was no context behind picrels i would just assume that these people were her parents kek

No. 2085779

She's engaged to the old man.

No. 2089400

why the fuck does julia always look so fucking YELLOW wtf!(sage your shit)

No. 2089646

it's called olive skin dumbass

No. 2091384

Yay! Congrats to Keith and Julia.
>noticeably more modest dress
>necklace tucked under jacket, could be a cross

Ex-lesbian era incoming

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No. 1200814[Reply]

Starting a new thread because there has been some fresh milk flowing with London Lonlon Lobsterchan.

Summary of old milk:
>Known for multiple instances of begging for money, mostly to go to pay for plane tickets, housing, and badges at anime cons but also for personal "necessary" finaces.
>Claims to be "disabled with IC, fibromyalgia, autism&bipolar," an perpetual abuse and cyberbully victim, spoonie, living in poverty, and having BPD. This grocery list of conditions is her trump card for excusing her behavior and blaming others. Never posts proof of these claims and attacks people who ask for it.
>Some of her past donors came out and said she treated them in a shitty way or blocked them for no reason after they gave her money. Lon of course immediately went after them, called them out on her FB, and called them abusive.
>Used to make (now deleted) wannabe idol videos with singing and dancing, often wearing giant lobster claws on her hands as a symbol of her disabilities. Also wore a lot of Jfash. She now says she is above all that and recently made a video about how her behavior and wearing Jfashion in general is cultural appropriation, despite modeling for Japanese brands in the past like 6%DokiDoki who clearly don't share that sentiment. (Video is still up on her new Youtube, link below.) She also made some (also deleted) YT videos about ableism and spoonies.
>Even though she will immediately jump down someone's throat if they dare question her "disabilities," there are videos of her looking pretty able bodied when she modeled for anime con fashion shows and when she volunteered as an anime con rave dancer, clearly moving with no physical limitations. Her friends also posted videos of her twerking and flailing around during cons.
>Despite always begging for money while saying she is broke/disabled and on SSI, she would constantly get new designer clothing and accessories over the years, both jfashion and western brand pieces like her "$300 Prada glasses."
>Begs for money a LOT, almost as much as she claims to be abused by her current boyfriend of the month. It's hard to even keep track of how many times she e-bePost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 1434472

Sage your necro

No. 2089380

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No. 2089389

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No. 2089398

Fucking kek I remember this cow. Can't believe she got arrested.

No. 2089402

Thank you for reviving this thread with an update anon. The other day her Lobster Hands song randomly popped into my head and I was wondering whatever happened to this cow.

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No. 2001795[Reply]

ScorpioAssHeaux/AliceAmoreLove/PickledPetShop/Ariana McMillan/Ariana Pennente is a 29 year old plastic surgery addict, ex-Instagram “influencer”, animal abuser, stripper and full service sex worker based in Philly.

It's been two years since we had a thread because PnP stopped posting on SM but she is making a comeback. She has been discussed on the Cam Girls threads on and off so I'm summarizing the milk that got posted in those threads recently.

> PnP gets more surgical work down and the surgeon posts her catfish before/afters >>1832862

> Our favorite tranny got married again >>1877046
> Starts looking like Popeye >>1877151
> PnP's new husband makes his IG debut >>1924106
> Nonnies speculated she was pregs >>1924139 (she was not thank god)
> PnP is still a redneck hillbilly underneath it all >>1924710
> Her and her midget husband buy a house. Still lives in the Philly area. >>1929695
> Anon figures out her new last name, 'Ariana Pennente' >>1961483
> Looking like dumb and dumber with her bowl cut >>1955136
> Her BDD hasn't gone anywhere and is on an actual MTF tranny's twitter comments asking where he got his facial feminization surgeries >>1952740
> She's probably better off going by he/him pronouns Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 2089202

I think this looks cool. I think it's good for Ariana to be creative and invested in something that's not her face but it's crappy to sell something that is a ripoff.

No. 2089302

The resin watery eyes? Hair/ fake lashes used, piercings and doll eyes on a flesh cup is so specifically unique that she's clearly ripping off the original artist without giving credit. At least say "inspired by…" But it's not surprising since she always drew from references and didn't try to change anything. Even the hands on wood slabs was stolen from her gf at the time who was doing the same thing. Her lack of originality while pretending to be original is pathetic. Especially at her big age.

No. 2089326

I don't think the original is super creative, monsters and mimics have been around… but who better to market on social media & sell "weird fleshy body horrors on every day object" sculptures than PnP? She's a walking mascot/ad for her creative pursuits of carefully molding a realistic turd out of formerly inoffensive materials.
If she leans into it the social commentary of the entire process will be the closest she has ever come to making "Art".

No. 2089527

It's not creative to skinwalk someone else and never will be.

No. 2089774

Is there no way to fix a botched eye surgery? Maybe the new surgery is to fix her eye that closes when she smiles?

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No. 2064623[Reply]

Thread for discussing Red Scare, Cumtown/TAFS, Dimes Square, the remains of the "dirtbag left", and the entire "post-left" and Silicon Valley "rationalist/postrat" sphere and their orbiters/backers, including but not limited to Mencius Moldbug, Peter Thiel, and the so-called "dissident right" (Bronze Age Pervert, The Perfume Nationalist, and other faggots). WARNING: this scene is crawling with Nazis, pedophiles, child porn advocates, sex pests, rapists, troons, and other degenerates.

Milk from thread #50:
Dasha begging trump to come on RS, Anna admits she voted for Trump in 2020
Comments calling out No Agency for Plagiarism and predatory practices
Ivy Worlk got released from the psych ward
Dasha smiling while posing for a pic with child molester Sam Hyde
Yarvin's new wife chased off twitter
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No. 2089209


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 2089212

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>successful in her career despite being retarded
for her willingness to be naked in movies and fuck any gross scrote under the sun, she hasn’t been very successful in her career. her crowning achievement was succession but she was a side character and had less than two minutes of screentime the entire season. unless she’s talking about her podding career, even so that was boosted considerably by scrotes as well

No. 2089215

they haven’t figured out her meager success is due to being a whore. pray for redscarepod

No. 2089261

No. 2089275

the real ones know how to hit a russian larper where it hurts by coming for her chess.com elo kek

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No. 2076406[Reply]

>Do NOT post Sinnabunny/itssinnabunny/ Dana Hare here, she has her own thread: >>>/snow/2073891

From wikipedia:
>Polyamory is the practice of, or desire for, romantic relationships with more than one partner at the same time, with the informed consent of all partners involved. People who identify as polyamorous may believe in open relationships with a conscious management of jealousy and reject the view that sexual and relational exclusivity are prerequisite for deep, committed, long-term, loving relationships.
It's basically cheating plus self-righteousness.
So how does that work out?
At best, the relationship is never as strong as it used to be. Not everyone is so lucky.
>Man Who Featured in 5 Person Polyamorous Relationship Charged With Child Abuse
>Infant suffered broken leg, arm and skull fractures during vicious attack
Mostly, they make a lot of noise online and irl.
Why is it lolcow-worthy?
They see it as part LGB-related sexuality, part MLM recruitment scheme. They are extremely proud of their poor decisions and want attention for it.
Bonus lols: any selfie posted on r/polyamory
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No. 2086730

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Found it, the way he's literally hulking over her

No. 2087838

Ugly hasberg jaw man and ugly crow nose woman. Poly people are always ugly. Pretty poly people that are very rare to find always settle into monogamous relationships too after they are done with their degen ring. Lmfao so basically being poly is about being promiscuous temporarily, or ugly and undesireable and having to compromise the relationships exclusivity to keep it together. Bleak.

No. 2088864

Thread tax. Spot the Dana.
Retards that say shit like this need to open a damn history book. They think they’re so revolutionary for actually proposing the most regressive and harmful martial practice in history (besides child marriage of course, but let’s be real—polygamy and child brides usually go hand-in-hand). The US literally outlawed polygamy to protect women and children after Mormons tried to create a Mormon theocracy in Utah so that their cult leader could have sexual access to as many young girls as he wanted from among his followers.
>t. descendent of Mormon polygamists

No. 2088960

>The US literally outlawed polygamy to protect women and children after Mormons tried to create a Mormon theocracy in Utah so that their cult leader could have sexual access to as many young girls as he wanted from among his followers.
It's wild that this isn't really talked about but it's 100% historically accurate. And yet some people still hesitate to call Mormonism a cult

No. 2089178

Historically polygamy protected women who didn’t have other options, Mormon polygamy is not the same as polygamy from thousands of years ago. Thousands of years ago if a woman was unmarried, she likely became poor or a prostitute.

Not agreeing with polygamy at all. Marriage is between two people only, but there is more to the history than what Mormons did.

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No. 2003097[Reply]

Rose Mulet is a 24-year-old YouTuber who faked being mtf for views, victim blames female rape victims, and who supports (or claims to support) various controversial Internet figures for clout.
>Posts often about her belief that women who have been raped should not defend themselves >>>/snow/1707097
>Obsessed with Onision and faked committing suicide because he ignored her >>>/pt/762368
>Has had a great deal of drama in past years with NicholasDeOrio,TheRightOpinion, and Turkey Tom, as well as having petty beef with Kat Blaque, Keffals, and MrGirl
>Largely pretends to be a tranny to get away with being highly unattractive
>Had a public slapfight with an ex friend named Victory Rhyder
>Lives for debates, especially on on TikTok over her stupid takes on rape, gender politics/ideology, and other and political nonsense
>Gained attention online because of a so-called “simp anthem” that was made in 2020 that TikTokers like Tana Mongeau used in their videos
>Creates ridiculous music with titles like “41%”
>Defended Blaire White during the Jeffree Star drama only to 360 later on
>Obsessed with "going on hiatus," only to come back days later
>Attempts to skinwalk and cling to larger creators to gain more relevancy online
>Recently came back into the public eye because of making a random video boosted by BradTasteInMusic
>Claimed in a debate that "insults are worse than rape"
>Says that she wants anyone who's ever hated her or tried to cancel her for her rape comments to "admit that it was based in transphobia" despite not being mtf
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No. 2081987

Oompaville uploaded vidrel on the truth about MrBeast Games…

No. 2081988

…and Rose made a response video.

No. 2081992

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I'll just leave this here.

No. 2085999

Someone should ask Rose what she thinks about Hitler.

No. 2088520

The exposé is out.

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No. 643671[Reply]

Former pageant girl who's now a Lapidot sperg. Hilariously bad with managing her money, she E-begs on Ko-Fi for literally everything related to cosplay and cons (Peep her IG story right now, since her C2E2 ticket is funded she's back to begging for her Momocon ticket)

She couldn't afford a fucking $5 McGriddle at HolMat and had to beg to get fed

Shoves her relationship with @for_the_love_of_clod on everyone’s faces, gave Clod a promise ring a few months into the relationship, posted it about it and everyone thought it was an engagement ring

Kelly was engaged for 3 years, broke off the relationship in mid 2016, she had been stalking Clod during that time and only met her because she had at least 10-15k followers

Claims she’s poor even though she does model photo shoots, took trapeze classes, and moved to Florida a few months ago and recently went back to Seattle to work for a week because she didn’t have a job in Florida, was then invited to choreograph a beauty pageant


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No. 984774

yep. The only close to canon lesbian ship would be Neeko and Nidalee because Neeko has a crush on her.

No. 988236

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@for_the_love_of_clod or @kellykirstein’s snowflake fiancé has now become a costhot who is selling her nudes. No surprise here. Cheap patreon and onlyfans pictures, cosplays are from miccostumes. Her face and body aren’t fit to be selling these lewd photos. Another fake gamer girl who likes League Of Legends because of K/DA. She is calling herself “Genderqueer” but is dressing as “Sexy girls”. Watch her complain because she is getting “sexist comments”. She needs to grow up

No. 990207

>>988236 whats even the point in playing league when you clearly do not care about the game and universe but only for K/DA? i can just imagine her playing league and just quitting after a minute into that game. Would be funny to see her being one shotted and going 0/20 evelynn jungle.

Imagine the second hand embarassment.

jng diff

No. 998370

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In 2017 when Hurricane Maria/Irma happened Kelly Kirstein asked donations for her to go visit her girlfriend @for_the_love_of_clod down in Florida where the hurricane was going to hit. She made the goal and visited her.

Here were the issues about this:
>People from Florida or any hurricane zone could not leave the state because airlines bumped up the prices costing around $1k-3k just to leave
>Death toll was 134
>She did not care that others were suffering to leave or trying to protect themselves from the hurricane
>She never donated to a Hurricane relief
>Made a “Lapis will stop the hurricane” meme which was insensitive
>White privilege
>Always asked for money to go visit her girlfriend

No. 1263887

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No. 1944726[Reply]

>What is Breadtube and the leftist sphere?
A new leftist movement aiming to address, fight, and destroy the growing presence of fascism in the USA. AKA, breadtube is keyboard warriors making response videos to anti-SJW’s and the leftist sphere is a place that preaches diversity while all their biggest players are White, TIMs or upper class minroties

>General summary of their beliefs

- They are not liberals. Liberals believe first and foremost on changing the system from the inside while Leftists want to destroy it.
-They have slap fights over the intricacies of their political beliefs every other wednesday. The only thing uniting them is a vague dislike of capitalism.

>Breadtube: The big players only. Other online personalities exist, but these are the ones pulling the shots.

Famous 'Breadtubers' include Contrapoints, Philosophy Tube, Hbomberguy, Xiran Jay Zhao and Shaun.

Previous threads
978 posts and 137 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2085727

The only surprising thing about the list was the lack of random country songs.
I looked up how tall Lindsay Ellis is and you might be onto something

No. 2085767

Lol first thing I thought too. She’s tiny.
Listen I don’t like Chappell’s bihet nonsense either, but you are literally the only person who calls her chappig and it comes off unhinged. It makes you really easy to identify every time.
Yeah this list was expected from Todd. I’m surprised Pink Pony Club beat out Good Luck Babe though. Good Luck Babe is so much better in every way. PPC is fun but I hate that she still has that weird indie girl/yodelly tone that was way worse in her older stuff.

No. 2087301

He said the list would have been mostly Kendrick without the two limit rule, pay attention

No. 2089465

I used to listen to Todd in the Shadows’ podcast but his troon costar got too annoying for my liking. Today a new episode auto played on my spotify and the troon’s voice jumpscared me so bad. His creepy shrill falsetto reminds me of those videos of dolphins being trained to speak english. Or those old recordings of the castrato opera singer. I do like Todd but I wish he had chosen a different costar because this one is hard to listen to, not to mention way too self-righteous and pretentious to discuss pop music.

No. 2090075

Todd has become so pander-y recently. He has to know like 90% of people who obsess over modern pop music are faggot moids and genderspecials.

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No. 2087620[Reply]

This is like the troon threads but instead of of being about people who think they are the opposite sex it's about people who think they are gerbils or Naruto.





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No. 2088184

One thing that bothers me is that for the ones who are just pure cringe they probably could have been great creative minds, but instead they waste their time navel-gazing about how they're really a wolf and then they walk on their hands like a monkey. Maybe they're just the group of people that would have been deeply religious zealots back in the day, their minds need something to "believe" in because they're not very intelligent on their own.

No. 2088540

Tbf starseed people seem more like wannabe hippies with new age nonsense and pseudo-spiritualism, vs therians who seem to be a bit more severe. Therians feel more in line with the DID pretenders and troons. But I wouldn't be surprised if there's overlaps.

No. 2088891

>it mutated into "therians" with today's youth
Therians date back to the ‘90s

No. 2089233

>currently they only make canine and equine
lol. lmao. i wonder why that might be? surely has nothing to do with the fact that they’re literally pandering to disgusting freaks who want to fuck animals

No. 2089362

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There are therians who believe shit like that they were aliens in a past life/lives. I think there were some who believed they were. Picrel is a funny example I found from the other farms though this was an Otherkin not a Therian

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