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No. 2026090[Reply]

From wikipedia:
>Polyamory is the practice of, or desire for, romantic relationships with more than one partner at the same time, with the informed consent of all partners involved. People who identify as polyamorous may believe in open relationships with a conscious management of jealousy and reject the view that sexual and relational exclusivity are prerequisite for deep, committed, long-term, loving relationships.
It's basically cheating plus self-righteousness.
So how does that work out?
At best, the relationship is never as strong as it used to be. Not everyone is so lucky.
>Man Who Featured in 5 Person Polyamorous Relationship Charged With Child Abuse
>Infant suffered broken leg, arm and skull fractures during vicious attack
Mostly, they make a lot of noise online and irl.
Why is it lolcow-worthy?
They see it as part LGB-related sexuality, part MLM recruitment scheme. They are extremely proud of their poor decisions and want attention for it.
Bonus lols: any selfie posted on r/polyamory
Points of Interest:
Heavily popular in the trans community with many crossovers.
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No. 2076160

this uggo has her own thread >>>/snow/2073891

No. 2076329

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No. 2076330


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 2076407

New thread >>>/snow/2076406

No. 2076413

I beg you read the thread before posting next time.

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No. 1413384[Reply]

A thread to discuss the online hilarity of a subgroup of racial identitarians known as the goldensphere.

What would happen if white nationalists and hoteps had an interracial gang bang? The result would definitely be this group of cows.

This thread is specifically about light skinned or mixed-race African Americans who genuinely believe that they are superior to other African Americans (even blasians) based on their "golden skin" and that they need to secure a nation for "golden people" and "golden children".

Important Note: no racebaiting, no posting normal mixed/lightskin people, and no regurgitative comments about black culture, race-mixing.
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No. 2059684

This man is being monitored by fbi because he is a nazi connected to David Chao

No. 2059685

Weren't you trying to seduce a young mentally impaired girl, "sithgang?"

You are a grown ass man.(sage your shit)

No. 2062983

No. 2076069

There's a strong possibility that he's a Freemason and is affiliated with the royal order of Jester's, a sect of Freemasonry known for sex trafficking and other disturbing crimes. This all speculation but it can explain a lot of things about this individual and why they're always traveling
https://medium.com/@HeapingHelping/who-are-the-royal-order-of-jesters-55ffe6f6acea(sage your shit)

No. 2076074

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Think about it, Mulatto Vanguard aka Adam Williams is always referencing "masonry" on his Facebook and is using black and white checkered symbolism. Him being affiliated with the royal order of Jester's isn't far-fetched(sage your shit/tinfoiling)

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No. 129787[Reply]

25 year old grown woman making a fool of herself in Nipland.
Hayley Decked who now goes as "hayrii". She was a former camwhore on /b/ under the alias "Dwarftan"
She has had anime convention contests fixed in her favor so she could get free trips to Japan. Notorious in the Atlanta anime community for talking shit, rigging contests and acting mentally retarded.

Facebook fan page https://www.facebook.com/akibakoa/
I'll post in the thread her /b/ camwhoring shit, and more evidence of milk.
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No. 1569668

is that really pomu from n*jisanji? am I missing something

No. 1571490

ya, https://nyfco.org/rainpuff-zense/(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1957118

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Goodnight sweet princess

No. 2076037

so, now she is switching from idol to vtuber right?(namefagging/emailfagging)

No. 2076039

And you're going from a retard to a fagtard zhibao99@yahoo.com

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No. 167514[Reply]

Bree Mcgee, known on tumblr as E-Brat, Maggotmother, and now www.dustspeck.tumblr.com
used to be a lulzy tumblr feminist playing the oppression olympics and basically spending her time at her parents house getting triggered by everything.

then she started internet dating this nasty guy called Paul who turned out to be a gross abusive fuck and she got dragged by tumblr (http://cumstainsheets.tumblr.com/post/137827171213/psa-cumstainsheets-is-a-predator)

she stopped posting for a while when she moved to LA to be with said nasty abuser but promptly started posting on tumblr again after she suddenly left LA and was broken up with almost immediately. I know other things happened but i honestly don't remember and she blocked me on everything :(

does anyone have more dirt on her? she bugs the fuck out of me
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No. 1932490

begone moid

No. 2075534

How was this bumped?

No. 2075778

I don't understand…(sage your shit)

No. 2075779

I forgot to sage, sorry.(learn2delete)

No. 2076065

My point was that this thread was on the first page even though at the time the most recent post was from a year ago… Does that normally happen?

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No. 1222039[Reply]

The spam community on Instagram is a community where people (generally private accounts with no connections to irls) overshare their lives. Most accounts don't gain much traction but there are a few notorious cows on the app, these 3 have threads that are either dying or locked. If there is any others let the farm know.

Jaelle Stiles:
> 21 year old NEET who sits on social media all day and lurks
> Has been on the internet since 2011
> Used to be best friends with many spams including Julia, Nika, Lex, and Iana
> Had a mother who passed away of cancer
> Livestreamed her reaction right as she was passing
> Does insanely disgusting things for attention including sticking a used tampon in her mouth, smoking a tampon, drinking bleach, and letting her own mother give her hickeys.
> Searches her name constantly on social media for any sense of relevance
> Deletes her account once a month only to come back weeks later

Nika Petrova:
> 19 year old drug addict poly sex worker anachan
> Drug of choice is heroin, benzos and possibly meth?
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No. 2075706

post your link and screenshot as proof.

No. 2075720

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Different anon but she posted this on her story. I too want to see these screenshots lol she’s posted tiktoks of her living at someone’s house and found the person she’s living with. Some 19 year old furry their tiktok is @Mraxaxel

No. 2075754

>living at someone’s house
Damn i wouldn't tell, i thought it's her house (flat? wherever she was staying at in old tiktoks) at first. Cause they're equally cluttered and pigsty tier
>arrested for theft
Ngl this is giving flashbacks to back when they arrested Holli Vail/heroingranola. Anyways, guess then someone bailed her out? Was that really some naive 19yo?

No. 2075757

No. 2075796

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NTA who dropped the link, but here's a screenshot for the nonnas asking.

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No. 2017915[Reply]

>Rape victim Timothy Heller came out in 2017, and shared her experience
>Mel was quick to tell her fans not to make up random rumors against Oliver Tree, her ex, but not against Timothy Heller, who has spoken out about her experience with Mel
>Thanked fans for harrassing, victim-blaming, and denying the truth about Timothy's story.
>Admitted to having sexual physical contact with Tim ("She never said no"), only to change her story and claim nothing happened at all.
>Has had more than one victim speak up regarding her lack of sexual boundaries, such as Madeleine Carina
>Her former workers have come out and express how she was narcissistic, couldn't understand things outside of her "narrow reality" and overall very verbally abusive towards them while working for her. (such as Gina Fey, who worked on her PR)
>Sold overpriced merch to fans, such as a cheap version of the dress for 175-275USD, that's so cheap not only can you see through it, but many fans admit they don't even wear the dress due to how easily it rips.
>When criticized, she attempted to justify said prices by claiming that she was in debt and is struggling to afford to pay bills, and lying about being a multi-millionaire.
>Has posted CP of Jennette McCurdy on her Tumblr before, as well as illustrating child pornography of her crybaby caricature.
>Timothy Heller has come out again as of 2024 on TikTok and discussed her experience with the doxxing, harassment, misinformation and smear campaign and psychological abuse that Melanie's community has put her through.

Melanie's Twitter https://x.com/melanielbbh?lang=en
Melanie's currently inactive Tumblr Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 2076488

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>>2076474 And speaking of her child army, she did a poll to see how old her fans are. Majority were 13-17, at least among social media audience. Take that how you will, it weirds me out. Her albums are marked as explicit at least, so it's clear it's not intended for kids, but I'd be so pissed if I found out a ton of my fans were children when I'm writing lyrics like Moon Cycle's, and Nymphology ("push your penis into your mouth, I'll make you choke on your doubt, cut you off, watch you die, I'm just a fairy with a knife"). Looks like it was written by an edgelord 16 year old for sure, so that's probably why it attracts kids (that and the muppet costume), but I'd still be grossed out kids were listening…hopefully her writing will mature so that she stops attracting kids. It's kinda funny to me that her response to so many kids listening to these songs was only "I hope they understand me better when they're older".

No. 2076492

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Kek, the difference between this post and the replies and the whiteknights earlier in the thread going "but muh aesthetic!!" is hysterical.
She's probably blowing her money on drugs and/or alcohol, too. She makes references to drugs in a lot of her songs like picrel (Powder from Portals.) Even though this is about someone else, it's rare for addicts to show their asses in front of friends or partners who just watch and don't partake themselves.

No. 2076493

>Anon who probably lives in a human trafficking hotspot thinks only burgers are repulsed by this shit
Wow, you sure put them in their place!

No. 2078660

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The artist who drew everything for Melanie's crybaby character is Chloe Tersigni. So she made the art for the posters and coloring book. I don't know how old Chloe was when she drew for Melanie, but she was a fan who drew Crybaby in her own style and sent it to her as fan art. It's weird to see people think that exact image is "a child gagging on a bar of soap".

The artist's interpretation of Crybaby is what separates Melanie from Crybaby. Crybaby is not Melanie, but a character she wanted to play in all her music endeavors. Crybaby is actually a victim opposed to Melanie.

All of Melanie's ideas and aesthetics come from Tumblr. She just happened to make a platform off of the aesthetics she was looking at the time. She was 19 years old coming up with the concept and didn't think people would think "pedo pandering!!" When seeing her ideas for Crybaby. I'd also have to blame Tumblr for getting Melanie wanting to be a "Sapphic" so bad and raping her friends.

So nonas, next time you see Crybaby art, it's not Melanie's personal work, because she can't draw and can't come up with good ideas being stuck mentally as 19 year old tumblrina. Pic related kek.

No. 2078836

"Art was drawn by someone else, therefore poor Melanie has no say what goes inside her CD booklet" tier reasoning, fucking kek. By most accounts she's a control freak, and one of the reason her shitty film flopped was that she didn't exactly collaborate, workers just followed Melanie's shitty ideas. you really think she didn't give clear instructions/take a look to review what is being printed? Out of all the explanations and justifications, you chose the lamest

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No. 2014335[Reply]

The common traits of the typical e-girl:

>ahegao selfies

>accuse each other of copying meanwhile all owning the same Moeflavor lingerie sets and cheap, ill fitting, AliExpress/SHEIN clothes
>always getting into some sort of internet drama with other e-girls
>extremely performative for woke internet points yet ends up getting exposed for being problematic themselves
>making callout posts about anybody they currently have beef with
>room full of Sanrio merch, anime figures and Squishmallows
>japancore weeb/jojifuku aesthetic
>loli uwu persona and other pedo-pandering behavior
>Belle Delphine skin walking
>into ddlg/pet play
>tries to look Asian
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No. 2075427

Kek Lisa Franks room literally looks like generic Lisa Frank, how is she going to reach that hard. Generic trendy plastic chairs and colorful cluttered photo wall that plenty people have done before. She has no creativity or skills if she thinks not having a special colorful apartment anymore is ruining her "career" of being a generic rainbow girl who makes it her whole personality.

No. 2075489

Weird, last I saw of them, I thought she and her troon husband divorced? Are they back together ?

No. 2075526

his profile still has recent pictures of them together, so I'm assuming no divorce ever actually happened.

No. 2075686

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I remember this controversy well because the CEO of MGA Entertainment (Bratz, LOLsurprise, Rainbow High) is a bit of a personal cow for me, he’s like the Trump of toy CEO’s with his unhinged boomer posting. I’m pretty sure his response to Amina is what caused him to delete his twitter and move his rants over to LinkedIn. I can’t disagree with him though, she is exactly what he says she is. MGA posted a timeline for how long it takes for a doll to go from an initial concept/design, to production, to market to prove that it was impossible for them to have copied her Instagram photos. Even if they did, she didn’t invent blue hair dye.

No. 2076417

But Tasselfairy isn't wearing a rainbow fanny pack tho?

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No. 1845552[Reply]

My apologies to the anons who whined for a new thread, y’all were right and I should have posted sooner – smh, hope you find this.

Alice Llani (formerly, but still legally, Alice Bender) is known on Tik Tok for controversial takes, identifying as a crunchy and vegan radfem tradwife. She is “terminally online” and desperate for attention at any cost, often soiling her own reputation and exploiting her two children in pursuit of it.

FKA alicellani / crunchyipadbaby / aliceandfern / alicellanispam / aureliasmama / comingupfern / radfemalice / Allison-Loke-Lani Roza

> Spends an exhausting amount of time trying to gaslight audience that she is at her pre-pregnancy weight, despite looking like a water-logged corpse (spoiler: she does eventually loses the weight for single girl summer).
> Weight aside, Alice spends nearly a year looking like she died in the bathtub giving birth to Sneeze and is a walking ghost.
> Gets exposed by some crunchy moms for being a mean girl.
> A lot of gross food-floor stuff, not worth getting into all of it but THINGS BE FERAL AF.
> Interest dwindles in Alice’s antics so she tries to generate some by teaching, filming, and encouraging Fern to engage in unsafe behaviour around natural bodies of water (repeatedly). Eventually, she even gets bored of this herself and it abruptly stops.
> Abruptly stops showing the children’s faces. Anons speculate whether this was to drum up attention or if she’s hiding physical indication of abuse via Daddy Bender.
> Regular programming receives more frequent interruptions than before — archiving photos of Caleb, unfollowing him and his family, ask followers advice on getting a large down payment back, using audio about DV, etc. She claims to be looking for an apartment for herself and the children.
> Follows this up by mass-archiving social media posts and anons are torn whether this is due to an impending divorce/custody battle or if she is still baiting yet again.
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No. 2075745

Yeah I don’t honestly know what she expected anyone to do. She got pregnant by him at age 20 and 22. She was an adult who chose to have unprotected sex and got pregnant. Was someone supposed to force a condom on her? She said she split up with an ex because he wanted to wait to have children. She got the life she specifically asked for. She once said she begged Caleb to let her be a housewife if she wasn’t able to have children. He’s a piece of shit sure but this is the life her adult self chose. Now she’s full of regrets and unfortunately those regrets include the two innocent kids

No. 2075746

Does Fern ever walk? He’s four and a half and she’s always pushing him around in that thing.

No. 2076139

What thing??? Idk if your picture dropped nonnie, but you are out of context.
Obviously fern never walks. Hes a fat lil kid fornsure.

No. 2076559

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posted this with the sound “so you’re still thinking of me”. Girl…

No. 2076610

lol Alice's photoshopping has spread from her face to her elbows and forearms. What is she even doing

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No. 1303332[Reply]

ISABELLA LORETTA JANKE was involved in attempting to cause Christian Weston Chandler to end his own life, to extort money from him and encouraged him into raping his mother. She was the person Chris is talking to in the tapes in which he admits to having sex with his mother.

She has already been involved, on the Texas Tech Campus, in allegedly causing the suicide of another student and appears to have a wide track record of sociopathic behavior and involvement in a variety of illegal and disturbing acts including abusing animals, vandalism and selling prescription medications.

It seems that the call may have been recorded and retained for blackmail purposes and then when shared by another Chris orbiter who leaked it out of panic, Bella went into damage control mode spinning off the saga that we have today.


Bella / Simon918 / NP2348 / redpilled single dad / Nobodysbusiness77897 / 10anon / Kelly Osborn
>Self-describes as "4chan lonely dweller who can't get along with another bitchy girls".
>Doesn't shower and has fungal infections all over her body.
>Has a charge in New York currently for illegal possession of weapons.

Louis / louize / jordanloveboat
>Her no. 1 simp, Chess Club member.
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No. 2006422

Shes claiming to be Middle Eastern? I’m fairly certain both her parents are white

No. 2006541

I thought she was half hispanic, half white, but she's definitely not middle eastern

No. 2070784

where is she now

No. 2073069

I'd like to know as well.

No. 2075266


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No. 1257470[Reply]

A general thread for lolcows who are drag queens/kings. You may discuss famous drag cows as well as local or lesser known cows; you may also discuss cows adjacent to the drag community (i.e. Todrick Hall).

Racebaiting is highly penalized here. Do not post about drag kids.

Brief summary of recent milk:
>Nina West teams up with Blue's Clues for an eyesore PSA; with his foot fetish this could easily go the way of Dan Schneider
>The Vixen picks an argument with Monet XChange over a music choice
>Drag Race Down Under gets dragged for vagina jokes, contestants's past racism
>Silky Nutmeg Ganache has a habit of getting grabby
>Ilona Verley is the latest to make a ~dramatic exit~ from drag
>Widow Von'Du gets arrested for domestic violence; the victim was strangled and had to get 14 stiches
>Both Tamisha Iman and Serena Cha Cha are scamming people
>The next season is going to Paramount+ for some reason
>Trixie Mattel and Katya Zamolodchikova continue to have the cringiest fan base
>Divina de Campo and Baga Chipz attack a fan for quoting something that happened live
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No. 2074729

Theyve been broken up for awhile but didn't mention it in content for continuity purposes

No. 2074734

I agree with this take. I think they'd only be so private about it in the cases of suicide or drug overdose. you nailed it, it is very sad because she was such an amazing queen

No. 2074738

I've been watching drag race UK and it seems to me less UK drags become trans and just kinda accept they're men and stay on the "non binary" lane. hope that doesn't change, I just finished season 2. it's bleak the amount of american drags becoming trannies and coming on their season fully bogged with several feminization procedures. I feel like it takes away the magic of transformation a bit.

No. 2074749

eh wait for seasons 4 and 5 there is a lot more troon shit unfortunately. i think at one point there were even some JKR jokes thrown in

No. 2075020

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More info on Vivienne. I’m starting to think it was probably suicide.

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