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No. 1845552[Reply]

My apologies to the anons who whined for a new thread, y’all were right and I should have posted sooner – smh, hope you find this.

Alice Llani (formerly, but still legally, Alice Bender) is known on Tik Tok for controversial takes, identifying as a crunchy and vegan radfem tradwife. She is “terminally online” and desperate for attention at any cost, often soiling her own reputation and exploiting her two children in pursuit of it.

FKA alicellani / crunchyipadbaby / aliceandfern / alicellanispam / aureliasmama / comingupfern / radfemalice / Allison-Loke-Lani Roza

> Spends an exhausting amount of time trying to gaslight audience that she is at her pre-pregnancy weight, despite looking like a water-logged corpse (spoiler: she does eventually loses the weight for single girl summer).
> Weight aside, Alice spends nearly a year looking like she died in the bathtub giving birth to Sneeze and is a walking ghost.
> Gets exposed by some crunchy moms for being a mean girl.
> A lot of gross food-floor stuff, not worth getting into all of it but THINGS BE FERAL AF.
> Interest dwindles in Alice’s antics so she tries to generate some by teaching, filming, and encouraging Fern to engage in unsafe behaviour around natural bodies of water (repeatedly). Eventually, she even gets bored of this herself and it abruptly stops.
> Abruptly stops showing the children’s faces. Anons speculate whether this was to drum up attention or if she’s hiding physical indication of abuse via Daddy Bender.
> Regular programming receives more frequent interruptions than before — archiving photos of Caleb, unfollowing him and his family, ask followers advice on getting a large down payment back, using audio about DV, etc. She claims to be looking for an apartment for herself and the children.
> Follows this up by mass-archiving social media posts and anons are torn whether this is due to an impending divorce/custody battle or if she is still baiting yet again.
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No. 2091113

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Because the dude doesn't care about her nails. She isn't getting the things she desires, she is getting whatever the SD wants/finds attractive, like all SBs.
If it gets to the point he introduces her to people in his life (other men whose opinions matter) then he will tell her to go to the spa & get them done. But it's only for him & his desires.
Phoenix is a mecca for people like this, wishing they could be "Scottsdale" but they're actually Apache Junction.

No. 2091139

I hope she’s smart enough to keep these men away from her home since single moms are a huge target for pedos

No. 2091157

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No, in fact she brought her children with her on her Valentine’s Day spa/resort trip. Overnight from 2/13-2/14.

No. 2091173

Oh no. Well she’s consistent, with never having cared about safety when it comes to her kids. I would hope she is being careful for their sake. But doubt it

No. 2091248

I guess living in Phoenix gets to everyone, I don’t think there’s a single area with more wannabe sugar babies other than Miami

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No. 1983123[Reply]

Meet the cows:
Jake Munro - Ex boyfriend of a "goth" YTer who helped him get his career off the ground. Cheated on her (after a decade together) with his girlfriend's tattoo artist's wife, Kat. Fancies himself a musician, though since his bandmates all left, doesn't seem capable of producing music on his own. Uses Joker-esqe makeup while mimicking other artist's makeup for attention on Youtube, appears to be rapidly aging into the bloated corpse of a chav gordan ramsay due to a suspected alcohol and nicotine addiction. Had big dreams of being the next big V-tuber star as "JesterJake", but after falling for multiple Nigerian avatar scams and constantly breaking his equipment, this "dream" flopped. Has made his grand return to OnlyFans to scar us with ugly photos of his teenie weenie. Dislikes: women not being hot, women having opinions, zoomers, being hungry, any alternative man hotter than him (so basically all of them)

Kat Paine - Previously married mother of one, cheated on her tattoo studio owning husband with their client's long term boyfriend (Jake). You can find her posting heavily filtered lewds to her OnlyFans when she isn't tracing Disney coloring book sheets at the tattoo shop. Her most popular phrases include: "Daddy! Shots!", "Drinks! Shots!" and incoherent giggling at Jake doing literally anything. Hobbies include: pole-dancing, poorly cosplaying Jake's questionable fictional crushes (d.va, tinkerbell, etc.), constantly cleaning up after her manchild, and poorly editing her photos.

Highlights from last thread:
>>1886746 Jake and kat apparently buy their entire wardrobe off SHEIN
>>1887409 Jake has a meltdown on stream about the lack of donations, says he "can't do this for free anymore"
>>1887707 The neckbeard catboy vtuber Jake tried to leech off of ends up becoming more popular than him
>>1888547 Kat posts about giving birth to her son, posts porn immediately after
>>1889Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 2091845

Kat doing her babygirl pigtails when she is pushing 40.

Dude really thinks the Gothic Quarter in Barcelona is actually gothic. It’s the most tourist place in the city and filled with immigrants and vape shops.

No. 2091923

?? her hair is down in this picture.

No. 2091981

His stories show her hair in pigtails

No. 2092438


You're exactly right, I'd be seething and coping if I was Kat and my long-term partner only recycled his ex's ideas. Surely any sane woman would find that weird loser behaviour. There are so many places in Europe that are just as nice and even cheaper to visit.

I couldn't be more convinced its a narc abuser just marking his territory. He thinks he's taken something special from Kaya and that it's "his" thing now, similar with Galgorm. Creeps me out every time they go.

No. 2094063

The first place they go to in the Barcelona vlog is Flax and Kale, Kayas fav cafe. He is so obsessed with her still it’s unreal!

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No. 17028[Reply]

I really wanted to talk about this, but I didn't think it warranted being in /pt/, because she is lulsy but I don't know if she can really be considered a cow.

What on earth happened to Ginny? I used to love her back in the day, but literally all she seems to do now is talk about feminism and mental health issues. Some of her arguments are just really hard to take seriously and it's made worse by the fact she always deletes a lot of comments that disagree with her.

She has also been constantly asking people to contribute to her Patreon because she's been out of work. I thought she was making money as a social media consultant or whatever since she stopped cosplaying? I don't know if I feel sorry for her or whether I think she's really full of it.
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No. 1041320

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No. 1041321

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No. 1041322

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No. 1041506

Shitty thread full of masturbating scrotes. fuck off.

No. 2090789

Ginny apparently had a job at one time trying to sell sex toys. Maybe she should have demonstrated some of them.
https://www.bedroomsports.com/buyers-guide?sort=Newest(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

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No. 1611539[Reply]

A thread for both older and newer cows from indie bands including indie punk rock, alternative rock, grunge and so on, who do stupid things but don't deserve their separate threads. That refers to singers and musicians with unhealthy need of attention, claiming to be "punk" and independent despite being ex models or actors and coming from priviledged backgrounds, guilty of using nepotism to further their careers, reworking old genres, copying older bands or characterized by rude and nonsensical behaviour. Examples of indie cows or cows in the making:

Previous thread milk & discussion:
>Dani Miller poverty larping >>1283783
>Kim Gordon being an NLOG who wrote a book to bitch about Thurston, reveal intimate details of their divorce, flex all the famous people she knew and fucked and how fucking ~artistic~ she is >>1279833, >>1279885, >>1279902
>Sonic Youth behaving like total idiots and posers, anon posts video of them bullying Narwuard, destroying a gift he bought them. A bunch of 40 year old manchildren ganged up on him like a buch of primary schoolers >>1285799
>pretentious (and bad) cover of Aneurysm by Kim Gordon on Nirvana’s RnR Hall Of Fame live >>1453639, Kim lets us know how „punk” others said she is
>Kim Gordon talking shit about women that she’s jealous of >>1453837,
>Kim’s awful „clothing collection” >>1463224
>1975 gets in trouble for ignoring grooming allegations about their friend >>1282004
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No. 2090243

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How about Glume begging for donations again. If she's been so severely sick since forever, how come she never puts money aside for emergencies but has money for lip fillers, tattoos, hair extensions?

No. 2090248

Jesus how many fundraisers has she gone through now? Honestly she's so evil for keeping exploiting the retards that keep falling for this stupid grift that keeps getting more and more ridiculous each time. Kek at the fucking wheelchair

No. 2090293

She's got a whole new album (on what label though?) a book and some musical role (?) scheduled for post March. I guess these funds go into releasing failed projects now. I would say she's screating these funds bc she's ebegger out of habit. I remember how during LA fires she claimed her dog starting coughing and suffocating and begged either 200 or 300 dollars for "emegency visit". you know when your dog is sick you quickly retrieve your own money, or borrow (what the fuck is this husband doing anyway? also working as professional scammer?) not using this great opportunity to scam fans but what do i know lol.
>Kek at the fucking wheelchair
Someone bought her glittery/custom crutches and she announced she no longer needs wheelchair and won't "strain" her husband anymore blah blah. I see this saga didn't last long.

No. 2090294


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 2093629

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Glume spiraling on IG stories. "my cardiologist does it all without logging it" ??? Lol that she obviously reads these threads

No. 899110[Reply]

25 year old Julia Zelg is married to a 62 year old, pink haired, heifer who has an extensive criminal past and is currently going by the name Eileen De Freest Zelg (Sellge). This is one of many name that Eileen has been known to use over the years.

Eileen's Wrap Sheet

Dob: 2 oct 1957

Known Aliases: Eileen Rita Defreest / Eileen Rita De Freest / Eileen Defreest / Aileen Defreest, Eileen Grey, Eileen Braden / Eileen Rita Braden, Eileen Vanarden / Eileen Van Arden, Eileen Ashton-Ryder and very likely: Eileen King.

Current name: Eileen De Freest-Sellge (in her IG)


1990 - married “Alastair king”, a man in NY - LIC # 22701 (possible nationality fraud)

1998 - 22 may 98 her company in NY go Bancrupt, chapter 7, case# 98043700
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No. 2089400

why the fuck does julia always look so fucking YELLOW wtf!(sage your shit)

No. 2089646

it's called olive skin dumbass

No. 2091384

Yay! Congrats to Keith and Julia.
>noticeably more modest dress
>necklace tucked under jacket, could be a cross

Ex-lesbian era incoming

No. 2092268

Lol anon why are you happy she's marrying her sugar daddy?

No. 2094221

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No. 1200814[Reply]

Starting a new thread because there has been some fresh milk flowing with London Lonlon Lobsterchan.

Summary of old milk:
>Known for multiple instances of begging for money, mostly to go to pay for plane tickets, housing, and badges at anime cons but also for personal "necessary" finaces.
>Claims to be "disabled with IC, fibromyalgia, autism&bipolar," an perpetual abuse and cyberbully victim, spoonie, living in poverty, and having BPD. This grocery list of conditions is her trump card for excusing her behavior and blaming others. Never posts proof of these claims and attacks people who ask for it.
>Some of her past donors came out and said she treated them in a shitty way or blocked them for no reason after they gave her money. Lon of course immediately went after them, called them out on her FB, and called them abusive.
>Used to make (now deleted) wannabe idol videos with singing and dancing, often wearing giant lobster claws on her hands as a symbol of her disabilities. Also wore a lot of Jfash. She now says she is above all that and recently made a video about how her behavior and wearing Jfashion in general is cultural appropriation, despite modeling for Japanese brands in the past like 6%DokiDoki who clearly don't share that sentiment. (Video is still up on her new Youtube, link below.) She also made some (also deleted) YT videos about ableism and spoonies.
>Even though she will immediately jump down someone's throat if they dare question her "disabilities," there are videos of her looking pretty able bodied when she modeled for anime con fashion shows and when she volunteered as an anime con rave dancer, clearly moving with no physical limitations. Her friends also posted videos of her twerking and flailing around during cons.
>Despite always begging for money while saying she is broke/disabled and on SSI, she would constantly get new designer clothing and accessories over the years, both jfashion and western brand pieces like her "$300 Prada glasses."
>Begs for money a LOT, almost as much as she claims to be abused by her current boyfriend of the month. It's hard to even keep track of how many times she e-bePost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 1434472

Sage your necro

No. 2089380

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No. 2089389

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No. 2089398

Fucking kek I remember this cow. Can't believe she got arrested.

No. 2089402

Thank you for reviving this thread with an update anon. The other day her Lobster Hands song randomly popped into my head and I was wondering whatever happened to this cow.

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No. 2001795[Reply]

ScorpioAssHeaux/AliceAmoreLove/PickledPetShop/Ariana McMillan/Ariana Pennente is a 29 year old plastic surgery addict, ex-Instagram “influencer”, animal abuser, stripper and full service sex worker based in Philly.

It's been two years since we had a thread because PnP stopped posting on SM but she is making a comeback. She has been discussed on the Cam Girls threads on and off so I'm summarizing the milk that got posted in those threads recently.

> PnP gets more surgical work down and the surgeon posts her catfish before/afters >>1832862

> Our favorite tranny got married again >>1877046
> Starts looking like Popeye >>1877151
> PnP's new husband makes his IG debut >>1924106
> Nonnies speculated she was pregs >>1924139 (she was not thank god)
> PnP is still a redneck hillbilly underneath it all >>1924710
> Her and her midget husband buy a house. Still lives in the Philly area. >>1929695
> Anon figures out her new last name, 'Ariana Pennente' >>1961483
> Looking like dumb and dumber with her bowl cut >>1955136
> Her BDD hasn't gone anywhere and is on an actual MTF tranny's twitter comments asking where he got his facial feminization surgeries >>1952740
> She's probably better off going by he/him pronouns Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 2093445

Is sweaty upper lip highlighter dots going to be her new thing? Love it, goes well with the freckles and whatever that headshape is

No. 2093463

it looks like when a kid keeps licking their chapped lips lmao

No. 2093547

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It’s giving snot nose.. it’s giving glitter hitler

No. 2093666

this image is nightmare fuel. her gums and fake teeth look scary. like they could pop out at any moment

No. 2096029

Her tacky LV purse in the background… she's like Luna Slater in her Chanel sweater. Even if it's real, these girls are missing the actual look of a wealthy lady bc they're dirty with no sense of style and they carry themselves with the grace of a lumberjack. Her cheap fast fashion outfits make anything designer on her automatically look fake.

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No. 2064623[Reply]

Thread for discussing Red Scare, Cumtown/TAFS, Dimes Square, the remains of the "dirtbag left", and the entire "post-left" and Silicon Valley "rationalist/postrat" sphere and their orbiters/backers, including but not limited to Mencius Moldbug, Peter Thiel, and the so-called "dissident right" (Bronze Age Pervert, The Perfume Nationalist, and other faggots). WARNING: this scene is crawling with Nazis, pedophiles, child porn advocates, sex pests, rapists, troons, and other degenerates.

Milk from thread #50:
Dasha begging trump to come on RS, Anna admits she voted for Trump in 2020
Comments calling out No Agency for Plagiarism and predatory practices
Ivy Worlk got released from the psych ward
Dasha smiling while posing for a pic with child molester Sam Hyde
Yarvin's new wife chased off twitter
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No. 2089215

they haven’t figured out her meager success is due to being a whore. pray for redscarepod

No. 2089261

No. 2089275

the real ones know how to hit a russian larper where it hurts by coming for her chess.com elo kek

No. 2094080

Can anyone tell me why BAPs, fervent Zionists and even some of the Hollywood Jews do this weird ok gesture over the eye? It's not white power, like the media likes to claim, it's something else I'm assuming.

No. 2094084

I honestly get nervous where this corporation (country) is heading. You literally have the president and vp supporting pedos and child traffickers.

I'm under belief that Karp and Thiel are reincarnated Epsteins, but using surveillance to blackmail people. They are both into nanotech and want a world where they can bring everyone else under subjugation by spying at the molecular scale. We are fucked with these scumbags. Fucked. And everyone supports Trump cause of a fake assassination attempt.(unsaged schizo)

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No. 2076406[Reply]

>Do NOT post Sinnabunny/itssinnabunny/ Dana Hare here, she has her own thread: >>>/snow/2073891

From wikipedia:
>Polyamory is the practice of, or desire for, romantic relationships with more than one partner at the same time, with the informed consent of all partners involved. People who identify as polyamorous may believe in open relationships with a conscious management of jealousy and reject the view that sexual and relational exclusivity are prerequisite for deep, committed, long-term, loving relationships.
It's basically cheating plus self-righteousness.
So how does that work out?
At best, the relationship is never as strong as it used to be. Not everyone is so lucky.
>Man Who Featured in 5 Person Polyamorous Relationship Charged With Child Abuse
>Infant suffered broken leg, arm and skull fractures during vicious attack
Mostly, they make a lot of noise online and irl.
Why is it lolcow-worthy?
They see it as part LGB-related sexuality, part MLM recruitment scheme. They are extremely proud of their poor decisions and want attention for it.
Bonus lols: any selfie posted on r/polyamory
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No. 2087838

Ugly hasberg jaw man and ugly crow nose woman. Poly people are always ugly. Pretty poly people that are very rare to find always settle into monogamous relationships too after they are done with their degen ring. Lmfao so basically being poly is about being promiscuous temporarily, or ugly and undesireable and having to compromise the relationships exclusivity to keep it together. Bleak.

No. 2088864

Thread tax. Spot the Dana.
Retards that say shit like this need to open a damn history book. They think they’re so revolutionary for actually proposing the most regressive and harmful martial practice in history (besides child marriage of course, but let’s be real—polygamy and child brides usually go hand-in-hand). The US literally outlawed polygamy to protect women and children after Mormons tried to create a Mormon theocracy in Utah so that their cult leader could have sexual access to as many young girls as he wanted from among his followers.
>t. descendent of Mormon polygamists

No. 2088960

>The US literally outlawed polygamy to protect women and children after Mormons tried to create a Mormon theocracy in Utah so that their cult leader could have sexual access to as many young girls as he wanted from among his followers.
It's wild that this isn't really talked about but it's 100% historically accurate. And yet some people still hesitate to call Mormonism a cult

No. 2089178

Historically polygamy protected women who didn’t have other options, Mormon polygamy is not the same as polygamy from thousands of years ago. Thousands of years ago if a woman was unmarried, she likely became poor or a prostitute.

Not agreeing with polygamy at all. Marriage is between two people only, but there is more to the history than what Mormons did.

No. 2093247

Tana Moknee made a video defending polyfags, which is also referencing a tiktok ( >>2088864 ) kek

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No. 2003097[Reply]

Rose Mulet is a 24-year-old YouTuber who faked being mtf for views, victim blames female rape victims, and who supports (or claims to support) various controversial Internet figures for clout.
>Posts often about her belief that women who have been raped should not defend themselves >>>/snow/1707097
>Obsessed with Onision and faked committing suicide because he ignored her >>>/pt/762368
>Has had a great deal of drama in past years with NicholasDeOrio,TheRightOpinion, and Turkey Tom, as well as having petty beef with Kat Blaque, Keffals, and MrGirl
>Largely pretends to be a tranny to get away with being highly unattractive
>Had a public slapfight with an ex friend named Victory Rhyder
>Lives for debates, especially on on TikTok over her stupid takes on rape, gender politics/ideology, and other and political nonsense
>Gained attention online because of a so-called “simp anthem” that was made in 2020 that TikTokers like Tana Mongeau used in their videos
>Creates ridiculous music with titles like “41%”
>Defended Blaire White during the Jeffree Star drama only to 360 later on
>Obsessed with "going on hiatus," only to come back days later
>Attempts to skinwalk and cling to larger creators to gain more relevancy online
>Recently came back into the public eye because of making a random video boosted by BradTasteInMusic
>Claimed in a debate that "insults are worse than rape"
>Says that she wants anyone who's ever hated her or tried to cancel her for her rape comments to "admit that it was based in transphobia" despite not being mtf
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No. 2081987

Oompaville uploaded vidrel on the truth about MrBeast Games…

No. 2081988

…and Rose made a response video.

No. 2081992

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I'll just leave this here.

No. 2085999

Someone should ask Rose what she thinks about Hitler.

No. 2088520

The exposé is out.

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