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No. 2001795[Reply]

ScorpioAssHeaux/AliceAmoreLove/PickledPetShop/Ariana McMillan/Ariana Pennente is a 29 year old plastic surgery addict, ex-Instagram “influencer”, animal abuser, stripper and full service sex worker based in Philly.

It's been two years since we had a thread because PnP stopped posting on SM but she is making a comeback. She has been discussed on the Cam Girls threads on and off so I'm summarizing the milk that got posted in those threads recently.

> PnP gets more surgical work down and the surgeon posts her catfish before/afters >>1832862

> Our favorite tranny got married again >>1877046
> Starts looking like Popeye >>1877151
> PnP's new husband makes his IG debut >>1924106
> Nonnies speculated she was pregs >>1924139 (she was not thank god)
> PnP is still a redneck hillbilly underneath it all >>1924710
> Her and her midget husband buy a house. Still lives in the Philly area. >>1929695
> Anon figures out her new last name, 'Ariana Pennente' >>1961483
> Looking like dumb and dumber with her bowl cut >>1955136
> Her BDD hasn't gone anywhere and is on an actual MTF tranny's twitter comments asking where he got his facial feminization surgeries >>1952740
> She's probably better off going by he/him pronouns Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 2093445

Is sweaty upper lip highlighter dots going to be her new thing? Love it, goes well with the freckles and whatever that headshape is

No. 2093463

it looks like when a kid keeps licking their chapped lips lmao

No. 2093547

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It’s giving snot nose.. it’s giving glitter hitler

No. 2093666

this image is nightmare fuel. her gums and fake teeth look scary. like they could pop out at any moment

No. 2096029

Her tacky LV purse in the background… she's like Luna Slater in her Chanel sweater. Even if it's real, these girls are missing the actual look of a wealthy lady bc they're dirty with no sense of style and they carry themselves with the grace of a lumberjack. Her cheap fast fashion outfits make anything designer on her automatically look fake.

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No. 2064623[Reply]

Thread for discussing Red Scare, Cumtown/TAFS, Dimes Square, the remains of the "dirtbag left", and the entire "post-left" and Silicon Valley "rationalist/postrat" sphere and their orbiters/backers, including but not limited to Mencius Moldbug, Peter Thiel, and the so-called "dissident right" (Bronze Age Pervert, The Perfume Nationalist, and other faggots). WARNING: this scene is crawling with Nazis, pedophiles, child porn advocates, sex pests, rapists, troons, and other degenerates.

Milk from thread #50:
Dasha begging trump to come on RS, Anna admits she voted for Trump in 2020
Comments calling out No Agency for Plagiarism and predatory practices
Ivy Worlk got released from the psych ward
Dasha smiling while posing for a pic with child molester Sam Hyde
Yarvin's new wife chased off twitter
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No. 2089215

they haven’t figured out her meager success is due to being a whore. pray for redscarepod

No. 2089261

No. 2089275

the real ones know how to hit a russian larper where it hurts by coming for her chess.com elo kek

No. 2094080

Can anyone tell me why BAPs, fervent Zionists and even some of the Hollywood Jews do this weird ok gesture over the eye? It's not white power, like the media likes to claim, it's something else I'm assuming.

No. 2094084

I honestly get nervous where this corporation (country) is heading. You literally have the president and vp supporting pedos and child traffickers.

I'm under belief that Karp and Thiel are reincarnated Epsteins, but using surveillance to blackmail people. They are both into nanotech and want a world where they can bring everyone else under subjugation by spying at the molecular scale. We are fucked with these scumbags. Fucked. And everyone supports Trump cause of a fake assassination attempt.(unsaged schizo)

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No. 2076406[Reply]

>Do NOT post Sinnabunny/itssinnabunny/ Dana Hare here, she has her own thread: >>>/snow/2073891

From wikipedia:
>Polyamory is the practice of, or desire for, romantic relationships with more than one partner at the same time, with the informed consent of all partners involved. People who identify as polyamorous may believe in open relationships with a conscious management of jealousy and reject the view that sexual and relational exclusivity are prerequisite for deep, committed, long-term, loving relationships.
It's basically cheating plus self-righteousness.
So how does that work out?
At best, the relationship is never as strong as it used to be. Not everyone is so lucky.
>Man Who Featured in 5 Person Polyamorous Relationship Charged With Child Abuse
>Infant suffered broken leg, arm and skull fractures during vicious attack
Mostly, they make a lot of noise online and irl.
Why is it lolcow-worthy?
They see it as part LGB-related sexuality, part MLM recruitment scheme. They are extremely proud of their poor decisions and want attention for it.
Bonus lols: any selfie posted on r/polyamory
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No. 2087838

Ugly hasberg jaw man and ugly crow nose woman. Poly people are always ugly. Pretty poly people that are very rare to find always settle into monogamous relationships too after they are done with their degen ring. Lmfao so basically being poly is about being promiscuous temporarily, or ugly and undesireable and having to compromise the relationships exclusivity to keep it together. Bleak.

No. 2088864

Thread tax. Spot the Dana.
Retards that say shit like this need to open a damn history book. They think they’re so revolutionary for actually proposing the most regressive and harmful martial practice in history (besides child marriage of course, but let’s be real—polygamy and child brides usually go hand-in-hand). The US literally outlawed polygamy to protect women and children after Mormons tried to create a Mormon theocracy in Utah so that their cult leader could have sexual access to as many young girls as he wanted from among his followers.
>t. descendent of Mormon polygamists

No. 2088960

>The US literally outlawed polygamy to protect women and children after Mormons tried to create a Mormon theocracy in Utah so that their cult leader could have sexual access to as many young girls as he wanted from among his followers.
It's wild that this isn't really talked about but it's 100% historically accurate. And yet some people still hesitate to call Mormonism a cult

No. 2089178

Historically polygamy protected women who didn’t have other options, Mormon polygamy is not the same as polygamy from thousands of years ago. Thousands of years ago if a woman was unmarried, she likely became poor or a prostitute.

Not agreeing with polygamy at all. Marriage is between two people only, but there is more to the history than what Mormons did.

No. 2093247

Tana Moknee made a video defending polyfags, which is also referencing a tiktok ( >>2088864 ) kek

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No. 2003097[Reply]

Rose Mulet is a 24-year-old YouTuber who faked being mtf for views, victim blames female rape victims, and who supports (or claims to support) various controversial Internet figures for clout.
>Posts often about her belief that women who have been raped should not defend themselves >>>/snow/1707097
>Obsessed with Onision and faked committing suicide because he ignored her >>>/pt/762368
>Has had a great deal of drama in past years with NicholasDeOrio,TheRightOpinion, and Turkey Tom, as well as having petty beef with Kat Blaque, Keffals, and MrGirl
>Largely pretends to be a tranny to get away with being highly unattractive
>Had a public slapfight with an ex friend named Victory Rhyder
>Lives for debates, especially on on TikTok over her stupid takes on rape, gender politics/ideology, and other and political nonsense
>Gained attention online because of a so-called “simp anthem” that was made in 2020 that TikTokers like Tana Mongeau used in their videos
>Creates ridiculous music with titles like “41%”
>Defended Blaire White during the Jeffree Star drama only to 360 later on
>Obsessed with "going on hiatus," only to come back days later
>Attempts to skinwalk and cling to larger creators to gain more relevancy online
>Recently came back into the public eye because of making a random video boosted by BradTasteInMusic
>Claimed in a debate that "insults are worse than rape"
>Says that she wants anyone who's ever hated her or tried to cancel her for her rape comments to "admit that it was based in transphobia" despite not being mtf
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No. 2081987

Oompaville uploaded vidrel on the truth about MrBeast Games…

No. 2081988

…and Rose made a response video.

No. 2081992

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I'll just leave this here.

No. 2085999

Someone should ask Rose what she thinks about Hitler.

No. 2088520

The exposé is out.

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No. 643671[Reply]

Former pageant girl who's now a Lapidot sperg. Hilariously bad with managing her money, she E-begs on Ko-Fi for literally everything related to cosplay and cons (Peep her IG story right now, since her C2E2 ticket is funded she's back to begging for her Momocon ticket)

She couldn't afford a fucking $5 McGriddle at HolMat and had to beg to get fed

Shoves her relationship with @for_the_love_of_clod on everyone’s faces, gave Clod a promise ring a few months into the relationship, posted it about it and everyone thought it was an engagement ring

Kelly was engaged for 3 years, broke off the relationship in mid 2016, she had been stalking Clod during that time and only met her because she had at least 10-15k followers

Claims she’s poor even though she does model photo shoots, took trapeze classes, and moved to Florida a few months ago and recently went back to Seattle to work for a week because she didn’t have a job in Florida, was then invited to choreograph a beauty pageant


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No. 984774

yep. The only close to canon lesbian ship would be Neeko and Nidalee because Neeko has a crush on her.

No. 988236

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@for_the_love_of_clod or @kellykirstein’s snowflake fiancé has now become a costhot who is selling her nudes. No surprise here. Cheap patreon and onlyfans pictures, cosplays are from miccostumes. Her face and body aren’t fit to be selling these lewd photos. Another fake gamer girl who likes League Of Legends because of K/DA. She is calling herself “Genderqueer” but is dressing as “Sexy girls”. Watch her complain because she is getting “sexist comments”. She needs to grow up

No. 990207

>>988236 whats even the point in playing league when you clearly do not care about the game and universe but only for K/DA? i can just imagine her playing league and just quitting after a minute into that game. Would be funny to see her being one shotted and going 0/20 evelynn jungle.

Imagine the second hand embarassment.

jng diff

No. 998370

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In 2017 when Hurricane Maria/Irma happened Kelly Kirstein asked donations for her to go visit her girlfriend @for_the_love_of_clod down in Florida where the hurricane was going to hit. She made the goal and visited her.

Here were the issues about this:
>People from Florida or any hurricane zone could not leave the state because airlines bumped up the prices costing around $1k-3k just to leave
>Death toll was 134
>She did not care that others were suffering to leave or trying to protect themselves from the hurricane
>She never donated to a Hurricane relief
>Made a “Lapis will stop the hurricane” meme which was insensitive
>White privilege
>Always asked for money to go visit her girlfriend

No. 1263887

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No. 2087620[Reply]

This is like the troon threads but instead of of being about people who think they are the opposite sex it's about people who think they are gerbils or Naruto.





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No. 2088184

One thing that bothers me is that for the ones who are just pure cringe they probably could have been great creative minds, but instead they waste their time navel-gazing about how they're really a wolf and then they walk on their hands like a monkey. Maybe they're just the group of people that would have been deeply religious zealots back in the day, their minds need something to "believe" in because they're not very intelligent on their own.

No. 2088540

Tbf starseed people seem more like wannabe hippies with new age nonsense and pseudo-spiritualism, vs therians who seem to be a bit more severe. Therians feel more in line with the DID pretenders and troons. But I wouldn't be surprised if there's overlaps.

No. 2088891

>it mutated into "therians" with today's youth
Therians date back to the ‘90s

No. 2089233

>currently they only make canine and equine
lol. lmao. i wonder why that might be? surely has nothing to do with the fact that they’re literally pandering to disgusting freaks who want to fuck animals

No. 2089362

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There are therians who believe shit like that they were aliens in a past life/lives. I think there were some who believed they were. Picrel is a funny example I found from the other farms though this was an Otherkin not a Therian

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No. 28896[Reply]

Does anyone keep up with My Digital Escape?

For those of you who don't know, MDE is a group of alternative YouTubers, lead by popular interviewer Bryan Stars. He is a 25-year-old self-proclaimed "teen" who constantly uses a "WE'RE GAY JUST KIDDING!!"-style of humor to gain views/viewers. He is very similar to Onision in the way that they both say inappropriate things to their (mostly) underage fan base and have a very large cult following.

Flatsound (a musician who I've never heard of) recently called Bryan Stars out for being a "creepy, queerbaiting, hypersexual 26 year old trying his hardest to talk to and relate to minors". He also called out another member of MDE (Johnnie Guilbert), saying that he used the term "gay" as an insult and Bryan Stars threatened Flatsound with a potential lawsuit, claiming defamation of character.

Johnnie Guilbert has acknowledged the fact that he used "gay" as an insult (which I think would make the lawsuit pointless, right?) and apologized, saying that he would never say it again.

My Digital Escape (YouTube):
My Digital Escape (Twitter):
Bryan Stars (Twitter):
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No. 2090435

I think the problem is that he has made a living out of mocking girls for doing just that, even mocking girls for just using a baby speak audio trend, and now he is praising his gf for doing the same thing. I suppose its the "man loudly hating on what actually turns him on", a tale as old as time.

No. 2090437

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Adding some oldish milk. Johnnie adding a swastika smiley and then layer pretending he pulled it off google and didn't see the swastika when he got backlash for it. Right sure Johnnie.

No. 2090496

I can't figure out how to embed the video properly but there's a whole bunch of videos on tiktok and youtube of her doing this cringe baby voice. Apparently Alex used to do a baby voice too but at least she was a teenager and not a 28 year old woman. Johnnie apparently got Grace's name tattooed only after dating for a few months.
This is so tone-deaf.

No. 2091055

Everyone has pronouns, dipshit.(lost newfag)

No. 2093824

I’m glad people are talking about these fucking losers on this website now, honestly I think we need an LA influencers thread

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No. 2032872[Reply]

For all the attention seekers, grifters and other assorted idiots in the alternative community

Most recent cows:
-ToxicTears (Kaya), veteran youtuber, one of the OG "goths", used to get hundreds of thousands of views but her channel has dwindled, now she constantly makes excuses not to film and when she does it's usually an unboxing or a Q&A or GRWM. Has been pretty active on TikTok lately
-Jude Bishop, OF thot and ddlg pedo-pandering pickme who is also "goth", has her own thread but crosses over here too, publicly thirsts for Jake
-ItsBlackFriday (Freyja), goth youtuber, country hopper, terrible planner.
-Psychara, witchy instagoth who fries her hair
-Of Herbs and Altars (Dorian), goth youtuber who does videos on her ana and drugs past (now published about it too), believes she can fuck ghosts
-Adora BatBrat, instagoth who likes posting provocative stuff for shock value

…and other cows who are discussed but not necessarily producing significant or frequent milk.

Previous thread: >>2005900

>>2006088 Psychara is single again
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No. 2087887

Damn it, again? Every time i check this thread, there's always Dorian fondly reminicing about browsing oldschool bonespo anachan forums of early 00's. Every few months. Like clockwork. It's almost like she misses this. That's sad and she obviously needs help but she's an adult person, she should read a room and realize cyclic coming back and rehashing same story in various videos helps absolutely nobody.

No. 2088012

i still expect her to either not release anything at all or to cobble together some clips from her phone and then claim that was the best she could do because of monty, the house situation, and severine. i really do think she's hoping that if she waits long enough, people will give up and forget she all that money to go hopscotching around europe for a few months. and she's probably right; no one will say anything, and any fans she did have who got burnt by donating to her will just stop engaging with her. i guess her only dilemma is how will she repeat this scam again? i am hoping the next campaign won't be "we need to take severine to scotland/germany to get treatment".

No. 2088059

Right she's not even interesting enough for these endless Q and As, where she talks to herself about herself for half an hour. But its the most low effort thing she can think of I bet. And she can't even do it without stalling and complaining.

No. 2088288

Illiterate-chan is a real one, been posting here for years kek. Kaya and co probably know who s(he) is if they type the same on social media.

No. 2088289

Cider is very sugary, considering how much and often she drinks, that combined with infrequent brushing would probably take its toll.

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No. 1928715[Reply]

Tik Tok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMe2Yvoe6/
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/amandabret

Amanda Bret / Amanda Schafemeyer / Labozetta/ bratoutofhell-

It's been over a year since Mandy and co. had a new thread, and sadly, not much has happened. Rumors of homelessness, financial cut offs, and full blown addiction abound, but the fact is Mandy is just not the Mandy of yore. One can only make a new post and hope that our meatball eyed queen makes another appearance in the lolcow annals of history.

previous thread 1 >>943302

previous thread 2 >>971778

previous thread 3 >>1022186

previous thread 4 >>1170070
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No. 2093004

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Apparently also loves reposting photos from 3 years ago

No. 2093718

I can never get over the earth quaking leg shoop on this one

No. 2094237

Looks like the ugliest yeti sighting ever.

No. 2096270

so is she living with her parents again?

No. 2096727

No, Johnny’s family is still letting her live in their house and he’s still giving her a monthly allowance.

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No. 1959094[Reply]

A thread about all about the book drama world be it:
Booktok/tube drama
Authortok/tube drama
Book review/Goodreads drama

Notable author cows:
>Xiran Jay Zhao - Author of "Iron Widow." A themby who insists that she's NB and wants they/them pronouns but always dresses and presents like a woman. Started off on youtube and became successful after reviewing Disney's Live Action Mulan. With the new success, she continued to make claims how China was "so queer until white people came in!" ignoring the eunuchs, concubines, and wanton sexual abuse of boys. Still makes incorrect claims about Chinese history. Family are rich Chinese with ties to the CCP. Even mainlanders dislike her. Used viral success to promote her book, which is a Darling in the Franxx rip off. Commissions people to make "fanart" of her "polyamorous" characters from book. Reported the Cat Corrain drama, which caused people to think she was Cait Corrain and received lots of hateful messages. Doesn't know when to STFU about politics and claims her new book is delayed because of her stance on Palestine. Currently acting out because she got disqualified for the Hugo award, which is hosted in China this year.

>Piper CJ - Author of "The Night and It's Moon". She's self-published a book with a self-depricating attitude that "no one will read it" yet advertises it like crazy on tiktok, garnering lots of interest. Book gets released, it's predictably bad-average. Youtube book reviewer ReadswithRachel makes a video reviewing using buzzwords like plagarism and "problematic representation." CJ and her friends (or sockpuppets) start to leave nasty messages and report Rachel's tiktok. Overall CJ doesn't take criticism well. Recently wrote another book

>Cait Corrain - Author of "Crown of Starlight." Started off as a Reylo fanfic writer. Created lots of sockpuppet goodread accounts to reviewbomb up-and-coming books in the same genre as hers and other indie randos. Absolutely retardedly used those same accounts to give her book 5 stars. People caught on to the fake reviews and figured out it was her. When caught, she created fake conversations with the "real culprit." Screenshot convos were horribly editted and cropped, indicating she didn't even bother to at least have a conversation with herself. No one bought it. Got dropped by he
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No. 2087524

KEK an anon from here made this

No. 2087532

It's not working for me. Did they silence her for speaking the truth?

No. 2088202

Not to be judgey but I feel like the BDSM "men will only like me if they can (insert horrible abuse) to me" crowd are the same people as the booktok "romance" "spicy" crowd like even just judging by the title, this child is predestined for "twisted" love according to these freaks

No. 2088205

Tiktok profile pic is original poster (top right) and the bottom right is the sound playing

No. 2088851

I feel like people who aren't regularly around men that are 6'0+" don't realize just how freakishly tall someone who's got some more inches on top of that really is.

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