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No. 773289[Reply]

I haven't been following her as closely lately so I don't have all the latest milk but here's some info from over the years
>Goes by Isibella, real name is Perdita Woodley
>Has some family that was a duke or something
>Her rich "master" picked her up in a bar in England when she was a teenager and brought her to the states to be his slave
>Used to be really down to earth and nerdy, would talk about things like My Little Pony and World of Warcraft
>Got a set of huge, horrible looking fake boobs (also lip injections, and some suspect a nose job sometime in there too) and suddenly became obsessed with "glamour" and "luxury" and her "rich life"
>Since becoming obsessed with portraying this spoiled little rich girl image she refuses to acknowledge her nerdy past
>Always posting about how rich and fancy she is, how much she just loooove champagne and caviar and etc.
>Always bragging about how she lives in a mansion
>Wears circle lenses and animu makeup that make her look fucking creepy
>Founded "The Chateau", which she says is "Like Playboy for kitten girls"
>Puts out a monthly (? not sure if she's still doing it) web zine about The Chateau with poorly photoshopped covers (released a cover that said "May 2015" in November once)
>Says The Chateau accepts all models but almost all of them are skinny white girls
>Widely reported to play favorites with Chateau models
>Many accepted models submitted photosets that never got posted. Isibella, however, constantly continued to post pictures of herself.
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No. 2062998

Even if that's true, she sure made a great deal of money on pimping naive women to sexual predators and rapists. If she's blown through it already, that's on her. It's hard to feel sorry for someone who repeatedly let rapists in and endangered everybody just for the sake of her ego.

No. 2063415

That sucks. Yeah she’s a cow and not a good person, but that hurricane absolutely destroyed so many people’s lives and there’s barely anything about it on the news and they’re not getting any aid. There are thousands of people still homeless and destitute in the area.

No. 2072167

Also seems like the moment things got too hard for her during the hurricane and her partner was dealing with taking care of his parents that had to stay in a hospital, she was going to just abandon him and go live elsewhere? Like wow.. way to show how much you actually care for your partner during a very difficult time..(sage your shit)

No. 2072228

Yah looks like they are back together and she is blaming her loss of friends and scandals on cancel culture ….(sage your shit)

No. 2072353

Ofcourse she would put the blame on anything other than herself. That’s exactly what a narcissist does. They are never in the wrong in their own eyes.(sage your shit)

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No. 1944726[Reply]

>What is Breadtube and the leftist sphere?
A new leftist movement aiming to address, fight, and destroy the growing presence of fascism in the USA. AKA, breadtube is keyboard warriors making response videos to anti-SJW’s and the leftist sphere is a place that preaches diversity while all their biggest players are White, TIMs or upper class minroties

>General summary of their beliefs

- They are not liberals. Liberals believe first and foremost on changing the system from the inside while Leftists want to destroy it.
-They have slap fights over the intricacies of their political beliefs every other wednesday. The only thing uniting them is a vague dislike of capitalism.

>Breadtube: The big players only. Other online personalities exist, but these are the ones pulling the shots.

Famous 'Breadtubers' include Contrapoints, Philosophy Tube, Hbomberguy, Xiran Jay Zhao and Shaun.

Previous threads
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No. 2096188

how do you know?

No. 2096236

her bio on YouTube

No. 2096322

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That's probably why they love claiming they are little goblins or funky dwarves or whatever. Instead of striving to be petite nymphs or ethereal fairies they settle for becoming bearded short fat goblin mode gendies.(sage your shit)

No. 2096431

>Instead of striving to be petite nymphs or ethereal fairies
ew women shouldnt strive to be those pedo fantasies for men either

No. 2096534

I'm so glad that these people are such windbags because the length of this swill removes the temptation to hatewatch.

As much as I'd love to hear an akshully it's queer defence of incest porn or that 4b/divesting from men is facist and puritanical

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No. 2076670[Reply]

‘Anastazia Alexandria Athena Lenno’ or ‘Lexity Kat’ is a chronically online bipolar MtF internet personality who primarily posts on Instagram and Tiktok.
His initial popular content was rehashed wikipedia articles of various facts, advice, and positivity, always beginning by saying ‘Hey Sweetpea‘.
Doing so garnered him an audience of 250k~ in a short amount of time. His fans consist(ed) of fetishizers, other TIMs, and most disturbingly swathes of handmaidens. His rise can be attributed to being a conventionally attractive male who uses overtly manipulative language and words of affirmation to cultivate a following. He is severely mentally unstable and evidently a dangerous person who cannot control their anger, which he is now taking out on the clueless handmaidens simping for him.

What we know
>Possibly from West Virginia >>>/snow/2076334
>Lived with OCD mother up until recently, was kicked out for leaving her house in disarray, bringing sexual partners home and physically intimidating her.
>Is now ‘homeless’ out of a van and travels states meeting followers/couch hopping.
>Began a gofundme in December that reached 30k, the money is nowhere to be seen and he is still ‘homeless’.
>Around time of gofundme he continues to skyrocket in popularity for lazy content, namely spreading some misinformation.
>Showcases his moid-y hyperfixation with whips/flails (BDSM shit) that he makes himself, in some videos using tPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 2096310

Hobosexuals are fascinating

No. 2096317

>a child
Jesus Christ, he even acknowledged his girlfriend is a child. I hate this vile troon.

No. 2096328

How do you know that that's what he's doing?

No. 2096346

That's the sound of a soda can opening you weirdo.

No. 2096355

His girlfriend isn’t a child she just has one, Sarah(Deconyxx) is in her 30s

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No. 1965286[Reply]

Last Thread: >>>/snow/1895588

The Basic Rundown:
>Jonny craig has a well-documented history of drug abuse and physical/sexual abuse towards his exes. pretty much any woman he comes into contact with, he influences in an overwhelmingly negative way
>before his relationship with Sydney England, he had a toxic and drug-fueled relationship with and helped with the downfall of pettuber & fellow cow Taylor Nicole Dean - jonny is her so-called abuser, though it sounds like they were equally toxic in their own ways
>after Taylor was forced into rehab, Jonny made it seem like they were going to be back together ASAP. as soon as Taylor broke up with him in rehab, he got with Sydney and started bragging about her, then got her pregnant immediately.
>enter SYD, Aka sydsosmall/minnieskins. overdramatic groupie clout chaser who got pregnant with jonny’s heroin baby because she was feeling “old” & felt her biological clock ticking… totally mentally stable choice
>since syd gave birth there has been a steady stream of milky shit/stupid drama, warranting her and jonny their own thread, though now they’ve separated, so their threads becoming separate may be inevitable. until then…
>Sydney cheats on Jonny, finally starting his escape from her.
>Sydney schizophrenically vendetta posts in thread against Jonny's new girlfriend Layna
>Jonny inevitably cheats on Layna , they break up.
>Do we even need a new thread?

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No. 2096180

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Why is she so miserable isn’t she getting married

No. 2096181

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Willing to bet she had a BPD meltdown and smashed it.

No. 2096251

This is pathetic. She has spat in the face of every friend she’s ever had and they would all hide from her if she ever came back.

No. 2096308

She’s already married lmao. I’m assuming they just went to the courthouse. She only knew him for a month, and not in person either.

No. 2096842

JC liked Leah’s newest IG pic so the doormat probably took him back.

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No. 2070352[Reply]

Last thread: >>1874473

Recent drama: Too much to summarize, search Dexerto for your favorite streamer(shit thread, don't make one if you don't want to summarize the last thread.)
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No. 2095892

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He was absolutely undoubtedly a houthi terrorist.

No. 2096227

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Amouranth is asking for people to "unsub from other girls" to get 50% off her video and in another DM said if "I discover you are supporting other girls, I will ban you." She's such a girl's girl!

No. 2096301

This week's episode repeatedly, obsessively shoehorning how "crass" they are. Saying the female ceo of youtube is fucking a dog is not crass. Talking about sniffing Taylor Swifts asshole is not crass. That's just sexual harassment. Then 25 minutes in Ludwig goes on to claim its his (offensively ugly lol) podcastmates fault for being "misogynistic and unwelcoming to women". Fake, ugly, aging has beens resorting to incel shock-topics to try to get attention - that has been their brand. Ludwig himself is aging out of his own position anyways, he's too old and puts way too much effort into immediately adapting Gen z and Gen alpha slang into his vocabulary and he's getting too old for it to not be cringe. Company flopped, delusions of grandeur flopped, clinging to tiny crumbs of relevance.

No. 2096640

I don't know why everyone on the internet likes to jump down her throat. It was obviously a slip up, and even if it wasn't who cares.

No. 2096659

Ayrt and I agree it was a slip up. People care because a lot of their audience are kids and they're paid an unnecessary amount of money to be retarded.

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No. 2022653[Reply]

Kristian "Varg" Vikernes aka Burzum, Count Grishnackh and Louis Cachet
>infamous black metal musician, murderer and arsonist from norway now living in france with his family
>notorious neonazi and chronically online sperg since the early 2000s
>creator of the failed nazi ttrpg MYFAROG
>author of countless self-published books mostly consisting of unedited, incoherent ramblings about his life and racist ideology
>father of 8 kids including one he had with a norwegian woman at 18 and who he's not in contact with
>huge breeding fetish and freudian obsession with foreskin disguised as ideological and religious beliefs
>list of peoples, things and ideas he hates too long to include and differentiates from day to day

Marie Cachet
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No. 2095555

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barg and his equally retarded followers are on the "being poor isn't an excuse to not have children" train.

room temp iq le epic elvish thuleans can't fathom the idea of poverty being a form of trauma.

No. 2095558

These people are retarded. The people who say that having children is expensive are obviously not the same people who buy iPhones every year or expensive brand clothes.

No. 2095561

Because they see capatilism as nothing more than buying things you dont need. But thats just the perverted meaning. Capatitalism is the principal by which we even use to educate our children. Its gotten better but back when even i was a kid, parents had to PAY for school lunches. If you didnt make enough you would qualify for free lunches, but make a penny over that limit and your paying for every item your child put on his tray.
Now its not like that. But he cant imagine actually wanting to raise your kids in a clean and comfortable enviornment. Not everyone can stay in filth and not work and homeschool their kids. Especially people in poverty. So now you have to buy this kid clothes and toys and school supplies and food and clean after them and cook for them and who knows how many jobs the parents are already working to keep themselves alive, let alone the kids. Now you have over worked, underpaid and exhausted parents with unruly and unhealthy kids who they have no time or energy to bond with or discipline. Yes remind us of the problems of the ghettos you retarded wannabe viking.

No. 2095576

english ancestry is incredibly uncommon in America at least on the east coast. for example the actor who played captain America is irish and italian ethnically. he was chosen for having quintessential all-american looks. I think that says something about the randomized blend of north/south europe or east/west europe in the average white american and what we are used to seeing. compare that to the guy they cast as thor for looking like a convincing viking. white australians are far more english in ancestry on average and though it's subtle, there's a different average "look". more nordic or whatever. it may seem silly but I just think it's interesting. the fact that australians have a slur of sorts for white italian-australians says a lot about how waspy it must be there lol

No. 2096088

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Captain America is canonically first gen Irish American
>Their Captain America was an instant hit, selling almost a million copies a month. This embodiment of America had a square jaw, blond hair and blue eyes, but he didn't hail from a Mayflower family or the Midwest heartland. He came from the ethnic slums of the Lower East Side, born to poor Irish immigrants, making him a first generation American.
Chris Evans is 3/4 Irish so I can see why they chose him.

White Australians are roughly 1/3 English, 1/3 Irish, and 1/3 Broadly Northern European in terms of their DNA.

The east coast has plenty of English DNA. Most 'Scots Irish' people like those from the Appalachians are not Irish at all but rather descendants of Protestant Anglos who were sent over to Ireland during the plantation of Ulster then later left for America. JD Vance was raised Protestant and has a Norman/English surname despite claiming to be 'Scots Irish'. The most common surnames in Appalachia are all Anglo names.

There are genuine Irish immigrants in Massachusetts and stuff where it tends to be more Catholic.

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No. 1057353[Reply]

Previous thread: >>>/snow/903707

stwawbwewymilk/aggy/matt Is a transwoman "indie" comic artist that is known for drawing CP and incest, drinking his own piss, wearing diapers, and tweeting degenerate takes such as “it’s impossible for a trans woman to be a pedophile”, and “fucking in public in front of children is OK”. When met with any criticism, his army of orbiters swoop in to protect their mentally ill traumatized incest loving pedophile queen.

Background milk:
>speaks in baby talk, calls himself a “stupid little girl”
>made up a trauma narrative to justify drawing little kids being pissed on and fucked
>if you criticize him it means you hate trans women, bigot
> is friend of fellow Troon and child groomer four lung >>743790
> steals stuffed animals and tamagotchis claiming "I'm literally so poor and broke I need to steal to survive check your privilege" >>903332

>has started camming, >>1011296 drinks own piss out of wine glass live
>his likes are full of child/animal bestiality porn >>1027140 >>1031373
>jokes about child grooming >>1007013
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No. 2073279

Lol I wonder if his hamplanet girlfriend finally kicked him out.

No. 2096061

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his insta handle changed again, he made a full zine about his diaper fetish last month & drew kiddy peens on a poster for some kweer event in michigan. it's also worth nothing he's hosting his puppy milk zine and some other stuff on itch.io nowadays… wouldn't that be against their tos? they make use of paypal and if it's anything like gumroad, they could be concerned about PP pulling support for hosting kiddy diddling slop on their platform

No. 2096063

God. I forgot about this vile troon

No. 2096241

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porn addicts try not to dehumanize girlfriends and wives as obstacles challenge (impossible)

No. 2096311

the implication that men can’t survive without porn is crazy to me. jack off to your imagination for once instead of a real life woman being abused you sick fuck

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No. 2090464[Reply]

A thread about all about the book drama world be it:
Booktok/tube drama
Authortok/tube drama
Book review/Goodreads drama

Notable author cows:
>Xiran Jay Zhao - Author of "Iron Widow." A themby who insists that she's NB and wants they/them pronouns but always dresses and presents like a woman. Started off on youtube and became successful after reviewing Disney's Live Action Mulan. With the new success, she continued to make claims how China was "so queer until white people came in!" ignoring the eunuchs, concubines, and wanton sexual abuse of boys. Still makes incorrect claims about Chinese history. Family are rich Chinese with ties to the CCP. Even mainlanders dislike her. Used viral success to promote her book, which is a Darling in the Franxx rip off. Commissions people to make "fanart" of her "polyamorous" characters from book. Reported the Cat Corrain drama, which caused people to think she was Cait Corrain and received lots of hateful messages. Doesn't know when to STFU about politics and claims her new book is delayed because of her stance on Palestine. Currently acting out because she got disqualified for the Hugo award, which is hosted in China this year.

>Piper CJ - Author of "The Night and It's Moon". She's self-published a book with a self-depricating attitude that "no one will read it" yet advertises it like crazy on tiktok, garnering lots of interest. Book gets released, it's predictably bad-average. Youtube book reviewer ReadswithRachel makes a video reviewing using buzzwords like plagarism and "problematic representation." CJ and her friends (or sockpuppets) start to leave nasty messages and report Rachel's tiktok. Overall CJ doesn't take criticism well. Recently wrote another book

>Cait Corrain - Author of "Crown of Starlight." Started off as a Reylo fanfic writer. Created lots of sockpuppet goodread accounts to reviewbomb up-and-coming books in the same genre as hers and other indie randos. Absolutely retardedly used those same accounts to give her book 5 stars. People caught on to the fake reviews and figured out it was her. When caught, she created fake conversations with the "real culprit." Screenshot convos were horribly editted and cropped, indicating she didn't even bother to at least have a conversation with herself. No one bought it. Got dropped by he
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No. 2096533

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she has been to china and visits there, but her family is really, really rich (like, they can afford a literal mansion in vancouver rich), so she's sheltered. I know people like this, they're wealthy, liberal and naive, believing all sorts of shit about how every problem in our nation stems from when europeans colonized us and how we were all super progressive and accepting of trans and asexuals before the 'evil' white people came along and taught us about biology

No. 2096535

>they weren't homophobic!!!
>they just basically forced gay men to marry women and have sex with them
>but that's ok because it was expected that men cheat and fuck other women or men(!!!) so that's totally gay friendly and good thing
Lmao what even is that nonsense? At least it's a little bit funny (but tragic) that she's so proudly calling her beloved fault-free china a land full of sexual degenerates. Like thanks girl, the rest of china is so thrilled.

No. 2096536

the bigger point you're missing is that these "gay relationships" were only between older male lords and young boys or eunuchs.

No. 2096721

And women were forbidden to learn anything but pop up children. That's why the lore of Mulan was quite popular, but genies think she did it to be "a real man".

No. 2096874

mulan was most likely a non-chinese story, but it became a popular story not because of the warrior woman aspect but because of the confucian ideals, where mulan basically sacrifices everything to serve and honor her family and refuses any sort of rewards or honors

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No. 1993065[Reply]

Thread for the general discussion of people who use and abuse animals to gain internet clout on social media. Some of the more infamous ones include (but not limited to);

Save A Fox AKA Mikayla Raines

>Runs non-profit fox sanctuary

>Supposedly against fur farming, but buys nearly all of their foxes from fur farms
>Purposefully imprints on wild animals she intends to rehab
>Co-habs different species which has led to injury
>Has had multiple preventable/questionable animal deaths, and many escapes
>Lets infants interact with wild animals
>Hard to keep track, I think they have around 50 animals, at least 20+ foxes
>plans to get 500 foxes from a fur farm starting Nov 2023
>Registered as a fur farm to get around pesky laws interfering with keeping animals like foxes, minks, etc as pets
>Bred black backed jackals then took them away from the parents to be hand raised to keep one as a pet
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No. 2078816

Well that is disappointing to hear. Also why is scruffing cats looked down upon now? I hadn’t heard that before.

No. 2079029

>she handles stressed animals quite aggressively, when they should just be medicated or sedated to reduce fear
God, she prides herself on not using sedatives, except she HAS shown more than one animal on her channel that was sedated prior to
being groomed, which really defeats the point she is going for lol.
But yeah I noticed the aggressive handling, especially with cats. I think one time she immediately put a bubble muzzle on a relatively well-tempered cat for just growling at her and that never sat right with me, especially because it really stressed the cat out after she muzzled it.

No. 2079397

Nta but adult cats have more weight and less scruff compared to kittens. The strain from adult weight is painful on the scruff. There are more efficient ways to handle a cat that won't hurt them + stress them out.

No. 2095803

Does anybody have any thoughts on this? This farmer has been in a lot of Controversy lately with the death of her pet dog from a twisted stomach and death of her piglets and her overall decisions when it comes to her animals. She claimed she has to get rid of one of her homestead cows because she's running out of hay because she did NOT buy enough hay this year but yet she goes and buys 3 more baby calves soon after it taking place and she's been non stop complaining about how she can't find any hay for her animals to eat but yet she goes and buys more calves knowing they will soon start eating hay soon. Then she causes the pregnant cow so much stress after it kept falling when it's leg was tied up when she could have bought a cow tilt table to trim her cow's feet properly in the first place! Her whole YouTube channel is one disaster after another if you go through her videos it's always something going wrong at her homestead whether it's her own pets or her livestock animals one thing after another

No. 2096049

some people are not cut out homesteading, especially attention whores running to youtube complaining about living beings dying under their care.

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No. 18928[Reply]

BJD Thread. Anyone remember Gutterface or elfgutz?
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No. 2095757

Probably not. Just seems homeless and unwashed. If they're living in a car I'm sure it's a lot of truck stop showers and quick wipe downs if absolutely anything.
I have also been wondering, I used to follow illiad on Tumblr. Always wondered what happened to that wet specimine collection.

No. 2095764

Probably not. Just seems homeless and unwashed. If they're living in a car I'm sure it's a lot of truck stop showers and quick wipe downs if absolutely anything.
I have also been wondering, I used to follow illiad on Tumblr. Always wondered what happened to that wet specimine collection.(doubleposting)

No. 2095875

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I think it was mentioned in this thread earlier but Iliad and one of joji’s other exes (ruuface/ benji hovarth I believe?) ended up becoming a couple after joji and eerie broke up. Idk if they’re still together the last picture of them online together was posted over two years ago. eerie was going by “thelounatick” online last I knew, she might be a bit more active on TikTok, I don’t have an account though so it won’t let me check.

No. 2095883

Never mind I don’t think that’s eerie in the first pic with Benji, my bad! Didn’t notice the bangs I’m actually retarded oops.

No. 2096316

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Dipping our toes back into e-begging, are we? ~Faern~ is in a new relationship and the guy has been letting the loser stay with him rent free, but of course we can’t be satisfied with that.

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