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No. 2039082[Reply]

Previous thread: >>>/snow/2024632

Shayna Leigh Clifford; 26-year-old failing prostitute, pornsick degenerate, drug addict and alcoholic who spends her days posting free pictures of her hemorrhoid-filled anus on twitter while begging for rent. Rejects her parents’ help to get an education and normal job. Hurts animals on purpose and panders to pedos by filming porn dressed as a child. Recently moved to Seattle after wasting years on an ex too ashamed to admit they were dating her and is currently looking her new Fupa 2.0.


REMEMBER: Read the rules before posting. Repetitive nitpicks about Shayna's body, face, and genitals are subject to a 1-day ban. Reposting the same photos zoomed in/edited is not milk and you will receive a ban for nitpicking. Stay on topic, derailing and infighting will result in a ban. Sage when there’s no milk. Spoiler any NSFW images. No blogposting or bragging about how you're a better whore than Shayna. Nobody wants to hear about your degeneracy. This is a Shay thread, curb your enthusiasm when posting screenshots of other e-whores, they go in the e-whores thread

>starts out with problems with her flights >>2024650, >>2024651, >>2024653, >>2024680
>first thing she does at home is get a seafood boil with ellen >>2025211
>considers going to chicago for a retarded scrote >>2025722, >>2025731
>a john is letting her drive his jeep wrangPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
867 posts and 191 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2049467

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Kek nona I see it

No. 2049485

kekk ofcourse the beta soyboy sub with a puppy fetish and a dog collar is an incel

No. 2049487

So is she going to move out of this cheating fat old moid's house now then or? Where exactly is she going to go from here? Or is she going to give him another chance like she did with fupa.

No. 2049547

This is what I want to know. Moving in with a coomer was already a last resort for her. I don't think she has the money or credit to rent a place of her own anymore. And if she didn't move in with Ellen before then that's likely not an option.
So now what? Is she just seething in this man's dank old basement? I bet that she is holding herself back from going full bpd tantrum because she knows he could kick her out & leave her sooo fucked on no notice.
Thinking back on the move-in knowing she was never destined to stay longer than a few months makes it extra bleak… she spent like a day painting it pink & setting up her pedo nest to try to make it seem less like a sad prison. Turns out she didn't even need to unpack.
This is exactly why you never let a moid have control of your housing situation. Let alone a gooning degenerate moid. They WILL try to pull the rug out from under you when they get bored.

No. 2049555

How the fuck do you get cheated on in a polyamory situation? Pardon my ignorance re: degenerate lifestyles but isn’t the whole point of being poly the freedom to cuck and be cucked? She’s living in an old coomer’s basement with a cross dressing faggot who pisses in diapers because she doesn’t make enough money to be a thriving independent bimbo girlboss, imagine choosing this over going home to your loving, supportive family who will pay for you to go to college

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No. 2008093[Reply]

A highly requested thread for ImSkirby - Canadian Instagram e-thot who appeals to coomers by utilizing her abhorrent shooping skills and posting her shitty, cheap aliexpress "cosplays".

>Constantly uploaded videos of her uwu snatched waist that were highly edited, would make more videos flailing her hand around her body like a retard to "prove" that they weren't shooped when she inevitably got called out

>Claims that her body is all natural and that she hasn't gotten any surgery done, denies shooping, but admits to corseting in the past, which she uses to explain her totally real and unshooped body shape
>Wears the same crusty denim skirt, bra, and shapewear shorts, in every photo
>Hyper insecure and freaks out and spergs any time any random person online calls out her shooping or inconsistencies, to which her cult-like moid orbiters will react by whiteknighting for her
>Has been caught wearing shapewear on several occasions but denies it
>Known for inconsistent shooping with varying body shapes from post to post, as well as shooping/filtering her face, making her lips take up a third of her face and overlining them to hell while her nose is an uwu tiny button nose and a razor sharp jawline
>OnlyFans thot
>Exudes extreme "pick me" energy constantly seeking male validation and has been alleged by many to be extremely rude and catty to other women, putting them down to raise herself up
>Was obsessed with Sam Sulek and Bladee and made pathetic attempts to get their attention to no avail
>Has admitted to getting lip filler and nose filler as well as skin-smoothing filters but will still try to say she's natural
>Has taken raunchy photos for her coomers at a public park with jungle gyms for kids in the background
>Without shoop has a low hanging stomach and is on the chubbier side
>Has a lack of real friends and doesn't go outside due to her NEET femcel nature
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843 posts and 210 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2049567

samefag bht this outfit is actually so fucking horrible lmao this bitch walks around like this

No. 2049571

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1/2 both are from her OF but the difference in body types even in a corset is wild

No. 2049572

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2/2 the second image off her OF

No. 2049586

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she recently started posting many pics where her areolas are clearly visible on of, and truly i just dont understand the point. i feel like eventually she'll have to switch to posting nudes cause even her simps seem disappointed by her content now.

No. 2049587

I don't get how anyone could find this attractive. Her proportions are so distorted that they don't resemble human shapes.

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No. 1874473[Reply]

Thread for all twitch drama
Last Thread: >>>/snow/1766148

Recent drama:
>Natsumiii of OTV&friends cheated on her husband and getting divorced
>XQC/Adept lawsuit is ongoing, rumors say they got back together
>SuperMega outed as sex pests(no surprise)
>OTK continues to dip into irrelevancy, ExtraEmily holding up the entire company
>Idubbbz loses CC2 and $250k, Anisa and Ian continue to cope and seethe at the haters
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No. 2049217

Thanks for the summary nonita! Everyone involved seems to be absolutely insufferable. As funny as it would be, I doubt Hasan will be banned. And if he is banned, it will either be after the elections or a really short ban so that he can still cover the election. Iirc, during the 2020 election, he broke viewer records with his streams. I doubt Twitch would want to ban Hasan and lose out on all that ad revenue when his streams become super popular again in early November

No. 2049251

>when all they said is pic related
Posting that shit right after the october 7 attack is deranged though. If your immediate response to oct 7 attack is to start bashing Israel for "genocide" or "apartheid" you are probably an antisemite.

No. 2049401

Shitting on Isreal does not make you an antisemite, dumbass. Theyre retarded right wing extremists trying to do a genocide in the name of Jews everywhere, which is retarded too. These content creators can spastically freak about about either side, but its simple of you to believe that - just because we had WWII shoved into every consideration of the past. Ethan is a pathetic gooner and a worm for making it all about him and his kek attackers, frogan needed to shut up at the right time bc she's more brown than most and will obviously get banned, Hasan doesn't keep his reasoning straight when it comes to being vocal about any group so his two-timing sub-misogynistic ass can get some too.

No. 2049430

>Shitting on Isreal does not make you an antisemite
True, but antisemites are constantly shitting on Israel.
Even if I grant that shitting on Israel doesn't make you antisemitic, doing it right after October 7th, where hamas (also right wing religous lunatics btw) killed over a thousand innocents and took civilian hostages, makes you a deranged and hateful person.
People always say that anti-zionism isn't antisemitism, which is true, but ignore the fact that anti-zionists are just as crazy and bloodthirsty. People like Hasan and Frogan cheer on literal terrorist groups like the Houthis and Hamas.(derailing)

No. 2049473

Shut UP sensitive! Focus on the cows or make a Hamas thread kek. Why are you talking to me about what a hateful person is on lulcor(infighting)

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No. 2038272[Reply]

Coquette aesthetic or "Doelet/Dollette" is the neo Nyphet fashion trend between young women on social media. It's exactly like nymphet, only that it's apparently "less pedophilic" just because they said so (read: hypocrisy) even though the way they fantasize about Dolores Haze and obsess over being petite is exactly the same. They also dress the same, talk the same and post the same crap Tumblr did 10 years ago. Claim to be morally better than nymphet, but in fact they’re just the same (still into DD/lg, still romanticize abuse of women). Coquettes spend entire days on "girlblogging” (reposting same 10 pictures of Lizzy Grant taken from Pinterest), making idiotic Whisper memes, posting fawn pictures, posting thinspo and calling themselves "waifs,” even though most of them weigh 60kgs, and tagging everything with "Alana Champion Lily-Rose Depp Lana Del Rey,” even when it has nothing to do with those chicks.

Recent Milk:
>Alida moves in with longtime fan and musician, Brooklyn Shaw >>1991835 making half-assed attempts at launching her own music career >>1991832 >>1992146 >>1992189 and her followers fuel her delusions of grandeur as per usual >>1992202
>Alida still thinks she's a Nordic Aryan princess and God's favorite >>1991834, ties to neonazism >>1992243
>Suspicions of Alida and Orion being over for good >>1992802 >>1992972
>Anons find Nina's bloated 55 year old husband's Twitter, where he predictably likes and retweets posts normalizing large age gaps >>1994000 young women's anachan bodychecks >>1994000 might be Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
503 posts and 141 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2049234

Wtf, with those horrible lips I assumed this was a 35 year old. That’s so sad.

No. 2049489

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Cringe. With how she dresses and presents herself, people would be looking at her the way they look at a special needs adult.

No. 2049502

Doesn't she get that a lot of people don't take to her, because of how much of a fake asshole she is? She loses friends because of how she treats them, not because she's ~the prettiest~. And yes people will stare at her because of how she dresses. She deliberately dresses differently to stand out. She wants people looking. One of the physically prettiest girls I have ever seen in my life, doesn't have these issues. She is instead popular, has amazing relationships with her family and friends. Has a balanced life, because she is beautiful on the inside as well as the outer. People do adore her because she isn't trying to stand above others. Alida on the other hand, is just awful and if she was that beautiful she wouldn't spend so much time covering herself up with fake everything. She's an example of that Finnish saying "only ugly people need to dress up".

No. 2049504

she’s so vain

No. 2049562

“its lonely” none of that comes to her naturally. zero natural grace. she would be painfully average without the overfilled balloon lips, crunchy ass yellow hair, and frilly oversized shein dresses. she likes to brag about causing car crashes and people staring at her because she’s sO cUtE, but im sure all of these people are bewildered that a full 5’8 grown adult woman is peddling around on a bicycle in an unflattering frilly dress that resembles something your grandma would put you in for family photos on christmas when you were a toddler. lmao to live within this delusion and zero self awareness must be sooooo blissful.

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No. 2045809[Reply]

previous thread: >>>/snow/2000480


Doodoofartface101: new potential cow, claims her mother withhold nutrition from her and that she’s on death door; but her videos show us a different scene
Fairy: she started a goufundme for some fancy treatment; in the last months she looks good and she lost weight healthily, we hope she continues to get well and go on with her life
Stef: for once she gives us, indirectly, a cup of full fat milk. A friend of her, met in erc, released a google drive ( https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/mobile/folders/1HI6kcjtcCjjPvg7zYxLIMzMIPaTeaSMe?pli=1 ) complete of screenshots and explanation, that shows us how much Stef is really a manipulative, selfish and spoiled rich baby.
Livingwithanorexia: reappears after years, she’s bolding by the day
Sunshinedays.recovery: she birthed a football team but her only motivation to recover is her new horse (spoiler: it didn’t work and she went back to hospital while taking care of a newborn). She’s a narcissist and a nut case, her husband too.
Momsfav: reappear on social media, she’s discharged and started uni again this fall, we hope she graduate for good this time.
Lyss: everyday she seems to become more retarded, between a number of mirror selfies that look exactly the same and a stupid collection of cup holder. She spends money on ice every day.
Cece: she’s married, good job former cow, we wish love and happiness.
Ghostofme: She's stayed at a healthy weight. She doesn't post much, but when she does it's always asking for money or trying to sell nudes or similar. She doesn't claim that her weight gain is just 'swelling' anymore.
The Twins: they’re alive, theoretically.
Smoothibowlmia: she’s continuing shooping like a freak, hoping that nobody notices (we all do), and posting meals that would make a rabbit cry
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No. 2049461

Usfag here and yeah they do though I’m sure not always but it prevents the tube from moving out of the jejunum. NJ’s need to be more secured into place than an NG. I’m sure it’s more common than you think it’s just that normal people who have an NJ with a bridle for non-ed reasons usually aren’t posting it all over social media for others to see

No. 2049478

Why has she got an nj not an ng?

No. 2049481

severe and long-term anorexia can basically give you gastroparesis (which can often be reversed with nutrition and weight gain but obviously the twins haven't allowed that in a long, long time) which makes it hard to eat a lot or makes you vomit, or compression syndromes like SMA where it really hurts to eat. So if she complained to her doctors about GI symptoms, they probably decided to do an NJ in case one of those things was going on.

No. 2049561

I know some want this thread to die but I love it so thank u to the thread creator

No. 2049563

If you want the threat to die, why are you still actively contributing and reading it? Get a GRIP

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No. 2032879[Reply]

This thread concerns creators, artists, voice actors and others who work or are connected to the modern Western American animation and comics industry, filled with cows, hacks, groomers, woketards and self inserters who all know each other and/or have dated.

previous thread: >>1992015

leaked pitch bible for a recess reboot where Gus becomes a tranny >>1999673
Discussion about Black Gryph0n, the brony musician who groomed Sweetie Bells VA, starts here >>2005666
cringe gendie cartoon pitch >>2010810
Kyle Carroza, creator of magic magiswords, is arrested for possesion of child pornography >>2014474
aang responding to the news >>2015336
Raya rodriguez, creator of high guardian spice, drew a short comic about her experiences dealing with the failure of her show >>2016709
they turned poof into a tumblr sexy man >>2018531
brujo ari is making a cartoon about her ex-TIF Kakyoin and Jotaro ocs >>2022683
happylikeawall comes to the threads to sperg >>2024257
creator of bee and puppy cat calls out saberspark >>2025301
LS mark's pilot is out >>2032266
798 posts and 131 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2049069

The hair moves so strangely

No. 2049084

I like it. It looks better than most of their other previous attempts at 3d.

No. 2049184

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Eww, why'd they redesign Musa? Her initial reboot model is way cuter.

No. 2049204

Apparently JustStop does voice acting lol

No. 2049282

What kind of accent does Flora have??

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No. 1759638[Reply]

This pig is getting milky again, so by a request i'm carefully bringing this back.
By popular request, one unified thread to collect all milk on Marilyn Manson, 52-year-old drug addict, washed-up rocker, serial abuser, and rapist still trying to live vicariously through his glory days of the 90s when he was still young and the drugs hadn't completely fried his brain.


> Manson turns himself in to the Los Angeles Police Department on a warrant arrest in July 2021 but bails out. Was related to Gilford show where he assaulted a cameraman

>in November 2021 police searched Manson’s house, meanwhile he’s in Berlin to spend a belated „honeymoon” with Lindsay Usich… sorry, Warner
>Court documents from Johnny Depp’s case are released, reveal Manson’s messages to Depp in which he freaks out and calls Johnny for help, because „Lindsey pulled an Amber on him” (she called police on him for abuse/threatened to call police etc.)
>Said documents confirm everything that’s been speculated about Lindsey and her family (she’s blackmailing Manson to say with her). „I got a serious police amber type scenarios with L’s family. I’m f–king stressing. I don’t know if you are back but I need asylum somewhere because I think the cops might be headed my way”
>Evan Rachel Wood names Manson as her rapist and abuser online in Febuary 2022
>Evan Rachel Wood releases a 2-part documentary about Manson’s abuse towards her, „Phoenix Rising”. Mentions he raped her, hit her with a swastika-adorned Nazi whip, shocked her private parts, tied her up to beat and insult her, made her drink his blood, blackmailed and manipulated her among others.
>Manson sues Evan Rachel Wood for „defamation, emotional distress and impersonation over the internet” just a few weeks before her documentary is released
>In the lawsuit Manson accuses Ilma Gore of faking a FBI investigation letter as wells as Wood & Gore writing a fake mail account impersonating Manson to create „harmful conversations”
>The court dismisses a case filed by Manson’s former assistant Ashley Walters, who accused him of sexual assault, battery and harassment, because there’s not enough proofs and it was too Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
34 posts and 14 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2049046

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heres a Google document that has a list of people that accused him of being abusive, and other related things. Not sure if it has been posted before

Remember nonnas, ignore any and all trolls and bait. Do not respond. It will only suppress information we have on here and get the thread locked. Just let them get banned by the mods.

No. 2049048

No. 2049051

Ayrt oh for sure, I get what you mean. It's clear she's a nobody that never had a job, any ambition, any plan for life other than living in Manson's shadows. Even Manson himself tried to literally give her a career, bought her photo equipment and reposted her photos and she fucked it up majorly. I forgot most of the milk from old threads but i vividly remember Lindsay's old livejournal and it's crazy how it's been so long and she NEVER had a life, a hobby, anything not Manson-related. You are right, and i think she's unable to start a life without him. She could've done anything, look she used to go to red carpet meetings with him, had some bigger names tagging her, she could've gone into fashion/photography even lowkey, in those years before Manson cancellation. Heck she could've kicked him in the ass after allegations and could play the "brave survivor" role in the media and make a HUGE career on that alone, and she never did (perhaps bc she'd incriminate herself this way as well). I don't know, this is kind of creepy to me ngl, very hard to understand.

No. 2049256

Nonna im ready with screenshots and everything kek

No. 2049304

i might be wrong but i think there was some failed/abandoned/locked thread for mason & jd fans

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No. 2048486[Reply]

Read the rules before posting! Newfags, type “sage” in the email field (unless reporting new milk). The same ol’ song and dance: Do not post faces of minors or links to Sabrina’s daughter’s social media.

Rules link

SixGinn/Morgan Hoffman:

> Continues to confuse her own timelines to support whatever story she’s telling.

> More health fibs and fixations, “I’ve been pre diabetic since 2019.”
> As per the last handful of threads, still can’t shut up about that one time she was pregnant for two minutes, two years ago.
> As per almost her entire history online, still can’t shut up about her loser exes being losers.
> Buys herself a ring but says it’s from Ty, admits it’s not an engagement ring but liiiiike who even wants that!
> Rockiness with Ty comes to a head and ultimately they break up.
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70 posts and 22 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2049508

Samefag, I zoomed in and it looks like she’s doing about 10 lbs MAYBE 20 depending on the machine type with her incorrect form cable rope tri pulls and her lumbar lordosis MIB alien body KEK

No. 2049519

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Pumpy and Sabrina in their gym bunny/homeless without captain save-a-hoe arcs

No. 2049525

Someone in that gym should be telling her she's fucking her back up

No. 2049532

She’s acting like she shattered her arms and went through rehab to learn how to hold a spoon again. You broke a bone. It healed. It’s not some fucking miracle. You didn’t beat cancer. You were in a removable cast for all of two weeks. That’s the equivalent to putting a bandaid on a skinned knee.

I can’t imagine having a life so banal that I’d make breaking an arm, and it healing, into an accomplishment that needs to be celebrated years later.

No. 2049543

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Why is hea wearing his dad's glasses and why is he wearing them like that
I might be old but he looks straight down retarded

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No. 1996943[Reply]

Passport bro, or passport bros is a movement of men who go to developing nations in order to find girlfriends or wives. These men believe that feminism has corrupted Western women, and seek to find a youthful, submissive, modest, conservative and feminine woman. Despite their claims passport bros often get caught with prostitutes, or seemingly never actually stick to one woman. Some have been robbed, assaulted or scammed on camera. But it doesn't deter most of them. A few have also been arrested. Most overlap with redpill and manosphere communities, especially the black manosphere. Which is why many have a hate boner for black women and speak on black (male) issues. 

Some examples of passport bros: 

>Auston holleman 

>was arrested in Brazil for sex tourism crimes in 2023, returned back to the country in 2024.

>International passport 


>more to life 


>The Philip Scott show 

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No. 2049172

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No. 2049250

I hope he gets scammed, kidnapped, and funkytowned by a cartel asap

No. 2049283

He wants to be wanted so baaaaad. Kek, he will never be desired.

No. 2049286


No. 2049409

At least he admits that the only reason they give him the light of the day is cause they're poor af and desperate kek not bad for a scrote honestly

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No. 2045943[Reply]

AKA Heather Explores, Heather Sparkles

Previous Thread: >>2027512
Thread #16 >>1938223

IG: @haunted_butterfly
@heather_explores (old account)
TT: @heather_explores
YT: heatherexplores19

Heather Steele is a 34-year-old former retro toy collector/Fairy Kei fashion Youtuber reincarnated as a self-proclaimed spooky Victorian summer goth nice girl on an eternal quest for the Ryan of her otherworldly dreams. Her persecution complex, constant negativity, obsession with her "influencer" status on social media, and frantic love-bombing behavior shows no signs of slowing down.

Last thread recap:
>>2027554 cringe in memoriam posts for Rumhamrevenge
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No. 2049544

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It is likely the bottom of the strawberry not a singular raspberry. I am most depressed by it appearing to be cold butter and not even cream cheese.

I was thinking Heather should be checked for a brain tumor, for the absolutely bizarre behavior she displays and choices she makes. Then i went back to the first threads on her and realized she’s been stuck in the same cycles forever. When does she even have time to work with how active she is on socials? How does she find any peace in the shallow empty imitation of life she obsessively projects? (picture of a random non mascara user who is not Heather)

No. 2049545

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Totally not performative btw

No. 2049546

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I wonder if she'll start going to slipknot concerts now

No. 2049550


I was just thinking now that she has a new ryan she is no longer lurking at that random lovedraft's venue for alternative-looking shows and I won't get to see her taking pictures at goatwhore.

No. 2049585

Oh god a slipknot tattoo and a colonies snake tattoo. I’d run for the hills

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