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No. 2094652[Reply]

Zoe Simone Lorange is a 20 year old pedo-incel pandering, hard drug addicted, self-proclaimed "denpa menhera girl", cluster B pickme e-girl streamer from Burbank, LA. She has been actively destroying her life for over a year now in an attempt to gain online attention. Zoe has been known within e-girl and otaku online circles for several years now, primarily due to her sanrio/anime consoomer bedroom and fabricated obsession with Ruby Kurosawa from Love Live, but rose to noteriety among the IP2 community at the start of 2024 after she started dating homeless meth addicted IP2 streamer IncelBinLaden and screamed "nigger" at Scientology protestors on Hollywood Boulevard. Ever since, her life has been rapidly going downhill and only seems to be getting more hopeless as time passes. Her streams have primarily consisted of hanging around with middle aged scrotes in a homeless shelter RV, tweaking out on meth in run down motels, getting into fights with her boyfriends/fellow tweakers, showing off her hoard of lolicon anime garbage, or on the rare occasion that streamed IRL, screaming slurs in public and being a general nuisance. Nowadays, she is hated by the IP2 community and has mostly resorted to spending a large chunk of her time desperately baiting for attention in incredibly depraved ways, such as suggesting she cosplays as 11 year old Natsumi Tsuji for her OnlyFans, or asking her incel followers if they would let her overdose so that they could rape her dead body. Despite the poor abused homeless larp, Zoe's parents are very well-off, with one working in the medical field. They have given her countless opportunities to get help and turn her life around, even offering to pay for her to study abroad in Japan, however Zoe feels no shame and only continues to act this way, as her desire for online attention, positive or not, is insatiable and comes before all else. Her cowish antics are known to have been going on publicly since at least 2020 and are incredibly extensive at this point, but unfortunately poorly documented.

>In April of 2023, former incels.is moderator Komesarj/Walter went viral for "ascending" and leaving the incel community, resulting in articles by several news outlets including Rolling Stone, as well as a KnowYourMeme page. It was later revealed by Zoe that she was the woman who he "ascended" with. She moved to Colorado to live with him 3 months after meeting through the incelsPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 2096895

Quentin Tarantino

No. 2096899

>nonnie this has nothing to do with Zoe
? The first post definitely does, it's related to her being in that friend group, which anons were debating and asking for proof of. Bridget being a 4chan egirl also opens up other possible associations that Zoe could've had, considering they were friends back then.

No. 2096900

>she is friends with the ex of a friend of vo1d
>she talked to a friend of vo1d
kek, waiting on the direct link between them and not just her asskissing vo1d thunderthighs in the DM or her meatshield friends

No. 2096906

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This is always refreshing to see, Todd Thundercock/GrotesqueSubhuman (guy with an acid attack fetish) revealed prior Zoe was purposely going out of her way to message anyone of relevance in the incel community, including how she met orbiter Axel/Jordan and asked him to marry her

No. 2096974

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Axel made his Twitter public again, and his recent tweets reveal that they are indeed having one-on-one contact. I guess she really has given up on pretending that she hates him.

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No. 2095309[Reply]

Dana Christine Hare, from Florida, now living in Tennessee, age 31, is an ebegging, drug and alcohol addled polyfiend with a pattern of inviting live-in "partners" under the guise of equality, only for these arrangements to collapse in predictable drama and social media call-out posts. Still legally married to Matt Hare, alleged rapist of almost a dozen women, Dana now lives with her current partner Eli and young child of Matt Hare.

Recent milk:
>new allegations of young Dana helping her boyfriend pay underage girls for sexual contact in the Dunkin walk-in >>>/snow/2080578
>nonnies note old tumblr post with reference to Jonathan >>>/snow/2080604
>identity confirmed as Jonathan Negron Torres >>>/snow/2080781 who is currently incarcerated for separate sex crimes with a 12-16yo >>>/snow/2080787
>Dana herself confirms that allegations are 'close to the truth' >>>/snow/2081136
>riveting vlog where Dana gets the shits, stays out all night drinking, and sticks her disgusting fingers into her friend's martini >>>/snow/2080698
>Dana addresses enabling Matt Hare, says she's taken full accountability and doesn't need to do any more >>>/snow/2081478
>gets a new tattoo, pays with coffee beans >>>/snow/2081945
>said tattoo is her daughter's name in large print across her collarbone >>>/snow/2082404
>Dana gets big mad that the internet discovered her new highly visiPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 2096955

The redditors being creepy is encouraging Dana to be a horrible mom to TH. They're enabling her awful behavior and causing child abuse.

No. 2096970

>They're enabling her awful behavior and causing child abuse.
You talk about Dana like she's a character they control. Is she not responsible for her own behavior? Or do the snark comments dictate her actions like Twitch Plays Pokemon? Reddit Plays Dana?

No. 2096975

The way they straight up wrote your mother doesn't love you to TH

No. 2096980

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>it needs better moderation
Need I remind you the type of tard that owns and moderates this subreddit? She switched accounts but I know for a fact it’s still her. I doubt the other mods are any better. “Letter to TH” has only positive responses in the comments. Some of you clearly take lolcow too seriously and think it’s fine if Dana’s kid is targeted in the crossfire. It’s up to Dana if she wants to actually get it taken down but it’s easy, you just file repeated copyright claims for the reposted content and screenshots and Reddit would rather not be liable and bans subreddits with that many strikes as a matter of course. It’s how most TikTok influencers do it.

No. 2096982

Wtf, I want to know if she's actually licking public toilets that she cleans first or a staged /fake toilet??? Can't you get sick from lickings toilets? Maybe she has a skat fetishi.

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No. 773145[Reply]

Japanese born sperglord that tries to give dating advice to western men trying to find their "perfect japanese" wife despite never having successfully dated anyone himself, while riding on a self deprecation.

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No. 2096208

what the fuck are you all talking about? like state enforced confucianism was absolutely a real thing and aspects of that culture still influence japan and south korea today. but those values aren't pushed as they once were. japan's current shit is more closely tied to its post-ww2 economic boom and the subsequent market crash in the 90s, meanwhile older lawmakers are trying to replicate past successes with outdated methods, while sections of the youth just want to consume, rot and die

No. 2096281

>while sections of the youth just want to consume, rot and die
That's exactly what I'm talking about. Late stage Confucianism.

Do you disagree that even today, moids in Japan get the whole pwwwecious tiny emperor boyo treatment from their parents and culture, followed by no anticipated asslicking and guaranteed wifing from women in the future? That's what created Nobita.

No. 2096307

>Next you'll be posting black dick memes.
Do you have something to admit anon?

No. 2096374

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ofc this is the person nobita wanted to interview

No. 2096695

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Almost 90% of the content on YouTube and other social media about Japan is about Japanese women preferring white guys from the US and Europe. And the white guys are confidently leaving thousands of weird comments. I think this is really creepy. Why do white guys do this? JAV and Anime are not reality. If it was that easy to make gf, incels would never have been born in the first place.

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No. 2086115[Reply]

This thread is for discussions and jokes surrounding those who LARP as some variety of "Queer" despite being only attracted to the opposite sex. Although most are in Hetero relationships, some may be on the "ace-spectrum" and/or polyamorous. They may discriminate against those who are same sex attracted by being uninterested in their issues, revising their history and exploiting them for personal profit. Women in particular may be incredibly rude to even libfems, let alone terf boogeywomen, because she prioritizes her Nigel above all. Men in particular are only in it for sex, so he hits on lesbians if he is ever actually in a local LGBT community and drops the Queer act when it no longer is in his benefit. Consider this a vent thread as much as it is a meme thread.
This thread is not for Homophobe-chans.

Since there is already MTF and FTM threads, this thread will focus more on the LGB community as a whole and topics that don't really fall under the Trans threads. Please also take note that this is not a Bisexual hate thread and posting about those under 18 is not encouraged, though is allowed is exceptional enough.

Topics of discussion:
-History revisionism
-Alphabet soup getting longer
-Celebs and cows pride-drama
-Spicy Straights
-Comphet and other popular "queer" trends
-Ace Discourse sightings
-Bi/Pan Discourse sightings
-"Bi-Lesbians" Discourse sightings
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No. 2096581

I feel like a lot of bisexual woman are like this

No. 2096598

Wants to love men but submit to women. It's pure woman hate and dick worship.

No. 2096600

It’s just porn addiction

No. 2096646

Kek this reminds me of a LADS player I once came across, she said she's a 'demisexual demiromantic lesbian' yet spent a shit ton of money on the game and had all the thirst cards. Doesn't help that she would constantly shit on actual lesbians and say homosexuality is a 'genital fetish' because it excludes rapey tims. I wish I had screenshots of that mess, but I'll try to find her again.

No. 2096708

The funny thing is the moid will probably hate all of those things while many other women would genuinely enjoy them. I don’t really get what these women’s deal is with supposedly wanting to have sex with a woman but being completely repelled by anything romantic. I mean, I know they don’t want to have sex with women either and it’s all a larp, but still.

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No. 2043422[Reply]


LAST THREAD: >>>/snow/2031615
Adrien Perret, born Fanny Perret on 6/26/1997, also known online as Null/Laika Albarn/Polyglotplatypus, is a French artist and animator formerly Tumblr famous for getting entrenched in Homestuck fandom drama for drawing incestuous rape. These days, she's now infamous instead for LARPing as an Asian woman having an incestuous affair with her father in New Jersey while, in reality, being a fat, white French ex-pooner.

>Laika Albarn/deadspacedog

Her Asian LARP account. Some genuinely believed she was living a hentai fantasist's dream in the mafia asscrack of America. Her comic, LIMERENCE, is framed as being biographical.

Archived Twitter: https://archive.ph/VTxyp
Linktree: https://linktr.ee/deadspacedog
AO3 (Login only, but her fics are archived): https://archiveofourown.org/users/deadspacedog/pseuds/deadspacedog
Baraag: https://baraag.net/@deadspacedog
Tellonym: https://tellonym.me/deadspacedog

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No. 2096531

I love how she writes their relationship in a way that all but totally confirms she's never actually been in a real relationship.

No. 2096547

I’m sorry but who hugs on their knees like that? This pose is so ugly visually and spiritually. Why didn’t she just get in his lap? They are married? Why is this pissing me off so much?

No. 2096549

this pose looks very uncomfortable. Lynn anatomically looks like a barbie doll

No. 2096583

Cartmans pussy lips

No. 2096638

LMFAO and his legs are so fucking oddly bent

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No. 2085229[Reply]

Previous thread: >>1971031

Thread recap:
>SuperMega returns >>1971032
>Rooster Teeth officially shuts down >>1973320
>Alex Kister of The Mandela Catalogue is outed for being a nasty AGP with minors >>1975610
>Vareena Sayed is in a terrible motorcycle crash >>1976103
>Jameskii posts 52 page google doc of twomads crimes >>1976745 >>1977140
>Pathetic MRA whining >>1978460 >>1978629
>Oompaville being a misogyny apologist >>1981003
>SSSniperwolf re-monetized, breaks up with her moid, assault accusations >>1985037
>chuggaconroy posts long statement, wont be making videos anymore >>1986158
>Japan is not safe from Nick Robinson >>1988156
>Adam22 is dating Caroline Calloway >>1988836
>Kyra Renee is pregnant >>1994937
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No. 2095868

>daniel believed me saying ryan was an awful human
>daniel later killed himself

idk, just seems really weird to throw that in all nonchalant.

No. 2096199

I don't want to say I don't believe it, but claiming the only proof you had to you situation died is sus(sage your shit)

No. 2096517

Has anyone watch this? It was surprising to see her so different and grown, I'm glad for her
But also how much of the story is omitted/sugarcoated?

No. 2096542

I had to open the video because from thumbnail I would never recognize it's Beckii Cruel

No. 2096641

same here

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No. 2033887[Reply]

Discuss people in your life, or people you have found online, who have lolcow potential.
Previous threads (in order but not properly numbered):
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No. 2096523

nobody in the comments believe her. Her first mistake was to log in her old account when being accused of being the same person

No. 2096532

There is no doubt they are one and the same. Vidrel uses an annoying voice changer and handmaiden language, but nonetheless lays out a good timeline. Also I just stalked her TT, and she was saying she was Latino as recently as 2023, and she (supposedly) lives in California now.

No. 2096550

is maika Johnson even her real name?

No. 2096564

It's likely her real name, since it's the one listed on her LinkedIn, which has personal references addressing her as Maika and links to the Maika accounts.

No. 2096658

I mean this is extremely evident from the get-go.

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No. 1367840[Reply]

Chanel Barbie Clones are women who own 50 identical pink Chanel purses and a wardrobe full of identical frilly floral polyester dresses but never stop buying more.

A Chanel Barbie Clone's wannabe Barbie Dream House is piled high with cheap tacky pink junk and their diets consist entirely of pink sugary cupcakes.

Chanel Barbie Clones are often the victims of bad plastic surgery, paid for by their not-so-secret sugar daddy (they will have a side shopping service or vlog as a cover for their income).

A Chanel Barbie Clone will usually have fried blonde hair, too much makeup, and look like they just stepped off the set of White Chicks.

Examples include:

Previous arisucookie discussion here >>>/w/163026 but her and her clones outside of Japan deserved a spinoff thread.
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No. 2092647

Alice is so capricious that anything that is not just the way she wants, she doesn't like it.
The first result is not bad, but it is not the Barbie blonde that she has been wearing for years.
Alice hasn’t gone to the hairdresser in London for two reasons: first, she lives very far from London and second, it is more expensive and she has to pay by herself, not by a sugar daddy.
The first hair salon she went to, looked really tacky (looked like her great-grandmother's house), the second hair salon looked more professional.

No. 2093625

Existential crisis. She doesn’t like how the hair dye looks on her.
Does this woman even know what a real problem is?

No. 2096512

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>feel guilty about ruining them because I know I can just like buy them again if something bad happens to them
What a horrible mindset. I recall her doing a video that was sponsored by lilysilk that was about her cherishing her high (price) quality items and having a wardrobe of well made items. Also from Louboutins to Shein topkek

No. 2096693

Alice is super materialistic; I’ve never seen anyone with as many clothes as her. The only thing that’s changed in the last two years is her budget, not her personality. She used to buy Louboutins and Jimmy Choo, but now she shops at Shein because she’s got way less to spend.

No. 2096697

Isn’t it strange that she hasn’t mentioned her womenchild dress business on her YouTube? I would think she use it as a way to promote it and showcase the clothes and details she’s always raving about.

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No. 2095494[Reply]

Billionaire exploiting his workers whilst neurotically dog whistling on Twitter and abusing various drugs.

>Vivek Ramaswamy left doge >>2080652
> Elon Musk does a Nazi salute >>2079928
> DOGE workers revealed to all be young adults >>2085163
>Musk forced to fir 25 year old DOGE employee after he was doxxed, revealed to have posted racist tweets >>2086365
>Elon Musk staff caught installing hard drives inside Treasury Department offices after trying to get access to social security >>2085502
>A DOGE employee is revealed to have been previously fired from another firm for leaking sensitive information. >>2086547
>another DOGE employee revealed to be part of a black hat sextortion social network >>2086869
>Ashley St. Clair reveals she had a baby with Elon Musk >>2089014
>Azealia Banks claims Grimes told her Elon has a botched penis implant >>2089984
>”i am become meme” >>2091484
>Elon wields chainsaw ay the annual Conservative Political Action Conference >>2091485
>Ashley St. Clair sues for custody of their son >>20Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 2096775

This is what happens when you hire retarded teenagers that got fired for leaking sensitive information like in

No. 2096807

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>He’s literally no different than a tranny.
Isn't it hilarious that Elon has gender-affirming surgery–but just to make himself look less beta? He has had some serious hairplugs, jaw sergery, liposuction, and is now trying to take Ozempic on top of it to lose weight. I think making fun of Elon for how he looks is his weak sport. Everyone should exploit it for massive damage.

He is probably particularly sensitive about his hair.

No. 2096850

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He should be a case study on what happens when you let a beta insecure "nice guy" gain power.

No. 2096881

he looks like a rat.

No. 2096969

>gender-affirming surgery
Go back.

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No. 2088555[Reply]

“Lisa Yo” is a 23 year old German “influencer” who has indulged in an extremely unhealthy amount of plastic surgery to look asian despite being fully German. She floods her socials with bots that validate her extreme transracial lifestyle. She has put almost all of the information about her past under the rug.
>Fully German, lies about being half Mongolian
>obsessed korean culture and products
>Extremely anorexic
>Has gotten a SHITLOAD of plastic surgery done to look asian, none of the work done is proportionate to her natural face shape
>Her comment section on IG reels is often full of people being disturbed about her botched look, she often deleted their comments and floods it all with bots comments. Her entire social media presence is fabricated
>She had an old account where she looked normal, on the right, (kind of) where she was still on about her koreaboo shit named “lisartesandcookies”
>Was often made fun of on the German side of youtube for her appearance before discovering her true transracial self
>She has put everything about her past social media presence under the rug
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@its_lisayo?lang=en
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/its_lisayo/
Youtube (Old/Defunct): lisartesandcookies
Youtube: https://youtube.com/@lisayoooo?si=4-i9pj7SFC6q1qOi
567 posts and 165 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2096570

>koreans found oli amusing and the korean feminist praised him for wanting dick reduction to be more korean

Koreans in Korea don’t deal with racial discrimination like they do in western countries that’s why the asianfishing/asian person cosplay is not really “seen” as an issue there. Korean women hate most Korean men because a lot of them have incel/misogynistic ideologies so of course they are going to support Oli for his dick reduction cause he’s ragging on their enemy.

It’s a part of her asian role play, she wants people to think she’s just~ another Korean obsessed with skin whitening and plastic surgery. Asianfishers love to play on stereotypes and act them out because they think it makes them ~authentic~

No. 2096716

Are you telling me this is how I learn Oli London is packing heat

No. 2096726

Nona her name is fucking Lisa. We literally know it's Lisa because it's written on her own childhood photos >>2090827 that she posted herself. She is saying the most retarded obvious lies, there's no reason to whiteknight her she just is literally THAT retarded with her lies

No. 2096748

Work on your reading comprehension. I'm not saying it is a nickname or a surname, she is saying it is. I'm just talking about what she said. Jfc.

No. 2096931

That is exactly the claim that is contested and nobody thought you personally thinks that, chill.

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