ISABELLA LORETTA JANKE was involved in attempting to cause Christian Weston Chandler to end his own life, to extort money from him and encouraged him into raping his mother. She was the person Chris is talking to in the tapes in which he admits to having sex with his mother.
She has already been involved, on the Texas Tech Campus, in allegedly causing the suicide of another student and appears to have a wide track record of sociopathic behavior and involvement in a variety of illegal and disturbing acts including abusing animals, vandalism and selling prescription medications.
It seems that the call may have been recorded and retained for blackmail purposes and then when shared by another Chris orbiter who leaked it out of panic, Bella went into damage control mode spinning off the saga that we have today.
Bella / Simon918 / NP2348 / redpilled single dad / Nobodysbusiness77897 / 10anon / Kelly Osborn
>Self-describes as "4chan lonely dweller who can't get along with another bitchy girls".>Doesn't shower and has fungal infections all over her body.>Has a charge in New York currently for illegal possession of weapons.Louis / louize / jordanloveboat
>Her no. 1 simp, Chess Club member.Post too long. Click here to view the full text.