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No. 2065128[Reply]

AKA Heather Explores, Heather Sparkles

Previous Thread: >>2045943
Explanation of Heathertime: >>2059264
Thread #17 >>2027512
Thread #16 >>1938223

IG: @haunted_butterfly
@heather_explores (old account)
TT: @heather_explores
YT: heatherexplores19

Heather Steele is a 34-year-old former retro toy collector/Fairy Kei fashion Youtuber reincarnated as a self-proclaimed spooky Victorian summer goth nice girl on an eternal quest for the Ryan of her otherworldly dreams. Her persecution complex, constant negativity, obsession with her "influencer" status on social media, and frantic love-bombing behavior shows no signs of slowing down.

Last thread recap:
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No. 2096037

Getting back to her roots I guess.

No. 2096095

Since she realized that this Ryan isn't the one she's probably no longer thinking about quitting her job. She's able to do her work again now that the opportunity to become a housewife has been taken away.

No. 2096125

to me this is like someone trying to justify a purchase. like she spent 500 dollars on a fucking photo of a dead moid. and now she has to make it worth the money she spent (by spending more money on travel & having delusional fantasies)
>i feel connected to these people/i see them as instant ancestors/i want to take care of them
>i want to tell their stories
again just trying to justify this purchase, i think she's just gonna hoard it and not do anything she said. also gooberpeas is on the way out if she's acting this unhinged over a goddamn tintype of a dead scrote. remember when he was "moving in"? kek
completely agreed, very well said nona
i hate the way she's been talking in her recent stories. she seems weirdly medicated or as if she's trying to pretend she's in her element or something, but i suspect some sort of unhinged spiral is coming
oh it's definitely over between her and goober, strap in. is anyone working on a new thread? excited to see what the next saga/cycle/identity crisis will be about. agreeing with you nona, >>2095981 a furry arc would be way more entertaining than this shit. i'm hoping it helps her magically get over her "crippling medical condition" kek. her leaning into furry stuff would be a breath of fresh air compared to the munchie/politically retarded fb posts. i'd love to see her have to move back home after spending 2k on a fursuit

No. 2096146

She already has her fursona drafted up >>738840 although she'll probably need a bit of a redesign. I can't wait to see what a Civil War fursona looks like.

No. 2096209

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There was already a confederate flag furry that got kicked out of cons years back. Could this be her next dream ryan? kek

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No. 2073307[Reply]

Thread to discuss radical feminist or radfem-adjacent lolcows.

This thread is not for discussion/discourse about ideology or anything else that isn't discussion of radfem lolcows and their milk. There are many other places for that.


Seba Abdullah / Mithliya (formerly Menalez)
>Straight DDLG blogger turned "lesbian" radfem
>Constantly powerlevels about being "literally from a third world country!" despite the elephant in the room that she lives a more privileged life than most first worlders because her family is wealthy
>Lied about being black for years
>Still uses AAVE online despite dropping the larp
>Over exaggerates every aspect of her life, thinks having BPD means she's "disabled" and having sold nudes online a couple of times makes her a "prostitution survivor"
>Known on radblr for constantly creating drama and driving women she doesn't like off the site by siccing her followers on them
>Threw a huge self-victimizing fit and "left tumblr" earlier this year because her years of consistent malicious behavior towards other women were criticized by people who weren't dismissable retards, came back 3 weeks later
>Always dismisses all criticism directed at her as racism, believes that what happened in the last bullet was that "the racists banded together n [sic] attacked [her]"
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No. 2093501

>Misogyny Affected People
>also an abbreviation for "minor attracted person"
terrible phrasing choice

No. 2093546

No fucking way she has to be a fed. Top fucking kek

No. 2094219

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Anyone know what she's talking about?

No. 2094226

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Some schizo moid named Shawn Shirazi, apparently.

No. 2095260

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No. 1999616[Reply]

A thread discussion for "proshippers" who exhibit cow-like behavior.

>What is a proshipper?

If you ask a proshipper (they also sometimes call themselves "profic" or "comship" but these mean the same thing) what that word means, they'll tell you it means they're against harassment over fiction. This is wrong, a proshipper is someone who thinks your taste in fiction (and usually by extension pornography) does not determine anything about you as a person. Whether or not this is true is debatable, but what is not debatable is how milky proshippers are.

>What is an antishipper?

An anti is someone who disagrees with proshippers and thinks that your tastes in fiction can and do reflect you as a person. You may also post bizarre takes by them, but please keep this thread focused on proshippers.

>Why/how are they milky?

Proshippers tend to be pornsick faghags who will make any excuse for moids jacking off to hurting women. Common habits amongst them include: supporting bi lesbians/thinking lesbians can like men, sexually harassing people who disagree with them, bringing up their oppression labels for no reason, comparing 14 year olds on the internet to christofascists, cult leaders and le evil radfems and so on.

Notable Cows
>chronically online pornsick TIF
>"rehabilitative criminal therapist" aka thinks rapist moids should be forgiven
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No. 2090023

i understand the frustration but it's not like it will stop anybody and the artists will make degen porn of these characters even more after this, she should've just kept silent.

No. 2092940

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I'm tired of pro-shippers and fujos claiming that they can't get porn-sick and that their fetishes totally won't escalate into worse and more degenerate shit, when I've seen tons of them into actually degenerate into actual paedophile

No. 2092955

>their fetishes totally won't escalate into worse and more degenerate shit
theyre addicts so theyll always try to reach a more degenerate high its a well known fact with porn addicted fags,whenever someone tries to convince you that these pedos "always keep it in fiction! and its harming noone!" just look at the bittycat fiasco, no they dont.

No. 2092956

>just look at the bittycat fiasco
what happened?

No. 2092973

BittyCat is a pedo pandering Vtuber with a lolicon avatar, she would also make asmr roleplay of her playing as a child getting raped and the moid doing the rapist was an actual convicted child rapist who she lived with because she's a slob that can't sustain herself, her brother (who is also living with them) claimed that she had a giant lady boner for the pedophile and would "drag RunNGun (pedophile) to the closet to do things".

This all came out after a youtuber (harmful opinions) made a video investigating BittyCat, because if it wasn't clear enough that she loved getting attention from/was a pedo herself by the things she posted on twitter/retweeted, Harmful joined a discord exclusively inhabited by pedophiles (no surprise), discussing loli/shotacon in the public channels, as well as vague discussions of another server that they "had to close down" for reasons that weren't said, but that we can all imagine, even the pedophiles seemed to imply that the other server was the "real deal", probably the reason why there were several private channels in the new server.

I can't remember every single detail, so I suggest you watch the videos HarmfulOpinions did on his investigation. The other farms has also discussed this a lot too, archiving tweets about the matter and from associates of Botty's.

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No. 1367840[Reply]

Chanel Barbie Clones are women who own 50 identical pink Chanel purses and a wardrobe full of identical frilly floral polyester dresses but never stop buying more.

A Chanel Barbie Clone's wannabe Barbie Dream House is piled high with cheap tacky pink junk and their diets consist entirely of pink sugary cupcakes.

Chanel Barbie Clones are often the victims of bad plastic surgery, paid for by their not-so-secret sugar daddy (they will have a side shopping service or vlog as a cover for their income).

A Chanel Barbie Clone will usually have fried blonde hair, too much makeup, and look like they just stepped off the set of White Chicks.

Examples include:

Previous arisucookie discussion here >>>/w/163026 but her and her clones outside of Japan deserved a spinoff thread.
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No. 2092352

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Alice finally changed her hair and had to go twice to a different hair dresser to get it somehow right kek She wanted shadow roots to not have to bleach it so often but somehow got vertical stripes.

No. 2092354

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That’s how it looked after the first visit. I felt kinda bad for her because I know how crappy hair dresser can be but why didn’t she go to London or some bigger city and did more research ffs?

No. 2092416

Being frugal + no funds after the second visit to a hair saloon her hair was fried off and so much breakage.(sage your shit)

No. 2092647

Alice is so capricious that anything that is not just the way she wants, she doesn't like it.
The first result is not bad, but it is not the Barbie blonde that she has been wearing for years.
Alice hasn’t gone to the hairdresser in London for two reasons: first, she lives very far from London and second, it is more expensive and she has to pay by herself, not by a sugar daddy.
The first hair salon she went to, looked really tacky (looked like her great-grandmother's house), the second hair salon looked more professional.

No. 2093625

Existential crisis. She doesn’t like how the hair dye looks on her.
Does this woman even know what a real problem is?

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No. 2089696[Reply]

Previous thread: >>>/snow/2054561

Shayna Leigh Clifford; 27-year-old failing prostitute, pornsick degenerate, drug addict and alcoholic who spends her days posting free pictures of her hemorrhoid-filled anus on twitter while begging for rent. Rejects her parents’ help to get an education and normal job. Hurts animals on purpose and panders to pedos by filming porn dressed as a child. Recently moved to Seattle after wasting years on an ex too ashamed to admit they were dating her and is currently looking her new Fupa 2.0.


REMEMBER: Read the rules before posting. Repetitive nitpicks about Shayna's body, face, and genitals are subject to a 1-day ban. Reposting the same photos zoomed in/edited is not milk and you will receive a ban for nitpicking. Stay on topic, derailing and infighting will result in a ban. Sage when there’s no milk. Spoiler any NSFW images. No blogposting or bragging about how you're a better whore than Shayna. Nobody wants to hear about your degeneracy. This is a Shay thread, curb your enthusiasm when posting screenshots of other e-whores, they go in the e-whores thread

>shayna luther king attacking her fanbase after election results are revealed >>2054579, >>2054580
>went to texas spanking party and hung out with lots of degens >>2054627, >>2054582, >>2054685, >>2054885
>shows off more nasty scarring >>2055400, Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 2096043

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New MV video
It's just this >>2091709
The only comment on this video is requesting more pig content. I checked the profile and it seems to be a genuine coomer.

She's made multiple videos with him.
The sex doll boobie video which he then removed, the roller girl video which is where the /shay/ mascot comes from, the video where she's wearing face paint and the cow girl video. There may be more that I'm forgetting.

The new video will probably be this >>2092194 and he's just using old images to promote it.

No. 2096089

It seems extra bleak for Shayna. Her content has always been horrible but even before/ during the pandemic she was making way more money. She had her two loyal coomers gray hair and Jason Womack. She was producing “photo shoots” every week. And she was having different cringe ideas. It was always half assed. But she surprisingly had a decent amount of subscribers. She was always buying useless shit, and lived in a big apartment. After the Fupa final breakup. She got too cocky and thought she could afford living near Seattle again in this bad economy. She could barely afford the two bedroom apartment. And now she was forced to move again. She was really living “better” in Oklahoma. The rent was cheaper and she was making a lot more. She could live anywhere she wants. I never understood her living near the city. She’s clearly not there for opportunities and jobs. She only goes out to eat and drink which could be done in a cheaper state in a random strip mall.

No. 2096110

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during one of shayna's trips to vegas she tweeted that something bad had happened and that she didn't want to talk about it but she suddenly had nowhere to stay and needed money for a hotel room. a cowtipping farmer messaged the diseased moid and he claimed that he "didn't remember" why shayna got so upset.

No. 2096111

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No. 2096186

That’s one wide load right there

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No. 2045323[Reply]

Recreating this thread since the last one was shit and there's too much cow potential to let this one go

Kate is a 32 year old high-as-fuck self proclaimed “social worker” from Australia who began posting tiktoks and instagram reels of her so-called path to sobriety, the vast majority of which showcase her “relapsing” (using) every week. Since she began posting videos pertaining to her avid heroin use, she has managed to rack up over a hundred thousand followers, one of which is our beloved fellow cow, Luna Slater.

Recent milk
>Claims to have broken up with her (ex?)boyfriend “Lee” of 10 years due to his relapse after two years of sobriety and to escape a codependent relationship. (Obviously due to involvement with her tsk)
>After Kate claimed to break up with Lee, she videoed him nodding out and decided it was a great idea to post about it on tiktok ( https://ibb.co/cTsFp4G )
>Another video involving Lee shows her “accidentally” running into him at the methadone clinic, yet another great idea of hers!
>Despite claiming to have been sober, Kate has a plethora of health problems leading to require a heart monitor due to blackouts
>Has delayed the shipment of her art to customers due to mental health reasons, upsetting many
>Began interacting with her snark subreddit, got outraged and began (quite ironically) calling everybody a bunch of junkies who are jealous of her VERY successful career

“Old” / Contextual milk
>Was a parole officer during active heroin addiction
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No. 2092169

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she's still saying she's a "successful harm reduction clinician" and has had a 10 year career in it

No. 2092223

I wonder if she genuinely thinks being allowed to hang out around clinics makes her a clinician, or if she is deliberately trying to mislead people into thinking she has medical qualifications.

No. 2092331

I honestly think it's the first option

No. 2092857

100% misleading.

No. 2092987

i live in her city and can confirm these people do absolutely nothing. they loiter around alcohol stores on elizabeth street and unsuccessfully try to talk to and 'engage' with homeless and drug affected people.

She'll fit right in on probably the most fundamentally useless job in the AOD sector.

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No. 1662298[Reply]

Alice Glass is a 34-year-old singer/songwriter formerly of Crystal Castles, now tries to have a solo career with her own unsuccessful tumblr-esque uwu traumacore Nicole Dollanganger aesthetic music. She is constantly picking fights with other artists online and accuses everyone of copying her.

>gained notoriety as the frontwoman of the band Crystal Castles, which was pretty popular among the underground alternative/electronic/emo scene around 2006-2013

>in 2014, she left CC after accusing her former bandmate Ethan Kath of sexual abuse. since then, she has tried to launch her own career, but has almost nothing to show for it
>releases very little music and is mostly known for her internet presence and aesthetics
>her debut album came out in 2022 after 8 years of no music, featuring 3edgy5me badly produced traumacore songs and tumblr tier photoshoots, "creepy" guro bloody doll aesthetics with fake guts and cockroaches
>openly inspired by tumblr traumacore, called her tour "trauma bond" and talks about wanting her abuse to be reclaimed into an aesthetic in interviews
>started hanging out with the hyperpop crowd: Dorian Electra, Lulo from heav3n, sophie, various drag queens and promptly abandoned her original punky style and adopted her hyperpop friends aesthetics/sound
>horribly shoops pictures >>1469523
>sperged on twitter about MGK copying underground artists and got media attention to promote her album
>picked one-sided fight with grimes in 2015 and accused grimes of stealing Kill v Maim from an idea alice came up with then brought up same copying allegations in 2022 >>1661735 >>1661442
>posted an email of grimes telling her off for saying she copied her and then on the very next story went like "grimes didn't copy me and i apologize". thinks she is going to be suicided by elon musk >>1661543
>tried to cancel mark jacobs for nPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 2091286

shes become the mean old wife of the gross pervert who hits on teenagers at the grocery store

No. 2091330

hoping its jupiter, otherwise alice is one of those victims fully groomed by their abuser. and shes shown her mental immaturity before. wouldnt be the first cow like this

No. 2092136

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untitled profile/bodydecay/fetus_fatale just dropped an absolute wall of text. sorry for the lines on the screenshots, my browser extension is being a piece of shit.

No. 2092139

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you might have to open the image in a different tab to see it clearly

No. 2092637

so is this yet another fan jupiter and alice manipulated? what hes saying matches up with what shan and others: using ethan kath as a scapegoat, jupiter's psychotic level of control over alice and her accounts, alice going along with it and not caring about particulars, their extreme involvement in the fandom….better off not supporting or going anyhwere near alice at this point.

No. 2091715[Reply]

(shit thread)

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No. 2031556[Reply]

The Karl Jacobs allegations summary



Opening statement for context
1. Predatory sexual behavior towards creators and fans
2. Public Controversies
3. Not paying and not crediting Artists
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No. 2031594

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Screenshots (P)

No. 2031596

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Screenshot (P+)

No. 2031598

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11. Addition: Setting the record straight about stan projections

- Fanbase inserting „sob story“ and „idolization“ narratives in order to absolve Karl from accountability, inject empathy into otherwise sociopathic behavior or parasocially „feeling and thinking“ on behalf of him ((Screenshots (T) Examples: Claiming for months Karl has an „eating disorder“, because „he gets bullied by haters“ =/= him clarifying multiple times he occasionally forgets/delays a meal due to ADHD completely unrelated. Again pushing for the ED when „Mr.B visited him to feed him“ =/= Mr.B and Karl filming a basic promotion video for B-Burger. Claiming he looks „so sad“, because „people say he ruined Mr.B“ =/= being sleep deprived due to workaholism and stating he only laughs about that slogan. Claiming he's an „innocent virgin“ and idol for the „aro ace community“ =/= isn't a virgin, is not aro ace, goes on dates, sexts, had girlfriends. Spreading on wiki sites he's a „nice Hufflepuff“, because he's so „wholesome and loves nature“ =/= tested as Slytherin with Tinakitten describing him as „the most slytherin motherfucker i ever met ever, he is so evil“ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zqdb92mRPLE&t=5620s 1:41:33-1:41:49 and 1:49:25-1:49:30) and on his own account even „dislikes nature“. Dozens of tiktoks claiming he was „stunned in sadness“ during TinaKitten's birthday stream because of „chat messages of Technoblades death“ =/= Karl knowing about it far prior and idling for 5 seconds as a pouty comedy bit in direct reaction to BrookeAB teasing him. Fans praising his „wholesome softboi nerd uwu image“ =/= When asked about himself he joked he „wants to be a bad inspiration“ and is „bad to the bone“. In the Padilla Interview he is not surprised that people regularly publish heinous things he's said and done - not fearing what they might be, but wondering how upset people might be this time. Also, due to it being shown in „innocent minecraft graphics“, people tend to miss that his content mainly thematically revolves around fighting for money, powerplays or playing god, mind games, people manipulating and betraying each other, mass destruction, mutilation, torture and death. (Screenshots T+)

- Despite stans insisting of him acting as a role model, Karl gePost too long. Click here to view the full text.

No. 2031599

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Screenshots (T+)

No. 2091534

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Adding to the grooming allegations: This still active tiktok thread clarifies in the comments it's about Karl. (Minors coming forward)

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No. 2080821[Reply]

>>Admin note: Please remember this thread is not to discuss general grievances and phenomena of the trans "community". Only post here if you're talking about specific trans cows and are able to provide screenshots of their behavior. Generalized vents don't belong here, nor do your personal experiences. Use the appropriate threads on our off-topic boards for this.
/ot/ gender ideology general thread: >>>/ot/2351915

News sites/Studies:
https://committees.parliament.uk/writtenevidence/18973/pdf/ (TiM violent crime stats)
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No. 2091461

Not Rock & Rule and Space Ace! I hate this old pervert and he somehow became worse.

No. 2091475

isnt this faggot the one implying that all women are the same by generalising the female race and amplifying a very vocal minority?(sage your shit)

No. 2091477

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this is so sad because he would be so cute as a boy

No. 2091478

a little rape would set him on the right path(alogging)

No. 2091487

I dont get it, why would moids sabotage their dicks like this.

>be cute guy

>women and men drooling and simping after you
>become tranny
>most people disgusted by you
>dating pool is now other troons, blue haired fat themlets and vaush tier greasy perverts

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