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No. 1704831[Reply]

Caroline Ellison is a 28 year old Potterhead, mathlete, and Swiftie, with an unknown role in what could be the biggest crypto fraud the world has seen.

Social media archives: https://caroline.milkyeggs.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/carolinecapital

Caroline Ellison is the CEO of Alameda Research, a cryptocurrency trading firm founded by one of her many boyfriends, Sam Bankman-Fried. Sam also founded FTX, a cryptocurrency exchange once worth $32 billion that rivaled Binance, but filed for bankruptcy earlier this month. Sam used money from FTX customers to fund Alameda until both came crashing down once a balance sheet was leaked, plummeting the crypto market and leaving investors and customers out billions of dollars. Sam is currently hiding in the Bahamas and will soon be extradited for questioning. Caroline continues to decline to comment on these matters while more articles are being written about her by the hour.

Her tumblr (now deleted) and old tweets are resurfacing as journalists try to figure out Caroline’s role in the fraud. She often tags her blog posts “crypto social conservative blogging” and “not feminism go away” as she recounts her trad phase and partakes in “rattumblr” (Rational Thought Tumblr) while musing about genes and anthropology.

Journalists have put together that she lived with Sam and eight other employees who are all in a degenerate polycule together in a house in the Bahamas. Although Caroline has “come to decide the only acceptable style of poly is best characterized as something like ‘imperial Chinese harem,” FTX’s in-house sex therapist says the employees weren’t getting it on enough as they were “actually undersexed.” Caroline is a Stanford grad with two MIT professors as parents.
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No. 2038594

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SBF was sentenced like 6 months ago lol

No. 2038600

It's most likely going to be a minimum security prison not a country jail, she'll be mostly fine but two years is still going to be tough for someone like her

No. 2038676

the maximum sentence she was facing was 110 years in prison. she got off really easy. very likely she will get out in less than two years. i can't find if she's getting timed served or if she even was held at any point during this but that will likely reduce her sentence as well. not bad.

No. 2038922

Financial fraud, she will be out in 1.5 years or less assuming she doesn't start a new lesbian triad empire in prison

No. 2039300

> lesbian triad empire in prison
She wishes she was Jodi Arias

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No. 2029584[Reply]

AnieJoy/KillJoy is a cosplayer and Onlyfails E-thot from California USA she was caught under lolcow's radar for her insane sloppy photoshop however her milky antics go beyond just photoshop which warrants her a thread.
Her cow status became more prominent after her spergouts and meldowns over being called out were documented but that was only the tip of the Milkberg.

Aniejoy got knocked up on purpose by her own words only to spend the entire time she was pregnant posting her bump while shooping her self to oblivion and promoting her Onlyfans (in fact even her pregnancy announcement was an Onlyfans promo) plus E-begging for basic shit like rent and all of the baby essentials while admitting her "husband" doesn't help with shit and she pays for everything selling nudes to coomers online. Basically an even more delusional and degenerate Shayna.

Social media links:

Recent milk from the Photoshop threads with proof of claims and screenshots:

>aniejoy goes on a drunk instagram breakdown about being exposed for shooping

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No. 2038383


(anon you’re a stupid fag)(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2039544

I feel extremely bad for that baby.what a terrible mother.

No. 2039655

The post anon has with the comment that she's posting her baby on her OF isn't even a photo from OF. I highly doubt she's posting with photos of her child on there because that's against the rules and law.

No. 2040100

By Onlyfans account i meant the insta she promotes her OF on. The pic is literally a screencap of a story where she posted her baby on there. >>2039655 you're a fucking retard.(retard)

No. 2040131

That's not the same and incredibly misleading.

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No. 204019[Reply]

Jessica Celebra aka Jessica Rosa is a narcissistic 20-something-year-old rich white girl who is well-known on Tumblr for her sad babydoll nymphet photography & clothing, and reselling used clothing originally bought at thrift stores for $50 each; also notorious for throwing paranoid fits and deleting her blog every 2 months & coming back a week later with a new name and persona (but never fails to come off as holier-than-thou).

She thinks anyone who takes photos of pink things & buildings with a film camera and posts them to Tumblr is copying her & has thrown several fits about it; at one point she (a grown woman) publicly bullied a 16-year-old girl (with aspergers syndrome, no less) for such.

Originally known in around 2012 for her blogspot, The Tragic Sense, and her Lookbook (both no longer accessible) where she posted her faded film photography and outfits.

Jess moved to tumblr in ~2013 and gained popularity under her first url, dollgraves, assumed a sweet fragile nymphet uwu persona, and deleted her blog in (I think) 2014.
Remade her blog under the url ghostbabygirl not long after, but threw a fit because everyone was copying her and only she can take faded film photos of her masturbating in a tutu and bloody panties :(
Deleted again in 2015, came back as Jess Woods (url jess-woods); photography consisted of more greenery but was mostly the same.
Deleted once again mid-2016.

Jess's current blog is moonprincessjess.tumblr.com where she now assumes the name Jessica Rosa & posts photos of city buildings, chandeliers, and vegan fairy DIY rose baths and lavender teas.

Links -
Blogspot: thetragicsense.blogspot.com (now defunct & inaccessible)
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No. 1972675

Jess woods is iconic even years later(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2002717

Tbh jess is and always will be iconic……..(necroing namefag)

No. 2002742

Kek, for a second I though the thread had been bumped because Jess had come back. How disappointing.

No. 2002946

Kek same, always disappointed to see it’s just the thread schizo bumping the thread every other week.

No. 2036339

I miss jess ;((((necro ;((()

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No. 1928715[Reply]

Tik Tok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMe2Yvoe6/
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/amandabret

Amanda Bret / Amanda Schafemeyer / Labozetta/ bratoutofhell-

It's been over a year since Mandy and co. had a new thread, and sadly, not much has happened. Rumors of homelessness, financial cut offs, and full blown addiction abound, but the fact is Mandy is just not the Mandy of yore. One can only make a new post and hope that our meatball eyed queen makes another appearance in the lolcow annals of history.

previous thread 1 >>943302

previous thread 2 >>971778

previous thread 3 >>1022186

previous thread 4 >>1170070
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No. 2036660

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Saw she opened a twitter account. Last post is the one attached from July


No. 2037109

i wonder whatever happened to her dog clyde… he would be 13 now. probably lives with johnnys parents or johnny still?

No. 2037718

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someone put these up at the meatlocker recently

No. 2037750

this is so funny obviously they're being tongue in cheek but still funny. miss these cows. currently rereading all her old threads. wish she would make her return to the internet. i think jon cut her off after the whole erik cowie thing and dan has been sick and she hasn't been able to keep up with her tough ass nails badass babe punk rocker chic lifestyle anymore.

No. 2039742

I wonder if they got a new mattress after Cowie died in her bed.

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No. 2000480[Reply]

Previous thread >>>/snow/1977489


N2F is truly flourishing with new baby and new life, anons continue to wish her ongoing stability. The twins seem to have replaced her crown of Grimiest Living Circumstances, as evidenced by their fridge.

In a similar vein, Niamh appears to be moving on from her EDtwt days - trying to follow in Ro’s footsteps of making a career out of her weight restoration, complete with menses.

Elzani is still going forwards in the right direction. Fi is still breathing, networking off her autism LARP and being a recovery activist blogger in the meantime. Ganer is gaining back her mobility, after osteoporosis gave her leg a reality check.

Laura hates her weight and yet continues to do little about it despite her newfound freedom in the community. However, our dainty ballerina queen has finally got a part time job!

May is currently bombarding her team, in addition to hounding her ex university. Continues to lie about being SEED despite not being underweight in nearly two decades, and larping ADHD&ARFID.

Casper has avoided another ICU coma and is now locked in a hospital for another half a year. Following in Lara’s tracks?
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No. 2039434

How is it? Just dumb faces

No. 2039746


maybe it's me being autistic, but what is all these anachans' obsession with putting any old shite on a crumpet? biscoff crumpet, skinny syrup crumpet, n2f style chocolate cake crumpet. are crumpets lower cal than bread or something?

No. 2039911

Elzani swimming, doing a gym session and then running all in the same day. Hmm.

Did she gain 2lbs on holiday or something? One of the many holidays she seems to take while her dad pays her for playing Bob the Builder. Or is she scared of going back to the shape she was when she first recovered before she started exercising all the time?

No. 2040107

But chronically under-eating (flat out a proana restricting fdoe) and being so comic about it? That can be.

No. 2040339

I don't follow Elzani, do you have caps?

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No. 361206[Reply]

ex vegan mukbanger nikocado

what he do ? you ask?
>yelled about how he wanted to eat dog in thailand
>has a sloth and other pets he treats like shit and feeds his crappy food
>promotes obesity and enables "hungry fat girl"
>use to be vegan and now makes videos clogging his arteries
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No. 2037368

Damn,I genuinely wanted him to die hmm maybe next time.he is such a worthless,disgusting subhuman.(alogging)

No. 2037439

Yeah, idk how that's an own or a "social experiment" at all. I don't doubt he did it, but he still fucked up his body and public image for… why exactly? Was the money that good?

No. 2037516

I'm sure the money went crazy though. Still, was there no better way to go about it? I'm sure he could have been a popular lolcow without fucking up his body in the process

No. 2037588

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isnt it harder to keep the weight off once you were once fat since you create extra fat cells?

No. 2037594

yup unless he got lipo. definitely made enough money over this time to afford that.

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No. 2011582[Reply]

>>1448714 Prior thread

empath-chan/seppukugirl is a 25 year old (as of now) r9k attention whore who shoops her body and face beyond recognition. she has done many controversial and weird things, here is a recap of the last thread:
>calls sigmund freud based >>1448731
>is proud of being a lolcow despite nobody rlly caring about her >>1448735
>real empath >>1501870 >>1659412 >>1811088 >>1820109 >>1821429 >>1835109
>wears a 'femcel rapist' shirt >>1658376
>pisses on the street >>1658542
>steals art >>1687949
>wanted to fuck her grandmas dog .. supposedly >>1811365
>calls a random stranger a faggot and proceeds to threaten to beat them >>1818439
>tells minors to buy her onlyfans, sends them lewd pictures >>1819445
>orbiter covers himself in writing of her name and sucks his moms vibrator for her?? >>1822509
>other weird orbiter activities Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 2037345


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 2037353

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No. 2037358

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>Did I piss you off?
LOSERR!!! Empath chan you are the biggest fucking female loser ever holy shit.
I can't imagine sending a dude who looks like THIS a "Did I piss you off?" text.

No. 2037382

Can the thread that anon posted too early be unlocked if no one else can be bothered to make another one

No. 2037397

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No. 2031039[Reply]

This is Kidden/ breezy maye

She is a YouTuber, instagram and TikTok creator who is primarily posting ABDL/ageregression content but also cosplays and kink related content.

She is constantly talking about multiple diagnoses such as BPD, adhd, ptsd, autisim ect.

Kidden loves to not have an age restriction and allows underage minors to interact with her on TikTok and YouTube.

She is saying her ABDL is not a kink but is constantly posting this content on her sex work pages.
She also is known to expose her family on her pages.

She has many links:

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No. 2036976


Who's the little?(sage your shit)

No. 2036978

Also… has kidden released any proper g/g content that isn't just her and her friend pecking each other on the lips?

She's just bi baiting for men at this point.(sage your shit)

No. 2040308

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Can any of you get kiddens newest video from TT to post here? My internet is garbage rn and I think it's relevant to have it here, at least a ss. She's looking for gender fluid names so I guess seeing that post (or was it on Tumblr?) questioning why she has they/them listed as her pronouns when she doesn't do or act typically NB at all. Let's see it this is the start of a new phase.

Also wtf learn to fucking sage guys. Go to meta and read some threads there and the rules before mods decide this thread is shit and that it should be closed because you can't learn to integrate lol

No. 2041604

What’s the tea on this i haven’t seen people talk about her in a little wile. She’s made a new tik tok.

No. 2043238

Not much going on right now. She seems to be dating some guy and "two girls" according to her latest TT.

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No. 211822[Reply]


>obsession with teens, incest and britney spears

>posts porn that looks as much like cp as possible, i'm talking disgusting, gonzo porn
>"""""sex worker"""""
>awful, rude attitude
>awful, tacky clothes
>smarmy meltdowns every other week
>in that tumblr clique with other degenerates, like prettylittlevictim,tiny doll baby-pig etc
>(and somebody seriously needs to make a thread for them, the milk is flowing thoroughly)
>(oh and himeka probably wants to wear her skin for some reason)
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No. 2034934

she put all that nasty shit out with an (arguably) right state of mind, she knew there was no going back. its sad the brain injury happened but not sad all the old milk is out there. I am curious if she still has that obnoxious personality , I can imagine that never fully going away lmao. she can hardly be a lolcow with 0 social media presence for like 6 years, this thread is just updates on her health and shit from her mums social media. I still be lurking tho I'm too curious about this ex cow

No. 2035387

dude lolcow disappears we get the bombshell of her brain injury people are just here to see the rest of the story unfolds who knows maybe she'll be back

No. 2036128

As I understand her story, she was a bipolar teen who ran away, fell in with groomer adults who “took care of her” and she ended up in the sex trade. Yes her online persona was obnoxious but I very much doubt her “caretaker(?)” were making sure she was properly medicated and were, at least for a time, profiting off her. The sex trade and her bipolar swings became her way of life, until her brain injury.

Again, this is just what I’ve gathered and admittedly I have not “researched” her but if this was her situation, I just think she should now be allowed to fade into obscurity. Unless, of course, she leaves her mother’s care and begins acting out again, in which case - document away.

No. 2036975

you are very right in saying you haven't properly researched what you're saying. I can understand your assumptions based on this thread rather than her tumblr, which is still active btw. her issues started at home, she public stated and let's face it it's obvious she was abused by her dad, she also mentions abused by her mums exs, and she has said some stuff about her mum which is also concerning. she went into care and kept running away. I think the fact she was in care most of her childhood and adolence shows her family life was not good. I'm assuming this is why someone previously commented about being concerned for her being in her mums care now. during her time being active on tumblr she often mentioned having a 'mental health team' who help when needed and her 'fake dad' who was registered as her carer hardly profited off her when she was living there rent free, maybe he git carers benefit but thats hardly alot of money. her mum was also aware and accepting of her being a sex worker.so either her mum, carer and mental health professionals clearly didn't care fir her well being (which is why people are hesitant to trust her mum) or these people all believed she was in the right state of mind to make these decisions about her life and her 'job'. she has bipolar yes but that doesn't mean her was compltetly unable to make her own decisions. people with bipolar can live full and happy lives and go through long phases of mental stability in-between depression and mania.

No. 2037378

it's rather disrespectful for people to be speculating on the quality of her mothers care right now - clearly her mother was neglectful in some way or another and was likely complicit in some of the abuse she went through. however we have no clue what her mother is like now, I'm sure she loves her daughter very much and may even feel like she's got a second chance to take care and protect her child.

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No. 2036926[Reply]

did i miss the new thread for alida or have we not made one yet? looks like she may be getting married..?(shit thread)

No. 2036928


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