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No. 1602730
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>>>/snow/1518926The basic rundown:
> jonny craig has a well-documented history of drug abuse and physical/sexual abuse towards his exes. pretty much any woman he comes into contact with, he influences in an overwhelmingly negative way > before his relationship with Sydney England, he had a toxic and drug-fueled relationship with and helped with the downfall of pettuber & fellow cow Taylor Nicole Dean - jonny is her so-called abuser, though it sounds like they were equally toxic in their own ways > after Taylor was forced into rehab, Jonny made it seem like they were going to be back together ASAP. as soon as Taylor broke up with him in rehab, he got with Sydney and started bragging about her, then got her pregnant immediately. > enter SYD, Aka sydsosmall/minnieskins. overdramatic groupie clout chaser who got pregnant with jonny’s heroin baby because she was feeling “old” & felt her biological clock ticking… totally mentally stable choice > since syd gave birth there has been a steady stream of milky shit/stupid drama, warranting her and jonny their own thread, though now they’ve separated, so their threads becoming separate may be inevitable. until then… Old milk:
>syd starts a gofundme for "personal situations" >>1234541, >>1234881 but it seems to be going towards hair and lash extensions >>1244430 (later revealed to be to cover for the car accident she caused with the guy she was cheating on jonny with) jonny’s ex amanda shows up on the donations >>1242157> Jonny goes to jail for domestic violence >>1088190 and pleads guilty his last court date was feb 1st at 9am >>1090762> >>1090779 Storm has unknown surgery but syd doesnt say anything and Jonny barely acknowledges it >>1091369> Jonny contracts cellulitis and ends up being admitted to the hospital most likely caused by IV heroin use >>1107260, >>1107262> Jonny posts two disturbing but typical (for him) videos to his instagram stories: one where he shows Syd’s bare butt and then grabs it >>1109832 it’s also noted she has a mysterious and large bruise on her leg in a generally hard to bruise area >>1110293. Audio in second vid (which was of Storm with camera inches away from him as baby lays on bed) reveals a clearly super high Jonny slurring and unable to hold the camera steady >>1110163> syd vagueposts about someone (Jonny) cheating with someone you know. That someone posts in the thread revealing screenshots of Instagram DMs with Jonny and Syd >>1318548,Syd who accuses anon of cheating with Jonny for flirting on Instagram with Jonny and allegedly calls the cops on anon. Anon says she's known Syd since high school. In the screenshots Syd calls Jonny a waste,a fat junkie, says she'll show the conversation to Taylor so that she'll ruin anon's life, threatens anon. Syd doxxes anon on Instagram.> anon posts more screenshots, looks like she was carrying the convo with Jonny. Syd sends anon a video of Jonny wasted. >>1319574 Turtle Mom ends up leaking the video >>1320319 and says she'll go the TX shows to expose Jonny with flyers, never does.> tour starts, Jonny doesn't know the lyrics to his own songs so he's reading them off his phone. >>1322793, syd goes on stage to hug Jonny and makes sure everyone know he has a kid whenever he looks in the direction of a woman >>1320416, >>1320417 She also keeps complaining about how hard working at the merch table is, jonny proposes to Syd again >>1332845, >>1333002 at a concert with the same ring.>syd, jonny, and the rest of their crew get awful matching tour tattoos >>1336731>anon posts screenshots from cps that imply storm is not in their custody >>1338649 and Syd continues to confirm this by only posting a photo of them in a public setting >>1346847>jonny goes radio silent on social media while syd's instagram use only increases, presumably because jonny is in rehab>syd buys herself an iPad and starts to vague post about a new project >>1346549, >>1363620 eventually announces a date she will announce the project >>1366535 but does not announce anything. >syd and jonny lovebomb announcing they have chosen a date for their wedding, 11/11/22 >>1367393, >>1367396>surprising nobody, anon finds jonny on tinder >>1372864 syd responds >>1374232>syd still trying to keep up the facade of being a parent >>1373001, >>1376986, >>1388466, >>1390689, >>1391059, >>1392428, >>1393204>more information is found about the courtcase that likely caused JC and syd to lose custody >>1373075, >>1373156, >>1373401, >>1373420, and a previous DV case involving syd >>1373487>syd flirts with lolbro >>1373616, >>1374083, >>1374084>syd is alone on thanksgiving, trying to seem unbothered >>1375878 while jonny enjoys his rehab/sober living slop >>1375941 more sober living shots: >>1376927, >>1401281, >>1401284>sydsosneaky visits storm at her mom's house for xmas >>1401841, >>1401842, and shows a picture of jonny with storm from last xmas, since he's away in sober living >>1401843>syd makes it obvious she’s reading the thread >>1402818, >>1402823, >>1402826, >>1402828>a fan comforts jonny about the death of a friend, causing syd to go on a sperg about him cheating >>1406759, >>1406761>anon helps us ring in the new year by providing us with screenshots… sydsosmart gets caught cheating! and this message also proves that they lost custody of storm. >>1407044, >>1407062, >>1407070>jonny and syd vagueposting, hinting at a breakup >>1407170, >>1407172, >>1407171, >>1407167>syd psychotically harasses she-who-will-not-be-named >>1407204, >>1407205, >>1407217, >>1407235>more screenshots of syd cheating are released >>1407243, >>1407258 >sticking to her usual groupie tendencies, it's some band dude >>1407304 and he is an abuser (shocking) >>1407340>syd harasses band-dude's ex-gf >>1407393>jonny will be out of rehab/sober living soon >>1408154, >>1408168 and posts about getting a puppy from a place called Borderline Bullies (ironic kek) >>1408355, >>1408449 (ends up falling through) >syd lovebombs JC >>1408808, >>1408891, >>1410001, >>1410002, >>1410776, >>1412175>jonny begins the process of removing all signs of syd/storm off of his instagram >>1408893, >>1415883>jonny is over syd >>1412293, but syd isn't over jonny >>1412296 and is on the prowl for a new girl >>1414061, >>1417679, >>1419177, >>1419188, >>1419932>syd goes quiet, leaving anons to speculate if she's been banned on instagram for harassment. anons find that she she has been liking clothes on poshmark >>1421811>syd is (unsurprisingly) back, posts videos of herself and "friends" watching some shitty emo cover band >>1424827>jonny returns to the Sac townhouse with all of his shit >>1427985, >>1427987, >>1432441>syd says nothing about his return, ghosts and sadposts about her birthday >>1430578, >>1434657, >>1434774>cowtipper confirms that jonny is indeed big boy pimpin, living the single life because syd cheated on him >>1430884>jonny starts his traditional post-breakup streaming career back up >>1434930, >>1439243>big boy pimpin starts liking tnd's instagram posts >>1436428 >>1436485>while jonny moves on to thottier pastures, syd starts posting her perfect bawd for validation despite calling every woman in a crop top a whore >>1438537, >>1439469, >>1440433, >>1443447, >>1445180, >>1445828, >>1445920>syd embarrasses herself >>1440188, >>1440189, >>1440548 >>1449879>syd's sad about her life, writes boring long story posts about how it's not what she wanted but it's so perfect >>1441750, >>1443451>syd onlyfans saga when >>1445197>syd kinda pretends to be a mom >>1445995, >>1446838, >>1447752, >>1448894>jonny's probably trying to pull a new girl with google translate arabic >>1447738, >>1447739>they unfollowed each other >>1448690 but syd will never take him out of her bio >>1448923>jonny shows his inbox on stream, apparently paid rent 3 weeks late >>1450033>jonny has upcoming court dates >>1453819>jonny is big mad about his lolcow thread, posts and quickly deletes a rant about it >>1453538 >jonny compares his bright future to his fake teeth, which someone else bought for him and he never paid back.. sounds about right. >>>/snow/1454287> anons speculate that syd could be rage posting in the TND thread >>>/snow/1454731 >syd sadposts >>>/snow/1455420, >>>/snow/1455934, >>>/snow/1455956, >>>/snow/1456157, >>>/snow/1457905, and teases making an onlyfans >>>/snow/1455738>jonny seems to visit storm more than syd >>>/snow/1458775 >jonny randomly posts an old note that his ex taylor dean’s dad wrote him >>>/snow/1462405 then clarifies it’s old >>>/snow/1462537, anons wonder if he posted it to either rile up syd or get taylor’s attention >syd officially moves in with her friend megan >>>/snow/1463462> jonny is active on tinder, matches with a girl named mars >>>/snow/1474385 who immediately posts about him being ‘washed up’, ‘not worth the story’ & ‘a lot of Ls’ >>>/snow/1474386, >>>/snow/1474411, >>>/snow/1474415> jonny shoots back, negging the girl he matched with on tinder and bragging about spEnDinG heR RenT on shoes 3 times a week (probably because you can fit into kids size shoes, JC) >>>/snow/1475483> syd tries to shade jonny on her story >>>/snow/1482229 > jonny posts a selfie featuring a bunch of dirty clothes and beer bottles in the background >>>/snow/1486532 instead of cleaning up he just scribbles it out in future photos >>>/snow/1487187, >>>/snow/1487417 >sydsomanic spams her story >>>/snow/1487040 with a bunch of compliments that seem like they were sent in by herself, continues to bring up starting an onlyfans and teases about a ‘certain someone’ who makes her feel ‘frisky’ >>>/snow/1486643 >taylor deleted/privated her video talking about JC abusing her >>>/snow/1488984 speculation that they’re back in contact continues >jonny makes references to being lonely due to ramadan >>>/snow/1489269 causing more speculation that he’s dating an arabic/muslim girl, possibly named ava >>>/snow/1489450, >>>/snow/1489610, >>>/snow/1489613 >syd returns to e-begging for rent, meds and essentials for the kid she doesn’t have custody for #itsokaytoaskforhelp >>>/snow/1490473 >syd harasses anon after she forgets to crop her pfp >>>/snow/1498275>jonny posts a pic of taylor on his story >>>/snow/1498358>if you want to flush some money down the toilet, you can find bbp on cameo >>>/snow/1499914>syd sets the tone for her OF saga >>>/snow/1499974, >>>/snow/1497288>syd is suddenly on OF >>>/snow/1500737 and leaves just as soon >>>/snow/1500754>blah blah blah something about ava>old man goiter screams at the sky aka tmobile >>>/snow/1504574>syd calls out jonny for being a deadbeat (hmm very interesting syd) >>>/snow/1509691>no words just this >>>/snow/1509695>swanfest drama between the two tards >>>/snow/1509690, >>>/snow/1509726>jonny really does not like syd >>>/snow/1511748>taylor is following jonny on instagram >>>/snow/1513531, according to taylor they're speaking again for the sake of "closure" >>>/snow/1515623>jonny shuts off syd's phone (kek) >>>/snow/1514632>jonny expected to bring the milk by coming clean about "everything" in a livestream on twitch >>>/snow/1517232, >>>/snow/1518219>syd ready to sell him out before he can make her look even worse >>>/snow/1517429>another court date, anon listens in and reveals that the DA wants to press felony charges >>>/snow/1517793>blah blah blah wigglewip layna asshurt ex-bf blah blah blah>syd brings up goiter's original baby mama in her usual self-centered manner >>>/snow/1518829, more sperging about jc >>>/snow/1518852New milk:
>emo tucker carlson interviewed jonny to try to rehab his image >>1519019 >>1519030 syd contests his narrative >>1519027 interviewer is accused of rape >>1521347>syd thinks we're funny >>1519078>a lot of athena shit; she doesn't deserve the attention, check the thread if you care because it's boring af>ANONS LISTEN IN TO THE 5/4/22 COURT HEARING, CHARGES WERE UPGRADED TO A FELONY BECAUSE STORM TESTED POSITIVE FOR FENTANYL IN MAY 2021 >>1519680 >>1519684 >>1519685 >>1519686 >>1519694>anons in the know spill about the incident >>1519842 >>1519843 >>1519879 >>1519915 >>1519919 >>1519924 >>1519974 >>1519979 >>1520007 >>1520565 >>1521350>jonny pretends everything is fine after asking for support >>1519519 >>1519568 >>1519625 >>1519674 >>1519758 >>1520751>jonny's new victim layna goes private, tea is spilled about her trip to see him >>1519544>jonny big mad at tmobile and syd >>1520854 and some clothing company >> 1521806 tldr he's poor and angry >>1524478 >>1524789>jonny posts a performative video about how he's never going to be kept from storm >>1521015>jonny's cat >>1521134 >>1521315>jonny's tattoo >>1521294 >>1521301>layna was warned about jonny, doesn't care, actively deletes comments about the situation >>1521944 >>1522095 >>1523621>jonny is big mad people are telling his new girl about his bad behavior >>1522005 >>1522147 >>1522495 blames syd for his bad life/behavior >>1522599>jonny is using kratom allegedly >>1524179>jonny publically begs tommy lee to notice him >>1526997>jonny begs for money for storm's room, later ups the goal, seemingly to raise funds for his rent >>1527261 >>1529299 >>1529960 >>1530342 >>1531985>syd is trying to "frustrate" jonny into using >>1528759>anon who knows syd speculates on her bpd >>1530988>layna is still at jonny's >>1531589 >>1532073 >>1532335 >>1532338 >>1532948 >>1532951 >>1533264>in reality-shattering irony, syd comments on the silly little brain of jonny's new child bride, says she thought she was his last victim despite being a feral bitch when people tried to warn her about jonny >>1532862 >>1533645>jonny is big mad that layna is posted on lcf, threatens everyone with the cyber police and a libel suit >>1533421>Layna looks absolutely nothing like her shooped jailbait selfies, looks her age IRL, to the surprise of no one >>1558920>Jonny pleads not guilty to child endangerment 1:
>>>/snow/1082146 4:
>>>/snow/1533736 No. 1602744
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When you get sober and lose weight and still look like… this.
No. 1602780
>>1602737It most definitely is an unpopular opinion. Together or not she is milky as fuck and unhinged, may her antics live forever on lolcow. Layna needs to be included in the titles now, dunno why she wasn’t.
I call making the next thread since nonnies don’t know how to count past ten.
No. 1602788
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What the fuck is she trying to relay. Does anyone understand retard language?
Her life must be sooo exciting and productive for her to post something like this, like it was a significant moment lmaoo
No. 1602792
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Syd if you’re reading this please do an ig live akin to what Taylor did with her Jonny video.
No. 1602795
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>>1602744I’m assuming this is what inspired Syd to post what I can only guess means “major pedo energy”. Syd stop spying on your ex. I thought y’all had each other blocked. I wonder how many fake accounts she actually has.
No. 1602807
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This bitch got major giraffe legs. Like her torso is unusually short, she looks disproportionate. She’s so lanky and absolutely flat everywhere. Girl has absolutely no muscle tone in her legs, butt, everything. Like a child just like Jonny likes them. Meanwhile Syd got midget stumpy legs. I can’t. Hahahahaha. Okay mr “I only fuck with bad bitches”. Where?!!!
No. 1602879
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The only reason I believe he’s sober is because I used to be on Vivitrol. My doctor told me it stays in your system for almost two months but I wasn’t sure if that was the right number until I looked it up just now. (The effects start declining after 30 days - Which is why you only take the shot once a month). He would have had to ditch his appointment, wait 50 days for the rest of it to be out of him entirely, and then relapse to be able to get high. Jonny’s past relapses were very impulsive and putting myself in his position, I would confide in my support system. That’s what I feel like he’d do. Some of his friends are questionable but I’m sure at least one person convinced him to remake the appointment.
That being said, even though he’s sober from opiates, nonnie was right he could be using absolutely anything else. I hope he’s not? I can’t really tell because the longer you use, the better you get at hiding it.
I don’t wish death upon this dude but I do wish he would humble himself, hold himself more accountable and stop ruining female’s lives. Aka stay away from them romantically. He needs to forget his flavor of the season… that’s all she’s gonna be to him. I’m calling it right now. Does anyone wanna start taking bets?
I don’t think they’ll make it to New Years lmao
No. 1602884
>>1602807This has to be someone pretending to be Sydney at this point come on lol. Last time Sydney claimed Layna had the longest back, and has been the only one going off about a 25 year old woman who is taller than goiter “looking like a child” just because she’s thin. She actually looks great here. Must suck that Sydney thought being “so smol” meant being short when surprise it means not chunky, that was her only personality trait too.
No. 1603176
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this is 3rd thread number 14, also previous thread is isn't correct etc
But also great to see another thread!
No. 1603178
>>1602807news just in, girls have different shapes and don't all coheir to the modern standard set by fat incels online.
she's still scum hanging around goiter, but these personal observatrions do absolutely nothing to contribute to milk or the thread
No. 1603225
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Thought this was funny coming from skid, who is doing the absolute least to be a mother.
No. 1603268
>>1603225Funny coming from the woman who laments about Jonny "breaking up the family". It wasn't him smoking fent around Storm that broke up the family in her mind, nooo. It was him breaking up with her. Notice how she has only acknowledged it as a tool to throw shade, nothing else. She showed her true colors as a mother by joining Jonny in Sac without their son AFTER the incident. She didn't find a place near her son (even if she couldn't live with Mommy any more), she didn't use this moment of at least partially being responsible for endangering her child to self reflect, she didn't even go to therapy. She did make time and effort to go to a music festival and multiple outings tho. Forget a drivers license! Who needs to try for that? And a job to at least add some substance and backing to this Strong Mommy LARP??
Point blank Syd moved in with Jonny 2 hours away from the son ~wHo LoVeS hEr~ and spent her time going rabid on any woman who breathed, all while cheating, thus making her fixations of being cheated on all the more useless. Truly a "groupie" thru and thru, just as she accuses every woman she seethes over. Jonny meant more to her than her own son , and she claimed to fucking hate him. I'll accept the ban for my autistic rage. I hope Storm is kept far away from her. This is just the beginning of her fucking him up if not.
No. 1603787
>>1602757He looks better than he has since before Taylor honestly. I think Layna has some mental issues like all his girls but don't get the same
toxic vibe like syd.. I think she took a toll on him lol.
>>1602744I don't think he looks GOOD but the improvement to his physical appearance is undeniable
No. 1603883
>>1603268standing ovation truly on point. Skid is insufferable. she's the worse kind of mom -hovering shit over Storm's head; talking shit about his dad; using him as a weapon to get back at baby daddy. it does more damage to the kid himself than anyone else.
Storm is gonna grow up having to explain to his friends why he lives with grandma. He'll have vague memories of Skid psychotically clawing him out of grandma's arms; crying while daddy's nodding off and wondering where mommy is, then seeing her recording; he'll remember being hungry but mommy burnt the dinosaur chicken nuggies again because mommy was too busy threatening to release some methhead named Taylor's imaginary army on girls who liked jonny's instagram picture he posted of him and not mommy; Storm will remember mommy not being there cause she was too busy being strong at taking off-guard pics of dudes at shows then posting creepily long "Happy Birthday!" captions, left wondering why HE never got a present but instead spent his birthday in some dead grass in a random Starbucks lawn.
No. 1603897
>>1603178Bet you all the folks going in to bizarre details about other peoples bodies are all fat fucks and far from coheiring to their own standards of what constitutes "a correct human body"
>>1603268Fucking spot on.
>>1603883Imagine the day storm is older and goes on the internet and finds his parents posts + the news articles and blogs. Poor kid.
No. 1604001
>>1603883For once I wish she'd read this thread and dig deep for Storm's sake, rather than dig her heels into the "I was abused" arc she's trying to push. We're doing a lot of the heavy lifting by spelling out her fuck ups. The least she can do is admit the truth rather than embrace this fantasy LARP she has going.
Maybe court will sober her up.
No. 1604037
>>1602807Holy shit why does her being skinny
trigger you so much?
No. 1604185
>>1604164Yeah I’m sure every
abusive peice of shit on the planet is nice to their partners at first. Same with people who end up beating or raping or murdering their partner eventually. What’s your point?
No. 1604190
>>1604164Unpopular opinion but this is the most convincing he’s shown as sober. He and his exes have all said he was extremely
abusive while in active addiction. Reading through the threads and he sent Layna many gifts, donated to her stream, flew her to California numerous times ect.
I’m not saying he’s not a piece of shit. I definitely think he will relapse at some point and traumatize the shit out of this girl. Which she has coming seeing as there’s sufficient evidence online of his dogshit scummy behaviour. He’s just been given to many chances and always continuously fucks them up, and I don’t see him stopping now. Maybe it’ll be when this court stuff is over, maybe it’ll be in a week. Who knows.
No. 1604210
>>1604190It’s common for
abusive men to be nice and giving in the beginning of the relationship. They’ll act like Prince Charming, mr nice guy, whatever. Then they find a way to gain control over you (usually financially) and isolate you from your family.
I hope she stays in college and doesn’t move to California.
No. 1604256
>>1604190This is literally how
abusive men operate. They love bomb the shit out of you so you can't possibly believe all the horrible stuff their ex truthfully says happened in the relationship or they're manipulative enough to make you believe they're changing from that "bad person" because of YOU and how special you are in their life. As soon as they have you hooked they go right back to the cheating, threatening, junkie habits because they know they've successfully managed to convince you its not them it's everyone else and now you causing the problems. Johnny is a textbook fucking narc and all the drugs he's done has fried his brain even more than it was originally fucked. He's a wolf in sheep's clothing to every woman stupid enough to come in contact with him. I dont get anons who cape for this scrote loser so hard. He literally has been domestically
abusive in all 4 of his past relationships, all his exes hate each other but agree he's a fucking garbage human and he let his infant son get into contact with fent. He's a worthless waste of space and no amount of recovery is going to make him less of a threat to women. It's in his moid nature.
No. 1604371
>>1604256Great post.
I can guarantee (tin foil) that he:
- Sneaks drugs on his own
- When high/drunk/horny, he messages women online. (he messaged my friend when with TND)
- Still has contact with his old dealers
- Has more legal troubles and debt/credit than we realise.
- Is talking to TND and making use of the power imbalance to gaslight her into retracting all her previous statements.
- Is barely taking any interest in Storm unless it's legally enforced. Then conveniently virtue signalling off any court ordered interaction with Storm.
No. 1604791
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This is interesting.
No. 1604967
>>1604760I know right? Basic morals has been restored.
Abusive, sexual assaulting, scamming, baby harming, junkies are bad again!
No. 1604970
>>1604843Twitter people love to insert themselves anywhere to signal their virtue.
I'd love if Layna did a AMA here. We could ask her to respond to each piece of evidence and ask why she still chooses to commit to Goiter.
No. 1605132
>>1605123Bet you the junkie/abuser fans are all just the one samefag.
My worry is if the whiteknights have kids and if they are cool when their kid wants to date an
No. 1605295
>>1604974Yeah taylor publicity forgiving him and saying god knows what behind the scenes over text is probably a massive contributor to layna brushing off all the abuse allegations. Taylor is basically helping him snag his next
No. 1605642
>>1605631out of all the exes we know of so far besides the original bm and that other spiky haired chick, the exes that come to mind that he truly did irreversible damage to was Amanda and Liz.
My reasons for this: although Amanda ignored the macbook shit, she's a pretty big normie. she used to get on my nerves with her constant "poor me" but there's actual evidence of physical abuse, police reports, straight up humiliation, etc. they were both really young. Amanda seems to have gotten her degree in psychology or some shit and uses her experience to spread awareness of domestic abuse/relationships. Awesome.
Liz was the unsuspecting stripper from Colorado, though I'm not quite sure of her history of knowing/not knowing who he was, for the most part: strippers are dumb broads. If you lurk her instagram, she's still using 10+ hashtags that make no sense #since #like #2011 #i #point this out because it shows how technologically/social media-ly inept she is, so i can see her not really knowing about Jonny's past. he was extremely
abusive, extremely controlling and jealous (she's fucking beautiful, look her up) he joked about shooting her up (which she did NOT think it was funny obviously) and kept going back to Chelsea. She tried to kill herself then got help and is thriving now, never looked back good for her.
when it comes to Chelsea, i DO believe he was a big ole prick to her, I DO believe he had drugged out blackouts around her but i don't believe he ever physically abused her. she bought a house and let him move in AFTER she first met him, had a threesome with him the first night with some other groupie, WHILE he was engaged to Amanda. I point this out because there was tons of bickering and back and forth between those two (amanda and chelsea, amanda tried to warn her then chelsea was publically tweeting how Amanda is psycho, crazy and obsessed) She let Jonny cheat on Amanda, and then she let Jonny cheat on Liz. Chelsea ended up trying to kill herself when Jonny dumped her in a borderline personality rage, I don't think it was particularly because of ~abuse~ but more so because she felt like a goddamn idiot and embarrassed who shoulda listened. Chelsea and Taylor are similar in a lot of ways that they wanted the clout of being with a "rockstar". she quit twitter to go take care of her grandpa but after he croaked, she's back on… same screen name and everything, and if you search her tweets, you can tell people are replying to her venting about jonny behind her private account. my point is, if he was so
abusive, wouldn't you like… not use that twitter handle as an attempt to not be associated anymore? no, she loves the drama cause that means more internet attention for her.
the end
No. 1605721
>>1605628Some people on a silly message board are not the ones to “hold her accountable”, get your head out of your ass you’re being so self important. You are the only one being emotional and it’s weird, stop.
She was 21, introduced her to heroin, and shot her up while spending all of her money. Most people have been affected by the opioid crisis and I’m going to hate whoever introduces intravenous heroin use to young women they are a generation older than all that I want and so will most people, get over it. You’re so creepy and no one wants to read your fan fiction. Who tf knows this much about his exes
No. 1606063
>>1605721I mean she already admitted to being an alcoholic and addicted to cocaine, but sure make her sound competely innocent. Fact is, she would have found some other drug addict if not for him. I mean it took her like two weeks to find some meth head in rehab.
Please stop acting like he had any part in her downfall, he's been gone for four years and she is worse off now than ever before
No. 1606078
>>1606063Right? How do people always forget she was the one who asked for drugs, the story only changed after she broke up with him and needed to be the biggest
victim of them all. Jonnys dated so many women and yet the one who was addicted to coke and alcohol just so happened to be the only one he “got hooked on hard drugs”? Don’t get me wrong he shouldn’t of ever agreed to help her shoot but he didn’t force anything on her. Taylor always wanted drugs, that’s why 4 years after leaving him and countless rehab programs later she’s still a mess.
No. 1606232
>>1606063>>1606078>>1606103I think two things can be true at once.
There is
victim of circumstance/upbringing/family/geograpgy/poverty etc
And then there is making bad decisions.
JC requires both in order to work optimally. Low self esteme and above average looks also helps. He's not some mastermind, he just picks derps.
No. 1606238
>>1606128just need wait for the next goiter/layna/syd drama to blast this thread to the lock
will goiter be on court cam?
No. 1606323
>>1605721i'm creepy? nona read what you just said: you're literally on a shit-talking message board participating in picking apart someone's life then deflecting and accusing me of writing fan fiction.
no idiot, this is all public information that all these people consciously decided to post about. there's no digging. if they didn't want their shit show talked about or their past brought up then maybe they shoulda listened to their parents about watching what they post on the interwebs.
you're deflecting. and i agree with the other anons about it being stupid annoying how you phrase jonny getting her addicted to drugs and shooting her up. like he fucking held her down and shot her up against her will. the more overdramatic and exaggerating you are, the less others can take it seriously cause there comes a point where enough is enough.
yeah let her hit rock bottom? as in quit coming to her rescue as the echo chamber and blaming jonny. god i hope you never have kids cause you'd make a terrible parent; a Jen in the making.
No. 1606331
File: 1659566974225.jpeg (527.24 KB, 1125x1557, E2FDDCB2-5084-40B8-9464-9A5591…)

>>1605721another receipt for your stupid ass
Taylor confirming she KNEW who THE jonny craig of DGD and Emarosa was and STILL pursuing him despite ALL the public dirt on him. So yeah miss us with all that "a DeCadE oLdeR InTro a 21 Yr oLd tO hErOin"
from taylor's mouth herself, wasn't he like sneaking off being sketchy in the bathroom and shooting up? only then after being nosy did she figure it out? didn't taylor say herself that she tried to it "feel closer" to him?
tired of you painting her as completely innocent.
No. 1606334
>>1606323I only participate to make jokes here and there, you aggressive ape. You wrote full blown columns and are still being so emotional. Yeah, it’s creepy. You trying to infer anything about my personal relationships is weird asf too lmao. It’s a comment, jfc.
Heroin isn’t the same as any other drug, very few people come back from it and people are hated for introducing it to others. That simple. No shit she’s still struggling four years later, she was 21 and already had brain issues when he shot her up.
Goiter literally said it was his fault and that he got her into this mess. A man in his 30s with a history of abusing every one of his exes knew what he was doing when he ruined Taylor’s life. When you read my response you’re putting your own emotion into it, and trying to control a random person. I didn’t say anything about my opinion on Taylor, I agreed with goiter’s statement that it is in fact his fault. Seriously calm down and stop insulting people on an anonymous message board, are you incapable of disagreeing maturely and calmly?
No. 1606353
>>1606343Again, stop insulting random people because they are responding to you. This is a discussion, and if you don’t want a response, don’t post. And no it doesn’t take anyone involved to see the power imbalance. Like I said, most people have been personally affected by the opioid crisis, and it’s been this way for a long time to not fuck with people who introduce others to that lifestyle. That’s it. You’re the only one bringing up random things as excuses for some reason.
There’s a thread about Taylor if you want to evacuate your emotional bowels there, and I’m sure you can find a place for your goiter fan fiction. I don’t want to learn all these details about him and his ex girlfriends I’m just here to laugh not deal with your weird aggression.
No. 1606369
>>1606353OP from other posts, I wasn't the one you were responding to, remember there's more anons here than just us two, so… nice try?
power imbalance? okay well i can already sense your stance on most things just from using that term. because if you really wanna get into "power imbalances" then i'm telling you right now, taylor had more power than jonny when they dated. taylor had more genuine fans, a clean slate, and no prior dirt. so… this could turn into the twilight zone and we could get into the trenches of taylor preying on someone with a well-known history of drug addiction and casting him as the scapegoat when he wouldn't hug her enough ironically invalidating and bullying his actual real
victims. but we can agree to disagree. and i agree with you, i'm here for the lols and this is getting too deep and beyond us
No. 1606421
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Just throwing it out there that 100% one of these JC white knights is scorpioxlady on instagram. She’s known to lurk these threads and has been a super fan since before I can even remember. Lately she’s been commenting on all of his posts and recently commented this on his newest interview on YouTube. Note that her profile picture is the two of them at a show from many years ago. Just wanted to throw that tidbit out there for those who remember who she is .
No. 1606487
>>1606421Weren't they a thing.. or something? It feels like so long ago and I can't remember who she is, unfortunately (fortunately?).
I thought there was some shit about them being involved in some way, or maybe that might have been Syd's own bullshit.
I hope I saged correctly. Long time lurker, very shitty poster.
No. 1606494
>>1606487Syd accused them of cheating at one point but honestly Syd considered commenting a heart cheating so I’d take that with a grain of salt. They most definitely fucked at some point between 2014-2019 though since Jonny is a hoebag and will fuck any fan at any given time. Which isn’t interesting at all really. I remember way back in the Taylor threads people talking about how he’d go get free drugs from her.
Anyway the only thing about her worth mentioning is that she’s almost stalkerly obsessed and any JC white knight on here is a 50/50 shot it’s her.
No. 1607210
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Anyways enough with all this pointless arguing shit
Can somebody translate this retard language for me?
No. 1607251
>>1607207>>1607210double post and no sage
Translation is something like: "This is lame and I'm disappointed. It feels like it's the be-all-end-all for some reason, but whatever. It's probably because of timing and the fact im cursed"
No. 1607353
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>>1606238>just need to wait for anons to argue over subjective topics to blast this thread to lock.Ftfy. There hasn’t been actual milk since we found out they accidentally drugged their baby. Syd just shitposts on Insta and jonny is just living his pos fake gangster life.
No. 1607357
>>1607353True. But whether "by accident" or not is what the court will dictate.
Saying that using fentanyl in the proximity of a child and claiming it was an "accident" they got poisoned… is like saying it was an "accident" you set off a fire alarm by smoking under it.
No. 1608143
>>1607815He’s been with gma longer than his parents and is likely very bonded to gma. Removing him and placing him with parents who both have DV charges on them and one is a known junky, will just cause more issues.
Hard to say as this state hardly cares about drug charges anymore and often treat parents equal. Like, moms don’t get priority by default. 50/50 custody is pretty common. But neither of them have a car or a job. Goiter probably thinks he will get custody because he technically has income and a stable living environment. I’m sure his over-worked and underpaid public defender told him that.
No. 1608332
File: 1659737276714.png (4.09 MB, 1170x2532, 8F8A8919-F621-4912-8112-6674B9…)

Maybe the milk just dry and I’m looking too much into this but doesn’t she look upset? Like maybe she’s been crying? Or maybe she’s just stoned and got red eye, idk. But I will say that everyone else in this clip seem like the atmosphere is awkward. I will try to get a screen grab and post it if someone else doesn’t get to it first. Again, I could just be looking too much into this because I’m bored kek
No. 1608337
File: 1659737606964.jpg (287.64 KB, 720x1448, Screenshot_20220805-181231_Ins…)

>>1608332Missed this
Can't deny there is most likely a lot of distressing moments between them. I'd be shocked if there wasn't.
She might just have resting bitch face, I know I definitely do. Plus it seems like Jonny just shoves his phone around to everyone, in the most annoying juvenile way possible.
No. 1608344
>>1608332I also thought she was crying when I saw the story but I guess the red eyes is just her swollen eye thing she had going on in
>>1595265 allergies or whatever.
No. 1608425
File: 1659744737204.jpeg (937.11 KB, 1170x2033, F3914860-630A-477D-A27D-E2F8A8…)

Kek. Black box dye is such a bad idea when you’re a natural blonde/dirty blonde. The regrowth looms like bald spots.
No. 1608510
>>1608428She. Was. 21. He was in his mid thirties and knows better, who give a fuck if she asked? He knows damn well not to introduce someone to intravenous heroin, he wouldn’t need to know the ridiculous recovery and overdose rates, he lived it.
Why are you infantilizing a grown ass man like he had zero autonomy in the situation, he shouldn’t have ever been dating her but he needed her clout, money, and platform to go after his exes. He himself admitted it was his fault. This has nothing at all to do with Taylor being a
victim or not, it seems to be about his fans saying he dindu nuffin big boy pompous.
Your argument is that if someone asks you a favor that will ruin their life, it’s their fault because for some reason a seasoned heroin user “has no choice” but to inflict the same issues on a younger generation? No lmao, what the hell is wrong with you. If Taylor was acting that badly he should have left, and what do you expect dating someone whose frontal lobe isn’t done growing. Don’t do that shit, not that hard.
No. 1608513
File: 1659753570158.webm (3.07 MB, 720x1280, 01.webm)
I see sanity only briefly returned to the thread. The infantilisation of all of these people is so annoying, specially Jonny’s.
>>1608332Yes, I think you’re reading too much into it. She looks bored, if anything. It’s easy to take a screenshot at an awkward facial moment and make a mountain out of a molehill. To avoid that, here is the entire interaction (1/4)
>>1608430This “girl” is a 25-26 year old woman who has willingly returned to the USA to be with this piece of shit.
No. 1608514
File: 1659753694313.webm (616.92 KB, 720x1280, 02.webm)
>>1608513She uploaded this earlier. If I were a fantasist, I could say she’s speaking to us and how we usually say she’s mostly angles! Layna, wear yellow the next time if you need to be rescued from your ongoing actions. (2/4)
No. 1608518
File: 1659753831554.webm (2.54 MB, 720x1280, 03.webm)
>>1608344>>1608514What’s this? Her acknowledging she was caught in a bad angle and possibly implying she wasn’t actually mad? No, common sense isn’t allowed.
No. 1608521
File: 1659753929144.webm (2.83 MB, 720x1280, 04.webm)
>>1608518Not only is Jonny an irredimible human, he’s also corny and embarrassing.
No. 1608522
Sorry, autism No. 1608716
>>1608510Sorry I forgot to add~
I never had a argument, just stating what Taylor herself said what happened. Don’t know why that
triggered you so hard, you ok?
No. 1608966
File: 1659811538600.jpeg (177.54 KB, 828x1206, 07DC4355-15EA-494B-B0B7-C36AAD…)

Another picture with BBP passed out. So strange the only pictures she gets with him are when he’s passed out. Pathetic.
No. 1608970
File: 1659811740944.png (1.88 MB, 1284x2778, A893494B-4B1A-4C2C-BDF3-67050A…)

>>1608966You cropped out the best part tho lol. I’m sure it was a joke but it’s probably accurate.
No. 1609480
File: 1659865388833.jpeg (71.57 KB, 520x520, tiger-king-1632412233.jpeg)

>>1608521Ok. I have to ask. Why the fuck does he touch his mouth before saying anything on these? You can tell he fucks up and does loads of takes. Maybe he's just smelling his gooch sweat.
Also he's getting more and more TigerKing by the day.
No. 1609802
File: 1659904565164.png (4.28 MB, 828x1792, 80598EA1-6633-434D-8E12-61E0CB…)

Lmao he is so gross with his flabby man tits and 10 layers tummy. Imagine willingly letting this cringy human being nut into you
No. 1609970
File: 1659920642710.jpg (200.44 KB, 1170x2080, 05.jpg)

Incoming all Sydney has posted in the last 20-ish hours.
No. 1609971
File: 1659920706687.webm (1.46 MB, 720x1280, 04.webm)
>>1609970Here you
>>1609919 go, Nona.
No. 1609975
File: 1659921035329.jpg (11.2 KB, 1170x2080, 01.jpg)

>>1609974Perhaps she didn’t get the attention she wanted?
No. 1609982
File: 1659921878562.jpeg (511.49 KB, 1125x1405, 7C54D201-E4A3-4CA3-AF0B-C0349C…)

wow, she just can’t help but exude psycho
No. 1610019
>>1610011From my POV he's going to hold on for dear life. Even he's probably surprised after the trainwreck that was his last couple of girlfriends he got someone young, attractive, and normal. Way waaay more than he deserves and deep down he probably realizes that.
Hopefully if things go sideways she has enough self-esteem to run away. She screams insecurity so it's hard to say what would happen.
No. 1610082
File: 1659931220672.jpeg (681.08 KB, 828x1537, DDA69C1E-1A96-48B5-8535-2149F5…)

>>1610081Forgot to post the pic
No. 1610306
>>16099691000% agree
nonnie. i actually skimmed through some of Layna's twitch, and the girl seems mellow as fuck. sure she was tryna be all cute but i think that only human especially being on discord, i know id try to look good. but unlike taylor, she wasn't straight up eye-fucking herself. from what i infer, she seems above jonny considering she's younger, looks, and lack of online drama. if jonny and her broke up i could see her genuinely not really giving a fuck. she just seems like a chill stoner chick into anime and video games.
No. 1610307
>>1610306sorry twitch
* not discord
No. 1610897
File: 1660019415153.jpeg (334.15 KB, 750x911, 3539A0FA-0AE2-4B3D-859C-19DBAB…)

What’s on her face yooooo
No. 1610898
File: 1660019489364.jpeg (674.38 KB, 750x1253, A4FA49F0-7721-489E-A23D-4A2D5B…)

This is garret. Pls tell me I am reaching and that spot is just a shadow? But why would it be so dark and small?
No. 1610957
>>1610898Ew is this her ex that came here and quite literally cried about layna going to meet up with BBP? He looks like a starving child.
>red toe nailsShe has a type
No. 1611224
>>1610898He’s actually so cute wtf layna why trade to date shortstack!???
Gifts aren’t worth it girl, and trying to get Jonny to read manga and watch anime so you can carry over those cute nerdy vibes from your last relationship won’t work. Jonny is way too into himself to be lost in love for long, and if you go back to school and don’t visit like you have been all summer, you can bet he’ll be fucking around behind your back no matter how much he says he loves you or how much he says you should trust him because he’s at the very least emotionally cheated on EVERY girl he’s been serious with, and undoubtedly physically cheated on many of them.
Enjoy your summer fling and get the fuck out. That way you can avoid being dragged down like all his other girls and he’ll probably write some sad sappy songs about you on his next Soundcloud album or whatever.
No. 1611735
>>1611691Wishful thinking
nonnie. They've been in contact without a doubt. They'll reconnect.
No. 1611745
>>1610731Clout chasing is a disease, and I mean, if she's lucky, she might actually catch some kind of disease being with this freak.
>>1611691Taylor will never, ever get over Jonny. She's so pathetic and embarrassing. She can't even fully commit to calling out his abuse because she's a coward and she would take him back in a heartbeat.
No. 1611760
>>1611751AYRT, but I sort of agree with this anon
>>1611755. I can't say what Jonny does and does not feel, maybe he does care for Taylor as she was his greatest meal ticket and she chose to do the true love of his life with him, aka heroin. But I do think most of it has to do with him trying to be like "see, she's talking to me again, how can I be so bad when the supposed
victim is wishing me the best and privating her video about me?". He'll always know exactly how to get what he wants out of her, and she keeps falling for it hook, line, and sinker.
No. 1611781
>>1611234Men love to control so any attempt to fix after cheating is just men not wantng to lose. They’ll leave you eventualy but it will be on their terms if you keep making excuses for them cheating and disrespecting you just like what happened with Syd. Jonny only stayed with Syd because he didnt want to be a bad dad but then he realized you don’t need to stay with babymama to be a good dad. Good for him honestly. It is the right choice.
I still can’t over that Syd willingly mothered his child with how little she had going for her, how long the relatiinship lasted despite being so
toxic, and how unsurprising its that she lost custody. Bringing a kid into the world when you have NOTHNG to offer (no education, no job, no money, no prospects, no car, no hobbies) is absolutely reprehensible and someone like that doesn’t deserve to be called a mother. Noone like that has a kid because they want one unless the idea of breeding misery and perpetuating generational trauma gets them off or somethng.
I'm sorry for popping off but while you ladies are bickering about which Jonny cum dumpster has better eyebrows, Storm still haunts my dreams. That poor kid is nothing but a baby shaped bandaid for a failing relationship with an
abusive shitbag and an excuse for that lazy leech of a shetard to stay home and live off government mommy benefits instead of finding a job or education. Worthless bottom feeders.
I get so annoyed when everyone derails to nitpick Layna when she is just a dimwit dating Jonny for clout. Obviously a stupid choice but she is going to school at least. Syd had nothing to give and still brought a whole ass baby into this world because she felt unloved and now she's just lounging by a pool every day while grandma raises Storm in a trailer park. I wonder if Syd found a way to continue getting those baby checks or if grandma gets them now…
Sorry for the novel. These white trash pieces of shit getting away with what they did to Storm has been really hanging over me. I hug my babies tight at night and really hope Storm can find some peace with all this when he is older. They are the same age. This whole thing isn't fun to bicker about anymore. It just makes me sad and mad.
No. 1611798
>>1611767Anon this is exactly spot on!! You are right.
Each one of these girls including the dudes he’s spending his time with all provide him something. He won’t be around anyone that is t doing something for him. He needs layna long enough for his sober gig hoping it will
keep him sober long enough to get him through his court cases.
No. 1611808
>>1611781Jonny is probably more a piece of garbage here for somehow getting fentanyl in that baby so go off about what a loser syd is. Jonny is so disgusting playing it off like he’s so great going an occasion visit to see storm. Playing like it’s no big deal and it’s all some mistake the child has been taken from their custody for such a long time now.
What baby checks was she getting?
No. 1611814
>>1610897Yeah her pupils are fucking gigantic lol. Isn’t that typically coke or Molly? Don’t think adderall does that in case adhd was an excuse. Them doing coke would explain why goiter looks like a thinner rat right now, and what’s wrong with her to date him.
It would also explain the tweaker Spock eyebrows. Girl there are pretty decent brow products from drugstore brands or brands in ulta like morphe or colourpop. Thicker fluffy very natural looking brows would do a lot for her face considering that’s what her bangs are literally framing. Her skin looks weird or vitamin deficient from drinking and hanging out with goiters lifestyle, not a single second is worth that. I don’t think she’s ugly at all, this is unfortunately what happens to people around
toxic men, they start fucking themselves up and rn she can still fix it before the inevitable face tat.
No. 1611852
File: 1660115637934.jpeg (180.78 KB, 828x633, E1113561-2ED9-4BB8-A390-594034…)

Wonder why each time she goes home she’s always soooo sick and confined to her bed after a goitre visit. Seemed like she had monkeypox or or some other thing going on with her face a couple weeks ago.
No. 1612024
>>1611219It’s hilarious that Jonny didn’t even love her voice enough to put her on a track.
By the way Syd when are you gonna finally sing for us? That post of you singing along to Gwen stefani made my literal ears bleed
No. 1612031
>>1611852Maybe it’s an excuse to not to stream and she’s gonna get lazy like Taylor is now. I wonder if she is experimenting with pills. She seems like such a dumb girl. Even if damming evidence of Goiter cheating was right in front of her, she’d still stay. She has nooooo backbone. Fiancé number 5?
I hope he drops her, she’s boring af and not milky, and I want to see him and Taylor reunite
No. 1612034
File: 1660141707805.jpeg (83.62 KB, 1170x334, FE2BE036-AD0F-4231-AACC-FAD09E…)

Barf from her recent instagram post.
No. 1612210
>>1612024Dance Goiter Dance - Fentyastic Felony Ft. Syd
>>1611781Good take. Layna is cringe, but not fully milky. I'd still like to find out her moral reasoning to dating an objective low life. It's not like goiters abuse is rumor… it's logged by the State, court systems, journalists, blogs, archives, tweets, photos etc etc.
So she's either (tin foil):
A) Aware - but doesn't care (Sociopathy/Nihilism)
B) Aware - and does care (Cognitive Dissonance)
C) Aware - but doesn't understand (Low emotional intelligence)
No. 1612247
>>1612217I agree, but there is the child endangerment felony trial. I think there has to be a level of sociopathy to over look that walking into JCs life a few months back.
Or we can go by the theory: "Never Attribute to Malice That Which Is Adequately Explained by Stupidity" and say she's too unintelligent to care. Might be different if she was a mother though.
No. 1612294
Maybe I'm crazy but I couldn't imagine Layna calling anyone an insufferable cunt.
This anon also seems abnormally bitter.
>>1612138>Get the fuck over yourselfNonnie she clearly has record low levels of self-esteem. I never understood trying to humble people that clearly already hate themselves.
No. 1612335
File: 1660166089139.jpeg (187.86 KB, 827x1163, 3AB37E49-2F84-4B1C-8518-7DC104…)

You know what I can’t even look at this without it confusing me. Why his head so big? Not metaphorically, like literally, your goiters are showing
No. 1612337
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No. 1612387
>>1612361"I should be able to attack people without being attacked for it"
>>1612335looking more tiger king by the day
No. 1612392
>>1612389the levels of your emotional investment is concerning. go spend some time in nature, or re-organize your spice rack?
>>1612337please also wash that maroon fucking bed sheet.
No. 1612394
>>1612361>I’m starting to think her parents must be really absent if they’re just letting her stay with this man for months. she’s a 25 year old adult, even if she’s still living at home it’s not her parents responsibility to let her or not let her go stay with her boyfriend. Although I agree she’s probably a huge disappointment , I’d be devoed if my daughter was dating an
abusive failed musician 10 years older than her.
No. 1612414
>>1612210Hahaha I am dying to come up with a verse for Fentyastic Felony, maybe Syd can rap it for us? Or scream like Jon Mess LMFAO
>>1612361Wtf is this weird ass energy? Sounds like Syd trying to throw us off, who else hates Layna that much? Or honestly I think this is Athena trying to remain relevant and get brought up. I mean she posted tweets trashing herself but it was from her own twitter she screenshotted.
“ She probably would have died irrelevant but fucking Athena had to screw up her own relationship with goiter by being a weird bitch probably. And now I’m forced to know who Layna is. Thanks a lot Athena” - this makes absolutely no sense??? Athena did not introduce us to miss wigglewip, it was her ex…. Which makes me believe that Athena wrote this. She’s so stupid.
No. 1612416
>>1612395Shut the fuck up Athena, remember we know about your twitter posting, it can be very easy to spot you out.
No milk or contributing, just bitching about Layna’s existence. Very odd
No. 1612463
>>1612461Have you seen
>>1610897 ???
I don’t think she’s as grotesque as Taylor’s new swamp goblin bff, but she’s like a solid 6. On a good day
No. 1612468
>>1612448It’s not her safe space. Nobody here other than one WK is defending layna, she’s literally stupid as fuck for dating goitre, but being THIS invested
>>1612361>>1612381>>1612389>>1612395>>1612401in hating someone is straight up obsessive.
No. 1612476
>>1612456bitch i got more feelings for Shrek than for this disgusting human being who got no remorse into drugging his own kid. Layla is as ugly as that sounds, imagine staying by the side of that kind of person just fucking disgusting.
>>1612453that bitch is crazy af and milky but she got a child with him, ill give her that pass because theyre are going to share a bond FOREVER. like all the baby mammas out there, thinking they win some prize or trophy.
No. 1612554
>>1612493Who the hell is this that keeps coming for Layna so hard it’s obviously the same person and congrats you have accomplished…. NOTHING. Even people who don’t care for Layna are sick of you. Farmers I suggest we ignore this cave troll. They are spamming and trolling for no reason. Yawn
Where are the mods? Can we put this unhinged no milk contributing person to the damn pasture already. They wanna be a cow so badly lmao
No. 1612609
>>1612476The only person on the planet who would claim Sydney has a “forever bond with goiter” is Sydney.
That’s not how that works. That’s objectifying an innocent child and using them as a tool to try to manipulate a lifelong abuser. If it’s not drugs like fentanyl, it is women and children. Sydney is just as bad because she only had a child to force Jonny to stay with her even after he got fentanyl into the baby’s system and could have killed him. Any half decent person would only want a fucking never bond with Jonny and it’s hideous that she doesn’t give a single fuck about her child, especially now that it didn’t stop him from breaking up with her and moving on even though she cheated, and tried every way to use her child to get him to stay. That child is going to grow up rejecting any kind of bond with his biological mother and she will still only care about Jonny. That’s fucked up.
No. 1612612
I refuse to learn who Athena person is and my eyes glaze over when she brings herself up or when Sydney gets caught posting and uses her as a scapegoat lol. I’ve never seen someone so angry at people who don’t want to talk about her lmao, like how is this website in your deranged “success plan”. Come on.
>>1612563She doesn’t do that remember, she wants to keep her body pure in its authentic chemically unbalanced state while drowning her internal organs with alcohol, vaccines, and huffing whatever fumes that made goiter unable to read.
No. 1612701
>>1612642i think this is taylor taking out her anger and stirring the pot, knowing people will think it's syd
no i am not syd trying to stir the pot and make it seem taylor is trying to stir the pot and it's me
No. 1612821
File: 1660221779864.png (426.88 KB, 856x480, F3010A51-7F48-4AAC-8E45-00283E…)

Let’s not forget 3 years ago this was who muccinex daddy was in love with.(derailing)
No. 1612844
File: 1660225436791.png (551.05 KB, 757x532, 2BBEAE03-8C92-41B3-A722-C0F935…)

Even before she “ruined her amazing good looks” she looked MALE TO FEMALE.
No. 1612871
File: 1660228626167.jpeg (60.94 KB, 465x399, 17C7275F-1F79-4538-97F0-0D0E6A…)

>>1612868I wouldn’t even be a little surprised to learn she is trans.
No. 1612878
File: 1660229424657.jpeg (1.64 MB, 3464x3464, 9D6D4D5B-A5A1-4AA1-9F31-301EDE…)

>>1612825she looks like this guy
No. 1612884
>>1612875I've been reporting all the posts and even
posted in the /meta/ complaints thread trying to gets mods to ban them. They're clearly just attention starved and severely mentally ill, if we ignore them they'll probably get bored and leave.
No. 1612905
>>1612406did you mean to tag me? there was no mention of layna
>>1612642go outside and feel the grass, learn a new hobby
To EVERYONE else debating looks; looks are subjective. None of you are right. You're all ugly fucks yourselves cus you don't coheir to my arbitrary standards.
No. 1612910
File: 1660232633668.jpeg (984.29 KB, 1170x1707, A91EA6A9-0600-4D95-85F3-2B36BA…)

JC dates beauty queens only remember that.
No. 1613071
File: 1660243948987.png (3.17 MB, 750x1334, CDA83D07-FDA3-4A23-86F7-69CCE1…)

Is this goiter’s apartment or am I reaching? She’s hanging with mayor of spooky town, that Joe guy, and that christa Barbie girl who looks like a model and could have way better friends. I wonder how Layna feels about this
Sage just in case I’m wrong, sorry if I’m reaching it just looks a little like his place
No. 1613216
File: 1660253954922.jpeg (182.21 KB, 828x1419, FD5F4CD4-5169-467C-96B8-1F6851…)

First it’s ghetto speak and now she’s adopting his god complex, HEH.
No. 1613223
>>1613216She's posted 50 tiktoks of her eye fucking herself the past couple days. I hope
>>1613186 can humble her with a screenshot.
No. 1613237
>>1612401Lol that’s saying goiter has a “pick” lol wtf
He has to settle for what he can get. He’s a loser period.
No. 1613282
>>1613229The Spock eyebrows were from January for the last time.
Why do I care? I dunno but at this point it’s annoying me.
No. 1613296
>>1613292I'm guessing this
>>1613240 was her.
No. 1613304
>>1613296Whoever it was got banned
>>1612821But I mean considering how unhinged they are they probably spent the last few hours trying everything to evade it. What else will they do if they can’t sperg about being jealous of layna?
No. 1613403
File: 1660269740584.jpeg (609.06 KB, 2750x1485, DD9863B2-FD54-41D9-A548-4B9A81…)

>>1613356Well at least they have that in common, Jonny also has piles of shit all over his bedroom apparently.
No. 1613421
>>1613403The superhero shit, the piles on piles of mess, and the six man orgy mounting each other for “tv”, ok goiter whatever
I will say that layna posting all these selfies is hilarious because it’s obviously
triggering the person who set their last few brain cells on fire here over jealousy. I hope it results in her treating herself better but even if she doesn’t she’s a random girl from Canada I never thought anyone would have this strong of a reaction lmao.
No. 1613438
File: 1660275281379.png (84.53 KB, 976x1843, Screenshot_20220811-203154.png)

>>1613216Not God, just a b*tch apparently
No. 1613672
File: 1660300157368.jpeg (76.06 KB, 674x605, 0E09E47B-DE30-48E2-B200-9D33CD…)

>>1613377Read the rules: Do not lament about a cow’s shortcomings and past events if it isn’t relevant
No. 1613935
File: 1660319231183.jpeg (195.4 KB, 828x1499, 67615DF4-8877-42E2-9EE1-7D48AF…)

Why is it whenever somebody in his life dies he has to make it about him. Why wouldn’t he just post a picture of his friend saying Rest In Peace? He did the exact same thing last time one of his friends passed away.
No. 1613945
>>1613935It also just proves that this person wasn't even a good friend. This is probably the last conversation they had- two years ago- and it's not a sweet exchange or anything. It's the other guy wanting to hang out (for some reason) with JC, JC not showing any interest in doing so, and not engaging with anything but short answers even though the guy's obviously trying to get to know him better.
This just makes him look like a dick. Again.
No. 1614467
File: 1660360625351.jpeg (176.22 KB, 1170x753, E2E1CE4C-2D49-40AE-9187-24F618…)

No. 1614694
>>1613216Holy shit. I officially can’t stand her. Bitch has no personality or mind of her own so she has to morph into whoever she’s hanging around. Absolutely pathetic and cringe. Even if it’s a joke it’s not even cute, it’s just fucking bizarre.
I wish the ex would come back, the real one that came in first, not the fake one that was another failed attempt by Sydney to break them up, (I swear it was her cuz of all the bizarre misogynistic comments) spill some tea on her, how she is in relationships, out her for being a Jonny groupie for years and that’s how she tracked him down. (Amanda and Liz both did this, Amanda attended shows anytime he was in her town for years before he even knew who she was. Her old tweets about being excited to see him were released some years ago on a twitter tea account and it was fucking hilarious. Liz followed his band’s tour around with her friend all over the state, they went to like 3 or 4 shows and that’s how Jonny met her. (This was posted on her instagram, she was bragging about how they were following slaves around on tour in some of the captions on her IG posts)
No. 1614706
>>1613292Speak for yourself, Athena. Not a single one of us feel that way. Be gone, hoe. Stop using multiple devices to keep posting in here you fucking obsessed, miserable psycho.
God I’m so sick of seeing this bitch’s name in this thread. Go take another drunken shit on IG live you herpes infested waste of space. You wanna be lolcow famous so bad it’s embarrassing. No one’s going to make you a thread bc no one gives a shit about your life. How about you make one for yourself? I could see you doing some weird shit like that.
No. 1614745
>>1614733She probably would have her dream fulfilled about becoming a lolcow main subject and having her own thread if she wouldn’t make it so obvious that it’s exactly what she wants. No one gives enough of a fuck about her to stalk her trashy life and that probably hurts her feelings lmaooo. She just wants a thread so she can feel special and have something in common with her bestie Tay and the love of her life Jonny. She probably thought hitting official cow status would bring more traffic to her onlyfans. We shouldn’t give her ANY attention at all. Remember on IG live when she was taking a shit and saying “I got y’all to spend the entire day talking about lil old me and that’s exactly what I wanted and you fell for it”
I wish her name was blacklisted on this website.
No. 1614762
>>1614499I agree with you. The rest don’t look like her type at all. Even if they are broken up I am highly interested in this story if it’s true. Was it a hit it and quit it and she went all obsessive over him? Did she drunkenly wreck his car? Does he have a history of beating girls? I have so many questions
I’m sorry but all of these men are freaking hideous. She really knows how to scrape from the bottom of the barrel…. Still chasing that Tour Band Wife dream I see
No. 1614969
>>1614786I don’t think Layna is around enough to warrant her name being in the title, and once school starts I’m sure we’ll finally see less of her boring ass.
I do like to imagine how flaming psycho it would make Syd to be replaced by the prettier Layna. So, yeah. I say go for it.
No. 1615020
>>1614689This is what this thread has become. Anons making their analysis and contributing, then the grammar police come along to dismiss an entire point over a technicality. That's what twitter is for. We all knew
nonnie meant cohere.
>>1614717kek. and yeah its pretty easy to use multi-hop VPN service.
No. 1615022
>>1614728kek at this stage i wouldn't be surprised
>>1614740cus it's a distasteful and self serving way to go about it.
No. 1615420
“Unemployed sugarbaby” cancels each other out you idiot
>>1615079I created that joke a while back and posted it like maybe twice, I’m going to need to revoke their usage of it twenty spammed comments ago. It was funny when he had just bought the comic books/manga and it looked like that was it or she would sensibly cut him off after he got exposed talking to other women. Maybe they have some open shit, who knows, the economy is bad everywhere and so is housing, she looks like a she’s having fun and nothing has happened to her yet so who cares at all.
Has the thread number 14 existed three times now only to get spammed up because it’s Sydney trying to bury the eggplants? I’m out of ideas unless someone with the brain of a 13 year old boy has convinced himself he’s really doing something. No one has this much emotion about any of these people come on
No. 1615558
File: 1660472775270.jpeg (968.82 KB, 1170x2064, 5BFE4693-5974-4688-836B-A2664B…)

Syd posted this 10 hours ago. I almost missed it but she wrote “Def sure there’s other ways you can get that clout. Lol talking about me?”
Did Layna snark Syd somewhere and we missed it?
No. 1615599
File: 1660480070458.jpeg (638.89 KB, 1283x2538, CC53B775-90FF-4D62-9ED1-D0D338…)

>>1614499So yes, I have too much time on my hands but I was too curious which one was brave/desperate enough to bang her. It appears this guy is the only one who follows her/ vice versa. Could be coincidence just figured I’d throw that out there.
No. 1615997
File: 1660512591453.jpg (446.07 KB, 1080x1910, Screenshot_20220814_172902.jpg)

Oh look, back to Spock eyebrows and it's not "a pHoTo fRoM JaNuArY" per the unhinged anon, are we allowed to talk about this pic because it's recent? kek
No. 1616230
File: 1660533148139.jpeg (161.55 KB, 828x1436, DB9BCAB3-A74E-4DE0-80EF-5CEF74…)

Jonny is a chameleon with his gfs
>unless it’s anime
Girl you’ve never spoken about anime until you snagged yourself an anime loving gf, stfu.
No. 1616336
>>1616230He literally can’t read and is nearly entirely illiterate, him gate keeping bookshelves is fucking hilarious is this real.
“I don’t put books on a SHELF where they BELONG because IM NOT A LIAR” ok so that’s why his floor is filled with shit thanks for the intel joiter. Probably why he didn’t even fucking own shelves for years he didn’t want to be a FAKE READER.
He buys a book without pictures to impress a vision impaired Canadian and suddenly he’s telling people with books where to put them like anyone is out there following him for his authenticity based interior design tips. What an arc.
No. 1616350
>>1616336What arc anon? For the past 10 years, he's talked a ton about how he's read the Game of Thrones series multiple times over and other fantasy novels. He talks about GOT in detail in interviews he's done over the years. It's pretty obvious he's not faking that. Even Amanda has tweets about him being huge into reading fantasy books.
It's not hard to find things to come down on goiter for so why grasp at straws?
No. 1616642
>>1616230> when did fake reading become a thingProbably before the printing press lol. I don't know what rock she's been living under here. Having pristine unread books on your shelf is a trope as old as time, the library in the
The Great Gatsby comes to mind, they even used to make fake books for that purpose you could by. Maybe still do.
No. 1617007
>>1616350No straws were grasped, he literally told people he doesn’t put books on his shelf that he has not finished. Where else does one store books. You only read the first sentence.
There’s always someone that brings up that “he can read because he’s read GOT” and that’s nice but his writing comprehension and ability is unbelievable. So no I really don’t care if he’s read some fantasy books, children do that, it has gotten him nowhere so he may as well not be able to read period. Please keep your fun facts to yourself.
No. 1617084
File: 1660606005702.png (10.16 MB, 1284x2778, 30CECB16-B459-44B9-B171-272F9E…)

First of all ew, second does his gf not care that he’s attempting to bait in the ‘hoes’ while she’s not around? I know he can’t mean hers cause they’re like non existent.
No. 1617322
File: 1660622231261.jpeg (43.58 KB, 275x178, 853346A8-4ED4-487A-B04E-05F686…)

>>1617084meanwhile, this thumb thumb is so lazy yet violently stalking him she looks like humpback. she can't walk two meters to her bathroom to take a wiz so she pees in whataburger cups. her room must reek of booger breath, body odor, sweaty feet, piss and animal shit.
No. 1617382
>>1617084Kek at his basic bitch mustache tattoo on his finger.
And the irony of his fat face saying "Forever young" while his doughy body and wrinkles say otherwise
No. 1617394
File: 1660630216243.jpeg (328.4 KB, 750x496, 6C1F16C5-D006-4A4F-9708-F3AD75…)

They are all so fugly, I really need to know which one she willingly fucked
No. 1617552
File: 1660647097512.jpeg (358.19 KB, 828x1347, 8C9FA8D3-38D4-499D-9D5F-7EF976…)

>>1617395She clearly does.. i feel like this was her
>>1612077 ? Also she just private her twitter page lol good job nonnitas
No. 1617587
>>1617318Just to be sure, what you're saying is….
Being "Sober and glo'd up" is when you have a pending felony for endangering a child, still are taking drugs, acting like a petulant child on instagram, living in someone elses apartment, borrowing someone else car, flexing fake shit on the gram, not cleaning, flexing fake teeth his ex bought him cus hes broke…
Your standards are dangerously low and you will be open more susceptible to abuse as you are willing to engage cognitive dissonance. Aka an emotional retard.
No. 1617590
>>1617394I'm gonna say top right (pink hair)
Second place would be blue jacket mullet guy on the left as he's got the "creepy scene perv" vibes
No. 1617628
File: 1660656508681.png (7.39 MB, 1284x2778, A6C8770D-5D73-40D2-87E9-B90D3D…)

So obvious she was trying to give him a taste of his own medicine after his titty post lmao they’re like teenagers.
No. 1617653
File: 1660658383246.jpeg (879.4 KB, 1170x2086, 0B24D0A7-DFA3-43E1-8F1C-E7A8BB…)

>>1617628This whiny black and white photo after Layna posted hers. Kek.
No. 1617677
>>1617655same. it's all just signaling and reacting on social media. peak cringe.
since he can't make women jealous with money or success, he has to make the jealous via
toxic subliminal posts. Sad.
No. 1617735
>>1617622Or perhaps it was one of the other guys but he didn’t want to be with her after he slipped it in so she got blocked.
Or another theory, she used the guy who follows her to get in with the band and then she fucks one of his band mates.
Just saying there are different scenarios and we may never know which it is
No. 1617873
>>16177331. Learn to Sage
>>16144673. That's the point of this website
No. 1618142
>>1617318Filters anon, filters.
Also you may have forgotten your glasses and/or might be smoking crack.
No. 1618172
>>1617628This is hilarious, it’s really not that hard to put goiter in his place, good for her but better if she doesn’t go back. She looks way better without the fringe and would look best with dark brown hair, the box dye is tacky and ruins the quality. She’s way too pretty for him and he only deserves women who will rip up his clothes to make a heinous and unwanted quilt in his sleep, and lose their voices in a screaming match when he doesn’t “appreciate their gift/love them”
>>1618138Lmao. I literally can’t tell if people are lying about thinking he looks decent and I never want to discuss it. Love yourselves, he’s a walking recessive gene with sociopathy and beats women, the hell is wrong with you get help. There are better looking gas station attendants it is sad here
No. 1618226
File: 1660712164702.png (118.71 KB, 750x1334, 9DDFDACB-2361-4C52-9F7B-5B8113…)

Aww what is little miss swim skirt crying about now? Court must have not gone well. Also, I was the one who suggested we include Layna’s name in the threads (we can still include Syd’s as a three way containment thread) and someone said no because Layna has not been around long enough/may not be around that long when school starts? Well she should have been included in the earlier thread names then. And I noticed she literally gets talked about more than anyone in here. This is like Layna’s thread now with how much she gets discussed… so why wouldn’t we call it a Jonny/Layna/Syd thread? Layna has obviously achieved cow status a long time ago and I noticed nobody even posts Syd’s stuff anymore? All of her stories have basically just been the same looking selfies but here’s some stuff posted on her page in case anyone is blocked and can’t see.
No. 1618228
File: 1660712269442.jpeg (468.69 KB, 750x911, E9ADAFB5-01C3-4CB4-AE63-8FD48C…)

No. 1618232
File: 1660712344041.jpeg (389.1 KB, 741x908, 7702887C-765F-47E7-85DB-AC46FA…)

2- this was a tribute post to her “new boyfriend” Meg
No. 1618234
File: 1660712446178.jpeg (405 KB, 750x929, 33598EDC-7AA3-4785-92A0-E05D7E…)

Honestly her new boyfriend looks more MTF than Taylor does, maybe they’ve been scissoring lately to cure Syd’s loneliness. Sterling looked majorly MTF, maybe Skidney has a type
No. 1618236
File: 1660712646580.jpeg (583.5 KB, 1936x1936, AFC2A761-7DD7-40BE-862D-353A2D…)

inb4 anyone comes for me, the scissor thing was just a joke nonnies
No. 1618237
File: 1660712691000.jpeg (103.17 KB, 750x745, 95024C54-F62A-43CC-A4AD-E99B60…)

Recent selfies Syd has posted 1/2, she looks extra ug here
No. 1618240
File: 1660712768946.jpeg (275.85 KB, 750x587, EF769698-8794-47A6-8ECD-60A000…)

Clearly pushing her chest together to make it look like she has boobs, looks like she’s been reading the thread and seeing Nonnie‘s make fun of Layna’s nonexistent boobs
No. 1618549
>>1618409It already happened. Nothing milky will come of the court dates until a trial is set. Their next date is 12/5/2022 at 9am. It’s all listed as “plea hearing”. Maybe a law-fag can chime in, but I think the DA is working out a plea deal and goiter and skidmark are rejecting them.
Courts always try to offer pleas because they’re cheaper and easier for everyone. The problem is you have to plead guilty/no contest but you’ll have a record and will have to do time and/or probation. But it’ll be less time and a lesser charge than if you’re found guilty by a jury.
No. 1618708
File: 1660768519546.png (6.85 MB, 1284x2778, FE2B5742-F0B4-4CE3-8668-55E971…)

By borderline gay he means sucking dick for drugs
No. 1618796
File: 1660775061812.png (2.43 MB, 750x1334, E76FE84F-4A27-4474-B21D-47E182…)

Sick muscles bro
No. 1618799
>>1618549DECEMBER? Damn they really should have just taken the the plea deal, but these assholes safe dragging it out all the way to a trial, where they will NOT win. Wtf do they think they’re gonna get out of the trial? The evidence is damming, and this only prolongs Storm ever being in their care again (not that either of them deserve custody)
They are both so fucking stupid and selfish. Poor storm. They’re gonna be like strangers to him. I bet he calls his gma mom, and genuinely thinks that’s his mom which is for the best. Better than calling syd mom who is in and out of his life. Storm does not love his parents. He doesn’t even know who they are. Best case scenario he gets placed with a normal family who will adopt him.
No. 1618803
File: 1660775641590.png (4.12 MB, 750x1334, E17DC352-D4E7-41D0-A299-A94F33…)

Humble yourself, boo
No. 1618806
File: 1660775839141.jpeg (670.11 KB, 750x829, ECC69CFE-2A02-4E25-A7E6-50E668…)

Why would she post this unflattering photo of her creepy, deformed feet? Gross
No. 1618821
>>1618787No offence but syd is dry af, the only milky
thing she does anymore is be ugly, it's gotten
so redundant, who tf cares.
>>1618806Point in case, reposting a month old pic to
nitpick her feet. It's like there hasn't been milk
for so long we've forgot what actual milk is.
No. 1618827
File: 1660777638437.jpeg (799.23 KB, 1170x2391, 752087D7-8949-4D20-A031-1DFD89…)

How in the world does Layna find this man “smexy”. Barf.
No. 1618917
File: 1660787220661.png (10.28 MB, 1284x2778, 214A8D00-8E59-4A2C-9001-8095F4…)

No. 1618926
File: 1660787983726.jpeg (37.63 KB, 828x873, 1DA66CD1-8B04-41B0-A553-9502B3…)

goitres been talking about going on tour today, skid responded with obvious shade. ngl I laughed but it’s also weird she’s still viewing his instagram stories and indirectly replying to them like a year after they’ve broke up. he’s moved on skid, let it go.
No. 1618976
File: 1660791090464.jpeg (450.5 KB, 1231x2189, 963C7739-D26A-4322-82A2-995ACC…)

No. 1619087
>>1619059Idk those eggplants should not be forgotten kek. I bet Sydney is mega
triggered and wants to be left out
No. 1619416
File: 1660846514489.jpeg (313.6 KB, 828x1507, 2C36D14D-0626-44EC-9B1F-46430D…)

I blame taylor for goiter’s constant believe that he is not abusive..
No. 1619418
File: 1660846599509.png (334.39 KB, 828x1792, 5C517495-D14B-4DDB-8AD0-C204CA…)

And syd’s response on
>>1619416Would love syd to do an hour long video to document jonny’s abuse tbh. I would even pay to watch that!
No. 1619446
>>1619416Same. I bet Taylor is probably one of those
people telling him he's doing so great. It's
bonkers that she went from calling him an
abuser who raped her, made her scared for her life, threatened her animals and shot her up with drugs, to being buddy buddy with him.
Just search "Jonny Craig" on her twitter for a
reminder of the the way she used to talk about
No. 1619467
>>1619416the way he talks absolutely blows my mind.
its like he stopped maturing at the age of 15.. his body's aging but his brain isn't keeping up
No. 1619521
from all the body shaming on here, im guessing this thread is made up of mainly beautiful, genetically perfect, gigga chads. I mean WOW the odds!
>>161897620 dollars and a financially dead weight gf… minted.
No. 1619528
>>1619446i think this alot too. i think her meth habit is lowering her moral standards to staggering depths. think how low you'd have to be to think that GOITEY BOI is worth forgiving for the 1000th time.
>>1619467drug and drink has probably regressed his cognitive development. we was already pretty stupid before that so no wonder he's singing his own lyrics off an ipad. mayor of spooky town probably cuts up his meals and reads him his fantasy books.
No. 1619535
File: 1660858174792.jpeg (746.14 KB, 1284x1999, D36D7FF3-BFCE-4056-AB28-8957CD…)

mucinex man has return to this thread
No. 1619559
>>1619535Ok waitttt this is my first time visiting these threads in a couple months. Sorry to be retarded and ask to be spoonfed but can a
nonnie pleeaaase link the bologna nips part in the threads?? That is hilarious, fucking kek
No. 1619795
File: 1660881487694.jpeg (335.57 KB, 1284x2282, F7236163-0E36-41E4-A817-8529E8…)

Posts about eyebrow rings then followed with his ugly ass mug like worry about your fucking kid before getting upset about body mods
No. 1619799
>>1619795i know people his age dont know shit about trends but come on, its a 2000 revival!
its 2022 and you still haven’t made it goiter man.
No. 1619805
File: 1660884023170.jpeg (1.07 MB, 1170x2325, DB5C3B5F-B1BD-49BA-864A-D787D6…)

Skidney he drugged your son. Why do you want to “figure things out” with him?
No. 1620053
>>1619847Truly a masterpiece, bless you
No. 1620164
File: 1660929204006.png (1.21 MB, 1284x2282, Untitled.png)

>>1619779memes and fun whilst we wait for new milk
No. 1620299
File: 1660941535624.png (2.88 MB, 750x1334, 6C29170D-5A88-4F0D-A311-EBE77D…)

No. 1620521
File: 1660961655187.png (258.92 KB, 750x1334, 773FF623-0501-4F75-9676-3491E0…)

No. 1620522
File: 1660961763101.png (1.04 MB, 750x1334, B17297B5-E039-4CFF-8993-04C406…)

Did someone take offense when I said “humble yourself boo” when he tried to compare himself to Freddie Mercury?
No. 1620525
File: 1660961879006.png (4.37 MB, 750x1334, 94DE0E06-B3EF-4B73-94B4-BFC669…)

Odd to repost a story of a girl praising morphine when you’re trying to convince everyone how great sobriety is. Also, why does this girl look like all of his exes
No. 1620527
File: 1660961955511.png (3.3 MB, 750x1334, 5DF41E94-070D-4EFD-B606-5F75B0…)

His new hair looks fucking horrible. Sweetie you’re almost 40 stop trying to bring back iced white tips
No. 1620690
File: 1660979920648.png (2.16 MB, 750x1334, 048631FA-6F38-47AA-83E8-1494E4…)

>>1619535Please make this the new thread pic. And for the love of god, to whoever makes it, please get the links right and don’t number it #14.
Anyway I thought this was ironic. She probably meant this as a stab at Jonny bc she’s obsessed with him, but she needs to follow her own advice and stop being a raging cunt. Not sure if this is even possible for her because her heart is black (if she even has a heart it’s probably made of coal)
She’s always posting things about being positive and all uwu full of light and love but she does not have these traits. Most negative Nancy I’ve ever met in my life
No. 1620693
File: 1660980027035.png (1.57 MB, 750x1334, F4F06870-FA70-4F97-A224-A43CB1…)

He wishes he was this legendary. First Freddy Mercury and now this? Lmao
No. 1620698
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Does he get like free shit from these companies or something? It seems like he’s an unofficial sponsor (meaning he doesn’t get paid in money just merchandise). They probably have no idea who is advertising their company they just do it bc he has a large following
No. 1620699
File: 1660980570560.png (125.8 KB, 750x1334, 3BE17E6B-087D-4F66-A2CA-3B4CE9…)

He’s such an immature angsty teenager with all of these passive aggressive super vague posts. No one ever knows what the hell he’s talking about, idk why he does this
No. 1620702
File: 1660980937269.png (3.39 MB, 750x1334, 0ADC72AC-EAA2-4CFB-B2AA-B53EA6…)

I love the strategically placed Homer Simpson to cover up her hairy ass armpits. Why else would she put it right there.
I’ve noticed whenever she’s with Jonny she doesn’t post the most flattering pictures/non flattering candids get posted of her. But when she’s away it’s allll about the thirst traps to remind him of what he has so he doesn’t cheat. Like the post on her page of her in a clubbing dress that she probably just threw on for a picture. Layna your insecurities are so loud and obvious
No. 1621094
>>1620980Girl just stop. This sounds like Layna herself. Posting thirst traps while you’re away has nothing to do with her “character”. Lots of single women post thirst traps to get more likes but ever since she started dating Jonny, it’s clear as day that her personality has changed and she’s not being authentic. She
mimics the way he talks, she’s either doing that on purpose to either to impress him or so that he will like her more. Or she’s in un-subconsciously doing it because she has no personality so she morphs into whoever she’s around (much like tay tay). It doesn’t take two years to figure someone out, obviously we know his last two exes better but Layna has been around since like April now? And we’ve seen enough to know what kind of person she is. As the other anon said, she’s emotionally unintelligent and immature, and she’s clearly VERY insecure, like I said it doesn’t take two years or a rocket scientist to figure that out. Jonny had to write on the mirror “Layna you are beautiful” to make her feel better, then she wrote “Now it’s my turn” which is a very pathetic thing to say, no confident woman would do that. Before Goiter she NEVER posted thirst traps, or in her opinion “sexy” pictures. But that seems to be all she posts now, with that body con dress from Shein that was probably 15 dollars, the picture on twitter of her chest captioned “I take the best titty pics in the world”, and then letting him put a measly $20 bill sticking out of her tank top like it’s some type of flex.
She’s insecure, get over it. I don’t know why it bothers you or why it’s so important for you to defend her. We’ve all seen her personality drastically change ever since she got with her “rockstar” boyfriend that she is so excited to be with, doesn’t care about the horrible things she’s done because she’s “never met a celebrity” - her exes words. Go cope somewhere else cuz you’re really sounding like Layna or one of her friends she sent here to defend her.
No. 1621096
>>1621017This is totally the vibe. Haha I thought
It was just me thinking it looked filthy and dingy. She certainly has no awareness of how unattractive this looks. Killed my boner lol.
>>1621096She posted two pictures in this outfit, the first one saying she was gonna attempt to tan, did she really lay out in the sun in this outfit? She’s gonna have horrific tan lines. And I do believe she tanned in these pants cuz they look just as dirty and dingy as whatever cloth material bra type thing she’s wearing.
Mr. My Shoes Cost More Than Your Rent, please do her a favor and buy home girl a proper bathing suit.
No. 1621109
>>1621102Look at her fucking profile for Christ sakes. She makes the same face in every boring selfie that looks the same. She’s wearing nothing revealing. You say you don’t mean to WK but that’s exactly what you’re doing. And you do realize you’re literally the only one who feels this way? That should tell you something. She probably does send him nudes because she according to her takes the best titty pics ever, but she’s also posting thirst traps which she NEVER did before. They’re probably for Goiter and to make his exes jealous, she never showed her body before in revealing clothing, you must not have ever looked at her profile? She went private when they first started dating and now she’s not, because she wants everyone to see that she’s his “hottest” new
victim. It’s not a pathetic or delusional narrative at all, we all see it and you’re the only one who doesn’t. You look so stupid dickriding for Layna so hard and for what? It’s entirely obvious to the rest of the thread that she is extremely insecure and showing off publicly for her boo, his exes, and his fans. You sound like one of Layna’s mates or perhaps you’re Layna yourself? If that’s the case, stfu and close your thread, and get back to your “streaming duties” to all of your 12 twitch followers. I’m done arguing with someone this stupid. If you don’t like what we are discovering about Layna and discussing, then get off lolcow since it hurts your feelings that much. You act like we’re calling her the worst person on the planet when we are just noticing the drastic change in content that she’s posting.
No. 1621116
>>1621079if u associate with an abuser rapist ur a disgusting pos i dont think thats a crazy concept? u can act like she’s some innocent
victim but shes an adult who knows exactly what people say about jonny and still chooses to date him. thats on her.
>>1621102ya im confused how are we supposed to see that shes changed when we have only been following her since she started dating jonny? maybe this is the crazy ex bf again lol.
No. 1621117
File: 1661034117980.jpeg (308.5 KB, 1936x1936, F6508232-EADC-479C-BAB0-765D88…)

Who was he even talking about here? As if he is in the position to roast ANYBODY
No. 1621128
>>1621123because some arguments against her are
valid and some are just completely random and don’t hold up at all. do u have a low IQ as to not understand that
No. 1621158
>>1621135>>1621123nonnie do you not understand you can hate someone but that doesn't make you agree with every hateful word someone else says about them?
I can hate trump but still disagree with someone when they say he punches immigrants in his spare time.
No. 1621159
Spot on. I said this earlier and all the layna Stan’s jumped no she’s not talking like him, no she isn’t posting thirst traps. Girl, it’s plain as day to me and I’m sure most of the original thread anons her personality is shining through.
No. 1621330
>>1621109>>1621094The same 2 anons are arguing with any anon that doesn't agree with them as being
insert One of Jonny's current or former Loser Lovers' name, but this unhinged anon really is admitting they stalked Wiggly before she met Jonny…
Their long ass hate novel is really reminding me of her bitter ex who came here to cry about her leaving him before any of us knew about her. No one else knew she existed. Most of us don't hate the Canadia Labia for her lack of dating experience and her teenage starstruck behavior. Watch, Wiggle's Stalker is now going to tell me I must be her or her friends.
No. 1621360
>>1621109Some goofball behaviour. What in the world would make you think she’s posting selfies to prove she’s “the hottest
victim”. Or make his exes jealous. Just weird conclusions to make.
No. 1621405
File: 1661062468295.png (1.88 MB, 750x1334, EA02AEE0-AB9A-436B-9A0C-4B8CF8…)

These are the pants she tanned in. Fucking disgusting. I hope she washed them before she made this tik tok, or I just pray the tik tok was made before she decided to tan in cloth biker shorts lmao
No. 1621408
>>1621405She really does look like a bean pole. I love how Jonny can never come up with cute names for his girlfriends, they’re all insulting.
Amanda- he called her his “baby bird” because of her nose and her bellybutton his “teddy graham” because her bellybutton is extremely unfortunate looking. It was super wide. And she was proud of these names!! That’s why I know about them, she was replying to a tweet “he calls me his baby bird with a teddy graham bellybutton” with a million hearts at the end like she thought it was the cutest thing ever. And then for years proceeded to put the teddy bear emoji over her bellybutton anytime it was visible in a photo. Dunno if she still does this, can’t be bothered to look at her IG cuz idc and she’s boring now
Taylor - my lil sewer rat
Syd - my lil midget, also my lil trash can or my lil dumpster, can’t remember which one it was
Layna - my lil bean pole
Not sure if he does this on purpose to be an ass or if he thinks it’s a cute boyfriend thing to do.
No. 1621413
File: 1661063346706.jpeg (446.82 KB, 750x1100, 4104AF99-2375-4088-8947-EF4C77…)

>>1621405She got a big ol’ long head
*cue the Layna stans running to defend her: “how dare you!!!1” “we know nOtHiNg about her personality! reeeee!!!!”
In the wise words of Kassi/ohmytinylungs - “imagine being concerned over a person who doesn’t even know you exist” kek
No. 1621425
I wish all the Layna stan(s) would properly shut the fuck up or leave lolcow if they’re too sensitive. These threads used to be fun. Everyone in Goiter’s orbit has gotten picked on, cobweb head, Sonya, Dillon, Athena, Sterling, Syd’s only friend Meg. We “don’t know enough about their personalities” but everyone has had their turn. It’s not that serious. These are just him and Syd’s FRIENDS, yet the poor uwu Canadian gamer nerd whose willingly dating Mr. Bad News Bears should be spared? Complaining will not stop it from happening so I’d just get used to it if you don’t like it. I miss when we were witty, fun little mean girls. Lolcow is not where we praise people “but she’s in uNiVeRsItY” “we don’t know her cHaReCtEr”….. she’s dating Jonny Craig, has been warned, she knows everything awful he’s done but doesn’t care cuz she’s never been with a “celebrity” that’s all I need to know about her.
Even Jonny is too stupid enough to realize she’s with him for the “clout”. And comparing her to TND and Skidmark is irrelevant. They all suck.
No. 1621431
>>1621423yeah majorly this
>>1621425why are you so
triggered. back in the TND days she had plenty of people trying to give her the benefit of the doubt. reason why Syd didn't have that is because she's a lunatic. and all those others you listed were defended as well. why does it
trigger you so badly when theres one or two replies who dont agree with you.
No. 1621433
File: 1661065205670.jpeg (1.17 MB, 1170x1961, 3A42BF02-DA77-4D2A-85C7-C5908A…)

It’s the greasy hair, unmade bed, and 100 followers for me.
No. 1621437
>>1621431Wrong. No one came to cobweb’s, Dillon’s, or Athena’s defense. Posting more than two sentences doesn’t equal =
triggered. I’m just laying out facts in detail and you don’t like it because I’m right. I can be annoyed about the WKs without exaggerating and saying I’m “
triggered”. It’s annoying because this is a shitposting thread and the WKs (Layna herself or her mates that she sends here to her rescue) are the one’s “
triggered” when someone insults their precious Layna. If it’s not her or her friends that’s pretty sad. Imagine defending someone that does not know nor gives a fuck about you on a lolcow thread. I love how you’re directing this at only me when I am not the only one who has insulted her today. Defending cows derails the thread and contradicts the whole purpose of these threads. So does arguing with sensitive retards, so I’m peace-ing out and going to bed.
No. 1621442
File: 1661066263799.jpeg (97.95 KB, 760x590, ED6ACE12-C406-4528-AFB3-C62E9E…)

>>1621437Okay now is Layna and her friends in the room with us right now anon?
No. 1621446
>>1621420Lmfao love coming to this fucking cursed place to skim the quick levelheaded actually funny comments while scrolling up to wherever the fuck this EXACT SAME ARGUMENT EVERY TIME started
>>1621442Problem with this thread is literally everything including the fucking gems like this because then I have to come back. Great job funny lady
No. 1621455
>>1620980I can’t stop laughing that this very sane, rational, logical, and simple comment is what set off this
>>1621094 nuclear waste dump. She could not have been more polite or calmly stating the obvious without any personal bias. Like come on lmao how did that threaten anyone
No. 1621538
>>1620527>I move forwardPedo stache from the 90s
Frosted tips from the early 00s
Haircut from, god knows.
>we progress faster than THE RESTOf course, has to think he is better than anyone else.
No. 1621539
At least he "covered" that stupid haircut and his body and looks like a normal-sized human.
No. 1621672
>>1621467Thank u! I don’t see cow potential in her. Taylor and skid both had their own milk, layna is just dating a cow, it’s not the same. Some anons are hating so hard it seems personal, yeah she’s a shit person for dating goitre but what else has she actually done that’s so terrible it warrants this kinda insane sperging ?
>>1621437 >>1621109>>1621094>>1621432She blocked u because that’s harassment. Yeah she sucks for dating him but she’s an adult who makes her own choices, she doesn’t need U to save her. Hands off the subjects.
No. 1621906
>>1621672yeah she’s not milky at all. she’s dating a rapist and that sucks but other than that nonnies have nothing but her looks and follower count to dig on, and they’re literally foaming at the mouth about it. other lolcow threads of substance tear down people that are genuine menaces to society, but layna buys a comic book and cocks her eyebrows weird and this thread goes into a rabid fit. it’s kinda funny just because of how dorky and delusional their cope is without flowing milk.
>>1621434no shit she is a nobody. every girl jonny has ever dated has been a nobody but taylor, who actually became a nobody after jonny. are you somebody? is anyone here anybody? who gives a fuck about that but bitter nobodies, temporary somebodies, or regina fucking george?? what kind of weird high school retard koolaid is you still sipping?
No. 1622069
>>1621109checking in this thread after a couple days… jesus fuck
nonnie, go outside and touch some grass, you sound like taylor's stinky ass with your endless novels i didn't even bother reading
No. 1622295
>>1622223Hhahaha lmao
nonnie! Also is it weird that Layna Fawkes is giving me a lady-boner?? Lol
No. 1622478
>>1621164this is my angle too. like y'all the ones who lack in
valid nitpicks are the ones turning this thread into a joke and just making it seem like we're all either haters or stans. whoever keeps posting the long ass two cents needs to chill
No. 1622495
nonnie i read your novels and you miss the mean girl vibe, that's what it comes down to. say less…. i feel you
nonnie, i see you now. i agree. lmao
No. 1622498
File: 1661185412651.jpeg (1013.53 KB, 2828x2828, FB82CC12-A870-4DFE-AE41-F81B4E…)

Lelayna Caldwell AKA big titty girl definitely has an ED.
No. 1622523
File: 1661187463657.jpeg (Spoiler Image,286.7 KB, 1713x1736, 713F12ED-6FB6-4E4A-8E3B-70C4D6…)

>>1622219>all these people have differing opinions from my own, they HAVE be layna or her friends because everyone else HAS to share MY the cope is real. looks like it’s time to take a break from the internet, sorry lolcow isn’t your perfect little echo chamber.
No. 1622583
>>1621413nah, more just cus it's kinda cringe, low ball, useless, subjective splurging that no one asked for.
>>1621425you seem a bit sensitive, maybe its you who should leave for your own sake
>>1621433ugh the "put make up on greasy unwashed face" look.
No. 1622812
Nobody can convince me this retard
>>1621094Isn’t this one
>>1612361from a little over a week ago that finally got their ban lifted keek. The chaotic seething is just so familiar. Extreme layna hate boner anon
is back.
No. 1622873
File: 1661214698664.jpeg (Spoiler Image,206.04 KB, 1200x626, CB708FF0-DBAD-4B98-B541-0DBC76…)

lelayna caldwell big chest
No. 1623084
File: 1661229437623.jpeg (455.41 KB, 713x914, D3B81A04-0A18-4F23-A8CA-8ABBC3…)

Layna’s face while lurking her own thread
No. 1623113
>>1622219Last one you quoted is mine and wasn’t even about layna, it was about how zen asf that post was and then your creepy ass had to evacuate your emotional bowels again in disturbing detail.
The linked posts aren’t evidence of anything, this has to be a male who is trolling and being a complete asshead, or Sydney thinks she’s getting some kind of revenge for people identifying her posts. Idk but when goiter was dating swamp monster Sydney people were pretty happy because he deserved it lmao, only problem with Layna is that she’s not science experiment levels of stupid and crazy like Sydney, so it’s weird when anyone can have real emotions or reactions to her. She’s just there idk.
No. 1623120
>>1623082how are we even sure she lurks here?
jonny might not have told her about it because he’s not trying to be outed as a rapist who got his kid high. he hasn’t really addressed us “haters” since they started dating, and looking back, there’s no real correlation between laynas social media posts and the posts about her here besides speculation. yeah, she went private and blocked people, but people were also flooding her inbox and harassing her???
i dunno, but if i found out there was a board of people talking shit about me i’d avoid it like the plague. but that’s just me. i could be wrong, but it’s worth a thought. this board is a tiny little microcosm i never knew existed until catching wind of some epic taylor and jonny break up drama and i every time i bring up lolcow to someone they have zero clue what i’m talking about.
No. 1623140
File: 1661234714715.jpeg (308.39 KB, 1307x749, 7CE69BEF-2122-4B2E-A59B-58F086…)

Of course the man with a history of being violent towards women thinks this is a profound excerpt (from his ig story, rotated so it’s easier to read for nonnies)
No. 1623153

>>1623151She deleted her Facebook is what I meant to say. But here’s her mom’s, in case anyone wants to message her any Jonny milk screenshots from the first TND thread. It’s time she knows who her little girl is really flying out to see and the man sending her flowers kind. I’m positive she has no idea who her daughter is dating.
I’m not gonna message her because I can’t be bothered, seems like a lot of work to make a new Facebook and email but if anyone wants to save Layna from this monster here you go. Maybe someone in here cares enough to get her away from him.
And don’t get it twisted, I’ll gladly take my ban. I don’t even post here I just read and this thread has gone to shit. So let’s go off with a bang. Bye sluts, it’s been real.
(cowtipping ) No. 1623158
>>1623108Everyone is fully aware that it’s not milk nor will “ever be milk” KEK you sound like you’re trying to tell us off and you didn’t.
People talk about how much they hate Layna or trash her looks because they want to. Because they’re bored. I can’t make it stop and neither can you. This is what happens here when nothing milky is going on. Taylor’s looks get ripped apart on the daily and no one complains about that. And now you’re gonna say you can’t compare Layna and Taylor. They’re both fucking cows. They both dated Johnny knowing what a piece of shit he was.
No. 1623160
>>1623153Can your unhinged ass take that other psycho novel anon with you? No one is messaging a middle aged woman because we're here to observe and report, not make shit up and meddle.
That's the problem with boring cow adjacents- they dont give milk so anons resort to making shit up. Mom Stalker anon, maybe she went private because you and novel anon are sending her an abundance of psycho messsages.
No. 1623166
>>1623160I’m not doing shit, I’ve never tried to contact Layna’s dumbass. She deserves to be with this piece of shit. And cute for you to think you can make me leave. I can just change my VPN. This thread has gone to shit so now I’m just having some fun. But I’ve had enough fun for the night, bye.
Also, there’s multiple anons writing novels if you know how to check, you fucktard.
No. 1623179
>>1623165Funny you telling me to seek help when I don’t even post here, y’all do. And y’all are the most unhinged fucking losers I’ve ever seen. Talking shit on an anonymous board. None of you would ever show your faces. Every single one of you is obsessed with Jonny and his love life and it’s fucking disturbing. Y’all been going at this for years. I read this thread to laugh, y’all are so emotionally invested and wasting so much time stalking these people’s lives when you could do something better with your life. Y’all think you’re accomplishing anything? No. You’re just sad, ugly people miserable with their own lives so you call yourself “farmers” HAHAHA and think y’all are so cute and slick with your little gossip girl thread. Or mean girl burn book. Y’all need to seek help, truly. The only bad thing I did was post Layna’s mothers Facebook. I’m embarrassed for y’all. What would your friends, family, boyfriends, and workplace think if they knew this is what y’all did in your free time? Creepy ass fucking no life bitches. Y’all need to seek help. I just felt like shitting up the thread to ruin everyone’s fun. Y’all need to take a good long look in the mirror. Not one of you is happy with your lives, normal, sane, happy people with fulfilling lives don’t do this. It’s so fucking embarrassing. But at least y’all have each other, other people to be psychotic weirdos with.
(No1curr) No. 1623180
>>1623166You don't have to announce your departure every night
No. 1623195
>>1623153hey retard, that’s cowtipping and involving family
read the rules or get banned
No. 1623199
>>1623166i knew it. this is athena.
ban evading extraordinaire on this thread by now, and how many times did she squint her eyes and call us cute for “fussing over lil ol me all day” on her sad little stories?
No. 1623202
>>1623179athena again. there’s that threatening “bitches won’t say it to my face” and “fuck those coward bitches on an anonymous board”
ya’ll let her back in. stop feeding the sad boring crack troll.
No. 1623243
>>1623179Wake up every day to see some anon forgot to eat their meds..
nonnie, do you want to tell us who you are and we can start a thread for you? X please, let us be the unhinged loser stalker in your life! I beg you !
No. 1623393
>>1623202Absolutely Athena. Any IG rants I had seen, she said y’all a lot, just like this
nonnie. She also kept claiming she posted one time (aka the time she self posted her twitter, highly doubt it was the first time) and oh look this
nonnie is saying “this is the only time I’ve posted.” This is just two examples but anyone who has watched her rants can see the similarities. And she has tons of free time on her hands to find random fb accounts or write novels because she’s a loser. But no, the majority of us who check this thread once a day, at the end of the night or while on the toilet are the “miserable cunts.”
Yup this sounds just like her
>>1623179 Athena or Harlow or whatever the fuck your name is, we’re not gonna make a thread about you no matter how much you want it
No. 1623395
>>1623168Are those bras from justice sydney? She will never be what he wants because he wants “your womanly body” instead right? I can hear the soggy swimskirt and lip smacking “y’all”s from here. You’ve been the only one writing shit about goiter’s “love life”, most of us want to laugh at his god awful fashion/style choices, inability to stop his Billie Eillish AAVE larp, and only paid any attention to his situation because Sydney was fucking carpet bombing his life from every direction and he deserves nothing more. Then a damn baby got involved, come on. Click on any of the old threads, they are hilarious and require literally zero emotional investment or knowledge of either person’s past because Sydney actually is an unbelievable person.
Also why would layna send friends here it’s just you and she can probably tell who it is. Why do you want her to notice you so much
No. 1623418
>>1623393girl youre here more than once a day lmao are u having digestive problems? but i agree how desesperate has someone to be to selfpost, sadder than Layna’s tits.
>>1623395who would want to be what Jonny wants? only Layna and mentally ill women with really low self esteem or crackheads lol hey wasn’t Laynas ex a junkie too?
No. 1623447
>>1623280that’s because athena is obsessed with taylor, remember?
when athena was sperging on her ig before it got deleted for having an abnormally flabby labia out in the open, she talked about using a vpn to ban evade and that she was very amused with causing infighting.
it’s. athena.
No. 1623487
>>1623179LOL this is almost as funny as the “I'm probably the best looking girl posting in this thread” anon.
>>>/snow/1435836Mental illness is one hell of a drug.
No. 1623499
>>1623451honestly im amazed at how im not banned yet when i have been shitposting about Layna all this time but other shit is getting banned so i guess mods are enjoying this fuckery lol
im not asking to be spoonfed but can some of you at least tell me in what thread i can find the Antena bullshit? i dont remember reading about someone so pathetic like why are these hoes so hysterical for that middle age dwarf wtf
>>1623487that sounds like Syd to me tbh got some BPD in it
No. 1623511
>>1623184settle down petal
No. 1623515
File: 1661276492462.jpeg (Spoiler Image,662.24 KB, 990x1047, FCA6291E-9BC3-425F-92EC-D3B646…)

>>1623499…. drumroll….. THIS is athena, aka a TND-obsessed fan who got butthurt that jonny didn't want to fuck her. i don't know much about her either but she was posting how taylor was gonna move to LA with her and they were gonna do porn together. she's washed up and desperate for lolcow attention.
No. 1623660
>>1623590sometimes i wonder, how can cows check on their own threads and also how people would like to have a thread, like its out of my comprehension but i forgot that there are really mentally ill people out there and they look like this
>>1623515 mostly of the time
No. 1623669
File: 1661286647025.jpeg (1.32 MB, 1170x2102, B232199A-93FA-4F32-8A4B-BE9DF5…)

Pending a felony charge?
No. 1623678
I hate wasting my time on Athena but she is a pest that needs to be dealt with one way or another because her shit is smeared all over this thread.
>>1623660After she:
(1) made all those terrifyingly obsessed but also pathetically miserable pleas on her stories for her ex-husband to give her another chance and even tried to Venmo him or something to get his attention, and he wanted nottttthingggg to do with her stinky bra and cut up pussy
(2) got rejected by Jonny (the least likable person on earth), who then went on to humiliate her in front of all his fans by posting pictures of her thirsty "plz cum fuk me texts" (ew)
(3) annoyed Taylor (who was following Jonny again at that time and was probably disgusted by what she saw in those texts, i.e. Athena shamelessly lusting after Taylor’s
abusive ex) enough to ghost her, sending Athena into an embarrassing "omg, I'm so worried about my BFF Taylor" spree across social media. And Taylor still hasn’t reached out to her so take the hint Athena, you creepy.
(4) realized no one wants to hang out with her unless it is to bang and ditch…
My expert analysis is that no matter how hard we slam her and tell her to fuck off, this is the most attention she's got in a while and she loves it because for someone as neglected like her as a kid, any attention is good attention, and it's fucking sad and extra fucked up and she is clearly mentally unstable. She can't swallow the painful truth that even the "miserable anonymous cunts" rejected her. That’s how unimportant she feels inside.. so much that she needs validation from lolcow. She longs for the day she can tell people (who probably don’t give a fuck) that "there's an anonymous board of people who stalk me and talk shit about me" like it's some achievement. So fucking weird.
>>1623530>>1623590I'm on the side of ignoring her and don't think she should have her own thread, but part of me wants someone to make a thread just so we can get rid of her.
I doubt anyone will care to follow it and she’ll probably end up arguing with herself to feign importance, but if allowing her to stand proudly atop her manufactured castle of hate gets her farrr away from us, I say do it. Giving her a thread will be the thing she is most proud of cause what else does she have to be proud of right now? Being completely unlovable? Being obnoxiously rat-faced
>>1623515 and a solid 5 or less on the attractive scale? Being crippled with a back brace from a car accident but NEVER wearing it because she isn’t really crippled? Being a petri dish for STDs that you can smell from across the yard? Being nothing but a pitiful collection of cheap-looking nude pictures and easy pussy for nothing but low-life dudes to cum in? I'm all for sexual empowerment and supporting sex work, but when it’s the only thing you have to offer it’s just sad, and participating in a thread about her would be so boring because all the things wrong with her are so painfully obvious, there is zero investigating that needs to be done to see through her bullshit.
I have no idea what the better option is, but do all bitches that have herpes end up acting like a literal herpe?
No. 1623724
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No. 1623755
>>1623669So having custody of Storm would be a downgrade?
The fact he had to post that means the opposite is true.
If THIS is where he wanted to get his life to… man his standards are fucking low. He probably thinks taking a shit is character development
No. 1624108
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Queen Cuntress
No. 1624139
>>1623727I agree actually. I used to find her a pathetic person, and still do in a way, but now that he’s with Layna I realise that she played a pivotal role in fucking Johnnys life in a splendid display of karma. He has never deserved anything more.
I am beyond grateful that she terrorised and called him out on all his nonsense.
I also sympathise as a fellow BPDette, wouldn’t wish that shit on anyone.
Layna is no less a loser than Syd.
No. 1624149
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>>1624139We were spoiled. We didn’t know how good we had it. She gave us the best gems in the world.
No. 1624156
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>>1624149She complimented him perfectly. There was a lot of truth she spoke when she would talk about their special bond. She was the perfect woman to bear his child. There is nothing to connect him to any woman except for her. His name isn’t even on his first child’s birth certificate. Sydney is the only one. Seriously some sort of divine intervention brought these two together. And it’ll continue bringing them together for years to come.
No. 1624160
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>>1624156She also didn’t leave him when he looked like this which means she must have really loved him. You guys may not agree but I really think he loved her too underneath the narc mask.
No. 1624596
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She is the hero.
No. 1624597
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>>1624156I’ve genuinely never seen him so happy in pure ecstasy. Maybe he’ll wise up and keep their family together.
No. 1624710
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>>1624586The Jonny/syd era was hands down the best because they’re both
abusive pos that we’re made for each other. My absolute favourite was when she would manically dm female fans that commented on his posts to scare them away and just shit talk the absolute fuck outta him.
No. 1624792
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I fucking love this bitch
No. 1625024
>>1624710lol syd and jonny are the broke amber and johnny
“fat junkie” sounds familiar
No. 1625216
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lol sydney
No. 1625734
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look who played a show last night. it looked like there was maybe 50 people there tops, what a rockstar kek.
No. 1625910
>>1625231The best way to be a father to storm is to bring him back to a
toxic as fuck environment where one parent caused him a fent overdose and the other one just fucking allowed it? Are YOU high? The best way to parent storm would be for each of them to get their shit together separately but it’s never gonna happen.
No. 1626142
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No. 1626419
>>1626142I wonder as of late which narcissistic cow would post their selfies in their thread. Which cow time after time cares more about their self image more than being an actual mother?
A cow who gets so little attention in the real world, they stay glued to a thread where they are constantly bashed?
Girl, you are not milky, you are not cute. You know what would be the most impressive choice moving forward? Actually earning the role of being an active mom in Storms life.
This thread sucks. Their are plenty of piece of shit parents why do we bother fueling their delusional narcissism anymore?
I wish Storm the best but what is the point of this thread anymore? Im bored watching limp dick “god” and eggplant tiddies eye fuck themselves.
No. 1626637
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She will get back with BBP.
No. 1627142
>>1626734>>1626969no one asked, no one cares.
why do people feel the need to wax lyrical about something as subjective as visual appeal. is it like, cathartic?
>>1625860kek. half of those people where probably in the venue drinking anyway. they didn't expect to see Simple Jack do a Craig David tribute act, using an iPad.
No. 1628202
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What was the adventure a year ago?
No. 1628207
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No. 1629010
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the whole caption is giving 16y/o girl on tumblr “I want to say this was a weird point in my life…but that’s my whole life lol” like get a grip
No. 1629138
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No. 1629139
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queen of living her best life away from the abuser
No. 1629140
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Went for a walk.
No. 1629144
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No. 1629191
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She’s so right.
No. 1631190
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>>1629532I think so, and I also think this is Layna calling her out.
No. 1631238
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Syd’s story. Reminding us she is so small.
No. 1631243
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No. 1631266
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I mean she’s right
No. 1631268
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Lmao. Girl he’s already moved on. Remember when she called Taylor a psychotic weirdo for not being over Jonny? Whew how the tables have turned
No. 1631275
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Of course he needed you to drive him to Reno, Sonya. He’s got no car. No license at 37. What a great catch! And Layna “swoons” over him. I wonder if she just likes the clout of having a rOcKsTaR boyfriend, because how could you be attracted to this man?! No redeeming qualities whatsoever. Lmao his friends have to drop them off and pick them up whenever they have one on one dates, just like a 15 year olds parents.
I mean she’s 25 and living at home still. They are both so under accomplished for their ages.
No. 1631278
>>1631275Is this bitch living with him or something? She’s literally never home. So much for her streaming duties and twitch career that will never happen, cos she’d rather get constant dick from JC.
Anon must be right about his dad or grandpa who used to work for airlines so he gets free flights, that must be how he’s flying her out literally every two weeks.
No. 1631500
>>1631477They are obviously having sex. If they weren’t, why would she even bother wasting her time flying out there. They are in a long distance relationship. Sorry Sydney, just because he didn’t fuck you enough since he was on fent and heroin doesn’t mean he’s not fucking Layna. He’s sober now so his dick can actually get hard now. Ew I felt so gross typing that out.
And speaking from experience of being in recovery, early recovery users are very naturally horny. It’s like your a born again virgin and sex feels brand new. I’ve also heard others in recovery say the same. Since you were numbing yourself from drugs for so long, sex is actually enjoyable now and releases a chemical that is similar to the pleasure of drugs. Tons of people turn into sex addicts after drugs.
No. 1631502
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I love how when her and Jonny were together she was constantly publicly calling people out. But now she doesn’t have the balls to name names and talks shit vaguely on her stories.
No. 1631799
>>1631642The only person “out to get her” is Taylor, Sydney, or Athena for doxing her elderly mother. I really thought it was Taylor at first cuz she’s geeked on crystal meth constantly and people do weird obsessive shit on it. But the strange hostile messages afterwards with the holier than thou attitude makes me believe it’s Syd or Athena. Athena loves to talk shit about lolcow and is in love with Jonny - “I just told you how I felt about you and now you’re going back to Taylor”. But Syd has publicly called out lolcow before too, using the same words like calling us obsessed weirdos, but who really knows which one it is. It just has to be one of them. The only two ladies on the planet who are interested is this monster is the baby mama and the bitter, herpes infested fuck buddy.
Hey Big Boi Pimpin, since we all know you’re gonna read this, go get your junk checked out.
You can go several months without noticeable symptoms, especially if you don’t get regular check ups, and we all know he’s too irresponsible to do that. I hope she gave him something worse like syphillis and now he’s sterile and can’t get Layna knocked up. Because I have a very sinister feeling that was the next step.
No. 1632048
>>1631789No. “In any country”. In countries that aren’t USA families actually like each other and even if children have the means to move out they won’t until they’re married to stay with their families.
If someone is in university why would they move out if they have a good relationship with their parents? It’s just unnecessary stress on top of school. “Most people are graduated university by 22” No. Just no. If you go straight out of high school yeah but there’s nothing wrong with taking a few years in-between. Smarter than jumping in and regretting your choice and then being stuck with debt AND a job field you hate.
Anyways done rant but you retards that think there’s one life path for everyone and look down on others who do things a little differently can choke on 8 dicks at once.
No. 1632131
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We all know it’s you hate boner anon. Seek help or take a writing class because you clearly love to write novels lol.
No. 1632139
NAYRT on any of these but the cope here is so strong I feel like some of these are the same people.
>>1631642LOL at the nona that is obviously still living under the same roof as some parents. Move out already. They don’t want you there. Trust me.
>>1631819>>1631834It’s not normal. That is a huge cope. The cost of living has gone up but there are plenty of people 25+ that moved out and are paying their own bills. It’s the lazy under achievers that only ever aspired to be retail associates and baristas that are struggling. Move in with a friend or a few. If Sydney’s can live with a roommate on disability checks alone so can these adult children but they don’t want to spend their money on rent. They all say the same thing about living being too expensive despite spending all their money on frivolous things because mom and dad don’t charge rent. Yeah living is expensive but you can’t cry about rent being too much from you iPhone, or your expensive gamer PC, while playing on your PS5 or Xbox, eating your second meal from DoorDash in a day, making sure not to get the extra sauce they charge $3 for on your new clothes, putting a down payment with Afterpay on make-up hauls and concert tickets that cost more than a car payment.
The only way I see living at home with your parents as an adult not being something people laugh at you for behind your back is if you are taking care of a sick parent or family member. That’s very noble and saving money because of it is your good karma paying off. Anything else makes you a child shaped leech.
>>1632048How many adult children are living with parents that would rather them not be there, but have to put up with it because their 25 year old toddler hasn’t figured it out yet? I know way too many parents housing their adult children that are sick of it. Their marriages are stressed, their retirement eaten into because they have to pay utilities, provide food, buy toilet paper so everyone can wipe their ass. If you’re an adult living with parents, they probably would be happier if you were gone. I hope you sleep well at night knowing you are a burden that takes away from them being able to fully enjoy the later half of their lives in peace.
>>1632014Everyone I graduated college with lives alone or with roommates and makes at least $4000 a month. Most of them work salary actually but they make around that monthly and get bonuses because they applied themselves to professions that pay well and have good benefits. I am 28 and I make $90000 a year in an entry level job in bank account management that I could have and should have prepared for with community college to save money. The difference between these people and the adult children in question is their ability to manage and prioritize their finances and plan for the future.
Just because you haven’t figured it out and you surround yourself with an echo chamber of bitter zoomers that don’t like paying bills doesn’t mean it’s normal or excusable. There’s plenty of well paying work out there right now even in big businesses that require only a few months of vocational school. High paying jobs need to be filled and the bar is getting low but no one wants to put in the work to get the bare minimum experience or go to events where you can rub shoulders with likeminded professionals. These opportunities exist out in the world but you have to put the social media and lolcow down to obtain it.
Even washed up Jonny Craig lives alone. In a 2 bedroom apartment. With a pricey cat. New computer gear all the time. Buying gifts for Layna. It surprises me but if he can do it so can you and if you’re not you’re more useless and less determined to make it work than a junkie.
>>1632139“I am 28 and I make $90000 a year in an entry level job in bank account management ”
And yet here you are, on an anonymous forum talking shit about 25 year olds. Do you feel accomplished?
No. 1632197
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>>1632139Yeah I’m sure the sperg who’s sitting itt 24/7 writing stories about how much she hates layna is
so uber successful kek what a loser.
No. 1632202
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>>1632139struggle olympics and seething mad because your parents don’t love you enough to keep you at home kek, fail!
No. 1632269
>>1632233I’m this anon
>>1632197I would like you to point to the part of my post where I said I still live at home? I don’t. Your rant was just cringey and retarded.
>NtayrtKek yea, whatever you say weirdo.
No. 1632296
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>>1631268lol syd take the advice you gave Taylor two years ago
No. 1632377
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so while you autists were infighting jonny posted this
No. 1632392
>>1632139100% agree that some zoomer anons are acting like it's normal to live that Stepbrothers lifestyle because they can't cut the apron strings, get roommates and budget (most of us had roommates while earning $6.75/hr and paying $800/month when we were 17/18 yrs old), and learn independence. It had nothing to do with being loved by parents like cope anons are saying and everything to do with learning to rely on yourself.
However, you not-so-humble bragging nullified your point.
>>1632377Not surprising at all since some of us anons realized quickly a lot of evidence would be needed to convict even for negligence. Even if "insider info" was 100% accurate, a baby having possibly a small amount of fentanyl in their system only proves they were given it at some point in their life. I don't believe the ugly baby almost dIeD from an OD. Some anons really jump to conclusions or play the Lolcow version of telephone.
No. 1632421
>>1632416What an out of touch
No. 1632444
>>1632292>I was successful rather young so everyone who’s not successful when they’re young is clearly making bad choicesunfortunately your very individual experience doesn’t represent the reality for the majority of people.
>>1632416Yea wages are increasing but not fast enough to compensate for the insane inflation. The cost of living just keeps rising and wages aren’t going with it. Don’t act stupid.
No. 1632468
>>1632416Uh, a lot of states still have the same min wage from 2007. $7-$9 is the average minimum wage.
>>1632377I’m sure your son, who doesn’t even know you, is thrilled you nearly killed him and faced zero consequences. Funny how having an infant son couldn’t keep him sober but jail is enough motivation to stay clean.
No. 1632483
>>1632416I'll add in some Canadia input but our minimum wages vary per province, usually around 14-17$/h but with high competition in our housing markets along with the prices
>>1632405 a 800-1100 paycheck every month doesn't cut it. paying for utilities and damage deposits can be a pain as well. I don't blame anyone living with their parents if they're making an effort to make a higher salary.
and before anyone comments that our minimum wage is pretty good, our gas is at 194/L and I spend 12$ at the grocery store today buying a bag of potatoes and two cans of gravy
(derailing) No. 1632547
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No. 1632868
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shes already feeling self conscious after what? 6 months into dating goiter man?
No. 1632983
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No. 1633140
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>>1633119the fat finger remark got to him ):
No. 1633245
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Syd story.
No. 1633333
>>1633196Uhhh bc his kid isn't an addict?!
>>1633315She's wearing black shorts
>>1633038Have you ever seen jowls? The simpleton has youthful baby fat on her cheeks still. You can dislike a bitch without reaching into Nitpick Land.
No. 1633856
>>1633317Nice telling on YOURSELF, Chelsea.
Chelsea is the reason I know lolcow even exists. After she retaliated and outed Taylor for smoking heroin with Jonny, cos he tweeted “they” were laughing at her when he found their messages (it was really just Jonny laughing he was just trying to get under Chelsea’s skin), she stopped helping Taylor and started hating her. She teamed up with Taylor’s parents and would constantly tweet @ them on twitter (seriously who does that…), and any time someone insulted Taylor, I remember this moment clear as day, Chelsea would send all the twitterfags to Taylor’s lolcow thread. I will never forget finding out about this place from a specific tweet, when people would ask Chelsea how to find it she tweeted “lol just type in lolcow Taylor Nicole Dean”. Which is a bitter ex thing to do in my opinion. So she not only outed herself for posting in the TND threads in the early days, but she knows this website exists. No doubt she has posted in one of Jonny’s threads before, and she more than likely made this post. It’s just so random to bring her up? She’s old news, no one cares about her anymore. No one was even talking about her, or ever really mentions her. Who would give a shit that Chelsea bought a house at, any age? But congratulations on your house Chelsea, you literally accomplished something that millions of other people in their 20’s do. Do you want a cookie for being a special snowflake?
Lol I already know they are gonna deny being Chelsea but I don’t care. Anyone would deny posting in their ex from five years ago threads. Cos that’s just… embarrassing.
Close your ex’s thread Chelsea and go walk your dog or sum.
No. 1633859
>>1633315Visiting? Anon that’s basically her second home. She’s there way more than she is at her own place. Which one of you retards said they would break up or he would stop flying her out after she started her fall classes? I’m starting to believe these two are actually gonna last and it makes me sick to my stomach. I’m not a fan of Layna at all but Jonny does not deserve a boring, decent looking girl who is unproblematic. He’s gonna cling onto her for dear life and love bomb the shit out of her because he finally found someone who isn’t crazy. She can do way better but she either wants the miniscule amount of internet clout for dating a bottom of the barrel, Z list musician, or she’s codependent like him - can’t be alone or thrive without a relationship, or she’s just absolutely spineless and can’t break up with him due to low self esteem and not knowing her worth. Because how could you be in love with this steaming pile of dog shit? I’m convinced he is secret cult leader and his dick has magical manipulation powers that puts naive girls under an intense spell. His only talent is his voice and I guess that’s his other only power.
I really want him to get back with Taylor or Sydney, or date Sonya (I don’t think Sonya is
problematic I just wanna see everyone lose their shit over it)
I miss the constant flowing milk from his last two relationships. Now it’s all nitpicking and arguing about it Layna is pretty or not. Can y’all shut the fuck up about that? 1) it doesn’t matter 2) obviously not everyone is gonna agree so idk why you like to waste your time arguing about it, thinking you are gonna change the other anon
No. 1633869
>>1633665I agree. I don’t like Layna, I think she’s pretty lame tbh. But the constant arguing about her looks just screams insecurities from the women posting. Someone even tried to seem like a guy the other day and say “well that killed my boner” lmao I knew immediately it wasn’t.
It’s not milk, no one cares about what you think about her looks. Properly shut the fuck up or leave, or both. It’s clogging the thread. Y’all literally go at it all day sometimes and for what? What are you accomplishing? Posting milk would be nice because it gives us something to discuss but no, you all wanna dissect her looks and let us know everything about her body that you don’t like. I think we fucking get it by now.
It’s giving… projecting insecurities. Let’s play a fun game. Everyone who has insulted Lana’s looks post a photo of yourself and your body. No? Didn’t think so.
No. 1633898
>>1633856Agreed, I thought bringing up Chelsea was super random. I’m surprised it didn’t get redtexted (no1curr) cuz WOW that was some RIVETING information…. sike
Plot twist: Chelsea is one of the mods. Damn that would be something lol. But forrealz, no one gives a shit about home-wrecking Chelsea who didn’t deserve Jonny anyway (I mean that cuz she fucked him the exact night she met him with some ugly bitch while he was engaged to and with Amanda for 3 years, not cos he’s better than her). She dated/fucked Tyler Carter too before you this, and used to hangout with blackbear all the time. Fucking desperate groupie. I can’t believe everyone stanned them on twitter and made fun of Amanda, Amanda had every fucking right to be pissed. Imagine the person you’re with for 3 years performing at a concert you couldn’t attend to have a threesome with two ugly dyke looking bitches (Chelsea had a boy’s haircut when they first met), then you find out from SOCIAL media that they are a couple now, from them posting pictures together. I know she’s kind of psycho and harassed them for too long but I felt bad for her, she was deeply hurt. And Chelsea was so smug about stealing Jonny from the woman he was gonna marry, she taunted Amanda online too. She posted a tweet one time when Amanda went to a show with a friend (this was not just Jonny’s show, lots of bands were playing) telling her stans to go beat her up and telling them where she was at. She’d post selfies wearing Amanda’s clothes and tagged Amanda in them on twitter. Now look where that got you, not so smug now bitch. Oh and she also cheated on Jonny, she fucked a Van’s manager and the evidence was posted everywhere. That’s why they broke up the first time and he got with Liz. I’ll never like Chelsea.
No. 1634321
>>1633950I didn’t say it bothers me. I don’t care if you think she’s pretty or not. I care that you can’t just give up on defending a random rape sympathiser so much so that we have to deal with this constant back and fourth between you/ the other anons who ‘have eyes’ and those that think she looks like shit. At this point ask yourself where you’re posting and if this thread is the place to Stan someone linked to jonny about anything. Why does it bother you so much what people think of her?
She’s going to get criticised on a thread about her
abusive boyfriend. That’s expected. white knighting her looks doesn’t fit in here. At this point you sound like one of her few friends. No one cares if you’re right or wrong, take it somewhere else.
Pls admin reveal the stans.
(sage) No. 1634379
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What a whiny little baby. Great way to get people out to your show, make them feel guilty. I’m sure he’s talking about all the guys from DGD or all the other past friends that now want nothing to do with him.
No. 1634386
File: 1662212666188.jpeg (87.12 KB, 650x391, D441DEAD-2D0B-422D-9315-B8E74B…)

It’s giving this energy. Tf but this kinda style choice is making me wonder what it’s hiding, maybe he’s just a massive edge Lord.
No iPhone/iPad though, maybe the scarf is hiding the person feeding him his lines
No. 1634498
>>1634321can we just ignore the stan and go on with our shit like we do in all threads? its okay if some people think Lelayna Caldwell is a nice person or whatever but we already got hooked up with her real name on Google kek.
No. 1634841
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>>1633898sorry anons not tryna clog the thread and this is the last i'll say about chelsea.
but in response to you specifically anon. i got curious and lurked for her twitter… HAHAH SHE DELETED IT. but then found her tumblr and you are so right
No. 1634846
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>>1634841look at this smug bitch. we should make a collage of all his exes and their engagement rings. kek
No. 1635527
>>1633936….are you okay anon? Did you forget to take your meds? Do you need some Midol? Go make some hot tea, take a hot shower and steam yourself out so you can fucking RELAX. Nowhere in that paragraph was “2007” mentioned, I doubt anywhere here knows what the fuck Jonny was up to 15 years ago when the majority of us were like, ten. Chelsea and Jonny dated from 2014-2017, on and off. Why does every post made have to have a limit of 1-2 paragraphs so that the anons who have no attention span won’t throw a fucking conniption fit on here? If you don’t like long posts, here’s a stellar idea you probably don’t realize you can do (don’t read them? Scroll past them?) like Jesus Christ you are so hostile and for what? If you get this emotional over lolcow, maybe it’s time for a lil breaky-break.
Have you seen Taylor’s thread? People post things longer than a Stephen King novel like it’s the norm, and it bothers absolutely no one. There is nothing wrong with posting something long, are you the lolcow police? Do you call the shots here and speak for everyone? Get off your high horse and take a Xanax. Long, informative posts aren’t clogging up the thread (because it’s ONE post). What clogs the thread is complaining about another thing someone posted because no one gives a shit how you individually feel. I see ignorant shit posted here all the time and I just ignore it. It’s very simple and not worth my energy getting bothered by it. It doesn’t take an obsessed person with “no brain” to remember significant events from Jonny’s love life. He is an extremely “public” figure and has been milky for ages, all the details of his relationships were posted on twitter for the longest time. Nothing about his love life is ever secret cuz he dates the most dramatic, milkiest bitches ever who overshare everything. His dating timeline is posted on YouTube in multiple videos. Tweets still exist. How does one with “no brain” remember these things? I think the correct term is a great memory, if anything, someone who can’t stand reading a paragraph that takes less than 20-30 seconds to read has “no brain” if you wanna play that game, it’s really not my style to insult someone I know nothing about. (Or do I, Chelsea?) I’m baffled that it makes you this angry, imagine getting bothered that easily LMAO. A lot of twitterfags that were around for the legendary drama that consumes Jonny’s life have migrated here now, and we simply remember things. If you even noticed, most of the replies appreciated the post because they maybe weren’t around for these events so they appreciate the info. Or they agreed it was odd Chelsea POSSIBLY brought herself up (no one said it was for sure her, but I’m so sorry that “hi cow” posts bother you that much. How dare we upset a random anon. I bet your just an absolute ball of sunshine to be around though. Cope harder, and keep complaining about every single thing on lolcow that bothers you. Because we totally give a shit and will bow down to you /s
(Are YOU okay?) No. 1635577
>>1635537Lmao you’re my hero. Anons get bothered so easily, that it’s sad. But very entertaining to watch. And I’d LOVE to see what they look like. I’m picturing 300 pound trolls who live on the internet, applying to be lolcow mods every other day so they can take over the website. Living the dream. It’s funny how one anon above said “no one gives a fuck if she’s pretty or not” and then you see all the ridiculous posts projecting their own insecurities about their own looks or miserable lives by shitting on Layna’s looks so hard (which is irrelevant). And they call us WKs for stating obvious facts but only THEY are allowed to debate with us, we just can’t do it back. I can only hope one day to be that speshul and have invisible, superior rights to this thread where everything I say must go /s
How lame. I thought no one gave a fuck about her looks? Clearly y’all do and go to extreme lengths by exaggerating that Layna looks like your dog’s asshole or something. How dare we simply disagree while getting straight to the point, and only they are allowed disagree with us cuz we MUST “keep the hate going” or their precious thread goes up in flames or some shit. The constant contradicting and power trips that go on in here absolutely send me.
No. 1635594
>>1635537The best part is Layna isn't even a cow, just a cow-adjacent.
>>1634321>>1633924>>1634498>hate forumServing Syd energy. Or any cow that thinks this is a hAtE fOruM.
No. 1635773
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i cant with the fact that they all look the same kek even that bitch Chelsea that no one cares about was before all these other hoes and they are all the same kek and they think they’re speshul ~ because he left a note on the mirror.
also, nice nose Lelayna.
No. 1636029
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Syd snarking on her story.
No. 1636324
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Syd’s story, what’s she talking about
No. 1637626
File: 1662406837902.jpeg (449.29 KB, 966x647, B0A77F4C-6BF1-4DE5-AC1A-52273C…)

damnit forgot to add pic
No. 1640097
>>1639413I think that’s just turtlemom and I’m not sure if she’s still posting here. Would be magical if her posts were revealed, just like Skidmark’s.
Also wtf was up with all those posts saying Jonny and Syd have some special bond and they are meant for each other? Was it trolling? Syd herself or her friend? Or does someone genuinely think that lmao
No. 1640116
>>1640092i think the Lelayna shit its because the annoying wk, its obv trolling but the wk takes it personally. aaaand i think their relationship is working because its a long distance one, but if they were living together u know another bird would be singing.
>>1640097they share a bond, is called Storm. nobody is proud of it but them tho
No. 1640446
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Saged because idk if JC buying a car = milk.
No. 1640471
>>1640446>it’s more for touring!I actually expected him to say
>it’ll aid me in being a better more reliant father! I get to see my son more! It’s not an everyday car! Kek it must be an absolute bucket.
No. 1640556
File: 1662540643584.png (6.07 MB, 1284x2778, A5FF2805-CA12-4E6C-9A50-EE6BFB…)

Of course he bought a pedo van to match his stache but where did he come up with the $4k-$10k to even buy it? also questioning which one of them has a license
No. 1640564
File: 1662541558710.jpeg (417.79 KB, 1284x2282, 9410E607-BA4E-4096-9825-C11C4B…)

fixed it for him
No. 1640675
File: 1662554778806.jpeg (457.69 KB, 1169x1562, 2B5D1E21-747C-45BD-867F-FBFCCB…)

imagine being excited to see bbp in the wild
No. 1641236
>>1637937how are you getting access to seeing Goiter 24/7? Or is this an assumption based off his videos/streams?
Have you ever considered that people display the persona they wish to project on social media? And falling for peoples fake social media lives is not only cringe, but retarded. Addicts are pros at this behavior. Whether it's Kratom or Catnip, he's likely skirting the rules.
No. 1641484
>>1640639He has a license. He's driven his bf/roommate's car in the old thread. The "he doesn't have a license" nonsense was a game of Lolcow telephone that got started because an anonymous said "I bet he doesnt have a license", which gradually morphed into he doesn't have one. It's just been too arduous to correct every fallacy so anons run with their made up shit.
>>1641236Ntayrt but it's pretty obvious from behavior and his voice he's not using. Some anons are so emotionally invested on a guy they don't know that they want him to be on drugs and they want to believe stories from questionable sources with zero proof. You don't have to like the guy but can't we watch the shit show without people screeching "he doesn't deserve a normal gf because psycho bitch #73684 said he's a rapist and I believe her because he says questionable shit and used to be an addict."
No. 1641535
File: 1662591532777.jpeg (306.07 KB, 1419x1080, 1670510C-258B-4955-AEA4-680895…)

>>1641519Changing “you’re” to “you are” as if we don’t know it’s you webhead..YOU’VE BEEN CAUGHT
No. 1641658
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No. 1641769
File: 1662603541171.jpeg (407.76 KB, 1284x2282, 95F2408E-0DD9-4EC7-943F-3FEF1E…)

It’s like a before and after dating Mr. Mucinex
No. 1641798
>>1641658What does this even mean? What exactly are you watching? And how you watching sis? All those sock accounts you got to stalk Jonny and all Jonny adjacents?
>>1641769Remember that one time Syd larped “I NEVER wear makeup. Maybe once or twice a year at most!”
No. 1641806
File: 1662606767845.jpeg (1.43 MB, 3464x3464, F9A1B76A-080B-487E-A9CA-D85879…)

Posting because they’re jonny adjacents but spiderweb head mocking filter abuse reminds me of the mom.
No. 1641821
File: 1662607962065.jpeg (454.45 KB, 1284x2282, 1D0FB5D4-9C7C-445D-994F-5DA62F…)

>>1641798Same piercings, same edgar haircut
No. 1641990
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Farmers decipher.
No. 1642031
File: 1662621262055.jpg (141.7 KB, 878x904, Screenshot_20220908_000325.jpg)

Quick, someone send this to syd
No. 1642038
File: 1662621890129.jpeg (498.04 KB, 1438x1272, 42074753-D9A7-471B-8342-BA3689…)

>>1642031Her boobs are too wonky for the ghosts to fit ):
No. 1642083
File: 1662625653647.jpeg (257.94 KB, 828x1544, CE085380-44BA-4CE1-9B2E-D8EAF1…)

Goiter boy is in taylor’s neck of the woods.. please let them meet up so that we can actually have some legit milk to talk about!
No. 1642332
>>1641484He doesn’t have a license. He was driving his roommates car without a license. Because he’s driving a car doesn’t make him
Have a drivers license. Basic.
No. 1643007
File: 1662687146141.webm (2.58 MB, 720x1280, cat.webm)
>>1642340>>1642432>>1642615This infighting could easily be solved by posting these stories you’re all referring to. Anyway, here’s Layna with Jonny’s (?) cat as
>>1642615 mentioned. Don’t know which of eboys posted the van pan so, we’ll have to simply trust
>>1642432 is not a liar like
>>1642340 seems to be.
No. 1643127
>>1643120Her friend has agency, what in
>>1643040 makes you think she’s forcing her friend? You weren’t given enough information to jump to any of these weird conclusions. I’ll grant you that the mental gymnastics to try and make your shitty takes make sense are impressive.
No. 1643161
I always feel like posters like these
>>1643040 are self posts. Even that Ava girl from forever ago who did that mini ig dm lolcow interview. Why do farmers try to seduce goiter it is so weird.
No. 1643799
File: 1662755638907.png (1.49 MB, 1284x2778, 1E098664-4EDD-4B8F-B279-106183…)

No. 1643906
A lot of people don’t want to associate with me anymore or have anything to do with my name. I found a group of young, clout chasers who don’t care about morals. Too many people actually believe
victims these days and have a problem with
abusive behaviour because it’s morally wrong.
No. 1643935
File: 1662765232045.png (2.05 MB, 1080x1920, A4B3D771-3E8C-4079-BFE7-F7B347…)

Queen Syd crashing his show tomorrow to cause some ruckus.
No. 1644086
>>1643799>successful people don’t want to associate with me because I’m unprofessional, have no self restraint and abuse womenFtfy goitre
>>1643906Out of curiosity I listened to a few of spooky towns and the purple haired fags music and they both absolutely suck. It’s white trash sound cloud rapper music. It’s super telling that those are the only friends he can make in the industry anymore.
No. 1644927
File: 1662860521396.jpeg (660.38 KB, 1536x2048, 92BBC2E8-60C4-43D6-BF74-68AB0F…)

Anyone saying he’s good looking again needs their eyes checked. He’s 36 but looks 55.
No. 1644948
File: 1662863181283.png (4.06 MB, 1284x2778, 483F13BC-6A23-4814-A24C-E615F1…)

This made me wanna gag. Definitely on the prowl.
No. 1644975
File: 1662865784647.jpeg (224.88 KB, 474x1016, 0EA4C751-B607-4CD5-B075-7A70BA…)

Kek still reading lyrics off of his phone because he’s burnt all his braincells.
No. 1645036
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No. 1646902
File: 1663055970996.png (3.54 MB, 750x1334, B4F0C5ED-FD25-4877-A49B-09C3E1…)

No. 1647242
File: 1663101382846.jpeg (92.16 KB, 1170x273, C439C720-C4C3-408A-9345-6B019D…)

HA. Cope harder Layna, your body is not curvy at all. No one likes twigs.
No. 1647264
>>1646904this reminds me of something syd would do shes so clearly trying to make him jealous because shes upset he didnt bring her with. also not even worth it these are some sad ass pics lmao. cringy af.
>>1647242>1 hour agotheres no way shes not reading here.
No. 1647562
File: 1663128583320.jpeg (162.44 KB, 1024x763, E13D6BDD-C2C8-472B-ABE9-8B8054…)

>>1644970I love when he talks about “bitches” and getting laid because all I can imagine is this photo since the man is like 5’4. He needs another Syd.
No. 1647568
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For those of y’all who think he’s not trying to cheat. He followed this girl on Instagram last week and is probably being thirsty and making a fool out of Layna. Making her an even bigger fool than she already was for dating him in the first place.
No. 1647617
File: 1663134073342.jpeg (471.56 KB, 991x1197, 868F59E3-CAD7-4E27-A31B-32A46E…)

Kek she cleared him.
No. 1647653
File: 1663137838612.jpeg (104.47 KB, 639x991, BD3D741A-2291-4B14-9F5B-49A539…)

You working hard to cover that label at all times j?
No. 1647655
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No. 1647668
File: 1663139051186.jpeg (124.21 KB, 827x1114, 910F9D86-C916-490A-9233-22F6A3…)

No. 1647707
>>1647445Nta lmao gottem anon /s
She's posting thirst traps because she's insecure over her boyfriend being an asshole who thinks with his dick. It is trashy posting free lewds online for moids when you already have a moid. He's too busy hanging out with prettier girls and partying to even see her shit. Is she looking to upgrade too? Hoping a better celebrity will notice her, like Tay and Post Malone? (he blocked her cuz she came on too strong kek)
No. 1647853
>>1647707This. Whatever the Jonny wks say her posting thirst traps when she already has a man and right after he leaves is sus behaviour and you don’t need to read between and lines to understand what’s going on.
>>1647755I’m almost done the new thread (I know I said Monday but I got caught up in other things, sorry) it’ll be up by the end of the day. I’ve updated the “old milk” section and linked syd’s OF posts.
No. 1648004
>>1647949Yeah it’s actually not completely non alcoholic and a lot of recovery programmes say it’s a bad idea.
If he drank 10 of those beers it would be the same amount of alcohol as 1 normal 4% beer. Unlikely he’s drinking that much but yanno- possible
No. 1648071
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From his story, looks like the milk really has gone dry.
No. 1648507
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>>1648460Yeah he’s really living the life.
No. 1648517
File: 1663215470292.png (746.87 KB, 1284x2778, A9A1ECC1-292D-42A2-AB51-AD6075…)

What/who is all this about I wonder
No. 1648893
File: 1663261411779.jpeg (1.23 MB, 1170x2409, F5BC99CC-F64F-4432-9743-291760…)

Totally sober.
No. 1648918
>>1648643 cope kek.
it's a pretty normal human reaction to wish misfortune unpon a man who's raped, cheated, scammed, abused and destroyed peoples lives… and who's up for a child endangerment felony trial… and still shows no remorse.
No. 1648928
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No. 1649086
File: 1663275896588.jpeg (376.81 KB, 1125x782, AC383F97-FDBF-4AA2-86A3-1D9D50…)

>>1648928this dudes bio says he’s a producer/engineer/songwriter for dgd. She’ll really do anything to stick it to Jonny. Or to meet everyone famous she possibly can. groupie lol
No. 1649113
File: 1663277693479.png (1011.57 KB, 1284x2778, EFDDB2B8-D23C-46E6-8DF6-FEDA27…)

Wow finally taking accountability
No. 1649518
>>1649409I was thinking this too since they wouldn’t update the summary or link past threads.
>>1649113I wonder if her friend kicked her out of her house after being a giant mooch for all these months.
No. 1650154
File: 1663561512642.jpeg (592.31 KB, 828x1025, 525FE0CC-A03D-43AC-8E16-294E37…)

It’s really too bad she can’t take Storm to the aquarium.