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No. 1570542
If you're new, please make sure you read: before posting
and please type ‘sage’ into the email field if you are not posting anything milky/important so that the thread is not bumped!
Last Thread:
>>>/snow/1518926The basic rundown:
> jonny craig has a well-documented history of drug abuse and physical/sexual abuse towards his exes. pretty much any woman he comes into contact with, he influences in an overwhelmingly negative way > before his relationship with Sydney England, he had a toxic and drug-fueled relationship with and helped with the downfall of pettuber & fellow cow Taylor Nicole Dean - jonny is her so-called abuser, though it sounds like they were equally toxic in their own ways > after Taylor was forced into rehab, Jonny made it seem like they were going to be back together ASAP. as soon as Taylor broke up with him in rehab, he got with Sydney and started bragging about her, then got her pregnant immediately. > enter SYD, Aka sydsosmall/minnieskins. overdramatic groupie clout chaser who got pregnant with jonny’s heroin baby because she was feeling “old” & felt her biological clock ticking… totally mentally stable choice > since syd gave birth there has been a steady stream of milky shit/stupid drama, warranting her and jonny their own thread, though now they’ve separated, so their threads becoming separate may be inevitable. until then… Old milk:
>syd starts a gofundme for "personal situations" >>1234541, >>1234881 but it seems to be going towards hair and lash extensions >>1244430 (later revealed to be to cover for the car accident she caused with the guy she was cheating on jonny with) jonny’s ex amanda shows up on the donations >>1242157> Jonny goes to jail for domestic violence >>1088190 and pleads guilty his last court date was feb 1st at 9am >>1090762> >>1090779 Storm has unknown surgery but syd doesnt say anything and Jonny barely acknowledges it >>1091369> Jonny contracts cellulitis and ends up being admitted to the hospital most likely caused by IV heroin use >>1107260, >>1107262> Jonny posts two disturbing but typical (for him) videos to his instagram stories: one where he shows Syd’s bare butt and then grabs it >>1109832 it’s also noted she has a mysterious and large bruise on her leg in a generally hard to bruise area >>1110293. Audio in second vid (which was of Storm with camera inches away from him as baby lays on bed) reveals a clearly super high Jonny slurring and unable to hold the camera steady >>1110163> syd vagueposts about someone (Jonny) cheating with someone you know. That someone posts in the thread revealing screenshots of Instagram DMs with Jonny and Syd >>1318548,Syd who accuses anon of cheating with Jonny for flirting on Instagram with Jonny and allegedly calls the cops on anon. Anon says she's known Syd since high school. In the screenshots Syd calls Jonny a waste,a fat junkie, says she'll show the conversation to Taylor so that she'll ruin anon's life, threatens anon. Syd doxxes anon on Instagram.> anon posts more screenshots, looks like she was carrying the convo with Jonny. Syd sends anon a video of Jonny wasted. >>1319574 Turtle Mom ends up leaking the video >>1320319 and says she'll go the TX shows to expose Jonny with flyers, never does.> tour starts, Jonny doesn't know the lyrics to his own songs so he's reading them off his phone. >>1322793, syd goes on stage to hug Jonny and makes sure everyone know he has a kid whenever he looks in the direction of a woman >>1320416, >>1320417 She also keeps complaining about how hard working at the merch table is, jonny proposes to Syd again >>1332845, >>1333002 at a concert with the same ring.>syd, jonny, and the rest of their crew get awful matching tour tattoos >>1336731>anon posts screenshots from cps that imply storm is not in their custody >>1338649 and Syd continues to confirm this by only posting a photo of them in a public setting >>1346847>jonny goes radio silent on social media while syd's instagram use only increases, presumably because jonny is in rehab>syd buys herself an iPad and starts to vague post about a new project >>1346549, >>1363620 eventually announces a date she will announce the project >>1366535 but does not announce anything. >syd and jonny lovebomb announcing they have chosen a date for their wedding, 11/11/22 >>1367393, >>1367396>surprising nobody, anon finds jonny on tinder >>1372864 syd responds >>1374232>syd still trying to keep up the facade of being a parent >>1373001, >>1376986, >>1388466, >>1390689, >>1391059, >>1392428, >>1393204>more information is found about the courtcase that likely caused JC and syd to lose custody >>1373075, >>1373156, >>1373401, >>1373420, and a previous DV case involving syd >>1373487>syd flirts with lolbro >>1373616, >>1374083, >>1374084>syd is alone on thanksgiving, trying to seem unbothered >>1375878 while jonny enjoys his rehab/sober living slop >>1375941 more sober living shots: >>1376927, >>1401281, >>1401284>sydsosneaky visits storm at her mom's house for xmas >>1401841, >>1401842, and shows a picture of jonny with storm from last xmas, since he's away in sober living >>1401843>syd makes it obvious she’s reading the thread >>1402818, >>1402823, >>1402826, >>1402828>a fan comforts jonny about the death of a friend, causing syd to go on a sperg about him cheating >>1406759, >>1406761>anon helps us ring in the new year by providing us with screenshots… sydsosmart gets caught cheating! and this message also proves that they lost custody of storm. >>1407044, >>1407062, >>1407070>jonny and syd vagueposting, hinting at a breakup >>1407170, >>1407172, >>1407171, >>1407167>syd psychotically harasses she-who-will-not-be-named >>1407204, >>1407205, >>1407217, >>1407235>more screenshots of syd cheating are released >>1407243, >>1407258 >sticking to her usual groupie tendencies, it's some band dude >>1407304 and he is an abuser (shocking) >>1407340>syd harasses band-dude's ex-gf >>1407393>jonny will be out of rehab/sober living soon >>1408154, >>1408168 and posts about getting a puppy from a place called Borderline Bullies (ironic kek) >>1408355, >>1408449 (ends up falling through) >syd lovebombs JC >>1408808, >>1408891, >>1410001, >>1410002, >>1410776, >>1412175>jonny begins the process of removing all signs of syd/storm off of his instagram >>1408893, >>1415883>jonny is over syd >>1412293, but syd isn't over jonny >>1412296 and is on the prowl for a new girl >>1414061, >>1417679, >>1419177, >>1419188, >>1419932>syd goes quiet, leaving anons to speculate if she's been banned on instagram for harassment. anons find that she she has been liking clothes on poshmark >>1421811>syd is (unsurprisingly) back, posts videos of herself and "friends" watching some shitty emo cover band >>1424827>jonny returns to the Sac townhouse with all of his shit >>1427985, >>1427987, >>1432441>syd says nothing about his return, ghosts and sadposts about her birthday >>1430578, >>1434657, >>1434774>cowtipper confirms that jonny is indeed big boy pimpin, living the single life because syd cheated on him >>1430884>jonny starts his traditional post-breakup streaming career back up >>1434930, >>1439243>big boy pimpin starts liking tnd's instagram posts >>1436428 >>1436485>while jonny moves on to thottier pastures, syd starts posting her perfect bawd for validation despite calling every woman in a crop top a whore >>1438537, >>1439469, >>1440433, >>1443447, >>1445180, >>1445828, >>1445920>syd embarrasses herself >>1440188, >>1440189, >>1440548 >>1449879>syd's sad about her life, writes boring long story posts about how it's not what she wanted but it's so perfect >>1441750, >>1443451>syd onlyfans saga when >>1445197>syd kinda pretends to be a mom >>1445995, >>1446838, >>1447752, >>1448894>jonny's probably trying to pull a new girl with google translate arabic >>1447738, >>1447739>they unfollowed each other >>1448690 but syd will never take him out of her bio >>1448923>jonny shows his inbox on stream, apparently paid rent 3 weeks late >>1450033>jonny has upcoming court dates >>1453819>jonny is big mad about his lolcow thread, posts and quickly deletes a rant about it >>1453538 >jonny compares his bright future to his fake teeth, which someone else bought for him and he never paid back.. sounds about right. >>>/snow/1454287> anons speculate that syd could be rage posting in the TND thread >>>/snow/1454731 >syd sadposts >>>/snow/1455420, >>>/snow/1455934, >>>/snow/1455956, >>>/snow/1456157, >>>/snow/1457905, and teases making an onlyfans >>>/snow/1455738>jonny seems to visit storm more than syd >>>/snow/1458775 >jonny randomly posts an old note that his ex taylor dean’s dad wrote him >>>/snow/1462405 then clarifies it’s old >>>/snow/1462537, anons wonder if he posted it to either rile up syd or get taylor’s attention >syd officially moves in with her friend megan >>>/snow/1463462> jonny is active on tinder, matches with a girl named mars >>>/snow/1474385 who immediately posts about him being ‘washed up’, ‘not worth the story’ & ‘a lot of Ls’ >>>/snow/1474386, >>>/snow/1474411, >>>/snow/1474415> jonny shoots back, negging the girl he matched with on tinder and bragging about spEnDinG heR RenT on shoes 3 times a week (probably because you can fit into kids size shoes, JC) >>>/snow/1475483> syd tries to shade jonny on her story >>>/snow/1482229 > jonny posts a selfie featuring a bunch of dirty clothes and beer bottles in the background >>>/snow/1486532 instead of cleaning up he just scribbles it out in future photos >>>/snow/1487187, >>>/snow/1487417 >sydsomanic spams her story >>>/snow/1487040 with a bunch of compliments that seem like they were sent in by herself, continues to bring up starting an onlyfans and teases about a ‘certain someone’ who makes her feel ‘frisky’ >>>/snow/1486643 >taylor deleted/privated her video talking about JC abusing her >>>/snow/1488984 speculation that they’re back in contact continues >jonny makes references to being lonely due to ramadan >>>/snow/1489269 causing more speculation that he’s dating an arabic/muslim girl, possibly named ava >>>/snow/1489450, >>>/snow/1489610, >>>/snow/1489613 >syd returns to e-begging for rent, meds and essentials for the kid she doesn’t have custody for #itsokaytoaskforhelp >>>/snow/1490473 >syd harasses anon after she forgets to crop her pfp >>>/snow/1498275>jonny posts a pic of taylor on his story >>>/snow/1498358>if you want to flush some money down the toilet, you can find bbp on cameo >>>/snow/1499914>syd sets the tone for her OF saga >>>/snow/1499974, >>>/snow/1497288>syd is suddenly on OF >>>/snow/1500737 and leaves just as soon >>>/snow/1500754>blah blah blah something about ava>old man goiter screams at the sky aka tmobile >>>/snow/1504574>syd calls out jonny for being a deadbeat (hmm very interesting syd) >>>/snow/1509691>no words just this >>>/snow/1509695>swanfest drama between the two tards >>>/snow/1509690, >>>/snow/1509726>jonny really does not like syd >>>/snow/1511748>taylor is following jonny on instagram >>>/snow/1513531, according to taylor they're speaking again for the sake of "closure" >>>/snow/1515623>jonny shuts off syd's phone (kek) >>>/snow/1514632>jonny expected to bring the milk by coming clean about "everything" in a livestream on twitch >>>/snow/1517232, >>>/snow/1518219>syd ready to sell him out before he can make her look even worse >>>/snow/1517429>another court date, anon listens in and reveals that the DA wants to press felony charges >>>/snow/1517793>blah blah blah wigglewip layna asshurt ex-bf blah blah blah>syd brings up goiter's original baby mama in her usual self-centered manner >>>/snow/1518829, more sperging about jc >>>/snow/1518852New milk:
>emo tucker carlson interviewed jonny to try to rehab his image >>1519019 >>1519030 syd contests his narrative >>1519027 interviewer is accused of rape >>1521347>syd thinks we're funny >>1519078>a lot of athena shit; she doesn't deserve the attention, check the thread if you care because it's boring af>ANONS LISTEN IN TO THE 5/4/22 COURT HEARING, CHARGES WERE UPGRADED TO A FELONY BECAUSE STORM TESTED POSITIVE FOR FENTANYL IN MAY 2021 >>1519680 >>1519684 >>1519685 >>1519686 >>1519694>anons in the know spill about the incident >>1519842 >>1519843 >>1519879 >>1519915 >>1519919 >>1519924 >>1519974 >>1519979 >>1520007 >>1520565 >>1521350>jonny pretends everything is fine after asking for support >>1519519 >>1519568 >>1519625 >>1519674 >>1519758 >>1520751>jonny's new victim layna goes private, tea is spilled about her trip to see him >>1519544>jonny big mad at tmobile and syd >>1520854 and some clothing company >> 1521806 tldr he's poor and angry >>1524478 >>1524789>jonny posts a performative video about how he's never going to be kept from storm >>1521015>jonny's cat >>1521134 >>1521315>jonny's tattoo >>1521294 >>1521301>layna was warned about jonny, doesn't care, actively deletes comments about the situation >>1521944 >>1522095 >>1523621>jonny is big mad people are telling his new girl about his bad behavior >>1522005 >>1522147 >>1522495 blames syd for his bad life/behavior >>1522599>jonny is using kratom allegedly >>1524179>jonny publically begs tommy lee to notice him >>1526997>jonny begs for money for storm's room, later ups the goal, seemingly to raise funds for his rent >>1527261 >>1529299 >>1529960 >>1530342 >>1531985>syd is trying to "frustrate" jonny into using >>1528759>anon who knows syd speculates on her bpd >>1530988>layna is still at jonny's >>1531589 >>1532073 >>1532335 >>1532338 >>1532948 >>1532951 >>1533264>in reality-shattering irony, syd comments on the silly little brain of jonny's new child bride, says she thought she was his last victim despite being a feral bitch when people tried to warn her about jonny >>1532862 >>1533645>jonny is big mad that layna is posted on lcf, threatens everyone with the cyber police and a libel suit >>1533421>Layna looks absolutely nothing like her shooped jailbait selfies, looks her age IRL, to the surprise of no one >>1558920>Jonny pleads not guilty to child endangerment 1:
>>>/snow/1082146 4:
>>>/snow/1533736 No. 1570583
File: 1656062315794.jpeg (66.53 KB, 828x1792, D92C74AE-2F14-465F-A13E-E80E43…)

Blessed be anon thank you for the new thread.
Capped this from a couple days back but it’s not really very milky.
No. 1570603
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Not milk, but I laughed so hard at this.
Love when Jonny’s filter glitches out and you get a real look at his filthy old skin.
No. 1570638
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JC story from 6/21
No. 1570639
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JC story part 2
No. 1570648
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No. 1570650
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No. 1570651
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No. 1570676
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Thank you nonnie!!! Here’s some screenshots I got while we were waiting, I’m not sure if they’ll be in any sort of order sorry
No. 1570677
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No. 1570679
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No. 1570681
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Who had sex lol
No. 1570682
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No. 1570683
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Such a long week doing what?
No. 1570685
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Can someone translate? I don’t speak dumbass
No. 1570687
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Cut out Storm of course. I highly doubt you’ll fight very hard BBP, you couldn’t even care enough to keep your fent away from the little guy. Also so weird they call him a little god. But I guess it’s not that weird coming from a guy who also calls himself god (see next pic)
No. 1570688
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No. 1570689
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Okay last one I got is not milky just thought it was funny that syd was popping out her collar bone so hard kek happy to be back with y’all’s
No. 1570769
>>1570685Flum is a flavored nicotine vape.
>>1570651It’s so weird when insecure women gloat about something MOST young women have. Muh nice skin. Muh nice hair. Muh long eye lashes. Still doesn’t make up for your garbage personality.
No. 1571089
nonnie it's the anon watching her on twitch weeks before she was relevant and knows everything about her, clarifying all misconceptions in this thread. Definitely not her. It was totally her ex who dropped her social media and told everyone they were dating before they went public, 2 threads ago
>>1518419 Lots of scrotes type like 25 year old women and don't say anything negative about their ex who left them for another man.
No. 1571419
>>1571350I’m not the
nonnie you replied to, but in fairness he is a lot less bloated. He’s still gross, but I think any idiot can see he’s lost some of his big boi puff. Personally it makes current events even more hilarious, because Syd really did get him at his absolute lowest, and now he’s on his “redemption” arc with a new girlfriend she must be seething
No. 1571435
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>>1571265He’s constantly using a filter tho… this recent promo pic tells otherwise. Maybe she’s not as bloated but he still looks like absolute shit
No. 1571436
>>1571435He has pink hair in this pic
nonnie its a lot older. On his recent twitch streams it's pretty obvious he's slimmed out.
No. 1571461
>>1571419Oh no, in all fairness I can assure you the true idiot is the one advocating for people to notice his false whale watchers success story ok. Can you scroll up to these
>>1570603 where the filter flickers to show his goiterous jawline? Where he slimmed out, his pockets? He just got glasses as an optical illusion and had to buy a $75 Louis Vuitton landfill bag, mans is living off last months Doritos dust, overexerting his body with mouth breathing, and probably borrowing a small braziere from the foreign lady he trafficked to keep his body in the same time zone.
No. 1571564
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>>1571524it wasn’t a random hookup and she’s posted this about him in the past. Also she lives in the PNW (in the US) so if he really cared he would’ve tried, she doesn’t live in Canada. He’s a liar
No. 1571756
>>1571461Top kek nonna
> Where he slimmed out, his pockets?Please never leave and also do stand up thank u
>>1571564 nonna, thank you for reposting. Its sick that layna lurks here and will read this. Will she joke about these women with jc? If i was in her shoes, I would dump him now before its too late. Like, hes not hot or smart, a good person or parent, and he reads from his phone live. What does she see in him besides a platform for reactions?
Like lady, please, value your body mind and soul more.
No. 1571979
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For those interested in TND, some nonnies were.
No. 1571986
>>1571971That is not how lolcow works newfag. Sage yer shit.
>>1571521Not only is he deadbeat, he could have killed Storm. Fentanyl in a toddlers blood is nothing to shrug off. Dude is fucking sociopathic to continue to refer to himself as a God with no regrets. He can't own up to his shit, it's all just flexing irrelevant shit.
No. 1572292
>>1570651>No makeup (like ever)Lmao I love the narc urge to just lie about complete nonsense, for no reason, as if anyone cares or would believe you. Jonny and his groupies of choice all do it and it makes me laugh every time.
Thanks for new thread OP!
No. 1572448
>>1572415Agree it is the same number as the last
No. 1572803
>>1570688Even without any of his baggage, this post alone is such an enormous red flag.
This guy fried his last neuron a long while ago, there’s no coming back from that. Can’t wait for the next court dates.
No. 1573094
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No. 1573101
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Loool i hope there’s trouble with him and Layna and he’s been a hoe bag.
No. 1573112
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Why is she so obsessed with talking about her skin? Is it because she sees us making fun of Jonny’s? Like that’s literally the only one up she has on him or something
No. 1573259
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I’m sorry but what has she accomplished that has made her better than anyone?
They way she speaks to people in general proves how shitty she is
No. 1573507
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No. 1573811
File: 1656356691922.jpeg (245.12 KB, 1170x600, 6C22E8BD-9A6D-4F80-8AD6-7E7FB5…)

Christ this big boi is so pathetic and sad. DGD announced a tour where Kurt Travis will be featured on some songs since they are having to replace Tilian and of course Jonny just had to comment because he’s so butthurt they didn’t ask him. Let it fuckin go, you fucked it all up and you’re never getting your career back
No. 1573816
File: 1656356963945.jpeg (99.78 KB, 1170x335, 8537C4EF-2D22-4C60-B2C0-DB25E6…)

His response to some poor girl saying that any choice is better than him. I don’t even know what to say
No. 1573820
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All of this in the comment section of Kurt’s post. I’m hoping since it was just posted a min ago Kurt will see it and delete it. And maybe block him or restrict him from commenting because this is not a good look lol how embarrassing.
No. 1573832
>>1573820Lmfao making a comment about someone's breath = kill shot.
What a fucking lover.
No. 1573873
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No comment lol
No. 1573895
File: 1656361784870.jpeg (1.64 MB, 1284x2262, 7FD43693-8955-49B2-ABBE-42B522…)

This dude is such a fucking loser. No normal person posts like this.
No. 1573904
File: 1656362669894.png (Spoiler Image,1010.34 KB, 750x1334, 0A4D52C5-F569-4171-BFD8-B3CB79…)

Layna if you’re reading this, Jonny sent me nudes
No. 1573912
>>1573879Yeah that’s when she was lying and saying she had covid the first time when she wasn’t sick and used that as the excuse as to why she couldn’t see Storm for a couple weeks after getting back from the tour and not because she didn’t and still doesn’t have custody
>>1573101He’s probably talking about being scummy towards Syd in the songs. Ngl hope he does make a whole album bashing her.
No. 1573936
>>1573820he always starts drama under his comments like that looks good on him. it makes him look like a fucking child and it must be so annoying for dgd.
also I went to look for the comments and I can't kek did Kurt delete them?
No. 1573957
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>>1570638Layna looks taller than most of his gfs which is surprising, I was expecting her to be “smol” like Jonny called her. She got a big head too
No. 1573960
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She looks bad with extensions
No. 1573973
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This pic was posted as “sensitive content” for some reason hahahah it makes me want to puke so I guess that’s why
No. 1573975
File: 1656366180187.png (3.1 MB, 1170x2532, 98B344B4-EC7D-43F2-A929-E917B8…)

nonnie, this is what I meant by being marked as sensitive content in case anyone didn’t know
No. 1574028
>>1573973KEK and what he said wasn't even enough to
trigger the warning. Even Instagram thinks goiter boy should be censored
Also, what a god awful chest tattoo. I'd be embarrassed to show that off
No. 1574035
File: 1656369665340.jpeg (59.02 KB, 827x390, 8A3D3A13-EB1E-48B7-AFF7-513134…)

I really think the shit with layna is fizzling out. He’s not all over her selfies with lame comments like he was a few weeks ago. Referencing only needing himself and she’s posted more on her Instagram in the past few days than she has in months. Oh and she’s out drinking with a friend. That’s classic ‘make him regret it’ behaviour. And then also this cap. I’m probs wrong but
No. 1574086
File: 1656372816196.png (1.28 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20220627-163104.png)

Sober af
No. 1574208
>>1573873Didn’t she get vaccinated and whinged on and on about it “going against her principles” and that she did it all to basically work a garage sale for Jonny three times or something so it was everyone else’s fault?
How the fuck do you get it twice, wash your fucking hands germs aren’t that difficult to figure out they have to enter an orifice somehow. Also people complaining about going out so much and that they got it oN tHe OnE tImE ThEY DiDnT as if that has anything to do with it. Maybe when you went out you didn’t get germs in your holes, that other time you were careless. It’s like she’s saying “she didn’t even doo anything” like a virus is going to be like “you right” and leave. Like shut the fuck up you’re not going to die handle it you germy weenie.
No. 1574234
File: 1656382240976.jpeg (195.47 KB, 828x1186, 08E4C8EA-575A-4121-814E-24CC75…)

Loser is on about another so called “W”
No. 1574283
File: 1656386555009.png (556.22 KB, 750x1334, 95E29941-9A7F-4EC7-9F1B-DC3092…)

Sydney meltdown coming in 3, 2, 1…
No. 1574284
File: 1656386685713.png (2.08 MB, 750x1334, 789C56CA-598D-4AB8-B7BF-A9E635…)

Honestly, she looks SOOO much better here. She needs to take out the six piercings in her face and grow out her natural brows. She looks kinda cute here.
No. 1574288
>>1574035“Best tiddie pics imaginable” bitch we’ve seen your selfies wearing your bras from Justice, and they look like A cups at the most. Still bigger than Sydney’s mosquitoes bites, but without a bra Layna’s boobs will obviously look way smaller than what we’ve seen from selfies. I think she’s getting insecure that we shamed her for long ass back that never ends, she has no ass just an asscrack. It’s funny she also tweeted a few days “I will build a booty then I will be UNSTOPPABLE”. Yeah you can build a butt to some extent.. like tone it and lift it but if it’s naturally flat as a board, it’s not gonna get kardashian level fat like she wishes.
Anyways this tweet is screaming insecurities now that she’s not with her man. Layna, you will never take the best tiddie pics imaginable. I see better stuff on IG every single day. Dream big tho, eventually jonny is gonna leave you for someone with a more womanly body. He’s an egomaniac who wants the best, you’re his first rebound after Syd, enjoy it while it lasts.
No. 1574298
File: 1656388039773.jpeg (361.17 KB, 1936x1936, A316B2C9-697E-4CDF-9C58-F1E8C1…)

Lmfao part one
No. 1574301
File: 1656388304592.png (2.54 MB, 1170x2532, F8637567-3524-418D-802F-6957AF…)

…..Why ask people if you don’t care about their opinion? Like am I just biased because I hate Syd or was this a sassy ass response to a person who simply answered the question she asked
(Also for context she was asking if she should shave the side of her head again or not)
No. 1574303
File: 1656388352260.jpeg (604.04 KB, 1936x1936, 9FD5DC20-3706-4F0E-B6B3-E7AC58…)

>>1574300And part three. Why did she even ask opinions if she’s gonna answer this way and post pics proving how “good” it looked on her.
No. 1574307
>>1574303Thanks for posting all of them! Sorry I posted one before you got a chance to post yours
>>1574301 but glad to see I’m not the only one who thought it was rude and nonsensical
nonnie lol
No. 1574337
File: 1656392575105.jpeg (929.06 KB, 1170x1619, BCEDE7CE-767C-4C1E-9A3F-3C78F2…)

Barf .
No. 1574352
>>1574288Girl tf? Her tweet screamed insecurity with no girl friends to check how cringe that was, Jonny is the most insecure person on the planet and only pulls girls with issues but none go as deep as how pathetic his are. Like yes her shit is lame as hell but she got her comic books and bounced early. If she’s feeling herself I hope she goes after some actually grown man who might be able to respect and contribute to her, even if she is average.
This is post roe v wade we really don’t need to be doing that. Sydney just sucks 100x more because she made fun of the women Jonny raped and abused ok, look at how Taylor is doing after pulling the same shit.
No. 1574379
File: 1656399169798.png (3.79 MB, 828x1792, 8A5226B1-B35D-4612-A708-F7E31F…)

Taylor looks so stupid following him when he posts stuff like this.
No. 1574452
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No. 1574553
>>1574482Yeah I’m very curious why this anon was so
triggered over her boob selfie confidence.
No. 1574678
File: 1656438455344.jpeg (97.32 KB, 828x280, 23401D91-29E0-40E7-8CD9-7144E8…)

I didn’t realize Canada let 12 year old in at the bar, KEK. Extremely immature layna insert hard eye roll emoji. She may just yet be the most emotional stunted one yet.
No. 1574806
>>1574767why is it so hard for grown men to take accountability for their actions? he probably would gain a bit more respect from people (obviously not on here) if he admitted the fucked up shit he did instead of denying it. hell, it might even earn him some good boy points for other artists he pathetically begs to work with.
but keep denying shit you've done and start fights with their fans in social media comments. it's really helping your case kek
No. 1574820
File: 1656450386442.jpg (69.44 KB, 827x262, A goiter never changes it’s sp…)

Pretty sure most recovery programmes have a whole responsibility/forgiveness bit but he’s too godly for that. Of course all addicts, no matter how fucked up, remember every action they take. It’s nice that Jonny can be sure that during all his years of addiction he was lucid enough to know he didn’t abuse anyone.
No. 1574984
>>1574553It’s obviously Sydney lmao. There’s always some bulldog screaming at anyone who dares to say anything neutral or positive about Layna. Her mom seems to be in here too, calling those senior pictures pretty, looking very widwest phone operator in the early 2000s with nothing but a GED and every Journey CD in her station wagon and that’s all I’m gonna say.
Besides the fact that the I believe the link between her getting Covid again despite vaccination and her swimming skirt is a strong one. I have zero evidence to prove this except for my own third eye, crying from that elderly swimming skirt.
No. 1574998
>>1574482>>1574553I’m a male. And sorry for being harsh I just really fucking hate Layna. We were talking and flirting all of a sudden I’m blocked on IG and I find out from twitter she’s going to visit this POS. She’s no innocent angel like some of you may think. She is not a
victim in this. She knows what she got herself into and truly believes she can change him. She constantly needs validation from men and always has a boyfriend because she can’t be alone. So I’m a little butthurt. But I wouldn’t touch her now after she’s been with this asshole cuz I’m not trying to catch an sti. Sorry if I rubbed anyone the wrong way… I can back this up with our text messages too (she thinks she’s slick for blocking me on IG when I still have our texts) but it doesn’t matter cuz it was before she flew out to see him. We weren’t officially dating and it’s not gonna make ol Jonny boy leave her. I cared for this girl a lot but she did me dirty and deceived me. Now I don’t care what happens to her. She’s been warned by our mutual friends and she flat out doesn’t care and told our friends something along the lines of “he mistreated his exes because he didn’t really love him”. “Just because he has a bad reputation doesn’t mean he’s gonna treat me like shit too”. So idk. I need to get over her. I probably won’t post here anymore cuz it’s like watching a car crash in slow motion that you know is gonna happen.
>>1574998Nah dude not buying it. What grown straight male would make fun of a girl he wanted to fuck by comparing her boobs to his actual little sisters’ and specifically where they bought training bras? The fuck? Do you think men talk like that????? Nasty.
You wrote
“he mistreated his exes because he didn’t really love him”
“Just because he has a bad reputation doesn’t mean he’s gonna treat me like shit too”
The first sentence doesn’t have correct nouns in it, “he didn’t really love him”? No. Those are both random statements worded to sound like the vile shit Sydney said.
No. 1575103
>>1574998I don’t think anyone ever insinuated she’s an innocent angel or a
victim. At all. Most of the posts in the threads are making fun of her for being an actual retard for dating a serial abuser and cheater.
No. 1575263
>>1575167Fair enough but I highly doubt they would bring up the store Justice, which has been closed for a minute now senile sydney, or know what a cup size actually is. If a man was hitting Layna up before, big doubt he would ruin getting nudes from her in the future knowing goiter would fuck it up. The man also wouldn’t suddenly nitpick her body, and talk like the only person that would be bitter goiter flew someone else in. Wasn’t Layna also in a relationship the whole time before and that ex said she broke up with him for goiter??
Most importantly in the second sentence the fictional man apologizes. What man do you know who apologizes, especially on an anonymous place.
No. 1575280
>She’s no innocent angel like some of you may think. She is not a victim in this. so you know how to sage, but you're not smart enough to realize we've all been saying this the whole time.
>>1575274kek exactly. I think we may actually be dealing with a scrote since he can read the rules but still wants to bitch that layna wouldn't give him the time of day.
No. 1575298
>>1575280Men don’t apologize, and in the initial body nitpicking post they referred to when people made fun of Layna’s “long back/nonexistent ass” as “we made fun of”, fully identifying with a group of women. No one cared when “that person” posted Layna in loose jeans a long time ago, and it was pointed out a lot that not only was there someone always attacking those who didn’t insult Layna, but that Sydney is so obsessed with her own butt that it’s not a coincidence those posts showed up when she was considering onlyfans.
Sydney has also faked text message conversations before, so she’s probably trying to do that now while bringing up all these random people to blame it on. If it was a dude, no shot they would say Sydney “just has mosquito bites”, we have all seen those tragic halter photos and I don’t think she breast fed but I could be wrong.
If it was a dude why would they feel any obligation to explain themselves
No. 1575308
>>1574288“He’s an egomaniac who wants the best, you’re his first rebound after Syd, enjoy it while it lasts.”
No one besides Sydney would write this lmao. There is literally nothing to “rebound” from, and goiter has never attained a decent person. There is nothing to “enjoy”. No man would be like “ok politely sorry if I came off rough, I suppose enjoy the sexually transmitted infections, your boobs remind me of my two little sisters specifically when they would shop at Justice, johnathan only wants the best and even though he’s big boi blimpin and dumped his dumpster, he will realize the tease of her swim skirt and list for her wOmAnLy body once more. Ps sorry again if I was mean” ????
No. 1575404
File: 1656504165625.png (14.99 KB, 730x186, fsad.png)

Goiter "re-joins" Emarosa lol. Good luck belting all those old tracks with the zimmer frame and enlarged font on the iPad
Also shut the fuck up about micro-analysing appearances, then arguing. It's fucking room temp IQ, mongoloyd behaviour. It's not milk, it's just arguing over the angle of someones hip. Fucking grow up
No. 1575868
File: 1656540820445.jpeg (53.35 KB, 750x169, 89C53A76-818A-4389-B18C-D97481…)

Is he visiting her in Canada? I thought she already left. Plus he’s leaving for Houston any day now?
No. 1575869
File: 1656540897468.png (2.51 MB, 750x1334, C58E2D2C-8F29-4675-A1A2-AECD87…)

Woof woof
No. 1575898
File: 1656542477428.jpeg (88.13 KB, 750x342, D443E08D-03B7-47A2-B179-BE7E07…)

Holy shit you guys I forgot I capped this the other day, I thought it was a fever dream. Comments are gone now. Haven’t we seen this troll post cringey stuff before?
Either way, I’m tucking cackling that Syd scammed everyone with that gofundme… I know it was speculated but this here confirms it. What a pos. You total the car of the guy you cheated with, get back with Jonny, promise to pay him back and make a go fund me, and then she probably blocked Sterling. God what a bitch.
No. 1576008
File: 1656552652378.png (6.4 MB, 1284x2778, E83DBED7-D628-4727-917F-6BDC9A…)

looks like him and layna are done
No. 1576037
>>1576008Im tfing she did more research/someone warned her, she realized how bad he was, left him and that’s why he went on his autistic rant about how he’s definitely not an abuser and is an amazing god
>>1574234 >>1574379
It just seemed like a copey temper tantrum.
No. 1576042
>>1576008I thought he was rich
>>1575898LMao wait what? It was Sterling’s car she totaled???? How and when??? The one she wanted to “sweep off his goofy feet” and the one who beat up his actual (hopefully now ex) girlfriend? What the fuck
No. 1576047
>>1576040Oh my god you really need to take a Xanax.
She is posting him as a single friend, can you please read she’s being playful and has no interest in him, he likely asked a pretty friend to co-sign. She made that clear. Why do you loathe women so much, do not answer take it to therapy and log off.
No. 1576051
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Has anyone talked about this yet?
No. 1576070
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No. 1576115
File: 1656562770885.jpg (407.62 KB, 1078x1362, oops.jpg)

Im sorry but I just had to see what syd could be if she would stop self harming with the brows and shitty peircings(fanart)
No. 1576130
>>1576115Also. I think everyone is aware that Syd “could” be pretty. If she didn’t have all the weird black piercings, wasn’t an
abusive piece of shit herself, acted right, stopped lying, stopped trolling comments, stopped trolling lolcow ffs, contributed literally anything to society etc… but alas she is who she is, a broken cum dumpster.
No. 1576218
>>1576115Kek but why did you have to share this weird fan art here? Some people should never use Meitu.
>>1576008If you’re a parent, you don’t associate with rapists; even if they’re just accused but not convicted. It’s pretty simple. Why risk the potential harm it could bring to you or your kids? You can still harm your kids indirectly just from the association to the accused. It’s not rocket science.
No. 1576266
File: 1656570464935.jpeg (177.06 KB, 828x1234, 1119F347-538A-422F-8BF7-0C9C2A…)

>>1576008Interesting what might have happened in the last couple days, both he and layna still follow one another. He was pulling out his line he says to all of his exes on her post about being “a lucky dude”.
No. 1576271
>>1576115I actually posted if people wanted to Facetune different choices on her so please stop coming after this person I’m sorry lol. When the thread was dead I really thought it would be interesting to see someone do different makeup and specifically eyebrows, etc, it’s fun and this person did a thankless favor to Sydney. Sydney literally has no eyebrows and will never purchase a flattering color, and after her trolling pretending to be someone who talked to Layna when her actual ex already came here, just to nitpick her body and scream at everyone, she doesn’t deserve it.
It’s charity but her personality, heart, and soul is so mother fucking rotten it’s not worth it. Sorry anon
No. 1576287
File: 1656572541083.jpeg (173.53 KB, 365x607, 8278399B-5253-47D9-9FA7-53B401…)

Yet again the ladies that hangout with goiter abuse filters and are extremely busted when not the one in control of the camera. (And before anyone spergs, she’s wearing his jacket in this photo so he’s obviously rebounding with the mom)
No. 1576303
How do we go from this
>>1575868to this
>>1576008Wonder what happened?
No. 1576321
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No. 1576323
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No. 1576325
File: 1656576158078.jpeg (515.94 KB, 1125x1947, 8745E6C5-F6AA-47B6-B51A-D9B3AF…)

No. 1576345
>>1576303I know right, that was quick. Good for her though, honestly.
>>1576287How old is this woman, 50? And being a massive pickme openly playing wingman for a bloated junkie rapist, what a great person she must be
No. 1576419
>>1576416Ok apologies for that then, but the rest of my comment still stands.
>>1576051In other news, do we think there’s anything to this?
No. 1576460
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No. 1576497
File: 1656595473133.jpeg (550.74 KB, 1284x1475, AE8C9868-8D74-419A-9286-22F1B8…)

uh oh lmao
No. 1576507
>>1576369I think the answer here is obvious, but I’m feeling autistic so let’s break it down.
BBP had a girlfriend not even two days ago, and is now out with another woman.
Men? They’re scum, and the ones who hangout with JC are 99.9% likely to be cookers who want to suck what microscopic amount of clout he has left out - so why would they care about his horrific acts?
There’s not much to say there.
Of course anonymous people are going to crow about another woman hanging with a sexually/physically
abusive deadbeat drug addict.
Because why would you do that?
No. 1576513
File: 1656597283088.jpeg (910.58 KB, 4095x2730, D64FE763-FA43-4DD8-A72A-DBA255…)

had to after seeing that jumpscare
No. 1576523
>>1574481Some nonnies think Layna is ugly, but think legohead over here
>>1574284 looks "beautiful". If anything, at least she lost some weight since then so her gigantic block head looks slightly less… solid.
>>1576008Kek, this man collects dark haired alt girls with bangs like Pokémon cards. I hope his next
victim is a psychotic BPD bunny boiler like Skid. This arc was boring.
>>1576287Fuck me, she really does look like a fugly tranny.
No. 1576538
File: 1656599561141.jpeg (1.08 MB, 1170x1909, 9FBF7706-5BE3-499E-B7A1-B8B384…)

>>1576460He missed Syd’s womanly body so much he searched for it in sinya!
No. 1576608
>>1576287KEK is that really his jacket? She looks so geeked about it too. Fucking cringe.
>>1576321I think this isn't really milky because over many years of shows he's probably wracked up hundreds of stories like this. Sad.
No. 1576632
I think over-analyzing these women's looks is due to a severe lack of milk and boredom in the thread but I'm going to contribute anyway. Mostly because it's funny how busted Goiter's hoes are.
>>1576611Shapely women? Girl her mid-section is bigger than her ass and boobs.
No. 1576684
>>1576291>>1576218>>1576149>>1576115>>1576047cringe. shut the fuck up.
Back to milk and funny shit plz.
No. 1576860
File: 1656615603380.png (854.27 KB, 750x1334, 1E49D3E2-0FD2-4993-ADF2-E1EFEC…)

Probably hoping they get back together since he’s single now.
No. 1576930
>>1576287“sHe’S wEaRiNg HiS jAcKeT hE iS oBvIoUsLy ReBoUnDiNg”
Wow. Just wow. Some of you clearly never leave the house and have no social cues if this is the logic. I wear friends jackets all the time if it’s cold and I didn’t bring one. Lol i’m gonna avoid this thread for a few days until people stop acting retarded. This is not even skim milk.
No. 1576966
>>1576321my god this woman is really martyring herself for shitting out a degenerates baby.
you could’ve just had an abortion. she’s just as pathetic and narcissistic as all his other exes
No. 1576977
File: 1656619903653.jpeg (1.96 MB, 1242x2107, EBEFC745-A8B2-4765-B446-AD1944…)

>>1576883>absolutely beautiful her icon is shooped. she is obese, has a massive FUPA, tattooed a fucking beard onto her face and is part of some kind of cult. she is no more mentally put together than any of his other exes.
>>1576977She's indigenous you fuckwad, it's not a cult. Have you been sitting on anachan twitter for too long? some of you need to visit the deathfats thread and learn what obese really looks like
Also. Can we not discuss the first baby mama here? She's cut her ties to JC and isn't a cow. Anything positive said is going to attract someone to nitpick her looks to hell
No. 1577071
>>1576497Ok, so after being warned by everyone and their cousin's cat about Jonny, it still took her multiple trips to Sacramento to finally understand how much of a mongoloid he is? Was this not obvious from the get go?
This is why Jonny will always have options, because some people are too stupid to accept hard facts.
No. 1577081
>>1577020The turtleneck was top notch. The things that man dealt with just so he had a cover life to replace his body content with fentanyl constantly. He really deserves it. Sydney’s cooking was that of very thinly repressed rage and psychosis, absolutely mad. I miss the proposals that she jiu jitsued him into, the beach photos with eyebrows always showing exactly how insane she is.
As far as Sydney’s posts maybe we should just ignore them. It’s either her or some dude being dumb as hell. We only insulted Sydney because she ripped apart every single female human who so much as followed him or commented, before that it was pretty lame to go after how the women around him looked. It never mattered until Sydney began her hostage takeover. She is short but she is stout with hatred.
No. 1577095
File: 1656628696873.png (1.2 MB, 1284x2778, 72FC6922-E95E-40E4-AAA4-8F60E3…)

Using astrology to explain why you’re such a narcissist and can’t shut the fuck up about how perfect your skin is (with IG filters)
No. 1577107
>>1577103But bullying the middle aged mom insisting on being a good friend of a rapist/
abusive piece of shit? Carry on.
No. 1577116
File: 1656631125116.jpeg (630.17 KB, 1170x1150, CA0322EC-5687-4A84-86BA-063D11…)

>>1577107Sonya really looks like a dude, especially around her more feminine friends. She resembles handsome squidward
No. 1577213
>>1576897This is such a weak argument. I don’t need to be a chef to critique food and this extends to other aspects of life.
>>1576966I think so as well, specially because she did these very public posts for a little bit over a decade. Some anonas will say “tHeY aRe FoR hEr DaUgHtEr” and while true, they were mostly for the audience of Jonny’s onlookers. For me it’s weird to need this validation of “a job well done” from strangers.
No. 1577228
File: 1656640826995.png (1.34 MB, 1284x2778, 465AD543-56E5-469E-BB1E-F0CC8F…)

Oh no he’s on tiktok now
No. 1577261
>>1576977this sound like sydney… get the fuck over yourself you wannabe chola sharpie white trash idiot. how does it feel not having custody of your baby and knowing the only bit of clout you're ever gonna get is via an anon imageboard?
anon musta
triggered her when they said she wasn't special nor the first baby mama KEK
No. 1577305
File: 1656644846116.jpeg (612.62 KB, 750x842, 6C0044DF-544A-453F-A5CB-271BA1…)

Y’all this picture is super recent, was taken while they were touring together and look at the pupil size comparison. I’ve been on the same medicine Jonny is taking before and you can’t get high for 30 days (can’t even feel it, I’ve tried) and your body can only get high again if you miss your monthly dose of the Vivitrol shot. Is he not on it anymore? I just have no other logical explanation for why his pupils are pinned.
No. 1577307
>>1576497I bet goiter gave her a nasty case of STDs and
That’s why she has been so ill hence wanting to kick that hep c laden retard to the curb.
No. 1577330
File: 1656646062609.jpeg (194 KB, 750x638, EDE53A60-6F22-49D1-88DB-518AAE…)

>>1577324Looks like opiates aren’t in the ingredients. So I’m guessing it wouldn’t block opiates.
No. 1577331
>>1577320Sonya is a grown woman approaching her 40's with a child of her own, there is no way so doesn't know about what a shit person Jonny is. She's just as much of a loser as his other retarded friends.
The first BM however? An angel that this thread should leave alone.
No. 1577333
File: 1656646241479.jpeg (155.71 KB, 750x454, 392F7408-0F6A-4C72-8266-A2834B…)

>>1577330Looks like Jonny is breadcrumbing this sobriety. Meaning he’s not using opiates, but using a sythentic form. To feel like he’s on opiates. But if there’s no opioids in the ingredients, why are his pupils small? Makes me wonder if he used while on tour and does Kratom at home….
No. 1577341
>>1577320We aren't here to baby a middle-aged clout demon pickme. Who in their right mind would spend their free time with an
abusive manchild cringe-lord, and parade him around on their Instagram stories? Weird people who don't have very good friends to keep them in check.
I'm all for rehabilitation but he doesn't do the first step and admit what a piece of shit he's been to the women in his life. Any self-respecting woman would either keep that friendship on the down low or not have it at all.
No. 1577347
>>1577341What’s wrong with sharing good times on her ig stories?? Everyone does that, it’s like Snapchat? Her age has nothing to do with her posting pics of her happy and having a good time. We don’t even know how old she is btw. fillers can age you, but her age doesn’t matter. I haven’t seen her bring Jonny around her kids once, the kids are obviously spending time with other family members. Like you’re gonna shame someone for posting having a good time? Who cares if Jonny is there, she’s hanging out with other people too lol.
And by the way, he has apologized. To Taylor. It takes time. He did a public apology to Chelsea and her family. Everyone in recovery makes their amends on their own time.
No. 1577350
>>1577107Your dumbass can’t read cuz she said the post about BM #1 should be deleted, not a Sonya post.
Lol you really thought you did something there
No. 1577364
>>1577352I’m just trying to say that this is what happens when there’s no milk. People make fun of any female posted in this thread regardless of who it is and I’d love to see what everyone of you look like.
People who deserve to get shitted on in here are the actual cows and the terrible people.
The fact that so many of you are saying Sonya’s is a piece of shit “no matter what”, sounds like growing up y’all were the type to just hate on a female cuz your friends do or everyone else does. Some weak ass shit. Follower mentality.
So much unnecessary misogynist things get said in this thread and 90% of us are women. That’s sad. Learn to love yourselves. Or don't, and keep clogging up with the thread with the Sonya discussion (yawn). Y’all act feral when there’s no milk.
No. 1577425
File: 1656652501453.jpeg (631.09 KB, 940x1625, 8B3BA409-F6D9-40DA-9595-31AD36…)

posted 20 hrs ago under TND's last tweet (1/4)
No. 1577426
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No. 1577427
File: 1656652576639.jpeg (94.43 KB, 720x1369, 653A5D6B-032D-42A3-BD14-9AA35D…)

screen caps (3/4)
No. 1577428
File: 1656652626822.jpeg (98.63 KB, 720x1359, 83891804-9872-476B-8A9F-D2C7A1…)

No. 1577486
File: 1656658248834.jpeg (1.09 MB, 828x1473, C040D5C2-4446-4470-9DF1-1070FF…)

If she had her kid she would post about him like she does her cats
No. 1577630
File: 1656679514124.jpeg (42.29 KB, 863x1600, signal-2022-07-01-134046.jpeg)

Whilst all you fat fucks analyse peoples bodys on a microscopic level…
"ask yourself why you even give a fuck?"
Goiter, you seem to put ALOT of effort and time into appearing like you don't give a fuck. Ironically you end up just lookling like a sensitive, reactionary, pussy.
Anyone above a room temperature IQ knows people who scream "I'M THIS" constatly, usually are the complete opposite.
No. 1577929
File: 1656703036132.png (2.09 MB, 828x1792, 0B9DFF62-43B3-4806-9AAF-44A169…)

Lol they ain’t broke up
No. 1578012
>>1577989‘Followed loads of girls over the past few days’
He’s followed one since yesterday and 3 overall in the past few days- one of them is a tattooer.
I always look at the follows to see who he is creeping and he’s not upped the following at all
No. 1578149
File: 1656718701857.png (9.93 KB, 516x99, Screenshot (108).png)

>>1577228Okay I just creeped his tiktok and saw Layna comment, so I creeped through her account and found this. Don't think they broke up.
No. 1578239
File: 1656726963566.jpeg (462.13 KB, 828x1295, EC5317EE-B229-4E2A-BF73-0470D7…)

Layna seems very extremely not confident yet she tries to talk like goiter with her wannabe gangster jonny talk
No. 1578251
>>1578242I don’t care if they’re lyrics she’s constantly trying to act like him or what she thinks
He will like … “ I take awesome tiddy pics” being one
No. 1578358
File: 1656736522832.png (1.04 MB, 750x1334, 64B99D9E-FA6F-466B-8DD8-BB8FA4…)

Well well well
No. 1578380
File: 1656737631575.jpeg (1.41 MB, 1125x1989, F407F6E3-1181-4922-9CB1-2F2A4E…)

No. 1578383
File: 1656737840720.png (1.66 MB, 750x1334, 1679E39A-9D5D-43AC-8165-0D29E3…)

Girl what ass are you showing out for LOOOOL
No. 1578397
>>1578380the filters are killing me
a middle aged man filtering like a teenaged girl
No. 1578407
File: 1656741575764.jpeg (82.02 KB, 690x923, DF6D4868-0BDC-47F5-9111-88730B…)

>>1578358Heh. First thing I thought of when I saw this
No. 1578441
>>1578229“I won’t leave him because I’m not weak like all his ex’s” -Syd sometime last year
Hmmmmmm the similarities tho
No. 1578447
>>1578277Sydney is mad that she got called out for larping everything goiter posts about including “fitness” for literally .004 seconds. Like pay your phone bill and take up pottery. Maybe don’t lie this time to a judge about him being
abusive or not, which one is it and can you leave other women alone.
I wish goiter fake wired his jaw shut and super glued his hands in fucking mittens so Sydney dingle berry would do the same thing and just seal herself shut in a dumpster of shame and FUCKING SILENCE FOR ONE FUCKING MINUTE.
No. 1578484
>>1578456Sydney Jesus fucking Christ literally you and there’s like five threads of your single white female fatal attraction murderous controlling shit, going on tirades in comments and stories about any single human with a vagina that so much as commented, replied to, followed, or breathed near that infectious sack of goiters. Literally only you Sydney, no one one in any solar system comprehensible gives a fuck what Jonny Craig is doing, we all just wanted to see how the murder suicide was coming along ok. Holy fuck you have tried to blame your obvious shit on Layna, “Athena”, “Sonia”, the other past baby mama, and Taylor and even she is too busy “zoomin” around and shit. Just leave them out, it’s really not that hard to get a man at all, log off and figure it out dumpster.
>>1578459Layna is doing her thing, we all wish she would understand how much better she could get than goiter, but no your wide Roblox birthing ass has not made her jealous Sydney and she did nothing to have to deal with you. Learn from her instead dumb ass.
No. 1578530
File: 1656758777520.jpeg (126.12 KB, 1125x534, 9D5B3206-2C93-4AD3-9A5F-3C400E…)

Why does he follow Chelsea on Tiktok
No. 1578686
File: 1656776005414.png (5.51 MB, 828x1792, DDA65CB4-EFED-4231-BAEB-71861C…)

what’s the funhouse?
No. 1578918
>>1578855She's not in the psych ward currently, she was saying how she was years ago because of Jonny.
I hope she has a wonderful day today honestly. Fuck him for trying to cause more harm. Glad she called him out.
No. 1578992
>>1578867I feel the same way and it’s really nice to see people here being supportive of this girl. I know people hate Taylor but I felt she was similar in terms of ignorance and potential damage, she was so young and opiates are a death sentence. Goiter gets seriously insecure because people don’t believe he can read, he could never handle what he puts people through and the recovery. Him trying to
trigger an ex and try to still control her or use her to “prove he’s not
abusive” ironically is fucking vile, and he keeps tabs on Taylor in the same way only she really might be beyond help which is heartbreaking.
No. 1579002
>>1578992Exactly. I genuinely don’t think this girl has the mental capacity to even consent to a relationship with him.
She’s 25, appears to be unemployed, lives with her parents and is fucking him for comic books so it seems like she genuinely has a light mental handicap that Goiter is exploiting. Bloke has a nose for vulnerable young women like a bloodhound.
No. 1579052
File: 1656803293209.png (569.12 KB, 1284x2778, 09C34A01-AB4E-4408-B218-48AC51…)

Grown man talking like a wattpad entry
No. 1579066
>>1579001Wow. Jesus fucking Christ how pathetic is a man to have to do that to feel any semblance of false power or ability to make anyone feel anything.
She’s cool and strong as fuck for what she survived and had no one warning her about. Great for her. I don’t even think Taylor was able to form enough of her brain, especially in the environment she grew up in, to be able to have the ability to fight through something like this kind of abuse and an opiate addiction. Abusers have no concept of how much work, resilience, and introspection it takes just to stay alive to try to rebuild something, that’s why they have to keep attacking
victims, because they’ve always been afraid. With the government openly trying to kill women I really don’t see people like goiter or the men (and Sydney) who associate with him as human, and they just want to drag anyone down with them, in this case including an infant.
No. 1579083
File: 1656807076859.jpeg (243.12 KB, 1124x751, 46C3806F-7D97-4F88-AB83-19417D…)

>>1579079Lyrics in question. I used to love this song but it’s now ruined because of him
No. 1579088 he doesn’t remember any of the lyrics he wrote with DGD so he would def be reading off an iPad if they reunited (which they won’t.)
Also…. I hadn’t thought he relapsed yet but this is the first time I’m really thinking he has. I’ve been following him for a long time and I just feel like this is looking like how he acts/looks/sounds when he’s using. If so it’s real ironic he posted the sobriety thing too
No. 1579122
File: 1656811584565.png (467.24 KB, 1284x2778, EB8661C7-908F-457E-802B-38B977…)

Dude why can you never buy your own shit? Claiming sober but never has money. Can’t even take care of your own pets????
No. 1579156
>>1578472Imagine thinking this love bombing abuser saying I love you means anything at all
>>1578239Why does she always type/talk like she’s black. She makes it so obvious when she posts in these threads too, providing info on her twitch streams no one watches typing in that same ghetto speak. Bitch, you’re from fucking Edmonton. Stop pretending you’re black
No. 1579158
File: 1656816698649.jpeg (207.87 KB, 828x1481, 03E69473-842E-44B7-8D5B-2A2E8C…)

>>1579088I thought this exact thing it seems so much like he’s high and also here in his latest story!
No. 1579185
>>1579122Or just buy one at the store???
>>1579158At this point I don't think he even knows what the actual definition of sober is
No. 1579209
>>1579156I noticed that too! It’s not particularly egregious or any more than any other white girl on Twitter. But I personally find it annoying and always notice, makes me wanna shove her little emo mop head into a locker.
On that note I can’t wait until Jonny gets jumped for claiming Blood all the time on the internet. I wonder who runs his neighborhood. Hope he gets pistol whipped. I saw some bloods bottle a woman and shatter her orbital unprovoked. They’d definitely fuck up a fagotty white boy. Didn’t he dox himself with the doorbell camera pic? Can’t wait till you get piss pounded Jonny.
No. 1579218
File: 1656828042733.webm (17.92 MB, 576x1024, Jonny Craig - @jonnycraig4l - …)
>>1578686I hope everyone that still thinks Jonny is not an
abusive piece of shit listens to this. Here’s the .webm. Quality is horrendous to be able to host it locally.
No. 1579220
>>1579212Lol that’s Jonny’s bit. This is a very simple observation.There’s some nonnies lately that have been so reactionary and
triggered by other anons for some reason. You all sound paranoid and cunty, calm down it’s not that serious.
No. 1579458
File: 1656863441014.png (772.05 KB, 750x1334, C16C8BAE-E97C-41AE-9C9A-AE5A50…)

Y’all, Taylor is definitely not on meth you guise. I’m just gonna post the stories, I don’t know how to record the videos of her and Kassi all drugged out.
No. 1579460
File: 1656863485293.png (766 KB, 750x1334, 1BA3524C-3141-4012-9B84-761F5E…)

Two out of six where she ironically says this is the last rant.
No. 1579461
File: 1656863520271.png (886.91 KB, 750x1334, 4B3EAFA7-0ADA-45C0-B6E1-FF1103…)

Jesus Christ tay
No. 1579462
File: 1656863548703.png (865.69 KB, 750x1334, 925FE64D-F51B-4922-9584-4AD8B2…)

Number 4…..
No. 1579466
File: 1656863643842.png (492.87 KB, 750x1334, 3C296D83-B5CA-439B-8979-B6C114…)

No. 1579467
File: 1656863674968.png (577.38 KB, 750x1334, 980EDA0C-0423-4EF5-B820-CB056F…)

The last one. I haven’t even read any of these yet. Lol I just had to share
No. 1579478
File: 1656864459515.webm (609.96 KB, 480x854, 01.webm)
>>1579465Here you go, Nona.
No. 1579484
File: 1656864693148.png (5.56 MB, 3645x2160, 02 03 06.PNG)

>>1579478I combined all the images into one. They are 02, 03 and 06 respectively.
No. 1579495
File: 1656865468646.webm (184.31 KB, 480x854, 05.webm)
For the sake of clarity, Taylor posted her Stories in the following order:
1st -
>>15794582nd -
>>15794783rd -
>>1579484 - Photo on left
4th -
>>1579484 - Photo in the middle
5th -
>>15794876th - Video in this post
7th -
>>1579484 - Photo on the right
8th -
>>15794609th -
>>157946110th -
>>157946211th -
>>157946612th -
>>1579467Perhaps this will inspire someone to make a new thread for her.
No. 1579512
>>1579497>>1579505You’re both right and I’m sorry. I just wanted to help
>>1579458 in her archiving efforts. Since Taylor was in Jonny’s orbit, I figured it wouldn’t be too egregious. I’d delete but I’m unable to do so.
No. 1579523
File: 1656867085363.jpeg (572.05 KB, 750x998, 04621D37-67AF-4068-83DE-443D70…)

>>1579519I agree. She looks pretty in all of them
No. 1579539
File: 1656868274778.jpeg (64.26 KB, 827x864, 89A926CC-59F8-4F9C-9D98-66498F…)

>>1579537Sorry forgot to add this pic
No. 1579597
File: 1656874870281.jpeg (394.13 KB, 1125x1325, 0A8668A8-3D52-4416-ABDC-DD419F…)

this aged gracefully
No. 1579687
File: 1656880225841.png (1.18 MB, 1284x2778, 2AA7D75F-25C6-4010-9CBC-B78481…)

All she posts on her story is shit about her zodiac sign, how beautiful she is without makeup, or BBG
No. 1579979
File: 1656911666745.jpeg (686.28 KB, 1170x1600, D7C5664C-4F41-461A-8E3C-1A1459…)

Hey guys check out my beautiful skin and smol frame. Also this is the only time I’ve worn make up in a whole decade, I NEVER wear make up can you believe it??
No. 1580013
File: 1656917761288.jpeg (74.83 KB, 750x205, E8712DAE-0BED-4CC6-B22E-763F38…)

Is she pretending to be bi? Either way this tweet is stupid and no one cares that ur the only dark haired friend, jfc. This is why I hate twitter. Just a place for narcs to talk about theirselves into the void
No. 1580032
>>1580019>>1580021“A random girl’s” tweets? This is not a random girl. She’s been discussed here for over two threads now. This is Jonny’s new gf, she’s in the thread pic you fucking moron. Which means she is a cow and is fair game. This is the only tweet I’ve posted of hers and I get screeched at, yet other farmers post her tweets all. The. Fucking. Time.
If y’all are so uwu offended by Layna being made fun of I suggest you not come back to the site because it’s not gonna stop, until they break up she is officially a cow. So get the fuck whoever yourselves, and go cry about it to someone who gives a fuck. Because I’m the last one to care what anyone of you think lmfao.
No. 1580035
>>1580014Nta but imo Taylor WAS prettier before she got with Jonny, she threw anything she had going for her away with her grotesque lips, drug addiction and face picking. It’s honestly sad.
>>1580013This women could tweet “I like the colour red” and anons would find a way to rip her apart for it lmao.
No. 1580040
>>1580013No your “type” is a rapist pos who has abused his last FIVE girlfriends that’s we know of, and you think you’re gonna be lucky number 6? Honestly you deserve whatever abuse comes your way because you’ve been warned. You read this site. You’ve looked him up. And you don’t fucking care. Amanda, Chelsea, Liz, Taylor, Syd we’re all abused and that’s only who we know about. Imagine how many other females there are.
This is why I have no sympathy for Layna. She is obviously intelligent, can make something of herself going to university but Jonny is gonna fucking trick her into moving in. I don’t understand why anyone gets offended when she’s made fun of and I didn’t even come for her looks. You sound like Layna herself. Anyway she has access to google, she knows every single thing she has done. Just like Taylor and Syd did. And she flat out doesn’t care. So keeping feeling uwu sorry for her, she’s a grown woman and can easily break up with him while their still long distance. Maybe it’s gonna take something very terrible to happen for her to learn her lesson. And I don’t mean I HOPE he abuses her, I’m saying it he does, she knows about him and has been warned, so IF he does - no, I will not feel bad.
No. 1580304
>>1580043>Go to bed Layna. Jonny’s still texting my home girl I told you aboutI mean that’s cowtipping, but I’m very interested to see your proof of BBG cheating. If he is indeed cheating with your “home girl” you should be able to ask her for screenshots as proof? Right?
>>1580059I agree with everything you said, she hasn’t done a single thing that’s cow behaviour, but I don’t think telling anons here to leave her alone is going to do anything. They’re obviously dead set on hating this woman, so just let them hate her? Don’t take it too personally.
No. 1580307
>>1580059100% Jonny and Sydney were really funny but who cares who he’s dating, and no one wants to read hate blogs about a random girl because someone misinterpreted a tweet. Idk it’s weird and makes people uncomfortable, layna’s fake ex cover story after we already handled like two other bitter exes was beyond.
>>1580205Yeah, might have been the incel instead of Sydney previously or both of them, no idea why a male would try to socialize here when it’s made clear no one wants to put up with that. No one wants to know a man compares boobs with people they’re related to wtf.
>>1580145This is a good example, saying “maybe we live in a place with ackshully attractive women” is stupid as hell lol. She’s pretty, you literally can’t get over it and no one cares if you disagree, stop trying to force people to be as bitter as you. You don’t have to find her pretty but chill and get a grip.
Also is sterling the same one that Sydney totaled the car of? Was that before or after she told him she wanted to “sweep him off his feet” because if she said that before that’s a good idea of the damage she can do lol
No. 1580426
File: 1656968332572.png (9.58 MB, 1284x2778, F2887432-1E48-411B-AFE2-C4A367…)

Congrats Lanya, you scored big time with this hottie
No. 1580456
File: 1656970960273.jpeg (878.12 KB, 2828x2828, 9D9D714F-4674-4638-97DC-77DE86…)

took me forever to find this thread again!
all im gonna say is that everytime i see Layla, she reminds me of Don Draper as a kid lol
No. 1580475
>>1580426Tagging the anon who said he “slimmed out”.
Noticed he’s proudly indecently exposing his inflamed goiter right after TAYLOR talked about her NUTRIENT DEFICIENCY CAUSED DISEASES. This is obvi a mating call and I swear to god if Layna goes back for more picture books I will fax a picture of this man to the Canadian police every ten minutes until they bring him in for questioning or a lunch date since police there don’t have guns.
No. 1580595
>>1580475>since police there don’t have guns.All police in Canada carry guns on active duty, you’re probably thinking of the UK.
>>1580554I’m positive somebody already said this but, u can’t update the op. Once a thread is made it can’t be edited, this isn’t social media.
No. 1580651
File: 1656995575733.jpeg (372.47 KB, 1284x2282, 92E7E14C-9E03-4073-B7A6-CB230B…)

spot the difference
No. 1580659
>>1580657The thread pic is related to Jonny tho… it was made to clown on how Jonny has a type. Also, this isn’t the first time he wasn’t in the thread pic. Anons are just bored right now because there is no milk. Don’t worry
nonnie, Jonny has been a milk machine for over a decade and I’m sure we’ll be talking about him again in no time.
No. 1580662
>>1580657True anon, some women have a brain disorder that attracts them to men that will hurt them. They want to be the one to change him, to re-write their own trouble childhood but this time be able to actually change the aggressor for the better and make him/her actually love them. Sadly it never works and the troubled childhood is just repeated into adulthood and they live a life getting abused by each man they meet.
Instead of dating a chode like JC she should go to therapy. Being a joke online surely won’t help either but that’s her own fault.
No. 1580663
File: 1656998168894.jpeg (277.72 KB, 1170x1970, 0B440D84-4DAB-47D7-823E-0F22AE…)

Not milk and just an observation but he's watching Stranger Things and hoping awful hard that Max dies soon. He hates a strong woman with her own personality so much it bleeds into fictional shows he watches.
No. 1580703
File: 1657002652245.webm (2 MB, 576x1024, download.webm)
>>1578149I find it interesting that she posted this shortly after goiters comment. I doubt she's going back to California.
No. 1580711
You fucking retarded speds.
>>1580532>>1580456>>1580035>>1580014We do not have to go over how hot/ugly Jonny’s current or ex lovers are every single day.
We talk about Syds eyebrows and Layna having a flat ass and whether they are “hot” as if any woman who has had sex with Jonny Craig is worth a shit.
It wouldn’t be so bad if it didn’t constantly attract whiteknights to flood the threads.
Unless it’s particularly milky, please stop.
Also farm hands/admin I will rightfully take my ban for the many rules I am violating, but I am just tired of these retarded farmers
No. 1580944
>>1580901I didn’t shit on you
nonnie and I know a lot of these others are rude af so I get where your coming from. Please for my sanity I appreciate your milk mama pleeeeeeaaase!!!
No. 1581123
>>1580941Yes it was? You haven’t been reading the threads. The first time we found out about it the cheating at all someone came in and said “Syd’s been cheating on him with some sad band dude and they were drinking and drinking, that’s that the gofundme was for”
And if you even remember the gofundme saga, she clearly stated in the website bio she was was in accident and the car was harmed but not her.
No. 1581133
>>1581131Same broken english schizo poster, I don’t buy it.
Not doubting him texting girls though, slimeballs gonna slime.
No. 1581148
>>1581134This isn’t about Layna leaving this is about the MILK
nonnie. She/you could easily post the screenshots between herself and jonny without lolcow knowing her identity if this is real.
No. 1581227
>>1580703If this
>>1580901 anon is telling the truth I wonder when they sent her the “proof”. Maybe it was recently and that’s why she left California early ?
No. 1581298
File: 1657061218781.jpg (574.3 KB, 1422x2465, TxE.jpg)

See people talking about him being single. Just wanted to share that I was scrolling randomly through explore page on IG and saw this yesterday. Can't be too into layna if he's liking random girls pictures, right?
No. 1581514
>>1581298This is fucking devastating! What?! Why?! I recently saw my husband liking a female friend’s post and thought nothing of it at the time but I realize now that he’s cheating!! A mess, how can I go on?!
Stfu dude pull your bonnet over your face and scuttle off, people are allowed to fucking like posts.
No. 1581744
>>1581301Yes she went home. If you were paying attention you’d see she’s been sick and then streaming from home. July 3rd goiter said she was supposed to fly in but her flight got cancelled and how he might spend the 4th alone maybe bbqing with Shan.
The video is still up there if anyone wants to grab the other details and post the video about him and syd having to go to a parenting class together.
No. 1581826
File: 1657129005930.png (1.09 MB, 1252x1252, Untitled-2.png)

>>1579542>>1579552>>1579523>>1579666>>1579822>>1579846>>1580014>>1580145>>1580354>>1580532Are you 4? Listen to yourselves. Jesus christ the cringe. Your subjectivity isn't useful to anyone/anything. Shut the fuck up.
No. 1582276
File: 1657155154020.jpeg (426.35 KB, 828x1472, C3A3AF71-F109-4B93-824C-D21514…)

Why do I feel like this is directed at Taylor kek? He also posted a video about waiting at the airport for somebody, thought maybe it was his gf but she doesn’t seem to be there so who knows.
No. 1582280
File: 1657155383438.jpeg (56.02 KB, 828x1702, 98EEE34B-F8C4-44A8-8151-0F992E…)

This bitch is just as obsessed with BBG as Taylor is lol.
No. 1582331
File: 1657159136650.webm (588.2 KB, 480x854, Waiting at the Airport.webm)
>>1582276>>1582312He doesn’t mention he’s waiting for someone.
No. 1582335
File: 1657159405655.webm (884.02 KB, 480x854, On the Computer.webm)
>>1582312No idea if Layna is back but him using his computer doesn’t preclude her from having returned. What is he watching? I have a feeling he identifies with the character.
No. 1582386
File: 1657163262399.jpg (2.25 MB, 4656x2328, 20220706_200728_HDR.jpg)

>>1582331I'm in Sacramento right now and it is not dark it's 8:06 and the Sun is still out so I don't know where he is or what airport he's at right now
No. 1583200
File: 1657248672856.png (8.24 MB, 1284x2778, FEB073EC-9399-46CC-B6AA-B7DDED…)

Jonny driving with the nonalcoholic beer in the cup holder.
Also judging by the monster can and black hair, it looks like Layna’s back in california
No. 1583288
>>1583200Are those rhinestones on his jeans, beyond the fake rips? Those are rhinestones on his size dwarf jeans, behind the fake rips.
Like look we all warned Layna and literally no one wants to watch another Taylor situation where a sheltered girl gets her life ruined, how do you get in a car with a man wearing rhinestone jeans like dead ass come on girl.
No. 1583406
File: 1657281974104.jpeg (201.7 KB, 828x1483, 60E3BAC0-1FED-4E86-A8DF-FF771D…)

It’s storms birthday. Jonny hasn’t posted anything about it, although he’s probably not awake yet lol.
No. 1583441
File: 1657284921425.jpeg (759.92 KB, 1125x1910, F31BDFC5-E2CC-42C7-933B-659831…)

She’s just using his birthday to shit talk Jonny
No. 1583472
File: 1657290241345.jpeg (493.09 KB, 1936x1936, 22202B63-9632-4DF5-BB37-448177…)

Of course Layna would find this funny and retweet it. I swear she has no brain if she was to is and thought it was appropriate to post, given the allegations around her current boo. She flat out doesn’t care
No. 1583498
>>1583022Nonnies in this thread are fucking crazy kek. He let his kid overdose on Fent and has an extensive record of being
abusive to every single woman he's been in a relationship with not to mention pushing hard core drugs on them. Taylor is a full blown methed out heroin addict now because of goiter boy. I wouldn't hold your breath for goiter boys redemption arc since his basically the harbinger of women ruining their lives and children growing up with a drug addict absent father right now.
No. 1583511
>>1583498Thank you
nonnie, well said. They all lose sight that poisoning his kid with fentanyl is a pretty big deal and the fact footer is prancing around like he has done NOTHING wrong and he is a god that should return to his rightful spot on The throne lol(DGD) is straight disgusting. Layna deserves what’s coming.
No. 1583657
File: 1657311714037.png (4.96 MB, 1284x2778, 69760AD4-5A4A-42C8-B4D2-AEB1CF…)

No. 1583669
>>1583657I thought he was a junkie loser that she's so happy her kid doesn't take after? It never fails to amaze me how quickly she goes from flat out hating him and his "aboosiveness" to then crying about the fact that he dumped her after she cheated on him. Like which is it?
And it is pretty fucking funny that her cheating was all it took for him (a serial cheater) to end the relationship no questions asked kek
No. 1583670
>>1583406>>1583441>>1583657i see bdp bitches getting these same breakdowns, word for word, for their child brithdays lol psychos
and also
>>1583657 way to show youre miserable Syck.
No. 1583770
File: 1657321678869.jpeg (280.4 KB, 821x1470, 37882DED-88E4-4FAE-8964-D78BAA…)

>>1583615>>1583441>>1583406>Breaks my heart that a new female, pride, and ego is more important than usyesterday he was an
abusive piece of shit and today shes jealous of his new gf lol? These posts are embarrassingly salty, your “perfect angel” is turning two, smile, celebrate, put your phone down and stop fucking complaining so much.
>>1583751Jesus anon leave him alone he’s
VERY busy playing half life /s. Maybe he forgot? I think skid has him blocked so who would remind him kek?
No. 1583847
>>1583669They literally almost killed their kid and she knowingly baby trapped a man who has violently abused women and minor girls that he raped, his whole life. She could have easily had an abortion, being in California and also when it was legal, but she had a kid with an active lifelong fentanyl addict and sociopath. This is all goiter deserves and less, but not the kid.
And yes I also think it’s fucking hilarious, and also even worse because the other guy is also a woman beater. If they did end up dating and Sydney had custody, that’s who she would have been perfectly fine raising a son around. I hope they homeschool him and keep him as disinterested in guns as possible.
No. 1583860
>>1583498Thank you for saying this, Nona. This thread makes me feel crazy for all the wrong reasons. How can anyone listen to
>>1579218 less than a week ago and write they think
this time he’s finally “mending”, on lolcow of all places, is beyond comprehension to me.
>>1583657Sydsopsycho indeed.
>>1583701Exactly, I don’t know how she doesn’t understand this when it’s so clear.
>>1583770Such a punchable face.
No. 1583883
>>1583657The fact that the 'one mistake' that tore 'her family' apart is her cheating and still trying to keep them all together because she loves?
Not the fact they are in court for a felony on child endangerment for drugging their child with fentanyl… that mistake is okay?? She's so embarrassing. Poor Storm.
No. 1583917
>>1583657>using your sons birthday to shit all over his father>tried keeping goiter despite his drug use nearly killing their son and getting him taken away>humiliated and berated BBG on the daily; publicly. Including sending some random fan girl a video of him nodding off>I’m not one of his weak little exes >I only made one mistake! Pick meeeeeee>how dare he date someone elseI guarantee that if goiter boy texted Syd and said he wanted to get back together she would 100% do it.
I also believe goiter had been looking for an “out” for awhile and the cheating was the perfect opportunity.
No. 1583996
File: 1657349358211.png (8.22 MB, 1284x2778, 536051A8-30C4-4576-BF89-4C6F46…)

She just looks sooooo excited to be there. Probably rather look at her phone than the Mucinex monster sitting across from her.
No. 1584016
File: 1657351863420.png (3.17 MB, 828x1792, D920CC80-FB5D-4AF9-B0AD-43589D…)

Two shots glasses for someone sober lol
No. 1584212
File: 1657387971292.jpeg (378.58 KB, 1170x2378, 9701942C-81E0-44D6-8308-2FA407…)

No. 1584266
>>1584212Incoming nitpick. What kinda women is even comfortable spending the day with a man when you know he’s missing his child’s birthday? Not saying it’s her fault because it’s 100% on Goiter but I just wouldn’t be comfortable dating somebody who put me over their child on the one day that’s supposed to be all about the kid. Talk about showing your true character. But shes obviously questionable to even date him in the first place so no surprises I guess.
>>1584256Please, let’s not do this again.
No. 1584311
>>15842561. It's not a classy look at all. I guess it's an under developed prefrontal cortex, or low social intelligence. She has to distance herself emotionally from the objective. Similar to how people stay with war gang/criminals, it must be an ability to live in cognitive dissonence comfortably. Often stemming from early child hood abandonment/trauma/environment/parents involved in crime. The criminal father figure if you wanna get Freudian. Also everything I've just said is conjecture.
2. Thankyou. Yes.
(armchairing) No. 1584660
>>1584266We don’t know if he forgot about Storms bday. Since they don’t live together they may be celebrating on another convenient to grandma date for example. And not bragging about him on socials jus seem maybe a lil bit more mature to me. Idk.
I don’t want to wk him just that’s really a far reaching conclusion.
No. 1585016
File: 1657478626469.png (221.69 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20220710-114307.png)

According to Google and some news site, Storm was born on July 13
No. 1585034
File: 1657480544974.jpeg (575.2 KB, 828x1425, 74EFC757-1D79-4495-AE27-0019BF…)

>>1585016Tbh idk but she has 7-8-20 tattooed to her hand
No. 1585035
File: 1657480793992.png (5.18 MB, 1170x2532, 5848D8CB-87F6-45A2-B1E7-B3655E…)

>>1585016Google is not always accurate. I went back and she posted this last year on July 8th.
No. 1585123
>>1585016I mean…one would think she'd know the date she pushed a baby out of her vagina, pretty hard to miss
>>1585077ROFL amazing!!
No. 1585178
File: 1657499261587.jpeg (551.51 KB, 2048x1462, 02EB174A-4E34-4D78-A3D9-745EC3…)

>>1583657late but this is possibly the most pathetic thing I’ve ever read. and the way she’s constantly like “MOMMY this MOMMY that” feels like overcompensation. also picrel
>>1585169beauty is subjective but the new girl is fugly like all the rest, sorry
No. 1585191
>>1585162fuck off with this crap, having a c-section isn’t anything for anyone to be ashamed of
syd should be ashamed of everything else, mind you
No. 1585250
>>1585232>she has a bump in her nose like almost everyoneMajor cope, lmfao
>and youthful looking fat in her faceYeah, all in her lower half of her face in the jowl area.
No. 1585342
File: 1657521089290.jpeg (982.44 KB, 1145x2074, 5D42AD3B-E507-49B4-B547-6FE6C3…)

So is the next court date on Wednesday or
No. 1585346
File: 1657522162602.png (1.59 MB, 1170x2532, BDA897E3-E076-4EE5-BEEF-A49F18…)

Movie hopping Sunday = broke and age 15 mentally. Tell us more about all the money you have, BBP.
No. 1585492
>>1585162I'm with
>>1585191 what is this cult mentality of hating on women who had c-sections.
If I was giving birth I would scream until they knocked me tf out and c-sectioned. Fuck that.
No. 1585553
File: 1657551334767.jpeg (151.36 KB, 482x805, 1B1AC1E1-27AC-421F-B512-F734B6…)

They r at the movies “movie hopping” rn how cute couple goals 4L
No. 1585561
>>1585553that’s a normal thing to do in your thirties, totally normal
what a success story Jonny’s comeback has been
No. 1585562
>>1584652She does bahahaha
They can name their future and probably eventual baby Trailer Skidmark.
No. 1585618
>>1585581Movie hopping in your thirties isn't normal… it's what 14 year olds do to act cool and fit in.
Also, I feel like this thrill seeking attempt(?) Just comes across as hes broke as fuck.
Definitely says 'grown man changing his life around'
No. 1585636
>>1585581yes, the only two options a thirty-six-year-old man has for an evening’s entertainment are shooting up and movie-hopping like a middle schooler
things like “seeing one of his children” or “spending time with friends” are right out, apparently
No. 1585749
File: 1657564301334.jpeg (208.33 KB, 1080x1350, signal-2022-07-11-192951_001.j…)

No. 1585978
File: 1657575891749.png (3.81 MB, 1284x2778, 731D0ABD-8D23-423B-B5DA-48FE11…)

They’re talking while lanya is there yikes
No. 1586070
>>1585552The guy syd was cheating with and apparently also totaled the car of. His actual gf came here and posted receipts and pictures of the bruising all over her face from him. I really hope she’s ok now, but literally if it wasn’t goiter putting his hands on syd she would only choose another man who openly hits women. If I remember correctly the gf at the time had publicly posted about his abuse so she knew.
No. 1586129
File: 1657590147746.jpeg (179.56 KB, 828x1470, 042F9E07-B671-4E1E-9C19-26BA21…)

Goitre getting a hideous tat. He really thinks he’s so special “the One” lol. Vomiting in my mouth.
No. 1586156
File: 1657594199168.png (8.62 MB, 1284x2778, 7AF1645C-61E7-4BA2-9325-4E01F4…)

that’s so awkward bringing someone to your tattoo appointment especially your significant other
No. 1586233
File: 1657605139257.png (10.83 MB, 1170x2532, FE0D6A46-8589-4607-9B14-8F6C00…)

Home girl must hate speaking to goiter, she’s always on her phone.
No. 1586254
>>1586223Kek high roller can't afford a $60 screen repair?
Imagine replacing your heroin addiction with a low effort egirl addiction. All his money must go on flying her out, she's a pretty low end sugar baby to settle for comic books and movie tickets though.
No. 1586261
File: 1657610971833.jpeg (149.51 KB, 873x789, 3F7E2422-43BD-4CDC-92BA-69760A…)

>>1586233Is he more Smashmouth singer or guy fieri, having a vagina makes me face blind to men like that
No. 1586262
File: 1657611122141.png (1.63 MB, 750x1334, 45F67179-1CE8-4059-AC31-875CF3…)

Umm is this the day storm od on fent? When she left for the store?
No. 1586263
File: 1657611248805.png (970.34 KB, 750x1334, 6B85E9E9-CFEA-48BB-AFC8-852082…)

No. 1586287
File: 1657615330788.jpg (137.2 KB, 600x600, 5df1e4e52c32010ac28dd1b6-large…)

>>1586233>>1586261thought big goit was wearing one of these at first kek
No. 1586342
The financial situation is interesting.
His out goings must be higher than his income.
Outgoing: Lawyers, legal fees, rent, child support, fake designer, bad tattoos, food, drugs, alcohol, debt, loans etc
Income: Twitch, royalties, features. (probably not alot)
He's never flexing from exotic locations or any assets of real value.
No. 1586350
>>1586342Well he doesn't pay for half of your "outgoing" list since public defenders are free, and he doesn't drink or do drugs anymore, and has nothing that requires a loan. We don't even know if he's in debt. Major ridiculous tinfoil.
>>1586270Ntayrt, but not every new mom has parents or a husband/ bf/ partner. Some women do it on their own and don't need your invasive questions.
No. 1586358
File: 1657629318238.jpg (31.07 KB, 600x940, 700.jpg)

>>1586350That's some really retarded logic. It's "tinfoil" to someone else to speculate, but it isn't "tinfoil" when you speculate the contrary.
Also imagine believing old Goiter that he's sober for the billionth time. lol
You'd be perfect for his next GF. Gullible and retarded. And you believe that a washed up scene junkie is doing well surviving off 1/6 royalties and that he isn't on drugs/drink. Send him a DM maybe?
No. 1586405
>>1586342That’s what I have been thinking. He’s always flexing that he’s so wealthy, but he has never shown to have any assets (real estate, shares, placements, etc.).
This lead me to think he lives “paycheque to paycheque” blowing all of his of his rather small royalties on vapes, rent, flights and fake designer crap.
No. 1586417
>>1586405This would explain the over reaching in his attempt to appear rich. If he really had it, he wouldn't need to remind people every 30 seconds on the internet.
My tinfoil is that there is credit card debt from the touring/drug days. You don't make bank being 1/6th of a couple of niche bands. Maybe a few inheritances has kept him afloat. My guess is he finances/borrows alot of the things he has.
No. 1586476
>>1586262No it was before storms first birthday because he was 10 months old. I believe it was May 2021
>>1586405I think he has money but he spends it on dumb shit/doesn’t save and it’s a lot less than he makes it seem. it’s super telling that he had to live with skid after they broke up until he found a roommate. Sombody posted an email a while ago where you could see his rent amount, it was a couple hundred over 2000$, so I assume he can’t afford that by himself, even now that’s he’s “sober”. I mean it makes sense when all he has is music/merch/features to make money off of.
No. 1586973
>>1586870Sacramento is kind of a shithole itself. Not to say it doesn’t have its qualities but definitely not living the California dream in sac kek
But I idk much about Canada or the town she is from.
No. 1587436
File: 1657744348803.png (1.01 MB, 750x1334, 4CA538FC-D93C-41D7-8176-E0E3D0…)

She posted this video 2 hours ago, it’s not worth uploading so I’ll transcribe:
wet lip smack “in 5 hours… shit’s gon’ suck”
No. 1588023
Big Boi Goiter ft. Yung Wiggle and lilskid
he raps about how he is totally not poor, and the girls will do auto-tune renditions of their insta story rants/tweets
No. 1588626
File: 1657886403304.jpeg (164.67 KB, 1080x1408, signal-2022-07-15-125635.jpeg)

I wonder if the all sexual abuse allegations where "soft" or "hard" pimpin'?
No. 1588827
File: 1657909976299.jpeg (232.94 KB, 828x1387, AA3C0438-6D44-470D-B2E2-4890DC…)

Wonder if Lyana has been “feeling yucky”lately since being with her bf because he obsesses over Ana d Armas and is already starting with breaking her self esteem down making her feel less than or if it’s she stands in the same bathroom mirror taking selfies that skid took booty selfies in.kek
No. 1588945
File: 1657919708529.jpeg (50 KB, 1284x298, 497FD6C8-4835-4959-BE82-727129…)

Forgot to post this but for the anons who were curious about what Syd was talking about on Wednesday.
Wonder how that parenting class went
No. 1588988
File: 1657924290189.jpeg (79.34 KB, 500x505, 5D58FBB2-AEDB-4DB5-AD1B-B05AB6…)

>>1588975Oh goody I’m just in time for the layna is ugly vs layna is beautiful loop again.
No. 1589028
File: 1657928089593.jpeg (352.29 KB, 1284x2282, 5A8FCAF7-F698-4FAA-8D7F-338240…)

Does he have daintier feet than syd orrrr…
probably gets his shoes from the kids section at Nike
No. 1589048
File: 1657930023306.png (2.93 MB, 1170x2532, 09655F55-A449-44F5-A6D2-960DCA…)

>>1588827He did the same thing for “Sidney” lmao. The man is dead inside.
No. 1589111
File: 1657933724284.png (597.89 KB, 1080x1133, Screenshot_20220715-163826.png)

Just gonna leave this here…
No. 1589152
>>1589031They called Athena out so fast because she was dumb enough to post a screenshot that was clearly from her own twitter account. They haven’t revealed Syd’s because there’s no way to identify if Syd has posted unless she did something like that. So I’m sure she’s posted but they can’t label hers without knowing for sure.
class? Where does it say class? It just says “co parenting” period. Maybe they had to be at the same place with each other for something related to Storm. Maybe grandma wanted to tell them something or maybe a doctors appt or something? I’m sure he’s exaggerating by calling it “parenting” lol
No. 1589593
>>1589077 “Is this still on her page” well considering the fact it’s a story and stays up for a single day, no it’s probably not. How can you even use lolcow and not know how instagram works lmao?
No. 1589862
This thread is such a train wreck
>>1581744 mentioned the parenting classes Johnny referred to in a video. It’s a shame people aren’t archiving the milk and are simply referencing it in passing because it’s obvious not everyone is following along and it leads to
>>1589152 ,
>>1589249 &
>>1589650 No. 1589885
File: 1658034992793.jpeg (119.85 KB, 685x845, 1F07DF27-4602-47AB-BC67-A232B9…)

nothing like a man in his late 30’s wearing a hot topic choker
No. 1590531
File: 1658115642549.jpeg (338 KB, 828x1459, ECA045FD-78A5-40AD-A484-4109FF…)

The cartoon Jonny tattoo on full display really pulls this pic together.
No. 1591036
File: 1658181370469.jpeg (819.92 KB, 1284x2080, 1C887F2A-260C-471F-84C2-8C77DF…)

No. 1591515
File: 1658233782273.png (8.8 MB, 1284x2778, 7CD2B6B5-F226-4E2B-8F44-F76E41…)

No. 1591575
File: 1658238974789.jpeg (284.49 KB, 476x803, 5F62D272-1559-4BEB-8A01-486990…)

>>1591560Bathroom’s still nasty but that’s (n/a) ginger beer. Can’t find the exact bottle but it looks like Reed’s
No. 1591723
File: 1658254838832.jpeg (279.94 KB, 1284x2778, 34DBA917-5F21-4364-AFA9-15E87D…)

>>1590461for you <3 (but seriously why is a 30y/o man in a dog collar)
No. 1591727
File: 1658255300838.png (403.7 KB, 459x699, Untitled.png)

No. 1591801
File: 1658263700401.jpg (302.43 KB, 1080x1238, Screenshot_20220719-214326.jpg)

Looks like Kim Jung Goiter is have a peace summit with the mayor of spooky town and some guy they pay to avoid being called racist
No. 1591828
File: 1658266956315.png (399.19 KB, 1080x1156, Screenshot_20220719-143909.png)

BBG so not pressed, gotta let everyone know how not pressed he is
No. 1591844
>>1591829Sadly yes. Early DGD lyrics for example.
Recently he's been on the following platitudes:
- Double negatives (don't let nothin' etc) and "hood" talk.
- Using the prepetual: "big things coming, working on myself" statements etc etc.
- Telling everyone how little he cares about stuff without being prompted. Proving the contrary.
No. 1591855
>>1591813Literally couldn’t tell whose baby bangs you were downing, from this distance the giant spider web on the spooky mayor legitimately looks like blonde baby bangs.
Goiter looks like the worlds fattest toddler in a sunhat.
No. 1591897
File: 1658273054377.jpeg (20.37 KB, 310x163, 3BD00EAE-A949-4151-8370-5AB4BE…)

>>1591801BBP giving real Mr. Feeny from Boy Meets World in this photo
No. 1591907
No. 1591908
No. 1592047
>>1591844Wow. I’m the one who asked, I just can’t believe it goes back that far. It’s so bizarre to me bc none of his former bandmates seem to speak like this so I was curious if it was like… a learned behavior from someone close or something.
Although… I guess he also could have learned it from his junkie dealers too, that makes more sense haha. Hey fatboy drop your black act, you’re allegedly sober now and people
might just might respect you a tiny bit more if you stop acting like a fucking white girl with dreads. Attempt to speak intelligently, imagine!
No. 1593402
File: 1658421940697.jpeg (197.99 KB, 992x1600, signal-2022-07-21-174510.jpeg)

what's true? that you're a cunt?
No. 1593586
File: 1658432377274.jpg (64.63 KB, 640x1138, 295091228_577829100406705_4839…)

How pathetic that Syd posts BBP's zodiac story after her own. Get over him girl, quit obsessing.
No. 1594957
File: 1658542276582.jpeg (684.42 KB, 1170x1846, E16EA34A-395A-4AC5-B47D-2526AC…)

No. 1594977
File: 1658543300941.png (4.82 MB, 1284x2778, C52F7239-0233-4A3C-95D1-0519B2…)

she finally did it
No. 1595105
File: 1658554965272.png (1.13 MB, 1284x2778, 0FA21351-79FD-4BCC-A1C3-A71CD4…)

“big butt little frame” she’s shaped like a refrigerator what does she mean
No. 1595119
>>1595105"tattooed and pierced"
Jesus, does that scratch art on her wrists even count as being considered as such? She's perpetually fifteen. I feel bad for Syd and her remaining brain cells
No. 1595148
>>1595105Sydney just write your stupid fucking height in numbers. Maybe that you’re involved in ongoing litigation, someone has to have a fetish for a little bitch with a lot of paperwork and potential travel restrictions for attempted child murder. I would encourage her to lie to porn consumers by claiming milf status, but since she doesn’t have custody she could sexualize being “pretty much a baby sitter” and leave out the time restriction and that she requires another legally appointed and responsible witness to baby sit her during what is referred to as a visitation. If stock photo of black roses is what she’s taking up her best advertising space with after talking about this for what feels like way too long for such a bad decision
right in the middle of a custody battle, can’t wait to see what she will replace it with once she really gets her shit together. Edge of my seat.
No. 1595159
>>1594988I doubt someone would openly state their sexual health on their instagram, and then make a twitter to talk about how dirty someone is for hooking up with them, in third person. Stating that “Athena posted it herself first openly” sounds like an excuse to redistribute the personal information through public harassment. Literally no one gives a fuck who these people are besides Sydney, not even their son.
Imagine your mom trying to convince the world your dad has herpes with a fake fan account of his previous girlfriend, all so his new girlfriend will break up with him because Sydney is the only one who will fight through the herpes for him.
No. 1595265
File: 1658578244732.jpeg (1.41 MB, 1170x2213, 8AA9BB13-F5B0-4BCA-B014-42CE81…)

No. 1595638
File: 1658611831337.png (Spoiler Image,1.51 MB, 1439x2015, Screenshot_20220723-172923.png)

No. 1595640
File: 1658611859706.png (Spoiler Image,2.05 MB, 1440x801, Screenshot_20220723-173016.png)

No. 1595646
File: 1658612013684.png (Spoiler Image,2.49 MB, 1440x1274, Screenshot_20220723-173343.png)

No. 1595679
>>1595193She really lost it. “UMM NO ARE YOU HIGH?!? you probably won’t answer because you’re a b-“
fake smile She said “dammed if you do dammed if you dont” and mentioned how she can’t win because she is either high due to fat heroin fingers or too depressing.
I didn’t have enough storage to screen record it
No. 1595727
>>1595709>>1595646I am in fucking awe because these are exactly like Luna's kek
I really don't feel like vomiting right now but a side by side comparison would be nice for Syd to see the next time she lurks
No. 1595736
>>1594980was literally about to type i think it's athena's
bucktoothed ass
No. 1595759
>>1595754it’s not just from having a child, trust me. but I’m sure it didn’t help.
goddamn, imagine ruining your body like this for a baby you didn’t even keep.
No. 1595786
>>1595779i was JUST thinking about that anon sperging about layna’s tits. it literally probably was syd getting
triggered over her gourd tits
found it
>>1574288 No. 1595793
File: 1658620578564.jpeg (1.08 MB, 1170x1676, 715CBA76-C9DA-48EE-9CB3-8AEF94…)

Not sure if Syd’s onlyfans came first or this tweet but funny nonetheless.
No. 1595801
>>1595754I think it’s genetic and they were likely already big before pregnancy. Luna never had kids and they look similar. I breastfed two kids for 2 years each and my areola and nips look like the average sized nips.
>>1595797She’s squeezing it underneath just to give it shape. Anyone can have a “decent” ass if you put in the effort.
No. 1595900
>>1595772>she’s breastfedwhen? the kid was in her care for like .02 seconds. anyway, it’s not breastfeeding that ruins tiddies. if they get ruined at all, it’s from the pregnancy itself.
>>1595869just another gross junkie on this site. her thread is funny tho
>>>/pt/882448 and it’s where we got this gem
>>1595709 No. 1596003
File: 1658649721102.png (7.14 MB, 1284x2778, 526E4BF8-CC09-4EC9-877F-D49B8A…)

When his female friends exclude his gf out of the pics LOL
No. 1596008
File: 1658650289953.jpeg (985.54 KB, 820x1494, 91E06E97-CCD4-44FC-BA32-12A025…)

Of all of goiter boy cringe friends, this sicsadwrld is like the 1% massive giant cunt of the 1%. Imagine being sober and want to hang out with this retard..
No. 1596103
>>1596008Is that not the Mayor of Spooky Town from the peace summit?
>>1591801His friends look like Sims 2 characters. Goiter looks like Dora The Explorers Junkie half white cousin.
Also nothing screams "i got bullied at school" more than hyper-analysing someones nipples online. So stop.
No. 1596430
File: 1658693282975.png (950.96 KB, 716x720, fwff.png)

>>1596275 Don't get so emotional. You might start producing milk from your own tiny nipz.
No. 1596517
>>1596464they got emotional, I told them not to, and posted a shrek meme.
can i help you with anything else?
No. 1596521
>>1596517I don’t see how someone saying
>>1596275 was emotional? Are u ok? Do
you need help?
No. 1596529
>>1596521It was probably meant for
>>1596251 the post above. atleast
nonnie is posting funny shit rather than derailing
No. 1596620
>>1596593I believe in his current sobriety solely on his current court case/custody issues. They would probably do random drug testing to see if Storm would be okay in his care, if they’re still working all of that out.
Once that stuff is over with though I expect a relapse for sure. Or whenever JC believes he’ll never get custody.
No. 1596753
File: 1658713933830.png (10.89 MB, 1284x2778, 16A22664-D59D-4729-8054-BA0E2F…)

When we all talk shit about how he never posts her and leaves her out… then posts her. Hi loser.
No. 1596757
File: 1658714128698.jpeg (275.57 KB, 1284x1102, AFD2B3CA-3D8A-4E01-9356-474B09…)

his hands are so gross
No. 1596873
>>1596003i don't like him but i think it's cool how he's more social and his girlfriend not only lets him do his thing but also hangs around other thottie friends of his. we don't have to like any of them but it speaks volumes about Sydney and his relationship. i don't remember ever seeing him social, just high. whether he's clean from forced court stuff, i don't wish addiction on anyone and hope he keeps it up. maybe one day he'll even make amends to his exes like amanda, chelsea and liz.
not sydney or taylor though, i think they were the exes that were just as
abusive if not more.
No. 1596930
>>1596916you're either sad, taylor, or just a weird
nonnie with a hardon for jonny. google parasocial relationship. you're unhinged
No. 1596978
>>1596916only one person has used this term “dog walked” and i’m pos it’s our “home girl” sydney
also wow lol just because the two women goiters galore is with are blonde doesn’t mean they are “thottie friends” or “hoes” tf wrong with you, is this thread a bunch of black hair baby bangs big nose with piercings i am a little teacup short and stout ladies who did not get picked? what do any of you mean “glad to see him social” really????? you want this man to be enjoying life when like two weeks ago he hunted down an ex who tried to kill herself and ended up hospitalized, and he followed her exactly on that day just to fuck her up? like shut the hell up this man literally beats and rapes women, permanently damaged his own infant son with fentanyl and is still awaiting trial on that. he didn’t “go out” with psycho sydney because he was a literal parade float filled with fentanyl, mother fucker couldn’t even roll his ass to ikea to get some surfaces to lean against while he nodded out.
no he deserves sydney’s meal arrangements of canned shit from the great depression seasoned with the emotions she screamed into the dishes while he was forced to wear turtleneck sweaters made from her tweezed eyebrow hairs.
No. 1596997
>>1596978Well said. I think people forget that old Goiter is pond scum. Not someone we should be glad to see at a state fair on Kratom. Mayor of Spooky Town and Diversity Dave are probably feeding him drugs.
I also wish the body/looks police would shut the fuck up and stop taking up so much space.
No. 1597017
>>1591515>Now it's my turnKek she wrote "he picked me" but edgier.
Have the layna whiteknights realised she's not a poor helpless retard with learning difficulties or whatever kek? She's a bitchy pickme who thinks goiter is bragworthy because she's fighting off other clout chasers going for him. Literally the same as Sidney, Jonny PiCkEd HeR so she's going to act like smug until he moves on to another girl. Layna will spill the tea on goiter in a couple years and nobody will give a shit, because the next dumb pickme will feel like she won Jonny and bitches are jealous.
Obviously not defending Jonny, but sick of seeing this cycle and expecting the girls to be naive kek. Taylor, Sid and this girl had more than enough warning, and they all act like smug cunts when they "get their turn".
Nobody in this thread is a good person, except Sid's mom selflessly raising a baby.
>>1596968>i don’t know if she’s prettier or just that she hasn’t ruined her looks from drugs or mental illness yetKek my bets are on Jonny ruining her looks asap. He hasn't started the emotional torture yet, like posting naked sleeping pictures of her online without her permission, ignoring her in public, or "showing her the messages" from other girls daily. That shit will age you very quickly given what it did to his exes. He's a scumbag who seeks out girls who are easy to break down mentally. If/when she moves in with him, he'll start, she isn't isolated enough yet. He didn't start the manipulation with Taylor until she'd moved in with him and cut off most of her friends.
No. 1597392
>>1597374it's hard to feel sorry for a chick who cheated with an engaged man (he was with amanda). however, i DO have respect for her more than taylor or syd because unlike those two, chelsea actually apologized to amanda for not believing her warnings and i believe her, amanda and liz banned together and hashed their differences in attempt to warn taylor.
taylor made fun of them, posted the private messages between her and chelsea, and stole liz's story of jonny attempting to shoot her up
No. 1597410
>>1597402yeah i understand nona and i've had my fair share of experience with manipulative psychopaths. however, the major difference here is that these girls allllll have access to the internet and knew who jonny craig was before pursuing jonny craig. he's had over a decade of fuckery that each one of the chicks had been well-aware of. in 2011 that was the macbook scheme that shed light on his debauchery. even amanda, who got engaged to him in 2012 knew about it.
if you take the time to twitter search their handles with "jonny" or "dgd" or "emarosa" —(que the deleted tweets after they read this) you'll see that they expose themselves and went after this knowingly horrible dude for a drip of clout. bitches be tripping. i don't feel sorry for any of them, no matter how manipulative JC is
No. 1597416
>>1597392chelsea fucked jonny the first night she ever met him with another chick. they had a threesome. then she was extremely
abusive to amanda online for YEARS. only when jonny left her in the dust did she come crawling back to amanda and apologized. liz also tried to kill herself when dating jonny, cause he left her and went back to chelsea. so… the fact of the matter is, all the girls he's been with are actually mentally unwell and their suicide attempts shouldn't be blamed on a single person.
No. 1597426
>>1597374I couldn’t find chelsea on tiktok, could any kind
nonnie link the video?
No. 1597429
>>1597399"you all act like he's a some true crime murderer"
He's literaly the perfect true crime candidate. He has the pending felony attempted child murder case. He's got assult and drug charges. Emotional manipulation, narcisism, fraud, etc. A string of drugged up
abusive relationships. He's a redneck ginger kid from a broken home. I can literally hear the voice over
"He had it all
cuts to DGD live, but the voice of an angel… often hides the devil"
reverse cymbal No. 1597432
File: 1658784189453.jpeg (481.16 KB, 1242x1380, D2831FB0-162F-4A67-A242-528554…)

triggers me when you guys call Syd a ‘babytrapper’. that’s moid shit. ‘Baby trapping’ is a misogynistic concept to excuse men of any personal accountability. Baby trapping is 100% not a real thing and a sexist fantasy cope for shitty
abusive weak men to evade responsibility for the life they helped create.
No. 1597439
>>1597432did we hurt your feelings
nonnie? did you trap a man with a baby for clout too?
No. 1597446
>>1597439when a man nuts in someone, it's not a trap. it's called knowlingly possibly having a baby in the future due to nutting in someone.
anyway talking of nuts, i wonder if goiter has had his acorn dick checked out for scene herpes yet? he lacks the moral fibre to go to a clinic to check so i wonder how many lord farquads he's infected with Goiteritis.
No. 1597451
>>1597439AYRT no i haven’t, nor would i, i’d be more likely to run away with the baby and never even tell the man becauee of how utterly bloody useless they are.
Babytrapping is a misogynistic concept. Men babytrap themselves if anything.
No. 1597473
>>1597432Dunno what world you’re living in, but baby trapping is a thing here on earth. A friend of mine from school tried it to similar effect as Syd, just thankfully sans fentanyl. So now she’s a single mother as most women who seem to think a trap works - men will chew their own leg off like any other creature in a trap to get away.
Not that men aren’t also responsible for where they plant their seeds, but women do in fact deliberately get knocked up and I know several who have told men they were on the pill when they weren’t. Maybe I’m just unlucky to have met several particularly shitty people but they are out there, trying to trap a man or get benefits or both
No. 1597503
Does Layna live with her parents? Her videos are just in her bedroom and the picture she posted in the bodycon dress was in the dining room of a house that I don’t think she could afford. I mean, she can’t possibly have a job, with all the CA leisure time. Just curious. Another great catch, Jonny.
>>1596757His apartment/bedding give broke ass college dorm vibes.
No. 1597550
>>1597416that single person would be jonny and how he triangulates, beats, rapes, and abuses them. your misogyny is pretty obvious, goiter is the most unwell out of all of them but you keep trying to shift the focus on their behavior as if they were not also heavily manipulated or receiving proper care, which is very hard to find, afford, and is still socially stigmatized. they were dealing with their own issues, so is everyone else, does not mean they are accountable for the behavior of a malignant narcissist that openly loathes women because he hates himself the most, and is not capable of actual feeling. if these women are that unstable, they also can’t consent, consider that and the conditions he puts them in like isolation, extreme emotional pressure, and threats involving “tell my exes they’re lying whores or you don’t love me”. he does that to literally every single woman he dates, and sydney is the most obvious example of it. it’s called triangulation, and it’s heavy psychological abuse that the
victims of are not to be blamed for.
No. 1597628
>>1596978Your Sydney postulating is incorrect, I was the one that said dog walk. It’s really neurotic to try to guess which posts are hers
No. 1597630
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No. 1597696
>>1597451"bloody" oh nonnies, this one here is a brain-washed kool-aid drinking brit… feminism
fist pump or whatever
No. 1597700
>>1597597>>1597553thank you. I was OP. formal, this board has to be a buncha people from his past who have a personal vendetta against him or are like 12 yrs old because the whole lifetime movie thing is so spot on. we can agree that Jonny is an
abusive pos while simultaneously agreeing that his exes are pos as well. it's not that hard to grasp. it's called speculation. that's what you do on an image board, you shit and lurk or eat and lurk. these people take this shit too seriously.
No. 1597830
>>1597400That's just the reflection of the sun off of black/brown hair, you retard. It can look reddish depending on how it hits.
>>1597435I was rewatching Taylor's videos about J because of her new thread, and she basically says that part of his appeal was the fact that he's a junkie. She's always wanted this. I don't feel sorry for any of his exes post-Taylor. They deserve whatever they get.
No. 1597903
>>1597553>>1597597i read
>>1597429 as a joke, about goiter being on a true crime program. ya'll okay? maybe taking this site a bit too seriously? Remember that "LOL" is literally in the URL?
No. 1597904
File: 1658828272383.jpeg (101.23 KB, 1024x1388, signal-2022-07-26-103730.jpeg)

lil miss…. fucked goiter and now is a glorified babysitter whilst they wait their felony for child endangerment…
No. 1598047
File: 1658850083410.jpeg (364.12 KB, 1125x1114, 03FA5362-07A8-4B02-933E-CF95A0…)

>>1597904hey syd i found a more relevant one for you
No. 1598049
File: 1658850187423.jpeg (273.75 KB, 1125x1098, 194B3842-B552-46C7-8D4C-76DA66…)

one more
No. 1598069
File: 1658852085424.jpeg (258.21 KB, 665x558, 1FD79C6E-A949-4DC6-80C9-B3C158…)

>>1597893athena is lurking hard. she changed her @ to seasonsofharlow. yeah look at this hottie omg im so jealous of her
No. 1598091
File: 1658853530894.png (3.74 MB, 750x1334, D335B80E-E9EB-4448-8EC2-73CD26…)

Ummm yikes
No. 1598149
>>1596399The areolas are a shame but can nonners please stop the detailed spergy critiques of them.
Having wonky or saggy tits isn't a crime or an act of moral dubiety. This is women's board, start acting like it
No. 1598421
>>1598091I will never understand this type of shit. It's fucking bizarre
Changing a microscopic part of your physical appearance, then saying you look like something wildly dissimilar. Maybe I'm just an old farmer but I don't get any of these types of vapid posts where people just move their face or mime to a song (syd, goiter lol).
No. 1598870
File: 1658911526031.jpeg (230.85 KB, 958x1600, signal-2022-07-27-094258_002.j…)

i can only imagine by tempest, he means his violent farts coming on from cocaine and tacos
No. 1599365
File: 1658954609976.png (10.48 MB, 1284x2778, 53503FDC-CDA1-4357-B0F7-3F948E…)

$20 and mosquito bites, what a flex!
No. 1599443
File: 1658960366408.jpeg (464.19 KB, 1284x2664, 28B5DA7B-2EC9-4312-9A17-7D22E7…)

Taking photo booth pics at the mall like a group of teens, at least one of them looks the part and the other just appears to be someone’s creepy uncle.
No. 1599505
>>1599466I can’t tell if you’re taking the piss or just genuinely have that low of standards.
>>1599491KEK amazing anon. Next thread pic pls.
No. 1599509
>>1599466I know it’ll
trigger nonnies but he seems genuinely happy. It looks like his girl friends like her too in the comments of that post.
No. 1599520
>>1599509its too simpleminded to get
triggered over. it's more a shame for you. standards that low for what constitutes cute is worrying. a junkie abuser with a pending felony hanging around a mentally unstable girl isn't cute, it's concerning. basic stuff.
No. 1599532
>>1599509>I know it’ll trigger nonnies It always tickles me when anons wk a cow then are all
suprised pikachu face when other anons call them names and disagree. Like are u lost? This website is for drama and milk, not for u to tell us ur personal opinion abt how skinnty and happy u think Jonny looks lmao?
No. 1599560
>>1599509noni and are u happy that he got his kid taken away because his fentanyl use? because i do. and hope he never get him back. am i a-loggin?
>>1599514nobody cares about Syd, get over her already, the OF post wasnt even milky. the new clown is Layna.
No. 1599621
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No. 1599622
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No. 1599624
File: 1658973844132.jpeg (338.98 KB, 1284x951, 75512879-44FC-4E3B-A6F1-19A699…)

layna posted these on her twitter
No. 1599642
File: 1658976488701.jpeg (830.38 KB, 1284x2407, B0264AD2-4691-4255-BC9C-27A907…)

It’s hard to believe he’s almost 40 but still talks like a 13y/o on twitter. Also why is the one guy shirtless at a local fair…
No. 1599646
File: 1658976566227.jpeg (52.01 KB, 450x458, D1B0122B-8505-4966-BB89-84BE4C…)

>>1599621some things never change
No. 1599726
>>1599626Lol. Sydney is a
victim blaming cheater who had a baby with a fentanyl addict and lied in court about him assaulting her, and I still would feel bad comparing her boob situation to Layna’s. Maybe the random tattoos and paleness, but she has a great body and I don’t think Sydney ever did. She has to be living out some outdated fantasy with him because she could do so much better or she’s doing it to spite Sydney at this point lol.
No. 1599739
File: 1658985479847.jpeg (153.04 KB, 1242x1480, D7FA0591-2849-4FFB-9899-3FC06F…)

Damn. I think y’all made Syd delete her Onlyfans.
No. 1599837
>>1599739Kek probably her only customer was a farmer. I bet she thought people would be clawing their way to her page and subscribing. I can’t imagine what it’s like to be so delusional.
If she wasn’t such a massive piece of shit, I might feel bad for her.
No. 1599929
>>1599466>>1599509You deserve all the “hi cow” coming for you.
Also are you new? Every time he is with a new girl and everyone is like “aww, couplegoals”etc and look how it ended with taylor and syd. Dont be a retard anon
No. 1600265
>>1600207I did. Opinion still stands.
Not the Taylor of today mind you.
No. 1600270
>>1600265yeah i dont know shit about Taylor but shes the best looking for me too, Syd isnt that ugly tbh but she got that midget body.
Layna would be pretty if she cared and showers everyday.
also i just know about Taylor for this thread so its really fucked up how she claimed all that shit about Jonny just to end up like this
>>1599646 No. 1600319
File: 1659023274681.jpeg (68.61 KB, 655x444, E33F059E-E6EB-4077-8D28-C1DFE8…)

>>1600270Here’s a recent sc from a live stream last week. If you look closely you can see her meth sores thru her foundation.
No. 1600390
File: 1659026961383.jpg (49.52 KB, 600x800, ByQ4YdHCUAAxBze (1).jpg)

>>1600295>>1600319Yeah, but she definitely has the best base. Layna and Syd are pretty equal but just in different areas. Taylor had to really fuck her entire life up to become uggsly.
No. 1600468
File: 1659033472449.png (337.17 KB, 1125x2436, 011AE9C7-E967-4F9C-A723-A072DB…)

she took the onlyfans out of her bio. LMAO she really thought she was gonna cash out on this AND make jonny jealous. all she did was give us new nicknames for her. Skid-ney Skid-ney with the eggplant tidd-eys
No. 1600634
File: 1659043837561.png (12.57 MB, 1284x2778, F99103DA-4327-40AB-9729-CC7A41…)

Manga dates by the train tracks ugh she must be SWOONING
side note the positive vibes bracelet is killing me
No. 1600715
File: 1659047220797.jpeg (669.3 KB, 1066x1603, 14E0D8A9-0C6D-469A-9C9A-DF2102…)

this bitch….
anyone gonna make a new thread?
No. 1600716
File: 1659047346111.png (153.74 KB, 750x1334, 8CA1A109-7051-4AC7-949A-EC28F0…)

? Why did she post this with that sticker lol
No. 1600852
>>1600841I mean it's sunny and they're outside but you did read my mind anon, I don't think he's capable of being sober, genuinely sober. I haven't been on this thread in like a month and while I've enjoyed the catch up i couldnt help but notice he looks so busted and high in like all of his candids, almost as if its his addiction progressing like it has before time and time again. But what do we know, right ladies? He's on
muh grind, imma god mode, he is sooo clearly not broke and on drugs kek.
No. 1600878
File: 1659056064173.png (11.24 MB, 1284x2778, 3C65318E-CF03-4887-833A-3FDEAE…)

Does he only own that one red blanket she’s constantly posting in the background? You’d think someone flexing about being rich would yakno….own a bed frame, more than one blanket, pay for his own dentures/fake teeth?
No. 1600903
>>1600841are you 13? or just retarded? why do we keep having to give y'all drug 101 basics on this thread and TND thread?
opiates = constricted pupils aka tiny
uppers = dilated pupils aka big
he's outside, in the sun…. anyones pupils are tiny in the sun. if they were dilated then you could be concerned. if he was in the dark, and his pupils were tiny, then you could be concerned. jesus fuck