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No. 287328[Reply]

Amina du Jean, also known as Aminyan, is the first black idol in the Japanese entertainment industry. A native of Detroit, Michigan, United States, she loved Japanese culture as a child. She started taking private Japanese lesson when she was 12. She was also a fan of Japanese idol groups. She moved to Japan and ended up in sex work and is now married to a man 20 years older. Best known for her beef with micky and Barbie.

208 posts and 63 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 301849

The weirdest part is it's WKs bumping it this time around talking about how she looks nice, got lucky marrying this old creep, and her pro-SW scrote-centric stances are totally normal takes. Something is definitely off ITT.

No. 301898

I'm the one that said she looks good and got the best ending out of all the black weeb girls in that circle, doesn't mean she got an actually good ending. Just look at those crazy eyes and smile. She's clearly been through some shit and went off the deep end. She just ended up better than Micky and Angela, which is a low bar.

No. 301928

Are you high? The post that bumped this thread is >>301816 the rest of these are saged, they can't bump a thread.

No. 301957

kek sorry anon, I have one of the alternate color templates on and it threw me off. Still though, it's weird to see people who seem to be WKing her despite all the evidence of her being a massive degenerate herself.

That's understandable. Ngl, I used to root for Amina too, but now I just find her current trad wife pick-me larp unbearable considering her previously mentioned shayna-tier SW and near constant pro-scrote worship. Definitely better than the mess that Mickey and Angela ended up, but that bar is so extremely low. Crazy they all ended up hookers at one point or another.

No. 307160

there’s no scrote worshipping. you’re bordering jealousy, and this chick is not larping as anything. she’s an old, stretched out hag now. if the woman wants to be with some ugly smelly grandpa then what can you do? be better. find someone better. nobody cares about amina’s old ass. finding an old white man will not make us forget about the yellow fever porn shit she did in japan

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No. 185931[Reply]

Lolita Lolcow thread #6

Previous thread >>143376

Sage your non-milk posts. Being fat and or ugly, while hilarious, is not milk by itself. Lying/shooping yourself excessively to hide that you are fat and ugly and crying about it when caught is milk.

Some milk recapped from the last thread:

Ryudenki (Plaque chan)
Kiwifarm: nonconsentual pronouns
lacemarket: ryudenki
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No. 215756


can u new fags stop bumping this thread and go to the new thread. doesn’t matter that there are still posts, you migrate once a new thread has started to keep it relevant, ffs.

No. 232323

She posted them because Mel cropped the photos and posted them on her story telling people her ex was having a psychotic episode when she wasn’t, Mel has a history of abusing people she knows and lying about it

No. 253727

its annoying to see her spouting this bullshit when shes used people around her even when her parents have clearly given her everything…she can't take responsibility for her own emotions.
she's unhinged. its super uncomfortable to be around her when she has her emotions wildly guiding her or when she gets angry but doesn't know how to communicate. she 100% has a mental disorder herself which in itself isn't anything i'm calling her out for, just the hypocrisy of this post is something else

No. 253735

is this the shopkeep in the #seagull chat or are we not talking about that?

No. 301203

Any1 have nudes of itsvanillabear or miemuu? They are sexy(moid)

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No. 300201[Reply]

Back on topic
I guess Isha is ghosting buyers now(shit thread)

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No. 294609[Reply]

Jillian Vessey is a DID (Dissociative Personality Disorder) LARPer who trivializes mental health and sugar coats every single bad trait of hers while hyping up a dubious diagnostic impression that she paid copious amounts of bucks for.
She happily accepted her ~life changing~ diagnostic impression (NOT a real diagnosis!) with a "coming out as DID" celebratory cake, but struggled to maintain the LARP. The number of alters keep piling up and she doesn’t seem to stop anytime soon.

>Early Years:

>began her lolcow run as a "pansexual" lolita lifestyle who dropped from the community due to LACE and "restrictive rules"
>gained fame for the creation of the J-fashion-inspired "Party Kei" fashion, a fashion she no longer wears nor backs
>known lurker
>formerly covered fashion and magical girl anime in her videos, was a pivotal figure in the LACE drama prior to her transition to the Party Kei years
>has a running track record of inconsistent uploaded despite pushing a "full-time Youtuber" career; used barely-productive incentives for support on Patreon; both have plateaued if not decreased in income entirely following recent events
>previously spent money frivolously (either from YT profit or from parents), like on wasteful plastic or fast fashion, and also claimed to make enough from YT and at the same time complain of demonetization
>has prior history of “severe mental illness” in the forms of a brief stay in a mental hospital in her early teens due to ED and self-harm
>often inflates her skills and knowledge in various subjects, leading to a very narcissistic view of herself

>Current relevant info:

>loves the idea of toying with the idea of having multiple mental illnesses; her main target is currently DID due to a diagnostic impression, and claims up to 9 alters right now with very shaky substance as to her alters' creation and the origin of her trauma which caused the DID; despite this, she has taken root in the DID community and has been involved or tried to insert herself into DID-related videos as an "expert" despite carrying the diagnostic impression for at least a year or more nowPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 300485

So she's realized there's an imbalance of dopamine in her brain. But hasn't considered the fact that it could be because she's an addict. This is going to be a huge trainwreck

No. 300496

How does Pixie have the TIME to tweet her every move and thought? Does she not do normal adult shit like shopping for groceries… Clean the kitchen… Idk, meal prep? Groom her cats and herself perhaps? No normal adult past like 23 has this amount of free time to post about every little thing that happens in one's day. It's so strange. I wonder if a family member or friend has tried to intervene and give her some tough love in regards to what I see as an extremely lazy and unproductive lifestyle. Shouldn't she be spending hours sewing or crocheting or creating content or enjoying her beautiful city? So strange

No. 300497

How does Pixie have the TIME to tweet her every move and thought? Does she not do normal adult shit like shopping for groceries… Clean the kitchen… Idk, meal prep? Groom her cats and herself perhaps? No normal adult past like 23 has this amount of free time to post about every little thing that happens in one's day. It's so strange. I wonder if a family member or friend has tried to intervene and give her some tough love in regards to what I see as an extremely lazy and unproductive lifestyle. Shouldn't she be spending hours sewing or crocheting or creating content or enjoying her beautiful city? So strange

No. 300498

Possibly has someone do them for her. Doordash and instacart, she can refund those almost immediately with her shitty revenue stream.

No. 300500

Nah, she has already established that baby berry can’t do that stuff. All she has to do is tell Steve she can’t because she is a baby and he will do it. Just like she can scream she hates him then say oops that was Jerrick. We also have seen multiple times that her house is not clean and she and her cats are unkept. Doordash and instacart that’s probably accurate, she has anxiety about leaving the house and needing “safe foods” aka junk food as an excuse there.

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No. 151614[Reply]

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No. 278304

>7 years ago and still true lmao

No. 278990

These stains are so very desperate to not be talked about. If people forget how awful they were/are they can continue grifting their shitty art and cosplay.

No. 300065

Tayla is now saying she’s 30 on her new IG lmfao she was still in high school when I was legally able to drink, and I’m about to be 31 so there’s no way lol. Trying to make it less weird that there’s over a decade between them, hanging out since tayla was 16, going to mf’s apartment, getting high and drunk.(This is an imageboard, attach an image like a screenshot of her claiming to be 30)

No. 301859

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Imagine pretending you’re OLDER than you are because your partner is crazy old and groomed you. really sad honestly

No. 312042

I never liked MF but she was so real for this kek unfortunate that this thread attracted so many tranny defenders but what do I expect from the shithole that is the cosplay community.

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No. 174607[Reply]

Post your overdramatic cosplay cows here. We've had scammers, skanks, and self-posters galore! Now we even have murderers!

Don't post old milk. Don't post without caps.

Previous Thread: >>>/w/131435
Earlier Thread (s): >>>/snow/354019, >>>/w/4

Please redirect Hall of Shame costhots at their respective threads here:
Momokun/Mariah Mallad - >>>/pt/850544, her calves >>>/w/92925
Belle Delphine - >>>/w/165079
Venus Angelic - >>>/w/124470
Sarah SpaceMan - >>>/w/79174
Usagi Kou - >>>/w/119140
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No. 299507

Never, but since Makima is the devil of control/conquest, lots of costhots have taken that to mean “dominatrix”. I think it’s tacky in the same way I think a wig and random lingerie is tacky for any character, but not all that unexpected.
Personally I think literal lingerie shouldn’t be allowed at conventions (there are lots of people who get the wrong idea about cosplayers based on costhots and there are kids at cons) but most have rules like “you must be as covered up as you’d have to be at a beach” which this would fall under.

No. 299548

Lots of fanart of it too.

No. 299554

It's like if Tuna-chan was the original virus that mutated and now every convention is swarmed with cos-thots that aren't even cosplaying anything close to the source anime. I don't get how these girls feel cute or genuinely enjoy the con like this, you've literally become like every other low-tier cosplayer that spent their last two-week income from their part-time job or OF on tired, cheap lingerie to wear in public. So embarrassing. Like if you want to wear a revealing cos, there are so many characters you could wear (Quiet from MGS) that would give you more credibility as a cosplayer than this. Sorry for sperging but I hate how watered down cosplay has become.

No. 299941

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O the double standard of being a person of color who changes their skintone for cosplay accuracy without being accused of blatant racism because "there’s no such thing as whiteface"(sage your shit)

No. 300068

Some women just like being half naked, but at family friendly cons, come on.

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No. 235422[Reply]

Belle Delphine, a 22-year-old ‘marketing genius‘ who desperately seeks out any attention from men, made a comeback in April 2022 after her failed porn and is just adding more failed marketing stunts to the list. She is best known for lying about selling her bathwater, her failed marketing stunts, dressing/acting like a child for her porn, selling another girl’s nudes claiming it was herself, and bootlicking any Youtuber or lolcow with a following. Her boyfriend Joshua John Gray also participates in her pedo-pandering porn videos where he pretends to rape her.

Previous thread: >>229309

Recent updates:
>She makes her friend Katie McDonnell larp as her “18-year-old sister called Connie Delphine”. People find out Katie’s real identity quickly and her stunt fails. >>213055
>She shows off her income and house in a failed music video. >>223900 She doxes her house for the video. >>225921 Turns out she lives with other sex workers like Pixie in that house.
>She steals shamana’s music for her video without crediting him, which results in him ID striking the video and humiliating her. >>226194
>She makes OnlyFans content with twomad, she sucks his toes and lets him grope her while Josh takes their photos. >>222743
>She makes more rape porn with her boyfriend where she acts like a kid and she is called a “little girl”. >>224701
>She cosplays as a 9-year-old character for her porn. She acts childish and inserts gummy worms in her vagina. >>226605 She also includes non-sexual photos and videos of her dressing up/filtered/acting as the 9-year-old character to her OnlyFans, considering those sexual.
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No. 264003


Are you lost? This is lolcow. Cope.

No. 299176

i miss belle delphie threads so much pleas Come back im crying it was my oly comfort:(

No. 299177

Dont ban me btw please just bring belle thread back unlock it please(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 299218

If u retards posted actual milk instead of nitpicking her body and editing her face you'd have your own thread and it'd be unlocked. Go to the camgirl general like mods said.(yes this is true but please take this discussion to meta)

No. 299374

belle i know you're reading this please do something milky i'm so bored(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

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No. 263556[Reply]

Belle Delphine, a 22-year-old ‘marketing genius‘ who desperately seeks out any attention she can get , made a comeback in April 2022 after her failed porn and is just adding more failed marketing stunts to the list. She is best known for lying about selling her bathwater, her failed marketing stunts, dressing/acting like a child for her porn, selling another girl’s nudes claiming it was herself, and bootlicking any Youtuber or lolcow with a following. Her boyfriend Joshua John Gray also participates in her pedo-pandering porn videos where he pretends to rape her.

Previous thread: >>235422

Recent updates:
>She makes her friend Katie McDonnell larp as her “18-year-old sister called Connie Delphine”. People find out Katie’s real identity quickly and her stunt fails. >>213055
>She shows off her income and house in a failed music video. >>223900 She doxes her house for the video. >>225921 Turns out she lives with other sex workers like Pixie in that house.
>She steals shamana’s music for her video without crediting him, which results in him ID striking the video and humiliating her. >>226194
>She makes OnlyFans content with twomad, she sucks his toes and lets him grope her while Josh takes their photos. >>222743
>She makes more rape porn with her boyfriend where she acts like a kid and she is called a “little girl”. >>224701
>She cosplays as a 9-year-old character for her porn. She acts childish and inserts gummy worms in her vagina. >>226605 She also includes non-sexual photos and videos of her dressing up/filtered/acting as the 9-year-old character to her OnlyFans, considering those sexual.
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No. 291469


No. 291471

She's going to be at that stupid Creator's Clash, but I doubt it will be milky. I agree that she's just an OF thot at this point and doesn't do much other than post gross pictures where she makes herself look more childish. She doesn't need her own thread, she could be posted in /snow/ for general OF thots at this point.

No. 291557

If anything, put her in the photoshop thread on /snow/.

No. 291717

New thread >>291716

No. 299178


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No. 282703[Reply]

Previous thread

Once Again:
Sage your non-milk posts. Being fat and or ugly, while hilarious, is not milk by itself. Lying/shooping yourself excessively to hide that you are fat and ugly and crying about it when caught is milk.

PLEASE refrain from mini-modding or hi-cowing. If there is proof that a cow is posting in thread, report the post and move on.

Cows in the Spotlight

Sacramento Comm Drama
>20dollarlolita made a video basically accusing sacarmento comm mods of power tripping and vendetta banning frilledcriminal plus others in the sacramento comm >>281489 >>281530
>one of the mods claimed the ban was due to repeated rule violations - never gave any warnings about bad behavior before the ban >>281523 >>281549
>drama summary: mods allegedly banned frilledcriminal from comm without saying anything, some of her friends/the comm members got upset at the mods for the random ban, 2 weeks later mods gave reasons for the ban and friends of frilledcriminal claim lots of the reasons were apparently falsified/never actually happened and that mods kept switching up the reasons, mods also banned comm members who spoke up about it, mods then proceeded to try and get the comm members who spoke up banned from another comm in the state (bay area comm - they were unsuccessful)
>list of sacramento mods from the facebook >>281553
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No. 298906

Samefag it's done if anyone has thread pic suggestions

No. 298907

Making one nonita. Will be a hour

No. 298912

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Thread anon, will this do?
any anons knows how to make animated titles?

No. 298913

This is hilarious, thank you. Going to censor the fake nipples to make sure jannies don't delete for nudity though

No. 298916

New Thread, tried to organize it sorry if anything is broken


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No. 291608[Reply]


Previous thread: >>>/w/285708
Discuss your (in)famous (Ex)Jvloggers here!

BEFORE POSTING: Please keep on topic. Post proof about topics before tinfoiling.
TRASH TASTE HAS THEIR OWN THREAD [Connor/Garnt/Joey]: >>>/w/18113


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No. 298634

Jake Adelstein is the ultimate cow and definitely belongs somewhere on /w/. He would be a great addition to this thread if he was a vlogger. He's like Norm in how he makes grandiose claims and can't take any kind of criticism. He's like Sam in how he pretends women are attracted to him and pay to have sex with him. He's like Chris in how he pretends he's the first to do anything. He's also a creeper.
Nonnie, it's been common knowledge in the expat community in Japan for over a decade and it's been brought up here long before the TV drama and Hollywood Reporter exposé because Chris has recommended the book more than once in his vlogs. It's also not "one" thing when everything you write is practically a lie and you could give James Frey a run for his money. But now that I think of it, I don't think Chris has been recommending TV show, so maybe he's realized how fake and embarrassing the book is.

No. 298637


how do people work this shit out?(learn to sage)

No. 298642

Wait so you made up a story that sola met Chris and Sharla met because Sola was a consultant on the Tokyo vice tv show. And because ken worked on the show and Chris interviewed him, so that how he met sola that way. Lol
With zero proofs, just you deciding it has to be so.
So you want us to ignore what the story sola told about how she met Sharla, because it doesn’t fit with your narrative. Lol
Anyway that oversharing whore sola would have posted a million ig post bragging about working on Tokyo vice if she did.

No. 298664

Wait so you made up a story that sola met Chris and Sharla met because Sola was a consultant on the Tokyo vice tv show. And because ken worked on the show and Chris interviewed him, so that how he met sola that way. Lol
With zero proofs, just you deciding it has to be so.
So you want us to ignore what the story sola told about how she met Sharla, because it doesn’t fit with your narrative. Lol
Anyway that oversharing whore sola would have posted a million ig post bragging about working on Tokyo vice if she did.

No. 298701

The jvloggerz thread has been locked for lack of milk, the amount of reports it generates, and sheer amount of tinfoiling, nitpicking and infighting it creates. If there is actual milk it can be reopened in the future.

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