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No. 325573[Reply]

what do you guys think of her?

i occasionally stop by her streams because she has nice tits, but theres a website claiming she's stuffing her bra. i think they might be right. yoshi never shows cleavage, only tight shirts.


apparently there's lots of drama around her streams too. i knew she had some giant fat-walleted simps but i didn't know she was poaching them from other streamers lol. all this does is just further confirm that streamers, especially top streamers, are all degenerates

her youtube
her twitch
https://www.twitch.tv/yoshimyan(shit thread)

No. 325578

She sounds very based to be rinsing simps by stuffing her bra, never showing cleavage and wearing turtlenecks. Her bodyfat ratio tells you (women, and men who have ever seen a woman naked irl) all you need to know about whether they're real or not.
The simp poaching sounds very based as well, never heard of her but I approve kek.

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No. 291816[Reply]

Previous threads:

Taylor R is a “hardworking” “self-made” “successful” former model and Youtuber from Canada whose main claim to fame used to be copying Dakota’s embarrassing 2012-2015 living doll phase. She’s since abandoned this endeavor to copy Casey Neistat, the Kardashians, Jenna Marbles, Safiya Nygaard, and Valeria Lipovesky, among others. In the past, she focused on bad DIY videos and boring 30-minute vlogs in which she recaps serious challenges from her week, including hiring assistants, eating food, drinking coffee, exercising, seeing various scam artists (fortune tellers, naturopathic healers).

Her husband, Tom Lip is a successful businessman. One of his companies, MenClub, was exposed for featuring at least 8 underage (age 12-16) girls in skimpy clothing on their site. After news of this spread, Taylor made two videos defending the right of men to ogle children (it’s “cultural”! Don’t like, don’t click!), stated it’s just one or two people who hate her, and insisted that she was never an escort, a claim no one ever made seriously.

Taylor herself has started her own business, TOAT, which is, alas, currently completely abandoned for pandemic and motherhood reasons.

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No. 325988

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If she's following a trend it's not really plagiarized though. To be honest, unless it's an isolated video without a bunch of copy-cats posting every time she does this is not really funny anymore, she's just working that algorithm and it'ssucceeding. Now I wonder if >>325909 is even the OG or if they are all just changing it up a little like >>325920 pointed out. Pretty pointless because they were all copying each other.

Would really love if she copied one person that no one eLse copies, but that's never going to happen.

No. 325989

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I feel like her audience changed too. I don't remember seeing this many fangirls kissing her ass in the comments and getting defensive whenever people call out her bullshit. Picrel for example. Vomit-inducing

No. 325990

>if she copied one person that no one eLse copied
Oh she did a couple of times already. The thing that pops into my mind is the bay leaf video she copied from a smaller creator and was the only other video posted under the same audio lol >>303783

One way or another the complete lack of creativity from someone who calls herself a "creative person" is astonishing.

No. 325991

Move to the new thread, nonnies.

No. 326008

>he works hard and takes her to the most beautiful places for vacation
This bootlicking is even more pathetic when the majority of vacations and items we see are all sponsored/gifted (as noted by anons, they always feature some special branded hashtag or tagging the brand/company/thanking them/etc) ergo she earned them herself via her influencer role. It makes her sound like he's her sugar daddy, like tbf it started out that way but they are both working now, and specifcally the things the bootlicker mentioned are the ones she earned. RIP I miss her old audience, these people are beyond saving.

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No. 325261[Reply]

It cannot be just me who thinks this bitch is asianfishing. Her eyes change shape in literally every post, she looks like an alien. If you scroll back to her older posts her eyes 100% look different. I have no clue how she keeps getting judging gigs when her makeup is cakey and literally PEELING off of her face and she apparently buys most of her cosplays. I've seen her throw tantrums after losing masquerades too, her entitlement is actually insane. The one time I talked to her she ignored me and was incredibly rude to me. Most stuck up bitch I have ever met.

TL:DR: racist asianfisher, rude as fuck and entitled

https://www.tiktok.com/@everrgreenn?_t=8lgqYDJskT3&_r=1(shit thread/vendetta)

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No. 79174[Reply]

Sarah "Best in Show" Spaceman is an Atlanta based cosplayer and "motion graphics designer", currently with 92k Instagram followers. Milk imported from the Costhot Thread/PULL.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sarahspaceman
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/sarahspaceman
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@sarahspaceman
Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/shop/Sarahspaceman
Costhot Thread: >>33300

>Rushes to be the FIRST to cosplay a character, even if that “cosplay” is just photoshop (“First” Spinel, White Pearl, Mega Pearl)
>Constantly has to remind everyone she’s self taught and how hard she’s worked and how much she’s improved: >>40751 >>79090
>Gives out advice, makes tutorials, sells patterns despite hiding shoddy work: >>39551 >>39547 >>75844 >>51264 >>76939
>Chronic abuser of rhinestones, beads, gems, lace, hoop skirts and glitter freckles to hide shoddy work: Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 325259

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Can you cap that part? All she said in the beginning was "a style that has been aggravating cosplayers for years". Didn't mention names and the face photo was a stockphoto lol with a women with her face buried in her hands at a table. The clips were also less than 10 seconds, not technically needed to have a source, but how do we know those aren't even just her videos she used? The faces aren't shown and it was just someone applying hot glue and the other was a clear tube. That's it. She also did credit footage she used, so I'm wondering if the other ones were her's or just not needed due to clip length since it's technically transformative enough.

No. 325264

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are you retarded? that isn't a stock photo and the parts you're asking for caps of happened right in the beginning of the video.

No. 325267

>name's right in the video
>spells the name wrong in her credit

No. 325289

Wow, so she's basically making fun of other cosplayers who struggled with the technique? And sharing it with her 100k fans? How has nobody called her out on her terrible shit talking yet.

No. 326505

Sage because I'm late but just got a chance to watch this and I am unreasonably annoyed.
>proudly proclaims "I'm facing my fear and doing tailoring!" in the intro
>proceeds to do exactly 0 tailoring

I want to know what she considers tailoring, is it the fact she poorly bag lined almost the entire cosplay? Or that she used interfacing on the entire skirt? Also I am with >>324320 her hand sewing skills are truly atrocious. It's obvious she is uncomfortable hand sewing as she relies on a whip stitch for almost everything, plus how uneven and poorly done her basting stitches are. So many of the details on this would have been better done after assembly and handstitched on. But that's also assuming she has the skill level to do so. I'm not even opposed to the black cording as an applique, but it should have been satin soutache not this drawstring garbage she chose.

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No. 322787[Reply]

copied from the last thread

Jillian Vessey is a DID (Dissociative Personality Disorder) LARPer who trivializes mental health and compartmentalizes every single bad trait of hers while hyping up a dubious diagnostic impression that she paid copious amounts of money for.
She eagerly accepted her ~life changing~ diagnostic impression with a "Congrats on the DID Diagnosis" celebratory cake, but struggles to maintain the LARP. The number of alters keep piling up and she doesn’t seem ready to stop anytime soon.

>Early Years:

>began her lolcow run as a "pansexual" lolita lifestyle who dropped from the community due to LACE and "restrictive rules"
>gained fame for the creation of the J-fashion-inspired "Party Kei" fashion, a fashion she no longer wears nor backs
>known lurker
>formerly covered fashion and magical girl anime in her videos, was a pivotal figure in the LACE drama prior to her transition to the Party Kei years
>has a running track record of inconsistent uploaded despite pushing a "full-time Youtuber" career; used barely-productive incentives for support on Patreon; both have plateaued if not decreased in income entirely following recent events
>previously spent money frivolously (either from YT profit or from parents), like on wasteful plastic or fast fashion, and also claimed to make enough from YT and at the same time complain of demonetization
>has prior history of “severe mental illness” in the forms of a brief stay in a mental hospital in her early teens due to ED and self-harm
>often inflates her skills and knowledge in various subjects, leading to a very narcissistic view of herself

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No. 325391

Kek anon she's not at all cut out to make money from her creativity. She's a jack of all trades and good at none. She has too much pride to hone her crafts. She just wants to coast on her wacky rainby aesthetic and DID personas. She's a typical BPD nutjob thinking she's way above everyone else when she puts forth zero effort to get better at her "hyperfixations".

No. 325392

Yeah, just like anyone else out there, she should put some actual effort into her life and make some actual money in order to support herself and live like a real human being. It does NOT have to be flipping burgers. But something, for the love of Christ. I can't believe Stevie puts up with having a dependent when they're not even married. It's pathetic, and she is setting herself up for a life of despair.

No. 325395

Jill needs the touch grass time and structure of a traditional 9-5 tbh. That creative industry working for yourself shit is not for the undisciplined lazy stoner burnout.

No. 325415

I mean I know a couple stoner burnouts that got their shit together and with self discipline and self awareness they got better. Jillian lacks both, self awareness specially. She will never get better if she keeps insisting she's the best at everything when she doesn't do shit at all

No. 325416

He lives in the house her parents pay for kek I’m sure he’s fine with the arrangement.

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No. 297880[Reply]

Previous thread:


The UK gals are getting down and dirty with paradise members jumping the boat quicker than you can say Eva Braun. Member Coy exposed for telling porky pies about their race, saying they wish they could tan darker, irritating actual poc paradise members by rebuking their whiteness and having their fujoshi Naruto nsfw Twitter aired out for the community to see while koko sits back and let’s her members grill on the barbie just in time for summer.

Our resident koreaboo Kaimiterru in hot water over allegations of false racism accusations and pedophelia whereas she’s hit back herself with shots that supposedly some choice paradise members are on meth and heroin and even doing coke in front of their kid members (more than half of the group)

Spanish Hyperglam gyarusa admits to an absolute nosedive of a selfpost in barely illegible English in an attempt to gain noterietay.
Better luck next time right girls?

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No. 325055

Why don't you get a name instead of just a reel post? That might help.

No. 325057

i just know he’s ripping that Alba top from the seams getting his manly broad shoulders built frame into that shit….

No. 325095

the square chin built like the front of a SUV car, the thinniest and smallest lips I've ever seen doing a combo with the worlds 3rd biggest nose ever, the stretched almost-ripping-in-half alba rosa shirt with their mom's stolen bathing suit and the ugliest hairstyle in the world. I really dont know what is liza lulu doing after everyone kicking this fag out to hell. they never stopped trying to be a black woman even though everything is against their will.

No. 325097

You're responding to multiple anons. And his name isn't listed and the profile is there for you to lurk if you're really interested. I don't need to know his name is Jerry to call a moid a moid.

No. 325112

If you can't tell this is a man after looking at those inverted hips, there's no hope

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No. 17713[Reply]

Nozmo (zeeenya and junjouprince on tumblr, punkblues on twitter) is an artist that eventually rose to internet fame with her (ongoing) webcomic "Todd Allison and the Petunia Violet", after publishing a bunch of unfinished comics on SmackJeeves across the years.

A huge weeb and fanartist as well, Nozmo has dabbled in many fandoms (most notoriously Free!, Yowapeda, Miraculous Ladybug and YuGiOh Arc-V) prdoucing fanart and doujinshi that she put up for sale.

Around September 2015, Nozmo dropped off the face of earth… along with the money of all those who several months prior had preordered her Free! and Arc-V merchandise and never received it.

A new, one-shot comic by Nozmo was posted on her SJ account around November-December 2015. She did not try to contact any of the people waiting on their purchases, nor did she resurface on any of her social media. She simply uploaded the comic without any kind of notice and disappeared again.

Eventually, things started to move, people started to investigate. Some came forward claiming that it's not the first time Nozmo has done this, that there are fans who haven't even received their rewards for backing the TAPV kickstarter (2014). Baseless (?) rumors have it that Nozmo has spent part of that money and the earnings from the Free! book preorders for a trip to Japan.

In December, someone was able to find Nozmo's sister on Twitter, who explained that Nozmo was overwhelmed and scared by the situation she herself created by procrastinating. In February, only after being prodded again, Nozmo's sister stated that the fanbooks and everything are there, they just need to be sent out, that Nozmo has refused help with that from her and the rest of their family. (Caps of the exchange here: http://tapvfans.tumblr.com/tagged/the-nozmo-situation) However, nothing happened since then and Nozmo's sister abandoned her twitter after a few weeks.

Earlier this month, a different tumblr user was able to come in contact with an RL friend of Nozmo's, however, this person stated that Nozmo won't reply to their emails, nor did she pick up when they called her. The friend has however confirmed that refusing help is a weakness of Nozmo and that they're sure she'll Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 302939

Yes but it’s autographed with my name in it, how much would you pay for it nonnie?

No. 303219

about $30 plush shipping?(sage your shit)

No. 312096

Anyone has that zip file? I would really like to read TAPV minicomics.(lost newfag)

No. 324628

I'll try get a zip file together with everything(sage your shit)

No. 324924

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No. 140824[Reply]

Mishkali (Nikki) and her fiance Svatti (Rae) are cosplayers, youtubers, and tik tokers who typically make content on anime, manga, disney movies, and general pop culture. They reportedly support themselves from patreon and youtube alone. Nikki has over 400k followers on youtube, but only gets decent traction on their My Hero Academia content.

Nikki has been suspected of lying about a severe brain injury recently, which has allegedly made her lose all of her memories from the past 3-7 years. She apparently forgot her name, her fiance, her dogs, her job, past and current friendships, her entire college experience, and any of her own content/interests.

She now goes by "L" which was the last character she cosplayed before "losing" her memories.

Condensed milk/order of events
>On November 24th, 2020, Rae tweeted that Nikki lost her memories so they’d be rewatching Full Metal Alchemist and doing a live-reaction thread.
>On November 25th, Rae announced via a twitter thread that she accidentally hit Nikki on the head with her trunk door, and gave her “retrograde amnesia.”
>Doctors diagnosed her with a concussion and she either spent a night or went home the same day.
>Rae announced the same day that doctors have declared her physically fine and to have no brain damage.
>By November 28th, Nikki was already using tik tok to discuss her amnesia
>On December 1st, 2020, less than a week after losing memories, Nikki posted a 6 part tik tok series as a Q&A on her amnesia.
>On February 3rd, 2021, Nikki posts a “I have amnesia” vlog where it shows the first (same) night she’s back home, and Rae tours her through the house, which comes off as completely staged and fake. She asks questions like “Do we have children?”
>On February 12th, Rae said in a youtube video that Nikki never even passed out or lost consciousness.
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No. 313785

It's been months since people stopped talking about these losers because they are so chronically boring and cringe when they're not being hilariously bad at faking medical conditions.
All you did is remind people about this thread and probably made it slightly harder for them to keep pretending the whole thing never happened. Good job.

No. 318287

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Now they’ve removed any trace of it happening and are very clearly still in love with each other and jumped straight back into cosplay conventions. Not that it’s anyone’s business really.(newfaggotry)

No. 319515

so what are they now? still fiancé? i just know them from chainsaw man cosplay and i didn’t know they has this ugly background.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 324476

I used to watch them and really like the bakugou burn videos but they deleted some of them. it doesn't make sense how they could be up for like 2-3 years and then randomly be deleted??

No. 324482

I guess I'm disappointed because I really do think Rae does cosplay bakugou very well. this is all very u fortunate to Me:(((:()

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No. 94955[Reply]

There's a lot to unpack here about this cow, but for the time being I'll keep it down to current events.

Meet Conrad Collins AKA Digibro, Digibrony or Digi-nee, a self-obsessed anime youtuber and proud lolicon turned troon from Virgnia Beach.

Main Links (he has a shit ton of accounts)

"Femme self" accounts

Kiwifarms thread
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No. 171516

please look at the quality of man she is allowing to penetrate her. if your standards are Ethan Ralph you will have endless cocks i'm sure

No. 180926

Hey anyone remember that ESL Digi pissed of years ago. think he was some turk guy in his late 30s that could not stop getting in to petty slap fights with over god damn cartoons(necro)

No. 189646

necroing, you're thinking of 'that anime snob'

No. 322829

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Idk about you guys, but I just find it hilarious this beer guzzling, gigantic bearded, cheeto smelling fatass is fucking another dude with less facial hair.

Comedy gold right there(necro)

No. 324101

Digi is a sad sad weirdo, he released some 'music' recently and I'm just shocked he's still alive. Still scrapping by trying to make anime content and rap.


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No. 320911[Reply]

>Previous three threads:
Boring Repetitive Cycle edition >>304747
Carve A V Edition >>294375
Doxing And Stabbing Zaddy Edition >>286668

Venus Angelic Summary:
>Venus Isabelle Palermo aka Venus Angelic is a washed up has-been Swiss Youtuber who gained popularity for her doll looks and weeby content back in the days. Her momager Margo created the Venus Angelic brand, dragged her around the globe evading taxes and stirring up drama among the living doll and makeup vlogger community. She married and cuckolded a Japanese fan named Manaki who doesn’t appear online anymore (because they are now divorced after she cheated on him with her zaddy ken who she started seeing in 2018, she broke up with her zaddy this year though). Venus faded off into internet irrelevancy for the most part and tries to recapture some amount of attention by uploading random videos every other month, thotting on OnlyFans or threatening suicide.

Recent milk:
The boring repetitive cycle continued, but then Venus disappeared from the internet for 2 months.

Most recent milk:
Venus wants scrotes to pay for her boob job and "bimbofy" her >>304775
Suicidebaiting continues >>304834
Venus posts and deletes a manic post of her bruised legs and a rambling caption about being overmedicated >>304913 >>305224
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No. 323693

Yes, Venus we do know the things you did for "normal basic self care". You married Mana to take care of you. You then ran off to Kitano to take care of you. Then to Ken to take care of you. You splurged money on clothing, hair, nails and makeup and stupid daiso crap and didn't even have to pay rent for so long. You refused to work for years and preferred to exploit others and leech disability, while "showing yourself as bigger than you are." We know all about the ways you do "normal basic self care" Venus.

No. 323694

I think its in context to making herself bigger than she is. She's basically a liar or snake for it, is what she's saying

No. 323705

I take it she's upset because neither Ken or Mana are giving her a place to stay and she actually has to figure life out on her own for the first time in forever?They're booth retarded doormat moids so I don't expect them too, but it would be hilarious if they actually held the line and didn't give into her suicide baiting BS and Venus actually has to do shit on her own.

No. 323718

Does anyone have saved her old Instagram photos and captions when she was still with Manaki?

No. 323728

Moved to >>>/pt/930240.

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