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No. 325436[Reply]

Scott is a 41 year old self-proclaimed “cosplayer, model, LARPer, tabletop gamer, and professional actor” with as many characters of himself as potential STI’s. In reality he’s a greasy sex pest who’s always looking for attention or an easy lay, uses his previous clout and looks to grift, a pretendian, and hobosexual. He is also a narcissist who will protect his image at all costs and constantly seeks attention and validation, often by lurking and posting in the thread of his ex Lori Lewd who was his claim to cosplay fame. At the request of anons there he gets his own thread. He blocks every woman he has used in a limp effort to stop them from connecting the dots with one another.

While attempting to move in with a woman to be his live-in bangmaid, he was lying to his girlfriend about what was happening - “some guy” is moving in.

He’s been known to abuse, cheat on, and use multiple partners; he is addicted to pornography and prostitutes – he'll take that over his own partner. He has turned into Peter Griffin and is currently engaged to a disgraced WCS cosplayer whose husband stole Covid relief money and went to prison for it: https://dvcnews.com/dvc-program/owning-dvc/news-22659/5077-former-nasa-exec-sentenced-for-covid-relief-theft ; https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/nasa-exec-convicted-fraud-using-095849653.html

Recap of Previous Activity:
>Scott joins the farm to shit on his ex Lori in her thread and to fish for attention >>203162
>Such a valiant prince, offering up free trials for food services (probably in exchange for nudes) >>203208
>Scott continues Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 337904

there is nothing in this thread that indicates he was actually approved for government assistance considering he doesn't even qualify for that program. there's plenty of proof that he's a lying scumbag free-loader who uses people but there's a distinct difference between stealing resources meant for a community you're not even a part of and telling lies on social media for attention. one is pathetic behavior for a middle-aged man while the other is government fraud and therefore a crime.

No. 337912

Oh I don't doubt he wasn't/isn't approved but I absolutely believe he'd try to get that money kek. Besides he married someone who committed government fraud with covid relief money theft and there are claims he fled CO because of legal trouble and crimes so I doubt Scott cares about those sorts of things. I'm sure he thinks he's untouchable.

No. 338546

he’s been grifting and scamming his whole life. remember that go fund me that got like $5 lol

No. 338559

Didn't one of his more recent exes expose him for using medical gofundme money for larp events and costumes or something instead of doctor bills?

No. 339519

one of our mutuals posted that her boyfriend broke up with her a few days ago, scott was instantly all over that like a fly on a turd. seems the wedding didnt change a thing.

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No. 301141[Reply]

Kelly Eden (n.) is an infamous narcissistic skin-walking trend-squatter who is a self-proclaimed mental health advocate. She severely shoops all of her frequently posted, same-faced modeling images despite multiple cosmetic surgery procedures. Cannot handle any criticism and blocks and deletes any "haters", refusing to apologize for any of her cow antics.

> The epitome of an airhead “has-been” e-cow who has never really been anything

> Entire aesthetic/home decor lifted/skin-walked from previous roommate Tilly Dinmore (Tillywinkle/Amelia Nightmare/Demonpuff) and Audrey Kitching
> Has (now smaller) breast implants, botched lip-injections/fillers, botox, and is poorly liposuctioned
> Lays claim to several mental and physical illnesses including depression, anxiety, BDD, bipolar disorder, and Hashimoto’s; none of which are known to be legitimately diagnosed (often throws self-pity parties on Twitter, crying about said illnesses)
> Is anti call-out culture, yet publicly calls out fans constantly
> Has unsuccessfully attempted to join communities such as emo/scene, goth, Lolita, otaku, gamer/nerd, BDSM, and table-top gaming; was a LARP thot and is a fake gamer girl; is recently a conspiracy theorist and self-claimed communist
> Has penchant for "collecting" accessory friends (with rainbow hair); dubbed former friend group the "Fellowship of the Rainbow"
> Known to lurk, possibly post on threads
> Doesn’t shower/claims consistent dirty feet are her “brand”/wears wigs to cover dirty unfixed hair
> Claims to be “financially stable” despite constant whining about student loans/how poor she is for sympathy/money to spend on shopping trips, vacations, plastic surgery, etc.
> Known to sell sponsored items she got for free at a large markup
> Can’t be bothered to properly promote brands sponsoring her
> Didn’t address lipo for months, let fans believe weight loss/new body was due to “hard work” at gym, until video about lipo experience was posted; now offers promo codes for lipo/other plastic surgery procedures, (I.e. laser tattoo removaPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 334913

Is she claiming that shitty amateur draping around the negative space of a heart is her original idea? Also big kek at her calling it sloppy when her work is just as sloppy. It's practically one to one.

No. 334921

This would be so easy to diy for not that much money, she’s so damn entitled. Idk how her landlord is still fine with her after all of her antics. I mean probably because she pays rent consistently because she’s not actually poor like she pretends to be.

No. 334929

Don't post unless you know the tea, but also no. She's just being a bitch like usual, claiming she invented techniques when she didn't. Even she that idea somewhere.

No. 335747

That's not a rule here lol. Also we call it milk not tea.

No. 337541

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(sage your non milk)

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No. 337345[Reply]

Has anyone else experienced the middle age man in their messages trying to hit on them? I’ve heard stories about how he creeps on women even though he has a long-time girlfriend at home. I experienced some really weird things from him in the past. He like tried to say he hadn’t said something when it was literally two messages back, turned it into how he needed to give me space and he knew we had something special.

Apparently it’s ongoing and with several women. He’s got this one that hangs off him all the time. The whole thing just gave me gross vibes.

instagram.com/messiahcomplexcosplay(shit thread)
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No. 337348

post proof or gtfo

No. 337349

lol did the fucker set an alert for himself? god forbid anyone ask if there’s others with similar experience(samefag)

No. 337351

probably. would fit his whole thing(samefag)

No. 337352

Yeah my friend had a bad experience with him he’s such a tool lol(samefag)

No. 337357

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i mean he’s really proud of his body(samefag)

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No. 279002[Reply]

Previous thread >>139494

8chan thread:


Brief Summary:
Micky is a disgusting, hambeast, tumblrina who claims to be a CSA survivor, sexual assault victim, bisexual, and has 10 mental illnesses. She's extremely disliked in her local community because of how much drama she caused and her tendency to lie. She at one point, started the "Kawaii Black Girls" page and group, both toxic like her. She's bragged about beating her mom. Slept with her now former best friend's abusive partner. She also pretends to be tough online but hides often irl.

Aliases: Micky Martyrdom, Micky Moon, Micky Bunnie, Micky Magica, Miki Akemi,Kumicky Bunnie, Micky Melody, Kuronekoknaifu, Ruru-chan, Kuro Hime

Real Name: Mikaila

Social Media
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No. 337151


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 337154

I feel like that anon is just gonna live in denial until Micky spergs out hardcore again.

That aside, I made another thread.
>>337153(sage your shit)

No. 337157

You didn't even change the thread pic, are you brain dead

No. 337161

If you read the last thread, it was agreed that the OP image would be used for all threads since its intially posting. Read prior threads before posting.(sage your shit)

No. 337922

You’re absolutely right

But i also think it has to do with the fact that youmacon will be filled by the same people who go to isshocon

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No. 81193[Reply]

PREVIOUS THREAD - >>>/w/11675


This is the second thread dedicated to and detailing the cows of the self-described "animecore" community, an aesthetic scene based on Japanese art and media of the late 1990s and early 2000s. Those in the community usually take up interests and hobbies around anime, manga, doujins, cosplay, PC games, oekaki/tegaki, and Japanese imageboard culture, while often being elitist about said interests. Animecore cows mirror the immature behavior and sexual deviance of many 2010s Tumblr-era cows like Nemu (Holden), Yuta (shoppingcartfullofpinkturd), and Hushy (4lung.)

Some unifying traits that appear in these cows are:
>In their 20s and exhibit childish, rude behavior
>Usually begin on Tumblr or DeviantArt, spend most time there or on Twitter
>Claim to be liberal and progressive, usually aren't and have a past of being conservative
>Do "kinning" (skinwalking fictional characters) and often believe they're those characters in the flesh
>Occupy Japanese spaces online while speaking mainly English and little-to-no Japanese
>Create or consume objectionable fetish art depicting children, cubs, abuse, piss, scat, and vomit
If a fan of 1990s-2000s Japanese media with an online presence qualifies for 4 of the 6, they probably belong here.

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No. 300478

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(sage this non-milk)

No. 300479

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No. 300490

this isnt milk and stop involving family members retard

No. 336272

https://www.paperdemon.com/app/u/VIBRI(random no context link unsaged)

No. 336345

anyone know whatever happened to moni? seems she disappeared all of a sudden

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No. 218113[Reply]

Discuss TrashTaste and their friends in Japan

>part 1/3 of Garnt's wedding has been completed. There will be 2 more so all their friends & family can attend.
>Joey struggles with making content because of his previous coomer persona.
>Connor debuted with a vtuber model with IronMouse and continues to harem every man/woman
>Karen is on hiatus from vtuber duties to attend conventions/events as her real persona
>Aki goes through a quarter life crisis with tattoos, piercings, and is trying to distant herself from TT&friends
>PewDiePie is having the time of his life in Japan

-Aki being fat is not milk
-Chris/Sharla anons stay in >>>/w/216275
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No. 335583

unfortunately those are considered normal takes inside of the weeb bubble. Every time the whole loli thing comes up on twitter or reddit weebs just go in full damage control and normalise paedophilia and treating women as objects because it is japanese "culture". Japan always was a coomer country where a wowmens life means nothing and that is why all those degens are so attracted to japan.(sage your shit)

No. 335715

I wonder what Joey's likes on Twitter look like now since the ability to see them was taken away.

No. 336154

>said that schoolgirls selling themselves like it
Source on this?

No. 336159

There is no source. Anon is talking out their ass and if they mean when he talked about the red light district, he says a lot of girl voluntarily do it because it is easy money and they spend that money on designer that they like showing off. Unfortunately this is a true thing that happens, cheating isn't even seen as a big deal over there. These girls are taught it's not a big deal to have sex because paying for it is so normalized in Japan and money is money for kids who can't get a job. It's really sad. Anon is explaining this in a way that makes Joey look like a creep, hence the forced 'pedophile' comment with nothing to back it up because it's not true and not what he even said.

No. 336208

him advocating for loli all the time is true(sage your shit)

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No. 333002[Reply]

Jillian Vessey is a DID (Dissociative Personality Disorder) LARPer who trivializes mental health and compartmentalizes every single bad trait of hers while hyping up a dubious diagnostic impression that she paid copious amounts of money for.
She eagerly accepted her ~life changing~ diagnostic impression with a "Congrats on the DID Diagnosis" celebratory cake, but struggles to maintain the LARP. The number of alters keep piling up and she doesn’t seem ready to stop anytime soon.

>Early Years:

>began her lolcow run as a "pansexual" lolita lifestyle who dropped from the community due to LACE and "restrictive rules"
>gained fame for the creation of the J-fashion-inspired "Party Kei" fashion, a fashion she no longer wears nor backs
>known lurker
>formerly covered fashion and magical girl anime in her videos, was a pivotal figure in the LACE drama prior to her transition to the Party Kei years
>has a running track record of inconsistent uploaded despite pushing a "full-time Youtuber" career; used barely-productive incentives for support on Patreon; both have plateaued if not decreased in income entirely following recent events
>previously spent money frivolously (either from YT profit or from parents), like on wasteful plastic or fast fashion, and also claimed to make enough from YT and at the same time complain of demonetization
>has prior history of “severe mental illness” in the forms of a brief stay in a mental hospital in her early teens due to ED and self-harm
>often inflates her skills and knowledge in various subjects, leading to a very narcissistic view of herself

>Current relevant info:

>loves the idea of toying with the idea of having multiple mental illnesses; her main target is currently DID due to a diagnostic impression, and claims up to 9 alters right now with very shaky substance as to her alters' creation and the origin of her trauma which caused the DID; despite this, she has taken root in the DID community and has been involved or tried to insert herself into DID-related videos as an "expert" despite carrying the diagnostic impression for at least a year or more nowPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 336200

Crazy to think she has the potential to be cute but throws it away for her kaweewee garbage "aesthetic"

No. 336201

She didn't even say any of that.

No. 336203

this is so gross, she's straight up vile

No. 336206

insensitively spoken like someone who has never experienced the horrors of rape. curious.

No. 336207

She thought it was appropriate to make a retarded half-joke about date rape drugs? I honestly do not understand her, we all know she doesn't go outside kek she is NOT at clubs or anything like it… so why even make this retarded joke? When she actively engages in pedoplay? It's just weird as fuck. She knows that if she doesn't have anything to say she could just not say it? Or like, she could have just reposted it with her pointless TWs instead of posting like some sarcastic lolcow anon.
Like be sooooo for real.

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No. 39863[Reply]

So let's have a thread about LovelyLor! She is a twenty something from Burgerland who is currently living in Toronto. She skipped LA in 2016 after learning her ex-bf dumped her following AX 2015 in some sketchy story. Lor is in a relationship with an Amazonian, @_Flynnski who is now getting into lolita. Lor is using her a lot in her videos on YT recently.

YT: https://www.youtube.com/c/lovelylor
IG: https://www.instagram.com/lovelylor/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/loveliestlor
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lovelylorofficial/
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No. 336053

This was my point. The users aren't even in the cosplay scenes probably so have no experience around normal kemonomimi and suit furries. Its just regular cosplay but as OCs for a lot of people. Of course they will see only the spergs and creeps on twitter and most likely follow in circles that shit on thise types, but absolutely not the majority of people who wear the stuff.

No. 336106

>normal kemonomimi and suit furries
>implying there are any normal furries
99% are fetishists and not just because of twitter.(derailing)

No. 336123

Prove it.(derailing)

No. 336141

>lolita collective
Well, they definitely belong together, that's for sure

No. 336573

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No. 334426[Reply]

This thread is specifically for wedding discussion, not for general Jill milk, please use the catalog to find her current thread. As of right now it is

The farmhands have decided we need a containment thread >>>/w/334335 >>>/w/334425 to not clutter up the current milk thread with photos of what she could do for her wedding and tinfoiling about who is going to be there and what is going to happen. Not everyone has to have the same tinfoil, so don't infight over it.

>>>/w/328479 Proposal
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No. 335610

It's not terrible looking, but she should really take the dress to someone who can design a glow-up for it. The puffy sleeves for sure are ugly as hell on her.

No. 335727

Ok this looks really angelic ngl, first time I've seen her in something with a nice shape and cut

No. 335972

It's cute as hell… If she styled her hair it would be her best outfit in years! Idk maybe i'm partial to vintage wedding dresses

No. 335998

This is quite flattering and lovely on her. Wonder how she’ll ruin it with modifications.

No. 336374

Is anyone working on the new main thread?

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No. 331611[Reply]

Made an OP description for next thread

>Adelaide Somers / Addy Harajuku (previously known as addychansenpai) is a terminally online 25-year-old weeaboo tiktoker and self proclaimed “expert” in j-fashion, anime, japanese culture, fandom, cosplay, conventions, and other similar topics she barely has any knowledge about.

>General traits: hypocrite, insecure, thin skinned, and a moralfagging liar.
>She’s known to lurk lolcow threads and has made videos about Pixyteri and Chris Chan, defending the latter as a “vulnerable grooming victim manipulated into raping his own mother”.

>Addy’s online presence can be traced back to the 2010s with multiple abandoned youtube channels focusing on anime figure reviews and general weaboo content. As of today, all her previous videos are privated, but remnants of her attempts at relevancy can be seen across different websites.

>Nowadays, she spends her time dressing in poor attempts at j-fashion, wearing ugly goggles on top of her choppy hair, and creating low quality content for her impressionable young fanbase.
>Some of her most notable examples of said low quality content is her virtue signaling and holier-than-thou tiktok rants discussing what she deems as problematic media: she likes policing others on what figures to own, what creators to support, and what anime to watch. However, Addy does not take her own advice on the matter, and regularly purchases figures from series that include lolicon, rape, self harm, abuse, and incest, supporting their creators in the process.
>She regularly shills anime girl figures from NSFW sources such as Super Sonico and Saya no Uta to her young fanbase. encouraging them to buy figures, believing that anything that doesn't show a vagina or exposed nipple is SFW and “body positive”. Being an owner of a raunchy Super Sonico ½ scale figure herself, she sees no problem in recommending similar figures to teenagers.
>Some of her most infamous tiktok rants include the multi-part series called “figures I regret buying” where she whines and complains about certain figures she “totally didn’t know came from a Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 334831

To be fair, everyone uses filters and tiktok has one automatically enabled too. It does her a favor lol

No. 334839

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A lot of legit japanese brands (fast fashion or not) are usually partially gaudy.

No. 334843

i think anon is saying she's a hypocrite.

No. 334844

Jirai really is something I would had been interested in in my teens but having Addy's age I just don't get it. It's gaudy and unflattering.

No. 334848

We know she is. We don't need reminders, but what she's wearing isn't considered fast fashion, it's indie.

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