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No. 195013
Lori Cerda, known as Lori Lewd or Usagi Kou, is a 36-year-old photoshop addicted pro-ana costhot and anime fictionkin (otakukin for the oldfags) from New York state. With 20+ years of lunacy behind her, farmers have been working together diligently to stitch together the madness into a coherent timeline. Lots of interactions and receipts have been lost to time, either deleted or made private, keep that in mind as we continue.
Lori got her start as a rabid Sailor Moon cosplayer in the early aughts which launched her into infamy and Moonie drama that lasted for over 10 years alone. In Summary; a well-liked, cute and young cosplayer that wowed people as Sailor Moon had one of the hardest and fastest falls from grace. It’s a story rife with lies, theft, squatting, cheating, jealousy, cult-like behavior and lots of violence. To put it lightly, it blew apart the entire Sailor Moon community in the US and honestly, the news carried across the world. The juxtaposition of Usagi and Lori piqued the interest of many people. Some might call her one of the OG cosplay lolcows. After becoming a joke to the majority of the US cosplay community Lori dropped her Usagi shtick, married a few times and stayed mostly quiet.
2017 changed all that when Lori met Kevin “Skye” Hanft. Once the two cosplayers met and fell in love, Lori quickly reverted to her past behaviors and became Zero Two from Darling in the Franxx. Her current phase she has described herself as “14 yr old boy” and “spicy loli gremlin elf bb succubus” She cosplays mainly as Saber from Fate as well as random My Hero Academia characters to cash in on that hype train. Recognizing her status as a complete has-been, Lori prefers to focus on porn and only does half-assed couple cosplay with Kevin at conventions. Kevin feeds Lori’s delusions and is a whole cow on his own. He serves as her meal ticket and guard dog. At the first sign of any inconvenience or drama, Lori will blow the whistle and sick her dog. If you lurk long enough you will spot a wild Kevin masquerading as anon. Do not interact. He is retarded and he will spend his time trying to track you down. He has a documented history of digitally stalking commenters, accusing them of being anons or Momokun/Vamplette and threatening suicide/murder.
Over the last three years, Lori has amassed over 130k followers (through purchasing bots) and currently is partnered with miccostumes (@miccosgirls) and several dropship scam stores. She is often reposted and hyped up by Dolls Kill, YRU and their sister companies. Her past partners include Bisou Lovely, Rave Wonderland, Ardani Studios and Lewd Complex. Her current “dream” is to become a NEET e-girl, the kind that can bankroll a D-list celebrity lifestyle with the work ethic of Shayna Clifford. When Lori isn’t crashing the Meitu servers overseas or begging online, she can be found at her local Round1 screeching at Kevin to win her pretty princess toys lest he get the hose, again.
Previous Thread (#13:
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>>>/w/175556 Vintage Milk:
>Textbook ugly-duckling-turned-mega-bitch after high school>Claimed ‘super abusive’ parents were the absolute most evilest pplz evar and she had to constantly be living on someone's couch to flee the violence>Known pathological liar, her entire cosplay career was a farce built upon other seamstresses work and props>Abused partners emotionally and physically, breaking peoples belongings when she throws temper tantrums, threatening rape allegations and suicide>Mooched off friends and family (living rent free and destroying peoples homes with her trash, indoor smoking, making them buy her things, forcing them to sleep on floors and go without bedding, etc.)>Manipulated teenagers, mentally ill/handicapped cosplayers and any others she deemed “beneath” her into false friendships>Had a rap for being a nymphomaniac, or at very least hypersexual, often pressuring people into sleeping with her when she wanted it. Many times it was in public, at cons or restaurants and other extremely inappropriate spaces.>Held vendettas against better cosplayers, sex workers and artists.>Used her many livejournals to harass and slander other cosplayers like Zan for existing in the community and cosplaying>Her ex-husband raped a developmentally challenged friend of Lori’s and when she found out she pressured the victim, “C”, into suicide. “C” then attempted by taking pills and drinking alcohol. Luckily, “C” survived. She never apologized or tried to right this situation.>Went through husbands like pantyhose and typically only married for housing and money.>Has only ever worked as a cringe cam whore and retail worker (unkown sex shop in WA then Forever 21 in UT) Condensed Milk from the 10’s:
>Self-identifies as a Loli, shares Lolicon on Twitter and follows pedophiles back on IG and Twit>Racist anachan with high-school mean girl tendencies>Painful failtroll with a history of trying to troll /cgl/ and /w/>Forced bf Kevin to self harm to prove his loyalty when she found out he had a female friend she didn’t know well>She cheated on him anyways and used his car to go do it>Both her and Kevin lurk their own thread and Momokun’s>They break up and make up constantly, almost every other day>Kins Zero Two from Darling in the Franxx, truly believes she is her and that the studio copied her to create her likeness>”vampire blood” “anime features” and ”good genes” something something>Will relentlessly tear down other cosplayers who do any cosplay better than her>”Suffers” from an Eating Disorder and body checks in every post>Queen of fucked up Meitu baby face shoops>Edits herself skinnier all over despite wearing XS-S clothing>Panders to pedophiles and degenerates without shame despite having many underage followers>Spends her life fetishizing East Asian culture heavily, specifically Japan, somehow still butchers Romaji>E-begs for money and subs EVERY SINGLE DAY>Abandoned her old terminally ill cat so she could have ferrets. The cat died alone without care>Claimed her ferrets were seriously ill and couldn’t go to a vet, got money and then ended up buying new DollsKill and a new weed vape cart>Kevin lost $300 randomly and vaguely blamed it on Momokun’s friends when it was really just Lori>Kevin has a running delusion that fellow cows Mariah (Momokun) and Vamplette are the OPs of every farm thread and are solely responsible for the surfacing of her past>Lori undoubtedly sowed this seed to use as a deflection, she continually brings it up and talks to Kevin about it publicly even when it’s not related to anything at the moment Last Milk Delivery:
>Lori half-asses a call to action for all paypigs, mistress LARP tbd >>>/w/182390>Everything Lori has ever done to anyone was actually THEIR fault and she's victim !!1! >>>/w/183167>She tags Netflix in a Facebook post trying to get her own "tell all" cosplay expose. Really. I'm not joking. >>>/w/183383>Lori has decided she is a permawhore since her broken spine only allows her to shrimp up in 9 inch stilletos for hours on uncomfortable plastic chairs and hardwood floors for Only fans, work is forbidden, so sub up. >>>/w/183980>Tick tock, another ferret is sick but oh look at her nails! >>>/w/184028 >I know it's hard for plebeians like us to understand, but Kevin will never be a "one dimensional" cosplayer. He's also a Hypebeast faggot and shackled to mall goth culture. >>>/w/184091>Lori hijacks another person's vent post to talk about how she was victimized by boolies in high school and how her YouTube exposed video clout would be insane; but she's too cool for that so she's swimming in her piss vat of a public pool. >>>/w/184325 >The most liked comments under her posts are making fun of her KEK of course she never catches that >>>/w/184810 >The blocking game is still going strong >>>/w/185042 stronger than ever actually>Spoiler: Puck is dying and here is where the money grift for his death began >>>/w/185258 >More sob posting to get pitybux >>>/w/185334>Kevin looking like chewed up bubblegum; giving complete wigger swag >>>/w/185847 >Kevin cooms more over his Gvapi than he does his own "perfect gf" that "works so hard" >>>/w/185857 >Kevin seethes on FB about being a balding fugly manlet chained to a scammy hag >>>/w/186126 >The farms totes doesn't get to him >Lori now resorts to BEGGING people in her Reddit posts to not report her shit-tier spam posts she calls "cosplay" >>>/w/186201 >Kevin is NOT SHORT they just have TALL CEILINGS >>>/w/186257 >Boo Hoo can't buy a Christmas tree cause of """"""vet bills"""""" so cough up your holiday bonus, homie! >>>/w/186282 >Kevin is too retarded to figure out how to post directly on here so he goes boss mode on his Instagram stories, successfully alienating everyone else who hasn't a clue what he's chimping about >>>/w/186473 >Lori really wishes she could have Lady Friends but women are just such bitches and Lori is way too good for that nonsense >>>/w/186989 >Lori is finally getting wiped from cosplay subreddit a for posting her ugly garbage porn ads >>>/w/187262 >Here we see the two with new digs yet they're STILL hurting for vet bill money…. >>>/w/187878 >Trigger warning for real, animal neglect and abuse: Last seen footage of the ferrets. It's disturbing how sick they look >>>/w/188895 >Ferrets are dying slowly and in excruciating pain but Lori needs new nails so, sub a dub dub! >>>/w/189173 >New boots! Ferrets? Who? >>>/w/189277 >Lori legitimately looks like a gremlin fucking hag >>>/w/189529 belongs in a bog somewhere, far away from civilization >Kev is always in the background of her pictures cause they don't have a bedroom KEK so luxe! >>>/w/189685 >Lori is literally dying of depression. And you're laughing? You think this is funny? >>>/w/190189 >More wahhhhhhhposting for steak money, stfu and choke on your tears >>>/w/190317 >Instead of putting down their ferrets, they decided to milk the death and set up a new GFM to gyp people into giving them shoe money >>>/w/191028 >Lori projecting about her own habits of abusing and cruelly neglecting sick and dying animals >>>/w/191106 >Behold: the black void where Lori's heart should be >>>/w/191198 >Dressing up in garbage and LARPing as a whore is all Lori's uwu autistic traumatized little brain can handle and enjoy doing 1!!1! >>>/w/191728 >Kevin flexes his cheap little crafts and laments "the good anime" with classics like My Hero Academia and fucking Fire Force, thinks "modern" anime "fell off" >>>/w/191849 >Jeremy (some retard sub) keeps buying Abuela gifts, Kevin better check her phone! >>>/w/192151 >Lori now believes she is Marin from Dress up Darling >>>/w/192884 >Horrific new Looni video drops, if you watch this you will die 7 days later >>>/w/193235 >Kevin really wants you to know he has a homie that cares and he got new shoes! Totally not just him lying about buying a pair of shoes at a pity discount! >>>/w/193515 >Bree from Bisou Lovely backtracks on her word like a worm and reposts Lori, Abuela must be begging like a little rat >>>/w/193647 >Lori posts one of her many zinger videos to get back at the farmers accusing her of Photoshop, you're all insane and lying! She's perfect potatoes! >>>/w/193689 >Lori is now carrying the I'm Poopin torch, officially >>>/w/193694 >Kevin Spederline thinks Marin was made in the likeness of Lori despite the manga predating her fried roots and ghetto press ons >>>/w/193741 >The whole time her ferrets were dying and she was "working", she could only think about giving us cringe content, aw <3 thanks! >>>/w/193944 >I don't know what to say about this except Kevin looks like a rejected Square Enix character >>>/w/194103 >Kevin definitely did NOT get $300~ shoes as a gift >>>/w/194142 >Lori's "entire family died in the last few months", give her money or fuck off. Glad you're showing your true colors again, Whori! >>>/w/194528 >Lori tries her hardest to get back into cosplay subreddit a but nobody wants her sewer water looks >>>/w/194715>MONEY MONEY MONEY DEATH DEATH DEATH GIBMEDAT GIBMEDIS >>>/w/194797 >Kevin is so heartbroken over his whole family dying that he bought MORE STUFF! >>>/w/194951 >Reminder: you're the problem and Lori is a victim who has never killed any animals or hurt anyone and you're insane! >>>/w/195001 Now that all her meal tickets are decomposing in the apartment dumpster, what will these two dolts do for money? Work? What are you insane?! Only one way to find out. Thread #14 begins!
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YouTube videos:
>VangelinaSkov's videos>Buffering Cat's breakdown>Lori's racism Links:
>Monster Girl Vibes:>Lori’s FB:>Lori’s Instagram:>Kevin’s Instagram:>Kevin’s FB :>Kevin’s YouTube:>Kevin’s cosplay FB:>Twitter:>DA:>Etsy:>OnlyFans:>Patreon:>Amazon Wishlist: Archived Milk:
>pockybox investigations>wank about the rape incident>usagi’s wank page>tgtn attesting to Lori's cancerous nature>Djranma’s site>Lori's psycho response to Scott's confession>cringe engagement video posted by Kevin>cringe ED article>the sailor moon movie Misc.:
>Lori’s KF thread>Forbidden Spicy Imgur folder for the lulz Dead Accounts: (recently found) Vocabulary:
>BishieWhat farmers sarcastically call Kevin, stands for Bishounen or “pretty boy”.
>Spicy / Forbidden SpiceThis is what Lori calls OnlyFans because she believes her saying the words “OnlyFans” ruin her reach, it’s totally not because it’s her.
>LooniOne of Lori’s many nicknames based on her short-lived “Lori Lune” phase.
>Sempai / Baka / OnichanLori can’t speak or sound out Japanese for the life of her so this is what she spits out, it is always inaccurate and unironic.
>BB / Loli / GremlinThese are terms Lori uses to infantilize and objectify herself. She has an obsession with being a loli, she is an unapologetic autopedophile.
>MooMooThis is Lori’s dog whistle for farmers. (ex. “Hi MooMoo~” “I’m a cute MooMoo”) It recognizes her status as a cow and she thinks it’s a reclamation that gives the term less power over her. (Spoiler: it doesn’t do anything but make it worse)
>MooMooKuntLori’s pet name for her girl crush Momokun
>Merp/Derp/Beep/BoopLori mentally has regressed to a 12 year old, resulting in her using meme lingo from decades ago. She still thinks it is not only relevant but cute and charming.
>HatersAnyone, seriously anyone, who has anything critical to say about Lori in any respect. Comments about Lori that are not worshipping her will be blocked or the users will be harassed for days on end by Kevin and Lori.
>”HIM BEAUTIFUL”Lori’s eloquent defense of Kevin’s looks.
>Homie homie macaroni/potatoPsychobabble that dribbles from the witches gaping maw
No. 195054
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She has to be trolling.
No. 195064
>>195054She genuinely believes they look alike. I guarantee you the "people" that said she looked like Marin don't exist and she's just trying to ride the wave like she did with Zero Two. Seriously the only thing that kept her account afloat was DitF fanart and fan boys. It's the only reason she has followers. If she was just being plain Vanilla, forgettable Lori, she would be a literal who. DitF is never coming back so now she has to sink her play doh talons into the flavor of the week. Same system she's had forever. Wait for a pink or blonde haired waifu to drop, make sure it's the most popular series and waifu out at that time, start dressing like her and try to play the "oh we just NATURALLY look IDENTICAL because SHE IS ME!!!!" game. I'm
convinced she does it so she can "cosplay" online and irl without doing anything. She's a lazy hag, she's getting too porky for her characters of choice too.
No. 195115
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>>195054Lori's delusion is more and more pathetic. I cant believe she actually thinks she looks like Marin, but is so desperate to sell her hideous pics she's aware of her lies and sticks with it.
This looks so much more like Marin than Lori could even if she was 20 years younger.
No. 195186
>>195171>>195115refuse to say hi cow, it says hello for itself by this stage. it is a two-headed e-fame obsessed hydra so you never know if it's an L or a K
kuukow/this girl didn't photoshop her totally normal feet because she doesn't have a pathology about it like some people do. also looks like she's a way more accurate cosplayer in just a wig and bikini where some women wanting to be marin have to photoshop and delude themselves into oblivion while their pets die around them.
No. 195193
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>>195186Are you trying to say the two anons quoted could be Lori or Kevin? Doesn't make sense to me. They'd rather call everyone ugly losers than try to
actually blend in and stoke flames. They're too stupid to play that game.
Kevin's goodies finally came and he's been skating so much! They both seem really just shattered by the deaths in the family. Normal grieving stuff.
No. 195194
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I'm on mobile so I can't webm but he posted him doing tricks to some god awful Dorian Electra song. His taste in everything is fucking abysmal and grating, just like Lori. Perfect match made in hell.
No. 195243
>>195186>>195115Not L or K, sorry
nonnie. They do come in here sometimes but Kevin is so obvious because of the sad way he types and tries to indirectly wk.
No. 195247
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>>195194Here it is
>>195229>the only thing that made me realize it was Kevin was his feet being smaller than hers.Kek
No. 195274
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Lol Lori opened some Dollskill packages in the lobby of the Hardware apartments to make it look like that fireplace is hers. I'm surprised she hasn't gone on about "my fireplace" like she has about "my pool."
No. 195282
>>195249He is flailing around because he doesn't have any muscle or flexibility. You can bet he already injured himself trying to do these stupid videos. His skateboarding is the equivalent of his "music".
>>195274More of Lori being 40, sneaking pictures in the public areas of an apartment, opening up a package of polyester meant for someone half her age and faking like she isn't homeless. Chances are somebody is going to see her and get candids at this rate.
No. 195336
>>195332On mobile rn so it’s hard to tell, but it at least seems from the same timeline as the dollskill openings? She has the same set of pink nails in the dollskill video and ferret video. All the videos/photos could possibly be from long ago though.
Tinfoil, what if she got a replacement ferret to save face?
No. 195373
>>195368It's not even usable stuff. All of their junk is outdated by 10 years the moment it enters into their doghouse.
None of Loony's junk is wearable outside because it's plastic or polyester, or fake hair to cover what's left her bald head after bleaching. None of what they get is resellable because it's ugly or stuff like dirty underwear, plus all of it falls apart after she stretches to get into it with her press on nails.
This is why she's always seen wearing Kevin's sweats and those plastic sunglasses like a methhead when outside. She can't even afford clothes.
No. 195397
>>195368This comment is exactly what I was thinking. It's such a sad cope that they buy all this garbage and live such a shitty life instead of using their money for a place with a bedroom, real clothes and things that are actually useful. They put themselves in a loop, live shitty, shop to cope, keep living shitty because we wasted all our money. People like this are their own worst enemies. In the very near future, it's going to get worse for them. Let's face it, they cant pretend to be rich ever again after ebegging for that vet bill/rent money. Whatever they do have goes to useless decks and ugly dollskill junk. This lifestyle never ends well for people who are this poor and live this way.
>>195373Their stuff is hideous. They have terrible taste. Economy furniture from Amazon can look good if you pic the right thing but they pick the tackiest junk, from the ugly pink vanity and clear resin chair to the mismatched blue couch and rustic coffee table. Nothing looks right. The cheap fur rugs look so confused. You can really see Lori's cheap style in everything they own.
No. 195398
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>>195274Don't hate anon, she's unaffordable. (but like, still sub to her OF for the low price of some change).
No. 195407
>>195398It goes well with her tacky dollar sign earrings, kek.
Bet this is her excuse for being unable to hook up with anyone other than Kevvy. He's the best she can pull even with her legovag out on the internet and they're both broke.
No. 195494
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So I guess one is still alive somehow but the way she's just like holding it to be like "LOOK HATURS BA DUH DUH my baby is fine" like girl no we know it's gonna be crusty, oily and dehydrated begging for death in like a month and you'll still be begging for money. Also didn't she say she lost ALL her family? Implying even "Sweet P" (pictured) would have been gone too? She's playing games and thinks she's slick
No. 195495
>>195494The fucking discount stripper boots on the kitchen counter - they really do live in some nightmare Dolls Kill/ Squishmellow hoard.
And yet still the same pose, the same facial expression, the same outfits every time. It’s literally no different - but somehow still getting worse?
Where does Kevin even store his own hoard of bad streetwear/ old cosplay/ and numerous skate decks now?
No. 195552
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The grimace KEK. She smiles like a dog baring teeth in aggression. Fitting.
No. 195581
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Lori needs $500 because her and Kevin already spent through the $400 they received from GFM donations.
No. 195585
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No. 195606
>>195494I’ve never seen a bigger cry for help in an animals eyes
>>195495Probably the bathroom or hidden somewhere by the public pool.
>>195552Those fuckin stompers omg. And as someone who didn’t care for the weight nitpicking I have to admit she has definitely packed on the pounds. I guess it’s inevitable when all she eats is Burger King and Red Lobster. I think the only reason Kevin didn’t get fat again and has remained a gaunt husk is from the same reason his hair is falling out- the stress from living with Lori the shrieking banshee.
No. 195614
>>195606He does look stressed. I think he looks like he aged ten years recently. I noticed we no longer see kawaii animu boy" pics from him. I dont think the filters can make his long gaunt face look the same as he use to shoop himself.
I'm not surprised she gained. Shes always starved herself to loose then gotten fatter. This time it's really noticable. I dont care about her weight either, but I think she probably stress eats just like Kevin stress starves.
No. 195657
>>195591In this case it means someone who drops a lot of money on her consistently, she’s not calling anyone fat.
And can y’all stop sperging about her weight? She gained weight but she’s still far from fat. I think she’s nuts too but at least nitpick something that makes sense.
No. 195666
By Lori's own standards,
she is fat. If she saw another woman that looked just like her making more money, she would have a psychotic break and sperg on every account about how fat and jealous her "copycat" is. I think anons are forgetting that Lori thinks anything over 100lbs is pudgy and gross. Did we already forget what all the girls she called ugly and fat looked like? Probably shouldn't take it personally or argue about it because it's really just directed only at her. If it
really bothers you what anons say, report them for nitpicking or bumping with no milk.
>>195585New Challenge: Lori don't make everything about you or the animals you neglected to death for one day. Lol. I'm sure when you watch any movie with any female lead with pink or blonde hair, it's
like, totally literally you. Get over yourself and post vet bills being paid, hag. Nobody cares about what you think. Where's the money?
No. 195676
>>195670I kinda have to agree that the fat sperg shit is getting tiresome in these threads. I know the point is to piss Lori off because its fat by her standards, but I'm willing to bet some anons here are built like that sans the dented chest. The way some anons act on this site makes me question what a "good" body even is and it's even more jarring/hilarious when you go to /g/ and check out the fitness thread or girl crushes thread and, shocker, the latter is filled with hyper femme women who have wider curves than Lori. Like, at this point is it just a bunch of unemployed anachans like one anon said or is it hamplanets hoping she blows up to their size so they feel better about themselves? Either way, I thought chest and weight sperging weren't allowed. At least one is mentioned in the OP.
inb4 hi cow because that's how this shit be at times
No. 195715
>>195585Beyond delusional to think Belle or Marin are anything like her. She must be seething about the official Marin being cuter, younger and thinner than her.
>>195687Anons feeling personally attacked are just outing themselves. It's about Lori and her pride in her weight. I also believe Kevvy tries to derail like
>>195698 said, he knows first hand how much she shoops and contorts herself to look thinner.
No. 195719
>>195698It's either Kev or Lori, they bait posters into going NO NO SHES NOT ACTUALLY FAT ITS ANONS WHO ARE THE SECRET FATTIES!!!11
Bet it makes her feel better for ten whole minutes from her sad life.
No. 195766
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Imagine begging for money every other day and weekly because your too lazy to find other ways of making money. Of is clearly not working it’s time to get job! No one is going to pay/tip you!
No. 195789
>>195777Considering Lori uses Kevin's accounts to look like he's defending and promoting her, this could also be her posting as him so he takes the heat for her anger about being fat.
It's a Monday, too. Time for Kevin's unblocking? kek
No. 195810
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Kek. Mrs. We Aren't Friends Until You Sub To The Spicy changed her mind since she isn't getting attention anywhere anymore. Her likes on all platforms are plummeting and she can't afford likes AND new clothes. Nobody is gonna buy it, Abuela. Nobody wants to like your posts cause you're creepy and fake. I'm glad they stopped by to defend Lori's waistline and not any of the other things going on. Which, btw, Lori is still a fat, ugly scammer. May every seam on your child slave labor clothing pop as you try to put it on, cerda.
No. 195824
>>195810Fucking kek, grandparents with dated memes get more likes than her and they don't nee to beg.
>>195819She erases the chest hole shadows in most pics, or wears clothes or angles hair or her phone to hide it. On the poor attempt at Marin she put the phone right where the hole is because there are no clothes to hide it. She looks like she has concave tits because of that pose.
No. 195832
File: 1643666294083.png (1.9 MB, 1052x1765, Screenshot_20220131-135027.png)

So much is wrong with this.
>Play-Doh thick acrylics in hi-vis pink
>terrible cat screen print bikini
>dated and overpriced Catwoman print mesh crop top that looks like Amazon garbage
>Blown out lighting
>90° angle waist shoop, believable
>terrible saturation that discolors her and washes out all the color in her "outfit"
>those stupid socks she wears every other photo
>nothing is truly styled, shirt is crumpled and fresh out of the bag
>that horrid background with the ring lights visible always
>cheap Ross rugs that also look straight out of the package
>the shot is crooked
>the Zero Two eye makeup
I really don't understand why she goes out of her way to look worse. She used to dress at least a little better in 2014-2016. Everything after 2017 is a crime against fashion. If Dolls Kill is actually supporting her peddling items on IG they are fucking themselves over. It does just look like Lori trying to force her way into it though. She's so desperate.
No. 195838
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No. 195842
>>195814Lori sees only through her eyes. She thinks it looks good. She thinks the 500 different faces look good too. She doesnt care or notice that it never looks the same from picture to picture and she doesnt care. She thinks she looks hot, so it gets posted. Everything she does is from her blinded perspective about herself. She never makes sense, as long as it fits whatevers in her mind. She wants to look like Marin, a shitty pic of her in a black bikini is enough for her to believe she looks like Marin. If she sees it and she puts it out there, shes delusional enough to think others will see it too. She's not right in the head.
>>195832I think she pays for all that DK shit. Has anyone noticed if they ever posted her again? I think they dropped her ass.
>>195838Get a job
No. 195901
File: 1643715200917.jpeg (208.81 KB, 1207x705, 4D2F1AFF-B28A-4889-958B-9AD596…)

>>195855This hot pink nightmare set are 100% press ons. They haven’t changed in months and look identical to these. $2 seems more her price range.
No. 195932
>>195901Sounds right since they're barely scraping by. Kevvy has been spending his parents' money on weeby skatefag stuff instead of her junk, so she's probably screeching at him every day for not bringing the subs.
The ferrets are clearly not being treated with any of the money they scammed. The grift will probably continue with a new pet and a new community that doesn't know about their animal abuse.
No. 195936
File: 1643741708211.png (1.53 MB, 905x918, Screenshot_20220201-103628.png)

Remember this is what Lori looks like now without filters KEK she's back to this weight and really thinks just sucking in the waist with Photoshop is going to hide it all. Shes built like a box and her only curves arise when she sits down and arches herself in a specific way. Sad!
>>195933Yeah. I'm putting money on it being weed and food money. Shayna blew up the same way by never leaving the house and just eating and smoking copious amounts. All Lori likely does is sleep in, smoke a bunch of weed, eat, shoot and swim then go back to sitting on her ass smoking and eating all night. Kevin doesn't look fat anymore probably because he can't afford to also smoke and eat like she does. All his extra money is clearly going to skating. What's a better drug to do when you hate your life other than weed? It's like a time travel drug that makes you dissociative. Perfect for people like Lori who hate themselves and their lives so much they don't want to even think about it, just consoom and pig out.
No. 195939
File: 1643742497995.jpg (236.45 KB, 1070x1427, img_4_1643739919084.jpg)

I'm a little surprised this hasn't been posted yet, possibly her worst outfit to date, makes me nauseous looking at even the heavily filtered version
No. 195958
File: 1643752493653.png (769.59 KB, 2889x1280, novdecjan_calendar.png)

>>195933Calendar pic anon here with some updates for calendar stat anon!
I think November was their most blocky since I've been keeping track but Kevin stayed blocked all of December and Lori has kept him as a follower since Jan 2nd.
Maybe someone guessed correctly about the reasons for the blocking/unblocking and it made them butthurt.
>>195953There's two of us now lol
No. 195966
File: 1643759074736.jpg (100.03 KB, 720x1159, IMG_20220201_164328_669.jpg)

Here's another old man skater update from Kev.
No. 196005
>>195933>>195958Kek, bet Kevvy didn't give all his parent's "Christmas money" to her so she kept him blocked all December. This explains the sudden ferret scams in December.
Lori is so pathetic she has to psyop her roommate for his parents' money, beg online, and scam people. She doesn't learn because she is still dirt poor.
No. 196007
File: 1643811979155.png (355.8 KB, 1517x760, uQKb1DfYarkn.png)

Lori posted these cope statuses around 5 am about how she isn't old or ugly and how she's "made it."
No. 196019
>>195397I really don’t even get why they stay together at this point. I bet they don’t talk or have sex anymore, and seeing as Kevin has been skating a lot again, he’s probably walking on eggshells around her. So, she’s pretty much taken over the apartment for herself.
Also, the ship has long since sailed when Kevin was Captain Save a Ho and supposedly had to “defend” Lori against her “haterz”, so what’s the excuse now for why he can’t kick this bitch to curb where she belongs? I know it’s hard to be rational when you are in a dysfunctional relationship, but at some point he has to see she doesn’t love him and that they are where they are because of her. He was doing relatively ok when they got together, and looking back, he could have had a good hustle going on in the cosplay community.
No. 196021
>>196019Maybe Loony changed all the apartment info or accounts to her name so that she takes money from him more easily. The fact that she kicks him out of the apartment and he lives in the kitchen is topkek.
The GFM looks like it's in his name but I wouldn't be shocked if the money goes to her account instead. She already uses his name and accounts to beg online and promote her, so she looks less desperate than she really is.
No. 196023
>>196009The bitch was up stuffing her face at 5 am, bloodshot and haggard sharing high school posts thinking she's owning people. I bet that if you lined up everyone who ever shit talked her here, we'd all still be better looking and more functional than that crackhead. I think she would kill herself if she found out a lot of anons are under 30 and not ugly fat basement dwellers like she thinks. I'm pretty sure she still thinks all anons are just ancient haters from /cgl/ she knows personally.
Oh, Abuela…It's much worse than that.
No. 196034
>>196031Kek what the fuck?
Abuela, is that you? Please tell us just how
abusive all 110 lbs of him are - we need a good laugh. Cut up anymore of his hoodies for ghetto crop tops lately?
In all seriousness - they abuse each other pretty equally. Neither can be considered better than the other - but Lori has no excuse since this isn’t her first relationship. She never learned - and he didn’t grow up.
They’re both shitty people.
No. 196039
>>196031WK harder. Both are insane and even his old friends have testified he was never this unhinged til Lori ruined his life and relationships with his family. She's made him worse by thinking he was just another young dog that would sit down, shut up and take it, so what's your excuse for him being the worse of the two? She chipped away at him by pulling her insane shenanigans and bleeding him dry for money and grunt work for her "career". Taking a schizo homebody ex-Mormon who's never had a real taste of being independent then expecting him to not flip when you cheat, steal, lie and make him push your porn is ludicrous. Even a coomer who is independent would snap after being walked on. If anything, he's been beyond patient and forgiving. She's lucky he doesn't beat her for Christ's sake. I get what you mean by men are historically worse, but there's complexities to dynamics like theirs. You WKs act like him ranting in an anime group and threatening to kill a random stranger on FB is equal to the years of psychological games she's been playing with him. They escalate each other, Lori is the main instigator and Kevin gets spun up cause he was already seriously psychotic. You feel bad for a bitch that's driving a psychotic manbaby to his edge intentionally? Man bad and naturally hold power above women, sure. But let's not act like the age difference and context of their experiences with being adults on their own
don't matter in this. There's so much to be taken into account, too much nuance to leave it at "Kevin bad" or "Lori bad." Both are emotionally stunted freaks who only know love in terms of buying affection and extreme emotional torture. If you really want to decide who is more culpable - it will always be Lori. She instigated everything and broke his boundaries and trust repeatedly before he ever went off the deep end. That was what started everything going to shit. Crying wolf for a cheating psycho just cause she's a woman is some weak shit. Women can be
abusive and aggressive. Doesn't matter if the bitch is a midget and 100 pounds soaking wet. She can still hold the power in this dynamic, especially if she is the older one with more life experience AND fiscal control over him.
No. 196047
>>196039Well put, to add she has well over a decade, hell over 15 years of being an old drama cow. Her antics are screen shot and filmed for our amusement. Both are scummy broken people with mental health issues that need looked at. Both bring out the absolute worst in eachother. I don't see any real admittance of issues, they just are constantly stuck in the loop of the narcissists prayer.
Now, tbh, I don't want to see them get better. I'm just here waiting for what ever charity that's keeping a roof over their heads to go away. Then the real comedy begins. It's playing out like the weeb reverse Tuna and Lurch.
No. 196089
File: 1643859851502.png (3.52 MB, 3240x1770, FerretMoneyOutfit.png)

Looks like Kevin used some of the ferret fund and bought some stupid pants to go with his "gifted" black and yellow shoes.
No. 196092
>>196089With how much Kev combs over his hair, there's gotta be some receding hairline that he's hiding.
I wonder where Lori goes when he takes these pictures. Does he wait for her to go to the apartment pool or lobby to take these? When she's asleep?
No. 196094
File: 1643860857537.png (1.22 MB, 1080x1722, Screenshot_20220202-195945.png)

"Homie" bought a pet bed since the hag blew "pet money" all on stripper shit. Grifter.
No. 196096
File: 1643861357115.jpg (55.44 KB, 720x692, IMG_20220202_210800_088.jpg)

She added this XS cosplay to her wishlist the other day.
No. 196110
>>196092They're both bald from bleaching and their struggle meals. Countdown until he wears her leftover 2cent aliexpress extensions.
>>196096Someone should watch these items disappear from the list and when they appear in a photo. Kevin is the only one buying off her amazon list probably for the unblocks.
No. 196128
>>196089This picture is a mess all around. The cum jacket, his piss yellow dirty qtip hair, the ugliest dollar store looking pants I've ever seen, the hand-me-down phone with the popsocket which still hasn't been replaced (can't afford a cheap popsocket kevvy boy?), the angles to hide his balding forehead and short height, etc
Such a disgrace to Zelda. Y'all think his bed pulls out of one of those cabinets?
>>196096The delusions, KEK. Kevin looking super skelly probs because she's eating all the food and slowly morphing into a heifer. Giving Kelly Eden and her skeleton man a run for their money. Why do all of these cows follow the same formula?
No. 196157
File: 1643896783391.jpeg (Spoiler Image,68.47 KB, 603x600, C87A9997-C3AE-4ED8-A0BC-4C777E…)

>>196089I can’t explain it but Kevin looks like Leann Rimes if she fucked Soulja boy
No. 196199
>>196089He claimed that the ceiling is "too tall" in
>>186257. This doesn't look very tall, Kevin.
No. 196207
File: 1643925474209.webm (2.74 MB, 994x1228, screen-20220203-134214_2.webm)
homie homie macaroni
No. 196209
File: 1643926836673.jpg (32.53 KB, 720x435, IMG_20220203_151728_151.jpg)

>>196207This is cursed. She's been trying this homie homie macaroni catchphrase for a couple years now.
Meanwhile, Kevin is upset at people. I wonder what happened.
No. 196212
>>196209Aww, farms hurt his feelings. I wonder if he realizes all the vitriol they get isn't the average experience and …. is for a few reasons to put it lightly. What he
really wants to do is directly address us but Lori would stab him and key up his new grip if he sperged again kek. I guess general middle school misanthropy is the closest he can get.
No. 196231
>>196209Yes because both of them are good humans? They’re both horrible humans abusing their animals and each other. Don’t contrite society and are vain.
>>196094 wow somebody pity bought you something for your animal. Maybe you could get a job and buy actual pet needs so they stop falling ill.
>>196089This outfit is horrible. And these bare kitchen photos are really sad for some reason. Why are they wasting their money on such stupid things.
>>196007Nobody called her old, she herself hated “older cosplayers” nobody cares how old she is or looks. It’s not something that actually matters unlike getting a job and affording your own bills. Functioning in society. They brag about the dumbest shit. Even if somebody “looked old” they would still be attractive, and what matters is your quality of life and how you treat others in life.
No. 196245
File: 1643955682109.jpg (441.54 KB, 1079x1513, Screenshot_20220204-001932_Sam…)

No. 196274
File: 1643990631908.jpg (431.99 KB, 1073x1908, Screenshot_20220204-170159_Ins…)

No. 196304
File: 1643999616784.png (320.56 KB, 1079x1732, Screenshot_20220204-102657.png)

Once a lazy pig, always a lazy pig. Even before her "disabilities". She will never let go of her dreams of starfishing for some chud who will fly her to the Bahamas or whatever and buy her everything she wants. If you don't work to save up for yourself, how are you going to get that vacay, Lori? Just being a prostitute for some old man? Spoiler alert: you will likely never even leave Utah and if you do, you're just going to end up somewhere worse like New Mexico or Montana. Kek. Why even taunt yourself with beach dreams when you're exiled to living in HUD in buttfuck nowhere.
No. 196314
File: 1644002348489.jpg (99.46 KB, 956x1138, glitch.JPG)

>>196207Pause the video and manually drag the slider and right after the transition at the 3 second mark, watch the frame of the mirror wobble, and her thighs ripple. Also, watch how her chin keeps changing sizes frame by frame, lol.
No. 196315
File: 1644002939137.jpg (87.97 KB, 720x452, glitch2.jpg)

>>196245>>196314truly the beacon of kawaii beauty.
No. 196316
File: 1644003069049.jpg (207.53 KB, 1500x1000, where-is-pig-island.jpg)

>>196304I mean…there IS an entire island in the Bahamas that is well known for its wild swimming pigs.
No. 196327
>>196315>>196245Her IRL face is an old person of walmart as seen through a funhouse mirror. Even with filters maxed out you can tell her face is super droopy and saggy.
>>196304A sad reminder of Lori's sad empty life with no friends and experiences. People less than half her age have already done all the things she's still wishing to do.
But what do we know, according to her, she's made it in life!
No. 196331
File: 1644008287757.jpg (11.04 KB, 480x360, heyyouguys.jpg)

>>196315>>196330Just realized what she looks like.
No. 196333
File: 1644008625672.jpg (12.34 KB, 259x250, DPqv4PdUQAAweCP.jpg)

>>196331and a little bit of Squidward.
>>196330I'm going to make it my new task to frame by frame crop shit from her videos. Prepare yourself.
No. 196339
File: 1644012846761.webm (7.02 MB, 996x1614, screen-20220204-133429_2.webm)
She looks more and more like a mom stealing her daughters clothes every day, literally looks like she raided her 15 year olds closet. It ages her so much it's so funny. Young people don't wear tacky shit that's out of fashion like that. Her age shows hardcore. Street walker chic
No. 196345
File: 1644018017144.png (824.24 KB, 1080x1878, Screenshot_20220204-153857.png)

Amazing, Kevin gets to spend V-Day with his fiancee while she chats with other men all day for money. Maybe then they can use those $10 tips to share an entree at Applebee's! Winner winner chicken dinner!
No. 196405
File: 1644094552547.jpg (63.33 KB, 720x709, IMG_20220205_135406_358.jpg)

One of the coomers released a bunch of "new"(?) leaked Lori OF content. Not sure how much of this matches the crap that's already on insta but here's an unsatisfied customer that Lori called a troll lol. No. 196407
File: 1644098839080.jpg (Spoiler Image,235.6 KB, 1080x1440, 1080x1440_c88709854b7b8a20e8a3…)

Prepare your eye bleach, there's a 5 min masturbation vid coming and it really made me retch
No. 196408
File: 1644098874959.jpg (Spoiler Image,169.98 KB, 1080x1440, 1080x1440_3b7c4e8d060887253bbf…)

Lego vagoo looks discolored as fuck compared to her skin bleach filter
No. 196409
File: 1644098909003.jpg (Spoiler Image,694.56 KB, 2448x3265, 2448x3265_0365e319849f62f994d8…)

The face…. Why.
No. 196410
File: 1644098953003.jpg (Spoiler Image,782.2 KB, 2448x3265, 2448x3265_d0c694b1fae296926c2a…)

More of her fucked up mug and clone tooled stomach
No. 196413
File: 1644101391326.jpg (21.33 KB, 411x323, lmaolori.JPG)

>>196412This about sums it up.
No. 196418
>>196412Only watched a bit of it but it looks like a special needs Belle Delphine fan making porn, very awkward and weird.
Also we need an update from Kev since Lori is now showing full vageen and masturbation videos. He is usually not happy about actual porn.
No. 196423
>>196407>>196413All of these pictures are a few months old, I'm sure. She has the dots under her eyes, so this was during her very short-lived Belle(2021) skinwalking phase.
>>196412This is a really creepy video. Her chest cavity is even worse in motion. Why is she slapping her thong straps and slapping/clawing at her socks?
>am I a perfect anime girl for my homie?>uwu>oh senpai, do you wanna see me cum?>such a tiny vibrator. can take it wherever I go!>Am I gonna cum for you senpai? No. 196434
>>196412Shes dead eyed the whole time and isnt even trying to pretend its remotely pleasurable. I cant believe she loaded this and thought “Yup, sensual as fuck!”
They must be desperate for cash though since miss “Im too good for porn and you cant afford me” has now resorted to posting….this
Oh Lori honey, its time to quit your dayjob
No. 196435
>>196428He knows and has to leave the apt to do it. He's forced to post links to her OF all day and she probably convinced him it's the only way they can make money to buy more consoomer shit because they're "too good" for actual jobs that pay more but wouldn't hire them, kek.
>>196434Does anyone have the "I'm too good for porn" pics? Someone should combine it with her horse face for the next thread OP.
No. 196443
File: 1644116814669.jpeg (170.77 KB, 1242x685, 01FA0321-3D05-44A5-A53A-4A9BB3…)

>>196435Couldnt find the post but dug up this quote that didnt age well
No. 196444
File: 1644117360789.jpeg (479.17 KB, 2048x1536, C40BDC74-78FB-45AF-B4E7-0BA61C…)

And these gems
No. 196445
File: 1644117412563.png (270.59 KB, 686x296, skweezy.png)

>>196412okay but why does she look like if you ran skweezy jibbs through a bunch of filters tho
No. 196447
>>196408I love that this bitch tried tucking her fucking floppy labia in. But idk if that's nitpicking so
>>196428I was thinking she did this while he showers but skate park makes a lot more sense.
No. 196448
>>196443This aged well. She can't even average 5 likes per post. Begging every day. Turns out nobody wanted to see
your divet and axe wound besides loyal oldfag simps and leakers. Everyone else leaves.
No. 196463
>>196412I have no words for what I just watched. She
has to be on the spectrum. There’s no way she isn’t. Either that or she’s perma drugged out of her mind.
No. 196474
>>196454Desperate times call for desperate measures lol the piggy bank is clearly empty, so to try and make ends meet she put sad attempts at porn are on the menu
>>196415She absorbed all the ferrets she killed, thus becoming mother ferret
No. 196475
File: 1644159163812.jpeg (350.55 KB, 1640x1579, 4B75DAD9-F904-4C12-8B80-A07B17…)

This bitch really can’t help herself.
>d-don’t be a booly! Just be nice it’s not hard!
>the wind blows the wrong way- mega cunt mode activated
No. 196494
>>196475Lol is this supposed to be a dig at Soni or Mariah? She always brings up how fat they both are when she's vague posting about them. Probably shouldn't be squawking about flabby upper arms when you're about 40lbs past your prime and counting.
Just sayin'.
No. 196496
File: 1644177242073.png (1.57 MB, 1080x1509, Screenshot_20220206-114905~2.p…)

Her engagement is plummetting. She used to get 5-7k per post now she regularly falls beneath 1.5k and maxes at 5k if that. Followers keep growing but nothing else does. How much money has been pissed away on bots alone? Reposts by companies don't even help her engagement… OF isn't any better either post-leaks. I'd assume people stealing her pics are making more selling them than she does currently.
No. 196522
>>196496i feel like she's on drugs bc i always remember Lady Gaga saying something about before she was famous, she would do coke or whatever and sit in front of the mirror and do her makeup and hair over and over
all Lori does is do her makeup and put on outfits and take the same pictures over and over. she doesn't go out, there aren't even any pics of her at the store or anything??? it's just so weird like she never does anything NORMAL. even other OF thots will post pics at starbucks or some shit, god damn
No. 196525
>>196496She really can’t grasp that one of the major reasons she is failing is bc she clings to that fake persona. Bleached hair, pale skin. Looks like shit. Everyone can see it’s not really her. Gd just be yourself.
>>196475 Her upper leg fat has been spilling out the sides of her thigh highs. Is she serious? Stop shopping yourself and let’s see what you really look like you fake ass bitch
No. 196527
>>196525and that bleached hair and pale skin is through whitening filters. lori's hair probably looks more yellow like kevin's
>>196274 and her skin more tan. she looks ridiculous enough with filters, she must look even crazier without.
No. 196530
>>196522 She bitches about every fast food joint on facebook or twitter, wouldnt be surprised if shes not welcome at any of them anymore.
On top of that she has no friends to invite her anywhere, and no job or hobbies so nowhere to go to even meet new people. Not like she cares since she thinks every woman is jealous of her “vampire looks” and “totally gyaru teen bikini bod”
Ffs get a job Lori. Ive literally seen a woman born with one leg work at Sephora if she can do it so can you.
No. 196539
File: 1644211129131.png (2.95 MB, 2190x1203, SadSk8r.png)

>>196535He has not. In fact, the ferret GFM was the last thing he really shared on behalf of Lori. He just posts crappy skater content like this now.
No. 196550
>>196548Lori has zero chance in any life improvement. Not only with men but also with money. Wouldn't be surprised if she and Kevvy have been trying to get jobs for years but pretend it's beneath them due to the massive amount of sheer rejections handed to them.
Between their empty CVs and employers doing a quick google, things are looking bleak. All you can find is that they're abusers and scammers so they can't be trusted to do anything. That's before you realize her vagoon is out and Kevvy is a sped making empty threats all day.
No. 196558
>>196548i just can’t see them going for another five years, especially if they’re struggling financially, but then kevin will probably spring up and they’ll have some retarded wedding down at the courthouse to prove us wrong.
>>196550i don’t think either of them have even tried applying for jobs lately.
No. 196565
File: 1644248864521.png (772.51 KB, 720x2465, Skatereon.png)

Remember when Kevin said he was going to make a Patreon for his cosplay prop making? Well he finally made one but it's for his old man skateboarding tricks that he barely lands. No. 196569
>>196565Someone please inform this retard he lives in the United States and the dollar sign goes before the monetary amount, not after.
I'm not surprised to see he went Looni2.0 and is trying to sell a product he doesn't have. Another waste of time to further bury them financially.
No. 196572
>>196565The anon who said the piggybank is empty called it
>>196474 They're both scrounging for pennies everywhere they go and failing.
No. 196575
File: 1644260893010.png (1.51 MB, 1080x1309, Screenshot_20220207-110639.png)

>sad saggy ass, can't even make it look better when she's contorting her broken spine
>lighting equipment takes up the whole hallway to the bathroom
>Kevin's bedroom can be seen in the back
>dirty pillows just thrown on the ground
It just gets worse every day lmao Lori you fucking suck at this all your photos are so ugly
No. 196576
File: 1644260973697.png (1.64 MB, 1080x1332, Screenshot_20220207-110624.png)

miccostumes sending her free shit is seriously all she has going for her right now how sad is that
No. 196583
File: 1644262342160.jpg (81.62 KB, 900x600, East-Hardware-unit-582-1.jpg)

>>196578>>196575Based on the floor plan I looked up online and this picture of a studio apartment in the same building, the white door is a bathroom, and the "hallway" is a recessed area where the washer and dryer are.
This unit seems to be the same one except the kitchen island is in a different position
No. 196586
>>196583>the "hallway" is a recessed area where the washer and dryer are.You can also see Kevin's laundry in that area. Lori doesn't even wash her clothes.
Their room is less than half the size of the pic you had, it must be a nightmare for them to have no privacy or even a bedroom. Even their kitchenette is just Kevvy's room.
No. 196592
File: 1644265339376.png (1.87 MB, 1080x1465, Screenshot_20220207-121809~2.p…)

the hair…
No. 196595
>>196593kek i was watching it this morning but forgot to post.
>claims he had another video review of these shoes that was just him rambling so be wanted to make another one>proceeds to ramble more>nitpicks things about the shoe no one cares about like that the toe box hurts if he laces up the tongue too tightly and the ankle bit is “flip floppy”>brags about having “strong ankles” despite hurting one because of the shoes and not his technique >stares into the camera like a sped immediately after for a good minute or two>um um um ummy takeaway from the video is he’s kind of slow, not articulate, and has strong ankles
No. 196599
File: 1644267814387.png (1.25 MB, 1079x1207, Screenshot_20220207-130314.png)

>>196593He sounds like Mordecai. He looks so old and dehydrated.
No. 196600
File: 1644268639889.png (626.41 KB, 1080x1351, Screenshot_20220207-130908.png)

>>196596Samefagging to add context. He goes on about how good they are, then talks about how they made him roll his ankle, that made him not like them, then he praises them for the aesthetic and impact soles after saying they were not comfortable. Flops between "had a bad experience I don't know how to feel" to "it's really good, awesome for this." Follows up a day later saying he returned them despite it being a 7/10 in his words. Even said it was good skate shoe for beginners. He can't make up his mind on one pair of shoes, wonder what his internal monologue is like when reflecting on their relationship. This video seems boring as ever but it's really a microcosm when you strip the consoomerism and just focus on him. People are fascinating to me and Kev really is such an open book, I love this. Check out that nervous eye shift at the very last second after he said peace. He's not even comfortable recording himself in his own home about something as banal as shoes.
No. 196605
>>196592She erased all the wrinkles on her mouth from making that ugly expression.
>>196600Good analysis. Also they keep outing themselves as poor and selfish scammers. He can't even lie straight when making a video multiple times, that you bet the people at the outlet probably think he's a scary junkie and they didn't want anything to escalate.
>>196601Lori probably tried to take it, kek.
No. 196606
>>196592The broken off bleached to death hairs on that jacket are disgusting. I thought it was pet hair at first but I think it's actually hers. Gross.
>>196593Top Kek for posting this anon!
>This breathable mesh stuffThat's called polyester genius. Learn high fashion or die loosers.
>>196600Let me get this straight, a new skater should wear an inferior skate shoe? Wouldnt they better off with a better shoe so they have more support and grip on the board?
Kevin is like a little kid who just discovered something. If a person wanted skating advice they could turn to the website of any pro skateboarder, like Tony Hawks Master Class and really learn about the sport. Why would they pay some nobody for unproven advice.
No. 196609
>>196607He learnt from Lori who did that at restaurants and nail places. They're too poor to pay so they hope to save by pretending it was not what they "paid for". Hope they're blacklisted everywhere.
>>196608It seems when they do shop at outlets, it's the only time they go outside. The rest of what they have seems to be illegal knockoffs like when he got shoes from a guy on instagram.
No. 196613
File: 1644278987272.png (431.13 KB, 1080x1511, Screenshot_20220207-160345.png)

Kek she's lurking everything. Scrotes and farmers alike have pointed out how lazy she is reposting sometimes even the same exact photos over and over cross platforms. She brings nothing new to the table and wants to cry about how eXhAuStInG it is to play dress up, SESTA/FOSTA hellscape my ass. OP is retarded and Lori, keep coping because you're a lazy pig who can't even be a bottom feeding e-whore. You struggle and complain doing the most basic of things. You will never succeed and you're burning alive right now. Your money issues are so transparent and you beg incessantly. It's not laws or meanies demanding too much of you, it's your lack of any work ethic and constant munchie cop-outs to avoid doing anything other than smoking weed, sleeping all day, eating shit food and LARPing as a teenage insta influencer. You're washed up and incapable of producing anything worthwhile. Quit while you have a chance to prepare for your next major breakdown. Your asses will be teetering on the brink of homelessness if you keep it up. So keep making excuses, your skin not ours!
No. 196615
File: 1644281807428.jpeg (18.58 KB, 272x392, 52534AA9-3A60-4793-8223-598BEE…)

>>196592Yo does she have pink eye
>>196593We need a gif anon to make one for the end of this video when he says peace. You can see failure in his eyes omg
No. 196618
>>196593Kev looks a little…inbred. It's worse seeing him in motion.
>>196601Lori has a middle tooth, and Kev has a gap kek.
No. 196624
File: 1644284382626.gif (4.27 MB, 462x270, ezgif-7-6e4d9b9ecf.gif)

>>196615Your wish is my command.
No. 196643
File: 1644294329608.png (2.58 MB, 2201x1195, GonnaBeLit.png)

Today's Kevin story roundup.
No. 196651
File: 1644297690772.jpeg (Spoiler Image,81.89 KB, 800x593, 5AA11D75-1058-484D-BFF4-EF63D1…)

>>196643i just want him to cut off the combover or just dye it a different color because it’s giving 1990’s donald trump.
also i know jackshit about skating but his form is terrible and he looks like a 13 year old boy flailing around when he does his “tricks”.
No. 196652
File: 1644300269351.jpg (135.66 KB, 720x1166, IMG_20220207_230058_094.jpg)

We can tell.
Seriously I don't understand this new bragging about eating crap while ballooning up like she is. Is it a fetish thing? Is she trying to brag that she can afford to eat in excess now?
No. 196664
>>196624Ty anon ugh I’m so glad Kevin’s back!!
>>196639>like a robot shutting downKEK
No. 196672
>>196639My sides, anon. Looks like he just remembered that Lori is going to physically beat him for making videos.
>>196643He doesn't look like he has "strong ankles" or form. Literally no talent or ability in any of these pics. He probably posts the few flukes he has when he isn't eating pavement.
No. 196679
File: 1644335974487.jpg (92.42 KB, 1280x720, IMG_20220208_085656_755.jpg)

>>196675Kevin's explanations for why you should give him money on Patreon are hilarious.
>I'd like to think I have a pretty different approach to skating and content.>all my skate "hacks" ppl have been asking for. No. 196682
>>196675It's truly bizarre that he or Lori think they provide value with their content. In order to be successful at these ventures one has to already have an established fanbase. If Kevin had been producing actual, routine (like uploading on a schedule like every successful content creator) skate content for an established amount of time and gotten a following from it, it might make sense to start a Patreon with skate stuff. But they just expect people to throw money at them for nothing.
Also, in all of Kevin's little videos he posts he always looks like he just barely lands the trick.
And then in most of his captions he talks about what a failure he is/how it took forever to get it right/how his bones are creaking etc. like he just sounds like an old man complaining about skateboarding. Why would anybody want to pay for that?
>>196679He's learning from the rest of the cows with the "people keep asking me for" shit. No, Kevin. Nobody is asking for this lol.
No. 196698
>>196697holy fuck I'm at the first frame and it's already horrifying. Why does she make that face?
Is this retard-fetish? Humiliation? she also moves in order to accentuate the chest deeformity on purpose. I bet on the mentally retarded fetish content saga. Reminds me of Luna
No. 196703
>>196679>>196682He and Lori are way past delusional. Nobody is watching their shit content other than themselves and people coming to laugh at them.
They can't even name one of their invisible fans or homies because they don't exist. They're too busy sperging out and being assholes to anyone who isn't a bot.
>>196687It's the same as when they both claim people in Utah are complimenting their "high fashion" when they go outside.
It's a massive cope for looking like homeless druggies that would get followed around in a store because people know they're trying to steal. I can imagine sales people trying to intimidate them into leaving because they both are shifty eyed even at their best.
No. 196706
File: 1644344726576.jpg (1.34 MB, 3464x3464, Picsart_22-02-08_10-17-09-389.…)

It's so funny that her posts that look like the perform better are actually just inflated because the same coomers keep liking and sharing on their alt accounts. I bet she begs them to do it and gives them freebies so she can prove the haters wrong about "poor engagement". We see right through you. The only people supporting her are freaks that look like that suicidal fat fuck from Full Metal Jacket and troons from her wonder years. She can't even get nerds like Kevin to share and buy her shit cause her only demo is geriatric pedos and transvestites who want to pass like she does KEK. Warning: never look into her "simps" profiles because you will want to file cybertips against these absolute degenerates. Half of them are like I said, trannies and they have little girls or furry shit all over their profiles -or- they're clearly someone's uncle or grandpa that only posts pictures of porn actresses and weird fetish memes. God. Does she not worry about these people stalking her? Like, she's worried about farmers but not the grown men spamming her posts that pretend to be "sexy" women and girls? (Vom.) This is who "pays your bills", Lori? I'd kill myself if the only people who liked me were porn sick chomos
No. 196714
>>196679What sad attempt at responding to farmers.
>I'm pretty involved >I have a different approachKevin might have bought himself some views.
>some break the 1k markMy favorite, is he holding his best shit hostage till someone pays him? Wants money but never proves he's got any skills other than some average skating around a skate park. Kek
>If I get support>I'll do some uncommon trick tipsSure you will Kevin.
>>196706Always Frankie Fajardo on every post, same cut and paste emoji response and often the only response she gets. A bot or an account paid to like posts? Either way, yuck.
No. 196721
File: 1644347331024.webm (Spoiler Image,8.73 MB, 996x2160, screen-20220208-103425.webm)

Okay mobile is practically unusable for me today and I accidentally deleted lol. hell, if you need people to upload webm on this site then make it less of a fucking nightmare. Here it is again if it will post even. This is my tenth try.
No. 196733
>>196721Must be hard to balance your broken spine on a cheap chair to hide your stomach pooch. Also lol at her trying to keep her labias tucked in so she has an uwu loli cunnie. Can't hide the fact you have a normal 36 year old vagina. Embrace yourself, Lori. You just make your Lego hand lips look further apart.
>>196728Giving them cash is a great idea anon, in fact you should just bankroll both of them and piss away your money every month. Totally gonna show them what's up.
>>196727Resentment, boredom and disgust with herself are truly the only options you get in this video. She hates her body, face, "job" and life. She couldn't genuinely smile in her porn even if she was fucking the man of her dreams. Her misery is palpable and calling her a black hole is so accurate. I would pity her being trapped in the poverty loop of sex work if I didn't know how awful she was. If anything her taking the Moo route and doing a 180 on porn when she's bleeding money is a fitting fate since she seethed about her and being poor so often. I love how with each passing day she is more and more like the women she hates. Her disgusting talons grinding at her genitals even reminds me of Moo. Birds of a feather will despise and be jealous of each other, I guess.
>>196729I think he's stopped for now because if he was, he'd have a tantrum about what farmers are saying and posting. He's chimped for days over less before, I can't imagine these comments wouldn't push him over the edge. Especially the leaks. Lori just shared a post about leakers and scammers ruining sex workers livelihood very recently but not after anons leaked here. I'd wager the fallout is coming soon. If it doesn't.. maybe this is Kevin actually learning to shut his mouth? Maybe Lori beat him hard enough and starved him into submission for good kek.
No. 196738
File: 1644349696369.png (726.15 KB, 720x1603, KevPatreonAnnouncement.png)

Got this from the other farms, didn't see it mentioned here. In his post about the new faggoty patreon there are interesting hashtags
No. 196747
>>196740Agreed. Their whole relationship was predicated on the love story in a literal cartoon. He wanted to be Hiro and fix a vilified woman who's been a poor neglected thing since birth. The sob story is clearly bullshit and he's probably realizing now that she will only get worse and he's better off living for himself and his hobbies. Lori is in for a world of hurt when he comes to.
>>196742Absolutely not. She's probably still haunted by the candids from AX years ago. She despises her real appearance too much to be caught again in 4k. I can picture Kevin going out to cons again while Lori stays home and copes with something like "cosplayers are vile, mama don't want that drama" or "I'm focusing on my work not hobbies uwu" but we all know it's cause the suits won't zip anymore without stitches busting.
No. 196754
File: 1644356430497.jpg (188.44 KB, 1080x1920, 273591153_439289131279529_2428…)

No. 196756
>>196720The most pathetic part is that he doesn't know anything about fashion or sneakers. He has zero vocabulary and like Loony he is woefully uneducated. He can't even form sentences, much less a basic commentary on a stupid shoe.
Do these tards not look around themselves? How can they look at other sneakerheads, skaters, SWers and OF thots and believe they're somehow on that same level? They never even had decent looks to fall back on for subs or fans, but are deep in denial about how ugly they are.
No. 196779
>>196775I agree but I'm considering that if she isnt sleeping with him anymore he doesnt mind letting her sell her vagoon since it benefits him if she makes some money. Yeah, I think pride is also keeping him from leaving for sure. There's to many "We told you so's" on the way out and he's not ready to handle that.
Or he just still thinks shes amazing and calls her his fiancee and is blind to how awful it would be by actually marrying her. Haven't heard them talk about it in ages or set a date, nothing. Hes better off since it would tie him financially and divorces aren't cheap.
No. 196784
>>196779The housing must be in his parent's name but would Lori try to pull a fast one and claim they're common law to try to take more of his family's money when she's kicked out?
His family just needs to cut him off. They probably have set a date for his cutoff, my money is on when he turns 30.
No. 196786
>>196780As far as online goes they seem to be engaged still.
>>196784If they have a cosigner (his parents) maybe Lori could have put it in both their names? Especially if she whined about her disability the apartments may have been put in a corner by her Karen ass.
No. 196787
>>196782Yup, I really think their holding on to save face. I do wonder if he feels bad for her though. He has options. Where would she go?
>>196784Lek utah is one of few states that still recognizes common law. What would that even play out like if they separated. They have nothing.
No. 196789
>>196786That’s what keeping up appearances is. It’s possible that they’re already broken up. They’re already more like roommates then engaged, or in Lori’s case, parasite and host. Even in their few couple photos, Kevin is barely hovering his hand over her, and Lori is only staring at herself and ignoring him. It’s like frenemies being forced to take a picture together.
>>196787Lori wants to take all of Kevvy’s shirts to cut up kek.
Seriously though, she would have nowhere to go. She has no savings, no friends that would let her crash (not that they would accept, she would stay forever and an anon already said she’s a nightmare kek). She would be homeless and maybe become a streetwalker.
No. 196790
>>196789>parasite and hostTheir haunted faces in their respective videos says it all. They have dead eyes.
Loony attacking her tucked legovag while staring at herself in the camera, compare to then Kevvy looking like Lori is screeching at him as she re-enters the doghouse to block him. They both can't even hide how bad their situation is.
No. 196812
>>196409These photos (and the master action video) just look like she smells bad. Where is the kittyfag lurker? Can we get rikki or someone to confirm this is what she’s actually like in bed? Her behavior is erratic and not “sexy” at all, just imagine her demanding sex from Scott and this doing this bizarre movement. It is frightening. Why would anybody in their right mind upload this on the internet? Does she just stink up the place the moment Kevin leaves?
>>196754Literally nobody asked for ANY (skate or cosplay) advice from either of them. They are the last humans on earth who should be giving any advice for anything. They have failed at life in every way (Kevin can still make a come back) their online attitudes are so stuck up. It’s so bad for business. Putting in literally no effort and expecting to gain from it somehow. They’re both insane.
>>196624The light in his eyes snaps off like a robot. Fucking sad.
No. 196834
File: 1644426402332.png (337.09 KB, 1079x1215, Screenshot_20220209-090314.png)

Hi kev, we know you're seething and Abuela won't let you sperg. Any of the "lies" you're talking about can be traced back to you or her directly. Whining about us and lying won't ever make that go away. You did all this to yourself KEK
No. 196835
File: 1644426542168.png (977.05 KB, 1080x1809, Screenshot_20220209-090257.png)

Looks like vlogs are out of the question.
As for Lori; she's pretending she posts anything new or exciting on her OF. Bleeding money and pretending she has new content, as always. Pissing away her money on bikinis and shoes. She's gonna be fuckin homeless KEK she will NEVER wake up and realize what a grave mistake she's been making for so long
No. 196844
>>196834I wonder what made Kev mad this time.
>I can do anything I wantAll the posts saying he should kick out Lori and leave?
>Come up with new worse liesThe tinfoil about them only keeping it together for the internet, but not acting like a couple at all irl?
No. 196845
>>196840Right? Way to out himself as a delusional cow. He thinks he needs to give everyone the celebrity run down like he's anyone but Kevvy the eternal caregiver of miss Usagi Kou. They're both low on the list of best cows anyway lmao. The audacity to have that much confidence and for nothing. Embarrassing.
>>196844Likely the porn, comments about her cheating or wanting to leave, comments about them being split up and him being trapped got to him and made him mad. Whenever he gets heated we
know we hit a nerve. He laughs of lies except for when the "lies" are truths he didn't think people could tell from across the world through photos and video lmao
No. 196847
>>196834>I can do anything I want.Pee on any cosplays in the kitchen lately? Let Loony rip up your clothes lately?
>>196844>>196845Loony's tard porn hit a nerve. They spend all day trying to prove they're actually rich and unbothered. They couldn't be more transparent with how much they're desperate for cash, hate each other and easily
No. 196866
File: 1644434609110.png (1.21 MB, 1080x1768, Screenshot_20220209-111814.png)

Okay so he linked the full video he posted to Patreon on his profile publicly. What's the point of the paywall if you're going to publicly link unlisted videos?
No. 196868
File: 1644434775375.png (94.38 KB, 1051x704, maybe this.PNG)

might be the reason why he's pissed, I was catching up on the thread and saw this
No. 196878
>>196868He says right there the money went to his fiancé, not the ferrets. Slip of the fingers there eh Kevin?
In the same GFM he said he can’t/isn’t working due to having to take care of Lori. So which is it? His job he posts nothing about, or a lie to cover up they spent that money on more tacky garbage?
No. 196884
>>196868What part of being a pet owner does he not understand? Don’t get pets unless you can fucking afford them.
>>196878Kevin having/not having a job depends solely on what battle he’s trying to win. Looking for free handouts from unassuming people? No job, wehweh poor me. Trying to justify being a consoomer faggot? HAS A JOB U KNOW NOTHING HEARTLESS IDIOTS!!!
Can’t wait for the last ferret to finally die so they don’t have an excuse to scam and the poor thing will be out of its misery. It will be better off in ferret heaven anyways.
No. 196890
>>196868>>196876But in the GFM description which was just a few weeks ago, he said he
didn't have a job and
can't work because he needs to take care of Lori & the ferrets. So this makes no sense
No. 196892
>>196867Well shit, he sucks! I could watch my ten year old cousin skate better. Kevin looks like an old man here trying to be a kid. No form, doesnt catch the rail well, weak grinds, shitty kick flip, flailing arms and unstable landings. Who would pay for this? It looks like hes trying to learn than in any position to give advice.
I wouldnt be surprised if he accidentally hurts himself trying to prove "his skills".
No. 196896
File: 1644443138401.png (1.48 MB, 1080x1877, Screenshot_20220209-134238~2.p…)

Lazy as usual, everything in this post has been posted before. These are months old. She's not even that skinny anymore. Must be getting to her that she looks worse each day.
No. 196899
>>196834>weird synchronicities Like the state of events appearing related in an important way? Or two things happening in conjunction?
Everytime Kevin writes something he proves how dumb he is. How is someone able to pin a synchronicity on you Kevin? Please look that word up so you can see how stupid you are.
No. 196901
>>196867He has no form or style, even his off key singing is better. You know he's all busted under his dropship clothes from trying to do these stupid stunts. It's beyond comprehension that he believes this amateur hour phonecam clip is content worth paying for.
>>196868Fucking kek, just outing his and Lori's lies and ferret scams everytime he speaks. Once again this cow can't even keep his lies straight and it's clear they're killing their pets and using them as props to beg for cash to buy tacky shit.
He mentions 4k like it's some big number multiple times when they've never spent beyond a few tenners in their lives. They've been getting handouts from his parents for years. Their patreon levels show what level of money they normally spend, which is in the tens.
If he had a job he'd show us a paycheck with pride the way they did with fake ferret bills. Show us, Kevvy!
No. 196903
File: 1644446672480.png (382.43 KB, 1080x487, Screenshot_20220209-144035.png)

Kek scrotes are annoyed with her, is this why she bitches about people being dEmAnDInG and rude? Because they expect the bare minimum and not the same photo over and over, forever? Time to switch up your shit, hag.
No. 196905
File: 1644446972544.jpg (39.38 KB, 720x661, IMG_20220209_154812_498.jpg)

So there are at least a couple of people who are encouraging this. Is this another local guy? Does Kevin expect the teenage skaters he hangs out with to pay for his patreon?
No. 196906
>>196904This makes more sense than my guess
>>196902 in context, thanks for decoding Kevin's nonsense, nona.
No. 196933
File: 1644465633544.jpeg (470.65 KB, 2400x1418, grumpgrump.jpeg)

wtf are these outfits?
No. 196938
>>196933She tries to make herself look uwu pale and blonde with the filters but it overexposes the clothes. We've already seen how dark their place is and how piss yellow their hair really is through Kevin's pics.
Is that the only purse she owns? No homies to help her get a high fashion or die bag?
No. 196976
File: 1644503456119.jpg (77.34 KB, 720x1040, IMG_20220210_072958_518.jpg)

The delusion… The only people who care about Lori are on here and KiwiFarms. Nobody else knows who she is or cares.
No. 197014
>>197008"Her" pouf cheeks. She should tell that to the hundreds of photographers who have countless professional pictures labeled pout, pouf or puffed cheeks" pictures all over the internet and can be seen by any quick internet search.
She's invented nothing and influenced no one. Every version of herself has always just been her jumping on some style. If anything she's the farthest from being an influential person because she's not defined in any way. She just rebrands whenever she's bored, or moves state.
No. 197020
>>197014>If anything she's the farthest from being an influential personShe has nobody to influence because nobody cares what dated trend some old and rough looking nobody jumps on, especially when their personality and content is shit. Her followers are nothing but bots paid for by Kevin's parents.
If she was an influencer or model, she'd have income and a reason to improve her unfortunate looks. She's going to be forever begging for ferret coins and posting meitu edits of her prolapsed duckface "pout" because she can't afford cosmetic surgery.
No. 197028
File: 1644526799427.jpeg (266.62 KB, 1442x810, mangadelusion.jpeg)

>>197026"Naoko shouldnt have followed me around and made a manga out of meh XD haha"
No. 197038
File: 1644534953583.jpg (Spoiler Image,107.98 KB, 720x1123, IMG_20220210_161506_161.jpg)

Now she's calling herself "Marin 02". They've been on Reddit for a year and none of her posts have taken off. Nobody wants your shit, Lori.
No. 197040
>>197038 how is she not perma banned from all these cosplay subreddits yet? Nothing she posts there have ever been remotely close to a cosplay, not even a bikini cosplay.
The only thing that is 02 is the horns. The only thing thats Marin is…nothing
No. 197051
>>197038She has no idea how to be ‘sexy’ - literally looks like she’s disgusted by her own content.
The combination of lazy/ desperate/ outdated ages her even more.
Dunno what’s worse - Dressing like an AliExpress returns bin , Or dressing like Walmart trash about to steal a pack of press on nails.
No. 197052
File: 1644541953024.jpg (574.97 KB, 1097x2370, Picsart_22-02-10_17-11-43-898.…)

He doesn't wanna look like everyone else KEK
No. 197054
>>197038This is literally so LAZY, she doesn't resemble either character but mashing them together is stupid. The pink eye brows make no sense with the blonde fried hair.
>>196976 IF anything she has influenced people to be thankful they are not e-grifting failure trash. She has no reach or influence what-so-ever. Nobody gives a shit about either of them, if they did… don't you think they'd have actual money and stop begging?
>>196933 I will never understand her "Style" choice, it's like sweat pants going to walmart mixed with a leotard that's ill fitting.
>>196834They have unfriended everyone and do not "Do social media" (other than her horrible photo sets she reposts to ebeg). He posted their personal life multiple times, over sharing about every aspect of the relationship publicly. They DO owe people explanations for their shitty behavior and lying about their animals/ conning people for money.I think everyone in this thread is "more regular" than either of them in that we aren't shamelessly acting they way they do. Anybody can "do anything they want" but there are general consequences to bad actions in general. Anything posted here can be traced back to his own post sharing this information.
>>196835 Yet again posting a young aged character along with her OF shilling. disgusting behavior. Nothing changes with these two morons and their stuck up attitudes.
No. 197056
>>197052>Skateboarding is about doing whatever you want.What does any of that have to do with him being poor and using Lori's leftover bleach?
Hope his hair continues to fall out. He styles it like this because like Lori and her crooked bangs, they're balding and trying to hide it.
No. 197069
>>196976That's one of those stupid quotes that people put over Sailor Moon graphics, that's not even something Esmeraude ever said.
Kind of like what Lori does. Shares random posts and puts a stupid quote of hers that doesn't make any sense nor has anything to do with the post over it. Topkek.
The only reason you're not shrinking anymore is because you're expanding rapidly like Violet Beauregarde. Might want to ease up on those bacon and eggs, abuela.
No. 197072
File: 1644554156007.jpg (83.97 KB, 720x1117, IMG_20220210_213453_705.jpg)

Even coomers at the leak site hate Lori's overly shooped content.
No. 197089
>>197083Shes a narc, she uses sex as a weapon. It's her carrot on a stick for Kevin. It's a pattern with her at this point. He's complained about it and she spins him talking about it as
abusive. It's really clear projection so I don't think it's even a gag anymore lol.
No. 197133
File: 1644611271309.jpg (2.57 MB, 3464x2932, Picsart_22-02-11_12-23-17-523.…)

Eating your money is a great way to stay poor. You're 36 years old learn how to cook and meal prep if you're hurting for "food adventure" money to the point of asking. Also gigakek at her going at like this. She really does dress like a crackhead and just wander into takeout places alone. Imagine this walking into your work and being a cunt about an already discounted order of crab wontons and an egg roll. Dressed like a child hooker, probably bursting at the seams to mention how she does modeling on only fans and has soooooo many followers she could complain to about the horrible service.
No. 197160
>>197133The coat looks like something really old from a donation centre, not very uwu high fashion.
The meitu chin shrinker is failing, so she crops out her face and puts a sticker on the chin in these. That's on top of editing out the wrinkles and shadows around her mouth from making that expression. You can tell her face is horse sized IRL because she has no cheekbones in these.
>>197137You could be right anon, the black roots aren't visible here. She and Kevvy are on the same bleaching schedule but she's been posting old pics all week.
No. 197161
>>197052damn —- i work in the sneaker industry (his collection is really basic, nothing impressive) and my partner is a professional (paid and sponsored) skater friends with employees and sponsored skaters for companies that kevin has bought boards from in the past.
most of the boards he posts now are not really skating quality, they’re more just meant to be “wall art”. not sure what kevin’s “end goal” is with skating but his skate videos show he’s clueless about skating, has no style (both for fashion and skating style) and overall just posts forgettable clips. general consensus for a quick group viewing of some of his skate videos was “these are embarrassing” and “why post these?”
No. 197162
>>197161Inb4 Kevin cries about art decks having multifunctionality, he doesn't care if "skaters" don't like his style cause he isn't like everyone else kek.
He fucking sucks at skating the only people rimming his ass are dudes 6-10 years younger.
No. 197169
>>197162He isn't like everyone else bc he dresses like an outdated scenefag from 10 years ago. For his age he has zero skill or knowledge about skating or sneakers becuase he can't afford anything decent. He's delusional thinking people would pay him for the secret spicy skate knowledge, kek.
He just follows whatever Lori does thinking it will get him money because she lies about it bringing in money, too. It's been made pretty clear they both are deep in credit debts and only pay the minimum each month for their afterpays.
No. 197179
>>197166You're so generous,
nonnie, thinking that they could actually afford a car. Why do you think he skates? That's the only way he can get around anywhere, Lori probably walks or takes ubers kek
No. 197199
>>197169it’s absolutely WILD that he thinks anybodys gonna subscribe to his patreon to see his shitty clumsy skating.
kevin if you’re reading this yes there IS a difference between low quality skateboards meant to be hung on the wall vs high quality boards meant for actually skating. sad that you don’t know that.
No. 197241
>>197169>secret spicy skate knowledgeThank you for the morning Kek
No. 197272
File: 1644689473913.png (671.53 KB, 1080x1938, Screenshot_20220212-100824~2.p…)

Fuck off Lori you don't care because you spent the money you SHOULD have used for pre-emptive care and end stage treatment on garbage. You killed them with your own greed and neglect. Boo fucking hoo. You prolonged the poor things suffering for some cheap shoes and lingerie. Your absolute refusal to accept what you did makes you a heartless cunt. We do hope the death of the animals you let die gets to you, hag.
No. 197304
>>197296Nope! They only ever make an appearance when Lori is directly called out by Facebookers or farmers. She'll post a cherry picked video of her last ferret looking happy and energetic, spam her story with pics to show what a good pet mom she is then they disappear until afterpay is due. It's routine at this point. Pretty telling with each couple billing cycles she loses another ferret kek. They're literally her only true money makers. She's made more off her aboose lies and GFMs than she has with her total net OF earnings. That's why she clings to those accounts for dear life then closes them and makes Kevin do another so it looks like it's a new emergency and not an ATM for her bullshit.
>>197297The gfm will stay up too well past this last ones death for "mourning donations" cause it's so hawd for her to deal with all the ~family deaths~ she NEEDS more lingerie to cope, we just don't get it. Her depression and grief is literally killing her and the only remedy is dolls kill.
>>197256She's beyond PT delusion cause at least she came to realize she would never make it and got a job and life started. Lori would never. She'll be homeless Marin 02 Saber before she ever gets a job like us peasants.
No. 197309
>>197304> That's why she clings to those accounts for dear life then closes them and makes Kevin do another I don't know how GFM works but is that why Kevvy runs the new one? Does GFM not allow multiple funds?
Explains how the money was going mostly to his wannabe skater shit instead of Loony's trash and they are fighting more lately.
No. 197327
File: 1644733842423.jpg (68.23 KB, 419x576, 1559851399497.jpg)

>>197323on the very first thread nona, picrel for you my love
he's still with her and my god is that baffling
No. 197352
>>197272Luna. Lena. Isis. Shiro. Suki. Pan (missing in action). Puck.
Fuck you, Lori. They deserved better than you. They were never your family. They were props for attention.
No. 197364
>>197349no, it’s Kevin calling out Lori for her
abusive behavior (the abuse needs to stop), then her showing her true twisted side saying “yes, your abuse (to me) needs to stop, you’ve been raping me”. which as awful as kevin is, we all know is not true. she’s tucked up for wanting to falsely accuse someone of that. even kev. for the event, not sure what they could be referring to. maybe some cosplay thing?
no sick role play here just Lori being her psychotic self on full display.
No. 197367
>>197352It's like she doesn't even have a soul. She's been on the prowl for the next animal to add to the bodycount, and next person to grift for some time.
>>197364That's how I read it, too. They don't roleplay. Lori is being an
abusive and gaslighting cunt, not much different than her regular posts to people she doesn't even know.
No. 197391
File: 1644789885885.jpeg (30.42 KB, 251x320, DF06A16A-824E-443E-AA73-C28080…)

>>197327don’t forget this gem
No. 197392
>>197391I always wondered what he means by "extorting money" and "blackmailing". It implies she has sensitive info about Kevin he doesn't want getting out, and she requests money for her silence.
Could he have actually sexually assaulted her? He IS just as crazy as she is, he cut his own leg open remember
No. 197402
>>197392I think the blackmailing is
>>197327 her threatening to scream rape against him
No. 197426
File: 1644850601589.jpeg (Spoiler Image,88.74 KB, 463x640, 9F1E9098-62EA-4A12-97B1-349DA0…)

he’s back to halfheartedly plugging her lewds on his insta.
No. 197429
File: 1644852794108.jpg (17.24 KB, 287x227, 1527732138761.jpg)

>>197426Since all this old milk has been posted I was going through thread 1 again. Truth be told,>>197413 is correct, we need to be posting links. However, I want to remind us all of what Looni looked like 3 to 4 years ago with this candid so we can all remember what she really looks like.
I know we like to poke fun at her aging looks and silly shoops but Lori really is extremely editing her pictures. She looks nothing like her blurry abominations and looks very mature for age, even a few years back. Aside from what she looks like, the actions of doing it are sick.
Lori, your pedo edits are very disturbing and pander to the lowest people, like people who objectify children. We know your not ashamed, but you should be.
No. 197430
>>197426Cuck Kevin directing pedos to his """fiance""" (KEK) so she can flirt with them and claw at her dry ass vagoon for them while he has to sit in the kitchen and watch. Awww maybe the two of them can walk to the Dave and Busters down the street afterward and he can win Abuela a plushie with her OF money! If he's feeling extra
valid and rich they could even split an onion ring. Romantic. Enjoy other men lusting over your girl, Kev. She's probably already fucked someone behind your back this year.
No. 197449
>>197438kek. that doesn’t make sense. kek.
No. 197453
File: 1644871966926.png (30.89 KB, 878x172, daymet.png)

comment on Lori's IG post from 3 days ago - "You are still as beautiful as the day I met you" @thepavos No. 197460
>>197429She looks angry all the time. Her only expressions are looking scary as a “joke” to try to be cute? And the intense look-away-from-the-camera eye with a straight face. And now she has learned the duckface.
There is no joy or innocence in her expression whatsoever. That’s why she looks like an angry old lady.
No. 197472
File: 1644883726388.png (1.18 MB, 1080x1937, Screenshot_20220214-160638.png)

Cope harder Lori never loved you in the first place LMAO she cheated multiple times and suicide baited you, she's not your Marin she's a parasite and a hag
No. 197522
File: 1644937825030.jpg (80 KB, 720x976, IMG_20220215_080853_949.jpg)

I love this. "Give me money because I chose to be a sex worker and it's hard." She really thinks people owe her just for existing.
No. 197527
>>197522I've never seen a pretty girl fuck her life over so much before. She could be married right now to one of her old Mamorus, or fucked one of their richer ugly friends and be living a good life with vacations and her ferrets care paid for by someone else, for real.
Instead she is e-begging, and is unsuccessful at it!! Incredible
No. 197535
File: 1644944683256.png (713.56 KB, 1080x912, Screenshot_20220215-090303.png)

The spoiled bitch cries again. Lori, everyone bankrolled you in your hay day and you yet again have found another retard to bankroll you. You cause all your interpersonal problems yet expect everyone else to apologize… Psycho..
No. 197545
File: 1644949715997.jpg (89.16 KB, 1024x704, cringe.jpg)

No. 197546
File: 1644949769051.jpg (306.94 KB, 1000x669, before.jpg)

she is not even bad looking, if she would dropped the crazy PS and editing(stop posting old pics )
No. 197559
>>197548Anytime someone posts what she actually looks like some shit tier old moonie pics show up talking about how "pretty" she is.
>>197546>post pictures of someone from 20 years ago>not even that bad lookingNot that bad looking when they where half their age means average middle aged person now. Geez. Have you seen her latley for real? Yeah she's just fine, or would be if she didn't dress like a candy coated hooker. Put some regular clothes and hair on her and she's your average lady. This bitch right here
>>197429 No. 197563
>>197533A new low, she's not even an actual sw, just an old saggy faced catfish who wants money "just cuz".
>>197559All the old pics are over a decade ago and shooped like crazy, it just wasn't as obviously shooped. It's no surprise she has issues with her real face today.
No. 197566
>>197545>>197546If someone is trying to prove she use to be attractive, they chose the wrong pictures.
So Lori's hair was always a fried mess apparently? Looks like yellow straw with showing roots has been her preferred look since she was young. Never change Lori.
No. 197575
>>197572>>197573You mean the $60 ring from the hotel that Scott bought her? Or living in someone's parents house and forcing her boyfriends to buy her unending deserts? Or mooching off her friends and leaving her shit all over the bathroom or burning their carpet with her cigarette butts? That kind of spoiled rotten?
Where's her real jewelry? Nice place to live? Designer clothes? Designer bags? Vacations?
Right, shes never had any. Ever.
Show me one pic of this woman living well. There are none. Every stage of her life has desperate living off part time work, mooching off others, old cars, shit job and garbage costumes and ugly cheap clothes.
Some of us know this dramz. Lori has as always been poor. She has never had whatever she wanted. Unless what she wanted was bottom of the barrel and thought using people for peanuts made her spoiled.
Forcing a place to stay, free food and garbage like lotions isnt spoiled. It's sad and pathetic and only someone who has never lived comfortably or is poor would think she was spoiled.
No. 197581
File: 1644979307907.jpeg (211.03 KB, 1080x1350, xjfjdifjdk.jpeg)

No. 197592
>>197591not sure who youre referring to but im 100% not a sex worker at all and I doubt there are others here as well. A lot of the people posting here have known her for a long time because of the cosplay comm, but sure go at it.
>poach followersDoes she even have any legit non bot ones lol there's probably almost none that are real people/not farmers/not bots.
No. 197597
>>197575She's living out of a dumpster and still manages to be in debt. She will be hand to mouth at the age of 50 at this rate and we can't wait to see it.
>>197591Only Loony thinks that her dusty edits are in competition to anyone, or that she has followers.
No. 197638
>>197608She's screwed now, all she wants to do is rob cradles. She would never realize she's below average and settle with a rich dork. She
always has to have the ~young prince~ everyone wants.
No. 197645
File: 1645031754305.png (393.37 KB, 1080x1520, Screenshot_20220216-091411.png)

Lori: Like my stuff homies otherwise you're literally hate criming a sex worker
Also Lori: shares this
No. 197648
>>197644Exactly. Lori never had a chance with anyone near money or sense. Delusion to think she'd be with someone good looking, too. If she ever had a chance, we'd have seen it.
She has done nothing but cycled through bottom of the pile leftover, broke, untalented men that nobody else would touch.
Kevvy was one of them, a mormon accident found when on the prowl and desperate for someone to who she could manipulate to pay for her.
No. 197658
File: 1645036244449.jpg (187.41 KB, 920x1966, Picsart_22-02-16_10-29-05-695.…)

In other news Lori is absolutely tanking. Nobody wanting her hag asshole on V-Day hurt her feelings so she hasn't been online. Imagine your own "fiance" doing nothing for you AND you get no business for your porn either despite "working so hard" to advertise. Looks like you got no homies and no simps. Looking forward to the 3-4 pity likes that she'll beg for after I post this to prove that she does have customers. Kek. Every day she gets new clothes and shoes, opening up boxes of what's essentially burnt money and washing the rest down the drain before begging for ramen money. How many thousands have been wasted now just in the last 5 months? Likely more than the 4k required for the ferrets is what I'd guess. Good thing it all went to tacky landfill fodder you can't resell or donate anywhere even. Good call. Not like the disgusting bitch ever let's go of anything. She's a pretty princess hoarder to make up for her super sad poor abused baby childhood (my ass).
Your most solid financial option at this moment is to jump ship and get a fucking job, you pig. Work at an old lady store like Michaels or JoAnns and complain about your back so you get less physical labor. Be a spa receptionist, literally anything. There's so many jobs for lazy people that allow you to stand or sit on your ass doing nothing but mindless crap all day. And you can keep your Kiss press ons! I know she would never make a smart decision like that though so I look forward to the homeless homeless food pantryoni arc.
No. 197666
>>197654This matches her previous relationships according to posts, where she looks for the next easy target as things fall apart with the current.
>>197658Tinfoil here but I think the few consistent likes were Kevin himself. From the pattern on Reddit, Kevin and Lori used alts to like their posts.
>How many thousands have been wastedAll of her stuff adds up to a few dollars and probably come from aliexpress. Wouldn't be surprised if she's selling some of the used-only-indoor items that were bought with afterpay, like shoes or boots. I think it would take at least a few years to reach thousands, but she's actually a lot further in debts.
No. 197688
File: 1645050210794.jpg (154.81 KB, 1080x510, 20220216_161807.jpg)

Here's little derail nonnies, but I was reading this article in The Cut published today about the current shift in fashion trends and this little snippet just reminded me of our favorite cuck whose still in denial about how outdated their asses are. Its a chuckle.
No. 197782
File: 1645114849494.jpg (35.98 KB, 720x443, IMG_20220217_091926_521.jpg)

She can't even convince men to buy her shit. What makes her think that women are going to fall for her "women support women" bullshit?
No. 197783
>>197767nta but you're forgetting that she doesn't stay married to anyone long and was married early multiple times. Even poor nerds without money dumped her.
A few brain cells wouldn't save her then, and she has even less now.
>>197782It's funny she says this while never supporting anyone, male or female. Even Kevin would make more money than her from men on OF at this rate.
No. 197817
File: 1645129791760.jpg (2.2 MB, 3464x3464, Picsart_22-02-17_12-27-59-484.…)

>>197782The anon who says all the simps she has are troons is so right. The only people willing to have her name attached to them is these sex pests. They probably think she's stealth when really she's just an ugly woman LOL.
No. 197820
>>197792I thought I saw a wedding photo where her hair was dark and natural, wonder if she was still legally married to Louis and that's why it ended.
>>197817Birds of a feather. These are the only homies that follow because she will never have female friends.
No. 197823
File: 1645131986934.jpg (3.56 MB, 3464x3464, Picsart_22-02-17_13-04-45-075.…)

More ugly ass pedo pandering outfits. Cope harder you're not a teen anymore, you're about to be 40 pretty soon with nothing to your name and no friends. Your blown out scratcher tattoos give away your age btw. Might want to just start editing them out. They date you 30 years
No. 197837
File: 1645140060236.png (163.69 KB, 1080x1255, Screenshot_20220217-151629~2.p…)

>>197833Came here to say this. She's already being a cunt. She made it sound like she wants people to make content or Collab, then she just tells them to make their fans subscribe to her first. She puts herself as the greedy whore she is immediately. Also kek at the tell your sexy lady friends aka don't forward this to any uggo of your kind.
No. 197838
>>197782Oh lori, your bikinis arent the problem. Also shed absolutely seethe at hanging out with another bikini 10-15 years younger than her
>>197837Kek of course. She doesnt really want homies, she just wants others to promote her lazy neon pedo porn for her
No. 197843
>>197833>>197837Lol exactly. And a couple of days ago she posted the "tip your sex worker friends today just cuz" status which seems pretty pointed to this new group of "friends" she has now. Pathetic.
She should move into a shared apartment with other tranny OnlyFans losers like this and ditch Kevin lol.
No. 197853
>>197837What an entitled bitch, openly asking for free shares to other trannys, kek.
>>197850This. She was already mentally discriminating against them for her to say something like that out of nowhere.
No. 197907
File: 1645208706682.png (766.18 KB, 1080x1713, Screenshot_20220218-102237.png)

Kek keep running Lori your life and mental problems will always find a way to get worse. You can try ignoring everything but it's all just going to come crashing down sooner or later
No. 197933
>>197907Trying to act like she has a busy life outside and places to go, kek.
>>197926They have meth faces without filters. There's no way they look that sunken without drugs involved.
No. 197934
File: 1645217226285.jpg (45.45 KB, 640x1138, 274124226_949868585657468_3031…)

Lorena posted this on her Instagram stories lol
No. 198058
File: 1645295628470.jpg (91.45 KB, 720x1043, IMG_20220219_113113_927.jpg)

Lol she's crazy. The reason she has no reach is because she drove everyone away by being a terrible person. Likes are "hater energy" lol some girl named Kara gave her a like anyway.
No. 198084
File: 1645317747688.png (2.21 MB, 1080x1861, Screenshot_20220219-164102.png)

The toes + roots and cheap costume we've seen a million times kek, too broke for your Walmart bleach bucket Looni? Go beg for burgie money and make a new GFM maybe then you can fix your brittle straw you call hair and your ghetto ass press ons.
No. 198087
>>198085the cow costume + toes out of the fishnets is her signaling she is aware she has a lolcow thread
not sure why she does this as it just makes her look special needs, not cool and edgy getting one over on the haydurs
No. 198089
>>198084Lori looks like she had more than one "burgie" already.
>>198087Signaling and proving how sad she is. Having a thread here is something to be ashamed of imo. She makes a joke out of herself with outfits like this and probably doesnt realize how degrading she is to herself.
No. 198108
File: 1645334389923.png (1.12 MB, 1080x1832, Screenshot_20220219-211848.png)

"Cosplay is on hold" aka the hag left him no space to do anything and refuses compromise to let him do what he wants
No. 198116
File: 1645340386894.jpg (74.78 KB, 720x934, IMG_20220219_182032_374.jpg)

>>198111You're right, but Facebook isn't the issue. The issue is Lori. Nobody wants her lazy shit. She's had this Reddit account for a full year and has never, not once, had a successful post in any of these thot communities.
It really is sad seeing her degrade herself all over the internet for pennies but here we are.
No. 198119
>>198110Gotta train to get rid of his muffin top!
>>1981160 likes even with her and Kevvy liking their own posts.
No. 198147
>>198116The problem with Reddit is she's posting her potato quality photos in a list of younger hotter girls with better style. The people browsing those threads already saw hot young women with giant bobs and then they see Lori with her flat body, no curves and weird outfits whose pictures are clearly blown out. You get no real skin texture or anything, it's all very artificial and manufactured looking. There's nothing there for anyone to stop on. Even uglier girls get more attention because their photos are realistic and show the actual body and skin.
And yes they have multiple accounts to upvote themselves, especially when she falls into the negatives. Its amazing that shes so stubborn she's still wasting time on this.
No. 198182
File: 1645390710978.png (2.35 MB, 1059x1729, Screenshot_20220220-125705.png)

hiding the gut+ that awful blur making her fingers disappear KEK any man that is attracted to this CGI nightmare deserves to die alone with erectile dysfunction
No. 198197
File: 1645399221704.jpg (12.32 KB, 230x196, tumblr_static_6u2a8relx9c0o0kw…)

>>198182Where to even begin, the blur, the fact her crispy hair doesn't match her extensions.. the eyes.. gives me pic related vibes
No. 198228
File: 1645422152407.png (663.21 KB, 1080x1898, Screenshot_20220220-214055~2.p…)

It's totally not cause you're lazy and a moocher
No. 198230
>>198182You can suck in your fat and do all kinds of distorted poses to hide your fat Lori, but it'll forever show up in your poof face and fat upper arms kek.
Watch her take pics hiding her upper arms now
No. 198236
>>198228She's behind other people her age, but she's also wildly successful and rich and doesn't need a normie job because she is fine to just do OnlyFans
you've posted both, which is it Lori?
No. 198242
>>198228People overcome trauma all the time and go on to lead wonderful productive lives. If you recognize you've been effected by a negative life experience and choose to use it as an excuse to do nothing for yourself, then the problem is you not the trauma. Lori will blame anything and anyone but never herself.
Share this post to a woman whose survived abuse and then went on to write a self help book, or a person who was previously suicidal and now has a doctorate and councils at risk teens. See what they have to say about the "I'm traumatized so it's an excuse to be a lazy asshole" card. Or even just the person who had a bad childhood and now has a degree, family, property etc.. people move on. If she's so traumatized she's admitting with this post she's to dumb to not let it ruin her life.
Of course it's all bs, a different repost everyday with more excuses about why she fails in life when she never even tries.
No. 198246
>>198243She made claims about her family many years ago but there's no receipts so it can only be a tinfoil. Whatever shes referring to she probably has no trauma she couldnt work past, but there is a chance she had something in her childhood. It's never been explained the real reason she's estranged from her family. People dont just seperate from their family for no reason. I know people say her brother, but that's not a reason not to see or talk to your parents. Still tinfoiling but why haven't they reached out to help her? She's no Daddy's girl, that's for sure.
She needs to pick her ass up and stop making sad excuses for living like shit tho.
No. 198267
>>198246Her ex Scott mentions in the breakup manifesto
>>24606 that Lori claimed her home life and mother was
>”So things eventually get to the point where she moves back in with her parents. From what she's told me, that household never really was stable, and I believed her. I'd never been there, so how could I question it?”>”So while she was at home, all she could talk about was how batshit insane her mother was and that things hadn't gotten any better from when she was kicked out of the house.” She could just be using it as an excuse to get people to care for her and play
victim, though.
No. 198277
>>198267That thread was a fun trip down memory lane.
Lori's body looks way, way fucking better now, holy shit. I will give her that.
But at the same time - I really can't believe the degree to which she photoshops the ever-loving shit out of her face. Come on, Lori, with the "people say this isn't my face but who's fucking face is it?"
It is NOT your face. I never realized just how much she shooped until now.
No. 198280
>>198267>batshit insane>super religious>kicked out of the houseSomething smells there. So her "crazy" super religious mother kicked her out at a young age? Hard to believe it was for no reason. But she let the druggie brother stay? I know sometimes people have weird circumstances but that makes no sense. If her mother kicked her out it was probably for something serious and not just because she was religiousor strict. Saying her mother is crazy but giving no real explanation to someone she was close to back than like Scott sounds like more of Lori's bs to get what she wants. I'm sure the sob story worked on people's parents and she got free roof and food and freedom from her "crazy" mother to do whatever she wanted. She's a known liar so who knows. Of course she would paint herself a
>>198277A totally different face. It's insane. She looks nothing like her edits.
No. 198295
File: 1645483984685.png (2.47 MB, 1080x2228, Screenshot_20220221-145143~2.p…)

-Alyssa Edwards voice- BACK ROLLS!?
No. 198298
>>198228Every week a new excuse for her failure and non-starter of a life.
>>198267>>198280Her stories are always the same. She always claims she's a
victim of something even though she leaves a body count and people who want nothing to do with her wherever she goes.
It is quite obvious nothing has changed and she'll be 50 before we know it, still stealing money and free boarding from people. The question is who is next.
No. 198311
>>198295at this point I'm convinced she's purposely not editing her back rolls to push the narrative she 'doesn't edit uwu' but photoshops the living shit out of EVERYTHING BUT her backrolls.
For example… Her backrolls are kind of the focal point here. With the lightning and where the cam is even aimed.
She does that sometimes. Edits everything but one ''''flaw'''' to prove to the haters she doesn't edit.
No. 198313
>>198312she dated a no hormone FTM that called itself Ender for awhile. in fact she used Ender recently to retweet her onlyfans lmao
she also cheated on Ender with Ender's own brother
No. 198359
>>198313She only "dated" Ender because she had done all the versions of Mamororu she wanted to and needed another Seiya after Kelly was no longer friends with her.
>>198315Pretty sure I remember Kelly being around while she was married to Louis because I remember all 3 of them being together at some con one year.
No. 198374
>>198350If Kevvy is anything to go by, this makes too much sense.
>>198360We've seen that she will lash out at anyone who disagrees with her and doesn't give her money. Especially if it's whoever is providing.
No. 198423
File: 1645568265521.png (1.13 MB, 1382x936, Screen Shot 2022-02-22 at 1.59…)

"I have some old cheat codes but a lot of what you see is me learning new tricks."
Get a real job, Kevin. You're 28 years old.
I wonder if Kevin is scares parents at the skate park by loitering during normal work hours as a single, childless adult man who dresses up like a cartoon character.
No. 198510
File: 1645638238568.png (1.66 MB, 1080x1904, Screenshot_20220223-094205.png)

~no edit no filter woke up like dis~
No. 198534
File: 1645655741870.png (737.78 KB, 1504x1082, XUfBo2hCfp2.png)

Here's a collection of comments that haven't been posted I don't think: complaint about the cheeks, Lori is going to start selling her socks, confusion on Lori's gender, and someone asked if she uses her chest hole as a food bowl. Lori always goes weeks between replying to people on Instagram and then she'll catch up on comments across several posts. She really is so lazy.
No. 198538
>>198536Lol I didn't even realize that at first but you're right. That's hilarious.
Also she mentions eating anything she wants and her weight staying stable which seems like a rebuttal to all the farmers noticing her getting bigger.
No. 198541
>>198533I thought this too but if she was the only one who was estranged it does say something about her as an adult. She was the one who claimed they threw her out so that implies her not being close to her family wasnt by choice. Looks like the entire family is dysfunctional.
Still no excuse for being a lifer in the asshole department. Especially since she's aware enough to claim trauma and post about it.
No. 198556
File: 1645672352993.png (1.45 MB, 1080x1498, Screenshot_20220223-190312.png)

Where's the armpit you shooped it out of this plane… Also kek at 'egirl' Lorena, you're middle aged. Accept the fact you're just a middle aged woman playing dress up for troons and pedos.
No. 198610
File: 1645721792403.jpg (112.27 KB, 720x1183, IMG_20220224_095501_634.jpg)

This looks like a loose fitting diaper on her chest. Why did she get this? Maybe they sent it for free.
No. 198629
>>198556Her poor attempt to hide the lunch lady arms kek cope harder Lorena
>>198600Was this ever confirmed? It could have been another sob story she made up to get people on her side
No. 198631
>>198567Not buying it. Shart wasn't molested and she roleplays being raped as a baby. No proof of it or anything even hinting at Lori having been molested. Her "trauma" is likely jut living with family that uses drugs and hates gays and lesbians.
>>198610Built like a literal man. Looks like Kevin stole her weave and clothes KEK.
No. 198637
>>198567>>198629I dont think it was ever confirmed, but how could it be? I think it's just another story she told back in the day. Apparently she said it to quite a few people, supposedly the Mother knew which family member did it and threw her out to cover it up. No proof but it could explain why she's in a constant state of regression but she's cunning enough to use people, so it's unlikely. Most likley they are just all
problematic and her relationship and life trajectory is a result of shitty upbringing and poor life choices.
No. 198641
File: 1645733132022.png (421.29 KB, 1080x1004, Screenshot_20220224-120257.png)

>>198636>meepHi Kitty
Pic rel is why Kev got a job, so he can pay to hang out with his own fiancee KEK
(hi cow) No. 198671
>>198647>>198654>>198668On the GFM page he literally said he
can't have a job because he needs to take care of Lori and the ferrets
No. 198753
File: 1645803874468.jpeg (Spoiler Image,201.05 KB, 1080x1440, FMUHYvOWUAAJy8S.jpeg)

This sticker she used to cover herself looks like a fart cloud coming out of her ass.
No. 198760
>>198753Foot fetishists don't like this sort of shit. They like paying for girls whose feet don't remind them of gross Gollum finger with hair and crust between the toes. Usually they'll request pedicures and well-manicured painted nails, sometimes specific shoes to show off the 'elegance' of a well-shaped foot.
Lori's feet are not sellable, even if she tried to 'pander' to a community that has pretty high tastes, but I guess she thinks foot fetishists are bottom-feeding neckbeard scum, not people who have tons of expendable income ready to throw away. Her toes are long, wonky and misshapen, her nails are chipped and uneven, and there's visible callouses, dead skin and other gross nasties from someone who doesn't put any care into their work and thinks it's "good enough" (sound familiar? Oh yeah, that's her entire 'modelling career').
Reference: Used to make bank selling feet pics for a while, got to know a lot of the insider info. If Lori starts painting her toenails and wearing things like kitten heels and sandals then it's confirmed she lurks, because she's never bothered painting her toenails before.
No. 198768
File: 1645808677613.jpg (1001.2 KB, 1000x1333,…)

>>198753She's doing the stupid peace pose so she can say it's a Marin cosplay. Predictable. Now for the next two years this hag is gonna wear cheap school uniforms, black bikinis and the same shit lingerie to pretend she's Marin irl. Please, please, please Lori go as Marin to the next big convention in your area. Line up with all the teenagers cosplaying her so we can see how irl Marin you are.
No. 198769
>>198753She must be very wrinkly and veiny on her feet and skin to be erasing all of it and recoloring skin on top of it all.
Her size 10 manfeet and their misshapen poses are abhorrent. The fact that she can't even afford a pedicure shows she's once again barking up the wrong tree.
No. 198786
File: 1645827320592.png (595.3 KB, 1187x2214, cuntsofafeather.png)

someone called out Claire Max for being one of Lori's flying monkeys
like attracts like
No. 198800
File: 1645841674875.png (2.83 MB, 1440x2634, Screenshot_20220225-181223.png)

Learn to cook and get a job.
No. 198802
File: 1645842610792.png (2.06 MB, 1440x2939, Screenshot_20220225-182733~2.p…)

Short vid of her walking in her hooker boots. Looks like Abuela is struggling in them
No. 198810
File: 1645850555613.png (955.44 KB, 1072x856, Screenshot 2022-02-26 044154.p…)

>>198802what is this thing? did they finally leave the bed out?
No. 198820
>>198818i feel like we can literally dissect all the shit in the background of all her pics.
also insane that she literally has no other backdrop except for this sad 50 square foot of living space
No. 198823
>>198820>we can literally dissect all the shit in the background of all her pics. She rotates the same worn out costumes and props, and the plushy piles with rugs and rags to hide clutter keep growing.
She's so broke she can't even afford any basics, not even a bed.
No. 198850
>>198760>to a community that has pretty high tastes, but I guess she thinks foot fetishists are bottom-feeding neckbeard scum, not people who have tons of expendable income ready to throw awayLet's be real, all sex buyers and fetishists are bottomfeeding scum, foot fetishists are not some elite breed of respectable humans with high standards and taste like you present here kek
The main problem with Lori's content is it either looks comedic or like someone is coercing someone with learning difficulties to do sex work, not sure either is what most sex buyers are after
No. 198863
File: 1645898255338.jpg (Spoiler Image,105.67 KB, 720x1121, IMG_20220226_105509_714.jpg)

Okay what the fuck. Did she make her toe look like the tip of a penis on purpose? Is she trying to trick people into thinking she's a tranny?
And yet again, 0 upvotes because nobody on Reddit is interested.
No. 198865
>>198786>who is thatExactly, no one knows who the fuck she is
>flying monkeysLori has no flying monkeys. Anyone who is involved with her is only in it for themselves. Flying monkeys want to stay in the good grace of the narc. None of these people are close to her like that. Bet they would drop her in second if it benefited them.
No. 198876
>>198710I saw both of them at anime banzai in 2018 or 19, I can't remember the last time I went. They were sitting on the floor talking to a girl in a spice and wolf cosplay. I was waiting for someone in the bathroom but I overheard Kevin saying "yeah we fight sometimes but people make it seem like it's much worse than it is" or something similar.
That always stuck with me lol. They looked fine but very different face shapes from their pics.
No. 198878
File: 1645905959820.jpg (882.4 KB, 1077x1438, Screenshot_20220226-135849_Duc…)

>>198863So she's Marin in the black bikini until she puts this cheap ugly dominatrix outfit and blow up devil horns on? She has no cohesiveness to her choices. You can tell she just puts any random shit together she can get her hands on. The quality of the items in this pic are Halloween store throw aways that most people wouldnt even wear to a Halloween party. This is some sad shit.
No. 198881
File: 1645908223885.png (526.18 KB, 1080x1902, Screenshot_20220226-124150.png)

No. 198903
File: 1645926788781.png (1.39 MB, 988x916, foodmoney.png)

Lori is 36 years old, capable of working a real job, and still begging for food money.
No. 198904
File: 1645926882468.png (1.03 MB, 976x804, moneygrab.png)

boohoo poor Lori lol
No. 198952
>>198945Your wrong. It's not just a cute picture of a cat. It was long speculated that chinese food in america was made with cats from back alleys. The picture indicates the same type of cooking utensils, vegetables and spices used in asian cuisine.
It's not just a cute picture of a cat. You just dont know what your looking at. I'm not reading into anything although, Looni is stupid and may have also thought it was a "cute picture of a cat" but it's not. It's an insult to chinese Americans, known or unknown to the poster.
No. 199078
File: 1646083741941.jpg (126.34 KB, 768x1280, IMG_20220228_182516_180.jpg)

I haven't seen this posted before, this is probably from 2013. Honestly, it's kinda sad how it seems sometime ago he was a normal emo otaku boy with dreams, now he's just abuella's plaything
No. 199101
>>199081>>199083He writes like a 6 year old, the parts with "big words" are from a template. We already saw he can't spell now and seems he couldn't back then, either.
>>199082Not a chance if this was written when he was 19, kek.
No. 199158
File: 1646159578535.png (1.03 MB, 1080x1858, Screenshot_20220301-103136.png)

Amazing work Kevin you're such a smart guy
No. 199159
File: 1646159614908.png (472.45 KB, 1080x1669, Screenshot_20220301-103154.png)

>>199158How is he a real person?
No. 199163
File: 1646160964494.jpg (116.66 KB, 719x1113, Screenshot_20220228-090141_Ins…)

Found on the other farms.
Kevy's big mad that shit post accounts have more followers than him.
No. 199197
>>199159Funny how he immediately proved
>>199154 right with this absolutely ingenious "hack."
No. 199207
>>199158Wow do we have to pay 4.99 for this sage advice/hack?
>>199078That is so sad. All of his hopes and dreams thrown out the window for a lego vag harpy. She broke his computer before, cheated, cut up his clothing, posts vague status about wanting to leave him, blocks him on IG constantly. Flirts with men for pennies behind Kevin’s back. We know he’s not happy about this, remember when he got upset lori joined herself into some lewd groups that he wasn’t in? I can’t wait for the milk when they break up.
No. 199213
File: 1646189195887.jpg (Spoiler Image,71.07 KB, 720x912, IMG_20220301_190817_900.jpg)

Someone posted fan art of Lori, which she retweeted lmao. Not even close (forgot to spoiler image, sry)
No. 199231
>>199213I lurked on this and on a separate post she called Lori her 'amazing friend' so my bet is that this is a mixture of Lori asking for it, The artist thinking Lori's numbers are real and wanted to use her for clout, and this just being a piece the artist was already making and decided to try and claim it was Lori (Just like how Lori claims her random garbage shoots are 'cosplay')
All she draws is degen shit and then whines when people point out that it's just porn so they really are birds of a feather
No. 199280
File: 1646247582514.jpg (132.96 KB, 800x900, Screenshot_20220302-094656_Bra…)

is that anon who paid for her shit still around? looks like Lori finally dropped a more nude set, or so she claims. is this the start of her slippery slope into real porn? how long til she is riding dildos on cam just like Momokun?
No. 199291
>>199249Agreed, makes me think she didnt draw it for Lori but had it and said it was her because she saw wings, elf ears and pink hair in Lori's posts. It's ugly regardless.
>>199280I can almost garuntee the lower Lori's likes drop the lower she'll sink.
>>199285 is right about no engagement on the subreddits and her IG likes are at an all time low.
So much for model/influencer. I guess she wanted that sex worker title so bad she's willing to totally debase herself.
No. 199292
File: 1646256386183.jpg (Spoiler Image,215.02 KB, 1440x1542, 122725_web.jpg)

>>199280she has the face of a mole rat…..very fitting.
No. 199300
File: 1646259203593.jpg (2.14 MB, 3464x3464, Picsart_22-03-02_14-12-59-092.…)

>>199299Dropped my pic, my bad.
No. 199301
>>199280This is just so ugly - like not even in a trashy ‘Penthouse’ style, just in general an ugly photo. The pose, hair, makeup, expression, framing - it’s all just . . . bad.
>>199300I was gonna make a joke - but it’s legit sounding like Lori shoo’s Kevin out of the apartment - guess it’s less awkward to go mope on the roof.
Better than standing in the kitchen while Lori practically shoves the phone into her vag now for less than pennies.
No. 199306
>>199280Sage for nitpick but everything physical about this photo is just terrible. She could put in minimal effort and take better photos for her sets. The makeup/ expression/ everything is just bad. Not to mention is that Kevin’s pink hoodie she cut up that he used to love? He got kicked out to the roof to “think” while she’s posting naked photos behind his back. Even if they went up there together it’s still sad that they don’t do much together beyond that.
>>199299 agree with this nonnita, it seems like the end is coming for whatever “career” she had. They’ll have to get another con going to make money soon because her selling porn isn’t cutting it for them financially. Her modeling just gets worse and worse as she ages and the filtering doesn’t help. Can we get a break up saga already? How are these two narcs living in a small apartment and not fighting 24/7?
No. 199311
>>199280There is no way anyone thinks this passes. Tinfoil but abuela needs some reading glasses. She overdoes edits with the melted eyeball enlargers, smoothing and recoloring skin to hide wrinkles and shadows on her deformed body. Coomers scrolling past think it's a troon because the tells are in how little you can see clearly, other than the massive gag inducing manfeet.
>>199299They've worked every grift, killed every animal, used up every excuse they've seen others do. They will probably rotate back a GFM again because they're still busy being tards consooming garbage and buying bot followers. The breakup arc would truly begin when Kevin's parents stop supporting him.
>>199307Interesting that she thought she's above it but can't even make a dime, kek.
No. 199313
File: 1646272361506.jpg (162.05 KB, 1080x821, 20220302_195139.jpg)

Kek, this ho bag admits shes a slut.
Nice fiancee you got there Kevin you cuck.
No. 199384
File: 1646341087091.jpeg (686.44 KB, 828x1522, F6FC1FD6-6933-48FA-A36D-12CF2E…)

No. 199385
>>199384Cope more Kev.
Just digging that hole deeper and deeper the more he cusses out cosplayers, and for simply enjoying the hobby. Never understood why he chooses to blame others (the industry? Kek) for his own failure - then pulls the “i’m an adult now” card.
Man child claiming his own hobby is childish. Hilarious.
No. 199390
>>199384>no storefront>no samples>no purchase information>no branding>no space to craftDoes he even have equipment like a good sewing machine?
Why would people buy something from someone when they dont know you have it for sale? Telling people in a few posts you make or sell cosplay isnt enough. Who even saw it that wanted to buy cosplay let alone from Kevin. Being good means nothing and with China as competion selling decent cosplay at rock bottom price you need to bust your ass to sell cosplay. And you can't say "people want custom made" because cosplay is huge now and there are all kinds of buyers. Hell back in the day I use to offload my used cosplay on ebay, he hasnt even put anything any place someone could buy it and build any real reputation.
What a self entitled little tantrum. Even Looni knew to put her garbage up on etsy. Why does this guy think he's so talented but something is blocking him from being successful when lazy and stupid are his only problem.
If he's talking about just cosplaying himself and not just commissions that's sad. You dont need anyone to support you to participate in your hobby, you just do it.
>nicer placeWhere?
No. 199396
>>199384He wasn't good at cosplay. I hope the retarded Kevin thirsting nonitas who keep frequenting this thread realize that they're inflating his ego and that's why he made a post like this. The dude was always a loser and a creep. Stop fucking acting like he's a
No. 199400
File: 1646351459403.png (440.6 KB, 1440x1104, Screenshot_20220303-154924.png)

"content isn't available"
What is he talking about here?
No. 199406
>>199384Which is it, Kev? You have a spergfest about how you're going to do what you love without worrying about the hat0rz, then have an absolute bitchfit about not doing cosplay that you love more than anything because people don't pay you for it? I thought it wasn't all about the likes, buddy.
Rants about how he can't spend money on a hobby because he has bigger bills but then proceeds to buy guapi garbage and animu skateboards he can't even properly use. Grow up, Kevin.
What a petulant child he is. So glad he and Lori found each other so they can't impose themselves on anyone else. Absolutely made for each other IRL soulmates.
No. 199410
>>199384The last part about their apartment was an unintentional dig at their own place. He can’t craft at his place, not because it’s “nice” but because he has no fucking room. Finally she showed where her pc is, right across the room from Kevin’s
>>198802 they are cramped in that studio because they don’t know how to utilize their space. Especially not using their windows to make the space seem bigger.
No. 199411
>>199410I noticed her pc cramped in that tiny corner too. Her stuff takes up most of the room. Its pathetic he thinks a nice place is working on his boards in the kitchen because there isnt any place to go.
I bet she never goes out, despite her shoving him up to "his roof". They must feel so suffocated in there.
No. 199425
>>199384“Literally all these crafters” where.
The only ones possibly making hundreds of thousands of dollars are Jessica Nigri and Yaya Han and it’s doubtful that they’re making that much a month. Maybe in a year. Most crafters have a day job or sell lewds to finance their hobby, they’re not making money because of it.
Where did he get this fantasy world idea of how the world works? Even if he had tried to do commissions, he sure as hell wouldn’t be making hundreds of thousands of dollars in a year, let alone a month.
No. 199433
>>199384>crying because people don't want tard-tier commissions from an unestablished nobody>blames being unsuccessful on other cosplay men existing>wastes money he doesn't have on shit to look like a skater but can't skate>equates likes to success>cosplaying is a hobby but is stress because he sucks at it>kicked out of his own tiny one room apt by lori so she can shoot nudesHe's such a whiny bitch. The cope of it all.
>>199396Tinfoiling those posts were Kevvy himself. They were always consistent in what they said, and sometimes dropped something about him that wasn't posted before.
>>199407It's obvious they are always spying at more successful people all day. Because they're both retarded they can't figure out why other people aren't begging for ramenbux like they are.
No. 199453
>>199384He's basically pissing up into his eyes screaming about how nobody cares cause he didn't get insta famous for his foam crafts, am I reading that right? Fat scroll of cope with a twist of seething. Work harder then and focus on
your craft instead of selling your Harpie's nudes for literal change. Maybe if you committed to something aside from the leech hag you would have a life and something to be proud of. You chose your fate though, now lie in your bed. Have fun never getting to that point again, never being featured or hired for anything, never travelling for cons again, making friends through cons, all of it. Lori has squandered your creativity and drive and put you in a smaller space depriving you of what makes you happy just so she can poof her face and go "HAHA HATERZ IM IN A LUXURY APARTMENT MOOMOOS" Was it worth it, Kevvy? Aren't you just in love with your life and home? I wonder what he will do when he drops skating again. Will he just sit out on the roof or curb and wait while she fucks herself for random men? Kek. What a fucking nightmare life.
No. 199456
File: 1646414527461.png (268.18 KB, 941x392, sorry duder.png)

>>199384Oh, is that why no one showed any interest in commissions, Kevin? There were a few comments for your DiTF stuff way back where people showed interest in commission, but your darling Lori smacked them away. Very supportive.
No. 199479
File: 1646431098373.jpeg (273.22 KB, 1136x1200, EFEB4428-779D-4A30-B305-8B6CF1…)

>>199474He’s an idiot. Deep down he must know, but he’s terrified to act on it because it means admitting what a jackass he’s been.
No. 199509
>>199454There were many pics of the air mattress from before, it had a huge dip sinking in the middle.
Now they seem to put it in the bathroom or along the window when she's taking photos.
>>199462His cosplay never went beyond beginner level. Like Loony and her shoops, his stuff didn't stack up in details, durability or craftmanship.
not sure why feels entitled to the money from niche buyers who can easily find professional makers who are reliable and not retarded.
No. 199524
File: 1646451055529.jpg (62.11 KB, 720x644, IMG_20220304_202602_898.jpg)

Kevin posted some clips of him failing to land skate tricks and this is his caption. It seriously cracks me up how he wants people to pay for tutorials on shit he can't even do. If he had presented this as "old man relearns old skate tricks" it might be interesting to watch his progress but he started out with the "subscribe to my patreon" and doesn't even know what he's doing. Why would he think that would be successful?
>I stuck a few off cam
Sure you did.
No. 199535
>>199384he’s not even hiding the fact that he’s directly responding to what is posted on here. he might as well just come on here himself post.
>>199524literally nobody cares about your mediocre skating. no skill no style. might as well be watching some 13 yr old kid post skate clips. he thinks he can monopolize the anime skate niche when there’s actually cosplayers and and anime fan skaters that are far more established and interesting and skilled.
what a sad existence literally being shoved into a corner of some tiny studio apartment with nothing going on no goals no nothing. while his “fiancé” posts equally subpar content on of with zero engagement. is there a way to see subs on of like patreon?
No. 199554
File: 1646478011939.png (465.6 KB, 462x507, kevvy_tongue2.PNG)

>>199524Everytime he falls over in the vid he makes these pained middle-age noises, kek. I also noticed he has this autistic habit of sticking his tongue out while doing tricks. It makes for the most hilarious screengrabs. Pic rel.
No. 199583
>>199555Legit looks like a tard here
Do the kids at the park entertain Kev and say his tricks are "cool" because they think he's special needs?
No. 199610
>>199580I've said it before and I'll say it again: no matter how nasty, retarded, manipulative and horse faced ol' Lori is, I
still think even she could do better than kev.
And that's no compliment to Lori, I seriously think any woman could do better than him lmao
No. 199619
>>199610100% agree. this man doesn't have a job, is balding and an idiot. he can't even make Lori's zero two horns anymore because they have no place to craft
so of what use is he. Lori just find someone else and have him kick Kevin's ass and eject him from the apartment. I'm dying for homeless Kevin saga
No. 199621
>>199619That may be the saddest part of all of this: they’d still be better of apart.
Mommy and daddy would welcome Kev home with open arms, for all we know. I think they skipped town, but they seem financially sound. They had a garage apartment Lori stayed in.
Lori, despite whining about being kicked out of her childhood home, apparently lived with her parents for a time before moving to Salt Lake with Kevin. Both have safety nets. Miserable ones, but they’re miserable now anyways.
No. 199643
>>199610No she couldnt. None of her relationships ever lasted and no one else ever wanted her long term.
>>199621She lived in Washington befor Utah. She hasnt lived in NY for years. She has no real relationship with her parents and she wasnt "kicked out", that's just bs she told people after she ran off after her first marriage.
No. 199649
File: 1646545134444.png (829.05 KB, 1439x1696, Screenshot_20220305-213840.png)

the irony
No. 199650
File: 1646546194811.png (781.02 KB, 1540x928, Kevedit.png)

Kevin landed a skate trick again. Pic on left is his caption before the edit. Pic on right is his edited caption plus some comments. Shoutout to the benis for filming Kev.
No. 199693
>>199649Does she realize her conscience shares things like this as a form of admission? Like, we all know she thinks she's the
victim and has never done anything wrong, only "reacted" to what happened to her, but she's continually sharing these posts that detail exactly how she preys on other people's kindness and insecurities. It feels like an unconscious admission of guilt she will never recognize. Probably cause she's a violent narc but also cause she's really fucking stupid.
No. 199778
File: 1646678499531.jpg (93.19 KB, 720x1178, IMG_20220307_112147_986.jpg)

Oh ffs Kevin, none of your teenage skate buddies want to see this, much less pay for it.
No. 199798
>>199778>uncrumple your pantiesIt's
current year and you think people will gasp at your "fiancée" doing porn on OF? Your Mormon upbringing is showing. Twitch thottery isn't even risqué anymore. American culture online is so past that. Also way to out that coomers could get more out of a twitch streamer than Lori's porn. Excellent ad, Kev. Are you
trying to fuck her over?
No. 199804
>>199798He probably is - though unintentionally. But sometimes his adverts for her read like jealous/ paranoid projection.
If she ever did succeed (which is an impossible fever dream) as an e-whore - she’d dump his ass quick. Then where’d he get his manic ana-chan uwu animu gf fix?
No. 199809
>>199778Her picture quality is beyond bad. I'd deem this picture unusable let for an advertisement. I'll never get why with all the countless pictures out there that are such high quality of actual hot young women they use these potato quality edits to promote and think it will get them subs. This picture is so bad it would deter me from subing because I wouldnt waste my money. Even a 1980 porn rag has better quality.
They never learn and wtf? Unbunch your panties? Anyone looking for porn doesnt have bunched panties. What a looser Kevin is.
No. 199858
>>199791Sounds like they moved from blocking on Instagram to blocking on facebook and kicking him out to the roof or skate park.
>>199795What's also retarded is him thinking his audience somehow would give a fuck about an ugly nobody catfishing.
No. 200170
File: 1646844701916.png (2.35 MB, 1080x1973, Screenshot_20220309-084720.png)

It's really depressing a grown woman can't post a photo without editing out normal skin creasing where limbs move. I know she does it cause it makes her look heavier if she doesn't edit it, but those thighs and upper arms show what she tried to hide with the clone tool down there. Doesn't make sense. You can't keep editing your body 20 years younger forever, with the amount of shit you have to hide Lori you're better off just going full V-thot and hiding behind a 3D model. I can't imagine she would be famous but she would at least be a little more successful if she didn't edit herself into an abomination, right? There's got to be a market for human looking 25-35 year old women. I refuse to believe that Photoshop abominations only make money.
No. 200184
>>199891Sounds like a new way for calendar anons to start tracking! Kevin pretending he needs to skate or go outside is a massive cope.
>>200170One boob going in a different direction than the other, legs and arms different sizes from each other, retarded face to hide how sunken and old she is. Hope we soon get candids. She must be crusty as all hell to be hiding this much.
No. 200193
>>200184Don't forget the heavily warped bikini ties hiding her love handles and the hard divots on her thigh where she pulled them in. Kek. Skelly queen is dead, flab-chan is back. She probably eats to cope in between her "exercise"
doggy paddles and sitting on her ass flailing in water and that's why she's ballooning. Eating processed fried crap and sleeping all day.
>>200190Yup. She's been food insecure before so she likely is. Plus Kev exercises so he will naturally be smaller than Lori. She's going to snap once he's skinny and she's fat.
No. 200195
>>200193I believe she's taking all of Kevin's food, just look at him. He's a ghoul now.
Meanwhile she's blowing up, people with manfeet like her are built to get huge at that age anyway.
No. 200196
>>200170she would 100% be more successful, there are literal eldery women creating only fans content, super fatties get paid to eat, she could even go full Peggy Hill and use her giant stompers to make foot fetish content.
the sky is the limit if you are going to be a whore and yeah maybe she wouldn't ever be really successful, but she could make more money for sure if she at least uploaded higher quality unedited pics and videos.
No. 200197
File: 1646850567768.jpg (101.32 KB, 719x506, Screenshot_20220307-113118_Ins…)

>>200190>>200193>>200195you guys come on already, Kevin looks gross and haggard but he is far from skinny. he's put on weight just as Lori has. look how wide he is in this pic
No. 200199
File: 1646851365222.png (205.36 KB, 316x326, just_a_filter_uwu.PNG)

nice warping there lori. Another example out of millions where you badly try to shoop out how fat you are. This time, it's to make your head and shoulders smaller and who knows what else.
No. 200207
File: 1646853177838.jpg (84.54 KB, 1024x768, ba8.jpg)

>>200198C'mon now. Get some standards.
No. 200210
>>200198Um you need glasses. Or maybe you just have bad taste. Kevin looks like some kids Dad is trying to relive his glory days.
>>200199A blurry warped mess as usual. Nice catch
No. 200247
File: 1646864774193.png (2.13 MB, 1080x1777, Screenshot_20220309-142104.png)

The waist warp on this is hilarious. She's not even trying. The sink and counter warp inward and her hair randomly bends inward right at the waist. The hog is so lazy she uses auto sliders instead of trying to pass it as real. Lori is truly a dollar store bargain bin e-girl. Radiates chain smoking welfare hag energy.
No. 200263
>>200259Your not seeing her actual body, she's edited to the max. Look back at her frumpy con pics as 02 that are unedited or pics like this from years ago.
>>195936 She's an average dough mess for 37 with no kids she kinda looks like shit.
No. 200271
>>200263Nta but its almost like a mid 30s woman looks her age sans the meitu kek
The nitpicking has been stale for so long. Are we allowed to talk about shitty things she does as opposed to pretending that women nearing middle age are supposed to look like anime characters forever.
No. 200280
>>200247the pooch —! how is even her hair extensions ffrrriiiiedddd af?
>>200259 i want to agree but tbh hard to say what her body really looks like with a this shooping. i agree that she should just accept her age and the way she probably looks irl without trying to shoop herself into adolescence.
>>200271 we wouldn’t be nitpicking if she actually just accepted her age but the fact that she’s almost 40 and trying to pass herself off as an uwu 18 yr old animu bb is just super sad.
i’ve seen kevin mention sobriety after addiction, does anyone know what he used to be addicted to? …cuz it kinda looks like he’s still using tbh. he’s super haggard and gaunt.
No. 200306
>>200271Even trying to see through the filters, she looks fine for her age. But that’s not saying much. Go to any gym, or any climbing wall, yoga studio, etc, etc. You’ll see fit, mature women who look better than her filtered version, even. She has such a warped view of the world. Shes less fit than many women her age that have careers and/or kids, but she chooses to just compare herself to con nerds and SLC Mormon moms.
What shitty behavior? No one can stand to be anywhere near her anymore, other than Kevin. This thread would be dead if not for her and Kevin’s cringy refusal to accept the aging process.
No. 200310
>>200306She looks a bit older than her age probably due to smoking. There is something going with her mouth which causes her to keep doing that facial expression, maybe to hide smoker's mouth and nasolabials.
She got so many other defects that she tries to hide which brings the keks. Most women her age have health and dental care, and take care of their skin and hair. She eats garbage, her skin is dehydrated, she's bald without the cheap extensions and has missing teeth.
No. 200312
File: 1646887822299.jpg (290.4 KB, 1440x2732, Screenshot_20220309-234751_Ins…)

Why did she think this looks good?
No. 200394
File: 1646935760303.png (1.52 MB, 1080x1856, running_errands_outfit.png)

Lol I love how every cow pretends like people ask for their content. I'm sure everyone asked you to post this outfit, Kev. I wonder if Lori will cut up this hoodie into a shitty crop top like she did to his favorite pink hoodie.
No. 200435
>>200417Well now that we saw how hagard he is
>>199555 he has to try and prove us wrong ala shitty edits Looni style.
No. 200443
File: 1646962498764.jpg (Spoiler Image,962.46 KB, 1024x1024, EWZwV1WWsAAMhkv.jpg)

>>200399Give it another couple of years and she'll have evolved into her final form, the dreaded AI generation artefact "side demon"
No. 200460
>>200454Just realized his neck here and Lori's here
>>200312 have some distortion happening around the chin area too.
Kek they're such speds, him skating with his tongue out and Loony's granny duckface are a perfect match.
No. 200506
File: 1647014696603.png (1.66 MB, 1080x1422, Screenshot_20220311-080330.png)

If anyone needed definitive proof Lori is fat this was 30 lbs and two years ago. KEK
No. 200535
>>200506>no curves, not even pear shapedThat's almost half a decade ago and we can tell that she's bigger now whenever the filters are failing. She must have had the slimming functions on the app maxed out for years.
So much for being the skinny and smol loli uwu she claims to be. She really is just like moo, kek.
No. 200550
>>200394“Can’t skate in them cuz I can’t skate”
Fixed it for you Kev
No. 200574
File: 1647040510545.jpeg (1.51 MB, 1170x1467, 835E807B-A270-4734-992B-CFB8E6…)

She’s getting the classic Moo donkey Kong thighs
No. 200578
File: 1647042005269.jpg (101.65 KB, 720x1006, IMG_20220311_162858_977.jpg)

>>200506This was a good find from the other farms. She pretends like she has a cute round little butt but she just has a long back. Sad.
Sometimes pics like these on Facebook show up that didn't before. I just went looking and found a video of Anime Expo where Lori is a highlighter pink haired Zero Two on a motorcycle for a few seconds. I don't remember seeing this video. It isn't as funny as the one where her and Kev are doing "the pose" but you can still see her actual face shape in this video. No. 200598
>>200574I am so confused by her proportions in this photo kek
Her crotch and ass is almost at her fucking knees???? Lollll
No. 200698
File: 1647101869939.png (321.02 KB, 1080x1139, Screenshot_20220312-081714.png)

I'm struggling to believe she's hard for food money or necessities
No. 200704
File: 1647103013835.png (2.19 MB, 2444x1432, irl_anime_girl.png)

Lori is in anime groups desperately trying to convince ppl that she looks like any of these characters. I'm embarrassed for her.
No. 200711
>>200698There’s so much wrong with this. Once again switching from flexing how luxurious her life is to barely making it day by day.
Also, is she really trying to equate cramming her massive clown feet into her tacky shoes, posing in unnatural positions to feature her chest cavity and uneven neon pink press on nails while putting fart cloud stickers over her blown out stained butthole, puffing out her jowls and trying to clench her Lego hand vag lips together so she can spend her days filtering the shit out of it to make her look like a blurry shooped blob to someone actually busting ass at their job all week?
Kev, it might be time to take Gramma Lori to the old folks home. At least she’ll be among her peers.
No. 200734
>>200698I might be in the minority, but I like my job. It might also partially be that, being in my late 30’s, I’ve reached the stage in my career where I wouldn’t consider taking a job without PTO and other benefits, so I can sit on my ass or indulge in my hobbies without worrying about paying the rent on a charmless shoebox apartment.
But in Lori’s defense, you can’t miss what you’ve never had, eh?
No. 200736
File: 1647123040386.jpeg (Spoiler Image,230.59 KB, 750x1284, E86B6036-1598-4F67-9190-FC8B33…)

>>200717Speaking of which, this character is 15. And she posted a second image: a close-up of her and the character’s crotch. The Farms have met maddddddddd.
No. 200739
>>200704This is so pathetic and desperate. All day she's hoping coomers would be stupid enough to click to her profile and pay her a few dollars on OF.
Lori isn't a 2D loli and she's a sagging frankenstein in need of parts in 3D, coomers have better options for free.
No. 200752
File: 1647130834820.jpg (54.06 KB, 720x960, img_4_1647110095429.jpg)

>>200506Found another. That "hallway con lighting" though.
No. 200762
>>200752She looks unhappy to have her pic taken and doesn't know how to pose.
Bet she picked this character because canonically she can wear dentures to hide the missing teeth.
No. 200770
>>200736I love seeing how desperate she is to try and prove the illusion in her mind is real. Kek
>>200754I was going to say the same. She has a mom bod. Mom face too.
No. 200782
File: 1647143444881.jpeg (628.9 KB, 2048x2048, F29373D4-73D9-452B-A23D-392C22…)

>>200752Kek her delusions know no bounds. Whats funny is this photo is way more flattering than
>>200506 because its lower quality and she still looks like a busted late 35+ year old
No. 200787
File: 1647147291461.jpg (715.45 KB, 850x502, jowly.jpg)

>>200782Her real eyes are so small and beady but the bottom half of her face is what really ages her.
No. 200806
>>200736She really places all of her self esteem on trying to match coomer drawings. She can't be herself, she has to latch on to a character and be them. If people love that character it means they will have to love her- if she trys to edit herself to look like them. Meanwhile, her interactions are still nasty, dismissive and demanding. Even if someone did like her shitty edits her hag personality shines through. You will never be a lovable anime girl Lori.
She might even get away with being a bitch if her life weren't so damn boring and all her pics mirror selfies. Scrotes are dumb.
No. 200888
File: 1647205850437.png (1.11 MB, 1439x1664, Screenshot_20220313-141022.png)

No. 201002
File: 1647255203058.jpeg (451.73 KB, 1640x1271, 4FE455C8-FDBA-4128-AC76-99532A…)

Kevin posted a new YouTube skating tutorial and it’s akskshhzhsnam
>”if you clicked on this video you probably wanna know how to laser flip, its a trick people think is really hard really ugly really cool or really something”
No. 201012
File: 1647260085680.png (1.09 MB, 720x2802, KevinsSkateFriends.png)

>>201002>>201004I'm actually happy for Kevin with this skate stuff because he seems to be enjoying himself, is feeling a sense of accomplishment, and he has a small group of friends who hype him up on all his posts.
No. 201027
File: 1647270027893.webm (800.58 KB, 2340x1080, screen-20220314-075734_2.webm)
I'm crying laughing
No. 201046
File: 1647283465825.png (1.73 MB, 1080x1726, Screenshot_20220314-114206.png)

She looks like she raided Goodwill bins then went to a sex shop to buy her shoes. And she goes out in broad daylight like that to do her one daily outing to go stuff her face with greasy take out. What a flossy, luxe life I'm jelly
No. 201047
>>201046Looking at this pic from far away, I thought it was a sexy nun costume she got from the discount bin. Her outfits are so stupid.
Her face looks more manly in this photo than usual too. Also, the whole right side is blurred and filtered pink, with a small section on the left still sharp and in original color. Lori’s slacking.
No. 201065
>>201046Wtf is up with the shoelace tied around her waist? Its unflattering and makes her look like a pork roast. The hem on that dress is awful, its all twisted and wont sit flat. Like a girls first sewing project. And the fabric looks like its made out of that cheap flammable kids pj material.
Lori girl, I don’t know how much more in credit card debt you got in after purchasing this dress but you got ripped off bad
No. 201073
File: 1647294836945.jpeg (363.9 KB, 750x848, B1D1E344-2B55-4950-96E0-D04DF9…)

what the fuck is going on with her crazy eyes? they look milky
No. 201120
>>201065Is this a cosplay dress? What is it supposed to be? It's so cheap it's even see-thru. The dress is too small for her and the fabric is straining all around because it doesn't stretch.
Seems the comments about her skin got to her, she's literally painting over her legs and arms. Those ratty extensions in every photo must be so dirty now.
No. 201125
File: 1647305803961.jpg (797.16 KB, 1080x1923, Screenshot_20220314-175621_Chr…)

>>201120It's more Dollskill crap
No. 201154
>>201143Their relationship sounds horrible and depressing. What’s their end goal? Marriage? Retirement? Lorena only has about 30ish years left of good working age until retirement. I would believe she’s getting disability for that massive crater in her chest but she never mentions the doctor or appointments and disability does make you see a doctor to keep receipt benefits.
The more Kevin loses weight the more he looks like he’s into heavy drugs.
No. 201240
File: 1647368201920.png (1.14 MB, 1080x1966, Screenshot_20220315-110953.png)

You are a cunt to nearly every person you meet in person or online unless you know they can do something for you. Then you hold off on biting the hands that feed. At most, you're attempting to hold back your parasitic nature and force a smile. Sociable is the last thing you are.
Self explanatory, you don't take care of yourself. Nice cope tho.
Honestly, Lori you're not even about the things you like. You just bandwagon and pretend you're literally the muse of said Flavor of Week. Usually turbo autists like weebs have at least one thing they know a lot about. You absolutely don't know shit about any of the things you rep. You get carried in WoW and can't even afford to watch anime as it streams let alone feed yourself. Don't get me started on manga, you can't spell for shit, you're illiterate and always hated reading.
Marin is your actual antithesis, the kind of caricature of the Hot Girl Nerd you've desperately tried and failed to be. Please Lori just get a job at Dollar Tree and open a 401k you're so fucked in life. Soooo delusional with nothing to your name. I'm scared for you.
No. 201243
>>201240If she was gorgeous people would be paying her instead of her needing to buy followers and clothes, then claiming she's a model by way of edited selfies.
If she was sociable she would be able to string a sentence together without begging in gibberish. We already have videos of her sperging at cons plus she has zero friends.
What a delusional skinwalker.
No. 201251
File: 1647373476696.png (324.1 KB, 1079x1378, Screenshot_20220315-123932.png)

She looked at this and said "how can I make this about me?"
Is she schizo? Fully delusional narc? How can you hop on a status about blackface in an anime and really think everyone wants to know about your skin bleaching accusations. For the record, you digitally whiten your skin and nobody ever said you bleach your skin. You've always been a shallow shade of yellow/tan and brown in the summer. You only look porcelain in selfies you edit. Get your "haturz" stories straight before you go brigading someone's post about your personal drama. NO ONE outside of this website and KF gives two shits about you. The only reason you're given attention from these places is because you're legitimately psychotic at this point. Convinced Jessie and others just keep her added so we have comments like this to laugh at. We live in her head rent free and she's obsessed with every single nitpick ever made. Your life is 300% only about ads, clothing and lolcow. You can't put your braincells together to form a coherent sentence about ANYTHING other than yourself and "haturz". Oh my god.
No. 201252
>>201251She's saying she can't wait to hear about her being accused of also doing blackface cause she's skinwalking Marin so hard she has to do the same
problematic things too kek nobody cares about your tans Looni they care about you killing animals and being a leech hag
No. 201305
>>201251That's hilarious, she starts rumors about herself, like a true narc claiming she's the
>For the record, you digitally whiten your skin and nobody ever said you bleach your skin. Exactly. She's really spun these threads in her head. Whenever I see how far in her own dark hole she is, I realize there's no hope of her finding her way out.
No. 201307
>>201251>I bleach my skin digitallyFixed it for you Loony.
Does she need a reminder with that candid pic of her beside her edits again, or that gif?
No. 201343
>>201287Screenshots pls
>>201252She’s started her defense before the crime lol
No. 201466
File: 1647471378257.webm (3.87 MB, 720x1280, 276040961_149559214185046_2987…)
Abuela is cracking again KEK curling your deformed spine to make a 90 degree angle and faking an ass probably doesn't help your "disabilities" that are so agonizing you can't get a real job. Accepting being a lolcow means you've officially given up on growth or being a good person, congrats Lori. We are the only people who have stuck with you this long. Your threads have lasted longer and been more relevant than anything else you've ever done and every relationship you've had too. They will outlast your lifespan too kek. Keep munching on that fried red-40 slop & burgers & ramen and see what happens to your intestines and arteries. 38 this year with nothing to show but whore gear and posts accepting being a cow. God, this is going to be Shayna at 30. The both of them are entirely lost causes and fucking deadbeats
No. 201475
>>201466Did she max out the lengthening tool or is her face really that long and horselike?
After all the careful angles and filters, this sad excuse of a "video" still looks like a troon that doesn't know how to look or act like a woman.
No. 201500
File: 1647489252545.jpeg (342.8 KB, 1500x1065, D274A52A-297C-4D31-9E1E-BA626C…)

>>201065Here’s what the dress is supposed to look like, vs. how it looks on Lori’s “xxs” loli frame. Ffs, the dress is hideous, but she could have slithered out of the pastel nightmare to model it in one of the 37289393 scenic places in/near SLC. Gilgal Sculpture Garden comes to mind.
But you can’t take your filters with you out there in reality.
No. 201509
File: 1647492164874.jpg (25.98 KB, 720x299, IMG_20220316_214027_293.jpg)

Lori did her once a month (for someone whose job is to interact with people she really is so lazy about it) reply to her insta followers on several posts. I like this one. She NEVER says "I already have a boyfriend." Kevin may as well not exist to her.
No. 201518
File: 1647500917431.png (609.69 KB, 1080x1861, Screenshot_20220317-000619.png)

38 year old begging for ramen money from coomers she's so pathetic
No. 201528
>>201466The way her hair moves around her waist is really weird. That could just be the cheap plastic extensions and not the filter though, I’m not sure. It all moves as one unit, not like locks of hair would.
>>201524Disagree. The DK model looks stupid in the pantyhose and gloves, but the dress does fit her. It’s just ugly on anyone. As for Lori, she was just talking about how small her waist was compared to her hips, but the seams at her waist are straining, and the fabric is bunching at her hips? Makes me wonder if those random blurs surrounding her are to hide the extensive warping she had to do to give herself a shape in the dress.
No. 201560
>>201466Why did she put on elf ears
and cow ears, four ears is a weird choice. I know she throws shit against the wall waiting for something to stick but come on
No. 201581
>>201527She's sucking in her gut and jowls, not even trying to be cunty, that's just the legit reason why she always looks breathless and stiff. She's too fat for everything but the bathing suits and loose cover ups she owns. Always sucking in hardcore.
>>201556She's trying to be anime and thinks the head shake that whips her nasty rat extensions around makes her look kawaii. You have to remember Lori thinks she really is God's gift and a real life anime girl. She thinks that any little behaviors she emulates from sexed up teenagers in cartoons will come as natural as it did to the cartoon character doing it.
If you ever ask yourself why Lori does anything or dresses the way she does, remember she unironically believes she's anime and that shows, show creators and cosplayers take inspiration from HER and her cosplay days. She's fucking batshit. She wholeheartedly believes that nonsense too.
No. 201587
File: 1647540013771.png (205.5 KB, 1080x1978, Screenshot_20220317-105949.png)

Her likes on OF are soooooo low they're at 0-4 max now this month. Guess that her 'simps' bought a month sub then immediately regretted it. Nobody wants her porn so much to the point men and old friends that pity her are just Venmo'ing her food money to survive. The delusion knows no bounds. Lori's strangling every penny out of Kev to buy likes so she looks successful on paper. All just to prove duh haterz wrong. Kek. It speaks volumes for how ugly you are and your "work" if men who will fuck anything and pay anything for trash won't even pay you a recurring $10 every month for your porn. Abuelita, you would make more money selling snacks and paletas at the skate park Kevvy slinks around.
No. 201615
File: 1647548219923.png (Spoiler Image,28.07 KB, 675x293, kev-blackface.png)

kev giving his two cents on the whole marin blackface controversy
No. 201627
File: 1647553528984.png (1.51 MB, 1080x640, Screenshot_20220317-144421.png)

Speaks for itself. I can't believe she posted this. Does she need glasses?
No. 201632
>>201592No wonder she's fat now, she's eating ramen and dollarstore food.
>>201624Kevvy is a grown man, a white mormon wigger who has no idea what his grifter roommate's race is.
No. 201640
File: 1647559491160.jpeg (29.51 KB, 320x320, 03555BAF-5073-4512-80B3-BE522E…)

>>201624So with her being the IRL Marin it should be easy for her to go back to the days of when she was painting her face ganguro style holding up a black sheep plushie. That’s probably the cancel culture Kev was referring to since people gave her shit for it ten years ago.
No. 201665
File: 1647576769765.jpg (55 KB, 720x710, IMG_20220317_211043_318.jpg)

>>201655The weight gain is quite visible even through the edits. She has been squeezing herself into too small outfits instead of sizing up and then claiming they "run small" lol.
No. 201681
>>201640If this was ten years ago, looks like she had no lips and was making the same prolapsed anus faces even back then.
>>201665>runs a little smallFor her because she doesn't believe she's too big for asian sizing. She's rotating bikinis and ripped clothes because she can't fit into anything. The last correct sized outfit we saw was her sperging in a onesie while Kevin was in his underwear in the background or something.
No. 201707
>>201697Fair, but I can see her becoming deathfat easily with her trash diet and the constant slowing of metabolism as she ages more. She doesn't work out or eat healthy food and brags about eating fatty foods constantly so it's not
totally out of her range.
No. 201728
File: 1647615800801.jpg (100.13 KB, 720x1017, IMG_20220318_073933_816.jpg)

We just have to face it. Lori is the perfect irl anime girl.
No. 201751
File: 1647622766782.jpg (Spoiler Image,43.35 KB, 216x275, 1625004082907.jpg)

>>201728Oh yeah, if I didn't know she was 38 and American I would guess she was a 15 year old Japanese girl. Such anime perfection KEK
No. 201780
File: 1647630514470.jpeg (74.08 KB, 250x323, 1638027824614.jpeg)

>>201753Missing teeth and a sinkhole chest are not qualities of that character.
>>201728Abuela needs cake makeup, extensions, 10 filters, specific posing, sucking in and even MORE editing just to look like tranny cosplaying a 20 year old e-girl. Every day she strays further from her youth and lowest body weight and she cannot deal with it anymore. She's unraveling and all she can do is just cope post every day about it.
No. 201899
File: 1647682741500.jpg (256.85 KB, 1073x1906, Screenshot_20220319-103717_Ins…)

someone needs to upload her latest ridiculous insta story, i somehow can't do it
No. 201902
File: 1647684879516.jpg (369.83 KB, 2880x2880, 20220319_111423.jpg)

No. 201907
File: 1647689283300.webm (1.12 MB, 720x1280, holyshitmyeyeballs.webm)
>>201899Here you go! Utah is only a medical marijuana state iirc.
No. 201911
>>201901weed is not legal in Utah unless it’s medical, like the other
nonnie said
No. 201951
>>201902>>201907>a literal man with herpes on lipsWas excited that this was the start of Kevvy's troon era until the missing and mangled teeth gave it away.
>>201948The filters probably can't correct that due to the sped head shaking.
No. 201968
>>201951Was just going to mention the herpes on her bottom lip.
Shocked she let her real nose and busted teeth see the light of day. She was probably so focused on trying to blur the herpes she forgot to shrink her nose.
No. 202179
File: 1647820133602.png (613.16 KB, 1080x1376, Screenshot_20220320-164601.png)

Bitch is so conceited she can't even say "yes" she HAS to post a selfie edited to zoom on her jacket, just an excuse to post her Face app abomination KEK holy shit her narcicissm only grows exponentially Kevin is fucked she's just gonna get worse
No. 202183
>>202074Good catch, everything they have is in tatters because of her. It proves they don't wash their clothes because they'd fully rip apart. She had disgusting piles of clothes in the old place just thrown into the closet or stored in hampers.
>>202179Wonder what it's like being unable to smile in real life.
No. 202187
File: 1647825135688.jpg (102.23 KB, 720x1165, IMG_20220320_113731_374.jpg)

Lol what is this? Kevin doing the beep beep now?
No. 202196
>>202187How does he have such a botched Mariah Mallad nose in this pic? I think he is referencing a comment
>>197052 awhile back by some random sneaker/fashion person trying to help him look less like a retard faggot.
>jokes on you I'll act more retarded, beep beep No. 202209
>>202202If you're talking about those lettuce wraps that Lori made Kevin (I'm still not sure if that's what he's referring to with the "lettuce" comment), I'm almost positive that was in 2019.
He is calling out the constructive criticism he got on one of his YouTube videos, which is really dumb because that person was being positive and gave him compliments too.
No. 202271
>>202187Ewww he's so ugly
They're both so ugly, honestly. They truly deserve eachother.
No. 202304
>>202244No it's not. It's babble from the witches maw that he absorbed. Nobody calls weed "beep beep lettuce" or "lettuce".
>source: work with drug addicts and most smoke weed and use slang, never come up once and I am located in the general area of the USA that they live in. It's not even unique to Utah or anything of that sort.Sage your retardation.
No. 202309
>>202244>>202304beep beep lettuce was some stupid meme; it was that one that was like "instead of saying "I love you" in Japan they say (katakana) and I think that's beautiful" but the katakana was just "beep beep lettuce"
That stupid outdated humor is right up their alley, though.
No. 202362
File: 1647904353478.png (1.78 MB, 1079x1875, Screenshot_20220321-161035.png)

Vom. She can't find a foundation that matches. Sun damage isn't cute either. All her edits look different in this post. Her waist is 3 different sizes and the blurring on the second to last is laughable, her shit is fucked up. She got chubby.
No. 202365
File: 1647904482496.png (2.12 MB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20220321-161234.png)

>>202362What the hell is with the crotch area?
No. 202398
>>202365her tattoos are so busted and faded, it gives away her age even more.
>>202368lol it really does look like a tranny tucking it's dick in.
No. 202404
>>202362Starting to agree with
>>202355 who said she looks like a toe up mombod at 130, not a smol 100 anything.
The edits are like a shapeless troon discovering photoshop and makeup for the first time, trying to edit into what a coomer thinks is ladylike shape and tits.
No. 202419
File: 1647924077328.jpeg (Spoiler Image,20.08 KB, 185x320, 831A62C0-F9C2-42DB-9D1E-2309D8…)

>>202368This is the actual ensemble from dollskill. I don’t think she has another pair of underwear on I think she’s just got a massive pair of Lego vag lips she has to stuff in it so it looks like that.
No. 202534
File: 1647974363920.png (735.89 KB, 1440x2267, Screenshot_20220322-113752.png)

No. 202565
>>202534Why is he censoring out patreon? Isn’t this typically done when you’re shilling NSFW content?
They’re both such leeches on society. Their combined delusion to think the world owes them everything for simply existing…
No. 202567
>>202534>community doesn't show me loveYeah, because you not only clung to Momo but now you're Lori's lackey. Nobody likes those two and if you hadn't relegated yourself to being a bottom bitch for the ugliest and most despised cosplayers known in the com.. people would have supported you. Instead, you choose to ignore your old friends who were looking out for you (not Momo) and you doubled down on ostracizing the last peers to care about you genuinely. So many people tried to not meddle and just get him resources to leave his
abusive relationship but he believed Lori's bullshit about everyone just being jealous of her and trying to cause drama. So many people kept it private and civil, momo was the only one really blowing it up and making it a spectacle, which he should have fucking known!! Good job digging your grave, Kev. Each year you fade more into obscurity and cosplayers forget about you. The people that do remember you have just given up and will warn people to stay away from you and Lori lest they be targeted and harassed for months on end. God. Once your hag starts causing trouble in your skate groups watch how fast those dudes drop you and leave when you pull up. Skaters will straight up just call Lori an old bitch, laugh in your faces and punk you when they feel like it. Like, bro, if you thought cosplayers hurt your feelings try skaters. Even in Utah there's bound to be douches chomping at the bit to fuck with autist like Kev. Then the cycle of crying about bullies and haters like a child will continue.
No. 202596
>>202534>support meGet a job and stop leeching your parents at 30. Him crying over his average cosplays getting "no love" is laughable. He is literally nobody but feels entitled to fame, truly became like Loony.
>>202565Maybe he's getting ready to shill his troonsformation on it.
No. 202619
>>202565Kev’s faggy ass would have more OF fans than Lori kek
>>202534I guess there’s some people that just make cosplay to photograph, but I’m sure Kevin would like to actually show off his cosplays at conventions. Lori would screech at him if he ever thought of going to a con though
No. 202712
File: 1648053627597.jpg (154.73 KB, 1102x1010, Screenshot_20220323-123831_Ins…)

Last shoop at its finest. Idk what's worse, the face or the paw
No. 202735
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>>202712Lori got them man hands to match her hobbit ass carpet grippers. Her and moo both have that fat rat paw lol going on with the claws. Hearty keks. I love that even through the extreme filters you can clearly see her smokers lines and folds. I'm beginning to think the Remini shoop anon for threads ago was actually way closer to her real face than farmers thought. She looks dehydrated and puffy, reminds me of bulimia cheeks even though she's likely not purging.
No. 202739
>>202419Two thoughts:
1) this shows why Lori is such a terrible model for clothing. In her effort to blur and smooth every flaw into oblivion, she’s erased all the details on this piece. Look how defined the seams and lace are on the official model.
2) Tie the damn ribbons into bows, you lazy sow, ffs.
No. 202743
>>201902>>201968That could also be bruising on the lips from getting lip filler (not sure how she could afford lip filler). It's common to experience bruising in the corner of the lips from the injections.
But like 1 vial of lip filler can be like $700 bucks. Most places make you buy the whole vial and won't just sell you the amount they use/inject… which is the spendy part.
No. 202756
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The boob shoop in first pic is hilarious. That's not how straps work Lori, I know your brain is rotted from hentai and Instagram but at least try. When's the last time you saw a real woman? She edits herself like troons do it's so fucking funny she just comes off as a sex pest AGP. Also love the socks that once fit her, now they're on the verge of cutting circulation KEK. Pro tip: if you're reducing yourself to an e-whore who's life is only selling your body, maybe fix your tan lines and work out? Nobody's fantasy is someone who looks like their aunt going through a mid life crisis trying to be "the trendy" auntie. Scrotes want digital jailbait, big ass and big boobs. Crazy how she tries to live off these porn sick men but she can't even tap into their disgusting desires and preferences. At least Shayna put two and two together and started LARPing as a baby/tween/teenager being raped. Guaranteed that porker makes more money than Lori's ever seen in her bank account in her whole life and that's fucking abysmal.
No. 202773
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>I'm BaBy uWu~
Arrested development, mental disabilities and immaturity =/= baby. You are a psychotic, narcissistic middle aged woman pissing away money on things worn a million times better by women 10-20 years younger than you. You're rotting, alone despite being surrounded by people outside and Kevin. You have no friends. Rancid personality. Everything from your mannerisms and speech to the way you walk is calculated and fake as hell. Sink further into your delusion Lori, can't wait for your Soft White Underbelly interview where you lie about going through insurmountable abuse and misfortune like the insufferable perma-victim you are. You're unironically disgusting and even gross out coomers who jerk off to other women like you. How does that not make you suicidal KEK
No. 202791
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Aka my FB friends aren't coughing it up anymore so I need new idiots to manipulate lol she's so transparent
No. 202822
>>202743>lip fillerShe has the herps. Her turtle lips continue to be thin and prolasped.
It sounds like you go to sketchy 'places' to 'buy' fillers if you think the skill or demand of a specialized doctor's time comes for free. Whatever is going on Loony's face is not common for filler.
>>202791She's probably realizing the anons here were pointing out Kevvy kept getting blocked on facebook in addition to instagram.
She wants mutuals because she knows people are going to leak whatever she posts to that filter and wants to figure out who did it, and who they are mutuals with.
No. 202825
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Praying for an eviction arc or public sperg
No. 203046
>>202969There was an anon who had information on why they needed to be kicked out from the previous apartment, wish they dished the details.
No. 203102
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But I thought you were never co$tplaying again because the community doesn't show you love??? Lol he's so bipolar with the cosplay shit. Nobody cares Kevin.
No. 203168
>>203167I'm not sure what proof I can provide. These events transpired over the phone so there was no way to make any hard copies of anything.
If you're looking for proof that I'm who I say I am, I can confirm part of my story regarding her stealing personal items. She got into my dorm room (December 2004 I was finishing my 1st semester of my junior year at Gettysburg College) because my roommates opened the locked door and let her come in. She took my Gameboy Advance SP and 1 or 2 of my shirts if I remember correctly. This was maybe a week after I officially ended things with her and she was NOT handling it well. She was demanding that Ruka and Michi (Kou) drive her everywhere, including the 2+ hours from the house in Altoona PA to Gettysburg so she could steal from me.
She also left a poorly-written note under the windshield of my car. She actually hunted down my car in the parking lot for ALL juniors and seniors and left a note begging me to take her back like a legitimate psycho.
No. 203177
>>203174I realized her apology wasn't sincere after our last exchange regarding her needing money and food and breaking up with Kevin only to be moving with him to Utah a day or two after that. Too shady as far as I'm concerned.
Like she always does, she made up a story about being destitute and on her own to try and get free stuff out of someone.
Absolutely no feelings existed for her at that point, we only spoke occasionally and it was just as friends. I still had concerns for her welfare as I do with all my friends, but she was not welcome in my life beyond that.
Her manipulative and extortionist behavior is clearly a major cornerstone of her personality as mentioned in so many previous threads that reference recent events, so it cements the fact she has always been and will always be a liar, a narcissist, and a sociopath.
No. 203178
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>>203162If you have proof of any accounts being in your control or something, maybe even a FB chat could probably be enough. That's crazy she still tried that ploy on you while fucking over Rikki and Kevin respectively.
Ironically she made this meme like half an hour ago. Same old begging.
No. 203183
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>>203178Nevermind, I actually did some digging.
Attached is a screenshot of my attempt at getting her to tell me what food she wanted.
2 days later she was on her way to Utah.
No. 203186
>>203183tbh if this is all legit… gotta say its pretty decent you were actually willing to help her out in some way back then. Not a lot of people would bother.
Out of curiousity - and I gotta ask did she really have a missing tooth? (you dont have to answer though if you dont want to). It's just one of the random things anons bring up every now and then. Also why did you think Lori was not sincere to your mother when she attempted to apologize?
No. 203207
>>203202Some questions:
Are you still in touch with any of the past Kous?
What are your thoughts on her only fans route since she got together with Kevin? Did she act as random/off and childish like she does in some of those vids. Just trying to get an idea on how she really is in reality.
No. 203211
>>203207I couldn't care less what she does with herself any more. It has no effect on my life.
Childish? Yes. It gets her attention one way or another so I guess in her mind, if it ain't broke don't fix it?
No. 203217
>>203213I had no way of knowing. I met her father a few times so he could give her money. He didn't talk much. Never met her mother. I was not around either of them long enough to gauge what her home life could've been.
And she used that to fabricate her sob stories. We had no way to know or check so how could we not take her at her word?
claimed her mother is a Jehovah's Witness but again, impossible to verify.
No. 203219
>>203202glad that you got away and didn’t look back but it’s unfortunate that you had to deal with her crazy shit. it seems like she’s only become more emboldened to act that way over the years, and escalated things to a pretty terrifying degree. her and kevin deserve eachother for sure, though
also i know that this is a dumb question but i’m curious, does the parallel of her obsession with sailor moon/her wanting to larp as usagi full time and her newer obsessions with specific anime characters/couples freak you out at all in hindsight? like, were you aware at that point in time that she was actually convinced she was an anime character? her more recent antics have included her going as far as to say that characters she’s fixated on are based off of her in some way, so i can’t help but wonder how extreme she was about her usagi obsession in her personal life lmao
No. 203220
>>203219I mean yeah, it freaks me out now as it sounds like another manifestation of mental illness and she needs all kinds of help, but she'll never get it because no one has the balls/strength to get her committed and she sure as shit won't seek it out herself.
Back then it was my first experience dealing with someone like that so I initially brushed it off mostly, thinking it was just her trying to be cute and an aspect of the relationship. When it kept continuing months and months into the relationship and her tone about it was getting more and more serious, red flags started rising.
No. 203228
>>203183You were way too patient to someone as
abusive and manipulative as her. It's clear she sees everyone as something to be used for her own gain, even her own family. Considering she has gotten worse and literally has a bodycount of animals and traumatized people, she can't be helped.
Sorry for your loss and hope you have closure now that someone like this is out of your life.
>>203189Kek, and now she uses smile apps. It can't fake her teeth when she speaks, so she talks in a frown or out of the side of her mouth.
>>203220Does she really think she's an uwu perfect loli with perfect body and everything, even when she's pushing 30 and now 40? Or is that something she only does online with these catfish personas?
No. 203284
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Kevin posted this last night when Scott was in the middle of posting here. You just know Lori was screeching.
No. 203309
>>203231I remember the first time I tried to end things with her while she was still living in the house.
She kept us up until 2am arguing, then she just up and walked out the front door, only to call me about 20-30 minutes later saying she was on a corner and some strangers had tried to pick her up/kidnap her. I found her 2 blocks away by the post office, got her in the car and brought her back.
Oh, and conversely, if SHE wanted to go somewhere and decided she wanted to go NOW, I had to drop what I was doing and take her. So it was acceptable for her to roam the tri-state area, but if I wanted to visit a friend for a couple hours on my own, she'd throw a shit fit.
She'd sleep most of the day in the house, get up in the afternoon and waste all the hot water taking a shower or bath, grab food, take it up into the computer room and lock herself away from my parents where she'd be on the internet until 2 or 3 in the morning. This was every single night.
No. 203323
>>203307>The early 00's was a difficult time for the cosplay community as it was straddling the line between becoming mainstream and still kinda taboo/underground in this country, so we latched onto friendships wherever we could find them.I disagree. There was plenty of us and most everyone hung out in the con lobby's, had get togethers outside of cons and had internet friends too. There were plenty of people to group with. You picked her for whatever reasons but the 'state of the cosplay community's is a weird reason to hang around someone
No. 203324
>>203309Guess this confirms what
>>203126 said about the constant fighting getting them kicked out of everywhere.
>>203321Kek, her next level skinwalking is always great to read about. Do you have any other entertaining skinwalking stories?
>>203312>No1currsThe most activity this thread had in ages and only one person would be mad about it.
No. 203331
>>203309Wow so since the time you dated Lori to now she hasn’t changed a single bit. The only thing that’s changed is she’s found a guy who dotes on her hand and foot and treats her like she’s a princess that can do no wrong.
Pretty much everything you’ve said lines up with Kevin’s previous spergs about Lori as well as what past roommates and friends have said about her, too.
>doesn’t let him have female friends>flips out and loses her mind over menial shit>sleeps all day>eats all the food>makes people pay for her shit>makes up sob stories to garner sympathy >constant drama whore No. 203348
(hi cow) No. 203357
>>203346Anon, of all the things to nitpick, this is what you choose? It's something and probably the most convenient option for the both of them. Also, it's Lori we're talking about here. It seems like she was trying to siphon money off of Scott using her sobstory and was disappointed she was getting direct food instead, hence the ghosting.
>>203347 Calm your ass and quit trying to scare away the intel.
No. 203364
>>203323Cosplay is still considered strange to most, to this day. Take any community that requires skill/time to really get into (cosplayers, tabletop gamers, skateboarders, etc.),it can get really insulated and close….and someone will always appoint themselves the unofficial arbiter of who’s ‘good enough’ and who’s not. Lori was the queen of that
toxic gatekeeping shit. Good thing she was nowhere near accomplished or likable enough to be taken seriously for too long.
>>203312Why does everyone bitch when someone comes along sharing what they know? No, not everyone knows the deepest, darkest secrets. He was her college-age boyfriend, and knows she was a college-aged brat. That’s probably all he knows, but it’s nice to hear from a primary source. Could it be fake? Maybe, but even 50 screenshots isn’t going to convince some Nonnies.
Scott, it would have been before your time, but did you ever hear anything about Otakon in Baltimore? There are some serious allegations floating around, but it’s all hearsay. Did she ever mention it?
No. 203366
>>203363Given what everyone's been saying about him and screencaps of what he himself has posted about her, I don't think he can be helped.
Other than that? Grow up. This all happened to me when I was 20/21 and still in college. I had not experienced the world and the awful types of people in it yet, and I got suckered in.
If you value your sanity and would like to have control over the direction you want your life to go, walk away IMMEDIATELY, or as soon as humanly possible. She is a black hole and you WILL get pulled into the void if you let it continue.
No. 203375
>>203371I never really got the full story but I seem to remember her bringing up something along those lines. She did say Luis cheated on her but I don't think she referred to it as rape or that the girl was disabled in any way. If it did happen, it was before I came into the picture.
There was a lot of shit she did and said that I was not aware of so she very well could've blamed it all on her.
No. 203384
>>203379 cat ears is not cosplay. Those kids still gets picked on in school. I dont know what reality you live in but its not this one.
Cosplay is more normalized than it used to be but far from mainstream.
No. 203385
Oh yeah, here's one for ya.
Maybe about 2 weeks into the relationship, she was living with friends up in Albany NY and I was at school in PA. On the weekend before Katsucon weekend 2004, I offered for her to stay with me so that we could both go to the con together. It was closer to Gettysburg than upstate NY, and she agreed.
I drove 6 hours straight Friday evening after my last class, arriving at the house in Albany at midnight. She let me in only to start rushing to my car with suitcases saying we couldn't stay and kept acting like the goddamn FBI was after her. She absolutely refused to stay at the house and for us to sleep and leave in the morning.
Once all her stuff was in my car she pulled the proverbial "DRIVE DRIVE DRIVE" type of shit and we left the house. Heading back to southern PA I kept saying I needed to pull over at a rest stop and at least nap for an hour or two, I was losing the fight to keep my eyes open. She kept saying no, that we needed to keep going. Finally I overrode her refusals and pulled in to one and parked. She proceeded to grab me and fiercely make out with me, the whole time telling me we couldn't stay and she needed me to keep going.
Clearly she wasn't going to leave me alone unless I got back on the road, so I did. Somehow I managed to make it back to school around 6am Saturday morning. I dragged all her shit into my dorm room and that's when the shit with her staying for 2+ weeks began.
She got ill and I chose to sleep on the floor so as to hopefully not catch whatever she had. Even after she recovered, I stayed on the floor because she would start getting irritable if I tried to get in bed with her. Also I'm a big guy, 6'2", and I took up most of the bed space on my own anyway.
No. 203401
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Looks like Kevin is back desperately promoting Lori again and talking about how great she is. Couldn't have anything to do with Scott coming here to say what a terrible person she is, lol.
No. 203444
>>203346>>203347This is such an oddly specific and entitled sperg that simply outed yourself as a shitty person who grifts others. Stop derailing and making this thread about you.
Nobody owe the cow anything, she's an aged woman who can feed her own fat face and it's pretty obvious she ran out of grifts. She begs for food online all the time.
>>203401Such a lucky guy when your not-wife's legopussy is out on the internet for others to see and they don't want it.
>>203386Please continue the story, what a psycho. Did she get kicked out of there too? Why is she literally homeless all the time? Is she too retarded to get employed anywhere?
No. 203448
>>203444She doesn't
want to keep a full time job for whatever reason.
When she lived with us the only job she had was part time at a Macy's jewelry counter.
She probably thinks she's "above" full time labor of any kind.
No. 203450
>>203385it's been like 15 years, stop googling her and stop talking to her. you're only causing your own problems by writing all this shit in here about how bad she is, like we don't already know
don't you have a girlfriend or wife or something? if i found out my partner was this obsessed with his ex i would be pissed.
No. 203454
>>203450If it's really Scott, he's well into his 30's, and if his current S.O. can't have a giggle about his college cosplay drama "fame", she has no humor. What's he done to show he's obsessed? Gossiped generally online?
You sound like a cow, not a farmer.
No. 203455
>>203452The timing of the sperg who keeps centering herself in this thread screeching at him to "stop posting" and is "pissed" about him posting is telling.
>>203448Does she also claim that everyone is "obsessed" with her when they're laughing at her?
First time hearing of her having some part time job other than Forever 21. Did they end up firing her?
No. 203463
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>>203450go back to kiwifarms you faggot, and stop ruining the milk.
>>203455pretty sure it is this autistic nigga from kiwifarms.
No. 203464
>>203200If I may ask, are there any more audio recordings from her LJ days of her sperging about drama that you have? Or any other stories of her being extra nuts?
Glad you were able to dodge the bullet in the end, it's amazing how she never changed.
No. 203474
>>203472They're no longer together.
Lori definitely had me on the phone in 2005 when I was still at school and she was living with them making it sound like she was going to kill herself and make me listen. I ended up having the cops go to the house and Michi and Ruka were PISSED.
That may have been their breaking point with her and I think they made her find a new place to live after that.
No. 203487
>>203479Would posts like
>>203346 and
>>203347 and
>>203350 be considered a violation of rule 6? It's essentially taking away from potential milk, and I think it's safe to say a lot of anons here are interested to hear what Scott has to say and are irritated retards like the poster I linked ruin the experience for both parties. If it is a violation, I'm thinking it'd be a good idea to preface the next thread with a reminder.
No. 203491
>>203463>Lori has magic pussy>ex boyfriend is upset she's not with him anymoreMuch delusion. His posts sound like someone seeking closure which is justified because his name was in this thread. He offered free milk and none of it massively incriminating. He even gave legitimate advice to Kevin who is too retarded to take it.
It's possible the little sperg that sprung up is worried he has something even more incriminating about Lori to share in store and Lori is worried.
No. 203497
>>203208It’s the “When it getting here” before it’s even ordered for me (and then ghosting after realizing he won’t send money).
>>203178 i swear neither of these idiots understand how social media actually works. They ebeg constantly and then look down at others and believe they are well off. They don’t have any basic necessities that adults should have in their apartment.
>>203401I’m guessing they were fighting since loris ex was in the thread. It’s funny how she keeps in contact with her exes but he isn’t allowed to even have a stranger follow him on socials.
>>203474 same song and dance she did with Kevin. She has routine she enjoys using doesn't she? If Kevin was smart he would start adding up the similarities and parallels between his and Scott’s situation, the story has been done a million times and the ending is always the same Kevin.
No. 203519
>>203497>ghosting after realizing he won’t send moneyGood catch, meanwhile she was busy manipulating Kevin in person whilst simultaneously having facebook conversations with likely multiple other men as well.
>>203284Looking at the timing in retrospect, it now looks like she kicked Kevin out to the kitchen and apartment when Scott was posting.
>>203401Kevin later was allowed back as long as he spams her OF praising her.
No. 203545
>>203385Scott, I am living for these Lori tales from the crypt. Please ignore the one salty anon saying no one cares. The constant begging for you to stop posting is very telling. If my boyfriend had an ex like Lori I’d fully support him dragging her across the internet coals. Time heals a lot but when someone bulldozes their way into your life and abuses you, you kinda don’t forget that shit. Any dirty laundry you’d like to air that has not been archived, please do. It could potentially save future
victims from falling into her clutches and sucking them dry financially and emotionally.
Ps- not that it matters but ur hot, smart, and way out of her league anyways. Kevin could never.
No. 203551
>>203545Tinfoil, but I think Kevin lost his virginity to Lori, and being that he comes from a very religious background, he thinks that Lori is “The One”. Despite all the abuse and gaslighting, despite all of his friends and family’s warnings, he has to double down on his poor investment hoping to prove everyone wrong.
You’ll never rise together Kevin, you will only sink further than you have already sunk. There is no happy ending here, and God won’t judge you if you leave your first fuck for a healthier life.
Despite what is said about you here from people who like to nitpick your insane posts, even we will support you ridding yourself of Lori and choosing a better life for yourself.
No. 203578
>>203551Kevin, your parents would probably take you home (Idaho, right?) if you left Lori for good. They’d be happy to!
You could re-enroll in community college and probably meet a nice, slender girl your age also into anime and who supports your cosplay and wants to go to cons and dress up in matching couples’ cosplays with you instead of this washed-up, bloated, screeching harpy of a financial burden who photoshops herself into a wannabe-ana and sapped you of your everything in life (including hacking your favourite sweatshirt into a crop top she hardly wears) while refusing to fuck you, so she can instead try to hit on her ex-bfs online for money and to see if they’d take her back (You KNOW she took your car and went to fuck Rikki. You KNOW she continued talking to him after, but he finally ditched her for Kitty because Kitty seems not batshit insane and Kitty actually works.) She did it with Rikki and now we found out she did it with Scott, who she’d been broken up with a DECADE before you two started dating. Who else has she possibly messaged?
(She made you delete all your girl friends off social media because she is possessive and thinks you might cheat?
You know who thinks people are cheaters? CHEATERS DO.)
Your window is rapidly closing. People your age generally already have jobs (I’m being lenient and saying jobs, not careers), post-secondary education, established friendships and relationships, or at the very least, social circles where they can meet new people. Lori has killed your every opportunity of networking and she would never let you go to a con by yourself, but she also wouldn’t go again due to her inability to filter and Photoshop herself into oblivion for candids.
I know you think Lori is ‘The One’ but she isn’t. She was just your first and she spotted an easy target to manipulate in you, especially since you are a lot younger and with less life experience and you worshipped her from the get go and she wanted that after Rikki.
Wouldn’t you like to date someone who actually wants to fuck you? And, going by the horror videos from her OF where she’s scratching at her LEGO hand vag with her witch talons with her favourite duck lips pout, wouldn’t you like someone who is GOOD at sex and ENTHUSIASTIC instead of a lazy pillow princess with a constant sneer on her face? Lori doesn’t even refer to you as her boyfriend or fiancé or post about you on any of her publics…
Go home, Kevin. Try to reach out to Mariah. You might have burned that bridge completely, but she might have a listening ear if you’ve left Lorena for good and apologise to her.. Hell, you and Momo-kun might be able to make money or some publicity off of publicly making up and then spilling about your experience dating the notoriously foul Usagi Kou.
Scott, if that’s you, thank you very much for sharing. You are indeed attractive, kind, intelligent, well-spoken, (and of presumably normal, undisfigured body shape) which is a complete opposite from Abuela Lorena. I sincerely apologise for everything Lori put you through. I love your fiancée’s cosplays, and I hope you both laugh together uproariously (in the comfort of your home, which you actually pay for) at the circus Lori’s life has been.