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No. 273177
Previous thread:
>>>/w/262531Discuss your (in)famous (ex-)Japan-vloggers here.
BEFORE POSTING: Please keep on topic. Post proof about topics before tinfoiling.
>>>/w/16634Sharla BACK LILY
Lily - ChrisAbroad's ex and ex-friend/acquaintance to most Jvloggers & Jun [not updated as often] [updated more frequently] [Jun's Kitchen, not updated much]
Emma Creative [Actual home website]
Oriental Pearl [Personal site]
Kelly Morita
>Chris fought in a chess boxing match and won due to the match being thrown by his opponent>Sharla and Chris haven't broken up, they are touring through the white western world eating donuts for Christmas>Chris fitness and weight continues to bother anons>Chris is a bully>Chris offers aid and comfort to a known sexual predator (Bald and Bountiful)>Kim Dao holds invisible bowls of stone soup in her new apartment in Japan>Norm is still terrible>This thread is still terrible >TkyoSam seems to have a lot of influence>Emma and Chris might be a better match >Lily has a super cool rockstar metal boyfriend No. 273203
>>273197He did offer aid to bald and bankrupt.
>>>/w/268848 >>>/w/268856 >>>/w/268903 Go back to his subreddit/discord Chris simp.
No. 273282
>>273272>Those threads all had better bios Not really. Half the OPs mentioned shit that wasn't even milk and when there was something actually milky it was brushed over. And then there's the constant bringing up of irrelevant nobodies.
>>273275They can go hang out in the guru gossip jvlogger thread.
No. 273285
>>273282You forget that anyone from Reddit, YouTube comments etc. don’t understand that none of it is milk, and that this is a forum and they can discuss them as they see fit.
Inb4 sjw san sperges about archaeological lies and bald, I’m being sarcastic.
I wish they’d go to guru gossip too, like that site is actually what they’re looking for.
No. 273464
>Not a simpThen why are you defending him and saying he didn't help b&b when he clearly did?
What's your angle, anon?
No. 273468
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>>273285One of them was lurking here and the rest of them migrated after this site was mentioned there. That's why that thread died a few months later. Now that it's been revived they can go back and the Reddit whiteknights can join them.
No. 273492
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>>273380>>273209I'm guessing that this is you? "Witness his greatness" kek
Also I guess you made him delete his comment.
No. 273540
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>>273537Report and move on, nonnas.
No. 273798
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Turns out this shit was a lie
>>>/w/235838 the tweet that lily replied to was from lovelymilky. Solaraeesther didn't have a twitter account until a few months ago and there's no proof that they were ever friends or even knew each other at all.
No. 273802
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Also she clearly worships Sharla, "one of the most amazing people on earth" so it's no surprise that she would drag anyone who said anything less than positive about her. She's likely one of the anons here that whiteknight the fuck out of her.
No. 273818
>>273809Fucking hell.
The anon who made that post tried to make it look like that tweet was from solaraeesther. Take a good look at what they said in their post. Why the fuck do you think I'm calling it a lie?
No. 274593
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>>274571The link to the subreddit that discusses b&b was posted on the AiJ sub months before Chris met up with him.
No. 274597
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>>274571Also in that same post there are two comments with links to vids about b&b.
No. 274602
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>>274571Here is Chris saying that he lurks in his subreddit. He definitely knew about the b&b stuff so stop defending him.
No. 274626
>>274609his only milk is giving his kid a retarded kira kira name and asking for donations after buying a boujee apartment in shibuya before
But he gave us Kimono Mom so it's overlooked
No. 274635
>>274620I never called Chris an alpha kek. Are you upset that I proved that Chris knew about the things that b&b has done way before meeting him and that he didn't give a shit and still helped him out behind the scenes? Posting a few comments from Reddit doesn't mean that I'm from there idiot.
This post and vid
>>274608 has nothing to do with Chris, it's making fun of some of the worst jvloggers. Also I didn't make the vid.
No. 274641
>>274615 is pretty smart to hide who he hangs out with but it's pretty clear he plays the
victim when he gets caught with his pants down
No. 274660
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>>274652Posting proof of Chris saying that he lurks in his subreddit and of his fans posting about b&b with links on his subreddit months before he met up with him is not tinfoil. You would have to be a retard to believe that he didn't know about it.
You're obviously a Chris fanboy.
No. 274722
>>274713>Old milk>Shit that only happened a few weeks agoDiscussing milk of jvloggers in a thread for milk about jvloggers is not derailing.
This isn't a place for you to worship and defend your fave jvloggers and try and shut down any negative discussion about them.
No. 274739
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>>274730There's a difference between shit that happened over two years ago and shit that happened a few weeks ago, you retard.
>The state of this threadYeah the Chris and Sharla worshippers ruin the thread.
No. 274787
>>274739The same thing is happening in other /w/ threads, I don't know why mods put up with it at all. It's clearly one or at most two people WKing and derailing and posting non-contributing infighting posts like
>>274759 and
>>274730. Then they whine about "milk" and reee about anons and it's the most boring thing on earth. I hope one day it's revealed who this absolute idiot is.
Chris 100% knew about Bald - everyone knew.
No. 274919
>No one gives a fuckWho are you to speak for all anons?
What the fuck is it about Chris and Sharla that brings out all the raging whiteknights?
Like we all fucking know if it was any of the others that had done the shit that's been discussed recently we wouldn't have anons saying to shut up and stop discussing it.
Fuck off with your obvious bias towards them.
No. 274931
>>274919The fact that in the past thread literally it seemed like only 2 people were talking about it and one person was literally foaming at the mouth regarding it being dismissed. If no1 wants to talk about it that's one thing, but continually bringing it up because you're mad people won't talk about it is completely derailing and really doesn't make for good milk. This was already a discussion i the last thread and nobody really cared then either and mostly because anon keeps shoehorning any chance to talk or bring up reddit and then just spams anon posts about it as if we don't have our own retarded anons here to sperg about it. There's no reason it needs to bring up again and again. Anons can smell a vendetta, but that doesn't mean they are defending the cows either which anon seems to assume that means and they bait as such by saying anyone who doesn't talk about what they want is a fan.
Anon needs a massive reality check.
No. 274940
My point still stands. It's only those two that have people WKing them, it doesn't happen with any other jvloggers.
Like it's okay to talk shit about kimdao, Bronwyn, etc but not Sharla even though she's done worse shit than any of them.
It's okay to say that oriental pearl is a terrible person based purely on her hanging out with tkyosam. But a discussion about sharla being long term best friends with someone who's far worse and with a bunch of other shitty people is labelled "vendetta posting".
It was only brought up again because anons were still denying shit.
So why would anons not care about the jvloggers milk if they aren't fans?
What's the point of this thread if anytime there's any milk anons are just going to be like "don't care, don't wanna discuss it."?
No. 274944
>>274940the anon you're replying to just thinks she alone can decide what is milk and what is derailing. She's the same one who defends bumping threads with non-milk «discussion» posts if she wants to praise or admire her favorite cows. It's the same in Belle's thread and in Taylor's thread, where she gets even more aggressive over saged posts. I'll refrain from saying more but there's something messed up when one person gets a ban for «derailing» (which - nta - looked to me like answering this anon's angry baity questions) while there's cp on the site for hours at the same time. idk I find it all pretty gross, we don't need some dictator user screaming every time we want to discuss something here.
ftr: I used to defend sharla back in the day. she used to be annoying but not much more than that. I felt sympathy for her when she got divorced too - her ex sounded like a dick. And her thyroid surgery sounded horribly scary so I've never talked about her weight since then, it feels unfair to say anything about someone who's gone through that. But all that said, I think she's gotten worse recently and Chris is a
problematic narcissistic moid, typical of moids in general, but it's fair game to talk about the shit they both do.
No. 274969
>>274944What did her ex do that was so bad? They always seemed not very compatible. A lot of her comments she seemed to fetishize asian men in general and she didn't seem interested in actually getting integrated to Korean culture being much more interested (superficially) with Japanese culture. Plus the whole publically complaining about her MIL and being public in general with a partner who was more private.
The way they treated Lily like they were highschool queen bee types was scummy. But the worst of it I agree is that she's becoming more and more over the top and Chris like since they got together. Chris himself is a narcissist and a bully who gets offended if you call him a Jvlogger and supports people like Bald.
No. 275125
>>274986>Anon just thinks that if you aren't posting anything negative at all times about every relevant piece of a cow, means you're a fanI never said that.
Anons only complain about milk when it's about Chris or sharla.
>>>/meta/46428 >>>/meta/46434 >>>/meta/46444 >>>/meta/46453 It's very clear that some anons are defending them.
>>>/meta/46474 >>>/meta/47676 No. 275183
>>275125Meant to put
>>>/meta/47674>>275180I was specifically calling the anons who complain whenever there's a negative discussion about them fanboys/girls, and by negative discussion I mean milk, not sperging about their weights or anything like that.
They don't do it for any of the other jvloggers so they are either fans or friends of them.
No. 275396
>>274944>She used to be annoying but not much more than thatWasn't she known as a two faced queen bee who blacklisted people over petty shit?
I'm not an oldfag, I've only been here since thread #9 but that's what I gathered from skimming through the old threads. I also remember a post about how she basically let kimdao take the fall for her lying about people saying racist things in Kim's vid.
I do remember anons nitpicking her a lot.
I felt bad for her when she got divorced as well but it seems like it was mostly her decision due to her not wanting to have children while her ex did and for reasons that this anon mentioned
>>274969 She also never bothered to learn Korean despite studying it for years while living with a native speaker.
I'm also curious why you think her ex was a dick, she's only ever said that he was a great guy.
And yeah I hope that the nitpicking about her weight doesn't start up again.
No. 275534
>>275423Are you the anon mentioned in this post
>>>/meta/46431 that comes to sharla's defense and denies the shit she has done?
And anon really says that "no one is even defending them" kek.
No. 275550
>>275423Here's the proof of her letting kimdao take the fall.
>>>/snow/146512 >>>/snow/146568 >>>/snow/146569Nothing else in that post is exaggerated or a fake fact.
No. 275572
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Noticed that she's online at around a similar time that some of the posts ITT were posted. I'm sure it's a complete coincidence.
No. 275650
Another anon also noticed something else that was suspicious
>>>/w/247223 >>>/w/235204 >>275640Yeah I could totally see some random person coming here to say that a bunch of negative shit about a cow is "exaggerated and fake facts" for no other reason than them just having a "differing opinion". It's definitely not something that someone with a vested interest would do.
>>275647What has been exaggerated then? Elaborate.
No. 275976
>>275396>Wasn't she known as a two faced queen bee who blacklisted people over petty shit?Yes, she's always been known as such until simps started to camp the jvlog thread for the past months fighting against it. All the female jvlog girls who got excommunicated from the main group all shared the same factor - sharla was behind it. If you wanna see the bitch fighting glory days, find the old thread where mira's line messages got dumped where sharla was talking shit about an old jvlogger and the shit she says. She's fucking vicious, pure fat milk kek.
But the old jvoggers have mostly settled, disappeared, and gone their separate ways, so everything is pretty chill now.
No. 275985
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>>275976I have to say Sharla is lucky to have Chris. I know people like her that take that petty miserable queen bee attitude into adulthood and they always end up miserable and alone. Without Chris she'd be a loner with too many cats in a messy apartment trying to act like a quirky teenager in Japan.
In related news it looks like Chris wrote a book and is done with his health journey (probably the lower views upset him). Will he do what it takes off screen to not gain those 7lbs he lost last year back or will he balloon up even further now that the incentive is gone?
No. 276074
>>276044>>276042Chris is way to brand focused for the book to be good. The stories in it won't be raunchy or wild enough to merit it's existence or differ too much from what we know on the podcast or youtube and he isn't an expert or super accomplished in the way that people will want to hear his life advice. The best biographies usually have someone growing up in harsh circumstances or from a wild streak and then going on to do something incredible with some level of advice or introspection. No hate to Chris but he's too normal. The peak of the book would be maybe JAJ1 at best if he's smart. Before being in JET he was a regular guy from a nice family who wasn't a troublemaker. I can't see why he's making a biography when there's Mandela, Obamas, Malala, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Goggins, Malcolm X, Hamilton, Anne Frank etc etc. Or even trashy ones like The Paul brothers It's not a format that'll work well for Chris.
His best bet would be a photography/blurb book on Japan in the style of his videos. It would make the best use of his talents.
No. 276135
>>276118oh, ok, thanks, I didn't notice that.
It's a decent play on his username, he'll probably steal it for his own promotion if he reads this thread.
No. 277594
>>275976I fucking love the blatant double standards of these simps. They're saying shit like this
>I feel like if we all had cameras on us and documentation of our lives 24/7 we could all be spun into being horrible people for one reason or another>I don't buy that Sharla's some evil queen bee mastermind because of x, y, and zThen they say "oriental pearl hanging out with tkyosam tells you all you need to know about her" after making excuses for Sharla hanging out with Norm.
And that Chris's ex is mean and a cunt based on some gofundme shit with zero proof, a lie
>>273798 and joke/banter tweets taken out of context.
No. 277597
>>277596Anons are just tired of anons not being able to keep old milk as old milk. These threads the past year are just anons infighting and reposting old shit. This discourse of complaining about who is worse is fucking irritating too. Just post milk of anyone. Maybe if people stop comparing cows milk instead and use the general thread for, I don't know, general cows and stop nitpicking who is allowed to be discussed as long as anons aren't tinfoiling out their ass or making up shit storylines, then there shouldn't be a problem.
Instead you would rather complain and derail about cows you don't want to hear about and try to infighting by bringing up people complaining about Sharla when the whole issue is people are tired of old milk being brought up just to link it to something that's barely related currently.
No. 277666
>>277635What narrative? And what speculation/personal opinion has been posted as a supposed fact?
>>277659Who have been? What are you talking about?
No. 277707
>>277635So you are only referring to stuff that's been posted about Sharla? Funny how this only applies to her but you can say whatever shit about the other jvloggers. Sure seems like there's someone in here taking it real personally.
>I'm more interested in whoever tf from the jvlogger cliques are so pissed off to be posting here because it really comes off as personal sometimes and not just someone here to casually shit on certain jvloggersThat's what I was thinking a few months ago with that flood of vendetta posting and making shit up about a certain someone. Now that was something that came off as personal.
No. 277726
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>>277713This isn't about the nitpicking that's been going on recently, if it was I would agree. I don't give a fuck about how she decorates her apartment, what she wears, etc. This is about old shit that anons keep saying is fake facts or exaggerated.
No. 277792
>>273177I jerk my cock to Paolo
It goes everywhere
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>>277961 Go reee about women's ages somewhere else.
On another note, Sharla got a tattoo.
>inb4 someone says some stupid shit about tattoos being illegal when they aren't No. 278415
File: 1674516257201.jpg (1.95 MB, 1433x3992, CloutChaser.jpg)

>>275572Well it looks like Sharla really is getting a good ROI from this relationship. Seems like she's focused on milking Chris' name for views and even is uploading his content like the Natsuki/Santa video he edited before he did. And people thought Lily was taking advantage of him. She better hope Chris stays because the only other thing I've seen her do this past year is hoard a bunch of tacky cat memorabilia. Otherwise it's trying to use Chris' name for views.
>>278365Is it a snake tattoo?
>>277961That's hardly something to hate on someone on but people don't really age faster or slower it's just a matter of health. As annoying as she can be I hope her health is fine. She gained all of Chris' bad habits but isn't transforming herself into an athlete to turn it around like he did.
No. 278551
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She’s found her dream Valentines Day dress ppl. Tack-o-rama Shein purchase and way too tight.
No. 278583
>>278555You can't be serious. A normal collab? If American Pete or whoever tagged Abroad In Japan in every one of his videos and was even stealing his content he'd be rightfully called out as taking advantage. Chris collabs with Connor a lot but they at least make separate videos and make content for both channels. What Sharla is doing is just taking Chris' hard work and uploading it to her channel where she clearly doesn't want to make her own content anymore. I don't even dislike Sharla like most here seem to, but milking Chris this much for views is a little much…
>>278551I think Lily looks great in that dress and I'm glad she is living her best life after being maligned and cheated on.
No. 278620
>>278551It’s tacky & looks cheap, but she looks great.
>>278365Please tell me this isn’t Sharla’s tattoo. It looks retarded and extremely macho for a cat lady.
No. 278847
>>278551Lily looks great.
Sharla wishes she could fit into that dress
No. 278849
>>278454she's almost never in his videos.
There's no place for a girlfriend in content that you're trying to make as similar to Top Gear as possible without actually doing anything exciting or risky.
No. 278898
>>278856He allegedly wants one but is afraid it might effect his opportunities in Japan. If you notice even Ryotaro blurs his dolphin tattoo. Chris also doesn't seem attached to anything so he doesn't have anything to tattoo. Sharla is more edgy and doesn't care to cater or accomodate Japan at all so she has a bunch of tattoos.
The only thing shocking is that Sharla doesn't get cat tattoos instead of snakes. Maybe she just loves animals that kill mice?
No. 278915
>>278893Only meant to tag
>>278859, but accidentally tagged
>>278858 first and thought I deleted it before I hit send. Sorry.
>>278898TY for answering my question. Sharla's had tattoos for 10 years or more and she's done countless vlogs at onsens and not just private ones, so I doubt it'd affect his work. I was wondering why Sharla didn't have a cat tattoo yet unless she has one she hasn't shared.
No. 278931
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>>278848It's from her twitter
>>278898>Chris also doesn't seem attached to anything so he doesn't have anything to tattoo.Not unless he decides to get some fried chicken tattooed on himself
No. 278948
>>278894It's an imageboard, asshole. Sharing some random chubby girl's back and claiming it's Sharla getting some butch-ass 1990s lesbian tattoo isn't enough.
>>278931Thanks for posting a decent screencap nona. Sharla's tattoo is incredibly ugly and trashy.
No. 279535
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b&b got his account back.
No. 279548
>>279546Kek why are you so
triggered over that post?
And what is your obsession with Lily?
No. 279550
>>279405Chris could benefit from paying to find his bmr and counting every calorie. He's not heavy enough for ozempic sadly.
Alot of people don't realize that they over consume, and snack etc.
No. 279561
>>279548Tbh, she was more on topic than Bald was. Anons were trying to bring in his personal issues, not even living in Japan or being a Jvlogger, all because Chris and a group of other Jvloggers, who didn't get crap for meeting up with him too, met up with Bald. Who's basically disappeared and hasn't been seen
repeatedly with any of them since. At least Lily lives in Japan, did vlogs, shaded OP cows on Twitter openly, and dated the OP.
One of these things is not like the other and it's BnB.
No. 279569
>>279561From what I remember that discussion was mostly about Chris lying that he wasn't aware of the shit about bald when he definitely was.
Like this anon said
>She's not even a public figure, let alone a vloggerThat's why she's not on topic either, it's a thread about vloggers and she doesn't even have any content and is a nobody.
All that anons want to post about her is shit like this
>>>/w/189683 just a bunch of vendetta posting from Chris and Sharla's schizo fans.
No. 279620
>>279618Nah. You insane weirdos can go back to wherever you came from. This thread has been ruined enough, we don't need anymore spergy shit.
>Lily did vlogsThis doesn't matter because all her content is gone and was never discussed here anyway
>shaded OP cows on twitter openlyThis doesn't matter because they are far from innocent and so what if she did. Like who tf cares? She only really shaded Chris and anons here have said worse shit about him than she ever did.
>Dated the OPThis also doesn't matter because she was never in any of his content. It doesn't make her a topic of discussion kek. If she wasn't Chris's ex none of you would give a single fuck about her. The Chris and Sharla fans here are like those crazy K-pop stans.
No. 279629
>>279624Didn't say anything about bald in that post so wtf?
And yeah this thread has been a mess since that damned dating discussion.
No. 279636
>>279624The comment was about Chris helping out B&B, not about B&B himself. Anon's screenshot
>>279535 also shows Chris still following B&B, despite undeniably knowing about Bald's now. Seems to me you really don't want anyone else to find out about how Chris idolizes and helped out a guy who's known for bragging about and justifying rape even if that's what these threads are for.
No. 280122
>>280079It would explain that post and this one
>>275423It would also explain this
>>277726And this screenshot with the grey cat theme.
>>>/w/235204 And Chris privating an old livestream only a few hours after it was discussed here.
No. 280166
>>280165He might be the only one that posts, but the others have definitely read through these threads
In the last couple threads, there was that Big Booty account that Chris was following that got found out that he suddenly unfollowed when it was made of note here. There was also that one video that got privatized after it was pointed out there was some relationship info in it
No. 280174
>>280172Ha, yeah, very original video.
Does Nadine count as part of the JVlogger threads or is she still "too new". Either way, there's something off about her to me, she's got that Jimmy Fallon/Ellen constant fake smile and over the top "bubbliness"
No. 280177
>>280176Never claimed it was milk
Just asking if she counts as part of these threads now, because for the last few threads, people have been constricting it to Chris, Sharla and Lily specifically. Anyone else gets mentioned and those comments get shutdown pretty quick
Also, what is/are "LBs"?
No. 280187
>>280165Multiple anons have mentioned Sharla's history of posting on sites like this.
>>>/w/172778>>>/w/207341Why are anons so intent on saying that she's not posting here?
No. 280189
>>280178"Dear Diary,
Today I shopped for SHARLA omg can you believe it? I got some Lucky Bags for her to open in a video when she gets back, and talk about lucky, Diary, because I think I'M going to get to be in the video! Wow, like, can you believe that? Gosh I hope Sharla likes what I got! She's so kewl! Well Diary I'm pretty tired so I'm going to hit the hay. I got my period yesterday. XXOO, Nadine"
No. 280293
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>>280244Yeah he vlogs all the time, and the last time there was milk about them this fucking site was down for days, so nobody bothered I guess. It was when one of their inbred dogs died and they immediately got a new one of a similar sickly breed (from the breeder and not a shelter, which would still be somewhat acceptable). I thought this was pretty distasteful and selfish of them, and how they treat their dogs like literal children etc. So I'm surprised they are having a real child now. I guess it has potential for milk in the future, but we will see.
No. 280306
>>280296Oh no poor Marzia she's stuck with a handsome, rich, mature, fit, intelligent man who deeply cares about her. How can she suffer like that?
>>280293I'd actually agree about this. It's unethical that they are obsessed with this/similar breeds when the dogs have so many health issues and can barely breathe.
>>280286That's really only a "new world" thing. There's lots of Chinese, Koreans, Filipinos, and Thai born in Japan even several generations down that have restricted rights and protections because they aren't properly recognized in either country.
No. 280318
>>280306>That's really only a "new world" thing. There's lots of Chinese, Koreans, Filipinos, and Thai born in Japan even several generations down that have restricted rights and protections because they aren't properly recognized in either country.You're confusing several issues and thinking of Zainichi Koreans who can automatically become Japanese citizens if they choose to, but since neither Japan (after 22 years of age) nor North and South Korea allow dual citizenship, and Japan allows them to have special permanent status which gives them more rights than other permanent residents, some choose not to naturalize and maintain their Korean citizenship. But that's mainly North Korean identified Zainichi Koreans, who even have their own schools and unis in Japan. Most South Korea-identified Japanese-Koreans naturalize or already naturalized generations ago. There are no communities of Thai and Filipino that have been living in Japan for generations like Zainichi Koreans. There have been a few high profile cases of Filipino parents illegally immigrating to Japan or overstaying their visa and having children who technically have Filipino citizenship through their parents, but do not identify as Filipino, and were given the option to naturalize after their parents were deported. Noriko Calderon comes to mind. The issue there is that naturalizing means they can't live with their parents in Japan for at least 5 years. In any case, there are no anchor babies in Japan, none of this applies to Felix and Marzia, and Felix's thread is either the Youtuber thread or TT thread.
No. 280545
>>273177>>280543oh god he's still married? i thought he got divorced a long time ago. I feel bad for his wife, if he's such a
toxic cunt to his viewers I cant imagine what he's like to his wife at home. Hope she divorces him and gets full custody. Unless he can't or (wont?) bc he's financially dependent on her kekk
No. 280573
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>>280441just seemed appropriate
No. 280594
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Looks like Sharla still associates with him, being featured and commenting on his latest short 12 days ago
No. 280665
>>280663I'm not 100% sure how to cross link to other threads, so not sure this will work, but specific post is here (>>>/w/224114) in the JVlogger 14 thread
>>>/w/224114But it seems Norm crossed paths with Chyna (the wrestler) at Gaba Meguro language school. Norm seems to have started rumours about her at the school among other staff and caused her to relapse on some issues pushing her back on a downward spiral that contributed to her eventual death.
Nothing is certain, but people seem to be set on this being what happened, although it does fall in line with the shitty way Norm responds to people on his YouTube videos
No. 280671
>>280667Not directly, but he certainly didn't help her recovery
He's always had the facade of a "nice person", but he is definitely a piece of shit
No. 280715
>>280665She didn't relapse until after he got her fired from her job according to her friends.
>>280687Why is there this one anon who always insists that anything negative shared about the jvlogger clique -Chris, Sharla and now Norm- must be fake milk from a redditor? His GABA coworkers and one of Chyna's friends posted on PULL back in the day and provided some evidence that they did personally him. The screenshot
>>280665 referred to is only part of what was shared.
No. 280787
>>280543Sharla has a history of being best friends with
problematic people.
>>>/w/184127 She definitely knows about norm's behaviour and has done for a long time
>>>/w/207341 and clearly doesn't give a shit. Birds of a feather flock together.
No. 280792
>>280790Anon I replied to said "still doesn't explain why certain members of the jvlogger clique have worked with him or been good friends with him for so long"
So I explained why one of them is friends with him.
No. 280793
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>>280594She commented on both shorts that she appears in.
No. 280840
>>280787Sharla is
problematic herself and is seeping that
toxic attitude towards Chris more and more. Chris was a lot more positive and creative before but the fitness journey at least helped him pull out of that rut since she didn't want to do it. It's interesting because that fitness scene and hanging out with people like Bald has me thinking that Chris is gonna go off on his own down the road.
I always thought Norm and Sharla would make a good couple but of course that'd cause a lot of drama and destruction wherever they go. We'll see what happens if Chris leaves.
Speaking of Chris JAJ 5 is in Hokkaido and he had a big rant about people who hated JAJ 4. He's still upset about the comments that didn't like him not doing anything regarding Okinawa and just bragging about being rich. Hopefully he at least understands the criticism but at the least Hokkaido being less resorty should keep it more interesting.
No. 280848
>>280840>Norm and Sharla would make a good coupleSharla's classic mean girl personality that she hides off camera and Norm's public
toxic personality - they'd be the ultimate cunt power couple kek.
No. 280851
>>280840It's so mind-numbing to see one anon keep bringing up all her old shit every few posts. Like
>>280849 said, we know. No one needs to recap a cow this much.
No. 280948
>>280936nta - sure, jan.
Learn to read, I said "hope," and didn't threaten anything. And yeah that exaggerating shitposting, pretending anon can't even mention Lily and Chris has no exes, is a dumb attempt to provoke infighting. You know exactly why Lily shouldn't be discussed most of the time, but there's no cry to scrub her from Chris's history.
No. 280980
Not sure if this is the right thread, but who is this girl? e-begging seems pretty sus
(this is an imageboard) No. 280982
nonnie you got the wrong person in attempt to be overdramatic, how embarrassing kek
No. 280983
>>280980She's a friend of Emma's.
Situation is something about having had pain in her spine and getting checked by a doctor while in Japan and some form of malpractice that has caused her to be bedridden almost all day.
The GoFundMe is supposed to get her a medical flight, a special condition flight rather than just regular air travel, to another country to receive a treatment to help her
No. 280998
>>280865Bahahahaha Amys Baking Company
nonnie you win the internet today
I totally forgot about that shitshow
No. 281008
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>>280985>>280991See rules 6 and 7.3
No one was arguing that Chris's ex from the UK can be discussed wtf are you talking about?
Lily isn't a vlogger or a cow so why should she be discussed in a thread about jvlogger cows? She also has zero content kek. The other people you mentioned are still making content and are still vloggers. What exactly do you want to discuss about her? This interest in her is weird af.
(minimodding) No. 281046
>>281031Go and follow her twitter if you're so interested in seeing her updates. You don't need to post about her mundane milkless shit here. No1currs.
>They've redtexted more Elon musk posts than anything regarding LilyWrong.
>>>/w/189683 >>>/w/247161 >>>/w/247166Elon musk posts
>>>/w/266450 >>>/w/270767 No. 281084
>Sharla had nothing to do with Lily or her treatmentYou have no way of knowing that. It's more likely that she did given her history of doing shit like that. Like this anon said
>>275976 No. 281101
>>281094The old blacklisting shit mentioned in this post
>>275976 is not tinfoil.
Saying that she had nothing to do with Lily or her treatment is also tinfoil because you can't claim that unless you are her.
No. 281142
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>>281140She was never really discussed because she wasn't talked about in the 1st place. That's why people kept posting such old stuff to give people a quick reboot about what was going on. Everyone would've forgotten who she was if she didn't come in and make up cheating rumors. Just saying her name and enrages anons so much. Nothing new has happened with her thats milky anyway so maybe just relax because no one has actually posted anything new. She has a new boyfriend but I guarantee those pictures of her and Chris are still online.
(Just checked) For someone who keeps going on about how they love their new boyfriend she still has these photos of Chris up. Tell me you haven't moved on without telling me you haven't moved on. She's still this possessive over him. Most of the other tweets regarding them have been removed since anons posted them but not this one.
No. 281160
>>281142Yeah she wasn't talked about for a reason. There's not really anything to say about her besides "she was/is bitter about her breakup".
Anons were making shit up about her like the gofundme and taking her joke/banter tweets out of context. Also lied about this
>>273798 Anons also say stuff like this
>>277635 yet were totally fine with pushing a narrative against Lily and saying that anons were WKs for calling them out or just straight up accused them of being Lily.
She shouldn't have tweeted about it but it's pretty obvious that cheating happened
>>>/w/247435 Who cares if she still has a couple of pics of Chris on her twitter? Sharla still has vids of her and her ex husband together. I guess she hasn't moved on and is still possessive over him.
No. 281168
>>281142She made one tweet mentioning that Chris cheated on her with Sharla. As
>>280882 mentioned Chris likely wanted to get with at least one of his guests during JAJ1. Then Sharla spearheaded the destruction of Lily's social life out of insecurity. I think having a one tweet reaction to being treated so horribly is fine. Compare that to some people who kept repeating tweeting about how they hated their husbands mother. Lily is a normal successful woman not a drama queen like some people.
No. 281177
>>281165It's hard to bring up because it didn't happen. Anons already lied about one thing.
>>281169Anon somehow knows that Sharla didn't do this thing.
No. 281211
>>281206The old milk was only brought up to show the Chris and Sharla fans that came here from reddit and elsewhere that she's not as sweet and wholesome as they thought she was.
Anons would let old milk go if the fans would stop saying that it's "fake facts"
No. 281236
>>281205thanks nonna
>>281206Why do you care if threads get filled?
No. 281240
>>281206When a thread "fills this fast" then someone makes a new one
nonnie why are you so
triggered No. 281259
>>281178She blacklisted Mimei. This was mentioned by Mimei herself and her husband. She also blacklisted Mira, although that's perfectly understandable, except Norm is exactly like Mira and Sharla is still friends with him.
>>281142She didn't "make up" cheating rumours. We were already discussing potential cheating here long before she said anything and Chris lying about when his relationship with Sharla started and then deleting evidence only added fuel to the fire.
>>281208Sharla's initial PULL post and cat tweet was captured on archive today. I saw it again maybe a year ago. I didn't save the link unfortunately, but it'll probably come up with some digging.
No. 281301
>>281259She also blacklisted ashiya
>>281275There's no postings about the PULL stuff because PULL was shut down back in 2020 I think. Apparently most of it was archived so an anon will probably find it eventually.
There's plenty of postings about the other shit she has done though.
I've followed Lily's twitter for years and I never saw anything about a gofundme so that's why I'm saying it's bs. Also an anon lied about her being friends with solaraeesther
>>273798 by trying to make it look like a tweet she replied to was from solaraeesther. So I'm inclined to think it's just another lie.
It was dumb of her to tweet about cheating even if she knew for sure because she's a nobody and it's her word against theirs and all it did was make a bunch of schizo Chris and Sharla fans come here to malign the hell out of her.
A lot of stuff points towards cheating but it doesn't really matter though because it's impossible to prove whether it did or didn't happen.
>She used him to try to get her own channel attention He only very briefly appeared in her Korea vlog and he wasn't in the thumbnail of that vid or any of her other vids so this in incorrect.
No. 281331
>>281315No1currs if you are or aren't. Taking that comment as a specific accusation rather than a general reply makes you an idiot. Gotta not use the word
you anymore either.
No. 281341
archive link, all pages may not be archived, sometimes you have to skip around. Since I don't know when she allegedly posted, a rough date (even year) would be helpful. entire pull archive can be downloaded according to this post on KF, but I don't have time/desire for that rn. No. 281357
>>281354you can change the titles of videos without changing their status. And everyone knew she was married so how could they ever think she just "broke up with a boyfriend"? You don't make sense - Lily is suspicious for taking things down, but suspicious because she kept a few pics of Chris up. And Sharla deleting vlogs is ok because she was married to her scrote and divorced? Doesn't your head start to hurt when you write posts like this?
>cheating that never happenedbut anon, how do you know it never happened? You need to post proof.
No. 281359
>>281357Sharla's videos give her money through views. Lily was a nobody, so she deleted all her non-monetized videos. Obviously keeping things that make money up makes sense. It's like you're purposely ignoring the comparison. Lily has no reason to keep old photos up except to be possessive still. Sharla makes money on her videos, so she wouldn't remove the ones that give her ambient cash. Did I break it down easy enough for you to understand? It wasn't hard to understand the first time.
Also not going to be baited into nonexistent cheating that was discussed 4 threads and half a year ago. Go fight in discord about it or something. You don't like my opinion that they didn't cheat then that's not my problem. I'm always going to see no cheating and refer to it as such based on what was posted. Take it or leave it, anon, or do you want to cry in /meta/ about how that makes me a whiteknight and mods are boolies?
No. 281369
Why even mention the cheating stuff again? Just stfu about it.
No. 281374
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Other jvloggers might want to be careful, Paolo has been killing it. Compared to last year, he's been getting way more popular and the DITL style videos or BTS ones seem to get the most traction. I wonder if he's been getting requests at all from the gov. to create any content yet the same way Tokyo Creatives have been asked. Haven't seen Norm flip out about his numbers comparatively yet, but probably will at some point.
>My god. The state of this thread. I wish the mods allowed that split thread for this very reason anons warned.
No. 281410
>>281374It's pretty interesting how Paolo is quietly building the strongest Japan channel by following simple rules
- Actually interested in Japan
- No drama
- His content actually focuses on Japan instead of bragging about how rich he is (compare his Okinawa vids to Chris')
- Doesn't attack fans for mild criticism
- Doesn't hang out with sexual predators
- positive attitude
- doesn't bully the people in his videos
- understands his appeal as a jvlogger instead of trying to make himself a personality brand
Plus overall he seems like a good father and husband. I really wish more people would try to follow his path.
>>281378Lily herself isn't milk but Sharla is like a whole dairy farm and dragged her into it. Sharla has a few hardcore fans who don't take kindly to anyone in her way and Sharla has decided that Lily is her arch enemy who must be destroyed. Look at the way she did a very cruel thing of blacklisting and trying to destroy all her relationships and support when she was a foreigner in a foreign country. That's pretty horrible. Lily being more mature mostly tried to forge ahead with a positive attitude and better herself (like becoming a programmer). But when she bravely came out in one tweet about the truth of how Chris and Sharla cheated on her then it hit the hornets next and all the Sharla fanboys decided that Lily must be destroyed and keep doing bizarre things like attack her for wearing a dress that she looks good in. This is why Lily keeps being brought up.
No. 281428
>>281410He's also consistent.
He releases his videos at roughly the same time each week and has his "core shows" that draw in big viewer numbers. I'm not so interested in the stuff with his family/personal life side, but I always check into the Day in the Life and Behind the Counter series
No. 281503
>>281397I honestly can't be bothered to watch either Chris or Sharlas videos anymore. Chris's personality has become so corny and grating that I can't make it even three minutes into his "schtick" and Sharla is simply boring af.
I'm here for Norm drama and I want there to be more of it.
No. 281509
>>281374Why would "other jvloggers want to be careful" exactly? Who cares if Paolo's videos are doing good? It doesn't take anything away from other jvloggers
nonnie. That's not how YouTube works.
No. 281636
>>281541Well you clearly don't know how YouTube works
nonnie. Just because the algorithm is suggesting one creator doesn't mean it's de-suggesting another creator. I don't know where you would get this idea.
No. 281642
>>281543"Ambient cash" sounds like a failed indie rock band. I think the term you were looking for was "passive income"
lol "ambient cash" - tell me you don't know anything about business and finance without telling me
No. 281760
>>281653It doesn't actually.
So your argument is that when YouTuber A gets a million views on a video in a week or otherwise goes viral, that means YouTube penalizes YouTuber B?
You're smoking Fentanyl.
No. 281783
>>281769I honestly doubt Chris wants to go for real. Unlike Sharla and 99% of Jvloggers he actually made a good friend circle in Japan and somewhat integrated himself there. He just wants to be in the UK a few months and even with all the pressure to leave he is still saying he wants to be there half the time. He's probably also smart enough to know he'll lose his income. Sharla was always more of whoa Japan is a quirky playground place which is the same attitude she has to the UK though not Korea. If she could afford it and Chris would agree she'd be gone. She kind of also gave up making content and mostly just steals/repackages Chris' antics for her channel now. Idk if she's loaded or not but she's probably not in the position to tank her and her rich boyfriends income. Maybe she realizes this maybe she doesn't but she clearly wants to leave.
>>281771I doubt either miss their exes. Lily clearly moved on and is doing well after Sharla and Chris' horrible antics. Sharla never really seemed into her husband and just tweeted in a cringey fetishizing way about him while simultaneously trashing his family and his mom and having no interest in integration with Korea instead just focusing on the superficial admiration for Japan in a touristy kind of way.
>>281509Ask yourself this. Why do you think Paolo isn't in their circle? Obviously Paolo isn't going to mesh well with the backstabbing drama queens trying to self promote but it also means they don't benefit from his growth. The Jvlog model they use is based on a web of frequent collabs so they get upset to anyone outside that web. It's also why they are so scared of the rise in actually Japanese run Japan channels. In every YouTuber space there's always nee generations that surpass the old when they get stale. People like Paolo do western catering better and the countless Japanese channels like Shogo, Mrs Eats, and Jesseogn do a better job at showing Japanese perspectives in a way that's also accessible to westerners. Ironically Ryotaro probably could surpass Sharla and maybe Chris if he really wanted to. But the videos he does is a small part of his busy life doing multiple successful ventures and business.
No. 281800
File: 1676390705366.jpeg (1.44 MB, 1170x1980, C4028F50-0840-4A74-A6B5-B6AFBD…)

Congrats to the newlyweds.
No. 281803
>>281783>Why do you think Paolo isn't in their circle?Because HE ISN'T and that's all? You tin-foiling nutter, not everything revolves around your selected clique of jvloggers.
>Ironically Ryotaro probably could surpass Sharla and maybe Chris if he really wanted to.You're mental
No. 281813
>>281806Nitpicking away what you think she doesn't have doesn't mean she doesn't actually have anything that
>>281802 mentioned. This anon is right. It's easy to tell you just want to nitpick Sharla for shits and giggles, but your vendetta is showing in how ignorant you are trying to be. How is someone not wanting to flaunt their wealth a sign of them not being wealthy? Also Japan has a lot more hospitality that's modest than over the top that's easily accessible. We don't even know if she has extra investments that she hasn't announced or will never announce. Anons mentioned passive income and that's something to factor in as well. Depending on where she moves, big if she leaves Japan regardless of her whishy washy hinting, she isn't going to be groveling in food lines.
No. 281818
>>281814We don't know their wealth statuses so why even talk it then getting mad when anons have different opinions on how much they earn? No one is being defensive by pointing out the absurdity of assuming someone doesn't have a certain amount of money based on what they do or even wear if you want a better example, and Sharla isn't 40 and that's pretty well known too unless you know nothing about the cow at all
>>281809 pointed out her age. I don't know why anons even try to find discussion in money when the entire thing just derails into accusations every time.
No. 281820
>>273177ROFL Paolo circle jerk.
He’s so bad at presenting I can’t make it past his awkward fake smile in the opening two seconds.
He’s great at exploiting his kid tho. Credit where it due.
No. 281824
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>>281821>millions upon millionsalmost as over-exaggerated as his fitness journey.
No. 281913
>>281901god, this sounds like such a scrote thing to say
but sharla is in her late 30s and has expressed this for a long time
this isn't something she's going to 'grow out of and change her mind later'
world is different, women don't have to have kids because they're "supposed to" anymore
No. 281925
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Looks like the actual proposal date was only a month ago rather than way back during the first England/Greece trip or just now. On Friday the 13th probably for the lulz on Chris' end.
Lily has been radio silent on twitter since the announcement, normally she tweets nonstop. Hopefully she is okay.
No. 281926
>>281925Who cares about Lily? She's still in love with Chris and needs to get over it.
Can we just try for five seconds to be happy for the middle aged YouTube normcore couple?
No. 281930
>>281918kek it was a theory a few threads back because chris once tweeted or said something along the lines of as a fan of sharla, she inspired him to go to japan or something kek
triggered a bunch of people
No. 281932
>>281925She tweeted a few hours ago. I've followed her twitter for years, she doesn't normally tweet nonstop.
>>281926I doubt she's still in love with him.
No. 281934
>>281931I mean, she does have a history of being a cunt but this sounds kinda personal. You a Chris fangirl or something?
Most of her fans are weebs/japanophiles who would watch any content about Japan.
No. 281960
Sharla still in Korea when Chris and Sharla visited in late June and early July 2018.
>>>/w/237764Sharla in Japan in late July 2018 filming with Chris in Tokyo. Also in Japan in September 2018 and beyond.
>>>/w/246690>>>/w/246697Sharla says she applied for her Morioka apartment in September 2018, so probably went apartment hunting in July 2018 when she visited.
>>>/w/237319So the divorce was summer of 2018 and by July at the latest.
>>281921>>>/w/237419He said he showed Sharla's vlog to his sister.
>>281938Someone needs to post the cringey comment Chris left on Sharla's twitter or IG years ago about her looking hot.
No. 281972
I know this technically my own tinfoil.. but given that they were in fact dating, and now they are engaged, which one of you c&s spergs knows them irl? One of you definitely does.
Your trust me sis posts made me want to not believe anything because they were so desperate, but now that it’s all true, why did you come here to announce it? What was your intention? (Other than bringing back the jvlogger thread from the dead)
No. 281977
>>281974kek what bullshit is this
>>281823>Looks like Sharla won. Sorry Lily, sorry Emma, sorry Norm. Sharla won unless she somehow fumbles it at the last minute.What a sick pile of trash this post is. Talking about a chubby moid as a prize and pretending other people are sad about not "winning"
No. 281981
>>281974Hmm I hear you, and that’s definitely true, especially as some of the conversation sounded like teenage fanfiction.. either they’ve got a super stalker fan or some people just are that intuitive.
I’m just annoyed people throwing shit were actually right, it’s just so cringe
No. 281986
>>281972their lives are pretty easy to read and doesn't take a sherlock holmes to figure it out
Nonnies guessing they're dating is easy when sharla chose to live not far from chris and hanging out with him often, not hard to read between the lines
And guessing when they started to date was easy when sharla had that fanart of them together hanging in her house 2019 february or whatever in her house tour. Is this really hard? kek
Or getting right that little vacation in santorini, the most popular greek travel destination with the famous blue/white background… and chris proposing during their long travels during chrismas… which many couples do
these two follow stereotypical norms, not crazy nonnies can pick up or guess the obvious
No. 281997
>>281972For one thing I was bored and it's fun to
trigger you Karens
No. 281998
>>281994They were boning on JAJ1
On two nights they ended up in the same room, first night Ian switched rooms because he wanted to stay out late but C&S were tired and were just supposed to "crash" and that was like the "tired cyclist" room… Ian actually ended up crashing in the van but mostly because he was trying to fix C's bike but he was also pretty wasted at the time as well. That was the first time they did it but the night after that one it happened again (under different circumstances)
No. 282005
>>281981nonnies have solved more on less before
hell lolcow and pull figured out mira was the one socketpuppeting in comments months before she got excommunicated, and nonnies did all the work for the jvloggers basically
sharla and chris' lives aren't complicated kek
No. 282012
>>281977Straight from Sharla's brain, the obsession with exes and competing with other women is so psychosexual you may as well be fucking the other women at that point since they are on your mind so much.
Very common with cows to use men or perceived attractiveness to moids or whatever as some sort of "own" to other women who don't give a shit.
Stans will use that one Lily Tweet forever as proof for their fanfictions, when it's likely she gives zero shits especially since she has a boyfriend now.
No. 282025
>>282013lol chris is not a celebrity
nonniealso you forgot her personality also is based on gachapon, Pokemon, and Elon musk
No. 282112
>>281997I wasn’t necessarily
triggered, more intrigued, but I admit just hid the thread in the end because the conversation was ridiculous.
>>281986>>281994Sorry nonnas, it’s not that I couldn’t/wouldn’t see the evidence at the time etc. it was the sperging about it here I was specifically referring to. Should have made that clearer.
No. 282135
>>281986You should give up on your it was obvious to figure out because you’re dead wrong. they were very good at hiding their relationship until it hit too obvious at the very end!. I will point out some things that you got wrong, Sharla didn’t choose to live “near”chris, sharla was living with Chris since 2019.
We figured out that Chris was not in fact living in Sendai, but morioka with Sharla from 2019 to 2021 until they both moved to their current apartment in Sendai.
We spotted matching furniture and home utensils, and small slips on the podcast back in 2021, way before their trip to the UK. It was so unclear that many people called those who believed they were a couple crazy! So no it was not obvious especially back in 2020 when we first started to see the small clues!
No. 282173
>>282144No we fucking didn’t.
I am
>>281972, my comment was not supposed to invite yet another repetition of all the evidence/tinfoils. (Are you all autistic??)
Just forget I said anything, Jesus.
No. 282206
>>282199I thought this
was the Chris and Sharla containment thread
No. 282223
>>282135Just take a look at the comments sections of their vlogs from their Mount Fuji trip in early September 2018 and Journey Across Japan 1. Viewers who didn't know about Lily or Sharla's marriage (she didn't announce her divorce until much later) also thought there was something going on between them and some even assumed they were officially a thing by the way they behaved. Our own thread thought they acted like a couple and that Sharla was interested in Chris even though no one knew she had divorced.
>>>/w/25660>>>/w/25661People were already looking for hints from Autumn 2018 or earlier.
Anyway, the best way to get discussion to move on is to introduce some new milk or topic about someone else.
No. 282232
>>281977Yeah Chris is just a regular british guy, a lot of them are like him. He's no special and unique prize kek.
>>281998You don't need to make up a story that can't be verified, it's obvious that cheating happened otherwise he wouldn't have lied about when their relationship started. We've been over this
>>>/w/247435 No. 282235
>>282233This anon
>>>/w/247435 was just telling the truth of the matter.
No. 282241
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>>282240You should link it, nona. Skip to the last few minutes for the semi-monthly haul of retarded cat shit. Say what you will about Sharla as a person, whatever, but her content is almost indescribably boring unless you're a cat mom. She should flip another house. I can't imagine she attracts many new viewers by flaunting the dumbest ass cat toys, whether that's in Japan OR the UK. No. 282243
>>273177>>282241I mean you might not like it but I do.
Why does every video need to be done cultural shite. I’ve been watching her for almost ten years and it’s nice watching her sit down and talk to me like a normal person.
No. 282254
>>282240she's pretty chunky, but tbh if she talked more about her thyroid, her struggle, health & diet, etc then I think people would be more sympathetic and understanding to her. Hypothyroidism usually just causes 3~5 kilos of weight gain, massive weight gain is pretty rare. So it'd be interesting if she talked about her unique situation more, if it really is medical or not; and maybe others could relate. She might as well, she has no other content really. Plus people only know what she she shows, which is snacks and cats. And then there's chris who loves fast food, ramen, and chicken.
She was pretty skinny when she was preparing for her korean wedding and showed off her body on ig then, and i believe she said she was doing intermittent fasting which worked so who knows
No. 282266
>>282254Watching through her videos, she also has no idea what is and isn't healthy. Plenty of times she'll say something "feels" healthy or "I feel like it's healthy" and it's usually some junk filled food. She loves her muffins and thinks they're healthy but they're basically just cakes for breakfast
She's not the brightest when it comes to healthy/non-healthy foods and clearly doesn't understand how to manage her thyroid situation
No. 282268
>>282267Is she refusing?
I thought she just "adjusted" her doses for it
No. 282278
>>282266>Watching through her videos, she also has no idea what is and isn't healthy.Wow she truly is Chris' soulmate after all.
>>282260That's Sydney and Akis niche. Sharlas audience would freak out if she did that and Chris is way too conservative to allow it. He let's her do what she wants on most thints but I doubt he'd accept that.
>>282254Medical issues can cause issues and change things but Americans/Canadians/Brits also massively over estimate their calories burned and underestimate what they eat. There's no magic the weight has to come from somewhere. But I doubt she actually understands things enough for this. I remember initially she refused to take any medication and would plan to do things "naturally" with Starbucks lattes. I mean even in the video she's trashing her doctor for not changing their medicine on her "internet research" which trumps the doctors years of education and probably decades of experience. It's unfortunately a pretty common attitude to take towards doctors in the west which is why so many doctors stop trying.
>>282241The Tokyo move is interesting. I wonder who is pushing it? I doubt Chris is pushing it since his brand is more North Japan and he travels all over and not in Tokyo that much. Plus he just built a dream studio.
Also I think she essentially confirmed she reads the comments here just because she is talking about negativity and weight comments which is more a thing here than on her youtube where her fans will defend her and thier will be filtering and blocking within her control.
No. 282290
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Looks like another Broad is in Japan!
No. 282300
>>282292They're trolling, she's not religious and just thinks she knows better.
She making decisions based off of what she found online.
No. 282323
>>282289Honestly I have to agree she's definitely a reddit type personality.
>>282290Lmaooo why does his sister look exactly like Sharla?
I guess Chris and Garnt do have something in common after all.
>>282300She needs to learn to trust trained medical experts rather than random online forums. She wants to just bulldoze the medical opinions of her doctor but she's not in Canada anymore. Most doctors there are less likely to just bend to patient demands and "research".
>>282279You know that's a good point. I can't imagine how things would be if she were in the UK or Canada. Most people lie to themselves about weight gain and exercise. She and Chris are rich enough to hire actual professionals to get her on a diet and exercise plan if she really wanted to but she doesn't want to and probably knows deep down that she isn't being healthy. Plus given how she talks about her doctor and her refusal to take medicine I doubt she'd stick with it. That said by Western standards Sharla isn't fat and she has more of an excuse than most of us. I just don't see her changing her ways though and I predict an actual ballooning if they ever leave Japan.
No. 282328
>>282285Didn’t she lose her thyroid? If she’s not taking medicine for that this is why she’s gaining weight.
I’ve never been slim but I lost my thyroid at 18 and it is a fucking bitch to stabilise and you need to keep an eye on it.
(sage your shit) No. 282334
>>282327They’ve both really fallen off in my opinion. I have zero interest in watching Chris “chessbox” or any of the fitness shit. Good for him but it’s not relevant to Japan travel. Sharla, well, she had a brief moment of particularly good content when she was doing work on the Airbnb, but for the past year or so she’s really doubled-down on generic “lifestyle” content. Like, day in my life, apartment tour, whatever. I think they’re both priming their audience for a transition out of Japan focused content because they do plan on leaving at some point. But see, all their shit still has a residue of Japan, meaning it still has
some relevance to their followers. Even if they moved to Korea , or Hong Kong, those countries are still interesting to most weebs. Kent though? Not a chance. They’ll have to do better than “my little hobbit house tour” and “Fitness Journey to New Malden” or whatever
No. 282339
>>281821Oriental "look at me speak Japanese" pearl has multiple videos that have millions of views.
Chris getting a million views on most of his vids isn't saying much, weebs/japanophiles will watch any shit about Japan.
>>281919I think they're referring to Chris talking about watching her vids before he went to Japan. That's where her nickname of "bread girl" came from.
>>281935Lily wasn't a rebound, Chris had been single for many months before he got with her. He broke up with his Japanese ex back in early 2015 iirc. It's funny that you say this "Chris probably knew he wasn't going to marry a rebound" when he is Sharla's rebound.
No. 282359
>>282356kek are you blind
nonnie? she looks exactly like Sharla but with 15% of Chris (in the eyes mostly)…
>>282337 was totally right, use your eyes
No. 282361
I jerky my cock to Paolo and tkyosam instead.
Weeey better content
No. 282362
>>282334Chris used to make cultural content.
Now all he does is meet Ken Watanabe and eat sushi with Ryotaro. Such easy low tier garbage.
No. 282365
>>273177God I love this thread.
I used to think I was the only person in the world who had no friends and no life. Now I know I’m not alone. I’m going to celebrate by deploying ip tracking software and spamming every account with hentai to celebrate. YEAH BABY
No. 282387
>"As for bad news, I got my most recent blood tests results back from my thyroid doctor and they're very bad. They're getting worse and worse and I'm feeling really hopeless because my doctor isn't willing to change anything about my medications…"She refused to take the medications and never followed the recommended diet, so what is the doctor to do?
>"…which is very disheartening and disappointing because having thyroid problems means you gain a lot of weight and it's weight that you can't lose with diet or exercise. I don't know the science behind it. It makes absolutely no sense to me. But regardless of how little I eat or how much I exercise, I just keep gaining weight."2:38
>"I know lots of you guys also struggle with thyroid or other adrenal hormonal issues and it's nice to have you to be able to relate to me because lots of people just tell me to diet. 'Stop eating shit!' 'Workout more!' but I eat very healthy. Regardless of what you see on youtube, I show you guys the fun snacks and stuff in videos, but that's like once a week when I film. At home I eat a very strict, healthy diet. I walk a lot. I exercise. And it's not doing me any good, unfortunately…"Sharla must suffer from some form of amnesia that makes her forget what she eats and doesn't know what it means to actually exercise. Anyway, she's going to the USA to meet with a specialist because her Japanese doctor isn't willing to change her medication. Like
>>282323 said, if she or Chris is willing to spend that much money to see someone in the USA, why not hire professionals to help her maintain a steady diet and exercise plan if she can't do it on her own? Sharla and Chris both seem to be allergic to eating healthy and proper, regular exercise.
No. 282393
>>282387I really did kek at the "I don't know the science behind it" line. It's because there is no science behind it. CICO always applies, and if your thyroid has brought your caloric output down, you need to decrease your calorie intake. Simple as that. I feel for her, but the likeliest issue is that she is eating like she did with a working thyroid. It sucks, but if she wants to lose the weight she'll need to eat far healthier than she currently is. it's just that simple. I don't necessarily think she needs to lose the weight, it's her body and I don't care, but no use crying about it on camera if you're not really taking any steps to fix it other than
thinking what you eat is healthy. Trips to LA and England where she likely thinks she can just eat what she wants because it's a holiday are going to continue to put her on the back foot.
No. 282410
>>282362Chris videos used to be Abroad in Japan but now is just Chris Broad Does Stuff sometimes vaguely in Japan look at the drone shot.
He's just not that interesting enough to make the show about himself rather than, you know, Japan
No. 282433
>>282387Sharla's voice and demeanor are such a combined irritant to me that I'm not sure I can catch up on all this in her own voice. Thanks for the summary because I just hate hearing her talk. I also don't normally agree with
>>282404 but here I kinda do. Japan does have strange approaches to medication (psych meds but also meds deemed to be stimulants in any way, like thyroid meds). It's probably not a bad idea for her to get another opinion on her medication from a Western doctor if she can afford it.
I'm pretty lukewarm on Sharla but she's never really been a fitness or fashion content creator so there's no reason to scrutinize her body unless she's gone back to preaching about veganism. Thyroid issues don't look like fun at all, I genuinely feel bad she had that happen to her.
Chris is another matter, he makes his body/health a main talking point so it's fair game.
No. 282434
>>282404oh samefag
lol I don't know if I agree that having Japanese genes means there will be a difference in your thyroid meds wtf. I just think, like you say, they could have different approaches for prescribing meds.
No. 282435
>>282433The thing about thyroid meds, especially if you’ve just had the damn thing explode, is it takes months of careful monitoring to see changes and what works for you.
Your first six months to a year once you lose it is establishing a base line on an estimated dose and maybe changing it every three months if your looking dicey. After that you’ll need checking every 6-12 months for a couple of years
And even after that you’ll be getting some issues with your weight and with thyroid brain fog
(sage your shit) No. 282439
>>282437I thought it was against the rules.
Would be funny if the mods actually started modding this thread for some reason
No. 282441
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No. 282442
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No. 282446
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>>282404>She didnt imply in any way that she was going to visit the US to see an American doctor.She hasn't implied it, but she is in LA now, so maybe she's going to see a doctor there and will put it in a video later
Although, again no proof of what she is there for, just that she is in LA. Who knows, maybe she's there just to drink more Starbucks
No. 282462
>>282435There was no careful monitoring. She's been eating crap this entire time that would've made her gain weight with or without a thyroid problem. She claimed she only eats "snacks" once a week as seen in her vlogs despite what people think, but she's been regularly eating junk in Japan in everyone else's vlogs and streams and according to her own SNS updates, including food and drink she admitted she wasn't supposed to have. You can't have that many "cheat days" a week. She's been eating even more shit throughout her US and UK trips, which she just got back from before her recent tests. She did the exact same thing before her previous lab work. She ate poorly throughout her summer UK trip, which she sort of admitted, so her results were very bad despite showing improvement before, and that's when her doctor suggested she eat healthier, which she never did. And she refused meds. So she didn't even try what her Japanese doctor asked her to do. There's nothing wrong with getting a second opinion, but the way she's criticizing her Japanese doctor and complaining that nothing's worked is just stupid.
>>282433Sharla has made multiple health and diet and exercise related videos in the past.
No. 282464
>>282334>they do plan on leaving at some pointThey'll never leave. Japan is the lightbulb and they're the moths. Every 3 years Chris says "just 3 more years and I'll leave". Sharla lived in Korea and couldn't handle it and ran back to Japan and Chris. You can take them out of Japan, but you can't take Japan out of them.
>>282462> health and diet and exercise related videos in the pastShe lost a bunch of weight for her wedding in Korea through diet and some exercise. It worked, she was skinny for a few months before she divorced.
No. 282465
>>282462Do you live with Sharla? Are you her friend? Do you hang out with her? How the hell do you know what her diet is? The 30 min videos is not a livestream of her life weirdo.
Also I know it hurts your little weeb heart to criticize anything having to do with japan, god forbid.
But since you are not her friend, nor her doctor, you should probably shut the fuck up.
No. 282468
>>282465This is her after her trip to the UK
>>226732 all she vlogged was afternoon tea and bouncing around bakeries. What she claims and videos doesn't make sense. But gaining 10 kilos after bakery raiding in the UK does make sense.
No. 282475
>>282459Guess you didn't read his tweet, he's still lying about when they started dating. And this is funny
>>282442 seeing as she moved back to Japan in September 2018
>>281835 >>281960 which is months before he ended his relationship.
>>282435She still has half a thyroid.
No. 282490
>>282441This should be unsagged since it's new milk.
>Chris "Nobody knows for sure!"How can you not know how many years you've been dating? Why is he acting like they could've only started dating in 2021? This might be the final nail in the coffin for me. It makes no sense for Chris to pretend to not really know when their relationship started and to suggest a completely different number unless there's something very inconvenient about the truth. He must also think his patreon members are complete idiots if he's basically admitting to dating Sharla as soon as she moved back to Japan, which was fourth months before he broke up with his ex and right before JAJ.
No. 282536
>>282535Wasn't her Japanese so bad that she falsely accused a bunch of Japanese people of being racist against white girls?
>>282534Either Sharla is pushing the move and Chris is taking the heat for it or Chris is really desperate to build a celebrity persona which would be easier in Tokyo. Though it seems that wasn't actually in the latest podcast we'll see if it's in the one today which has interesting implications if it is. Sharla just announced the move yesterday.
No. 282551
>>282550My point isn’t really whether or not Sharla’s japanese is good, the point is that some anon randomly with no context just complimented her by saying she speaks it better than Chris. Sure, who cares? Her friend Ushka speaks it better than her. Then some other nona disputed it, then some minimod came in to
only tell off the anon who said it wasn’t good. Nothing about Sharla’s language skill is relevant to anything being discussed right now. And what does Paolo have to do with any of this? This thread is bizarre.
No. 282566
>>282558Say what you will about Chris but yeah he's looking good lately. He's not good at cutting weight but he did put on a good amount of muscle and his face looks less puffy. I find the whole thing about his lifestyle change weird though. Sharla is let's say not interested in fitness and it's actually one of those things that add tension to some relationships when one partner gets fit and the other goes the other direction. Especially given that Chris cheated on his last girlfriend I'd be a bit worried if I were Sharla.
>>282552It's incredibly wasteful and absurd especially since he always whines about money. Imagine doing an expensive renovation to build your dream home/office that only you would want that way, only to abandon it to move across the country a year later and have to disassemble it. A move that doesn't seem to benefit you and is in a city you have stated to not like that much. That's why I think Sharla was the one pushing the move. But who knows really?
No. 282569
>>282564You know he was working for years for the Tohoku Tourism Board right? That's where Ryotaro came from originally, and how Chris secured his visa. (No he did NOT get it through Tokyo Creative like dumb anons thought)
So perhaps that whole thing has fallen through as his content has drifted away from a focus on Tohoku. So it's time for a change. not everything is a tinfoil conspiracy anons.
No. 282578
>>282536>Wasn't her Japanese so bad that she falsely accused a bunch of Japanese people of being racist against white girls?That wasn't a case of her Japanese being good or bad. There was no way she could have misheard that much, including the profanity. It was more outright lying and completely making up what the women said for drama and attention, which is far worse than simply misinterpreting what was said due to poor listening skills.
>>282550>but no one is complimenting her by saying she's better at Japanese than Chris also that instance was years ago and she's gotten better since and can even quickly speakShe can't and her Japanese has gotten worse. We discussed this during her Airbnb tour where she really struggled. She's also never been fluent, despite living in Japan since she was 19.
>>282551Yes, very bizarre, and they went to meta to complain about it.
>>282555NTA, but Sharla and her friends have shown her eating all manner of sweets and junk food on youtube, twitter, IG, twitch, etc, which she expressly said she wasn't supposed to have back when she shared her results after the UK trip over the summer. She said she's on a low-carb, no-sugar diet and she supposed to avoid pasta, then was then eating fries and pasta and drinking cocktails on Pete's stream the following day or just days after. She's done this many times.
>>282465 clearly wasn't aware.
>>282535 said she was fluent, which she isn't and why others were responding. She visited Japan in high school, but moved after. She went to university in Chiba, but her program was for foreigners and in English.
No. 282613
>>282593Only N2. Even that creep Hidinginmyroom is N2 and he can't even survive in Japan without his ex-wife. If that's the case Sharla isn't adding much in the Japanese skills front to Chris' life unless he literally knows nothing after ten years. Especially if her skills have deteriorated.
>>282607This is a lolcow gossip forum. Why are you so shocked that people are mocking him for making ridiculous decisions. I think the studio and move after a year might be the biggest youtuber waste of $ I've ever seen. It should be mocked. Also Sharla is way more pro Tokyo than you're pretending. I doubt Chris is forcing her to go. If anything it's the other way around.
>>282610The fitness was because Chris was approaching the verge of lifelong complications according to his doctor. He would have had to be on permanent medication. Then he met Nick Pettas and ended up liking it. You can see probably the ideal to him is to have a partner like Nick's wife who does the fitness things with him. Maybe the move is to spice it up but it seems like they have less in common since Sharla is like the old Chris and fitness is now a big part of Chris' life.
>>282604Sharla was always the queen bee constant drama type. Who really knows if it's language or her just stirring up trouble.
No. 282641
>>282635NTA, but the video is still available and anyone who hasn't seen it only needs to watch it to see there's no way Sharla, who I think was calling herself a translator at the time, could innocently misinterpret that much just due to poor language skills and come up with that bs. to Tokyo would temporarily benefit her channel since it's largely devoted to shopping hauls and cat goods. I don't think she particularly loves Sendai. She hasn't done much about the city and barely showed their Tanabata festival, which is their most famous event, when she said she'd been dreaming of going for years. I think she and Chris have more youtube friends in Tokyo, too.
No. 282660
>>282657I lived in Japan for three years and people said I barely had an accent. (I'd studied for only two years in college before that.)
Sharla is defective.
(No1currs) No. 282669
>>282604This is 7+ years old ffs.
No. 282670
>>282661The anon didn't mention Tokyo.
>>282584 They mentioned language. Maybe follow the links to replies.
They are replying to this, also not anout Tokyo and just complaining about language.
>>282580 It's even replying to another post about language. The replies aren't about Tokyo. Retard.
No. 282671
>>282670you're clearly the retard -
>>282661 was replying to a direct thing about Tokyo
grow up and get laid and touch grass
No. 282734
>>282536If such is the case then good luck if he tries it with Sharla.
There's a lot of dirty dishes one can pull up from her kek
No. 282759
>>282329That's not the proof you think it is.
>>282243Same and this was to replace an old roller tower she has with a bell and this one she just bought won't wake them up in the middle of the night and she is donating the one with the bell. It's a smart cat toy and a bell ringing the way the blue one she is donating was.. Damn. That would absolutely be annoying. I'm glad she takes care of her cats.
No. 282810
>>282808Why are anons so determined to say that they aren't lurking here? It's fucking weird.
Anons have already mentioned Sharla's history of lurking.
>>>/w/172778 >>>/w/207341 No. 282821
>>282818pull actually found Micaela's reddit first and were combing through it a couple of days before it got leaked on here
but i guess the jvloggers are too old to find it on discord kek
No. 282858
>>282810Because of exactly the reasons that anon said. You really think they care what is posted here? They only wanted to hide their relationship, which is fine as they don’t owe anyone anything. They have mods on Reddit who probably lurk here and tell them what’s being posted, not that hard to believe since everyone in this fucking thread is from Reddit.
They are now openly engaged, end of milk.
Why are you c/s spergs so creepily obsessed with every single detail of their lives? Why do you keep arguing about the same things that have been done in previous threads?
Inb4 you accuse me of being wk/cow/minimodding, I’m just sick of you autists who think repeating and arguing the same things is “discussing the cow”.
No. 282874
>>282869And what did my post about them likely reading this thread have to do with anons being "creepily obsessed with every single detail of their lives"? You really said "Inb4 you accuse me of being wk/cow/minimodding" after straight up accusing me of being a c&s sperg kek. Again, why are you upset over some anons thinking that jvloggers come here to read this thread?
And yes I do think that they care about some of the stuff that is posted here.
No. 282884
>>282882>It wasn't aimed at you personally"Why are YOU c/s spergs…"
Holy fuck are you dumb? Also it's fucking hilarious that that was the post that made you go off about "creepily obsessed spergs", a post that had nothing to do with any of the discussion of their life details and was only about them probably reading the thread. Instead of one of the actually weird posts like this one
>>282610 No. 282888
>>282884I’m not sure what you’re misunderstanding here - I’ve explained what I meant.
I came here to catch up, I got to your post and it made me say what I said because you tagged 2 posts that said to the effect of “Sharla posts here”, which doesn’t actually contribute anything at all. If you refer back to the first paragraph of the reply to you maybe it will make sense to you now?
Why are you so insistent arguing this with me? What’s it going to achieve?
No. 282896
>>282888Me tagging two posts that simply said "Sharla has a history of lurking and posting on sites like this" made you say "why are you c/s spergs so creepily obsessed with every single detail of their lives"- an accusation that doesn't make any fucking sense with regards to my post because it had fuck all to do with it. For many of the other posts ITT it would make sense sure, but not mine.
What I want to know is why are some anons so insistent on arguing that they don't lurk here? What's that going to achieve? It's not contributing anything either.
(oh my god, just stop) No. 282899
>>282896Anon, no. This has got to be a joke. Is your reading comprehension this bad?
I said the
first paragraph of my original post to you. This was my reply to you, the second paragraph was not personally about
youWhy does the fact I said c/s spergs enrage you? If you’re not one then who cares??
(you too, you’re both shitting up the thread) No. 282986
>>282821Since when did PULL come back? Micaela has announced she will be returning to youtube btw. Nothing she shared we didn't already know from her twitter and Japanese TV.
>>282858If they have mods or friends who alert them to our posts, they would obviously visit lolcow themselves to confirm exactly what was being shared. We already know that they used to visit during the Mira drama.
No. 283013
>>282999 >Jvloggers are too boomerishWtf? They're in their 20s and 30s. Are you like 12?
Discord isn't some fucking cutting edge technology. They've probably just got better things to do. Emma streams on twitch ffs. Why do you think Discord is so special lol
No. 283056
>>283023Boomers are people who are 58+ in 2023 folks.
Please tell me you aren't this stupid. "Boomer" refers to the "Baby Boom" generation who was born between 1946-1964.
Ryotaro isn't even a Boomer ffs.
No. 283406
>>282775Pretty much. I really don't get why people go to the doctor if they're just going to ignore and trash the doctor's advice, do their own thing, and then bash the doctor when it doesn't work out.
>>282707The more I think of it the more bizarre the Tokyo move is. It doesn't seem like it'll be good for content at least what the older fans like. We will probably see less Ryotaro and even Natsuki as well a lot of his appeal was going to less overdone parts of Japan. Tokyo will likely lead to lazier content that every jvlogger did. Sharlas main reason to go to Tokyo is her investment property which is a bizarre thing to even say in a country where properties lose value and are often demolished and replaced between owners. I guess it might be good for foreigners who like cats too much to stay in though? At the very least it means they will stay in Japan for a few more years unless Chris spontaneously decides to rebuild his expensive studio again in England after just a year again.
On a side note Chris mentioned on a recent podcast about how he's going to run a popup bar sometime in the near future. I could see him maybe using the Tokyo move for non youtube business reasons.
No. 283427
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>>283406About the "pop-up" bar he'll be doing 26 to March 1
No. 283453
>>283430I think people are saying that it's terrible for their channel's content and that on Chris' end its ridiculous considering he just built that studio. If they want to open hypothetical businesses then it's a good idea as the majority of their fanbase will go to Tokyo.
>>283416They are more so travel vloggers than Jvloggers. As for Chris he doesn't want to collab with them because his sister looks too much like Sharla and he doesn't want to deal with the trolls. I doubt he hates her like some are speculating especially since he went to her wedding and likes most of her posts.
No. 283468
>>283427This sounds more like a fan meeting event, which is fine, but doesn't seem that interesting filming-wise unless the documentary is only for patreon members. I could see smaller vloggers and streamers going to promote themselves. Hopefully, the clientele won't annoy the Gion locals who're already sick of tourists.
>>283430I agree Chris and Sharla have more opportunities in Tokyo, but I don't get how this move benefits Chris in any way when it comes to the Kyoto pop-up, which is in a day, like you're suggesting.
No. 283477
>>283475Please read
>>283427 next time before responding. It's only for one week, starts tomorrow and in Kyoto, which is why I don't understand why
>>283430 thinks the move to Tokyo "makes sense" for that specific event.
No. 283556
>>283525A central HQ is not how pop-up organizers work? Please tell me about how it works then, anon.
>>283531They have money, so why care about your personal opinion on their move finances? The cost isn't an outright issue if it saves longterm, but even then, they can afford it. He also already has a bunch of set pieces. He doesn't need to completely redo the studio. Also, how would it have to do with more collabs? There's so much to do in Tokyo by yourself with a camera, he doesn't need collabs like TT. Not sure where you're getting that Ryo won't show up when he still travels to film with Chris as is. Tokyo won't matter.
>derails about Sharla's catsLiterally can't have a discussion in here without anons desperate to add posts like this about cows.
No. 283663
>>283659Ever since people here started combing through his live shows for proof he lived with Sharla he's been super nervous about live shows and deletes them a few days after. He doesn't want anything to slip through his crafted image and a 2-3hr block of him rambling live will be hard to deal with.
>>283621I wouldn't say they're boring necessarily. Sharla is boring in terms of personality but she does a lot of lolcow things and loves drama. Chris is interesting but also a bit of a bully and does a lot of lolcow things. They come up a lot because they're the biggest lolcows is the Jvlog space. But the discussion is dominated by people being upset at Chris and Sharla and then others who argue with them trying to deny and gaslight about whatever dumb thing they did. No matter the topic and it will usually end in someone saying no1cares and trying to claim that the event happened so long ago so it must never be discussed again. Ironically making some of the thread more of a lolcow than Chris and almost as much of a lolcow as Sharla. It's pretty interesting compared to most threads.
No. 284307
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>>284273I like how she put the pics from his Korea trip when they were both still in relationships and his gf was there kek.
No. 284308
>>284307So anon doesn't even have access most likely lol and just posted
>>284273 based off of her instastory kek So much for hoping anons would ask about things.
No. 284366
>>284307Pics are almost 5 years old
People all look the same till they hit 30 and then its downhill. They both look so different now. They both just like those pics because they look thin
No. 284430
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No. 284489
>>284438at least they posted something with an image to an IMAGE BOARD lol
99% of people who post here just fight and post stupid words
No. 284509
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No. 284515
>>284509Stop attempting get anons to take these posts out of context. That's a fucking mud mask and has nothing to do blackface.
>>284492Reddit moid/anon trying to get people to believe Chris is a Proud Boy by making up some bullshit because he owns a shirt made by a brand that unfortunately got opted as main wear for the PP when Chris's shirt wasn't even yellow like anon collaged together. Everything alpha male shit is just bait. Anon had their post removed as bait.
No. 284606
>>284534why? that was funny, they were just reacting to the stupid mud mask post
Do you not know what Kogyaru are?
No. 284665
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>>284660She said that she met his family a couple of months after they started dating at 19:24 so she must have been with him during his trip to the UK in early Jan 2019. She just admitted that they started dating while he was still in a relationship with Lily as he didn't break up with her until the end of Dec 2018. At 27:05 she says they started dating at the beginning of 2019 while they both look awkward af kek. I guess she was the one who took the pic of him from behind.
No. 284680
File: 1678220026366.png (1018.6 KB, 1080x2012, Screenshot_20230307-194904.png)

>>284673The only time she could have met his family "a couple of months after we started dating" was Jan 2019. So she was lying about them just starting to date at the beginning of 2019.
Also it seems it was actually early Jan 2019 when he broke up with Lily.
No. 284687
File: 1678222047002.png (401.27 KB, 1080x1308, Screenshot_20230307-204126.png)

>>284682Nope they were still together in late dec 2018. The "pretty bad news" was likely about him dumping her. She didn't tweet about her father until early 2020.
No. 284689
I thought we already established some time ago that Lily and Chris broke up no earlier than December 2018? A couple of months means 2-3 months and that's only if Sharla is telling the truth. You know what also coincides with a couple of months before January 2019? Journey Across Japan 1. I hope we don't get WKs going ballistic here again.
>>284665This also proves that Chris completely lied in his own Q&A about when his relationship with Sharla began, which he edited immediately after it was pointed out here, and the anons who insisted that the art Sharla commissioned wasn't couples aren't and that Chris and Sharla hadn't already been dating for a while were completely wrong.
>>>/w/243675 This needs to be included in our next thread summary.
No. 284690
>>284689They both talked about JAJ and agreed Chris was a cranky asshole the whole time and she didn't like him that way yet. They laughed at people taking "friends" out of context even.
Even if they told they truth, anons will just complain and still claim cheating.
No. 284712
File: 1678230554809.png (1.58 MB, 1080x871, Screenshot_20230307-230428.png)

>>284701Nta at 9:50 during the proposal discussion Sharla says "almost five years" so they clearly started dating in 2018.
No. 284734
>>284729Yeah honestly there's something really weird to me about two white people in their 30s having a consensual opposite sex (ergo legal all over the world) relationship and hiding it for so long for absolutely no reason. Certainly wasn't so they could get their story straight kek since they keep slipping up literally every time they discuss it, most recently
>>284665kinda just seems like they are dishonest people. I could understand it more if one of them was an offline camera shy type, but they both have reasonably popular channels and vlog their lives constantly.
No. 284752
>>284749Anon this isn't tinfoil. Proof that Chris and Lily were still together at the end of 2018 has been posted.
>>284687The date for Chris and Sharla is Nov 2018 seeing as she met his family after a couple of months of dating which could have only happened in Jan 2019.
No. 284762
>>284757she went to the UK and Greece in early summer of 2022. But her first time in the Uk was when She went to the UK summer 2019 and they also went to a wedding in Italy during that trip.
This is it a hard puzzle to solve. But people want to make it a big thing, so they can pretend to have discovered a secret, but they’re shit detectives.
I will say it again Sharla went back to Korea winter of 2018 and stay there until she moved back to in January. We know this because those who were her Patreon back in 2018 saw her live feeds where she was in Korea in December and January and she was having a hard time because she was wrapping up her life in Korea and ultimately leaving her cats. She spent Christmas in Korea she spent the New Year’s in Korea and then move to Morioka.
Chris went back to the UK communication end of December and stay there till February. He broke up with Lilly December 2018 but she waited till January 2019 to announce it. We know this because in a Patreon video dated December 2018, Chris announced that he was single.
No. 284766
>>284750It's pretty obvious that he cheated on Lily. Just like it was obvious that he was with Sharla. Just like it's obvious that he was knowledgeable about Bald and Bankrupt. There's a handful of people dedicated to protecting their image on her that deny everything.
It's pretty wild all the hate Lily got for mentioning one time that she was cheated on. Chris is a cheater, a liar, and has some
toxic views on women. Where as Sharla is a bad person for countless reasons throughout the threads. Lily is just a normal person/fangirl who got wrapped into it.
Also others have mentioned it but it's pretty sick that Chris and Sharla went to such lengths to hide their five year relationship including monitoring this thread, edit videos, forcing others to cut slips from their podcasts, and general gaslighting. All for a boring couple in their mid 30s.
On a side note. I know the podcast isn't as discussed here but does anyone get the vibe that they're trying to phase out Pete Donaldson and replace him with Sharla? On his off days it's only Sharla as the sub now and Chris is seemingly getting more tired of him especially when he says his politics which are usually more progressive than Chris'general right wing views.
No. 284775
>>284753Why the fuck would she round up early 2019 to Jan 2023 as almost five years? Seems more likely that she slipped up. She moved back to Japan in 2018
>>281835 >>281960 and apparently started dating Chris straight away kek.
>>282442 No. 284800
>>284751Because she suspected.
There was little way for her to get proof but as we see this latest information it seems she was on to something.
No. 284806
>>284764She never said anything about sitting on the stairs in the vid, she just said they were hanging out in Tokyo. Stop making things up.
Also you're assuming that the commissioned art is of them in Tokyo, it could easily be Sendai or Morioka. I don't see any Tokyo landmarks in the background and I don't think Sharla ever said that the art was of them hanging out in Tokyo before they decided to become a couple.
And even if she wasn't with him in the UK in early 2019, she said that they had been together for almost five years around the time of the proposal which was the 13th of Jan
>>281925 which implies that the relationship started in 2018.
No. 284807
File: 1678281530651.jpeg (29.22 KB, 275x243, 01321.jpeg)

>>284801originally from here
>>234477Not only she knew something was off but someone told her they personally saw Chris cheating. And of course she can't prove something someone saw.
No. 284808
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No. 284820
So if there was no cheating then why do they both look so awkward at 27:05-27:16?
>>284660 And why did Chris lie about when their relationship started saying that it was a year or two after JAJ if it was actually the beginning of 2019 when they started to date? They definitely have something to hide. This anon was probably someone from their inner circle and was spilling the beans
>>281998 No. 284824
>>284820Because they are. They even talked in the video about Pete editing it
himself the part about living with a Canadian. I'm starting to think only 2 anons warched and did not skim the video.
No. 284830
>>284829Oh no I mentioned an example of Chris lying when talking about his shoddy credibility. What a crime, the bad things Chris does must never be mentioned again.
Anyways the track record of them both are that they are compulsive liars who will lie about things they don't even need to lie about. Idk if Chris was always like that but it's gotten worse with Sharla. Honestly I think they should both try to mature a little especially Sharla.
No. 284855
>>284830 You're so sensitive and jump to conclusions.
>>284851Report the attempted doxxing
No. 284884
First it's "cheating isn't wrong." Now it's "Chris broke up with Lily over the summer!" Stick to one narrative please.
>>284878>Totally - it's like this board is exclusively populated by junior high school virginsThat sounds exactly like what a junior high school virgin would say.
No. 284898
>>284896well she did say she
kinda moved on
No. 284918
>>284882JAJ was in early Oct to late Nov. Chris broke up with her at the end of 2018 that's why she tweeted that 2019 started with some pretty bad news. We've been over this multiple times.
>>284891Sharla said that they had been together for almost five years at the time of the proposal
>>284712 so they may have officially started dating in early 2019 but it's clear there was an affair going on in 2018.
No. 284928
>>284923She said that the breakup happened after JAJ.
>>284807What else could "pretty bad news" have indicated if she then decided to get a fresh start and move to a different city? Remember she was living with him in Sendai.
No. 284958
>>284872This annoying anon who types in all caps and does thissss because they are old and thinks it makes them look like a cool Stacey, who also insists breakups "don't happen on a specific day" until it's "finally over" (so…on a specific day when you know it's over) and relationships have overlap (cheating) "all the time"
Yeah not suspicious at all
No. 284965
>>284934>It was suggested they lived together until they could move which a lot of couples doYeah that's why Lily said she was going to move to Tokyo around April.
As Chris's friend dogen would have known if he had ended his relationship so this confirms that he was still with Lily till the end of 2018
>>284687 No. 284981
>>284958your "annoying anon" is right tho. anyone who has actually been in a relationship knows what they said is true. also, overlap doesn't necessarily equate to cheating. you have a very simple mind
No. 285001
>>284959They did just relay a story in her Q&A of him digging himself in a deep hole over trying to make sure she doesn't suspect he was planning to propose. If that story holds, it seems like he might be the type of moid who makes shit up to keep suspicions off of him and gets himself in trouble with it.
Sharia's "almost 5 years" comment just sounds hopeful. Like once you hit 4 years, it's "basically 5 years" and once you hit 8-9 years, it's "basically a decade."
No. 285005
>>285001>>285003He's just an idiot and they both seem to not really know. They said they don't have an anniversary for that reason because they just kind of became a
thing. There wasn't a talk of "Are we dating?" or asking the other out. That would make sense then why they can't agree on a date. Also men are idiots. I don't think they are lying, they just don't know and don't care. A lot of couples do that where they just say they got together
years ago or forget what number they are even on.
No. 285027
>>285005It would be weird for them to have an exact date, I agree with that. But Chris saying they started dating "a year or two" after JaJ was absolutely retarded, and was less a moid just not remembering when they started and more someone trying to move on from a topic and not reveal an exact
year. That's what is retarded, everyone knows what year they started seeing someone. Was it one year after this event, or two years? that's an obvious answer for anyone who isn't trying to still obscure the truth of their relationship. And why obscure it? Because you have something to hide. I think it's blatant that Chris and Sharla had crushes on each other while they were with other people, and I think it's easy to read between the lines that they may have cheated at the very beginning of their relationship. Or else you'd just be a bit more honest about it. If they said some shit like, we liked each other but we were both in relationships, and then those ended, and we got together - that's some Jim & Pam shit, no one would have an issue with that. It's the fact that they act all sly about when they started that makes some anons wonder.
No. 285075
>we don't have proof they cheated, but it's totally fact they do
This is stupid as fuck. Fuck Lily. Who cares? I hope she was cheated on at this point because having this back and forth for months when everyone acknowledges we have no proof of yes or no, then what the fuck are you all infighting over? Move on to new milk. Their timeline is stupid, they are dating now. Attempting to backtrack and using unverified attempts at proof do nothing to prove cheating happened. Can't believe Lily, Chris, or Sharla, but what is talking to me is the cows unfollowing Lily after her attempt at pity clout. Everyone knew but her and her trying to cause a scene, at least to me, will always tell who's lying. If she was in the right she wouldn't have deleted it because no one was harassing her about it, they were sympathetic in her replies, so obviously she was lying, got caught, other people like Pete and Rachel and Jun unfollowed her, because they knew cheating didn't happen. Lily clowned herself. Clearly she wasn't right or in the right.
No. 285078
>>285070>Fuck Lily. Who cares? I hope she was cheated on at this pointWow Chris and Sharla fans are unhinged.
Sharla accidently admitted that cheating happened "almost five years"
>>284712 2018-2023 = five years.
>What is talking to me is the cows unfollowing LilyThere was no proof posted of them unfollowing her.
Also she said that she had suspected that he cheated
>>284807She did not say that she knew for sure that he did.
She deleted the tweet because she was warned that it might blow up and end up with their fans attacking her, which is what happened ITT. This was posted about in a previous thread.
No. 285080
>>285004so you've never broken up with someone, then gotten back together, then broken up, then gotten back together, or had a weird gray area time when you were "working things out"?
Yeah it's like I suspected, most of the people in here are dumb simps who've never had a boyfriend before. Keep trying gurlz.
No. 285081
>>285027Chris has always been terrible with time frames. I remember he would refer to something happening "months ago" on the podcast when it was like two weeks earlier, etc.
Honestly he's just kinda dumb.
No. 285084
>>285081Exactly. Seems less like hiding and more like he's a fucking idiot. For an we know the editing is because Sharla was upset he forgot and less about oopsie woopsie, he
slipped. Anons really come off as Qs almost with all this.
No. 285085
nonnie this is so true
No. 285086
>>285081Also you dummies have to remember that Youtube time and real time are different. When someone says something happened months ago, it very well might have, even though you only saw the video about it weeks ago.
Please touch grass.
No. 285091
>>285075This is why she deleted the tweet
>>>/w/234496>>285082>What fans attacked her?Kek are you serious? The Chris and Sharla WKs were saying all sorts of shit about her. Calling her a schizo/unhinged, a cunt of a girlfriend, saying that she was manipulating Chris, taking her joke/banter tweets out of context and using them to say that she was mean.
>Assuming it happened doesn't make it trueYes and saying that it didn't happen when you have no way of knowing doesn't make it true either.
>They both said nothing happened Do you honestly think that they would admit to cheating if it happened? They've both lied before.
No. 285095
>>285094We'd been saying that right here forever but nobody believed us
who remembers
No. 285104
This is stupid as fuck. Fuck Lily. Who cares? I hope she was cheated on at this point because having this back and forth for months when everyone acknowledges we have no proof of yes or no, then what the fuck are you all infighting over? Move on to new milk. Their timeline is stupid, they are dating now. Attempting to backtrack and using unverified attempts at proof do nothing to prove cheating happened. Can't believe Lily, Chris, or Sharla, but what is talking to me is the cows unfollowing Lily after her attempt at pity clout. Everyone knew but her and her trying to cause a scene, at least to me, will always tell who's lying. If she was in the right she wouldn't have deleted it because no one was harassing her about it, they were sympathetic in her replies, so obviously she was lying, got caught, other people like Pete and Rachel and Jun unfollowed her, because they knew cheating didn't happen. Lily clowned herself. Clearly she wasn't right or in the right
No. 285111
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>>285104just remember that this is the lily we are talking about
No. 285119
File: 1678419545886.jpeg (174.73 KB, 946x2048, FnHdTRSaEAAokF_.jpeg)

>>285117And like a fool, I should've added a photo of it. This is an image board at time
No. 285122
>>285109>her friendsAh, yes. Sharla's completely sane, morally upright friends. You have Mira (our former sockpuppet queen), Bronwyn and Toph (harassed Mimei for something that didn't even involve them), Kim (cheated on her bf and still pretended Sharla's racism claim wasn't fake even after realizing it was and removing the video), Chris Okano and Sunny (harassed employees and screwed over an artist), Taylor R (trophy wife who lives off of income from and downplays her husband's mag for adult men that's featured 12-14 year old girls in bikinis), Quinlan (illegally dug for ancient artefacts with Sharla, then made racist comments and blamed actual archaeologists when called out), Norm (married man with a history of creeping on women, threatens anyone who criticizes him) and Chris (fan of an Andrew Tate enthusiast with a rape charge). Yes, I'm sure they have great judgement. But technically, that IG post from Sharla's friend doesn't claim that Lily wasn't cheated on. Only that she's delusional for thinking she's a
victim or an innocent party. It is proof that there was backlash to Lily's tweet, tho.
No. 285124
>>285122>our former sockpuppet queenImagine if all these autistic naysaying simps were around back when oldfags were piecing together Mira as the socketpuppeter - every 5 posts it'd be a newfag sperging "NO PROOF". Then god bless the
nonnie uploading the screenshots sharla and mira bitch talking about the others behind their backs confirming all the hardwork the oldfag nonnies did kekk
No. 285126
>>285075>>285104wow angry anon, how many times do you want to post this and slander someone who was cheated on?
>If she was in the right she wouldn't have deleted it because no one was harassing her about it, they were sympathetic in her replies, so obviously she was lying, got caughtAbsolute tinfoil and lack of understanding about why people delete shit.
>She doesn't have prooooofWhat proof would you like Lily to have posted years ago? You wanted her to put trackers on C and S? Spy on his email and phone? Many people have inklings about cheating and the full picture is clear only in retrospect. And if she had looked at his phone and had proof, you would be here reeeeing about that. Your precious Chris cheated on his gf. Get over it and go outside.
This is clear vendetta posting about Chris's ex and I really hope Mods take a look. Why is this being tolerated?
No. 285131
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>>285098Nope she deleted the tweet because she was warned that she might get backlash. She changed her mind about "not caring much".
>>285111>Just remember that this is the lily we are talking about Oh wow. A non native English speaker who made an awkward attempt at a joke/banter. Maybe it's some weird french humour.
No. 285135
>>285122Sorry, I forgot her other lovely friend Einshine, who groomed and had sex with underage girls.
>>285128Paolo has more subscribers and already reached 3 million. That's probably enough to make them hate him. I believe Chris has shaded his content before as well.
No. 285138
>>285135Paolo is like opposite of Chris. Or at least what Chris has become and he probably resents him for it.
Chris negative vs Paolo positive
Chris bullies his collabs vs Paolo helps his collabs shine
Chris wants to be the main focus vs Paolo understands that people want to see Japan
Chris cheater who is friends with predators vs Paolo great family man who loves his wife and son
Chris turned an Okinawa JAJ series into three videos bragging about his wealth in a hotel room vs Paolo made great videos that showcased unique parts of Okinawan culture.
I honestly think that Chris is jealous of Paolo almost as much as Sharla is jealous of Lily.
No. 285144
>>285139I don't know about other anons, but I definitely don't want to look like Lily. She's so flat and has no curves at all. Not to say I want to look like Sharla, but Lily looks like a fucking boy in a wig.
Deleted just to add she looks like a brunette Lori and if Lori looks like a troon..
No. 285146
>>273177>>285138Lmao "Paolo helps his collabs shine"
You do realize they're paid PR collabs right? All those companies including Kimono Mum paid him to feature. Still top business dude, can't fault him for that.
No. 285167
>>285125>All while being the only one who actually tried to make Japanese friends.I really doubt he made more Japanese friends than Micaela, Loretta, Mimei, Life Where I'm From, Life in Japan, John Daub, his french friend who also vlogs, Paolo, Internationally Me (who's back though maybe not a fair comparison). Even Connor is making more of an effort to befriend and hang out with regular Japanese people. There's an abundance of newer foreign jvloggers who only vlog in Japanese, including Ukrainians and their refugee families. I do think Chris tried to make a genuine effort in his early days before he became a full-time youtuber, but he mainly surrounds himself with other foreigners and even his crew is foreign. Befriending people like Ryotaro and Chiaki, who've lived abroad, speak English fluently and communicate with him in English, is not the same as making regular Japanese friends. His knowledge of Japan is also surprisingly superficial for a guy who's lived in Japan for 11 years and has traveled across the country.
>>285150While it's not everyone's cup of tea, there's nothing really generic about filming the lives of an all female Japanese construction firm, a Japanese firefighter or space engineer, people and subjects that get no foreign attention. It's Paolo's non-Day in the Life videos, like convenience store food reviews, that are generic. Travel vlogs, wacky challenges and Weird Japan videos are also youtube staples.
No. 285175
>>285152what the fuck? I linked two posts that have nearly the exact same text, and you claim they are two different anons?
>This is stupid as fuck. Fuck Lily. Who cares? I hope she was cheated on at this point because having this back and forth for months when everyone acknowledges we have no proof of yes or no, then what the fuck are you all infighting over?in both posts I linked…
No. 285183
File: 1678454246215.png (377.82 KB, 1080x1029, Screenshot_20230310-130911.png)

>>285122Judging by this old tweet Chris is almost as sensitive to criticism as Norm is.
No. 285185
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He could have just ignored this guy.
No. 285187
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No. 285192
>>285189Her friend Sola is pretty hot, not enough to spend money on OF, but I'm curious how these shots look.
Doubt Sharla does any lewd work, and if that one photo is any indication, maybe she stays in the shadows for most of it
No. 285203
>>285168If you think Chris has a good sense of humour maybe it's time for
you to go out in the world and meet some people with actual senses of humour they didn't borrow from the lowest common denominator BBC presenters on TV
No. 285227
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More Chris being sensitive to criticism. He's a lot like Norm in being way too bothered over what some nobody says in his comment sections. While he's not nearly as unhinged and doesn't threaten them, he still posts about it solely so his fans can blast them and say "don't worry Chris you're so amazing!".
No. 285228
File: 1678480022314.png (75.13 KB, 1018x205, Screenshot_20230310-201239~2.p…)

>>285227The full comment.
No. 285230
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Turns out that Chris was the one who talked shit first before the whole John daub drama from a while ago. He then decided to play the
victim after editing it out of his livestream.
>>>/w/167781 >>>/w/167783 >>>/w/167786 >>>/w/167819 No. 285250
>>284884Maybe some people on here are junior high virgins but you have the English abilities of an elementary school student.
"Cheating isn't wrong" is not a narrative it's an opinion. You may disagree but it's still an opinion.
"They broke up in summer" is more like a narrative.
No. 285254
>>285252Why the fuck are these two unmilky individuals filling up this thread? Have these been slow news days for you guys?
I just watched a video of a boring everyday couple talking about boring everyday couple things. Then I go on here and it's like Anna Karenina all of a sudden.
there was better milk when y'all were trying to junior detective your way through the Aegean sea. That had some intrigue. This is literally like a TV show after the will they won't they couple finally gets together and the whole thing loses the sexual tension.
No. 285260
>>285257Are you still beating that bald and bankrupt lame ass drama huh? It happened months ago and nothing came of it, he told him where to visit in Japan, & had a drink with him hardly and endorsement . You’re digging for lane ass shit to make him some sort of controversial figure. digging up old things he posted in from 2019, only reflects poorly on you.
Lily, Girl get a life.
No. 285262
>Digging up old things he posted in from 2019, only reflects poorly on youThis is funny considering you Lily spergs went and dug up her years old non-milky tweets.
The whiteknightery ITT is off the charts.
No. 285263
>>285259Fuck off, scrote. She has an actual hormonal imbalance. She might be dealing with it in a bad way but it's still not cool to call an ill person fat cow.
(And she doesn't look fat in that picture.)
No. 285265
>>285264No, coke, I'm rich.
tf do you even mean to say?
No. 285268
>>285260I didn't dig it up. I responded to
>>285252who brought it up. I don't know what 2019 has to do with anything since it only happened a couple of months ago.
>>>/w/268852>>>/w/270064 No. 285270
>>285258How would Chris have something to do with WW2? He wasn't born yet
nonnie, learn your history
No. 285271
>>285263Because she refuses to take her doctors advice and is flying across the world to find second options that reinforce her desire to do nothing.
>>285260If the bald and bankrupt drama is true which is likely then it's not some tired old story. It'd be the worst thing Chris or most YouTubers have done. You do realize that supporting sex trafficking is wrong right? Even if it happened two months ago.
>>285227If he wasn't so image and algorithm focused he'd be acting the same as Norm. He probably looks up to Norm for being bold enough that he is willing to trash people like that. He also wishes he could be more like Bald when it comes to women.
No. 285275
>>285262What are y’all arguing back-and-forth about? There are no teams, this is a gossip sight! But all y’all lame ass does is type shitty post like, Lily spurge? digging up old tweets?
bring something you to the table
. y’all just keep arguing over the same shit over and over again. Fine you You don’t like Chris, you think Lily is great, you think Sharla if fat..
OK move the fuck on you fucking crazy
No. 285279
>>285271If you fucking hate Chris so much stop watching his shit, don’t give him views and shut the fuck up.
You are not bringing anything you to the table you are lame you are still as fuck Lilly.
No one wants to argue about algorithm people want to see new gossip new shit you bringing nothing to the table but old fucking tweets from 2019 you lame bitch.
No. 285282
>>285277No he did not help him with his video. He told him where to go in Japan on his visit, And you know that. you r making wild accusation and implying that you know what Chris is thinking?you are making things up because you don’t like Chris and that’s fine, don’t like Chris.
IMO Chris made a mistake by joining him for a drink and I criticize him for that. But to imply that he is somehow supporting self trafficking is sick.
That’s Why I have very high suspicion that you are his ex because of this weird hate boner, wild accusations and silly connections that you’re trying to make. you have a vendetta.
No. 285283
File: 1678501303030.png (437.41 KB, 500x666, scrotesimp.png)

>>285278the smell of reddit scrote simps have returned
No. 285297
>>285294Sure, Chris mocked people who are upset about sex trafficking. Of course he did.
No. 285311
File: 1678514948372.png (775.05 KB, 1170x2532, E858A5BF-7534-4FF4-94AB-F95970…)

From Sharla’s IG stories
Truth? Or a cleverly laid out plan to direct these dweebs to her OF using Sharla and her chunky snake tatt as bait
No. 285324
>>285311There's no greater misplaced psyop than the notion that the height of feminism is apparently taking adult photos/videos for the creepiest segment of scrotes. I'll never really understand it. Lol at this rant in general though. Nothing more progressive or feminist than blaming and trashing women because your post violated instagram rules. We're not dumb. Your post was about making money off of coomers not "self love" and "body positivity". You are upset that some of the creepy scrotes might not see the posts now.
Also for Sharla specifically it's pretty funny that shes trying to break into this kind of content just a few weeks after announcing her engagement. Chris is probably torn about it deep down inside given how obsessed with Sharla and conservative he is. He definitely won't tell her he doesn't like it but he isn't happy.
No. 285334
>>285252The "possibly he cheated" is because Sharla said "almost five years" 2018-2023 is five years. We've already established that she wasn't with him in the UK in Jan/Feb 2019.
Why are you so desperate to say that cheating isn't a possibility that you'll say "maybe Sharla miscalculated because I was wrong about the number of years I was with my partner too!" and bring up the pandemic as an excuse?
No. 285345
>>285187Are they fucking or something? Outside of scrotes' fantasies, women don't just platonically lounge around in lingerie together. I guess Chris is one of those guys who thinks it's fine for his fiancée to get sexual with another woman because that 'doesn't count' as cheating.
Also the contrast between Sharla showing barely any of her body and her friend being almost fully naked is so strange. Did she show more in the OF shots? It's just so unlike her usual persona.
No. 285370
File: 1678557988621.png (88.9 KB, 1188x1432, Screen Shot 2023-03-11 at 1.00…)

Don't care much for the Chris/Sharla non-drama, it's just an endless circle of infighting
I find it hilarious though in Micaela's tweet here, and other JVloggers do this as well, that expats/immigrants in Japan complain about not being "seen" as a local and only as a tourist by remarking how long they have been there.
Seriously, do these idiots think that just because they've been in Japan for X number of years that suddenly the entirety of Japan will know whether they're locals or tourists? They'll always be seen as foreigners in this largely homogenous country that is 98% Japanese
No. 285392
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No. 285397
>>285395Chris took the pic
nonnie, grow up
No. 285400
>>285397How could you possibly know that?
>>285392This is just so out of the blue and cringe. It feels like Sharla is having a mid life crisis or maybe she wants some scrote attention/validation after that vid she made whining about comments about her weight. It's just really bizarre or maybe she's out of ideas. She was stealing/milking Chris' content for the past year now.
No. 285403
File: 1678571255944.png (Spoiler Image,387.73 KB, 1804x1100, 443343.png)

>>285392whole lotta shoppin' goin' on
No. 285408
>>285392So, uh, do you have the rest of the set?
Even with the photoshopping, Sharla still got a pretty nice ass
File: 1678577817051.png (294.33 KB, 1080x1852, Screenshot_20230311-233059.png)

Seems like there might be some beef between Rachel and Chris/Sharla. She hasn't been active much on twitter for a while now but it still stands out to me that she didn't reply to the engagement tweet. Don't think she's interacted with either of them for a long time.
No. 285412
Sharla has an OF account too it seems - posts, and only a bio that says "No pics here (for now) 🖤 Find me over on @solaraeesther 👀"
No. 285413
>>285412oh damn, she's gonna go for it
or at least she's trying to tease
weird that she's waited till after the engagement to go in this direction
No. 285414
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>>285412Since this is an Image Board after all. She did indeed put some effort into this because of the snake banner graphic. So it does seem she's changing her whole persona before our eyes.
This is maybe the first real milk in a long long time.
No. 285417
>>285415Is the podcast worth listening to?
I've listened to a handful of episodes, and I like Pete, he seems pretty fun, but the podcast was was a bit lacking and boring from the episodes I listened to. Granted the last time I listened was maybe 2 years ago
No. 285418
>>285411It's nicer to congratulate in person or personally. Not liking a tweet means nothing.
>>285395Uh, no they aren't, what? Their audience isn't children.
No. 285425
>>285414>>285412This is absolutely hilarious and unexpected. I can't believe people say Sharla and Chris are boring. Maybe naturally but their actions are always top milk. Sharla is like I just got engaged and am turning 40 soon so now I'm going to make content for coomers now after marketing myself as family friendly for ages. Also I never expected her to randomly have a Yakuza/Cartel member giant venomous snake tattoo across her back to her ass. The closest comparable is Aki having one (even Sydney doesn't) but she and Joey actively market themselves as hentai lords. Sharla and Chris are mainstream people trying to make algorithm friendly content and work with Japanese government officials.
>>285415Pete won't say anything. Unlike Chris he's got a lot of class. I agree with you that he's getting more and more sick of Chris' antics and probably would want nothing to do with him if he knew about the full Bald story. Pete is very socially aware and a great podcast/radio personality which is why he has like 50 successful ones and does AiJ as a hobby.
>>285417It's good not as good as before. Pete carries it. The episodes these days are getting shorter and shorter. They used to talk in deoth about topics, teach basic Japanese, and that stuff but not it's a short intro on Chris' next big event, three fan mails and maybe a news story if we're lucky. Pete is also not on as much as he used to and sadly is being replaced more and more with Sharla.
No. 285426
File: 1678580336518.jpg (31.24 KB, 1080x520, OFShar.jpg)

Unsaged this time so we can all celebrate Sharla's new venture(delete the previous post next time)
No. 285430
>>285420They haven't been as active since Rachel's depression got pretty bad. They are trying to post videos, but they are pretty infrequent. They probably haven't openly announced it because of how overwhelming people would be about it and how people treat others when they have kids online too.
>>285426Delete the first post.
No. 285434
>>285392kinda surprised sharla is doing OF if true, isn't this what influencers do when they're not making enough money and desperate? For so long her white knights bragged that she's rich but damn i dunno, desperate measures for desperate times kekk
and dumb nitpick but that girl in red has a tattoo on her wrist that just says "japan" in japanese kekk.
No. 285435
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>>285431The issue is that they don't need people putting pressures on them and thinking "Oh, her dress looks bigger" and saying shit about her being pregnant. Same with the stuff Jun would cook "That's definitely healthy pregnancy food!". People screeching about babies and marriages are the absolute worse. I could see how this alone probably spiraled Rachel and caused her possible BD and really heighten her ED which is what happened.
No. 285445
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It's not Rachel and Jun kek.
No. 285449
>>285434Yeah, its really out of character as far as she has marketed herself online. Seems also really late to the party. Not saying she’s too old but she’s been an established family friendly vlogger for awhile. She doesn’t even cuss much on her own channel, and she rarely if ever drinks on her channel either. Some anons thinking family friendly literally = content explicitly for children notwithstanding, Sharla’s social media presence was never embarassing to look at in front of kids or like grandparents. Now it is. Cringe, and stupid. She won’t find
more success on OF. Average to chubby girls with nice butts are not novelty. Barely any thots make any money on OF and they will all regret it except like, 5 of them.
No. 285468
>>285457Sharla doing OF is almost as cringe as those people who got tattoos of mustaches on their fingers in the 00's kek
legit question, who is the intended audience?
No. 285479
>>285478Or, like that anon said:
>It's nicer to congratulate in person or personally.Maybe they said something in person, phone or text, any method that isn't on their socials.
Regardless, there's no point in speculating until something actually comes of it
(derailing) No. 285489
File: 1678588981638.jpg (247.8 KB, 1440x1298, RyotaroLive.jpg)

Chris is live with Ryotaro for a Q and A right now if anyone cares. Chris does the lives fairly frequently but Ryotaro is harder to catch. Ryotaro is ends up sitting where Sharla and her friend were shaking their naked asses. I wonder if he knows.
No. 285502
>>285434Sharla said last Q and A video …
I wonder if the channel will die.
No. 285521
Pete didn't do it back…
No. 285540
>>285531Example of Chris upsetting people
>Well it's just normal behaviour between "dudes"Gets told repeatedly that it isn't
>Well no1currss stop bad-mouthing ChrisI swear every criticism of Chris and Sharla follows this cycle. We aren't defending his friends btw we are mocking his lolcow behaviour. Chris and Sharla gradually turned themselves into the most
toxic dairy farm of the Jvlog community. They'll keep coming up here because they are unable to change. Maybe take an easier job like wk Paolo, Emma, or Connor instead.
On the positive Chris news that some are desperate for. He confirmed that he will cycle with Connor for another long trek charity stream soon. On positive Sharla news we have.
(derailing / infighting) No. 285562
>>285548Agreed. It sucks there's finally milk here (Sharla's Only Fans) and all retard anons want to do is backtrack to bicker about if Chris is a bully or not or when or if he cheated.
SHARLA STARTED AN ONLY FANS you fucking idiots
No. 285571
>>285568so what? ugh you took the time to type this out why
nonnie? whyyyyyy
(infighting) No. 285575
>>285574Emma isn't the type to make an OF. I would be very shocked though I think she would be more successful on it than Sharla if she went down that road.
I get the vibe Sharla is desperate for a rebrand and is sick of family friendly Japan/cat vlogs. I mean she gets a giant Yakuza looking snake tattoo on her ass and then starts making OF content. It kind of reminds me of that whole Miley Cyrus saga back in the day when she tried too hard to shed her Disney image. But of course Sharla is a nearly 40 year old woman not a young adult.
No. 285663
>>285392Their feet on that greasy floor makes me want to gag. It must have been seeping through their stockings.
Also the cropping around Sharla's ass makes her look bigger, like she can't fit in the frame. I think the pic is too unflattering for Chris to have taken it.
No. 285687
>>285682It's way more likely imo that it's her answer to the growing looks and success disparity between her and Chris. Chris is blowing up more and more into the mainstream with exciting challenges and he's getting in better and better shape. He actually looks pretty good lately and is off for another major cycle right after the being involved in two streamy award winning projects. Chris' is hitting his stride more and more.
Sharla meanwhile has been stagnant on youtube. Dependent on repackaging Chris' stuff for content. As well has had weight gain due to thyroid issues and ignoring her doctors. She probably feels self conscious and her career isn't going anywhere positive. So in theory OF is the perfect venture to validate her fears about her appearance and to open a new business. In theory. In practice it's terrible.
No. 285696
>>285392Man, I just thought of this, but it has to be awkward for Chris whenever someone mentions that Sharla and his sister look the same. Especially now that Sharla has done a OF set with Sola.
Once people link the two together and start commenting it to Chris, we'll see how it affects them going forward
Chris' sisters YouTube channel - No. 285703
>>285696what are you even talking about
also this is old af milk
No. 285711
>>285709Sorry anon, I got a little impatient, but kek
No. 285759
>>285729Yes the Family Mart Fried Chicken looks delicious
nonnie you're right
No. 285859
>>285836Oh look the same dumb-ass
nonnie who always quotes the top post