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No. 47622
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No. 47623
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>>47621I posted the videos as an example of the cringy and bizarre behaviour of what I assumed to be an underage/retarded Choachanner that actively wants other underage and deranged to flock onto their site
another farmer pitched in and said it was a scrote from 4chan since from what I remember when the kpop critical threads were around they were mostly just Idol worshipping
unhinged fans that brought in decent amounts of milk with all those scandals and tinfoils in the TikTok/Ytube shorts hate thread
>>>/ot/1417602 which description is quite literally
>A place full of attention seeking, bra stuffing, body filters, fake stories, elsagate spamming, fake doctors and coomer bait, cringe fuel etc. Anyone else find this side of the internet to be particularly cancerous?If Farmhands can ban me for that then why can't they ban other farmers for posting about
>I really love [insert kpop scrote]>I never loved a 3dp moid before but [insert kpop scrote]>[insert kpop scrote] image posting and "fanart" posting>[insert kpop woman]>[insert kpop scrote] ugly dog gifWhile I'm probably over exaggerating on how they post since I just glance at them and just report when needed since I just view them as retarded pets that can sometimes be endearing as they have a containment center now.
No. 47665
ban evading pedo tranny back in the lolita thread
>>>/w/268533and one of his cow friends replying to him
>>>/w/268554 No. 47669
Reddit scrote wont stop trying to get lolcow to discuss reddit comments
>>>/w/268573 This isn't fucking reddit. Kerp your reddit shit off lolcow. We don't give a fuck what scrotes have to say
No. 47676
>>47669 is literally trying to stop people from discussing a public statement Chris made about associating with a known predator, which is minimoding and derailing at best. Interestingly, they didn't report the op who posted about the statement in the first place, but only the comment highlighting what was untruthful about it. I think they're the same anon who always comes to meta to complain and get someone banned for saying something negative about Chris or Sharla.
No. 47683
>>47680I'm not a redditfag but let's not act like no cap from reddit is ever pertinent to a discussion,
nonnie. Can't help but feel this has more to do with the good name of Chris being besmirched than any sort of anti-Reddit, anti-scrote thing. Feels like you're maybe trying to redirect the conversation to be about how much reddit sucks, which is shooting fish in a barrel here, rightly so. but, Chris is a scrote hanging out with a particularly despicable scrote, why give him a pass?
No. 47686
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>>47684Not a single reddit post had Chris's take. Explain that. Instead even their mods said its off topic because Redditfags are trying to paint this as Chris being like Kanye basically. These idiots aren't any better than anons ridiculous takes. The tinfoiling is ruining the thread. Reddit scrotes ruin the thread.
Picrel: The only thing from the subreddit regarding discussion. Anons didn't even post Chris's response, so how is this anon posting anything important? The initial post would've been fine as an instagram grab. The reddit thing is literally the scrote who posts ITT and thinks women care about anonymous scrote opinions about the same shit. Their opinions mean nothing. This isn't reddit. No one said it wasn't milky, but random comments aren't milk and do nothing besides tell us make tinfoil.
No. 47687
>>47686The comment the complaint
>>47669was made about was not a reply to any of the caps. It was about the statement Chris made. How come anon didn't report the caps of random comments, but tried to get someone banned for pointing out the lies Chris made in his statement hmm?
No. 47692
>>47690Same anon, I remember being like; jvlog thread at the top? Must be some good milk… oh.
I guess that’s what starts the milk/non milk arguments.
I think if there is another town hall I will weigh in my 2c, I think it needs its rules refreshing or more moderation cos it’s true that it’s culture is totally different to the rest of lolcow.
No. 47709
>>47708The photo of Chris hanging out with Bald and Bankrupt originally comes from instagram, and Bald had been mentioned in the jvlog thread months ago and before subreddit posts about Bald were shared. The statement Chris made on reddit was first referred to by an anon who brought it up in defense of Chris, not to criticize him. The comment
nonnie complained about was a response to that OP and pointed out where Chris lied in his statement. No matter how much you try to derail this thread or the jvlog thread, or try to get people banned for discussing real milk, nothing is going to change the fact that Chris helped a self-admitted sex predator. You'd have to be some kind of scrote incel Chris simp to come here and defend a cow for advising and drinking with a 40-50 year old man who brags about sexually assaulting girls and women in poor countries.
No. 47750
>>47741Just put your top listened to songs in one of these threads and discuss instead of clogging /m/ of with dead threads
80s Music Thread
>>>/m/224599Currently listening
>>>/m/240113Utaite Thread
>>>/m/242317Prog Rock thread
>>>/m/194458Brit Pop General
>>>/m/194670Folk Punk / Crust Punk General
>>>/m/194672Glam Rock General
>>>/m/194669Temporal Music Thread >>>/m/186847Temporary(?) J-Music General
>>>/m/193738Metal thread
>>>/m/192752 No. 47755
>>47752How do you know are you a farmhand? They also said
>The whole Belle thread just got a massive chimpout posted, random pics of her as a kid 'proving' she's got plastic surgery (no duh) and a random photo of her mom mogging the shit out of her. Stupid thread full of nitpickers, obsessive jealous OF hoes, and WKs, detestable behavior all around.It's like anons sit in /meta/ waiting to make unnecessary offhand comments kek.
No. 47759
File: 1669893647630.png (6.63 KB, 508x116, 1669893587531.png)

Please kick this farmhand out >>>/ot/1427371, thank you!
No. 47761
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>>47759seconding this. especially if it is the same farmhand as picrel because there was 0 reason for this. I checked as much as I could and I didn't see shit, also posted in this thread about it, appeal was denied even though I explained. what is the actual damage here?
at least reply so we can get some clarity, the random bans of farmers while scrotes/gore/cp is ignored is why the userbase is dwindling and this place is becoming a cesspool.
No. 47765
>>47763honestly it smells like troon in here bitching about something so harmless to create a divide between the site and the anons.
I checked and it was just a playful joke from the janny after being mentioned by a anon.
idk but the rage of harmless redtext gives me troon energy, like go back to 4chan scrote.
No. 47769
>>47767what the fuck are you talking about you and the other retards calling the janny a tranny just because they made a playful redtext belong in the tinfoil thread.
Also daily reminder that the ACTUAL troon who spams here used to call the admin and moderators trannys all of the time. So yeah of course i would duspect he would be up to those posts again due to how unhinged they are. Enjoy agreeing with blaine.
No. 47772
>>47769janny is a tranny, sorry you can't cope your way out of this one.
>>47770me too, there's too many weird unwarranted redtexts when other shit stays up for ages.
the calls are coming from inside the house.
No. 47778
>>47777ANY communication besides "fuck you, banned" would be sick. I've been here for years and I swear it's never been this banhappy.
if they announce it on the discord wtf who is even in the discord, that shit isn't anonymous and who wants to check a second site just announce it beforehand?
No. 47781
Mods I humbly request that you delete my post from the twitter hate thread
>>>/ot/1428474>>>/ot/1428474>>>/ot/1428474mostly I do not want more meaningless discussion that ends in topics that are not even related to the original discussion
( ) No. 47810
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I will address some of the issues that seem to be stemming from the redtexts and other things. Why does it always seem like we have to make these messages every few weeks. The circumstances have not changed. You want a little transparency, we'll give you some.
Unsure how often we have to say this, as farmhands we can't control what happens when the site goes down. We reach out to admin when things go down and that's all we can do until we hear back about it, which is often not immediate. We don't know every living detail about what admin is doing day to day, it just depends on the time that the site goes down and how busy she is with IRL things.
As for CP and the time it takes to delete them, let me first say that a lot of times CP is posted and within minutes, sometimes even seconds, it is deleted. A lot of farmers don't see that, which is great. We're doing our jobs. But there are very few times in which it stays up for hours, and that happens far less than when we delete it immediately. Also should note that there are many times we've caught rachelfags or trannies claiming we leave it up on purpose. I've attached some a collage of screenshots just to give some transparency on the process of what happens when cp is posted. Obviously not all instances of when pings occur will be in the collage, but just wanted to show some examples of circumstances when it does happen. When possible, mods will remove it immediately, when they see it. If they see it but are unable to remove it, they reach out to any possible moderators that can remove it at the time. Sometimes it's within minutes, other times the farmhands that can delete it are busy and unable to respond. For example, sometimes I can be away from my phone or computer for an hour, come back to a ping and find out that cp has been up for the time that I stepped way. A good example of that will be shown in the collage of photos. It's no secret we have a busier than ideal moderation team. Again, as farmhands, we have no control over that. We still have jobs and school. But we love the site so that's why we do this.
>Why not just hire a NEET without a job?
It all depends on who volunteers to do this. This is a very cumbersome job. You are essentially signing up to constantly have to sift through tranny sperging, cp and gore in the reports. We did have a mod join us recently, she's a genuine user of the site and has been doing a really good job when things get shitty. But not trying to blow smoke up anyone's ass. Re-opening farmhand applications could take a while. Knowing who to trust, while also trying to remain as anonymous as possible, is difficult to say the least. These are the circumstances we are dealing with while things are in this grey area where women's forums are being targeted. Obviously, as seen with KF, hosting sites are trying to buckle down on what they will allow to be hosted, so things are being backed up and migrated, which does cause the site to go down sometimes.
>Why does it seem like you redtext immediately but take so long to delete cp?
Most of the cp is posted on boards where there aren't super active moderators. Not only that, but the ones redtexting may not be able to delete the cp, they may not have perms for that particular board. There have been instances in the past where some of the mods with full perms have advocated for mods without perms – barring they had been mods for long enough – in order to get them the perms they need so they can fully moderate the site or at least the boards that get spammed with cp. But again, we really cannot choose who gets full perms. It's admin's decision depending on her own criteria of who gets full perms and if they have moderated (1) consistently and (2) long enough.
Anyways, about the redtexts. This goes back to what was said previously. Some mods are unable to leave ##Farmhand messages because they aren't fully farmhands yet. They have to communicate through redtext, which is not always ideal, but just know that a lot of these redtext bans that are full-on messages aren't usually long bans. They could span from 10 minutes to 3 hours, depending on if the post violates or if that mod is just using the redtext to communicate a message. I used to do this when I was a janitor but got scolded for it a few times. But when there aren't any farmhands around able to leave a farmhand message, sometimes it's necessary to make a redtext.
This is an imageboard. None of this shit should be taken personally. If a mod leaves a redtext, just dust yourself off and move on. But lately it seems a lot of anons want to be a special type of anon, with a special "niche" about them and a special name. So they act out when they can't do that. That's super embarrassing, by the way. Lately, a lot of users have been taking bans super personally and having their feelings hurt over some stupid shit that they did (or didn't) do. If it's not a super serious offense, your ban will at most be 48 hours. Ban evasion while continuing to do said stupid shit is going to get you an increased ban. So if you intend to ban evade, it's your best bet to just move on and stop sperging or whatever you were doing that got you banned in the first place. 9/10 we don't check your next moves after you've been banned, unless you decide to go back for more. If you continue to ban evade while acting out, you get permabanned. This site is not promised, it is never promised. If it were a forum, I would understand. But it's an anonymous imageboard.
We do check and read ban appeals btw. If you are an ass about it, then no your ban will not be appealed. If you were a newfag and broke a lot of rules upon initially posting, your ban will not be appealed (lurk moar). But if you made a mistake or we made a mistake in banning you, we will appeal it. If you explain what happened, we will likely appeal it. To note: CHECK if your ban is expired. We got a lot of ban appeals for bans that were already expired. You don't need to appeal it. If the ban is expired, just hit the back button and try to post again, it will go through. No, we are still not unbanning VPN IP addresses at present. That has been really helpful in mitigating raids.
I hope this is a sufficient enough explanation for everything that has been happening, it's truly the best we can do right now, given what we have to work with. For protection and good reason, moderators aren't 100% informed with every drop of information that goes on behind the scenes. It makes sense from a security perspective. Even ex-moderators squeal.
Lastly, what I said does not represent admin. Unsure if I'll answer any additional questions. No I cannot make this a banner or link this anywhere on the site. Best we can do as farmhands, is next time a /meta/ thread is created, link it. However, anons don't read. So they will still want to be spoonfed. There will be no tl;dr. Read it all or don't complain when a question was answered in here but you didn't read it.
No. 47816
>>47814>>47813but the admin needs to be telling us what
she is doing with the site. admin is the one with all the power. she's making all the changes, granting mods rights etc. she's the one who we need to hear from, that's what we mean by transparency. mods saying this stuff is meaningless because they're just being the messenger. hell, farmhand just said not to blame them because they're just passing on info. no one wants any accountability and the person who it should be directed to is hiding.
No. 47817
>>47816>mods saying this stuff is meaningless because they're just being the messenger.Nta but this is nonsense. I personally just wanted to hear why thet haven't given us any sort of message at all.
>>47813 No. 47818
Ok, this is probably gonna be dumb but…can we please have a meta discussion about the absurd infighting that's been going on? There's something really off lately.
I try to ignore it mostly yet it seems to be spilling into different threads.
>containment thread for certain topics, especially it's hidden away kek>harsher bans on nonnies that in-fight often, especially if it's a redundant topic. This way these measures wouldn't really add to modding because repeat offenders would be offed>same with those that repeat one-note accusations a lotNote how certain topics are already restricted or even considered baiting as-is because it helps the site focus more and gives less power to shit-flingers. Again, I know nothing, especially not about modding, though I don't believe things are getting better on their own because some things are now starting fights almost by default.
>>47817I'm fine with her being a phantom it's more that I'm worried whether she has plenty of time to talk to the mods and coordinate.
No. 47835
>>47833They’re in the jvlog thread too, or someone circlejerking the same comments about lily/Chris’s weight/Sharla etc.
I genuinely thought I had clicked on an old thread.
Mod suggestion: please permanently autosage this thread cos I am fed up of seeing it at the top with the same non milk obsessive discussion over Chris’s weight
No. 47840
>>47835It's all the same anons. Gotta be. They bounce around /w/ with exaggerated takes and constantly nitpicking about shit like nannies, pokemon, being out with friends, weightsperging.
They try to pretend to post as if they are whiteknighting sometimes too then blames other anons because they get called out just to call other people whiteknight. No way mods don't see this.
No. 47849
>>47848yeah, suspicious…
this anon has real issues. bald is disgusting, no way chris didn't know.
No. 47852
>>47848This isn't the thread to argue about things like this. Anons in the thread are washing over this the same way they did the archeological stuff because anons takes on it aren't worth discussion as they are over the top and trying to force infighting anytime someone says something different. They don't want to have a discussion. They just want to blame and be unreasonable. If you're going out of you way to literally refuse to talk about what Chris even posted just because Bald is involved, that's a you problem and this is why some anons are just ignoring it. Then you have the anons shitposting in between all this about weightsperging non-stop and you can tell it's all bait posting.
So yeah, autosage the thread until anons can actually post milk and be willing to discuss it instead of "My way or the highway" mentality because that just goes back to what anons have said about people wanting to use this as a public discord/message board rather than a discussion imageboard.
No. 47859
>>47855Ugh you lot are so fucking annoying. Stop spinning the “the purpose of lolcow is to discuss milk” bullshit.
I said autosage (you’re overreacting as if I’ve asked for it to be locked) the thread because it has become extension of his subreddit, this isn’t Reddit. Since you decided to take over you’ve brought all the redditfags and scrotes with you: there’s the one who keeps sperging about lily, the sperging about Chris’s weight, and there’s you and a few others who are the ultimate social justice warriors that reee over law breaking and the situation with bald.
My opinion isn’t suspicious, I just want you all to fuck off and remind you that lolcow is an imageboard.
>>47857 Stop calling people scrotes just because they don’t have the same opinion as you.
No. 47861
>>47859Samefag but I forgot to mention that my original post wasn’t even about shutting down the conversation about bald, it was actually about the rest of the sperging.
I haven’t even posted in the thread because it’s a dumpster fire.
No. 47864
>>47859It's damn suspicious because you've just tried to downplay Sharla breaking the law and Chris meeting with an alleged rapist while telling the mod to autosage the thread. Meanwhile, when we have someone Lily sperging or a
nonnie talking about Chris's chiseled jaw and how hot he is now or how cute Sharla looks, no complaints about nitpicking appearances or non-milky updates, and no suggesting to have the thread autosaged. It only happens when something negative is said about Chris or Sharla. If there hadn't been any real milk for ages and people were just commenting on old pics of Chris, I'd agree with asking the mod to autosage the thread, but Chris's recent vlogs have mainly been about his weight and body, he has a boxing event coming up and he promised to have a six-pack by now, so comments about his weight are fair game and nonnies are commenting about recent updates.
No. 47866
>>47862It's annoying as fuck. You think there's milk in one thread, but it's just another anon shitposting that Sharla is fat and using some random photo to prove it or the jackass who keeps coming to the Venus thread and bringing up Margo like she matters at all. Then you have the utter shit that is the lolita thread where apparently everything at all times is milk when it's not.
Anons literally don't know how to use this site, not just the board, and I think a lot of it is on purpose because you have anons complaining about it. Lots of the posting and the quick run-through of threads lately is because anons are using the fact that they can get away with it and then they get pissed when "whiteknights' come to meta to complain.
No. 47871
>>47864I didn’t actually downplay that at all, if you re read what I wrote. I just called you SJWs.
The simple fact is, it’s because I’m fed up, not because suddenly there is ‘milk’. I haven’t posted in the thread for a while because the conversation goes between the same shit that I have no comment on. I don’t care about Chris’s weight, or Sharla’s for that matter. I don’t care about lily, and I really don’t care about their social media updates unless something of interest happens.
I’m complaining because there is no real conversation, it’s the same shit being reposted with the addition of whatever else has been plucked out of Chris’s video.
>>47868 You keep thinking anons coming in and telling you to shut up is suspicious, it’s not, we’re just fed up of reading the same shit over and over - this isn’t PULL, hence why we keep telling you to go back to Reddit. Why don’t you make an unofficial discord or something? You can chat to your heart’s content (I’m being serious)
No. 47877
>>47876There discussing his body and then anons baiting hard by saying Sharla is fat and posting nitpicking photos and Chris isn't bringing up his weight 24/7 and losing/gaining 10lbs isn't milk enough to keep bringing it up.
If you're going to excuse this discussion, at least talk about other shit than his weight. Hes boxing. Talk about that, not how he looks in shorts or go in about his past health.
No. 47879
File: 1670115596132.png (165.19 KB, 2146x380, Capture d’écran 2022-12-04 à 0…)

be careful that /pol/tards might raid this website too in the future, they're already raiding crystalcafe
No. 47886
>>47810>every few weeks LMFAO
Anyway thanks for writing a huge passive aggressive essay getting buttmad that the users of the site you run would like a little communication. Obviously we're in great hands.
>>47812Because then she'd have to admit she never left and shaymin isn't real.
No. 47909
This anon
>>>/w/270055 ain't ok. Declining to cap stories because there's nothing notable in them = "trying to turn it into something selfish." Give the poor person a break from caping
No. 47912
>>47907Ok, polfag "warning" us about polfags.
>>47910>Remember where it all startedSR and cgl. Your point?
No. 47914
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It's rare that shart doesn't post something 24/7, so is she just quiet, or is the thread not updating cause it's been a whole day since a new post.
No. 47916
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No way this isn’t samefag minimodding, I refuse to believe two seperate women are this veklempt over people talking about Chris Broad being friendly with a rapist. Jvloggers stay absolutely unequivocally retardo
>>>/w/262531(wrong) No. 47924
File: 1670207500101.jpg (23.5 KB, 562x503, Linda-Richman-562px.jpg)

>>47916>veklemptSame writing style, sentence structure and word usage. She's not even trying from what I can see. Why are why having so many aggressive minimods now?
Talk amongst yourselves.
No. 47925
File: 1670209563249.jpeg (76.53 KB, 937x492, 58F5470F-0650-4A84-8E2D-F10A42…)

Ok, this was good
No. 47926
File: 1670210189197.gif (631.57 KB, 480x269, eating-popcorn-gif-4.gif)

>>47925They have no impulse control and I am here for it.
No. 47940
>>47916You have discussed it, farmers don’t care. Only you and your SJWs from Reddit do, take a hint.
>>47921I posted the bottom 3, the rest aren’t me. Try again.
No. 47950
>>47949NTA, but you know this happened a week ago now, right? Almost? Nothing new has come from it, anon is right. There's literally nothing else to talk about. No one is just dismissing it, but the topic came and went. Anons are attempting to keep it going by baiting the thread with more reddit comments about it, but that's not milk.
Mods, can we make a rule about posting comments from Reddit already? They are clogging up the thread and it's just inviting more idiots from there to keep posting.
No. 47961
>>47959Ah someone else did so I was just covering bases really.
>>47960The cry to authority over something as vague as reddit comments is really something how long have you been dealing with this one? God bless ya for spelling it out but they'll just be obtuse yet again if they're the same person that's been doing this. I use they because I really don't know if it's a woman in love with Chris or a guy defending Chris(or himself, I don't know the cows well enough to know for sure).
No. 47962
>>47960No anon that isn’t it, you’re twisting what we’re saying. There’s nothing wrong with what has been said per se, it’s the repetition and the way you react when anons say enough, move on. Some anons in there are really obsessed, surely you can see that?
Like it or not you’ve attracted moids from Reddit, we don’t want that.
We’re not telling you you can’t talk about Chris, why is that so hard to understand?
No. 47965
>>47961It's been going on since substantial evidence of Chris and Sharla living together has been shared in the thread. Chris reads the thread and will delete or edit stuff out right after we post about it, and one of his simps on reddit linked to our thread before. It could be Chris himself, people connected to him, or simps from reddit or all three for all we know.
>>47962Do you know what minimoding is? Your lot have been telling people to stop talking about it since the very first posts about it and it hasn't been months or even weeks. Chris mocking a fan was only shared yesterday and the first responses were telling anons to shut up about it. People are talking about his boxing event and bet now. Characterizing his statements as comments from random redditors is also be deceitful. You simps think you can use reverse psychology by accusing everyone else of being simps who came from reddit, but you're only revealing yourselves.
No. 47966
>>47965It’s not minimodding to ask for a change in convo, it has been this: Chris is a misogynistic lying fatty who abuses natsuki, Sharla is an ignorant immature fatty who collects plushies and has no life, lily is still obsessed with Chris, apparently tkyoham is the best, and everyone from Reddit is allowed to overtake the thread and make any oldfag feel like a dick for asking for the conversation to move on from this. None of that is new information.
Notice how norm is talked about occasionally and the convo moves on? This is what I mean.
This shit would never wash with mods a few years ago.
No. 47969
>>47966It happened yesterday and the convo has already moved on.
>>47967He advised the dude with his trip and filming in Japan, and there's nothing to suggest he didn't invite Bald to a drink. Bald doesn't just have right-wing views. He brags about forcing women from impoverished countries to do sexual acts on him and has been arrested for rape before. Then Chris treated his rape allegations as a difference of opinion and mocked someone because they didn't like seeing him supporting Bald. Thank you for proving that this has always been about hiding what Chris did.
No. 47972
File: 1670291534806.gif (194.44 KB, 200x107, 200w (1).gif)

No. 47974
>>47971you're right. the same anon seems to live in a few threads on w, minimodding and screaming if people don't follow her(?) made-up rules. I never understand why mods put up with this person acting like a petulant child in meta over this stupidest shit. Now she's literally defending Chris hanging out with a rapist and trying to ban discussion of reddit screenshots. Just the other day I checked out Stefany Lauren's old threads and what did I find? Reddit screenshots. Because she posted cosplays and lied there. Lori's threads have Kev's Reddit chimpouts screenshotted, too. Pixielocks was discussed on Reddit and people posted those caps.z
It's completely
valid to post screenshots from Reddit if the cows themselves or relevant discussion happens there. It doesn't 'attract scrotes' since there isn't even an anon link to the site.
No. 47976
>>47974Yet who's getting redtexts constantly? Clearly mods agree. Either they are a really good baiter and all the anons keep falling for it like
>>47921 idiots think it is, or anons can just follow posting rules. It's not hard.
No. 47978
Anon is defending a predator scrote by saying he doesn't "look old" when proof of his age was posted. But anon never "saw him creep" so no one should discuss him.
>>>/w/270442is anon a moid?
No. 47985
>>47969No anon I am not trying to hide anything. I just don’t care and am fed up of constant circlejerking. I am not complaining that you’re talking about bald, I want to make that very very clear.
>>47974>>47975No I am just complaining about this thread, surprisingly the other threads I post in aren’t as retarded as this one, even the shitposting thread in /ot/ is less retarded. I’m not a newfag either.
No. 47992
Yeah, these Reddit idiots need to go
>LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLNo actual farmer types like this.
>>>/w/270582 No. 48001
File: 1670419781221.png (691.12 KB, 864x1675, Screenshot_20221207-142628.png)

respectfully, what is this moderation? What is being nitpicked? I didn't post any of these but that fake voice in the webm is beyond cringe. I didn't know she sounded like that.
No. 48022
>>48018Nta, but unless its traced from a real kids, stop calling it cp. You literally water down actual
victims when you call drawings cp.
No. 48033
File: 1670457898974.jpeg (1.44 MB, 1242x1445, inshallah.jpeg)

pakianon is very informative but they're legitimately obnoxious. the whole point of an anon board is being anonymous. the racist euro poster, racist anti rap poster, and pakichan are fucking annoying. you shouldn't be outing yourself EVERY POST. and that one chatter who text spoilers everything for no reason please fucking stop, your stupid text spoilers make me think i should read your dumbass fanfictions and i want to smash my head into a wall every time. good day
No. 48040
>>48031>>48039Literally as I say that, more nitpicking
>>>/w/270904We know she photoshops. You don't need to update every new photo with the same "hurrdurr photoshop obligatory post!!!!!". And you retards wonder why mods redtext or ban your shit.
No. 48041
File: 1670459769199.jpeg (Spoiler Image,579.01 KB, 828x1451, 6A3D56D5-6A1B-4F65-AB98-34AA87…)

>>>/snow/1720732crimmy whiteknights
No. 48042
>>48040Hide the thread if the posts
trigger you so much, christ.
No. 48046
>>48045drawn depictions of childen
are illegal in the US, UK ans Canada. where as live bestiality porn is
legal. are you just dense? or can you not read.
No. 48051
>>48039>>48040That's the first time I've ever been redtexted in that thread. Sorry but her baby voice just seemed like news to me. And I was clearly happy to take the short ban, so obviously not everyone on an imageboard is the same person/people like you both seem to think. I'm not disputing the farmhand's decision to give me a temp ban, but like
>>48002 mentioned moderation depends on what gets reported. Browse any of the other threads on here and you'll often see what could be construed as nitpicking.
No. 48055
File: 1670516858205.jpg (79.94 KB, 800x450, cdc.jpg)

Porn with suspicious links in /m/
No. 48063
File: 1670605950104.png (Spoiler Image,494.75 KB, 1280x940, xmas.png)

not a complaint, I just want to send my eternal devotion to whoever made the jungle theme.
No. 48071
>>48067I seldom post in that thread and try to wait to read it all when each new thread comes out.
Nonnies do an amazing job of making new threads, all milk is linked in the OP and I can just pick what I want to read from it.
I understand that’s my weird way of viewing the thread but it works for me.
No. 48086
Please take care of the unsaged noncon post and all the people defending "life updates" as reasons not to sage. Her grandma died. Has almost nothing to do with Taylor tbh and why tf is the thread now full of RIP for this? It's annoying. Go say RIP on her IG.
>>>/w/271545 These are totally worthless posts.
No. 48094
Salty fag derailing
>>>/w/271572 about a major death in the family for one of our cows.
No. 48096
>>48086A family member died and Taylor posted about it, but nitpicking unsaged posts about Taylor's weight and makeup is okay, kek,sure Jan
Hope a mod bans you for derailing in the thread. You nitpick spergs get so mad when anyone deviates from gym workouts and charities too.
No. 48111
File: 1670748158671.png (21.98 KB, 1875x158, canceranon.PNG)

>>48110Came here to post the same thing, keep in mind this is from the vent thread
Are you letting jannies ban and redtext posts they personally don't like now? If not, please explain which rule she violated here.
No. 48113
File: 1670748558129.gif (56.73 KB, 220x122, yeah okay.gif)

>>48112then who'd you mean to ban?
No. 48114
>>48112Seethe makes perfect sense as a cunty response, she absolutely was seething. The point is that seething is the fucking purpose of the vent thread.
Why'd you have to removed redtext saying "racebait" a couple says ago when a black woman was bitching about medical malpractice? If you're this bad at clicking posts, maybe you should stop redtexting.
No. 48117
>>48098Every time that thread is bumped lately it's by her wk refugees from PULL who derail with stuff that has nothing to do with the cow.
Will never understand why they don't stick to her socials instead of posting here and trying to make the rest of us give a shit. This isn't a fansite.
No. 48118
>>48117I wholeheartedly agree. The latest argument is that an unsaged post called Tom fat and so they should be able to post unsaged "life updates" and RIP again and again about her cute grandmother. It's derailing and pointless. Milk is controversy, stuff to laugh about and actually discuss. A dead grandmother isn't milk and never should be.
and also, it would be nice if people stopped acting like this was never going to happen, her nana was really old, lived in a nursing home, and they all had time to prepare for the death. It's really sad, absolutely, but acting like we all need to give our respects and post RIP on a fucking imageboard about someone losing a grandmother is a bit much.
No. 48122
>>48105Stop taking things personally,
nonnie, when referencing an anon site.
No. 48131
File: 1670793815958.png (445 KB, 2284x704, Capture d’écran 2022-12-11 à 2…)

did anyone had an issue when clicking on /meta/ 5mins ago ? bc i was getting this instead, when i clicked on /meta/ it automatically downloaded a bunch of empty files, dunno how it happened
No. 48149
File: 1670825900492.png (157.81 KB, 641x854, strangely petty.PNG)

so farmhands can reveal our ip for this, but not shanya's or onision's or anyone we actually give a shit about?
No. 48172
File: 1670832041006.png (15.83 KB, 719x350, i don't know this man.PNG)

>>48154Same, I just got this, I think she's banning anyone using nord in north america now
No. 48174
>>48171What are you not understanding about "The rules were broken?"
If you break the rules, you get banned. So why should a janny with a recent history of "mis-banning" anons who then breaks the rules blatantly get away with it?
No. 48180
We should start fights with the farmhands more often, makes them actually pay attention to reports
>>48178this one was a bot, there were links
No. 48182
>>48181>reveal IP for talking about cat piss>not for posting CP>during the middle of trying to prove cat piss-chan is the gore/troon/rachel spammerthis is getting weird af
I kind of started getting the feeling some of those posts were farmhand taking her status off to defend herself, too, if she's really the same one who banned cancer-chan she seems fucking weird
No. 48187
>>48174i also said farmhand sold
should be banned from the site but i can still point out that vpns are a problem.
No. 48191
>>48186now that we know what our IP addresses look like
>>48149to them, this explanation
>>48112makes even less sense.
No. 48196
File: 1670861970260.jpg (217.53 KB, 522x515, farmhand and ips.jpg)

No. 48200
>>48184Where did admin say banners are being updated?
No. 48211
>>48149It's been 13 hours, evidently admin-san has no problem with her jannies breaking rules.
Cat shit and cancer are just the beginning, can't wait to see what bitchjanny starts tonight!
No. 48219
>>48217It had to have been a janny and no one higher up, one of my posts was accused of being the tranny during the middle of the fight, which means they were banning anyone they disagreed with
assuming that it was the troon using a vpn, surely anyone higher up would have been able to tell she was banning random people
There's also this one
>>48172 No. 48220
>>48219Surely she can't be
that dumb.
No. 48223
>>48219The admin at least can see user cookies based on the events of Keekweek, so maybe it doesn't apply to jannies.
Or, jannies can see cookies, and either that janny is technologically illiterate and doesn't know what cookies are to assume everyone with the same IP is one person, or what
>>48222 said
I wouldn't doubt admin is catty enough to cover as a farmhand to remove any blame from herself (I mean, the "previous" admin complained about the userbase being "white" and "spoiled" and cuts herself, pretty obviously has mental issues) but it does go against her original stance in the manifesto-chan saga
No. 48224
File: 1670887622698.jpg (38.38 KB, 567x565, 1606274113531.jpg)

>>48223That would mean that admin herself was monitoring the cat hate thread for samefags for hours before the fight broke out, and then was so angry about a post about cat piss fumes, she posted an ip reveal, but was also aware enough that it was tard-tier petty that she pretended to be a farmhand
That is the cringest possible outcome here, frankly I choose not to believe it
No. 48231
>>48149Okay so I'm late on responding to this because it caught me off guard when I was making updates yesterday. The full IP wasn't revealed, if you can see in the Farmhand post the last digits are censored. There's a lot of samefagging and gayOps in that thread and it's happening in this thread too. It wasn't a janitor who made the call, it was a experienced Farmhand.
>>48194I almost forgot to mention that we will be moving away from centralized service providers in the future, this is just a precaution in case a company decides to hijack our page and stop our services. If there is enough demand from anons, I could also potentially set up an onion address.
No. 48234
Lmao even, ntayrt.
No. 48238
>>48231gayops and samefagging in the cat hate thread? for what purpose? kek
>If there is enough demand from anons, I could also potentially set up an onion address.i think this is a good idea to have, just as a precaution
No. 48241
File: 1670891096208.jpg (3.19 MB, 4096x3072, 9.jpg)

>>48237I've seen anons mention manifesto Chan earlier today in regards to this situation so I do believe a lot of the outrage stems from everything happenening on this site in general. This was absolutely out of line and broke the camels back. The jannys and farmhands have gotten worse and the admins silence continues to be deafening, I'm surprised we even heard from her today and like other anons mentioned the timing of everything is very strange
>>48222>>48240Idk but when admin just posted this message, they posted it twice on accident. Admin in blue then admin5 in red
No. 48244
>>48241There seems to be a general trend of color-coding.
OG admin
>>1014 is coded red
But the previous admin (the most recent oldmin) is usually coded blue but swicthed up a lot in this thread
>>26555Newmin generally uses purple
>>29158 No. 48245
>>48231>Okay so I'm late on responding to thisThis? You're late on responding to everything.
Anyway regardless of it was censored, none of the IP should have been revealed over something as petty as samefagging a post about cat piss. And even more shameful that it was an experienced farmhand.
No. 48258
Can a mod do something about this anon who just keeps infighting and giving retarded pet names to anonymous users over anything anyone says in this thread?
>>>/w/272038 If you're going to derail about whiteknights, at least make sure the person is even whiteknighting. I followed the replies and the comment they are calling out was calling out tinfoil whuch an anon agreed was tinfoil. So why derail about whiteknights if not to shitpost and attempt to infight.
The anons on /w/ who think everyone is the same are absolutely unhinged and extra retarded.
No. 48270
>>48231>There's a lot of samefagging and gayOps in that thread and it's happening in this thread tooI fucking knew it
>>48159Lol of course the blaine tranny is part of that thread.
No. 48284
>>48280He ban evades
>>48283Shut up Blaine.
No. 48286
>>48280Because the range banning is probably based on ip. But that doesn't mean that's all admin and other positions above farmhands can see.
>>48283lmao you're so embarassing
No. 48293
>>48231LMAO you haven't even been able to keep this shithole stable. An onion address? Why are you so incompetent and so determined to ignore the users and what site actually needs?
Also, thanks for being late just this one time. You've been a real champion about updates and communication.
Someone just hit the reset button and burn this place to the ground so we can try again.
(Blaine) No. 48295
>>48231>I almost forgot to mention that we will be moving away from centralized service providers in the future, this is just a precaution in case a company decides to hijack our page and stop our services.This doesn't make any sense on technical level, there's no practical alternative to DNS you just have to try pick a good registrar accounting for their jurisdiction and bias.
If you want a backup source of trusted information people can go to in case the domain is confiscated make an official twitter or telegram.
If you mean having multiple hosting providers that's dumb since you'll be paying for unused capacity, just set up uptime monitoring and have automatic backups so you can move to new host quickly if they cut your service.
No. 48307
>>48302I know, but no one that actually cares about the site would speak like this
>>48293 objectively and I was assuming they were the same poster
No. 48313
>>48307I'm was just giving some advice.
Porkbun is good registrar so it's unlikely domain gets taken without warning. There are things admin could do to reduce risk depending on what problem is like false DMCA reports or CSAM reports.
No. 48314
File: 1670965229670.png (369.74 KB, 864x1920, Screenshot_20221213-215341.png)

RIP this site
what a joke this moderation is. Not my posts. Just my disdain for allowing so many dumb boring derailing RIP posts and then redtexting someone who just got excited about someone's bonehead take.
It's so rude not to respect influencers and their dumb videos in public! Now that's a take that isn't derailing or retarded at all!(Blaine)
No. 48322
>>48318>>48314>>48310there's no way all of these are Blaine. Blaine has never cared about the moderation of some weeb's thread. He always shitposts and derails with certain tone and lingo. In fact, scrolling up, anything critical about mods and admin has just been tagged with Blaine.
these sound like a farmhand defending a chimpout:
>>48317>>48320kind of risky to post this at all, bc someone is very ban-happy. Anyway, what are gayOps, I'm not keen on googling it.
No. 48323
Where was post
>>>/ot/1444444 in /ot/? Hopefully linking to it like this will work. But if not, can someone who knows where it was link it?
>>48322He does always do this but mods usually delete his posts like here:
>>48290>>48284>>48286You can also see it in previous /meta/ threads. There are other posts in this thread criticizing moderation but they're not redtexted because clearly mods know when he's posting.
Anyways, you can't be bothered to figure out what gayops is here but you're claiming none of those could be the tranny? interesting.
No. 48325
File: 1670970830797.jpg (411.82 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_2022-12-13-17-29-04…)

Can't believe I caught a ban for this one. Must have been a farmhand that got banned from CC for posting their rape fantasies.
No. 48333
>>48322It's very obvious from his autist speech, male rage, samefagging and pathetic false flagging attempts. He did shit like this already dozen times before, chimping out everytime he gets banned. Also very interesting that you seem to know his behavior but claim not to know what gayops are.
>>48325How are you posting with a 3 year ban?
No. 48335
>>48333shaymin won't stop me from shitposting
>>48327I must have
triggered them. Didn't know I wasn't allowed to be mean on /ot/ because some degenerate wanted pity for posting their bait rape fantasies and being rightfully banned.
No. 48337
nonny what cows have been really milky this year
No. 48350
>>48333oh god forbid I don't want to google that at the library. No, I didn't know, I don't see that word here much. I skipped over a lot of the Blaine stuff but read enough to get a sense of how he posts + I work in a field of linguistics. Then we have Blaine himself writing in this thread and identifying his own posts, but he isn't red-texted. So forgive my suspicions.
I googled gayOps at home, I know what it is now, but I have never seen that word on lolcow before. Assumed it was 4chan stuff, basically wasn't wrong. Still doesn't excuse the cancer "misban" and the samefagging redtext in a cat hate thread. lol gayOps in the cat hate thread.
No. 48355
File: 1671009133911.png (357.35 KB, 863x1542, Screenshot_20221214-100851.png)

it's probably just someone posting from their phone, which is why they didn't care about editing out the IP. If 3y bans are being given for no reason attached to IPs like this, a lot of people will get banned for no reason. Are mods checking what the IPs even are before banning? I have no opinion about VPNs but do you want to prevent people from posting from phones? And no, I am not that poster, I'm in middle of nowhere, europe.
reposted because I got the IP wrong kek but I'm pretty sure 172.58.227.* is all or mostly mobile ISP
No. 48359
>>48349I know some
nonny said it’s kind of annoying and I agree because it would show up for every page on mobile, they can put it back up but in a way where it can stay off when you click it once for the rest of the site?
No. 48363
Scrote baiting in jvlog again
>>>/w/272266 Asking for any about a cows wife and kid. Can't sage, integrate, and using emojis.
No. 48365
>>48358Bootlicker-chan hi babe! You've got to be a janny. And a dumb one, because you guys ask us for donations so the least you can do is specify why someone caught a three year ban.
No. 48374
File: 1671042187180.jpg (330.95 KB, 852x1306, Screenshot_20221214_102041_Chr…)

This retarded anin is basically outting themselves every time they post in thecMoo thread. They do this to "hi cow" if you follow the thread enough. Why are there so many retarded posters lately. Been doing it for over a week now.
>>>/pt/900543>>>/pt/900333>>>/pt/901008Normal farmers aren't being this disgusting. Moo isn't self posting and anon is clearly just using it to "hi cow" comments they don't like.
No. 48377
>>48376That doesn't explain why they waited to say it was Blaine until after people started complaining, wouldn't it have made more sense to call it Blaine in the ip reveal? Why would you want it to look like you were putting some rando on blast if you knew it was someone everyone hates?
Unless it's our experienced farmhand who 'accidentally' told cancer-chan to seethe
No. 48405
>>48402>>48403I've been here for a while and mods don't just remove bans because people don't like the ban. That's not how they operate. I've seen them remove bans that have been genuine mistakes but even when people call them cunts or whatever they still don't remove bans even if the ban looks retarded, regardless of if people complain,
unless it was a actually a mistake. They have no reason to admit it was a mistake unless it actually was one (shrug). why would they care enough to make a post unless they actually felt bad for the mistake?
No. 48411
File: 1671056527374.jpg (95.09 KB, 1773x1773, smiling-pepe.jpg)

>>48410Last admin said she was still here but helping new admin, plus where is any information on the fact that new admin got a new mod team? Not being facetious. We haven't heard anything at all about shaymin besides that fact that she's "transitioning over" but that was months ago. It sounds like you know a lot of info and are saying things super matter-of-factly. are you perhaps a rogue janny finally fed up with your admin?
No. 48412
>>48410I've been here since 2016ish(?) and notice the change, esp in /w/. So much minimodding and biased moderation. I don't understand and I miss the old lc, which was less censored and friendlier. Can you imagine if the anti-collage mod had been here when we were posting all the Aly food collages? I'm sure I even messed up and didn't sage some posts then but I never got any bans for discussing her or any other cow. There was no incessant whining about what is and isn't milk. Fangirling and minimodding weren't tolerated. idk it's a big change and at risk of sounding sensitive, it's like the whole place got meaner to the anons posting here.
and if I ever got wrongly accused of being a troon or someone who has posted cp and copped a ban, it would upset me a lot. It may be an anon board but some of us have talked about SA and other sensitive topics in /g/. Slapping a woman with a long ban for questioning mods - then accusing her of being a cp-posting troon - can you consider for a minute how that's awful? She can't even talk about the ban in meta because we have asslickers who reee about ban evading and how every ban is deserved. Blaine even said what he posted in this thread, whether he can be believed is another matter, but it sure looks like someone just marked a bunch of posts as Blaine and handed down 3-y bans while Blaine's own posts are not even redtexted.
No. 48414
>>48412>believing Blaine…
anyways, his posts are usually deleted. Unsure why they decided to keep them up, but maybe as an example. He can't help but announce himself. You can look in the past threads, if some of his posts weren't deleted, he's been caught blatantly shitting on admin and mods even while namefagging and posting retarded YouTube videos. You think IP addresses are the only way to know? Come on Miss 2016. They did the same thing with kiki and creepshow even when they were switching IP addresses and using VPNs. They clearly know. Why are you only now suddenly questioning the legitimacy of them knowing a cow when a cow posts?
Stop being so gullible, it's embarrassing.
No. 48417
File: 1671061023672.png (4.75 MB, 1108x28800, 1662323701526 (1).png)

>>48414You are replying to him. I really wish a farmhand with lots of free time would just reveal his post history so it's easier to spot him when he's pulling retarded psyops like this. He did this exact thing ("guise blaine already announced himself magically at the same time I'm defending him and said the other posts aren't his so this must be true, I can't believe how farmhands are accusing totally random innocent anons of being him!!) and then got these exact kind of posts redtexted too kek. Like here
>>48310Pic related is another example, the redlined posts are mass deleted ones, aka his.
No. 48420
File: 1671061555582.png (3.33 MB, 1081x12619, 1662323673327 (1).png)

Here's him admitting to larping as a mother.
No. 48434
Samefag as
>>48429Apologies anons/farmhands whilst I was writing that sperg the creature looks like he's started more aggressively spamming. Given the chance I would've saved this post for a better time, but I don't want to delete it and give people the wrong idea.
No. 48474
>>48420There's a schizo tranny whose favorite persona is "concerned boymom".
In fact, posts shitting on moid larva are very effective at drawing him out. He thinks he makes a convincing Karen, but his insufferable "y-you are all falling for my machinations, h-heh" smarmy redditor tone always clocks him instantly. Overall this is an amazing case study of how chromoids will never pass even if you could implant their retarded brains directly into female bodies, and how they will never grasp what it is that gives them away.
No. 48482
File: 1671210283229.jpg (137.53 KB, 1080x2035, Screenshot_20221216_090159_Chr…)

Shitposter still at it in jvlog. They are just doing this to fill up this thread to start a new one. Same poster who is spamming venus's old thread for the same reason even though she has a new thread.
No. 48525
File: 1671292159768.jpg (106.33 KB, 1080x1069, LOLCOr.jpg)

>>48524wtf open it now LOLCOR mods
No. 48526
File: 1671294337641.png (184.76 KB, 1200x578, please.png)

>>48524open the thread please, people want it back. It's a fun thread that fits /ot/
No. 48562
>>48553Right when we were debating whether Chris and Sharla were together (not long before Sharla announced it) tkyoham tweeted that he thought they were together and they should just admit it. During that time there were posts in there like ‘tkyosam is hot, he has the best content’ (or to that effect).
I noticed it, posted screenshots and was ignored, which made me tinfoil that he was arguing with himself and a few people from Reddit.
He is definitely amongst the shit posters and Reddit scrotes.. I think he might even be one of the anons obsessed with lily - maybe she rejected him and he’s salty about it.
No. 48564
>>48563Why? It’s a totally
valid speculation
No. 48567
>>48563what do you mean by "an easy cop out" ?
that makes no sense
nonny No. 48585
File: 1671389460227.jpg (465.99 KB, 1080x1223, Screenshot_20221218_104900_Chr…)

Knew it! The fucking backpatting bullshit is constantly the same self-ego stroking anon. Yeah, someone else can make the new Jvlog thread. Sucks when every time these anons fill it up, overexaggerate milk, and the OP will probably talk all about Chris harassing Overtflow and Sharla attacking fans.
No. 48590
>>48585I accidentally samefagged but I meant to reply to >>272891 honestly.
But all the points are nonetheless
No. 48594
>>48593Stuffing her face with Tim Horton apple fritters in Canada then Donut Man jelly donuts in LA
This vlog is golden…. too bad there's no JVlogger thread rn
No. 48597
>>48596that's pretty dumbass logic but okay. I guess we shall not have a new jvlog thread.
your logic is kind of like telling a child "if you can't ride a bike before you get one then you don't deserve one"
so please kys before you have children
No. 48606
>>48602ok well I give up
back to lurking
No. 48609
>>48608OK I GET IT
I'm done trying to participate you cunt
Sorry for offering to make a new thread
No. 48627
File: 1671475410485.png (138.5 KB, 332x322, dumbassgrin.png)

so… about that maintenance
No. 48628
File: 1671477206525.png (Spoiler Image,63.67 KB, 229x275, illegal.png)

>>48620wait, I need to know, has someone actually been banned for using an emoji via a jpeg? is this a loophole?
No. 48633
File: 1671479307990.png (42.31 KB, 171x176, C2AddqkXgAEsFv8 (2).png)

>>48631what is a "good effort" reaction image then
No. 48634
>>48624Still needs to be milk. This isn't some archive. Anons complain that certain cows aren't allowed archives like Taylor. But yeah, random media that never milk and the same stuff as the previous year, totally makes sense to post them for archive purposes.
If you're going make up your own posting rules outside of the site rules for the entire board, be consistent.
No. 48638
File: 1671481387876.gif (94.81 KB, 200x176, 2456g.gif)

>>48631then how come everyone on /ot/ isn't banned huh
No. 48639
File: 1671481476388.jpg (37.67 KB, 750x900, xmas-puzzle-piece-autism-aware…)

>>48631Here is what I rate this post.
No. 48640
File: 1671481998591.png (85.3 KB, 480x280, C2Aq29jXgAA8RZT.png)

>>48637did admin LIE TO US???
No. 48644
File: 1671483799068.gif (162.86 KB, 498x498, sonic-twerk.gif)

>>48643I do not sexually desire Komaeda so no.
No. 48647
File: 1671485063227.jpg (393.75 KB, 1920x1080, FGAMNOgXsAA0lnK.jpg)

>>48646Admin does not love us
No. 48649
File: 1671486136861.jpg (32.19 KB, 700x420, 7004.jpg)

>>48648There are no set rules in this place, lolcur is lawless now!
No. 48650
File: 1671488303031.jpg (46.92 KB, 537x425, no.jpg)

>>48633honestly I've mostly given up even if I have 100s of ridiculous ones. I liked using them because my posts are boring. It's overcompensation.
Also, Komaeda posting would probably get you clocked as avatarfagging.
No. 48651
File: 1671489075637.jpeg (44.89 KB, 275x268, 7E6E046D-E1CB-46B8-91F5-9B3490…)

>>48647this post make me so sad
No. 48656
File: 1671497383397.jpg (48.35 KB, 641x745, pomeranian in car.jpg)

>>48655At this point I'd be more surprised if it does happen this year.
No. 48658
File: 1671498017808.png (586.68 KB, 680x765, caca.png)

this is just jokes pls no ban
No. 48660
File: 1671508303693.png (68.39 KB, 863x212, Screenshot_20221219-224726~2.p…)

>>48634oh hi, it's you.
>Anons complain that certain cows aren't allowed archives like Taylor.Mooooom!! Anons don't let me spam "RIP gramma" and "what an adorable baby" in Taytay's thread! Read the rules you think you know so well. I marked the relevant ones for you.
No. 48661
File: 1671508424802.png (520.54 KB, 863x212, Screenshot_20221219-225239.png)

>>48660>>48634I know you hate collages so I made this new post to remind you of another rule you break constantly.
No. 48669
File: 1671811778176.jpeg (282.81 KB, 721x560, 8C25326A-801C-4575-B509-C9334E…)

>>48667Not my post but I wish this was at least communicated in a clear way where all the users could see it
No. 48674
File: 1671814108732.png (228 KB, 1023x669, Screenshot 8.png)

many nonnas from crystal cafe are complaining they can't use, mostly from France, Canada, Germany and a few other countries
can something be done to fix this ?
No. 48680
>>48673> 2. too much change too fast, should have made it look like the old siteYeah honestly I usually don't think criticism of the way it looked is reasonable, but if someone had just added a blue CSS with the useless buttons hidden, I feel that would have smoothed things over a lot.
But like you said, with zero communication lots of things that aren't actually problems will suddenly become problems.
No. 48684
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I just checked the discord, wtf is going on.
No. 48686
>>48673This. I don't dislike the new site but the old threads
have to be migrated for it to be worth it. The old site is/was fine and didn't need to be fucked with to this degree, until the new site was actually done.
No. 48690
>>48684if that's real, i feel kind of bad for shaymin. it must be tough to run a website where the userbase gives you shit for everything, and it makes sense why she would feel frustrated. personally i didn't even hate the new layout, i thought it had potential. i just wish she had communicated better and maybe took some time to explain to us less tech savvy anons what exactly the changes would entail and why they were being made, we are just kind of autistic and don't like change
if admin needs any help i think a lot of us would be more than willing to volunteer at least as jannies or whatever we could do. and i hope if shaymin really feels she cant do this anymore that someone else will take over because i would really miss lolcor
No. 48696
victim noises, you're the admin just make the updates and ignore the whining about petty things. In two weeks nobody will care about the new layout or whatever.
No. 48697
>>48692Maybe don't do an awful job if you can't handle criticism? I agree that some was way out there, but a lot was completely reasonable considering how she refuses to communicate with anyone outside of the locked down circle jerk discord.
People have been telling here to communicate with users since she took over, but she never did.
No. 48699
>>48696The huge kerfuffle was mostly regarding the fact that admin straight up said she would "scrap all the old threads" (her words not mine) in favor of the new layout.
And also admitted the layout change (chao chan mirror) was bc they are unable to correctly code tintboard. They were even saying kpop is allowed. Let's not try to act like it's "just because of a new layout" she was willing to erase 6+years of board history in favor of a kpop riddled chao chan clone
No. 48702
>>48692>for just trying to do her job I don't think anyone here doesn't respect the amount of volunteer work the admin and mods put in, but switching to a new empty site without warning was a really weird decision lol, it makes sense why nonnies were upset.
I feel like the solution is to work on the site until it's 100% ready to go before it's pushed to a live version. Kinda seems like common sense but shrug
No. 48705
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>>48699Yeah the new layout is ass but this is not what happened. Admin made a post on the meta thread answering questions saying she was moving all active threads from snow, pt, and w to the new site and said she would do ot and g if the demand was high enough.
No. 48708
>>48701is there copy or fork that lolcow uses?
it looks pretty different from example site on the tinyib repo
No. 48709
>>48706> ALSO there was a new sneaky addition to the rules saying they can reveal the IP of any user ay their discretionThat was already a thing, they use that to expose selfposters.
> like I said she was erasing years of threads and cherry picking which ones to keepDid she say that on discord or what? I didn't see it anywhere on /meta/?
No. 48714
>>48710I think she took the site down for now because it's not ready yet, it's still in maintenance.
Emphasis on I think, not sure if she gave up when she brought back this lc.
No. 48718
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ok let's step back a bit. does the site really need to be migrated to a new format? does it have to do with server issues or that there's more features with the new design? basically doing so is already hard-mode because most high traffic websites took months or years to design. even then they're usually an ongoing WIP, bugs galore especially when not based off a tried-and-true framework. I don't blame shaymin for trying to "update" it, it's just for almost everyone it'd be biting off more than they can chew.
No. 48727
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>>48721There’s no way to invite new people, Shaymin closed the server in august I believe bc of the KF drama (she was supposed to delete the whole thing but that never happened kek).
No. 48739
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again but it was cute she took after them at least. Again RIP Shaymin era of LC
No. 48743
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Hang on, I feel like I missed something here, I'm confused. Correct me if I'm wrong but so far here's what happened:
>lc supposed to be offline on 12/19 because of some maintenance stuff going on
>it's actually not offline that day but the next day
>offline for a few days, came back online with several changes yesterday
>new themes, a new layouts, but none of the previous threads remains and not everyone could access the site or post there
>lc from right before maintenance is preserved online, admin says she'll slowly but surely transfer the old threads on the new site
>anons start complaining for good and bad reasons alike, mostly because of lack of communication, maybe also from withdrawal
>admin is upset, says on discord she doesn't want to stay the admin and if someone else doesn't take over the website it'll be offline for good
>anons panicking
Is that what happened? I feel like I missed something between the moment the website was online again and the moment when the admin said she wants to give up on lc.
No. 48746
>>48743> admin says she'll slowly but surely transfer the old threads on the new siteAs usual it was said in some meta thread nobody read, so most people just woke up to a blank site with no information on what was going on because as usual admin refuses to talk to the userbase, which is confusing because she got incredibly butthurt about negative feedback from that userbase so I guess she reads what people say and just ignores everything except for personal attacks?
Anyway a bunch of ESL people read that she was scraping, ie converting to the new site, threads and thought she meant she was scrapping, ie deleting, the old threads, which added to the confusion.
No. 48759
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>>48758It looked like this (Sorry I cropped it when I first took it and it had one of the themes on)
No. 48762
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>>48758Was about to delete this, the landing page when you first come onto the site
No. 48765
>>48763I really hoped maybe Shaymin / her team could work out the kinks after feedback. (I know the feedback was crazy and anons screeching for
valid or not
valid reasons but I personally want to give her another chance if she changes her mind.)
No. 48766
>>48763It had some cool features like site stats and a "board" thing that showed last replied to threads from across the site. There's a couple more neat things under the hood, like there is a settings page that lets you customize your appearance and you can load your own CSS and javascript.
Even for regular users it felt like a big improvement, aside from all the default CSS looking kinda bad.
No. 48772
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whoever takes over the new site:
I can't do a ton because I'm in school and out of practice but I have some casual experience with web design (HTML/CSS) and I would be willing to do what I can to help. I don't want to lose lolcow, especially 2X.
No. 48780
>>48773Yeah, the new site isn't bad, people just lost their mind because the preloaded CSS looked bad and it was wiped clean of old threads with no information on anything.
If admin had just written a post explaining why we change software and what will be better and posted updates on what the current struggles are and what she might need help with (make a CSS that looks like current lolcow would be an obvious thing that anyone can do) there would be some speds freaking out but I think most people would be happy and get used to the different user interface.
That being said there were apparently problems under the hood, for example I was banned before I could even post and someone posted that the ban system was broken (true? who knows, admin never says anything).
No. 48788
>>48768It's not that simple. What admin is using is a premade imageboard engine, she didn't make the whole thing from scratch. Which means that if you want to transfer your existing imageboard, lc, that's using an old engine/software full of messy code, you have to learn a whole new system kind of.
But looks wise, all those things can be customized and I'm sure with time it would cease to be an issue, that's the least of her problems.
No. 48798
>>48784yeah if she isn't comfortable communicating with the users, I'm sure we can find some nonnies who would be willing to be her PR team
(I already volunteered to help with HTML/CSS, but I'd gladly do PR as well.)
No. 48803
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some theories for no immediate replies from Admin about taking over the site:
> this, too, the situation was posted about on KF by now so who knows what kind of scrotes are going to try to run ops now
If she doesn’t reply immediately there could be other personal reasons but keep in mind the process of even finding someone who will take over that isn’t some degenerate
No. 48826
>>48698She hid from the userbase for over a year, is totally incapable of communication and made a bunch of changes without informing anyone whilst running shit into the ground by not tackling the glaring moderation problem. The biggest issue being she just tried to erase years of history in favour of an imageboard made for zoomers and kpopfags. We already have terrible trouble with integration, why make it worse by welcoming fags with babby's first imageboard, and even make sageing more obvious for them? That website wasn't made for longtime farmers, it was made for newfags and would've just alienated the old userbase and completely changed the culture more drastically than it already has. I'm not usually this harsh but she's acting like a baby threatening to pull the plug over her own incompetence. It's a thankless job, and I appreciate that she's kept the site up the past year, but she's definitely given farmers something to complain about. At this point she needs to take responsibility instead of cutting her losses and just pass the site into someone more capable who understands the target demographic.
>>48706That has always been a rule referencing when moderation knew how to post reveal and did so for legitmate reasons.
No. 48852
>>48849when the host of the houseparty wants everyone to go home, we gotta go
thank you very much for having us! & hope you have a merry christmas
No. 48856
>>48849I said some pretty autistic things in the past, i'm sorry
You did a great job, i could never do what you did, thank you for keeping this mess of a website working for so long
No. 48860
>>48684Tbh, admin should just pull the plug. The state of the raids, the stress to keep up bans from shitposters on all biards, moderation needs, dealing with constant banned retards coming back over and over. Anons not understanding what milk is anymore and think nitpicking is the new milk. It's okay. These people probably have gossip.discords they already belong in. A ton of /w/ posters claim they get stuff off of other websites like Reddit or Twitter anyway.
Only real board that mattered was /pt/.
No. 48861
>>48860The new site would have helped with moderation and spam this whole ordeal was just disorganized.. we just needed things to be announced in a way
everyone could see it so nobody would be confused or freaking out. She has repeated herself a couple of times already but of course not everyone got what she said because it was mixed within /meta/ threads
No. 48862
>>48849I am sorry admin, but there was barely any communication from you and oldmin over the course of this year. A lot of anons pointed out that you cared more about the server than the website itself. I just hope that now you will learn something (good or bad) from the experience.
>>48860It could have easily been fixed with a proper moderation, anon. Mods should always ban and warn redditors and other social media refuges, it's always been a thing. They would shut up and stop posting.
No. 48866
>>48860i disagree. i think lolcow is worth preserving. there are still a lot of people who like it here, good threads, and some good cows. it's important to have a site where women can say what they want without facing consequences for it, also the anonymous posting format makes this site endearing especially for those of us who don't want to use social media. i don't think discord is a viable alternative at all and i would not sign up for it.
yes there are problems with raids/newfags/lack of integration/autistic community, but i think more mods could fix this, and a lot of people have said they would be willing to be jannies or even take on an admin role if applications opened again (i would too). maybe i'm too optimistic, but i would be really sad to see lolcow go, and i think it could be salvaged if someone were autistic enough to invest the time into fixing it.
if lolcow does die, though, where would we go? crystal cafe?
No. 48876
>>48864And then have the nerve to play the
victim like we are so "autistic and mean" and acting catty "its a free site you're lucky i did anything" when she literally begged for donations. Crying about giving up the site and how difficult moderating it has been but won't open applications and won't respond to anybody serious about taking over the site. Shes just fucking butthurt because nobody liked her shitty chao chan board. I don't feel bad for her at all she needs to hand it over since she's clearly not up for the job and the site has been in decline since she took over.
Also for people saying the Jannies have always had the power to reveal IP for any reason at their discretion is a fucking liar and IP reveals would only be done for certain occasions, the mods were clearly trying to shoehorn this new rule so they can take away the anonymity of anyone for any reason, like in the cat hate thread
No. 48879
>>48849>I don't want to deal with it anymore.You've barely even dealt with anything considering you've been absent most of the time.
Saying this as someone who was in full support of the new site, you need to take some responsibility for that autism. From the start you have literally refused to communicate with us at all and for a long time the only posts we had from you be were a post of you shunning an ex-mod and a post about how you would "protect women's spaces". If you had just explained what was to be expected (how the site would look and why the update would help the site) for the anons who didn't know then the feedback wouldn't have been so bad. And please don't give that same bullshit excuse of "we can't say anything to protect the site" that a farmhand gave, because it would've been fine just to say that the site would look different. Anons we're very, very childish and retarded about the site change but you also fucked up big time and you're just as retarded for not being able to see that this would happen.
When oldmin made big changes like this (the removal of /2X/ and the addition of /w/) she stuck to it even if anons complained because that's just what you have to do when you're in a position of leadership sometimes. It's a shame that a Shaynafag has such thin skin. I'm done something now, but it needed to be said.
No. 48883
>>48861How? That's not just a given that it would
be fixed. This fake idealism is stupid. The mod team would be the same, the raids would be the same, the real posters would still shitpost. What exactly would be different in a years time?
>>48868Users should pay the bills.
No. 48889
>>48849Good riddance. You will not be missed. Nobody wanted your shitty kpop board. I hope the next admin actually understands their userbase.
>>48864>>48876Seconded. I couldn't have said it better myself.
No. 48890
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>>48885being completely honest I haven't run into one bug here in months.
No. 48891
>>48887How's that boot taste kek
Anyway I hope the site is ran by somebody competent, also way to alienate your user base admin
No. 48894
>>48849That's fine, I respect that, but do the right thing and aid in the transfer of power and do NOT ragequit and drop off the face of the earth as has been your MO in everything so far. More than anything else, I am baffled that after all this time you never fucking realized that the ONLY thing all anons wanted from you was clear communication. We shouted it at you from the rooftops at every stage of your adminship and you always ignored this. Then when anons become distrustful and critical of you, you play
victim? Absolutely childish behavior. Act like an adult for once please and help us hand this over to a new owner. That is all we ask at this point.
No. 48908
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>>48902winter break? doesn't she have a job?
>>48903if it were up to me I'd ban all sorts of things like the celebricows thread, "kys" and pathologizing other nonnies, and literally all 3D moid crush threads and sanction public kpop executions. it'd be a truly dark era.
please admin me.
No. 48920
>>48914The same one who shitted herself because being admin was
so stressful and openly hated the user base here because she was a zoomer wokey
POC latinx discord user?? Not surprised if so
No. 48924
>>48898You guys need to stop with these tinfoils. It's one person handling all the code and it's only passed hands a few times, and it's about a dozen farmers promising to help and never pulling through. Anons are all bark and no bite. Good luck finding someone who wants to pay at least $200 in server costs monthly (not including maintenance, not including the time spent volunteering and moderating). If you really think that "Ian" is protecting this site or owns any assets then you are about to have a wake up call.
I also never said k-pop was allowed again. You all went with old placeholder text and lost your minds. A bunch of people acted surprised despite the banner announced a week beforehand. This is a thankless job, and I'm honestly just disappointed in myself for spending the entire week on both backends instead of spending time with my friends and family.
No. 48925
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>It isn't one thing that influenced my decision to quit. You can fix moderation and the code in theory, but you can't fix autism. I don't want to deal with it anymore.
No. 48928
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All I want for Christmas is a stable lolcor with no drama or infighting
No. 48935
>>48928Can't have that with retarded zoomers crying
victim about running a site they asked for
No. 48938
>>48924Then why are you 1. scraping threads instead of migrating the database 2. using two different servers from different providers
If you are doing 1 without a good reason you are at least incompetent
No. 48941
>>48924i would unironically pay the server costs to keep lolcor up tbh
go spend time with your family and have a good christmas!!!
No. 48953
>>48924The fact that you spent two weeks doing that and breaking the site instead of working on your css/html skills so you could at least make a site that doesn’t show ban logs says enough.
I know just the medication for this solution. Take these once a week and call me in a week if you feel any better.
No. 48955
>>48924Admin, go be with family, play some video games, watch a crappy tv show, read a book. I'm sorry, but the site isn't worth it. Imageboards aren't what they used to be and female only disagree online only bring harassment from men so it's impossible to police the raids indefinitely.
Thank you for hosting ever in general. Give it the month and let go.
No. 48957
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>>48924>REEEEE I QUIT DUE TO AUTISTSuhhh you know you are the top of that list, right?
No. 48973
>>48849Ew.. take responsibility, why the hell did you decide to own the website if you can’t take criticism? Grow up and stop
Sucking on your pacifier
No. 48984
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courier pigeon delivery from cc
No. 48987
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>>48959I should have specified. She didn’t bother to omit mod/admin privileges from the users visiting the site. Things like this are usually planned out and tested before launch. It would not surprise me if she just copy and pasted the code.
No. 48990
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>>48924We understand, we're sorry (ignore the spergs). You worked so hard and shit still happened. It's just the nature of an imageboard. Be with your family and friends. I'm sure you will find someone to take on the role, please don't write this place off entirely. Whatever happens, there's no need to nuke everything or pull the plug. The mods are here, too, and anons will donate.
No. 48999
>>48998Like anons dont
need lolcow lol
No. 49012
You ? You suckle your mommies tits with that mouth?kill yourself
No. 49019
Link to the Venus Angelic thread on /w/
People are posting there. No. 49028
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No. 49032
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For anyone interested, there is a great deal of site discussion occurring in the lolcow bunker threads on crystal cafe. Next steps for lolcow are being reviewed amongst farmers. The threads there are moving a lot quicker than the ones here.
No. 49045
>>48684>pull the plugjust do it fgt
past admin already wanted to do this last year.
No. 49053
>>48924One thing about the server costs, anons are all up in arms about muh archive, but what if, say, all threads were wiped before a certain date - like only keeping the last two years of threads, and only importing the last two months to the new board. Personally I prefer the new board and it will likely stop a lot of moid raid issues with a better backend and captchas.
But could server costs be reduced if some of the archive is deleted, or are they just standard and determined by web traffic?
No. 49056
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>>49054Cutting old threads would make a negligible difference in server costs
No. 49067
>>48849Fuck you shit stain
Feels like an incompetent retard took over on purpose just to fuck us over
No. 49081
>>48924>I also never said k-pop was allowed againYou never said shit; so how can you be surprised that nonnies tinfoiled and got upset? Instead of throwing in the towel, maybe you should learn something from this whole drama and do better in the future? Your posting style comes off very teenager-ish in that you are throwing a tantrum instead of taking accountability and moving forward with grace.
> I'm honestly just disappointed in myself for spending the entire week on both backends instead of spending time with my friends and family.Who forced you to do this a week before Christmas? You could have had a nice xmas holidays with the family, let us shitpost while on vacation, and then make all the changes you want sometime in January. AFTER communicating with the userbase and givng us a heads-up on what you plan to do.
It would have been so easy, and would require just a bit of common sense.
No. 49083
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DNS is still propagating and many users still can't seem to access
No. 49085
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No complaints, I'm just glad the site is up again and may it live long.
No. 49096
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Merry Christmas bitches, all this fighting is my gift this year.
No. 49126
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Dear shayna admin, can you please update the banners before you freeze the website out? and take out the pork chop one. Please…