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/snow/ - flakes & mistakes

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File: 1734588599193.jpg (257.39 KB, 672x1116, tattoo.jpg)

No. 2069705

>Admin note: Please remember this thread is not to discuss general grievances and phenomena of the trans "community". Only post here if you're talking about specific trans cows and are able to provide screenshots of their behavior. Generalized vents don't belong here, nor do your personal experiences. Use the appropriate threads on our off-topic boards for this

This is a series of threads about fakebois and trans-identified females (TIFs).

TIFs are girls and women who take on the 'trans' label to any extent, including undergoing ("gender-affirming") surgery under that label.

"Fakebois" are girls who pretend to be boys, either by becoming TIFs or larping biological males through the screen (classic move). Fakebois usually style and present themselves as androgynous or feminine-looking boys, or wearing girls' clothing and make-up while insisting on being addressed with he/him (or occasionally they/them) pronouns and take great offense at being gendered as female.

These threads are also now a catch-all for any minor TIF cows without threads of their own. Even "serious" troons, (like Kalvin Garrah and Ellen Page) are fair game, as are horrific troon surgeries and pregnancies. Just remember to spoiler that shit.

**TIFs, no one cares if you think you're ~more legit~ than the cows posted here.**

Additionally, occasional discussion of fujoshis is fine, but don't sperg and infight about it. Report and ignore bait.

Notable FtM-related subreddits:

Old threads by order of recency:

No. 2069724

kek I love the threadpic

No. 2069730

File: 1734602909343.jpeg (79.9 KB, 640x429, IMG_0530.jpeg)

For you nonnas

No. 2069736

File: 1734604822853.jpeg (285.25 KB, 1125x1322, IMG_0270.jpeg)

Mind you, she’s not 14. She’s 20.

No. 2069740

Damn even with her face half covered you can still tell shes ugly as fuck..shame her self hatred got her

No. 2069756

anon that's clearly an mtf

No. 2069758

AYRT. I looked through his past post and turns out you are correct. Since he has very narrow shoulder, I thought he’s one of those femboy larper girls. Still cringe nonetheless.

No. 2069772


No. 2069825

File: 1734628022212.mp4 (3.04 MB, 720x1280, 6 December 2024.mp4)

Remembered our old cow, Ezra and she's so unbelievably boring right now. But this video seemed hilarious. I don't know, but things that validate them are so stupid. Alright, maybe I CAN get the flat chest as it is a bio male attribute not often found in women, but body hair? Mullet? Short nails? You can't have those as a woman or what? Repeating old ass sentiment, but it truly shows how black and white their perception of world is. They haven't moved on from primary school idea of blue is for boys/ pink if for boys. Ironic since Ezra DID talk about being a gnc ftm (aka feminine girl kek).

No. 2069826

Kek she has to dye her moustache to make it obvious, some women have a beard, the fuck is up with her lol
I guess the trans "joy" and novelty died down, that's why she's so boring. Short nails? She used to get her nails done, some women don't get their nails done. Some women have tummy hair, in fact it's even more visible on pregnant women. Man is when short mullet

No. 2069827

Why do "short" (as opposed to long, manicured) nails and body hair affirm them as men when it's the natural default state of human beings in general? Sex doesn't exist and it's not about gender roles, but then short hair and mastectomies "affirm" their gender, okay.

No. 2069839

most men don't take care of their nails, they're mostly short due to work exposure and dirty as fuck.

No. 2069884

Kek I know this thread just started but I vote for this to become the next threadpic.

No. 2069888

File: 1734643899222.jpg (97.25 KB, 922x667, 1000033941.jpg)

>"Flat chest really affirms my gender as a twansman"
>Has two fairies tattooed right on to her stomach (and even those fairies have a titchop?)
This is the girliest thing I've seen in my entire life and I've been to all-pink hello kitty cafes.

No. 2069907

She looks more miserable with every passing day.

No. 2069914

File: 1734649639358.png (92.68 KB, 700x394, Queen.png)

I disagree that fairies are for women only, see Queen's icon: Freddie added two fairies to represent his sign Virgo, but the fact she had to add them titchop is what makes me laugh the most. A real man did his sign as fairies with full female body, and she had to make them "tif" like her.

No. 2069917

Freddie Mercury was literally queer, nona

No. 2069921

Flat chest? I see her boobs grow back already.

No. 2069935

Anons being pedantic and acting obtuse on purpose would never stop being funny. Nobody claimed fairies are only for women, but they have, are, and will always be more popular among women. There's more women with fairy tattoos out there than moids, doesn't matter what some dead artist from decades ago wanted to do with his logo.

No. 2069956

If she were ten years older that tattoo would be a tramp stamp instead

No. 2069966

I know. I meant in the sense that he didn't need to titchop the fairies to make them manly and make them pass like men fairies like >>2069888 did. If she wanted other "manly shit" to show her "manly tattoo", she would have picked a dragon, not a fairy.

No. 2069979

G A Y !
NOT ANY STUPID FUCKIN' """"QUER"""""(integrate)

No. 2069993

He was bi if we're being specific. Using queer as a blanket term is perfectly fine.

No. 2070005

Queer is bs

No. 2070010

Yeah. May as well start wearing pins and hanging up all manner of sexuality flags, that's what that word is.

No. 2070046

File: 1734695208662.jpeg (185.07 KB, 872x1280, IMG_0534.jpeg)

Troons are degenerates kek

No. 2070073

File: 1734708342660.png (3.78 MB, 3979x1744, image.png)

me when my darling girlfriend draws me as the man I am

No. 2070076

File: 1734708855200.jpg (101.03 KB, 737x820, royalsnizandgffursonas.jpg)

royalsniz is a personal cow of mine shes so insane. "stop assuming about the lives of stangers" this woman dedicates so much of her social media to making long powerpoints of her over analyzing to make assumptions about people she wants to cancel lmfao. even now shes getting mad at this ex for something she herself does often with her (i assume current still)gf

No. 2070077

File: 1734708987462.png (232.33 KB, 593x439, cope.png)

i would be seething this hard too if my delusions were this bad

No. 2070078

File: 1734709108172.png (143.34 KB, 585x665, copesonas.png)

another example of her hulking buff malesonas with cis bodies, but i'm sure she'd make a 10 page powerpoint why its fine when she does it because its part of her trans joy but her ex is hashtag abusive for it

No. 2070080

>It's obviously supposed to be a hetero troon couple
>"Haha you guys sure are crazy perverts!"
Could this possibly be one of us?

No. 2070082

If my partner drew us together like this where I was obviously portrayed as ~the annoying one~ I wouldn't find that cute or quirky, ijs

No. 2070083

File: 1734709501911.png (565.3 KB, 500x652, tumblr_inline_p7iidj7F1Z1qbc1d…)

KEK That tif is against a lesbian artist drawing a nine years old girl having lesbian crushes because "won't someone think on the children", but I bet she wouldn't have problems if the kid wants to be a miserable tif like her.

I do see a little of account if that Homophobia.

No. 2070087

File: 1734710381770.jpg (120.61 KB, 720x600, royalsnizsaysewtranspeople.jpg)

my favorite example of how she thinks you should be drawing trans women, don't you dare draw them realistically(ew). Surely theres nothing "implied-cis" about this drawing. our glorious delusion vs their wicked transphobia

No. 2070088

File: 1734711525099.png (315.94 KB, 493x639, copeharder.PNG)

this would almost make me feel bad for her if she wasn't so insufferable. sure sweetie one day you'll be the buff muscle man…just a couple more pounds…

No. 2070089

the uwu smol bean to fakeboi pipeline

No. 2070090

File: 1734712454635.png (21.76 KB, 513x230, never.PNG)

No. 2070091

a foot shorter than her 5'7 ex lmfao 4'7 and 95 lbs makes sense why she has such small dog syndrome online

No. 2070093

are american women really that short? pathetic

No. 2070094

shit like this just reinforces how women constantly overthink about how they need to visually present themselves to others, it never changes

No. 2070100

I feel like she meant she's foot shorter than her malesona instead of her ex. 4'7" is like actual dwarfism-tier

No. 2070106

It was in the comments on her ex gf video, the sona stuff was older and from her twitter, also she in those same comments said shed never drawn herself looking cis so i dont think she meant shorter than the sona. 4'7 makes sense to me since shes said shes under 100 lbs

No. 2070107

Oh wait youre right maybe a foot shorter than the sona her EX drew…i still think she means shorter than her gf but yeah i cant tell

No. 2070108

Wait yeah 4'7" at 95lbs puts her at a normal BMI so maybe she really is an oompa loompa… We'll see

No. 2070110

It's retarded and cringe and it only exists as a means of grafting non-SSA people into the gay rights movement. Freddie Mercury was bisexual, not ~uwu heckin' kweer~. We need to normalize using words like "homosexual," and "bisexual" again, so it's obvious we're talking about SSA people and not sociology majors with purple hair who exclusively fuck the opposite sex.

No. 2070123

The ex-girlfriend is a better artist kek

No. 2070125

>I was so happy when I hit 95 pounds
Rattle rattle. Fun fact: there's a high rate of comorbidity between "gender dysphoria" and eating disorders.

No. 2070129

I can't get over the affected self-deprecating pose she's taken here where she implies that, aw, little old me doesn't even accept how TERRIBLE AND ABUSIVE my cis girlfriend was. Look at how tragic and traumatized I am, dismissing her abusive crimes! Won't someone come tell me that this was abuse and I'm a victim? And then the thing that her girlfriend did is definitely just her reading too much into said girlfriend being bad at art and not a 4-d chess move designed to make her feel bad about her height. Also
>hitting on fictional and celeb men

No. 2070134

File: 1734726216641.jpg (246.44 KB, 1080x919, Justdrawingherselfhowshetotall…)

Her grandpa apparently introduced her as his granddaughter and shes trying to show how totally weird that must be for the person. She really thinks she looks like a man.

No. 2070140

Mercury was not bisexual, he was gay. He only temporarily involved himself with women because he was trying to conversion therapy himself. He came out as gay during his lifetime to many people. He had no genuine attraction to women.

No. 2070149

File: 1734730473322.png (308.78 KB, 509x559, Trent.png)

And she made the called out of Rusty's character while claiming this >>2070083 and picrel. People can modify Rusty's moids, but God forbids she modify a tif character.

He was bi, he said that himself, but his heart only belonged to Mary Austin, he even wrote "Someone to love" for her. Of course they broke up and Mary married someone else, but Freddie still said she was his muse and all. Only because he was in love with a woman and then got together with a man as "his husband" doesn't revoke his bi card.
Is not like Elton John who did married someone as conversion therapy.
But enough of moids, let's mock about tifs.

No. 2070154

>don't get me started on the concept of biologically female hips
Nah, that I wanna hear. I love when they try to say there is no physical differences between males and females, because that is not only false, it also undermines their troon logic, like, why you medically trooning out then? Just put some pants since we're at the pants = male backwards shit now
The fuck? Gender = clothes but you also need to change your body to the other sex despite males and females basically having no physical differences because sex don't really exist? What fucking is it?

No. 2070156

File: 1734732269386.jpg (57.08 KB, 630x466, d9e1a687ef11e5b0ba5eed5e5e86e1…)

>the concept of "biologically female" hips

No. 2070161

She has no idea about proportions or think tifs are only male bodies with a tit chop, a vagina and call it a day.

No. 2070167

File: 1734734341622.jpg (55.67 KB, 682x429, f70f4e5b-ae3f-409e-8217-52523e…)

why the fuck would you ever take T if you are 4'7" especially?
>don't even get me started on the concept of
"biologically female" hips
soooo are humans sexually dimorphic or not? if not, what is the point of medically transitioning? how can a troon pass or not? why do you "need" to have HRT (and why is it "lifesaving")?

No. 2070194

I love this thread, come for the cringe tifs, stay for the freddie mercury bisexuality discussion

No. 2070197

File: 1734743478990.jpeg (985.54 KB, 1179x4013, raTcxg8.jpeg)

this is why you can’t let the self hating lesbian worms fester

No. 2070199

Jfc this is sad.

No. 2070205

>Will fuck for safe passage

What a thing to think/say.

No. 2070208

To that anon who ruined the cator99 milk girl fuck you, now she doesn't even post long winded textposts about her roommates anymore. You ruined a perfectly good mine for light reading and for what

No. 2070209

File: 1734747200494.gif (2.41 MB, 390x277, e8a.gif)

>trans lesbians don't want to date the; they want to date other trans lesbians who won't treat them like shit.
Straight men want to date lesbians because they don't like other men.

No. 2070214

File: 1734751603322.jpg (80.51 KB, 1108x836, sexynorwood3yougotthere.JPG)

speaking of which, this selfie of hers popped up on my tumblr for you page and I was shocked to see her balding seems to have drastically accelerated. It's receding all the way back to under her headphones and seems thin as fuck on top. She has to know and must just choose not to treat it (rogain, etc) i guess she likes it because it makes her look more like a middle aged dude– i mean "unapologetic lesbian"…

No. 2070215

We have everything, compared it from the MTF thread.

No. 2070216

File: 1734752944033.jpg (12.64 KB, 340x191, VhwNmHkpDlZhUSo-800x450-noPad.…)

Tyler1?? Is that you???

No. 2070223

Need her. I'll take the ban(no1curr)

No. 2070225

Her eyes screaming mental illness and her posts confirm it. Also that greasy hair isn't helping the case.

No. 2070226

what having rock bottom standards looks like

No. 2070234

You are cringe and dumb and wrong. It is literally queer culture that wants to treat Freddie Mercury as bi. He claimed bisexuality in the 70s when it was a trend and as part of his own attempt to cope with being gay. He was then out as gay for many years to everyone close to him. He has been retconned as bi because society can’t handle the fact he was gay as fuck and the only thing he was really into sexually was bottoming for big hairy men. He literally cried after sex with women. His relationship with Mary was emotional. Get over it and stop promoting queer ideology because you want a gay man to be your cringe bicon.(derailing)

No. 2070252

You know gay men don't have sex with women right

No. 2070255

You know a lot of gay people do in fact have sex with the opposite sex when they are figuring out their sexuality, right. Especially when they are in an oppressive culture.

Or are you dumb as fuck and think the only reason someone would do that is because they are a true and honest bisexual(infighting)

No. 2070317

File: 1734794883377.png (295.27 KB, 598x625, rottenpuppyx.png)

If gay people didn't have problems with having sex with the opposite sex, trannies wouldn't exist at all.

On topic, found a wild tif who is also an ana.

No. 2070322

>obese, almost 200lb female
>18lbs in five months
more like normal dieting and exercise(*bones rattling*)

No. 2070327

File: 1734798200392.jpeg (686.63 KB, 3167x1605, IMG_0319.jpeg)

>my dick
You mean enlarged clit

No. 2070337

trannies: transphobes are obsessed with what's in our pants!
also trannies: desperate to talk about what's in their pants

No. 2070355

>Giving to a moid tit chops because he's fucked in the whole game
The smell of fujoshi is strong in this one.

No. 2070367

It's a BL game why wouldn't it be a fujoshi?

No. 2070368

>most lesbian subreddits tend to be rather TERFy
If only. If she actually looked at "lesbian" subreddits, she'd find that they're all infested with and moderated by TiMs.

No. 2070370

>picture of a slightly overweight woman
>OBESE 200lbs11!1!
Go be a skelly somewhere else

No. 2070398

Most of the time they’re a sausage feast kek

No. 2070444

File: 1734833998975.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1014.77 KB, 1179x1686, IMG_9820.jpeg)

areola tattoo. is it just me or are the self harm scars sad to see and leave you curious

No. 2070449

File: 1734836676479.jpeg (585.38 KB, 828x917, IMG_5662.jpeg)

The Tesosterone Boys (TM) of Bushwick seem to LOVE taking pictures like this, it’s very eerie how alike they all are. You can tell even just walking down the street the TiFs that spend all of their life on TikTok. Same aesthetic (esp with photo angles and styles), always “trying” to look ugly and cheesy, same values, no original thoughts, and will be outright rude to you if you’re not a part of their clique.

Side note but I feel SO bad for the original people who lived in Brooklyn and got priced out by these science experiments. It’s unrecognizable with mentally delusional mustache owners like this literally everywhere, waiting to police your thoughts on gender.

If they start shitting up Cape Cod en masse, I’m gonna be so upset.

No. 2070450

Are those self-harm scars, or is that where the skin was pinched by bandages (or something like Saniderm used to protect the tattoos & probably removed right before the photo was taken)? Please, you can't tell me a surgeon looked at this woman's shredded tits and say "Yeah, you're mentally stable, let's amputate".

No. 2070453

this has been posted already. Lurk moar

No. 2070455

those surgeons are greedy butchers, of course they would.

No. 2070461

Any respectable surgeon: You have healthy tissue and muscle and fat that help your body so if you remove them, it will bring you consequences.

These butchers: stonks.

No. 2070465

Damn the one in the left middle pic is pretty, shame she is a heckin boy now and she's gonna heckin destroy her features w T

No. 2070466


she’s married to center middle

No. 2070491

File: 1734860571572.png (Spoiler Image,3.29 MB, 2446x1997, 42177118-FB42-4E3B-96E1-916031…)

NSFL. This girl is 19 and one of the worst self-harmers I've ever seen. Constantly cutting off parts of her skin, especially her breasts, and sometimes keeps her cut-off flesh in her freezer. She cut a large part of her breast off and had to get emergency surgery, and some gender clinic is still allowing her to get a double mastectomy. And she's now stabbing herself in the tit after being told she can have surgery.

No. 2070496

She has to be drunk or high when she's doing this to herself. Where the fuck are her parents? Adult protective services seriously need to be involved and have a duty of care towards her. I say this as a recovered cutter with daughters of my own. This is beyond typical levels of self injury. It's too bad that social services are useless and even harmful and don't help people like this. This fucking ruined my day. I wish I could help her.

No. 2070504

Imagine letting somebody THIS mentally ill get hormones and surgery instead of rightfully hospitalizing them in a mental ward for a long long time?? Being trans and getting a mastectomy is not gonna do shit for this mental state, this girl is gonna end up killing herself

No. 2070513

I really wish I didn't unspoil this,she needs to be on 24/7 surveillance holy shit

No. 2070514

File: 1734872870095.png (Spoiler Image,1.14 MB, 864x1920, 1000005659.png)

NSFL… how is she not in a padded room

No. 2070518

File: 1734873818119.jpg (98.95 KB, 1000x997, bafkreih4kbwbcbvz2di6zhqbtnita…)

>Photo of a man standing with his arm crossed in a pose that exaggerates the appearance of muscles, the head is cropped off because said man is insecure about his face, but not his shoulders

No. 2070520

File: 1734874340138.jpg (44.44 KB, 600x600, 1697499774200.jpg)

Ok the "I got stabbed" pic made me chuckle a little but if she gets the double mastectomy, her chest is going to be in constant pain because she cannot stop to remove her scabs! I'm surprised she hasn't die due septic shit.

I'm happy that your daughter could recover from sh, but seeing the whole account, I don't think she wants to be helped. This is a huge case of Munchausen syndrome.

No. 2070527

She's seriously giving me the vibes of that one ancient horrorcow who got her limbs amputated. I hope it doesn't come to that for her, jesus christ.

No. 2070528

Homie or was there another one? I remember the cow who necrosed her own fingers till they had to be amputated, but I don't remember her name.

No. 2070536

Anyone who feeds this girl's delusions is a monster wtf

No. 2070538

I can't remember her name, I think I blanked it out kek

No. 2070541

I do also remember that horrowcow but I can't remember her name.

No. 2070542

File: 1734881043651.jpg (145.38 KB, 1600x1167, depositphotos_160936524-stock-…)

NVM It was "coldnessinmyheart"

No. 2070543

Should have minded my fucking business

No. 2070545

Jesus Christ, seconding the anon who said that APS needs to get involved. This person needs to be living in a group home or a psych ward or something. How on earth could any doctor look at her and decide that she needs HRT instead of a mental hold?

No. 2070547

how is he not fucking dead??? how is it even possible to recover from a wound like this??? this is fucking horrific, no one becomes like this without a reason. she must've been severely abused as a child

No. 2070548

samefag made a typo meant to say she* obviously.

No. 2070549

If I were to hazard a guess she probably also hated her breasts for experiencing unwanted attention specifically from having them. But to mutilate oneself to this extreme is completely baffling to me, transing definitely needs to be introduced in the DSM

No. 2070550

It was not coldnessinmyheart, she disappeared from the face of the internet. The cow you're talking about is Kelly.
Kek is this tumblr image description? Why go in such details? "Face is cropped because I am insecure" Unhinged man, unhinged.

No. 2070552

Thats incredible (read horrifying). And yet some people would still believe that transition is the magical panacea for this girl to stop mutilating herself when she has something far, far, far, far deeper wrong with her.

No. 2070559

This shit must hurt so bad, how can she stand the pain, how do these massive wounds not cause her to bleed out immediately? Removing her breasts might be for the best so she stops cutting them up herself. I hope she gets the real mental help she needs.

No. 2070574

>Most recently, due to my disdain for the misogynstic and predatory aspects of lesbianism

What the fuck am I reading

No. 2070586

File: 1734893119107.jpg (233 KB, 1220x1080, IMG_20241222_154311.jpg)

And then the mods on Twitter wonder why people are leaving the social media in mass. Way to tell that they do not care about someone's health to report it to the local police.(cowtipping)

No. 2070588

Well, this ruined Christmas for me. I feel so nauseous.

No. 2070602

This reads like theyre putting self harm images in the same category as porn.

No. 2070617

File: 1734901780861.jpeg (11.84 KB, 217x275, 1726041372853.jpeg)

And they divided the "self-harm" images from the "self-harm" category, which says "Encouraging, promoting, providing instructions or sharing strategies for self-harm. Twitter, this woman is killing herself live and you only say "have you thought in just block her"? wtf.

No. 2070620

jesus man. how does someone stomach the pain of this self mutilation

No. 2070632

Need to rearrange my top 5 worst unspoiled images on this site now. Jesus Christ. Why would they let her go ahead with “gender affirming care”??? The world really hates women.

No. 2070638

I am late this this, but I have not recoiled so violently and physically from something since Kelly Ronahan see-through leg rot. This is absolutely vile and terrifying. How any doctor would find this person sound of mind enough to put them through surgeries is beyond me.

No. 2070643

Doctors and therapists are no longer allowed to deny transing.

No. 2070646

Wow this is the worst case of SH I’ve ever seen. I feel sorry for this girl, she needs serious professional help and not HRT or surgeries.

No. 2070648

She would probably start cutting at the surgery scars or worse she’ll start stabbing herself in the vagina. She needs to be admitted, this level of self harm cannot be mitigated with a double mastectomy.

No. 2070679

No professional surgeon or butcher would do that knowing that she would die due septic and it would be their fault. Although if this doesn't show that trans people don't need a surgery to treat a MENTAL illness, nothing will.

No. 2070689

holy shit somehow somebody is worse than that dancer girl who picked the flesh off her legs and coldnessinmyheart?? i feel nauseous this is so sad

No. 2070712

i've never regretted unspoilering more jesus fucking christ. how is she still alive?

No. 2070718

Kelly Ronahan shoved razerblades and pins into her vagina, got both her legs amputated several times and started pulling out her teeth, I'd say she is still miles worse.

No. 2070724

I only unspoiled for half a second but we need to bring insane asylums back
This instantly gave me Kelly rice noodle vibes as well

No. 2070729

How is she not in psychiatric institute right now, and how are they even discussing troon surgeries. The system is deeply fucked.

No. 2070737

>got both her legs amputated several times
Kek what? This makes it sound like she grew them back and had them amputated again. Like she's a starfish.

No. 2070740

too scared to unspoiled can someone describe it - what is it!!

No. 2070753

It is a fully cut off breast. Has blood and muscle tissue everywhere.
The utter lack of empathy and knowledge regarding mental illnesses from the supposed medical professionals is astounding. They just let anyone and everyone transition huh. Even those with such issues are not denied this shit service… How do you even KNOW who is the trutrans and who is not when they are having a mental breakdown in the midst of it?

No. 2070763

Don’t let curiosity get the best of you. Keep it spoilered. Literally sliced off the front of her breast. It’s a horrific, bloody, globby mess. I have a high tolerance for awful, graphic images on the internet - I was around when rotten.com, the sub “watch people die”, and the first beheading videos were on the internet, when things were a bit more Wild West online. But this genuinely made me feel queasy. Like what in the fuck. She can’t possibly be working. Disability? Because if she lives with her parents and is doing all this, that’s fucking ridiculous that she hasn’t been put on a psychiatric hold somewhere.

No. 2070796

File: 1734983492999.jpg (39.22 KB, 700x557, 331ea8c1a95ec762-PdXEkSVp-larg…)

It sort of looks like one of those brain-shaped candies you see on Halloween (picrel) but on someone's chest. She basically de-gloved her tit. I'm not being hyperbolic when I say this person needs to be straight-jacketed and put in a padded room for her own safety.

No. 2070810

She got them amputated further and further up because she kept fuckign with them

No. 2070818

POV: dating a butch lesbian

No. 2070828

At least it's lesbians this time!

No. 2070850

File: 1735000579613.png (216.99 KB, 1056x912, image.png)

devon price has been posted in previous threads >>>/snow/1973403
this recent post struck me as especially insane - "don't ever talk about any experience having anything to do with biological sex!"

No. 2070853

When trans"women" get their genitals cut off as children and their breasts ironed and are forced to wear full body coverings before going outside and are forced into child marriages and into giving birth after rapes, then we can talk about how bad they have it. Not being allowed to enter a bathroom because you have a penis is not oppression.

No. 2070871

Won't someone think on the poor moids???

No. 2070877

at this point, i consider every single post of this nature a troll. like, there's just NO WAY!!! no way someone can actually type this mess up and be like "i really ate them up with this!!"
alas, many such cases…

No. 2070891

lmao all these TIFs simping for TIMs while they shit on "trans men" in return

No. 2070904

>women's health clinic … reproductive banking
This cunt isn't a troll? Really? Shouldn't she already know that trans "women" bank their sperm all the time? Or is she pissy on behalf of TIMs because they have to go to a really heckin' unfeminine sperm bank to rub one out instead of the women's restroom at Planned Parenthood?

No. 2070911

It would be a full time job with how much you have to walk in eggshells around her.
Boohoo poor menz, plzzz think of them!!! Yeah, FGM, child bride "traditions", bride kidnapping, period huts, pregnancy complications and abuse that pregnant women experience, reproductive coercion and abortion rights TOTALLY affect poor timoids in exactly same if not worse way than women! I believe you have to have double digits IQ to be qualified for troondom at this point. What too much pickemeism does to a brain.

No. 2071028

File: 1735068669098.jpg (303.91 KB, 1080x1562, 1000141894.jpg)

Another day, another tif admitting they sprinted down the fujo to gendie pipeline

No. 2071044

File: 1735071649323.jpg (66.88 KB, 1440x807, 0883afde-9649-4c80-b7b6-82062d…)

7 years ago I remember you'd actually be called a faker and a fetishiser for saying you transitioned because of yaoiz but now this is like a new law in troonsylvania that you must be a fujoshi to transition. They want to be oppressed so bad…

No. 2071068

I remember when an artist got in an ask if she has drawn her male characters as women and she claimed she doesn't because thanks by them, she discovered she was a man too. Imagine use an alter ego to transition.

TIFs would say that to newer TIFs, specially the ones who transitioned for yaoiz and "how fetished they feel like because women only care for gay men".
A fag hag is not into women and gay moids do not care about some animu stuff.

No. 2071212

it’s been two days and i can’t stop thinking about those images. i woke up in the middle of the night with, how nona so eloquently put it, the degloved picture burned into my brain

No. 2071241

>25, 301 notes
There will be a day when they realize they ruined their lives over anime boys and that day will be painful.

No. 2071297

My two favorite leaps of logic
>Is love a universal emotion that anyone can relate to?
>No, clearly I like this fanfiction because I Am Secretly A Man
>Loving men is weird and complicated. Is this a normal thing for straight women to experience?
>No, all other women are NPC whores with zero internal complexity. If I'm having difficulty, it's because I Am Secretly A Gay Man

No. 2071337

File: 1735176842452.jpeg (1.29 MB, 1179x1676, IMG_0039.jpeg)

Jessi Slaughter is a trans furry now if you didn’t know

No. 2071369

The bad ending

No. 2071371

just reinforces my sympathy for tifs. as annoying and cringe as they can be, usually they do this due to trauma.

No. 2071387

Nonna please keep periodically posting beautiful ripped radfem lesbians in this thread. Idc that you're a psycho vendettachan. It's such a good palette cleanser and whitepill in the middle of scrolling through pics of ugly/crazy women.(thirstposting)

No. 2071391

shes always been this way(learn to sage)

No. 2071399

File: 1735212710514.png (1.62 MB, 861x865, jst.png)

lurked a bit through her instagram + tumblr, she's apparently married to some guy 10+ years older than her (picrel), is also polyamorous and has both a boyfriend and girlfriend and had (?) a tim boyfriend who may or may not have been abusive. i feel so bad for her honestly.

No. 2071400

You're years late to this news

No. 2071404

You should be on lolcow with children. This website is for mean girls without lives to bully people for fun, not normies who will inevitably put all the suit they day on here onto their children. Particularly if you already had self destructive mental illnesses this is the start of you continuing the cycle(derailing)

No. 2071406

At that point would it not be less destructive to amputate the hands?

No. 2071429

File: 1735234358796.jpg (482.66 KB, 1220x2045, Screenshot_2024-12-26-14-30-25…)

Oh shut up, all of you.

No. 2071433

i'm more surprised to know she's still alive. i guess consequences never were the same again after all

No. 2071437

File: 1735235285784.jpg (271.49 KB, 1080x2148, Screenshot_20241226-094138_Tum…)

No. 2071439


No. 2071441

>"Not all cis men!!!"
Kek, when you're trying to express your maleness but that pesky female socialization gets in the way

No. 2071449

Great, so you've mastered the art of representation! Now you've just got to figure out nipples, fabric, clothing, finished line art, coloring, any kind of background, and settings that aren't just you venting into the void, and you might actually make a finished piece of art one day!

No. 2071503

She dun goofed

No. 2071505

This just makes it seem like she thinks her unique fursona isn't being represented enough. As if the internet wasn't already rife with drawings of obviously female characters with boobs labeled as "transmasc".

No. 2071537

It's probably herself thirstposting kek

Checked her tumblr some years ago and back then she was an enby munchie (cane and wheelchair) poly and dating a hulking tim. She really hit rock bottom.
Yuck, didn't know about her being married to some older guy. Let's hope she dropped the munchie larp at least

No. 2071588

blood on the dancefloor and its consequences…

No. 2071603

Puppychan sounds like a broken record constantly posting about how valid and trans she is on tumblr, is this what having trans brainworms look like? Was this the result of being chased away by the entire internet?

No. 2071630

File: 1735267558743.png (398.77 KB, 350x525, Hanna Is Not a Boy's Name.png)

Someone mentioned Tessa and her webcomic. Is she one of the cases of "My alter ego is so cool, I'll become in him" kind of tif?

No. 2071634

God I used to love this comic thats tragic

No. 2071637

Get her ass kekkk
For real

No. 2071667

I just feel bad for her

No. 2071669

So many tumblr posts are just "how can I word my homophobia in the most edgy cutesy way?"

4'7" and 90 pounds would make her BMI 20.

No. 2071715

ideal world where all moids are killed and only women pretending to be moids exist

No. 2071719

>due to my disdain for the misogynistic and predatory aspects of lesbianism
Finally, a sane lesbian. Go girl!(bait)

No. 2071753

File: 1735317590347.jpg (28.44 KB, 720x765, 464130516_1737517597069495_211…)

"Gay moids should enjoy men vaginas!"
"You sound like those conservatives who claim that gays can be 'fixed' by having sex with the opposite sex"
"But when I do it, is cute and not transphobic".

No. 2071788

It's the second TIF I see auto-mutilating to this extreme, and both were posted here, what's going on with the young population?

No. 2071793

File: 1735328139530.png (529.46 KB, 512x512, Pondering_NH_Texture.png)

>If you enjoy fictional depictions of [x] you must aspire to literally be [x]
I've been into slash shipping since I was a preteen and I just don't understand this mindset at all. People enjoy all kinds of fiction, that doesn't mean they should upend their entire lives to model themselves after whatever fictional characters they like. Lots of people love pirate fiction, but you don't see them moving to Yemen to engage in real-life piracy. In fact, a lot of people enjoy fiction precisely because it allows them to experience something different from their own lives. I love vampire media, but the idea of someone drinking human blood in real life makes me want to vomit. Why do these troons fail to apply this logic to yuri and yaoi, which doesn't even resemble how lesbians and gay men act in real life anyway? Trying to be your favorite character is the sort of fool's errand you'd only expect a child to attempt.

No. 2071795

Kek I love how she's trying to NLOG other NLOGs. These retards are like crabs in a bucket, climbing over each other in an unending struggle to be the Most Special.

No. 2071868

>Why do these troons fail to apply this logic to yuri and yaoi, which doesn't even resemble how lesbians and gay men act in real life anyway?

It's precisely because yaoi and yuri doesn't resemble real life gays and lesbians that the troons get these fantasies. Same sex relationships are written like idealized fairytales, not unlike disney princess stories, and that's always better than real life. It's a mix of naivety, fetishism/porn addiction, and low self esteem. You can't get with brad and stacy irl, but maybe you can live a perfect yaoi/yuri fantasy if you transitioned! If society treated gays and lesbians just like straight people, without idolization or demonization, we'd reduce these delusions.

No. 2071896

>Same sex relationships are written like idealized fairytale
Not any more or less than straight ones, in my experience. Is your only frame of reference fanfic? Because there are plenty of unrealistic, wish-fulfillment straight stories and plenty of dark, depressing gay ones.

I think TiFs want to be gay men for three reasons: 1) autoandrophilia, obviously, 2) shame at the idea of being a "straight woman fetishizing gay men" (who cares, fuck moids and their feelings) and 3) the idea of gay relationships appeals to them because it's (theoretically) a relationship without a sociological sex-based power imbalance. The unfortunate thing about being a straight woman is that you are sexually attracted to your #1 predator, to the class of people who have treated you like property for most of human history. It's impossible and foolish, but I can understand the impulse of wanting to "opt out" of that.

No. 2071928

>yaoi gay men: think and act like women do, coffee shop AUs
>IRL gay men: leather daddies and their twinks doing poppers, no clue what yaoi is
>yuri lesbians: TIM schoolgirl sleepover fantasy where someone asks for a tampon
>IRL lesbians: normal women, hate TIMs with the passion of a million suns
Accepting reality isn't a troon's strong point, nonna. You're capable of separating fantasy and fiction from reality, they genuinely think that short hair and funky button downs make them men.

No. 2071934

>Is your only frame of reference fanfic?
NTAYRT, but for troons it definitely is KEK

No. 2071961

File: 1735374176580.jpg (116.37 KB, 1080x1312, 1000001684.jpg)

I genuinely wish I could set it so I don't get any fucking tif genderspecials when I'm seeking MEN on online dating apps

No. 2071962

File: 1735374286380.jpg (174.33 KB, 1080x1762, 1000001685.jpg)

No surprises here, and ofc scrolling further she infantalises her self diagnosed "tism," barf

No. 2072001

kek she probably named herself after that kid in It

No. 2072034

I think everyone with a septum piercing needs to be shipped off to an island and abandoned there to found their own Retard Nation away from everyone else

No. 2072100

Imagine getting this triggered by a tiny piece of metal, you sound like a pissy scrote who got burned by some bpdchan with a nose ring.

No. 2072120

Nta but it's an ugly piercing and obviously signals wanting attention given that it's a highly visible face piercing, not to mention it's always the most annoying retarded types that always get it too

No. 2072161

that stupid fucking totes quirky upwards photo angle never fails to grind my nerves, im biting my tongue as we speak to hold back an ALOG.

No. 2072197

File: 1735479596766.png (2.89 MB, 1080x2415, Screenshot_20241229-083805.png)

No. 2072200

File: 1735479955760.jpg (80.22 KB, 217x400, selfish_punishment.jpg)

>kaneoya sachiko ''inspired''
>generic slutty outfit with an ugly bow
ew, gross. Kaneoya is a good artist because she always makes sure to sexualize her male characters but never the female ones. Ofcourse the hulking troon wouldnt want to dress normally since he's a misogynistic scrote and only thinks of women as sex objects. What a disrespect and lack of understanding of her work.

No. 2072203

File: 1735480959042.mp4 (2.93 MB, 480x854, nL2fSkX.mp4)

you are a straight woman

No. 2072207

i was lurking and i genuinely think the taller one is actually a woman anon its just an extraordinarily tiny tif. if it helps theyre from la and they all dress like tranny hookers there

No. 2072208

I hate how these troons stain Kaneoya's art so much for "gender goals". You're not going to look like her male oc, Aiden, you're going to look like your moids relatives.

No. 2072213

We really need to convince heterosexuals that it's fine to be straight, and if they're actually truly bi then welcome to the LGB, leave your larping at the door or stay with the TQ+ clowns. Being gay/bi isn't some special interst club where you have to have dangerhair and like BL and shit it's literally just same sex attracted people, that's it.

No. 2072214

So… She says, she likes "men" (in women's bodies), and women, and then decides… she's not bisexual actually. I mean, I would say she's a lesbian but according to her logic she should be bisexual. That's not special enough apparently

No. 2072225

Being bi isn’t as cool according to these people.

No. 2072226

I know, everyone is gay now and words mean nothing.

No. 2072227

"Pansexual" is not trendy anymore neither.

No. 2072259

I'm sorry your autism prevents you from understanding the concept of hyperbole.

No. 2072303

>He is a short guy and probably under 165cm/5'5, has a lot facial hair, muscles, and looks a lot like a short Henry Cavill imo.
This is totally a Wattpad fic written by a TIF.

No. 2072305

>She noticed the scars on his chest.
>OP never thought she was a tif.


No. 2072327

>OP has aboosive girlfriend
>gf stalks OP, makes public scenes, other Reddit creative writing tropes
>he gets a restraining order on her
>tif roommate is totally his best bro and is also the most normal sounding and masculine man in the story
> OPs recent comments say he and the tif are dating

Yeah this is a tif fantasy

No. 2072343

Hearing herself say shes attracted to boys made my skin crawl, like i've read all the uwu soft boy TIFs say boy rather than man all the time but hearing it out loud really drives home how pedo-ish and infantilizing it sounds. It's like all the girls who would have been DDLG back when it was popular are just calling themselves boys now. Nothing really changes…

No. 2072357

File: 1735520206641.jpg (Spoiler Image,119.25 KB, 979x979, debbie-b1-979x979.jpg)

Don't forget that mommy dearest was also an abusive mother and she was ok with his ex being abusive and be in "oh they're taking a break" rather than think "they broke up". Is like TIFs always make moms the evil one because they hate women.

>The scars might be a mastectomy.

Once again TIFs not having idea how mastectomy scars look like at all. Spoiler: It will depend how big the cancer is and how much the patient can tolerate the quimio. Not all patients have titty scars like yours, Aiden.

No. 2072360

File: 1735520869724.png (41.37 KB, 939x324, idiagnoseyouwithao3.png)

I swear I cannot wait until OP claims Alex left him because he only saw him as a man because "women are abusive but you're not a woman" or shit like that.

No. 2072368

Kek at that filename. Do they not understand that anyone with a single braincell can see that this is fanfiction from a mile away? The only men who date TIFs and talk about how they're gay now are doing it to fish for more desperate titty chop ladies to add to his budding polycule. Every time a TIF grows too much facial hair or wants to glue a dildo to her vulva or decides to get a double mastectomy, their accepting boyfriends suddenly dump them and move on to another TIF who still has tits and no beard. Literally the only reason a man would date a 'passing' TIF is to share her nudes with his friends so they can all laugh at her body.
This whole fanfic is fucking hilarious though. I wonder why she hasn't posted a pic of the happy couple.

No. 2072388

>I wonder why she hasn't posted a pic of the happy couple.
"Muh privacity".
That's so true, is like Archon each time she had sex with "old gay men", who were obvious that were feeding her fetish by calling themselves "gay" as long as they get some pussy.

No. 2072443

Honestly, same. If she were to use both boy and girl, perhaps it would still be weird but not that much. What made it sound iffy was using women and boys in the same sentence, while describing/talking about her attraction to people out of all things. Imagine being a grownass adult and calling yourself 'a boy in a woman's body' this is like retardation 2.0

No. 2072450

File: 1735560251611.png (330.02 KB, 660x579, IMG_5079.png)

No. 2072454

This reminds of that white tif who pretended to be a closeted Korean transman forced to be in an arranged marriage with a rich Korean businessman. Then he slowly accepted her "identity" and realized that hes gay too. Literally some wattpad shit. But she was exposed eventually.

No. 2072455

Kek, are monks not ~aesthetic enough~ to be gender affirming or something?

No. 2072459

She'll become a true and honest monk when the male pattern balding sets in and gives her a tonsure kek

No. 2072475

File: 1735569430265.jpg (1.03 MB, 1043x1362, Henry_Cavill_(48417913146)_(cr…)

I knew it was fake when OP claimed she looked like a "short Henry Cavill". Either she has good genes or her face is sharp as hell to looks like him.

No. 2072482

God he creeps me the fuck out

No. 2072483

He is so ugly.

No. 2072487

File: 1735572630610.png (3.17 MB, 750x1334, IMG_1428.png)

all the comments are telling her to transition and “be a good father” to the baby. so bleak.

No. 2072488

Nitpick but learn how to fucking spell.

No. 2072492

Unfortunately, Devon Price is not a troll, she has a PhD and works at Loyola University Chicago as an assistant professor. She has written multiple books, such as "Unmasking Autism" "Laziness Does Not Exist" and her recent title, "Unlearning Shame". I actually read her Unmasking Autism book because a therapist suggested it; it was about as bad as you expect. It's alright in the beginning but the trans narcissism takes over and she starts talking about how role-playing Link as a kid in the forest made her realize she was trans. She also says that sex work is a good career choice for autistic women and that abolishing the police will help autistics. I might post excerpts if anyone is interested.

No. 2072499

>"he looks like Henry Cavil of course I am not attracted to that Im straight"
>"ok he is trans but I dont care I support trans folks uwu"
>abusive groomer crazy ex gf, even goes to jail wtf
>get away from gf and unsupporting family
>became bffs with tif
>"ok dating him now guess Im not so straight after all"

Replace tif with regular gay guy and this is a yaoi plot. No way this isnt fanfiction.

No. 2072515

what the fuck is tv glow, why are normies constantly coming up with retarded phrases to copy and paste for a week and forget about

No. 2072516

Yes, please post. Either here or if it's not trans related enough then the autism thread on /ot.

No. 2072525

It's a shorthand phrase from the tranny horror movie "I Saw The TV Glow", about some retarded AGP who was going to kill himself to be reborn as some Buffy female character but then didn't and because he didn't he was doomed to a horrible life or some incredibly retarded shit, she's basically saying she was going to troon out but then got pregnant so didn't.

No. 2072541

it's so fascinating how they're both gay and homophobic at the same time. wow

No. 2072547

File: 1735584581220.png (4.51 MB, 1536x2048, IMG_0164.png)

I scrolled through that person’s blog and she’s so fucking ugly, how did she land such a hot girlfriend????

No. 2072548

File: 1735584618291.png (3.04 MB, 1179x2556, IMG_0165.png)

No. 2072549

File: 1735584966994.jpeg (348.29 KB, 1179x1468, IMG_0166.jpeg)

Like what is going on here. The hot GF has an older “daddy” bf (polyamorous) so I can only assume she’s using the dog faced TIF for room and board or something

No. 2072550

File: 1735584968813.jpg (31.12 KB, 546x145, 1000008310.jpg)

>like the gayest form you can possibly be in

No. 2072554

I think hot lesbians who fell way too hard into handmaidenry specifically choose ugly trannies to date because it makes them feel superior and enlightened, and nlog of course, gotta have that.

No. 2072558

She’s also dating a grey haired old moid she calls “daddy” though, so definitely not a lesbian

No. 2072559

She has Lois Griffin colors

No. 2072566

File: 1735592330635.png (1.03 MB, 872x3700, selection3.png)

making a longpost to not spam

post 1: transitioning so she can be a "femme." taking parents to a kink bar. identifies as aromantic with a bad history with men. checking a lot of boxes here… though i think going on hormones for 6 years, undergoing surgery, and socially transitioning from female to male just so you can be a "femme" and date other "femmes" (but NOT WOMEN… only aromantic gay men) despite describing herself as "romance repulsed" is very funny. post 2: (likely) straight woman larping as gay man, uncomfortable with the actual reality of gay sex. some bonus mrs. potato head-ing from the replies
post 3: bisexual moid's girlfriend so disconnected from her own anatomy and hopped up on sexism that she cannot see the word "vaginal" or use a product with pink packaging. replies discuss how to coddle TIFs by blocking out trigger words.
post 4: have we finally discovered the rare compulsive homosexual? also, 44 comments and only one suggests that the porn watching might be the issue here
post 5: jokes writing themselves
post 6: i wonder why your family who raised you doesn't call you "he". genuinely dont understand why normie-looking women are the worst about not being seen as masculine
post 7: i find it genuinely sexist when TIFs make such sweeping generalizations about other women. i know plenty of tomboys (and ESPECIALLY butch women) who were/are uncomfortable with their sex because of how people treat them when they are seen as female. its normal to not want to be called "A Girl" when you know the person saying it is attaching baggage to it. does this user think women with internalized misogyny who are ashamed to be women dont exist, or that theyre all just trans and in denial? i also dislike how they keep saying "tomboy phase" while there is a permanence implied when they say "trans guys." perhaps the societal implication that gender nonconformity is a silly, childish phase is why so many women grow to feel uncomfortable with their gender…

No. 2072585

>does this user think women with internalized misogyny who are ashamed to be women dont exist, or that theyre all just trans and in denial? i also dislike how they keep saying "tomboy phase" while there is a permanence implied when they say "trans guys." perhaps the societal implication that gender nonconformity is a silly, childish phase is why so many women grow to feel uncomfortable with their gender…
You're a repper, that's why you get so triggered(scrotefoiling)

No. 2072609

wtf does this mean?

No. 2072611

"Repper" means someone who's repressing gender dysphoria/the want to transition. >>2072585 is a tranny.

No. 2072629

>6.5 years on T, tit chop, beard
>'I pass maybe 60% of the time'

No. 2072636

i pinky promise i dont want to be a man, nonnie. some of us just care about misogyny and hatred of gnc women without secretly wanting to shoot up cross sex hormones and remove healthy organs. go back to /lgbt/

No. 2072644

Anyone else feel like even the username "ThrowawayJason" sounds stupidly fake? If you're making a throwaway account, why attach a name to it at all, why not just "throwaway" and a bunch of numbers or some other random word?

No. 2072671

>it's like I'm bisexual for being attracted to women who pretend to be men, and women. but I'm also a lesbian, because both of those are women. but I'm also a gay man, because I'm remembering I'm supposed to be pretending the women pretending to be men are really men and I'm really a man too.
It's so funny when they can't commit to the larp

No. 2072688

Because the whole story is fake to say "women bad, tifs good". In AmIanAngel could see the bullshit from the story, but they couldn't say it was written by someone larping a moid wanting to date a TIF.

No. 2072718

She’s not straight she’s gay. I think anons here really have trouble with some kind of weird comp het where a Troon could say “I like pussy, I only fuck girls no men” and you’ll be like “she’s super straight”

No. 2072723

is that the actual premise of the movie? "The mc needs to kill himself to become a cute girl and if he doesnt he lives a terrible life, lets market it to trannies" KEK

No. 2072727

If you care about women that much why don't you let them have their bodily autonomy? Lol "removal of healthy organs", meanwhile some woman in texas getting a labioplasty. But hey even removing your vagina doesn't have any negative effect on your body besides some preventable risks it's unhealthy unless I say so tee hee.(ban evasion)

No. 2072741

File: 1735653071761.jpg (229.82 KB, 1080x1595, Trans joy7.jpg)

This woman trooned out last year when that non-binary middle school girl killed herself this past spring. She went from a burlesque attention whore to a full on drag king troon.

No. 2072743

File: 1735653315222.jpg (393.09 KB, 1066x1713, Troon way.jpg)

She has also been cosplaying as gerard way, after discovering him in her mid 40s

No. 2072747

Labiaplasty is also bad because its an unnecessary surgery (our bodies arent dolls, surgery comes eith inherent risk so yes it IS unhealthy to go under the knife for no medical reason) only shilled due to misogyny. They can have "bodily autonomy" all they want, removing organs just doesn't turn you into the opposite sex which is obvious to anyone with a brain kek (and "bodily autonomy" doesnt mean an action is without critique). I know this might be hard for you to grasp given your demonstrated reading comprehension skills but I believe in you anon. Did my original comment hit a nerve? Are you mad that other women feel the same way as you and youre not actually a special little NLOG?(report and ignore)

No. 2072767

No. 2072774

>removing organs just doesn't turn you into the opposite sex
No one says that
>Are you mad that other women feel the same way as you and youre not actually a special little NLOG
LoL why would I be mad that there are more people I can relate to? Unfortunately that's not the reality, I'm not a "girl", therefore I can't be a nlog. And as a matter of fact there are no other female who relates to me. But I don't believe there's such thing as GNC(blogposting)

No. 2072783

It was written and directed by a tim with an open lesbian fetish

No. 2072784

File: 1735661577253.png (1.06 MB, 906x906, fem.png)

>thank you for inviting me to your parties so i have an excuse to dress up and feel my fantasy like i don't spend 90% of my time being a nasty garbage boy who live in the trash

No. 2072804

>I'm a tif and I asked to my moid friends about how real men do not behave like.

No. 2072811

File: 1735668753964.jpeg (244.77 KB, 1179x1633, 6YLZrmG.jpeg)

how would a 4’11 woman on T know what being kicked in the balls feels like? also how else would you describe current trans identity if not reliant on the existence of a gendered brain or soul? they can’t even decide on an origin for their identity but we are supposed to respect it as sacred and real.

No. 2072815

trenders are retarded

No. 2072816

Yes, gender ideology is a religion that believes in mind-body dualism (tell me if there is a better word).

No. 2072817

Why is there a trutrans TIF lurking in this thread? Because you’ll never be a man either.

No. 2072829

I'm not trans I'm agender(no1currs, integrate)

No. 2072834

This is actually pretty funny

No. 2072843

Coleslaw vs potato salad

No. 2072880

What the fuck is "/uj" and "/qj" even supposed to mean? Why do autistic teenagers talk like this on the internet now?

No. 2072890

>I'm not a "girl", therefore I can't be a nlog
>there are no other female who relates to me
>I don't believe there's such thing as GNC
>thinks "agender" isn't the most transtrender shit ever
Hoping this is a troll, but considering the critical retardation levels of troons recently…

No. 2072915

>enters tif thread
>gets shocked when theres theres tifs there

No. 2072953

Do lesbians also have urges to be nlog? I thought it's a straight thing

No. 2072954


why are they all like this. is there a themlet factory I don't know about

No. 2072973

Lurking tifs sure, but they are at least expected to integrate and not blogpost about being a tif all over the thread.

No. 2073033

Are you stuttering? There there there

I welcome our little tiffy anon. She just feels uneasy because scrolling through this thread really gives a good view on how absolutely absurd the trans trend is. I would honestly bet good money that if you took these people off of the internet for a year, the majority would drop the whole trans thing by the end of it. The stories of people on the detrans sub are pretty sad. It must be exhausting to be a teenager or young person, realizing that you don’t relate to “girly” clothes, interests, etc, asking if these feelings mean you are trans online, and getting swept up into a sea of comments confirming that yes, they felt this way too, and now they feel so much joy from transitioning. A teenager just going through an awkward and uncomfortable puberty, not feeling like you fit in, finally finding a social group. Look at the pictures of the TIFs in this thread. They all look odd, uncanny, a hormonal imbalance now ruining their bodies.

No. 2073037

No I think she should post milk or gtfo

No. 2073044

File: 1735741641926.png (2.77 MB, 1125x1660, lolcow.png)

nothing says "not a woman" like short shorts, a crop top, and ballet flats

No. 2073050

Of course she's into BDSM too.

No. 2073134

damn she has nice legs(thirstposting)

No. 2073143

I know some TiMs claim to have "phantom vaginas." Maybe this TiF thinks she has phantom balls kek

No. 2073144

Please keep being retarded, it's funny

No. 2073198

It means "unjoke." On some subs like r/transgendercirclejerk, the "default" mode of posting is jokes or sarcasm, so people type /uj to indicate that they're being sincere.

No. 2073258

It's "unjerk." It means a serious comment is being posted in a "jerk" subreddit, which is meant to be a sub that pokes fun at a topic. "/qj" is "quantum jerk" which is meant to be both a jerk and unjerk at the same time.

No. 2073262

File: 1735797318014.png (17.31 KB, 332x198, Screenshot.png)

>InCase: I'll draw more fellas with vaginas just because
>This comment
Imagine having transition goals from a moid who is a porn artist.

No. 2073263

I genuinely do not understand the desire anyone has to be represented in fetish material. Look anywhere else, sure, but here? In porn? My good lord they are pornsick.

No. 2073333

Being trans is 100% kink/fetish and these mentally ill fools are brainwashed into believing it's their identity

No. 2073335

File: 1735825318517.png (Spoiler Image,558.62 KB, 448x799, incase.png)

They grew up thinking yaoi is THE purest kind of love, of course they'll see a drawing like this, ignoring that InCase draw moids looking like moids and not giving them titchops scars and think "this is how I'll look after I destroy my own body".
TIMs can die with their own pornsickness, but TIFs should seek for real help and not "TRA help".

No. 2073620

She’s reciting her pronouns

No. 2074188

I've thought of this post like 3 times since you posted it and keep laughing, so thanks nona

No. 2074196

File: 1736023560193.jpeg (355.79 KB, 1029x1280, IMG_0697.jpeg)

TIF flexes her supporting “girlfriend”

No. 2074197

File: 1736023625038.jpeg (429.21 KB, 1170x1258, IMG_0698.jpeg)

No. 2074198

File: 1736023688769.png (104.23 KB, 591x1280, IMG_0699.png)

Well it’s obvious that your “girlfriend”is happy, the ogre gets to feel more feminine now that you cut your tits off kek.
I’ve been cackling like a Hyena for two whole minutes kek.

No. 2074199

File: 1736023805508.jpeg (64.74 KB, 560x640, IMG_0700.jpeg)

What a gorgeous and supporting girlfriend indeed

No. 2074201

I was not expecting this kek

No. 2074203

File: 1736024078517.png (217.21 KB, 462x469, thedefinitionofbeauty.png)

>the girlfriend

No. 2074204

Reddit truly is the land of absolutely hideous people oversharing about their sex lives

No. 2074206

Your average “poly” “open relationship” “NB” “MTF” “FTM” poster kek

No. 2074207

No. 2074208

I always wonder if these people are genuinely attracted to each other or if they settled hard.

No. 2074211

Prison T4T

No. 2074319

TIFs really are pumped out in a factory, aren't they?
KEKKKKK he's puffing out his lardy chest and checking his moobs out in the mirror. He doesn't give a shit about his wife, he probably gets off on her mutilation. She already has the testosterone face of regret in this pic. I predict that this marriage will not be a long lasting happy one.

No. 2074400

This is so incredibly repulsive and bleak.

No. 2074508

He gets constant validation and free hetero sex, every TIM's dream. I feel bad for her, her self esteem must be incredibly low for her life to end up like this.

No. 2074518

Okay but why the fuck does he have a beard? Like there's no way this is real. That tif probably likes to get raped by ogres in dress

No. 2074602

File: 1736130759301.jpeg (1020.29 KB, 1160x3508, 5vI5pkm.jpeg)

things that can only be written by a teenaged girl. always turning your problems inward. but sure trans identity has nothing to do with internalized misogyny.

No. 2074612

ngl that's so sad. I hope she gets therapy or tbh just someone to fcking love her. might help her case already

No. 2074619

File: 1736135883419.png (171.47 KB, 399x655, jm-e1527175750863.png)

she transitioned into an even fatter null

No. 2074630

Jfc she needs to be put on anti-psychotics. Her desire to transition is underpinned by self-destructiveness; this is part of why so many TiFs are current/former anas and SHers. Also I'm pretty sure she isn't AAP if she's genuinely attracted to women. If she's a lesbian, wouldn't that make her the female equivalent to HSTS?

No. 2074637

This is so sad. Trooning out is not the solution to this girl's problems. She needs to love herself. I hope someone irl notices the signs and cares enough to do something.

No. 2074658

Would be super-funny if somebody posted this at her, explaining that she looks like the owner of 'the most transphobic site on the Internet'.(encouraging cowtipping)

No. 2074693

I thought I wrote this for a sec but then remembered I'm not that fembrained(tif attentionwhoring)

No. 2074784

I feel like there's been more retards in this thread the past few weeks, and I'm pretty convinced it's because school has been out for Christmas so teenage pooners have had more online time than usual (if that's possible) which eventually lead them here. By all means stick around and peak yourselves but shut the fuck up about it.

No. 2074797


No. 2074805

It is gut-wrenching watching so many people destroy their lives, truly dystopic and bleak

No. 2074845

If only they would realize that posting here on the farms is the most fembrained thing of all…

No. 2074867

File: 1736215346210.jpg (582.36 KB, 988x1408, kek.jpg)

FTM handmaiden tells other FTMs to quit talking about their experiences of misogyny or their bad experiences with MTFs because "trans women are the ones in the fringes of society". Kek, OP even tries to bring up the poor MTF sheltered at her place as proof of this. Literally if you look up the statistics of FTM and MTF SA rates, FTMs have higher rates. Why are FTMs this cucked?

No. 2074874

What I hate most about these troonposts is when they refer to having a wife/girlfriend you can't tell if it's an actual woman or a manlarp. Genuinely irritating

No. 2074876

she mentions conversion therapy and internalized homophobia so i think the wife is a real woman, if that's the case i feel so bad for her

No. 2074878

I dont think this specific one is cucked. I think she is so deluded that she functions as male, that it would break her mind to admit that tifs suffer from misogyny from troons. She has to believe that tims are worse off than tifs to keep the house of cards that form her identity from falling.

No. 2074919

File: 1736230070612.jpg (761.11 KB, 1080x3846, df4151e6-4096-592a-9d1d-59a31a…)

Stolen from ovarit. 2nd reply is an amazing example of these morons obviously not believing the doctrine that they force on others. If "afab" means nothing, why would it also be a reason for her to be in women's groups? She's supposed to be a true and honest man from birth, and the doctors were just confused because her penis was too tiny.

No. 2074936

It's obvious that she was in the womans group looking for people to indoctrinate and to look for validation. They are painfully obsessed with getting asspats from places they have no business being in just like their tim brothers. They know damn well that having internalised misogyny is literally the criteria for being a tif and they don't want to be questioned on it because they can't handle being challenged when they know they are completely wrong. If nothing is wrong with being a woman, why larp as a man? Why would the idea of being a woman make you upset? Obvious the answer is that you hate being a women and feel shame and disgust at the thought of being associated with existing within the female form, therefore, internalised misogyny. They can make up bullshit about learning to love women, but none of that matters if they can't accept the most important woman being themselves. Obviously most tifs are terrified of the idea of mingling with their male "peers" and it's hilariously pathetic how they still want to cling onto female camaraderie despite seeing us inferior beings.

No. 2074948

someone please inform these girls some men have mutilation fetishes…

No. 2074982

TIFs love dicksucking despite the fact that TIMs always treat them like shit and silence them to the point that the term “transandrophobia” exists kek. Imagine betraying your own class and pandering to scrotes who don’t give back nothing (both the regular ones and the trannies) hut vitriol.

No. 2074983

TIFs want to be men but still be welcomed in female spaces kek, they expect to still have the same amount of support and welcoming because you know, it’s just women who have to validate and celebrate both TIFs and TIMs, while men do absolutely nothing.
In my book it’s since they’re women, but I don’t get how they don’t realize how hypocritical they are. Gender ideology is a walking contradiction.

No. 2074984

What fringes of society? The rich and coddled fringe? White American trans women are one of the wealthiest demographics, with the lowest likelihood of being murdered. How come?

No. 2074992

While I am sure there's some TIMs/enbies who infiltrate women's groups to indoctrinate, I think the answer is sadder: they literally can't deny the physical reality of their femaleness because it's been so painfully politicized. A TIF can go his whole life deluding himself into thinking he looks like a Barbie fuckdoll because no one is going to attempt to take away rights from males, there's no piece of biological maleness that has been the subject of politics (that isn't connected to like, race and class and such). A pooner, meanwhile, can be on T for years, but unless she's wearing huge lifts and chopping tits there's always going to be someone who KNOWS she's a woman and will treat her cruelly as a result. It is unavoidable.

This is not me saying poor poon btw. Not to blog but there was a pooner who went to a female-centric group therapy thing I was in who basically implied sexual harassment is actually white women's fault because we love to get attention in the streets. She wanted us to balm her anxieties about how the world treats her body and then turned around and treated us like sluts for existing. Hypocritical bitches the whole lot of em.(blogging)

No. 2075011

>TIF: My name has a big meaning, that's why I choose it.
>Also a TIF.

No. 2075037

File: 1736275194712.jpeg (62.94 KB, 504x495, Sin título.jpeg)

"No. It's not internalized misogyny"

No. 2075056

>"het marriage"
>"internal homophobia"
>coddling tims

Feel bad for her wife, this TiF definitely has a preference for men.

No. 2075089

>"I don't think dreading boob and hip growth is a cis behavior."
The amount of women I've spoken with who cried and hated their bodies when they were kids who hit puberty and then suddenly had people mocking their chests or they were oogled by gross old men is a huge amount. We are sexualized and objectified from such a young age, of course lots of us wished our bodies wouldn't change.

No. 2075168

Gregarious HSTS MtFs across all countries tend to be of higher social status/accomplishment because they are flamboyant gay men. First they are men, second the flamboyance gets them places, third the gay niche they carve themselves into has little competition, they also get carried like crazy by faghags. The woe is transwomen bullshit is crazy kek

No. 2075202

File: 1736308467292.gif (2.54 MB, 480x360, happyworld.gif)

Sageblog but I still remember all the gross comments I got from adults and teens when puberty hit at 14. This is how women would feel if moids weren't there sexualized and objectified our bodies. I even bet the amount of tifs would go lower.

No. 2075209

Found vidrel the other day while searching for autoandrophilia, it's worth a watch imo and gives an interesting detroons perspective on the fujo to "gay boy" pipeline. Idk if it's just due to my autism but I'm particularly interested in the AAP/autohomoerotic Lou Sullivanesque side of troonery and don't see it seriously talked about on other sites or outside of sperging about yaoi.

No. 2075244

Actually it's extremely common in fact one would say its a collective female experience and pretending it's not is madness

No. 2075268

>collective female experience
it's literally not

No. 2075269

It seems to be pretty common though. At least 70% of the women I've talked to about this topic hated their breasts and/or hips during puberty, many even without having experienced any harassment directly.

No. 2075283

Yeah it's not. I never related to those really popular tumblr posts in 2013/2014 that joked about hating the female sexual characteristics your own body, the ones that went "Haha I wish my boobs were detachable and that I could put them in the trash anytime hahaha". My friends didn't have those hangups either, otherwise I would have heard bitching about it

No. 2075300

>it's seems to be common
yeah among dysphoric women

No. 2075340

You realize how less common it was for girls and women to speak on this stuff a decade ago? No one I knew spoke about it at the time. I'm talking about now, as adults, we can look back and say how we we were feeling. It is definitely a very common experience for women.

No. 2075352

Woah it's almost like "dysphoria" is literally a common pubescent female experience and not some speshul troon-exclusive condition.

No. 2075375

Yeah you're right most women wanted to chop their tits at some point in their lives

No. 2075384

Unironically, yes.

No. 2075388

File: 1736364465059.png (16.88 KB, 520x181, 01_08_25_20_11.png)

I saw a post on my dash gossiping about a particular racefaking, white-hating, DID-larping edgelord and jew convert we know for her fascination with leather and latex and went on a little dive to see if I could find her newest blog. Picrel is from when she ebegged during the US elections but she still keeps it up to this day. I think she's onto people finding her and making fun of her, so if any of you do go looking, do not post any links and do not fucking cowtip. She's toned down her edgyposting and mostly only reblogs pictures of moids in gimpsuits or biking attire with the occasional schizophrenia larp sprinkled in every 20 posts or so. Not as entertaining as she used to be, unfortunately. She does however have a twitch she streamed on once all the way back in october, which I really pity I missed.

No. 2075448

Yes, especially as children who associate having breasts with adults being wildly inappropriate to them and suddenly no longer treating them as the children they are.

If you managed to escape inappropriate treatment and sexualization as a child the second you started growing boobs count yourself lucky.

No. 2075458

You do know anorexia is strongly motivated by wanting to minimize secondary sexual characteristics (female pattern adiposity, boobs)?

By your logic all anachans are troids.

No. 2075495

No need to be obtuse, it's just that tifs co-opted this kind of phenomenon into a trans only thing when I believe it's more related to the general sense of women hating their bodies. It's in the same vein of how much of what women enjoyed or that was socially associated with women was seen as vapid or stupid, like pink=dumb. Tifs are nlogs because of factors like this, and yet this is another case of a shared experience among women that does not make tifs special. Going through puberty and gaining breasts and hips feels like an inevitable forced ripping away of your autonomy where you're just reduced to a sex object. It feels like regardless of whatever is going on in your head it will never be seen to matter as much because of how your body looks. It doesn't have to be as dire as wanting to mutilate them, but the disdain is very real.

No. 2075607

>SSA female married to woman (assuming it's not a TiM)
>claims to have experienced conversion therapy
>feels like LARPing as a man causes people to pay her more and view her "more legitimately," whatever the fuck that means
>opens post by literally calling the other females in the sub hysterical
>brags about how she's Not Like Other Tifs because she hangs out in subs for Real Boys
This is such an on-the-nose portrayal of a woman trooning out because of internalized misogyny and lesbophobia, it might as well be satire. Zero self awareness.

No. 2075611

Actually, it's AGPs that tend to make a lot of money and have a lot of power. The most successful HSTSes out there are actors and influencers, meanwhile the most successful AGPs are people like Pritzker and Lavigne, old money assholes who are well-connected in politics. The occasional murder-victim troon is typically a nonwhite HSTS prostitute and/or drug addict, and in most cases, they're killed over drugs, money, or homophobia, not misogyny or troonphobia.

No. 2075680

I've been groped by other women numerous times anon, it made uncomfortable indeed but i hated the attention my breasts got not themselves. Now I have dysphoria and hate my breasts but it has nothing to do with sexualization because they're quite small anyway, so they don't get attention.
Most anorexic women are doing it to look skinnier/smaller/dainty or they're control freaks/have other mental conditions.
If these women are so uncomfortable about their feminine sex characteristics they can wear baggy clothes and get away with it, not to starve themselves.
>It feels like regardless of whatever is going on in your head it will never be seen to matter as much because of how your body looks
Yeah because world cares so much about ugly women and it's stacies with hourglass bodies that aren't taken serious is that so?
Anyway, there's a difference between wishing for a moment to be in a different body bc you're uncomfortable with the one you have and then can't functioning because of it to the point you need surgery.(blogposting)

No. 2075711

>Anyway, there's a difference between wishing for a moment to be in a different body bc you're uncomfortable with the one you have and then can't functioning because of it to the point you need surgery.
Yes and one of them is a common female experience and one of them is mental illness. What's your point?

No. 2075719

The desire to lose noticeable secondary sexual characteristics is a huge factor for most women afflicted by eating disorders, hence why there’s such a heavy response and celebration of posts regarding people becoming relatively flat-chested from weight loss or getting reductions. The desire to escape sexual abuse or sexualization by society is one of the biggest contributors to anorexia, and the reason why so many women with eating disorders are also victims of sexual trauma.
Attempting to present dysphoria as this major, real serious completely unmatched issue whilst portraying one of the most deadly mental illnesses as some misogynistic crackpot about anorexic girls just wanting to be “dainty” or pretty or whatever shallow excuse the media tends to project is the most nlog coded shit ever. Dysphoria has always existed in women due to the state of our society and will never be unique to TIFs

No. 2075727

I’m gonna need a source for this. Escaping sexual attention as the biggest source of eating disorders? There’s just no way. Sometimes people with eating disorders don’t even know why they are obsessed with food intake and their body weight. It’s a symptom of mental illness, could be considered a form of self harm, a way to feel in control. But I’ve never heard nor experienced anorexia relating to sexual attention or characteristics. I think it’s a whole different can of worms than whatever TIFs have going on. It’s more like a social contagion, someone feels uncomfortable in their skin or not womanly enough, well here’s a whole community of women who feel just like you.(derailing)

No. 2075738

Eating disorders are about controlling your body. The reason you want that is because you feel it isn't in your control. Why would it feel that way as a girl? Because we learn very early on that our bodies are treated as community property, to be commented on, touched, and used for someone else's pleasure. It is not a coincidence that a lot of girls start turning to anorexia not long after puberty.(derailing)

No. 2075783

And a lot of anachans these days are genderspecials.

No. 2076231

okay but this ate(unsaged newfag)

No. 2076345

File: 1736574883231.jpg (61.61 KB, 828x820, 1000035265.jpg)

Lurking gendies not even trying to integrate anymore

No. 2076420

File: 1736604059974.jpg (172.99 KB, 520x960, tumblr_7a7ffeb6c45ba97e439d414…)

No. 2076421

File: 1736604099755.jpg (699.4 KB, 1019x3072, tumblr_2575564ba7a0a1db61b01e5…)

No. 2076422

File: 1736604134371.jpg (537.8 KB, 869x3072, tumblr_ef995f424e7a95684113406…)

No. 2076423

File: 1736604193577.jpg (498.27 KB, 1080x2650, tumblr_11c41770e1295379864bf23…)

they SO CLOSE to getting it

No. 2076439

Being 'cisgender' girl is when love getting molested and made fun of

No. 2076446

The comic even ends with the cycle of women getting shit on by men continuing. The artist just became what harmed them.

No. 2076449

Yep, out of all the people depicted, that woman was just playing along with the tif's delusions of being a totally real man, she clearly wasn't saying anything meant to be harmful.

No. 2076453

Right, and it could even be a moment for the artist to explain to the other woman about what they've experienced before transitioning, but hurr firin muh lazr xD

No. 2076480

>receive endless abuse and shit from men
>one woman says something you don't like (even though it literally aligns with your ideology)
>proceed to kill said woman le edgy style
Guess the cognitive dissonance was the straw that broke the camel's back.

No. 2076483

If they weren't so aggressively stupid, they would realise that the woman meant "they don't experience misogyny after transitioning," not that they've been immune to it their whole lives. And yeah that's still an incorrect statement but it's still a pity bonethrow from someone who is trying to sympathise with them. This is a perfect example of why you never try to appease the mentally ill.

No. 2076484

i am surprised the comic kept going past age 17. holy shit you're 31 and you're posting stuff like this for everybody to see?

No. 2076485

Arrested development goes hand in hand with troonism.

No. 2076486

Going on a bit of a tangent, I wonder how many TIFs would have still trooned out if they'd stayed celibate for a few years and built better relationships with themselves as women, without any influence from scrotes. I'm honestly not victim blaming, I have a lot of sympathy if she was in an abusive relationship as the age 22 panel implies. I just don't think it's a coincidence that TIFs usually lurk in communities which glorify casual sexual relationships and polyamory or have bad dating histories and end up hating their female bodies.

No. 2076495

File: 1736623364502.jpeg (394.7 KB, 1179x1467, UrrtdXn.jpeg)

ftms who were beautiful androgynous women pre T pass pretty well generally but the thing that always gives them away is the eyes. idk what it is exactly but the eye area is always off. is(sage your shit)

No. 2076501

Women and men have the same eye size, but women's faces are smaller, so proportionally, their eyes look bigger.

No. 2076533

She's too cowardly to go against men and takes her anger out on other women.
So many TIFs try to be misogynistic "boys" after they transition but it just makes them look like hairier, greasier pickmes.

No. 2076537

None of this implies the artist didn't feel like a girl until their mid 20s. She didn't like being mocked, bullied, and sexualized. That isn't unique to TIFs. I truly wish so many of them could just find community with other ostracized girls/women, especially if they aren't traditionally feminine and might not enjoy "typical" female hobbies or whatever.

No. 2076551

File: 1736635705796.jpg (105.9 KB, 1080x448, tumblr_7e6b1c63a4c19b00343cc89…)

No. 2076554

No. 2076564

File: 1736637037315.png (54.21 KB, 457x575, full of pastrami and selfhatre…)

Samefag, reviewing the links in that thread with a friend laughing at them and they're accidental comedic geniuses sometimes. Full of Pastrami is the best way to describe any FTM

No. 2076612

i can tell without even looking it up that this is one of those jewish tifs who wear a kippah 24/7 as a gender affirmation accessory despite none of their male relatives wearing one outside of the synagogue

No. 2076637

It's from a band called Schmekel, an all TIF jewish folk band. Not to powerlevel but a TIF I knew in college introduced me to their music and i'm not kidding when I say it's some of the worst i've ever heard, both lyrically and sonically, and this is coming from someone who enjoys Trout Mask Replica. Most of their lyrics involve being a pooner, being a jew, being a jewish pooner, rape fantasies, fisting, scat, and other lyrical delights for the whole family.

No. 2076650

File: 1736664677486.png (542.48 KB, 520x1191, eyelasers.png)

No. 2076658

Love this nona, much better

No. 2076665

This has to be a parody of the TiF mindset?

No. 2076666

Kek why are all troons straight up abominable at creating music

No. 2076733

The album covers and bio would make you think they make fun, iconoclast music but it's all lukewarm "nice" gendie shit without a shred of creativity. Christ.

No. 2076734

Proof that mental illness doesn't inherently lead to good art kek

No. 2076740

>gets sexually assaulted
>transitioning right in the next panel
Kekk I feel bad for laughing but could it be anymore stereotypical

No. 2076957

Why are so many TIFs Jewish?

No. 2076978

granted i live in an area where there are very few jewish people but every single ‘Jewish’ tif i know is either a self proclaimed ‘convert’ who didn’t actually go through the extensive process or claims to have been adopted or have some kind of ethnically Jewish lineage far off somewhere none of them were actually raised with the religion or culture, it just gives them extra woke points + they can talk about how there were like 16 genders in the Torah or something and add to the Jews for Gaza movement etc

No. 2077017

File: 1736730151855.jpg (545.93 KB, 1144x2144, Jack_Trans.jpg)

>jack black has transboy swag cause he's fat, short and jewish
this sounds like a racist joke

No. 2077021

Because they want to be part of a group that’s considered marginalized/misunderstood, is vilified by boring white christians and values males over females

No. 2077022

File: 1736731158077.jpeg (280.56 KB, 750x982, IMG_3331.jpeg)

classic scramratz NLOG narcissism

No. 2077031

Theyre all weirdly antisemitic

No. 2077035

Its because Jack black personafies everything great about being a man. You can be unkept and mediocre and still have an amazing career and everyone loves you. They want to have that luxery

No. 2077072

its honestly so sad

No. 2077080

>You can be unkept and mediocre and still have an amazing career and everyone loves you
Can confirm this. Once met a tif who was obsessed with skinwalking post malone of all people for this very reason. kek

When you nlog so hard you think you're a boy.

No. 2077087

>Jack Black
>sex appeal
>I think Jewish men are cucked but in a woke way

No. 2077152

File: 1736746752382.png (1.18 MB, 540x2022, orcahysterectomy.png)

Why do so many TIFs act like literal children?

No. 2077182

I think this is the wokest way you can say that you think Jewish men are faggots.

No. 2077193

Ngl the hospital staff seems pretty cute kek

No. 2077199

I haven't kept up with her in a while, but cursedarachnid/alterhacker/crispy getting phalloplasty and then photoshopping various unmatching dicks and balls over her phallus on OF has to be the peak of modern mental illness and self hatred among lesbian women. Really sad, she was decent looking before.

No. 2077204

Focusing on troonism as a quick fix to all of your problems inhibits true emotional growth.

No. 2077231

I know right it's killing me, I remember seeing this post a long time ago and being bewildered. It's crazy the things you can get away with on tumblr by couching it in PC language and tying it into transgenderism.

No. 2077261

Munchausen’s and psychogenic illness patients are well known for taking teddy bears to the hospital.

No. 2077267

It’s the same kind of Peter Pan Syndrome you see in patients with anorexia

No. 2077311

So she didn’t use her trans eye lasers on any of the moids harassing & abusing her, but she finally used them on a woman making a mildly ignorant comment years later? Sanest troon logic.

No. 2077395

File: 1736791000285.gif (85.62 KB, 640x478, patrick-poor-ugly-thing.gif)

>If I'm a man, I can't suffer of misogyny.
>Become in misogynist herself because a woman pointed to her the obvious.

No. 2077397

Same reason why they're so into beating terfs: Moids are stronger and they're victims if they're TIMS, so better to mess with someone your size.

No. 2077523

This would be cute to do for a child who's having a major surgery and is scared. And tifs are retarded so they just treated her like a sick child I guess kek?

No. 2077533

Yeah, this made me uncomfortable. I couldn't imagine wanting to be treated this way. It's obvious she's so retarded she doesn't even realize how patronizing the nurses were. Would be cute to do for a child, not for an adult. Also just the thought that the nurses are forced to recognize that the people that get these tif surgeries are on the level of a child, and yet they still get their body parts amputated for no reason… so bleak.

No. 2077554

Do they not see how this is the opposite of empowering? It's the surgery equivalent of a man feeding his decades younger girlfriend tiny bites of salad and calling her chubby while she giggles at him. It's only enviable to other women so deep in the pits of mental health hell that any other form of escape seems impossible.

No. 2077589

File: 1736815018860.png (386.94 KB, 478x478, i have autism.png)

Sageblog but I can confirm is autism. I went to a surgery and took a plush with me due anxiety. Of course the nurses were loving, but I wish it was for another surgery like >>2077523 said and not one where the patient removes some healthy body parts due "muh gender".(blogging)

No. 2077784

For me it’s the hands and the small heads that always gives it away kek. But TIF can pass really well due to the effect of testosterone, even I can admit that.
Last week I saw a TIF, she looked like a discord mod and had the frog voice kek. She had male pattern baldness and long green and blue hair. She had a beer belly too and she was short , like 5’3”.

No. 2077809

>I see her boobs grow back already
Is that a thing? Can boobs grow back after mutilation? Do they need maintenance the same way TIMs' rot pockets do with dilating?

No. 2077835

This is so sad to watch.

No. 2077837

Where did you hear that she's getting a frankenweenie?? I gotta know more lol

No. 2077895

Literal functioning boobs will not grow back (I suggest every woman learns about breast anatomy, it's not just fat tissue in there) but if you gain weight, that area will gain some weight too, and you'll lose that flat appearance. It won't look like normal boobs but it won't look like a man's chest either.

No. 2077900

File: 1736898790219.png (837.6 KB, 1080x905, gzAV7yp.png)

No. 2077929

subject matter aside.. who mixes pomegranate seeds with sprinkles??

No. 2077931

Knowing the average TIF, she probably ate this making squeaky weeb noises pretending she was a cannibal.

No. 2077956

this does not look appetizing

No. 2077958

I honestly doubt that anyone has ever said that to her. She seems like a really bitter and arrogant person tbh and very difficult to be around

No. 2077971

Idk it's pretty enviable to women that want hystos but keep getting refused because they're don't have kids/are under 40/etc

No. 2078002

File: 1736913880572.jpg (239.69 KB, 720x1722, 1000003218.jpg)

Morgan trooned out
>Morgan Geyser, who stabbed Payton Leutner in 2014 in an effort to please the fictional character Slender Man, is set to be released from a Wisconsin psychiatric hospital on a conditional release, a judge ruled Jan. 9.

No. 2078013

Thats fucked up, the whole case and her becoming a tranny.

No. 2078014

People just do anything huh

No. 2078020

Damn. Just keeps getting worse.

No. 2078024

>pomegranate on a buttercream frosted chocolate sponge
>topped with a mangled decorative table candle, possibly scented
bafflingly tasteless choices

No. 2078083

makes sense she'd id as male as a form of escapism from being a cringe girl

No. 2078096

>it's okay and 100% ethical to troon out patients with autism AND schizophrenia
Never change, US. Your eugenics programmes have historically been the best in the world.

No. 2078137

I want everyone itt to know that this is extremely part for the course for wisconsin. Wisconsin and surrounding Midwestern states will probably be the very last to give up the tranny rights movement. The entire culture in those states is a mish-mash of old, fuddy-duddy conservatism and younger, neo-shitlib faux rebelliousness.

No. 2078172

So she went from "Stabbing in the name of Slender man" to "I do identify with Slender man".

No. 2078198

Does anyone know what her enprisonment looked like? Did she have internet access? If not how tf did she even know about troons?

No. 2078212

File: 1736969799991.jpg (273.03 KB, 1079x1655, Troonatic.jpg)

I hate these types of softy mra tifs so much. The way they talk about males sounds almost like a blabber of a dementia patient.

No. 2078215

Honestly it's crazier that they said the fact that she has autism and schizophrenia won't interfere with her mental health recovery

>"Men aren't the problem, the problem is all of these things invented by men that keep men in positions of power that men don't want to give up!"

No. 2078216

All that and the “cis-man” will still see you as a woman kek, he’ll just have to say “I’m totes gay and I want you!!” on Grindr to get your pussy. TIFs are retards.

No. 2078234

>""""restorative justice""""
Oh okay so you're one of those lefties that think rapists shouldn't go to prison got it.
>we need men!!!11!1!
kek no we don't
>patriarchy is gender neutral
Holy fucking retard. I used to feel bad for TIFs but they deserve what they get.

No. 2078250

File: 1736976305817.jpg (783.21 KB, 1220x1938, Screenshot_2025-01-15-18-20-16…)

"Yeah, babe, I'm totally a gay man. Just don't tell others because I'm still in the closet, you know". It made me to remember that theythem artist who "outed" her boyfriend by making him say he's gay since he's dating her, and then they broke up.

When TIFs eat each other and the ones to blame are the terfs.

No. 2078256

They take out the mammary gland so it won’t grow back, they can get adiposemastia

No. 2078262

Trannies always blame terfs or women in general for their problems.
>Frankendick falls off
>Why did JKR do this to me

No. 2078268

Women throughout history have been loving men to the point of self-endangerment - that's the norm even today! I hate this type of tif so much.

No. 2078361

File: 1736992253602.mp4 (478.31 KB, 576x1024, 'The Prince's Dearest Guards' …)

this is the book btw, literally just an average straight girl fantasy of being pined over by two equally hot guys

No. 2078364

that style is fucking repulsive

No. 2078371

looks like she was in like a juvenile long term mental hospital. there are lots of trannies there

No. 2078372

It's more aggressively generic and boring than repulsive to me at least.

No. 2078376

File: 1736994730956.mp4 (11.95 MB, 1080x2400, Screen_Recording_20250115_2127…)

This is probably the most disturbing video I've seen in a long time. A very mentally disabled woman who is nonverbal and writhing around in her wheel chair has her shirt off with mastectomy scars and gender hair on full display. This is unironically abuse of the retarded

No. 2078380

I’m confused, who did this to her? Muchie parent?

No. 2078381

They took her nips! I don't know what kind of disability that is and I know some disabilities that look like this do have fairly functioning brains, but judging off of that cod zombies scream this person is def not capable of making decisions for themselves. Hope the doctors that did that get sued.

No. 2078382

this is truly man made horrors beyond human comprehension

No. 2078383

She likely has a normal intelligence, that's cerebral palsy, not intellectual disability. Still horrifying nonetheless

No. 2078384

File: 1736995303369.jpg (30.24 KB, 450x450, f64cff908a63044476353d08cace07…)

>cod zombies scream
My fucking sides

No. 2078389

Literally the "nerdy guy and edgy guy fight for the main girl" trope, but actually it's so subversive guys because she's an nlog tif. They all just want to do girly things without being seen as basic by other girls. On the extreme end you've got tifs like this one >>2078212 thinking she's so subversive for being a handmaiden who loves and forgives and babies the poor wittle defenseless moids.

No. 2078411

This was the first thing that came to my mind, too. It's still profoundly fucked up, but it's marginally better than if she didn't have the intellectual capacity to consent to this.

No. 2078414

>Why does [she] have to be half their size with overtly feminine facial features?
Because she's female, and that's what TiFs look like in real life. Bizarrely, I've seen artists also get in trouble with gendies for doing the exact opposite thing and just drawing what is clearly a natal male and slapping titchop scars on him (a man with a "cunt," as the misogynistic NLOG put it). I distinctly remember retards online being angry that the TiF in Dream Daddy looked "too cis." It's impossible to please them because they're all absurdly sensitive and constantly move the goalposts so they have an excuse to scream at whatever person they arbitrarily decide they don't like.

No. 2078415

File: 1737001305398.jpg (14.74 KB, 208x326, 700.jpg)

>Patriarchy is gender neutral

No. 2078417

He's never met a girl who smokes, dresses like shit, and skateboards? Has he never been to a trailer park, a run-down mall, or any college town in America? Half of the women I work with are like this. Oh, who am I kidding? He's not real, he's just the personification of Scramratz's NLOG internal dialogue.

No. 2078419

The doctors who did this need to be thrown underneath the prison holy fucking shit.

No. 2078487

It's funny to me how tifs act like people (I mean their own fellow tifs) are constantly 'fetishizing' them and have such a victim complex about it. Trooning out might be a fetish for you, but trust me, tifs who shove their self-insert tif characters into their own works (that they claim is 'gay' despite being the straightest thing on this planet) are doing it out of sheer desperation to feel validated and wanted, they aren't getting off to their tif characters themselves because even tifs aren't attracted to other tifs kek.

No. 2078489

>I honestly doubt that anyone has ever said that to her
Same, because I don't think she interacts with people at all. Everything about her screams terminally online.

No. 2078495

The lack of self awareness that these women have still shocks me despite the fact that I have been visiting this thread for years. How can she look back on this video and see herself and believe that she is a tRuE aNd HoNeSt MaN? She looks like an Avril Lavigne and Linkin Park fangirl from 2003 whose favorite store is Claire's. There is nothing remotely male about her. It's so comical yet so sad. Testosterone hasn't even made her voice sound remotely male. I don't have high testosterone for a female and I sound more like a man than she does kek. All it's done is given her really strong vocal fry.

No. 2078510

KEK did she draw herself like Satoru Gojo on purpose?

No. 2078539

File: 1737044598030.png (890.79 KB, 796x854, delulu.png)

Oh yes, totally sane thing to do…

No. 2078559

Thats a fucking biohazard. It's gonna rot and stink and grow bacteria never before seen.

No. 2078644

New virus dropping soon, covid is about to get its buddy.

No. 2078657

Even her self portrait is obviously female kek

No. 2078705

File: 1737069438909.png (321.46 KB, 749x702, X6NB5Yo.png)

>mario tif
that's a new one

No. 2078732

Funny how when Maquenda does it with her own period, people complain about "trans women cannot menstruate" or "you should draw trans men because they menstruate too". No, she does it for her own, not for crybabies. Although why would she does it? Isn't period triggering for tifs?

Not really, it just oxidate into the paper.

No. 2078736

File: 1737077564277.jpg (169.49 KB, 1220x676, Screenshot_2025-01-16-22-30-45…)

>quite feminine face
>still believes she can pass as a man without her chest.

I'm stupid because I thought it was blood from period but is from a draining after surgery. She's going to see that pic and detrans too late.

No. 2078749

I gagged

No. 2078753

File: 1737081585951.png (536.72 KB, 1179x2109, lyrics.png)

KEK at the stereotypes in these lyrics

>Don’t dare, don’t you even go there / Cutting off your long hair

>Wake up, go put on your makeup
Did the artist’s family actually tell her these things, or was it her own brain telling her that these rules are what make a woman? I’ve asked this here before, but are there really that many parents who would get upset over these things? My conservative family was completely fine with me having short hair (which they complimented) and never wearing makeup, so I have a hard time imagining a mother forcing her daughter to wear makeup.

No. 2078754

File: 1737081849194.png (336.22 KB, 1179x1111, wiki.png)

Oh never mind, the artist isn’t even a TIF, just a gay guy trying to show support. Of course he wouldn’t know these things

No. 2078762

It’s almost as if most of them see “cis” as the default and just assume anyone acknowledging the existence of their demographic is an “other” because they all transition out of NLOGism + they lash out about being perceived as being sexualized even if it’s just their demographic being “fetishized” because half of them transition out of fear of nonconsensual sexualization. TIFs love infighting because they all see themselves and their friends as the only Super Speshul Trans so they assume everyone else is “the enemy” even if it’s just other trannies

No. 2078773

File: 1737084958242.jpg (506.47 KB, 1918x1922, 4qzd85.jpg)

>they aren't getting off to their tif characters themselves because even tifs aren't attracted to other tifs kek.
They only get off with tif characters who look like moids with vaginas (>>2073335) because they're straight with extra step. And even if they are bi, they don't date each other.
Picrel is how they feel "fetichised “.

No. 2078806

File: 1737095747299.jpg (685.22 KB, 720x3241, 1000003256.jpg)

Kf did some digging and found some things. This is from an old GFM. Now you may be asking "why did you screenshot the text that someone put on a post, nonnie?" I did this because the person bolded some things of interest. Yeah.

No. 2078862

Yeah I used to work with disabled people and I could tell just from the video that she was probably capable of complex communication and that captions had probably been removed from the video to make it look worse. Obviously not advocating for troonery but the level of possible abuse occurring is being exaggerated.

No. 2078944

A gay guy showing support for a tif, I've genuinely never seen that before

No. 2078964

It’s definitely a thing. My mom would chastise me for not wearing makeup once I hit my teens. She’d tell me I look “unprofessional” (read:ugly) without it. But luckily I knew it was BS misogyny and ignored it. She stopped bringing it up once it was in my early 20s and it was clear enough that I wasn’t gonna play the game like that.

No. 2078966

Sometimes I think anons forget how hard a lot of gay normies have bought into the meme that trans people are ~le most oppressed group in America~. TRAs know exactly what language to use to manipulate gay people and gin up sympathy for their cause, using words like "disowned" and "conversion therapy," even though trannies are the ones who intentionally shut out their own families, and transition is itself used as conversion therapy. A lot of LGB people aren't really aware that what they're experiencing is forced teaming, because due to their own experiences with homophobia, they're sympathetic to anybody who claims to be marginalized and part of the ever-expanding bonus letters. I think once it comes to light (who knows how long that will take) that nearly an entire generation of homosexuals were chemically castrated as children because of the gender fad, gay normies will change their tune.

No. 2078972

It would be fine in that sense if she mixed it with some sort of anti septic and a preservative. Still gross tho. I doubt she has.

No. 2079000

File: 1737147226231.jpeg (487.93 KB, 1206x2317, A56B9927-9D9A-4E95-9EF0-926359…)

>describes her pregnancy as “#mpreg”
Child bound to grow up with new frontiers of early childhood trauma we cannot yet fathom

No. 2079005

If it's a girl you know she's going to troon it out

No. 2079033

Someone save that child before its mother sets it on a path to a early death

No. 2079038

>Bro Strider
Ofc. I thought we were done with this kek

No. 2079054

She's gonna name it after a Homestuck character, isn't she? In 20 years, that poor kid is going to write a fantastic memoir.

No. 2079111

Maybe we should go back to sterilizing the mentally ill

No. 2079140

I mean when it comes to TiMs that's basically what they're already doing kek

No. 2079149

File: 1737194812594.jpeg (687.93 KB, 1170x1622, IMG_6777.jpeg)

Troons need to leave my waifu alone! the mtf headcanons were bad enough! Plus aidens never have actual deep voices so Kermit the frog is probably a better comparison.

No. 2079159

Genuinely feel so bad for the child. A troon parent is not only delusional but also forces the delusions down their kids throats. In the near future, whenever her child would have any mental health struggles or puberty/body issues (especially if it's a girl, accepting and dealing with periods is tough), the tif would just recommend him/her to troon out because it's some 'miraculous cure for all problems' in her opinion. I hope her child would at least have a good support system outside of this shitty ass family.

No. 2079161

File: 1737198780832.jpg (301.33 KB, 1064x1745, 1000035553.jpg)

Her asking 'what prevents me from passing?' with hello kitty sticker filter all over her face made me cackle

No. 2079167

Two things can be bad at once anon. No one's saying that there aren't other types of terrible parents out there just because we're talking about troon parents in a tif thread to stay on topic, you're just fighting air kek.

No. 2079189

There has been an influx of tifs who can’t integrate white knighting and bitching about le trads and le terves in the gender ideology hate thread so if you see a suspiciously pro tranny post in any of the gender threads it’s best to just report it and not respond to it in any way

No. 2079214

File: 1737214747981.png (178.84 KB, 598x596, rwcOEV8.png)

>incredibly feminine woman

No. 2079223

yaoi and it's consequences

No. 2079248

yes? slightly bloggy but i used to be friends with a butch lesbian when i was a teenager, she never wore makeup, skirts or dresses, dressed in men's clothes and cut her hair short. her mother always scolded her for not being feminine enough, yelled at her, told her she's a disappointment, "you'll never find a husband if you keep acting this way". it would get especially bad when they had to go to some formal event.
it only stopped when someone outed my friend to her. she didn't troon out don't worry
in my experience tifs' (or trannies' in general) parents are often very neurotic about gender roles and tend to force their children into following them.(blogging)

No. 2079253

>her mother always scolded her for not being feminine enough, yelled at her, told her she's a disappointment, "you'll never find a husband if you keep acting this way".
Such psycho mothers sound like caricatures. Was you friend an American, by chance?

No. 2079255

nope eastern euro

No. 2079260

posting on a female imageboard isn't very masculine of you dood!

No. 2079261

>original anon says 'in my experience'
>this isn't true!
you are stupid

No. 2079264

you are non-brained

No. 2079267

Being non-binary isn't real. You're a female.

No. 2079280

Why are you dumbasses talking to the retard. Report her and stfu

No. 2079288

it's funny

No. 2079289

It’s not, all it does is shit up the thread.

No. 2079293

Does anyone remember Gehe/Geheichou? She was always an nlog tif and she trooned out, has chin pubes, had top surgery for real for real, yet in all her topless cosplays, she still shoops out or covers up the scars. She just randomly popped into my head and was thinking if there's any new milk about her, besides the usual of her crying and screeching when someone calls her out for being a tranny instead of kawaii uguu yaoi boi lmao

No. 2079311

I remember the shit that went down on PULL with her rival faketif cosplayer Knitemaya.

No. 2079482

Kek I remember her. She's one of those og fakebois who actually pretended to be biologically male until troonary became common and being a tif brought more attention on the internet from other terminally online retards. I hope there was more milk on her lately but from what I've seen, she's just still photoshoping herself to hell and back while acting no different from literal 15yo nlogs at the grownass age of 27. She's also allergic to the word man or adult, and can't stop referring to herself as a boy.

No. 2079489

Will she ever realise she’s talking about herself

No. 2079501

I have a lesbian friend who loves BL and also has a lot of ”gay” TIF friends, I wonder what happens when this thinking gets more foothold.

No. 2079513

Sadly, I missed out on that drama bc I was too pre-occupied with penus angelic and taylor r milk at the time…And archives only have crumbs of the content. I miss PULL…off topic ik, but what other image boards besides lolcow do you nonnas recommend for browsing similar things?(no1currs)

No. 2079517

It’s so ironic bc she’s the final boss of fetishizing gay men.

No. 2079518

>bad punk(?) haircut
>toothpaste flag
>anime posters
What are the chances she trooned out after reading yaoi kekkkk a stereotype of a stereotype, this almost feels like a comedy

No. 2079536

File: 1737306690129.jpg (244.38 KB, 720x1420, 20250119_181101.jpg)

kek wasnt sure which thread to post in

No. 2079542

kek the sped shoes

No. 2079551

File: 1737312109462.jpg (61.36 KB, 320x480, nick-nick-rhodes-5150549-320-4…)

I can't stand people who are trying to imitate 80s fashion but obviously use shitty fast fashion pieces for it. TIFs have the most awful sense of aesthetics

No. 2079575

There are a lot of extra chromosomes in this image

No. 2079577

She should follow her own advice

No. 2079588

The call is coming from inside the house kekk

No. 2079591

File: 1737318025692.jpeg (697.64 KB, 750x1176, IMG_4905.jpeg)

Awful to see a disabled woman mutilated like that.(repost)

No. 2079593

If I had the power ,I would have everyone who claims Sheila is a troon/uses her for troon shit fingers broken off

No. 2079594

But if I said certain people should be physically prevented from having vulnerable children,I’m in the wrong.Absolute clown world.

No. 2079596

Horrific wtf

No. 2079606

She got eugenic'd kek

No. 2079660

File: 1737336981711.png (153.31 KB, 1041x592, fdfdfsfsfds.png)

She has cerebral palsy and only her movement and muscle control are affected. Nothing is wrong with her mentally or cognitively, like >>2078862 said. But I wouldn't be surprised if her activist parents pressured her into this so they could exploit her. She was groomed into trooning out when she was 14.

No. 2079744

She's already posted it on her social media and started churning out the same old edits once AI became mainstream, there's some early photos with the actual phalloplasty showing and it's so misshapen and deformed.

No. 2080246

>What prevents me from passing?
Being female.
Photos you can smell

No. 2080499

File: 1737524163827.png (932.28 KB, 940x640, Screenshot 2025-01-21 at 9.34.…)

kalvin garrah is looking haggard recently

No. 2080502

She looks like my grandmother now kek.

No. 2080503

Did she stop taking testosterone? She hasn’t aged in the face which is a sign she stopped. She looks fatter so it’s hard to tell.

No. 2080506

to my knowledge she hasnt said one way or the other so I would assume shes still doing it(sage your shit)

No. 2080512

In my opinion, it looks like she completely stopped. She would far more haggard at this weight if she was.
KEK, she looks like she is going to make the most decadent mashed potatoes.

No. 2080519


I remember that he stopped years ago, but maybe I remember wrong. He deleted his videos from the past.(ban evasion)

No. 2080523

She's interviewing with this TIM and I'm not watching all of it, but my tinfoil is that she privately detransitioned because it wouldn't benefit her at all to go public with it.
What kind of testosterone was she taking anyway? She just looks like an overweight, haggardly woman from Illinois? Her voice seemed to go back to normal but it wasn't that deep on T anyway.

No. 2080598

File: 1737551302447.jpeg (520.1 KB, 1166x1966, tatz38Q.jpeg)

bridget lundy paine (actress from atypical) is now going by jack and her reasoning is so manic pixie fakeboi. i figured she’d eventually troon out bc she was getting groomed by the troon scene since she was really young.

No. 2080610

>Saman said use it in dangerous places.
Saman is trying to kill her KEK

No. 2080613

I feel like you only see this level of "my bloodline has done really cool and quirky things" type of bippie attention-seeking from people who haven't been involved in actual film, but I stand corrected. I guess it's just a retarded gendie thing.

No. 2080615

Nepo baby AND needed a groomer workshop to find her totally inherent identity

No. 2080639

File: 1737558379899.jpeg (359.29 KB, 1179x1908, YnYaODe.jpeg)


one of the groomers. she used to be a smiley tomboy type of girl and now she looks sedate and gloomy all the time. her career looked promising and now she is reduced to being in gender shit like “i saw the tv glow” made by a deranged troon.

No. 2080657

Why is that ugly old decrepit scrotoid her "muse"? Drugs are 100% involved.

No. 2080663

>that bowel surgery scar

No. 2080712

does anyone know what happened to that one half Japanese tif larping as a gay male friend she had?

No. 2080765

Kalvin said they were having a hard time getting it in Baltimore and then when they went to prison I assume they couldn’t get it

No. 2080794

When did Kalvin go to prison? She changed channels. Post proof nonnie.

No. 2080824

File: 1737584038772.jpg (4.44 KB, 225x225, 1000024004.jpg)

Saged for ot but I'm laughing my ass of at the thread pic. Wishing whoever made it a nice day and thanks for the keks

No. 2080879


No. 2080885

They said it in a stream that seems to be taken down which is good as kalvin and friends were pretty drunk, kalvin was done driving with a bag of coke whilst having a coke addiction, because America is corrupt and full of fentanyl they was done for possession of multi drugs, went to a women’s prison and shared a room with a Nazi. If it’s lost media, its lost media but the details around it are probably out there

No. 2080888

I can’t find proof now, the video was called killa cast live with kalvin’s 2 friends, they explain the jail in it

No. 2080916

File: 1737600294973.jpeg (213.31 KB, 728x728, CF5CD386-A0F8-4DFF-B339-E956D7…)

No. 2080917

File: 1737600324602.jpeg (187.03 KB, 828x1420, Picsew_20250122183755.jpeg)

This is the painfully cringe an unfunny he/him TIF nepo baby “comedian” niece of Paul Newman and daughter of SNLs Laraine Newman. I was watching an interview where she talks about how gay it is that her boyfriend wears makeup sometimes and how they are “both boys who wear makeup and kiss”

No. 2080919


Liver transplant scar

t. has one(sage your shit)

No. 2080922

Clip of her cringe comedy

No. 2080929

How is it good if you can’t provide prime milk?

No. 2080933

tifs always seem to manage to "pass" better than moids body wise. they can get that inverted triangle look but tims can't ever get an hour glass…why is that?

No. 2080934

If you can ignore the ear grating HSTS voice, here you go.

No. 2080938

They overall do a better job but there is a reason this video was taken in the dark, something a moid would never do btw

She likely looks hideous, and for the triangle look I think it's because if you absolutely load on upper body on a woman her naturally thin waist more easily shapes the bottom of the triangle.

No. 2080939

It’s a lot easier to build muscle mass for TIFs then to loose a male skeletal frame for TIMs. TIMs are stuck with wide shoulders and ribcages and small pelvises and there’s nothing they can do about it where as TIFs especially on testosterone can build muscle mass by working out which makes them look wider and more masculine. Most tifs are too low effort/don’t actually want to try actually looking masculine though

No. 2080942

Think of testosterone as a ruining/aging agent, or like an arrow of entropy. You can ruin something, but you can't unruin it. Virilization can be achieved but isn't reversible.

No. 2080947

Yeah that's a big part of it too, if she is achieving that muscle mass simply through workout good on her, but in reality she is probably on shitloads of testosterone and possibly even roids.

Her arms will look good but testosterone in doses HRT prescribes will absolutely destroy her face within a few years. It actually happens far quicker than moids which take sometimes decades, idk why it's so bad for women

No. 2080949

Testosterone is a roid, roid is short for steroid

No. 2080967

Wow, so boy with your little quirky farmer’s market-bought ragdoll cat. I remember watching Atypical just for her and the insincere gay plotline. For some reason I was convinced she was the only actually gay actor in the show wishful thinking, now I know she is the type of fakeboi to go to the deepest depths for male validation. >>2080639 You’re not a twink and his controversially old boyfriend, you look like a hostage victim.

No. 2080974

no gay man has that flag esp with anime posters, that flag is a womans flag

No. 2080979

I've yet to encounter (online or in person) an actual, dick-having, dick-sucking gay man who owns an item with the toothpaste flag on it. The tifs are the ones trying to make fetch happen with this ugly flag.

No. 2080983

Why do you keep they/them-ing her kek

No. 2080992

>It actually happens far quicker than moids which take sometimes decades, idk why it's so bad for women
I think the exact reason is unknown, but testosterone also raises TIFs' risk of heart disease way above the natal male level, so it might be due to the same effect. I've heard some researchers speculate it could be because the male body is adapted to having high levels of testosterone, so it can tolerate the effects a bit better, whereas the female body is supposed to have only minuscule levels naturally and can't tolerate high levels from artificial use.

No. 2080999

there has been research on female athletes from the eastern bloc and western female bodybuilders, even decades after stopping testosterone and steroids they suffered long term health issues, also children born to mothers who had taken steroids had higher rates of intellectual disabilities

No. 2081004

File: 1737625682736.jpg (66.18 KB, 720x680, Screenshot_20250123-104422_Tum…)

found on the tumblr of >>2081002 who got lost in the other thread

glad to see they admit they are just fetishizing gay moids!

No. 2081006

That's why I'm of the opinion that TIFs shouldn't be allowed to get pregnant. I dread to think what horrible negative effects the mother's use of testosterone has on the unborn female fetus. Intellectual disabilities are probably only one of the consequences. It's an almost deliberate poisoning of the fetus and yet you hear no doctors discuss much less question of ethics of such pregnancies.
Just think of all the things pregnant women aren't allowed to consume from certain types of food, to painkillers, to antidepressants. Yet cross-sex hormones? Sure, go ahead. And even if they get off them shortly before/after they get pregnant, I would bet good money that the negative effects on the fetus are still there. Fuck the establishment for being quiet on that issue.

No. 2081015

File: 1737631253066.jpg (81.48 KB, 640x640, 9ce5449483ecff08bde18ffc26055d…)

Wow, this is the first one to really affect me. I had the biggest crush on her in Atypical. What happened to just being proud of rejecting social standards & femininity? Troonism truly destroyed counter culture.

No. 2081028

I mean I’m just saying what I remember, if everyone is so interested in kalvin they should have watched the livestreams that were up for like a year and full of milk

No. 2081033

I’d use they them for any Troon, it doesn’t erase anyone’s sex based rights but doesn’t purposefully antagonise them. On the whole I think the pronoun debate is the lowest strain of trans and anti trans activism given sex based pronouns don’t even exist in most of the world and aren’t fully necessary- kalvin seems like a nice enough person who wants to get on with life

No. 2081059

But it's a lie though.

No. 2081070

>doesn’t purposefully antagonise them
They get so pissed off when you use they/them when they have other pronouns stated though.

No. 2081086

>doesn’t purposefully antagonise them
Kek how is referring to women with female pronouns 'purposefully antagonising' them? All these mental gymnastics over something so small and stupid.

No. 2081089

>doesn't want the troons to feel bad so uses they/them
>while participating on a forum dedicated to making fun of troons
Make it make sense

No. 2081098

Is the troon you’re trying not to antagonize in the room with you right now?

Honestly that’s my biggest issue with “preferred pronouns” - it boils down to crazy people attempting to police your speech and control the way you think of them even when they’re not in the same room with you.

No. 2081112

If you were on mainstream social media or in real life, I guess this logic would make sense (though as another anon mentioned, a lot of troons still consider they/them "misgendering.") But it really isn't necessary here. We know that Garrah is female, so "she" is what we use.

No. 2081363

>unborn female fetus
Absolutely based

No. 2081489

File: 1737727544994.jpg (2.07 MB, 1920x1920, PhotoCollage_20250124_09000066…)

At first glance I genuinely thought this was that awkward Taji guy from Vice all roided out until I saw the tit chop scars kek

No. 2081518

File: 1737736245283.jpeg (271.88 KB, 2048x1472, IMG_0947.jpeg)

But when I point it out I get called transphobic(if it's not about a cow it goes in the gender ideology hate thread)

No. 2081519

File: 1737736433849.jpeg (130.47 KB, 1170x446, IMG_0948.jpeg)

You think too much about yourself

No. 2081520

I feel like part of the reason they're doing this is so they don't have to feel guilty about liking/relating to the song kek

No. 2081521

File: 1737736472033.jpeg (91.34 KB, 1170x369, IMG_0949.jpeg)

Navel-gazing core

No. 2081522

File: 1737736651194.jpeg (377.96 KB, 1170x1963, IMG_0950.jpeg)

No. 2081552

File: 1737741646764.png (4.39 MB, 1206x2095, postop.png)

>male plastic surgeon takes photos with all these little doods post-top surgery, highlighting their female statures
He didn’t have to do them like that… kek

No. 2081554

This faggot chops women's tits off and slices off their arm flesh like kebab meat to make a frankendick that's guaranteed to fall off within a week. You really think him standing next to them to show how small and weak women are isn't just the final part of the entire humiliation ritual?

No. 2081561

Wild these girls openly admit they trooned out because of yaoi (and so they wouldn't have to be icky straight girls).

No. 2081621

That’s insane. I’m sorry that happened to you nonas and sorry for assuming that everyone’s family was as relaxed as mine

No. 2081625

I thought the two cut off pics at the very top left were thirsttraps from the doc himself inbetween all these aidens KEKKK looked it up and was disappointed, would had been hilarious

No. 2081626

That’s why I call it the fujoshi flag

No. 2081644

File: 1737757352351.jpg (114.65 KB, 720x1167, Screenshot_2025-01-22-15-30-35…)

She's back.

No. 2081695

Bottom right kinda looks like Jesse Singal if he were a TiF

No. 2081696

I gotta say, I like her parents' cabinetry. It looks nice with the black countertop. Not fond of the black crown moulding though.

No. 2081743

Her plastic wig and 100% polyester outifts are so annoying

No. 2081756

>a anachan and a tif
wow a two in one mental illness deal! i cant even call this cow kek worthy shes just fucking pathetic sending her coomer fans to harass little girls and then to dfe when her real face got leaked kek

No. 2081781

>medieval times
triggered my autism something fierce. also in 1600s terms she looks like a rosy cheeked fat peasant milkmaid who dies in childbirth at age 28, she couldnt even pass as the most lily-livered, estrogenised, paunchy, pathetic, inbred nobleman…
her navel is creepy as hell

No. 2081843

File: 1737815554219.jpg (107.64 KB, 718x1259, Screenshot_2024-12-05-20-50-04…)


No. 2081851

Wtf is that on the crotch? A packer? Looks like a cancerous growth or something

No. 2081852

Probably stuffing to make it look like she has a penis but it looks like a diaper honestly

No. 2081855

When the period is heavy so you use up the entire box of pads

No. 2081857

File: 1737819147652.jpg (345.59 KB, 758x1289, 1000004811.jpg)

finally realized who she's skinwalking

No. 2081887

File: 1737825334822.jpg (81.2 KB, 720x1099, Screenshot_2025-01-25-15-45-05…)

Well well… Did she finally decided to be honest about her actual sex? I remember her larping as biological male, and telling everyone she is wearing fake tits.
(Literally larping as AGP kek)

And now she's obviously giving everyone a hint shes tif..
God imagine being so fking retarded.

No. 2081888

File: 1737825485501.jpg (93.54 KB, 720x1090, Screenshot_2025-01-25-16-28-14…)

Is this a tif or just weirdly fat moid?

No. 2081890

What the actual fuck, why is her entire pussy out

No. 2081891

File: 1737825608097.jpg (91.44 KB, 720x1097, Screenshot_2025-01-25-16-35-33…)

They have male looking nips and no too surgery,so I'm confused. Could be photoshop though.

No. 2081892

It always strikes me that these tif fem"boys" have the worst and cheapest fashion sense ever. But they don't want to try, or develop a personal style, they want to use the cheat code of insisting they're a boy, so faceblind handmaidens and horny scrotes will praise them for the bare minimum.

No. 2081893

>male looking nips
There are no nips in the pic

No. 2081894

File: 1737825774200.jpg (62.28 KB, 720x1025, Screenshot_2025-01-25-16-31-19…)

I've seen it on other pics, I don't have those right now.

This is how they look like without make up.

No. 2081895

File: 1737826018479.jpg (81.54 KB, 720x1175, Screenshot_2025-01-25-16-34-07…)

>so faceblind handmaidens and horny scrotes will praise them for the bare minimum.

Handmaidens only like extremely ugly looking troons, doubt they would praise some 18 year old tif who basically look more feminine than them. It's horny scrotes 99.99% of time.

No. 2081897

File: 1737826079003.jpg (60.46 KB, 720x1073, Screenshot_2025-01-25-16-31-10…)

No. 2081899

File: 1737826217537.png (93.69 KB, 727x288, 122300.png)

Bibblekitty is obviously a tif
She doesnt even try to look male, she has a "femboy" onlyfans. So weird and all the comments on her tiktoks think she's a biological male?

No. 2081903

Have you ever seen a woman before? She's clearly not a male.

No. 2081907

File: 1737828303979.jpg (80.42 KB, 720x951, Screenshot_2025-01-25-16-29-39…)

The reason why I'm doubting are nips. Their nips look male, they don't have top surgery. If I found that pics I will post.

No. 2081908

Well you're gonna have to post the nips for anyone to believe you or care.

No. 2081912

post nips or gtfo stop spamming random milkless tiktok screenshots

No. 2081950

File: 1737836282127.jpg (Spoiler Image,446.38 KB, 720x1229, Screenshot_2025-01-25-21-13-31…)

She does have the tit chop scars though.

No. 2081960

File: 1737837758242.png (246.24 KB, 994x1002, Screenshot 2025-01-25 at 2.35.…)

munchie tif's biggest pots concern is misgendering

No. 2081961

File: 1737838293067.jpg (98.31 KB, 720x1232, Screenshot_2025-01-25-16-36-34…)

Ah yes, knew it. She edited other pics.(this pic spam wasn't milky sage it next time)

No. 2081977

They have been whining about this for years. It's insane how they have failed to realize that the fact some medical disorders affect women vastly more than men is exactly why it's retarded and dangerous to act as if a person's sex is immaterial. Idk how to be nice to these people when what they're saying boils down to, "could you please deny reality and science to make me feel more comfortable?" Especially when medical misogyny is a huge part of why POTS isn't taken seriously and takes nearly a decade to diagnose on average.

No. 2081980

File: 1737840850647.png (400.08 KB, 408x612, UzpMjXx.png)

another 'passing' transman, looking disproportionate asf standing next to a real man(sage your shit/take it to the gender ideology hate thread )

No. 2082011

Tifs not trying to make everything about themselves challenge

No. 2082064

They look pretty but I personally really dislike having white cabinets with indented details because gunk and stains build up in them and they're impossible to get 100% clean.

No. 2082066

File: 1737858114945.jpeg (273.84 KB, 1416x1060, 1BA580D3-C606-4BF8-93C9-F8AD2F…)

>wife beating moid brings two year old to hospital with sepsis and multiple severe head injuries
>at trial his defense admits he shook her death
>gets sentenced to death
>20 years later TIFs fight for him to be let off the hook because he’s “one of our own” (dubiously diagnosed autist)
Bonus pic of the TIF who posted this looking totally masculine u guyz

No. 2082068

What???? Why are they defending him??? I literally do not get it. Is this a popular trend?

No. 2082075

File: 1737860177291.jpeg (271.54 KB, 750x727, 8895232C-6FBF-4672-A0BF-580FFE…)

This was months ago that people were petitioning for him but basically they said he was viewed as a suspect because he didn’t show distress or sadness when bringing the toddler to the hospital or finding out she died of her injuries. Years later he got diagnosed with autism so these tiktautists argue he was convicted based on ableism and the “junk science” that is shaken baby syndrome (seriously, see picrel).

Defending a baby killer bc “we autistic men have to support eachother we have it sooo hard” may be some of the worst handmaidenry I’ve seen

No. 2082121

why cant she be like the other retarded killer pickmes why does she has to be a more retarded killer pickme? i hope the mother of the child he killed never sees this,i cant imagine how'd she feel. fucking vile

No. 2082122

I like it, it gives a nice contrast.

No. 2082156

A lot of wokies think violent criminals are the ultimate victims. I don't get it either.

No. 2082170

one of the most reliable ways of detecting pedophiles is interest in restorative justice or prison abolition

No. 2082276

Love that Lolcow is accessible for blind people

No. 2082278

This is so true. Men who empathize with other men and claim its "unnecessary cruelty" to have offending rapists, molesters, murderers locked away are so suspect.(sage your shit)

No. 2082279

noo luigi prison(off-topic/sage your shit)

No. 2082356

Ugh, I hate this look the most because it's literally lifted from the tim pronoun pipeline meme that haunts my feed. Godawful pandering.

No. 2082470

File: 1737947106615.jpg (731.36 KB, 1080x1336, jdksk.jpg)

most prolific "femboys" on social media and whom get 99% of traffic at this point are literally all tifs. strawbabyboy, milkyray, dokyato and this one. all tifs. i honestly don't even mind though because i've seen tims getting incredibly asshurt in their comments and it's funny as fuck, they're actually making them contemplate roping. snake eating its own tail.
the weirdest thing though is just how few people seem to realize they're female, how retarded actually are moids? it's scary to think these people are walking among us
anyway look at the airbrushing in this picture KEK she can't be serious

No. 2082484

File: 1737951100074.png (197.17 KB, 460x595, 1724427764203.png)

apparently, it's a whole market in asia, but the women involved aren't tifs. It's just much easier for a girl, regardless of her body type, to be a "femboy"
>the weirdest thing though is just how few people seem to realize they're female, how retarded actually are moids? it's scary to think these people are walking among us
what do you expect from porn addicted gay pedophiles

No. 2082485

>when you're an effeminate faggot man who thinks he's a woman and you think you're a better woman than women but women are better effeminate faggot men who think they're women than you

No. 2082492

File: 1737955227646.png (1.86 MB, 2312x2628, F9EF389E-665F-48C7-9FD7-905AD4…)

>"men trapped in women's bodies"
>need to mimic behavior that comes naturally to men in order to not be seen as women

No. 2082495

I am imagining them going out of their way but still having petite womanly frames you can sus out from a distance.

No. 2082530

File: 1737972891027.png (152.94 KB, 1359x722, ywSIK5o.png)

No. 2082556

This is one of the most pathetic things I've ever read. She should try ropemaxx instead(a-logging)

No. 2082559

She's NLOG, but she's going slumming so that she can use us to provide her with companionship. A walking, talking blob of personality disorders stuffed into a hoodie.

No. 2082569

She sounds like blowjob chan kek. But if women are so inferior and abusive why does she desire their companionship?

No. 2082580

>lived experiences made me a misogynist
Ma'am men rape children to death every day. I know this is low but I hope she's victimized by a male and wakes up to reality.(a-logging)

No. 2082593

So gender affirming

No. 2082594

she'll probably blame a woman for not preventing it, or for "making" him

No. 2082606

KEK she trooned out because of kpop out of all things?

No. 2082621

What song?

No. 2082625

ok but why tho? it's not like we dont know what gender Kalvin actually is. she's female, no need to be vague and use neutral ones. you're on lc not youtube or tiktok.

No. 2082634

why is it even remotely "transphobic" to suggest that a lot of "dysphoric symptoms" would be solved by not being deeply immersed in a subculture of other retards with arrested development who rot their brains with literal incel buzzwords and hormones
>i HATE women
>but i still want female companionship and comfort
>because being with male trannies makes me want to blow my brains out
>but ugly bitchy hag they/thems would never let me criticize them and they bully me for being edgy
>women won't make fun of me for "detransing" but the other cultists will cast me out so i have no other choice
of course. and I would bet good money on this sped hate browsing lolcow too and terfmaxxing instead of improvingherlifeandbeinglessretardedmaxxing and cuttingoffyourinternetconnectionmaxxing

No. 2082643

File: 1738006005891.png (670.01 KB, 596x830, Screenshot 2025-01-27 at 14.25…)

niece of paul newman?? that's so sad he was so hot

No. 2082706

Wtf you are evil

No. 2082710

I couldn't help but seeing how radfems in Korean learned that westerns women are changing their bodies thanks by a quite abusive thing like kpop companies and cultural differences. Another reason why Kpop is not something that you have to support.

No. 2082715

>retarded tif claims she 'became' misogynist due to her 'lived experiences'
>anon proceeds to reply with "I hope she's victimized by a male and wakes up to reality"
I hate her as much as one possibly could, but this isn't helping. You're genuinely weird and adding that 'I know this is low' as an attempt to appear self-aware is a flimsy defence for what you wish happens to her. She's trash and does need to see the reality instead of sinking deeper into her delusions, but the only one who'll benefit from violence against a woman is the moid who's committing it. This would help neither her nor other women.

No. 2082718

Kpopbrainrot is honestly a whole new can of worms. I've seen terminally online girls troon out because of their kpop moids, but I've also seen the rise of 'rcta/transracial' which is genuinely funny to me because they use the exact same excuses as troons to claim they're valid and troons still get mad at them like the hypocrites they are kek. It's peak clown on clown violence.

No. 2082729

Before kpop it was jrock

No. 2082734

Mana still has a chokehold on tifs. Any feminine male does tbh, since tifs are nlogs who want to be praised for being feminine the way men are. Now I think about it though they don't act this way to James Charles, I wonder what the criteria is.

No. 2082745

okay honestly wtf is “terfmaxxxing” even supposed to be. If she thinks females are inherently the lesser sex she fundamentally disagrees with even the most UNradical radfem sooooo what is the point lol

No. 2082810

that thing isn't a woman

No. 2082819

>I wonder what the criteria is.
probably being an asian pretty boy. and being straight too, they don't do this to jc because he's an actual homosexual.(sage your shit)

No. 2082904

File: 1738078120152.mp4 (1.31 MB, 576x1024, Snapinst.app_video_AQPmF2FRP7C…)

>Draws herself as a Great Value's version of Deku

No. 2082928

File: 1738084809158.jpg (Spoiler Image,1005.19 KB, 1440x1999, 1000087845.jpg)

both of these tifs are raging bpd-tards. i'm shocked people aren't ashamed when they look like this

No. 2082937

Go back. You sound no different from troons if you think someone butchering themselves and shooting cross sex hormones changes their actual gender. Even the most misogynist, pathetic, t-lathered tif is a woman, she's just a retarded one. Wishing she gets victimised by a male doesn't suddenly become a good thing just because you view her as a object.

No. 2082963

I wonder why so many of the ones who look like this choose not to keep their nipples

No. 2082968

Most of the time these butchering surgeries remove the nerves around the nipple, so it ends looking like an useless pepperoni slice. That explains why most tif "seahorse fathers" whine about not having the chance to nurse their kid.

No. 2083000

The abhorrent impulsive tattoos,it's like a never check ending check box with these women(sage your shit)

No. 2083007

I think I'm okay with this one TiF-ing out if the alternative is having to deal with her misogynistic ass in GC communities. Go circlejerk with troons, they love denigrating women.

No. 2083026

Genuinely how the fuck are these TIFs getting knocked up anyway? I assumed the testosterone would have completely shrivelled up their uteruses, most of them don't even get periods.

No. 2083037

Again with the obsession with anime/cartoons/video games. These people become so obsessed with it that they lose touch with reality and make these things their personality and identity.

No. 2083052

because over half of women already have an inverted triangle/rectangular shaped body and if you give them a tit chop and testosterone they'll pass as manlets and puny males especially to people who have no idea about transgenderism and especially on the internet. If you were to meet most of these TIFs in person and you saw them in motion they wouldn't pass neatly as well.
Scrotes are almost always big ugly ogres to a much higher degree than any woman ever could be on or off testosterone.

No. 2083087

it's either because they'll look bad or they associate nipples with unwarranted sexual attention. Some girls are also so stupidly obsessed with anime/manga they think having no nipples is better

No. 2083109

This is the first time I've seen a TIF (the girl on the right) with that kind of scar, I wonder if she ask her doctor to do that.
Kek. No, nipple-preserving surgeries are supposed to be more expensive and also have a high probability of the nipple falling off, it is not as deep.(sage your shit)

No. 2083121

>I assumed the testosterone would have completely shrivelled up their uteruses
That's what they think, too, so they don't use prophylactics. But even women with irregular and infrequent periods can conceive. It bothers me more that they carry these poor little roided-up homunculi to term.

No. 2083124

I bet they both think they're winning Trans over the other one

No. 2083127

Self hatred so deep that in order to troon out you feel you need to belong to a group of people that hate you? I'm angry and sad in equal parts, you can just stop this all girl

No. 2083162

>whiteknighting a vile pickme
No u(infighting)

No. 2083164

I feel bad for the babies. I can't imagine that T is good for gestation or that having a mom who can't breastfeed because she cut her nipples off leads to healthy outcomes.

No. 2083177

>It bothers me more that they carry these poor little roided-up homunculi to term.
they probably carry them to term to climb up the social ladder within their circles and e-beg or at least say the whole ''support a pots affected autistic asexual trans-masculine, sex-worker artist dad with a disabled son''

No. 2083186

File: 1738137393533.jpg (181.97 KB, 708x581, Screenshot_20250129_085503_Chr…)

No. 2083187

File: 1738137446930.jpg (172.93 KB, 1080x1440, pass-no-pass-v0-zvoirs6vrtce1.…)

>the TIF in question

No. 2083246

Kek unclench right now for your own sake. Your illiteracy is showing. I never claimed that she's not vile, in fact always said the opposite, and even your obvious newfag ass knows that I'm not whiteknighting her but you'd rather use it anyways so you can direct all the attention away from the fact that you wished for a woman to get victimised by a moid. Even the most retarded woman on this planet doesn't deserve abuse, assault or rape, you're not any different from a 'vile pickme' if you gain pleasure at the thought of that. The tif can go and fuck off into a ditch, it's just that you also belong there with her. This will be my last reply to you because it's going into the derailing territory at this point and definitely getting red texted, but I hope you either learn to stop sucking up to moids by viewing their violence as the best type of 'solution' for misogynist women or just grow up because you sound fucking underage.(infighting)

No. 2083261

Drawing yourself as a yaoi boy during anime club in the 2000s except it's 2025 and doctors are willing to chop your tits off for big $$$ and you can larp as a mpreg yaoi boy irl. I blame capitalism, money has become the most valuable thing in the world over science, morality, kindness.

No. 2083275

She transitioned into a Sopranos character KEK

No. 2083289

>ayy im trooning ova here!

No. 2083296

- Paulie Nonuts

No. 2083318

6 months on T make her look so old and ugly ew why would anyone take that(sage your shit)

No. 2083339

shouldve been paula notits

No. 2083364

Kek but that’s her deadname nona!

No. 2083390

She looks like she's pushing 50, it's rough

No. 2083431

kek nonnas.

She kind of has a similar look to that ugly tif loki cosplayer from /pt/. Testosterone is poison.

No. 2083447

File: 1738188855366.jpg (5.56 KB, 187x269, oldman.jpg)

It's giving those old man SFX latex masks

No. 2083508

File: 1738198900264.jpg (182.44 KB, 720x1202, 567557999.jpg)

Average TIF, obsessed with anime guys, weird name and femenine presenting.

No. 2083593

Women like this irritate me so bad. The ones I currently know always throw tantrums about the slightest most meaningless shit, you have to step on eggshells around them and they seem upset I am comfortable in my womanhood and don't want to go by anything but she/her kek. They've marked me as "meanie homophobic cishet" because I don't like their yaoi ship. One also tormented my mother at work, got upset over a normal ass email, and said "I don't feel safe around you" to my mother who is a 55 year old and very nonthreatening woman who did nothing bad to this chick at all. Even helped her get tickets for an event and counseled her. Then when my mother eventually quit she, according to some others working there, had a panic from the workload my mother previously handled lmao. When will we be free of tif morons(sage your shit)

No. 2083832

no offense but i see 0 point in surgeries like this, not only can they cause health issues but it looks nothing like a man's chest? huge fleshy purple scars and no nipples with zero pecs? even if they looked normal otherwise they would not be able to do plenty of things (like go swimming) without being clocked as a mentally ill freakshow before being even considered a man. i seriously don't get it, if having no fucking nipples and throbbing scars affirms you that's a sign that you should get immediate help wtf why do doctors allow this

No. 2083887

File: 1738279345339.png (2.65 MB, 1046x1587, somanlyuwu.png)

Ads about gender gp on instagram…thoughts?
I like how the girl in the pic hits all the tif bingo scores.

No. 2083891

>Glow up
More like glow down. Good on them for picking the most dead eyed TIF to really sell how fun it is kekk

No. 2083894

Genuinely evil that ig allows advertisers to do this

No. 2083909

File: 1738283361762.jpeg (861.19 KB, 828x1540, IMG_7419.jpeg)

wack that they're still allowed to operate considering their history. also both founders lost their medical license

No. 2083939

New black mirror episode just dropped.

No. 2083958

I hope it's a "I can't believe it's not estrogen" situation and the pills are actually placebo or are straight up counterproductive to pooners.

No. 2084031

File: 1738324278952.jpg (1.43 MB, 2048x1589, 1000022718.jpg)

kek, the only thing that changed is her hair length
They think they're revolutionary but they're so old fashioned actually

>Short hair means boy and long hair means girl!!

No. 2084045

File: 1738332035771.png (350.93 KB, 888x422, IMG_7452.png)

excuse you she also got a new necktie.
troon logic always, always comes down to picrel.

No. 2084166

Please don't forget the one hairbow now instead of two, like every real boy wears!

No. 2084212

File: 1738367412620.png (762.53 KB, 1080x1504, manlysong.png)

Checked out this account on insta, it's 3 totes manly man (spoiler: 3 tifs, duh) band who somehow sold out of tickets for their show
This is one of the songs they'll play

No. 2084216

>who somehow sold out of tickets for their show
These girls are about to have the smelliest show in the history of humanity. A bunch of troons in a room can make anyone pass out.

No. 2084234

Everything about this picture is painfully girly, from the amount of text, to the handwriting, all the way to the little doodles. I can't put my finger on it but it has such a distinctly feminine je ne sais quoi.

No. 2084235

File: 1738371260354.png (4.02 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_4074.png)

Tif? Enby? I found on TikTok. Genuinely gave me a scare. Why??

No. 2084240

File: 1738371803375.jpg (231.81 KB, 1080x1361, Screenshot_20250131-165822_Tum…)

No. 2084243

File: 1738372036344.jpeg (500.59 KB, 1170x1128, 3D1173CB-2202-4935-AE34-E7D77F…)

what the fuck

No. 2084246

eraserhead radiator lady trooned out

No. 2084249

God imagine being this far gone in porn brainrot. How can somebody really think ah yes THIS is liberation of myself from the system that wants to abuse me as a woman? Youve never been more abused by the system than this

No. 2084267

I think is a non binary TIF kek. I wonder how's possible that people like her have the courage to post their faces online.

No. 2084268

Kek the amount male characters behind her on the wall

No. 2084279

Wonder if she has underboob hair. Must be itchy as fuck.

No. 2084281

Why does she look like an ugly baby in a wig

No. 2084284

Chest hair on breasts always repulses me on such a visceral level. My heart goes out to non-TiF women who end up with it due to congenital conditions and such.

Just thinking about this made my skin crawl.

No. 2084303

File: 1738384821662.jpg (305.3 KB, 2102x1616, 1000036199.jpg)

Anyone remembers that one tif who apparently got surgery to look asian? I remember seeing her pop up in the past, but I can't recall her name and I'm wondering how badly her 'surgery' (I kind of think it's actually just a mask) aged or if she's still doing this shit kek. I sometimes keep up with the 'transracial' drama for fun and have noticed that majority of them tend to be tifs who want to be either korean because of kpop and kdrama, japanese because of anime and yaoi, or chinese because of danmei and cdrama, so this particular tif feels like the rcta version of Lou Sullivan.

No. 2084307

File: 1738388056397.jpeg (238.54 KB, 945x1626, IMG_1076.jpeg)

Kek a woman with a beard and inflatable sausage isn’t a danger to me.

No. 2084311

You are 5'3" and can't make a phone call, Aiden.

No. 2084313

Women have a deep, visceral fear that men will impregnate us. That's the root of our differences and justification for women's oppression. She'll never be a threat like that.

No. 2084316

This falls so flat when you learn anything about how nonfunctional and grotesque phalloplasty results are. They're called rotdogs for a reason!

No. 2084318

at least she's adopting the rapeape mindset of moids pretty well so that she can really give off that authentic disgusting scrote experience!

No. 2084319

>I got that 7 incher that'll never go soft
Because it can't get hard to begin with. It stays flabby.

No. 2084321

She's trying to 'threaten' like she won't break into tears and run out of the bathroom if someone she/her'ed her there.

No. 2084327

The fuck, she looked fine before surgery. Now she looks like she survived an acid attack. The fuck kind of greedy maniac would agree to perform this procedure?

No. 2084361

File: 1738410837508.gif (12.6 KB, 220x232, TRANSDOWNSYNDROME (KOREAN VERS…)

KEK!! Oh my god! Like… Holy fuck, nona!! All that surgery to look like she has Down's syndrome (Korea's Version)!?(unintegrated)

No. 2084404

the middle-aged receptionist in every office who's been there for 20 years and calls everyone honey…as threatening as granny's doilies

No. 2084432

jeez it looks like she's wearing someone else's face as a mask. female to skinwalker

No. 2084442

File: 1738430339461.jpg (124.74 KB, 1080x1004, Screenshot_20250131_223420_Tik…)

>inb4 none of these are men nor gay

No. 2084445

>gacha character icon
>FOTM animated show icon
Yeah, no. None of them are either.

No. 2084508

File: 1738446749097.jpeg (Spoiler Image,143.59 KB, 949x1280, F7EE465E-5A6B-4CB4-8D36-D31301…)

I’m sorry about this but Jesus fuck

No. 2084510

File: 1738447263975.jpg (341.17 KB, 2026x2048, Statue.jpg)

what the actual fuck is even happening in that photo. like imagine having that thing sitting in between your legs for three whole years. i thought these sick people at least did a little bit of research on good places to get frankendicks sewn on before they just agree to get their genitals absolutely butchered beyond repair.

No. 2084513

Now thumb the necrotic flesh lump into your pussy bigots!

No. 2084514

Mindlessly hovered over and now I'm melting. That's straight butchery. It doesn't even look like they were trying to create anything, they just hacked her open then stapled her together with no rhyme or reason.

No. 2084519

Im not saying phallo surgeries are ethical in any kind of way even when done "right", but you would think these surgeons wouldnt try surgeries they clearly have no fucking idea how to do. I mean even for phallo this is just disgustingly bad, at least the frankenstein doctors in thailand and the US can give you a limp arm-meat sausage, this just straight up looks like a bomb exploded

No. 2084530

They must really not gaf and hope the patient dies, bc I'm pretty sure even I could close a wound better with my limited sewing skills

No. 2084539

this made me throw up

No. 2084572

Normally I’d have less sympathy for a fucked up voluntary surgery, but this is sickening and should not be unspoilered by the faint of heart. Nobody deserves this, it looks like a cannonball tore through her pelvis. Is this not considered malpractice?

No. 2084613

And you guys expect me to blame the individual and not the doctors who butcher all these people? This is medical abuse and experimentation.

No. 2084614

It isn't surgery it's a cloud atlas prosthetic KEK

No. 2084621

File: 1738471618888.png (152.18 KB, 1504x719, Screenshot 2025-02-01 214620.p…)


No. 2084627

why do trannies always act like people go to public restrooms to have crazy sex and not just, like, pee

No. 2084649

Kek tifs worst enemies are tims and they absolutely refuse to see it. Your trans "sisters" hate you, girlie

No. 2084654

Who's stopping her from making a trannytok bookclub or whatever. Take some initiative and stop expecting everyone to bend over backwards for you and your feefees

No. 2084658

> i thought these sick people at least did a little bit of research on good places to get frankendicks sewn on before they just agree to get their genitals absolutely butchered beyond repair.
in finland you cannot go to anywhere else basically unless you go abroad and pay the surgery yourself. if you want your surgery to be covered, then there is just one place you can go and get it done.

No. 2084659

They're copying this mtf tiktok/reel trend where they go "your husband will be glad to see me fixing my makeup next to him, cos you want me in the male bathroom" like the faggot pick me males they are. Because mtfs get all the attention, all tifs can do is ride the coattails of their trends. Like the stupid ikea shark

No. 2084698

Nobody on the planet, not even parents freaked out by that Tennessee school shooting, hate tifs as much as tims do. You can go on tumblr and watch tifs get peaked in real time by disgusting scrotes trespassing on what the tifs recognize as their sacred female homeland and telling them they have male privilege and to stfu and take their raping.

No. 2084731

TIMs will say that they are retarded TME AFABs, will call them slurs and silence them, but those very same TIFs will continue praising girldick kekk.

No. 2084732

Even I can do a better job damn kek. At that point you’d rather just get your bits mangled by a pit bull, the results would be the same.

No. 2084733

She looks like a cute grandma kek

No. 2084749

she's probably referring to a strap on. most trannies don't get the genital surgeries because even they understand that it's grotesque medical malpractice

No. 2084761

File: 1738509983040.jpg (144.63 KB, 1242x699, tumblr_9ea6ca5b0f6ae03d6254d30…)


No. 2084785

File: 1738514660103.jpg (16.38 KB, 300x300, 1000000506.jpg)

I wish I could find the years-old screenshot, but she was literally buying these thin, silicone prosthetic sfx pieces like the ones used in cloud atlas and gluing them between her eyes. It looked like one long continuous piece that covered the nose and then blended over the eyelids. I'm trying to see if I can find the old listing with Google terms but it's difficult, I'm assuming they've long since been removed because of how offensive they were

No. 2084787

Oh my god, I’m actually so relieved it’s not real. Sometimes I see her freaky acid attack face when I close my eyes, like a trauma flashback.

No. 2084828

Honestly that first reply is a little based. Any time a fag cries about how women talk about them, that should be the default response (not that TiFs are actual fags, but I digress). If they can call us bitches, cunts, and fishes, we should be allowed to call them faggots and fudgepackers.

No. 2084849

Knew a tif in real life (yeah it wasnt pleasant) and she said even after 2 years of her surgery she had almost zero sensations in her nipples. She chose to keep the nipples but her feeling in them had not returned yet and the whole area was numb. So im guessing thats why so many choose to just have them removed

No. 2084899

File: 1738537346929.mp4 (4.39 MB, 480x854, riI7mpW.mp4)

hopefully she detransitions

No. 2084906

..how does she have that much facial hair but still sound like a 10 yr old girl?

No. 2084912

File: 1738539110730.jpg (193.3 KB, 459x707, 1000003220.jpg)

Transition goal

No. 2084920

cute lady
nipples are feminine
it's not about having male chest, it's about eliminating female characteristics

No. 2084921

maybe she get raped by other women? or maybe other women enjoy women getting raped and she doesn't want to be part of it?
if i was raped by men i would hate women more(derailing)

No. 2084940

>Hail reason always
Meanwhile she adheres to the most nonsensical faith based ideology since religion was invented. Reason would dictate that women are people with XX chromosomes, men are people with XY chromosomes, and those with a different chromosomal makeup fall into one of the very well documented genetic conditions and are exceptions that don't invalidate the rule.

No. 2084942

Because they're porn brained and because they're the ones who are allowed to pee in peace, not women or men trying to use a public restroom without a crazy person speaking to a smartphone.

No. 2084945

For a second I thought that Ticsandroses theythem returned to Tiktok.

No. 2084971

File: 1738550717694.jpg (582.13 KB, 1201x2047, IMG_20250202_234130.jpg)

Fujo vs TIF fight aside, is funny how gay moids only complain about being fetichized when women are doing it to them, but Tifs are the louder even if no one care about them.

No. 2085007

File: 1738561912643.png (158.11 KB, 778x1745, doodinatie.png)

This woman is every TiF trope heaped onto one person. In her post history, I found:
>A history of self-destructive sexual behavior, claims to be a "sex addict"
>Unknowingly spreading STDs
>Crying about how she's being "fetishized by le evil fujoshis" (no you aren't)
>Claims to be autistic
I swear, it's like these straight TiFs are made in a factory somewhere.

No. 2085021

The thing is, Finland is one of the places where the quality of this type of surgeries is pretty decent, because the system is so controlled and some Quack McButcher can't start up his own private clinic at will. It's just that frankendick surgery has something like 50% complication rate for large complications and nearly 100% for small ones. Even the best surgeons in the world would have fuck ups because the surgery itself is such a retarded, risky procedure, especially when they start messing with the urethra.

No. 2085032

How much you wanna bet pinkpuppymilk is a teenage girl and not a "gay man"

No. 2085046

The Duck from Chicken Little trooned out?!

No. 2085057

Kek I'd bet my life savings on it! I think @pinkpuppymilk is the person in the selfie (posted to mock her) and that is not a man.

No. 2085077

She is. That's why people claimed no one is fetishing her as gay man because she's not.

No. 2085078

>"I don't wear condoms because my boyfriend had a vasectomy".
Someone failed on sex ed 101.

No. 2085113

It's pretty rare for actual gay moids to give a rat's ass about slash or yaoi. I just assume any self described "man" who bitches about it is a TiF until proven otherwise.

No. 2085138

She passes as a rat.

No. 2085227

Pot meet the kettle. Ask her why she transitioned and yaoi will always be there somewhere.

No. 2085314

File: 1738636588870.png (1.46 MB, 1641x932, IMG_1079.png)

this woman actually pretends she's male and is not even a fakeboi

No. 2085317

File: 1738637141887.png (1.71 MB, 1080x1751, 1000034774.png)

A woman who isn't even using testosterone and is even more feminine in her other videos is saying she's transmasc…

No. 2085327

Transmasc because sometimes she goes out without makeup duh

No. 2085335

as much as I dislike all tifs at least she isnt ruining her body and destroying her genitalia, it's sad this is what autistic people have now as ''counterculture'' instead of being a goth/nerd/scene kid but at least the larpers are gonna get out mostly unscathed by it

No. 2085341

File: 1738644043620.png (81.6 KB, 271x277, 1000036385.png)

Girl just look in the mirror, you'll find the thirsty fujo you're seeking

No. 2085381

Dylan has competition. Is she going to do a "Days of Boyhood" videos and be sponsored by Gilette?

No. 2085391

i knew this fucker early on instagram unfortunately he was not a TIF. just a sperg

No. 2085393

File: 1738676387901.mp4 (19.09 MB, 1280x720, 1708709823336.mp4)

No. 2085410

>we need to be included
Why can't you be your own separate category?

No. 2085428

What a faggy voice, female head gestures, too.

No. 2085450

>there needs to be space in the birthing world that allows me to show up as a birthing person

No. 2085617

File: 1738725058079.jpg (161.37 KB, 551x442, 1738325319818.jpg)

(sage your shit/wrong thread)

No. 2085621

They're trooning out 5yo lobotomy patients now because what the hell is this 'art'style?

No. 2085626

>ocean in my soul
No moid in history would name himself this

No. 2085631

Kek they time traveled back to 2007 and trooned out a 13 year old on deviantART

No. 2085682

>just because I give birth does not make me a woman or a mother

Lol that cognitive dissonance. I wonder what it’s like to go through life not accepting basic facts like these.

No. 2085686

File: 1738758751321.jpeg (96.8 KB, 1170x315, IMG_1124.jpeg)

TIFs are truly the gift that keeps on giving kek. My dears you are all experiencing misogyny.

No. 2085687

File: 1738758779219.jpeg (265.56 KB, 1170x1157, IMG_1125.jpeg)

No. 2085688

File: 1738758836052.jpeg (215.01 KB, 1170x1008, IMG_1126.jpeg)

No. 2085689

I actually root for these people because they show us how retarded all this is

No. 2085690

To be fair this is vastly preferable to the TIFs who try to act like parodies of 4chan scrotes. I feel like these ones are redeemable.

No. 2085696

yeah, that’ll show them, women doing chores in the kitchen. how progressive.

No. 2085697

The fact that they think “showing up” and owning the cis men by doing the dishes as “men” just makes me really sad. The lazy fuckers are just happy another woman is around to do the work.

No. 2085806

God this is so bleak

No. 2085813

very late to this but mitä VITTUA SAATANA HYI HELVETTI POISTA I wasn't aware they even really did these surgeries here? You never hear a tif actually wanting to go through with this shit because I always think they deep down know it's not gonna work, yet

No. 2085850

It's so incredibly ironic when TIFs complain about fujoshis despite 90% of their community being self-admitted fujoshis who transitioned solely because of how much they fetishise gay men, probably including themself.

No. 2085877

File: 1738801135638.png (949.4 KB, 1293x865, IMG_4059.png)

imagine choosing this life

No. 2085895

>I wasn't aware they even really did these surgeries here?
I feel you finn-nona, I'm a swedefag and only learned in the past few months that they do mtf surgeries in my fucking home town. I've been at that very fucking hospital where they invert dicks and pretend it's a vagina. Before that it just felt like something crazy people do in other countries… not HERE. Feels so gross.

No. 2085915

File: 1738809159723.jpg (71.38 KB, 720x350, Screenshot_20250205-203013_Red…)

This same person wrote this years ago. Honestly, I don't understand how people who ruin their bodies this way can continue living. Sounds painful and all for what?

No. 2085936

Sweden is one of the most troon cucked countries. Your country's
government issued a formal apology to troons for 'forced sterilization' aka elective dick removal

No. 2085941

Gay men dgaf about women drawing or writing yaoi, if anything I've only seen them be happy about getting more coom material

No. 2085976

File: 1738819085686.gif (524.48 KB, 480x360, 4V1y1TYZ0uXMr2tL4sIYspCS46w=.g…)

>Men cannot give birth naturally, thank Goddness.
>"Well, we CAN give birth"
>But is because you're a woman.
>"No, we are men!"

No. 2085979

she tries to emulate storm ryan’s (kalvin garrah’s tif bestie that’s publicly into puppyplay now) style so much lol

No. 2086018

I listened to one of her Molly Rutter videos yesterday and for someone who seems to be so keen on judging who's cringe or not, she's cringe as fuck, too. She wants to be one of those ugly commentary moids with a mullet and a mustache so badly, it's giving me second-hand embarrassment.

No. 2086105

>Sweden is one of the most troon cucked countries.
Honestly just not true, we're one of the few countries that have been pushing (state funded even) documentaries about the dangers of trans for years already. We banned puberty blockers for kids years ago. Unlike many other European countries that now have gender self-identification laws (such as Denmark, Finland, Iceland and Norway) in Sweden you're not allowed to just change your gender on a whim and need to actually be formally diagnosed with "transsexualism". Medical groups have been publicly calling "trans medical care" a big scandal for years. It's not even seen as controversial to be openly transphobic. Nobody "respects pronouns" and never have, there hasn't ever really been a big public debate about it because nobody cared about pronouns from day one.
>Your country's government issued a formal apology to troons for 'forced sterilization' aka elective dick remova
Which on principle I agree with. Saying "hey ONLY if you mutilate your genitals will you been accepted as a woman/man" is a lie because they still weren't accepted as the sex they wanted to be. Inciting mentally ill people to harm themselves using hospital resources is fucked up and shouldn't have been encouraged.

No. 2086111

File: 1738860085937.png (36.51 KB, 555x747, 000046.png)

The bar for men is in hell if rinsing a few dishes off is considered noteworthy

No. 2086134

File: 1738865543274.jpg (232.44 KB, 1220x1760, IMG_20250206_151047.jpg)

In a video about how a TIF didn't end up with the common tit chops.

No. 2086136

File: 1738865626643.mp4 (2.94 MB, 720x1280, Snapinst.app_video_AQPssrZxOQu…)

The video.

No. 2086156

Would, idc(thirstposting)

No. 2086281

File: 1738897152466.png (44.75 KB, 1169x183, 4tran4 ftm.png)

No. 2086313

No. 2086315

File: 1738905853541.jpg (89.84 KB, 1080x1268, 18383773.jpg)

Sweden literally invented a new pronoun specifically for genderspecials though, it's in the fucking official dictionary and it's spreading like cancer to other Swedish speaking regions

No. 2086318

File: 1738907354416.png (966.3 KB, 2698x2463, Traditional_Sweden_2025_offici…)

Here you go anon, I turned into trad propaganda to confuse people and muddy the waters. Hope that helps

No. 2086319

Stop spreading this misinformation, it was never for gendies but rather to simplify describing someone of unknown gender in a situation instead of saying han/hon (and that’s also how normies use it) and gendies claimed it as their own.

No. 2086321

File: 1738908439585.png (763.4 KB, 3000x3000, Farmer_Almanac_2025.png)

nta but just one more misinfo then I'm done(derailing fanart)

No. 2086343

Why would someone think everyone thinks they’re a tranny for getting a boob job… that’s the real cow

No. 2086345

Kelvin and Ryan fell out, iirc because kalvin bullied about being non binary Brennen then she made a video about it and Ryan reached out and became friends with Brennan and they made a series of podcasts slagging kelvin off, Brennan groined out fully shortly after

No. 2086354

I'm a Swede living in Sweden, and I grew up in the wokest of troony circles here. NOBODY is using the forced gender neutral pronoun, not even troons. It wasn't even made for troons to begin with like >>2086319 mentions.
I have yet to see a single woke person here state their pronouns UNLESS it's online and in English. It just doesn't happen in Swedish at all.
>spreading like cancer to other Swedish speaking regions
>other Swedish speaking regions
So, only to Finland, which already had gender neutral pronouns and thus could adopt it naturally. Because there are quite literally no other "swedish speaking regions" in the entire world. I know some Finns have a hateboner for Sweden for whatever reason and think everything we do must be more gay and woke than you, but your personal issues don't actually change reality. There are plenty of Finnish detransitioners who can speak for how deeply captured Finland is in woke ideology while Sweden has regularly spoken against transition and promoted detransition on national television for at least 4 years now.(blogging)

No. 2086378

Love the scandi infighting

No. 2086397

It rather suits the Steig Larsson threadpic

No. 2086406

the new lucy dacus video is about to be fakeboi central

No. 2086410

I want to see a TIF named fucking BOB or MATT or JOHN instead of ~elio~ for once

No. 2086417

File: 1738948175539.jpg (44.12 KB, 505x492, Pyllynalle_ilmaninffoo.jpg)

They are pulling the plug on youth transition in Finland too, though, and being publicly terfy is getting more and more popular. A doctor doing the assessments has been speaking critically of letting mentally ill kids transition for years (Riitta-Kerttu Kaltiala, based queen) and gendies have tried to cancel her, in vain. Actually USA is way deeper into troonism than any EU country.

No. 2086435

File: 1738952068111.jpg (50.5 KB, 629x217, trtytyt.jpg)

>for whatever reason
you know what you did…(derailing)

No. 2086475

>and I'm straight
Putting aside the retarded 'concern' that a tif's titchop is going to affect her boobjob, what does being straight even has to do with not being a troon? Majority of the troons are straight to begin with, sometimes that's why they troon out because they want to be seen as spicy. It's like she thinks being gay and a troon is the same thing, but then again she does sound stupid enough to believe so kek.

No. 2086493

absolutely fucking foul but also, who would have thought a sensitive area that produces mucus having trouble healing through an experimental procedure. HUH makes you think.

No. 2086608

>calling herself a "tunapoon"
There's a point at which internalized misogyny and mental illness become indistinguishable

No. 2086845

There's one named Kyle on this season of Hell's Kitchen which is probably the most normal name I've ever seen one choose.

No. 2086857

File: 1739055635831.png (415.26 KB, 740x622, 1347899174831347894978.png)

I keked.

No. 2086859

>thinking you're gonna look like that with pinstraight hair
Did it to yourself

No. 2086874

For how vain most of them are, they sure do not fucking know that you need to style your hair in order for it to look a certain way.

No. 2086889


No. 2086899

Because TIF think they're gay/fruity/fags instead than admit they're still straight.

No. 2086900

Oh God, now I remember that poor tif with the haircut of a yaoi game character (and she had a face that didn't suit the haircut) while the hairdresser was so proud of her work.

No. 2086908

unbelievably narcissistic moron who thinks the world revolves around her? okay, this one kinda passes as a moid

No. 2086951

she probably chose it because of south park

No. 2087002

Yes and? What does it have to do with the post you're replying to? Tifs are straight women who want to larp as a gay moids, which doesn't make homosexuality the same thing as trooning out so that commenter is still retarded. Should've left it at just "I'm a woman" and be done with it.

Funny how she still wants to find a skyscraper and cry on the internet, but not complain to the barber's face. Peak female socialisation.

No. 2087032

She can still shave it off completely, better than that monstrosity.

No. 2087042

She is retarded for thinking haircut can make her hair curly but the barber also did an awful job.

No. 2087135

Every time a TIF gets a hilariously shitty haircut an angel gets its wings

No. 2087144

File: 1739137722455.png (Spoiler Image,428.48 KB, 792x720, whatthefuck.png)

Who the fuck allows this? Why the hell would you fucking keep this in your room on display like some fucking trophy?
spoiler for chopped off tits in a jar

No. 2087161

This one?

No. 2087177

The fact that she has plastic toys for children displayed next to her own severed body parts tells me everything I need to know.

No. 2087198

File: 1739145440979.webp (68.88 KB, 640x990, 0C4F4456-ED04-4AA0-94C7-94D243…)

And now she looks soooo masculine of course

No. 2087203

a few days ago i saw somebody say that the breast removal surgery ftms get just emphasizes how wide and feminine their hips are and….yeah. got a surgery just to look like a woman with no tits. what a life lol

No. 2087216

Here's what I think happened: she went to a moid barbershop instead of a salon (because salons are for icky girls and she's a ~heckin' boi~) and asked for what is obviously a women's cut. Which it is, by the way. I've only ever seen it worn by alt girls, TiFs, and TiMs skinwalking alt girls. Anyway, the barber didn't know how to replicate the women's cut in the picture, but a hairdresser would've mentioned right away that she'd need a perm to get the look she wanted. Now, the really insane part of this to me is that she walked out of the business looking like that? Are TiFs seriously so non-confrontational and meek that this girl couldn't just say to the guy, "Hey, this doesn't look like what I wanted."

I know that the concept of the "pink tax" is used to explain why women's haircuts are more expensive, but it genuinely does take more expertise to cut and style women's hair. A barber just has to shave a guy's face and buzz a couple inches off, but a hairdresser has to go to beauty school. I'd bet money that the TiF went to a barber for the "euphoria" only to make herself look like an idiot by asking him for a women's cut.

No. 2087217

Kind of pointless to get a tit chop only for the scars to look like the rounded cartoon outline of breasts. Also kek at the Miffy pop socket, nothing says ~soul and mind of a real man~ quite like that.

No. 2087218

File: 1739148428404.jpeg (187.48 KB, 675x1200, D8BEF39D-6079-43C1-8233-EB6420…)


nonna a fluffy mullet with the sides unshaved isn't a female cut, i think the hairdresser just didn't cut off enough hair because they correctly assumed she was a woman and maybe thought she wanted it to look more feminine

No. 2087219

The two example pics were of females.

No. 2087223

Yeah expecting a barber to give you magicaly wavy or curly hair when yours is dry noodle straight is signs of pure delusion

No. 2087245

File: 1739155306098.jpg (203.88 KB, 1200x675, Honey_Badger.jpg)

Yeah, shave it off.
Then her mum can spend the next few weeks telling her she looks lovely like sinead oconnor, then annie lennox the few months following that kek

No. 2087246

File: 1739155440946.jpeg (1.64 MB, 1125x1832, IMG_4421.jpeg)

Not sure if this is the right place but had this mf show up on my fyp.

The brave and stunning y’all

No. 2087247

Her first mistake was getting a pic of someone that don't even have the same type of hair as her, even if the barber managed to do it right it would still look like shit.

No. 2087249

Honestly, this just further proves how deluded tifs are and that they don't live in the reality at all. You don't see even 13yo girls nowadays show pinterest pictures of women with different hair-types and expect to look exactly like them after only a simple haircut, but grownass tifs do. They think they can emulate yaoi boys, anime boys, pinterest boys, Instagram fuckboys, and hot androgynous women that they either mistake for soft-looking moids or think are more 'attainable' for them when they aren't kek, those hot women have sharper features and confidence while tifs are a bunch of shrimp-backed, mouth breathers with a weak chin and shitty self-esteem

No. 2087306

File: 1739170293640.jpg (117.79 KB, 737x712, Captura de pantalla 2025-02-10…)

>>2086857 not surprised, its an ana chan

No. 2087307

>starting weight is 86.5kg (191lbs)
Not an ana chan in the slightest lmao

No. 2087312

>starting weight 191lbs
>goal weight 154lbs
Kekkkk, even if she was 5'9 that would still be a normal healthy weight for that height

No. 2087321

her face brought to mind the image of a boat with a bunch of barnacles on it

No. 2087331

Tifs are the biggest attention whores on the planet, and they also have a need to be 'different' and 'unique' because deep down inside they know they're all a bunch of factory-produced clones and that only thing they 'have going for them' is being pathetic pooners. Something like this isn't surprising anymore. Just pathetic

No. 2087341

Riddlermaxxing kek.

No. 2087352

Peak NLOG. I wonder if she's hoping to reattach them once the fad goes away.
The face of trans euphoria right here, folqxs. That is what happens when depression is treated with hormones.

No. 2087356

ed twitter people always seem to be fatties

No. 2087397

Anything that oppresses this kinda whore is good. Boohoo we can't mutilate our bodies to resemble the blowup dolls you find dumped on the side of highways!(a-logging)

No. 2087433

Kek exactly, more like wannabe-ana chan. Tifs have the goofiest goals imaginable.

No. 2087439

Ok who is this loser who's been calling women whores on here the past few weeks. Go back to kiwi farms.

No. 2087464

this is funny as fuck. her bio says her bmi is 31.5 and her current weight is 183lbs so she must be 5'4

No. 2087584

File: 1739255739165.jpeg (975.59 KB, 828x1441, IMG_7723.jpeg)

Tifs are out here inventing the ugliest piercings I’ve ever seen

No. 2087714

The audacity of TIFs never fails to amaze me. Why would anyone see you as a man when you are a woman wearing women’s clothing, with a woman’s haircut, and makeup on?

No. 2087749

Must be a noisy mouth breather with those piercings blocking her nose

No. 2088020

A lot of the AAP TIFs are really evolved fag hags

In the ideal world anons wouldn't use "anachan" to describe fat twittards on a crash diet

No. 2088025

This video is over an hour long and idk if this particular woman has been posted here before, but this is the parole hearing of a woman who chronically paralyzed her baby and was sentenced to 15 years with prison. She trooned out whilst in prison and will be out in march, but this is a list of her in prison shenanigans:
>sexually assaulted a cellmate, forcing her to be her girlfriend and threatened to kill her if she broke up with her. She also made a death certificate for her. Claims the inmate is lying and she did what she did in self defence because she was bullying her for her charges. Get around 15 months added to her sentence.
>Made a shank, assaulted another inmate with it.
>Threatened to cause harm to any new cell mate the prison facility placed her with. Claims it's because it's inappropriate for a "man" to share a room with another woman in prison. Insists it would be better to be moved to the men's prison.
>Converted to Islam (kek).
>Got 2 gender affirming surgeries on the taxpayers dime.
>Conveniently became an islamic trans activities in jail right before her parole hearing, signed up to programs a year before being paroled, despite them being available for the past decade.
I also need to point out that she did most of the violent crimes i listed 1 YEAR AGO!!! And she still got fucking parole!! And she will be moving in with her mother she claimed is the cause for all her mental problems instead of going to a halfway house at the very least. She turned it down because she's a "man". I post her here because i feel like we will hear from her again, she clearly is still an incredibly violent and deranged person.

No. 2088050

The more I read, the worse it gets. I can't believe someone like her is just allowed to walk among people when she didn't even spare her own infant and cellmates.

No. 2088051

More proof world chooses babies and men over women. Breeders always win.(sage your shit)

No. 2088068

So why isn't this thing in men's prison? Rhetorical question of course.

No. 2088095

File: 1739370384080.jpg (106.36 KB, 509x641, 1000000384.jpg)

Why is her right arm twice the size of her left? It's like the joke ab guys getting half ripped from jerking off

No. 2088097

File: 1739370676564.jpg (245.13 KB, 1080x1876, girl.jpg)

new underage anachan femboy tif just dropped. of course she has retarded moids salivating all over her and buying into her crock of shit. her only proof of her totally real maleness is a video showing her ana chan induced adams apple lmao. altough there are moids who are asking dumb shit like "where joystick???" and other moids going "he just has a tiny dick!!!" you cannot make this shit up

No. 2088098

samefag her names mynamessico for anyone who wants to look at her retarded videos for whatever reason

No. 2088122

File: 1739379425192.jpg (476.9 KB, 1079x1243, Screenshot_20250212_135148_Chr…)

>kaigai "idol" group no one has heard of (not even me 40 secs ago)
>look at bio
>men's idol unit
>only see weeby women in header

No. 2088123

File: 1739379673401.jpg (406.6 KB, 1080x1378, Screenshot_20250212_135923_X.j…)

samefag but these are their chosen names btw, kek'd real hard at "Alystair"

No. 2088125

No. 2088151

Kek Alistair is the name of a semi-famous youtuber TIF from my country, do they want to larp as an evil wizard from a B movie?

No. 2088166

I don't think anything's made me cringe this hard in a long time. The fact 5(or 4?)/6 of them are weeby white women is cracking me up. They remind me so much of those mid to late 2010s kpop group copycats full of pudgy, pale burgers.

No. 2088167

I had to see them in motion. This looks like anime idol cosplay group in a convention.

No. 2088171

I haven't come across anything this funny in a while, thanks anon who introduced this

No. 2088182

File: 1739393044569.png (1.8 MB, 1308x1604, fhgj.png)

kek this girl's hair is absolutely tragic

No. 2088247

The bad yaoi art, the horrendous pronunciation with horrendous vocals, the cheesefest of lyrics, all of this is killing me kek. How are these girls not embarrassed?

No. 2088269

The secondhand embarrassment had me cringing so hard it hurt anon. This is like a middle school talent tier performance.

No. 2088280

That's an actual vocoloid song from back in the day. It's a cover.

No. 2088314

KEK the frog voices are unintelligible… its interesting how despite having lower registers due to t they still sing like women in some specific way that i cant place

No. 2088319

Why are they all fat? If your face is ugly then that’s one thing, don’t let it stop you from pursuing your dreams or whatever, but there is zero excuse to be fat when trying to emulate kpop groups. Like just stop eating burgers? Is it really that hard? It’s just mind blowing to me that these absolute porkers prefer to just deal with potentially being mocked online instead of just eating a little less.

No. 2088320

The orange one forgetting the dance and looking around to figure out the next steps made me laugh

No. 2088322

File: 1739424181940.gif (496.24 KB, 500x281, ffdbd883c77417d17b244ef7d349aa…)

That one. I swear I never took the "this haircut/glass/etc won't suit your face shape" seriously until I saw that.

No. 2088324

File: 1739424434010.jpg (261.65 KB, 1284x980, 1477787019887.jpg)

The Netflix live-action adaptation of Voltron looks good by far.

No. 2088330

Even worse. If they had written it, one could at least say they tried or have put some effort despite failing at creating something even slightly bearable. But turns out they just chose to cover it.

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