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No. 605066
Join us for the ongoing saga of 42-year-old horrorcow Raven (née Diana Dawn) Sparks and her 32-year-old husband #5 Josh Bradley in their barren Love That Was More Than Love Shack mobile home in
Jacksonville, Florida rural South Carolina.
Raven originally achieved notoriety for her outrageous horror goth appearance and exhibitionism, her immature and aggressively defensive demeanor which alienates everyone in her life, and her relationship with husband #4 Logan who was 16-years-old and 19 years her junior when they became engaged and was a school friend of her son Dorian who is 8 months older. She has disowned her son after subjecting him to a childhood of neglect and many years of emotional abuse.
Each successive relationship is The One™ which will rescue her from her terrible life and give her a "fresh start." Several of her relationships began while she was still married to and, in some cases, financially supported by the previous husband. She has moved across several states and twice overseas to be with men whom she met online. Once she is established in a new relationship she is quick to denigrate the last with accusations of neglect and abuse despite having been the manipulator, an example of how she continually rewrites her personal history to feed her narcissism and validate her victimhood.
Her addiction to finding new love is closely rivaled by her addiction to acquiring new pets, toys, and clothes which she soon abandons in her hoard (or rehomes in the case of her pets) once their novelty has worn off.
As in real life, she exhibits her Jekyll/Hyde personality online: superficially sweet to her sycophantic followers and crassly vitriolic to anyone who dares to disagree with her. An overwhelming number of her Youtube videos are rants directed at people whom she perceives as having crossed her and at "the haters" on lolcow and Kiwi Farms.
Previous threads:
>>>/pt/12332 #1
>>>/pt/20741 #2
>>>/pt/321974 #3
>>>/pt/400701 #4
>>>/pt/415881 #5
>>>/pt/438380 #6 Countdown to Couchland
>>>/pt/447573 #7 Fatchelorette Edition
>>>/pt/462983 #8 Welcome to Couchland Edition
>>>/pt/471830 #9 Love That Was Greater Than Love Shack Edition
>>>/pt/478795 #10 The Codependent Love That Was More Codependency Than Love Edition
>>>/pt/491874 #11 The Fall of the Shack of Raven
>>>/pt/506118 #12 Bereavement Funding Edition: Another Shack, Another Dog, Another Drama
>>>/pt/573602 #13 Horrorcow Homemaker Edition: The Fifth Time's the Charm!
In the course of the last thread:
>After having the last word with the haters and bidding the internet "THANK YOU & GOODBYE" in May, Raven posted a short video of pictures announcing their wedding in June and a video reviewing their skull-themed rings from Sapphire Studios in August.>They had planned to wed on her birthday in September but changed their minds again and got married on June 10th, the first anniversary of "when they met and started dating" online, wearing clothes they bought at Goodwill.>The ring review video was the debut of her new blue streaked wig which she has worn in every video and nearly every photo since, even on her drivers license. A few other wigs have appeared in photos, but she has not shown her own hair since the photos in the wedding video.>In September Raven posted an hour-long update video but made no promises about whether she will return. "I don't know when I'm gonna come back or if I'm gonna come back fully. I'm happy staying offline. Between work, the animals, getting the house sorted there's just no time left in the day to sit around and be online.">They have moved into a two bedroom trailer near Jacksonville, FL, which they are buying on installments and renovating with sloppy lashes of black paint.>They both have jobs, she in a tattoo studio answering phones and the like.>They have two new dogs (Loki and Pebbles) and three new sister cats (Miss Pretty, Jelly, and Marmalade Two).>They got rid of Doja after he ate Stormy, an infant kitten they rescued after it was abandoned under their last trailer in Saluda. She crassly posted photos of what she claimed were the remains of its bones and teeth.>A month later she posted a follow-up video in which she addresses the haters and doubles down on the story about Stormy's demise and why his death was not her fault. In the comments she reveals that the hater is Connie, the woman from the rescue who had previously fostered and has now adopted Doja. Raven accuses her of bullying her "for tarnishing the dog's name".>Her claim that they moved to Florida in July was revealed to be a lie by highway signs, landmarks, location addresses, and weather shown in her videos which place them in or near Spartanburg, South Carolina.>They celebrated her birthday with dinner at Red Lobster. She looked forward to finishing the leftovers of her enormous seafood feast over the coming days since she could eat only a few bites at the restaurant.>While Josh eats the most amazing pizza ever from Sam's Club and plays in his new gaming chair, Raven tediously shows off the presents he gave her.>They visited the Carowinds theme park in North Carolina where she wore the blue wig all day in humid, high heat and on the water rides. Josh appears distant and upset and barely speaks throughout the entire video. He was able to muster a weak smile for the photos of them taken by park staff.>In her review of their outing she complains of the short rides, being swindled over the photo agreement, and the high cost of every thing. She concludes that the park would not be enjoyable if you are not able to splash the cash as they were, bragging that they spent around $500. They plan to return for the winter holidays or New Years if the rides are open.>The Carowinds video and subsequent pics revealed that her legs are now plastered with a hodgepodge of edgy tattoos. Logan's wedding portrait and their wedding heart inscription have been covered. A tattoo of Josh's signature is emblazoned in red ink on her left breast.>Josh's tattoo of his ex-wife's name has been covered by what looks like a top hat and sunglasses.>At every opportunity she brags about how much they have spent. She showed off their new mirrored cupboard bed frame, revealing the burgeoning hoard around her. They have a new couch, TV, and other furniture. She gave Josh an autographed photo of Tim Curry as Pennywise as an early Christmas present. They spent $235 to get Loki and $330 to get Pebbles and $500 on pet supplies a cat tree.>They bought a black 2006 Ford Explorer and graciously bestowed the ailing red Jeep to Julieann, Raven's only real life friend (who was first a Youtube follower) in South Carolina who had bought them groceries in their time of need last winter.>Julieann, as Gothicgirl29, made obvious self-posts on Kiwifarms calling out Raven for dropping her as a friend "since money came in play".>Raven was also called out by Kit for impersonating her in the Alt Cows thread in retaliation for Kit having been in contact with Logan after they had split up.>When Raven returned to the Internet she still had one Patreon patron, but they quit before the end of September.>On October 6th, the one year anniversary of her move to the US, she posted a video of footage she filmed the day she left New Zealand and a second video about TLTWMTL featuring a solo segment by Josh in which he regurgitates what she said.>Her long-awaited hoard from New Zealand arrived in a shipping container in mid-October. She posted a photo of the boxes filling a room in the shack from unfinished flooring to cheap ceiling fan.>Raven debuted a bedraggled blonde and auburn ombre wig in her Halloween photoshoot. She revisited her classic "rubber spider pursed between lips" pose.>She and Josh entered a Halloween costume contest in Charlotte, NC, dressed as zombie nun and priest. She reiterates that she did not choose their costumes because of The Nun movie. They wore full head rubber masks, copious fake blood, and simple costume store ensembles. Days before the event she impatiently harassed the club on their Facebook event page with her self-importance. After their confidence in taking home the $500 first place prize was dashed with the appearance of a most excellent Edward Scissorhands, they were robbed of even being able to compete for the $200 second place prize due to the utterly incompetent staff. They mock the group of young women dressed as South Park characters who won; Raven says she doesn't remember seeing them when in fact the group appear in her video complimenting their costumes. She already has next year's costumes planned which are guaranteed winners despite being recycled from a past year.>She took the opportunity of talking about Halloween to complain about New Zealand for "hating" Halloween and Americans and about Logan for ruining the one time they went out to celebrate by "acting like a child" when he practically still was a child.>Raven didn't vote and felt self-righteous over it. Ryan commented in support of dropping out of the system.>She "reviewed" a skull shaped soap she purchased from a popular Etsy shop. She won't be using the soap but will instead display it in the bathroom in its plastic wrap. Ditto for the sample soap.>She showed off another Etsy purchase, an ugly pendant of fake teeth, along with a $2 Aliexpress skull ring she paid $21.95 for in an unboxing video filmed while she waited for Josh in their SUV outside Home Depot.>"I'm the kind of person that likes cheap stuff. I've just always preferred to buy a whole bunch of cheap things rather than one really expensive thing. So if I can get away with it I always buy the cheapest thing I can find.">Tragically, Marmalade Two, whom she loved more than Marmalade, was killed by their neighbors' dog in early November when all three cats escaped after people working on their shack left the door open.>But Raven was not without an object for her maternal affection for long. Six days later she rescued a month old orange kitten abandoned under a bush next to a grocery store whom they named Pumpkin Pie.>Fate, however, is a cruel mistress. Over Thanksgiving weekend she sadly had to return the kitten to its family after seeing their lost kitten fliers posted at the same store.>Raven is looking forward to Christmas. Josh's family, who were so loving and accepting of Raven a year ago, barely gets a mention. "We're gonna have a big Christmas this year, tons of stuff. I don't know if we're gonna see his family or not, but we are definitely gonna have a nice big Christmas. And I've already got, like, 25 presents for him or something like that. I've spoiled him this year.">She is so excited she couldn't wait until after Thanksgiving to bless us with her 2018 Christmas photos in which she dons two cheap velveteen bustiers accessorized with Santa hats and fishnet stockings while perched in a massive musty pile of garish tinsel garlands and ornaments retrieved from her New Zealand hoard.>Just as the thread reached its post limit she posted a 16 minute long teaser video entitled Drama prelude with the description, "Stay tuned…but remember! This is MY life, MY decisions. Watch or don't watch, but don't you dare tell me what to do."Facebook:
* closed accounts
^ deactivated accounts (community) (new primary account) ^ * ^ * ^ ^ Ruby Woo (Lilitu) ^ ^ ^ (old primary account) * * * * * (community) ^ (community) (community) ^ (community) ^ (community) *
YouTube and Videos: (current) (current) * * (unlinked birthday 2014 video about being cyber-bullied by a fake website, now in the archives) * (10-part "My Story", some in the archives) * (her pets and Ryan's dogs) of leaked videos from
>>>/pt/400701 and others: Media: (public) (private) * * * * * *
Image Galleries:
http://starbl00d.deviantart.comhttp://starbl00d-stock.deviantart.comhttps://raven-revamped.deviantart.com * *
Other: (ranking of her Patreon account) (Amazon wishlist) * (Amazon wishlist of household items) **/ (select all as most of the text is clear text) * * * * *
Commerce: * Manning Bradley: No. 605157
>>605066Great OP thread!
Hopefully we can get a summary of the new video. I'm not physically capable of watching that garbage.
No. 605291
>>605066small point of order: this never happened
>They got rid of Doja after he ate StormyI refuse to watch that poor old fella be slandered after everything else he went through. /autism
No. 605350

Drama prelude
Published on Nov 27, 2018
Stay tuned…but remember! This is MY life, MY decisions. Watch or don't watch, but don't you dare tell me what to do.
[mockingly] Ooh! I just love making YouTube videos. Don't you just love making YouTube videos? It is so much fun to come online and just blah blah blah. Uh, sorry. This is gonna be old Raven, completely old Raven type video. I am so fired up here lately. There's so much stuff I want to talk about, but I'm going to try to keep this to one particular topic.
In saying that (that's a forwarning), can you believe that there are some people that are so stupid that they actually think that by making YouTube videos you are trying to, I guess, do like a welfare thing where you're trying to suck off of society however you can? Because it's not like you make videos and you allow advertisers to use your videos like a commercial or anything. Not that I really do that. I mean, I do allow advertisements but I don't do YouTube as a job. I never have. I do YouTube as a release, as something that I enjoy. Because, believe it or not, I actually really enjoy sitting here listening to myself talk, interacting with people.
I think some people are just jealous because nobody cares about their lives. They won't know what it's like to have, you know, thousands upon thousands of people watching you, caring what happens to you, caring about your life, and just from doing something that you love and you can do in the comfort of your own home. You sit there, you talk, and you make money off of it. I probably make more on YouTube then this idiot makes from working his ass off doing whatever the hell it is he does, you know. It was a comment that I recently saw, something said about how I want to leech off society, I think that's what it is, which is the most idiotic thing in relation to YouTube.
I've been doing YouTube for a very, very long time and I damn sure don't do it as a job. I could if I wanted to. I could buckle down, I could change, I could conform, and I could do what everybody else does and think about what content other people want to see and completely sell out. But I don't want to do that. I want to stay true to myself and do stuff that I want to do. If I want to make a video, I'm gonna make a video. If I don't want to make a video, you know what, I'm not gonna not gonna make it because I am my own boss. I do what I want to do. And if I want to do it it's because I wanted to do it. And I have fun doing it, and I love doing it. And I've met so many wonderful people that are doing it. And it's just a shame that some stupid people can't understand that.
Okay, so moving on, merry pre-christmas. I'm gonna upload this right away, so I don't even know if it's December yet. I'm recording on one of my phones, but let me check this one. It is Monday, November 26th, so it's not even December yet. But hohoho and all that. I love being in the holiday spirit. I love, I love Christmastime. I love the decorations. I love hearing the Christmas carols when I go to the store. I just love everything Christmasy, and I love the fact that I've gotten to celebrate Christmas again for the second year with Josh. And I love that I can have Christmas in the winter time as it should be, as I grew up with anyway. And this is our tree. It's a different tree from last year because I got all my stuff here. I'm too short to show the whole thing behind me like that, but we've got lights going around the ceiling. That's what the tree light does [she pans to the ceiling]. That's the only thing that we've reused. Those are all my decorations, my tinsel, my everything. That's the Christmas card, you know, lots and lots of presents behind it. Um, so yeah. I just thought that would be a nicer backdrop than like a plain wall, so I just sat in front of it.
Now, I have two other videos that I had recorded and I, I don't know if I'm going to release them. I mean, I want to release them because obviously I made them for a reason. There's stuff I said in there that I really, really wanted to say, but part of me is still in the mindset of "no drama no drama no drama" even though some people out there like to consider me a drama whore, an attention whore, someone that feeds off of playing the victim and all this stupid stupid stupid shit that only someone with no brain who cannot think for themselves would think about me.
And I'm not talking about the hate sites. All this stuff has come from somebody else, and they are very stupid. [laughs] That's an inside joke. Anyway, I know that they watch my videos. Josh doesn't think they do, but I know that they do, so that's why I'm saying all this because I have blocked them. And I blocked them on my phone and on Facebook. And Josh has blocked them on his phone and his Facebook. And so there's no way for these people to contact us except to spy through, you know, here like they do. Well, that's all good and all that. They really set me off because they try to say certain things about me, like that I'm on a high horse because I'm happy with my life. Just me, not Josh, you know, this is all about me as always.
Like, you're not allowed to finally feel like you accomplished something in life and be happy. You're not allowed to want to be self-sufficient so that you're not starving and asking for help from people. I mean, that's, that's, that just shows you how stupid these people really are because it's not being on a high horse to feel happy finally in your life after a lifetime of misery and being stuck at the bottom. We're not rich. We're not at the top. But you know what? I am happier with my life than I've ever been, and I'm allowed to say that. And I don't give a who you are. You're not gonna take that right away from me. I can be as happy as I fucking want to be and as content with my life as I want to be, and I'm gonna say it as many times as I want to say it.
There's nothing about…there's nothing cocky about being happy, and that's, that's the sad thing is that people can't understand the difference between happiness and cockiness, you know. Saying, "Fuck you all, I'm better than everybody else out there because we're buying a house." I mean, that's being cocky and on your high horse. But saying, "I'm so happy with my life, I'm so glad we made this decision, everything is going great, it's great to wake up every morning, it's great to want to wake up every morning." That is not being cocky and that is not thinking you're better than somebody else. These people need to really get it right.
As far as having a job, I do have a job as I've mentioned before. I just am not working right now because it's the holiday season started. I quit going in right around Halloween because this place that I'm at is small. There's not a lot of room for people. I'm not a tattooist. All I was doing was learning and answering phones, making appointments. This place is small. There's not enough room for that many people. So when it's rush rush rush rush, kind of like it is around the holiday season, they really don't need another body stumbling around not knowing what to do. It just slows everything down. So I'm going back after the new year. Um, that's fine. I mean, it wasn't like I was making thousands of dollars a week or anything. It was just something fun and nice and, you know, that coupled with YouTube coupled with whatever else I do, it's just fun.
But I hate the way people judge what they don't know. They judge what they don't live and they don't see. They just want to always believe the worst about somebody, and so they do. And, you know, I've played nice for a really long time, and I'm kind of sick of it, frankly. Frankly, frankly really sick of it. Um, you know, these people are just idiotic. That's the only word that fits. Idiotic, judgmental, and I don't need people like that in my life. Never have, never will. And my life is just better without. All I need is Josh, and I have Josh. And he has me, and that's all he needs, that's all he wants. Um, and we're happy, and that's it.
So, with the videos that I have made and with the stuff that I have done, I have…I've tried to break away from the person I was when I was really fat and miserable. That person was overly miserable. And I remember coming online just to make videos bitching and complaining and moaning and groaning about stuff all the time. That's all I did. I was letting out my inner anger through my YouTube videos, and it helped. It did. I'm not gonna lie. It made me feel really good. I got to just sit back and just let loose and people watched it. I mean, they probably watched it to mock me but they watched it still the same. I got feedback on it. I had people listening. Just I just got to get it out, and that was a form of therapy for me and it really helped.
But I didn't like the way that it portrayed me as being just a real, I guess you'd say, negative Nancy, like a real downer. Just, god this bitch is a miserable bitch, you know. I didn't want to be seen or thought of like that because deep inside that's not who I was, you know. I always joke around with Josh and I say, I'm an evil bitch, I'm mean and all that. And he's like, you are not a bad person. He thinks very highly of me and he thinks I'm actually a lot better than most people think I am because he hears the stuff I say at home and, you know, just the things that I say. I don't really want to get into it, but I've kind of convinced myself that I'm a really bad person because that's all I ever hear.
And for a while I was really angry all the time. Everybody has anger inside of them. I mean, it's lying if you try to say that you, you're never mad, you never have anything in you. Everybody has anger in them, and people have different ways of coping. My way of coping has always been YouTube ever since I discovered it. Before that it was admitting myself to a teenage psych ward and talking, you know. I was always talking to people, always having to get it out. And um, not even as a teenager, even when I was with my second husband. I mean, I was still going to those places and talking to counselors and stuff cuz it's just the best thing to do…[she pulls at a caught hair] a piece of hair, ugh.
Anyway um, so after I felt like I had another chance at life, which is after I lost weight and stuff and I felt like a human being again, I didn't want to be negative. I wanted to be good and happy. And everybody was like, oh my god, I see such a change in you. And this is before I made a conscious effort or decision to even want to change. They were like, you should…you know, you are a different person, I see so much growth in you, you're so happy now. And I was like, man, I really like feeling like this. I like this kind of attention. I like people thinking of me in a positive way. I don't want to ruin this. And so I shut my mouth and I stopped ranting. I stopped using my own outlet. I stopped acknowledging the stuff that bothered me and holding it in. It was all still there, I just had no way of letting it out. I had no venue anymore because my desire to not be looked at as that horrible person was stronger than my desire to get my anger out, if that makes sense. I mean, of course it does. It's not very hard to understand. And that's how I continued for almost four years now. And it's done its damage in a way because I am really angry inside because I have so much built-up.
I talked to Josh about it and there's not much that he can really say to make me feel better because it's not the kind of conversation where somebody can say something to make you feel better. It's just you talk, you let it out, and it's out there. So talking to one person doesn't really help the same as making a video and just, look you guys blah blah blah. Because this has been my go-to. I go to Josh first and then it makes me feel better for the moment, but then a bit of my anger is still kind of stuck back there until I can make videos about it.
And there's only been two other videos. And because I'm so scared to be seen as such a negative person that deserves to be hated and deserves to be bullied and deserves to be stalked I haven't released them. And I don't like how that fucks with my head because I've seen the stuff other people have posted and I've seen the stuff other people have made videos about, and they are way worse than anything that I've said. But I'm the one that's not allowed to say or do anything apparently. So like I said in one of my other videos, if I end up releasing it, I'm trying to get myself out of the mindset that I'm not allowed to be myself, I'm not allowed to have moments of anger, I'm not allowed to rant and vent about stuff if I need to, because I am allowed. And people that have a head on their shoulders will understand the difference between having a bad day and needing to get something out and being a bad person.
So I'm gonna leave that there. I'm not trying to say Josh isn't good enough because, trust me, he is. It's just I've been used to one way of doing me things for a very long time, and it's just I'm real funny like that. Like he'll tell you I've got these quirks that sometimes make him just want to bang his head against a wall because it makes no sense. It's just that's just the way I am. I'm really set in my ways about a lot of stuff, and I'm luckily I'm with someone that is really laid-back and easy to get along with. And he's just chill, huh, about everything, and he lets me be who I need to be.
So um, yeah. That is a prelude. This is a 15 minute prelude to my video. I don't want to make this like an hour long or whatever so I think what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna leave this prelude and I'm going to upload it. And then I'm gonna record the real video and I will upload it tomorrow so that way it's not just boom boom. I just haven't done one of these in a long time and, you know, like I said I've still got all this fear that if I do something like this people are gonna turn on me and be like, you are bitch, you've never changed, I don't know why everybody thought that you were this nice friendly person. I never said I was a nice friendly person. Everybody else was saying that they saw me nowadays as being a nice friendly person. Now, in saying that, I'm not bitch unless you bring that out in me. I don't just attack people. I don't just hate people. All I expect to do is be able to live my life, live my own life, not to hurt anybody, just to do my own thing and be left alone. That's all I want out of life, just to be left alone and left to do what I want to do because it is my life in the end. And people always have shit to say about it or try to control it or change it or make your decisions for you or tell you what you can or can't do or judge you. And it's just that that's exhausting, it really is, and I just don't want any part of that. I'm not a simpering, oh love everybody, oh I love my friends and I love my family and I'm blessed that have a blessed…I'm not one of those. I would never be one of those. But I do appreciate what I have. I do appreciate friends, you know, whatever family I have. I appreciate who deserves appreciating, and I don't care about people that don't deserve me to care about them. And that doesn't make me a bad person, it just makes me very selective of my energies and my attention, you know.
So um, I will cut this here and I will make the other video. The other video is probably still going to be long, but at least I'll have knocked off almost 20 minutes here. So thank you for listening to this prelude clickbait, you guys, and take care. I will see you next video. And um, yep. Yikes. I'm just gonna let loose. I'm not gonna censor anything. I'm gonna say whatever the fuck it is I need to say, and it's gonna be complete with flashes of who I used to be because um, I'm not playing nice today. Definitely not. And I don't care to. The only respect I have in the moment is respect for my husband in that room and just keep that in mind.
No. 605353
File: 1543353127726.png (386.9 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2018-11-27-09-36-40…)

"I'm going to try to keep this to one particular topic."
[shakes Santa hat pom pom for emphasis]
No. 605354
File: 1543353232696.png (459.37 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2018-11-27-09-39-59…)

"And this is our tree. It's a different tree from last year because I got all my stuff here. I'm too short to show the whole thing behind me like that, but we've got lights going around the ceiling. That's what the tree light does [she pans to the ceiling]. That's the only thing that we've reused. Those are all my decorations, my tinsel, my everything. That's the Christmas card, you know, lots and lots of presents behind it."
No. 605357
File: 1543353260732.png (347.62 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2018-11-27-09-41-34…)

No. 605461
File: 1543364214786.jpg (9.52 MB, 5312x2988, 1538357604609.jpg)

>>605432Nah. His family is too tight, and they would only be relieved that he and Raven got their shit together.
I think it's Julieann and her husband.
No. 605484
>>605478What happened to the "larger and more proper wedding with friends and family later on in the year"? Not having one is unheard of in a traditional southern family. It's not like they romantically eloped far away. They got married in Aiken, a stone's throw from Saluda.
Is Raven still friends with any of them on Facebook? Or did she shut down the account she was friends with them on?
No. 605523
Last year
>I'd like to thank Josh's family. Especially his mom. Me and his mom, we're kind of like this [crosses fingers]. We don't talk a lot but whenever we see each other, like…I love her. She's so cool. And whenever we see each other we're just like, oh hi! And give each other a hug and stuff. We are just so much alike. And she's so easy to talk to and just get along with. I see so much of myself in her. And I don't know, I just love being around her.
>When I met her in person she came up and gave me a hug and it was just instant, instant acceptance, and I never had to feel like I didn't belong. And they were like, you're you're part of our family now. And they're so happy that I'm with Josh. And they think I'm the best thing that's ever happened to him. And I've never been told I'm the best thing to happen to anybody or anything. And they just love and accept. And you don't ever have to feel like you're not good enough or you want to prove yourself. They don't care what you look like or your past or anything like that. I've never been in a situation like that before, and it's such just a mind-blowing feeling. And I have to stop myself, I'm just gushing, "Thank you for letting me be part of your realm" all the time, cuz I'm sure they probably get sick of hearing that as well. But that's how I feel. Oh my god, I feel like I'm a part of a family for once, and it's just amazing, it really is.
>We all just kind of sat around talking and it was just really nice. Because I can't eat a lot, Josh is like, hey, everybody, don't be offended if she doesn't eat cuz she had surgery. And his mom was like, oh, it takes a lot more than that to offend us. And nobody really cares about anything petty like that. They're really just accepting and loving, and it just it feels so great to be in the midst of all that.This year
>I don't know if we're gonna see his family or not, but we are definitely gonna have a nice big Christmas.I wonder if she found out what it does take to offend them?
No. 605539
File: 1543370707997.png (48.01 KB, 800x267, Screenshot_2018-11-27-17-50-05…)

You know you're a hoarder when you have to add a room onto your shack.
No. 605561
>>605066>she has not shown her own hair since the photos in the wedding video.Speculation: given her overall tone and her bitching about everything, underneath all those cheap wigs is the "I'd like to speak with your manager" haircut.
>>605432Either that or Dorian. It wouldn't surprise me if she blocked her own son for calling her out.
No. 605575
File: 1543375629258.png (735.94 KB, 1280x800, yer hair is fucked.png)

>>605561This was the state of her hair after she bleached it twice. This was at least two dye jobs before their wedding, and she dyed it all black a few weeks before!
No. 605595
>>605581She literally says that in the video!
@ 16:05 My hair looks like ramen noodles right now. But I was gonna bleach it one more time, just the ends to kind of try to lighten this up so that my hair dye will look more uniform. But I noticed in the shower my hair is doing this [she holds up a fried strand] and there's like a little piece of hair that was just breaking off and the bathtub was full of it, so I do have a little bit of damage. The first bleach sucked. I wish I had known better and gotten this and I would have just done this and it would have done this anyway, but I had to do it twice. It's never a good idea to do it more than once in one day or one week…this is how I lost all my hair last time…my hair is just snapping off. That's so scary. Thank God I don't have long hair anymore.
No. 605646
>>605595[after endless waffling about green versus turquoise versus blue]
The Schwarzkopf Nordic Blonde got rid of permanent black dye that had been dyed and re-dyed and re-dyed.
I've been scared to try anything else because the Nordic Blonde works so well. But I figured if I can find something here…this is eight dollars. [Feria Absolute Platinum] It's way cheaper than spending twenty, thirty dollars and having it sent and having to wait and wait and wait. So I'm really desperate to re-dye my hair because as you can see my roots are grown out pretty bad. [she had all of one month's growth]
I figured well, I have an extra black dye here so if this ends up being a ruined mess, if it even does anything, I'll just redo it black. I'd wanted to do my whole head blue, but not quite sure what I'm gonna do. Hopefully, if this isn't gonna work on the black side, hopefully it'll just stay looking like exactly like it did. And then when the boxes that I'd ordered last month come in of the Nordic Blonde I can just get rid of the black then and not have to dye over it to which it would be harder to get rid of it.
[after the Feria fails]
So me and Josh went to the store and we got some bleach. And instead of getting the kind that I just had that wasn't really working I decided to try two other ones. So I got this [L'Oreal Colorista Bleach] and have not put it on yet. I'm not gonna need to put it on. After bringing it home I looked it up online and it got really shitty reviews, like one star out of fucking five or something. It was really bad, so I'm gonna see if I can actually return this. I don't know how good it is but I don't think it's very good at all. If I can't return it I'll just keep it for touch-ups.
This, though, I found. This is the same brand [Schwarzkopf] that does Nordic Blonde. I'm pretty sure this is actually the same formula because it smells the same and it feels the same and the lightning power is the same. This is the 15.0 Extreme Light Hair Color Ultime Iconic Blondes. And yeah, this is what I'm gonna be buying from now on.
>she had already ordered Nordic Blonde at great expense but couldn't wait>buys Feria for $8 which fails>buys L'Oreal but decides not to use it after reading the reviews>buys Schwarzkopf Ultime and decides it is just as good as Nordic Blonde No. 605785
>>605775Her whole story about the kitten is so weird. No marks on her, but the neighbour's dogs must have killed it…by "stomping" on it? As though that's something any dog has ever done? What a bizarre story. Whenever she comes up with this insane shit it just makes me more inclined to believe that she kills her animals and makes up elaborate stories/scenarios about how they died. No one has this many animals die out of nowhere.
Again, she talks about having a picture of her dead kitten. Why? Who does that?
No. 605793
>>605790it's like neither of them know how to train a dog at all, yet josh is apparently such a huge dog person. this was a puppy, they aren't just going to behave. you need to socialise and train them. common sense.
so there goes another dog - she charged the new owners too, as we know she loves to do. rescue a dog and then sell them on.
No. 605846
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>>605819via KF, a farmer there has started digging into the woman's posts-
>Found the woman Raven sold the dog to and started going through her screencaps of the dramas. The base-level Raven vitriol made sense because the woman is pretty and has everything going for her that Raven doesn't. This is one of the emails Raven sent her. No. 605848
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>>605846>the dog was posted on the Greenville, SC craigslistmore specific location
No. 605869
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>>605846KF also points out Raven's edited screencap.
No. 605896
>>605804Lol yeah and the way she's baffled that even after sending all these random friends of some lady screenshots and a bunch of info, that they don't
take her side after giving 'evidence'.
Noone in their right mind would believe some crazy random who literally made a fake profile to stalk their friend. Why the fuck would anyone do that? I get she's trying to 'clear her name' in her head, but any sane person would just ignore them or try and fix the problem with the owner privately, not drag all their acquaintes into it on social media.
She seems to have really bad interactions with anyone she sells animals/items to. She was a cunt to the old woman who adopted Mr Marshmallow. And the person that bought that phone off her online.
I feel like she doesn't train the pets she gets, gets frustrated when they don't do what she wants, then onsells them to people and doesn't care or want to know about it after they act out or have issues.
Mr Marshmallow was super anxious and the new owner just wanted help from Raven to help find/settle him and she acted like an asshole.
Then this woman got a bunch of issues with Pebbles which probably wouldn't have happened if Raven trained her. She wanted to know about it and Raven just acted like an asshole again.
Nothing is ever her fault. She's so annoying. And everyone called it that she'd immediately replace them with more kittens.
They need a photo of this cunts face at every cat haven and pet store behind the register saying 'do not sell to this person' just like they do at bottle shops.
No. 605925
>>605918Nah not a library mate at all.
I reckon the lady would still be a better home for Pebbles than Raven, I just thought a few things she said was a bit silly. Like the #ihatechihuahuas tag seemed silly.
But like I said, Raven did edit the woman's texts and screenshots so she seemed harsher than she was.
No. 606000
>>605846>You sheep with your ugly fake eyelashes and orange skinAnyone with a fake tan and false eyelashes is a sheep apparently.
This made me laugh so hard because it's basically Raven's version of 'normies reeeee'
Anyone alternative is either a poser or copying her (remember when she went on about blue hair being too common after
she had it) and anyone who follows normal trends is a 'sheep'
Raven just hates everyone.
No. 606023
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She might sound annoying but you can tell already from this screenshot that her house looks a billion times cleaner than Gravey's.
Also, it looks like Pebbles will have two other little dogs around her own size to play with once she settles in so all is not so bad.
No. 606035
>>606022It's common that business slows down during the holidays and they let the most useless cost go. Meaning Raven. They probably got busy, hired her for a short while then let her go. They probably said if business picks up they might call her. We all know Raven is too retarded to understand nuanced conversation.
>>606023It's a plain ole home and not a hideous hoarder shack. And Raven and this woman are sort of retarded picking up a puppy and a small sized breed and expecting it not to nip. It's mouthing, idiots. It's a behavior you gently discourage and goes away. Despite being an over sharer on fb, we all know she can't be worse than Raven and it'll probably have a regular ole nice life with this lady. Poor puppy much have been stressed having to move homes. Especially since despite it nippy at Loki, it was most likely very bonded as well. It was playing. Small breeds are difficult in that they're too aggressive to make up for their size.
Anyways, enough I'll stop sperging and laugh about how beautiful this thread's edition. The terrifying behavior of animal swapping and hoarding is so consistent and unforgivable. I hope Loki doesn't do anything to displease the hag or he'll go too.
No. 606036
>>605728Because she thinks hairdressers are uppity pieces of shit as she's mentioned in a past video. Like I get that it's annoying for them to lecture you about fucking with box dye, but I guess a lot of them like to educate their clients about the horror stories of homedye jobs.
They also get annoyed when their clients do things they have said not to do as it makes their job harder.
Craven of course takes it all personally and thinks hairdressers are being dicks when they tell you they won't fix your hair after using box dye.
In real life, some hairdresser probably told her it would take a few sessions to lighten her hair and she was too cheap about it and wanted light hair asap.
No. 606042
>>606035I'm waiting for the video where she gets mad and say they lied to her about the job.
>They said they'd call me when it picks up again and I haven't had work for weeks!Yeah, the woman did sound like an idiot. Shitzus look absolutely nothing like chihuahuas but I could see her being mistaken I suppose if Gravey only sent the puppy photos.
And being a shitzu cross, it looks like it adopted the underbite, so in a puppy photo it could maybe look a bit shitzu-ish.
Knowing Gravey, she probably sent the photos where the dog looked it's smallest and cutest so it peaked interest.
I've seen many ads online for small breeds where they often say 'dog is much smaller in real life, photos don't do justice' and shit like that.
Also, it's not like her house is a mansion by any means and for all we know she lives in a trailer like Raven, but it looks a lot more cleaner, that's for sure.
She does give me the vibe she's the type that likes dogs as an accessory hence the complaining about the 'grownup' size of the dog and the fact she complained about it biting her kid but posted a picture of it in a santa outfit a day later and called it her 'baby' suddenly.
Either way, she seems to have warmed up to it and I think everyone can see it's still a better home than Raven's by a long shot. She said Pebbles is there to stay, so all we can do is hope she keeps her word unlike Raven. And if she does decide to give it away, hopefully it's to one of her friends that said they wanted it, or her mother who she claimed to like small yappy types.
Still angers me that Raven had to adopt this dog in the first place when she says in this video that she knows nothing about dogs and says in many others that she doesn't like dogs. The only reason she got Pebbles was because she got Josh a dog and wanted a present for herself. She's incapable of getting just one pet. She always needs one for herself and one for her fucktoy. I know pets are sometimes good to get in pairs but she doesn't do it for that reason. She does it because SHE has to have a present too.
No. 606069
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Image dump incoming of a post the lady made on facebook
No. 606070
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No. 606072
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No. 606074
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No. 606076
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No. 606077
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No. 606078
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No. 606080
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No. 606083
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>>606069Comments in that post.
In red is the lady who got pebbles
No. 606104
What she said about Pebbles in the last thread:
>Our last family, uh, family member is a tiny, tiny little Chihuahua Shitzu, and that's….she's everybody's baby, but she's my baby. And she's brown with a little white on her chest, and her name is Cocoa Pebbles, but we call her Pebbles. She's two months old now. We, we only just actually got her a couple weeks ago. Those people lied to us when we got her because they said she was at least seven weeks old which we thought was that's still too young. You shouldn't give an animal away or sell an animal any younger than eight weeks, but twelve weeks is optimal. They need that time with their parents. I can't stand seeing people trying to get rid of animals at seven weeks, but at least I know and Josh knows that that's not a good age. We know what to do, how to treat them, how to take care of them. And so we figured if we don't get her, and we were like, she's too young, somebody else will get her, and they might not know what to do or how to, how to take care of her, so we figured at least if she comes with us we can give her a good life. [unintelligible] But we do give them good lives, and so we got her. When we got her we took her to the vet for a check-up right away, got her wormed and defleaed and all that stuff. And it turns out she wasn't seven weeks, she was closer to the five weeks. She didn't even have her teeth yet. She had some of her top teeth, no bottom teeth had broken through. She could barely see. She barely walked. She weighed two pounds, so she literally, like, fit in the palm of your hand. Now she's grown. She's probably closer to three, maybe four pounds, but she's still, like, itty bitty. She's, like, the smallest little thing, and she is so smart. She learned her name within the first week. She was almost fully potty trained within four days, believe it or not. We put down puppy pads. She'd go over there and pee and poo. She has accidents still here and there when she is playing or she's in an area of the house that's far away from her, her bed and her usual puppy pad area. Then she might, like, poop on the floor or something like that. But we keep her kind of in a small section right now while she's learning and growing. And her little tail is always wagging like that, and she's like cutest little thing.
And Loki plays with Pebbles, and he is so gentle with her. Like, she sticks her whole head up in his mouth, and he, he doesn't clamp down of course. He just kind of [hand motions] and he nudges her with his nose, and he gets real down low on the ground with her. And sometimes when she's sitting there he'll put both paws next to her like this and kind of, like, protect her, you know. He'll hold her like this, and she cuddles up, you know, in his tail or in his arms, and they're so close.
Strange how she gladly gives away her baby. I wonder what (if) has happened between the dogs (which were so close) that she had to give one of them away
No. 606133
>>606083>sold her to pay the power bill>I'm going to take this to the police just to make a believer out of herNo wonder Raven is hiding behind fake names/emails. I really hope Pebbles' new owner drags Raven to court over this because there's enough evidence to get a restraining order and when Raven breaks it (and she will) then it's a visit to Murica jail for her.
You know she has to be seething that people are laughing at her and calling her a meth head.
No. 606136
>>606072What is her deal with calling people whores. Raven, you sell your pussy for husbands. Stop it.
What an insane cunt.
No. 606145
>>606138No one should ever reach that level of pathetic. But hey, if she can sell her pussy for a husband, of course she'll sell a dog for a bill. She needs to stop bringing in all of these animals when she clearly cannot financially support them.
>>606133I hope they do too. It would be the sweet justice that Hagraven deserves to get plowed in the ass by for many years of bullying innocent people.
Her appearance doesn't do her any favors either if they do go to court. She looks as abrasive as she acts and is too god damn old to be acting like a psychotic hemorrhoid from an imp's ass.
No. 606183
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>>605775Drama once again rears its ugly head
Published on Nov 27, 2018
Hello darkness, my old friend…
Welcome back. Okay, so here we go. Josh and I were gonna do an animal update video last weekend and we didn't end up doing one. And then all this shit's happened and more shit's happened and then this situation happened. So this is gonna be both of those in one. It's gonna be a bitchy video but also an animal update video at the same time. Our animal situation has changed and that is the reason for this video.
First of all, the worst news is that my little girl [pic related], my beautiful little split face, she has died. If you're on my Facebook you would have seen my post. But um, you know, we're doing a lot of house repairs here, you know. The walls, the floors, and the roof, and things like that, the toilets, and just we're fixing this house up. And we have some people here and they were doing some repairs in the house and they left one of the doors open and all three of the cats got out. And um, Miss Pretty and Jelly came back in and my girl stayed outside. And I called her and I called her and I called her. And usually she comes. Because I didn't notice right away that she was outside. We didn't even think about it. And she didn't come back and I was like, oh my god. And Josh drove around, called. She didn't come. I mean, we looked and we looked and we called all night. I couldn't sleep. I'd wake up and I think I heard meowing and come look outside. Was she at the backdoor? No. Was she at the front door? No. Go outside, call her, call her.
She always came right to me like a dog, you know. She she wasn't like a cat. She'd just come. I'd call her and no matter where she was she'd come running, come say hi, sit on my lap, lick my face. I mean, she was the sweetest sweetest sweetest thing. And she was just she was my baby. She was the one I loved more than any other animal I've ever owned, even my Marmalade. Marmalade loved me but she didn't love me nearly as much as this one did. And I love Marmalade. I miss her so much. But this one was just she was just top of my…top of the food chain here, on top of my list. She was just something else.
And we never found her body anywhere so I was like, okay she's not squished. Maybe she got lost. Maybe she's just having fun wandering the neighborhood and she'll come back. Maybe somebody's kidnapped her, I don't know, catnapped her. And um, called the vets in the area, asked if anybody has maybe hit a cat that looks like that and took her to the vet. Nothing.
Left a note at the next door neighbor's house and asked if they have seen a cat laying over there dead or something because they actually have dogs and the dogs are kind of mean and they've been at the fence. And Josh has tried to, you know, "Hey buddy, hey boy" like he does, and the dog snapped at him. And he was like, whoa that's not too good. And they said that uh, that they hadn't seen anything but they'd keep looking. And I was like, oh okay good, you know, there's still hope, there's still hope. And by this time it had been over a week that she was gone, and it had been cold, frosty, rainy. And I was like, man she's been out there without food or shelter or water. I mean, there's water in the puddles but I was still worried about her not surviving out there and just being out there in the cold. And I started to get real frantic and just like, oh my god oh my god oh my god, you know, I hope she's okay. And Josh was real upset as well and he's just like, god I hope she's okay, she needs to be here with us. And it's like part of our family was completely missing.
And then I got a text from the neighbor again like an hour later after I sent pictures of her through. I said, this is what she looks like, if you can keep an eye out. She said, my husband found her at the tree line, I am so sorry. And my heart sunk and I was like, oh my god. And um, she wasn't bloody, she wasn't torn open, she was just laying on her side peacefully. We don't know what the hell could have happened. The only thing we could think of…I mean, we know obviously her dogs, their dogs would have killed, killed the cat.
She was…these cats are not scared of dogs because Loki, Loki loves cats. And they walk by him and he would never hurt them. They don't run away. And some of them have even lay down and slept on him. He's like a big cat. And this one, my girl, was like the most chill and friendly out of all of them. And that's saying something cuz they're all friendly, you know. And she wouldn't have been scared of the dogs. She would have just walked right up.
And I think…I don't think they bit her because there's no marks. But I think that they might have stomped on her, like stomped on her back or her neck and broken her back or her neck. Since she was out there in the cold for a week she was stiff so there's no way of knowing where she felt loose or anything. And so Josh went and buried her, and it was like my heart fucking broke. She's…it just doesn't feel right not having her here. At all.
So I've been looking for another cat that's got the same kind of face to help me. I know some people are the opposite and they never want a cat again. I'm not like that. I want to be able to look and see somebody that looks like her. And in the back of my mind it kind of made me feel like at least a part of her is here with us. While we were looking for her Josh and I went to the store and we heard meowing and meowing and meowing under a bush. It wasn't Walmart. It was a little supermarket in a little town not far from here. And we went and looked and there was this itty bitty bitty little orange kitty there, and she was the cutest little thing. I mean, she was young. She'd looked like she was maybe a month old, maybe five weeks. She definitely was not too much. She fit, like, in the palm of my hand. At the end of this I'll add a whole bunch of pictures talking about everything that happened.
I will not add a picture of my girl. I do have one of her in the box because the neighbors packed her up in a box, wrapped her in a shirt, and let us bury her. I will not add a picture that. I know I did that with Marmalade. I was shocked and I was like, oh my fucking god. I couldn't believe it and I just, I just shared it. It just felt like the right thing to do at the time. I don't know what my reasoning was, but I know at the time I felt like it was right thing. But I'm not going to do that with this girl. Yeah, a good, good decision. Whatever.
So we took her home. I named her Pumpkin Pie. She's like a little slice of pumpkin pie. And she's orange like a pumpkin. And she was here for two weeks. And she was, she was even more affectionate than my girl. But I wasn't, like, attached to her like that yet. It hadn't been long enough. And I loved her but I didn't…I wasn't like, oh my god this is my baby, you know. She would just I would stand there and I would be unpacking my boxes cuz my stuff came. She'd climb up my leg, climb up my shirt, and just sit right here in my arm. Like, you had to sit here and hold her. Like she, she wanted to be held. You had to hold her. And she'd come sit on my lap and she just she was just the most cuddly little thing.
And because we had her we were like, well she needs a little playmate. And um, you know, remember we're down to three cats at the time, her and then the two we had, so it wasn't an over amount. So we ended up getting this little calico kitten that was two months old, and that's Josh's cat. And he named her Zero because he loves Zero from Nightmare Before Christmas and also because this kitten had been in this house and she looked like, you know, she had had really nothing. Like, she didn't really know people. She was hiding under the sink. She was terrified. She didn't purr, she had never had, like, wet food or that kind of…you know, she just had experienced zero in her life, I guess, and so it kind of fit. [she looks down] A little fat cat is standing here. That's why the camera is moving. Huh, Jelly. My little fat girl. She's such a happy girl.
So we brought her home and they fell in love. They were like sisters and they were so sweet together. And I say were because we went back, like, yesterday to the store and saw fliers all over where this family had lost their little orange kitten. The daughter had taken the kitten outside to play and she was like, I don't know, like three or four or something like that. And she went back inside and completely forgot about the kitten. And so Pumpkin would have wandered around looking, you know, for shelter or somewhere to hide, and that's when we found her. And knowing that she belonged to somebody we couldn't keep her because we had just lost my cat. And if somebody had catnapped her or taken her in, the way that we were looking for her, I wouldn't have wanted somebody to keep her. I would have wanted somebody to give her back because rightfully, even if it was an accident that she was outside, she belonged to us, and it's the same here. So we had to let her go. And that really sucks because she was she was adorable and she was so pretty and just I miss her, too. So in a way I lost two back to back.
I'm talking to a woman from a cat rescue now and she's actually got a semi split face and an orange one. We were just looking for one, but she's got two and they're bonded. They were rescued one day apart and they were both so scared they just kind of bonded together. They're three months old and they're gonna be spayed and neutered and get their shots and everything, and then we're gonna pick them up. So we'll probably have two more to show you if everything works out fine.
No. 606184
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Pumpkin and Zero
No. 606185
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Pumpkin and Loki
No. 606188
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No. 606190
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>>606183Now, for the big thing. Oh, and we still have Loki, of course, the white Husky, obviously. The big thing is we do not have Pebbles anymore. Pebbles is the little, the cute little Shi Chi that we had, Shih tzu Chihuahua mix. What happened with her was she was beating up on Loki and we thought that it was unfair for Loki to have to go through that because he was here first. He never fought her back, never growled at her, anything like that. But she would go up to him and she would bite him like right around his butthole, around his haunches, and she'd just shake her head and rip his fur out, just rip chunks of his fur out. And I've got a picture of her that I will add at the end where she's just sitting there and she's got a mouthful of his fur that she just ripped out of his butt. And she would also jump up. Even if he'd sit up and he'd kind of go like this she'd jump up and she'd bite his face. And she's made him cry a lot of the time. And I've seen her hanging off of his face, biting onto his gums and his lip. And he's sitting there crying and crying, and she's just growlingand clinging onto his lip. And for one, that wasn't fair on him. And for two, we don't want him to, you know, "Fuck, that hurts!" and react and snap and kill her. So we had to find another home for her for her own safety because she was getting too vicious.
She didn't do that with the cats. She did try to chase them down, but the cats have got like a six foot high cat tree and they can jump on it and get away. She was smaller than the cats. They were not concerned with her at all. But she beat up on Loki a lot and we couldn't get her to stop.
Um, we had a lot of messages from people who wanted her, and we wanted her to go to a good home because she's itty bitty. When we got her she was…I don't know if you guys remember us talking about it, but she was full of worms and she was younger than we were told she was. She had no bottom teeth. Like, she didn't have her teeth yet. We were told that she was eight weeks old. And when we took her to the vet, because when she yawned I saw she had no teeth, we took her straight to the vet like, oh my god what do we do? I'm not good with dogs. I don't know about dogs like I do cats, so I wanted to be sure that we were able to feed her properly and know what to give her to make sure she survived. And they aged her at about five weeks old so she was also really young. And everything worked out fine. We gave her wet food. We mixed wet food with dry food. We, you know, soaked everything down until her teeth came in. She was able to eat and she was fine, obviously. And she used those teeth way too much. Um, the person that we chose…oh sorry, rewind.
When we went to Carowinds for my birthday we put them both in a kennel. And she was so young she had only had her first round of shots. They took her in anyway. They said nobody's ever had kennel cough, nobody's ever gotten sick. But we had to sign a waiver just in case or whatever. She caught kennel cough. So we had to take her to the vet. That was over $200 in exams and medicines and things like that. So it cost us a pretty penny for her, to buy her in the first place and to take care of her. Her worming, her fleas, her kennel cough, her medication, all that stuff. So when I listed her I didn't list her for free. I did list her for I think um a quarter of what we paid for her. Not a lot, definitely not what she was worth, but um just a little bit to try to recover some of that money.
And like I said in my prelude video I haven't been working since around Halloween, and Josh has just changed jobs. He was working for this other company loading trucks and they would pay by the truck, but then they do it in a weird way where it wasn't even a minimum wage. He'd work six days a week. He'd work so much, like 50 hour weeks and then bring home not even a hundred dollars because of how many trucks they do, and he just couldn't stay there. And that made us behind on everything. Plus, though, that bill took our savings, so that's why we asked for some money so we can catch up on the power bill and things like that because we took care of the animal over paying bills because her health was really important. We didn't know what was going on with her. She was just hacking and coughing and she was so little. You need to be careful with little animals, you know.
Now he's changed jobs and gone from loading trucks to now he is the lead. He's actually got high qualifications and he has a really good job. He is the boss. He comes home, "Man, it's so cool. I get to tell people what to do." And he's, he is the lead and he loves this job so much, and that is so great to see because it's very rare in life that you actually get to get paid for what you love doing. And, and I'm really proud of him for that and I'm really happy for him. He gets to go to work and just to come home telling me how much he loves his job. And he's not just a laborer, he's the boss so that's even better.
But back to my story. So this woman said that she couldn't afford to pay the full amount that we were asking because Christmas is around the corner and she has two kids and blah blah blah. But that she swore she would give him a good home because she has a Shih tzu and it would be good. [she looks down]
Hey. I've got a big cat on me. This is, this is Zero. Let me see if I can pick her up. She just came over to say hi. This is Zero. Look at your little face, Zero. Look at the camera. Aw, she is precious. Hey. [she kisses her] She's purring. You miss your little buddy? I miss her, too. Hey look, Zero. There you go. Oh, look at your face. You are so cute. Oh, she's a happy girl. She is so soft. So I've got three kitty cats. I'm only partially wearing a dress so excuse me. But I've got big ol' kitty there, and Zero's right there, and Josh's cat Miss Pretty just walked over that way. This is my life. When I make videos I do only partially get dressed. I only put on a top because my bottom is not shown, so excuse that.
Um anyway, I move around a lot trying to figure out what the hell I'm gonna say. She said that she would give Pebbles a good home because she has a little dog herself [pic related] she has a little dog herself and they would play, and she loves animals, and blah blah blah. And I thought, you know, finding a good home for her where she'd have a playmate and she'd be happy is more important than making the money back, so I agreed to let her pay half of what I was asking which is probably one eighth of the money put into her which is fine, you know. She had a good home. Everything was great.
So we met her in a parking lot of a store. It was really hard to say bye. I stayed in the car. I didn't get out. Josh got out. And she was fine. She was like, aw she's so cute. And her daughter was like, oh my god. And everything, everything was fine. She paid us, took Pebbles, and we left. Got home and she texted me and she said, oh my god, you know, she's doing so great, she's gotten along with her dog, they're outside buddy-buddy playing around, and everything's good. And I was like, oh that's great, I'm so happy to hear that.
And then um either later that night or the next day she says, has she ever been aggressive towards people because she's growling at my son and she's like she wants to attack my son. And I said, no she's never been aggressive to people. I said, we got rid of her because she was doing that to our dog. He was so gentle he tolerated it is the thing. If there's another dog and the dog were like, grrr don't do that to me, then of course she would stop. But she was never taught by him not to do it. And um, another little dog she couldn't hang off of the same. But she never tried that with this chick's dog anyway from what I had heard and what she had said.
She was apparently showing aggression to this chick's son for no reason, unprovoked, just didn't like him. And I said, that's really weird because she's never never never nipped, growled, barked, or anything at us for any reason at all. And, you know, I've like, No! No! Done that to her, like, kind of in her face and she's never even grrr at me, nothing. Just what she does when she gets scared is she rolls over on her back and she's just [mimes paws in the air] submissive, that's what she does. And I thought that was really strange. She said that her son hadn't done anything. I said, I'm really sorry to hear that. I don't know what would be happening. Maybe um keep your son away from her for a little while because she's just taken to a new home. She doesn't really know anybody, and there's a man, a woman, a daughter, a son, and a dog. I said, it might be too much for her at the moment so maybe just kind of give her a little bit of space. And she didn't really answer me.
And then she wrote back again a little while later and said that no, I can't have her because she just bit my son in the face. And I was like, what?! Whoa, what happened? What was going on? And she said that her son was holding Pebbles and was eating a Pop Tart and doing nothing and she just jumped up and bit him in the face. And I was like, I said, I'm really sorry, that doesn't sound like her, I don't know what to tell you, I never saw any signs of that in her at all or else I would have warned you. I understand if you can't keep her but we just paid our power bill, we don't have the money to give you back. And she said, okay I'll look for somebody else who could take her, I'll just go ahead and rehome her. And I said, you know, that's fine, she is your dog now, but um I just I don't know what to say. And I just apologized and apologized.
And then she's like, well what was she sick with in the first place? Because I had mentioned that I was asking a rehoming fee for, you know, because we had spent so much at the vets. All this was on the post along with pictures of her, by the way. And she had asked me for pictures of her before she came and got her so I sent her three pictures of her because it's all I had in my phone at the time. So she had seen five photos of her because one of the photos was on my phone and on the ad. And she said, well what was she sick with? And I said, well she had had worms when I got her and she was much younger than we were told. Her birthday was in May…no. She's four months old now and it's November, so four months ago that's her birthday, July. July 18th, I think, is her birthday of this year. And I said that she had that and then she had kennel cough a couple weeks…it was a couple months ago and she'd be completely, she's completely fine now. And she's like, well I wish I had known that before I got her. And I said, you did know that, it was on the ad.
She started bitching at me saying that she didn't know anything, she didn't know any of what was wrong with her, and if she had known all this she would have never taken her. And she completely flipped out on me. And I was like, I said, look you knew everything. And she said, and I didn't even know what she looked like, you didn't even send me pictures of her, I don't think this dog is four months old, you lied to me about everything. I said, I didn't lie to you about a single thing.
And she's like, look I just want my money back. And I said, I told you we don't have your money, you weren't lied to, you were told everything. And then she started threatening me with small claims court saying that she's gonna take me to court because it was false advertising and yadda yadda yadda. So I sent her screenshots of the ad and of our email. I said, this is the email you said you didn't get with pictures you say you didn't get, and this is the ad that lists everything on there, you were told everything ahead of time. I said, if you wanted to know what precisely she was sick with then maybe you should have asked, you know. Conveniently it wasn't an issue to you until now, and now you want to know more details that doesn't affect her or your dogs now, you know. I'm paraphrasing. I didn't say that stuff word for word. It's all gonna be in the screenshots because I've screenshots of all this stuff.
Well, I didn't hear from her but I got an email from her mother…not an email, sorry, I got a voicemail from her mom. She was out there giving my phone number out to people so I had to change my number. She was threatening me with small claims court again saying that I lied about everything. And I was like, what the fuck does this bitch look like? So I went and I looked her up and I found her profile and lo and behold I see posts about Pebbles. And what she's saying on there is that we catfished her. We are not…we catfished her because that's not a Shi Chi, that's a straight-up Chihuahua, and she hates Chihuahuas. And it's like, first of all, that's not what catfishing is. Second of all, it's a Shih tzu Chihuahua mix so of course she's gonna look like a fucking Chihuahua. And I hate Chihuahuas. How stupid are you? And on the ad it said Shih tzu Chihuahua mix. It was right there. And at the bottom it said, yes this is a mixed breed. She's called a Shi Chi. Look it up.
Yeah, and then she said that she was catfished and the dog was not a puppy. She said, I got me a grown-ass dog, look at her, she's so ugly, she's a retard, and all this stuff. And Pebbles was maybe two and a half to three pounds and she was smaller than the cats. You could tell she was a puppy. She was a baby. She was definitely not over a year old. And if she's that worried about it it's nothing that a simple vet check wouldn't tell her, you know, because she, at four months old, probably wouldn't even have all her adult teeth yet, just saying. Which of course she wouldn't do that because she knows that she's full of shit.
And everybody on her friends list is falling for it, oh those people you should take them to court, what's her phone number, what's their name, blah blah blah blah and all this like I was in the wrong. And she's just going along with it about how what did she do to deserve this in her life, her life is so shitty and horrible. And she's trying to pawn off Pebbles on anybody. Oh just take her, take her, look at this ugly fucking retard, what the hell am I gonna do with this dumb bitch and all that, like just really down talking her. And she's like, this is what I was supposed to get, and she shows Pebbles puppy picture. And she goes, and this is what the fuck I got, and she shows her as an adult. It's the same fucking dog. I just included puppy pictures and adult pictures. One or two were taken last week or the week before I gave them…gave her to them.
And apparently we are meth heads. We're druggies and junkies and we spent all of our money on drugs and that's why we needed to sell off our animals to pay for our bills which none of that's true, either. She's probably more of a druggie we are. We don't smoke, drink. He smokes a Juul which is like a vape but he's trying to quit. We don't drink. We don't do drugs. We don't even go out of the house. And we didn't sell our animal to pay for a power bill. We used money that we got from selling an animal who was abusing our other animal to pay for a power bill we were behind on because we put that animal first.
So what I did was I went, I made a fake profile. I hadn't done this in a while but I didn't want it connected to me. She has no idea who I am. I made a fake profile and I clicked on every single person that was involved on those threads, on those posts of hers, and I wrote every single person who had something to say about Pebbles, and I said this: What you've been told is a lie. This is what actually happened. And I went down the list: We did this, we did this, we did that, we told her this, she said that, and here are 18 screenshots. And I sent everything through. And she still somehow convinced them that I was lying and she was telling the truth, that that wasn't even the ad, and she was never told any of that stuff, I must be doing nothing but sitting around all day spying on her, she's gonna call the cops on me for harassment, all this shit. Those screenshots were taken directly snap snap snap from my phone.
The ad was…I can see the ad. The ad was flagged for removal. It kept being flagged because I listed on Craigslist and for some reason on Craigslist they don't let you sell animals but you can ask for a rehoming fee. And I said I was looking for rehoming fee and we're not a puppy mill or anything like that. It was just we were looking to rehome an animal for the safety of our other animal. I didn't violate any of their rules but they kept flagging and taking it down so the ad wasn't there. But seeing as it was my post and I have an account I was able to open that post, look at it, screenshot it, and that's what I did.
So to share it with you guys I removed anything that was location wise and I removed her name and her friends names and their faces because all I need is for, you know, my other stalkers to go on and be like, oh my god she's so bad with animals and blah blah blah and then go find her and then try to build up this giant case about how I hate animals and I'm an animal abuser and all this other bullshit which is the furthest thing from the fucking truth. Like when we had Doja, trying to get him taken away because apparently all I do is get animals and I kill them and I'm so horrible and I sell off animals to make a profit.
When my cat had had kittens and they were spoken for before they were born. Marmalade had had kittens. They were spoken for before they were born. They were ready around Valentine's, a week before Valentine's Day. People came and picked them up. I saved that money and we used that to go out and have Valentine's dinner. But the stalkers put all that together to make it look like I sold them just to go out to eat which is not the truth.
And the same thing goes here. I did not sell Pebbles for the power bill. We needed to get rid of her to save her own life in case Loki snapped at her and hurt her or, you know, for Loki's state of mind because he tried desperately to get away from her. He'd try to climb on the couch but once she got big enough she learned to jump on the couch and he couldn't get away from her. And I know if I were him I would not want a little rat hanging off of my face either. Because I'm a person so it wouldn't be a dog it would be a rat biting my lip and pulling me down, you know. And it just wasn't a good environment for him because we could not stop her. We put her in timeout, we kept telling her no, squirted her with a water bottle. Nothing worked. And so it just it had to be done. And instead of going out to eat or buying drugs or cigarettes or piercings or tattoos we put it towards a bill. I mean, we did the responsible thing is what I think. But whatever. She's so fucking full of it.
And I do check her profile. I do. I check it at least once a day. Because if I see anything on there that looks like Pebbles is going to come to any harm or she's been tossed outside or she's suddenly vanished I'm gonna call the cops or animal control. Because she might not know who I am but I have her phone number and I have her profile and I have her email address. I have all her information that they could use to track her down. All they really would need is her phone number, and I do still have all that and her mom's phone number on my phone.
But it looks like she's resigned herself to having Pebbles. And even though she keeps saying we're meth heads and we lied to her, catfished her, and that this dog is over a year old, it's a grown-ass dog so she can't change her name. Cuz just yesterday somebody asked her she's gonna change her name and she said, well I can't because she's a grown-ass dog. Whatever.
We changed Loki's name. His name was Oakley and he looks like a Loki so we changed it to Loki and he knows Loki. You can change an animal's name because they're not attached to it like people are. Duh. And she's four months old. She could adjust to a new name like nothing.
But um yeah, I do keep an eye on her all the time because I want to make sure Pebbles is safe. But she has resigned herself to keeping her. She's like, well I guess we're in tight now, we're staying, look at her. But she's still, like, says stuff like, oh she's ugly. Like, she'll be like, she'll say stuff like, oh look at her she's uh, yeah, something else, you know, she'll say stuff like that. We know you think she's ugly. Not as ugly as you are. You should see this bitch. I'm not gonna show you what she looks like but fuck, she is really ugly. She's not one to talk about this poor dog being ugly, you know. She's not, she's not a prize herself.
And her son. It turns out the reason…she wrote this on her profile which I took screenshots of everything which will be here. The reason that Pebbles bit her son. She didn't bite him, she snapped at him, and it was because her son kept getting in Pebbles' face, like making noise. And she even said, oh Pebbles doesn't like my son because he keeps getting up in her face. How about you take your son out of harm's way and you separate dog from little boy before little boy gets bit. She's being irresponsible, caring too much about what she looks like and how she comes across, making fun of this poor little dog rather than taking care of her own child. The first thing I would do is tell my son, look this is a new dog, you need to respect him, give him…give her space, let her get used to you. You don't ever get up and in an animal's face because they could just jump up and they could bite you, they could hurt you. Just, you know, you respect all living creatures. You don't just get up in a fucking animal's face like that and then wonder, I don't know what happened.
And it wasn't that. It wasn't her snapping at him why she wanted to get rid of her. She wanted to get rid of her because…uh, because with the timeline, I followed the timeline. The reason she wanted to get rid of her is because she thought she had a Chihuahua, not a Shi Chi, and she doesn't like Chihuahuas. That is the reason, because she said she was catfished and lied to. She hates Chihuahuas and she wanted to get rid of her. After that is when her son was up in Pebbles' face and snapped.
So that's that drama. This was like, I was raging. I was so fucking angry when all this was going on. This was uh…it's been a couple days since. This has been, like, a major thing. And I just with Pumpkin and my kitty cat and all that I just haven't really been in the mood to sit here and just make these kind of videos. But then I got all fired up again with what happened yesterday with those other people. And it was like, man I really wish I could go into detail on that but I'm not going to for my own reasons. But uh, yeah. I just um…it just got me real worked up and real angry and I was like, you know what, I'm…I might not want to talk about this other situation but I am definitely going to say something about something. And now is time to go ahead and do a pet update video so I'm gonna do that and um fill in the whole story. So there it is. There you have it.
Um, people are fucking shit. People are horrible. I'm the one looked down on as being really bad for animals, I'm a bad owner. But that is not the case. I always look out for the animals first. That's why I go through animals because I want the animals to have the best possible home that they can here, and I know sometimes that is not the case. And sometimes if it's not a good fit you have got to do what's right for the animal. You cannot put yourself above them, and I don't. And whether that makes me look bad because I go through animals or not, I find them all good good homes and I make sure that they have a better home than what here for whatever reason. I haven't had to do it often but the couple of times I have it has been for a good reason and they've moved on. And now the ones that we have, they are just so…they are so precious. They are, they're everything. I just wish my girl was here to be here with us.
But um, Josh has become crazy cat man like I'm crazy cat woman. He loves having cats. They lay on him and he just lays there and he pets them. And he's just so happy and he tells me, I never thought I would I would be here having a cat fall asleep on my chest, just hugging me, and it's just such a great feeling. And when they purr on you and you just…I know it's like a comfort unlike anything else. And then Loki crawls up there and puts his head on Josh's lap and he's got me and one side and he's got a kitty cat on him and then he's got the doggy on the other side and he says it's the happiest he's ever been in his entire life. And that just, like, makes me want to cry, you know, because I gave that to him, you know.
Other people in his life haven't appreciated him or treated him like he deserves to be treated or, you know, acknowledged the stuff that he's done in his life and just, you know, he had never even had a simple thing as having his face touched and just told that he's beautiful or that he's done a good job. And I do that to him every day, you know. I tell him good job for the stuff that he's done or I'm proud of him. I'm happy, you know, I'm so happy when he's happy, and he is the center of my entire world and he knows that. And I gave that to him. Me, not anybody else. And to hear him tell me just how, how happy he is with his life now it's…that's like a gift in itself that you just…it's you can't compare it to anything else, I guess, being able to give that feeling to somebody else. And that's where my happiness lies.
So um, I guess that's all. Like, I feel like I want to keep talking but I really don't want to just keep blabbing and blabbing. But I will just end that there and just say, what do you guys think? I know I hate doing this, but what do you guys think when you read the screenshots? Isn't she's so fucking full of shit? Doesn't that just really make you want to rip her fucking head off? Like seriously, the shit that she's saying about Pebbles and the lies that she's making up. She doesn't even know what catfishing is. And she just sits there all cocky and bitchy. Like, who the hell does she think she is? Because she can't fucking read she's gonna go and blame everybody else, you know. People like that just make me sick. They really do. They really, really do.
I will see you guys around. Thank you for listening. And I do appreciate you guys. I do love you guys. And I will see you on Christmas probably to open presents. I will probably see you before that. I might actually make my Christmas intro now while I'm dressed up because I kind of like my makeup today. And then I will release some of the other videos. I don't really have a lot going on, don't…excuse me…don't really have a lot of videos coming up or not great content. But again it's just I just record things that are interesting to me, not stuff that I think other people are gonna want to listen to. I just released it just because I've recorded it so I might as well. I just don't see YouTube as a priority like I did when I had nobody so that's why that's changed. But I'll still be around for the people that have followed me. You guys deserve the occasional update here and there. I don't want to leave here. I don't want to leave anybody hanging, so that's why I'm trying to do updates here and there just to kind of keep people in the loop because, you know, believe it or not there are people out there that do care about me and my life. And um, they deserve updates and they deserve to know because they've been invested in my life and have followed me for a very long time. And so I owe it to you guys to tell you stuff that happens. So I will see you guys around. Like Josh says, I say bye and I keep talking for hours, so I'm gonna try to cut it now. Bye bye!

No. 606193
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"And I've got a picture of her that I will add at the end where she's just sitting there and she's got a mouthful of his fur that she just ripped out of his butt."
No. 606194
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"This is Zero. Let me see if I can pick her up. She just came over to say hi. This is Zero. Look at your little face, Zero. Look at the camera."
No. 606196
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"I'm only partially wearing a dress so excuse me. But I've got big ol' kitty there, and Zero's right there, and Josh's cat Miss Pretty just walked over that way."
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No. 606257
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No. 606258
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No. 606259
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No. 606260
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No. 606262
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No. 606263
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No. 606264
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No. 606268
>>606201>does not bark, not a yappy dog, will not snap>it's too rough with our other dogCan't keep her story straight again.
Is this the original craigslist post or the one she made afterwards?
>>606213>>606215Wow that woman was nothing but polite and asked simple questions and had reasonable concerns and Raven snaps again as soon as she has to fear giving money back and getting the dog back. Never change, Gravy
No. 606269
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No. 606293
>>606276All true but the kid shouldn't be getting in the dogs face and the mum should be stopping this. The kid deserved to get bitten
Raven is still a massive cunt though.
No. 606310
>>606294According to
>>605848 Pebbles was posted on the Greenville, SC Craigslist. Greenville is 32 miles west of Spartanburg.
>>606069Lynley Bruner lives in Spartanburg. So what's up with the FL references on her Facebook page?
Tinfoil: Raven faked the FL references to support her claim she is living there.
No. 606323
>>606293Even if he was in the dog's face, Hagraven said that the dog rolls on its belly in fear and doesn't bite. That falls on
Diana, not the mom.
No. 606361
>>606293I mean the kid was a little toddler, they probably didn't realise they were being too close. The mother definitely shouldn't have let them get so close to a new dog that is scared and settling in. I think it's rough to say the child deserves it though. Above toddler age, sure, but toddler and below, nah, even when they are trying to be gentle, their movements are exaggerated.
If Gravey had lied and told her oh yeah it's totally fine, she loves everyone, then the lady may have not realised and it's an easy mistake to make, especially if the lady's kids seemed to get along fine
Her childish antics on facebook seem a bit cowish (the way her friend says omg you should call Ellen!) But she seems like a nice enough person for the fact she decided to keep the dog afterwards.
And she even said she thinks the dog is cute in an ugly way.
I disagree, but there's loads of people who think chihuahuas are ugly. It's common. And she's not wrong that there's something wrong with its mouth. Especially in one of the santa outfit photos.
It's not shown how much Raven sold the dog for so it would be interesting to see how much she scammed the lady out of. I have a feeling the lady wouldn't have been so 'omg catfished' on facebook to all her friends if the dog wasn't as much money. She's trying to come across like 'it could only happen to me LOL' Like trying to be entertaining to her friends on Facebook and upping the ante.
No. 606383
>>606201Note that Raven only days the dog was sick but not with what, and worms isn’t really being sick. So until
>>606210 the woman didn’t know it was kennel cough. Even in her bitchy reply Raven quotes the vagueness of the Craigslist post, and says well you didn’t ask what sickness it was like it isn’t Ravens fault for not being direct about the illness.
Raven also forgets that ppl take their pets to the vet for check ups and to get them vaccinated and all that. It is on Raven for hiding part of th story even if the women should have asked more questions, because the ones she did (like more pics) raven gets upset about too so can’t win with her.
No. 606391
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>>606259>>606294>>606310She did edit it to show Jacksonville. I pulled this from her profile before lockdown. Edited to take out her kids names and places of work.
Raven is such a lunatic.
No. 606425
>>606361>>606276Can those screencaps be believed? We know she doctored
>>605869 and
No. 606430
>>606425Raven clearly knows how to use Inspect Element, per
>>606391 and
>>606259 so unless I see the original wording to compare, I wouldn't assume she used all those insults.
No. 606448
>>606434Her name is Raven Sparks and the rabbithole goes really deep. This is her 14th thread on all of the drama that she causes and there are a looooot of people who she's scammed and called every name in the book. That includes her own son, the bitch is a psycho.
Sorry you had to meet her. She's going to bring up this incident for a long while and will most likely still try to harass you through your friends.
No. 606450
>>606434Welcome and feel free to dump anything you have on her.
You have to understand how many animals she crams into her trailer and how many animals she goes through because they die, get "lost" or she sells them. It's got to be stressful for the many dogs and cats she has crammed into that place. The only value she places on an animal is the attention it gives her and how it makes her feel. This pup went from being affectionate to her to developing behaviour issues, no doubt due to stress and lack of training/ home structure - and being ditched because she no longer gave Raven what she wanted. This is a constant pattern with Raven.
I hope you are kind to Pebbles, who hasn't had the training and care she needs. Once you understand that, it's a matter of helping her to catch up and learn to behave. It's not a bad dog, it's had a very bad owner.
Can you talk about the screencaps Raven posted in her video? Are these accurate things you wrote about the dog?
No. 606457
>>606190> I made a fake profile and I clicked on every single person that was involved on those threads, on those posts of hers, and I wrote every single person who had something to say about Pebbles, How the fuck to you admit to making a fake profile and messaging everyone involved in a conversation and expect to not come off looking like a fucking psycho tho?
>And we didn't sell our animal to pay for a power bill. We used money that we got from selling an animal who was abusing our other animal to pay for a power bill we were behind on because we put that animal first.Even so, "we're behind on power bills" is a far cry from yesterday's "i'm doing so great financially, so much better than YOU" claim.
>He smokes a Juul Of course he does. Does anyone use these who isn't trailer trash?
No. 606470
>>606453>>606459She should do a collab with Taylor Nicole Dean kek
Peas in a pod.
No. 606474
>>606457>And we didn't sell our animal to pay for a power bill. We used money that we got from selling an animal who was abusing our other animal to pay for a power bill we were behind onSo…she sold her pet for a power bill. No matter how the cunt phrases it, that's exactly what she did.
>>606467>Josh is the boss at his jobThat sounds like some shitty "I'm self-employed!" crap or a lie.
No. 606505
>>606446>>606434Absolutely get the law involved if you can because Raven will not stop harassing you and everyone around you. She's already made you part of her Youtube vidoes and even edited your personal messages and info to suit her needs.
Raven is not the sort of person to just walk away, especially when she thinks she's been one-upped or laughed at. She's a scammer through and through and she's practically written the book on e-stalking and harassment.
No. 606539
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>>606446Lynley, here are a few pics Raven included in the video introducing Pebbles. Were these the pics she used in the ad or sent to you? No. 606545
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You might find watching how Raven and Josh interacted with Pebbles of interest.
This is a screencap from a video she filmed in August. At 15:30 Josh picks up Pebbles and she licks his face. her birthday video filmed on September 17th Pebbles constantly begs for Josh's pizza, and he has to keep pushing her away. At 16:50 she gets into it, and they yell at her to stop. No. 606571
>>606446Thank you for coming to talk to us here, and I'm sorry that you've been sucked into Gravy's gravity pull. She is truly a disgusting, greedy hag. Its great to hear that you're making it work with the pup, just be careful because Raven has nothing better to do besides sit on her lazy ass and harrass you; our of jealousy and spite. Get the police involved if it is ongoing.
Also can I just say, that after digging for myself, it's clear that Gravy is super jealous of this woman? She is young, pretty, has a fiance who is a police office, a couple of beautiful children, probably exactly the life Gravy wishes she had.
Sucks to be an obese middle aged ugly used up barren waste of welfare married to a meth head/tard, huh hagraven?
No. 606575
>>606571Raven is probably jealous of her. Evident by her insults she made about her looks and the way she acted like the lady thought she was 'better' than her.
Raven is generally jealous of all women though or anyone who is actually happy.
She's a miserable cunt.
No. 606641
>>606459There was also the ragdoll Josh bought her as a present and another cat that they "found from a tree". Both of them were rehomed, when their landlord suddenly decided not to allow cats, when he had no such problem with dogs.
If I count correctly, since her arrival to Couchland, the Bradley bunch has had 5 dogs (not including Josh's strays) and 8 cats. 10 cats actually, if include those two new kitties that she said they'll be getting now.
10 fucking cats in one year, and five of those are no longer with them. Way to go, Gravy, way to go.
No. 606642
>That's why I go through animals because I want the animals to have the best possible home that they can here, and I know sometimes that is not the case. And sometimes if it's not a good fit you have got to do what's right for the animal. I haven't had to do it often [O RLY] but the couple of times I have it has been for a good reason and they've moved on.Two months ago
>The babies that we have now, we've had them for four months, and they've had their little misbehaviors here and there, but overall they're our babies and they're here, you know. It's I said about the house, when you walk in to certain homes you feel like, wow this is home, this is where I'm gonna stay, this is where I'm gonna be. It's the same with them. It's like, you know what, you're home. You're not going anywhere. I could say with all certainty they're here to stay. I couldn't imagine our lives without them. No. 606644
>>606446Lynley, I'm sorry for the mess Raven is causing in your life.
We would very much recommend you take legal actions against Raven Bradley (née Sparks).
She is indeed a horrible person, and an animal abuser. I'm very glad Pebbles has you and your loving family now.
If you need proof, just take a look on the links to prior posts.
And specially this ones: (Raven admits on video to killing and torturing animals) (transcript of previous vid) (says wants a pet free home, keep getting pets and discarding them) (sold kittens so she could buy dinner - and now the puppy so she could pay a bill)
(GORE ALERT) (Raven posted a picture of her dead cat on instagram)
Since she got to America - 5 dogs (including a BLIND one she tossed away) and 8 cats.
She needs to be stopped.
No. 606645
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Timeline of Raven and Josh's Animals
Josh started a Facebook group for local stray dogs and is a member of several others.
>>>/pt/46389407/17 Marmalade is fatally hit by a truck when she follows Logan into the street. He had taken her to live with him at his mom's house after he and Raven separated.
>>>/pt/41609010/17 A stray dog that had taken up residence on Josh's mom's property is fatally shot by a neighbor with an arrow.
>>>/pt/44450011/17 Josh moves Chubby and Big Boy, both black dogs, to the first shack. They were originally strays that wandered onto Josh's mom's property while he lived there. They are not allowed inside the shack and are unrestrained on the property. A stray white dog, accompanied by other stray dogs, visits frequently for food. Raven wants to keep the white dog because it looks like a wolf.
>>>/pt/463618>>>/pt/47143111/17 Raven talks about how much Josh's dogs like her and her feelings about dogs. "I've said it before, I don't like dogs. Various things over the course of my life have made me not like dogs. I used to like dogs. I've tried having dogs. My little Skellie, I loved him so much. The Leonbergers were all right. They weren't my dogs, though, they were my exes. I've had dogs in the past that I've loved to death. And then we had the little fucking bitch that attacked my Marmalade, and she just kind of turned me against dogs. That, and then the neighbor's dog just was always barking and barking and barking and barking and barking and barking and barking. I don't like barking. I'm like, fuck dogs. But Josh had five fucking dogs. Then there was the one that got shot with an arrow and died. And he's still really upset about that. But he brought two of them here, and they like me."
>>>/pt/46657911/17 A week later she complains, "I haven't got much sleep for the past three days. One of Josh's dogs is just outside just barking and barking non-fucking-stop."
>>>/pt/46835712/17 Chubby and Big Boy disappear, but Raven does not disclose this until January 13th. "Josh's dogs vanished. They wandered off maybe three weeks ago. I don't know where they went. He's been going crazy looking for them. First the big black one left, and we don't know where he went. He walked all up and down the road. He looked in the ditches, he drove all over the area, he went to all the neighbors. Nobody knows where he is. And the little one was here and then I petted him, sat down with him, and then he just up and wandered off, too, like that same day. Right after I petted him he just took off, and he hasn't been back, either. So nobody knows where they went or what happened." Later in the video she spends time with the white dog and another stray.
>>>/pt/48077012/17 Josh is pictured holding an unidentified small dog that appears to be elderly and blind.
>>>/pt/47835901/18 Josh gives Raven a 5 month old male Ragdoll kitten named Cashmere / Cas for New Years.
>>>/pt/47890901/18 Three days later Raven inquires about a tortie kitten on a cat rescue Facebook page.
>>>/pt/47950501/18 On the same day they adopt Meg, a female tabby kitten that was found stuck in a tree, as a playmate for Cas.
>>>/pt/479526I post a timeline of Raven's animals in New Zealand.
>>>/pt/479554A few days later she posts a video about Marmalade.
>>>/pt/48052101/18 Raven gives Josh a 7 month old female mixed Chihuahua puppy as a surprise "because he's been so sad about his dogs running away". He names her Astrid / Azzy. This is their third pet acquisition in 17 days. Three days later she makes a post voicing their concerns that Azzy displays signs of having been abused.
>>>/pt/481414??/18 Azzy "is stolen" when Raven leaves her unattended in the yard, but she does not disclose this until 03/18.
>>>/pt/494835>>>/pt/49686002/18 Cas and Meg (now identified as male) are rehomed together. Raven asks for $50 for Cas. Azzy is not mentioned. Raven gives conflicting reasons having to do with both their old and new landlords.
>>>/pt/488467>>>/pt/49483503/18 They adopt an unnamed Golden Retriever Black Lab cross from the same woman from whom they adopted Meg. They return the dog a few days later when his family change their minds.
>>>/pt/494743Raven posts a video defending her checkered history.
>>>/pt/496860I update the timeline of Raven's animals in New Zealand.
>>>/pt/496916>>>/pt/498710Transcript of her video about rehoming Mr. Marshmallow and buying Loki and Dante in New Zealand.
>>>/pt/49939703/18 They adopt Doja, an 11 year old blind and deaf male Pit Bull, from a dog rescue. Raven sets up a Facebook page about him. She and Autumn, who runs the dog rescue, solicit donations for his medical care.
>>>/pt/497175??/18 They find Stormy, an abandoned newborn orange male kitten, under the second shack.
>>>/pt/57373704/18 Doja is rehomed with Connie, the woman from the rescue who had previously fostered him, but Raven does not disclose this until 10/18. She says that Doja ate Stormy.
>>>/pt/510413>>>/pt/57373705/18 They adopt Marmalade 2, Jelly, and Miss Pretty, sister calico and tortie kittens. They had claimed them before they got Doja but agreed to wait until they were 12 weeks old to take them which was after Doja had been rehomed.
>>>/pt/584263>>>/pt/573738??/18 They buy Loki, a 2 year old white male Siberian Husky for $235.
>>>/pt/584263>>>/pt/57374508/18 They buy Cocoa Pebbles, a 5 week old Shi Chi (Shih tzu Chihuahua cross) puppy, for $330.
>>>/pt/584263>>>/pt/57374511/18 They sell Pebbles for $200.
>>>/pt/60619011/18 Marmalade 2 is killed by the neighbors' dog.
>>>/pt/60014711/18 They find Pumpkin Pie, a 1 month old female orange kitten, under a bush at a grocery store.
>>>/pt/59877711/18 They adopt Zero, a 2 month old female calico kitten, as a companion for Pumpkin.
>>>/pt/60618311/18 They return Pumpkin to her family after seeing their lost cat fliers at the grocery store.
>>>/pt/60410211/18 They are planning to adopt two 3 month old unrelated orange and tortie kittens.
>>>/pt/606183 No. 606657
>>60664521 pets. In what, a year now?
She's beyond crazy.
21 fucking pets. No normal person has that much dogs/cats in a lifetime and she collects them like they're stickers.
There must be something done to stop her. She can't keep on purchasing/finding aka stealing pets to sell/lose aka kill them… what the fuck, I'm speechless.
Lynley, I'm so glad Pebbles is with you now.
No. 606662
>I mean, sometimes we animals and they're just, like, they're just bad or they're they're not a good fit, you know what I mean? Like, nothing's ever perfect, and I know I get judged for rehoming animals sometimes. But just sometimes if, if an animal is just doing something wrong constantly or they have been grown up or raised a certain way or let run free a certain way, it takes a lot of training to unbreak that, or sometimes it's just that's just how they are, and it causes you a lot of stress, it causes them a lot of stress, and overall it's just not a good environment. And I'm kind of a, like, not necessarily a perfectionist, but kind of a perfectionist. I like things a certain way, and I don't like my animals to, like, jump on counters or, you know, on tables and things like that. And if there's a cat like the white cat we used to have that is always on the counters and always doing stuff, and you're always having to, like, scold them or discipline them, they start to get scared of you, and it's just, it's just a bad environment, you know. They need to be with somebody who either has the patience or ability to train them out of that or doesn't give a shit and lets them just do their thing, and that is not us.
Long but this sums up Raven with every single pet. They're cute and a novelty but if they don't behave exactly as she expects them to in her mind then something WILL happen to them. Rehomed, killed, "ran away", etc.
She has this ridiculous expectation in her head about the perfect pet that's her baby and loves only her and if that doesn't happen (as it rarely does) then suddenly the pet has problems, it's not a good fit, it attacked people, etc.
No. 606697
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>>606645If my calendar math is correct, they sold Pebbles the same day or the day after Marmalade 2 disappeared, November 10th.
Nearly all of the disappearances and deaths happened when Raven was home alone.
Doja ate Stormy while she was taking a nap, leaving behind questionable evidence of his transgression.
Marmalade 2's body bore not a single mark, let alone the puncture wounds one would expect to be inflicted by a murderous canine. Dogs use their jaws to kill.
Maybe it's the meth talking, but do these events inordinately challenge rationality and statistical probability?
I kid about the meth, but not about my suspicions.
>The Cult of the Orange Cat & White WolfAll but two of the 9 kittens she has acquired or inquired about since Marmalade died have been tricolors that look like they "could be her babies," even those she happened to "find".
>I've been looking for another cat that's got the same kind of face to help me. I want to be able to look and see somebody that looks like her. And in the back of my mind it kind of made me feel like at least a part of her is here with us.
>We were gonna keep one of Marmalade's babies originally and then spay her and then when that baby got older keep one of her babies and then spay her and continue on and on and on, keeping one of the bloodline for the rest of our lives because we had wanted to keep one of Marmalade's bloodline forever.shudder
>And sometimes this beautiful big white dog will come. I really want him. He looks like a wolf. No. 606706
>>606697Woah mind blown. She's obsessed with having another marmalade and a white wolf like dog (only because she has to have one. If given the chance, she'd be dog free and probably have like a million marmalade kittens)
She's such an idiot though, just because you get another animal that looks identical, it doesn't mean it will act the same. It's one thing to have an affection for a certain breed, it's another to obsess over an animal's looks and try to replicate it.
>>606645Thanks for the timeline. It's even more insane all compiled together, she's fucking awful. Your efforts are greatly appreciated.
No. 606713
>>606645This is great, anon. Nice work.
Hagraven needs to be investigated by animal shelters cause holy shit she goes through animals more than she does money.
No. 606773
>>606749That does NOT look worth $100. It's cool to maybe an edgy 15 year old at hot topic but even if you were into horror…100 dollars for that?
I've seen collector Chucky figures for cheaper.
Fucking priorities, jesus christ!
I can't pay my power bill so I'm going to spend money on new kittens and phone cases and shitty $35 necklaces that come in a shitty plywood coffin. I hate this tacky bitch.
None of her lies make any sense.
Not only is she paying for all these tacky overpriced things, but she's also somehow got money to add an extension onto the trailer, another whole room to fill with shit, there's 'maintenance men' fixing the place but she couldn't refund the money for the dog because she needed it for a powerbill? Even if she had spent it, she could have repayed the lady when Josh got paid. Or when her welfare comes in. I'm so confused as to why you would spend 100 bucks on a case.
It also proves she's lying about the maintenance men fixing the house. She just used them as an excuse as to why she lost the cat.
There is no maintenance men.
No. 606789
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>>606752Did you miss the new tattoo of plastic vampire teeth on her thigh?
No. 606793
>>606749And of course she has a Samsung Galaxy S9+
Diana you're like 80. You don't need such a phone. With the money for the phone + the fucking ugly case you could've paid your bill.
Tinfoil: she sold the dog so she can pay off her phone or the case
No. 606809
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>>606749The hoard overfloweth around her.
I will never tire of capping her kek worthy faces!
What has she done to her wig to make it fade like that?
No. 606811
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And never mind the case. What horror is happening on her middle finger?!
No. 606815
>>606793I noticed she mentioned the make of her phone too. Why is it that white trash cows always have money for nice new phones (latest models) or ciggarettes or animals but they can never hold down jobs?
I have an okay paying job, but even if I worked for NASA I wouldn't bother getting a fancy phone.
Also, she starts off rambling about how her old case was shit because she could keep all her stuff in it, but it made it hard to take photos, but then she buys a 100 dollar one that doesn't seem to have a wallet or card holding function and instead is purely decorative. It's almost like she mentioned the old case as justification as to why she should get a new one, but her reasoning is shit because the new one can't even hold cards or money.
No. 606821
>>606809Her wig is just old and I think it's the lighting because it's definitely synthetic. It's just gone ratty due to wear and probably not being washed or brushed.
Also yuck at her fat bloated face. She's like a fat spoilt child showing off her latest toy gleefully. No wonder she emphasized that she thought Lynley was ugly. Looked her up and she's like half the size of Raven despite having kids and looks like a century younger too.
Then again if I looked like an even fatter uglier goth version of Margaret Cho and Shrek's lovechild, I'd probably be jealous of her too kek
No. 606861
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>>606828Cursed image.
Haha didn't know how to photoshop shreks nose so I just took abad photo of cho and widened her nose with facetune and drew other shit on there.
I made her look like she was juggling a bunch of cats. Included some marmalade lookalikes in there.
No. 606873
>>606871>>606870Thankyou anon and FUCK I forgot to do her sharpie brows. Also wanted to include her flapjacks, but I am photoshopless. That original picture of Cho is so exploitable though, if any draw anons get inspired to Raven-fy her, that one particular photo is great because she looks unhinged. The juggling pose is great too because you can photoshop anything from pets to plastic gothic crap.
Getting back on topic, I wonder how long it will be until she takes that video down? She basically admitted to stalking that woman by making fake profiles on camera.
No. 607050
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Merry fucking Christmas! It never rains but it pours.
"She makes fake emails and Facebook just to send me books of her talking shit"
haha, this is Raven in a nutshell
No. 607054
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Can y'all imagine being a cute, normal young woman with a cute, normal young family, just trying to buy a cute, normal puppy, and having the Hagraven herself coming at you like this? Like can you imagine being harassed and called an ugly prositute, etc. etc., then finding out it was RAVEN? An actual ugly prostitute? It would be so delicious.
Raven, you're pathetic.
No. 607072
>>605846I wish Youtube had image replies. I'd post this as a comment on every video Raven makes about "cyberbullying".
I guess when Raven says a pet is died, those creepy photos of the dead animal that she likes to post (eg, Marmelade, the tiny remains of a half-eaten kitten) are the confirmation that it really was death and not power bills that took the animal away from her.
>>607054I lol'd when she called her a meth head. I can see why other people would think she is, both due to her low-budget all over the place tatts and her erratic aggressive behaviour… and selling pets for power bills. Maybe she really is. Not all meth heads are skinny.
No. 607092
>>606697>spay her>then keep one of her babies>spay that one>then keep one of her babiesDoes Raven not understand what spaying is?
>>607072Well she did get into the habit of popping those pain pills after her wreck.
No. 607131
>>606793Easier to switch thru all her fb profiles and play farmville if she's got a fancy phone?
>>606815I'm with you on this one. My phone's a potato, but my power bill gets paid on time lol.
A decent case is nice tho, for functionality or to protect your phone from getting knocked around too hard, etc. Paying a hundred goddamn dollars for one tho.
No. 607172
>>607131It didn't even occur to me that she'd get a new phone already. Didn't she only get her last one at Christmas?
I guess """""Dmitri""""" has come through with the goods again.
No. 607208
>>606815>>607172The mystery Texan online bf sent her the phones just before she left NZ, remember? She sold the one she didn't want.
And she bitches that the phone doesn't "work" when she wants to show the glow in the dark effect.
No. 607493
>>607492Even if she lied about that it speaks to her personality that people can read "Turn cats inside out for fun growing up" and immediately think well yes, that sounds like something she would be capable of doing.
She takes morbid delight in animals being killed, the more gruesome the better. You can tell this by the way she goes into great detail how they died and what happened to them physically as they died and then she'll take and share pictures of it.
Anyone with a heart would be upset that an animal had to suffer or died in pain but to Raven she's more upset that it was HER animal rather than anything else because that animal gave her what she wanted/needed and now she has to find a replacement.
No. 607649
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>>607492I used to be a devil worshipper, and even had a small cult in El Paso. We killed small animals, and I had body parts all over my room. Little plastic eggs full of intestines, bones drying on the window. I’d torture the animals first, and then cut them open, rip out the insides, and sew them up (after stuffing them with cotton), and keep the bodies. all as most of the text is clear text)
No. 607667
>>607493>>607585Agreed, well said. Smh…
>>607649Makes me nauseous, but I’m glad someone else remembered this as well. Watching her describe that stuff with a straight face on camera was even worse. God.
No. 607689
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>>607492It was one of the 10-part "My Story" videos which were basically her reading what she had written on her website.
No. 608088
>>606645To summarize the pets she's had since she's moved to the US:
>nameless stray (killed)>stray named Chubby (disappeared)>stray named Big Boy (disappeared)>stray white dog (unknown)>another stray dog? (unknown)>mystery old blind small dog (unknown)>Astrid/Azzy (disappeared)>Golden Retriever/Black Lab cross (returned to previous owner)>Doja (rehomed)>Cocoa Pebbles (sold)>Loki (still with Raven)Cats:
>Cashmere/Cas (sold)>Meg (sold or given away)>Stormy (killed)>Marmalade 2 (killed)>Pumpkin Pie (returned to real owner)>Jelly (still with Raven)>Miss Pretty (still with Raven)>Zero (still with Raven)Did I miss anything?
No. 608150
>>608088Those were not all hers.
The first three were among the strays taken in by Josh and his brother at his mom's house.
The stray white dog brought several other strays with him. Raven describes them in one of the videos I linked.
Meg was given away, per Raven's ad.
No. 608164
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>>607921Shack #2 and a different naked mattress than the one we saw in the Doja videos. They have a movie playing on her laptop/TV in every clip.
No. 608167
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Loki on their bed in Shack #3 while Jelly and Miss Pretty are on the cat tree and Marmalade #2 is on the floor arching her back.
No. 608176
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>>608167Correction, that's their couch.
No. 608181
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>>608167"Amber, did you fall or did you jump?"
Apparently Marmalade #2 did have her own name, but this is the first we've heard Raven use it.
No. 608185
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Bringing home Pebbles in the foot well of their car.
No. 608186
>>607921Jfc dog hair literally everywhere. Their house is such a mess. I doubt she's properly grooming Loki too, poor dog is going to have knots in that pretty white fur.
Pebbles seemed like a normal puppy to me. All puppies are rambunctious and and want to play. Playing is how they learn when they're biting too hard.
No. 608189
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Loki and Pebbles.
Posting this to show the filth on their floor. They still had not acquired a vacuum by the time they moved into Shack #3?
No. 608190
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Loki and Pebbles tugging on a toy and wrestling.
No. 608191
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Pebbles behaves submissively in this clip, rolling onto her back several times.
No. 608193
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Pebbles lunging at Loki's face.
No. 608194
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No. 608195
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"Pebbles! Get out of Loki's butthole! You're going to get shat on!"
No. 608196
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No. 608197
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Those tattoos tho.
No. 608237
>>606811Most likely a shitty tattoo, almost looks like
Icky Vicky did it kek.
Or it could be a bite mark, but I doubt it.
No. 608309
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Another cat
No. 608388
>>608330Sorry anon but Blue eyed cats aren’t deaf. It’s most certainly Siamese not deaf. I think you might be confused with blue merl in dogs. Breeding two merls together will produce pure white dogs with blue eyes that have a high change of being deaf and/or blind.
Regardless of any health issues it may or may not have this is completely insane at this point. Another animal for the trash trailer.
slow clap.
No. 608525
>>608309What happened to
>I'm talking to a woman from a cat rescue now and she's actually got a semi split face and an orange one. We were just looking for one, but she's got two and they're bonded. They were rescued one day apart and they were both so scared they just kind of bonded together. They're three months old and they're gonna be spayed and neutered and get their shots and everything, and then we're gonna pick them up. So we'll probably have two more to show you if everything works out fine.Did Raven change her mind because we called her out on hoarding Marmalade clones?
No. 608550
>>608525Nah. She probably just saw the white cat for cheaper. She's like a stupid retarded child that sees something shiny anf wants it. Either that, or the breeder asked her too many questions or was a 'cunt' somehow (we all know how volatile Raven is with strangers) and she had a weird falling out.
It still makes me rage that she got another cat. Another cat and still no cat run or effort to give them more room.
No. 608552
>>608186The fur and lint everywhere actually
triggers me. Fucking disgusting. Buy a vacuum cleaner instead of a fucking 100 dollar ugly phonecase jesus!
I bet all the animals she rehomed like Pebbles,Meg and Cass are relieved to not be living in such a cramped filthy shithole anymore.
No. 608553
>>608397She just wants anything that is an accessory. She wanted Pebbles because she was tiny. Except Zero who just seems like a fill in cat, every animal she goes on about is exaggerated. White animals give her boasting power. Loki looks like a white wolffff and this cat is so WHITE and FLUFFY. She gets the pet because she likes the look of it, and only cares about the behavioural habits or problems later. The only 'ugly' animals she gets are so she can boast about saving them.
Doja was an example and the kitten 'Miss Pretty' (which she said was ugly and only got it because noone would want it apparently.)
This bitch doesn't know shit about dogs though, so it wont be long until Loki is yellow. White dogs need a blue shampoo to keep them looking clean and let's face it, Gravey would rather spend it on a coffin shaped dildo rather than shampoo for her animal.
But yeah her obsession with white animals I would say is purely aesthetics. White cats are usually depicted in movies and such as luxurious and wealthy (the aristocats and evil rich bond villians have white cats) and well the whole white wolf thing speaks for it's self. Wolves are edgy and up Raven's edgelord alley.
If Raven was allowed exotic pets you KNOW she'd be getting them in a heartbeat. But she probably can't afford them, and doesn't have a license, so she resorts to getting them off Craigslist. A big white dog that looks like a wolf is close enough.
No. 608583
>>608392A lot of them are. IDR what age kittens' eyes turn their permanent colour tho. That could've happened too. And if it's a siamese cat instead like
>>608388 thinks it is… Siamese cats are like the neediest ones. They're super intelligent, they're noisy, they get into trouble if you don't keep them busy, they behave like velcro, and Diana will probably get sick of that after like 3 months, sell it for fast food money, and claim that it was a terrible jerky cat when really… it was just being a cat.
y'all are right tho she needs another animal like she needs a hole in the head wow.
No. 608596
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>>608397>>608525I think she changed her mind and got a fluffy white kitten
because of Blackcraft so that she could use the name Lucifurr.
No. 608597
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>>608583>>608388It appears to be a longhair and has no color points and lacks the body type of a Siamese.
Raven says that it is not deaf.
No. 608608
>it's unusual for color points to have long hair although not impossiblePersian, Himalayan, Javanese, Ragdoll, and mixed breed colorpoint cats with long or medium hair don't exist?
The reason she hasn't name dropped its breed is because it is mixed. She always brags about her pets' breeds at every opportunity.
>once it starts showing color and loses Gravy's "aesthetic" it will immediately be re homed or disappearHe would already display colorpoints, and colorpoint cats are her aesthetic (Mr. Marshmallow, Cas).
No. 608706
>>608598She has her own needs when it comes to the cats, but she also uses the animals to control the men in her life too. The repetitive cycle of bonding and grieving is doing Josh's head in right now and he doesn't even realise how she's using that to pull his strings. Oh that dog you liked? Gone while you were at work, here get busy bonding with another 4 or 5 options. She has no kids to manipulate him with so a revolving door of living things is enough to make this simple-minded animal lover's head spin.
>But um, Josh has become crazy cat man like I'm crazy cat woman. He loves having cats. They lay on him and he just lays there and he pets them. And he's just so happy and he tells me, I never thought I would I would be here having a cat fall asleep on my chest, just hugging me, and it's just such a great feeling. And when they purr on you and you just…I know it's like a comfort unlike anything else. And then Loki crawls up there and puts his head on Josh's lap and he's got me and one side and he's got a kitty cat on him and then he's got the doggy on the other side and he says it's the happiest he's ever been in his entire life. And that just, like, makes me want to cry, you know, because I gave that to him, you know. No. 608717
File: 1543791850781.png (519.15 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2018-12-02-14-57-25…)

>True to her mantra of "preferring to buy a whole bunch of cheap things rather than one really expensive thing" she ordered two smaller canvases free for the cost of shipping>Reads reviews after ordering and regrets not upgrading to larger canvases>"After I work on them I will record that and show you what the final product looks like.">In the background Josh is heard smoker's coughing while the TV drones on [pic related of dialogue picked up in the subtitles]>Films nearly the entire video in portrait modeAmusingly one of the recommended videos is "40+ Cats/Kittens Rescued from Hoarding House" posted by Cole and Marmalade.
No. 608724
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>>608717Looks like she had to ditch the blood spattered fake nails in order to do it.
No. 608739
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>>608732It was his brother Joel who posted the pics. He and their mom were equally responsible for the dog's care, in as much as a person is responsible for a stray.
Stray dogs and cats wandering onto a person's property and not leaving (or making that property a stop on their circuit of wandering if it gets fed) happens regularly in rural areas. How much is that person responsible for the animal's care when they are not the de facto owner?
Saluda County doesn't even have an animal control department or shelter.
No. 608740
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Reposting her reaction as a reminder that Raven "doesn't even like dogs".
No. 608749
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>>608739And before anons accuse me of white knighting: explaining the prevailing attitude of rural America regarding stray animals is not excusing it. The fact that the county government has so little regard for animal welfare says it all.
I realize this scenario is shocking to anons who have never lived in such an area. I have and have witnessed this sad reality. People will feed strays but draw the line at investing money into their care unless they have the money to spare which often they do not being working class. If the animal is lucky a well-equipt farmer or vet in the area will altruistically offer their services free to strays.
>>>/pt/463894 observed, "He's really super into dogs. He's in a bunch of dog groups, he posts about dogs in non dog groups, and he started a group for stray dogs in Saluda, but nobody gave a shit."
No. 608841
>>608706>>608598She wants her animals, her men, her kid and her 'friends' to be obsessed with her and give her attention/presents 24/7 with no reason to give back.
She doesn't like independent animals she wants them to want her.
She gets bored of partners when they don't praise her enough.
She hated Dorian as soon as he got older and didn't do everything she demanded. She ditched Ash even though she stood up for her on social media, and the only thing she said that she regretted of their friendship is that Ash didn't end up sending her makeup.
She literally takes and takes and expects the world at her feet.
She's the most self centred person I've ever heard of. It's insane she can't see it and thinks because of her shitty sob story life (which is greatly exaggerated) she deserves all the love and praise in the world.
No. 608875
>>608835I don’t know if they own guns but if they do then they are absolutely horrible people for not ending that dogs pain. All I’m saying is if you truly are an animal lover you will know it is suffering and do something about it. Just like if you hit a dog or cat with your car, somebody that cares and has a conscience will stop to help it. Not post pics and let the animal die slow and painfully. Even if your a simple minded redneck.
>>608740 This is hilarious, raven even told Josh she doesn’t like dogs and he still doesn’t see the revolving dog door happening before his eyes. He’s as simple minded as they come.
I don’t know about most people but if I had a chance at a partner that had such an aversion to dogs, being a dog person I’d take a pass on them. It’s just another reason why people actually get to know one another before moving in and getting married. You work out the conflicts in life or move on. Josh is just another piece in ravens hoard, a brainless, worthless shell that she can control.
No. 608901
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To expand on the timeline I posted in
>>606645, here are their quotes in full.
From thread #8, more about the dog that was shot, how much Big Boy and Chubby liked Raven, how much she loved Loki #1, and how much Raven dislikes dogs barking.
Nowhere in the videos or in Joel's post was the dog given a name. Josh was at work when he was shot.
November 12th 2017
>>>/pt/463264R: What else? There was something else, um fuck fuck fuck. I don't remember. Oh my god, it was important too. And then they said I killed Marmalade.
J: Yeah, I know what happened that day. I mean…
R: Yeah, I wrote as soon as it happened. Oh, your dog. I got bashed because I shared the photo of your dog. It's because I hid it from you at first because I didn't want you to have to see it, and they're like, "Oh, she hid it from him so she's…she has to get attention from everything, doesn't she? He doesn't even know." It wasn't that…
J: I didn't know but she knew…
R: Yeah, well, I told you that I made a post, I just didn't want you to see it so I blocked you from it.
J: …because you said they were saying, "She hid it from him so he doesn't even know…"
R: They were saying like, you didn't know at the time and I was only posting at the time to get attention for myself.
J: I know the reason behind it, the same reason my brother did it.
R: And because I said I don't even like dogs. That made me sad. Like, why did she even need to say that? I said it because it showed that it was like a shocking event.
J: Because it was fucking unreal. He ended up dying in the next morning, by the way. I got up to go to work and he was dead. I couldn't take him to the hospital, the emergency vet, they were closing and too far away. I had to go to work in a few hours. I was up to 2 or 3am, wasn't I. I had to be up at 6:30am. I got no sleep that night. And that was a terrible thing. He was the youngest dog there, and he died first. He should have outlived all those dogs. Man, that was sad.
R: Those fucking people.
J: They're just cruel people, that's what they are. They're just unhappy with their spouse and their jobs so they need…they find the need to go ahead and make other people…try to make other people feel like shit.
R: Oh, and we've got doggies here. He has two dogs. And sometimes this beautiful big white dog will come. I really want him…
J: He's like a wolf.
R: But he keeps leaving. He's fucking gorgeous. He comes here for a couple days and then he leaves for a day or two, then he comes back. He could put his paws on my shoulder. He's all white, white and kind of cream, but he's…he looks like a wolf.
J: He does, he has the face of a wolf. It's pretty cool.
R: Yeah, I love that dog. He's so fucking pretty.
J: He's big, he's long, too. I'm sure he's full grown.
R: And I've got no problems with his dogs. They actually love me, too.
J: Surprisingly fast, too, cuz…
R: Within like a day.
J: Within like a day, the first time they met her they were fucking all over her.
R: You know animals know people are good or not, animals can sense, they don't always…
J: One of those dogs took a while to get around my brother.
R: Over a month, you said.
J: Yeah, about a month. And they came up to her right away. And I was like, huh? What?
R: He lay down, put his head in my lap, and now they come up to me. Sometimes, like when I get out of the truck, your boy comes over to my side more.
November 20th
>>>/pt/466579Even his dogs. Like, I've said it before, I don't like dogs. Various things over the course of my life have made me not like dogs. I used to like dogs. I've tried having dogs. My little Skellie, I loved him so much. And then, like, the Leonbergers were all right. They weren't my dogs, though, they were my exes. I've had dogs in the past that I've loved to death. And then we had the little fucking bitch that attacked my Marmalade, and she just, she just kind of turned me against dogs. That, and then the neighbor's dog just was always barking and barking and barking and barking and barking and barking and barking. It's just I just get tired of noise. I don't like noise and I don't like barking. I'm like, fuck dogs. But Josh had, like, five fucking dogs. Then there was the one that got shot with an arrow and died. And he's still really upset about that. But he brought two of them here, and they like me. Like, one of them he warned me, he said, you know, he's really shy, he didn't even let my brother come near him for a month, you're probably not gonna get close to him. Second time I saw him, like, cuz the first time we just dropped something off and I didn't really…I wasn't out of the car, but the second time, which is the first time I was out of the car, he came right up to me. He comes and puts his big paw on me and lays down on my lap. And I always go visit with him and sit with him and pet him. And then there's a little one that even Josh didn't like before cuz he was like a little asshole, kind of real skittish as well. He comes right up to me, too, they all do, they're all, all over me. And so those two are here, the little one and the um, and his big boy. And so I, I go out there and pat them, make sure they've got food and water and everything. We just brought them here yesterday but they're doing really good, like, they're really, really happy here. And it's like we've got our own little family, you know. Everything's, everything's just amazing.
November 26th
>>>/pt/468357Sorry if I look, I look really beat, but I didn't get much…I haven't got much sleep for the past, like, three days. I'm like…I've got, like, bags under my eyes, just half my makeups falling into the bags under my eyes, so it just doesn't look very good at all, it kind of looks really shitty, but it was worth it. One of Josh's dogs is just outside just barking and barking non-fucking-stop. And then Josh snores, and he talks in his sleep, and he kind of does this [motions with her arm] and then he elbows me in the face. So I don't really get a lot of sleep here, and so I'm just like, ugh. But um, anyway…
November 29th
>>>/pt/469952I mean, his dogs love me, you know. I'm not a dog person, but these dogs that have taken a month or more to get used to even his own brother who was living with him loved me by day two. They were, like, laying their head on my lap and stuff, and it was, like, wow that's pretty amazing.
December 2nd
>>>/pt/471431I want to show you guys this. I've got bones for the doggies. I'm gonna give it to them in a second.
But there's the white dog that comes around here every few days. He stays here a few days and then he leaves. Don't know who he belongs to, he thinks he partially belongs here. He has beautiful… [opens door] And he gets so happy. He's big, like a wolf. Aren't you? I know, you're so excited.
And there's Chubby [short black dog]. And there's this big boy here [Loki]. And there's Big Boy [large black dog], who's not big compared to this big boy [Loki]. He likes to grab my hand sometimes. Hey, you grab my hand in your jaw sometimes and you could hurt me so bad. Oh, look at how big he is. Good…aww, he's up to my face. Alright, alright. You guys want a bone? You're chompy, there you go. Where'd you go, little one? There you go. You're so gentle. Where'd the other one go? I lost the other dog. Chubby! You're gonna miss your bone.
[to Big Boy] I know you're a pig, I know you're a pig, you just want everything for yourself, don't you?
There he goes. Come here, get your bone, you're the only one that didn't get a bone. Here. Here you go.
Look at that beautiful boy. He looks like a wolf. And he's so nice. Like, he's so gentle, he's not mean, doesn't growl or bark, he's just gorgeous. I wish he would stay here full time. Kind of um, I started calling him Loki. That's my breath cuz it's cold out here. But yeah, he just…I don't know, he's obviously taken care of. [dog coughs] Well, don't eat so fast. He's obviously taken care of cuz he's tame, but I don't know, the owners around here…Like, that's where this dog came from, and the little one, they just wandered into Josh's yard one day and never left. The little one's got owners somewhere, but the owners, they don't care about him at all. And the dogs…his mom has a red nose pit bull that's probably about a year old, really hyper, a really strong, muscular happy dog. He's obviously belonged to somebody. Owners don't care, they don't go looking… [pans to paper plates on the ground] They bring trash into the yard, by the way. I'd be so scared seeing if anybody [phone rings] me at night. [dogs crowd around her] I know you love me. I don't want to drop my phone. Oh, you're scratching me. Ahhh, that's my booby. He's tit height to me, he's so fucking big.
But yeah, I just wanted to share. [phone rings] Josh is texting me so I better go see what he's doing. Bye bye, bye bye, doggies, bye bye, doggies. Aww, I know. You're so nice, aren't you? Alright, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go in. Oh man, doggy paw, ugh, it's on my booby.
From thread #10, the entirety of what she says about the disappearance of Chubby and Big Boy and about the strays.
January 13th
>>>/pt/480770Also, Josh's dogs vanished. They wandered off maybe three weeks ago. I don't know where they went. He's been going crazy looking for them. Like, first the big black one left, and we don't know where he went. He walked all up and down the road. He looked in the ditches, he drove all over the area, he went to all the neighbors. Nobody knows where he is. And the little one was here and then I petted him, sat down with him, and then he just up and wandered off, too, like that same day. Right after I petted him he just took off, and he hasn't been back, either. So nobody knows where they went or what happened.
Personally I think that they just wandered off to the next home because I, I think I told you guys that the way that he got them in the first place was they just wandered into his yard one day. They just kind of wandered in and decided they wanted to live there and stay and they stayed. He was always outside smoking. He was always outside with them. And when I came here and it got colder and then the accident happened we've been inside more than outside. And maybe they just got kind of like, alright, well we're not getting enough attention, on to the next place. And they moved on to the next place. That's the only thing I can think of. Because the big white dog, the beautiful white one, he does that. Like, if I'm not outside, me personally, if I'm not outside with him enough he'll just, like, take off, and he won't come back for a couple, like, a couple of days, maybe a week or two, and then pop in again. But if I'm outside with him more often he's here quite often, so he, he just loves attention.
He came by the other day when it was really, really cold, and, I mean it was freezing. Our taps froze. The water outside froze. It was, it was freezing cold. And this white dog shows up with a mini pack of dogs with him. And it was the coolest thing ever because I know he knows that he comes here and he can get fed because that, that's just what we do. And these are not his puppies. They were dogs of all ages, all sizes, and he led them all here and we fed them all. And it was like he brought his little friends here on the coldest fucking night to give them food. It was just the most amazing, like, wow kind of moment, you know. There was a little brown and white hound dog. She came back with him. So I've got a little thing here to show.
[cut to a video of her outside with the two dogs]
The beautiful white dog is here again, and he has a little friend with him. But I don't know where the little friend went, little puppy, maybe he's around back eating. Oh, there he is. It's a little girl doggy. So I don't really have any dog food for them, but I've got some wet food here. Hey! Here you go. Hold on, boy, there you go. Oh, you're gonna take the whole can with you, huh. All right. The pretty boy here is so pretty. You are so pretty just laying there. I'm gonna go say hi to you. You're so pretty, too. I don't know who you are. Oh, you poor little thing. I know, you're so cute. Oh, you want love. Oops, you just made me hit you in the head. Hey boy, look at you. Oh, don't sneeze on me. You sneezed on me. Big old paw. Jesus, you are a big boy, aren't you? Tummy tummy tummy tummy. I think you were in a fight. Look at your face. You need to stop fighting. Look, she likes you. Look at you two. [dog sneezes again] Are you allergic to me? You're big on those. Aw, you're a pretty boy. I love your ears. I love your white fur. You are so friendly, aren't you? You could turn around and take a huge chunk right out of my arm if you wanted to, but I know you won't do that. You're such a big baby. You could just lay there and get petted all day long, couldn't you? Ooh, just shocked myself. Hey! Are you gonna follow me? Oh, you coming with me, huh? Look at how big you are. You are such a big doggie.
And then it was a black and white puppy, two brown puppies, and it was an adult dog that looks like he had been in a dog fight because his muzzle was completely scratched up. He was all torn up and bleeding, and he was shivering, and he was trying to come inside the house. And I don't know, I don't know where these dogs came from, but I know he definitely brought them here. They…there's no other reason for those dogs to have been with him unless he brought them here. And nobody knows how dogs are, how they communicate, but that was the first time I've ever seen anything like that. Me and Josh were both like, wow, that was really cool.
January 18th but filmed on New Year's Eve
>>>/pt/481692The beautiful white dog showed up a couple, like what, an hour ago? And he had four puppies…well, one dog and three puppies with him. Like, probably the puppies might have been about six months or so. They weren't little, but they weren't adults. And um, it's like he knew that there's always food outside for the other dogs. And he brought this whole pack of dogs with him to, like, feed them. And it was the craziest thing, but it was so cool. We went out there and fed them all and they're drinking water. And they're real skittish and bony, and one of them had been beat up, his face is all torn up and…But it was just amazing that this dog just brings these other dogs here and shows them where there's food. Like, what the fuck. So that was uh, that was…I just burped, sorry. [she leans away and fans the air and laughs] It's a Christmas miracle!
No. 608913
>>608901So are we to believe that Loki #1 visited them repeatedly over the course of three months accompanied by five other stray dogs, but Chubby and Big Boy never once returned?
>I don't like barking.
>One of Josh's dogs is just outside just barking and barking non-fucking-stop.
>Look at that beautiful boy. He looks like a wolf. And he's so nice. Like, he's so gentle, he's not mean, doesn't growl or bark, he's just gorgeous.I bet Loki #2 doesn't bark, either. Has she said anything to that effect on her private Instagram or on Facebook?
No. 608914
>>608901>He ended up dying in the next morning, by the way. I got up to go to work and he was dead. I couldn't take him to the hospital, the emergency vet, they were closing and too far away.These fucking excuses make me so mad.
Sorry for the blog, but two years ago the hamster of my bf and I had a stroke in the middle of the night. We called every vet, every animalhospital in every city around us until we found someone that could come. We didn't give a shit about the money it would cost for someone to come to us in the middle of the night to put a hamster to sleep.
And those fuckers let their dog out there to die…. unbelievable
(blogging) No. 608939
The closest emergency vet is about 30 minutes miles from Saluda.
"Emerald City Animal Hospital is part of a emergency rotation group of local hospitals in Greenwood, South Carolina. We are available to take emergencies from 5:00 pm to 11:00 pm during weekdays, and 8:00 am to 11:00pm on weekends."
The next closest hospitals in the rotation are about 40 miles away in Columbia, SC, and Augusta, GA, for emergencies between 11pm and 8am. is possible that their services were not available a year ago.
No. 608958
>>608941How do you know she keeps on killing animals? (I mean we all know she does, but why do you suspect it?)
When did you see Josh the last time? We were suspecting that she won't let Josh meet his family again. In the last thread before her internet break an ex friend of her posted a lot of the shit she said about your family.
No. 608986
>>608941I'm totally taking this bait because we all know Raven enrages people so much you actually have more of a chance of this being real than not real.
Joel we have about 10000x questions. You can just give us a run down of what Raven was like in the beginning, your brother, meeting her, etc. We love origin stories here.
No. 608987
>>608958>>608977Let's not get ahead of ourselves until he is verified.
No. 609130
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I bet Loki #2 doesn't bark, either. Has she said anything to that effect on her private Instagram or on Facebook?
No. 609267
precious they'll get "lost" anytime soon
No. 609351
File: 1543939349715.jpeg (1.3 MB, 1242x1835, 6E46B3D1-8FD3-4999-A5BA-CD6E8B…)

More posts, this one is funny considering she very active right now on fb
No. 609356
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>>609354And finally this ugly man
No. 609367
>>609351Oh Gravy. You're Josh's source of negativity. And of everyone who has the misfortune of meeting you.
You… on an lonely island? They don't have Slimjims there.
I imagine her just laying there like the whale she is, screaming at Josh to bring her more food while he's only skin and bones.
No. 609371
>>609352Is that a flea on its paw in the first photo on the right?
>>609356He looks the most alive when he's not looking at her lmao.
No. 609802
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>>609367When she went on about being on an island, all I could think about was Toot Braunstein when she got beached and screamed at everyone to bring her food.
No. 609804
>>609352She said in her last video that she usually gets a new kitten to help 'deal' with loss and here she's saying 'she didn't think she'd get attached'
I don't understand. If you didn't think you'd get attached, then why buy it?
No. 609842
>>609804She's so unbelievable stupid.
Buying new pets with the goal that they look like a recently lost pet just shows, that she feels nothing.
A normal person, first of all, wouldn't immediately search for another pet because pets have value and can't just be replaced like a dishwasher (except you're Diana). And even if they'd do, why get a pet that looks like the recently lost one? Wouldn't that just hurt more?
Diana just thinks "oh, kille–LOST orange kitty…. need another orange kitty"
She's a textbook sociopath.
No. 609848
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>>609842Raven's desire is not unusual. Cloning pets is big business, and people have long bred successive generations of their favorite pets which is how we have many of the breeds that we now have.
Raven takes it a step further by collecting multiple lookalikes as an extension of her need to have all the things and in an attempt to fill an emotional hole. The fact that she is aware of her maladaptive behavior yet persists at the expense of her animals' well being is the bigger problem.
No. 609858
>>609848Yeah but I bet Barbara Streisand spoils and treats her cloned pet well. Raven tries to find a lookalike and then takes it home to a shitty trailer and confines it to one room with a bed, 2 rooms max, with a bunch of other strange animals she's hoarded from craigslist and expects it to be devoted to only her and HOPEFULLY has the same personality as her old one.
Cloning is fucking weird and I'd never condone it myself, but like I said, leave it to the rich and famous, I'm sure they still love their animals/clones. Raven on the other hand has fuck all money and lives in a shitheap. She can't even care for the animals that she so desperately wants to find copies of in the first place let alone the replacements themselves.
No. 610085
File: 1544047001198.png (36.15 KB, 800x225, new cam.png)

>>608717A new webcam for her renewed Youtube career!
No. 610087
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>>607921Sorry, Lorelei. Back to the hoard with you!
No. 610131
>>610085so, so hard to turn the phone sideways. are webcams even made anymore?
>>610087unfortunately lorelei got loose due to it being someone else's fault, and well you know what happened to the ungrateful bitch.
No. 610162
File: 1544055094218.png (496.82 KB, 800x982, bye lorelei.png)

No. 610257
>>609848This is OT but Ithought that cloned dogs only lived out the lifespan they had to them when the original pet was cloned? For example if the dog was cloned at 12 the pups would only live for three or four years? I'd sage if I could.
>>609801Raven Bradley, vet tech and animal murdering Satanist!
No. 610259
>>610085She has quite a new model phone. Why on earth does she need a webcam?
I'd understand if she actually put in effort for her videos but they are shit so what good is a webcam?
And webcams aren't usually that great in quality, most people film off phones and actual cameras.
Me thinks she's going to try and get a job as a cam girl or maybe she's camming for Ryan for slim jim bucks. Or she's trying to find her next prince charming online. Why else would she need a webcam? She doesn't have any real friends she can Skype.
No. 610814
>>610516At least it wasn't a real baby, anon. Better she only treats actual objects as objects.
She has an easier time throwing people away than throwing objects away.
No. 611194
>>610912I mean Pebbles owner gave us most of the info we asked for. She probably just didn't wanna be mentioned again, I don't blame her.
Josh's brother was either a troll or Raven.
No. 611260
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>>611232[pic related]
>>611242Are you new here?
>"I'm the kind of person that likes cheap stuff. I've just always preferred to buy a whole bunch of cheap things rather than one really expensive thing. So if I can get away with it I always buy the cheapest thing I can find." No. 611701
>>611260No, not new.
I'm talking about her buying ridiculously expensive stuff like the $100 phone case.. Or her and Josh's wedding rings where many people found websites that had the same rings for a fraction of the price she claims to have actually spent
No. 611705
>>611701Yeah and same with that bear that Logan bought. Everyone found cheaper ones online.
I think she has cheap taste and likes cheap shit in general but her buying stuff for a more expensive price is usually because she's brainless and doesn't research shit so she probably just clicks on the first thing she sees on a facebook link rather than googling the same item and checking out various sites. There's also the theory that with gifts like the bear and ring that she does make a fuss of the price because it's from whoever her current squeeze is and she wants them to prove their love through expensive items.
I'd say the phonecase costed a heap because it's probably from an etsy shop or some shit, she went on about it being personalized.
I still don't believe that garbage should have costed that much nor do I believe that cunt should even be spending money on a case in general.
No. 611730
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>>611701But she did actually buy (or cajole others into buying) those expensive things, and she brags just as loudly about cheap things.
>>611705She posted the link. No. 611996
File: 1544440140672.jpeg (97.67 KB, 1280x719, 91C33A9C-BB67-4A0A-99A9-6A7608…)

What kind of grown ass fucking woman INSISTS on opening Christmas gifts early… but right here's the kicker… then INSISTS on "REPLACING" them?! She bitches and fucking moans about how Josh now OWES HER a FURTHER 14 more gifts because her inpatient ass couldn't wait until fucking Christmas like an adult. Jfc. I just can't, it's pathological hoarding and consumerism. How does she not feel ridiculous and disgusting sharing this so candidly? The words don't even register as wrong. This is a woman old enough to be a grandmother holding up cheap stuffed animals and crying about how her husband now owes her more crap. There's just no awareness
Also sorry but my eyes are shit, is this another trashy scratch-job tattoo or necrotic pock mark? I couldn't help but notice and like everyone else I'm convinced she's on meth
No. 612004
>>611996I DIED when she said that. REPLACE THEM? REPLACE THEM? WHAT??? And that Josh "owes" her. Sorry I know I'm just parroting what you've said but holy shit I can't with this psycho.
Also top kek when she's showing off the goat plushie and says she didn't buy it because of anyone else >D
No. 612006
Favorites video
Published on Dec 10, 2018
>>611996What kind of farmer NEGLECTS to post her new video?!
That spot is one of the poorly executed flies in the spiderweb tattoo
>>606789 and there's a shadow or spot of a colored light from the disco tree topper on her arm.
She's wearing the same outfit and is surrounded by the same assemblage of hoard as in the phone case video
>>606749. She couldn't even wait until December to open her presents!
No. 612022
>>612006>can't wait to use my new slippers>have to wait until it's really coldK
>goes quick to slippers because bitch can't bother lifting her feet when she's walkingCalling it now that another cat soon has to go because it played with the eyeballs dangling off the shoes.
>Spent $50 on a stuffed animal because she had to have him cuz he's so cuteHow many stuffed animals and dolls has this woman. This is sick.
>says he got her 25 presents and now owes her 14, because she opened that manyDiana wtf. WHO needs/wants/demands 39 (!) presents for Christmas?! From one person??
She's probably raging at him, yelling everyday to "replace" her presents to "make it even".
No. 612023
File: 1544450273730.png (87.08 KB, 800x429, Screenshot_2018-12-10-05-43-48…)

She bought the phone case in October.
No. 612056
File: 1544457062209.png (939.96 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2018-12-10-07-32-11…)

>>612006Favorites video
Published on Dec 10, 2018
Firmoo glasses #DBSN62358A
Get your first Firmoo glasses for FREE at (Limited supply)
Hey, guys. This is just a really quick video about my recent favorites. There's been a lot of stuff that we've gotten, accumulated over the past few months and I haven't been online to show. I'm gonna have two parts to this video. This one is just stuff and the other one's gonna be clothes. Like, I've got this awesome dress here that I'd like to show and this coat that I have and some other dresses and shirts and things like that and belts or whatnot. But I will show those in a separate video when it's not bad weather and I could stand and find a place to set up my camera to do a full body video.
I've got these awesome slippers that I'm dying to use but I'm saving them for when it's really, really cold. I had wanted these so badly and I finally just bought them for myself months ago. They're of course zombie slippers with a little eyeball dangling. And they're all right. They're not crazy comfortable, but they're super cute. So I haven't worn them yet because I tend to go through slippers really fast. I wear out the bottoms. And I guess it turns out I scuff my feet when I walk. I never really realized until I got the flip-flops, the sandals that aren't thongs. They kind of fit over your whole foot like this. And when I started wearing shoes like that I'd walk in them and my shoe just fly off my foot and I'm like, oh shit. I just don't pick up my feet. And so my slippers wear out really quickly. But as soon as it is freezing cold I'm gonna start wearing these because these are just too freakin' cute. They're all right but they're not, they're not as plush as, say, the ones I got from Walmart. But they're adorable and they look like they'd be really warm.
Secondly, you guys have probably seen this online. This is from Kill Star. This is one of their Kreeptures. And this looks reversed to me. I don't know if it's reversed when I play it back. But this is adorable. He's bigger than I thought he was going to be. I think this was about fifty dollars. And I got this a few months ago. I'd seen him online and I was like, oh my god I must have him, he's so cute. And I know a couple of other goth Youtubers have these. I didn't get it because of anybody. I got it just because he's soft and he's cute. And I'm actually really, really impressed with the quality and how soft he is and how big he is because he's bigger than I thought that he would be. They also have a kitty cat but I just I really liked him. I've got a Baphomet tattooed on me and I have some necklaces and I just I love him so much.
In keeping with the stuffed animal thing, this was an early birthday present from Josh. [pic related] And this was adorable. I had seen the package because he's not very good at wrapping and he doesn't disguise the items and so I felt it and I was like, that's an item of clothing because it feels like clothing, it's really soft. But I opened it and I was like, oh my god it's so cute. This is like a super realistic octopus and Wild Republic is the brand. And it is unbelievably plush and soft and I absolutely adore this. This is one of my favorite stuffed animals, not only because he bought it for me but just because it is so freaking cute.
Another early birthday present he gave me…or sorry early Christmas present…that was an early Christmas present, this is an early Christmas present. We're so bad. We get so excited about what we buy each other that we're like, well we could just open one present and then replace it and then get more and replace it. And right now he's got 25 presents up there, and I think I've got, like, I don't know how many. He owes me 14…13 because we've opened that many. And I've been able to replace his but he hadn't gotten around to replacing mine yet. So we originally would have had like 50-something presents under the tree and now he's having to rush to get me mine to make the amounts even. But we just get…I get so excited because I'm like, oh I got him this, I got him this, I got him that and I just really really…I get impatient and I want to see what he thinks.
And he got me some amazing stuff for my birthday. I got him some amazing stuff for his birthday. We haven't even talked about that yet. I got him a ton of shirts. I got him the Surround Sound 4.0 Bluetooth X Rocker Chair that was like 200 bucks. I got him, I got him that. I got him a gaming laptop and I got him an Xbox One…no, Xbox One X? Is that the new one? I got him the new one. And then like a $50 Google Play gift card to go along with it and some other stuff. But he had an amazing frickin' birthday. I spoiled that boy. He spoiled me, too. But he made out like a bandit this year.
He got me this for an early Christmas present [Tardis jewelry box] and this was frickin' cool. I felt the weight of it. I was like, what could that be? And I had completely forgotten that I'd wanted this. But it's got drawers here. When I get my stuff…my stuff's still…it's in America but it just hasn't been delivered yet. When I get it I'm gonna put my jewelry in here cuz I've got a lot of jewelry. It opens up in there and you put your rings and your necklaces. This is so cute. I love this so much. This has a place of honor on my dresser. Um gosh, I've got some necklaces and stuff, too, but I'll show that I guess with my clothing thing.
Next up is yet another item from Firmoo. Now, I had gotten sunglasses from them before and I wasn't too impressed because they were really light and flimsy. They offered me another pair of glasses and this time I really wanted just glasses because childishly and stupidly of me when I thought I was about to get LASIK I started treating these [points to her Prada glasses] like that I'm not gonna need them, doesn't really matter, so I wasn't as careful with him as I should have been and now they're all scratched up and kind of not so great. So this came perfect time. I chose a cat eye design just because, I don't know, I'm not too good with figuring out what design fits my face. I found these [Prada] and I love them, but before I got these I used to like cat eye stuff. Now, I didn't add any extras to these. I could have added to thin the lenses out because I'm blind so the lenses are quite thick. I don't have the anti-glare, anti-shine, none of that. So you can see how high that prescription is. They're like magnifying glasses. I'll put them on so you can see what they look like. It's gonna take a while for my eyes to adjust to them so I can't really see clearly at the moment. I can see but, you know, when you switch glasses from something old to something new and stronger it takes a little bit to adjust to so I'm not quite sure how they look on me. Josh seems to like them. But um, I do like them better than I liked the sunglasses. I think that if I put the money into it…[she puts on her old glasses] ugh, this is definitely a bit weaker. With these everything's, like, right up in my face. But I am happy with these. I think if I put the money into them and I actually paid for all the upgrades and stuff these will be amazing. So Firmoo is actually a really, a really good option if you need glasses. And they always sends you the glasses kit and a dusting cloth and this little bag. And in the bag always comes this little repair kit as well. You get your nose pieces, you get your little key chain with your screws and your screwdriver, so it's really cool of them to add in that. But these don't feel as cheap as the other ones did, and these cost around twenty-five dollars so they're very very very well priced. And if you're on a budget and you really need glasses…
These here were a thousand dollars in New Zealand. They're Prada frames and my…you know, they've got the smaller lenses and anti…they've got all the bells and whistles and that's because I had insurance over there at the time and that insurance I had to spend a certain amount in order to fit into a certain category. They have like gold, silver, and bronze category or whatnot. So since my prescription is so high they suggested that I spend a bit more to fit into the gold category which would have made my payments like twenty dollars a month or something like that. So it was really, really cheap in payment form. But if I paid for them out front they would have been outrageously expensive. But I do keep these because I really like the shape of these. It's just the lenses that I always have to replace. But hopefully soon, as soon as I get to a doctor and I, you know, get my insurance I can go and I'll have LASIK and I will document all that. So that is still in my plans. But for now, especially if I lose these, these are a good choice. And I'm really grateful to them for coming to me right at the right time.
Almost done here. Um, let's see. I got some more Pop Funko's because I'm always collecting them. I got the Pale Man from Labyrinth. I also have the Fawn but I forgot to bring him out. I'm not sure where I stuck him. I just I have everything kind of on top of the entertainment center right now, and I thought that I…I forgot that I had him, actually. So I do have him as well. The Pale Man is pretty cool looking. He looks a little plain, but he's pretty cool looking. And this, I didn't even know they came out with this, but I got the new Oogie Boogie. And he is disgusting looking. He's got all his crap all over him. And when I saw him online I was like, oh hell yeah I've got to buy him. And so I bought him right away. I'm not really too interested in anything else on the back of this. Snowman Jack I would probably get. And the Harlequin Demon. Oh, maybe the clown. I'd probably get most of these, actually. Not the Sally. I've got a lot of Sally's. And not the doctor. I don't really care about him. Dr. Finkelstein, Finkelstein, whatever. The other ones I do like, though. But this was the one I would have had my eye on anyway so I'm quite happy to have him. I can't wait to get the rest of my collection back and see what they all look like together because I think that'll be pretty cool cuz I do have a lot of Pop Funko's.
Two more things to show you guys. One is this new brand that I had found. I'd actually found this months ago and I've tried to make a video just for this. But each time I'm not happy with it so I'm just gonna throw it in here. It's a brand called Myth Cosmetics. You guys might have heard of them by now. When I bought from them they were virtually unheard of and now they're, like, sponsored by all these celebrities and stuff. But this is what the box looks like. This is the best color they have. This is called Poison Quartz and this is a color I'm wearing right now. So I actually bought two extras of these along with what I already have open. So they have only a few colors right now. The box is really nice. I'm pretty impressed with it. This is what it looks like inside. And so it's pretty cute. This reminds me of Black Moon Cosmetics the way that it kind of, kind of fades into the color. So the two colors that I love are Poison Quartz. And then this one is Siren Song, and this is like a metallic kind of purple color. This is a beautiful color. This is my ultimate favorite all time red. Before this it was Red Rum by Jeffree Star. That was my favorite red. But this is actually a better red than Red Rum. Red Rum is lighter and pinker when you compare it to this. I had…one day before I left I did half Red Rum and half of this, and you could instantly from a distance tell the difference. And Josh was like, wow that one on that side it's really light. And I was like, man that's Red Rum. So I'm gonna see if I can actually grab it and do a swatch on my hand really quick. Okay, so this is Red Rum and this is Poison Quartz. So you can see right there it's different. So I'm going to do a little a little bit of Red Rum on my hand first. I still do love the color. But this is Red Rum. Another cool thing about this [Poison Quartz] is the wand is different. It's like, it's like a pipe cleaner that's kind of twisted and separated. It works really well, though. But I haven't ever seen a wand like that before. And this is Poison Quartz. So you can see Red Rum's at the top, Poison Quartz is at the bottom, and there is a big difference in the color. Big.
I'll show you guys this color. This is a beautiful color. This is a purple with glitter in it. I'm just gonna put some on the side of my hand here so it's easier to see. So that's what that looks like. It's not gonna focus that clearly, I'm sorry, but that's it. I just fucking got lipstick all over my hand. You can see the shimmer in it when you spread it out, I guess, like that. And the bad thing about this lipstick, the thing that I do hate is it's not kiss proof. It's supposed to be long lasting. I guess it is marketed as kiss proof but it is most definitely not, not even after you…it doesn't really say on here. "Avoid oily foods." But I don't have…I don't eat oily foods really. Even after it dries you could still wipe…like, I could probably go like this and it comes off. Now, the purple, the purple does last better than the red. The purple doesn't come off as well. I can kiss Josh and not leave red on…or purple on him. But if I have this color on and I kiss him he'll have red all over him, so it really sucks. I wish that the formula was better, more long lasting. I would love it a whole lot more. But as far as color goes this is, like, my ultimate favorite favorite favorite color. It is so beautiful. And if you guys can get your hands on it I would totally recommend it.
My last item are these shoes. These are amazing. Well, they would be amazing. They're actually more of a letdown. These are the YRU…frickin' dog hair everywhere. These are the YRU glitter light up shoes. They are wonderfully glittery. But the problem with these shoes is, see they light up, they're supposed to last like 50,000 steps or something. This is the right one. It lights up just fine. It's nice and bright, lights up really well. But the left one is very temperamental and usually it does not light up. And as you can see it…well, it is lighting it but the lights are much, much dimmer and they're not going through all the colors. Usually they don't even do this. I can stomp, stomp and pound and they don't light up the same at all. Now, these shoes are crazy expensive. They're like 150 dollars or something like that. And they are so hard to find, super super super hard to find. And you would think that for shoes that are that expensive they would be made better and they would actually work. But a lot of people have issues with these shoes not working like they should. If you look up reviews for them most people will say that one of the shoes doesn't work and it's usually the left one which is the case here. So I'm just gonna wait for either the lights to stop working completely or something because it would look awful stupid to walk around and you've got one shoe that lights up a one that doesn't. But check out that glitter. It does not flake off or come off. It is really rough and chunky, though, but it doesn't come off. And I think these are, these were like the pride of my collection if they only worked like they are supposed to. This is just half the lights don't work. These would have been the coolest shoes ever. I just wish that they worked. Such a shame, really. Beautiful, though. And you can see how bright they should be. So you can imagine in a club or in the dark how awesome it would be to walk around with these just flashing and reflecting off the glitter and stuff. Like, they're not very comfortable though. They've got these horns back here that dig into your ankles. And I have to lace them up differently because they like to come unlaced here. But I'm still glad I got them. And at some point I'll be able to use them better. Just right now they're not so great.
But I guess that's it for this video of my favorites, small favorites. And like I said when the weather's better and when I get a chance I'll put on the clothes and I'll go outside and I'll do, like, a favorites outfit video for you guys. Until then I will see you next time. I hope you enjoyed this. [waves]
No. 612057
File: 1544457118824.png (923.83 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2018-12-10-07-29-31…)

"They're of course zombie slippers with a little eyeball dangling. And they're all right. They're not crazy comfortable, but they're super cute."
No. 612058
File: 1544457195209.png (872.1 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2018-12-10-07-31-24…)

"And I know a couple of other goth Youtubers have these. I didn't get it because of anybody. I got it just because he's soft and he's cute."
No. 612059
File: 1544457258288.png (900.22 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2018-12-10-07-33-23…)

"This is one of my favorite stuffed animals, not only because he bought it for me but just because it is so freaking cute."
No. 612060
File: 1544457430030.png (758.3 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2018-12-10-07-35-36…)

"And I had completely forgotten that I'd wanted this. This is so cute. I love this so much. This has a place of honor on my dresser."
No. 612061
File: 1544457487380.png (973.96 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2018-12-10-07-36-14…)

"So you can see how high that prescription is. They're like magnifying glasses."
No. 612062
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"I chose a cat eye design just because, I don't know, I'm not too good with figuring out what design fits my face. I found these [Prada] and I love them, but before I got these I used to like cat eye stuff."
No. 612063
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"So you can see Red Rum's at the top, Poison Quartz is at the bottom, and there is a big difference in the color. Big."
No. 612065
File: 1544457761970.png (1.06 MB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2018-12-10-07-41-09…)

"So I'm just gonna wait for either the lights to stop working completely or something because it would look awful stupid to walk around and you've got one shoe that lights up a one that doesn't. But check out that glitter."
No. 612077
>>612065>>612073I know right?
A woman at her ago running around with blinking sneakers… embarrassing.
No. 612089
>>612079>>612079The odds of Raven actually getting a job are slim to none and if she did she was making minimum wage and she said they let her go within the past 1-2 months so it was a temp job. Not enough to pay bills plus buy
$200 chair
$400 Xbox One X (going off Amazon pricing)
$500+ gaming laptop (they're not cheap if she got a legit gaming one)
$50 Google Play card
+ $$$ for whatever else she got him and spent on herself
She'd have to have used up every single paycheck she earned over her time as a receptionist to afford all of that plus help pay off the shack.
No. 612116
>>612093I think that too.
And then she can manipulate him into spending that much money on her aswell. "I bought presents for over a thousand dollars for you, you have to spend the same on me" "oh and don't you dare buy a few expensive things, buy me 100 $10 gifts!"
No. 612120
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Obviously this is not directed at the hate sites since she no longer visits them.
Is this a lead up to a video about the other drama she hinted at in the Prelude?
>>They really set me off because they try to say certain things about me, like that I'm on a high horse because I'm happy with my life.
No. 612167
>>612120She's not on a high horse. She's fucking trash and miserable. She lives in a dilapidated trailer with nothing but fire hazard garbage clogging up every inch of the nest she's created. She also bitches about fucking everything. She can't even enjoy Halloween because she's only thinking of cash as validation.
>>612022Anon, even most child experts agree that you should not give your children over 3 gifts for x-mas. They are more likely to engage and appreciate the gifts you get them if you keep it to a minimum. Josh is such a shitty parent.
No. 612280
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Did it snow in “Florida”? I know it snowed in North Carolina.
No. 612329
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>>612075… A hand job is still a job…
>>612022>Diana wtf. WHO needs/wants/demands 39 (!) presents for Christmas?! From one person??Diana Dursley lol.
No. 612338
>>612073In the new trailer extension. They've built a toy room just for her toys.
I swear to god I would have the worst anxiety if I were Josh, having to plan for the next lot of consumer sacrifices to Moloch, the Cow God of Tacky Hoarding.
No. 612415
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>>612280>>612414She's not trying at all.
No. 612448
>>612443that's very true, that or a good fence so he can still run around freely.
Dogs like this need a lot of exercise and they won't get it from being on a leash since the owner will never be fast enough for them.
No. 612453
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>>612420He's probably chipped.
>A two year old white Siberian Husky named Loki, and he is an indoor dog. He's a sweetheart. He's a big teddy bear. He's just gentle, and he loves everybody and everything. He is so sweet, and he is smart, and he's crate trained. He lets himself outside to go pee, comes back in when he's done, you know. He's a good boy. No. 612463
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>>612453>husky>indoor>let’s himself out to peeSo she doesn’t even give this dog the proper exercise? Does she think it’s a cat? This ain’t right man.
No. 612465
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>>612462>>612463And he's only 2 years old.
No. 612470
>>612448Yeah a fence would also be a good idea. She just never changes the situation to fix the problem. She just keeps being shitty and replaces animals when they die.
Happy to spend money on plastic crap and a whole room for her shit, hundreds of dollars of shit for her caveman for Christmas but won't spend a penny on fencing or hell, even another extension on the house for her animals instead of her junk. No collars or toys. The only thing I've seen her get is a cat tree thing. She's unbelievably selfish it's incredible.
No. 612472
>>612065The way she complains about one of the sneakers not working as well and continues to bang it against her hand repeatedly and repeating that one doesn't work as well again and again and again is so braindead. Like we get it, get on with your shitty favourites.
Honestly the way she drones, it's like she's high or something.
No. 612473
>>612471I get that you don't agree with collars but if Josh's first lot of dogs that had mysteriously wandered off had collars, they'd probably be found. Microchips are obviously the best option and more efficient than collars, but if you have an outside dog, it's good to have a collar with your mobile number on it, because people that find the animal are more likely to ring you and return the animal straight away and you avoid a fine, rather than taking it to a vet or pound to read the chip and you gets landed with a big fine.
I'm not trying to argue though, that's just how it is were I live.
No. 612482
>>612465In before she makes up this excuse for why Loki had to be rehomed/sold.
>If it hadn't been for Loki being so submissive my baby kitty would still be alive! Because of Loki not living up to being a wolf like I thought him to be he lured all my animals into a false sense of security and it got them maimed and killed so I couldn't look at him anymore because he reminded me of all the dead animals. I even had to rehome my precious baby Pebbles because Loki wouldn't stand up to him and assert dominance! I don't feel safe in the trailer in the wilds of Florida without a proper guard dog and Loki has shown he's not a good fit for that so I've sold him and we're getting an attack dog.Cue selling off that dog after it "eats" her pets in a month or two.
No. 612492
>>612456>They charged $235 for him, too.That doesn't really mean that he's chipped. The price could be because of his breed, color and behavior. Also sentimental reasons.
Hagraven lets him out unsupervised and unleashed because she's a lazy animal killer who just wants a sob story and to get rid of things that Josh gives attention to, not because he's possibly chipped.
No. 612504
>>612471>ignores collar in post aboveExcept you didn't, you passively aggressively mentioned it in greentext.
I think it's a case by case basis. Some owners don't need collars because they train their animal and supervise them. However, I'd like to think if most people had the same situation as Raven, you know, having pets run away a lot, they'd get microchipped, build a fence or at the least get a nametag on the collar.
No. 612562
>>612486Raven cares very much about Loki, but not because of his intrinsic value as a living creature or as a companion. He is The Dog That Was More Than a Dog, and the entire saga has been about control. She chose him because he is as not-a-dog as she could find and thus tolerate and fulfills her decades old white wolf fantasy
I bet he doesn't bark, unlike Chubby and Big Boy who annoyed her to no end. They also threatened her sense of control over Josh because they were a reminder of his family ties and that he had a life before her. Removing his dogs is an extension of isolating him from his family.
Above all Loki is most valuable to her as a method of manipulating Josh by being a symbol of her love and devotion. She selflessly overcame the trauma of what happened to little Stormy and sacrificed her desires to make Josh happy!
>I did not want another dog, period. But Josh, Josh loves dogs. He is a dog person, and he was always like, I miss having dogs. And I, I told him, I don't want another dog. But I thought that was really unfair on him because, like, well, I'm a cat person, he's a dog person. He still loves cats, but he also loves dogs, and it wasn't fair of me to completely take that option away from him. So I looked around. I found this one, and he fell in love with him. That's his buddy. That's his boy.Is Raven nefarious enough to have disappeared Stormy to frame Doja (or worse, fed Stormy to Doja) in order to get rid of a stinky, snoring dog that did not pan out as a Gofundme cow and was instead a drain on their finances?
Azzy had to go because she, too, was a drain on their energy and potentially their finances, if they had pursued treatment. And the shack is only big enough for one victim to be the center of attention.
And considering her history, the fact that Amber/Marmalade #2 disappeared on the same day or the day before she sold Pebbles and died without a mark on her body niggles at my mind.
>I get that you don't agree with collarsWhere did I say or even imply that?
If Raven got rid of the previous dogs as suspected, collars would not have mattered.
>>612504The green text referred to
>>612470 ignoring the collar.
>case by case basisIn some areas license, rabies, and ID tags are required by law.
In the City of Spartanburg
- Dogs and cats must wear city license and rabies tags at all times.
- Dogs and cats must be restrained on their owner's property at all times.
- All animals must have access to clean water at all times. county doesn't appear to have tag regulations. are not chipped anew for each successive owner. Chip data are entered into a registry. When an animal changes hands the owners are responsible for updating its registration.
>The price could be because of his breed, color and behavior. Also sentimental reasons.So you agree that the former owners probably valued the dog enough to have had him chipped?
No. 612571
>>612562It depends
how she let them go though. If she simply opened the door, then some form of identification would have helped bring them back. If she killed them somehow, like poison ect then yeah, nothing would have helped. Not even microchips. Although I cannot imagine that fat dwarf of a woman burying or disposing of such large dog bodies.
No. 612573
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>>612562It ain't that serious, anon.
No. 612736
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Wish I could sage cause I doubt anyone cares but her attempt to explain literally everything away cracks me up so I’m posting anyway.
No. 612799
>>612736She's so full of shit. Even if he had gotten her double his amount of gifts, she would have whined about the value of it all. Like because she got him electronic gaming devices ect, she'd probably get pissed off he didn't buy her stuff to same amount of money.
She'd be like 'I got Josh an Xbox and all these games and he got me clothes and toys, it's so not even'
No. 612860
>>612571I suspect she rehomed Chubby and Big Boy while Josh was working long hours at FedEx.
"We need to rehome them because our landlord said they are not allowed indoors and it's just it's too cold for them to be outside."
No. 612877
>>612851It means their relationship is mostly transactional lol.
>>612089The Xbox could've come from Rent-A-Center, and if so when she falls behind on payments it's gonna be funny af. My mom's friend used to live with us and was a total Rent-A-Center devotee (mostly because her adult son was a spoilt brat who had to have every new "real gaming system", so my wii didn't count lol, and our ikea furniture wasn't good enough for them either lol) and we were getting collections calls and letters to our house (because ofc they used our phone number) YEARS after they had moved out. The other stuff as well, just because her credit history is shit doesn't mean she couldn't have gotten a shitty high interest credit card. That was another thing my mom's friend used to do. She's also probably getting money from Ryan, using Josh's money to buy Josh's gifts, and also… maybe this is what she needs a webcam so badly for now. Gotta start camming to pay off them debts.
Seriously remember when like a week ago she had to sell a dog to pay her power bill, and now she can afford all this.
No. 612906
>>612889Cows that claim to have aspergers are always types that see themselves as super intelligent.
Raven is no exception haha.
No. 612917
>Seriously remember when like a week ago she had to sell a dog to pay her power bill, and now she can afford all this.Josh's birthday is July 7th which makes her having been able to afford
>>612089 even more questionable. They moved into shack #3 in June at the earliest which is presumably the earliest she got her job.
No. 612924
>>612907She suffers from being a piece of shit. Garbage human being. No diagnosis needed.
>>612917Rent-a-center. Definitely. Their debt is through the roof I'm positive. With Josh living with his mom all those years and Raven being a massive hoarder, they're going to file bankruptcy a few times and get the more important items repossessed. Fitting.
No. 612946
rent-a-center is evil, they have zero qualms about wrecking your fucking life. it's pretty interesting, actually. they jack up the prices on absolutely everything about 3000% and then spread payments out per week. so let's say that xbox Gravy got would have been $400, at any rent to own place it's going to be more like $900, with interest of course, because your credit is nonexistent, and you end up paying more like $2000 for it when all is said and done. if you miss a week they get on your ass immediately to pay up. they sue asap and if they win, which they generally do as people are too stupid to read the fine print on their contracts, they can and will garnish wages in some states.
their repo men are pretty scummy, like most repo men, and they will escalate a situation in their favor to get the cops involved. it's a complete racket and tbh i have no idea how they're allowed to operate, but I'm absolutely gleeful about the fact that Raven is dealing with these scum-sucking leech lowlifes.
No. 612970
>>612953i love it, she doesn't even realize that they were still expensive. 'twenty dollars a week' adds up way faster than she thinks and totally solidifies this idea that she's bought everything at rental joints. she's so stupid where money is concerned that i'm almost positive she's never handled a real bill in her life. her paypiggies–excuse me, husbands–do all the heavy lifting where it counts.
how long before she misses a week? literally, all you have to do is be twenty four hours late and they start harrassing you. normally i loathe them because they prey on the poor but i love the fact that this is all in her future. silly, stupid josh. what a prize he's got.
No. 612989
>>612970Did you catch the best part and why she got the $25 pair from Firmoo?
>…childishly and stupidly of me when I thought I was about to get LASIK I started treating these [points to her Prada glasses] like that I'm not gonna need them, doesn't really matter, so I wasn't as careful with him as I should have been and now they're all scratched up and kind of not so great.And she thinks insurance will pay for LASIK!
No. 613040
>>612736>he owes meThis is what it boils down to. She probably encourages him to open gifts just so she can double her own gifts.
>Oh Josh you HAVE to open this. Ok now that you have I'm opening this and you owe me another to replace it.Any grown adult and even most children can wait until Christmas day to open their gifts even if they're sat under a tree for an entire month or more but not Gravy-train.
No. 613049
>>612989love it. she is so much a child, she hasn't got the faintest about how the world really works. no wonder that she constantly gravitates towards actual children or mental defectives for partners. must be so much fun for her to be the person to give them their first intro to the cold hard facts of life. can you imagine her screaming and crying at you about her beloved plastic tchotchkes, and being the guy who's got to quickly figure out the best way to shut her up? or make up for those extra presents that she was too impulsive to keep from unwrapping? she's a disaster.
and of course! lasik is TOTALLY covered by insurance! i wonder how long before she starts to want fillers and botox and the like and thinks that'll go on insurance too? never change, raven, never change.
next go-round, hoping she'll leave the slowbus folks and the children alone. maybe a UO but she's one of the few cows i'd rather see on disability because (not sure why i think this way, but) then she'd have less chance of trapping these guys. they might see her as a pump and dump but i don't think they'd willingly stick around and wife her up. i refuse to believe that she does anything in bed other than starfish, and yet landing dummies appears to be the one thing she's good at, which is honestly puzzling to me. i haven't met a narc yet who could keep their act together for two days, let alone two years. must be the other reason she preys on the people who are obviously weaker in some way.
got to be about time that the honeymoon is wearing off for josh, what with all the bitching and complaining she does. i'm honestly amazed at the ceaseless amount of griping she does in her videos. it's non-stop. sounds like it gives her a real dopamine hit to bitch, though.
No. 613469
File: 1544707222026.png (780.29 KB, 800x1077, hi raven.png)

Nice to see you and Josh are keeping up with the thread!
No. 613563
>>613150>>613222i wasn't speculating or wondering, I'm stating it's already been done by someone I know. The insurance took off a large potion of the cost, + $300 they are usually given for glasses. The cost ended in about $250. I'm sure it can vary depending on the insurance, the plan, the place you're getting it done, and what is wrong with your vision. All I'm saying is it
is possible. Said person was only near-sighted.
No. 613643
>>613563just stop.
most insurance does not pay for lasik at all, you're still speculating by assuming they have the same insurance as someone you know, which is retarded.
No. 613909
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>>613469Man that cupcake pillow looks so out of place in the rest of the hoard… and everyone in that photo looks like they've given up.
I'm surprised she didn't try to snap up pic related. Sure she probs hasn't got a fireplace, and it's not the "cherry vanilla" scent she claims everything else in her house is, but it's not like she doesn't already intentionally buy shit she won't use because consumerism. Because it represents a brand that she loves more than the love of love (probably) and also the sold-outness of it makes it lucrative to have.
No. 613914
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>>613909It was one of the many items she bought on TradeMe during her last few days in New Zealand, and for only $34.95! She took it on the plane with her. "I had my cushion that smells like cupcakes cuz, you know, the smell, like, relaxed me and stuff."
Peep the uncapped cherry vanilla body sprays to her right in
Has she ever mentioned KFC? And now that they have moved up in the world, Taco Bell has been replaced by Red Lobster.
No. 614690
File: 1545052094705.png (579.3 KB, 800x986, Screenshot_2018-12-17-04-55-50…)

"These babies are going to be with us forever :)"
Lucipurr is turning out to not be pure white like she thought. Good thing for his sake he fits in with the Marmalade aesthetic.
>>605357I just noticed the stash of Slim Jims behind her.
No. 614691
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Introducing Bowie, Raven's bid to prove us wrong.
No. 614692
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No. 614693
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No. 614694
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No. 614695
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No. 614702
>>614690>these babies are going to be with us foreverUntil she thinks she can get $150 for it and DM's that person.
>>614691>he's warmed up to Josh>he mostly clings to me thoughAnd next up to go "missing" or die is Bowie. If there's one thing I've learned from watching Raven it's that anything akin to "(pet name here) loves me the most" is practically a cursed prophecy on their life that something is going to happen to them. Loki is the only one that's lasted this long and that's because he's ignored by Raven.
No. 614707
>>614702She constantly posts pics of Loki and praises him. He's not so much a pet as he is a token of love from her to Josh.
She couldn't be more obvious about choosing her most recent pets to prove us wrong. She was set to adopt two more Marmalade lookalikes until we called her out on it, and she got Lucifurr instead. He was "the final member of our family"
>>608597 until she needed to disprove the haters again. Bowie is not of value as a pet to her but as proof that she is a good person.
No. 614839
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Don't forget cheap!
No. 614853
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>>614848It's a fine line between savior and hoarder.
No. 614916
>>614839So soon after acquiring a new dog tho… did someone suggest that she feed her pets better food?
>>614695Poor dog. Why does she keep not only getting dogs, but getting breeds that are higher energy when she's so sedentary?
No. 614921
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>>614848Our final family members (update)
Published on Dec 17, 2018
So, after my last pet video I mentioned we were supposed to be getting two bonded kittens. She never wrote me back and I ended up finding the most perfect baby of them all. Here is the update I said I would post after we got everyone. It seems like a houseful but in reality it's only one more than what we originally had
This is our new dog Bowie to go with Loki because Loki is lonely and he needs a friend, someone his size who could keep up with him and play with him. So he is the newest newest addition. He is one and a half years old.
[Lucipurr] That's the other new addition. Instead of getting two kittens like I had mentioned, we got a kitten and a doggie so everybody's matched up. Jelly and Miss Pretty are from the first litter, Zero and Lucipurr are young, and Bowie and Loki.
So let me try to see exactly what Bowie is mixed with. Hold on one second. [cut] Okay, he is a Husky Eskimo Spitz and German Shepherd mix. He is fearful of males because the people that had him abused him…that the twenty-year-old son abused him. He was rehomed to these people and the woman wrote the old owners and said she needed to give him up because he…her son was beating him. And so he's very male-shy, but he loves me. This is our second day with him. Hey, Bowie! And you see why his name is Bowie. Look at those eyes. Look at those eyes! So he is house trained. He is not crate trained but he sleeps with us. Him and Loki get along just fine.
Excuse the mess. There's dog fur everywhere. Let's look at my little Lucipurr here. This is my boy. Mommy loves you! He is always with me. He is never far from me. I know. He is fearless. He is not scared of anyone or anything. This dog has been here one day, not even 24 hours yet. We got him yesterday. Actually it has been 24 hours because we got him yesterday morning. And my little boy here doesn't even care. Let me pick him up. Hey! So he [Bowie] gets a little excited sometimes but he doesn't try to hurt the cats. Loki doesn't care.
But he is, he is so special to me. He is like my Marmalade mixed with my little girl that was just killed mixed with little Pumpkin. He's just the spunkiest, cutest little thing ever. He's a little fluff ball. He was a little young when we got him. He was seven weeks, six or seven weeks, but he's growing up. He's a healthy little thing. And he will play. He never hisses or bristles up. He doesn't know the meaning of being scared or cautious. He's just like, whatever. He walks everywhere. He does whatever he wants.
And he is super loyal to me. He's always on my lap. He always comes to me and loves on me. Like, he makes me feel so loved. He is by far my favorite animal in the entire world right now and probably ever. No disrespect to my past animals. I thought my little girl was, but it's like everybody that we've had since her has been…since Marmalade, actually, has been more and more and more and more affectionate and lovey. But he is, more than even anybody else.
Marmalade loved me but she would still go to Logan sometimes. My little girl, she loved me and she would come running when I called her but she would go to Josh sometimes. Not as much as Marmalade would, but she would still go to Josh sometimes. Pumpkin, Pumpkin just wanted affection from anybody so she would go to anybody that gave it to her. And this boy, he walks across Josh but he only sleeps on me. He only comes up to me. He follows me around. He cries for me. He's just he's the most amazing kitten ever.
We still have Jelly and Miss Pretty, the two adults. We still have little Zero who is Josh's little calico, and this boy and that boy [Bowie and Loki]. And they just came in from being outside playing so that is why…and they were playing the mud yesterday so there is mud all over the couch. And white dog fur even though he has gotten brushed. You…this is a blanket I have on the couch to try to protect it; it doesn't matter. Cat paws, cat claws, paw marks. There's fur. We just give up. I have fur and toys and bones everywhere. Ugh. Nobody comes over so it's not really a big deal. We have the house animal proofed the best that we can.
This is our little family and this is the little update I promised. I have…if you follow me on Facebook you will see there are nothing but pictures and videos of this little guy. He is just the cutest, most adorable little thing. And just his attitude. I wish you guys could see him more often and how unafraid he is of everything. He just runs around and it doesn't matter if there's a new cat, a new dog. He hasn't been around a new cat but we did bring him here and he didn't care about these cats. He wasn't like, oh my god where am I?! The new dog came in, sniffed him up. He doesn't care. He's just like, meh. He'll do this: he'll play, he'll walk…uh, he was on the couch yesterday when we first brought this dog in. He doesn't know this dog from anybody.
[she interrupts herself to scold Loki who is standing over Lucipurr and trying to take a chunk of rawhide bone from him] Loki! You greedy little thing!
And um, so he'll try to…see, he doesn't move. He doesn't care. He'll eat and drink out of the dogs' bowl with them. He's never known fear or anything. But he walked across the couch and he walked right in front of him [Bowie], right on his paws. Today he was laying down right here and Lucipurr just jumped up and just walked on his back and then just lay down at his tail. Like, do you not realize you're a tiny little kitten and one snap of a dog's jaws and you would be gone?! But he doesn't care. But that's okay because mommy looks out for him. I watch everything he does and I'll be damned if anything happens to him.
So uh, there you go. Um, I guess I will talk to you guys later. Look at this little boy [Bowie]. He's so pretty. And my big boy [Loki] is so pretty. My little boy is the prettiest of them all. Lucifurr [sic], you're not a dog [he is batting around a large chunk of rawhide bone].
[she scolds Loki for trying to take it away from Lucipurr] Loki! Hey! Stop that! No! No! He's playing with that! You have your own piece! Greedy! You're such a selfish little thing!
[to Lucipurr] Hey! [Lucipurr touches Loki's paw] You holding hands with the doggy? That was so cute. What's up? What are you looking at? [to Bowie who is staring at her] Whatcha lookin' at? [she pans to each animal] Loki. Bowie. Lucipurr. So playful.
[cut to Lucipurr sitting next to Loki who is lying on his side while Jelly walks into frame]
[cut to Lucipurr lying on a red sheet while Raven strokes him while the TV plays in the background]
[cut to Lucipurr and Jelly curled up together asleep in front of Raven's laptop while a movie plays in the background]
[cut to Raven holding Lucipurr aloft in one hand with the Christmas tree in the background] You are so loving, aren't you. Look at you. You're so precious. You don't even care, do you. [Lucipurr stretches out his front paws towards the camera] Awww, stretch. Here you go. Mommy will put you down. Here you go. [she sets him down and he meows and purrs] I know.
[cut to Loki nuzzling Lucipurr on the floor] He was just looking Loki in the face.
[cut to Lucipurr and Zero curled up together asleep against Raven's arm while a movie plays in the background]
[cut to Bowie and Loki sitting on the floor] Oh my goodness. Wow, you are so dirty. You are so dirty.
[cut to Lucipurr purring and Raven stroking his head] Your nose is always so dirty. Why are you so dirty? There's one happy little kitty cat.
No. 614922
>>614853Sure Gravy, who else but you should be contacted when there's an animal who needs a home.
Fuck her for thinking she's animal-Jesus, here to save every animal. She's exactly the opposite, all she does is lead poor pets into their death.
That she doesn't even feel one percent shame, guilt or disgust towards herself is alarming.
No. 614923
File: 1545138889908.png (428.99 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2018-12-17-22-51-30…)

"This is our new dog Bowie to go with Loki because Loki is lonely and he needs a friend, someone his size who could keep up with him and play with him. So he is the newest newest addition. He is one and a half years old."
No. 614924
File: 1545138988300.png (402.93 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2018-12-17-22-51-49…)

Lucipurr fearlessly darts between the dogs' legs while they are eating.
No. 614925
File: 1545139046137.png (329.45 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2018-12-17-22-52-59…)

"Hey, Bowie! And you see why his name is Bowie. Look at those eyes. Look at those eyes!"
No. 614926
File: 1545139214199.png (377.65 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2018-12-17-22-53-51…)

"Excuse the mess."
No. 614927
File: 1545139264162.png (404.57 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2018-12-17-22-54-11…)

No. 614928
File: 1545139372668.png (398.82 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2018-12-17-22-55-39…)

"Let's look at my little Lucipurr here. This is my boy. Mommy loves you! He is always with me. He is never far from me."
No. 614929
File: 1545139470734.png (360.16 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2018-12-17-23-02-16…)

"They were playing the mud yesterday so there is mud all over the couch."
No. 614930
File: 1545139560664.png (374.29 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2018-12-17-23-03-30…)

"And white dog fur even though he has gotten brushed. This is a blanket I have on the couch to try to protect it; it doesn't matter. Cat paws, cat claws, paw marks. There's fur. We just give up."
No. 614931
File: 1545139786129.png (473.81 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2018-12-17-23-04-21…)

"I have fur and toys and bones everywhere. Ugh. Nobody comes over so it's not really a big deal. We have the house animal proofed the best that we can."
Note the trip hazard tangle of power cords next to the dogs' water bowls.
No. 614932
>>614839I get what she's saying, a fat bitch I knew once said the same thing about watching her weight.
'I could get hit by a bus tomorrow'
'Life is too short'
I bet she's never had a full week of heathy eating or exercising, let alone a fucking day. Yes some artificial cleaning products/facial products are stronger, but don't shit all over chemical free products and exercising (which isn't even related) because you are fucking lazy.
No. 614933
File: 1545139909169.png (317.67 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2018-12-17-23-05-58…)

"Loki! Hey! Stop that! No! No! He's playing with that! You have your own piece! Greedy! You're such a selfish little thing!"
No. 614934
File: 1545139956276.png (376.15 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2018-12-17-23-06-46…)

"You holding hands with the doggy? That was so cute."
No. 614936
File: 1545140105373.png (372.32 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2018-12-17-23-05-25…)

"Whatcha lookin' at?"
I'm looking at the air freshener and detritus on the filthy table.
No. 614937
File: 1545140161957.png (263.81 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2018-12-17-23-07-20…)

No. 614938
File: 1545140192999.png (330.36 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2018-12-17-23-08-05…)

No. 614941
>>614931So she doesn't care about the house looking like shit because noone comes over and she doesn't care about exercising or eating healthy because she could die anyway.
She whines about everything, even when treated to a themepark or gifts or a dinner somewhere and to top it all off she's rude, jealous and fucking HIDEOUS.
Can someone please remind me why any man wants to put his dick in, let alone MARRY this beast?
I know there's desperate, but then there's this.
No. 614942
File: 1545140348473.png (801.62 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2018-12-17-23-08-19…)

Jelly and Lucipurr
No. 614945
File: 1545140419990.png (998.07 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2018-12-18-04-54-14…)

"You are so loving, aren't you. Look at you. You're so precious. You don't even care, do you."
No. 614946
File: 1545140583445.png (995.85 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2018-12-17-23-08-48…)

Obvious focus on their mass of Christmas presents is obvious.
I hope none of her cats make a snack of the copious loose tinsel on the tree as they are known to do.
No. 614947
File: 1545140648350.png (915.01 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2018-12-18-04-54-33…)

"Awww, stretch."
No. 614948
File: 1545140706495.png (785.83 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2018-12-17-23-11-13…)

"Mommy will put you down. Here you go."
No. 614949
File: 1545140736524.png (434.17 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2018-12-17-23-11-22…)

No. 614951
File: 1545140763795.png (387.57 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2018-12-17-23-12-02…)

No. 614952
File: 1545140787624.png (418.8 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2018-12-17-23-12-15…)

No. 614953
File: 1545140817620.png (591.25 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2018-12-17-23-12-40…)

Lucipurr and Zero
No. 614954
File: 1545140902987.png (392 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2018-12-17-23-13-20…)

"Oh my goodness. Wow, you are so dirty. You are so dirty."
No. 614955
File: 1545140947095.png (318.37 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2018-12-17-23-13-50…)

"Your nose is always so dirty. Why are you so dirty? There's one happy little kitty cat."
No. 614957
File: 1545141243257.png (312.28 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2018-12-18-05-04-47…)

Bowie comes so close to trampling Lucipurr several times, and I tensely held my breath each time and shook my head at Raven's nonchalance.
>>614926Note the water spray bottle used to discipline the cats.
No. 614958
File: 1545141352546.png (71.98 KB, 800x371, Screenshot_2018-12-18-05-10-44…)

No. 614971
The way she says "mommy" is sickening. And her tone of voice when she scolds Loki for being "greedy" and "selfish" when he is going after the chunks of rawhide bone Lucipurr is batting around that Loki already chewed on (which to a dog makes them his) is so cold and almost menacing. I don't even want to imagine how she must have sounded when she scolded Dorian when he was a child.
>>614949Loki is wearing a collar with a bell on it.
>>614945To the right of the Christmas tree is a closet full to bursting with clothes, her infamous skeleton print dress hanging in the front.
Every time the TV is on it's some horror movie or gruesome crime show.
>>614916Josh doesn't look to active, either. Whenever we see him he is glued to his phone or his X Box.
No. 614973
File: 1545143743371.png (43.65 KB, 800x251, Screenshot_2018-12-18-06-32-34…)

Raven, you distinctly miscalled him "Lucifurr" at least once in the video.
No. 614992
File: 1545147244018.png (764.49 KB, 800x946, hi ryan.png)

Ryan weighs in.
No. 615246
>>615235It's Bowie that's excitable and that came so close to trampling him already.
And the state of that room. I can just see Raven teetering in on a pair of those ridiculous platforms next to the door wet from the snow and ice and slipping, or becoming tangled in the looped extension cords on the floor, and falling onto him herself as he's always at her feet following her.
Even simply that number of animals gathering together in such a small space in anticipation of feeding time is hectic to manage safely.
No. 615250
>>615246It's actually scary to look at those dogs interact with the kitten. She doesn't even know the dogs that much + they're probably frustrated because cmon it's not like she takes them on walks everyday. It's an accident waiting to happen. But Raven "will be damned" if anything happens to her FAV FAV FAAAAV kitten.
And the way she tells Loki he is selfish…. bitch it's a dog! And the kitten was playing with HIS bone, the fuck?? Ughhh
No. 615302
>>615250I was moved by Loki nibbling softly on the kitten, as that's the way some dogs show affection. She got really lucky there that he's so OK with cats, as nordic dogs generally have a pretty strong hunting instinct and can be very energetic, so they can hurt other animals (especially small ones) by accident.
But I would be worried about Bowie, as he's new in the household and I don't think she mentioned if he's even used to cats or not.
No. 615379
File: 1545244705598.jpeg (783.71 KB, 1241x1893, 9CA74DC7-D8A8-4281-83A9-DD6D26…)

New post 1/3
No. 615385
>>615379Wow she's on the late train, only finding out about all the Davie shit now.
What's this post meant to even mean?
>Davie is a pedo. I mean I know I dated a 16 year old, but it's different. You can hate on him, but hating on his looks is unnecessary!proceeds to make it about herselfShe sounds really Onision-ish in this post. Also kek at her trying to insult Logan by adding
cough cough like she never loved him at all. He probably doesn't give a shit and is glad his money is no longer being pissed away.
No. 615447
File: 1545255327828.jpeg (1.58 MB, 1242x2012, 6DEA4492-370C-44AC-B0A7-55A8D3…)

Another post?
No. 615478
>>615379What kind of sick fucking narcissist reads about what those women went through and thinks "yeah but you don't need to make cheap shots about his appearance"?
Who the fuck cares if you see similarities in the insults about him and insults about you? Look at the big picture, Raviana, whatever you're called, because it's big enough to fit even you in the frame and still have a lot more going on.
I know other farmers will have top keks with Raven's looks but I'm happy to stick to just the fuckery she goes on with - more than enough milk for me there.
And what grown woman doesn't understand why sexual abuse doesn't stop at things that people are outright physically forced to do? That when it comes to minors, there's a complicated area of coercion, persuasion, and exploitation.
If a child wants to fuck an adult, it's up to the adult to not take advantage of that. That includes teenagers, Craven. Just because you didn't literally kidnap and tie him up doesn't make it OK.
No. 615479
>>615460Nice to know she's still keeping up with us. She even anticipates the screenshots.
She loves the attention.
No. 615482
File: 1545258128739.png (793.91 KB, 1080x1920, 1515119447021.png)

>We had two cats that we were lied about so we ended up finding them better suited homes.Cas and Meg?
You posted two conflicting stories when you rehomed them, and now you're telling a third.
From the timeline
>>606645 01/18 They adopt Meg, a female tabby kitten that was found stuck in a tree, as a playmate for Cas.
>>>/pt/479526 [pic related]
You described her as having just been rescued. How could the person you got her from lie about her when she didn't even know her?
Cas was 5 months old and you estimated Meg to be around 3 months old. Their bad habits were that ingrained at such a young age?
02/18 Cas and Meg (now identified as male) are rehomed together. Raven asks for $50 for Cas. Azzy is not mentioned. Raven gives conflicting reasons having to do with both their old and new landlords.
>>>/pt/488467>>>/pt/494835But the person who adopted Cas did not mention Meg in their comment
No. 615488
>>615460Is this
>>614958 the "tryhard insult"? She has deleted it.
No. 615508
>>615460Lol she acts like we are doing her a favour by not calling her Raven because apparently it's a nickname she's hated since she was 13….
yet she
legally changed her name to it.
Wait what? I'm confused.
No. 615515
>>615460Barely any of your 'haters' call you Raven anyway.
It's usually Craven, Gravey, Goffik gran ect.
Don't flatter yourself.
Also noone cares about you living in a trailer or eating rubbish like slim jims. The only reason it gets brought up is because-
1- Your trailer is way too fucking small to accommodate all the poor animals and junk you hoard.
2- You bitch passively aggressively about putting on weight/judge other women by their looks but simultaneously claiming you are not bothered by it all.
She really thinks she's a victim, holy shit. How many times has she justified all the pets now in posts and videos? I'm losing count.
No. 615550
>>615528Classic craven 'I don't care haters' attitude.
Vick does the same thing.
No. 615637
>>615458"Too much Slim Jim to handle"
I needed that laugh. We know there's no such thing as "Too much" of something for you Gravy because you're a consumer whore and always need more.
No. 615711
>now I prefer the smaller onesThose look like the jumbo size Slim Jims in
>>605357. Whatever the size she has a big stash of them. Maybe it was an early Christmas present. I can just see her sniffing the boxes, "I know they're here! I can smell them!" and then tearing open the wrapping in a frenzy.
No. 615714
File: 1545313570849.png (2.77 MB, 1242x2208, 1518969039997.png)

>>615482>>615704Lies on top of lies. She said their new landlord did not allow pets, but they adopted a dog a month later from the same woman they got Meg from and took in Doja a couple weeks after that.
>Lying about the temperament of your animal to get rid of them is never a good idea.She didn't mention anything about the cats' bad behavior in her ad.
No. 615728
2) you can post whatever you want; you aren’t going to change our minds; nothing you do will convince us you are not a trashy animal hoarder; we will see yet another marriage blow up in the next few years; I suspect all/most of us do not get close to five marriages
3) if you life really was so perfect you wouldn’t feel the need to come here and you really would stay off of social media
No. 616302
>>616276That's the insane thing about Raven (and so many cows). Their self awareness is non-existent to the point that it's hard to comprehend.
Sure, I can see one or two pets not being the right fit or needing to be rehomed due to circumstances beyond someone's control. But every single pet either dying an untimely death or being sold after a matter of weeks/months? A string of pets over decades? Constantly having to introduce your followers to your new "babies" because your old ones died or weren't cute enough/clingy enough/trained well enough? That should be enough to make anyone take a look at their behaviour and expectations and do something about it. It's so hard to understand how she refuses to see the pattern in her behaviours, but not surprising given she has the exact same pattern with family members, men, and friends.
Gravy is a shit person for so many reasons, but the pets thing gets me. She shouldn't be allowed animals. She has no idea how to treat them or what to expect from them, and when they inevitably fail to live up to her (impossible) expectations, she dumps them by either killing them/letting them die, or SELLING them when she got them for free in the first place. It's nauseating.
No. 616407
File: 1545422735854.png (1005.08 KB, 800x1078, Screenshot_2018-12-21-12-01-05…)

Just let them cover everything in mud, then!
No. 616527
File: 1545439730895.png (955.69 KB, 800x1081, Screenshot_2018-12-21-16-46-17…)

No. 616528
File: 1545439785823.png (840.5 KB, 800x967, Screenshot_2018-12-21-16-46-49…)

Hi, Raven!
No. 616627
File: 1545456635136.jpeg (1.58 MB, 1242x2113, 12515735-35E6-470D-A47F-706B59…)

Uh oh. Joshie has better quit giving early gifts or he’s going to have to make an emergency run to hot topic Christmas Eve to get another 9,451,999 gifts to replace!!
In all seriousness, I can totally see her stomping her fat foot, crossing her arms and giving him the droopy eyed death stare until he gives her an early gift each day leading up to Christmas. I can’t imagibe the torture he must endure. I’ll bet he gives them to her to shut her up so he can get a moments peace.
No. 616674
File: 1545475291043.png (348.59 KB, 800x1048, Screenshot_2018-12-22-02-37-44…)

>>616627$12.99 on Etsy.
She probably makes him buy stuff only from her wish lists.
I just realized her tattoo of Josh's signature is intended to look like he carved it into her flapjack.
No. 616760
>>616738No room in the kitchen maybe? Or maybe it's an attached kitchenette or some shit?
Years ago we had our kitchen redone and had to move the cats' food and water to the front room, but we at least put their bowls on trays to protect the floor. Damn.
Shit like this makes me doubt their "house" is worth very much or that they're putting a ton of work in it or anything. Nothing gets taken care of properly.
>>616407So uh idk wipe them down with towels or something? You think dogs want to actually spend their existence cold and wet like that? I get that you live in balmy South Carolina/"Florida", but it's still december. Damn.
No. 616802
>>614921Since her tirade
>>615447 she has edited the video title and description to add:
Our family members (update) Meet Lucipurr and Bowie
If we come across any other animals needing a home, we WILL open our home to them :-D
No. 616813
>>616627Fuck me sideways her tattoo looks AWFUL!
Damn son.
No. 616946
>>616807Yeah there's so many cheap solutions to her problems but yeah, she'd rather spend it on herself and on crap.
Another example is those sticky lint roller things. What, like two bucks at walmart? Nah. Much better to vlog shitty vlogs where she can show off all her new pets and plastic crap and make excuses for the white dog hair everywhere.
She is seriously the most selfish, dirtiest cunt ever. I imagine her trailer stinks of cat piss and there's dog hair and mud everywhere. She always tries to call other women dirty cunts as well eg-that Ali girl and Dorian's girlfriend, yet apart from wanting fucking cherry bodyspray, she seems to have no interest in hygiene.
Here's a hint Raven,
You don't like cleaning? DON'T GET ANYMORE ANIMALS. Focus on your own hygiene first you dirty bitch.
Animal hair, chipped nails and filth everywhere ugh.
I bet her breath smells like absolute shit and her piercing sites probably stink too.
Ugh what a trashbag of a woman.
No. 617000
>>616995Which is funny because she'd always bitch that Logan and Dorian were pigs and she couldn't clean because of her tailbone.
Screeching at Dorian to do the dishes and bitching at Logan to change the litter tray even though I'm pretty sure she mentioned in a past video that Logan didn't want any more cats.
She's so lazy holy shit.
I honestly think the whole job thing was a lie. She can't even pick up after herself let alone go to a job where she actually has to work.
No. 617003
>>616995Which is funny because she'd always bitch that Logan and Dorian were pigs and she couldn't clean because of her tailbone.
Screeching at Dorian to do the dishes and bitching at Logan to change the litter tray even though I'm pretty sure she mentioned in a past video that Logan didn't want any more cats.
She's so lazy holy shit.
I honestly think the whole job thing was a lie. She can't even pick up after herself let alone go to a job where she actually has to work.
No. 617013
File: 1545588559194.png (331.74 KB, 1280x800, 1537420795660.png)

>>617000She has already criticized Josh for his trash on camera rather than take 30 seconds to tidy up before filming.
>That looks really bad. You've got two Monsters and your Coke Zero and your XL. No. 617072
File: 1545602578661.png (220.03 KB, 800x1168, Screenshot_2018-12-23-13-54-46…)

I was checking the OP links to see if she has deleted or reactivated any accounts and noticed she happened to have been using her account yesterday for the first time in three years. No. 617073
File: 1545602732492.png (262.71 KB, 800x614, raven pwned.png)

The risks of being a social media star!
No. 617083
File: 1545603750884.png (792.34 KB, 1280x800, 1536685683400.png)

>>617064The only cleaning product to make an appearance in shack #3 has been this lone bottle of OxiClean three months ago. The Febreeze air freshner
>>614936 doesn't count, Raven.
A selection of products and a mop make regular appearances in the background of Luna's kitchen catwalk photos. Her mom probably leaves them out as a hint.
No. 617103
>>617090They painted all of the unpaneled walls flat black and have purple and black curtains, even over the window in the door
She said it's a two bedroom, two bath mobile home and that they are building a new room onto it for her NZ hoard.
No. 617140
File: 1545608470533.png (1.68 MB, 1242x2208, E21D084B-F59D-42BC-A780-943A86…)

It’s the 23rd of dec, you just needed to wait a day and a bit…
Josh’s gifts are all toys and memorabilia. First one here is a script for Child play, a chucks movie
No. 617150
File: 1545608723863.jpeg (441.1 KB, 2048x1152, B88303E2-F340-44A4-9EF6-DBB526…)

>>617148These really look like gifts for herself but ok.
No. 617153
File: 1545608790419.jpeg (391.57 KB, 2048x1152, F6B20F60-A92A-43FB-8FE7-F0A242…)

>>617150I think this is just fan art she got?
No. 617156
File: 1545608860833.jpeg (401.61 KB, 2048x1152, 360D53F1-17A8-4D17-B6EE-5A860B…)

>>617153This is signed but it looks like stuff you get if you went to a con.
No. 617163
File: 1545609205853.jpeg (669.11 KB, 2048x1152, 3B1D82A8-CFAD-4B5B-A219-DB5EF8…)

>>617162Not sure the point of these, it’s art on a page of a dictionary?
No. 617167
File: 1545609477961.jpeg (311.11 KB, 1152x2048, 6A60F7E5-952F-47D8-B57D-093E59…)

>>617166They took this one out in another pic I won’t post since it isn’t interesting.
No. 617168
File: 1545609520780.jpeg (252.27 KB, 1152x2048, E955B8B3-DAC1-47EA-868F-FBB337…)

>>617167Other side has a leprechaun
No. 617169
File: 1545609608067.jpeg (299.58 KB, 1152x2048, 5B15764F-F4A7-49BE-B528-9E2F1D…)

>>617168She just got generic stuff from the games, instead of one particular one that he may like the most.
No. 617170
File: 1545609691327.jpeg (287.78 KB, 2048x1152, 70910BA9-54CE-4A24-AB65-0A576A…)

>>617169Not sure what’s in this one? They didn’t seem to open it
No. 617181
File: 1545610340522.png (286.93 KB, 800x714, 1506470060179.png)

>>617145When they "met" he had a pic of Chuckie as his Facebook background. She latched onto that as something of which she could Buy All the Things for him and he would always be appreciative, thus (in her eyes) strengthening their bond.
Where's the $130 talking Chuckie doll she bought on TradeMe before she left NZ? [pic related]
>>617166>>617165She used to buy All the Dragonball Z Things for Logan.
And there's a window, anon
and Nag Champa incense!
No. 617187
File: 1545610836441.jpeg (534.97 KB, 1152x2048, 03C5F414-D030-4089-9A06-07E655…)

>>617186Cheap skater dress
No. 617210
File: 1545622452620.jpeg (252.58 KB, 2048x1152, B3BD38F8-2EC4-4947-BB28-504A1C…)

>>617188Looks like we can post again so here is more
No. 617211
File: 1545622556992.jpeg (451.85 KB, 1152x2048, F6D248D8-0A3A-4048-84EA-D6C9C0…)

>>617210>>617202I got my dog a gift yes, and they usually need toys to keep them thinking. But you can see it’s more about quantity here
No. 617212
File: 1545622593834.jpeg (684.42 KB, 2048x1152, 125819BF-0CB5-475C-93D3-365BF0…)

>>617211I’m glad they both got ugly socks
No. 617222
File: 1545623066884.jpeg (538.21 KB, 1152x2048, D4FF00BE-3B2A-4C9E-AA7A-DF6301…)

>>617219This is that last one, the other 2 things she posted is the dr who jewellery box and the necklace she already opened before.
No. 617284
>>616938Yeah but I didn't know the quality was THAT bad.
I guess since she only posts close-ups when they're fresh, and she edits her photos so they look more vibrant.
Kek she outed herself with her really shitty tattoos, so funny bc she's always on about how nice her tats are, how great the quality is, how well done they are, and all the comments she gets from walmartians.
I never believed any of that horseshit, but it's even more funny now, that she would make such preposterous statements seeing the shitty scrawls up close.
No. 617318
>>617179She has the mentality of a child. It's about the number, not about any meaning or what the effort or thought or whatever is. All this games and movie shit she got, easy to just head to the Bethesda or Amazon site and pay a few bucks to have it delivered. FFS, she acts like a spoiled tween.
You know what I bet that nice* southern boy would like for Xmas? His wife to make him chicken fried steak and fucking biscuits and gravy for dinner.
(*He's not so nice.)
No. 617324
>>617308She got some for her birthday, too. Gotta collect 'em all!
>He also got me this which is Britney Spears Dark Fantasy and Midnight Fantasy. I was originally in love with the regular Fantasy, and somebody had bought me a Midnight Fantasy in a smaller bottle, and I was like, oh my god, I love that more, so he got me this which is cool. This would probably last me a couple of years because I still have one from four years ago that's not empty yet because I used it so sparingly.>>617213>>617216And those are at least Pennywise "Pop Funkos" (will she ever say it correctly?) #3 - 5 in her collection.
>>617188Another cheap polyester dress from Amazon. No. 617334
>>617184her taste is so bizarre. trash through and through.
i mean, fucking monchhichi? i can see getting one or two of these tchotchkes/toys as nostalgia presents for each of them, ngl, we do that too.
but all they got for each other is literally crappy toys and stupid blankets with chucky shit on it–wtf? chucky movies are fucking terrible, lol! i guess the script is a cool idea. if it's real. that shit is often a scam.
No. 617335
File: 1545672331877.jpg (183.39 KB, 960x720, 035-100215-75-Tequila-Rose-wit…)

Raven, remember a year ago when you were so excited to get Christmas presents for Josh's dear mom and sister who lovingly accepted you as one of the family? And when his mom generously bought you a tree with all the trimmings for your barren shack you said, "Even just having her, you know, as my mother-in-law, that's like the coolest Christmas present, too." Lolcow Farm remembers!
So what's she gonna do for the next week now that she has already opened her presents and assaulted the internet with her tinseled titty photos? Ah, yes! We have the tedium that is her annual Year in Review video to look forward to!
Don't forget the Tequila Rose!
No. 617337
>>617212Does she actually like Doctor Who or does she just like the look of the shitty merch? it's weird because usually someone who buys merch will at least talk about the show it's associated with, but Gravy is like the poser goths who don't bother to listen to the music.
I feel like she just points at shit randomly and says 'gimmie!' I'm sure that in some strange way it all makes sense in her delusional brain, but to an outsider looking in, it's a mess and a hoard of crap.
No. 617338
sorry. but i have fond memories of ranking her out over this cheap shit.
No. 617414
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>>617337I think she watched it with Logan, same with supernatural. He was a tumblr tier weeb who got her into these things.
Anyways new video!! It’s over an hour long so good luck guys
No. 617439
Right before she said she would kill herself if he did anything to her, she also says that she as gone through his phone, email, Google, and Facebook. So healthy.
"I have…somebody…I have a couple of people that are….friends? with Logan, are on Logan's friendlist or something like that…and they were reporting to me up until last month when I said stop, I don't give a shit what that psycho little family is up to, so I haven't had any updates since then…"
You mean since Logan found the last of your sockpuppet accounts and deleted them? Kek.
This video is a goldmine. She goes back on a million things she has said previously about her relationships with Logan and Dorian. She tries desperately to make Dorian jealous of her new life in the trailer park and make them feel bad for not contacting her or telling her they were getting married (before referring to Dorian's gf as a bitch and a slut again, wonder why they didn't tell you?!).
And not to sperg, but I have lived in four different countries, and NZ is the least pretentious of them. Things here are really laid back. And it is damn rich for Gravy to accuse someone of being bullied and therefore moving to another country. She's such an idiot and so blind to her own actions.
No. 617465
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Isa is a slut bomb who used Dorian to get to Logan.
No. 617466
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Will she ever escape the haters?
No. 617468
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Ever the tease!
No. 617479
>>615458Can someone comment about how she made fun of me for living in a trailer? I'm blocked.
Also "muh small stomach. A slim jim lasted me 3 days alone"
>>617174I got my bf 2 shirts and a video game. I thought that that was a lot. Jesus christ, how materialistic this woman is never ceases to amaze me
(not your personal army) No. 617489
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>>617477Every time speculation comes up about socks, no one thinks to check out the account?
No. 617513
>>617505I think so too. Staff have said they will follow up on looking at that but it hasn't eventuated the two times I've asked.
An unlocked Isa thread would be a magnet for her, I think.
If any farmhand does want to look into this and wants a reminder of the suss posts, ask us here and we can point them out.
No. 618258
>>618161She’s always been like that
They couldn’t afford anything decent
Josh just uses Pain pills with anxiety chasers
No. 619457
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>>617462Thought dump (read description)
Published on Dec 24, 2018
Merry Christmas everyone! I know I said that I'd upload a Xmas video, and I'm working on it. I recorded half but didn't have everything in front of me so when I gather it all I'll upload it. We had an early Xmas again (on the 21st) so we didn't record it again. I guess we never will haha…Anyway we had a wonderful day and heaps of amazing gifts! If I'm too lazy I might just make a quick video with pictures only. As I've been saying, Youtube is less and less important to me.
Now, about this video: WARNING!!! There is a LOT of repetition. I wasn't aware when I made it just how much I repeated certain things. All this has been on my mind for a long time now and I had made this video a while ago but never felt the time was right to upload it, as I talk about some things I've never spoken about before now. (Note: The "situation" I mentioned that sparked this was Josh wasn't home to make it with me though as we had planned). Yes, I still get bullied, but no, it doesn't affect me the same anymore. I don't get sad or depressed, but I definitely don't have time to deal with that petty bullshit and therefore at any time I might just remove the ability to leave comments, because frankly, my life is too important to me to waste it entertaining this bullshit. I really don't even want to be online most of the time at all anymore. There's too much negativity in the world and I just can't be a part of it.
Hey, guys. Be prepared. This is going to be a very long video and very long-winded. I've got no idea exactly what I want to say, how I want to say it, or how long this video is gonna be. I need to monitor the time though because my phone usually shuts off at about an hour in, and I have a feeling this video might just approach the hour mark so…ugh, let's see. I haven't done one of these just open talking talking and very brutally honest videos in a really long time. Excuse me if I look a little tired. I haven't slept yet. Josh is asleep. I just I've had this running through my head for a while now and I've wanted to say it so I'm just gonna put it all out there in this video and just kind of get all this stuff off my chest if possible. Um… [she looks at herself and grimaces, pic related] Uh… [pause] See, I'm already stuck. I'm already stuck! Video over! Just kidding.
Um, what I've been thinking about is kind of, "Who I am today". My, I don't know what you'd call it, my mental states currently. Um, I don't really know how to put it. I was in the shower, I was taking a bath, and in my head this was perfect. I was like, I'm gonna make this video. I have it, like, exactly as it is in my head. It is 100%. I should just be talking right now and videoing it. And of course when you sit down to actually make the video you're at a loss and you have no idea what the hell you were saying because whatever was perfect in your head when it was in your head doesn't come out of your mouth the same way. So this is gonna be a bit of a struggle for me, especially as I haven't been open in a long time. I told Josh I was gonna make this video and I couldn't even explain to him what it was gonna be about. He asked me, what's the video gonna be about? And I was like, uhhh stuff. You're just gonna have to listen to it because I don't even know how to explain it. And I was thinking to myself, if I don't even know how to explain it how the hell am I gonna do it? But I'm gonna try. I'm gonna try. Now, I'm gonna get into a lot of personal stuff. I'm gonna be just out there with a lot of information right now like I haven't been in a very long time.
So um, there's no way to really explain what's going on in my head and what state and stage I'm at currently in my life without going into detail and talking about people and things that I normally would not. There's something that happened yesterday and I want to talk about it. I'm gonna make the video with Josh probably this weekend, and that's what sparked this whole thing because I'm really pissed off. And it's something that happened in person with somebody in person. And it's kind of a situation I had gone through in New Zealand but a little different. A little different, not much. And I was thinking to myself, well I can't really post about it because of, you know, people watching and what they're gonna say. And then I was like, you know what? Why the hell am I letting people online dictate my life for me? Why? Why am I doing this? And that is what sparked this whole thing. And when I went to go take a shower all that was running through my head. And it's like, the more things change, the more they stay the same kind of, kind of thing.
You know, over the years I've gone through a lot of changes. When I first got online way back in 2006, 2007-ish MySpace days I didn't know anything about the Internet. I've always been kind of naive and I haven't really thought ahead about a lot of stuff. I'm not, like, that Internet-smart and all that. I've just made the dumb mistakes you should never make online and I haven't really thought twice. I just always had a very innocent and naive outlook on things, you know. I go online, I say what I want to say, take pictures, and I always felt I shouldn't have to worried about how I present myself or what I do or what I say because everybody else is doing the same thing. I guess it's that's kind of close to how my mentality has always been. And I did that, you know. I got online. If I had something to say, I said it. If I took a picture, I took a picture. I wasn't interested in being famous or well known. I was just having fun being online.
And the fact that you could go on, you could talk to anybody anywhere in the world was the most amazing thing to me. That you could just hop online and be connected. Any song or book or TV show or movie is right at your fingertips. Anything you want to know you could just look it up. And I got started on computers really late. I was about…God, I was probably close to 30. Yeah, I was about 28, 29 before I started really using social media. I'd used emails before, chats here and there, but as far as, like, a social media profile goes I didn't get started until I was almost 30. So I started quite late, way behind on everything, you know. And I made a lot of, I guess you could call them, mistakes. They're not really mistakes but they're mistakes as far as other people see them which is fucking ridiculous.
Now, when I got started online people somehow took notice of me. I made a YouTube because the guy I was dating at the time, which was my husband before Logan, we were online and he wanted to see me. He wanted to see me moving around and talking, and I had a camera that could record like 30 seconds of video, maybe two minutes if that. And so I would make these videos and just spitting out blood or saying hi and then that's about it, you know, dumb little shit, counting my piercings, you know, [softly] "I've got this…" And I was so timid and shy back then. My voice was really light and kind of whispery because I was just really, really nervous to be on the camera. And plus I was staying with this girl and I didn't want to be heard being an idiot on camera [whispers] you know, whatever. And that and the bloody stuff, cuz I was, like, making my own blood to do bloody horror things just for fun. People took notice of me. And I didn't get any bad comments back then. I don't remember ever being bullied back then. But people would report stuff. And then I started getting this attitude. Like, I was a real in-your-face kind of girl back then. I went straight from, I'm not gonna…sorry, I'm gurgling…I'm not gonna shit talk online to, I'll throw down right now if you want to, if you're gonna hate me so much you're gonna report everything why don't you meet me in person and I'm gonna, you know, kick your ass. And, you know, this is a real woman, real women have curves, I'm not fat. I mean, I was so annoying. Like, I really was. And those of you that have followed me since then will know how I was back then. I was just kind of feeling out, stretching my wings, and just I was really in your face back then, you know.
And I moved to New Zealand and, you know, over the course of time I just got really depressed and I would use YouTube as, like, my sounding board, you know. I hate it here, I just want to die, I hate my life, I'm gaining weight, I don't want to go outside, I don't want to do this, I don't know what to do with myself, why can't I just die in my sleep. And I was miserable. I was really, really sad. I felt like my life was going nowhere. I was so lonely and, you know, I vented everything on DeviantArt, Facebook, MySpace, YouTube because I just had nobody to talk to. And so the people that were there for me were there for me. And I would just post. And just by talking to the camera it made me feel so much better. And so I would talk to the camera and I would post this stuff and just get it out there and kind of feel justified from my feelings, you know. Like, being in a new country in a relationship that wasn't working out and being alone, you know, feeling like I gave up everything and, and I had nothing in the end. You know, like, you know what I mean? Um, my homesickness, all that. Like, it made me feel justified. It really did. And so that helped a lot. But it gathered me some attention. I didn't know it at the time. Then I moved on. Shit happened. There was the Cj situation. Then there was the Logan situation.
Now, the Logan situation I'm gonna take this time to explain kind of what I think happened. And I should know what happened cuz I lived it. But, you know, sometimes when do you do stuff and when you feel stuff you don't really know logically to put it into words what happened, you know. I don't know if that makes any sense or not. You can do stuff but not really sit there and dissect the reasons behind things, I guess, I guess is a better way of putting it.
When I was in New Zealand, like I just said, I was alone. And I have said this in my older videos so, again, people that have followed me for a long time will remember me saying this stuff. I started feeling like nothing was real, you know. I was…I went from being this social butterfly that was partying all the time and I'd go out dancing and I'd hang out with friends and I'd go to concerts and I'd meet band members and things like that to um, being indoors, being alone, not knowing anybody, not having friends, not ever going out, not caring about the way I looked, getting diabetes. Like, just my whole world changed. And after spending years and years indoors by yourself, leaving once a week to go grocery shopping, it does stuff to your head, you know. You might not think it does but it does.
Holy shit, my nose. It's just I keep scratching like right here. Like, my nose itches and I don't know why. I feel like I've got, like, animal hair in my nose which I probably do because Loki sheds like a motherfucker. He's got, like, white dog fur everywhere in this house.
Anyway, so like, I…you know, I've explained this in older videos and I've explained most of this early stuff before but, like… [burps] Excuse me. Yeah, I just ate and, like, my food doesn't want to go down, so in order for my food to go down my esophagus I usually burp and then it allows air to go up which allows my food to go down. It's the only way that I can breathe, so excuse me.
Anyway, so I already have some mental problems, you know, some stuff that fucks with the way I think and the way I see stuff. On top of that you add seclusion and isolation. And I'd drive, you know, I'd be driven to the store and I'd look out the window and there'd be people outside playing or mowing the lawn and it was like I was watching TV, like that life isn't real. That's not real. And I started to feel like nothing was really real, like everything was surreal. It just didn't feel real to me, you know. Does that make sense? Like, like I felt like I could do anything and there'd be no consequences for my actions because nothing was real. Like, I really felt like I was going crazy almost because I was so out of touch with reality from spending so much time by myself and having nothing and feeling like I had no one. It was just nothing was real anymore.
And I remember when I met Logan. He liked me because he thought I was hot. And at the time I thought he was hot. I, I've never known age. I, I don't pay attention to age because I don't feel my age. I, I'm mentally and emotionally stuck like as a perpetual teenager, young adult slash young adult. And it's really hard for me to come to terms with how old I physically am because I just don't feel it. Like, in my head there's no past, present, future. Everything is kind of now. So I remember in my past like it happened yesterday or it's happening now. Everything is there at once for me. And, you know, I can remember being a teenager and what it was like and what it felt like. And I can remember being a young adult and I can remember being the age I am now. I just, I just don't feel it.
I'm 42 years old now and I had told myself growing up once I hit 35 at the latest I'm gonna have to tone it down, take off my piercings, and dress normal and look normal because I don't want to look like those stupid old women walking around and you look at them [coughs] and you're like, oh my god who the hell does she think she is? You're not a kid anymore, grow up grandma, you know. I didn't want to be one of those people people thought that kind of stuff of. And as I got older and older it became less important to me to blend in with everybody else. And I just…the years have kind of passed by and I haven't really taken too much notice of them. I don't feel any different than I did when I was a teenager. I don't. I, I just don't. And so therefore when I meet people of different ages I just I don't see it. If I like that person, I like that person.
And, you know, looking back I know I've always been like that because I used to babysit when I was like, I don't know, maybe 14, 15, and I was friends with the kids I used to babysit. And the oldest one was like 11 and there's no reason I should have gotten along with them but I did. They were cool kids and I wasn't like, I'm a teenager and I'm babysitting. It was just like, oh hey, what's going on? And I've just always been like that. Like when Dorian had his friends over I got along with his friends and it wasn't like, oh god look at the pathetic older mom trying to be cool and hanging out with the teenagers. I just genuinely felt like I got along with them. Like, they seemed so mature and not like little kids. They seemed like we were on the same level and we just got along. And it's just always been that way my whole life.
And I mean even Josh. He's ten years younger than me and I don't feel it and he doesn't feel it and it just doesn't seem like that. He thinks of me as being younger than him, and I think of him as being older than me because that's just what it seems like.
And when I met Logan it was like that as well. I didn't feel like he was younger until later when little things started popping up. But at first I didn't feel like it. I wasn't planning on getting into relationship with him. It just happened. And that drew me under heavy scrutiny from everybody who didn't understand and who considered me like some kind of dirty pedophile and still considers me a pedophile because of it.
And um, I've mentioned before I have had a bad habit of lying to myself. My life hasn't been a great life. And it's either you try to make the best of it or you sink with it. And so my way has always been to kind of sugarcoat stuff to make things better than they are so that it stops me from falling into, like, a massive depression which I'm kind of prone to doing, you know. I look at the bad side of things because that's just what I'm used to. And even if things aren't bad sometimes I feel like they are bad because I just, I'm just waiting for the worst and I've never really had anything in my life that had happened to me that made me feel or think any differently. It was like I was completely justified for thinking everything was going to be bad because everything always was bad. Nothing my life has ever worked out for me until I got here. But I'll get into that later.
When I was with him I tried very hard not to make it into a mother-son relationship because he was so much younger than me. He was the same age as my son and his mom was younger than me. His whole family was younger than me, you know. I don't really know what happened and why we stuck together because he changed right away. He really did. And I was left alone online trying to justify our whole relationship, why we, we were together. I had tried to split up with him before, he had tried to split up with me before. And whenever one of us tried to leave the other one will be like, no don't go. And like I've said before, I think that it was just we were familiar with each other and we didn't want to let that go. And then as my own bullying got worse I had no way to save face from that and just be like, nah you know what, everybody online that's trashed me is right, he's a kid, what the hell am I doing? I just I couldn't do that. And I figured we were stuck in it, he figured we were stuck in it, and that was just gonna be our life.
I, I never had the support from him. He never really acted like he cared about me, you know. Of course we're gonna go back to the fact that we had one Christmas together as husband and wife. He didn't care enough to even get me a Christmas present. You know, all those years we were together he didn't think Christmas was important enough to save for or whatever. Neither did my own son but that's something else. Um, he never wanted to be online. I did say, you should get online, make it…it'll be nice to have you online so I could have support. We could show a united front to all this bullying. I mean, you are with me because you want to be with me, right? And he'd say, yeah but I don't want to be online. But once we split he had no issue being online so I kind of think that maybe he knew he was gonna fuck up and so he didn't want to be online and end up getting caught so he just would rather have not been online than have been online and supported the person that he was married to.
Um, when we were together I was also depressed because he, like, he didn't care. He told me loved me and that he didn't want to leave me and that I looked fine and I hadn't gained too much weight even though we both know I had. Only later when I lost the weight did he admit that I'd gotten really fat and really gross, but he wouldn't tell me that when we're together of course.
And it was like nothing I did was good enough. I tried in so many ways to keep him happy and to be a good wife to him and he was just so [unenthusiastic] "mmm." Like, he didn't care about anything. We couldn't get along like we should have, and it was just it was miserable. Probably for both of us but I'm not in his head. I don't talk to him. He didn't exactly try very hard. But, like, in the end he wasn't even talking to me. He was just grunting. Like, I'd ask him something. He'd just be like, mmm. How are you feeling? Mmm. Like, can you open your mouth and talk? I mean, I'm just getting grunts.
And if I tried to make a joke or laugh with him and Dorian they'd both look at me like I was stupid. They'd just be like, you're not funny. And I just I was so alone even then. And I couldn't tell anybody or talk to anybody because I was under such scrutiny.
And even after I lost weight he didn't care that I lost weight and that I cared about the way I looked or I was trying to be somebody he could be proud of. Like, I didn't have that support at home and I damn sure didn't have it online. And I was miserable. When I lost weight, though, I was happier than I had ever been…not, you know, in a long time, anyway, because I was like, I could finally lose weight, maybe he'll care about me. Maybe, you know, as everybody online. They try to judge how good you are as a person by the numbers on the scale, you know. And I'm, I am more than just the readout on a fucking scale. And even that is hard for me to come to terms with because you have it drilled in your head so often that you have to be skinny, you have to be skinny, you have to be skinny, you have to be skinny. And people dog on you for not being skinny and it's like…it's, it's just really fucked up.
And I've heard the whole "you're fat" thing even way back when I was definitely not fat. My mom used to tell me I was fat. My brother used to say I had elephant legs. And, you know, I pretty much heard that a lot through my youth was that I was overweight and needed to lose weight when I was not overweight. I was just average. I was about…my heaviest was maybe 115 pounds until after, of course, I had my son and then I gained weight and then I averaged around 130 until I got a little older and then I more or less around 150 until I got to New Zealand and then I went up to 230, 232. And it's like I became less of a person because of my weight and the way I looked.
So when I dropped that weight or started dropping it I was so happy. And I went online and I started censoring myself because before that, when me and Logan were together, you know, I went through….because I was so upset all the time I hated. Like, I blindly hated anybody and everybody. I hated any female, anybody who was happy or in a better relationship than mine which was, like, everybody. And I just I was so full of hate. My posts, my videos were just rant this, rage this, rant this, bitch this, attack this, you know. I was a miserable person and it showed. And I didn't know how bad the stalking was at the time so I didn't really kind of censor myself. Everything there was out in the open and it all came back and bit me in the ass. That and everything I said prior to that.
And then when I lost the weight I felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders as well because I thought, well I can, you know, I can be happy with the way I look now, maybe people will get off my back, maybe I could do this, maybe I could do that. And I felt like I had my whole future open, you know. I suddenly cared about life again and I could do anything without this extra weight bogging me down. And maybe I could feel like a human being again instead of this tub of lard that didn't even want to look in the mirror. I didn't really want to get dressed, put makeup on, and take care of the way I looked. I just I hated looking in the mirror. I hated myself. I hated everything. And when I lost weight I wanted to keep that positive feeling. I wanted to keep that always because it felt so good to feel like that after all the years of just this depression and misery and anger that I had inside of me.
And I did. I posted and I was happy and I was like, yeah, oh my god! Like, I was so happy in my own skin and I felt like I could take on the world. I could do anything. But then a couple of things happened at the same time, and that was the hate sites were still on me. They were like, oh she cheated, that fucking fat bitch, or whatever, because I got surgery even though it's not cheating because it helps you but you have to live with it the rest of your life. It's not, like, a quick fix. I mean, it fixes you but then you have to live with that and you have to continue on that. You can't take a break from the surgery. You can't say, oh I'd like to pig out today, I'll just go back to my surgery tomorrow. I mean, you can never eat a full meal again and that's forever. And um, it's just something that is…it is really hard but I don't regret it. I would never take it back, you know, undo it. I love the fact that I had the surgery even though I never made it down to the weight I wanted to be. I'm still glad I'm not who I was because I don't honestly know if I would still be here if I was still that weight.
Um, so that happened and Logan didn't give a shit. And I would go to him and say, look I can fit into this now, I can fit into that now, don't you care that, you know, I'm wearing proper makeup now and I am combing my hair and I care about the way I look? And he's like, well, I mean, I live with you so I don't really see the weight you've lost. And I'm like, holy shit I've lost like 50 pounds in like three months and you tell me you can't see that? I was losing like two, three pounds a day and that shit is noticeable. And I saw right there that he just he didn't care. And I, I had a moment of like, why the hell am I doing this hoping that he'll love me and care about me when it's obvious he doesn't. And I couldn't tell anybody that, of course, because all eyes were on the fucking relationship. And I had no outlet. I had no nothing. And I had to fight to keep that happiness. So I put on a happy face and I censored everything and I was like, I'm not gonna talk bad, I'm not gonna rage or rant. I'm just gonna be positive, be happy. I want to be a different person. I don't want to be that same person anymore. I want to be somebody better than who I was.
And when my real happiness faded I just had a fake happiness. And I kept convincing myself I am happy, my life is good, everything is great. And I tried. I tried to tell myself that was true. I tried to live it. I tried to believe it. And while I had changed, at the same time I hadn't. You know, I still felt the same anger creeping back in. I felt the same insecurities. I felt the same loneliness. It was like I had made this huge step and I tried to repair my life and in the end it was all for nothing because I still didn't matter to the people I should have mattered to. And I still was just as alone as I ever was.
And then the big downfall came where, as you guys know, I caught Logan watching porn. I…well I found out that he had been watching porn and not just once, not just twice, not just three times, but since the first year we were together consistently behind my back with phones that I gave him so he contact me or, you know, do whatever else he wanted to do. And nothing I did was good enough for him. He said I was boring and porn was better. And that was a huge blow and it really sucked. And it broke my heart at the time because I had been going through so much just because I was with him and he couldn't even respect me at all. And he knew that the relationship I had had before that ended partially because of the same reason. And it was like he knew that I don't like porn in my relationships. Um, it's all right for some people. It's not all right for me. And he knew and he swore to me he wasn't into it and he was. And to me there was no going back from there. And it was for the best in the end because we were not suited to be together. I don't know how he felt cuz he never talked to me. He never said anything, even if I tried to instigate a conversation.
But I know I was so lonely and I was so miserable. But anybody that was around us or that saw us or pictures, we had to pretend. And he got tired of pretending. I was tired of pretending. On my fucking birthday I tried to get a picture with him, you know. Can you give me a kiss on the cheek or something, you know. And he was bitching and complaining. And I was like, you know, I shouldn't have to bargain with you or plead with you to take a picture with me on my birthday. Like, what, what kind of fucking relationship is this, you know. And it was just it just wasn't what I wanted or needed and it probably wasn't what he wanted. He probably just wanted, like, like what Josh said, he probably just wanted to quick hookup with a MILF, you know, an older woman and didn't expect to get drawn in. And then he was stuck in it and I was stuck in it and then due to all eyes being on us we were both kind of trapped and didn't know how to get out of it and so we stayed. And I, I had to pretend again to be somebody that I wasn't just like I had to pretend before that. I had to censor myself and I just had to watch what I said.
No. 619462
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And pretty much ever since then I've been like that. Like, if I get mad about something or something irritates me I feel like I can't say it because I don't want to come across as being this negative bitchy person like I used to be because since I moved here with Josh I 100% am actually happy now. Me and him have ups and downs, you know. We get into little arguments here and there. Everybody does. But I do not ever feel like he doesn't love me. I don't ever feel like I have to lie to myself and pretend that he cares about me. I'm not gonna make this into a gushy Josh video because you guys already know how I feel about him. But for the first time in my life I feel like I don't have to lie about anything. So this is what's causing this divide in my head because I'm like, part of me, you know, is still used to having to censor myself. And now I've, I've had this cheerful "I'm not an angry person" kind of front going on since March of 2015. And I'm still angry about some stuff. I mean, everybody gets angry. I've got stuff I want to say sometimes and I want to feel like I can say it. I scroll down my feed and I see people raging and bitching and moaning and just talking out of their asses and stuff worse than I used to say and they don't care. They just they have the freedom to do and say what they want and I haven't felt like I've had that freedom in a very long time.
And I'm still adjusting to stuff and I'm still getting used to the idea that I can, I can do whatever the hell I want to do and that if I have stuff that irritates me and I want to complain about it or rage or rant about it I don't owe anybody an explanation. And that doesn't necessarily mean that I'm a miserable or bad person just because there's something that doesn't sit right with me. You know, I have this whole different way of thinking now that's clashing with the way that I've trained myself to be over the last almost four years and that's what's with my head a little bit right now. There's things I want to talk about, there's things that I want to post, there's things that I want to mention and I can't because…or I feel like I can't because everything I do and everything I say is watched. And it's like, I have support now. I've got a husband here that will sit by my side, be in videos with me, or have my back through everything. So why am I so afraid to just open up and say whatever the hell I want to say? I want to be who I was again, not the miserable person, but I want to be who I was before I knew people were watching me, you know. Like when I could just sit down, open my mouth, and just say whatever I want to say, good or bad, without having to pretend that I'm good all the time. Nobody is good all the time. And even the people that don't ever post one negative thing in their entire YouTube history, they still get bashed and talked about. So nothing I do, I know, is gonna change that. The only thing that's changed is that I have a real relationship now and I have support now and I don't have any reason to be afraid anymore. So I'm struggling to stop being scared, you know. I'm struggling to stop looking at the scales, you know.
Um, I have put on between…I'm used to kilos so I'm trying to count pounds. I've put on about 15, 20 pounds in total since my lowest weight after my surgery. Now, I hovered at different weights, 160, 170. Currently I'm less than 180. I'm between 170 and 175. And usually after the surgery you gain some weight back. And considering it's been almost four years, even if I round it up and go to a 20 pound gain that's still not that bad and I shouldn't be unhappy with that.
I mean, Josh has gained probably about 20 pounds since we've been together. I don't see it, you know. I look at him and I, I don't see the extra weight. I mean, he's a little jiggly now. He, he sits there, bounces up and down, I need to go the gym! And we have a good laugh over it. And I still love him the same. I don't look at him like, oh my god you're fat. And I know he prefers meat. He wouldn't want me skinny even though he'd love me no matter what. He wouldn't prefer me to be as skinny as I would prefer me.
And the reason I would prefer me to be that skinny is because you're led to believe that you are pretty worthless unless you are skinny. And I've got to ingrain in my head that I am more than just the numbers on the scale. How much I weigh does not dictate who I am as a person and I have a right to be happy, be myself, and not have to feel like I owe it to anybody else to be a certain weight, you know. I still look in the mirror and I'm like, oh my god I feel like I weigh, you know, 235 pounds again, and my mind is trying to run away with me and make me feel like I look like shit. But, you know, I know while I'm not skinny, I'm not that person. I don't ever want to be that person again. Josh isn't concerned with that, you know. I have someone who actually does love me for who I am and I'm not used to that at all.
Um, I'm gonna touch base on something that I had previously not talked about. And I'm doing this just as a kind of way to prove to myself that I can do this. I do have a right to say whatever I want to say regardless of if people are watching me and judging me or not because they will watch and judge no matter what I do and what I say. And I've got to get over this fear of not being able to just be myself because I miss being able to have my say and not prefacing stuff by saying, I don't mean to offend anybody, this is no offense. You know, I used to not care because I kind of took it as something that people should know. That doesn't necessarily mean I'm trying to offend anybody. I'm just having my say, you know. And I have a knack for saying the wrong thing that rubs a lot of people the wrong way but I don't mean any harm by it. And I've become this overly apologetic, fearful person that no longer speaks their mind or has the kind of interesting videos that other people used to like to watch. Now it's just all, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm not an evil person. And, and that's not me. I'm not an evil person but I'm not the simpering scared person, either. I, I've always been highly opinionated. I've always had a lot of shit to say. I've always stood true to my own feelings and I, I've always liked to talk about it. And I want to be that person again. I want to be able to say what I want to say without having to fucking feel like I have to censor myself.
So I will touch base on this topic like I said. I had a couple comments that I deleted on one of my other videos. I'm not quite sure which one. And it was saying, oh, you know, you're talking about this and this and that but you haven't mentioned your son, it's kind of fucked up that you act like you don't have a son blah blah blah. And my response to that is essentially, I don't have a son. He's dead to me. And I'll tell you why. I must have talked about this before because people seem to know what happened. I don't remember if I have talked about it, but I'm pretty sure I did back there in one of my blabbering stages when I first got here because, again, I went through another stage when I first got here. Like yeah, I could say anything. You know, I could do anything. And then fuck you all, huh, who doesn't like it. And um, that wasn't a front but it was a little overly cocky. I don't like being…I'm not a cocky person. It's just sometimes I just get so irritated I'm just like, you know what, fuck it, and it just comes across wrong. I want to, I want to be able to find a good balance between all the different personas I've been since I've been online. I want to be able to be open, honest, not fearful to say what I need to say. Be myself but not be scared, not be cocky, not be over-the-top. You know, I just kind of want to find that, that balance, you know, where I could just do what everybody else does and just be me and just not have to second guess myself or overthink anything that I say.
Anyway, what happened was at some point either before I got here or right after I got here Dorian and his wife [she snickers] went to the hate sites and she started getting on there talking about me, and he offered to give away my secrets and talk about me as well, give them everything that they wanted. And I don't know why he did this, what, what convinced him that it was a good idea to betray his mother and go online and feed the trolls, feed the people that had wanted to bring your mother down. But he did and he lied his little ass off. He, he got so much attention from them, and so did she, that they went crazy with it and he completely slammed me and he elaborated on shit, changed stories about shit, lied about shit. And, you know, I might not be the world's greatest mother but I always did try to look out for him like I've said many times. And this whole fight with him had started…not to go into old shit again, but it was just because I was worried about him and I didn't want him being in a different country. And I wanted him to work and be able to sustain his own life and know that he was safe. That's it. Bottom fucking line. And, you know, I got turned on for that, you know, because he tried to go behind my back and run away and things like that. He couldn't even just man up and come up front and just tell me, you know, he wanted to leave or be with her. He lied to her and he lied to me.
And she had issues with me from the start, talking behind my back. And I don't go for that. I don't care how old you are, you don't disrespect me in my own home. And I hadn't done anything to her to make her hate me. I warned her to keep an eye on Dorian because he tended to lie a bit and, you know, I didn't think that was good for their relationship, you know. I've been a bit of a busybody just because I know how my son is. And if he's gonna have a successful relationship it needs to not be based on lies. And I tried to raise him with good values but none of those stuck with him.
And I'm his only family, period. He doesn't have Grandma and Grandpa anymore and doesn't have his dad or their parents. It's just been me. And he felt no shame and no sorrow, no second thoughts about throwing me under the bus on a site that I very nearly, very nearly killed myself over. And he knows how long that's haunted me. And that was the worst thing he could have ever done. And everybody says one of these days he's gonna come running back. I don't personally believe it but I'm not gonna contact him. I did contact him once when my mom died to tell him, and I had thought maybe he would have asked me how I was doing, say hello. He didn't. He, he answered me about her but he didn't even ask how I was. And me writing him and telling him was more than he had deserved because also after we were in that car accident that…and we got off very, very lucky from that, that we weren't killed dead, that people weren't killed. I mean, it could have gone way worse than it did. I ended up with some pretty bad injuries but I survived like nothing happened. And when he found out that I was in a car accident, instead of asking me how I was doing he blocked me. And that just showed me right there that he didn't care if his own mother lived or died. And so that's why I was thinking maybe he would have asked me how I was doing since the last thing he heard from me was that I was in a car accident.
Aside from that I have had somebody come to me and tell me that now Logan has moved in with Dorian and his wife. Dorian got married, like, the day after I did. That's a huge coincidence. I don't think that they had it planned. I know I didn't have it planned. But that's a major coincidence. Of course he didn't tell me he got married or anything like that, you know. I'm only his mother. But yeah, Dorian is living with them…or Logan is living with them. And one of the very last things he and I have said to each other was he had sworn that he wouldn't ever speak to Dorian again because he had betrayed both of us and he had done a lot of shit to both of us and we were just gonna just cut him out. And Logan running back to him like the spineless pussy he is…or sorry, like the lying bastard he is. And I was upset because he broke a promise to me. And that's the last thing I said to him.
But now they're living together. And not only that but Logan is also fucking Dorian's wife because apparently this bitch thinks that she's poly and she thinks she's a dude now. And Dorian and Logan are both not gay but they're with someone who essentially thinks that they're a guy, and they're in this weird kinky relationship thing together. And that's really fucked up because Logan lived as Dorian's stepdad for almost, almost six years. And I know they didn't call each other stepdad, stepson. But Logan and Dorian had just met when Logan and I got together. They knew each other for maybe two weeks, if that. They met once at a party. Everybody's under the wrong impression that they were really good friends, but they were not. They had just met. So for the majority of the time they've known each other they've been family because Logan was married to me. And now they're sharing the same girl. That's just really wrong. And I know Dorian. And I remember before we had our last falling out he came to me and he told me he did not like the fact that she had guy friends that she thought it was okay to kiss and sleep in bed with and things like that and, well if I can't get cuddles from you I'm gonna go to them. He had a really hard time with it and he asked me for advice. And when he confronted her with it or tried to express himself and it didn't go down well, he turned it around on me and said, well my mom says this, my mom…even though I actually didn't say any of the stuff he said I said. It got her riled up against me, well what the fuck does she know. Like, I wasn't even involved in that. I told him that if he had issues with that he should talk to her because that's not gonna be a good relationship if he can't even talk to his own girlfriend. And he turned around and said that that was all my words and my doing which it wasn't. But she believed him anyway like she always did.
And now he is stuck in this relationship where he has to watch his ex-stepdad fucking his husband wife thing. And I know that he's always felt a lot like me, like not good enough, really lonely, you don't have anybody, jealous, don't like to share. Dorian is definitely not poly so I'm wondering how long he's gonna be able to put up with this and what the deal is. I'm wondering if maybe that's why she broke apart my family as well because she wanted my husband at the time. But you can't make someone go with you that doesn't want to go with you so he obviously had his own little interest going on. And I'm just so glad to be out of a situation where there can't be a female around without the person you're with wanting to get in there, you know what I mean. I don't have to deal with that now because I'm with a real man, not a horny little boy. So I'm glad to wipe that chapter out of my life. And it just shows you how twisted and fucked up that whole situation is. I want no part of it. I don't want to talk about it. And this is why I do not mention, oh I miss Dorian, oh I miss Dorian. Because to me I've got no son. No son of mine would throw me under the bus the way that he did and say the things that he said or allow that kind of shit to be said. He was never like that before he met her. He changed completely. I always had his back. I was always there for him, even if I didn't always show it in the right way. He was my number one.
I've shown Josh, like, as I'm going through all my stuff here, I've shown him, I've got this, I've got this, I've got this, I've got that, I've got Dorian's, all his school papers, his school pictures, little things that he's made, that he's brought home, little stuffed animals that he's had. I've got his very first little bunny rabbit. I have pictures of him galore. I've got so much stuff that I've collected because he was my son, you know. Whether I showed it in a traditional way or not I always loved him and I always just wanted what was best for him. And every time I said that it was just twisted into something disgusting and hurtful. And I never tried to be like that with him. Yeah, I've got a temper problem and I've got a big mouth. But all I wanted was for him to get up and work and be able to take care of himself or come to America with me so I know he is safe. I even offered for her to come. He didn't want it. I said, get a job so that I know once I leave you will be safe. And I'm the bad guy for that. And now she's fucking both of them and that is pretty foul.
What else. If, I will say this, if he got tired of that situation and felt he had no way out I will be here if he decides to contact me. He is my son after all. But uh, I'm waiting for the day, like everybody says, that he will realize he needs his mother and what he did was wrong and fucked up and that he did way worse than I ever deserved. I did try really hard to do whatever he wanted me to do, do what was right for him. I asked him, what could make you happy, what can I do to repair our relationship and to give us a good mother-son relationship. He told me and I did my very best, my very very very best to give him the kind of home life that he really wanted. And nothing I did was good enough. Nothing I did. And um, I tried.
But now as far as I know, or I was told because I have somebody that…I have a couple of people that are friends with Logan or on Logan's friends list or something like that. But they were reporting to me up until like last month when I said, just stop, I don't give a shit with that psycho disgusting little family's up to. I don't care what they're doing. So then I haven't had any update since then. But before that I was told also that um, Logan's going up and making friends with all my enemies, so he has made friends with every single person that has fucked me over, betrayed me, hurt me, threatened me, or whatever. And that just goes to show also what kind of person he is because these aren't just people that fucked me over. They tried to fuck him over. And I, I was the one that was always hated way worse. And he's got no respect, not even for the relationship that we did have, to cut these people out completely. He's just gone sucking up to everybody. You know, he has no respect for anybody or anything. And I'm just so glad not to be part of that life anymore.
I'm probably gonna get a lot of hate for what I just said, what I just explained, but you know, old me doesn't give a shit so new me doesn't give a shit. This is what has happened. This is why I don't talk about him. I do think about him because he made a huge mistake not coming back with me. Everywhere I go I see stuff that he would love, like he would die for this stuff. I go in…like, the Hot Cheetos that he loves or the food or, you know, just everything around here. I found myself saying at least once every time I'm out of the house, god Dorian would have loved this, Dorian would have loved that. I know Josh is probably tired of hearing about it but he would have had it made. He really would have. He would have loved so much shit here.
And it's like he's forgotten that he's an American. He's convinced himself that he's a New Zealander because the little bitch that he's with has forgotten she's an American. And what that is is because she's so full of herself and pretentious people in America didn't stand for her shit and bullied her so she ran off to New Zealand where they're all pretentious. 99% of them are pretentious and full of themselves so she fits in totally well. So she's convinced herself she fucking hates America and it's like she's convinced my son he hates America, too. But um, if he was here he'd be in seventh heaven. He really would. And he's missing out on a lot of stuff. Like, I can't even believe it. I think about that all the time.
And I wait for the day that his life falls apart to see if he really will come. How long is he gonna be able to tolerate sharing this person right after they got married, which as far as I know polyamorous people don't get married because they don't have one-on-one relationships. I don't know anything about poly cuz I've not, never been interested in it. But why would she marry him if she wanted to fuck around? It doesn't make sense to me. And why would he accept unless he was so lonely that he feels like he can't get better which is also how he thinks. And I just think he made the biggest mistake of his life when he met her because there was problems there from the start. He never stood up for himself and instead he tried to blame, blame shift everything onto me. And now he can't even be married to someone and have, like, a real marriage, a real one-on-one marriage, and that is really sad. It really is. That, that's not the first marriage or the marriage I would have wanted for any child of mine. But you know you got to learn some way and you can only hold their hand for so long. He obviously doesn't want anything from me. He obviously doesn't care if I'm alive or dead. So he can just deal with the consequences of his choices and his mistakes and his actions or whatnot.
No. 619463
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Yeah, I've, like, gone off on so many tangents. I don't really know what else to say here. I have a lot of anger towards my past marriage because I see a lot of things differently now and I see a lot of things for what they really were. Whereas when I was in it I honestly thought that he loved me and cared about me and I thought that I loved him and cared about him. But when we split up and I started seeing maybe this isn't love. I thought at least we had a mutual respect for each other and we'd be friends or friendly. But he has shown me that he is incapable of respecting anybody which I should have known by what he did to me. And again, porn might not be a big deal to you guys or a lot of you guys but it is to me. And that is the number one rule in my relationships and he knew that. And if he didn't agree with it then he should have gotten with me pretty much. But to lie behind my back like that. It was just really low and really fucked up because I thought he was better than that.
And everything happens for a reason, as cliche and stupid as that is. I hated that relationship in the end and I hated having to lie. I hated having to front. I hated having to be the only one to talk about the relationship and to be like, oh yay we're happy! You know, I hated being the only one having to talk about both sides of it. And, like, on anniversaries or birthdays I've had to be like, hey can you go on and say something so I can have it on my wall? Then he'd log on and say something and log back off and, you know, I had to mother him so much.
Like, you guys already know that I would get on his profile and reply to stuff for him. 90% of it was by his okay or he is asking me to. That was sometimes answering his mom, sometimes answering other people, applying for jobs. I had to write his CV's out for him. I had to write his cover letters. I applied him…pretty much, except for the first job, I got him every single other job he had because I'm the one who talked him up as him to employers, and he just had a follow through once he got there, you know. He wouldn't even do that himself, so I did that.
And the only one he didn't know about in the moment was when Josh's ex wrote trying to start trouble and uh…but I did tell him afterwards what had happened. I said, yeah she wrote you so I logged on and I wrote back as you. And I told him, the only stuff that I said to her as you was stuff that you have told me yourself. I didn't just lie and say, oh I'm a shitty person, I wish I could have treated her better. I didn't make that shit up. He told me that. He said, oh I feel like a shitty person, I wish I would have treated you better. So I did that. He didn't care that I wrote her and talked to her. At least he told me at the time that he never cared that I wrote for him because he didn't want to talk to anybody. Probably now his story would have changed because that's kind of person he is but that's not my problem anymore.
With Josh, though, he can get his own jobs. He's actually highly qualified for a lot of stuff from his time in the Army and from previous experiences. Like the job he has now, he's actually, like, a lead. He's, like, the boss and he's like, it's so cool because I get to tell people what to do, you know. He makes more than twice the minimum wage. He makes pretty good money there and he loves his job. He really does. And they love having him there. And that is really, really good. I'm, I'm proud to be able to be with somebody that's got qualifications like he does and can do stuff. He can make phone calls and he can talk to people. He can, he can do things himself. I don't have to hold his hand and mommy him and be like, you need to do this. I mean, I have to remind him of some stuff because he doesn't think about it. But it's nowhere near like what I had to do before. Like, I don't feel like a mother to him. I feel like an equal partner.
And it's done so much for my mental state to be in a, in a healthy relationship like this. And it's just it's, it's changing me slowly away from being the scared person that I was, I'm gonna get cheated on or whatever. He really does not care. And I've gone through my moments and I have gone through his Google and his Facebook and his emails and everything when I've had moments of fear or doubt and he hasn't given a shit. He's just, eh whatever. And I haven't seen a single thing. He doesn't talk to anybody that would worry me or whatever. He, he's, he's involved in me and his games. He shows me he loves me every day. And he loves playing his games and he goes to work, and our animals, and that's it. He is completely content with his life, and I know with him it's not a front because he did all that on his own and was always like that before I even met him. Nothing's changed, you know.
Logan had friends and then he decided to stop hanging out with his friends or his friends decided they didn't want to hang out with him once he got with me, so he lost a lot of friends once we got together. And he used to tell me that he missed having friends and I would say, well you can go have your friends. But they didn't want anything to do with him which that had nothing to do with me stopping anything.
Whereas Josh, he's been like me. Like, he's been more of a loner and he'd rather just stay at home, be alone. And, you know, there's been a couple of times he's asked me if he could see my messages and I was like, there you go. Because if you've got nothing to hide from each other then it shouldn't really matter. And I don't talk to anyone, either, so he could look at whatever he wants. I keep my laptop logged in because I'm lazy so I have my emails, I have my profile of everything already logged in. You just click the button and there you go because I can't be bothered typing in passwords every time. So we are completely open with each other. And he does get on social media but he knows how to be married. He knows how to be in a relationship.
And he still tells me I'm beautiful every single day, even if he's not feeling good or he's tired or even if we had just been having a little argument or something. I'll go get dressed and come out and he'll be like, you look beautiful. And it's like, aw you're so sweet.
And right now my brain is just adjusting, you know, trying to go from being in your face to pretending to be somebody I'm not and be happier than I really am…not happier but less confrontational than I really am to, you know, not being so "well I can do whatever the fuck I want to do and if you don't like it I don't give a shit" disrespectful, kind of cocky disrespectful. Just being able to be laid back and be like, look alright so today this happened and this happened and that happened and this is on my mind and blah blah blah. And just just be able to talk and be me without having to think somebody's watching, somebody's gonna pick on this, somebody's gonna screenshot that, somebody's gonna take this clip, somebody's gonna re-upload this video, somebody's gonna fucking, you know, harass me or bully me over this, somebody's gonna have an issue with this. I need to stop thinking like that because these somebodies out there don't matter. I've said and felt variations of this over the past few years but I've always slid back because I want so badly…or I have wanted so badly not to be seen in that kind of light. I've just wanted people to just understand who I am and how I am and stop judging me in a negative way or making me feel like I'm the world's worst person because I am who I am and I can't change a lot of who I am. And I shouldn't have to because it physically isn't hurting anybody.
Even that relationship people hated. He was legal. He wanted to be with me. Even the cops said there was nothing that can be done. Morally it was probably wrong if I was like any other woman my age but I am not, and so it was just wasn't anything like what it was made out to be.
And I'm like a big kid which I get judged for. But other people it's okay. You know such-and-such, she's got problems and she's like forever a kid but that's okay because she's like that. But not Raven. Raven is just delusional. Whatever. I'm tired of being judged for who I am and I'm tired of being made to feel bad for who I am and I'm tired of having to apologize for who I am. I'm too damn old for this shit. I have a right after everything I've, I've ever been through, I have a right to be happy and to be myself unapologetically, just be myself and do what I want to do because nobody out there has the power to affect my life except for me.
And if I got a rash of bullying again or whatnot all I would have to do is just run to Josh and he would hug me and hold me and make me feel better, get offline again, spend some time with him, come back on when I feel ready, and that would be it, you know. I shouldn't need to be afraid of what I say because somebody isn't gonna like it or they're gonna run away with it. Oh my god do you know what she just said, oh my god do you know what she just did. Who cares if I said that or did that. What are you gonna do to me? What are you gonna do? Nothing. What can you do? You can talk shit online. You can come to my page and you can comment and talk shit. That's about it. I'm not alone anymore. I've got support. I've got somebody who has my back and that, that makes a world of difference. Now all I have to do, the only battle that I have right now is with myself in my own head, breaking myself out of the habit that I've been in for so many years of my life and finding myself again, not being scared of anything. What I say, what I do, or what I look like. It's, it's my life. Nobody else can affect it. Nobody else could hurt me.
Josh is the only one that can hurt me now and I really don't see that happening. If he did hurt me I would probably just fucking kill myself. I wouldn't try again. I, I don't really have anything else in my life. I don't have my parents anymore. I don't have my own son. I've got some friends but I don't really trust a lot of people. I damn sure wouldn't want to burden anybody.
I just um, I just I'm, I'm the kind of person that wants love. I want to be loved. I want to be in a relationship. I want to feel like I matter to somebody because I've gone most of my life feeling like I don't matter to anybody, even when I've been married. And if this, this did end that would be it for me. And I feel confident in saying that because I feel confident that this isn't gonna end more than any other time in my life. This is just this is it and this is a great relationship. And I'm so happy not to be where I was with somebody that doesn't want to be with me in a country that didn't want me.
And um, that's about it. I'm sorry this is so long and just up and down, back and forth. I've just had a lot on my mind. Me and him are gonna make that video and I'm gonna go all out in that video. I do have another ranting video before I decided to make this one. It was a couple weeks ago and it's a whole, I'm sorry I don't mean to offend anybody. And it totally isn't the kind of ranting video I used to do because I was so worried about coming across as too angry and too bitchy. But I will still upload that whenever I get this out there for a while.
It's just really sad that in this day people out there have the power to make you second guess yourself and make you feel like you're a bad person just because they don't agree with the kind of person you are, how you look, the choices you make, how you live your own life. And I've never agreed with that mentality. I still don't. I will die not agreeing with that. If your life isn't hurting anybody, then nobody should have the power to make you feel ashamed of it, you know. And if you don't like my age and my choices and my attitude and my weight, my style, my piercings, the fact that I like dollar store shit, I like cheap shit. I'll take free stuff. I grew up poor. I like dumpster diving, you know. I don't actually dumpster dive but if I see something on the side of the road I'll grab it, you know. I like cheap shit and I've been like that my whole life. Why should I be made to feel ashamed of the fact that I like cheap things? I have a couple of things that are worth a lot of money. I have a couple things that I paid a lot of money for. But overall I'd rather have a hundred things that cost a dollar than one thing that costs $100. I mean, I like kids stuff and I like toys and I like stuffed animals and I love Walmart. And I don't care because I love it and it brings me happiness, so that's all that should matter. I'm tired of being…having to feel ashamed for dumb shit. You know, it doesn't affect anybody else but me and it's affecting me in a negative way and making me lose myself. So now I'm going right back. I'm gonna be working on this. I'm gonna be trying to find the balance, the perfect balance to be the person that I want to be without having to second guess anything. So stay tuned. Thank you for watching. I'm sorry not sorry about this being long and I'm excited. I, I think I can do this.
No. 619469
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>>617468Her fans always feel the need to walk on eggshells.
No. 619470
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No. 619471
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No. 619495
>No one else cares that much about L/D/LGFs sexuality/relationship.Except for that one farmer who still spergs in Meta about the thread being locked.
No. 619501
>>619495that's me anon, and I'm only butthurt because I
made the thread. no conspiracy just a burned arse.
No. 619509
>>619463This shit is amazing (and thank you for transcribing it). The TL;DR is literally "WAAAAAAHHHH My teenage child-bride acted like a child!!" And also "MeMeMeMEmemememeMeMEDorianMEMEmememeLOGANDORIANISAMememeME"
More seriously, it is amazing to me that a woman who went around proudly declaring she HAD NO SON!!! on multiple occasions is complaining when the Non-Son doesn't contact her or ask how she's doing during her many life events.
No. 619526
>>619470>What's hilarious as hell is he/she/it has been copying my tattoos too lmao…Wait you mean like you did with EmilyBoo for so long? Pot meet kettle lol.
>>619457>I was in the shower, I was taking a bathYah sorry i still don't believe this bitch washes regularly or at all.
Gotta love when she's complaining about logan acting childishly like he wasn't 16. Also turning away from camera and shit like… not everyone wants their entire life plastered on social media. I get a couple IG selfies or whatever but it's like Raven is trying to be some sort of mallgoth Kardashian or something.
No. 619590
>>619462I'm waiting for the day, like everybody says, that he will realize he needs his mother and what he did was wrong and fucked up and that he did way worse than I ever deserved.
It was tinfoil before but without a shadow of a doubt I know now that Raven's the one stalking them and posting about them all hanging out again here and probably elsewhere as well. She knew when they got married, she knew Logan was hanging out with them again, etc.
She's petty and spiteful enough to leak that information here in the hopes that Lolcow would do her dirty work for her and harass them into hating/leaving each other so she could sit on her dog hair covered couch and go "I told you so!" on their FB's and wait for the day her son comes groveling back to her asking to sleep on the floor of the shack.
Face it Granny, even if whatever they have doesn't work out they'll still be better off in another country outside of your clutches. You probably thought they'd miss you dreadfully but they don't and that just pisses you off because all you have is a shack full of Christmas trees and an audience of one to vent to.
No. 619596
>>619476Either Raven or a farmer (and not a kiwi) dedicated to this thread. Who else would know all of those names and details?
>>619497And that account is still liked to her and Josh's accounts.
No. 619653
>>619501There is at least two of us, and tbh I don't care about the thread so much as wanting to know why it got locked down so quickly and suddenly, why there was no explanation, etc. Shit was really weird.
>>619476She sockpuppets about as well as Miranda does. Her compulsive need to write essays really doesn't help her cause.
No. 619693
>>619463>And, you know, there's been a couple of times he's asked me if he could see my messages and I was like, there you go. Because if you've got nothing to hide from each other then it shouldn't really matter. And I don't talk to anyone, either, so he could look at whatever he wants.So he has asked to read her messages, and she doesn't see this as weird?
Probably because she does this herself to him as well.
The way I see it this means he does not fully trust her, or he wouldn't have asked.
No. 619722
>I keep my laptop logged in because I'm lazy so I have my emails, I have my profile of everything already logged in.But to
all of your accounts, Raven?
In the leaked videos she practically bragged to him about having dozens of accounts which she probably rationalized as being necessary to defend herself against the haters.
Two paragraphs above she says that she has looked at his accounts.
>And I've gone through my moments and I have gone through his Google and his Facebook and his emails and everything when I've had moments of fear or doubt and he hasn't given a shit. He's just, eh whatever. And I haven't seen a single thing. He doesn't talk to anybody that would worry me or whatever.>>619690She is 5'1". Knowing someone who is also half Asian with the same height and body type, I did not expect her to weigh 175.
>>619662If it was Raven who posted, I'm surprised that she wasn't able to get on their friends lists or at least screenshot everything to keep the milk flowing.
No. 619725
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>>619497Her public account is back.
No. 619805
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>>619792He and Claudia had broken up months before, but because she couldn't believe that he could fall in love and rush into a new engagement so quickly she wondered if he and Raven had been talking while they were still together. [pic related] from the "Ugh" video in thread #4.
No. 619825
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While looking at the screencaps from the "Ugh" video I noticed that Raven had been messaging Isa from Logan's account (Denney Strother was her last name).
>>>/pt/404315>>>/pt/404764 No. 619834
>>619825Whoa, nice catch.
What the fuck was she saying to Isa as Logan?
No. 619843
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>>619462She isolated him from the rest of his family by moving to a whole other country and she expects that to endear him to her?
No. 619844
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>>619462Also, nice double standard; funny how bullying is so wrong and uncalled for when she reckons it happens to her but if it happens to someone she doesn’t like it’s caused by their “pretentiousness”.
No. 619872
>>619834March 2017 was around the time she posted the video of Dorian and Isa's private messages.
>>619843>>619844You could have just copied and pasted, anon.
No. 619890
>>619662I really hope it wasn't because that would just compound the fuckery x1000. Imagine something that fucking milky and staff lock it down.
>>619825Didn't we already know this? I remember she bragged about doing it with his family as well.
No. 619891
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Raven's come-back videos from after she faked her suicide are still up
>>>/pt/47011. Compare and contrast to what she says in her latest video.
A message to friend and foe alike YouTube (15 minutes thereof)'s happened to my videos YouTube 1 No. 619893
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No. 619905
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>>619890No. We didn't notice it at the time to call her out on it because Isa's last name had not been posted. Her last name was leaked in one of the Q&A chat messages (anon missed redacting it) but I had not gone back to look at the caps from "Ugh" until today. Her last name may have appeared in the video of her and Dorian's private messages, but I missed out on seeing that video.
And kudos to whichever anon predicted [pic related]!
No. 619913
>>619893This pic has
>Tequila Rose>cheap wig>replacement headband he bought after their car crash>overpriced Baphomet necklace from Amazon>her Josh tattoo and their overpriced wedding rings>her too small "FUCK" shirt she wears in devotion to the haters>his Chucky t-shirt>their new couch>ten pounds shopped off her face and ten years shopped off Josh (that thinning hairline tho)Happy New Year, my fellow momos!
No. 620109
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>>620079I love the little cough she does toward some vape, like it's hurting her throat. Couchie just looks at her like "the fuck?" as he blows it in her face. Relationship fucking goals.
No. 620116
>>620079Josh already has that hostage face Logan had and she is pushing him to be with her on the video.
> I know you don't talk much, but you're the good husband, the different husband, the one tha has given me everything i've never had in my life. Josh flinchesNooo pressure, right?
No. 620123
>>620109Jesus christ, how obnoxious.
And of course the "cough" is as he is inhaling, when there is no smoke.
Lovin this progressing look of "why am i with her" look on his big dumb face.
No. 620128
>>620087Her own income has always been 'Ryan' or 'prostitution'. Other than that, I'm going with the rent to buy or whatever bullshit other anons have suggested.
>>620109Not just the look he gives her, but then the expression afterwards - "so this is my life now …"
No. 620132
>>620079Funny how she metions that we did not go after Isa and Dorian/logan because we 'pick sides' and 'she is the bigger fish'.
How did you know that Diana, since you are not visiting the hate sites again?
No. 620138
>>620132Cracked me up. Re: The Isa Trinity Thread - A few comments on there definitely seemed like they were repeated during the Raven sperg video about them. Maybe it was on Kiwi Farms, but I remember someone saying they were a mutual friend and Isa's intention was to use Dorian to get to Logan and Raven seems to be saying the same. I'm guessing the admins locked the thread because of suspicious activity, but couldn't get a confirm like they do with many self posters. Usually Admins have a field day with tagging self posts so my best guess is that Raven may have had a friend posting for her so it couldn't be linked.
Thing about cows is that we only go after those with internet presence, Diana. They're not active so we're not going to listen to fake "I'm a friend" vendetta posts or stalk them in real life. No one gives a shit if a fucked up girl decides to fuck two guys as a man. Who cares? Now a pedo, that preys on idiot men, posts constantly the most vile shit possible, easily wrecks relationships faster than she guzzles down slim jims and is a serial animal abuser is going to get negative attention here.
I love that she also accuses Logan of hanging out with people who fucked her over. Maybe he's just rebuilding the relationships that were fucked because of Raven's existence.
>Ex step-dadRaven you fucking pedo. Logan is more of a peer than he was ever a dad.
The funny thing about her anger that Dorian was giving away secrets and lying is that Dorian dispelled the grossest rumors about Raven. He did her a favor by saying she never forced him to take nude pictures, he doesn't remember being starved and a few other things. All he ever did was say that she copied tattoos, but a vain bitch like Raven probably would have rather he lie about nude pics and say her tats were 100% original.
Anyways thanks for the transcript
>>619457 transcript anon. I had tons to say and quote but god does she ramble on you just forget about it. She always makes herself look like the worst person without anyone spilling anything on here.
>>620109hahahaha. I can't read more into that face of Josh's other than complete annoyance. The way he vapes in her face is hilarious. And yeah the Claudia ordeal definitely should be a reminder of how Josh earned his misery. He wanted to punch his ex-girlfriend (fiance?) to show off to his fat fuck ugly goth girlfriend he cheated with. Balding fuck.
No. 620227
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Happy New Year's 2019
Published on Jan 2, 2019
We were already semi-drunk during this video, so please excuse the nonsense :-P
This is nowhere near my usual kind of New Years "look back on my past year" video!
Happy New Year's 2019. I'm not doing my normal New Year's video because I didn't really have a lot to say. Josh and I were supposed to go to Carowinds this winter for New Year's but, as you guys know, we have Bowie, who's sitting over there in the living room looking at us, and Loki, who is conked out, and this little guy right here. We have our new pets and we just didn't want to…I mean, the cats would be fine here. They're a bit scared because there's fireworks going off really close. But the dogs, we didn't want to stick them in a kennel having just got Bowie and definitely didn't want to leave them here, especially outside during the fireworks, so we need to rethink a plan for next year. We figured their safety and well-being was more important than us going out and getting drunk with a bunch of strangers or whatever.
So we're just sitting here. We have a big ol' bottle of Frangelico and we're drinking it. I have to take it slow because of my surgery I haven't really drinken [sic] anything. [they clink their Tequila Rose shot glasses] He's on his, his second sip. This is first time he's had Frangelico, so I'm introducing him to all my favorite old liquors. But it is really good. If you guys haven't had it, it tastes like hazelnuts.
Josh: [nods] And coffee.
Raven: Yeah. It's delicious but it's really strong. [he takes a sip, sets down his glass, and puts his arm around her shoulders, pulling on her wig in the process]
My uh, my baby boy is on my lap as always. I don't know if I can… [she tilts the camera towards her lap, Josh reaches over and pets him] He's never ever far from me. We went through a little three days where he was mad at me because he [Josh laughs] he jumped up on the couch and he stuck his face right in my eggs and bacon and he started eating it and I was like, whoa no! You know, and I gave him a little paddle and he was like, oh mommy hit me! And he ignored me for, what, two days? He wouldn't come…
Josh: Two or three days.
Raven: Yeah. He wouldn't come near me. He wouldn't sit on me. And I was like, he doesn't love me. But he was…he punished me for punishing him. And after that now he's fine and he's my baby again.
So uh, Josh is finally in a video. How has this year been for you?
Josh: [mumbles] I don't know. It's been strange for us. A lot of ups and downs.
Raven: Lots of stuff has happened.
Josh: Yeah.
Raven: There's a lot of stuff that we will not talk about publicly because it's private, but it's nothing to do our relationship or anything. It's just other stuff that we don't want to get into. But um, we had a…you know, my mom died. Let me move my camera up bit more. My mom died. We moved. We got a car. We, we went through a lot of changes this year, a lot of stuff has happened. I lost my kitty cat. I got another kitty cat. [to Lucipurr as she picks up her glass] You cannot have that, boy. [she tosses back her shot]
Josh: We had to give him back to his owner.
Raven: Her.
Josh: Her, yeah.
Raven: And we got this baby here who is my baby boy! [she lifts him into the air and brings his face to hers] Look at him! Hey! [she loudly kisses him and snuggles him] He doesn't care what you do. He's just so lovey. He's my baby. [Josh leans in and loudly kisses him]. Yeah. He's just purring away. He is the coolest kitten we have ever had. He's just so laid back. He just doesn't care about anything. I love him so much.
Josh: He stays right here.
Raven: Yeah. Lucipurr! And his name is LuciPURR, not LuciFER. A lot of people thought it was Lucifer, but it's not. It's Lucifpurr. I saw it on a Black Craft Cult advertisement. And it was a white kitty cat and his name was Lucipurr and I was like, oh my god that is the coolest thing ever. [Josh smiles] And this little boy purrs all the time. So I thought that was, like, the coolest name. And he comes…he could be anywhere in the house and I call his name and he runs right to me like a dog. It's so cool.
Josh: Yeah. And he chills with the dogs, too.
Raven: Yeah. He loves the dogs. He'll just, like, go and lay down and cuddle right with all the dogs. It is so sweet.
But anyway, let's talk about this, this year. This is our second year together…well, second New Year's together. Can I have the bottle. And you don't really do a lot of talking in these videos so I would like you to talk a little bit.
Josh: I don't talk much.
Raven: I know you don't talk much. [she pours herself another shot] But you're, you're the good husband and the different husband and the one that's giving me everything that I've never had in my life before, so it'd be nice to hear from you this New Year's.
Josh: I don't even know what to say.
Raven: How does it feel being married again? How does it feel having a life with somebody and everything that we've been through and your new job and…
Josh: It feels great. I love my new job.
Raven: …dealing with uh, the bullying [he wipes his eyes and his face with his fingertips] and um, things that you're not really used to in your life [Josh grunts] and just being with some strange girl who moved from overseas? Now we've been together over a year. We've been married half a year. How does it feel? How does it all feel?
Josh: It feels good. I love us and I love my job. But the bullying thing kind of died down. That was really a waste of their time. [he half-heartedly chuckles]
Raven: Yeah. It was uh, it was different to bring you into that.
Josh: Yeah.
Raven: But we don't, we don't check. We don't look. We hear stuff occasionally but it's just, whatever. I'm personally just tired of being online in general. It does nothing for me anymore. [Josh removes and replaces the mouthpiece of his vape with his lips and vapor leaks out] We look at stuff and we're like, ah that's a load of shit, that's a load of shit, look at this person, this person, this person, and when people…It's just [she coughs and waves the air] there's so much negativity online [he takes a hit and exhales a large cloud in front of them] and it brings you down after a while just reading all this bad stuff constantly. And sometimes it's good to take a break from it. It really is because too much negativity, it does get to you.
Josh: Yeah.
Raven: And uh, it's always a hard choice to make: your own mental state versus followers and fans and people you don't know, you know. I hate to abandon people like I do but sometimes you just, you just have to you. Yeah. It was good when we shut everything down for a while and got away from everything.
Josh: Yeah, it was. It was better.
Raven: Yeah.
[long pause]
Josh: Why'd you cough. Cuz of the Juul?
Raven: Well, yeah. I inhaled right when you…
Josh: That was the in…that was the incense.
Raven: Uh, I don't know. I, I inhaled and I got a whole bunch of smoke in my face.
Josh: [quietly] Sorry.
Raven: That wasn't nice. Um, kitty cat's over there with the dog right now. He's, he's cuddled up to Loki. I don't know if there's a way to show it. Unplug my phone. [she rotates the camera]
Josh: [chuckles] Yeah. That's perfect.
Raven: Lucipurr! Whatchu doing? [Lucipurr gets up, runs over, and jumps onto her lap] Look! Oh, there he goes! [laughs] Here, boy. See, he's gonna come see mommy. I give him a treat when he comes to me like that because it's super cute. This is a kitty cat treat, not a doggy treat. Doggies have bones.
Um, yeah. [coughs] I don't really have a lot to say. [Josh hits his vape and exhales to the side] I couldn't read that. I just got a text. Um, I don't really have a lot to say anymore. There's…because there's so much that I don't want to talk about. I want to keep my personal life private now. It's done me no good being open, like, so open about everything. But um, all I can say is that I'm still in the best marriage I've ever been in.
Josh: [kisses her shoulder, then swats away the stray wig hairs stuck to his face] Me, too.
Raven: I actually feel like I'm loved and appreciated and cherished.
Josh: You are.
Raven: And I think that [she squeezes his chin] Josh is the most beautiful human being I've ever laid my eyes on, in person or not in person.
Josh: I feel the same. [they kiss]
Raven: And you are the coolest kitty cat. You are the best little kitty cat ever. And we love our little family. We have uh, six animals right now. It doesn't feel like it. I got one to sleep right here on my leg, one on my lap, one of the pillows, and one on the couch right there. And then the dog and then the dog.
Josh: [leans forward and picks up Zero and kisses her] Zero! This is my girl, Zero. She's beautiful.
Raven: He loves her. She has a cute little face. We took her in and she was so young. She, she goes and suckles on one of our older ones. She, like, she tries to knead and suckle on her cuz she was taken away from her mom too, too young.
Josh: Yeah, she was.
Raven: Bowie gets along with the kitty cats. He's a good boy.
Josh: Yeah, he does. He's a good boy.
Raven: He listens really well. He listens better than Loki does. Loki's got a stubborn streak in him. It's probably the Husky. But um, we have a good, a good little family, a good little home here, and we're trying to make the best of our life and what we have.
Josh: [drinks his shot] Ooh hoo hoo hoo!
Raven: And we may not be rich, we may not have a whole lot, but we have a whole lot more than what we had at this time last year.
Josh: Hell yeah.
Raven: Last year we got…we didn't have a bed, we didn't have a vehicle…
Josh: Well, we had one but…
Raven: We didn't have, we didn't have the Jeep yet.
Josh: Oh, yeah.
Raven: So we, we didn't have anything this time last year. [he kisses her shoulder] We had like, what, two plates, two bowls, one set of silverware, if that, like four knives, four forks, for spoons…knives, forks, spoons, yeah. Four butter knives. [he kisses her shoulder] And it was just rough. But we made do. What was important to us was that we were together, more than any material objects. Now we have each other and we're married and we have stuff and we have pets.
And no matter how many people come to us and say that we're bad owners, I'm a bad owner and I kill and lose animals.
Josh: We're not. We're not.
Raven: I have explanations for every single animal that's gone missing. And they are all happy and healthy.
Josh: Yeah.
Raven: And shit happens sometimes and it doesn't mean that you've killed them or lost them on purpose. I've lost one animal and that was my mistake. Somebody took her. Aside from that…
Josh: Azzy?
Raven: Yeah, yeah. I admit that I fucked up by leaving her outside when I went in to take a piss. But damn, you know, [he kisses her shoulder] mistakes happen. Sometimes it's just, it's just one little mistake and something happens and what can you do? You can't take it back. And everything else, it wasn't our fault. It's just unfortunate circumstances. Shit happened. But we do our very best to give these animals the best home that they could have. And we've got past and present owners of pretty much all these pets. Where we got those two from [points off camera to Jelly and Miss Pretty] and Amber, you know my little girl that died. [he kisses her shoulder] We have their old owner on my friends list. Got Bowie's owner on my friends list. Loki's owner, I have her email and her…she has my cell phone number. We have each other's numbers and she's on my Instagram. And his owner, [points to Lucipurr on her lap] his old owner is on my friends list as well. So we keep in touch with everybody. And um, it's just ignorance and hatred, blind hatred that makes people say these nasty things.
Josh: Yeah.
Raven: But it's not going to stop us. And as long as we're under the legal limit, which we are, we'll keep getting as many animals as we damn well feel like because this is a good home for them…
Josh: Yeah.
Raven: …and I don't care what anybody says. But I'm, I don't want to talk about animals any more. I think I… [pause] Yeah, I don't know.
Josh: What?
Raven: I feel a little buzzed. [they laugh]
Josh: Me, too.
Raven: I think that's why I'm blabbing. I feel a little drunk. [he kisses her shoulder] It is awful hot in here. It's awful hot in here! [laughs and fans herself]
Josh: But they're fed every day and they're watered. They don't get abused.
Raven: Yeah.
Josh: They love us.
Raven: [motions to Lucipurr] Obviously. Does this look like the face of a cat that's, that's in a bad home or is abused? I mean, look at him.
Josh: He wouldn't be…I'm sure he wouldn't come near us.
Raven: Yeah. And he is purring and purring. And the dogs are miserable if they can't get as close to us as they can. Like, right now we're trying to keep them on that side of the couch, you know, because right here there's not that much space.
Josh: They keep trying to get near us.
Raven: And they get as close as they can because they want to be with us at all times. And those aren't abused animals, you know. They, they're not like Azzie. She, she was abused, and not by us. She cowered.
Josh: Yeah. It was sad.
Raven: She was scared to move. They're not scared to move. They just prefer to be as close to us as they can. Even Zero. She comes around and likes to sleep with us.
Josh: Yeah.
Raven: They just…they, they have an amazing home here. They really do. And they get, not only they get…do they get really good expensive food. We give them grain-free really good food.
Josh: Yeah. Health food.
Raven: But they also get treats. Like, sometimes we won't…we'll be down to our last bit of money and we'll go, let's get the dogs a bone. We'll bring them big old meaty bones and shit, you know. And let's get the cats a toy or some treats. [he kisses her shoulder] And you just wanted to spend almost twenty bucks on treats on them yesterday. They're spoiled because they are our children…
Josh: Yeah.
Raven: …you know. This is our family. This is our life. And everybody in this household gets spoiled. [she pulls his hand to her face]
You should, you should talk about what you got for Christmas. I didn't make a Christmas video. I just really, I really didn't feel like it. But…
Josh: Some amazing stuff.
Raven: Um, do you…I don't understand if you remember everything you got. Cuz on YouTube I didn't talk about what we got for Christmas yet. [she sips her drink]
Josh: A bunch of shirts, hoodies. I got the original Child's Play script autographed by Brad Dourif. Certificate of auth…
Raven: Authenticity.
Josh: Right? I'm sure that came with it.
Raven: Yeah, it did.
Josh: A bunch of signed pictures and posters with certificates of authenticity.
Raven: Got uh, Tim Curry's autograph and Bill Skaarsgard. Some It pictures. All of your new shit up there.
Josh: I got the horror plushies, the horror Legos.
Raven: He got mostly It stuff, Chucky stuff, and horror stuff. You, you got a lot of expensive hard-to-find shit this year cuz this was a year I had the money to buy you lots of stuff. We…what we do or did is we started buying stuff in, like, July and so we've been saving it over the course of the year.
Josh: It's a good idea.
Raven: And um, I got, I got some cool stuff, too. I got Pop Funko's and two dresses and this awesome hooded, hooded cloak, like veily tall hooded cloak, and this necklace here that I love. I got a preserved octopus and a preserved bat. And my pride and joy is I got Rain the Living Dead Doll. I'd been after her for so long.
Josh: You got Umbrel, too.
Raven: And umbrel, that was early, earlier in the year. And Pennywise Living Dead Dolls. I love Living Dead Dolls.
Josh: You got Cuphead, too.
Raven: Yeah. But we were at the store together when I bought that. You didn't buy me that. I bought me that. Um, the Rain, it turns out that they re-released it. I didn't even know that they did that. And this is the re-release. And I went and I wanted to know what the difference was between the re-release and the original.
Josh: [takes a long sip] Ho ho, shit!
Raven: And it turns out that the re-release, it has got glass eyes and, as a whole, she is way prettier. It turns out the original Rain is actually really ugly.
Josh: You got the Xenomorph bust, too.
Raven: That was my birthday.
Josh: Oh, yeah. I'm buzzing a little bit.
Raven: [laughs] You can't just look up there and point out everything and say that's what I got. Half of that shit was birthday presents. I got Doctor Who socks and he got Pennywise socks and Child's Plays socks.
And his Christmas present that I couldn't wrap so I gave it to him early also was the 4.0 bluetooth surround sound X Rocker gaming chair. That shit was expensive.
Josh: It's nice.
Raven: And it's like fifty pounds. It's comfortable.
Josh: I got a mini Nintendo, too.
Raven: Oh, yeah, a mini Nintendo. And then for his birthday…
Josh: I can show it. Hold on. [he gets up]
Raven: For his birthday I had also got him the Xbox One X. Is that what it's called?
Josh: Yeah.
Raven: One X? And I got him a gaming, [he holds up the mini Nintendo and they laugh] I got him a gaming laptop. Fuckin' what brand is that? Lenovo something? Lenovo red and black gaming laptop.
Josh: It's MSI.
Raven: Oh, never mind, that was what I was looking at. It's an MSI gaming laptop.
Josh: It's nice, too. [he sits down]
Raven: [she holds her hand to the side of her mouth as if she's telling the audience a secret] He does it every New Years. But besides that…
Josh: Cuz I have an Xbox One X. [she laughs]
Raven: We've done pretty good. This is probably the year that we've splurged the most. I don't think the other years are gonna be this big.
Josh: Yeah. Thousands of dollars.
Raven: Yeah. The other years aren't gonna be this big. Really there's nothing else that I could think of to get him so we have to go to wish lists next year.
Josh: Google Play gift cards.
Raven: I also got him…for your birthday you got a $50 Google Play gift card and for Christmas I got you another $50 Google Play gift card.
Josh: That's what I want the most, Google Play gift cards.
Raven: And my friend Samuel, who is like a brother to me…
Josh: [nods] Yeah, that was really nice.
Raven: …he was so sweet and he sent me a doll that I love and that I had wanted for a long time. And he sent him an awesome Dragon Ball Z figurine. And that was really, really sweet of him.
Josh: Yeah, that was really nice.
Josh: And my daughter from another mother, Arianna. She's a girl that I met when she was 15 years old. She was such a sweet little girl. I used to drive her around. She'd ditch school at my house sometimes. And she was, she was a sweetheart. I used to wish she was my daughter. She sent us a really nice card as well. So that was really sweet. We haven't given our address out to hardly anybody, only people that we really really really really trust cuz, you know, stuff and stuff.
Josh: People.
Raven: People. But um, though those were really really nice gestures. And it would be great if they could come visit us at some point. I would love Josh to meet my friends and stuff cuz he's gonna be around for the rest of my life. Or his life, whoever dies first. Probably me cuz I'm not healthy.
Josh: Don't say that.
Raven: But yeah…
Josh: [he touches her headband] You got a bunch of bows, too.
Raven: No, I didn't. Oh, you gave me one bow for Christmas. And it stands up…
Josh: It's an odd all.
Raven: …so I have to figure out how to wear it. And on the bow itself is written, like, "die, kill, murder" and all that stuff. It's pretty cool. It's cute. And I got him a horror wallet that's got bloody handprints on it and it's got his name written in bloody fingerprints that he hasn't used yet. [she looks at him] And a Chucky doll from the 1980s, the original Chucky…
Josh: Yeah, the OG one.
Raven: Child's Play 2? or 3?
Josh: That one's from 2, I think.
Raven: Child's Play 2 doll. And some It pictures and the, the um, Dragon Ball pictures printed on dictionary pages. Lots, just so much stuff, so, so much stuff. It was amazing. It was a really great Christmas, great year. And um, how long has this been going on? 20 minutes of nothing. Um, I guess that's about it because I can't think of anything else to say without going in circles. Do you have anything to say? You never say much. You need to talk more. Talk.
Josh: I don't know. Happy new year. [they laugh]
Raven: So what do you, what do you think about the Logan and Dorian situation with uh…
Josh: I don't even want to talk about that. [she snickers] It's a damn shame.
Raven: [she picks up her glass but does not drink] Not many people have wanted to comment on that.
Josh: Good.
Raven: A lot of people have kind of steered clear of that topic. That is very shocking. I, I was debating whether I should mention it or not. We talk about it between us a bit because we're just like, what the fuck, Logan, are you thinking? He could have found anybody else, doesn't matter who. But to go after his stepson's wife and live in the house. And so Dorian essentially has to watch himself being cheated on nonstop.
Josh: I just don't understand it.
Raven: I don't understand it, either. And I feel really bad for Dorian for that…
Josh: I do, too, actually.
Raven: …but he has to learn. I know…
Josh: He's being an ass but I actually feel bad for him.
Raven: Yeah. I know that's not the relationship he wanted and that's not the marriage that he should have had. [he puts his arm around her shoulders] He should have been married and been happy and, you know, like this, and been in love, or been with somebody that loves him enough to want only him. That's what it should be. Marry someone that loves you enough to just want you.
Josh: Yeah.
Raven: And I, I'm afraid he's stuck now and he doesn't know how to get out of it. I don't know. There is a friend of his that is not supposed to be talking to me that is very close to him that has filled me in on a whole bunch of stuff. And I better not find out that Dorian has killed himself over her. Because that's another topic I don't want to get into because if I say anything she'll be like, oh my god she threatened me, I'm gonna go to the cops. Cuz that's what she does. [she takes a drink]
Josh: Or he.
Raven: She knows she's a she. That, that whole "I'm a male" thing was just attention whoring stuff. And if it wasn't for the fact that she's an enemy of mine, the hate sites would have been all over her. But they have to choose a side, and their side is I'm the most important one so they're not gonna go after anybody else.
Josh: [fussing with his shirt] This shirt looks weird.
Raven: They're gonna take their side even though secretly, or not so secretly, they hate them, too. But I'm the bigger fish to talk about or whatnot. But that situation trumps all, in my opinion. It's just uh, for every reason it shouldn't have happened. Dorian should have been in a, you know…no matter what he's done to me in the past, Dorian should have ended up being married and being in a good relationship. [Josh tosses back a shot and grimaces] And it should have been worthwhile to him to have done what he did to me because true love and all that. He was in love. He was made to feel like she really cared about him and wanted to be with him and only him and um, you know, basically something worth throwing your mother away for, not some girl that was cheating on you in your own house.
Josh: Yeah.
Raven: That shouldn't've happened whatever reason. But it's not my life. I have my own life. And uh, we're happy. Happier than I've ever been.
Josh: Me, too. [they kiss] Ah, is it kiss proof?
Raven: Jeffree Star. I put it on specifically because I knew I was gonna drink and I'd probably end up with lipstick smeared all over. Cuz the other ones, as much as I love them, they're not kiss proof the same. But yeah. Um, so we're watching Supernatural so we're probably gonna continue watching Supernatural. I don't even know what time it is.
Josh: It's probably 11:30 or so.
Raven: Lucipurr! That cannot be comfortable.
Josh: It's a quarter after 11. [sighs]
Raven: Yeah, it's almost, almost the new year. [they kiss]
Josh: Love you.
Raven: Love you. I guess that's it?
Josh: Yep.
Raven: Well. Say, bye.
Josh: Bye. [they wave]
Raven: And happy new year.
Josh: Happy new year!
Raven: Happy new year! [then in a goofy low voice mocking him] Happy new year!
Josh: Shut up. [they laugh]
No. 620228
File: 1546478741582.png (391.08 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2019-01-02-16-24-26…)

"…dealing with uh, the bullying."
No. 620232
File: 1546478939350.png (289.55 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2019-01-02-16-20-25…)

The shack looks a bit cleaner than it was in the last video.
No. 620233
File: 1546479012424.png (389.4 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2019-01-02-16-19-47…)

"Um, kitty cat's over there with the dog right now. He's, he's cuddled up to Loki."
No. 620234
File: 1546479034405.png (350.08 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2019-01-02-16-20-16…)

No. 620238
File: 1546479251353.png (414.69 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2019-01-02-16-54-24…)

Josh kisses her shoulder, then swats away the stray wig hairs stuck to his face.
No. 620244
File: 1546479499575.png (422.5 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2019-01-02-16-38-06…)

"This is my girl, Zero. She's beautiful."
The coverup tattoo of your ex-wife's name is not so beautiful.
No. 620245
File: 1546479752569.png (424.39 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2019-01-02-16-37-39…)

"And I think that Josh is the most beautiful human being I've ever laid my eyes on, in person or not in person."
No. 620246
File: 1546480160633.png (410.01 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2019-01-02-16-29-11…)

"We talk about it between us a bit because we're just like, what the fuck, Logan, are you thinking?"
No. 620248
File: 1546480396313.png (396.29 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2019-01-02-16-56-51…)

Josh tosses back a shot and grimaces.
No. 620251
File: 1546480694287.png (391.77 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2019-01-02-16-27-15…)

"He does it every New Years."
I have no idea what she is referring to. Anyone?
No. 620253
File: 1546480972901.png (410.3 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2019-01-02-18-00-19…)

"This shirt looks weird."
No. 620258
File: 1546481740018.png (383.28 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2019-01-02-18-05-58…)

I counted three eyerolls.
"I would love Josh to meet my friends and stuff cuz he's gonna be around for the rest of my life. Or his life, whoever dies first."
No. 620260
File: 1546481822006.png (399.01 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2019-01-02-18-10-25…)

"You got a bunch of bows, too."
"No, I didn't. Oh, you gave me one bow for Christmas."
No. 620263
File: 1546481944756.png (397.91 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2019-01-02-17-20-06…)

In a goofy low voice mocking him, "Happy new year!"
No. 620284
>>620138Farmhand feedback in /meta/ was that the job of id-ing the poster or posters had slipped through the cracks. We were promised a follow up but none came.
The upside of the thread closure is the likelihood of increasing rants about them in videos by our main subject. To have the milk on the trinity we need insiders, leaking, but they can also do that right here in these threads.
No. 620288
>>620284Like I said earlier, I'm surprised that she isn't an insider, that she wasn't able to get on their friends lists or at least screenshot everything before they locked down to keep the milk flowing. I don't think she is an insider because hasn't said anything about them that we didn't already know six months ago.
>>620244Seriously, just what the fuck is that supposed to be? The tattoo of his wife's name was simple curved lines with so many coverup design options. Seeing those unevenly blackened blobs makes me angry.
>>620248The fact that they are such lightweights with alcohol should put to rest any speculation that they are druggies. Every time he took a drink he had to stare it down first and looked like he was praying as he tossed it back.
No. 620324
>>620109Hahaha, fucking choice.
>>620258Josh’s lucky that Raven doesn’t treat men to the fate her pets face, and she just divorces. That comment would wig me out otherwise.
No. 620330
>>620232It's cleaner because they've rearranged since the last video. The TV used to be to the right of the door.
>>614926>>614927The new configuration will surely become just as filthy in short order.
No. 620367
>>620227>I gave him a little paddle and he was like, oh mommy hit me!>I was like, he doesn't love meWell I'm sure hitting him with something had something to do with that?
>I saw it on a Black Craft Cult advertisement. And it was a white kitty cat and his name was Lucipurr So she bought a cat because she saw one in an add and HAD to have that exact cat? I wish I could say I'm surprised by Raven anymore but I'm not.
>I'm personally just tired of being online in general. It does nothing for me anymore. Didn't she create sockpuppets to harass a woman who she sold a dog to?
No. 620375
>>620288>The fact that they are such lightweights with alcohol should put to rest any speculation that they are druggies. Every time he took a drink he had to stare it down first and looked like he was praying as he tossed it wot, mate? someone can be a smackhead and still get drunk of a couple of beers because they're completely different things. And I would say Josh was staring it down because that shit is awful and he'd rather be drinking something else.
>>620362yeah, she had her big dramatic I Quit bit and then just went back to her usual schedule of stream of consciousness bullshit a few months later. Still constantly talking about how much the haters don't bother her, too.
No. 620377
>>620375As much as I don't think they are total druggies as everyone lets on you are right. There's people who smoke weed all day, everyday, and give them a shot of liquor and they are puking in a bin.
Raven picks the worst shit to drink. I understand having tequila rose or frangelico in a cocktail or something but she drinks it straight. Ew.
No. 620459
I can't get over the fact that Josh is so cucked he has allowed Raven to isolate him away from his family. Maybe they did celebrate Thanksgiving together but his family has stipulated that they no longer want to be mentioned in her videos. Then again, even if they were invited Raven perpetually has the excuse of having new pets to attend to.
>>620362At the time that the trinity was posted in the Alt Cows thread she didn't need to be an insider because their accounts were public. Nothing was leaked.
>>620367She used her hand. She made a swatting motion as she said this. She usually uses a water spray bottle to discipline her cats.
Raven used a Facebook account under the name Luna Amaris but not as a sock puppet
>>620375I meant lightweights not only in how easily affected they were but also in the way they acted about being affected. They talked about being "buzzed" and "drunk" as if they were children, in awe of feeling altered. And substance abusers don't hesitate at the mild discomforts of imbibing in their focus on getting high.
For how little she drank in the video she was very affected. She not only slurred her words but jumbled her word order several times with long pauses in the middle of sentences. Transcribing this video was a real slog.
Drunk Raven face was even funnier than sober Raven face. I was surprised that Josh didn't become more talkative. The bit with his shirt was pretty funny and revealed just how much he wasn't listening to her.
>>618161Like the anon after you said, she has always had very pressured speech, spoken in run-on sentences, repeated words, and gone on nostalgic tangents. I have been transcribing her videos for a year and a half, and her speech pattern in the "Thought dump" video was very much like it was in her older videos. Like, she reached a new record in, like, the number of times she said, like, "like".
After she was back in the US for a few months she seemed to be making an effort to not use it. She also picked up a few words and patterns which are common to the south, but they have since fallen out of her lexicon, perhaps reflecting how little contact she has with other people.
Still after all this time I often cannot tell if her interjections of "you know" are at the ends or beginnings of sentences. And I have never heard anyone use the word "just" as she does.
No. 620546
File: 1546558355041.jpg (88.53 KB, 345x359, 1524181088321.jpg)

Raven has been nominated for two Lolcow 2018 Awards in the categories of Best Cow and Best Comeback.
"Dorian's poly relationship" is in the running for Biggest Plot Twist.
>>>/meta/8011 No. 620629
File: 1546570505844.png (368.57 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2019-01-03-18-35-39…)

>>608309>>608597>>608608>>614690Lucipurr the white kitty is definitely no longer white. His ears are now pointed in pale orange to match his tail.
No. 620645
File: 1546575323281.jpg (30.26 KB, 308x401, d68c76a861b18047af1cde22ca9c45…)

Updating the links in the OP. She has deactivated all of her DeviantArt accounts.
A Pinterest account that never appeared in Google before a Facebook anon update which of her accounts are still deactivated?
Remember when she was crowned Miss Horrorcore at the end of 2017?
>>>/pt/479692 Here is a page from her spread that wasn't online at the time.
Raven Sparks or better known as Starbl00d in the scene is a 41 year old model originally from Germany but living in America again after ten years in New Zealand. She does her own make-up and effects, and takes and edits her own photos. She used to model heavily when she was younger but stopped as she got older and moved far away. But we brought her back to spotlight her amazing Christmas Shoot! No. 620646
File: 1546575418194.png (431.67 KB, 800x1169, Screenshot_2019-01-03-19-34-38…)

She signed up for Poshmark in August. account reveals that they now live in…
No. 620649
File: 1546575747846.png (433.85 KB, 800x972, Screenshot_2019-01-03-19-50-27…)

>>620646Jonesville, South Carolina
25 miles from Spartanburg, where eagle-eyed farmers have placed her since she returned to the Internet.
No. 620651
File: 1546576313532.png (296.65 KB, 800x928, Screenshot_2019-01-03-20-26-11…)

>>620649Jonesville is a speck on the map compared to Saluda.,_South_CarolinaUnion County, South Carolina
Area Total 1.0 sq mi (2.7 km2)
Population (2010) Total 911
ZIP codes 29353, 29395
Area code 864
No. 620659
File: 1546577764083.jpg (179.21 KB, 1690x1030, jonesville.jpg)

>Now he's changed jobs and gone from loading trucks to now he is the lead. He's actually got high qualifications and he has a really good job. He is the boss. He comes home, "Man, it's so cool. I get to tell people what to do."
No. 620662
File: 1546578929026.jpg (38.3 KB, 318x412, 17379280.jpg)

Her likeness appears on the cover for this vampire fiction story from 2013 courtesy of bad DeviantArt art.
I only post this because its summary is as cringy as Raven herself.
Sandra was a sexy little thing, but she was sick of it all, she wanted to die, though not the permanent black death we all know is out there, but a short, transformative death. She had been desperately seeking to become a vampire, a real vampire, but her search had only led her to losers, fakes, and dangerous jerks. Until she met a convincing, mysterious man, who was either going to fulfill her desire…or put a violent, permanent end to her existence.NOT SUITABLE FOR CHILDREN. No. 620664
File: 1546579350670.jpg (85.13 KB, 480x640, Dollar-general-e1501538997356.…)

>>620659How big a discount does a lead get on SlimJims?
No. 620685
File: 1546583991180.jpg (152.94 KB, 1356x1200, trailers.jpg)

Just some random surfing around town. Trailer selection.
No. 620711
File: 1546596115542.png (405.85 KB, 797x680, raven dragonfire.png)

This Raven doll really exists. What is this prophetic sorcery from 2003?!
Bleeding Edge Goths
Name: Raven Dragonfire
Favorite Color: Black
Pet: All dead and stuffed in my bedroom
Likes: Stuffed Myna Bird, "Flip", Halloween, Incense, Batmobile and Lilly Munster
Hates: Responsibility and Loud Pets
Limited edition of 5000
Quick, Diana, there's one on Poshmark! No. 620729
>>620646Thank you anon, for this sweet,
sweet milk you have so excellently provided!
I feel so scrumptiosly good about this, because she was so smug in the videos about
florida! and how we would never ever find her etc.
Well, the flap is out of the bag.
The town has 3 baptist churches and no tattoo studios, the closest legit one is miles away, and she doesn't drive.
Just as we suspected, there doesn't seem to have been a job at an actual studio, so it has to have been some backyard trailer trash scratcher.
No. 620730
>>620645Currently only three active, based on a quick check of links in the OP.>>620646LOL looking forward to the video waving it all away as part of her master plan to troll us. How is she so dumb jfc.
>>620659"He's actually got high qualifications" - in what, nose-picking?
>thingOK, that's more like it
No. 621007
>>620730Official.Raven.Sparks is deactivated?
>Goth BoysWhen I watched Modified Rabbit's video I got the sense from his choice of words that she is still officially admin in name only. The site is now dealing with #metoo drama.
I'm sure she rationalizes her lies to Josh by saying they are for her safety, and he is devoted and dumb enough to go along with.
>>620729Not driving was a lie, too. Her "only an ID" is marked "DL"
Spartanburg is only 25 miles away.
>>620861I found that a couple pages back.
No. 621016
>And a Chucky doll from the 1980s, the original Chucky…>That one's from 2, I think.Did they even read the tag?
>>617145 Such a diehard fan!
No. 621360
>>621007Yep. Unless I am blocked or something, which would be weird since it's an account that never went near any of her pages. probably the one you're thinking of (not listed in OP)
>>621351my guess is the tattoo shop didn't exist or was a scratcher shack a la Vicki Shingles.
No. 621398
File: 1546709067092.png (777.72 KB, 800x1113, Screenshot_2019-01-05-09-15-40…)

She continues to take the same photos year after year. New wig and new dress but still the same.
>>621360Official.Raven.Sparks was associated with her Vv.Raven.vV. An anon in the last thread said it was back so I unmarked it.
Official.Raven is a new account since she returned, then? It's not public (Facebook asks for log-in). I assume the other pages that ask for log-in not listed in
>>620730 are deactivated and not deleted. Thanks for your help!
There are numerous tattoo studios in Spartanburg which is only 25 miles away. Jonesville is considered part of its metro area.
No. 621399
File: 1546709334469.jpg (180.91 KB, 900x788, the_alliance_by_nitchwarmer_d2…)

>Raven's Cult of the White WolfI found another piece of hilariously bad DeviantArt that hasn't been posted yet.
No. 621401
File: 1546709789837.jpg (127.9 KB, 815x980, what_a_night____by_sineluce_d2…)

Posting this piece again since she has now found a second dog to complete its vision.
No. 621406
File: 1546711077507.jpg (102.98 KB, 1297x588, gran on fb 2.JPG)

>>621398Page information
Page created on 8 June 2014
Page name has not changed
No. 621407
File: 1546711190350.jpg (128.5 KB, 1227x823, gran on fb .JPG)

Guessing the 'fan' was a library friend. Engagement for the page is pretty low. @4,500 likes, consistently sits @20 reacts per post.
No. 621420
File: 1546713830216.jpg (Spoiler Image,82.31 KB, 562x510, balloontomb The-Elevator-18450…)

>>621406Could she have changed the association and URL (removing Sparks)?
>>621411Without log in the deleted pages show, "Page not found". Doja's page was associated with Vv.Raven.vV, as was Marmalade's.
Here is more laughably bad fan art for your trouble. It's like a fever dream of a poor man's Ken Rusell.
And Raven blames us for not allowing her to move on from the nude photos Ryan forced her to take. Her come back video
>>619891 proves her claims of modesty to be a lie. She boasts about how she will resume wearing her "sexy and skimpy outfits" to parade her hot bod in our faces after she loses weight.
No. 621429
>>621420I don't think so, pretty sure her other page was older and had a lot more fans. This looks like a backup page that she has moved to main now.
That whole thing has me laughing and going wtf, but especially those … are those meant to be hands along the bottom? What the fuck? They're almost as deformed as she is. And the psychedelic background because that's very goth and hardcore. What a mess.
Ugh, is she still selling her 'moby dick in latex' phone cases etc?
No. 621437
File: 1546717506140.jpg (Spoiler Image,86.46 KB, 516x771, balloontomb The-Elevator-2-184…)

>>621429I'll see if anyone posted caps or an archive of her defunct Official page.
>Ugh, is she still selling her 'moby dick in latex' phone cases etc?What and where was this?
No. 621445
File: 1546719025911.jpeg (Spoiler Image,306.52 KB, 640x888, 305C11DA-4711-4DCB-B566-95BEF9…)

>>621437She was selling awful merch for a while, including phone cases and greeting cards with her saggy bare ass.
She appears to have deleted her Redbubble account, but I found an archived link: like a damn beached whale.
No. 621453
File: 1546720538713.png (175.16 KB, 778x757, Screenshot_2019-01-05-11-51-09…)

I think it's the same account. The archived pages of ORT have around 4500 likes.
She has also frequently changed which personal account it is linked to. September 27 2018 she posted that she was reactivating the page [pic related] which is from the November archive. September 2017 it was linked to November 2017 when she reactivated her accounts after arriving to the US it was changed to>>621445Yeah, I know it's gone.
No. 621465
>>621453When she reactivated her accounts on September 27th she changed her last name from Sparks to Bradley on her personal account within hours. It would make sense that she would want to ditch Sparks from her fan page, too.
When she reactivated her personal account it was diva.ov.the.damned. Three days later she changed it to
No. 621675
>>621629I stupidly didn't take any screen grabs, and now it won't let me go back in Lynley's posts to look again but it was posted somewhere i believe. I don't have any proof and I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure this is the right account. Here are some of the grabs posted here tho.
>>606077>>606080>>606076Also, Raven's old sockpuppets haven't always been on private. They are throwaway accounts, why would it matter if they were private or not because no one knew they were Raven.
Like Ash said, she had tons of accounts, going years back, talking/commenting back and forth to herself even on them.
If nobody knows the account is you then it doesn't need to be private.
And how do you know it was set up on a Spanish site?
You can put any country of origin on facebook.
When I open it in a new tab without being logged in it shows it in my language, which is not Spanish or English.
No. 621720
>>621453Ah, my bad. Overestimated her popularity lol thought she had bigger numbers for some reason.
>>621675Yeah exactly, that account would have been single purpose. Anyone else get the feeling a library card is being used?
No. 621737
File: 1546737664741.png (352.37 KB, 800x1013, Screenshot_2019-01-05-17-12-49…)

>>621675The handle/URL was never posted, and it is not in any of Lynley's caps. When I go to the link it is in Spanish.
The profile pic was taken from the web, but that doesn't prove it's Raven's account.
Since she has been back none of her accounts are publicly visible and she has deactivated her other socks. Lynley making it public would give her more reason to hide it.
Ash didn't provide caps or archives and named at least one Instagram account that belongs to someone else. She didn't reply when I asked her about it.
No. 622499
>>621737And when I go to the link it's in my non-Spanish language.
I don't want to post caps because to Raven it might be obvious who I am.
We all know she or Josh lurk here even if she says 1000 times "I don't go on there".
No I know it's not on the caps here, it was on her facebook somewhere but it appears she has limited old posts, so I can't see it anymore.
If you don't belive this is the one that's fine, it's not like it matters anyway because it's just a throwaway.
No. 623991
File: 1547097701963.png (296.87 KB, 800x968, Screenshot_2019-01-09-21-09-21…)

Raven has resurrected her Twitter account.
>Joined December 2018
Does Twitter use the date an account is reactivated?
No. 624176
File: 1547147976424.jpeg (1.5 MB, 1242x2007, 6D3C7419-E29F-4109-8048-4BC8D6…)

Raven acting like onision 1/3
No. 624416
>>624295Yeah if she liked him as a person, then why not just be friends?
Who gives a fuck about the label, Raven? If all you have is that you don’t meet then criteria for a paraphilia, it’s a pretty fucked up situation. You weren’t just attracted to a minor; you exploited your advantage of age to sleep with and then marry a minor.
Bit more going on there than finding a school boy attractive. What a bint.
No. 625666
File: 1547387768470.jpeg (751.78 KB, 1242x2121, 7FB0342F-A50B-4F88-A77B-5D75DA…)

No. 625944
File: 1547436443184.jpeg (10.74 KB, 275x206, 89806B79-94B4-42B7-A0B1-634A34…)

>>625666That’s not how the game works but E for effort I guess
(wanna bet she got that joke from the lolcow banner for her?)
No. 625998
>>625679>Starts off by saying she is not posting on facebook because it may start a feud.>It's about "one person", but it's not about "one person."
>Facebook should not be a porn site!! People should not blatantly show nudes!! It's crude, and her being a slut!!!11!!11>"You can't go under a different name, but you can post nudes D:<">I deleted it because I didn't want to offend people, but idc anymore!!!>People nowadays are pussies and are easily offended, stfu about cultural appropriation, racism, and sexism. Speshul snowflakes!!!!Then she says how people get offended for wearing "x" in christmas shirts because it reminds people of sex? lmao what???
>You can't do anything nowadays!! BTW I WORE DREADS AND BLACK PEOPLE ASKED ME HOW TO DO IT!!!>WHY DO YOU TAKE WHITE CHARACTERS AND TURN THEM BLACK?? > bitches about motherfucking Oprah Winfrey in A Wrinke In TimeWho do you think this is about?
No. 626044
File: 1547470360204.png (895.29 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2019-01-14-04-14-43…)

>>625679About boobs, race issues, and relationships
Published on Jan 13, 2019
It's been a long time since I've made one of these. This was recorded months ago and I decided I may as well release it
Welcome to my long awaited, long overdue rant video. There was a bunch of stuff I was going to talk about but I'm gonna actually cut it down to only a few topics because I don't want to, I don't want to take up like a an hour long video bitching about useless shit. All of this is useless but it's just some stuff that's kind of been preying on me that I wanted to say. And if I write it on Facebook it could spark a huge feud, a huge fight. It's not the kind of interaction I want with people. I'm not the kind of person to be in your face bitching about shit anymore. I just usually talk to Josh or keep to myself. But overall things don't really bother me like they used to anyway. However, there are a couple of things that do bug me so I do want to touch base on those really quickly. And I'm going to preface this by saying I don't mean offense to anybody for any of this. I'm not talking about anybody in particular it's just…well, except for the first thing I'll talk about that is directly about one person, but other people do it as well. But yeah, I just…this isn't sparked because of anybody in particular, really. It's just stuff that I've wanted to talk about. So let's get going.
Alright, first of all let's just get old me out of the way. This is the most, like, who-I-used-to-be complaint that I have, if that makes any sense to you. I'm talking about nudity on Facebook. Ooh, there she goes slut shaming again yada yada yada. My problem isn't with people having the freedom to show their bodies. My problem is with people using Facebook as their own personal porn sites. There are porn sites out there for a reason. There are singles sites, dating sites, etc etc where you can do this shit for a reason. What I have an issue with is people blatantly just showing their entire bodies, like, 100% nude or they're showing their nipples or whatever. And Facebook does nothing about it while they punish other people for far less offenses. That is what irritates me. They're not consistent at all.
What sparked this was there was this older woman online, like, even older than me, like, she looks like she's in her 50s. And in every photo including her profile photo she has, like, a bra on that's open to, like, here [she motions with her hands] and her nipples are out and they're, like, facing [she pushes her breasts together with her thumbs pointing outwards] they're like this, you know what I mean? Like, she has her entire nipple and tit out and they're just…it's just crude, I guess. And Facebook's not the place for that. I don't care what you say. There's community standards for a reason. It's not breastfeeding. [clap] It's not artistic. [clap] It's just her being a slut, basically, showing her nips to everybody. She could send those in private messages. She could have them private on her profile. She could go to a sex site. She doesn't need to be on Facebook where there are children and there are people that don't need to see that kind of shit, showing off for no reason.
And Facebook pretends that they care about your safety and that's why you can't use a name other than your own name or whatever. But they don't give a shit about their users whatsoever. That's probably a man on there using a woman's pictures and talking to horny pathetic losers and trying to get them for money, you know. Like, "Hey baby, I'll send you more if you send me some money" kind of thing. And these guys will fall for it and they'll be robbed and scammed which is their own fault, really. But for a site that says that they're looking out for their users to the point where you can't even have the ability to go under a different name if you wanted to, they…you know what I mean? Like, it's just bullshit is what it is. It is bullshit.
And I personally lost my account for having bloody photos, fake blood, mind you, fake bloody photos. Or one, one time in particular I lost my whole account because I had a picture of me in a dress, a long dress that went down to my ankles, and I had the top pulled down. I think my hand was over my boobs. All you could see was my stomach and that's it, and only about that much. And my stomach wasn't overhanging or anything like that. I edited that shit so it looked flat at the time. But I showed a little sliver and they said it went against their community standards and they deleted my entire account.
I've been in Facebook jail for posting responses to other people bullying me and talking shit about me. I've had friends that have lost their accounts or been in Facebook jail for comments or pictures or things that aren't even bad.
But yet this woman can go on and she can show her, her entire fucking nipple and tit poking out of her bra and there, there's no consequences for that whatsoever. And it just angers me because one, that's unfair to other people and other users who have gotten in trouble for less. And two, that is just not the place for it. It's social media, I know, but I just I personally feel like certain things over the top like that should be kept. If you want to, if you want to show yourself off like that and look for a fuck buddy or whatnot go to the sites that are designed for that. There's many out there. They're free. Why go to Facebook, you know what I mean? It just, it just irks me, I guess. So that's number one.
Number two…I have three things I'm going to talk about, by the way. Number two is…I had made this video before, actually, and I deleted it because I didn't want to offend anybody but now I don't really care. It's just something that needs to be said, I guess. I feel the need to speak out about it myself. And it's, it's about cultural appropriation and race-based hatred etc etc. I just think that people nowadays are pussies, for lack of a better word. Everybody is offended by everything. And I know this is a video about me being offended by stuff. I see the irony in it. Noted. But they…you know, like, I see these articles all the time. This movie wouldn't fly, that movie wouldn't fly, this is sexist, this is racist, this is this, this is that. It's like, when the hell did people become such special snowflakes? Everything has to be one certain way or else they're they're super offended. You can't have a special…a certain holiday shirt because it says Christ on it or Christmas instead of Xmas, or maybe it has an X on it and that might make them think about sex. Or, you know, you can't use these certain colors because that color belongs to this tribe over here. And you can't dress up as this for Halloween because that's making fun of this or making fun of that. And you can't…you know what I mean? Like, you can't do anything nowadays. You can't wear dreads because dreads are black people only kind of sh…I used to wear dreads back in my early goth days, you know I mean? Like, were they taken from black…I had black people coming up to me asking me how I did it, you know. There's no offense to anybody if you happen to like something from another culture, you know.
And it's, it's gone over into movies in such a way that it's ruined a lot of fucking movies, too, in my opinion. Where they can take all these previously white characters and turn them into black characters. And I've got nothing against black people. I'm not white myself. But, like, The Gunslinger. They made him black. A Wrinkle in Time. They made this redheaded girl into a black girl. You know, they, they can take these white characters and turn them black, but if they took an ethnic character and turned them white all hell would break loose and suddenly the movie would bomb because they're racist because oh no, they took a role away from a black person. But yet black people can take all these characters, these well-known and beloved characters, and they could all be turned black and it's fine.
Like, if the character's not written that way in a novel or book or something that's kind of like a staple, I really don't think it should be changed, personally. And it's not because I don't want to see black people or ethnic people in a movie. It's just because…like, like The Gunslinger. He's described as having piercing blue eyes and looking kind of like Clint Eastwood. But this guy that they chose, who I actually like that actor, he doesn't look anything like that. And the movie bombed anyway because it wasn't anything like it was supposed to be. They try to jam too much in. I haven't even seen it but I've read enough about it. I do have it to watch at some point but I just haven't gotten around to it. But um, they just change stuff like the whole character, and I don't understand why, you know. They did it back in the day with Halle Berry when they made her a Catwoman, but as far as I know there's nothing specifying Catwoman was white so, you know, that's alright. But, like, I know Meg from A Wrinkle in Time, she wasn't black. She was very specifically described. And again, from what I heard, they've completely gone off of what the books were supposed to be and they changed it so much that that movie bombed as well which could have been an amazing movie, but they fucking ruined it. I just think that it's hypocritical and it's wrong to be okay with taking, you know, white characters in movies and changing their race, but if they took, you know, an ethnic character and they made them white you would never hear the end of it.
This race shit, these race wars, they've got to stop at some point. I know that it's just getting worse and worse instead of getting better. As we progress, as society, as a society people are going the opposite way in every way possible. They're not getting smarter. They're not getting more tolerant. They're not getting more helpful. We're just getting worse and worse and more violent and less tolerant in general, and it's really sad to see. It really, really is. It's scary as well. I think it's terrifying. Um, but I don't know. That's just my two cents about it. I just, I just wish that what was okay for one race was okay for everybody else and people would just stop looking over into things and finding reasons to be offended about things that have nothing to do with them.
Which leads me into my last topic which will probably the longest topic, and that is relationships. I see these things online all the time. Well, what if he's this age and she's this age. Or, what's up with people getting engaged after knowing each other for such and such an amount of time. And then they just sit there and dog on people. And I, I've gotten my fair share of being dogged on, not only for my past relationship but, in a way, this one, too. Not because of his age because he's more [mockingly] "age appropriate" but because we got engaged so fast.
What people don't seem to understand is that there is no time limit on an engagement. You can get engaged that day you meet. But that doesn't mean you have to follow through with it or you have to get married the next day or the next week or the next month or the next year even. If somebody meets somebody else and they feel that spark and they love each other enough that they think they want to get married that fast, so be it. We need more love in this world. If somebody wants to live together as husband and wife but they don't want to get married and they want to live that way for 20, 30, 40 years, the rest of their lives, that is also up to them. It is nobody's business what goes on in somebody's relationship except for the people in that relationship.
Josh and I got engaged within 24 hours of meeting. And people were like, holy shit that's stupid, you met online, that's stupid, it's not gonna last, that's stupid. That's not how we feel, you know. That's not what we've lived. That's not what we've experienced. And personally we don't really care if people approve or not. I don't have to sit here and consistently justify my relationship. I made it to the altar, you know. We got married. We, we did what it took to get together. If something is important to you, like I tell Josh all the time, if something is important to you, you'll make it happen. It…you'll do what it takes to make it happen, to make it work.
And with his ex, they were engaged, they were together for a couple years, and they never even lived together. They just never, they never got the shit together enough to live together. And I was like, well it must not have been all that important to you if you couldn't save up enough or you went and spent money elsewhere and you did this and did that, other things became important. But if living together and your relationship was that important you would have made it happen. And he agreed. And that's, that is the way that I feel.
I met Josh. He had already seen me online and he got attached to me from my posts, from my videos, from my interactions. I saw his smile. It made me feel really warm inside but I didn't know anything about him. We spoke one time and there was something about him that broke through, and it was just he was just something special. Really, really special. And I felt like this is what I have been waiting for my whole life. And he asked me to be his girlfriend that day. By the next conversation he asked me to marry him. And he was so happy when I said yes. Like, he was just like, yes, I'm so happy, I'm so happy! And I was like, this is, this is an amazing feeling. And even if it didn't work out and I didn't make it over here or what not, that was not like a legal binding anything. I mean, it was nice to think he wanted to marry me. It could have gone either way, you know. It really could have. That was someone the second day we had talked, you know.
But I'm the kind of person that likes everything [explosive sound and hand motion] different. Big and unusual and unique and like it's in the movies, you know. I'm not the kind of person to follow the rules and go by what society says is okay. And I don't do this on purpose. This is just who I am inside and who I've always been. I just I like what I like and I like things to be [dramatically snaps her fingers] boom [snap] boom [snap] boom different. Not, [timidly] well let's get to know each other first and… I've done that, by the way. It hasn't worked. I've waited to get married. I've waited to move in with somebody. I've taken it slow. I've been single. It, it just doesn't work for me. What works for me is, I see what I want, I take it. I see what I want, I go for it. I don't…life is too short to hold back and be like, well we need to wait.
I mean, there's, there's something to be said about being smart about things. But in the position I was in at that time there was really no reason to wait and be "smart" because my situation really could not have gotten any worse. I was in a loveless marriage and he betrayed me, however you look at it. In my eyes and for what he knew and what our relationship was between us, what he did was a huge betrayal and it killed us. He didn't care anyway to start with. [waves her hand] We were both unhappy and we were both lonely even though we were married, so it really…what would have been the reason for staying? The stability? Money? That's not a reason to stay with somebody.
And it just this all just kind of happened at the right time. And I felt something and Josh felt something, and we just came together. And within a week of us dating or whatnot, within five days he had sent me his military ring. We had sent each other something that was really treasured between both of us. I sent him my most treasured items. He sent me his most treasured items and a card and a letter. And by the next week I was moving out. I'm pretty sure the next week or the week after I was moving out. I had already had plans to come here. And I didn't have a job at the time but I made it happen, you know. I, I did it. I paid for it. I had I had a little bit of help. Um, actually I had a great help from one friend in the end. But I had to buy, you know…I had to pay for my own luggage and, you know, lots of stuff involved with coming here, and it was important to me and I did it.
On his side his job was to get us a place to live because he did not like the house he lived in, get a better job because he had actually lost his job while I was waiting to come over here so that was really scary. So it was get a different job, you know, get a place, get the power turned on, the water, all that shit, you know, get everything here ready for me, and he did all that. So we each had our own part to play. We each did it. We made it work. He, he did all this to get us set. I did all this to get me over here. And together we created this life, you know, for us.
And we weren't able to get married as fast as we wanted to. We were flip-flopping on the days, wasn't sure when. He wanted my birthday but then I thought, you know, it was such a sweet gesture. That was a day I was gonna pick. But at the same time I didn't want it to be it's our anniversary and it's my birthday. I wanted a day that could be for both of us, and so we chose the day that we met. And that day was coming up. We had to rush rush rush. We didn't have time to get clothes or anything. We had to go to Goodwill and throw on whatever we could that fit. We were in some lady's house. I mean, it wasn't really like a "wedding" wedding at all, but we, we got married. We have each other. We are legally husband and wife and we couldn't be happier.
And we've been together over a year now. And I know people will scoff and say, oh, well it's only been a year. But every, every experience has to start somewhere, you know. Every relationship has to start somewhere. It might only be a year and something now but it's gonna build from there. A year, two years, three years, four years, you know. We are compatible. We are in love. We are happy.
He, he is every single thing to me and I just don't know what I would do or where I would be without him because this is what I have wanted my whole life. Like, it always almost brings me to tears when I talk about it. Seriously. Like, it took me a really long time to find this, and I'm not gonna sit around and have somebody nay say my relationship just because we jumped into it fast. You know, you guys don't know what it's like…or not you guys, but the ones talking shit. Nobody knows what it's like to be me, what I've gone through, how I feel, how empty I felt my entire life, how alone I've always felt, and the constant search for love and acceptance and to find somebody who would just want to be with me for me, not make me feel like I'm worthless or there's everybody else better than me out there.
I am a hugely flawed human being. I've got a lot of issues, a lot of baggage, and a lot of problems, so it takes a really special kind of person to be able to put up with that and deal with my ups and downs and, you know, my issues. And he does a bang up job. Um, southern gentleman, you know, kind of thing. But uh, he, he's just everything. And just because it's not what you would do doesn't make it wrong. Nobody knows how we are together when the cameras are off when we're alone. Nobody knows the things that we say to each other, how we feel when we're together, how complete we are when we are with each other.
And every relationship I go into I give it my all. I give everything I have wanting it to work, as you should. And so there's been times when I've thought that we were compatible, I've thought everything was great. But it's a different feeling. And again, it's something only I know because only I am experiencing my part in it.
But if you see someone online and they, they haven't gotten married and they have kids together or they, they live together but they're not legally married or they've jumped and gotten engaged right away or they've gotten married right away, it's not your business. It is nobody's business to judge that or to try to bring it down or to talk shit or be like, well that's not gonna last. How do you know? You know, like one person said on one comment I saw, you could be with somebody for ten years or more and have waited to get married and move in with each other and your relationship could still end. There's no guarantee. There are no guarantees in life except that you're gonna die, you know. There are, like, you know, what was that old saying? The only thing that's guaranteed are death and taxes. Yeah, pretty much that's true. You know, there is no guarantee that your relationship is gonna last. I mean, for all I know we could end up divorced one day. Well, I don't see that happening but you, you can't 100% guarantee anything. And if somebody is happy with the person that they're with in the moment, in the future, or whatever, it's not your business, and it's not your business to bring them down and try to say that, well, well it's because… No, it's not because of anything. It's because you're an ass is what it's because. It's their relationship. The two people in it, they know if they're happy or not. And if that's their decision and they both made it and they're both legal, that's all that should matter.
And whether my last relationship failed or not, he was legal. It was a decision we both made together, and so it should have been left alone. It wasn't. It failed on its own. Inevitably if it was gonna fail, it was gonna fail. And nobody has say in if we were gonna be together forever or not. The same with all my past relationships. It's up to me and the other person in it if we're gonna make it or not. And we never have. I never had the respect or the love, you know, that I needed, that I demand. No, just kidding. I never had the respect and love that I need and that I deserve, and I'm not the kind of person to keep anything around me that doesn't make me happy. And if a relationship is going sour and I know that what I'm giving isn't being given back, I want out which is only fair. I mean, I'm fucking 42 years old now and it's taken me this long to finally be happy and with somebody that I don't have to justify and with somebody…I mean, there's ten years between us but that's…even my mom was ten years older than my dad, my real dad. And, you know, I think my stepdad was ten years older than my mom. And it's just ten years seems to be kind of the safe age, the, the age gap that seems to be in most of the steady relationships that I've personally ever encountered in my life, so that's a good sign to me.
But he, he knows how to treat me. He knows what's due. He knows how to act. He knows how to respect. He knows how to work. He knows how to love. He knows how to cherish and to not ignore me and make me feel loved and special and beautiful and perfect, you know. I never feel like he's gonna look at somebody else or run off or cheat on me or anything. I feel like I'm, I'm appreciated for everything in every, every way that I am.
And, you know, whether we got into this really fast and I moved over here really fast and people can't understand that? Oh well, you're not the one who did it. You're not the one who lived through it. You're not the one who is living through it. Only he and I are, so it's our life and our decision, and maybe you should find something more constructive to do with your time. And not just me but anybody else that you see online. If you see a huge age gap like I was in, if both people are legal that's all that should matter. If a mistake is made and both parties wants to be in it, so be it. If it's gonna end, it's gonna end, and it's not up to you to encourage that or talk shit so that, you know, hoping that they end or trying to come in between two people. If it's gonna end, it's gonna end with or without your help, you know, or your, your nagging and shit talking and nay saying. It's, it's up to the two people in a relationship to make that relationship work regardless of how old they or what sex they are, what their past relationships were like or whatever, you know.
He and I argue sometimes as everybody does, and what you do in those situations is you care about the other person enough to listen to what they're saying, fix whatever problems are there and you get over it. You get over it and you move on. Every relationship has ups and downs, but it's how you deal with those ups and downs that matters, and that will guarantee a long and happy relationship. And that is another way that I know that this, this relationship is different because it's not like the other relationships I've had when we've gotten into little spats or whatnot or whatever, you know. Because I'm quite, I'm quite hard to get along with because I've got so many issues and I've got so many trust issues and I just get stressed out a lot and sometimes my mouth runs away from me and I'm just like, mrar mrar mrar mrar mrar. And um, you know, he just he always makes me feel like he just loves me so much. And he just hugs me and comes up to me and holds me and I just I always feel special and important.
And if he was ten years younger, ten years older, 20 years younger, 20 years older, I'd still love him regardless, you know. Age shouldn't matter. Sex shouldn't matter. What should matter is the person and how you two are together, how you feel together. And again, I know I've repeated myself so much. I do that. I'm sorry. But again, it's nobody's business but the people in a relationship. And I just think it's a load of shit when people try to give their two cents in something that just doesn't involve them. It doesn't have any impact on your life whatsoever. And I just wanted to say that because I know here and there I've seen a couple of comments when I first moved here on Facebook saying like, well I personally think that was way too fast. And it's like, I restrained myself from responding to that, but you can consider this kind of my response to it. I don't really care what anybody thinks because it's my life and I'm gonna live my life the way I want, the way I always have. And not one single person out there can stop me or change me because this is who I am and my decisions are my own to make. I'm an adult and if I make the wrong decision in life and I fuck up, then that's my mistake to make as well. So, you know, that's all I have to say about that.
And thank you guys for listening. I know this is different from the kind of rants I used to have, but these are just the things I wanted to get off my chest. I'm gonna go out there and see [goofy voice] my husband. [she grins and titters] And I will talk to you guys later. I'm not sure when I'm gonna upload this but it'll be at some point. And um, thank you guys for watching and I will see you around.
No. 626045
File: 1547470481200.png (927.9 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2019-01-14-04-03-55…)

"And in every photo including her profile photo she has, like, a bra on that's open to, like, here and her nipples are out and they're, like, facing…they're like this, you know what I mean?"
No. 626046
File: 1547470591229.png (879.05 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2019-01-14-04-07-02…)

"All you could see was my stomach and that's it, and only about that much. And my stomach wasn't overhanging or anything like that. I edited that shit so it looked flat at the time. But I showed a little sliver and they said it went against their community standards and they deleted my entire account."
No. 626048
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"But I'm the kind of person that likes everything [explosive sound and hand motion] different. Big and unusual and unique and like it's in the movies, you know."
No. 626049
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"I just I like what I like and I like things to be [dramatically snaps her fingers] boom [snap] boom [snap] boom different."
No. 626050
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No. 626051
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No. 626054
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>They did it back in the day with Halle Berry when they made her a Catwoman, but as far as I know there's nothing specifying Catwoman was white so, you know, that's alright.
Allow me to introduce you to the inimitable Eartha Kitt who was the second actress to play Catwoman in 1967.
No. 626089
>>626044For someone who doesn't care what people think or what Logan is doing or for someone who is soooo in love with caveman, she sure does complain about the same old shit a lot.
She constantly defends her right to dress like a streetwalker at her age but then gets all uppity about some random lady who posts nudes and calls her older and uglier than herself. Just fucking block her lol.
It's like she's scared Josh will see it and jump ship or some shit.
It's okay Raven. Noone wants him.
No. 626131
>>626105I know. She kept justifying that he was mature for his age at the time she was dating him, then after it all ended, she bitches that he wasn't emotionally mature, but then she goes on Facebook and video rants defending age gaps.
Which one is it?
Also I don't know how many videos she made in the past documenting how great her relationship was with Logan, and now she just says she was in a loveless marriage the whole time.
She never sticks to one story.
Was he a horny immature boy or a wise man beyond his years? Make up your fucking mind.
And I am sick of her retarded excuse that she 'doesn't feel her age' therefore it's okay that she dated a teenager.
Same excuse as Onision used when he said that shit about him being the same person since he was 18.
I don't care if you think you feel like a toddler, there's really no need to be dating someone that young.
No. 626267
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>>625679Ryan chimes in.
And Raven won't give up where she got the dress.
This video was filmed in the same session as
>>606749 and
>>612056 around the end of October. Whew, that's a lot of minutes to talk about yourself!
No. 626348
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but if people want to post nudity, there sluts and whores
No. 626352
>>626348Lol she'd just argue 'but that's different! They have community guidelines for nudity, it's against the rules!'
Well guess what ELSE is against the rules Raven? Violent or gorey material. And yes, your amateur photoshoots may have had fake blood, but how do you explain the photos of poor Marmalade's lifeless body or the post about Josh's dog being shot with an arrow? Or the photos of Stormy the kitten's literally JAW BONES in your fat sausage fingers?
What a hypocritical bitch. She always screeches about freedom of speech yet all her videos and posts are constantly mentioning people on her social medias that post photos and statuses that piss her off.
And it's always bitching about shit that she has done in the past or still does to this day.
Imagine being this much of a contradiction.
No. 626380
File: 1547555946477.png (1.14 MB, 800x1060, Screenshot_2019-01-15-03-27-24…)

>My sexy wife
His go to comment on Instagram. It took a couple of days for him to post it.
But Raven always says Josh calls her beautiful. Has she ever said he calls her sexy?
>It's a dress I bought online
The way the fabric is bunched up under the bottom of the corset making the hem uneven…just no.
That tattoo on her left knee makes it look like she fell and skinned it.
No. 626381
>You can't do anything nowadays!! BTW I WORE DREADS AND BLACK PEOPLE ASKED ME HOW TO DO IT!!!>WHY DO YOU TAKE WHITE CHARACTERS AND TURN THEM BLACK?? > bitches about motherfucking Oprah Winfrey in A Wrinkle In TimeFuck, she makes me laugh. She's so perfectly and utterly atrocious.
Obligatory mention of being able to buy her hank hill butt or flapjacks covered in fake blood on a fucking phone case or something. But porn is bad! People should cover up! They're all ugly bitches anyway!
>so over him and people talking about him>mentions him constantly That's so Gran.
No. 626383
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>And as long as we're under the legal limit, which we are, we'll keep getting as many animals as we damn well feel like because this is a good home for them…There is no "legal limit" on dogs and cats in Union County, SC. Union County have a leash law?
Union County does not have a leash law but we have a nuisance ordinance that states an animal who habitually chases or runs after persons or vehicles, or which destroys or damages property of another person or legal entity or which causes serious annoyance to a neighboring resident and interferes with the reasonable use and enjoyment of property, shall be deemed a nuisance. With this we can require you keep your dog on your property.
What should be done or who should be called if you find or lose an animal?
Lost or missing animals should be reported to the Union County Animal Control and Shelter at 864-429-2808.
Do dogs and cats have to be vaccinated for rabies?
South Carolina state law mandates that all dogs and cats must be currently vaccinated for rabies by a licensed veterinarian and the vaccination tag must be displayed around the animals neck.
No. 626388
File: 1547558654087.png (212.08 KB, 800x970, spanx.png)

>>620686She had a lot of questions about the Spanx.
No. 627168
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Are these the "dreads" she was talking about?
No. 631314
File: 1548466058745.jpeg (1.28 MB, 1242x1681, 1D113F2A-372F-4B21-8A8C-1FA7F7…)

Two things there. One is that she made a page for her fav cat. The other is another animal. Right now she has 7 pets
No. 631678
>>631314Poor thing…
>she accepts Josh but she really only loves me>shes always on my lap, purring>i've never had a cat that I loved so much like her>I thought Lucipurr loved me, but she REALLY loves me No. 631717
>>631314You know that lazy cunt doesn’t clean the litter box enough for 5 cats…Jesus Christ
Cats also need their own space, that shithole is so small I feel so bad for them
Why can’t she just stop?
How does she not feel overwhelmed and dirty?
No. 631719
wants a certain amount of stress in the house, keeps all the animals and humans vulnerable to her.
No. 631728
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>>631704A few choice photos.
She posted several with her tits out. Was she trying to breastfeed him?
No. 631731
File: 1548511984208.jpg (116.14 KB, 1440x1920, 50091135_2010577989063402_2570…)

Copious quantities of fast food, snacks, and giant cups of soda.
No. 631736
File: 1548512382317.jpg (148.52 KB, 1072x1920, 51112650_2020497881404746_1028…)

That garish glossy black furnishing, flat black painted walls, black sectionals, black rug, black everything sucking the light out of the room.
The cats all have collars now.
No. 631755
A few weeks ago I was re-archiving the text of her website, and a couple of things she wrote about dogs in a list about herself grabbed my attention:
"I'm terrified of dogs-I was almost killed by one when I was about three. I still have the scar down my side where it carried me off and shook me like a little doll"
"I used to think that people were watching me out of dog's eyes"
Here is the entire list which she originally posted in 2008 and updated through 2011. you never knew
I am here to talk to no one and explain a few things about a few things.
First off…my name.
My real name is Diana…BUT I do not and have not gone by that name since I was 13 years old. I am in the process of having my real name changed to Raven,as I go by it daily.
I understand it seems very cliché Goth,to use that name…but when it was given to me I was NOT Goth and despise the very idea of being associated with one.
How did I get the name?
Good question! I was in the 7th grade.My hair was pitch black and to my waist. I was walking with some friends between classes,and the wind was blowing my hair behind me like a cape (back then I never had bangs,and my hair was one length). This one guy,poetic for his age, I guess, walked past me and said "Your hair is so beautiful! It flows behind you like raven's wings". Everyone laughed and made fun of me, calling me "Raven". I hated it,but it stuck. Years later, everyone knows me by that name and very few know my real name. Those that do use it now to hurt me, pretending I always went by that and not this because they know it pisses me off. For a short time I was also known by"Angel"-because people said I looked mean but I was sweet,like an angel. I successfully squashed that one back in 2001. Raven has grown on me, and I consider it my own. I only got into Goth a few years ago- 2002 to be exact. The name came around 1992. So you see, I carried it long before I even knew what Goth was, and I would appreciate not being lumped in with the posers that think that is a "cool" name. If I were able to pick a name for myself, it would be one of this girl I met years ago. She was Goth, full figured, and at the time, very lovely. Her name was "Miracle"…and I just love that name so much! But I cannot choose my own name, how gay is that? "Raven" was given to me by my friends, and it what I have been known by ever since.
I know I dress and look like I'm some kind of a whore. Truthfully though, I am not! I'm actually very prudish and cannot stand sex or nudity in most shapes and/or forms. Even if I have a crush on someone, I refuse to imagine fucking them or even picturing them naked, or topless. I think the human body is disgusting. This comes from my past, growing up with a dad (my "real" one- not the one that recently died) who used to dress up in woman's clothes, molest my sister and myself, and raped my mom at gunpoint. He loved porn, and I was forced into going to nude beaches and taking "family baths" before I even hit 10 years old. It is a very hard struggle for me, and the way I dress has more to do with my self esteem and trying to feel desirable than anything remotely sexual.
Another thing- I am a complete nerd. I love to read and write. well, I admit I rarely write anymore…but books are my life (along with music). I own over 4,000 books and I read around 200 pages an hour. I love taking tests and spouting useless trivia. I do consider myself pretty smart,sometimes :-)
As far as music goes- I am also very open minded. This is why I say that I can only be loosely considered a Goth, as many of my interests lie elsewhere. I love freestyle, 80's retro, oldies and doo wopp…even a Britney Spears song (Toxic)! I am very very open minded and I like at least one song from every genre. Yes-even country. I like ONE country song, and that is "You're still the one" by Shania Twain. I must admit though, that one is more for the lyrics than the actual song. I always used to fantasize about my perfect, romantic wedding…and the bride and groom's dance would be to that song. For those of you that don't know, the song is about how they are happy they never listened to their friends and family and gave up on their love. I am a sappy, sappy romantic and I have yet to find my match. I also love glitter. I love to smile and be loose and goofy- though life rarely gives me the chance.
I am left handed
I am Thai and German
I am a natural blonde
I have 10 piercings, not including ears
I have more than 11 tattoos
I am shorter than I look
I used to be a Dominatrix- the whole whips and chains and spanking- BUT I DID NOT GET NAKED OR HAVE SEX!!!
I'm not a slut
I dress the way I do to stop myself from feeling disgusting and fat
I have a son, Dorian, who is almost 16
I love cheese
I love milk more
I overdosed when I was 14-15, tried to kill myself with about 100 pills.They fed me charcoal before pumping my stomach and as a result I can't drink chocolate milk or chocolate milkshakes (the charcoal tastes like chocolate with dirt in it)
I am covered in scars from years of self harm and bad piercings
I'm a big pussy and I hate pain…well I love it but I hate it too
I cry lots
I wear my heart on my sleeve
I am blunt and brutally honest
I love cats
I love long haired animals
I can read about 200 pages an hour
I dropped out of school in my 9th year-I only really graduated the 8th grade and I never made it through high school
I was raised in Germany until I was about 12…11 1/2 to be exact. My first introduction to the country was being raped
I love stars
I love glitter
I'm a 'girly girl'
I love everything and anything about the 80's
I love sweet perfumes
I don't like candy
I prefer salty and spicy to sweets
I love broccoli and fruit
I rarely eat a full meal, or more than once a day
I love to swim
To get on my good side, take me to a carnival…I go crazy for spinning rides!
I love teddy bears and stuffed animals, I can't sleep without my bear
I prefer odd numbers…my favorite number is 5
I love the color red
I'd rather be barefoot than to wear shoes
I can't walk and eat or walk and drink
I HATE hearing people eat
I hate farting (people that do it around you)
I hate stupid little girls that put up photos and then say 'I'm so fat here' when you can practically see through them when they turn sideways
I absolutely hate body hair
I burp lots
I hate stinky breath
I hate lazy people
I love computers
I wear 'monster feet' slippers
I love taking photos and living a fantasy life though pictures
I love helping people
I am super friendly and I just can't keep enemies
I will bring home any stray animal I find
I love to cook and my best is Italian food- home made lasagne and pizzas
My first real piercing was my tongue when I was 19
I just got into Goth in 2001- before that I was all metal and would have kicked your ass if you called me Goth
I'm pretty good at fighting…well at least I have never lost
My legs are super strong-I can lift about 700 pounds with them (I tested that at the gym)
I can eat noodles whole without chewing
I'm pretty immature for my age…but I can be responsible, which is a big difference
I love toys and comics
I collect things that I never intend on selling
I have a broken tail bone so I can't ever sit straight
I sleep very erratically, and only for about two hours at a time
My favorite alcoholic drink in the world is Tequila Rose
I love to dance
When I dance I do it barefoot- or else I will fall
I'm a big dork, and a nerd
I was always teacher's pet, as I love learning
Again- I AM HONEST and if or when I choose to talk about my life it is all true. Don't think that just because lots of it sounds horrible it means I am lying. How stupid to lie to people you don't even know
I know endless little 'useless facts' and trivia
I'm clumsy and I bang into walls
I'm legally blind
I have nerve damage in my right hand from my ex cutting my middle finger to the bone with a serrated knife
I used to get so desperate to dance that I would have weekend parties and invite all the kids (15 year olds) and turn off the lights, turn on the strobe light, and dance the night away
I love to write, and was working on a book
I have been published before
I'm scared of heights
I'm afraid of bugs
I'm terrified of dogs-I was almost killed by one when I was about three. I still have the scar down my side where it carried me off and shook me like a little doll
My dreams are so realistic, if I dream of someone I feel like I was actually with them, and I carry them with me the rest of the day
I used to think that people were watching me out of dog's eyes
I won't let anyone know if I have to go to the bathroom-I always turn on the sink
No one has ever seen me naked
I'm super shy, but extremely outgoing
I have OCD and I am borderline [personality disorder]
I am co-dependent
I am thrifty and will pick up trash if it's usable
I can't lie without laughing
My favorite ice cream ever is Baskin Robbins peanut butter and chocolate
I prefer the cold and I bitch when it's too hot
Before I eat ice cream I melt it, even in the microwave if I have to
I don't wear underwear
I pull out my hair when I get nervous or upset
I shave off my eyebrows
I prefer Pepsi to Coke
I love Subway, but I get pepperoni and (cough) 13 layers- not slices!- of cheese
I refuse to eat pizza if I can see through the cheese on top
I love pickles
I adore bratwurst
It is my dream to return to Germany
I have a fast and hot temper, but if you don't fight me then I can't attack
I'm like a caged animal- if I'm pissed and you don't give me space I hit
I am NOT a private person- it's like therapy to me in a way to share my thoughts and life with people
I am ticklish, but if I get ticked then I accidentally lash out and punch
I FINALLY got a cell phone
I wear rings on every finger, except my pinkies
I love peanuts
I love blue cheese dressing
I love mayo
I hate horror (or any other) movies with sex scenes/nudity…if I'm with a guy I won't let him watch those parts
I'm actually pretty prudish, given the way I look (uptight)
And yes…And yes…I AM uptight….it's called ART and I explained at the start of this thing why I pose the way I do
I smoke cloves
I like spaghetti and fish sauce
I like to sneeze
I'm not sexy at all! I'm just a person, like everyone else…a dork, clumsy, sad, and goofy.
I get hard of hearing because I have a bad habit of sticking needles into my ear canals
I make my own blood and effects
Even though I text I DO NOT type in traditional text language- I still write properly
I lose myself in song lyrics, and when I dance…I feel like I'm living in a movie or something and nothing is real
I can talk to just about anyone
I've been a supervisor in a factory
I love Wal Mart
I have bad circulation and if I get too cold, I must shower or else I never warm up
I am very naive, and I get hurt really easily. If I see you online and you don't talk to me…I think you don't like me and i did something wrong.
Most everyone in my life has hurt me, so I am always on guard
I have a very simple outlook- I would never purposely hurt anyone so I expect not to be hurt in return…this always fails
I am completely anti-abortion! I will hastily cut anyone out of my life that has had one, or thinks nothing of having one. The ONLY time I think abortion is 'ok' is if the mother is raped. I don't mean 'Not tonight,honey' raped- I mean ass kicking, battered and bruised raped.
I have scars on my face from cutting it with razors when I was depressed- I can cover them with makeup…but not totally
I actually hate most Gothic music, and almost every Gothic person I have ever met
I have my gums pierced
I did some of my piercings myself (you can't tell though!)
I only chew on the left, I can't bear to have food on the right side of my mouth
I have a future of missing Halloween since they really don't celebrate it here in New Zealand…and I have actual nightmares about it
I collect Hot Wheels
I hate having to explain myself to people that judge me-but I can't stand people thinking wrongly about me either
I collect Barbie dolls
I like to cut up pickles, put them in a cup of pickle juice, add salt, and drink it
I hate my ears being touched
I like Ramen noodles with mayo, in toast
Someone has a tattoo of my face on their body on accident-they saw a drawing of me someone had done, and thought it was a random piece of art,liked it, and got it tatted on his leg! So I'm immortalized in someone's flesh ,hahah
I have been so hungry that I had to eat out of a trash can when I lived with other people; I cried as I ate their scraps. I ended up having to send my son away because we were starving-he and I shared one can of Parmesan during the week for food
I have been hungry, homeless,beat, raped, abused, lied to, cheated on, and deserted (by more people than there should have been with the ability to do that to someone)
The funny thing is, the more I like someone or are attracted to them…the less I would ever want to have sex with them or picture them naked. EWW ! I think of them as Ken dolls- no body parts at all, lol
No matter how hot it is I always have to be covered up, with a blanket or pillow
I practically raised my two step sisters when I was 8
I can't stand my neck being touched…as far as I'm concerned don't even acknowledge I HAVE one!
I used to like to climb trees and sit on the roof and stare at the sky
When I was young, and my step mom would beat me…I used to daydream Luke Skywalker would come save me
I am very flexible and can have one leg at shoulder height, and the other straight…and then I can bend until my hands are on the floor
I sleep with one leg straight and one leg bent to my neck
I hate to be fondled
I always tear my food apart before eating it (probably from years of starvation when I was married the first time, it makes it seem like you have more food than you really do)…including pizzas- I tear off the toppings,eat the bottom, then the top..and burgers- I eat the bottom bun,then the top, then the meat
I actually don't like to be touched
I am anti-claustrophobic- I love to be in tight, small, dark places
I hate!!!!! being accused of lying and I always explain myself!
I am vastly different than you would think…my mind is always on the go and my mood and personality changes constantly
My skin gets irritated if you try to stroke me (on the back, arm,whatever) more than two or three times
I crack my knuckles daily
I am very paranoid and I can't stand to be watched
I am in a bad habit of saying "Grrr" if either I'm pissed off, or I really like something (yeah,I speak it as well as write it)
I just HATE people that think to misspell shit is awesome, amazing, or makes you 'cool'. I was browsing around and I see these stupid fucking bitches (it's always girls too) that spell like 'cyoot', 'awsum','hawt', 'mi', 'kitti'..grrrr! Don't you people realize just how mOrOnIc AnD HaRd To ReAd ThIs Is? It just isn't cool!!!
And as an update let me just say that I myself am guilty of not using proper capitalisation, and sometimes apostrophes when I write. But notice that my words are not misspelled, unless I am very very tired and lazy…but then when I wake up I always fix it!
And I know some people are foreign, or have other problems- and these people I am not complaining about. I'm smart enough to know if you are misspelling because of a real problem or because you're a fucking dumb bitch. I mean, don't your computers have spell checkers?
No. 631767
>>631731in fairness, if she ate fruit, she'd probably just leave the cores and peels to rot, so maybe just eating shitty snacks is better for her?
>>631755>I dropped out of school in my 9th year-I only really graduated the 8th grade and I never made it through high schoolWait hasn't she also claimed to be studying towards nursing or psychology in the past? How can she do that if she never finished high school? Which one is it?
>I have bad circulation and if I get too cold, I must shower or else I never warm upshe must've not gotten cold in a while. she always looks fucking filthy.
>I hate!!!!! being accused of lying and I always explain myself!Maybe stop lying so much then?
No. 631834
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>>631825Excellent analysis, anon.
And she has an intro for the mood categories of her videos. The newest one for videos about TLTWMTL [pic related] is by far the funniest because it's a pic from that dreadful video of their trip to Carowinds where Josh looked absolutely miserable. And it's not even a good pic of him.
I dread clicking on videos with the new aggro intro. You know the one. I race to hit pause and turn down the volume or cover the speaker!
Someone in the comments recently asked where she gets her intros, but I don't recall what she said.
No. 631848
File: 1548528944926.png (712.68 KB, 900x675, omethia On-the-other-side-1505…)

>>631755Let's play Spot the Lies and Inconsistencies!
>"You're still the one" by Shania Twain. I always used to fantasize about my perfect, romantic wedding…and the bride and groom's dance would be to that song. For those of you that don't know, the song is about how they are happy they never listened to their friends and family and gave up on their love. I am a sappy, sappy romantic and I have yet to find my match.Didn't she use this song in her wedding to Logan? Woops!
>I am a natural blonde.Then why do you bleach your hair three times in one day?
>I was raised in Germany until I was about 12…11 1/2 to be exact.Hasn't she since said she came here as a baby or small child?
>It is my dream to return to GermanyDu bist ein Berliner, all right.
>I've been a supervisor in a factoryThe factory of breaking gullible manchildren?
>No one has ever seen me nakedMaybe we haven't seen you entirely naked all at once, but we have seen all of you.
>I'm pretty immature for my age…but I can be responsible, which is a big differenceMaybe you
can be, but you usually aren't.
>I hate lazy peopleSpake the queen of filth and fur.
>I love helping peopleHow many GoFundMe pages have you set up versus how many you have donated to?
>I am super friendly and I just can't keep enemiesThe Christchurch goth scene would like a word.
>I would never purposely hurt anyone so I expect not to be hurt in return…this always failsLine forms to the left.
>the more I like someone or are attracted to them…the less I would ever want to have sex with them or picture them naked. EWW ! I think of them as Ken dolls- no body parts at all, lolSorry, Josh!
No. 632104
>>631755>I am a natural blondeBUT
>I was in the 7th grade.My hair was pitch black and to my waist.Not many 7th graders are allowed to dye their hair black, especially if they grow up in the restrictive household that Raven claims to have grown up in, so which one is it?
>I prefer Pepsi to Coke>I love Subway, but I get pepperoni and (cough) 13 layers- not slices!- of cheese>I adore bratwurst>I love blue cheese dressing>I love mayoOk these I believe lol
No. 632289
>>631755>For a short time I was also known by"Angel"-because people said I looked mean but I was sweet,like an angel.This is one of her strangest lies imo. She's always a cunt. Trying to be nasty, trying to be nice, going to a fucking amusement park - always the same. Even when she goes out of her way try and project positivity she comes off as a cunt.
>>632288>terrible fan-fictionlmao it is. Also, hasn't she provided several different origin stories for the name?
No. 632928
File: 1548671123357.png (394.7 KB, 999x583, poblanos.png)

>>632843further proof that she's not in Florida like she claims.
No. 632932
File: 1548672621854.jpg (196.43 KB, 1174x1148, jonesville.jpg)

>>632928spartanburg not even needed anon, they're closer than that
No. 632939
File: 1548676612601.png (458.49 KB, 800x563, Screenshot_2019-01-27-23-35-44…)

>>632932El Poblano in Union
No. 632941
File: 1548677044420.png (414.76 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2019-01-27-23-27-49…)

>>632940She pulls the menu forward so that the name of the restaurant can be clearly read. She must be trolling us. She can't be that stupid.
No. 632944
File: 1548678118882.png (216.8 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2019-01-28-00-27-44…)

>>632843Dinner date
Published on Jan 27, 2019
Josh: Take more?
Raven: [affecting a southern accent] I'm making a video. [he shakes his head and rolls his eyes] We haven't been out in a long time together.
Josh: Mmmhmm.
Raven: We decided to go to get groceries and then just out of nowhere we decided to go to a Mexican restaurant, so I hope that this place is good because usually they're not.
Josh: No.
Raven: Um, we'll eat tacos every day, though. Hey. [they kiss]
Josh: Hey. [she fusses with her wig; he looks uncomfortable and shakes his head as she focuses the camera on him]
Raven: Aww. You have a beam of light across your face.
Josh: Oh, I see that.
Raven: [disappointed] I don't have it across my face. [she leans in to him to pose and he pulls a face, pic related]
Alright, let's flip the camera around and try to look at the menu because uh…you can't flip while you're recording, I don't think.
Josh: It takes a picture.
Raven: Oh, did it? I'm gonna… [the waitress arrives; cut] Well, I couldn't video the menu cuz as soon as I was gonna video the menu she came and took our order and took it away. But we got our lovely chips and I got a water. I should have asked for no lemon. I don't like the lemon in it. And our salsas. [he takes her lemon wedge] You know that's really, really unhealthy.
Josh: No. What… [mumbles and stutters]
Raven: In restaurants it's the dirtiest thing you could order though is the lemon. It's, like, the most bacteria filled and especially now that you dropped it on the table. [laughs]
Josh: [places it on her napkin] Stick it on that.
Raven: [following his hand with the camera] That's my makeup bag. [she shows the condiments and the menu on the table bearing the name of the restaurant] And uh, salt. So yeah, I hope that this place is good. I really do. I really, really do. Let's check out the ambiance. [she pans around the room and then focuses on him] Mmm! Look at that! Mmm mmm mmm! Does every location have one of these?
Josh: Probably not.
Raven: [laughs; pans back to the wall] I guess that's about it.
[cut to her giggling and posing for the camera while he eats chips in the background]
Josh: Wow. [she leans her head against him] Aren't you glad I don't chew with my mouth open?
Raven: You don't chew your food?
Josh: I said with my mouth open.
Raven: Oh. I don't either.
Josh: [he looks annoyed and eats another chip] Yeah, you do.
Raven: No, I don't. [she shoots him a look and continues to pose for the camera with him in the background] Mmm mmm mmm.
Josh: They are good.
No. 632945
File: 1548678262928.png (368.22 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2019-01-27-23-27-08…)

"It's, like, the most bacteria filled and especially now that you dropped it on the table."
Seriously, what the fuck is his tattoo?
No. 632946
File: 1548678327397.png (365.91 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2019-01-27-23-27-15…)

"That's my makeup bag."
No. 632947
File: 1548678566984.png (320.73 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2019-01-27-23-24-54…)

Cut to Raven posing in front of the restaurant's bathroom mirror, stumbling backwards in her platform boots over the hem of her dress as it drags across the floor.
No. 632948
>>632944>Says Mexican food is not normally nice and complains that about lemon that she's not even using Bitch you said you like ramen noodles with mayo on toast. You aren't exactly a culinary genius.
He's getting so annoyed with her, it's very obvious. What a miserable woman to take on a date. Complains that Mexican food is shitty in a Mexican restaurant and then bitches about germs in the lemon wedges. Is she forgetting that she lives in a tiny trailer with a bunch of animals and their litter boxes?
No. 632950
File: 1548678975452.png (291.16 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2019-01-27-23-23-30…)

She complains about the bacteria filled lemon, yet allows the hem of her dress to drag across the bathroom floor?
Her dress is the same style as her favorite dress that she lost when it was cut off of her after their car accident. It has an extremely low cut lace-up front with hooks and d-rings in front and back to gather up the skirt so that the hem doesn't drag on the floor.
No. 632951
File: 1548679067524.png (399.88 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2019-01-27-23-25-47…)

Cut to Josh holding a Valentine's Day card which reveals the words, "Let's take off our clothes" when it is slid apart and "Is it just me or do you suddenly feel overdressed?" on the inside. In the background is a shopping cart full of cheap processed food.
No. 632952
File: 1548679135501.png (365.9 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2019-01-27-23-30-39…)

Cut to two selfies taken in the restaurant.
No. 632953
>>632950lol and she's lazy as fuck, you can be sure that she wouldn't have bothered washing it after her outing and probably just hung it back up or chucked it somewhere in her room.
She looks like her breath would smell.
Also, kek at Josh saying she DOES eat with her mouth open. He's filled with regret.
No. 632955
>>632941"She can't be that stupid."
Remember when she faked her own death? When she pretended to go to her Mom's funeral? Her library friends? Never underestimate just how stupid this creature is.
>>632944The loathing that was more than loathing.
No. 632960
>>63295770 bucks on a dress that looks like an ugly picnic rug.
No. 633008
File: 1548689547239.jpg (243.17 KB, 1080x1275, 20190128_092500.jpg)

>>632947I know Raven probably can't figure out how to sew, but hemming a dress really is not that difficult. Look, she can be even pick something up from Walmart for less than $5.
No. 633033
>>632954His hairline gets thinner every video. She's going to realise how gross and dumb he is once the male pattern baldness really sets in.
She's that shallow she will try and look elsewhere. Time to catfish some other poor sucker nearby.
Also she's such a bitch about the lemon thing. Like everyone knows that lemon thing from huffington post or facebook articles, but to bring it up just before you are about to eat is rude and off putting. Like if you see friends sharing lip gloss or some shit while you are getting ready and you proceed to go on about herpes or bacteria even though they didn't ask. Or if you had a friend that was anxiously chewing their nails and you proceeded to tell them there's bacteria under their nails. Like it's common knowledge but people don't need to hear that shit before they eat or do whatever.
It's extremely preachy coming from someone who does her own piercings probably with a safety pin, doesn't clean her litter trays enough for her cats, whines about dog hair but proceeds to say she's too lazy to clean and hoards so much shit there's no way she dusts or cleans it all. She'd probably argue that she's being helpful but there's a difference between telling someone not to eat the ice in their drink in a poor country where food poisoning is common, and lecturing someone on how much bacteria is in restaurant lemons because they read a study on facebook or whatever.
She's so whingey and it's definitely getting to him. I give it one more year tops.
No. 633264
File: 1548719299423.png (32.02 KB, 800x207, Screenshot_2019-01-28-15-45-07…)

>>633033She brought it up just as he was reaching to take her lemon wedge and put it in his iced tea. After she said it he dutifully put both wedges on her napkin.
Cucked over lemon wedges.
No. 633280
File: 1548721019372.png (37.43 KB, 800x215, Screenshot_2019-01-28-15-45-14…)

Will she take this opportunity to bemoan the tragedy of having lost the black dress to the emergency personnel's cruel life saving measure of cutting it apart?
No. 633287
File: 1548721672906.jpg (80.37 KB, 394x576, winter03p12.jpg)

>>632950>>632957Lip Service produced that dress as a staple design in the Punk and Disorderly line from 2002 through 2005 in several plaid colorways each year.
This is how it is intended to be worn. And clipping the hooks to the higher set of d-rings prevents dragging its hem across filthy bathroom floors!
Notice the model is wearing it with the bodice laced closed rather than exposing herself from tit to tuft as Raven does. No. 633405
>>633287She manages to make everything look ill fitting or trashy because she never wears a bra and she's so stumpy.
>>633331I mean the long straight wig is an improvement because it's not the ratty blue one and looks actually brushed, but pretty is a reach. The second she opens her yap to complain, any semblance of pretty disappears. Even if she didn't dress like hot garbage and cleaned up her look she'd still be so unappealing just because of how awful and negative she comes across. That's the whole reason she's still able to get dudes (gross ones though). She dresses like an easy hooker and trowels on the makeup so that she appears 'not like the other girls' and woos them with an alt girl appeal, then as soon as they marry, she reveals herself to be a whinging basic bitch who likes the most basic of basic popculture shit and has no personality except for whining. That's why her and Josh's relationship revolves around getting animals and popculture plastic shit. There's nothing to talk about with her. It's all stuff she likes or wants to buy, or whinging. There's nothing there.
No. 633612
File: 1548757692235.jpg (155.04 KB, 957x1416, firefox_2019-01-28_16-55-15a.j…)

A kiwi got a better cap of the frontal nightmare literally held together by a piece of string, Josh's enormous signature in view of course. I mean, seriously, woman. In a family restaurant in a city with a population of just over 8K.
And you just know her tits were resting on the table when she wasn't sprawling on Josh for the camera. Her forced giggling and that "mmm mmm mmm" sound she kept making were just embarrassing. Did she ever behave quite this way with Logan?
No. 633702
File: 1548787335560.jpeg (2.12 MB, 1242x1882, C60C36C8-198E-4E2E-BE48-48F0F9…)

A few years ago she painstakingly worked to make a small ceremony for Logan after eloping. Josh doesn’t get that respect.
No. 633707
>>632951josh ya forgot the Slim Jims. over in Aisle 7.
She's just the type to wake someone up screeching that at 3am.
No. 633764
File: 1548795412349.png (447.77 KB, 430x768, Screenshot_2019-01-29-12-14-11…)

>>633702But later on in the year we still plan to have a bigger and more proper wedding for friends and family.
>>>/pt/573603Josh: [pic related] The wedding. It was fun. It was hot, though. I was sweaty. I had my hair down. That was a mistake. I wanted to do it for her and the pictures. Most of our pictures I have my hair down.
>>>/pt/585605 No. 633776
>a small ceremony for Logan after eloping.In which she dressed him in Black Butler cosplay and their "friends" were strangers.
>Josh doesn’t get that respect.He gets lustful bodice ripper level affection.
No. 634127
>or even somewhere niceWay to diminish your 'perfect day' Raven. It looks like a stock standard park, but because it's not a giant production, with all the attention and money lavished on her, it 'wasn't somewhere nice'
She really doesn't realise how crazy this post makes her seem.
Instead of getting to know each other and slowly building their life together until they can afford a nice wedding, they HAVE to get married ASAP because it's sooo important. And the reason she had one witness is because she literally has no friends.
She's trying to act like they got married straight away because love has no bounds and she doesn't need a big fancy wedding because she's just sooo in love and she's being sooo practical instead of having an expensive wedding.
What this dumb bitch doesn't realise is that with all the money she's wasted on plushies and chucky merchandise and abused pets and pop funkos and plastic shit, she could have
had a decent wedding. She could have had Josh's family at the wedding and even some friends too if she wasn't such a psycho and scared and harrassed everyone out of her life.
Everything she does is her own fault but she acts like some wounded angel who's overcome the odds against the world. She's trying to seem humble and like someone who isn't fussed about money or who isn't superficial, but it's transparent as fuck that she's actually selfish and wanted a giant wedding. I feel like it's a passive aggressive reminder to Josh to make a bigger thing of it next year.
No. 634129
>>633702The only reason she gets married asap is because it makes it harder for the dude to leave.
No sane dude would marry her after dating her for a normal amount of time. She thinks getting married asap is because she's a hopeless romantic, when in reality it's so she has a meal ticket because noone would put up with her shit regularly as a girlfriend.
She can assert authority over their life as a wife, she can't do jack shit as a girlfriend.
No. 635712
File: 1549100886465.png (891.77 KB, 800x1108, Screenshot_2019-02-02-01-29-41…)

The dress is not "new" in that you bought it used and it was made over ten years ago, but you know what Ryan meant. It's new to your wardrobe.
And of all the pics she chose one that captures Josh looking particularly cro magnon.
She hasn't posted any pics of Jessabelle on this account yet.
No. 635735
File: 1549112400466.jpg (61.77 KB, 1249x340, Capture.JPG)

Raven is back posting scandalized rantings about Logan, Dorian, and Isa in the Alt Cows topic.
No. 635743
>>635735>I smell suicide for him tbhOh my. She tries so hard and fails so badly.
I really feel for Dorian in all of this. Logan was stupid enough to get seduced by this sack of whalemeat and to get with Isa (in whatever circumstances) and perpetuated some of the crap onto Dorian. And seemingly still does. I wish he could just fuck off and start again under a new name. Reclaim his life and drive Gran out of her mind trying to find him.
No. 635744
File: 1549115738553.jpg (831.29 KB, 2160x3393, _20190202_145319.JPG)

Is it just me or did she tattoo her areola?
No. 635786
>>635743It's hard not to feel terrible for Dorian, just in general, but especially if
>>635735 is true. The fact that he hasn't even got a mom to look out for him is just shit icing on a shit cake. Fucksake, Raven, stop talking shit about your son and just be there for him.
>>635712Isn't this like a typical narc thing tho? Post the photo that makes you look the best and who gives a damn about anyone else.
No. 635796
>>635735Smells of Raven. When she tries hard to mimic someone else's speech she doesn't capitalize and tries her best to speak like someone "younger." If it isn't here, doesn't seem like the usual way Farmers write so looks like trolling.
Their situation is sad and probably milky, but they aren't our brand of over sharing cows. Most of their life is private and they don't spread drama everywhere other than their own lives. Raven, quit making Dorian/Logan/Isa a thing. It's not going to be a thing.
No. 636070
>>636003I get that he's much, much better off without her, but it still makes me sad that he hasn't got a mom or a dad. I hope he's got some sort of support network, and that it's easier to have friends and pursue a career or education without her around.
Soz my whole "need to be everyone's big bro" instinct rly kicks in whenever I see anything about this poor kid. Shit.
>>635744I love how she complains about everyone else dressed scantily but she regularly posts photos with those pancakes hanging out. Plus, her tattoos look especially rough in this photo, her "hair" looks… sticky?… , and there's an all round dirty aura about her. So hawt.
No. 636139
File: 1549177193136.jpg (511 KB, 1888x2142, raven house.jpg)

>>636135One of their cats is missing from the video and the description: Jelly, one of the 11-month old sisters.
Screencaps from KF. It's like she filmed this with maximum lighting to show off to the haters that she cleaned the place.
No. 636170
>>636135Jesus Diana. If you seriously have to lock all of your cats up in a room overnight, so that they don't jump on counters - stop getting more and stop getting cats.
Cats jump on counters, that's what they do. If you don't like it, t r a i n them. And if it drives you batshit crazy that they could do it in secret while you're sleeping - get an other pet that lives on the floor.
This woman. If she had a bird, she'd probably attach it to a chain so it couldn't fly around the house.
No. 636176
File: 1549188492993.png (40.96 KB, 800x246, Screenshot_2019-02-03-02-02-14…)

>>636135>>636170Top kek if you think "trained" cats don't venture where they are not supposed to when they're not being watched.
She uses water spray bottles to discipline them.
No. 636178
File: 1549189064592.png (58.36 KB, 800x420, Screenshot_2019-02-03-02-10-56…)

>>632957>>633280Don't tell them which one. Wouldn't want any competition from other buyers!
And so much kek at the number of people who compliment her on her hair. Are they blind to not be table to tell it's a wig?!
No. 636341
>>635735haha, I love the frosty reception she got in that thread.
Doesn't surprise me that they're both a bit fucked up after her in terms of relationships, wouldn't put that all on this Isa person, and like someone said in that thread, seems normal for young people to experiment with identity and dress and all that.
Trust Raven to see Logan in a long skirt and assume he's now a woman.
But if she has access to this info, she must have an account that is friends with one of them? Or is friend of a friend? To get those screenshots in particular. How sneaky.
No. 636347
>>636139That peel and stick linoleum is going to come up the moment someone knocks over a water dish or pees on it.
Why do they have a water cooler though? I've never seen anyone that had one in their home just sitting there.
No. 636400
>>636341Logan has lost weight and the sickly pallor he had living with her.
The posts she screenshot were not restricted or friends only, so maybe Isa recently made her Facebook account public.
>>636347Home water coolers, bottle delivery service, and bottle refill stations are big business throughout the US.
No. 636466
File: 1549261009556.png (69.15 KB, 800x317, Screenshot_2019-02-03-22-10-32…)

>>635735Now she's trying to get traction in the Gender Critical thread
No. 636479
File: 1549268831956.jpeg (19.51 KB, 540x152, 63AE3903-FCB3-4D63-89C2-29A57F…)

>>636466> raven’s logan Not anymore, lol
No. 637455
File: 1549479248476.jpeg (571.8 KB, 1241x1665, B81CE0C1-EF13-48D7-819B-52A3EF…)

Update on links
No. 637630
File: 1549506667789.jpeg (1.74 MB, 1242x2030, 96710BCD-C1B2-43E7-853C-C483CD…)

Interesting that she displays the same wording as in
>>636466 and hating on genderqueer being a trend
And note she knows of the Isa fb name changed as seen in the cap
>>635735 If we are lucky she will make a video on this too.
No. 637635
>>637535Loki is crate trained. She has said in videos transcribed in this thread that the dogs sleep with her and Josh.
Crating is not locking a dog in a cage.
No. 637638
>>637630Raven you hag, your son doesn't even speak to you so why are you stalking his and his spouse's social media?
For someone as "edgy" as Raven, she's got the mindset of a conservative deep South Christian grandma. Women who wear dresses above the knee are whores, women above a certain age can't wear V-cut tops, X race is beneath her, etc.
No. 637649
>Women who wear dresses above the knee are whores, women above a certain age can't wear V-cut topsWut? She didn't say anything about that in her post. You're describing how
she dresses.
No. 637682
>>637649Are you new? She talks disparagingly about other women being slutty, dressing slutty, posting nudes all the time. She makes a big deal out of how she's "such a prude", and that she's not like that.
Of course she's a hypocrite; she's a lolcow.
No. 637724
File: 1549532434920.png (1.02 MB, 800x1064, Screenshot_2019-02-07-01-02-20…)

>>637682She didn't say anything about women wearing revealing clothing in the post in question, and she doesn't otherwise. She complains specifically about nipples and "100% nudity". I'd wager she was talking about Adora Batbrat in
>>626044. She has commented on Adora's pics before and was somehow under the impression that we love Adora.
Had you posted her new Instagram pic to call her out on what she said in that video you'd have a point. Tho she'd argue that she's not 100% nude and therefore not crude despite her instathot pose.
Even before she had lost weight with her bariatric surgery she boasted about wearing tiny, slutty outfits once she lost weight to piss off the haters
>>637683Regardless of your opinion of crate training, she has said Loki was already crate trained when they got him and that both dogs sleep with her and Josh which addresses the point
>>637535 was making.
No. 637755
>>637649…have you not been following Raven for long? She calls out other women all the time. Yes, she didn't say those specific things in her post but I was commenting about her in general after her "ugly little tramp" remark and how Isa dressed.
She acts just like some conservative religious granny.
Have some choice Raven quotes from this thread:
>there was this older woman online.. looks like she's in her 50s. she has, like, a bra on that's open to, like, here. and her nipples are out. It's just her being a slut.
>It's ruined a lot of fucking movies, too, in my opinion. Where they can take all these previously white characters and turn them into black characters. No. 637757
>>637724>I dedicate this photo to my husband JoshThen why post it on facebook publicly?
>It's incredibly hard for me to post this photo because I don't like my body at the moment.Again, then why post it publicly?
She's trying to make one of those body positive type posts that attention whores make and wants asspats for 'being brave' for posting such a risky photo at her age and weight. Oh my! How scandalous! Lol, everyone has seen ya flapjacks Raven. Your nudes have been spread near and far. You can lift your arms up high and add all the sparkly filters you want, you still look like a pudgy bowl of porridge.
Anyone in a relationship would probably not be chill with their wife posting this shit. I wonder if she's actually lying about getting Josh's 'blessing' and she blocked him from seeing the post and it's just a way to attention whore. In the case that he DOES comment and like it, then wow Josh, you are such a cuck. Raven is providing jerk off material for Ryan and the other creepers following her, but it's cool because she dedicated the post to you…okay lol.
No. 637758
>>637725Woop nevermind he did comment.
Still…what a cuck.
No. 637808
>She calls out other women all the time.But not for wearing short dresses and v-neck tops as stated in
>Have some choice Raven quotes from this threadHave some context for the quote:
>What I have an issue with is people blatantly just showing their entire bodies, like, 100% nude or they're showing their nipples or whatever.And please read
After transcribing her videos for nearly two years, I'm pretty familiar with what Raven has said.
No. 637812
File: 1549576487473.png (354.99 KB, 800x1148, Screenshot_2019-02-07-13-50-49…)

Marmalade Amber Lucipurr is TCTWMTAC.
No. 637813
File: 1549576675139.png (406.12 KB, 800x904, Screenshot_2019-02-07-13-50-04…)

They have taken in Lucipurr's pregnant mom.
No. 637820
File: 1549577271900.jpg (124.66 KB, 2048x1152, 51405630_2035500929904441_3607…)

>>637815That cover-up tattoo tho. Did Raven do it?
No. 637826
File: 1549577882592.jpg (113.21 KB, 1356x2048, 51142707_2035500956571105_2148…)

>>637815A glimpse of Raven's real hair.
No. 637827
File: 1549577979989.jpg (85.74 KB, 1312x640, 51387328_2034500776671123_4545…)

>>637813So much junk everywhere. One of the cat discipline water spray bottles on the left.
No. 637829
File: 1549578271612.jpg (145.82 KB, 2048x1152, 51692486_2034500660004468_1993…)

>>637813Their entire shack is littered with those 99 cent XL soda cups.
No. 637831
File: 1549578471003.png (270.11 KB, 800x487, Screenshot_2019-02-07-14-26-45…)

No. 637843
>>637820The dog tattoo looks a lot like Doja.
I wonder why he would tattoo a dog that looks so much like the horrible killer dog that ate the kitten.
No. 637965
>>637812This makes me fear for Lucipurr.
>>637813What the fuck are they going to do with so many cats in that place?
>>637820Looks like he's put on weight. Logan puffed up with her too. Probably stress, having to go eat out or fast food so much because of Raven's tastes, and not having time to look after themselves outside of working to afford Raven's mandatory 30 birthday/Christmas/halloween/kwaanza presents.
No. 637968
File: 1549605994369.png (302.55 KB, 800x923, Screenshot_2019-02-07-22-04-37…)

You just know she's going to keep the kittens.
No. 637985
File: 1549608164454.png (451.79 KB, 800x888, Screenshot_2019-02-07-22-00-51…)

What the fuck happened to Jelly, Miss Pretty and Amber's sister?
She was last mentioned (but not seen) in their New Year's Eve video
>>620227. She was last seen on camera in the Drama video
>>606196 and in pictures with Lucipurr soon after she got him
No. 638089
>>637845Oh yeah you're right. I hadn't noticed.
>>637985She mentions miss pretty in the sc you have, they still have her.
She's even in the video "bedtime" if I'm not mistaken.
No. 638097
>>638089I'm talking about Jelly, not Miss Pretty. Jelly is Miss Pretty and Amber's sister.
There is not a single picture of Jelly on the Lucipurr.Bradley page.
No. 638384
>>638097Oh, I thought you meant all 3 of them. TBH I can't keep up with all the cats because she has so many and keeps getting more of them. She also talks mostly about Lucipurr and not so much the others, but I guess
>>638203 that's the reason why.
No. 638391
>>638389No english is not my first language, and I understand that
>>638203 was only assuming she is dead.
But think about it, when in this or any of the past threads has an animal Raven fails to show/mention for any period of time, and especially fails to mention when listing off her hoard of pets, when has that animal not been either dead, "rehomed" or "gone missing"?
It's a recurring theme when it comes to Raven.
She won't adress where that pet is until people start asking and by then there will be either a heroic story about how she is the hero that was more than a hero and rehomed the pet for it's own best. Or a gruesome tale filled with gory details about what happened to that pet. Bonus points if there are pictures she can post.
Possibly there could be none of the above and she just simply says it's "missing". But the above options are better because they attract more of her fav thing ever, attention.
No. 638393
>>638390>>638391I understand English perfectly, I just think you may have misunderstood my reply.
>but I guess >>638203 that's the reason why.RIP.
It was just an educated guess based on past events and patterns.
No. 638860
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No. 638862
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>>638860But she doesn't read the hate sites.
No. 640230
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She makes a big deal about how he bought her these beatufiul chocolates and the site has some good ones but he bought the cheapest $1.49 boxes kek
No. 640243
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>>640229Our Valentine's 2019
Published on Feb 14, 2019
2nd Valentine's together!
Tomorrow is a huge day for all of us. Bowie (the dog with the different colored eyes) and all of the cats are getting neutered and spayed, and their shots updated (Loki is alreasy neutered and up to date on his shots). Right now we are taking care of Lucipurr's mom, who we've named Lili (pretty sure she's here to stay), as her owner has had to move unexpectedly (was made essentially homeless) and was unable to take her. She's about a week or two from having kittens so stay tuned for a birthing video and some feedback on what a different experience this is from my Marmalade, if we catch her in time. Since she doesn't really know us, I'm unsure if she'll be as demanding of company as my girl was. After she weans her kittens we are getting her spayed as well
[Raven is sitting close to Josh in a restaurant, stroking his face, and they are in mid-conversation. Throughout the clip he distractingly tongues his teeth, looking like a cow chewing its cud]
Raven: …and I don't really have anything to say cuz I have blasted Facebook and Instagram with "I love you" stuff today. Um… [she smiles and waves at someone off camera while he stares blankly into the camera] But um, do you have anything to say?
Josh: And I love you. Happy Valentine's Day. [he puckers his lips and they kiss]
Raven: I love you, too. Did you have a good dinner?
Josh: Yes. Did you?
Raven: Yes. I ate broccoli soup. Broccoli and cheese soup.
Josh: [unintelligible] sandwich.
Raven: We drove a long time to get here because the place that we're at is really far away but it's worth it. We drove for a long time in the dark. But um, it is really good. This is, like, our favorite place to eat and it sucks that it's so far away. But we don't want to go to fancy restaurants. We're not fancy restaurant kind of people. We really like this place. And um, yeah. [cut, they kiss] Um, and your arm's probably getting tired so… Do you have anything to say? You can say it otherwise.
Josh: I love you.
Raven: I love you. [they kiss]
[cut to her modeling her casual dining ensemble, a black corset and a black and white skull print scoop hem skirt and knee high patent vinyl platform boots, in an oval standing full length mirror in their hoard-packed bedroom as Lili walks by]
[cut to a display of 13 heart shaped boxes of chocolates and a card with a pop-up teddy bear on their red blanket]
There are chocolates in all of these. [she lifts a lid and touches a candy] That's chocolate. They're not just empty boxes. I just unwrapped them to get the wrapping, wrapping out of the way. [she picks up each box and shakes it]
Josh: You're making a video? Why would you say…?
Raven: Cuz naysayers might say, "They're probably just a bunch of empty boxes. I doubt he loves her that much." They're all… [she lifts another lid] All of them have got yummy chocolate in them. And Josh got me this beautiful card from Love Pop so it's uh…I think they hand carve out the little teddy bears and stuff…or the designs. It's so adorable. And in here is a private message to me. You pull it out and it's, it's written on there. That's between me and him so I'm not gonna read it. But um… [she quickly slides it part way out and back] That's a private thing in there. So that was very, very sweet.
[she shows the front of the envelope and puts the card inside]
And then we went out to go eat dinner. We were gonna go see a movie but I don't like rushing and I don't like waiting. And so the movies either we had, like, a two hour wait or we'd have ten minutes to get there, so we just decided to scrap it and came home to spend time together and watch movies together.
And tomorrow all of our animals are going in to get their surgeries so we want to be here for everybody. And we've got a big day tomorrow. Everybody's got a big day tomorrow. And they're all gonna get all the shots and they're all gonna get spayed and neutered, so we don't want to be out late anyway. And then of course we need to pay attention to pregnant Lili over there because chances if we're out too late she'll have her babies when we're gone. So now we're home and I just wanted to share this.
No. 640244
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She smiles and waves at someone off camera while he stares blankly into the camera.
No. 640245
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He puckers his lips and they kiss.
No. 640247
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Modeling her casual dining ensemble, a black corset and a black and white skull print scoop hem skirt and knee high patent vinyl platform boots, in an oval standing full length mirror in their hoard-packed bedroom as Lili walks by.
No. 640250
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A display of 13 heart shaped boxes of chocolates and a card with a pop-up teddy bear on their red blanket.
No. 640252
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Cuz naysayers might say, "They're probably just a bunch of empty boxes. I doubt he loves her that much."
No. 640255
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And in here is a private message to me. You pull it out and it's written on there. That's between me and him so I'm not gonna read it. But um…That's a private thing in there. So that was very, very sweet.
No. 640256
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I just wanted to share this.
No. 640259
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>>620646She has deleted her Poshmark account.
No. 640281
>>640250This is embarrassing. He probably spent 20 dollars but knew it's quantity over quality. Who the fuck would eat 13 boxes of chocolate or want that? Especially since they're cheap grocery store chocolate.
One box of chocolatier chocolate would be beautiful even if small and some roses. But for trailer trash Raven it's a walmart clearance aisle haul. This, she thinks, is proof of love and she has to make sure that the 1.49 boxes contain chocolate. These boxes are what you buy in bulk for your middle school kids can give to their friends on a budget.
>>640244Such an ugly couple. Raven is ballooning up nicely.
No. 640522
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>Miss Pretty was in heat, which we thought she had just come out ofShe is 11 months old. How many cycles did Raven let her to endure? Did her sister Jelly run away because she was seeking a mate?
>Jessabelle was also in heatShe is 4 months old.
No. 640524
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>>640518Bowie's record. When they got him she said that he was 1-1/2 years old
No. 640900
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Our criticism really got to her.
No. 641071
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>>640901Our babies had surgery
Published on Feb 16, 2019
Our poor babies!
[Raven is in their truck which is parked in a well-lit parking lot] Ooh. It is 6:42 in the morning and we have a very long drive ahead of us. As you can see Bowie's there and the kitty cats are there. There we've got…um, the whole back seat's full of cages because we're taking everybody to get their shots and to get neutered and spayed. It's a big, big task but we're going to do it. It's for the health of the animals. Because contrary to popular belief I am not a bad pet owner. People are just fucking ignorant. I've said it before, I'll say it again. We do have the animal's best interest at heart. Always have, always will. Which is why if it's not a fitting home we tend to rehome. We rescue, we've saved animals, yada yada yada, feed strays, all that stuff.
On that topic we have become friends with Lucipurr's old owner. And she, of course, has Lucipurr's mom. She has recently fallen onto hard times and found herself more or less homeless. Um, I mean, she's staying with friends, she's not on the streets or anything like that. But she's had to give up her place and couldn't take Lucipurr's mom, so we offer to take her in.
And the catch is is that she is pregnant. She's a week, possibly two weeks from giving birth. And we are going to of course let her have her babies, and afterwards we will find them good homes. And then we're going to have her spayed as well. She is a year and a half. This is her third litter. She should have been spayed a long time ago. So we are gonna end up getting her spayed if we end up keeping her. I'm pretty sure we will because I did say, you know, "This is, this is your cat. If it was Lucipurr I would definitely want him back. If you want…I mean, we have no problem holding her for you and fostering her, and when you get back on your feet you could have her back after she weans her babies. I mean, that's at least three months from now. Maybe you'll be on, on your feet and able to take her." And she says that she, she doesn't really think that she's going to be doing that, so most likely she's gonna be ours.
Her name was Iggy and we have renamed her Lili. And I'll put a picture here of what inspired us to call her that. [cut to a photo of an artificially blue Day Lilly and four photos of Lili] And we spell it L - i - l - i. I'm not a fan of Lili Reinhart or whatever her name is, Betty Cooper from Riverdale. I'm not a fan of the actress at all. But I do like the way her name is spelled, so that's how we decided to spell it.
So yeah, exciting day. I will have updates on everybody when we pick them up later on. I feel so bad because they couldn't eat or drink last night and they're so sad. They have no idea what's going on of course. They just know that the food water was taken away. They didn't get their wet food before bed last night. And first thing in the morning they're put in these cages and they're in a car and there's no way to explain to them. [she shouts] Bowie! There's no way to explain to them what's going on and what you're doing and that they're going to be safe. I mean, they could think that they're going to be rehomed and gotten rid of.
And I'm especially…I'm gonna miss Lucipurr so much. I haven't been without him since we got him and he's never far from me. I go to bed, I wake up and he's sleeping outside my door. Like, because we have, you know, his mom in there so…they don't remember each other. We don't want them to fight. We don't want her stressed out so she's isolated. And um, uh… [Josh gets into the truck] I'm…I just feel really, really bad. I feel bad the most for Lucipurr because he's my baby and I, I'm going to really miss him.
Josh: I feel bad for all of them cuz they haven't eaten.
Raven: Josh feels bad for all of them. He doesn't even want to have…he doesn't want to let us have breakfast…
Josh: I'm gonna wait until they're out before I…
Raven: …because he feels bad for them. But uh, he mostly feels bad for Miss Pretty.
Josh: She's always timid.
Raven: She's, she's been timid her whole life. But Jessabelle's new so I feel bad for her. I feel bad for everybody. But of course I'm, I'm partial to my boy. [Josh starts driving] And I'm gonna miss him so much, not having him around the house.
Josh: I'm going to miss them all.
Raven: Yeah, it's going to be an empty, empty house for this afternoon. But I guess we are heading off and it is still dark outside so you cannot see anything but the shine of my glasses.
Josh: Sit down, Bowie. Lay down.
Raven: So um, I would love to video them in there but I don't know if I'd be allowed to. I know that I'm gonna take pictures and all that stuff of them afterwards.
Josh: They're our dogs. They're our animals.
Raven: Yeah, true. Um, I'll say a nice goodbye to them. I hope everything goes well and there are no complications and everybody's healthy and wakes up just fine and, you know, I just, I just don't want anything to happen to anybody, especially in trying to do the right thing for everybody. So this video is now useless so I will cut it and I will check in later.
Raven: It is daylight now and we are almost there. We are how long? Three minutes, less than five minutes…
Josh: Uh, two minutes.
Raven: …two minutes away. And um, we feel so bad for the babies! I was reaching behind me touching Lucipurr's cage and he's reaching through and he's rubbing his little face on my hand and I feel so bad. And they're all crying and they're so sad and there's just no way to tell them. It's so aggravating. And we just want this day to be over with so we can have our babies back home. But we're gonna be pulling up soon so I hope…we're early. We had a long way to go so left early but we'll hope that…here's hoping that they will see us early so that they could get in.
Josh: Uh oh, good boy. It's ok. He's back there drooling, poor thing.
Raven: Yeah, he's probably…he's car sick.
Josh: It's all right, bud.
[cut to Raven petting Lucipurr through the closed front mesh of his carrier; they are parked outside of the vet clinic]
Raven: Aww, mommy's little boy. Mommy's little boy. He's there purring because I was just petting him. Aww, I'm gonna miss you so much. I feel so bad. I'm so sorry. Gotta get your little balls cut off, though. You're gonna get all your shots and you're gonna be so healthy. You're such a big boy. Aww. Aww, it's makes me so sad. Look at how happy he is. I was just…I had the gate open and I had my hand in petting him and he is purring and purring. He is so happy. He doesn't care where he is now because mommy is petting him. Aww, that's my baby boy. I love him so much. You can probably hear him purring. Lucipurr! My poor baby. Mommy will see you soon, okay? Aww. Awwww! I just petted him once and he is purring and purring and reaching out for my hand. He's cleaning himself and he was kneading onto the blanket like…he is just the sweetest. You can probably hear him. He's so happy just because I petted him. He doesn't really care where he is.
[she pans the camera] And the other babies are doing good, too. They're just chillin', sleepin'. Jessabelle's over there and she's chillin'. And Bowie's up there drooling. They're gonna come get him because he can't be on a leash because his old owners beat him with a leash so he's, he's terrified of leashes. He will not move. So they…we need help to deal with it but they're going to come out and get him and…
Oh, I am so sad. Didn't think I'd be this sad but I am so sad. But it is for the best. [Lucipurr cleans himself and purrs loudly] I know I sound like such a whiny bitch but it's like dropping your kids off at school the first day, you know. It's so hard.
[cut to Raven and Josh driving]
Josh: I never thought I'd be trying not to cry.
Raven: [laughing] Aww!
Josh: Don't say that on the video. You're recording?
Raven: [laughing] Yeah!
Josh: [laughing] Oh, shit!
Raven: We just dropped the babies off and, as you can hear, we're like [crying sound]. We didn't want to leave. Josh just told me he went to go check on Bowie and see how Bowie was doing, and we're already known as the couple that doesn't want to leave. We stood in there for what, like 15 minutes? Talking and talking and talking. Are you sure they're going to be okay? Are you sure you're gonna be okay? Do they need pain medication? Are they going to be all right? It's just, you know, like, we just want to make sure that everything is okay.
[phone rings; cut]
Raven: Sorry. Josh got a phone call. But yeah, we were just there trying to find reasons to talk to her and ask her questions so that we didn't have to leave. And we're gonna get everybody's weights and stuff. And so we got their card and we got their number and we're just, like, the overprotective parents that don't want to let their kids go. Just never been without them like that and it's just so hard. And you just keep telling yourself it's for the best, it's for the best, it's for the best.
Miss Pretty is in heat all the time. And back when um, when my baby girl got killed and they had all been accidentally let out, it turns out that she had gotten pregnant. And we found…I found two dead babies she had miscarried. They were in the living room. One was on the couch and one was on the floor. And we…I hadn't even known she was pregnant was. But she, she doesn't really come over to me. She doesn't sit on me so I wouldn't have felt the changes in her tummy or anything. And um, she's just not really a cuddly cat so we, we had no idea and it was just kind of floored. [?]
Josh: She's cuddly with me.
Raven: She sits on Josh's leg but she doesn't sit on your lap when you rub her tummy and things like that. She likes her head scratched. And she, she's been in heat a lot. Trying to get out, trying to get out, but nobody is allowed outside. We don't want outdoor cats. So it's been hell on her and hell on us. And so we really, really needed to get this done.
And we just thought it would be a good idea just to do in one swoop and get everybody done because we don't want to go through this individually time and time again. I'm glad we did it all at once because having to go through this again, like, one at a time would be so hard each time. And this time we just get it all over with. It's fine. Everybody will recover together and stuff like that and it'll be all good.
Josh: I miss Bowie.
Raven: I miss Licipurr.
Josh: I miss all of them.
Raven: Yeah. And um, Bowie was terrified. They had to come out and carry him in. And he didn't want to come out. They had, like, a kind of a leash collar thing, rope thing. And he was just cowering. He was shaking and shaking and he just he didn't want to let anybody near him. And they were they were able to pick him up, though. He's, he's more scared of men than women because it's a guy that used to abuse him. But then he calmed down and he was fine. And you know he'll be fine, though. He'll be all doped up. Josh already paid for his pain medication ahead of time so he'll have extra pain meds. They said the cats probably won't need it.
But we're gonna go to the store now and get them some wet food so they can have…they have wet foot at home but we're going get them more expensive wet food so they can have treats when they get home. They probably won't have an appetite but it'll be there for them when they do. And so we will update when we get everybody back and…
Hope that they're OK and they don't hate us too much for dropping them off and then they wake up in pain and they don't know why. [they both sigh] Every other cat has to go through that so.
Josh: [unintelligible]
Raven: [laughs] All right. I'll check in later.
No. 641072
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[cut to Raven and Josh driving; she is recording in black and white; she is wearing the plaid dress she wore on their recent dinner date and a beanie over wig]
Raven: It is 3:16pm and we are on our way to go pick up the babies. We've got Loki in the back of the…Loki!
Josh: Sit down, boy. Lay down!
Raven: We decided to bring him because he was actually moping. Like, since we got Bowie um, Loki's not really an indoor dog anymore. He's enjoying being outside, so he's outside all the time and they just play. We have an extra room outside and we leave that open for them with his cage. Cause you guys might have seen our videos…my videos, we've got a big old dog crate in the living room. It was there because it used to be in the bedroom or set up in the living room. And every night that's where Loki would sleep. He was pretty much an indoor only dog and that's how he wanted it when he was alone. I guess he had no reason to be outside, nobody to play with, you know. And since we got Bowie he prefers to be outside. And so we let them just, you know, go outside and play. But we did put the cage out there cause he loves his cage. It's like his sanctuary or whatnot and he goes in there and he sleeps. And we have blankets and stuff out there in the room for them.
And when we brought Loki inside when we got home he noticed that nobody was there and he just kind of moped. Like, Josh went to go get something to eat.
And usually Loki, when he hears daddy come home, he jumps up and he's standing by the door and he's all excited. And this time, like, he was on the couch and he barely lifted his head. He wouldn't even look at him. He just kind of just [she puts her chin on her hand and whimpers] He just sat there and just moped. He was so sad and we felt so bad. He was probably like, dammit I'm all by myself. Because the people we got him from said that they had a bunch of Huskies but he was never accepted into their pack so they wouldn't play with him or anything. He was pretty much by himself a lot of the time. And, you know, with Pebbles, she was too little and they couldn't really play. And then she would beat him up and stuff and, you know, rip his fur out and all that other junk. And now he has Bowie who is his size and they get along great. And so he…I guess he really misses him, so he's come along for the ride.
So I look like shit because I have not slept. I've been awake since yesterday, yesterday afternoon. It's been over 24 hours since I have slept and it's finally starting to hit me. So my makeup's just, like, given up. It's smeared all over and my eyebrows have tripled in size cuz I've tried to repair them. But I just don't see the point in washing my face and redoing my makeup if I'm probably going to just go get the cats and come home and go to sleep. So I just threw on whatever so we can go get the cats and spend some time with them and then go sleep or whatever.
But um, I'm really excited to see the babies. We tried to call and get an update but nobody answered the phone so we'll just have to see how they are when we go. Have anything to add?
Josh: I miss Bowie.
Raven: I miss Lucipurr.
Josh: I miss all of 'em.
Raven: Yeah. I miss all the babies. They are going to be so happy to be home. They'll be like, don't you ever do that to us again! Poor babies. The house is so empty without them. But I took the opportunity to vacuum off the cat tree and clean their room and stuff like that and, you know, get everything nice for them so they'll be happy when they get home. But yeah. So I guess I'll update once we have them here and they'll be all groggy probably. And I don't know if they'll even be with it cause when I had my cats spayed when I was in New Zealand and they were just completely out of it. They were stoned out of their minds for, like, the first day. So that just might be the case. They might just be too stoned to be relieved, just ehhh, you know. [she rolls her eyes and laughs] But anyway, it'll be alright. And we'll never have to go through this with them again so that's good. [she reaches for the camera] Oop. Stop the video.
[cut to them loading their animals into the truck; Josh is holding the larger cat carrier]
Raven: How am I supposed to fit…we got the babies. There's Miss Pretty and Zero. Aww. They're all stoned, poor babies. So Miss Pretty was in heat.
Josh: We have to hurry, baby.
Raven: Go on. Aw! [a woman is carrying Bowie] Bowie! Our other dog, he was so depressed at home. He was so sad. Jessabelle!
[the two women from the vet clinic fawn over Loki and they load Bowie into the truck]
Raven: He wants to see is buddy.
[Bowie almost falls out of the truck when she sets him down; Josh sits down next to him and they comfort him]
Woman: I don't want him to run. I don't want to take the leash off him if he's gonna…
Josh: Naw, he's ok.
Woman: [petting Loki] Hi! You are gorgeous! You are a beast!
Raven: Loki's happy. He's normally white. He's been playing in the mud.
Woman: Can you try to scoot back in there? You can't kiss me. I've kissed all kinds of dogs today. You don't really need any of this.
Josh: [petting Bowie] Hey, bud, I missed you!
Woman: You think he'll be okay if I take the leash off? You got him? I don't want him to go anywhere.
Raven: Get his uh, get his paw in. [Bowie stands up] We're going home, boy. [Josh puts his head against Bowie's, stroking him and kissing him] Aw, Loki's so happy. Loki's so happy to have his buddy back.
Josh: Yeah, I missed you, bud. Don't forget Jessabelle.
Raven: And Jessabelle was in heat, too, and she's only like four months old. So uh, yeah. Let's close this up.
[cut to Loki sticking his head over the back seat]
Raven: Let's see. Hey, boy. Let me take your leash off. Loki, come here. Let me take your…come here. There you go. Good boy. There you go. [the dogs whine] Hey. Hey. You okay? [she closes the door] Jessabelle. Aw, I can't believe you were in heat so early, little girl. It's a good thing we got her cut.
Josh: [holding her carrier] She can't even see out. They put newspaper inside there.
Raven: Yeah. Take the newspaper away so she can see.
[cut to Lucipurr in his carrier inside the truck]
Josh: It's ok.
Raven: Everybody's so upset. They should be happy to be home. But oh my god, we got our babies back! So yeah, I kind of tried to half way record what I could. [Lucipurr cries] Lucipurr! He was sitting there facing that way and I called his name and he turned around instantly. But he's groggy and is he's not happy.
Josh: He's probably hungry.
Raven: He wants to get out but we're going home. Yeah, boy. And the other cats are just chilling out.
Josh: Bowie's whining.
Raven: Bowie is whining. He's probably in pain.
Josh: Probably so. Poor thing. Where's his meds?
Raven: But yeah, I couldn't believe it. On the paperwork. I couldn't believe it when they said that Jessabelle was in heat already. She showed no signs of being in heat. No yelling, no trying to get outside, nothing. And um, she uh, she's only like four months old. She weighs five pounds. Lucipurr weighs three point nine. Bowie is, what, 48 something? Miss Pretty is six something. And Zero is like four. And Zero hasn't hit puberty yet…er, not puberty. She hadn't…she wasn't in heat. We thought Miss Pretty was over her heat but she wasn't.
Josh: Yeah, she was still in it. She stopped all, stopped all signs of it.
Raven: Yeah, she did. But now they're done and we're gonna go home. We're just so happy to have the babies back. Loki was so happy to see Bowie. Oh my god. His tail is wagging. He was pulling. Now he's laying down. He didn't lay down the whole way over here. Now because Bowie's laying down Loki's back there laying down right next to his buddy. And there's the other kitty cats. There's Miss Pretty and Zero.
Josh: Hey, Miss Pretty. I missed you.
Raven: Jessabelle's over there. Lucipurr's not happy. I'm gonna stop recording and give him some love. I feel so bad for him. Poor baby.
No. 641073
File: 1550435008615.png (1.06 MB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2019-02-16-20-06-49…)

[cut to inside their shack; Josh is opening the carriers to let the cats out]
Raven: [sitting on the couch] All right, our babies are home. Lucipurr! Come on, boy!
Josh: Jessabelle!
Raven: Jessabelle! Here you go. You're home! [she scampers off]
Josh: Hey, take it easy.
Raven: Oh, you're stoned. Hey, boy. [he jumps onto the couch and cries; she pets him] How you feelin'? Here you go. Miss Pretty! Zero!
Josh: Miss Pretty's out of it.
Raven: Jessabelle's out of it, too. She doesn't know where she is. My boy still loves me.
Josh: Hey. Gotta close off the cat tree. Zero! It's okay!
Raven: He's wobbly. They're all wobbly. Hey, Miss Pretty. Oh, careful! Them's the drugs, girl! Look at her. Jessabelle! She doesn't know where she's at. They're just walking around all funny. Hey, my boy. Hey there, my boy.
Josh: I'm gonna let Bowie inside.
Raven: Zero! You don't want to go back in there. [Josh unzips and removes Raven's boots] Aw, thank you. Empty out those crates and put them back outside, too. He's just trying to go about business as normal. Jessabelle's the most out of it, I think. Jessabelle!
Josh: [Bowie whines] Yeah, I'm going to let Bowie in.
No. 641074
File: 1550435193412.png (364.47 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2019-02-17-11-58-40…)

She puts her chin on her hand and whimpers. "He just sat there and just moped."
No. 641075
File: 1550435286257.png (1.06 MB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2019-02-16-23-32-04…)

Somebody put baby in the corner!
No. 641078
File: 1550435723724.png (799.24 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2019-02-16-23-33-08…)

Vacuum confirmed. They really should cover the remaining exposed subflooring, though.
No. 641080
File: 1550436008557.png (904.1 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2019-02-16-20-08-25…)

Presumably the entrance to the cats' room.
No. 641083
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No. 641086
File: 1550436459771.png (945.81 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2019-02-16-23-24-27…)

"Hey, Miss Pretty. Oh, careful! Them's the drugs, girl!"
No. 641089
File: 1550436652177.png (1006.23 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2019-02-16-23-34-40…)

Josh unzips and removes Raven's boots.
"Aw, thank you. Empty out those crates and put them back outside, too."
No. 641107
File: 1550440606094.png (376.51 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2019-02-17-12-01-15…)

They went to Animal Allies Spay & Neuter Clinic in Spartanburg. They parked in front of Asheville Highway Rental which is next door.
No. 641121
File: 1550442871622.png (451.21 KB, 800x960, Screenshot_2019-02-17-14-24-35…)

Aaand this morning Lili gave birth to six kittens. Six marmalade orange kittens.
That brings their current total to 11 cats and 2 dogs.
No. 641123
File: 1550443149956.jpg (91.96 KB, 1316x640, 52786717_2055016091286258_6154…)

>She's a week, possibly two weeks from giving birth.
>Miss Pretty had gotten pregnant. And we found…I found two dead babies she had miscarried. They were in the living room. One was on the couch and one was on the floor. And we…I hadn't even known she was pregnant.Quoth Raven the Cat Expert
No. 641130
File: 1550443836452.png (709.06 KB, 675x1122, Screenshot_2019-02-17-14-44-43…)

Raven attempts to rewrite history and Ryan corrects her.
No. 641140
File: 1550447042815.png (633.32 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2019-02-17-15-20-21…)

This was the inspiration for Lili's name, a Day Lily. Fatally poisonous to cats. Another excellent choice by Raven the Cat Expert.
Why not Lily Munster?
No. 641319
File: 1550485321719.png (197.61 KB, 800x460, Screenshot_2019-02-18-01-46-25…)

More from the Cat Expert.
>>641282There are more pics and a couple of video clips of the delivery on the Lucipurr page. Everything is soaked in afterbirth. Lili is propped up on Raven's naked thigh and she's wearing a t-shirt.
I hope she finally splurged on some sheets. They are on their second or third mattress. Doja dirtied up the first one by sleeping on it sans sheets, and mattress #2 had no sheets, either
>>641294Nope, not a single word. I guess Jelly never happened, either - until she needs to trot out some sob story to justify another lie or poor decision.
On KF someone commented about her tired blue wig in the Valentine's video. In this one she wore the ombre red wig when they went to pick up their animals. Whenever someone compliments her on her "hair" she thanks them but never says it's a wig.
No. 641370
>>641071>It is 6:42 in the morning and we have a very long drive ahead of us.That's what happens when your pet's vet is in South Carolina and you have to drive all the way from "Florida" to get to the appointment.
>And back when um, when my baby girl got killed and they had all been accidentally let out, it turns out that she had gotten pregnant. And we found…I found two dead babies she had miscarried. They were in the living room. One was on the couch and one was on the floor.Why does she keep adding this made up shit to her stories? She never once mentioned this before.
>>641121>she had them all up against my bodyRaven is so creepy as fuck when it comes to pregnancy. Finding miscarriages, having miscarriages, bragging about it, getting reborn dolls, and now involving herself in animal birth. Instead of just moving and letting the cat have the bed in peace she's practically orgasming over the thought of the cat giving birth against her. She was always so creepy about this sort of thing.
No. 641639
File: 1550545346836.png (437.96 KB, 800x716, Screenshot_2019-02-18-18-59-45…)

>3 girls and 3 boysHow many times has she gotten her cats' sexes wrong?
>we found…I foundAnd she is always the one who finds the remains or loses the dogs. Josh is never present.
If Miss Pretty really was pregnant, it just highlights how irresponsible she was to not get the three sisters spayed. She would not have lost her precious Amber.
No. 641676
>>641140Dont be silly anon.
Raven is a
real goff that watches
real goff shows like Riverdale and listens to
real goff music like Shania Twain.
She's never heard of the Munsters. That shit is for posers anyway!
No. 641704
>>641370Yeah, she is creepy about birth stuff. When I first found Raven's channel on Youtube, the cat birth video creeped me out. I know there's videos about even human childbirth out there and some cat owners probably need that material to prepare for their own cat's labour, but something about how she presented it so blithely among all her videos talking about nothing, it seemed off.
>>641282Ew, I did wonder if it was sanitary to do that.
Is it normal for cats to do that? My flatmate fostered a pregnant cat once, and she nested in a cupboard. Maybe there's no room in the rest of the place? Does it need to be a clean space? Or maybe the other animals roaming around forced her to the bed?
No. 641761
Lili is 1 1/2 years old. This is Lili's third litter. Lucipurr was 6 to 7 weeks old when they adopted him on November 30th. Does this math compute?
>>641704Raven said that she made a couple of nesting spots for Lili and that she was isolated in their bedroom from the rest of the animals.
No. 641770
>>637455These links are now "content not found". since we checked a month ago she has deleted a bunch of the accounts that were only deactivated. Because she totally doesn't read the hate sites.
No. 641791
>>641770I am combing through the links on for the OP and discovered that those pages can be archived without logging in to Facebook (I always wondered who "Nathan" was). "Content not found" does not mean the pages are deactivated or deleted, and now I can discern which are which. newest primary account is gone! this look like an account set up by Raven? With large galleries of photos from Toronto posted in 2015? This was provided by Ash. So many of the account names she provided simply do not check out which is why I never included them.
No. 641814
File: 1550600693663.png (597.23 KB, 1280x639, Screenshot_2019-02-19-10-22-07…)

>>641791And I have figured out which accounts are private and which are deactivated.
Her new account is found it by archiving the search page.'m stoked to have figured out how to use to work around no longer having a Facebook account.
No. 641845

Graphic kitten births and comforting a strange (new to us) momma cat
13,701 subscribers
Published on Feb 19, 2019
Backstory: Josh and I became friends with the woman we got Lucipurr from. Things happened in her life and she was forced to move out, and was unable to take Lucipurr's mom, so we agreed to take the cat in. We knew she missed her baby so we offered to just hold her for a few months (she was heavily pregnant when we took her, so I figured around three months from now, if she wanted her back, she could have her) but it looks mostly like she's ours for good. We started calling her Lili (her name was Iggy, and by the first day she was already snuggling up to me. We isolated her in our bedroom to minimize her stress and let her feel safe away from the other cats and the dogs. I set up nesting areas all around the bedroom and bathroom for her. She would often come to me and lay on my chest and hug me- very very affectionate! I'm pretty knowledgeable about cats and judging from her size and the fact that her babies could be felt moving, I estimated she had about two weeks before birth. She gave birth two weeks to the day that we got her.
Since she is new to us, and wasn't already our long-time pet, like my Marmalade was. I knew this experience was going to be different. I was quite surprised when she chose to ignore the nests and have the babies in bed with me, instead! She has never had babies with anyone beside her, from what I was told (this is her 3rd and last litter, as we'll be getting her spayed) so I made sure to talk to her and try and soothe her. I'll be making a video with more information on cats and birthing and labor, since a lot of people tend to be curious
No. 641897
>>641881What's the new name? Archive it before you post it.
My point was that we don't have any proof it is her account. AFAIK Ash didn't post any screenshots of DM's from that account
>>>/pt/506535. Posting galleries of events in Toronto for years would be an exceptionally long con. If it is Raven, then
WOW. gave us other accounts that are obviously not Raven, like Boo_boo_kitty_fawk on IG. When I checked the account it was a woman who had a lot of tattoos but it was not Raven.
No. 641914
File: 1550631356310.png (44.99 KB, 451x602, dorianlogan.png)

Dumping from a random post in Ravens facebook
Apparently she is pansexual, Logan was bissexual and Dorian had fake schyzo friends.
What could go wrong with that family?
No. 641925
File: 1550633583160.png (450.01 KB, 873x931, ravena.png)

Also found this profile, that im pretty sure is Ravens because of the name and picture (Joshua liked it) and etc Joshuan (kek stupid)
No. 642012
File: 1550673875799.png (2.77 MB, 1242x2688, 78DFF6DD-9FFD-4F83-A94D-F830FF…)

>>641897Scarlet Engel
And yes. Dm’s We’re posted with the “Ruby Woo” Facebook.
No. 642015
File: 1550677793177.png (170.67 KB, 800x757, Screenshot_2019-02-20-07-43-54…)

>>641920Not sure why the archive turned out like this. archive new pages before posting them. I admit I fell behind on it myself.
No. 642025
Just when I think we've gotten to the bottom of her hoard of accounts, she creates three new ones for every one she deletes.
>>642012Thanks. Link?
>>636466>>637630 >>641914
>genderqueer…transbian antifeminist metalhead>trans…sexual identityIs she attempting to be gender critical for the sole purpose of ridiculing Logan? And then she throws out
>pansexualThese words do not mean what you think they mean.
She knows as much about feminism and identity politics as she does about Satanism.
No. 642148
File: 1550712461094.jpg (1.2 MB, 2048x2048, PhotoGrid_1550712464650.jpg)

New post but shes not about the haterz
No. 642155
>>642148Her stories keep changing.
And it's very obviously Raven posting as Josh there.
It must be exhausting being her and keeping up with her own constantly morphing lies.
Can't wait to find out all the bad things Josh will be accused of in future, once he gets nexted.
No. 642183
File: 1550732206350.png (251.17 KB, 800x300, 1501021456915.png)

>people ALWAYS like us and we become instant friends with themPeople like Lynley and the woman who adopted Mr. Marshmellow?
>he refused to let her back inside[pic related]
No. 642184
File: 1550732747180.png (174.84 KB, 800x507, Screenshot_2019-02-20-23-01-48…)

>>642148The rest of her essay that she didn't write. No. 642187
>>641845Did she delete the video before or after she wrote her essay?
No matter! was just finishing editing the transcript, too.
No. 642190
>I have LOVEWithout which you would have no self-worth or a life?
>you hate sites simply don't have power over me anymorePeak Hate Site Rant achieved!
>These people have also been responsible for others killing themselves, including a 19 year old girl who hung herself and another that set herself on fire, and one of their members shot up a school full of young children. Here she is referring to Kiwi Farms and Julie Terryberry, who died by suicide after years of sustained abuse by her family and her sadistic troon boyfriend; Chloe Sagal, a mentally ill troon who died by suicide in protest of inadequate mental health care and wrote a manifesto declaring as such; and William Atchison, who never communicated his plans on the site and who was an "exceptional" shitposter who posted only a handful of thread comments.
No. 642270
>>642184No longer a doormat? Raven has actively been on hatesites, trolling her own threads, creating fake names and bitching about outed farmers from her FB while trying to take digs at them. When has she ever been passive about this shit? She loves it. Her former friend released messages that she's constantly capped this site. Raven is so stupid, she tries to victimize herself but actually reveals how obsessed she is and affected she is by us.
Being a trailer trash, animal killing hoarder in the guise of being humane really gets to her. She knows she's living in squalor and tries to fill the void with cheap dinners, weight gain, dollar store trinkets and pets.
Just like the lady who took in her ill trained dog, haters like her and us have much nicer lives and homes while she's observed as a meth head by strangers.
No. 642319 old lady Gravy the cat expert has already taken the time to fondle the newborn kittens and she's decided there are 3 male and 3 female. Nevermind that sexing newborn kittens is not exact and even those with professional experience (
cough cough) will get it wrong and advise you to be patient and wait - there's no need to know immediately and you'll probably be wrong anyway. Whatever the case I'm sure mommy cat and the kittens really appreciate the camera flash and fussing by Granny (especially seeing as this cat is a "stranger" to her)
Who wants to take bets on how long before they start dropping like flies? What tragedy will it be this time? I'm sure the old hag is proper sick of those dogs by now, an "accident" would be a convenient way to get rid of them
No. 642371
File: 1550807202566.jpeg (1.24 MB, 1242x1501, 1A4D2334-20C5-4C40-B0F1-1EF09B…)

The face shop is hilarious
No. 642390

>>642319Kittens 24 hours old
Published on Feb 21, 2019
[the kittens are piled in their bed]
So we have three girls and three boys. How funny is that? And every single one of them is a ginger or orange. Some people call them ginger, some people come orange. I call them orange, other people call them ginger. And yeah, uh, when they were coming out some of them looked…there's, like, two that looked instantly fluffy, like, fluffier than the rest. I know it's way too early to tell. But, you know, like, Lucipurr, you could tell right away that he was a fluff nugget, you know. He was so big. Look at that little face. That one right there is so adorable! I mean, they're all adorable. They've got different patterns on them, different amounts of white on them. Like, this one right here has caught my eye. Look at the color markings on that one.
But yeah, I am trying not to touch them. I only touched them to sex them which took me less than 30 seconds. [Lili returns to them] You know, it's very, very easy to tell. Just lift him up, and if the two holes are close together it's a girl and if there's a space between it's a boy, because that space is where the balls will come down. And um, I knew there was at least two girls when I tried to look at them yesterday when they [cough] sorry, when I moved them over here. But now that they're, you know, about a day old I was able to look and see. See, that's…you can tell that's a little boy. Those are the little babies. Mommy is being such a good mommy. She's come to see me a couple of times today. You so sweet! You so sweet!
No. 642403
>>642351It kind of is, but
Pretty Hate Machine is just the album title, and the phrase “pretty
little hate machine” isn’t anywhere to be found in the lyrics. I think it’s more likely she just picked it up thanks to NIN’s prominence in goth circles when she was involved with them (if she ever really was). She probably thinks she came up with it on her own. A quick google brings up some defunct metal band and some fanfics with this title as well.
She said before, she doesn’t even like “goth” music.
No. 642431
>>642371She's not wearing pants in that photo. Just wrapping that (probably filthy already) mermaid blanket around her naked arse. That shit's nasty even tho it's probs supposed to be provocative.
Also we're still hos if we wear a too short skirt.
>>642390Sexing kitties that young is so inaccurate. We've had foster kitties at my house before, some of whom only the vet could tell for sure at their first checkup. It's also probably unnecessary to do it when they were literally born yesterday… unless she's planning on selling them quick. The theme parks open up soon, and that $$$ would be super useful for her lol.
No. 643674
File: 1551356496665.png (664.13 KB, 800x1176, Screenshot_2019-02-28-04-13-11…)

>my.pretty.little.hate.machineShe has somehow managed to rename her account even more cringy. No. 643676
File: 1551357623421.png (628.78 KB, 800x1171, Screenshot_2019-02-28-04-38-07…)

Marmalade who?
No. 644065
>>643970Well, I mean she treats him like a literal pet (stroke stroke stroke "What beautiful hair you have! What a good boy!"). Who wouldn't be uncomfortable? The thing is, he's a grown man in his thirties, and he got himself into the situation, so he needs to figure out what to do about it if he doesn't like it.
Meanwhile, I am sitting here laughing, because I think he's a sack of crap and totally deserves being tied to Raven.
No. 644243
>>643677Cover photo of her tattoo of his name. Wonder why it isn't a photo of his tattoo of her name … Oh right, that never happened.
>>644065It's great. He thought he was going to land a minor celebrity, she thought he owned a house, and it was all bullshit.
No. 644255
File: 1551719326035.png (463.76 KB, 800x1073, Screenshot_2019-03-04-09-04-56…)

>>643675Because she totally doesn't visit the hate sites.
No. 644511
File: 1551842138652.jpg (293.59 KB, 2048x2048, PhotoGrid_1551842117206.jpg)

Admittance is the first step in recovery, gravy
No. 644561
>>644511It’s a stolen tweet. She can’t even be a truth telling original
Did Joshua ever get that tattoo? If not, she’s a bigger fool than even we thought . No small feat!
No. 644748
>>644747Sexing 17 day old kittens (rare litter!)
Published on Mar 6, 2019
Glitchy video. I've reuploaded it here: accidentally cut off half of the video when I uploaded it a few minutes ago, so I had to redo it.
I know that ginger females are fairly rare (20/80 ratio) but somehow this momma had a 50/50 split of males and females. I sexed them when they were first born, and have a few times after that. They were awake and rolling around in full view so I thought this was a good time to show what boys vs girls look like
No. 644795
File: 1551960967229.png (Spoiler Image,433.09 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2019-03-07-04-14-02…)

>>644747Sexing 17 day old kittens (reupload)
That is a little boy. You can see where the little testicles are gonna be. This one is a little boy. You can see where the little testicles are gonna be. [meow] I know. This one also. You can see the space. The other ones are little girls. Tell your little sibling to get out of the way. Let's see. Get out of the way. Hmm, can I see your privates? There you go, there you go. Move over there. This one, there's no little sack. Aww, they're purring. Well, I'm trying to see them upside down. The ones that are upside down are the ones I need to see. What are you trying to climb on me for? This is a girl. See this? There's no ball sack. Boom boom, this is a girl. The same with this one here. This one is a little girl, too. The ball sacks are very obvious. They're trying to come out and say hello. But this one is sitting on this little girl that I need to see. Hey, hey, can I see your sister? You guys are all purring, all adorable. That little one sneezed. I know the two that are stripy, that have got the swirls and stripes like this. That they are both girls. So that's why I'm trying to get to that one. But um, as you can see, it is very obvious. Look at that, look at that little boy right there. Look at those balls, or where the balls are gonna be. Look at that. That's a girl. No ball sack. Hey, little girl. Hey! This is a little girl, too, if I could just get to her, her bottom. There you go. A little girl. No ball sack. So there's another one here. There are three girls and three boys. And they're being very adventurous and freakin' adorable right now climbing on my lap and purring and playing. This one is on my lap right now.
No. 644798
>>644748Is she trying to be a pet youtuber now?
She's already got the animal hoarding/neglect and dysfunctional lifestyle aspects of other pet youtubers going for her.
>>644792Yup. She might even be able to upgrade from Taco Bell to Chipotle after selling these little dudes.
No. 644805
>>644798This video was purely a response to the haters for questioning her expertise.
Her repeatedly saying "ball sack" and "balls" while manhandling each and every kitten for a close-up of their genitals was disgusting.
No. 644842
>>644792They're not rare, IDK where people get this from but it's not unlikely in any way that orange cats can be females.
It’s not that orange female cats are rare, it is simply that an orange cat is more likely to be a male. For a female cat to be orange, she must inherit two orange genes — one from her mother (orange, calico, or tortoiseshell) and one from her father (who must be orange). A male cat needs only one orange gene, which he gets from his mother (orange, calico, or tortoiseshell). This is because the gene that codes for orange fur is on the X chromosome, and like humans, females have two Xs and males are XY. Genes on the X chromosome are said to be sex-linked.
They are indeed less likely to be female, (1 in 3 is usually female) but not rare. I see orange females quite often.
Also not to WK, but its a white mother cat, and I can't recall her saying she knew the father was orange, so there's no way (we know of) Raven could have known they'd be orange. She probably thought they would be white like Lucipurr and the mom. She most likely got the cat because she had the opportunity and is a hoarder, and she knew it was pregnant and she has this weird fetish about pregnancies.
Also she probably wanted more babies because her other pets have grown up, and have passed the "cutest stages".
No. 644858
File: 1551989427795.png (1006.96 KB, 800x1169, Screenshot_2019-03-07-11-58-55…)

She renamed her primary account again. wonder if she thought she was being original?
She posted six photos decked out in this ensemble on her raven.bradley.3154 account. public Instagram disappeared last week.
No. 644889
File: 1551996808211.png (639.99 KB, 800x1152, Screenshot_2019-03-07-14-03-50…)

>>644861I just noticed that the pubic hair eyeball tattoo in her armpit has faded to almost nothing. Is she hiding the tarantula in her other pit because it, too, has ghosted?
No. 644942
File: 1552013991667.png (746.28 KB, 800x1168, Screenshot_2019-03-07-14-07-40…)

>>644561>>644243And don't forget Josh's oversized signature is now (str)etched across her left tit. It is prominently on display in every photo. She's thrusting it so far forward in this one, could it be any more in your face? as she likes to say.
Maybe they got a matched set as their wedding tattoos and he has hers emblazoned across his chest.
I wonder if the white tulle she is swathed in is one of her wedding veils from her ceremonies with Logan or Ryan?
No. 645529
File: 1552302433125.png (597.13 KB, 800x1143, Screenshot_2019-03-11-03-53-51…)

But we haven't talked about you in three days, and KF hasn't talked about you in three weeks. No. 645665
File: 1552360454180.jpeg (209.83 KB, 1079x1084, EA3595EB-4431-4B16-AA2F-CEE301…)

>>645576Thanks Raven, next time post their insta.
Anyways I guess it’s true. Logan on fb is Lydia, here is current fb pic
No. 645672
File: 1552362020557.gif (2.99 MB, 178x179, 1447190182571.gif)

No. 645674
File: 1552362394842.jpg (316.75 KB, 2048x2048, PhotoGrid_1552362375130.jpg)

>>645665Must be her reaction
>So mature No. 645677
>>645665>>645665tbh they haven't made their lives public, and as other anons have noted previously, no one cares if any of them are troons. They are not public autists like Raven and this is clearly derailing.
On that note, Gravy did dress Logan up as a lady and humiilated him… So she's probably aroused deep inside.
No. 645708
>>645677They're not off topic or verboten, but it's Raven's desire to insert them into lolcow threads that's more interesting atm.
>>645665>femalekids its ok to wear makeup. boys did it in the 80s and were still boys.
No. 645735
>>645708Further proof that Transexuality is a mental disorder easily
triggered by brainwashing
Like some simplified inception shit, it’s always traumatized people with so many problems that they hyperfocus on their gender thinking that will shed them of their previous skin.
Get some fucking therapy Logan, not lipstick.
(no1curr) No. 645746
>>645529next post after this is another jab at Logan lol nice to know she misses us so much
>>645665Those dead eyes, fuck. He really just doesn't care anymore.
>>645735Go back to the gendercrit thread,
triggered legbeard.
No. 645809
>>645665well, here's further proof that Ravey destroys the mental health of anything and anyone she comes in contact with.
>>645708boys can certainly wear makeup but why change your name?
No. 645833
>>645809And Isa changed her name from Isaac to Isabel…
So she was in a "gay boy" relationship with Dorian…
And is now in a "lesbian" relationship with Logan…
No. 646139
File: 1552564091482.png (426.47 KB, 822x490, 1442243892916.png)

>>645963Her surgery was March 26th, 2015.
>222.6 pounds>>619462December 24, 2018
>I've put on about 15, 20 pounds in total since my lowest weight after my surgery. Now, I hovered at different weights, 160, 170. Currently I'm less than 180. I'm between 170 and 175. And usually after the surgery you gain some weight back. And considering it's been almost four years, even if I round it up and go to a 20 pound gain that's still not that bad and I shouldn't be unhappy with that. No. 646384
File: 1552666696983.png (478.72 KB, 875x565, Screenshot_2019-03-15-08-59-23…)

New video of the kittens on the Lucipurr page. They will be four weeks old this Sunday.
"This is the girl I'm thinking about keeping. This is the little girl that always comes over to me. She's always with me. She comes running over when she sees me and tries to jump in my lap. She is the cutest thing. And I hadn't intended on maybe keeping her at all. But she's just so friendly. It's very, very hard. They're so outgoing and adorable."
No. 646386
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No. 646387
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>Lucipurr 2
Hi, Raven!
No. 646626
>>646386The fact that she bothers with creepy reborns when she treats her actual, now adult son like garbage is astounding to me.
It's the perfect child. It won't ever back talk, you don't have to change it, ideal. She's so weird. Just seeing the new cats around it, cats which you know are going to be ill-cared for is the icing on the cake.
No. 646627
>>646386The fact that she bothers with creepy reborns when she treats her actual, now adult son like garbage is astounding to me.
It's the perfect child. It won't ever back talk, you don't have to change it, ideal. She's so weird. Just seeing the new cats around it, cats which you know are going to be ill-cared for is the icing on the cake.
No. 647907
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Did anyone else catch this when it was up? I can't find it now so she must have already removed it. I haven't been able to get into any of her new profiles with my sockpuppet accounts. Is anyone here close to her that might be able to get in and spy?
No. 647908
>>647907If this is true, this is going to be a very high risk pregnancy.
Really don't want her ruining another kid's life.
No. 647986
>>647944The worst people seem to have the least
problematic pregnancies, seems to be the sad rule of life. CPS needs to open a file in advance. But this is probably fake af given her tubes were tied and all. It's about keeping Josh on a string.
No. 648023
>>647907She sure as heck won't get another child.
She lost every baby in all of her 24685 pregnancies since Dorian. The last time was when they had the
car accident that was more than a car accident No. 648078
>>647907Where did you get this screenshot that was taken 48 minutes after she made the post but before she deleted it? It wasn't posted on KF until over 2 hours after it was posted here.
>I don't want this amazing news to fall into the wrong handsThen why didn't she post it only to her private group? current personal accounts are>>647913That was her most recent public declaration. Their conversation in the leaked videos was a bit different.
>>647986>>648023Her tubes were not tied.
Her reproductive history and the contradictions in her tellings and retellings were discussed at length in thread #12.
>>>/pt/507801In her video about her ectopic pregnancy with Logan she said that the doctors told her that she has "scarring on her uterine wall which is what has been giving me my miscarriages" and that her remaining left tube "is really, really bad and most likely not functional…With one tube not functional and scarring on my uterus I can't have IVF, in vitro, I can't try for a baby. Pretty much, I'm done. Sixteen years of trying, and all I wanted was to be a mom again. And now that dream is gone."
But in her old blog she twice mentioned having had an earlier ectopic pregnancy and several miscarriages. the entries for December 17, 2008 and October 22, 2010.
No. 648082
>I'm going to protect this baby/pregnancy with everything I haveAfter having taken in so many stray outdoor cats during the last year, what are her chances of already having toxoplasmosis?
>a couple of weeks ago I did this test…I've started to withdraw in preparation…private group, new profile, I took down my public InstagramThe private group was set up February 9th, her new account February 26th, and her public Instagram disappeared around the same time.
>He has a great job that's thinking of moving him to another location so that means we might be moving further northFurther north from Jacksonville, Florida? Perhaps "back" to South Carolina where Josh has been employed since September, where you registered on Poshmark in August, and where numerous landmarks in your videos have placed you?
No. 648083
>>648078Obviously from the source.
Are you the only anon that is allowed to post milk?
No. 648094
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More gushing over Lucipurr. Marmalade 2 was named Ember, not Amber.
I guess Raven is never going to tell what happened to Ember and Miss Pretty's sister, Jelly.
No. 648097
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>>646384Oh yeah, no doubt she's keeping her.
No. 648464
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She changed her Instagram name to last week but forgot to change the link on Josh's account, so now he's "married" to this woman.
If she changes it now she confirms that she's reading the thread. Whatever will she do?
No. 651435
>>651401Of course she’s pregnant! Can’t you see that grilled xxl stuffed burrito baby bump?
Artificial Taco Bell Insemination
No. 651539
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>leaked pregnancy post directed at the haters just as the thread reaches 1100 commentsSo predictable. Don't fall for it, anons!
No. 651693
>>651539Oh Gravy, you being aware of your bullshit is even more sad.
Maybe start knitting or something women your age do instead of stalking your
hate sites and behaving like a 13 year old drama queen.
No. 652216
Hungry kittens scream for their milk
14,448 subscribers
Published on Apr 10, 2019
This is our typical morning routine (excuse the floor…we've been in the process of redoing the floors but the store no longer sells the tiles we wanted) (also the kittens track litter all over so the rugs always look dirty)
I saw this posted on KF, and a Kiwi wondered why Raven is feeding the kittens supplement milk and where their mother Lily is. The last videos of Lily were clips of her nursing filmed on March 15th when the kittens were 2 days from being 4 weeks old
>>646384. They will be 8 weeks old this Sunday the 14th.
During the last couple of weeks she has posted several sets of pics of the kittens piled on Lucipurr. On one she commented, "Some were even trying to nurse and he just started licking them." This week she posted, "Lucipurr and his half-siblings, who love him like their mother."
RIP Lily
No. 652221
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Lili is not amongst their babies.
Apologies for misspelling your name in my last post, we literally hardly knew ye.
No. 652222
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>>652221At this age mom would be close by them at all times.
No. 652251
>>652221And you just know the cunt will lie and say the homeless owner took Lilli back after she found a new house suddenly.
Either that or she'll claim that Lilli was attacking the other cats or dogs and that when she tried to return Lilli to the owner, some fight ensued because it was ALL HER fault somehow.
No. 652295
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Going through North Carolina classifieds.
Could this be about Gravey selling the kittens too young?
No. 652298
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So what kind of scare; if it isn’t pregnancy?
No. 652299
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I think she may have removed her listing, but found another post by the same concerned random. Saying she has a cop for a husband and a vet in the family seems like a Raven lie.
It's the only advert mentioning bottle fed kittens so it has to be Craven.
The poster seems a bit loony for posting twice but good on them for them for calling her out for trying to sell too young kittens for $80 and $65 a pop. It goes without saying they are more than likely not vaccinated either.
No. 652320
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>>652295>>652299“My husband is a cop” does sound like a Gravy lie, but why would she post the kittens in Raleigh? She’s in Jonesville, SC.
>>652298What is the point of this story?
No. 652327
>>652320The point is she wants sympathy but also wants people to know she's above drug addicted mental cases.
Even though she's an absolute nutcase herself and has admitted to being into hard drugs previously. I remember her cringeworthy post about snorting something off a chick's ass.
Whether these stories are fabricated, god knows but she's still a giant hypocrite.
I wonder where the kittens have been advertised then.
No. 652333
>>648094I still don't understand how you could like one cat more than your others. Like blatantly favourites one animal and in the same breath says no disrespect to the others.
All the reasons she is so obsessed with Lucipurr have to do with doing everything she wants
No. 652392
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>>652295>>652299Are you desperate or simply not paying attention?
The kittens are nearly 8 weeks old, not newborn. And they are not being bottle fed. If Lili died soon after her last appearance, they were old enough to make the transition to lapping milk.
No. 652706
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Cous a corset is what every pregnant woman wanna weare when out shopping for baby stuff?
Sure, it can be done, but dont place it below the waist is the recommendation…
No. 652713
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>>652706Here is the same thing with the fb caption with another mention of being sick
No. 652808
>>652719Probably fell cause she's an old lady
>>652713Graven we all know you're not pregnant.
If she really believes her lie and starts shopping baby stuff, she's officially insane.
No. 652838
>>652832I was going to say that’s the first time I’ve seen him look actually happy in a photo
I’m sure the guy would love a kid, it’s sad that she’s dragging him through this charade just to crush him again.
Got him posted up in front of the crib aisle, too, that’s just evil.
No. 653134
>>647944This isn't accurate for real pregnancies but I think the general view that this is how it is has motivated her to think another miscarriage is a safe lie, especially after the others.
Still, fuck her for getting a guy's hopes up, even couchboy's. No one deserves this shit.
>>652940True, he is the only man I know that I see pictures of and think "you need makeup, your face is fading away", but if a psychologically exhausted man was going to have a glimmer of happiness, I think this is what it'd look like.
I actually feel sorry for him now.
No. 653983
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Be smart if you are going to fall for this. Don’t cowtip and think carefully.
No. 654157
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She has named the kittens and is scheduling their spay/neuter (they are 8 weeks old). Does this mean she is keeping all of them?!
No. 654185
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Raven selfposting in /meta/ hellweek thread
No. 654186
>>654185I wanted to apologize for delays on the post labeling but she is honestly annoying the fuck out of me. If you want another sneak peak of some other things she's posted look in the current alt cows thread, she's been trying to impersonate Kady.
She only stopped after I told her I would be adding her vendetta to her post history. Last night she came back to complain on /meta/.
This is only the tip of the iceberg.
No. 654187
>>654186You're such a tease, admin.
Looking forward to seeing Hagraven get what's coming to her after pretending to be so many people like her life is just peachy. All this time she was just another "hater".
No. 654188
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>>654186Whole milk is worth the wait. I’m so fuckin excited thank you for the tireless work you do, you da real MVP. Her paw prints are all over alt-cow, can’t believe she thought she could get away complaining in meta…in a thread your posting in, none the less. How retarded can one beluga be? Bless you based admin you have the patience of a saint. Love how she’s impersonating kady but gets pissed when people make joke parody posts of her saying “this isnt me!!!! They edited my photos fatter! REEEEE! Haterz are tryna be me bc their jealous!!!11”
Are all her posts going in post history or just recent posts? Thanks for the tip!
No. 654275
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>>654157>Jucifur>Cuppycake>Catthew>FruitstripeWhat in the heck does this woman smoke?
Also, congrats on naming your cat after a meme.
No. 654313
>>654187B-but gravy uses a vpn it couldn't
possibly have been her, it was everyhatereverywhere just pretendin' to be her.
Calling it now: This will lead to a 'haters killed muh imaginary baybeee' pityfest complete with visible sm shutdown* and possible 92nd death/suicide only to pop back up for that sweet sweet narcjuice in 3-5mths
*but not before she's raised all the gibme sadmoney to build a tomb/graveystone/pyramid for those poor poor sextuplets we mercilessly ripped from her with our jealous hate.
Rinse/repeat for the next 30yrs.
No. 654328
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>>654313B-b-b-but m-m-muh VPN!!!11
She acts like it’s the invisiblity cloak from Harry Potter.
No. 654422
>>654185This is probably about the back and forth over the nonexistent Emily Boo thread, although no one was (visibly) banned. It wouldn't be the first time she has agitated for a thread on Emily.
>What sparked this was there was this older woman online, like, even older than me, like, she looks like she's in her 50s.Does Kady look like she's in her 50s?
Raven has had a hateboner for Adora Batbrat for years. She mentioned her in one of her post-NZ tirades about the haters. At the time anons were complimenting Adora's style.
>They said I was basically too fat to be alive because in New Zealand I'd gained a whole bunch of weight. I got weight-loss surgery, but apparently I'm undeserving of weight-loss surgery and I'm still a fat fuck and I'm disgusting. I'm old, I'm too old to look the way I do, dress the way I dress. But others are. It's apparently okay for them. Although I really think that they've got issues with gothic people in general because they, like, mock every goth person out there except for Adora Batbrat. They seem to love her, unless I'm missing something. But everybody else they can't stand.Yes, you are missing something. We criticize Adora for the same reasons we criticize you: pursuing younger men and abandoning her children.
No. 654764

Meet the kittens officially, and a final sexing
14K subs, Posted on Apr 19, 2019.
"I will fall and rise above
And in your hate I find love
'Cause I'm a survivor
I am a fighter
You might notice that I monitor/disable comments. I am a firm believer in avoiding negativity wherever possible in my new life, as part of my own personal growth so I am VERY protective of my happiness.
Word of advice: If you plan on trying to insult me but think you're soooo clever doing it anonymously and from a blank YouTube, save your time. I don't take faceless trolls seriously and only laugh, thank you for the views ($$$), and delete your pathetic attempt to feel big and powerful. I have a life, and people who love me, and that's all I need. You're empty and jealous and it really does show. Thanks for the laugh though! XD"
>I don't go on the hate sites!
Feels the need to post this to "prove da haydurz wrong" about multiple claims only made here, and also to point out that "This is the last time we are going to go out of our way to prove anything to anybody".
No. 654819
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Meet the kittens officially, and a final sexing
14,700 subscribers
Published on Apr 19, 2019
You might notice that I monitor/disable comments. I am a firm believer in avoiding negativity wherever possible in my new life, as part of my own personal growth so I am VERY protective of my happiness.
Word of advice: If you plan on trying to insult me but think you're soooo clever doing it anonymously and from a blank YouTube, save your time. I don't take faceless trolls seriously and only laugh, thank you for the views ($$$), and delete your pathetic attempt to feel big and powerful. I have a life, and people who love me, and that's all I need. You're empty and jealous and it really does show. Thanks for the laugh though!
[Josh is seated on a coffee table and holds up each kitten while Raven narrates and the kitten's name is captioned at the bottom of the screen; he looks bored, constantly scratches at his ear, and doesn't smile but is gentle and affectionate with each one]
All right. So this is a video that I've been wanting to make for a while, but I needed Josh's help because I tried this once before and it was chaos with the babies. But they are all about to go to their new homes pretty soon, and so I wanted to make this video introducing you guys to each kitten now that they're almost 10 weeks old…9 or 10 weeks old…and tell you their names and where we got their names from. They are all gonna be spayed or neutered with their shots before they get sent off to their new homes because we just want to do the responsible thing and know that they are taken care of before they um, they go off to their new homes.
So first this…I wasn't quite ready, but since he was right there playing, this is Jucifur. And if you can look at his face…Josh will hold him up…awww…he looks just like Lucipur. He's got the same fur, he follows me around…that's fine…same fur, he follows me around. He's just an orange version of Lucipur. And there's a band called Jucifer and I just thought he's an orange Lucipur, so Jucifur was like a kind of a…I don't know. At the time it was really clever [laughs] because he's like orange juice and Jucipur, so that's why we decided on that. But um, yeah.
Um, what was I saying before you grabbed Jucifur? We are gonna…oh also, once they go to their new homes I'm going to stop posting about the kittens as much on my Facebook page because the Lucipur page was supposed to be for him and then it got into the kittens because, you know, kittens are adorable. But now it's gonna go back to posts about Lucipur or random cats. I'm trying to keep my life more private at the moment. We have, we have our reasons for wanting privacy. Our animals are also one of them. So I'm not going to announce who we're keeping, who we're not keeping, or whatever. The only thing I'm gonna do is introduce everybody right now and explain the names and tell you all that they are going to be spayed and neutered by us before we send them to their new homes. So that's that.
There's another one in front of us. This…he is so adorable. This was the biggest one. This is the one that had hurt Lili. That is a Catthew. And the reason for his name was there was a meme that I had posted that Josh got a big laugh out of. He thought it was like the, the most…the dumbest thing he had ever heard. And he's like, if we ever get another cat we're gonna name him Catthew. Soon after that we got Lili and then after we, after we agreed to get her we were told that she was "oh, she might be pregnant" when she was very pregnant and she had her babies two weeks later so we ended up with a chance to name somebody Catthew which is an adorably punny name. I like puns. Josh likes puns. And he looks like a Catthew. But he's an awesome little boy as well.
Who's next. Okay, these are the twins, Penny, Pennywise, and Fruit Stripe. So you might remember Fruit Stripe from my earlier videos. That's her on that side. [caption: Fruity Booty, as Josh likes to call her] She's got shorter hair, she's lighter, and she's got very clear stripy designs. Penny, if you look at her face, she has got messed-up eyes. Penny…oops, let me look up. Hey! Her eyes don't really match. [caption: It doesn't show in the video as well, but in person it's EXTREMELY obvious] She always looks really sad and really upset, and she kind of has Bill Skarsgård eyes. When, when you look at her and she's not stressing out or whatever, one eye will look this way and one eye will look this way. Like, her eyes don't match up. So…and she's also copper colored, so Penny, Pennywise, but Penny for short. We call her Penny. That fits. You see Fruit Stripe's lighter and beautiful swirls, and she's always looked like fruit stripe gum to us. So we were only calling her that at first to help identify her, but the name just kind of stuck because it just, it just really suited her.
And this is the other twin, the last kitty cat. This is Cuppycake. And she is just adorable. She's the kind of kitten that you see, you know, in all the pictures online, the commercials. Yeah, she's, she's Jucifur's twin. It's hard to tell them apart. Not completely hard because she's got the cute little face. She's gonna be a beautiful, beautiful cat. And we named her Cuppycake because she's sweet and we kind of…we do that cutesy ringtone thing where we have the matching girly ringtones. No, not girly, lovey ringtones. And for a while we had…we don't have it anymore, but we had the Cuppycake song. If you don't know it, then look it up. And um, I just thought that was such a cute name for a cute tiny little thing. It just really suited her because she is, she's just adorable. Everything she does is adorable. So um, there's a little…where's she at…a little Cuppycake prancing around over there.
Now we are going to have Josh grab everybody and attempt to have their booties up to the camera because I tried this and I couldn't do it because they were squirmy.
But um, it's been mentioned to me in some anonymous comments on my YouTube that I don't know what I'm doing and I don't know how to sex animals. And um, orange cats are not usually female so there's no way I could be right, and there's three and three. And I know I shouldn't let it get to me, but I am really proud of my animal knowledge…not animals, specifically cat knowledge. As Josh will tell you, I know a lot about cats. And um, I know how to sex them and I know I was right. And I know it is a very rare litter having fifty percent male and fifty percent female. It should have been maybe one female and all the males, possibly two. It was rare enough that she had all oranges. And everybody wants them because it turns out everybody likes orange cats.
But uh, I just wanna double proof [snickers] that I was right. And so Josh is gonna try. I don't know if this is gonna work because they are squirmy and they cover their butts with their tails when you pick them up, of course. And just a warning, but Jucifur, his butt is always dirty. We clean him. He's had so many butt baths. But he, he doesn't stand up and squat to poo, he sits in it. And so he always has poopy on his butt. So if he does at the moment…we haven't looked in at least an hour…uh, sorry ahead of time.
[Josh holds up each kitten's rear end to the camera, lifting their tails as Raven points at their genitals]
All right. This is Catthew. As you can see, he is a boy. That's where little balls are never gonna go.
And this is Jucifur. So turn his little dirty booty around. In there is his little…you can see it's down there, so that's where his little, his little bits are. [Jucifur struggles]
Josh: It's okay.
Raven: I know, they don't like that. [cut] It's the girls that are more important to sex because, you know, [sarcastically] I can't possibly be right about girls. But that's little Cuppycake. So there's Jucifur down there. And Cuppycake. You can see…oh, look at that, that's a girl.
Now, I…you know they don't like being held up and like it. But it's just a temporary discomfort. It's not abusing them or anything like that. For the people that go, "Oh, they don't like that, you shouldn't be holding them that way, oh look at her manhandling the kittens and being so rough!" No. They're fine. As any idiot knows.
There's Chuckie. He's the most obvious boy cuz he has got the shortest hair. So you turn him around, there's balls right in your face. There's balls right in your face. There you go. Okay, so we got Cuppycake. Now we just need the two girls. Two twins. [Josh mumbles in the background as he looks for them] Yeah. Just…yeah. Look at the two twins. Alright. So Penny and Fruit Stripe.
Josh: …do Fruit Stripe first.
Raven: Fruit Stripe, little girl. What do you know. And Penny? And Penny, little girl. What do you know. So there you go. There you have it. Raven does know what she's talking about. Anyway. So this is the last time we are going to go out of our way to prove anything to anybody. Um, I think that's enough, anyway.
But uh, yeah. So those are our babies, for now, while they're still our babies. [pans to three of the kittens wrestling with the caption: kitty footprints in dust, no big deal] And this is Josh's X-Rocker, but they love the chair so we put a blanket up there to stop them from from scratching it up with their little claws. They've discovered the cat tree which they love. They love all the toys, actually. They play with everything. They're playing with a ball down there and stuff like that. But um, yeah, so by the time they get neutered they should be about, I'd say, around ten weeks old so it should be fine. And uh, I'm gonna shut off this video now so we can go let the other cats out. We had locked everybody else away so that we wouldn't have too many cats running around while we try to catch the little kittens. And um, we will see you guys next time. Say, bye.
No. 654822
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"Penny has got messed-up eyes. Her eyes don't really match. [caption: It doesn't show in the video as well, but in person it's EXTREMELY obvious] When you look at her and she's not stressing out or whatever, one eye will look this way and one eye will look this way. Like, her eyes don't match up."
No. 654823
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No. 654828
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Because she doesn't read the hate sites and our criticism of her cleanliness and housekeeping.
Every video she has posted on the Lucipur Facebook page of the kittens in her and Josh's bed displays filthy sheets.
No. 656702
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>>656464Talking about BPD, Agoraphobia, and Aspergers
14,822 subscribers
Published on Apr 27, 2019 - I found the PDF for you guys to check out
Hey, guys! Oh my god, it's been a while since I've been, like, on video so I feel really nervous. I feel really, really uncomfortable. And it has been, I don't even know. I guess it hasn't been that long, but to me it feels like it's been a really long time since I've made a video. And it's kind of funny because what I'm doing today is I'm remaking one of my old videos about…well, actually remaking three of them about mental health and stuff.
Firstly, before I get into that I want to show you what Josh bought me today. I don't care, it's cute! [she snuggles it against her face and giggles] He saw somebody carrying this around and chased him down and bought it from him for me. It is adorable! Look at those sparkles. This is one of those mermaid pillows or whatever. They had a fish one, but the unicorn kind of matched me today and it is so cute. I saw it across the store shimmering and I was exclaiming over it, and he cared enough to chase the person down and get it for me. That was amazing! And I was like, oh that's so cute!
Okay, so I had videos up a long time ago about BPD, agoraphobia, and Asperger's. And the BPD one was so old. I did it one day when I was sick, like maybe ten years ago. The agoraphobia one I did, and that one I spent a good half of the video bitching about my ex's family and how they were disrespecting me. And the Asperger's…As…I always say Asberger's [with a j-sound]…the Asperger's one I also feel like I kind of flubbed. So I'm gonna make a simple video combining information on all three and linking one other article that is very long if you guys want more information about it. And I just thought if I put it all together it might be a little bit easier to understand and maybe a little bit more helpful because I don't really want videos up talking about my ex and talking about his family and things like that. I mean, if I was gonna talk about that stuff, trust me, I have more to say than what I've said on those videos, but I'm not going there right now.
So I will start off by saying that I was diagnosed with BPD when I was about 19 or 20 years old. When I was first told about it I guess it was fairly new. Um, not a lot of people talked about it. It wasn't like…there was no internet like there is today. I mean, this was back in the early 2000's. Um, I'd say, the late 90's, early 2000's cuz I'm, you know, I'm gonna be 43 soon so it was, it was a while ago. And um, there was no way to really research anything. I wasn't really talked to or given a lot of information or anything like that. It was just like, hey, you have Borderline Personality Disorder, come back next week. And I was like, I'm schizophrenic? No, I'm not! And I just, I just left. I didn't really look too much into it because to me Borderline Personality Disorder sounds like Schizophrenia and I was like, I'm not schizophrenic! So I shrugged it off and I didn't really pay attention to it.
Years later I found a book which is…I'm gonna read you some stuff about BPD here, very very very little. My best advice to you is to look online because you can find anything online nowadays. Or if you happen to stumble across the physical copy of this book called
I Hate You, Don't Leave. That is the best explanation of BPD I could…I can offer you. That book is amazing. It is so thorough and it explains situations, it explains all kinds of scenarios, everything.
And I remember I found it in a used bookstore and I saw it was about Borderline Personality Disorder and on a whim I bought it. And when I read it I felt like my whole identity had been taken away from me because everything I thought I knew about myself and everything I thought that made me special or unique or who I was was right there in the pages of that book. It wasn't me being me, it was me being a condition. And that took a quite a bit to try to get my head around because you always think that you are you, you are special, you are the sum of everything you've been through. And in part that's true. But when you have a condition like BPD you're also very, very much defined by that condition, and a lot of who you think you are or what seems normal to you is just the condition. And I found that to be true with me and with a lot of people that I know that have different conditions including BPD. And it just um, it really sucked.
But I found tips and tricks to help me through it along the way. And it's still a struggle but not as bad, depending on the person that you're with and how much they're willing to help you understand what you're going through. And kind of if they go along with you it makes the whole thing a lot easier than if they don't care or they push you away or they just fight you on everything. If, if they help you through your ups and your downs and your issues it does go a lot better.
Along with BPD, I, I had been asked many, many times if I had a form of autism. And I always got insulted by that as well because I'm like, I'm not autistic, there's nothing wrong with me, I'm fine. And again it's not something I ever looked into. One day, I don't know why, maybe it was because a whole bunch of people at one time had come to me saying, I think you have Asperger's, you should look into it. And I was like, fine, I'll read up on it. I did, and again it was another slap in the face. Oh my god! A lot of, a lot of things in my life that I thought were just me, why am I so different, what is wrong with me, why am I not like everybody else, you know, why am I this way, a lot of that was also explained with the Asperger's.
And there's a list that I have. Well, it's an article. It's called
Females with Asperger's, and that's what I'm gonna list in the description. And that is 98 percent me. Boom boom boom boom, all down the line. And I'm not gonna read you that article because it's too long. I've taken notes and put a tiny little snippet from other articles here. That's just a general Asperger's thing.
But if you've followed me for a while you'll know that most of my life I've been alone. I've been weird. I'm a kind of weird person. Not because I try to be weird or different, I'm just me. And a lot of people don't like me because of that, because the way I am, because the way I talk, because of how I present myself, because of my life choices. And these are just…I don't, I don't try to be a bad person. I don't try to be anything other than what I am. I just make bad choices, I guess. I guess they're bad. They're considered bad in other people's eyes. Me, it's in the moment. It's what feels right. In my head it's right. And I, I don't tend to argue with myself. If something feels right, I do it. I go along with it. And once I've taken that first step I do everything I can to keep going along the path that I've chosen, you know. And it just, it just rubs a lot of people the wrong way and they don't understand the way that I am a lot.
But I don't…that's not my problem. My problem is…was that I didn't understand myself, and now I understand myself a lot a lot more. This is where a lot of my own personal growth has come from over the past few years is reading up on these things and understanding more about who I am and why I do the things that I do, maybe why I say the things I say or act the way I act or react the way I act or why I've acted out in certain ways or made certain decisions. And it just helps me a lot in the long run.
Lastly is the agoraphobia. Now, I get, and I have gotten, a lot of shit about this because people think agoraphobia is what you see on TV. I can't go outside, period. You cannot be in open spaces, period. And that's not what it is. Growing up I always had people around me, and on the rare times I didn't I would freak the hell out. I wouldn't be able to do stuff by myself. I wouldn't want people to see me from the back. Like, walking away from them I'd make an excuse to turn around and face them. "Bye!" You know, whatever it took so they didn't see me walking away. If somebody is standing across the room and I was supposed to walk towards them I'm like, uh you're looking at me. I can't, I can't approach you like that. Can, can we just meet somewhere and you turn your back and you don't see me coming? Like, I've actually said that to people.
Mostly I've had a lot of trouble being alone in public, and I never knew what it was. I was like, what the hell? What, what is it? Is it a social anxiety? That's kind of what I passed it along as and what I said I had because that's what I thought it was. I'd get sweaty palms. My heart would start pounding. I'd feel like I was gonna cry or vomit. I'd just want to run and hide and I just, I would just start freaking the hell out and I wouldn't know why or what it was, what it was called.
And I, I look at a lot of things online. I browse, I read all kinds of shit. Sometimes I stumble across just the right thing that makes sense. And one day, I don't know why I was looking into it, I think that I actually looked up fear of being outside by yourself or something like that, and agoraphobia came up and I read it and I was like, oh my god, lightbulb! This is what I have had. This, this is, this is what's been wrong with me the whole time!
So the top three things that are wrong with me I know, and I have an explanation and my mind can rest. And I feel so much better about who I am because I know there's a reason for my strangeness, I guess you can say. And, I mean, I'm, I'm old enough now I don't think I'm gonna change anymore. I mean, there's personal growth, and there's completely changing who you are. I am who I am. That's never gonna change. From here on this is me. But I can try to make my life easier and better by learning more about what's wrong with me, what makes me tick in my own unique ways.
I will shut up now and get on with it. I'm gonna start with agoraphobia because that's the simplest one. I'm just gonna read you everything that I saved. "Agoraphobia is an anxiety disorder that manifests as a fear of situations where escape could be difficult or in which help would not be available if something bad were to happen. The word comes from the ancient Greek word
agora referring to a place of assembly or marketplace. The condition is often misunderstood as a fear of open spaces, but it is in reality more complex. Agoraphobia may involve a fear of crowds, bridges, or of being outside alone. People with agoraphobia often have a hard time feeling safe in any public place, especially where crowds gather. You may feel that you need a companion such as a relative or a friend to go with you to public places. The fear can be so overwhelming that you may feel unable to leave your home. Typical agoraphobia symptoms include fear of leaving home alone; crowds or waiting in line; enclosed spaces such as movie theaters, elevators, or small stores; open spaces such as parking lots, bridges, or malls; using public transportation such as a bus, plane, or train. These situations cause anxiety because you fear you won't be able to escape or find help if you start to feel panicked or have other disabling or embarrassing symptoms. In addition, fear or anxiety almost always result from exposure to the situation. Your fear or anxiety is out of proportion to the actual danger of the situation. You avoid the situation, you need a companion to go with you, or you endure the situation but are extremely distressed. You experience significant distress or problems with social situations, work, or other areas in your life because of the fear, anxiety, or avoidance. Your phobia and avoidance usually last six months or longer."
So going along that, um, yeah. I can go outside in my own yard sometimes. I can go almost anywhere as long as I have somebody with me. Now, that includes when Dorian was a baby. It includes a boyfriend. It includes my mom. It includes walking the dog. I have some living, breathing, physical thing beside me so I'm not conspicuously out alone. I take pictures outdoors and I've gotten bashed for that before. "Well, if she has agoraphobia why would she be outside?" I'm outside because I can be outside because I'm not by myself usually or I'm somewhere I feel safe. Where I am right now there's people outside quite often so it's different here. I…if I'm by myself I actually can't go outside. I, I can't even walk to the road and check the mail. I can't walk to the end of the stairs on our porch to open the trash can, you know. It's, it's pretty bad here. I'm indoors all the time. Someone knocks on the door, I hide. I don't open the door. I don't want to be seen. I don't want to see other people. I just, I just don't feel safe in general.
But if we're in a restaurant or we go shopping and it's a store somewhere I've never been and I have to go to the bathroom or something I have to be walked there, and Josh has to wait outside the bathroom door. If he leaves and I come out and he's not there I freak out. I stop and I'm like, what do I do? Where is he? What's happening? What's happening? And it's so hard to keep my um, my calm and not be, "Josh! Where are you?!" you know. It's really, really hard. But luckily he knows, and he's only walked off like once or twice. And I told him, please, please don't do that. I need you here. If it's somewhere I've been and I feel comfortable cuz I know the layout of the store I can visualize it. I know where I'm going. I know who's there. I know where the exits are. I know where the bathrooms are. I'm fine.
A lot of times when we leave the house and I'm like, it's gonna be a long drive wherever we're going. I start to get stomach cramps and I start to panic and I'm like, oh my god I shouldn't have left the house, I shouldn't have left the house! Oh my god, I might need a toilet, I'm freaking out, I need…we need to pull over, I have to go to the bathroom right now, I have to go, I have to go, I have to go! And I'm thinking, fuck, I'm, I'm gonna, like, shit myself or something, you know. I, I can't handle this anymore! And I start to freak out. Like, my stomach is cramped up in agony and I'm like, I'm in so much fucking pain, and it is so embarrassing. But as soon as I get to a toilet I'm fine. I, I don't actually have to go. It's just, it's just freaking out. I just freak out.
And when I was with my ex a lot of times we'd be on the bus together and I'd start panicking and freaking out. And there's been a couple times where we'd actually get off the bus because I, I was just like, oh my god I feel sick, I feel really dizzy, I feel like I'm gonna pass out, I feel really sick, we need to go, we need to go, we need to get off now! And we've gotten off which in New Zealand is really, really not a good idea because the bus system is really screwed up there, and it just like triples your trip time trying to get home and stuff. So that made life really hard as well.
It's just something that luckily I haven't had to deal with too much because before I meet somebody I always tell them these three things. I tell them what I need from them, how to help me through it, and if they can't handle it, well then I can't be with them because I know that my life is gonna be really hard. It's hard enough without the support…or it's hard enough with the support. Without the support there would be no relationship. There's just no way I can function without somebody there who understands and who is willing to work with me and not get annoyed because I need to be walked to the toilet like a five-year-old and you cannot leave. You have to stand right outside the bathroom, you know. I mean, I know it gets annoying but luckily, luckily Josh is…he's so chill. He just he doesn't even mind. He just takes it all as it comes.
No. 656704
>>656702Onward. BPD. So. "Borderline Personality Disorder is a condition characterized by difficulties regulating emotion. This means that people who experience BPD feel emotions intensely and for extended periods of time, and it is harder for them to return to a stable baseline after an emotionally
triggering event."
I never finished my story. Time out. I was diagnosed with BPD. The Asperger's thing, it turns out when I went to New Zealand my…I'd seen some counselors there. I went to counseling. I went to grief counseling after my dad died. I saw a counselor, I think three separate counselors aside from that. For one for marriage counseling for my first ex over there. And then I went to go see a counselor, just I really needed somebody to talk to, and I started going to counseling there. And it turns out I was diagnosed by them in New Zealand with Asperger's. But they didn't tell me this like they did in America, "You have this." They actually didn't say anything to me. And it wasn't until I got my medical records back from New Zealand and I looked through everything that way back, like the first year that I was there, he wrote down that I had that. So that was really interesting and very odd to me considering I looked it up myself and after being told that people thought I had it and I thought it fit, and then it was also written down that the doctors thought it fit as well.
And a lot of the symptoms of Asperger's crosses over with what I feel with the BPD, so I'm not quite sure what's BPD and what's Asperger's because some of the stuff seems very similar. And, like, as far as BPD there are certain things with BPD that I don't do. There are symptoms that I don't have. So I'm wondering if I'm more Asperger's than I am BPD. But I do have abandonment issues. I do have trust issues. I do have ups and downs. I can't see things, you know, in the middle. It's either I love you or I hate you. There's no "you're okay". It's like I either like you or I don't like you. You're either good or you're bad.
When I'm arguing, say, if I argue with Josh or when I've argued with an ex in the past, in that moment when we're arguing I'm like, well, they don't love me. I can't feel love at the same time that I'm arguing. And if there…like Josh, he'll fight with me but then he'll, he'll still tell me he loves me. And I'm like, how can you be mad at me but still love me? And he's like, because the love doesn't stop. And in my head I know the love doesn't stop. But when I'm mad, I'm mad. I can't feel love and happiness and appreciation because then I wouldn't be mad. It's, it's hard to explain, but it's very clear. It's one or the other. I can't, I can't understand how he could look at me and be angry with me but then still feel love at the same time. It just it doesn't, it doesn't make sense to me. So I completely forgot to add that when I was talking about the Asperger's before I stopped it. I'm just all over the place as always, but let me get back to this.
Okay. "This means that people who experience BPD feel emotions intensely and for extended periods of time and it's harder for them to return blah blah blah. This difficulty can lead to impulsivity, poor self-image, stormy relationships, and intense emotional responses to stressors. Struggling with self-regulation can also result in dangerous behaviors such as self-harm like cutting. People with Borderline Personality Disorder may experience mood swings and display uncertainty about how they see themselves and their role in the world. As a result their interests and values can change quickly. People with Borderline Personality Disorder also tend to view things in extremes such as all good or all bad. Their opinions of other people can also change quickly. An individual who was seen as a friend one day may be considered an enemy or traitor the next. These shifting feelings can lead to intense and unstable relationships. Other signs or symptoms may include efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment such as rapidly initiating intimate physical or emotional relationships or cutting off communication with someone in anticipation of being abandoned; a pattern of intense and unstable relationships with family friends and loved ones often swinging from extreme closeness and love to extreme dislike or anger; distorted an unstable self-image or sense of self; impulsive and often dangerous behaviors such as spending sprees, unsafe sex, substance abuse, reckless driving, and binge eating; self-harming behaviors such as cutting; recurring thoughts of suicidal behaviors or threats; intense and highly changeable moods with each episode lasting from a few hours to a few days; chronic feelings of emptiness; inappropriate intense anger or problems controlling anger; difficulty trusting which is sometimes accompanied by irrational fear of other people's intentions; feelings of dissociation such as feeling cut off from oneself, seeing oneself from outside one's body, or feelings of unreality."
So I, I fit most of, most all of that. It's in the book certain things that I don't fit, like I don't…I wouldn't cheat on Josh. I wouldn't just randomly go off and have sex with a stranger. But I can be bad with money. I can, but I can also manage it. I like cheap stuff so I buy a whole bunch of cheap stuff. I am bad with the cutting. I used to cut myself a lot. I've…I don't care what happens to me when I'm angry. When I'm angry I'm really, really angry. If I'm fighting I'll fuck off and try to jump out of a moving car. I'll just take a walk in the middle of the night down the road, and I won't care. Like, "Somebody could stop and rape you, mur…" I don't give a shit. And in that moment I really don't. "Where you gonna go?" I don't care. I'm just gonna walk. I don't care I just need, I just need to get away. Whatever upsets me, I just I need to get away from it. It doesn't matter what it is. If it brings me stress, it freaks me out, upsets me, I run away from it. That's what I've always kind of done and I just…yeah. I'm not gonna go into that in more detail. If you get that book or that link,
I Hate You, Don't Leave Me, that explains more than any little article or anything I say ever could. This is just a guideline to kind of give you just the minimum information on it, just, just to help.
Now, the last one, which is the shortest of all because of the fact that I have got that list that has so much on there. Almost everything on that list is me. Almost every single thing fits and that will fit. It just, it just explains so much. But the smallest here that I have which is teeny-tiny. Asperger's says…Asperger's. I'm sorry.
Don't think that I don't know what I'm talking about just because I mispronounce it. It's just I, I don't, I don't speak very much. I, I talk to Josh and that's it. I have cut myself off from everybody purposely. I just I don't have the emotional or mental capacity right now to keep friends or to communicate with people. I've just kind of gotten used to just me and him in our little hole together. We have our family and I don't really interact the way I used to. And I don't even make videos anymore so I read. Everything's in my head. How you see stuff in your head sometimes is different than how it's pronounced, and I've always looked at Asperger's as Asperger's [with a j sound]. It just looks like that to me. And especially since I've, I've read up on it and I read it and I read it and I read it but I don't speak it, in my head it stayed Asperger's [with a j sound]. And so I'm having to force myself to say Asperger's so I'm going to apologize ahead of time. That's why I'm doing it. I'm not used to speaking anymore. I just I'm in my own little world nowadays, I guess. There's more stuff there but I am not talking about anything personal like that anymore.
Okay. "Typically strong verbal language skills and intellectual ability distinguish Asperger Syndrome from other forms of autism. It generally involves difficulty with social interactions, restricted interests, desire for sameness, distinctive strengths. Strengths can include remarkable focus and persistence, aptitude for recognizing patterns, attention to detail. Challenges can include hypersensitivities to light, sound, taste, etcetera."
Josh will tell you, especially, I hear everything. I hear and I smell everything. The bed has got to be perfect. His side has got to be tucked in. If there's a wrinkle I can't sleep. If he moves in the middle of the night and he pulls the blankets I'll wake up because I feel the bed doesn't feel right. And he gets so annoyed with me, but I just I can't, I can't sleep like that. If I hear just a little, a little noise in the background I can't sleep or it'll wake me up or it just irritates me. Or I'll smell smells. I'm like, do you smell that? And he doesn't. No? How can you not smell that?! And then finally like an hour later, ah I smell it. I'm hyper, hyper sensitive to smells and sounds and feels. And like, he can't…say if he touches my arm, he can go like this but then if he goes like this I'm like, oh my god, I feel like you're rubbing my skin off like with sandpaper, you can't, you can't just keep touching me! Like, I can't stand being touched like that. I can't!
Um, so anyway. Uh, "Difficulty with the give-and-take of conversation, difficulty with nonverbal conversation skills, distance, loudness, tone, etcetera." Anybody who has spoken to me for any amount of time will tell you I have no concept of volume control. And when I'm supposed to be loud apparently my voice is really soft and they can't hear me. And when I'm…like, nobody else is talking and there's no noise I'm talking really loud and they're like, shhh quiet down. I'm like, [shouts] I am being quiet! Cuz I, I just I get excited and my voice goes up and up and up and up. And everybody's looking at me and I'm like, I'm not even talking loud! But it turns out I am. So I just I'm bad with that, you know.
I don't really know how to have a two-way conversation, either. I, I know how to talk about me or relate. And that's not being…me being a narcissist. I…the only give-and-take I understand how to do in a conversation is for me to show them I understand what they're talking about by giving an example of what I've been through that relates to what they're talking about. I'm not…I, I don't really know how to not do that, I guess, you know. Like, "My boyfriend dumped me." "Oh, I'm so sorry, I understand. I had a boyfriend that…" That's how I do, that's how I do it, and I don't mean to make it about me. I just I don't know what to say and I try to keep the conversation going and it's really hard. I try to be there for people but I don't, I don't know what to say. And the less time I spend around people the more and more obvious my lack of any kind of social skills has become to me and it's uh, I don't know. It's, it's not good.
Anyway, two more things. "Uncoordinated movements or clumsiness, and anxiety and depression." This looks like I said is really short. That's all it has. This other one is…I mean, they've got a section A down to, like, a section…optional…a section J. But they go into quite a bit of detail throughout the sections and stuff. And everything, everything fits really, really well. It has changed my life finding out that I've got these things wrong with me. And wondering why everybody was one way, why I didn't see things their way or think about things their way or, you know, I don't know. Just a lot of stuff, a lot of stuff there.
I think I've said everything already that I'm going to say. I'm trying to stop myself from having a video that's twice as long because I've repeated the first half of the video in the second half which is something else I tend to do a lot. So I don't really know what the point of this video is except that I wanted to get rid of the videos where I was more wrapped up in my ex and where I was bumbling around and I wasn't too sure, didn't explain myself very well, and kind of combine the three and give just a base amount of information and some links where you could look into it yourself if you wanted to, and kind of explain how this affects me and who I am and how, how those things have made me into the person that I am. And then also clear some stuff up as far as how I can be outside or things like that. You won't catch me doing stuff by myself ever, never. And I don't remember when the last time was I, I have. I mean, when I was in New Zealand I knew all the stores. I knew all the places. I had my car. I was safe in my car. This my car. I can drive where I need to drive when I need to get there. If I need to pull over I can pull over. If I…you know what I mean? Like, I'm in my own little bubble. This my little safe zone. And I only went to stores that I've been to like a billion times over the last ten years, and so they felt very comfortable to me because I knew exactly where I was and where I was going. But um, anything else, yeah, I just I have a really hard time functioning. I have a really hard time coping. I have a really hard time with a lot of things, and I have.
My anger is very…my temper is really quick. [snaps fingers] I get pissed off so fast. That's why I have a really hard time…or I used to. Actually now I'm more numb to everything. But before I had a really hard time with people trolling me because I'd instantly get mad and, like, just start shaking and want to fucking murder them and picture all these ways I wanted to fucking kill this anonymous person. And I couldn't just keep my cool and troll them back because my temper, my emotions have always been so high. And I'm like, god, I wish I could just be like, [dismissively] "Oh, yeah? Well…" you know. And it took a long time for that to come. It took, it took a lot of work and change of environment and change of husband and stuff like that to find that stillness and that peace in myself to be able to not be as affected by stuff like that.
And now, you know, things have changed for me so much that I choose to keep my personal life personal. I have a lot going on in my personal life. And there's a, there's a lot of reasons there why I kind of don't, don't really have time for or the ability to have, like, friends, you know. Josh is working a lot. We're, we're about to have some changes in our life that we're working on together that would benefit everybody if I was not posting personal online, I guess, is the best way to say it. I'm just looking out for myself, him, and our family, and I want to protect all of us, and I just want our lives to be our lives and for us. And I don't really know what to talk about anymore so I just kind of withdraw. And I'm here and I'm there, and that's about it.
I miss a lot of you guys. I miss, you know, I miss making videos and having the outlet and just not knowing that everything I say and everything I do is being watched. I would rather rewind ten years and not have that knowledge and just be the same old carefree dumbass that I've always been, but then again I wouldn't be who I am today and I probably wouldn't have met Josh. And he is the best thing that's ever happened to me and I, I wouldn't give that up for anything, not for any peace of mind or growth or whatever you want to call it. I just…he's like the anchor in my life and he's helped me through a lot. He's helped me. He's been there for me. And because of him I can, I can relax and I could just be happy, happy enough that I can squish my desire to run my mouth online and I can just enjoy a fairly peaceful life with him and just, just be, just be me, me and him. And um, seeing as I'm getting up there in age I guess there's nothing wrong with that. Things have to change sometime. I mean, I guess, huh.
But that's enough blabbing for now. I'm not sure how much of what I just said I'm gonna upload, so if it snips out halfway it means that I've said stuff that I don't want to say and I've deleted it. Cuz since I haven't had a video in a long time I'm just kind of lost in my own thoughts right now. But I'm gonna go have some dinner. And I will see you guys…I'm not sure when. Take care and thanks for checking in and watching, and I will see you guys.
No. 656721
File: 1556436965773.png (635.09 KB, 1280x800, 1525280510443.png)

>>656699She presented this as proof of her agoraphobia diagnosis in a video posted after their car accident
>>>/pt/513612 which is a summary of patient-reported symptoms and symptoms observed during consultation. Did her therapist have the credentials to make diagnoses?
No. 656859
>>656702I remember her autism phase a few years ago. It's one of the worst things to just self-diagnose like that. She already had a BPD diagnosis that accounts for alot of her 'personality traits' but she wanted to have aspergers because people have more empathy/sympathy for autistic people than for borderlines.
She tried very hard to make it fit
No. 657042
>>656702Ha ha ha wtf. Raven, people don’t get along with you because of your self diagnosed conditions, they don’t get along with you because you are a shitty human being that expects everyone to bend to you.
She should use those self help books to learn how to live within society instead of using them as a prop for her excuses and delusions.
No. 657319
>>657043Not to be wk but checking dr journals are a fun thing. I found one where the word bookshelf had snuck in to a middle of a sentence without any reasone.
With that said, that looks more like a first statement that is taken at a first meeting, if it's from nz it just talks about what she said that they said and no own conclusions by the dr, so really nothing to go on.
No. 657343
File: 1556629110644.jpeg (1.14 MB, 1242x1520, 037B6112-CA60-473B-BB35-F7D295…)

Guess who accidentally made a private post public.
No. 657344
Here's my gift registry, I hid it because I can't take criticism for begging for shit online from strangers.
Also if I act like an awful bitch when I reply to you, it's because I am paranoid about anyone challenging me or asking me anything that doesn't paint me in a good light.
Give me stuff.
That's what it should read.
No. 657345
File: 1556629947574.png (303.6 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2019-04-30-21-11-38…)

Looks like she's made baby wishlist on other sites too. What a scab.
Also one of them says she's 'due' February of this year. Making me think this baby thing is a lie and she's been browsing baby shit was earlier on.
No. 657347
>>657343She always says 'you guys asked me to make one' so she doesn't appear greedy or entitled even though what she's doing is completely entitled and weird in the first place.
I don't understand who these mouthbreathers that support her are. Like seriously.
There's always Ryan, but I don't understand these other online friends she supposedly has.
There's no benefit to being her friend except an empty wallet.
She's paranoid to the point where she thinks everyone is a hater, yet she ebegs to fund happenings in her life (the josh trip, her dead mother, potential baby)
And when she made that weird video of all the randoms she got to write congratulations or whatever on paper.
I genuinely do not understand who follows this woman except desperate men.
No. 657358
File: 1556635860234.png (220.17 KB, 800x1057, Screenshot_2019-04-30-07-19-46…)

>accidentallyThis was no accident. She spilled this milk to ensure a new thread. She plays this game with us every time! date: Oct 10, 2019
6 Months to Go
Note the location.
Don't worry, Raven. You're definitely getting a new thread, and Admin will be making a very special post.
No. 657364
File: 1556636791063.png (253.1 KB, 893x813, 1538081500436.png)

Remember anons, Raven has a degree in Clinical Psychology and completed training as a Certified Nurse's Aid!
And I just realized why she upgraded her education profile after she moved back to the States. She was competing with Josh's sister who is a hardworking nurse. Now that is some BPD shit right there!
>anons mock her self diagnosis of Asperger's>she makes a new video claiming, unbeknownst to her, she actually was diagnosed>>656704
>I found inner peace and I'm numb to the hatersReally?
>>615379 and
>>615447 and
>>624176 and
>>642148 seem to indicate otherwise.
No. 657366
File: 1556637734560.png (50.18 KB, 800x339, Screenshot_2019-04-30-08-11-40…)

>>657345That Raven Bradley lives in Gary, Indiana which is verified by public records.
No. 657375
What do you know! As soon as her registry was screencapped and posted here she made it private, but not before I archived it. archive links, especially "leaks", before you post them.
No. 657466
>>657451Holy shit, anon, my sides!
Check out how many outfits she bought for that thing. The fashion show begins at 11:00. Right before she bitches about Ryan not wanting to be seen in public with her. And because she couldn't parade her around, Lorelei became no more important than any of her other dolls.
No. 657605
>>656702Hasn't she done this before, made Josh run after a stranger to buy their belonging that she covets more than anything until the next thing?
>I choose to keep my personal life personal>upcoming Q&A, most anything can be asked>>657358
>Due October 10thShe's 17 weeks gone. Shouldn't she have a couple of scans of Baby Bradley to accidentally on purpose show the haters?
If they do have a kid, watch her withhold it from Josh's mom and the rest of his family. Today I reread some of Ash's posts; I had forgotten how nasty Raven's comments about his mom were. She even threw subtle shade at her in her Christmas video.
>And this is our tree. It's a different tree from last year because I've got all my stuff here. Those are all MY decorations, MY tinsel, MY everything.
>Jamesville, NCAn even smaller wide spot in the road. Maybe she glitched Jamesville for Jonesville?
No. 657746
>>657466I laughed at the Ryan bitching too.
That doll was 500 bucks. Which Ryan more than likely paid for. I don't blame him for telling her not to take it out in public when she's with him.
Also was this around the time she was using his 'gym'?
Because she says she ordered it's hair to look like her natural hair/Logan's colour. If that's the case and she ordered it to look like their baby, how come she says that Ryan had an issue with it? Why would she even be hanging around with him at that particular time?
I know she would hang with him to use his gym at one point but the timeline seems off.
No. 657781
File: 1556780526066.jpg (144.41 KB, 1473x563, jamesvilleNC.jpg)

>>657605Considering this was ""accidentally"" made public I wouldn't be that trusting that she's suddenly moved to NC. Josh has a job at BMW.
>BMW Spartanburg is a vehicle assembly facility for BMW Group and is located in Greer, South Carolina; it is BMW's only assembly plant in the United States. No. 657782
File: 1556780617545.jpg (164.43 KB, 1312x497, jonesvilleSC.jpg)

>>657781Hmmmm. Which is more likely I wonder?
No. 657806
File: 1556798510530.jpg (584.92 KB, 768x1080, 1412376087974.jpg)

>>657746I mean, the man had an image to maintain! Looking at the pics he took of her while they were together, he must have been relieved her womb failed. He was only in his early 20's.
>>646386I kind of wonder if Raven was dropping hints with photos like these. Usually she puts baby in the corner.
>>657676No, they're still in shack #3, onto which they've built a room to accommodate her hoard from NZ. It was already 2 bedrooms and 2 baths. Her manic fantasy of moving their double wide on his boss' dime, wew!
[counts calendar]
She and Lili got pregnant during the same two week period. Too coincidental to not be trolling?
No. 661037
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No. 661401
>>661037>trouble over something I'd rather not get into, but I'm not in the wrongSo, Raven's in the wrong. Maybe she sold another pet with false informations about it like she did with the Chihuahua.
It's probably scam-related.
No. 661406
File: 1557912891698.png (430.36 KB, 800x1158, Screenshot_2019-05-15-01-32-09…)

>>661037She's desperate for our attention. What was in the comments? She had already removed the post from public view and changed the name of her account by the time it was posted here, but not before it was archived.[pic related] was posted to her new extra profile which she renamed immediately after it was archived. why make yet another profile when her previous extra profile is still open? This account now lists her location as Jamesville, NC. has renamed both of Josh's accounts twice in the last month, too. One of them now lists his employment as "Future Manufacturing Supervisor at Thermo Fisher Scientific Jobs, Starting in June 2019".
Raven, your obvious attempts to bait us with cryptic public posts are obvious. What are you trying to achieve by renaming your accounts every time they are archived?
"I choose to keep my personal life personal." Famous last words!