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No. 360163
This thread is for the discussion of transgenderism / trans ideology from a gender critical and radical feminist perspective. It was originally created by Admin as an amalgamation of the TERF and Transgender threads.
Gender critical and radical feminism define gender as sociological (feminine/masculine) and sex as biological (female/male). Woman is defined as an adult human female. Radical feminists seek to abolish gender as it is used by patriarchy to oppress women socially, reproductively, and financially. They strive to preserve women's spaces (such as restrooms, locker rooms, and health care providers) and areas of artistic and intellectual expression separate from men.
Trans ideology posits that one's gender is self-determined based on one's feelings and defines woman as the characteristics and behaviors traditionally ascribed to females by society. Increasingly, transactivists are conflating gender and sex and asserting that a person can self-identify both gender and sex.
Gender critical feminists strive to maintain the distinction between gender and sex. The conflation of gender and sex erases the biological reality of women, eliminates women-only spaces, and disestablishes women as a protected class. Existing laws and legislation currently being passed around the world allowing for self-identification on legal documents do not differentiate between gender and sex.
The acronym TERF (Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminism) is used primarily by transactivists and their allies to denigrate radical feminists and other women who express gender critical ideas. Transactivists portray TERFs as violent oppressors by virtue of their ideas alone.
Posts of related news and web articles are welcome. Posts of photos, videos, and blogs of transactivists for the purposes of discussion and critique are welcome. Please refrain from derailing, infighting, and ad hominem attacks. This thread is not intended for the general discussion of feminism, sexuality, misogyny, or misandry.
https://www.fairplayforwomen.comhttp://www.feministcurrent.com (404)
http://www.gendercriticalactioncenter.orghttp://www.gendercriticalactioncenter.comhttps://www.genderidentitywatch.com https://www.transgenderreality.comhttps://www.womansplaceuk.orgBlogs
https://culturallyboundgender.wordpress.comhttp://gendercritical.blogspot.com (suspended)
https://lilymaynard.wordpress.comhttps://thewitchofwentworth.tumblr.comhttps://trannosphere.tumblr.comInauthentic Selves: The modern LGBTQ+ Movement Is Run By Philanthropic Astroturf And Based On Junk Science
http://www.genderhammer.comreddit violent crimes committed by transgender individuals
This Never Happens and clinicians concerned about transgender youth
https://www.4thwavenow.comhttp://www.gdworkinggroup.org Channels
Elly Arrow Berns Brennan / Ally Missandry RadFem Lloyd Murphy Parker Woman's Place threads
>>>/ot/221232>>>/ot/231926>>>/ot/248302>>>/ot/267773>>>/ot/281458>>>/ot/296475>>>/ot/312419>>>/ot/320422>>>/ot/331248>>>/ot/341517>>>/ot/351615"TERF" thread
>>>/g/67378"Transpassing" thread
>>>/ot/214811"Trans women" thread
>>>/ot/203215"Crazy trans lesbians?" thread
>>>/ot/116018"I hate the way this website treats Trans* issues" thread
>>>/ot/113748 No. 360165
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No. 360279
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No. 360332
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>>360312It's in the original dril corncobbing tweet that he's referencing, to be fair.
No. 360366
>>360279>shoe likedKEK
honestly even if he referenced a dril tweet, he's still in denial, just trying to pass it off as gender comedy
No. 360402 imagine if the same amount of attention, funding, planning, etc. put into pandering "trans kids" was put into kids who were gay. Or even bullied kids. No, it seems to only matter when the child is "trans".
>According to the UK’s only NHS specialist service provider of gender identity support for under-18s, the number of British children who want to change their gender has doubled in six months. The Tavistock and Portman NHS trust gender identity development service in London is under huge pressure, with many of the referrals – 151 from 2012-13 to 2014-15 – involving children under the age of 10, including one three-year-old and 12 four-year-olds.151 kids under 10. 12 four-year-olds and one three-year-olds. Let that sink in. Three year olds can barely communicate. Their vocabulary has around 200 words and they understand only simple sentences.
>Primary schools are asking for training around issues of gender identity and one city council, Brighton & Hove has asked parents what gender their four-year-olds “ most identify with” for a council form.the UK is too far gone with this shit. I can't believe what I'm reading.
No. 360492
>>360402Honestly I'm willing to bet that 90% of the youngkids that are told their trans are just normal kids exploring their own personal views on gender that really have no lasting desire to switch gender.
When I was a kid, we'd play games where we said we were boys because we were copying male characters or pretending to do jobs that we thought only boys could do or mimicking older brothers. If the trans thing had the same traction back then somebody would have definitely said I was trans, even though I grew up to be very happy and proud to be a female.
No. 360573
>>360518I think the trans movement will hit a wall in a decade or so. I don't think it will blow over, so to speak, I think it's more likely that something will snap and the tides will change.
Sadly, I think the pushback will happen when it turns out that lots of very unlucky children were made to transition because they didn't match stereotypical gender roles. I think some unfortunate kids are gonna end up being cannon fodder. I think they're gonna grow up and hate what was done to them, whether that be stunting their puberty with blockers or giving them surgery. When people realise that children were sterilised and sliced up because they were a boy that liked dolls or a girl with short hair and that it made them depressed and worse off in the long run, they're gonna start to look back at it all the same way we look back on conversion therapy and lobotomies.
No. 360585
>>360279>slowly shrank and transformedYou can't just close your eyes and will your body into shape…only your penis
I was just thinking about the term "female-presenting", implication is women have a button which we can press to subtract our breasts, hips, change bone structure and shape, facial structure, and fat distribution within seconds.
It feeds into the narrative that the only difference between a man and a woman is long or short hair, and everything else is a
choice which can be made at a moment's notice.
Completely delusional idea obviously borne from a man's mind, who, overly focused on his dick, can alter the shape and size of
that at a moment's notice, and projects such novelty onto women's bodies in the case of the AGP
Maybe I'm wrong here but their false notion that the body can "shrink and transform" seems to be a connected thought to general AGP. Obviously I am dick-free but I imagine all men are somewhat mentally disturbed due to the prominent role one of their body parts plays in their lives and general psychology. A man can't get through an hour without thinking about sex, when I was a kid the "fact" thrown around was that men think about sex every ten seconds. As a result of their disordered sexuality - animals go into heat, but human males are permanently sexually active - they are all generally disturbed and have BDD about their penises, and project their warped thoughts regarding bodies and sexuality onto both women and themselves, in the case of the AGP
In this research paper I will-
No. 360610
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Totally not a mental illness you guys.
No. 360612
>>360608I think it’s because TRA’s constantly use the “brain is wired like their gender identity” argument despite said argument even being debunked by TRAs themselves. It can also be debunked by how MTFs behavior is much more simmilar to men than women and vice versa for FTMs.
I saw a servey showing what kind of people were otherkin and it showed that more women than men were otherkin and more FTMs than MTFs were otherkin. (“Non binary” people, 80% of which are female, beat both men and MTFs in the poll, too.)
On /lgbt/ there was a poll showing which people used it, and it ranked from most common to least common: MTFs, Bi/Gay men, Straight men, Lesbians, and finally FTMs. Both polls can debunk the “brain in wrong body” argument without denying sex differences in the brain.
No. 360621
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Old but worth noting. There's that male threat of violence creeping through
No. 360623
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>>360610He has been sentenced.
Transgender woman, 26, who stormed a 7-Eleven and hacked at strangers with an axe in terrifying random attack is jailed for nine years
A transgender woman who randomly attacked two people with an axe at a Sydney convenience store has been sentenced to nine years behind bars.
Evie Amati, 26, was jailed on Friday after ambushing Benjamin Rimmer and Sharon Hacker at a 7-Eleven in Enmore in the early hours of January 7, 2017.
She was found guilty of attempted murder in August last year after the NSW District Court rejected her claims she was suffering from mental illness.
She told the court that just before the attack she heard voices that told her to 'kill and maim' and 'start the rise of hell on earth'.
CCTV footage of the viscous attack showed Amati casually walk into the store carrying an axe - before standing next to Mr Rimmer, who was in line behind Ms Hacker.
In the video, Amati was seen swinging the axe twice into the face of Mr Rimmer, knocking him to the ground, before hitting Ms Hacker, who also fell to the ground.
Blood is seen gushing from Mr Rimmer's head, as he tries to evade Amati, and he removes his t-shirt to absorb the blood and seal his head wound.
The court also heard evidence from Amati's third victim, Shane Redwood, who told the jury, via audio visual link from the UK, that he was across the road when he saw a woman hit another woman with what he thought was a baseball bat.
Mr Redwood said it was only after approaching the store to offer his assistance that he realised Amati was wielding an axe, at which point she began swinging the axe in his direction.
Judge Mark Williams sentenced Amati to nine years in jail with a non-parole period of four years and six months at Sydney's Downing Centre District Court on Friday. No. 360635
>>360585Hah. Don't know how serious you are, but I think if you raise and socialise boys to have nothing but respect for girls and women, they'll naturally learn they have to control their urges because their dicks are not the centre of the universe.
Maybe I'm foolish, but I think we're all born with inconvenient desires of all stripes - but the difference is that women face more pressure to clamp down on theirs then men do. Apply a similar pressure, and there's no reason men couldn't grow up to have more self-control.
No. 360639
>>360607>the testosterone made her do this/made it worseStudies indicate a correlation between testosterone and agression.
>typical male entitlement/typical female submissivenessThis is a product of socialization, not gendered brains. Women are raised with constant warnings about how they need to be careful around men, and with a pressure to be more pleasant and attentive to people.
The gendered brains theory is often used to put women down despite a higher percentage of women having a university degree. You'll also see a lot of troons acting out stereotypes about women when they get on hormones, like believing their lowered sexual drive is normal for women, or if they change their behaviour to suit the trashiest stereotypes.
No. 360646
On the topic of female/male brain, a very interesting article I found on Posie Parker's website: you have a theory as to why autism presents differently in boys than girls – is it two separate things, or are they different presentations down to the nurture idea – girls and boys being socialised in a different way resulting in different expressions of autism?
>It does appear to be associated with socialisation. Girls are encouraged more to acquire social skills/learn the right social scripts. It is suggested that ASD girls therefore ‘fly under the diagnostic radar’ for longer than boys because they appear to have normal social skills. Only when life gets more complicated e.g. on transition to secondary school – do the present with problems.Could you tell us a bit about neuroplasticity please? I am guessing that accounts for many of the differences we might see between male and female brains and the nurture over nature element?
>Absolutely. We have realised in the last 30 years or so that our brains are changing as a result of the experiences we have (and attitudes we encounter), all of our lives (not just when we are very young), and that this will be reflected in our brains. This includes experiences with stereotypes for example.Caitlyn Jenner referred to the idea of a female brain as fact, if I remember correctly, during her interview with Piers Morgan on ITV recently – what do you think of this?
>Yes – she said it several times. It is indeed the main feeling expressed by transsgender individuals, they have a female brain in a male body or vice versa. Or that they have been born in the wrong box. It concerns me greatly – it is the effect of an unshakable belief that there is a direct link between biological sex and social gender. Which is, of course, the mantra of 18th century (male) neurologists that still gets muttered!Can you tell us how gender stereotyping and gender threat change the brain?
Could you explanation what gender threat is please?
>Stereotype threat is when you belong to a group (females, say) where there is a stereotype that that group underperforms at whatever task you are being asked to carry out (maths, say). This has been shown to affect both behaviour (you do worse than you should do) and the brain (less effective areas are recruited to solve the problems). Classic self-fulfilling prophecy.Gina Rippon is Emeritus Professor of Cognitive Neuroimaging at the Aston Brain Centre, Aston University. I guess it's safe to say that she knows her stuff. But of course troons couldn't care less about facts.
No. 360649
>>360646No need to watch the video, just a quick skim through the comments and it's full of males and trannies being enraged by her… Who would have thought that /s
When Jordan Peterson gets emotional about topics, the video title says something along the lines of "Feminazi destroyed with facts!!! Peterson makes roastie cry!!!, but when a women does you have scrots complaining the she just whines, is babbling,"where's the science"…
No. 360650
>>360607Huh? Your whole post describes socialized behavior. Men are still entitled even if they transition because they've grown up as men. Women are still submissive even after transitioning because that's how they were taught to be growing up.
>>360621I can't believe how at the same time they repeat the "trans people are literally murdered every day!!!!" mantra over and over again while also constantly posting violent threats.
>Each day a terf murders a beautiful stunning twans woman!!! uwu>All right so cis fuckers better watch out, if I see any of you cunts in Florida I'll fucking shoot you down>>360635>I think we're all born with inconvenient desires of all stripes - but the difference is that women face more pressure to clamp down on theirs then men do.This. Men are encouraged to be hypersexual perverts, while women are discouraged from expressing their sexuality. Every inch of female sexuality is made out to be a property of men and only brought up when it's appropriate for the male. That's why men freak out so hard over girls liking gay porn because they themselves can't enjoy it.
No. 360711
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>>360623Here's the specific court case itself - some "applicant" brought a case against journalist Tim Blair of The Daily Telegraph but court procedures means it was against the company which owns The Daily Telegraph - Nationwide News Pty Ltd. Court found in favor of Nationwide News saying:
"Nonetheless, we are not persuaded that the ordinary reader is so lacking in intelligence or taste that he or she would be incited to serious contempt for, or severe ridicule of, Ms Amati or transgender people at large."
Just goes to show - trannies really do think less of us cisfolks.
No. 360721
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>>360623>Having ended the date because she believed the woman found her unattractive because she was transgender, Amati told her 'some people deserve to die'.>'One day I will kill a lot of people and it will be your fault', she told her date, and later called her a 'psychopath'.A murderous transcel. "B-But that never happens!!", they say. These are the people we're supposed to accept as equals and even date.
I have no words anymore, all I know is that many people have blood on their hands… and no, it's not the "TERFs".
No. 360750
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blaire has run out of ideas on how he can milk his incel fanboys
No. 360764
>>360742Yes, I'm totally going to listen to someone who's trying (and eternally failing) to cosplay as my gender on how to be a better woman.
Why does he use "we" in regards to women when he knows he's not involved in that camp?
No. 360790
>>360650But can’t socialized behavior be unlearned though?
Almost everyone on here is female and they appear to have unlearned female socialization.
No. 360794
>>360742Wouldn’t toxic femininity be women who force other women to be feminine and shame tomboys for being masculine though? (Ie. Pretty girls who make fun of ugly girls for not being conventionally attractive, or mothers who get mad when their daughter doesn’t want to wear a dress)
Toxic masculinity doesn’t mean “men who are toxic” it means “toxic aspects of masculinity”, therefore, “toxic femininity” would be “toxic aspects of femininity” rather than “women with toxic masculinity”
No. 360801
>>360796Maybe they’d want to unlearn it because they want to be a nicer person?
Another reason why i’m confused about it is because some(not all, of course) comments on r/gendercricital (I like browsing there) believe that men might not even have the ability to have empathy, and how testosterone is a cause to why men act the way they do.
No. 360808
>>360787One thing that really irks me about gendercritters is that currently we have nothing stopping from pedophiles and rapists entering womens bathrooms right now, they don't have to identify as women or whatever for that to happen.
>>360794I think there are some things i would consider toxic femininity such as intrasexual competition between women. But the thing is that women can also perpetrate toxic masculinity which is what most people yelling "toxic femininity" don't understand.
No. 360809
>>360801>Maybe they’d want to unlearn it because they want to be a nicer person?What? That's definitely not how men work, look around you.
>men might not even have the ability to have empathy, and how testosterone is a cause to why men act the way they do.Men are taught, and brought up in a world where supressing their empathy, if they do have any, is acceptable and even encouraged. Chicken and egg?
No. 360811
>>360742“Stop body shaming other women”
Jesus Christ this has to be the most hypocritical thing Blaire, or any other anti feminist has ever done.
No. 360814
>>360742And here we see a self-hating gay man who has some massive resentment towards women. Larping as the superficial stereotype of a man's perfect fantasy bimbo and being so bitter that he has the need to make an angry video to sperg out over an ad that has the extremely radical message of "raise your boys right and don't make them chauvinistic, entitled pigs". I get that it sucks that dicks turn men off Robbie, but don't take it out on women.
also god this video is so retarded.
>hurrr stop hitting your poor husbands and leeching on them you golddigging slut!!! omygod i can't believe how shallow women are it's the current year gurlfrends!!! toxic masculinity is a myth you catty cunts!!! blue haired feminists are the real problem!! No. 360815
>>360721Wish the term trancels picked up steam. This shit is horrific, hating women so much you want to skinwalk as one
>>360742But robbie/Blair has to stop hrt soon since he said he wants kids of his own (with his own sperm. Can't get more male than that) but… still totally a girl and one of us right ladies? Still remember how he lost that debate with Candace Owens after she called him a man.
>>360803It's always that
>what about women who do ___!!!whenever we hear about the stats of men being more likely to rape, abuse, torture and murder.
No. 360816
>>360808When most people cite “toxic femininity”, they refer to when women use toxic masculinity, which is very rare since not only is it rare for a women to be masculine, it’s also rare for a woman to have macho-ideal for herself that toxic masculinity does to men. I mean, have you seen a woman who gets embarrassed when people see her cry? Porbably not, because women are expected to cry when sad.
It’s funny since the actual concept of toxic femininity is much more common than women having toxic masculinity which gets mistaken as “toxic femininity”.
Women abusing someone wouldn’t be a “toxic femininity” crime because it doesn’t relate to femininity. Women shoplifting makeup in order to seem cool by her peers (tumblr’s shoplifting community) could be considered a “toxic femininity” crime because material objects such as makeup are a sign of femininity, especially when they are used as a status symbol.
No. 360820
>>360801In my life most empathetic men I've met faced some form of abuse or had dangerous parents so they learned to watch for subtle cues more, I find that really depressing.
I definitely don't think it's because of testosterone, but society pushes the "silly boys, complicated women" image in pop culture. It's just like in that article an anon linked up in the thread, girls with autism aren't noticed early because they're taught more about social cues and interpreting how other people feel.
No. 360843
>>360818It’s not rare when they have toxic masculine standards for men; it’s rare when they have those standards for themselves.
You do make a good point, though. I should have considered it.
No. 360861
>>360816>I mean, have you seen a woman who gets embarrassed when people see her cry? Porbably not, because women are expected to cry when sad.Yes?? I've been embarrassed about crying in front of others since childhood and to this day (although it's not really an issue since i'm much less prone to crying in public as I grew older). Same goes for everyone I know, I've hardly ever seen my mother cry, even when she experienced domestic abuse. Even growing up in primary school or high school my friends would make excuses for crying if ever they got choked up in front of others, especially if it was about a boy, or even another girl they had a confrontation with. I've been bullied by other girls solely because they witnessed me crying.
Feminity can certainly be toxic but it's very different from the toxic forms of masculinity. I don't really think they're two sides of the same coin as they're manifested differently. But even in popular culture, we have films like Mean Girls that deconstruct toxic feminine culture. Case in point: girls will often encourage other girls to dumb themselves down and reject any intellectual pursuit. Cady Heron started out as a smart but naive girl who was ultimately pressured into prioritizing petty/catty behaviour even after Janice explained that Regina had ostricized her by starting rumours about her being a "lesbian crack head" (which literally happened to me in real life lmao).
The reason that film became such a huge success was because it echoed the reality of teenage girls. Every girl in my school was obessed with the film and started their own "burn books" which led to the school principal calling an assembly and asking us if we had actually learned any moral lessons by watching the film. Of course the anti-bullying message went right over our heads and it didn't change anything.
No. 360888
>>360884If you need someone to help argue for you then it may not be your actual beliefs? Try exercising your own thoughts. If you work through your own mental dilemmas and contradicting feelings then you'll likely have a much more thoughtful response than anyone else could offer for a quick rebuttal.
You ever heard that old quote?
>listen with the intent to understand not the intent to replyI'm interested in hearing your counter argument though anon!
No. 360897
>>360884just say you're against women being exploited and abused. there's a difference between a camgirl and a woman or girl who has been sex trafficed and forces into pornography.
there's a difference between a escort who chooses her clients and a woman who has a pimp that beats her every night and takes her money.
or you could talk about how the whole sex work industry is fucked and toxic, but you support women who manage to be independent.
No. 360898
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Bit OT but this reminded me of one of those AGDQ after-party pics where they're at a restaurant and looking back at the camera.
No. 360909
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>>360898It reminds me of pic related. It's equally as cursed too.
No. 360918
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>>360884My response would be that I don't support everything any woman wants to do. If a friend told me that she wants to get breast implants I would try to talk her out of it. Same if she wanted to do porn or prostitution. The sex industry is explotative and I don't support it. I can disagree with other woman.
No. 360982
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No. 361027
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I don't know if this is appropriate for this thread, but I'm sick of seeing this shit when I'm looking at things (especially lingerie)
No. 361028
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>>360163This is literally in his post history. There's ……more, too.
No. 361040
>>361027>>361028That's such a sad Hank Hill ass.
At this point troons are just lifestyle sissy fetishists, aren't they? It's so hard to distinguish between the two because there's no way to tell whether they're doing it for a few hours a week or 24/7 and forcing all of society to go along with it.
No. 361061
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>>361027im going to post more because this shit is gross
No. 361063
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>>361062this always makes me nauseous when I'm looking for cheap tights. Super spoiler warning for this one.
No. 361068
>>360742>comparing being a rapist to being a golddiggerwhat
also, those fucking tongue clicks, does he have tourette's or something?
No. 361114
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No. 361123
>>360884Pornography and sex work is detrimental to ALL women for obvious reasons. Such as pornography warping sexual development and creating an unrealistic image of women and the sex work trade encouraging exploitation of women being forced into it. It doesn't affect just the people using their bodies to do it.
>>361114I knew he was a felon, I'm just surprised he was arrested for robbery instead of substance abuse.
No. 362082
>>361128lesbians are seriously the actual minorities in the gay community. gay men and trannies are taking everything over and women in general cant even have safe spaces, yet alone lesbians. I'm a lesbian and this shit is incredibly sad and discouraging to read. Men in general just want everything for themselves
>anal sex stuffew, no thanks. men are just gross
No. 362089
>>362081>Robbery with a firearm>Possession of xanax and pot He's been a busy boy. Weren't cluster B personality disorders really common within trannies?>The frequency of personality disorders was 81.4%>The most frequent personality disorder was narcissistic personality disorder (57.1%) and the least was borderline personality disorder. The average number of diagnoses was 3.00 per patient.Fucking 3 diagnoses per patient? And people want to roll out the red carpet for them?
No. 362091
>>362082Seeing the way lesbians are treated makes me furious. The homophobic shit about how lesbians just need to try dick and "work past it" and you don't even have to touch it and just the tip, honest! And the way any lesbian who dares come out in a kweer space is immediately subjected to 20 questions about whether she'd suck dick or not so troons can figure out whether they can convict her of thoughtcrime.
Get the L out. Lesbians don't deserve this shit.
No. 362093
>>362089>The most frequent personality disorder was narcissistic personality disorder (57.1%) holy shit.
in general population the prevalence of cluster b disorders (npd, bpd and avpd) is just 1.5%. and that's all 3 cluster b disorders. npd ALONE is 57% for troons.
No. 362104
>>362098So they made the only two gay male characters in a play about gay culture… straight?
So woke!
No. 362115
>>362087It's funny that they call lesbians "vagina fetishists" when they're the ones obsessed with all things natal women.
Why don't they just leave so-called "vagina fetishists" alone and make a super special space for their "chicks with dicks" faction? If they are truly lesbians, why don't they understand that sexual orientation can't be changed, and quietly make their own community? Call it "t-lesbians" or something, date other trannies (and maybe bisexual women) and leave evil cis lesbians alone.
Oh, wait, I know exactly why. It's because they
know they're not real women, they're obsessed with our every move, and they can't function unless we validate their sexual illness. Lesbian acceptance is basically the ultimate validation, so they're buttblasted that reality won't bend to allow them into the biggest, most obvious "woman's club" of them all (ie an entire sexuality). It's never been about acceptance vs bigotry. They will not die, lose jobs or be deported if lesbians reject their dicks or their ridiculous parodies of vaginas (aka gaping, nasty wounds marketed as "nu-vaginas"). It's just mentally ill LARPers trying to force themselves everywhere, and it makes me so irritated that this is given any political attention.
Also, it's odd to me that I
never see "trans-men" or their supporters call gay men bigots who deserve physical violence enacted upon them for not wanting to fuck them. Men are actually allowed to sexually discriminate based on their natural orientation, but women are evil meanie TERF cunts and bitches if they don't allow penises calling themselves vaginas into their bodies.
It's almost like men are eternally obsessed with forcing their dicks everywhere and trying to control women. It's like we can't even have a single bastion to ourselves. But male socialization and its effects are totally just a TERF meme, right? I'm so mad, fucking hell.
No. 362120
>>362089And TRAs are still going to plug their ears and insist gender dysphoria isn't a fucking mental illness.
I'm tired.
No. 362144
>>362139>that awful bimbo fetish getup and the bad Blaire White imitation hand gestures and jump cuts to pick the most presentable shotsHonestly this video looks like something you'd see on a CSI episode when they discover a serial killer's video manifesto and they made him a tranny to make him look more unhinged and the actor was directed to "act gay". Dude can't even emote at all without giving out his masculine looks by changing his expression or facial angle.
The actual contents of the video is just a milquetoast trancel taking out his hatred on women and shilling the r9k "traps are the future" thing.
No. 362166
>>362139Dude's a master of angles, hiding that manjaw like that. I still remember the horrific candid with Shoe.
And of course he dyed his hair blonde and started dressing up as a knockoff Barbie from the 2000's, that's how he hopes to achieve the "female look". Blonde, pink, cat ears, uwu uwu uwuu
No. 362194
>>362186even if hrt did bring mtfs to the same level as real women it still wouldn't be OK. if you take just enough hrt to be as good as the top female athletes who have literally trained for years to get to where they are, you still are enjoying an unfair advantage based purely on being born male.
the only way it would ever be fair is if hrt brought you down to the level of the average cis women, not the top cis female athletes.
No. 362200
>>362199Iran forcibly transitions gay men and women so they'll be "straight" so if you're gay in Iran your choices are either troon out (paid for by Iran's government) or be put to death.
So troons could fall back on their usual homophobia and argue it's actually those evil gays who are mentally ill.
No. 362205
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White troon fetishizes Muslim women being forced to break their own religion, actions that could end up getting actual Muslim women murdered in many countries.
No. 362207
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>>362205The troon in question
No. 362210
>>362186Imagine being so deep in the trans psychosis that you think hormones are some magical potion that significantly shrinks your already developed skeletal mass and organs in size. Oh yes, men have bigger lungs and a bigger heart that enable a better oxygen intake and more body mass to enable them to perform more physical activities but m-muh titty skittles make me ~just the same as a cis woman~!
>>362199It's been brought up to TRAs before and they just argue that the PDs are caused by the evil transphobic society not treating brave stunning troons right. They blame the society (or lesbians) for literally everything that would ever debunk their cult.
No. 362211
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>>362205>>362207holy fuck this guy is bonkers
No. 362216
>>362205>>362207as an ex-muslim this makes me want to vomit. you really think your average muslim man who cares about haram shit in islam would be in a femdom relationship? he needs to give middle east a visit and try to do the same thing there.
the thing i noticed is western trannies are obsessed with victimizing themselves and always talk shit about western society as if they would be treated like normal humans in any other part of the world. middle east, any part of asia, africa, they wouldn't be accepted anywhere
No. 362217
>>362214Are you the person who posts like 10 times in one thread whining about how we're "ignoring FTMs" and makes the same fucking points every time without offering any milk on any FTM activist? If you want to talk about the weeb girls larping as anime boys you're free to go to the fakeboi thread. We mostly talk about TIMs because they're the ones doing the demented shit and being the aggressive, entitled party. FTMs just whine on twitter about being misgendered because a cashier couldn't tell that a plaid shirt makes you a man now.
And yes, most of the people in this thread feel sorry for FTMs because the whole trans movement is based on misogyny. Men taking over female spaces and females abandoning their femininity in order to avoid sexualization and belittlement. They might be "gender traitors" yeah, but there's a world of difference in cognitive dissonance between them and transcel/transbian/overall misogynistic TRAs.
No. 362250
This might have been mentioned before but this blog from a de-transitioned ftm really gave me a lot to think about>>362214FTMs just don't make such a big splash as TIMs. Maybe it happens, but I don't see so much "choke on my man clit" on twitter
It's as if being raised as a woman taught them to not insert themselves into everything
>>362240Islam supports gender reassignment and forbids homosexuality, it plays out perfectly
No. 362266
Man investigated by police for retweeting transgender limerick
>PC Mansoor Gul told Mr Miller: “I’ve been on a course and what you need to understand is that you can have a foetus with a female brain that grows male body parts and that’s what a transgender person is.”>Confirming that he had spoken to Mr Miller for 20 minutes, PC Gul told the Telegraph he made the remark about the foetus because he had “learned it on a training course ran by a transgender person last summer”.This is what cops are being taught. This is really fucking worrying.
No. 362276
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>>362266The NHS is clinically retarded
No. 362299
>>362279And that's how we're gonna have hundreds of damaged adults suicidal and angry and prepared to sue when they learn the truth
>tell the public it's all 100% reversable >suppress all stories and people who detransitioned and have a hard time with it>suppress all other voices who are against it>push permenant change to kids younger and youngerThis is some fucked up agenda going on
>>362281I wish that got more attention what the fuck. At this point, people need to be their own police or create a safe neighborhood for themselves
No. 362308
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>>362266It gets better, they doxxed the guy too.
No. 362348
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No. 362355
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No. 362375
triggers me so much, lingerie is meant to flatter the female form, it looks completely stupid on flat hank hill asses with no curves
No. 362378
>>362355It's hard to tell without context, but it could also be that they just want to be friends.
Either way, someone needs to step up their communication skills.
No. 363506
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The Sun never sets
No. 363507
>>363506The kid's prominent autogynesmile at the ripe age of 4 reminds me a bit of that tangent Karl went on about how upbringing can turn kids ugly.
Also, gotta love that name. "Star Cloud" is the true model gender neutral name because it sounds simultaneously a bit like a My Little Pony and a bit like a Transformer.
No. 363512
>>363506That clickbait. The byline even states that it's just a transgender woman and a woman who "dresses male some days"
>Puts on a pair of jeans>I'm male todayIt's not as complex as they are trying to suggest.
>>363507Good point about the expression though. I think that expression is "I tricked you into thinking I was a girl" but the joke is that very few men are actually passing, they tricked nobody. Like a wolf in sheep's clothing baring its teeth at you.
No. 363551
>>363546The world hates women and gays, it’s just a ‘progressive’ way to take away the rights of those deemed lesser
Bonus points if they’re a gay woman
No. 363558
>>363551 is right that much of it is just plain old misogyny and homophobia in a new jacket, but I recommend you read the “Inauthentic Selves” Medium article linked in the OP if you’re curious about the financial resources and political influence this movement has amassed in such a relatively short time.
No. 363561
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tfw JB Prtizker's cousin is a troon
No. 363605
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Showed up on my twitter
No. 363606
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>>363605Makes me want to read the web comic lmao
No. 363610
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>>363600>>363583Also "jamie rose dee" and - I can't find it now but this guy was asking for money via his very male "deadname" on vemmo
No dysphoria about using your male names huh, probably because these particular people never had dysphoria. They are trying to make bank on the <1% of "real" trans people who actually had dysphoria and felt wrong in their bodies. Idk these ones are even faker to me than the midlife crisis type, at least having a midlife crisis is a recognized thing. The sudden decision to be a woman at 20 years old makes no sense
Here are the trans categories, they are usually one of these:
>midlife crisis/marriage escape>Young men after money and fame>children being abused by their parents who wanted the other sex>conversion therapy for gay teens, see above>autogynephiles and crossdressers/sissies who feel they "need" to transition or call themselves trans now>sex workers who want a USP >incels who can't get a girl/hate women in general/watch too much anime>people with dysphoria (generally these are FtM and not MtF and it often results from PTSD from CSA/Rape in their youth)>fakebois influenced by the internet, media and anime, peer pressure/group bonding plays a big role hereIt's a strange timeline we ended up in
No. 363630
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>>363605>>363606Some 15-year-olds are redesigning her characters to be less troonphobic. She also gets a lot of hate, but doesn't back down. I like her.
No. 363639
>>363606I wanted to send her a friendly anon message, but she shut off asks (probably because of harassment).
She's brave for doing this, and her use of color on that page is lovely. Also, all the hate art "fixing" the AGP crew is coincidentally ugly as shit, lmao.
No. 363654
>>363506Why, I wonder, is it ALWAYS male children that get pushed to this shit? We only always see male children being aggressively shilled as being trans, but for some reason the female transkids "blossom" when they hit puberty and browse too much tumblr. Munchausen moms who believe that a male trans kid is much more progressive than a female trans kid? I'm just genuinely curious as to why this is.
>>363606lmfao, me too.
No. 363661
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>>363613>>363606>>363605The comments are so vile.
No. 363670
>>363630>antisemitic designsUuuhhhh, just because a cartoon character has a big nose doesn't mean it's meant to be jewish. These people are way over their heads.
>>363661>violent transmisogynistSo making fun of fetishist men is now literal violence and misogynist. This is 2019.
No. 363682
TIMs fetishize female submission and misery.
TIFs fetishize….female submission and misery. No. 363704
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>>363654Their mothers cater to men as they've been socialized to, their sons included.
No. 363816
Rant incoming.
On TLC now there is a show about a trans mtf who took puberty blockers and got surgery. It's called "I am Jazz." I have no doubt in my mind that the mother of this individual skewed them towards that life. From the beginning, they state how the child wanted to be a girl from the age of two. How it wanted to wear girly swimsuits, etc. However I work with children and not a single one can recall actual memories from that time let alone be expected to have their babblings taken seriously. But it's not only that. Every step of the way, the mother has made sure to record the child in it's "transitional childhood" and reach out to as many media outlets as possible. In these child recordings where Jazz talks about "I know I'm a girl! But I am stuck in a boy body etc etc", they can be seen looking off to the side and making nonverbal cues that they are trying to recall a coached script. It's very obvious, they look like my daycare kids when they're trying to lie.
On the TLC show, the narc mother takes up more screentime than the subject of the series itself. And Jazz, before getting their genital removal surgery, spouted the most obvious tranny cue that they are just idolizing a sex out of mental illness: "I can't wait to finally be happy after the surgery."
It's different when I see a tranny who is an adult being a loser. But when a child is pressured into keeping the narrative going from the moment they remember, it is childhood abuse. What if Jazz wanted to stop all this and be a boy? It's already stated that the puberty blockers irreversibly changed their development and even if they didn't, the attention whore family would never let go of their claim to fame.
No. 363818
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>>363816Replying with an image from a transgender forum, where even some people from there see an issue. However this person amassed alot of butthurt.
No. 363822
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>>363816It's been discussed before that Jazz's fame hungry munchie mother has definitely been implanting memories in his head. All of his stories about gender dysphoria at age 2 or 3 start with "My mother told me that when I was 3…". One of the stupidest things was him claiming that he knew he was a girl when he "unsnapped his onesie to turn it into a dress" when he was like 1 years old. There's an article about this and it's just crazy how people can look at this and not think that his mother is straight out insane. Pic related, 2-year olds are not this coherent or able to have memories this vivid. They can barely speak full sentences and it's extremely rare to be able to consciously remember even vague things from when you were under 3-4 years old. Does a 2-year old really know what a penis and a vagina are? How the fuck isn't anyone calling this bullshit out?
I remember the scene when he was being consulted by the doctor about his upcoming sex surgery and the dad seemed horrified and the mother had this crazy stare that said "Yeah, get on with it already!". The motherfucking mother talked about her son's upcoming sex life when he was like what, 14 or 15? And not in a discreet way either. I can't wait for Jazz's tell-all book in 10 years.
No. 363880
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No. 363982
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>>363606Holy fuck, I need to read this comic
No. 364214
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No. 364225
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>>364199 said its been going for a while now>"Mulan’s gender journey over the course of the movie feels very familiar to me as a nonbinary trans person. First, in "Honor to Us All," the village women attempt to sculpt Mulan into an ideal woman — and more specifically, an ideal wife. It surprises some of my friends that this has always been my favorite scene in the movie, and that as a child, I longed to dress as Mulan in full bridal garb for Halloween. But this actually fits my experience navigating gender: I was a child who was excellent at embodying girlhood and wanted badly to become a beautiful, graceful, feminine woman… but it just wasn’t in the cards for me. Mulan, too, fails the test of womanhood when her meeting with the Matchmaker goes horribly awry. As Mulan acknowledges this failure in "Reflection," she poses a question that most trans people know intimately: "When will my reflection show who I am inside?" And what exactly would that reflection be? If Mulan isn’t a woman, then who (or what) is she?" No. 364230
>>364225>that picle transgender weren't allowed to serve you fucking retard, Mulan just disguised herself as a man to protect her father it's literally in the first 10 minutes of movies aaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAH fucking hell
I hate how all these queergenders are manipulating information for the benefit of their dumb cult, fuck.
No. 364233
>>364225This poster makes me want to just give up and move to a remote island with no internet connection or touch with the modern world.
Anyone else extremely exhausted with the TRAs and how people swallow whatever retarded bullshit they feed them without an ounce of self-respect or criticism? Like 2-year olds walking up to their parents to discuss their gender identity and genitals with words too advanced for their developmental stage and people saying that the effects of HRT are "completely reversible"? I'm a masculine gay woman and the trans agenda being pushed everywhere almost breaks me constantly. The other day I saw a butch lesbian girl 10 years younger than me who had become a transman (of couse she's dating another transman and they're "gay boys") tweet that TERFs are literally the worst thing ever, how claiming that criticizing transbians is violent transphobia and it just breaks my heart over and over again. It always feels like I'm alone with this, if I'm not a tranny but "just" a non-feminine woman then I'm worth nothing. It's no wonder so many young butch lesbians are transitioning, the world places no value on a woman it can't sexualize in a heteronormative way. Are there any other gendercrit people here who have to deal with this as well? I need some peer support and this is literally the only place where I can look for it.
No. 364252
>>364225>Ultimately, Mulan is able to defeat the bad guys by playing on their misperceptions of her gender, and — in an unfortunately transmisogynistic scene — getting her friends to transgress gender, as well. This just in, dressing up as a woman to sneak in to a palace by wooing the guards is not "transgressing gender" but also transmisogynistic for some reason.
>>364246>A woman is happy that her man isn't influenced by the male socialization (i.e. becoming a chauvinistic asshole degrading women) and is interested in doing things by himself and putting effort into their relationship instead, the woman even asks if their relationship is unhealthy and is clearly ashamed of being happy that her man is an introvert>FUCK THIS PSYCHO NARC BITCH, THIS IS WHAT TERFS REALLY WANT MEN TO BE, A MINDLESS SEX ROBOT WITH NO SOUL OR WILL OF HIS OWN!!!!!! HE'S PROBABLY AN AUTISTIC SERIAL KILLER TOO Yep, earlier in this thread someone said that "terf" is just another term for "roastie" and it rings true once again.
No. 364262
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Oh good. I was checking her blog again and it looks like its up again. the chance to read it anons. Does tumblr take down this sort of stuff?
No. 364265
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>>364263Oh okay, cause I thought I was remembering incorrectly but yeah I found the post she made
Honestly I think it sounds like an unhealthy relationship, celebrating your partners social isolation is weird and can easily become controlling
No. 364266
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>>364263Another quality lolcow poster, lol.
Why do they bother to come here? Wouldn't CC be more her style?
No. 364277
>>364214This is the most vile specimen I've seen in a while. and of course he posts in lesbian subs. I went through his old submitted posts and found this: >I, like many socially awkward people, have on occasion been termed "creepy" by others.That does not surprise me in the slightest.
>>364267i think this has been discussed, maybe in the kiwifarms thread? It looks like she was a poster there too.
No. 364281
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>>364277more creepiness from wackyvorlon.
this looks like a mock up from a site that makes badges like this, and it mentions canada (other posts mention he's from there) so he had to make this up specifically and didn't just find it lying around on google images or something. that makes it way creepier to me for some reason.
No. 364384
>>364376I believe it needs time and sacrifice, after huge amount of children being transed, to be left disappointed with medical problems. Surge of young detransitioners
That is the time people might see there's something up.
No. 364391
>>364376I think the rise of transrace and transspecies could do it. Troons hated it so much when Rachel Dolezal happened and countless people made the connection between her and them. But they don't have good arguments against it, every argument they have is flimsy and unconvincing.
And it gets even more unconvincing when you get troons who also claim to be transrace or transspecies. The moment one of them comes into the public eye, the whole house of cards falls down.
No. 364395
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Man tumblr trans are nasty people. I'm not even a feminist, yet I sympathize with lesbians and TERFs. They preach tolerance yet at the same time they act like entitled rapey pieces of shit. Lesbians are women who love women. It's no better than straight guys who tell lesbians that they haven't had their dick, now it's some bearded dude in a cosplay wig saying that and it makes it okay somehow?!? Fuck entitled transcels.
No. 364400
>>364376>Doctors who still have their conscience speaking out against it and exposing it as a huge scam and maltreatment >Celebrities (especially those liked by young people) speaking out because they have a larger reach than regular activists>A well-known TRA detransitioning (I'm looking at Jazz in 10 years)>The trans insanity reaching the mainstream audience and being exposed to normies because no regular people outside of the Twitter safe space are going to tolerate greasy transbians talking about how FGM should be renamed because it reminds them they don't have vaginasIt's bound to happen at some point because when you cover up a lie with another lie like Mermaids are doing, it's built on a very shaky foundation. Maybe in 5 years, maybe in 10 years. But I HIGHLY doubt that this is going to last over a decade because we're going to have a ton of depressed 30 year olds who mutilated themselves permanently at the age of 18 after hanging out on Tumblr too much. We've already begun to have more and more news about the rocketing statistics of "gender dysphoric" kids being issued to trans clinics and doctors being suspicious of it. The whole concept of transgenderism is based on ~muh feels~ and pseudoscience, the TRAs' demands keep getting more and more insane, could you really see that in 20 years they've gotten what they wanted?
I was a dedicated TRA two years ago and considering transitioning myself, now I'm gendercrit and absolutely against this madness. If I could come to my senses, the rest could as well. The only thing worrying me is that it's possible that gay people and women are going to take the fall for all of this and blamed for brainwashing people, even when in reality it's all been a bunch of fetishist incel men in rainbow socks shilling their agenda.
No. 364403
I'm shook by reading this about Lupron. Read the comments too. It basically accellerates old age in people who are 20-30 years old. Crippling joint and muscle pain, fatigue, even aggression and irritability, and a host of knock-on, permanent crippling effects from stopping the natural hormones we need
to function. Hormones cause secondary sexual characteristics but that is not their main function. I'm pressed No. 364405
>>364403And not to be overlooked, lupron causes
severe bone damage, bones start to actually crumble and break. And this has happened to people in their early 20s after being prescribed lupron. I will assume other hormone inhibitors have similar effects.
>>364400I'm so glad you broke out of it Anon and are now gendercrit
No. 364412
>>364403The more I learn about this stuff, the happier I am about having seen the light. In a decade there's gonna be a whole lot of people suffering from the effects of this shit and eventually killing themselves, and it will be all TRA's fault. Glad I won't be a part of this. Glad I won't carry the guilt of having endorsed such a twisted ideology that
actually kills people.
After all, evil terfs making people kill themselves is just part 9,999,999 of TRA projection.
No. 364456
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No. 364504
File: 1548884413445.jpg (32.85 KB, 689x175, DyMEg35V4AIDKmt.jpg) is locked behind a paywall but way to entirely miss the point about The Addams Family and Gomez/Morticia in particular.
No. 364532
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>>364412samefag oh fuck I've done my own research and it absolutely is they put kids on puberty blockers and this stuff and Lupron is basically what they inject you with if the other stuff is making your kidneys fail
No. 364541
>>364376wait a couple of decades for either the US to fall into another civil war
>troons die/ kill themselves from lack of HRT or medical "intervention"or people see how the trannies end up de-transitioning dying in mass/ infertile/ deformed that people get sick and tired of lying to themselves.
No. 364542
Remember when that white girl on Instagram started the "blackfishing" debate? No imagine a bunch of white men calling themselves black women and act stereotypically. People will NOT have it.
No. 364558
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No. 364606
>>364558Seems like a good argument for taking on a male name. We can ALL be Bob Smiths! You thought Bob was a safely masculine name HR jerks? Think again, asshole.
>>364581also a valid possibility. I'd be wary of hiring a trans person if only because they seem to be involved in a disproportionately high amount of lawsuits.
No. 364706
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>>364565I saw this on reddit on a "weirdest kink" thread. What exactly does this mean?
No. 364722
>>364558B-but didn't women have it on easy mode?! All we need to do is to look pretty and smile and the world will come to us!
Suck it up my man, this is what being a woman is all about. Being belittled, thought of as a lesser person, having to work twice as hard to be seen as an equal, getting less money for the same job.
>>364606Some freelancing female IT professionals work under a male name just because they're not able to get projects as a woman. And of course all the writers who are made by the publisher to take a male name or use only their initials because nobody wants to buy books written by a woman. But thank god we have Bruce Jenner to tell us that the hardest part of being a woman is choosing what to wear!
No. 364723
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So apparently Jazz's "vagina" burst open after the SRS procedure when he was leaving the hospital and he needed emergency surgery to repair the damage. This is some horrific ass shit and it's going to happen to kids across the country. This kid could have died but had the fortune of TLC paying the bill to get the best doctors in the country.
Imagine parents taking their kids to hack jobs to get SRS for them. Imagine the horror those kids could experience. How can this be the best option for this illness? Fucking madness, man.
Twitter thread about the shitshow here (NSFW, it has video clips): No. 364726
>>362211they cry out when they get hit but they want others (specifically terfs) to get hit?
holy double standard batman!
but no seriously, they're not being the better person promoting physical violence.
No. 364733
I think I finally hit peak trans.
I used to be a handmaiden, but that's been chipping away the past couple months and I need to keep face publicly since I'm a semi-popular artist. A few days ago I read how women are being called "menstruators". That really flipped the switch for me, I'm so fucking disgusted by this dehumanizing shit. I'm tired of seeing one lesbian flag for every 10 trans flags at pride. I want to make lesbian/wlw merch without being bombarded with "why didnt u make acetransdemi" comments. I want to be a lesbian and celebrate femininity in peace.
I wish I had the guts to draw stuff like
>>363605 and redkatherine, but I know I will be crucified and my only source of income would go down the drain. I have no one to talk to about this because all my friends are the "punch terfs" type. I'm so tired.
I'm sorry for blogging.
No. 364739
>>364723The comment that stood out to me was
>his dad gave him 7 inches to get fucked with(referring to the depth of the artifical hole created)
I can't imagine how humiliating it would be to have to actively dilate and care for your wound, which serves only sexual purpose and no health based ones- when you're only a tiny teenager. You were only just born 15 years ago and now you're dedicating your life to being a receptacle for a penis. None of the benefits of being male, and none of the benefits of being female either (such as natural beauty and ability or potential to birth a child)
He will 100% sue his parents by 2029
No. 364747
>>364722Plus none of us have the luxury of building a professional reputation and saving up money before ‘coming out’ as women, we deal with all of the things he’s complaining about in every aspect of our lives
from birth. Even when TIMs seem to be a little more sympathetic towards women after getting a tiny glimpse of what life’s like for us, they always seem to neglect mentioning that part.
>>364723Fuck, poor kid. With his mother and all the other adult enablers surrounding him he never really stood a chance, did he? I hope he’ll be able to escape his munchie mom one day, let the psychological and physical wounds heal as much as possible, and live a decent life. The fact that this obvious child abuse is not just being broadcasted but celebrated is incredibly fucked up.
>>364738A lot of TIMs seem to really hate their mothers, much like incels.
>>364742>At the very least SRS should only be done after the age of 21IIRC because of his age and blocked puberty there wasn’t even enough tissue to do the usual procedure, right? Even from a pro-trans perspective, blockers and MTF SRS seem to be mutually exclusive.
No. 364750
>>364723I genuinely feel really sorry for this kid. He's been indoctrinated since he was a toddler and pushed in front of cameras since he was what, 7? After over 10 years of media circus and talking about your upcoming surgery you just can't walk out at the last minute, especially when the fame-hungry stage mom is pushing you to do it. His body is ruined beyond repair, he will never be able to be sexually active due to the botched puberty and mutilated genitals. It's so sad and I can't believe how this is broadcast in front of people yet they aren't absolutely horrified. It's David Reimer all over again, I can't see him making it past 30 without detransitioning or suicide.
>>364733The "menstruator" debate and overall treatment of cis women by the men in dresses was what initially peaked me too. Was a ~nonbinary~ TRA, started noticing how other TRAs started demanding to stop using vaginas as the symbol of women's rights, how lesbians should sleep with transbians and how many transwomen were textbook NPDs. Afterwards I started questioning my beliefs and read up a lot of gender critical stuff and it really opened my eyes to a lot of misogyny that goes on in the world, especially the type I've internalized over my life. I think a lot of us were peaked by narc transbians, and I doubt the effect is going to stop losing momentum.
No. 364755
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>>364558Checked the whole thread out, found this gem.
>I'm scared of becoming a game dev as a woman, should I transition to succeed with my career and not be treated as a worthless object?>Of course you should transition, it'll make you feel better and help you avoid the burden placed on your gender!Jesus fucking christ. Way to play into the patriarchy's hands despite being so ~woke~.
No. 364782
>>364779I’m pessimistic that these doctors will be held fully responsible. Dr John Money got away with blatantly abusing David Reimer and forcing him to have sex with his own twin brother, and is still celebrated as a ‘pioneer’ in some circles. Today’s doctors, surgeons and psychiatrists have the excuse that everyone else is doing it, it’s what they were taught, they didn’t know any better, they believed they were helping. And they wouldn’t even be completely wrong about that because med students today
are being taught that this is how you treat gender dysphoria and that non-hormone/surgery approaches are ‘conversion therapy’ and therefore unethical. I worry that it’s become too big for individuals to be held responsible.
No. 364800
>>364795This is excellent news.
However we're still in a sad state of affairs when stating obvious biological facts is something to be celebrated.
I wonder what the backlash is going to be like. I can imagine troons crying out the unfairness of it all, but they didn't think it was unfair of THEM to edge out actual women in other sports. Or scholarships or sponsorships or access to better coaching.
I wish more women would speak out about this, especially those within the industry.
No. 364812
>>364325Went to check myself online and it's not only used for cancer but to treat women with endo, to prevent girls from getting periods early, to help girls grow taller, treat fibroids, treat fertility problems. Now all of these women are reporting SERIOUS side effects (bone loss, hair loss, teeth loss, fibromyalgia, mental health problems, multiple women died). The common theme is that women and girls were being used as test subjects, fucking sickens me. Reminds me of how women had serious side effects and died from the first oral contraceptive trials and it's still on the shelves (just a weaker dosage). Can you imagine if the first trials of any treatment or drug so much as caused a
fraction of this on men? There's no fucking way they'd get away with or or that it would be sold to the public. God, women still being used as guinea pigs and goes to show how little people fucking care about women.
No. 364925
>>364723Is the surgeon… a tranny himself? Wew.
>"Girls get competitive about their vaginal depth"Uh…
No. 364928
>>364800Stating biological facts like men and women are physically different will fuel Tim's and men that women (only normal women) are weak and useless too. It's fucking sad. We have to fight for our spaces and will still be deemed as lesser and inferior in the end.
Watch TiMs sperg over being banned act like its sour grapes and they'll say something like how women shouldn't be powerlifting anyway but instead be dainty feminine sex toys for men uwu
>>364922I hope jazz will escape the madness as he gets older, makes a video explaining the real story and find some peace. Him, Desmond is Amazing (that drag kid) too.
No. 364932
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>>360163All of you are dumb cunts who fail to see their own female privilege
I hate mentally ill men too but the fact that you girls are feminists debunk your own points, but have fun with your vagina worshiping threads cause that's all you're good for anyways.
>>364937Jazz believes they will be able to experience sexual desire after the surgery, which is unfortunately not true. I am certain the protocols for how hormones are prescribed will change and I wouldn't be surprised if the public train wreck that is Jazz's life will be part of it. When you start a prepubescent child on blockers and then put them on synthetic hormones they are unable to experience sexual desire because they didn't develop how they should have. And as we have seen from this last episode of I am Jazz it also prevents the doctor's from being able to perform the normal penile inversion surgery because their sex organs aren't big enough (because testosterone is what causes them to grow in normal puberty). The alternative surgery is riskier and results aren't as good. Current preference for early transition sacrifices sexual function and fertility in exchange for passing better.
I don't think trans people are going away but protocols might change in opposition to puberty blockers. It might be better in the long run to go through some puberty, in regards to being able to save eggs/sperm, in regards to SRS, and for their future romantic lives.
No. 364958
>>364750on one of the last eps he said that his mom sets up interviews and appearances for him without even telling him before making these arrangements.
basically blackmails him into it i suppose by already setting up these arrangements and making him feel pressured.
No. 364995
>>364815Those were far from the only side effects.>>364801I wouldn't get vocal about it if you don't feel safe, but no one should bully you into attending rallies- especially when they're filled with predatory, violent troons.
No. 365008
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How extreme does the binding have to be to damage your spine?
No. 365073
>>365008>Her kid's been wearing a chest binder for 2 years now>Mentions the child being in pain in the 8th grade>Which makes the kid 14-16 years old >"I wish I could afford the irreversible, mutilating, unnecessary surgery for my UNDERAGE CHILD, maybe I should start a GoFundMe!"Munchie or just indoctrinated to hell and beyond? Either way this is incredibly dysfunctional.
I've used chest binders for my cosplays and I've never been in pain, even after a full 12-hour day of wearing them. So these kids most likely wear a shitty binder literally 24/7 and instead of their parents doing something about the possibility of a motherfucking
disc disease they act like it's an actual sickness they just have to deal with. Get your kid to a psychiatrist for gods sakes! You wouldn't let them cut, so why would you let them voluntarily hurt themselves in some other way?
No. 365125
>>365106haha, it's super cool to see you say this actually because that's the reaction I had the first time I saw a woman bring this up. It's such a powerful point and I love being able to share it w/ other women.
But for real, this is one of the things that strikes me most as a ~W Oh Cee~–what no one wants me to say is like, femininity in my home culture has different aesthetics and rules and womanhood is way more obviously tied to having babies and keeping house than in richer countries. So when I see male people talking about feeling genderfluid or nb or trans to me it's like…it exposes how it really isn't this transcendent universal "woman soul." It's culturally bound. Womanhood in my family means endless work and caring for others and I've never seen a trans woman talk in those terms. "I'm genderfluid because I love being the first to get up and the last to go to bed! I love running around during the holidays to organize all the gifts and menus and family drama!" No, it's always delicate feelings and wanting to be the bottom in sex and whatever. My grandma never wore makeup and did hard labor all her life and raised a bunch of kids and grandkids, and all this gender theory makes it sound like none of that is "womanly" because she mostly wore practical clothes and stopped taking shit around age 25. But that's what womanhood really is, for most women, and especially after youth–it's work. And it's the work no one else wants to do.
No. 365134
>>365125Yes, all of this! My family's version of femininity is caring for others out of generosity. There's no time for makeup or frilly dresses or being kinky. Obsessing over your boobs is the last thing on our minds, we want to figure out what to make our family for dinner first.
>But that's what womanhood really is, for most women, and especially after youth–it's work. And it's the work no one else wants to do.hard agree, my youth ended very young for me. not because of children or anything, but because my family didn't want to care for me despite living in the same house.
it's funny, i started feeling like less of a woman because of these troons. i felt like i remember suddenly feeling pressure for wearing practical, comfortable clothes and not giving a rats ass about my face looking like shit because of acne. i stopped wearing makeup after like 2 months of attempting in middle school, that was enough. then as i got older and this genderfluid shit started coming up, i felt pressured to start wearing makeup and dress more classy.
No. 365141
>>365011yeah uh lemme get uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
BONELESS gender and uhhhh 2 liter of dilation
No. 365142
>>365100Thank you for this! 100% correct observation. They never want to do the dirty or unglamorous work we are forced into because of gender roles. “Embracing their femininity” always comes down to shallow aesthetic and sexual aspects. Or crying, for some reason. You don’t see them rush to help their mother in the kitchen or be expected to watch their younger siblings. These assholes probably don’t help to put away the groceries once they bring the bags inside. It’s amazing how they will speak of missing out on girlhood and making excuses for their terrible fashion and hygiene because they think they were deprived of the mandatory lessons they imagined we all had at puberty. Meanwhile, these guys all grew up around their mothers, sisters, aunts, female classmates, etc for their entire childhoods. It wouldn’t have been difficult to acknowledge the bare minimum of real life female interaction that occurred right in front of them if they were really a girl inside. Nope. They rather rely on movies and porn to navigate womanhood.
I can never forget the anon from many threads back who described the scene when they volunteered at a function(I believe it was LGBT event). She said that when it came time to pack up and start cleaning the venue, it was the trans women who did the bare minimum to help, preferring to stand around and talk with the gay guys while the females did the work. I could be misremembering, but I believe she wrote that the females actually doing the work also included trans men, which is not surprising.
No. 365168
>>364972direct video link. do you all make of the Stand Up for Women people from the UK working with the heritage foundation in the US?
I'm incredibly frustrated by it. It just confirms to TRAs that radfems ally themselves with the right, and harms our credibility immensely with other leftists. I understand why they made the decision they did, but I don't agree with it at all.
I think Posie has said and done a lot of admirable things with this campaign, but her approach to dealing with people can be counter-intuitive. Plus I haven't forgotten the "all tifs should be sterilized" tweet, which went against everything she's advocating for.
No. 365174
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Oh god damn it
No. 365213
>>365142When I was around 25 I lived in a mixed household including a gay man. One woman took care of everything including buying the toilet paper, every homely thing in the house was hers. In my prior house I was the only girl and ditto, all the homely things were mine and the boys never cleaned. I had to fix up the entire bathroom including scrubbing mould and repainting.
Anyway, in the house with the gay guy the toilet got blocked.
I mentioned it to gay guy and he says to call a plumber in. I google how to fix it and use the plunger+plastic bag method, it's fixed and nobody mentions anything.
Even an effeminate man, and that includes gay guys, draw the line at doing housework in any way, cleaning a house, furnishing it, and so on. They pick and choose what feminine traits they want.
Men with feminine traits is a good thing. But I wish they would join us in
work as well as aesthetics.
No. 365252
>>364527Only in US.
Most other countries use cyproterone acetate, which is much safer, but not sold in US, due to being a generic drug and no big pharma considering it worth it to pump money into getting it approved by FDA.
Other drug used in US (and to less extent worldwide) is spironolactone, a diuretic which can cause a heart attack.
Lupron is actually the most rarely used one, due to it's cost and not always being covered by insurance. I guess it's given to kids, because it's an injection, so you don't need to make sure they take the pills? Or maybe just milking parents out of the money?
No. 365266
>>365100>scrubbing toiletsDisgusting, I wouldn't touch one myself.
My bf does all the cleaning, cooking, dishes, etc. I don't even have to nag him or anything. I don't like such generalizations.
Only troons and immature fuckboys seem to be like you say.
No. 365280
>>365275This is another reason why I hate the way people stamp you with EVIL TERF the moment you say anything slightly gc. It's easier for them to mark everyone as Literally Hitler abs dehunanise you with death or rape threats rather than potentially risk listening to a differing opinion.
I hate the way the left has become, it's no wonder the right laughs at us
No. 365282
>>365174Yeah I’m choosing not to believe this either BUT
>”I knew they had to be hers”Literally no
If these dudes really rub their dicks on stuff from a public bathroom I hope it fucks them up eventually lmao
No. 365283
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Nobody is saying trans people need to be eradicated, jesus. I've read a lot of these threads and all trans exclusionary radical feminists want to do is to, surprise, exclude transgender woman aka cis men from women's spaces. You ain't gonna die because you can't go into a woman's toilet or changing room.
No. 365292
>>365283I've been a radfem for five years and I have never heard a fellow radfem say anything about wanting to "eradicate" trans people.
Heard plenty of talk from TRAs about wanting to choke, rape and murder lesbians though.
No. 365354
>>365283Well there’s the problem. If they bothered to engage in discussions and actually
listen to what is being said, they’d know that feminists don’t want to eradicate trans people at all. Unless they think eradication means “encouraging people to consider other options before jumping straight into surgery and HRT”.
No. 365400
>>365283>eradicatedProjection. I used to be a TRA and what contributed to me hitting peak trans is the amount of violence in their community. It was all a perpetual "punch TERFs, kill TERFs, shoot, murder, stab, behead transphobes" and since I was depressed at that time, I already had a very low tolerance to violence and it made me sick.
Meanwhile, the "TERF" community is not nearly as violent. Even the radfems who hate troons the most don't indulge in all those graphic descriptions of how they would hurt TIMs… they don't even talk about hurting them. They say "I hope he an hero's" at max.
Also, I've never seen such a violent "minority". I'm a lesbian and I've never said "I'm gonna stab homophobes to death" or similar stuff - even though, unlike transphobes, homophobes do have more power and could really take our rights away… trans people have achieved more power in a decade than gay people have in 50 years.
No. 365422
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>>365283>Nobody is saying trans people need to be eradicatedSpeak for yourself. of you are at stage 4, UK peaked at 6.
Obviously no one will be killing troons.
We will take away their right to change birth sex on documents, there will be no self-id.
Laws should be put into place to prevent young people from being indoctrinated and getting access to hormones.
Any troon should report to police and be required to announce their transgender status, just like sex offenders are required to and there should be a public registry of such people (see Megan's Law).
No man should have access to female bathrooms and changing rooms, it should be a criminal offense to trespass.
No. 365465
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imagine being against iran forcing gays and lesbians to transition while having a mindset like this. this is borderline conversion therapy talk
No. 365520
>>365213>>365142100% my experience as well. My world is pretty ~radical queer~ and the houses full of trans women/male nbs are filthy fucking bachelor holes. You know the kind– toilets stained, ring around the tub, trash cans overflowing. And like, no furniture, boxes used to sit on, definitely nothing like curtains or more than one towel. And parties, yeah, just like you said, it's always the female people (even if they're trans men) who organize things, who schedule things, who clean up after. Home w/ female radical queer people, like….they can be messy, I'm sure a lot of us farmers can be slobs, but they're rarely
disgusting and they'll at least have an ounce of shame that male people never had instilled.
Even if you're the girliest Stacy in the world, you can only really be that ideal for a small chunk of your life. But you don't stop being a woman then–womanhood just becomes about caring and cleaning and cooking and working. That's 90% of womanhood, especially when we're talking about all women worldwide and throughout history. Trans women/nb people identify with a fantasy created by other men, for other men. And just like men prefer, the ickier necessary parts of womanhood aren't part of it. They'll still get done, just, you know, but ~afabs~
No. 365601
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An insight into the mind of a "transgirl"
No. 365607
>>365601This sub is eye opening, just look in the comments. This is what they think being a woman is.>I literally got linked to /r/traa from /r/anime_irl and now I'm a girl lol>I don't just want to be a woman. I want to be a slut.>All of the comments agreeing>my female friend who has no idea I'm trans has been talking about sex toys with me I've never felt so validatedFeeling validated is just as easy as tricking women into talking about sex toys with you
No. 365634
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>>365607Browsing that sub and the sister subs just makes me so sad and angry, because you'll find so many young teens and their parents who are all brainwashed. Why would you let your son drop out because of dysphoria? Not even bullying - just because the school refused to acknowledge his special pronouns. How coddled can you be? That's everything but oppressed.
No. 365645
>>365641for tif’s i’m pretty sure gender dysphoria stems from not wanting to be sexualized and for tim’s it’s not being sexualized enough (aka too much porn)
that’s the most basic reason i can think of but i’m just too lazy to launch into it
i know the reason i indentifed as a “trans boy” was because i was a massive fujoshi when i was a teen and hated the way people treated me as a girl fujoshit. this was the beginning of the great fujo war where girls would claim to be trans boy ‘man-loving men’ to escape being ridiculed and ostracized for “fetishizing gay relationships.”
sage for blogposting
No. 365700
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>>360163 they really are clueless
No. 365701
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This twitter thread is dumb. They’re planning for on writing a blogpost about how TERFs are antisemetic and obviously haven’t done an inch of research.
Plenty of “TERFs are men and actually anti-women” bull in the comments too. How dumb can so many people be?? No. 365702
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>>365701Oh shit, this guy's thread was featured a while ago on KF. His lack of self-awareness is beautiful.
No. 365711
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>>365701Wow. Imagine being that retarded. He literally can't even keep his lies straight for 5 minutes.
In the tweet directly after the one you posted, which he posted 4 minutes after, he says "many people engaging in this ideology may not be aware of their proximity to white supremacy." So he says TERFs are white supremacists, then he says TERF ideology is simply in close proximity to white supremacy. But an ideology cannot be in close proximity to itself. So which is it? Terfism=white supremacy or terfism=close to white supremacy?
He'll say whichever works best in his current rant against women wanting a movement that excludes men, and women questioning gender dogma.
No. 365736
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They are really committing themselves to these lies, arnt they?
No. 365768
>>365736talking straight outta their asses
>>365701pretty sure a TERF is anyone who disagrees with them
No. 365772
>>365465>imagine thinking cis means straightTrying to ride on the coattails of the gay community
while threatening to kill lesbian "TERFS" is one of the worst things TRAs do. Being gay does not = being trans in any world
No. 365778
>>364733Oh anon, this is late but I feel you 100 percent, especially on the part about saving face due to being an artist. It's tough wanting to express your opinions or support artists like that but knowing you can't because it's essentially career-ruining.
My friends are all the "punch terfs" types too, so I don't have anyone to share these feelings with either. There's probably more artists who share our views than we think, maybe…? I feel like a lot of artists openly express hatred of TERFs simply because they think it's the morally right thing to do, but they don't really understand the implications/darker side of it.
No. 365802
>>365794it’s just another way for men to invade women’s spaces. it’s all a part of the fetish and the game of men having every single space that women have clawed for tooth and nail.
i just hope the next
stwong twans womin uwu to see old-ass male gynos instead of female ones. at least a woman wouldn’t have to be subjected to looking at his festering fuckhole.
No. 365808
>>365805No one checks for that? "About 99% of cases occur in males over the age of 50"? Getting prostate cancer is neigh impossible if person is androgen deprived?
Have you asked your bf when he was last checked for prostate cancer? Or your dad?
When was the last time you had your Skene glands checked for cancer?
No. 365828
>>365607>I don't just want to be a woman. I want to be a slut.Well, at least they're sort of honest about their intentions and about the whole thing being a fetish to them…?
The weeb incel troons are the saddest bunch, sheltered, lonely young men sincerely thinking they can become ~kawaii irl anime catgirls~ by popping estrogen and posting nudes of their hairy asses.
>>365645Pretty much this. And also when you claim to be a gay boi you can act slutty and sexually liberated because men are allowed to be like that without stigmatization. If you were a lesbian to begin with, you're now a straight guy with no extra baggage of being gay. It's all a mix of escaping homophobia and the social pressure placed on women.
>>365700>How to spot a troon…they are all fucking ugly inside and out. That is why 95% of them have an unrealistic cartoon version of themselves as a profile picture.>>365736>a post-op trans woman isn't any different than a cisgender woman that has had her reproductive organs removedw-what…………???
No. 365861
>>364733I feel you anon the art community is riddled with brain dead virtue signalers all doing it for clout. God it's like I don't even mind someone having a separate opinion from me either but the way they just all recite the same shit they read on Twitter is so irritating.
There are just generally too many they thems in my field and I have zero patience for it.
No. 365913
>>365700Funny, because most "terfs" I've met are actually conventionally pretty. They do themselves a big disservice by making it about the looks, when they're competing against actual women and they all look either like balding incels or botched blow up dolls (who still look manly).
>>364733I'm a semi-popular writer in a fandom, so I feel you (except I don't make money through that, so I imagine it's tougher for you). Personally, I never share any trans-positive stuff on my blog, and all the characters I write about are canonically "cis" so TRAs followers can't say shit. And when I write lesbian smut I make sure to indulge in details about the female figure and body parts. It's the most I can do, but it makes me feel in peace with myself somehow.
No. 365917
>>365913>Funny, because most "terfs" I've met are actually conventionally prettyThey like to think that feminists are ugly because, deep down, they're just misogynists that believe a woman's value lies in her looks and not her opinions.
They've got no logical response to "terf" opinions so they just go the playground "well you're fat you smell you're ugly" route.
Unfortunately for them, the terfs are generally more attractive than them so the superficial environment that gets fostered by the special snowflakes only hurts the trans movement.
Well done to the fat men with thin lips and receeding hairlines that transition to women after making it VERY clear that a woman is worth nothing unless she's pretty. I'm sure that definitely works in their favour.
No. 365945
>>365702I checked out the KF thread for more information and is that hellsite just chock full of trannies? The first 3 pages are just some autists trollshielding and infighting if he's milky or not instead of actually looking into this crazy psycho. Most of them actually using the "she" pronoun for this beast too. I just feel as if every online drama community is also a troon central, it just speaks volumes of their personality disorder frequency.
>>365932This is honestly the case of every FTM I've met and I've met plenty. Happened with me too, not a sexual assault but a crazy stalker male who constantly degraded me for displaying any femininity. It's always about escaping the shitty treatment you get for being a woman, especially if you're a lesbian.
No. 365972
Yeah, they're lying, anon.
No. 365981
>>365949Yeah, she said "I have no idea what it feels like to be born inside the wrong body."
Feeling unfamiliar in your own body is actually a symptom of high anxiety. Troons just confuse it for gender feels.
No. 366001
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This doesn't sound dangerous at all /s
No. 366090
>>365941This is why people simply shouldn't give into their request. First it starts off with "Just let us in the bathrooms!" and suddenly they're demanding for the eradication of females from female spaces and doing this insane language policing. They keep moving the goalposts and will never be satisfied.
>>366069>“This ended up causing a very split reaction that I, honest to god, did not expect,” HuniePot, the alias of Ryan Koons, wrote in a Twitter post. “This is a character we’ve been asked for hundreds of times. I was very much under the impression that ‘girl with dick’ (whatever you want to call it) was a pretty universal interest/preference/fetish among anime/hentai/visual novel fans. I can’t even keep track of how many hentais [anime or manga pornography] I’ve seen where some chick all of a sudden breaks out a huge cock; a fantasy fetish that can be enjoyable onscreen but that doesn’t necessarily translate to real life for everybody.”LMFAO, this poor clueless guy. I can just see some rainbow sock troon screeching over this statement in embarrassment.
>Look you guys wanted a girl with a dick and that's what we gave you! I know you guys like that degenerate fetish shit so here you go! >REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE DON'T CALL IT FOR WHAT IT ISIt also reminds me of the age old "You go woke, you go broke" sentiment. There's no pleasing these people, they're not going to give you money no matter how hard you pander to their every crazy whim so you might as well ignore them altogether.
No. 366095
>>366069So now both crossdressers and futanari are trans? Lol
The whole point of futanari is that it's a biological female aside the slapped on dick for male fetishism, I guess that's what weeb troons want to be.
No. 366172
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TIMs appropriating butch and dyke makes me so angry I don't even know where to start
No. 366271
>>366172>butch trans girlSo… a straight man who isn't a beer-guzzling Playboy-reading testosterone-fueled caricature of masculinity? Just a normal fucking straight dude?
I fucking hate transbians.
No. 366283
>>366267Lmao probably all of them.
CWC is all three.
No. 366357
>>365645Where anime goes dysfunction and mental illness follows.
Anime should be made illegal honestly.
No. 366364
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Newsflash: fingers are now tiny penises!
No. 366375
>>366267subtract the porn and add sexual trauma and eating disorders for tifs.
>>366364this has to be the dozenth troon I've come across who's named himself Morrigan. Disgusting.
No. 366383
>>366267>>366375Eating disorders are a relatively common comorbid condition in girls and young women with (high functioning/undiagnosed) autism, and of course girls who are socially/emotionally/intellectually isolated and vulnerable are more likely to be targeted by sexual predators as well. I wonder how much suffering is being obfuscated by the trans craze, because once someone claims gender dysphoria it’s considered anti-trans conversion therapy to look into any other possible root causes.
As for excessive porn consumption, wew, good luck to any researcher looking into that. I’ve never seen anything men get so defensive about as porn and now liberal feminism is right there with them chanting about how empowering and feminist it is.
No. 366395
>>365917I think this
>Well done to the fat men with thin lips and receeding hairlines that transition to women after making it VERY clear that a woman is worth nothing unless she's pretty. I'm sure that definitely works in their favour.Proves these guys know they are really men, and that their value isn't in their attractiveness, just in their maleness. Not that I think anyone should view themselves as ugly, it's just strange that trans women are the exception to the rule
No. 366397
>>366396Let's put this another way: A straight woman barrages a gay man with abuse and threatens to beat him to death with sex toys, because she conflates anal sex to PIV and he's a
filthy liar to pretend he doesn't want vagina
How about respecting other people's sexual preferences? Does it only go one way, we respect you but you don't respect us? Sounds very typical male entitlement to me
No. 366402
>>366364no woman owes your ugly tranny dick anything just because they have sex toys. a dildo or a fucking finger is not the same thing as an actual dick, they are just objects being used for penetration.
trannies with the "piv isn't straight sex!!" thing is hilarious, ftm gaybois say that too. if they were saying "a post-op ftm with a surgical dick and a cis guy fucking is gay" i could understand it. piv is straight, you being a tranny doesn't change the fact that you are under the risks straight couples have, not the risks gay couples have
No. 366428
>>366400It doesn't even make sense and I'm sure they know it doesn't, but they still keep using it because they've bullied everyone into submission and can throw around whatever stupid excuses they want to. Like anon
>>366397 here said, imagine women demanding gay men to have sex with women because PIV is just a form of anal sex, you stick a dick in a hole and doesn't matter which one you jam it into. People would think you've lost your mind and call you out for being homophobic and erasing their sexuality. But when it comes to women, you're just supposed to agree with it and roll with the punches.
>>366404lmao, good one anon.
>>366415>Some sanity in the comment section for once.Of course there is. Unlike women, men are free to reject advances from ugly, insane troons.
No. 366470
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On the topic of "TRAs and homophobia", get a load of this trainwreck on a tumblr post.
OP just wanted to make a post about lesbianism… little did she know.
No. 366473
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>>366472(Yeah, thankfully people in the notes weren't having it. Faith in humanity restored)
No. 366475
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>>366474TRA got dragged hard and left.
No. 366479
>>366415>>guy gets messages about it from friends, MtF's family members, etc by next morning, all coming down on him for itThis is the weirdest part of it, to me. Not accepting rejection is typical male behavior and not at all unexpected but the fact that so many other people get involved is bizarre. If OP had rejected his friend for being ugly or fat, nobody would’ve tried to bully him into dating him anyway. At most they probably would’ve thought OP was kind of a douche and the friend had dodged a bullet.
What is it about trans people, particularly TIMs, that makes people think it’s okay to bully someone into dating someone they’re not interested in? Why are sex and relationships suddenly a basic human right as soon as someone comes out as trans?
No. 366506
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Breaking report-transwomen started the whole LGBT movement and community, more at 11.
No. 366522
>>366506transing post-humously is so disrespectful. also, peep this bit from the wiki article:
>Though generally regarded as "generous and warmhearted" under her Marsha persona, Johnson's dark side sometimes emerged under Johnson's "male persona as Malcolm",[42] often resulting in Johnson being hospitalized and sedated.[28] During those moments when Johnson's violent side emerged, according to an acquaintance Robert Heide, Johnson could be aggressive and short-tempered and speak in a deeper voice and, as Malcolm, would "become a very nasty, vicious man, looking for fights".the people who wrote the article are heavily pushing that marsha was a totally female troon, but then attribute any of his outbursts and negative emotions, anger, volatility, to his male side, and call him malcolm. funny, huh?
No. 366608
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>Trans Identified Male
How have you guys not started saying this
No. 366617
>>366616He should save up for a dentist before SRS.
Btw it never fails to amuse me how troons spend all their energies REEEEEing at a small group of women that simply doesn't buy into the gender bullshit… when there are men out there actually killing them. Troons are truly too dumb to live
No. 366622
>>366616Samefag, he was only getting started apparently:'s ranting about how puberty blockers are harmless in part 2.
>>366617He straight up has a dead tooth, he gets really close to the camera in another video and it's really obvious. I nearly puked.
No. 366635
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Screenshot of the dead tooth for anon who asked and deleted.
No. 366651
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>>366622His ancestors in the painting are disappointed at this degeneracy.
No. 366665
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I refuse to believe they don't realize how ridiculous they look
No. 366689
>>366665>>366686Lmao I was thinking of that exact same video too.
Every time I read one of those "I went out in girlmode for the first time [pic of some greasy incel wearing a $5 wig] and got catcalled and hit on soooo many times!"-stories, I honestly think they're either made up or these guys are too dense to realize they're being mocked.
No. 366748
>>360163so if trans women want to be treated like women, why is it a crime to point out how ugly they are? a major part of living as a woman is having the world tear you to shreds over your physical appearance. but you have people falling over themselves to tell some shapeless, receding hairline, yellow-toothed, cheap Claire's makeup wearing motherfucker how beautiful and sexy he is. wouldn't it be more ~gender affirming~ to drag them for constantly looking a hot mess?
y'know, like how they do to "TERFs".
No. 366761
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I feel like a really alarming percentage males that began identifying as trans within the past few years have done so because they believe shit like this.
No. 366774
>>366761considering how many buy into that "women have it easy" myth, yeah
but I would also say the fujo/trap era in anime and hentai also massively contributed to this
I'm sure this is the average man who hardly works out, eats crap, puts only the bare minimum in hygiene and his only fashion is a t-shirt and shorts so I'm sure he would be surprised to find out how even hot women (especially gold-diggers) have to invest in a lot of surgeries, products and time to look good. Probably doesn't have a gf either to even get that clue.
No. 366775
Sorry meant that instead of fujo
No. 366792
>>366778And Raven posted pics of him wearing her favorite plaid dress, thigh high stockings, and a face full of makeup with his legs propped open.
No one wants to discuss him in any thread. Stop trying to make it happen.
No. 366823
>>366686It sickens me that troons think catcalls are a badge of honor.
You can take the guy out of the masculinity, but you can't take the masculinity out of the guy.
No. 367017
>>366934I think it’s a NPD thing, where they try to take over and ruin parts of the lives of people who injured their ego in some way. Not all trans people do it but the ones who do are creepy as fuck and should probably be on a watchlist somewhere.
>>366983So stunning and brave! My personal favourite sighting is still the one who thought it would be appropriate to wear a skimpy Vocaloid/idol/magical girl costume to his hospital appointment.
No. 367024
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Ok so I follow Olympic weightlifting, so powerlifting isn't the same thing but I heard one of the US powerlifting organizations banned mtf lifters from competing in women's competitions. It's only logical, of course vox and their outsports put out an article trying to make the false equivalency that "black women often have thicker bone mass than white women" as if that had anything to do with men competing as women. And then all the handmaidens trying to support these poor men.
And no, the image isn't directly related. Just down the rabbit hole to find a ftm bodybuilder. Those nipples are completely in the wrong place.
No. 367036
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>>367003I just want this madness to stop
No. 367038
>>367024What the fuck is the troon brigade's hangup with black women? Is it because most troons are white men?
You never see them making these false equivalences with any other race of women. Or, for that matter, you never see TIFs spouting some shit about how Asian men are shorter than white and black men so TIFs are real men too or whatever. It's always focused on black women.
No. 367052
>>367038It's because they're racist, and want to use the whole "black women = masculine" BS spouted by their fellow racists as a stepping stone for their own benefit. Seeing that nonsense was what really made me hit peak trans, honestly. These are men, often misogynistic, racist, narcissistic men, cosplaying as women. That's what they will always be, and they will never fully let go of their outlooks, no matter how well they may play the oppressed, downtrodden victim and suicide bait us for not coddling them.
Since they're entirely self-absorbed in every way, they're almost completely incapable of actually empathizing with women, so they unironically think comments like that are okay.
They really think they're smart, but their true ugliness always leaks through. Sadly, their brainwashed followers will agree with anything they say. They could all become woman-killing, Ed Gein-copying, inceloid Neo-Nazi rape gangs, and western news outlets would make it seem like it's all transphobic society and the evil TERFs' faults for making them strike back against us.
No. 367110
>>366761This almost reads like an incel post, it’s strange.
If they think this is all there is to being a woman they are fucking nuts.
No. 367204
>>366934Skinwalking. They're not trying to be a woman, they're trying to hijack a persona and become a character they created in their head.
>>367199To be honest, time will tell. If he turns out to be a toxic narc, people will reject him, though passive aggressively. I've had to deal with two troons (a MTF and FTM) in my hobby group but so far they've been harmless enough. Thankfully not every single tranny is a deranged psychopath lashing out at people, but I would be vary of 1-on-1 interaction. That's usually when they turn uncomfortable and/or overshare.
No. 367209
>>367204Not troon but I feel the need to clarify, definitely. But as someone who used to have a massive oversharing/ issues in 1-1 conversation I can say this is can be caused by lack of self esteem and desperation for emotional support. It became quite a habit that's hard to stop but therapy is definitely needed to get past that.
A lot of troons might have that because they became troons by self-hate in the first place. Transitioning covers up the real issues they may have.
No. 367861
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>>367851This comment on the video from a girl who had a tranny bf is really interesting, although it's kinda long and hard to read.
>When we turned 17 I would stay the night with him at his moms and we would sneak in to the bathroom in the middle of the night and I’d do his makeup and put bows in his hair so he could get off. >Then senior prom night came and of course I bought a velvet dress and he loved it so much that after prom was over we went to his house where I would be staying for the night and he asked me if he could try it on.. it made me sick to my stomach. >Anyway I took my dress off and helped him into it, it didn’t fit right but he still looked at himself in the mirror and felt pretty. He just wanted me to tell him he was pretty and explain in detail how I would do his makeup and hair so he could get off. So I did. >We were both 18 and had been together three years and hadn’t had sex or anything for that matter so I was hoping prom night we would do it. He had always made promises like “we will do it when he have a nice bed and plenty of time”>I started to go crazy. Every night he’d want me to dress him in my clothes and put bows in his hair and lipstick on him and all this stuff and I was getting nothing. To this day seeing a man dressed in woman’s clothes freaks me out just because of what I had to do for so long.
>eventually I had to break up with him because my dad died unexpectedly and I wasn’t handling it well at all. He wasn’t there for me. He left me alone all the time and actually his twin brother held me all night while he was out drinking with friends and I was crying. Then he told me I was going crazy and needed to go to a psychiatric hospital and admit myself.>I have dreams of dressing him up and I can hear his “girly voice” in my head. He always talked different when he was dressed up and it gave me chills No. 367906
>>367851Because they feel entitled to them, they treat them as property. And it's not only about transvestites, but all men in general.
>>367861The guy was nuts, not trans though.
Why would she stay so many years with him?
No. 368102
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troon doesn't like having his experiences appropriated by ftmtf woman
No. 368121
>>368102i want to set myself on fire
they have to be fucking with us at this point
No. 368128
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Not sure if I should be snarky or supportive/open-minded with my answer
No. 368187
>>368177>>368186Oh, I decided to just get it over with as soon as possible and replied with a why not and reminded them that it's my blog lol
Wish I was more creative, but at least I didn't back down like I would have a few years ago
No. 368188
>>368121offtopic, but why do you want to set yourself on fire? it's them who's the idiot, not you.
honestly it's female socialization how online often when women see other people behaving like shit and we internalize that and want to hurt ourselves over it. like i get it you're not serious but to me it's interesting how women's first reaction to other people's bad behavior and stupidity is "kill me"
No. 368216
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>Jazz Jennings on his surgery
I feel so bad for this kid he's just a child that had this forced upon him
No. 368221
>>368220Towards the end of this video. The whole video is about something else and she just has to shoehorn in the trans reference, which goes against the message of the whole rest of the video. It's like we (as women) are acting as paid shills for these people when that happens.
Our real opinion is at odds with the TRA narrative, some cognitive dissonance happening here
No. 368226
>>368127Because nb are usually
womenguess what all the people they have issue have in common
Terfs: Women
Lesbians: Women
Nb: Women
Weird that y'all hate women so much when you're supposed to be one
No. 368227
>>368220Dysmorphia and dysphoria are two very different things, even if they can seem similar.
Going by your logic, should we treat women with PCOS using psychotherapy and convincing them to feel okay with effects of hyperandrogenism, including excessive body hair and facial hair growth?
No. 368238
>deformity or abnormality in the shape or size of a specified part of the body.Dysphoria
>a state of unease or generalized dissatisfaction with life.The way body dysmorphic disorder is described, they really should be using the word dysphoria. Since the dysmorphia is imagined, ie. dysphoria.
No. 368240
>>368227Uhhh except women with PCOS
literally have abnormal/harmful hormone profiles that cause a host of painful physical symptoms.
Troons that don't recieve their
preferred hormones have zero biological symptoms because guess what? They have the normal, functioning hormone profiles of their sex and body. In fact, they get MORE physical side effects/problems when they start using hormones.
No. 368275
>>368128I'd say to just ignore him. Don't give these people the satisfaction of acknowledgement.
>>368185Caps? This is disgusting…
>>368216Tbh I don't even think there's Jazz behind that account, more like a marketing/pr team. All his tweets sound like ads. His life is the Truman Show, with the mom pulling the strings.
>>368220One day I witnessed a woman being eaten alive in the comment section of a facebook group about plastic surgery, because she dared to make a slight comparison between BDD and dysphoria. She said something like "You feel like you're in the wrong body, you can't help but try to fix what bugs you and plan for surgery, because the way you look actively torments you during your day", and she had a point.
Except that unlike SRS, a nosejob or lip filler or whatever can actually look good and natural and functional and you won't need a lifelong commitment ex. dilation.A TIM in the group started sperging and calling it offensive to "compare the suffering of transwomen to something so shallow".
As usual, self awareness and empathy: none.
No. 368287
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>promoted post of photography project that seeks to raise awareness of older transgender community
>literal sissy costume dress
I'd rather not have awareness of this
No. 368341
>>368220The two problems respond differently to different treatments. Treatment for dysmorphia is ineffective for dysphoria, and vice versa.'s also possible for an individual to suffer from both of them.
The issue is, dysphoria is likely very overdiagnosed, and many people who transition and/or identify as trans are never diagnosed properly (or at all).
No. 368416
>>368375>fetishists who live in their sexual fantasies>that they look disgusting doesn't even register to them>they think they look greatYes. TIMs, MtT, sissies and all these mentally ill degenerates. They don't have dysphoria.
They are not transsexual/transgender, though, in the medical sense of this term. They ride on the fad called "trans" umbrella.
>theres no such thing as dysphoriaIt's very much real, just not as widespread as media make it seem.
No. 368746
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No. 368749
>>368226Case in point: this entire Twitter exchange.
>>368671Whenever there is a sympathetic voice for a detransistioners in trans spaces, it is ALWAYS a ftm. Never mtf. And then the mtfs will go out of their way to attack the ftm and accuse them of being a TERF! I also noticed how among trans YouTubers, ftms are the only ones talking about supporting gender non-comforming homosexuals, the reality of transtrenders and the danger of undergoing hormone therapy when you are confused or have other mental problems. This is something males never do unless they are trying to downplay or “debunk” these facts and they are consistently heartless towards the victims of trans ideology.
No. 368753
>>368749Gender non-conformity is accepted for women, that's why TIFs are aware of it and talk about it, because that's an option for their kind.
Toxic masculinity ridicules and bashes any non-conformity and femininity in men. Even being gay is less acceptable for men, because having sex with other men makes them "less" in the eyes of other men.
There's no analogical concept to a tomboy among men, especially the younger ones, where they will face most hate that will shape their minds for the future.
No. 368771
>>368671My god these people just keep tripping over themselves and going in a roundabout. If we could harness the energy they put into repeating points that contradict themselves, we wouldn't need any other natural source.
>Gender dysphoria is a real thing!! That's why we need free body altering medical procedures and surgeries NOW because THIS BODY IS NOT MINE>But gender dysphoria is caused by the society around me! The society is transphobic and misgenders me because they have expectations of how a female body should look like! I'm NOT in a wrong body!>Repeat these two points ad nauseam and call people TERF when they're trying to break your infinite loopGotta love the invalidation of detransitioned people too. Someone was dysphoric to the point they actually went through with the whole process and saw how it is like for x years, but the moment they realized it was the wrong thing to do they need to hand in their trans card and their experience is deemed invalid.
>>368746There's only so much you can do to fight against it when you're still deemed as a second class citizen, anon. The women who ARE fighting against it are silenced immediately because they're not 30-40-year old white men in dresses. Whenever I talk about this with men, they simply don't get my point at all.
>Why do you resent trans people so much, anon? They're not hurting anyone!Said the straight guy to me, a gay, gender-nonconforming woman. I sometimes feel like the only way this madness will stop is when the trannies start demanding men to date them too, but because the worst and most aggressive TRAs are transbians it's probably not going to happen. The gay troons are usually meek and self-destructive and have enough chasers to go after their twink asses, but the woman-hating transcels in cat ears are fueled by their desire for sexual power.
No. 368810
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No. 368889
>>368216Some more details on what happened, spoilered for the squeamish:
But 36 hours after the surgery, she endured a complication in her hotel room.
“Her wounds were definitely separating and a blood blister began to form,” her mom Jeanette Jennings said in the show. She also sent a photo to the surgeons.
Dr. Jess Ting visited them at their hotel and found that the color of the skin along the edge of the wound looked “dusky, kind of bluish.” He advised a followup surgery and a few nights at the hospital which was featured Tuesday night.
One and a half hours after surgery, Ting and Dr. Bella Avanessian visited with Jazz’s mother to give an update.
“Number one, it was the right decision to do this,’’ he said. “As we were getting her on the bed, I felt something go pop. And she said, ‘oh that doesn’t feel good.’ And when I looked, the whole thing had split open.”
He explained that she required more skin grafts and he sewed some things back up. No. 368924
>>368889I want to live in a ocean side cave on a cliff in rags with no communication with the rest of the world, far away from any humans, all alone, for the rest of my life, after reading that shit. Truly. Honestly.
The poor kid, he’s now mutilated for the rest of his life. Should have waited for years longer (after the fad dies out and his prefrontal cortex has fully developed) to even ponder that kind of decision. And now it’s going to look totally fucked up and can lead to serious health problems. Infections, cathadars, incontinence, scarring from graphs, etc. His parents and manager enabled the shit out of him on this. He can’t even grasp the long term effects, he thinks it’s no biggie to have
your surgically-created vagina to split open at the stiches.[vomit intensifies] thanks for the spoiler, anon.
No. 368954
>>368889This is terrifying. And it was always going to happen, too. The second his parents decided they cared about attention more than their child's well-being was the second this kid was fucked for life.
At this point I kind of want Jazz to stay in his bubble and never learn about how fucked up his situation actually is. I think it'd be too much.
No. 368962
>>368956Honestly most of it seems to be wanting to opt out of womanhood because they have suffered sexual abuse/get sexually harassed. Why you get so many NB women but men rarely ID that way.
From a male perspective "easy mode" is being female. From a female perspective just not being female is "easy mode".
No. 368981
>>368956>why do so many gnc women feel as though their only option is to become men?I don't see that happening. Maybe you are surrounding yourself with this kind of people and spend time in such communities.
I see many more just being tomboys, the ones liking other girls being lesbians, and if that's their thing, going for a butch aesthetic. At extreme they go for "they/them" pronouns, sometimes bind, but very rarely reach for testosterone or seek any other permanent changes.
No. 369222
>>368962I can see the opting out of womanhood angle but aren't a lot of them doing it to virtue signal about how woke they are for not giving trannies dysphoria by being women?
Sounds like female compassion and interest in making people feel better is causing them to erase themselves to make men feel comfortable.
But you are right, men aren't becoming nonbinary. We will probably end up with womanhood being offensive again. Men will be the supreme thing we all have to cater to. Yay.
No. 369248
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crystal cafe:
where talking about biological sex is the same as being alt right
No. 369294
>>369248I like that not only does he pretend to be a woman, but also an alt-rightist.
These people don't wanna actually pass for anything at all eh?
No. 369351
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Though i do feel bad if this story is true.
Why dont TRAs get as passionate about hating the men that do this sort of thing instead of the "evil terfs" and their literal violence of misgendering
No. 369472
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>>368216>>368889KF finally started a thread. The entire article is there.
Jazz spent 3 fucking weeks in hospital. No. 369479
>>369248I'm sorry for CC, what started out as a project for a nice, comfy imageboard for women ended up as a branch of 4chan's /tttt/, mixed with reckless scroteposting. Not taking a strong stance from the beginning with these people means allowing them to shit all over the place and destroy it just a minute later. That's why Lolcow is doing so well: we take no shit. No males allowed, no exceptions.
>>369472>as long as it's functionalHe really doesn't get it, does he…
No. 369481
>>369474Imagine training since a young age, finally getting into the higher ranks and then a dude in a wig beats you.
I really want to know how they'll fix this issue because MtF shouldn't be competing in the same category as women.
No. 369486
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Wow. I wonder which of these is the troon? /s
Once again an all female tabletop gaming cast infiltrated by men. I fear that I couldn’t set up my own without being berated about inclusivity.
No. 369498
>>360607>>360612what I find odd about gender critical theory (when it also denies brain sex) is that it appears to have a similar end-goal (abolition of gender) to transgenderism with only semantic differences. as in, in some cases, gender critical feminists claim to be okay with perverted men playing dressup as girls and otherwise behaving the exact same way as long as they call themselves men, no? and the same sort of thing would be true of biological women. I know in this stage transgenderism is presenting as an extremely vulgar enforcement of gendered roles but it's really going to diffuse into so many meaningless labels that they cease to be useful. hence, abolition of gender, just with semantic differences. if everyone's gender is as unique as a name, it literally becomes irrelevant (and this is NOT something I want or agree with). It feels somewhat moot without some modicum of gender existentialism included is all.
I guess the real objection gender crit feminists have with trans stuff is the lack of distinguishing class by genitalia? this is all beyond me, can someone fill me in? not trying to start shit, I would really like to learn about this.
No. 369521
>>369481I'm gonna identify as a 10 year old and compete against kids. Size, bone and muscle mass doesn't matter, they say.
>>369496Because TIMs are, without exclusions, beta incels who don't know how to take care of themselves.
There are men who know what to do with their hair and make it look good, but they're polished, clean "Chads" or "normies". Never troons.
You just know they're the greasy neckbeard type who used to have short (or worse, long) unkept hair.
No. 369530
>>369498The end-goal of transgenderism isn't to "abolish gender", it's to establish that it's not your sex (biological characteristics) that determines your gender (set of behaviours that a given society associates to your sex) but that it's your gender that determines your sex. This means that if you are born a female but express typically male behaviours such as playing with trucks and wanting to dress like a boy, you are a transgender male, and your body should be altered so your sex (female) reflects your gender (male).
Gender critical feminism says instead that gender is a made up social construct, and not conforming to these behaviours that society expects of your sex (being gender non-conforming) doesn't make you less of a biological man or a woman. This is the direct opposite of transgenderism.
People are free to have a fetish that involves dressing up as the opposite sex as long as they recognize that's what it is, a fetish, and leave it in the bedroom where it belongs. The real problem starts when men who get sexually aroused by pretending to be women start believing that they ARE indeed women and invade female-only spaces that we've spent decades creating, and start undoing the progress feminism has made with regards to women's rights (getting catcalled and seen as a sexual object is totally ~validating~ am I right ladies?) without ever having experienced the sex-based oppression women are forced to endure from the moment of our birth, just because they're horny.
No. 369537
>>369498When a perverted man dresses as a little girl, then he's just that, a perverted man. Feminists don't approve of him, regardless what he claims he is. But when he says he's exploring his gender identity suddenly modern society thinks he should be allowed to do that in public because if his mental health.
As for the other stuff:
>to transgenders being a woman or man is either based on outdated and restricting stereotypes that dictate the way we present ourselves>or it's a feeling- if it's just a feeling why does the distinction even matter? Why does it matter to be perceived as a woman or man by society?>that often tells us the root of the problems those people have, mostly trauma and issues with society, very conservative parents or just a fucked up view of both sexes>however, biological sex is not something we can remove, it's still a truth that stays with us and is important for our health and treatments>society still perceives mtfs as men and ftms as women, because of the sexual dimorphism between humans>you shouldn't adapt your behaviour to stereotypes for your gender, nor change your gender based on stereotypes around your behaviourI went off track, but basically the difference is that trans people would achieve this "erasing of gender" through making the words "woman" and "man" meaningless in language while gender crits are aware of the meaning and consequences of the difference between genders, the difference in physical strength puts women in danger and that's the reason women founded shelters, fought for private space and are separated from men in hospitals and prisons. Anyway, the other anon explained it much better.
No. 369571
>>369530>This means that if you are born a female but express typically male behaviours such as playing with trucks and wanting to dress like a boy, you are a transgender male, and your body should be altered so your sex (female) reflects your gender (male).I don't think many people believe that, though some happy-go-lucky libtard parents might think that transing their gender non-conforming children is a good idea. It's the other negative extreme of enforcing gender stereotypes on children, the previous practice being correcting their behaviour.
>>369537>to transgenders being a woman or man is either based on outdated and restricting stereotypes that dictate the way we present ourselvesThat's true for perverted men, transvestites gone too far, and the rest of the pack.
But I wouldn't agree that gender incongruent people are all like that. It's true that many of them express themselves in (very) feminine manner, but they also often sport just jeans and some top or t-shirt.
>or it's a feeling- if it's just a feeling why does the distinction even matter? Why does it matter to be perceived as a woman or man by society?In case of gender identity in transgender people it's rather complex thing. We are women and we just know it, we don't need to argue it in any way. We can point out that we have our birth genitalia, our behaviour, nature and nurture, how people treat us, and so on, but it's all just reassurance of our identity as women. In case of transgender individuals they don't have such reassurance in objective facts. Their biology and how they are treated contradicts that, but doesn't stop the fact they can feel uncomfortable with it and no amount of therapy nor drugs will rid them of these feelings.
>society still perceives mtfs as men and ftms as womenThat depends on social group, but I would say they are often primarily perceived as what they look (men, women, or visibly transgender) or their perceived gender (with distinction of being trans).
>you shouldn't adapt your behaviour to stereotypes for your genderThat's a tricky part, because being non-stereotypical can be perceived as invalidating to such individuals. It even is/was perpetuated by medical professionals, that would refuse to help if the person wasn't stereotypical.
>nor change your gender based on stereotypes around your behaviourAbsolutely true, and it's a big problem right now, especially among women since they can decide on destructive surgeries relatively early after starting identifying as transgender/non-binary.
No. 369581
File: 1549652055785.png (976.45 KB, 900x605, current mood is that guy in th…) version because Daily Dot seems to be down atm: )
>2018 belonged to trans people>While it’s nice to see work that talks about bathroom bills, dunks on transphobes, or shouts “trans women are women” to the high heavens, that’s all beginner’s stuff. Public conversations on transness are moving beyond the 101 material. These days, we’re debunking topics like “rapid onset dysphoria” and discussing the stigma against trans people in the dating world. We’re talking about the Tumblr NSFW ban’s impact on trans artists and trans women sexually expressing themselves online. In a changing and growing world that’s making more room for trans folks, we feel the need to express ourselves, be it politically or artistically.Notice how the article ONLY talks about trans women, more specifically transbians, and glorifies their ~amazing efforts~ which is mostly fetish-indulging smut and social porn. Not a peep about trans men (i.e. biological women) and the art they might have created. It just underlines how this whole movement is all about degenerate men wanting sexual power.
>>369498I don't think any GC feminist wants to "abolish gender", they want to abolish societal gender
roles that are detrimental to both women and men. As you put it, being gendercritical is about getting rid of genitalia-based classism.
No. 369585
>>369571>In case of gender identity in transgender people it's rather complex thing. We are women and we just know it, we don't need to argue it in any way. We can point out that we have our birth genitalia, our behaviour, nature and nurture, how people treat us, and so on, but it's all just reassurance of our identity as women. In case of transgender individuals they don't have such reassurance in objective facts. Their biology and how they are treated contradicts that, but doesn't stop the fact they can feel uncomfortable with it and no amount of therapy nor drugs will rid them of these feelings.Have to disagree with this, I don't seek reassurance that I'm a woman, neither in my body nor in the way people treat me. Being a woman is not a part of my identity or personality, it's just the way my body is. I don't have any fixed idea of what a woman is because women can behave and present themselves in any way they want. I have faced some problems specifically because I was born as a woman, but rather than identifying through them I see them as hurdles that need to be overcome or removed.
What you say doesn't question why transgender people feel like a woman or a man, it can't be confirmed through MRIs or differences in their hormones or bodies (obviously not talking about intersex people and specific cases of anomalies), it's a state of mind.
No. 369589
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>>369581Okay I happened to check out the twitter of this article's author and dear lord, he's not even being subtle about his fetish. What a fucking deviant. His Twitter is also filled with misogynism disguised as "TERF callouts". At least he's being transbians with another troon so his NPD ass isn't ruining any woman's life. (reposted for spoiler image due to NSFW content)
No. 369593
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>>369581>Not a peep about trans men (i.e. biological women) and the art they might have created.Trans men don't generate clicks.
Straight trans women don't generate clicks.
>> by a trans woman.
>>369585Yet you know you are a woman and no one is going to convince you it's different.
>What you say doesn't question why transgender people feel like a woman or a manBecause I don't know, and probably no one knows for sure. I don't think research found any biological reasons either. There's suspicion that it might have something to do with exposure to hormones in utero, but it's still nothing sure.
They also don't always "feel like" women/men. They know what sex they should be, they identify with their perceived gender, and if they choose so, they pursue to express themselves as the gender they identify as.
No. 369601
>>369498I don't concern myself with what movement label I belong to, and I support abolishing
forced gender roles while I am against transgenderism. I'll try to elaborate on my perspective:
Sex needs to stay as a concept due to medical and otherwise scientific purposes but ultimately we shouldn't be limited by things we can't choose such as race and gender. Gender roles have served as means to certain ends in history but we're at a stage where we don't seem to need or even want them anymore. It's causing people lots of identity issues to be nonconforming and I don't think it's weird not to want to be confined by stupid learned behavior. From my understanding Radfem agrees with this sentiment. The thing I personally oppose is the erasure of a female identity as a whole bc people should be free to identify with their sex if it's fruitful to them. It becomes toxic only when you force it on people.
Trans people indeed do reinforce gender roles bc they want to "pass". Not only that but it is extreme maltreatment to affirm mentally ill delusions. Imagine if we applied this to dudes on the street who claim to be Jesus. Not to mention transitioning doesn't drastically improve suicide rates, even extremely biased (in trans favor) self-report statistics show that this isn't actually helping in a meaningful way. Perhaps there is brand new data or data I've otherwise overlooked that proves me wrong on the success rate of transitioning as a treatment. I'm open to corrections on this matter
Anyway. Now imagine if we didn't have a society that shits on men that want to express femininity, men that aren't sexual "alphas", women that aren't submissive, women that want to pursue a childless life, etc. We wouldn't end up with this many school shootings, perverted trannies, and any other such extreme reactions to being told you are invalid. Gender roles are toxic to a lot of us.
No. 369605
>>369593>Yet you know you are a woman and no one is going to convince you it's different.Because a woman is an adult human female? It's not a part of my identity, it's just my body. I can perfectly understand people with body dysphoria, but everything else is a product of society and the way it treats the two sexes.
>Because I don't know, and probably no one knows for sure. I don't think research found any biological reasons either.So you think they just naturally feel that way and socialization has no part in it when biology found no reason?
>and if they choose so, they pursue to express themselves as the gender they identify asYet there should be no such thing as gender specific expression, it's just the stereotypes society commonly accepts nowadays. Just because a woman dresses like a msn commonly would doesn't mean she's presenting herself as a man and wants to be identified as one.
No. 369608
>>369605Having trouble accepting something shouldn't be treated by changing the thing in question. Especially considering these kinds of obsessions tend to be a symptom rather than a cause. They'll find something else to want to kill themselves over.
Weird that other mental illnesses don't get treated by lying to the patients about reality.
No. 369622
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Ugh, came across this specimen in the wild. No, you don't pass as cis.
No. 369649
>>369605>there should be no such thing as gender specific expressionYet there's such a thing as sexual dimorphism, and as long as it's present the expression will always be gender specific. Even if the differences are fading (no longer dresses vs pants), female jeans are often very different to male jeans, there exist female cuts and sizes of various garments that men would not fit into.
>So you think they just naturally feel that way and socialization has no part in it when biology found no reason?David Reimer (John/Joan case) was socialized and transitioned since infancy as a girl, despite being born a boy, yet he failed to identify as female.
For the same reason I don't believe gender incongruent person wouldn't be born with predisposition to different gender identification, despite being socialized in a way aligning their biological sex.
The fact that biology haven't found a reason doesn't mean it won't be found.
>a woman is an adult human femaleWhat is an adult intersex human? A hermaphrodite for example. Someone with both or neither reproductive organs, infertile. Someone confusingly in-between. A 50/50 46,XX/46,XY mosaic at that.
Is there more to being a man or a woman?
>>369615It certainly should be treated (and diagnosed properly first and foremost), but it's not a mental disorder as far as I know? It's not classified as one in either DSM-V nor ICD-11.
It certainly is an abnormal state though, and a medical condition.
>the push is […] that you don't need to have dysphoria to be transThis is absolute bullshit, I have to agree with you.
No. 369654
>>369649>It certainly is an abnormal state though, and a medical condition.idg why you guys are believing this. at best, it's abnormal psychology or whatever underlies OCD that needs to be treated with shit like CBT and/or anti-depressants. it's not a distinct medical condition different from like, ocd. i'm sure lots of them have depression and is partially a result of being depressed on top of abnormal psychology.
everything that addresses it as if it's an actual, unchanging condition like schizo, doesn't even fucking work for them
No. 369663
>>369654YUP I highly suspect this is indeed the case. There is some other issue in the mental department and it's causing obsession over gender identity.
Doctors are mutilating their bodies and forcing them to conform to a social construct while silencing people that see it for what it is.
No. 369665
>>369663Sage for doublepost
Trans people being egged on to change genders reminds me of gay conversion therapy, especially considering forcing hormones on gay people
was a form of punishment back in the day.
No. 369676
>>369649>Yet there's such a thing as sexual dimorphism, and as long as it's present the expression will always be gender specific. Even if the differences are fading (no longer dresses vs pants), female jeans are often very different to male jeans, there exist female cuts and sizes of various garments that men would not fit into.Does a fat woman express her feminity suddenly differently because she can't wear the same shape of clothes? That's not what gender expression is, you can make skin tight jeans for everyone but they'll greatly vary in shape and size.
>David Reimer (John/Joan case) was socialized and transitioned since infancy as a girl, despite being born a boy, yet he failed to identify as female.Anon… Do you know what you're talking about? He had XY chromosomes, he had surgery because his dick got electrocuted and burned, he realised it when he started entering puberty. Don't you realize how much this speaks against your argument?
>What is an adult intersex human?Are you really bringing up very specfic genetic anomalies? They usually chose to present themselves whichever way is more suitable for society (again enforcing that those norms are a product of socialization) and their struggles are completely different and related to their actual bodies.
No. 369682
>>369611And the guy who beat his wife on stream only got a temp ban.
I think it's safe to say that currently, troons and enbies hold more power than women, black people and gays combined.
No. 369732
>>369689Listen, the site isn't
actually exclusive to women. Men do and can post as long as they don't reveal their gender. Read the rules and you'll see this.
I said "their" bc I don't actually know if this person was a male or female or a tranny or what. Meanwhile, you're still sperging instead of delivering intelligent arguments to refute their points which is what should be happening unless you want to look like an idiot.
No. 369766
It's interesting the around 1/4 of intersex people refer to themselves as intersex rather than man or woman. Most exibit the physical traits of one sex more than the other and decide to refer to themselves that way because of the way society perceives their looks. It's not even remotely the same to somebody who has a healthy male body claiming he's a woman.
>>369732I responded, I suggest you take your own advice and join the discussion instead of letting others do the work for you and bitching at anons.
No. 369810
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Saw this on tumblr, thoughts about this??
No. 369850
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>>369654Gender incongruence doesn't react positively to standard methods of dealing with mental disorders, like psychotherapy or antidepressants and antipsychotics.
There's not much research on conversion therapy, even less in adults. Here's what I found:>The treatment approaches […] echo previous claims for the pathological basis of same-sex sexual orientation. They were also similar to the practice of LGB conversion therapy from the 1960s to the 1980s in which psychodynamic and behaviour therapies were used.Interestingly there's one case of an adult treated for OCD, in who the gender identity aligned with their sex, but for barely 4 years, when he returned to identifying as woman.
Overall, the general stance of medical community is that reparative therapies are ineffective and unethical.
CBT can help with management of dysphoria but doesn't get rid of it. It's primarily used for treating anxiety, depression, etc. in transgender patients.
Just to be clear, I'm against transition and suppression of puberty in children. Conditioning them to be trans and putting them through surgeries is sick.
They should be taught and be explained that they can be gender non-conforming, not that they can change their gender. For some transition might really be the only option, but it shouldn't be offered until they are at lest 16.
>>369676>David ReimerHe was unaware of being reassigned to female, and only started identifying as male after being told by parents at the age of 14.
His female socialization and exposure to female hormones since childhood didn't change his male identity.
If his identity was innate and couldn't be replaced through socialization and hormones, then I don't see why there couldn't be people with innate and incorrigible identity not matching their birth sex.
Regarding intersex people, their identities are very often chosen by parents.
I was rather curious about determining whether someone is a man or a woman when you can't determine whether they are functionally, biologically or genetically male or female (or neither).
>>369670I'm not interested in "justifying tranny bullshit".
Example was completely unrelated, sorry if you felt I appropriated intersex conditions. Have a bird instead.
>>369766I actually know one such person, they can be a bit nuts, their family inflicted heavy gendered roles on them. Nowadays he identifies as a "cis is".
Another person I befriended briefly had a boyfriend who was intersex and assigned male by parents and given testosterone. He wasn't content with his life in adulthood, having alcohol problems. He didn't seem to want to do anything with his gender, completely given up.
Do you think intersex people can be transgender (dysphoric and transitioning)?
Personally I think there's a difference between biological sex and societal gender ("roles") (of which might be many, interesting example being fa'afafine and fa'atama in Samoa). Western society is extremely harmful in this regard, drawing strict lines between masculine and feminine, and putting men on a pedestal.
>>369810Depends who you ask, you will get different answers.
Some bisexuals will exclude transgender.
Some identify as pan to virtue signal that they support transgender and non-binary identities.
There are also bi people who don't use pan, despite not having anything against dating trans people, because they believe it's transphobic to distinguish transgender individuals from cis ones (even if some might have genital or appearance preferences).
No. 369874
>>369850He was aware he was male by age 9. He started living as a male at 15.
You can read about how horrific his abuse was here: boy being raised as a girl realizing he is a boy isn't anything like a mental illness.
No. 369899
>>369897it was a minor misunderstanding on my part
really isn't that funny
No. 369911
>"Lmao my mutilated penis looks so terrible you guys! haha!"Fuck that's sad. Of course he can't be honest, or that would mean admitting that trans children is a bad idea.
And to think that he's only going to suffer more complications as time goes on. If this thing doesn't get infected and kill him first, he's going to be in pain the rest of his life. How much you want to bet he gets addicted to pain pills?
No. 369929
>>369892I'm from Turkey. Ot but since you mentioned it, Armenian Genocide is being denied because of political and historical reasons, and Armenians are also still in denial of Khojaly Massacre which happened within the last 20 years. People think that AG didn't happen because that's what they are taught, it is a very censored topic, nationalists come at anyone who speaks up about it and the "the numbers were inflated" thing is because the numbers don't match up with the population of Armenians in sources from early 1900s and the number of people who were deported. I wish both parties owned up to AG and Khojaly so that Turkey, Armenia and Azerbaijan can be at peace, but no one in the government is willing to do such a thing.
TRAs are still delusional tho
No. 369949
>>369929I saw it being using on reddit and without the context people had no Idea what was going on
the whole exchange was just so cringe inducing
No. 369967
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>>368216should've spent that fauxgina money on a rhinoplasty
No. 369972
>>369944its not the kid's fault
he's been indoctrinated in this since he was 3
his body and mental state is just broken due to the hormones,puberty blockers(since childhood) and surgeries
No. 370014
>>369351Because TERFs supposedly enable violence against transwomen or maybe even incite it when we say they are men. The people who say that are misogynists who like to blame women for men's actions, when women are stating facts.
They don't realize that gender is WHY gender nonconforming men are assaulted for being gnc, and if we got rid of gender (and homophobia) instead of redefining it to mean some undefinable inner essence, people wouldn't be assaulted for being gnc.
Although sometimes they may just assault trannies for being delusional, I can't rule that out, but I think it's mostly homophobia due to associating crossdressing with homosexuality, and gender policing.
>>369571they might not say they believe that being masculine makes you a boy, but if you pay attention to how people who believe gender determines sex talk, you will see that they really do believe your gender identity is based on which sex stereotypes you prefer, unless you state otherwise.
No. 370037
>John/Joan caseDr Money, who was in charge of this study, firmly held the theory that babies were gender neutral and if they were brought up as the opposite sex and get hormonal treatment since birth, they would identify as the opposite gender. He believed that nature played a very small role if any, while nurture completely defined gender identity.
There are 3 problems with this study: A) The study sample is way too small to make statistically significant conclusions. B) Money has distorted the facts to further his own agenda. C) The research environment was not controlled. If anything, it proves that gender identity has an innate component. David was a cis boy raised as a trans girl, which caused him distress even before he could understand what was happening. From a very young age, even before puberty had started, he knew he was supposed to be a boy. The main reason David gravitated towards masculine-coded behaviors and preferred boy things over girl stuff is - because inside, he felt like a boy and wanted to be one. Since participating in those activities is "what boys do" it was very validating to him to do the same. So it seems strange that TERFs love to use the example of an individual who has experienced gender dysphoria since childhood in order to discredit the gender dysphoria trans people experience.
But for the sake of the argument, let's assume that study was statistically conclusive. Several questions arise: if one's gender identity is determined in the womb, at which point in the foetus' development does it form? By which variables is it influenced? If "male brain" and "female brain" phenotypes exist, do other phenotypes (eg. enbies) also exist? Is it possible that those phenotypes don't match one's biological sex? What role does nurture (gender reinforcement) play and how big is it?
Let's not forget that in nature and science, you very rarely deal with absolutes and universal truths. When observing traits in populations, you'll usually deal with majorities and outliers. Most people are overwhelmingly attracted to the opposite sex, but a small minority is homosexual/bi. Most people are right-handed, but a minority is left handed and even fewer are ambidextrous. Most people are born male or female, but a minority is intersex… and so on. I'm not convinced that the same cannot be said for cis and trans people.
>>369530>>370014>The end-goal of transgenderism is […] that it's your gender that determines your sex.Who the fuck even believes this shit? I can see people confusing GNC with transgender like another anon mentioned. However, the most common response I got when asking is "Living as the gender I identity with makes me happier than living as the sex I was born with". Nobody believes that vaginas magically turn into penises simply because you are ftm. Sounds like you're confusing gender expression and gender roles with biological sex.
No. 370047
>>370037You have got to be trolling.
This sounds like religious propaganda.
No. 370056
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>>370037Not all trannies believe gender determines sex but some do. Unfortunately I can't find a screencap of a troon saying something like 'I am female. (female as in 'having a female gender identity'). Therefore my body is female', but listen to enough of them and you'll find one saying that.
I don't make shit up about trannies, because I don't have to. They really say absurd things like that.
No. 370061
>>370037So, inadequate sample sizes and flawed methodology are always a concern, as are conflicts of interest. You aren't fundamentally incorrect to raise these concerns and this scrutiny should be applied to every study. I don't see the problem with criticizing things even when if it leaves us with one less flawed study to cite(!) Not a problem.
But let me get this straight:
>you assert the dr had a bias towards gender being a construct unrelated to sex and that probably affected the interpretation of the findings>biological male is pushed into living as a female>he feels stressed the fuck out because of it and gravitates towards things relating to his male sex>this situation is somehow analogous to transexual dysphoriaThe kid didn't feel "dysphoria" the way a trans person claims because his situation is the literal opposite of what trans people experience. You are correct that this potentially points away from gender identity being completely "nurture" but as the study is such bogus it's really hard to even draw that conclusion.
All this does is possibly point at gender not being a construct, but tied to sex. If you're going to draw the first half of the conclusion, you better admit the other half too. It does absolutely nothing to show gender dysphoria occurs due to biological sex being inappropriate because… that isn't what the boy was trying to get away from. I understand you're trying to entertain the idea that this study was reliable in the first place, and the questions you bring up aren't inherently wrong either. I largely agree with your criticisms of the whole thing and am interested in finding scientific evidence to help us get to the bottom of this stuff as well.
But as you said, the dr is sus and the study is very, very shitty. I don't think radfems should be using it as evidence but a trans counter-gotcha can't actually be done here either. Call me when trans people's issues arise from their dicks getting burned off during circumcision, are forced to live as women in the jankiest ways possible, and are abused by a pedophile who makes you practice sex with your twin and takes pictures of you. I could go on.
Anyway you could have made a decent point until you decided to play devil's advocate and grant the study validity for the sake of argument to twist it into being pro-trans. That interpretation is plain flawed.
No. 370062
>>370037You've either not been in these threads long enough or you haven't been interacting with the trans community lately. Gender determining sex
is a thing now. Was it before? No. Now? Yeah you have people saying that since the identify as female that makes their body (sex) female. "I identify as female but my sex is male" is actually becoming less common and less acceptable among the newer trans activists and might get that person labeled as a truscum (pejorative for trans people who wronthink). This is where terms like feminine penis and masculine vagina come from and they aren't jokes.
When you bring up the Reimer case it seems you don't realize that many radfems straight up don't believe many trans are actually experiencing dysphoria (and dysphoria isn't considered a prerequisite to being trans anymore). I'd say they're also less concerned about the small quantity of 'legitimate trans' than protecting women as a class, so sad stories of individual 'true trans' people are unlikely to budge them.
lolcow has been radfem for years and is abhorrent even to people from fucking 4chan, I don't know what kind of reception you're thinking you'll get. Keep it up and get slagged with being a handmaiden or troon soon enough.
No. 370068
>>370064Fully aware. What gave the impression that I wasn't? I tried to be concise with my post bc I didn't want to post too big of a wall of text.
Here I try to point that very fact out in my earlier post:
>abused by a pedophile who makes you practice sex with your twin and takes pictures of youBut yeah that is part of why I don't think this is a good study for anyone to cite. I don't care to legitimize any argument just bc it's going to serve an agenda, even a feminist one.
No. 370070
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>>370068Ah misread, sometimes lolcow loads oddly on mobile and I can't get to the tippy top of a post or bottom of post.
Poor people like Reimer and Jazz never stood a fucking chance.
No. 370074
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>>370070No harm done. I often either post too few words or too many, dunno how that happens.
On a more constructive note, a good addition to the next OP could be some links to specific studies that help us make sound arguments against trans ideas. I can see there are some general sites being linked but actual scientific study pdfs to reliably cite could also be valuable. It just pains me to see a pedophile's pet project being used as ammo. I can point to various studies that are similarly shitty (usually pro trans self report survey garbage) and are bad examples, but not really any good ones. Better to have an argument to support our ideas rather than only rip on theirs, so would love to see some delicious data.
I'll full admit I don't have much to contribute in that realm tonight bc I find it hard to find reliable data on this topic for either camp. I can definitely put time into looking into it more tomorrow. "We just don't really get this stuff" seems to be scientific consensus as far as I've seen; although I am still heavily against things like the erasure of biological women and mutilation of young bodies. We don't consider children able to give consent for sex, we shouldn't be allowing them to self sterilize either. I want what's best for women and people dealing with gender problems. We shouldn't be following a path of mutual
triggering if we want things to get better.
do know a lot of the anons in this thread are lesbians tired of being told they now have to have sex with people they consider men (as do I)and other women similarly wronged by weird libfem ideas. I understand and also feel the deep resentment so I don't fault people for making emotional arguments and general reeing. Just think we can add some more substance to the conversation at times. The burden of taking charge to fix shit will always largely fall on the victims of a situation because a change in outcome only primarily benefits the victim. It's shitty but it's also just how things are on this bitch of an earth.
No. 370118
>>369874Thank you for the link, I wasn't aware of all the details regarding his early rejection of reassigned sex. I'm aware the study was sick and full of abuse.
Interestingly I find a lot of similarities with experiences and stories of FtM individuals. Refusal of dresses as early as 3 or 4 years old, playing with boys' toys (e.g. belonging to a brother), playing and identifying with boys, some even assuming male name for these purposes.
This reassures me in my opinion that some people can have strong predisposition for a gender identity that doesn't match their birth sex.
Have you heard about "cis by default"?>>370037The outcome of the study is pretty solid and simple. A sex reassigned person conditioned to identify with reassigned sex won't necessarily identify with it.
>'s a retrospective individual case study of a sex reassigned individual who rejected his reassigned sex, so A) doesn't apply (it's not a cross-sectional or panel study), B) is irrelevant, it's a different study, C) doesn't matter (see A).
This is
not the flawed Money's study.
>>370056>>370062Semantic dispute.
>"I'm Alice">"this is my car">Alice's car>"I'm Bob">"this is my house">Bob's house>"I'm a woman/female/feminine">"this is my body/penis">Woman's/female/feminine body/penisRegarding gender determining sex, I will agree with the previous anon. Who the fuck even believes this shit?
If you confront a transgender person, they will (sometimes reluctantly as it's an uncomfortable subject for them) agree that they were born in their biological sex, have their birth chromosomes, and were correctly assigned male/female at birth based on their birth appearance.
>>370061>All this does is possibly point at gender not being a construct, but tied to sex.Why are people so fixated on sex? Sex is just tied to few sequences in the genetic code (not even the whole chromosomes, not only on X/Y chromosomes).
>All this does is possibly point at gender not being a construct, but tied to biology.FTFY
No. 370123
>>370118>Refusal of dresses as early as 3 or 4 years old, playing with boys' toys (e.g. belonging to a brother)Anon, I genuinely want to know, how do you think this proves any of your points. The only reason these are seen male behaviours is because these items are gender coded and marketed that way, if you let a child run wild and choose their own clothing/toys they will pick things irrespective of the gender it is marketed towards. This may be difficult for you to grasp, but the clothing and toys kids like is dependent on their personality, not sex (or as you keep saying ‘gender identity’)
My son likes traditionally feminine colours and pretends to cook and have tea parties, but that doesn’t mean he identifies as the opposite sex - that’s just his personality.
No. 370146
>>370123>cherrypickingIf you want to address the issue, address it in context. It's cool if a girl prefers pants to dresses and likes to play with trucks. But something is off when a year later she says she's a boy and to call her John, rejecting any attempts of correction.
I guess your son doesn't throw a tantrum when you try to dress him in trousers, crying that he wants a dress?
No. 370155
>>370147>>370149uhh, I will bite
From ICD-11,>HA61 Gender incongruence of childhood>The incongruence must have persisted for about 2 years.>Gender variant behaviour and preferences alone are not a basis for assigning the diagnosis.Such behaviours become relevant when the feelings persist and don't resolve with adolescence. And so is the case with FtM individuals.
>>370152>trouble accepting puberty, idolizing the freedom a lot of boys have, enduring sexual harassment and constant belittlement brought in by women being deemed as second class citizens, suppressed homosexuality, pressure from her peers due to ROGD, possibly OCD or Autism>in 6 years oldsI don't know what you are smoking anon.
No. 370163
>>370155This still relies on the idea that certain toys/activities/clothing are sex exclusive, and most kids that show discomfort with their anatomy, in particular reproductive organs, is because they were sexually abused (which has been shown in studies time and time again)
You have yet to even try to convince me how certain objects and activities are truly sex exclusive other than ‘well, cars are sold in the boy section!!’ or ‘girls should emulate mothers so they need baby dolls’
No. 370164
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I skimmed through the last posts quickly so I don't know if this has been posted yet but wtf: trans disabled person is being a model now. Apparently, he was homeless so kudos to him for finding a way to get money but still…this is absolutely sick.
No. 370166
>>370145this is appalling. his mom is eerily obsessed with his romantic/sexual life and his genitals.
>"you have to try a few different ice cream flavors before you pick one you wanna suck one on the rest of your life"wtf?
No. 370167
>>370155It's the whole blanket of reasons why women feel dysphoric in general, doofus.
>AutismAutism has been proven by multiple studies to be linked to transgenderism, and naturally autistic traits surface from a very young age because it's a life-long condition. For example, here's one.>OCD Here's a study about OCD in transgender-identified patients.>idolizing the freedom a lot of boys haveGender roles. Boys are free to be rambunctious, loud, independent, assertive, considered often more intelligent, have toys centered around being active etc. A lot of trans people I've met have come from homes that push traditional gender roles on their kids, for example refusing to buy their daughter pants because they're "for boys". Vice versa GNC boys might have trouble being accepted for being "too girly" and emotional.
>suppressed homosexualityYou remember that study about pre-adolescent kids showing gender dysphoria, 90% growing out of it by adulthood and some of them growing up to be gay?
> that bible-thumping mom in a trans kid documentary talking about how she tried to pray the gay away from her young (6-7yo) son before making him trans?
>Peer pressureYou'd be surprised to see how many times GNC kids are told they can't be their birth gender because they're not stereotypical enough. I remember another trans kid documentary where some child said that when she was 7 she was told by her peers that she can't be a girl because she's too boyish.
No. 370169
>>370167Oh and also
>Sexual harassmentEscaping your gender is a defense mechanism for a lot of sexually abused kids.
No. 370170
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Countdown to troons declaring menstruation emojis transphobic.
No. 370175
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I don't remember ever talking to my mom about puberty lol
No. 370201
>>370175>"I don't feel bad for you because you chose this."Wish more mothers did this instead of pressuring their kids into hormones/surgery.
Indifference is TRA's worst nightmare.
No. 370202
>>370166another fucked up thing is jazz has no Idea whether or not he's really attracted to men
he's been told he should be attracted to boys because "he" is a girl
its just a horrible situation he's in
No. 370203
>>370175my mom only ever told me about periods, and seeing how trannies dont get them i dont see what else his mom could do?
maybe buying bras but thats really something you could do on your own just using your eyes, theres no reason a grown man needs his mom to do that shit for him. same thing with makeup, my own mom doesnt use it much so couldnt help me get an instagram look or anything. just look up some tutorials online or something jesus.
No. 370246
>>370206This is one of the fallacies troons usually repeat and it drives me nuts. You have a "girl brain" yet you bitch about not having any idea how to be a girl because you didn't grow up as one. I wonder where they got the idea what being a girl is like?
>>370191And here's the answer. They get all their "inside information" on how to be a girl from movie and shallow experiences with females in their lives. Think back to Yaniv and how he was legitimately disappointed when he didn't see any girls showing off their tits and vaginas in the women's changing room. Because movies and porn always make women changing their clothes a sexual experience, when in real life they just want it to be over with as quickly as possible and often hide behind towels or stalls. And remember the one troon who wrote a length piece about how tormented he has been during his life for being a "closeted transwoman" (an effeminate gay guy), and during a feminist class talking about the challenges women face dismissed their experiences because #notallmen?
No. 370285
>>370167You addressed these points well. Totally agree with you, and there is statistical evidence to support it too. Around the end, you even tread the similarities between transitioning and gay conversion therapy. It's a broadened, more punishing version of that forsure. Nonconformity is punishable by depression and castration.
>>370175I consider trans people to be victims of
malpractice influenced by the libfem ouroboros. I can't laugh at stories like this anymore because our futures are threatened by this ideology and a mother bullying her sick son over his delusions instead of getting him help is sad to me. Not that she could find a doctor not afraid of calling transhit mental illness anymore…
>>370191Where are you from? My family educated me on reproductive health and both my parents have been available if I had any questions about anything I don't understand. My mother helped me learn more about genital hygiene and taught me to wax/shave/epilate as well. These are definitely things I think a good parent should support their child with.
School does teach biology but you can't rely on that alone considering it's an "uncomfortable" topic at school and some kids try to shut off due to embarrassment.
No. 370443
>>370202Yeah, he went on dates with a variety of guys, and didn't feel anything for any of them, and yet, he fell for the first woman he has went on a date with. I wonder, maybe he would just become normal dude who is into some feminine things? My boyfriend loves cooking, desserts, pastel colors, etc., and yet, he is straight.
No. 370510
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Fucking hell I hate this shit
No. 370588
>>370175there are a lot of actual women who grow up without a mother or with a distant/negligent/abusive one. my mother never taught me shit, i spent most of my childhood with my father, which really fucked me over in adult womanhood.
i hate these stupid whiny men. "you chose this" is right.
No. 370654
>>370566>Do you have any other cringy stories about him worth sharing?Not all of these are tranny related but.
Sometimes if I'm having a good time with one of my friends, and he is in the house, he will invite himself over and interrupt the conversation to make things about him. He'll ask my friend what she thinks of his nails and how she feels about bitcoin, in that order. He also invites himself to going to places, for example, once he invited himself to his roommate's date. She felt too awkward to say no, and apparently he ranted about LGBT politics and bitcoin the entire time.
Apparently he has been looking for love, but falls for obvious catfishes and has been stood up 10+ times. He has gotten a few first dates, but never a second.
He walks around the house in the tackiest women's clothes, not really fetishy but like what a grandmother would wear. He is 2k in debt and spends all his money on makeup, clothes, and his car (my parents cover his other bills). He shaves his balls over the toilet and also never cleans up or even puts the seat down, so you see a bunch of hair there if you walk in the bathroom after he uses it.
There's probably more but I despise him so I avoid speaking to him.
No. 370714
>>370607I think so. I’ve met three TIMs who weren’t sissies in the Stephonknee sense but were fixated on getting girls and young women to dress them up and do their hair, makeup and skincare. They’d mask this by getting involved with niche fashion communities and acting like perpetual clueless newbies, except that when people showed them video tutorials or wrote out detailed guides they’d hardly even acknowledge them. They always wanted to meet up IRL and have a girl pick out their clothes and do their makeup for them. Afaik none of them ever actually managed to get a girl to dress him up but one manipulated his way into a hotel sharing situation at a con and tried to force some ~girly makeover~ shit on his female roommates who fortunately didn’t go along with it. Afterwards he claimed that one of them sexually harassed
him and tried to ruin their reputations in the group. When that didn’t work he went full narc rage and tried to ruin the entire group’s reputation in the wider community. It pisses me off that people still refer to him as a woman when recounting this entire episode. I’ve met dozens of women who didn’t know much about hair and makeup but none of them ever went on a screeching rampage when other women didn’t feel like giving them a makeover.
No. 370789
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Some good news.
Now if they only prevented criminals from identifying as women at all.
No. 370875
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It's the mums who are the problem! And the lesbians! And the cis women, who are all TERFS!
An article of interest to you guys, didn't know everyone in this thread is British!!! According to this article there are no feminists who are Gender Critical in the US or elsewhere in the world at all!! Seems legit!
Also maybe people are more outspoken about it in the UK because both men and women literally get called up by the police, sued and jailed for stuff they post on the internet in Britain whereas Americans have freedom of speech so it's less of an issue! These are not connected things!
No. 370877
>>370838Like for example this screencap right here! I wonder why people from the UK are outspoken about this issue! I can't think why!
Ok I got all my sarcasm out there. Seriously though, I hate that all these "theories" are thrown about to distract from the fact that since men do around 96% of all the murders and rapes, women
shockingly prefer to be segregated from men when they are doing things like taking their clothes off alone in a cubicle with no security guards or cameras
No. 370896
>>370728Because that's what happens in their yuri schoolgirl animes. No, seriously, I think I've got it sussed:
>wants to be desired (this one is a near-universal part of human psychology)>is an overweight ugly unkempt creep who nobody could ever desire>is lazy/childish and wants other people to do all the work for them>has deeply internalised gender rolesSo they want people to desire them, but don't want to put any effort in. What's the solution their unconscious spits up? Become a cute girl! Every misogynist knows that women have it easy, especially when it comes to sex and relationships. Obviously these creeps are also gonna want women to do their hair and makeup, their whole life is based around putting in as little effort as possible, and like
>>370753 pointed out sexist men see women as servants.
I actually think troons are very similar to incels. The above factors also hold for incels, except they're not delusional enough to think they can switch genders, so they just give up and wallow in self-pity while hating women out of misplaced jealousy. It's a bad sign when you're more delusional than an incel.
No. 370999
>>370838Time to delete the UK what the actual fuck. They have the power to arrest and jail people but telling them they're a man sends them to suicide and they still say they're a powerless minority. What more do they want?
>>370896They say women have it easy when it comes to dating yet when they try to get dates, they're still incels. I wonder how they handle themselves knowing they're women but can't get a date, something all women can do in their fucked up sexist mind
No. 371068
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Did any German anons watch Polizeiruf tonight?
Twitter is already mad about it lol
No. 371084
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No. 371444
>>371068>>371176My German is rusty but I’ll try
>police series features TIM character played by female actress>TIM character is suspected of murder with the motive being that he’s envious of a woman’s (the victim’s?) body>Lady Bitch is upset that this reinforces negative stereotypes of trans people and makes them look badFun fact: actual women are grossly overrepresented as perpetrators of murder in crime shows. We commit less than 10% of all murders in real life but many shows have us at >20% if not close to 50% when the writers are feeling particularly inclusive.
No. 371532
>>371176I'll give you a quick rundown. Sadly the male "terf" (who also insisted on using "he/him"-pronouns and who called the troon a "mixed creature" lol) turned out to be the bad guy, but otherwise it was brilliant, definitely not made by a sympathizer.
>tranny suspected for murder of 2 women>a walking stereotype, owns a flower shop, always heels, tights and dresses>caught by his pregnant wife while in dragJust like it happens irl as well: dude gets married, impregnates wife, but then turns out to be a degenerate. He also felt sorry for himself, because he was no longer allowed to see his children.
>modeled his "pussy" after his dead prostitute friend>police officer asked him whether he was jealous because she got the read deal and he didn't>his therapist was a tranny as well, non-op, made officer touch his dick>is prescribing hormones for money to people who don't fit the criteria (which is: living one year as the other gender + no other mental illnesses)>believes they're only sick because they're women forced to live in mens bodies and therefore trooning out is the cure>tranny was diagnosed with narcisissm and violent tendenciesThe actress was a real (albeit rather ugly women, tall, with very strong features, but nevertheless clearly 100% female) which I find rather insulting. But I guess her own fault for accepting the role.
No. 371538
>>371532I forgot something:
He had a fight with his friend, she said he's just jealous because she has a bf and he doesn't and then the tranny immediatley breaks a bottle and threatens her with the sharp end of it.
>>371534Exactly, lol.
No. 371578
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No. 371602
>>371585How would IVF even work in this scenario? Actually having the womb in contact with the “neovagina” via a(n also harvested) cervix is just asking for infection, and I can’t imagine that implanting a uterus with a fertilised egg already inside would work at all. Are they planning to cut him open multiple times? Inject it? I’m no surgeon but the entire thing seems extremely dangerous and far too much trouble for what it’s worth. It sounds like just another money grab for unethical surgeons hoping to cash in on the transgender trend. Hope they have decent malpractice insurance.
>If this happens I am never donating my organsSame here. No way am I letting some mentally ill man take my organs just to live out his disgusting fetishistic fantasies.
No. 371616
>Work in IT>See a female developer celebrated for some achievement>Get exited>It's a trannyThis is so ridiculously exhausting and happens all the time.
>>371585Imagine a world where this amount of work was put into researching treatment for endometriosis and cancers related to the female reproduction system. Nah, it's better to put our resources into getting troons to give birth!
No. 371683
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No. 371733
>>371444They do that so they can also chimp that
women commit crimes too! whenever any man does anything horrific. Women just don't commit crimes as often and it pisses them off
>>371585>Surgeon Christopher Inglefield founder of the London Transgender Clinic, believes transgender women deserve a uterus implantNo, the fuck they don't. Over actual women who could benefit from it? The UK has fallen hard on this bullshit. Where is the opposition politically
Troons bodies are different. Are they seriously thinking just to push up their organs to make room for a new one that doesn't belong in a male body.
Read some comments from the Daily Mail on this topic and I'd say almost all the people said
>not from the NHS >take away the doctor's license>this isn't life saving having children isn't a right>babies born pumped full of synthetic hormones will be disastrous>Wil otp out of donor registry if this comes>denying women ifv but this is okAnd my favorite
>please stop No. 371887
>>371809I struggled to convince a doctor that my periods were too heavy and that I needed help because "some women have heavy periods and just have to learn to manage them." Only during wisdom teeth removal did everybody find out I had a blood disorder that prevented my blood from clotting properly.
Funny how medical advancement hasn't included taken women's pain seriously but does somehow include giving men wombs.
I hate that giving men the ability to birth a child in an overpopulated world full of children that need a home might one day come before helping women living pain-free lives.
No. 371932
>>371887Thankfully, judging by the comments nobody wants this, especially paid for by the nhs. And alot of women would oto out of donating their organs. People would rather help sick people like with cancer or other illnesses than give troons more time of day.
There's this silent overwhelming majority that will anonymously object to trans anything.
No. 372043
Has anyone noticed that transwomen online talk about being girls way more than natal women, even when you just compare personal social media accounts? It's gotten to the point of annoying me, it feels fetishy.
I don't even have a problem with trans people who are chill about it, I'm just so tired of people inserting their fetishes in places and being creepy assholes, and people who deny reality or step on women. I have no problem being polite to avoid causing issues in shared spaces, but jesus christ, the attitudes of the Tumblr types are so annoying, as are stupid chan traps. It's just in different ways. I feel like I'm walking on eggshells but they aren't.
I've also noticed that a lot of people will cool off when you get them in private, and are more willing to be reasonable, which makes me think people get group hubris and virtue signal in public.
Being a woman is walking on eggshells, but especially around anyone born and raised male.
No. 372073
>>371585I've been marked down as an organ donor for 15 years or longer, but if this shit were to ever start to happen, I'm not gonna donate. Fuck that. I want my organs to go to people genuinely need them, not to fucking freakshow science for freakshow people.
>>372043That's because A) they think a womans value is only when you're young, and B) real women tend to hide ourselves online more, especially in male dominated spaces, because it invites insults or outright harassment and stalking.
No. 372235
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>>372232There's an enlightening unpacking and analysis of the legalese going on in the KF threads.
No. 372554
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We're all a few posts away from being Nazis, it's just that us silly women can't see it and we need a man to tell us!
No. 372643
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Oh hell now they are starting on the "im not like other girls ~uwu~" shit
No. 372684
>>372232Honestly I hope this turns out well. Not just for Meghan but hopefully a ruling in her favor could possible change regulations for large social media platforms.
Legalities are so far behind when it comes to the digital age
No. 372689
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i wonder if troons think about the fact that a lesbian woman would choose a trans man over a trans woman to date at a rate of nearly 100%
No. 372711
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This is hard to read because this person didn't use any fucking punctuation, but do these degenerates ever stop lying? THEY are the ones that call themselves these names, THEY are the ones with a disproportionate amount of resources/funding compared to LGB people, THEY are the ones hoping to see naked women and girls in changing rooms.
I'm so sick of this shit.
No. 372912
Wow that's really awesome.
Didn't think I would see Teri mentioned here, she gives me life when she cuts through the bullshit.
The Korean radfem movement is truly admirable and so much further ahead than the west. They actually make changes in their lives (destroying their makeup and never wearing it again, risking their careers by not being feminine, and staying the fuck away from male relationships) that most western feminists will never do.
On the topic of makeup, I find it extremely bizarre that even most western radfems still wear makeup/style their hair/shave their bodies. It feels really disingenuous and weak that they would still continue to participate in some of the easiest things to stop doing. If you're unable to do that, how can you actually approach and go through with anything else in radical feminism?
>>372910Middle is Teri Strange. Really recommend her videos.
No. 372930
>>369479I agree… Last year it was so comfy, but overtime the scrots just took over. At this point I just report almost every BS thread regardless if a woman or scrot made it. It honestly disgusts me especially since if I want to go on a imageboard with men in it I would go on 4chan. Honestly I hope someone purges cc because it's a fucking dumpster fire at this point.
>>372711>make fun of us for having "baby faces"LOL!!! People get made fun of for having a baby face regardless of gender! Even if they do make fun of it, it's what people idealize and hope their faces become once they hit late 30's - 40's. What a reach and a humblebrag…
No. 372958
>>372951How is creating micro-abrasions on your body and covering your lips and face with chemicals daily amusing to anyone? Also please don't say it's for self expression or art because almost every women follows the exact same makeup trends and it's almost exclusively used to look more attractive than being creative.
Why wouldn't you invest in something that doesn't actively harm you for amusement?
Also is half of the population missing out on "washing" hygiene because men don't wear makeup or shave their bodies?
No. 372959
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Interesting article I found."Hannah" Mouncey is a literal 200 pound man trying to play women's football against people half a foot shorter than him.
When the Aussie government decided that trannies can't play women's sports unless they have the weight and testosterone levels of an actual woman, Mouncey pitched a hissy fit and said it was "body-shaming", when clearly he's just mad he can't cheat anymore.
I can't believe people let this hulking gorilla play with women in the first place. All he did was grow his hair out!
This isn't "gender dysphoria", this is men finding creative ways to steal what little opportunity women have.
No. 372965
>>372951I don't shave my legs, but I do shave my underarms because I noticed that (for me personally) it reduced body odor and made my deodorant last longer.
Saged for OT
No. 372989
>>372959He shouldn’t be allowed to play period. I hope I don’t come off as sounding like women are delicate and weak, but there’s no way this man wouldn’t hurt someone, intentional or not. I mean for Christ sake look at how men play with each other - if it weren’t for referees they would be stomping on one another and kicking each other in the head if they could get away with it.
And that Guardian article is pure rubbish. Nothing about this literal fridge of a person’s desire to play football equates to my personal reality as a woman and I can’t imagine any other fem feeling like her body is somehow shaped by his issues. Would people be singing the same too if a trans man wanted to play with men? I don’t think so. But it’s okay for a trans woman? Sure, Jan.
Sorry for the rant.
No. 372993
>>372951That's true to an extent. If you personally want to do those things, that is your choice. It is the societal expectation that women have to wear makeup, be hairless, and be conventionally beautiful that is the issue here.
Do you really like wearing makeup/shaving or do you feel the need to? Can you go without it without feeling uncomfortable? It's not something that many women think about because it's so ingrained in cultures around the world. I've know women who would get extremely upset if they had to go somewhere without makeup on or if they couldn't put on a full face of makeup.
No. 373051
>>372993I think it's only an issue if you think you
have to do it. But saying that being unshaven, no makeup or skincare ect is "better" suggests that whatever men do is better. I don't want to look like a wrinkly, hairy grizzly man ever. If I was a guy I'd shave and wear concealer and use moisturizer too.
Breaking out of things you think you "need" to do is great, but I'm not going to make myself more gross because it means I'm a better feminist if I am. I think men should shave everything and wear makeup too, it's not a gender thing for me.
Also we have a problem where men think being clean and attractive = ready for sex, but that is specifically their issue and I'm not gonna change how I look to try and avoid them thinking what they will think anyway. Men think sexual thoughts about children, those children aren't dressing up, doing their hair or wearing makeup. People should just look however they want.
No. 373074
>>373051>saying that being unshaven, no makeup or skincare ect is "better" suggests that whatever men do is betternta but this is the most bizzare train of thought i've ever encountered.
not sure if anyone says not shaving and wearing make-up is better, rather that femininity and associated rituals are made up with the reason to contain women and make us feel insecure about our native state and so recognising these rituals for what they are and ditching them is a way to resist that push.
No. 373097
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After protests, an estimated 500 attend East Bay library's 'Drag Queen Story Hour'
Drag Queen Story Hour originated at the San Francisco Public Library, and has inspired similar events around California and the country.
"There is nothing wrong with reading a children's book that display diversity and different gender identities," Bella Aldama said. "We are all different, and everyone deserves respect and love. We are not trying to teach or brainwash anybody. Drag is just a form of gender expression."
(continue reading at) No. 373098
>>373051Why do you equate not wearing makeup or not shaving as gross? Do you really think your natural body and face are gross?
Why do you need to be beautiful?
No one on here is saying you CAN'T wear makeup, but you should understand the reasons why you feel compelled to wear it. I would really recommend going without makeup or shaving for a month and see how much of a "choice" performing femininity is.
No. 373165
>>373161this is fucking dumb i s2g
imagine wanting to take women's choices away lol. like do you just want to ensure no woman ever wears makeup? damn, let me do my fucking makeup if i want to. you sound like an entitled male. pathetic.
No. 373191
>>373046Bodies vary. But think of it logically: hair is pourous, and it's the perfect hiding place for bacteria. It's like having a pair of sponges on your underarms. When you remove it, odor-bacteria has fewer places to live.
I think both sexes should shave their underarms for this reason.
>>373172This is what I think, too. Makeup is expensive, time-consuming, bad for your skin, and a crutch for your self-esteem. There was a time when makeup was creative self-expression, but not anymore. We live in the age of Instagram Face, where everybody uses their makeup to try and match the same ridiculous standard set by the Kardashians.
Makeup should be subtle. It should bring out your natural beauty. Instagram Face borders on drag, applying so much crap that the person is unrecognizable. And of course male-run makeup companies benefit from people buying that much product.
A lot of people won't admit it, or maybe don't even realize it, but we don't
want to wear makeup. We're indoctrinated from childhood to wear it.
When makeup was first invented in Ancient Egypt, both sexes wore it. Now only women are socially obligated to. It's fucking unfair that we have to slather this crap on our faces to be considered passable, but men don't have to do shit.
I don't wear makeup unless I'm attending a formal event or wearing a costume. That's how it fucking should be.
Saged for OT
No. 373195
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>>373172no. it's pathetic to do makeup because some bitch ass men make you feel bad for not wearing it. tell them to fuck off and and cry more if it's so offensive to not wear makeup. this is a dumb excuse lol, and why assume 90% of women are wearing it out of pressure when so many women build social media presences from how much they love doing makeup. i love doing my makeup in the morning, idgaf what others think. grow up and stop doing makeup just to please men lol
No. 373203
>>373195Well, if you enjoy wasting your time, destroying your skin, eroding your self-esteem, and lining the pockets of corporations that benefit from manipulating women, so be it.
Just know that you were indoctrinated into enjoying it, into finding dissatisfaction with your normal, bare face.
No. 373214
>employers admit they are like, 60% less likely to hire a woman that doesn't wear makeup vs one that does, and same goes for promotions.You're right, but things in Asia are a hell of a lot worse and reach beyond makeup into your facial features and weight. You can get by as a fat and/or ugly woman in Europe or North America and while people might treat you more poorly than a woman who conforms, you can still have a decent quality of life. In Asia you'll never hear the end of people's direct criticism or unasked for advice and opinions. The plastic surgery rates in Korea are insane. I'm not surprised there's been such an overwhelming backlash against beauty standards as a whole among women there. I don't blame them. It sounds fucking exhausting.
No. 373231
>>373097At first glance I thought these were cute, and I think in the abstract events like this that expose kids to gnc people are good, but to be honest I feel like stuff like this might have fucked me up as a little girl. I don't even know how, but like….drag already makes me feel like the butt of the joke a lot of the time, as a kid when you're still absorbing all the bullshit of womanhood, I feel like there could end up being a lot of little girls who sit in the audience and feel shitty and don't know why.
Honestly, it'd be cooler if there was a series of like, butch women in the arts doing events. It'd be a lot less "fun" but I feel like I would have benefited so much more from meeting an Alison Bechdel type as a little girl than a man playacting ultrasexual femininity.
No. 373261
>>373246Yeah, it grosses me out tbh. Being a Dragqueen is a persona for nightclubs and adult places. It shouldnt be anywhere near children. That's like getting porn stars and sex workers specifically to read to kids.
This isn't progressive at all.
No. 373264
>>373228OT but same. I stopped shaving my pits for that reason. i found over the years that shaving made me smell worse there, even with the best, natural deodorants. I apologise for OT but shaving your underarms didnt work for me and it took me a long time to stop feeling ashamed. i'd rather have hair than smell like a basketball player, even after i showered.
>>373231Agreed. Drag queens are not right for little girls growing up who ALREADY have self image and body issues. They should be reserved for night clubs where they belong. I honestly find drag queens sexist as hell, but i feel like the minority in a lot of my fb groups. ugh
No. 373266
>>372912I don't wear makeup often, but when I do, it's generally because I like doing weird shit to my face. Having crazy eyeliner or dark red lips is fun for me. I understand, at the same time, where you're coming from, because yeah, the makeup industry itself can often be so fucked up. In the case of Korean women, I think it's great they're starting to disregard makeup, because their culture is so obsessed with a certain look, even moreso than western countries, it seems.
>>372965Same here, letting my pit hair grow seems to cause a little bit more body odor. I don't even bother shaving my legs anymore though, and I've never shaved my crotch. And I never will.
No. 373419
>>373231I agree completely. My problem with events like this isn’t that children are exposed to men wearing makeup and skirts, like all the drag fans I know keep claiming, it’s that drag queens practically always embody a mean-spirited caricature of womanhood that’s going to make little girls feel even more shitty about themselves than they already do. If it’s simply about gender expression, why are most queen personas aggressive, catty, oversexed bimbos? Even if they tone it down for the children, they’re still going to pick up on things like that. Kids are incredibly sensitive to social pressure.
Characters who aren’t screaming bimbos or catty ‘mean girls’ with huge fake breasts don’t have to be any less fun and I think it’s telling that the drag community is so resistant to stepping out of that comfort zone.
No. 373490
>>373477>>372232>>373105This article on After Ellen discusses and includes several images of Yaniv but redacted his last name. It does have links peppered throughout that lead to articles that do name and shame him.
Also, "Twitter is now banning people for saying things like “sex and gender are not the same.” On Feb 4, Twitter informed prominent trans activist Kristina Harrison, that saying “sex and gender are not the same,” breaks their rules on hateful conduct." No. 373572
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Do they really think that non pregnant/non postpartum/non breastfeeding women leak milk?
No. 373577
>>373158you sound like a libfem that isnt aware that a huge part of feminist history is rejecting compulsory feminity and disobeying the beauty standard put in place by men.
Also, while I understand that SOME make up can be fun (like literally drawing on your face, etc), I really doubt that contouring or doing "natural" make up etc is fun.
Make up and performative feminity don't empower you against men, they empower you against other women who chose not to do it.
No. 373631
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Germany's next topmodel is already annoying on its own, but that they insist on shilling troons as the most talented out of dozens of girls is so insulting… And all of them are constantly chearing "her" on, while being critical and petty to each other.
They're being held to completely different standards.
No. 373634
>>373280>It's a big "fuck you" to patriarchy to let them have access to your body, in exchange for money>Yaass, girls! In the end, sacrifice your bodily autonomy like many women are pressured to do under our shitty society! But instead of actually trying to solve the problem, make sure you ask for some $$$ to dry your tears with! Fuck the patriarchy, we're winning these battles one at a time. It's your choice, and you're a woman, so you are a fierce feminist goddess! Don't you forget it! uwuThat reminds me, I remember seeing this idiot libfem on Twitter try to say female slaves were "empowered" and "had personal agency" because some of them were given scraps in exchange for having sex with their slave-masters. I was already wary of the sex positivity bullshit, but that was the final nail in the coffin for me.
How many of these sex workers would want this life for their daughters, I wonder?
Their daughters, by the way, not other peopole's.
No. 373643
>>373631Because the fashion industry is fucked. But it has been like that for a while. The women praising troons just so so out of fear at this point. Nobody ants to lose their livelihood over being transphobic. Hope Germany can come to their senses tho
>>373634>their daughtersThey wouldn't care lbr. Libfems are toxic and destructive. They're SO liberal they're circular and have come right back around to being back where they don't want to be -
Sexual slavery. Those girls would be encouraged under the name of liberation. And all such bullshit.
No. 373758
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This feels insulting to the original author
No. 373763
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>>373758>being a degenerate while your animal is in the room, let alone on your bedalso wtf is on the troons bed in the middle?
No. 373765
>>373758What the actual fuck. Why would someone make this?
Why would someone feel it's appropriate and funny to reduce the original author's feelings to male sexual gratification?
I don't fucking understand how these men have any sexual desire after all the HRT and SRS they get anyways.
No. 373776
>>373773I guess I can kind of see it now?
I still have no clue how these people have sexual desire after sterilizing and mutilating themselves.
I wish we could give them even more HRT so they would permanently chemically castrate themselves.
I just feel like it's such a slap in the face to the original author and what she struggled with.
No. 373777
>>373763OT but this is a bizarre place to see best boy in.
>>373631Troons are weirdly overrepresented in media. I saw one as a host in a show my mom was watching today, but I never watch TV so I can't really speak for my country's situation on that.
No. 374055
>>373758That's because it is. Whoever made that really, really must have been irritated by the original work and its creator. He probably felt
triggered and dysphoric by all the pink, and all the feelings and experiences that are in themselves, pretty unique to a woman's/lesbian's experience. He was probably also angry about her not having a tranny love interest to affirm his RP, but knew he couldn't get away with chiding her because he'd come off as a racist white boy who doesn't understand cultural differences.
These really are just men who feel like they deserve everything women have worked to get, and it makes them upset when they are not given it.
They bring nothing new to the table, there are no MtF feminist icons, they do not treat us any better just because they cosplay as us, and they are regressive in every way. They contribute nothing but reinforced gender roles and grotesque shit like what you've just posted. I wish those same gender roles were strong enough to make them all fuck off and shamefully bury their neuroses into invisibility, but since those roles were 100% made to benefit men above all, of course they'll bend to any man's will in the end.
No. 374059
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>>374058I checked the artist's Twitter and I think you're right.
Nvm, I'm retarded.
No. 374089
>>374059She just looks like your average green haired lesbian, how is this supposed to be a man
And isn’t their end goal to look ‘cis’??
How has these ideology gotten so much traction when they can’t even decide on what it is they stand for.
No. 374097
>>374089This is something that boggles my fucking mind.
TRAs are unable to answer the most
fundemental questions about their fucking movement.
Ie) What is a transgender person (do they have dsyphoria? Is it a mental illness? If they're already a "woman or man" then what does trans even mean?)
What does it
feel like to be a man or women?
I have not seen a single response from the entire movement that actually answers these two questions. Those concepts literally make up the entire ideology but they can't fucking answer them.
No. 374150
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Notice how Burns says "cis men." Not white cis men, or non-black cis men. Just all men, apparently.
Why are trans so racist?
No. 374153
>>374150Is that even true? I occasionally watch programmes on forensic anthropology and I don’t remember them ever mentioning bone density to determine someone’s race. They usually look at the skull and stable isotopes for the person’s diet and climate.
Considering he’s claiming that there is “no proof” that men have an advantage over women, I wouldn’t be surprised if he pulled that other factoid out of his ass too. Anything to shit on black women, I guess.
No. 374166
>>374097Its like a magic eight ball every time you find a post by a TRA or tranny.
Also two of the answers are "you're a TERF for asking" and "not enough spoons. :( try again later."
No. 374402
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Today two radfem groups went to the 8M gathering to talk about what we're advocating for, taking a special note to prostitution and sexual trafficking, which is rampant where I live (South America), where the police and politicians run prostitution rings and no one bats an eye, women dissappear all the time, etc. They couldn't even say a word, all the libfems started censoring them, calling them names, calling them transphobic etc, one of the pro-sexwork (who is notorious for saying that she and the rest of her group know where prostitution rings are and where sexual trafficked women are imprisioned but refuse to disclose it because they won't receive any reward for it) pushed and shoved a few of my friends, and one tranny even choked a woman from one of the groups.
It's insane.
(I've posted on GC too, if you see something similar to this post)
Link to the video: No. 374404
>>374402>one of the pro-sexwork (who is notorious for saying that she and the rest of her group know where prostitution rings are and where sexual trafficked women are imprisioned but refuse to disclose it because they won't receive any reward for itI'm sorry but
WHAT how misogynistic can libfems get at this point Jesus christ
This tranny agenda is seriously ruining women and our safety. Imagine wanting to help sex trafficked victims but get told to shut up because a man with a dress us more important. God I'm sorry anon, that pisses me off
No. 374424
>>374402>refuse to disclose it because they won't receive any reward for itUmmm, saving women from being raped should be reward enough LMAO. That's fucked. I'm not surprised a libfem would sink that low.
>one tranny even choked a woman from one of the groups.When radical feminist in your country want to gather, every single member should could carry a bottle of mace on them. Spray them upon contact. It's your human right to defend yourselves.
No. 374446
>>374150I hope they keep doing this and showing their true colors. I hope more black women hit peak trans once and for all.
White men jumping onto black women's backs and claiming they're "the same" to leech off the strides they've made to establish and protect themselves in a decidedly racist society, while
still being their racist, anti-black, misogynistic selves (with an "Uhh I identify as a woman so we're sisters and you need to respect, defend and obey me, Mammy Shaniqua :^)" thrown in) would be a hilarious bend of irony if it wasn't so sad.
No. 374448
>>374402Jesus christ. How did things end up this way? What went wrong?
So, we can't even talk about women actually being oppressed now?
No. 374470
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>>374466Also eurofag. I carry a self defence keychain similar to pic related. I couldn't find anywhere that sold them here so I 3d printed one in uni: Pretty sure they're illegal and I would be held responsible if it was used, even if it was a self defence situation. Even with that I feel a little better carrying it. It's psychological mostly. Also, I hear deep heat spray is an okay substitute for mace.
No. 374471
>>374424I carry mace everywhere. The gathering was at a closed space, so mace would spread upon my friends. I didn't go because of work though.
>>374448That's right, if we don't talk about trannies or rich women that fuck a few carefully selected dudes and go back to their comfortable jobs when they tire out, we're called Nazis and police lovers.
I put up a few stickers on the street an they're removed at the next day. Only mine though.
>>374421I will, thanks
No. 374475
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No. 374561
>>374424A taser would also be good, at least it only hits the attacker and there's no risk of it spreading to people around like with pepper spray.
As bad as it sounds to say it, with these kind of people violence is the only answer. They don't understand words or reasoning, so all you can do to stop them is using violence and stripping them of their rights.
No. 374595
Via the KF megathread. happened today in a assembly (or forum, idk) in preparation to our protest march for International Women's Day in Argentina. Before two known GC feminists were able to do their speech, and after hours and hours of forced delays, one transgender women attacked the girl with the mic and tried to choke her. The rest is chaotic, as you can see.
To put it in context: the "majority" of the assembly, in a previous gathering, prohibited any "terf" or "transphobic" speech today. But this coalition -Bloque Abolicionista or Abolitionist Group- (from two different radfem groups) tried to speak about women trafficking cases and abolition of prostitution here in Argentina, but not about gender or any other radical ideas.
But even with that plan they received a lot of hate because they were "known TERFs". And the predominant feminist group there is pro-regulation of prostitution, which yelled "TERF" and "transphobics" at them just because their ideas don't align. No. 374631
>>374402>>374595>>374609This is downright scary and bizarre. They weren’t even talking about trans issues at all yet TRAs felt the need to not only silence them but attack them for speaking out against sex trafficking? It just shows how anti-woman their movement really is.
>"known TERFs"This is some McCarthyist shit.
No. 374725
>>360163Everyone is freaking out about the upcoming Catherine game for being transphobic. I’m not familiar with the games but I do know there was a mtf in the original game who was a trap trope and slept with a man before telling him.
In the new game Catherine goes back in time to make everyone happy and this ends up resulting in the trans character remaining a boy. Everyone is screaming about the transphobia but did they ever consider that maybe he accepted himself for being a gay man and not being forced into transition to become straight?!
I heard there was also a part of the story during the characters transition where they’re about to fuck a guy and is punched for trying to deceive the man into sex. This is a legitimate issue for trans women so wouldn’t they want it out there? Or are they too busy trying to convince the world TERFs are the issue?
Sage for being incoherent
No. 374760
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Old but tragic
No. 374892
File: 1550362751628.png (39.16 KB, 1012x342, wtf.PNG) please tell me I'm justified at being enraged. This is a sub for victims of extensive trauma and abuse. Instead of using "transphobes" in the title, this person says terfs specifically are downvoting trans people and berating them for "speaking out against those who hold
problematic views."
In other words, he found a post where a woman had traumatic experience with a transgender person, presumably sexual in nature. He won't post a link to it or give any further context but it's not too hard to connect the dots. Did I really just read a man claim to be victimized by a woman's assault by another man?
I am going through some really tough shit in my therapy right now, I read this sub daily and I do not want to start seeing posts from men asking if they have CPTSD because they were denied hormones when younger or some other fucking horseshit
No. 374903
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I think I found my peak.
No. 375036
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No. 375048
Pique Resilience Project
Published on Feb 1, 2019
You asked, we answered. We are Helena, Jesse, Dagny, and Chiara of the Pique Resilience Project, answering a few of your questions for detransitioners and desisters. These are our personal stories and opinions as women who identified as trans and desisted and do not reflect the views of anyone except ourselves.
The Pique Resilience Project and affiliated podcast Danger Ramen is a group of four young women looking to promote positive social change through candid examination of our experiences as detransitioners. Our mission is to provide young people with the tools for critical thinking and the courage for self-reflection and understanding.
@dogcalledbambi on twitter
@lacroicsz on twitter
Moderator of
@chiaracanaan on twitter
@detransstories on instagram
No. 375081
>>375079If it’s any solace, anon, it does cause one of their biggest nightmares:
No. 375096
>>374903>>374957Plot twist: the survey was intended for people with penises
Actual case: a "survey" was made for dank memes and upvotes teenager jokes commence "everybody knows there are no girls on the internet", "girls don't exist", "property isn't normally allowed to take surveys", etc.
No. 375116
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>>375115"sToP pUsHiNg YoUr AgEnDa By ReItErAtInG tHe CaUsE oF a PeRsOn'S sUiCiDe"
No. 375128
>>374892A huge pet peeve of mine, but I can't stand snowflake lingo.
>"I don't feel safe anymore in this sub"What do you mean "you don't feel safe"? How? Is someone going to come out of the screen and kill you? I really don't understand, they always say they don't feel safe whenever a place on the internet isn't 100% dedicated to SJW agenda and vocal about punching terfs and shit. And yet, there aren't secret terf ninjas with the ability to kill people through the screen in this world. Troons are just so weak.
They wouldn't survive ONE day in a woman's body.
No. 375131
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>>375094My man Benjamina Franklin would disagree
No. 375190
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>>375135It's Benjamin Franklin
No. 375195
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>>375162>>375131This photo makes it look like he's only balding in front but it's just as bad in the back.
No. 375199
>>375190Fucking lol, anon. What a great shop.
Also why the fuck don't these retarded males buy wigs if they're balding or have god awful hair?
They go on and on about wanting to be feminine, pretty, hot, or whatever the fuck but literally put NO effort into doing so. They actually put the least amount of effort into their appearance and expect society and especially other women to congratulate them.
It's almost as if they have male entitlement and don't actually want to become women, they just want to be fawned over for putting no effort in.
I guarantee you the ENTIRE TRA movement would grind to a halt if these subhuman men were held to the same standards women were. If they were ruthlessly picked apart by society and every single fucking TV ad, every male in their life, even their own fucking children would pipe up and say something like they do to actual women.
No. 375270
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>>374725That reminds me I wanted to post this. Makes my head hurt
No. 375333
>>375199Cause they want to be "an all natural beauty". Not knowing that you have to have the gentics for that and it's not something popping hormone pills can give you.
I can at least give FtM props for fixing their flaws, probably everything to do with them being females and having to always work on their appearance, so they are used to always putting in work. The opposite of these males larping as females.
There's not even an excuse in this day an age, with youtube and such. Put they still putting on these party city wigs and get offended when you say "sir"
>>375094Hrt doesn't stop it really. It can help strengthen the hair follicles that are weak but even that can only do so much. Woman who go through menopause also take estrogen and it helps with balding but ONLY if the hair follicles are still fucking active. You can't be fucking bald and expect hormones is going to make you rapunzel. If it was that easy a lot of woman in their 60's would have full manes even if it was grey.
No. 375549
So, lesbian activist Julia Beck made an appearance on Tucker Carlson. The comment section is an absolute disaster, wew.
Something about their exchange rubbed me the wrong way. I don't like it when radfem issues get promoted on conservative platforms, as if we are somehow allies in the fight against trans tyranny. At least Carlson is up-front with his misogyny, stating that he only cares about this issue because he has "lots of daughters," which is the typical half-assed copout that I always hear from scrotes. They 'care' about their moms and daughters, but fuck all those other filthy roasties, right?
Also, it's very telling that Beck states, pretty much verbatim, much of the same anti-trans rhetoric that Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro are celebrated for, suhc as "biology is real and it matters." The male audience recoils when she says it, yet applauds it when other men do. Funny how that works…
No. 375551
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>>375270 even wanted to get the director of the game fired
>LITERALLY MAKES TRANS PEOPLE KILL THEMSELVESImagine taking your life over a videogame
No. 375563
>>375487>>375517No comedy will be allowed soon enough, since it will all somehow be deemed 'transphobic.'
What was even the joke?
No. 375614
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/lgbt/ is a goldmine.
No. 375624
>>375270>The one lone queer character.But he’s still “queer”?
All this over a fucking animated character accepting their homosexuality.
>a character you deeply associate withDEEPLY associate with? How?!
No. 375625
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Sometimes I forget the rest of lolcow isn’t /gc/ but then I run into shit like this. I don’t want to derail a thread over a 10 hour old post but still need to vent so I’ll just drop it here. Won’t someone think of the female-penised transbians?
>>375620Maybe he thinks vaginas are inverted penises.
No. 375637
>>375625Stuff like this is why I wish whiteknighting troons was a global bannable offense in lolcow.
>The autistic fucks in the momokun thread sperging out how she's a ~twansphobe~ for misgendering Satan in Devilman, an androgynous, supernatural creature with tits and a penis, originally presenting as a male character in the story>>375614>Male person is a sub who wants to be penetrated but is too homophobic to do it in the ass>sticks a wire up his urethra>This makes me a girl uwuThese people are so fucking nasty.
No. 375668
>>375649yep. there are anons constantly in the thread bitching about how Laim’s trending makes it harder for “REAL TWAAAAANS PEOBUL”
and every time it happens, there’s always GC anons to say “there are no ‘real trans people’”
No. 375848
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Majority of replies come down to 'no' 'yes but they're inferior' but this one just gave me an anyeurism. OP is a cam 'girl' and only thing he tweets about is how horny he is and that he's such a cute 'girl. Why am I even surprised at this point?
No. 375887
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No. 375896
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Saw this in the "Tall lolitas"-thread on cgl. Why do they always lump us together with themselves?!
>hurrdurr black women have also high testosterone and tall women can also be a threat, so why are they allowed into your bathrooms but not us?!
This is a thread to discuss which skirts are long enough etc, we're not here to give you tips on how to hide your beard.
No. 375923
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>men with "she/her" on Twitter bios
No. 375930
>>375923I just saw a woman participate in this and she had to finish it like "guys I'm not cis, but I'm a woman!" Ok then what are you? Why are you even participating if you don't "feel" like one?
the entire hashtag is a joke lmao
No. 376009
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>>376003This is an imageboard, but yeah I agree. This is embarrassing.
No. 376027
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>>375848yeah boringkate, we're all real intimidated by the dude who thinks anime-club-freshman-circa-2006 is a look
No. 376039
>>376003lol wow that sub, looking at popular posts
>big mood, i keep getting recommended "REAL TRANS DESTROYS UGLY TRANSTRENDERS!!!" youtube videos and it's always 10+ minutes of a trans person mocking their siblings cuz they dye their hair, are nb, are pre-transition, or don't dress like a stock image modeli love that they're infighting over who's the transiest in their own stupid shitty community. this makes me happy
No. 376046
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Trans-"women" are always mentally deranged hyper perverts who just want to wear womens skin. They always think being a woman is being overly sexual and submissive, such as pic related.
Try as he may but he'll never get rid of that dead, fish eyed stare and balding head that the ugliest of men have. He'll never be a woman, just a parody of one.
No. 376049
>>376046Boring Kate is another misogynistic man on twitter wearing 'tranny' to never get called out on his misogyny. I think alot of them do that.
>>375848>girls are obselete uwu>still needs women to validate themYou can always bet they look like this
>>375874 to say that. Sad!
No. 376131
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this is what troons actually believe
No. 376209
>>376197>>376198>male who loves being a girlHe says that he's male, so he's a crossdresser. That's different from trans and is 100% a fetish, he'd say so himself
Also: Why are people talking about labia on a makeup group?
No. 376211
>>376209It's a makeup group that evolved into more of a "girl talk" group. Someone inquired as to whether he was a woman or not (since he introduced himself as male) and was immediately jumped on by a swarm of handmaidens and had her comment deleted.
On his fb he repeatedly calls himself a trans woman. I've been noticing a lot of TIMs lately calling themselves both male and women which is infuriating in itself
No. 376229
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I haven't seen the movie myself, but trannies are at it again getting angry at women for not liking Battle Angel Alita movie. No. 376238
>>376229>Actual woman: It's funny, most women I know didn't like Alita but most men did like it.Troon: REEE I LIKED IT AND YOU'RE A DIRTY CIS WHITE FEMINIST
They always tell on themselves, it's so funny.
No. 376239
>>376231A lot of women didn't like it because it heavily sexualizes and male gazes the main character, who is a very young looking teenage girl.
Troons liked it for the same reason women didn't like it.
No. 376288
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>>376281Probably purely because she’s an anime girl
No. 376316
>>376261Aside from here, KF and (so far, that I know of) 4chan? Practically none, as far as I can tell. I’ve seen places that have no problem with explicit misogyny, racism and homophobia because free speech/“it’s just memes lol” but will warn or outright ban someone for simply using the wrong pronouns. It’s not just liberal spaces anymore, it’s nearly everywhere, including communities that normally mock SJWs or “libtards”. Even individuals I know who are very vocally anti-SJW and will get into drawn out arguments over their right to use misogynistic/racist/homophobic slurs will make exceptions for trans issues because transphobia? Well
that’s just not right!
No. 376354
>>376281TIMs just like the idea that their own self identified "girl brain" could just be shoved into a nubile underage anime girl body one day.
In all seriousness but she has a natally (?) female human brain and is put into a typically female robot body that doesn't reflect her own personal sense of self by someone that wants her to fulfill a certain role, and then later she changes to a different body of her own choosing that visually rearranges itself to reflect her own self image. Perhaps it's the self image thing that they identify with?
No. 376358
>>376289I have a friend who trooned out and became the typical AGP TIM who now spends all his time watching anime and playing video games, he used to go to school but I guess he quit. On other hand I feel bad for him because I doubt he will be happy with his transition because he has such unrealistic expectations about it.
On other hand, when he keeps going on about what a slut he is and how he can't wait to have tits of his own and to be a sexy queer lady I feel so much schadenfreude about the inevitable moment when he realizes himself that his dream of becoming kawaii anime slut will never happen.
No. 376371
>>376368Fucking hell, what the fuck can we even do at this point.
It feels like no matter how much information we bring up, no matter how many statistics we cite, no matter how many detransistioners there are, the TRA movement will just continue to go through because of "progressivism".
It really will go on until all of these children who have been mutilated, chemically castrated and stunted, grow up and start sueing the shit out of their parents and the medical teams.
No. 376428
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>>375896Update: they're whiteknighting him so hard…and even say he looks "pretty decent".
>Anon, don’t ever come to a man hating board like this for advice. Take this from someone who sees that most of the comments replying to you are probably the same person.Yeah, 4chan is known for being sooo manhating…
In response to people telling him off:
>your absolute garbage attitude reeks of the UK to me>I'm a tallita and this response was entirely uncalled for. I'm ashamed to be associated with you. No. 376451
>>376450yeah no that came out wrong, you’re right. I’m retarded.
This was more a dig towards her constantly complaining how gross men are and how she’s so asexual and ‘kek what’s sex idgi why would people even do this’ but then tweets proudly about how she’s sucking dick and good at it etc.
I was kinda
triggered when I wrote it so, yeah. As I said, I’m stupid for not realizing what I wrote.
No. 376481
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this @_Gandr_ guy has a tweet about trap being a slur getting some attention so i wanted to see what he looked like and
No. 376487
>>376485every bad word is LITERALLY KILLING US
personality disorders say what?
No. 376490
>>376484the clenched tsun tsun fists, too
what an awful human being
No. 376491
>>376485Well are they not literally decieving people about what their sex is?
You can't have sex with gender.
No. 376495
>>376289Well, the fakeboi thread is one place yku could go. It's like Gendercrit, but focyses just on straight girls calling themselves boys after reading too much yaoi manga.
>>376316There are some Gendercrit/Terf Reddit threads, too, and certain femenist forums that allow Gendercrit.
No. 376735
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Can you imagine meeting this thing while going to the toilet?
Trannies all have an obsession with being a hot young women but they always end up looking uncanny and terrifying.
No. 376775
>>376764Part of it is that they’re trying to piggyback on the civil rights movement, and part is that at least half of them probably wish they were cute little Asian girls themselves and the segregation and oppression of indigenous American women doesn’t even cross their minds often enough to consider appropriating it.
I wonder if these guys go about their daily lives seething every time they see a black woman, knowing that she’s more of a woman than they’ll ever be despite not conforming to their own narrow ideal of womanhood.
No. 376801
>>376764I can't speak for the ones outside the US, but as an American, that's most likely because of our stupid race culture where everything is white people/black people and other groups are rarely mentioned. They try to do the false equivalence thing, like you said, trying to prey on America's race issues. "Not sharing a womens bathroom with us is like white women not sharing a bathroom with a black woman". They think they can use racebait to guilt naysayers, as some sort of great "Gotcha!".
Plus, as others have said, it's just plain racism on their parts. The ones that do this are the white males, and they fetishize Asian women, so that is out. They ignore Latinas and Native Americans and other groups, so they might as well drag black women through the mud. After all, it's what they did before they started putting on striped stockings anyway.
No. 376836
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Sounds like this AI is a TERF then. It could be LITERALLY KILLING!!11 some poor transwoman as we speak.
No. 376844
Martina Navratilova has been removed from the organization that promotes the participation of LGBT in sports because of her "transphobic" tweets (where she said that transwomen competing against bio women is unfair).>Athlete Ally unequivocally stands on the side of trans athletes and their right to access and compete in sport free from discrimination. Martina Navratilova’s recent comments on trans athletes are transphobic, based on a false understanding of science and data, and perpetuate dangerous myths that lead to the ongoing targeting of trans people through discriminatory laws, hateful stereotypes and disproportionate violence.>Navratilova has been removed from our Advisory Board and as an Athlete Ally Ambassador, effective immediately.>Within her op-ed in the Sunday Times, Navratilova referred to trans women as men who “decide to be female,” and that to allow them to compete with women is “cheating and unfair.” First of all, trans women are women, period. They did not decide their gender identity any more than someone decides to be gay, or to have blue eyes.>There is no evidence at all that the average trans woman is any bigger, stronger, or faster than the average cisgender woman>Trans women athletes aren’t looking to take over women’s sportYeah, fuck off with that bs. Why calling it LGBTQ at all? Just call it T, TQ at max.
They're straight out ignoring science, holy shit. "No evidence"? It literally takes one google search to find plenty of evidence! They're officially on the same level as flatearthers and antivax loons.
No. 376845
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>>376836>Continues to reinforce biasesWhat fucking biases? Like basic sex pattern recognition?
It's almost as if men and women look different, even when you remove stereotypical gendered "hints" (hair, clothing etc).
What the fuck is the AI supposed to categorize with? If the person likes pink and dollies, or if they like sports and cars?
No. 376883
>>376836lmfao I'd love to see reeing trannies demanding the outlawing of this software and arresting the developers for being evil terfs.
>Human computer interfaces are almost never built with transgender people in mindHoly fuck this is truly the worst timeline.
I know being gay was all over the media and our society in the early 2000's but it was NEVER this aggressive and misguided. Just
what makes the transgender movement so ridiculously powerful and demanding, and why people are willing to bend a knee for them? In just a few years they got way more rights and privileges than racial, female or gay movements ever did during decades of activism. They don't even have any solid scientific proof behind the pink and blue brain bullshit, how did these people sell their snake oil straight into our throats?
No. 376891
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I can't deal with this any more
No. 376896
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>>376894Are you kidding…? I mean, we've all seen far worse but the brow, nose and jaw are completely a man's profile. It's a man smothered in make-up with a long weave.
Anyway I couldn't find an exact timeline, just that he was a foster kid who dropped out of school early, so the exact type of troubled person who is susceptible to the trans cult.
No. 376897
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>>376894still think he passes? i don't. not coming for you, but it kind of kills me when people raised on insta, angles and filters discard them so quickly to say "wow that sure does look like a girl!"
No. 376900
>>376886>>376883The medium article in OP goes into who is funding most of the American TRAs lobbyist groups and foundations (surprise it's George Soros and other old rich white men with direct ties to politics and law-makers).
Beyond that, Pfizer and other international pharmaceutical companies are providing the hormones for transgender children and adults around the world.
In the UK it's more blatant: "The cost of gender reassignment is £19,236 per patient, including support as well as surgery.
The total cost to the NHS in England last year was £17.13 million and this year the budget has been increased to £22.72 million."
This number will continue to rise as more children are indoctrinated and will have to take hormones for the rest of their lives.
Honestly the entire transgender movement has nothing to do with civil rights, humanity, freedom or letting people live the lives they want to. It's entirely about money and using people's mental illness to acquire it. It would be beyond naive to think anything else when you look at the leaders of transgender foundations/charities and funding behind it.
No. 376911
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I've been TERFing out for quite a while now, but the one thing I was never completely sold on, outside of incidents like Jazz and his crazy mother and Desmond, was the idea that troons were pushing their ideology onto little kids. Teens, sure, but I was completely sceptical of them doing it to younger children. Until I saw this.
Screenshots were taken from a leftbook tag group completely unrelated (in theory) to transgenderism. It's a female positive group. First of all, some woman posts asking for ’trans/genderqueer love” for her 7-year-old. The troons and their handmaidens go crazy for it.
Why do they all automatically go to cutting out anyone who even slightly disagrees with them? I wasn't even surprised when I went onto that profile and it was some greasy male lunatic with long hair and a dress. Why do they believe that 7-year-olds can be trans? Do 7-year-olds ever have awareness of that? I don't remember ever questioning my gender or whatever at 7.
Then some other Awesome Trans Gal (tee-em) comes along insisting the kid is trans and the other people in the comments saying things like ”boys can wear dresses if they want!” are misgendering the child by doing so.
Then someone suggests the aforementioned Desmond for the mother to show her son! I mean, what the serious fuck. That kid is obviously being groomed and I wouldn't consider his content appropriate for 7-year-olds. Says it all really.
Just. What the fuck.
No. 376919
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sad how lolita is a magnet for creeps like these
No. 376922
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found these on flickr
No. 376923
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sorry for the slight spam but there's just so many
No. 376924
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No. 376926
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open at your own risk
No. 376928
>>376926imagine, it's midnight, and you're in bed. you look up and you see that hovering over your face. in theaters now, attack of the hons!
haha no but like if literally just putting on makeup and a wig makes your pee pee hard of course you're going to look like shit, because it's not about the result for agps, it's about the sexaayyy process
No. 376934
>>376911I actively follow a forum that's mostly for women of all ages, and every now and this happens.
>A confused mother pops up, saying that her 3yo son likes dresses and dolls and if he could be gay and if this is "just a phase">TRAs come flooding in, start telling her to take the son to a therapist because he's "probably transgender" and needs to start transitioning as soon as possible because ~you'd rather have a trans daughter than a dead son!!!!~>In the worst case the mom seems to be more accepting of her son being trans girl than a gay boyIt's awful.
No. 376994
>>376978i remember one i knew boasting "trans women are more feminine and make more effort to look good, cis women just go out in sweatpants with no make-up."
didn't have the heart to tell him we go out in sweatpants and no make-up because we know we're still recognizable as women if we do. meanwhile troons have to dress up to have any hope of being seen as women.
No. 377003
>>376978Because they are men and the potential for sexual opportunities is the only thing that matters to them.
They sincerely believe that women feel threatened because these men believe themselves to be "hotter", "sexier" or "more attractive" and therefore have more access to male attention and sex.
It's always about sex and the opportunity of sex with these freaks. They willingly devote their entire life to this sexual obsession and fetish and can't possibly conceive that others (women) might not do or think the same. They genuinely believe we are fighting tooth and nail, day after day, fighting for men's affections and attentions.
In a sense, women are doing this, but it is rarely for sexual means, rather it is a means of protection against other men or economic protection (however short-sighted this strategy may be).
No. 377014
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Yeah, fuck female reproductive rights!!! Who cares about FGM and child brides and sex trafficking affecting women and children worldwide. People in the West are above all that shit, we just have to worry about the fantasy relams we've created in our heads. BELIEVE MY THOUGHTS AND OPINIONS OVER SCIENCE WE'RE NOT THE THOUGHT POLICE U R!!
No. 377025
>>377014Totally ignoring the larger reasons this is bullshit: why AREN'T we allowed to exclude trans women? Like, why SHOULDN'T we be allowed to have a movement entirely around the female body? Nobody tells me as a Latina that pan-Latin solidarity doesn't make sense, even though you COULD make that argument as a software dev in Buenos Aires isn't having the same experience as an old Quechua lady. Or like, disability activism–there's intra-community talk over the split between people using chairs vs. people who are mobile, etc etc, but no one is making viral tweets about disability activism as a whole being pointless colonialist garbage or whatever.
It's only women, only female people, who aren't allowed to name our issues and organize around them. Every answer they ever give to "but why CAN'T be have a movement only about female issues" boils down to "it hurts male feelings." It's almost incredible to start realizing it. Now, every time I see "don't do this it excludes <male people>" I just think "so? why can't I do that?" and it just makes the whole house of cards fall down.
No. 377039
>>377033does the hrt rot their brain to the point they don't know how t open jars? or are they still channelling their male socialisation into approaching all problems with brute force instead of common sense?
this entire thread gave me a migraine and threw the planet back wrt gender roles by 10 years.
No. 377043
>>377037>>377039>>377033I really don't get this whole jar thing. There really are some jars so tightly vacuumed that even a man couldn't open it with his bare hands.
But you know what else humans have? Brains. If a jar is too tight, you either run it under hot water or you can strike the sides of the lid to loosen the seal, this has worked 10/10 times for me.
This is just such a gross fetishization of women's apparent "powerlessness", how the fuck are people celebrating or relating to this.
No. 377061
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Just have this ad popped up on my fb? Anyone's know Octa Octa, and why does he feel like a generic internet troon for a semi-famous DJ?
No. 377084
>>376891If trans women are now female, why make the distinction of “cis” people? How can you be identical as well as not? I’m so tired of this nonsensical bullshit.
Indya went on to write:
>“Reproductive parts and chromosomes define the biology of your gender, not your gender,” >“gender/sex cannot be biologically defined in absolutes because gender is biologically spectral.”Then how do we classify the biology of gender if not “male” and “female”?! Do we no longer have to take into account someone’s biological sex and physiology when administering medical care because “biology is a spectrum?”
No. 377147
>>376844How am I not surprised they kicked her out?
If this keeps up at this rate, within 10-20 years, there will be barely any natal women athletes around, and the ones that do stick around are the handmaidens.
Please please make your own damn troon league, but they won't because they need to have some power over women by taking away what if rightfully their's.
No. 377199
>>377163It's not even accurate, biological women are welcome even if they consider themselves men.
On the other hand I wouldn't mind accepting the title of transphobe instead. That's the word even gender critical women deny most vehemently, but 'phobic' is a suitable word in this situation. I am quite literally afraid of these entitled and invasive men forcing their way into our spaces, the implications of self ID, the future of feminism and for the poor GNC kids having their bodies and minds fucked with.
No. 377200
>>377199idk what i am. i respect trans women if they are "straight" and go after men, and make an effort to look very feminine. essentially they're just gay men who are more comfortable presenting as female. i am happy to welcome them into feminism
i am NOT okay with any "bisexual" or "lesbian" men in dresses and want them to get the fuck out of all female spaces. don't know if that makes me transphobic
No. 377203
>>377200Gay men don't need to be part of feminism, it is for biological women.
I have sympathy for them because obviously transactivism is strongly rooted in homophobia and functions as conversion therapy in many situations, but men claiming to be women is just reducing us to stereotypes and a costume is not justifiable in any situation. They can wear dresses and be men all they want.
No. 377302
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No. 377318
>>377302All their fashion decisions
trigger me tbh
No. 377333
>>377163It really is a fake boogeyman. It gets tossed around like crazy if you even just dare to disagree with a trans person on anything. Remember Riley J. Penis' video about "discriminatory dating preferences" that everyone shunned? A girl made a video reacting to it, she didn't even say anything, just made wide eyed faces everytime Riley said something homophobic, and guess what? She got called a terf in the comments.
Disagree with a tranny? TERF!
Want to hold a tranny accountable for something bad he did? TERF!
A tranny is flirting with you and you reject him? TERF!
Nowadays being a troon is a real life "get out of jail" free card.
No. 377343
>>377331Oh my god this is awful. He's barely 18 and being put on camera to do shit like this.
>I wonder if I like sex!>Uhh…>I mean what if I don't like it due to how fucked up my vagina is?Dear god how is this seen as approriate?
>>377336I just see it as a substitute word for "roastie", the derogatory term used for women who don't buy male bullshit. Just try taking any tranny rambling and replacing TERF with "roastie" and you got a full on incel spergout.
No. 377357
>>376994God I used to buy into that rhetoric when I was a dumb little kid on tumblr.
Do you guys think the increasing popularity and boldness of trans is gonna be the downfall of the movement? I feel like a lot of people stay pro-trans simply because since trans people are so uncommon, they got familiar with the pro-trans rhetoric before they actually met a single trans person. I know that when I was a 13 year old on tumblr, the only trans people I had seen on the site were the most perfectly passing ones that got shared around. It wasn't until I started going on lolcow and kf did I realize most trannies look hideous lol, and mostly hated women.
No. 377359
>>377337the smoking gun here is that tumblr has now coined what they call the equivalent of terf for men: tehm. or trans exclusionary homosexual men.
they definitely mean lesbian when they say terf.
No. 377366
>>377318the thing that
triggers me the most is I have realized I dress like a tranny
No. 554425
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there's a 9chan board advocating putting 9 year olds on titty skittles so they might grow up to be passing trannies
No. 554434
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>>554429He runs the site and lets people create whatever board they want. That one looks like it was made by a tranny who thinks it's a rational idea to give hormones to kids.
No. 554436
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No. 554437
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No. 554438
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