File: 1493861704692.png (1.57 MB, 1700x946, so kawaii.png)

No. 303929
Old one no longer bumping
>previously a punk kid who became a pansexual buddhist lolita lifestyler>quit because of bullies and LACE drama (>history of self harm, ED and severe anxiety>has a legitimate shopping problem which she justifies by making an ungodly amount of haul videos>broke up with 2-year boyfriend to date their best friend (and her other best friend's ex) whom she 'loved all along' and 'makes her believe in love at first sight'>can't participate in jfashion communities because 'muh rules & restrictions' >creates her OWN japanese street fashion called Party Kei>Went to Japan to prove to herself she wanted to study fashion design>was basically a two week shopping spree>home again and struggling to keep up with making videos>quitting her jobs to follow ~dream~ of being a fashion designer in Japan>>>/pt/108478>>>/snow/93376>>>/snow/25169>>>/snow/154765>>>/snow/215023>>>/snow/258245>>>/snow/271275>>>/snow/285759LINKS
No. 303930
File: 1493861797458.png (202.96 KB, 750x988, IMG_1124.PNG)

Shopping once again
No. 303932
File: 1493861911807.png (64.33 KB, 750x658, IMG_1125.PNG)

On her recent outfit pic
No. 304019
>>304018She's a shopaholic
Cosplay and fashion design doesn't give her enough thrill
No. 304076
File: 1493872660504.png (161.55 KB, 750x1056, 1493838691578.png)

repost because it was at the end of the thread
No. 304123
>>303932I can imagine Jill holding a dry, sharpened tendie to Colin's throat and forcing him to write this.
Unfortunately though, he really is as much of a willing idiot butler to Jill as we all believed deep down, but it's still funny to think about. Colin is essentially Jill's backup Louise.
No. 304276
>>304180>>304123Colin just has no sense of identity. I have nothing against nonbinary/agender folk but.. in his case it seems he just doesn't know what he wants out of life. He clearly wasn't interested in Jill for years, hence why she had to fake being in love with Tristan. He dated at least one other girl during that time (before coming out as nb) and then out of nowhere he suddenly starts worshiping the ground jill walks on. Subsequently he's adopted all her quirks and interests. I wouldn't be surprised if he now speaks like her on a daily basis.
I don't think he has much personality of his own due to struggling with social anxiety during his high school years (gender/sexuality issues) and Jill probably picked up on that. So they likely relate over being ~outsiders~ in their own community and share anxieties of being ~queer~ on their small island.
No. 304349
>dry,sharpened tendieHoly fuck my sides
If you're the same anon making consistent chicken tendie jokes in jils thread I just want to say thank you
No. 304414
File: 1493910955464.png (31.67 KB, 750x238, IMG_1119.PNG)

No. 304423
File: 1493911494408.png (82.78 KB, 750x698, IMG_1130.PNG)

>no time to reply to comments on YouTube sorry fans
>has time to make fun of commenters on her Facebook
No. 304427
>>304423yeah, because Jill totally has the right to judge other people's way of writing with her constant tumblr 'teheh I'm a smol anxious bean pls execute me :^)' talk.
'only kawai god can judge you' sounds like something her typical retard fans would say too, the only reason she picked it out is because it was a negative comment lol
real mature of her to put it on display like this
No. 304435
>>304428She has so many nerves to strike though, she may as well be a giant clitoris since her head looks like a blob of flesh in the first place. I think her followers are starting to notice they have to walk on eggshells around her (unless you're moderately popular then she'll try to sugarcoat it, like with lor).
>>304430no one cares about her bedroom, where are the japan vlogs we all came for?
No. 304440
>>304435does anyone know what all her other Japan videos were supposed to be about? iirc one was going to be a Shibuya 109 haul, what about the rest?
>>304430also lol I guess all the flack she got for supporting Jeffrey Star was getting to her
No. 304441
>>303930Whatever the roller-coaster thing is supposed to be, it's admittedly cute.
>>304076That sweater makes it look like she has love handles.
>>304423>>304439>Dolli Doll>Alex AlexAre these the same people? Either or, they do have very good points.
No. 304442
File: 1493913514443.jpg (69.74 KB, 651x178, 24.jpg)

>>304439wonder if she'll delete these or just get defensive again
No. 304444
File: 1493913659470.png (120.85 KB, 750x1071, IMG_1132.PNG)

>>304427Jill only ever replies to negative comments (unless another YouTube comments on her videos)
Ex. This was on her trip planning video from a few months ago, she's hardly replied to comments on her newer videos but had to respond to this one
No. 304450
>>304444Man it's pretty telling that she only ever bothers replying to negative comments.
I can understand not having time to reply to every comment, but a genuine 'thanks' here and there wouldn't hurt her.
No. 304474
File: 1493915716868.png (782.43 KB, 639x744, xD4hVZ1.png)

>complains about this cat being annoying and how much she hates it >anons call her out >posts pic related and jill! how much lower will you stoop to prove anons wrong?
No. 304478
>>304474also samefag, but remember when jill was talking about how excited she is to get a new cat in one of her vids, and then stopped giving a fuck right after they got it?
im quite sure she only cares for her other cats because theyre fluffy, fit her color aesthetics, and lay around posing for photos
No. 304479
>>304474wtf one of the comments:
>I literally have some pictures of u all over my wall cause ur such a huge fashion inspiration to me since I'm becoming a fashion designer tooAt least it's not as bad as when someone got a tattoo of her face but somehow printing out random pictures is equally creepy to me.
No. 304489
File: 1493916876365.png (2.24 MB, 1334x750, IMG_1135.PNG)

Those roots though. I wonder if she's trying to grow her hair out
No. 304503
File: 1493917494106.png (59.89 KB, 750x517, IMG_1136.PNG)

No. 304514
>>304503A lot of people do this, am I missing something? I'd hate to throw away my products on something that already purchased. As long as she doesn't advertise or use it again, there's nothing wrong.
I thought it was stupid for people to boycott LC by damaging and flushing their products down the drain.
No. 304564
>>304556yeah she says it here
>>304414 not sure if she meant it as a self deprecating joke, I doubt she's that self aware
No. 304573
File: 1493924032428.png (101.12 KB, 750x874, IMG_1137.PNG)

lol I doubt these are because she cares about anything more then branding and packaging
No. 304578
>>304573>Very very anti-KVDFor literally what reason? She only just came around for Jeffree but puts her foot down on KVD who is significantly more tame?
She doesn't realize Estee owns half the brands you can find at Sephora. Too Faced is Estee. What is research?
No. 304637
File: 1493929391671.png (138.32 KB, 750x1070, IMG_1139.PNG)

Why does she keep wearing her bangs like that is looks awful
No. 304677
File: 1493933434434.png (894.38 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20170504-222959.png)

No. 304678
File: 1493933642481.png (1.36 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20170504-223252.png)

No. 304690
File: 1493934378549.png (43.59 KB, 275x232, 1457485366168.png)

>>304678ffffuck so many awful colors I'm so
triggered. I severely regret clicking the thumbnail. Her diet is so bad, it just shows on her face.
No. 304695
File: 1493934996820.png (1.87 MB, 1059x1600, winterhimekaji coord 1.png)

>>304678I just really don't get why she chooses to make herself look so awful… Does she honestly think she looks good? Is she trolling? Does she just want to look as clown like and attract as much attention as possible and doesn't give a shit how?
I actually used to think that she looked pretty cute. Like in pic related; she isn't a standard beauty or anything but she looks put together and gives off a friendly vibe.
No. 304696
>>304489how do her roots grow so fast what the fuck
No. 304712
File: 1493936053793.png (1.56 MB, 1000x1600, glitter and gold.png)

>>304701Yeah to be honest it's pretty depressing looking at her old outfits, she went downhill so much.
I really liked her lolita/gyaru/girly cute phase. She had a way nicer body and her outfits flattered her, the style was really fitting for her imo. Plus way better make up and hair…
No. 304718
>>304695#oh hey, i have those same boots#
rip that brief moment in time when jill didn't dress like a colorblind cirus animal.
No. 304721
>>304430>not researching and seeing that Colourpop had a unique consistency and that's better applied with your finger>boohooing so bad over a semi broken eyeshadow that can be easily re-set>focusing so much on the packaging>not getting Sugar Pill for bright eyeshadowsGurl.
>>304678Those colors are all so stress inducing. Love yourself
No. 304748
File: 1493939089058.png (77.37 KB, 750x678, IMG_1142.PNG)

>>304578Kek Jill must be reading this thread pretty actively today. 'Must have got thought things were dying down when the last thread wasn't bumping
No. 304770
File: 1493941573306.jpg (74.44 KB, 640x480, IMG_1140.JPG)

No. 304813
File: 1493944896518.jpg (65.97 KB, 414x560, sg.jpg)

>>304619I can't find the exact pic it was copied from but this is the same coord I think
No. 304901
>>304430jill keeps saying that colorpop is ~super affordable~
but color pop isnt really worth getting in canada when they dont have shipping offers and i ended up paying duties on mine… its better just to buy an ABH shadow single at sephora or something price-wise which has a better formula
sage for makeup ot
No. 304902
File: 1493954446801.jpg (77.94 KB, 1109x644, ss (2017-05-04 at 08.19.42).jp…)

>>304430This is super nitpicky but I just noticed it. But holy christ her nail tech is terrible, look at how fuck thick she made those claws. A good nail tech will NOT make them so damn chunky, these look awful
No. 304916
>>304902LMAO anon I literally just took a screencap of the same shot and was about to post.
Aren't they fucking terrible? Her nails are so
triggering. It's like her tech doesn't care that they look like blobby bubbles.
No. 304979
>>304770if this is how the vesseys decorate their home then i can see where jill gets her shit taste and general blindness from
>>304909>>304958i think her wearing such bold colors is making them stand out as more yellow than they are. jill does strike me as the type to lay in bed til evening, unshowered with unbrushed teeth, so maybe that could be it.
>>304969if it was from tea then her teeth would be dyed some gross neon color from peeps
No. 305043
File: 1493976931812.png (974.86 KB, 863x548, fuck off.PNG)

>>304573>>304748Why is this bitch acting like she's suddenly cruelty free?
She literally uses maybelline foundation in all her makeup videos. And she sure hasn't bought any cruelty free brand foundation cause she would of hauled it.
No. 305051
>>304958Some people are just unlucky and have horrible yellow teeth no matter how good their dental hygiene is.
But knowing Jill she probably drinks a lot of tea and doesn't take care of her teeth.
No. 305055
>>304958>>304969 Are you guys American by any chance? or from a country with private healthcare?
Her teeth are honestly perfectly normal. Discolouration isn't unhealthy, abnormal or even necessarily a sign of poor dental hygiene, and it's only something private dentists make a fuss about to squeeze money out of you.
Her lipstick shade is doing her absolutely no favours though.
No. 305108
>>305055I'm from Canada and her teeth still look disgusting from our standards
It's maybe $200 for a professional whitening from a dentist. Assuming you're not comfortable with crest strips or whitening tooth paste. Fuck, even naturally yellow teeth wouldn't look as nasty as hers if she used, say, baking soda tooth paste.
You know this bitch eats sugar and pop all day and lets it build up into a filmy fuzzy tartar mess for days if she's not going anywhere
No. 305135
File: 1493993016163.png (667.26 KB, 1695x875, upload_2017.png)

bringing back this gem
No. 305159
>>305148She was 13 and no I did not behave like that in grade 7. I wasn't even a good kid per se, I just had enough common sense to call out snowflakes who bragged about cutting. That excuse has been used for literally anything jill has done at any age. We're born like two years apart and I've known her since 2013 so idgaf.
sage for semi-blog
No. 305213
>>305055Just because something is common does not make it normal.
Fat people are common but nobody would say being obese is normal.
If your teeth are stained like that, there's a reason or a factor behind it. Teeth are not normally that color.
No. 305222
File: 1494004457796.png (57.79 KB, 750x492, IMG_1147.PNG)

It would probably help if you stopped reading this thread
No. 305244
>>305125>idk how good they are for your teeth but they sure as hell helped mine get whiterLove yourself anon
It isn't cool to have white but unhealthy teeth, so at least research the shit you put on them - unless your goal is to get dentures before you're forty. Americans with their obsession with white teeth, stg
Sage for OT
No. 305246
File: 1494006350319.jpg (42.07 KB, 1024x1024, JILL-USETHISPLZ.jpg)

>>305055>>305125Honestly some people literally don't understand and nobody has ever told them that you need to apply some fucking pressure when you're brushing your teeth. I got those sticky ass pink chewable tablets from my dentist as a kid a few times just for practice. Basically you chew them, get pink shit stuck to your teeth, then you brush it off. if you still have pink shit on your teeth after brushing, you're not brushing good/vigorously/long enough, and honestly most people who'd never tried one of those things are super surprised to find how hard you're actually supposed to brush your teeth.
Pic related. Jill, start brushing your teeth WELL at least twice a day and then use this afterwards, twice a day. You'll have nicer, whiter teeth, and it won't damage your enamel in the process. Don't give us fodder like this, come on.
No. 305247
>>305244I love how equating Murrica to fat people and fast food all the time is fair game, but the minute teeth get brought up there's always a few super butthurt posters kek.
Most non-Americans have dentures or a maw of rotted teeth before 40. Deal with it.
No. 305275
>>304595Looks like some random anime chick to me. Nice lineart, though.
>>304712I love that hair bow and those bangs!
>>304902I wonder if she goes to a Vietnamese nail salon? Those places are always terrible and look messy inside (at least from personal experience).
No. 305281
>>305277wait oh my god
do you think that means she's likely getting her tattoo from chelsea's boyfriend? far she only gets her hair and nails done by low-tier local snowflakes so that would be gold kek
No. 305287
>>305281I wouldn't put it past Jill…
His usual work is so far away from 'magical girl wand', it would be hilarious to see if he was actually the one tattooing her. She really seems to have a talent for picking the most mediocre snowflakes around
No. 305295
File: 1494011391128.png (Spoiler Image,744.62 KB, 639x594, q2P5tWk.png)

jill supports this woman because "female empowerment"
meanwhile she's dating someone who posts pic related and tattood rapey looking art
jill sure does like to support some shitty weirdos (AA, jstar, etc etc)
No. 305322
File: 1494013658293.png (740.57 KB, 623x659, qaZanBt.png)

pretty sure she edited her teeth
No. 305324
>>305322her mouth
triggers me
No. 305329
File: 1494014272339.png (711.62 KB, 866x550, blue turd.png)

>>305277comment made me laugh
No. 305360
File: 1494016468496.png (409.91 KB, 818x348, Screenshot (148).png)

>>305322She edits her teeth in most of her thumbnails tho. She seems pretty self-conscious about it
No. 305401
File: 1494019319946.png (67.66 KB, 750x390, IMG_1152.PNG)

>>305222Apperently the reason why
No. 305439
>>305401Maybe I'm reading into it a bit but if I said something like
>>305222 on social media my mum would get really worried about me, but the way louise replied and jills little 'I want to die lol' makes me think louise has gotten used to jillians attention whoring at this point
No. 305572
File: 1494033547209.png (164.92 KB, 750x1057, IMG_1154.PNG)

No. 305573
File: 1494033562963.png (106.33 KB, 749x788, IMG_1153.PNG)

No. 305694
File: 1494045630646.png (71.58 KB, 750x384, IMG_1155.PNG)

Apperently her mom is getting a tattoo with her
No. 305730
>>305401I feel like the fact that her mom called Collin her bf says a lot about how much Jillian really cares about the gender identity bullshit.
If Jillian really cared about it, I'm sure she would've made some passive aggressive correction about it because we all know she's not above acting like that to family members on facebook.
It's either that or the mom doesn't give a shit about pronouns lmao.
>inb4 bf= best friendThe way this sentence reads makes it seem like Louise is referring to another person that isn't her imo– and I think we've concluded Jillian's closest friends are Collin and her mom.
No. 305894
>>305730She still has a video up on her channel that says boyfriend instead of partner/s.o
Anons pointed it out and Colin must of giving her shit for it since she hasn't publicly called him that since.
No. 305966
File: 1494090718687.png (159.49 KB, 750x1096, IMG_1168.PNG)

Looks like she hasn't even edited all of her japan vlogs? Her process when it comes to making videos boggles my mind
No. 306049
>>305979god i hated that too! "she can't apply makeup… but she hates jeffree star! ONE OF US! ONE OF US!". its all a huge circlejerk, they are dead fucking liars for pretending that her content is good. all the reddit makeup subs (bgcr, mua, macjdiscussion,) are obsessed with boring natural makeup. like every couple of months you get threads like "do people wear purple lipstick… like outside?!"/"i tried a red lipstick today. going for an alternative punk look :)"/"kathleenlights is the best youtuber! i love watching boring tutorials of the same natural look over and over again!!!". so whenever someone like Jill or Drac Makens gets posted they kiss her ass cause "she wears something other than a natural eye and a nude lipstick? wow. she's so inspring and brave!".
case in point,
>I like her personality and her style is unique. Plus the videos with her SO are super cute!>she's just messin around w/ makeup and not taking it too seriously and sometimes i need that in my life, ya know?>i think pixie is super cute and her makeup is always funthis is just their way of saying "we don't have a tolken kawaii girl so this will do".
they KNOW she's fucking terrible. why they gotta front like that? if someone had posted her when she was still supporting jeffree they would have eaten her alive too.
No. 306157
File: 1494112465186.jpeg (122.35 KB, 552x955, image.jpeg)

I know that Jillian had anorexia and all but Irecovering from a ed doesn't mean "just never manage your weight and diet ever again". It's only been 5 years.
No. 306162
>>306157she looks fine
she's extremely short, so she's always going to look stocky unless she's underweight
No. 306197
File: 1494116861110.jpg (27.66 KB, 250x202, IMG_5715.JPG)

sorry for the shitpost, but Colin kept reminding me of someone and I couldn't figure out who it was for the longest time.. turns out it's young Dahmer.
No. 306225
File: 1494119433113.png (52.74 KB, 750x425, IMG_1184.PNG)

No. 306363
>>306334except it does
a 28 inch waist on someone 5 feet tall looks bigger than a 28 inch waist on someone 5'6
she should probably eat better because her diet is absolute shit, but she's honestly not that big
No. 306478
>>306457Except she's nowhere near 160 lbs anon. When she was ana she was well under 100 lbs. I don't know what her height was at 14, but she's only 5'0 feet now. I doubt she's put on more than 25 pounds at most in the last few years of recovery. You can't fault someone for being in the 120~ range which is a normal BMI.
I will nitpick Jillian over pretty much anything because she's overall cringe but I think most anons accuse her of being fat because they lack perspective of her height and body frame due to her awful camera angles.
She could obviously make use of her home gym and fitbit to tone up but most people aren't actually into fitness or care about their lean body mass.
No. 306506
File: 1494165050228.png (30.76 KB, 616x199, 1.PNG)

In what, 2 weeks? All that shit can be done in a few days.
No. 306512
>>306506Can't find that comment, she must of deleted it, unless it's from another video.
She replied to another comment saying her magical girl haul from japan is coming within hopefully two months? What is this bitch smoking? She needs to stop lying to herself and her fans about taking youtube seriously.
No. 306532
>>306487>>306529I was just going to make a comment about this. I know not everyone follows animal cruelty/rights/etc closely but it still made me disheartened to see the footage in her video. Ive been following Jill for a long time and I dont recall too many times shes mentioned being against animal cruelty or testing?
Although you'd think she'd know about the pet store industry in Japan if she followed Kates thread at all, since we all sperged out about it when she bought the $3000 cat.
No. 306555
File: 1494172448449.png (441.99 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170507-104825.png)

No. 306562
File: 1494172766721.png (68.29 KB, 692x750, IMG_1187.PNG)

>>306512Found it.
This is a crazy amount of time to milk her Japan videos. I'm not trying to say she should post them all at once, but it's been months since she went on this trip now. Come on Jill you've gotta move past this
No. 306576
File: 1494173569332.png (29.41 KB, 809x162, Screenshot (149).png)

Her pre-teen fans are so rude.
No. 306579
>>306487"They're a big waste of money."
"I know, but it's the thrill."
No. 306613
>>306576Yeah seriously, Jill must love that her clones insult critics in the comments, since she never says anything against it. These kids are learning from her example, she only replies to critics herself.
Jill is like the master of encouraging passive aggressive behavior, materialism, and entitlement
No. 306659
File: 1494181862909.png (52.08 KB, 750x402, IMG_1188.PNG)

Kek Jill we know you're the one reading here
No. 306662
File: 1494182161053.jpg (344.31 KB, 1600x2400, IMG_1194.JPG)

>>306566It's okay guys she just didn't register it like that
Come on Jill, for someone who loves (your) cats so much you should at least have some sort of idea that those cages aren't good. Japan is known for having awful pet store conditions
No. 306669
File: 1494183504258.png (65.71 KB, 395x331, kek.png)

>>306576wow, Jill's confetti club is so sweet and lovely uwu
No. 306685
>>306662>>306680smells like a self-post to me, those are 2 separate comments so I don't think it's just a notification check. Unless the times are incorrect/don't update.
either way, hi Jill!
No. 306687
>>306680woah never even noticed the reply times on them. Just checking in a lot on her response because I saw she had been active on facebook and figured she was online and decided to check her channel.
>>306685Not Jill, just a very bored farmer sorry
No. 306721
File: 1494188882731.png (389.62 KB, 813x568, Screen Shot 2017-05-07 at 9.27…)

No. 306741
File: 1494190791458.png (105.15 KB, 1802x356, Screen Shot 2017-05-07 at 1.59…)

>>306555Her dad responded kek
No. 306749
>>306741Legitimately feel bad for Blair. He's the most normal out of the bunch. University professor. Family provider. Tech nerd in his free time. Giles is probably a fine guy as well.
I have my reservations about Louise. If only they'd all clue into how self-destructive and vapid Jillian truly is.
No. 306768
File: 1494192952693.png (16.37 KB, 766x88, comment.PNG)

Look's like Jill is trying to save face by deleting the pet shop part.
No. 306821
>>306768Why? What's the point of covering up her mistakes? Just so she doesn't have to be bothered? Isn't it normal to accept being wrong or at fault? She could explain that she's done actual research and has a more thorough understanding going forward.
So far she's only deleted content and apologized for offending her viewers but never makes informed posts or does anything more to signify that she cares about any cause. Just a literal people-pleaser.
No. 306824
File: 1494196168165.jpg (198.9 KB, 800x800, flat,800x800,075,t.jpg)

She's been adding more $70 dress designs to her red bubble
I wonder if this is her plan instead of designing real clothing No. 306825
>she's only 5'0 feet nowshit, same height as me. the second anon is 100% right, theres no way she's 160. if she was, she would be straight up obese. she's maybe 130 tops.
jill has a chubby face, but for a recovering ana chan i think she's fine.
No. 306835
File: 1494196591406.jpg (66.57 KB, 776x465, 5609551.jpg)

>>306829the footage wasn't anything too interesting, Jill was in a Japanese pet store where the animals where held in small display cases like pic related.
she was looking at some birds and bunnies and commenting on how cute/sleepy/etc. the animals were, despite them just looking pretty miserable.
No. 306840
File: 1494196997854.png (2.35 MB, 1676x1162, Screen Shot 2017-05-07 at 5.40…)

No. 306851
>>306821Because that's what new gen snowflakes do. Instead of accepting that they (like everyone else) made a mistake, they want to erase it and pretend to be super awesome perfect desu!! It's more offensive imo that Jill would rather pretend the animal abuse doesn't exist rather than acknowledging it and trying to spread awareness to her 'fanbase.'
She makes zero sense. Can't believe she isn't 15 years old with how dumb she acts outside her tiny pink bubble.
No. 306872
File: 1494200486064.png (55.88 KB, 750x391, IMG_1202.PNG)

Anyone wanna hang with Jill?
No. 306889
>>306886-Photo of a family
-There's Jill and her parents.
-Who could that guy possibly be?
r u retarded
No. 306962
File: 1494207219584.jpg (89.84 KB, 720x960, fun dates.jpg)

>>306738shopping or video editing/cartoon watching pick your poison
No. 307227
File: 1494243579653.png (22.56 KB, 750x152, IMG_7633.PNG)

No. 307265
File: 1494252286993.jpg (22.75 KB, 470x120, Capture.JPG)

>>306714It's just silly neckbeards u guiz
No. 307276
File: 1494255030773.jpg (5.13 KB, 243x207, 2017-05-08-08-50-03-1404257205…)

>>307264Did she call her mom babygirl?
No. 307292
File: 1494257313903.png (175.64 KB, 750x1016, IMG_1217.PNG)

No. 307311
>>307281fucking hilarious
I'm in the same boat as the other anon (can't screencap) but this comment is great
No. 307322
File: 1494261041700.jpg (600.85 KB, 2000x1624, IMG_1218.JPG)

Changed her profile picture for like the 100th time
No. 307323
>>307292h o l y s h i t
When your own dad realizes he ended up raising a snowflake that has to hurt
No. 307324
File: 1494261142867.jpg (452.9 KB, 2400x2400, IMG_1221.JPG)

>>307322These nails are disgusting I hope for her own sake she's removed them
No. 307332
File: 1494261803613.jpg (146.27 KB, 809x589, ss (2017-05-08 at 09.43.09).jp…)

No. 307334
>>307322is it just me or her face looks like it's about to explode
it's so puffy…
No. 307376
File: 1494266623806.jpg (430.2 KB, 2400x1600, IMG_1224.JPG)

Anyone else bet that Jill is going to break up with poor Colin so she can date her current "best friend"
(Or better yet Colin finally breaks up with her, but she claim she really loved John the entire time)
No. 307400
>>307376Pretty sure john is 100% out the closet though, Colin still needs to do some soul searching which is why he just went along with the shuffle when she decided it was time to trade in Tristan.
Tinfoil theory: Tristan was losing his patience after Jill left the Lolita community and transitioned her entire life into the gay rainbow persona. He wasn't going along with it (he had only just gotten into ouji) and didn't appreciate how classless her new style and personality was. He either broke up with her or she realized she had to get rid of him since he was no longer enabling her.
She then panicked over the breakup and went crying to Colin. Either she was legitimately distraught and took a chance on him out of desperation or she successfully manipulated the situation to make her self look like a victim. Either way it worked because Colin immediately started dating her despite being good friends with Tristan. Makes me think he just took pity on her and to this day is tagging along because she's the only person who will accept his confusion over gender/sexuality.
No. 307411
>>307400I don't think it went down like this at all. Tristan seems like a really nice, caring dude. I think he realized that Jill was in love with Colin, and he separated himself from them so that not only Jill could be happy, but that he could move on and be happy, too.
I've seen him at cons since they broke up. He seems like a normal, kind dude.
No. 307415
>>307406>can u be nice pleaseGod she is such a child. People are just trying to help her do something she won't regret - they aren't being mean. She should take tips from those who have knowledge about tattoos. I hope her artist puts sense into her, but she'd probably up and leave that place if they weren't going to do it just how she wanted.
>>307411Tristan seems cool, and his new gf is normal and adorable.
No. 307427
File: 1494270501173.jpg (114.84 KB, 514x824, ss (2017-05-08 at 12.07.23).jp…)

Hahahhaha omg.
I just went to check her facebook so I could creep on Jonathans profile and I see this.
No. 307428
>>307427dat visible rod
lol it doesn't even fit her wrist this way
No. 307432
File: 1494270716568.png (398.09 KB, 540x2018, sss.png)

>>307429sorry dropped image in my excitement over this tattoo milk
No. 307436
>>307434No problem anon. I laughed at that comment too. "low key dont want it at all"
No. 307442
File: 1494271006976.png (193.07 KB, 750x1065, IMG_1234.PNG)

Deleted the photo from insta and out of this cat one instead
No. 307459
>>307451>>307440Jill is a brat who lives in an echo chamber where everything has to go her way and she needs to be actively praised by her audience just for breathing otherwise she is
triggered at the slightest inconvenience.
It's "not nice" if it isn't exactly what she wants to hear or isn't sugarcoated to death. Never mind her boasting about not accepting an apology from someone who might not believe the same as her for sjw points.
I hope she gets the shitty tattoo and regrets it. It's sad all these people who know what they're talking about are just wasting their breath.
No. 307481
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>>307432Her nail tech commented kek
No. 307486
File: 1494273199366.jpg (144.17 KB, 800x800, Clowmc.jpg)

Holy shit, Jill reached maximum cunt levels, just fucking guilt tripping her fans with her "wahh this was the one thing in life I was excited for but now you ruined it for me :(".
I really hope her fans will kiss her ass enough so that she'll get that shitty tattoo now.
Does she not realize that most people would have trouble understanding what her tattoo is supposed to be in the first place?? At least turn it the right way so people might have a chance at understanding that it's supposed to be a plastic wand from a kid's cartoon.
If she actually cared about CCS she could get a way more tasteful tattoo like pic related, then she wouldn't have to worry about the way it's turned either.
Oh but please forgive me, I forgot that Queen Jill doesn't want any black in her tattoo that she's getting from a show that she actually never finished watching because there was 'too much filler'…
I really don't think she understands that a tattoo is something permanent. Hope she has fun explaining that fucking thing when she's 80 years old and in some retirement home.
No. 307490
File: 1494273428156.png (83.59 KB, 750x449, IMG_1241.PNG)

Imagine trying to sell yourself as an artist but destroying everything as soon as anyone says anything about it
Must be so hard to be jill
No. 307496
>>307488if she just goes to see the tattoo artist they would say all of this too. they're definitely not gonna do it unlined.
jill has just been very sheltered all her life so she can never take criticism or even understand what criticism is because someones always looked after her or done things for her
No. 307497
>>307492I guess next time you have to try the sandwich technique. compliment/concrit/compliment lol.
I didnt think it was aggressive either. It wasnt rude at all but honest. I guess honest concrit = aggressive to jill lol
No. 307498
>>306768Self post ? Your comments on YouTube become blue when you're the author of the video.
(Had to fix my old comment)
No. 307499
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>>307490So you know people who have them, but just ignore any warning whatsoever about them fading or the color bleeding? Just google watercolor tattoo and it's the first few results Jill
No. 307516
>>307511I dont think he's super attractive especially by social norms but I dont think he deserves to be treated the way he does by Jill. She treats him like dirt when all he is is nice to her. (admittedly a push over).
All I can hope for is one day he realizes whats going on and is brave enough to dump her glittery ass
No. 307519
>>307511>>307516Yeah I honestly just think it's disgusting that a lot of her fans consider their relationship as '#goals' and think they're cute together when Jill is clearly not treating him very well.
I don't think that he's too good for her, but he doesn't deserve to get treated like shit either.
No. 307531
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No. 307536
entertaining your childish girlfriend's interests isn't abuse lmao
No. 307538
>>307534Yeah I gotta agree with
>>307536. He doesn't seem abused, just seems like one of those people who morphs into whoever he's dating or goes along w/ whatever they say.
No. 307539
>>307531Does she have any friends besides her glittery bf and her mom?
sage for newfag
No. 307542
>>307490>>307499Whenever she would post artwork or jfashion coordinates she would always ask for no concrit or "negativity!!"
I remember when she posted a larme coord a few years ago, she forgot to specify and a comm member kindly gave her concrit. She threw a shit fit just the same.
No. 307545
>>307523>>307533As a recent example: When Jill's mom referred to Colin as her boyfriend she didn't even make an attempt at correcting her, so she clearly doesn't give as much about his pronouns/identity as she'd like other people to believe. In their 'who would be more likely to…' video she straight up said that Colin's usually the one complimenting her etc. whereas she doesn't show much affection towards him. She made him go out of his way to buy stuff for her sticker face video. In her 'giving my partner a makeover' video she was saying how boring/normie his look was, even though the sweater he was wearing was a gift from his sister.
In general he seems to be giving her way more than he gets in return, plus the whole changing his look and posting him on social media when he doesn't really seem to care for it, treating him more like a fashion accessory than a person etc.
I don't think she's abusing him and yeah he clearly seems to be enjoy their relationship, who knows maybe she can just suck dick like a pro. But the way she treats Colin definitely doesn't make her look great imo
No. 307554
>>307550Yeah I'm not the most open about showing affection either, and like I said I really don't think that she's abusing him & he could absolutely just dump her ass if he wanted to.
Jill just seems pretty self-centered in every regard of her life, relationships being one of them.
No. 307556
File: 1494277410419.png (797.4 KB, 879x580, Screen Shot 2017-05-08 at 10.0…)

from last chat
No. 307561
File: 1494277740630.png (50.15 KB, 739x545, IMG_1244.PNG)

>see a website agrees with me! I have the validation I so sorely needed because I have no backbone and get upset if anyone disagrees with Party princess Jill
No. 307568
>>307443bless these commenters, i bet they've all been blocked though.
she can be a passive aggressive bitch all the time but when someone gives her criticism, the world is burning! holy fuck jill get over yourself
>>307556lmao anon i made this, ty for bringing it back
>>307561>when you cant form your own opinions and adopt those of internet strangers instead No. 307581
>>307561>If you seek inspiration or words of encouragement, your wrist might be a prominent spot to place a tattoo design to wear a daily affirmation.Her tattoo is neither of those things, it's a drawing of a shitty children's plastic wand. It's a pretty big tattoo too, this post is clearly talking about those little quote tattoos of things like 'stay strong' etc. that people with mental illnesses or cancer survivors get. Not some massive wonky illustration from a kids show which will soon bleed into a pink blob if she doesn't get it outlined.
>People may not like this. You should not care.Jill cares far too much though. She hasn't even finished CCS, but she's getting a tattoo of it anyway for mahou shoujo weeb points and suddenly she 'wants to die' because people are telling her it'll fade without a black outline and it's upside down. All she cares about is her aesthetic and what she looks like to other people, if it had any meaning or significance to her, she wouldn't be so melodramatic over a few instagram comments from strangers who were just trying to prevent her from messing up her first tattoo.
No. 307586
>>307523In their couples video, something like "who would be more likely to…?"
It really highlighted how she treats him like garbage
No. 307595
>>307591She's mentioned getting a precure tattoo on her ankle several times over the years. But you're right that she suddenly decided to change it to CCS on her wrist.
>>307427>in videosJill you retard you're not going to be a successful long-term youtuber at this rate. Getting a tattoo with videos in mind is an awful idea.
No. 307603
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No. 307617
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No. 307637
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>yes this shows those haterz
No. 307645
I'm actually kind of worried. She's been dramatic before, but has she ever actually said she wants to die? And now twice within like a week. Maybe all the negative attention is really getting to her. If so, she really should take a break
>>307639accurate, im the lamest nerd
No. 307661
>>307654Anon, it's one of the easiest places to cover. Not defending her, but I work in a professional position and have an arm tattoo.
Sage for short blog.
No. 307665
>>307661it depends on the place of employment and the tattoo itself. i have 4 tattoos on my arms alone (one on each shoulder, one on each forearm) and i have to hide my shoulder ones because of how big they are. because the ones on my forearm are smaller, my boss allows it.
however, i don't know how they'll feel about a giant fucking wand.
No. 307675
>>307617>>307635every pic of them together always involves collin being the affectionate one or being jill's dressup doll, as well.
>>307645dont pity the narcissist tantrum throwing child anon
>>307665i think jill would be less likely to get hired with the wand tattoo simply because it will look like a thin, long penis is sticking out her sleeve from afar
No. 307682
>>307681lmao *HER mom
No. 307714
>>307645She's always spoken like that. It makes me think she's only ever had normal mediocre experiences that she tries to pass off as traumatizing or life-changing drama.
Idk i'm starting to feel like Jill is full of shit for using anxiety as an excuse for all her behavior. I know a few people with generalized anxiety who had tough or abusive upbringings and they do their best to work through it to get on with their lives. It really rubs me the wrong way seeing Jill handle her situation much worst and acting so self-righteous in the process.
No. 307772
>>307714yeah jill has always been a huge drama queen. the minute that her life isn't picture perfect, she wants to die
it's pretty typical spoiled child behaviour
No. 307853
>>307561Jill is an egoist and is really getting stuck on not being right about something.
This advice makes sense for tattoos like
>>307432, even if they're upside down, because they're framed properly and seem to carry a sentimental meaning. That doesn't apply for her pink dickrod. How will the wings even wrap fully around her wrist?
She shouldn't get the tattoo if even the light criticism of it as a hypothetical get to her so bad. Imagine if after she gets it, and people say the same things. She'll get resentful of the tattoo because it represents how people don't agree with her like her mom and bf do.
There's just
way too many people who claim to get tattoos for themselves when it's so transparent that they're only getting them to impress others.
No. 308008
>>307857It needs to be upside down and big enough to cover her huge battle scar apparently.
But she zooms in and does closeups like every video? I've never seen anyone point out or notice this gigantic scar? Does she edit it out of pictures?
This is the most snowflakey shit ever.
No. 308011
>>307411>>307415samefag, to clarify I also think Tristan is a totally fine dude. Don't see how my post was attacking him at all? I really do think he lost patience with Jill because they broke up around the time that she changing into ~party kei~
Anyone would be pissed if their s.o suddenly threw away all their hobbies and interests to replace them with new ones overnight. Especially when her entire life revolved around being a lifestyle lolita. You can see how that would be unsettling.
No. 308038
File: 1494329979616.jpg (61.75 KB, 1080x1080, prom.jpg.348ef3979d5ece17a02e9…)

>>308036You can kinda see it on this one, I'll try zooming also
No. 308039
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>>308038Not very visible. My husband has a thick scar on his forearm that he got covered with a black tattoo and it's still pretty noticable.
No. 308040
>>308038shes such a fucking bullshitter.
my stomach is covered in bumpy surgical scars that will NEVER go away holy fuck girl get over yourself
No. 308043
>>308040Right? Like. Jill. You did this to yourself. (I'm assuming, she's always gone on abt her ~history of self harm~ and a magical girl wand will remind her to be strong or whatever) but like. Suck it up. You gave yourself the damn scar, now live with the consequences (?) Not that there are many to having a fucking wrist scar. I have them too, some more noticable, some less, but none actually gives a shit and I realise this because I'm not in my own bubble.
Jilly. It's going to look like complete ass unless you get a black outline, especially with the way you're chubbing out lately.
No. 308071
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>>307639God, it irks me that Louise isn't even trying to be smart about this. She has no knowledge of tattoos either, she just goes along with whatever Jill wants.
Jill is basically Veruca Salt and her mom is the father.
No. 308142
>>308118tfw my moms an abusive alcoholic, we havent spoken in years, and seeing jill's mom behave like this and talk like this online literally made me call her up and say im happy i have her.
this is so embarrassing and normally people would be embarrassed by their parents before the age shes at, i hope she grows up eventually and leaves her family's hemisphere to grow some thick skin
No. 308180
File: 1494347099575.jpg (28.6 KB, 640x360, abc_gma_cutrone_130808_wg.jpg)

>>307490Seriously, though. Does she think people in fashion are going to tell her nicely if they don't like her stuff?
No. 308182
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She's watching how to move in with your boyfriend videos kek
No. 308191
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She really must be freaking out about not being able to buy fabric if her mom is asking around for her. But also she owns a ton a fabric already, wouldn't it be way more reasonable for her to try and put to use what she already has? Rather then put it off because she doesn't have the ~perfect~ fabrics for her collection
No. 308197
>>308180I'm wondering that too. Does she not understand the mandatory critique sessions she'll need to take part in no matter which type of art school she goes to? Maybe this is why she keeps trying to find smaller colleges, in her mind it's less people to criticize her work?
>>308182kek that entire video was about compromising on space for your partner, advice she will not take since she expects to decorate every room.
Speaking of which I wonder how big of an apartment she expects to have? Most first-time apartments don't have large living rooms or kitchen areas or generally any space for decorating? Is Louise going to help them pay a large 1 or 2 bedroom right away? I guess it depends on the city and neighborhood but she seems to be setting her standards very high.
No. 308206
>>308195You're right that most schools don't require actual fashion pieces in the portfolio (with the exception of Ryerson in the past).
I checked the requirements for her college. She is not eligible to apply for the fashion diploma until she completes her certificate of foundation visual arts - which requires NO portfolio to be admitted.
I'm speechless. Why is this bitch bluffing? Did Jill and her mom both forget to check the admission requirements?
No. 308218
File: 1494349442738.png (113.86 KB, 750x1084, IMG_1257.PNG)

She's recovered from her temper tantrum
No. 308221
>>308218Wtf were people like actually sending her concerned messages or what?
She got some advise online that's fucking all lol Can you be any more thin-skinned?
No. 308223
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>>308206sage for samefag
capped it because if she continues with this portfolio bullshit she's either lying or the biggest idiot
No. 308241
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Louise please stop doing everything for your daughter.
No. 308245
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>>308227You guys talking about this? Sage because it's not technically on topic
No. 308247
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>>308240Started fine, culminated in someone getting removed from the group. I feel bad posting OPs photo because the drama is the real shitstorm here
No. 308249
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>>308246I think it's probably partly a language barrier thing, but comments like this in a group spearheaded by Jill are bound for disaster
No. 308267
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I have a feeling we may be on the brink of seeing another Jill transformation. She removed her profile pic and banner image yesterday during her freak out and now has it set on just her cat. We may be about to see the final days of Party Kei as Jill once again tries to transform herself physically instead of facing the problems she creates for herself
No. 308270
>>308266No, I just mean when she yelled about everyone getting
triggered when everyone she was talking about could see her comments
No. 308301
>>308270I read that as her being serious and using
triggered seriously.
No. 308348
>>308344tattoos at a younger age are one thing, but tattoos based on what you like at the time are another. i have a few tattoos from when i was 18 that i still love a few years down the line, but jill? she's going to regret that wand after a couple of weeks. it's like the bozos who get tattoos of TV shows.
sage for blogpost.
No. 308411
>>308399tbh why doesn't she get a tattoo of, for example, something piano-related if she's been playing since the age of 4 or a muse inspired tattoo if she's truly been listening to them for a decade and they really had such an impact on her.
I could understand if it were things that affected her childhood or helped shape her upbringing. But she's literally admitted on camera that she didn't watch CCS, Sailor Moon or any anime growing up..? How can a random pink-colored wand mean so much to the point of 'healing' her scars if she's never even watched the season it's from?
I almost want to help this poor soul regain her identity but she needs to start by dropping the mahou shoujo persona. She's such a poser it's actually starting to harm her in the long run. I think I could forgive Jill for everything if she became self-aware and admitted to clinging to niche communities for validation.
No. 308414
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>>308267You spoke too soon
No. 308421
File: 1494360988069.png (37.86 KB, 393x177, cheeky.png)

Guys we made it.
No. 308440
>>308411Huh, I actually totally forgot about her playing the piano/being a huge Muse fan until you mentioned it just now.
I think it would make her a lot nicer/more relatable of a Youtube if she shared stuff like that, she is way too obsessed with keeping up a very constructed image/aesthetic for herself. I remember when she went to another city before to see Muse, instead of talking about the concert at all she just made a haul video instead because she was afraid that Muse wasn't 'kawaii' enough to talk about…
No. 308550
File: 1494368195866.jpg (10.39 KB, 296x158, 1440059268404.jpg)

>>307427IT IS UPSIDE DOWN, YOU DUMB CUNT. holyshit!
No. 308599
>>308594a e s t h e t i c
it can only be cute with the glasses obvs
No. 308629
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So basically with all of threads, here is how I picture Jillian, I hope I'm right
No. 308642
>>308630Yeah, her brother is so adorable. I don't care what any of you say, he's attractive.
I think he's barely mentioned because he doesn't live with Louise so he isolates himself from stuff going on with Jill and Louise or he's doing his own thing.
No. 308709
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>>308646Maybe if he turned himself into a little uguu~ weeb snowflake she would paste him in everything.
No. 308711
>>308709 he's a hippie, so I don't think so
No. 308725
>>308712>>308715picture him with short hair and he's ugly/10
ya niggas just seeing the girly boy look
No. 308729
>>308709The only thing I do know about him is that he attends music festivals, besides being at university. Although, you would figure that just by looking at him. I kind of think Jill's punk/alt rock phase stemmed from him.
Still seems like a more interesting person than Jill by far.
No. 309040
>>309027She comes off more as the desperate has no close friends so she's way too vested in her kids lives mom to me
Helicopter mom usually indicates some form of strictness or guidelines, well she'd bend over backwards and let her retardo kids make the rules as long as they threw a hint of a tantrum or acted even mildly upset. She's so busy trying to be their uwu sensitive friendo she fails to put her foot down as a parent. Her kids are the definition of sheltered/spoiled
I feel like she's the kind of parent who would let their kid have too much candy etc bc the kid wanted it, despite knowing it's not healthy for them
I don't think she's inherently a bad person or unkind or uncaring by any means, but her style of parenting disgusts me, it creates spoiled hugbox retards who don't function well in the real world
No. 309042
>>309040Tl;dr - she's more concerned about her kids liking her/having 0 upset than doing what is best for them as w parent
Very selfish/weak, even if you think you are being generous/supportive
No. 309110
>>308709Are you anons serious about him being cute? All I see is Jill with a beard, those soulless eyes these children have are freaky. Both of them take after Louise.
It was legit weird as fuck listening to Louise talk on camera because she sounded exactly like Jill.
No. 309115
>>309110Did anyone else notice Louise making tongue faces in jill's last vlog?
They may as well be the same person.
No. 309184
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>>309170Tbh waiting for the day jill actually dies after saying that
No. 309185
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'When I pick up precure puzzle I don't put it down'
Except you've only just started it?
No. 309208
>>309149"Her I would never support replicas or knockoffs, I feel they only hurt brands."
Has a rainbow bag knock off and knock offs of the unicorn brushes in her favorites.
No. 309278
>>309149>understands 50% of the app>understood 75% of the movieWho are you lying to, Jill?
You were studying basic hiragana with fucking romaji just the other day.
No. 309319
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>>309231anon, can't you see how '#aesthetic' her decoration is though??
No. 309365
File: 1494442806380.png (707.71 KB, 683x432, QG1TRX1.png)

her skin tone is the same color as her wall, and that background decoration is just a horrible cluttered mess. she's living a hoarder life, literally decorating her bags/bg with trash (empty plastic wrappers from gummies, srsly jill?)
>forcing yourself to play a children's app game for aesthetic
in the video she talks about how super excited she is about the precure app… isn't she lying though? i feel like there's a screenshot somewhere in these threads of a fan mentioning it and her saying she's not uninterested.
No. 309375
File: 1494443425180.png (65.94 KB, 1193x385, pxl.png)

I can't remember if this was posted tbh. another note, she hasn't posted on the forum in almost a month. I wonder if she's bitter that the other members aren't treating her like a ~kawaii precure superfan~. No. 309397
>>309365She's mentioned many times that she doesn't use foundation. That's why she has awful pasty skin that clashes with everything.
I hate any snowflake who thinks they're above foundation but yet they smoother heavy makeup on the rest of their face??
She doesn't use any skincare either so you can just imagine how her bright pink blush adheres horribly to her flaky dry skin. And then there's unsafe craft glitter that she sleeps in and never completely removes because she doesn't exfoliate or use any oils to melt it off ughhhhhh. My stomach is turning just thinking about it. You can't make this shit up.
No. 309414
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>>309397She used foundation though? She shows it in her makeup videos it's just some drugstore stuff
No. 309432
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>>309185Not sure how this app works, but I'm pretty sure she's on the second world now, so she's probably further along then it looks
No. 309463
>>309414She applies shitty maybelline with her fingers for tutorials but even within those videos she explains that she only covers the middle area of her face, doesn't care about foundation because she thinks she has 'good' skin…
That's exactly why her skin tone looks so uneven all the time.
Applying liquid foundation to only certain areas makes sense if you are a makeup artist, or you know technique and use tools to blend the areas that need concealer/foundation.
tl;dr she has terrible makeup/skincare routines and should never upload them.
No. 309503
>>309236Wtf when this video was posted I immediately thought Jillian too.
Another thing I saw recently that reminded me of her, this video from 3:00 mark. I know it's my little pony sorry for cringe.
No. 309571
File: 1494455256335.png (131.06 KB, 750x1030, IMG_1303.PNG)

Something about Jill constantly saying she wants to die really juxtaposes well with her commenting on someone else's secured suicide, especially when this post was right after this one
>>309184 No. 309686
>>308725nope, still cute w/out jesus hair
I like them eyes (eyebrows a tad weird shape)
No. 309694
>>309278b-but anon, shes moving to Japan one day
obviously visiting nihon has increased her nihongo comprehension 10 fold
No. 309775
>>309149I cringe so hard at her pink eyebrows.
> knickie knackies(?)the setup of her background just looks like a junk drawer of her *~aesthetic~*
No. 309780
File: 1494468095544.png (768.7 KB, 1280x724, theres a blur tool on yt, jill…)

Upcoming Videos:
> "Bubblegum Ambition: Lookbook"
> "Rainbow Hair"
No. 309792
Her talking about rainow bangs and all pink hair is funny because she obviously wants to be kammie
>>309784Her wig is in the room tour video but I've never seen a pic of her actual cosplay
No. 309806
>>309780i can't imagine a life so boring where your only activities are shit like
>pick outfits. record myself wering outfits.>buy lipsticks. record myself wearing lipsticks.>dye hair. record myself with new hair.this bitch got no right to complain about stress or anything whatsoever
No. 309852
>>309780Another one on there looks like it's review, so she's likely bought more stuff.
What's new
I'm depressed
No. 309868
File: 1494473171731.png (74.71 KB, 750x772, IMG_1311.PNG)

No. 309876
>>309571Sage for slight OT but that's so sad, fam. This kid was so young.
Also, yes, Jill pretending to be sincere when she posts how she literally wants to die for a bad editing mistake or getting corrected for her upside down tattoo idea really boils my broccoli.
No. 309926
>>309149omfg I just can't
>rearranges "backdrop" collection to look even shittier, looks like a special needs assortment of shit>has napoleon dynamite-tier fake glasses>muh aestheticffs Jill is like that lonely girl who has no friends who spends all her free time talking to her stuffies
No. 310277
File: 1494535718063.jpg (96.36 KB, 1407x833, IMG_20170511_224541.jpg)

Sage for no contribution, but I couldn't help noticing a certain resemblance
No. 310297
File: 1494538072416.jpg (94.41 KB, 570x570, il_570xN.799432586_jc24.jpg)

Was randomly looking at tattoo flash today and saw this on etsy. Even though it's not CCS, it made me think of how nice a tattoo -could- be if Jill really put more thought into it. I feel like she should take time to research more styles and techniques if she really does decide to go through with stuff. Also the artist was Michelle Coffee if anyone wanted to look at more things that were similar. Not promoting (I have no clue who she is), just giving the detail.
No. 310328
File: 1494541791870.png (166.18 KB, 750x998, IMG_1327.PNG)

No. 310329
File: 1494541801637.png (147.48 KB, 750x1036, IMG_1326.PNG)

No. 310341
>>310328>>310339Lol this selfie is from April, she posted it on her spam insta.
I wonder how glad her coworkers were to see her go
No. 310357
>>310329I'm sure she gets a great nights sleep with that toxic glue seeping into her skin, and many scheduled naps throughout the day after waking up at noon. Who are you kidding, Jill?
She's indirectly a shitty person because she chooses to influence kids with her horrible choices, and her personality is just passive aggressiveness trying to burst out of its shell
No. 310513
File: 1494553569864.jpg (190.38 KB, 750x1065, IMG_1329.JPG)

Dyed her hair again
No. 310515
>>310513does she sleep with those claire's earrings on?
how are her ears still attached to her head
No. 310611
>>310550no, you can tell by the shine/limpness that its not fully dry, and the darker/denser hair is gonna look "greasier" anyway
>>310553….ends literally dry first what the fuck are you talking about.
I'm not even defending her i'm just not sure why yall think her hair would be greasy as shit when its just been dyed which involves washing it??
No. 310697
>>310645Really depends on the steps you take before drying. Do you dry out some of your hair with a towel first? If you do, your ends will dry faster since there's no excess water. If you don't soak up the excess water then your roots will probably dry before the rest of your hair since the water will drip down the hair.
Also Jill's ends might dry faster because her hair is literally straw from all the bleaching
No. 311024
>>310966>>310967What are you smoking, Anon?
Also, samefagging
No. 311025
File: 1494601632469.png (158.49 KB, 750x1095, IMG_1334.PNG)

No. 311026
File: 1494601643344.png (139.94 KB, 750x1088, IMG_1333.PNG)

No. 311096
>>310650my bad, i fell asleep after responding to this. not a samefag, just happen to have a similar typing style dude.
sage for OT.
No. 311292
File: 1494617044923.png (35.4 KB, 736x64, this group is a blizzard.png)

Error caused dropped pic. Sage again for my dumb samefagging ass
No. 311315
File: 1494618050843.png (156.7 KB, 750x936, IMG_1336.PNG)

No. 311423
>>311315okay but once again why she lying about preparing a fashion portfolio when she doesn't need one at all
is it just a project to show off to her party kei fans? will she attempt to sell the collection?
No. 311495
File: 1494627205302.png (90.01 KB, 750x689, IMG_7781.PNG)

For Jill
No. 311520
>>311420Sorry to break it to you anon but she picked only crappy polyester low quality fabrics. At least all pastel ones, not sure about that white one with a pattern because I can't see it crearly.
As always she only cares about asthetics and does't put any actual thought into her choices. If she really cared about fashion she would know it's not about decorating people in cheap plastic crap like christmas trees but also making sure it's wearable (I mean breathable and comfortable, good fabrics are impotant) and compliment the human form (unless you are an avantgarde genius and can pull it off, unfortunately Jill is far from being even moderately talented).
Jill will die in fashion school, the reality will crush her.
No. 311524
File: 1494629970065.png (206.92 KB, 812x378, designs.png)

This screenshot is from her room tour video, I think they're the designs Jill originally wanted to make for her portfolio but then stopped working on them because she was too stupid to order fabric online.
Looks like the fabrics are quite different from the ones she picked out back then.
No. 311526
File: 1494630122195.png (6.9 KB, 502x52, pl1.png)

No. 311616
>>311428Not that I want to defend anything Jill does but it can be risky to buy fabric online since you will never really know the true color of fabric from online images.
>>311317>>311316Mesh or not the fabric looks really shiny and tacky like cheap costume material. Then again it must be exactly what Jill likes
No. 311619
File: 1494637649827.png (43.34 KB, 750x395, IMG_1344.PNG)

>>311316She's gotta be applying to a different school, there's no way someone can be this dense
No. 311701
>>311699Sorry for samefag, but here are some examples.
FIDM, one of the best fashion design schools in the country, only requires sketches and fabric swatches to apply: from Parsons, another presitigious US fashion school: Portfolio: The portfolio must be completed in SlideRoom only. Freshman and transfer applicants must submit a portfolio of eight to 12 images. Portfolios can include a range of media such as drawing, painting, sculpture, fashion design, animation, performance, graphic design, or sketchbook pages. We encourage you to show experimentation and breadth, and the portfolio does not need to specifically address the major to which you are applying. previous anon has already shown that the school Jillian is applying to doesn't require a portfolio, so basically all of this is a waste of time and money.
No. 311795
>>311701>>311699Lmao Jill is so fucked.
I wonder if she's wanting to try for Bunka again and that's why she's going to take a whole extra year to put together this portfolio of hers. Anyone know the requirements for that?
No. 311820
>>311795Jill does not qualify to go to Bunka, portfolio or no. Here are their application requirements for international students:
Qualification for Application
*Foreign students must follow the studying abroad qualifications stipulated by the Immigration Bureau of the Ministry of Justice of Japan.
Applicants must not be of Japanese nationality, and must be of 18 years old by the end of March of the expected year of entrance into the college.
Applicants are required to have completed a regular course of secondary education (more than 12 years full time) in any country and / or have qualified to apply for a university of their country by the end of March of the expected year of entrance to the college. Applicants designated by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, are also qualified to apply.
If the applicant has attended a Japanese language school certified by the Ministry of Justice, attendance in said institution should be 80%* or more.
*It is not the number of days, but the number of times.
*It does not include attendance whose applicant attended a Japanese language school with temporary visitor visa or designated activities visa.
Applicants must have a good enough command of Japanese to understand lectures held in Japanese at the college. To prove this, applicants must fulfill at least one of the following qualifications 1~5
Pass the Level 2 or higher of Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) given by Japan Educational Exchange and Services (JEES) and the Japan Foundation.
Achieve a score 200 or more in the subject“Japanese as a Foreign Language”by the Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students (EJU) given by the Japan Students Services Organization (JASSO).
Achieve a score 400 or more on Business Japanese Proficiency Test (BJT) given by The Japan Kanji Aptitude Testing Foundation.
Have had Japanese education for 6 months or more in a Japanese language institution certified by the Ministry of Justice.
Have had an education for 1 year or more in a Japanese primary school, junior high school, high school, or university (including junior colleges).
Applicants must prove their financial ability to live and study in Japan. Scholarships are not enough and the law limits financial supplementary income from part-time work.
Applicants should have a reliable guarantor living in Tokyo or its vicinity willing to care for the student during his / her stay in Japan.
Please note the language requrements and the part about needing a japanese guarantor
No. 311868
>>311856No one's pointed it out to her because we've come to the realization that neither Jill, her mother nor her fans are capable of reading comprehension. Why bother?
I'm familiar with every school Jill claimed she would attend. None require a ~fashun~ portfolio.
Let's backtrack for a second, and pretend that she did not recently confirm she was applying for NBCCD (this is the only school I don't really know about but see
Even if she did change her mind again and was applying to Ryerson (which she hasn't mentioned in years), they have very specific project guidelines to follow for their portfolio.
As for Lasalle, the school she visited in Montreal, requires no portfolio whatsoever.
Or even if she still wanted to apply to NSCAD. It's an art school so they require 10-20 individual portfolio pieces plus another 10-20 pages worth of sketchbook. They want a variety of mediums and are very pretentious in their selection. They would not be impressed with Jill submitting only fashion pieces. Especially since they also require a general foundation year as part of the degree. She was recently bitching about this school, so I assume she realizes it's not the place for her.
When I decided to attend post-secondary, the admission requirements were the FIRST step when considering my options. She doesn't even seem to realize she could be rejected if she only applies to one.
No. 311875
>>311688Yeah most colleges or universities have an "equivalent experience" option for admissions and I thought maybe Jill was trying to prove she had experience by developing her portfolio.
But again, you have to be 21 years old and this exception usually refers to actual career or other educational experience.
So nothing adds up. Jill is an actual gigantic child who thinks the world works the way she imagines in her fantasies of being a world-renowned and beloved designer.
No. 311983
File: 1494688899159.png (13.98 KB, 668x76, nbccd.PNG)

Looks like she's going with NBCCD.
No. 311994
File: 1494689766862.png (28.51 KB, 623x173, IMG_1089.PNG)

It's nice she's finally moving on in her life but something tells me it's all going to end horribly with her crying and whining in the end.
No. 312003
>>311998Exactly. "Next fall" would mean 2018. But I guess that makes sense since it's obviously too late for her to apply for this fall.
I'm just wondering how she'll take the realization that can't be accepted into fashion design. No doubt this will only delay things further.
No. 312007
File: 1494691062320.png (986.12 KB, 1082x657, jillcosplay.png)

>>311990she made these 3 cosplays, at least these are ones I'm aware of. the quality decreased over the years lol
No. 312018
File: 1494692755336.png (106.69 KB, 750x874, IMG_1353.PNG)

No. 312062
>>312018I sometimes wonder if people like her would stop being faux-depressed if they left home, traveled and realized how many communities have actual hardships. I feel like even just her mentality of "everyone be nice!! the world must revolve around my feelings!!" would be crushed if she moved to a big city.
But then again whenever she travels within Canada, she only shops at mainstream chains then goes back to her hotel. She'll often say things in her videos that shows just how inexperienced she is with the rest of the country (incorrect/stupid facts, doesn't know geography, doesn't realize climate is different depending on the region etc). Literally said downtown Montreal and Halifax were ghetto or scary? in tourists areas lmao? Honestly she talks about the entire country as if it's all an isolated snow desert and not just PEI. Maybe ignorance is the cause of her depression.
And we already know what the Japan trip was like
>>306506 can't imagine how bad her trips to America and the UK must of been.
No. 312079
>>312062i've been living for 2 years in Montréal and, compared to whatever tiny town in PEI she lives in (which might be similar to shitty Sherbrooke), it's just a regular big city without much stuff to do. honestly i don't know why everybody is so "marvelled" with the fact that her only occupation in life is shopping - Canada is boring as fuck. imagine living in that shitty tiny town without anything to do. i find myself guilty sometimes of doing that, just going window shopping. the thing with her is that she's lazy and has very permissive parents. i honestly think she has never heard a no from her mother. she never talks about fashion as her passion for the future, she always talks of it in a way she feels like she is the centrepiece. she is going to feel crushed when she gets into college and realize she's not going to be designing for herself.
tl;dr - she is going nowhere.
No. 312102
File: 1494700499877.png (674.07 KB, 931x451, 3444.png)

No. 312103
File: 1494700724420.jpg (106.69 KB, 960x720, 14650288_1746535628929612_8682…)

No. 312114
File: 1494701597376.jpg (55.57 KB, 800x533, image.jpg)

No. 312118
>>312103woah seeing Jill 'in the wild' is so amazing, really makes you realize how much her 'professional' shots make use of angles/editing etc.
I mean her outfits look terrible even in her carefully planned photos, makes me really want to see more candid pictures of her lol
No. 312146
File: 1494704500646.jpg (173.72 KB, 719x960, 10305502_817091871634627_35113…)

These aren't really 'in the wild' but here are some from the halifax fashion walk that i've never seen before
No. 312149
File: 1494704541149.png (69.82 KB, 750x493, IMG_3242.PNG)

No. 312156
File: 1494704827747.png (79.92 KB, 750x788, IMG_1362.PNG)

No. 312160
technically it's not an accredited university, but still, does she somehow think her high school art classes were superior and count as actual experience/education?
Has she even spoken to an adviser or had an appointment with the admissions office?
Who told her she could get special treatment.. without even having visited the college yet.
No. 312164
File: 1494705241375.png (85.38 KB, 750x558, IMG_1364.PNG)

>>312149She's obviously aiming for the "Equivalent Experience", and if she sells herself and her YouTube career she might be able to get it
No. 312165
File: 1494705244703.png (26.72 KB, 985x527, 789.png)

Why did nobody teach this girl internet safety? No. 312168
>>312164yeah it's already been mentioned a few times but a requirement for 'equivalent experience' exception is being 21 years old
it's basically another term for 'mature student' status
No. 312173
File: 1494705956897.jpg (87.24 KB, 640x480, Photoon20131017at22062.jpg)

No. 312182
File: 1494706358795.png (11.67 KB, 637x201, af1.png)

No. 312189
File: 1494707679014.jpg (85.16 KB, 800x571, 1010039_552529038126738_165214…)

No. 312193
File: 1494707994202.png (45.73 KB, 645x491, af2.png)

No. 312210
>>312193This is the first time I've seen her mention sci-fi. Interesting.
I remember when she skipped Halcon in 2015, her reason was that it was more of a sci-fi/comic convention rather than anime/jfashion which I guess wasn't worth her time. Wonder why she lost interest within those two years.
Overall, she seems like a much more normal and well-rounded person at the time. Very ironic considering this was from the depths of her ED and mental issues apparently.
I'm assuming she got medication shortly after and somehow her personality went downhill from there? Not trying to shit on prescriptions for mental illness. But I literally don't get how her personality has only gotten worse over the years. It's like her maturity was stunted.
No. 312269
>>311701>FIDM>one of the best fashion design schools in the countrytop fucking kek, anon
Does anyone know where she's applying? In my experience most schools worth their salt (CSM, LCF, Parsons, FIT, RISD etc) will request sketches with swatches, a moodboard, and then often will ask for photos of a garment you've made simply to prove you can very basically operate a sewing machine– using a commercial pattern is fine. Bunka does have an english language grad course iirc but Jill wouldn't qualify.
Fashion design school is a pretty big waste of money. One would do just as well to go live in NYC or London for a few years doing unpaid internships, temp work and odd fashion jobs, networking and working your way up. This is just going to be yet another outlet for this girl to piss away her parents' cash, ESPECIALLY if she chooses a useless trust-fund-leech like FIDM. She'd be much wiser to get a degree in advertising or merchandising. /rant
No. 312291
File: 1494717982981.png (155.49 KB, 750x1086, IMG_1393.PNG)

What, fifth profile picture change in the last 30 days?
No. 312293
File: 1494718043956.png (107.74 KB, 750x1022, IMG_1391.PNG)

>>312291Saturday video also confirmed to be late. Jill edit videos before the day you plan on uploading then
No. 312304
>>312293I don't want to sound like a dick because I can absolutely relate to missing a certain country a lot, but… what exactly does Jill like so much about Japan?
Maybe she has a good reason but the only thing she's ever shown/said about her Japan experience was shopping. She enjoyed the clothing stores, candy and cartoon merchandise. Why does she miss it so much now? She never mentions anything about actually sentimental reasons or even just enjoying the environment/food/culture/people etc…
No. 312307
File: 1494719419679.jpg (100.06 KB, 729x272, group-with-label-R1.jpg)

offtopic but I think I found pixies new obsession once shes over puppy surprises
No. 312310
>>312269She's applying to nbccd
>>312149She will need a portfolio because she's applying straight into the program trying to use the "equivalent experience" option because she technically could count for it if she sells herself right
>>312170 No. 312327
File: 1494721071036.png (192.98 KB, 1292x1096, bpart1.png)

No. 312366
>>312310New fucking Brunswick. Just why? This girl's parents seem like they're rich enough to send her to a decent school.
>>312281oh be mad
>>312147She looks pretty good in these photos, although in part because she doesn't have the harsh roots or sloppily blocked rainbow coloring she's got now. The eyelashes help a lot too.
No. 312620
>>312602She will find literally any way to make her life easier. I understand giving up on bunka, because while it is possible it's also somewhat of a wild dream. But now she keeps nitpicking why all the universities aren't good enough for her. She's just afraid of moving to a bigger city even if it's reasonable travel distance back home. Her parents will fill her pockets, so it's not a financial decision.
It's really annoying to see her complain about 4 year degrees being too much work, so her solution is trying to force a 3 year shit diploma into 2 years. It's clear jill thinks of herself as so special and massively talented that she's entitled to success no matter what.
Not to mention, relying on her partner for school, moving out etc is gag worthy. She treats Colin like a personal servant. I really hope he dumps her and makes use of his education. What would she do with herself then lmao
No. 312662
File: 1494773158139.png (288.32 KB, 750x1071, IMG_1400.PNG)

No. 312705
>>312630Wow, the kawaii monster cafe food looks vile. So much artificial shit… not surprised Jill loved it.
There are so many ugly aesthetics in this video
No. 312921
File: 1494803254331.png (162.39 KB, 750x917, IMG_1427.PNG)

No. 313298
File: 1494863372408.png (420.53 KB, 750x1334, IMG_1443.PNG)

I wonder if Jill reads the Jvlogger thread as well
No. 313310
>>313298she liked that a month ago though, before any drama was really confirmed
also she considers herself friends with sharla so I doubt she'd passive aggressively side with mimei
No. 313322
File: 1494865399190.jpg (161.83 KB, 691x274, 4557.jpg)

lol excuses keep changing
tons of her videos have nothing to do with fashion, who is she kidding trying to take herself so seriously?
No. 313331
I bet she hasn't studied any Japanese at all. In fact, she probably only knows basic phrases from watching the sub of Precure.
No. 313338
File: 1494867069552.png (21.75 KB, 647x255, 567890.png)

she's been lying about learning Japanese for years
No. 313343
>>313338>fluent when finishing high schooltop fucking kek
even if you study japanese fulltime at a college outside of japan you need like several years to be able to hold a simple conversation. but child prodegy over here wanted to be fluent when finishing high school. kek
No. 313349
File: 1494867737473.png (362.81 KB, 640x480, tumblr_lq8yunGJuk1qfdplwo1_128…)

No. 313351
>>313334But she also mentioned in videos that she feels like the wouldn't like her talking about anime
Does Jill know her aduence at all?
No. 313356
File: 1494868116229.png (752.88 KB, 707x865, peach.png)

>>313270On her page PeachMilky states that she's 5'4", and in this picture she's wearing a skirt from Himi Fashion. The measurements in the description for that skirt are: Waist 72 cm (28 inches), Hips 84 cm (33 inches).
Hope that helps at all! Maybe if you find the measurements of some of Jill's clothing you can compare or something idk.
No. 313362
>>313326why continue studying if you're never gonna go back to japan for more than another shopping spree at american clothing stores, realistically
>>313353pretty much this, we all know her mom filmed on her own camera alongside jill so she has all the footage, and jill gave no fucks having her mom be the cameraperson for her "vlogs" so… obviously it exists somewhere
>>313356are you peachmilky
No. 313371
File: 1494868985779.png (176.64 KB, 750x852, IMG_1445.PNG)

I wonder if Jill is hoping this is successful enough to be able to add it her collage app that she hosted fashion events
Ironically, even with posting this to her Pixielocks page there are only 9 confirmed attendies. I wonder how the jfas com in the area thinks of her
No. 313381
>>313371The atlantic canada jfash comm usually kiss her ass. She'll have a turnout of her usual "friends" (people she sees once or twice a year at the same con).
It's a small comm to begin with, she obviously has the biggest following. Animaritime's attendance is 1k tops lol.
No. 313384
File: 1494870574078.png (132.14 KB, 750x895, IMG_1446.PNG)

I wonder where they were shopping before this
No. 313425
>>313371She doesn't wear jfashion and she never went to anything the comm had before (besides like two things) and she certainly doesn't now lol
We have a lot of mutual friends and its actually insane how much they all are in love with her and she honestly treats them like garbage
No. 313547
File: 1494880624126.jpg (379.71 KB, 616x918, Cokup6u.jpg)

"Child with underdeveloped face takes delusional grandma out of the nursing home for a day"
No. 313601
File: 1494885573879.png (1.09 MB, 891x867, tasselfairy.png)

>>313595they even have the same bag lol
at least this girl seems somewhat more capable at coordinating, like picking a solid main piece instead of having everything be rainbow colored… I guess it's still not that much of a step up
No. 313623
>>313595Didn't know this chick had a youtube but honestly there's a couple differences.
Particularly the fact that she runs a succesful business, which is how she became known on social media, I know this because we sold her brand when I worked at Urban Outfitters. She does interior deco designs, so clearly isn't a draining child like jill.
No. 313624
File: 1494887046684.png (161.44 KB, 750x1012, IMG_1452.PNG)

Yes support business that are causing the destruction of brands like Spank and are part of the problem when it comes to the disappearance of small brands in Harajuku but it's alright because they give you a good employee discount I bet uwu
No. 313627
>>313371>>313624Seriously, why does this bitch host a 'Japanese Street Fashion meet up'? She doesn't even wear J-fashion… Like just cuz she bought a couple pieces on her Japan trip suddenly she claims that she's wearing it again? Why not just host a general street/alt fashion meet up…
Ugh this
triggers me
No. 313785
>>313778Pretty sure that's exactly what anon meant.
And since Jillian made a big deal about supporting small brands in her Harajuku video, the cognitive dissonance is at the very least amusing.
Like yes whatever, shop wherever you want, work wherever you want. But don't then take stances on things where you actions will betray god so called beliefs (not just this, but also the jeffrey star stuff, other sjw causes she bandwagons on but doesn't actually care about…)
No. 313786
>>313785*betray your
Not sure where god comes into this but ok autocorrect.
No. 313801
>>313322>I didn't film a ton because I didn't think my audience on here would find it very interesting becacuse it has nothing to do with fashionWow, way to dumb down your delusional audience further.
>>313362>Maybe if you find the measurements of some of Jill's clothing you can compare or something idk>>313584I agree. Her nose looks huge from that angle.
No. 313891
>>311565it still holds weight. the amount of friends she has has nothing to do with how well she gets along with her mother.
not defending her, but i can also think of many videos where she is hanging out with other people even though i barely follow this thread.
No. 313959
>>313891Other people…. who? She's only ever featured her boyfriends in videos. Until she went to Japan to do her first collabs with people she never met before. Or she shows off some acquaintances in con vlogs
>>313429 If you have more milk about her imaginary friends anon, please do share.
No. 313983
File: 1494938916754.png (721.99 KB, 842x545, peach.png)

I started going through PeachMilkys japan vlogs now too
Peachmilky game
take a shot every time she looks at herself in her camera screen and/or makes this face
No. 313999
>>313686Learning Kana is pretty basic tho. Japanese professors at uni level expected us to know both sets two weeks into the semester. It's just basic memorization and practice. Jill has too much free time to use Japanese being too difficult/time intensive as an excuse to not know the literal Japanese equivalent to her ABCs after multiple years.
>>313984Peachie (PrincessPeachie) and Sophie (PeachMilkyTea) are two different people probably from two different countries.
No. 314032
>>314029 If you really wanna give them the benefit of the doubt, the only
possible excuse for either of them is that the font in the purikura machines might be handwriting style or bubble fonts to look cutesy and they had trouble reading because of that, and they mentioned something about a time limit, but still, years 'studying nihongo' and neither of them know anything. At least Sophie can dress herself.
No. 314035
File: 1494945762277.png (280.47 KB, 561x340, 2345246.png)

>>314032The font was perfectly readable. They just don't know basic kana.
No. 314080
File: 1494951401513.png (40.63 KB, 750x358, IMG_1456.PNG)

No. 314098
File: 1494953447052.jpg (612.11 KB, 1460x874, E6frK38.jpg)

>>314080Is she seriously excited to sponsor this forever 21 tier overpriced trash? I've never heard of this site in my life but everything is ugly, tacky, and cheap looking
No. 314130
File: 1494957048883.png (1.66 MB, 1202x1194, Screen Shot 2017-05-16 at 2.49…)

The pink doesn't even match the pink in her bangs.
No. 314159
File: 1494960801710.png (821.29 KB, 591x591, SyHsG3w.png)

Genuinely looks like a 35 year old mentally unstable woman here
No. 314193
>>313381Most people who attend Animaritime go in cosplay. Maybe a few Lolita weebs here and there. But yeah she's not gonna get many people into jfashion, kek.
She'll get a few of her little fans probably. Not looking forward to an insufferable ego boost.
No. 314329
>>314173As well as preferring tall and slender people in their clothes for promo. Example
>>314098Maybe they have a new line of rainbow vomit ponchos or something.
No. 314367
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>>313371I'm so excited to see this Jill hissy fit that comes from the mess this is going to be
No. 314631
>>314600Man that reddit thing must have really gotten to her. By the way, I just looked through both the comments on there and on the Sharla video, and I couldn't find a single one telling her to stop dressing the way she does. Yeah, many people are critical of her hair and such, but there are just as many, if not more positive comments. If you dress 'out there' you have to expect people to comment on it, it's a natural thing.
Also, there's a lot of people who are older than her and dress in similar styles, but they get way less 'mean hater comments' just because they dress more nicely/look more put together…
I feel like she focuses so much on the age thing because she doesn't want to realize that there's a ton of people out there who dislike her style.
No. 314641
>>314600Being mistaken for 30 must have hit her in a sore spot. Just another video to milk in the validation of others under the pretense of being supportive of others that dress alternatively.
She just needs to balance her outfits better and take better care of her hair and skin. She wears too many statement pieces at once and unflattering pieces so its no wonder people are not taken to her "style".
No. 314643
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she really enjoys messing with other people's hair, huh
No. 314698
>>314600kek at the part where she tries to give advice to 30-50 year olds, fuck off jill you know nothing
she seems to always find a way to weasel out of admitting she reads on here, she'll even read through thousands of comments on other videos she's featured in just to find one that agrees with us
No. 314710
>>314600This video is such a trainwreck I don't even know where to begin.
You sure are NOT BOTHERED, Jill. It's pretty obvious she's talking about comments here versus comments on Sharlas vid or Reddit. And kek at her having to interject when editing that it's okay to have jobs that aren't aesthetic enough
No. 314713
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>>314710This was the only comment about her age I could find on Sharlas video, and it doesn't seem like the one she's talking about in her own video
No. 314718
>>314698That advice to "older" people made me want to scream. Contradicting herself over and over again… Wish someone would tell her that people past 25 of age aren't actually braindead.
Also, she should delay the tattoo until she's IN the fashion business. If it's that much of an issue.
No. 314722
This is clearly about what has been said in this thread, she really needs to stop responding to everything within days.
>>314717Pretty sure Sharla's over 30, like 31?
No. 314783
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No. 314967
Jill died while a lolita and was replaced during the identity video.
No. 315433
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The only party kei outfit that matters
No. 315442
>>315433it's hilarious how this is more of a party kei outfit than anything Jill has ever worn, since according to her it was supposed to have a slumber party like feel.
also it still
triggers me that she calls it party KEI and is acting like she's wearing an actual J-fashion.
No. 315455
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Because 30 year olds can't be 5 feet tall? What the fuck does height have to do with age (post puberty)?
Also "baby face" lmao sure Jill.
No. 315458
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>I would take the anthropology plan and chuck it out the window
kek relevant
No. 315462
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>>315457>>315460>>315455She probably views herself like it's still 2015
No. 315471
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>>315467idk my mom's side of the family is a mix of french and scottish, we all have those downward lines although they're a bit higher so they aren't confused with our eyebrows
pic related, I googled "white people forehead" and even the first stock photos show this
I think diagonal lines are common but Jill is particularly bad at hairstyles that bring attention to it and terrible with camera angles
No. 315482
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>>315455b-baby face? does she even know what that means?
if someone showed me a picture of Jill and I had to guess her age I would definitely assume she's older than 19…
it's not even that she's that wrinkly/old looking or whatever, but just her overall appearance… the yellow teeth, those awful glasses, the wacky colored hair, no fashion sense at all
her style makes her look like a weird granny that aged well tbh lol
No. 315487
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>>315455Jillian pls, the only baby you resemble is Baby Jane.
>pls forgive me Bette Davis>>315482Her face alone is definitely more aged-looking than you'd expect from a 19-year-old but she could work around that with flattering makeup and hairstyling. Instead, she continually makes the least flattering choices possible and ends up looking like a kooky out-of-touch 50-something. It would almost be endearing if she actually embraced the kooky out-of-touch 50-something look but
>baby facelol
No. 315626
>>315622If she walked into any serious job looking like that, they'd think she was some poor mentally ill girl. She really does dress like a kooky, out of touch, "I'm a young spirit" 30-something.
I'm wondering if she got her 4 hours a week Claire's job because of pity.
No. 315634
>>315622She probably can't understand it because work is the only time she leaves the house to be seen in her outfits
How will the public know she's trailer trash lawn ornaments tier tacky if she can't dress like that to work?
No. 315661
>>315632You would think if Jill had been reading these threads and addressing whats been said about her, she would have realised by now she doesnt actually need a portfolio
But alas, she really is fucking stupid
No. 315711
>>315661she thinks she knows better than us
she also probably thinks she can get in under the special circumstances that were mentioned
No. 315761
>>315661She's does for what she's applying for, which is to get straight into the design program.
>>312164>>312170She's applying under the premise she has reticent experience, and whether we agree or not that she does, that's how she's applying so she will need a portfolio
No. 315762
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No. 315770
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