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No. 192885[Reply]

Discuss any otome game-related topics here and please tag your spoilers.

What is an otome game?
>An otome game is a romance-focused game within the wider genre "joseimuke", meaning female-targeted games, and feature unlockable illustrated images known as CGs. The player character in otome games is always a female protagonist and can make choices to pursue male love interests over the course of the story. Otome games, or "otoge" for short, are most often text-based visual novels, but they can also be stat-raisers, rhythm games, or JRPGs.

Possible Discussion topics
>Otome game news
>What are your most memorable otome game moments?
>What got you into otome games?
>What is your all-time favorite otome game or character and why?
>What are you currently playing and what's your impression on it so far?
>Which otome games are you looking forward to playing?
>Which otome games do you want to be localized?
>What is your opinion on the current state of otome game localization?
>What do you want to see more of in otome games?
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510 posts and 133 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 403518

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I met that guy via phonecall I believe, what a qt, what a shame someone posted some shit that would imply he's not actually dead
So I've been playing this since my last post and I have a few impressions.
So this is how they get you huh? With the perfect cute anime korean husbandos of your dreams
My opinion of the guys is , for now, as follows:
Xavier: would violently cuddle with, I have a soft spot for him and I foam at the mouth at the thought that I will die one day without experiencing having such a cutie bf; fighting autism, the cutest; he's alright but I'll need to unlock more interactions of him to solidify my thoughts; from what I've seen of him he's not as innocent as he appears
Rafayel: I love how playful he is, 10/10, would marry, he's exactly the type I like, nonnas this is the bf I wanted but never got, PAIN. Most of his lines and the few interactions I've had I loved; since he's an art autist we have even more in common kek
Zayne: somehow with him I progressed the most, he's that perfect doctor bf that all parents would love (especially asian parents kek), I like him and saw some clips of him, his kiss card is THE BEST and when he gives in and is emotional…well that's just the absolute best. I respect him
Sylus: pure sexo edgelord kek. whoever wrote him , man they ticked off so many tropes it's fun and hilarious at the same time. The fact he actually calls you kitten had my inner teenager biting the pillow and kicking my feet in the air. My 10th pull was his 5star card where you get to measure him (picrel) and WEW, what a man. I already spoiled myself with a lot of his stuff and I think I like his interactions with the MC the best since there's a lot of banter
Now about the game itself; can't help but fantasize the sweaty sex with him and can't wait for his kiss card; also a fun note: I showed him to my yume friend and she downloaded the game within MINUTES and already made a fuckton of progress on his story that I'm baffled, he is her husband now kek also the fact he has a kabedon pose made me chuckle heavily
- actually impressed how high effort this is wow, my first thought when seeing ads for it was literally "what in the final fantasy square enix is this?" , the graphics are solid, mindblowing how far mobile games have come (I had flashbacks of 2Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

No. 403597

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I'm close to finishing Neji's route in Jack Jeanne and I'm already getting sad about it kek I'm going to miss him.

No. 403705

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I had to pause playing the game half-way because I didn't want to finish it too quickly… I have the 3rd year routes waiting now hehe. When you're completely done do share you thoughts nonny and song/character/route rankings if you want!

No. 403874

File: 1721512574099.jpg (1.19 MB, 800x1179, cownejicostume.jpg)

Kek i understand exactly how you feel. I did Neji's route first since he interested me the most and while I don't regret it it feels like he ruined the other routes for me lol (because it was just that good) . Ofc the routes I played after were still good but not as good as Neji's also I'm a sucker for angst, which Neji's route delivered …Anyway I hope you enjoy the game. I'm still going through it but am taking a break.

No. 404021

I unironically believe the AI tinfoil, the way Sylus says “sweetie” is so weird. It also makes sense given Rafayel’s VA mishaps.

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No. 289927[Reply]

No discussion, no recommendations, just pictures.

Please avoid 3DPD, fanarts of them is okay. 3D models welcome.
643 posts and 534 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 402783

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No. 402901

Is there a full image?

No. 403298

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No. 403795

File: 1721496614705.png (6.38 MB, 2048x2048, IMG_6135.png)

No. 403813

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No. 227665[Reply]

Post images(christian or pagan) related to motherhood
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No. 359255

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No. 378104

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No. 387950

File: 1717139484247.mp4 (7.54 MB, 576x828, 9pXxd5o.mp4)

No. 389001

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No. 403682

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No. 377133[Reply]

Pokemon is a japanese media franchise consisting of video games, animated series and films, a trading card game, and other related media. The franchise takes place in a shared universe in which humans co-exist with creatures known as Pokemon, a large variety of species endowed with special powers.

Pokemon Day List of Updates: https://serebii.net/

Previous threads:
1202 posts and 616 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 403604

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last spheal of the thread

No. 403618

To be fair their inspirations aren't coming out of thin air, pretty much everything looks rounded and cute like that nowadays. Both of styles really correspond to what anime of the time looks like.

No. 403672

No that's stupid since azumarill is a buoy, she would be excluding herself

No. 403727


No. 403781

anon that's the joke… it's clowning on wet egg anon

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No. 195725[Reply]

Post lolworthy bad tattoos. Remember to spoiler anything NSFW.
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No. 321068

Its so bad i wish you had spoilered it.

No. 321095

Cronenberg level body horror. Trans joy though!!!

No. 326896

Creative use of acne scars

No. 403549

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Why would you choose to put that in your body

No. 403588

those look like they were drawn on by a sharpie

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No. 399024[Reply]

A thread for media that lolcow unanimously loves and media regarded as good by the majority of farmers. Post things you think apply or discuss why you think everyone should love the thing you posted. Please refrain from infighting, this is not a thread to dunk on shit. Don't take anon's posts too seriously, if you hate something posted in this thread you do you.
325 posts and 86 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 403531

Nta but the seething about that design has gone for long enough that its pretty ridiculous.
Triggering is a good way to put it, especially since it's admitted that one of the reasons is because it's popular.
It's no wonder threads are either dead or just complaining about anything somebody might like.

No. 403534

maybe if you stopped bringing it up we'd stop making fun of you for defending it

No. 403535

Also why are you babysitting the "lolcow fav media" thread in case anybody disagrees with you instead of using the thread meant for character designs you don't like?
That being said I can only think DM came up in this thread at all as sarcastic since so many people seem to really fucking hate it here.

No. 403536

Nonnie, the post you replied to was more about the seething becoming rather obnoxious rather than defending the design.
Oh God so there's more than one babysitting autist?(infighting)

No. 403539

Kek, even the mods think the shitting on dungeon meshi is deserved. You should put it in the anti thread. >>399019(ban evasion)

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No. 395381[Reply]

Just a general thread to discuss petsims like Flight Rising, Chickensmoothie, Lioden and Neopets. Feel free to discuss
>shitty admin practices
>insane forum activity
>what you think about new breeds, events, etc
>ingame economy drama
Or whatever else comes to mind!
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No. 395423

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They also recently had a drama about unconverted pets that was incredibly funny to witness as someone with no investment in pet trading.

No. 395428

they brougth unconverted back didnt they? thats honestly so based. Fuck the retards who spent real money for them.

No. 395444

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They did, and also made it impossible to distinguish between UC pets and old pets who were auto-converted back in 2007. This effectively made trading UCs pointless because people who wanted a UC for the aesthetic could just make their own, while people who wanted UCs for the 'prestige' could just adopt any old pet made pre-2007, as it would come equipped with the Old Pet Trophy, and give it the UC item to make it look like a UC. There was a pretty big tantrum on the Neoboards when it happened. I probably have my own screenshots of it saved somewhere, but I don't feel like looking for them, so I just found this one online instead to give you an example kek.

No. 395457

So glad to finally have the plush Cybunny of my dreams without having to cheat or deal with the horrible pet trading community. I really enjoy trading (I used to do a lot of NC trading) but I stayed far away from the pound boards because they had a reputation for being cancer. I get that it's better when things are earned, but dealing with a bunch of self-important psychos is not the kind of thing I'm willing to endure for an in-game cosmetic. I spent ages trying to get the gold trophy for NQ2, so it's not an issue of me being lazy. I play Neopets to turn my brain off and relax, not argue with twats on trading forums.

No. 403432

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I recently returned to goatlings and I'm really surprised at how much the quality of the ADs have dipped. Uggo submissions were always a thing but I feel like it's gotten 10x worse all of a sudden. I really hope someone can make a petsite similar to it because the ADs were the only thing I kept coming back for, but obviously there's no point in that now.

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No. 265376[Reply]

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No. 403066

HOLY KEKKKK this is so real. I love you girls

No. 403068

you missed the cringe comics thread

No. 403159

TY i will post it there

No. 403429

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No. 403480


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No. 186908[Reply]

Post all the manhating pictures you have!
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No. 401111

Wait till scrotes learn american psycho was directed by a woman

No. 401466

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No. 401648

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No. 401668

Normalize spewing that cringy 'you just know' meme at every man who posts a picture of him with his dog the way they do at women.

No. 403427

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No. 291015[Reply]

I'll start…

1. person of gender art. beside the obvious gender shit, they all have horrible stylization. very derived from cal-arts. the eyes and faces are ugly

2. procreate-core. i dont care what le heckin brush pack you downloaded, it all has this very generic obvious "texturing" that is not in any way interesting. instead of learning to add depth to art they rely on brushes that just repeat the same texture over and over. subjects are usually boring normie tier pretty girl and boring moths and leaves. once you've seen one, you've seen them all.

3. woman of gender who can render really well. coloring and body anatomy is really well done but the faces are usually styled badly, they always do the huge eyes with pointy eyelashes and huge noses. usually a fujo and draws her husbando OCs. faces ruin an otherwise really well done piece.
1171 posts and 334 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 403214

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Nice Ricardio fanart

No. 403393

File: 1721396237774.png (314.13 KB, 540x478, Screenshot 2024-07-19 063512.p…)

i will simply never understand the appeal of doing this to the south park cast

No. 404273

I hope ai art completely stops artists from making stuff like this ever again. People get mad because their sameface generic pedobait is no longer something they can get paid to draw all day. Glad to see them suffer

No. 404279

The difference between how Japanese fujos draw them and how tif fujos draw them is so night and day too

Spoiler for generic shota

No. 404280

File: 1721682067605.jpg (Spoiler Image,171.29 KB, 480x640, 639c48536b6dbf9697cb26d96d0848…)

Dropped my pic lol

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