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Vote in the VPN ban runoff poll! Closing at 23:59 GMT on the 26th March.

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No. 147982[Reply]

For fictional characters touted as attractive, whether by the fandom or by the source material itself, that you personally find unattractive. This is NOT the thread for anons to focus on the characters' overall personalities or the way they were written, that's what the character hate thread is for ( >>>/m/109651 ).
469 posts and 163 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 469518

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Cockroach-looking ass I still can't understand why women (and TIFs) get their panties soaked for him.

No. 469522

He is supposed to be snake like, so he has no nose.

No. 469524

Based. I love you for this. He looks like a sickly mangaka or Japanese salary man. Nothing about his manlet ass in attractive at all. Not even his mannerisms or story. Oooh look at me I'm so cold and badass and OP, aren't I the coolest ever?

No. 474350

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Thank goodness they aren't as popular anymore so I don't have to see their ugly faces anymore.

No. 474351

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Well they’ve done it horribly,at least with Pentious he’s an actual snake with actual snake-like featured.Lucifer is just a tumblr man version of Viv’s Saint Peter.

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No. 192752[Reply]

Cuz we're apparently not getting the old thread back (RIP)

Discuss your fav metal bands, genres, thoughts on the scene etc.
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No. 471946

Kind of embarrassing but I found this band through an fps video game themed playlist and I find this song so beautiful

No. 471952

Nona have you heard of Grai? They're also from Tatarstan and have a similar sound

No. 471954

I will check them out! Thank you for the recommendation, nonna.

No. 473353

Darkside is such an incredible drummer, I legit cum every time.

No. 474342

My favorite video on yt

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No. 265376[Reply]

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No. 474100

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No. 474102

If I remember correctly: supposedly, red is Marxism-Leninism, green is Anarchism, yellow is Libertarianism/Anarcho-Capitalism, and blue is Fascism. Left half is communism, right half is capitalism. Or rather, the further to the right or left, the closer to those systems your political orientation is.
The top half is associated with social conservatism and the bottom half is associated with social liberalism.

No. 474228

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No. 474331

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I hate how much i love these autism magnets blatant inaccuracies and all

No. 474336

why does the grunge guy have a mullet

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No. 192164[Reply]

Use this thread to discuss reading and writing fanfiction. Feel free to discuss personal grievances and things you like about fan fiction and fanfiction communities
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No. 471328

Honestly I'll probably pirate it just to see how she'll handle the setting change. It's so entrenched in the story that you can't just ctrl + H a name and have it make sense. It's funny that she's claiming she's aromantic when she's married with a baby kek.

I read the fic blind (sorted by kudos and word count and just clicked what was at the top of the page). To me it was obvious she wasn't fetishizing rape, but using it as a tool for angst (the actual fetish). Rape as plot device is as old as dirt but it seems less common in current day fics.

No. 471331

The rape parts didn't feel fetishized but Draco's look and personality somewhat did. There's lines where Hermione gushes over how he looks like an "angel of death" that really feed into dark romance clichés. I think the only reason she's claiming to be aromantic is to avoid the "horny straight smut writer" accusation.

No. 471332

Simply by replacing it with
>"You're too good for me"
everything becomes better.

No. 474309

Today I finished a story I had so much fun writing and of which I'm actually quite proud. After going through a writing slump, I'm just so happy how easily the whole process was. However, since in it I'm shipping my favourite character with an oc (not a self insert), no one would be interested in reading it. Understandable, I get not caring about other people's ocs, but I'm a bit sad no one else will ever get to see it.

No. 474367

>bored in between tasks at work
>start cookin up a new AU in my head
>boredom cured forever
makes me sad when i read posts in the fujo/antifujo thread where nonnas admit they dont create their own works. if they did they'd be too happy and too busy writing to waste their time on hating

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No. 440730[Reply]

What have you watched? What are you looking forward to?

prev: >>348679
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No. 474234

it insists upon itself

No. 474308

Just watched lake Mungo, i know its meant to be a horror movie but I honestly felt more crushingly sad than scared. seriously heartbreaking

No. 474386

Anon I love Todd Solondz, too. He captures uncomfortable reality so well.

No. 474582

I thought it'll be a terorist the whole time, maybe it would make a more fun movie.

No. 474812

It would make it a 1000% more fun movie if the main character played us, yes. Wasted opportunity..

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No. 191651[Reply]

Post webms, youtube links etc. of random videos that don't fit in any other threads.

Previous thread: >>>/m/17333 (RIP)
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No. 470749

ooh, thanks. Didn't know there was a new vid. The ones on greek music and modern reconstruction or takes on nordic music are very good as well. The history and instrument examples are so nice. The greek one made me appreciate Xena a bit more.

No. 473093

No. 474137

No. 474142

It's such a cool song melody wise, I just wish it wasn't a shia Muslim song lmao.

No. 474204

its not kek its a punjabi melody which can be related to religion but also love its more so like a country Christian song

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No. 348698[Reply]

Discuss Michael Jackson with clowns, His fans, MJcows, MJ white knights or whatever other weird MJ shit
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No. 453192

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No. 462306

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No. 473416

Anyone watched Leaving Neverland 2?

No. 474140

Full documentary

No. 475071

Just watched it. I hoped it would be more interresting, it's just an update. Meh.

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No. 219226[Reply]

Old thread lost to /m/assacre >>>/m/9288

Made this thread because an anon told me to kek.
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No. 470416

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No. 470419

Based. Though sad to see characters I like being ruined by moids. They sacrificed so much for us.

No. 470437

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No. 474012

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No. 474187

it's not nice to draw porn of someone else's ocs but you can't control what other people do online nor is that a personal boundary kek

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No. 197320[Reply]

Remake of the other thread, here >>>/m/182650 (Copy + paste into search bar to find it)

Dump cute art of 2d women here. It can be classical art, fanart, shipping art, whatever. You may post art of your waifus just keep sperging to other threads. No coomer shit.
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No. 473641

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No. 473642

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No. 473643

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No. 473644

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2X and Elsie kek

No. 474006

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No. 278386[Reply]

ITT, post and discuss anything pertaining to MLP, from the movies to the shows or even personal crafts and collections. Every generation is welcome!

>Global Rule #4: Any posters with a phallus, do not come here for validation or to announce yourselves.
>/m/ Rule #4: Do not post pornography or NSFW imagery here.
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No. 419853

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No. 419854

saw this from the front page and kek’d

No. 427323

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>What got you into my little pony?
It's hard to remember for certain but the internet introduced me to it. I remember watching G3.5 baby videos, so probably through that. I would watch G4 season 1-2 clips a lot, I remember being around when season 3 began airing. I was still a kid though, so I wasn't on forums or anything.
>Which is your favorite generation?
G4, but I love G3 for it's charm too.
>Who is your favorite pony (or multiple)? When I was a kid it was Fluttershy and Princess Luna, now it's probably Rarity.
>Favorite non-pony character?
Maybe Discord? He's funny but that's it really.
>Favorite villain?
Chrysalis is badass, her for sure. Wish they did more with her.
>Favorite song(s)?
I love Babs seed, it always gets stuck in my head! There's a G5 song about DIY that I've grown to love recently, too.
>Any ships?
Fuck no, sorry. I find it uncomfortable and the fandom can overdo it. I think they're all great as friends.
>Favorite artist?
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No. 428216

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i like mlp passively, i would be into it more, but the fanbase really turns me off, its SO male-brained (which is so funny since its literally a little girl show) that i dont feel like i belong in that community at all, i just watch the show sometimes.. anyways i love twilight

No. 473979

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