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No. 384011[Reply]

made after requests in the unconventional male attractions

be free to sperg here!
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No. 412013

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I'm afraid he won't do that as he is a terminally online zoomer that grew up online. Picrel his latest spergout about his broadcaster not making a legal case out of his disqualification.

No. 412016

What does he want? Let it go already bro they will not apologize

No. 412282

He wants justice I guess. The reason he was disqualified was bullshit and he was about to be marked as a woman abuser(and many people still believe that).
The EBU is hypocritical when they talk about being sure about the safety of others and that there was an investigation going on, as in 2022, the singer of bulgarian entry had known domestic abuse charges on him and he participated just fine. Despite considering his online outbursts a bad move, I understand him being angry.

No. 462213

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So the new album just dropped and the European tour is about to begin. Looking forward to the new pics and vids. Any euro nonnas planning on seeing Joost live?

No. 462289

I like the song with Tommy. It is already causing so much seething, I am looking forward to the shitstorm this season

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No. 384737[Reply]

You can post cat picture, gif or illustration here to celebrate this amazing animal!

previous thread >>>/m/287823
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No. 462191

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No. 462200

Aw his tummy is already full.

No. 462205

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No. 462207

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No. 462212

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No. 192164[Reply]

Use this thread to discuss reading and writing fanfiction. Feel free to discuss personal grievances and things you like about fan fiction and fanfiction communities
993 posts and 164 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 459690

Write down scene outlines and bulletpoints if you feel like you can't quite get the whole scene down. Don't be afraid to throw in placeholders/ad-lib symbols for details you haven't figured out yet! I have a ton of __ symbols littering my docs that I get around to in later revision stages.

No. 459709

Start being mindful of what you're reading. Analyze what the characters are doing and what that shows about them.
"Hm, this scene would have been cooler if character X had told Y off instead of agreeing, it would have shown the religious side of X and would have started a conflict with Y."
"This line A just said is cool but it would have been cooler if it were worded like this" or "it would have been cooler if he had said something completely different."
You can start deriving your story from media you're consuming while fine tuning and adapting it to a different scenario. Your character Linda could be based on Y, but if she were faced with the situation in the example above, she would have been more combative - that's now part of her personality. Try to imagine how a story you know would change if a small detail changed, then incorporate it into your own story. I'm not saying to be fully derivative, just that you can take parts of what others have written as a guide, modify them and, them into your own story and see where it leads.

No. 460166

Thank you nonas!

No. 462153

>longfic that's supposed to be entirely canon compliant
>features a main couple plus an ensmble cast
>they're all canon characters except one OC
>OC quickly becomes more special than everyone else
>other characters fade into the background and when they do appear they always talk to or about the OC
>OC is now in most of the scenes with the main couple
jfc why
worst thing is the author is a pal so i can't tell her that her gary stu is insufferable and sucks the air out of everything.

No. 462154

I would love to have critical comments on my fics. Just straight up "this is shit and here's why"

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No. 386291[Reply]

Previous thread: >>>/m/379810
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No. 461259

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I've spent the last year referring to Nemo and the ESC as "the guy in an (ugly) skirt who won ESC" and I'm curious what the non-binary debate following that guy's win looked like in other countries and how it looks now that the next ESC is creeping in.

Here nobody who I've talked to have reacted or even flinched to me saying the above, everyone just goes "oh yeah that guy" using he/him without a second thought. One single time a girl got mad about it and "corrected" me kek she was of course very woke. A few times I've tested the waters and brought up things like how it's a bit strange that in 2024/25 it's still "progressive" to say a man wearing a skirt on a very gay stage is somehow ground breaking, or that a man wearing a skirt somehow makes him "not a man" anymore. Usually they go "huh, yeah that is dumb!" and laugh and then the conversation moves on.

No. 461281

Queen. I wish I'm like that at 53 too!

No. 461592

Not a fan

No. 461628

What happened to this one? Didn't watch it before it was taken down

No. 462128

The songs are mostly kinda mediocre so far this year honestly.

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No. 17472[Reply]

Dump what you got
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No. 461810

someone please edit the blood type to HIV+ positive and add in "FAGGOT IDENTIFIED"

No. 461981

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No. 462056

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No. 462105

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No. 462126

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No. 375436[Reply]

A thread to share anime illustrations that come directly from the official source, be it from a magazine scan or merch like clear file folders. All anime welcome!
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No. 462062

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No. 462070

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No. 462120

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I love Cima.

No. 462121

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No. 462123

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No. 299164[Reply]

For all big robot discussion. Anime, manga, cartoons, games, comics, novels, live action - all media welcome.
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No. 461861

Who's mad? I'm explaining why ZZ was unsatisfying for me personally. There's a reason Gundam never went so comedic again except for G which did its own thing.

No. 461956

Btw character's clothes on Earth are ugly af. I just want the show to kill off Mondo and Beecha but no, they lived. What a shame

No. 462022

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Haman is trash and got reduced to being the MC's waifubait in ZZ, but at least her uniform is hilariously over-the-top.

No. 462109

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>forgetting about Wing being batshit crazy

No. 462117

>someone thought this was peak badass

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No. 94822[Reply]

Post your favorite anime screenshots here.
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No. 448608

This scene fucked me up bad when I watched it.

No. 456171

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No. 456201

Ngl I cried like a fucking baby at this scene

No. 456215

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No. 462107

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No. 192385[Reply]

Old one is lost in /m/assacre ,no one made a new one yet.
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No. 461856

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No. 461857

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No. 461858

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No. 462069

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No. 462093

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No. 193441[Reply]

I don't think we ever had one, so here it is!

Discuss the farming sim here, talk about your farm, your (shitty) spouses, mods, game completion, conspiracies, anything Stardew related here
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No. 441771

Just why

No. 441772

Clint turning into Clit took me out

No. 443131

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The difference in quality between each portrait is funny
He came back again this year and left a hidden message. It's kinda surprising he hasn't gotten exposed by a clout chasing youtuber yet since he doesn't seem to care about leaving a paper trail and I'm sure that podunkian guy would love to shit talk him with anyone that would listen. I hope he doesn't because I want haunted chocolatier sooner rather than later but maybe he wouldn't even care.

No. 443148

Constantly amazed at the depths of stupidity moid's dicks lead them to, but 'Willy' turning into 'Fanny' had me in fits

No. 462085

Nonnas I reached true perfection today! It took until Summer year 6 to complete but for the first time it´s not too bad I think. Eventually I paid the stupid parrot to find the last 6 golden walnuts because I couln´t solve that simon sys riddle kek The little cut scene with all the characters walking through was so cute!I´m thinking of starting a new save but on my laptop, just for aestetic mods.

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