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No. 451553[Reply]

Post DA spaghetti, waifu/husbando autism, weird people, etc

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No. 462424

i wish i could read a psychological analysis of a vorefag. interesting creatures

No. 462425

bullet bill is a giga Stacy

No. 462549

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No. 462560


No. 462562

is he a vampire? why does he not show up in the mirror kek

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No. 423482[Reply]

ITT post your work and receive critique, advice, and feedback.

>Be honest, but don't be excessively cruel; remember that these artists are your fellow farmers.
>Try to be specific when asking for pointers
>Be gracious when receiving critique, because sometimes the most difficult feedback to hear the most valuable >Remember that art is subjective, and that anons may not agree with each others' critiques; this is not a reason to start an infight
>Check the Artist Salt threads in /ot/ for books and other resources for improving your work

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No. 462509

How did you manage to make the gendie versions of gendie characters nonna? You even twinkified the autistic therapist homie insert.

No. 462533

Thank, nonnie I appreciate it

Urgh I need to work on that… I should probably go outside of my comfort zone more.

Mfw.. it's not that gendie is it? I was going more more newgroundsy vibes..

No. 462535

>it's not that gendie is it
It looks like it was drawn with testosterone gel sticky fingers. Sorry.

No. 462543

It looks like if LS Mark was ftm, I’m so sorry

No. 462545


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No. 421143[Reply]

Post the worst of the worst character designs you can find. From the uncannily realistic to terrible reboots to oversexualized. It doesn't matter if it's from movies, TV, video games, comics, just has to be awful.

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No. 462525

oh and xhe has dangerhair too

No. 462527

and gets asked out by an obese moid drinking a soy latte kek

No. 462531

it's surprising that they didn't added a pronoun pin as a cherry on top of shit cake kek

No. 462532


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 462548

i will miss the validate threadpic

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No. 321680[Reply]

Feel free to post all internet horror media in this thread. As any anon who keeps up with the genre knows, most of these projects are run by a single person or small team, and can go dark at any time. Might as well keep the milk in one place.

Welcome Home is the newest attempt at a puppetshit mascot horror moneymaker by a self-infantilizing tumblr gendie who spends her time crying mental illness, whipping up drama in her own fandom, and kinning her favorite puppets from other franchises. Billed as a lost media horror experience, this "multimedia" project takes on the form of a website hosted by a "research team" working to recover "lost artifacts" connected to a children's puppet show from the late 60s/early 70s.

Allegedly worked on since 2018, it was recently made known to a bigger audience when horror youtuber Night Mind produced a video on it. After confidently mislabeling Welcome Home as a "horror ARG", we were consequently exposed to partycoffin's greatest hits

>distinct shortage of website building skill

>mild to extremely tepid horror content
>absent horror content
>teenage tumblrina vent art masquerading as horror content
>promises of gay/religious trauma as horror content (yet to be delivered)
>very modern over-designed rainbow puke puppet cast
>bad writing
>lackluster worldbuilding
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No. 377902

I am the only one who's starting to hate muppets because of this shit???

No. 399068

Same and it's also making me hate faggots too.

No. 415942

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Soo now there's a Poppy fursuit done by the same person (it's not by clown but by some troon fan)don't get the obsession over these fugly rainbow Muppets.I mean,why would you waste your time & money making something like this when the character doesn't even belong to you? I know it's some lousy cosplay but it's pretty retarded to cosplay some Tumblr made OCS.

No. 442017

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Newbie here so someone tweeted something about fans doing stuff out of the a creators boundaries and got reminded by wh.

It’s mostly ppl bitching about “poor clown boo hoo they have nsfw art of their ocs”.

Honestly I’d be lying to myself if I said I wasn’t a bit hyped for this but looking at it now I think the old concept for this ‘horror’ project was ten times better than whatever we have currently like damn no wonder many people decided to create crazy ass aus to fill the horror void from this sauceless project and moved onto things that are similar like the tadc.

This fandom has sooo much adult children that Disney land would be jealous. I can probably go into detail on stuff I’ve seen in this fandom.

No. 462530

Same here like I was super excited but alot of the LGBT themes in it doesn't make sense and just seems tacked on. Doesn't matter cause when you ignore this dumb ass Fandom and put your own spin on it, it actually becomes enjoyable. But at this point the Fandom is beyond saving and clown should just call it quites already.

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No. 216080[Reply]

Inspired by one of the other threads, let's talk a bit about this mess of a franchise.

Which generation got you into it for the first time? Which is your favourite generation? Any opinions on the movies? Comics? Games? TV-Shows? Any characters you love or hate particularly? Ships you love and ships that make your skin crawl? Any gossip about the people in the industry or the fanbase? Any fanart you wanna share? Share it here!
31 posts and 18 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 462407

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are you talking about issue 234 of transformers marvel uk?

No. 462410

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Jhiaxus? I'm genuinely shocked that any of the Marvel G2 stuff was used again. I've always been under the impression G2 is pretty much universally panned amd ignored.
That page you shared is some pretty grim shit.
NTA but that's the one! They were goofy as hell but I still kind of like the Earthforce stories from TFUK. Kek, they made it into the wiki.

No. 462421

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in idw1 transformers, "arcee" is also really old as fuck and is a twin brother of galvatron.
thats why i always found that pseudo-lesbian ship "arcee" x aileron not only lesbophobic but also creepy as fuck since theres a huge fucking age gap between those two because unlike "arcee" whose literally an ancient old man AGP robot aileron is actually a teen/young adult natal female robot

No. 462436

Why do certain retards despise women in Transformers? We had an anon on this very board years ago who was unironically screeching that there should be no female Transformers and they should all be male and praised this story for "mocking" the idea of a female Transformer as if they're not alien robots. As a Beast Wars watcher when I was a kid and later learning the writing team had to fight tooth and nail to even be allowed to have female characters in the show (and they still made Airazor male in the Japanese dub) this shit is offensive.

No. 462526

>Why do certain retards despise women in Transformers?
I used to be one of those retards, still am to a certain degree, and can provide an unsatisfactory answer. For me at least it probably came down to a 50/50 split of resistance to change and good old-fashioned hatred of all things outwardly feminine. I was used to all the Transformers being male and to my thinking at the time 'sexless' so on a certain level I found the introduction of female transformers kind of jarring and also sort of personally insulting, like I was being very poorly pandered to. I suppose my opinion on them was probably not too far off from how some fans feel towards human characters, they were not really my interest and I resented their presence. Pretty neutral on female transformers these days, though I viscerally hated Arcee when I was a kid.
I won't dispute the position being called retarded, I think I mostly held on to it out of stubborn immaturity and it is the kind of thing that should be grown out of with time. Screaming into the void and demanding that the entire world complies with my personal preferences is rather a silly way to live.
>As a Beast Wars watcher when I was a kid and later learning the writing team had to fight tooth and nail to even be allowed to have female characters in the show
Funny enough, I was never bothered by the female robots in Beast Wars and kind of liked Blackarachnia. Best retroactive explanation I can pull out of my arse is that animal themed transforming robots having sexual dimorphism didn't feel like as much of a stretch.

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No. 285486[Reply]

post below mediocre music that either make you cringe, laugh or both.
244 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 460821

This song is dumb and annoying lyrically. Why would you continue to pursue a girl who publicly rejected you? And if it's about a man, what reason would he have to hide pictures of her unless they were nudes?

No. 462208

I don't care how iconic it is, this is a terrible song.

No. 462517

Whoever sung this sounds bored as hell also a badly made song along with its cluttered, eye piercing visuals.

No. 462519

Ugly shitty song with ugly shitty animation. Why does this have so many views? Glorified Cocomelon

No. 462521

Ffs,There's another one too? Who actually likes this garbage?

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No. 460677[Reply]

Have you seen those stupid ass short comics that people make and are unfunny as fuck? Of course you have, they're all over social media. Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, DeviantArt, they're the bread and butter of unskilled artists and writers. Unfortunately, there's a ton of these bad short form comics floating around the internet (and people who make a living out of them, as perplexing as it is). Post the hilariously bad, terrible, lukewarm, mediocre, lazy infuriating, and most annoying ones here!

You can post
>Short comics
>Multiple pannels or illustrations
>4koma/4pannel comics
>Abstracts from a bigger comic

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No. 462490

I can't believe he's single even though he has no allergies!

No. 462510

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he's also a 50 year old japanese-american man married to a white woman and he's drawing shit like picrel

No. 462513

I've said this before but I really want a plushie of that Jew caricature. He drew him way too cute.

No. 462516

He's actually married? I thought getting dumped was what made him go from male feminist to /pol/schizo

No. 462566

the punchline is the same whether it's a breast reduction or top surgery. it's just haha garfield died from having big honkers. it's retarded. but whatever floats your boat ig

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No. 434325[Reply]

>FUJOSHI (腐女子, "rotten girl"): a self-mockingly pejorative Japanese term for female fans of manga and novels that feature romantic relationships between men.

>Discuss yaoi and BL here, as well as other media aimed at (or with fanservice for) fujoshis.

>Discussion of BL games here is okay, but please do not cannibalize the otome game general.
>Discussion of Male/Male ships outside of strictly BL series is allowed, try to avoid divisiveness between slashers and classic fujos.
>No straight shit, there are other threads for that.
>Feel free to ask for recommendations, but specify what kind of material you're looking for (Genre, oneshot/series, doujinshi, SFW/NSFW etc).
>Being reasonably critical of BL is welcomed but don't come here only to bait or excessively moralsperg about fujos or how much you hate BL as a genre. Take it to Twitter.
>Be mindful of others and hide your spoilers. Use the spoiler image option and wrap your text inside spoiler tags.
>Reminder to ignore the baiting males and trolls who come to provoke.
>Keep the armchair psychology to a minimum, we've heard it all before.
>Be nice to each other, we fujos should stick together.

Previous threads:
1# >>>/m/20688
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No. 462470

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being a fujo into feminine guys but not macho brickhouses is pain. So many cute ukes get ruined by being paired with the most generic looking black haired angsty semes.

No. 462475

Didnt this moid got exposed for suicide baiting and asking for nudes from his fans who cosplayed as the suicide boy? His whole shit reeks of pedoshit also hes a known gross troon

No. 462491

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I feel you. It's sad just how prevalent overly masculine semes are. I've been checking out Ruu1mm's works recently to offset that feeling. The few works that have translations all have cute ukes and semes getting together in a supernatural/light horror setting.

No. 462508

>recing bl made by troons
Fujoshism has fallen.

No. 462511

Being fair, it wasn't a rec as much as asking if it was worth reading.

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No. 346212[Reply]

What are you watching? What do you recommend watching?
Discuss your favorite (or not) series ITT!

previous: >>>/m/187844
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No. 460618

I loved the first one, but just couldn’t get into the second one. Idk, the first episode was just so boring to me.

No. 461079

any recs for more educational shows, ones on nature or history? I'm looking for some comfy background content that's not fictional and isn't reality tv

No. 461083

Horrible Histories, it's hilarious

No. 462505

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Is anyone watching the new season of The White Lotus? I'm hype for this season, the setup is interesting so far. I've got some questions for those watching
>Opinions on the freaky fucking incest molestation sub-plot?
>Opinions on Lisas love interest being a fugly middle aged man?
>Opinions/theories on the british girl and walton goggins relationship? I think she's going to fuck the woman she met at the bar!
>What is up with the sister and her sneaky obsession with buddhism?

No. 462565

Lynette and Bree are my favorites. I hope you continue to watch and enjoy. I had a soft spot for Desperate Housewives and used to watch when they actually showed it on tv back in the 2000s.

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No. 351019[Reply]

What are you reading, anons?

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No. 462223

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I think Alissa Nutting might be a retard

No. 462227

What are the best Shirley Jackson books in order? I'm going to buy a few books soon and I can't choose which Shirley Jackson book I should get

No. 462247

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I haven’t read any others by her because I’m pacing myself but Haunting of Hill House was one of the best stories I’ve ever read and I wish I could wipe my mind to read it for the first time again. I believe the Lottery and We Have Always Lived in the Castle are her other most-beloved works. The latter also has this really cool cover.

No. 462302

I'd say you should get We have always lived in the castle, it's my favorite, maybe because it was the first one i read. I loved Hill house too, also a good choice, and i didn't like Hangsaman very much (but you might!) I plan to read The bird's nest next and then The Sundial - in that order because The bird's nest sounds a little more interesting to me although i'm excited to read both. You could also see which blurb sounds the most interesting to you. If you get an edition of Hill house with an introduction, do not read the introduction it spoils the book kek. I love her female characters, weird codependent women, women desperate to be accepted, waiting for their life to start, women who feel like everyone's playing a joke on them, unpleasant autists, mommy issues etc. And the stories are beautifully tragic i won't spoil anything. There's also The road through the wall and an unfinished novel Come along with me. The lottery is a short story, you can find it online for free. There are multiple short story collections with stories that overlap but i think Dark tales and The lottery and other stories are the most popular. If you're interested in Shirley herself, there's the biography A rather haunted life by Ruth Franklin.

No. 462496

I feel like the only one here who didn't like the haunting of hill house. I had such a hard time finishing that book and it must have taken me over a year to read it and it's not that long at all. the parts where she hallucinated were pretty creepy but I just didn't get the point of the book overall, maybe I'm just stupid. I guess I should try reading it again

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