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Vote in the VPN ban runoff poll! Closing at 23:59 GMT on the 26th March.

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No. 460862[Reply]

ITT post shitty art. This can include:
>shit anatomy
>confusing compositions
>bizarre, autistic subject matter
>uncanny valley faces
>incompetent technique

Do not:
>Post loli, shota, or any other kind of fetish art depicting children
>Post porn or fetish material. Shitty fetish art now has its own dedicated thread ( >>>/m/166120 )
>Post AI-generated images. ( >>>/m/385404 )
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No. 475810

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guess who they’re supposed to be? like why does he have titties kek

No. 475814

It's a YouTube web series called Inanimate Insanity. Never got big like the other web series it copied (Battle for Dream Island), so pandered to gendies hard in an attempt to get an audience. Which didn't really work either.

No. 475821

New thread: >>475820

No. 475822


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 475854

lol i wish there was a thread to discuss the osc. maybe the autism one? i made most of my online friends there so i'm still "in" the fandom and sometimes contribute with fanarts here and there but the way it's so, so, so retardedly pro gendie has put me off greatly. it feels weird to be an adult still in the fandom, because it obviously aims very young, even more so when you're a crypto. i love how it also has its fair share of incredibly good asian artists.

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No. 401722[Reply]

Discuss manga here.

Previous threads:
#1 >>>/m/186701
#2 >>>/m/289577
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No. 475699

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Save Me. New kid at school is suspiciously defensive of a disabled kid who is getting bullied. Shit escalates real quick. There's also the Hanged Doll, awful translation but it's what's available and does the job of explaning the story. A bunch of friends and some strangers receive mysterious cards with ominous messages and drawings on them, so they team up to find the source and meaning of them.

No. 475701

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Samefag, here's the cover to Hanged Doll.

No. 475728

nonnie…i've already read it kek, i did enjoy it tho, Save Me is recommended alongside An Comfortable Truth a lot as is ACT with Save Me, but i think the similarity is in tone and violence and crazy strong brotherly bond between main characters but i think ACT has the more tragic ending while Save Me is on the happier side with the MCs alive and receiving mental care and a shitbag getting exactly what he deserves, the ending to ACT stuck with me more as a lesson on not letting issues fester because it's too hard to bring up, especially when such a sweet but naive major character diesand when he is killed among some nobodies just to bring up the body count of the kiler.
I will be checking out Hanged Doll however, the TL is unfortunate but if i've survived the more insufferable TL there is of SB BL side story, this should be nothing kek.

No. 475806

This thread is for manga only, if you want to discuss manhwa/webtoons use this thread >>>/m/230933

No. 475839

Remove the >/m/ if you're linking to a post on the same board.

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No. 439289[Reply]

Post weird, gross and stupid fetish art here so we don't clog the bad art thread.
SPOILER anything upsetting or NSFW.

Previous: >>>/m/166120
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No. 475432

I knew I had seen that catchphrase before.

No. 475507

It's especially weird when men are attracted to women pregnant with a different man's kids.

No. 475768

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No. 475778

Wtf, soyjak porn?

No. 475835

Shit. I hate how I know about the spoiler text. Should've never been subscribed to TheAnimeMan in middle school.

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No. 462640[Reply]

Post the worst of the worst character designs you can find. From the uncannily realistic to terrible reboots to oversexualized. It doesn't matter if it's from movies, TV, video games, comics, just has to be awful.

Previous threads
887 posts and 267 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 475334

>kinda want to blame take for this
Blame Vtubershit in general, I think that's where this horrid multi-colored fad started. If it hadn't been take, it would've been someone else.
At least with Kabu it makes sense, I wouldn't count him. With Piers it also makes sense because he has a punk/rock aesthetic (his hairstyle is stupid as fuck, however). As much as I hate her, Iono is obviously meant to be like a Vtuber, so her shitty design is perfectly on-brand. Larry would look a bit more normal, like Kabu, if only his silver streaks of hair weren't blue-ish, but since he's a Flying-type specialist, he just had to have some blue on him because that's the new human character design philosophy. It's funny that he's supposedly meant to look mundane as fuck, but next to gym leaders from 4-5 generations ago, he would probably stand out. It's not just his hair, his eyes and eyebrows are so fucking weird for no reason.
>like 3 of those guys have white/grey
The ugly toothpaste-haired beast next to Larry doesn't look like he has graying hair at all because the white streaks don't look organic (I'd say the same applies to Larry himself). Even without the colors, that guy's entire head is a mess.

No. 475354

>It's not just his hair, his eyes and eyebrows are so fucking weird for no reason.
Yeah I don't think the hair is bad but the new designs are far too cartoony and I hate it. Just give me anime again please, I would literally take same face syndrom over this

No. 475692

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It's not as retarded as the other designs itt but the thigh gap aggravates me

No. 475747

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I know this is the bad design thread but I just want to say. I actually think this design for Samus is pretty okay and I'm so fucking scared that they're gonna put the zero suit in Prime 4. Please god let that thing die a painful death

No. 475760

i hate how cluttered and overdesigned they all are now. the cookies were all simple but effective but in one moment devsisters decided to chase the genshin fan horse and now we get shit like this. and they're all super powerful gods or whatever, i don't really play anymore.

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No. 186847[Reply]

Post your favorite albums/artists/songs!
1126 posts and 48 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 467485

No. 467646

House and similar genres with repetitive beats with simple/no lyrics. Songs over 5 minutes long. People online keep recommending classical but that’s too damn boring for me.

No. 472214

No. 475711

Fun song Spotify just recommended me

No. 475712

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No. 445650[Reply]

Due to complaints in the hot/cute couples thread for incest posting, thought it be better to make an containment thread for it.

Post art, ships, discussions, anything related to incest (fiction only). What are some incest ships that you're guilty of liking? Any incest in media that you hate? Post them all here and please keep it civil and the degeneracy low since most incest material is scroteshit (if it involves female characters).
903 posts and 510 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 474533

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D4 x V3 is too spicy to comprehend but can be easily failed as another a/b/o type shit

No. 474586

I liked them too a while ago, but the thing is that the fans were already doing all the heavy lifting when it came to their depth, now the source material literally has thrown them in the trash so there isn't much to do. They had so much potential with the angst.

No. 475007

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That's why I don't play for about 2 years now and only kinda follow lore writeups. Last time I remembered my password was for Kaeya's hangout. Yet I'm still down bad for them and whatever fujos hallucinate out of every time one or the other gets a mention once in a year. They are both supposedly in the next patch, can't wait for my 3 sentences each Hoyo approved dialogue slop. Sigh

No. 475105

There was a bit of Vampire Knight discussion earlier, but is the anime worth it? Can I jump from where the anime ends into the corresponding point in the manga, or is there too much changed?

No. 475704

I like Enji/Shouto more

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No. 434325[Reply]

>FUJOSHI (腐女子, "rotten girl"): a self-mockingly pejorative Japanese term for female fans of manga and novels that feature romantic relationships between men.

>Discuss yaoi and BL here, as well as other media aimed at (or with fanservice for) fujoshis.

>Discussion of BL games here is okay, but please do not cannibalize the otome game general.
>Discussion of Male/Male ships outside of strictly BL series is allowed, try to avoid divisiveness between slashers and classic fujos.
>No straight shit, there are other threads for that.
>Feel free to ask for recommendations, but specify what kind of material you're looking for (Genre, oneshot/series, doujinshi, SFW/NSFW etc).
>Being reasonably critical of BL is welcomed but don't come here only to bait or excessively moralsperg about fujos or how much you hate BL as a genre. Take it to Twitter.
>Be mindful of others and hide your spoilers. Use the spoiler image option and wrap your text inside spoiler tags.
>Reminder to ignore the baiting males and trolls who come to provoke.
>Keep the armchair psychology to a minimum, we've heard it all before.
>Be nice to each other, we fujos should stick together.

Previous threads:
1# >>>/m/20688
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No. 475673

Novelupdates. It's called empathy though English title.

No. 475678

reverse google searched this and am now reading Reverse Thinking, thanks bestie

No. 475681

enjoy and read sadistic beauty next if you haven't yet

No. 475698

Np sis, enjoy! Please do tell your impressions haha.
Also about the "ew im not a fag gonna rape you faggot"…any recs? Asking for a friend.

No. 475703

>any recs
sadly none, just my future novel, stay tuned

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No. 192563[Reply]

A thread to discuss anime figures/merch!

Post new releases and announcements, your current preorders, collection/display inspo, ita bags, things you want to see released, what you're on the hunt for, etc!
997 posts and 468 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 472345

>Would they refund the items and send them back to the store?
Absolutely not. Depending on the proxy, the best you can do is either request for them to dispose of the item, or wait for the storage time to run out until it is automatically disposed of. You'll lose the money you spent on the item by doing so, but you won't have to pay for international shipping.

No. 472364

Nope, you either pay or lose the items and whatever you've bought.
You can use this calculator to estimate beforehand how much you will pay. You need to know more of less the weight of what you're buying, but that's easy by simply weighting similar items you already have, it doesn't need to be exact. That's what I always do and the shipping price is very similar to the one I get there, maybe 100-500y of difference as much.

And yeah, 15-20€ is usually what it costs, but it depends on what you're buying. If it's 2kg or more it will start at 25€ minimum (I had no idea ans had a very "fun" experience after I bought 2 artbooks).
If you're unsure, you're better off buying light clothes like accessories or shirts rather than trousers, hoddies or dresses, specially the later. One trouser or hoddie can be shipped for a nornal price though, but maybe you want to include something small as well to make the most out the package.

No. 475682

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The CxM nendoroids finally got painted prototypes (Or at least Okazaki did)
There might be hope for more Otome boys getting merch

No. 475689

Finally,I was afraid they were going to be stuck in production purgatory. Still waiting on my boy Shiraishi.

No. 475913

Nice! I was afraid these were never coming out

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No. 163104[Reply]

Post your wholesome sonic here.
(Sidenote: it's okay to post sonic on /ot/ just don't avatarfag please).
259 posts and 156 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 475205

I guess I just feel weird about these kids growing up with let's plays because the games were so easily accessible back then during the Ps2/gamecube/xbox era. And especially when the games went multi-platform after SA2 lol

>To be fair, I'm getting older myself too nona and I can't even find some jokes funny like that stupid Shadow latinas memes so I totally get it

EUGH. That one too. It's such a random thing and it just comes off more cringe than funny to me as well kek.

No. 475208

Thanks anon, I feel seen and not judged LOL I think you're right that it's mostly twitter gendies who are obsessed with SnapCube fandub. I was listening to a random SA2 livestream the other day and the person fucking quoted the "I miss my wife Tails" quote and when I went to check their Twitter page, BAM "she/they" pronouns in it kek.


LMAO I remember that channel, so fucking weird but still lowkey funny in some dumb way. I stopped watching him a few years ago though, no idea about the MLP stuff. That sucks. But I too would choose his stuff over Snapcube. It's still funny how people expect to see him as a lady tm when the dude is every nerdy moid troon stereotype (I'm sure there's a porn stash somewhere on his hard drive lol).

No. 475281

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Nah games are even more accessible now. Even if you don't just pirate SA1 DX and SA2 battle on a dolphin emulator you can get it for really cheap on steam (and even put on emulators to replicate the dreamcast version if you're autistic)
Tamers is weird. The MLP stuff quality wise was significantly higher than the SU stuff, Im 99.9999 percent sure he got a team or something. He was crazy though and would consistently make 1 hour+ animations once or even twice a month for like 10 years while having under 5k subscribers. I'm sure youtube got pissed at him for him constantly making all his non gay characters insanely homophobic or some shit (also I think he was finally growing subs).

I'm sure snapcube will probably get cancelled for grooming kids or some shit in a couple years. Hes so gross and troons liking sonic is ALWAYS a red flag.

No. 475519

>Nah games are even more accessible now. Even if you don't just pirate SA1 DX and SA2 battle on a dolphin emulator you can get it for really cheap on steam (and even put on emulators to replicate the dreamcast version if you're autistic)
You know, that's a great point, especially with emulators. I still have my original Gamecube from 2003 and it still works alogn with my Sonic games so the emulator thing didn't even cross my mind lol. So with this context, there's no excuse for these kids if they have the means. GO OUT AND PLAY'EM for yourself LOL
Though I will admit that sometimeswith these Gen z who play SA1 & SA2 and they say that they don't get why the games are so beloved and are mediocre to "bad" and it's like a knife in the heart and I'm just muttering to myself "You just had to be there man!" kek. Because even if a lot of us who grew up with the game have nostalgia for it, they were genuinely good games in their heyday.


Oh wow lol Yeah I never really knew much about him outside of his Sonic videos but 1 hour animations?? Wow kek. Yeah his videos more than likely were flying under the radar until he started getting more subbed and it made YouTube aware of his channel.

>I'm sure snapcube will probably get cancelled for grooming kids or some shit in a couple years. Hes so gross and troons liking sonic is ALWAYS a red flag.

Yeah that seems to be the case usually. I won't be surprised if it turns out that he's just another Discord groomer.

No. 475617

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between you and me, I didn't actually play/beat sa1/sa2 until later in life. For whatever reason it took me a while to get to them. I did play a bit of sa1 at a friends house back when it first game out on the dreamcast and that shit graphically blew my mind at the time and I couldn't fathom graphics getting better lmao.

Anyways, I still think the games, while not perfect, are still very fun even by todays standards. They are more enjoyable than games like Frontiers, which wasn't bad but also not that fun either. And this is without the nostalgia glasses. They are fun, idk what to say.

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No. 209644[Reply]

Post art of personified objects, animals, foods, brands, etc!
577 posts and 432 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 473484

The back of her hair looks like actual buttcheeks

No. 475575

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No. 475590

That's so cute, this is exactly how i imagined moomin to look like as a human

No. 475746

Holy shit, a non-horny Ankha gijinka. So rare every since she was colonized by gooners.

No. 475844

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