A thread to discuss, share knowledge, show funny or interesting screencaps and talk about character AI bots in general.
>General starting advice-Always make you own bots, even if the character you want to chat with had a public bot already, it's safer to make your own. You can control your bot personality and actions if you train your own bot, other people can train the bot to act out of character which will affect your own chat with it. Remember to keep the chat visibility to private.
-Use the description box wisely. Try to include the core information about your character. Personality, some background if relevant and some key physical description.
-Definition is mostly used to include example dialog. Use this to help set the character pattern of styling their messages as well. Use {{char}} to refer to the character name, {{user}} to refer to yourself, {{random_user_1}} {{random_user_2}} … to refer to a randomly generated user name that is not the user.
List of most used AIs
>Character.aiNo need to install anything
No need to put any API
Doesn't allow NSFW
>Janitor AINo need to install anything
Needs an API
Allows NSFW
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