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/m/ - media

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Vote in the VPN ban runoff poll! Closing at 23:59 GMT on the 26th March.

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No. 460677[Reply]

Have you seen those stupid ass short comics that people make and are unfunny as fuck? Of course you have, they're all over social media. Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, DeviantArt, they're the bread and butter of unskilled artists and writers. Unfortunately, there's a ton of these bad short form comics floating around the internet (and people who make a living out of them, as perplexing as it is). Post the hilariously bad, terrible, lukewarm, mediocre, lazy infuriating, and most annoying ones here!

You can post
>Short comics
>Multiple pannels or illustrations
>4koma/4pannel comics
>Abstracts from a bigger comic

Previous threads:
thread #1 >>>/m/232318
thread #2 >>>/m/256627
thread #3 >>>/m/314190
thread #4 >>>/m/345693
thread #5 >>>/m/390554
thread #6 >>>/m/420958
517 posts and 137 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 475116

aww :( white women are so persecuted :( the most victimest of all women :((USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 475122

I want to alog that ugly bald ginger.

No. 475127


No. 475234

She is too retarded to understand that acting coy like that IS the appeal for her audience.

No. 475257

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never 5get

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No. 17472[Reply]

Dump what you got
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No. 474389

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No. 474720

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No. 474721

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No. 474727

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No. 475016

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No. 16053[Reply]

Welcome to meme hell!
Post old, bad, unfunny, ironically funny memes, memes that make your skin crawl, memes you're ashamed you like, etc
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No. 473280

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No. 473313

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No. 473411

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No. 474920

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No. 474922

Can this pleeeeease be an amerifag threadpic

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No. 198294[Reply]

Discuss lost media, talk about possible lost media, share videos and information, post findings, rare cases, and hoaxes. Any personal input on the matter is welcome as well!
>Do you have any favorite lost media?
>Anything you're hoping to be discovered?
>Is there anything you consider a lost cause?
>Do you have anything that you personally are searching for? Or any media you might think has become lost?
All types of media welcome, including the creepy ones.
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No. 472243

This song was found. I never knew about the search but listening to it, it's nice.

No. 472249

old but thank you for mentioning this! i dig lost media because i like the melancholy that goes with things like these, i guess, so finding out that a project that might seem interesting and mysterious was actually made two days ago by an attention seeking social media personality wannabe is so disheartening. the lacey shit bothers me particularly since the creator put no effort into making it look genuine and convincing, god fucking dammit i hate args lol.

No. 472905

Not something I find interesting but maybe some nonnas will enjoy this

No. 472915

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Midnight Horror School is one of my favourite TV shows from my childhood and also a sort of urban legend because both the English and Latinamerican dubbing are lost except for one episode uploaded on YouTube.
Even in Japan is difficult to find media of this show, the few of it archived or owned by collectors.

I really hope someday the studio behind the dubbings actually answer something instead of just teasing on X…

No. 474912

Fond my mind was found

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No. 398962[Reply]

Post crossover art of characters from different series/franchises together or have them referencing, dressing, or drawn in a different artstyle from other series/franchises.

Thread #1: >>>/m/210757
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No. 473195

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No. 474503

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No. 474571

who's the white person next to Snufkin?

No. 474864

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Siffrin from In Stars and Time

No. 474865

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add this guy

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No. 182915[Reply]

A thread requested on /g/. Rate or roast these 2D men. Question or praise anon's tastes. You may also post waifus. Don't take things too seriously okay.
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No. 474790

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Link: He's a classic for a reason 10/10
Asgore: I feel quite conflicted about him but I can't feel too negatively either 6.5/10
Door-kun: 4/10, I genuinely don't know what you can see in him but atleast he's cute
N: 9/10 He was one of my first as well, too bad he gets mischaracterized so often in other pokemedia
Saeran: 3/10, Heavily depends on the aspect of him you like, you should still probably stay away from him though
Izuru: I'm sorry but I see nothing there and I just hated him the entire time he was onscreen 2/10
Kai: A "househusband" for a reason, he's amazing 9/10

No. 474820

I remember I when I was a kid reading D. Gray Man, seeing this guy and thinking "this guy was drawn with visuals in mind first, then character."

No. 474822

ngl that's most characters in that series, they look cool as hell but are as deep as a paper bag

No. 474823

Cool picrel, very stylish.

No. 474833

True, but Tyki had a particular amount of "this is something I think is hot" going on.

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No. 247993[Reply]

>Homestuck is an Internet fiction series created by American author and artist Andrew Hussie in the first half of the 2010s. Its plot centers on a group of teens who unwittingly bring about the end of the world by installing the beta version of an upcoming computer game, Sburb.

A thread to discuss Homestuck, Hiveswap, and other MSPA stories. Try to limit discussion of the drama surrounding HS^2. It's bad, everyone knows it's bad, let's focus on the good stuff instead. Or the less bad stuff. It is Homestuck after all.
Starter questions:
>Favorite characters? flashes? songs?
>Fanfic recs/fanventure recs
>Opinions on the vriskcourse?

Homestuck^2 /snow/ thread: >>>/snow/981279
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No. 473825

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I literally just want this finished. God, the current team is so worthless.

No. 473864

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Who's going?

No. 473871

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Samefag, Cute art but why did they make john and dave like that?

No. 473876

youre being disingenuous, john was arguably vriska's least unhealthy relationship (which says a lot considering its vriska) and they genuinely had good chemistry and talked about dating and then later john is just like "who is vriska? oh that bitch? i kinda hate her lol". it was just shit writing

No. 474807

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No. 242911[Reply]

Lost the original thread in the /m/assacre, wanted to bring this back. A thread for discussing and learning game development, women/projects to check out, and venting about things that are impossible to talk about in regular game dev spaces.
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No. 474773

Other nonas are right, the included tutorial is the way to go. But Ren'py is not hard at all. All you'd need is basic show statements for sprites, menus for choices (you can copypaste the menu code from the Ren'py documentation), basic python variables, and to keep track of your labels for different chapters and endings. You could make a very small branching novel in a day and take that framework to make something bigger. Good luck!

No. 474774

I'll play the included tutorial then. It probably sounds lame but I was honestly a little intimidated to download Ren'Py in the first place. I need to at least try because the story I'm making has multiple routes and wouldn't really work in another medium.
I gotta do it for my DIY husbandos.
I saved this picture a long time ago from another imageboard because I thought it's cute but I'm not sure who made it. I reverse image searched it and an artist with a very similar art style comes up. But it's unfortunately some Russian anime coomer (many such cases), the vampire picture is still adorable though.

No. 474776

nta but bonus tip! use premade code assets or pirate them

No. 474795

I am a complete retard and have released several Renpy games. Once you've learned the very basics, it's a lot of copy paste if you don't care about optimization.

No. 474837

that's too bad, i love a scruffy goth vampire

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No. 186848[Reply]

Let's discuss mobile games. Post recommendations, salt, anything.
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No. 472743

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>female focused
>moid centered
NTA but I believe the term you're looking for is "oriented". If you say "focused", people are going to think you mean that the focus is on a cast of female characters, same with "centered".
So what you want is a female-focused AND female-oriented game instead of a female-focused, male-oriented one. Sadly I think that's impossible unless it's a really obscure game, because more popular shit is most definitely going to be for moids. What you're describing sounds like a joseimuke yuri gacha game, which would be neat but I don't know if there's one yet.
All I can think of is some mobile otome games with female romance options. https://vndb.org/v20983
also ftfy

No. 474646

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Should I reinstall arknights? I last played in 2022 and am probably super behind on everything…

No. 474663

The game has barely changed, so its up to you. Thornsalt is coming in like 5 months if you want to save for that

No. 474708

I want him but i want logos as well… i wish it was easier to get standard ops in this game after the initial release banner.

No. 474745

Logos is on a pick-your-own-banner thing right now, but you’ll have to pick 2 other ops and its a 1 in 3 chance to get him. Did you leave a stash behind? You could dump everything on that and if you get him, continue playing otherwise just forget the game

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No. 444422[Reply]

Chiikawa and everything Nagano-sensei including previous and future protects. Discuss Chiikawa, post theories about the lore, dump chiikawa pictures, talk about merch and collabs, etc.
Some fun questions:
>What do you like about Chiikawa?
>Favorite character(s)?
>Favorite arc so far?
>Favorite piece of merch/collab?

Wikipedia blurb about chiikawa:
>Chiikawa (ちいかわ), also known as Nanka Chiisakute Kawaii Yatsu (なんか小さくてかわいいやつ, "Something Small and Cute"), is a Japanese manga series by Nagano. The main contents of the work are the daily lives and interactions of a series of cute animal or animal-inspired characters. It has been serialized online via Twitter since January 2020. An anime television series adaptation premiered in April 2022.

Official English website:
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No. 474403

File: 1742856489115.jpg (85.22 KB, 720x720, 20250117-148_720x.jpg)

I love this pencil sharpener… It's been years since I stopped collecting stationary of any kind, this one is the exception

No. 474404

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I would be so motivated if I saw cute chiikawa and hachiware studying hard everyday

No. 474681

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she is so cute

No. 474698

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i must not consoom i must not consoom i must not consoom i must not consoom i must not consoom

No. 475292

holy shit… so cute

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