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Vote in the VPN ban runoff poll! Closing at 23:59 GMT on the 26th March.

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No. 410975[Reply]

Share crappy memes, whether coomer, boomer, nonsensical, cringe, offensive or just unfunny
789 posts and 267 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 474693

feces mimicking shit

No. 474694

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Speaking of khyleri, his art regressed so badly

No. 475352

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No. 475379

These are the laziest gijinkas I have ever seen.

No. 475397

Is allendista a troon?

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No. 190380[Reply]

thread for comic books, et cetera - DC, marvel, whatever you like (picrel is red hood). not a purist, so feel free to talk about movie/game adaptions as well, as long as it's related to source material.

what comics have you been reading/have read? do u think the recent trend of superhero movies is good for the industry? DC or marvel (with minimal infighting)?
297 posts and 116 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 469132

Into the trash it goes.

No. 469143

No. 471835


Like others have said, their non-canon work is usually good. Usually niche or characters with a smaller following also have the occasionally good comic but I think what really messed DC up was that dumb 5G plan Didio wanted.

That's why certain dumb changes stuck and haven't been reversed (eg: aging up Jon). I'm not an avid Didio hater and the man has occasionally pushed for unpopular ideas that eventually did work out (mainly Jamie's Blue Beetle tbh) but his disdain for legacy characters, arguably something DC does 100% better with less tension than Marvel, caused so much stagnation. But then his weird 5G plan fucked with so many characters and now since Didio is gone idk if DC will bother reversing some stuff.

It's kind of hilarious how much this event messed up so much of the main storyline. Almost every single bad or mediocre story can be traced back to the failed 5G initiative.

It sucks because pre-new 52 DC was basically ready for whatever Didio wanted to do in terms of pushing the older characters and focusing on younger gen. But introducing a zillion new characters out of the blue while other characters are exist aimlessly isn't a good move.

No. 471838

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I haven't picked up Absolute WW but I can't decide if people like the run because, from what I can tell, it has veryy strong elements of "oh I understood that reference!!1!!". While it's obvious that her run is more successful than Superman's and Batman's it feels idk not as risky?
Anyway none of this means much because my judgement is based on reactions and random panels. I'll read it very soon so I can have an actual worthwhile opinion instead of kneejerks.

What do you think nonna??

No. 475351

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From the Harley Quinn fart comic

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No. 165676[Reply]

Previous Threads:
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No. 473609

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shauna fucking shipman. I have never liked her. not even in season one. every new episode she finds a new way to get in my nerves.

No. 473649

HARD agree with both of you, not one untrue thing was said

No. 474467

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Absolutely worthless addition to the Sonic franchise. I haven't met one Sonic fan who genuinely likes her. No personality and shitty 2edgy4u black and red Deviantart OC design. I feel like only lolifags like her.

No. 475338

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I always hated fluttershy as a kid. I suffered from social anxiety as a kid and teenager and seeing that reflected into fluttershy made me cringe so hard. I feel more neutral towards her now though since i have grown out of my anxiety.

No. 475809

Wait, this is a Sonic character? Even the stupid magic cat woman fits in better.

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No. 185471[Reply]

Want to Jojo post but don't want to clog up any threads? Here's the thread for you!
>JoJo's Bizarre Adventure tells the story of the Joestar family, a family whose various members discover they are destined to take down supernatural foes using powers that they possess.

Any and all discussion about JJBA goes here! Make sure you hide any spoilers by putting '##' before and after the spoiler (without the apostrophes)
369 posts and 170 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 475284

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It's a good thing that Diego is simply too sexy to be ruined.

No. 475289

I don't think there was any confirmation ever. But knowing Araki, it's possible. I see it as a ship fans enjoy. Although Araki can be more explicit with his gays like in part 5 (Gelato and Sorbet, Tiziano and Squalo) and part 7 (Scarlett Valentine and Magent Magent).

No. 475291

I don't think Speedwagon was gay, necessarily, but a LOT of dudes were hot for Jonathan including Dio.

No. 475318

Is romance or sex the only way you can see two characters having a deep bond?

No. 475328

When both are male - yes.

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No. 439178[Reply]

Hey, we had a similar thread like this in the past before the m/ wipeout but it never got remade so i decided to make one.

What this thread is about:
>Discussing female erotica and smut pertaining to: media, games, movies, series, mangas, doujins, manhwas, audio etc.
>josei smut

>this is a thread for josei smut only so do BL or YURI content is FORBIDDEN from being posted in this thread.
>Keep things civil with each other.
>Do not engage with baiters and just report.
>Do not post uncensored unspoilered porn in the replies.
>Criticism of a work is fine but please do not attack the readers.
>Defending a work is fine but please do not infight or ad-hominem the person critiquing it.
317 posts and 89 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 475384

Yeah that shit was absolutely retarded but overall it was good. I wonder who in their right minds would believe that.

No. 475388

If that takes you out I don't know how you can tolerate any r18 works. I mean I've lost count of how many times I've seen the "your vagina will remember the shape of my penis" line.

No. 475392

That line is more like 'you were made for me' 'you feel so good' 'we fit perfectly' kind of stuff.
While talking about how masturbating with your fingers will turn your vagina dark is just gross misinformation.

No. 475522

>"your vagina will remember the shape of my penis"
kek I think that one is easy to interpret as an over-the-top figurative sentence or idiom. Kinda like saying "I was scared shitless".

No. 475570

I just checked this out and I enjoyed it too, I like that they made the mc horny instead of some ditsy otome tier virgin + she’s drawn with normal proportions. Wish more josei manga like this existed.

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No. 431212[Reply]

Drop funny images here that don't fit other /m/ threads. GIFs are permissible if they make you laugh, but no videos please.

If yours belongs in one of these, post it there instead:
Dumb bitch memes >>195463
Manhating memes >>186908
LC-specific memes >>204843
Tumblr/Twitter posts >>191778
Bad/unfunny memes >>410975 >>16053
136 posts and 105 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 474632

You just reminded me that the anime that guy comes from had so much potential and then it was ruined by a dumb shoehorned self-insert of one of the writers. Guy was funny though.

No. 474877

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No. 474888

Magical girl ex machina from an alternate dimension came, casted ungay on everybody, and then fucked off her home planet lmao

No. 475300

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No. 475316

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Reaction pic material, thank you

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No. 423482[Reply]

ITT post your work and receive critique, advice, and feedback.

>Be honest, but don't be excessively cruel; remember that these artists are your fellow farmers.
>Try to be specific when asking for pointers
>Be gracious when receiving critique, because sometimes the most difficult feedback to hear the most valuable >Remember that art is subjective, and that anons may not agree with each others' critiques; this is not a reason to start an infight
>Check the Artist Salt threads in /ot/ for books and other resources for improving your work

Previous thread:
1006 posts and 215 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 474249

This looks crisp as hell! I love the hard shadows and color choices. Good job carving out those shadow shapes. Maybe adding a third, darker shadow value on the hair and face could add more dimension to those areas. Also kinda nitpicky but his hand looks a little stiff.

No. 474255

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>This looks crisp as hell! I love the hard shadows and color choices. Good job carving out those shadow shapes.
thanks nonny! the pants were a pain in the ass.
>Maybe adding a third, darker shadow value on the hair and face could add more dimension to those areas
Thanks , i will try that next time. I leaned hard onto Hisashi's simple 2-value style for this one. But i will try to play more with values next time or go flat-only.
>Also kinda nitpicky but his hand looks a little stiff.
nah its not nitpicky the hand is also incredibly small, so it looks a bit goofy. Same for the ear i think.

No. 475297

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petition for nightcrawler to get a spiderverse 3 cameo since he had a recent run larping as spidey. tried copying the art style of the movies

No. 475299

Looks cool!

No. 475313

Wonderful. Sexo. No notes.

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No. 285486[Reply]

post below mediocre music that either make you cringe, laugh or both.
260 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 469185

14 million views and it became a viral hit song (like Baby Shark except about dog poop).

No. 474855

Awful cucked lyrics

No. 474856

eminem has never released a good song

No. 475295

I died from the cringe. The lyrics don't flow well in his rap parts either, it sounds like a conversation.

No. 475307

Fitting that there first album is their only album that still holds up and it was basically just Jamiroquai and modern R&B ripoffs

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No. 468989[Reply]

Discuss and share your favorite female content creators.
>twitch streamers
>everything else

Please provide a short description of the creator you are sharing!

Previous thread:
38 posts omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 469183

No. 469192

Can you guys please add a small description of the person/her content youre sharing

No. 469445

Found this linguistics and accent channel.

No. 473898

I know I posted her in the last thread but J Draper has such an awesome channel, she uploaded this hour long video about the women's suffrage movement, mostly in the UK. I've only watched half of it so far but it's really interesting, and horryfing to learn what these little Edwardian ladies went through just so women could get the vote. Highly recommend watching

No. 475293

Been wanting to share this for a while, I like her unpretentious discussion of this movie and how most YouTube essayist miss the point entirely because they (moids) can't admit this is a movie about the difficult transformation from girl to woman with fame and idol culture as a backdrop.

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No. 191532[Reply]

A thread to discuss tropes. Those you love, those you hate, think are overused, reverse tropes etc
136 posts and 23 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 471128

We used to think that if there was a real external, existential threat like alien invasion it would unite all of humanity and usher in an era where we put aside our differences and fought something together as one species. I think the whole global warming thing has proved that wouldn't happen so so alien invasion doesn't show up in media as much since we all know now it wouldn't represent a paradigm shift in our collective history.

No. 471177

That's a very interesting explanation. Thank you!

No. 472731

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I've seen some discussion in some thread (forgot which one) about how there are barely any female equivalents of the perverted ugly old man trope. I've been playing Yakuza/RGG and, despite all the other degenerate moid shit in these games, there's also a surprising amount of scenes where old women openly perv on younger males.

There's Etsuko in Y0 and Kiwami 2, Granny White in Y2/K2, that Okinawan lady in Y3, and probably more in the other games. I wish this was more common in other media. Could use some improvements, too, like making the perverted ugly old granny an important character, now that would be interesting.

No. 475268

I love sibling love triangles, as in two siblings fall in love with the same person and fight over them. And maybe the other kind too… What are your guys' favorite romance tropes?

No. 475270

I like when siblings fall in love with each other

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