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No. 307998[Reply]

A thread to discuss, share knowledge, show funny or interesting screencaps and talk about character AI bots in general.

>General starting advice

-Always make you own bots, even if the character you want to chat with had a public bot already, it's safer to make your own. You can control your bot personality and actions if you train your own bot, other people can train the bot to act out of character which will affect your own chat with it. Remember to keep the chat visibility to private.
-Use the description box wisely. Try to include the core information about your character. Personality, some background if relevant and some key physical description.
-Definition is mostly used to include example dialog. Use this to help set the character pattern of styling their messages as well. Use {{char}} to refer to the character name, {{user}} to refer to yourself, {{random_user_1}} {{random_user_2}} … to refer to a randomly generated user name that is not the user.
List of most used AIs
No need to install anything
No need to put any API
Doesn't allow NSFW
>Janitor AI
No need to install anything
Needs an API
Allows NSFW
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No. 402993

nonnas i deleted my beta character ai account. Is it gone forever even if I try to log back in multiple times and get stuck on a loading screen? Not that I want it back, I want it to stay gone and delete all my chats forever, I'm paranoid about leaks. Forgive me if I sound like a retard here kek
(i only use old version if that helps)

No. 404985

are any of you on any paid proxy? I've been thinking about buying a token from pepsi but idk, I would like to know if any of you have experience with that. I just want opus.

No. 404996

I am using OpenRouter which has Opus, just keep in mind its expensive as fuck. OpenRouter is also a bit finnicky with nsfw so you really need to work to get nsfw to work.

No. 405008

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No. 405082

I made a bot based on a character from existing media who is very mysterious with a dark past etc. and wrote it so that he would confess his secrets to {{user}} at some point, except now the bot has decided that the big secret is actually that he’s gay and he keeps coming out to me at regular intervals. It’s kind of hilarious but also please stop.

Well now I want to know what his usual attire looks like.

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No. 383598[Reply]

A thread for anons to request drawings and trade art. You can leave your request below! Quality and quantity may vary. Everyone is welcomed to participate, remember this thread is just for fun.
Rate my art thread: >>>/m/373122
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No. 398812

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can I get something like this but with Elsie. maybe instead of trolls it can be fish and bait

No. 399235

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draw him(shitpost)

No. 405068

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i like birds so i kept them sorry nona

No. 405130

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changed it to say bait

No. 405189

lol I love it

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No. 191778[Reply]

Because /m/ is kill

Prev >>>/m/106870
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No. 396084

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No. 396086

Unfunniest shit I’ve read in my life and your homeschooled retard child will never succeed in life

No. 405044

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No. 405069

I think I mentioned this before in this same context, but I'm allergic to ibuprofen so these memes make zero sense to me.

No. 405083

"ibuprofen" in this case is euphemism

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No. 279476[Reply]

post edgelord/edgelady characters and edgy movies, comics, shows, cartoons, art and music that you may like
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No. 387112

No, I'm not attracted to him. People were fighting about him in the ugly man psyop thread in /ot/.

No. 387135

After that anon on g said he looks like lurch and draw him sunglasses that's all I can see. This guy would probably make an angry song about da big areolas anyway so I might as well imagine him a beanie to complete the look.

No. 387304

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No. 392618

No. 405039

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No. 401722[Reply]

Discuss manga here.

Previous threads:
#1 >>>/m/186701
#2 >>>/m/289577
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No. 405025

Incredibly rushed and abrupt, I feel robbed. this page >>404955 made me bust out laughing though

No. 405027

is he actually trans or is he just an okama/crossdresser

No. 405033

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It's kinda ambiguous. Iirc he was dressed like a woman and having sex with males, then when he gets saved by the main guy, he also gives him oral as a "thank you". And he proposed to be family with him and consider the nephew their son, and a line about how he "can't get pregnant". There's picrel.

No. 405035

File: 1721926231048.jpg (Spoiler Image,234.51 KB, 1105x1600, 22-o.jpg)

Samefag, male MC takes revenge for the troon dressed up in his wig and coat. It's BL with extra steps at this point.

No. 405037

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Samefag, I completely forgot picrel happened KEK

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No. 372209[Reply]

This thread is for discussing historical figures from a fan perspective:
>fanfic or fanart of historical figures
>shipping them with yourself or others (m/m, f/m or f/f all welcome)
>simply shitposting about them

this is about dead historical figures, not living people or fictional characters.
please don't start arguments about husbandos or fujos or cringe. ignore and report bait.

serious history thread: >>>/m/271005
historical lolcows thread: >>>/ot/650010
101 posts and 56 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 382685

Me! I love Hornblower and the Aubrey-Maturin novels. I also got into the Franklin expedition because of that AMC series about it. The Age of Sail fandom on Tumblr is sadly overrun by gendies, so it’s nice to find other women who are into this stuff without the other nonsense.

No. 382686

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He kind of looks like this

No. 382743

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hey they're still heroic dead royal navy blokes so they count
im not a husbandofag but i like a lot of historical ships. i couldn't reamly get into the hornblower/ aubrey stuff because i very much prefer the actual historical people, especially nelson and co. also im probably the only nutjob on earth who ships brueys/nelson

No. 382846

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Segments of some Russian documentary on Naps. Can't find the title now, sadly, even though I had it somewhere at one point. I'll try to look for it in my spare time.

No. 405011

Late, but I found it. The actor playing Naps is Yuri Chursin, here's the info on the film (weirdly enough, I couldn't find it on IMDb): https://yurychursin.ru/1812

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No. 368628[Reply]

Feel free to discuss and rant about:

>Instances of sexism in your favorite video games.

>Instances of sexism in video games you don't like.
>Sexism in the videogame industry.
>Sexism within the emulation scene.
>Videogames that are advertised as only for girls or only for boys.
>Specific videogame developers and publishers.
>Specific sexist videogame developers/emulator developers.
>Differences between how women view sexism in videogames v.s. how men see sexism in videogames generally.
>How your society views women and girls into playing and/or developing videogames.
…and much more.

Videogames on consoles, emulators, computers and mobile devices are all welcome to be in this thread.

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No. 404995

Something about this guy gives me "muh based patriarchal Asian fetishizer" vibes.

No. 404998

Wait, nikke is feminist? Since when?
Adding a child into a coomer gacha game was intentional. They know enough about their audience to check off every sick fetishes these moids have. It's why genshin doesn't have a shota model since forever because they know cute little girls sell but they won't every say it.

No. 405001

Pornified depictions of women somehow = feminism according to braindead faggots. See also "stan twitter". I still believe this kind of moids are more or less actually bisexual and/or AGP in denial though.

No. 405005

Oh, you man the same retards who think mihoyo is totes progressive for having more waifus than husbandos? kek.

No. 405006

NTA but as a Genshintard I've had to face numerous conversations like this. Some of them are troons (especially the "these characters are made for ~sapphics~" crowd), but some are living flesh women who sperg about how hating them is literal misogyny because you're not letting women express their sexuality and you're practically slutshaming all these extremely empowering cartoon women. I always got the impression that they know it's bullshit but don't want to rock the boat nor admit that women are constantly coomified for male pleasure because that would be too scary and blackpilling.

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No. 233370[Reply]

discuss the books, the hbo series & spinoffs, media amd fan content
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No. 404244

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Not yet. Apparently they got him a role as a minor male character. Idk where the rumor about him playing sabitha frey came from. They got a woman cast for that role already. But thank god at least they didnt have a scrote in place of a canon lesbian

No. 404255

Why is Alicent such a shit girl boss. This episode almost made me feel bad for her. Ugh I wish this was Rhaenrya vs Alicent like the promo art suggested it would be.

No. 404474

The only good scenes were Aemond torturing Aegon (TGC's acting was amazing) and Gwayne talking about Daeron. This shit is abysmally boring.

No. 404964

Because I have end stage autism I wanted to ask nonnies ITT: what do you think would happen if the Greens and the Lannisters exchanged brothers via time travel/autism magic? Would Aemond be a good brother to Jaime? And would Aegon be a good brother to Tyrion?

No. 404979

Aemond and Jamie would probably get along, Aegon would bully the shit out of Tyrion though

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No. 311690[Reply]

Talk about the series, the movies, comics and anything related the the Resident Evil franchise.

Feel free to discuss the characters, the games, the plot, the fandom or anything related to it.

>What was your first contact with the franchise?

>What's your favorite game or media?
>What's your least favorite?
>Predictions for the future releases?
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No. 403506

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No. 403877

Super late reply, but I completely agree. There's a current annoying trend of complaining about "Leon fans" when this is nothing new nor just applied to Leon. I know a guy who only played the remakes and openly talks about wanting to fucking Ada and parrots the hatred towards Ada's VA, he's just repeating vitriol from his stupid buddies. As usual, the double standard for men and women in fandoms still stands.
Kekkk those moments really saved the gameplay of 6 for me, playing with your friend was kind of fun tbh. Compared to Outbreak, 5, and Revelations 2, the coop was smoother.

No. 404932

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No, I am not a real fan (gross). Yes, I played the games. Yes, I just want to fuck Leon.

Imagine sweatily proving to some worthless front pole that you're a "real fan" of dweeb media instead of condescending to it. Brown-nosing nerdy moids like they're not subhumans who should be elated you even recognize their retarded hobby.

No. 405131

Love me a man who can cook.

No. 405138

>their retardaded hobby
Hey, moids can fuck off, it's my retarded hobby. I'll welcome all Leonfuckers and any other woman into my dweeb media interest. The whole male playerbase of RE could rot in my books. I'll forgive the male devs because they gave us hot men, but that doesn't absolve their other sins. I hope the devs keep adding stuff like the cat ears for infinite ammo in RE4. My recent favorite pastime in RE fandom is seeing men give tantrums because they think it's humiliating to wear that accessory. They are such crybabies kek

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No. 348679[Reply]

What have you watched? What are you looking forward to? Who deserves an Oscar?

prev: >>254795
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No. 404405

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Watched this last night at the theater. I think it's one of his weakest movies, I still can't decide if it's better or worse than Killing of a Sacred Deer but it's definitely down there. The three story aspect was interesting, the first one and the last one were the strongest in my opinion but the second one had the highest ups and downs for me, I actually wheezed at the dog island scene, the music and Emma's acting and the final montage with the suicide dog and human roadkill were just too absurd I wish he had chosen one to develop into an actual movie though. Felt like Lanthimos was pulling a Wes Anderson.

I've seen people compare it to Dogtooth in terms of absurdist surrealism but I think Dogtooth is much superior as it actually has a coherent narrative and takes its time to build up its crazy world. Anybody else watch it? What were your thoughts?

No. 404427

I was so so on poor things, was this better than poor things? (please tell me it was)

No. 404438

Surprisingly, no. If you're a fan of the being uncomfortable horrified, and then laughing at the absurdity his movies cause then Poor Things is a better narrative. The only thing I hate about it is the ending trying to be a "feminist message", he should stick to bleak endings like in Lobster or the Favorite, yes it makes the movie unpopular but it's much more interesting imo.

If I had to rank all the Yorgos Lanthimos movies I've watched, it'd be The Lobster>Dogtooth> The Favorite>Poor Things>Kinds of kindness>Killing of a Sacred Deer.

No. 404929

I've seen TCM and The Omen a while ago, but I watched The Wicker Man for the first time last night and liked it. The movie length seemed short but it was like the perfect amount of time for the plot. I've also never seen Christopher Lee act so silly because I'm only familiar with his acting from his older years.

I actually got to see The Thing during its anniversary screening, which was really fun. Unfortunately it was on the first day when they played the really fuzzy looking rip so it was like watching a VHS tape at a movie theater

I'll add this one to my list! I also watched Audition this week, and while it was good I don't think I'd watch it again. The moid abuse scenes were entertaining especially after the reveal of how sleazy the main character actually was[spoiler]but I disliked the amount of [spoiler]child abuse scenes

No. 404993

Audition was also a really good book, highly recommend.

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