>>449422You missed the point of my post entirely. Refer to this
>>449437 post.
In real life, when a man cares about his appearance he's shamed by other men as "gay" and women become suspicious of his sexuality, because society has deemed it inappropriate for males to do that. It's even more "inappropriate" for a man to become a sex object for the female gaze, moids are only expected to be treated as sex objects when they're gay, AKA trying to appeal to other men. So if a male wants to signal that he's straight, he'll avoid doing "gay" and "womanly" things such has caring about his looks or trying to look young, pretty and attractive for women, and if he wants to signal that he's gay, he'll do the opposite to attract other men. On the other hand, the designated sex object in society is the female sex. All of this seeps into all kinds of media, including anime and manga. That's why we get shit like this
>>443117, and shit like het smut by and for women where the female protagonist is objectified more than the male, while moids get to enjoy their tons of hentai where they can self-insert into a blank slate loser male like them, free to imagine themselves having sex with and being loved and accepted by impossibly attractive half-naked waifus without having to ever see one pretty male's face. And if you want to see impossibly attractive half-naked husbandos in your anime and manga, you'll have to consume yaoi 99.9999% of the time because that's the only female-oriented genre where males are consistently objectified.
But there's a problem: not everyone who hates to see her viewer insert/player character sexualized is a fujo or wants to see two men fuck. It doesn't matter that it's by and for women and different from gay porn. Conversely, if you don't want to see two hot males fuck each other, it doesn't mean that you want to be a bimbo doormat with balloon tits who gets raped and abused. Women just wanting to fuck hot 2D boys without thinking about their own appearance is seen as so weird that some people can't even imagine it's a thing and they think that women's desires can only be either voyeur fujoism/ship autism or autogynephilia/autopedophilia/internalized moid gaze. So when they find out that straight wo
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