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No. 443713[Reply]

140 posts and 93 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 464788

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No. 464794


No. 465229

You'd probably have to use either Midjourney or Stable Diffusion/Flux with a LoRA, I think those are the only ones where you can generate real people.

No. 465280

File: 1740856376796.jpg (4.58 MB, 2880x2880, 20250301_221207.jpg)

Sailing the web

No. 466483

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No. 199417[Reply]

bringing back my fave thread after it got wiped out in the great /m/pocalypse. post your bruised, bandaged, bloody, and hurt 2d/3d cuties.

reminder that this is not a guro/ryona thread
387 posts and 279 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 464532

File: 1740678453205.png (Spoiler Image,1.68 MB, 1920x1080, bloody_majima.png)

I love him

No. 464630

He's so fine

No. 465954

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No. 465973

Oh GOD he's so fucking hot. I wish there was a thread where I could post all the stupid screenshots I took when I played the demo.

No. 466462

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No. 466224[Reply]

been playing for about a year now and wanted to know if anyone else does. i almost never see other girls. whats your thoughts on current meta? fave decks or card art? anyone on MD?

No. 466324

I remember I wanted to get into it a few years ago and was put off by how most of the community is 30 year old sweaty fat manchildren

No. 466372

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Thanks nona for making this! I'm still a beginner at the game itself but I love watching the animes. I love the Melffy and Madolche decks. The artworks is really cute and I would love to build them one day.

No. 466381

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This franchise still exist despite becoming in a card game only for stinky and autist moids and trannies?

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No. 341213[Reply]

I know I'm not the only fan here who revisits these series often out of nostalgia. For posting media and/or discussions related to Winx Club or W.I.T.C.H. Waifu/husbando posting always encouraged.

>favorite/least favorite heroes

>favorite/least favorite villains
>favorite/least favorite story arcs or seasons
>in-universe settings that are aesthetically pleasing
>plotlines that don't make sense or leave you with questions
>fan theories
>side characters you wish we saw more of
>discuss cool or stupid transformations or powers
>merchandise you have or want
>character or world designs you love or hate
>memories you have surrounding these series
>opinions on the winx club dubs
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399 posts and 156 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 463602

File: 1740443199520.jpg (1.57 MB, 2880x2880, 20250225_032541.jpg)

Someone made fan art of Tinkerbell with Dreamix and Onyrix and it's so adorable. I love it. Shame on the watermark though lmao.

No. 463626

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I found a light version. So cute.

No. 464894

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New dolls are teased

No. 465470

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Not a serious drawing but I don't draw/I'm not an artist. But felt motivated to create something so here's an OC design in Tynix. It's a base and adoptables off the Google/deviantart but I drew the hair and colored the eyes, lips, skin, and the body tights. Got too tired to bother with the face shading lol. I also struggled with the shoes and gave up. Had to recolor all the jewelry and foil to fit the colors I picked to go with the wings because I liked the wings a bit too much. Although I wanted the dress to be red and the accent color to be blue but it would clash with the wings so I had to switch it around.

No. 466369

She was always such a bitch and I love her for it

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No. 213879[Reply]

(Sorry for threadpic being only 0-6, couldn't find one that also included 7 and the Judgments that I actually liked)
ITT we talk about SEGA's Yakuza series and all of its spin-offs. Please take the husbando and/or shipping sperging to more appropriate threads. Other kinds of lore discussion, as well as gameplay discussion, memes and other related topics go here.
229 posts and 78 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 464136

reeeee i hate ship combat reeeee

No. 464464

disney channel ass ending but lowkey endearing tbh. good to know that Kiryu's still alive at least, and Majima went through all this for him in the first place, yet another kazumaji W kek

No. 464944

By the way I've seen a lot of snarky remarks pre-release about Yokoyama supposedly writing this and that's why it's bad, but Furuta is the only writer on this…

No. 465157

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Defo not Yokoyama, not enough wacky plot twists.
Am I the only one who thinks Yokoyama might be a sperg? He gives me sperg vibes. That would explain some things I think.

No. 466346

Apparently Yokoyama only wrote the ending. And it's the best part. Huh.

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No. 68958[Reply]

Any guilty pleasures anons? Reveal your darkest bops.
689 posts and 12 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 465997

The old scrote this song is about sounds like a shitty father but I still love the overall sound and the 90s country vibe is often really cute and sad at the same time

No. 466236

liking taylor and especially 1989 is already something i'm a bit self-concious about, and Shake It Off is already the worst track from it, but on top of that it's also the most embarassing one to hear around others. The most embarassing moment of my entire career was silently mouthing along to the
>This. Sick. Beat.
part, and my coworker immediately going "uhh what did you say"

No. 466302

>The most embarassing moment of my entire career was silently mouthing along to the This. Sick. Beat. part, and my coworker immediately going "uhh what did you say"
Nona I'm dyingg

No. 466335

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nonas a-log her to death here but she kills it at making catchy pop songs. midnights is a wholeguilty bop album.even the edgier songs like anti-hero were more light and fun than overly serious. and the 70s styling and makeup flattered her way more than the red lipstick.
but then she comes out with that god fucking awful edgy tumblr teen shit next. just put the pop music in the album taylor ffs

No. 466339

It's ok, I like this song, too. I first heard it in that godawful Sing movie and liked the way it sounded, discovered it's by TS later on. I don't dislike her as a person or her music that much. I also think she's pretty and has a nice style. Imo she's so harmless and tame in comparison to much worse female pop stars or ofcourse male stars. I think she's overhated tbh. I don't listen to her music though because I prefer strong expressive vocals in music even pop, and she doesn't have that enough to hook me up. I used to be obsessed with Bad Blood though because it was in the trailer of a movie I was excited to watch back then kek. Rewatching this MV brought back memories lol. But man, her voice is so strained, she can't hit any high notes, she has wobble that she wants to pretend is vibrato, she relies too much on vocal fry which is gonna damage her voice eventually.

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No. 383598[Reply]

A thread for anons to request drawings and trade art. You can leave your request below! Quality and quantity may vary. Everyone is welcomed to participate, remember this thread is just for fun.
Rate my art thread: >>>/m/373122
521 posts and 151 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 465896

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apologies for the messiness

No. 465898


No. 465918

I love it

No. 465920

>2x reading the collected works of manifesto-chan
based beyond belief

No. 466325

This is perfect, thank you so much!!! I will print this and stick on my wall!!!
No worries! I get it, I ship them too along with Sae and Nanaka. MTT might be the only show where I'd feel terrible if I paired X with Y because how would Z feel? I love the main cast too much, I just want them to be happy. Back on topic, GRAHH I want to snatch him by that slutty waist of his. Ugh.

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No. 389666[Reply]

A thread for farmers who enjoy cute anthropomorphized animals but hate the zoophilia and fetishes that seems undetachable from the furry community at large.
Forbidden content include:
-Fetishes such as lolisho (cub porn), vore, and the general sexualization of animal parts
-Political bullshit
Feel free to add more
649 posts and 509 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 464655

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No. 464997

No. 466309

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No. 466318

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No. 466319

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No. 106435[Reply]

Post pictures of any fashion style you want
164 posts and 137 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 466134

This is so beautiful

No. 466155

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No. 466176

Beautiful colors and silhouette. Why do Asians understand this so well?

No. 466307

>buy yohji yamamoto
>buy ann demeulemeester
>buy rick owens
>buy comme des garcons
Because this look is already laid out for everybody but asians buy these brands more often.

No. 466308

This is sick.

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No. 140565[Reply]

Everything Star Wars!
Let's discuss:


>And so on, so forth
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No. 466141

Didn't know Mando is getting a movie. Maybe I should finally catch up, only watched the first season.

No. 466151

I don't want anything Rian Johnson or Filoni is doing. I really feel like the era of good SW stories are over unless we get real good ideas going. I am only really looking forward to Andor season 2.

No. 466152

We got a tranny clone before Finn became an mc. sad.

No. 466154

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Anyone seeing ROTS when it comes out again in theaters? It is my favorite of all the PT movies, so I am massively hyped.


No. 466202

Kek they're making another Boba Fett season

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