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No. 403600[Reply]

The milk is coming from inside the farm edition

Pokemon is a japanese media franchise consisting of video games, animated series and films, a trading card game, and other related media. The franchise takes place in a shared universe in which humans co-exist with creatures known as Pokemon, a large variety of species endowed with special powers.

Pokemon Day List of Updates: https://serebii.net/

Previous threads:
88 posts and 48 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 405053

>i feel jealous of women who are into nerd shit shame free
nerd shit is cool now, it's not decades ago where you got shoved in a locker for playing dnd, get with the times.

No. 405058

I can relate to that. I played Pokémon showdown for a while, but I quit after I made a dumb mistake costing me the game and the person I was playing against called me an idiot for it lol. I like the fun of competing but I really don’t enjoy competitive game culture at all. Moids will belittle you and call you thin skinned if you say you don’t like the way you treat them, which makes me avoid getting too into Showdown even though I do think it’s fun.

No. 405066

just make the window small so you can't see the chat and disallow PMs. that's what i do. i love battling but have no interest in interacting with anyone to talk about it on the site.

No. 405072

I find SV ok, I just beat the main game and I started the DLC. It would have been a lot better if not for all these annoying technical issues that made me not even try to play online. But unlike gen 6, 7 and 8 I don't feel like trying to complete the pokedex. It's not because I lack free time or find it difficult and annoying, I just didn't like the game enough to feel like it's worth it. Did anyone manage to complete the pokedex, at least for the main region and not for the pokedex from the DLC? How long did it take?

I'd find her character design so much better if it weren't for her bicolor hair. I really dislike how a lot of characters have bicolor hair in SV in general, it looks dumb or ugly. Except for Larry because it just looks like some older guy who's starting to have white hair little by little.

No. 405122

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I did the dex for the main region, it was pretty easy since it was only 400 pokes. way easier than in older gens where you had to trawl the gts and shit.
it took 80 or so hours which is not that much comapred to older games. i havent tried the dlc or picked it back up at all since i finished the dex bc it's a pretty boring game overall. i usually clock 300-400 hours in pokémon games easily, it's the first timd i get bored this fast with a main series game.

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No. 357395[Reply]

For all of the AoT/SnK enjoyers in the retarded husbando hornyposting thread.

Use this thread to talk about stuff like:

>your favorite character(s)

>your favorite ship(s)
>what did you think of the ending?
>favorite scene(s) in the series
>how would you rewrite the series to make it better?
>recommendations for fanfics or fanartists
206 posts and 92 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 405186

I believe that Yelena chose to do what she did because she just wanted Zeke Yeager’s fat cock that badly relatable tbh. In the absence of a properly fleshed out backstory for her this is my headcanon.

My other headcanon is that she was secretly really racist against Eldians and was pulling a reverse uno by working with Zeke to eliminate their bloodline.

No. 405209

I genuinely think Isayama just killed her so he could wriggle himself out of giving her a proper backstory.

No. 405233

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Even him???

No. 405265

Nta but especially him. His parents both were horrible and don't deserve him being worried about them, and he deserves the punishment after all the yapping about his guilt only to keep doing the thing he felt guilty about because, plot twist, it was right all along!1!1!

No. 405279

Yes. He deserves to get ryonaed.

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No. 252024[Reply]

This thread is for Hetalians to talk about both the Anime series and Manga.

"Draw a circle, that's the earth!"
Post about:
>Your Fav character/s
>Ships and shipping wars
>Hetalia media/Fan media
>Fandom activities New and Old
>Anything your Hetalian heart desires!
950 posts and 490 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 405115

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True. I'll never stop loving Hetalia and it's a good thing that those retards left the fandom because they'd ruin it with their moralfagging or gendie bullshit anyway. Hetalia makes me so happy, it's actually insane kek.

No. 405197

Anyone else excited for the Olympics?

Seeing another one begin really makes me yearn for the retarded LiveJournal of yore. It was so much fun watching and posting the 2010 Vancouver and 2012 London 0lympics with fan community.

No. 405260

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Same nonna!

No. 405261

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No. 405273


Dafuq. How do I learn this art sorcery.

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No. 197446[Reply]

>FromSoftware, Inc. is a Japanese video game development company founded in November 1986 and a subsidiary of Kadokawa Corporation. The company is best known for their Armored Core and Souls series, including the related games Bloodborne, Sekiro, and Elden Ring.

Talk about Dark Souls, Bloodborne, Sekiro, and Elden Ring or any other Fromsoft games you like here! Help each other out, post pics of your protagonists, talk about your favorite pieces of lore, your husbandos, etc.
1183 posts and 530 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 403796

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I wish Rellana was more active in the DLC. Maybe have her working with Miquilla's crew and be a boss fight summon.

No. 404119

I wish they named her something else. The first five times I fought her I thought her name was Rennala and was so confused.

No. 404870

>boob armor
i never noticed, is that why she has 5 million retarded scrotey fanart images of her? L for fromsoft to make boob armor for the first time in their series

No. 405210

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>boob armor for the first time in their series
Nonna please
Scrote will still make porn out of anything anyway

No. 405248

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gonna start replaying bloodborne for the first time in years this weekend. yippee

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No. 400606[Reply]

>FUJOSHI (腐女子, "rotten girl"): a self-mockingly pejorative Japanese term for female fans of manga and novels that feature romantic relationships between men.

>Discuss yaoi and BL here, as well as other media aimed at (or with fanservice for) fujoshis.

>Discussion of BL games here is okay, but please do not cannibalize the otome game general.
>Discussion of Male/Male ships outside of strictly BL series is allowed, try to avoid divisiveness between slashers and classic fujos.
>No straight shit, there are other threads for that.
>Feel free to ask for recommendations, but specify what kind of material you're looking for (Genre, oneshot/series, doujinshi, SFW/NSFW etc).
>Being reasonably critical of BL is welcomed but don't come here only to bait or excessively moralsperg about fujos or how much you hate BL as a genre. Take it to Twitter.
>Be mindful of others and hide your spoilers. Use the spoiler image option and wrap your text inside spoiler tags.
>Reminder to ignore the baiting males and trolls who come to provoke.
>Keep the armchair psychology to a minimum, we've heard it all before.
>Be nice to each other, we fujos should stick together.

Previous threads:
1# >>>/m/20688
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
767 posts and 157 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 405208

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Have played this blvn?

No. 405218

I have played it. It's too short and there's incest bait. Two of the characters are kind of useless, their routes should be cut and the time used to develop the others better. Still I liked it more than soshite bokura wa which is similar.

No. 405238

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>Yoru wa Tomodachi
Found this again, wished it was longer

No. 405241

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There's some of this in SIRP manga but then Kaworu (and Mana Kirishima as well) just stopped showing up because I guess the writer couldn't figure out how to get them out of the harem since he only wanted it to be Asuka and Rei in a like, poly sort of thing.
Rebuild's a fuckin mess shitshow in general from beginning to end, the doujins are unironically better than the actual movies. Asuka getting with Kensuke I still think was the biggest 'fuck you' to the fans though.

No. 405244

Thanks for the recs! I'll put them on my list.

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No. 89824[Reply]

Post manga panels you like here
1089 posts and 770 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 405229

Lmfao what manga is this and who is this based queen?

No. 405230

Girl if it's drawn by Obata there's not going to be anything based happening to the female characters

No. 405231

What did he do?

No. 405234

Put that moid and pickme in their places queen

No. 405237

She's a pickme too kek.

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No. 390554[Reply]

Have you seen those stupid ass short comics that people make and are unfunny as fuck? Of course you have, they're all over social media. Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, DeviantArt, they're the bread and butter of unskilled artists and writers. Unfortunately, there's a ton of these bad short form comics floating around the internet (and people who make a living out of them, as perplexing as it is). Post the hilariously bad, terrible, lukewarm, mediocre, lazy infuriating, and most annoying ones here!

You can post
>Short comics
>Multiple pannels or illustrations
>4koma/4pannel comics
>Abstracts from a bigger comic

Previous threads:
thread #1 >>>/m/232318
thread #2 >>>/m/256627
thread #3 >>>/m/314190
thread #4 >>>/m/345693
506 posts and 122 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 405177

Only a moid would write, draw and then post something like this and fully expect people to sympathize. I usually don't mind vent comic all that much, but this is next level

No. 405214

Lovely how he just randomly draws his idealized moobs at the beginning

No. 405215

I wonder just how many of these comics are going to appear over the years? All trannies come from being groomed or convinced into troonism.

No. 405225

>Violence turns me on
The Y chromosome is a cancer

No. 405232

I almost had empathy for the author because I thought it was a non transitioned TIF getting groomed by a TIM, which is very real problem, but alas, I saw "yuri" in the blog name and all bets were off

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No. 398962[Reply]

Post crossover art of characters from different series/franchises together or have them referencing, dressing, or drawn in a different artstyle from other series/franchises.

Thread #1: >>>/m/210757
90 posts and 75 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 405024

but daffy should be light and bugs l.

No. 405100

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How am I seeing this a century later, kek. This is awesome! I would watch this

No. 405101

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No. 405117

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No. 405211

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does anyone remember potterpuffs

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No. 181933[Reply]

Previous thread: >>>/m/165351

>FUJOSHI (腐女子, "rotten girl"): a self-mockingly pejorative Japanese term for female fans of manga and novels that feature romantic relationships between men. Receives its meaning from the belief that a woman who enjoys fictional gay content is "rotten", too ruined to be married.

>Discuss yaoi and BL here, as well as series and games aimed at fujoshi (and fudanshi) like Hetalia, sports anime, and male idol anime.

>Discussion of BL games here is totally OK but please do not cannibalize the otome game general.
>Discussion of Male/Male ships outside of strictly BL series is allowed.
>Feel free to ask for recommendations, but please specify what kind of material you're looking for (Genre, oneshot/series, doujinshi, SFW/NSFW etc).
>Being reasonably critical of BL is welcomed but don't come here only to bait or excessively moralsperg about fujos or how much you hate BL as a genre. Take it to Twitter.
>Be mindful of others and hide your spoilers. Use the spoiler image option and wrap your text inside spoiler tags.
142 posts and 35 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 186285

true but since they have young babies i assumed they're newlyweds and still in love
another thing, i've seen a lot of japanese moms being into demon slayer kek

No. 186355

That one demon slayer artist whose old femdom ryona art used to get posted on this site a lot had a baby just yesterday. Course I'm not concerned for the kid or anything, just seeing her have one after years of drawing brutal torture porn felt so… random, to say the least. You don't expect the person behind that stuff to be some normie.

No. 301618


No. 301629

nonny you just necro'd an ancient thread for a year old post from someone that probably isn't even here anymore? kek.

No. 405203

Why did this thread die in the first place?(retard)

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No. 330496[Reply]

Five Nights at Freddy's (FNaF) is a horror video game series and media franchise created by Scott Cawthon. In this thread you can discuss everything related to the FNAF franchise, share art, videos, theories and more.

Official Steam page:

Official merch store:

FNAF Wiki:

Some ice breakers:
>Who's your favorite and least favorite character?
>What's your favorite and least favorite FNAF game?
>What's your opinion on the movie?
>When and how did you discover the FNAF franchise?
165 posts and 80 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 375924

Where’d you get this from? It’s pretty good and I agree, the design is fine it’s just her artstyle, the fanarts perfectly ok, even the artists that bother to draw William fat do better, wish there was more fat Michael cuz that’d be kinda cute
Saw kind of an interesting video about this a while back, I don’t think he was a BPD-kun but maybe some kind of narcissist who would totally make it to the Cluster B(itches) thread if he were real lmao. The fanbase constantly woobifying him so they can husbando sperg about him guilt-free is both funny and really annoying like the video points out

No. 376072

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Boooo i like when he is woobified, you Michaelfags have boring taste anyways.

No. 376571

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PinkyPills officially retired

No. 376590

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PinkyPills didn't do the character encyclopedia IIRC, but I still can't believe Scott didn't hire people that can actually draw. He picked some shitty artists, it's like he did it on purpose.

No. 405195

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How do you think the movie should have gone if it didn't take such a child-friendly approach?
As much as I love Michael I don't think he should've been in the first movie or at least not until the end, the movie is visually pleasing and the setting is amazing but the lore doesn't make sense to me and they tried to fit in too much Easter eggs.

I think the main character should have been Henry, I would have loved a movie where Henry is a drunk depressed father searching for closure on what truly happened to his daughter by returning to find clues and the thought of him being in denial of William having a part in it would also be interesting. The movie could have had Henry investigate and discover things aren't what they seem at the Pizzeria and by having henry be the main character it can open up to flashbacks as well as explain the lore.
Then, towards the end, we could see Michael grab a flyer that says Help wanted for a position as a nightguard if they really wanted him to make an appearance.

-or, If they truly wanted Michael to be the main character it could have gone as I wrote before with him searching for clues on what happened to his father; The restaurant could have been closed down due to lawsuits and abandoned, Henry could have been framed for the murders and William could have been 'missing' which leads Michael to search for clues about his father, He could discover that the restaurant is haunted and uncover fathers has been hidden in the restaurant as a decaying corpse for years as springtrap as well as William being behind everything that happened.

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