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Vote in the VPN ban runoff poll! Closing at 23:59 GMT on the 26th March.

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No. 127246[Reply]

Greentext and pics apply. Can be from any board.

Post the latest and greatest as well as the infamous. Wholesome and cringe are all welcome. Anything to make anons kek.
272 posts and 171 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 474638

it was funny until the racism moids really cant help themselves

No. 474943

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/lgbt/ has my favorite cryptids

No. 474944

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No. 474952

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No. 475921

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No. 467427[Reply]

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No. 475702

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No. 475753

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wish there were more than korn and slipknot

No. 475908

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No. 475911

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No. 475916

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No. 260895[Reply]

A thread to talk about all the Nikki dressup games - Love Nikki, shining Nikki and the upcoming Infinity Nikki ( >>>/m/259751 )
Feel free to post your coords!
827 posts and 311 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 475827

on the topic of j-fashion, i hope that when the linlang empire comes to IN, it'll consist of chinese fashion while separating the asian regions into different kingdoms. unlike the Cloud Empire that combined everything. i can imagine people will talk about how the Chinese are appropriating culture after that whole fiasco with hanbok in shining nikki.

No. 475901

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>the staff is not the part of the outfit

No. 475910

I find the ones that are posted as good outfits kind of bland, basic cutesy. And a bit over designed. Especially the middle raincoat is quite boring but still way too busy. Same with the pastel serafuku, looks like an OC someone scribbled onto, kind of clothes I would make as a kid as a patch in the sims.
IN is getting boring with the gowns though, I am waiting for something more daring.

No. 475914

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this is nikki related but i truly hate the fan subbreddit many people have said that gendies and troons taking kissing photos with their nikkis has made them uncomfortable (i mean i would be too even being lesbian why the fuck are you kissing my nikki when we're not even friends?) and now theyre saying the mod is homophobic and le twansphobic as if they all forgot infold is chinese and doesnt allow troon words

No. 475950

I'm confused why the fan subreddit has more people than the official one, that one doesn't seem to give many shits either

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No. 197704[Reply]

Like the cute 2D girls one, bringing the 2d art for boys/men back! Previous one is here >>>/m/182647

This thread is just for posting cute art of 2D guys, no gross 3D scrotes. Husbandos are fine just don't sperg about them here, use these >>>/m/188499 or >>>/g/248755
651 posts and 560 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 475890

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No. 475891

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No. 475893

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No. 475894

Moomin mentioned
Easy w

No. 475902

super super cute, i never knew how this artstyle could be so adorable on snufkin.

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No. 285833[Reply]


The thread for all things related to the Sims! Talk about news, updates, your current save, prominent community members, favorite/least favorite games, etc. !
Here are some questions to start off the thread:
>favorite Sims game?
>least favorite Sims game?
>what kind of player are you? (legacies, challenges, builder, cas mode, etc. ?)
>favorite neighborhood?
>least favorite neighborhood?
>favorite townie?
>least favorite townie?
>what is one thing you have done in the game that you are proud of? maybe it's making it to 30 generations, or building a really good lot, finishing up a collection, etc.
649 posts and 133 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 475886

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No. 475895

>Bare wooden walls
Have some class in your dungeon ffs

No. 475896

I might check it out in a couple years when it is more developed.

No. 475899

mtf vibes i fear

No. 475900

lol what the fuck. the sex toys are from the base game or are there already mods for that?
yeah, remove that disgusting anime poster

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No. 341213[Reply]

I know I'm not the only fan here who revisits these series often out of nostalgia. For posting media and/or discussions related to Winx Club or W.I.T.C.H. Waifu/husbando posting always encouraged.

>favorite/least favorite heroes

>favorite/least favorite villains
>favorite/least favorite story arcs or seasons
>in-universe settings that are aesthetically pleasing
>plotlines that don't make sense or leave you with questions
>fan theories
>side characters you wish we saw more of
>discuss cool or stupid transformations or powers
>merchandise you have or want
>character or world designs you love or hate
>memories you have surrounding these series
>opinions on the winx club dubs
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420 posts and 166 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 472437

Why is Stella so pale damn

No. 473616

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No. 474931

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Keking so hard at this fashion collection name

No. 475875

I love the voice acting in this dub so much

No. 475878

An interview with one of the people who worked on W.I.T.C.H. where he mentions the possibility of a live action adaptation. Thoughts?

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No. 191784[Reply]

A thread to discuss old, new and timeless visual novels of any kind.
>talk about what you like
>talk about what you hate
>share your favourite VNs
>share recommendations
>ask for recommendations
Also pls no infighting pls pls
468 posts and 152 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 475766

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It was this post and while she obviously didn’t deserve this comment she shouldn’t have been shocked that a weirdo scrote interacted with her when she’s open about being into a hentai rape game. As for the people arguing that it’s feminist I have no clue, zoomers are retarded.

No. 475771

Men will say they separate fiction and reality but then comment stuff like this kek

No. 475776

Shes into scat pedo rape porn and is suprised she got a rape threat

No. 475842

Exactly. It's obvious torture porn (literally) and the edgy plot is just an excuse to keep one invested, just like every other "dark" nukige.

No. 475862

The OP is beautiful, but the fanbase surrounding this game annoys me so badly. There was a 45-minute video I watched on YouTube about the plot, and it seems like one of those stories where shit just happens. I am a huge fan of a particular 'edgy' VN for its story and characters, so I try not to be too judgmental, but Euphoria just seems nonsensical based on the plot twists and summaries I've read. Plus, it is categorized as a nukige, so I really cannot imagine the story is that extensive.
Thank you! I know people use the fact that the artist is a woman as some kind of "gotcha" when arguing in favor of it, but I can't imagine wanting all that merch of the game. I've seen a weirdly high number of women who defend it. The men who like it are way worse just because I KNOW it's not for the plot, but I have seen multiple women on YouTube acting like there is something unique about it, and I wish I understood what they see in it.

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No. 441672[Reply]

General Video Game discussion, aside from games that have their own threads.
What are you currently playing, what you are looking forward to, favorite games, favorite consoles, gamer set discussion, reviews, praises, complaints, questions, etc.

Other game related threads
Pokémon >>>/m/433494
Animal Crossing >>>/m/194143
Elder Scrolls / Skyrim General >>>/m/225157
Fromsoft >>>/m/405991
Genshin Impact >>>/m/414226
Nikki Games >>>/m/260895
Otome Gaming >>>/m/192885
Kirby >>>/m/237062
Splatoon >>>/m/247501
Stardew Valley >>>/m/193441
Touken Ranbu >>>/m/191809
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696 posts and 160 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 475774

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I was actually so excited when I saw it, but wtf did they do to my girl Daisy? Who approved of this downgrade?

No. 475783

Oh man she looks busted, those eyelashes and hands are just absurd

No. 475845

Now if only they brought back Miitomo

No. 475851

ive seen a lot of people complain that daisy is too young/loli looking so im not surprised but i always figured she was an adult since she moved to the town alone?

No. 475874

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The shit kids get up to kek
I don't get that complaint because they all look young due to the chibi-ish art style. There was still an obvious difference between her and the actual kid characters. At least to me Daisy never looked particularly younger than the rest of the bachelorettes. They didn't change picrel much so why did they completely revamp Daisy? I think her old design was a lot better. They also renamed her to "Maple" in Japanese but not English which is odd considering her new design has maple leaves on her skirt. I just don't get why Daisy specifically got so many changes.

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No. 246128[Reply]

Post fanart of western media made by Japanese artists. Discuss weird husbandos too. Also, please post the artists links if possible.
Source: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/91926179
1168 posts and 881 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 475638

This art kinda looks like that one Japanese guy who makes all those crazy alt-right comics

No. 475832

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No. 475836

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No. 475837

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No. 475838

Tatsuya Ishida?

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No. 192385[Reply]

Old one is lost in /m/assacre ,no one made a new one yet.
1082 posts and 981 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 475615

>Unpopular opinions thread

No. 475647

So true

No. 475815

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No. 475817

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No. 475818

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