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Vote in the VPN ban runoff poll! Closing at 23:59 GMT on the 26th March.

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No. 82790[Reply]

1203 posts and 91 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 85283

troon in the unpopular opinion thread

No. 85284

This website is dead. It’s been dead for years now

No. 85286

I feel the same way. I like yuri too but some of the opinions in that thread almost feel like they were written by twitter sapphics, just with lc lingo instead.

No. 85287

The retard shitting up several threads of /g/ posting 4moid egirls still persists, he sticks like a sore thumb using numbers to "rate" women whenever he speaks about them

No. 85291

It's paki-chan, isn't it?

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No. 81334[Reply]

Previous thread: >>>/meta/79881
1203 posts and 75 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 82789

They ban in meta pretty often now. Don't forget that movie thread anon got permabanned last summer for posting in meta. And now they allow certain anons to basically personalityfag and start infights here. Only the nonas responding to it will get banned.

Admin needs to clarify the definition of these words then, because speculation and normal discussion is no longer even tolerated in many threads. If the janny were at least consistent and would ban the anons who start infights or post retarded ad hominems and non-con wk posts, then it would at least seem less biased. I'd rather read anons speculating than have some rule that everything a cow says is automatically the truth. Tinfoil is speculation without any foundation at all, it's batshit crazy crap, not normal use of powers of deduction.

I also think talking about cow threads being 'necessary' or not is pretty weird. There isn't a finite amount of resources. Don't like a thread? Don't read it. It's silly to expect an entire imageboard to change because you don't like some thread or you personally like the cow. I don't get why this is hard, there are so many threads I think are boring or nitpicky or mean; I just don't read them or get involved.
It just seems like you want to minimod what anyone talks about - why? Genuine question, do you like any thread on LC? What's a "good" cow thread to you?

No. 82797

do you also scream in horror when seeing a womans body irl. i doubt you even ever got pussy if body hair triggers tf out of you

No. 82801

I stg this is the skirbyfag >>>/snow/2031820

No. 82815

So many cow threads can be reduced down to generals. Theres a bunch of dead cows with threads alive just from rapid anons deaperate for drama and milk that will never flow again. It's obvious when you go intk the threads.

No. 82841

close the BP thread. it's dogshit

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No. 79881[Reply]

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No. 81323

Being notified of a ban that's expired only after you try to make another post is really stupid. Why would you even be notified at all only after its expired anyway? It looks like it's a way for mods to just show off banning you because this is retarded design.

No. 81324

Because you didn't see it when it was given. It's not that complicated.

No. 81325

Just wanted to say sorry to the jannies for not spoilering a pic I put in ot I've learned my lesson.

No. 81327

CP link in amerifag thread GET RID OF IT TRANNY JANNIES

No. 81328

Why has there been a lack of banning on obvious male posters in /ot/? They are baiting and infighting, race sperging and shit posting and no red texts anywhere? Come on now

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No. 78429[Reply]

1202 posts and 77 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 79884

Not a bot, my browser just had an autistic meltdown, like you’re doing now
>Where did you find such art in the fujo thread?
Lurk more. Blatant shotashit usually gets deleted by farmhands
>Nigga shota stuff has been part of the fujo subculture since the 70’s.
Ok? I don’t care? Sorry this site isn’t your pedo sanctuary

No. 79885

>14. Do not post or discuss sexualised and/or sexual art featuring minors unless it is related to milk.
>she's so new she doesn't know the rule was specifically put in place because of shotafags and we had a poll about it relatively recently where a sitewide ban won the most votes

No. 79886

Women consuming drawings of fictional moids is not pedophilia, once again. If you wouldn’t deck a kid scrote in the face you’re lying, stop defending them
Nigga I was there for it, I thought it was stupid then and thought it was stupid now. What’s your point?

No. 79887

Shotafags are such cows. Stop embarrassing yourself by admitting to jerking off to animu art of little kids.

No. 79888

Sorry for not liking hags with a grotesque amount of chest hair and a receding hairline. Hope you get over your brainwashing soon

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No. 77002[Reply]

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No. 78420

goodbye cowball!

No. 78423

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80% of that thread is just one autistic anon replying to every single post with a wall of text and getting mad when people don't agree with her covid vaccination opinion. It's obvious who it is because of their writing style and refusal to sage, you'll literally just get banned for replying to them too much because they literally will not stop posting

No. 78432

personally I think that poster was being annoying in other posts and that red-text is just a technicality. I can't see IPs but I just know they were shitting up other threads.

No. 78442

This has been a rule for years

No. 80320

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Please reopen the Onision thread. Ever since yall closed it he’s been prancing around the internet acting like he’s invincible all the sudden.. he has a new YouTube, pushing his website again and pushing onlyfans again and asking old patrons to sign up to his OF for a year free

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No. 75552[Reply]

1203 posts and 75 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 76997

A tiny amount of cartoon blood is not nsfw, spergchan. If you're a cutter, hide it yourself.

No. 76998

what a bunch of spergs who cares if its spoilered

No. 76999

>suprised farmhands haven't said or done something about it already
well the admin allowed the embedding feature for tiktoks in the first place (tbh kind of a dumb move, but it was the result of anons constantly asking for one)

No. 77000

i dont know maybe because its a op pic meaning the thread will be less noticeable at a glance and theres no reason for it to be spoilered in the first place

No. 77001

good it will filter newfags

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No. 74111[Reply]

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No. 75537

how is finding actors attractive attention whoring

No. 75538

for finding scrotes attractive? please, it’s /g/

No. 75539

This. I need this.

No. 75540

I love this thread it's hilarious, but for a thread pic it's just dumb. Posted in the thread with a spoiler would've been fine though.

No. 75541

Can I appeal a permaban? I wasn't infighting or anything that's worth that. I guess I band evaded but my ban was a temporary one.

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No. 72411[Reply]

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No. 74106

Why do you think you can shit talk staff and not get banned. You're perpetually retarded.

No. 74107

ntayrt but the staff shittalks anons too so it should be fair game kek. the anon who actually started the fight should've been banned too tho. (tried reporting earlier but nothing happened) >>>/g/388156

No. 74108

I really do love how this place alternates between kek kek this is an imageboard my fellow kekkers and an overmoderated discord server where staff disrespect is a punishable offense depending on the day

No. 74109

NTA you can shit talk the staff in some circumstances without consequence but I think it depends on the mood of the mod banning and how badly they can miss the point of a joke. However in this case both should have been redtexted for derailing and both were kinda being stupid. I think in the perspective of the mod anon was the one who dragged on the arguement and so she was the one banned, unfair but makes sense.

No. 74110

thank you for trying anon. I appreciate it. That farmhand clearly has some bias.

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No. 67199[Reply]

Thank you for casting your votes!

Beating out the 7 days of Kwanzaa, the 8 days of Hanukkah, and the 12 days of Christmas, we bring you the 15 Lolcow Awards! This year we had typical ups and downs with our cows churning out milk some weeks and going bone dry others. We faced tinfoiling and fears that the site would face another Bunker Thread. We laughed, we cried, we drew and we watched moovies. Many of you beat SpaceX’s record as your sides have been launched into orbit endlessly over the cows we celebrate today. So, Merry Milkmas and a Happy New Year! You can view the full results of the voting by clicking here!

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No. 72525

I hope someone makes it into a real banner

No. 72951

One of the Admins (Sentinel) made it. We will add it to the banner list alongside newly made banners from the banner thread on our next update.

No. 72955

thank you for banner updates, cerbmin

No. 72977

Yess I hope it comes out cute! I love it

No. 73735

I can't find the glitter redtext, can someone help me out? please I scrolled through it 3 times already

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No. 70459[Reply]

Previous thread >>>/meta/67831
1199 posts and 110 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 72406

Nobody is taking your bait in that thread and nobody is taking your bait in this thread. Get a grip.

No. 72408

Circumcision derailer is back talking about circumcision in Confessions thread in /ot/.

No. 72409


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 72412

No. 72421

but what if you already are the mommie

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