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No. 4855[Reply]

Hi everyone,

There is a slight issue with the permaban system, sometimes when issuing them there is some IP collision. If you are wrongfully banned please appeal and we'll get back to you as soon as possible. Sorry about everyone who's been wrongfully banned, especially in the robot invasion crossfire.

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No. 26554[Reply]

Make a new Complaints and Suggestions thread REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

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No. 4862[Reply]

I'm surprised the userbase is so successful.

Makes me feel like a loser by comparison.

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No. 4382[Reply]

As announced here >>>/meta/4372

Relevant changes:
> Minors can be posted about as long as they're 16+ and their full legal name isn't mentioned. First names are okay.
> Doxxing is no longer allowed.
I know some people will disagree with this, but please consider that we never allowed or encouraged cowtipping anyway, so the information gives cows and unintegrated users ammo and invite vendettachans without being of much value to threads. Most of it can be found online anyway.
> Absolutely no more posting of family members by name or picture.

I have updated the rules and put together a usage guide for new posters. I'd like to thank the many farmers who contributed to this <3
I hope this update reflects the board and its issues.

See the new rules here and the usage guide here.

39 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 4497


Regina is nice and a cool person and I hope she'll stay around on discord once she leaves, or stop by and visit once in a while.

No. 4499

Why are the admins always leaving? I love the cool stuff we're always getting and I can't believe everything's in shambles while we're constantly upgrading.

No. 5819

I have no idea how to use lol cow but can anyone tell me where to find the deleted Lettie video about mina

No. 5891

Didn't someone already tell you to read the thread? >>531690

No. 6545

Can the admins share the news that screenshots on insta aren't visible by the poster? This helps keep the milk flowing. Snapchat still definitely does.

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No. 3338[Reply]

Town Hall will be held at 6 pm CST
(sorry for the inconvenience; if anyone shows up at 4 we can just watch YouTube videos for a while)

Our first Town Hall meeting since the departure of OG admin-sama

Our Farmhands will be there and the plan is to discuss any main concerns and ideas that farmers have. One topic of discussion will be the possible removal of the /manure/ board so if you have an opinion on this matter then try to attend. Additionally, we will elucidate recent site events of interest.

The meeting will be at http://cytu.be/r/lolcowTownHall
This Thursday, October 6th at 4 pm 6 pm Central
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No. 3399

I agree. There's a few threads I don't care for and I have them hidden because that's what that function is for?

(Crap, reported my own post instead of deleting it. Sorry farmhands if it still notified you.)

No. 3448

Admin please bring back the ana-threads, I've gained 10kg since they were banned.

No. 3451

don't look in the momokun threads then, you'll become a whale.

No. 3953

Please bring back the DL embeds for yt videos, we never understood why they were taken off without an explanation. Thank you!

No. 3970

It's back now. You posted this in the wrong thread, btw.

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No. 1372[Reply]

This thread discusses the current social fabric of lolcow; where it's going, where we want it to go and how to take it in that direction. Also how to improve our farming skills as a cohesive whole.

We propose fixing "social" issues here, especially in curing the cancer that is killing the farm.
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No. 1490

I think IDs should be implemented on /b/ and /g/ but not /pt/ or /snow/.

No. 1613



No. 1620

Actually like this idea.

No. 1654

I think it would be exciting if we could take all the pedophile themed thread derailing posts and put them in their own thread, devoid of context just like a trashbin for the bickering.

No. 1777

holy shit I posted this seriously but I know it's dumb, next thing I know 4cham has /trash/, beautiful, I'm glad someone out there understands me

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No. 1071[Reply]

This thread is for discussing proposed changes.

I will update posts regularly to describe some potential proposed changes.

These are just ideas, and I am only looking for feedback. These will not necessarily ever be implemented, or if they are, they may change drastically before they are implemented. These are not things I am definitely planning to do, just changes I've been thinking about.

This is a work in progress. Posts may be edited regularly.

Please offer your thoughts on all of these proposals by replying to this thread.
4 posts omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 1076

(Ignore the above reserved posts for now. Please feel free to reply here.)

No. 1080

It's a nice idea, but it would be a pain in the ass to moderate every post like this.
This is cool, I like it, specially the time-rotating part.

No. 1081

Also, more about the self-posting moderation: I think it's pretty unnecessary overall, since we only have this problem on Aly's thread. You(admin) could just put a notice on Aly's OP saying that excessive self-posting isn't allowed and is considered derailment.

No. 1112

IDs when?

No. 1133

At this time I'm leaning towards not adding them unless I open up a new board. In which case, one board might have IDs added.

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No. 4227[Reply]

As a response to recurring complaints about staff and report handling, we've made a decision. As most of you don't know, I inherited lolcow not after the first Admin's escape but after the next Admin following that, who also hired the current staff. Because I didn't want to step on her feet, I didn't take actions the way I should've. As of today, we've removed all staff hired by the second admin.

Please apply here if you'd like to be a Farmhand.

I will also address any complaints, comments, and questions you may have in a Townhall chat next week.
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No. 4231

Perfect. Thanks, and also sorry about my sad typo.

No. 4233

Sent one in, sorry admin-sama if it seems jumbled, it was awkward doing that on my phone.
Good luck to everyone applying, I'm excited to see some of the love for the site coming soon.

No. 4242

Applied admin, sorry if I got my email address incorrect though. Posting it here in case I made a typo. Good luck everyone!

No. 4263

Hi there, admin. I just want to say good luck with the new staff and that I hope you guys can fix this place soon. There's no way to fucking enjoy browsing the chan anymore when the retarded majority derails threads with jaw discussions and drama about rubbing thighs.
I love lolcow and I wish it the very best because right now the the place is at its worst.
Much love,

I deleted my first post to sage and then realized the thread was pinned. Duh.

No. 4312

I finally signed up but if by any chance (I accidentally pressed "ok") I would also like to mod (or sanatize) the /int/ board.

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No. 4244[Reply]

Rescheduled: The Townhall has been rescheduled for Tuesday 6/6/17 at 7 PM EST.

Topics will include the following:

>integrating newfags

>male posters
>new features
>new staff and their responsibilities

Please come and voice any comments and/or suggestions. A link will be posted an hour before we start.
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No. 4258

Some might not be able to participate but they still want to voice their opinion.

No. 4259

5 PM EST would be perfectly fine for me

No. 4260


i support these changes and i'd also like to add that it's nice of an anonymous gossip board to be this thoughtfully governed. i hope i can make it to the chat. thumbs up, admin-sama.

No. 4261

imo a wk is someone who defends someone defiantly without listening to reason. I've seen users throwing out wk accusations simply for saying something slightly positive though and thats ng

No. 4264

Please look into applying across /ot/ & /g/ a rule like the one that 420chan academic boards have had since forever:
>1. These boards are not your dumping ground for stupid racist shit

420 is a looong lasting chan, from whom even 4chan took ideas every so often.

The wording on that rule tells you everything about who you are, in addition to b&, if not following it.

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No. 792[Reply]

Someone asked about posting statistics.

Here's a line graph of all posts per week for /pt/ up until today. As you can see, post rate has been increasingly pretty steadily.

The post below is the same graph for /b/.
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No. 796


No. 797

Can you share any info on number of unique posters?

No. 804

Unfortunately, it's very difficult to get accurate statistics of unique posters. Especially with widespread use of mobile devices, one person may rotate through 2-30 IPs over the course of a year.

No. 4185

so i wonder how the statistics went over the course of until now?

No. 4192

I would like to know this too.

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