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The site has moved to the new server! If you notice any issues, report them here

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No. 49111[Reply]

pls help them, they've been left in the cold with out lolcow for days now
14 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 50471

No. 50484


No. 50595

There's multiple anons from Pakistan here (paki-chans if you will)

No. 50606

Finland works nicely with or without VPN

No. 50611

the sites working ok but slow

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No. 49531[Reply]

Please fix the character limit Please fix the character limit Please fix the character limit Please fix the character limit Please fix the character limit Please fix the character limit Please fix the character limit Please fix the character limit Please fix the character limit Please fix the character limit Please fix the character limit Please fix the character limit Please fix the character limit Please fix the character limit Please fix the character limit Please fix the character limit Please fix the character limit Please fix the character limit Please fix the character limit Please fix the character limit Please fix the character limit Please fix the character limit Please fix the character limit Please fix the character limit Please fix the character limit Please fix the character limit Please fix the character limit Please fix the character limit Please fix the character limit Please fix the character limit thank you
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No. 49632

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Still getting this message though

No. 49633

any longer than this is not permitted but I remember older threads having even longer posts

No. 49641


No. 49879

Were you posting a pic of Willem Dafoe's dick? That might be the problem.

No. 49952

Been trying to make a new Jillan Vessey thread several times now but no matter how much I shorten even the regular text it still claims the body is too long, it drives me insane.

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No. 30676[Reply]

I reported instances of clear rule breaking 12 hours ago and it was ignored. I know a farmhand at least saw the post because they commented but took no action. Also emailed the admin and got no response. This is literally in regard to something that is clearly breaking the site rules itself.
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No. 30750

I wish, but we don’t even have enough farmhands to keep up with normal bans it takes 12+ hours sometimes

No. 42372

why are you necroing this thread with that dumb picture?

No. 42373

are you really old staff?

No. 42376

Oh you're the fucking tranny again. Nevermind.

No. 49547

Pls fix character limit

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No. 24570[Reply]

Any autistic meltdowns will be banned.
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No. 42965


No. 43258

Janitor in Belle thread is a retard who deserves a ban

No. 43264

Go see a doctor about your disgusting herpes, sex worker.

No. 50281

can someone please lock the keekihime thread in /snow/? I’m sick of hololive scrotes from /vt/ coming here and bumping it to try to white knight for her.

No. 50282

This post >>145842
clearly they just don’t want anyone saying anything bad about their snaggletoothed vtuber queen.

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No. 48793[Reply]

context for those who are late and confused about this situation :
> Maintenance for 2 days (19/12 to 22/12)
>No communication of what the admin was going to fix during this maintenance
>Shaymin changed the entire website yesterday, by using the new batch lynxchan code since Vichan is getting old
> /w/ got removed, kpop-posting is now allowed and old threads disappeared
> Shaymin still left original.lolcow.farm for those who didn’t liked the new one
> Shaymin is fed up with the changes and decide to lend the website to someone else (see >>48684 )

After the major change that happened yesterday, several nonnies were left disappointed and we might witness the retirement of Shaymin. But now, we must know how and who will keep this website alive. Did any nonnies already sent their applications to Shaymin ? Will the nonnies create a team for fixing and improve the website ? Any nonnies wants to share their ideas for the future of this website ?
61 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 49142

I liked it a lot. My dream would be that logo somewhere, new banners/themes, better moderation and thats it, I love lolcow how it is. But the way people say it's like the site is very old and isn't easy to code. However, people who use imageboards are use to them being a certain way and I wish the jump had been smoother and better communicated

No. 49145

Me 5 i agree with this. I want to give Shaymins new site a chance

No. 49161

The site hasn't worked on my home connection for 3 days… only on the work computers….


Are they still under maintenance???

No. 49200

no just busy w holidays

No. 49279

can someone help me with accessing the website? I'm using https://farmcow.lol/ right now and sitting next to a mirror, how can i get to lolcow?

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No. 47621[Reply]

Previous: >>>/meta/45929
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No. 49120

You failed me but thank you for trying.

No. 49126

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Dear shayna admin, can you please update the banners before you freeze the website out? and take out the pork chop one. Please…

No. 49128

No. 49129

It's all just sad to me. I'm not angry at admin neither I blame anons for being mad. It's all just unfortunate to me

No. 49139

She's leaving the shitty banners up because she hates us and wants us all to die.

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No. 45929[Reply]

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No. 47616

Is it that 1000 posts per day kiwitroon that likes to talk to himself

No. 47617


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 47618

You guys still think it's just one person. That's hilarious.

No. 47619

Because you reported it as such.

No. 47620

mods please save us from the absolute spergs in the Leftcows thread, their 2 day long slapfight over some stupid tiktok video is melting my brain. thank you

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No. 35668[Reply]

The newest lolcow admin, Shaynafag Admin, was supposed to come and say hi to us months ago in december but she never introduced herself. I've seen a lot of anons complain about the lack of words from shaymin and she's nowhere to be seen, she might as well be mythical. Does shaymin even exist? Where is she?
486 posts and 73 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 48260

where was this announced??

No. 48262

the website was supposed to have an entirely new code and other things a year ago, and that is what you are happy about nonna…the old /m/ threads are not back either…how new are you?

No. 48263

I think most nonas have just given up on an /m/ resurrection and update. It's been so long, it seems pointless to beg for it now

No. 48296

Pretty much.

No. 49121

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Just came back from another short break… Bye, Shaymin. Until next time…

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No. 44601[Reply]

This is a thread to talk about the current issues within lolcow and suggest possible solutions. Discuss, vent, and archive anything you might feel is relevant to combat people who might want to take it down. Complaints go in the complaints thread.
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No. 44915

This board will be sunset

No. 44991

is the board getting ddos attacks as well as the usual cp spam? Does it use cloudflare

No. 44997

I hate that about other IBs. They'll think you're saging because you're a coward or trying to own the person you're arguing with but it's just common courtesy to not bring dumb fights to the first page.

No. 45006

moid breaking rule 4 >>1342767

No. 45096

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this pretty much

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No. 43429[Reply]

previous: >>>/meta/40923
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No. 46180

what in the schizophrenia self(?)posting is going on over on /snow/ ??

No. 46192

Mods there is someone who's posting what I assume is cp links on /ot/. Thread photo has pedobear and says lolita, so I'm just assuming because there's no way in hell that I'm clicking that shit. Reported it but just wanted to give a heads up here!

No. 46193

This schizochan kind of looks like lucinda it made me lol

No. 46705

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The Vent/Get it Off Your Chest threads are getting filled with schizos from /r9k/. The posting style is the exact same as the "letter threads" there, and it's probably the same scrotes shitposting both here and there

No. 47530

troons going absolutely apeshit in the mtf thread rn

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