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Vote in the VPN ban runoff poll! Closing at 23:59 GMT on the 26th March.

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No. 30039[Reply]

Risking a ban to ask this question, should mods start banning the anons who accuse others of being "x" other anon? Example:

>Omg you said this word! You must be x!

>Stop saying (thing I don't like) you must be ____-chan!
>Only ___anon would say that!

I often see these accusations without any basis or proof, and I also see a lot of anons complaining about this calling it annoying. Should mods start enforcing a rule about this? It would honestly prevent so many unnecessary infights with very stubborn anons. This rule would be very similar to how people think x cow is in the thread (omg Lucinda is that you?) Etc.(complaints thread)
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No. 30057

Yes please

No. 30058

I think it depends on the context and how often the anon does that. A ban would be too much, maybe a warning?

No. 30065

there are many "hi cows" and the posts made by scrotes are generally deleted

No. 30074

Yes. It’s annoying when some retard starts tagging multiple anons claiming it’s a single anon. Some people just have very similar typing styles. It’s annoying as hell getting dragged into arguments or berated because a retard thinks you’re another anon. Banning would lessen the infighting.

No. 30075

>This rule would be very similar to how people think x cow is in the thread (omg Lucinda is that you?)
Really bad example

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No. 29010[Reply]

Can I make a thread about Katherine Ann or are mummy vlogger threads not allowed?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

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No. 28844[Reply]

Mane a new complaints thread, I have complaints.

No. 28845

does anyone know when new admin was supposed to start cus wtf

No. 28846

Someone already made this thread retard >>>/meta/28830

No. 29029

valid complaint

No. 80016


No. 80075

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No. 26555[Reply]

3 Rules:
Nicole anon stfu already
No spam
No derailing or infighting
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No. 28820

Please expose the post history of romanianon and permaban them

No. 28821

jill's thread looks like it's about to fill up with DID munchies…

No. 28822

THIS! Delete that fucking shit. Why do you leave it up for them to just do it again 2hours later and have people reply to it to get them even more attention? Just delete it.

No. 28823

Elaine’s history hasn’t even been exposed idk why you all think admin will just mark anyone’s posts

No. 28824

Jill's thread has so many newfags from tiktok and twitter. I bet 100 dollars that the person she bullied off of tiktok is the one writing those long-ass essay posts about DID. At this point the anons in her thread almost rival her in how eye-roll inducing they are.

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No. 4559[Reply]

Hello everyone, I'm your new admin!

Regina has been showing me the ropes for the past few weeks and finished transferring everything to me.

I've made a new discord, anyone who wants to join can do so at https://discord.gg/J6zJuXV. You don't need a discord account to join, and there is no longer any verification process.

If you are interested in being a janitor or moderator for the site/discord, please apply here: https://lolcow.typeform.com/to/zD7ZD8

I plan on issuing a survey in the next couple of days to see what direction we want for the site. I want to generally have stricter moderation to cut down on nitpicking of snowflakes and off-topic posts. This will remain a place for free speech, however I'd like to improve the general quality of posts, if possible.

Thanks, and please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions!
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No. 4789

We'll look into it, it's likely you might have gotten banned on accident if it was yesterday due to the robots raiding the board.

No. 4842


The banner of Logan is still in rotation. Anons in the Raven thread have made several reports and requests to have it removed.

No. 4843

I don't see why the banner should be removed just because the relationship is in the past. It's still part of lolcow history and we don't prune content. It's not necessary, but it's not a case of something that should be removed because it's against our rules.

No. 4868

Speaking of banners, where do we submit new ones? I thought there was a thread but I couldn't find it here.

No. 4870

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No. 1224[Reply]

Last night, we held a pretty productive chat in https://chat.lolcow.farm/r/meta about site policies and what sort of threads belong in /snow/. I may do another one tonight.

I'd like to start doing these once every 1 or 2 weeks. Some chats may have specific topics. Otherwise, you can just ask me general questions about the site and discuss the state of it and its future.

I will also try to post transcripts for each chat, possibly with some off-topic discussion removed, for people who are unable to join at that time. Note that a lot of off-topic discussion is still in these transcripts, so apologies if you have to sift through a lot of irrelevant material.

Town Hall #1 - 9/14/15: http://pastebin.com/rt4QLix2

No. 1229

just curious, why does it stop halfway through the chat?
i'm not well-versed in pastebin, is there more or is that all there is?

No. 1232

I cut out everything after that point in the chat, because I consider it too off-topic. No real discussion of moving threads happened after then.

No. 1249

I plan on holding a town hall once every Wednesday evening, Eastern time. Next one will be tomorrow, September 23.

No. 1466

Will you continue to update the chatlogs for those of us who aren't online at the time?

No. 1784

We have stopped doing these once per week. I usually announce them 2 days in advance, and just do them when I feel like it, or if something important is going on. I may go back to a standard schedule soon.

Still deciding on the best way to handle chat logs.

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No. 7764[Reply]

What's the difference between Lowcow and Crystal Cafe?

No. 7772

one is openly full of trannies, the other isn't

No. 7796


Their site actually functions.

No. 7799

the only positive of having a site full of trannies. you will never have to worry about tech shit going awry because every single one of them majored in comp sci.

No. 7906

>well-run site made by women must be secretly run by men

do any of you even listen to yourselves

No. 7931

take a joke, autist. good lord…

and to call cc well-run is a reach. anything would appear well-run compared to this dump.

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No. 4265[Reply]

Summarizing tonight's Townhall:

- A new team of moderators and janitors has been hired and is working hard to keep lolcow clean. Staff has an all-new moderation guide with specific ban reasons and times. Bans increase with a factor of 2 for repeat offenses in succession.
- A posting guide for new users will be added in order to integrate them more efficiently rather than filling up threads with attempts to alienate or teach them.
- Users are encouraged to use the reports system to let staff know privately if they agree with moderation decisions (public ones like warnings). This is a way for us to (under consideration of bullshit reports and bias) keep tabs on which moderators reflect the community.
- Posting new threads on /pt/ will be restricted to staff members. For thread continuations, a warning will be posted once a thread has reached 1100 posts (100 posts before bump limit).
From that point, users can submit summaries of recent drama and thread OP pics to a dedicated thread. Staff will then post a continuation thread. Recently, continuations have been missing social media links and summaries, so we'll try this as a solution.
- Posting new threads to /snow/ will be aided by a new post form (pic related). Until the form is installed, a post template will help new users make decent quality threads.
- Race and trans wank will be reduced to one thread each in /ot/ which will be put on autosage.
- Proposed: In times of zero milk, when a thread is mostly speculation, it could be put on autosage until a moderator undoes this when there's fresh drama.
- Nitpicking, armchair psychology, and absolutely baseless speculating must be saged and kept under control. Endless tinfoiling about e.g. Taylor's or Dakota's income or specific shade of hair color must stop and will be punished.
- Hellweek starts tomorrow. This means strict moderation and lots of temporary bans.
- For example, all posts that only consist of "hi [cow]" or "lol" or "underrated post" will be removed and punished with a short ban.
- Taking bait is now a bannable offense unless saged and kept to minimal interaction.
- The Chatango box, although requested as an alternative to Discord, seems unpopular and has been voted to be removed.
- Incel threads will be banned until farmers learn not to lure them to lolcow by attentionwhoring in their communities.
- Zero tolerance for male posters who identify themselves in their posts or otherwise fail to fly under the radar.
- Ember's thread will be put on autosage. You can keep posting in it, but don't make a new one.
- /sty/ and /cream/ will be removed.

Feel free to make further suggestions or post your feedback on any of the above.
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No. 4549


/Sty/ was a goddamn mistake and now it's gone. Shit threads are rightfully deleted forever now.

No. 4554

It's technically still there, and usable


No. 4557

Can we get Kelly's posts tagged, like with mystery, spergchan, etc?

No. 4558



No. 8145

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No. 4553[Reply]

Lolcow.farm needs more staff!

Please apply here:
Application form

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No. 6673

Is there a thread about her

No. 6681


No. 6740

Ah yes, a farmhand during hard labor (looks like Vamplettes)

No. 6768

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Another example of how pnp can’t physically resist the urge to defensively correct strangers who make any sort of inaccurate statement. I swear this bitch has her eyes sucked into her screen at all times to reply to these types of comments.

Sorry that not everybody knows that your cat is a dog Ariana I’m(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 6811

Why do you keep posting about PlasticandProud in a Mod applications thread?

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No. 4005[Reply]

Welcome to the first annual Lolcow Awards, feel free to comment and celebrate!

Favorite Cow:
- Onision >>>/pt/346069
- Margaret Palermo >>>/pt/346078
- Pixyteri >>346101

Worst Cow:
- Onision >>346069
- Incels >>346074
- Dakota (tba)

Best Milk:
- Keekweek >>346075
- Onision >>346069
- Margaret Palermo >>346078

Biggest Plot Twist:
- Venus’ Escape >>346078
- Keekweek >>346075
- Billie’s return to the Onion house >>346069

- Hartley Hooligans >>346081
- Ashley Isaacs (tba)
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 4019

I think it's about interpretation of the word "worst". I think it lead to votes going to useless cows and also to high-drama, prominent cows.

No. 4020


That's exactly why she's the worst. Hello?

No. 4021

Sheena should be considered worst cow since she actually killed someone and got away with it. Otherwise, Onion beats all!

No. 4022

I mean, Ryden Armani did too. Kind of.

No. 4023

>as well as write ups about how eating a stick of butter a day can help them be more healthy

rip angryman, gone but not forgotten

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