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No. 78430
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sorry cowball!(do not post cowballs)
No. 78434
File: 1717596055685.jpeg (58.77 KB, 260x312, IMG_1120.jpeg)

>takes long deep breath
Mods suck so
No. 78448
Can someone do somehting about the constant nitpicking of her food and ana tinfoil in the Taylor thread? It's getting out of hand.
>>>/w/327827 Anons are nitpicking a meal with veggies and chicken and fighting with anons about it if you don't agree.
No. 78452
File: 1717605546018.png (78.05 KB, 666x230, unpopularopinions.png)

the influx of summerfags is so apparent in the unpopular opinions thread and I wish farmhands would moderate it more. anons venting about how they want to nuke the middle east has been going on for fucking days now. it’s repetitive, dumb, and annoying. they’re just circumventing the racebait ban on the technicality that muslims aren’t a race. I’m not saying this because I love the the ~religion of peace~ but it’s clear what’s happening, and moderation has been inconsistent.
I think the reason why this is such popular rhetoric among our young zoomie friends here is because of how overwhelming pro-palestine protests are at high schools and colleges currently, such that you’ll be called a genocidal zionist if you don’t join in, so they’re lashing out against the herd here, but it’s obnoxious and reeks of underaged behavior. if farmhands continue to not moderate the inflammatory posts like this, lolcow will become no better than /pol/ where anons are constantly jerking each other off in edgelord competitions.
No. 78458
>>78452"if I wuz…"
into the trash
No. 78459
>>78451First of all, the post you linked is already in a thread of redtexts.
Second of all, mods should stop banning posts showcasing her ana. They used to ban them as "tinfoil", now that it's obvious she is 'dieting', they ban them for "nitpicking". Where in the rules does it state that mentioning a cow's ana is against the rules or a nitpicks? Discussing cows and their bullshit is literally the purpose of the forum lol
Third of all, the post is pointing out that she's substituting regular rice with chickpea rice because it has less carbs. Downthread there's a post about her latest story stating just that. And guess what, mods already banned it too, thanks to your reports.
No. 78462
>>78456When will you dumb fangirls realise that an unnecessary, restrictive diet is also ana, not just not eating at all. Taylor fears carbs like the plague, it's not normal. Pointing that out is not nitpicking.
> a big bowl of rice, chickpea, and chicken with veggiesShe herself said it's
chickpea rice and that's what was the topic of discussion. Learn to read.
No. 78464
>>78463Do you mean yourself or Taylor lol because, no, none of those can be read as "sarcastically".
What I 'read' though is that you're pressed that Taylor's "healthier than vegetarian diet with real protein" (lmao) does not fool others into overseeing her obsession with dieting.
No. 78469
File: 1717608063271.jpg (87.2 KB, 600x549, edgelord spotted.JPG)

You are so embarrassing lmao
No. 78475
>>>/w/327826 The pic is not not about the food it's about the upcoming vlog. Taylor's mod is as retarded as her wks/fangirls.
>>>/w/327837A tinfoil?? lmao if anything it's a derail. Does the mod need spoonfeeding from previous threads?
>>78465Lmao mods are not known for overmoderating the thread for nothing (see above).
No. 78478
>>78472Because she said so kek. I’m not even trying to be mean, and I have nothing against her beyond finding her spergy, but if I screenshotted her posts from both threads you would see exactly what I mean
>>78474That’s not why
No. 78485
File: 1717616196902.gif (Spoiler Image,394.85 KB, 500x500, 1717612149226.gif)

Cow balls should not be banned, they're cute
No. 78490
>>78488I'm kind of annoyed the janny banned the anon who was translating for us. Regardless of the age information, there are some other things I wanted to ask her opinion on.
But there's no real tinfoil either. Taylor admitted having an ED in the past at some point, she just denied it for a long time up to a point and then admitted she wasn't healthy. Now she's obsessed with going carbless. If I post a screenshot from today (not yet posted) where she talks about carbs, will I be banned? It's literally her actual words about cutting carbs.
No. 78495
File: 1717620216723.png (209.55 KB, 816x869, ban.png)

Can farmhands clarify wtf is 'on topic' for the quarantine cultural impact thread? There have been a bunch of redtexts over the last few days responding to clearly on-topic posts to the point it seems like one of the mods just doesn't want the thread to be active.
>2 days ago someone brings up the lack of trust in medicine and doctors>talking about that isn't directly about COVID, take it to the tinfoil thread>OK>someone starts talking about how people became aggressive and angry online since 2020>respond to that post, get a ban because 'this isn't the thread to talk about COVID'>even though it's literally a discussion about a 'cultural impact' of COVID i.e. people's aggressive antisocial behavior that started during quarantine + changes to social media censorship during that timeThe thread description is "Regardless of the actual number of deaths or illnesses, the pandemic had a lasting impact on cultures and the political landscape of the world. The pre-pandemic times feels like a distant era now, This includes changes in the economy and the radicalization of many individuals, and I believe we will soon start witnessing the consequences of these impacts." so the post that got banned about people acting radicalized seems exactly on-topic. Or should we just not post there because no matter what we're talking about in that thread we'll get banned?
>>78493Lol sorry I use a vpn so I didn't think about that but I changed it
No. 78496
>>78495basically it means dont sperg about the vaccine for 2+ days over hundreds of posts. which is what you were doing and why you got banned for it kek. your post even has the "post too long" thing b/c you were sperging out that hard over the vax.
>Lol sorry I use a vpnso tired of this because it seems like the spergiest anons are the ones that use VPNs so they can ban evade whenever they want and keep on being retarded instead of actually learning from their ban. if you actually read the thread you'd see that most posts before your's were also banned for derailing b/c the infight was going on too long then, but instead of learning from that redtext and dropping the topic you kept at it. you walked right into the ban and now you're upset. just hop over onto a different vpn and continue sperging if that's all you're gonna do why even be angry about a ban if you can just evade it so easily?
No. 78499
>>78496The post that got banned wasn't about the vax in any way shape or form. If the problem is vax posts why don't farmhands ban vax posts instead of posts that aren't about the vax? I also didn't make hundreds of posts in the thread wtf. I didn't use a vpn to ban evade and I haven't posted in the thread since I just want to know what is 'on topic' in the thread since apparently 'random shit about how people don't trust doctors' is off topic, COVID itself is off topic, people getting aggressive since 2020 is off topic. There's only like 5 posts redtexted in the thread and only one is about the vaccine.
Two of my posts were banned one was about SSRI diagnoses and one was this one, what was I supposed to 'learn from'?
No. 78503
>>78501If you see other people in a thread getting a derail redtext for a topic in a thread, you should infer that you shouldn't post about the topic lest you be banned as well. It's really not that deep. You were engaging in a days-long infight about something retarded, so you got banned for 6 hours. Boo hoo.
>>78502You're the most autistic type of dumbass shit poster.
No. 78504
>>78503Yeah, but I didn't see anyone getting a derail redtext in the thread for what I was talking about. I got a ban like 4 hours after I posted my one singular redtexted post, the person who posted after me got redtexted. No one before me got redtexted. What's hard to grasp here?
Where should we post about the topic of 'cultural impacts of quarantine' if not the 'cultural impacts of quarantine' thread is what I'm asking?
No. 78511
>>78507That's literally not what my redtexted post was about though, read the screencap. I just scrolled through the whole thread and there are only 7 redtexts in the entire thread, 2 are for an infight about whether someone's area is still locked down, 1 is me recommending a book about depression diagnoses (banned for not being on the topic of COVID), 1 is about ozempic, 1 is some troll asking if someone has bad shits from ivermectin, and the last 2 are my post about people getting violent and the post directly responding to it. Maybe you should go scroll the thread if you're going to call me a retard who can't read?
Also the previous COOF thread has literally hundreds of posts arguing about vaccines and not being redtexted, I wasn't part of any of those conversations but even reading the previous thread doesn't suggest that talking about vax shit is a bannable offense.
No. 78515
>>78513Can you explain how talking about COVID cultural impacts on the COVID cultural impacts thread is derailing (derailing from what?) It is starting to sound like you're the mod that banned me for derailing and you just have something against people talking about coof-related shit in the coof-related-shit thread after trying to lie that I should have 'learned' from a previous ban about vax sperging that I never got.
I'm not trying to appeal the ban I just want to know what is considered on topic for the thread before I consider posting in it again since I'm such a conscientious lolcow citizen and don't want to do evil lawless shit on this anti-censorship imgboard.
No. 78516
>>78514I don't know what they're trying to insinuate. There wasn't anything posted in that thread that was bannable. At worst, the hashihime cg was
sus, but it was also used as an example of being bait.
No. 78520
>>78512The fujoshi discord they used to link here until mods made them quit it. They came from /cm/, /a/, and /jp/. When you see baity shitposts with subahibi, rance, persona, N, eva, shota, traps, or nitro chiral pics, it's one of them.
No. 78525
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>>78486maybe we could have a cowball love containment thread in /m/?
No. 78527
>>78490That's why I always switch to phone data before posting anything in Taylor's thread. There's such a high chance of a ban no matter what you post because of the fangirl mod. Ridiculous.
Drop the links to the forum posts and I'll post translations in her thread if there's anything interesting.
(admitting to ban evasion) No. 78539
Have you been following the discussion about shotafags taking over the fujo thread or
No. 78548
What is with anons shoehorning in non-cows when it doesn't even involve the cow? Ozy isn't even posting about Moo.
>>>/pt/935040 There's no reason to update about him alone if Moo isn't involved. It's just another scrote.
No. 78569
>>78566>SFW shota As if, all of the posts I've seen that could be considered "sfw" were still vile. Lusting over how "cute" the shota is, I don't understand what's with the double standard here with shota? Loli shit is posted only with censors and even sfw has to be posted in only critical threads and only to provide as proof. while shota spergs are going on how badly they want to see a child being raped ans how cute it is and its totally fine beacause its just a fantasy!
don't be fucking dense just go see the condition of the fujo thread even if they don't post nsfw of it it's clear what they're implying posting sfw from a porn genre doesn't make it not porn anymore.
No. 78570
>>7856999% of anime characters are underage. Shinji and kaworu are 14 and i dont see anyone reeeing about them. Also yaoi is infested with ''
problematic'' stuff like rape and abuse. Just learn to differentiate reality from fiction. I dont know how such sensitive people end up becoming weebs, go watch the office like a normalfag.
No. 78571
>>78566They were literally whining about boycotting a game because it
didn't have sex scenes of a 13 year old in it just the other day. Lusting after young boys is NSFW whether you attach an image or not. And the sexual nature is implied by the very fact it gets posted in the yaoi thread.
No. 78574
>>78536ofc you won't see rancefag since she's permabanned from lc and if she announces herself she'll get her posts deleted.
>>78542Admin made a poll last year about it. I can't remember it perfectly but it was something like, all lolisho must be spoilered, nsfw heavily censored and it has to be related to the milk.
No. 78577
>>78574>all lolisho must be spoileredApplies to images
>nsfw heavily censoredApplies to images
>and it has to be related to the milk./m/ is an offtopic board. Inapplicable.
No. 78578
>>78575I'm pretty sure it was about all lolisho, here I found the post.
>>57339The new rule regarding shota and loli is "Discussion and images should only be permitted if it is related to milk, and NSFW images must be heavily censored. All images must be spoilered." This will be added to the rules once exact wording has being agreed on between staff.
No. 78584
>>78579I don't know, I just remembered the poll and linked it.
>>78580>>78581You both should read the entire post.
No. 78590
If mods are insistent on not enforcing the shota rule can you at least make a containment for them? It's getting obnoxious at this point.
>>78589The age is irrelevant, it's how the character is drawn (proportions and specific shota tropes/tells mostly)
No. 78591
File: 1717687367074.jpg (130.13 KB, 850x850, sample_05bf372f7960120ea1122a2…)

>>78589age doesnt matter, if it has short shorts ITS A SHOTA. I will never stop laughing at the schizo trying to claim this fucking roidpig is a shota kek.
No. 78593
I think the no lolisho rule should really only apply for nsfw because of the gray area. Like
>>78588 said, there are anons here that consider Kirito a shota. But also /m/ already has a no nsfw rule.
>>78590A containment thread might work, but I don't think mods will go for it. Even if it's just a thread about posting cute anime boys.
No. 78596
>>78588>>78589Read the entire post by Admin
>>57339She explained what a shota would be and would not be in general terms.
No. 78601
File: 1717690010349.png (13.39 KB, 1168x167, Banned!.png)

>>78598this is the ban message I got for posting that Hashihime cg so I'm guessing me discussing it was okay but posting that image was not.
No. 78605
>>78601Why are you and other anons trying to be dense about this? NSFW art, of characters 18 and under, doesn't matter if you see their design to be 18 and older or under, if it is canon 18 and younger you need to spoiler NSFW images. If they are clothes, it's fine, but must stay in containment.
It's not a fucking hard rule and literally makes perfect sense. If anyone is spamming images of shots right now, I guarantee it is shitposting. Normal users know these rules, not nitpick and fight everyone explaining them including the link to the admin post. The trolling needs to be moderated heavier, this is stupid.
No. 78609
>>78601Yeah I guess next time either don't post it
although I think that image was warranted considering it was an example of a cg used in hashihime to showcase the shotabait or heavily censor it and spoiler it just in case.
>>78605I mean the image was just a nipslip and something I wouldn't consider nsfw, but I suppose just censoring all under 18 characters works. But also nsfw art at all isn't allowed in /m/ so any nsfw images posted should be censored and spoilered on /m/
No. 78613
>>78452Summerfags are also destroying the yaoi thread.
No. 78640
>>78638Posting shota is the only edgy thing ever, but the OP image of a guy slicing open another guy's arm is fine.
I don't even think there's an issue with the OP image and found it extremely retarded when the mods tried removing it a few weeks ago, but it's pretty clear every fujo is a bit edgy.
No. 78648
File: 1717698929657.png (622.93 KB, 828x691, 01.png)

>>78646She’s also the person who made that hamas x jew art. Not edgy at all
No. 78655
>>78654She's gross and obnoxious. she posts pissing fetish art everywhere like a retarded unsocialized autist. At least the shotafags post sfw cutesy art, which is miles better than the gross shit she posts. She posted her pissing fetish art unspoilered on the art thread recently
>>>/m/387251 if you are going to draw degenerate shit at least be good at drawing
No. 78662
>>78636bitch i have been here since 2016. i survived the kiki chimpouts. i used to make ops for onion and shoe threads. i browsed mystery.jpg's post history in horror as i saw her agree in response to my posts. i've left lc and relapsed at least 6 times. i spent half of my teens on lolcow and i have nothing to lose or gain anymore. i'm not going anywhere, i will stay on this shitty dingey til it sinks.
also, i'm not a furry.
No. 78663
File: 1717700881412.png (50.09 KB, 720x344, Screenshot_20240606-140304~2.p…)

>>78660>In response to someone saying they don't know where is a good site to post about BLjust Ctrl+F lolcow happened several times before this but I can't be assed to go dumpster diving, it's been brought up in a previous meta complaint a few months ago here where someone was advertising it on /jp/ as well.
No. 78669
File: 1717702157262.png (285.83 KB, 871x843, 1000012102.png)

they're attacking >ntyfag now because it's all true btw. they're faggots who kept posting about lolcow on /a/ and /cm/ bringing in some of the biggest autists on this side of the spectrum who plague /m/ and /ot/ now, and they shilled their shitty discord in the fujo thread until they got banned for it.
dumbass shit and funposting are dead, they couldn't stop baiting and fighting with the antifujos instead of just ignoring them, now they're still spamming unfunny shitposts everywhere and shotasperging after that troon-rigged election disaster hellbanned it, animecore/webcore 4chan newfags are up there for the most insufferable type of newfags to exist.
>>78666you can go through the fujo threads and see links to the discord in question. mods started deleting them when the shilling got out of hand, but some (dead ones) are still up
>>>/m/316192 it's picrel discord owned by someone claiming to like all of the things the /a/ newfags keep spamming, here and 4chan. someone said rancefag was in there but i don't know whether that was true or not, i didn't pay much attention to the drama with her.
No. 78676
File: 1717703148932.jpeg (547.03 KB, 828x1415, IMG_4114.jpeg)

we should have a rule against furfaggotry
No. 78678
>>78673>you asked how it relates to discord and I providedlrn2read. it isn't discord drama, i wouldn't be posting if it was. it's to outline how the discord is connected to this.
>>78674yes, newfag. you wouldn't know because to you this is just the silly girlboard to thirstpost about anime boys and own da moids.
No. 78680
>>78677There's a reason why pull always called us
toxic. They weren't wrong, but look who's the last one standing haw haw.
No. 78686
>>78681>why do oldfags want this site to be about bullying women so badly?because to put it bluntly the site was created for bullying women and gurg and nothing will top the days before it lost the plot and became female reddit.
>you would be the first in line with your weird piss fetish and schizo postsi'm not screaming about my love for piss from the rooftops to make sure everyone knows how edgy and cool i am. i dropped a spoiler one time, oopsy, maybe we need to enact a sitewide piss ban now like what happened to shota.
No. 78688
>>78685Nta but check the posts
>>78541 linked
>pedoposting>baity 4chanspeak>NxKaworu posting in betweenThis type of thing has happened in past fujo threads. There's also the picture of the crossdressing boy from Subahibi that someone keeps reposting and the discordfag has him as her profile picture.
No. 78690
>>78681because this site was built about cyberbullying.
faggots who come here exclusively to blog about their lives are insufferable
No. 78693
>>78686>i'm not screaming about my love for piss from the rooftops to make sure everyone knows how edgy and cool i amBecause nty isn't edgy at all and you never mention it?
>>78688Okay. I was still the only one posting anything that might have been inappropriate yesterday and even so multiple anons chimped out after someone else simply said shotas are cute. The issue isn't "baity 4chanspeak" it's moralfags like you not knowing to ignore posts you don't like while being into things that are just as degenerate.I hate the subahibi sissy posts but it doesn't matter if she's posting or not the thread will just turn to shit anyway
No. 78702
>>78700there's a gazilion sites where you can blog about life, mental health, anime and nigels. there aren't many sites built around making fun of cows.
/ot/ is way active and attracts shit users who then complain that lc is built around cyberbullying uwu
No. 78715
>>78714she also posted her pissing fetish, uncensored again, in the art thread
>>>/m/387251 its funny she seethes about shotafags when she has a more disgusting fetish she tries to shove down everyone's throat.
No. 78720
File: 1717718810216.png (Spoiler Image,423.72 KB, 828x725, HMsjnzb_ndnm.png)

>>78717This is fine I assume
No. 78736
>>78729This would actually be funny, but instead, I think mods should have two separate attention colors. Redtext is good, but what about green or blue for slang that is specific to newfags?
Delulu, IMO I think
ya'll should be there too, i can't think of others right now. I know I've seen other anons mention some, but that would be fun.
No. 78739
>>78726This is the truth admins don't want to hear.
Just look at this simple issue turned massive infight: the fujo thread had a good resident cow and instead of politely gawking (and reporting unspoiled pics when needed) anons can't stop sperging and trying to drive her away. It's over for cow culture. Almost the same thing happened to homunculus100.
No. 78740
File: 1717743073243.jpeg (736.12 KB, 1170x1142, IMG_5057.jpeg)

>>78429Why am I the only one who was redtexted for saying that mood was decent smh
No. 78749
>>78740Ah sorry nonna this is my fault. I made a report saying all of the replies UNDER this post is infighting as you capped here
>>78741 I guess they didnt read what I put so sorry about that
No. 78752
>>78703>>78708I'm asking
them to check it, you idiot. but i guess the mods are fine with Gene pretending to be a chick modding for this site.
I mean what harm can it do for you people to actually check my claims? Why does this board /meta/ even exists when we keep begging you to do your job and you just keep banning the people trying to get you to get off your lazy ass and mod?
Oh well, I tried.
No. 78757
File: 1717768412245.jpg (591.35 KB, 1080x1804, Why is anon retarded.jpg)

Is this the new way for anons to try to bypass nitpicking from mods, by adding in their dumbass comments to the photos and then posting them instead?
No. 78765
>>78757I find it neat though, it's easier to understand which comment op is replying to, instead of posting multiple times with separate photos and replies, or citing each comment individually.
>>78759Doesn't mean it's the same anon lol The anon you linked sperged about Tom's age and Chinese forums and kept freeing even after the discussion was over. This one seems different, at least to me.
And how do mods detect ban evading or samefagging in the first place if I constantly get ban messages of other farmers when using a vpn? If they can't tell who's posting, how can they know if it's a ban evasion or not?
>>78764And others just scroll by if they don't like the discussion. At this point jannies bans everything - ana discussions, filler discussions, plagiarism discussions, infertility discussions etc. What are we
allowed to discuss? Taylor's beauty and incredible talents?
Also what happened to the rule about abusing the report button, because Taylor's fangirl are surely busy checking the thread regularly and reporting every single post.
No. 78773
Not exactly a complaint because it was a short already-expired ban and all, but why the hell did this saged post
>>>/snow/2001622 get an "already posted" ban when the point was not to post the same pictures again but to show other anons their context, which they were wrong about? They were saying the cow hid the pictures when in reality she posted some herself and actually replied to the others, is it because I said she wasn't ugly? Kek the egirl thread has some weird jannies, you should consider getting people who aren't cows themselves to look over it
No. 78774
They are the same photos
>>>/snow/2000340Just a different format.
No. 78776
File: 1717789958647.png (18.13 KB, 648x346, nyaposts.png)

>>78774Yes, and they being the same photos
with her replies is the entire point. This is what was being said in the posts I replied to. Is lolcow so low on data space that including the pics with her replies counts as ban-worthy?
No. 78792
>>78782She has never completed any training with Nymeria as a service dog and has a history of lying about her animals being service animals. No one needs to spoonfeed you.
Service dogs are not treated the way Stef treats the dogs she has brought to conventions. Why are you defending this retard?
No. 78794
>>78781In the world where /w/ is for milk regarding cosplay, lolita, and weebs. The animal shit in her thread has always been off topic and annoying. Anons just get desperate to talk about something when she isn't doing her skinwalks.
>>78788We've discussed it many times and most people agree it should be merged back into /snow/. But the admins refuse to put up a poll or anything about it, and really haven't communicated with the user base about anything in quite a while, so it's not happening.
No. 78803
>>78797I was under the impression that /w/ and /snow/ were split up because /w/ users (especially Venus anons) were shitting up threads in /snow/. I wouldn't mind a merge back because /w/ is pointless now that Venus was moved to /pt/
I don't think I'd personally like it if we reverted back to /b/ like 7 or so years ago, I think /m/ has a chill vibe, and /g/ is unhinged anons thirsting over moids. I think /ot/ tends to get very repetitive with similar threads popping up (specifically off my chest/confessions/vent). Imo having it the way we have it now there's less of a risk of cross-contamination of retarded anons shitting up the /m/ threads
No. 78810
Double post
>>78700Yeah exactly, the anons complaining about this are probably PULLfags. Like for example KF doesn't ONLY have the cow subforums, they also have the offtopic one(s).
No. 78815
File: 1717862262669.jpg (402.28 KB, 1058x1212, Vendettafag.jpg)

The googledoc anon is using this thread as their personal army and cannot stop stalking the cow and posting the doc everywhere she posts and manipulating any milk currently and future wise. This is ridiculous. When there's a thread that's clearly a vendetta to keep it going, shouldn't it be closed? This user keeps coming back and repeating their same schtick. They are personalityfagging now at this point, letting everyone know that they are the maker of the googledoc every chance they get. I know the post has already been banned, but this is such a blatant case of a vendetta.
If anything it should be autosaged, not locked, so that they can't keep bumping the thread for their vendetta.
No. 78818
File: 1717873098084.jpeg (Spoiler Image,142.31 KB, 828x303, IMG_4150.jpeg)

ban all tradthots
No. 78820
Should Pixielocks and Shayna just move to /pt/? Like I get they’re supposed to be the /w/ and /snow/ mascots or whatever but their threads just end up clogging each board’s catalog. They both (especially Shayna) have their face all over banners too and Shayna literally has
>>>/shay/ dedicated to her when iirc now other cow has a hidden board dedicated to them (/pt/ stopped being about just Pixyteri so I don’t count it)
No. 78839
Male in Moo's thread
>>>/pt/935267 a whole crybaby post about men discarding women after 30
No. 78847
>>78836It's about Tom's minute of fame, not about food, retard. Learn to read before hittimg the report button.
And when it comes to nitpicking, at this point it's miss janny nitpicking and banning every post that has food in it. The food pics are not about the food itself, they are proof that she is ana and actively dieting despite being skin and bones. I'm glad that anons post those because then if someone dares to mention her ana they won't be banned for tinfoiling. (Who am I kidding. they will be banned anyway)
No. 78855
>>78849Just came here to ask.
>>78854>How do you know it's thd mod? Anon could've deleted it herselfit had been there for hours
No. 78861
>>78849>>78854Since when are mods deleting posts in cow threads (I'm not talking about cp etc.)? Is redtexting not enough? Although there was nothing to redtext in the first place. If there's any more proof needed that the mod is a braindead fangirl, this is it. Couldn't have been more obvious.
>>78859Seconding this.
No. 78865
File: 1717959198851.jpeg (77.57 KB, 587x202, IMG_1203.jpeg)

Let’s see if the mods will find this and ban it for racebaiting. If they don’t then they have no business banning people for talking about other races, these asian mods are so self-hating and inconsistent
No. 78876
>>78875Pretty sure the mods can tell. Admin has mentioned people being detectable before which would follow some tinfoil I read last year about device-specific stuff. Might not be the IP that gives it away in that case.
Also some users do have a habit of coming back and posting the same thing they got banned for like the micky w thread
No. 78890
>>78889I'll throw this out here to anyone passing if you weren't here when
that thing would spam porn, cp, and excessive schizo takes meant to annoy women, he always referred to "the tranny janny", and I mean like 100s of posts. So if you're online and you see even one post that says those 3 words in order or any odd, slightly word salad-y variation of it, it's him. He may find a way to drag one or two of his only schizo internet 'friends' here to do some pathetic attempt at a raid, but its also very likely most if not all posts are actually his. He's severely mentally ill and abuses drugs while sitting at his pc all night and day, he has all the time in the world. He takes thousands of screencaps and shares them in dumb discord servers claiming he's owning Le Ebil
Terf Dykes when most of us are neither of those things. If you were here for his prior spamming (where thousands of posts were deleted) you'd be able to identify the weird fake-trad way he talks.
No. 78901
File: 1717987644035.jpeg (391.61 KB, 799x1073, IMG_4021.jpeg)

fuck it I guess circumcision is the word of the day
No. 78928
File: 1718043929410.jpeg (90.87 KB, 735x740, IMG_1321.jpeg)

a lot of the red texting recently is pure autism. No social awareness of what’s a joke or not, or taking things seriously that are clearly not meant to be taken seriously. There is an epidemic of genuinely autistic Jannie’s and I will not be silenced
No. 78944
>>78935I didn't say pasta dish, I said her finances. I'm talking about the tax situation post. Completely unwarranted ban.
Also Mikan is nowhere near Eugenia level, either way fat or skin it's unflattering and the anons were all dogging on the designer, not calling Mikan fat yet they were banned for being an ana nitpicker. Would the mod be less
triggered if they referred to it as skin popping out?
No. 78945
File: 1718070231096.png (100.42 KB, 976x938, comparison.png)

>>78944Am I wrong to think this is the same thing? Aside from the doxxing redaction. Are they just unhappy with how it was typed? Both posts have estimated earnings, fee breakdowns, rent, etc. Why is it ok in Shay's thread but not Pixie's?
No. 78950
>>78945Bc most of it is tinfoil, you guys don't actually know what she's spending and what on like Shay. Shay actually posts prices of shit and rent bc she begs for it online. Jill however, we have an anon saying where she lives and trying to get that be the truth of rent and other bullshit.
Can you guys just be normal in the threads???
No. 78951
>>78950Personally, a cow's finances doesn't really interest me nor do I find it funny when people go to extreme lengths to state the obvious; "X is bad with money or is fucking poor"
like in the case of people getting DSP's bank information to learn what he'd been spending his money on but, the redtext was mainly for the doxxing info than the cost breakdown. Janny's right tho, anons in pixie's thread have been their own breed of autistic for years now.
No. 78952
>>78951It wasn’t because of the dox, that was only updated when I just checked it to post the screencaps. Initially nothing was redacted and it was just “autism” (and it was that for a while) which again isn’t warranted if the Shay stuff is ok. I honestly wouldn’t care as much if it didn’t seem like certain behavior gets ok’d in certain threads and banned in others. Wht is that? In general Shay threads are way worse than Pixie’s too
>>78950The doxxing was redacted, I won’t say what it was but it was related to her bf, not where Pixie lives. She also posts pictures of bs she buys all the time, I don’t see how it’s different. You don’t know how many subs Shay has, or what her rent plan cost is, it’s also “tinfoiling”
No. 78957
>>78933Yes, but there's almost no moderation, so at least 40% of every thread is shitposting, blogging, and derailing. Their cow summaries are also often horrifically outdated, and even jumping between highlights doesn't work because most of the highlights are unfunny jokes. that's the problem with having one gigantic thread. I went back and re-read the Jillian threads where she went to Tokyo for the first time, and it was pretty easy to navigate because the threads summarize milk and index previous threads.
>>78948I'm getting really tired of the blatant homophobia. It's clearly a bunch of trads using """man hate""" as an incredibly thin pretext to say shit that would get them banned anywhere else (and used to get them banned here!). Idk about you guys, but the pride threads in /ot/ used to be for complaining about spicy straights and corporate nonsense, not dancing on the graves of people who died of AIDS. I've been here for seven years and I distinctly remember a time when that sort of stuff would warrant redtext. It's not "defending moids" to be creeped out by anons who sound like Anita Bryant.
No. 78960
>>78953Because the moderation there is noticeably bad and extremely overdone compared to /snow/ and /pt/. It's extra weird because of how slow the board is and this just kills it even more, as if the mod wants it to die. /w/ is the only board where we're not allowed to have saged non-milk conversations about the cow and it's just like… why.
>>78879I like this idea. The current board metrics don't make sense. Why is Momokun is /pt/ even though her drama is mainly cosplay related, which is what /w/ is for? Why is Venus in /pt/ when her drama is mainly weeb related? Why is Pixielocks in /w/ when she doesn't cosplay or wear lolita, and isn't much of a weeb? Etc
No. 78963
>>78960Way to out how new you are. If you don't understand what /pt/ is why are you criticizing it?
>>78961It wouldn't even matter if it was, anon doesn't know what /pt/ is for.
No. 78964
Tbh it’s funny to see newfags call for /w/ and /snow/ to merge considering /w/ only split off a few (? I no longer remember how long) years ago. I still think they should be split. It’s only less active because most older /w/ cows have wisened up and cleaned up their act enough for people to stop airing their dirty laundry, and people don’t care enough to make threads for potentially milky weebs/cosplayers. That and a few threads on snow could go on either, like the egirl thread.
>>78963It doesn’t make them wrong to think that /w/ is overmoderated, that’s only been within the past few months.
No. 78970
>>78966This and needing to know where they live needs to stop. Anons hinting at cities, complexes, roads.. like why the fuck are anons trying so hard to do? Of course w is being held to stricter standards regarding this anons have tried pinpointing:
Chris Abroad
Belle Delphine
Taylor R
Why are we doing this??
No. 78992
>>78990Same. I’m begging you, cerbmin.
Please add a search function to the catalog. And add the catalog link to the top of the screen finally.
>>78991>Use the "find in page" tool on your phone This doesn’t work for me.
No. 79008
File: 1718259456724.png (348.99 KB, 750x744, m3005.png)

I'm going to say this again: the homophobia is getting really out of control, particularly in /ot/. It's clearly gone beyond just normal moid hate and into straight-up bigotry. It's only a matter of time before anons stop qualifying it with "moids" and just start trashing gay people of both sexes. There's also just been a lot of blatant partisan political bullshit lately (unrelated to troons or gender). This shit ruined Kiwifarms, and it'll ruin LCF if it isn't nipped in the bud.
If it absolutely has to be allowed, it should be contained to 2X. /ot/ has the highest density of retardation on the site, and I think that the gender critical thread there may have emboldened the political refugee trad types who lurk there.
No. 79019
>>78593People really need to stop conflating nsfw and porn or nudity.
>>78591 is nsfw as is most of the shit on /m/ but that pic wouldn’t be breaking /m/ no porn rules.
No. 79055
>>79052This. Tbh why have them at all? The threads are never
valid complaints or just simple discussions about annoying aspects of pet culture, it’s weirdos talking and fantasising about people’s beloved animals dying.
Literally no better than the scrotes on r/childfree and the fuck uh things they say about kids
No. 79079
>>79077Hey mods you deleted my comment in the crossfire of this
triggered male and I'm not a "
triggered male". Please don't make dissenting opinions from other women a banable offense. It is a genuine question why women don't pursue STEM more often and I am curious how many here do. Please stop deleting comments there's no problem with or at least give a reason for why you deleted them.
No. 79082
>>78429I hate that nonnas keep using the /snow/ western animation cow thread for general cartoon discussion.
Would the mods redtext me if I started (very) passively aggressively reposting their random webcartoons to the /m/ thread that they apparently aren't aware of?
>>79034I don't think there would be enough nonnas interested in that for a whole new board. That probably would be fine for an /m/ thread.
No. 79084
>>79068racebait is bannable whether you want it to be or not. you should leave the board entirely if you can't adhere to rules.
No. 79086
>>79076You're not the first or last person to request a new non-cow board. Anons have requested a travel board, a craft one, an anime one, etc etc. You guys all want female 4chan which this site is not and was never meant to be. Admin has said themselves they want to keep this site focused on cows.
Kiwifarms is a shithole, why would we want to be like them in any way?
No. 79092
>>79091>>79088>>79086So sick of bootlickers. No one asked
you. No one gives two fucks what you think. Anons are allowed to ask for whatever the fuck they want and they either get it or they don't, take yourselves out of the admins ass for just a solid five minutes and ask yourself why you're even here.
No. 79093
File: 1718481244329.png (10.94 KB, 896x155, Screenshot 2024-06-15 154944.p…)

This seems so insanely nitpicky. I don't even remember what post this is referring to so I'm assuming it was a while back
No. 79099
>>79097ban messages usually show the post you were banned for. post the whole ban message and redact your IP if you want to prove me wrong. the screenshot here
>>79093 clearly doesn't show the whole message
No. 79104
File: 1718559536785.png (64.61 KB, 950x370, 1000014984.png)

>>79103i miss this admin the most
No. 79106
File: 1718590136810.jpg (113.59 KB, 800x800, woman-has-headache-woman-stres…)

>>79103It's almost amusing how every admin starts out strong and then quickly gets tired of us and abandons us. Same pattern every time.
No. 79111
>>79110probably should've saged that.
also I don't support them I was just wondering if it was an official rule. It probably should be so theres no confusion for people who don't know. less of a headache in the long run.
No. 79124
>>79123it was good to have a
terf board but it was ruined by rightoids and blackpill spergs. rip
also the newfag is still bumping up his shit thread
>>>/snow/2005540 No. 79126
>>79122namefag (plural namefags)
(Internet slang, sometimes derogatory) A person who uses a name online (either their real name or a username) as opposed to posting anonymously, especially on the 4chan community. quotations ▼
namefag (third-person singular simple present namefags, present participle namefagging, simple past and past participle namefagged)
all my posts are anon and all my cows names are linked to their public social media. go find something to do with your life
No. 79141
>>79124No, it was always cancer. Even keeping it hidden was not enough. We don't need it. We never needed it. This is a cow board for dramu and sperg, not whining about troons and men. Take it to ot or fuck off.
No. 79142
File: 1718726273103.jpg (141.32 KB, 1787x107, Untitled-4.jpg)

How is this not racebait? Once again the black girls thread gets a free pass to be racist and mods allow it
No. 79143
>>79106cerbmin didn't start out strong because she was lying about everything.
>there aren't 3 admins, just one>there are still multiple unofficial discord servers where she communicates and all the mods hang out>she did not get rid of mods on the shaymin teamthat and she's not being transparent about anything, including the current mod team beef that is ruining the site.
No. 79150
>>79141oh boohoo the mean anons don't like your nigels.
retards seething about muh terves shit up threads just as much
>>>/m/393454 No. 79151
we should have a “worst parents of” award this year. the top contenders would be laur trueman from the lillee jean thread for ruining a whole person
>>>/pt/935962 and freyja/itsblackfriday from the altcows thread for abandoning her special needs child during surgery so she can gallivant around the world going to goth festivals with money she scammed from her followers
>>>/snow/1942859 with an honorable mention to binkieprincess/tangerinemommy for selling abdl porn and keeping pedos in her follower list even after she had an actual baby, who she won’t stop posting uncensored pics of even though the only reason she has a following is her diaper porn
>>>/pt/864707 No. 79168
>>79163It's so fucking annoying. I dont want to see random life updates from a cow in the photoshop thread. This user(s) have taken over the thread. None of the other PS threads were like this and required photoshopped images only. This update crap about her life, her clapping back, the constant uploads of her ugly boyfriend and their hijinks isn't milky to a photoshop thread. She needs her own or to be moved.
Not to mention the vendetta around her.
No. 79169
>>79106i mean can you blame them? people always get mad at the admins but never look at why they often give up. this is the pattern i've seen every time over the years:
>new admin(s) comes in, honeymoon period commences>everyone is excited, gushes over the new admin>"i just know you're going to be better than the last admin!" goo goo gah gah>new mod team goes heavy on the banning/moderating (justified or not)>"why the fuck did i get banned for this shit? fuck you admins! rot in hell!">admins and mods try to explain their reasoning for the bans, it's always the same thing…>stop infighting, stop unsaged sperging, stop policing other anon's opinions, stop reporting posts in bad faith, so on and so forth>reeeeeeeeeeeee it's not fair reeeeeeeeeee this place is no fun reeeeeeeeee>mods expose the loudest anons for being very recent posters, underage twitter refugees, or literal mentally ill schizos>said anons start spamming /meta/ and the admin emails with abuse>the worst ones start posting cp and gore in retaliation to try to get the boards taken down by the feds>"wow, this place has really gone downhill!">admin has a breakdown, goes silent, stops responding to emails and thread posts>eventually goes awol>suddenly announces his or her resignation>anons start infighting in even more>"the state of lolcow rn"; "this place is dead as fuck, i wish they would close the boards"; "can we just have (whatever board or thread everyone is bunched up in)? i don't really care about anything else. i just want what I want.">rinse and repeat No. 79184
File: 1718843585027.png (32.29 KB, 1063x105, Screen Shot 2024-06-19 at 8.29…)

Farmhands or admin can you guys actually start talking about how to solve the ban evasion problem? It's so much extra work for the moderation team to continuously ban the same few bad eggs that shit up the site like in picrel. If you actually came together and made a plan to fix this problem it'd make moderation way easier for all of you + a better experience for normal anons. It's so tiresome seeing the same dozen people post their bullshit over and over and over again because the current ban system isn't effective like it was before.
No. 79187
File: 1718851796601.png (218.65 KB, 637x1646, posthellweek.png)

>>79173>>79186admin posted the stats they tracked in the post-hellweek thread, but they’re pretty different from what the other anon found online. I assume either the site isn’t accurate or it’s tracking bot views
No. 79191
>>79187I'd say the mods tools are more accurate than a random tracking site. Maybe posts vs views? Lebanon feels weird to be the 5 biggest group. You'd think it would be Germany or something.
In the top 5 word searches that led her all of them are variations of lolcow farms except "emiru handbra". I don't think I've see her here enough for that to be right.
No. 79192
File: 1718864986243.jpg (202.42 KB, 1440x1963, 49888347904232710.jpg)

>>79191It varies based on which traffic website you look at, which is interesting. US consistently has way more users than anyone else though.
No. 79197
>>79175Oh please as if the sperging is only about poor gang rape
victims. They're just used as a shield for racebait
No. 79202
>>79182Burritomin was also paranoid but not without reason. Josh wanted to take over LC and Elaine kept trying to dox her.
>>79201Women should be allowed to talk about what is happening in their own countries in their respective threads. This includes difficult topics as long as it doesn't descend into racist insults. The issue of mass immigration has having a major impact on European politics, anons should be permitted to discuss this in appropriate threads.
I find it interesting that no one cares about what gets said about trannies on this site but there's always someone whining about immigrant moids being discussed.
No. 79204
File: 1718910506337.png (469.7 KB, 512x521, german_stats.png)

>>79203>because immigrants aren't the problem but moids areImmigrant moids are still moids so why are they immune from criticism?
>asslick white moidsWhere is anyone asslicking white moids on this site? Pointing out that in Europe immigrant men commit more crime against women is not "asslicking" white moids, it's what is happening.
No. 79209
File: 1718916826097.jpg (28.13 KB, 310x363, GNVDAVPWoAEwxCV.jpg)

>>79204>reddit spacingcheck
>fake statistics from twittercheck
>not my nigel rhetoriccheck
you don't belong here. go back to chasing doughy, balding, WN ~save europe~ flaking smegma covered dick on telegram or whatever.
No. 79210
>>79208>disproportionate Israel and Lebanon views While it
could just be inaccurate/unreliable data, the discrepancy might also be from bot views by Mossad (Israel) and Hezbollah (Lebanon) that flag whenever certain subjects are mentioned for intelligence gathering. If it was actual posters, it would be reflected in admin’s stats. Just my guess
No. 79214
>>79207Which is why I specified that using racist insults should not be allowed and remain bannable. We are permitted to insult and criticize trannies and men in general so why should discussion of immigrant moids be an exception?
>>79209>reddit spacingLearn what a paragraph is and how quoting on image boards works before accusing others of being a redditor, newfag.
>fake statistics from twitterIt's the German government's own statistics and a female politician was fined for posting that exact image.
>not my nigel rhetoricTake your meds. Posting factual information from the German government is not defending white men. Criticizing immigrant men is not defending anyone, just the same as criticizing trannies is not defending men that aren't troons.
>you don't belong hereAnti-immigrant retoric has always been present here because mass immigration of men has always posed a threat to women.
>>>/pt/14139Anti-immigrant post from nine years ago.
>scrotefoiling>anyone speaking out against violence and sexual crimes towards women on a women's website is in fact a moid>>79213>You wouldn't ask a plumber to bake a cakeBut LC allows political discussion. There is an entire board dedicated to feminism and female politics.
No. 79218
>>79215It was suggested here
>>79201 that any criticism of immigrant men should be banned.
>>79216>Rule 7>Do not instigate or engage in race related arguments. (racebaiting)The rule specifically states "arguments and racebaiting" not discussion. If all discussion of race based topics were to be banned, several threads would need to be deleted. Discussion of immigration has been a permissible topic in dedicated country threads and /2X/ for years.
Admin even made a statement on this
>>>/meta/59152>The term “rapefugee” sounds like its straight from /pol/ which is why those posts have resulted in temp bans. However, we understand that rape by refugees is suffered by women, so women here may feel that “rapefugee” is an accurate term that rapist refugees deserve to be called >>59479. Global Rule 7 states: Do not instigate or engage in race related arguments. (racebaiting). Clearly, we’ve allowed race related discussion, but please keep it civil between users.>>79217Sure PDF you want is the crime and statistics report. I haven't posted a direct link because it leads to a direct download.
No. 79220
there should be a rule against furfaggotry
>>79216agreed. feels like half the active threads in the first pahes of /ot/ rn are people sperging about immigration. it's just boring
No. 79226
>>79218kek you didn't even try, the report you linked isn't even the one that was used to make the disinformative graph from alt right twitter you posted. you don't even know what the fuck you're talking about. you're also embarrassing yourself hard trying to larp as a farmer.
>Discussion of immigration has been a permissible topic in dedicated country threads and /2X/ for years.why don't you just stay in your tradtard nazi containment thread on /2X/ then? oh right, becahse no one fucking cares about or wants to hear your racist scrote-parroting bullshit, which is why you annoying freaks always invade /ot/ and shit up the threads on there with it instead, to invite the moids in and ruin the board. please realize literally no one wants you here.
No. 79229
>>79174My hang up with all of this is that there are a million places these anons could go online if they wanted to bitch about "rapefugees." Why here, especially when this site has a bunch of rules around political and race posting? Why not go somewhere that doesn't have those kinds of restrictions?
Frankly, I'm sick of "moids" being used as a blanket defense for rhetoric that would be ban-worthy otherwise. Apparently the rules went from being "no race sperging and no politisperging" to "no race sperging and no politisperging UNLESS you tack 'male' or 'moid' on the end." Like if you feel the need to specify that the moids you're talking about are gay or brown, clearly your issue isn't
just with them being moids, it's also with those other identities. And complaining about those other identity groups is not the purpose of this site. The only exception to that is trannies, and that's because trangenderism isn't actually an identity group, it's a new-age religion full of cows.
No. 79233
>>79226>the report you linked isn't even the one that was used to make the disinformative graph from alt right twitter you postedThe statistics in that document were used to make the graph. Are you the seething retard that doesn't understand statistics presented as fractions and percentages?
>you're also embarrassing yourself hard trying to larp as a farmerYou are outing yourself as the newfag by calling for censorship on an image board. LC is a "free speech friendly" image board. This was reiterated by the admin in the post I already linked
>>>/meta/59152>LC is free speech friendly and is in direct opposition to self-censoring speech.LC
The screenshot is the /ot/ sticky from when Burritomin was admin and it states
>LC doesn't pander to your ideology>>79229>Apparently the rules went from being "no race sperging and no politisperging"Then why not ban politics from LC? LC is a lolcow website.
>The only exception to that is trannies, and that's because trangenderism isn't actually an identity group, it's a new-age religion full of cows.Trannies are an identity group because they are a group of people that identify as trans and transgenderism is very much part of identity politics. On most of the internet, what gets posted on LC regarding trannies would be considered hate speech. Trannies being cows is an entirely different issue to anything political. Political discussion is banned on /snow/ because cows aren't political, yet the MtF and FtM threads exist as well as threads for individual troon cows. Discussion of the politics of transgenderism is permitted on /2X/ and /ot/. No form of moid should be exempt from criticism.
>>79230>they aren't even interested in milkYou aren't a farmhand, so you have no idea what threads or boards other anons are posting in. This is an inane statement because you have no way of knowing that your assumption is correct.
>equating their mental illness>European women wanting to discuss the dangers of mass immigration are mentally illJust admit that you hate women already.
No. 79235
>>79233>Then why not ban politics from LC? LC is a lolcow website.It literally is, it just hasn't been enforced in the last year or two. Tell me you're a newfag without telling me you're a newfag.
>Trannies are an identity group because they are a group of people that identify as trans and transgenderism is very much part of identity politics.For our purposes, it's something they choose to be. Functionally, it's a fandom that churns out cows. People have been redtexted in the TiM/TiFs threads for writing walls of text about gender politics.
>No form of moid should be exempt from criticism.No one is saying moids should be exempt from criticism. They're telling you to follow their rules as they exist on /ot/, which are very clearly "no race, no politics." If you want to get around that, feel free to bitch about moids
without bringing up their race.
No. 79236
File: 1718945609913.png (47.19 KB, 1636x186, LC-admin-2015.png)

>>79235>It literally is, it just hasn't been enforced in the last year or two.Once again you are the newfag. Politics has never been banned on LC, if it was there would be no /2X/ board or feminist discussion on the site. There have been many attempts to limit race based discussion, the screenshot is from 2015.
>Functionally, it's a fandom that churns out cows.Transgenderism is a political ideology. The threads on /ot/ are called "gender ideology hate thread".
>They're telling you to follow their rules as they exist on /ot/, which are very clearly "no race, no politics."No such rule exists on /ot/. If politics was banned from /ot/ there would be no country threads, no pride threads and no gender ideology hate threads. The issue of race discussion with regards to immigrants was already clarified in this post
>>>/meta/59152>Clearly, we’ve allowed race related discussion, but please keep it civil between users.There is no rule that bans discussion of immigration.
No. 79244
>>79229The funny part is that after a few replies when they get comfortable, they drop the “moid” part and start racesperging about the women too trying to justify it as
>w-well they’re the ones marrying and procreating with these shitskin scrotesIts never actually about moids only or crimes done by immigrants
No. 79245
>>79236Doesn't change my original question:
>Why not go somewhere that doesn't have those kinds of restrictions?You can list exceptions all you like, but that doesn't change the fact that the site broadly limits that type of discussion.
No. 79252
There's an anon who has been infighting and derailling in the Consoomerism thread for days now
>>>/ot/2058970we can't even discuss the videos posted there anymore
No. 79253
>>79251femcels. call them
femcels. and theyre seriously ruining this site because they always sperg out because they cant fathom other women on this site cant stand them and the basement dwelling neet tendencies. any semblance of rationality with them istg
No. 79270
File: 1719072821249.gif (50.32 KB, 261x124, autism_text.gif)

>>79243>umm actually my source is correct and yours is wrong>easily available one google searchAnd yet you're not posting the source
>you're actually retarded>like some boomer falling for pop up ads>you can't even bother to learn the facts>unintegrated cow behaviour>dumb bitchHypocritical for someone that is unable to visualize data from written statistics.
Let's do some basic high school math and see what the PDF actually says
Section 2.2 of the PDF
>rape, sexual coercion and sexual assault in especially serious cases including resulting in death>german suspects 2019: 5,175>non-german suspects 2019: 3,014>total suspects in 2019: 8,189The total estimated population Germany in 2019 is 84,000,000. Different sources state different numbers between 83,000,000 and 85,000,000 for the total population of Germany, so I'll take the middle amount. It's not going to make a significant difference to the overall calculations on this scale.
Germans make up between 74% and 77.5% of the population of Germany depending on if repatriated Germans and their children are counted. Non-Germans are 22.5% of the population.
77.5% of 84,000,000 is 65,100,000
22.5% of 84,000,000 is 18,900,000
Out of 65,100,000 Germans, 5,175 were suspects in cases of rape, sexual coercion and sexual assault in especially serious cases including resulting in death
Out of 18,060,000 non-Germans, 3,014 were suspects in cases of rape, sexual coercion and sexual assault in especially serious cases including resulting in death
Let's calculate this as percentages.
5,175 is 0.008% of 65,100,000
3,014 is 0.017% of 18,060,000
In conclusion the graph posted here
>>79204 is correct in it's assertion that non-Germans commit more crimes involving rape, sexual coercion and sexual assault at a higher rate than Germans.
Section 3.2.2 of the PDF further elaborates on this.
>total reported cases of rape, sexual coercion and sexual assault in especially serious cases including resulting in death: 9,426>total suspects in cases of rape, sexual coercion and sexual assault in especially serious cases including resulting in death: 8,189>98.9% of suspects were male (to the surprise of absolutely no one)Section 6.1 provides statistics on the
victims of crime
>30,723 people were victims of offences against sexual self-determination>92.4% of victims were femaleSection 6.2
>77.7% of crime victims were Germans>22.3% of crime victims were non-GermansSection 7.2
This section deals with the nationality of suspects
>total suspects 2,019,211>total non-German suspects 699,261The non-German population is 22.5% and is 34.6% of suspects. The German population is 77.5% of the population and is 65.4% of suspects. This once again confirms that non-Germans in Germany commit crime, including violent sexual crime, at a higher rate than the German population.
While there are no stated statistics regarding the exact rate of sexual crime of non-Germans by nationality in the document, the numbers provided allow for this calculation to be made. The graph specifically mentions Afghans as being particularly prolific at committing sexual crimes.
Section 7.2 features a table that breaks down the total number of suspects by nationality.
>Afghans were suspects in 29,981 crimesAfghans are 0.5% of the population which means that Afghans are 4.28% of suspects in all crimes committed by non-Germans
Afghans are suspects of crime at higher rates than Germans
Of 2,019,211 total suspects, 8,189 were suspects of rape, sexual coercion and sexual assault in especially serious cases including resulting in death
The percentage of suspects of rape, sexual coercion and sexual assault in especially serious cases including resulting in death is 0.41% of total suspects
0.41% of 29,981 is 122.92, 0.5% of 84,000,000 is 420000. This means that the percent of Afghans that are suspects of cases involving rape, sexual coercion and sexual assault in especially serious cases including resulting in death is 0.029%
0.41% of 1,319,950 is 5411.80 77.5% of 84,000,000 is 65,100,000. This means that the percent of Germans that are suspects of cases involving rape, sexual coercion and sexual assault in especially serious cases including resulting in death is 0.008%
The graph is correct in asserting that Afghans commit a significantly higher number of sex related crime than Germans.
Per 100,000 Afghans living in Germany 29 are suspects of crimes involving rape, sexual coercion and sexual assault in especially serious cases including resulting in death
Per 100,000 Germans living in Germany 8 are suspects of crimes involving rape, sexual coercion and sexual assault in especially serious cases including resulting in death
Afghans living in Germany are almost four times more likely to be a suspect in crimes involving rape, sexual coercion and sexual assault in especially serious cases including resulting in death than native Germans.
In conclusion the graph is incorrect because it actually under estimates the amount of sexual crimes committed by Afghan migrants. The official statistics in the PDF released by the German government are more dire than the supposed "alt-right" propaganda from twitter.
No. 79272
>>79270Literally crying right now, how could this happen to Germany.
I'll say a prayer for it tomorrow.
No. 79274
>>79270who gives a shit
this is why politisperging shiuld be banned tbh, all it does is attract baiters and autists
>>79253femcels aren't real. it's just baitposters, rightoids and prob some scrotes.
>>79229you're so right. i've also seen plenty of anons us the same tactic to spout homophobia. they pretend it's just manhating about gay scrotes but they never mention straight ones and it quickly become clear theyhave an issue with homosexuality in general. the pride thread is a mess.
in general im just tiredof the influx of poltards shitting up /ot/ and /2x/.
the country threads and unopopular opinions are just 24/7 racebait and political infighting now, they're worse than dumbass shit ever was.
No. 79277
File: 1719080643658.jpeg (444.98 KB, 1125x2085, IMG_5416.jpeg)

>>79270picrel is the twitter thread the graph you posted originates from. as you can read, the reports used in ALL of the graphs posted in that thread, icluding the one you reposted here, are from 2016-2017, as in not the one you are refering to. you doubling down on this when you're blatantly wrong just cements what a fucking retard you are to everyone itt. the gif you attached to this post is extremely accurate kek.
also, just to quickly comment on this sperg, it
only mentions suspects, which means it's fucking useless in determining who or how many are actually getting convicted of these crimes, which means you cannot draw a conclusion about who's committing them, and yet that's what you assert several times, showing you have no clue about what you're talking about or the implications of the report. and alongside all that, there's a billion other things that factor in as to which crimes even get reported or for example which groups are more likely to be implicated as suspects. please acquire critical thinking skills and some general reading comprehension.
No. 79287
>>79286It's because of the "no redtext in /meta/" rule of thumb. I agree with you though, I think redtexting needs to become more common place on /meta/ because the random arguments and stuff here are so out of place. Why did someone feel the need to sperg about German immigration for 10+ posts itt?
>>79285I hate that so many retarded anons take the bait every single time. The Funny Caps thread is 100+ posts deep in a derail now because someone baited with a husbando picture. I don't get how some people can still take bait at this point.
No. 79290
File: 1719097241980.jpg (26.91 KB, 1512x185, heart.JPG)

not the anon who made this post but I thought the ♥ heart was allowed?
No. 79297
You need to recruit farmhàds for /ot/ because they always come in too late. also make a blanket ban on politispergs vmbefore it turns into ladypol.
unless you want baitposters, tradthots and complete mongs like
>>79276 to become your main demographic.
No. 79313
>>79310Truthfully I have always had that happen to me kek, I just don't respond now even if I'd like to. I come to lolcow a lot less these days.
>>79309Unless it's a major distraction and is taking anons away from other posts/causing infight, it's still retarded.
No. 79324
>>79323Yes namemotican-Chan it has been. Anyways this question was asked in general discussion
>>79319 but if the IPs and Links CP bots are putting on here aren’t sent the FBI they really should be.
No. 79334
>>79311so this gets redtexted but not the homophobic bait? guess we know where jannies stand
>>79333it's fucking bleak but the farmhands are pretty tolerant of rightoid shit these days
No. 79344
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>>79343there's plenty of homophobic anons shitting up the boards what are you talking about
No. 79350
>>79347it's from the tif thread about a tif calling her gay uncle a faggot. there were plenty of posts calling her based for it i just used the most recent one bc it's unhinged
>>79348idc what you and your totally real lesbian friend get up to irl i care about retards shitting up this place bc any mentions of gays make them chimp out
No. 79354
>>79341but that anon was literally also telling people to kill themselves kek, i guess mods are okay with alogging as long as you also use racial slurs
>>79346>>79352my guess is that the racebaiters and faggot/gay pedophile spergs are the same people - either moids, newfags or pickme retards from twitter who went down the "tradfem" pipeline and discovered edgelordism, and who now want to make LC into a moid board where their edginess will be awarded and praised as based and redpilled which will feed their BPD need for rightoid scrote approval.
No. 79356
>>79351The vast, vast majority of CSA
victims are female. Most pedophiles are aroused by children in general, not by a specific sex. Many of the priests and such who have sexually abused male children are also attracted to female adults and are married to women. The myth that there's a correlation between homosexuality and pedophilia causes there to be more attention on male
victims even though little girls are typically the ones being targeted.
You may think that you're "owning the moids," by saying that gay men are all pedos, but you're actually just harming women by overshadowing the CSA that happens predominantly to girls.
No. 79360
File: 1719246046659.png (71.26 KB, 1170x404, what .png)

are we not allowed to discuss topics like gay marriage? is it always going to be treated like bait? because i am being serious and providing not only examples but also statistics reflecting my country. i dont know if farmhands are so autistic that they think everything they see is meant to be rude/a joke but i’m trying to have a discussion and reach a conclusion which is why i asked it in the questions thread
No. 79363
>>79361when the hell did i ever say use it or lose it? i didn’t say that their rights should be taken away i simply asked what’s the point of it existing if no one feels like actually getting married, also it’s not homophobic at all for me to state the fact that they’re not exercising their right to marriage or to ask why you
wouldnt want to utilize it? homophobia is hating gay people. it’s not hating gay people to ask why they begged for marriage rights if they weren’t going to use it. also getting a surgical procedure that is avoidable isn’t really the same thing as getting married
>>79362i asked a question in the corresponding thread. you not liking the conversation topic, or not appreciating the facts that are being pulled up, does not suddenly make it bait or shitposting. also; i’m not complaining about the ban length kek, especially because bans aren’t effective after you refresh the page. what i’m asking is why would the conversation be pushed to the side and immediately labeled as bait instead of actually moving through the discussion like capable adults and coming to a conclusion.
No. 79368
>>79363You completely missed the point. A person is entitled to certain rights regardless of whether they personally decide to use them or not. Abortion is just an example I arbitrarily chose of one of those rights. Substitute it for freedom of the press if you like:
>Why do we have freedom of the press if most people aren't journalists?Do you see now how fucking retarded your logic is? Setting aside that plenty of gay people are actually getting married (not "none") it is a fundamental right regardless of how many people actually take advantage of it. Adults have a right to form legal unions as a basis for sharing assets and/or starting a family. Some insurers require that you and your partner be married for them to be covered by your plan, for instance.
>factsLiterally where. All you did was bitch about how you never get invited to gay weddings. Why the fuck would they want to invite someone who berates them for wanting the right to get married? This is an issue of you having a shitty personality, not of gay people failing to get married as much as you think they should.
No. 79369
>>79361>>79362Noooo you don't get it!!! Anon was being IRONIC and SARCASTIC and was JOKING! That makes the bait OKAY!!! Duhh. Rules are okay to break if you're doing it as a joke!!
Seriously though these anons are the worst.
No. 79371
File: 1719264075041.jpeg (217.7 KB, 798x597, IMG_4375.jpeg)

>ask loaded question on a contentious topic
>respond to normal replies in an inflammatory manner
>i-it's not bait i swear!
bitch we have eyes
No. 79373
File: 1719264718178.png (384.84 KB, 1170x791, not just me!.png)

>>79369joking about what? my question was serious, and my followup questions were also legitimate.
>>79368i already included this in my previous posts. freedom of the press/freedom of speech is not the same thing as relational choices.
No. 79374
>>79371NTA but
>loaded question on contentious topicWhat? lmao
No. 79377
File: 1719265490661.png (203.77 KB, 1170x905, forbes article .png)

>>79375oh i understand that, i’m not saying that every single relationship ends in marriage. what i said is that the majority of straight relationships end in marriage, or at least straight people find a spouse eventually. also, divorce is decreasing it seems like. and really divorce is just more frequent in couples who are impoverished/very poor which we all know is a pretty notable amount of burgers and bongs alike.
No. 79378
>>79372the inflamatory part was immediately jumping to "get out of the house and meet ppl sometime you neet". if you needed that spelled out.
>>79374ayrt, contentious topic as in theres been a shitload of infighting about homophobia recently and asking
>what's the point of gay marriage if gays din't use itis very different from wording it like "why don't gay couples get married as often as straight ones"
considering the amount of homophobic anons on here recently, of course someone going "whats the point of giving gays the right to marry" is going to get reactions.
No. 79407
File: 1719392902218.jpeg (147.21 KB, 828x317, IMG_4408.jpeg)

can /ot/ mods get a grip already, the /pol/shittery just keeps getting worse.
country threads, unpop and news stories straight up look like the daily mail comment section
No. 79417
>>79409>>79408>>79413no one is caping for scrotes by asking blatant racebait to be banned.
>I'm brown myselfuh huh sure. stop scrotefoiling about anyone who isn't a /pol/ retard like you. brown men in specific don't have pedophilic tendencies,
men do. and like the other anon said you are indirectly defending white men for committing the same actions as brown men when you blame a certain ethnicity for the acts of all men everywhere. like another anon said upthread, racebait is still racebait even when you throw the word "moid" into the mix.
No. 79432
>>79425maybe it's time to get a hint then
hopefully unpopular opinions is next
No. 79435
>>79434Here, click this link! It'll bring you to the thread you miss so much!
>>>/ot/1915879Hope this helps!
No. 79436
File: 1719437232701.png (357.43 KB, 639x1423, IMG_20240626_152338.png)

Can this thread please come back with the appropriate name and description changes so it's different to the consoom thread? If nonnas agree please reply to this post
No. 79471
>>79470Users have been bumping threads with more specific topics, theres a little post in this thread
>>>/ot/1454853 explaining it with a wide variety of threads we can use instead of leaning on chatroom threads like Unpopular Opinions and Stupid Questions
No. 79477
>>79444The main point was that the popstar industry should be abolished which is why it was derailing. Anons were crying they want more sexy pop boys and I basically said
no you don’t because the way they’re made is disgusting if you think about it but this was taken as a personal attack on female sexuality or something even though I’m right. But I was day drinking so my argument was pretty erratic. I got a nice little drunk-tank ban which was fine. I’m still right.
No. 79483
What is with the 1-2 anon specific vendetta threads lately? This poster just repeats the same boring shit and even with their own thread is still personalityfagging
>>>/snow/2008767 They refuse to integrate and even with a personal skirby thread now, they don't want to post properly. What's the point?
No. 79486
File: 1719510973941.png (232.85 KB, 610x320, Screenshots_2024-06-27-10-54-3…)

There should be a rule to not post infights on the Lolcow caps thread (picrel). It encourages more infighting and gives attention to the infighters.
No. 79487
>>79486Those posters are still ban evading right this second. They are crazy. Why are some anons like this.
>>79484Docfag, please. No one wants to be you and you've also been caught samefagging before. I honestly hope Micky finds out who you are at this point since you know her irl. You are personally invested this and trying to rally users against the cow when you've gone out of your way to ruin potential milk by orchestrating a lot of it. You have no idea how to be a farmer.
No. 79489
>>79034I'm with you nonna. But we do indeed have a thread on this (as another nonna mentioned
>>>/ot/1060419 and a programming thread
>>>/ot/230337). Maybe the catalog should really have a search feature and the locked threads should be moved to a special place (for example a button on the top right of the catalog)
No. 79490
Sorry to double post
>>79187These were only the posts when hellweek was active, right?
No. 79492
File: 1719515647812.png (21.43 KB, 1841x157, who are you cowtard.png)

Googledoc anon is still ban evading and they keep announcing themselves, who they are, and how close they are to Micky. The thread might need to be locked because this poster is directly trying to influence all the current milk.
No. 79499
File: 1719526905827.jpg (74.42 KB, 736x722, 690d288b651b78ecf09e776c05d977…)

I actually thought things were looking up for lolcow when we got new administration, but it's just the same ol' things we had to deal with with the last two admins. And funnily enough, we were promised less absences and more listening to the userbase during the start of this admins' term. What a huge disappointment.
No. 79503
>>79499Even if things aren't great, you can not be seriously comparing the administration we have now to the end of Burritomin's reign and Shaymin. There was daily CP, gore and black cock spam being left up for hours and the performance of the site made it unusable at times. Cerbmin has at least fixed those two major issues. CP spam is now a rare occurrence and for that I'm grateful.
>>79501I fully agree with Tor exit nodes being blocked because it makes it so easy to spam CP. Nearly all image boards block Tor exit nodes, even those that claim to be privacy focused for this reason.
However with VPNs there needs to be compromise, I say this as a VPN user myself. VPN ranges that are repeatedly used for spam or ban evasion should be blocked. VPN users should try and use one VPN range when posting on LC because it makes it easier for the farmhands to see what is a VPN range that's being used by a legitimate farmer and what VPN ranges are being used for spam and ban evasion.
No. 79506
>>79503Im half and half on Tor. Tor is near zero effort to set up so spam is likely but like I said those Ex-Muslim nonnies might not have an ability to buy a VPN. I wouldn't want to ruin a safe space on the behalf of trolls.
Maybe to reduce spam if the site detects a VPN or Tor node give them a wait time? If I'm using a VPN 4chan makes me wait 300 seconds between posts. That's more than enough time for trolls to get bored and leave.
No. 79507
>>79455Lc has and always will have anons acting on bad faith trying to shit things up, baiters, moids, robots, schizos, trannies and so on. Farmers aren't all saints either, we got a few genuine schizos, I think overall most are fine though. A lot of austist spergs throw genuine fits and tantrums when something doesn't go their way. Look at how people have been complaining about bans or every minor inconvenience. We see on ot they infight and cause problems in other threads when something isn't going their way. Admins had to deal with a bunch autist on top of the usual gore/cp spammer moid.
>inb4 they don't need to do this if they don't want to!Yeah, thats why they all eventually resign.
No. 79521
File: 1719601968068.png (98.06 KB, 1358x139, Screenshot 2024-06-28 121140.p…)

explaining to someone why pixyteri can't "easily get in disability" by giving an example is not a blog.
No. 79535
>>79529I thought nonna was just asking for the regular search function to appear at the bottom all the time.
>>79532For the record, safari's find in page on mobile is very picky on when it wants to work and when it doesn't.
No. 79537
>>79534If you mean these
>>79186 you are truly retarded.
No. 79539
>>79537Yeah the percent of phoneposters is probably even higher because those stats are tracking bot views as desktop kek
>>79536I’m not claiming to be
valid, just pointing out the search function (yes, even as described here
>>79532) does not fucking work on mobile. I’m worry for dreaming of a functional mobile lolcow
No. 79551
File: 1719666363959.png (182.84 KB, 878x584, computer.png)

[ kuhm-pyoo-ter ]
Phonetic (Standard)
a programmable electronic device designed to accept data, perform prescribed mathematical and logical operations at high speed, and display the results of these operations.
Hope this helps!
No. 79552
File: 1719666426806.jpg (72.94 KB, 848x1000, 51X9Z1NYWKL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL…)

>>79551You could also buy this book if you encounter any problems
No. 79554
>>79550The catalog loads slow on mobile in general (for example I'm using Firefox on Android) so I recommend just using the sites's search function.
On PC though the catalog loads fast and ctrl+f works fine.
No. 79560
File: 1719677111189.jpeg (351.1 KB, 1290x658, IMG_4427.jpeg)

>>79557Update /poltards have no moved on to the vent thread
No. 79565
File: 1719678422781.jpeg (245.82 KB, 828x546, IMG_4440.jpeg)

news that fuck with you is now 24/7 sperging about immigrants and barely disguised racebait
the number of /ot/ threads that read just like ladypol is growing. mods wake up
No. 79566
File: 1719678767316.png (4.33 KB, 990x79, mods.png)

>>79557Mods are cleaning it up
No. 79578
Racewar in new stories thread
>>>/ot/2028583I feel like some anons don’t get the reason why “racebait” is banned here isn’t because of “muh censorship,” but because there are women from all walks of life here, so people are bound to get heated when the subject of race comes up. To the anons engaging in petty infights about race: you’re probably not going to change the opinion of the person you’re arguing with. You’re just going to piss them off more. People are bound to see things differently. Such is life
No. 79579
File: 1719688867162.png (322.37 KB, 507x369, f.png)

>>79576wtf is even going on in that thread it's pure schizo babble
No. 79580
>>79557I doubt it's all /pol/tards. It's election season, there's been EU elections, the British election is in a few days and the French and American elections are also going to happen this year. Immigration is one of the top issues which is why it's being discussed across multiple threads. I wouldn't be surprised if there's the odd /leftypol/tard (there's numerous posts minimizing the harm to women caused by trannies and anime reaction images)or /pol/tards (circumcision and MRA rhetoric sperging) in the mix but the reason it's in so many threads is not because we are being raided, it's because it's a major political topic in several countries.
>>79573The discussion over VPNs has happened so many times and the conclusion is always the same, so there's really no point in responding with anything else.
No. 79582
File: 1719694549715.jpg (67.22 KB, 675x900, 1000047264.jpg)

So, how long has it been now since any statement from the Admin team? Where did she go?
No. 79592
>>79496Complete device bans are next to impossible to implement. A website's owner can't detect an unique device, they can only gather information such as the browser and device data (which browser you're using, what screen resolution you have, operating system etc) but there isn't a web technology available for detecting something like your MAC address which is the unique identifier for your device, and doing so would be illegal in many parts of the world anyway. So for example, if someone is spamming gore through a VPN the admin might be able to see that they're using a Windows operating system and Firefox for their browser, but they can't ban everyone using a Windows OS and Firefox.
As for VPN bans, I don't think it would be a wise idea. Seeing how Lolcow at some point was a honeypot for shoeonhead to collect the IP addresses of people talking shit about her (No, I'm not kidding), the website could end up in the hands of some unsavory characters that could start doing just about whatever with them. Doxxing, DDoSing, Port exploiting, etc. There are other ways to prevent spam, and as for actual legitimate schizos posting, there's really no other silver bullets for them than just stricter moderation.
No. 79595
File: 1719701772838.png (13.43 KB, 987x204, unpopular opinions.png)

>>79594And what's worse, it's constantly happening on Lolcow as well. There are numerous anons, scrotes or not, who are testing the waters with something that reads basically as "You know, I think us women deserve to be beaten into submission because based on my experience it's always women who cape for these rapists!" either directly or between the lines. Picrel, all I had to do was open the "unpopular opinions" thread to see the shitshow from today and this stared me right in my face. It's easy to brush them off as "just trolls" but if this is allowed to keep going, people will grow numb to it and become completely blindsided when the racism and misogyny is pushed even more aggressively.
No. 79600
>>79598I know I’m just dragging on this retarded infight, but fwiw, I was literally in the hetalia fandom in the early 2000s as a middle schooler. I do remember when shotashit was more acceptable. And I survived it, kek. But guess what? I actually almost feel sorry for the anons who, like me, were exposed to the same pedo shit as children, but their brains were permanently rotted such that they think it’s anything other than disgusting and deprived to be shotacoomers. Yeah,
I’m the one that didn’t survive the 00s. Lmao
No. 79604
>>79600glad you managed to stop liking anime
nonny. You did stop liking anime, right? or do you still consoom it while acting holier-than-thou?
No. 79606
>>79603>No, 2007 wasn't "early 2000's"Disagree, but ok. Regardless, the anon I was replying to said the “00s.” Which it literally was, by definition
>Nor was shota or loli porn for that matter.I’m glad you didn’t see all the shotashit I did I guess?
>>79604I see I
triggered the shotafags kek
No. 79612
File: 1719704915916.gif (1.96 MB, 400x225, 1392553320199.gif)

>>79609>western animation isn't full of pedos>>79611>cal arts is real animationNot sure if bait or actual retard
No. 79615
>>79528I'm not dunking on you, I agree that we should be allowed to reference our own experiences/etc if it isn't blogging, and I don't believe that simply acknowledging that you exist offline is blogging
but that said, yeah, you should have lied and said you saw it on the news
No. 79617
>>79592>detecting something like your MAC address which is the unique identifier for your deviceIt's not even that hard to update that. Browser fingerprinting works way better
>Lolcow at some point was a honeypot for shoeonhead Is this real? Wtf
No. 79624
>>79623>stonetoss threadpic>5 hours old with 200+ posts yeah should probably just nuke the whole thread
then again it's pretty representative of the absolute state of /ot/
No. 79627
File: 1719727171994.jpg (71.6 KB, 625x614, Thomas-de-Kent-Le-roman-d’Alex…)

>>79625>I least I got to bully a couple of weebsVerbally hitting retards from behind your screen is not the Stacy move you think it is. And now I am guilty of it too by just replying to you, tardo-chan, kek.
No. 79632
>>79617Browser fingerprinting can only help profiling a visitor, and it's extremely easy to go around it or block the tracker scripts that spy on your information.
>Is this real? WtfYes. almost 10 years ago Ian (one of the previous admins and so far the only confirmed male one) was simping hard for shoe and made the site track everyone who posted in her thread and handed her the information. It's well known lore within oldfags.
No. 79633
>>79594>History always repeats itself. It’s fascinating to watch this happen in real time even on this site with supposed “free thinkers” who really just eat up whatever their scrote overlords tell themoof nonna you really hit the nail on the head with this
>>79595>>79593it's not only evident in threads on /ot/, if you've followed the mtf threads on /snow/ for example you can see the dare i say radicalization happening in real time with these sheeple getting into far right tradtard politics following shit like matt walsh's tranny documentary. just no awareness or critical thinking in regard to the source of whatever anti troon content they're being exposed to even when it comes with a blatantly misogynistic agenda.
No. 79634
>>79633Conservatives genuinely have no opinions of their own. Their critical thinking begins and ends with "take that, libs." That's why rightwingers can never get anything done except sperging over the left. On a related note, some posters are so casually lesbophobic (inb4 "hurr durr seething" - I'm not even a lesbian myself, I just have eyes) and so eager to pearlclutch over EVERYTHING that women do, all while defending rightwing misogynists because "at least they know what a woman is." They make it so obvious that they're covert tradtards or at least tradtard adjacent.
> Inb4 "you don't know it's all the same kinds of people making those posts"Once you've seen enough rightoid spergery it's easy enough to clock when someone holds those opinions kek. I can't really explain it but it is.
No. 79644
File: 1719761837138.png (13.12 KB, 1246x102, Screenshot 2024-06-30 163608.p…)

>>79623>OP frequents weeb threads herselfKEK the absolute state
No. 79645
>>79642 . Also handwringing about terminology is a very well known right-wing tactic called semantic infiltration. They question the meaning of terms and muddy the topic of conversation by making words lose their meaning to the point the discussion can't carry on. I.e. saying "c-conservative doesn't even mean anything on an international scale!!!!" in bad faith when literally everyone can safely be assumed to be on the same page about the definition of the term used in the site's context.
No. 79648
File: 1719762528333.jpeg (1.46 MB, 1290x1399, IMG_4497.jpeg)

>farmhands are always watching
and then everybody clapped
No. 79653
>>79583Just like some of us don't get why you won't shut the fuck up about it.
You're talking about reducing privacy on an anon imageboard in a clumsy attempt to stop bad actors. VPNs never got banned before because it's obviously a retarded idea that only hurts the userbase.
It would probably affect things less now since most of you fags have rolled in from tiktok or reddit and wouldn't know the difference anyway.
No. 79660
>>79654I already complained in this thread about
nonny getting banned for "baiting" when she was just making fun of moids. As if we would start to whiteknight men. It was obviously a joke. She just said what men say when a woman gets attacked. I noticed the racebait way before that, though. It was so thinly veiled in "
POC moids" when they clearly just hate women. Lesbophobia is an issue in multiple threads, too.
If it has gotten to the point you mentioned then maybe it's better I just don't visit that thread again. Thank you
nonny and other nonnies who said about it.
No. 79663
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/pol/tard cancer is spreading to /m/
mods i am once again begging you to do something about the racists and tradtards before this site becomes ladypol.
No. 79666
What does non-contribution even means? I get that no one should spam cow threads with blogs and unrelated pictures, or edited memes even I guess, but we can't even make comments now? It's so weird, I've gotten banned like twice already because of "non-contribution" over comments that anyone makes in threads, like saying that a moid is sexually dysfunctional or that a cow is retarded.
And yeah, I sage, whenever I don't have any milk to share I sage, that's kind of the point of sage, that you can comment on stuff or post funny reaction images/memes, but now that's not allowed?
Mods should just say that they want the cow threads to be archives only so no one says anything, or make the cow boards image only so you can only explicitly post milk. Because otherwise I don't get the point of banning anons for posting comments or edits of cows.
Plus, I get that threads like Shayna's thread tend to have lots of unhinged autists, but do we really need to then make hidden boards for every cow from now on? So the milk isn't disorganized? And I get that mods and anons alike don't want lolcow to turn into another kiwifarms where everyone just posts the most retarded and boring blogs ever, but that's kind of why the "hide saged posts" option exists and why it can't be that difficult to differentiate between: retarded meme, overly used meme that's not funny anymore, weird comment (alogs, autistic rants, hornyposting unironically) blogs and unsaged nothingburgers like a dumbass and unfunny interaction between two fans of a cow.
So yeah, I say mods should just write in the guidelines phrases and shit that no one can post on cow boards or some giide on how to post comments at this point because it's confusing, or they should just write a rule saying that cow boards are only archives and that anons should only talk about the cows on /ot/.
No. 79667
>>79666It basically can vary based on what the non-contribution is. Some example are:
>responding with greentext and adding nothing new>reaction image or gif with no text>kek>one word replies like in a chatroom or as if you're leaving a comment on Instagram or someone's facebook story Link a specific post and anons will tell you why.
No. 79677
I think replies like
>>>/w/330067 should be bannable. It sets up the other anon to look like a whiteknight when they aren't wking. Saying one thing is worse than the other isn't defending something else.
No. 79681
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I think there's a baiter on the attractive males thread who keeps posting ugly men mentioned in the ugly male psyop on purpose to stir infighting.
No. 79688
Anon interacts with the cow so they have something to post but then destroys the whole post lol
>>>/w/330135 why are there so many users cowtipping lately
No. 79695
>>79694that thread and unpop opinions need to be locked at this point.
the country threads are full of pol/shit too, even the usually slow french thread got miraculously revived by people who coincidentally think le pen is amazing. they should def hire more jannies for /ot/
No. 79697
>>79696>And in true /pol/fag fashion it's a latino using "non-white" pol slurs kek.Kek, this is such a fascinating phenomenon.
>But the news thread itself definitely shouldn't be locked because of 1-3 dersiling posters. It's a good thread.I somewhat agree. Unless cerbmin decides to outright ban political sperging, I don’t think locking the news storied thread is really going to change much. Farmhands have been moderating that thread pretty heavily now, which I appreciate. The /pol/ lingo there is extremely blatant.
No. 79698
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>>>/m/397176tell the tranny janny to calm the fuck down, please. there was plenty of infighting before, which is expected in a
fucking furry thread and nobody got banned.
No. 79699
>>79698why do we even have a furfag thread in the first place
>>79697yeah it sucks when threads get locked but it's clear the redtexts do nothing to curb the /pol/tard infestation.
maybe people who're actually interested in crime stories (and not just muh ebil foreigners) can revive the true crime thread
No. 79700
>>79694There's multiple reasons why there's so much racebait
Dumbass shit spergs have been infighting and posting bait, including racebait in the unpopular opinions to protest their thread being locked for months. If you keep acting like a racist retard, you will attract actual racist retards that think their in good company.
There's multiple elections that have happened, are happening or will happen this year. Immigration is one of the major issues and it's going to be discussed along with other issues like abortion, crime, corruption and foreign policy.
Some poster keeps loudly announcing how much they are offended by immigration discussion regardless of if it's racebait or not and calling for it to be banned, so now more anons are posting about immigration because they know it upsets someone else and don't want to censored. Welcome to image boards.
The current plague of racebait in the News stories that fuck with you thread was started because an anon attempted to minimize a case of gang rape committed by migrants and then proceeded to accuse the other anons in the thread of being racist for not talking about white men even though most of the thread is crimes committed by white people. Up until that point the thread has mostly been neutral with a variety of fucked up crimes being posted and discussed. It's a severe case of report and ignore because engaging with racebait causes more racebait to be posted.
No. 79705
>>79700>an anon attempted to minimize a case of gang rape committed by migrantsno one's minimizing gang rape, stop lying.
>and then proceeded to accuse the other anons in the thread of being racist for not talking about white men even though most of the thread is crimes committed by white peopleit's reasonable to point out how race isn't brought up when white people commit crimes. no one's continually sperging about all the violent white pedophiles from all those smelly disgusting western/christian/whatever countries committing child gangrape everyday, invading other countries with their pedo rape culture and going after the nonwhite female population of those countries etc etc. but sperging like that directed at nonwhite peoples happen here all the time now under the guise of "hating on moids" (although that mask gets dropped pretty quickly now once the sperging gets going) and people abuse a lot of threads on /ot/ to instigate this type of racebait. just reporting and ignoring it like you suggest doesn't work when mods don't actually manage the problem adequately and make bigger efforts to prevent it.
No. 79727
>>79720Link one reply that sounds remotely anything like a /pol/ post. I don’t know where you are from, obviously outside of Europe, as you are clearly from somewhere where are can be blissfully ignorant and unaware of how migrants are making young women feel. These migrants aren’t women and children. They’re fully grown men, who have left behind the women and children, unwilling to intregrate in every possible way.
To anons like you, and farmhands so happy to dish out bans for simply mentioning the term immigrant or migrant. I wish for a single day you could experience walking through town to be lured at by these scrotes. They don’t work, so they are around always. My sister took her boyfriends 5 year old sister into town the other day, walked through a shortcut, a group of five migrants mumbling and staring at them, she had to pick her up and go back. Haven’t you read the news articles of the crimes committed by them?
Imagine caping for scrotes and dismissing what young women have to deal with. We have to deal with our own countries scrotes, Nevermind on top of that having to deal with 100s and 1000s of foreign speaking men who clog up the seas and borders in boats, they have left behind female family members, mothers, daughters, do you expect them to be kind to women of no relation to them. Women of a different religion or no religion, when they themselves belong to women hating religions?
You truly have no idea!! Ignorance is bliss!
No. 79731
>>79727Never did I say discussing immigration should be banned. But the following terms used in the canadafag thread are literally /pol/ terms
>shitskins>third world infestation >rapefugees 4chan was completely destroyed by /pol/ cancer spreading to other boards, which is why I’m concerned about /pol/tards becoming normalized here. Your kneejerk reaction to anything involving immigrants illustrates how easy it is to radicalize the discontented to blatant bigotry. Amazingly, it is possible to talk about immigration without sounding like a seething /pol/tard
No. 79733
>>79729I'm from the uk
>>79731Your reply tells me you aren't from a country that has to deal with mass immigration, or your main concern wouldn't be terminology.
No. 79749
>>79748I don’t understand how this
>>79727 is a troll. You obviously can’t relate, that’s your problem.
No. 79759
>>79722Anon literally samefags too and has been banned so many times from the photoshop thread alone.
>>>/snow/2010910>>>/snow/2010912I wouldn't put it past the obsessive user to be making some of those callout tiktoks.
No. 79778
>>79773If you read my original post
>>79727Then you know I don’t mean the women and children. Besides, if you are from a country where mass immigration is a problem, you would know it is all just scrotes.
No. 79794
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>>79793They are still there and now trying to start a fight in the new one I have reported all posts
No. 79796
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Is not validating body dysmorphia "anti-surgery"? Why is every thread turning into hugbox central with no disagreements allowed? Not even the anon nor do I care about plastic sugery, but no wonder the site is dead when any discussion is banned
No. 79804
>>79796This is dumb infighting too. Who cares what anon wants, you sound like a douchebag for nitpicking something anon didn't even say. They said they are worried nose surgery won't minimize the size of their nose. That's a
valid concern.
No. 79827
>>79796I agree those bans were unnecessary.
>>79804>you sound like a douchebag for nitpicking something anon didn't even say.That anon said her result was a really big nose when it really isn't. People are allowed to disagree. I could maybe agree she could be baiting an infight with the question, but another anon got banned after for making a reasonable comment that wasn't even "anti surgery". She was praising the results, how would that be anti surgery.
No. 79833
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>>79832I could agree with the possible "insult" being that question, though I think it's a stretch, but now explain this ban to me. How is this anti surgery when she's praising the surgery results?
No. 79834
>>79833That's not the insult in question. That's just the same user as
>>79796 Asking if anon wants a big snout. That's an insult. They followed up with your picrel.
No. 79836
>>79834>That's just the same userAre you a farmhand? Are you telling me you know this
>>79796 and
>>79833 are the same anon or are you pulling this from thin air?
No. 79837
>>79826>>79823it's not just about the one thread it's about furries getting too comfortable posting here.
we already have enough on our hands with the poltards and degens. we don't need furfags on top of it
No. 79850
>>79849NTA but
>someone criticizes shotafaggotry itt>triggered shotafag appears .2 seconds later to defend pedophilia This is why you all are cancer
No. 79865
File: 1720195397313.png (35.16 KB, 879x199, 07_05_24_22_01_chrome.png)

>>79862nayrt but here's one
No. 79875
>>79868Terrible idea. This site will just become a honeypot for pedos. Shotafags can post in one of many shota threads on 4chan, not here.
>>79872Posting sexualized art of minors is against the global rules here. Read them for yourself here so we don’t have to keep repeating ourselves: Various other rules also exist here that set us apart from 4chan degen scrotes. Hope that helps.
No. 79878
>>79875>Posting sexualized art of minorsWhere did you find such art in the fujo thread? (Or anywhere else on this site, for that matter.) You're just concern trolling to suit your wretched agenda.
>>79876This is a certified bot post.
No. 79879
I have a question for all the people vehemently against shota content; why? I’d genuinely like to know why on a website where everyone unanimously hates men do you care so much about drawings of moids?
>>79875>Unironically calling drawings “sexualization of minors”>Bootlicking authority at all timesNewfag detected opinion rejected
>>79876Nigga shota stuff has been part of the fujo subculture since the 70’s.
No. 79882
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No. 79884
>>79878Not a bot, my browser just had an autistic meltdown, like you’re doing now
>Where did you find such art in the fujo thread?Lurk more. Blatant shotashit usually gets deleted by farmhands
>>79879>Nigga shota stuff has been part of the fujo subculture since the 70’s.Ok? I don’t care? Sorry this site isn’t your pedo sanctuary
No. 79886
>>79884 Women consuming drawings of fictional moids is not pedophilia, once again. If you wouldn’t deck a kid scrote in the face you’re lying, stop defending them
>>79885Nigga I was there for it, I thought it was stupid then and thought it was stupid now. What’s your point?