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No. 85300

No. 85301

this website sucks old geriatric dick, fix it and replace the mods please

No. 85303

What circlejerk? Everytime that thread derails into yaoi vs yuri discourse it's always a vast majority of fujos dogpiling on yurifags for actually enjoying yuri. It's the same shit in other fandom spaces where some group seethes at other people enjoying something they hate.

No. 85304

Baiting moid back in the amerifag thread JANNIES EXTERMINATE NOW.

No. 85305

Agree with you so hard Nonna

No. 85306

wonder if he's the ban evading xitterfag

No. 85307

must have been because all their posts just disappeared

No. 85308

bait in confessions thread and a bunch of retards falling for it

No. 85309

what the fuck is this random wave of anti-lesbian bait. probably scrotes since there was that one scrote baiting in amerifags

No. 85311

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Is this the discord users? Bringing up off topic things without images and no one asked about them either. The latest post also involves the account anons were tinfoiling was Venus which we never got proof of to begin with. They post and make it sound like all of it is legit when it isn't.

No. 85312

Why isn't the lolcows own caps thread in /m/ but the 4chan caps thread is? I think it would be a good way to stop people from using it as a chat room to infight too. It's supposed to be an image dump thread.

No. 85315

No thread should be used as a chatroom regardless of board. This isn't discord.

No. 85316

An anon is having a schizo meltdown in the vent threads over an anon mentioning their boyfriend.

No. 85317

Still going and is calling out trannies when their gaslighting about rape didn't work

No. 85318

theyre still fucking at it jesus christ

No. 85319

Schizo tranny rape poster is ban evading in the vent thread

No. 85321

Thanks for banning the schizo baiter shitting up the vent thread!

No. 85322

Are we ever going to get an answer for why the BP thread hasn't been locked yet?

No. 85323

File: 1729839290449.png (50.77 KB, 852x346, Screenshot 2024-10-24 014026.p…)

why do we allow a zoosadist thread where people talk about wanting to kill kittens?

No. 85324

What's zoosadist about this

No. 85325

setting up poisonous plants to kill cats and talking about wishing kittens would die isn't sadistic and focused on animals? are you insane

No. 85326

It's sadistic ig but not zoo. I doubt anyone in that thread will fuck the dead corpses afterwards

No. 85327

No. 85328

Where's anti lesbian bait retard?

No. 85329

maybe it’s like retard prison so all of the retards stay in there idk

No. 85330

Idk if you're an undercover farmhand or what but that clearly hasn't worked

No. 85331

i can't understand why so many shitty threads are allowed on this site and i will comfort myself with the idea it's a sperg containment zone

No. 85332

It really hasn't worked though and pushing this narrative doesn't help. I just want it gone.

No. 85333

the retards in there kept leaking out, it's not containing anything kek

No. 85334

There's no going back once you're blackpilled

No. 85335

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The problem of man hate schizos derailing threads on /ot/ because someone dared mention they're in a relationship isn't new. It's been happening for years and predates the existence of the black pill threads.

No. 85337

Honestly they give me the same vibes as the chinese flier that was going around involving ways to kill cats when all the stray live feeding videos were popular. Its incredibly fucked up.

No. 85338

They're going to keep screeing about BP because of the dumb threads. Hasn't contained them at all and will probably only bring more baiters. There's clearly been an uptick recently, everyone has noticed it.

No. 85339

moid raid threads in ot and possibly other boards

No. 85340

is there some collective discord scrote raid themed around horoscopes? they're in a bunch of /ot/ thread and it's half nonsense

No. 85341

You don't think a scrote raid would involve something more malicious?

No. 85342

something i fucking hate about the BP thread is that it ruined all of the other feminist threads. You can’t discuss anything without some ESL blackpill cuck coming in and getting all aggro.

No. 85343

you're retarded enough to be a feminist, so..(bait)

No. 85344

What would they even do if bp thread was locked kek

No. 85345

When are you gonna moderate the threads on 2x? not making the board accessible is one thing, but leaving it fully unmoderated is retarded and irresponsible. If you don't want the "man hating schizos" to derail ot threads like in >>85335 and >>85316 maybe give misandrists and blackpillers an actual space. "Take it to 2x" is no longer a good alternative when 2x is full of schizo babbling and low effort baiting scrotes
Speaking of low effort baiting scrotes, go back

No. 85346

I think it's newer anons who genuinely don't know that other boards exist with other threads (there was once a different anon who thought doll threads didn't exist for example kek)

No. 85347

I only recall seeing astrology questions in the stupid questions thread?

No. 85349

Attention whore moid announcing himself on /ot/

No. 85350

There's a bunch in GIOYC and the bechdel thread too

No. 85351

in the mundane shit thread too

sometimes they do things just to be chaotic in spaces they don't belong

No. 85352

Yeah like baiting about politics or posting child porn. They're not out here casually talking about astrology you retard.

No. 85353

you can call me a retard, but the posts read like moids larping as women. it's nonsense and it's weird

No. 85354

I think there's a moid larping atm in the opinion thread. They just derailed about an ex boyfriend and slashing tires then wrote a weird blog post about being short and weird character building.

No. 85355

There are women on this site with boyfriends that like chatting about astrology, there was nothing weird about it

No. 85356

ntayrt but they should still put it in the correct thread, idg how it got spread out suddenly (or why everyone gathers to just /ot/ in the first place)

No. 85357

schizo vain bitch in /ot/'s get it off your chest thread thinking every rant posted there is about her

No. 85358

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Scrotes at it again, CP on the front page

No. 85359

Bestiality on BP thread

No. 85361

And who you are obama?

No. 85362

No. 85363

File: 1729984659016.png (405.85 KB, 934x1309, Screenshot_20241026-161627~2.p…)

Not my post, but are all wojaks banned now? I thought it was only soyjaks

No. 85364

Did you not read the post or are you really this dense?

No. 85365

there's some blogging retard unironically using "queer" and "sapphic" and infighting about lesbians in the grimes thread >>>/snow/2050697

No. 85366

Tell the skirbyfags to stfu about the cows weight. Its been days about fucking bmi and everyone k ows bmi is based off of men only. Applying it to a woman at all is retarded. Obvious ban evading from everyone in that thread bitching about this.

No. 85367

Im not talking about the bait, I'm just asking if non-politcal wojaks in general are banned

No. 85368

with happened to the discord/chatroom?

No. 85369

Wojaks are usually banned and so are reaction images and low effort posting. All of which that post checks a box for.

If you can't type it out, don't be a lazy fucker and post a reaction image with what you want to say. Especially moid-tier wojaks.

No. 85370

Errrmmm this is an imageboard so reaction images are part of heckin' imageboard culcha!

No. 85371

Oldmin had a wild and steamy affair with Michael thurlow and spookybones which caused the discord to be overrun with fat gay mexicans and pedophiles

No. 85372

They’ve officially banned VPNs. Every time I try to use one it won’t load this website at all

No. 85373

Not true lol

No. 85374

Can we have dumbass shit back? Saging it very very very obviously didn't bring the result staff predicted.

If only

No. 85375

>redtexting in the get it off your chest thread despite not replying to anyone
>bait is still running rampant

Can you guys get your shit together? Thanks.

No. 85376

can the next thread pic because about bitches constantly whining about these two things because its very amusing

No. 85377

>can the next thread pic because about
just use your hashtag

No. 85378

No. 85379

wheres the results for the 2022 lolcow awards?

No. 85380

Please crack down on the constant derailing and unsaged non-milk in the radfems thread.

No. 85382

Petition to shut down Radfem Cows, literally zero milk to be found and it's constantly being shitted up by cows and vendetafags who beefed with a Tumblr dyke ages ago and now won't quit spamming the thread with their posts. It's honestly filled to the brim with angry bisexuals who hate when lesbians rightfully call them out for their lesbophobia and constantly appropriating the gay/dyke label despite only dating men. They're just as annoying and entitled as trannies atp

No. 85383

two baiting retards fighting in the /g/ lesbian thread for an hour

No. 85384

tantrums in lesbian thread
literally none of the shit in there is milky anymore

No. 85385

What thread was this in?

No. 85386

Someone’s posting unspoilered nudes on /ot/

No. 85387

why hasn't unpop opinions been shut down yet? when its not racebait it's nigelblogging and bpd retards posting nudes

No. 85388

jannies wake up and deal with the nudes retardation in ot already >>>/ot/2228202

No. 85389

live nude girls in the unpopular opinion thread
already reported, but just in case

No. 85390

Unpopular opinions is full of retards and unfortunate nudes but not much unpopular opinions.

No. 85391

Ugly whores still posting nudes

No. 85392

mods dead

No. 85393

Wake up

No. 85394

They must be busy having lives cause the nudes festival went on for like 12 hours there's no way they're just sleeping KEK

No. 85395

Or they’re actively participating in it, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was one of the mods posting their tits. Someone needs to look into those photos and expose the farmhands for being weird attention whores kek

No. 85396

Bad news thread

No. 85397

>12 hour nudes festival
Kekkkkkkk I want to be disappointed but it was kind of fun

No. 85398

because having lives outside lc is too shocking a thought?

No. 85399

I honestly think they are taking their time because if the person posting all the porn is constantly, say per post, changing their IP, they aren't going to be able to stop them even if they ban one post. I wonder if in these cases they wait around the same way they did in the Venus thread not long ago to see if they can verify how to properly ban them and identify the poster.

No. 85400

mods don’t have lives, come on anon

No. 85401

Can you at least force the perturbed schizo in gioyc to post only once instead of many times in a row. I'm so tired of the stacks of word salad that are clearly afterthoughts added to each other by them constantly, they think it's their own thread at this point because you let them.

No. 85402

don’t think it’s quite right calling accusations of rape and harassment word salad.

No. 85403

Here you fucking go again.

No. 85404

sorry did you just act like you were on my side and then immediately turn on me or is that another poster cos the timing is so weird.

No. 85405

get a diary.

No. 85406

>banned for defending your own point
what is even the point of using this website if you can’t actually interact with people without getting banned or your opinions being redtexted as “bait”, this is getting about as bad as reddit you’re basically getting tone policed just because you called a retard a retard, what the fuck is happening

No. 85407

inb4 the bitter nancies, npc bootlickers start flooding in blaming you for daring to use the website and state your opinion. the internet is damn near unusable at this point

No. 85408

It depends on the thread you're posting in imo. Sometimes your opinions will be taken lightly and sometimes on the more pickme esq boards and threads it can fall into "bait" territory. It all depends on who's seeing them since non-obvious "bait" that isn't moid or troon filth aka disparaging opinions away from the mainstream are decided based on mob rules of the board and thread. Occasionally a farmhand may be triggered but many times if your post doesn't break any global rules or board specific ones they're just responding to mass reports from idiots who report dissenting opinions and labeling it "bait" as it needs justification for a ban. Another common justification ban is "derailing" even if the entire thread starts discussing a topic.

No. 85409

why can’t these mods have a mind of their own and just ignore it??? kek if it’s not bot-moderated and they actually look over the reports they should just use their brain and their common sense to figure out it’s a bunch of unintegrated retards trying to “cancel” an anonymous person on an imageboard and ignore them, they make their jobs harder than it actually is and take it way too seriously kek

No. 85410

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Not my screenshot, but you need to have a talk with the obese janny already. You can't be having spergouts every time someone mentions they're thin (op was defending flat chested adult women anyways).

No. 85411

I saw this ban and it was really unfair. Anon was posting self consciously about having a flat chest and the farmhand banned her for bone rattling?

No. 85412

Ugly man psyop posters are now infiltrating and posting their shit in the vent thread, seriously are you faggot mods participating in these insights???

No. 85414

Baiters in the vent thread and ugly pysop thread calling women pedos and trannies for not liking bald men

No. 85415

It's in both the vent thread an unpopular opinions.

No. 85416

>vents about posters from other threads
>is surprised when they're summoned in the thread

No. 85417

>vent in vent thread
>get angry about thread being used for intended purpose because it hurts your feelings

No. 85418

nothing wrong with using its intended purpose but that doesn't stop anyone from replying when you mention specific types of posters

No. 85419

Mods, this wasn't rehashing old milk.>>337827 Anons just don't like to check the actual page and see it was posted only a day ago. Stop jumping the gun with the red text.

No. 85421

Your post was a massive generalization and used her past to try to make her new most milkier than it is. That's the cycle of anons in that thread too, they can't let micky post without getting involved like cowtipping or using new posts she makes as a way to constantly bring up her past experiences or drama. It's boring seeing new threads filled with that same sentiment over and over. That's why she has so many threads, anons sit around bringing up old antics constantly.

No. 85422

First time posting here so idk how to format, but my post 337813 on the Jill thread getting redtexted over making a joke is just retarded

No. 85423

The joke wasn't the issue. You're admitting to your newfaggotry even further. That's why the redtext says (integrate).

No. 85424

>newfag acting like a newfag, complains to mods like they give a shit

No. 85425

Integrate retard

No. 85426

The tic-tac-toe thing on cows' foreheads is retarded, unfunny, and shits up the MtF threads. People should be discouraged from doing it.

No. 85427

right, you can fit it onto basically anything if you draw it right. it's so dumb + comes from tiktok

No. 85428

That joke has been around since before tiktok was a twinkle in Xi Jinping’s eye.

No. 85429

At this rate I wouldn't be surprised.

No. 85430

i feel like the empathchan thread should be locked at this point. it's just retards going back and forth about "she's going to be milky soon", "she's not, and never has been milky", "no, she has been and she will be again", and then "why are you advocating for the thread so much, empath/vendettachan/orbiter". every time i get curious and check in it's just retarded schizo infighting about vendettachans and what merits a thread.

No. 85432

there are some retards constantly posting about lolcow on /ic/ which is also a bait flinging zone even amongst moids, that might be where some of the moids are coming from

No. 85433

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Why was this post from the "Real Thoughts on Cows" thread on /ot/ redtexted? The post is complaining about how irrelevant most of the /w/ cows are and sharing her thoughts on them. I think that's still on topic for the thread. I don't understand the redtext. This thread was ALWAYS used to talk smack about certain threads, including how anons act in certain threads. I got banned for complaining about Jill's anons in that thread before, and when I appealed it - because, again, this thread was always used for that - the redtext was removed. Why does this keep happening? It's never been a rule in that thread before, why now?

No. 85434

where? i searched the archives and only two mentions popped up. that's hardly constantly.

No. 85435

It's okay to compain about anons in that thread but not about how the cows are boring? Someone hi cowed that Taylor's thread is filled with kiki posts, but that's not redtexted.

No. 85436

I'm convinced a baiting moid is trying to shill "soyjaks"

No. 85437

radfem cow thread still chockfull of vendettafags and their old radblr slapfights

No. 85438

it's literally in the OP not to complain about threads.

No. 85440

it's three within the last week and considering how slow /ic/ moves it is. one of the posts is literally a moid saying he comes on here to infight with women. i don't know why you're nitpicking my language

No. 85441

So… Is there a reason, after all these years, that posts are not by default saged? Because I see anons making relevant posts on an active thread yet they receive a ban because >muh sage
It'd be easier to just have posts sage by default and then toggle an unsage button if an anon has relevant milk.

No. 85442

Because it's a newfag filter

No. 85443

It's so gay though. If an anon is making a relevant post, that should be all that matters instead of arbitrary "YOU HAVE TO FIT IN" rules. I'd rather have mods autoban users who use lingo like "gunt guarding" and tiktok terminology because those are legitimate instances of newfaggotry from users who frequent cancerous sites.

No. 85444

this is such a stupid fucking quesrion is it obvious?

No. 85445

the /ot/ "things that make you chuckle" thread has been derailed since yesterday. there's sprinkle of redtext when the majority of the thread is off topic, racebait, and just bait in general

No. 85446

File: 1730293102241.png (26.3 KB, 395x306, 1355522772899.png)

Sage is an innate part of image boards. Any image board that has abandoned the concept of sage and the culture surrounding it's use has gone to shit. LC is one of the few western image that preserves the use of sage in it's original form. I would go even further and suggest that LC needs to reintroduce "noko". Pic rel is an image explaining sage that predates the creation of LC.

No. 85447

Did they simp ironically and lie in wait for their moment to usurp the site?

No. 85448

soyjak and racebait posting in the "things that make you chuckle" thread

No. 85449

So not complain about the cow but can complain about anons on this site. Make that make sense. Hating a thread about a cow seems to be the same thing imo. Thinking w cow is not milky because their thread is boring is different somehow? It's so arbitrary.

No. 85452

faggot in the unpopular opinions thread

No. 85453

the one baiting about hip dips kek

No. 85454

No Michael is in jail now and Oldmin/lorena is sending him 2 dollars a month for ramen and takis

No. 85455

tradthot in the unpopular opinions thread

No. 85456

I see the point of this image but at the same time LC takes it too far. The bright red screaming sage your shit is not very Japanese haha. I think it’s also funny that banning someone doesn’t unbump the thread either so in a way it draws even more attention.

No. 85457

Majority of things that make you chuckle -thread is just retarded racist infighting. There's only a handful of posts that are related to the topic. That thread did not make me chuckle, ma'am.

No. 85458

But what I'm talking about is anons making unsaged posts in an already active thread that's on the first page. How does someone doing that make the culture go to shit?


No. 85459

Newfags complain about having to sage because they’re too lazy to do it. They act like it’s some huge inconvenience but it isn’t, it only takes like 5 seconds to do.

No. 85460

No. 85462

Big thank you to the farmhand who banned the gross poster in "get it off your chest" who was whining for a pussy pic posting thread. There's no way to confirm if moid, but the poster gave vibes of a troon very obsessed with female validation wanting to show off his rotpocket and compare with cis women. No levelheaded lesbians are going around to other girls like "WILL U RATE MY PUSSY PLZ??" it's very moidcoded or at the least very mentally ill behavior.

No. 85463

newfags just wont ever fucking get it and just want to complain. just fucking lurk or go back to social media idiot.

No. 85465

some faggot is trying to get the onision thread locked again

No. 85467

Camgirls thread has a bunch of retards calling a cow homeless when she's not. Obviously its a vendetta take to call her homeless, but some users are being little bitches when anons are pointing out that her situation isn't homelessness. Honestly sounds like skirbyfags. Calling her homeless when she isn't is fanfic milk and is confusing users.

No. 85470

Pls tell if this is the wrong place to post. Lillee Jean and her mother say they have had the NYPD file subpoenas on lolcow. You will tell farmers if that is the case, right?

No. 85472

Just so Lillee Jean knows, that isn't even possible. Courts are the ones that issue subpoenas, but police can petition for one, but the courts still have to allow it to go through because the police need to submit evidence to the courts in order to proceed with someone even being subpoenaed. I do not, at all, see them going through an Alex Jones situation with Lolcow. I don't think she knows what she's talking about and she's trying to sound scary to get users to stop talking about her. Nothing she is doing that is posted here isn't already something real celebrities go through on other websites like X and TikTok.

She's not a celebrity, but she does document her life online, freely, without people really needing to pay. There's nothing she could file for, not even harassment because a judge would tell her to stop posting online instead. Lolcow doesn't break any rules and they've taken steps to actively stop information that could cause an issue like any doxxing. This is why it's so important to not post cows homes or approximations like Lori's apartment or where Belle lives because "this house looks just like her's".

Anons are the biggest issue when it comes to cows even thinking about trying to cause legal issue with the site, but LJ has nothing she can do and police can submit a request for a subpoena, they can't authorize them.

No. 85477

kekking at the threadpic

No. 85479

I really wasn't infighting in the pokemon thread but ok, the other anon was super aggro for no reason lol

No. 85485

Can we please auto-sage or even better close the Black Girls Thread? Sick of seeing that nonsense in g

No. 85489

No. 85494

Someone’s posting some random weirdo’s dick in /pt

No. 85495

soytard raid thread in ot

No. 85497

File: 1730579019209.png (117.46 KB, 1726x579, 2oie.png)

i've been using this website for years, i've never been banned once on here for anything… but out of all of the posts i've made i'm genuinely surprised this is first the one that gets banned. i replied to an anon agreeing with her sentiment, wasn't even talking about lana at all. i would have repealed the ban if i noticed it sooner because there was nothing about my post that was derailing about lana. i said in the first sentence i was indifferent about her, and then essentially said “i concur”
it's like the reporter and janny didn't even read what i said and just saw that i said her name. in the past i've reported blatant racebait, infight bait, alogging, and so much more that's gotten completely ignored. i agree that excessive derailing should be banned, i am often reporting it. but i am not even a lanafag, wasn't talking about her, nor was i derailing or even taking part in that long ass discussion. i just said i agreed with her point and then i contributed to other parts of the thread. there was one other replier to that post talking about it that also said "i agree" and it didn't get banned. what is this? there is endless derailing about endless celebs that i have come in here at least twice and complained about the state of celebricows. i hate the endless spergs, the lanaspergs the serena ones, all of them. and yet here i was hardly weighing in on anything lana related at all. there was no announcement from an admin in the thread that no one could even mention her name without a ban being brought down. this is a retarded ban and feel free to check my post history, i've never once been banned and this just feels silly. i would have appealed this ban if i saw it sooner, but i just saw it now and i'm pretty stunned that somehow out of every post i have ever made this is the one to get banned. i'm not even joiking i feel like i got banned for discussing something, which is what 90% of my posts are. i swear if i didn't say her name i wouldn't have gotten banned for this, there was not an ounce of lanafag or derail in my post

No. 85499

some fagmoid posting shitty gore and soyjacks in ot

No. 85500

File: 1730580817372.jpg (239.98 KB, 1028x672, fag.jpg)

checked it and yeah its the soytards

No. 85501

Vids of women being brutalized as well. Do those fags feel like hot shit or something? Ape brained

No. 85502

File: 1730581155272.jpg (132.8 KB, 762x558, fag2.jpg)

apparently some piggie moids are seething at nonas liking adult moids and calling it pedophilia kekkk

No. 85503

kek i bet he shit his pants due to the pure autistic excitement of typing this

No. 85504

>photos of grown men in the screenshot
Men are legit retarded, being male is seriously a disability

No. 85505

No. 85506

>Has never been raided before
How new is he to sjp

No. 85507

File: 1730581347905.png (79.09 KB, 1213x350, Screen Shot 2024-11-02 at 4.58…)

For the billionth time, FARMHANDS PLEASE DISABLE VPN POSTING. It is so annoying having to deal with this as a user, I can't imagine how annoying it is having to deal with this as a moderator or admin. DISABLING VPNS WOULD PREVENT THIS ALL. Why don't you just do a trial run for a week and we'd all quickly see how lovely this site is when we don't have retards using VPNs to fuck everything up to get their kicks. Anons have been talking about disabling VPN for YEARS but now, after the /ot/ attack, it really is the time to seriously consider this. Inb4 "oh some anons really NEED vpns!!" okay I'm sorry for them but we're only as strong as the weakest link.

No. 85508

>Pic is clearly adult man
>"Attractive male bodies"
They do nothing except project. Women don't have the mindset of closeted groomer fags.

No. 85509

They call them "soyteens" for a reason

No. 85510

Im not for banning VPNS entirely but im for banning them for image posting. Dont let VPNs post images.

No. 85511

File: 1730581505373.jpg (75.63 KB, 449x272, kek.jpg)

seems pretty new kek even the soycucks are making fun of him, must be a slow day on /raid/ for them to come here.

No. 85512

i wish they integrated captcha system already

No. 85513

This retard has posted like 4 threads. He has to wait like 1 minute inbetween post. Moids are so sad lol.

No. 85514

They have no trannies to bother? Trannies actually kill themselves over raids we don't care very much here. Even their gore gets banned pretty quickly. It's funny when they jump troons kek

No. 85515

I genuinely wouldn't be surprised if it was just one or two tards kek

No. 85519

soytards spamming /ot/

No. 85520

It's probably just like one or two people as the other anon said

No. 85522

This is the saddest raid ive ever seen. The ugly man psyop hurts moids more then women with the shitty Y chromosomes

No. 85523

mods ban vpn or just like >>85510 said just ban them from posting images.

No. 85524

So what are the odds this is a dysmorphic thirdie

No. 85526

this is hilarious kekkkkkkk are they seriously getting pissy at nonas for being attracted to fit adult men

No. 85527

That's just the name of one of the soyjaks

No. 85528

I just don't see why VPNs are still a thing allowed here. The post-Hellweek stats said something like 80% of posts were made without a VPN. So we're fucking over the majority of anons and making it more difficult to moderate and more difficult to post, all for 20% of posts (which, in my theory, were the majority of the retarded rule-breaking posts). It's pretty obvious that the spammers, infighters, baiters, etc., all depend on VPNs to continue in their retardation.

No. 85529

You can tell he posted thread by thread by hand too, just to get it wiped in a second kek.

No. 85530

This is the saddest raid ive ever seen. The ugly man psyop hurts moids more then women since they all inherited their ugly dads retard genes feom the Y chromosome.

No. 85531

is this retard lost? does he think we like troons here?

No. 85534

They even name their dolls? So gay.

No. 85535

I think someone on there actually was called doll

No. 85536

>I just don't see why VPNs are still a thing allowed here.
some countries block lolcow or any gossip site outright so vpns are used to access it and plus i think most nonas who use it are also wary of their ips being leaked like that one fag farmhand did

No. 85537

Yeah he was the admin of soycuck at one point, this faggot reeks of a tranny trying to fulfil his humiliation fetish kekkkk

No. 85538

You know it's bad when even the other /raid/cucks are confused kek. One can only imagine what a specimen who gets this triggered by normal female heterosexuality must look like.

No. 85542

shotafags and lolifags are banned here though

No. 85543

File: 1730582541570.jpeg (200.48 KB, 1707x2048, 1670624428711.jpeg)

No clue what's going on but look at this picture.

No. 85544

>Reddit tranny typing style
Yeah opinion discarded tbqh

No. 85545

soyjack raid in m as well

No. 85547

thank you mods!

No. 85548

File: 1730583076937.png (134.12 KB, 1170x1177, Just a moment.png)

So is this gonna be like a regular thing now?

No. 85549

Sorry about the duplicate post mods im at hon depot and their wifi hates lolcow.

No. 85551

what the fuck is the point of using this goddamn website if it's going to be harder just to use it, goodness fuck i hate these retards

No. 85552

Is he seriously pissed because of the hot guy pictures…? Rumao

No. 85553

I wasn't able to post from my computer for like 30 minutes because of those neanderthals

No. 85554

captcha is used on all ib though now?

No. 85555

Those stats aren't objective, you should be allowed to use a website without them tracking your IP and stealing your data, other anons need VPNS to access the website, why are you so hellbent on removing VPNs? It really makes me think and wonder, removing them does fuck all nothing. Fuck off

No. 85556

Something I really hate is when you're using a public VPN and catch someone elses ban. Fucking horrendous.

No. 85557

now we have anti-vpn tards coming out of the woodwork, wow oh my god so sorry for wanting to mask my IP from crazies and others trying to steal oh my god everybody with a vpn is a troll!!!!! instead of shutting down vpns how about you shut down this board(chronic ban evader)

No. 85558

Did you tag the wrong post anon? I was talking about how I wasn't able to post because all of the ragebaiting psychos were using free VPN's that all got banned off the website

No. 85560

This always happens! Someone brings up banning VPNs and a random "anon" starts shitting bricks and talking about how it would destroy the website and how others (the ones that made >20% of posts) NEED the ban evasion tool!!! Or else!!!
>What the fuck is the point of a normal tool used by many ibs and other sites to prevent retard gore raids?
This is totally a post a real user made.

No. 85561

Samefag from this post but I don’t mean for this to come off as a complaint per se, the website was just going very slow when this was happening and I started getting worried that this was gonna be 08/29 pt.2

No. 85563

>if you care about pedos go after the lolifags on twitter
They do

No. 85565

He sounds 14 I can't even be bothered to make fun of him. Open the schools. Invigorate the lesson plans. Gen alpha is cooked.

No. 85566

Anyone interested in a Transvestigation thread? Feels like every other thread I go into there’s a debate on whether or not some niche internet microcelebrity is actually a tranny in disguise, and it ends up derailing. It is fun to speculate though, but without shitting up a cow thread.

No. 85567

>hard to use it

No. 85569

Stroking out

No. 85570

What's the problem? It takes like two seconds.

No. 85571

why are they spamming that one pedophile killer like it makes us mad. He killed a pedo. good for him lol

No. 85572

He thinks we're pedos. He's confused. I almost feel sorry for him….damn, I should check on my little brother and make sure he's not doing retarded shit like this online.

No. 85573

someone needs to take his ipad away

No. 85576

aw man there was a raid and i missed it?

No. 85577

its still happening. personally i am waiting until they get bored, they arent particularly funny or interesting

No. 85578

He's probably a preteen newfag . He likely learned what soyjak party and lolcow is from turkey tom.
Not even old enough to have his own thread here.

No. 85579

i think it’s just one underaged scrote

No. 85582

This is the gayest raid i've ever witnessed on lolcow

No. 85583

which threads?

No. 85585

Kek Why is he still here its been hours. It's like gen alpha discovered image boards. Please Clean your snotty spongebob ipad scrotlet

No. 85586

File: 1730588182444.png (38.4 KB, 872x233, fandom discussion.png)

>It's like gen alpha discovered image boards
it really is

No. 85587

File: 1730588559990.jpeg (55.04 KB, 640x480, IMG_4063.jpeg)

Holy kek no way. What is happening.

No. 85588

it's just making me sad tbh. these kids shouldn't have unsupervised internet access

No. 85589

Reminds me of myself in 2012 kek

No. 85590

can cerbmin consider implementing some sort of post wait counter like the one 4chan is currently using? so that ip addresses that haven't posted here before (and maybe also ones that don't post somewhat regularly) will have to wait a few minutes to make their first few posts. it would help deter ban evading basement dwellers like the schizo soytranny scrote that is currently spamming for example along with retarded newfags/underaged posters like the one >>85586 posted a pic of

No. 85591

There's no way you're suggesting the shit 4chan pulled. A captcha should be enough.

No. 85594

Just make the post timer 3 minutes on non-cow boards excluding /m/. No one's is writing multiple posts worth reading in 3 minutes. It would also significantly reduce infighting and low quality posting.

No. 85596

Im cringing so hard kek. You need to cut the act squirt you're embarrassing yourself.

No. 85598

Holy kek Jit is still here. I usually leave during raids but this one is entertaining because it's so bad.

No. 85601

maybe not as long as 4chans kek that's a bit overkill but like 60-90 seconds should be enough - also not for every post, only the first few posts from a new ip address or from one that hasn't posted in a long time
ayrt agreed the non-cow boards definitely need it the most though occasionally there are spammers/chronic ban evaders on cow boards that it may also discourage

No. 85604

File: 1730590321162.jpeg (190.05 KB, 750x1376, IMG_4066.jpeg)

No wonder why we have so many unsaged retards these days. "Old internet core" children are name dropping us on TikTok for nostalgia compilations.

No. 85606

>though occasionally there are spammers/chronic ban evaders on cow boards that it may also discourage
The only reason I say to not implement an extended timer on the cow boards and /m/ is because it makes sharing more than one image a pain in the ass. Images of milk get dumped on cow boards and /m/ is the board used for image dump threads.

No. 85609

it's actually really sad when you think about it, his parents have failed him. this moidlet is wasting away his weekend alone in his parents basement spamming garbage that nobody even reads and gets deleted within seconds. typically most loser kids his age still have some online friends on discord to chat with or play video games with but he's so insufferable that even other terminally online losers don't want anything to do with him kek
that's true but (if possible to implement this way) the cooldown would only be for a few posts so it wouldn't discourage someone from posting lots of milk or contributing to image threads

No. 85611

The cooldown implemented in 4chan is completely retarded. I'm a regular user but ever since the update the 15 minute wait resets just because I closed the tab.

No. 85612

File: 1730591347070.gif (2.56 MB, 322x178, 1722655319319.gif)

>spamming garbage that nobody even reads and gets deleted within seconds
That's the funniest part to me, he hand types these weak ass posts only for it to get deleted in seconds

No. 85613

The little rascal will probably stop once school starts again monday.

No. 85614

Why do you type like that

No. 85615

yeah 4chans is way too long and no sane person is going to wait so long to make a post. I don't mean a 10-15 minute cooldown but one that's just a minute or two - long enough to prevent low effort drivel but not so long that it causes regular users to leave upon seeing the wait time. also one that is ip-based so closing the tab doesn't reset it. I'm not very tech-savvy so I have no idea if something like that would be possible to implement here

No. 85616

I disagree I want 0 cooldown

No. 85617

I use vpns and don't have that. That's a cloudflare thing.

No. 85618

File: 1730598684426.jpeg (252.93 KB, 750x1105, IMG_4074.jpeg)

What the fuck is happening right now. I have never seen so many newfags in one day. It cant just be the retards from the pathetic "raid" that happened earlier.

No. 85619

I'm triggered, how dare they

No. 85620

Honestly, it would probably be an okay thread for 2X (minus the cringey "yo wassup homies" part)

No. 85621

>Saying "yo", one of the most common slang terms in the English language, means you are unintegrated

No. 85622

Shitpost from raid on moos thread >>>/pt/946622

No. 85624

some aborted fetus just found about comfort women probably through tik tok and wanted to make a thread about it instead of researching on their own.
I want a longer cooldown because these fetuses with a limited attention span will go away. ultimate way to deal with all newfags
yet another newfag who takes integrating as a personal attack. go back to twitter if you hate it so much

No. 85626

File: 1730600581993.jpeg (79.22 KB, 738x670, IMG_4076.jpeg)

The raid was so pathetic that even the mods didn't notice this.

No. 85627

When in the history of Lolcow has anyone ever started an OP with "yo"? That's your sign to not do it. The idea of anonymous imageboards is to blend in.

No. 85628

Who gives a shit. You think mods don't have better things to do than policing anons who say "yo"?

No. 85630

Don't make the cooldown longer, xoxo an oldfag

No. 85631

It's a shit op but it can be fixed, I'm interested in this topic

No. 85632

just stop
5 hour cooldown next

No. 85633

Seconding what this nonnie is saying, I'm not sure why her reply and the anon she was replying too got banned for having a calm middle ground take but the nonnies who started the entire infight didn't get banned. But mods have been extra retarded lately so it's not that surprising.

No. 85635


No. 85636

lame soyjack raid on /ot/

No. 85637

why do retarded anons respond to raiders? just report and ignore the babbling moids and their fagjaks

No. 85640

Because they're either newfags that weren't around for don't feed the troll or just want an excuse to "own" the moids and don't care if it results in more raids.

No. 85641

"Aborted fetus" here, way to not read what the thread was actually about. Speaking of limited attention spans…
I've been here for three years, but god forbid I ever start a thread again, and god HELP me if I ever type the way I like to. Never again, I promise. What's your Paypal so I can send you monetary reparations? I'm sorry I triggered you with the word "yo" and my thread.
Don't you dare try and police how I type.

No. 85642

It’s not on the website anymore but when it was active it would sometimes take up to like 2 minutes for the menu to load

No. 85643

you seem personally offended that you probably shouldnt even be on a site like lolcow. 3 years? so around 2021? that is enough time to control your emotions. covid and post-covid did a number on this site istg. faggots like you feel the need to defend yourself from online anonymous randos when you can easily not respond. take your ban like a champ and move on.

No. 85645

is the indian race-baiter(the one who posts constantly about white men and hispanic's) finally gone?

No. 85646

Thank you for un-redtexting the post in the Taylor thread. Anons were talking about DIY so it seemed on topic to show the choice she made for Halloween considering that.

No. 85647

actually makes zero sense to allow milkless social media reposts with dumb text like "I think this happened in Canada lol." Should have stayed redtexted.

No. 85648

Don't anons always say whether she is in Canada or hong kong for things? The entire thread is milkless compared to other cows, let us discuss what we can. Either both DIY posts are redtext or none. It doesn't make sense to leave one compared to the other.

No. 85649

I agree the infighters sperging over shay’s eyecolor deserved the bans but why wasnt the arthur reaction image infighting tard redtexted as well? There are multiple posts rightly criticizing the spergs (like the log pile anon) but that post was literally just pure infight.
>inb4 farmhands don’t redtext everything
Yes but they redtext stuff when it’s relevant and to make a point so why the fuck not that one?

No. 85651

So not only am I supposed to be banned for making a thread with the word "yo" in it, but I'm also not supposed to defend myself from people talking shit about me on /meta/, either? It's people like you that have made this site what it is. The world's bad enough that women can't even express themselves without being threatened or doxxed, but even on here, there are cunts like you policing anyone who dares to stand up for themselves.

No. 85652

>police how I type
Newfag pls.

No. 85653

NTA I do think in any other circumstance it would be silly but if you've really been here since 2021 you would realise that anons would get mad at that. I'm also a covid newfag and I think it eally wasn't the best idea to personalise the thread in that way.

No. 85654

Can we please make it a bannable offense in the MtF threads to say some troon passes based on a single pic/shitty video? It's usually just one sentence posts like "This one passes", it adds nothing to the threads and at worst it clogs them up for dozens of posts.

No. 85656

Retard. We have a newfag epidemic.

No. 85657

Omg this retard cannot be serious. Where do i begin.

No. 85658

what's with all these newfags thinking the rules shouldn't apply to them lmao
mods are entitled to police your typing bc of global rule #4, which says your posting style has to conform to board culture. and your "yo homies let's have a callout tread for the bad guys!!" moralfaggotry isn't it. integrate or go back to twitter

No. 85659

Stop trying to make her thread a fanclub, she has an entire IG for that. Anyone reading that thread knows she is in Canada right now, that is not a contribution.

No. 85660

How the fuck is it "personalising" when all I did was put "yo" in it? Are you kidding me?
Evidently nowhere because you don't have a counterargument.
Same goes for you. The sooner people like you gtfo, the better.
"Yo homies"? That's seriously what you extrapolated from me putting "yo" in a thread op? And you label posting examples of misogynistic academics as "moralfaggotry"? Get the fuck outta here, you're gonna have to do better than that.(infighting)

No. 85662

anon please get a life. this is lolcow an anonymous imageboard where you integrate so no one knows who you are.
no one cares you got worked up to the point of screeching at online randos to win some internet argument. if this bothers you so much go back to social media where you have an online username where you can feel some semblance of an identity. go cool down because this isnt as important as you think.
man, why do newfags take issue with the anonymous nature of inageboards and integrating??? every single one seems to take it as a personal attack

No. 85663

I'm so happy the staff barely read this thread so crying like this isn't even taking seriously. Get tougher skin.

No. 85664

this tone of earnest, righteous outrage is exactly why people keep calling you a moralfag and a newfag. you definitely haven't got the right mindset for this place.

No. 85665

Not many anons use "yo" in a sentence, nor really speak to anons when making the OP of a thread of similar subject matter. If you said "hello" or "hi" instead you'd get the same reaction.
Please get a glass of water or juice and something to eat instead of responding to anons like that, anger is not good for your health.

No. 85668

Nonna, calm down. Sounds like you're just mad the redtext got reversed and the thread is more heavily moderated in general. Nothing about the post screams fan club. Anons were tinfoiling about the kid's costume. Nitpicking about DIY in general should've been banned, but here we are. We have very few things we can talk about because Taylor has no milk anymore. Be grateful its not locked like farmhands warned.

Give it a rest. Take your expired ban and move on

No. 85669

No wonder why we keep losing threads to infighting moral fags. We're infested with disabled teenagers like you. Go back to tiktok.

No. 85672

thank you nonnie i appreciate it, crazy that after years of posting it's a jannys inability to read is what gets me my first ban kek. i wasn't even taking any part in the lanafagging, whenever i see people sperging over someone in celebricows i just scroll past it. i replied to that one nona because her post was so big it caught my eye and i felt that it was an actual thoughtful post worth commenting on
is there any way to have a stupid ban revoked? or is my perfect streak of no bans scratched forever because of shitty modding? i know it's not that serious, but it does kind of bother me. i always wonder what happens when someone actually "takes it to meta". i've only been in this thread to complain about the state of celebricows, ironically

No. 85673

>Anons were tinfoiling about the kid's costume.
where? There was no tinfoil, esp since she showed his costume being purchased, and then he wore the purchased costume.

Yes, I think non-con posters who just repost social media should be banned, what's the issue?

No. 85674

Touch grass.

No. 85682

the term lolcow existed before the site, this isn't a reference to here.

No. 85684

you are correct, but I'm not sure if the person who posted the tim tard knows that, not to mention where else is pixteri discussed (other than kf)

No. 85685

How did the person who started the retarded PIV debate that happens literally every thread not get banned for bait in amerifags? It’s the same talking point over and over and it causes 300 post long infights. So useless

No. 85687

samefag but PIV baiter is back and calling every woman in that thread a male fucker loll

No. 85688

Is it possible to get some harsher bans in the anime thread? There seems to be anons who only come there to sperg about how much they hate anime and anime fans. This wouldn't be allowed in the fujo thread(sperging about hating yaoi would get a ban) so why is it allowed there? There's even an anime critical thread but no one uses it and just shits up the anime thread with politics and how much they hate anime

No. 85689

They did. I reported one of the early posts for being the easily recognizable anti-abortion sperg that started it and it was redtexted with "bait". This has been going on for months, retards need to stop responding because by scrotefoiling and telling her to kill herself, they're only going to get themselves banned. It happens every time she posts the same stale bait.

The entire American thread is a burning sewer from the constant infighting, the weird and creepy Kamala shilling and constant bait.

No. 85690

Seconding this. I'm almost certain its that anon who made the "weeb hate" thread a few months ago on /ot/ and then farmhands exposed that she regularly posts in weeb threads herself anyway.

No. 85691

Can we get a big red text on top of the current Western Animation drama thread (and the next ones to come) that tells newfags to read the rules, stop blogposting and learn how to sage?

No. 85692

>weird and creepy Kamala shilling
It’s so weird how none of them have been banned for their incessant sperging. That amount of shilling does not feel organic at all, it’s honestly kind of creepy like the thread has been taken over by outsiders who don’t know how to integrate. Maybe we should ask to add a new global rule for politisperging/astroturfing? It’s just plain astroturfing actually

No. 85693

Mods stop deleting posts you fucking stupid retards you don't delete maleposters ridiculous bullshit but we go a bit offtopic and you simply delete shit? Fucking arbitrary too. Delete your ass motherfucker

No. 85695

I keep seeing posts that say similar things but one gets deleted and the other doesn't and simply gets redtexted. See: shoe0nhead thread. One unsaged post gets nuked, wasn't anything scrotey just a weird angry post like many others in the thread. A-log gets redtexted. Other unsaged post gets redtexted. What gives? Shouldn't they all just have been redtexted?

No. 85696

If any posts are from a repeated redtexted poster, they will just delete their posts and redtext some others. Venus's thread is a good recent example

No. 85697

You would be fucking surprised.

No. 85698

How few problems do you have in your life that you're getting this asshurt over an expired redtext? There's no need to "defend yourself," because it's just anons casually ripping on you for starting an OP with "yo" like a dork. You look even more retarded now that you've gotten defensive about it instead of moving on.

No. 85699

What's creepy and unnatural about it
>the thread is always active even during burger sleeping hours
>they thirst post over Kamala like a moid in a loli anime thread
>circlejerk over celebrities without realizing that celebrities are seen as and treated as cows
>pretending to be oldfags while repeatedly making failures at integrating
>not knowing about basic shit like sage and ♥, making threads too early, posting racebait, constant infighting, alogging and scrotefoiling, not recognizing chronic baiters, posting soyjaks and not making coherent posts

>Maybe we should ask to add a new global rule for politisperging/astroturfing?

The global rules already state
>Do not attempt to use lolcow.farm for attention or profit.
>Do not advertise.
>Do not spam.

No. 85700

NTA, but I'm so confused. Being hyped/excited about Kamala is a moid thing?

No. 85701

Didn't the anon who said to not use emojis when an anon posted ♥ also say that it showed as an emoji on their device? It's like a couple posts down but you guys are really running with this one.

No. 85702

It's funny how that anon complains about the scrotefoiling while scrotefoiling. It's literally fucking election day, people are going to be hyping up their candidates. I remember the Trump thrist posts before Biden dropped out. It's no surprise that a female majority board is shilling Kamala so hard.
Go to tinfoil thread at this point, people are staying up because it's november 5th. People are shilling because it's november 5th. Kamala shills just out-autismed everyone else. There's going to be traction to the amerifag thread because it is NOVEMBER 5TH. do you just expect people to talk about what their favorite american snack is or some mundane shit on an imageboard on election day? Are you insane?
>not knowing about basic shit like sage and ♥, making threads too early, posting racebait, constant infighting, alogging and scrotefoiling, not recognizing chronic baiters, posting soyjaks and not making coherent posts
You are right about this though, I just think it's still traction because of the election. I don't even get why people think people discussing the same controversial topics, when most voters are already decided, are being legit kek. There probably is a lot of newfags

No. 85703

Samefag but
>circlejerk over celebrities without realizing that celebrities are seen as and treated as cows
There's a reason celebricows is in /ot/ and not /snow/. Most people casually gossip about celebrities rather than actually hating them. I stand on this when I say that the only true celebricow right now who has truly cowish antics is chappoo. Maybe Sabrina too

No. 85704

File: 1730798429318.jpg (73.14 KB, 846x143, retarded phone pov.jpg)

Not the anon you're talking about but it does look like an emoji on mobile, anon probably just made a mistake while browsing on mobile. I don't even disagree with you this point is just a bit retarded, why aren't you also going after the anon who couldn't spell diarrhea which was also a issue with her phone.

No. 85705

The diarrhea one is so funny to me because the anon replying to her was so fucking mad kek

No. 85706

Four replies to a post on /meta/, how strange.

LC is a woman's website so anons being excited about a female democrat candidate is not surprising. What makes it suspicious is the intensity and amount. Amerifag threads usually last months. While an increase in activity during an election is expected, two threads in less than a week is excessive, especially for a smaller image board.

The ~uwu Kamala is so hot~ posts come across as creepy because it's /ot/ and if she really did find Kamala attractive there are dedicated threads about attractive women that already exist. Once or twice and no one would either notice or care but this is being posted every few hours. The only reason to repeatedly post this outside of /g/ is shilling. The repeated mentions of kinks involving republicans is also odd on a women's website with a general anti-porn sentiment.

Wouldn't a LC regular already be aware of differences in the site's appearance between devices? She did this while calling someone else a newfag.

Using a metaphor as a descriptor is not scrotefoiling. No part of my post denies that it's women posting in the thread or implies that men are.

>It's literally fucking election day, people are going to be hyping up their candidates.

Here's a sample of previous election threads on LC
LC is not a political website. The above threads contain no infighting and no obvious shilling.

Being a retard that can't spell diarrhea is not political shilling.

No. 85707

I wonder why the election with two scrotes had a drier thread than this year….

No. 85708

Kek. Right. It doesn't take rocket science to figure out why women would be more invested in an election with a young, sensible woman running that one with two dying scrotes.

No. 85709

Here's the 2016 election thread. No one is excited about Hillary Clinton, no one is shilling her either. Instead it's an actual discussion and contains a variety of viewpoints from supporters of both candidates.

No. 85711

File: 1730819611379.png (80.67 KB, 475x214, ejhfvbendmk.png)

>Instead it's an actual discussion and contains a variety of viewpoints from supporters of both candidates.
It's literally just all anti sjw posting what are you talking about. Just because it's pro trump doesn't mean it's unbiased kek

No. 85712

I was one of the anons that replied to you and I've never even posted about Kamala before, I'm not involved in that, and you thinking it's some conspiracy that I did (just to clarify the heart thing) just makes me see your point as even more illegitimate, because you are just factually wrong there. Again if you scroll down you can see her explain why, it's because she typically posts on her computer.

No. 85713

File: 1730819762044.png (58.2 KB, 428x327, edjfhgrbndfkj.png)

>complains about kamala shills being scrote-tiered

No. 85714

If you fuck males and live with one, nobody should give a fuck where you politically stand because you are actually apart of the problem. So what I’m saying is, if it’s your choice to fuck scrotes and embolden them, it’s someone else’s choice to be anti-Kamala, so fuck your choice, fuck your retarded bot shilling, take your ass back to her administration team and leave this website alone good god(infighting)

No. 85715

>Four replies to a post on /meta/, how strange
When you're being purposely dumb, yes.

No. 85716

Can these retards please go be schizophrenic in their schizo tinfoil thread please

No. 85717

I love that the poster said this isn't a political website yet links our own old election threads lol We have generals, medias… an array of users. Just because we don't have a dedicated /pol/ doesn't mean anons can't discuss politics. The logic is giving gatekeep-girlboss-bait.

No. 85718

Ban evading concern troll in amerifag thread

No. 85719

>MAGA loli autism
I can't believe how different lolcow was 8 years ago. So glad scrotes are actively discriminated against and banned.

No. 85720

what is considered bait in the amerifags thread?

No. 85721

it doesn't seem like the VPN ban is working mods

No. 85722

File: 1730831177466.png (7.02 KB, 425x171, gibe it time.png)

Can you give it time?

No. 85723

Considering that we've had an influx of younger posters, this might be their first major election. Based on my interactions there, my impression of that thread is that many posters haven't experienced multiple presidential elections. It makes sense that they're excited for her if that's the case.

No. 85726

Whatever happened to the global "no politics" rule

No. 85728

nta but you're clearly new because we weren't allowed to discuss politics for a long time. >>85726

No. 85729

In regards to elections? There seems to be an exception. If anons can't handle that every 4 years, then that's a personal problem. Just because it's political doesn't mean discussing important news needs to be disregarded too. The election is important and it's isolated for the most part to the Americafag thread because it's an Amerifag thing. You don't need to use the thread only for the election right now, but don't get pissy about what have been allowed the last 8 years. It's completely unreasonable to tell anons not to talk about a historical election for the 3rd time.

No. 85732

are you serious? the threads >>85717 referenced were almost immediately locked. these were the threads they were talking about. it's not an exception. >>>/ot/624743 >>>/ot/321219 you are so new, it hasn't been allowed for 8 years.

No. 85733

>general politics

I'm talking about Amerifag threads though.

No. 85734

no? that's not what you were talking about? we haven't been allowed to discuss politics or elections for years in any capacity.

No. 85735

Why has there been so many thirst posts recently over the most mid looking males in the MtF thread? We really need to start banning these retards, it's gotten annoying seeing anons go "omg he was cute before!!1" and the moid looks like an unwashed foot before and after. Even if they were crypto TIMs browsing the thread, I also cannot underestimate the average taste of a het woman.

No. 85736

>it hasn't been allowed for 8 years
Here's the exact rule post on unintegrated users from 2016
>Holds some extreme political, social, or religious view (e.g. a SJW or fascist).
>Contributes nothing or almost nothing to the site other than discussing their views in various threads, and arguing with people.
>To be clear, this is not a restriction on simply having far-right or far-left views, or arguing with people about them (as long as it stays in /b/ and doesn't derail other threads). Rather, if you've come to this site solely to talk about politics and nothing else, have no idea what the site is about, have no interest in lolcows, have not contributed any actual content, and haven't posted anything on-topic in any /pt/ or /snow/ threads, then you might be banned.

No. 85737

>>85729 was the one who said "don't get pissy about what have been allowed the last 8 years." I said it hasn't been allowed for 8 years. I'm really give up on arguing because you are new and can't read or follow a conversation. Politics was explicitly banned for years, from my memory they cracked down on it in 2018 or 2019 due to racist anons.

No. 85738

I was replying to you because I agree and was backing up your point with the exact rule.

No. 85739

There was a discussion in meta in 2018/2019 where the admin actually banned all political posting in general, I can be fucked to find it but maybe someone else can, but anyone who isn't a newfag remembers that we haven't been able to talk about politics at all until recently.

No. 85740

agreed. "no thirstposting" should be a rule on cow boards

No. 85741

From 2019
>No new rules have been created but we're cracking down on politics and racebait.
>All discussion of race whether positive or negative is banned from /ot/ and /m/. Repeat offenders may be permabanned from these boards.

>The USA thread is getting locked for violating the agreement that politics may be only discussed in pink-pill and gender critical.

No. 85742

I wish they'd crack down on politicsperging more I dont want lc to turn into nu 4chan

No. 85745

you guys are annoying, the mods have recognized amerifags already as it is during the election and but a VPN ban in place. Clearly there really isn’t some anti politics rule they’re enforcing here right now. However i’m tired of people treating it like a chat room, they haven’t even started counting the votes yet. But either way there’s been election threads for like each election lmfao

No. 85747

They have started counting in some states. Like indiana is 11%.

No. 85748

File: 1730853817560.jpg (1014.26 KB, 1440x1737, 1730816863538.jpg)

Mods are so autistic

No. 85749

No. 85754

File: 1730869189457.png (459.38 KB, 544x1428, 853317.png)

Is this real?

No. 85756

Where did you get this?

No. 85757

No. 85758

this is the og post that they were talking about

No. 85760

Moids posting in Amerifags there is definitely a raid coming and I hope the VPN ban in the thread helps mitigate at least a little of it

No. 85761

Checked it and nope it's just a nlog TIF seething, although farmhands should still be alert considering the past few days I sense a new raid incoming considering the current American shitfest

No. 85762

There is a baiting moid in the america thread who deletes before anyone could report him.

No. 85763

File: 1730870731715.jpg (1.18 MB, 1381x3007, 20241106_061449.jpg)

An example

No. 85764

Thought i was going insane. Moids are so fucking retarded my god why does he write long ass post just to delete before anyone can even read it? It also takes like a full minute for something to post. Pathetic.

No. 85766

He's been lurking for more than a year, that's incredibly pathetic and weird.

No. 85767

File: 1730871416237.png (18.41 KB, 1707x107, Screenshot 2024-11-06 062852.p…)

He raged again, anons need to implement more tools for catching dirty deletes

No. 85768

Please dont screenshot and post his garbage. If he knows about meta then he's probably masturbating to his own cringe being immortalized.

No. 85769

We are the ones deleting his posts.

No. 85770

Thanks farmhands.
The retarded scrote(s?) probably doesn't even realize his stuff was deleted kek. I feel like he's the same scrote from the pathetic"Raid" we had a few days ago but I'm just tinfoiling.

No. 85771

Oh i see, thank you.

No. 85772

as long as you’re being respectful, not insulting anyone or ragebaiting is it within the rules to be a republican in Amerifags right now mods?

No. 85773

File: 1730882234325.gif (1.31 MB, 275x268, 727753621021539747.gif)

>child mutilating
Did he fuck up when he meant to type men?

No. 85774

the retarded male keeps ban evading in the american thread, i thought vpns were banned there, how does he keep ip hopping?

No. 85775

probably resetting the mobile data on his phone

No. 85776

The amount of alogging and wishing rape on other women in the American thread is extremely disturbing.

No. 85779

Is "y'all" allowed now

No. 85784

Nonnas are going to be mad at me for the ones who are farmers and want to be safe using a VPN, but admin, the VPN thing only works via browsers, not if someone is using it on their desktop. Not a moid, but was testing your VPN thing yesterday, but never got a chance to post about that. Could be how the moids keep posting, but IDK if there is a way to adjust that.

No. 85785

Nope some desktop vpns are banned aswell i know because I always have to use my local IP to post

No. 85786

Not with NORD and that is probably one of the more common ones. Idk if admin needs info to figure that one out.

No. 85787

>Could be how the moids keep posting, but IDK if there is a way to adjust that.
It could also be dynamic IPs.

No. 85788

Discordfag blatantly ban evading in Venus's thread and having an unsaged meltdown and then complained their redtext was responded to by another redtext >>>/pt/946907

No. 85791

Retarded bait in the Amerifag thread. Are mods hungover and sleeping after election night?

No. 85792

There is a moid in the america thread talking latinas and racebaiting about white women.

No. 85794

do you think it would be a wise idea to maybe just lock Amerifags for a day or two? there’ve been like 3 new threads made just in the last 18 hours and i think there should either be a longer cooldown time or we should just give it a few days to relax

No. 85796

I think auto-saging would be a safer bet

No. 85799

This thread would fit better in /2X/, perhaps should be moved

No. 85800

So you want to kill the thread? Because that's how you kill it.

No. 85802

The sheer amount of retarded posts lately is genuinely too much. At what point do you consider a retarded opinion bait? Because it's becoming unbearable and attracting users barely a step above mentally retarded now. Falling pretty hard and allowing yourself to be a safe harbor for the intellectually challenged.

No. 85803

File: 1730958181606.jpg (40.29 KB, 720x206, 1000000233.jpg)

The cringe you're allowing is getting alarming.

No. 85804

File: 1730959079207.png (28.36 KB, 728x485, golly I wonder why.png)

Banned across all boards with no reason given when I have an extensive posting history.(ban evasion)

No. 85805

What was your post.

No. 85806

I don't remember word for word now cuz it got deleted, but in the unpopular opinions thread, someone bitched about lolcow and got redtexted to take it to meta and not to reply to redtext, and eventually I said but you're replying in redtext, and this thread has no rules stating that unpopular opinions can't be about the site itself

No. 85807


No. 85808

Just say you want the entirety of /ot/ gone already, whatever

No. 85809

So you probably deserved it. There must've been a reason like repeated ban evading. Acting like a farmhand's redtext is the same as a farmer replying to the poster is fucking stupid.

No. 85810

I deserve a permanent ban across all boards on a site I use nearly daily for disagreeing with a janny one time? No, I wasn't ban evading or using a VPN or any stupid shit like that.

No. 85811

That type of ban does not happen because of 'one time'. Stop lying.

No. 85813

Right like I truly don't believe it.

No. 85815

File: 1730985598447.jpg (25.47 KB, 1270x93, ggg.jpg)

Can you answer my question, mods? >>>/m/430323

No. 85816

You've just admitted that the Lolcow admin detests /2X/ because the board might hurt the site financially (Big Tech being tranny-lovers).

No. 85817

The very fact the board exists proves this is a retarded take.

No. 85818

Jannies are moid loving fat yumejos that probably voted for trump. You know your answer. 4B thread was also just closed, fascinating

No. 85819

Exists, but hidden. Wonder why that is, huh.

No. 85820

It's hidden so it doesn't get raided anon.

No. 85821

>hurt the site financially
Do you think this site makes money? Do you see any ads or even a donation button?

No. 85822

And that totally worked, didn't it?

No. 85823

Just wait until all current hosts, ISPs, anti-DDoS providers etc. cancel LC for wrongthink (the risk of which is much, much higher were /2X/ unhidden) and the site will have to rely on more expensive options.
I never mentioned MAKING money, btw - where does your projection come from?

No. 85825

>4B thread was also just closed
And a new one was made >>>/ot/2248300

No. 85827

The last time it was briefly unhidden it attracted 1000 more retards (why do I feel like the only anon who remembers this kek, it was right before shaymin left)

No. 85828

Fair enough. I interpreted what you wrote wrong.
>where does your projection come from
A big ol lightbulb

No. 85829

Can we lift the VPN ban already in the American thread? I don't feel safe not using a VPN and as long as you guys keep clocking the obvious bait, I don't see the problem. It's going to attract moids considering the discussion regardless.

No. 85830

fuck off, I hope admin extends it to the entire site permanently. I'm sure you're one of the baiters chomping at the bit to post about how much you love trump

No. 85831

Please ban the retards sperging (and baiting) about the election all over /ot when they have a whole ass thread for that.

No. 85832

I'm not, so calm down. Using a constantly raided site without a VPN as a woman doesn't feel safe. How do you translate that into "YOU'RE ONE OF THE BAITERS". Get help.

On another note: This thread >>>/w/338145
Can someone post any milk about her besides greentext and a little astrix with a "Trust me bro" next to it? It's been days and no caps. This smells like a vendetta thread when she could be in a general if all her milk is about liking yaoi and eyeliner anons don't like her using. What happened to locking shit threads with no caps and again, it's been days with no caps. Just seems like a slow cow who's been around for so long anons want to make an archive thread rather than a recent milk discussion thread. I find it stupid to post a cow who had milk 15 years ago.

No. 85833

>on a site I use nearly daily
no one gives a shit how often youre here. go find another hobby.
why is it always the retards hurt in their feels spouting the most retarded conspiracy theories with zero basis in reality. grow up. >>85823
honey, the is lolcow a gossip imageboard. if you really think its that important to get one one radar, you spend way too much time here and need to branch out offline.

No. 85834

Moid in Amerifag using chatgpt to make it obvious it's him it's all bait and has been. He's replied to some posters multiple times to the same post.

No. 85835

How the fuck is using a VPN going to change anything regarding the site being raided? The only reason to use a VPN is to either hide that you browse here from your ISP, or to hide your IP from the admins of this site.

No. 85836

Because we've had bad farmhands before and while admin can say they will do all they can to not have a rouge person post IP details of users, do you really feel like we should trust anonymous farmhands on an anonymous site when in the past it's been proven to work against some people? They've proven you don't have to be a cow to have your IP leaked and it is not the admin's fault this happens, it's what power does for moderators on sites sometimes. Denying users to use VPNs sitewide seems silly. I understand it in cases like the Amerifag thread currently, I just figure that most of the bait had moved on from now. There's like 2 stragglers though. All that from asking if the VPN thing can be lifted yet. I don't understand why you're so mad.

No. 85837

Or some anons just have vpns already. And not specifically for an image board kek

No. 85841

The Amerifag threads are still full of racebait, alogging, general woman hate, scrotefoiling and infighting. If anything this proved that banning VPN users does absolutely fuck all. The problem is dynamic IP users.

The thread is still obviously being shilled to hell back. The amount of posts about republicans having gay sex and the attempt to berate women for not voting democrat because of pro-troon policies makes me suspect that it's /leftypol/.

No. 85843

This. The amount of vitriol against women posted in these threads screams scrotoid to me.

No. 85844

except its possible to rangeban dynamic IPs and not to rangeban VPNs. plus, if you were in the threads before the VPN ban went in it was far, far worse. night and day

No. 85845

File: 1731015764822.png (33.73 KB, 1414x429, the_salt_is_amazing.png)

Samefag. I went to /leftypol/ and they are talking about LC but they are laughing at us. It seems that the situation in Palestine and Ukraine has turned them against the democrat party.

It really does, the level of hate and racebait insane.

>except its possible to rangeban dynamic IPs and not to rangeban VPNs
This is wrong. A VPN IP is still an IP in an IP range and can be banned just like any other IP range. There are already many VPN IP ranges that are blocked.

>if you were in the threads before the VPN ban went in it was far, far worse. night and day
This is also wrong. The threads went from bad to worse as the election results came in. The last thread that had anything resembling civil discussion was the last thread were VPNs were allowed.

No. 85846

Are tone indicators allowed now?

No. 85847

Let them laugh? Wtf should we care

No. 85848

This site doesn't make money, retard.

No. 85849

So if it’s full of scrotes why can’t we scrotefoil?

No. 85850

If you suspect that a stray scroid wandered in, report him. Otherwise the threads turn to infighting and the convo gets derailed. Also, they love flaunting that they're in a women's space because your attention and distress are rewarding to them.

No. 85851

Because if you're right, you've just given the moid the attention it was looking for and are now encouraging it to come back. If you're wrong you've just insulted another woman and you have now derailed the thread by starting an infight.

Report and ignore all moids.

No. 85852

mods when is the vpn ban in amerifags gonna be lifted? it takes so much longer for my posts to upload when i turn mine off, and i propose that autosaging the current thread until election season passes and the adrenaline wears off, could be better for the health of /ot/.

No. 85853

Not everyone is american.

No. 85854

Mods please don't listen to this idiot >>85852
There already is a ban evading moid, lifting the vpn ban would just lead to 10+ more baiters again just like how the threads were unusable bait central before the vpn ban.

No. 85856

>TERF central
What's the percentage of trannies there? 50%? Higher?

No. 85857

>This is wrong. A VPN IP is still an IP in an IP range and can be banned just like any other IP range. There are already many VPN IP ranges that are blocked.
except if you use your brain for a sec, "rangebanning" a VPN just bans that VPN, not the individual. protonVPN has literally hundreds of IP ranges, banning all the ones they own in the netherlands or something wouldn't stop someone from just switching. what you're talking about would effectively end up just blocking all VPNs anyway to stop someone using them from posting.

rangebanning domestic IPs when VPNs cannot be used will actually prevent that person from posting unless they change ISP or location, its far more effective. stop being retarded.

No. 85858

>rangebanning domestic IPs when VPNs cannot be used will actually prevent that person from posting
Google what a dynamic IP is.

No. 85859

I know what a dynamic IP is fuckface thats why its a RANGE ban. ISPs own IP addresses in blocks, you match the block rather than one specific IP. tech illiterate anons should not be allowed to post.(infighting)

No. 85860

But by blocking an IP range used for home IPs, it has the potential to block legitimate users from accessing the site which is typically why LC admins don't like doing it. If there's a chronic ban evader posting from a certain IP range and that IP range is blocked, anyone else in the same IP range is now also blocked from posting. When a VPN IP range is blocked there's no such concern because it's not someone's home IP address, it's just a VPN. There's also anons that use 4G/5G to post on their phones. Even if a domestic IP range is blocked, ban evaders can use their phones to ban evade.

The hellweek stats show that VPN users are minority on this site. If it really was VPN users constantly shitting up the site, the stats would look different. All admins of LC over the years have maintained the opinion that VPN users aren't an issue.

No. 85861

If VPN users are all good users, then blocking a VPN blocks those innocent users too. Either way you're forcing people off of VPNs. I don't get wtf you're trying to say here? Admins shouldn't block VPNs because dynamic IPs are the problem, but they can just rangeban the VPNs ban evaders are using, which ultimately accomplishes the same thing because VPNs become unusable.

No. 85862

Is this another raid?

No. 85863

The amerifag thread is filled with moids at this point

No. 85864

File: 1731078076590.jpg (29.53 KB, 1245x80, I DON'T WANT TO RACEBAIT.jpg)

Is there a 'Shit Lolcow Says' thread?

No. 85865

nona this is a frequent racebaiter who keeps seething at white women exisiting

No. 85866

Why are you so hung up on this.
If you ban the ranges, the spammers move. You're saying burn down a forest to try and get a couple of squirrels.

I will never understand why people on an imageboard of all places would want less privacy.

No. 85869


No. 85870

Nitpick but some anon keeps replying to old posts to bump dead threads in /m/, I know it's allowed depending on how old the threads are but it's getting excessive and moving more active threads down the catalog.

No. 85871

this is actually a good thing. you have to stir the soup otherwise it won’t taste right

No. 85872

Comes off as someone who just found the site and it's participating in a lot of threads at once. They might need to learn to sage though. That's always a giveaway.

No. 85873

Insane infighting going on in the mundane shit thread in /ot/.

No. 85874

Rangeban yurop

No. 85875

The tards who were baiting the amerifag thread pre vpn ban are baiting the mundane shit thread right now, jannies please banny.

No. 85876

They died again

No. 85877

it's ALWAYS on fridays and saturdays too. do they go out clubbing/drinking every weekend or what

No. 85878

/ot/ has been pure cancer, good luck mods

No. 85879

The worst part about all of this is the fact that the baiting and infighting going on in that thread is completely retarded

No. 85880

Are no mods online? Why are they allowing it to continue. All it does is give them confidence.

No. 85881

Ikr? And it's obvious that it's either 2 schizos baiting and arguing each other or 1 schizo arguing against themselves. It's actually embarrassing how obvious and outdated their bait is kek, very 2015. Farmhands please stop them from spamming and shitting up the thread, they've been going at it for hours now.

No. 85882

We have dealt with it and are here. Please do not reply to them and report and move on. Part of the reason it's gotten out of hand is because there are a handful of people who refuse to report them and continue to respond to them and give them attention. Please always report them and don't get baited into responding.

No. 85883

File: 1731115082361.webp (21.24 KB, 460x345, byebye.jpeg)

Thank you ♥

No. 85884

Please look into implementing this as well >>85874

No. 85885

I've seen anons post pics of penis and they get deleted, but some actual sperg posted a picture of a close-up moldy vagina in the vent thread and they only got a ban evasion redtext…? Who the fuck is on janny duty lately omg

No. 85886

File: 1731129705186.png (54 KB, 918x338, ???.png)

I find it really fucking annoying that instead of permabanning the retards who ragebait people all day, you instead have to ban VPN's as a whole from amerifags and now mundane shit as well. Banning VPN's isn't really an effective way to deter people who come to lolcow specifically to bait during election season, and it's also not a good way to enforce the rules.

No. 85887

>chatroom tier posting
that is kind of what mundane shit is for…unless, of course, you expect anons to solely make single posts that don't ask questions, not respond to each other, not read each others posts, etc kek.

No. 85888

>it's also not a good way to enforce the rules
It worked. It immediately stopped the retarded debate.
I think everyone would agree the on-topic posts in Mundane Shit right now are completely fine. What chatroom-tier posting means is when anons start flooding the thread with low-quality shitposts and comebacks, immediately responding to each other like they're in a Discord server.

No. 85889

something else that would stop the retarded debate would be permabanning baiters/banning them for longer than 30 minutes. also, what do you mean "on topic" posts anon? mundane shit is a topicless thread kek, and there's never been anything wrong with immediately responding to anons posts…

No. 85890

why am I not surprised its a bunch of faggots baited by a troll whining the most. how do people forget the golden rule of the internet: Do not feed the troll.

No. 85892

Who cares, you're not going to explode if you don't get to vpn post in those threads.

No. 85893

It literally worked though lol, I'm 100% convinced the VPN posters who whine here are the baiters themselves

No. 85897

I feel like I'm the only legit one asking about the VPN thing being removed, but that was because it was 2 days after the election, but then I noticed the baiter in that thread still. They make obvious pro-trump posts, Rfk posts, and "why does that matter cry more" type replies.

No. 85898

There is so much racebaiting in the unpopular opinions thread please nuke it mods

No. 85899

At least when mods ban those types it actually makes a difference since they can't ban-evade as easily. Bans would actually matter again. Someone, probably a chronic baiter, just made the point that you could simply permaban them, but that doesn't work when they can easily click a button and switch to the next VPN. It was clearly effective, anyone lying and saying it didn't make a difference is a shitposter, I guarantee it.

No. 85901

racebaiter all over the amerifag thread

No. 85902

We do permaban them. They were ban evading with vpns. Please don't assume we haven't tried other avenues before doing this action. It also completely stopped the derailing that got bombarded over hours, instantly. Going forward this will most likely be the case for more threads both permanently and temporarily as we see fit. Permanently banning does not always work, which is why we stress heavily for everyone to report, and to not respond to the obvious derailing baiters (who are often scrotes, why are you even responding a moid? Ew).

No. 85907

Can we keep the vpn ban in the American thread please, Europeans are always posting racebait there and the thread has been way nicer lately

No. 85908

Ditto. A permanent VPN ban is a must.

No. 85909

But what about the ban evaders who continually ban evade even without VPN's?

No. 85910

>why are you even responding a moid? Ew
This sounds so childish

No. 85911

moids raiding amerifags, retards responding to them. bring vpn ban back until like mid november tbh

No. 85912

Literally. Nobody here will die not being able to use a vpn

No. 85913

anybody giving the scrote attention should be banned too

No. 85915

scrote made a thread >>>/ot/2253681

No. 85916

The VPN ban was really good, there was almost no baiting or raiding and all anons were getting along for once with that removed. I feel like VPN ban should be permanent for that thread and maybe also in other problematic threads. It worked really well.

No. 85917

still up

No. 85920

Thanks, just ignore the vpn spergs

No. 85921

anyone legit whining about vpns at this point is either a troll whose so socially retarded they come here for interaction, or someone so addicted to this place but too stupid to follow the rule that a timeout ban ruins their life.

No. 85924

Sooooo happy that you finally have the VPN banning tool. I've prayed for this. Do you think that you'll ever have a mobile posting ban too? I think the mobile-data loophole is the only other way that trolls can continuously ban-evade. I regularly post from a VPN on here but I think it's good you're finally cracking down on them.

No. 85925

Pretty sure moid is back in amerifag

No. 85926

am I still banned

No. 85927

If you try to get others banned you should get banned yourself. Snitches are the lowest of the low.

No. 85928

lmao shit up nerd. this has zero consequences on your life. just take the timeout like a champ and grow up

No. 85929

you should report me for upsetting you again
fucking loser(infighting)

No. 85930

Hi, moderators please keep the vpn ban on the america threads atleast until the end of november, it would help keep the thread more tolerable and easy to follow, thank you.

No. 85932

The amerifag thread is once again radioactive

No. 85934

We have a team of tards baiting in amerifags, please bring the VPN ban back (and maybe ban European VPNs in that thread altogether since they shit up the thread the most)

No. 85935

Please ban handmaiden thirstposters in the troon thread

No. 85936

the website is very slow lately sometimes, does anyobody else have the same problem?

No. 85937

No and I'm chronically here.

No. 85943

Making a separate gender ideology thread where mods can shoo every interesting nonnie from the MTF thread to was a mistake, and the MTF cows thread is stale and boring as a result

No. 85945

Lock this obvious vendetta thread already >>>/w/338145

No. 85948

Allowing those cancerous threads at all was the mistake. Burritomin did an awful lot of damage for a stupid kid.

No. 85949

File: 1731410803919.jpg (191.81 KB, 1280x720, smug.jpg)

Seethe, tranny.

No. 85950

>stupid kid
bitch is 28 years old

No. 85951

also burritomin was the one getting rid of those threads. she sucks and so do you

No. 85952

With that picture..

No. 85953

The MTF thread is for milk, not armchair sperging about gender philosophy.

No. 85954

baiting retard in the fandom discourse thread. again.

No. 85956

The threads on /ot/ already existed when Burritomin became admin.

No. 85957

can the fujocoomer who posts about how much she enjoy shotacnon in the fandom thread be banned already

No. 85958

autistic baiter in amerifag thread

No. 85959

No. You should be banned, because you keep on baiting users with shotasperging wherever you go. You faked outrage about shota in the anime threads too, multiple times.

No. 85961

Politely fuck you guys because you've turned this site into regular posters babysitting retards.

No. 85962

CP on /m/

No. 85963

File: 1731460077675.jpeg (57.41 KB, 373x327, 1708108725489.jpeg)

cp spam on m

No. 85964

>posts some nona made to show the difference between Ingo and Emmet
Mods, stop being retarded, that's not avatarfagging that's just posting screenshots as proof in an innocuous /m/ thread.

No. 85965

it's avatarfagging because some retard has been spamming the pokemon thread with pics of these two uggos for days on end
the shotasperg is still at it in the fandom discourse thread and of course retards are taking the bait. how people donnt get tired of having the exact same infight every day is beyond me

No. 85967

Replying to a post in /ot/ with a schizo, nonsensical reply that basically proves the poster can't read should be a bannable offense. It's getting so ridiculous. Then you say not to infight but don't ban the retards unless an infight begins. How many times do I have to read nothing but nonsense, angry replies that make no sense and have nothing to do with what they reply to?

No. 85968

It isn't and posting on topic pokémon fanart isn't avatarfagging, no matter how much you hate the characters. I also have been posting Subway Masters art among other things so it's not just one nona.

No. 85969

It's been like 3 days and they're still at it in fandom discourse, how are you so incompetent?

No. 85970

File: 1731484104583.png (142.13 KB, 963x884, Screenshot 2024-11-12 140310.p…)

explain how posting examples of two characters showing different personalities to someone who thinks they're the same is "avatarfagging".
please train these new farmhands better. maybe make sure they have some kind of imageboard experience and understand what board terms mean.

No. 85977

File: 1731529877469.png (270.91 KB, 931x897, Screenshot 2024-11-13 122959.p…)

are you guys seriously going to ban me, a user of lc for several years, because i'm posting relevant pictures into the relevant thread, and someone admittedly only reported me because they don't like the characters?

No. 85981

File: 1731533257728.jpg (93.2 KB, 720x590, 1000000334.jpg)

If you don't start banning these retards I am going to throw a pipe bomb down the basement that admin lives in

No. 85982

File: 1731534130672.jpg (58.57 KB, 720x369, 1000000335.jpg)

You're also seething in /ot/ and referred to an anon giving a logical critique of your annoying -fagging as "an ugly newfag" when they were right.

In general, why is this sort of thing not being banned? Mods have gotten so lazy that it's easier to just mass-ban blindly for 'infighting' rather than just repeatedly banning the kindergarteners like this? It's gotten beyond ridiculous and a majority of convos on /ot/ now are just turboautists like this repelling everyone and else and trying to incorrectly adopt chanspeak. Insufferable.

No. 85983

you deserve to be banned for being emblematic of the retarded newfag scum that's infiltrated this site, using terms they don't understand, samefagging to bait infights, and dragging arguments all across boards. there's at least 4 separate people in that pokemon thread who were discussing something on-topic. you decided you don't like the topic and started reporting posts. imagine being this much of a whiny shitbaby.

No. 85984

nta but i find it funny when newfags acccuse others of being newfags. The fact you dont know what avatarfagging means proves you are a newfag.

No. 85985

>banned for avatarfagging
>continues to avatarfag
Just take the ban and learn from it, you may have been here for a couple years but newfag is a mindset

No. 85986

It'd be avatarfagging if she posted train autist reaction pictures in every single post she makes on the site, akin to having an old forum avatar.
What she didn't wasn't avatarfagging. Posting train autist fanart and screenshots in the pokémon thread is innocuous, on topic and something people have always done before, just with different characters. Let's be real, nobody would have reported her if she posted a bunch of Azumarill art and screenshots instead. What she did wrong was reply to provocations instead of backing down.
Also, somebody is targeting posters of those characters and she is the opposite of transparent, to the point she made a vent post about the train autists in the ugly character designs thread.

And to be clear, this wouldn't be the first time farmhands don't understand imageboard terms and culture: they've banned posts with normal spaced paragraphs for reddit spacing before and they keep doing it sometimes, despite the fact reddit specing is a very peculiar quirk that only reddit tourists do (and I've seen it go unbanned and unnoticed before).

No. 85987

File: 1731541999149.jpeg (46.66 KB, 400x288, 1BA82946-4B4C-4BEF-8A14-2E7BA5…)

>are you guys seriously going to ban me, a user of lc for several years
dude stop. take your ban like the supposed long term lc user you are and move on. is this seriously ruining your day?

No. 85988

Spamming the same thing over and over is avatarfagging, you people already have the husbando thred as a containment for your avatarfagging needs. Keep it there.

No. 85990

Anon that’s a permanent ban threat. For posting Pokemon pics in the Pokemon thread. Farmhands are acting retarded.

No. 85991

she is throwung a tantrum across multiple boards over a tempban and threreatened to double down on spamming the pokemon thread. anyone who reacts this way to a tempban is a retard

No. 85992

Well… no, you're wrong, it's not avatarfagging, that's spamming. Avatarfagging is inherently tied to text posts. To make an easy example: it'd be avatarfagging if Kirbynona attached a Kirby reaction picture to every single one of her posts and not just the on topic Kirby posts.
If it's a problem to spam pictures of an on topic character in an /m/ thread, then it should be clarified by farmhands and it should be put in the /m/ rules.
Also; I'm not even sure if this time it counts as spam if there's more than one nona posting the train autists in the Pokémon thread. Why are farmhands listening to someone having a melty because people post some weirdo she doesn't like?
There's more than just her complaining about this retarded, weird ban. Never before in an /m/ thread I've seen someone get banned for being on topic and posting on topic fanart, even for supposed "spamming".
Her doubling down was absolutely idiotic but it still doesn't justify the fact that the original ban was stupid.

No. 85993

If you want to spam your husbandos you have threads for it. It's really not that hard to understand.

No. 85994

who cares of it counts as avatarfagging or "spamming the same pictures of a character", my point was that anyone who reacts like that (and is currently derailing multiple threads) over a dumbass tempban is a spastic and deserves a permban.
especially if the first reaction after catching an avatarfag ban is to identify herself and double down like "omg now im gonna spam this character even more". identifying your posts violates global rules, a ~long term lc user~ ought to know that.

No. 85995

That's fine, but then it should be a ban for spamming and not avatarfagging or personalityfagging. It should also be clarified in the rules or itt that you can't spam fanart on /m/ or something.
You're clearly moving the goalposts kek.
I get why you're mad at her but her digging her own grave is not what I'm complaining about.
The original post that ate the ban and is causing this drama was innocuous and multiple nonnies have complained that it was a retarded, unfair ban. If we allow these kind of bans to remain then we accept a moderation that does a shoddy job and has no idea what terms tied to rules like avatarfagging or personalityfagging mean.
Also many threads on /m/ have allowed for pictures of the same characters to be posted consecutively before, what was special about that one post in particular? It was actually on topic because a nonnie previously asked what was the difference between Train Autist 1 and Train Autist 2 and those screenshots showed said difference.

No. 85996

Same, that sperg is annoying. Now she's crying because people find her husbandos ugly and posted them in the awful design thread. Totally deserved.

No. 85997

You’re the cancer that has infested LC and are contributing to its decline. Defending a ban over a false accusation of personalityfagging is insane. You don’t get to dictate who posts what in the relevant topic if it’s relevant. No one cares that you think the characters are ugly, it’s not ban worthy. You’re an idiot and shame on the farmhand who said they would permaban for something that isn’t happening.

No. 85998

yeah and the pokémon thread is being spammed with the train men and moaning about the ban now.
Even of the og ban was overmuch (and imo it wasn't because the train autsists had been shitting up the thread for days), the subsequent reaction removed any doubt that this is a a personalityfag retard who deserves a ban.

No. 85999

If you let your hatred of the train autists uncloud your eyes for a microsecond you should realize that the original ban was a terrible sign for this website and that more and more people will abuse reports to bend rules over their petty shit.
If you see someone post something you dislike but that's still on topic, in the right thread and not avatar/personalityfagging, hide the fucking post.

No. 86001

can't speak for other anons in this thread but idgaf about the characters it's the picspam that's annoying. there are husbando and picspam and hornyposting threads for that. besides the retard who ate the ban is identifying her posts and pretty clearly personalityfagging by now.
the cancer that is earing lc is retards who can't figure out either how to follow the rule or how to sidestep a tempban. most people here got a tempban or two at some point, if everyone reacted the way that sperg did the place would be unreadable.

No. 86002

Kek, I decided to check to see if you'd bitch here and you did. I'm not the original anon, I just found you running away to other threads to bitch about others to be pathetic.

No. 86003

“Hide the thread if you don’t like it” is the actual response given to anons trying to report and dictate the direction of a thread. It’s not “personalityfagging” no matter how many times you say it is. I agree that it’s a sign of LC decline that such a stupid ban happened in the first place and now we have an anon openly admitting a grudge against another and trying to get them banned for an asinine reason which is “I don’t want to see anyone posting these characters that I hate”.

No. 86004

Nta but doubt.

No. 86006

> You’re the cancer that has infested LC and are contributing to its decline
if this declines laughing at other anons whining about their bsn, this please let it decline more.

No. 86009

This. Anons who derail hate to see other anons come here to report things. Very newfag and shitpost behvaior to complain about it.

No. 86010

Things that were considered milk before such as reddit tranfiction is now getting redtexted telling them to take it to gender ideology hate thread. Literally moving the goalposts. Plus, nonnies armchairing the trannies were literally the best part of the thread.

No. 86011

armchairing is what you liked? really? wait this is the thread in /snow/ right? where the rules are no armchairing? am I getting this right?

No. 86012

so if we can ban people for posting characters we don't like, can we also ban the people posting alt right politicians in the unconventional attractions thread every day? or is that not allowed because farmhands are biased

No. 86013

You people are illiterate. No one got banned for reparted for posting a character someone doesn't like, liking the character at all is orrelevant. The ban was for spamming one thread with it. Which they're still doing.

No. 86014

There’s more that one person posting and talking about SubMas you butthurt retard

No. 86015

I feel like a scrote's been posting in the anime and character design related threads on /m/, seeing so many posts about old anime like Eiken, Excel Saga/Puni Puni Poemy and Hyung Tae Kim art is setting off my moid radar

No. 86016

You sure it's not just nostalgia glasses? Retro is always given a break regardless of content because they look so nice.

No. 86017

As if only men care about old shows??

No. 86020

The skirby thread is absolute cancer. It's just zoomers nitpicking the same thing over and over while the cow herself does absolutely nothing interesting. Why is this allowed? Is it a containment thing?

No. 86021

File: 1731654927953.png (301.29 KB, 1424x952, Screenshot_20241115-021228_Chr…)

this is getting crazy the "early thread" locking shit is extremely new and not a rule. look through the archives. i have been here longer than some of the zoomer mods have been able to use a damn phone. this shit is killing the site.

No. 86022

we can tell, seeing has the thread has basically becope unusable thanks to the spam. you people basically prove the mods right by chimping out over a tempban for two days straight.
wish you faggots stuck to the husbandofag threads so the rest of us could actually discuss the games
it was always a rule so that people don't post in both threads at once. get a grip

No. 86024

literally nobody is having any trouble discussing the games or things that aren't submas, it's like you aren't even looking at the thread. the only derailing is coming from one person refusing to contribute anything pokemon related except complaining about submas like a total sperg, and i suspect it's you. stop it.

No. 86026

>the thread has basically becope unusable thanks to the spam
My god, just fucking talk about something else and other people will reply to you, or reply to the posts that are about something else. That's how threads work. The original trainfag is kind of spergy but she's not breaking any rule just because you're unable to ignore posts that don't interest you. It happens in every thread and we all deal with it, it's nothing new or shocking. Instead of waiting for someone else to post something you like, why don't you go ahead and do that yourself?

No. 86027

newfag detected, ban deserved. if you've been here long enough you wouldve known its not new.
>wahh this is killing the site
just because you were banned doesnt mean the site is dying. growing convinced anyone who pulls the 'youre killing the site' card is an entitled idiot who thinks their active presence is needed or desired. just lurk ffs

No. 86028

Cope. I've been an Excel Saga fan since I was 13, watched PPP years after and laughed my ass off. Imagine calling Excel Saga 'scroteshit'. Truly only a sheltered American zoomer could. And then you probably go bitch how there are no interesting female characters in anime.

No. 86029

>Imagine calling Excel Saga 'scroteshit'. Truly only a sheltered American zoomer could.
To be fair lolcow has been like this for years. Not defending it, it tires me too, but I've learnt to work around it.

No. 86030

File: 1731669573159.jpg (108.12 KB, 1051x897, Screenshot_20241115_111608_Duc…)

Neither of these are my ban but since when do we have to sage in /ot/? This is from the Imane Khelif thread in /ot/.

No. 86031

Certain cow threads are the exception to the sage rule in ot, celibricows being an example. though i don't understand why the imame thread just isn't auto saved since there isn't any new information to be found of this scrote anyways

No. 86032

Only celebrities had this rule but now that thread too?

No. 86034

The /ic/ anons on the artist salt thread are cancerous as fuck

No. 86035

This was our mistake, you do not have to sage in that thread. The bans have been removed.

No. 86038

I'm not a zoomer and I'm old enough to recognize a neckbeard my age or adjacently, an anon spending way too much time on /a/ and aping their shit taste. Posts like this >>>/m/431653 (and yes I have also seen this series so I know what I'm talking about) would set off anyone's suspicion that a scrote is trying to post here.

No. 86039

Ngl I'm shocked nobody has commented on that yet

No. 86040

>The American flag being blurred
>"Merry Christmas!"
>The fact whoever wrote this scene has clearly been to America for real before
I can't pick a favourite part lmao

No. 86041

File: 1731692956138.webm (4.84 MB, 960x540, I miss the old LC.webm)

I've been a user here for several years now, and i'm sure nostalgia has played a role but LC felt a lot comfier when I first entered. Nasolabial folds, borzois, Adam Driver, men with cake on their faces, it feels like instead of in-site jokes there's been a rise of personalityfags. So many iconic LC posts and moments are from a few years ago and there hasn't been anything like that since, there's been a key shift in userbase and it's killing the culture of the site. I know admins are probably too busy trying to fix the spaghetti code but there's been little to nothing done about the users that refuse to read the rules and integrate. Even back then there was so much more of a community with the influx of fanart. I just hope there's a townhall at some point to seriously discuss the change in post-quality and new generation of users, because the feeling is undeniable reading threads from a few years ago. I'm not denying the improvements, the visual changes are good to see, it's nice to have faster-moving threads, and I do notice the newfags that carve themselves a comfy enclave integrating. I just hope we return to the cozy LC at some point in the future, but it is looking bleak. It's just, what happened?

No. 86042

Venus discordfag who keeps trying to post random not-venus centric posts and tinfoiling about them is back.

No. 86043

>admins are probably too busy trying to fix the spaghetti code
I promise you that's not the case.

No. 86044

Imo the worst case of personalityfags were during 2022-2023 and now we have anons trying to intentionally create personalityfags out of regular posts (I'm not referring to that pokemon fight just to make things clear) and trying to summon past ones as well

No. 86045

cp in the bad tattoo thread

No. 86046

nvm ty mods

No. 86047

The Skirbyfag is once again trying to say Skirby is a pedo and infighting about it. For the love of god put them out to the pasture. Bad enough they only know how to contribute via calling her "skirbese" or "fat".

No. 86048

I keep getting auto permabanned when trying to post, with?

No. 86049

what are you trying to post?

No. 86050

File: 1731732282481.jpg (66.1 KB, 1080x539, 1000023895.jpg)

Random in topic comments abbout reddit drama and nonnie fanart compliments, nothing controversial, I get banned immediately after without getting any redtext. Already appealed once, managed to do one post after that and then got banned again. Right now am in my not-banned era but who knows when I'll get banned of the ban trigger isn't corrected

No. 86051

File: 1731743015464.png (234.82 KB, 1187x667, 6 month schizo.png)

Can you ban the retards encouraging the annoying schizo baiter from the art thread? he's a known cow on /ic/ for always pulling this shit and the mouth breaters keep encouraging him to shit up the thread. He's been doing this since at least 2020. Newfags are so fucking retarded. He's known as ''6 month schizo'', genuinely mentally ill individual.

No. 86052

bruh you've been months seething about the skirby thread, we get it you're fat too

No. 86055

Found the ban evading skirbese poster.

No. 86056

you're so fucking retarded your seething got into your brain. i haven't been banned in skirfat thread for ban evading and i'm not the only zoomie nitpicking her. keep seething fattie(infighting)

No. 86057

kek anon

No. 86058

You're not exactly hiding how underage you sound right now.

No. 86060

File: 1731780336016.jpg (284.63 KB, 1080x2176, Screenshot_20241116_105822_Fir…)

This is the most retarded ban I've ever gotten, and it's absurdly long for some reason (4 weeks, seriously?) I didn't know that the anon I replied to was a personalityfag from /ic/, so I gave them genuine art advice, which is what the thread is for. Even if the person I replied to was baiting, it's genuine advice anyone could benefit from. I don't understand why my post was deleted, either. Did someone report me thinking I was the personalityfag? Because the "meds" redtext seems to imply that.

No. 86062

Your ban has been lifted, sorry about that.

No. 86063

Thank you. I'll be careful not to reply to the six-month personalityfag again.

No. 86065

ntayrt but multiple anons are sick of that thread. It never should've left bad photoshop, there is zero milk. Being fat is not milk

No. 86066

Skirbyfags are still fat sperging and are now using her in quotations like she's a troon or something kek

No. 86068

That fucking thread is a cancer and the user(s) ban evades constantly

No. 86069

>there is zero milk. Being fat is not milk
Same could be said about empath's thread

No. 86070

>Right now am in my not-banned era

No. 86072

They're incomparable. Skirby isn't pissing in public and schizo posting, she's just ugly and edits herself. Being fat is not milk, reposting the same images and chanting fat is not milk.

No. 86073

Anons bring up skirby bwing fat as if people in the thread actively deny it. She shoops, no shit she isn't skinny.

No. 86074

This. No one is arguing that she isn't fat, she's gross, but it's really not interesting enough to warrant the constant spergouts

No. 86075

Kpop fag sperging in psyop thread.

No. 86076

Came here to post about this. They're arguing about whether a plastic kpop dude is bogged or hot

No. 86077

There's a lot of derailing going on in that thread about several things like dick sizes etc

No. 86078

Can the newfags in /w/ stop making shitty threads? We don't need a male general and why is there a fashion specific thread about a niche fasion on /w/ when a lot of the milk is already in Addys threead and we have a fashion thread already on the board.

They can take the niche JK fashion to either threads. We don't need specific threads for everything.

No. 86079

i don't understand why newfags always want another fucking thread like its some accomplishment.

No. 86080

The anon who made it is acting like they should be praised, they sound underage too with the whole "I'm trying to be nice" stuff.

No. 86084

are mods asleep today? suspicious link in m in the team fortress 2 thread

No. 86085

"i'm just tryin to be nice" anon didn't make the thread, retard-chan. lolcow users showing off their lack of reading comprehension skills again.

No. 86086

The thread sucks, get over it

No. 86087

File: 1731866288007.jpeg (108.85 KB, 828x285, IMG_6242.jpeg)

For months now in the art-themed threads there's been an anon or anons with a masive vendetta against some chinese artist, it's getting annoying

No. 86088

Tbf the anons saying that blatant toddlercon porn is "just innocent chibi style drawings" are actually pants-on-head retarded kek. I don't care about this infight at all it's annoying.

No. 86089

I haven't paid attention to the contents the latest infight tbh. now i just scroll past ebery time i see the name "mgong". But it's pretty clear someone out there has a hateboner

No. 86090

File: 1731873636209.gif (55.45 KB, 180x135, wiggle.gif)

Is there a rule against accusing other anons of being TiF "eggs" or future TiFs? If not, I feel like there ought to be.

No. 86091

I think the art posted is disgusting and indefensible, but the fact she keeps being brought up is weird. There are many other cell-shading artists who are at the same level (or better) and there are many other artists who draw far worse things. There's no reason to keep mentioning and sperging about her.

No. 86092

Everytime that Kai moid names comes up in the Art Community thread in snow, "Someone" comes in going nuts in defense of him. That thread is crawling with white knights and more than likely self posters defending themselves/their friends.

No. 86093

*art commentary thread

No. 86094

We really allowing a confession thread on w?

No. 86100

File: 1731941322607.jpg (20.9 KB, 1765x107, male.JPG)

Ugly men psyop thread yet again, newfags and moids really love this board. There's one particular poster that doesn't care to integrate, types like a child and doesn't put spaces in between her commas and is unapologetic about defending ugly men.
Also there's a definite scrote trying to be incognito comparing tall men to furry/anthro fetishes because that's obviously how women talk.
now it's derailed to height

No. 86101

I don't think there's anything wrong with wanting to date someone the same height as you, but comparing an attraction to tall men to having a fetish??? That is really crazy and is shaming women's NORMAL preferences for no reason.

No. 86102

Pro-russia and pro-dictator moid in amerifag

No. 86103

that thread seems to attract weird ass levels of immaturity.

No. 86104

retards fighting over who's fat in the proana scumbags thread

No. 86105

Why is talking about hair in Taylor's thread "hair nitpicking," but talking about hair in Mikan's thread allowed? None of the posts are mine, just want to know what the difference here is.

No. 86106

Because farmhands have said her thread is constatly filled with nitpicking and it is. Mikan rarely get updates and tbh, nitpicking redtext that too then. Wasn't the warning about the thread being locked due to lack of milk good enough? Saying she's getting a treatment, yeah, milky. Sure. Posting photos after and just randomly commenting about her hair and saying she doesn't even take care of it? Come on. That's stupid as hell.

No. 86107

did you report those comments for nitpicking? you have that option.

No. 86108

It's all redtext now, so wouldn't matter. Also Mikan posted one of those color swatch videos. That's why her hair and coloring are on topic unlike Taylor. Not sure where anon was confused.

No. 86110

The new jirai kei thread is shit with no caps and made by newfags. This new OP for "next thread" when we are 36 posts in makes no sense to even post when you're censoring words like "trans" in the OP bio. >>>/w/338859

Stop allowing these children to make threads and not post caps at all.

No. 86111

neither of you are farmhands, or if you are, post with your tag. So your opinions aren't relevant. I didn't report any posts for nitpicking because I don't think a couple comments about an influencer's hair = nitpicking or, now I see, "tinfoil." Come the fuck on, this discussion is allowed in every other thread. When are we allowed to talk about an influencer's outfit or hair without getting banned? A farmhand can answer, thanks.

No. 86112

Not your ban, but this mad. No one needs to be a farmhand to see why it got banned.

No. 86113

She posted a ton of stories about getting her hair done, why aren't other anons allowed to say anything about it? How is that off-topic? I don't even post there because I have no idea what's allowed in that thread. I guess if I post a pic and say I like it, I won't get banned. If I say I don't, I would. Tell me how it makes any sense.

No. 86114

I've said it before and I'll say it a thousand times: Scrotefoiling. Should. Not. Be. A Bannable. Offense. The ugly man psyops thread literally got posted on 4chan and they're not even trying to integrate or hide that they're tourist moids, yet you get a ban for merely pointing it out? And farmhands won't even ban the moids if you keep quiet and just report? This is the kinda thing that makes us believe youre moids/trannies yourselves

No. 86115

Posting about her food in general, so cooking, what she eats, how she plates for her vs kid/husband

No. 86116

the antifujo spergs are losing their shit in the fandom discourse thread again. why do you even allow these moralfag retards in here?

No. 86117

Kek are you forgetting you're the retards who are on thin ice? As if fujosperging outside of containment wasn't a bannable offense, I hope your fujo retardation gets banned overall like kpop.

No. 86118

thanks for proving my point

No. 86119

Possibly on other threads too especially the ugly psyop thread it seems like only one sperg though

No. 86120

ayrt. I've read the announcements. Still makes no sense. She's an influencer whose content included food, parenting, beauty, and fashion, but seems like discussing any of that (unless it's purely positive) isn't allowed.

No. 86121

There is so much derailing and infighting in the psyop thread that needs to stop

No. 86122

that one banner of pt sucking off a corndog makes me feel ill can we remove it. im pretty sure im not the only nona to complain about it

No. 86123

Was it posted on 4chan today?

No. 86124

File: 1732038754651.jpeg (231.91 KB, 669x467, D64DB1F5-6044-435B-8ECD-96AA29…)

Can you ban this unsubtle troll in the ugly man psyops thread?

No. 86125

Agreed, not even a newfag before someone accused me of being one, I just don't think it's funny

No. 86129

seconded, that thread is full of moid-tier low effort bait

No. 86130

I think I accidentally created a thread in snow trying to reply in the cam girls thread, please disregard my autism. Sorry farmhands

No. 86131

No, it should. I've lost the number of times I was called a scrote, a moid or even a tranny, for posting something that goes against the groupthink.

No. 86132

File: 1732047598248.jpg (354.96 KB, 961x913, 1.jpg)

i don't understand why i got this? i haven't even been banned for anything recently. i use a vpn to post but that's allowed?

No. 86133

It's allowed, you may have accidentally used the same VPN ip as another nona who was ban evading. Proton VPN reuses a bunch of ips iirc, I caught 5 perma bans on CC on different IPs on my VPN one time kek

No. 86134

i use expressvpn, it may cycle through ips too. i've received bans from posts that weren't mine in the past, but this one surprised me bc it was actually my post this time lol

No. 86135

Boohoo, there are so many other male sites you can post your stupid scrotus quo opinions on for hundreds of updoots. We are already familiar with them, they aren’t new. We come here to get away from them.

No. 86136

ntayrt but to be fair there are anons who get called scrotes/trannies for even non-controversial posts like that anon in the vent thread who was just venting about her shitty family or the other anons who simply said they prefer younger men in their 20s

No. 86137

>everyone I disagree with is a troll

No. 86138

So some anons in the fandom thread criticize fujos and because you can't take the bantz, you now run to meta and cry about it to the mommy mods. You lot are so insufferable.

No. 86139

it's not bants it's the same retarded slapfight we've had 80000 times and it's tiring. back to your containment thread

No. 86141

Am the one that got banned for pointing out the obvious man, learned my lesson to never go there again >>>/ot/2265690

sucks, they should be reading the aggressive demanding tone men have for shoving bs down women's throat vs. just adding another POV,
the threshold for scrotefoiling should be high but paranoids abuse that shit

No. 86144

Farmhands, when is the VPN ban feature going to be completed? In the Amerifag thread, Cerbmin said that the feature isn't fully done yet, so I'm wondering what the ETA is for that. I'm soo tired of /ot/ being a shitshow so I'm very excited for the VPN ban feature to come into effect.

No. 86145

Fuck off. Enjoy your dead site.

No. 86148

agreed, not to mention it tends to devolve into 'anyone who disagrees with me isnt a woman'

No. 86149

Troll wasn’t used anywhere except reports this confirms the person shitting up the threads is a farmhand.

No. 86150

Farmhands are so transparently anti-shitposting they just redtext shitposts as “spam” kekk

No. 86151

>Banned for +12 hours for "scrotefoiling"
>Ban expires
>Banned AGAIN for another +12 hours for the exact same post
Time to let some of the power hungry tard jannies go already

No. 86152

Nta, but the fact you clearly can't even understand greentext tells me all I need to know.

No. 86154

These are examples of why I don't know why we have a Jirai Kei thread with Addy in the OP. Cows who have established threads need to be kept in their own threads because it because an extension of where people can discuss the cow instead.


No. 86155

Is funposting still banned?

No. 86156

why are antifujos so adamant of posting anti fujo posts outside of their god damn containment? anyone who tries to instigate against it gets an unappealable ban in them anyways, so why wouldn't you want to ridicule fujos in the safe confines of the containment?
Only fujos seem to get cringe threads anyways, there is not a single unlocked hime/yume cringe thread, so despite having so many avenues to openly talk about your frustrations against fujos, retards still mope and whine that jannies have a "fujo" bias when they rightfully get reprimanded for sperging about the same ebil fujo argument again and again in irrelevant threads.
I just dont get it.

No. 86157

I'm tired of these same retards insisting that anyone who tells them to shut up is a misogynist coomer or whatever, when in reality it's just that nobody else cares about this retarded shipping feud and we're tired of hearing it.

No. 86159

File: 1732134183064.png (601.35 KB, 720x1436, japan.png)

This thread looked interesting even if it wasn't milk based, it deserves to live in /ot/ or /2X/, can't you move it? Or I hope someone remakes it. Just give me a signal and I'll remake it even

No. 86160

Cant this shit land lc in hot water? Aren't nip moids known to chimp out being exposed and do lolsuits?

No. 86163

agreed, its stupid to post about a cow in two places. for that same reason we wait until threads reach 1200 before making another one

No. 86164

Gee I dont know, maybe because fujos insist on force-feeding everyone else their ugly retarded sodomite slop and starting infights with both yumes and yurifags instead of sticking to your coomer threads? Cope and seethe, fujotard. Nobody would booly you if you stuck to your designated threads too. Ugly man Psyops and Fandom discourse aren't fujo general #2 and #3, either btw.

No. 86165

These cancerous retards need to get banned on site for posting their coomerslop outside of their containment thread just like kpoopfags do

No. 86166

you sound obsessed

No. 86167

>Comes to meta to sperg about being boolied
>Spergs about being boolied in Fandom discourse
>Makes a "Yuricoomer" vendettafag thread to own da himes
Yeah, sure, we're the obssessed ones kekkkkk keep shlicking it to mpreg

No. 86168

Ik the thread was originally made to shade himejoshis, but I would appreciate genuine conversation about the tranny blight ruining himejoshi spaces and making us look like speregy retards when they are the ones showing off male behaviour chimping out when people dont create content for their whims.
True Himejoshis avoid discourse and create their own content that makes them happy, its shitty tranny tourists that give us a bad name and it must be brought up.

No. 86169

I recommend shutting down that "living with dysphoria" thread. It's gotten a surge of activity and it's inviting gendie ideology, schizoids, and misogynistic bait. Ntm the infighting. The detransition thread already exists.

No. 86170

The yuricoomer thread is pure infigh bait by spergy fujospeds, they can't even find actual himes to mock so it's just another tranny cringe thread.

No. 86172

whatever at least it gives them a containment zone to seethe in rather than start another redundant hime vs fujo infight in irrelevant threads again. everyone is sick of this argument, at least fujos have leverage against them for sperging outside containment too

No. 86174

Yeah, and it also invites moids to sperg about the "TIM vs TERF infights", you tard. Fujospeds don't deserve a "containment zone", they need to be banned like kpopfags.
>at least fujos have leverage against them for sperging outside containment too
They really don't, nobody would've started sperging about fujos if the fujos weren't the first to break containment and colonize multiple threads with their retardation and infights

No. 86175

I don't mind a yuricoomer thread but the threadpic really does confirm that it's made by angry fujospergs kek

No. 86176

File: 1732151849358.jpg (26.73 KB, 620x348, i4qky.jpg)

cp in /m/

No. 86177

Ban yuri conversations too while youre at it since it attracts moids and TIM larpers by virtue of being yuri. where are you going with this logic?

No. 86178

File: 1732151952733.jpg (158.09 KB, 934x458, Screenshot_20241120_221730_Chr…)

Didn't even need to check the threadpic for that, they've been openly seething in Fandom discourse about it KEK
>It's SO not fair we get banned for infighting like everyone else!!1

No. 86179

My logic is it's a shit thread full of scrotes and spergs. And I'd ban all anime if it was in my power, you're ALL retarded

No. 86180

rules for thee not for me ig
>I'd ban all anime if it was in my power
at least we can come into an agreement on something but we both know that will never happen.

No. 86181

It's not intersting and your thread sucked

No. 86182

How are they not rules for me? kek I'm not the one sperging outside of my containment thread

No. 86183

faggots derrailing the yuricoomer cringe thread on /ot/

No. 86184

farmhands must be asleep. they still havent dealt with the schizo namefag kek

No. 86186

I want a containment board for the otakus sperging about loli fujo hime shota coomer troony toon fandom bullshit.

No. 86188

If they cared about misogyny on this site they would have shut down the BP thread eons ago but it's clear that they do not, I doubt the living with dysphoria thread will get shut down in the main problem child still lives.

No. 86191

It's not even my thread and I found it interesting

No. 86192

Honestly kind of sad how that thread got fucked up but all troons are mentally ill so i expected mental illness

No. 86195

File: 1732158652340.jpg (82.66 KB, 544x680, GIGpU_oboAAmDE2.jpg)

reopen the chappell roan /snow/ thread. no particular reason i just want it and miss it

No. 86196

can anons just ban all the yurifags derailing the thread? how come the fujocoomer thread bans fujos sperging and derailing on it but yurifags are allowed to derail the thread

No. 86197

Yuripedo ban evading AGAIN on the yuricoomer thread.

No. 86198

File: 1732160614045.jpeg (323.99 KB, 1179x896, IMG_2418.jpeg)

Retarded ban. Why are mods unironic tumblr tier snowflakes?

No. 86199

I’m not even a fujo kekkk you really are obsessed. do you seethe this much when you see anons talking about their husbandos outside of /g/ or is your hateboner reserved only for fujos?

No. 86200

Even when they post milk about a female yurifag cow, they also turn out to be a fucking fujo too. The irony KEKKK. It's almost like being a fujo is a requirement to being a terminally online porn addict

No. 86201

File: 1732162272874.png (23.19 KB, 340x248, 1724889033261.png)

why cant we all just get along and sing kumbaya

No. 86202

coom bye yah my Lord, coom bye yah

No. 86203

because no woman actually cares about yuri

No. 86204

File: 1732162825809.png (1.3 MB, 2000x1897, 1716323508793.png)


No. 86205

That is false.

No. 86206

first they came for the shotacons, and i did not speak out because i was not a shotacon
then they came for the trapfags, and i did not speak because i was not a trapfag
then they came for the yurifags, and i did not speak because i was a yurifag,
then they came for me, and there was nobody left to speak for me

No. 86207

actually scrolling up thru this thread after like a week or two long absence and kekking. it really never gets better here does it

No. 86208

NTA but the Yuri thread has just 300 posts while the Yaoi thread has over 20 threads made. Why don't yurifags use their threads and talk about yuri instead of infighting? Makes me believe those people only come here to infight and do nothing else.

No. 86211

They do come here only to infight.

No. 86212

I sadly agree

No. 86214

I hate seeing addy talked about in consoom, in jirai kei, and now her own thread. Posts specific to only addy or using her as an example need to be kept in her thread of rotate her to the jirai kei thread when hers is full. This is lazy posting by users and mods not caring.

No. 86215

Tell the skirbyfags to stay in their shitty containment thread. Not eveything is about skirby and she is not as popular as this obsessed retard is about her. No one in the cosplay community knows who she is. She's just an ugly, editing ethot. This isn't the first time posters have tried bringing her up for no reason in other threads when no one ever talks about her in other threads. >>>/pt/947811

No. 86217

Mgong is brought up because she is an artcow. Though current discussion of her is just about her art style, if you look through the previous threads you will find screenshots and archives or her deleted rants and sperging. Also it is called the artist salt thread. For being salty.

No. 86218

Nta but tbf, while the thread has more posts, the yaoi thread used to be slow and only picked up in the last few years due to an influx of newfags.

No. 86219

File: 1732177296672.jpg (31.45 KB, 1127x130, ui75.jpg)

The fujospammer has admitted that she derails threads for shit and giggles. Just letting the mods know.

No. 86220

There's a bug with uploading videos. I tried to upload an mp4 file, but the system gave an error.

No. 86221

Seconded. Give them an inch and they take a mile. They have all of reddit. Leave lolcow alone.

No. 86222

The yaoi-yuri infighting has become a fucking nightmare jesus. It wasn't always this bad, you used to be able to be a himejo on this website without ten people assuming you are yuripedo or a tranny. Now everything is fujo hime infighting. The yurihime and fujocringe threads are not going to help contain this, mark my words, it is only going to encourage everyone to act worse.

No. 86223

File: 1732186789899.jpg (25.35 KB, 459x457, OIP (47).jpg)

>The yurihime and fujocringe threads are not going to help contain this, mark my words, it is only going to encourage everyone to act worse.
id say the infighting has already begun, this shits so fucking boring, whats next? himejoshi vs fujo vs straights vs mecha?

No. 86224

So, yurifags can sperg about TIFS in the fujocoomer thread but the yuricringe thread can't bring up TIMs? i don't get it. You are caping hard for a personalityfag who cooms to little girls.

No. 86225

>Fujocoomer cringe thread is just an annex of the Fakeboi thread either to sperg about fujo troons or posting baited screenshots of the fujo thread to drag drama from other threads (an offense that gets you banned in any other thread)
>Gets to stay up for years unbothered
>One person spams yurifag cringe thread with AGP yuritroon milk
>Gets locked in less than 24 hours
If you're going to have a bias, at least be open about it. Cringe.

No. 86226

I don't care about this retarded infight but it does seem unfair to me. I just checked the fujocoomer thread and half of the posts are about TIFs. Farmhands are being biased.

No. 86228

Here is the reason >>>/ot/2270469

No. 86229

Of course. The mod is a tranny and feels offended at being called out.

No. 86231

Okay, so rename the thread Yurifag cringe and reopen it. Easy.

No. 86232

We have enough threads for troons all of the stuff posted there could been posted in the tim thread

No. 86233

Here, I'll link all the posts in the fujocoomer thread that are about troons for you
okay nevermind linking all would take too much time. farmhands just are blind apparently

No. 86234

did you read the OP it says himejoshi SLASH yuricoomers, also fromt he OP description
>TIM 'transfem lesbian' himejoshis: AKA heterosexual male LARPers.
yuri is a genre, you dont have to be a lesbian to like it.

No. 86235

The mods are translesbians.

No. 86236

So why is the fujocoomer cringe allowed to be 90% TIF aidens and discussion about them? Explain. The thread has always been like that and it's been up for years.

No. 86237

File: 1732190201729.webp (73.52 KB, 1024x576, 20191201213732_1.jpg)

No. 86238

Tifs are still women. by troons I meant Tim's which are moids

No. 86239

If this isn't hard proof that one of the mods is a pornsick male in a dress, I don't know what is. Just admit you're a misogynistic fucker who likes to consume little girl porn and go.

No. 86240

so we can make fun of women but not men? uhhh

No. 86241

Didnt the infighting start because of a male post?
To which the reply was "it doesn't matter since fujos probably agree anyway." Why would that only work one way?

No. 86242

Butthurt fujos shitting up the catalog in /ot

No. 86243

Ban the fujocoomer thread. You banned the yurifag thread and that's great, now do it with the fujocoomer one. Otherwise you're cocksucking hypocrites.

No. 86244

I never used to believe the tranny janny memes but this is pretty damning proof, kek. And before a janny gets their panties (or programming socks) in a knot, just know that I don't mean all jannies. Consider the chance that one of your colleagues is probably a tranny.

No. 86245

That's the message they're apparently sending here. Splendid.

No. 86246

so there can be 4 threads, who are protected from criticism btw, making fun of fujocoomers, but we cant have one single thread to talk about pornsick men, pornsick women and their handmaidens? so its fine to shit on women but not men and pickmes, is that what you are telling us tranny janny?

No. 86248

Admins need to take care of the retards shitting up /ot/. It's been going on for days.
One or two retarded yumespergs keep shitting up the yumecringe thread and posting infight bait across the board.
This is an incredibly small sample. She is also dragging her retardation into other threads
This is the unpopular opinions thread, posted within minutes of her screeching. There were even more yesterday.
Does farmhand do anything? No. Instead of banning this sped, she threatens to shut the thread down
>90% of the posts are about troons
A bold and stunning claim. Four posts later, she decisively shuts the thread down
and had previously threatened to shut it down multiple times before
>"if this thread ends up being pointless we will lock it"
How is an active thread getting sabotaged by some tard the farmhand won't ban "pointless"?
Also see post by anon >>86233 compiling all the tranny posting in fujocringe thread.

I realize this is late because I'm posting from phone, but somebody get this powertripping fag out of here already. ENOUGH.

No. 86249

oh my god it said himejoshis AND yuricoomers(men) and we posted both

No. 86250

And they're right.

No. 86251

Give me one example of mods banning milk from a fudan for being offtopic. Never happens.

No. 86252

Tbf, with all the female examples there was the immediate reply
>"how can you be sure they're female?"

No. 86253

We spent a significant amount of time banning and deleting in the yuricoomer thread so that it had space to exist without yumes derailing it. Yes, there are a lot of posts in the fujocoomer thread that are about TIFs, but there is other content. There were only a handful of posts in the yuricoomer thread that weren't screenshots of trannies, the content was far less varied and we really do not need another thread dedicated to TIMs.

No. 86254

Me when I lie

No. 86255

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>this entire argument

No. 86256

You are on lolcow dot farm.

No. 86257

File: 1732191056255.png (134.96 KB, 611x428, dsfadsggfdfasfds.png)

not only that but they post the yaoi version of tranny yurishit(TIFxman) and they dont get banned for it either even thought it would count as straight and therefor not yaoi.
> there are a lot of posts in the fujocoomer thread that are about TIFs, but there is other content
KEK literally all of the lattest posts in that thread are about TIFs. Also, again why cant we make fun of men? I personally only posted cringe featuring yurifag women(itou hachi, ume aoki, morinaga milk) but apparently none of it matters since yurifags will scream ''ummm proof its a real woman??''

No. 86258

It had multiple examples of genuine authors speaking on how they are wonen who like yuri lolicon, including those involved with mainstream yuri properties.
Just because spammers refuse to admit they are women does not mean they're men.

No. 86259

The thread was like 12 hours old. If you would've just let it be, it would've stabilized in less than two days. Admit your bias, please.

No. 86260

This, also i dont understand why we cant make fun of yuritroon men. What makes them a protected class.

No. 86261

Yuri is made for women, yaoi is also made for women. What do fujos not get? Don't be disingenuous by posting men, your thread got locked only by YOUR fault retards

No. 86262

>We spent a significant amount of time banning and deleting in the yuricoomer thread so that it had space to exist without yumes derailing it.
Okay so you're just going to give up because some ban evaders keep derailing? Great. What are you even here for then?
TIF in the fujocoomer thread shows up 39 times, FTM 39 times, tranny 17 times, troon 14 times, MTF 11 times. thats not to mention all the images that just post troons and fakebois. TIFs are the main thing they talk about. Meanwhile you ban the yurifag thread for derailing.

No. 86263

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>yuri is made for women

No. 86264

Can anons have ANY farmhand except the sped yumefags. Is anybody else online.
It's also retarded to imply the thread was redundant. Nobody in the gender ideology hate thread wants it filled with fandom posts. These screenshots would not be considered milk in /snow/. The posts were on topic for the thread, and not all of them were about men. We have a vent thread, get it off your chest, unpopular opinions, confessions, and probably 5 other more that could be considered similar. But I don't see you chimping out about those.

No. 86265

What makes them a protected class is that they're men, and this site is full of cock suckers. And girlcock suckers.

No. 86266

File: 1732191547004.jpeg (426.68 KB, 945x2048, 1732187990550.jpeg)

fagmins are depriving us of prime milk like this, fuck you faggots

No. 86267

>yuri is made for women
About that…

No. 86268

I would make a joke about how if you want to get any thread locked and banned just start posting about troons but everyone here knows it wouldn't work in any other context. Rules for thee but not for me kind of shit. I'm not going to resort to tranny janny accusations but the bias and abuse of power is extremely blatant here.

No. 86269

>t. retarded hettie

No. 86270

t. flaccid cock owner

No. 86271

This argument is gay but if you are going to ban one you should also ban the other. Otherwise you are just harboring suspicions of MTF troon favoritism on staff.
Reply to this, Farmhand. This is literally just a subsect of posts talking about troons in the fujocoomer thread. >>>/meta/86233 I could easily find more by just scrolling.

No. 86272

File: 1732191760257.png (67.05 KB, 647x308, 1732184825379.png)

>t. Gay pedophile fetishist

No. 86273

Oh, so thats why yurishitters wanted the thread looked, because it highlights how their ''uwu wholesome kawaii wlw'' genre is mostly liked by troons and male lesbian fetishizers?

No. 86274

File: 1732191772809.jpg (45.94 KB, 743x521, 1732188591179.jpg)

Your 'fanbase' is majority moids, including transbians.

No. 86275

>Otherwise you are just harboring suspicions of MTF troon favoritism on staff.
Isn't it certain at this stage? They keep /2X/ hidden for a reason.

No. 86276

File: 1732191863463.jpg (55.96 KB, 762x387, lol.jpg)

New thread >>>/ot/2270499

No. 86277

Why is this anon still posting. Why is she allowed to keep uploading her stupid autist screenshots in multiple threads across multiple boards. Why hasn't this faggot caught a week long ban yet.

No. 86278

yurifags are hilarious
>no uh, ackshually most yuri fans and yuri mangakas are female, gotchu!
>someone posts about a female lolifag yuri mangaka
>u-h p-proof its a woman??

No. 86279

Admin, you should consider banning fujos and telling them to migrate to fujochan. They clearly love escaping their /m/ containment and making all other threads unbearable, especially on /ot/. Farmhands, try passing this idea onto Admin if you can.

No. 86280

literally even MTFs talking about how much they like yaoi get posted in the fujocoomer thread
and more about TIFs
kek farmhands please even scroll through the fujocoomer thread for one second

No. 86281

they would love to since they clearly love girldick

No. 86282

you're literally glorifying pedophiles, faghag.
If you wanted to keep the thread alive, you would've posted actual women instead of gazzilion TiM screenshots from troondit.
>b-b-but fujocoomer also has trannies
tifs are women FYI, just like other fujos. All women in your fandom trooned out and that's all you have. XYs are still male and can't be a himejo

No. 86283

That was me asking for proof for the futa lolishit artist being actually female that trick wont work here faggot. You retards not posting ACTUAL himecringe is the reason the last thread got locked

No. 86284

File: 1732192115349.png (115.46 KB, 588x278, yuripedo.png)

Isn't the yuripedo a straight women too?

No. 86285

I love the hypocrisy. All yuri content creators, even the most degen ones who do stuff like >>>/ot/2270360 should be assumed to be female unless from now on.

No. 86286

why are yuritroons exempt from criticism when most yuri fans are men? i dont get it, why do you want to shield men so badly from criticism

No. 86287

>literally even MTFs talking about how much they like
>while 99% yuricringe is coming from MTFs themselves
>still trying to equate actual himes to moids

No. 86288

No, she has a gf she met through lolcow.

No. 86289

>most yuri fans are men?
A lot of gay porn enjoyers are also men by the way!

No. 86290

yeah because most yuri fans are men, we still posted creepy yuri lolifags like itou hachi and morinaga milk

No. 86291

Because the mods are good handmaidens who attack fellow women and defend men and male interests (including yuri), just like the patriarchy intended.

No. 86292

gay porn and yaoi aren't remotely the same thing, same goes for yuri and lesbian porn. There is a reason why men have bara. But keep seething and making mental gymnastics to justify making fun of women but not of men.

No. 86293

stop with this disingenuous bullshit like 90% of the site isn't just posts hating trannies. MODS ARE TRANNIES THEY BANNED TROON DISCUSSION REEE except there are multiple banners, threads etc. that exist entirely for the purpose of hating moids and TIMS. fujocoomer brainrot really is powerful

No. 86294

Bara is yaoi, cope. You are the same as all those gay moids jerking off to anime cp.

No. 86295

She said this as a joke or something apparently, in order to make fun of fujolesbians by implying that they are not really lesbian, if you don’t believe me I’m sure someone here has the screenshots of her saying that.

No. 86296

so then why cant we make fun of yuritroons? why does it annoy you so badly? why is it okay to make fun of female troons but not male ones?

No. 86297

Okay but why is it okay for the fujocoomers to post both genders of troons as part of fujo cringe and not get banned for derailing about troons, but doing the same in the yurifag thread gets it banned? Doesn't make sense at all.
It's not about not being allowed to hate trannies it's about the clear double standard between the thread. Just scroll up and see where I linked the main posts in the fujocoomer thread being about troons

No. 86298

then yurifags are the same as troons jacking it off to loli

No. 86299

That was litterally your position from the start, that's why the yuricringe is 99% is just troonposting.

No. 86300

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>really do not need another thread dedicated to TIMs
So how exactly the invasion of the trans ideology into yuri spaces BY women and FOR women (like Anime Feminist) is having a thread 'dedicated to TIMs'? Hitting to close to home, eh, janny?

No. 86301

I genuinely dont understand whats your problem, do you just hate to acknowledge that most yurifags are troons? is that what it pisses you off so much anons bring up yuritroons? like wtf imagine getting pissed women make fun of male lesbian fetishizers you want a thread locked

No. 86302

>make himejoshi thread
>only talk about men who cannot by defintion be himejoshi because they are men
I think posting about men in the fujocoomer thread should be banned as well to be clear. this is lolcow, it was created specifically to make fun of women, this isn't le epic based feminist website everyone likes to pretend it is. and the mods are biased but they are right that we dont need another TIM thread. the posts that were being made in the yuricoomer thread weren't even good cringe. what does having 10 posts in a row of screenshots of trannies saying yuri made them troon out actually accomplish? one would have sufficed

No. 86303

most yuri fans are men, why cant we make fun of both male and female yuricoomers?

No. 86304

And then it was renamed to Yurifag Cringe thread(inclusive of ALL yuri cringe, not just himejoshis) and still got banned. Ban both threads then if you should only talk about troons in their dedicated threads. I don't get why you're only allowed to sperg about TIFs outside of containment but sperging about TIMs gets you banned. It's hypocritical.

No. 86305

It's just "Gender Ideology Hate Thread" 2.0. That thread was created as containment, because tranny discussion was spread all over /ot/. So you're leaving containment, basically.

No. 86306

Most of the yaoi posted on rule34 is also made by men and borderline pedophilic, do you want all the cringe said by gay male artists also posted in fujocoomer? If not, then don't post TiM shit in the first place.

No. 86307

>so you are leaving containment
the amount of mental gymnastics to defend troons is suspicious. The fandom thread also talks a lot about gendies and trannies but no one calls for that thread to be locked.

No. 86308

the entire reason the thread was created was to get back at the yumes who can't stop antifujo sperging everywhere, you all know this is true, so it's completely defeating the purpose to just make it another tranny hate thread anyway

No. 86309

that is literally what they do there and no one gets banned

No. 86310

Again, most yuri fans are men, most yuri is made for men. It's like banning discussing women on the fujocoomer thread when yaoi is made for women.

No. 86311

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>this isn't le epic based feminist website everyone likes to pretend it is
Sacred of Elliot Fong and his little 'anti-hate' crusade now? >>>/snow/2058700
You know what makes a feminist website? The userbase being 95% female. That's it.

No. 86312

To be fair to them, there was so much infighting and yumefagging the previous posts were not immediately apparent. Take note of the mass deletion of infight deleted in the first half of the thread.
Am I the only one who remembers these faggots breaking containment to sperg out in the fujo threads in /m/ all the time? Around a year ago?

No. 86313

It only got like that after you retards kept posting tims in himejo thread, before it was pure female. Another attempt from fujos being disingenuous

No. 86314

Because the thread that resulted was just too similar to the already existing mtf thread. The fujo thread admittedly has a lot of fujotroonpipeline discussion too, but it has enough differences from the other thread to distinguish it.(yaoicake, mpreg, etc) Trannies are evil but not everything is a tranny conspiracy

No. 86315

again why cant we discuss tim yurifags when most yurifags are tims and its genre mostly for men?

No. 86316

Exactly. There are plenty of threads made specifically to make fun of trannies/trans ideology, yet the mods don't even bat an eye. Examples

No. 86317

can we post gay pedophiles in fujocoomers then?

No. 86318

I genuinely dont understand why eveyrone is capping so hard in favour of TIMs. Most yuri fans are men, everyone knows this. Why can we only make fun of female yurifags, but not the male ones? do you hate women that much.

No. 86319

as long as they are fundashis sure

No. 86320

Do you hate women that much that you will equate them to men? I've seen so many anons call lesbians scrotebrained for whatever reason which leads me to believe you're all just looking for a reason to be lesbophobic and misogynistic using tims as an example

No. 86321

the janny literally said it would be fine if some of the posts were about trannies, just not almost all of them because then its just another tranny hate thread with the occasional screenshot of a female pedophile

No. 86322

>criticising my anime school girl porn is a hate crime you are being lesbophobic!!!
kek, since when is making fun of your choice of coom lesbophobic and misogynistic

No. 86323

yeah because most yuri fans are tims, what dont you get?

No. 86324

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So >>>/ot/2270477 got locked as well for??? Making fun of yuri creators/reviewers for embracing trannies in yuri?

The mods don't want terminally online transbians to raid lolcow in retaliation. Cowards.

No. 86325

this is so unreasonable. janny posts here with warning that trannies shouldn't be posted >>>/ot/2270448
then FOUR posts later the thread gets locked >>>/ot/2270463 "she" didn't give people time to even read her post kek and just sperged because she was mad that anons replied to her calling her out on her bullshit

No. 86326

>The mods don't want terminally online transbians to raid lolcow in retaliation. Cowards.
it cant be that, we have other threads that allow making fun of troons its just very weird they specifically wanted this one gone. The fandom thread is mostly talking about how troons ruin fandom, the fujocoomer thread is mostly talking about how yaoi leads to women trooning out, but talkinng about men fetishizing lesbians is suddenly too much?

No. 86327

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Fujos literally jerk off to little boys, stop pretending that majority of yaoi readers are not pedophiles

No. 86328

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But some female yurifans open their arms wide to trans and this can be milky - so certain milk coming from women is not allowed either? See

No. 86329

It's because farmhand is yumefag, maybe two of them. Didn't you notice the baiter just before the thread closed never got banned? She's the one shitting up the board

No. 86330

ok and why cant i make fun of both fujos and yurifags?

No. 86331

Why not just post them here >>>/snow/2056155 ? We don't need to many threads about troons, the posts can go in the general thread. And obviously there's not enough milk from women to sustain a thread. So there's no need for yurifag cringe thread.

No. 86332

Ok so lock the fujocoomer thread and make them post all the TIF sperging in the TIF thread.

No. 86333

why dont fujocoomers post their fujo shit in the FTM then? it even allows fujo and yaoi discussion in the OP, whereas the TIM thread doesnt.

No. 86334

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So, antifujo fags get to have TWO threads to sperg about fujos. Both the fujocoomer thread and the TIF threads, but anti yurifags cant have one?

No. 86335

>And obviously there's not enough milk from women to sustain a thread.
There absolutely is. I just woke up too late due to timezones to really witness the yurifag cringe thread and didn't even get to dump my stash of cringe before it was locked.

No. 86336

Samefag, but look at how she can't stop herself from posting.
She can't even stay on topic, she MUST repeat herself endlessly to nobody. She is unwell I think.

No. 86337

Transbians on the mod team 100% confirmed.

No. 86338

The fujo/yume wars are completely retarded and the fact mods entertain them at all is stupid. Lock the fujocoomer thread as well and ban discussion of fujo/yumes in the fandom discourse thread.

No. 86339

Regrettable. I hope to see your stash some day.

No. 86340

File: 1732194136687.png (6.39 KB, 454x133, adssadasd.png)

i counted the amount of mentions of fujos and yaoi from the last TIF thread, but we cant have a single thread bashing yuritroons?

No. 86341

I agree with this, if you're going to ban one you should ban both.

No. 86342

None of those anons are me kek your radar is off, fujotard. Stop consuming gay porn, that might actually fix your brain. The thread got locked only by your fault, just accept it and move on instead of endlessly bitching about lesbians.

No. 86343

meanwhile the current TIM thread has 0 mentions of yuri and the one prior to that only has 1

No. 86344

>tif thread
Then go post the yuritroons in the tims thread retard

No. 86345

Yes, do you know why? When people posted about fujo tifs in the fakeboi thread, fujos started to derail and infight.

No. 86346

>bitching about lesbians
but i thought the problem was that we were talking about troons?

No. 86347

why? how come anti fujos get to sperg in two threads but anti yuri fags cant?

No. 86348

Either bait or you're a butthurt yurifag with a 70IQ.

No. 86349

the same thing yurifags did hmmmmm so you are implying they are a bunch of yuritroons or what

No. 86350

Do you see what I mean.
>"None of these anons are me fujotard"
>assumes I am talking to her through her screen
I'm sorry you're so obsessed with fujos it has rotted your brain. I'm not even in this for the fujos or the yumes or whatever a hime is. I just want you to shut the fuck up and stop spamming your schizophrenia.

No. 86351

No himes infighted about yuri in designated tims thread, if you want to bitch about trannies then go to the appropriate thread.

No. 86352

so then we should lock the fujocoomer thread too, right? since most of the thread is about tifs

No. 86353

Do your part and report all posts about troons as derailing in the fujocoomer thread

No. 86354

then most of the thread would be barren

No. 86355

Not in the mtf thread. Compare the ftm and the mtf threads, only the ftm thread had infights.

No. 86356


No. 86357

so you agree the fujocoomer thread should be locked then? just like the yuricringe thread

No. 86358

yes that's literally the point of my post kek

No. 86359

Mods told us to take the fujo tif discussions there.

No. 86360

no one brings up yurifags in the TIM thread because TIMs do actual damage to women like raping kids and leaving women in sports comatose, no one has time to discuss about less important thing like fandom when focusing on the safety of women and children is more important. Thats why its best to have a separate thread, mixing fandom with stories about tims entering girls bathroom and raping children is just weird.

No. 86361

but its still allowed on the TIF thread though

No. 86362

Anon itt literally said that we had to make a fujocoomer thread because fujos were derailing in tif thread about fujo tifs being posted. That's the reason a separate thread was created. Stop derailing next time

No. 86363

but then why is fujo discussion still allowed in the TIF thread? shouldnt it be banned and contained to the fujocoomer thread then? makes no sense

No. 86364

It's because it doesn't make sense and mods are hypocrites, kek

No. 86365

Not everyone uses /ot, if you weren't an ot-faggot who only comes here for fandom thread, then a separate thread wouldn't have to be created in the first place. Again, it's your fault.

No. 86366

File: 1732194994990.jpg (Spoiler Image,127.1 KB, 600x900, 1454133461643.jpg)

And yuri mangaka use photos of actual little girls to draw their loli porn.

No. 86367

i am not even a fujo, i hate both fujos and yuritroons and you are going to have to cope about it

No. 86368

I don't know. It happened a few months ago.

No. 86369

No, yurifags that make doujins based on the time they babysat their niece are actually just wholesome lesbians being opressed by le evil fujolards

No. 86370

>conveniently using 'their' instead of his male pronouns
You're not even trying

No. 86371

the fujocoomer thread is 6 years old

No. 86372

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The mods allowed the discussion of the 'trans kid on the sports team' episode in the Fandom Discourse thread, never complaining that it's 'discussion of trans ideology outside of containment'. >>>/ot/2262879
It was apparently okay. But rules for thee etc.

No. 86373

Make a morinaga milk hate thread if you want to constantly bitch about the same three authors, including that fujo lisa woman

No. 86374

why? isnt it better to just make a yuricringe thread to contain all yuri related milk.

No. 86375

Three same people is not milk

No. 86376

Similarly much of the shit from this >>86327 has been drawn by scrotes.

No. 86377

If farmhands have any smarts left DO NOT unlock the himecringe thread theres no need to make threads for each retarded fotm infight that goes on in the fandom thread I'm sick and tired of having chimp out threads that yield no milk or keks only retarded infights

No. 86378

Good milk.

There is plenty of milk to drink from twitter creators in general. Why are you so defensive?

No. 86379

then lock the fujocoomer thread then, why is one allowed to exist but not the other

No. 86380

it was enough to make yurifags seethe and derail the entire thread for hours so i guess it must have been good milk

No. 86381

The fujocoomer thread has posts about MTFs, gay men, and female trannies but the yurifag thread immediately gets banned for posting male trannies. Biased jannies.

No. 86382

That started getting posted only after moids were the main topic in yuricringe thread, don't be stupid. It's only mirroring your behaviour.

No. 86383

Because fujos are alpha and can withstand the heat while himes are beta and crybully whenever they feel called out. Funny how the world works.

No. 86384

The fujocoomer thread atleast had cows in it the only shit that was being posted in the hime thread were Tims.

No. 86385

but why is it a bad thing for moids to be the main topic of the yuricringe thread when most of yuri fans are men? wtf is this retarded excuse to exempt men from being criticised

No. 86386

Weren't you unhappy about tifs being posted? So what do you have against gay or tims getting posted? That thread only got like that after the bait himejo thread.

No. 86387

>only shit that was being posted in the hime thread were Tims.
oh i love how you ''forgot'' about all the unhinged pedo loli yuri mangakas that were posted

No. 86388

>That thread only got like that after the bait himejo thread.
this isnt true, it has always been like that

No. 86389

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No. 86390

Most gay porn(which yaoi is) is also massively consumed by gay men, but they weren't being posted in the fujocoomer, so posting straight men in himejo wouldn't make any sense. Fujocoomer didn't get locked because only females were posted before antihimejo started baiting

No. 86391

You've been posting the same three links nonstop, have something else?

No. 86392

The thread was alive for a single evening. How were they meant to ppst quality cows in 13 hours. Check the timestamp on the first post
And it's an /ot/ thread, cows aren't a requirement like on other boards.

No. 86393

>Most gay porn(which yaoi is) is also massively consumed by gay men
gay porn for gay men and gay porn for women look nothing alike, there is reason why gay men had to invent bara. Yuri drawn by men and yuri drawn by women look exactly the same.
>so posting straight men in himejo wouldn't make any sense.
Maybe if you actually bothered to read you would have noticed the OP mentions men larping as himejoshis(tims) in the OP. The thread without himejoshis in the title also got locked, so its clear himefags just dont want anyone talking shit about their coom.

No. 86394

I never saw the point in the thread because I had a hunch there wouldn't be much to talk about and unfortunately after reading through it the thread confirms my suspicions. Saying this as a half himejoshi who reads primarily Korean and Chinese GL who was excited to see if we had any cows or milk… we barely had any cows to post about, barely any cringe to look at either. That thread is dry as a desert. All that entire thread has proven is that
>We barely have any yuri related cows besides a TIF, a personalityfag and one mangaka two of which are deactivated or barely posts
>The cringe posted is surface level and barely touches bone curdling
>The cringe we actually do have is made by trannies which could technically go into the MtF thread but isn't the kind of cringe that you get from genuine female fans of the genere
>Anons here will go at great lengths to defend and fight over their respective provoclivities and preferred anime porn, completely decimating the point of this thread.
>This goes for both sides, both threads, but anons here don't know how to discuss anything without turning it into a chance for grandstanding and virtue signaling.
Unfortunately, yuri is a niche interest among women and you'll mostly find the himejoshis who consume it into Korean and Chinese GL rather than Japanese media so there's not as much of a chance to find milky cows and genuine cringe as you would for fujoshis.

No. 86395

Yuri does have difference from typical lesbian porn but you don't know shit because you only got dicks and prolapses in your head 24/7

No. 86396

>how dare a thread who was shitposted from the start by a yuripedo not provide high quality milk in less than a day
>also i am not biased at all haha i totallyyy wanted to see yuri cows but not yuri pedo cows who make one shots about that time they babysat their niece no, those dont count

No. 86397

whats the difference both look the same? bara and yaoi look very clearly different and thats why people can tell them apart, also yaoi is for women, while yuri is for men.

No. 86398

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Perhaps you should actually read the threads and see for yourself? You're so lazy, holy shit. I'm not spoonfeeding you next time.

No. 86399

they will say this doesnt count because uhhh reasons! just like how all the pedo loli yurifags also dont count because its not ''milk'' enough for these schizos

No. 86400

It's been explained to retarded fujos on this website thousand times already, learn2lurk

No. 86401

kek what literally all yuri looks exactly the same, most yuri fans are men cope about it

No. 86402

Three same people is not enough to sustain a general thread like lesbian fandom cringe shit. Find new cows already goddamnit

No. 86403

Honestly, all mods fault for allowing fandom shit in /ot/ to begin with.

No. 86404

You're a faghag and glorify gay child abuse, cope. You're on the same level as jeffery eipstein.

No. 86405

Anon, I'm not saying the thread couldn't have been made I'm saying that it was always going to have a harder start compared to othet community and media based cow threads becuase there's not much to go off of unless you're posting trannies and fandom discourse tier posts where the post isn't focused on the cringe that comes with being into yuri or yuri itself but some faggot on twitter virtue signalling about yaoi vs yuri which can and will be the catalyst for another shitstorm infight. The mangaka you're referring to has, to my knowledge, barely done anything milky besides that pedoshit with making an autobio comic about babysitting her niece. Rusty hasn't done anything milky as of late besides making an admittedly tumblry looking comic and drawing mpreg in the past. Tbrainrot doesn't post publicly any more to my knowlege. What I'm saying is that there aren't any cows, I'm saying that it's going to be hard to find any that can be milked.

No. 86406

3 people in a thread thats only 18 hours old is a shit ton you people wouldnt have been satisfied if it was 8 or 12 cows

No. 86407

uhh i already said i dont like both fujos and himes? why cant i like both, because it doesnt fit your boogeyman? you are a schizo

No. 86408

maybe if sensitive yurifags would have hid it then it would have just run its course, but nooo sensitive cowards had to shitpost it into being locked

No. 86409

Three same people that have been brought up in other threads for years, and you still haven't found anyone new? Don't tell me you haven't heard about Lisa and morinaga milk before

No. 86410

its the first thread ofcourse we are going to bring up the most popular cows, you just sound like you dont want to bring attention to the pedo lolifags in your fandom

No. 86411

Fujos themselves started derailing it with trannies, and still defending it with excuses like "yurifags are men!1!11!1!1!"

No. 86412

Anon, she's saying those cows won't sustain the threads not that there isn't enough cows to be talked about.

No. 86413

>says this while gooning to loli yuri porn, much of which has been drawn using real children as reference.

No. 86414

>you can't make fun of troons fetishizing lesbians thats bad! you can only talk about women
>no, actually you cant talk about women either. What? bringing up milk from pedo lolifags? ughh get new milk
these are the most unhinged defenses ever, defending lolifags and troons. Creepy and weird as fuck.

No. 86415

Why don't you bring up actual gay pedo authors in fujocoomer cringe then since men are more likely to rape children anyways? But noooo, you just have to post in your thinly veiled lesbophobia thread

No. 86416

its not derailing if most yuri fans are men
we didnt even have time to find cows the thread didnt last a fucking day, the fujocoomer also doesnt have cows(because its an ot thread, newfags) and its unlocked

No. 86417

Have you once talked to a himejo in your life or is yuripedo your only source of information

No. 86418

what is lesbophobic about shitting on cartoon anime girl porn? you can post gay pedo authors in the fujocoomer thread all you want but you would rather shit on tifs for the 52451th time

No. 86419

>you just have to post in your thinly veiled lesbophobia thread
kek here it is. you guys really think any post criticizing yuri is lesbophobia. you sound no different than deranged tifs who defend yaoi because muh MLM. lesbians are not perfect just because they are born lesbian

No. 86420

nta considering all the himejos itt want the thread locked and keep defending pedos in their fandom it doesnt make them look good

No. 86421

Imagine getting this mad at people not bashing women for once.

No. 86422

Kek its adorable how you start getting all defensive when faced with the slightest insult while making the most retarded and baseless claims about fujos.

No. 86423

I agree. However, I think the problem here is that the thread was missing the important foundations of what makes a good community milk thread
>two to three cows that are active and producing milk
>plenty of general bufferposts that showcase cringey behavior on the topic
>safeguards against shitpost meltdown derailments
To be fair, I think we were fine on the 2nd aspect because I would've been fine pointing out the cowish and cringe behavior from trannies into yuri but since we have the MtF thread I can see why the farmhands shut it down. Though, I partially feel this and the last month or so has made me realize the futility of cow threads about fandom in general and it's depressing to notice.

No. 86424

We have all of /2X/ for shitting on men.

No. 86425

and we still do it in /ot/ all the time

No. 86426

its not a milk thread, anon. Thats why its on /ot/ and not /snow/. The fujocoomer also is mostly twitter caps and no one has any complaint about that one.

No. 86427

Sorry, I was using milk as a catchall term for cringey, retarded, and autistic online behavior.

No. 86428

Show me once where I defended pedophiles

No. 86429

NTA but the fujocoomer thread sustains itself off screenshots of literal whos on twitter and random anon posts from here and other imageboards, there are no "active cows", it's not a cow thread it's a cringe thread.

No. 86430

and we posted a bunch of that but its not milky enough for yuritards i guess

No. 86431

How about we start from you shitposting a thread that talks about yuri pedos?

No. 86432

>fujocoomer thread sustains itself off screenshots of literal whos on twitter and random anon posts from here
Wait. Then why the fuck was it stopped in the first place? I get that there was a lot of screenshots of TIMs but because of that and it still gettting shut down my guess was that there wasn't a cow or something.

No. 86433

Because the admins are biased yuritroons.

No. 86434

File: 1732197601206.gif (3.61 MB, 640x360, tym.gif)

No. 86435

Bias, they did the same with the yume cringe thread.

No. 86436

You still haven't shown me any proof of me saying that pedophilia is good

No. 86437

How about you crying about how bringing up pedo lolifags isnt milky enough and getting the thread locked?

No. 86438

This. But also, what do you mean by half hime nonna?

No. 86439

>complaining there was no milk in the yuricoom thread
It was literally only open for 14 hours before Farmhands locked it, most of which it was being derailed by yuricoomers and yuricoomers sperging. I've seen threads on /w/ allowed to be open for longer with LESS milk and this is a fucking /ot/ cringe thread, not a milk thread. The double standard here is amazing.

No. 86440

This. Also the fujocoomer thread is nothing but talking about how yaoi is a gateway to trooning out and posting twitter caps of trannies.

No. 86441

File: 1732198870199.jpeg (54.62 KB, 614x406, 093AF671-6008-4FD0-8DE1-A6109A…)

what the hell is happening right now and why has this gone on for hours

No. 86442

Because yuricoomers dont like their lesbian school girl porn to be criticised. It's actually a hate crime to do so.

No. 86443

Because your main female audience became trans, which isn't the case with yuri's female audience. Cope all you want

No. 86444

I keep saying this, but it's like arguing with moids. They don't care and talk over you.
That's okay anon, I love you anyways

It's so dumb because you don't see the shitbull, reddit, youtube hate, or other threads on /ot/ held to this standard. And who gives a fuck if it's filled with "annoying fandom drama"? I'll say it slowly: That's… the point… of the thread…
Admins are at their jobs like a bunch of wagecucks, can't come save us from multi-board meltdowns and retarded farmhand. Sad!

No. 86445

I knew I'd find fujospeds seething here but this is unhinged KEKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK You really need to take the L, cope, seethe and dilate. This isn't doing you any favors if you're trying to push the
>"evil yuripedos baited the thread to get it locked!!"
tinfoil, we can all tell who the speds who have been shitting up their own thread are. Be grateful your retarded infight thread to call all dykes predatory lasted as long as it did, it was milkless.

No. 86446

>which isn't the case with yuri's female audience.
lmao the cope it has been proven several times most yuri fans are troons but you refuse to acknowledge it.

No. 86447

>evil yuripedos baited the thread to get it locked!!
this literally happened, like half the posts are gone because they were made by yuripedo
> Be grateful your retarded infight thread to call all dykes predatory lasted as long as it did, it was milkless.
literally no one was talking about lesbians, yurifags just dont like any form of criticism and they take it all personal. Whiny babies.

No. 86448

Unironically the result of conflating one's own identity with the media consumed.

No. 86449

No, you retards locked your own thread with your stupidity. Farmhands specifically locked it for being milkless and just posting troons. Take the L.
>literally no one was talking about lesbians
It barely took like 2-4 hours for fujospeds to start sperging about "evil predatory butches dating young fems" they knew irl and how "women are already sexualized by moids, the last thing i wanna hear is a WOMAN talking about someone's soft tits! disgusting!!!" kek don't play

No. 86450

>Farmhands specifically locked it for being milkless and just posting troons.
then why isnt the fujocoomer thread locked?

No. 86451

then why don't ban all of the yuricoomer/fujocoomer discourse? this shit has been ongoing for months and it's fucking advanced autism and cringe, literally trying to turn this place into xitter/tumblr 2.0 with these teenager tier fights

No. 86452

>Farmhands specifically locked it for being milkless and just posting troons
And how would you know that? If you're a janny here then this place is doomed. Your retardation level is frankly embarrassing.

No. 86453

Because FTMS are still women and thus fit into the definition of fujo. MTFs are NOT women, and thus DONT fit into the definition of hime aka FEMALE yuri fan. I swear shlicking it to pedophilia and pregnant moids is making you bitches braindead.

No. 86454

>And how would you know that?
Because farmhands literally left a post explaining why they'd locked the thread???? KEKKKKK holy fuck you bitches have actual brain rot. You have to be a real life sped because there's no way youre this much of a tard, fujopedo.

No. 86455

what milk is there in the fujocoomer thread, name 5 cows from there? because all i see is copy pasting screenshots from other threads and random shitter ss of tifs. Hell they even have to resort to posting straight shotafags completly unrelated to the thread to have any form of milk >>>/snow/1629547

No. 86456

Are you stupid? who said the thread was only for female yuri fans? it was for all yuricoomers, yes even your troon brothers who jack it off to the same shit you do.

No. 86457

They've completely taken over the fandom discourse thread, too. Inescapable madness.

No. 86458

>this is lolcow, it was created specifically to make fun of women,
These normative statements hold no water to me, this sites original purpose arguably wasn't based around making fun of women it was based around making fun of lolcows. Many female cows that are made fun of are pickme landmines that should be shat on and criticised but I'm saying this Onision is on several banners. Various of the threads are about men and are men-focused because there is cow behavior specific to men. How long have you been using this site? Lolcows are men and women, catty one. This is a very new fag esque take too considering /ot/ has been the most popular board for the last five years or so, and many threads that gain popularity are fandom related, celebrity discussion or some other less obvious discussion. It says a alot that /ot/ is the most popular board now, a casual discussion board.

No. 86459

>"hime cringe"
>the "cringe" in question is still fujo mpreg fanart

No. 86461

The cringe is her calling herself lesbian and openly hating on fujos while drawing 1D mpreg yaoi, but none of you can read anything that doesnt have an underage girl in a skimpy school uniform making out with another girl

No. 86462

mods are explicitly picking a side in the eternal yuri vs yaoi debage, simple as
you will shit on fujos and you will like it

No. 86463

>the cringe is her being in denial that she is a fujo
that would be…. fujo cringe. i'm pretty sure you don't know what himejoshi means

No. 86464

Actually can't we just contain both sides and let the himes and fujos go at it? This is getting tiresome

No. 86465

Can we just get a yurifag vs fujo thread instead of people sperging about this both in meta and in the fandom thread. That thread is just people complaining about farmhands now

No. 86466

she draws a yuri comic and is a self proclaimed lesbian

No. 86467

What makes you think the yumefag mods won't lock it down the second she gets her feelings hurt?

No. 86468

seconding this. we had fujo vs antifujo battledome threads so why not yuri vs fujo

No. 86469

The thread should have been named fujo vs himejo infighting thread from the start. Trying to disguise it as a himejo coomer cringe thread when most of the posts are about TiMs is dishonest. Mods should allow the fujo vs himejo thread to contain the infighting.

No. 86470

yeah but the 1 direction mpreg is more milky than that. she belongs in the fujo cringe thread.

No. 86471

Fujospeds are now colonizing Fandom discourse to sperg about their locked anti-yuri threads

No. 86472

she's not a fujo anymore she's a yurifag lesbian.

No. 86473

Like this >>2270684
>the yurifag threads got locked!!!!
Ok then post about it in fujo vs anti-fujo thread instead of turning the fandom thread into the sperg about mods and the fujos are the most oppressed group on lolcow thread

No. 86474

but its not the same? its not about antifujos, its about yurifags. I dont know why some of you think yurifags are a protected class that cannot be milked for lols.

No. 86475

>it's not about antifujos it's yurifags
>90% of the discussions on yurifags is just about how antagonistic and spergy they are towards fujos
There's a containment thread for these discussions

No. 86476

Yes it fucking is, you sped. Why are you still pretending you hate yurifags for any other reason than the fact that they made a thread on you first? Op of the yuricoomer thread literally admitted multiple times she only created it as vendetta because she was assmad about the fujocoomer thread KEK

No. 86477

>cannot be milked for lols
If they can be milked for lols so easily, why was your thread locked for lack of milk and only posting trannies? KEK

No. 86478

because tranny jannies protect your troon brothers, we can shit on female yuritards but not on male ones

No. 86479

fun fact i hate both of you, fujos and yuritards. You both are obnoxious and your gay porn isnt better just because it has lesbians in school girl uniforms.

No. 86480

Op should've posted yurifags from westoid fandoms like Steven universe and arcane instead of sperging about moeblob anime being made by men. There are plenty of cows in the Steven universe and owl house fandoms

No. 86481

I wish fujo/yuri sperging was banned at this point. I'd be okay with it if the fujosperging stayed in its respective thread but the fandom discourse thread still devolves into fujosperging and it's obvious that the yuricoomer thread was just made out of spite. We are never going to get anywhere

No. 86482

why not both? both are equally cringe, hell even japanese yurishit has a troon problem, with the author from in love with a villainess being outed as a transbian

No. 86483

Fun fact: I dont like yuri at all, fujospeds are the only retards who assume everyone who doesn't like them must be a hime.

No. 86484

just like how himetards think anyone who dislikes their porn is a lesbophobic fujo?

No. 86485

>only one author as an example

No. 86486

You're so delusional KEK your thread was HIME cringe… Of course you're expected to post actual female yuri fans instead of making it into MTF cringe part 2, you tard. You couldve shat on female yuritards, but you didn't because there's not nearly enough milk on them to warrant a thread.
Well, fujos are the only ones assmad here. And the lesbophobic label you earned by yourself by sperging about le evil predatory irl butches kek

No. 86487

kek its never enough for you, so nitpicky. There are other yuri authors who have supported troons.

No. 86488

from the op of the thread
>TIM 'transfem lesbian' himejoshis: AKA heterosexual male LARPers.
you just cant read, the thread also says YURICOOMER which applies to moids
>You couldve shat on female yuritards, but you didn't because there's not nearly enough milk on them to warrant a thread.
the thread wasnt even allowed to exist for a fucking day and we still talked about 6 female himejoshis, but thats not enough for you
>And the lesbophobic label you earned by yourself by sperging about le evil predatory irl butches kek
oh, so you do accept one single example when its in favour of your argument? meanwhile if we post yuri lolipedo coomer examples 5 isnt enough.

No. 86489

>Muh it's not an antifujo thread it needs to be seperate from the existing fujo vs antifujo thread
>chose to group himes and yurifags together to sperg about how mean and hypocritical they are about fujos
>is essentially a thread about antifujos

No. 86490

Where the fuck are the farmhands

No. 86491

The nonnies in the fandom thread are saying they will keep sperging until farmhands acknowledge them. Basically a temper tantrum

No. 86492

himes and yurifags are the exact same thing, wtf do you even know the definition of yuri/GL?.

No. 86493

hime is a woman into yuri, retard. yurifag is gender neutral, so yes, there is a difference

No. 86494

yeah and the thread said himejoshis and yuricoomer, dont you read?

No. 86495

You speds do realize just because you add something in the OP of a thread doesn't mean you're overwriting the site's rules, right? KEK just because you added a disclaimer saying you count TIMs as himes doesn't mean they actually count as himes (men can't be himes) nor that you're allowed to make duplicate threads to categorize tranny cringe when we already have the MTF threads. You're So fucking retarded.

No. 86496

except no one was counting tims as himes thats something you fags hang on to because you cant read for shit. The thread was for all yurifags, regardless of if they are female, male, straight or lesbians but yurifags think they are opressed because people lump them with moid lesbian fetishizers despite cooming to the same shit.

No. 86497

Lord please let this be what gets fujocoomers banned off the site permanently

No. 86498

I don't care about semantics the fandom discourse thread turning into the fujo vs antifujo thread 2.0 is proof enough to be that this did not warrant derailing the fandom thread and could've been solved by bumping the fujo vs antifujo thread.

No. 86499

>TIM 'transfem lesbian' himejoshis: AKA heterosexual male LARPers.
>no one was counting tims as himes
Are you done humilliating yourselves already

No. 86500

>open /meta/
>fujo spergs are still going
I feel bad for farmhands

No. 86501

what's funny is that fujocoomers are 99% real women because statistically yaoi is made by women for women while the same can't be said for yuri. so ironically by banning fujos and allowing yurispergs to run rampant you're just letting the site be infilitrated further by males and troons who already account for the vast majority of bait, sperging, and infighting. i'm not even a fujo and this is obvious to me that a large majority of the hostile people who claim to be lesbians on here are larping

No. 86502

File: 1732205376091.jpg (50.27 KB, 606x203, ot.jpg)

>you're overwriting the site's rules
Posting about trannies is not banned anywhere on lolcow. /ot/ threads do not require to have milk to exist. Here: https://lolcow.farm/rules
Sperging about a thread you do not like instead of hiding it IS BANABLE THOUGH.

No. 86503

but if i posted yuri cringe in that thread it would be offtopic, what dont you get? seriously it feels like i am trying to explain the sky is blue to a crayon eating 5yo downie

No. 86504

>majority of the hostile people who claim to be lesbians on here are larping
But enough about the fujo “”esbians””

No. 86505

yes, they are trying to claim people disliking yuri is lesbophobia(kek)

No. 86506

Tbh from now on these vendetta infight threads made from the cesspit of twittards and fandomfags not be entertained anymore unless substantial milk is provided. I'd say farmhands did everyone a favour nipping the bud before it grew into a headache all of this shit couldve been posted in the fandom thread alone

No. 86507

Possible solution
Lock the fujocoomer cringe thread in /ot/ and allow a yaoi cringe thread and a yuri cringe thread on /snow/ where the threads are subject to /snow/ rules. Alternatively dump both groups of retards in /sty/ and let them roll in their own shit instead of smearing it up the walls of /ot/.

No. 86508

I dont understand why yurifags complain, isnt it better for it to be contained into a single thread they can hide?

No. 86509

I would pay to see this

No. 86511

I mean has it ever worked though? The anti/Fujo wars,the himejoshi shit and plus the ugly psyop threads always bleed into the original threads they meant themselves to be different from why not contain it in one place? Do we really need new retarded threads with no milk or actual substance to be made WEEKLY?

No. 86512

/sty/ would be funny but the /snow/ solution is probably the safest bet. Those who can't contain their personal autism in thread get banned and discussion can actually occur

No. 86513

fujosperging is banned outside its containment, but anti fujo fags are attention whores and dont follow the rules

No. 86514

It's in /ot/. Does the vent thread need milk now?

No. 86515

So do fujos too have you forgotten the shotashit sperg? they're both annoying I admit but if they were kept to one thread the infighting wouldn't have been as bad as its today making "vs" threads only invites infighting and no resolution as If it wouldve if it were allocated to one designated thread

No. 86516

Then why not allow a thread to shit on yuritards?

No. 86517

Even worse, the shotasperg was Rancefag. Fujos have some of the worst cows among them.

No. 86518

Being purposefully obtuse only makes you look more retarded. The issue isn't "trannies being banned on LC" you retard, that's obvious. You're not supposed to make duplicate threads for topics that already have their designated ones.
>Sperging about a thread you do not like instead of hiding it IS BANABLE THOUGH
So there you have it. Shouldn't have made it so obvious you were sperging about himes making a fujocoomer thread
No, you were just blatantly lesbophobic, not even talking about himes but "perverted predatory butches" you knew irl.

No. 86519

Yeah and yurifags have yuripedo, they are even.

No. 86520

>not even talking about himes but "perverted predatory butches" you knew irl.
Do you know that there was more than one person posting on that thread, right?

No. 86521

Read my post again please

No. 86522

Its retarded and doesnt adress farmhand bias in favour of yuritards

No. 86524

I ship Yuripedo and Rancefag, who's on top though

No. 86525

i mean this is kinda ironic since the same fujo focused on le predatory lesbians claims all himes responding were one person
>The thrust of her entire agenda has been desperately clawing at nonas to differentiate between TIM yurifags and ‘pure, innocent’ himejoshi lesbians who can ‘do no wrong’, despite the fact that the latter are just as capable of being every bit as vile, nasty and misogynistic towards their fellow female fans as men are.

No. 86526

>i mean this is kinda ironic since the same fujo focused on le predatory lesbians claims all himes responding were one person
you mean yuripedo? because admins deleted all her posts and it was most of the sperging on the thread.

No. 86527

I want to point out the reason we're all here is because weirdo fujospergs were baiting, infighting, and shitting up the yurifag cringe thread. A farmhand deleted a bunch of their bait posts, and mostly their posts. Looking at the leftover redtexts and post from farmhand confirms the antifujo dweebs were shitting up the thread en masse.
Now this morning nobody is getting banned for obvious bait, farmhand locks the thread for breaking a rule that doesn't exist in /ot/, and these anons aren't getting banned for continuing their infights in other threads, across multiple boards.
Yeah the stupid fags shitting up fandom discord are irritating, but pretending the thread wasn't locked by a vindictive yume is dorky.
Even when we're trying to talk about solutions or board culture, they can't stop reeeing over fujos in here

At the very least I'd like to see cerbmin metaphorically beat the rogue farmhand with a bar of soap in a sock.

No. 86528

Ugh. Samefag. I meant antifujo spergs were shitting up the thread. I'm tired and I can't delete the post for some reason.

No. 86529

Yurifags love to forget that yuripedo was shitting up the thread and even said ''based'' when the annoying baiter was talking about a supposedly older lesbian preying on a younger girl.

No. 86530

File: 1732207499819.jpg (115.78 KB, 2560x1280, Oppennona.jpg)

Giving birth to the very first Fandom Discourse thread is perhaps the greatest and worst thing I have ever done on the internet. If it ends up being the straw that breaks the Farmhands' back then… what can I say. It was nice knowing you nonas.

No. 86531

This entitled spergout is so fucking funny

No. 86532

When are they not entitled or acting like victims?

No. 86533

It was a goddamn honor anon KEK

No. 86534

Imagine feelings opressed over someone disliking your lesbian anime pedo porn, couldnt be me.

No. 86535

Initial fandom discourse threads were peak comfy and had genuinely good discussion, but now yuripedo keeps shitting up everything.

No. 86536

*buttfucking gay porn

No. 86537

File: 1732207862406.jpg (318.66 KB, 990x1400, 1627232811702.jpg)

We can't have a nice place with the kind of mods we have around. The admin is forever absent.

No. 86538

Why should one group of coomers be a protected class while the other gets all hate? Nobody ever replied. PLEASE RESPOND.

No. 86539

You put this curse unto us
>now you've become sperg the destroyer of threads

No. 86540

To be fair, the only DESTROYERS OF WORLDS here are the mods and their obscure agenda. Everything would have been fine if they kept all threads open and just moderated them properly. But no, their feelings got hurt and they can't stand the idea of nonas milking yurifags (of either sex) for laughs. Really makes you think.

No. 86541

Please dont banish the fujos to fujochan admin, it would be a mistake to let go our supply of homegrown cows. Just look at this thread alone kek

No. 86542

Who are you and why do you keep talking to yourself in this thread.

No. 86543

Nona…I wasnt talking about the current retarded infight but the entitled spergs of any kind the fandom thread spews out

No. 86544

kekkk somebody please edit the scene where he's about to push the button but on top of the button it's the thread title for the very first fandom discourse thread

No. 86545

She's desperate for replies. It keeps her warm at night.

No. 86546

Yurifags WON

No. 86547

congratulations on your sped award i guess, getting so offended you get a thread locked isnt something to brag about. Its troon-tier.

No. 86548

>if they kept all threads open and just moderated them properly. But no, their feelings got hurt and they can't stand the idea of nonas milking yurifags (of either sex) for laughs.
There's already a thread for posting milk of pornsick men, it's called the TIM thread. It was so obvious you were desperate to force the thread as some revenge crusade against the ebil himes

No. 86549

You only got it locked for not posting actual milk after three (3) warnings from farmhands. This is all ON YOU.

No. 86550

File: 1732209076453.jpg (94.16 KB, 1200x800, pouring milk.jpg)

>how it feels to watch this thread as an unaffected observer
It's honestly insane that there's this much ass hurt over anime porn.

No. 86551

Its hilarious, they’ve been having a meltdown since I woke up this morning

No. 86552

File: 1732209269850.png (17.87 KB, 1881x176, fagmin.png)

are you illiterate, there was only one warning and the fagmin closed the thread 4 posts after. The first two warnings are warning yurifags to stop shitting the thread.

No. 86553

At this rate we'll never see any peace from them until cerbmin comes back and bans them all for turbo autism. The reading comprehension on this site is abysmal. You and I both know this.
Honestly, I think its worse lately bc we have a bunch of new twitterfags coming over post-election.

No. 86554

>you are part of the problem
>if you cant stop engaging with it, the thread will be locked
Seems like a self-inflicted problem

No. 86555

Were you the tranny janny who locked them? Otherwise how would you know why they were locked?

No. 86556

NTA, but stop baiting. Anons who have been here for years can tell why something was locked easily whether traffic coming in is unintegrated, shit thread, spam, repetitive derailing and off topic posting, no milk, no caps.. There's various reasons and one look through a thread's redtext or OP will tell you right away what it most likely was/is. You don't need to be farmhand to figure out that.

No. 86557

Fujocoomer thread keeps posting LC images as their "milk." How is that fair?

No. 86558

Actually /m/ has plenty of fandom threads - not every fandom discussion has to congregate in one place.
Fandoms: Before and After >>>/m/388914
Anime >>>/m/426267
Western/Adult Animation
Characters gayswashed by fandoms/media >>>/m/200306
Characters transwashed by fandoms/media >>>/m/324512
Female characters in media >>>/m/271969
Fandom interpretations you hate >>>/m/159020
Characters ruined by fandoms >>>/m/200804
Books >>>/m/351019
Comic books >>>/m/190380
Manga >>>/m/401722
Sexism and Videogames >>>/m/368628
Game threads for every popular game + video game general

It's not over!

No. 86559

It's milk for the tranny-jannies here. Them being called out and their hobby and its creators ridiculed - forget it.

No. 86560

>no milk
For the 1000th time - /ot/ is not a lolcow board. Threads there don't require milk to go on. Plus if you wanted milk, there are plenty of examples of it posted in this thread. If you can't laugh at it - it's not milk? It's a tranny logic. Only a transbian would feel offended.

>shit thread

Because the topic triggers you?


By your logic the whole site should be locked, because spam happens here and there all the time.

>repetitive derailing

How is being on topic derailing?

>off topic posting

Which posts were off topic?

No. 86561

Can you read? These were examples of why threads have closed. Not why that thread was closed.

No. 86562

>Characters gayswashed by fandoms/media
KEK looking through the thread and even 2 years ago fujolards couldn't contain their autism. Never change fujos, never change

No. 86564

File: 1732211543668.gif (11.99 MB, 1280x720, COOMBAHYAH.gif)


No. 86565

Act like cows, get milked like cows

No. 86566

>dozens on fujos crusade against all three(3) yurifags in LC because one(1) autist keeps twisting their panties

No. 86567

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No. 86568

the irony of the massive infight shit fling happening not long after "love letter to fangirls" comic was posted here kek.
we'll never have fangirl solidarity if we tear each other down for being a little cringe…

No. 86569

im more impressed how little it took for them to sperg out kek

No. 86570

Don't even feel guilty farmhands have weird hours, this sperging shouldn't been marked as derailing and redirected to the fujo vs anti-fujo thread. We have multiple threads dedicated to them infighting, there is no reason we can't have a thread about fandoms and their milk that isn't centered around them too.

No. 86571

Why are people under the impression that /ot/ is a milk board?

No. 86572

Maybe it's because I'm one the the 3 biased himes but at this point I don't even think it's us anymore. I think the argument has managed to piss everyone off.

No. 86573

I want to bond with nonnies while we point and laugh at vivziepop fags, gamergate scrotes, funkopop consoomers and cringe OCs all in one place. I will not let the raid in that thread begging for farmhand attention ruin it

No. 86574

File: 1732212895007.png (3.95 MB, 2141x3124, 6406964268d67ce0048cb40fd0e6d7…)

I support the notion of a himejocoomer thread but let the yurifags post since you all dorks know fuck nothing about himejo cows, you clearly need help to find the milk.

No. 86575

Everybody is sick of hearing about the gay anime infight.

No. 86576

File: 1732213025679.jpg (160.74 KB, 1200x675, kiameimogoon.jpg)

As a fujoshi who enjoys certain yuri pairings out of compelling dynamics rather than attraction, this entire fiasco has left such a bad taste in my mouth that I never want to post yuri fanart again. It's a shame because I genuinely enjoy those ships, and I post art that himes clearly enjoy as well (5-10k likes on average, majority non-troon), but what's the point in slaving away hours to create for an audience who secretly despise me? I've experienced some anxiety about this in the past, but everything I've seen today has confirmed my worst fears. I won't be posting my yuri art publicly anymore. Sorry to any friendly kiamei, yaemiko, or caitvi enjoyers. I just can't deal with the drama.

No. 86577

File: 1732213098632.png (114.5 KB, 720x403, 1000029435.png)

Please tell me you only posted this as an example of milk.

No. 86578

If the yurifag thread was milkless, don't see why the fujocoomer threads aren't as well. The second one, made specifically to avoid this bullshit, has gone unused for 3 months because yurifags use the fandom thread instead.
The fujocoomer thread, before they started posting because of the yuri thread, was dead for a week and then a week before that. Wher's the milk? In the fandom discourse thread?

No. 86579

I did. The artist is a huge mommy incest fan until she started obsessing with drawing the Zombieland Saga trap and tried to pass it off as oneloli.

No. 86580

Asian Himejo milk is crazy in its unique way. its not milky the same way fujo milk is, but its intriguing to hear about Yuri authors actually having hookups with fans/other authors and getting into catfights when they get caught in it.
I hope himejoshis can laugh about the crazies in their circles the same way fujoshis ridicule tif larpers in their own, it doesnt have to be a vendetta thread.

Dont start with this, yurifags on this site are goldstar lesbians that would happily gatekeep yuri from other fans because they dont want it to get "tainted". Just keep enjoying what you do and dont let 3 undesirables stop you from your hobbies

No. 86581

I feel the same way. I have been into yuri since the days of NanoFate and Chimeko. But most of the yuriturds here are absolutely insufferable. It's pointless trying to engage with them.

No. 86582

Of course laugh about the crazies, I know plenty of milky himejos. And you're right, the S/EA himejos are nuts in an endearing way. Makes me wish the western himejos were like that instead of massive gendie handmaidens.

No. 86583

I want to know more. How was the reception of the incest anthology on social media?

>trap and tried to pass it off as oneloli

Even actual yuri creators can't escape the transbian creep kek.

No. 86584

Same, I will always take schizo fandom crazy over gendie fandom crazy kek

No. 86586

Other notable crazy himejos I know:
>rich brazilian into FE3H fandom who imported and raped her gfs from all over the world then got outed on dumblr
>attractive asian himejo that loves to LARP as a lesbian despite dating the most fugly tranny out there and posting their pics together in twitter
>some cosplayer SEA couple from indonesia(?) that have been gfs for like 10 years but sell cosplay porn of them fucking and are happy to pander to coomer scrotes have even done fanmeetings (ew)
See, the fujos can't have a milky himejo thread without the people who actually know about the topic. If mods gonna allow a himejocoomer thread it gotta be genuine and not just something created to "get back" at the 3 miserable yurifags on this website.

No. 86587

Very intriguing, mods please let the yurifags post

No. 86588

I've made a thread on /m/:
Let's share the lunacy!

No. 86589

damn i want more milk on this please post it in the personal lolcows thread

No. 86590

Are fujos still seething for hours?

No. 86591

File: 1732214060659.jpg (153.18 KB, 1516x688, 453554134132313.jpg)

reminder for lc fujos to please just use fujochan's threads if you want to vent about antifujo rhetoric by himes. You have an entire site prime for discussion and derailers/WK wont be inclined to visit a site filled butt sex anyways so its safe there. Its better to give antifujos their threads here since we have the luxury of an entire site, as slow as it may be, to be openly spergey and free.

No. 86592

We're refining the yuri thread so it can actually be good and let himejoshi post.

No. 86593

The one you posted is a thread for anti-fujo cringe, not yurifan drama.

No. 86594

>be himejoshi
>sick of yuri fandom full of handmaidens, troons, and futa
>escape to lolcow
>She was sick of a fandom full of handmaidens, troons, and cuntboys so she went to lolcow
>for some reason we decide to hate on each other more for this instead of uniting in shared pain.

Maybe we deserve trannies.

No. 86595

You are welcome to create an anti-yuri thread if mods allow it, though picrel is an anti-fujo thread only and not a anti vs pro fujo greyzone like LC allows. Imo theres not enough hime cringe from actual women to warrant its own thread aside from LC gold star schizos and PC western polilezes and the only "milk" from the yuri cringe thread is clearly anti-fujo vendettas that happened to be from himes anyways.

No. 86596

I've been saying this all along! Maybe it's gotten lost in translation, but fujoshis don't actually have a yuri-based incentive to dislike himejoshis. They're just tired of all the hate they keep getting from yuri fans in general and getting shredded to pieces by TIMs when they try to defend themselves. I get that yuri fans are also tired of being in the minority in fandom, but the first step to peace would be to stop letting your community make you look bad. When TIMs go after fujos, and you sit quietly by or even egg them on, how can you get mad at fujos for thinking that you are one and the same? You'd be surprised how many fujos do genuinely enjoy female-centric stories but are scared off from them by the male fanbase. If we bond together to gatekeep men from our spaces in a joint effort then we could finally sit down and have a real conversation about each other's interests instead of spewing surface-level bile at each other all the time.

No. 86597


No. 86598

newfags and celebricows being there for some reason

No. 86599

Thank you for the link, reported it kek

No. 86600

Kek remember when lc wanted to bunk there and then were told to leave?
Ngl, it makes a lot more sense now.

No. 86601

KEKK the moment LC bunked in FC fucking rancefag waltzed in and had to make it about her and how she "totally regrets her decisions" but had to bring up she was an ex-personality fag instead of just… taking advantage of the anonymous feature??

No. 86602

can you ban the tranny wks in the yuri crazies thread? it's weird as fuck, genuinely smells of scrote balls.

No. 86603

can farmhands wrangle the tranny wk derailer in the actual good yurifag cringe thread

No. 86604

The other thread was decent, it just got choked out by baiters and idiots who can't resist bait. It didn't have a chance to take off

No. 86607

i have to ask, is this what happens when you "take it to meta"? absolutely nothing? i've come in here many times complaining about the state of celebricows and how it's been unreadable for ages. somehow i copped a ban for something i wasn't even doing, meanwhile all the retards are sperging in there still. it's a lost cause at this point and i'm not gonna report every post in there when it really is just about every post. endless multiple back-and-forths of unreadable sperging that clogs up the thread. i said "i agree" to one anon, in one single post in the middle of actual sperging and i got banned for "lanafag" sperging when i clearly wasn't. it was probably an actual lanafag who reported my post and got upset because i called her music "mentally ill".
no ones getting banned in there lately and i really wonder how many of it is the same nonas shitting up the thread over sabrina (or whoever else), arguing for hours. mods please properly moderate the thread, it's a shithole in there and i'm not the only person who's come in here complaining about it

No. 86608

Its a gamble, sometimes farmhands listen to complaints and do delete derails/infights rather than redtext them to curb continued infighting, but imo celebricows is a lost cause and I think farmhands have been struggling for a compromise for a while that could appease everyone.

No. 86609

Celebricows needs to go back to /snow/. It's fucking stupid that you're not allowed to post unsaged there, so take it back to that board. This is the kind of shit that makes newfags think that /ot/ is also a sage board

No. 86612

Yeah, it depends on if admins are online or a less mentally ill farmhand is available. The mod team is chronically understaffed so if they happen to all be offline at the same time… it's just a waiting game at that point. Celebcows sounds unbearable though, sorry for your shit ban kek. I feel like I saw it, did it get posted in the retarded bans thread?
Do you know why it was moved to /ot/ in the first place? I came back one day and it was just… there

No. 86614

nta but wasn't it moved there after /w/ was made. /snow/ has a lot of threads that don't belong there and a lot of things are on other boards that should be on /snow/ it's wild.

No. 86615

its asked a lot in dumb questions thread but I never seem to find a cohesive answer on why the decision was made. My guess is that the thread hosted more nitpicking than actual milk so they gave up and just moved it over to /ot/

No. 86616

Is that new yuri cringe thread in /m/ supposed to be there or is it just banned in /ot/?

No. 86617

op probably intended to have it as a himejoshi cringe thread with insider milk of female fans and not a TIM coomer subreddit screencap thread (it constitutes as yuri cringe yes but thats low hanging fruit and we already have a multitude of TIM/AGP hate threads for that anyways) but her mistake was labelling it as yuri fandom cringe so now anons use it as a loophole to derail it back into nitpicking moids, which is the banned topic.

No. 86618

>himecoomer thread includes some trannies
>ugh not another tranny thread
>fujocoomer thread is also 99% trannies
>perfectly ok

No. 86619

this has been said so many fucking times, it is not about the principle of a tranny creating the post, its about whether a female created the milk. TIFs are women, TIMS are not, end of story. The fujocoomer thread is primarily milk created by WOMEN whether they self identify outside of one or otherwise. You can point out the double standard that the fujocoomer threads never bring up TIMs larping as fujoshi since its a primarily female oriented hobby, but they dont because they know TIM hate is reserved for their respective threads.
And again, if you need to vent about himejoshis you have the entirety of fucking fujochan to create a thread if you want this discussion without WKs

No. 86620

Thank you both, I appreciate the answers!
>nitpicking moids is a banned topic
I'm sorry but where? Can you expand on what it is you're insisting is the banned topic or rule break? Can you tell me what the anons did wrong?
I find it interesting that you consider posting screenshots of retardation "nitpicking". Why isn't what anons post in fujocoomer thread considered the same? I am trying to understand you here.

No. 86621

Pretty sure moid posting in cosplay thread on w. Keeps fighting anons, not wanting to ppst caps, deflecting questions.

No. 86624

I apologize I should correct that discussing moid retardation is not a "banned topic" per se, it just doesnt warrant a new thread when there are multiple preexisting ones to discuss pornsick TIMs/Moids already.

No. 86625

No fun allowed chud

No. 86627

how is not clicking that TIFs also already have a thread. gigatard

No. 86629

does anyone else cringe at the nona trying too hard in the mtf thread or is it just me

No. 86630

Please please consider showing Sydney's replies in her/JC's thread. I know it's an absolute cesspool in there regardless but things are heating up and something is afoot, whiteknights everywhere

No. 86631

And you know it's the cow, why?

No. 86632

I'm not infighting in meta. Go check the thread yourself if you need context

No. 86633

I don't understand why indiebandcows got to stay in snow when it was just the phoebe bridgers thread for a while bit celebricows got moved to /ot/. If celebricows was in snow people would stop derailing to nitpick women’s looks or get banned for it like what happens in the anachan thread

No. 86634

>If celebricows was in snow people would stop derailing to nitpick women’s looks or get banned for it like what happens in the anachan thread
The brief time it got moved there (around 2020 when burritomin temporarily closed /ot/) the nitpicking somehow got worse. I distinctly remember a fight over there about billie eyelash's breasts that went on for almost 2 days.

No. 86635

thank you kek I feel like I'm the only other anon who remembers celebricows being significantly worse during it's brief time in /snow/

No. 86636

Is it possible to redtext this as a moid and I think it's been proven it's a cosplayer's ex who is posting in the cosplay thread on /w/ lol >>>/w/339069 Guy didn't like his bluff being called and his caps made the cow catch him in the act if only her, him, and their respective lawyers have these legal documents lol

No. 86638

So we can make fun of women but not men? How based and radfem of you.

>And again, if you need to vent about himejoshis you have the entirety of fucking fujochan to create a thread if you want this discussion without WKs

Fujochan isn't a drama board. The only discourse threads are fujometa related, discussing yurifag milk isn't synonymous with "antifujos".

No. 86639

And tifs are women just like all the other fujos!

No. 86640

>So we can make fun of women but not men?
Because as already said a thousand times before by the anons in this thread AND by the farmhands, having another thread to laugh at pornsick transbian TIMs and screenshots from trans subreddits is just redundant and pointless. This discussion is beating a dead horse at this point.

No. 86641

Beating a dead horse in the Taylor thread by making everything about Tom being asian. Taylor's latest ppsts don't have anything to do with that. It's being forced into the thread and tinfoiled over.

No. 86642

can we stop going over the same sabrina carpenter milk over and over in celebricows. it’s getting to the point where they’re sexually obsessed with her and it’s nothing but posting her panty shots or horny lyrics or dance moves where it looks like she’s having sex. we all agree it’s gross. why does it have to be posted every time she does a hip gyration? it’s like a man on reddit posting about his favorite porn star only women claiming theyre saying look how gross this is and making sure people who never would have seen it see it because they’re obsessively searching for this content. it reminds me of things teen boys used to do where they’d show you porn like isn’t this gross or some shit to get a reaction out of you because they’re horny

No. 86644

What do you expect anons to do??? If that’s what their screenshots and pictures are then that’s what Sabrina is doing, she’s clearly slutting herself out to make her bland commercial music seem interesting just like the rest of the Taylor Swift knockoffs

No. 86645


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 86646

You clearly cannot read.

No. 86647

and yet no one is saying that “having another thread to laugh at pornsick TIFs and screenshots from trans subreddits is just redundant and pointless”. even though the fujocoomer thread is just another TIF thread. are you slow? do you want me to spell it out for you?

No. 86648

Imagine being this butthurt over your gay anime buttfucking porn that you want to cancel a 7 year old general.

No. 86649

Some newfag has been infighting and shitting up the unpopular opinions thread with retarded posts.
Please clean the thread up, this is a fraction of her sperging.

No. 86652

Thank you, farmhand!

No. 86653

Can a farmhand tell the anons to stop spending half a week arguing if a cow's tits are real or not when all she does is edit her photos? If you had to guess, it's the Skirby thread. It's been a back and forth infight over it forever now with photos being reposted for the 4th time to prove a point.

No. 86654

File: 1732331856813.jpg (218.19 KB, 1571x758, 1YlgyIs.jpg)

Not to beat a deadhorse but its sad people made the yuri cringe thread as a petty thread to own nonnies without making a good OP, because it would've been a good place to talk about gaylors and shit like this kek

No. 86655

>>>/w/339226 This is 100% her scrote. He's calling poster bro and refusing to answer questions by asking for caps of things that anons never claimed. Please mark everything he's posted so far as him if it is him. Even the cow herself mentioned yesterday that her ex got caught posting on a site and leaking their legal documents and she expresses who has them >>>/w/339124 It all adds up. Especially the rabid defending of the moid when anons insult him.

No. 86656

What's stopping you from posting about it? The farmhands haven't closed the thread and there hasn't been a prolonged vendetta derail as of now. The thread could use some more milk that's shipping/fandom related rather than author drama.

No. 86657

File: 1732338855170.jpeg (11.69 KB, 204x247, images (2).jpeg)

Because there is an abundance of fujocoomer cringe that isn't exclusively produced by tifs. When you find comparable cringe that isn't just a screenshot of a tranny subreddit post saying he wishes he was in a yuri relationship or disturbing porn you can sustain a yuricoomer thread then

No. 86658

the derailment got discussions of yuri shippers banned for a while, I'll post it when a new thread is made but it is funny how every cast of wicked just baits shippers kek

No. 86659

It's on /m/ now, join the discussion here! >>>/m/434062

No. 86660

Only if you are a tranny. I hope the DIY HRT you're taking really fucks you up.

No. 86661

>its about whether a female created the milk
Oh? Since when is Lolcow a site for discussing female subjects exclusively? There are threads for penis-havers on both /ot/ and /snow/:
Moidtakes >>>/ot/2195213
Looksmaxxing/incels.is >>>/ot/2052549
Femboys >>>/snow/1391941
Blaire White >>>/snow/1643629
Stay triggered, troon.

No. 86664

Fujos seething again? They really can't let go of their autism can they

No. 86665

can farmhands curb the pedoposter in the ugly psyop thread? these retards always try to derail the thread

No. 86666

I can't say what I think about that poster because scrotefoilling is bannable.

No. 86669

I understand why farmhands want to ban scrotefoiling in certain circumstances but its annoying when a painfully obvious bitter incel scrote thats come from another imageboard desperate for female attention (good or bad) is clearly trying to derail a thread. I'm with you on this one nonna.

No. 86670

File: 1732391144507.png (17.49 KB, 471x113, Screenshot 2024-11-23 at 13-43…)

Newfags need to read the fucking rules. Why isn't this posting requirement shown at the top of the site? I know there's a link to the rules, but there needs to be a big message in red so the TikTok and Twitter retards won't miss it.

No. 86671

Not knowing what sage means, not knowing how to add links to the URL field…where does it end

No. 86674

File: 1732392026360.png (30.15 KB, 567x223, Screenshot 2024-11-23 at 13-56…)

Thing is, this isn't a one-off incident. In the past few days, I've seen several posts like that, with unembedded video links and a comment by the poster subtly begging to be spoonfed on how to embed the video.
This is the level of newfag we're dealing with, btw.

No. 86675

Why would anyone want to contribute to your shitty vendetta thread

No. 86676

Are the posters in the jirai thread responsible for all these shit threads lately?

No. 86677

…you keep posting tif milk though

No. 86678

It's so fucking retarded when the scrote gets put out to pasture but the nonnas calling him out still get redtexted. Yeah, yeah, don't reply to moids and just report, I know, but at least hand out bans for replying instead of just "scrotefoiling". It's hardly "foiling" when jannies agree it's a moid.

No. 86679

it’s really just TIFs though

No. 86680

Moid making threads on the front page.

No. 86681

>entire hour
>disgusting male thread still up
Fuck you actually

No. 86683

Another day and another time this reminder needs to be posted because don't feed the troll is too much of a high IQ concept for newfags.

Nothing good comes from scrotefoiling even if it is an actual moid. Men come here for female attention and by calling them out instead of reporting and ignoring, you are giving it the attention it wants and are actively encouraging it to come back and shit up the site again.

By reporting and ignoring, you are informing the farmhands which can then ban the moid and by ignoring it you are depriving it of the female attention it's looking for. If the moid doesn't get what it wants, it's far less likely to come back.

No. 86686

Both the ftm and poly threads are currently revolving around discussions of specific cows (cator99 and sinnabunny) who're known lurkers if not self-posters and actively discuss what gets posted in their thread.
sinabunny/dana from the poly thread is especially a known self-poster who regularly trolls snark groups and is curently vagueing about lc in her insta. mods should pribably keep an eye on these two.

No. 86688

then men get cocky and think they are passing undetected like that one kiwifag bragging about it

No. 86689

I KNOW theres no need to be so condescending all I said was that it was annoying when moids think they could get away with shit like >>86688 outlines. I said I also get why farmhands do this(which I agree with) but I get nonna's fustration over it. I always report moid posts and ignore, but when you have a rabid moid who's been posting for hours and not been banned because jannies are asleep I also understand why other posters dont. I can see both sides.

Rather than accuse others of being low IQ newfags how about you understand nuance and that some people get both sides of the argument.

No. 86690

File: 1732519058349.gif (2.49 MB, 480x480, cringe.gif)

please do something about the vendettafag in /snow/'s ftm thread before i die of second-hand embarassment

No. 86691

TIF thread needs to be looked at. Idk what's going on, but it started with an anon "hi cow-ing" and now has devolved into accusing others of being the cow while simultaneously saying that said cow has lots of milk yet won't post it because reasons. It's just derailing the whole thread at this point, which maybe is the goal I'm not sure.

No. 86692

For reference look at: >>86686

No. 86693

Why are zoomers so fragile and stupid.
We used to have a lot less problems when it was just ignore and report instead of No, you're a moid! Moids everywhere!
Who gives a fuck if they think they're being anon on an anon imageboard.

No. 86694

Yeah, the spergy vendettafag was fun at first but she's been shitting up the thread non-stop since yesterday, obsessively hicowing anyone and whiteknighting herself.

No. 86695

It's Cator99 and an obvious vendettafag shitting up the thread together.

No. 86696

cator99 isn't even that milky and she's courting lolcow's attention and likely selfposting. i donnt even know why they're still obsessed with her, it's shitting up the tif thread

No. 86697

So Kpop discussion is allowed as long as it's spoilered?

No. 86698

The same unintegrated retard from the past day or so is continually announcing that they found accounts of the cow/cow friends, and announcing they plan to try to follow the private accounts, before getting in and archiving anything. This has consistently killed milk sources before they could be investigated. This cow is very milky but this one poster is basically burning down all the milk before anyone finds it since the cows delete everything or private their accounts once they read that this retard is looking into them. I know this is not a specific rule violation, but can they be banned? They are killing really promising milk, and to boot are accusing anyone of telling them to stfu before archiving of being the cow or the cows orbiters like a schizo. We need help.

No. 86699

what you spergs need is a containment thread so the tif thread is free of your bullshit

No. 86700

There wouldn’t be bullshit if we weren’t trying to tard wrangle the unintegrated retard.

No. 86701

where are you seeing kpop discussions

No. 86702

No. 86704

Samefag, thanks for the help farmhands. You might want to keep a closer eye on the thread, I think the sperg has ban evaded before

No. 86705

Can jannies please ban the retard whiteknights in the FTM thread schizposting about how there's only 1 single anon interested in cator99 milk.

No. 86706

this is still going on and it's been like 5 hours

No. 86708

it's just annoying to wee the thread completeky taken over by cator when shes enjoying the attention annyway. if there's milk you could just make a separate thread

No. 86710

Just ignore it, you actually don't have to pay attention to a thread for a wide variety of cows when it focuses on a cow you don't like. Go do something else, because it's clear a lot of anons like the milk and spam and find it entertaining.

No. 86711

Reminder to take that stick out of your ass before posting again.

No. 86712

File: 1732568417467.jpeg (550.1 KB, 828x986, IMG_6336.jpeg)

hard to just ignore it when the while thread is taken iver by people postung every two minutes about trying to find where she lives or spamming screencaps of random tumblr posts.
if she's so milky just guve the attention whore her own thread so the rest of us can post about other tifs without slogging through 10000 posts about bus routes.

No. 86714

this is the complaints thread, if you don't like people complaining no one makes you read it.
there's more than one of us not liking the catorposting, whether it's bc of lack of milk or thread spam or whatever. doens't make us samefags or whiteknights.
again im not wking her, im not shaing she's not a retard or w/e, you're perfectly welcome to discuss cantor's milk or bus routes or whatever it is you find so fascinating about her, i just don't see why you can't do it in a dedicated thread.

No. 86715

>acting like the jannies won't shut it down because her retarded orbiters would mass report it for no milk
Just fuck off and hide the fucking thread. Complaining about the FTM thread getting traffic is so retarded that thread is so slow. Close your eyes.

No. 86717

Remove Dumbass Shit's autosage and stick it to Unpopular Opinions. I know you don't want to discourage more unpopular opinions, but the way the thread is now, it's just the same bad actors posting the same bait over and over and over again and spreading it in 5 other threads if no one bites. It drags the whole board down.

No. 86718

Can you please ban the retard sperg in the TIF thread who is constantly posting shit like "who cares" about the cator milk, they're fucking annoying and evidently anons seem to enjoy talking about cator. That anon is literally just shitting up the thread with non contributions when they could be posting milk from other TIF cows.

No. 86719

Make sure to report them. I always report kpoptards they always try to be so sly with their discussions or veer normal conversations into kpop

No. 86721

Cator's whiteknights are shitting up the ftm thread with non-contributions and 0 milk even though they dislike the milk at hand.

No. 86724

Hey farmhands why did you delete a bunch of milk from the TIF thread?(ban evader concern trolling about their own posts)

No. 86725

Can you retards stop misusing wk? people rightfully complaining about you shitting up a thread with non-milk and walls of vendettafagging tranfiction is nowhere near the same as defending a cow.
Oh look, the newfag tranny sperg finally figured out how to find meta. They deleted it because you're a retard and it wasn't milk, you're welcome

No. 86726

This website has gotten really bitey towards fujos to the point where anyone who has a mildly dissenting opinion about a particular topic is automatically labeled a fujo, and threads get derailed. This isn't really necessarily a suggestion or a valid complaint but it really feels like allowing fujocringe to exist while the other threads to get locked made the ardent haters bolder. Can't help but to really think the tranny janny meme is real in this case. And throwing "lesbians" around feels like a psyop to make anons hate on lesbians.

Go ahead and throw rotten tomatoes at me and call me a dumb seething fujo. I've heard it all already. Hell, this website has gotten really vicious over innocuous things in general. You can talk how you dislike red dresses and someone will call you an obese hamplanet or state how you think your eyes are too puffy and get RATTLE RATTLE in return

No. 86727

It all starts to make sense when you realize farmhands are killing the site on purpose. We had that "good moid stories thread" a few months ago where jannies went mask off. The site is literally compromised.

No. 86728

I feel that. Tbh I'm a fujo and never mention it on here because anons will take it as if I'm a tif or something or act like I hate women for some reason. Reality is I'm extremely feminine and you would never assume I read it if you saw me irl. I just don't engage in any of the discussion about it because it starts to feel like it's just young teens arguing over it being "problematic" or whatever the fuck.

No. 86729

File: 1732582751990.png (129.79 KB, 385x429, 1732499356672.png)

>it starts to feel like it's just young teens arguing over it being "problematic" or whatever the fuck.
It is unironically these types of people shitting up the site. Remember that next time you see the most retarded take on earth.

No. 86730

>getting rid of the good moid thread
Kek the farmhands and their very rare based moments. Also their anti-fujo is another thing that makes me forgive some of their retardation

No. 86731

I'm not talking about them getting rid of the good moid thread. They were the ones who made that thread and only closed it after intense backlash and a farmhand leaking an anons IP. They are the ones baiting and encouraging baiters on this site.

No. 86732

the cp spamming tranny is tinfoiling about whiteglove in the TIF thread instead of her own thread >>>/snow/2060807
i think it's the tranny because he specifically said "naw," his prose, and the way he insisted people who keep up with her lore are "new" for not buying his tinfoil.

No. 86733

>they made the thread

No. 86735

>total yuricoomer victory
>yuri thread on /m/ hasnt had a post in 2 weeks since the infight
drama seeking tourist retards, it was never about yuri vs yaoi, its all just an excuse to shit on women at the end of the day. they dont even practice the shit they preach as "superior"

No. 86737

the cator99 sperging is derailing the tif thread. again.

No. 86738

CP front page

No. 86739

The Antifujo thread should've been closed long ago. It was initially about actual off-website cringe. But now it's pretty much festering with nothing but cross-thread infighting now, filled with the same spergs who try to force and egg on the "fujo vs yume" shit for literal years. They got their goal in the end. None of that would've happened if they would've been properly moderated from the start (ie since the first bunker threads) but farmhands at that time and onwards banned literally everyone else BUT these antifujo spergs and this is the result. There's not even much moderation can do about it now.

No. 86740

File: 1732604383976.jpg (3.75 MB, 1874x12557, 1732507442706.jpg)

>almost a week and fujocoomers are still seething
When will you spergs learn to let it go

No. 86741

>Almost 2 weeks and still no posts in the GL thread on /m/
When will you retards actually post content instead of vendetta fagging about fujos, no wonder yurifags never get shit kek too busy compiling screenshots across multiple threads to own the fujoshits instead of reviving their dead thread. Learn to follow your advice next time you fucking tourist

No. 86742

If you care so much about staying in your lane then why did you spend a whole week sperging across 3 different boards? You better set up the example and stay in your fujo thread.

No. 86743

I literally do not give a shit about staying in lanes, in fact I encourage himes to actually bring up GL ships and discussion in threads like fandom discourse since you fags are so adamant about being annoyed at seeing BL "outside containment" yet never seem to have the content to counteract it. be real, you only want to start drama and play out your regina george fantasies against fangirls, you dont have genuine passion in yume/hime hobbies and have nothing to show for it

No. 86744

/v/ scrotes raiding

No. 86746

>it was never about yuri vs yaoi
Damn, it's almost as if we've been telling you from day 1 that many of us aren't even himes or yumes and just tired of your retarded tranny-tier sodomite obsession being shoved everywhere only to act like the world's biggest victim after people tell you to fuck off and stick to your threads kek. You're the one's who assumed every fujo hater simply HAD to be a filthy lesbo/yume femcel as a cope. How are you still sperging about this?

No. 86747

I thought it would be just scrotes baiting everyone but in the end it was just retarded tumblr polilez teenagers sperging up a storm. The lines are so blurred sometimes.

No. 86748

We have actual teenagers posting on this site dragging down the quality, and not just teenagers but those who are severely ESL and have horrible reading comprehension. I've had people start incoherently sperging at me over literally nothing because they've completely misread my post or get stuck on a term I used instead of the concept behind the post, and in their teenage retardation they just can't let it go and will just spit venom endlessly. It started happening around Shaymin's era when she left the site to rot with barely any moderation and got worse from there.

No. 86751

>and play out your regina george fantasies against fangirls
It's so fucking true. I wouldn't be surprised if the Regina George larpers were all losers or just plain oatmeal normies in school and use sites like these to air out their "frustrations" and become queen bee

No. 86752

Fujos have such an insane persecution complex that can only come from being so terminally online. They really think everyone else takes their flavour of anime porn as seriously as they do.

No. 86753

>she's still talking to herself

No. 86754

We got a bunch of underage kids in the jirai and fashion threads on w. It's so obvious it hurts. Here's one roleplaying actions as they type "eyeroll". Bad enough these kids come up with pedo tinfoils constantly. >>>/w/339404 Anime girls, who don't look like children, with big tits = lolicon now apparently.

No. 86755

Farmhands ignoring them despite the incessant sperging and victim cosplay is what makes it funny tbh

No. 86756

File: 1732643071292.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.41 MB, 1170x1728, 1000029676.jpg)

…anon, I think you're being a bit obtuse if you can't see why picrel is raising lolicon alarm bells for people. Especially the one on the right.

No. 86759

>horrible reading comprehension
I've experienced this a lot lately. They seem to read only the first sentence or so of a post and immediately have some ott kneejerk reaction. Also, autists not understanding sarcasm and ree-ing when they completely missed the point.

No. 86760

Funny considering several anons called it out as not being lolicon drawings and didn't change that anons are RPing in replies which shows newfaggotry. If you can't tell the difference between real lolicon and just cute, sexy designs that's a you problem.

No. 86761

I'm just saying, I wouldn't be comfortable showing some of those posters even to my weeb friends kek

No. 86762

>just cute, sexy designs
lol, the cope

No. 86765

Why are you being weird

No. 86766

Absolutely bait. Makes the roleplaying in the threads very clear the age of posters.

No. 86768

Fujos should be grateful for the mercy of the MODGODs for not being banished to the confines of fujochan, the same way kpoopfags are with choachan. Though with how much of a temper tantrum they've been throwing I wouldn't be surprised if they make that decision now.

No. 86769


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No. 86770

insanely cringe

No. 86771

You're either too coombrained or underaged yourself if you're trying to defend it so hard like it's a completely normal thing. Especially funny since you're nitpicking on italics and calling it roleplaying as if that's the problem here and not you who doesn't see anything wrong with it. Maybe she isn't your classical black and white definition of pedo, but context matters.

No. 86772

I cannot imagine caring this much about fujos tbh. do you seethe when you see anons talk about their husbandos outside of /g/?

No. 86773

No, firstly because they hardly ever do that and secondly because they're not insufferable infighting derailing victim complex retards about it.

No. 86774

Go back to 4chan.

No. 86775


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No. 86776

Kek you only "won" the retard war because your cock hungry mod likes you personally. There's someone shitting on fujos every single day on unrelated boards, you throw the worst misogynistic insults at them just to turn around and go "b-but what about the woman characters!!", husbandofags don't stay in their lanes, the fujocoomer thread gets bumped once in a while with tranny talk (because it's just another tif thread) and yet you were shitting, pissing and crying when someone dared to talk about the poor yumecucks and the little girl lovers, and the mod who's a tranny closed several threads in the span of hours because "it's just another tranny thread" as if that were even an issue. People like you have the biggest victim complex ever and you feel oppressed if someone isn't sucking your clit the moment you mention that you want to fuck cartoons or you want to see a girl cartoon fuck a man cartoon (and it's fine and based because a pussy is involved! If you think that's retarded you just hate women!). You have these schizo visions of fujos spamming the site with yaoi and cocks when you're the ones bringing fujos into every discussion ever. And please tranny mod, you still haven't explained why lolicon/oneeshota/yuri pedo shit aren't banned here while shota is, despite the fact that lolicon/oneeshota/yurupedo gets posted a lot more.

No. 86778

Like the one spak who keeps typing kawiwi every other post that there’s some sperg about something something loli, it’s practically namefagging atp

No. 86779

kawiwi isn't an uncommon slang to see here, it's been around longer than you, so get over it, newfag.

No. 86780

Back to Twitter with you where you can goon over your lolisho in peace kek

No. 86781

>girls who don't look like children
>pug face, giant head, very small body, depicted in childish fashion and mannerism
>don't look like children
Just say you want to freely post about your little girl porn and go, I'm sure tranny janny won't mind.

No. 86782

Yeah except it’s blatantly the same poster recently sperging out across several threads about the same shit over and over.

Oh good heavens, a commonly used abbreviation

No. 86909

Ban the dysphoria thread please

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