File: 1729805394652.jpeg (301.29 KB, 1433x1080, 44F22F82-74AC-4887-8A00-7077E0…)

No. 85311
File: 1729818619638.jpg (202.35 KB, 1080x725, 1000007767.jpg)

Is this the discord users? Bringing up off topic things without images and no one asked about them either. The latest post also involves the account anons were tinfoiling was Venus which we never got proof of to begin with. They post and make it sound like all of it is legit when it isn't.
No. 85323
File: 1729839290449.png (50.77 KB, 852x346, Screenshot 2024-10-24 014026.p…)

why do we allow a zoosadist thread where people talk about wanting to kill kittens?
No. 85335
File: 1729856950375.png (28.24 KB, 1748x251, leaking.png)

>>85330The problem of man hate schizos derailing threads on /ot/ because someone dared mention they're in a relationship isn't new. It's been happening for years and predates the existence of the black pill threads.
No. 85345
When are you gonna moderate the threads on 2x? not making the board accessible is one thing, but leaving it fully unmoderated is retarded and irresponsible. If you don't want the "man hating schizos" to derail ot threads like in
>>85335 and
>>85316 maybe give misandrists and blackpillers an actual space. "Take it to 2x" is no longer a good alternative when 2x is full of schizo babbling and low effort baiting scrotes
>>85343Speaking of low effort baiting scrotes, go back
No. 85351
>>85347>>85350in the mundane shit thread too
>>85341sometimes they do things just to be chaotic in spaces they don't belong
No. 85358
File: 1729949743989.jpg (53.31 KB, 579x518, 1000028028.jpg)

Scrotes at it again, CP on the front page
No. 85363
File: 1729984659016.png (405.85 KB, 934x1309, Screenshot_20241026-161627~2.p…)

Not my post, but are all wojaks banned now? I thought it was only soyjaks
No. 85369
>>85367Wojaks are usually banned and so are reaction images and low effort posting. All of which that post checks a box for.
If you can't type it out, don't be a lazy fucker and post a reaction image with what you want to say. Especially moid-tier wojaks.
No. 85374
Can we have dumbass shit back? Saging it very very very obviously didn't bring the result staff predicted.
>>85372If only
No. 85384
tantrums in lesbian thread
>>85382literally none of the shit in there is milky anymore
No. 85408
>>85407It depends on the thread you're posting in imo. Sometimes your opinions will be taken lightly and sometimes on the more pickme esq boards and threads it can fall into "bait" territory. It all depends on who's seeing them since non-obvious "bait" that isn't moid or troon filth aka disparaging opinions away from the mainstream are decided based on mob rules of the board and thread. Occasionally a farmhand may be
triggered but many times if your post doesn't break any global rules or board specific ones they're just responding to mass reports from idiots who report dissenting opinions and labeling it "bait" as it needs justification for a ban. Another common justification ban is "derailing" even if the entire thread starts discussing a topic.
No. 85410
File: 1730206142101.jpeg (206.5 KB, 1170x823, 1730203177287.jpeg)

Not my screenshot, but you need to have a talk with the obese janny already. You can't be having spergouts every time someone mentions they're thin (op was defending flat chested adult women anyways).
No. 85433
File: 1730253160724.png (63.74 KB, 1014x199, Screen Shot 2024-10-29 at 9.45…)

Why was this post from the "Real Thoughts on Cows" thread on /ot/ redtexted? The post is complaining about how irrelevant most of the /w/ cows are and sharing her thoughts on them. I think that's still on topic for the thread. I don't understand the redtext. This thread was ALWAYS used to talk smack about certain threads, including how anons act in certain threads. I got banned for complaining about Jill's anons in that thread before, and when I appealed it - because, again, this thread was always used for that - the redtext was removed. Why does this keep happening? It's never been a rule in that thread before, why now?
No. 85446
File: 1730293102241.png (26.3 KB, 395x306, 1355522772899.png)

>>85441Sage is an innate part of image boards. Any image board that has abandoned the concept of sage and the culture surrounding it's use has gone to shit. LC is one of the few western image that preserves the use of sage in it's original form. I would go even further and suggest that LC needs to reintroduce "noko". Pic rel is an image explaining sage that predates the creation of LC.
No. 85458
>>85446But what I'm talking about is anons making unsaged posts in an already active thread that's on the first page. How does someone doing that make the culture go to shit?
>>85456 Agreed.
No. 85472
>>85470Just so Lillee Jean knows, that isn't even possible. Courts are the ones that issue subpoenas, but police can petition for one, but the courts still have to allow it to go through because the police need to submit evidence to the courts in order to proceed with someone even being subpoenaed. I do not, at all, see them going through an Alex Jones situation with Lolcow. I don't think she knows what she's talking about and she's trying to sound scary to get users to stop talking about her. Nothing she is doing that is posted here isn't already something real celebrities go through on other websites like X and TikTok.
She's not a celebrity, but she does document her life online, freely, without people really needing to pay. There's nothing she could file for, not even harassment because a judge would tell her to stop posting online instead. Lolcow doesn't break any rules and they've taken steps to actively stop information that could cause an issue like any doxxing. This is why it's so important to not post cows homes or approximations like Lori's apartment or where Belle lives because "this house looks just like her's".
Anons are the biggest issue when it comes to cows even thinking about trying to cause legal issue with the site, but LJ has nothing she can do and police can submit a request for a subpoena, they can't authorize them.
No. 85497
File: 1730579019209.png (117.46 KB, 1726x579, 2oie.png)

i've been using this website for years, i've never been banned once on here for anything… but out of all of the posts i've made i'm genuinely surprised this is first the one that gets banned. i replied to an anon agreeing with her sentiment, wasn't even talking about lana at all. i would have repealed the ban if i noticed it sooner because there was nothing about my post that was derailing about lana. i said in the first sentence i was indifferent about her, and then essentially said “i concur”
it's like the reporter and janny didn't even read what i said and just saw that i said her name. in the past i've reported blatant racebait, infight bait, alogging, and so much more that's gotten completely ignored. i agree that excessive derailing should be banned, i am often reporting it. but i am not even a lanafag, wasn't talking about her, nor was i derailing or even taking part in that long ass discussion. i just said i agreed with her point and then i contributed to other parts of the thread. there was one other replier to that post talking about it that also said "i agree" and it didn't get banned. what is this? there is endless derailing about endless celebs that i have come in here at least twice and complained about the state of celebricows. i hate the endless spergs, the lanaspergs the serena ones, all of them. and yet here i was hardly weighing in on anything lana related at all. there was no announcement from an admin in the thread that no one could even mention her name without a ban being brought down. this is a retarded ban and feel free to check my post history, i've never once been banned and this just feels silly. i would have appealed this ban if i saw it sooner, but i just saw it now and i'm pretty stunned that somehow out of every post i have ever made this is the one to get banned. i'm not even joiking i feel like i got banned for discussing something, which is what 90% of my posts are. i swear if i didn't say her name i wouldn't have gotten banned for this, there was not an ounce of lanafag or derail in my post
No. 85500
File: 1730580817372.jpg (239.98 KB, 1028x672, fag.jpg)

checked it and yeah its the soytards
No. 85502
File: 1730581155272.jpg (132.8 KB, 762x558, fag2.jpg)

>>85501apparently some piggie moids are seething at nonas liking adult moids and calling it pedophilia kekkk
No. 85507
File: 1730581347905.png (79.09 KB, 1213x350, Screen Shot 2024-11-02 at 4.58…)

>>85500For the billionth time, FARMHANDS PLEASE DISABLE VPN POSTING. It is so annoying having to deal with this as a user, I can't imagine how annoying it is having to deal with this as a moderator or admin. DISABLING VPNS WOULD PREVENT THIS ALL. Why don't you just do a trial run for a week and we'd all quickly see how lovely this site is when we don't have retards using VPNs to fuck everything up to get their kicks. Anons have been talking about disabling VPN for YEARS but now, after the /ot/ attack, it really is the time to seriously consider this. Inb4 "oh some anons really NEED vpns!!" okay I'm sorry for them but we're only as strong as the weakest link.
No. 85511
File: 1730581505373.jpg (75.63 KB, 449x272, kek.jpg)

>>85506seems pretty new kek even the soycucks are making fun of him, must be a slow day on /raid/ for them to come here.
No. 85523
mods ban vpn or just like
>>85510 said just ban them from posting images.
No. 85538
>>85526>>85530>>85529>>85531You know it's bad when even the other /raid/cucks are confused kek. One can only imagine what a specimen who gets
this triggered by normal female heterosexuality must look like.
No. 85543
File: 1730582541570.jpeg (200.48 KB, 1707x2048, 1670624428711.jpeg)

No clue what's going on but look at this picture.
No. 85548
File: 1730583076937.png (134.12 KB, 1170x1177, Just a moment.png)

So is this gonna be like a regular thing now?
No. 85560
>>85555>>85557This always happens! Someone brings up banning VPNs and a random "anon" starts shitting bricks and talking about how it would destroy the website and how others (the ones that made >20% of posts) NEED the ban evasion tool!!! Or else!!!
>>85551>What the fuck is the point of a normal tool used by many ibs and other sites to prevent retard gore raids?This is totally a post a real user made.
No. 85578
>>85571He's probably a preteen newfag . He likely learned what soyjak party and lolcow is from turkey tom.
Not even old enough to have his own thread here.
No. 85586
File: 1730588182444.png (38.4 KB, 872x233, fandom discussion.png)

>>85585>It's like gen alpha discovered image boardsit really is
No. 85587
File: 1730588559990.jpeg (55.04 KB, 640x480, IMG_4063.jpeg)

>>85586Holy kek no way. What is happening.
No. 85590
can cerbmin consider implementing some sort of post wait counter like the one 4chan is currently using? so that ip addresses that haven't posted here before (and maybe also ones that don't post somewhat regularly) will have to wait a few minutes to make their first few posts. it would help deter ban evading basement dwellers like the schizo soytranny scrote that is currently spamming for example along with retarded newfags/underaged posters like the one
>>85586 posted a pic of
No. 85601
>>85591maybe not as long as 4chans kek that's a bit overkill but like 60-90 seconds should be enough - also not for every post, only the first few posts from a new ip address or from one that hasn't posted in a long time
>>85594ayrt agreed the non-cow boards definitely need it the most though occasionally there are spammers/chronic ban evaders on cow boards that it may also discourage
No. 85604
File: 1730590321162.jpeg (190.05 KB, 750x1376, IMG_4066.jpeg)

>>85586No wonder why we have so many unsaged retards these days. "Old internet core" children are name dropping us on TikTok for nostalgia compilations.
No. 85609
>>85598it's actually really sad when you think about it, his parents have failed him. this moidlet is wasting away his weekend alone in his parents basement spamming garbage that nobody even reads and gets deleted within seconds. typically most loser kids his age still have some online friends on discord to chat with or play video games with but he's so insufferable that even other terminally online losers don't want anything to do with him kek
>>85606that's true but (if possible to implement this way) the cooldown would only be for a few posts so it wouldn't discourage someone from posting lots of milk or contributing to image threads
No. 85612
File: 1730591347070.gif (2.56 MB, 322x178, 1722655319319.gif)

>>85609>spamming garbage that nobody even reads and gets deleted within secondsThat's the funniest part to me, he hand types these weak ass posts only for it to get deleted in seconds
No. 85618
File: 1730598684426.jpeg (252.93 KB, 750x1105, IMG_4074.jpeg)

What the fuck is happening right now. I have never seen so many newfags in one day. It cant just be the retards from the pathetic "raid" that happened earlier.
No. 85619
triggered, how dare they
No. 85624
>>85618some aborted fetus just found about comfort women probably through tik tok and wanted to make a thread about it instead of researching on their own.
I want a longer cooldown because these fetuses with a limited attention span will go away. ultimate way to deal with all newfags
>>85621yet another newfag who takes integrating as a personal attack. go back to twitter if you hate it so much
No. 85626
File: 1730600581993.jpeg (79.22 KB, 738x670, IMG_4076.jpeg)

>>85622The raid was so pathetic that even the mods didn't notice this.
No. 85627
>>85621When in the history of Lolcow has anyone
ever started an OP with "yo"? That's your sign to not do it. The idea of anonymous imageboards is to blend in.
No. 85632
>>85628just stop
>>856305 hour cooldown next
No. 85633
>>85497Seconding what this
nonnie is saying, I'm not sure why her reply and the anon she was replying too got banned for having a calm middle ground take but the nonnies who started the entire infight didn't get banned. But mods have been extra retarded lately so it's not that surprising.
No. 85641
>>85624"Aborted fetus" here, way to not read what the thread was actually about. Speaking of limited attention spans…
I've been here for three years, but god forbid I ever start a thread again, and god HELP me if I ever type the way I like to. Never again, I promise. What's your Paypal so I can send you monetary reparations? I'm sorry I
triggered you with the word "yo" and my thread.
>>85627Don't you dare try and police how I type.
No. 85658
>>85651what's with all these newfags thinking the rules shouldn't apply to them lmao
mods are entitled to police your typing bc of global rule #4, which says your posting style has to conform to board culture. and your "yo homies let's have a callout tread for the bad guys!!" moralfaggotry isn't it. integrate or go back to twitter
No. 85660
>>85653How the fuck is it "personalising" when all I did was put "yo" in it? Are you kidding me?
>>85657Evidently nowhere because you don't have a counterargument.
>>85652Same goes for you. The sooner people like you gtfo, the better.
>>85658"Yo homies"? That's seriously what you extrapolated from me putting "yo" in a thread op? And you label posting examples of misogynistic academics as "moralfaggotry"? Get the fuck outta here, you're gonna have to do better than that.
(infighting) No. 85662
>>85660anon please get a life. this is lolcow an anonymous imageboard where you integrate so no one knows who you are.
no one cares you got worked up to the point of screeching at online randos to win some internet argument. if this bothers you so much go back to social media where you have an online username where you can feel some semblance of an identity. go cool down because this isnt as important as you think.
man, why do newfags take issue with the anonymous nature of inageboards and integrating??? every single one seems to take it as a personal attack
No. 85665
>>85660Not many anons use "yo" in a sentence, nor really speak to anons when making the OP of a thread of similar subject matter. If you said "hello" or "hi" instead you'd get the same reaction.
>>85663Please get a glass of water or juice and something to eat instead of responding to anons like that, anger is not good for your health.
No. 85668
>>85659Nonna, calm down. Sounds like you're just mad the redtext got reversed and the thread is more heavily moderated in general. Nothing about the post screams fan club. Anons were tinfoiling about the kid's costume. Nitpicking about DIY in general should've been banned, but here we are. We have very few things we can talk about because Taylor has no milk anymore. Be grateful its not locked like farmhands warned.
>>85660Give it a rest. Take your expired ban and move on
No. 85672
>>85633thank you
nonnie i appreciate it, crazy that after years of posting it's a jannys inability to read is what gets me my first ban kek. i wasn't even taking any part in the lanafagging, whenever i see people sperging over someone in celebricows i just scroll past it. i replied to that one nona because her post was so big it caught my eye and i felt that it was an actual thoughtful post worth commenting on
is there any way to have a stupid ban revoked? or is my perfect streak of no bans scratched forever because of shitty modding? i know it's not that serious, but it does kind of bother me. i always wonder what happens when someone actually "takes it to meta". i've only been in this thread to complain about the state of celebricows, ironically
No. 85673
>>85668>Anons were tinfoiling about the kid's costume.where? There was no tinfoil, esp since she showed his costume being purchased, and then he wore the purchased costume.
Yes, I think non-con posters who just repost social media should be banned, what's the issue?
No. 85689
>>85685They did. I reported one of the early posts for being the easily recognizable anti-abortion sperg that started it and it was redtexted with "bait". This has been going on for months, retards need to stop responding because by scrotefoiling and telling her to kill herself, they're only going to get themselves banned. It happens every time she posts the same stale bait.
The entire American thread is a burning sewer from the constant infighting, the weird and creepy Kamala shilling and constant bait.
No. 85698
>>85660>>85651How few problems do you have in your life that you're getting
this asshurt over an expired redtext? There's no need to "defend yourself," because it's just anons casually ripping on you for starting an OP with "yo" like a dork. You look even more retarded now that you've gotten defensive about it instead of moving on.
No. 85699
>>85692What's creepy and unnatural about it
>the thread is always active even during burger sleeping hours>they thirst post over Kamala like a moid in a loli anime thread>circlejerk over celebrities without realizing that celebrities are seen as and treated as cows>pretending to be oldfags while repeatedly making failures at integrating>not knowing about basic shit like sage and ♥, making threads too early, posting racebait, constant infighting, alogging and scrotefoiling, not recognizing chronic baiters, posting soyjaks and not making coherent posts
>Maybe we should ask to add a new global rule for politisperging/astroturfing?The global rules already state
>Do not attempt to use for attention or profit.>Do not advertise.>Do not spam. No. 85702
>>85700It's funny how that anon complains about the scrotefoiling while scrotefoiling. It's literally fucking election day, people are going to be hyping up their candidates. I remember the Trump thrist posts before Biden dropped out. It's no surprise that a female majority board is shilling Kamala so hard.
>>85699Go to tinfoil thread at this point, people are staying up because it's november 5th. People are shilling because it's november 5th. Kamala shills just out-autismed everyone else. There's going to be traction to the amerifag thread because it is NOVEMBER 5TH. do you just expect people to talk about what their favorite american snack is or some mundane shit on an imageboard on election day? Are you insane?
>not knowing about basic shit like sage and ♥, making threads too early, posting racebait, constant infighting, alogging and scrotefoiling, not recognizing chronic baiters, posting soyjaks and not making coherent postsYou are right about this though, I just think it's still traction because of the election. I don't even get why people think people discussing the same controversial topics, when most voters are already decided, are being legit kek. There probably is a lot of newfags
No. 85703
>>85702Samefag but
>circlejerk over celebrities without realizing that celebrities are seen as and treated as cowsThere's a reason celebricows is in /ot/ and not /snow/. Most people casually gossip about celebrities rather than actually hating them. I stand on this when I say that the only true celebricow right now who has truly cowish antics is chappoo. Maybe Sabrina too
No. 85704
File: 1730798429318.jpg (73.14 KB, 846x143, retarded phone pov.jpg)

>>85699Not the anon you're talking about but it does look like an emoji on mobile, anon probably just made a mistake while browsing on mobile. I don't even disagree with you this point is just a bit retarded, why aren't you also going after the anon who couldn't spell diarrhea which was also a issue with her phone.
No. 85706
Four replies to a post on /meta/, how strange.
>>85700LC is a woman's website so anons being excited about a female democrat candidate is not surprising. What makes it suspicious is the intensity and amount. Amerifag threads usually last months. While an increase in activity during an election is expected, two threads in less than a week is excessive, especially for a smaller image board.
The ~uwu Kamala is so hot~ posts come across as creepy because it's /ot/ and if she really did find Kamala attractive there are dedicated threads about attractive women that already exist. Once or twice and no one would either notice or care but this is being posted every few hours. The only reason to repeatedly post this outside of /g/ is shilling. The repeated mentions of kinks involving republicans is also odd on a women's website with a general anti-porn sentiment.
>>85701Wouldn't a LC regular already be aware of differences in the site's appearance between devices? She did this while calling someone else a newfag.
>>85702Using a metaphor as a descriptor is not scrotefoiling. No part of my post denies that it's women posting in the thread or implies that men are.
>It's literally fucking election day, people are going to be hyping up their candidates.Here's a sample of previous election threads on LC
>>>/ot/624743>>>/ot/321219LC is not a political website. The above threads contain no infighting and no obvious shilling.
>>85704Being a retard that can't spell diarrhea is not political shilling.
No. 85711
File: 1730819611379.png (80.67 KB, 475x214, ejhfvbendmk.png)

>>85709>Instead it's an actual discussion and contains a variety of viewpoints from supporters of both candidates.It's literally just all anti sjw posting what are you talking about. Just because it's pro trump doesn't mean it's unbiased kek
No. 85713
File: 1730819762044.png (58.2 KB, 428x327, edjfhgrbndfkj.png)

>complains about kamala shills being scrote-tieredlol
No. 85722
File: 1730831177466.png (7.02 KB, 425x171, gibe it time.png)

>>85721Can you give it time?
No. 85732
>>85729are you serious? the threads
>>85717 referenced were almost immediately locked. these were the threads they were talking about. it's not an exception.
>>>/ot/624743 >>>/ot/321219 you are so new, it hasn't been allowed for 8 years.
No. 85736
>>85734>it hasn't been allowed for 8 yearsHere's the exact rule post on unintegrated users from 2016
>>>/meta/2207>Holds some extreme political, social, or religious view (e.g. a SJW or fascist).>Contributes nothing or almost nothing to the site other than discussing their views in various threads, and arguing with people.>To be clear, this is not a restriction on simply having far-right or far-left views, or arguing with people about them (as long as it stays in /b/ and doesn't derail other threads). Rather, if you've come to this site solely to talk about politics and nothing else, have no idea what the site is about, have no interest in lolcows, have not contributed any actual content, and haven't posted anything on-topic in any /pt/ or /snow/ threads, then you might be banned. No. 85748
File: 1730853817560.jpg (1014.26 KB, 1440x1737, 1730816863538.jpg)

Mods are so autistic
No. 85754
File: 1730869189457.png (459.38 KB, 544x1428, 853317.png)

Is this real?
No. 85767
File: 1730871416237.png (18.41 KB, 1707x107, Screenshot 2024-11-06 062852.p…)

>>85766>>85764He raged again, anons need to implement more tools for catching dirty deletes
No. 85770
>>85769 Thanks farmhands.
The retarded scrote(s?) probably doesn't even realize his stuff was deleted kek. I feel like he's the same scrote from the pathetic"Raid" we had a few days ago but I'm just tinfoiling.
No. 85773
File: 1730882234325.gif (1.31 MB, 275x268, 727753621021539747.gif)

>>85767>child mutilating>baby-murderingDid he fuck up when he meant to type men?
No. 85784
>>85774Nonnas are going to be mad at me for the ones who are farmers and want to be safe using a VPN, but
admin, the VPN thing only works via browsers, not if someone is using it on their desktop. Not a moid, but was testing your VPN thing yesterday, but never got a chance to post about that. Could be how the moids keep posting, but IDK if there is a way to adjust that.
No. 85803
File: 1730958181606.jpg (40.29 KB, 720x206, 1000000233.jpg)

The cringe you're allowing is getting alarming.
No. 85804
File: 1730959079207.png (28.36 KB, 728x485, golly I wonder why.png)

Banned across all boards with no reason given when I have an extensive posting history.(ban evasion)
No. 85806
>>85805I don't remember word for word now cuz it got deleted, but in the unpopular opinions thread, someone bitched about lolcow and got redtexted to take it to meta and not to reply to redtext, and eventually I said but you're replying
in redtext, and this thread has no rules stating that unpopular opinions can't be about the site itself
No. 85815
File: 1730985598447.jpg (25.47 KB, 1270x93, ggg.jpg)

Can you answer my question, mods?
>>>/m/430323 No. 85823
>>85821Just wait until all current hosts, ISPs, anti-DDoS providers etc. cancel LC for wrongthink (the risk of which is much, much higher were /2X/ unhidden) and the site will have to rely on more expensive options.
I never mentioned MAKING money, btw - where does your projection come from?
No. 85828
>>85823Fair enough. I interpreted what you wrote wrong.
>where does your projection come fromA big ol lightbulb
No. 85832
>>85830I'm not, so calm down. Using a constantly raided site without a VPN as a woman doesn't feel safe. How do you translate that into "YOU'RE ONE OF THE BAITERS". Get help.
On another note: This thread
>>>/w/338145Can someone post any milk about her besides greentext and a little astrix with a "Trust me bro" next to it? It's been days and no caps. This smells like a vendetta thread when she could be in a general if all her milk is about liking yaoi and eyeliner anons don't like her using. What happened to locking shit threads with no caps and again, it's been days with no caps. Just seems like a slow cow who's been around for so long anons want to make an archive thread rather than a recent milk discussion thread. I find it stupid to post a cow who had milk 15 years ago.
No. 85833
>>85810>on a site I use nearly dailyno one gives a shit how often youre here. go find another hobby.
>>85816why is it always the retards hurt in their feels spouting the most retarded conspiracy theories with zero basis in reality. grow up.
>>85823honey, the is lolcow a gossip imageboard. if you really think its that important to get one one radar, you spend way too much time here and need to branch out offline.
No. 85841
>>85830The Amerifag threads are still full of racebait, alogging, general woman hate, scrotefoiling and infighting. If anything this proved that banning VPN users does absolutely fuck all. The problem is dynamic IP users.
The thread is still obviously being shilled to hell back. The amount of posts about republicans having gay sex and the attempt to berate women for not voting democrat because of pro-troon policies makes me suspect that it's /leftypol/.
No. 85845
File: 1731015764822.png (33.73 KB, 1414x429, the_salt_is_amazing.png)

>>85841Samefag. I went to /leftypol/ and they are talking about LC but they are laughing at us. It seems that the situation in Palestine and Ukraine has turned them against the democrat party.
>>85843It really does, the level of hate and racebait insane.
>>85844>except its possible to rangeban dynamic IPs and not to rangeban VPNsThis is wrong. A VPN IP is still an IP in an IP range and can be banned just like any other IP range. There are already many VPN IP ranges that are blocked.
>>85844>if you were in the threads before the VPN ban went in it was far, far worse. night and dayThis is also wrong. The threads went from bad to worse as the election results came in. The last thread that had anything resembling civil discussion was the last thread were VPNs were allowed.
No. 85851
>>85849Because if you're right, you've just given the moid the attention it was looking for and are now encouraging it to come back. If you're wrong you've just insulted another woman and you have now derailed the thread by starting an infight.
Report and ignore all moids.
No. 85854
Mods please don't listen to this idiot
>>85852 There already is a ban evading moid, lifting the vpn ban would just lead to 10+ more baiters again just like how the threads were unusable bait central before the vpn ban.
No. 85857
>>85845>This is wrong. A VPN IP is still an IP in an IP range and can be banned just like any other IP range. There are already many VPN IP ranges that are blocked.except if you use your brain for a sec, "rangebanning" a VPN just bans that VPN, not the individual. protonVPN has literally hundreds of IP ranges, banning all the ones they own in the netherlands or something wouldn't stop someone from just switching. what you're talking about would effectively end up just blocking all VPNs anyway to stop someone using them from posting.
rangebanning domestic IPs when VPNs cannot be used will actually prevent that person from posting unless they change ISP or location, its far more effective. stop being retarded.
No. 85860
>>85859But by blocking an IP range used for home IPs, it has the potential to block legitimate users from accessing the site which is typically why LC admins don't like doing it. If there's a chronic ban evader posting from a certain IP range and that IP range is blocked, anyone else in the same IP range is now also blocked from posting. When a VPN IP range is blocked there's no such concern because it's not someone's home IP address, it's just a VPN. There's also anons that use 4G/5G to post on their phones. Even if a domestic IP range is blocked, ban evaders can use their phones to ban evade.
The hellweek stats show that VPN users are minority on this site. If it really was VPN users constantly shitting up the site, the stats would look different. All admins of LC over the years have maintained the opinion that VPN users aren't an issue.
No. 85864
File: 1731078076590.jpg (29.53 KB, 1245x80, I DON'T WANT TO RACEBAIT.jpg)

Is there a 'Shit Lolcow Says' thread?
No. 85866
>>85861Why are you so hung up on this.
If you ban the ranges, the spammers move. You're saying burn down a forest to try and get a couple of squirrels.
I will never understand why people on an
imageboard of all places would want less privacy.
No. 85886
File: 1731129705186.png (54 KB, 918x338, ???.png)

I find it really fucking annoying that instead of permabanning the retards who ragebait people all day, you instead have to ban VPN's as a whole from amerifags and now mundane shit as well. Banning VPN's isn't really an effective way to deter people who come to lolcow specifically to bait during election season, and it's also not a good way to enforce the rules.
No. 85887
>chatroom tier posting that is kind of what mundane shit is for…unless, of course, you expect anons to solely make single posts that don't ask questions, not respond to each other, not read each others posts, etc kek.
No. 85888
>>85886>it's also not a good way to enforce the rulesIt worked. It immediately stopped the retarded debate.
>>85887I think everyone would agree the on-topic posts in Mundane Shit right now are completely fine. What chatroom-tier posting means is when anons start flooding the thread with low-quality shitposts and comebacks, immediately responding to each other like they're in a Discord server.
No. 85916
>>85911The VPN ban was really good, there was almost no baiting or raiding and all anons were getting along for once with that removed. I feel like VPN ban should be permanent for that thread and maybe also in other
problematic threads. It worked really well.
No. 85929
>>85928you should report me for upsetting you again
fucking loser
(infighting) No. 85963
File: 1731460077675.jpeg (57.41 KB, 373x327, 1708108725489.jpeg)

cp spam on m
No. 85965
>>85964it's avatarfagging because some retard has been spamming the pokemon thread with pics of these two uggos for days on end
>>85959the shotasperg is still at it in the fandom discourse thread and of course retards are taking the bait. how people donnt get tired of having the exact same infight every day is beyond me
No. 85970
File: 1731484104583.png (142.13 KB, 963x884, Screenshot 2024-11-12 140310.p…)

>>>/m/431693explain how posting examples of two characters showing different personalities to someone who thinks they're the same is "avatarfagging".
please train these new farmhands better. maybe make sure they have some kind of imageboard experience and understand what board terms mean.
No. 85977
File: 1731529877469.png (270.91 KB, 931x897, Screenshot 2024-11-13 122959.p…)

>>85970are you guys seriously going to ban me, a user of lc for several years, because i'm posting relevant pictures into the relevant thread, and someone admittedly only reported me because they don't like the characters?
No. 85981
File: 1731533257728.jpg (93.2 KB, 720x590, 1000000334.jpg)

If you don't start banning these retards I am going to throw a pipe bomb down the basement that admin lives in
No. 85982
File: 1731534130672.jpg (58.57 KB, 720x369, 1000000335.jpg)

>>85977You're also seething in /ot/ and referred to an anon giving a logical critique of your annoying -fagging as "an ugly newfag" when they were right.
In general, why is this sort of thing not being banned? Mods have gotten so lazy that it's easier to just mass-ban blindly for 'infighting' rather than just repeatedly banning the kindergarteners like this? It's gotten beyond ridiculous and a majority of convos on /ot/ now are just turboautists like this repelling everyone and else and trying to incorrectly adopt chanspeak. Insufferable.
No. 85986
>>85985It'd be avatarfagging if she posted train autist reaction pictures in every single post she makes on the site, akin to having an old forum avatar.
What she didn't wasn't avatarfagging. Posting train autist fanart and screenshots in the pokémon thread is innocuous, on topic and something people have always done before, just with different characters. Let's be real, nobody would have reported her if she posted a bunch of Azumarill art and screenshots instead. What she did wrong was reply to provocations instead of backing down.
Also, somebody
is targeting posters of those characters and she is the opposite of transparent, to the point she made a vent post about the train autists in the ugly character designs thread.
And to be clear, this wouldn't be the first time farmhands don't understand imageboard terms and culture: they've banned posts with normal spaced paragraphs for reddit spacing before and they keep doing it sometimes, despite the fact reddit specing is a very peculiar quirk that only reddit tourists do (and I've seen it go unbanned and unnoticed before).
No. 85987
File: 1731541999149.jpeg (46.66 KB, 400x288, 1BA82946-4B4C-4BEF-8A14-2E7BA5…)

>>85977>are you guys seriously going to ban me, a user of lc for several yearsdude stop. take your ban like the supposed long term lc user you are and move on. is this seriously ruining your day?
No. 85992
>>85988Well… no, you're wrong, it's not avatarfagging, that's spamming. Avatarfagging is inherently tied to text posts. To make an easy example: it'd be avatarfagging if Kirbynona attached a Kirby reaction picture to every single one of her posts and not just the on topic Kirby posts.
If it's a problem to spam pictures of an on topic character in an /m/ thread, then it should be clarified by farmhands and it should be put in the /m/ rules.
Also; I'm not even sure if this time it counts as spam if there's more than one nona posting the train autists in the Pokémon thread. Why are farmhands listening to someone having a melty because people post some weirdo she doesn't like?
>>85991There's more than just her complaining about this retarded, weird ban. Never before in an /m/ thread I've seen someone get banned for being on topic and posting on topic fanart, even for supposed "spamming".
Her doubling down was absolutely idiotic but it still doesn't justify the fact that the original ban was stupid.
No. 85994
>>85992who cares of it counts as avatarfagging or "spamming the same pictures of a character", my point was that anyone who reacts like that (and is currently derailing multiple threads) over a dumbass tempban is a spastic and deserves a permban.
especially if the first reaction after catching an avatarfag ban is to identify herself and double down like "omg now im gonna spam this character even more". identifying your posts violates global rules, a ~long term lc user~ ought to know that.
No. 85995
>>85993That's fine, but then it should be a ban for spamming and not avatarfagging or personalityfagging. It should also be clarified in the rules or itt that you can't spam fanart on /m/ or something.
You're clearly moving the goalposts kek.
>>85994I get why you're mad at her but her digging her own grave is not what I'm complaining about.
The original post that ate the ban and is causing this drama was innocuous and multiple nonnies have complained that it was a retarded, unfair ban. If we allow these kind of bans to remain then we accept a moderation that does a shoddy job and has no idea what terms tied to rules like avatarfagging or personalityfagging mean.
Also many threads on /m/ have allowed for pictures of the same characters to be posted consecutively before, what was special about that one post in particular? It was actually on topic because a
nonnie previously asked what was the difference between Train Autist 1 and Train Autist 2 and those screenshots showed said difference.
No. 85998
>>85996yeah and the pokémon thread is being spammed with the train men and moaning about the ban now.
>>85995Even of the og ban was overmuch (and imo it wasn't because the train autsists had been shitting up the thread for days), the subsequent reaction removed any doubt that this is a a personalityfag retard who deserves a ban.
No. 85999
>>85996If you let your hatred of the train autists uncloud your eyes for a microsecond you should realize that the original ban was a terrible sign for this website and that more and more people will abuse reports to bend rules over their petty shit.
If you see someone post something you dislike but that's still on topic, in the right thread and not avatar/personalityfagging, hide the fucking post.
No. 86001
>>85999can't speak for other anons in this thread but idgaf about the characters it's the picspam that's annoying. there are husbando and picspam and hornyposting threads for that. besides the retard who ate the ban is identifying her posts and pretty clearly personalityfagging by now.
>>85997the cancer that is earing lc is retards who can't figure out either how to follow the rule or how to sidestep a tempban. most people here got a tempban or two at some point, if everyone reacted the way that sperg did the place would be unreadable.
No. 86021
File: 1731654927953.png (301.29 KB, 1424x952, Screenshot_20241115-021228_Chr…)

this is getting crazy the "early thread" locking shit is extremely new and not a rule. look through the archives. i have been here longer than some of the zoomer mods have been able to use a damn phone. this shit is killing the site.
No. 86022
>>86014we can tell, seeing has the thread has basically becope unusable thanks to the spam. you people basically prove the mods right by chimping out over a tempban for two days straight.
wish you faggots stuck to the husbandofag threads so the rest of us could actually discuss the games
>>86021it was always a rule so that people don't post in both threads at once. get a grip
No. 86027
>>86021newfag detected, ban deserved. if you've been here long enough you wouldve known its not new.
>wahh this is killing the sitejust because you were banned doesnt mean the site is dying. growing convinced anyone who pulls the 'youre killing the site' card is an entitled idiot who thinks their active presence is needed or desired. just lurk ffs
No. 86030
File: 1731669573159.jpg (108.12 KB, 1051x897, Screenshot_20241115_111608_Duc…)

Neither of these are my ban but since when do we have to sage in /ot/? This is from the Imane Khelif thread in /ot/.
No. 86038
>>86028I'm not a zoomer and I'm old enough to recognize a neckbeard my age or adjacently, an anon spending way too much time on /a/ and aping their shit taste. Posts like this
>>>/m/431653 (and yes I have also seen this series so I know what I'm talking about) would set off anyone's suspicion that a scrote is trying to post here.
No. 86041
File: 1731692956138.webm (4.84 MB, 960x540, I miss the old LC.webm)

I've been a user here for several years now, and i'm sure nostalgia has played a role but LC felt a lot comfier when I first entered. Nasolabial folds, borzois, Adam Driver, men with cake on their faces, it feels like instead of in-site jokes there's been a rise of personalityfags. So many iconic LC posts and moments are from a few years ago and there hasn't been anything like that since, there's been a key shift in userbase and it's killing the culture of the site. I know admins are probably too busy trying to fix the spaghetti code but there's been little to nothing done about the users that refuse to read the rules and integrate. Even back then there was so much more of a community with the influx of fanart. I just hope there's a townhall at some point to seriously discuss the change in post-quality and new generation of users, because the feeling is undeniable reading threads from a few years ago. I'm not denying the improvements, the visual changes are good to see, it's nice to have faster-moving threads, and I do notice the newfags that carve themselves a comfy enclave integrating. I just hope we return to the cozy LC at some point in the future, but it is looking bleak. It's just, what happened?
No. 86050
File: 1731732282481.jpg (66.1 KB, 1080x539, 1000023895.jpg)

>>86049Random in topic comments abbout reddit drama and
nonnie fanart compliments, nothing controversial, I get banned immediately after without getting any redtext. Already appealed once, managed to do one post after that and then got banned again. Right now am in my not-banned era but who knows when I'll get banned of the ban
trigger isn't corrected
No. 86051
File: 1731743015464.png (234.82 KB, 1187x667, 6 month schizo.png)

Can you ban the retards encouraging the annoying schizo baiter from the art thread? he's a known cow on /ic/ for always pulling this shit and the mouth breaters keep encouraging him to shit up the thread. He's been doing this since at least 2020. Newfags are so fucking retarded. He's known as ''6 month schizo'', genuinely mentally ill individual.
No. 86060
File: 1731780336016.jpg (284.63 KB, 1080x2176, Screenshot_20241116_105822_Fir…)

This is the most retarded ban I've ever gotten, and it's absurdly long for some reason (4 weeks, seriously?) I didn't know that the anon I replied to was a personalityfag from /ic/, so I gave them genuine art advice, which is what the thread is for. Even if the person I replied to was baiting, it's genuine advice anyone could benefit from. I don't understand why my post was deleted, either. Did someone report me thinking I was the personalityfag? Because the "meds" redtext seems to imply that.
No. 86087
File: 1731866288007.jpeg (108.85 KB, 828x285, IMG_6242.jpeg)

For months now in the art-themed threads there's been an anon or anons with a masive vendetta against some chinese artist, it's getting annoying
No. 86088
>>86087Tbf the anons saying that blatant
toddlercon porn is "just innocent chibi style drawings" are actually pants-on-head retarded kek. I don't care about this infight at all it's annoying.
No. 86090
File: 1731873636209.gif (55.45 KB, 180x135, wiggle.gif)

Is there a rule against accusing other anons of being TiF "eggs" or future TiFs? If not, I feel like there ought to be.
No. 86100
File: 1731941322607.jpg (20.9 KB, 1765x107, male.JPG)

Ugly men psyop thread yet again, newfags and moids really love this board. There's one particular poster that doesn't care to integrate, types like a child and doesn't put spaces in between her commas and is unapologetic about defending ugly men.
Also there's a definite scrote trying to be incognito comparing tall men to furry/anthro fetishes because that's obviously how women talk.
>>86077now it's derailed to height
No. 86110
The new jirai kei thread is shit with no caps and made by newfags. This new OP for "next thread" when we are 36 posts in makes no sense to even post when you're censoring words like "trans" in the OP bio.
>>>/w/338859 Stop allowing these children to make threads and not post caps at all.
No. 86124
File: 1732038754651.jpeg (231.91 KB, 669x467, D64DB1F5-6044-435B-8ECD-96AA29…)

Can you ban this unsubtle troll in the ugly man psyops thread?
No. 86132
File: 1732047598248.jpg (354.96 KB, 961x913, 1.jpg)

i don't understand why i got this? i haven't even been banned for anything recently. i use a vpn to post but that's allowed?
No. 86141
>>86114Am the one that got banned for pointing out the obvious man, learned my lesson to never go there again
>>>/ot/2265690>>86131sucks, they should be reading the aggressive demanding tone men have for shoving bs down women's throat vs. just adding another POV,
the threshold for scrotefoiling should be high but paranoids abuse that shit
No. 86159
File: 1732134183064.png (601.35 KB, 720x1436, japan.png)

This thread looked interesting even if it wasn't milk based, it deserves to live in /ot/ or /2X/, can't you move it? Or I hope someone remakes it. Just give me a signal and I'll remake it even
No. 86167
>>86166>Comes to meta to sperg about being boolied>Spergs about being boolied in Fandom discourse>Makes a "Yuricoomer" vendettafag thread to own da himesYeah, sure,
we're the obssessed ones kekkkkk keep shlicking it to mpreg
No. 86168
>>86167Ik the thread was originally made to shade himejoshis, but I would appreciate genuine conversation about the tranny blight ruining himejoshi spaces and making us look like speregy retards when they are the ones showing off male behaviour chimping out when people dont create content for their whims.
True Himejoshis avoid discourse and create their own content that makes them happy, its shitty tranny tourists that give us a bad name and it must be brought up.
No. 86174
>>86172Yeah, and it also invites moids to sperg about the "TIM vs
TERF infights", you tard. Fujospeds don't deserve a "containment zone", they need to be banned like kpopfags.
>at least fujos have leverage against them for sperging outside containment tooThey really don't, nobody would've started sperging about fujos if the fujos weren't the first to break containment and colonize multiple threads with their retardation and infights
No. 86176
File: 1732151849358.jpg (26.73 KB, 620x348, i4qky.jpg)

cp in /m/
No. 86178
File: 1732151952733.jpg (158.09 KB, 934x458, Screenshot_20241120_221730_Chr…)

>>86175Didn't even need to check the threadpic for that, they've been openly seething in Fandom discourse about it KEK
>It's SO not fair we get banned for infighting like everyone else!!1 No. 86180
>>86179rules for thee not for me ig
>I'd ban all anime if it was in my powerat least we can come into an agreement on something but we both know that will never happen.
No. 86195
File: 1732158652340.jpg (82.66 KB, 544x680, GIGpU_oboAAmDE2.jpg)

reopen the chappell roan /snow/ thread. no particular reason i just want it and miss it
No. 86198
File: 1732160614045.jpeg (323.99 KB, 1179x896, IMG_2418.jpeg)

Retarded ban. Why are mods unironic tumblr tier snowflakes?
No. 86201
File: 1732162272874.png (23.19 KB, 340x248, 1724889033261.png)

why cant we all just get along and sing kumbaya
No. 86204
File: 1732162825809.png (1.3 MB, 2000x1897, 1716323508793.png)

No. 86219
File: 1732177296672.jpg (31.45 KB, 1127x130, ui75.jpg)

The fujospammer has admitted that she derails threads for shit and giggles. Just letting the mods know.
No. 86223
File: 1732186789899.jpg (25.35 KB, 459x457, OIP (47).jpg)

>>86222>The yurihime and fujocringe threads are not going to help contain this, mark my words, it is only going to encourage everyone to act say the infighting has already begun, this shits so fucking boring, whats next? himejoshi vs fujo vs straights vs mecha?
No. 86233
>>86232Here, I'll link all the posts in the fujocoomer thread that are about troons for you
>>>/ot/2270412>>>/ot/2270423>>>/ot/2270317>>>/ot/2270316>>>/ot/2270308>>>/ot/2270294>>>/ot/2270291>>>/ot/2270285>>>/ot/2270272okay nevermind linking all would take too much time. farmhands just are blind apparently
No. 86248
Admins need to take care of the retards shitting up /ot/. It's been going on for days.
One or two retarded yumespergs keep shitting up the yumecringe thread and posting infight bait across the board.
>>>/ot/2270367>>>/ot/2270438>>>/ot/2270440This is an incredibly small sample. She is also dragging her retardation into other threads
>>>/ot/2270444This is the unpopular opinions thread, posted within minutes of her screeching. There were even more yesterday.
Does farmhand do anything? No. Instead of banning this sped, she threatens to shut the thread down
>>>/ot/2270448>90% of the posts are about troonsA bold and stunning claim. Four posts later, she decisively shuts the thread down
>>>/ot/2270463and had previously threatened to shut it down multiple times before
>>>/ot/2269873>>>/ot/2269937>"if this thread ends up being pointless we will lock it"How is an active thread getting sabotaged by some tard the farmhand won't ban "pointless"?
Also see post by anon
>>86233 compiling all the tranny posting in fujocringe thread.
I realize this is late because I'm posting from phone, but somebody get this powertripping fag out of here already. ENOUGH.
No. 86255
File: 1732190968423.jpg (89.85 KB, 720x540, go_outside.jpg)

>this entire argument
No. 86257
File: 1732191056255.png (134.96 KB, 611x428, dsfadsggfdfasfds.png)

>>86251not only that but they post the yaoi version of tranny yurishit(TIFxman) and they dont get banned for it either even thought it would count as straight and therefor not yaoi.
>>86253> there are a lot of posts in the fujocoomer thread that are about TIFs, but there is other contentKEK literally all of the lattest posts in that thread are about TIFs. Also, again why cant we make fun of men? I personally only posted cringe featuring yurifag women(itou hachi, ume aoki, morinaga milk) but apparently none of it matters since yurifags will scream ''ummm proof its a real woman??''
No. 86258
>>86253It had multiple examples of genuine authors speaking on how they are wonen who like yuri lolicon, including those involved with mainstream yuri properties.
Just because spammers refuse to admit they are women does not mean they're men.
No. 86262
>>86253>We spent a significant amount of time banning and deleting in the yuricoomer thread so that it had space to exist without yumes derailing it.Okay so you're just going to give up because some ban evaders keep derailing? Great. What are you even here for then?
>ctrl+FTIF in the fujocoomer thread shows up 39 times, FTM 39 times, tranny 17 times, troon 14 times, MTF 11 times. thats not to mention all the images that just post troons and fakebois. TIFs are the main thing they talk about. Meanwhile you ban the yurifag thread for derailing.
No. 86264
>>86253>WeCan anons have ANY farmhand except the sped yumefags. Is anybody else online.
It's also retarded to imply the thread was redundant. Nobody in the gender ideology hate thread wants it filled with fandom posts. These screenshots would not be considered milk in /snow/. The posts were on topic for the thread, and not all of them were about men. We have a vent thread, get it off your chest, unpopular opinions, confessions, and probably 5 other more that could be considered similar. But I don't see you chimping out about those.
No. 86266
File: 1732191547004.jpeg (426.68 KB, 945x2048, 1732187990550.jpeg)

fagmins are depriving us of prime milk like this, fuck you faggots
No. 86271
This argument is gay but if you are going to ban one you should also ban the other. Otherwise you are just harboring suspicions of MTF troon favoritism on staff.
Reply to this, Farmhand. This is literally just a subsect of posts talking about troons in the fujocoomer thread.
>>>/meta/86233 I could easily find more by just scrolling.
No. 86274
File: 1732191772809.jpg (45.94 KB, 743x521, 1732188591179.jpg)

>>86269Your 'fanbase' is majority moids, including transbians.
No. 86280
>>86271literally even MTFs talking about how much they like yaoi get posted in the fujocoomer thread
>>>/ot/2270262>>>/ot/2270259>>>/ot/2270258>>>/ot/2270254>>>/ot/2270252and more about TIFs
>>>/ot/2270178>>>/ot/2248311>>>/ot/2195255>>>/ot/2179839>>>/ot/2166905>>>/ot/2166897>>>/ot/2166889kek farmhands please even scroll through the fujocoomer thread for one second
No. 86282
>>86273you're literally glorifying pedophiles, faghag.
If you wanted to keep the thread alive, you would've posted actual women instead of gazzilion TiM screenshots from troondit.
>b-b-but fujocoomer also has tranniestifs are women FYI, just like other fujos. All women in your fandom trooned out and that's all you have. XYs are still male and can't be a himejo
No. 86284
File: 1732192115349.png (115.46 KB, 588x278, yuripedo.png)

>>86269Isn't the yuripedo a straight women too?
No. 86285
>>86278I love the hypocrisy. All yuri content creators, even the most degen ones who do stuff like
>>>/ot/2270360 should be assumed to be female unless from now on.
No. 86297
>>86287Okay but why is it okay for the fujocoomers to post both genders of troons as part of fujo cringe and not get banned for derailing about troons, but doing the same in the yurifag thread gets it banned? Doesn't make sense at all.
>>86293It's not about not being allowed to hate trannies it's about the clear double standard between the thread. Just scroll up and see where I linked the main posts in the fujocoomer thread being about troons
No. 86300
File: 1732192601847.jpg (127.48 KB, 1268x277, blog.jpg)

>>86253>really do not need another thread dedicated to TIMsSo how exactly the invasion of the trans ideology into yuri spaces BY women and FOR women (like Anime Feminist) is having a thread 'dedicated to TIMs'? Hitting to close to home, eh, janny?
No. 86311
File: 1732193074480.jpg (42.31 KB, 583x257, lolcow.jpg)

>>86302>this isn't le epic based feminist website everyone likes to pretend it isSacred of Elliot Fong and his little 'anti-hate' crusade now?
>>>/snow/2058700You know what makes a feminist website? The userbase being 95% female. That's it.
No. 86312
>>86302To be fair to them, there was so much infighting and yumefagging the previous posts were not immediately apparent. Take note of the mass deletion of infight deleted in the first half of the thread.
>>86304>>86307Am I the only one who remembers these faggots breaking containment to sperg out in the fujo threads in /m/ all the time? Around a year ago?
No. 86324
File: 1732193550270.jpg (498.73 KB, 1080x1745, 1732190251776.jpg)

>>>/ot/2270477 got locked as well for??? Making fun of yuri creators/reviewers for embracing trannies in yuri?
>>86318The mods don't want terminally online transbians to raid lolcow in retaliation. Cowards.
No. 86325
>>86321this is so unreasonable. janny posts here with warning that trannies shouldn't be posted
>>>/ot/2270448then FOUR posts later the thread gets locked
>>>/ot/2270463 "she" didn't give people time to even read her post kek and just sperged because she was mad that anons replied to her calling her out on her bullshit
No. 86327
File: 1732193731772.jpg (39.78 KB, 646x264, IMG_20241121_175446_134.jpg)

>>86322Fujos literally jerk off to little boys, stop pretending that majority of yaoi readers are not pedophiles
No. 86328
File: 1732193758857.jpg (14.65 KB, 738x43, fandom.jpg)

some female yurifans open their arms wide to
trans and this can be milky - so certain milk coming from women is not allowed either? See
>>>/ot/2270494>>>/ot/2270479>>>/ot/2270465>>>/ot/2270399 No. 86331
>>86323Why not just post them here
>>>/snow/2056155 ? We don't need to many threads about troons, the posts can go in the general thread. And obviously there's not enough milk from women to sustain a thread. So there's no need for yurifag cringe thread.
No. 86334
File: 1732193953596.png (283.03 KB, 2460x370, cxzxzczxczxc.png)

So, antifujo fags get to have TWO threads to sperg about fujos. Both the fujocoomer thread and the TIF threads, but anti yurifags cant have one?
No. 86336
>>86329Samefag, but look at how she can't stop herself from posting.
>>86274>>86279>>86327She can't even stay on topic, she MUST repeat herself endlessly to nobody. She is unwell I think.
No. 86340
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i counted the amount of mentions of fujos and yaoi from the last TIF thread, but we cant have a single thread bashing yuritroons?
No. 86350
>>86342Do you see what I mean.
>"None of these anons are me fujotard" >assumes I am talking to her through her screenI'm sorry you're so obsessed with fujos it has rotted your brain. I'm not even in this for the fujos or the yumes or whatever a hime is. I just want you to shut the fuck up and stop spamming your schizophrenia.
No. 86366
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>>86327And yuri mangaka use photos of actual little girls to draw their loli porn.
No. 86372
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The mods allowed the discussion of the 'trans kid on the sports team' episode in the Fandom Discourse thread, never complaining that it's 'discussion of trans ideology outside of containment'.
>>>/ot/2262879It was apparently okay. But rules for thee etc.
No. 86376
>>86370Similarly much of the shit from this
>>86327 has been drawn by scrotes.
No. 86378
>>86366Good milk.
>>86375There is plenty of milk to drink from twitter creators in general. Why are you so defensive?
No. 86392
>>86384The thread was alive for a single evening. How were they meant to ppst quality cows in 13 hours. Check the timestamp on the first post
>>>/ot/2269380And it's an /ot/ thread, cows aren't a requirement like on other boards.
No. 86393
>>86390>Most gay porn(which yaoi is) is also massively consumed by gay mengay porn for gay men and gay porn for women look nothing alike, there is reason why gay men had to invent bara. Yuri drawn by men and yuri drawn by women look exactly the same.
>so posting straight men in himejo wouldn't make any sense.Maybe if you actually bothered to read you would have noticed the OP mentions men larping as himejoshis(tims) in the OP. The thread without himejoshis in the title also got locked, so its clear himefags just dont want anyone talking shit about their coom.
No. 86398
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>>86391Perhaps you should actually read the threads and see for yourself? You're so lazy, holy shit. I'm not spoonfeeding you next time.
>>>/ot/2269455>>>/ot/2269488>>>/ot/2269736>>>/ot/2269747>>>/ot/2269787>>>/ot/2270082>>>/ot/2270301 No. 86416
>>86411its not derailing if most yuri fans are men
>>86412we didnt even have time to find cows the thread didnt last a fucking day, the fujocoomer also doesnt have cows(because its an ot thread, newfags) and its unlocked
No. 86421
>>86414Imagine getting this mad at people
not bashing women for once.
No. 86423
>>86410I agree. However, I think the problem here is that the thread was missing the important foundations of what makes a good community milk thread
>two to three cows that are active and producing milk>plenty of general bufferposts that showcase cringey behavior on the topic >safeguards against shitpost meltdown derailmentsTo be fair, I think we were fine on the 2nd aspect because I would've been fine pointing out the cowish and cringe behavior from trannies into yuri but since we have the MtF thread I can see why the farmhands shut it down. Though, I partially feel this and the last month or so has made me realize the futility of cow threads about fandom in general and it's depressing to notice.
No. 86441
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what the hell is happening right now and why has this gone on for hours
No. 86444
>>86426I keep saying this, but it's like arguing with moids. They don't care and talk over you.
>>86427That's okay anon, I love you anyways
It's so dumb because you don't see the shitbull, reddit, youtube hate, or other threads on /ot/ held to this standard. And who gives a fuck if it's filled with "annoying fandom drama"? I'll say it slowly: That's… the point… of the thread…
>>86441Admins are at their jobs like a bunch of wagecucks, can't come save us from multi-board meltdowns and retarded farmhand. Sad!
No. 86447
>>86445>evil yuripedos baited the thread to get it locked!!this literally happened, like half the posts are gone because they were made by yuripedo
> Be grateful your retarded infight thread to call all dykes predatory lasted as long as it did, it was milkless.literally no one was talking about lesbians, yurifags just dont like any form of criticism and they take it all personal. Whiny babies.
No. 86449
>>86447No, you retards locked your own thread with your stupidity. Farmhands specifically locked it for being milkless and just posting troons. Take the L.
>literally no one was talking about lesbiansIt barely took like 2-4 hours for fujospeds to start sperging about "evil predatory butches dating young fems" they knew irl and how "women are already sexualized by moids, the last thing i wanna hear is a WOMAN talking about someone's soft tits! disgusting!!!" kek don't play
No. 86453
>>86450Because FTMS are still women and thus fit into the definition of fujo. MTFs are
NOT women, and thus DONT fit into the definition of hime aka FEMALE yuri fan. I swear shlicking it to pedophilia and pregnant moids is making you bitches braindead.
No. 86462
>>86451mods are explicitly picking a side in the eternal yuri vs yaoi debage, simple as
you will shit on fujos and you will like it
No. 86473
>>86471Like this >>2270684
>the yurifag threads got locked!!!!Ok then post about it in fujo vs anti-fujo thread instead of turning the fandom thread into the sperg about mods and the fujos are the most oppressed group on lolcow thread
No. 86486
>>86478You're so delusional KEK your thread was
HIME cringe… Of course you're expected to post actual female yuri fans instead of making it into MTF cringe part 2, you tard. You couldve shat on female yuritards, but you didn't because there's not nearly enough milk on them to warrant a thread.
>>86484Well, fujos are the only ones assmad here. And the lesbophobic label you earned by yourself by sperging about le evil predatory irl butches kek
No. 86488
>>86486from the op of the thread
>TIM 'transfem lesbian' himejoshis: AKA heterosexual male just cant read, the thread also says YURICOOMER which applies to moids
>You couldve shat on female yuritards, but you didn't because there's not nearly enough milk on them to warrant a thread.the thread wasnt even allowed to exist for a fucking day and we still talked about 6 female himejoshis, but thats not enough for you
>And the lesbophobic label you earned by yourself by sperging about le evil predatory irl butches kekoh, so you do accept one single example when its in favour of your argument? meanwhile if we post yuri lolipedo coomer examples 5 isnt enough.
No. 86502
File: 1732205376091.jpg (50.27 KB, 606x203, ot.jpg)

>>86495>you're overwriting the site's rulesPosting about trannies is not banned anywhere on lolcow. /ot/ threads do not require to have milk to exist. Here: about a thread you do not like instead of hiding it IS BANABLE THOUGH.
No. 86518
>>86502Being purposefully obtuse only makes you look more retarded. The issue isn't "trannies being banned on LC" you retard, that's obvious. You're not supposed to make duplicate threads for topics that already have their designated ones.
>Sperging about a thread you do not like instead of hiding it IS BANABLE THOUGHSo there you have it. Shouldn't have made it so obvious you were sperging about himes making a fujocoomer thread
>>86505No, you were just blatantly lesbophobic, not even talking about himes but "perverted predatory butches" you knew irl.
No. 86527
>>86515I want to point out the reason we're all here is because weirdo fujospergs were baiting, infighting, and shitting up the yurifag cringe thread. A farmhand deleted a bunch of their bait posts, and mostly their posts. Looking at the leftover redtexts and post from farmhand confirms the antifujo dweebs were shitting up the thread en masse.
>>>/ot/2269873Now this morning nobody is getting banned for obvious bait, farmhand locks the thread for breaking a rule that doesn't exist in /ot/, and these anons aren't getting banned for continuing their infights in other threads, across multiple boards.
Yeah the stupid fags shitting up fandom discord are irritating, but pretending the thread wasn't locked by a vindictive yume is dorky.
Even when we're trying to talk about solutions or board culture, they can't stop reeeing over fujos in here
At the very least I'd like to see cerbmin metaphorically beat the rogue farmhand with a bar of soap in a sock.
No. 86530
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Giving birth to the very first Fandom Discourse thread is perhaps the greatest and worst thing I have ever done on the internet. If it ends up being the straw that breaks the Farmhands' back then… what can I say. It was nice knowing you nonas.
No. 86532
>>86531When are they not entitled or acting like
No. 86537
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>>86530We can't have a nice place with the kind of mods we have around. The admin is forever absent.
No. 86540
>>86539To be fair, the only
DESTROYERS OF WORLDS here are the mods and their obscure agenda. Everything would have been fine if they kept all threads open and just moderated them properly. But no, their feelings got hurt and they can't stand the idea of nonas milking yurifags (of either sex) for laughs. Really makes you think.
No. 86550
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>>86541>how it feels to watch this thread as an unaffected observerIt's honestly insane that there's this much ass hurt over anime porn.
No. 86552
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>>86549are you illiterate, there was only one warning and the fagmin closed the thread 4 posts after. The first two warnings are warning yurifags to stop shitting the thread.
No. 86553
>>86552At this rate we'll never see any peace from them until cerbmin comes back and bans them all for turbo autism. The reading comprehension on this site is abysmal. You and I both know this.
Honestly, I think its worse lately bc we have a bunch of new twitterfags coming over post-election.
No. 86558
>>86530Actually /m/ has plenty of fandom threads - not every fandom discussion has to congregate in one place.
Fandoms: Before and After
>>>/m/426267Western/Adult Animation
>>>/m/189358>>>/m/272624Characters gayswashed by fandoms/media
>>>/m/200306Characters transwashed by fandoms/media
>>>/m/324512Female characters in media
>>>/m/271969Fandom interpretations you hate
>>>/m/159020Characters ruined by fandoms
>>>/m/351019Comic books
>>>/m/401722Sexism and Videogames
>>>/m/368628Game threads for every popular game + video game general
It's not over!
No. 86560
>>86556>no milkFor the 1000th time - /ot/ is not a lolcow board. Threads there don't require milk to go on. Plus if you wanted milk, there are plenty of examples of it posted in this thread. If you can't laugh at it - it's not milk? It's a tranny logic. Only a transbian would feel offended.
>shit threadBecause the topic
triggers you?
>spamBy your logic the whole site should be locked, because spam happens here and there all the time.
>repetitive derailingHow is being on topic derailing?
>off topic postingWhich posts were off topic?
No. 86564
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No. 86567
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No. 86568
>>86567>>86564the irony of the massive infight shit fling happening not long after "love letter to fangirls" comic was posted here kek.
we'll never have fangirl solidarity if we tear each other down for being a little cringe…
No. 86574
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I support the notion of a himejocoomer thread but let the yurifags post since you all dorks know fuck nothing about himejo cows, you clearly need help to find the milk.
No. 86576
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As a fujoshi who enjoys certain yuri pairings out of compelling dynamics rather than attraction, this entire fiasco has left such a bad taste in my mouth that I never want to post yuri fanart again. It's a shame because I genuinely enjoy those ships, and I post art that himes clearly enjoy as well (5-10k likes on average, majority non-troon), but what's the point in slaving away hours to create for an audience who secretly despise me? I've experienced some anxiety about this in the past, but everything I've seen today has confirmed my worst fears. I won't be posting my yuri art publicly anymore. Sorry to any friendly kiamei, yaemiko, or caitvi enjoyers. I just can't deal with the drama.
No. 86577
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>>86574Please tell me you only posted this as an example of milk.
No. 86578
>>86455>>86552If the yurifag thread was milkless, don't see why the fujocoomer threads aren't as well. The second one, made specifically to avoid this bullshit, has gone unused for 3 months because yurifags use the fandom thread instead.
The fujocoomer thread, before they started posting because of the yuri thread, was dead for a week and then a week before that. Wher's the milk? In the fandom discourse thread?
No. 86580
>>86574Asian Himejo milk is crazy in its unique way. its not milky the same way fujo milk is, but its intriguing to hear about Yuri authors actually having hookups with fans/other authors and getting into catfights when they get caught in it.
I hope himejoshis can laugh about the crazies in their circles the same way fujoshis ridicule tif larpers in their own, it doesnt have to be a vendetta thread.
>>86576Dont start with this, yurifags on this site are goldstar lesbians that would happily gatekeep yuri from other fans because they dont want it to get "tainted". Just keep enjoying what you do and dont let 3 undesirables stop you from your hobbies
No. 86583
>>86577>>86579I want to know more. How was the reception of the incest anthology on social media?
>trap and tried to pass it off as oneloliEven actual yuri creators can't escape the transbian creep kek.
No. 86588
>>86586>>86587I've made a thread on /m/:
>>>/m/434062Let's share the lunacy!
No. 86591
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reminder for lc fujos to please just use fujochan's threads if you want to vent about antifujo rhetoric by himes. You have an entire site prime for discussion and derailers/WK wont be inclined to visit a site filled butt sex anyways so its safe there. Its better to give antifujos their threads here since we have the luxury of an entire site, as slow as it may be, to be openly spergey and free.
No. 86595
>>86593You are welcome to create an anti-yuri thread if mods allow it, though picrel is an anti-fujo thread
only and not a anti vs pro fujo greyzone like LC allows. Imo theres not enough hime cringe from actual women to warrant its own thread aside from LC gold star schizos and PC western polilezes and the only "milk" from the yuri cringe thread is clearly anti-fujo vendettas that happened to be from himes anyways.
No. 86600
>>86591Kek remember when lc wanted to bunk there and then were told to leave?
Ngl, it makes a lot more sense now.
No. 86607
>>85497>>85672i have to ask, is this what happens when you "take it to meta"? absolutely nothing? i've come in here many times complaining about the state of celebricows and how it's been unreadable for ages. somehow i copped a ban for something i wasn't even doing, meanwhile all the retards are sperging in there still. it's a lost cause at this point and i'm not gonna report every post in there when it really is just about every post. endless multiple back-and-forths of unreadable sperging that clogs up the thread. i said "i agree" to one anon, in one single post in the middle of actual sperging and i got banned for "lanafag" sperging when i clearly wasn't. it was probably an actual lanafag who reported my post and got upset because i called her music "mentally ill".
no ones getting banned in there lately and i really wonder how many of it is the same nonas shitting up the thread over sabrina (or whoever else), arguing for hours. mods please properly moderate the thread, it's a shithole in there and i'm not the only person who's come in here complaining about it
No. 86612
>>86607Yeah, it depends on if admins are online or a less mentally ill farmhand is available. The mod team is chronically understaffed so if they happen to all be offline at the same time… it's just a waiting game at that point. Celebcows sounds unbearable though, sorry for your shit ban kek. I feel like I saw it, did it get posted in the retarded bans thread?
>>86609Do you know why it was moved to /ot/ in the first place? I came back one day and it was just… there
No. 86617
>>86616op probably intended to have it as a
himejoshi cringe thread with insider milk of female fans and not a TIM coomer subreddit screencap thread (it constitutes as yuri cringe yes but thats low hanging fruit and we already have a multitude of TIM/AGP hate threads for that anyways) but her mistake was labelling it as
yuri fandom cringe so now anons use it as a loophole to derail it back into nitpicking moids, which is the banned topic.
No. 86619
>>86618this has been said so many fucking times, it is
not about the principle of a tranny creating the post, its about whether a female created the milk. TIFs are women, TIMS are not, end of story. The fujocoomer thread is primarily milk created by WOMEN whether they self identify outside of one or otherwise. You can point out the double standard that the fujocoomer threads never bring up TIMs larping as fujoshi since its a primarily female oriented hobby, but they dont because they know TIM hate is reserved for their respective threads.
And again, if you
need to vent about himejoshis you have the entirety of fucking fujochan to create a thread if you want this discussion without WKs
No. 86620
>>86614>>86615Thank you both, I appreciate the answers!
>>86617>>86619>nitpicking moids is a banned topicI'm sorry but where? Can you expand on what it is you're insisting is the banned topic or rule break? Can you tell me what the anons did wrong?
I find it interesting that you consider posting screenshots of retardation "nitpicking". Why isn't what anons post in fujocoomer thread considered the same? I am trying to understand you here.
No. 86634
>>86633>If celebricows was in snow people would stop derailing to nitpick women’s looks or get banned for it like what happens in the anachan threadThe brief time it got moved there (around 2020 when burritomin temporarily closed /ot/) the nitpicking somehow got
worse. I distinctly remember a fight over there about billie eyelash's breasts that went on for almost 2 days.
No. 86636
Is it possible to redtext this as a moid and I think it's been proven it's a cosplayer's ex who is posting in the cosplay thread on /w/ lol
>>>/w/339069 Guy didn't like his bluff being called and his caps made the cow catch him in the act if only her, him, and their respective lawyers have these legal documents lol
No. 86638
>>86619So we can make fun of women but not men? How based and radfem of you.
>And again, if you need to vent about himejoshis you have the entirety of fucking fujochan to create a thread if you want this discussion without WKsFujochan isn't a drama board. The only discourse threads are fujometa related, discussing yurifag milk isn't synonymous with "antifujos".
No. 86649
Some newfag has been infighting and shitting up the unpopular opinions thread with retarded posts.
>>>/ot/2272594>>>/ot/2272599Please clean the thread up, this is a fraction of her sperging.
No. 86654
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Not to beat a deadhorse but its sad people made the yuri cringe thread as a petty thread to own nonnies without making a good OP, because it would've been a good place to talk about gaylors and shit like this kek
No. 86655
>>86636>>>/w/339226 This is 100% her scrote. He's calling poster bro and refusing to answer questions by asking for caps of things that anons never claimed. Please mark everything he's posted so far as him if it is him. Even the cow herself mentioned yesterday that her ex got caught posting on a site and leaking their legal documents and she expresses who has them
>>>/w/339124 It all adds up. Especially the rabid defending of the moid when anons insult him.
No. 86657
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>>86647Because there is an abundance of fujocoomer cringe that isn't exclusively produced by tifs. When you find comparable cringe that isn't just a screenshot of a tranny subreddit post saying he wishes he was in a yuri relationship or disturbing porn you can sustain a yuricoomer thread then
No. 86661
>>86619>its about whether a female created the milkOh? Since when is Lolcow a site for discussing female subjects exclusively? There are threads for penis-havers on both /ot/ and /snow/:
>>>/snow/1391941Blaire White
triggered, troon.
No. 86670
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Newfags need to read the fucking rules. Why isn't this posting requirement shown at the top of the site? I know there's a link to the rules, but there needs to be a big message in red so the TikTok and Twitter retards won't miss it.
No. 86674
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>>86671Thing is, this isn't a one-off incident. In the past few days, I've seen several posts like that, with unembedded video links and a comment by the poster subtly begging to be spoonfed on how to embed the video.
This is the level of newfag we're dealing with, btw.
No. 86683
>>86678>>86669Another day and another time this reminder needs to be posted because don't feed the troll is too much of a high IQ concept for newfags.
Nothing good comes from scrotefoiling even if it is an actual moid. Men come here for female attention and by calling them out instead of reporting and ignoring, you are giving it the attention it wants and are actively encouraging it to come back and shit up the site again.
By reporting and ignoring, you are informing the farmhands which can then ban the moid and by ignoring it you are depriving it of the female attention it's looking for. If the moid doesn't get what it wants, it's far less likely to come back.
No. 86689
>>86683I KNOW theres no need to be so condescending all I said was that it was annoying when moids think they could get away with shit like
>>86688 outlines. I said I also get why farmhands do this(which I agree with) but I get nonna's fustration over it. I always report moid posts and ignore, but when you have a rabid moid who's been posting for hours and not been banned because jannies are asleep I also understand why other posters dont. I can see both sides.
Rather than accuse others of being low IQ newfags how about you understand nuance and that some people get both sides of the argument.
No. 86690
File: 1732519058349.gif (2.49 MB, 480x480, cringe.gif)

please do something about the vendettafag in /snow/'s ftm thread before i die of second-hand embarassment
No. 86693
>>86688Why are zoomers so fragile and stupid.
We used to have a lot less problems when it was just ignore and report instead of No, you're a moid! Moids everywhere!
Who gives a fuck if they think they're being anon on an anon imageboard.
No. 86712
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>>86710hard to just ignore it when the while thread is taken iver by people postung every two minutes about trying to find where she lives or spamming screencaps of random tumblr posts.
if she's so milky just guve the attention whore her own thread so the rest of us can post about other tifs without slogging through 10000 posts about bus routes.
No. 86725
>>86721Can you retards stop misusing wk? people rightfully complaining about you shitting up a thread with non-milk and walls of vendettafagging tranfiction is nowhere near the same as defending a cow.
>>86724Oh look, the newfag tranny sperg finally figured out how to find meta. They deleted it because you're a retard and it wasn't milk, you're welcome
No. 86728
>>86726I feel that. Tbh I'm a fujo and never mention it on here because anons will take it as if I'm a tif or something or act like I hate women for some reason. Reality is I'm extremely feminine and you would never assume I read it if you saw me irl. I just don't engage in any of the discussion about it because it starts to feel like it's just young teens arguing over it being "
problematic" or whatever the fuck.
No. 86729
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>>86728>it starts to feel like it's just young teens arguing over it being "problematic" or whatever the fuck.It is unironically these types of people shitting up the site. Remember that next time you see the most retarded take on earth.
No. 86732
the cp spamming tranny is tinfoiling about whiteglove in the TIF thread instead of her own thread
>>>/snow/2060807i think it's the tranny because he specifically said "naw," his prose, and the way he insisted people who keep up with her lore are "new" for not buying his tinfoil.
No. 86740
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>>86726>almost a week and fujocoomers are still seething When will you spergs learn to let it go
No. 86746
>>86735>it was never about yuri vs yaoiDamn, it's almost as if we've been telling you from day 1 that many of us aren't even himes or yumes and just tired of your retarded tranny-tier sodomite obsession being shoved everywhere only to act like the world's biggest
victim after people tell you to fuck off and stick to your threads kek. You're the one's who assumed every fujo hater simply
HAD to be a filthy lesbo/yume
femcel as a cope. How are you still sperging about this?
No. 86754
We got a bunch of underage kids in the jirai and fashion threads on w. It's so obvious it hurts. Here's one roleplaying actions as they type "eyeroll". Bad enough these kids come up with pedo tinfoils constantly.
>>>/w/339404 Anime girls, who don't look like children, with big tits = lolicon now apparently.
No. 86755
>>86752Farmhands ignoring them despite the incessant sperging and
victim cosplay is what makes it funny tbh
No. 86756
File: 1732643071292.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.41 MB, 1170x1728, 1000029676.jpg)

>>86754…anon, I think you're being a bit obtuse if you can't see why picrel is raising lolicon alarm bells for people. Especially the one on the right.
No. 86773
>>86772No, firstly because they hardly ever do that and secondly because they're not insufferable infighting derailing
victim complex retards about it.
No. 86776
>>86740Kek you only "won" the retard war because your cock hungry mod likes you personally. There's someone shitting on fujos every single day on unrelated boards, you throw the worst misogynistic insults at them just to turn around and go "b-but what about the woman characters!!", husbandofags don't stay in their lanes, the fujocoomer thread gets bumped once in a while with tranny talk (because it's just another tif thread) and yet you were shitting, pissing and crying when someone dared to talk about the poor yumecucks and the little girl lovers, and the mod who's a tranny closed several threads in the span of hours because "it's just another tranny thread" as if that were even an issue. People like you have the biggest
victim complex ever and you feel oppressed if someone isn't sucking your clit the moment you mention that you want to fuck cartoons or you want to see a girl cartoon fuck a man cartoon (and it's fine and based because a pussy is involved! If you think that's retarded you just hate women!). You have these schizo visions of fujos spamming the site with yaoi and cocks when you're the ones bringing fujos into every discussion ever. And please tranny mod, you still haven't explained why lolicon/oneeshota/yuri pedo shit aren't banned here while shota is, despite the fact that lolicon/oneeshota/yurupedo gets posted a lot more.
No. 86778
>>86754Like the one spak who keeps typing kawiwi every other post that there’s some sperg about
something something loli, it’s practically namefagging atp
No. 86782
>>86779Yeah except it’s blatantly the same poster recently sperging out across several threads about the same shit over and over.
>>86780Oh good heavens, a commonly used abbreviation