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No. 1539480
Have you found out that if you express anything about a cow inside their thread you get banned or dunked on? Well this is the thread for you!
Do you want to rant about how much you hate a cow without disrupting the thread? Go ahead!
Do you want to sympathize with the cow and talk about how it's not too late to change? Do it sister!
Do you want to talk about your life (blogpost) and compare it to the cow in question? Here's the place?
Express yourself etc. Have fun!
Post your pessimistic, optimistic, negative, controversial, rude, or relatable takes.
(Also this is not a thread to complain about threads, bans, or mods, do that on /meta/. However you can complain about the fanbase of the cow or the people who dislike the cow here.)
Previous thread:
>>1265906 No. 1540838
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No way that dude's 26
No. 1542928
>>1542528honestly i don't get why people aren't banned more for the constant nitpicking of her appearance when it was (or still is, i don't really check anymore) apart of the thread rules. i don't understand why we have to get 10,000+ screenshots of her derpy looking face when she fakes having an orgasm. why do we need more retarded close up shots of her blown out booty hole and dry crusty labia like we haven't already seen that shit a million times? i think it's weird because she has been doing the same two-three poses since she was skinny: laying on her back with her legs spread in the air like she's giving birth.
then if it isn't the obsessive nitpicking of her nether regions, it's the obsessing over her pets and wishing death on them…like damn what did the dog or the two cats do to you to make you hate them so much? i think that one evil anon finally left, the one who used to go psycho on people if you even mentioned noodle's name with any kind of concern for her or even just interest in where she was, since we had not seen any of her pets for a while. i really don't know what to say. i lurk in threads like shayna's every now and then just to see what she's up to. like venus she's just circling the drain, slowly pickling herself alive with drugs and alcohol. she hasn't done anything interesting since she was living in oklahoma and has clearly given up on herself so it's weird how people get attached to cows like her when she's clearly hit her peak milkiness. i kind of wished we had kept all her threads in /shay/ because i think having a hidden board dedicated to her and her autistic "fans" is really appropriate for her.
No. 1542981
>>1542848totally agree kek, I used to watch her for
"lifestyle porn" because I'd love to be a spoiled young girl wearing cute clothes but she's really fallen off in a lot of ways…
but she still dresses pretty cute a lot of the time, sorry anons.
No. 1543044
>>1542967>>1543029Most anons don't seem to get the guilt and low self-esteem part of BPD. Jill has never really shown the former in any sense (maybe the latter in a minor degree). Instead anons conflate BPD with narcissism when the two concepts are pretty different. People with BPD fear abandonment or betrayal and are very unstable emotionally. Jill might be fragile and lash out at people who appear to be attacking her, but that itself is not BPD. She doesn't really have extreme/rapid mood swings, and she only really cares about herself, which isn't usual for people with BPD. Ironically, she also lacks the self-reflection that a normal BPD-chan has which causes them to have extremely low self-esteem in the first place. I think Jill comes off as too stable/"normal" to have BPD. The fact that she's managed to not only stay but
live with Steve for several years without regular therapy is proof enough.
No. 1543156
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>>1543044not sure i entirely agree, newfag to jill's thread and shit tho
bpd can coexist with npd or high levels of narcissism, and she's also getting high all the time which mellows her out. she comes off like a relatively "quiet" bpd.
picrel is from Personality Disorders in Modern Life, 2nd edition
No. 1543164
>>1543156KEK There's no such thing as "quiet" BPD, that's made up shit for snowflakes who want to look special. Jill even used the same garbage term back in the day to justify to normies/farmers why she didn't present like a normal BPD-chan
She gets high all the time, but that is a contributory factor to her stuntedness; you can't divorce her behaviors from her drug use, which is why most psychiatrists don't diagnose junkies until they get off that shit.
And you can simply be a narcissist without having NPD or ZCY or whatever other retarded acronyms this new generation comes up for something ridiculous.
Not every personality flaw is a mental illness, jfc
No. 1543206
>>1543164>KEK There's no such thing as "quiet" BPD, that's made up shit for snowflakes who want to look special.i know, that's why i put it in quotes, retard
"quiet" bpd is just a type of bpd that's more well managed or less exaggerated/obvious
No. 1543217
>>1543206If you agree that it's fake, why bring it up at all,
You're only evincing that she doesn't have BPD (in which case, I agree).
No. 1543274
>>1543267>resorting to the "go back to twitter newfag"Typical of losers.
That anon is completely discrediting every other mental health professional about BPD having at least 4 different sub variants. Even your average online website that talks about BPD says so, it's common knowledge, only retarded anons like her think BPD is a monolith because they have never even touched the DSM. And this "there's no quiet bpd kek" stupidity is something I see being recited sitewide, passed on like gospel. How about you go educate yourself,
(infighting) No. 1543297
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>>1543274>>1543281>>1543285>>1543289>>1543293Holy fuck you retards it's not that deep. It's 3 AM over there and you're butthurt samefagging over some internet comments on a non-cow board which cease to exist as soon as you close the tab.
No. 1543307
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>>1543297take your meds and close the tab nonnita
No. 1543311
>>1543298>>1543307Yes, because it just so happens to be the slowest part of the day on the website for user activity, and there just so happens to be five different Pixiefags online at the same time who all descended upon the same thread, so that they could all respond to the same post, and so that all of their responses could virtually say the same thing, ALL made within 10 minutes of the previous post—and none of these people are the same person, of course.
Makes a lot of sense actually, coincidences happen all the time kek
/s(tone indicator) No. 1543328
>>1543319>>1543324Most farmers are North American so it doesn't matter what time it is for Europoors if they're all asleep kek
Now stop shitting up the thread with your autistic derailment
Anyways, I've been following this cow called Daniel Larson for the past month or so. I kinda wish he had a thread, but seeing the subreddit I know it would only attract more TikTokfags, but reddit also isn't a good place for archiving videos since admins have been getting pretty ban happy about snark subreddits
No. 1543450
>>1543328He has a thread on KF (like many other scrotoid cows…scrowtoids ?) and he seems to be a very interesting specimen, but unfortunately as you wrote, his following mainly consists of cowtipping tiktok retards and him having a thread on here would attract a ton of them.
It's a shame because it could bring a bit of variety in that sea of weebs, serial photoshopers and ~sex workers~
All in all, I wish we had more threads about scrotes, making fun of them would bring me so much joy.
No. 1545580
>>1545568Not trying to bone rattle
nonnie, but the average American woman is in fact overweight according to metrics used by medical profs. Personally I don’t consider people “fat” until they are far into the obese category cause I’m a Burger too, and most of the people I see everyday are either overweight or obese. So I see what you mean, I don’t consider Shayna fat I just consider her average American chubby. Only 1/3 of American women have a normal BMI, our food poisons us, I truly don’t blame most people for being overweight or see it as a character flaw and I think ragging on people for being overweight is anachan behavior. But also you gotta remember Shayna was a skinny bitch who would brag about being naturally skinny so that’s another reason anons keep bringing it up.
No. 1545743
I'm sorry shayna is fat, saying she's fat doesn't mean she's the biggest bitch in the world, also there's women her weight who don't look as fat because their fat is in different places.
I'm fat. I don't care if you have the same body type/weight as shay and don't think you are fat, it's not about you. You probably look great or dress better, but you aren't thin. No I'm not a ana chan or anything.
It's just facts, people should leave their feelings at the door when it comes to certain cows, comparing yourself to them for good or bad reasons is unhealthy.
If I saw a nona who was shaped like shayna in the wild, I wouldn't care or think you were fat, most people are fat especially in America. It's the context talking about Shays body isn't equal to yours. Even if you have the same issues, as long as you acting like shayna, nobody will care. Shaytards (self.included) are retards
No. 1545843
>>1545575Everyone in the whole world, and who has ever lived, has lolcow tendencies in some way, shape, or form. We just don't post it to the internet kek
>>1545568I don't normally call people fat. She's certainly overweight, and in some angles looks more typically 'fat' than in others, but she currently treads a fine line between being simply overweight to being obese. Nonetheless, I think that the weight sperging is the least nitpicky of the obsessively nitpicky things that Shaytards do. I'm glad that they got to have /shay/ to contain their shaytardation.
god I hate when lc picks and chooses when to keep something I posted and deleted in the comment box No. 1545920
>>1545875Except that's not what a lolcow is. You don't have to be a shitty person to be a lolcow, you just need to be funny (in a schadenfreude or eccentric way) and willing to document your life online. Hence the origin of the word—you milk "lols" out of a "lol"cow.
Either way, there are no cows on here that could be described as "having bad traits only" (not many people either), that's a very binary way of viewing things.
No. 1546003
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>>1545568>I'm heavier than her and I'd never consider myself fat…well thats your opinion nona. just like its their opinion that shes fat. if you think youre not fat thats fine for you but doesn't make it a real argument or even true at all.
also lurk more cause people bring it up because she posts her old photos all the time and the ballooning in less than 2 years is jarring. not even pixielocks got so fat so quick.
No. 1547662
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I'm tired of the art comentary comunity and I'm tired of Peaches. Not trying to a-log, but I genuine hope she gets Creepshow/Pentagrim-ed soon enough because this isn't funny anymore, it's just annoying.
No. 1548004
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i fucking love stefany/eloise threads. i know theres not a lot of posters and they often go quiet. but i just love that this spoiled chick from a rich family… who could be conventionally attractive (she has nice eyes and face shes just fat and gets ugly hair)… who could be in a nice school or a cushy job… yet ends up as the familys monumental fuck up. even with all odds with her shes still a loser with no job or career or even a non obese partner.
she would be my favorite cow if it wasnt for her animal abuse and hoarding honestly. its too rage inducing to see what she does to her pets/accesories. but other than that i love seeing someone with the easiest life ever end up in empty discords ebegging for amazon gifts. its like pixielocks if hse had gotten the good ending.
No. 1548747
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So Jill wants to live her life like this, huh. Her only goal in life is to get high and pretend she's suffering and traumatized every day, then upload videos seething that people don't believe her shitty larp. She's only gonna get fatter and angrier and lonelier from now on. I just can't believe someone would commit to something so retarded and purposeless. I wonder if in her rare moments of sobriety she ever feels any regret.
No. 1551009
>>1550917>>1550430>>1549850I knew it I knew it they're all camwhores
We had this discussion
>>1535994>>1536296>>1536302>>1536306>>1536424 (poor anon still in denial)
I love being right on the Internet
No. 1551762
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Sorry to schizoanon if a lot of this is wrong, most of it I've just picked up from hints on her posts on lolcow, 4chan, instagram and youtube. Her twitter got banned a few months ago so now I take what little information I can get. Thread she made on herself which was what made me start following her
>>>/snow/1669302I don't want to post this in the personal cows thread because she's not really a cow and there's not much to say anyways, the whole thing is pretty sad. Schizoanon, real name Gabriella is a schizo and is the person who's posted all the wordsalads you might have seen today in /ot/. She's in contact with her real parents and texts them sometimes but she's currently living in a foster home with who she calls "the Nigerians" and she really hates them (particularly one called Evelyn). I think she has a problem with things being unclean (even when she was living in her parent's house she hated things being dirty) and has arguments with Evelyn over the house, especially the food, etc being dirty, she's recorded those and posted them on her youtube She's been posting on lolcow and 4chan (/x/ mainly, sometimes /jp/) for almost a year and has an endless cycle of schizopost - ban - unban - schizopost - ban, she's probably been banned upwards of a dozen times on both imageboards. I really wish she could safely post on lolcow but every time she's unbanned she posts her wordsalads to 10 different threads. Nonnies who see posts similar to the one above should know to ignore it because it's schizoanon/Gabriella. I just wish she would get better, even in a foster home it's clear nothing has improved mentally.
reposted to remove photos of her, I don't want to invade her privacy No. 1554001
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Hila Klein looks like a tranny
She was cute a few years ago with her natural dark haircolor but this is just embarassing
No. 1554005
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>>1554002Yeah, insta scrotes are disgusting, I took the cap from the h3h3 thread
>>1554003Yeah, but she also needs to stop giving the death stare in pics
No. 1554021
>>1554016She does here tbh
>>1554005Personally I like how striking her eyes are.
The yellow hair and outfit is a huge no for her. Massive, colossal no.
No. 1554030
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>>1554023Kinda looks like a flat Amy Winehouse
No. 1554037
>>1554033To be clear I have nothing against MENA features (I'm from the balkans) I'm just sometimes a
toxic woman and like shitting on annoying internet personalities
No. 1554138
>>1554023She looks pretty here, living with her porn sick husband really aged her.
>>1554037>I'm from the balkansWhat does that have to do with anything?
No. 1554146
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>>1554141There is this autist on twitter who is obsessed with a narrative where Ethan and Hila divorce, if you check the account he has photoshopped and made multiple fake images lol
He says in his description how he posts parody but he has weird subjects like idubbbz being into "semen retention"
No. 1554376
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>>1554149>>1554140Another anon from the Balkans here, the first thing I thought about after seeing
>>1554005 is that it reminds me of Emperor Justinian (yes that was literally my first thought, sorry about how my brain works)
The eyes are obviously similar, but also the nose and chin, maybe even more evident here
>>1554023It's a certain type that can be found in both regions
No. 1554810
>>1554481>>1554741I am a woman and I want my right to chuckle at shayna's necrotit and fat body. The anons who think she has no clit are annoying, the anons who post really creepy nsfl (mayochup) stuff make me sick.
I do not want to see her in fetish gear and a diaper, but I think nonnies are too strict about insulting other women, sometimes it just feels good to be a little bit shallow. I wouldn't do that in real life, but online I can send some words into the void, I would also never wish harm on illness on anyone.
No. 1554820
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>>1554814I mean, they're kiwifags, they probably look like picrel so they have low or no standards
No. 1556042
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Some of the nonnas on the Pixielocks thread I genuinely wish I could personally thank for saving and posting Jill's glaring contradictions. It brings me comfort knowing just how many people do not fall for her bullshit (and the non lolcow users that end up on the thread that jill deletes) Just wish the thread wasnt such a shitshow sometimes with the dumbest infighting. It is kind of annoying people don't believe DID is real; it literally is but Jill does not have it and the way 99% of tiktok portrays it is fucking not how it works, but I'm not going to stink up the thread further with arguing.
If any nonnies from that thread are reading this I appreciate you hard
No. 1556773
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Nonas how would you feel if you knew a cow irl?
I went to school with Fotouh/Effina and it's freaking surreal to find out everything and that she married some 40 year old Amerifag streamer. I cannot for the life of me comprehend why her parents approved of this. My parents would NEVER approve of such a man. I'm not Kuwaiti or Muslim so I understand hating Islam and wanting to leave Kuwait. It's boring and a hellscape for women, especially non Kuwaiti, Muslim or wealthy women.
It's just absolutely bizarre that someone my age is married to a man like that and had twins with him. Also it's sad that she botched her face. I really don't understand the obsession with surgery in the Gulf or why they prefer such harsh tranny looks. I've been in those same Twittard and online circles and they will always have an unhinged hatred for women. You will always be a fetish to them Fotouh. You are only pigeonholed into "qt trad eastern wife" fetish. I don't have to be a libtard to see this. I got sick of all the toxicity and LARP and that's why I've left. In Amerifag land, I think the culture shock and homesickness will always be too much. There's no hegemony in ethnicity or religiosity or anything and there's too much insanity. That nation is a failed social experiment and ticking time bomb. It's where cultures go to die.
You could have carried on growing and finding a good man from your age. I don't understand it, it's sad. I hope for your real redemption, leave those losers behind. Find some real grounded irl friends, not online clout LARP people who aren't even in your same age bracket. Trust me, you will come to that same realization later on or maybe it's already cracking now. You can still be traditional, religious or religious curious without all of this online baggage. The people in those types of circles suck and are largely hypocritically LARPing. I've been there and I've seen how it goes. Usually I was one of the few actually convicted in my beliefs and still to this day am consistent in them.
No. 1556778
>>1556492Nta but if that's the case why put effort into anything? Why make threads, why post updates, why comment. Why would admins even maintain the site?
People aren't allowed to do anything ffs
No. 1556816
>>1556812I literally said I remember that even though she's human she's gross. I'm sorry but watching a fat ass scrote calling a womam.a bitch in an intimidating fashion, while she nervous giggles does and feel bad for her. Maybe I'm not at the point where I can watch a scrote be
abusive and go. "Welp she chose this life, I'd be a dummy to feel bad".
May Is a shitty person and she made her own shitty choices, but that moid is revolting.
I just wish they didn't have kids, I know he's going to be calling Rozy a bitch
No. 1556888
>>1554481This is exactly what I thought after the tit-posting saga. They literally brigaded /ot/ and started bashing a random anon and trying to make her feel worse about her body because they thought she
might be one of their fellow shaytards who selfposted. Even after repeatedly being told that it likely wasn't the same person (and it was confirmed not to be later on), they raged hard and flung moidbrained insults. The general fixation on reducing women's worth to their body parts was wild.
It's just pornsick men, wannabe camgirls and failed camgirls with issues like BDD, eating disorders, surgery addictions, etc. No one else is spending hours circling someone else's vagina pimples and reading/writing rants about them among strangers. The ageplay shit she does is disgusting, but the level of mental illness and XY chromosome disorder among her "fandom" is just too damn high, it's like the Belle Delphine thread on steroids.
No. 1556892
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>>>/snow/623985This is one of the funniest things on lolcow,kek. It was also one of my first re through of threads and first real outing of a self poster. It's crazy because she was the first Creepshow but it never blew up like creepshow did. Kek it still blows my mind the direct downfall of creepshow is lolcow.
No. 1556955
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>>1556799I'm just putting my opinion on cows in the opinion on cows thread. I never suggested the shay threads should be banned or whatever you are suggesting and you're the only person here telling people how they should use the site.
>And scrotes are going to lurk, collect porn and try to.blend in no matter what os done here. All you can do is navigate it or just not read.I don't get why you think the fact that scrotes will always come here means we shouldn't talk about or point out deranged coomer scrote behaviour going on in the site.
No. 1557185
>>1554481apart from the occasional random screenshots of fupa's fb page, which i assume are him selfposting, i genuinely don't think there are any moids in her threads apart from lurkers. at least until recently. i think they came out of the shadows during asseatergate to manipulate anons into feeling like they needed to post nudes by ramping up the "you're a man/troon" accusations knowing how a lot of farmers take that very personally
>>1556888>It's just pornsick men, wannabe camgirls and failed camgirls with issues like BDD, eating disorders, surgery addictions, etc.i'd believe there were more sex workers in her threads if shayfags weren't so
rightfully against porn and pedopandering/ddlg. at this point i i think it's mostly bpdchans who see themselves in her, vendetta posters from tumblr who are still around, anachans using her as 'reverse thinspo' especially when those before and afters pop up, and then those autistic but well meaning anons who are waiting for her to clean up her act and move back home
No. 1557937
>>1556773>Nonas how would you feel if you knew a cow irl? My first time on a gossip forum was when I was looking up the instagram of a senior I idolized in high school and her thread came up. It's probably cause I didn't see her as a cow (and that I was like 15) but it just creeped me out. They talked about anything from her posting hentai screencaps to cheating on her boyfriend. It turned me off from gossip sites for years cause all I could think was how shit she must feel to have all her actions as a teen scrutinized by strangers.
But since then I've had multiple personal cows in my life that I'd love to see posted here cause I don't feel anything for them beyond disgust and secondhand embarrassment lol.
No. 1559665
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I think she’s really beautiful in a very unique way and in an alternate universe is a boring IG Model but is much, much happier.
No. 1559807
>>1559665me too, I love blues on her. the butterflies she's been wearing recently are very pretty also.
and she's actually hilarious, I didn't expect to end up liking her so much but here we are.
No. 1571467
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Saw picrel and thought of Lucinda lmfao…
No. 1576390
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>>1574826>>1574848A good illustration of this would be the difference between the TIM and Fakeboi Threads. While the conversations about FTMs are lighthearted and filled with jokes at their cringeworthy behavior, discussions about TIMs are mainly characterized by horror and disgust. There may be some attempts at using humor to alleviate the feelings of disgust, but the overwhelming emotion is that of despair.
No. 1580351
>>1576432you're cute
nonnie! i hope you have lots of fun with it, it's a really cool hobby.
No. 1581647
>>1576432well done
nonnie! have fun!
No. 1585102
>>1581211The thing most people miss when talking about idubbbz is that he is also a horrible person. Anisa is awful but so is Ian. They’re both terrible people.
Anisa cheated on her way more handsome ex bf for idubbbz and that’s a detail I see a lot of people that defend Anisa forget.
No. 1585964
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What happened to that italian girl who had an anorexia recovery account? did she relapse and go off the internet? she used to have weekly threads back in 2017
No. 1585978
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>>1585964samefag, her ig is @itsaly_eleanor and she seems to be living her best life
No. 1589160
Is KF still down?
>>1587416If it's any consolation, the thread is mainly just empathchan and her orbiters selfposting, and was likely started by empathchan herself. She's obviously got a shit attitude, but she craves any and all attention and deliberately behaves like an edgelord to get people to talk about her so that she can feel validated. Best thing that could happen to that thread is letting it die, she's not even a very interesting/funny cow anyway
No. 1590016
I think I’m finally done with Luna. It isn’t that I had hope that she’d change her lifestyle, but I think I’m just tired of the repeat posting because NOTHING changes at all, not even the crap she steals. Before, she used to depress me. Now? She just genuinely irritates me.
>>1589210well this isn’t something I was expecting to see before 8am
No. 1595849
>>1595691Not all babies are cute, it’s okay to admit that.
But also did she expect anything else with that ape of a husband she had them with? I don’t even follow her thread, but god the other anon is right, they’re weird looking.
No. 1596953
>>1595691I love how people speaking Ill on kids always trying to convince everyone it's normal
>but all kids are ugly/weird lookingOkay? Going out your way to make multiple posts directly towards kids is weird. They never just think all kids are odd looking. Nope they say this and follow it with spefic judgement toward a particular child.
That thread is full on vendetta and useless, if it's not 4chan/kiwis making weird racist comments (they can't help themselves) its people bringing up the kids. It serves no purpose. Going on rants about how you feel a child looks will forever be gross/unneeded behavior. Not to mention it's not milk and obsessive.
No. 1599484
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Some threads are just unreadable now because of the anons that lurk there. I guess this is where LC is headed now. Druggies are annoying like the anachans and sex workers that plague certain threads. Also some anons who still obsess after old weeb related cows like Venus, Taylor, and Kota also have some screws loose. The Belle thread was fucking unreadable too.
No. 1600173
>>1600067Are people
still doing this? I remember dropping her YEARS ago when I started feeling way too bad for her and got enough of anons drawing pleasure from her situation. It genuinely made me sick to my stomach to see people claim that she's being "ungrateful" to her mother for "making her an internet celebrity and giving her the dream life". Bitch what? She was groomed and abused and prostituted by her insane stage mom and then escaped with an opportunist predator into a country with no friends or social network because she had nowhere else to go and zero adulting skills, all this before she even turned 20 iirc. But she had it great because she got a few expensive dresses out of it? I feel so fucking bad for her situation and I can't believe people are still following her to seethe.
No. 1600241
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Arow the wannabe rockstar girl from /snow/ is really hot to me. I mean her hair is awful and she's way too skinny but if she put on a little weight and washed her hair she'd be exactly my type
No. 1601207
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>>1595337Samefagging to say this long, wild ride keeps getting better and better. Very intertested to see how this all concludes.
No. 1602238
>>1602126>>1602120I guess people felt betrayed when she escaped Margo and didn't magically get better, and after not getting their wholesome Hollywood ending turned against her and figured she was faking it and was the master manipulator all along. Kids who were abused for years and had their psychological growth severely stunted don't just suddenly become better when their viewers want them to, and Manaki wasn't exactly the prince charming to provide her with emotional support or anything but a roof over her head after removing her from her familiar environment.
>I hardly see it as any different to other situations where child stars were neglected and raised by shitty parents.It's exactly the same situation, and that's why so many child stars resort to drugs and alcohol to cope with the trauma. Venus is no different.
No. 1602293
>>1602126It's funny, the same people who rag on her will probably turn around and cry about their own mental illness and inadequacies, and how hard life is for them. It's like normies thinking two therapy sessions and a good cry will get rid of childhood trauma and you'll be all better as if it never happened, because that's how it happens in their bing bing wahoos.
The "opportunities" they talk about are just life in Japan. They're salty that she had a chance to live their weeaboo dream but didn't. She doesn't really have many opportunities there, as a foreign woman.
No. 1609379
>>1608570Yeah, I wish she'd post more often but I imagine she can't afford the LARP and has to spend most of her days scrambling for some money when she's not high off her ass.
She would be a GREAT cow if she posted more often, she has the same appeal Shayna did for me. Privileged middle-class girl throwing away her silver spoon to larp and an oppressed Twitter whore, whole still simultaneously being a spoiled brat who continues to take L's because at her core, she's a giant pickme. Oh well.
No. 1612284
>>1602646>>1602637And then when she makes some kind of attempt to get better, such as the brief stint she had with getting (online?) therapy, they say it's pointless for her to try because she failed last time and will just give up again. They seem to want her to fail despite claiming to want her to pull herself up and stop being an entitled shit in their eyes, because it gives them some sort of "moral" excuse to seethe over her, and so their rhetoric goes on in a loop. I wish Venus wouldn't read her thread and would go back to turning off her insta comments, because it's really not helping her motivation to try and do something about her shitty situation when people insist she'll fail, hence why she always goes back to the bottle and seeking validation from OF and shallow relationships with
toxic scrotes because deep down she feels like it's too late for herself anyway.
No. 1614526
>>1614521as a shaytard myself i also dont understand it. she has a really strange magnetic draw.
my guilty secret is i cant help but like her. i mean fuck her and all her pedo shit blah blah blah, but i could fix her or whatever. the industry groomed her early and ruined her, but you sometimes see her potential to be a nice person peak out. her whole existence is so pitiable and desperate
No. 1614881
>>1614862Idk, it’s fucking disgusting.
The people writing fanfics about her supposed incest relationship with her father are disturbed as well.
No. 1625032
>>1624752fair opinion, but Kevin sperging about how cosplay died when he stopped doing it is funny as hell
my opinion: I'm proud of Fiona for recovering to an extent, it must have been hard for her but she's much more tolerable now. Proof that a lot of anachans are shitty people because of their illness (or the ED just puts all their shitty characteristics into overdrive). And if Cece is really sticking to recovery, that's great too. I see she's essentially left social media and for an attention addict that's a big deal.
No. 1628367
I honestly giggle when anons can't hide their agenda in their hate for Anisa, they really liked IDubbz and really hate her because they feel he's some poor abused controlled viticm, Oh people call him a simp! He defended her! Oh look, he doesn't want to say slurs anymore! Oh look his life is so ruined, she's a parasite, BPD BPD!!.
By the way people act, you'd think Idubbz was shaking in crying in the corner, while Anisa slapped him in the head with a frying pan and said, "SAY SEX WORK IS REAL WORK! Ha aha you shit your pants little bitch!" It's crazy to me how little it takes for people to see toxic relationships when the moid is the one whose the victim, but I always see people going, "yeah he's bad, but she should've know, oh she said this on social media". We have female cows rn, who are women who were in very toxic and/or abusive relationships, but because they cow-like they get little to no sympathy. The whole IDubbz situation will forever be weird to me.Usually weak scrotes are laughed at, but I guess there's a annoying equally retarded woman to point at instead. Insufferable people, yet one is the victim because…he changed his beliefs..and lets people see how weak he is.
No. 1628432
>>1628383Yes, we know Anisa is a huge bitch, but so is Idubbz. There's no
victim in their relationship, just two retards.
No. 1628513
The Lori/Kevin thread is not milky anymore and hasn't been for a while. I think there are only a few vendetta posters left. They have this vibe like they have self-righteous anger over what they do lol.
For example
>>>/w/302987 No. 1628651
>>1628643Nona I'm sorry, I responded to you and you weren't even talking to me, I'm sorry.
>>1628649 this is also me, I was mistaken Sorry Nona
No. 1629444
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Sometimes the Industry Animation Thread has such a weird vibe. I was there when the first thread was planned and created, but comparing it with today I feel like nothing really interesting came out. A few things had been middly amusing like the Primos drama or some well-thought analisis to Helluva Boss but other than that, it's not that different from something like Art Salt but with the cows being slightly more well known, the anons even feel almost the same, so it's not as exciting to follow as I thought it would be.
No. 1629745
>>1629699It was this site that revealed his real name, address, family members and pictures from 2010 - 2017 back in September 2021.
His fanbase tanked straight after.
No. 1630370
>>1630326No one from reddit was even posting except for one male poster who outed himself because he was jealous of Chris. Following the thread closure, anons on Twitter and Tiktok were still trying to doxx the cows, with obvious female posting. It's not men from Reddit, anons not wanting to discuss Reddit doesn't mean they were from Reddit. Whoever it was that was autistic and kept trying to post caps from Reddit was most likely the only sperg as the rest of the thread seemed to constantly tell them to fuck off. Also anons were constantly fighting over showcasing where they lived even before the Twitter/Tiktok mentality ill retard. The same anons did it in the Belle thread too at the same time constantly, we even got mod confirmation that some of the same anons were hopping around multiple threads, that being one of them.
Some anons can't handle letting organic milk flow and instead try to hard to warp random posts into milk and create their own fake drama which is embarrassing and once a thread gets to that point, should be shut down. tbh, I'm waiting on the Taylor thread next. Anons are doing a great job at making themselves reportable.
No. 1630422
>>1630370holy shit, ok, I'm backing away from this. I don't agree w/ this take at all but it's clear to me based on the threads you mentioned that further discussion is pointless bc you believe in some wild conspiracy across /w/. We never got any mod confirmation about "hopping" between threads either idkwym.
That person who posted "poopy" spam whenever Sharla and Chris were criticized was def a moid and probably redditor too, had to be using a vpn as well.
No. 1630439
>>1630422If you weren't in the threads at the same time, you probably never saw the same type of posts. The giveaway was the constant editing on both threads. These redtexts are months apart, but the redtexts coincided with redtexts in the other thread/silence once they were given out and then the same sperging would continue after the ban/the anon's hopping IP was unbanned too. Or they just reset it. I'd love for the mod at the time to confirm they were the same posters/group of posters since the threads are dead now anyways, not like it would matter.
>>>/w/190756>>>/w/242166Tbh, most of /w/ is anons trying to compare old milk to something that is happening now just to try to find something to discuss. When you call them out on it, they just use old milk as a reason for the thread to still exist which isn't how cow threads work.
No. 1631128
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This tiktokker looks like Shayna
No. 1631133
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I don’t see Tophia discussed here but she really is kind of a boring TikTok cow imo, and she makes me sad more than makes me laugh. Tiktoktards will cry about ableism and mental health and body shaming and pretty privilege, poor people, ageism, but turn around and laugh at this fat 30 year old mentally ill woman who lives in a motel. I think she’s literally retarded and frankly where is the fun in making fun of someone like that? It’s like such a low hanging fruit
No. 1631141
>>1630639>defending anisalul
nta but They just aren't that interesting so I can only imagine the people who still care about them are old idubbz fans.
No. 1633303
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>all the red text in the Venus thread
wtf is it about Venus that brings out this autism?
No. 1634531
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The tradthot thread is becoming unreadable
No. 1634645
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The leftcows thread is so fucking weird. A lot of the cows definitely self post there, many having confirmed it directly, and it’s filled with redscarepod moids, ex-girls and gays members who pretend they weren’t rs fans a year ago, and annoying political spergs who call you a right wing moid if you ask them to stop posting cited essays on socialism. For a while, obvious sneer club/anti-post rationalists were basically trying to hijack the thread despite the fact that the aella thread was more suitable for that type of content.
I stick around because I’m one or two degrees of separation from A&D and a few of the minor cows like Audrey and bronzeageshawty and it’s fun to see gossip on them since I don’t know them personally. A moid I know who’s openly active on rsp has admitted to posting here in defense of dasha because he’s friends with her and I had to pretend I didn’t know what lolcow was lol. And sometimes the thread is really good (bruenig meltdown, delicious tacos facedoxx, the samememe downfall and facedoxx, and fat Jack golden age). But a lot of the time it’s just nonnas calling Anna ugly, a cow or moid wking her, and some agenda posters Reddit spacing and moralfagging about the “false praxis” or whatever behind the right wing turn they’ve made when that’s just not milk anymore. It’s been years since they started interacting with frogtwitter and Salo guys and they are obviously now about to do some sort of racist radfem rebrand as rw crap isn’t edgy anymore
No. 1636338
I don't know if there's a thread on her or on similar fitness influencers who have branched out to selling their own stuff now, but following Blogilates'/Cassie Ho's IG is wild, especially when it comes to the sports clothes, food and accessories she designs. I have the feeling the woman wanted really to be in haute couture, and instead her sports clothes are available at Target, so basically she designs fast fashion shit but at a higher price than most.
Needless to say, anyone who knows a tiny bit about marketing knows that not one produce is new when it comes to fashion, if it's not haute couture. All fashion companies are in the same mold as other markets, there are several leader brands (that are catered to a certain style of purchasers) who come up with a new trendy something, there are follower brands who wanna compete with the leader brands and for that, they will make an ersatz or copy of the new trendy stuff and sell if for cheaper than the original from 1€ down to whatever sum cheaper they think is competitive, and then there are companies that are just marginal and niche enough they don't need to play the copying game because their selling point that helps them have a loyal customer base is another (sustainability, comfort, etc ). That's basic knowledge from a two uni years course, that everyone can observe from simple examples like Apple with the Smartphone, the first plasma TVs, the first tablets, the first Smart watches etc.
Tl;Dr Company A makes new shit to sell, people buy the new shit with money. Company B also wants people's money so they copy company A's new shit and sell it for cheap.
Yet Cassie flips her shit about Shein copying her(kek) designs and then being too soft hearted because the CEO manipulated her after them talking into thinking he's the victim.
And I'm wondering why she even got into a project like this if she doesn't know what business is about.
Besides that, while her stuff is more expensive, I almost doubt any of the designs are being produced anywhere else than where Shein, Primark and other cheap fashion companies get their labor (aka. Bangladesh, China, Turkey, etc.).
Same with the supposedly healthy energy/granola bars she "invented" which probably could never get sold in the EU cuz I doubt the ingredients list is healthy enough to make the mark anywhere than in the US.
If it sells in northern America, hey, good for her. But whatever she puts out on the market as far as I am concerned isn't more unique than other fitspo/fitness influencers out there.
No. 1636392
>>1636338Speaking of Blogilates, a q:
I started getting heavily into at-home exercise and bought weights, bands, balls, etc. during the pandemic lockdowns. I tried videos from a number of different fitness personalities and one day I decided to try some from Blogilates. I barely made it through one video. How did that style of shrill loud voice yelling platitudes become popular? She was talking so much it gave me a headache, and on top of it, she had some bizarre motions in the video I tried. It seemed like she needed to make every single exercise "personalized" by adding something to it, but some of them were so unnecessarily complicated - especially when I considered that these extra motions or twists had no benefit whatsoever in terms of muscle groups worked.
I can't stand her. Abrasive and just bizarre vibes in general. I'm shocked she is still popular given the many other great fitness channels out there (MadFit, Pamela Reif, Juice & Toya, etc.)
No. 1636401
nonny, the only video I tolerated of her was one warm up video where she wasn't blabbering every five seconds about stuff absolutely unrelated to working out.
I think she's overdone it with her persona, her old stuff was a lot less chatty and more to the point.
There are so many more other fitness videos out there that are no nonsense, just showing and explaining the move, and that don't play the exercise off as if it was the easiest shit in the world- when you're pushing yourself, it angers you to be encouraged by sugarcoated fakeness.
I want to go back to regular exercise like during the lockdowns again, I'll definitely skip Blogilates out of my selection. And I'm definitely staying away from whatever she's selling too.
No. 1641095
I say this as a resident shay head. The way the "women" in shaynas thread speak about the female body is very scrotish. And yes, I believe it's women. It's not wll scrotes. I notice some women on here really hate fat women and/or have issues with female bodies that don't look like dolls.
In context of Shays thread, I get it. She's a sex worker. She flaunts her body,exploits it. She doesn't take care of her body. I get that part.
>blown out tits
Shayna just got fat, it's not some mystery why her breast got bigger. Acting like her bigger tit is the weird gives me scrote vibes. In fact shayna thread seems like 4chan, some kiwifarmers (of both genders) and retards are in it more then ever before. I know it'll get told, it's always been this way etc.
But it's so blatant and as a retarded person, I say this honestly, shaytards are very fucking stupid. The ass eating event okay sure. The second event with the retard about breast reductions? Was 100% bullshit but so many believed it.
Also, the idea of being sensitive when nonas are misogynistic about bodies that aren't shaynas, is laughable. Oh so you can call shayna a dolphin pussy but lava rock pussy makes you feel bad? I get it, the context of shaynas thread.
It's kinda annoying.
No. 1641574
>>1641095Exactly, the threads are unreadable at this point. So many mentally ill coombrains and pickmes like
No. 1642705
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>>1559665Well Brittney looks like Abigaelle an actual ig model so probably true. I think she just surrounds herself with too many enablers. I feel sorry for most cows that have a following consisting of channers who ridicule them while also sexualising them
No. 1642756
>>1642688Not even the Lana and Billie sperging was anywhere near as unhinged as the last few threads. Then when you try and redirect the conversation
you get shit
really do wonder if BOOMER
trumpchan is still there because there's a shocking amount of fascist coded anons and many who aren't even trying to hide it on /ot/. or they're just scrotes
No. 1642762
>>1642721That one who's going for Florence Pugh today saying "she'll bend over for Hollywood execs because she has daddy issues for dating Zach Braff" gives me the ick
the only reason the Reddit gossip subs are so modded beyond the usual Reddit rules is they've been brigaded by stans and scrotes, but also occasionally by celebs and their teams who lurk and ask things to be taken down. They were also the epicenter of Reddit where you could take Amber's side during the Depp/Heard trial without being harassed. But now half their posts are set to approved users only if they vaguely mention anything controversial. The approval process is annoying.
No. 1642782
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>>1642768Celebricows is turning into a milkless and nitpicking wasteland?
Anyway, been sifting through old celebrity forum archives to seek out old, but decent milk. They've gotten details right or to corroborate allegations from today as far back as 2006-2008.
No. 1644447
I feel so bad, I spent the last 3 hours or so reading Soren's thread because it's been talked up so much. I vaguely remember reading a bit of it but moving on. Holy shit, at first it was like a very sick fan fiction. I was reading the first "Trauma Narrative" rolling my eyes, feeling sick about some of it and laughing at some of the clear YA bullshit sprinkled into a story about…well you know what it's about. Like how she went home EVERY NIGHT, she talked about a dude putting a knife in her vagina some of the shit she claimed she survived and went home afterward??Like what? You went home after a knife in the coochie?
Then slowly the story changes as Soren needs it to. Like how the first story she said Sam died at 17 and she was found dead. Then during a breakdown she started bringing up a fucking chainsaw and how SHE killed her.
Then suddenly the one child she claimed that Sam had, turned into many childern that she was forced to eat ALIVE or the kid that lived 7 years,that sam was forced to turn into F-MEATwhen she claimed Sam died at like 17, and didn't it start at 12? How the fuck did she have a 7-year-old kid?
But i'm at the part where she re-writes the trauma narrative, kek. Where now the school is in on it! She met Sam at 4 years old and she waseating another child## in one verison she waves back, in the new one she doesn't wave. Also now Danny the transgender boy is also involved in the situation. It was all a LIE! She didn't kill herself!
But it infuriates me because the tone of the shit she talked about came off like a 12-year-old boy excitingly telling you about the last episode of his favorite show.
The only time I felt she was feeling emotions was when she talked about her own depression and herself. Never about the horrible shit that she claimed happened.
Her stories felt like what I imagine an Ai would create. I'm not done with her thread but I don't think she even believed it nor did she care if anyone else did. She got off on that shit, she just wanted to LARP. If you took out all the torture, gore and sexual shit, the story could be a teen novel. Kek.
A story about a three teenagers, who are misfits, one is the dirty long haired dreamy crazy girl, the other is a tomboy/transgender boy who is just smitten with her and wants to understand her. They have a actual male friend who is just there to be the side character to level out the crazy in love main characters. Sam has a bad home life, her dad is clingy, mom is distant, twin sister is the golden child. Soren is the well off girl with a normal home life, but struggles with being adopted and they get into wacky but dangerous situations, before one ends up dead and the other ends up becoming a cop or therapist while Danny fucks off because he wasn't a well thought character anyway.
I've never read a story about horrible abuse and death, written with the style and emotions of a coming of age story.
No. 1646241
>>1644447>>1644561It's tragic for her parents and sister who cared for and lost such an unwell person, they deserve their privacy but also it kills me that we will never know anything about their side of living with Soren
Did she really believe her own story? Did her parents? Are there other people out there just like her?
No. 1649884
I know her thread is dead but I'm happy dollltears finally got the help she needed. I checked her IG for some reason a few weeks ago and she just got out of rehab, she looks better too.
nonnie, though she probably is. Even if she was lying and shooping, on videos you could see how sick she looked, couldn't last much longer.
No. 1650522
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Nonas what is something very small that a cow does that genuinely annoys you irrationally?
For me it's stefany's faces, I've read all her threads at least 4 times. She's my favorite funny cow.
I'm reading her threads again and i'm on the first thread. THIS pisses me off. The faces she pulls because she can't photoshop her face.
or she genuinely is shook so badly that her real face is being taken in a picture that she may not get to edit.
Something about it hits that, "Damn it's sad it's that serious to her" but also, "I feel bad for everyone else in the picture. I bet they can't stand her." She seems genuinely clingy, competitive and annoying. Then she'd do those paragraph long posts like, "I never do side by sides but-" kek.
Her threads are a joy and very creepy. From skin walking every white girl with brown hair, despite being chunky and looking nothing like them, to her white knighting herself, to moving on to elsa. I just don't get it. Kek, pretending she's short, saying she and Maisie had the same body type, and above all she's very corny.
She's so fake, her jokes, her personality. I know now she's into some furry wolf shit and skin walking Jill from RE but when will she stop?
Nothing will top the Daisy/Rae and then Elsa phase though. The Elsa phase was extra creepy because of the faces she'd make and walking around with the horribly bleached hair. I wish she'd just been an autistic girl into cosplay, not thinking she literally has to look like the actors to the point in these pictures, you can't tell if she's pulling faces to hide her actual face or if she's legit having a nervous breakdown every time her picture is taken.
And she never seems to KNOW much about the character's kek. She said she didn't really watch GOT, she never came off as a fan, just as skin walker of these actresses she felt she could look like.
Like imagine going to one of these things, you take a group photo and look back, seeing one of the girls making a face like she saw Shaytaan herself, then you find out years later it's because she was having some emotional reaction to not looking JUST like the actor or she was hiding her real face becuase she knows she doesn't.
I'd laugh and feel horrible for her at the same time.
No. 1650523
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>>1650522I covered up one of the pictures sorry, though I doubt anyone will read this rant kek
No. 1651071
>>1651066I suspect a large amount of posts are by the type that has a problem with radfem and
terf opinions.
No. 1651119
>>1651082I'm talking about posters who write shit like "GC and RF are both
toxic assets", making their views very clear.
No. 1651538
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>>1651536She hasn’t been cute for years, the herpes is making her swell up all over. She looks like Leo.
No. 1651546
>>1651543You bellefags are so easy to
trigger kek.
No. 1651559
>>1651555You always try to cope and say it’s an obsession to make her
yourself feel more important. Really we are just fascinated and disgusted with her. That’s why places like lolcow exists and why Shayna has 100s of threads. Fascinating + disgusting = car crash.
No. 1651578
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haha emotionally invested bedwetting loser
No. 1651608
>>1651572Nta but anons who stalk sexworker cows tend to be as nasty as sexworkers or sexworkers themselves. The shaynafags for example posted pictures of their very weird boobs in a debate. Anon is probably the normal one for thinking you're a weirdo for knowingly seeking out a mentally ill woman's content, nudes, etc.
Yeah bella is nasty but spending hours looking at her body makes you no different than her scrote followers who do the same thing.
No. 1651697
>>1651501I agree, farmers standards are generally insane and nitpicky when it comes to looks and anything else really.
>I see people defending justpearlything's body and looks as "fine"There were still a lot more people shitting on her looks than defending her, but I think the difference here might be that as far as I'm aware, whether justpearlythings has a nice body is very irrelevant to what makes her a cow. For all the other people you mentioned, Belle, Anisa, Shoe, etc, their good looks are actively a part of how they're marketing themselves in some way or another. They clearly want to emphasize their attractiveness because their audience depends on it, and that makes farmers more eager to nitpick them and call them ugly.
Pearl on the other hand despite being queen of pickmes does not try to portray herself as this hot girl. While she is a very plain girl with an unfortunate body shape, she doesn't seem physically unhealthy and so shitting on her for her looks just doesn't mean as much.
Not that shitting on cows looks means much either way, I hate how common it is here for cute girls to be called ugly based on the most scrotish womanhating standards ever.
It's so strange, if we're all women talking about this we should all know how normal it is to have a bit of pudge or some ingrown hairs or make an unflattering face sometimes. With the nitpicking going on in some threads you'd think everyone posting there has to be some perfect petite dolly supermodel typing this from the lab they were created in while submerged in their stasis pods designed to keep them forever looking 17.
No. 1651704
>>1651697>justpearlythings has a nice body is very irrelevant to what makes her a cow. I think it's a little relevant. If a tradthot is unfortunate looking you could easily assume she's pandering to moids to compensate for her looks.
>>1651532>she’s a pedophile, they’re not calling her ugly just for shits and giggles This, however, is exactly what's wrong with the way some anons go after women's looks. They think that if a woman is a bad person, she deserves to be ugly/fat because they believe ugly/fat is the worst thing someone can be. It's not that being a bad person justifies the insults, it's that they can't stand the thought of her getting to be attractive as well as shitty. Of course Belle fucking Delphine is pretty, she didn't get half the moid population frothing over her for no reason. She's still pedo pandering or whatever but that doesn't actually change her appearance.
Anons just need to be more honest with themselves. Pearl looks bad, Belle looks good, you can acknowledge these things neutrally without putting excessive value on appearances instead of lying and coping.
No. 1651711
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>>1651697Ok but why is the belle delphine fan trying to say aella is ugly? Am I missing something? This woman is objectively far more beautiful than belle.
No. 1651716
>>1651704>They think that if a woman is a bad person, she deserves to be ugly/fat because they believe ugly/fat is the worst thing someone can beThank you for reminding me how much I hate the idea of morality = beauty. You can say someone looks objectively good or decent and still hate them. A bit off topic but I've seen so much content these days that's basically "oh they aged well because they're nice!" like that's not how it works. Someone with shitty genetics isn't a shitty person because of it. And like
>>1651699 said, people will nitpick shit just because they don't like the person in question. It will always exist on lolcow but there's nothing wrong with calling out how stupid of a mindset it is.
No. 1652669
>>1651881Going into those threads as someone who doesn't know much is beyond boring. I was reading through the Taylor one and absolutely nothing about in it was real milk.
I know others might disagree but someone being vaguely cringe or marrying for money isn't lolcow behavior. But I'll also say that I used to think most of Jill's threads were just boring nitpicking a cringe dweeb, but she really proved us all wrong by going full munchie and DID faker.
No. 1652757
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>>1652669It's not, absolutely. Nitpicking hair isn't milk, regardless of someone has to use their face because they are an influencer. That makes everyone on this site viable for nitpicking hair with that logic and that's not how milk works. That thread is trash and anons keep sperging out when they get banned for it. Theres so many cows on /w/ that anons have massive vendettas for. A mod confirmed its like 3-4 people in the Taylor thread basically asspatting each other. They can't even be subtle then throw tantrums when caught. They did this long winded shit with being banhammered over shitposts in the jvlog thread and belle thread. Same logic "THEY USE THEIR APPEARANCES WE CAN NITPICK APPEARANCES THEN" and then say all mods conspire against them and are posters ITTs
baiting these anons to get banned.
Mod was right to give this ban in /meta/ to them, picrel. I really want milk on these cows because its fun to see them slip up, but 3 threads of complaining about her grammar and chopstick use isn't milk at all and saging it because they think that makes nitpicking okay isn't helping their cause. Also the obsession with trying to post her kid after anons called it out is so creepy. They got mad an anon blacked out the kid in a photo and then spammed non-milk with the kid unblocked just to prove some point against a random poster. So petty and over a child. Wtf?
No. 1653817
>>1652532Aella: posts surveys about cp
Belle: has a fetish for child rape and has posted porn that simulates it and has made money selling child porn to pedophiles so she could go to Venice.
But of course, belle is TOTALLY innocent uwu….
No. 1653847
>>1653844She GETS OFF to BEING A LITTLE GIRL BEING RAPED. If this was a TIM, or Shayna, or some ugly girl you’d be all over her ass. It’s not normal to pretend to be a child during sex, it’s not normal to post rape porn publicly on Twitter and then mock people who say it’s
triggering. She is a sadist and a pedophile.
(infighting/derailing) No. 1653855
>>1652757these are two different anons in your pic, I don't know why you are screaming about this here when you can go discuss it in meta.
Link to spamming her child then bc I never saw that. Stop exaggerating and playing dumb.
No. 1654021
>>1653887Thank you, Belle is gross and panders to actual pedos and maybe gets off on it (or she just knows it sells and takes advantage, who knows really) but I very much doubt she’s a literal pedophile, which is an adult sexually attracted to children. I very much doubt belle has ever looked at an actual child sexually, it’s very uncommon for women to do in general
TLDR: Belle is maybe an autopedophile in that she may get off on pretending to be the kid being assaulted by an adult, but she ain’t a pedo. Calling an autopedophile a pedophile is not that different then calling an autogynephile a woman because they both get off on pretending to engage in pedophilia and pretending to be a woman respectively
This annoys me because pedophiles are disgusting and deserve bad things and calling someone one with no evidence to support it (and there is no evidence this woman is attracted to children) is fucked up
No. 1654198
>>1654178Omfg, anon, Belle isn't out here pimping literal children to moids and her proportions are not those that pedos are attracted to. Maybe men who like younger looking women, but her body, especially with her implants, are not the body of a child. She looks like a DDLG larper, not a 15 year old. This tinfoil that she'd push her children on to a man is disgusting and unhinged of you. If you look through these men's social medias they follow a lot of people like Jessica Nigri and Hana Bunny and some Belle clones most of the time. I get you want to make out everyone who looks at her stuff as being a latent pedophile, but you need to understand that no one is looking at her and mistaking her as a child for the most part, even her cosplays of fictional children, don't look like children. If there are some guys getting off to that and imagining she's younger, that isn't her problem, but overall she doesn't look like a child. I don't know what drugs some anons are on and this is a big reason why she doesn't have a thread anymore. The tinfoils that people come up with are crazy all because of a vendetta.
No. 1655272
>>1655233It’s hard to explain but I mean that like calling an autopedophile a pedophile, as the anon I was replying to was, is the same as calling an autogynephile a woman, in that they are not one just because they pretend to be entirely for sexual purposes
An autopedophile like belle isn’t pretending to be a child, they’re specifically pretending to be the target of pedos for sexual purposes. That’s why it’s autopedophila and not just, like, autopedo… but also idk I’m pretty fried and generally stupid i don’t know if it makes sense
No. 1656562
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Valeria Lukyanova is one of the most fascinating cows ever. Such a shame the milk is limited to russian but I check her baginya thread from time to time.
No. 1656565
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>>1656563She seems to imply the movie was made in her image kek
No. 1657476
>>1657100Her threads were closed because anons like
>>1656681 constantly edited or spammed her porn. There was never milk. Farmhands got tired. Then they fucked up the jvlog thread and are currently trying to fuck up the taylor thread. It's the same argument every time too, so you know it's the same anons or a few of them. Belle wasnt milky anymore. Also the repetitive doxxing attempts from both threads. There an anon still attempting to doxx the Jvloggers too. Anons need meds. None of this is lolcow material.
No. 1657691
>>1656568no it's a russian forum website for discussing lolcows (with paid signup though), baginya dot org (iirc) and it's also blocked by the russian government kek
>>1656562neofolk esoteric bimbo from the planet avalon, didn't expect to see her on lolcow
No. 1662318
>>1662069She's a
victim of circumstances that were out of her control as a child and never learned how to be a real adult. I don't doubt her mom gave her some terrible mental genetic shit plus the damage she's done herself from drinking, not eating, and downin pills. I see her like a Nickelodeon or Disney Channel star.
No. 1664871
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Not an opinion on cows per se because I don’t know who this is since there’s no name anywhere on this post but the pro-ana thread truly is one of the worst. Cows are supposed to be funny, horrifying, endearingly retarded or just regular retarded, but not to sound like a white knight but if you just HATE the person? If they’re not milky in any way besides being hateable? You could never look at their social media again and they would cease to exist. I get why anons hate cows like TND and Alice because they abuse animals and children respectively - that’s totally understandable that they would be trying to enjoy milk but then their emotions would get the better of them. But this shit? Why go on her profile if you hate her so bad? Why not do literally anything else? I mean the obvious answer is the thread is occupied solely by pro-ana community twats and they can’t just block each other because they’re all pretending to be friends. But why this thread stays up for these retards to use as a chatroom is beyond me. At least the OG pro-ana scumbags were milky with their lies and wavy-mirror photoshop. Now it’s literal-who vendettas and psycho bone rattlers adding up the calories in some random bitch’s breakfast. Pure cancer.
No. 1665036
>>1664871yeah, I miss the old ana cows. I'm not interested in hating someone for not being skinny or hating someone for being skinny. The grifters and revolving door patients are worthy of lc but then we have vendetta posting about some girl who truly thought she had anorexia at some point and is now a normal weight, yawn.
Waiting for the new aly or cece
No. 1666058
>>1664871The hatred towards Laura and a lot of the ana-cows is weird. She's clearly drugged to the gills and isn't really doing anything milky. The thing that makes an anachan cow milky for me is when they blatantly
trigger people for attention and validation like Niamh, or just act straight up obnoxious and delusional like the newer cow Kate does. Cece was the perfect anacow imo
No. 1667524
>posts pictures on Instagram that makes other anachans jealous because they’re not as fucked up and skelly as her, is also still a teenagerLaura
>a straight up malingerer who has burdened our already overstretched healthcare system with her attention seeking shit for almost a decade whilst people die without ever getting an appointment.Laura should be in prison.
No. 1667538
>>1667523I watched this video and it's so fucking weird how many grown ass men started interacting with her and nobody saw it as odd
Where were her parents?
No. 1669208
>>1668458Most of us followed her years before she decided she was a man, and like
>>1668485 said I find her to be a nostalgic cow because she's basically frozen in time. Cows come and go, but PT is always posting cringe content.
No. 1675240
Not so much about lolcows, but I wish anons would be as anal about archiving milk as the Kiwifags are. Like using and locally storing videos instead of just posting links/screenshots.
>>1669334Definitely agree. She was entertaining about ten years ago, but I feel that now she's gotten older and become less "able" watching her feels more depressing than anything.
No. 1675299
>>1675247For reading old threads or archival?
>>1675263No links are not auto-archived, they must be manually archived and I suspect few anons know this to be true
No. 1676207
Sage for blogpost, we had "summer fest" with my company this afternoon/evening and a buncha gossip and other stories we don't get to share on different departments came up. But the one that took the cake is our "Controller manager" who "controls" finances (he doesn't do the accounting though, that's below his pay grade), "controls" where office material gets moved when and where. Generally he's a fucking busy body who likes slapping his chest yelling like Tarzan that he's in charge, in comparison to our 60+ boomer CEO who's just cashing in the cheques until he retires in 5 years or so.
"Cntrolling manager" probably is jumping at the bits to take his place, hence why he gets to sign for the CEO, he has the authority to.
Anyway on the floor where all the other departments works, "controller manager" also makes his presence known by opening doors of different people and showing himself.
And one time, one colleague from Social Media/Online was dog-sitting for someone else and had a doggo in the office.
Was a female doggo who liked to be scratched on her bum and so she wiggled her bum at every new face she encountered in that new place. "Controlling" dude was absolutely offended at how strong the doggo came at him with that. But after learning to be okay with the behavior, he did a version of "who's a good girl?" to the dog, except it was "Who's got power of procuration ? Who's got power of procuration ?".
It almost sounds like something that came straight out of The Office TV show, but IRL. The dude is so self-important it hurts to see so little sense of deprecation.(wrong thread)
No. 1677753
The state of all those old weeb cows is so fucking sad…
I checked /w/ for the first time again in ages and it's depressing how close to all threads haven't had a post in a month, the only exceptions being Taylor because she churns out content daily and always attracted nitpickers and the other being Venus who's just a total trainwreck who seems beyond any help. Gyaru seemingly died years ago, more and more lolitas are leaving too, original Jvloggers aren't even in Japan anymore, Gaya who's been getting pimped out by her husband since she was a teen has now a kid but is still selling herself…I always hated Yumi but nobody deserves the single mom fate, and our former queen is suddenly in LA fucking white hobos (and also was pregnant?), the only one still doing okayish seems so be Kota - tho she might as well work some normie desk job on the side as well because those tiny ig modelling gigs obviously don't pay shit.
Many anons always try to give advice or make up scenarios on how they could improve their life which usually involves moving to europe or something but imo most of those girlies dreams was always glorious nippon, so I would wish that the two sisters give up on whoever sleazy moid they're fucking, share an apartment in Tokyo to save money, work some maybe cafe job that they're qualified for and just make youtube content to satisfy their need for attention. Imo the by far "healthiest" and realistic way plus you and I could still follow them and shit on / secretly root for them lol
Venus is a horrible person, I so fell for her suicide baiting but nevertheless I also just wish her the best. It seems like rn her only chance is meeting a really nice guy (or friend?) who pushes her to rehab but I also don't see her ever giving up Japan.
In general many of those fates just show again that having a baby is just additionally fucking your life up.
No. 1678169
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The anon who brought Soren up in Arrow de Wilde's thread made me wonder if Soren would have made Arrow one of her Sam faceclaims if she had ever seen her.
No. 1678411
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Buckle up because this is gonna be a long one.
Despite everything I’m still fucking furious about how the world warped Chris Chan into a monster. It’s insane that hundreds if not thousands of fully grown adults joined forces to psychologically torment this random autist and drive him to the point of insanity. It’s a perfect example of the horrors of herd mentality. You see this shit play out in schools all the time - a kid decides some other kid is weird and annoying, he tells his friends that kid is weird and annoying, and even if they didn’t think that kid was weird and annoying before they start thinking about all the things he’s done no matter how insignificant and decide “yeah, you know what, that kid IS weird and annoying.” Within a week it escalates from name-calling to violence as the tormentors realize just how much trust can get away with. Sylvia Likens is another particularly gruesome example of this phenomenon (please for the love of fuck do not look this up if you’re not prepared to lose any remaining faith in humanity you had).
Ezra Miller is a straight man. I don’t give a fuck how many dresses he wears, that is a red blooded heterosexual American man. Everyone has known a guy like this at one point in their life. You know the type - straight moids who paint their nails to prove to women that they’re not like the other guys and they’re totally non-threatening and women eat that shit up every time and end up getting hurt.
My heart aches for Farrah Abraham. It really does. I can’t imagine what it must be like to become a teen mom only to have the father of your child die immediately after they’re born. That album she released is a masterful piece of outsider art and if a man released it, it would be praised as such, but because she is a woman her pain is mocked relentlessly. If Daniel Johnston was a woman he would have had a Lolcow thread.
I feel so incredibly fucking angry when I think about how Marilyn Manson spent years fighting for people who were different to be accepted only to turn around and prove everyone who ever judged him right, but I feel angrier when I read an article about the allegations and every comment is something like “gee, who would have guessed” and “of course he did it, just look at him.” It’s a constant reminder that if you don’t adhere to beauty or gender norms you’re automatically branded as a freak and a potential sexual predator even if you’re never done anything particularly wrong (see: Sam Smith getting screamed at by some random lady in public calling him a pedophile).
I don’t hate Dylan Mulvaney. I just feel sorry for him. I assume he got the shit beaten out of him routinely for being a flamer his whole life and to go through that again x10 must suck. Everyone says that they would be okay with trannies do they were just guys who wore dresses and didn’t force everyone to call them women, but I don’t believe that for a second. If Dylan Mulvaney was exactly the same as he is now except he didn’t identify as a woman, he would still trigger the same sort of lizard brain reaction of disgust that people have developed from thousands of years of evolution, getting job opportunities meant for women was just the cherry on top.
I’m so sick of people pretending like they care for Eugenia Cooney’s well-being when they really just want an excuse to berate her and body shame her. She’s shitty for other reasons but it’s not a crime to exist as a mentally ill person. She doesn’t owe anyone an explanation for why she looks the way she does. She is not responsible for anyone’s anorexia. She didn’t sew your mouth shut and force you to starve. Besides, when you call her a skeleton you’re just telling her what she wants to hear. Funny how society happens to “care” soooo much for the “health” of fat people and anorexics because they’re conditions that make you less conventionally attractive but they don’t go around telling random smokers that they’re concerned for their health. It reminds me of when scrotes pretend they care about how transgenderism becoming a trend affects young women but in reality they’re just mad because their fuck supply is going down and women are chopping off their tits.
No. 1678454
>>1678447I feel like lolcow is one of those rare sites that actually defends men like Chris Chan. That man RAPED his own mother. Yet anons defend him. And I don't give a fuck what the court thinks or if they dismissed it since Chris himself admitted to having sex with his elderly dementia mother.
Lolcow truly is now a shithole, seeing posts like that give me motivation to continue using this site as less as possible
No. 1678496
>>1678411you're whiteknighting under sooo many banners nona, it's a little amazing to see
Chris Chan chose to creep on every single woman who tried to be nice to him. Male entitlement seeps into every moid no matter their ceiling potential in life, and he never chose to reflect on it.
Dylan Mulvaney is not just a feminine gay guy trooning for sponsor money and fake acceptance, he's fed into the pedophilic agp-shit with the 'X day of girlhood' tiktok series and lying over and over again to young impressionable children about ~how sexist stereotypes are true, actually~. Just because he's gay doesn't mean he's not as misogynistic as the rest of men and willing to throw women under the bus for personal gain.
I get that they're also people but lmaooo, no one forced them into being lolcows. Even Chris Chan the mental 5 year old thrived on the attention and kept coming back for more until he ruined himself into being a mother-rapist.
No. 1678609
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>>1559665brittany venti is so pretty to me she has only gotten prettier over the years. Even though I liked her trolling content (when she was saying oh my gucciness) it irked me to my core that she chose to pander to the lowest common denominator of scrote and then in the same breath was extremely antiblack even though her mom was half black and looked black passing. TBH i relate to her upbringing of losing a mom and being alone in the world but like fuck i wish she wouldn't have alienated her potential black female fanbase. Like she called herself old school slurs like a "quadroon" (who uses that lol). She couldve easily just did natural hair videos and got rich off that without the yt supremacist grift and stench on her. I just wish I could've shook her! Now she has to be forever linked to 4chad and his egg obsession.
No. 1678649
>>1678609I liked her when she criticized sex work. It's really unusual to see someone doing that on yt, but her audience is just
toxic moids. She should've left her old audience from twitch and changed her name.
No. 1679810
>>1678411He is a monster. He raped his mom when he knew she was vulnerable. No one warped anything. Some degenerates are just obvious to spot from others. Autism and being trans doesn't do that or force you to do that and people online didn't ask him to do that. The only one who decided it,
hid it because he knew it was wrong, was his cognitive ass.
No. 1680033
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Not a cow on lolcow but I saw a tiktok of anuhea basically crying about how she is tired of getting sexualized and bullied on reddit. I looked it up and it was mostly scarethots posts on their subreddit. I hate how those women degrade and demean women to the point of sounding like scrotes. Anuhea is annoying but it is gross how people call her dumb/ugly then bring up how fuckable she is.
No. 1680599
>>1680584Oh, interesting. I was catching up on it and they seemed to be complaining about cheap etsy garbage, and there was the earlier conversation about how artist alley's have changed over the years along with cultural differences in conventions.
If you mean the person who shits on artists for "degen" art or is mocking people for liking certain artists; people like that are in every thread tbh. It's annoying, but I do my best to ignore them. If they get too egregious/aggressive you can report for infighting.
Idk I mostly read the thread for funny shit like that girl who moved to the Netherlands and is in danger of losing her visa if she doesn't sell enough Chinese sweat shop etsy bags, and the oldfag discussion/tips. I hope you find another thread you like more!
And yeah, there's an Art Styles You Hate thread and Bad Art threads in /m/. Probably not what you want to see, though!
No. 1681692
>>1680610Ayrt, yeah I definitely understand what you mean by repetitive. I think that anon was right when she said women get judged way harder for coomer/cringe art. A tif makes vent or unappealing weird shit and they immediately go into a thread or become a cow, whereas male coomers are generally left to their own devices after being brought up a couple of times. I also feel like some of the posts should be going into differemt threads, like the tif thread in /snow/ or bad art/bad art styles threads in /m/. They'd love that shit kek. But I think anons do post so they can complain about the degeneracy of art "in general" which is tiring to see over and over. They sound like twitter moralfags with a radfem twist.
If anything, it does expose me to the funniest anons who don't realize they're revealing how bitter, deranged, or cow-ish they are when they post. Recent post that still makes me laugh is anon who says she refuses to admit a coomer artist who makes a living off his work is a professional artist because of the degeneracy… but he's not too degenerate for her to study his work and "steal his style" KEKK
No. 1684926
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I'm actually finally starting to realize how bad and trashy gossip culture is and that maybe the things that are happening to me is karma trying to tell me how bad gossiping is by making me be the one in the receiving end.
I won't go into too much details but recently there are people in real life who basically have stalked me or have a vendetta against me and the nitpicks ,crazy assumptions , rumors etc reminds me so much of the things I see posted about cows in their threads that now I can't view those threads or content anymore because it makes me feel guilty because in a way i finally understand how it feels. Yes all those cows are bad people but the people who are obsessed with them and post in their threads have very obvious mental health issues and internalized misogyny. There are people who have been keeping up with certain cows for more than 6 years which is crazy to me.
I mainly used this site for drama but I feel like it's time I become a better person because i know how bad it feels like having all this gossip and torment around you just because some unhinged bitch is going through issues in her life and wants to take everything out on you like you're her punching bag.
I'm done with gossip, negativity watching drama content and cheap commentarys etc.
No. 1684935
>>1684926>because i know how bad it feels like having all this gossip and torment around you just because some unhinged bitch is going through issues in her life and wants to take everything out on you like you're her punching bag.This is all these people have. They have nothing else. If they did, they wouldn't do stuff like that. Its actually scary, the lengths they will go to justify the abuse/ stalking of their object of obsession, it's like they are impossible to reason with. They also
victim blame while simultaneously having an immense
victim complex, it really is a unique aberration of human behavior that's terrifying if you're forced to be near it for any length of time.
No. 1688715
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maybe picrel is cringe in this context, but a lot of fun has gone out of the site lately. the types of cows and behavior patterns of cows are so repetitive: low self-esteem, self-harm through shitty relationships and sex, sex worker, e-beg, grift, get enablers, self-victimization, lower standards, repeat. I wish there were more cases where cows get their shit together and live good lives (barring predators and the like) and we can celebrate sending them off into a "good ending"
No. 1696964
>>1696950i can definitely tell when a woman is conventionally unattractive but focusing on it is moid behavior.
i notice it especially in the post-left cows thread, which is full of so much appearance shaming. it's like they dont want women who are ugly or not conventionally perfect to exist. like theyre saying how dare they try to engage with the world. the thread is becoming too hard to peruse without falling into a depressive spiral about my own appearance.
No. 1697662
>>1696939It's so old at this point, I start to yawn whenever I read another post with cold ass takes such as
>um actually ugly women are the meanest, all hot girls I know are really nice and smart but ugly bitches are evil and jealous and bullies>all pretty girls I met were super nice, ugly women are ugly because of their personality! [attaches picture of that stupid Roald Dahl cartoon]It's such moidy alogging. You'd think an ugly woman stole their boyfriend or something.
No. 1697664
>>1696964You don't need someone's permission to exist and do things you like in this world and they're not an authority on who should and shouldn't share their opinion online. Feel free to remind them of this and put them in their place, being ugly (I don't think you are but in general) isn't a personality flaw or mental illness that renders your arguments invalid.
Stupid anecdote but I had an annoying twat in my class who picked on homely girls just like the anons here and said they "act as if they're pretty" behind their backs, aka they confidently exist without feeling bad about it? I told her the exact same thing I'm telling you and said that's rich especially coming from her monkey-armed ass. She shaved her arms the next day and started trying to bully me instead kek but it was so pathetic I just felt bad for her.
No. 1697726
>>1697723Genuinely no onr cares about someone's new gf unless he was
abusive and we're scared he will abuse the new girl as well. Do you talk to women irl?
No. 1697788
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Jill is being emotionally neglected. There, I said it.
I cannot wrap my head around the fact that Louise, Helicopter Mom Extraordinaire™, can just wash her hands and pretend that Jill is not on a path of self destruction. I think that Louise feels really guilty and wants to step in but don't know how/is afraid.
>but Jill is an adult! She's responsible for her own actions!
Yes, I know that she is. I'm saying that she needs help. Her behaviour to me is the same as a drug addict, only now she's addicted to the internet.
>She's not a child anymore
But she is still Louise's daughter. Just because someone is an adult doesn't mean that they are magically bestowed an infinite amount of grown up knowledge and will not make Any Mistake Ever. Or that they are self aware enough to understand the consequences of their actions. Adults make mistakes and need guidance too.
I can imagine Louise just barging in on that nightmare townhouse, taking Jill and the cats, telling Steve to fuck off and throwing Jill's phone out of the window.
No. 1697891
>>1696964It’s different with post-left cows if you’re talking about Dasha and Anna, because they make fun of other women all the time while being hideous hags themselves and much of their brand is build on anachanism and coping with their ugliness by pandering to men. I don’t care about their retarded takes because most of them are supposed to be edgy and contrarian, it’s pointless to be enraged by it, and from presumed self-posting series we know that Dasha doesn’t care about people judging her sedevacantism or whatever, but she responds to people calling her haggard or fat. Shaming their looks may be low-blow but it’s effective in this case.
With Bimbo U-something and other cows in this thread I agree, it’s pointless and annoying.
No. 1697936
>>1697663Um, yeah, plenty of them. They even have wives. The lack of self awareness in posts like these is bizarre, it's like you
want to be a 4chan moid with attitudes like this. No one can be kind, happy and ugly at the same time lmfao, you're like a cartoon villain.
No. 1699176
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Not a fan of Jill but god her thread is full of pick mes
Steve is a fucking asshole to her in her vlog and everyone's like 'LOL GOOD FOR HIM FOR CHEATING ON HER'
They're simping for a guy who likely has an adult baby fetish.
No. 1702396
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every single cow in the post-left cows thread is an astroturfed insufferable pretentious asshole
No. 1702447
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Cp bump careful nonnas
No. 1702907
>>1700132I've always felt the same, I barely check /w/ but every time I do, maybe four times a year, it's like I'm sent back in time right to PULL. The unhinged skinwalking and seething is very reminiscent of that site and it's obsessive posters. Like I can't believe the Dakota Rose thread is still on the first page, who even cares about her past 2012? For the past
decade they've been saying that she's getting fat, losing work and faking living in Japan yet here she still is living a pretty normal life doing modeling gigs in Tokyo. I don't get it, mentally ill behavior.
>>1700322>While majority of /w/ suffers from an extreme case of "look at that bitch eating crackers"A very apt way to word it, anon. Reading endless threads just pointing at the bitch eating crackers is exhausting and I don't know how they do it, especially if they're well into their adult years. Like
>>1699632 mentioned, reminds me a lot of those Kenna threads on PULL that had posters being way more milkier than she ever was.
No. 1706355
>>1706185What's funny is that she keeps shitting on Pearl who's practically an even more retarded mirror version of herself and tries to keep up her "manhate" act but it's clear she's getting a much bigger kick out of harassing other women than ever saying a bad word about the men around her. She drops a half hearted "go die in a war" and goes back to posting repackaged
triggered feminist compilations. Yet never gets picked herself.
No. 1706488
>>1706461There's something about her that's inherently fucked up. Like you, she's possibly the only cow that genuinely causes me rage issues. She doesn't even have any reason to be the way she is, at least someone like Pearl iirc was taught by her parents that women are all worthless whores and she's haunted by her own insecurities, but shoe has no excuses. Like yeah, there has to be some sort of an underlying mental condition when you're literally picking your hair off your head but she herself has said that she was handed literally everything on a silver platter yet never took the opportunity. Which would make me pity her if she didn't externalize it in the way she has done for years. Her fucking nudes got leaked and she has deepfake porn of her going around yet she still actively chooses to pander to misogynistic men and reject women.
>(she got engaged recently, but if a fat retarded trad moid is the best she can get, it’s even more fair)And her leftist larp falls apart at her dating an embarrassing tradcath MAGAfag. She's always been a fence sitter, but always steers towards whatever her current Nigel wants. She just got her foot too deep in Breadtube to revert into being a white supremacist tradthot.
I didn't feel sorry for preg dumping her either. They're both losers and you would think shoe learned a lesson after humiliating herself with those braindead "we have a BDSM relationship normie vanillas just don't get" tweets and photos of herself sitting collared on the ground under her fat bum of a fiancee's desk being a paypig to him, but no, she's repeating the same mistake yet again.
No. 1707492
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The Duke was really hot as a True and Honest Male Goth, I for one would have absolutely let him smash, and it's a tragedy of our times that all the guys like this are trooning out. I can see why Kaya is so into him since he was so good looking before giving in to the meme that feminine men cannot exist. It's just a terrible shame.
No. 1707673
>>1707593She used to be my personal cow in the 00's when she still went by name Usagi Kou and actually caused a metric ton of drama exploiting and abusing the people around her. But now she's no different from any other pathetic NEET e-girl, the only difference is that she's older than them. And I honestly hate how much anons nitpick her body and make fun of her age and call her a hag, it makes her thread unreadable. If she has actual interesting milk I wouldn't know because all the posts are about nitpicking her selfies and that's petty PULL shit for men and girls with body dysmorphia.
If you ask me, discussing the cow's body, unless related to the milk, should be an instaban as it makes it impossible to follow anything of substance. Nobody wants to dig through 800 replies of Ana-chans calling her obviously very skinny ass fat and hyperfixating on her ribcage's shape. You have to be actually mentally ill to find enjoyment in constantly zooming in and out gawking at "fat rolls" or razor burn, throwback to the anons in the Belle thread who were actually editing her photos and posting them as proof of her having deformities.
No. 1707954
>>1707673>calling her fatYes and when they get called out:
>"for HER this is fat!">"she's not skinhy for HER standards">"her whole thing is based on looks, so discussing her body is ON TOPIC"The exact same bs reasoning for every cow who bases their postings around their look so… literally every cow. Its nitpicking the same way anons nitpick Dakota's hair. This whole site is filled with people who have made their whole online personalities around vapid social media. Thats not a good reason to nitpick a deformity like Lori's and dear god, the editing done to not just Belle, but the edited pregnancy belly in a few photos in Venus's thread. The posters are still there,they go to meta every time they get a nitpicking ban because they have that mentality of "she's online and she's obsessed with her looks because she's online, so its NOT NITPICKING!!!!!" Then they blame anons for
camping pages when anyone can report shitty posts.
Like you said, no one wants to wade through 800 replies being "kek she looks fat here". Anons have destroyed a good chunk of /w/ because it is only nitpicking cows now. I haven't seen good milk on that board in years because they'd rather nitpick:
>Toms body>Taylor's cooking>dakota's hair and smile>venus's hair and bringing uo the suicide cow still>ironmouse is all obviously just a dump and purposely bumped>belle and jvlog are gone for nitpicking, derailing, editing>Sarah Spaceman is boring, but milky a teeny bit because she got mad about not winning and I like seeing the cosplay updates>no good costhot or cosplay drama latelyTheres nothing, so they result to dissecting looks. In every thread.
No. 1707959
>>1707954Sarah Spaceman is possibly the only even semi-interesting thread topic in /w/ because of her constant bitchy attitude but even that amounts only to an occasional eyeroll. Anons picking her cosplays apart is pretty interesting to read through though because unlike her looks that's something she has a choice over and as a self-proclaimed authority figure on cosplay with a bad case of Dunning-Kruger's she should have something to show for it. I don't like them making fun of her appearance though.
>they blame anons for camping pages when anyone can report shitty posts.It's not like you have to even open a thread, just open the board and literally every thread on page 1 is filled with replies nitpicking the cow's looks or the "look at the bitch eating crackers" kind of petty posting about her recent social media posts. As stated upthread, /w/ is just the second coming of PULL. I even see people openly identifying as "trans" there.
>"her whole thing is based on looks, so discussing her body is ON TOPIC"It's such a stupid excuse. She's a cow because of her narcissistic and histrionic behavior, not her looks. Belle is a cow because she's a grifter sexualizing underage girls, not because of how her vagina looks like or whatever.
No. 1707990
>>1707966The ones saying the girls "hit the wall" are unhinged.
>>1707959>bad excuseExactly, yet thats used for every single cow on /w/, but anons getting redtexted about nitpicking reeee when they go to meta with that excuse.
>"She used to be a moooodeeelll!!! We can comment on her looks FOREVER!! Stop shutting down DuscUssiOns!"It's giving vendetta and they won't admit it.
No. 1708832
Shays early threads really remind me of a groomed friend who managed to save herself from becoming an online prostitute. They have almost the same origins. She has a supportive family, but she was rebellious. She had everything but wanted more, so when she was told she can make money by showing boobs, she went for it. She was 17, maybe 18, her brain was not developed enough to make that choice. Her parents begged her to stop but she saw them as suffocating and wanted to make money without actually working. It seemed like a money cheat code to her.
The friend thankfully snapped out of it by the time she was 21, went back to her family, and got mental health treatment to solve her grooming and trauma from the shit she had to do for money. One of the people she sold to began threatening her life, so she got the fuck out of there. She’s doing great now, she’s engaged and has a good job. But if she was a bit more stubborn and lazy, she would probably be exactly like shay
No. 1711334
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I know this isn't an unpopular opinion by any means, but I will never get over that these are the hosts of a podcast where they call women uggos and have managed to build a rabid fanbase of wannarexics obsessed with beauty/judging women for looking a day over 25
No. 1711611
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JustPearlyThings/Pearl Davis perplexes me to no end. I find her fascinating in the sense that I would love to see what's actually going on inside her head. Yeah, you can tell me that she's just "doing it for the money" but come on, she's a trust fund kid, her parents are literal millionaires funding her stupid escapades and money isn't an issue for her. She doesn't need to grift manosphere losers online for a quick buck. She always cracks up half sentence and always speaks like she's making fun of all the misogynistic shit men say so at first I thought she was being inflammatory as a psyop to show men how retarded they sound to everyone by throwing their rhetoric back at them, seeing how even the men she interacts with on podcasts think she's too much and wouldn't pick her. But then again her old friends said that she spergs about it in private too which is why she had a fallout with them, so it can't be just an act. Just what is the point? Yeah, she said that she has low self esteem and doesn't think highly of herself which is why she got into this stuff, but that's being extremely dedicated to self hate when you keep doing this each and every day and go embarrass yourself even after obliterating your entire character on national television. I honestly don't even think she believes in any of stuff because she's 100% not being sincere in it but what the hell makes her wake up every day, get on her stupid tiktok channel and start dropping the worst takes? She should be studied by professionals.
No. 1711620
>>1711611I agree that she is a fucking confusing mess and it doesn't make sense but when I first saw her, this was pretty late into the mra game, I just tried avoiding her for as long as I could honestly. She gave me the exact same energy some ex school athlete friends or schoolmates I've had, they quit sports and had always been these very focused, not masculine per se but just girls very dedicated to their sport. When that was removed, they really weren't all that feminine in the traditional sense, didn't really come across as girly, which would have been 100% okay but I think some of them kinda spiraled because now they had this empty space (this is all how it seemed) and time and most of them made a similar turn around. They started dressing in these ill fitting dresses, putting on makeup but not grooming their hair because before they almost always wore just sports wear or basics, they really didn't socialise all that much outside sports or family or childhood friends, and that combined with the fact that they didn't have time to date, they gave off this almost deranged vibe to other girls in my school. You know when you can sense something is off, just like with pearl? almost like they're wearing a costume or it's a bit but it doesn't seem to end? Of course it's not all girls who quit sports but it's a few of them who never seem to figure it out or adjust. One of my old friend from school did a bit very similar to pearl, mra traditional shit and she disappeared for a while, no socials but she got an office job and came out as a lesbian and just seemed so normal, from what I can tell, she is still very normal from what I can tell online. Sorry for this flow of thoughts but it was just such a "it's happening again, let me see if she did any sports, of course she did. Like overcompensating over nothing? Sorry again nona, I'll shut up now kek
No. 1711635
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>>1711341I'm gonna wear this and none of yall can stop me.
No. 1711637
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>>1711635This too. fashion is alive and well .
No. 1711640
>>1711631Whew glad I got my point across somehow, but yeah it's understandable but I've noticed that for example the swimmers I've known looked, well like swimmers, very broad and tall yet they never seemed to do this vs stuff like hockey or soccer, maybe it's the team aspect to it making it harder to adjust after it's all gone. It's very sad because they're just athletic. In my country there's been a lot of sad spectacles of great golden metal athletes that were basically molded into that from childhood so they never had any normalcy, a parent is their manager and trainer and once their career is over, they spiral because they never had that kind of freedom but in some cases, they were also given a lot of academic leniency due to the sports, so they were, uh, stupid as shit. So some were left with money, no direction, maybe no personality outside of their sports and they usually ended up as alcoholics, grifters or just weirdos. Pearl doesn't exactly fit that but these were older men anyways but I just wanted to put that out there too haha
No. 1713349
what's with anons defending ddlg and pseudo-rape porn all of a sudden?
No. 1713875
>>1713608She’s not making the content for other women or for herself, she makes it for men. One of her biggest fans who she gleefully interacts with is a guy in his 50s who buys his literal daughter’s porn. I don’t think she’s a pedo herself and I don’t really get the accusations calling her a pedo, but she’s 100% an enabler. There’s a stark difference between a teenager having a crush on her teacher than some busted obese 26 year old woman larping as a 13 year old in porn she made for men.
>>1713572> a schoolgirl wanting to fuck her teacher is the damn same due to age differences yet no one ever comments on how that's wrongBecause she’s underage and doesn’t know any better, and it’s literally just a fantasy? How can you compare an underage girl thinking that to fully grown Shayna publicly describing herself as “your teenage stepdaughter” then showing her asshole or whatever the hell she does in her porn?
No. 1714257
>>1714026In regards to how women treat their fantasies, ie some anons refuse to believe women have dity kinks like incest and being molested. Did me not using "pearl clutching" confuse you? Im making fun of the posters. Anon who mentioned 14 year old anons writing fanfics is accurate. How many of those have the girls still in high school? Or they aged themselves up just for their self insert? Fantasies are fantasies for a reason. People are able to safely act them out without wanting to act them out dangerously. There's a difference and a lot of anons refuses to understand there is a line and both men
and women have those fantasies. Men have just been empowered to act on it. Most women don't. Doesn't make their fantasies any less shocking. You can act out DDLG stuff like Shay and not want to actually fuck children. Regression is not the same and wanting to have real incest or pedo interaction. Anons who think shay actually wants to be a little girl and be molested need pills. Same way a lot of women wouldn't actually like to be molested by a teacher or that bishoujo anime character teacher vs them typing about it for a lemon at the age of 13.
No. 1714597
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>>1714578>Men and women into DDLG don't do it for pedo reasons.Why the fuck would a man be into the mere
idea/concept of a child in the first place? Why is he even entertaining the thought? Tons of them are into both this shit and real kids at the same time. I could see why you'd excuse a woman playing into it but men who get off to that are 100000% creeps, you're delusional. Ain't no reason to defend male weirdos unless you're into this yourself.
No. 1719131
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I must emphasize that I do not wish to defend Jillian, because I absolutely think she's blowing things out of proportion, she's the boy who cried wolf. But I just find these anons very creepy. Just because someone doesn't say "no" it doesn't mean you have their consent, some people just freeze or are coerced. And feeling dirty about a sexual encounter is not something to just accept as normal and no woman should go through that ever. I don't know, but they rubbed me the wrong way.
No. 1719810
>>1719131I also find this very off-putting. I know this isn't her thread, so allow me to blog here. A guy I used to trust fingered me really, really rough, and while he did that, I zoned out, but fake moaned in between so he wouldn't hurt me even more though it sounded more like a scream. The pain was so big that whenever I remember I can feel it all over again like a flashback. After it all ended I felt the dirtiest I've ever felt, I tried doing some very stupid things to get rid of the dirty feeling. I was scared and alone and everything fucking sucked. Back then I kept blaming myself thinking it was something I wanted, that I provoked him, that it was just a "bad sexual experience" and to not make a big deal out of it. But now I understand I might had been assaulted because from the start I wasn't in a good spot mentally. He also forcefully thrusted himself insise my mouth. Idk. It's like I don't necessarily believe Jillian because hell if I know. But those posts made me feel like shit when I read it, because after being assaulted I still don't believe myself. I can't help but think I might be just making a big deal out of it like Jillian and I feel completely retarded. Maybe anons are right after all. spoilered for stupid blog, sorry.
No. 1720537
>>1719810While I'm sorry for what happened to you, and I understand that what the more adamant anons completely mental takes on
victims hurt, been there myself with cows. But you and some other anons are currently projecting your own trauma onto Jill at the moment, which again is very understandable and easy to do when something hits too close to home, again - been there myself. I'm not saying she's lying and the other anons are right, I also think they're going too far.But I think everyone on both sides of the debate are currently way too emotional and wound up, we can all agree that Jill has made things very confusing and because of how she calls any inconvenience trauma that creates new alters makes it hard figure what to believe. As someone else said, she is the boy who cried wolf.
Anons need to chill out with how she isn't the perfect
victim and thus must be lying. But anons on the other side need to understand that the arguments made against her isn't about you.
No. 1723182
>>1720537Ayrt- thank you. This is a very level headed response, and it made me feel a bit better.
I guess I have always compared myself to cows in a way and that's why it hit too close to home. But yeah. I guess making an anime alter from what happened to me would be extremely dumb lmao. That's why I don't think I can defend Jillian, she's going too far.
No. 1723309
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I tend to believe not that many anons are cows themselves but then I see posts like these and I reconsider. Can't believe I'm sharing this website with this level of mentally ill. Get help.
No. 1723318
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>>1723309same. also this crazy bitch too and that one edgelord in /g/ who saves illegal porn
No. 1728695
>>1723309This is pretty sad. I remember having similar thoughts about that pokemon movie growing up, re: wishing into existence a savior father figure when mine was neglectful and absentee.
Just glad I didn't walk out of childhood with a weird partner parentification fetish tho.
Sometimes I feel the cow line is thin, kek.
No. 1730749
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I just scrolled by and saw this pic of Shay and she looks pretty good tbh. It looks like she lost weight. I don't have anything against them, but the Shayfags are kind of annoying (especially considering recent events) so I hope she gets her shit together to spite them.
No. 1731371
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I dunno if anyone here cares about this cow (his peak infamy has passed although he was trending recently) but I hate how people constantly use old pictures of YandereDev to mock and represent him. Yes he looked dorky but honestly still decently normal and okay. I think the chalice video is the one where he looks the best, in this one he looks plausibly similar to his generic anime boy avatar that he uses in videos. The pictures he posted on gaia were embarrassing but I'd say that even those were just unflattering and that he probably could've looked just fine with some grooming (the other kind, not the type he does do) and better lighting that didn't amplify flaws.
On the other hand, people should be using RECENT pictures because he truly looks hideous and disgusting nowadays and it matches his creepy behavior. He looks OLD even though he always presents himself as a young guy or girl. If you took one look at this predator, you'd be able to tell that he's a degenerate without even knowing anything about him. More people need to visually see that it's not a teenager behind all the autism and perversion, it's a nasty sleazy old man.
Pic related but spoilered for grossness.
No. 1731408
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>>1731107She would do good if she went for children media cosplays with touch of vintage. I uronically think she looks super good here. She has this cartoonish look with big eyes and children are less critical of appearance, she could be a family friendly cosplayer. This and someone who would tell her to stop making these retarded facial expressions, close her mouth and stop with the sexy schtick.
No. 1732292
>>1732270Venus's thread being filled with mentally ill e-girls, what else is new. Everyone who had any noticeable brain activity left that discussion years ago after it became clear she wasn't going to get better and just continued to get sadder and sadder to the point you just want to leave her alone and hope that she'll eventually come across someone who could get her help. It's a girl who had an
abusive stage mom prostituting her to adult men and dragging her by the hair in front of cameras to play a pedo-pandering living doll role while moving around to the point she can't speak any language properly and never made friends growing up thus putting her on arrested development mode, how is just getting away from her psycho mom to live with a creepy moid going to automatically fix her? What she needed was a place to call home, well-meaning friends around her own age and a community that didn't encourage constant self-degrading and substance abuse.
I'm honestly appalled at her thread not being either locked or at least put on autosage because new bitter bitches keep finding her and only see this narrative of a manipulative puppet master who threw her sugoi living doll aidoru life away after bullying her poor old mom and now whores herself just for the fun of it, then enter the thread to viciously blog about how they would've made all the right choices if given the kawaii chance of living in Japan. I'm sperging because she's probably the only cow that I genuinely feel that isn't at fault for ruining her life. She's a 12-year old in a 20-something's body and not in a cute IRL loli way but the "I was violently suppressed during my formative years and was never allowed to work through the trauma" way.
No. 1732837
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>>1732809Same thing happened to me, and I was afraid I’d end up with a similar body composition as her because I was gaining weight for a similar reason (alcohol). Shayna was my number 1 source of motivation to get healthy again. (Spoilered weight loss graph). You can do it; you aren’t Shayna and once you have some initial success it is really motivating to look at her thread
No. 1734294
Under the risk of triggering certain retards, I'm going to let these threads go unnamed (but if you were on /snow/ say, yesterday, you might know what I am referring to) but anytime you question a cow's psychiatric "condition" there seems to be a really weird contingent of anons who go to great lengths to defend the cow's absolute word that they are ~extremely mentally ill~, and make strange arguments that the skeptical anons are "gatekeeping" a mental illness. This happens in more than one thread on this site, not just the infamous one which shall-not-be-named. From the way that they type, it's obvious to me that they are newfags from TikTok and Twitter, and they have a certain Zoomer aura to them—I usually avoid calling them out because it makes them more aggressive and more likely to derail the thread, but especially considering that one thread yesterday, it's very clear that many are indeed newfags. I think these weird anons are likely malingerers, in addition to being Zoomers who need to pathologize everything, and probably feel called out when anons don't believe a cow has BPD or bipolar disorder.
But my main opinion about the cows are that most of them are just shitty people and not severely mentally ill kek
No. 1734598
>>1734530Well I don't disagree, I'm just saying that a lot of anons overly pathologize bad behavior in otherwise normal-ish cows. It comes off as moderately underaged or inexperienced, if not the Dunning-Kruger effect at work.
>>1734559Kek, the irony is that I wasn't referring to the Venus thread, and don't even go there at all, so whomever you're referring to is a different anon. But it proves that this phenomenon happens in other threads, too.
No. 1744916
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I used to live pretty close to Jill, I wish I could go back to 2014 and become her friend so I could convince her to be normal and not to be so desperate for attention online. She was so cute back then and I honestly liked her goofy rainbow pastel style a lot. I like her energy too. It's too bad she's a narc. I know how retarded this sounds, I promise you don't need to tell me.
No. 1745425
>>1745407i mean allegedly she's still trapped with the
abusive moid to start with so it's not like she has a chance to self reflect in the midst of her marriage to him. rape charges were charged against him recently, i would be extremely surprised if she wasn't his most common
victim No. 1745883
>>1745821so damn true. literally every diagnosis haver wants to claim how unique they are and nooo this cow can't possibly have x because
i have x and it makes
me super speshul and not cowish at all. grow up.
No. 1750712
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I still believe, perhaps naively, that Heather can turn it around but it’ll require (1) abandoning the path she’s on right now her LoveQuest, (2) processing the damage her marriage did on her and (3) a willingness to take on criticism and change. I don’t want to say “she needs to get off her phone” as it’s obvious she feels it’s one of her ways to feel connected but if someone ever needs to control their internet usage, it’s Heather. It’s the root to some of her problems. I know, I know, if she were capable of any of this she wouldn’t have an active thread, but still.
No. 1766895
I found out about horrorcow Soren Hayes a very very long after the whole milk initially started but only read threads 1 and 2 for some reason. I was actually incredibly morbidly interested in it because it's just fascinating how fucked up this girl was. Today, I spent like the whole day reading through thread #4 after I discovered it from googling her name out of curiosity. And that's how I found out she was dead, apparently. It kinda punched me in the gut for some reason, because everyone knows she suicidebaited every other week but this one seemed so out of the blue. I genuinely want to do a whole case study on her because her whole psyche is mind-blowing. I was skeptical at first like other anons speculating that her death was faked so her family could move and she could start over a new life, but it honestly stacked up, from the botched as fuck SRS surgery being the only real pain she's ever experienced, the strange calmness of it rather than her usual freakout sperges as if she made the decision to die already, giving away shit, etc. Yeah, she was a shit person and there's no denying it, obviously. Morally, I feel sorry for feeling sorry for a deranged pedophile who dedicated half her life to researching real CP cases, cutting and pasting real victims into her fake abuse goreporn torture rape warehouse fanfic, demonizing real victims, romanticizing all this shit and fucking everything else, which is a long list, but I do, unfortunately. Honestly, I don't know what the hell was going on inside her life to fuck her brain up like that, but anyone with half a brain knows that mentally sane people do not do what Soren Hayes did. Some people are just fucked no matter what disregarding their circumstances. About Soren (or Pritya I guess), her life from the start is already unfortunate, whatever it is whether her "my mom and sisters were raped in front of me while my dad was beheaded" or "my mom died of malaria on the streets and I didn't know my dad" was real. But she was incredibly fortunate to have been adopted into a wealthy white family whose parents (speculatively) loved their little third world adoptee too much. Actually, I'm having super mixed feelings just writing this down. I guess I just feel sorry for Soren because she didn't get the help she so desperately needed, as apparently her parents were enablists or unaware and her therapist was a scam. Anyways, she's a super interesting subject to research, especially the sheer contrast between her and her little sister, who is also an Indian orphan but completely regular in every way while they were both brought up in the same household. The Soren Hayes story wrapped up suddenly and anticlimactically with confirmations on anything and I don't know why but I kinda expected it, for her to just fade out of existence rather than a bang. My personal theory is that her parents knew partially about her bullshit. I don't think she would've fed the entire story to them, maybe just the child therapist molesting her part and they believed that and coddled her, because they didn't know how else to handle it and believed that every other of her fucked up antics just stemmed from that. Her sister though I think knew about the shit she posted online and tried telling their parents but they didn't believe it or wrote it off as a byproduct of child molestation and did nothing but feel sorry for her. Soren was probably just the family mentally deranged nutcase that everyone tread carefully around, and that's what they probably did instead of getting her real help, just treating her like a bomb and that's why her death was treated so lightly, they were relieved.
No. 1771737
>>1771540It is pretty funny, an onlyfans girl who posts edgy stuff for 4chan degens , (I like having sex with dogs, toddlers are so hot, I want to be gang raped and murdered and abused by incels sort of tweets she had Bianca devins as her cover photo on Twitter, called herself female Elliot roger ) lied about her age and said she was 19 for 3 years. And a guy rolled up and punched her in the jaw while she was walking down the street.
Pretty Hilarious, I guess she was at a White supremacist congregation this month. I don’t think she’s ugly tho she looks like an ancient woman, a fair maiden or something but she is styling herself with the horrendous egirl crap that frankly I don’t think looks good on anyone
No. 1771743
>>1745407How was she supposed to grow up and mature while pushing out babies for the retard that groomed her? It's weird how the cows in genuinely fucked up situations like her, Venus, hell even Lillie Jean will have anons screeching at them to pull themselves up by the bootstraps and stop being fuckups while cows like Shayna and Jillian who were the architects of their own misfortune always get anons who pity them and write fanfics about how they can improve, even though all they do is get worse and worse every year.
I understand she (Lainey) is an adult and adults are capable of making their own decisions, but Greg implanted himself in her brain at 16. If I was one of her parents I would have shipped her ass off to one of those rehab farms for "uncontrollable" teens before she could run off with gurggles, but I do understand why her parents wouldn't want to do something like that. It's honestly a sad situation because she's fucked in the head and her kids are going to grow up to also be fucked in the head. I wish she'd leave him but he's at the very least emotionally and financially
abusive so that's much easier said than done.
No. 1771839
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I only go to the Dakota thread to gawk at the absolute schizos writing their unhinged fan fiction there.
No. 1771846
>>1771844he literally had a separate channel deticated to only posting videos about her. And he only made like two videos on other reaction channels.
>azzyaland,momokun, pickme blah.blah blahMy point was about the sniper and jacksfilm drama so I don't know why you are mentioning other unrelated things in your post that sniper has done to make what Jack did look better.
No. 1771927
>>1771910Lol you are the only one making things about gender here. Even if sniper was. A man I would still find it weird.
Also nice try 99% of his other channel is sniper. If you like we can go through all the videos on his other channel, but you wouldn't like that because that would prove you wrong but I'm sure you would then make up another excuse on how him being obsessed was all okay because he is muuh modern robinhood or some other retarded shit you have to day.
No. 1771936
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>>1771204As others have said, I think the fact that it’s so predictable is fascinating. The vendetta is completely unwarranted as Heather is only harming herself.
My tinfoil is that the husband and friends use the thread to continue to torture her as they know she is aware of it. No. 1772146
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>>1772030I don't even like her but your moid-tier spergs about her are pathetic~ I also saw you accusing anons of only defending her because she is a woman on her own thread too. Also funny how you stopped replying once that other anon offered to go skim through those videos with you.
No. 1772239
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>>1771910I simply hate men. No explanation needed
No. 1773224
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I come to different art and fandom threads to laugh at bad art and cows, but some of those anons really need to take off the rose tinted glasses over Japan. I swear, some of them legit talk like guys such as Hero Hei over the country. I came here to laugh, not to read how japanese artists have to recreate Da Vinci's whole art gallery before animating K-On.
No. 1773372
>>1773368'ate kiwifags, 'ate people who assume i am a kiwifag
shrimple as
No. 1773399
>>1773376'ate scarves, 'ate schizo nonnies
shrimple as
No. 1773404
>>1773348Heather’s first thread was heartening because I’m pretty sure Adam or whatever his name made it? He was definitely there trying to make her look like a cow by painting himself as a
victim and so many anons were like “nah fuck that dude.” She is a cow obviously but for totally different reasons. She could’ve castrated that man for all I care. But of course she didn’t because she’s literally harmless, the only person she’s capable of hurting is herself.
No. 1774715
>>1774583>>1774572No, you don't understand. We are all the same anon
defending Jack. She is a terrible creator, woman vs woman or man vs woman, doesn't matter. Anons need to stop coming to whiteknight the hell out of her, full stop.
No. 1774780
>>1774583>>1774339>>1774715Kek I literally dont give a fuck about her, hop off jacksfilms cock will you. Just telling you how moid minds works. You might sperg for years about some cowsa nasiolabial fold out of hatred, a moid will only do that bc he seethes from not being able to fuck her.
No one has white knighted smiperwolf just bc we think jacksfilm is a creep. Am I white knighting onision if I think social repose is a creep too?
No. 1779855
>>1778759>>1778880I know that technically you can always do whatever you want - but being an unhinged weeb is a lot easier forgiven when you're barely an adult. The majority of japanese into cringe subcultures are also very young, you can have more fun when you're the same age. Plus doing it when you already have a career would mean having to give up that stability, meaning you can either choose between becoming a loser or living with regret.
If pt tried joining some gaijin idol group in Japan, then she might or likely would have failed too but at least she would have tried and experienced it at an age there it's still rather harmless and later when you get that out of your system it becomes easier to be a responsible normie. Just look at her recent thread, she basically does the same cosplays and poses like a decade ago…and I also feel like those interests from back then completely stuck with me and I didn't change at all despite so much time passing.
No. 1786200
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>>1786081Had to do some digging for this one, can't believe I've been here for over 6 years now.
>>>/snow/402508also cant believe I had to delete and repost like 6 times bc my stupid phone kept spazzing out No. 1789930
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This is PULL tier nitpicking
No. 1790876
>>1790623but anon, I would be remiss if I didn't powerlevel about what a superior sex worker I am! Anyway let me check what Shayna's been up to
Honestly all the camgirl and sex work cows should just go in the camgirl thread. They're all boring and the sexworkerchans commenting are too invested.
No. 1791786
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People defending pedo males in the Micky Moon thread honestly disgust me to my core.
No. 1793762
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I don't care about Shayna, but as someone who does nails (On myself but still): I always feel pained when I come across a pic of her nails. Her cuticles are absolutely destroyed and it never seems like she has any moisturizer or oil on them, which they should (at least in photos right after she got them done) if she's getting them done at a salon. The nude color is super unflattering for her skintone and the French is very short. That is just a personal design preference of course, but it makes her nails look like pencils. And if this is supposed to be a fresh set, they were done very far away from her cuticle so they look super grown out. That also makes the rhinestones look dumb since they're so far up.
No. 1793765
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>>1793762Samefag but she also has a greenie on her pinky. It's fine to put nails over a greenie but jfc girl at least keep it covered until it grows out. Or perhaps it's some sort of dye since it also appears to be on her false nails? Either way, if I was her I would take those off and jusst paint them until my next appointment.
Sorry for the nail sperg, I don't want to post this in her thread.
No. 1793799
>>1792360And for exactly do these anons expect a 13-15 year old girl to start posting nudes and acting like this and basically brainwash her? Scrotes applauding the actions are groomers, regardless of her age and intent. Willingly posting porn at 13-15 is not normal and is groomed behavior. Anons just refuse to admit they hate cows and disguise it by saying they are just discussing cows.
A 13-15 year old is not at fault for posting porn. You're taught that's okay, somewhere .
No. 1793876
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>>1791595>baiting anons and getting off on being discussed by womenHe posted picrel today and yeah, it's kind of obvious that's what he is doing. His shit content gets zero interaction so he would love if farmers gave him some views. Kathy's threads used to be funny and milky but now it feels like a handful of Captain Save-A-Hoe farmers have taken it over. The thread doesn't need rambling paragraphs about how she can better her life. It's newfaggotory behavior. She's a pill-seeking illness faker; she doesn't care about your advice to "exercise more" to help her non-existent ptsd kek
No. 1793879
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No. 1793980
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>>1793961This is a greenie. It usually happens when someone has false nails and the false nail lifts up from their natural nails, moisture can get trapped in and it can cause this. A lot of people think it's a fungal infection but it's just bacteria. It's harmless and depending on how deep it is you may be able to file it off, or you can just let it grow out. Some greenies can be super dark, but I'm not sure if Shayna has a greenie or if that's some kind of dirt or what.
No. 1796243
>>1796206Her thread has devolved into a PULL mess because it's clear that the only people who care about her at this point are other failed weeaboos and menhera chans who greatly envy her for being an OG "living doll" who hit rock bottom, in a way she's living the "tragic child starlet, where is she now" image so many of them probably romanticise the hell out of. Yes she seeks attention for her countless issues, but most of them were created by Margo and all the seething anons who keep posting about how she should just pull herself out of it or go to live with her estranged family members just want to be able to say "See? See??? She doesn't want help!! If it was
me, I'd–"
Anons in her thread being so mad all the time makes it clear they're not from here. You're not supposed to constantly be angry about a cow's life choices. It's shadow fan behavior to root for her when she's doing what they want and get disappointed and piss and cry when she's being her regular mentally ill self. That's also the issue with Heather's thread. The most active anons dominate the thread by posting over and over because they have nothing else do to and a parasocial, deeply personal and often times self-insertive obsession with the cow that goes beyond just wanting to ogle online weirdos.
No. 1796261
>>1796206I agree I still see her as a
victim in a way. She kinda had no chance. I came across her vids a long time ago and was curious about her, it was strange. Never was a 'fan' but vaguely aware of her, then later I learned more about the shit going on her whole life via Margo. I feel awful about everything Venus has dealt with, cant exactly blame her for being this way. I think she does have at least some agency to improve her situation if she committed to doing so, but she doesnt. Its a sad situation and I think Margo is 85% responsible for it still at this point, but Venus isnt helping herself much. Not that it would be easy to do, but it would be doable for her imo. Just sad.
No. 1796449
>>1796243>all the seething anons who keep posting about how she should just pull herself out of it or go to live with her estranged family members just want to be able to say "See? See??? She doesn't want help!! If it was me, I'd–"
>Anons in her thread being so mad all the time makes it clear they're not from here. You're not supposed to constantly be angry about a cow's life choices. It's shadow fan behavior to root for her when she's doing what they want and get disappointed and piss and cry when she's being her regular mentally ill self. THANK YOU. Finally someone says it. I feel like i'm taking crazy pills when I browse the thread from time to time, seeing anons samefagging and agreeing with themselves. The people saying her poor mental health is all an act are the same ones armchairing about her having NPD in order to justify treating her like an irredeemable piece of garbage, but letting others speculate about any other mental illnesses (not saying we should armchair at all, but it's clear she's legitimately mentally ill) would seemingly validate her behavior in their eyes, so they screech WK at anyone who disagrees with them and bitch that the mod is a Venus stan even though everyone's getting rightfully earned bans in that thread when they tinfoil, armchair, derail, or alog no matter where they stand.
Quite a few of the ones camping in her insta comments are jealous europoors, TIFs/gendies, BPD ethots, and weebs; all the same types of shit they project onto Penus and claim to loathe. It was really eye opening and now I take what they say even less seriously. None of them have their shit together but that much was obvious from their posts in the thread.
No. 1796524
>>1796308People put Japan and Japanese on a pedestal (while hoping to be treated as special in turn) and feel like queen/king shit being a foreigner surrounded by and interacting with their favorite, coveted ExoTic ethnicity (despite the fact that the foreign population has been steadily increasing), so they see each other as competition to be the next top favorite guyjean which leads to a bucketcrab mentality where they're eager to wallow in the suffering of their rivals so they can feel better about their own lack of perceived success in Japan. Comparatively, you never really see this much with expats in Western/European or Latin countries for example, at least nowhere near to the same extent, possibly because Japan is still a mostly homogenous, insular, closed off society in many ways compared to other places which are more used to being integrated with people of many ethnicities. Some part of them, no matter how much they deny it, holds onto an unrealistic media portrayal of Japan and Japanese people, so they're unable to look at things in a grounded and realistic way and understand that there's nothing to envy about Penus's position. Although I guess to them, living as a mentally ill mess of an addict in Japan seems more fun than experiencing it in other countries because JRAWK, KAWIWI FASHUN, MAHNGA, ANNIE-MAY, GAYMING, and DEE DEE ARR or whatever.
No. 1796537
>>1796243I just can't hate her. Unless she starts doing some truly heinous stuff, how could I hate her for being messy when she never stood a chance at a normal life? I think a lot of people forget or underestimate the effects her very public form of abuse had on her. She was a child forced to perform, but also get derided online to an insane degree when it was never her choice or her own opinions in the first place. Also, it would have been a miracle if the first guy she latched onto wasn't a piece of shit.
>>1796524Don't forget that mental health care in Japan is atrocious so even if she ever decided to get real proper help, she won't find it there.
No. 1796564
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It bothers me that this BPD scrote always has so many good-hearted older ladies, hippie women and the occasional gen Z girl in his comments licking his ass. All he does is sperg out, bash them and demand money.
No. 1796583
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>>1796524“I LOVE JAPAN, PERIOD!”
No. 1797389
>>1797037nta but while I used to be on cgl back in its heyday, I do admit that part of growing up is realizing that someone having a mediocre cosplay or not being pretty isn't really that interesting. While that was always petty, I do agree that it feels like it has gotten worse. Especially like you said regarding age.
What I think makes it worse here is that there's absolutely a huge (radical) feminism component that's in a lot of threads, and while yes not every thread overlaps, I refuse to believe for a second that none of the nonnies claiming they hate men and everything women do is good aren't the same calling someone an old embarrassing hag for having a hobby and nasolabial folds at 32. It's just a really weird mix to see.
No. 1799445
I watched probably the only video about the queen and while I don't feel bad about what happened to her because she's a huge attention whole who if she was skinny and conventionally attractive, she would be like any other loser on the internet posting her nudes for pennies. I can't help but wonder just what would've been of her life if she had gotten what she wanted, so my fanfics are:
1. She gets the Japanese husbando of her dreams, marries him, leaves her house and is happily married to the moid living an authentic Japanese life, probably loses even more weight and with her crafting skills she sells American sized clothes in Japan which makes her famous.
2. She uses her english degree and goes teach English in Japan, becomes famous for being great at making cosplays and somehow gets recognition for that, maybe she ends up being some sort of kawaii ambassador.
3. Accepts herself as she is, stops being obsessed with Japan, travels to Europe and makes friends, ends up staying in Europe and stops posting on social media.
4. Stops being obsessed with Japan, focuses on just doing cosplay for fun, makes friend, only posts about conventions and upcoming cosplays and becomes a cosplay seamstress that's famous for doing very detailed stuff.
But we're in the worst end of it, I have a bad feeling about this whole tranny shit, like she will commit a huge mistake that will kill her like Soren, who I think probably killed herself after seeing the rottdog being so nasty.
No. 1799476
>>1798515Because it’s one of the easiest ways to justify why you legitimately hate the cow and aren’t normal about her. It’s like Kiwifarms and grooming, some of the examples are stretched out and I doubt these scrotes care about it that much, but it gives you legitimate reason to hate someone and make them a lolcow without much questioning.
>>1799412She’s funny but she’s still a cow who pandered to 4chan and Bitcoin scrotes in a pathetic way.
No. 1799496
I wish Onision's children would get taken away from him. I worry he's going to SA his daughter, especially if she really is brain damaged from the fall and can't get away from him or fight back.
>>1795735I feel bad for Lillee. Her mother completely destroyed her chances at a normal life by pushing her grift and pulling her out of school. Now they're avoiding landlords and Lillee is so delayed educationally she doesn't have a change with or without Laur's derangement. It's no different than Margo and Venus except Lillee isn't getting pimped out (as far as we know).
>>1796206Venus has no concept of normalcy, I'm not surprised she's floundering. It's more sad than lulsy to me. If Margo was right it was her fault to begin with for making Venus into such a mess.
No. 1799576
>>1798515Just don't go to Jill's thread anymore. A lot of the nonnies within that thread are cows themselves who openly admit to being tifs or randomly blog about how their mental illness is totally real and
valid uwu. I wish some normal nonnies frequented her thread, but honestly I think that's just how all /w/ threads are. Haven't come across a /w/ cow that didn't have uncomfortably weird anons in it
No. 1804325
>>1799522seriously, I can't even look at that thread anymore because I really feel like something incredibly dark happened. Like, how the fuck did she go from normal teenage girl with an interest in colorful makeup to an arrested development, overly sexual
total freakshow? Surely it isn't just not going to school anymore, right? I don't know what her mom did or does, but it really doesn't feel right.
No. 1817250
>>1817219For a queerio munchie cow she sure wisened up like nobody's business and put that shit behind her (ostensibly). I bet she's gone the other direction and is a radfem now who hate trannies with a passion. That would be so fun and based.
Also "how many cunts have you licked?" will be stuck in my brain forever lmfao.
No. 1817256
>>1817219She was so entertaining, but it's better if she's offline and hopefully improving herself. I was pleasantly surprised in the last update in her thread, where she was going full radfem and criticizing sex work.
I'd take a deathfat thread revival as an alternative, the fatterbombus and her selfies consisting of 90% double chin was a laugh
No. 1818403
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How dense and autistic do you have to get to not get a joke. Not all posts deserve replies. Fucking retard
No. 1826644
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If faking an eye and going half blind for the cause is the worst thing she did I dont really see the big deal
No. 1826778
>>1817219When I saw a nona say she became anti-sex work, I was hoping for a
terf saga tbh.
No. 1826811
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>>1818841I also loved her when I was a repressed middle schooler. Her lapis cosplay was awesome
No. 1826831
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Are shaytard anons ok kek
No. 1827481
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>>1826917Unfortunately, I find JustPearlyThings hot. She would look so much better if she just went back to her volleyball tomboy look and gave up her moid-pandering clownery
No. 1827485
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>>1827481Like seriously. Wtf is this shit, does she not know how to dress herself?
No. 1827495
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>>1827443I'm pretty sure she has to be nearly blind in that eye if not already losing her vision. I'd be very surprised if not. There are no cases of these contacts being sustainable, and the actual eye turns completely black under them. The whole eye, pupil to limbal ring turns black. I've seen accounts that her modeling agency encouraged her to fake the contact so she wouldn't be plain, but idk. I also don't believe she's some raging hateful homophobe like her messy gay dad claims, I think he probably cheated on his mom with men and she was hurt and didn't want a relationship for what he did to her mom and he got MAAAAD and pissy. Idk I am amazed she's lasted this long, that's some crazy dedication. I think im mostly just fascinated by the really passionate, loud hatetrain over an eye in that era kek. It's interesting because lying about every aspect of your features and body via photo and video editing has become the norm especially with the rise in influences, but everyone draws the line as faking heterochromia even though many influences fake entire faces, skin color, bodies, etc. She has never looked like her photos and does less so as the years go on but she is nice to look at. Random but she also has some of the most natural looking implants I've ever seen. I just think it's funny that there was SO much rage over it, and now it's commonplace. It's literally just an eye.
No. 1827524
>>1827516Oh yeah im totally not trying to argue with you just conversing, ruminating on that weird pre-2018 period when it was very easy to be dogpiled for artifice as a woman when now youre practically praised for it
>>1827521Probably because it's a popular sentiment? I don't have reddit
No. 1827858
>>1827485I don't even know who this is, but somehow she chose the absolute least flattering outfit and hairstyle for herself
>>1827495I always just felt bad for her, imagine feeling such pressure to stand out that you put your eyesight at risk.
No. 1828083
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>>1827495This reminds me, I saw this woman from IG getting posted around. She goes by "Ash Kash". Do you guys think she actually has heterochromia, or is she pulling a Krotchy?
No. 1828177
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>>1828083Just did 5 mins of "research" on Ask Kash and they are certifiably shooped fake eyes. However, there is a strong possibility she does have light eyes with a touch of heterochromia, but just uses apps to make them ridiculous colors. Here's why
>whites of eyes are always veinless and white completely (sign it's an app fixing the whole eye)>although I've seen one irl instance of super warm honey brown eyes, never as red as hers are in SOME photos.>with heterochromia fakers, keeping it up for a long time consistently in pic to pic is nearly impossible. I'll post 2 of hers to show. One moment her lighter eyes is green, next it's yellow-hazel, limbal ring size varying>super special eyefags LOVE close-up photography and close side-views of their eyes especially in the sun. No such angles found for her. Always head on shots.Overall it's a half-yes and half-no for shooping guess to me
No. 1828899
>>1828230Same, nobody comes to my mind whom I wouldn't give a 2nd chance.
>>1819152despite still not changing her ways. What Preg did to her was so humiliating, in my book simply no woman deserves that.
No. 1829096
>>1829082Samefag, but when you guys call Pearl ugly to explain her behavior, you forget that Shoe's literally rendered herself bald with trichotrillomania, and has a classic "FAS" face. She's lived her life so insecure about her body that she called normal women (like "sword girl") fat, couldn't accept the other women at one of her workplaces saying she was pretty and made an entire video mocking them in racist ways, has attacked other women's appearances more than once, etc. She definitely knows what it means to feel ugly, and she's always sought validation from and surrounded herself with fat/ugly men (likely to feel like she's the "best" they can get, and because she thinks it's what she deserves). She puts work into her looks that Pearl doesn't, and you will probably never see her without a wig, but at the end of the day, they're not that different.
No. 1829173
>>1829134Speaking of, does anyone have the old milky Shoe0nHead videos? I remember her being racist in a lot of them. I dug through the last few threads and found this anon
>>>/snow/590604 but the video itself is gone. Brittany doesn't seem to have used most of them.
No. 1830725
>>1829961Imo Pearl was better off to begin with than Shoe but is causing more damage (I'd still give her a 2nd chance because I'm weak lol)
Like the anon above mentioned, Shoe is so mentally ill that she's been ripping herself bald for ages already. Her entire life was spent alone and online in her small childhood bedroom. She lets the grossest moids use her and thinks it's a win. Most of the shit she posts are "memes" that countless people before her already posted. She hardly has any female fans, the teen girls who like her (or rather the way she looks) quickly leave after their short phase with her ends and moids only like looking at something that doesn't spew anything that hurts their feefees. She doesn't have a real influence on anybody.
Meanwhile Pearl grew up unironically privileged. Her mother sounds like a great and talented woman, she has many siblings, many sisters, she had normal female friends. Growing up her dad pretty obviously spoiled her and her siblings (e.g. look at that huge awesome water slide in their garden). I don't think she was insecure at all when she started her online presence, she seemed like a free and happy horse girl. But success online is based on different things than popularity irl. And therefore she started looking into other ways of getting attention and this spiraled quickly and sadly also garnered a ton of followers quickly. Within a few short months she got millions of views and everybody invites her for talks.
The shit she posts is on a whole other level of vile and dangerous than the personal insults Shoe had for women. It honestly is crazy how big the mra movement has gotten thanks to those subhuman moids and her too.
I said this before already but there is no way Pearl believes what she says, she's a smart young woman who spent too many years in a good environment to get brainwashed into genuinely buying into that. She likely loved that she got fans quickly and of course realized the crazier her takes her, the more attention she gathers. But she also knows that not of those mra moids would ever pick her, I believe deep down she doesn't even want that. Imo sometimes she even looks somewhat scared during those podcasts, particularly when she says something especially misogynistic, she always does an awkward chuckle and then a nervous look around, checking for the others reaction to what she knows is completely wrong. She knows that one day something bad might happen to her thanks to her behavior, either by one of her crazed supporters or by somebody who's had enough of her women hating and racism.
No. 1830766
>>1830725The thing about Pearl is that literally
nobody takes her seriously, not even the manosphere retards inviting her to their podcasts. She has no charismatic bone in her body. She's the favourite target of commentary channels endlessly clowning on her and her being rich makes most people roll their eyes at her tradthot larp when they know she's a nepo baby living off daddy and mommy's dime. Shoe on the other hand has always evaded intelligent criticism because she knows how to balance on the fence she's sitting on, she says something that makes the left happy, then turns around to regain her based status from the altright community. Normally sensible people retweet her takes and follow her because she tweets something they agree with every now and then so they're much more likely to forgive her contrarian takes despite disagreeing with her. The same doesn't happen with Pearl, she's a circus freak people gawk and laugh at.
No. 1832481
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anons in luna's thread are too cruel.
No. 1832554
>>1832481It always rubbed me the wrong way how anons in her thread claim her dad can't be emotionally
abusive or bad because he buys her stuff. I know she's lazy and loves to exaggerate, but it's pretty clear to me that her relationship with her parents has been all kinds of fucked up and I feel bad for her in that sense.
No. 1832573
>>1832554Some people are genuinely just that stupid and believe material things completely negate
abusive behavior. Probably because they're manipulative themselves. It's like the anons who think Venus has no right to complain about how Margo destroyed her because she got Angelic Pretty dresses out of it.
No. 1833800
pixielocks is like if shayna was just a regular attentionwhore instead of being an autopedophilic porn attentionwhore. they both come from semi similar backgrounds, were popular online in their teens, fat, addicted to consoom, have fake personalities, pickme tendencies, upper middle class family, have a bf/"gf" that doesn't really like them, no real friends, etc. but i don't think jill's life is that bad, she could honestly do a lot better if she put in some effort. i dunno about shay, she kind of dug her own grave
No. 1835942
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Some of the Shayna posters are… Interesting.
No. 1836716
>>1836064>delved intoIt's been a long time since I've seen this malapropism aly_realrecover used all the time.
>would've been banned otherwiseeven if she had posted in a cow thread, she deleted it so why repost it like an autist to make some fake generalization about "women who post in X thread"
No. 1836859
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the women the TIF thread who wear elaborate makeup pisses me off. Obviously trans ideology is rooted in sexism but I can at least see where the gnc TIFs are coming from. They are still sexist but if they are raised in a traditional household with strong gender roles it makes sense that they will become delusional enough to think they are men. But the ones who wear clown make up and quirky clothes have no excuse. They wear more make up and accessories than the average normie girly girl. 99% of these TIFs also fake autism but autistic women are known for disliking wearing make up and struggling with elaborate make up styles. Also autists prefer comfy clothes over polyester garbage with a bunch of weird belts but for these fuckers autism just means being socially awkward (which they are because they are terminally online) and sensory issues with food (they are just spoiled). I wish they could just admit that they are weird women instead of larping as autistic men. They often say they couldn't connect with other girls growing up qnd therefore they are boys but they never had any male friends either and it shows because they have no idea of how men interact