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No. 1940042
Buying stuff to organize stuff she cannot get rid of it.
No. 1941352
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Used to have T-moblie Tuesdays before it no longer works on my phone and couldn't find it on the app store though I get annoyed when one of my family members insists me of getting these free T-mobile junk. They're pretty ugly imo.
No. 1941367
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This is probably a little off topic (company greed fueled by consumerism?), but Mercari's US version updated its selling and buying t&c to the point where it looks like a food ordering service with all the fees. They tried to spin it off as removing any seller fees, but all this was also added:
>buyers can return any items they purchase
>buyers must pay payment + service fees + taxes
>fees are not refundable if the item is returned
>sellers have to pay $2 for every money deposit
>sellers can be charged a percentage of an item's price if they cancel sales too often
So now buyer's don't want to pay $20 extra for the stuff they buy and sellers don't want to get scammed by people who will just wear clothes for a night out and mail them back for a refund.
No. 1941381
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>>1941367Reminds me of ticketmaster and all their bullshit fees like picrel kek. At least there are other BST platforms out there that haven't gotten greedy
No. 1942493
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I know is for the lulz, but I don't know if cringe at this or Melonpan's body pillow bed.
Then again, that moid do not sell body pillows.
No. 1942752
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I was looking for a new phone case and stumbled on a brand called Velvet Caviar. They had some nice designs, but then I found that they did a playboy collab. I keep seeing so many brands making crap with playboy and I hate it. It's commodifying women and promoting and glamorizing the porn industry. Anyone who consooms this shit is a loser.
No. 1942836
>>1942716The style of animation in this is an eyesore, there's way too many cuts and it feels like it was made for people with ADD.
>7 11 for dinnerThat's some ghetto ass shit…but I guess it's kinda what happens when you only buy pokemon, chikawa and one piece merch your entire trip.
No. 1943154
>>1942716Does Jaiden have autism or something?
>>1942856I bet Japanese people hate that cringey Westerners treat their country like Disneyland.
No. 1943532
>>1943154NGL I would hate any westerner that treat my country like Disneyland AND have the guts to claim we are disgusting for pixels.
(derailing) No. 1943629
File: 1711815977624.png (962.18 KB, 1429x884, kate gabrielle.png)

Not sure where to post this to be honest, never tried to come outside of cow generals, but has anyone seen these Kate Gabrielle bags on their timelines? I'm wondering just how level they are when walking around with a full bottle full of water. Wouldn't it be like off-kilter or heavy or are these actually a good idea?
No. 1943745
>>1943629Seems like it will be a huge fashion shit when Summer comes.
No. 1943764
>>1943532She’s a hypocrite anyways. She regularly consooms lolicon figures, then acts shocked when her followers point out that these blatantly sexualized child figures come from a pedo porn context and not some “cute game or anime”. For someone who acts like cares so much about this issue, she doesn’t try to do any research on what she’s buying.
>>1943629>Wouldn't it be like off-kilter or heavy or are these actually a good idea?They would be, especially if you did the cross strap. It would be awkward. Probably better for lighter bottles and not 40oz.
>>1943745Especially when it’s being advertised with a Stanley cup in the photos kek
No. 1944495
>>1943054The funniest part is most of the people didn't even seem to like what he got them that much because he literally just bought stuff he liked and then threw it at streamers.
>>1943887I think she does the whole asexual larp thing.
No. 1944513
>>1943532Her weeb larping is so shitty and fake, of course she's buying Sonico coom figures right after she complains about Japan's porn industry.
No. 1944549
>>1944523IDK. She said that she was going to fly back from wherever to Tokyo with a friend. It wouldn't surprise me if the "friend" was just another media shill of some type. I wonder if the friend paid to ship back 6 suitcases and multiple backpacks. I can't get over buying that much low value tat, especially not new corporate products that they could just buy from 20 different websites.
>>1944513This is the most tumblr sjw thing ever, criticizing something in public and then still consuming examples of the worst of it. I have zero desire to own anything related to Sonico or eroge looking anime, because I can feel it in my bones that shit's nasty. Even if it's not literal porn and the art just has the same exact style, I still don't want that in my life.
No. 1944717
>>1943832I don't have the same purse but I use messenger bags and yeah, they start to hurt after a while, specially when the water bottle add more weight.
>>1944549She explained Sonico is different because "chubby representation", but never she thought the character is chubby because some moids like chubby characters??? "But women love her!" Japanese women are more focused in yaoi/husbandos, Addy.
No. 1945272
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>>1944717It's humiliation fetish crap, too. How does anybody female look at this crap and think it's empowering. The sexual humiliation just pours out of these things.
No. 1945308
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>>1945272I've confessed once that i like cute booby characters in weeb media because they make me feel a bit better about being that way and liking soft looks and stuff but even if i'm conscious that they are made to please moids i hate seeing the stuff where they just get simply sexualized and that's it like your picrel.
Anyway i haven't really followed her but i noticed a lot of western young girls online getting sonico stuff lately and tbh i think it's some weird nlog thing they do for male attention because even as a lesbian i wouldn't buy figures of catgirls in skimpy costumes and what not.
No. 1945409
>>1944717I can understand the representation argument when it comes to Pochaco… But Sonico's three sizes are 90-57-87. So between XS-S clothing size here, and still a M size in Japan. I hate that I know this, but Nozomi from Love Live has about the same measurements. Coincidentally, I've never seen a cosplayer for either of these two that wasn't at least chubby.
>>1945272Pickmeism probably. They watched too much loli crap and started to feel insecure and undesirable so they cling to these things as proof that they are actually the cutest big titty irl waifus.
No. 1945638
>>1945272I mean, she has a tall figure. How is not that a humiliation fetish?
No. 1945665
>>1945638>LOLIS ARE BAD B-BUT I'M STILL ONE OF THE OTAKU GUYS LOOK I HAVE A HALF SCALE SONICO FIGUREHow pathetic, if a thread ever comes out of this I wouldn't complain if she got one.
She even sucks at the 'menhera girl' larp because you can tell she's a huge normie with no actual mental health issues other than being a 'shopaholic'
No. 1945670
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>>1944717I think it's pretty telling that none of these people never mention the character who actually IS sonico for girls, Naitou kun.
No. 1945766
>>1945670I wish N+ and N+c gave a shit about Naito.
Also I WISH their actual games had half of the amount of merch that Sonico gets. I will begrudgingly admit to being a fujo N+c enjoyer and I don't buy porny figures, but I would like more merch of ACTUAL characters and not mascots to be there.
N+c is famous for giving little to no merch for their actual games and the qualities are very limited, so you're looking at insane retail prices and outlandish resale prices.
Want a boobie girl? There's like a 100 figures in all different price ranges. And their golden child Aoba has like 4, I think (all ugly). And Naito-kun is just dead, his last breath smothered out of him by booba bounce bounce coom.
I like Sonico's oufits (wish they were more modest, but they're cute!), tbh. Her chara design is pleasant. But the overall gaming company having overwhelmingly fetish merch of their character who is simply a maskot… Doesn't leave a good taste in my mouth.
No. 1945989
watch her milk that double hip surgery for the next 15 years.
No. 1946023
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>>1945989I hate the total commercialization of Easter. At most, you should get a basket of candy. It shouldn't be dozens of plastic toys. My friend got her kid four full Easter baskets, each about the size of the one in your post and it's just excessive and pointless.
No. 1946493
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>>1945706She says herself that it's apparently fine for children to buy sonico figures, which to me is on par with saying it's fine for kids to buy playboy bunny merch.
Even if you're going to shill Sonico shit at the VERY LEAST say that it's not meant for children since she's a porn mascot.
>>1945766To be fair I actually do buy their regular nitro chiral figures and there's an OKAY amount of merch, I just wish they'd start doing gift plushies again those things were the best.
>>1946016Big bulges are more of a gay moid thing though.
No. 1946520
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>>1945991They're better than they were a few years ago at least. Plus Akira's getting a new figure.
No. 1946521
>>1946493>>1946016Big bulges is faggot shit. I want a bigger ass on my anime bishies
>>1946497You get it! kek
No. 1946584
>>1942716>buys extra suitcases instead of just shipping back the merchEven my shopaholic consoomer friends did this.
Adult Pokemon and One Piece fans have literal brainrot, I'm convinced.
No. 1946902
>>1946488What is exactly the point of "buying everything off my wishlist" if she doesn't have an actual list?
I got into wishlists and dragged all my friends in along, so we can gift each other the exact things we actually need and want. Also visualising your wishes and seeing it all together makes you consider what you actually need, tbh.
But she just goes on websites and splurges. "Mental" wishlist is basically "I buy every single thing I can think of", which is not what wishlists are for.
No. 1946918
>>1946907Same, it’s super tacky and I assume it’s the parents idiotically trying to flex on other parents (why else would they post it online?) but quantity over quality isn’t a flex at all. Growing up my parents typically gave my sister and I each one really nice gift for Christmas and a few smaller useful things like clothes, books, or CD’s they knew we wanted. That seems like the ideal way to do Christmas instead of wrapping dozens and dozens of cheap shitty gifts that aren’t useful just so the tree is overflowing with shit under it.
I know this is Easter but it’s the same concept lol. Easter for us was similar. We’d get an Easter basket with some chocolate, maybe a gift but not always, and have an Easter egg hunt in the yard. By the time we were in middle school our egg hunts consisted of eggs filled with all the loose change our parents had saved over the year so after the hunt we’d hunker down and count the eggs and change itself. I think seeing how much a little bit of change here and there adds up really helped me develop a good attitude towards saving money and it was a lot of fun! Change can be spent on something you actually want but dollar store shit is just useless junk headed for a landfill.
No. 1948774
Talking about keyboard autism: The first time I heard about it was from her.
No. 1948815
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>>1946023Eggzactly! Easter is a great opportunity to do sustainable activities with kids. Aside from those who celebrate it religiously, it's a fun holiday that's centered on spring, new beginnings, and nature. It's infuriating that plastic eggs are now the majority of egg activities for our current commercialized Easter. It's much more memorable and fun to do an egg dying activity with kids and then eat the eggs afterwards. Why waste so much plastic?
No. 1949232
Why are they all obsessed with Kud Wafter
No. 1949366
>>1949232I don't understand why these women obsess over and collect lolicon merch. Who are they trying to impress? Do they really like getting validation from pedos? What does she really get out of it? This one is messed up in the head, she has a body pillow of a child's body on her wall, a kid's backpack, and in some of her videos she's wearing pigtails, obviously trying to pander. Spending all this money to larp for pedos, disgusting.
No. 1949405
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>>1949382In some cultures they do a thing where we pierce the raw unboiled egg carefully at both ends, drain out the yolk and white from the shell (carefully too) and you can save that in the fridge for later cooking/baking and just have a hollow egg to decorate after you clean and dry it which doesn't take too long. pic not mine but it's someone else in the pre-decorating stage, probably going to trace over the lines with hot wax next. This gets my vote over low-effort plastic consumer goods.
No. 1949923
Imagine being in debt to your own mother because you can't stop buying BL merch.
No. 1949940
>>1942752Their phone cases aren't good I've had two from them. The clear ones age into yellow.
>>1948216Caring that much about keyboards is retardation consoom levels. You don't need a nice one unless you're doing a APM game or rhythm game.
No. 1949946
>>1949928It's a fetish and also likely what
>>1949428 said, except for this particular person it's definitely sexual. They imagine themselves as lolis. This one is particularly nasty, she put kid-proof foam tiles on her bedroom floor. Doubt she put them there for "cute" reasons.
>>1949937Yeah she's probably gonna bounce. She knows what she's doing going through her mom instead of using a credit card. Taking advantage of her mom's kindness and naivety. Even admits that her mom forgets what she owes her.
No. 1949968
>>1949946I kinda want to see her face, I get the feeling she looks like a baby jane granny juxtaposed to all the lolis in her room
>>1949923That's the worst parenting I've ever seen. The biggest lesson my parents teached me since I was a child is to never get in debt unless it was completely unavoidable, this is the complete opposite and it's going to fuck her over in life and fuck her relationship with her mom too as soon as she isn't a young cute daughter anymore. Idk how old she is but I can't see her mother enabling a neet shopping addict into her 30s.
No. 1950030
>>1949382You can always use non-
toxic paint and then just eat the eggs afterwards, though. Guess this is an Eastern Orthodox tradition but when I was a kid we used to play a game with dyed eggs where you'd try to break the egg of another person by hitting it with your egg and the one whose egg didn't break would win. Always ate the eggs afterwards. This was more fun than the plastic toys that came out of commercial eggs and were invariably shitty.
No. 1950041
>>1949382in my country eggs were still eaten if they were dyed in onion skins or beetroot or any natural, vegetable dye. all of finely decorated with wax or paint eggs were blown out shells like ones
>>1949405 posted
No. 1950382
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>>1949946It's like a weird kinship, plus some of these girls feel like they have to emphasize it in order to still attract adult males. The same way some girls over emphasize they watch porn and like kink when it's usually not as prolific as they claim. It's a bunch of things. I honestly do like some figurines genuinely that are loli characters, but the designs are pretty in a non-sexual way because I'm not the one sexualizing it or the actual audience. Like the No Game-No Life figures of Shiro.
No. 1951107
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This is really dumb, but if there ever was a reason to NOT shave your coochie, it's the fact that you apparently need a whole bunch of products to stop it from being mad at you from giving her an uncalled for buzz cut. Literally, just trim your pubes with an electric shaver and you will be free from this bullshit. Moids will just have to cope and seethe about your pussy not looking like a child's one.
No. 1951113
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>>1951107Side note, but i post it because i see multiple of these all the time. For such a tiny insignificant area!!
No. 1951149
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>>1949405>>1950030>>1950041this is totally fine! unfortunately it's not really the norm in canada here, where we have non-
toxic dyes but they get covered in glue and glitter and stickers like pic related. i'd definitely do vegetable dye eggs and eat them if i had kids. i already put eggshells into my potting soil mix.
No. 1951150
>>1949366>>1949946>>1949232>those pit stains>people who sell used children clothes probably don't realize the people buying them are creeps not people who have children themselveswelp new fear unlocked if I have a daughter I am incinerating her clothes once she outgrows them.
No. 1951205
>>1951150These clothes would be incredibly cute on actual children, but I'm pretty sure almost everyone buying them now is a fetishist
No. 1951216
>>1951212Girl has to keep her arms super close together or she's immediately gonna flash her tits on tiktok from wearing shirts for 9 year olds.
No. 1951219
>>1951150i’ve seen these tards resell these clothes for 50+ bucks on depop and claim they’re rare items when they’re a mass produced children’s brand. and people are delusional enough to buy them KEK i could never imagine spending that much on 500 yen kids clothing
>>1951205her boobs are crying for help
No. 1951223
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>>1951219>her boobs are crying for helpShe's apparently a fakeboi on top of being an ageplayer, so she's likely binding here.
No. 1951236
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>>1951227I mean it's not really that big of a surprise that a lot of fakebois are into ageplay, since they fear becoming adult women more than anything else.
No. 1951239
>>1951231Same, but pixie honestly looked better in Jfash (her lolita coords were always fairly cute to me)
>>1951237Also true!
No. 1951245
>>1951223>>1951236>they fear becoming adult women more than anything elseExactly this, and they think being a feminine straight woman is too "boring" so it's more acceptable to do all the same things a feminine straight woman does but call yourself a gay man instead. It's because moids, even the faggy annoying feminine ones, are seen as humans and women aren't. Zoomer weebs would rather be anything other than just a white girl with hobbies lol
>>1951216I've seen plenty of women interested in jfashion wearing mezzo piano tops and angel blue tops as well, it's not always for ageplay/LARPing as a child usually it's just to brag that you can fit in them/afford them (because theyre overpriced even on japanese secondhand sites) it's extremely corny
No. 1951247
>>1951236yea, it's just funny how often this happens and the cognitive dissonance is hilarious
>>1951242because they glorify feminine softboys but being a feminine woman is uncool and they're nlogs
No. 1951251
>>1951242Pooning out involves testosterone haircuts and titchop, but she’s literally just a woman. This is just being an autopedophilia NLOG
>>1951216Even thin girls can barely pull off literal children’s clothes. It’s honestly comical seeing a fatty try to wear it. Big Shayna vibes
No. 1951254
>>1951248Mezzo piano girls are the REAL bio trans girls
>>1951251>It’s honestly comical seeing a fatty try to wear it.I don't even think she's fat, she's just pudgy and wearing the least flattering clothing possible (aka stuff 10 sizes too small for her)
No. 1951255
>>1951245I get few designs are cute (most are garish and literally childish) and if I was an ana-chan that would be a way to flex kek but at the same time you can get shirts and skirts that actually fit and have cute designs for the same price or lower. lots of people into jfash are wack and massive weebs so no surprise they would do something like that.
>>1951251I hope wearing children's clothes doesn't become a more common trend although I'd be hilarious seeing people coming up with the dumbest outfits and fighting for snotty spaghetti stained thrift pieces.
No. 1951263
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the dora obsessed TIM has a new obsession
No. 1951269
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>>1951245>because theyre overpriced even on japanese secondhand sitesthat’s what they want you to think so they can make a quick buck
No. 1951272
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No. 1951283
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>>1951205>>1951216Same energy as picrel
>>1951223To no one's surprise at all. Gross.
>>1951244Nta but yeah Peter Pan syndrome along with can't be seen as anything but special is a recipe for disaster.
>>1951255>but at the same time you can get shirts and skirts that actually fit and have cute designs for the same price or lowerThis
>I hope wearing children's clothes doesn't become a more common trend although I'd be hilarious seeing people coming up with the dumbest outfits and fighting for snotty spaghetti stained thrift piecesI really hope it doesn't but who tf knows with these loons. I could see it since they're so deranged.
>>1951275>but buying secondhand things actual children worn is on next level gross behaviorFirmly agree
No. 1951287
File: 1712292330953.png (1016.45 KB, 1660x713, Screenshot 2024-04-04 214422.p…)

>>1951279>>1951269Yeah I'm pretty sure the ones that go for cheaper are from the 2010s onwards. What mezzo piano girls are going for are generally stuff with this mascot, who I will admit is cute (I wouldn't blame people for just buying a plushie of her) which are more from the 2000s era.
No. 1951298
>>1951289She’s literally fat though, overweight at the very least
>>1951290I think it’s a 50:50 ratio tbh, mentally ill people tend to have issues with food and are either fat or ana. You usually only ever see the ana DDLGers get popular though kek
No. 1951300
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>>1951269Those aren't the designs I think that are most popular though. TIFs binding their breasts and wearing little girl's clothes is a simple click away on tumblr, due to most of these kawiwiw aesthetic blogs being run by women like that. You'll most likely find photos of them under the heisei retro tag or the "jojifuku" tag (picrel) which, is literally an aesthetic meant for older women wanting to wear little girls clothes. I think its fine to experiment with fashion but the fact that this aesthetic is infested with aidens who are notoriously pornsick is offputting. It definitely reeks of developmentally arrested zoomers who think the only way to stay young is to wear children's clothing
No. 1951302
>>1951205Maybe it’s my age showing but I feel like teenagers into this will hopefully grow out of it. If nobody else does I’ll post some 20+ women who still import hundreds of dollars of children’s clothing and worthless kawiwi plastic garbage later.
>>1951299I think most of the popular cows on /w/ would tbh
No. 1951303
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>>1951297I don't think all of it is 'infantilizing' some women just like cute designs on their clothing, but it definitely does make me wonder why they just don't buy stuff in adult sizes (other than the obvious ageplay+body checking).
Old listen flavor in particular stands out as the same aesthetic and I can vouch that their clothes are super comfortable.
No. 1951305
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>>1951300Fun fact about jojifuku: most of the original photos that got popular on pinterest and the like were taken at a porn studio.
I think that speaks for itself.
No. 1951315
>>1951303Same, I love whimsical and cute designs on adult women clothing. It can be done. I think because it's labeled as adult which isn't what they want. They probably get off on it having a tag saying kids. Bleak
>>1951296I don't remember but fuck she very well could have. I mean she was wearing her own 4 year old daughter's pjs so technically anything is possible. I'd have been pissed as a kid if my mom squeezed herself in my clothes. Like wtf.
No. 1951321
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>>1951315For a while AP was doing this sort of look where they converted their prints into miniskirts, which while it's not my taste I could get why an adult woman who would like it. What really annoys me is mezzo piano fans claiming 'there's no other cute clothes!' to excuse their ageplay as if Japan isn't swimming in this sort of thing.
>>1951319Pretty sure it's an adult, she doesn't really look like a teen to me.
No. 1951322
>>1951305This. The fact that it was started by japanese women doesn't meant that isn't a depraved concept. Childish aesthetics are fine but the second that actual children's clothes enter the picture it starts reek of ddlg no matter if western or eastern women do it.
It's kinda sad that cutesy colorful aesthetics get caught in this crossfire as the world is boring and colorless enough but if you're not careful you run into those freaks
No. 1951331
No. 1951342
>>1951331her head looks like it doesn't belong in her body kek why zoomers have such unflattering haircuts?
>>1951338her haircut literally looks like something my mother had in the 80s. that kind of layering and feathering is so dated but I guess it's novel for zoomers.
No. 1951366
>>1950382i have always loved her design, always thought it was a shame she existed to cater to pedos.
>>1951107>>1951113this is ridiculous kek. i do use that vaginal wash on my vulva (yes the external lips, i would never put soap in my vagina that's retarded) though and it does the job. you don't need to exfoliate (ouch wtf is she thinking) or moisturize your fucking mound. "even tone"? what the hell? now i shave because i really hate the feeling of body hair personally, but i've never given a damn if my vagina has "an even tone". never had an ingrown, hers must look like shay's in her heyday.
No. 1951937
>>1951366>>1951366If you don't read into tropes, then just buy whatever you want. Unfortunately, so many cute designs are geared towards younger characters that fit into fanservice bubbles, but that's how it goes for more female characters in media made by men.
Also nta, but exfoliation is good for ingrown hairs. You just don't need to be stupid enough to get it on the inner lips or obviously inside your vagina. Same thing with asscheeks and I know some girls get full brazillians. I didn't realize exfoliating wasn't well known to prevent ingrown hairs and it just helps keep the skin healthy. Using something harsh on it would be insane, so something like a Korean exfoliation glove would be good and you don't need to worry about getting any product into anything. I don't know why the go-to would be actual sugar scrubs. Yikes.
No. 1951995
>>1951588I'm 164 and I know I would tear apart that poor dress.
Am I the one guilty to see these kind of videos?
No. 1953014
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>>1951331>>1951205Yukapee vibes. At least the clothes fit her, those girls bursting out of japanese children outfits… idk how it isn't making their eating disorders worse.
No. 1953340
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No. 1954057
>>1951890Nonnie the pills/medicine/injection things in this kinda fashion is typically meant to express how women feel in japan about mental health, I don’t think they’re actually promoting drug use or becoming heavily medicated it’s more like social commentary mixed with cute fashion, like “yami kawaii”
>>1952995This is actually fucking angering, I want to alog. How does she have no guilt or shame? It almost seems like parental abuse because I cannot imagine a normal parent that isn’t geriatric being ok with this
No. 1954315
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Nonas, I've never been more scared of a picture.
It's like that "stroke simulation" ai pics. Can't even tell where one figure starts and another begins.
No. 1954319
This person collects Dora The Explora and Powerpuff Girls dolls. They are also apparently transgender, mtf im guessing but I can't tell.
No. 1954323
>>1954319Just one more video so you can see the sheer amount of dolls they own. I do not understand how people can afford stuff like this. I just want a peek into their actual lifestyle.
No. 1954342
>>1952995How is she not embarrassed to admit this?
>>1953001OK she probably
is retarded
No. 1954351
>>1952270Slowly but surely i'm dropping the cute pastel aesthetics from my main hobby
(journaling, a coomsoming nightmare if you aren't carefull enough) for the same reason. Because even if it looks cute when i'm buying it it looks straight up retarded when i use it. Blogpost but
I recently bought some sanrio stickers and once i actually tried to use them they looked so fucking stupid on every page, because they're barely one step above of the literal kiddy stuff they sell at bookstores here. To make matters worse where I live both the coquette aesthetic and journaling became trends at the same time so now anywhere i see it's all "bows! baby pink! strawberry shortcake! sanrio! sylvanian families & lps!" And their journals and Instagram pages look personally victimized by pinterest No. 1954354
>>1954353I think that nona just felt embarrassed to admit that.
>>1954351I don't think journaling really needs an aesthetic. Words > looks. I journal on Notepad.
No. 1954380
>>1953358This girl could also provide for herself, she just doesn't want to. She literally states she doesn't want to work for someone else and that her social anxiety (which every zoomer seems to have these days) makes it hard. But she can drive a car and function quite properly which should be enough for many jobs. Parents who enable this shit will have a problem later. Back when I had friends in fandom there were so many girls like this, it's not like they were braindead to study or work but they were just able to live life on easy mode. People like this dreamed of becoming self-employed artists or writers when they had a "writer's block" even when they had 24/7 free time to write while some +30-year-old moms updated their stories regularly while having full-time jobs and small children. Even working part-time stocking shelves could be easy for people like this but the idea of just going to work is too much for them as it has never been demanded from them.
The good thing is that she's not collecting complete trash with no value and someone might be buying these dolls for good price so at least they can be resold.
No. 1954394
>>1954364ayrt i know i'm just embarrassed of being a journalfag. To look so harmless, it can quickly become very werid
>>1954354>>1954353I think is more about doing a little collage every now and then. It can be pretty fun. But yeah a lot of "pretty stationery" it's just useless tater trying to pose as a sense of aesthetics.
Thread tax. I think this ilustrates my point pretty well. There is o so many ways than a bright colored water based marker can draw, it's all the same ink, and some of the haul are literally children's products.
No. 1954397
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>>1954351>Because even if it looks cute when i'm buying it it looks straight up retarded when i use it. Understandable. Once I became 25 I got rid of a bunch of cutesy things in my life because I felt like I was self infantilizing myself. It's hard to explain but I'm close to 30 and none of that stuff feels right anymore. I used to believe that kawaii and cuteness really had no age or could be transformed and you didn't have to go all in but after a certain point it simply became uncomfortable for me. I don't know, sometimes I feel like women infantilizing themselves is such a widespread thing nowadays that I kind of feel like an outlier even though obviously I'm not. If any other
nonny nonny has felt similar things please let me know
No. 1954421
>>1954364lol journaling is one of those hobbies that keeps coming up in these threads because of how consoomerist and inauthentic it can be which is such a contrast to how little it really demands of the person (pencil, paper).
>>1954397I think this shifts once you cross 60 and then it's not seen as weird to be into cute stuff again. But I think if there was any place where you could comfortably express cute aesthetics without shame then journals aren't a bad choice because they're not really meant to be seen by others are they? It does make me think that our culture us lacking something though, where there's all this visual expression available for youth but then it just kind of peters out for adults. Not everyone wants to make up an entirely new aesthetic for themselves they just want to pick up something already available that they think looks nice and that makes them feel good but I guess it just doesn't really exist past 22.
No. 1954432
File: 1712473406831.mp4 (9.78 MB, 1080x1920, ri.hira_TikTok_NoWatermark.mp4)

this is kawiwi hell
No. 1954450
>>1954319I'm worried he's skinwalking his sister and is trying to recreate her childhood. These are two shows that a little girl in the 2000s would have liked. TIMs always use someone as a blueprint: sister, girlfriends of past and present, or an unrequited crush.
>>1954397I feel the same way. I still like cute things and I do like pastels, but I feel odd and out of place owning things like that, so I just admire them from a distance nowadays. In a way, I do worry about people looking down on me, not taking me seriously, or thinking that I'm stunted for liking cute things. I stopped around 24. Like nonas suggested, maybe it's something I should still try to indulge in, at least in private.
>>1954421>I think this shifts once you cross 60 and then it's not seen as weird to be into cute stuff again.True, there's lots of older ladies collecting cute toys and figures.
No. 1954814
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Genuinely, why?
No. 1954853
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>>1954351Japan and Asian countries have a lot of cute stationery, toiletries, etc that isn’t for kids. Picrel is towels but you get the idea. They make more mature Sanrio designs from time to time too. Pretty much all of the cute stuff you find in America is geared towards children though and look retarded for adults. Something like
>>1954397 is very much for kids
No. 1955163
>>1954394I'm into coloring books and and I feel the same as you about all of the supplies. I have one set of markers and one set of pencils and that's all I need. You can change the way you're holding the pen to change the thickness of the lines, and with pencils it's easy to change the intensity of the color. I really don't know why you need the amount in vidrel just to color in some pictures.
No. 1955304
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how to know if a person lost control over their life
No. 1955324
>>1955095Ayrt, I do the same thing when I sell secondhand kek. I didn’t want to admit it because technically we’re also offloading junk, but it’s better than throwing it straight in the trash. I’ve had some people like it at least and thank me. Now I’m wondering if we were like the 3rd or 4th household getting passed down crap kek.
The only time I’ve actually gotten a useful freebie was when I bought a skirt from a woman on Poshmark, and she threw in the shirt she would wear with it to work. It wasn’t from Shein, it was a nice top from an expensive brand.
>>1955304This is retarded. I don’t understand the appeal of collecting this many figures. It looks like a block of trash. It’s hard to focus on just one when there’s a sea of them.
No. 1955325
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>>1954315This looks like those houses where people with Diogenes syndrome live.
>>1955163I'm glad Ohuhu is here to kick in the ass to Copic Markers, but I already have the 320 colors, I don't think I would buy the other sets.
No. 1955343
>>1954814I am amazed that products designed to keep you clean can look so dirty.
>>1954397It's one thing to wear literal kids clothes and it's another to wear a hello kitty t shirt as an adult in normal adult sizing. There's all kinds of cute clothes designed specifically for adults nowadays, how would indulging in that be infantilizing yourself? I'm sure moids don't think the same thing when wearing a power rangers shirts at age 35 or walking around with lightening mcqueen crocs. It's literally only women who are bullied out of their childhood interests because of how sexualised any thing to do with being female is.
No. 1955357
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>>1955347They're 18, so close enough.
No. 1955368
>>1955363Seems like she has a lot of Reigens (personally I don't care about shounen shit in general)
>>1955364It's honestly a scary amount of stuff in one room, and I say that as a consoomer myself.
No. 1955442
>>1955388absolutely based
nonnie ♥
No. 1955956
File: 1712588898158.jpg (7 MB, 3171x4830, lego.jpg)

What do you guys think of these legos? I've recently gotten big in to them again. My brothers would bully me out of playing with them as a kid, so I just stuck with anime, but these are so nice and fits my interests. Anyone else have fun doing these? I've bought little pokemon ones too and just finished a big eevee. I ordered one floral house from Amazon too, not lego brand just like some of the Pokemon ones, and it's so cute. It really sucks waiting years until you have your own money to realize how stupid it is that things are gender coded for kids, especially things like legos. I wish they made really pretty ones when I was little. Instead it was little Polly Pockets I've be given. You attach, like 3 things the clam shells, wow so much building.
>>1954364I keep trying to use GoodNotes on iPad for journaling, I've even downloaded from self-care checklists like "How was your mood today, did anything stressful happen? Who did you talk to bout it?" and still no luck. Lasts like 3 days then stops. I have more fun setting UP a journal which I think stems from the fact that I like decorating and customizing things a lot. Sometimes journaling isn't for everyone, so if you're not the target demographic, I wouldn't call it 'cringe' if you're also getting videos that don't cover your preferred aesthetic too.
No. 1955962
>>1955956This is my opinion but I don't see the big deal with adults building lego specially the kind of lego like the pic you posted which are designed for adults to build. They're less like toys and more like pretty puzzles that could serve as decorations and I get the hype because building them looks relaxing. I've never built one myself though.
I think Legos are way too expensive though. You could build like 3 off brand sets or more with the same money. But you shouldn't stop yourself from doing these things once in a while, just don't spend money that you don't have.
No. 1956044
>>1955956I saw them at the grocery store yesterday, to be honest I never got the obsession with legos, I had like one or two sets as a kid but they've never been a big part of my life personally.
The price kinda threw me off kek, you could buy an actual nice bouquet of flowers!
No. 1956063
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I unironically get mad when people call nendoroids 'weeb funko pops'.
No. 1956074
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>Actually look cute (as long as it's not an IP that clearly shouldn't have been made into a nendoroid)>You can make them into dolls with cute fabric clothes>High quality accessories>Good for photography>Only real negative is their bases are ugly and they can be annoying to put together Funko pops
>Creepy soulless black eyes>Only good for keeping in boxes that are inside another plastic box case so you can try and resell it on ebay in 10 years No. 1956087
File: 1712597409602.png (265.57 KB, 557x395, co-de.png)

>>1956078Yeah I do agree that a lot of them they made in the pandemic were particularly bad and cheap (I would have rathered that they just stopped production for a bit so the designs would come out better)
I like statues but I never liked articulated figures because of how weird the joints look, it works on a ball jointed doll but when you can see it going through their 'fabric' it just looks really really strange.
I do hate that current swacchao line they have going on right now where all the nendoroids look like they're awkwardly sitting on a toilet or something, if they're gonna go back to 'static head with unmoving body' I'd rather they go back to co-de (at least those were pretty clearly meant for kids for most of the releases) or nendoroid petites (which were cute as hell).
No. 1956110
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>>1956108I'm glad to see more women going against this currently. Even in minimalist aesthetics you see a lot more cute touches like Miffy lamps and plushies.
I think animal crossing had a lot to do with this since pretty much every woman was playing it during the pandemic.
No. 1956115
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>>1956111They're the same type of mentally ill girl who sleeps in a cage.
No. 1956119
>>1956115These people are also impressively crazy.
No. 1956127
>>1956108I just hate it, you can't have cute things, you can't enjoy video games, you aren't allowed to have plushies after being 18 years old and if you like sci-fi or other male stuff, it's also wrong. You can't have "girly" interests, but the boy interests also aren't meant for you. I've reached the point where I don't care anymore, if I want something cute, I will have it, not like the examples here, like rooms full of shit, but single, selected things. In the past 5 years I started to really like a soft pink, like cherry blossoms have, I always hated any colours meant for girls, I wear black 99% of the time and my furniture and rooms are mostly white, so you can imagine the looks I got from others, but why should I get rid of something I like just because people don't agree. If a moid can keep his interests after the point of being a full grown adult, why shouldn't we?
No. 1956149
>>1956135I think this whole discussion stemmed from grown women wearing literal children’s clothes, which is freakish no matter what way you spin it. A moid collecting pokemon cards is not weird, a moid wearing a pikachu t shirt meant for 8 year old boy is creepy as hell though. A moid wearing a pikachu themed shirt for adults is fine though, as should an adult woman wearing this because they’re meant to fit adult sizes
>>1951303I do think a lot of nonnies in this thread shitting on kawiwi stuff in general (not just in excess) while saying they want to use it but feel stupid are self-hating though, why should women have to give up cutesy stuff when they’re older? To be fair adult men do get judged for liking pokemon, capeshit, etc as they get older but not nearly to the extent women do for liking stuff like sanrio, disney, and barbies. Hell men obsessed with Star Wars (a disney property) never get lumped in with disney adults. When people shit on disney adults they usually just shit on the women which is really telling
No. 1956151
>>1956149Star wars moids shitting on Disney women is so obnoxiously hypocritical to me.
>Mmm yes my lightsaber fight franchise from the 70s is so much more sophisticated than your theme parks with multiple michelin star restaurants and high end hotels As if they wouldn't have stayed in that retarded Star Wars hotel if they had the cash for it.
No. 1956198
>>1954972Was the pen actually legit? Everything I've seen seems like knockoffs so I've never bought anything from there.
>>1955956A friend of mine had a set of them in a vase and they looked like regular realistic fake flowers from across the room, I thought they were pretty cool.
No. 1956265
I want to bash more on retard male consoomers. Double whammy, bunch of colognes and also collects funko pop. Definitely an incel.
I don't see the point in having all these full size colognes, he could just buy small samples if he really enjoyed the smell. There's no way he's going to use them up.
No. 1956310
>I don't chase, I attract
>Ugly saggy faced wrinkly male that no one would be interested in
No. 1956591
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>>1955956Im not super big on legos but I do enjoy puzzles and crafts, and the more adult legos like these are really cool to me. Pic related is a art series they have and I really want to get this one. It looks really cool on a wall and has depth.
No. 1956615
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>>1949923Even the Tiktokers won't stand for this kek. Apparently this woman is 25 to top it all off. The only way she "pays back her debt" is by reselling merch she already bought.
No. 1957267
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>>1957233>dressing up your nendoroid dolls>taking pictures of nendoroids>posing nendoroids>making your nendoroids play with dollhouse objects >making an S&M dungeon for your nendoroidsAll of these count as playing with your nendos.
No. 1957297
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>>1957233Falseflagging funkofag spotted
>>1957267Kek posting a coom nendo doll is going to just make her seethe harder. But I agree, many people even build (not buy) intricate props to take photos of their nendoroids with. Honestly though I don't see any issue with buying either funkos or nendos as long as you only have a few and genuinely enjoy them. It's much harder to appreciate something you don't actually interact with, like a funko pop though.
No. 1957863
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>>1957473>There's a correlation between cologne obsession and being a fucking loser.Can we say the same for men who are shoe sluts?
No. 1958371
>>1958146>>1958169I don't really get how wearing them is supposed to prevent this. It looks like the glue attaching the sole to the upper has just deteriorated.
I guess if he actually wore them consistently he'd have worn through them and thrown them away by now, or he would have attributed them falling apart to wear instead.
On the positive side, this seems like a really easy fix, just glue the sole back on.
No. 1958724
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>>1958140>there are literally no coom male figures though. Yes there are, they’re just extremely rare compared to the female coom figures that come out every 10 seconds (I’m pretty sure I got the full comp minus shota figures which I obviously can’t post).
No. 1958735
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>>1958724There’s also these ones of Akira and Towa, but they haven’t come out yet
Companies other than nitro+ really need to figure out that women are more than willing to buy coom figures of yaoi men.
(derailing) No. 1958967
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At first I thought it was one image of her full collection and then three detail images, but it seems to be four separate images. Multiple copies of the same albums, and some are even multiple copies of the various versions.
No. 1959041
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>>1959019Because of each version having a different photo book, I can understand the desire to buy various versions of the same kpop album, but it still feels like excessive consumerism to me. I prefer to just pick the version that most appeals to my tastes and have only one. That said, vinyl consoomers who buy multiple versions of the same album where the only difference is the color of the disc will never make sense to me.
No. 1959046
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>>1959041Wow. How is this even a thing? Kpop is really insane. Those albums are loot boxes. People don't even use CDs and there can be as many as 50 photocards for one member per album. They are playing with the fear of missing out and the possibility to buy almost anything online so easily. And on top of that, there are parasocial relationships. It's really an insidious hobby. And yes,
>>1959033, many fans stop and are left with tiny pieces of paper and piles of albums that are worth nothing.
No. 1959066
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>>1959033Kpop fans are some of the ultimate consoomers, in Korea there have been several occasions of people finding mass dumpings of albums someone bought dozens and dozens of copies of to either to boost album sales, to get photo cards or to try and win a fan meet. Literally just purchased and then tossed in the garbage kek it's insane
No. 1959075
>>1958371>>1958401It's the moisture in the mid sole that causes them to crumble.
Wearing them cause the sole to push the moisture out, these sneakerheads don't wear them on the streets but inside their house and keep their shoes in a Rotation.
I still think it's retarded hobby to keep this much maintenance for something that will eventually fall apart anyway.>>1958736I doubt your leather boots and heels have a plastic midsole instead of a rubber one.
No. 1959454
>>1959411i didn't watch the video yet and was about to defend her appearance since most lolitas are batshit insane about looks but wow, you weren't nitpicking. i do agree with
>>1959416 though, society shitting on ugly people and its obsession with appearances is what drives people to consoom. i wonder if she hoards so much to compensate, it's a bit sad.
No. 1959456
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>>1959138I'll never forget when someone on /cgl/ called lolitas "hypebeasts" kek
I can agree that a lot of lolitas have very chronic shopping addictions though. I've noticed certain users on LM will constantly buy and sell things and it's a constant cycle. Like some will buy new items, wear them once, then sell them again. Some lolitas have even been caught a few trying to re-attach the tags onto items to try and pass them off as new.
>>1959416nta but tbf what's the point of buying clothes that are hundreds of dollars if they don't even look good on you? I wouldnt bother asking that to lolitas though. A lot of them are just plain mentally unwell.
No. 1959476
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>>1959469I guess I’m shallow for thinking he looks bad in it
No. 1959481
so uhhh, consooming right guys?
>>1959477i agree with you
nonnie and i'm sure you're not ugly don't be upset. but it's pretty funny because i'm listening to this video and she's shitting on about 1/4 of the clothes she owns, saying it's shit quality or horrible fabric. she's just shopping addicted
No. 1959501
>>1959138I am a sucker for oldschool and I do get the fascination with "ugly" grandma clothes that you find beautiful but if she genuinely thinks this shit is ugly and keeps it for the brand she is mentally unwell or just hoarding for bragging reasons.
Also idg wearing a ~burando~ dress for the video with that ratty bun and no makeup, I'd be embarrassed. I thought she just got up from bed or walked out of the shower until I saw she was wearing lolita. At least do it for the video.
No. 1959548
>>1959415>As our queen Vivienne Westwood saysCringe. She didn't create lolita.
>>1959501>but if she genuinely thinks this shit is ugly and keeps it for the brand she is mentally unwell or just hoarding for bragging reasonsYeah I'm surpised how much stuff she pulled out and called fugly and bad quality. Lolitas tend to hoard "coveted and rare" items so she's definitely just keeping these things for bragging rights.
What I don't get is why she keeps milano knockoffs when she has the real thing?
>>1959494>do people not get embarrassed to post their houses like this?It's a man, so no. They feel no shame. Just look at what he's wearing.
No. 1959566
She hasn't been posted in a while, so thought I'd check up on her. Still consooming and is as nasty as ever.
>"This is after one day"
>Bags of berries in the sink with dirty dishes
>Food everywhere on counter tops
>muh adhd
>Throws away a whole peeled uneaten banana
No. 1959570
She's so aggressive about any criticism kek
>It's messy because I HAVE KIDS
>"plates covered in cat food that have turned hard"
and the cat is walking on the dining room table eating leftovers.
No. 1959595
>>1959138I love lolita, but i could never allow it to consume my living space in such a way. it really makes me understand why one lolita whose name escapes me decided to become a minimalist after quitting the fashion. I feel like i could have easily became this way if it wasn't for the reality that hauling this stuff around if you have to move out is a nightmare. I do think more conversations about consooming in lolita should be had, there is no reason to own so much unless you wear it everyday or something. But then again, a huge hoard is going to happen when you never sell anything but have been collecting for over a decade, even if you buy a conservative amount of pieces a year. It's not like with normies who feel comfortable throwing things away when the trend is over, there is a very real feeling of fmo or regret when you sell a piece that will probably never be re-released which is very unique to the fashion and that you never see anywhere else.
>>1959548I don't think she claimed that she invented lolita, but Vivienne westwood has a heavy influence on lolita due to the rocking horse shoes, accessories and brands copying some of her designs in the 90s.
>>1959501>but if she genuinely thinks this shit is ugly and keeps it for the brand she is mentally unwell or just hoarding for bragging reasonsThat's the biggest problem with the video. Lolita makes so many anons seethe, so i don't really expect constructive conversation about it.
No. 1959642
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>>1959598That's who i was thinking of. Her room was always my worst nightmare even back at the time.
No. 1959716
File: 1712881126736.jpg (256.44 KB, 1280x642, windows-95-man-01.jpg)

>>1959476black haired windows95man
No. 1960429
nonnie, she has 10 kids that she has to reiterate to the viewer multiple times as an excuse to let the house become a trash heap and serve as views for her tiktok bucks. Don't you see how it's simply beyond her?
No. 1960743
>She tells me how it is. "Mom, you already have 3 backpacks".
Another shopping trip with her daughter. It's sad that the 2-year-old has more sense than her mother.
>I was having a panic attack because I wanted to buy all the purses
She says she's a "recovering" shopaholic but is making frequent trips to Burlington. One of the first things you as a shopping addict is stop going to stores and exposing yourself to temptation, yet here she is.
No. 1961335
>>1961296I wouldn’t own a cat kek.
The cat would eat its food if there wasn’t leftovers all over the table and on the floor.
>>1961244He’s probably as bad as the children and leaves garbage everywhere too. They aren’t married either.
No. 1962065
>>1959963I know that it's not an issue with her specifically but seeing people open hygiene stuff and sniff it and test it makes me want to puke. It's all kawiwi shit that attracts literal toddlers so there have been countless grubby child fingers prodding at the lotions and body scrubs smearing their germs onto everything within reach. Those disgusting claws only make it worse.
To her credit there was a lot of stuff she liked that she ended up not buying, but it's so weird how someone can keep going to the same few places and get the same few things over and over and over again. Nobody needs to collect the entire Creme Shop or Juicy Couture lines.
>>1961296Yeah, but that's why you have multiple food bowls for pets. You wash the dirty bowl with the dried food and give them their next meal in a clean bowl. Not that she has anything that's clean in her house.
No. 1962179
>>1961974You seem personally offended about this. You’re hyperfocusing on cat food when there’s other filth? She mentioned it herself that she left food out long enough for it to be hard, along with all the other shit like food on the floor, dirty dishes, etc. That’s not normal, it’s gross.
Also her cat walking on the dining table, where they eat, with its shit and litter paws is disgusting too. Or do you think that’s normal too?
No. 1963599
this isn't even anything out of the ordinary or exceptionally bad but just the combination of
>retarded hand gestures
>fake nails
>crinkle noises
>claiming the product is sooo good
>"filling" the drawer with a handful of bags because the sponsor didn't send enough to fill the drawer
>placing the bags in that forced purposeful tiktok way
just makes me laugh. it's like someone took hundreds of videos, put it in AI and created the most generic sponsored tiktok video, kek.
No. 1963619
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Kids do not need this many toys and I find it pretty disgusting
No. 1963661
File: 1713123108852.jpg (1.63 MB, 4000x3000, 4dea0773ad61f3332c2cd362be43c3…)

>>1959570Has she ever discussed about teaching cleaning tricks to her kids? If it's her pfp (which why would you put your kids out on such an embarrassing social media) then they definitely look old enough to not just let everything crumble while they eat. I'm sort of happy my parents would scold me if I spilled something if that's what helped me not be messy. Also kek at her having a manchild husband that "she wont let help."
Pic unrelated to above but it's insane how a lot of nerdy (mostly) moids will take up a whole basement of just Lego / Starwars mess and spend thousands of dollars on makeshift cities or whatever.
No. 1963720
This women has four washing machines in order to make those "overload videos" and uses in one vid enough detergent that could last for at least a whole month.
No. 1963818
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I don't know where to post this but I guess this fits the theme of this thread.what a retarded neck beard, ain't no one going to buy this for such a ridiculously high price.I don't want to buy it but this is just pathetic and proves how men will always be greedy no matter what.holy grail my ass
No. 1963963
The amount of stuff was retarded enough before she even pulled out the single use cups.
No. 1964172
File: 1713146608310.png (346.36 KB, 373x430, omg.png)

>>1963720She wasted that much of detergent and the washer machine didn't overflow with bubbles?
No. 1964235
>>1963669Tbh, I do have a snack drawer like this in my house except it also has fun sized fruit snacks, cookies, pocky.. At least she's organized.
>>1963669Nuts are fine for people who like them.
No. 1964278
>>1963720The way she arranged the tide pods and then immediately stirred it up made me lose it.
But this is obvious rage bait/trolling
No. 1964286
>>1963720It kept going and going and going. This has to be bait but the wasting laundry detergent is real.
>>1963963Before I clicked on the video, I thought this was Brooke. Same pink and hello kitty obsession. Genuine question, why do these types of consoomers always have disgustingly long fake nails?
No. 1965053
>>1964945By one hand, women like different shades of lipsticks.
By other, the full amount is almost like if you bought the whole store.
No. 1965110
>>1963720I'd probably stop being able to breathe if I had to get close to any piece she washed…
>>1965057so, she is ruining the clothes and the health of her children for clicks, amazing, social media was a mistake
No. 1965985
File: 1713278870589.mp4 (9.17 MB, 480x852, Snapinsta.app_video_10000000_9…)

This made me uncomfortable for some reason. Click to watch if that wasn't obvious
No. 1966075
>>1965985>This made me uncomfortable for some reason.I cringed watching it. It’s because of the aesthetic brainrot, and also the daughter has a really bad lisp. I wouldn’t be surprised if that was related to too much internet consumption.
Maybe it’s just me but it’s also awkward that her mom is filming all of this? But who knows, the daughter might film TikTok videos too so her embarrassing behavior could already be on the internet. Decades ago, typical cringe tween behavior wouldn’t be plastered for millions to see on social media.
No. 1966111
>>1966075It sounds like she might have recently had braces or something to put, it might explain the severity of her lisp.
>>1966077I get the feeling people are categorizing "aesthetics" based on vague generalities and, especially in this case, color palette. Coquette is pinks and whites, cottage core is browns and greens even if it's the same shirt, doesn't match either and the styles don't overlap anyway. It reminds me of when "steampunk" was a thing and it basically just meant the color brown with gears stuck on. She seems like she's just a kid so she probably didn't think about it that deeply anyway.
No. 1966399
>>1965985>>1966122>what bothers me the most is the retard millenial parent filming her. Like "look at my daughter saying nonsense haha I'm so out of touch haha lol".Her mom is a big consoomer (that's her whole closet behind her) and is a disney adult who has 129 pairs of mouse ears. Says a lot about her.
No. 1966437
File: 1713300266549.jpg (501.85 KB, 1080x2296, Screenshot_20240416-205314_Ins…)

squishmallow hoarders are fucking retarded. they're on the same level as disney adults imo
No. 1966461
>>1965626I can't imagine what is in dollar tree make up. That desperate for clown paint. Looked at her other videos and they're temu and shien hauls kek.
>>1966437Squishmallows are ugly and basic. I don't know why they want that many.
No. 1966477
File: 1713302164926.mp4 (1.35 MB, 480x852, Wyu7vDfNF_ICF9UW.mp4)

Found this on twitter.
No. 1966665
>Wannabe e-girl got dried cum on her coomer figure
No. 1966704
>>1966667Why is she bragging about having autographs kek, I don't even know who she's name dropping.
No. 1966713
>>1966667i love that everytime this room is posted, a
nonny has to state her love for reigen
don't worry, i too have a folder full of his fanarts No. 1966720
>>1966715Retarded Sonico pick mes unironically think the majority of her fans are e-girls like them.
>>1966716It's so weird to me how people can be into a hobby for a reasonable amount of time and not even know the most basic aspects like that guys like to hot glue figures.
No. 1966763
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>>1966751>>1966756And "chubby representation" when Sonico is not chubby at all. That's Pochaco.
No. 1966790
>>1966763I don't understand how anyone could view obvious fat fetish shit as positive representation. ooh moids like to coom to obese anime girls I feel so
valid right now
No. 1967576
>>1966704the autographs are her biggest flex but she keeps them under a stack of books and other shit just asking for them to get fucked up…. nice.
>>1967504yeah, I have one of the pokemon ones since I need something to support my arm/shoulder as a side sleeper with back issues, and it's really so comfy I can see why they're well-liked. but like funkos, retards are unable to control their consoom with them.
No. 1967666
>>1965985These labels are just a way for people with the most basic fashion sense to pretend that that they don't just wear leggings and sweatshirts 99% of the time like every other normie girl. Not that it's bad, but it's embarrassing to not embrace your truth.
>>1966883Honestly, the aesthetic of coquette has always been popular, but now it has a label that is more palatable than "Lolita", which will either be confused with the japanese fashion at best or directly tells everyone that it's based off pedo pandering and misinterpretations of Lolita the novel. All it consists of is pastel pinks and blues, florals, bows and the like, which is palatable for normies to want to buy and easy for fast fashion brands to create.
No. 1967964
>I regret buying this Sonico figure because the outfit is hideous
Yeah because scrotes don't care about that shit, all they care about is coom. You're buying coom figures, dumbass.
>Having a hobby this niche and having a hobby that's this specific is an absolute nightmare
That's your fault. Noone's telling you to collect coomer and loli figures. She is so annoying.
No. 1968255
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>>1967995>first figure is pretty damn cute, the twintails on each side making hearts is adorableI own a pop up parade and a nendoroid of her, the nendo is of course very cute but the PUP has the most hideous base ever, I'm gonna paint over it at some point and add fake flowers.
No. 1970851
>>1963963that glittery soap dispenser has glitter shedding off of it….
>lowkey giving watermelonwhat
No. 1971043
>>1970979No, Aliexpress et al are all readily available for cheap knockoff goods. Everyone buys furniture and electronics from Ikea and Amazon. Klarna's there for anyone who can't afford a new bed after spending all their money on 500 knockoff coom figures.
I think we will see a return to minimalism but in terms of the aesthetic, not actual minimalism. Like large sparsely-decorated white rooms, certain types of lighting to mimic sunlight, lots of concrete and natural materials like wood and linen. Not a lack of consooming, just the appearance of it. And all the other hoarded crap gets put into sleek aesthetic storage from Temu instead of being used, donated or thrown out.
No. 1972470
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>>1967964>Doesn't like the Sonico figure.>Will still buy the matching Pochaco figure to go with it.But why? Just cut your losses and sell it and be done with it. She needs to get out of denial about why it bothers her. The reason is because it's fuckin gross. I looked up the other fig, surely it's super tasteful and will offset this mess, right? No, lol.
No. 1972476
File: 1713624735294.gif (143.89 KB, 540x450, tumblr_a1c5ec537c686c727396576…)

>>1970979quite the opposite if you ask me, people will hoard because they fear they won't be able to pay anything anymore (cf covid)
>>1971051i wish bashing women's looks was a bannable offense, can't we be nice to each other ?
No. 1972486
>>1972470This sort of behavior is really common in those "animecore" circles, they'll just say babble to make it seem like they think the media they consume is
problematic but still buy titty/child figures anyway
It's like a leftover from being on Tumblr where they want to justify their taste to others but it just comes across as schizophrenic
Also gotta be one of the shittier Pochaco figures out there
No. 1975237
>>1972486I hate this shit so much. These fuckers can never do anything or like anything without doing a whole song and dance about why it's akshully okay. If only they could just buy the nasty hotglued loli vampire figures without making a video explaining that they're branching out from their
problematic titty bunnysuit collection of AFABs under 25. Just fucking stop.
Having said that I don't know how much of this is attention seeking NLOGism vs how overly sexualized women are in art nowadays. I know coom art has always existed but the insane proportions and retarded poses are everywhere, even ostensibly SFW art. It's possible that some collectors are too retarded and permanently online to understand that these are literally coom figures for Japanese incels to get off to.
No. 1975430
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The plushies goodsmile has been putting out are ugly.
No. 1975627
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>>1975430Even these are more pleasing looking.
No. 1976506
A Canadian Brooke
>This one has a stain so I’m gonna sell it
>This one is broken so sell
No. 1977398
File: 1713916774998.jpg (1.32 MB, 2048x1536, 1000013023.jpg)

I think having a personal library was a dream for a lot of people growing up, but in my experience, I seldom reread my books, but I do have some that were hard to come by, not because they are rare, but because they were published in a different language than what is generally used in my country, so I'm loath to get rid of them for the few occasions that I do reread.
No. 1977542
>>1977398Same lol, I have close to 200 now and though I already read most of them I'd rather kill a small animal than get rid of any.
It's ironic because I regularly browse this thread and scoff in my head at consoomers but I can't let go of anything in my collection, guess I'm a hypocrite.
No. 1978432
>>1977398i love being able to lend books to and swap books with my friends so much, thats the biggest appeal of a large book collection to me.
of course there are some books (rare, particularly beautiful editions, delicate, sentimental) that i dont offer to lend to people. most of those are heavily illustrated so i return to them often, though.
No. 1978930
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>>1975627I hate cotton dolls too, but agreed.
>>1975673I'm not really into fumos, but at least they have some aesthetic appeal to them, the ones GS puts out remind me of pugs with their overally smushed faces and overall cheap look to them.
Honestly they should just go back to relying on gift (producer of fumo plushies) instead of trying to make their own since gift can actually produce pretty looking ones.
No. 1980439
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Is this going to be the new Stanley cup?
No. 1985244
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Is hot topic a toy store now?
No. 1985248
>>1980439Well with that blurb, they surely want to have a piece of the cake too
>>1985244Imagine going to hot topic and seeing kids buying shitty gacha toys and squishmallows but also they sell Melanie Martinez shit.
>>1979345Kek rip
No. 1985257
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>>1975627I've never understood character plush dolls, they're ugly to me and have no charm. They remind me of picrel.
No. 1985302
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>>1985257Do not understimate the Power of autism. If the character is your waifu/husbando, you will want to have a huggable verison of her/him kek. But IMO plushie like picrel are better and more amusing to own
No. 1985484
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>>1978930Did goodsmile not make these? I remember them from conventions decades ago and they were pretty cute, I don't know why their plushies are so fucked now. They do look more like fumos though so I wonder if that was the manufacturer then
No. 1985494
>>1980439I recall this being mentioned in previous threads, but there are already people who collect these things. From my own experience, i've encountered these far more than the stanley cup, probably because it's more practical and reasonably priced.
>>1985244It's been that way for years.
No. 1987584
Some classic Funko Pop brainrot
No. 1987662
File: 1714611428930.mp4 (13.71 MB, 720x1280, gvgvTigeyJCp1ESm.mp4)

Another disgusting mass album dumping by kpop fans, but the fault is really with the companies for packaging the albums this way. If they would instead sell digital albums on a qr code along with photocard packs, the company could still get its massive amount of album sales, but without all the bonus packaging that fans don't need after buying 1 copy already. They won't change though, because unfortunately, most of the companies have already started releasing albums that way (known as Poca Albums), so you'd think "oh the problem is solved" except these Poca Albums contain an entirely different set of cards than the CD albums so it does the fans no good.
No. 1987721
>>1987662Why are they selling cd records in first place? I know, I know, pirate shit and all, but k-pop fans look like they're more into collecting albums and photo cards than the cd itself.
No. 1987764
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>>1987662what gets me is that these albums in the vid may only belong to, like, 3 fans kek. the companies do this by forcing FOMO in wealthy fans with no lives to buy the most albums if they want to meet with the idols, because the next fansign may be more expensive. at first the album sales are low (10 albums to get into a fansign for a new group), and the fancafe questions are simple (fancafes are like a private forum where idols blog and upload their schedules and fans can interact, new fans will need a verification code from buying the latest album to get in, the contents of the cafe are non-shareable to encourage fans to join). then as the group gains popularity the fancafe is more gatekept with harder questions (immersion required), and it becomes a case of the more money you spend the more time you get with your idol (boyfriend) because you get picked at fansigns. also why fans go apeshit if an idol starts dating because the fans are taught entitlement "I spent all this money and you're dating some bitch?!" I've even seen a chinese fan buy her idol a luxury car so these girls aren't exactly living poor.
for a fansign it might be 100-200 albums per fan (since this group is seventeen it would be closer to 200) and foreigners have to buy more to compete because kpop prioritises korean fans and they only let a limited number of fans into fansigns (about 100). if it's online it's more expensive too because the competition is high as a result of it being international (for foreign fans they've got international shipping on top of that) I've seen western fans surprised they bought 50 albums and it wasn't enough and now they can't cancel their order.
companies will circumnavigate low sales though by having a fake idol talent show where the members have already been decided from the start which is shown through who gets the most screentime when the show airs, so by the time the group debuts the album sales are already high. from my experience foreigners used to buy resells from korean fans because that was the only way for foreigners to get albums, but now that companies have made it so foreign fans can buy the albums from "official stores" so they can contribute to their faves charting, the foreign fans don't buy albums from the resellers anymore, just the photocards to complete their collections.
the result is mountains of album dumps to fuel a parasocial relationship.
No. 1987768
>>1985257ngl he’s cute
>>1987713Holy shit I thought this was a joke when I heard about it
No. 1987775
>>1966479I think a different angle of this hoard was posted in an earlier thread. She can't even sleep in that room anymore, so she sleeps in her sister's room while she's away at college. She's starting to accumulate stuff in that room as well, even though it isn't even hers. This is hoarding behavior and her parents need to intervene instead of handing her their credit cards. Someday, they'll be elderly, she'll still be living with them, and their whole house will look like this. "Organized" and "themed" hoards are still hoards.
No. 1990228
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>>1990135Yeah, these ones look really bad. I have only seen Red Velvet's albums, and I think they look good, but I don't know if that's something unusual in kpop or not. Maybe it's a girl group thing.
No. 1990687
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>>1990228I'm not that into kpop but I love graphic design, so I find a lot of the album designs cool because they let the graphic designers pretty much do whatever they want, which is pretty rare. Kpop is such a goldmine of creative physical album design in the digital era, but it's such a shame that the sales tactics create insane amounts of waste and this bubble will have to pop eventually.
No. 1991423
File: 1714909631040.jpg (1.74 MB, 4032x3024, maximalism-h93lhzgrkyxc1.jpg)

I really don't have anything against plushies or figures but it's this overkill mess that digusts me
No. 1991427
>>1991423The right side is a lot cleaner and nicer, if you removed all the clutter from the faggot of the left this wouldn't be so bad.
Now seriously, how do people work comfortably with super cluttered desks? If you move something slightly 30 things fall down and you don't even have no space for anything, shit seems so stressful to me.
No. 1991428
File: 1714910095788.jpg (6.53 MB, 6022x3916, squishmallow-1cjmyyz.jpg)

I love cute plushies but I cannot stand squishmallows. For the same reason I hate Funko Pops, I don't like the idea of making something a uniform shape and appearance. I like things that look unique and interesting from each other.
No. 1991437
File: 1714910553497.jpg (1.17 MB, 1079x1911, Kumas.jpg)

It's just too much and it doesn't look cute. I especially don't get the point of collecting bags you won't use like they have on the bottom.
No. 1991440
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>>1991437This one looks much better in my opinion. It's a lot but at least it looks cohesive. Really I gotta look at this thread sometimes because I struggle with wanting to over collect things.
No. 1991504
>>1987766I tried watching his video about his card binders..
and oh my god this faggot is insufferable!
No. 1991838
>>1966482I hate that ALTA fans are mega consoomers when the show is really philosophical and genuine. But no, must consoom product so you can prove you’re the biggest fan! Pathetic.
>>1966665I want to a-log this girl. She makes all these stupid videos about how
problematic anime weebshit culture is and otaku culture in Japan is then continues to add to the problem by buying these coomshit figures and posting it all online where mostly children are probably watching. Can we all agree she’s probably a literal porn addict pervert
No. 1991970
File: 1714949017828.webp (240.45 KB, 1536x2312, RDT_20240505_19425552783519270…)

You meet a guy and when you go to his house you see this, what do you do?
No. 1991980
>>1991428Squishmallows are funko pops for women.
I hate both, but squishmallows piss me off more.
No. 1992040
>>1991978How can you tell
nonnie? They look pretty good quality to me.
No. 1992142
>>1992052 one is offical San-x for 33 bucks plus shipping.
>>1992048I hate how most look but some are cute, I agree having a small collection is fine. It's just the hoarder pile of squishs that brings the ick.
No. 1993645
File: 1715074326352.jpg (40.8 KB, 320x480, touchinggrass.jpg)

In current times, avoiding scrolling too much must be the best thing you can do to avoid consoomerism. It used to be things like TV and physical ads and shopping centres. But influencers and online shopping sites are just way worse. I fell into the Amazon Prime trap, it really works. When you know you got free shipping it's so easy to want to buy lots because "you save money". No you don't. Also I hate to admit it but even someone like me who is critical about influencers do get inspired by those who have a really pretty aesthetic, it makes me want to get similar things. Touching grass really is the answer. Not only will you get exposed less to shit you want to buy, but you get time to ponder things and decide what you actually want and need. And buying these things in real shops is better because you can actually see and touch the object, evaluate the quality. You can try on clothes and shoes. Returning items is a fucking chore. Getting to a shop and finding what you need there is much more annoying than online browsing which cuts down the amount of time per week/month you look at possible things to buy too. I love internet shopping which is why I'm so fucking done with it. Time to get real and get as much as possible of needed things from IRL stores.
No. 1993736
File: 1715082542333.png (2.44 MB, 936x3088, shelf accessories.png)

i hate book consoomers. they literally can't read. use a library.
No. 1993776
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>>1993755for the "aesthetic" and to appear smart
No. 1993806
File: 1715087278151.jpeg (33.87 KB, 638x343, 1520098930250.jpeg)

Anons, is anti-consoomerism tied to rejecting overpriced useless products? Or is it just anti-collectors(?)?
And when I say useless products, I mean things like buying toys you are obviously not gonna play with, figmas that will only collect dust, etc. Because I feel like there are some anons like
>>1993694 who seem to be okay with buying a few if they are legit, rejecting cheaper bootlegs.
What are your thoughts? For me, I feel like that's still consoomerism, but I don't know what you think. Just asking because I wanna the general stance on this.
No. 1993811
>>1993806I studied a bit of this in design school (referring to your picture) and it really depends on the person's values and personality, everything can be catered to. Even utilitarian stuff has a certain aesthetic.
I don't think being 100% utilitarian is healthy, but over consumption isn't healthy either.
No. 1993818
File: 1715087962089.jpg (95.88 KB, 800x800, Fruit-shaped-ceramic-plate-cre…)

>>1993806Utilitarian can go both ways: overpriced minimalist object with a sleek design, or slobbish collection of unappealing items with no coherence and a lot of visual dissonance. Both can be hoarded and over consumed too. Look at men with garages full of tools they never use.
It's also not right to simply buy something just because it comes in pink and it will go to the pink frilly pile, like Brooke. You can get things you like, there's nothing wrong with that, just don't be an idiot that throws their money at any chance of consumption. In My personal opinion you can have things made for utility like cups or plates but give them a personal touch. It's okay to have a balance.
No. 1993912
>>1993806I’m the anon you quoted, if you buy just one or two bootlegs and you are satisfied, I think it’s fine. But if you buy a hoard of bootlegs you’re better off saving for a legit one or buying nothing at all. Also in my view the thread is supposed to be anti consoom, not anti consumerism at all. It’s almost impossible to completely reject consumerism- unless you never go to restaurants, never eat processed food, never buy new clothing until your old clothes have holes in them, etc. So no fashion, anything trendy, whatever. Speaking from a burger’s perspective where we constantly have ads shoved in our faces 24/7, everybody has something where form is prioritized over function, like maybe you paid a bit more for a lamp with a nice design or a patterned blanket over a cheap one. If you are anti consumerism, you wouldn’t buy those because they are harder to clean or cost $20 more or whatever. Or a fancy computer chair vs a regular one, stuff like that. The best thing to do is keep consoom in moderation or at least make it functional.
On a related note to anime figures, there are tons of dishes and silverware with anime character’s faces, etc on them. They also cost a fraction of what a figure does. I feel like it’s much more practical to buy those
No. 1993956
>>1993806i think it's relative. the most "utilitarian" shopper in the west is still an extremely frivolous consoomer compared to, like, tribespeople with no stores (extreme example but you get it). but if you compare different consoomers to each other, sure, one of them will be "better" and seem more reasonable. i still think you should get to criticize all types of consoomerism itt without anons getting
triggered about it. i also don't understand why people come into this thread to defend items as logical, necessary etc. the whole point of the thread is to question consumption, and i feel like people who are willing to argue that someone's plushie collection isn't consoomerism simply because there's another even bigger collection out there are just trying to move the goalpost for what counts as consoom.
No. 1994481
I was a book consoomer til I ran out of space. I think I was like a lot of people and thought I wouldn't use an ereader until I bought one last year. I pirate almost everything now. I only bought like four books last year. Stop watching book hoarders because even if you think it isn't making you consoom more it probably is.
>>1993776The faux intellectualism is always funny to me because people think it carries over to any books on earth. Booktokers genuinely think it makes them look smart when they stand in front of their fairy mafia dark romance smut shelf. People misplace a moral/intellectual value on the act of reading instead of the content of what they're reading. You're technically reading right now
No. 1994535
>>1993784how are books costing that much? I don't know anything about book collecting, but I understand some less-popular, older books are harder to come by, but LotR is a pretty popular series and its books can be found at thrift stores, so how do these special editions drive up the price that much?
>>1993806I consider consoomerism as buying an excess amount of an item (like having multiple copies of the same/or a similar thing) or spending an absurd amount on something (like buying designer brands for the brand instead of getting a similar item that costs less and is of similar quality but doesn't have the brand prestige attached to it). I'm not anti-collector necessarily, but I am anti collecting trendy or dumb things just to flex online, like the figure collectors who haven't watched the series featuring the characters they're buying or those dumb hentai cup moids
No. 1995481
>sanrio girl room
>room is mostly full of coomer figures and other plastic
Her room looks like it smells. I wonder if that’s her brother or her boyfriend.
No. 1995559
File: 1715194713709.jpg (88.8 KB, 780x520,…)

>>1992045Do you have any idea how many dust mites can live in a pillow
No. 1995576
>>1991423>>1995521KEK she did
it looks so busy and cluttered
No. 1995602
>>1995481I don't know why she's acting all shocked that stupid tiktok girls have kodomo no jikan figures when she has figures of Sonico kek. Pot meet kettle I suppose.
No. 1995740
>>1995738samefag but i should elaborate that i am aware of what kodomo no jikan is and any fan of the show is disgusting
insert bannable alogging here. but this is a huge reason why not being aware of source material before buying is stupid
No. 1995873
>i've been decluttering my room all week
>so i decided to go to burlington
No. 1995908
>>1995873>>1995878"It's a game changer for sure"
Doesn't she have more than one as well?
No. 1996387
File: 1715259759815.jpg (571.56 KB, 2048x1536, GNDa13EawAAQXWr.jpg)

Is this CONSOOOOMerism or just someone with a lot of interests? What do you guys think? No. 1996389
File: 1715259813828.jpg (624.31 KB, 2048x1696, GNDa127acAAcD9W.jpg)

No. 1996418
>>1996387The overall vibe is cute but idk how to feel about the meticulous glass displays, it ruins the cozy vibe.
Also why are consoomers into the most generic fandoms, except for animecore hipsters and pickmes
No. 1996430
File: 1715262644386.jpeg (32.63 KB, 416x403, 1703358838255.jpeg)

>>1996399>jealous >about meaningless plastic anime figurines What are you doing ITT?
No. 1996450
>>1996433Do you think consoomerism is okay if it's organized nicely?
>>1996446It's clear by some recent replies here.
No. 1996480
>>1996472Nta but chill.
t.Has a husbando
>>1996470The good thing about fictional men is just that they aren't real, so they can be impossibly handsome and good-natured unlike real scrotes.
No. 1996495
>>1996488and this is the consoomerism thread, idk what anon was thinking when posting that room. it smells like a selfpost. husbandofag or not, it's not immune and is going to get criticised in this thread. plastic collecting is plastic collecting.
the twitter op says it's her "hobby room" and I don't think amassing objects is really considered a hobby.
No. 1996498
File: 1715266913945.mp4 (3.19 MB, 576x1024, plant mommy.mp4)

I never know how to feel about these type of people
No. 1996509
>>1996498I think of all of the potential fungus gnats when there's that many plants.
There's ways to grow plants without buying them, you can take pieces of another plant and then propagate them. Still, just because you can have this many doesn't mean you should.
No. 1996581
>>1996387You can like anime and similar media without focusing all your decorations on anime merch. Maybe one trinket per anime is enough. I like plushies too for example but I don't like to showcase them like that either, too cluttered
>>1996509This. Having lots of plants sounds nice until you remember how much maintenance they require.
No. 1996640
>>1996387It appears to be generic, trend-chasing consoomerism. If not for the 4cut, guitars, and possibly the dreamcatcher all in
>>1996389, this could be literally any twitter anime/nintendo/kpop/sanrio girl's room because they all consume the exact same surface-level media without diving deeper into any one of those things. It used to be that decorating your room with a bunch of stuff gave it a unique flair, but now the rooms share a uniform because everybody is buying the same items and if you haven't bought the item then how can you prove to the other internet girls that you, too, are a cutesy internet cozy gamer girl who loves japan
No. 1996662
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>>1996619Speaking of, do you (if you have consoomer tendencies) or people you know spread their hoard across the house or keep it confined to a room? Most relevant to people who live in small apartments.
I don't mind as much if someone keeps it to their bedroom or "geek room" because guests aren't supposed to be there and it's their private space, but I visited a couple once and they had the whole ikea shelving full of figurines and toys in the living room, the girl collected those giant Disney babydolls and I felt like they were glaring at me during dinner
No. 1996672
>>1996662The plushes and toys everywhere make it look like a child's room.
>giant Disney babydolls and I felt like they were glaring at me during dinnerkekkk
No. 1996720
>>1996399Kek I’m sure there are regular anons hating on it but there are definitely seething poorfags ITT.
>anon posts room of 100 rilakkuma plushies crammed onto a shelf>another anon shits on picture for hoarding bootlegs and asks why not buy a few legit ones>poorfag anon is triggered and says people who shill legit plushes are worseIn what world is that not jealousy, not at the pic but the anon suggesting to buy a real one? It’d be one thing if she posted a pic of a room with hundreds of real rilakkumas and say that’s better, but how is it worse to buy 1-2 $40 rilakkumas than 100 $5 bootlegs? Jealousy loop.
>>1991437 No. 1996732
>>1996387>with a lot of interests?Are there really a lot of interests? It's just cute stuff/anime. Anime games, anime, and sanrio and pokemon. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that, but I always find room tailored with select few interests kinda weird. Like all your stuff revolve around 10 pieces of media? Have you never bought a different book? Never bought a generic cute cat statue/plushie that isn't a sanrio character? It feels so oddly targeted that it gives me the feeling of a store, so sterile and tailored and bound to be substituted with the next trend. It looks like a rich teenager weeb's room, which is fine, but there's a real chance she'll grow out of some of these interests.
>>1996399Nta but why are you defending the room so badly? I don't think that was the worst offender, but some people don't like those rooms, it's not that deep.
No. 1996857
Brooke posted a 3-part series just talking about all the bags she owns. Also, seems that Luis has upgraded from "baby daddy" to "boyfriend".
No. 1997328
>follows pixyteri
>namedropping lolcow
>they/them and he/him pronouns throughout the video
I wonder if she knows she's frequently posted in this thread as a hypocritical porn figure collecting consoomer cow.
No. 1997357
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>>1997328Ot but she's even worse than we thought. Sounds like she does lurk and she's defending rapist chris chan of all people. "he was groomed and that wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for the internet, he was manipulated to". No, he's a mentally ill moid and wasn't influenced by anybody to do that to his mother. He's not helpless. She's disgusting and delusional.
No. 1997738
>>1997733I made a thread request in /pt/, I have a busy week so if anyone else doesn't want to do it I'll do it in my down time.
also cunts like this are why I hate jfashion and anime after all these years, they literally ruin everything they touch. can cool people take back cool stuff?
the buying of the coomer figures and then being like "don't stir up trouble for this he/him!" like do you hear yourself? actual brainrot
No. 1997892
>>1996461I felt so bad for her, I'm glad she started getting her spending under control in the end and got extra work to help pay off her debts. We're already seeing Klarna and other similar companies push people into debts they can't repay, credit card debt spiraling out of control, and endless consoomerism replacing any real hobbies and being used to mask mental health issues. Watching this was like watching a commentary on today's shopping habits and its correlation with self worth and depression, if you replace in store shopping with online shopping.
>>1996694>>1996961The chapstick hater lives in my head rent free. It's wild what other nonnas get worked up about, I can't imagine how someone would look at a bookshelf filled with books or a plain, uncluttered room with a couple of Squishmallows on the bed and immediately start frothing at the mouth.
The early threads were insane, it felt like Lolcow's Next Savonarola with all the retarded sperging over vegans, fertilizers, fake meat vs cow farts, and thrifting being consooming because it involves buying items.
No. 1997960
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>>1997892Ok but thrifting these days
is consoom
No. 1998063
>>1998032Even if I had all of the money of the world I wouldn't buy digital shit, you have to buy physical stuff and not just any physical item that can break easily like the average animu figurine.
I don't get those that actually spend money on mobile games, the creators can just unplug the game and delete everything, it's just such a waste of money, I can easily dowload the pictures of my husbandos and see them on pinterest.
No. 1998275
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>>1997603People are calling her out on twitter now. I
No. 1998279
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All of these figures are really ugly honestly.
No. 1998280
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>>1998279Except the gothic anime angel one, that's pretty sick.
No. 1998283
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>>1998275Kek at them all infighting in the replies.
No. 1998301
>>1998275that's the most retarded twitter call out ever, it's just a bunch of retards jealous of her coomer anime figures.
>tell llies about sonico animecore bitches
Why the fuck is her being white a problem ?
No. 1998302
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>>1998301>Why the fuck is her being white a problemWeeby white girls get very insecure about other weeby white girls being more popular than them, just look at all of /w/.
Literally only one person in the replies actually had a good point and the rest were just other Sonicofags.
No. 1998443
>>1998275>>1997357>>1997328She 100% deserves a thread after name-dropping lolcow.
No. 1998464
>>1998458From my experience, they wouldn't care about her videos nor her style of dressing. Rules for teaching aids tend to be more relaxed and a lot them tend to be very young women in their early 20s. If she was doing onlyfans and dating students, then maybe that would
trigger alarm bells. I've had teachers with danger hair and a more alt look, it's not unusual.
No. 1998515
>>1998464I went to school a long time ago so I guess it's more lenient nowadays having bright hair. A teacher posting this would definitely be fired, I know someone who is a teacher's aid and she would be too. Maybe it depends on school.
>>1998497>normalizing owning softcore porn everywhereShe encourages minors to buy Sonico as well, as long as its "sfw". None of them are though. She's mega retarded.
No. 1998521
>>1998497I hate her uggo face and her uggo """harajuku""" makeup so much but what I dislike the most about her is how hypocrital she is, how uwuidontknowwhatimdoing!!! she acts, and how many mental gymnastics she has to use to justify having figures she doesn't even like. Why is she in a hobby full of scrotal "problematique" shit, collecting big booby anime figures, and justifying every single thing she has in front of an audience if she hates her own figures so much? Just sell them and collect things you actually want and deem acceptable. The most idiotic part is having to justify herself for her TikTok audience, literally no one would care about her collection if she didn't post this much bullshit online. She really is a pickme with the weirdest sjw flare.
>inb4 it's jealousy Why would I be jealous of one of the ugliest, pointless collections of items there is kek, referring to her collection of course. Just shit on top of shit of anime plastic, boobies and bikinis collecting dust on top of shelves that also share space with ugly funkos kek I doubt she even likes this stuff and she's doing it entirely for clout.
No. 1998529
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>>1998443Too late kek
>>1998521She started her tiktok with mainly magical girl figures, sanrio, and animal crossing (so typical girly weeb stuff), then continued devolving into coomer content. This is what too much anime exposure does, she has coomer brainrot.
No. 1998532
>>1998515She's a quite retarded and insecure adult if she feels like she needs to film and post videos of herself holding hypersexualized figures of anime girls just to prove the internet that she's actually a responsable collector, all while having a life-sized anime statue of a pink haired big breasted character on the background of her videos. All super Sonico figures are at least a little bit sexualized, no person under the age of 18 should be owning these things, they're for adults. It would be a different story if she accepted she's a degenerate school aid with a massive guilt complex and that she won't stop consooming things she herself calls
problematic, but I guess she earns more attention by being an hypocrite in clown makeup than if she dropped the act and learnt some self respect in the name of the own moral values she parades in her own videos. It's understandable that her own audience is getting sick of her shit.
No. 1998549
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>>1998526She specifically has figures from Totono which makes the whole thing even more hilarious.
No. 1998600
>>1998544I feel like she's kind of funny considering she's trying really hard to justify buying coomer shit, has shit sense of fashion and has an ugly boyfriend.
What do you even think is a funny cow? Because I think she's basically the best harmless cow that isn't necessarily doing really vile shit like prostitution or grooming kids.
No. 1998613
>>1998032I used to play this game, and it's insane how anti-f2p it is. You either throw away your mental health and become dedicated to grinding 24/7 or you spend thousands of money.
Tip for people who are still into gacha, just play gachas that have reasonable pity systems, and not the shit they have in enstars. Ideal scenario would be you dropping these types of games all-together but I know sometimes it's hard.
Mobile games in general are shit. I haven't played one in ages.
No. 1998783
>>1998529Since when has cowtipping has become socially acceptable?
I swear newfags and normies ruin everything.
No. 1998856
>>1998521so she's a teachers aid and into loli figures. huh
seems thread-worthy to me. if not
not saying anyone should but maybe mentioning to the people who employ her to be around children. god knows what coomer moids she knows that she's knowing or not giving access to children. worth keeping an eye on imo. especially cause she's a psuedo-farmer who like ~totally would never~ but makes content about these supposedly suffering people just to virtue signal. she's foul enough to be a cow in my eyes but her wk's are trying to shoot a thread down. now she's mentioned us we're innundated with more retardation than ever so maybe this will smoke them out. either way the thread is being made.
No. 1998876
>>1998783Not cowtipping, I just found that comment and screenshot it. As
>>1998794 said, TikTok retards have been mentioning lolcow for a long time now, I’ve even seen it happen on Twitter. Young zoomers think it’s cool to out yourself as a farmer and think this place is some internet enigma. Most creators though have the sense not to acknowledge the site. Addy wants attention and thinks it gives her weeb cred to know about cows, she’s mentioned several times it’s “old school internet” even though she’s 20(?) and wouldn’t have been participating when Pixyteri was popular.
>>1998856Agreed, she’s cowish enough to have a thread. She posts enough content as well. Not everyone needs to be a horrorcow to deserve a thread. There’s lots of cows like her that are posted because they pander to coomers and pedos. It’s suspicious some anons are defending her because “she’s in her 20s”. Lots of cows currently are or started in their 20s.
No. 1998882
>>1998876>pickme posting coomer figs>figs may or not have cum on them>yes ofc it's obvs fine to collect coomer figs make them sfw! (kids know what "safe for work" means is a huge red flag)if this was a man he'd already be crucified but there's a sudden influx of wks saying noooo no thread
she keeps namedropping us like she wants one okay. we'll share your degeneracy. how much was that huge-titted sonico figure (the size of a toddler totally not weird and made for commers) again? thousands?
and she's a TEACHERS AID
the fact anyone is wking someone with 1. this job 2. this procilvity 3. this much of a female gooner is baffling. there's been threads made for less
No. 1999067
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>>1998882>yes ofc it's obvs fine to collect coomer figs make them sfw! (kids know what "safe for work" means is a huge red flag)Literally encouraging minors to collect coomer and soft porn figures in her videos. This 16-year-old wants to purchase the toddler-sized Sonico that she has, and already has some figures. I guess if her nipples and vagina aren't out, then it's SFW? What a nasty thing to own.
No. 1999149
brookie losing her mind and selling all her purses for some trashy looking backpack.
No. 1999154
File: 1715459754735.gif (1.32 MB, 220x220, lol lmao.gif)

>>1999149lol'd in real life. Watch her get on debt over this thing that looks no different from the three billion backpacks you can find on aliexpress for 10 usd
No. 1999209
File: 1715461479461.png (79.13 KB, 1030x430, muhpurse.png)

>>1999149It's already sold out kek
Everyone is saying how proud they are of her for selling everything, but she's just going to buy more shit later.
No. 1999266
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No. 1999267
File: 1715464724848.jpg (62.13 KB, 600x800, i want this figure tbh.jpg)

>>1999256I would say because Miku doesn't have pink hair, but then I remembered Sakura Miku
No. 1999277
>>1999272For some reason she pretends that Jojifuku is an actual fashion as opposed to purely ageplay (which it is) in this video
Such as claiming that it started out 'innocent' when it literally started out from girl's taking fetish pictures at a literal porn studio.
No. 1999282
>>1999280I think a lot of it comes from them being so obsessed with the idea of 'pure cute Japanese harajuku girls' that they forget that JAVs are a thing and fetishes like this aren't uncommon.
They're playing nursery rhymes in the background for a reason kek.
No. 1999295
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>>1999289To be fair, this pic actually is from a jojifuku collab.
No. 1999307
>>1999295Damn that sucks, I followed them years ago so I wasn't aware they were doing that.
>>1999298She really is just that retarded kek
>oh boy there is a lot of 18+ material for jojifukuYeah I'm sure she looks for that shit
No. 1999310
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>>1999067How do you even turn this into a SFW figure? Do you knit her a sweater or what?
No. 1999314
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>>1999307>I wasn't aware they were doing thatI mean for all we know they just got commissioned to do it.
>>1999298No, she just genuinely is that stupid (and does literally zero research apparently)
No. 1999318
Didn't she criticise anime characters for playing eroge games? Meanwhile girl is playing hunipop and making headcanons that one character is inspired by pixyteri.(derailing)
No. 1999358
>>1999352This stinky sped is a poser and she will never be Pixyteri
>>1999321I did some research on the game since I didn't know a lot about it other than it's eroge, and the particular game that the gyaru girl comes from is based on camming and there's a "teen" category like porn. Also there's a character names Lillian who the game describes as "Her age is highly questionable but her ID says 18 so". So Addy is cool with minors as long as they're teenagers?
No. 1999504
>>1999310>>1999067I don't understand how anyone can see Super Sonico in a bikini and say "this is sfw", is there something I'm missing?
>>1999351Reminder that people like Addy are the ones flocking to this website without integrating and calling themselves unironical
femcels No. 1999505
>>1999351This is the kind of woman/girl on the internet who swears up and down that they are a hecking based
femcel misandrist whilst gaslighting themselves into liking coomer shit for aesthetic.
No. 2000752
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>>1999256>>1999267or even luka figures
No. 2000806
I thought this was sorta sweet until Brooke busted out some tank tops for herself and said "ok now we're gonna show we just got these". She can't put aside consoom for a second.
>>2000752>>1999267So we can conclude that it's not only about the pink hair. Nlogs want percieved hyperfeminine figures (pink), as well as sexualization involved. Luka and Sakura Miku (usually) are clothed and not sexualized.
No. 2001843
The first few are just the same bag in different colors, no? Why do you need them all instead of just picking your favorite colorway
No. 2001890
>>2001843Are girls like this trying to larp as rich and wealthy? Collecting this many purses from Juicy or Steve Madden doesn't do that.
>Drawers full of several phone cases, earpod cases, keychains, wallets, chapsticks, travel sized junkShe's almost as bad as Brooke regarding consooming.
No. 2001956
>>2001890>the remote LEDs installed in the purse shelf as if anyone wants to look at that shit LMAO sent me, consoomer autists all have the same playbook I swear.
Their living spaces always look like showrooms cause the point is to impress other people like a storefront instead of it being for their own convenience or genuine enjoyment.
No. 2002901
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No. 2003126
Brooke is actually going through with it and selling a majority of her bags for the single louis vuitton bag. Good for her I guess. Let's see how long this lasts before she gets tired of the pink VL backpack and goes back to Marshall's.
No. 2003519
>>2003291Idk, maybe it's because I love goth culture and knew that teenager me would've loved a bedroom like this but I find this kind of endearing lol
It's also adorable how the mom is helping her film the video and they're just laughing together, also a lot of the stuff in there is recycled or diy stuff.
aa, I think I just have a soft spot for goth teens
No. 2004567
>>2003291she seems like a teen but i could be wrong. i love any alt aesthetic especially goth but i would not want to sleep in this room. it doesn't bother me
>>2003519hard agree, maybe we are just suckers for this kind of thing
No. 2004722
File: 1715819049917.jpg (1.3 MB, 3536x3024, most shounen figures are so ug…)

>6 months of collecting
No. 2004776
>>1995602This chick always reminds me of Abipops long lost twin or something, who deep down has the same convictions but pretends to be opposed to the cringe anime that abi would drool over. It’s honestly fascinating to me how abipop openly adored oreimo, eromanga sensei, and all other kinds of incest lolicon trash but how it is now memoryholed, I guess since she became a nobody. I bet she was extremely envious of yukapon though. Anyway, off topic rant over, this girl just
trigger my abipop memories
No. 2004976
>>2004722Thousands of dollars worth of figures places on a cheap shelf. Why can these weebs never get a nice shelving unit?
>>2003291She has my dream room from when i was a teenager. It's a lot, but i can't bring myself to hate this because of personal bias, even though it's more cluttered than i'd like. My parents would NEVER let me have a room like this, they would cry and accuse me of being a witch. Idk, a lazy person could never put this together, it did take some degree of creativity and i love that for her.
No. 2006058
Brooke did not make enough money selling her bags to buy a Louis Vuitton bag (which was sold out anyways), so she bought her best friend/manager a $1250 pair of slides instead. Idk what to think, but I know it's absurd that a pair of slides with a logo costs that much.
No. 2006163
>>2003291If fire hazard was a room. It's cute though.
>>2004722What is this ugly gucci thing in the background?
No. 2007531
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No. 2007652
>>2006240Derailing but it's been happening here too. There are posts anons have made about being in eroge discord groups, shamelessly posting the same pics on here and 4chan's buyfag/collecting threads for coomshit, getting blocked when commenting to cows like
>>1999277 on their social media about being a hypocrite when collecting scrote porn
and how it affects other figurine collectors in "their community", and in /pt/ anons (or self-posting cow I'd assume) claiming it's not milky to collect eroge figs and stream about it while working in a school. Not to be a pearl clutcher but in the last decade internet porn accessibility has completely rotted people's ideas of NSFW and acceptable social behaviors.
No. 2007973
>>2007780Yeah I watched Jenny's video on it and even though I like a lot of Disney hotels this one seemed pretty lame by comparison and extremely cramped (I'd feel claustrophobic being in there to be honest…)
The food didn't look that great either, most of it was just just stuff like shrimp but with blue food coloring and a lot of the activties were shit like 'space bingo'.
>>2007949Moids hate Star Wars now because of 'feminism' or something
Personally I never thought any of the movies were good but I do think moids seething is pretty funny.
No. 2008013
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>>2007973>>2007780I want to make a theme park thread on /m/ so bad to talk about theme park stuff, drama, news,
nonnie's theme park experiences etc. Should I?
No. 2008022
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>>2008013I'd post in it! Honestly I wish Disney parks would go back to mainly marketing to female fans instead to trying to get men into it with all this Star Wars bullshit.
No. 2008330
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>>1999504Anime seriously rots people's brains, because even the TV shows made 100% for kids have seedy softcore moments and fetish shit wedged in them, and/or merchandise that is indistinguishable from porn. People weren't always like this, the advent of free unlimited pedo products from Japan really fucked over American culture, and dragged us all backwards.
No. 2008687
>filled dirty diapers scattered on the floor
>kitchen sink and stove filled with plastic crap
>"my kids never clean up after themselves and my husband acts like a child"
>"normalize this! nobody's perfect!"
This is more gross hoarder territory. She also decided it was a good idea to adopt a dog. So she has a 1-2 year old dog now. She had a previous problem with her cats peeing outside the litter box. Why does she think she has the time to potty train a large dog?
No. 2009308
>>2009266after a quick google search the article was from 2022. i assume they still have their house considering she posts about disney all the time and disney sponsors all her garbage. most of these influencer women get their shit paid for by the company they're shilling to trick retards into copying them, sorry you can't be like them without skipping on your rent
>>2009280you're not wrong, but i don't see how anything you said disproves my point. upper middle class people still exist and they can in fact be wasteful stupid and spend money on disney hotel, it's not like useless tech jobs were snapped out of existence
No. 2009336
>>2008687"my husband acts like a child“
I don't like to throw the divorce card at everything, but…
No. 2009805
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No. 2009869
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>>2009805>snacks in bed>stupid contraption to hold up kindle >remote to switch pages for some reason because doing it with your fingers is too hardSo Wall-E core
No. 2011168
I thought this was Brooke at first. Why are there so many of this specific type of consoomer on tiktok kek
No. 2011767
>>2011755Brooke also has followers that are frothing at the mouth to buy her stuff when she lists it on Poshmark. They're treated like brand drops and her stuff sells very quickly.
From what I can see on this girl's page, she doesn't have any brand deals yet. All her videos center around going to discount stores.
No. 2011775
As predicted, after selling a majority of her bags to try to fund for THE bag (which she couldn't get and spent the money on $1k slides instead), Brooke is already back to buying more bags. No impulse control.
No. 2011804
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>>2011793It would make more sense if she was doing that, but I think she's selling these at a loss. Looking at her Poshmark, the juicy and steve madden bags range from $15-$30. Poshmark also takes a huge chunk, I think 20%, from all sales. If anyone is curious: are strangely people that livestream themselves shopping on TJmaxx and their followers will ask if they can buy what they're showing (for a finders fee).
She definitely could mark up the prices if she wanted to since she has some really dedicated fans.
No. 2011808
>>2003126Can any bag autists tell me how much of a loss she's eating on selling these bags?
The idea that you can just sell your consoom collection to get your money back seems like a common delusion in these people. I would think that most of these items lose half their value as soon as they aren't "new" anymore.
No. 2012300
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>>2011804All I can think of when I see Madden shoes and bags are the shitty sports games that have been clogging up every secondhand store and rental place for 30 years.
No. 2012369
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>>2011804I'm not surprised with how many listings there are new with tags or new without tags. Buy shit, put it in a drawer, then eventually sell it for a loss on Poshmark.
Also thought this listing was weird kek why didn't she just title it "Maternity Floral Dress," plus how can you have worn something and not remove the tags? I guess some of these things she wears for a single photo or video and then discards them.
No. 2012536
No. 2012726
>>2012369It’s kind of weird to keep tags on something you’re actively wearing, maybe she knows herself so well that she’s aware she grows tired of clothing fast and wears her things with tags on to resell later. Or it could be that this was received through a sponsorship and she’s lying about wearing it.
She either must keep these things way past the return limit, she’s too lazy to go back to return it, or she’s made so many purchases and returns that she’s banned from returning now (yes this weirdly happens).
No. 2013597
I find it really strange when these people try to personify objects. Also she sounds like she's talking with cotton in her mouth.
>calling bowler "baller"
No. 2016553
>>1970814Oh boy. I understand liking something and feeling comfortable comes before it being flattering, but coupled with never realistically wearing it… that sucks.
The worst part, however, is the spastic small steps while she loudly breathes like a dog after a run. Forget her clothes, those sounds were off-putting.
No. 2018432
she made an entire video dedicated to hyping up the unboxing and then she unboxed the most hideous bag ever?
No. 2018901
>>2018432You didn't include the video before it.
What's confusing is Brooke (apparently) already used the "bag money" on $1250 slides for her friend, yet here she's saying she used the bag money for this ugly wallet. Why change the story?
No. 2019053
An anon mentioned potato-chan, so I thought I'd check in on her. Wow. Why do all "influencers" have these white store shelves
Instead of filling them with the usual choice of perfumes, shoes, or purses, she chose to be different and fill them all with sweatpants!
>"i've had this vision so long"
>the autistic clapping
No. 2019332
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She lives a life of decadence and bounty we will never understand. She will inherit the earth.
No. 2019597
>>2019332wow, instead of having a cup as an extra thing in your car/purse she transformed it into a purse? this is so meta, like some weird modern art piece (but also stupid and impractical)
This fascinates me, just like adding huge keychains and coin purses to bags and other stuff.They always add useless shit to everything.
My bet is that next 'drinking' trend would be something simple and sleek.
>>2019053clapping broke me, maybe she is truly autistic? Like I can guess that she is excited, but her delivery is always so flat. But we can also see it with others like
>>2013597 so maybe this is a norm? or just people who were raised with too much screen time and not enough human interactions? what the hell is going on
No. 2019929
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>>2019053why can't she just get picrel kek
No. 2020251
>>2019053I'm starting to believe the tinfoil that she is autistic tbh. It would explain her flat emotional tone too
>>2019939since her job is an influencer and she sits around home all day filming product videos, it would make sense to have a lot of pajamas that look "decent" enough for camera.
or sensory issues (to go with the autism tinfoil kek) No. 2020363
>>2020348I know, I have no problem with women dressing as immodestly and sexy as possible but I find it really tasteless to walk around in just a sports bra and gym leggings that are specifically ruched to show the outline and shape of the bottom as though the wearer was naked!
Same for men in gymwear and tracksuits. At least the men who leave the house in trackies are giving a warning that they're a roadman and are to be avoided lol.
New thread
>>>/ot/2020355 No. 2020489
>>2020370it's true the automated system message says to make a new thread but the consensus is to make a new thread only at 1200 to avoid people posting in both threads at once
>>2020371only if you do a flip
No. 2021112
>>2020348elastic waistbands make me want to kill myself they look so sloppy and ugly universally
also the fact that average moid outfit is t shirt and sweatpants… genuinely offensive and sick. all men should be forced to wear a uniform designating their area of employment (all unemployed men are going to the labour camps)
>>2020252genuinely fascinating theory
No. 2021656
There’s a giant box of shopkins next to the hundreds of blind boxes. This is a great example of consoomerism.
>>2021599She’s an autist, she cares more about her anime fags than her appearance or what’s going on irl. Besides, she seems so delusional that she probably thinks that wig looks good and just like a 2d animu girl.
No. 2026056
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>I am terminally online and I let twitter popularity decide what I consoom: the shelf
No. 2026201
>>2023946Card collectors treat their cards like gold but all of these cards are worthless junk at the end of the day and the companies can reprint the cards whenever they please
There's no need to put it in 3-4 different plastic containers
No. 2026620
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whole personality is plushies
No. 2026638
>>2026056The person clearly likes a few distinct series like ORV, Banana Fish, Haikyu, MXTX novels, etc and generally likes manga/BL. Nothing is overflowing and so crowded you can't see the individual pieces of their collection either, in general it seems pretty neat and tidy but we don't know the state of the rest of the room. It's pretty tame compared to others posted itt imo, a collection contained to two bookshelves hardly makes someone a consoomer.
>>2026218This is what broke people buy at designer stores just so they can say they own something designer kek. They can't afford a bag so they have to settle for card holders, shitty wallets, etc.
No. 2026950
>>2026056I'm fucking jealous ngl
>>2026134It's genuinely good but you need a baseline tolerance for isekai tropes. It's an enormous novel so I wouldn't recommend you force yourself through if it's not clicking.
No. 2028766
Boring backstory video, but
>My mom shopped a lot and went to goodwill every day and bought a ton of stuff and would take me
>I think that's where I got my shopping tendencies
She's not realising that she's doing the exact same to her daughter? I mean her daughter seems smart because she says "we already have that at home", but still, you would think you wouldn't be repeating what your own mother did if you think it gave you bad habits as an adult.
No. 2028971
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>>2028901I don't know where she got the merch from but you'd be surprise how massively consumerist producer japan is, every pop culture character has a potential to be a commercial mascot, Snoopy, Winnie the pooh, peter rabbit, spongebob even.
No. 2030414
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>>2028971>spongebob evendamn I feel called out kek. I do collect spongebob stuff but only if I really like it and it's something useful in my daily life
anyway vidrel I hate how they post something like this as if it's a flex while it's mentally ill behaviour
No. 2030417
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>>2030414samefag this girl hoards whatever weeb shit she gets her hands on and has a sale every few months. Shows how it's just the rush of buying things and not genuine interest
No. 2033970
nonnie from what I've seen from her, she is pretty well off and when she sells it's not like she sets the prices very high. I believe she just impulse buys and then gets over the stuff
No. 2034161
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kpop consoomers are on the same level as people who eat mcdonalds every day. it's garbage that momentarily might satisfy you but it won't nourish you.
No. 2034393
>>2030414Oh fucking hell it's the Illumicrate Bridgerton set. Everyone's salivating over it for some mysterious reason. It's cute, but it's going for hundreds, almost a grand sometimes, and who fucking cares that much about BOOK COVERS to spend that much on a set of books that are otherwise identical to the normally priced versions? I can't wait for Illumicrate to do another run of these fucking things so it stops being a flex. And I can pretty much guarantee that she's read less than 10 of the books on her shelf, but has spent three month's rent on them for online clout.
>>2034161Is the whole room a Kpop shrine? What the fuck is wrong with these people?
>>2034380Given how weird kpoppies are, it wouldn't surprise me if they were repurposed for that.
No. 2036070
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I know people do this a lot but it made me pause. Someone in the comments was saying they like to collect things and then sell the whole collection to collect something else… Truly buying things to buy things
No. 2037275
>>2037118Some rando on my fyp named
I couldn't embed (due to the periods in the url maybe?) and didn't realize the downloader I used striped the @
No. 2037936
nonnie. urlebird doesn't strip the username, that's what i use when posting tiktoks
No. 2038995
These are so ugly and they all look the same
No. 2039138
>>2038374I know it's pointless to be elitist over cartoon figures, but I have to kek at 1 shelf each full of Sonico, Asuka, Rei, and Miku. She just went to amiami and bought from the top 10 new releases every month.
>>2038995Nobody would buy these if they weren't blind box toys. Can you imagine a blister pack of these ugly things? It would end up 90% off on clearance.
>>2034432I've come to really hate those Ikea shelves. I don't expect everyone to buy antiques or Ethan Allen, but that stuff is just so cheap and soulless. And it's not going to hold up to everyday wear.
No. 2041316
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No. 2041751
>>2036070It makes sense that her choice in perfumes is as basic as her choice in figures. Good for her though, perfumes are more useful than plastic Mikus, and even normie perfumes like this cost more than the average figure, so hopefully she'll slow down a tiny bit with her consooming, or at least buy samples or minis instead of full bottles. If she's one of those 'buy things for the sake of buying things' people that's probably what she'll do, but again, much better than figures.
It sort of sounds like she's been stuck indoors since 2020 doing nothing but eating and buying figures if she's so impressed by Versace Bright Crystal that she's willing to sell off her entire figure collection to buy more perfume.
>>2041316If she doesn't have bills to pay, does she live with her parents or is she a live-in bangmaid to some over the wall scrote or what? It's great to know that she doesn't have kids though, all things considered.
No. 2046124
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the people yearn for genuine hobbies