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No. 865357
Instagram: [sw twitter]
>Formerly known as angelhair1996, howl1996, junkhun, funeralhome420 and Lunakittenxxx (to name but a few)>25 year old heroin addict, scammer, liar, thief, and on-and-off “sex worker”>Has overdosed thrice>Begs people for money online to buy drugs under the guise of it being for food/medication/rent/necessities>Refuses to get a job or do anything productive besides shitty art and poetry>Has every self-diagnosed mental/physical illness under the sun>Started dating her (now 42) year old “fiancé” (hereby known as Lurch) before she turned 18, calls him “daddy”. They’ve been together now for 7 years>has a following of impressionable young girls who she has convinced to “help” her during this “tough time” in her life>Romanticises the hell out of her addiction but rants on the internet how vile it is to do so>”I’m not trying to be Courtney Love!”>Tries to be exactly like Courtney Love>Loves to share her grimy life on the internet, including awful photos of her cats laying in filth and used needles, unwashed clothes, etc>Constantly buys cheap shit on Amazon while complaining about being penniless>Milks her ex-gf’s suicide for struggle pointsHistorical Milk:
>Squandered a large inheritance from her grandmother within a year and lost the property she also inherited because she didn’t pay tax on it>Claims her mother “stole” her inheritance money from her (she possibly used the inheritance to pay her mother’s rent and considers that “stealing”)>Exploited Roger (Lurch’s sick dad) by squatting in his apartment and leeching off his social security until he died. They were soon evicted because they couldn’t pay rent>Luna and Lurch then move in with her ex-addict mother in her one-bedroom poverty home, ultimately drives her mother to relapse and go to inpatient >>795390>Her dad's apartment caught on fire; Luna spreads ashes on her faceSex Worker Saga:
>Then began a “sex work” career, taking grimy nudes and videos and selling them through twitter for drug money, looking more and more dead in every photo>Made premade videos, one is called PEE DRINK >>730829>Anon leaks a ‘commission’ video where Luna calls her dad and says she’s got a stable job, then takes her dress off and masturbates for the camera. Dad sounds supportive and happy for her as she uses him to get someone else’s humiliation fetish rocks off >>758647 WARNING: SAD AS FUCK >>758661>SW CAREER IS OVER >>760386>“Online acquaintance” of Luna’s turns up after being sent the dad video >>761016, insinuates Luna has sold videos of her shooting up in her legs via her SW twitter. Shares screencap, looks like necrosis waiting to happen >>761037>Returns to sex work >>805775, >>810203 >A year later, anon drops “lurch gyrating Luna’s ass” and “full intercourse” vids that they bought but didn’t leak at the time: >>811491, >>811554Eviction/Sobriety Saga:
>LUNA AND LURCH ARE GETTING EVICTED >>802600, >>810637 >Luna uploads a video where her and Lurch yell at a social worker >>811724 >Electricity gets shut off >>813209 and Luna continues to refer to the owner of the apartment as "her landlord" despite admitting on facebook that they're not supposed to be there >>813354>EVIL TOXIC MOM arc turns into THE MHA GASLIT MY MOM, A MENTALLY ILL WOMAN arc >>813340>The apartment door lock has broken, Luna and lurch build sad little barricades >>816475, >>815981>The cops pay a visit >>813338 and find drugs, paraphernalia and a knife. Charges are filed against Lurch >>819990, >>822424, >>824442>As a result, Lurch now has to submit drug tests on the reg, and Luna allegedly actually detoxes from heroin (while still using methadone and/or weed, other opiates and/or benzos) >>821718, >>822657, >>823499, >>823823, >>824260>Luna keeps claiming to be sober >>824858, >>825465, >>827008 despite still taking fucking Xanax >>825462>”Abusive” dad relapses >>825466, is “dying” >>825993, >>826190, Meanwhile, Luna says it’s a “slap in the face” that her mother dares to be high around her >>826257>Freaks out incessantly on Reddit about her and Lurch’s stimmy checks as it’s clearly their own income>Luna and Lurch are attacked by neighbor’s pitbulls totally not while stealing >>831109Assault Saga:
>Luna claims to have been raped by a stranger in her building >>840784, >>840941 Anons infight about whether or not she's telling the whole truth>Reports the rape to the police >>841832, >>841834, It seems to go quite well>Police now don't entirely believe her rape story >>843957, now suspect her of submitting a falsified statement>Luna gets psych warded >>846413, Calls it the "worst day of her life" but not explaining why, posts unsettling selfies with her ekg stickers still on >>846458>Seems to be police-related >>847120, Current theory is she lost her shit when she took all of her klonopin and psych wouldn't give her moreLast thread:
>Neighbor breaks into her apartment, posts pictures of the police and takes videos of everything>Dropped acid with Lurch after saying she wanted couple's therapy, wants to marry him after>Starts making embarrassing IG videos (they're in the last thread)>Gets fired from Alltard>Says its for her new contract (or some bullshit)>Cries and suicidebaits about it anyway>Is getting evicted, better milk is coming soon!twenty one
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No. 865360
File: 1642948931481.jpg (21.84 KB, 250x370, Tuna2.jpg)

Incoming dump. She's "getting evicted"
No. 865361
File: 1642949196396.jpg (325.58 KB, 1080x1677, Tuna3.5.jpg)

Send asspats plz
No. 865362
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Please get tossed out by cops and record it for us.
No. 865379
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No. 865407
File: 1642966753534.jpeg (531.97 KB, 750x1073, 349D735C-4616-4124-86E4-09006E…)

from last thread but did lunas filter give lurch pretty little eyelashes kek
No. 865416
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Eviction looming and she's doing photoshoots for instagram kek never change Tuna
No. 865419
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No. 865427
>>865419I'm about to over explain Tuna's eviction situation so skip this whole post if you're not interested!
Tuna has until February 3rd and since she's not supposed to be there, the court will give her a date. On that date, cops will show up with the locksmith and tell her to only get necessities and that they can arrange a time with management to get the rest. They'll have 11 minutes to leave, but some cops are nice and will give 20 minutes if they're ahead of schedule.
Her followers are dumb. They only get temporarily housed during a "Code Blue" emergency, meaning unsheltered people are at risk of freezing to death. But they don't let you bring in much if it's at a shelter. Only a big city like NYC would do their Code Blue shelters in hotels. It's also only until temperatures go back above freezing.
She's probably going to have Daddy help pay for something, but I doubt he can afford to move them into a hotel which would be around $1500/month. Or she'll beg Allard.
Since she was dumb with her money and acted like she would be allowed to live there rent free as long as she wanted, her best bet is talk to a church and they'll hook them up with a tent and sleeping bags.
She truly deserves to be homeless.
No. 865433
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No. 865436
>>865433Wow if I hadn’t seen and read the actual turn of events in this saga I would think she was a poor
victim. Nah I wouldn’t. It would take less than a minute looking at her other self posts to realize that she’s lying. Makes me wonder if the people advising her are trolling lol
No. 865439
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She's also now saying that she just has reduced hours.
No. 865443
>>865362>>865360Finally, I've been shouting it from the rooftops since last spring and everyone ignored me or said she was probably "legally renting it by now." As if you can just start paying for a squat and that covers it.
>>865427This is definitely exactly how it will play out re: cops forceably removing them. Why she acquired all that furniture I'll never understand.
>>865361All of her little commenters are operating on the basis of her being evicted because of the moratorium ending and her lapsing in rent and not because she
did not even have a lease to break so all of the advice is useless. She traumatizes herself every time.
No. 865446
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What money does she have saved up? She spends every penny that she gets.
No. 865450
>>865443I think a lot of us knew it was gonna happen like this . The fact it is taking as long as it has and some questions about how many fucks the landlord had added to NYC laws was always the debate. And I know she’s going to act totally surprised when they show up to boot her with no mercy for her uwu collectibles. She really does believe the rules make exception for her because up til now she’s had people to leech off of.
Anyone wanna take bets on her trying to crash at moms AGAIN even though that shouldn’t be possible?
No. 865455
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No. 865460
File: 1642991800442.jpg (320.95 KB, 1080x1577, Screenshot_20220123-193300_Ins…)

lol ordering more shit immediately after announcing she's getting evicted
No. 865462
>>865455Good thing renting a room in someone else's house/ with roommates doesn't require a credit check and all her saved money can cover the deposits!
Oh right, she's too good for that and wants her oWn place with Chief Bromden
No. 865466
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No. 865467
>>865429It depends on the shelter, but restrictions and eligibility has been eased since the pandemic started. "Families without children" can stay together in a co-ed shelter IF there's room in one.
I doubt her and Lurch can navigate the system, but all she has to do is call a simple 3 digit number (not listing it in case she lurks) and they'll refer her to apply for the Crisis Intervention Program through Homeless Coalition Services. I'm not sure what type of housing her mom was in that Tuna's in right now, but if it's through the Department of Homeless Services (DHS), since Tuna and Lurch violated rules by being there, they'll be locked out of Homeless Services for 30 days before they're allowed to apply for shelter. If they're found to be ineligible and are denied, they can re-apply and just keep reapplying if denued. They can do this all from their current place unless during court they're issued the order to be removed… It's called something like Intent to Sanction aka being removed by Johnny Law.
At court, both of them have to be present. She's stupid to even think one of them has to be in the apartment at all times since they're not going to get locked out. That's probably just her excuse for lounging at home and taking selfie all day.
Their whole situation rides on if they can navigate the system to get the free resources to keep them sheltered somewhere. But they'll both have to look for a job since their navigator will make them sign a plan for how they'll get out of DHS's shelter system- which includes proof of job and (if she really has the money) apartment searches.
She can rent a room in 1 day if that secret savings if hers really exists.
No. 865473
>>865455Imagine being a low life junkie and thinking you're better than other low life junkies when you're about to freeze your ass in the streets.
I hope karma finally kicks her ass and nobody helps her.
No. 865495
>>8654331) Lurch's dad was terminally ill, unless the heroin make her abity to grasp time concepts null and void.. his death wasn't sudden. Make it make sense.
2) the person saying "you aren't about to lose your apartment" is correct. It wasn't hers to lose.
3) Ofcourse they wouldn't fix the window, why should they? You and easter island head don't leave and were hostile when the social worker was there to move your mom. They might be trying to avoid a physical confrontation or more likely use it as proof that you aren't keeping the place in decent order.
All in all she uses manipulative language to evoke sympathy and deflect self blame. She KNEW Roger was dying and could have both of them working to get an apartment. She isn't doing what she can to get a place, she's shopping, playing video games, and popping pills to avoid the situation. What the fuck is Lurch doing?
Sadly it is still winter, so courts might be lenient and let them stay till spring. Lets just hope Tuna dolls herself up with her coach bullshit to look good and the judge takes that as a slap in the face.
No. 865496
>>865416Inb4 "she actually looks pretty." She looks like a filtered corpse and even the filter's struggling to hide the stains on that dress.
Has she ever cleaned anything? Or does she honestly think cleaning means rearranging things?
No. 865499
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>>865379Did we know about this Luna ED Tumblr? apparently started it in June ‘21
No. 865500
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>>865499And Lurch continues to be as charming as ever (1/2)
No. 865501
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>>865500And she has a scale (2/2)
No. 865509
File: 1643033218943.png (48.47 KB, 537x550, Screenshot 2022-01-24 15.05.20…)

>>865501I have archived the page just in case
No. 865515
>>865483Lmao you're right,
nonny. That redditor is struggling to imagine why Tuna can't leave and cannot conceive of the fact that she just refuses to save enough to rent a UHaul. So many people don't own a car and manage to move, Luna! Take inspo from Shaynus if you have to.
>>865455If only we could cap this and send it to any well-meaning dunce on Reddit or Insta trying to help her. She thinks she's too good for this area but is totally fine living in a crackhouse? I hope this isn't a scam, she deserves a slice of humble pie at this point. Time to buck up and settle for what you can get.
No. 865516
>>865499> I'm not even throwing up > I'm throwing up again kek what is this screenshot? is it one of her conversations with Lurch or some repost bs?
also, as I'm not a tumblrfag, are the gradient tiles blurred out/nsfw content?
No. 865520
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>>865516It’s just something she reblogged, picrel. She did add “#me trying to talk to tnis person i like”
No. 865521
File: 1643039339352.jpeg (Spoiler Image,2.83 MB, 2218x6976, 6608C953-02D4-4E88-BE32-861701…)

>>865516No, the remaining images hadn’t fully loaded when taking the screenshot. Here it is fully loaded, a few are a bit questionable so I’ll just spoiler
No. 865526
>>865514Lurch is definitely not a prize, but keep in mind Tuna is mean and rude af also (like when talking to the social worker about her own mom) and she always paints herself as the
victim (like when posting her "I'm so scared, I'm being evicted for no reason with my fiance of 8 yrs when it's cold and how will all my clothes and blubber keep me warm" bullshit)
No. 865527
>>865480>>865482>>865504He's bringing the drugs and doing all the scamming that gets them through the days. She gets busted trying to do even the simplest shoplifting. It's OK to hate him but also admit that he's the one keeping shit going. Luna sits around all day playing animal crossing and sad blogging, neither of which brings in food, drugs or anything else.
I don't get how half of this thread is junkies wanting to talk about their expertise on needles and the other half is people who have apparently never known junkie couples before.
No. 865529
>>865527I completely agree with your assessment of Lurch keeping the hustle game going and he's the one with a benzo script. Tuna mooches the benzos from Lurch, and evil mom and dad.
Tuna couldn't figure out how to survive without him. She sits around and waits for him to make everything happen since she's like her favorite brand- a "Lazy Oaf".
No. 865530
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This post from her “ED” tumblr made me laugh the most. Look at the top right corner and you can see how the struggle is real for her to suck her gut in and tense her abs, with her gritted teeth and chin to chest.
No. 865532
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Kek she wants everyone to "recognize [her] disease" that she thinks about "CONSTANTKY"! She's basically saying "validate me for my fake ED!"
She's really lousy at this ED larp since anyone with knowledge of weight loss knows losing or gaining 5lbs is water weight. So her losing 6 lbs all the time means she's always losing or gaining only a pound aka she's not losing anything.
I could be thinking of another cow, but I thought Tuna said somewhere she lost like 10-15lbs after her "rape" story because she was soooo depressed.
No. 865533
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I hate your level of filthiness, too, Tuna
No. 865543
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why is she still active on r/heroin? surely they cannot be good for someone who is supposedly clean?
No. 865549
>>865546In certain cold weather states they tend to not sever services as it could lead to death. But this is a
valid question since it was never their apartment at all to begin with and they certainly wouldn’t have their names on anything like utilities. My bet is the landlord has to keep it all on just to keep pipes from freezing or lunas dumb ass from trying to heat the place with the oven or candles and blowing them all to god.
No. 865572
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Well deserved. Wouldn't have happened if you learned to save money instead of spending it all on dumb shit.
No. 865579
File: 1643076242073.jpeg (287.34 KB, 828x1951, 81C6B240-4527-4B35-B961-298BB6…)

She says she can’t stay at either of her parents
No. 865580
File: 1643076409022.jpeg (552.77 KB, 828x1196, A7D6DEBF-5F05-4C6F-8C2E-C1F078…)

fucking disgusting to think she actually sleeps there. absolutely filthy. rip to whoever has to scrub that whole apartment in a hazmat suit next month
No. 865583
>>865577would the government really bankroll her? no idea how benefits work but I was under the impression you had to at least
look like you’re looking for work or trying to improve yourself.
literally all of her problems would be solved by getting a job. any job.
No. 865587
>>865579She's just fucking around online hoping/waiting for someone to miraculously solve her eviction issue. Lol she's had years to figure this out
Hilarious how she says staying at a motel will eat thru her money fast, BITCH that's why people have jobs, so they can pay their rent/bills every month. She's really dumb asf
No. 865589
>>865580 More like "filth-encrusted bed with never been washed plush toys that should be burned."
No. 865598
>>865554Tuna's dad is prescribed benzos and smokes weed which are both totally legal. Tuna doesn't have a benzo script at all so she's the only one recreationally using benzos, weed and the occasional "acid therapy" which Lurch brings it back to her fat ass.
I doubt her dad would agree to let her move in since his place is only big enough for him and his gf who stays over sometimes, let alone big enough for her, Lurch, and 2 cats too. You know she wouldn't leave her "fiance" out like that.
No. 865612
>>865611Tuna wouldn't qualify for SNAP (aka EBT) but Lurch does since he goes to a methadone clinic and that's considered being in a drug treatment program. Although there's currently P-EBT which loosens federal requirements for Able Bodied Adults Without Dependents which Tuna could get, but Lurch most likely applied as a 2 person household for his existing EBT benefits which would give them around $450/month on his EBT card. If he's doing that, Tuna can't apply. And I'm positive he's doing that since she manages to stay so fucking obese.
Tuna says she doesn't have good credit, but she's REALLY fucking herself over by going through the eviction process. It's better to have bad credit than to even have had eviction proceedings started, let alone being fully evicted. Their only options would be rooms for rent since we know she has no concept of how to raise her credit.
No. 865623
File: 1643127274948.jpeg (356.74 KB, 828x1049, AFF5741C-1B7F-4DB4-A8AA-3C86C3…)

Tuna using her time between now and the 3rd of February wisely.
No. 865643
File: 1643134987743.jpeg (487.33 KB, 828x1199, 4E803923-A654-43D3-B13C-A7CC36…)

>>865623she changed into 3 different outfits to take selfies in but couldn’t be bothered to pick up the bag of cat shit behind her lmfao
No. 865649
>>865643The state of the floor behind her gives me the creeps. Aside from the crust in the cracks is that cat piss or lurch piss (lol).
I hate how she is dragging her cats into this shit. Almost everyone loves animals so this feels like her trying for the sympathy “uwu my cats gonna be homeless too” ebegging lane. She treats the cat as a means to an end not an actual pet.
No. 865657
>>865651Tuna's mom was there under section 8 housing. That property offers gas, water, and heat so all of that is covered by the property anyway. Tuna's Daddy probably pays electricity.
Ironically, the building is also a smoke-free apartment.
No. 865697
>>865659It's not a halfway house, sober living or transitional housing since I Googled the address and they last had an apt available for $1400/mo and I looked up the addresses for any sober or transitional living buildings in New Rochelle and this isn't one. Tuna's mom maybe received housing assistance through an outreach program but I assumed section 8 due to it being in a regular apartment building and the infrequent walk throughs.
Sober and transitional housing in the US are more strict and there's an in-house manager. Guests are only permitted short stays and usually either have to be pre-approved on your list of only a couple people or leave their IDs with the house manager/management while visiting. They also don't let you stay indefinitely and they assist you with transitioning out to your own place. If you break the rules, they kick you out and don't help you go to another living situation. Getting housing through some kind of outreach program will help find you a hotel or apartment to live in and cover your rent/ the rest of what you can't afford. You have to maintain sobriety, but they usually have random urine analysis (UA) tests. You can only have guests up to 14 days. Same with section 8, they just don't help you find housing and they don't do UAs. Both will conduct walk throughs, but not as often with Section 8.
No. 865734
>>865705She's not smart enough to fake her way through an apartment application which, if done right, can still get you an apartment with bad credit. If she really has so much money saved or Dad gives her money, she can get a guarantor, which most apartments in NYC take. A guarantor is like a co-signer you pay up front and it allows people with bad or no credit to get apartments.
Like I mentioned before, her best option is to suck up her pride and rent a room that allows couples
No. 865746
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She doesn't seem all too afraid of losing her place. She's been begging for help in order to play a game that she doesn't know how to play. I really do think that she believes she'll be able to keep the place by simply not leaving.
No. 865757
File: 1643270953474.jpg (570.29 KB, 1080x1772, IMG_20220127_090322.jpg)

>>865756Holy hell Luna, shut the fuck up you pick me. This is unacceptable. It wasn't even some industrial accident (bad enough and I don't want to imagine it), it was some ISIS beheading. The woman was incredibly based to leave ASAP even if it was inconvenient.
No wonder fakeboi stans (stained?) her, they are two gore watching pieces of shit
No. 865777
>>865699Welcome to New York. Upstate she could probably rent a tenement single room with a shared kitchen/bathroom among 5 people for $800 but even studios that close to the city go for at least 1k. She needs to get out of NY, its not like shes tied to a job here or still dependent on old connects for dope now that shes sober.
And of course she watches gore, she grew up as an edgy kid in the 00s and runs a xanex/sanrio blog gore is part of that whole scene. If she stepped away from the sad cherubs and actually drew some gore she could probably make a buck or two off her art. Also if you watch porn you have no moral highroad to shit on people who watch gore.
No. 865784
>>865777She could get a really shitty apartment in upstate for $800. It'll be the size of a shoebox. The two bedroom place that she wants though is going to cost her around 1k. Tuna makes porn and makes it sound like it's against her will so she's twice as bad for doing that and watching gore by your definition.
>>865779It definitely feels random. No one even mentioned porn and both are pretty shitty things to watch but they felt the need to defend watching gore.
No. 865786
>>865784The cheapest place I ever lived in NY was in a house that had been cut up by room into student housing. Each floor had its own bathroom (so 3) and one shared kitchen between about 30 people. It was $800 a month and even that was cheap because it was student housing. It was conditions that nobody who wasnt a drug addicted college kid would be willing to live in.
And its not immoral for a woman to sell sex, its often done out of desperation especially globally, but it is immoral to buy access to consent/sexuality because money is coercive and negates true freely given informed enthusiastic consent. Im just saying, if you consume porn (which most people do) you dont have the moral high ground to judge people who watch gore
No. 865793
File: 1643314182962.png (192.99 KB, 496x757, Screenshot 2022-01-27 150837.p…)

>>865790>spreading her SW clips without her consent falls under revenge porn and was a sex crime.How does that change what she did?
>unless you go far upstate which is still expensive due to state taxes.Okay, anon.
No. 865794
>>865792Im not moralfagging Im just saying maybe yall should be a little bit more careful before you cross the line and commit sex crimes on a public forum. Spreading private SW clips without permission falls under revenge porn laws in NY and is illegal and if she had the wherewithal she could take legal action.
And it doesn't change what she did, but it is pretty fucked up that her desperation was so exploited that she was being coerced into such degrading acts.
Also not sure where that apartment is but sign me the fuck up because Im paying twice that for less space. Maybe WAY upstate apartments are cheaper but shes not going to find anything other than a single room for less than $800 where shes living now
No. 865796
>>865794wasn't replying to you unless you're the same
nonnie pearl clutching about porn vs gore. as if the motivation to look at a video of sex is the same as the motivation to look at a video of killing
No. 865797
>>865786Get off your soapbox, nobody was talking about porn. BTW most farmers are against porn, which you would know had you lurked. Not only you are preaching to the converted, you also moralfag for no goddamn reason. Go spread your gospel on plebbit if you care
>>865794>commit sex crimes on a public forum>forumI'm impressed a newfag is capable of using sage. Or is that you, fakeboi?
No. 865801
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>>865799>She was openly unhappy with doing sex workWrong again, moralfagger.
No. 865820
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No. 865831
>>865811I agree that she’s unemployable, but you’re talking about it as if it were out of her control. Her lack of social skills, hygiene, education, physical fitness—none of this just
happened to her, these are the direct consequences of her own refusal to better herself or her situation in any way. She put nothing into life, and so she got nothing out. Too bad. Sometimes a person just fucks up their life and it’s their own fault.
No. 865832
>>865820All physical things and tied to this idea she has of herself. Where’s the “I need to take therapy seriously”, “I need to stop using”, “I need to make myself accountable”
>>865811fakeboi, you’re too invested in defending her and she won’t be your friend, no matter how much you come and cape for her
No. 865834
>>865820i wonder what she did?
>the last good thing in my lifei would assume either something to do with lurch or something to do with housing?
No. 865841
>>865794You know nothing of the law, it's not a crime to buy clips she sells for literally anyone to look at. You are retarded. Anyway!
>>865820I think she's referring to her housing situation, which was not a good thing given it was stolen.
She was committing a
crime by living there. If she stays with her dad she's said Lurch isn't allowed to come. Do we think it's likely she'll crash there in February, ladies?
No. 865866
>>865811There’s a massive labor shortage across the US at the moment, and there are a heap of programs that focus entirely on rehabilitating people like Luna to get them back into the workforce. I’m confident she could do something if not work for Pizza Hutt who will hire felons.
She has plenty of opportunity, she just won’t take it.
No. 865874
File: 1643386649207.png (136.79 KB, 608x851, Screenshot_2022-01-26-09-17-20…)

>>865866She could absolutely do Pizza Hut or a call center, really any baseline job. Cotton-eyed Joe knee is her weird munchie holdover lie from when she was pretending she was "cripplepunk" like Tai and needed a cane.
All her excuses for not doing what she needs to prevent herself from being homeless are ridiculous if you list them. She can't get on a lease because she doesn't have a real job, she doesn't have a job because she doesn't have an ID, she doesn't have an ID because she can't drive to the DMV without a car, she can't walk to a bus stop to go to the DMV because she has a disability and on and on. I don't know why she bothers asking redditors for help when she won't even be honest about the facts of her situation which are:
"I'm lazy and don't want to put in any effort to get out of this mess." Picrel is her sending her laundry list to random redditors like they give a shit.
No. 865889
>>865887no it wasn't bc of that. her typing style also stands out
>>865794>>865884it wasn't me, i've just made that one post
No. 865890
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No. 865906
> cashiers in America stand all day so that is also outNot to sound like I’m capping for capitalism but there’s a good amount of unskilled jobs in America she could learn to do. The only reason she incapable of working them is herself.The only think preventing her from adapting is herself and I hope we do get a glimpse of Luna long-tits and the adventures of wooden Indian.
I expect dear dad to bail her out again.
No. 865908
File: 1643419900655.jpg (297.93 KB, 1080x2176, Screenshot_20220128-173014_Sam…)

I literally just Googled jobs in New Rochelle
No. 865916
>>865913Kek I always thing that’s funny when people bring that up. People who have done way first move past there toxicity being posted online all the time.
Luna can turn her life around to be better at any time starting with a starter job at any time.
No. 865920
>>865917Ntayrt but do you not have a phone or autocorrect? "People who have done way worse move past their toxicity being posted online all the time."
>>865912Girl needs to avoid mom and pop shops and corporate. Franchises will be her bread and butter. No one has time for googling employees. Either way girl will need to change her name.
No. 865969
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every time i see her long ass toes i wonder, does she walk or slap the floor?
the sight never fails to shock me(nitpicking about feet)
No. 865995
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No. 866017
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Lurch seems to use her reddit too or he speaks through her. He acts like people should know who he is. I don't even know why he would be on a subreddit about hip-hop and rap culture when he hates black people.
No. 866060
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>>866027Did someone say hobbit!?
No. 866063
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No. 866064
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No. 866065
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making good use of her last few days in that apartment
No. 866076
>>866063>>866065This is why you're going to stay a fat ass, you fat ass.
>>866066Pretty much.
No. 866093
File: 1643595268939.jpg (231.28 KB, 1080x1692, Screenshot_20220130-191114_Ins…)

Lurch is already weird looking but this is probably the worst picture of him and she keeps reposting it
No. 866097
File: 1643598516147.jpeg (469.39 KB, 2048x2048, 3BA0C7CC-58BD-4398-8EFF-CDA85E…)

She’s been lying about her weight on her ED blog.
she mentioned recently the only time she’s been under 200 lbs was in 2017 when she was doing crack, she said it was so emotional she “cried about it”
however she said over the past couple years she’s been at her heaviest in a while, but posts that she weighs 191 last year? pics included, because that is NOT a body under 200 lbs at 5’11”
she also says recently that she weighs 230+ lately
is she lying about her weight to impress the ana folks on tumblr?
No. 866100
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I agree… unless her scale is legit broken and she doesn't know his to calibrate it.
For reference, someone at 5'11 191 lbs would like like this… (1/2)
No. 866101
File: 1643613813744.jpg (195.08 KB, 1080x1013, Screenshot_20220131-022240_Sam…)

>>866100Vs 253 lbs (2/2)
I think she's around 250-260 lbs
No. 866106
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>>866100absolutely. 190 lbs on someone that tall, while overweight, would look very “normal” to the majority of people. not tuna however… our resident giant. i agree she is at least 260-280. it takes quite a lot for someone close to 6 ft to look as massive as she does.
No. 866113
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>>866093At least he’s aware
No. 866147
>>866145>why would she?This. Luna knows her tenant rights and how to be an annoying Karen. Last time she was evicted from Rogers place, the landlord dumped all of her shit in garbage bags outside the property when she and lurch were out. She was sperging about how that was illegal under new York tenancy laws, the landlord is supposed to rent a storage locker, and she was going to sue him for all of her lost possessions.
She's said a couple times that there's always someone at the current squat to make sure they don't get evicted the same way again. That's her version of preparing for the future kek
I'm assuming the company running her the building will do it by the book and she'll be even more pissed when bailiffs physically remove her.
No. 866160
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>>866147Patiently awaiting them uploading videoclips of the people removing them reeeeing about being woken up and literally being abused etc etc
No. 866168
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>>866093his shirt says die terrorist scum and it's from a conservative patriotic nutbag "guns are life" merch website
how does "communist" luna deal with his anti BLM views?
No. 866171
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First she was pro gore and now it's "omg too much i wake up in tears".
No. 866277
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No. 866305
>>866262Tuna and Lurch are
representing themselves in court, oh god. The landlord's lawyer is going to obliterate them.
No. 866308
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lol rip to an annoying ass cowtipper
No. 866309
File: 1643857460222.png (140.51 KB, 792x527, Screenshot 2022-02-02 215921.p…)

>>866308You're days late with that and no one cares now. I don't think anyone cared when anon came here to cry about it.
Anyway this is from kf. Any guesses on who the person obsessed with her is? She's been doing the running out of stuff beg for so long that you'd think people would catch on by now.
No. 866310
File: 1643857603041.png (656.81 KB, 837x837, Screenshot 2022-02-02 220501.p…)

Be sure to order a place to live too, Tuna.
No. 866312
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>>866309love how she’s like “it’s only $4 so it’s not a big gamble” but she didn’t even pay for it lol
No. 866314
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No. 866320
File: 1643862419680.jpeg (77.64 KB, 1000x1000, 8562B914-40F4-40CB-AFA0-F2DC0A…)

>>866277>>866314The internet tells me these headdresses are common (?) in Lolita fashion. Lolanons, is that the case? To me this headband cannot be styled in regular outfits, especially those Luna wears. I hope she received an Amazon gift card, the alternative is that one of her friends/supporters thinks this is a way of helping her and that’s just idk, too much? And idc they were only $12.89
No. 866334
>>866310Did she accidentally use the face-swap feature or something?
Good to know this is probably the year they get married. Just like all those other years.
No. 866386
>>866320It is very common, but not this amazon shit, no one who takes the fashion seriously would wear these ears.
That specific headdress without the ears is one of the most common ones cheap lolitas buy from aliexpress.
No. 866387
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No. 866393
>>866392Uglier girls have been successful at sex work. My suspicion is most of her moids are black men who like thick girls (shes complained about clients who like her for being curvy and how its
triggering to her) and middle eastern men who are into blonde white girls. Middle Eastern men aren't a particularly lucrative market, because of the currency exchange rates they are hard to get significant cash out of, but often much easier to get cheap gifts out of (at least in my experience with SW).
No. 866400
>>866389I assume Lurch is home doing his usual nothing.
>>866387And if she's being this carefree then she either has a place to stay and isn't worried about tomorrow or she truly thinks that they won't be evicted. Here's to hoping it's not the former and both of her parents tell her that they can't stay with them. These two really do deserve rock bottom for all of the abuse that they put Roger and her mom through.
No. 866425
>>866395KEK yeah OK, just some concerned passerby, OK.
>>866405Yeah, it's this. Her entire life is powered by delusion and the longer this drags on the more she believes they've 'won'.
>>866414Such a convenient cope she has - everything bad is evil dad. (My guess is he cut her off or gave her an ultimatum. Bonus points: she tried getting him to let them live there)
No. 866445
File: 1643987959542.png (40.48 KB, 795x479, 2022-02-04 07_19_04-Window.png)

rescheduled to next month. sigh
No. 866447
File: 1643988804024.jpeg (239.98 KB, 1259x998, 862DB18D-3CB0-4ED0-8AD9-C6FCB4…)

>talking to different renters daily looking for somewhere to go
The attitude that just reeks out of her posts is something else and of course, captain save a cow is in all her posts advising her, kek
No. 866451
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No. 866452
File: 1643991603183.jpeg (221.33 KB, 828x1375, 4F9AAF8E-67C9-4DD1-9220-EE7F4D…)

Karma isn’t real, I guess
No. 866453
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No. 866454
>>866387relatable? the doll house?
No. 866464
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just dodged homelessness for another month but still a uwu sad bun
No. 866473
>>866469An anon noticed her swollen jaw almost 2 weeks ago
>>865466 when it was only on one side. Yikes Luna, more than one dying tooth in that mouth.
No. 866483
>>866445Damb, I was so looking forward to hearing this outcome.
>>866447She should be looking for a job, too. Like, anything really. Of course she's not getting any takers, neither she nor Lurch can produce pay stubs for literally almost a decade. At this rate she's going to need to work something out like renting a single bedroom in someone's house.
No. 866506
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No. 866509
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>>866464how Luna sees herself
No. 866569
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No. 866648
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>>866633>>866639i think lurch is very proud of himself for knowing court bulshit just enough to get it rescheduled
No. 866665
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No. 866666
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No. 866699
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No. 866742
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better hope it shows up before march 4!
No. 866744
>>866736lol I think she got
triggered by the thing zoomers say about side-partings being dated and old-fashioned. Rather than accept she's not 18 anymore she's clinging to trendy aesthetics
No. 866746
File: 1644161718862.jpeg (169.35 KB, 750x653, 38A02D94-C878-4668-9398-864984…)

I think it was all the heroin love
No. 866748
>>866746tunas life wouldve been no different lockdown or not. she jsut likes to blame things out of her control for things she has full control over.
lockdown? work out at home. diet. clean your place. go methadone clinic to get some sort of social programs rolling.
shes fully in control of her life but keeps blaming her mom and dad for stuff that at this point they cant possibly control. tuna is peak level delusion and thats why she will forever be my favorite cow.
No. 866752
>>866746this is infuriating. how would her life have been different? she has lived in a completely different “pandemic” than most people. she got a free apartment and loads of shitty trinkets out of it, and continued to be a useless, jobless fucking bum, just as before.
it’s so hard not to A-log this bitch.
No. 866791
>>866742Lmao her mom is buying her lingerie as she's facing homelessness. surejan.jpeg
Bonus points for pointing out it's "cheap". Bet she whined to her mom about "losing" her package. Seems like she rotates between "cheap gift card" ,"lost package", "friends mom" and "my mom" when it comes to aquiring shit. At least she's moved on from "I found this exactly in my size" bullshit.
No. 866814
>>866464Luna, you’re nearly 30 and six feet tall. what the fuck is wrong with you.
can you imagine seeing this cockeyed cotton-eyed-joe–kneed retard, with her cameltoe, crop top, leopard print coat, crusty press-ons, cold sore/old makeup-encrusted lip ring, dead and rotting teeth, mustache, filthy house slippers, haiti earthquake thighs walking down the street. begging you for change for her CHEAP CHEAP shein lingerie.
this is all covid’s fault
No. 866823
>>866814>Luna, you’re nearly 30 and six feet tall. what the fuck is wrong with you.This isn't a problem
>can you imagine seeing this cockeyed cotton-eyed-joe–kneed retard, with her cameltoe, crop top, leopard print coat, crusty press-ons, cold sore/old makeup-encrusted lip ring, dead and rotting teeth, mustache, filthy house slippersThis very much is, by which I mean her lack of personal care.
How easy would it be to do something about that tooth? Seems pretty grim even for someone in a better situation, but I'm not a dentist
No. 866831
>>866824Are you explaining to me what the other poster said? Yes I know and I disagree. I mean the ears aren't the best, but I see no problem with wearing cute clothes or Lolita no matter the age if you style it well
>>866827the eighteen y/o zoomer crying about turning 25 someday
mentality strikes again
No. 866832
>>866831no, I’m a 30 year old woman who would die of embarrassment on the spot if I saw her on the street wearing grimy lolita bunny ears, on top of everything else I mentioned.
and she’s closer to 30 than she is to uwu teenage lost angel princess baby.
(lrn2sage) No. 866835
File: 1644245269690.jpeg (502.43 KB, 3464x2161, 669AAEB7-FD92-4858-8617-18A9E0…)

Not milky at all, but caught tuna in the wild complaining about how her parents TOTALLY don’t give her any money under the comments of a vice article kek (it was an article about millennials who still get an allowance into adulthood).
No. 866843
File: 1644251939694.jpeg (774.73 KB, 828x1184, 455D72ED-E630-42D8-B7C8-F7A311…)

Sage for not really milk. Tuna adds to the hoard. Her last haul from Ulta was mid-January.
>>866831Flattered that you think I’m a zoomer and not an ancient hag, by the way.
No. 866846
>>866843Not thinking anything, I especially wouldn't call anyone an old hag. There is a minority of farmers that think there is a cut off for "fun" hobbies and behaviours for anyone who isn't 18 (like imageboards) and I was referring to that. Zoomers are more common, but the mentality isn't confined to only them.
Anyway why does she need even more skincare? Seems like she is using it to cope with stress
No. 866867
>>866835Not only did you receive a house and a large inheritance Luna but you
still get money from your parents. Shut the fuck up already.
No. 866869
>>866835this bitch.
her mom bought her that black robe not even 24 hours ago. and doesnt her dad still pay for her phone bill?
No. 866892
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No. 866908
>>866846>There is a minority of farmers that think there is a cut off for "fun" hobbies and behaviours for anyone who isn't 18Personally I think that women like luna in their mid 20s desperately clinging to youthful teenager trends makes them look older than they are. The way she presents herself as a coquettish teenager makes me think "damn you're too old and fat for this shit." not to nitpick her weight, but if she dressed for her size people wouldn't think she was over 250lbs.
Nobody shit talks luna for playing animal crossing and enjoying pluhies which are "fun" things associated with young people. She's got the same problem as shayna - they look like fat old women emulating children.
Luna is THIS close to being a pedobait freak. Idk if you guys have seen how much traumacore she reblogs? How much she leans into ddlg shit?
No. 866909
>>866892Samefagging and maybe anons disagree, but luna looks younger and slimmer in this pic because there's no pastel pink cropped babygirl stuff?
I don't hate the bimbo aesthetic but luna can't pull it off at all.
No. 866911
>>866910lol ok anon. I've read her poetry where she infantilises herself and talks about Lurch's old man dick. I've seen her reblogging suspect shit. The profile pics on her deleted tumblrs are traumacore memes. It's all for the aesthetic and she's not into it anymore.
I don't think she should be cancelled, but her youthful hobbies aren't why anons are telling her to grow tf up. It's because of how she acts.
No. 866915
>>866913She did say that - that she is repulsed by the whole thing. I think it was in a screenshot from a Facebook group. Then she had a brief DDLG phase again (I may be misremembering, it was a sexual phase for sure) and currently she has suggested she has no sex life.
I don't remember in which thread the DDLG shame happened, could have been 2 years ago. I will try to find it if it doesn't take much effort.
No. 866918
File: 1644322652136.jpg (125.98 KB, 966x896, 08022022123059.jpg)

>>866913>>866911>>866915Found it, both posts are from 2019. However I think you two are right and this was only a way of getting people out from her back. I'm not even gonna comment on that stupid pacifier. Soon after she has put one of those Little For Big bodysuits on her want list and started her "career" as a sex worker with a clear ddlg angle.
My mind focused on the cutesy clothes and Sanrio shit (which isn't pedobaiting at all) plus I remembered the above comment. Still, the idea of Luna pedobaiting is ridiculous to me because of how she looks. Just like Shayna, she cannot "pull it off" (not that would be a good thing). Of course, doesn't mean she cannot try to.
IDK if she is still into DDLG due to lack of interest in sex that she has mentioned, but the facts don't look good.
No. 866923
File: 1644330131992.jpg (220.62 KB, 714x1267, tuna.jpg)

>>866445It was probably rescheduled because they don't have
valid ID'S and they lied saying they will get them until next month.
Also I saw this on reddit, under her comment where she said she can't move far away because they have no car.
No. 866924
>>866911Even bringing up "canceling" Tuna of all people telegraphs the fact that you're from Twitter. There's no accusation you could make re: old DDLG shit she's posted on social media that would fuck her life up more than she already has kek. We're the only people that give a shit about her online anymore.
>>866923I think this may the only sensible, applicable advice for her situation she's ever received that hasn't come from here. Of course she won't read it. It's crazy how the moment these two get a little more borrowed time they just squander it all over again. The clock is ticking, Luna.
No. 866953
File: 1644357896007.jpeg (511.49 KB, 828x1487, 46659AF5-6E77-4511-A539-B3CA64…)

>>866832kek why did I get banned for this? it
is saged. farmhands are nearly as retarded and useless as Luna.
anyway, it’s good to see she’s prioritizing before her impending eviction. I wonder where she’ll charge her Switch when she’s homeless?
No. 867009
>>866989The blog has a lot of time gaps. Does the October-January one coincide with the first discovery of the blog?
She could have changed the URL or made it private if she didn't want snooping
No. 867060
File: 1644462287100.png (20.85 KB, 1166x148, Screenshot 2022-02-09 220416.p…)

And yet you put down crackheads all the time, Tuna.
No. 867061
>>866309Lol, there is no man obsessed with her… She just doesn't want to get blasted by people for irresponsibly spending money, so she pretends it's from a "client", or her mom, or a friend.
She's also so entitled and is so used to other people bailing her out, that she doesn't actually grasp the magnitude of the eviction situation and how bad it could be. She just thinks someone will magically help her or they won't actually evict her.
I would love to see these two creatures on the street without their filthy trinkets.
No. 867108
File: 1644502139229.jpeg (263.61 KB, 828x1461, 56E59205-BCB6-45A4-BE63-B1CF46…)

This is like an optical illusion - looks like an okay picture at first glance. Then you realise the filter gave her new eyebrows, what’s that weird piece of hair pulled forward from the back to go over her ear? Why is she cradling a house plant?
No. 867109
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No. 867127
>>867109When is she going to stop trying to be "cute"? She's a hulking filthy junkie, who just looks ridiculous wearing "cute" attire and bunny ears.
You can't polish a turd, but you can cover it in cheap cheap pastel clothes and accessories.
No. 867144
File: 1644531976492.jpeg (218.72 KB, 1242x780, E98E3961-962C-4032-AFBB-422398…)

You'd think if she was that sick of hearing it all she'd do something about it kek
No. 867147
>>867144You've heard it everyday for a decade…. yet…. you've done absolutely NOTHING to change it…. ??
So you're OK with just being a total loser leech. All you want to do is make stupid excuses instead of making ACTUAL effort to change your life. You just bullshit everything. It's no one's fault but your own. You are not this way because you "were conceived on the steps of a rehab uwu" kek
No. 867158
File: 1644543031719.jpg (111.15 KB, 1320x309, everyone*.jpg)

>>867144Luna, what have you done to improve yourself or even your situation? No pity from me, your life is pathetic, you are fat, you are gross and you are a loser. You’ve stated facts but done so in a way to garner pity and then manipulate those foolish enough to fall for it. This is one of the things that’s repulsive about you.
>>867017She’s in “spiralling” again.
No. 867159
>>867144And yet you've done nothing about your situation besides whine about it and try to get people to buy you things to make you feel better. You treat people like shit and deserve nothing but shit in return.
>>867158>your life is pathetic, you are fat, you are gross and you are a loser.I imagine you said this in Venom's voice and it was beautiful.
No. 867162
>>867144objectively those things are accurate
and she could change them
No. 867166
>>867144except like all this thread is, is anons giving advice on how she could change her life for the better. she just gives excuses on why she can't. hey, get sober! "well, actually, i can't get fully sober bc that's not realistic for me and matthew." hey, ditch the walking plague! "well, actually, i can't bc i love him too much and we need each other." hey, get your ged and your degree! "well, actually, i can't bc it costs too much and i'm too mentally ill." and it goes on and on.
No. 867183
File: 1644570643245.png (426.83 KB, 1725x2048, Screenshot_20220211-030931.png)

>>866097in january on her main blog she said her actual weight
No. 867189
>>867183Damn unless she is literally 6’0” or taller that’s an obese (30+) BMI for both of those kek
I know she’s hulkingly tall but not that tall, right?
It’s also insane that she acts like she has zero idea how to lose weight without setting herself up to fail like the way wannarexic yoyo-dieting will set her up to fail. 50% of Americans are trying to lose weight right now and although I know the success rate for obese people like Luna is pretty low, it’s not like there’s a dearth of resources out there on effective CICO methods. She’s just acting helpless about it because she’s obsessed with finding the most self destructive method to fail at and then cry over on Tumblr when she ends up even worse off than before in order to get empty asspats.
No. 867205
File: 1644597043283.jpg (40.88 KB, 500x388, goodsandservices.jpg)

>>867202But Tuna, if you had a real job you could buy many you depop baby tees. And have an apartment or room no one is actively trying to remove you from.
No. 867206
>>867189she’s 5’10” iirc
definitely in the obese range, though on the lower end
No. 867215
File: 1644606159709.png (142.99 KB, 2048x533, Screenshot_20220211-130134.png)

>>867189she's 5'9 and lurch is 6'6
No. 867220
File: 1644614800947.png (88.7 KB, 1451x558, Screenshot 2022-02-11 162608.p…)

She's such a hypocrite. She doesn't want to be judged but wants to be the judge. Shut the fuck up, Luna.
No. 867221
File: 1644614970450.png (51.24 KB, 1186x491, Screenshot 2022-02-11 162846.p…)

The cost of living for her has been $0.00 for the past few years and she still doesn't pay anything. People told her to get out of the area but she refuses for no reason at all and now wants to complain about it.
No. 867227
>>867222Right, like they can't wave a magic wand and make it all better. She actually has to put effort into it and work hard but she'll never do that.
She's a lost cause, honestly.
No. 867241
File: 1644668469351.jpg (182.89 KB, 720x1278, Tuna the gamer.jpg)

3 games that total $100
No. 867265
File: 1644686792184.jpeg (131.02 KB, 633x977, CEF543A7-F5CA-48E1-8662-DA59B5…)

i forgot about lunas ig so i looked it up and found a wannabe like u must be real fcked if u want to be this whale
No. 867286
File: 1644696396416.jpeg (15.21 KB, 299x168, 3E17C272-4C28-41FE-B9FA-0A3FB6…)

every time she complains about having no money my brain monologues this over and over
No. 867300
File: 1644703764835.jpg (43.57 KB, 500x500, Tumblr_l_368187903247516.jpg)

No. 867403
>>867265>>867275>>867315Shut the fuck up. Smells like self post. No one cares about Luna wannabes because Luna is a dime a dozen, just particularly lulzy which earned her spot here.
>>867241We're all those games "CHEAP!" Or did a "friend" get them?
No. 867486
File: 1644927543391.jpeg (236.83 KB, 828x1792, 6F861C9D-434D-4A7D-860F-30959F…)

No. 867528
File: 1644970434227.jpeg (994.26 KB, 1168x3455, 4B617A38-5643-4350-8BA9-4FBB31…)

I wonder what's caused this sudden motivation, shame she can't put it towards more urgent things such as housing
No. 867627
File: 1645044258005.png (700.78 KB, 577x835, Screenshot 2022-02-16 154244.p…)

From kf. Tuna not minding her own business but wants people to stay out of hers.
No. 867628
File: 1645044309959.png (215.72 KB, 605x842, Screenshot 2022-02-16 154259.p…)

No. 867632
File: 1645044995795.jpeg (1.01 MB, 828x4181, FE79A6F8-E0CA-43BA-A429-C69DB9…)

No. 867638
>>867632sure thing I can tell who aren't the good people in that building… and sorry, if you hate your life there so much, then, well, move, maybe? From my own experience I know that it can be hard, but I never lived in such fucked up surroundings and still moved without money and support and according to Luna they have money saved from not paying rent, so, get a car and move. Guess complaining feels better than taking action and changing your life.
And not every mentally ill person needs supervision, Luna maybe, but not everyone else.
No. 867648
File: 1645052403943.jpg (130.99 KB, 817x596, be nice to drug users.jpg)

>>867627>>867628>>867632Is this also a shirt that was donated to you, Luna? This is one of the many reasons I don’t get why some nonas defend her. IRL Luna is vile, just like Matthew
No. 867655
File: 1645056347266.gif (1.08 MB, 320x240, 0345A348-C5F3-49EB-8A6A-F5C13E…)

>>867632Matthew I fail to see who asked
No. 867669
File: 1645065493438.png (90.12 KB, 969x644, fakeboi.png)

can't believe you guys ever stopped posting about fakeboi, she's been incredibly milky lately
No. 867670
File: 1645065689591.jpg (93.98 KB, 1091x700, 1136445.jpg)

>>867635>You're a scrawny man with a beer belly who can't do math and you have a bum kneeSame energy as picrel
No. 867672
>>867641Right? He's a junkie too but thinks he's somehow better because his addiction isn't crack.
>>867670I love it, anon.
No. 867690
File: 1645084681889.jpeg (454.32 KB, 828x1215, 66AAEEF7-CCC5-4F3F-9324-571D63…)

No. 867691
File: 1645084736407.png (2.46 MB, 828x1792, 7E7BC80C-8BB3-403C-AC06-DFEE72…)

No. 867698
>>867690Nothing says sexy like a hunchback with a dead eyed stare showing a hint o’ areola.. Luna’s edited face makes her feel sexy. Or not ugly. There is a difference for many people. Love to see the robe’s debut and it already has make up/ash/grime on the lapel, left sagger and robe tie.
>>867691Damn straight. Like you wear all your clothes for weeks on end until they won’t stretch any further. Why get clothes you could, I dunno, work in or keep you warm when you could get… a polyester robe. I’m sure it and her two fluffy crop coats will keep her toasty warm when she’s out on the street come March. But I have a feeling the only minute she’ll be spending
homeless is when she’s recording her ebegging video: The most tragic recovering addict talented artist ever is illegally thrown out on the street by Evil landlord who wouldn’t accept her [Dad’s] generous offer to start paying rent. Why does everything bad always happen to Luna? She’s only gotten years of free housing, she deserves forever free housing so she has more time to think about trying to get back into painting.
No. 867732
File: 1645130227815.jpeg (732.01 KB, 828x1354, C15BCE9A-73B4-47DF-AEED-DC6DCA…)

robe already looking 3x filthier than the last picture she posted in it last night
No. 867761
>>867739back in like 2013 / 2014 (i think) she had clip ins with her super short bob. she didn’t even attempt to hide the tracks. just random long hairs clipped whenever.
i’m trying to find a photo but a lot of her existence has been wiped and my phone crashes once i scroll a ways down her IG
No. 867762
File: 1645150447651.jpeg (118.38 KB, 1070x1151, 7EDE046B-BA22-4360-8EDC-9110F5…)

1. what the fuck is wrong with her teeth 2. LOL at the filter giving the cat eyebrows
No. 867768
File: 1645163768642.jpeg (499.08 KB, 960x1550, 65BD94B3-DF57-4E7C-8E1E-D1B9F8…)

She broke the chair lol
No. 867771
File: 1645169573554.png (3.09 MB, 828x1792, 8D766CD8-5374-4A26-B83A-5F4702…)

No. 867778
>>867769House of 1000 keks, anon you made my morning
>>867770Good spot! 'Sober' my ass. Although with how often she cleans they might be from 2 years ago
No. 867789
>>867783We predicted it, the cheap ass desk broke after how long, a few months? Watch the pink
aesthetic furniture be replaced before sorting out a place to ya know, live and keep your shite
No. 867800
>>867794I almost want to start a list of all the things she's bought since their February 4th trial (including stuff she says other's bought as I suspect as another
nonny said she says someone else bought it if she feels guilty) I wonder what the total comes to??
No. 867805
File: 1645221728191.jpg (123.56 KB, 500x667, tumblr_myycuaUCFV1t85ptvo1_500…)

>>867761I remember that era - she looked an absolute state then as well
No. 867817
File: 1645232285706.png (531.65 KB, 768x1024, 1466901157919.png)

>>867770went back to like thread 1 to see if i could spot any needle caps that luna used to have lying around and i'm about 90% positive that it is
No. 867827
File: 1645243553251.png (338.11 KB, 638x835, Screenshot 2022-02-18 20.04.26…)

No. 867846
File: 1645280020722.jpeg (525.58 KB, 1242x1805, 8FD4020B-F2E6-4B21-907C-FA19B9…)

>>867805 this post- peter era
No. 867847
File: 1645280152307.jpeg (806.4 KB, 2048x2048, CE35E3F2-EF2E-4DA3-BA97-AAF039…)

>>867846>>867805 there aren’t any candid photos - i assume she deleted them - but i vividly remember photos when she first started hanging out with lurch in which it was windy and you could see the clips were just clipped wherever and were still black
No. 867852
File: 1645281755743.png (157.57 KB, 250x334, tumblr_ncvvfbpR1t1qgq30qo2_250…)

>>867845>>867847the actual clips aren't visible in this one but you can see where she just stuck the extension on top of her hair
No. 867855
File: 1645284720085.jpeg (574.24 KB, 828x1437, 384CAFFC-BBD1-4E78-ACF3-A8FF14…)

No. 867857
>>867854Kek why did he have to mention that it was on discount? He probably had the biggest discount after stealing it. He has no money and can't make money.
>>867855Promises, promises. Where are the results?
No. 867866
>>867855He writes that because he is trapped in Luna's BPD nightmare Favorite Person life. Her life is
always going to be ups and downs, she will make sure of it. And she will bring her favorite person with her on the ride. Addiction is the easiest way, really. But even if all of those baby cherubs she has plastered to her walls and stolen gravestone angel trinkets actually come to life and literally suck all of the benzos, dope and the actual addiction itself out of her tiny, Lucinda-like body with their combined holy uwu powers, she will still manufacture drama to feed her constant changing emotional state and feelings of emptiness. Living with BPD is hell, but living with someone who has BPD is its own hell.
Don't any of you retards accuse me of WKing Lurch either, I'm not.
No. 867902
File: 1645309839754.jpeg (812.41 KB, 814x1430, 8A9CC3CF-73C2-427D-AFD8-AD0C1F…)

No. 867920
File: 1645319878065.jpg (198.77 KB, 1063x1729, Screenshot_20220219-175337_Tum…)

To me this sounds like he fucked up/pissed tuna off and is desperate to reel her back in and keep her under his control. I'm sure she gets (very short-lived) moments of clarity where she says fuck it and threatens to move in with her father and leave him behind or something.
No. 867922
>>867920Kek, they're a team, not a family. Why isn't
he looking for vacant apartments? It does sound like he fucked up, though.
No. 867934
File: 1645332103913.jpg (971.78 KB, 1078x1946, Screenshot_20220219-223928_Tum…)

Her fucking benzo eye kek. So sober.
No. 867936
File: 1645338689747.jpeg (149.79 KB, 828x647, CC571716-0DA9-4757-9C03-4D09C2…)

yearly birthday begging starts now
No. 867937
File: 1645338764855.jpeg (583.68 KB, 828x1074, AF0A1EF8-2139-4A3A-8A2F-960C69…)

No. 867939
>>867936I hope the courts gives her the greatest eviction for her birthday so she can't get any of this shit.
>>867937She went high as a kite. She couldn't even be bothered to be sober for the friends she's been using as an ATM for years.
No. 867940
File: 1645340360269.jpeg (657.08 KB, 828x1421, D543FDAA-6C51-47C4-9B21-D365EE…)

I give it a week tops before it snaps
No. 867943
File: 1645349614595.jpeg (281.26 KB, 828x1443, C03CB038-6CE2-461D-8E73-3AB44D…)

No. 867948
File: 1645360063116.jpg (Spoiler Image,303.28 KB, 700x700, camouflageandbalayage-wetbalay…)

>>867739honestly, shorter styles would flatter her more. She should just chop it all off to shoulder or chin length and dye it a light brown. If she actually had a job and some kind of income, balayage and a root melt to blend her new growth to the old would also look good. She would need that over processed bleached hair to be color corrected, but it is workable. I like looking at hair train wrecks and imagining the possibilities.
No. 867963
File: 1645388484290.jpg (19.43 KB, 656x258, Screenshot 2022-02-21 092042.j…)

Ah yes because 10lbs is so noticeable when you're Lunas size
No. 867968
File: 1645393829286.png (3.64 MB, 828x1792, 650019AD-0EE8-429B-92D2-52FCE9…)

There is no way in hell she is sober in this lmao. Yes Tuna tighten up that flabby ass.
No. 867969
>>867968Tomorrow…? What's stopping her from doing a youtube search right now?
She's off her gourd taking selfies like this. I don't think anyone is going to be focused on her skin being clear when her eyes are pointed in two different directions.
Also >just starving isn't enough to stop being fat
No shit? You are doing the most extreme form of trying to lose weight, and we can all see it's not working. It's almost like these things have to be earned instead of happening magically with no effort.
No. 867970
File: 1645399048275.png (4.5 MB, 828x1792, 270EA720-D5EC-47C3-B085-DB8ED3…)

What in the fuck is going on here
No. 867972
File: 1645401516821.png (475.97 KB, 557x830, Screenshot 2022-02-20 185722.p…)

>>867970These are starting to remind me of her heroin photos. It's not even a center part and one of her eyes isn't even minding its own business.
No. 867974
>>867972Apply for a
job, Luna, not school. School costs money, jobs pay money! Don't add debt to the load before you even have a permanent address, jesus Christ.
No. 867975
File: 1645402729836.jpeg (798.07 KB, 1242x1666, D33A04F7-468E-492B-B322-7132A0…)

>>867972wuh-oh! she’s getting the crackhead t-rex arms again!
No. 867997
>>867937She’s hiding a giant stain with her hand. You can see it in the pic on the right. She’s high af and couldn’t be bothered changing her shirt.
I’ve never used glue on nails but I have a feeling her fingers and nails shouldn’t be that red? How does that even happen? Over time or from gluing too tight!
>>867975That was def a syringe cap and she’s def using again. Doing the “hide my tracks/blood stains” pose. Never seen a junkie bleed through so many shirts. Goddamn. Maybe her crook came back.
No. 867998
File: 1645419140778.png (4.11 MB, 1100x2048, DA2544D8-6A38-40A9-99EC-A0D344…)

from her tumblr. the caption says
> feeling my body for the first time in years. i haven’t felt good about it in so long. 10lbs isn’t shit but if i can do that i can do the whole 50lbs
No. 868002
>>867989>>867978Anons are hoping to manifest milk from this boring bitch. Please skip this comment if you don't want to read a sperg about Tuna's reality full of nothing but benzos and Lurch.
I understand the anons thinking Lurch is tricking her into staying because they think she could have a real life without him, but let's stop the delusions. The bitch is staying all on her own. She wouldn't be wanting to go to school for sports journalism if she wasn't trying to impress Lurch. Remember years ago she said she was trying to get into baseball for Lurch? If she was setting up to leave him, she wouldn't consider going to school for something sports related.
Lurch doesn't need to cop fetty to "keep her under his thumb" because as an addict, him copping for her means he's going to get high. And then his random monitored drug tests with his probation officer are fucked and he'll have to take the tough guy act to county jail. It's not like the methadone clinic where you can sneak in some other methadone patient's clean piss. Just because former fetty iv users have an old cap laying around when they're dirty af with a nasty floor doesn't mean they're back on fetty. We all know she's cockeyed. She's on benzos… a lot of them. Plus she'd be gloating on tumblr and Reddit about the great high with aesthetic pics if she was muscling in her dimpled earthquake thighs again. Her arm veins are fucked and not coming back thanks to Lurch's bad iv technique.
Tl;dr - She's the same stagnant loser as she's been since she got off fetty.
No. 868007
Kinda like
>>868002, I don’t think there’s anything more nefarious going on for Tuna than usual. She is high out of her gourd. Who knows on what specifically apart from her steady supply of benzos. It did also look like a syringe cap on her floor. But I don’t think there’s any deep narrative there. Her and Lurch are probably feeling a little more stressed as their renewed court date fast approaches. Neither has any coping skills or problem solving strategies so they’re just doing extra drugs and each arguing with the other for not having found a lovely little house for them to squat in. Lurch texted Luna probably because she was icing him out or he’d gone out to cop, and the only way people like this know how to try and repair a relationship following a fall out is via text anyway.
No. 868012
File: 1645443845128.png (17.13 KB, 617x168, Untitled.png)

>>868008samefagging but I found it. It's only an anon post so take with a pinch of salt.
>>849400 No. 868016
>>868010Don't be daft. If you're talking about
>>867970 she's directly in sunlight.
Pupils are bigger in shade like normal, genius
>>867972If she was high off fetty (and yes, that's different from heroin on so many levels, unless you want to start saying she's on oxys because they're all opiates to you) her pupils would be the same exact size in shade. That's how pupil dilation works on any opiates.
No. 868017
>>868015Those aren't opiate pupils. They're larger towards the end when she zooms in, but earlier they're smaller. That's normal dilation, not small in every single picture regardless of lighting.
Slow milk seems to always equal "she's using heRoIn" anons.
She has no qualms with talking about her addiction on Reddit since she thinks she's anonymous and I'm not seeing her usual opiate talk on there. That's Tuna's tell.
No. 868023
File: 1645455459710.jpeg (178.23 KB, 1242x1377, D64114AA-7DAB-4A5E-9735-191264…)

and some anons will believe she’s sober
No. 868027
File: 1645463231379.png (Spoiler Image,590.76 KB, 592x1050, Screen Shot 2022-02-21 at 11.0…)

>>868023the very image of sober here
No. 868041
File: 1645474766686.jpeg (77.76 KB, 828x496, BF95EC6C-DAF4-4818-9D8D-8EA7B5…)

>>867975Couldn’t get the image out of my head
No. 868050
>>868033>>868035>>868036Wrong Matthew, like
>>868043 said, it’s from Taxi Driver. Linking so this is put to bed quickly (skip to 1:29)
No. 868059
File: 1645489738450.jpg (373.13 KB, 1080x1241, Screenshot_20220221-192615_Sam…)

>>868023>>868027She knows she's not sober and so do we. We've been knowing she overdoes the benzos to get high and here's the proof she knows too.
Taking screenshots of the video another anon posted just to point out she's not sober isn't redundant af.
No. 868060
File: 1645489768753.jpeg (464.67 KB, 828x1392, 960CD01D-4729-4FC5-A3F4-7315C8…)

No. 868061
File: 1645489797898.jpeg (572.34 KB, 828x1365, AA1D46EB-F47E-4D79-9B3F-BC5737…)

No. 868062
File: 1645489949294.jpg (226.28 KB, 1080x1029, Screenshot_20220221-193116_Sam…)

>>868059Sorry, *is redundant af.
Here's the explanation behind the weird videos and out of it expression: she blacks out. Welcome to benzos!
No. 868063
>>868061She's really going to age her skin since she clearly doesn't use sunscreen, hence the sun spots along with the freckles.
Kek at her covering her gross lips
No. 868076
File: 1645497187346.jpeg (762.45 KB, 828x1158, 8DC9E6C3-AE61-4F57-A66F-D4E57F…)

more begging
No. 868096
File: 1645515986638.jpeg (80.47 KB, 358x640, D49025F1-3D1E-45FC-A7F7-07A6B0…)

From her ig story
No. 868100
File: 1645521968148.png (586.49 KB, 628x707, Screenshot 2022-02-22 042448.p…)

>>868098You might be right but I'm not sure, anon. This part really looks like a bald spot.
No. 868101
>>868059Kek she abuses them all the time, and tolerance goes up pretty quick with benzos especially if you're regularly abusing them.
>>868062 I would guess whenever she starts spamming social media whenever she's blacked out, from personal experience there seems to be a weird correlation between being blacked out on benzos and wanting to film everything, hence the documented weird behaviour lately. She has simply switched one DOC for another, hopeless.
No. 868104
>>868102I think you mean toddlers since writing on the walls is a toddler thing, which is on par with her emotional level. Junkies are either nodding, cleaning, or doing regular shit while feeling euphoric. Writing on walls is something you do while blacked out (like on benzos) or manic/sleep deprived from stimulants.
Tuna would be soooo flattered you think she's a jUnKiE like her heroes Kurt, Courtney, and Layne when she's really a housewife benzos kind of basic bitch.
No. 868116
>>868104if "junkies are cleaning while feeling euphoric" is a thing, why are almost all of them as filthy as luna? genuine question, I haven't heard that before.
(i thought they are filthy bc they don't care about anything else but their high.)
No. 868136
File: 1645557763261.jpg (492.3 KB, 1031x1920, tumblr_762049e3ce7ed19dce7dc35…)

>>868076They have moved their bed to the other window. Such a cute cat tho aww
No. 868137
File: 1645557867780.jpeg (610.29 KB, 828x1244, FAF6E8BC-1535-41CD-ABED-A96C48…)

Luna thinks she’s a content creator?
No. 868141
File: 1645563919262.jpeg (712.26 KB, 828x1436, B87C015D-C327-41EC-9EDF-61E245…)

No. 868168
>>868141what the fuck is that white shit on her boob?
she looks absolutely enormous compared to this era
>>867975 No. 868178
>>868176Sorry, I meant to agree with you and then ask other anons if there's a benzo high or experienced one? I really don't see benzos making Luna look like this
>>868027I can't see anything but heroin high.
No. 868180
File: 1645590960970.jpg (378.19 KB, 1079x1821, Screenshot_20220222-162852_Ins…)

congrats luna, you went from being a loser in high school to a loser adult
No. 868190
>>868116It depends on the junkie, and by junkie I mean am opiate user. Zoomers call any drug user a junkie, but they also misspell ho so…
People that are filthy on opiates would be filthy without opiates. A lot of opiate users are clean, have full time jobs, have degrees, and look normal besides the straight rows of scars over veins from mainlining. Being a dirty junkie is someone with a predisposition for being filthy.
Notice how Tuna was filthy when she used hERoIn (which was just heavily cut fentanyl) and now she's filthy on benzos and weed. Drugs have nothing to do with someone being crusty.
No. 868194
File: 1645610166775.jpeg (838.62 KB, 1242x2159, 985D6200-C005-48D0-A125-52C628…)

>>868178Sage for drug sperg but not particularly, whenever benzos are abused they basically just make you either pass out or blackout and do stupid shit, deffo no euphoria, but for someone in Tuna's situation it can be felt as a "more positive" escape (being that passing or blacking out on drugs is better than life). Imo benzos aren't abused for the drug themselves but more to escape life and anxiety, basically sleeping pills that counteract any anxiety.
No. 868198
File: 1645615137603.jpg (96.51 KB, 525x680, maxresdefault.jpg)

>>868194When will he drop the Izzy Stradlin cosplay
No. 868203
>>868198Don't know who that is, but Lurch would be lucky to even be the fun house mirror version of this guy.
>>868194Ahh that makes sense. Getting off opiates makes people gain weight, although Lurch and Tuna gained a lot more than the normal amount of weight gain. Lurch is still on methadone so that contributed to his weight gain too, but Tuna can't even use that excuse.
She did say before how much she likes sleeping to escape from reality. Because making her life better and staying awake to look for a job and a room for rent is totes too hard for her fat ass.
No. 868211
File: 1645638927304.jpeg (673.02 KB, 828x1368, C708BFDA-AD30-41ED-B871-70CC78…)

No. 868212
File: 1645638960359.jpeg (209.19 KB, 828x1339, DBB44058-CA94-437F-99B3-6528A8…)

Posted the order back to front, sorry
No. 868215
>>868212God, look at dem slops hanging for dear life in that tube top.
Looking like Trisha Phatass
No. 868217
>>868211Her hair looks like decay. How does she feel sexy about any part of this? Is it the benzos?
Is it part of her bpd nightmare to be blonde? Think of how it would turn her entire appearance around if she went back to her natural color instead of looking like spores are emanating from her scalp
No. 868219
File: 1645641929268.jpg (16.43 KB, 190x314, 20220223_134500.jpg)

What is happening here?
No. 868224
>>868219Her skin is the same pasty yellow beige as the walls and her arm has some weird fatty pockets. You can see it vetter if you zoom.
>>868216But if she gets the birth certificate she can get a SSN and that will get her most of the way there. You just need two pieces of government mail with your name and current address (I'm sure she has plenty) or a couple bills. Even if she moves, it would still be fine to have her old address on there. Better to start than to never register ever and keep living as an unperson
No. 868227
File: 1645649349040.jpeg (703.92 KB, 828x2712, 327EE029-A12D-4BBB-BE21-E1428E…)

little over a week before her eviction court date, clearly shes spending her time & money wisely
No. 868228
File: 1645649768977.jpeg (233.32 KB, 828x1201, AB865F79-D6B3-4C79-BF0F-407D50…)

>>868141Kek fakeboi. Why would you lie to her like that?
No. 868235
>>868180This image is pure distilled Tuna. The fact that THIS picture fills Luna with love and pride truly sums up everything about her. She really thinks going from being a relatively normal high schooler to attaching herself to a grotesque, bloated, pockmarked and now obese 40-some smack addict is some kind of success story. Wow luna! You really showed everyone!
>>868227She’s not even pretending to be concerned. maybe she thinks the court will of course take pity on our poor little waif and give her the rent-free apartment she so obviously deserves. I cannot wait for the meltdown when reality hits.
No. 868237
>>868194He's fat because he's fat, Tuna. Sobriety didn't do that, food did.
>>868211>>868212Use that cane in the background Tuna and limp your ugly ass out the door that it's next to.
>>868227They'll probably get another month in the apartment that they keep talking shit about but won't get the fuck out of.
No. 868256
File: 1645667604872.jpeg (621.65 KB, 828x1337, A1C1D073-0889-463A-B9D0-376544…)

No. 868260
File: 1645670225750.jpeg (1.24 MB, 1242x1415, CA9AC604-51D2-4BFD-A1A5-43F40C…)

3 days late but did they steal this… from a train? what is happening here?
No. 868262
>>867968Imagine being in your 20s and looking like…this.
Fuckin' state of it.
No. 868263
File: 1645675149219.jpeg (292.37 KB, 1125x1219, 84F05679-2413-422C-A169-66C26F…)

Found a cow in the wild in a group I’m in on fb
No. 868266
File: 1645676276238.jpg (895.9 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20220224_041527.jpg)

This is very similar to her necklace; it's gold-plated tat. Hers looks even cheaper than the one I found.
No. 868278
>>868230Not quite the east coast junkie life. It was clearly dramatized, but junkies in LA and NYC know where to cop so it's not really something that takes much time to hunt for. Back when Lurch and Tuna were using, he would go to the Bronx and middle man all day to get dope to bring back to Tuna's lazy fat ass. It surely helped him stay skinny fat back then. The life of a middle man is:
- Lurch waiting around in the Bronx for someone to ask him if he knows anyone holding, or he sees someone wandering and asks…
- Lurch: what choo need? HEroIn (actually fetty)? I got choo. How much you tryna get? Okay, let me talk to my boy. Lemme see the money. Cool, can you kick down a bag for me? Thanks. Wait here.
- Either runs off with money like if it's the end of the day and he's going home or he knows he'll be leaving that spot or if buyer isn't standing close enough to keep an eye on him/ doesnt demand to be within view of their money OR he cops, takes a couple bags or takes some of the money from overcharging
- brings drugs back, asks for his bag as payment.
- profit: free dope from pilfering some and asking for more as payment, or free money
No. 868296
>>868278Sage for drug sperg, but seriously, why is it so complicated to score in NYC etc? I've read about this a lot, in Burroughs' works.
Admittedly, I am in the UK, but I know people who use H and they ring someone, they send their guys in the car and they drop it off. It's done in 10/15 minutes and you don't even have to leave your house. There's none of this fucking about copping on the street and going through a middle-man.
There isn't only one dealer who drops off either, there's 4 to 5 dealers who come to you. Even if they're not using the car (trying to avoid police or it's broke down) they'll send a "gofer" (usually underpaid young lads) on a scooter or bike and still drop it off at your house or meet you close-by.
Is it usually people who are from out of town and don't know who has H? Because I imagine people living in that area would have a regular dealer…
No. 868301
File: 1645731364813.jpeg (357.34 KB, 828x711, 9D460813-077F-4110-ACDD-E297A5…)

No. 868302
File: 1645731416649.jpeg (793.22 KB, 828x1410, C907F71B-BB84-44E6-90E6-415BE9…)

No. 868312
>>868301No one wants what you're offering, Tuna.
>>868302Poor cat needs to see a vet for that swollen eye, but all of their money goes on weed and useless shit.
No. 868317
File: 1645742994156.png (145.16 KB, 1878x616, Screenshot 2022-02-24 174843.p…)

She's drug sperging right now. And not surprising that Matthew the racist is watching movies that have racism towards black people.
No. 868325
File: 1645746341140.jpg (193.21 KB, 1080x723, Screenshot_20220224-174311_Tum…)

>>868302Trolling too hard kek
No. 868339
>>868296>>868316It has nothing to do with being poor. Most people living in metropolitan cities in the US don't even have cars and it's not efficient to drive to drop off drugs when you can literally stand in an area and get 10x the amount of customers in a shorter time period. It's a dealer's world.
Plus like
>>868303 said, out of town people come through looking for dope.
Even if you're from the area, you can't always go to the same dealer since they're not always out at the same time or same spot or they don't have dope because their source got busted.
No. 868340
>>868331No one is making fun of real rape or sexual assault
victims. Lying for sympathy and attention isn't rape.
No. 868360
File: 1645800978906.jpg (89.98 KB, 744x971, 3b4ca2e64e5ee0734369eeaee4118e…)

>>868302that filter makes her look like Pete Burns kek
No. 868370
File: 1645814792004.jpeg (125 KB, 828x616, DBFEAA21-675C-4983-9C15-A5CD0A…)

>>868302comments on her ig from this pic, they look the same because the filter gives them the same face kek
No. 868444
File: 1645894753565.jpeg (460.06 KB, 828x2692, B6512368-E31A-46C3-B7D3-FC8638…)

she cannot buy anything practical for the life of her. you can’t wear any of that to a job interview or eviction court
No. 868474
File: 1645919115765.jpg (124.56 KB, 1080x617, Screenshot.jpg)

No. 868496
>>868489if i remember correctly, she said that he was black, she let him into the building, there was no fluids, and the rape kit was a bust. oh, and he ran off afterwards. but she also said that she couldnt remember a single detail about his face so who even knows if he was actually disgusting? or even homeless? yeah right. what a stereotype that at 7 am a homeless black guy asks her to let him into the apartment building just to try to rape her.
and to add to it: isn’t it weird that their neighborhood is terrible, shitty and their building is so crime infested and full of drugs but they have security cameras? she waited months to tell lurch and by that time, the landlord still happened to have the footage? i call absolute bullshit.
No. 868513
>>868496>>868489Her story changes more than her head cheap cheap cheap outfit.
It's fake af. Maybe she just got groped at the most. Security cams would've backed her up but she bitched the cops said it looked consensual. She probably let someone in, he was drunk and grabbed her saggy tit, someone walked in and the guy split. It's rApE.
No. 868536
File: 1645988185802.jpeg (178.52 KB, 828x1221, ACC337F5-5CF0-47F9-B4B1-EE03B4…)

>>868487she always does this shit. it’s so fucking rude and obnoxious. i saw her in the wild commenting on someone’s post (who she looks to be good friends with) about going to rehab and she comments this. just looking at what she said compared to everyone else’s comments gives me secondhand embarrassment. it’s like she has no self awareness. all she thinks about is herself and things she wants to buy.
No. 868577
File: 1646026148296.jpg (39.5 KB, 749x497, tumblr_19b898413bd9fae2f5a3590…)

Apologies for OT. I just came across this pic and found it interesting how even Nancy Spungen of all people showed up to court looking more appropriate than Luna did this month.
No. 868598
File: 1646055593209.jpeg (394.73 KB, 828x848, F6F2FAB4-7D9C-4A3A-87E4-C5341F…)

No. 868602
File: 1646060424755.png (1.53 MB, 1057x974, Screen Shot 2022-02-28 at 8.59…)

>>868536for anons that don't have IG, the "dream shoes" in question
No. 868630
File: 1646077300215.jpg (51.97 KB, 768x432, 84465161-21_wuornos_-testimony…)

>>868577aileen wuornos looked better in court than luna
No. 868637
File: 1646082611004.png (100.14 KB, 1217x515, Screenshot 2022-02-28 160758.p…)

I'm just going to assume that she applied to five and not 50 cause she can't count at all. Her own boyfriend hasn't even worked so why is she harping about her mom not working? Her mom was good enough to shelter her lazy ass and her corpse looking boyfriend for years so she better start looking grateful cause she has an eviction looming over her empty head.
No. 868638
>>868637literally every single service job in america is hiring rn. and plenty of them don’t have a dress code. when i worked at mall stores, most of them didn’t care what we wore. so she could even show up with her hot pink sweatshop crop tops and leggings. fold some clothes and work a cash register for 6-8 hours a day. it’s not much money but it’s more than she has now.
that being said. it’s all hypothetical. she doesn’t have transportation to get there, no work ethic, smells like shit and wouldn’t pass an interview, wouldn’t get along with the other employees, can’t be trusted to work her scheduled hours, and MOST importantly, can’t be trusted to not steal cash or merchandise
No. 868639
File: 1646084952325.jpeg (368.76 KB, 750x852, F584AB88-8225-4742-80D1-31A070…)

Someone’s cow tipping lol. They’re not wrong though
No. 868657
File: 1646090834649.jpeg (768.74 KB, 828x1442, 7A034AC5-EF79-4E3C-A400-DD134D…)

cope harder tuna
No. 868666
>>868661 My exact first thought, you beat me to it lmao. Was on mobile a moment ago and thought it was an old tuna pic before I hovered over it.
Man, 30 is only 4 years away. When it comes to looks, age is indeed just a number, but when you've smoked indoors for over a decade and spent 8 years shooting dope and eating cake with a retarded fuckboy (fuck-man?), the cute little smile lines most women get in their 30s are quickly replaced with saggy jowels, butthole lip wrinkles, and other signs of premature aging. Shayna doesn't even do heroin and look how her skin's holding up. Luna's fucked.
It's always the most haggard-ass bitches that cling to this uwu lolita baby angel shit the hardest. Wasn't Luna just posting about being pressed she won't be the hottest girl in rehab? kek.
No. 868702
>>868698Burger here, it depends on the job. 99% of fast food jobs just have you text them with your picture and that gets you the job. You don't even need an ID. Just fill in your info for w2s (tax forms) SSN, address, sometimes bank info for direct deposit.
Kind of off topic but I don't know NY tax law, was Tunas friend boss supposed to give her a w2? I know with some states if you make under 5k you don't need to claim it.
No. 868705
>>868702Only if she had a legit business with a TIN/EIN, like if it was a sole proprietorship or LLC, which I doubt it was. It was like a babysitter job where the person hiring you just gives you cash or a personal check. Under the table jobs covered by Daddy don't provide w2s.
This isn't a "NY Tax law" thing either. It's just business laws which apply to any business in the entire US. State/Federal tax laws stipulate how much is set aside for taxes while some states don't pay state taxes, only federal. Either way, if it's a registered business, a w2 would have been given but I'm doubtful it is since she keeps changing what the business does.
No. 868725
File: 1646153796939.png (116.81 KB, 398x643, tunacore.png)

God, I found this looking at the retarded 'core' tags on tumblr. Tuna is aesthetic now.
No. 868791
>>868751its not necessarily that they think she is looking like that on purpose, zoomers just need to label everything this way. idk how to explain it, its really dumb. what is even the difference between
>>grosscore>>usedcore>>dirtcoreit is this generations mental issue
sage for point less
No. 868911
>>868873court is tomorrow morning and she hasnt posted since
>>868639. hopefully they didn't scare her off from blogging about it tomorrow
No. 868929
File: 1646337381083.png (90.6 KB, 1433x631, Screenshot 2022-03-03 145505.p…)

>>868911Yes she has, it's just irrelevant shit though. Anon shouldn't have cowtipped, especially if they were going to be a newfag about it and make it obvious.
No. 868953
File: 1646370238029.jpeg (640.56 KB, 828x1358, 3F79D195-8821-4141-948F-6AD97E…)

No. 868956
File: 1646371567321.gif (9.95 MB, 695x287, ugh.gif)

>>868953Even the cat is scared of his face. God damn he's ugly.
No. 868973
File: 1646406597282.png (24.39 KB, 796x407, 2022-03-04 07_09_43-Window.png)

rescheduled, again!
No. 868974
File: 1646406716653.jpeg (596.71 KB, 828x1172, 22E322E1-F993-473D-A9FB-FC7C0D…)

No. 868978
File: 1646409995553.gif (4.03 MB, 480x342, F3EC6C25-FDB7-4170-83F6-0B77FC…)

>>868973??? Can they just do this over and over
No. 868983
File: 1646412379713.png (38.7 KB, 664x351, Screenshot2022-03-04-09_38_56.…)

this is from the ny courts website. i'm completely clueless on this as im not american and have never been to court, but could them not dressing appropriately be a reason they keep having to reschedule?
No. 868985
>>868981She's useless
because she's lucky. She's never had to get her shit together.
No. 869004
>>868985Exactly. She’s “lucky” but she is still going to get evicted eventually and lose most of her shit.
Wonder if evil Mom and Dad will pull through or if they’re both sick of her shit too.
Imagine dating a 40+ year old man and he can’t provide for you at all… how sad and now he’s a fat fuck lmao
No. 869006
>>868989>>868983It's just telling basic information for idiots.
As mentioned before, having your hearing rescheduled is very normal for extremely backed up cases. It has nothing to do with luck or not dressing right. Every court is backed up in the US because of covid- traffic, criminal, divorce. The oldest ones usually go first and their mom's building didn't file papers at the beginning of the pandemic or anything.
Unless it's a pressing issue like immediate public safety, it's normal for it to get pushed back until they catch up with the date the documents were filed on.
No. 869012
>>869009She doesn't have section 8. So no, she can't be banned for something she doesn't have.
But if someone had it and violated the lease/ agreement, you're not allowed to apply again for 30 days. But again, this isn't even Tuna's situation.
No. 869013
>>869010And only one she can take a picture of and post on social media.
It also has to lead to pills or medication or she won't do it.
No. 869014
>>869012But I’d imagine having an eviction on your record from squatting in a section 8 apartment wouldn’t look too good if she was trying to apply??
Either way she’s screwed lol, idk why she doesn’t just buy a used trailer or something with that 10k she totally has saved… She could be the most uwu kawaiii girl in the trailer park! But nooo she has to live in Westchester or NYC lol
No. 869018
>>869005He's not even a junkie anymore so quit giving him that excuse. He's not even a leech because Tuna seems to leech off of his cucaracha survival skills. He's just a bum.
Judging from every definition of grooming I've read, it has to be done deliberately and meant to purposefully manipulate. I remember some anon previously said he doesn't have to have that plan, but it clearly states it has to be done intentionally. Anons get upset that not all of us believe he's a master manipulator. Tuna was into him and was enamored that he was a super cool bAd bOi and he was soooo cool and that he wasn't just glad to have a bitch into him, but I'm having a hard time believing his dumb ass was using 'teen psychology' to trap her. And no anons, we're not talking about your experience with an older man/ groomer. We're not wking either of them. We're talking about the fake ass mathematician who really thought a YouTube bimbo hypnosis video is real. I genuinely think Tuna is smarter than him and she's a dumbass even when she was at her smartest. I'm even more likely to believe she groomed his ugly un-groomed ass moreso than I believe he set out with intentions to make her trust him and then he'd trap her under his Dr. Robotnik like spell for-ev-er. The Jonny and syd thread got me thinking about it because some idiot anons paint Tuna as a
victim, but she's hunted for these dumb addict dudes she thinks are so beautiful when they're just dumb. Tuna tries to play the
victim like against her big bad parents.
No. 869023
>>869020The bar is low for this idiotic codependent couple of losers that found solace in each other being a reject.
Again this isn't about blaming real
victims. This is about both of these bums being non-
victims, in my humble opinion. I don't expect to be believed, I'm just thinking out loud based on what I just read about groomers.
No. 869052
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No. 869074
File: 1646522849301.jpg (130.01 KB, 720x1030, 228lbs.jpg)

From her other blog, too lazy to do a search on youtube.
No. 869086
File: 1646533485866.jpeg (611.08 KB, 828x3397, 8CA59672-EAB2-4638-BF90-8A5FA2…)

No. 869093
File: 1646537715502.jpeg (490.63 KB, 828x1307, 9F5A3256-1FD5-4002-BD5E-F9D053…)

No. 869096
File: 1646537791135.webm (3.74 MB, 828x1792, FullSizeRender.webm)
Holy fuck, lurch is an actual psychopath
No. 869098
>>869093Then leave like you've been asked to, you asshole.
>>869096They'll be there to evict you guys next month so you better close the door while you still have one. I hope that guy is there to scream, "I hope you die" right back at Lurch as he's escorted out like the screaming old man that he is.
No. 869099
>>869096I’m surprised the cops held as much restraint as they did with him antagonizing. Also I laughed at the “our building” or whatever part- no lurch it isn’t your building, your hood your ANYTHING. You’re a useless bum squatting in your girlfriends moms old place.
Lurch sounded scared actually. I have no doubt his punk ass would get thrashed.
No. 869103
File: 1646538678074.png (353.42 KB, 353x754, Screen Shot 2022-03-05 at 10.4…)

>>869096Huge pile of clothes or something in the background as she's walking over to the door
No. 869108
>>869096The silence and the look on the officers face are better than any scripted comedy. Even the guy on the floor looks confused
"Mentally ill" indeed
No. 869111
>>869093My God she is fucking insufferable. Literally it is not your building tuna. You are not supposed to be there and the landlord is actively trying to get you out lmao!
>>869096Tuna and lurch both sound so fucking stupid in this video. In every way. They're both high on something. Why would you open the door and get involved? I can not wait until their asses are evicted.
No. 869113
>>869074Kek "planking". Trust this person, Tuna. Not Google, just this person.
>>869031>Even [Tuna] admitted…I believe more that Tuna writes fiction with a dash of the truth thrown in, especially judging from every poem ever that she's written. Your source is Tuna's fiction stories that she wishes were true. So no, I don't believe Lurch was there for her, let alone had plans to manipulate her so he could gain her trust, use the heifer for sex, then keep her dependant on him. She chose to be with him from the beginning. I really don't believe she's a gRoOmEd
victim. I believe she was an ugly bonus throwing herself in as a package deal to the drugs and money he actually cared about. He's not a master manipulater coming up with mind control tactics.
Not trying to change anyone's mind since some anons get bent out of shape over the idea that Tuna isn't a
victim of anything but herself.
Just to reiterate, this is solely in reference to Tuna's perpetual
victim storyline, not any anons, so there's no need to blog post about your horrible life as a groomee.
No. 869114
>>869099Lurch is the kind of guy that hides in his room when a guy they've given cigarettes to broke their window, but when the cops come and have a guy pinned down and handcuffed, Lurch makes his guest appearance to yell at the guy and play tuff guy.
>>869097The only snitching I witnessed was Lurch attempting to get the guy in trouble by snitching to the cops about the dude who "broke [his] door" when no one was even talking to him.
No. 869117
>>869107Standard drug shit: he fronts the crack in exchange for double when they get the money. Tuna and Lurch are known liars though so who knows.
You can call the cops if someone beats you up regardless of the reason. They just probably wouldn't disclose the part about owing for crack and clearly the guy wouldn't disclose it either.
Although, Tuna's summary says someone called the cops on him, not necessarily his
No. 869119
>>869111Benzos make you black out and do dumb shit, obviously.
They're always trying to film drama because they thrive off of drama.
No. 869129
>>869113Ok groomer apologist. The source on Lurch grooming her are from her Facebook posts in a closed group, which served as a diary. She wasn't posturing there. He's been lurking at her house and swooped right in when she was vulnerable after the Peter break up. Luna has also vehemently tried to make everyone believe that Lurch isn't a gross groomer.
But sure, defend a predatory cigar Indian.
>He's not a master manipulater coming up with mind control tactics. You have an absolutely retarded view of grooming, which makes me think you know nothing about it. You don't need to be a "master manipulator" to pull it off as an older scrote with a teenager with undeveloped brain (in comparison to an adult) and minimal life experience.
>Just to reiterate, this is solely in reference to Tuna's perpetual victim storyline, not any anons, so there's no need to blog post about your horrible life as a groomee.Bitch do you even know where you are? Nobody's gonna fucking blog post, stop minimodding
No. 869130
>>869074There’s no way this mighty chungus is 136. No way.
>>869093Her lazy eye is out of control! How does she not notice?
No. 869134
File: 1646575508763.jpeg (675.25 KB, 828x3563, A7752096-892F-4773-A37D-B7ADB9…)

Lol lurch
No. 869135
File: 1646575666003.jpeg (513.42 KB, 828x3046, F9C9B9C5-11AB-4E8E-9DC0-9C7A22…)

his likes are filled with 19y/o cam girls that look nothing like tuna lol
No. 869136
File: 1646575824114.jpeg (332.23 KB, 828x847, 039E4DD4-5F5A-4DAA-926C-35420A…)

No. 869181
>>869120I found the post
>>>/pt/642964 …I'm not sure it was Lurch, it sounds like some gross sex work shit, but Lurch is definitely into bimbos. and Luna is retarded, trashy, and blonde like a bimbo, but she isn't pretty enough. and no amount of CHEAP CHEAP fake nails and lashes that she NEEDS can fix it. sad.
No. 869189
File: 1646602969525.jpeg (190.72 KB, 828x615, 5AFEBE8A-7CAC-49F7-9361-F5C0B0…)

>>869096she deleted the video from her Instagram entirely after this lol
No. 869195
File: 1646606520084.png (Spoiler Image,1.84 MB, 750x1334, 2285653D-FF18-47D6-936E-73D965…)

Kek, lurch cracks me up
No. 869196
File: 1646609756156.jpeg (351.45 KB, 2048x1152, FCquOmQXMAIyPZR.jpeg)

>>869136Lurch's Twitter is a hilarious amalgamation of angry baseball chatter, incomprehensible political takes, footage from his phone recording Luna's tablet playing yt videos, and Lurch (40) calling Kid Rock (51) an "old man." Also this baffling photo of their squat. Really, take a look someitme nonnies, it's wild.
No. 869197
File: 1646610478130.png (317.63 KB, 853x862, 123.png)

>>869189from kiwi, seems like this final comment was the one that got her to delete her dumb post
No. 869198
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No. 869202
here's a link's weird that Luna and the love of her life don't follow each other
No. 869204
File: 1646613208013.png (497.12 KB, 1070x628, Screen Shot 2022-03-06 at 7.28…)

This man really is posting like a boomer I can't handle this
No. 869206
File: 1646613392478.png (568.6 KB, 750x1334, 52A9D9B8-6CB3-4EA5-8604-747871…)

Some classic tweets from Luna’s *~fiance~* of 8 years, kek.
No. 869211
File: 1646621392477.jpg (572.78 KB, 994x1840, Screenshot_20220306-204908_Sam…)

>>869198FUCK he is creepy looking
No. 869212
File: 1646622094192.jpg (863.95 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20220306-205730_Sam…)

>>869202First I was wondering why the iPad was laying in yhe dirt, then disgusted when I realized it was their carpet and then I noticed… he is definitely showing off drug baggies and syringe cap on the bottom of the screen. Way to go old geezer kek
No. 869215
File: 1646624041702.jpeg (Spoiler Image,385.31 KB, 1280x779, 3B635204-5FAC-4CEF-BE24-DFDA0E…)

>>869212what the FUCK is on their carpet???
No. 869220
File: 1646629075660.png (2.59 MB, 1074x1918, xlN0KjSgcR9UegGr.png)

>>869219samefag but in another video he posted shortly before this (of him autistically moving the camera along to a youtube video of daft punk's coachella set) you can see a bunch of used needles.
No. 869233
>>869222ACAB but those ones are definitely hotties
>>869211it’s wild to me that these two losers always have the latest tech and neither has worked in the years I’ve been following them. like what the fuck does Lurch need an Apple Watch for? where did Luna get an iPhone 13 Pro, and why?
No. 869234
>>869196I was shocked to see they own a vacuum when their floor consistently looks like
>>869212 >>869215
No. 869235
>>869234Put a comma between the links next time so it can direct to the second post.
>>869222Agree lol
No. 869236
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No. 869251
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how long till she deletes the video from her tumblr too
No. 869254
>>869215That looks exactly like cat vomit that's been there for days or weeks. Lord have mercy.
Luna won't clean anything unless she gets to stare at herself the whole time. That's why she has so many facial skincare products but doesn't bathe or clean her home.
Not sure what Lurch's excuse is. Maybe he's distracted being a boomer creep to ethots all day.
Lugubrious. No. 869264
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>>869262Yeah this blog has zero posts and only follows Luna and fakeboi
No. 869283
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No. 869288
>>869241I think she would an hero if she was single. She needs to be dependent on
No. 869306
>>869253this works 100%
but it’s just lurch filming youtube videos with his phone because i guess he can’t figure out how to just post the youtube link?
No. 869313
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No. 869315
>>869313the fuck is with all the bruises on her arm?
I'd say track marks but they aren't in the correct places…
No. 869329
>>869308he’s probably only still with her because she is so lucky and karma hasn’t beaten her ass yet. she still has 2 parents that are willing to bend over backwards for her. he only has a place to stay because of her mother residing in that apartment before they directly caused her downward spiral. when they finally do get evicted, i have a feeling her father will take her in. but will he take in lurch? doubtful. would luna rather choose the streets to stay with him? also doubtful.
and if they do end up on the streets or in a shelter, he would leave so quickly and find another young vulnerable girl with a roof over her head.
No. 869338
>>869337Yeah, nobody should underestimate the power of drugs. Troubled girls flock to guys who will provide them with their poison.
I know of a late 40yo gross crustpunk dude in my scene that for the last 15 years has always jumped from gorgeous 20 year old uwu girlfriend to gorgeous 20 year old uwu girlfriend. It's fucking gross.
No. 869346
>>869196I'm still not over the fact that they had a vacuum thid whole time and they just won't use it.
>>869103Also the filthy clothing horde. If they spent half as much money as they do on clothes to add to the vile pile and put the rest toward visiting the laundromat regularly… Luna needs a swift kick in the ass by a real adult. I wonder if her dad has ever seen their squat.
No. 869363
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No. 869365
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Same old shit
No. 869370
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Ffs maybe if you actually made an effort to improve your life you wouldn’t be so depressed Luna… you’re a fat junkie basically homeless NEET squatting in a run down apartment with your disgusting middle aged boyfriend. Medication is a tool, not a miracle cure. If you don’t want to do the work that’s fine, continue being miserable. Not fair to blame your psych though
No. 869372
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Since when does she have bipolar 2??
No. 869379
>>869370there’s still room to go up on that Cymbalta dose, even if she wasn’t just angling for benzos
also, the chances she actually takes it every day?
No. 869389
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No. 869391
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>>869363The way she squeezes the shit out of that cat for pictures
No. 869394
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No. 869417
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>and a backpack of lindt chocolates
No. 869470
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Wtf wrong with her fingers
No. 869489
>>869483Yeah you are right, I've been trying to figure out wtf happened there. So did she pull the bipolar diagnosis out of her ass then? It would make the most sense taking into account that she got meds for unipolar depression. Had she not mentioned bpd or bipolar-II specifically, I would assume that she used the wrong term
>>869484according to Google, you can even though some symptoms overlap. Makes sense to me since those are 2 different categories of mental illness and bpd adds some special uh, interpersonal challenges. Also mania is different than bpd mood whiplashes, even if the rough idea seems the same (bpd emotions can change rapidly over day rather than over a longer period of time).
No. 869499
>>869489maybe she’s just collecting all the possible diagnoses that different psychs have looked at for her in the past?
it would be very weird for a psych to prescribe Cymbalta to someone they thought had bipolar II—there are so many other meds that don’t have the risk of activating mania
No. 869502
>>869500I get that mental illness contributes to drug use initially, but after a certain point (you know, YEARS of your formative late teens/early 20s) I think the addiction is the thing you need to address.
Like…taking a holistic approach to mental wellness or whatever might work for someone just starting to have trouble with their addiction, like a high school student who turned to drugs to deal with feelings…but once you are years into it and it has dictated your life to the point of making you borderline homeless multiple times, it becomes pretty clear that the problem is not mental, it's the literal poison you regularly put in your body. Doesn't matter why you do it, you need to figure out how to stop first.
No. 869504
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No. 869506
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Big charmer
No. 869510
>>869500>It probably wouldn't be anyone's first choice of treatment but I'm guessing Luna has been on every psych med under the sun at this pointI feel like we would never hear the end of it then tbh, but maybe I'm wrong in thinking that she hasn't been to psychiatrists much (or at least not ones that send her home with benzos or whatever). Feel free to correct me
>>869505thanks, haven't realised that.
>>869503probably that Luna should focus on getting off drugs before crying about bpd or depression ruining her life. Those are serious issues, but nowhere as fucking her over as much as being a junkie (which is truly saying something)
No. 869511
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>>869504She's home all day doing nothing and still can't draw in her eyebrows
No. 869512
>>869418God, she's so fucking stupid. She didn't even manage to mess them up in a logically consistent manner.
Good catch,
No. 869513
File: 1646936373585.jpeg (438.15 KB, 750x945, 2FA6691A-4813-4562-B0B5-4239E2…)

She bought some string lights to decorate the apartment she is about to get evicted from. Wow.
No. 869514
File: 1646936409601.jpeg (496.56 KB, 750x1013, FB4C20CE-DEE0-454F-95CA-A6F18C…)

Big yikes
No. 869529
>>869513Luna with the money you spent on this, you could have gotten some garbage bags to take care of this
>>869514 and some totes to pack your shit into considering it's going to be on the curb in a month.
The grocery bags on every door handle full of trash don't go unnoticed, I always spot them. I think they literally just live with their trash in their house for months and never take it outside.
No. 869537
>>869506He's hoping.
>>869513Because she doesn't think that they'll get evicted.
>>869514Damn, she needs to lay off the fruit loops. Why brag about losing ten pounds and then eat ten pounds of sugar? We all know that she ate that entire box. I can't tell if her hair is greasy or freshly washed but I'm going to go with mad greasy.
No. 869552
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>>869551great question, and WHY is one of the mats (shudder) so much browner? picrel
No. 869561
>>869489her problem isn’t her diagnoses, she is looking for a medication to give her self the same feelings as dope. being numb to all real problems and mental health issues.
she’s trying to get back on Kpins, i'm certain.
She isn’t doing any therapy other than seeing a psychiatrist and pulling out the old work work from time to time. she’s looking for a “numbing agent”.
No. 869568
>>869523she’s attempting to mix 2010 tumblr grunge with y2k fashion, and executing it very poorly. it’s outdated but in a purposeful way, i think. if she bought silhouettes that flatter her, and bathed occasionally, i don’t think it would be as gnarly looking
y2k came back last year, and is still popular in some tiktok circles, but it’s mostly on the internet and doesn’t translate IRL very well
No. 869598
>>867768>>869514Her chair broke 21 days ago. She's had 21 days to throw it out. But there it is in the background, part of a pile of garbage shoved up against a wall.
Hey Tuna, maybe try having "cleaning your garbage dump of an apartment" be your purpose for a day, huh? It'll make you feel better, I promise.
No. 869615
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No. 869616
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No. 869622
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Kek so Luna is aware of Lurch’s Twitter thirst
No. 869623
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>>869622Are they referring to that Emily specifically? Because he absolutely started following her and a bunch of sex workers recently or they wouldn't be at the top of the list.
No. 869628
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The way he speaks about Luna(emoji, unsaged)
No. 869629
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No. 869631
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Based Reddit random called out Luna on her Cymbalta post lulz
No. 869668
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No. 869691
>>869686upgrade to what though? no one sane or normal is going to be interested in dating tuna. it's just like when the lez/bi anons on here kept fawning over the idea of a cute butch woman taking her away from lurch and saving her uwu. unless they're just as mentally ill and strange as her, i don't see any "upgrades" happening.
anyway none of that even matters because she's too attached to lurch. she'll talk to people online like that one guy from new england but that's about it.
No. 869695
>>869645>>869652He was a Bernout (because he wants free shit) and then yelled at Pelosi a lot to give him more stimulus money (because he wants free shit), so people assumed he was on the left. In actuality, his political alignment is just "Gimme gimme gimme," racism, and self-righteousness.
He's probably following Boebert because she looks like a bimbo and is easy for him to jerk off to.